N ew I nterface
4 vmbo-GT
Yellow label
Leerwerkboek A
Annie Cornford
Frederieke Lelieveld
Diane van Steekelenburg
Marion Simon
New Interface LRN-line is gebaseerd op het werk van de auteurs van New Interface 3rd edition: Nynke Bottinga, Marleen Cannegieter, Annie Cornford, Marjan den Hertog, Jos van Heusden, Michiel Jansen, Simon Joseph, Paulien Lammers, Frederieke Lelieveld, Annette Lether, Dianne Manders, Nienke Marinus, Nathalie Meeuwsen, Hans Mol, Hanna Molenaar, Mayke Munten, Marieke Nijhof, Sally Ripley, Marion Simon, Marieke Smeenk, Diane van Steekelenburg, Madelijn Storm van Leeuwen, Vera Stupenea, Hedwig Suurmeijer, Sandra van de Ven.
Hanna Molenaar
Studio Michelangela
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ISBN 9789006918991
Eerste druk, 2023
© ThiemeMeulenhoff, Amersfoort, 2023
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Skilled for life!
In de huidige wereld is alles mogelijk, wordt er gezegd. Maar wat betekent dat eigenlijk voor wat je moet kunnen en weten?
Met New Interface leer je hoe je goed spreekt, luistert, leest, schrijft – kortom: leeft – in deze taal die je overal tegenkomt, nu of in de toekomst.
Naast het verbeteren van je Engels helpt de methode je om jezelf te ontwikkelen en je voor te bereiden op het leven. Niet het leven, maar JOUW leven. Want om je in de wereld staande te houden, heb je niet alleen language skills maar ook life skills nodig. Dat zijn belangrijke vaardigheden als problemen oplossen, kritisch denken of doelen stellen. Zo maakt Engels je wereld groter.
In de leerwerkboeken kun je de volgende symbolen tegenkomen:
Werk aan je persoonlijke ontwikkeling én aan Engels.
Werk samen met een of meer klasgenoten.
Ga naar de New Interface-website of zoek iets op internet.
Beluister het audiofragment. Scan de QR-code bij de opdracht of vind het fragment op de New Interface-website.
Bekijk het videofragment. Scan de QR-code bij de opdracht of vind het fragment op de New Interface-website.
Oefen dit onderwerp nog eens.
Hoe zit de methode in elkaar?
In jaar 4 werk je met twee verschillende boeken. In boek A oefen je je taalvaardigheid. Ieder hoofdstuk bestaat uit twee lessen waarin steeds één hoofdvaardigheid centraal staat.
Boek B is volledig gericht op oefenen voor je examens en bestaat uit Exam preps en Exam units. In de Exam preps leer je stap voor stap hoe je een examen moet maken en in de Exam units
oefen je met echte examenteksten en -vragen.
De verdeling van de hoofdvaardigheden over de units van boek A is als volgt:
Unit 1 Lesson 1: Reading: leesvaardigheid
Lesson 2: Speaking: gespreks- en spreekvaardigheid
Unit 2 Lesson 1: Listening and watching: kijk- en luistervaardigheid
Lesson 2: Writing: schrijfvaardigheid
Unit 3 Lesson 1: Reading: leesvaardigheid
Lesson 2: Writing: schrijfvaardigheid
Unit 4 Lesson 1: Listening and watching: kijk- en luistervaardigheid
Lesson 2: Speaking: gespreks- en spreekvaardigheid
Unit 5 Lesson 1: Reading: leesvaardigheid
Lesson 2: Speaking: gespreks- en spreekvaardigheid
Unit 6 Lesson 1: Listening and watching: kijk- en luistervaardigheid
Lesson 2: Writing: schrijfvaardigheid
Elk hoofdstuk in boek A is op dezelfde manier opgebouwd:
} Introduction: openingsles waarin je kennismaakt met de leerdoelen en ziet wat je eraan hebt
} Lesson 1
} Lesson 2
} Mission: projectles waarin je alles wat je in het hoofdstuk geleerd hebt toepast
} Self-test: diagnostische toets om te zien of je klaar bent voor je toetsen (online)
Achter in het boek vind je het Checkbook: hier kun je alle grammatica-uitleg, woordenlijsten en nuttige zinnen (phrases) vinden. Handig om iets snel op te zoeken of om te leren. Ook de alfabetische woordenlijsten en speech cards staan achter in het boek.
Elke les in boek A heeft dezelfde structuur:
} Leerdoelen: de life en language skills van de les op een rij
} Try out: een korte instaptoets online over wat je al weet
} Get started: opwarmopdrachten
} Find out: tekstbegrip
} Vocabulary / grammar / phrases / pronunciation: kennisonderdelen
} Express yourself: toepassen wat je geleerd hebt in de les
} Looking back: jezelf beoordelen en bepalen wat je beter wilt doen.
Online kun je nog extra oefenen met woordjes, grammatica, zinnen en uitspraak in Catch up en Practise more.
Wil je (ook) digitaal werken met het lesmateriaal? Ga dan naar de digitale leeromgeving via www.thiememeulenhoff.nl/newinterface.
Secrets, they are not always easy to keep. Except when it’s your job to do so. Then other people’s lives can depend on it.
In this unit you are going to read about the secret service, and listen to a conversation about a secret party gone wrong. You’re also going to find information about famous spies, and plan and discuss a surprise party.
In the mission you’re going to decipher secret code, and invent and use a new code yourself.
Looking ahead
• Je denkt na over waarom je de stof uit deze unit leert.
• Je kijkt vooruit naar de dingen die je in deze unit gaat leren.
• Je denkt na over hoe je jezelf kunt ontwikkelen terwijl je Engels leert.
1 Passwords
How secret are the passwords you use?
a Choose the statements that apply to your passwords. A password ...
◯ should be 16 characters or more.
◯ should include a combination of letters, numbers, and characters.
◯ shouldn't be shared with any other account, like Facebook or Google.
◯ shouldn't include personal information like your address or phone number.
◯ shouldn't include any information that can be found on social media like parents' names.
◯ shouldn't contain a series of letters or numbers (like abcd).
◯ shouldn't be the word 'password'.
b Discuss online safety with a classmate. Look at your answers in exercise a. What tips could you give each other? Mind: don't share any of your passwords!
2 Make a plan
Hackers, and even foreign states, are invading our networks. In the mission of this unit you're going to make sure that nobody can get to your information. But, are you easy to hack?
a Make a plan to make all your online activities safer, and more secret. Write down at least four things you could do differently. Use a separate piece of paper.
b Present your plan to a classmate and discuss it. Use your answers from exercise a.
3 Thinking about learning goals
Look at some of the learning goals of this unit:
1 Reading personal letters, emails and social media messages.
2 Reading rules and regulations.
3 Giving personal information.
4 Expressing emotions and reacting to other people's emotions.
5 Talking about pastime and past and future activities.
Choose the numbers of the learning goals that apply to these sentences. Sometimes you can choose more than one learning goal
1 I do this almost every day.
2 This is useful when learning English.
3 I can use this when I join a new club.
4 This could be about things that should stay secret.
Lesson 1: Reading
• Informatievaardigheden – Je kunt bepalen welke bronnen informatie kunnen verschaffen voor het beantwoorden van de vraag.
• B1.1 – Je kunt persoonlijke brieven, e-mails en berichten op sociale media voldoende begrijpen om met iemand te corresponderen.
• A2.4 – Je kunt eenvoudig geformuleerde regels en voorschriften begrijpen.
What do you already know? Do the exercises on the New Interface website. Discuss with your teacher if you can skip some of the exercises in this lesson.
Get started
1 Working for the Secret Service
Discuss the questions with a classmate.
1 Would you like to work for the Secret Service? Why or why not?
2 What would be the best part of the job of a special agent, do you think?
3 And the worst?
2 The Secret Service
Work with a classmate.
a Are the statements true or false? Guess.
1 The British Secret Intelligence Service is also called MI6.
2 James Bond was a real person.
3 The American Secret Service sells equipment that they no longer need at an annual auction.
4 The American Secret Service protects every president and their family during their entire lifetime.
b Answer the questions.
1 In what kind of texts could you find the answers to the true/false statements?
2 Where could you find these texts?
Find out
3 Skimming the text
Skim Secret agents. Don’t read the texts yet. What do you expect to read in these texts?
◯ waarom Adam spion wil worden
◯ wie Sheila Smith is
◯ hoe Sheila aan haar baan kwam
◯ welke gevaarlijke dingen Sheila heeft meegemaakt
◯ adviezen van Sheila voor mensen die bij de geheime dienst willen werken
◯ welke vaardigheden je moet hebben om te werken bij de geheime dienst
◯ wat je verdient als geheim agent
Your career and you
So you want to be a spy?
You’re thinking of applying for a job as a spy? A spy who works for the government and who is responsible for the safety of the country? That’s very noble of you, but you must know that being a spy in real life is very different from what you see in films!
Sheila Smith (not her real name) is a former intelligence officer. Until 2019 she worked for MI6, Britain’s secret intelligence service. To give you an idea of what the job of a spy is really about, we asked Sheila about her previous job. We couldn’t have a live interview with her as she’s trying to stay out of the public eye as much as possible. But we were able to interview her by email. Here’s the original email which Sheila sent us.
To: CareerYOU.co.uk
From: Sheila Smith
Subject: what’s it like to be a spy?
Hi Adam,
Here are my answers to the questions you sent me.
How did you become a spy?
The secret service invited me to work for them when I was still in school. One day a teacher asked me what job I would like to do after school. When I told him that I was thinking of the police or the army, he seemed very interested. Two days later I received a letter from an anonymous government office. They wanted me to work for them in the secret service! It didn’t take me much time to decide what to do.
What do (or did) you like about the job?
There are so many things which threaten the world, or Britain in particular, like cyber attacks and global terrorism. That’s the reason I wanted to be a spy. To make the world a bit safer.
What’s it like to have so many secrets from your family and friends?
The job of a spy can be a bit lonely because of those secrets. Very few people know that you’re a spy. And if people ask you what job you do, you always have to lie. Although there’s nothing you can do about that, I’ve always found that difficult. But I have never complained about it.
Do you have any advice for people who want to work for the secret service?
If you think that the job is all about guns and car chases, you will be disappointed. The work is not about the things you see in James Bond films. You should realise that before you apply.
All the best,
Who can apply for the job?
Getting a job in the secret service is very competitive. The CIA, for instance, receives 10,000 applications every month. If you want your application to be noticed, you will need some special skills, like:
• speaking many foreign languages well
• being fit and sporty
• understanding basic human psychology
• showing leadership skills
• knowing a lot about the internet and having advanced computer skills
And finally, you should be able to keep secrets. So, don’t tell your friends or relatives that you’re applying. You will never be a good spy if you can’t even keep this a secret.
intelligence officer
iemand die voor de inlichtingendienst werkt (to) stay out of the public eye niet willen opvallen, niet in de bekendheid komen
4 Reading the text
Now read Secret agents. Look at your predictions in the previous exercise. Were your predictions correct?
5 Reading about Sheila Smith
Read text A of Secret agents.
a Answer the questions in Dutch.
1 Waarom heeft Your career and you Sheila gevraagd iets over haar vorige baan te vertellen?
2 Schrijf in je eigen woorden op hoe Sheila aan haar baan kwam.
3 Wat vond Sheila moeilijk aan haar baan?
4 Wat is het verschil tussen nu en toen Sheila begon met werken?
5 Wat zijn volgens Sheila de belangrijkste bedreigingen op dit moment?
6 Welk advies geeft Sheila aan mensen die bij de geheime dienst willen werken?
b What would you like to ask Sheila? Write down one question in English.
6 Choosing the perfect spy
Read texts A and B of Secret agents again. Which of these three people is the best candidate for becoming a spy? Explain your answer.
Your career and you Your career and you Your career and you
Madelyn Poole, 24
Studied Russian and Polish at Oxford University. Likes to read psychology magazines and thrillers. Was captain of her hockey team at secondary school. Has a lot of friends, but doesn’t like meetings and networking.
Terence Machiavelli, 32
Worked as a computer programmer for eight years. Likes cycling and athletics. Is a real family man. Speaks Italian and Spanish. Is known for being a peacemaker among his friends and likes talking to strangers.
Winston Philips, 28
Travelled the world when he was 22 years old. Learned a lot about human behaviour then. Likes studying and analysing data. Hates competitive sports, but likes mountaineering and hiking. Speaks German, French and a bit of Swahili. Builds websites in his spare time.
7 Puzzle
Use Vocabulary 1.1
Read the descriptions and fill in the correct words in the puzzle. Choose from: analyse – anonymous – for instance – former – global – government –in particular – interview – involve – leadership – previous – realise – recruit – spy – task.
3. for example
7. the group of people who rule a country
10. especially
13. having the power and skills to lead other people
14. a conversation with someone who would like a job at a company
1. to be a part of something
2. to ask someone to work for a company
4. to understand something, often suddenly
5. made or done by someone whose name you don’t know
6. something that happened or existed before something else
7. affecting the whole world
8. used for saying what someone or something was in an earlier time
9. to study something carefully to understand or explain it
11. something you have to do
12. someone whose job it is to collect secret information about a country
Use Vocabulary 1.1. Fill in the correct word or phrase.
Choose from: advanced – (to) complain – (to) face risks – (to) go through with – (to) keep a secret – noble – security – (to) tackle – terrorism – (to) threaten – unclear – worthwhile.
1 You've decided not to stop, so you it.
2 A spy has to be prepared for danger and
3 If the online shop sent you the wrong size, you have to to them.
4 People who speak without thinking often cannot very well.
5 When you help people without expecting something in return, you are
6 The requirements for this job include computer and communicative skills.
7 Bombing government buildings and hacking government computer systems are both examples of
8 My company is in charge of in shops and other public places.
9 You can forbid them to do something but you shouldn't them.
10 If you don't understand it, you can say it's
11 Trying to make the world a better place is definitely
12 The government will need to the most important problems first.
9 Grammar: Who <> which
Use Grammar: Who <> which
Who < > which
who: personen It was Madison who was so nice to me. which: dingen This is the new television which my parents bought, You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
Choose who or which
1 She told us about her previous job who / which was at a hospital.
2 The spy who / which looked like a scientist was recruited when he worked for the army.
3 The terrorist who / which wanted to blow up the plane was killed.
4 The woman who / which threatened the shopkeeper with a gun was mentally ill.
5 The job who / which involves facing risks and analysing information is still available.
6 The boy who / which realised the old woman was in danger started running to save her.
7 The police found the bomb who / which was placed near the train station.
8 Charlie slowly walked towards his car, who / which was parked in front of the bank.
Grammar: If sentences
Gebruik: Grammar: If sentences
If sentences
hoofdzin: will + hele werkwoord bijzin: present simple I’ll help you later if you help me now. He won’t feel better if he doesn’t take his medicine.
bijzin: present simple hoofdzin: will + hele werkwoord
If you study hard, you’ll pass your test.
If you can’t keep a secret, you will never be a good spy. You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
a De volgende zinnen bevatten een hoofdzin en een bijzin. Onderstreep de hoofdzinnen.
1 If I ... (to give) you the information, I ... (to be) punished.
2 If he ... (to want) to work in cyber security, he ... (to have to) study maths.
3 I ... (to prepare) dinner if you ... (to clean up) afterwards.
4 I ... (to go away) if you ... (to not stop) complaining.
5 If Sue ... (to send) the email now, I ... (to read) it immediately.
6 I’m not sure Darryl ... (to like) this job if it ... (to involve) so many meetings.
7 If you ... (to not want) to keep these James Bond DVDs, I ... (to take) them to the charity shop.
8 ... Daphne ... (to recruit) more people if her business ... (to be) successful?
b Vul de juiste vorm van de werkwoorden in.
1 If I (to give) you the information, I (to be) punished.
2 If he (to want) to work in cyber security, he (to have to) study maths.
3 I (to prepare) dinner if you (to clean up) afterwards.
4 I (to go away) if you (to not stop) complaining.
5 If Sue (to send) the email now, I (to read) it immediately.
6 I'm not sure Darryl (to like) this job if it (to involve) so many meetings.
7 If you (to not want) to keep these James Bond DVDs, I (to take) them to the charity shop.
8 Daphne (to recruit) more people if her business (to be) successful?
Do you want to practise some more with Vocabulary or Grammar? Then you can do extra exercises on the New Interface website.
Famous Spies
Mata Hari
One of the most famous spies in history is the Dutch-born Margaretha Geertruida Zelle, whose stage name was Mata Hari. During World War I, she worked as an exotic dancer in Germany, but she was also a spy for the French. Later on, the French accused her of being a double agent, and she was executed by a French firing squad in 1917.
Cecile Pearl Witherington
Born in Paris to British parents, Cecile Witherington began her secret activities as a courier smuggling weapons into France in 1943. When the person she worked for was arrested, she took over his troops and led a fourteen-hour battle against the Germans, leading to many German casualties and deaths. The Nazis offered a 1,000,000-franc reward for her death. That bounty was never paid, however. Witherington lived to the age of 93.
Cher Ami
Carrier pigeons were crucial during World War I. Perhaps the most wellknown of these pigeons was Cher Ami. He delivered twelve important messages in the early 1900s, but in 1918, his work saved lives. During a battle which trapped more than 200 Americans behind enemy lines, Cher Ami flew through both enemy and friendly fire to deliver a message, begging for help. His bravery earned him a Croix de Guerre medal.
Aldrich Ames
A former American secret agent, Aldrich Ames, turned against his country when he fell on hard times. In the 1980s, Ames passed information to the Soviet Union. He may have got away with it if he had not bought a mansion and expensive cars. He also had some suspicious phone records. He is currently serving a life prison sentence.
11 Famous spies
Read Famous spies. Read the Tip: Zoeken naar informatie
Zoeken naar informatie
Als je een vraag moet beantwoorden over een tekst, lees dan altijd de vraag eerst goed door. Onderstreep eventueel de sleutelwoorden in de vraag. Dan weet je waar je op moet letten als je de tekst leest.
Gaat de vraag over specifieke informatie zoals personen, data of een aantal? Let dan vooral op namen of nummers in de tekst.
Write two sentences about each spy. Use who or which in every sentence. Look at the example first.
Margaretha Geertruida Zelle was a famous spy who worked for the French
She had a stage name, which was Mata Hari
1 Cecile Pearl Witherington was a British woman
She fought the Germans in a famous battle
2 Cher Ami was a brave pigeon
He delivered a note in 1918
3 Aldrich Ames is a former CIA agent
He bought a mansion and several cars
12 Code language
Work with a classmate. Use Famous spies
a Find out what code language is used and decipher the messages. There are two different sorts of codes to decipher. Write down the messages.
1 276.4 ot lelellarap daor eht gnola era ew : dias ylpmis egassem eht
2 sdnalrehten eht ni nrob saw ehs
3 drng th fght mr thn thsnd grmn sldrs wr klld
4 t hs rrst, h clld t: “Y mst hve th wrng mn!”
b Who do the messages refer to?
Match the messages from exercise a with the correct names. Draw lines.
Message 1 • • Aldrich Ames
Message 2 • • Cecile Pearl Witherington
Message 3 • • Cher Ami
Message 4 • • Mata Hari
Looking back
Did you finish the Express yourself exercises, and did you compare your answers to the models? Have you reached your goals?
• Knowing where to find the right information to finish the sentences correctly.
• Writing two sentences about each spy, using information from the article.
• Deciphering code language. ◯
Did you tick or anywhere? Ask a classmate or your teacher for help. Then do the exercises again and check if you have done better this time.
Do you have some extra time? Then do the Get ahead exercises on the New Interface website.
Do you want to practise with exam exercises? You can find the Exam units for Reading, Listening and watching, Speaking and Writing in book B.
Lesson 2: Speaking
• Creatief denken en handelen – Je kunt plannen uitvoeren en de uitvoering presenteren (individueel of samen met anderen).
• A2.1 – Je kunt deelnemen aan korte gesprekken over belangwekkende onderwerpen in een alledaagse context (gesprek).
• A2.5 – Je kunt informatie van persoonlijke aard vragen en geven (gesprek).
• A2.5 – Je kunt vragen stellen en beantwoorden over tijdverdrijf en vroegere of toekomstige activiteiten (gesprek).
• A2.1 – Je kunt voldoende begrijpen om zonder veel moeite een alledaags gesprekje te voeren (gesprek)
• B1.1 – Je kunt gevoelens uiten en op gevoelens van anderen reageren (gesprek).
• B1.1 – Je kunt korte, eenvoudige beschrijvingen geven van gebeurtenissen en activiteiten (spreken)
What do you already know? Do the exercises on the New Interface website. Discuss with your teacher if you can skip some of the exercises in this lesson.
Get started
14 Secret parties
a Answer the questions.
1 Have you ever planned a party where something went wrong? What happened?
2 Would you ever lie to your parents about a party you're organising?
3 How would they react if they found out?
4 Think of a secret party you would like to organise. Describe it in one sentence.
b Discuss your ideas from exercise a with a classmate.
• How would you go about organising a secret party?
• What are the dos and don'ts?
a Put the words in the correct place to complete the expressions. Choose from: beans – cat – fly – horse – lips – mouth – mum – sweep.
1 My are sealed.
2 's the word.
3 Let the out of the bag.
4 Have a big
5 He is a bit of a dark
6 I'd like to be a on the wall.
7 Spill the 8 under the rug.
b Do you know the meaning of the expressions in exercise a? Discuss them with a classmate.
Karen Hey, Joel, I'm planning a party but it's all a bit hush-hush, because my parents don't know.
Joel Huh, well good luck with that! I tried keeping a secret like that from my parents and they still haven't forgiven me. If you recall, I was grounded for the whole of August.
Karen Why did they ground you? Tell me what happened!
Joel Surely you haven't forgotten, have you? Everyone was talking about that party for ages.
Karen Yeah, it rings a bell, but I definitely wasn't there. Something about gatecrashers if I remember correctly? Go on then, remind me what happened.
Joel Well, it all started at the end of last summer term, when we were finishing our exams, remember? I felt like having a party. I knew that if I asked my parents' permission, they would say no. The prospect of a party looked hopeless and I was feeling a bit low when a miracle happened – my uncle got sick.
Karen Joel, I'm shocked! How can you say such a thing? Your poor uncle!
Joel Oh, don't get me wrong, I was very sympathetic. I said to my parents: 'That's dreadful news! I'll be fine on my own for the weekend if you want to visit him in hospital. Please go!' And finally they agreed. So then I started secretly planning. I posted an event on social media.
Karen You must be mad! On social media? When you were trying to keep it secret?
Joel OK, well, in retrospect it was a stupid thing to do.
Karen So did your parents find out then?
Joel No, but everyone else did! So anyway, they set off and then my friends started arriving, people I knew. Then their friends came, and I knew some of them. Then pretty soon, older people that I didn't know were arriving, and I was getting a bit anxious.
Karen But were you having fun?
Joel Oh yeah, but the place was getting in a bit of a mess! We were all dancing, the gatecrashers were drunk … the neighbours were phoning to complain about the music but nobody heard the phone because we were making so much noise … then suddenly the front door was flung open and my parents appeared!
Karen What? But they were visiting your uncle, weren't they?
Joel They were driving along the motorway when the neighbours rang them, so they came home instead. Of course, that spoilt everything. At this point, the house was a complete wreck …
Karen And your parents? What did they do?
Joel Oh, you know, typical parents' reaction. They went ballistic.
Karen Hmm, well, maybe I'll have to have a rethink.
(to) be hush-hush geheim zijn gatecrasher onuitgenodigde gast
Listening to a story about a secret party
Listen to and read along with The worst kept secret
Answer the questions with a classmate.
Explain in Dutch what Joel and Karen mean with each sentence.
1 Joel zegt: '… well good luck with that!' Waarom zegt hij dat?
2 Karen zegt: 'Tell me what happened.' Waarom wil ze graag weten wat er gebeurde?
3 Karen zegt: '… I'm shocked!' Waarom zegt ze dat?
4 Karen zegt: 'You must be mad!' Waarom zegt ze dat?
5 Joel zegt: '… I was getting a bit anxious.' Waarom zegt hij dat?
6 Karen zegt: '… maybe I'll have to have a rethink.' Waar moet ze nog eens over nadenken en waarom?
17 Explain the words
Use Vocabulary 1.2. Choose if the words below are positive, neutral, or negative. Explain your choice in Dutch to a classmate.
hopeless on my own shocked
Use Vocabulary 1.2. Fill in the missing words in the puzzle.
to recall dreadful to spoil
Example: Anxious is negatief. Als je ongerust bent over iets, maak je je zorgen en dat is niet fijn. sympathetic to find out miracle wreck
Note: Don't fill in the blanks (spaties) for compound words (samenstelling) in the puzzle.
2. I'm so sorry! Can you … me?
5. You're such a … man! Why don't you ever listen?
6. Have you ever been …? – No, I don't drink alcohol.
10. Do you have your parents' … to go to this party?
11. That is a … thing to say. You should be nicer.
12. There were huge traffic jams because everyone … on holiday at the same time.
1. Shall I take you shopping to cheer you up? You look a bit ….
3. If I tell you what happened, will you stay calm and not …?
4. If my parents ever find out about this, I am going to … for the whole year.
7. Don't … a book at me! You could have hurt me.
8. My friend is mad, she believes that ghosts … in her room after dark.
9. The … of us passing this test seems hopeless.
19 Grammar: Past simple < > past continuous
Use Grammar: Past simple < > past continuous
Past simple <> past continuous past simple past continuous
We danced at his party last night
It rained yesterday
They were dancing at his party for hours
It was raining when I walked the dog.
You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
Read the conversation between Catherine and Laila
Write down the correct form of the verbs. Finished? Then read the conversation out loud with a classmate. Switch roles.
Catherine Hi Laila. Guess what? Jonas (1) (to call) yesterday. He and George (2) (to invite) us to go to the cinema.
Laila I'd love to go, but I can't. I'm grounded, remember?
Catherine You can just sneak out of the house after dinner, can't you?
Laila You must be mad! You haven't forgotten what (3) (to happen) the last time, have you?
Catherine If I remember correctly, you (4) (to climb) out of your bedroom window when your dad (5) (to leave) the house and (6) (to see) you.
Laila I (7) (to hang) outside my window for ten minutes, while he and mum (8) (to yell) at me.
Catherine And then the police (9) (to arrive) because they (10) (to make) so much noise. It was hilarious!
Laila No, it wasn't! I'm sorry but I can't come to the cinema tonight. Bye.
20 Grammar: If sentences
Use Grammar: If sentences GRAMMAR
If sentences
hoofdzin: will + hele werkwoord bijzin: present simple I’ll help you later if you help me now. He won’t feel better if he doesn’t take his medicine.
bijzin: present simple hoofdzin: will + hele werkwoord
If you study hard, you’ll pass your test.
If you can’t keep a secret, you will never be a good spy.
You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
Read the sentences. Fill in the correct form of the verbs.
1 If you (to not tell) anybody, my parents (to never find out)
2 If you (to go out) without permission, you (to be grounded)
3 I (to not leave) you on your own if you (to be) anxious.
4 My best friend (to not forgive) me if I (to keep) secrets from her.
5 If you (to make) my little brother angry, he (to fling) his food across the room.
6 It (to be) a miracle if she (to pass) this difficult test.
7 I (to be) surprised if he (to come) to our party.
8 If we (to wait) for the bus, we (to not arrive) on time. Let's run!
9 My dad (to be) shocked if I (to not argue) with him about my homework.
10 If you (to wait) just one minute, I (to ask) my parents' permission.
21 Grammar: Irregular verbs
Use Grammar: Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs
Onregelmatige werkwoorden hebben een eigen vorm voor de past simple en de present perfect spoil spoilt spoilt
You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
Fill in the correct form of the verbs.
(2) = past simple, (3) = past participle (voltooid deelwoord)
1 fling (2, 3)
2 lead (2, 3)
3 forgive (2)
4 forget (2)
5 know (3)
6 burn (2, 3)
7 spoil (2, 3)
8 know (2)
9 forgive (3)
10 lean (2, 3)
11 light (2, 3)
What do the irregular verbs say? The solution sentence is:
22 How do you say this in English? Use Phrases Speaking
a Put the sentences in the correct order.
▢ Rosie: Oh, go on, come with me!
▢ Rosie: So did your parents find out?
▢ Rosie: Tell me what happened!
▢ Shannon: Don't you remember what happened last time I didn't study?
▢ Shannon: I don't have time to go shopping, I need to study.
▢ Shannon: Of course, they went ballistic.
▢ Shannon: Plus I had to clean the entire classroom as punishment.
▢ Shannon: The teacher found out and I failed the test.
b Put the sentences in the correct order.
▢ Danny: I'm shocked.
▢ Danny: That's dreadful news.
▢ Danny: What happened?
▢ Liv: And my dad was so busy that he never found out I went to André's party.
▢ Liv: But if you recall, André was secretly planning a party.
▢ Liv: I was feeling a bit low when a miracle happened.
▢ Liv: My dad was driving along the motorway when he had an accident.
▢ Liv: Not really, he wasn't hurt.
c Put the sentences in the correct order.
▢ Jarno: Go on then, remind me.
▢ Jarno: If I remember correctly, it was you who invited those people.
▢ Luka: Do you remember when my sister was grounded for two months last year?
▢ Luka: I hope my sister will never find out.
▢ Luka: She was having a party when people she didn't know were arriving.
d Work with a classmate.
Read the conversations of exercise a, b and c out loud.
How do you say this in English?
Read The worst kept secret again. Look at Phrases Speaking Write correct English sentences.
1 Je vriend vertelt dat hij een boete kreeg toen hij met zijn scooter over de stoep reed. Je wilt weten of zijn ouders erachter zijn gekomen. Wat vraag je?
2 Je moeder zegt dat jullie morgen op bezoek gaan bij vrienden. Ze verwacht dat jij die afspraak niet vergeten bent. Wat vraagt ze?
3 Je kunt het je nog vaag herinneren. Wat zeg je?
4 Je kleine broertje zegt dat hij stiekem de hele nacht een computerspelletje gaat spelen. Je denkt dat hij gek is geworden. Wat zeg je?
5 Je beste vriendin belt om een gezellig praatje te maken. Je voelde je net een beetje neerslachtig voordat ze belde. Wat zeg je?
6 Je hebt 10 euro uit de portemonnee van je moeder gehaald. Achteraf vind je dat niet zo slim van jezelf. Wat zeg je?
7 Je hoort dat je vriend zijn slechte cijfers thuis niet vertelt. Jij hebt ook geprobeerd je cijfers geheim te houden voor je ouders. Wat zeg je?
8 Een vriend vraagt je hoe je je voelde toen je merkte dat je feest uit de hand liep. Wat zeg jij?
9 Als straf mocht je van je ouders de hele maand augustus niet uit met je vrienden. Hoe zeg je dit?
24 Pronunciation: f / v
Listen to The difference between v, f and th and read along. Read the Pronunciation: f / v and th
f / v and th
Say these English words out loud: fat / vet. Do they sound the same? They shouldn’t! The same goes for the th-sound in thought / though
a Underline the f-sounds.
The f-sounds
The fat vet went to visit the farmer and his three friendly cows. They had hit a vast fence at high velocity. The first cow felt feverish and her left hoof was throbbing. She thrust it at the vet, who thoroughly felt her velvety leg. He felt for a vial in his vest, took off the cap and rubbed a soothing salve on the cow’s foot. She thanked him with a thrust of her very large head, though her foot still went thrum-thrum-thrum.
b Underline the v-sounds.
The v-sounds
The fat vet went to visit the farmer and his three friendly cows. They had hit a vast fence at high velocity. The first cow felt feverish and her left hoof was throbbing. She thrust it at the vet, who thoroughly felt her velvety leg. He felt for a vial in his vest, took off the cap and rubbed a soothing salve on the cow’s foot. She thanked him with a thrust of her very large head, though her foot still went thrum-thrum-thrum.
c Answer the questions.
1 What, do you think, is the general rule for pronouncing the v and f ?
2 Can you find an exception in the text? Which word does not follow the rule?
25 Pronunciation: th
Listen to The difference between v, f and th again. Read Pronunciation: f / v and th
a Underline the voiceless th-sounds.
The voiceless th-sounds
The fat vet went to visit the farmer and his three friendly cows. They had hit a vast fence at high velocity. The first cow felt feverish and her left hoof was throbbing. She thrust it at the vet, who thoroughly felt her velvety leg. He felt for a vial in his vest, took off the cap and rubbed a soothing salve on the cow’s foot. She thanked him with a thrust of her very large head, though her foot still went thrum-thrum-thrum.
b Underline the voiced th-sounds.
The voiced th-sounds
The fat vet went to visit the farmer and his three friendly cows. They had hit a vast fence at high velocity. The first cow felt feverish and her left hoof was throbbing. She thrust it at the vet, who thoroughly felt her velvety leg. He felt for a vial in his vest, took off the cap and rubbed a soothing salve on the cow’s foot. She thanked him with a thrust of her very large head, though her foot still went thrum-thrum-thrum.
c Answer the questions.
1 What, do you think, is the general rule for the th-sound at the beginning of a word?
2 So, what do you have to do?
Do you want to practise some more with Vocabulary, Grammar, Phrases or Pronunciation? Then you can do extra exercises on the New Interface website.
Express yourself
26 Planning a surprise party
A friend of yours is turning eighteen next month. You and another friend are organising a surprise party.
Use the Tip: Maak op tijd een plan
Maak op tijd een plan
Als er een groot project aan komt, bijvoorbeeld een werkstuk voor school of een feest dat je organiseert, maak dan altijd op tijd een plan. Noteer in het plan:
• wanneer je begint;
• wanneer je klaar moet zijn;
• welke taken er zijn;
• wie de taken uitvoert (als je het samen doet);
• op welke dagen je eraan gaat werken.
Discuss with a classmate what the party will be like. Fill in information about:
• location;
• when and at what time;
• what sort of party;
• food and drinks;
• how to secretly get your friend to the party location.
27 After the party
The surprise party was a huge success. Tell a friend, who wasn't at the party, about your surprise party.
• Work with a classmate.
• One of you takes speech card 1. The other uses speech card 11.
• Speech card 1 begins.
• Read your card and take a few minutes to prepare.
• Finished? Switch roles.
28 Looking back
Did you finish the Express yourself exercises, and did you compare your answers to the models? Have you reached your goals?
• Making plans for a party and discussing these plans with a classmate.
• Talking about the party afterwards. Saying what happened and describing how it was.
• Asking questions about what happened and how people reacted.
Did you tick or anywhere? Ask a classmate or your teacher for help. Then do the exercises again and check if you have done better this time.
Do you have some extra time? Then do the Get ahead exercises on the New Interface website.
Do you want to practise with exam exercises? You can find the Exam units for Reading, Listening and watching, Speaking and Writing in book B.
Je past je life én language skills toe in een mission.
• Life skill: Informatievaardigheden en Creatief denken en handelen
• Hoofdvaardigheid: Schrijven
• Subvaardigheid: Spreken
Code language
Voor deze mission ben je een spion die werkt voor de overheid. Het is jouw opdracht om te zorgen dat niemand jullie geheime boodschappen onderschept. Samen met een klasgenoot ontrafel je daarom eerst bestaande geheime codes en maak je daarna je eigen secret code Ten slotte presenteer je je activiteiten aan de klas. Voor deze mission werk je in een tweetal.
Write a report
Imagine you are spies working for the government. You have been undercover for a week now and have to send in a report. Write the report.
• Write which city you are in.
• Write who you have been spying on.
• Write about two secrets that you have discovered.
• Don't make your report too long. Use 30-35 words.
Learn about code language
As spies you have to be extra careful. This means that you have to send in your report, using a special code language. Before you can do this you will have to learn more about code language and how to use it. The following message is written in a simple pigpen code.
• Find information on Wikipedia about pigpen codes. Take notes.
• Discuss how these codes work.
• Then decipher the code:
Encrypt your report
Design your own code to encrypt your report.
• Search the internet, using the key words: create a secret code
• Don't copy one of the codes you find on the internet but use them as inspiration to create your own code.
• Write out your code for the person who will receive your message. Make an abc with code language.
• Encrypt the report you wrote earlier, using your own code.
Discuss codes
Decipher the code of another group and discuss it.
• Show your encrypted report to another group. Ask them to decipher the code.
• Discuss the results afterwards. Explain how your code works if necessary.
Present your code
Present your code language to the class.
• Show how the code works.
• Explain your reasons for making a code like this.
• Did you succeed as a spy?
Looking back
Did you finish the mission? Have you reached your goals?
• Finding information about code language on the internet.
• Inventing a new code language, using information from the internet.
• Writing a report about a secret mission.
• Writing and deciphering code language.
• Presenting the code language you invented.
Room for improvement
Not happy with how you did on parts of your mission? Decide what you want to work on in the future. Tick the boxes of the things you want to work on.
◯ Writing a report
◯ Finding information on the internet
◯ Working together
◯ Having a discussion
◯ Presenting something to a group
◯ Grammar
◯ Vocabulary
◯ Phrases
Are you a person with a lot of secrets? Do you think it is a good idea to tell your secrets online? And how would you react if someone told you their secret? In this unit you're going to read comments on a forum about secrets and listen to and watch stories about privacy and secrets. And you're going to respond in the right way to someone else's secret. Is it easy for you to give your opinion and tell them how you feel?
Your mission is to write appropriate comments to other people's secrets. In order to prepare yourself for this mission you're going to practise all the skills you need.
Looking ahead
• Je denkt na over waarom je de stof uit deze unit leert.
• Je kijkt vooruit naar de dingen die je in deze unit gaat leren.
• Je denkt na over hoe je jezelf kunt ontwikkelen terwijl je Engels leert.
1 What kind of person are you?
Choose the description that fits you best.
1 I have a lot of secrets that I keep from everybody.
2 I have secrets that I only keep from my parents.
3 I think having secrets is not very healthy.
4 When someone tells me a secret, I will never tell anyone.
5 I think my best friends are allowed to know everything about me.
6 When someone tells me a secret, I don't really know how to react.
7 I have trouble telling people how I feel.
8 Giving my opinion is not always easy for me.
2 Thinking about learning goals
How important are these learning goals for talking about secrets and reacting to them? Score the goals, from 1–10 (1 = not important at all, 10 = extremely important).
1 I can understand factual information in familiar situations. For example: I can understand a story that my friend tells me and wants me to keep secret.
2 I can understand enough to have simple conversations. For example: I can understand my friend when we talk about going to a party without having permission.
3 I can describe events, past activities and personal experiences. For example: I can talk about what happened to me when I told my best friend a secret that my sister told me.
4 I can take part in discussions on social media about known topics or about topics that interest me.
For example: I can give someone advice when they ask what to do about a secret that they have.
3 Communication goals
You can use communication for different goals. For the mission you are going to react to people telling you a secret. With your reaction, you try to achieve something. If you are aware of what you'd like to achieve, your communication will be more successful. Match the goals of communication with the examples.
exchanging information •
motivating • •
persuading (overhalen) •
telling how you feel •
giving your opinion •
Can you tell me a bit more about what happened?
I really think you should tell your parents. You will feel so much better if you tell them. Keeping secrets is not healthy.
If you ask me, I wouldn't tell your brother. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.
You will get over this. Just talk about it with a few more people and you will know what to do.
• Thank you for telling me. It makes me feel so sad to think about what happened to you. How can I help you?
Lesson 1: Listening and watching
• Communiceren – Je kunt communicatie gebruiken voor verschillende doelen (zoals informatie uitwisselen, emoties uiten, overtuigen of motiveren).
• A2.1 – Je kunt genoeg begrijpen om eenvoudige routinegesprekken te voeren zonder bovenmatige inspanning (luisteren)
• A2.4 – Je kunt in vertrouwde situaties eenvoudige feitelijke informatie begrijpen (luisteren)
• B1.5 – Je kunt de hoofdpunten begrijpen van televisieprogramma's over vertrouwde onderwerpen wanneer deze betrekkelijk langzaam en helder worden gepresenteerd (kijken)
What do you already know? Do the exercises on the New Interface website. Discuss with your teacher if you can skip some of the exercises in this lesson.
Get started
1 Keeping secrets
Have you got a lot of secrets?
a Who would you tell this secret to? You can choose more than one answer.
a classmate a brother / sister your best friend a parent a policeman nobody
1 You have several bad grades and you are afraid you won't pass your exams.
2 You have a big crush on someone you met online.
3 You are going out with a group of friends much older than you.
4 You heard that some classmates are talking about one of your friends behind their back.
5 You like playing games online and have lost a lot of money.
6 A friend has been trying to convince you to try some drugs.
b Praat met een klasgenoot over een van de geheimen in oefening a. Wat voor soort gesprek is het geworden? Wat was het doel / zijn de doelen van jullie gesprek?
Je kunt meerdere dingen kiezen.
◯ Informatie uitwisselen
◯ Emoties uiten
◯ Overtuigen
◯ Instructies geven
◯ Motiveren of activeren
Find out listening
2 Understanding a conversation about Great-aunt Celia
Listen to No ordinary life, Part 1
What do you know about Great-aunt Celia? Choose the correct words.
1 Oudtante Celia was de zus van Tonya's opa / oma
2 Ze was de jongste / oudste zus.
3 Ze was wel / niet getrouwd.
4 Ze was erg oud / nog niet zo oud toen ze stierf.
5 Ze woonde in een bejaardenhuis / cottage
6 Volgens Tonya's moeder was het leven van oudtante Celia bijzonder / gewoon
3 Giving a reaction
Listen to the fragments from No ordinary life, Part 2
a Imagine you are Tonya. How would you react to what Alice says? Write down a proper reaction of at least six words to each fragment.
1 Fragment 1:
2 Fragment 2:
3 Fragment 3:
4 Fragment 4:
5 Fragment 5:
b Compare your reactions to a classmate's reactions and discuss them. Do you think you both reacted properly?
4 Understanding a conversation about Great-aunt Celia
Listen to No ordinary life, Part 2
a Are the sentences true or false?
1 Tonya thinks the attic is a bit spooky. true / false
2 Tonya used to visit Aunt Celia every Sunday afternoon. true / false
3 Alice and Tonya find a lot of romantic novels. true / false
4 Tonya knew Aunt Celia liked romantic novels. true / false
5 Alice finds a folder with love letters. true / false
6 Great-aunt Celia earned a lot of money by writing romantic novels. true / false
b Use the sentences from exercise a. Rewrite the false sentences correctly in English.
5 Fill in Use Vocabulary 2.1. Fill in the correct words. If a word is a verb, make sure you use the correct form.
Choose from: (to) cancel – (to) clear out – confession – delighted – (to) doubt – fortune –(to) lead – (to) leak – pile – romance – roof
Note: There are two extra words.
1 My dad asked me to help him our shed this weekend.
2 The publisher asked me to the discussion during this meeting.
3 We have to be sure this old boat isn't before we set off.
4 I his words are true. He has lied to me before.
5 We are all by the success of my sister's first novel.
6 They had to the concert because one of the band members had the flu.
7 Did you see that mysterious man on the of that building over there?
8 They made a by selling their great-aunt's old paintings to a gallery.
9 After 50 years, there's still a lot of in my grandparents' marriage.
6 Choose
Use Vocabulary 2.1. Choose all the words that go with the given word.
1 an ancient announcement / cottage / monument / pile
2 a confidential curtain / document / pocket / report
3 a dusty attic / confession / folder / meal
4 a gorgeous loan / mess / suit / view
5 a mysterious story / knowledge / lover / roof
6 a secretive candle / person / great-aunt / sting
7 a handsome boy / proposal / leak/ publisher
7 Fill in
Use Vocabulary 2.1. Think of one more word yourself that goes with the given words.
1 an ancient
2 a confidential
3 a dusty
4 a gorgeous
5 a mysterious
6 a secretive
7 a handsome
Find out watching
8 Guessing the secrets
Before watching a video about Disney's secrets, read the titles of some of the secrets in Disneyland or Disneyworld.
What do you think they are about? Choose the correct sentence.
Secret 11 – Ride wait times are wrong
a. The timers are set longer than the line is expected to take.
b. The timers are set shorter than the line is expected to take.
Secret 7 – Tunnels
a. The tunnels are used for security reasons mainly.
b. The tunnels are there to keep the Disney magic alive.
Secret 5 – Go-away-green
a. Areas where you are not supposed to go are hidden by bushes and trees.
b. Areas where you are not supposed to go are hidden by a special kind of green paint.
Secret 4 – Aromatherapy
a. Disney releases vanilla scent into the air at the parks.
b. Disney releases junk food scent into the air at the parks.
Secret 1 – Fake flags
a. The flags at Disney are fake because they are cheaper.
b. The flags at Disney are fake because of the law.
9 Ride wait times are wrong
Watch Secrets Disney doesn't want you to know! until 1:49 min. Choose all the elements that are true for Disney waiting times.
◯ They set the time longer to make you feel better.
◯ You always reach your ride sooner than the waiting time indicated.
◯ Rides with a line are more popular.
◯ Research showed that Disney waiting times are almost never correct.
10 Tunnels
Watch Secrets Disney doesn't want you to know! until 6:21 min. Are the sentences true or false?
true false
1 The tunnels at Disney are underground. ◯ ◯
2 The tunnels are there to make sure nobody sees the Disney characters between performances. ◯ ◯
3 Trash is collected and disposed of in the tunnels. ◯ ◯
4 Using the tunnels is much quicker than going through the park. ◯ ◯
5 Normal employees (who are not characters) are not allowed in the tunnel. ◯ ◯
11 Go away green
Watch Secrets Disney doesn't want you to know! until 8:01 min. On which things does Disney use the go-away-green paint? Choose all possible answers.
◯ fences
◯ park walls
◯ ride entrances
◯ garbage cans
◯ things that are off-limits for most guests
12 Aromatherapy
Watch Secrets Disney doesn't want you to know! until 8:54 min. Answer the questions in Dutch.
1 Wat zijn de twee belangrijkste redenen dat Disney een vanillegeur verspreidt?
2 Noem twee andere geuren die Disney op bepaalde plekken verspreidt.
Fake flags
Watch Secrets Disney doesn't want you to know! until 10:49 min. Answer the questions in Dutch.
1 Hoe kun je zien dat de vlaggen in de Disney parken geen echte Amerikaanse vlaggen zijn?
2 Waarom gebruikt Disney geen echte Amerikaanse vlaggen?
Do you want to practise some more with Vocabulary? Then you can do extra exercises on the New Interface website.
Express yourself
14 How would you react?
Read the Tip: Communicatie gebruiken voor verschillende doelen
Communicatie gebruiken voor verschillende doelen
Als je met mensen communiceert, pas je je altijd aan aan de situatie en wat je probeert te communiceren. Als iemand een probleem heeft, probeer je zelf advies te geven of diegene door te sturen naar iemand die misschien een oplossing heeft. En als iemand zegt ergens geen zin in te hebben, kun je proberen diegene te motiveren of af te leiden met iets anders. Dus hoe je reageert in een gesprek, hangt af van het doel dat je met het gesprek probeert te bereiken. Als je je realiseert wat dat doel is, verloopt de communicatie makkelijker.
a Think of how you would react and what you would say in these situations. Describe your reaction in a few English words / short English sentences.
1 Jouw broer vertelt dat hij van plan is om dit weekend stiekem naar een feestje te gaan. Hij heeft jouw hulp nodig en vraagt of je tegen je ouders wil liegen.
2 De relatie van je beste vriendin is net stukgelopen. Zij komt bij jou uithuilen.
3 Een klasgenoot vertelt dat hij wordt gepest door een groepje leerlingen van een andere klas.
4 Een vriendin wil geld lenen om dit weekend uit te kunnen gaan.
b Have the four conversations from exercise a with a classmate. Make sure your reaction fits the aim of the conversation. Switch roles.
Looking back
Did you finish the Express yourself exercises and did you compare your answers to the models? Have you reached your goals?
• Giving a reaction that fits the situation and the goal of the conversation. ◯ ◯ ◯
• Thinking of appropriate reactions to the four situations. ◯ ◯ ◯
• Stating the situations clearly and react in an appropriate manner to your classmate's reactions. ◯ ◯ ◯
• Reacting in an appropriate manner to the situations. ◯ ◯ ◯
Did you tick or anywhere? Ask a classmate or your teacher for help. Then do the exercises again and check if you have done better this time.
Do you have some extra time? Then do the Get ahead exercises on the New Interface website.
Do you want to practise with exam exercises? You can find the Exam units for Reading, Listening and watching, Speaking and Writing in book B.
Lesson 2: Writing
• Sociale en culturele vaardigheden – Je kunt eigen gevoelens en opvattingen benoemen en hierop reflecteren.
• A2.4 – Je kunt zeer kort en elementair gebeurtenissen, activiteiten in het verleden en persoonlijke ervaringen beschrijven.
• B1.1 – Je kunt deelnemen aan discussies over bekende thema's of over thema's uit je interessegebied via sociale media.
What do you already know? Do the exercises on the New Interface website. Discuss with your teacher if you can skip some of the exercises in this lesson.
Get started
16 Your opinion
a What is your opinion about these statements about keeping secrets?
I strongly disagree I disagree I'm neutral I agree I strongly agree
1 Forums where people tell their secrets online are a good thing.
2 Young children can keep secrets from their parents.
3 Your parents should always know where you are.
4 If a friend tells you a secret, you can never, ever tell someone.
b Have a short conversation with a classmate about the statements from exercise a. Give your opinion and one or two arguments.
Secret quotes
Make the correct combinations to complete the quotes about secrets.
If you want to keep a secret,
as heavily as a secret.
The secret was a hole in the middle of me • • if two of them are dead.
You have two kinds of secrets:
Nothing weighs on us
Lie until even you believe it,
Three may keep a secret •
that's the real secret of lying.
that every happy thing fell into.
the ones only you know and the ones only you don't.
you must also hide it from yourself.
What’s your biggest secret?
Are there any secrets in your life which you've never told anyone? Share your secret with us and we promise we won't tell.
I need your opinion! I broke my boyfriend's favourite mug and didn't tell him about it. He hasn't noticed ... yet. Do you think I'm horrible? Can you please tell me I'm not?
CaitlynI think it's totally normal to have secrets. Everyone has them. I've never told my parents that I didn't go to my prom night. They'd bought me a suit and stuff, but I've never worn it. For years I've kept this a secret and I still haven't told them. My mum never went to a prom herself when she was young and she was so happy that I could go. I hope she will never find out.
BrianI absolutely agree with Brian. Secrets are a part of life! I've got one as well. Three years ago my grandmother died. She left an expensive ring to every woman in the family. I was 13 and wasn't allowed to wear mine. I did anyway and lost it within a month of her death. Sometimes my mum asks about it and I'm just like 'yeah it's in a box in one of my drawers, I don't wear it because I don't want to lose it.' I'd give anything to find it, though.
HokiI think I agree, although it depends on the secret. I set fire to the curtains in our living room once. I was lighting a candle when it fell over against one of the curtains. It immediately caught fire and the flames burnt part of the curtain. Later on, I blamed our cat and told my parents it had knocked the candle over. My parents said I was a hero and threw the cat outside (only for a night). Let's hope the cat won't tell my parents ;-).
When I was cross about something, I threw my football trophy at my bedroom door. It made a hole, but not all the way through. I stuck a bumper sticker over it so nobody could see the hole. The sticker hasn't fallen off yet.
Ricardo LindseyI have a complaint to make about this forum. I don't think you should ask people to tell their secrets online! And I'm sorry to say this but I think you're all wrong. I think Caitlyn should have told her boyfriend. That's what you do when you're in a relationship.
Sandra18 Understanding a website for sharing your secrets
Read What's your biggest secret? Choose the correct name(s) with each sentence.
1 Caitlyn / Brian / Hoki / Lindsey / Ricardo / Sandra heeft een klacht over het forum.
2 Caitlyn / Brian / Hoki / Lindsey / Ricardo / Sandra is een familie-erfstuk verloren.
3 Caitlyn / Brian / Hoki / Lindsey / Ricardo / Sandra vraagt om goede raad.
4 Caitlyn / Brian / Hoki / Lindsey / Ricardo / Sandra is het niet met de anderen eens.
5 Caitlyn / Brian / Hoki / Lindsey / Ricardo / Sandra heeft een huisdier de schuld gegeven van een ongelukje.
6 Caitlyn and Hoki / Brian and Hoki / Hoki and Lindsey / Lindsey and Sandra / Ricardo and Brian / Sandra and Hoki denken dat iedereen wel geheimen heeft.
7 Caitlyn / Brian / Hoki / Lindsey / Ricardo / Sandra heeft schade in een kamer voor ouders verborgen gehouden.
19 Choose
Use Vocabulary 2.2. Choose the correct answers. More than one answer may be correct.
1 What can you set fire to?
a. mug
b. flames
c. curtains
d. bedroom
2 What can you put in drawers?
a. clothes
b. relationship
c. trophy
d. suit
20 Complete
3 What can you light?
a. candle
b. secret
c. fire
d. complaint
4 Who can you blame for something you did wrong?
a. brother or sister
b. hero
c. relationship
d. dog
Use Vocabulary 2.2. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
Choose from: all the way – (to) blame – candle – (to) catch fire – cross – curtains – (to) depend on – (to) knock over – (to) leave – (to) make a complaint – relationship – sticks – within.
Note: There are two extra words.
1 I am afraid my dress will if I sit too close to the candle.
2 Why are you ? I didn't break your mug.
3 Your dinner will be ready half an hour.
4 How long the journey takes will how busy traffic is.
5 I want to about our English test. It was too difficult.
6 Sometimes a spy a microphone to the bottom of a car.
7 My grandmother didn't me anything when she died.
8 Did you my tea? – No, it was the dog.
9 It's turning dark. Can you please close the ?
10 Don't me for your bad grades. You should have studied harder.
11 My brother kicked his foot through his bedroom door when he was upset.
21 Grammar: Present simple
Use Grammar: Present simple
Present simple
GRAMMARJe gebruikt de present simple als iets altijd, nooit of regelmatig gebeurt. Do you love animals? I love animals. I don't love animals. Does she eat breakfast? She always eats breakfast. She doesn't eat breakfast. You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
Make sentences with the words given. Use the present simple
1 my parents – not like – cats – but – they – love – dogs
2 you – often – blame – someone else – for your problems – ?
3 that girl – never – share – her secrets
4 Leroy – not smoke – and – not drink
5 I – like – ice cream – because – it – not cost – very much
6 the police – often – face risks
7 a curtain – catch fire – very easily
8 be – Toronto – in Canada – or – in the USA – ?
22 Grammar: Present simple
Use Grammar: Present simple. Write sentences about yourself using the present simple
1 Write something about your hobby.
2 Write something about your mother or father.
3 Write something about a friend.
4 Write about something you do every week.
5 Write about something you do once a year.
23 Grammar: Present perfect
Use Grammar: Present perfect GRAMMAR
Present perfect
Je gebruikt de present perfect:
1 als je wilt zeggen dat iets is gebeurd en het niet belangrijk is wanneer. She has given me a really good idea.
2 als je wilt zeggen dat iets in het verleden is gebeurd en nog steeds doorgaat. In de zin staat dan vaak: since, for, always, ever, never of in Dominic has waited for hours.
bevestigend ontkennend vragend
I have played a game. I haven't played a game. Have I played a game?
You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
Fill in the correct form of the verbs. Use the present perfect
1 Look at your little brother. He (to grow) so much!
2 Who (to light) this fire? It's very dangerous.
3 My dad is very angry because he (to just see) my report card.
4 I can't go to school today. I (to be) ill since Saturday.
5 I (to never tell) my best friend that I fancy her.
6 My mother is a terrible cook: she (to burn) our dinner.
7 you (to ever read) Hamlet?
– No, I don't really like Shakespeare.
8 This is my dog Pluto. I (to have) him for four months now.
9 Our teacher is going to be very angry because I (to not do) my homework.
10 I am so tired! I (to sleep) badly for two nights in a row.
24 Grammar: Past simple <> present perfect
Use Grammar: Past simple <> present perfect GRAMMAR
Past simple <> present perfect present perfect past simple I've done my homework. Here it is. I did my homework last Sunday She's just told me a secret. John told me a big secret last year You can find the complete explanation in the Checkbook.
Make sentences with the words given. Use the past simple or the present perfect
1 you – ever – do – anything stupid – ?
2 you – start – a fire – in your bed – when – you – be – twelve years old – ?
3 complain – you – to your teacher – about the test – ?
4 I – have – my computer – for five years
5 my little sister – never – be able – to keep – a secret – she's terrible
6 in 2002 – terrorists – threaten – to burn down – all government buildings
7 last summer – I – visit – London – . – you – book – your trip – yet – ?
8 my gran – die – when – she – be – 88 years old – and – leave – me – her gold ring
9 I – not go – on holiday – last year – because – I – not have – any money
10 I – love – heavy metal music – for the past ten years
How do you say this in English?
Use Phrases Writing. Match the sentences. Draw lines. Sometimes more answers are possible.
Three years ago my grandmother died. •
I've never told my mother I lost the ring. •
I don't think you should ask people to tell their secrets online. •
I set fire to my pillow and blankets once. •
I think you should tell your friend what happened. •
I have a complaint to make about my parents. •
• I absolutely agree with you.
• I hope she will never find out.
• Do you think I'm horrible?
• I don't want to lose my best friend.
• I think it's totally normal to disagree with your parents.
• I'd give anything to talk to her one more time.
• I blamed our cat.
How do you say this in English?
Use Phrases Writing. Use What's your biggest secret? Write the sentences in English.
1 Je was een kaars aan het aansteken toen hij omviel op je bed. Je appt je moeder en schrijft:
2 Je beste vriendin wil spijbelen om te gaan zwemmen. Je twijfelt. Je denkt dat je het ermee eens bent, maar het hangt af van het weer. Je zegt:
3 Jouw school denkt erover om dit jaar geen schoolbal te organiseren. Je schrijft een brief naar de directie om je ongenoegen te uiten. Je begint je brief met:
4 Je hebt een boek gekocht op Amazon.com, maar het komt beschadigd aan. Je stuurt een mailtje met een klacht. Je begint je mail met:
5 Je wilt graag de mening van je vriendin over je nieuwe T-shirt. Je appt haar:
6 Je grote broer betrapt je erop dat je 's avonds laat nog een serie kijkt. Je hoopt dat hij het niet aan je ouders vertelt. Je schrijft naar een vriend:
7 Toen je gisteravond boos was, gooide je je telefoon tegen de muur. Je moeder wil weten hoe hij stuk is gegaan. Je zegt:
8 Je hebt ruzie gehad met je vriend(in). Je wilt hem / haar niet verliezen. Je appt hem / haar:
Do you want to practise some more with Vocabulary, Grammar or Phrases? Then you can do extra exercises on the New Interface website.
Express yourself
Reacting to secrets
Look at the pictures that show people's secrets and read what happened. Read the Tip: Gevoelens en opvattingen benoemen en erop reflecteren
Gevoelens en opvattingen benoemen en erop reflecteren
Soms is het gemakkelijk om je mening te geven over iets of om te zeggen hoe je je ergens over voelt. Zulke gevallen zijn redelijk zwart of wit, je hoeft er niet lang over na te denken en je mening of gevoel staat vast. Maar er zijn ook situaties waarin alles niet zo eenvoudig ligt. Je hebt wel een mening of een gevoel ergens bij maar je staat er langer bij stil of je mening of gevoel wel de juiste is. We noemen dit reflecteren. Moet je je gevoel of mening aanpassen of heb je de juiste beslissing genomen?
1. You were with friends at a campfire in the forest. You were alone because your friends left to find some more wood. Because you were busy with your mobile, you didn't pay attention and a forest fire started. You never told your friends that you didn't pay attention. You hope they will never find out.
2. You were in love with your girlfriend's best friend. Some time ago, you kissed them. You would like to know what the readers of the forum think. You hope your girlfriend never finds out and wish it had never happened. Write
Reacting to another secret
Look at the picture. It shows a secret.
a Describe the secret and say how you feel about it. Use a separate piece of paper. Write 45-65 words.
b Swap your description with a classmate. Read your classmate's description of the secret. Write a reaction. Use a separate piece of paper. Write 30-45 words.
c Read your classmate's reaction. Do you agree? Have a short conversation with your classmate.
Looking back
Did you finish the Express yourself exercises and did you compare your answers to the models? Have you reached your goals?
• Describing your opinions and feelings about the secrets. ◯ ◯ ◯
• Giving reactions that are appropriate for the secrets. ◯ ◯ ◯
• Describing a secret that fits the given picture. ◯ ◯ ◯
Did you tick or anywhere? Ask a classmate or your teacher for help. Then do the exercises again and check if you have done better this time.
Do you have some extra time? Then do the Get ahead exercises on the New Interface website.
Do you want to practise with exam exercises? You can find the Exam units for Reading, Listening and watching, Speaking and Writing in book B.
Je past je life én language skills toe in een mission.
• Life skill: Sociale en culturele vaardigheden en Communiceren
• Hoofdvaardigheid: Schrijven
• Subvaardigheid: Kijken / Luisteren
Reacting to secrets
Almost everyone has one or more secrets. Some secrets are more serious or worse than others.
Sometimes, it can help to tell someone your secret. And often it's a good idea to tell someone you don't know very well. You will be less likely to take that person's reaction personally.
In this mission, you are going to find out about various secrets from other people. Your mission is to respond to these secrets in different ways and as well as you can.
Choose the secrets
Watch a part of 100 People tell us a secret
Choose four secrets that you would like to post a comment on. You are going to post four comments with different goals: convincing someone, telling someone how you feel, exchanging information and motivating. Write down the secret you've chosen for each goal.
1 Convincing someone
2 Telling someone how you feel
3 Exchanging information
4 Motivating
Post your reactions
Write your reactions for each of the four secrets that you chose.
• First, think of the goal that you have for writing a comment.
• Write 4-6 sentences for each secret.
• Use a separate piece of paper.
Reflect on your reactions
Which type of reaction did you find the most difficult to write? Explain (in Dutch) why this was the most difficult reaction.
Share your reactions
Show the secrets that you chose and your reactions to a classmate.
• How helpful does your classmate think your reactions are?
• Ask them to give 1-5 stars for each reaction.
• Make sure they keep the goal of your reaction in mind.
Looking back
Did you finish the mission? Have you reached your goals?
• Giving reactions that fit a specific goal.
• Giving your opinion or tell how you feel.
• Choosing secrets that you find interesting and can comment on.
Room for improvement
Not happy with how you did on parts of your mission? Decide what you want to work on in the future. Tick the boxes of the things you want to work on.
◯ Choosing things that you are going to react to
◯ Being better at expressing your opinions or emotions
◯ Communicating with a certain goal in mind more efficiently
◯ Vocabulary
◯ Phrases
◯ Other:
Na de lessen van deze unit kun je de Self-test maken op de New Interface-website.