Blockchain Process Portfolio: Che Hortop

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Process Portfolio



Driving Q

In what ways can the philosophy o technologies be catalysts for disrup business

Summative A

Students will - individually or in pairs blockchain framework which improve life for a target indu


of decentralization and blockchain ption and efficiency for the modern s world?


s - design a specific application on a es security, or efficiency, or quality of ustry or community.

Module S

• Comfortably discuss and descr applications o • Assess Blockchain applicat • Present Blockchain concep • Create your own Crypto token Co Offerin • Use cryptocurrency exch • Gain familiarity with invest • Design and build • Design the conceptual framew applic • Build a


ribe the history, technology, and of Blockchain. tions in a structured manner. pts clearly and persuasively. n and conduct your own Initial oin ng (ICO) hanges and wallets safely. ting in Blockchain startups. a Smart Contract. work for an original decentralized cation. a dApp.

Rub Criterion



Essential Knowledge


Identify cypherpunk philosophies that drove the development of blockchain and cryptocurrency


Describe the role of smart contracts in regards to the ethics behind blockchain business

Developing an appreciation of essential knowledge, inclusive of Western, Eastern, and Indigenous thought

Ethics Developing and presenting a defense of a personal code of ethics


e n




Comparing the philosophies of decentralization with opposing beliefs.

Justify a personal code of business ethics behind the creation of a smart contract

Create a smart contract for a blockchain application that ensures ethical business practices


PER Areas for Growth

Learning the coding concepts of designing a smart contract (shown through high-level overview)

Criteria What steps will you take to achiev

Show understanding of Basic Set-Up

Show understanding of Events, Arrays, and Map

Show understanding of Functions Show understanding of Inheritance

21st Century Areas for Growth Designing all elements of a dApp


Creating a white paper that expresses the mess effectively

Designing the GUI for a dApp (including color pa art style etc)



ve it?


Evidence How can you prove that you did it?

New Areas of Excellence

Section 1 of HLO Section 2 of HLO

Section 3 of HLO Section 4 of HLO

y Skill: Creativity Evidence

sage of the app

White paper

alette, theme,


Areas of Excellence



Fourth Industr First Industrial Revolution - Began 1760

Began in Britain and spread to the rest of Europe and the US. It was powered by the major invention of the steam engine.

Third Industrial R

Happened in the second half of the 20th century. Th developments such as the semiconducto

So, what’s the fourth industrial revolution a

rial Revolution Second Industrial Revolution - 1870

The second industrial revolution focused on mass production, with developments such as steel, oil and electricity.

Revolution - 1960

his was the computer / digital revolution and brought or, personal computers and the internet.

and what makes it different from the third?

Fourth Industr

The term was coined by Klaus Schwab, the founder of the W Economic Forum. The Fourth IR refers to the fact that certain inf technologies are beginning to become engrained in our everyda

The difference from the prior technological industrial revolution (t is the speed at which many people are adopting the technology 75 years for 100 million people to adopt the telephone, it took Inst years, and it took Pokemon Go only 1 month. (100 million users) Telephone = 75 years. Instagram = 2 years. Pokemon Go = 1 month.

The 4th industrial revolution is changing almost every company i that collects data, and it is turning pretty much every human into is using technology frequently.

Risk: The 4th Industrial Revolution will/is potentially taking the pro inequality and worsening it. This is as we develop towards a “winn all” economy where ‘higher-skilled workers’ in emerging (techno industries are paid more and others are left out.

One example of this already showing is that billionaires drove 80% 40 breakthrough innovations in the last 40 years.

rial Revolution

World fluential ay lives.

the third) y. It took tagram 2

into one one that

oblem of ner takes ological)

% of the

Fourth Industrial Revolution Network

This is a network created by the World Economic Forum (the same one who’s founder originally coined the 4th IR). Their goal is to maximize the benefits of growths in science and technology for our society. They created a “global hub of expertise, knowledge-sharing and collaboration” in San Francisco. They plan to collaborate with governments, leading companies, civil society and experts from around the world. This is in order to “co-design and pilot innovative new approaches to policy and governance in the Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

Fourth Industrial Re 4IR Relevance

The relevance of the fourth industrial revolution to our mo clear. The fourth industrial revolution is about revolution disruption. Blockchain’s ability to create disruption in man (not just the most talked about financial) is starting to be fo and will be a major part of the 4th IR.

A lot of the popular advancements in technology have in data and data processing. Our ability to collect large amo data and process them with new technologies to advanc newer technologies has driven many innovations. This ha lead by artificial intelligence and how we have taught com to process data in the most efficient manners for us. T combination of blockchain and artificial intelligence in the may be what’s needed to drive the fourth industrial revol

AI will be used to boost Blockchain’s underlying architec whereas blockchain will be an addition to AI which adds a level of security (through encryption) and also make AI fin more coherent and understandable.

evolution Reflection

odule is n and ny fields oreseen

nvolved ounts of ce even as been mputer’s The e future lution.

cture an extra ndings

Reflection I’m particularly curious about the implementation of AI in blockchain and how prominent it already is. It’s potential seems very promising and I would like to learn more about it. I’m also very interested in how the decentralization of information can help to boost independent developers. With access to big data, will the amount of people making breakthrough innovations and be less dominated by billionaires.

Basic Block ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

Nodes within P2P network Properties of block & genesis block Transactions within the ledger The validation process - mining. The “consensus” within a blockchain architecture Proof-of-work

proof of work to add a block to the chain, nodes must demonstrate t difficult computational puzzle. this process, called mini work, members can receive rewards - tokens for instan

proof of stake participants buy tokens which allow them to join the ne mine.

nonce it is the number that the miners are trying to find in orde field that the miners can change. a correctly signed no blockchain. this is the solution to the cryptographic puz is impossible to predict what the nonce will be, that is w the nonces.

chain workflow

that they have done ‘work’ by solving an increasingly ing, uses a lot of computing power. In return for their nce, or bitcoins.

etwork. the more token they have, the more they can

er to validate the block in the chain. this is the only once always starts with 17 zeros in the bitcoin zzle. although the nonce is defined by an algorithm, it why the miner has to have their computer to guess all


+ being based on consensus, would it ever b organization to fake consensus by creating blockchain?

+ how does bug fixing inside of a blockchai contract, who fixes that, since it’s a decen

+ are there any examples of people hacking blockchain? + what are the vulnerabilities of blockchain

+ in your presentations you talk about Block and illegal, what are examples of this and exactly immoral?

Chain Q’s

be possible for a government or large computers to mine and affect the

in work? say, if an error is in a smart ntralized system?

g or attempting to hack a large that are allowing people to hack it?

kchain often being on the fringes of legal d why do you believe these cases are not

Create &

& Refine


- Needs UI as a reference. - what prevents users from creating a new account when their r -

bad? how reasonable of a product is this to create (consider time) look into examples of different dating apps (ones for celebs, inv etc)

ing (#1 Pitch)

rep is

v only

Artist Cha -

Need to clearly identify how this would look? How do users interact with the artist chain? What does the UI look like conceptually? Use tokens to incentivize artists What happens if someone creates several accounts and just collaborates over and over to gain the token?

ain (#2 Pitch)

Fantasy Chain

Overall Reflection - need UI for any future presentation, in order to make the idea completely clear - copyright for use of player/league names very unclear - what does this really offer the user? why would they switch from regular fantasy app? - are there any fantasy sports apps that also include several spo

n Sports (#3 Pitch)



New Conce

Metamine is a game that gamifies the back users on how block

We took inspiration from Cryptokitties, but get people involved in Blockchain, we wan

The users can purchase miners to work on the Mine and users compete to build the individual value and have abilities that me be


The analogies that represent Blockchains backend a is really good but the way the ga At first people thought that the game was you being it seemed this form of the game would make

ept: Metamine

k end of blockchain to simplify and educate kchain really works.

t instead of just gamifying the front end to nted to gamify the backend of Blockchain.

their mine using ETH. Miners add blocks to e biggest mines. These, like kitties, hold ean they contribute to different mines the est.


are pretty confusing. The main concept of the game ame is actually played is unclear. g the miner and solving puzzles, through discussion e both more sense and more fun for the user.

Refined Conc

Metaminer is a game that gamifies the educate users on how b

The aim of the game is for users to build th

Users inside of their groups Blockchain ad acquiring the no

Users receive rewards for completing entir chest when another block is added to rewardables (ERC-721 tokens) that hel

The concepts for separate parts of the extremely popular games such as: crypto clash royale, king o

cept: Metaminer

back end of blockchain to simplify and blockchain really works.

heir Blockchain together with their friends!

dd to the chain by playing minigames and once at the end.

re blocks. Every user on your chain gains a o the chain. Inside of these chests are lp them to solve future problems faster.

game were inspired by lots of different, okitties, clash of clans, fifa ultimate team, of thieves and more!

New Concept: Metam

mine Lofi Wireframe

Designs: C

Final Adjustmen - Blurred shading

Feedback from Alf - initial character looks too simplistic and 2D - Eyes are too big and mouth seems off - Eyes take up too much of the face - Hat needs detail

Adjustments - Added shading to face + hat - Eyes simplified


- Shading is too sharp and needs blur - Eyes are improved

to make it less ro - Added girl chara - Made things interchangeable game) - Ex: Girl char gets hat, or boy chara gets goblin ears



g on face ough acter

e (for

s miners acter s.

Feedback from Grace - Since it’s a monster, make the mouth less like the others (jagged teeth?) since it’s too friendly looking rn - Add golden earring - Like others, add shading + forehead shading to show shine Reflection is adding these changes as seen here:

Designs: Tier 1 (wood)

Tier 2 (am

Explanation: Each tier in the game is an item t has better benefits for the player

Reflection: I thought this initial design (left) lacke boring. So I found this tool in the prog Jumble randomized the pixels aroun more randomness. I paired this with to create a more textured effect (righ

: Pickaxe


that is less likely to be found and also r in the game.

ed any texture, and was pretty gram, aseprite called jumble. nd a set area in order to create shading and a bit of blur in order ht.

Tier 3 (jade)

Designs: Tier 1 (basic)

Tier 2

Feedback from Eng: - The shading is too sharp, it needs Reflection: - Using the previously identified Blur (right) and also made the sparks blur effect. I believe this came out really w

: Pickaxe (ultra)

s to be more rounded

tool, I added smoother shading rred to give it a more detailed well.

Tier 3 (meta)

Tier 1 (basic)

Tier 2 (b

Feedback from Thao: To add depth to the image you s the left and lightness on the righ

Changes made as seen (left to r


should add shading of darkness on ht.


Tier 3 (meta)

Tier 1 (bronze)

Tier 2

Explanation: Each tier of the chest has differe items. For example, a diamond c tier 3 item such as the meta dyn

Feedback from Eng: The 2 dimensional image doesn and it also looks quite boring. Try

As you can see I did this for the c

2 (gold)

ent likelihoods of producing rarer chest is more likely to give you a namite.

n’t match the characters shading y doing it from a 3D perspective.

chest and it looks pretty good.

Tier 3 (diamond)

Designs: Co Votes: 1

Votes: 3

Votes: 1

olor Palette Votes: 6

Votes: 2

Final Color Palette for brand

Philosophy/Origin of Bl

Throughout the term we have looked into the philos are my key n

The origins of Blockchain stem from what is called libertarian cypherpunk movements back in the 80s disagreement of the amount of power governm Cypherpunks believed this power was misused, as

Cypherpunks also proactively utilized cryptograph security. These movements and beliefs are what le Nakomoto, the creator of the first Blockchain, deve which was caused essentially by the

As Satoshi puts it, “Commerce on the internet h institutions serving as trusted third parties…” b weaknesses of a tr

This observation is what sparked the idea for Bloc everyone with immutability, transpa

It is clear that Satoshi’s movement of Blockchain a philosophies, as he shares both the same anti-aut cryptography as a system t

lockchain (6d.3 novice)

sophies that drove the creation of Blockchain. Here notes on this.

d “Cypherpunk” philosophy. This roots back to the s and 90s. Cypherpunk movements stemmed from ments and central monetary organizations had. many larger authorities were filled with corruption.

hic technology in order to attain more privacy and ead directly to the innovation of Blockchain. Satoshi eloped Blockchain following a market crash in 2008, e trust society had placed on banks.

has come to rely almost exclusively on financial but this system “… still suffers from the inherent rust based model”.

ckchain, Satoshi’s trustless system built to provide arency and security of information.

and his own philosophies match up to Cypherpunk thoritarianism beliefs and also the idea of utilizing to oppose authoritarianism.

Philosophy/Origin of Blo

Here I wanted to compare the identified philosop opposing philosoph Centralization

Trusted central organizations can provide a system that is efficient and easy

Trusted central organizations provide a service tha have been using for years, and is consistent

Trusted central organizations won’t use our data fo intent, or personal gain. Decentralized systems are much slower than any system built on a centralized system

Decentralized systems are filled with criminal activi


Based on this comparison, for me it is clear that Blockchain and p technological world. The are revolutionizing the way transactions larger (debatably corrupt) organizations. One key limitation to Blo development. Services like VISA or paypal work much faster than new revolutionary technologies are released. It is clear that Block just be enough to move over the current hurdles it is facing.

In conclusion, in my opinion, decentralization as a theory is superi

ockchain (6d.3 specialist)

phy of decentralization and cypherpunks with its hy of centralization.


Decentralization Often times, when sending money over seas, banking systems can take days to process our transactions

at we “Trusted” middle men, like banks often times make mistakes due to failure and are even subject to tampering due to corruption or ill “Trusted” central organizations cannot be trusted with our information Decentralized systems are slower because the technology is new and requires heavy encryption to provide security benefits ity

philosophies of decentralization have a space in the s work, and giving the power to the people, as opposed to the ockchain, in comparison to centralized systems, is the efficiency/ n Bitcoin transfer. But this is a natural beginning we see when kchain will continue to develop as a technology and this might

ior in enabling people and rights, but it still needs development.

Ethics of Smart Con

Smart Contracts are digital agreements between a fulfill themselves without any interaction or influen provide the user with certainty that any transactio upon will b

Eth 1. Smart contracts are open sourced.

1. This means that anyone can view a smart cont network, any user connected to the Blockchain The reason smart contracts are open sourced happening on the network. By keeping all smar over how a transaction should happen.

2. Smart contracts are automatically operated by t

1. This prevents any users from changing anythin points of failure. In the current system, when a t middle man (banks in most cases) will fulfill the system that is ethically weak because these or

ntracts (6d.4 novice)

all users on the Blockchain network. They are built to nce from a third party. These contracts essentially ons/simple actions on the network that are agreed be fulfilled.


tract. Just like all of the other data on the Blockchain n has a copy of how the smart contracts will work. is in order to ensure the transparency of everything rt contracts transparent, there won’t be any dispute

the network.

ng during a transaction, thus disallowing any single transaction is made we have to trust that the agreement. This allows for failure and creates a rganizations have power over us.

Ethics of Smart Con ***Continuation 3. Smart contracts utilize cryptography.

1. In regular transactions, as mentioned before, must provide said middle man, which is often banks, addresses, family, our account balances etc. This ca have power over our information and could use it for enabled by the network through miners. Although m get no access to any of our personal information. Th Cryptography essentially creates an added level of h personal information instead into a string of unidenti

Reflection The core ideas behind smart co going to be utilizing behind our want to consider the inherent v order to make sure our own sm these. The next page will be ind contracts code of ethics.

ntracts (6d.4 novice) of Last Page***

we have to trust a middle man. This also means we , with our personal details. This can include, names, auses issues as it means that these middle men r their own personal gain. Smart contracts are miners are the ones confirming our transactions, they his is fueled by the technology of cryptography. heavy security by turning our names, accounts and ifiable characters.

ontracts are what we’re own smart contract. We values of Blockchain in mart contract matches dentification of our smart

Ethics of Smart Contr

When designing our application, we wanted to mak ethics behind its specif Here is the part of our White Paper that mentions the ethics behind MetaMiner: 1. ETHICS MetaMiner is an educational game driving inclusion and participation in the blockchain. Participation will always be voluntary and financial stake will be optional. Financial profit from the game will only be a result of a 4.25% commission on initial item sales. All else will be directly owned by the user. Financial profit will be partly used for development. The smart contract will only allow for the actions outlined in the algorithm. Transactions will be transparent and public and will be focused on the enjoyment of the game by the user.

I wanted to explain some things we couldn’t mentio

Here are some explanatio

Participation is optional: O our current society, we ha banking systems. It is alm why, use of our Blockchain

Financial Freedom: Users Our smart contract enabl smart contract will enable users will still be able to ha

Transparency: Much like e our actual smart contract transparency, the smart c ensure that all user inform

Unchangeability: Once we without the main user bas from changing any of the

No Middle-Man: Once we All of the information from ethical practicalities of the

racts (6d.4 specialist)

ke sure that our smart contract had a strong code of fic business practices.

of the details inside of the white paper but also go into detail about a couple on due to trying to make the white paper as concise as possible.

ons and justifications of the code of ethics behind our dApp.

One of the key philosophies behind Blockchain is that it gives people choice. In ave no other choice than to use the government recognized currencies and most impossible to gain access to our needs (ex. food) without doing so. This is n and even Ethereum as a network will always be option.

s have a chose to spend a minimal amount on our smart contract or spend a lot. les users to play MetaMiner and only pay a small gas fee for the minigames. Our e users to win rarer items based on input into their private/public mines. Therefore ave fun, learn and enjoy our dApp without having to spend much money.

everything on Blockchain networks, all information will be public. This ranges from t itself to the transactions being made on the Blockchain. Despite the contract will also of course utilize the cryptography from the Ethereum network to mation stays private.

e publish the smart contract for our game, we will not be able to change it se adoption our developments. The reason behind this is because it prevents us code to something the users disagree with.

publish our smart contracts, our game will be completely based on the network. m that point on is owned by all of the users (nodes) on the network. This follows the e Blockchain network.

Summ Wireframe

White Paper

matives Algorithm

High-Level Overview

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