What A Short Life by CM2 Student Giulia Alessandra Hettwer

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WHAT A SHORT LIFE By Giulia Alessandra Hettwer

CHARACTERS MORANA - 17 year old Danish girl. Quite sunken into herself, has been dealing with Cystic Fibrosis since a very young age which has made her quite weak and closed off. She is quite a shy person and has a small personality and is often overlooked especially by her family. EVAMorana’s best friend since childhood. Is probably the only one who knows the true Morana. She is the opposite of her friend, very open, bubbly and outspoken. She is a very extroverted person and constantly tries to get Morana out and about. DOCTOR - Older man, has been working at the hospital for a very long time. Is slightly frustrated due to the lack of promotions that he believes he deserves these last few years. Is a caring person but doesn’t like to get caught up in the patients’ personal lives too much. MRS JAMES - Morana’s mother. Has never really been very involved in her daughter's life due to her work. She’s a workaholic and this has negatively impacted her family life. She was quite unhappy when Morana was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis because it meant she had to take more time off from her work to care for her sick daughter. Deep down though she’s just afraid of being a bad mother and that is the reason why she has been so distant.



SCENE 1 The stage opens on a hospital scene. There is a single bed with an IV machine next to it as well as a small dresser and a chair. MORANA is sitting cross-legged on the bed writing her diary. ​(optimistically) ​Well it’s another day at the hospital. The doctors are saying that my condition is improving which makes me really happy. Maybe I will get to live to 30! This whole Cystic Fibrosis thing has been a real nightmare since I first got diagnosed but maybe now I’ll get to live a normal life!!

MORANA keeps on writing in her diary. The lights fade and on a screen behind her, headlines about the new COVID-19 situation show up. Lights and screen blackout. The only light is now coming from MORANA’s phone screen. On the screen behind her, text messages between her and her friend EVA appear. EVA’s voice can be heard off stage, she is not on stage. EVA:

Hi, heard you were at the hospital. You ok?


Hi, yeah I’m ok just had to have a routine check-up again, but now they want to keep me longer. How are you?


I’m ok. Did you hear about the new virus?


​ (shocked)​ No, I haven’t been able to see the news today. What is it?


It’s a new form of coronavirus, the first case in Europe was detected yesterday. Apparently, scientists think it’s going to spread fast.


Wait didn’t it start in China?


Yeah! Can you believe it’s already spread over here!


OMG no way! Well... let’s hope it isn’t too serious.


Yeah I hope so too. I should go, I still have some homework to finish, haha :)


Yeah definitely, I should probably sleep now. Talk to you soon!


Yup, talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight!

Lights fade.


SCENE 2 On the screen, the words ‘A WEEK LATER’ appear. 20 seconds later headlines of new cases in Denmark of the coronavirus appear on screen. Screen fades. The stage opens to the same hospital scene as earlier. MORANA is hooked up to an IV machine on her bed. DOCTOR enters with a clipboard.


Ms James, how are you feeling?


​(weakly)​ I’ve been better. ​(coughs into sleeve)


Ok, well we’ve run some tests on you since you’ve had a fever for a few days and we just got the results back. ​(Short pause)​ Ms James, I’ve got some bad news I’m afraid.


​(looks up at DOCTOR, worry clear on her face)​ I don’t have pneumonia again, do I? ​(coughs again)


No, Ms James. I’m afraid you’ve been tested positive for the coronavirus. We’re going to have to keep you in the hospital under observation for at least two weeks.

(Long pause) MORANA:

S-s--oo what exactly does this mean for me? ​(coughs and wheezes again)​ I mean how will this affect me with the CF and all?


We’re not exactly sure yet, however, we do know that you are at a higher risk of more serious issues due to the Cystic Fibrosis. I can assure you we will do everything we can to keep you alive and well. (Exits)

MORANA takes out her phone from a drawer in the dresser next to the bed and starts texting EVA. Every time a new text from EVA arrives a small notification noise can be heard. Throughout this conversation MORANA often stops texting to cough or wheeze into her sleeve. MORANA:

Eva, I just got diagnosed with corona. They have to keep me in the hospital even longer. I’m not exactly sure how to feel right now :(


OMG! Seriously? What are the doctors saying?


Well they said that they aren’t sure how it’s going to affect me. They had just told me my condition was improving last week. I can’t believe this.

MORANA starts tearing up. She lifts her head and wipes away some tears. EVA:

Listen Morana, you are going to be fine. I’m sure the doctors will take care of you!

DOCTOR enters the room after the last text from EVA. MORANA lays down her phone next to her bed and turns towards the DOCTOR. DOCTOR:

Alright Ms James, we’re going to take you to get some tests done ok?


​(nods her head) ​Alright how long will these take?


Around an hour, but trust me it won’t feel like a long time at all.

DOCTOR motions for two nurses to come onto the stage. The nurses enter from stage right, each one takes hold of one end of the bed with MORANA laying on it and wheel her out stage right. Lights fade.



SCENE 3 The scene opens onto the same hospital scene. MORANA is lying against the headboard of her bed, looking frailer than she did the last scene. In her hands, she is holding a diary and a pen. She is struggling to stay awake whilst writing her daily entry. The doctors have kept me in the hospital for two weeks now, and I’m starting to get really tired and bored of it all. (yawns)

MORANA starts reading and writing slower and slower. Her movements become slow as well. She starts yawning and snuggles down into her pillows and blanket more. MORANA:

Because of this coronavirus, I haven’t been able to have many visitors and it’s honestly getting really lonely. The doctors aren’t telling me much but I

can tell I’m getting weaker and weaker by the week. I don’t think I’m going to make it at this poi... Split scene. Stage right, MORANA nods off, her head falls to the side, her pen and diary fall out of her hands next to her. Lights fade until blackout and then stage left, a spotlight lights up on the DOCTOR. He is currently on the phone. DOCTOR:

Of course, Mrs James, we are doing everything we can for your daughter however her condition does seem to be worsening.

(Pause) DOCTOR:

No Mrs James, we aren’t sure how she caught the virus but I can assure you the hospital staff are all taking the proper safety precautions to keep our patients safe from this virus.

(Another pause) DOCTOR:

No our staff aren’t being tested at the moment. No ​(pause).​ Yes, I know that it’s important. ​(pause)​ Yes, Mrs James, I will bring it up with the Chief of Staff. However, I can assure you that any of our staff with symptoms are being asked to stay home.

(Another longer pause) DOCTOR:

Yes Mrs James, I will keep you updated of course. Yes, I’ll let your daughter know that you called. ​(pause)​ Thank you, Mrs James. Have a nice day!

DOCTOR hangs up the phone and puts it back in his pocket. He sighs, rubs his hand over his eyes in a tired motion. Then he exits stage left.


SCENE 1 Scene opens to a split scene. Stage left, EVA's bedroom, with a simple desk and chair and stage right is MORANA’s hospital room. EVA is currently sitting at her desk doing her homework whilst MORANA is sitting back on her bed on her phone.

MORANA, who looks better and seems stronger, taps a few times on her phone and then calls EVA. EVA lays down her pencil and picks up her phone lying next to her on the desk. MORANA:

Hey, how are you? I feel like we haven’t talked in ages!!


Yeah I know it’s been so long. I’m alright, just finishing this week’s homework. The teachers are giving us so much at the moment, I think they want us to be as prepared as possible before the schools close down next week. How are you?


I’m alright, I’ve obviously been hooked up to machines most of the time and it’s getting quite boring but other than that I think I’m fine. I seem to be doing better and the nurses are doing less and less check ups on me so I think that’s a good sign.


That’s so great! I’m really excited for you. I hope I get to see you soon, I’m not sure how realistic that is at the moment though. It’s crazy how fast this virus spread isn’t it?


Yeah, I just saw it on tv yesterday. Some of the other countries seem to be getting hit pretty badly, I mean have you seen Italy? It feels like one week the world was fine and the next it got turned on its head. I just hope I can get home soon. I really miss having my own privacy haha.


I can only imagine. The hospital isn’t really a nice place to stay for such a long time is it now?


No, not at all (laughs).


​ (holds hand to phone and yells stage left)​ Coming Mum!​ (talking to MORANA again)​ Well I’ve got to go, my mum just said dinner is ready. She really misses you by the way and wanted me to tell you that she wishes you all the best.


Aw, tell her thank you and that I miss her too, especially her cooking. I’ll talk to you soon then! Bye!


Yeah definitely. Bye!

EVA and MORANA both hang up the phone. EVA exits stage left.


SCENE 2 The scene opens to the DOCTOR’s office. One one side of his desk the DOCTOR sits in front of his computer. On the other side MORANA and her mother, MRS JAMES sit in two chairs.


​(looking at his computer) S ​ o, Morana we’ve done all the necessary tests these past few weeks and everything seems to be improving.


Does that mean she’ll be able to come home soon?


​ (looking at MORANA and her mother)​ Well I can’t give you an exact answer yet, but if Morana’s condition continues to improve then she should be able to go home by the end of this week.


​(looks to MORANA) W ​ ell that’s great news, isn’t it?


​(smiling) ​Yeah, it really is. I can’t wait to get home and see all my friends!


Alright, well I’ll let you know a few of the finer details when we get closer to releasing you. ​(stands)


Well thank you very much Doctor. ​(MORANA nods AND smiles to the DOCTOR in appreciation)

MRS JAMES and MORANA walk off stage left, whilst the DOCTOR sits back down and starts typing on his computer. Lights fade.


SCENE 1 The scene opens to MORANA’s empty hospital room on stage right. Her phone can be seen on the dresser next to the bed. On

the screen the words ‘A FEW DAYS LATER’ appear. On stage left, EVA is sitting at her desk facing the audience, her phone is in front of her. She picks up the phone and starts texting MORANA. Every time she sends a text, the phone next to MORANA’s bed vibrates and makes a small notification noise. EVA:

​ (text message alert) ​Hey, haven’t heard from you for a while. Are you ok?


Morana???? You ok? Please answer?


Ok I’m getting really worried now, please call me ASAP!!!

On the right side, MRS JAMES walks into MORANA’s room. She is crying and holding a tissue and trying to wipe the tears away. She notices MORANA’s phone and goes to pick it up. Seeing all the messages from EVA, she decides to call her. EVA:

Morana, thank god! I’ve been try--


Eva, this isn’t Morana. It’s her mother. I’ve got some bad news.

MRS JAMES sits down on MORANA’s bed. EVA stands up and starts pacing around the room while listening to MRS JAMES. MRS JAMES:

We all thought she was getting better, but she-- (sobs silently) well she didn’t make it through last night. The hospital informed us a few hours ago. I’m so sorry. I know she was your best friend.

(Pause) EVA:

Oh gosh, Mrs James, I’m-I’m so so sorry. Um, if-if-if there’s anything, and really I mean anything we can do for you at this time please let me know.


Thank you very much, Eva. Please just take some time for yourself at the moment.


I will. Well, I should go, Mrs James. Again, I’m so so sorry for your loss.


Thank you, Eva. (hangs up phone)

At the same time, MRS JAMES rises from the bed, takes the phone and wipes her tears as she walks off stage right. Meanwhile, EVA sits down at her desk again, staring at her phone. Her hands are shaking and she starts tearing up. She buries her head in her hands as her entire body is wracked with sobs. The lights fade until blackout. On the screen, a message appears ‘The COVID-19 virus may not seem threatening to those of us who are not at risk, but we can all be carriers! Please take into consideration those of us who are at a higher risk. Stay at home unless you need something, start testing our doctors and keep your distance when you go outside! We can all play a part in making sure this virus doesn’t spread more than it already has!’

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