Farewell CM1 Leaving Staff 2020
CM1 2019-20 Students and staff Malak Bouraa
Alexandria "Lexie" Gough
Mat Izmaylov
Adi Liftshitz
Seckhen Andrade
Ina Bicaj
Sarah Rose
Edward "Teddy" Farmer
Rowena Speed
Theo Aldrighi
Njeri Njoroge
Amelie Andreas
Angelina "Gigi" Engalla
Vega Lopez Gonzalez
Justin Smith-Hoopes
Viktoria Lohk
Napassakorn "Mak" Atireklapwarodom
Paula Marquina
Ignacio "Texas" Cowles
Soeun Kim
Vansh Chugh
Gabriela "Gabi" Cangussu
Julia Gwioździk
Adnan Mackovic
Michelle Marshall
Gareth Manning
Vansh Chugh
Guillermo "G" Hernández
Elyce Tundbridge
Effie-Ling Heslop
Adam Sturman
Hanna Westphal
Charlotte Steckart
Malak Bouraa
Alexandria "Lexie" Gough
Mat Izmaylov
Ryleigh Iverson
Jamie Steckart
Nila Nadathur Tiffany Green
Jess Pegram
Karen Kraal
Varvara "Vax" Šešlija
This picture is odd: you can't see half of the people in it, the angle is very weird, as well, and there is some sort of a metal bar caught by the lens. Still, I find it to be a great picture. For those of you who were there, please, look at it closer and just think. Think about the road that took us to Srebrenica. Think about the restaurant we had lunch at on that day. Think about the person you sat next to on the bus. Think about what you did when you got back to Sarajevo after that long day. Think about the cranberry juice. I'm sure it will make the picture worth looking at.
Jamie, Elyce and Karen, please, accept this book as a form of gratitude from all of us, for all the memories you helped create, and for all the sacrifices you made just to bring us happiness. Thank you.
Scan here for some extra dose of nostalgia (it's impossible to fit everything in a book)
For the past three years I’ve learned lots from and thanks to you. First of all, I’d like to thank you for your contributions to TGS and the curriculum we now have, being one of the first changemaker classes I can tell you it is truly an awesome thing. You’ve taught me how to be proud of my work and that feedback is really a gift. Your perseverance is very respectable and commitment to seeing this program through and making a change in the educational system. You’ve been part of an awesome team and will be missed.
I'm glad to get to know you for the past three years, and I'd love to get to talk to you more. I still remember that one time in Botswana where you basically called me out on how I was feeling and helped make me feel better. I also really appreciated your support and ideas for my mastery, Soare, which ended up influencing the project in pretty big ways (we did the beta and the pitch, and we're continuing with it after my graduation!). Thank you for your ideas and supporting me. Best,
Thank you for being you. I’ve learned so many things through observing how you go about life and work; your vision and leadership, your commitment to quality-time, whether it be for TGS or for your family and friends, and your trust in the process. I also want to acknowledge the whole Tenebrini-Steckart crew for taking on this challenge together. I am a much better version of myself having met you all and will forever be grateful for the warmth you have shown and the opportunities you have created for Adam and I. Of course, this is not goodbye, but a new beginning. “Kia hora te marino, Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te Kārohirohi i mua i tōu huarahi” May the calm be widespread, may the ocean glisten with greenstone, may the shimmer of light ever dance across your pathway. Forever a friend to you and yours. Arohanui,
Thank you for transforming so many lives by helping to shape TGS for the better. Although the idea of a travelling high school with project based learning still sounds bizarre to some people, you participated in making it happen. I wish you the best in continuing to teach people how to think and take meaningful, innovative actions.
This has been quite the journey and the big challenge for me in writing this is where do I start and how much should I write because we share so many awesome memories. Firstly, I want to thank you for providing myself and Rowena with so many opportunities to learn and grow professionally. I have really valued your mentorship and big picture thinking over the years as it has been a big influence on my personal educational philosophy and approach for the better. All of the trips and activities we have shared have been awesome and are totally unforgettable. What comes to mind is the Abel Tasman kayaking weXplore, Peru (the whole term), and playing real life fruit ninja (who did the RAMS for that?). I also want to express my appreciation to your family. I will never forget how welcoming you all were when you first started in New Zealand. You were all a solid pillar of support for me during that year so thank you all for being super cool. Jamie, you are a great friend and I wish you all the best with whatever paths you decide to take next.
"One of my best memories with Jaime comes from our coffee discussion at a Starbucks in Vancouver where on a Starbucks tissue paper, he explained Bloom's taxonomy and the normal distribution of various factors in remodeling education. Up till now, I carry that tissue paper in my journal and keep pondering on methods I could use to improve my learning in the liberal arts education system. Very heartfelt gratitude for his passion and vision for TGS & beyond. I have no doubt that you would succeed wherever you go next!
- Waji
Dear dad, Thank you for taking our family on this big grand adventure. If it wasn’t for you I would not have had the experiences that shaped who I am today. I look forward to our next year at home all together again and am excited about what is to come in the future. You have done an amazing job as an educator and a dad. Love you the most
-Charloî ˘e
I still remember the email you sent me about TGS, up until that point everything was mundane and I was tired of the education system. I never knew anything about PBL or TGS. That one email literally changed my life. Then meeting you in person… A true visionary that is relatable to everyone, it was weird having a Head of School that was so approachable. I always say to my self there is something ‘Ken Robinson’ about you lol(you’ve probably heard that before) lol. But I’m looking forward to reading your book and seeing what you do next now you are changing chapters. Thank you for giving me a new outlook on education. Thank you for believing I had something to offer TGS and thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for the sake of the progress of TGS FYI, Chris really enjoyed meeting you and as looking forward to actually working with you, he said you are the perfect Head of School. I agree and its testimony to who you are. You are truly an inspiring being, thank you. Good luck and ill see you soon!!
Jamie, Who knew when we met that life would take us on this road?! It has been a crazy ride, nonetheless. From the first days in Qatar to today, and probably a few more days down the road, I appreciated your enthusiasm for education, your willingness to find solutions when seemingly there were none, and your sincere care for staff and students. However, most importantly, I appreciated the cheesecakes and BBQs. :) I have learned from you and I hope to continue learning. I see you not only as my Head of School, but a friend, and a mentor, and I’m looking forward to our future cheesecakes and BBQs (all halal, of course!). Thank you for the amazing opportunities, but even more so, thank you for your friendship! Good luck next year.
You have been a tremendous influence on my thinking and evolving approach to education. I am grateful for your mentorship throughout the past 8 years as well as the trust you have given me to explore educational concepts and ideals with our staff and students. I have been lucky to get to know you and share in your vision and passion, be it the ideology of Kurt Hahn, the love of BBQ (or anything related to cooking meat), running in Sweden, strategizing and reframing in New Zealand, Costa Rica, Canada, Botswana, Japan… basically everywhere, the drive to push project based and experiential learning to benefit students around the world, or just enjoying a beach sunset. You have opened your heart and shared your family and I appreciate this treasured connection. I won’t miss you because you will be a much consulted guide in my future and a lifelong friend.
I’d simply like to express some of my gratitude to you for helping to run this school and make this curriculum that I’ve benefited from so immensely. I’m certain that it wouldn’t have turned out so well and been so fantastic for the students if you hadn’t been the head of school. Thanks a lot for that,
-Teddy Farmer
You really do fascinate me, and the truth is that I appreciate you far more than I express. I want to take the time to say thank you for all you have done for me, which is no less than change my life forever and very much for the better. Really, thank you. It’s no exaggeration to say that you’ve had a truly important and positive impact on peoples’ lives, and indeed, on the educational world. You’ve been a great role model for so many of us, as students and educators, because you walk your talk. You exude caring, intelligence, passion, criticality, courage, creativity, and amazing leadership. But what I actually admire the most is that you’re a genuinely good person. You’re powerful yet you remain uncorrupted. You could have used your gifts solely for self-serving ends, yet you didn’t and you don’t. But instead you have devoted decades of your life to serving kids and helping humanity. I love that about you. Lots of love and respect to you, Jamie. Wishing you and your family all the best on your next adventures. Truly hope our paths cross again sooner rather than later!
Hallo Karen! Wie geht’s dir? Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut. Die letzten Monaten sind verrückt gewesen. Am Anfang, Chile war super toll und ich habe die Wanderung geliebt. Meine Ankunft in Chile war ziemlich interessant. Ich habe am Flughafen geschlafen, weil ich meine Tickets am falschen Tag gebucht habe. Außerdem bin ich am Tag davor zu einer Party gegangen (immer noch in Mexiko). Die Party hat drei Stunden vor meinem Flug geendet und deshalb war meine Reise zum Flughafen super chaotisch. Jedenfalls war es super schön, alle die TGS Personen wiederzusehen, aber Ich war ein bisschen traurig, weil du nicht da warst. Ich und alle anderen Schüler haben über dich gesprochen und wir waren glücklich, weil wir gedacht haben, wir würden dich in Italien sehen. Aber unsere Freude verschwand schnell, als Adnan uns gesagt hat, wir würden nicht nach Italien gehen. Dies ist ein paar Tage nach der Wanderung passiert. Wir waren nicht bereit für diese Nachrichten aber wir mussten es wissen. Die neuen Schüler waren super traurig aber die Seniors waren niedergeschlagen/am Boden zerstört. Sie hatten viele Fragen über Graduation und ihre Zukunft aber Adnan (und auch die anderen Lehrer) konnte nicht diese Fragen antworten. Trotzdem hatten wir ein bisschen Hoffnung, weil nichts sicher war. Jetzt gibt es keine Hoffnung. Wir gehen nicht nach Italien und wir haben wieder Online Term. Doch wir bekamen einige gute Nachrichten. Adnan hat gesagt, dass wir sicher Graduation haben werden. Das hat die Stimmung verbessert und die Leute sind jetzt ein bisschen ruhiger. Nichts mehr ist passiert. Die Quarantäne ist wirklich langweilig und ich habe nichts anderes gemacht als Deutsch, Mathematik, Module und Computerspiele. Ich denke, mein Deutsch hat sich sehr seit Australien verbessert. Ich kann ziemlich gut schreiben und Ich kann viele mehr Wörter verstehen. Es ist immer noch hart für mich, meine Ideen auszudrücken aber Ich werde langsam besser. Am Anfang des Schuljahres habe ich gedacht, dass ich fließendes Deutsch im Mai sprechen würde. Es ist lustig für mich jetzt aber ich war super motiviert. Früher wusste Ich nicht, wie hart es ist, eine neue Sprache zu lernen. Es ist klar für mich jetzt aber ich denke, dass ich sehr weit gekommen bin. Es ist verrückt zu denken, dass ich vor einigen Monaten nichts auf Deutsch sagen konnte.
In Bosnien konnte ich nur meinen Namen sagen und woher ich komme. Ich glaube, ich habe gute Arbeit geleistet und Ich möchte dir danken. Ich weiß nicht, was ich ohne dich getan hätte. Vom Anfang an hast du an mich geglaubt und ich bin für immer dankbar. Du hast mich motiviert, meinen Träumen zu folgen und du warst die erste Lehrerin, die mein Leben geändert hat. Die Welt braucht mehr Personen wie du. Personen mit großen Herzen und tollen Persönlichkeiten. Ich werde niemals vergessen, als du mich und Justin in Bosnien zum Arzt gebracht hast und als du mir erlaubt hast, in Jeans zum Fitnessstudio zu gehen. Ich vermisse dich sehr und ich hoffe, dass ich dich in Graduation sehen kann. Mit Liebe,
It has been an honour to share so many moments with you these past five years, Karen. You have been a positive influence with your joy of life and straight forward approach. I didn’t know how lucky I was when I first met up with you in Sweden and we became fast friends; running on the trails in Nacka. It has been an absolute joy to have shared so many adventures, biking, hiking, surfing, Bollywood dancing, self defence, photo shoots and kick boxing to name a few. Through our travel and work together we have debated, joked, shared stories, explored, worked out, and most importantly laughed endlessly at our stories and adventures. I am so grateful for your support to me as a friend and a colleague. You have encouraged me and given me confidence when I needed it. I will miss you dearly but I know you will continue to shine your light brightly in the world. All the best in your next adventures.
-Cheî „e
You have always been there for me at TGS and I can always count on you for snacks. I remember once talking to you way back in Peru about what I wanted to accomplish at TGS once I was a student and it is so weird now that I have finished and am moving on to the next stage in my life to think back to that night so long ago. I hope you are well and love whatever you do next. I miss you! Stay in touch,
-Charloî ˘e
You have always made the TGS community feel like a home, for every single student who has the joy of knowing you. I hope you continue to add that special Karen touch in your adventures beyond TGS. You will be well missed here, but I think it’s finally time we let the rest of the world get a piece of your amazingness! All love,
KAREN!!! Just a year ago I was sitting with you in the back of a room in Greece, making this booklet for Rachel and Matt as Mastery Defense was happening. I can’t believe it is now my turn to write this to you. I’ll keep it short knowing that many others will appreciate the space and that we will surely stay in touch. First, of all, I’m glad you waited until I’m graduating to leave, it’s greatly appreciated. This past year would’ve been a lot more boring without you.
Now, onto the serious stuff, you are one of the most caring, intelligent, supportive, and loving individuals I’ve ever met. All your stories, the way you see life is something truly admirable. I’ll miss finding your face as I’m presenting or doing something stressful to find a smile and support that will bring calm back to me and a hug once it’s all over. You have been there for me for hugs when I cry, reassurance when I doubt, and lots of laughter just by being around. You mean so much to me and my time at TGS that I can’t imagine any part of it without you. Just being around you would make me smile and feel safe and there aren’t enough words for me to express how much this all means to me and how grateful I am.
From taking Spanish together, brainstorming for my projects, laughing about silly things in life, practicing presentations and buying pp stuff or snacks, telling stories to each other to many other things. I’m gonna miss you and our long talks, crazy ideas, and loud laughing while snacking very much. Lots of love,
Ps. Stay in touch, please!
"Karen, thank you so much for being such inspiration. I still remember the day you came to pick me up from Rabat airport, gave me the courage and motivation to continue with the semester even though I was two weeks late. I recently completed Ramadan and on multiple occasions, I thought of us doing iftar just the way Adnan, you, and I would in Canada. May your next destination be fruitful. Sending you lots of hugs, and love!
From the moment I watched your TGS introduction video on Google Slides, until now (and possibly forever) I’ve always been impressed by how much wisdom you hold. You told us to be grateful to have the opportunity we’ve been given, and I’ve certainly followed that advice, and I won’t stop anytime soon. I’m very curious about all the adventures you’ve had, and wish you the best in the ones ahead. You should really consider writing your memories and advice down, I think many people would benefit from that. Thank you so much for being there for everyone! You’ve always been there when any of us were sick, hungry, or needed a laugh. I’ll miss you dearly with all fellow TGS students. Tell me when you visit Estonia, and I’ll show you around!
Super K,
I recently realized you hold everyone’s secrets. Lol. Thank you Karen for reaching out to me and being interested in getting to know me. Thank you for trips to the various restaurants in various countries, your exquisite taste, your jokes the nice ones, and the borderline ones, lol. Thank you for your honesty and your warm heart. Thank you for your legal advice and your great grammar lol. Thank you for making me feel welcome to visit you in Malaysia (I will, I will). It’s Sad to imagine coming to TGS and you aren’t there … where is Karen (im already feeling it) It’s not the same... Karen, you are super in many ways and if you were in the same country I would give you a superhero costume with a big K in the front. But I know you are the type of hero who is always undercover.
Miss ya, I’ll see ya in Malaysia unless you visit TGS before (maybe for next years graduation, who knows)
Karen, what is TGS without you? I may be one of the luckiest for getting to spend so much time 1-1 with you over AdiXplores! No matter how hard, or sick I’ve been over these trips, you always spread a sense joy of adventure. I think it’s because you have a talent to make everything fun, and maybe because there's always good food around when you’re there, from ordering 6 crepes for 3 people at a restaurant, just because why not? To cooking pancakes together for a couple of hours while talking about mango trees and just have the best time, or rushing the streets of San Jose and almost getting you ear spointenisly pierced. Yet, if I have to pick the thing I’m most grateful for is how much you care. Almost everyone I talked to think they're the closest to you, and that they have the most special ‘Karen-bond’, because you truly care. Often you’ll remind me of something we talked about 3 years ago, after I haven’t seen you in the longest time, or you’ll take me to the doctor, and it’s evident that you truly care about us. I’m so grateful you were there for my TGS journey, it truly wouldn’t have been the same without you. Thank you Karen, I’ll miss you so much (which is fine cause you’re coming to visit me),
My dearest Karen,
I miss you so so much and I while I am sure that you are excited to open a new chapter of your life, future TGS students will be missing out by not having you around. For me, you were always there, in the background, never willing to take selfies but always observing how am I doing and willing to talk to, put me on the right path and tell me how everything will get better. I think the first time we got closer was during the MUN trip to Mostar but ever since I met you I liked you so much and I admired your style and your ability to make people around you laugh. I hope that you realize that while your role at TGS was kinda in the backwards like you are on my selfies, your impact was huge and we were all grateful to have you there and excited to gossip with you and share our lives with you. I love you so much and text me how are you doing, we should face time, I am dying to hear whats waiting next for you and what amazing future you are gearing towards. Yours,
Here are my two pics that I found with you I hope you remember taking these ;)
Kare, Kare, Remember the time when you didn’t even talk to me in Sweden!? And then the time when you were worried about snipers in Bosnia!? And then the time we lived together in Vancouver!? Or the time we lost our mansion in Morocco and I had to carry my laundry across town to your house in the Casbah!? :) I have truly enjoyed getting to know you over the past years and I am so happy that we have become friends. I appreciate and am grateful for all the laughter, serious conversations, or unsolicited advice on marriage deals. I look forward to the years of travel between Malaysia and Bosnia! Thank you for being a good friend and may next year bring speedy and full recovery.
- Adnan
Dear Karen, Although our first interaction at TGS happened during a time that I don’t like looking back on when I think of my TGS experience, I will always remember it to this day. It was my first semester at the school, and unfortunately, I had a meeting with Jamie, Ashley, and Mike about (you know what). After going through a couple of the hardest days I experienced at TGS, I came out of the meeting feeling like I had done everything I could for my roommate and that everything that happened afterward was out of my control. As I walked out of the meeting, I remember you pulling me aside and telling me I should be a lawyer and that you were impressed by the case I made during the hour-long discussion. This quick interaction I had with you and your honest words have stuck with me to this day. The simple act of hearing this as a young 17-year-old teenager reassured me that I could be anything I wanted to be if I put my mind and energy to it. After reflecting on this, I have learned that an honest comment about someone’s actions and hard work goes a long way, so thank you for this. Thank you for always asking how I was doing when we bumped into each other and smiling when a smile was needed. I wish you all the best in this coming year and the years to come.
- Nico Hibbard
Karen! You have most definitely been one of my favourite people at TGS, and it’s a shame I didn’t get to know you better. It’s basically fun every time you’re around. You have a real zest for life and a tenacious spirit that burns with curiosity. I love that about you. And you always make me laugh. The value you have added to my TGS experience, personally, has been huge, and I’m truly grateful to have worked with you. Lobster claws post-desert dunes. Biking and Greek Island tunes. Kangaroo tails and digeridoos. That’s what Karen and Gareth do. Or did. But maybe one day another adventure awaits. I appreciate you immensely and truly wish you a swift recovery and all the best in your secret (scandalous, probably) future. Lots of love,
Ever since I met you, you have been nothing but kind, attentive, funny, helpful, caring (and all the other good things) to us. I still remember, back in India, you stayed up late to take care of us, while you were sick yourself. That action of yours taught me to be considerate and to always help those in need. I think a lot of alumni would agree that your kind actions have helped us a lot in life. You are a true guardian for the students, and words fail to express how lucky I was (and we were) to have you. Best of luck on your journey. I know that you will shine wherever you go. It’s been amazing to know you. Love you,
-Kien The Ngo
I’m so happy you came into my life way back in 2016! From the first emails we exchanged about medkits before you were even on site I knew you were going to be wicked at your job and a true GB! Of course, it wasn’t long before we were spooning at the res (I’m still not sure you really were locked in that night) and in our tent 4600m up the Salkantay Pass! What an adventure it’s been! Lots of work but also so much fun! I’ve always admired your commitment to cheerfulness even when I’m sure you don’t feel like it and your checking me with my too much work talk! I’m really glad we’ll have this experience to look back on but also that we can move forward as just friends! It’s been so nice to hear about all of the wholesome things you’re up to at home and I really look forward to seeing you move forward with ‘your thing. Whatever it may be, I know it will be great! Much love to you my friend. See ya soon, I’m sure!
Dear Elyce, Oftentimes I think back to our early days, way back when in Vancouver, and I stand in pure disbelief of the amount of work we did and how tired we would be at the end of each day, to the point that we’d need to have horizontal meetings. :) It has been a pleasure creating this mess with you from scratch, with all its ups and downs along the way. What I’ll remember the most, however, is the silliness, laughter, and the hard work. Your diligence and commitment, not only to the ideas we were trying to implement but also to staff and students. Thank you for your support! Thank you for your creativity! But most importantly, thank you for being a friend! That house in Australia better have a spare room for overseas guests, especially if it’s around Freo. Good luck with everything next year and keep in touch
This isn’t an easy letter to write but it also isn’t a goodbye more like a thank you and see you later. I’m not sure if you remember but at the end of my first year, I gave you a little note that said something among the lines of: “Elyce, you’ve been like a mom (in the best way possible), aunt, and friend this year. I can’t believe you won’t always be with us, not next year at least. You are super friendly, organized, kind, and caring. Always guiding us to do our best. The past 11 months, you’ve been with me in the good and hard moments, I can’t imagine next year without you here. I will miss you so so much. Please remember us and that we love you” I still mean every word of it, just rephrase it into it being 2 ish years instead of a few months. You have been there when I needed a hug or a laugh, when I had to make tough choices, face my fears, and also when I had to celebrate my successes or accomplishments. You have shown me how to be true to myself and look after myself as much as I do to others or at least try. You are an incredible listener, fun person, and incredible human who I look up to and hope I could get to know better. I’m really gonna miss you but know that you are gonna do incredible things and your family will be lucky to have you around again. Thank you for taking care of me and teaching me so much. Love,
Ps. When you left the first year our last night we danced as much as we could, even if it’s virtually we should do it again.
I have enjoyed sharing this amazing adventure that is TGS with you; from developing elaborate spreadsheets, exploring mindfulness, masterminding scavenger hunts, river rafting in Bosnia, Halloween horrors in Melbourne, Dirty Dancing lip sync in India, foot massages in Botswana, transporting chemical test kits to India, or a weekend kayaking trip in the fjords of Chile - you are always ready for adventure with a wide open heart and a joke or two. Thanks for being an uplifting and supportive colleague and a light hearted co-conspirator when the times called for it. I wish you all the best in your next adventures.
-Cheî „e
Thank you for being there and supporting me, especially in the first year where I don't even know how many times I've run to you for emotional support. I'm still not sure how I'd survive the first yer if you aren't there. Also, thank you for staying back and working on everything behind the scenes and missing out on most weXplores (glad you get to go to the Chile hike!). I'm glad to have you back with us this year and that the new kids (are they still new? not really?) have a chance to get to know you. Good luck with the future! If you're ever in Thailand, don't forget to tell me (I'll also do the same thing if I'm visiting) and I'll get to ya if I'm here. :)
Elyce, Thanks so much for everything that you have done for TGS. As part of the StudentLife team when you first started you were such a great addition to the team. That first year was an absolute doozy (Peru) but with your help we were able to keep it enjoyable even when we were faced with some pretty full on challenges. Your positive mindset and energy made collaborating as a team easy and enjoyable. It’s very clear your work ethic is absolutely amazing, you have continuously worked so hard in the logistics role making sure our programme is as seamless as it can be with all of the moving parts involved. I don’t think I have seen many people work as hard as you do so thank you for that too. That being said I hope you don’t have to work as hard in whatever you choose to do in the future and can take it a bit easier. It has been great to get to know you over the past few years Elyce and it has been great to share some amazing experiences with you and have some hilarious stories to tell. I’m sure we will be in regular contact and will hear about your future endeavors and adventures. Catch you later,
Elyyyyceeee <3 I tried so so sooo hard to find a selfie with you but could not although I would promise we did take some! Instead, I’m uploading here a photo I took of you, at a beautiful little trip in Marocco <3 I think it was in Fez and it was quite emotional times for me and I was really grateful that you were there for me, always telling me how it was, but also with a caring approach that made me believe in myself… I know that when we met we weren’t totally best friends from the first day but that progress of first being mean girls and then having to work together (on the most amazing experience of my highschool aka wreckingball) and then being able to be friends and support each other (well you mainly supported me oops but I did try to stand behind you when I could) that really meant a lot of me and helped me grow as a person. <3 anyways future TGS students are missing out on not being able to have you there and I am so excited to hear what’s next for you, let’s connect on Insta, Yours <3
I remember meeting you briefly for the first time in Greece, almost 3 years ago... I was so tired!!! Then I arrived in TGS the next year and CM1 wouldn’t stop talking about your legendness (lol). Finally, I got to see it for a year, up close as an advisory partner. Your motherly nature, the way you care deeply about everyone’s well being (including staff) and your light-heartedness, its a rare combination that catches me off guard, because I’m used to motherly type people being a certain way!!! Its been a hell of a year and I hope to bump into you one day somewhere lol. Good luck with your future endeavors and your YouTuber prospects All the Best,
We all know how hard and demanding your job is, and how sometimes the logistics and coordinating might not be the funnest job, and I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know if we said thank you enough times for putting together the greatest terms and craziest experiences. But when we were on site it was so easy to forget you were behind it all, you always had a big smile, always socialized, participated in community events, and initiated community time on your duties. You went out of your way for us to have a good time, or at least listen to our weird ideas for activities. You were always there rather it was to hear our problem, and provide emotional support, or rather we needed to have fun and make sushi together. I hope one day youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be able to get me back for the prank I pulled in Athens (which, to be honest is definitely up on my top 10 highlights of TGS). Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll miss you and thank you so much for everything,
Thank you so much for all you have done for me in the past three years I have known you. You always know how to cheer me up when I’m down and have a laugh with me anytime anywhere. I’ll miss you so much, but I know we’ll meet up again one day and share another laugh in some random corner of the world. Stay in touch, Love ya <3
You’re an excellent human. The students were so right about you, and you will rightfully be really missed. But I couldn’t support you more in following your heart home, and I know you’ll build a great life there. It’s tough to pin my nose on it, but I’ve been trying to figure out what it is that I admire about you the most. I think it’s the easeless way in which you bring order to chaos. That’s no small feat in any situation, but at TGS it can appear almost magical at times. I’m deeply grateful for your hard work, competence, genuine caring, and positive attitude. You’re/were truly great to work with. We both travel. I meet people all over the place all the time. Our paths will cross and glasses will clink again! :) Lots of love to you,