THINK Global School Viewbook

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Founded in 2010, THINK Global School is the world’s first and only international traveling high school. Each year students live and learn in four different countries, making unforgettable connections between their education and the world around them.






School Overview

Mission & Core Values

Academic Calendar







Project-Based Learning

Changemaker Pillars

Learning Targets & Skills Mastery





Student Life

A Week in the Life

University Preparation

Admissions Overview





Admissions Deadlines

Evidence of Success

Parent Testimonials

Founder’s Note


School Overview An education unlike any other THINK Global School is a traveling high school where students live and learn in four countries each year, making unforgettable connections between their education and the world around them. Learning at THINK Global School is student-centered and project-based, meaning students have a large say in how their academic experiences take shape. Imagine learning about conservation and data analysis by tracking animals in Botswana’s Okavango Delta or connecting the dots between geometry and navigation while on a sailboat in Oman. Only at THINK Global School does world exploration meet an academically rigorous curriculum supported by small classes, an impressive 4:1 student/teacher ratio, cutting-edge technology, and infinite opportunities for students to pursue their passions.

Some of the things I appreciate the most in life are freedom of thought and freedom of learning. THINK Global School offers both.

r e m r a F -Teddy 4

Class of 2021, Iceland


Our Mission THINK Global School challenges learners, through firsthand experiences of global travel, to become compassionate individuals who are curious and knowledgeable about the world and motivated to affect meaningful change.

Our Core Values In all aspects of living and learning, we value:



Treat others with understanding, compassion, and respect.

Modify your actions to protect the environment by adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.

GRIT Persevere – embrace challenges with passion and courage.

改善 KAIZEN (JAPANESE) Continually improve – be self-aware, responsible, and disciplined.

MERAKI (GREEK) Put all of yourself – your soul, creativity and love – into your work.



Thirst for knowledge – be open, be curious, and challenge assumptions.

SATYA (SANSKRIT) Live truth – in a way that is honest, steadfast, and uplifting to others.

UBUNTU (ZULU) Connect to a greater whole – in mutual support and community.

Personality-wise, I’ve improved a lot on self-discipline, initiative, and also empathy because THINK Global School really fosters conversations I would not have had at home. I’ve also become more inquisitive about other people and cultures and no longer assume that people are all the same.

r e v ö H n -Mare

Class of 2019, Germany


Academic Calendar A schedule with our students’ best interests in mind

At THINK Global School, the world is our classroom. Students travel to four countries each academic year and immerse themselves for eight weeks into the new and the unfamiliar. The beauty of learning abroad is that students return home with new ideas, new appreciations, and new perspectives on how to best impact their home communities.

Before each term begins, students take part in a week of online learning to review expectations and prepare for the wide-ranging experiences that lie ahead. This valuable portion of the term provides a runway for students to maximize their time incountry and hit the ground running once their plane touches down.

In between countries, students have five weeks at home to reconnect with family and friends, participate in online learning, including background research and preparatory reading, work on local service initiatives, and self-study for optional AP and other college entrance exams.

2023-24 Travel Calendar OCT

Term 1

8 weeks of school







Term 2

5 weeks of break









Bosnia & Herzegovina


Term 3

Week of online learning

Term 4




Below are the countries students can expect to experience during their time at THINK Global School. Can you locate them on the map?

Answers: 1) Botswana 2) Canada 3) Italy 4) Greece 5) Ecuador 6) Australia 7) Japan 8) Brazil 9) Sweden 10) BiH




Our Locations 10







9 10 4



1 6








The Changemaker Curriculum A program as dynamic as our students The Changemaker Curriculum combines high academic standards with student-driven, projectbased learning. Through development in three key areas—mastery, autonomy, and purpose—the Changemaker Curriculum shapes informed global citizens who are empowered to enact change.


Comprehensive knowledge in a skill


The ability to act on one’s own


Belonging to something greater than yourself


THINK Global School is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

Learning Methodology You won’t find a standard classroom setting at THINK Global School. Instead, students learn through a series of self-directed personal projects and teacher-led modules. This student-centered approach to learning emphasizes proactive problem solving, creativity, and deep critical thinking—invaluable skills in our increasingly globalized world.

Faculty A school is only as good as its educators and our faculty are some of the best in the world, from all over the world. These passionate experts and educational innovators take a whole-child approach, placing equal emphasis on wellness and academics. Each of our faculty members possesses a unique skill set, which they draw upon to mentor students during project work. So while our students guide

their own learning, they can always depend on one of our faculty members to provide informed guidance when in need.

Advisory Small, multi-age advisory groups form the home base for each student. Consisting of two advising educators and eight students, each group contributes to a sense of belonging while far from home. Students can count on their advisors for academic and personal support alongside the cohort’s counselor. These bonds develop through shared experiences, deep discussions, and quality time each week. Working one-on-one with an advisor, students craft an individual learning plan that meets our graduation requirements alongside their own academic and development goals. Advisors also serve as one of many points of contact for family back home.

THINK Global School is a member of the following organizations.

Place-based Learning Schooling through exploration and connectivity Place-based learning bridges the gap between students and their communities, linking them with the broader world through engaging, hands-on experiences rooted in real-world contexts. By leveraging the unique attributes of geography, community members, and local cultures, it cultivates and delivers a personalized learning journey for each student. Pictured: Students Jack, Zheka, and Mafer interview a member of the Emberá community in Panama about feminine identity in the Emberá community.



Project-based Learning Active learning through meaningful projects

Project-based learning models how we live and work in the real world and challenges students to acquire a deep understanding of complex issues. Projects are multidisciplinary and collaborative, providing authentic opportunities for students to think critically, guide their learning, and hold themselves accountable for high-quality results.


Central to project-based learning is the belief that learning should be messy and that failure is a valuable part of the learning process. We encourage students to tackle the questions behind their projects from all angles, trying and reflecting until they ultimately succeed. This approach builds in students the hard and soft skills, like problemsolving and perseverance, that are so valuable in the global economy today.

Project Types Teacher-led Modules Each term, students participate in one of three teacher-led modules. These modules dive deep into topics relevant to the countries we call home. Students work in teams or individually to acquire knowledge, engage with community experts, and deliver innovative products of which they can be proud. The goal is for students to apply their newfound understandings to the world around them.

Personal Projects Students work on one or more personal projects each term. These projects are a chance for students to explore their passions and develop 21st-century skills that will aid them at university, in the workplace, and in the course of everyday life. If a student is genuinely excited about a personal project’s concepts, we encourage them to convert the personal project into a mastery project.

Mastery Projects Mastery projects present an opportunity for our students to pursue their passions by linking a concept they genuinely care about to a learning target of their own creation. Mastery projects take one of two forms: the creation of an original piece of work or the teaching of acquired knowledge to their peers. Mastery projects conclude with a mastery presentation and defense, where students are expected to convey a profound understanding of their project and how the learning target is associated with it.


Future Domains Technical skills for tomorrow’s world Beginning in the 2023-24 school year, THINK Global School introduced the concept of ‘Future Domains.’ The Future Domains are five learning lenses that our educators can integrate each term into their module content, including driving questions, excursions, and guest speaker lectures. The Future Domains are: Biomedical Sciences

Environmental Systems

Money Mechanics

Multimedia Craftsmanship

Tech Frontier & Innovations

Developed by our professional development arm, THINK Learning Studio, the Future Domains are designed to prepare students for global challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, and economic inequality by focusing on five fields of study that could profoundly impact our lives at any moment. By engaging in modules featuring the Future Domains, TGS students develop technical expertise that is highly coveted in the modern workplace. They also build Emotional Intelligence (EQ) skills that allow them to effectively express themselves and recognize others’ emotions, also vital in personal and professional contexts.

About THINK Learning Studio: THINK Learning Studio is a dynamic professional training center offering workshops, expeditions, and consulting services to help educators and schools inspire interdisciplinary project-based learning around the world.


Why choose these five Future Domains? •

Biomedical Sciences: Offering a decoder to the blueprint of life, biomedical sciences have the potential to revolutionize medicine and agriculture, solve biological challenges, and improve our overall health and well-being.

Environmental Systems: Critical to our collective survival, environmental systems maintain planetary health, balance, and sustainability, upon which all life and societal progress depend.

Money Mechanics: Financial literacy is necessary for all, and an understanding of money mechanics enables the empowerment of personal fiscal choices, safeguarding against economic volatility, the fostering of entrepreneurship, and the encouragement of community and national growth.

Multimedia Craftsmanship: As the digital age continues to evolve, multimedia craftsmanship skills will allow us to navigate diverse communication landscapes, meet evolving audience expectations, integrate multiple technologies cohesively, and learn to use language and storytelling both in local and global contexts.

Tech Frontier & Innovations: Providing the infrastructure for the future, the tech frontier and innovations connect individuals, disseminate information, foster global collaboration, augment human possibilities, and redefine what is possible.

Future Domains Spotlight: Genomic Justice in Bosnia & Herzegovina

During the Genomic Justice module, participants explored the activist group Mothers of Srebrenica’s fight for reparations following the 1995 Srebrenica Massacre. They examined the genocide’s history, geneticists’ role in identifying human remains through DNA sequencing, and the legal battles taking place at the United Nations.


Project Spotlights

Conservation and Storytelling in the Okavango Delta

Blockchain and Disruption in the Business World

Driving Question: How does Botswana’s government track the density and movement of wildlife in the Greater Okavango Delta?

Driving Question: In what ways can blockchain technologies be catalysts for disruption and efficiency within the business world?

In this module, students work with local conservation experts to recognize animal tracks, sight predominant species, and identify vegetation in Northern Botswana.

For this module, students design the schematic for a specific dAPP (decentralized application) on a blockchain framework that improves security, efficiency, or the quality of life for a target industry or community. It’s an opportunity to explore a technology-based topic that most participants only have an intermediate understanding of and develop their algorithmic thinking and metacognition by doing so.

Following their time in the field, students analyze the data and propose solutions that could profoundly affect the wildlife, such as the digging of watering holes, to the scientists conducting a long-term conservation study for the Botswanan government.


Reconciliation in Bosnia & Herzegovina

TGS Gives Through E-commerce

Driving Question: How is the complex and ongoing process of reconciliation taking place in Bosnia & Herzegovina?

Driving Question: How can e-commerce solutions aid local Indian economies and communities?

In this module, students witness different perspectives by hearing firsthand from Bosniak, Serb, and Croat survivors and by visiting religious sites central to BiH’s three ethnic groups. Students also visit the city of Srebrenica, the site of the conflict’s worst massacre, and Mostar, a city that remains divided along ethnic lines.

To answer this driving question, students work in conjunction with iandigenous Warli artisans to establish an e-commerce site for their wares. Through these firsthand experiences, students gain valuable insights into the transformation of global economics.

To demonstrate their learning, students create and present a product of their choice centered around their experiences in BiH.


Mastery Project Spotlight Ecology of the Mind by Soeun Kim For her mastery project, Class of 2020 student Soeun Kim set out to create a work of art that explores our world by focusing on its most essential component: the mind. In doing so, Soeun endeavored to answer the following driving question: How can I acquire a deep understanding of Buddhist philosophies and their perspectives on the self and the world by creating an original short film? To do so, Soeun spent time learning about the basis of cognition, behavior, and data collection alongside filmmaking techniques. For the latter, she chose Ashoka Fellow and documentary filmmaker Chanpil Jung as her project mentor, who taught her a variety of invaluable skills related to photography, filmmaking, and visual literacy.


For the second stage of her project, Soeun embarked on an 11-day filming excursion at the remote Mihwangsa temple in Haenam, South Korea. Here she interviewed a Buddhist monk, Kum Kang Sunim, and heard him share centuriesold Buddhist insights, which Soeun believes have the potential to revolutionize cognitive science. Alongside filming Kum Kang Sunim, Soeun used her camera to capture the temple’s inhabitants’ everyday routines and Haenam’s surrounding natural beauty.


Learning Targets The foundation of every project at THINK Global School

Every project at THINK Global School is based on learning targets, which provide clear objectives of what the student wishes to accomplish through their work. These are the standards that define a TGS education and form the backbone of our curriculum.

Learning targets span ten categories and represent a broad spectrum of knowledge. All students must satisfactorily incorporate each of our learning targets into at least one project during their time at THINK Global School to ensure a comprehensive education.

Learning Targets at TGS Language Arts • Processing and Comprehendin! • Active Literac' • Rhetoric

Inquiry and Research Design • Research Methods

Self-Development and Social Intelligence • Well-:ein! • Self-Reliance • Leadershi/ • Buture Planning

Interpretation and Expression • Creation of Original Piece • Interpretation

Mathematical Reasoning and Modeling • Discrete Mathematicq • Statistics and Probabilit' • Bunctions and Algebrï • weometry

Applied Science and Technology

People and Cultures

• Scientific Conceptq • Applied Experimental Science and Problem Solving/Methods

• Anthropology and Sociolog' • Human weograph' • History, Institutions, and Traditionq in Societ' • Philosophy

Human Systems and Stewardship • Stewardshi/ • Environmental Impact Statementq • Environmental La • Human Impact an Environment

World Languages • Boreign Language Òse

21st-Century Skills • Sisual Literac' • Information Literac' • Multicultural Literacy


• wlobal Awarenesq • Adaptability/Managing Complexit' • Self-Directiob • Creativity

• RisÉ-TaÉin! • Teaming and Collaboratiob • Critical ThinÉin! • Effective Communication

Skills Mastery The skills students learn today will be invaluable tomorrow

Mastering applicable skills is another critical component of a THINK Global School education. Our objective is to see students not just retain their learning but also tap into their potential on the world’s stage.

Students must achieve the rank of novice in all of our learning targets, the rank of specialist in 70% of our learning targets, and complete one mastery project to meet the graduation requirements for THINK Global School.


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Students have the opportunity to attain the rank of Novice, Specialist, and Master for each of our learning targets, a tiered approach to skill development informed by Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Students move up in rank by successfully demonstrating a learning target to their advisor through their project work.

No vic e

Sp e


lis t




Produce New or Original Work

Justify a Stand or Position

Draw Connections Among Ideas Use Information in New Situations



Explain Ideas or Concepts

Recall Facts and Basic Concepts

Assessment and mastery based on Bloom’s Taxonomy


Student Life Join a close-knit community from all across the world Diversity Your new best friend could be from anywhere. With diversity at the core of our mission, we’ve welcomed students from over sixty countries and many socioeconomic backgrounds, ethnicities, and systems of belief. By reaching across cultural and geographical divides, students begin the challenging work of overcoming biases not just for themselves but for all of humankind.

Safety Abroad Student safety is our top priority. It’s why we exhaustively research and vet each host location, provide international medical insurance for all students, have all onsite staff trained in advanced first aid (WFR), and partner with iSOS—the world’s leading medical and travel security assistance program—to meet student needs in all situations.

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TGS really helped me get to know a more global community than my old school, where everyone I knew was similar to me, came from the same county, and had the same life experiences. At TGS, everyone has been brought up in a completely different world, and it’s pretty amazing. It’s an opportunity to truly expand your boundaries and grow as a person.

Global Savvy Our faculty and staff believe in the power of information and modeling to guide students toward becoming savvy travelers. Through orientation sessions, advisory meetings, and module experiences, students become familiar with our host countries and gain the necessary skills to interact within them respectfully and responsibly. This savvy gained while abroad manifests itself in many ways, including increased adaptability in future locations and a seamless transition into university and beyond.

Our students hail from twenty five countries Australia Bangladesh Belarus Brazil Canada China Ecuador Egypt Ghana Hungary India Ireland Japan Kenya Malaysia Mexico Morocco New Zealand Nigeria Norway Peru South Korea Spain United Kingdom United States

n e s l O b e S

Class of 2022, United Kingdom


A Week in the Life No two weeks at THINK Global School look the same

The average week at THINK Global School comes together with a focus on balance. From academics to advisory, exercise to exploration, time is allotted each day for all of our students’ needs. Unlike traditional schools that emphasize learning through set classes and homework, students at THINK Global School learn by participating in rigorous, multidisciplinary projects and real-world experiences. All required work time is provided during the school day, meaning students can prioritize being active, well-fed, and well-rested.


Evenings at THINK Global School are about connecting and recharging. Students reflect on their days over communal dinners and unwind in any manner they see fit. This might include lively games of ping pong, debates over whether fudge is chocolate, or simply rocking in a hammock with a favorite book.

k ee w e l p m a A s ustralia f ro m A


University Preparation 94% of THINK Global School students have gone on to university

The Changemaker Curriculum goes above and beyond to prepare students for the academic and social rigors of university. By letting students guide their own learning and imbuing every aspect of their education with compassion and service, they’re empowered to become leaders in their university communities and beyond. An education at THINK Global School includes regular one-on-one sessions with a college and career counselor, designed to give students all of the tools they need to navigate the university admissions process. While the majority of THINK Global School students go on to university, our faculty and counselors provide full support to students who envision a different route to success. Gap years have become


an increasingly popular choice for graduates who aren’t quite ready to leave the travel and experiential learning behind, and they provide an excellent way to continue building upon the skills attained while at THINK Global School. The future of work has also shown that a college degree is no longer required to succeed in the workplace and that cross-cultural competencies and digital proficiencies are in high demand. Due to this, our faculty and counselors help students who demonstrate a talent for technical skills like coding or graphic design to navigate their goals and jump right into their careers.

Our graduates have gone on to attend the following universities. American University of Paris (FR)

Leiden University (NL)

Tilburg University (NL)

Amsterdam University College (NL)

Leiden University College, The Hague (NL)

Universidad San Francisco de Quito (EC)

Arizona State University (US)

Maastricht University (NL)

University College London (US)

Australian National University (AU)

Maastricht University: University College Venlo (NL)

University College Maastricht (NL)

Bard College (US)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)

University of Amsterdam (NL)

Bard College Berlin (DE)

McGill University (CA)

University of Auckland (NZ)

Boston University (US)

Minerva Schools at KGI (US)

University of British Columbia (CA)

Bowdoin College (US)

Monterrey institute of Technology and Higher Ed. (MX)

University of California, Berkeley (US)

Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (QA)

Mount Holyoke College (US)

University of California, San Diego (US)

Chapman University (US)

Newcastle University (UK)

University of California, Santa Cruz (US)

City, University of London (UK)

New College of the Humanities (UK)

University of Cantebury (NZ)

Clark University (US)

New York University - Abu Dhabi (UAE)

University of Cumbria (UK)

Columbia University (US)

New York University - Shanghai (CN)

University of Glasgow (UK)

Cours Florent, Paris (FR)

NYU - Gallatin School of Individualized Study (US)

University of Manchester (UK)

Dickinson College (US)

NYU - Tisch School of Arts (US)

University of Melbourne (AU)

Duke Kuneshan University (CN)

North Central College (US)

University of Nottingham (US)

Earlham College (US)

Oberlin College (US)

University of Ottawa (CA)

EDHEC Business School (FR)

Ontario College of Art & Design University (CA)

University of Oxford (UK)

Eindhoven Univ. of Technology (NL)

Otago University (NZ)

University of Rochester (US)

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ. (US)

Pitzer College (US)

University of San Francisco (US)

ETH Zurich (CH)

Prague College (CZ)

University of Southampton (UK)

George Mason University (US)

Quest University (CA)

University of Texas, El Paso (US)

George Washington University (US)

Reed College (US)

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (SA)

Georgetown University (US)

Rhodes College (US)

University of Toronto (CA)

Hampshire College (US)

Royal Academy of Art - The Hague (NL)

University of Vermont - Burlington (US)

Harvard University (US)

Saint Louis College of Pharmacy (US)

University of Washington (US)

Hult International Business School (UK)

Sciences Po Paris, Campus de Reims (FR)

University of Wisconsin, Green Bay (US)

IE University (ES)

Skidmore College (US)

Vassar College (US)

Industry Film School (RU)

Soka University of America (US)

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (US)

International Burch University (BIH)

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (US)

Waseda University Japan (JP)

Jacobs University of Bremen (DE)

Swarthmore College (US)

Watson Institute (CA)

Karlshochschule International University (DE)

Technical University of Munich (DE)

Wellesley College (US)

Kenyon College (US)

The American Academy of Dramatic Arts (US)

Windesheim Honours College (NL)

King Abdelaziz University (SA)

The New School (US)

Yale University (US)

King’s College London (UK)

The New School: Parsons School of Design (US)

Admissions Overview THINK Global School students represent dozens of countries, languages, experiences, passions, and talents. Here are some of the things they all have in common.

A desire for an unconventional progressive high school experience that engages with global issues directly

A thirst for active, project-based learning that cultivates personal characteristics as much as academic success

A record reflecting a strong work ethic, drive for excellence, and self-motivation

A commitment to improving themselves, their communities, and the world

Exceptional maturity, adaptability, and resilience in unfamiliar situations

Advanced written and oral English skills; English is our language of instruction

A strong community orientation, collaborative spirit, and positive attitude

Parents who are active and supportive participants in our innovative school model and community


As a whole, the program encompasses all the aspects on how to live your future life. We travel and adapt so quickly, the maturity growth really is exponential. You learn how to live in the future and what to do when working as an adult, which teaches you a lot of valuable life skills.

-Maxim Sindall

Class of 2019, Canada


Admissions Deadlines & Tuition Structure Learn more about our deadlines and sliding-scale tuition model

To ensure we enroll students who best fit our one-of-a-kind community, admissions at THINK Global School is a multi-step process. Here are important dates applicants for the 2023-24 school year should consider.

Important Dates and Deadlines Application Process for 2024-2025 Candidates

TGS Admissions Application Timeline

Step 1 - Initial Application

Due by 15 December 2023 January 2024

Step 2 – Admission Staff Interview

(Applicants who complete their applications early may interview earlier)

Step 3 – Full Application

January – February 2024 February 2024


Step 4 – Faculty Interviews

(Applicants who complete their applications early may interview earlier)


Step 1 - Initial Application

Tuition & Financial Aid THINK Global School is committed to offering our unique model of education to all students, and we strongly encourage all interested and qualified students to apply. Because diversity is at the core of our values, we don’t expect all families to cover student expenses at the same level. Instead, we base each student’s contribution on their family’s financial situation. During the admissions process, families are asked to submit a detailed application with supporting financial documentation, which helps us determine need. Visit our tuition calculator here.


Evidence of Success A 99% Graduation Rate Since opening our doors in 2010, 152 of 153 students have successfully graduated from THINK Global School. TGS Graduation Rate

OECD Graduation Rate

U.S. Graduation Rate




Outstanding Test Scores TGS students scored in the top 17% of 11th and 12th grade students taking the SAT in 2020-21, and top 18% of students taking the ACT TGS Average

National Average







*Based on data provided by not-for-profit organizations The College Board and ACT.

A Strong School Culture The Changemaker Curriculum recognizes that school culture and student performance are closely intertwined and that engagement and motivation tend to slow down in secondary school. By focusing on students’ psychological needs, we’ve bucked that trend and developed one of the world’s most conducive learning environments. We track students’ views on engagement, belonging, and autonomy with The Hope Survey, the leading tool for assessing school environments. Since switching to the Changemaker Curriculum, our scores have continued to trend up and are among the highest The Hope Survey researchers have seen.



Spring 2019

Hope Survey Score*

Academic Belongingness

1 to 5


Above Average


1 to 7


Significantly Above Average

Behavioral Engagement

-10 to 10


Significantly Above Average

Emotional Engagement

-10 to 10


Significantly Above Average

Goal Orientation

1 to 5


Significantly Above Average

Personal Belongingness

1 to 5


Significantly Above Average

*Based on the Student Hope Survey Results Guide


A Pathway to Top Tier Universities An impressive 94% of our students have gone on to pursue higher education at over 127 universities worldwide. By placing a strong focus on 21st Century Skills and global citizenship, we’re able to ensure all TGS graduates arrive at university positioned for success, regardless of their degree path.

Columbia University

Harvard University

Georgetown University

King’s College London

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

New York University

Oxford University

Science Po Reims

University of Edinburgh

Yale University

Endless Career Opportunities The careers our students choose are as diverse as the countries we call home. As of now, our oldest graduates are only a couple years removed from university, but many are making their mark in some of the world’s largest companies and most respected institutions.

A small sample of what our graduates have gone on to do:

Mental health-focused machine learning at Microsoft

Journalism for the Palestinian Working Women Society for Development

Analysis at the International Monetary Fund

Sustainability Consulting at ERM

Software engineering at Goldman Sachs

Interning with World Wildlife Fund Germany

PhD student in Financial Economics at Yale University

Interning with the Czech Government Council for Human Rights

Hospitality Committee for United Nations Delegations

Law program at King’s College

Full-stack engineering at RetailMeNot


Parent Testimonials THINK Global School has not only changed our child’s life, but our entire family’s as well. As Jess has traveled the world, we have all grown with them as they have become a confident, mature, and incredible human being. TGS has nurtured our child and supported them throughout their three years, giving them experiences which otherwise they may never have had.

TGS has exposed Chase to an approach to education greater than everything we imagined it to be. He’s grown so much, always asking insightful questions, understanding process and context, and working as part of a team. The TGS community is also wonderful and inspiring, with educators dedicated to the growth and success of each student. The bonds our son has forged with his peers and teachers, in both challenging and wonderful situations, will last a lifetime.

THINK Global School allows my son to see global issues around the world, analyze research questions, and try to find solutions. As a result, he has developed broader ways of thinking with references that are shaping his maturity, independence, and empathy to the problems around him, wherever he is.

Shirley Pegram

Chris Peterson

Delima Taurisia

South Africa

United States



TGS has been life-changing for Paula. She has found a home and a family that is truly spread out across the world. She has developed a sense of belonging, community, and responsibility that is unusual for someone her age. Paula takes care of herself and others. She is concerned with world issues and wants to participate with positive input. She has taken responsibility for her education and understands that education is a lifelong ongoing task. Many of these traits were natural to her, but at TGS, she has learned how to empower them. She feels at home, no matter where that is.

Diego Marquina Mexico

Traditional school was smothering Justin and left him uninspired, uninterested, and unmotivated. TGS has been a game-changer and has truly transformed him. He is engaged, inquisitive, determined, and ready to jump into life and all it has to offer wholeheartedly.

While sitting around the dinner table with Emma and Jonah a month or so ago, reminiscing about their TGS journey, we were truly mezmerised by their experiences and the gratitude we all felt for them having had the opportunity to attend THINK Global School.

Project-based learning has allowed Justin to explore many different areas and design his own approach to mastering each. Whether he follows his passions to become an entrepreneur, a coder, or a rapper, he has TGS to thank for opening his eyes to the world of possibilities.

Nothing, really nothing, compares or even comes close to what they have learned while at TGS.

Jennifer and Betsy Smith Hoopes

Jean and Stephen Dollery

United States



A Message from Our Founder Dear Global Citizens, After traveling to over seventy countries with my son, Alex, during the first fourteen years of his life, I set about looking for a high school that could accommodate his unquenchable curiosity and love of exploration. Finding none, I founded THINK Global School. The school operates on core values pulled from cultures around the world: from the Greek meraki (to pour all of your soul, creativity, and love into your work) to the English empathy, from the Japanese kaizen (to continually improve while being self-aware, responsible, and disciplined) to the Zulu ubuntu (to connect yourself to a greater whole). Throughout our journey it’s been thrilling to watch students apply these values to their lives...and create their own. Today, I’m proud to say that we are a school unlike any other, and our students are some of the most intelligent and compassionate in the world. Do you believe that education can mean more than knowledge? Do you yearn to travel the world, making a difference as you go? If this sounds like you (regardless of where you come from, or how much money your parents make), I encourage you with all my heart to apply.

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Administrative Office

General Inquiries

1460 Broadway Office #7032 New York, NY 10036

+1 646-808-0675

Admissions +1 646-504-6924

Apply now at

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Student/Teacher Ratio

Graduation Rate

Grades 10-12

Project-Based Curriculum


College Matriculation

Distinguished School

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