Lillian Davis-Bosch
Table of Excel
llence Draft
Table of Exce
ellence Final
e Draft
Process Ru
ubric Draft
Process Ru
ubric Draft
Excursion: Huqingyutang Pharmacy and TCM Mus
Type 1: De
The pharm
because o
learn abou
in general.
natural pro
flowers, m
respects in
Within the
In animal m
medicine t
flower, frui
macy is one of the two that is the most famous in China
of how old it is. In the visit to the pharmacy we were able to
ut specific herbs, whereas the museum talked more about TCM
. Ancient Chinese pharmacology consists of herbal and
ons. To be considered a Chinese medicine it needs to be a
oduct with veracious plants as a main medicine (categories
mushrooms, spices, animal bi-products). There are 3 main
n pharmacology: materia medica (herbal), conception
: roasting, baking, or immersing/preparing), and prescription.
e categories of medicines there are specific parts that are used.
medicine, they use the body, bones and specimens. In plant
the categories are: roots and rhizome types, stem, cortex, leaf,
it and seed, entire plant, phycomcetesichem, and resin.
Excursion: Huqingyutang Pharmacy and TCM Museum
Type 2: Analy
When looking
medicine and
herbs. A bit la
wine, liquid, a
Hu Xueyan “b
medicines ca
have the inten
a big differen
priority is to m
common met
between TCM
working in tan POI’s to research:
- who uses TCM? (generational?) - Safety standards (research: certificate of onformity) - Types of herbs? - Passed through faimly? - Deny mainstream? - Common to buy or make? (Answer: both)
Type 3: Conn
Our final prod
audience. I be
eachother bu
as a legitimat -
yze (Modern Adaptation)
g at the pharmacy, it was clear that there was a division in traditional (old)
d then modernised adaptions. The main form of orginal medicine was to boil
ater some of the other orginal forms that emerged were: pill (ball), powder,
and ointment. Modern forms are: tablet, injection, capsule, oral and liquid.
be sure to purchase genuine medicinal materials, be sure to prepare the
arefully and conscientiously.� I believe that he is saying that you should never
ntion of gaining profit by using poor quality production. This stood out to me
nce to modern western medicine. The pharamascuitcal industry’s biggest
make profit and using low quality ingredients or overpricing medicines is a
thod used. When thinking about this, it made me think of the intersection
M and western medicine and how they can complement eachtoither when
duct is looking at how we can bring basic TCM knowledge to a western
elieve that in a lot of ways TCM and western medicine can complement
ut in order to do that there needs to be more knowledge and acceptance of it
te medicinal practice.
Excursion: TuiNa and Gusha Workshop with Dr. Liu
“A beautiful life starts with a he Type 1: Description
Three Foundational Concepts: 1.
- The energy highways o
- 12 major meridians re 2. Pressure points
- switch point located a 3. Chi
- the invisible energy th the body.
- exists in every part of b
- source of all energy (= Six Types of TCM Healing: 1.
Herbal Medicine (most we
Induction (movemnt =self
Moxibustion (light on fire
Guasha (scrapping)
6. Tui Na (massage) [help
ealthy body & spirit�
of the body that connects organs, skin, hair etc
elating to organs + 2 important central meridians
along meridians [analogy: values on a pipe]
hat moves through the meraiancs. Its main function is to move the blood through
body especially meridians
ell know but not most important — all equal)
f healing and can be most powerful)
and put over pressure point
ps to move chi & unblock meradians]
Excursion: TuiNa and Gusha Workshop with Dr. Liu Type 2: Analyze
TCM is about healing s
balance which means a issues after they come
Type 3:
sickness and improving wellness. Overall it is about finding
a big part of the medicinal practices about not just curing up but instead using preventative measures.
Excursion: Type 1: Description
Yin and Yang
- Yin moves down (sin
- Yang moves up (floa
Fu organs: -gallbladder -small intestine -stomach -large intestine -bladder Zang Organs: -liver -spleen -heart -lung -kidney TCM Theory: “the human body’s heart is dominant to the other organs. Cerebrum belongs o system” Four Diagnostic Methods: 0. Inspection 0. Inquiry 0. Listening & Smelling 0. Taking pulse & Palpation
Moxibustion: -external method of preventing and treating diseases -material = aiye and leaf -results: stop bleeding by warming meridians, expel cold and alleviate pain, prevention of mis -small, medium and large cone
Direct methods: -non-scarring: 2/5 of the cone burned then removed, becomes red but no blisters -scarring: completely burned out, creates blisters. Used to treat asthma and pulmonary tuber Indirect methods: -ignited come but isolated from skin with another material Ex. Ginger, warm needle, box -hang moxibustion with moxa roll Non Smoke Methods: 0. Moxa-roll, moxibustion box 0. Plaster 0. Oil
Cupping: Kinds of jars: bamboo, glass, magic (pump), horn jar Common methods: ignite, extract air Methods of jar techniques: simple, flash, stay, single, thick, thin, move, shaking, turning (+combinations) Normal reactions: bruise, redness not blisters Used for: wind-dampness syndrome, obstructive syndrome, numbness of limbs, acute sprain, common cold, cough, stomach ache, abdominal pain, diarrhea
the heart of the
Forbidden: cardiac failure, damaged liver or kidney, tuberculosis, severe anemia, high fever, broken bone, the abdominal during period or pregnancy, regions with large vessels, heart, nose, ears, eyes or vulva. Left pulse: liver, heart, kidney Right pulse: lung, spleen, pericardium
Vocabulary List [Definitions]
-Meridians: The energy highways of the body
that connects organs, skin, hair etc. There are
12 major meridians relating to organs + 2
important central meridians
-Pressure points: switch point located along meridians [analogy: values on a pipe] -Qi: the invisible energy that moves through the meraiancs. Its main function is to move the blood through the body. It exists in every part of body especially meridians and is the source of all energy (=blood)
hole Body Approach: One part effects others – all connected
is diagram of the 5 elements shows how nature interacts with each
her and how it relates to the body. The green arrows that link to
ch other is creation (ex. Wood makes fire) The arrows that go in-
tween elements in a star shape mean that one can control and the
her gives in. The body parts that are written under the elements
ates to this process because you would look at the things causing
e pain or illness and use the same thereof canceling it out with
ng its controlling element.
Yang moves up (floats) Together they create homeostasis
Yin moves down (sinks)
Face to sun – yang – sunshine Back to sun – yin – shadow
Yang= red meridians Yin = blue meridians
Yin and Yang are opposites but also depend and can transform each other Night – Day Cold – Warm Dark – Light
Draft Message Utilised in Chatbot [Implementation] What is Qi? Qi is considered the energy that connects everything in the universe. It is the vital force of the body, if you have no Qi it means you are dead. Qi energy flows through your body along so called meridians. Qi moves along meridians which are like veins for the Qi. The main function of Qi is to move the blood through your body. Too much or too little Qi in any area of your body can lead to illness. When your Qi flow is irregular, it is unbalanced therefore you get sick. 
 YinYang YinYang is the idea that there are two different types of energies in your body. Yin is cool, calm and passive. Yang is active, energetic and hot. You need both in order for your body to be healthy and balanced. The represent to abstract and complimentary aspects that every phenomenon in the universe can be divided into. 

In Tcm everything is made of 5 different elements. Water, Wood, Fire, Metal and Earth. These elements are in a generating cycle with each other. However they also have an overcoming cycle, where one element destroys another. https://
Final Message Utilised in Chatbot [Implementation] Qi is the energy that connects everything in the universe and is the vital force of the human body. Qi flows throughout your body along the meridians and helps to regulate blood. Blockage of a meridian effects buildup or lack of qi in an area of the body which leads to illness. In TCM, there are five elements in which everything is made up of: water, wood, fire, metal, and earth. These elements are in a generating cycle with each other. Not only do the elements create each other, but they can also counteract and destroy each other. YinYang is the two types of energies in your body. Yin is cool, calm and passive. Yang is active, energetic and hot. You need both in order for your body to be healthy and balanced. Everything in the universe can be divided into either yin or yang energy. If you have excess yang energy, in order to be balanced you need to add elements of yin into your body.
Justification of Recommendations:
In writing the definitions there was an effort to make it clear an
so they are able a basic understanding of the theory or concep
that we choose to implement, there is a different in length and
chatbot, but throughout) where we has to make a decision to c
response. In this was we needed to make sure that we were no
possible. This action was justified because we felt that due to u that it was necessary to make this change. Additionally, we decided to not only have these definitions of
recommendation section but also in a beginning section wher
choose these three to be included because according to the e
theories and concepts. Additionally this choice was justified be
recommendations/treatment section. Having these definitions
could refer back if they did not understand fully the terms use
nd concise to the reader, but also provide enough information
pt. Looking from the draft recommendations to the final one
d detail. We ran into an issue (not only in this part of the
cut responses down to make them look less cluttered as a
ot taking out vital information, but also saying it as ocnsiely as
user feedback (responses were too long and hard on eyes)
qi, 5 elements, and meridians in the treatment/
re the user could learn just about TCMs main concepts. We
experts that we had been working with, these were the main
ecause it is most relevant to what terminology came up in the
s accessible would be most beneficial to the users so they
ed in their treatment message.
Recommendation/Treatment Messsages Utilising Main Theorit
“If you want to relieve your tension headache, you could try activating three acupressur , and Zhong Zu (TE3). Jian Jing can be found in your shoulder muscles, and you massa can be located by feeling for the mastoid (ear) bone and following the groove back to w of your pinky and ring finger. Apply pressure to these areas for 4-5 seconds.”
“…you can try using some acupressure points that will help ease the pain in your head. the skin from where the big toe and the second toe meet. Massage in between the joints Yong Quan acu-point, located directly behind the ball of your foot in line with your mid
“… Your posture can impact your breathing, organ function and muscle integrity. Good
“This qigong practice works in the head and neck regions, and mainly involves massage meridians, activate qi and blood”
“It seems that your large intestine meridian is lacking Qi. Meridians are invisible energy meridian flows throughout your body and is connected to the side of your head. A lack o your tension, try applying pressure to the He Gu pressure point. It can found in the flesh
Justification: The reason that we justified including some of the d
wasneccesary in order to understand the rest of the content. If pe info about TCm and its main theories.
An additional justification that was made was why we included inf
our recommendations for treatments were based on our extensiv
main theory that pertained to the symptom or illness which led us
ties/Concepts [Implementation]
re points: Jian Jing (GB21), Wind Pool (Feng Chi/GB20) age it by pinching the muscle between your thumb and middle finger. Wind Pool where the neck muscles attach to the skull. Lastly, Zhong Zu between the knuckles
There is the Tai Chong acu-point, located about two fingers width above where s of those two toes to feel relief. If this doesn’t work, you can also massage the ddle toe, as well as the Zu San Li point, located right below your kneecap.”
d posture ensures that your Qi is flowing properly. “
e and breathing techniques. It will help your body regulate the functions of the
y pathways through which life energy called “Qi” flows. The large intestine of Qi flow in this area may explain why you are experiencing pain. To help relieve hy part between the web of your first and second finger.”
definitions into the treatment messages was because we help that it
eople still do not understand, they can go to the start and get more
formation pertaining to this type of recommendation in general. All of
ve research (see last slide of bibliogrpahy). This allowed us to see the
s to the final recmommendation that the user would recieve.
Ethics: moral principles that govern a person's behaviour
Overall Evaluation: A lot of the steps to defining and evaluating if the ethics were good in our product is hard to due because there was not a complete product. If the nexts steps were to be the product being put on the market or internet then it would be necessary to carry out more of these. Due to lack of time and resources, many of the steps were not completed and require more research.
Ethics In Medicine:
Voluntary, well-informed, consent of the human subject is required.
EVAL: Consent is there because the people choose to come to the site and deci 2.
The experiment should aim at positive results for society that cannot be procured
EVAL: Information could be procured in another way but allows for different met 3.
It should be based on previous knowledge that justifies the experiment.
EVAL: In order to make this project ethically sound, think that it would be necess to prove that the evidence and knowledge justifies the project. 4.
It should be set up in a way that avoids unnecessary physical and mental suffering EVAL: The disclaimed avoids suffering and injuries
It should not be conducted when there is any reason to believe that it implies a ris
EVAL: Disclaimer is used, product does not imply risk of death or disabling injur 6.
The risks of the experiment should be in proportion to the expected humanitarian
EVAL: Experiment is not being conducted, though humanitarian benefitits are es 7.
Preparations and facilities must be provided that adequately protect the subjects a EVAL: Preparations are the disclaimers, no facilities involved.
The staff who conduct or take part in the experiment must be fully trained and scie
EVAL: Staff are not trained or qualified BUT this is stated clearly in the beginning 9.
Human subjects must be free to immediately quit the experiment at any point. EVAL: They are able to close out the browser freely
10. The medical staff must stop the experiment at any point when they observe that co
EVAL: Disclaimer is given as well as symptoms that are dangerous throughout th
ided to continue past the disclaimer. in some other way.
thod of delivery that is easier accessible
sary to create test subjects to try out chatbot for experimentation in order
g and injuries.
sk of death or disabling injury.
n benefits.
against the experiment’s risks.
entifically qualified.
g. Ideally with more time we would’ve TCM dcoctors approving our work.
ontinuation would be dangerous.
he diagnosis process lead to “cannot help, go to doctor” message
Code of Ethics According to the Asilomar AI Principles: •
The goal of AI research should be to create not undirected intelligence, but beneficial
Investments in AI should be accompanied by funding for research on ensuring its
Any involvement by an autonomous system in judicial decision-making should provide
There should be a constructive and healthy exchange between AI researchers and
A culture of cooperation, trust, and transparency should be fostered among researche
Teams developing AI systems should actively cooperate to avoid corner-cutting on s
AI systems should be safe and secure throughout their operational lifetime, and ve
Designers and builders of advanced AI systems are stakeholders in the moral implic shape those implications. [8]
Highly autonomous AI systems should be designed so that their goals and behaviors
AI systems should be designed and operated so as to be compatible with ideals of hu
People should have the right to access, manage and control the data they generate
The application of AI to personal data must not unreasonably curtail people’s real o
AI technologies should benefit and empower as many people as possible. [13]
The economic prosperity created by AI should be shared broadly, to benefit all of hu
Humans should choose how and whether to delegate decisions to AI systems, to
The power conferred by control of highly advanced AI systems should respect and im society depends. [16]
Risks posed by AI systems, especially catastrophic or existential risks, must be sub A)
An arms race in lethal autonomous weapons should be avoided. [18] (N/A)
intelligence. [1] beneficial use. (N/A) [2]
e a satisfactory explanation auditable by a competent human authority. [3] policy-makers. [4]
ers and developers of AI. [5]
safety standards. [6]
erifiably so where applicable and feasible. [7]
cations of their use, misuse, and actions, with a responsibility and opportunity to
s can be assured to align with human values throughout their operation. [9] (N/A)
uman dignity, rights, freedoms, and cultural diversity. [10]
e, given AI systems’ power to analyze and utilize that data. [11]
or perceived liberty. [12]
umanity. [14] accomplish human-chosen objectives. [15]
mprove, rather than subvert, the social and civic processes on which the health of
bject to planning and mitigation efforts commensurate with their expected impact. [17] (N/
Evaluation of Chatbot According to the Asilomar AI Principles •
[1] EVAL: Believe that our program has the possibility to have beneficial intelligranc
[2] EVAL: We did not have investors, nor did we conduct research due to limitaiwto
[3] EVAL: Human authority was involved in the decision making. Able to explain thr
[4] EVAL: Talked to one expert in field of AI but not policy makers.
[5] EVAL: Did not have researchers though within the developers I believe there wa
[6] EVAL: Did not cut corners, though also did not fully finish process of product so
[7] EVAL: Unsure what the chatbots operational lifetime is, depends on how soon a
Designers and builders of advanced AI systems are stakeholders in the moral im shape those implications.
[8] EVAL: Resposibility was taken, AI system has disclaimers and more would need
[9] (N/A) EVAL: Is not a highly autonomous system and didn’t need to be aligned w
[10] Programmed by humans with a diverse range of people checking in order to h
[11] EVAL: This would be a step of further inquiry if our product was put on the mar
[12] EVAL: See previous evaluation
[13] EVAL: See evaluation number [1]
[14] EVAL: Not on market and current economic profit is non existent.
[15] Confused about this statement. More research required
[16] (N/A) EVAL: Not a highly advanced system
[17] (N/A) EVAL: No expected catastrophic or existential risks
[18] (N/A) EVAL: No use of lethal autonomous weapons.
ce, needed to do testing and experimentation before bringing to the market.
on of time and resources.
rough justifications in process prtolfio
as cooperation, trust, and transperancy.
o would need to do more.
advancements are made in field of TCM, justifications argues it is safe and secure
mplications of their use, misuse, and actions, with a responsibility and opportunity to
d to be done in order to be put to the market.
with human values.
have these factors accounted for.
rket. I don’t think there is any personal data involved.
Law of the People's Republic of China on Traditional Chinese Medicine Law authorised December 25, 2016 and came into force July 1, 2017.
-Purpose: inheritiing and carrying forward TCM, gurenteeing the promotion of TCM -Equal promotion of eastern and western medicine (Article 3)
Qualifications of TCM in China:
“Those who have learned traditional medicine from masters for three years or
take the examination of practicing doctors or the examination of assistant pra
associations of traditional medicine approved by the health administration de
institutions for medical treatment, disease prevention or healthcare. The cont
health administration department of the State Council.� (Law on Practicing Do
Sources: bitstream/handle/ 1773.1/770/11PacRimLPolyJ687.pdf?sequence=1 q=state+administration+of+traditional+chinese+me dicine&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj22d3YkJXkAhUJsp 4KHbC5APcQ1QIoAHoECAoQAQ&biw=1251&bi h=715
M, and protecting the health of the people (Article 1)
r have acquired special medical skills through many years of practice may
acticing doctors after being assessed and recommended by professional
epartments of the people's governments at or above the county level or
tents and methods for the examination shall be separately formulated by the
octors of the People's Republic of China, Article 11)
“According to the Chinese Medicine Ordinance, proprietary Chinese medicine mea
(a)composed solely of the following as active ingredients: (i) any Chinese herbal medicines, (ii) any materials of herbal, animal or mineral origin customarily used by the Chines (iii) any medicines and materials referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) respective (b) formulated in a finished dose form; and (c) known or claimed to be used for the diagnosis, treatment, prevention or alleviati regulation of the functional states of the human body.”
“According to Section 119 of the Chinese Medicine Ordinance, no person shall sell, impor registered under the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong.”
“According to Section 143 and 144 of the Chinese Medicine Ordinance, no person shall se Chinese medicine is labelled and with a package insert.”
“the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) imposes regulation on me consumption” “the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (Cap. 138) imposes regulation on drugs containing any western medicine as ingredients;”
“the Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance (Cap. 231) imposes regulation on ad
“the Trade Descriptions Ordinance (Cap. 362) imposes regulation on counterfeit medicine
“the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586) impos species.”
ans any proprietary product:
se; or ely;
ion of any disease or any symptom of a disease in human beings, or for the
rt or possess any proprietary Chinese medicine unless the proprietary Chinese medicine is
ell or possess any proprietary Chinese medicine unless the package of the proprietary
edicines including proprietary Chinese medicines on whether they are suitable for human
any western medicine as ingredients. Proprietary Chinese medicines should not contain
dvertising of medicines”
es and false representations”
ses regulation on proprietary Chinese medicines containing ingredients of endangered
As seen from the research above, there is considerable measure
China are ethical. The most recent regulation and law about TCM
medicine. Additionally these ethical measures will allow for furth
on important issues that are pressing currently (such as endange
The country that I choice as a comparison is the United States. “To become a competent and qualified TCM practitioner in the post-graduate study at an accredited educational institution.” Additionally…
Most states require national board certification for TCM pra
“TCM products are mostly regulated as dietary supplement in th
phase-two and even phase-three trials in application of new dru a botanical cardio tonic pill.
This new phase could lead to more acceptance of TCM in the U healthcare.
es being taken in order to ensure that TCM practices in
M hopes to aid in the growth and development of the
her promotion in and out of china because they touch
ered species).
United States requires three to four years of full time
he Untied States. But a number of TCM products have entered
ugs with US Food and Drug Administration� such as the T89 which is
United States which could lead it to become a part of mainstream
Possible Ethical Concerns for Providing TCM Medical Information:
Reports and studies of herbal products used in TCM have found a variety o
▪ Some Chinese herbal products have been found to be contaminated w
warfarin and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent diclofenac); h called sulphites, which could cause asthma or severe allergic reaction
▪ Relatively few complications from using acupuncture have been repo
and improper delivery of treatments. When not delivered properly, ac organs, collapsed lungs, and injury to the central nervous system.
▪ Tai chi and a similar technique called qi gong appear to be safe practi
associated with minor aches and pains. Women who are pregnant sho any other exercise program. NCCIH is supporting studies to determine if:
▪ TCM can treat fibromyalgia ▪ Acupuncture can ease joint pain caused by medical treatments for bre ▪ A tai chi program can be a feasible alternative to traditional cardiac re
of safety issues.
with undeclared plant or animal material; drugs (such as the blood-thinner heavy metals (such as arsenic, lead, and cadmium); pesticides or compounds ns; or incorrect herbs, some of which have caused organ damage.
orted. Still, complications have resulted from the use of non-sterile needles cupuncture can cause serious adverse effects, including infections, punctured
ices. While it’s unlikely that tai chi will result in serious injury, it may be ould talk with their health care providers before beginning tai chi, qi gong, or
east cancer
ehabilitation programs in selected people.
Disclaimer message in Chatbot:
Please note that this chatbot does not replace a visit to the doc
are qualified to give professional advice. If you are experiencin
and go seek medical attention. Known high blood pressure Inte
intense accidents resulting in neck or spine injury or head traum
you faint regularly you should not be using the chatbot Are taki serious medical issues.
Personal Reflection on Ethical Concerns:
After reviewing the current ethical evaluation of our chatbot, I p
without further experimentation and approval from a doctor be
about where the disclaimer message but I feel that there needs accurate.
ctors office. None of the creators are medical professionals that
ng any of the following symptoms, please do not use this chatbot
ense and/or consistent pain Nausea and vomiting Any recent
ma Head trauma, neck or back injury Pregnancy Heart disease If
ing any type of strong medication A history of any sort of
personally would not feel comfortable putting this for public use
ecause it does not follow my code of ethics. I currently feel good
s t be reassurance that our treatment methods are viable and
Main Principles of dialog flow:
-need input to have output
After prel
decided u
-key words or yes or no -works as a tree with branches
What is a chat bot? A chat bot is a computer program that has been inputed with responses so it can automatically respond tho the user without human interaction. What is a dialog flow? Dialog flow is the program that we are using for this project in order to host the inputs for our conversation.
Methods used to tree
liminary research was conducted and the main topic was
upon, we started to create a dialog tree.
o create dialog
First drafts: we split into groups of
started to create where it would go
research. Additionally we put some
more important or applied to all se beginning
front, back and side and
o into based on our
e questions that were
ections of the head at the
Typed up version into lucid chart which is what we are using to draft out our dialog tree. (still need to input side data from slide before)
Current Dialog Tree [Ready to input into DialogFlow]
Why did we organise it the way we did? We decided to organise it into 3 main sections of front back side because we felt that these were the main ways that distinguish the treatment and symptoms for a headache. One of our goals was for the user to feel that this treatment was individualised for them and that they were receiving personalised care. By using this method of organisation, in terms of the ordering of the questions, we feel that we achieved this goal.
1 Astragalus (huang qi)
Commonly prescribed for general debility, chronic
Used widely as a flavo
illnesses, and to increase the
fragrance. Works to h
overall vitality of the system.
diarrhea, and nausea
oxidant and anti-infla Ginseng
One of the most valuable medicinal plants. Used for: tiredness, weakness, decreased mental and physical capacity and boost immune system
Created into extract t
an expectorant, antisp inflammatory, and in
and duodenal ulcers.
skin rash symptoms, s
swelling, and itching.
Wolfberry (Gogi)
ouring and
help stomach ache,
a as well as an anti-
ammatory agent
It is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Used in herbal teas for weight control, anti-aging, and liver and kidney protection.
Ginkgo Bilboba
then paste. Root used as
pasmodic and anti-
One of the oldest living tree
the treatment of peptic
species. Extract is made from the
. Topical may improve
leaves. Used as mild vasoactive
such as redness,
and neuroprotective supplement
Herbs used in Chatbot as treatment: [Implementation] -Perilla Stem, Hawthorne Berry, Lingzhi, Cnidium, Turmeric
These are herbs that help with the overall flow of qi (energy) t
Xiao Yao San Formula (Ear Root, Chinese Angelica, Pepperm
This blend is good for stress and prementrual symptoms. Hel
Root, Tangerine Peel, and Fleeceflower Root
throughout your meraians and can eleviate a lot of symptoms.
mint, White Atractylodes, and Poria)
lps relieve liver and large intestine meridian
the b
Press flow
the q and
idians: The energy highways of the body that connects
ans, skin, hair etc. There are 12 major meridians relating to
ans + 2 important central meridians
se pathways are how the qi (energy) is able to flow through
body though when blocked illness can occur.
sure points are along meridians and can ad allowing blood to continue in that area therefore regaining the flow of qi
se meridian points are commonly stimulated through
puncture or acupressure which is done with hands instead of
y are very signifnant in traditional Chinese medicine because
qi (energy) flows throughout it and when blocks pain systems illnesses can occur.
Pressure Points Utilised In Chatbot for Treatments:
“There is the Tai Chong acu-point, located about two fingers width above w Massage in between the joints of those two toes to feel relief. If this doesn’ directly behind the ball of your foot in line with your middle toe, as well as
Stress and Digestive problems: “To help relieve your tension, try applying pressure to the He Gu pressure p and second finger.”
Neck Tension: “If you want to relieve your tension headache, you could try activating thre GB20), and Zhong Zu (TE3). Jian Jing can be found in your shoulder musc thumb and middle finger. Wind Pool can be located by feeling for the masto muscles attach to the skull. Lastly, Zhong Zu between the knuckles of your seconds.”
One part of knowledge that we worked hard to implemen
describe the acu point well enough in order for them to fi
number so they could look up a diagram if still confused.
decided that it was necessary to cut it down a bit because
because it was not ascetically pleasing but instead overw
where the skin from where the big toe and the second toe meet. ’t work, you can also massage the Yong Quan acu-point, located s the Zu San Li point, located right below your kneecap.�
point. It can found in the fleshy part between the web of your first
ee acupressure points: Jian Jing (GB21), Wind Pool (Feng Chi/ cles, and you massage it by pinching the muscle between your oid (ear) bone and following the groove back to where the neck pinky and ring finger. Apply pressure to these areas for 4-5
nt for the users in the chatbot was understandability. We wanted to
find it, but in case we also included the name and many times the
. In the first drafts the explanations were more detailed but we
e it was hard for the usr to read the entire things on the chatbot
photos/a.2561662954059259/2795822927309926/? type=1&theater largeintestine/li4.htm points-for-neck
Meridian (Pathways) Investigation: Stomach Meridian
Yang meridian. Paired with sple
Physical imbalances can lead to stomach problems, abdominal edema, vomiting, sore throat�
Emotional imbalances can lead
worry, skepticism, poor confide suspicion or mistrust.�
o: “digestive and pain, distension,
d to: “anxiety,
ence, feelings of
e reason I chose to investigate the stomach meridian is
cause it is paired with the spleen, which is linked
gative thoughts and worry which tie into some mod the
mptoms of the chatbot. This means that the stomach
eridian can be utilised to counteract the overuse of the
Meridian (Pathways) Investigation: Large Intestine
Yang m
“It contr
from liq
outward It plays
bodily fl
skin's p
rols the transformation of digestive wastes
quid to solid state and transports the solids
ds for excretion through the rectum. a major role in the balance and purity of
fluids and assists the lungs in controlling the
pores and perspiration.�
This meridian is paired with the lung meridian. Together with the heart, they are able to lay the foundation for all of the pathways of qi in the body with is very important.