Design For Print Art Boards

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To house the six individual booklet, I have designed a sleeve like encasing in which the booklet slide into as a set. This enclosure will be constructed from greybaord, the printed information will be first printed as a sticker and attached to the sleeve enclosure. As one hold the casing from the front the title is displayed ‘Print-ciples’ the side of the case also holds the title but in a verical format for easy reading when the case is placed within a bookcase. Furthermore the back of the case features the list of contents, this has been positioned in this location so that it can be read easily when removing it from the bookshelf or it

can be glanced at when pulled from the bookshelf. The design aesthetic continues the colour scheme of orange used within the booklet however white text has been chosen to compliment the lightness of the greyboard material. I have chosen greyboard as the material for the outer casing as this is thick, rigid and strong material which will protect the contents from damage as the stocks used within the booklets is much thinner and can be easily damaged with continued use when taking to and from the bookshelf.

Thomas Squire

Design For Print





The covers for each of the seperate booklets work as both the cover and the contents page, however this is split across the front and back covers. The grid has been split across the front and the back for the vertical type, the title ‘Print-ciples’ features on the front of the booklet this collumn in then suceeded on the back cover which features the name of the current publication and then the contents of the particular publication.

The design ethos toward simplicity of information through diagrams that is present throughout the content of the booklet is also mirrored within the covers of the booklets. The diagrams/imagery/ patterns on the covers take the theory from the booklets and summaries this and present this a visual format.

The printed booklets with be printed onto two types of GF Smith stock, a thicker stock of 120gsm will be used for the cover, the stock will be orange in colour and the black printed onto it, rather than the orange being created through the print process, the stock will also a subtle surface detail, pattern and texture. A much thinner yet usable and sturdy stock will be used for the pages of the booklet, this stock will be an off white colour and have a slight grain and texture.

Thomas Squire

Design For Print



Some of the spreads with the booklet break the rules that the rest of the spreads follow, however this is better display the content, as there is not written content to accompany the diagrams, the diagrams can flow across the double page spread.

The diagram have been constructed from one or two colours the primary colour being black, and the secondary orange being used to signify a key element or part to the process, for example the Ink and stock are represented with orange as they are the materials that pass through the machine to create the print. Correspondingly the label also follow this rule to make the label clear and understandable for each elements they relate to on the diagram.

Within each of the booklets the information has again been broken down into smaller sections, each of the section within the booklet has been signified with a large double page spread image which relates to the following content. These image are there to demonstrate the real world processes described within each of the sections - the sections then use diagrams to then simplify this information and describe the processes in a simpler format.

Thomas Squire

All of the booklets follow and conform to the same grid and system of rules which has been constructed. The left page feature the imagery or diagrams which relate to the written content which features onthe right side of the page. The written content is presented in paragraph with paragraph headings which make the content easy to navigate, these headings are in a bold weight to additionally make them easier to read.

Each of the seperate booklets opens with a short intoductory paragraph with summaries the content of the booklet, this is important as the user can gasp which particular information they will find inside. The orange colour scheme with elements of black has been broken in some areas of the publications this has been to cater for areas of the booklets refering to colour, however the colours have been intergated with the orange to make them fit more consistently with the rest of the design.

Design For Print




Set and Series




Develop an ‘Info-pack’ that communicates the relevant areas and asspect of knowledge and information that is required in order to design effectively for print delivery.

Who is it for? The information has been designed to be used by graphic design students and therefore the content will be simplified into more understandable language as well as being suplimented with diagrams to further communicate the information to the auidence.

What do they need to know? The target auidence needs to be aware of the main areas and principles within the field of design for print. These main principles will then need to need to be supported with detailed but easy to understand sub catergories whic explain each principles and what process are avaliable to designers and how they can effectivly intergrated into a graphic designers practice.

What will they respond to? The auidence will respond to both a printed and a digital format of the presented content which can be used as part of the their digital work flow and there studio work flow and enviroment. The printed content will come in the form of an info pack which has been segemented for each access to specific information for when the users have a specific query about design for print but will also be orangised on a logical means that reading through the info pack will inform and educate the auidence about principles to follow when designing for print.

Thomas Squire

Design For Print



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