Postscripts Spring 2013

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Postscripts Thornton Academy’s Alumni Magazine • Spring 2013 • Vol. 48, No. 1

Philip Kolmar ‘11 and Samuel Foster ‘09

New Classrooms, New Media Decoding a medieval manuscript pg. 7 • 21st century classrooms pg. 9 Getting ‘Under Your Skin’ pg. 4

New media and 21st Century Classrooms “One component of this classroom enhancement project will convert our current library space into a fiveclassroom comprehensive New Media Center...”

TATV station Manager Jeff Christenbury ’03 is filming News Director Ian Maksut ’13 in an interview with Headmaster Rene Menard ’88.

By the time the leaves change color across our campus,

grown over 30% since 1996, present challenges to our 200

five classrooms in a New Media Center will serve

year old physical plant. In response, the Board of Trustees

Thornton Academy’s 21st century learners, students

has authorized a series of ambitious construction projects

who are described as “technology-literate,” “media

that will update and upgrade existing facilities. One

savvy,” and “digital natives.” Expanding communication

component of this 21st Century Classroom Enhancement

and creative expression into digital formats, New Media

Project will convert our current library space into a

technology promotes an increasingly interconnected

comprehensive, five-classroom New Media Center that will

world. Clearly, in order to meet our school mission

cluster teachers who offer New Media courses. This new

of preparing students for a changing world, we must

proximity will enable them to collaborate on course content

incorporate New Media into our curriculum, in our case,

and instructional practices, and share technological

an Arts & New Media department. Always forward


thinking, TA teachers have begun to do this by offering Music Technology, Game Design Development, Technical

Our construction schedule is bold — all spaces, including

Writing In an iPad World, and by integrating digital

the New Media Center, are due for completion in the fall.

journalism, three-dimensional graphic arts, multimedia

I look forward to welcoming you when we celebrate the

production, and computer programming, to name just a

opening of our new facilities.

few examples. As you will see in this issue, TA alums are in the vanguard of this new field.


However, the technological demands of New Media instruction, along with a local student enrollment that has

Rene M. Menard ‘88 Headmaster

In This Issue From the Headmaster


New Media - Getting ‘Under Your Skin’ 4-7 Philip Kolmar ‘11, Samuel Foster ‘09 In the Classroom 8-9 Cracking the code - Jennifer Scontras ‘11 Loving the lightbulb moment - Alan Lukas ‘68 10 - 11 Arts - Born to dance Toni Ricci ’00 Athletics A new golf tradition

12 - 13

TA International Dorthe Bjerglund ‘72


TA Treasure George Addison Emery Building


Alumni in the News Pender Makin ‘82 and Jim Keithly ‘82 Alumni Gatherings



Middle School 16 Hydroponics Class Notes In Memoriam

17 - 22

22 - 23

About the Cover: TA alumni (and current University of Maine students) Philip Kolmar ‘11 and Samuel Foster ‘09, presented their New Media work to interested Thornton Academy students and faculty. They demonstrated some of their collaborative projects, including an award-winning interactive museum exhibit called ‘Under Your Skin’ that teaches anatomy to children. Read the full story on the next page.

Postscripts is published twice a year for Thornton Academy alumni and friends. Its production is made possible through gifts to the Thornton Fund. TRUSTEES Eric Purvis ‘81-President Vangel Cotsis ’85 Brian Dallaire ’75 Philip D. Fearon ’70 Dennis Flaherty Bernard Gaines ’65 Stephen Garland ’64 Robert Gowen Joyce D. Haley ’75 Kenneth Janson ’72 William D. Johnson William S. Kany ’77 Karen B. Lovell James E. Nelson ’67 Paul Remmes Kathleen Boutet Santamore ’80 Mark G. Willett ’65 ALUMNI BOARD Todd M. Davis ’81, President Harry Nielson ’69, Vice President Giselle Tardiff ’90, Secretary Anthony M. LeBlanc ’88, Treasurer Kathy Allen ’72 Joshua Fearon ’98 Lauren Chenard Folsom ’75 Roberta Sargent Gallant ’62 Benjamin Harris ’99 Jessica Janson ’05 Vera Gallant Kalagias ’80 Debra Ketchum ’75 Melody Jordan Laskey ’79 Sean Leblanc ’01 Susan Willey Marston ’62 George Mendros ’76 Richard Milliard ’66 Christina Dolby O’Brien ’86 Greg Paradis ’91 David Pendleton ’81 Susan Mondor Spath ’67 Designed by: Marissa Gagnon Fortier ’99 and Joshua Pulsifer ‘06 Edited by: Patricia Erikson and Marissa Gagnon Fortier ‘99 Development Director: Lisa Morin Annual Giving Coordinator: Tedda LaChance Alumni Events Coordinator: Kathryn Danylik-Lagasse ‘00 Associate Head for Advancement and Admissions: John Ritzo COVER PHOTO: Patricia Erikson



N ew M ed ia

Getting under your skin: Samuel Foster ’09 and Philip

As students watch, faculty member Jennifer Witherall-Stebbins tests the interactive museum exhibit shared by two visiting alumni. The game design shows children their own animated skeleton and encourages them to “capture” internal organs as they float by. This photo shows that Witherall-Stebbins has just captured a brain for herself.

Visitors to the Bangor Discovery Museum enjoy an exhibit that teaches anatomy to children by using a digital game. Two TA alumni in the New Media program at the University of Maine designed and created the interactive exhibit, in a collaborative team that is typical of New Media work (see diagram right). Samuel Foster’09 and Philip Kolmar’11 recently visited the TA campus, shared their award-winning projects, and made the case for the importance of New Media in a 21st century education. Samuel Foster said, “I had always been interested in the design of technology and the components that made up things like video games and websites. This curiosity intensified after taking the programming and design classes offered by Thornton Academy. I was pulled towards New Media because the program concentrates on all aspects of the design process (conceptualization, brainstorming, design, development, etc.) and is a perfect platform for me to learn and immediately apply skills.” Postscripts


“Very soon, technology is going to be a prominent part of every career field out there. The problems in every field will require unique solutions. This is where New Media programs thrive because they train students to adapt, analyze each unique situation, and formulate the tools and procedures necessary to accomplish a task. In my eyes, the students who come out of New Media programs are the professionals who will propel every industry into the future.” Co-presenter Philip Kolmar ended up in New Media by pursuing his passion for filmmaking. “I wanted nothing more than to be a director; New Media seemed to be the closest thing to a film major I could find at the University of Maine. Although you are given the opportunity to work within film, what I found was nothing like a film major, but something I ended up being even more passionate about. I fell in love with the idea of creating the future and designing for a better tomorrow.”

N ew M ed ia

Kolmar ’11 share their passion for new media

Program Diversity & Collaboration •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Graphic Design Web Design Mobile Development Programming Video Produc:on Game Design Digital Journalism Audio Engineering Digital Imaging Interac:ve Art Physical Compu:ng Wearable Technology 3D Modeling Anima:on

Foster and Kolmar worked with a University of Maine design team to develop ‘Under Your Skin,’ an interactive exhibit at the Bangor Discovery Museum (see their demonstration of the exhibit in photo at left). Foster said, “This project was my first in New Media where I really saw the beauty of collaboration. The experience was extremely rewarding and gave us a chance to see what it was like to work with a client. We were given the chance to go to the Bangor Discovery Museum with several iterations of our work. They would have suggestions and then we would go back and work those suggestions into our design until Kolmar and Foster developed the above graphic for their it was exactly what they wanted for their exhibit.” New Media presentation. Kolmar and Foster agreed that students work best in a hands-on environment and that Thornton Academy’s 21st Century Classroom Project (see p. 2) will provide the opportunity for students to test their ideas and experience the full design process. Design. Collaboration. Innovation. Reiteration. Implementation. This is how Kolmar and Foster represented New Media at their recent visit and Thornton Academy looks forward to integrating its New Media classes into the Arts & New Media Department over the coming year.

-P.E. Postscripts


N ew M ed ia

Game On! with Eric Peterson ’89

When you pick up the phone and Hasbro, Inc. is on the other end of the line wanting to talk to you about the name of your product line, you know that people are taking notice of your work. That’s what happened to Eric Petersen this year as he finished developing his smartphone game, “Grabble with Words.” This Cocoa Beach, Florida-based 1989 graduate has spent decades adapting his creativity to the changes in technology and shifts in the business market. Like most alums born in the 1970s or earlier, Eric is a “digital immigrant” who grew up with telecommunication and board games, rather than Xbox. But in a world containing over a billion smart phones and tablets, entrepreneurs like Eric are applying their innovative designs to these new platforms. Now he’s striking out on his own and it’s likely you’re going to hear about it.



N ew M ed ia

“I was always artistic and creative. At TA, I was part of the drama club and jazz choir with Mr. Woodward and I was on the state championship football teams - in ‘86 and ‘88 - as a receiver and punter. Being on such special teams opened my mind to the idea that you can combine talent with a common goal and make great things happen. It stays with you. You are always part of that team and that experience.” Eric’s 3D art skills were highly sought after, but it didn’t always take him in the direction “Steve Jobs made it easier for an independent that he wanted. “My 3D art was tangible; person to take an inspiration and make it companies could see how my skills were a value to the games we made. I specialized happen with tens of thousands of dollars, in making 3D environments that characters instead of millions. I was inspired by Scrabble, moved around in. Adobe Photoshop and Boggle, and Tetrus to create my own game. Maya were the software that I used to make games like Aliens, Buck Hunter Pro, as well I started to think about how I could make as Madden. I had to learn these complex something for the iPhone market.” software programs on my own since there weren’t affordable classes for me to attend in the ‘90’s. Only later did they start popping up in colleges. Like most artists, over time, I became more interested in evolving to the next level. After a few years, I realized that I have an inventive and entrepreneurial streak that I couldn’t ignore any longer. My next goal was to become a designer and invent games that could impact pop culture.” Eric explained that the designer carries the vision of the game and how the game interacts with people. The artist executes the vision of the designer. “I struggled as an artist to blend in to corporate America, and realized it was because I was determined to stand out.” “After the ‘90’s, with Xbox and Playstation, the game industry exploded. It used to cost millions of dollars to make these games, and it kept getting more expensive. About six years later, the iPhone came out and suddenly you could make smaller, more profitable games for a huge market. Steve Jobs made it easier for an independent person like myself to take an inspiration and make it happen with thousands of dollars, instead of millions. Classic games like Scrabble, Boggle, and Tetris inspired me; I started to think about how I could create my own game for the app stores.”

Peterson (shown left) in Cocoa Beach, Florida, designed the “Grabble with Words” smartphone application. For more information on Eric’s game please visit

Eric developed a smartphone game called “Grabble with Words,” shopped the game design document around to investors, and found an investor for $25,000. “With that money, I hired a small studio that had the technology and people to execute my idea. Through development of the project, I raised another $25K to finish the process.” -P.E. Postscripts


In t h e C lassr o o m

Jennifer Scontras ’11: Cracking the code of a medieval manuscript

In Thornton Academy’s Homeric Greek class, Jennifer Scontras ‘11 shows students a high-resolution photo of the 10th century A.D. manuscript known as Venetus B, housed in Biblioteca Marciana in Venice, on which she has conducted research at Brandeis University.

Jennifer Scontras ’11, currently a student at Brandeis University majoring in Neuroscience and Classics, shared her medieval manuscript research with Nathaniel Koonce’s Homeric Greek class. As a team member in the ‘Homer Multitext Project,’ Scontras has taken part in cracking the code of one of the earliest (10th century) medieval manuscripts of Homer’s Iliad. Faculty member Koonce said, “By sharing her work with current students, Jennifer gave them an idea of the sort of important work still happening in Classics. Much of her talk explained the difficulty of deciphering the various abbreviations and symbols which adorn and sometimes replace the Greek text of the Iliad and the editor’s commentary surrounding it.” Scontras explained, “Up until recently, classicists didn’t know much about these manuscripts because the library would only let very few people look at them for a couple of hours at a time so nobody could read through it all thoroughly. A few years ago, Harvard went in and took high resolution pictures of every page of every manuscript so that classicists all around the world could look at these precious documents for as long as they



want. At Brandeis, we are in charge of going through the Venetus B. The main text is the plain old story of the Iliad and it’s written fairly legibly. However, the real challenge comes when we move on to reading the scholia - the editor’s notes about the text. These are written in a different hand and riddled with abbreviations and shorthands that we have to decode by finding patterns within the text and using logic. The shorthand was put into the text in order to save room on the page because, since they were writing on lamb skin, there’s only so much space for notes. Though we’ve all gotten pretty good at deducing what it should say, occasionally we can’t figure something out and, in that case, our main focus is to record what is physically on the page.” Scontras added, “The end goal is to make the text as accessible as possible to any and all classicists. There’s still a lot to be done and I’m excited to be working on it again this semester.” If you would like to explore the beautiful, high resolution images of these texts, go to: manuscripts/index

In t h e C lassr o o m

Alan Lukas ’68 loving the lightbulb moment

Alan Lukas ’68 is an MIT-educated electrical engineer whose work has spanned everything from the founder of an instrumentation company that ensures against leaks in underground gas tanks to an investor in start-up companies across New England. These days, he’s teaching New Media courses at Thornton Academy and loving what he calls the “lightbulb moment.” After earning B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering, Lukas taught gifted and talented high school students in the Boston area on Saturday mornings. “When you see a student who doesn’t think they can do something, then they do it themselves and you see their lightbulb go on, that’s the best part.” Lots of lightbulbs have been going on in Lukas’ 3D Graphics course. “The main goal of the course is to foster students’ creativity. In the first week, I ask my students to use ball and cylinder shapes to create something that looks like a person. The core goal is to get their creativity flowing.” As a businessman himself, Lukas says “the economy of our country depends upon having a capable work force. Education is one way to improve our economy. In prior generations, you had to build things. Now there is so much instant gratification. It’s important that students learn how to sequence tasks, and put in the energy. Creativity requires having leeway to work on their own. Going from blank screen to creating something, there’s a freedom in-between where it’s possible to lose direction. That’s a challenge to overcome, to master.” Students then were assigned to create a static, three-dimensional image using a software package called Blender. Later, they had to create animation (see right). “It sounds simple, but think of what you must replicate to create animation; you must use lighting, camera motion, object textures, background, properties such as reflectance or transparency, and sound. Take the car commercials that you see on TV, for example. For the most part, those are not real cars that you see, but animation,” explains Lukas. With an eye toward the demands of the 21st century economy, TA faculty strive to provide graduates with these technical and creative skills. Postscripts



Born to dance: Tony Ricci ’00 describes the joys, and challenges, of pursuing the arts

“There are not many high schools that offer the programs that TA offers. I am so grateful for the education that I received and the opportunity to participate in such an advanced Arts Department.” Grueling hours of rehearsal. Hours waiting in line for an audition that earns just a “thank you.” Teaching 30 dance classes at three different studios, while staffing birthday parties and earning a degree. The path from Thornton Academy to founding her own dance studio in Los Angeles was arduous, but Toni Ricci ‘00 feels it has been the right one for her. “I truly believe that we are born to do certain things. I was born to dance.” When Ricci enrolled at TA, she had a decade of dancing experience behind her already and wanted to keep dance at the center of her life. Ricci jumped into the Fundamentals of Dance class her freshman year and then joined Dance Company her sophomore year under the direction of TA’s first dance instructor,



Kathy Nolan. “Kathy was a mother figure to all of us. She believed in us, not only as students, but as dancers.” At TA, Ricci participated in multiple productions and learned all types of dance and choreography. “TA is an amazing, unique establishment.There are not many high schools that offer the programs that TA offers. I am so grateful for the education that I received and the opportunity to participate in such an advanced Arts Department.” Once in college, Ricci found that her knowledge of dance history, choreography, and composition was “leaps and bounds above others.”


As part of the 21st Century Classroom Enhancement project described by Headmaster Menard on p. 2, the dance program is moving into a newlyrenovated space on the first floor of Emery that will provide dancers with changing rooms and a dedicated studio space with full light and sound design capabilities. It’s expected to be one of the finest high school facilities in the state.

Dance Program Director Emma Arenstam said, “Only one other high school has attempted to present CATS which is a very ambitious play that is a 42 person production made up of dancers, singers, and actors. One of the major challenges of CATS is that it is considered an operetta, that is, a production made up solely of dancing and singing. This makes the production very difficult for high school groups. Following Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, and CATS, Thornton Academy will have produced the three longest running Broadway musicals.”

After moving to California in 2002, Ricci toured with Sesame Street Live, performed as an extra on TV shows, and taught dance. In September 2012, she opened her own dance studio in Woodland Hills, the Elite Dance and Performing Arts Center (see right). “Building a career in dance is a hard-won accomplishment. I think a hard fight is part of a process of finding happiness in life. Jump each hurdle. Stand by your passion,” Ricci advises.


Read about the ambitious dance production opening at TA - CATS - and about some major changes to the dance program (above).



A t h let ics

Athletes follow in alumni footsteps

Congratulations to the 2012 State Championship Football Team and individual state champion, Charlotte Pierce ’13 for her one mile victory. Marie Lemay ’07 was the last TA female to bring home a State Championship one-mile title. Below is the photo and quote that were in the 2007 yearbook.

The last time the Golden Ball graced the Thornton Academy campus was in 1988 when Thornton beat Lawrence 43-13. Two years prior, the 1986 football earned the Championship title along with a perfect 10-0 season. Coach Dick Agreste earned Coach of the Year. The 1986 team was inducted into the TA Athletic Hall of Fame Awards in 2011. Our headmaster, Rene Menard was part of the 1986 team. Postscripts


2nd Annual TA Golf Tournament A t h let ics

Join TA Alumni & Friends for a fun scramble Where:

Biddeford-Saco Country Club, 101 Old Orchard Road, Saco ME, 04072


Thursday, June 27th, 2013,1:00 PM– Shotgun Start


Includes-Round of Golf, Cart, Prizes, and hors d’oeuvres $280 per team/$70 per person (teams must have 4 players)


Teams are made up of 4 members. If you do not have a foursome please contact us and we will work to place you on a team. Register early! Space is limited, first come first served! TA Alumni Association for an afternoon of reconnecting with old friends, meeting new ones, and of!

For more information please contact Kathryn at 602-4460 or

A new golf tradition at Thornton Academy

One of the familiar faces out on the course that beautiful, summer day was Bryce Roberts ‘58 (right). A well-known member of the TA community and the Maine golf community for over 50 years, this golf pro has worked on golf courses everywhere from France (ask him to tell you this story) to multiple locations around the state, including: Cape Arundel Golf Club, Purpoodock Golf Club, Dunegrass, and Prouts Neck Country Club. Roberts has taught countless aspiring golfers how to perfect their swing and hit the short putt. He said, “Golf is a great family sport; it is a wonderful thing for families to do together. Golf frees the mind, even if you can only make it out for two or three holes. It is a perfect stress reliever.” So whether you are one of our champion players or a beginner, grab your friends and join us. All proceeds raised will go to Thornton Academy’s annual fund.

Jill Brady Photography

Since at least the 1960s, Thornton Academy has boasted golf teams that have won championships at the county, regional, or state level, including four state championships over the last decade (see photo above). Last June, 17 teams of 68 golfers kicked off a new golf tradition at TA - the Alumni Association’s inaugural Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament.

Bryce Roberts ’58, a 2010 TA Sports Hall of Fame inductee and golf pro, recently attended the Senior Alumni Reunion.



TA In t er n at io n al

International students on campus

Dorthe Bjerglund ’72 reminds us, this TA tradition is older than you think

It was 1971 and a young Danish girl named Dorthe Bjerglund felt a strong urge to explore the world. When asked if she knew someone who would host her school’s next exchange student, she replied that she wanted to go abroad herself. With assistance from the International Student Placement Service, she was placed at Thornton Academy. ”I come from a family that has always welcomed strangers into our home. But, in some indefinable way, we always felt that our way was the right way. We never felt curious about the differences between us,” said Bjerglund. At Thornton Academy, Bjerglund encountered students, parents, and teachers who were interested in strangers and that baffled her. ”This attitude was new to me and I still try to emulate it. At Thornton, I met a group of teenagers that lifted each other up with their warmth and their broad interests and ambitions. It was a very special atmosphere.” ”Thanks to my year in Maine, I have been teaching English, Physical Education, and Psychology at a Danish high school for almost 30 years. Mr. Farrington’s American government triggered my budding interest in politics and Mrs. Patrick’s Latin classes - teaching myths and taking an excursion to a Boston art Postscripts


“I thought I knew what the world was like before I came to the U.S. at the age of 16 in 1971. Thornton showed me otherwise.” museum and Sturbridge Village gave me a deep understanding of culture and languages.” The fun of rallies, football and basketball matches bring back fond memories for Bjerglund. ”The Class of ’72 is still very close to my heart.” She hopes to share her TA experiences with her students some day. ”I would like to bring one of my English classes to Thornton Academy for a week-long field trip or to host a Thornton class at my school. I would also gladly invite people connected to Thornton to my own home, should you ever be around my part of the world.” -KDL

MAKING CONNECTIONS: TA’s latest Annual Report cover showcased Marie Vermund’s athletic talent; the Danish student is a gifted track and field competitor. Bjerglund ’72 and Vermund ’13, who have attended TA forty years apart, have discovered they share not only Danish heritage, but a passionate love for TA.

TA TA Tr easu r esr e Tr easu

A practicing lawyer for over 40 years and a Saco municipal court judge for four years, George Addison Emery was called “Judge Emery” througho ut his life. Emery made numerous gifts to the school, some of which amounte d to one-third of the school’s operating budget.

On March 19, 1912 the Board voted to name the then-new gymnasium, modeled after the one at Bowdoin College, after Emery. Exactly one century later in 2012, the Board of Trustees voted to update the aging building, recovering its architectural beauty and devoting its space to the library (see bottom left) and a dance studio.

For 37 of his 51 years of service, Emery served as Board secretary/ treasurer. Increasingly shaky handwriting of the recorded minutes attests to his aging and explains why the Thornton Academy Board created a unique, no longer-filled position of an assistant secretary/ treasurer - a younger member who could write in a legible hand.



A lu m n i in t h e N ews Pender Makin ’82 awarded Maine Principal of the year Inspiring. Number one role model for staying positive. Selfless. These are the words that staff members and students at the REAL School on Mackworth Island in Falmouth used to describe Pender Cutler Makin ‘82 at the March ceremony when the Maine Principals Association awarded her the prestigious honor of Maine Principal of the Year. Higgins Beach resident Makin said, “It’s a tremendous honor. The only way I’m able to accept it is to do so on behalf of the work that my teachers do and the trust that our kids give us. It’s pretty profound when you work with the most struggling learners. To see them flourish, sometimes for the very first time, it’s rewarding in and of itself.“ Makin has taught for 18 years, serving for a decade as Director of The REAL School, an alternative and special education program serving highly-atrisk students from all over southern Maine. The daughter of a TA science teacher, Pender grew up living on campus.



“When I was little, the whole campus was my playground, and the old Main Building was a pretend castle. I followed the throngs of older kids to hear the Victory Bell after football games. I was not a traditionally successful learner myself, and struggled much of the time in school. If it had not been for the patience and inspiration I received from some of my teachers at TA, I might never have made it through. I remember my English teacher, Elaine McGillicuddy, accepting some of my off-the-wall writing assignments with shocking appreciation (one was a modernized re-write of the Canterbury Tales - probably a complete travesty). She helped me to have faith that there might really be a gift somewhere inside me. When I work with the non-traditional students at The REAL School, I always remember that it can be just those few gentle words, or that one bit of encouragement that can make a world of difference for a student.” An advocate for at-risk learners, Pender has served on several legislative committees and statewide task force efforts seeking to secure supports and services for struggling students. When she’s not writing for her blog, “Views from the Fringe of Public Education” (, she speaks at national conferences on topics including: Adolescent Brain Development; the Impact of Poverty on Student Engagement and Learning; the Cognitive Neuroscience of Happiness; and Alternative Education. Thornton Academy’s Director of Student Services Carol Taranko said, “Pender has been a great resource to Student Services... she has provided training to our RTI mentors and has welcomed us to her school to learn about their support systems. She is an incredible educator!” The Maine educational community agrees.

Jim Keithley ’82 at WMTW` Jim Keithley has been “in the news” and on camera since 1989 everywhere from Bangor to Michigan to Boston and back again to WMTW Channel 8 where he works as a reporter. TA’s own award-winning journalist weighs in on New Media for Postscripts. “Technology is changing everything so quickly. Today, for example, I covered a court case. I didn’t have a photographer with me so I was expected to shoot video myself with my iPhone. We don’t have to run back to the studio and edit there anymore. It’s all digital, all computerized. I send a photo from my iPhone to the station, get them to post it online on the station’s website, and then let that online story drive traffic to the TV program that evening. Meanwhile, I’ve downloaded the video from my iPhone to the laptop in my car and am feeding it back live to the station on the evening news.” As with any change, there’s the good and the bad. Jim identifies the immediacy of news reporting as one of the advantages of this technological change. The disadvantage? Also, the immediacy. “You have to be careful to double and triple check everything now. Just because it’s on the Internet, that doesn’t make it true. The demand for immediate information creates pressure on reporters and so you have to use ‘super caution.’” Keithley describes how reporters are plugged into creating news 24-7 now, but he loves it. “Every day is different and I’m never sitting in a cubicle.”

A lu m n i Gat h er in g Rene Menard ‘88 visits with Marge Kenneally Baird ‘71 (left) at Joe’s American Grill on Newbury Street, Boston for an alumni event.

You are invited May 3, 2013 Thornton Fund Annual Auction

Young alumni gather at the Kerrymen Pub on February 21. Front Row: Elisha Fortin Gallant ‘00, Kathryn Danylik Lagasse ‘00, Sara Paquette ‘02 and Jessica Janson ‘05. Back Row: Jacob Desrochers ‘96, Jenna Bolduc Desrochers ‘97, Joe Scamman ’96, Meghan Kerry ‘94, Danielle Tabor, Nick Tabor ‘96, Matt Libby ‘96, Nate Tripp ‘00 along with Headmaster Rene M. Menard ‘88.



M id d le Sch o o l Backman ‘43 is pictured (right) with a hydroponics project - a “Mini Farm” that he supported at Salve Regina University. The Dedham, MA-based alum and 1811 Society member has made a special donation to Thornton Academy’s middle school for this project. Ryan Hersey teaches his science class (above).

Irving Backman ’43 and Hydroponics With the support of Irving Backman ‘43 and science teacher Ryan Hersey, TAMS students are joining a centurieslong tradition of experimenting with soilless cultivation, or the method of growing plants without soil. Instead, plants are grown with their roots immersed in nutrient-enriched water. One of Backman’s passions is getting young students involved in the science of growing foods, particularly if they can be grown without the use of pesticides or other toxic or preservative chemicals, and even indoors in small areas. Backman proposed bringing a hydroponics “Mini Farm” project and curriculum to TAMS. Backman said, “The “Farm to School” programs that have been adopted by over 40 states essentially have been unsuccessful because the growing and harvesting usually take place during vacation periods and not during the traditional school year.” The goal is to integrate the science of agriculture with the wellness goal of having students bring home to their own dinner table a vegetable crop that they have harvested. Ryan Hersey said, “This has been an excellent experience for the students who are taking the Hydroponics X-Block Class. We made the decision to start from scratch with the systems rather than getting one that was pre-assembled and this has really helped the students understand how each part of the system works. They really enjoyed making the frame in which the lights are hung. Now that we are getting into the testing phase of the project the students are eager to compile data, as well as change a variable in the experiment to see how it effects the plant growth. They have generated a number of different ideas such as different types of lights, amount of light, and different types of nutrients. They will be presenting their findings to the TAMS community at our end of the year student recognition ceremony.” -LM Postscripts


C lass N o t es Alumni and local business sponsors stand with the 2012 State Champion football coach, captains, and team manager. From left to right: Peter Scontras ‘65, Geoff Burr, Lisa Morin, Nick Farris ‘09, Eric Christensen ‘13, Josh Farris ‘05, Coach Kevin Kezal, Nick Scontras ‘92, Gary Stevens, Phil Fearon ‘70, Bobby Begin ‘13, Bob Quentin ‘76, Connor McCrum ‘13, Kevin Savage ‘70, Don Lauzier, and Leon Hadiaris ‘70.

1936 A review of Roy Fairfield’s book Survival at Work and Home: SacoLowell Shops in WW II was published in the January 2013 edition of “Maine History: The Maine Borderlands.” 1945 Helen Lundy Boyde writes, “We are populating the world! From my two children I have six grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. My husband was the youngest of 10 and between us we have 24 nieces and nephews and 64 great nieces and nephews. We were married for 61 years before he passed away three years ago. I could live to have great great great great grandchildren!” 1946 Richard D. Crosby, Jr. writes, “Following a 33 year military career in the US Navy and US Army as a Naval and Army Aviator, I earned my doctoral degree from Virginia Tech. I retired from University life and moved to Jacksonville FL in 1993. Ann and I are now blessed with five children, nine grandchildren and six great grandchildren. We celebrated our 63rd wedding anniversary July 4th, 2012. We are truly blessed.” 1948 Theresa Pastercayk has left the mission in Peru after 31 years working with the prison ministry. She

presently volunteers as a tutor at her local parish’s after school program and continues prison ministry at a distance by writing to prisoners in both the US and Peru.

enjoyed the visits at the home of Justine Cote Davis ‘56 and Woody Davis ‘54. Note to Taki and Chick: “Amato’s Italian sandwiches, still good!”

1949 Mary Neal Morrison writes, “For the last few years, starting 11/15/11 I have been getting used to a new right knee. On 11/16/12 I had major surgery. Hope this isn’t an annual thing. Otherwise in good health.”

Guy Thivierge writes, “I have been busy playing 60 dates a year at area nursing homes and assisted living homes with our ‘Old Time Country Music Band’ (The Saco Valley Countrymen Band).”

Jeanine Wortman Post writes, “I turned 80 years old this summer. I have a beautiful new grandson in Los Angeles. All is well.” 1951 Nancy Calderwood Kovalick writes that she still lives in Colorado. She enjoyed a visit to her daughter and sister who live in Biddeford in December 2012. 1953 60th Class Reunion: Anita Binette Colpitts ( 1954 John Hanning writes, “My wife Winona and I came up from Fort Worth, TX this past October. Living in Texas for 50 years has not kept us from returning to Maine each year. We enjoyed being back in Saco visiting relatives and friends. We

1957 L. Lincoln Brown, Jr. writes “I live year round at Ocean Point. When the warmer weather rolls around I hit the golf course. In the winter I caretake 30 cottages and work in my woodshop. Next year we celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. Have two sons that are successful and two grandchildren. Life is good.” Janet Burrill Polanski moved to Hope Sounds, FL last year and is enjoying it. She would love to connect with any classmates in the area. 1958 55th Class Reunion: Margaret Smith Ricker (marick@maine. Carole Warren Spiller writes, “We enjoyed a wonderful Alaskan cruise last summer and had a great Postscripts


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Thanksgiving in Dallas with our three beautiful grandchildren. Don has been dealing with some health issues but is now improving with a cardiac defibrillator. Can’t wait for our 55th reunion!” 1961 Linda Morancy Kimball is a retired UCC minister and recently moved from Rumford to Gray in May, 2012. She has three grandchildren: Parker Kimball, 13 of Bangor, Bradley Kimball Hamilton, 2 of Belcher Town MA, and little sister Laura who was born Dec 2012. 1963 50th Class Reunion: August 10th at 7pm - Dutch Elm Golf Course FMI Larry Bowie (Lbowie45@ 1965 Carolyn Winslow Johnson writes, “Dave and I are still sailing several months a year on sailboat ShearWater. The crew just completed three weeks from Gran Canaria to Antiqua in the Caribbean. We only caught two fish the whole way.” 1967 Sigrid Eisberg Lade writes, “I got remarried in May 2012 to a wonderful man, Paul Lade. We are living in Washington DC.” 1969 Deborah Means Lizotte writes, “We are enjoying our 1st grandchild,

Class of 1988 - It’s your 25th year reunion! Celebrate on Homecoming weekend and tour campus with classmate and first alumnus headmaster, Rene Menard. Look for our Facebook page soon which will have important updates. Jill Brady Photography Alex is 8 months old. Phil is a State Deputy for the Knights of Columbus. We are having fun with all our travels throughout Maine and various states meeting new Knights of Columbus Families.” 1972 Wendy Weiler writes, “I continue to sing with Voices in Harmony and will join them on a trip to Ireland this April. Also I am proud that my son, James A Grover III, will be graduating from TA this June.” 1973 40th Class Reunion: Please return your questionnaires. FMI Scott MacDougall (dscottsplace@yahoo. com) Julia E. Hennessy retired from teaching in June after 35 years. For the past 34 years she taught at W G

Mallett School in Farmington, Maine. Over the years, she was a remedial teacher, a 2nd grade teacher, 2nd/3rd looping teacher, and a 3rd grade teacher at her retirement. Julia holds a BS degree in education from UMF and a Masters in Educational Leadership from UMO. She enjoys retirement and makes sea glass jewelry. 1978 35th Class Reunion: Lynne Colpitts Smith (lysmith@maine. 1980 Pamela Waterhouse Payeur writes, “I am thrilled to say that after living in Biddeford since getting married in 1983, we are finally relocating back to Saco! I am looking forward to becoming part of the Saco community. That means we will be

Alumni book proceeds to benefit TA Luke Nielson ‘08 has spent the last three years interviewing his peers and condensing their learning experiences into a self-help book for the Millennial Generation: “Connected Growth: Peer Sourced Thoughts to Improve Young Millennial Life.” The book is targeted at current high school and college students who use Facebook aggressively and consume viral videos. Each chapter begins with a “Peer Point” that introduces themes such as the screened world, transitions, academics, personal branding, and professional life. Nielson feels that the way our young generation embraces new technology to share and connect with each other should enable unprecedented growth. Nielson said, “We may share a funny memo or a cool music video, but we rarely share the most helpful learning experiences. A valuable opportunity is being overlooked.” Inspired by a lack of “useful sharing,” this book is the culmination of three years spent interviewing dozens of peers. 100% of net proceeds will be donated to scholarships for Thornton Academy students. For more information on the book and where to purchase it, please visit Postscripts


1982 Pender Cutler Makin was awarded the 2013 Maine Principal of the Year award. She is the principal at the Real School in Falmouth. 1983 30th Class Reunion: FMI Kim Graffam Meikle (kimmeikle@ 1989 Kristen Daudier Venor writes, “I have been an RN for 17 years in Labor & Delivery, and currently I am in a Master’s program for Nurse Practitioner Midwife in California, graduating in 2014. I just got married in San Francisco in November, and we are relocating to San Diego in May 2013.” 1992 Melissa Trudeau Dugal accepted a position as Executive Assistant to the General Counsel for Kaiser Permanente Hawaii in February, 2013. Melissa lives in Honolulu, Hawaii with her husband Jason and two children, Harley (10) and Devan (2). 1993 20th Year Reunion: Kirk Purvis ( 1995 Christian Doyon and Melissa Lauzier Doyon ‘97, welcomed a baby boy in June of 2011, named Braydon. Braydon joins sister Annabelle, three, and Brother Caleb, six. Christian is a supervisor at Time

Craig Voisine of Scarborough in May of 2012. Nathalie is employed by Spectrum Medical Group in South Portland and Craig is a Firefighter/ EMT employed by the City of Portland. They reside in their dream home in the town of Gorham. 1998 15th Year Reunion: FMI Josh Fearon (jfearon@insurancepc. com) TA Alumni Board is pleased to announce Greg Paradis ’91 as a new Alumni Board Member. “I am excited and honored to have been selected to be part of this group. I hope to help keep the residential student alums connected with TA and the Saco community.” Warner Cable and Melissa is a Tech in the Emergency Department of SMMC. 1996 Jenny Bouffard Straetz writes, “My husband, Jason, and I welcomed our second son, Ryan Charlie Straetz on August 26th. Ryan joins big brother Colin who is now two. We currently live in Saco.” 1997 Melissa Lauzier Doyon and Christian Doyon ‘95, welcomed a baby boy in June of 2011, named Braydon. Braydon joins sister Annabelle,3 and Brother Caleb, 6. Christian is a supervisor at Time Warner Cable and Melissa is a Tech in the Emergency Department of SMMC. Nathalie Paquet Voisine married

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operating Wounded Heroes Program of Maine from Saco as well. We are entering our fifth year serving Maine’s injured service members as they return home facing a very difficult transition from the battlefield. I am very proud of my team and the work we have done as a non-profit, all volunteer 501(c)(3) organization. As the founder and Executive Director of this program that was born as the result of our son, Mike’s, injuries serving in Iraq and surviving 11 IED blasts that nearly took his life, I am proud to know that we make a difference in people’s lives every day.”

Christopher Doiron and Hilaire Savage Doiron ‘00 reside in Lyman with daughters Chloe (3) and Cora (2). Chris is a business banking officer at Biddeford Savings and Hilaire is a wound clinic coordinator at Southern Maine Medical Center. 2000 Patrick Brogan was appointed to the position of Regional Treasury Manager for the North American region. Patrick joined Alstom in July of 2007. Before assuming this new role, he was Manager of External Reporting. Prior to joining Alstom, Patrick was an auditor for a public accounting firm in Tucson, AZ. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Corporate Finance and Accounting from Bentley College. Patrick, his wife, Dena, and their two children reside in Agawam, MA Hilaire Savage Doiron and Christopher Doiron ‘98 reside in Lyman with daughters Chloe (3) and Cora (2). Chris is a business banking officer at Biddeford Savings and Hilaire is a wound clinic coordinator at Southern Maine Medical Center.

TA Alumni: Fill Us In! Keep in touch with Thornton and your fellow alumni. Find your class agent at

Thornton Academy 438 Main Street Saco, ME 04072-1565 Ph: 207-602-4460 E-mail: Give Online at Postscripts


In M em o r iam

2001 Matt Boyle and his wife Cristina Boyle adopted a son named Jackson. Jackson Jeter Boyle was born 2/12/13 in Orlando, FL. They are currently living in Freeport, Maine.

2004 Autumn Welt graduated from Smith College with a Master of Fine Arts degree in Dance Choreography and Performance on May 20, 2012. She now lives in Orlando,FL.

2002 Maryellen Pribish is engaged to Trevor Kelly and they are planning a September 2013 wedding in Maine.

2005 Jessica Beaudoin and Joe Hamilton (of OOB) were engaged in December of 2011. Their wedding will be this coming June.

2003 10th Year Reunion: August 9 and 10. Dinner on August 10th at Jimmy the Greeks FMI: Bethany Lowe bethany_brookelowe@gmail. com, 207-423-2338, taclassof03) John Morrell was honored on Jan 4th, 2013 as a “Hero Among Us” for performing the Heimlich maneuver on a choking man. He was able to dislodge the object and get the man breathing again.

Brianna Boucher was recently engaged in December to her partner of 8 years. They are planning a February 2014 wedding in Southern Maine. Christina Cronin writes, “I graduated from UNE in May 2012 with my doctorate degree. I am currently working in New London, CT at Lawrence and Memorial Hospital as a physical therapist. I work hand in hand with the Yale’s stroke center, focusing on rehabilitation of patients who have had a stroke and primary

In Memoriam With the help of Zachary Greaton ‘14 (and Elsa Curran from McAuley High School), vocal artist Brandon Aull ‘12 recorded and published a tribute song to Alivia Welch ‘12 who died tragically in a senseless act of violence in December. English teacher Caryn Lasante said, “In knowing Brandon, Zachary, and Alivia, I think this is a perfect way to remember her and pay tribute to the fine, young lady she was, and it aids in the healing process of the entire community.” Headmaster Rene Menard said he thought the “Liv & Let Liv” video was amazing. “Brandon Aull and Zachary Greaton have done something very special that has touched the hearts of the many people who knew Alivia,” he said. The song can be purchased on iTunes; all proceeds go to Alivia’s family who, in turn, are using the funds to educate people about violence. The official music video can be viewed on YouTube at watch?v=r0zATm8t3Hg.



and secondary stroke prevention. In my spare time I am refereeing college soccer.” Lewin Dodge III writes, “Since graduating I have worked as a photographer, and a stunt man in California. I have recently moved to New York City to pursue my dream of being a professional wrestler.” He is training under the Amazing Red at the House of Glory Wrestling School and is wrestling as a masked luchador all over the East Coast. 2008 5th Year Reunion: Brittany Sawyer 2012 Elizabeth G. Eddy is currently a premed major at UNE. She qualified at the NE Regional Irish Dance Comp in November to attend the World Championships of Irish Dance. This elite competition represents the top 1% of Irish Dancers and will be held in March of 2013.

In M em o r iam

The names of deceased alumni that appear below have been received by Thornton Academy since Postscripts was last published. We make every effort to notify our readers about alumni and others associated with TA, who are deceased, but we rely on friends and family to send us obituaries, especially for those out of state. Alumni 1934: Virginia Holt Cavanaugh of Delmar, NY in January 2013 1937: Marjorie Clark Walker of Portland and Hollis, ME in October 2012 1938: Thomas Quigley Davis of Saco, ME in November 2012 1941: Barbara Perkins Butler of Charlton, MA in February 2013 1941: Muriel Descoteaux Twomey of Gladwyne, PA in November 2012 1943: Madeline Watson Hooper of Lyman, ME in January 2013 1944: Millard Tripp of Saco, ME in January 2013 1944: Russell A. Fletcher of Old Orchard Beach, ME in December 2012 1945: Lorraine Letellier Soucy of Saco, ME in January 2013 1945: Robert P. Tarbox of Dayton, ME in November 2012 1946: Joyce Belmain Taylor of Kennebunk, ME in February 2013 1947: Virginia Mercier Scammon of Saco, ME in October 2012 1947: George Reeves of Saco, ME in October 2012 1947: John E. Lombard of Saco, ME in December 2012 1949: Rebecca Hooper Cushman of Saco, ME in June 2012 1950: William A. Brown, Sr. of Hopedale, MA in November 2011 1954: John Wheaton of Lewiston, ME in December 2012 1956: Robert Mullett, Sr. of Saco, ME in January 2013 1959: Armand Gagnon of Biddeford, ME in December 2012 1961: Ann Clark Turbin of Boulder, CO in August 2012 1964: Dennis R. Morin of Laguna Beach, CA in December 2012 1965: Irene Halasz of Biddeford, ME in December 2012 1966: Rosemary Grace Desjardins of Paisley, FL in January 2013 1967: Margaret Dumont Callahan of Saco, ME in September 2012 1968: Kenneth Grace of Saco, ME in December 2012 1989: Jason Lee of Atco, NJ in November 2012 2011: Maxwell Casbay of Saco, ME in December 2012 2012: Alivia Welch of Arundel, ME in December 2012

Donors who wish to honor the memory of a loved one, faculty member, friend, or classmate are invited to make a memorial gift. Such a gift will stand as a permanent reminder of the impact the honoree made during his or her lifetime. A gift in honor or in memory allows donors to express their feelings in a distinctive and memorable way. A gift in honor or in memory will benefit Thornton Academy far into the future, and it will leave a lasting legacy of the honoree. Please contact Lisa Morin at 207-602-4456 or lisa.morin@ for details.




Postscripts Thornton Academy 438 Main St Saco ME 04072-1565


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