Thornton Academy Program of Studies 2014-15
New in 2014-15 Earn one of three Specialized Diplomas Exclusive College Partnerships Expanded AP and Honors Offerings Applied Learning Opportunities
Preparing Students for a Changing World Since 1811
Thornton Academy Program of Studies 2014-15
The newly renovated second story of the Emery Building has been transformed into the Mary Weymouth Hyde Library, serving students and faculty alike
Middle School Student Services
Middle School Student Services, Guidance, Response to Intervention, Library and Academic Commons
Middle School Course Descriptions Middle School: Grade level 6-8
Middle School Student Activities Middle School
Student Services and Distinct Programs Upper School: Student Services, Guidance, Academic Support, Homeroom, Transition Program, Library and Academic Commons, Technology, Distinct Programs
Upper School Student Activities Upper School
Developing Your Schedule
Upper School: Graduation requirements and the enhanced schedule
Upper School Course Descriptions
Upper School: Zero Block / Block 5 / Block X; Four Areas of Study: Arts & New Media, Humanities, STEM (Scence, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and Wellness; Center of Technology
Specialty Diplomas & College Partnerships Arts and New Media Diploma Endorsement; Advanced Studies Diploma Endorsement; STEM Diploma Endorsement; UNE Matriculation Program; NTMA-U Development Program; Early College Program
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thornton Academy • 438 Main Street • Saco, ME • 04072-1595 • 207-282-3361
We l co me Dear Friends of Thornton Academy, When I sit down every year to write this introduction to the Program of Studies, I hold our school mission — preparing students for a changing world —foremost in my mind. Leafing through pages of program outlines and class descriptions, descriptions of extracurricular activities to suit wide-ranging interests, and vivid pictures of students and teachers who are actively engaged, I feel confident that we are hitting the mark. A student who takes advantage of all that is offered here, who works with his/her parents, teachers and counselors to undertake a program that matches his/her abilities and interests will surely be well prepared for the life journey that lies ahead.
This is my message to all Thornton students, from incoming sixth graders to seniors: When you think about next year, when you plan the kind of school year you want, think big. Set your sights high and wide; challenge yourself to work hard; accept the risk that comes with new experiences. President Theodore Roosevelt said, “It is hard to fail but it is worse to have not tried to succeed. In this life we get nothing save by effort.”
Look beyond the classrooms and get involved in our larger community. Academics is central to every school day, but don’t stop at 2:00 PM. Thornton offers many diverse activities. Take an X-block class, play a sport, join a club, take pictures for the yearbook, sing, dance or act … The list of possibilities is long. Find your hidden interests. Participation brings its own rewards. As one writer advised, “Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can – there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.”
Spend your years at TA opening as many doors as possible. Your years here will flash by before you know it. Look past this campus too; look ahead to the changing world. In the end, that’s where we want to see you thrive, see you succeed. This Program of Studies, along with input from your parents and teachers, will guide you on your way. Sincerely,
Rene Menard Head of School
Thornton Administration Head of School: Mr. Menard Head’s Assistant: Mrs. Estabrook Associate Head for Academics: Mr. Indorf Admin Assistant: Mrs. Stubbs Associate Head for Administration: Mr. Young Admin Assistant: Mrs. Furbish Associate Head for Advancement: Mr. Ritzo Chief Financial Officer: Mr. Kelly Executive Assistant: Ms. Tarver Attendance/Reception: Mrs. Lamarre Class Deans: Mr. Tabor, Mrs. Roche, Mr. Paradis, Mr. Kezal Deans’ Office: Mrs. Picard Director of Admission: Mr. Powers Director of Athletics and Student Activities: Mr. Stevens Admin Assistant: Mrs. Umel Director of Communications/Marketing: Mrs. Erikson Director of Facilities: Mr. Roney Admin Assistant: Ms. Paquette Director of Technology: Mr. Nasse TA Helpdesk: Mrs. Doyle, Mr. Girard Middle School Principal: Mrs. Robert Director of Student Services: Mrs. Taranko 504 Coordinator: Mrs. Glidden Director of Hyde Library: Ms. Kehoe Director of ELL Programs: Mr. Griffin Director/Dean of Residential Life: Mrs. Paradis Director of Guidance: Mrs. Weyand Guidance Counselors: Mr. Camire, Mr. DeFrancesco, Mr. McMahon, Mrs. More, Mr. Turgeon, Ms. Wallace Admin Assistants: Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Martin School Registrar: Mrs. Dube School-to-Work Counselor: Mrs. Roth Health Center Nurses: Mrs. Prescott, Ms. Loiselle School Resource Officer: Officer Cook Social Workers: Mrs. Hadiaris, Ms. Speed, Ms. Cumbie Special Education Department Chair: Mrs. Callahan Admin Assistants: Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Precourt
Thornton Academy
Mission and History
Originally founded in 1811, Thornton Academy is one of the nation’s oldest independent schools. The charter that established Thornton Academy was signed in January of 1811, over 200 years ago while Maine was still part of Massachusetts. Thirty-seven citizens of Saco petitioned the Massachusetts Legislature for the financial assistance and legal authority to open an academy in the community. Although a nearby town had earlier been denied a similar request, the group’s petition was granted and a site was chosen.
The new academy opened in January of 1813, welcoming fifty boys and girls, both day students from nearby communities like Saco and Biddeford and tuition students from around New England. After spending years developing a good reputation for offering a traditional classical education, the students’ education came abruptly and sadly to a halt when their wooden school house burned to the ground. When Thornton Academy reopened in 1889, the school’s Board of Trustees contracted with local communities -those that lacked schools beyond grade eight -- to provide high school education for their children. From then until today, Thornton Academy has educated students from near and far, through both public contract and independent admission.
Now in its third century, Thornton Academy continues to thrive, and meet its mission: Thornton Academy prepares students for a changing world. A rigorous and broad-based program of academic, arts and athletic opportunities challenges students to reach their potential in readiness for lifelong learning and productive participation in our dynamic world. Thornton Academy is a unique school that cherishes its independent status, balances its strong history and traditions with vitality and growth, and understands its responsibility to educate a broad and diverse constituency.
Thornton Academy
Middle School Introduction Dear Students and Parents,
Learning comes alive at Thornton Academy Middle School! TAMS is a place where students create, dream, and inspire. TAMS is a place where everyone knows your name and you are more than just a student in the classroom. At TAMS, you are an integral member of our learning community. Your teachers work hard to create an atmosphere where all different types of learning can take place. As a small school, we are able to take a personalized approach toward recognizing your individual needs and accomplishments.
TAMS is a leader in bringing innovative programs to middle school students. I hope you will take advantage of our academic extension courses such as the online classes and “X block” classes or participate in one of our off-campus expeditions. If you find yourself needing support, I hope you will take advantage of our after school homework club, English Academy, Math Academy or make an appointment to work before or after school with a teacher.
I encourage you to take the time to explore your interests outside of academics whether it’s getting involved with a school club, participating in the performing arts or joining one of our athletic teams. Be a risk taker and try new things. Figure out exactly what it is you like to do. Middle school is a time for you to learn, explore and grow!
I look forward to supporting you as you navigate your middle school journey! Sincerely,
Tiffany Robert Principal of TAMS
Middle School
TAMS Student Services
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes
Thornton Academy Middle School is exceptionally student and family-centered, creating a culture that values and encourages curiosity, respect, responsibility, honesty, courage, and compassion. Faculty, students and parents collaborate to sustain a school environment that is: • Committed to partnership • Fun, engaging and creative • Safe and structured • Supportive of the personal and academic growth of each student • Academically challenging and develop mentally responsive • Respectful of individuals • Socially responsible and community oriented
UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
Services are available to help all students feel a sense of community connection and find success academically, socially and emotionally.
Guidance and Counseling
A full-time guidance counselor serves the TAMS student population, and assists in the following ways: • Discussing academic progress with students and families • Teaching a guidance unit within the academic schedule, addressing issues such as bullying, conflict resolution, rela tionship questions, high school readiness and early career exploration • Discussing personal problems, providing a “listening ear” and referring students to other professionals as needed • Directing students and families toward needed resources based on the nature of the challenges presented • Meeting with parents or guardians
Response-to-Intervention (RTI)
The RTI program assists students in building the skills they need to be successful both academically and behaviorally. The three-tiered system provides increasing levels of support depending on individual student needs, strengths and patterns of achievement. • Tier 1 interventions are designed to de termine how best to help students achieve success when they are having dif ficulty progressing. • Tier 2 or Tier 3 interventions are indicated when the development of an individual ized Personal Learning Plan (PLP) be comes necessary. • Personal Learning Plans (PLPs) highlight specific student-centered goals to address focused areas of difficulty. Extra help through the RTI program can be provided in most classes and during study halls; additional one-on-one and smallgroup support is available after school.
Curriculum Extension Program
The Curriculum Extension Program, a cooperative venture between classroom teachers and the coordinator, is provided to students with outstanding abilities who are capable of high performance and represent the diverse populations of our communities. Students whose potential requires differentiated approaches to meet their educational needs will receive challenging educational services through the Curriculum Extension Program. More information is available from the Curriculum Extension Coordinator.
Library and Academic Commons
The Mary Weymouth Hyde Library and Academic Commons (L/AC) is located on Thornton Academy’s main campus. Open daily for student use, the L/AC offers a comfortable reading area, study tables, extensive print, periodical and multi-media
collections. The L/AC is an attractive setting and offers a popular place for all students, including TAMS students, to study and explore the world. Middle school students visit the L/AC as part of regular supervised classroom activities. Starting in middle school, Thornton Academy students will: • Learn to find and use information effectively • Conduct effective Internet searches • Access online databases • Acquire skills to become a lifelong learner
Middle school faculty members have completed extensive professional development in the area of instructional technology. As a result, technology is an essential component in all areas of study at TAMS. Since computer access is so integral to TAMS curriculum, a laptop computer is provided for every student to use both in school during classroom instruction and at home for homework completion. Campus-wide wireless connectivity facilitates instruction in a wide range of ways including the interactive whiteboard technology installed in every middle school classroom, as well as in-class LCD projectors, digital cameras, and digital microscopes. All middle school teachers use TAOnline, Thornton’s virtual learning environment, to post class assignments and provide electronic resources that students can access from anywhere at any time via the Internet. A stable infrastructure and a reliable technology staff are effective in handling all network, hardware and software issues.
Units of study include decimals, fractions, algebra, geometry, graphing, ratio and proportions. Connections between the math concepts being taught and their real-world application will be integrated into lessons through mini labs and interdisciplinary projects whenever possible. TAMS uses the flexible grouping model to organize learning communities of students based on mathematical aptitude. Criteria for establishing these groups include: Fifth grade math average, NWEA and NECAP scores, entrance mastery assessment and teacher observations.
Music & Performing Arts
Students will engage in hands-on activities with a variety of art media to explore the visual arts through experiences integrated with concurrent social studies curriculum. Students will learn about the traditional arts and crafts of the world’s people and create authentic works of art. Students
Students will perform hands-on labs and create related projects in a unit-based approach focusing on energy, weather, astronomy, and oceans. Whenever possible, science will be integrated with other areas of the curriculum, including natural overlap
Students will learn to read and write music, sing a variety of songs that support learning experiences in their other subject areas, play percussion to the classics and complete a focus study on listening to music. To help develop songwriting skills, students use laptops, specifically the Garage Band program. Additionally, dancing, choreography and drama improvisation are an active part of class. Students are invited to demonstrate skills learned throughout the year at the annual Music Concert.
Visual Arts
The seventh grade mathematics curriculum includes decimals, algebra and statistics, linear equations and functions, fractions, proportional reasoning, geometry, and measurement. Acceleration, extension and enrichment opportunities are offered within the classroom.
Life Science
Students will be engaged with science activities, both in and out of the classroom, that deal with varied topics including defining life, photosynthesis, environmental issues, systems, genetics, evolution, and populations. Students will be asked to use a variety of media to explore the major ideas of each unit. Units are regularly integrated with other subject areas so that students are able to see connections beyond life science.
Seventh grade ELA curriculum will focus on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students will become more effective thinkers and active learners through communication, reflection, and understanding. Students will have many opportunities to work with various types of writing, including narrative, descriptive, expository and persuasive writing. Becoming familiar with literary terms, learning to read for detail, using details to support interpretation of characters, and becoming aware of the beauty and power of the written word are key outcomes.
Block 5/ X Classes
Instruction is divided between physical activity and health-oriented classroom lessons. Physical activities are often integrated with core curriculum in science and social studies. Health units of study include mental, emotional, family, and social health; growth and nutrition; personal health and safety; drugs and disease prevention; community and environmental health; and current events dealing with health.
English Language Arts (ELA)
UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
Grade 7 Academics
Students will explore a variety of books as a class, both in literature circles of four to six students and independently. Students will have the ability to read a large selection of Newbery Award and Honor books. Student activities will include book projects, response journals, reading notebooks, guided reading and Reader’s Theater. Students will also read several short stories and learn the elements of a short story.
Students will learn about the world and its people with a focus on Latin America, Asia and Africa. The social studies program will also be integrated with world art. Students will become more aware of the people of the world with a focus on their economies, demographics, geography and culture. Important local, national and world current events will be explored and discussed.
Social Studies
Students will complete a diverse assortment of writing, ranging from journals to poetry and essays crafted about unique experiences in the classroom and beyond. The Six Traits program will be used to help all students continue to improve their writing. Spelling, vocabulary and grammar will be integrated into daily writing work.
practice the language and understanding of the elements of art, and develop confidence in the areas of drawing, painting and sculpting.
with studies in social studies and math.
Grade 6 Academics
Grades 6 & 7
Middle School
include but are not limited to The Giver and Chew on This. Students are encouraged to revise their work often, and grammar and mechanics are reinforced as needed.
The eighth grade mathematics curriculum includes real numbers and algebra, percent, geometry and measurement, probability and statistics, and linear and nonlinear functions. Acceleration, extension and enrichment opportunities are offered within the classroom. Honors Algebra I is offered (in place of 8th grade math) to students who demonstrate a high level of competence with the mathematical concepts listed above. Honors Algebra I is taught at the Upper School.
Block 5/ X Classes
Physical Science
UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
Social Studies
Maine culture is the focus of seventh grade social studies. Students will examine questions such as: Why buy local? Why did people explore? What was life like in the America’s before exploration? How did colonies develop? What is industrialization? Who belongs here?
World Languages
The World Languages program provides students with a foundation for future language study and promotes awareness of cultures related to world languages. Spanish and French are taught in a two-year loop so that students are able to achieve maximum exposure to the structures of a language. The course is organized around thematic units that integrate vocabulary, grammatical structures, culture, and communication.
Seventh grade students will focus on learning the basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, all taught through themes such as the classroom, school, family, home, and holidays. Popular culture, food, art, music, and other content areas are regularly connected to lessons. Skills in participation, tolerance, and cooperation are also strongly emphasized.
Instruction is divided between physical activity and health classroom lessons. Physical activities are often integrated with core curriculum in science. Health units of study include: • Mental, emotional, family, and social health • Community and environmental health • Anatomy • Current events related to health
Visual Arts
Students will expand their knowledge of the elements and principles of art through an investigation of the use of art and design in today’s society. Visual arts activities are regularly designed to extend and complement academic areas of study such as social studies, literature and science. This integrated approach will help students develop an appreciation for art in daily life.
Music & Performing Arts
7th Graders focus on African Percussion, using authentic instruments from Ghana. Complex rhythms through ensemble and individual activities help students develop teamwork and a greater understanding of the music of other cultures. Students use Garage Band, software available on their laptops, to create original works and study a unit on American Music in History (Ellis Island). African dance, drama activities and studying the high school musical each year are also highlights in class. Students are invited to demonstrate skills learned throughout the year at the annual Music Concert.
Grade 8 Academics English Language Arts (ELA)
Students will connect fiction and nonfiction texts to the world they live in through a variety of thematically driven units throughout the year. They will learn to think critically about texts through a variety of independent and small group assignments and projects, as well as class discussions. By writing frequently and for different purposes, including narrative, argument, and informative, students will become more expressive writers. Class titles
Eighth grade students learn and use methods of scientific inquiry to explore and discover answers to questions posed at the beginning of activities. Major topics include scientific method, interactions and energy, environmental issues, forces, chemistry, and forensic science. Units are regularly integrated with other subject areas so that students are able to see connections beyond physical science.
Social Studies
Students in eighth grade social studies address current issues facing the United States and the world, examining questions and issues surrounding government, population, human and civil rights, resource allocation and conservation, civic participation and responsibility within communities.
Instruction is divided between physical activity and health-oriented classroom lessons. Physical activities are often integrated with core curriculum in science and social studies. Health units include: • Mental, emotional, family, and social health • Growth and nutrition • Personal health and safety • Drugs and disease prevention • Community and environmental health • Anatomy
World Languages
The World Languages program provides students with a foundation for future language study and promotes awareness of cultures related to world languages. Spanish and French are taught in a twoyear loop so that students are able to achieve maximum exposure to the structures of a language. The course is organized around thematic units that integrate vocabulary, grammatical structures, culture, and
Grade 8
Students focus on the overarching theme of “Art for Change” throughout the year. Students connect what they are learning about world events, through research in social studies and ELA classes, with integrated visual arts projects. This collaborative approach allows students to better understand the concepts studied and analyze how the practice of creating can bring about innovative solutions. Students work with a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional art media and are encouraged to make creative choices in their work whenever possible.
Applying music to our world is the 8th grade theme. Students will learn to play the ukulele, investigate historical composers and discover why their music is still remembered today, as well as create original songs and podcasts on Garage Band, a program used on their laptops. Our dance unit starts with the 50’s and 60’s and goes back to the 40’s, teaching students how to dance with a partner and learn first hand what the American Swing Era was all about. The elements of music are reviewed and used to help students articulate what they hear. Students are invited to demonstrate skills learned throughout the year at the annual Music Concert.
Block 5/ X Classes
Visual Arts
Music & Performing Arts
UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
communication. For eighth grade students, listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills are strengthened with more advanced language learning. Themes such as clothing, food, travel, and sports provide the basis for learning. Popular culture, food, art, music, and other content areas are regularly connected to lessons. Skills in participation, tolerance, and cooperation are also strongly emphasized in the course.
Block 5/Block X Classes
The school day at TAMS will be extended for students who wish to take advantage of academic courses after the 2 o’clock bell. A “Block 5” will run from 2:05 to 3:17, and flexible “X Block” classes will meet on campus (and online) in the evenings. Most Block 5 and X Block courses will be brand new, and all will be special-interest elective course offerings.
Hydroponics - Grades 6, 7 and 8 This course is open to 7th and 8th graders. 6th graders may participate with a recommendation from their classroom teacher. In this course, students will first learn about several different types of hydroponic systems. Students will then construct two ebb and flow systems in our TAMS science classroom and will perform scientific experiments to test specific effects on lettuce between the two systems. This course will incorporate the engineering of the hydroponic system as well as using the scientific method to answer problems. At the conclusion of this course, students will be to able to understand how different types of hydroponic systems work, monitor specific properties, understand pH and growth rate, demonstrate the ability to collect specific data throughout various lab tests and write a quality lab report.
Starting with Strings! - Grades 6, 7 and 8 This after-school course is open to all students, with or without previous experience in strings. Most students in SWS will begin to learn the basics of violin (or other stringed instruments, in consultation with the instructor), and fiddling will become the focus as students learn to read music and play some music from memory. Students who take advantage of this wonderful opportunity will be better positioned to join the Upper School’s ever-expanding String Orchestra! Individual practice outside of class is required. Instrument rental is available, and consideration for financial need may be given by the principal upon request.
Freshman Honors English Preparatory Course - 7th Graders This course is designed for 7th grade students who are identified as candidates to take Honors Freshman English in lieu of 8th Grade English Language Arts (ELA). Students must apply for and be accepted to participate in this course. Students should be talented readers and writers, as well as mature and motivated students. Serving as a bridge from 7th grade ELA to Freshmen Honors English, the course will entail an accelerated version of the TAMS 8th grade ELA curriculum. Expectations will be rigorous and demand at-home work time. Successful students will leave this course well prepared to enter Freshman Honors English as an 8th grader.
Middle School
Student Activities TAMS offers a wide variety of student activities. All students are strongly encouraged to participate.
•Student Council •Civil Rights Team •National Junior Honor Society
•Academic Enrichment Opportunities •Annual Musical Performance •Concert Band (beginning and advanced) •Choir •Dance Club •Drama Club (including annual theater production) •Environmental Club •iTeam •Math Academy •Service Learning Projects •TAMS Yearbook •Additional activities quarterly
ATHLETICS •Basketball •Baseball •Cross Country •Indoor Track •Outdoor Track •Soccer •Softball •Ski/Snowboard •Swimming
Upper School: Introduction
From the Associate Heads Dear Students and Parents, Welcome to another exciting school year! We are so fortunate to be part of the TA community. What other high school in Maine (or even New England!) has so much to offer? From state championship athletics to Broadway theater, 230+ academic classes with 22 Advanced Placement courses, over 70 clubs and athletic teams -- there is truly something for everyone at TA. Post-secondary opportunities have been expanded for all students. As you select your courses this year, consider the three diploma concentrations we now offer:
Advanced Studies: For students who want to challenge themselves with a varied concentration of the school’s most
rigorous course offerings; this diploma endorsement may increase a student’s likelihood of qualifying for honors
programs offered at many major colleges and universities. As of this printing, TA and the University of New
England were close to finalizing an agreement that offers students the opportunity to enter the College of Arts
and Sciences at the University of New England as a sophomore.
STEM: For students planning on post-secondary education and/or a career focusing in a science, technology,
engineering or math-related field; this diploma endorsement also offers the opportunity to enter UMaine’s Engineering
program as a sophomore.
Arts and New Media: For students planning on post-secondary education and/or a career focusing in arts field
or the quickly developing area of “new media.” As of this printing, TA and Husson University’s New England School of
Communications (NESCom) were close to finalizing an agreement that offers students the opportunity to
enter NESCom as a sophomore.
• Students who graduate with an endorsed diploma will receive special recognition at graduation; college admissions
officers are likely to notice as well.
Students interested in pursuing a trade may want to consider precision machining, a field that holds excellent employment potential. TA’s first-in-the-nation partnership with NTMA-U allows students to earn 21 college credits and real-life job training with the opportunity to graduate from TA with a journeyman’s certificate. NTMA-U is an innovative program that bridges the gap between traditional degree programs and skills-based certification. This unparalleled opportunity will allow TA students to stand out in today’s technical workforce. Whether you’re a freshman choosing your first classes, or an upperclassman preparing for life after TA, choose your classes carefully. Be mindful of graduation requirements, challenge yourself to take a rigorous course load, and plan to use any of TA’s many offerings, both curricular and extra-curricular, to honor your unique interests. Discuss your options with your parents, advisors, current teachers and guidance counselors in order to build yourself the most rounded, individually-tailored program possible. Best wishes for a successful year! Sincerely,
Chris Indorf Associate Head for Teaching and Learning
Allan Young Associate Head for School Administration
Upper School
Upper School Student Services
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
The Student Services Team is a comprehensive system of support services within Thornton Academy. At the upper school level, the Student Services Team seeks to identify areas of concern for referred students and works to support students in finding success at school. Members of the Student Services Team include (alphabetically): • Alternative Education Instructor • Class Deans (FMI: Parent/Student Handbook) • Guidance Counselors • Independent Seminar Instructor • JMG (Jobs for ME Graduates) Specialist • Section 504 Coordinator • School Nurse • School Resource Officer • Social Work Services • Special Education Services • ‘Transition Program’ Mentors
Guidance Department
At Thornton Academy, school counselors are committed to delivering a comprehensive guidance and counseling program designed to encourage the social, emotional, and academic development of each student. TA’s school counselors advocate and provide support for students by working closely with teachers, administrators, the Student Services Team, and families. Counselors help students prepare for the future by fostering an awareness of their personal abilities, skills and interests, then assisting them to enter appropriate occupations and
post-secondary education programs. Students may see or make an appointment with their counselor in the Guidance Office before or after school, and during study hall. Parents may contact their student’s counselor by calling the Guidance Office or via email. Every student is assigned to a guidance counselor who will support him or her through all four years of high school. Guidance counselors assist students in the following ways: • Setting goals and selecting appropriate courses throughout high school • Discussing academic progress, including strengths and needs • Working through academic issues that may arise • Understanding and using test results • Exploring career options that match academic strengths and personal interests • Discussing and establishing life goals • Developing a transition plan to follow high school completion • Discussing and investigating postsecondary educational options • Providing information and direction regarding all aspects of the college application process, including financial aid possibilities • Making appropriate referrals for students needing professional help with personal, mental, and/or emotional issues • Meeting with parents as necessary and appropriate Following graduation from Thornton Academy, most students choose to
attend college or university, enter the military or pursue additional career training of some sort.
Academic Help
Many opportunities, including those described below, are available for students who wish to seek help with academics.
Homeroom Advisors
Every student is assigned a homeroom advisor in freshman year; his or her advisor will remain the same through all four years of high school. Homeroom advisors meet with students every day for 15 minutes. Advisors share whole school announcements, discuss school projects, assist with class activities, and conference with students and parents every spring to plan for the next school year. Homeroom advisors also provide direction for students in need of help, both academic and social. Based on the issue at hand, an advisor might direct a student to meet with his or her guidance counselor, the classroom teacher, class dean or other school professional. Parents may also contact homeroom advisors for assistance in accessing appropriate services.
Credit Recovery Program
The Credit Recovery Program provides support for students in grades 10, 11 and 12 for whom graduation status is in question due to achievement challenges. The credit recovery faculty work in collaboration with the student, his/her guidance counselor, and other professionals as appropriate to assess the student’s needs. A course of action is recommended that will enable the student to accumulate needed credits, at the same time putting in place the academic support he or she may require in order to be successful.
More information is available from guidance counselors.
New Hyde Library
The Mary Weymouth Hyde Library at Thornton Academy offers academic and recreational enrichment to all students, grades 6-12, and is staffed with instructional partners who are widely accessible. The mission of the library is to meet the diverse needs of our patrons with a variety of media; and the collection, comprised of over 17,000 print volumes, 30 magazine titles, and an extensive DVD and audio
Distinct Programs
Thornton Academy offers several distinct programs that further support students’ academic growth and meet individual needs. Guidance counselors can provide more information regarding each program below. • The Special Education Department provides a continuum of services for identified students. An individualized program is carefully developed based upon the student’s specific needs. Available services range from academic coaching, to specialized instruction in a resource setting, to functional life skills
Biddeford Regional Center of Technology (BRCOT)
BRCOT programs are open to juniors and seniors, with admission by application only. Information is provided to sophomores and juniors annually prior to the application and course selection process. Thornton Academy guidance counselors work collaboratively with the BRCOT staff to make all admission decisions. More information is available from guidance counselors. BRCOT programs meet either in the morning or the afternoon for two consecutive blocks throughout the year (i.e., both semesters). Some courses will enable students to enter local community college programs with advanced placement. The course descriptions provided for BRCOT offerings are intended for general information purposes only. Admission criteria and course selection policies that are not included in Thornton Academy’s Program of Studies will apply. Complete information regarding
Throughout the school year StW offers opportunities for students to expand their experience beyond the traditional classroom and attend industry events that broaden their exposure to fields or career paths of interest. Such events vary by type and location, and will offer multiple chances for students to explore career paths of choice more intensively. Interaction with southern Maine businesses is fundamental to the School-toWork Program. Employers will visit TA classrooms to share information about their industry, the career options open for new graduates, and/or the education or training required for specific jobs. Local employers also provide job shadow and internship opportunities for StW students.
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
Every StW student will consult with the TA career counselor and complete an inventory of his/her interests, aptitudes, and work preferences. Together, the student and career counselor will explore careers for which the resulting profile is well-matched. With additional assistance from his/her guidance counselor, each StW student will also develop a personal resource list of relevant work requirements together with a list of the college, technical school, or certificate programs that would be most applicable. The goal is for a feasible post-secondary plan to result for every StW student!
The School-To-Work Program (StW) is designed to immerse Thornton Academy students in the career exploration and planning process. Using a framework that includes guided discussions, interest inventories, one-to-one consultations and field work, StW seeks to match each student with careers that are well-matched to his/her personal work profile. All TA students are eligible to participate in StW; however, the program is ideally suited to: • Students who are uncertain about their post-Thornton plans, or • Students whose plans may not include college immediately after high school graduation.
Thornton Academy provides students and teachers with the latest technology and information technology (IT) services. High-speed wireless Internet access is available across the entire campus, from classrooms to dormitories. A large collection of laptops, desktops (including specialized computer labs) and iPads offers students opportunities that range from traditional subject-area research to television production, music production, application development and technical writing. Thornton teachers maintain a web presence for their classes through TAOnline, Thornton’s virtual learning environment ( All students are furnished a email address, which is packaged with other collaboration tools through our Google Education Partnership™. Thornton Academy also provides parents and students access to grades online using the PowerSchool Student Information System. New in 2014 is an expanded iPad program, and a “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) wireless network.
School-to-Work Program
all BRCOT programs is available from guidance counselors. See pages 57-59 for more information.
Opened in September 2013, the newly renovated library now occupies the second floor of the historic Emery building. Students enjoy a bright and modern environment that is welcoming, flexible, and conducive to learning. The library boasts comfortable reading areas, computer stations, quiet study zones, a large presentation area, and seating for over ninety students and staff. Library hours are Monday-Friday, 7:00 am to 3:00 pm. In 2014/15, the library will explore e-Books and digital circulation in support of the school’s move toward mobile and tablet devices.
programming. • The Alternative Education program is designed for students who have experienced significant academic difficulties within the traditional classroom structure. Students must be referred for the program by an administrator, teacher or guidance counselor. The program is located on campus and combines a curriculum of alternative, career and mainstream classes as well as vocational experiences. • An Independent Study may be developed and pursued by any student who has a strong interest in a focused area of study. The topic or theme of study cannot already be available through Thornton’s course offerings. Facilitation by a classroom teacher-mentor is required; high self-motivation is essential. • The TA Mentors program is a good exploratory step for students who may be interested in pursuing a career working with children by providing opportunities to assist classroom teachers in local elementary and middle schools. Students may choose to mentor for a single semester or for the whole year. Academic credit (up to 0.5) is awarded based on students’ commitment to their assigned classes and reliability as a classroom assistant. Applications are available in the Guidance Office; acceptance is based on placement availability and interest. TA Mentors is a P/F non-weighted program.
book collection approaching 800 titles, reflects that goal.
Services & Programs
Upper School
Jobs for Maine Graduates (JMG) The mission of the Jobs for Maine’s Graduates Program, is to guide students on a path toward success in continued education, a meaningful career, and a productive adulthood, which is a fitting complement to Thornton’s schoolwide mission of preparing students for a changing world. Students involved in JMG are encouraged and advised in the areas of achieving better grades, improving personal outlook and self-esteem, experiencing strong ‘connectedness’ to school, and gaining valuable understanding of multiple pathways to future success. In this career preparatory course students will explore a range of career options while developing the “employability” skills demanded by the 21st century labor market. Students will learn how to attain a job, how to be successful in that job, and how to manage personal finances. In addition students will develop an understanding of non-profit organizations, philanthropy, and the grant process. Benefits of the JMG program include leadership development opportunities, a “hands on” learning approach, community service and network connections, career discovery activities, exposure to guest speakers from the business/non-profit community, and field trips. JMG students at TA will also be part of a larger statewide/national organization and benefit from a personal graduation coach. Prerequisites: Prospective JMG students must demonstrate the desire and ambition to develop the skills to achieve a successful future. Recommendation from a faculty member or current JMG student, application completion, interview are required, and final approval of the JMG Specialist are required for participation.
Upper School
Student Activities Thornton Academy offers a wide variety of student activities at the upper school level and all students are strongly encouraged to participate. The activities listed below are offered every year, assuming continued student interest. With sufficient student interest and the willingness of a faculty advisor to become involved, new clubs and activities may be added. Information regarding the formation of a new club is available in the Administrators’ Office. Other activities may occur seasonally or in concert with another activity (e.g., Children’s Winter Carnival), but those are not listed.
Cross Country Fall Cheering Field Hockey Football Golf Soccer Volleyball (girls)
Basketball Ice Hockey Indoor Track Swimming Weightlifting Winter Cheering
Baseball Lacrosse Outdoor Track Softball Tennis
ACADEMIC GROUPS Academic Decathlon Archive Club Carpe Diem (Magazine)* Chinese Club Classics Club French Club German Club Ink (Literary Magazine) Math Club
National Honor Society† Political Science Russian Club Science Olympiad Spanish Club Speech Team TATV (Channel 3) Tripod (Yearbook)* Anime Club
Arts Club Orchestra* Chess Club Concert Choir* Concert Band* Dance Company* Drama Club (TA Players) Guitar Club Jazz Band*
Marching Band PEP Band TA Tech Crew Table Top Game Club Treble Choir* Environmental Club Outdoor Adventure Club Ski Club Ultimate Frisbee Club
COMMUNITY SERVICE GROUPS Action Team Amnesty International Civil Rights
Class Officers† Gay/Straight Alliance Green Team
Interact Natural Peer Helpers/Mediators Philanthropy Society
Student Council† Volunteers Of America Youth Against Dating Abuse * †
Credit courses Students are elected to these activities.
Upper School
Developing Your Schedule Planning a four-year program of study at Thornton Academy is a serious task; post-secondary institutions and employers alike require the submission of a high school transcript. Colleges and universities seek students who show academic preparation that is balanced and comprehensive. Employers seek students who show strength in the basic skills required for adulthood. Graduation requirements apply to anyone who earns a TA diploma. All students, regardless of post-high school plans, must successfully complete 15.5 credits in core requirements, plus 6.5 credits (minimum) in electives. College-bound students, especially those applying for a traditional four-year program, must go beyond the minimum graduation requirements by taking four years of all core subjects (English, history, math and science) and at least three years of foreign language. Students who plan to pursue a particular skill or talent, often in the arts, should also be prepared to audition or submit a portfolio of work. Students who plan to enter the work force directly after graduation will be well served by demonstrating competence in a strong core program. Basic Graduation Requirements and Recommendations for College-Bound Students Regular Thornton Diploma. For speciality diplomas, please see pages 60-65
English Math History Science Foreign Language Fine Arts Wellness Electives TOTAL
Required for diploma
Required for college admission
4 3 3 3 1 1.5 6.5 22
4 4 4 4
2-4 (depending on specific college program) 1 1.5 as needed 24-30
All courses needed to satisfy core graduation requirements are offered annually. Elective courses and independent studies are offered based on student requests and faculty availability. Most courses are considered the “core curriculum” and reflect a 4.0 GPA scale. The core curriculum addresses the needs of both students who will pursue post-secondary education as well as those who will seek employment immediately. Supplemental weight will be assigned to Honors classes (4.2 GPA scale) and Advanced Placement classes (4.3 GPA scale); these classes are intended for students requiring additional academic challenge, generally those planning to apply for admission to selective and highly selective post-secondary programs. Thornton Academy offers twenty rigorous Advanced Placement (AP) offerings. AP courses are nationally accredited and widely accepted by colleges and universities. Students who enroll in AP courses are required to sit for exams in the spring. Exam scores often qualify students to receive college credit and/or to bypass certain introductory courses; individual college policies differ. A student may elect not to take the exam, in which case the class will be considered an “Honors” level course; a change in weighted grade calculation and transcript description will reflect this choice. There is a charge for AP materials and end-of-year testing; financial aid is available for qualified students from the College Board and from Thornton Academy. AP exam registration will take place in the fall, and exam fees will be collected at that time. Questions should be directed to guidance counselors or the Director of Guidance. In summary, several important factors should guide annual course selection. Consider: • Academic progress toward graduation • Post-secondary plans (four-year college or university, community or other two-year college, career or vocational training, military service, or employment) • Recommendations and input from current teachers, advisors or counselors, and parents • Current interests and talents • Areas of new interest and curiosity
Courses - Upper School
Block 5/Block X Classes, Test Prep, Online Courses
TA’s exciting program of high interest course offerings enters its fourth year in 2014. The school day has been extended for students who wish to take advantage of academic courses after 2:00 PM. “Block 5” will run from 2:05 to 3:17 PM; flexible “X Block” classes will meet on campus and online in the evenings, Sunday through Thursday. Many Block 5 and X-Block courses are brand new; most are special-interest elective course offerings. Taking classes during block 5 or X is voluntary; all students are able to complete graduation requirements during the “core day” from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Adventure Studies II: Survival and First Aid Block 5, 0.5 credit Fall Semester Grades 10, 11, and 12 This course blends the topics of wilderness survival and first aid. It incorporates handson practical skills, critical thinking, decision making, and problem solving. We will examine the psychological and physiological aspects of survival in a variety of circumstances and cover practical survival skills such as fire making and shelter building. Students will also be trained in wilderness first aid. Wilderness Medicine differs significantly from standard Red Cross courses and other programs that are oriented toward the urban environment. This course teaches appropriate responses to medical emergencies that occur when help is miles away and calling 911 isn’t an option. Students will be prepared for emergency situations that involve prolonged patient care, severe environments and improvised equipment. Training will range from cleaning scrapes and wounds to immobilizing broken or dislocated bones. This training is essential to anyone who plans to spend time in the wilderness, whether for work or leisure. Instruction for this portion of the course is delivered through brief lectures followed by demonstrations, hands-on, practical experiences and simulations. No outdoor or medical experience is needed.
Costume Design and Construction I X Block, 0.5 credit Fall Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Perhaps you have seen the TLC series Project Runway and have some idea of the challenges that fashion designers face; perhaps you want hands on experience creating one-of-a-kind costumes for TA’s own thespians. Explore the exciting journey of costuming! Costume Design will help you learn: concept development, rendering and final sketches, translating a sketch to a costume, costume budgeting, fabrics selection, pattern drafting (both flat pattern and draping), and garment construction (including understanding the key differences between ready to wear clothing and costumes). Understand themes of the selected play, the author’s vision for the play and the psychology of the characters while working with the TA Players, and put your new skills to a practical end costuming the Spring Production.
an understanding of the process of group critique and the collaboration required to develop a cohesive group of garments worn by stage actors. Enjoy the exhilarating experience of making your own visions come to life, and seeing your designs complete the characters portrayed by TA’s own thespians! Sailing Through Girlhood Block 5, 0.5 credit Spring or Fall Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Being a girl in high school has its challenges and we want to talk about it. This course will acknowledge the many achievements and explore some of the common struggles of girls today. This team-taught class will explore topics ranging from body image, health, women in the workforce, and current events. The class design will be
Costume Design and Construction II X Block, 0.5 credit Spring Semester Grades 9,10,11, and 12 Prerequisite: Costume Design and Construction I At his fall 2008 runway show, Ralph Lauren remarked, “Fashion is not necessarily about labels. It’s not about brands. It’s about something else that comes from within you.” Share your own creative “something else” in our Costume Design and Construction II class. You gained design and construction skills from Costume Design and Construction I; now you are poised to learn more complex drafting and garment construction techniques. In this course, you will have the opportunity to develop your own costume designs from a concept to a final wearable piece. You will gain Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
Block 5 & X
based on round table discussion and group activities. Open to every female student in the school.
this course are likely to major in business in college, or wish to start a business of their own after high school.
The Ancient World on Film X Block, 0.5 credit Fall or Spring Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 There are more than 300 films made about the world of the ancient Greeks and Romans, almost none of which come close to depicting those societies and times as historians and archaeologists have shown it to be. The purpose of this course will thus be as much an opportunity to explore the visions created by filmmakers in Hollywood, Paris, Berlin, Rome and other cities in the 20th and 21st centuries as to learn the real histories and myths which they claim to be representing. We will watch scenes and entire films from a wide variety of directors and countries, tracing the themes and stereotypes which appear in these depictions of the ancient world with particular attention to those that seem to have no basis in historical reality. In addition to learning about the actual events and stories in question, we will explore the particular cultural and intellectual settings out of which these artistic visions sprang.
Robotics Team Block 5, 0.5 credit Spring Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 This X Block class will start with a basic introduction to robotics including an understanding of basic electricity and electronics, sensors, motors, actuators and audio. Students will then learn how to program basic microcomputers that are used in robotic systems. We will start to design a simple robot, determine how we will interact with it, and then work as a team to build the actual robot, breaking down the project into various sub-projects. Given enough interest, we will enter the FIRST Robotics
Entrepreneurship X Block, 0.5 credit Spring Semester Grades 10 (teacher recommendation), 11, and 12 Want to be your own boss? Would you like to start your own company? In this course students will study and practice entrepreneurship. Student teams will create a technology/product-based startup and write a business plan that includes all the building blocks of creating an enterprise. In order to create a successful startup, student entrepreneurs will be required to address various issues in startup creation such as product development, market research, technology viability, fund raising, competitive analysis, team formation and marketing and sales strategy. The course will feature guest lecturers who are successful local entrepreneurs, investors and business leaders with strong experience in creating and running startups. Students choosing
competition (an international high school robotics competition that gives students real-world engineering experience). Some basic knowledge of a programming language such as Java or C will be very helpful, but highly motivated students will be able to learn the programming required for this class. Game Design Development Block 5, 0.5 credit Fall Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 This class, an extension of the current TA Game Development Club, will be based on the free Unity Game Development Platform. Simple objects and basic scenes will be created in Unity. More complex objects will be created in a 3D Graphics program
called Blender. We will start with a basic understanding of how to develop game scenes and storylines, creating simple scenes in Unity and advancing to more complex character control and motion. Some basic knowledge of a programming language such as Java or C will be very helpful, but highly motivated students will be able to learn the programming required for character and menu development. If time permits, we will learn how to setup the game to run on the web in a multi-player environment. Intro to Law (Mock Trial Team) X Block, 0.5 credit Fall Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Interested in the Law? Would you like to learn how to try a civil or criminal case? If so, this course is for you! Introduction to Law is a course with the two components. The first is to provide a general overview of law and the American legal system. You will learn where American law comes from, how the American court system is set up and be introduced to some of the substantive areas of American law such as constitutional law, contracts, torts, criminal law, and contract law. The second component of this course is the mock trial portion where students learn how to direct and cross examine a witness, how to lay foundations, make evidentiary objections, and draft and deliver opening statements and closing arguments. Additionally, students will test these skills by competing in a mock trial tournament against other high school mock trial teams. The class meets two days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:45 p.m. to 6:05 p.m. and on a few Saturdays for area mock trial competitions. Trial Advocacy Block 5, 0.5 credit Spring Semester Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Trial Advocacy is open to all students who have successfully completed the Introduction to Law course. This course will focus on advanced trial advocacy techniques such as how to fully respond to objections, how to
Honors Jazz Combo X Block, 1 credit Full year Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Participation in Jazz Combo that a student musician who is skilled, willing to work hard, and has the humility to collaborate in real time with peers. Class is based on the art of jazz improvisation, with the goal
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
Rock Band X Block, 0.5 credit Fall and Spring Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Do you wanna rock? Do you play drums or guitar in your garage? Now’s the time to bring your talents to school. We will learn to play through the classic rock and roll era into the music of today. The class is based on the elements of music, learning to play by ear and reading music, and having a “book”(set of songs) that you can use at any type of gig. If you like Rock and Roll this is the class for you.
These courses will be offered in rotation so that, while not all of the classes will be offered simultaneously, interested students will have the opportunity to take many, perhaps even all, of the classes within their Thornton Academy high school career.
Each course will focus on the region’s own history and culture as opposed to the American interaction with it. While the United States certainly has interests in many of these areas, students will be encouraged to view the history of these regions through the local perspective rather than through the lens of the United States. These classes will meet twice weekly from 2:05-3:30.
Fundamentals of Time Travel X Block, 0.5 credit Fall or Spring Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Discover for yourself everything you need to know to be a successful time traveller! In this course, you will develop a highly detailed plan for completing your first time travel mission. This plan should attempt to cover every conceivable contingency and incidental danger, while achieving the goal
Modern World History Series Block 5, 0.5 credit Fall Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Have you ever wondered about the many areas of the world that your history curriculum doesn’t address? Modern China -- the subject of a previous Block 5 class -- is a good example, and there are many others. With the increasingly global nature of our culture, our political priorities, environmental concerns and more, an understanding of more countries and regions is becoming critical. To address this, the History Department will offer several semester-long classes for students interested in areas of the world that are not typically studied in depth in any other classes.
Areas of the world will (tentatively) include: Modern Brazil (fall 2014) Japan/Korea (2016) Sub-Saharan Africa (2015) Latin America (2016) The Middle East (2016)
Bioethics: Personal Genetics X Block, 0.5 credit Spring Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Advances in biotechnology are occurring at a rapid rate, but has our understanding of the potential social, legal and ethical issues surrounding these technologies matched this rate? For instance, knowing your own personal genome may help doctors tailor medical treatment, but does knowing all of your genes affect your path through life? What if potential employers, insurers, coaches, or partners make decisions based on your genetic tests? What if those tests are inaccurate? This class explores ways biotechnology can impact our lives and debates the personal and societal challenges we may face in the near future.
of your choosing. Do you want to change history, do research, hunt dinosaurs, or just take the most amazing vacation of all time? We will focus on space-time physics, historical research, temporal mechanics, paradox avoidance, survival skills, and ethical considerations. Aside from the obvious crossover material (physics, chemistry, biology, history, creative writing, ethics, philosophy, logistics, politics, foreign/historical languages to name just a few), the practice of complex and research-based problem solving is the real objective.
polish opening and closing statements and how to be more efficient during direct and cross-examination. Students will have the opportunity to take the course as either a quarter-credit or half-credit. In order for the course to be worth a .5 credit, students will need to attend at least six classes on the UNE campus in addition to meeting every Tuesday at Thornton Academy.
Block 5 & X
Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
Block 5 & X
being participation in District festivals, Jazz a la Mode and possibly even the Berklee Festival You will gain skills through this class that will follow you into the college experience and the workforce of tomorrow. This is a great opportunity to connect with experienced musicians.
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes
You Are the Historian Block 5, .5 Credit Fall Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Do you love history but find history class boring? This class makes history fun and meaningful again! You get to pick your historical topics. You get to pick the style of your projects. You get to research and develop your own conclusions about significant historical events and people, and present your findings at the National History Day (NHD) competition.
UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
Along the way you will not only become an expert on your historical topics of choice, but you will also improve your research, writing, technology, leadership and public speaking skills.
All students in this class will compete in the National History Day competition held at the University of Maine in the spring.
By the end of the semester you will be able to – on your own - conduct in-depth research, develop a clear thesis, and convincingly present and defend your historical arguments. You may even earn the chance to advance to the NHD national competition in Washington DC!
The Ideology of Evil: The History of Genocide Block 5, 0.5 Credit Fall Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Many have heard of the atrocities perpetrated by Nazis during the Holocaust, but are unaware of the numerous acts of genocide and mass violence that have taken place in the course of the last century. As a culture we have to ask ourselves, how and why do these crimes still occur? How do we tolerate such evil?
In this course we will explore the history of the Holocaust, as well as genocides in Turkey, Cambodia and Rwanda, and other acts of mass violence. Through lecture, class discussion and exploration of various texts and media we will examine the definition of genocide and how such atrocities have historically occurred. We will likewise explore elements of social psychology such as findings from the Milgram studies and the bystander effect in order to understand
better what enables the collective society and individuals to perpetrate such criminal acts of violence against humanity, and how we can work to prevent further atrocities from occurring. Selected readings will be drawn from the following texts: Night, Seed of Sarah, Black Dog of Fate, The Roots of Evil, The Banality of Good and Evil, Survivors: An Oral History of the Armenian Genocide, and, Rescuers: Portraits of Moral Courage in the Holocaust TA Classroom Mentors Flexible Scheduling, 0.5 credit (P/F, nonweight) Fall and/or Spring Semester Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Application form completion, approval of the StW counselor Think you might like to teach? Do you like working with children? This program may be for you. You have the opportunity to work in the local elementary and middle schools assisting teachers. You may choose to do one semester or one year, and earn a half-credit based on your attendance and commitment to the program. You need to apply to this program and your acceptance is based on availability and interest. Applications will be available in the School-to-Work counselor’s office. This is a P/F class, non weight. Sign-up time will be announced. World Religions: Comparing Global Belief Systems Block 5, 0.5 credit Spring Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Prerequisite: Completed or concurrent enrollment in People and World Cultures Do you ask big questions about yourself and the world? Do you wonder why other cultures view the world in different ways? Explore what people around the world believe about God and the divine, the creation of the universe, the purpose of human life, and about what comes next. Examine practices of different major religions, like rituals, prayer and meditation, and important holidays. Practice reading the ancient texts on which the major modern religions are based. This class will improve your understanding of how different cultures view people and the world. We will analyze and compare five major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. We will examine the origins, core beliefs, sacred texts, practices, and divisions of each religion. You will examine a belief system of your own choosing using the skills developed in this class.
Expanding Our World Through Documentary Film Block 5, 0.5 credit Fall or Spring Semester Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Documentary films are tools for us to investigate and learn more about serious (and not so serious!) topics in our world that affect all of us. This class will identify topics to explore through the medium of documentary film and examine the purpose, audience, and impact of what is represented. Classes will revolve around the viewing of the film, followed by discussion and analysis of content. Intent of the class is to increase awareness and appreciation of the medium of documentary film as well as improve media literacy skills. Films will be chosen through the offerings of PBS through their POV (Point of View) series available to educators.
TEST PREPARATION Maine Prep SAT Test Preparation X Block (Sunday Seminar), 0.25 credit Fall and Spring Semesters Grades 11 and 12 Grade 10 students welcomed on a spaceavailable basis Materials Fee: $25 In preparation for the SAT, students will review the basic verbal and mathematical skills assessed on the SAT. Instruction will be provided on relevant test-taking strategies. Materials for the course will include a prep manual, sample tests and released items for practice, The Maine Prep Curriculum will consist of real SAT’s and Maine Prep TEN FOR TEN curricular materials, through which the instructor will assess students’ work. This pass/fail X-Block class will be offered twice, eight weeks in the fall semester and six weeks in the spring (prior to the exam). ELL/ESOL SAT Test Preparation X Block, 0.25 credit Fall and Spring Semesters Grades 11 and 12; Grade 10 students welcomed on a space-available basis Materials Fee: $20 Although similar in content to the SAT Test Prep class described above, this course will focus on the unique needs of Thornton’s ELL/ESOL students. Greater emphasis will be placed on preparation for the verbal and writing portions of the exam. This pass/fail X Block course will be offered one night a week in 75-minute sessions for six weeks.
Courses that have run in the past include: economics, peace and reconciliation, introduction to Maine studies, principles of statistical interference, travelers and madmen, and more. Contact a guidance counselor for more information.
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
Academ-e courses will carry University of Maine credit; students will establish a UMaine transcript that will apply earned credit hours toward a UMaine degree or facilitate transfer to another post-secondary institution. Students will receive both high school and university credit. Courses are offered in an asynchronous online environment that allows students study and learn in a location and time of their choosing, any time during the day, evenings or weekends. Course design ensures student and faculty interaction and accommodates students’ schedules and personal circumstances.
University of Maine Academ-e X Block, 1 credit (TA); 3 college credits Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Nomination by counselor, teacher, Associate Head or Headmaster The first early college distance education program in Maine, the University of Maine Academ-e offers courses for university credit to Maine high school seniors through online technologies. Academ-e consists of courses in five broad areas: mathematics, sciences, arts, humanities and social sciences. Through nominations by a counselor, teacher or Associate Head, students are eligible to enroll in the Academ-e on a first-come, first-served basis.
AP4ALL X Block, 1 credit Grades 11 and 12 AP4ALL, a program sponsored by the Maine Department of Education, provides online Advanced Placement courses free of charge to any student attending school in Maine. The program offers rigorous and challenging coursework taught by Maine certified teachers who receive extensive training not only in their specific AP content area, but also in effective techniques for online teaching. Teachers are provided with significant support in the areas of integrating technology, effective online communication, and all aspects of teaching and learning related to an online course. These are yearlong online courses that run from early September through one week after the scheduled date of the AP Exam for the course.
CLEP (College Level Examination Program)® by CollegeBoard X Block, 1 credit (TA); 3 college credits Grades 11 and 12 CLEP allows students to demonstrate that they have acquired college-level mastery of course content. Students who successfully complete a CLEP exam can enrich their degree programs with higher-level courses in the same discipline, expand their horizons by taking a wider array of electives, and avoid the need to repeat material that they already know. • CLEP exams are available in 34 introductory, college-level subjects. • CLEP exams are 90 minutes long and administered online • All exams are scored on a scale of 20 to 80; a score of 50, representing a grade of C, is the minimum score for credit granted on any exam, as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE). • Score reports are available to students and the administering institution immediately upon completion of the exam. CLEP offers students the opportunity to receive between 3 and 12 collegiate credit hours while in high school. Over 2,900 colleges and universities accept CLEP credits, affording a motivated student a great
opportunity to save money and time, and prepare for college. Contact a guidance counselor for more information.
AP4ALL courses follow the same calendar, regardless of a student’s own school calendar, and satisfy all College Board Advanced Placement course requirements. The AP4ALL program offers different courses year-to-year; the offerings for 2014-2015 will be posted in the spring. Students may register for AP courses not currently offered at Thornton Academy (Psychology, Government, and French Language and Culture). Contact a guidance counselor for more information.
TOEFL Test Preparation X Block, 0.25 credit Fall and Spring Semesters Grades 11 and 12 Materials Fee: $20 TOEFL preparation in reading, writing and listening will be emphasized as students examine each of the four sections of the test. Strategies and practice tests will help students gain a deeper understanding of the skills they will need to succeed on the TOEFL, and help inform their course registrations. In addition to test-specific skills and strategies, students will learn additional vocabulary and study Greek and Latin roots and prefixes to help master the English language.
Test Prep and Online Courses
Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
Courses - Upper School
Arts and New Media: Visual Art, Theater, Dance, Music and Media Arts
The Arts Mission: To provide students with a deeper appreciation of all creative expressions The Arts and New Media Department provides students with opportunities to acquire comprehensive knowledge about the visual arts, performing arts, journalism and new media studies. A cornerstone of this curriculum is the opportunity students will have to gain experiential skills within their communities, develop a new aesthetic and a culture of excellence. Every student at Thornton Academy is required to complete 1 credit in the Arts for graduation. Listed in this section you will find myriad classes that qualify for the requirement - which is not limited to Visual Arts I. The Arts Center has a wide range of exciting arts courses which generally
begin with an introductory course, and then progress to studio and advanced classes in each arts discipline. Specific prerequisites are required for advanced art disciplines and may only be waived with special permission from the Arts Center faculty. Check the prerequisites for each class carefully before deciding on a course of study. Arts courses have assignments in addition to class work and may include homework, materials collection, research, writing, drawing, practicing, rehearsing and working in the studios before and after school. Investment of time outside of class is expected from arts students in all areas. Instruction and discussion of what constitutes originality in areas such as thought, design and composition will be consistent through all Arts classes in order to ensure all students understand the meaning of plagiarism.
DANCE Dance I 1 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students will learn the basic elements and principles of modern dance from various perspectives. Students will develop skills through directed practice and improvisational exercises and studies. Mind-body relationships and creative thinking will be nurtured in order to discover a freedom to move in new ways. Students will learn the language of dance as an expressive medium through the processes of critiquing and refining small and large group dances. Understanding the history and aesthetics of dance will be a part of developing dance literacy. Assignments and outside tasks will include reading, writing and choreographic work. Dance II 1 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Dance I Students will focus on expanding movement vocabulary, improving confidence, and developing technical skills as well as acquiring the knowledge and skills needed for effective performing. The development of 20th century modern dance will be expanded upon. Students will perform dances in different mediums such as musical theatre, film and video. Students will also explore choreographic processes through improvisation, abstraction, deconstruction, and inversion. Through these activities, they will develop a framework and language for dance criticism. Class assignments and outside tasks may include reading, writing, choreographic work, rehearsals and performance projects. Participation in public performances may be required.
Music Technology 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students will learn the basic elements of live sound, including how to set up, mix and record sound. The course begins with students learning how to mix and edit sound tracks in Garage Band and includes projects using pre-recorded tracks to add music to movies, create original pieces of music, write a rap and even a ringtone for your phone! Setting up and operating different analog and digital mixing boards is part of this class. A major project in this class is organizing, planning and successfully running a coffee house event in the Garland Auditorium. Music Theory I 0.5 credit Grades 9,10,11, and 12 Do- re- mi and A- B- C, it’s a very nice
History of Rock ‘n’ Roll 0.5 credit Grades 9,10,11, and 12 The History of Rock ‘n’ Roll is an indepth study of the origins of popular music in the 20th and 21st centuries. Students will learn the social and historical context that gave birth to rock ‘n’ roll, its related genres and musical offshoots. From blues and country to punk, rap and heavy metal, students will become familiar with landmark groups, music, and movements of different decades, exploring connections between modern music and the artists from the past who paved the way for the popular music of today. Speak up, speak out, voice your opinions, share your passions, your thoughts and your experiences! It will not be hard for you to be successful in this class because IT WILL ROCK!! Music History in the World Level 1 0.5 credit Grades 9,10,11, and 12 No Prerequisite, but required for diploma endorsement in music Did you know that Mozart wrote over 600 pieces of music in his life, starting when he was 5 with “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”? (And did you realize that “Twinkle, Twinkle” and the ABC song Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
Piano Lab 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Open to all who want to learn piano, this class is taught on MIDI keyboards with a computer program to guide students through the basics of reading music and the proper techniques of playing the piano. Students will learn how to read and perform a variety of music including classical, jazz and pop. Learning to play the piano is the perfect stepping-stone to playing any instrument, as students will learn music theory that can be applied to all music. As access to the computer program is only available during class, regular attendance is critical to success in piano lab.
Music Theory II 0.5 credit Grades 9,10,11, and 12 Prerequisite Music Theory I This class offers an i- depth look at music theory through analysis, modulations, chord progressions, transposition and more! There will be a strong focus on melodic and harmonic dictation. Students must have already completed Music Theory I and have a strong grasp of key signatures and scales. This course is a prerequisite for AP Music Theory.
Thornton Academy’s music program is among the finest in the state, and offers student-musicians the chance to participate in high caliber ensembles with unique and challenging performance opportunities. Additional classes are available that provide opportunities to learn basic skills in areas such as piano, as well as enrichment niche classes during the extended day (5/X) periods.
Dance Intern 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11, and 12 Prerequisite: Dance I, permission of the instructor, and intention to complete diploma endorsement The Dance Intern is a hands on teaching and learning experience for students with the intention to complete the diploma endorsement in dance. Student-interns will be placed in Dance I, II, or III based on experience and discussion with instructor. Interns will be expected to assist in curriculum instruction within the scope of their assigned course. Interns will work under
place to start. If you can play by ear, or have always wanted to learn to read music but haven’t, you need this class. Using technology to aid you in your quest to learn to read music, crack the code of those little black dots on the mysterious 5 lines and 4 spaces. You will be able to identify notes, play basic rhythms, hear major and minor chords, and more. Online tools and paper resources will help as you learn to read and associate the written and aural music in this class. You will learn a few piano basics, how to read music and lots of listening skills in basic music theory.
Performance and Repertory: Dance Company 1 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Dance I and Audition in the spring This is an opportunity for experienced dancers to gain performing and choreographic experience. Students will refine kinesthetic and spatial awareness working toward greater musicality and expressiveness with a variety of choreographers. Students will create original dances, using choreographic process such as improvisation, thematic development, variation, and resolution. The company will perform at Thornton Academy as well as at other schools and venues. Students will learn about approaches to building a repertory as well as the many technical aspects of performance and company management. Outside rehearsal and performance time is required. NOTE: This course may be repeated for credit.
the guidance of the course instructor; however, assignments may be given based on the course including instruction in warm-up, center technique, and across the floor work. Meetings with the instructor outside of class are required, as well as attendance at associated rehearsals and events.
Dance III 1 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Dance II and approval of the instructor; can be repeated for credit Students will build on the skills and technique gained in Dance I and Dance II. This course stresses the development of strength, flexibility, and endurance of the physical body, the ability of students to work cooperatively with others, and the maturation of performance skills including the range of dynamics, projection and expression. Also included are technical requirements such as lighting, sets, costuming, performance spaces, and the documentation and notation of dances. Students will explore the craft of choreography and create a dance based on a historical event or theme. Out-of-school rehearsals and performances are required
Arts and New Media
have the same melody?) All of these fun facts and more await you in the Music History in the World. Travel around the globe and through time to learn the stories of the music and musicians of the past and present! Spend time listening to great works of the Masters from the Medieval times all the way through the Harlem Renaissance and the birth of Jazz in America! If you love history and you love music, you will love this class. Projects, papers and playlists are among the assignments that are required.
Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities Upper SCHOOL STEM
Advanced Placement Music Theory 1 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Music Theory I This yearlong class is designed for students who have an intense interest in analyzing, composing and arranging music, and/or who plan to major in music in college. Students will learn how to: read and write in every key signature, create chords, write melodies and harmonies, and arrange music for small ensembles. The course will also include more sophisticated and creative tasks (e.g., melodic and harmonic dictation, composition of a bass line for a given melody, implying appropriate harmony, realization of a figured bass, realization of a Roman numeral progression, analysis of repertoire including melody, harmony, rhythm, texture and form, and sight-singing). Students will be well prepared for and expected to take the AP Exam.
Concert Choir 1 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Open to those interested in singing as a means of expression, students will study a wide variety of music as well as develop the ability to read and understand vocal music. Students will have the unique opportunity to perform with 180 other students at concerts
in the winter and spring. Concerts and after-school rehearsals are required. Chamber Singers 1 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: By audition only Chamber Singers is an auditioned performance group of advanced singers. Students will perform a wide variety of music ranging from sacred literature to secular, including foreign languages and jazz. Outside rehearsal time is needed to perfect the skills for performance-level singing. Members of this choir will also perform as part of Concert Choir.
annual holiday and spring concerts, as well as the Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day parades. Additional rehearsal time after school and individual practice is required. As a member of the Concert Band each student is eligible to audition for and participate in MMEA District I and statewide festivals.
Treble Choir 1 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: By audition only Treble Choir is an auditioned group of female singers who want a unique experience of learning treble music only, and who are dedicated to learning more about music and the voice. Students will learn to use good breath support and to develop their voices by applying important vocal techniques. Members of this choir will perform as part of Concert Choir.
Honors Jazz Band 1 credit Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Prerequisite: By audition only This band is for the serious jazz enthusiast. The student must have the technical skills and artistic ability necessary to perform advanced jazz music including improvisation. The student must be fluent in key signatures up to 4 sharps and 4 flats. Performances are part of the course grade and include festivals and concerts in the spring semester. Members of Jazz Band are also members of the Combined Concert Band that performs at the annual holiday and spring concerts as well as the Veteran’s and Memorial Day parades. Additional rehearsal time after school and individual practice is required. As a member of the Jazz Band each student is eligible to audition for and participate in MMEA District I and statewide festivals.
Concert Band 1 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Ability to play a band instrument Concert Band is an exciting and fun class designed to improve your musical skills as well as give you the opportunity to be part of an outstanding ensemble. This group will practice and perform contemporary and classic concert band literature. To be a member you must already know how to play a band instrument. Members of the Concert Band along with Jazz Band and Wind Ensemble will combine to form the band that performs at the
String Orchestra 1 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Ability to play violin, viola, cello or string bass at any level; Placement Audition required This instrumental performance group is made up of strings and combines twice yearly with the Wind Ensemble to form the Symphony Orchestra. The Orchestra will perform a wide variety of literature, from traditional to contemporary. Opportunities for other seasonal and community performances exist, such as the new themed concert series in February. Membership in the Orchestra qualifies each student to audition for
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities Upper SCHOOL STEM
Theater Basics 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Theater Basics students will focus on the beginning language, history and practice of theater and performance. Through class work, viewings and improvisations, each student will develop
Design for Stage (Technical Theater) 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Designed for the non-performer, this technical theater course puts the arts student behind the scenes. Performing arts productions can be very collaborative, requiring many specialized skill sets. This workshop class will give students a hands-on overview of what is required to support such a project. Major topics will include: lighting design, set design and construction, props design and construction, stage management and house management. A brief introduction to sound, costuming and stage make-up combine for support of most productions.
a set of skills that will help him or her more fully appreciate the processes of theater and performance. Class work will include improvisation, acting basics for stage and camera, script reading and writing, film as a visual/performing art, and public performance opportunities with a focus on story and how the story is performed. Student goals for Theater Basics include increased confidence in public presentation and performance.
Orchestra 1 Credit Grades 9,10,11, and 12 Prerequisite: By audition only This select group of strings will study and perform more advanced orchestral literature, as well as advanced string techniques. The Honors Orchestra combines with the String Orchestra and Wind Ensemble to form the Symphony Orchestra. The Orchestra will perform a wide variety of literature, from traditional to contemporary. Opportunities for other seasonal and community performances exist, such as the themed concert series scheduled in February. As a member of the Orchestra each student is eligible to audition for and participate in MMEA District II and statewide festivals. Outside practice is required, as are after-school and evening rehearsals, concerts and special performances.
Wind Ensemble 1 credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Concert Band and by audition only This select group explores traditional chamber and concert band music and makes up the wind and percussion section of the full orchestra. Members of Wind Ensemble are also members of the combined concert band that performs at the annual holiday and spring concerts, as well as the local Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day Parades. Additional rehearsal time after school and individual practice are required. As a member of the Wind Ensemble, each student is eligible to audition for and participate in MMEA District I and statewide festivals.
and participate in MMEA District I and statewide festivals. Outside practice is required, as are after-school and evening rehearsals, concerts and special performances.
Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
Arts and New Media
Acting I/II 1 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 This workshop-based course is for the serious performance student, and is designed for those interested in advancing their acting skills. Class will consist of exploratory exercises in scene study, monologues, improvisation and a variety of technique. The focus of the course will be an exploration of acting styles and character work using a variety of scripts, both professional and student-written. Final projects may include creation of a television drama and public stage performance. Both classroom performance and participation and public performance are required.
UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
Artists begin their journey in the TA Arts Department with Visual Arts I. This course is the prerequisite for all other visual art classes* and gives the artist a solid foundation in the elements and principles of art that are necessary for success in the advanced art courses. Successful completion of Visual Art I allows students to take one of the many studio electives that are offered by the semester, such as Art HIstory, Printmaking, Sculpture, or Illustration. In addition, upon successful completion of Visual Arts I, students may take full-year courses
including Drawing, Painting, Pottery, and Photography. If you are a serious art student interested in pursuing the Visual Arts Diploma Endorsement or a career in the visual arts, a variety of courses are offered that will cultivate your experience and aptitude in the visual arts. You will need to complete 8.5 credits in the Arts, including 1.5 credits in Digital Arts and Publications. After successful completion of Visual Art I and two studio electives, juniors and seniors may take the Portfolio Preparation course (offered first semester only) and/or Honors Visual Arts (offered second semester only). For highly competitive artists seeking challenge and immersion within a rigorous art-making process, the full-year course Advanced Placement Studio Art (2D Design, Drawing or 3D Design) is offered; prerequisites apply. Please note that, with the exception of 5/X block courses, only students who have applied for the Visual Arts endorsement may take two or more arts courses in one academic year.
Visual Arts I 1 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students will learn the elements and principles of design, and develop skills and perception through drawing, painting, collage and other media. Learning about a variety of artists and their work will be embedded in the curriculum. This class stresses creative problem solving as an important part of an artist’s work. Written work and sketchbook homework will be assigned on a regular basis. Students will develop a portfolio of work, which will be considered part of the final grade. The successful completion of this studio arts course is just one of the many ANM courses that meets the Fine Arts credit required for graduation. NOTE: Students interested in the Visual Arts Endorsement are advised to take Visual Art I in freshman or sophomore year in order to allow time to complete the required amount of studio electives before graduation.
Honors Visual Arts 0.5 credit Grades 11 and 12 Spring Semester Prerequisite: Successful completion of Visual Arts I and two studio electives This is an advanced and rigorous course designed for the serious artist seeking to create a sophisticated body of work. A variety of media will be explored and
may include drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, bookmaking, photography, and mixed media. The elements of art and the principles of design will be emphasized, as well as art history, art criticism and aesthetics. Students are expected to dedicate time in and out of class researching, creating independently, and critiquing. Intense pace and high quality work creation is expected. This class is highly recommended for the students bound for art school, and should be taken sequentially with Fine Art Portfolio Preparation. Pottery† 1 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Visual Arts I This is a hands-on course that concentrates on various handbuilding and wheel throwing construction methods. Students will learn about the technical aspects of working with clay and glazes to create functional and well-designed pottery. Clay bodies, the stages of clay, tools and glazes are important topics that will be covered. Advanced handbuilding techniques will be employed and students will be introduced to the art of throwing clay forms on the wheel. Research, creative problem solving, and group critiques are all integral components for projects. Regular homework is assigned in this class, which includes spending additional time developing projects in the clay studio. Illustration 0.5 credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Visual Arts I and Drawing This class teaches students visual narration. Students with strong drawing skills will complete a wide variety of projects, push their knowledge of media, and work with structured, true-to-life deadlines. Heavy emphasis will be on working sketches, creative ideas, color, finish work and personal style. This class will require homework including extra time at home and in the studio to meet deadlines, research, and fully develop ideas. Frequent critiques offer each artist the opportunity to improve their portfolio. Printmaking 0.5 credit Grades 10,11, and12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Visual Arts I This studio course introduces basic
An honors thread is offered in this course, see teacher for further information. Portfolio or performance based content will be expected †
Drawing†1 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Visual Arts I Students will be introduced to the
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes
Honors Fine Art Portfolio Preparation 0.5 credit Grades 11 and 12 Fall Semester Only Prerequisite: Successful completion of Visual Arts I and two studio electives What constitutes a successful portfolio of artwork? Learn to create a fine arts portfolio to present to art college review committees. Art Schools will be invited to present their programs to the class, and to answer any questions students may have. Students will create and organize their best artwork for the application process in digital form. A variety of media will be explored to benefit the breadth of individual student portfolios. This class is highly recommended for the student bound for art school and should be taken sequentially with Honors Visual Arts.
UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
Art History: 19th—21st Century 0.5 credits Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 No prerequisite. This course is required for diploma endorsement in Visual Art Note: This course does not serve as a prerequisite for other visual art electives. Beginning with Romanticism, students will investigate human creativity through visual art, music, historical events, inventions and writing. This is an image-based, survey class that will also include group work. Participants will learn the vocabulary of art, learn how to critique, and gain information about art while viewing painting,
drawing and sculpture. Homework will include reading and research, and occasionally creating an artwork.
Photography 1 credits Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Visual Arts I The objective of this course is to provide a format for students to learn the visual and technical skills within the context of fine art photography. Coursework emphasizes conceptual, technical, and historical approaches to photography. Camera operation and a variety of printing processes and techniques will be explored, along with a variety of subject matter. Regular homework is assigned in this class.
Sculpture 0.5 credit Grades 9,10, 11, and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Visual Arts I Sculpture students will design and create a variety of 3-dimensional sculptural forms, exploring the use of space in various media, such as paper, clay, wood, or found objects. Research, creative construction of ideas, and planning are components in this studio class; homework will be assigned regularly and additional time spent in the studio will be required.
printmaking processes and equipment with equal emphasis on concept and technique. Students are introduced to a variety of printmaking media and methods, such as monotype, relief and intaglio. Research and planning are important components in this studio class and homework will be assigned regularly. Students will participate in frequent written and oral critiques to aid in developing their personal portfolios.
New Media
*Transfer or international students with equivalent introductory visual arts course(s) may have this requirement waived by the registrar or a guidance counselor.
Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
Arts and New Media
methods, materials and aesthetics of drawing, working with such media as graphite, conté, charcoal, pastels and ink. Emphasis is on direct observation and learning to see in graphic terms. The subject matter and content will include still life, landscape, animals, architecture and the human form (including self-portraiture). Through class lectures and demonstrations students will study the history of drawing and will develop their ability to read the finer aesthetic qualities found within works of art. Weekly sketchbook drawing is a necessary part of successfully completing this course. Written and oral critiques make up the remaining requirements. Success in this class is dependent upon the completion of all studio assignments including the sketchbook.
UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
Painting† 1 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Visual Arts I Students will explore the beginning techniques, processes, and aesthetic issues of working in tempera, watercolor, acrylic and other paint-based media. Goals for this class include learning how to see and use color with sensitivity and sophistication, understanding and applying the science of color, and
how to use painting tools effectively. Students will study a wide range of subject matter including still life, landscape, portraiture, abstract and non-objective themes. Art history, art criticism and aesthetics will be an integral part of coursework. Homework will include collecting visual materials, researching for projects, working in personal sketchbooks and painting outside of class time. Advanced Placement Studio Art (2D Design, Drawing or 3D Design) 1 credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Visual Arts 1 with a B or higher, three studio electives with a B or higher, and portfolio evaluation with Instructor before scheduling AP Studio Art is a course designed for the student who plans to major in visual art after high school. AP Studio Art is not based on a written exam; instead, students submit portfolios for evaluation at the end of the school year. The AP Studio Art Program consists of three portfolio options — 2-D Design, 3-D Design and Drawing, which corresponds to the most common college foundation courses. Students must meet prerequisites, schedule a portfolio evaluation and gain instructor permis-
sion prior to enrollment in the class. Summer coursework is assigned upon acceptance in the spring, and is due the first day of school in the fall. Coursework during the school year is rigorous and requires an advanced skill set in diverse media, technique in the artmaking process, complex concept and ideation, and high-paced sophisticated work production. Students must submit a portfolio and written commentary in May to the AP College Board.
NEW MEDIA Movie Making 0.5 Credit Grades 9,10,11, and 12 Screenwriting, acting, cinematography, sound design, editing and the ability to collaborate with a team drive the success of any movie project. Students will become independent filmmakers for a semester, telling their stories on the screen. Write, act and create original movies in this workshop-styled course. Special emphasis will be given to creative screenplay and story development. All students will be screen acting in classmate’s productions.
An honors thread is offered in this course, see teacher for further information. Portfolio or performance based content will be expected †
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
Television Production II 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11, and 12 Prerequisite: Television Production or recommendation of the instructor This fast-paced advanced television production class will prepare students for internships or production at the college level. Students will learn how to produce high quality short and long form pieces that are intended for public viewing. Script writing, public speaking, journalism ethics and interviewing skills will accompany advanced production lessons. Journalism text will be
Graphic Design I 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 In this course, students will be introduced to the basic principles and theories of graphic design. Students will learn how to design with colors, shapes, lines, and typography using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. The history of pre-digital graphic design will also be addressed, with students learning about influential designers, famous pieces of design, and the timeline of events in graphic design that have led up to present day. This course is heavy on real-world projects covering a wide range of topics, such as layout design, logo creation, marketing collateral, and much more. Students will develop a greater understanding of proper design that will aide them in other art courses at TA and beyond. Homework will consist of select readings and research assignments.
Television Production I 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 This beginner’s class is for students seeking baseline knowledge of television and video production. Students will learn how to plan, shoot and edit short pieces dealing with news, weather, sports and human interests. Students will study television history and learn about the production process. No experience is necessary but an interest in television and video production is a must. The class is largely project-based group work; time spent outside of class for production is expected.
Digital Imaging and Design 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students will work extensively with Adobe Photoshop, and also utilize digital point-and-shoot cameras, in this New Media class. Working as a digital artist, each student will be asked to create original works of art. These unique images can be used in interactive web environments, in multimedia presentations, as well as stand on their own merit. Students will learn in-depth knowledge of Photoshop, the premiere digital editing software program in the world. Studio work will include the study of proper design techniques and photographic composition.
sign, publication design, marketing, or communications once their time at Thornton is completed. The culmination of the course will be a digital graphic design portfolio that they will be able to share with colleges or potential employers.
Graphic Design II 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Prerequisite: Graphic Design I or recommendation of the instructor In this follow-up to Graphic Design I, students will continue their journey to becoming better graphic designers. While new content will continue to be taught, much of the class will involve creating new projects on a regular basis. From further study into logo design, creating a full Marketing Action Plan (MAP) for a potential client, to delving deeper into the theories and practices of design, students will be prepared for the ever-changing world of graphic design beyond TA. This course is an excellent choice for students who are interested in pursuing graphic de-
Yearbook Editors 1 credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: Previous course in computer publication or imaging, and a letter of application showing attention to detail, responsibility, and potential for strong leadership Along with general responsibilities of being a member of the Yearbook staff, editors will take on a leadership role to help coordinate the Yearbook process. Editors must be willing to communicate openly with Yearbook Publications staff members to get desired results, contribute beyond normal classroom time when needed, and go above and beyond to produce an award-winning Yearbook. Please make note of your desire to be an editor in your Letter of Application, which is due before course scheduling.
Motion Graphics 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students will develop a command of several methods of producing graphics specifically designed for television and the web. Through a series of exercises, students will produce examples of various forms of television graphics. Planning, storyboarding, designing images, as well as the aesthetic issues of 2D and 3D design for television will be addressed. Students will become competent in designing still images, sequencing images, compositing images and producing motion graphics for digital output. The final production of the assignments will be added to the programming on TATV, Channel 3, Saco.
Yearbook Publication 1 credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Previous course in computer publication or imaging, and a letter of application showing attention to detail, responsibility, and potential for leadership Students will use a variety of publication skills including page design, computer layout, thoughtful collaboration with peers, written and photo journalism, editing, and handling the business aspects of publishing a yearbook. The end product will be a yearbook that reflects the entire Thornton Academy community. After the yearbook is sent to the printer in the spring, students will continue coverage for next year’s book and other spring publications projects.
New Media
Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
Arts and New Media
assigned. Significant work in the studio outside of class time is expected.
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
Honors TATV Studio 1 credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite Television Production and Advanced Television Production Can you imagine creating newsworthy pieces of video that feature TA’s own sports teams, class projects or musical events? This honors-level advanced class offers students a high level television production class that will combine news, weather, sports, profiles and creative pieces, all shot and edited by students in a timely manner. Students will collaborate to create content for TATV on a weekly basis. Interest in multiple aspects of television production is preferred. Students will learn skills in TV studio management, documentary filmmaking and sales and marketing aspects of a TV station. Time spent outside of the classroom and good skills in group work is a must for success.
Web Design I 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Does not count towards Fine Art graduation requirement Ever wonder what is behind the web pages you visit every day? What goes into their creation? This course, usually offered first semester, will introduce students to web page design and scripting. Students will learn the basics of HTML 5.0 and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Participants will create their own, nonpublished web site by the end of the semester. This course is a great way to learn a simple programming language, often required learning for college students. Web Design II 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Does not count towards Fine Art graduation requirement This second-semester course is the optional companion to Web Design I. Students will continue the study of creating web sites. Participants will further their knowledge of HTML 5.0 while expanding the use of Cascading Style Sheets into classes, DIVs and ID’s. In-depth study of design principles and
layout will also take place, allowing students to create well-designed, eyecatching web sites. Senior English: Writing in An iPad Worldº^ 0.5 credit Grade 12 or with recommendation of the instructor This course is designed to develop and improve students’ technical writing skills, and introduce the technology used in the workplace today. Students will focus on the production of material that uses all of their creative energy, and channel those creative ideas into projects that match their interests. Reflective of the demands of today’s workplace, emphasis is placed on the selection and organization of technical data for presentation to a variety of audience, in a multitude of ways. Students will: create new websites, learn the basics of digital and video editing, learn to embed audio and publish articles and information (as writers and bloggers do today), create real-time links to collected data, answer proposals and create marketing material for real companies and real products. In many ways, this class will focus on the writing that is done on a daily basis in the
º These courses meet Core English Requirement
Digital Layout & Design 2 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Digital Layout & Design 1 This second semester course will allow students to apply the skills learned previously (Digital Layout & Design 1) to projects created for TA and the broader community. Students will learn the process of revising work while meeting real-life deadlines. Examples of projects students have created in the past ^ Does not meet Art graduation requirement
Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
3D Animation^ 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 This one semester course is an introduction to the exciting world of computer graphics and animation. This course covers the basic foundation of what you will need to design computer games and short, animated movies. It could be your first step towards a future career in game development, movie production, or graphics used in TV advertising. What is learned in this course can assist students interested in working in the gaming industry, graphic arts (marketing and advertising firms) or in the computer-generated movie industry. The course is powered by a the 3-D development program Blender. Students shouldn’t be intimidated by the challenging nature of the course software. The semester begins with simple objects, and becomes more complex.
AP Computer Science A^ 1 credit Grade 12 Prerequisites: Introduction to Computer Programming or recommendation by instructor See page 51 for full descriptor
Digital Layout & Design 1 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Students considering a future in the communications arts, new media or graphic/digital design will be well served in this course! The basics of designing computer-generated publications with a heavy focus on print media and the world of graphic design will be introduced. Four basic design principles will be the focus, as well as learning about typefaces and how to combine them properly to create effective contrast. Students will learn to use the layout software program Adobe InDesign, which is also used in TA’s Yearbook and Journalism classes. Adobe Illustrator will also be used as a tool for creating original artwork in vector format.
Introduction to Computer Programming^ 1 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Recommended for students who are currently enrolled in an upper-level math course (Geometry or higher) with priority given to upperclassmen. See page 51 for full descriptor
Sports Journalismº 0.5 credit in English Grades 10, 11 and 12 Does not count towards Fine Art graduation requirement Sports are part of the fabric of American culture. Thousands of lucky souls report on sports for a living; this is your chance to start that process. Sports writing, blogging, photography and broadcasting are just a part of sports journalism. Technology offers changes every day in the art of sports journalism, and as part of this class you can keep up! As a journalist you will report on Thornton Academy’s rich tradition of sports success, cover games and tell the stories behind the games. The content produced will be part of a new blog on Thornton Academy activities and athletics. Students will learn about writing, photography and broadcasting sports by getting hands-on lessons in each field. During the semester we will be visited by several professionals in the sports journalism world to learn first hand about this dynamic medium. No prerequisites are required but a strong interest in sports and interest in at least one of the three major components of the class is strongly recommended.
include business cards, prom invitations and tickets, the La Kermesse printed program, the Biddeford-Saco “Buy Local” logo and many others. Designers get the satisfaction of seeing their work in use in the community! Each student will create a portfolio of work that will support college or employment applications. This course is a great way to prepare for further education and a career in communication arts, marketing, graphic/digital design or new media.
Journalismº 1.0 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Does not count towards Fine Art graduation requirement In this product based course, students will explore print media, documentary photography, web media and radio. As reporters, photojournalists, designers and writers for our online news magazine you will be engaged in real work. This is an exciting opportunity to push yourself as a writer and to explore topics which most interest you. Mini lessons each day will introduce you to the best work in the field. Additionally, for at least part of each class, you will be working in a Media Lab environment on your individual work. Over the course of a year you will have the chance to create: features, hard news, reviews, captions, opinion columns, blog writing, humor columns, letters to the editor, and photo stories.
Digital Marketing 0.5 credit Grades 11 and 12 Does not count towards Fine Art graduation requirement This course is designed to give an honors high school student an understanding of the digital components used in today’s business environment. The technologies and digital components explored in this survey class are transforming the business landscape in a way that requires a shift in the marketing paradigm and are seen as critical components to a business’s ultimate success or failure. The class will see how newly empowered and super-informed consumers are expanding media channels and networks, and how, because of this, firms from every segment of the marketplace need to reexamine their business models and proactively seek ways to stay ahead of the competition. Topics to be covered include establishing a digital strategy, social media marketing, search engine marketing, mobile marketing, video marketing, web analytics and measurement, legal and security issues, gamification and multichannel integration.
digital world around us, writing that is not limited to text.
New Media
Courses - Upper School
Humanities - Foreign Language, History, and English
FOREIGN LANGUAGE In the Foreign Language Department, the student will develop the four basic skills of a language—listening, speaking, reading and writing—and expand his or her knowledge and awareness of related culture, history and literature. In order to progress to the next course in a foreign language, a student must pass the prerequisite course with a grade of C- or better. If a student passes a course with a grade less than C-, he or she will receive credit for the course but cannot take the next sequential course without the instructor’s permission. Every effort will be made to offer all the courses listed below, but some courses may not be offered due to limited student requests and space or staff conflicts.
FRENCH Honors French I 1 credit Honors students will develop listening, reading, writing and speaking skills while building both vocabulary and knowledge of Francophone cultures. This class is fast-paced and a significant portion of every class session will be conducted in French. Honors students will be required to complete one project outside of class per quarter. Students will be furnished a text and other supplemental materials, but are also expected to be resourceful researchers. Mastery of the present, immediate past and near future conjugations is a primary course objective. Assessments will include written and oral evaluation. Quarterly independent projects are required. French I 1 credit Most students interested in learning French at TA start with this course. Students will develop listening, reading, writing and speaking skills, while build-
ing both vocabulary and knowledge of Francophone cultures. Studies will focus on material from the textbook, supplemented with target language samples and resources. Students will become proficient in the present tense and will study the immediate past and near future. Assessments will include traditional quizzes, exams, and occasional oral evaluation. Foundations of French I 1 credit In this beginning course students will develop listening, reading, writing and speaking skills, while building both vocabulary and knowledge of Francophone cultures. Studies will focus on material from the textbook. Students will study the present tense, immediate past and near future. Assessments will include written and some oral evaluation. Honors French II 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in French I or placement by instructor Students will continue to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The focus of this course is intermediate grammatical structures including intense review of previously learned material, important verb tenses and new topics in sentence structure. In addition, students learn more advanced vocabulary and continue Francophone cultural studies. Assessments will include written and oral evaluation. This class is fast-paced and a significant portion of every class session will be conducted in French. Honors students will be required to complete one project outside of class per quarter. French II 1 credit Prerequisite: C- or better in French I or placement by instructor
Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills will continue to be emphasized in French II. The course will focus on grammar, comprehensive review of previously learned material, important verb tenses and new topics in sentence structure. In addition, students learn more advanced vocabulary and continue Francophone cultural studies. Assessments will include written and oral evaluation. Foundations of French II 1 credit Prerequisite: C- or better in French I Students will continue to develop their listening and speaking skills. Writing skills are developed in this course but emphasis is on the study of verb forms and grammatical structure. Students will spend time working with recordings of native speakers and cover the basic materials of the text. This basic course is not intended to prepare students for French III. Zero Block French II 1 credit Prerequisite: C- or better in French I or placement by instructor This class is for early risers! This class will meet every day from 7:00 – 7:40. This class DOES NOT alternate between maroon and gold days. Students who elect to commit to this course may not later switch to a core-day class. Honors French III 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in French II or placement by instructor Students will work to further develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Using culturally based materials including literature and film, students will expand vocabulary and understanding of grammatical structures. In addition to new material the student will review and expand upon previously studied topics. Quarterly independent
Honors French V 1 credit This course meets concurrently with French IV. Literary readings will vary from year to year to avoid repetition. Students should see their French instructor or the Department Chair for more information on this offering, including eligibility standards. AP French 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in Honors French III and teacher recommendation Students will develop strong communication skills in French including
ence of Latin; develop an awareness of the heritage of the cultures of ancient civilizations, especially those of Greece and Rome. In using the Cambridge Latin Course we will try to bridge the gap between modern technology and the ancient world. Latin II 1 credit Prerequisite: C- or better in Latin I or placement by instructor In Latin II, students will continue to acquire the skills required for reading, understanding, and appreciating Latin literature; develop communicative skills in English based on a understanding of the influence of Latin; develop an awareness of the heritage of the cultures of ancient civilizations, especially those of Greece and Rome. In using
ANCIENT GREEK Honors Homeric Greek I 1 credit Prerequisite: Successful experience in another language, preferably Latin, and permission of the instructor Homeric Greek allows students to begin to read, in their first year, Homer’s Iliad in the original, unabridged Greek. In this challenging, fast-paced course, students will acquire the basics of ancient Greek grammar and syntax, build their knowledge of vocabulary, Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
AP Latin 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in Latin III/IV, teacher recommendation and interview with the instructor The student will prepare for the AP Latin exam on Virgil and Caesar. Students will develop the ability to read, translate, understand, analyze and interpret the Latin texts that appear on the AP course syllabus. This is a demanding course, and each student should expect to spend a considerable amount of time preparing for each day’s lesson. All students are required to take the AP exam.
Latin I 1 credit Students will begin to acquire the skills required for reading, understanding, and appreciating Latin literature; develop communicative skills in English based on a understanding of the influ-
Honors Latin III/IV 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in Latin II or placement by instructor Students will review and develop grammar and vocabulary, and focus on Latin literature and its ancient context. Students will also work on Latin composition. In addition the course work, two papers will be required: The Classical Association of New England Writing Contest in the fall and the Bernice L. Fox Classics Writing Contest in the spring. Since this course may be taken twice, a survey of Latin prose will alternate yearly with a survey of Latin poetry.
Honors French IV 1 credit Prerequisite: C or better in French III or placement by instructor Through the study of French literature, film, culture and current events, students will round out their high school experience with the French language. The course will review the grammar previously introduced in the first three years of French with primary emphasis on oral proficiency. This course is conducted exclusively in French. Students will continue to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
the Cambridge Latin Course we will try to bridge the gap between modern technology and the ancient world.
French III 1 credit Prerequisite: C- or better in French II or placement by instructor Students will work to further develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Using culturally based materials including literature and film, students will expand vocabulary and understanding of grammatical structures. In addition to new material the student will review and expand upon previously studied topics. Much of the course is conducted in French.
reading, writing, speaking and listening, as well as a familiarity with Francophone cultures. In addition to being well prepared for the course, students must have a high level of motivation and interest as well and sufficient time to prepare reading and writing assignments. All students are required to take the AP exam.
projects are required. This course is conducted in French.
and learn much about the culture of the Homeric world, the nature of epic poetry, and the rhythms and sound of Homer’s classic. NB: This is not modern Greek, but the literary language of the ancient Greeks.
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes
Honors Homeric Greek II 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in Homeric Greek I or placement by instructor In Homeric Greek II, students will continue to expand their knowledge of ancient Greek grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, increase their skills in translating and reading the poetry of Homer aloud, and further explore the Homeric epics. The focus of the course continues to be Homer’s Iliad, and students will finish reading the first book of that
building a broad vocabulary, as well as knowledge of the cultural background associated with the language. Students will spend time working with recordings of native Spanish speakers and writing compositions. Supplementary materials will be used as well as the text. There will be oral and written quizzes and tests. Quarterly independent projects are required. Spanish I 1 credit The student will develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and begin building vocabulary as well as knowledge of the cultural background associated with the language. Time will be spent working with recordings of native Spanish speakers and writing
remains on oral communication using various verb forms, vocabulary and grammar structures. Quarterly independent projects are required. Spanish II 1 credit Prerequisite: C- or better in Spanish I Students will continue to develop listening and speaking skills and begin to focus on reading skills. Writing skills are developed but the emphasis remains on oral communication using various verb forms, vocabulary and grammar structures. Students will work with recordings of native Spanish speakers and have both oral and written exams.
epic in the unabridged original. The course concludes with an introduction to Attic Greek.
Honors Homeric Greek III 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in Homeric Greek II or placement by instructor The student will review ancient Greek grammar and vocabulary and will read further in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey as well as read some Attic Greek. The student will also learn more about classical scholarship and about the myths and culture of the Homeric world.
SPANISH Honors Spanish I 1 credit Honors Spanish students will thoroughly develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and begin
compositions. Supplemental materials will reinforce the lessons in the text. Oral and written quizzes and tests will be part of this course. Foundations of Spanish I 1 credit The student will develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and begin building vocabulary as well as knowledge of the cultural background. Students will work with recordings of native Spanish speakers and cover the basic material of the text. NOTE: Basic Spanish offerings end with Spanish II. Honors Spanish II 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in Spanish I Students will continue to develop their listening and speaking skills and begin to focus on their reading skills. Writing skills are developed but the emphasis
Foundations of Spanish II 1 credit Prerequisite: C- or better in Spanish I Students will continue to develop their listening and speaking skills. Writing skills are developed in this course but emphasis is on the study of verb forms and grammatical structure. Students will spend time working with recordings of native speakers and cover the basic materials of the text. This basic course is not intended to prepare students for Spanish III. Honors Spanish III 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in Spanish II or placement by instructor Students will develop communication skills through the use of culturally based materials. Students will learn to describe, narrate and interact using vocabulary, expressions and various
Honors German II 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in German I or placement by instructor Students will build upon the foundation established in German I. Students will continue to expand their vocabulary, grammar and knowledge of the culture of German-speaking countries while further developing skills in
AP Spanish 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in Honors Spanish III and teacher recommendation Students will develop strong communication skills in Spanish including reading, writing, speaking and listening, as well as a familiarity with Hispanic cultures. In addition to being well prepared for the course, students must have a high level of motivation and interest as well and sufficient time to prepare reading and writing assignments. All students are required to take the AP exam.
culture of German-speaking countries. Students will participate in a variety of activities to begin developing their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in German. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have a firm foundation of German grammar and vocabulary and will be able to communicate on a basic level.
Honors Spanish V 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in Spanish IV This class meets with Spanish IV (see description). To avoid repetition, different literary works will be read in alternate years. Students should see their
German I 1 credit Students will gain a basic understanding of German language and the
German II 1 credit Prerequisite: C- or better in German I Students will build upon the foundation established in German I. Students will continue to expand their vocabulary, grammar and knowledge of the culture of German-speaking countries while further developing skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing in German. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have communicative competence in German in many formal and informal situations. Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
Honors German I 1 credit This rigorous, introductory German course will help students gain an understanding of German language and the culture of German-speaking countries. Students will participate in a variety of activities to begin developing their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in German. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have a firm foundation of German grammar and vocabulary and will be able to communicate on a basic level. Quarterly independent projects are required.
speaking, listening, reading and writing in German. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have communicative competence in German in many formal and informal situations. Quarterly independent projects are required.
Honors Spanish IV 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in Spanish III or placement by instructor Spanish IV reinforces all the skills the student has developed in the first three years and fosters the study of Latin American and Spanish history, literature and culture. A number of literary works of varying lengths will be read in the original Spanish. Compositions will be assigned regularly. This course is conducted in Spanish.
ducted in Spanish.
UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
Spanish III 1 credit Prerequisite: C- or better in Spanish II or placement by instructor Students will develop communication skills through the use of culturally based materials. Students will learn to describe, narrate and interact using vocabulary, expressions and various verb tenses in a variety of formal and informal settings in four proficiency areas: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Much of the course is con-
Spanish instructor or the Department Chair for more information on this offering, including eligibility standards.
Block 5/ X Classes
verb tenses in a variety of formal and informal settings in four proficiency areas: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Quarterly independent projects are required. This course is conducted in Spanish.
Honors German III-IV 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in German II or placement by instructor Students in this advanced-level course will continue to expand their vocabulary, grammar knowledge and communicative competence while learning about a variety of topics in German literature and history. Students will read literature and historical documents in the original German, view German films, and analyze these works in German both orally in class discussion and in written compositions. Topics in this course vary in alternate years. This course may be taken for two consecutive years.
UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
Honors Chinese I 1 credit This beginning level Chinese course offers an introduction to Chinese language and culture. It focuses on the listening and speaking of basic everyday Mandarin Chinese, as well as reading and writing simplified Chinese characters and the pronunciation system, Pinyin. Meanwhile, traditional Chinese characters will be introduced. Both traditional and current Chinese customs and culture in China and Taiwan will be discussed in class. Regular quizzes in listening, reading and writing will be included in the class schedule.
Honors Chinese II 1 credit Prerequisite: B or better in Chinese I or placement by instructor This intermediate level Chinese course builds upon the foundation established in Chinese 1. It expands and develops the number of characters and complexity of grammar in the language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, while further studying Chinese traditional and current culture. Regular quizzes in listening, speaking, reading and writing will be included in the class schedule, as will regular Chinese reading and writing assignments. Part of the class is conducted in Mandarin Chinese.
Honors Chinese III 1 Credit Prerequisite: B or better in Honors C hinese II or placement by instructor This high intermediate level Chinese course continues to build upon the foundation established in Chinese I and Chinese II. It expands and develops
the number of characters and complexity of grammar in the language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, while further studying Chinese culture. Regular quizzes in listening, speaking, reading and writing will be included in the class schedule, while regular reading and composition are assigned. This course is conducted in Mandarin Chinese. Honors Chinese IV 1 Credit Prerequisite: B or better in Honors Chinese III or placement by instructor This advanced level Chinese course builds upon the foundation established in the first three years of Chinese program. Students will continue to develop and improve their language skills through reading, discussion, and different formats of writing in Chinese. Regular quizzes will be included in the class schedule, while regular reading and composition are assigned. This course is conducted in Mandarin Chinese. AP Chinese 1 Credit Prerequisite: B or better in Honors Chinese III or Honors Chinese IV or teacher recommendation and interview with the instructor Students will continue to further develop and master their listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Chinese through topics on and to familiarize with Chinese culture. This is a demanding course designed to prepare students for the AP Chinese Language and Culture exam in May. Students should expect to spend sufficient time to prepare reading and writing assignments. Honors Arabic I 1 credit In this beginning course students will gain the basic skills needed to communicate in classic Arabic/Fusha. Although the main goal will be to develop listening and speaking skills, students will also learn the Arabic alphabet. Through activities and practical conversations, students will understand basic language patterns as well as pronunciation and vocabulary. The course will cover essential grammar, vocabulary, and expressions that are used in daily conver-
sation and travel. Middle Eastern culture, with emphasis on Lebanon, will be intertwined with direct language instruction.
HISTORY The History Department is excited to offer choice to freshmen again this year. We believe there is some knowledge that all students should have but also recognize there is benefit to having choice in one’s education. All freshmen will now take Peoples and World Cultures in the fall semester. In the spring, freshmen will be able to choose among three courses: “You are the Historian,” “Classical Civilization,” and “Twentieth and Twenty-First Century World History.”
FRESHMEN Peoples and World Cultures 0.5 credit Fall Semester - Required of all freshmen In our rapidly changing world, people around the planet are being brought into closer contact with each other. The decisions made in the far corners of the globe have increasing impact on our lives, more than ever before. Students in this course will work towards greater understanding of the people with whom they share this planet. Through a study of the physical, personal and cultural characteristics of regions around the world, as well as types of governments, religions and economies, students will strive to become more familiar with the world around them. Classical Civilization 0.5 credit Spring Semester Although the powerful civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome vanished over one thousand years ago,
SOPHOMORES Sophomores also have choice in their history curriculum. Students may choose between two courses in the fall semester (“Blind Eye of History” and “Modern China”) and two in the spring semester (“America’s Response to a Changing World” or “Constitutional Studies”). Blind Eye of History 0.5 credit Fall Semester “Turning a blind eye” is an idiom describes the custom of ignoring
America’s Response to a Changing World 0.5 credit Spring Semester Should America put its people in harm’s way to help others throughout
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities Upper SCHOOL STEM
Constitutional Studies 0.5 credit Spring Semester Few historic moments impact us as significantly as the signing of the US Constitution. This 225-year-old document affects so many aspects of our lives, from who can be President to what we are allowed to say. Join us for a journey into the US Constitution where you will explore the Constitution as a living document. Students will: • examine the motivations of the Founding Fathers when they penned this historic document • analyze America’s unique form of democracy that is implemented through this charter • investigate how its interpretation influences one’s rights today around critical and controversial issues.
Modern China 0.5 credit Fall Semester Despite the fact that one out of every five people in the world are citizens of China, the level of understanding of the culture and history of China by Westerners continues to deserve attention. In an effort to gain an understanding this incredible country, students will examine roughly the past century of Chinese history including the fall of the Qing dynasty, the rise of Communism, and the recent interactions between the United States and China.
the world? Does America have the right to use its power and strength to influence world events? What happens when American priorities conflict with those of other nations? How do the actions of foreign governments and people affect the lives of Americans at home and abroad? In addressing these critical questions and more, students in “America’s Response to a Changing World” will investigate the dilemmas facing our increasingly interdependent global society and examine America’s role in events that are important not only to millions of Americans, but also to billions of people around the world.
JUNIORS United States History is an important component for any American student’s education. In the junior year, students will be able to choose between four levels of Modern United States History. Foundations of Modern US History 1 credit Through a study of Twentieth Century United States history, students will gain a better understanding of this country’s role in the world today. Focus will be using a variety of primary and secEligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
20th and 21st Century World History 0.5 credit Spring Semester Turn on the news tonight and you’ll quickly realize we live in quite a complex world, likely hearing reports on “the war in Afghanistan,” “the Arab spring,” or “the global economic crisis.” Unfortunately, most young adults in America know very little about the outside world. According the 2012 Global Competency Survey, only 28% of 18-24 year-olds in America could accurately locate Afghanistan, fewer than 25% could identify the most commonly spoken language in the world, and just 23% could name America’s largest global trading partner. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way. In examining the events that dominate the hearts and mind of people around the world, 20th and 21st Century World History offers students an in-depth understanding of the world around them and prepares them for success in an increasingly interconnected and globalized society.
undesirable information. Learn about U.S. History through the eyes of groups that have been ignored, mistreated, and abused. This class will focus on the experiences of three major groups: African Americans, women, and Native Americans. Explore into the roots of race hatred in America, the long journey and sacrifices of women to gain equal rights, and come to understand how some present day native reservations are identified as the poorest places in the country. Unlike other history offerings, there is no drive to consider the entire scope of any issue but instead this course will allow students to delve into specific and impactful events as they reverberate through time.
they are both very much alive in our world today. One needs only to look at Thornton Hall to see this influence. This course will study the history of these two great civilizations, how they rose and eventually fell from power, and investigate their culture with its ongoing contributions to the way we live our lives today.
ondary sources to create a clear image of the events of this era. Students will be asked to think critically and analytically to develop conclusions about the importance of historical events using evidence from the assigned course work to support their thinking.
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
Modern US History 1 credit This course will explore United States history chronologically starting in the 20th Century and reaching the modern day. Students will refine the process of historical inquiry through the development of both written and verbal expression, and examine primary and secondary sources for validity and point of view as well as historical context. In addition, students will be expected to build competent and appropriate connections to issues in the contemporary world.
Honors Modern U.S. History 1 credit Prerequisite: Placement by instructor This class is about you and how we got here! In order to understand our future, we have to know about the past. The best way to do that is to get absorbed in it! This class will spotlight: significant eras, moments, events, and people in 20th century and contemporary America. Upon successful completion of the course, students will understand major ideas, eras, themes, developments, turning points, chronology, and causeand-effect relationships in United States history. This course is designed for juniors who are seeking additional challenge in history. Emphasis is placed on honing students’ ability to analyze both primary and secondary sources for accuracy, nuance and perspective. Extensive reading and research outside of class will be required.
AP US History 1 credit Prerequisite: Placement by instructor Great historians ask great questions. Why did the first American colonists resort to eating their dead? Was Lincoln really “The Great Emancipator” or did the slaves actually free themselves? Why did the Ku Klux Klan reach 15 million members in the 1920s and parade through Saco’s Main St.? Was the dropping of the atomic bomb in WWII a military necessity or political message? In tackling these essential questions and countless others, students in AP US History will confront the dominant themes of American
history and develop an understanding of why America has become the nation it is today. Students in this challenging college-level course will prepare for the College Board AP US History exam by learning the critical reading, writing and analytical skills necessary to develop an advanced understanding of US history and become great historians themselves.
SENIORS In the senior year, students will be able to choose between a number of courses, some full-year and some semester long, representing a wider array of the social sciences. AP European History 1 credit Prerequisite: Placement by instructor Napoleon, Bismarck and Churchill are but three figures that have left their mark on the course of modern history yet are rarely addressed in other history class. Through an exploration of the events that have shaped the path of Europe’s existence, a greater understanding of global, national and local topics is possible. Students should expect to be challenged not just with voluminous readings but also in the organization and analysis of new data, through their writing and verbal skills and in myriad other ways which will challenge their understanding of the world. Reaching back as far as 1450 and spanning to the current age, this course will prepare students for the College Board AP European History exam.
Government 0.5 credit What is government? What does it do? Why do we need it? How does it affect me? Can I change it? Whether you realize it or not, government impacts your life on a daily basis. American Government is a senior elective course that investigates the basic principles and purposes of government, methods of government participation, local and state government, and the three branches of federal government. Current government policies and political issues, the delicate relationship between individual rights and society, and democratic traditions are all investigated and discussed. Reading, research, and writing are staples of the class. Students will be expected to refine text reading and analysis skills in preparation for college. By the end of the semester students will not only understand how our government operates, but also how they can participate in government to address our collective problems and improve society. Economics 0.5 credit How do choices end up determining what, how, and for whom goods and services are produced? When do choices made in the pursuit of self- interest also promote the social interest? Are we on the edge of a “fiscal cliff?” In this class, we will study how individuals and groups make decisions with limited resources in order best to satisfy their wants, needs, and desires. This course will give students a greater understanding of economics ranging
Sociology 0.5 credit Why do people behave the way they do? Who makes the rules? Why do some people break rules and others follow them? Why study sociology? These questions and others will be answered in this one semester course. Sociology helps us gain a better understanding of our social world and ourselves. In this course we will examine how human behavior is largely shaped by the groups to which we belong and
AP Human Geography 1 credit Prerequisite: Placement by instructor The AP Human Geography course will help students develop critical thinking skills through the understanding, application and analysis of the fundamental concepts of geography. Students will employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human social organization and its environmental consequences, and learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their science and practice. Successful students will: • Use and think about maps and spatial data • Understand and interpret the implications of associa tions among phenomena in places • Recognize and interpret at different scales the relationships among patterns and processes • Define regions and evaluate the regionalization process
Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
AP Government and Politics: United States 1 credit Prerequisite: Placement by instructor AP United States Government and Politics is an intensive study of the formal and informal structures of government and the processes of the American political system, with an emphasis on policy-making and implementation. This course explores the political theory and everyday prac-
Civics & Personal Finance 0.5 credit Do you want to be an informed voter? Do you want to retire at the age of 55? Do you want your money to grow? In this class students will be educated to become strong citizens and manage their finances effectively. We will teach “who to ask, where to go, and how to plan for the future.” The skills learned in the class will be useful for the rest of your life—guaranteed! Through this class you will gain an understanding of the banking and credit system, retirement plans, the power of investing in stocks, mutual funds, cd’s, bonds, and real estate. From the start we will be researching possible investment plans for all stages of life. You will become familiar with the political system and issues that are being addressed here in America. You will understand the process of government and see how it is used our everyday lives. We will become familiar with the local government policies and officials in the Saco community and understand the role, the rights and responsibilities, of citizens at all levels of government and in the world today.
AP Psychology 1.0 credit AP Psychology is designed to introduce students to the scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings. To accomplish this, the course provides instruction in each of the following content areas: History and Approaches, Research Methods, Biological Bases of Behavior, Sensation and Perception, States of Consciousness, Learning, Cognition, Motivation and Emotion, Developmental Psychology, Personality, Testing and Individual Differences, Abnormal Psychology, Treatment of Psychological Disorders, and Social Psychology. Students are required to take the Advanced Placement Psychology Exam.
The mantra of AP Human Geography is “Geography is in everything and everything is in Geography,” and is arguably the most relevant course students have the opportunity to enroll in. By going through the process of taking this course students will truly get a clear sense of how humans use this space we call earth and why the events they see and hear on the news and observe around them every day turn out the way they do. The way the course curriculum is setup along with the format of the associated AP exam allows students to interconnect the many different content area subjects such as culture, demographics, land use and economics. The design of the course will take students on an exciting and engaging look at spatial diffusion and man’s imprint on our environment. Likewise, there are opportunities this course offers with regard to utilizing state of the art technology and the Internet along with discussion, debate and field studies.
Psychology 0.5 credit In this overview course students will be introduced to major themes in psychology, such as research methodologies, biological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, altered states of awareness, sleep and dreams, learning and memory, feelings and emotions, personality, and abnormal behavior. Students will consult a variety of materials and sources to explore the many dimensions of human behavior. Students will work independently and collaboratively, in an effort to understand key concepts and vocabulary of psychology. By learning the different perspectives used in the study of psychology, students will learn to analyze and evaluate new ideas.
• Characterize and analyze changing interconnections among places
the society in which we live. We will look beyond personal experiences and gain insights into society and the larger world order. Through topics such as race, gender, class, crime, and deviance students will gain new understanding for the world not before experienced.
from the viewpoint of the individual consumer or small business owner to the global economy. We will study the law of supply and demand, forms of business, labor unions, government finances and their influence on the economy, money and prices, inflation and deflation cycles. The course will relate history and psychology to the study of economics.
tice that direct the daily operation of our government and shape our public policies. Students will develop a critical understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the American political system, as well as their rights and responsibilities as citizens. Daily reading, research, and writing are required for proper preparation and participation in each class activity. Students will be expected to refine text reading and analysis skills as well as critical inquiry of relevant scholarly articles in preparation for college. Students are responsible for keeping up with the daily events in the nation and the world. Class members will need to skim the front page of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, listen to NPR or another radio news program, read Time Magazine, The Economist, watch a TV news station such as CNN, or access a reliable online source.
All English classes for underclassmen will include direct vocabulary instruction and SAT preparation. A formal writing program is provided for all freshmen and sophomore classes to introduce literary analysis and writing the five-paragraph essay. Writing instruction in the junior year is focused on the mastery of the research paper, writing and analytical skills introduced during freshman and sophomore years. A varied program of challenging electives is offered to seniors which allow students to choose a genre focus for both writing and literature. The English Department has determined that all underclassmen are better served in year-long courses to ensure mastery of the skills required in writing and reading comprehension for success beyond high school, as well as an awareness of our culture’s canon of literature.
Instruction and discussion of what constitutes original thought and composition will be consistent through all English classes in order to assure that all students understand the meaning of, and know how to avoid, plagiarism.
Please note: In order to ensure eligibility, athletes who plan to participate in Division I or II athletic programs in college must confer with their counselor and the NCAA clearinghouse when making course selections.
FRESHMEN Ninth grade English is an introduction to composition and literature. There will be heavy emphasis on grammar and developing writing skills, with special emphasis on paragraph structure, topic sentences, writing an introduction and conclusion, thesis, and transitions; facility with the five-paragraph essay format is a goal. An important component of ninth grade English is the short stories unit, which develops students’ comprehension and analysis of literature. All ninth grade students will study Romeo and Juliet and read a variety of novels. Honors Freshman English 1 credit Prerequisite: Department and Guidance Placement Students will be introduced to the critical analysis paper and to major genres of literature with extensive reading and writing required. Students will read at least three novels, poetry, and nonfiction, in addition to the short stories and common text listed above. Grammar and vocabulary will be taught in conjunction with the writing process in preparation for the new SAT. Students should have demonstrated aboveaverage competency in the interpretation and analysis of literature and an above-average competency in all areas of writing, including the formal essay. NOTE: Completion of the summer reading assignment is mandatory and students are responsible for getting the summer reading assignment. The summer reading assignment will be available June 1 via TAOnline, the Guidance Office, and English teachers. Freshman English 1 credit Short stories, poetry, nonfiction and novels will be sampled and studied to develop comprehension and analysis of literature. The principles of composition and presentation, close reading, and effective original writing will be introduced and developed. Grammar and vocabulary will be stressed and taught in preparation for the new SAT. This course provides the pace and content expected of students preparing to further their education after high school, with the goal of introducing students to new ideas and perspectives while developing their appreciation of literature.
Foundations of Freshman English 1 credit Prerequisite: Placement by department and guidance Students will concentrate on improving their skills of reading, decoding and comprehension by reading from highinterest fiction and supplementary reading materials. Writing assignments will stress learning to write correct and complete sentences and to structure those sentences into paragraphs. Finally, students will continue to develop their mastery of grammar, usage, and vocabulary. Students will be assisted in developing the skills, knowledge and habits of mind that will foster effective written and oral communication and an appreciation of literature.
SOPHOMORES Tenth grade English is designed to help students understand literature in the context of its culture. All tenth grade English classes will read J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, a world literature play, and complete a major unit on poetry. Themes discussed include assumptions about class and gender, and the tensions between an individual and society. Substantial emphasis will be placed on grammar; writing instruction will extend the skills developed in freshman year to include exposure to a wide range of writing experiences. Tenth grade classes will continue working toward mastery of the literary analysis essay, but will study and experience expository, persuasive, and creative writing. A research component will also be introduced with writing. Independent Seminar Spring and Fall Semester Non-weighted, 0.5-1 Credit Prerequisite: Guidance referral; preference given to sophomores This program is for students who are in need of academic support in order to accumulate the credits required for graduation. Student placement in Independent Seminar is based on recommendation by the guidance counselor. The seminar offers a quiet space and a small student-to-teacher ratio that allows students to work independently, receive extra help, and work on setting academic and life goals that will sustain them during and beyond their careers at TA. The Independent Seminar teacher acts as an advocate for students and collaborates with their teachers, guidance counselors, and other professionals to ensure
knowledge and habits of mind that will foster effective written and oral communication as well as an appreciation for literature.
JUNIORS Eleventh grade English is a multi-genre literature course that examines the American dream and what it means to be an American. Much of the literature is chosen to enhance understanding of the historical periods studied in the junior United States history courses, with students investigating the historical context of the assigned readings and the literature’s relevance to their own lives. All juniors will study The Crucible and The Great Gatsby, various short stories, novels, essays, and works of nonfiction such
Honors Junior English 1 credit Prerequisite: An A in Sophomore English or successful completion of Honors Sophomore English and placement by instructor How is American thought and identity both reflected and shaped by its literature? This rigorous course offers a critical understanding of American literature. Students will be expected to express their understanding in a Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities Upper SCHOOL STEM
AP Language and Composition 1 credit Prerequisite: An A in Sophomore English or successful completion of Honors Sophomore English and placement by instructor For the highly motivated and skilled English devotee who wants to pursue a rigorous study of language and rhetoric, these students will come to understand and appreciate the complex relationship between writers and readers. Students will write extensively, for a variety of purposes, employing a variety of strategies. Writer’s voice, tone, syntax, diction, discourse, and style comprise the foundation of the class. Using essays and other forms of nonfiction from a variety of outside sources and a class anthology, students will pay strict attention to each writer’s method and message, and will read and analyze the rhetorical devices used in each piece. Students will be required to write research papers each semester, and it is mandatory for all students to take the AP exam in early June. NOTE: Completion of the summer reading assignment is mandatory and students are responsible for getting the summer reading assignment. The summer reading assignment will be available June 1 via TAOnline, the Guidance Office, and English teachers.
Sophomore English 1 credit How is literature a tool for understanding society and culture? While building on work established in Freshman English, students will examine what it means to be human by reading at least three novels in addition to the common novel, short stories, nonfiction, poems from various cultural perspectives, and a play. The principles of good writing, clear presentation, close reading, and research will be expanded and developed. Grammar and vocabulary will be stressed and taught in a continuing effort to prepare students
Foundations of Sophomore English 1 credit Prerequisite: Placement by department and guidance Students will concentrate on improving their comprehension skills by reading high-interest literature written from various cultural perspectives. Novels, short fiction, nonfiction and poetry will be used to explore other cultures and to consider the connection between literature and the student’s own life. Paragraph development, grammar, usage, vocabulary, and real world communication skills will be emphasized. Continued attention will be paid to assist the student in developing the skills,
as Into the Wild. Eleventh grade classes will continue work on mastery of analysis and research, with attention to critical reviews of author’s claims. Understanding writing for different audiences and purposes will be emphasized, specifically in the context of expository, persuasive, descriptive, and personal narrative writing.
Honors Sophomore English 1 credit Prerequisite: A in Freshman English or successful completion of Honors Freshman English, and placement by instructor How does literature reflect the values of a specific culture and how is it a tool for understanding cultural practices and beliefs? In this rigorous world literature course students will read texts that reflect various cultural perspectives around the world, with an emphasis on exploring worldviews. Required reading will include at least five novels, nonfiction essays, a play and short stories in addition to the common novel listed above. A poetry unit will introduce students to poetic terminology, various poetry forms and traditions, and writing poetry. Grammar and vocabulary will be stressed and taught in a continuing effort to prepare students for the SAT. Above average competency in the interpretation and analysis of literature and an aboveaverage competency in all areas of writing, including the formal essay, are expected in this course. NOTE: Completion of the summer reading assignment is mandatory and students are responsible for getting the summer reading assignment. The summer reading assignment will be available June 1 via TAOnline, the Guidance Office, and English teachers.
for the SAT. The pace and content are geared to the expectations of students preparing to further their education after high school.
that students are well connected to all necessary resources. More information is available from guidance counselors.
clear, organized manner through class discussion and written assignments. In addition to the common texts listed above, students will read at least four additional novels, short stories, essays and poetry. A research project will culminate in a major research paper. This course will challenge students who have demonstrated above average competency in English to develop skills more intensively in the areas of reading, public speaking and writing. NOTE: Completion of the summer reading assignment is mandatory and students are responsible for getting the summer reading assignment. The summer reading assignment will be available June 1 via TAOnline, the Guidance Office, and English teachers.
Junior English 1 credit What does it mean to be an American? Juniors taking this course will explore American identity and culture through its literature, and will develop an understanding of their relationship to that body of work. Students will come to understand both the Puritan heritage and the conflict of the McCarthy era through The Crucible, to question the definition of the American dream through The Great Gatsby, and to question truth through The Things They Carried. In addition to these works, students will read at least two more novels, nonfiction, various short stories, essays, and poems. This course continues to build on work established in Sophomore English, with special attention paid to SAT preparation, literary analysis, research, personal narrative, and writing an effective college essay. The pace and content are geared to the expectations of students preparing for further education after high school.
Foundations of Junior English 1 credit Prerequisite: Department and Guidance placement Juniors taking this course will explore America’s role in the world and their place in American society and culture through literature, the news, and media. This course will continue the skill building of Foundations of Sophomore English and will ensure that students planning to enter the workforce directly after graduation will develop the reading and writing skills necessary for success in today’s world. In addition to reading selected works in American literature, there will be a focus on interview techniques, time management,
resume and application writing.
SENIORS While continuing their experience of literature, all seniors will be working on their upcoming transition to life after high school. Seniors will be taught skills necessary for various next steps and encouraged to develop the habits of mind that lead to lifelong resiliency and learning. Seniors will take a yearlong AP, Honors, or Foundations class that has been their appropriate English curriculum as underclassmen. All other seniors will take a pairing of semester-long electives, a one-semester writing course and a one-semester literature course, which will ensure a solid foundation in both writing and literature. Please note: In order to ensure eligibility, athletes who plan to participation in Division I or II athletic programs in college must confer with their counselor and the NCAA Clearinghouse when making course selections. AP Literature and Composition 1 credit Prerequisite: A’s and B’s in Honors English and placement by instructor, or successful completion of AP Language and Composition This demanding course will give the student the opportunity to study literature at the college level, possibly to earn college credit. The student must be a committed reader in order to manage the extensive reading within the genres of short fiction and poetry from The Norton Reader, four novels, analytical essays of texts, and at least one play. All students are required to take the AP exam in early June. NOTE: Completion of the summer reading assignment is mandatory and students are responsible for getting the summer reading assignment. The summer reading assignment will be available June 1 via TAOnline, the Guidance Office, and English teachers. Honors Senior English 1 credit Prerequisite: Successful completion of previous Honors English classes and placement by instructor How do we use literature to shape our own values? This course will use the study of both fiction and nonfiction to help students establish a set of core values going forth from high school. Students will be asked to read demanding and diverse texts represent-
ing varied cultural perspectives and assert their values through persuasive essays and class discussions. A research project will culminate in a major research paper. This course will challenge students who have demonstrated above average competency in English to develop skills more intensively in the areas of reading, public speaking and writing. Students will be asked to read college-level texts and to write collegelevel essays. NOTE: Completion of the summer reading assignment is mandatory and students are responsible for getting the summer reading assignment. The summer reading assignment will be available June 1 via TAOnline, the Guidance Office, and English teachers. Foundations of Senior English 1 credit Prerequisite: Department and Guidance placement Students in this course will continue working to develop their written and oral communication skills and their appreciation of literature. Emphasis will be on work-related learning and skills enhancement. Community service projects will be developed.
ENGLISH ELECTIVES FOR SENIORS These courses continue to build on work established in Junior English, but will look toward the skills needed as students transition from high school. Students must take one course from those semester electives labeled Literature Electives and one course from those semester electives labeled Writing Electives. The pace and content are geared to the expectations of students preparing to further their education after high school. If a senior was appropriately placed in AP, Honors or a Foundations English class as a junior, then s/he should choose the same level yearlong course for senior year (i.e., AP Language & Literature, Honors Senior English, or Foundations of Senior English). All other seniors will take two semester electives, one course from the Writing Electives and one course from the Literature Electives, ensuring that all seniors receive a solid foundation in both writing and literature during their senior year.
LITERATURE ELECTIVES Sr English -Journeys in Short Fiction 0.5 credit This college prep semester elective will
Sr English - Monsters and Misfits 0.5 credit In early 19th century Britain the debate between scientific discoveries and traditional religious and philosophical thought was starting to take shape, and the ethics of how far Man should pursue his desire for knowledge was beginning to be a topic of discussion. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein endures today not only because of its infamous horrors, but for the richness of the
Sr English - Creative Writing 0.5 credit Students will be inspired by discussions of famous work to write their own fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, scripts, and songs. Each class session will begin with a shared prompt designed to work towards larger projects ranging from the performance of an original poem in a class slam poetry contest to a series of memoirs inspired by meaningful objects in each writer’s life. After sampling an assortment of genres, each student will choose a writer to emulate and work to create a longer final project in their style. This class is a wonderful opportunity for students looking to take risks and push their writing to the next level.
French Connection 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Enrollment in any foreign language course In the space of just over a century, France transitioned from the height of its Empire to the war-ravaged depths of World War I. By looking in depth at the history, language, art and literature of key events such as the French Revolution, the artistic and intellectual movement of the ‘Belle Epoque’ and the Age of Anxiety surrounding the Great War, students will be challenged to make meaning of this world. As one of Thornton’s first interdisciplinary humanities classes, assignments and expectations will encourage complex thinking and understanding across the disciplines of literature, history and language. A optional trip to France will be the culminating experience of this class.
Sr English - Composition Writing 0.5 credit English Composition is a college preparatory writing course that teaches various forms of the essay and composition to provide students with the tools to think and write about texts,
Prospective D1 and 2 athletes: These courses are not approved by the NCAA for eligibility purposes. 1
Sr English - Technical Writing in the iPad World 0.5 credit Grade 12 or with recommendation of the instructor Please see full descriptor on page 31
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
Sr English - Memoir and the Personal Narrative1 0.5 credit In this semester-long course, students will explore the genre of memoir and personal narrative as they read excellent examples of both. Additionally, the concept of personal identity will be explored through the works studied, and students will experiment with writing their own memoir extracts. Ultimately students will be asked to explore their own identities as well as identities of the authors.
Journalism 1.0 credit Grade 12 or with recommendation of the instructor Please see full descriptor on page 33
Sports Journalism1 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11, and 12 Please see full descriptor on page 33
Sr English - Literature of American Sport1 0.5 credit Sports and sport issues will be looked at through short stories, poetry, fiction and nonfiction. There will be a substantial research component paired with numerous reading and writing activities. Students will also be expected to complete an independent reading project. Students will be expected to participate actively in class discussions and complete a number of written and oral assignments.
images and ideas. The course will help students stretch as a writers and bring more of their individual personalities and thinking into their writing. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to express themselves more capably and confidently in writing across the curriculum. Through the essay assignments, students will gain experience writing personal narratives, crafting persuasive arguments and employing critical thinking. Grammar, vocabulary and style will be addressed in several ways throughout the semester.
Sr English - Dark Days, Dystopian Fiction 0.5 credit Dystopian fiction presents imaginary societies in which “everything is unpleasant or bad,” especially in the environmental and political landscape. By exaggerating the negative, these works may be understood as warnings, encouraging readers to see the flaws in their cultures and correct them before it is too late. Reading works of this genre, then, does not necessarily have to be a depressing or pessimistic enterprise. This course will examine several dystopian texts (e.g., Fahrenheit 451, 1984, Brave New World) in order to illuminate the dangers of modern human culture, to learn the possible consequences of our societal and individual actions and thus (we hope) avoid them.
ideas it asks all of us to confront—human accountability, social alienation, and the nature of life itself. During that same period, Bram Stoker’s Dracula addressed the fear of things we could not prove scientifically and rationally, and the ways we relied on magic, ritual, and faith to comfort and even to save us in an age of scientific curiosity and achievement. Students will concentrate on examining the nature of our fears of, and how we understand, what is different, abnormal, or macabre. Students will then examine and identify our own literary misfits and monsters and their manifestations in the 21st century through research, writing and critical cultural analysis of film and literature, including works by Stephen King, Shirley Jackson, and Joyce Carol Oates.
explore short fiction as a literary genre. Students will read and discuss the best of both classic and contemporary short fiction, including stories, essays, poetry, and plays. Class discussion will be a critical component of this course as students dissect the qualities of the short fiction genre, paying particular attention to rhetorical and literary devices. Students will be asked to write a variety of works as part of this class, including reflective, comparative and analytical papers, as well as creative pieces.
Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
Courses - Upper School
STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
0.5 credit in Physics Grade 9 Scientists discover the world around them using the science of physics. Students will acquire scientific research skills through hands-on experiences that will include accurate measurement using traditional and computerbased methods, experimental design, trend prediction, graphing, data analysis, and the writing of lab reports. Students will study kinematics: speed, velocity, acceleration, forces, free fall, gravity and Newton’s Laws of Motion. While using the metric system and employing the scientific method, students will develop writings skills, critical and creative thinking skills, and communication skills. Students will learn how to apply physics concepts to understand how the world works.
SCIENCE Three science credits are required for graduation. These credits may be earned either by taking the series of semester courses (Introduction to Physics I & II, Introduction to Chemistry I & II, and Introduction to Biology I & II) or by taking Honors and/or AP science classes (please note that prerequisites apply). Students may be recommended for honors science courses, and those who successfully complete the yearlong honors course may be recommended for the AP course in that specific discipline in subsequent years (other prerequisites may apply.) Instruction and discussion of what constitutes original thought will be consistent through all Science classes in order to assure that all students understand the meaning of academic integrity. Introduction to Physics I
Introduction to Chemistry I 0.5 credit in Chemistry Grade 9 What is our world made of? Students will continue building scientific
research skills as they discover the nature of matter. Students will explore the classification of matter, physical and chemical changes, atomic theory, trends of the periodic table and basic chemical bonding. Students will continue to develop writing skills, problem-solving skills and communication skills through labs, projects, and activities. Students will learn how use their knowledge of basic chemistry concepts to understand the chemical world around them and how chemistry is directly connected to their daily lives. Introduction to Chemistry II 0.5 credit in Chemistry Grade 10 Through this course students will gain further knowledge of particles of matter and their behavior through performing several laboratory experiments. Students will discover conservation of matter and energy, kinetic molecular theory, states of matter, phase changes, gas laws, trends in the periodic table, chemical reactions, and the potential effects of atmospheric composition on climate change.
Honors Chemistry 1 credit
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities Upper SCHOOL STEM
Honors Biology 1 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisites: Teacher placement or successful completion of an Honors science course How do biologists think and discover? Students will thoroughly explore life on a cell and molecular level, both conceptually and experimentally. Students will further develop their strong skills in critical reading and writing, and scientific thinking. Students will consistently ask their own research questions and design their own experiments. Students will read and write formal laboratory research papers, as well as present their research to an authentic audience. Considerable reading and writing will accompany the study of biochemistry, cell biology, respiration, photosynthesis, classical genetics, biochemical genetics, population genetics, evolution and a survey of the kingdoms. Projects include determining the effects of the environment on the rate of photosynthesis, exploring the growth of bacteria under various conditions, and predicting genetic traits in breeding fruit flies. This course requires strong algebra skills and is a prerequisite for AP Biology.
Introduction to Physics II 0.5 credit in Physics Grade 11 How can the motion of objects be predicted and calculated? Using a variety of hands-on equipment, including unique physics-based sensors and software for data interpretation, students will study vector addition, projectile motion, momentum and impulse, energy, work and power. Live demonstrations, hands-on activities, and in-class lab work will emphasize conceptual understanding. Focusing on building problem-solving and critical thinking skills, students will also learn to solve a variety of traditional physics problems that emphasize algebra-based mathematical solutions while investigating these concepts.
Honors Physical Science 1 credit Grade 9 Prerequisites: Placement by 8th grade science teacher and enrollment in 9th grade Honors English and Honors Math is highly suggested In the first semester of this course students will learn physics concepts in mechanics, motion, forces, Newton’s Laws, work, power and basic concepts in energy. In the second semester students will learn introductory chemistry concepts including atomic structure, chemical properties, reactions, the periodic table and basic stoichiometry. Students will further develop strong skills in math, analytical writing, analytical and critical thinking, and problem solving. Students can expect
daily homework assignments as well as a number of extended labs and projects. This course is recommended for students who plan to take at least two honors science classes and at least two AP science classes in their high school career and/or earn the STEM diploma endorsement.
Introduction to Biology II 0.5 credit in Biology Grade 11 How did our living earth develop and evolve? How did life diversify and what drives this continuous change? How do all forms of life coexist? Why do we appear and behave the way we do? Students will explore scientists’ hypotheses relevant to the origin of life, and how they have been used to further today’s research. Students will compare and contrast the mechanisms that drive evolution, from Darwin’s original ideas to today’s use of biochemistry. Students will explore scientific methodologies and learn how to support hypotheses in ecology, Mendelian genetics, and population genetics. Concepts will be reinforced through hands-on experiences, data collection and analysis activities, and class discussion.
Freshman participation in Honors Biology is by invitation only. It is highly suggested that freshmen taking Honors Physical Science also be enrolled in both Honors English and an Honors math course, in addition to the required placement by their 8th grade science teacher. Sophomores and juniors who have successfully completed an honors science course or have been placed by a science teacher and guidance counselor are eligible for full-year honors courses. These classes replace semester class combinations (e.g., Introduction to Chemistry II/Biology I or Introduction to Biology II/Physics II). Seniors who have completed the graduation requirement in science are also eligible for honors science courses.
Introduction to Biology I 0.5 credit in Biology Grade 10 What makes something “living”? How do living things operate? Students will discover and explore the unique chemistry of living things. The course is focused on cell and molecular biology. Students will study biochemistry, characteristics of life, cell anatomy and physiology, cell transport, cell reproduction, cell energetics, and molecular genetics. Laboratory work will include microscope work; class work will include note-taking skills as well as scientific writing.
HONORS SCIENCE COURSES Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisites: Teacher placement or successful completion of an Honors science course and Algebra II (or concurrently) This course will foster an appreciation for the relevance of chemistry to the world outside the classroom. Students will gain a solid foundation in the fundamentals of chemistry through lecture, laboratory work and problemsolving activities. Critical thinking skills are necessary for success in this course, and there is a strong emphasis on further developing this skill. Students will study structure and phases of matter, atomic and quantum theory, periodicity and periodic table, chemical bonding and molecular structure, stoichiometry, types of chemical reactions, kinetic theory, gas laws, and acids and bases. This course is a prerequisite for
UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
Honors Physics 1 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisites: Teacher placement or successful completion of an Honors science course and Algebra II (or concurrently) Through the use of introductory exploratory activities, debriefing and concept development secessions, and formal verification, extension and application exercises, students will gain experience and expanded knowledge
of the principles and theories of the scientific discipline of physics and the physicist’s approach to understanding the universe. Kinematics, dynamics, work, energy, power, impulse, momentum, circular motion, rotational motion, oscillation and periodic motion, and gravitation will be the areas of focus for the course. This course can serve as a prerequisite for AP Physics C. Honors Introduction to Engineering 1 Credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisites: Successful completion of Honors Physics and Pre-calculus (or concurrently) and Honors Chemistry (or concurrently) This rigorous introduction to the field of engineering satisfies an Accelerated STEM Endorsement requirement. The course will expose students to the basic engineering principles of four major fields of engineering: mechanical, chemical, electrical/computer, and civil/environmental. Students will solve engineering problems using experimental, analytical, and/or numerical procedures. A teamwork approach will be emphasized, and strong math and physics skills are required.
Students considering majoring in a science discipline in college or applying to highly selective post-secondary institutions should consider completing one or more AP science classes. Board-audited curricula are designed to replicate the intensity of introductory college science courses, including reading, assignments, labs and exams. All AP science courses (except AP Environmental Science and AP Physics 1) meet daily for one block. Students must be highly motivated and disciplined, and will be expected to work quickly and independently. All students are required to take the AP exam.
AP Chemistry 2 credits Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Chemistry and Algebra II Welcome to college level chemistry! Students will build on topics from Honors Chemistry (e.g. the structure and states of matter, reactions, kinetic theory of gases) adding depth to their theoretical knowledge and expanding their abilities with quantitative analysis. Students will develop multistep problem-solving skills while taking on advanced con-
cepts such kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamics. Extensive lab work provides opportunities to design procedures and perform advanced analysis. Students will learn to use specialized equipment and write college-level reports. Commitment to independent learning and strong reading skills are crucial since the pace of class will be rigorous. All students are required to take the AP exam. AP Physics 1 1 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of an Honors science course or teacher placement and Pre-calculus (or concurrently) This course will include the same physics topics, including labs, required of first-semester college life-science majors across the country. Newtonian mechanics, rotational motion, energy, electrical circuits, waves and sound make up the foundation of modern human understanding of the natural world. Talent for abstract, multidimensional reasoning and a gift for solving word problems are absolutely essential in this endeavor. All students are required to take the AP exam. AP Physics 1 & 2 2 credits Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of an Honors science course or teacher placement and Pre-calculus (or concurrently) This course will include the same physics topics, including labs, required of college life-science majors across the country. Newtonian mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermal physics, electricity, magnetism, waves, optics, and atomic and nuclear physics make up the foundation of modern human understanding of the natural world. Talent for abstract, multidimensional reasoning and a gift for solving word problems are absolutely essential in this endeavor. All students are required to take the AP exam. AP Physics C 2 credits Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Physics or AP Physics 1 and Calculus This course will include the same physics topics, including labs, required of college physics and engineering majors across the country. Students will derive and implement a great variety of calculus-based mechanics and
SCIENCE ELECTIVES Science electives are one-semester classes designed for students who wish to add to their science experience. Electives may not replace core graduation requirements. Preference is given to seniors. Students may take elective classes in addition to their required science class(es). Everyday Engineering
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities Upper SCHOOL STEM
Marine Biology 0.5 credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of two credits of science What is the ocean like? What lives in the ocean? How do these things survive? Students will discover the great diversity of marine life and the physical, chemical and geological factors that influence it, including seawater chemistry, tides, waves, and currents. Students will study the coastal and oceanic environments of marine life from shallow water habitats such as the rocky intertidal, giant kelp forests, and coral reefs to deep-sea communities such as those found at hydrothermal vents. Students learn basic dissection
Astronomy 0.5 credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of two science credits Look up! What is out there? Astronomy is the study of the universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere. Through the physics of matter, energy, forces, and motion students will learn about the birth, life, and death of our universe and the stars and other objects that fill it. Students will also learn about our view of the universe from here on earth and study the basics of celestial coordinate systems, the paths and appearance of the sun, moon, and planets across the sky.
AP Environmental Science 1 credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Biology, one year of physical science and Algebra II In this college-level interdisciplinary environmental science course, students will study ecological processes, earth systems, human effects on the environment, and sustainable management of ecosystems, all within cultural and social context. A significant lab and field component will be built into the alternating day class schedule. Strong reading, writing and analytical skills are necessary. All students are required to take the AP exam.
Anatomy and Physiology 0.5 credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of two science credits Anatomy and Physiology is particularly recommended for students interested in pursuing a health-related career. Students will explore many elements of the eleven systems of the human body including the cardiovascular, respiratory, skeletal, integumentary, and digestive systems. The structures of the human body and their functions will require significant memorization. Fetal pig dissection and a laboratory practical exam are the culminating activities.
two science credits This class is a single science discipline that integrates a range of other scientific disciplines (chemistry, physical science, and biology). Students will study ecological principles through an in depth look at various biomes, including forests, grasslands, and the arctic tundra. Students will become familiar with species interactions, population dynamics, and various environmental issues threatening ecosystems today. The goal of this class is to increase students’ awareness and level of appreciation for the world around them. Attendance and participation are mandatory.
AP Biology 2 credits Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisites: Successful completion of Honors Biology, one year of chemistry and Algebra II How do biologists work? What have biologists discovered? This course will include the same biology topics and labs of college biology majors across the country including chemistry of life, cells, cell energetics, heredity, molecular genetics, evolutionary biology, diversity of organisms, structure and function of both plants and animals, and ecology. This course will be quantitative as well as reading-intensive. Students will use critical thinking skills to analyze data, solve problems and write extensive papers. The goals are to provide a thematic conceptual framework, modern biological knowledge, as well as essential analytical skills for continued biological research. All students are required to take the AP exam.
0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Our modern lifestyle is built on many mechanical devices that we use everyday or rely on for everyday living. Students will learn basic mechanical concepts and simple machines and then apply what they learn to make more complex machines that model real-world engineering projects. Students will engage in engineering labs, prescribed projects and independent creative projects. Upon completing the course students will have a an understanding of basic mechanical concepts and how to apply those concepts to solve complex mechanical problems. Students will use hand-held power tools, hand tools, and hot glue guns.
electricity and magnetism applications. A talent for abstract, multidimensional reasoning and competency in solving multi-variable calculus problems are required. Only the most serious and capable physics students should undertake this course. All students are required to take the AP exam.
Environmental Studies 0.5 credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
techniques and use of the compound and dissecting microscopes as they study the internal and external features of marine organisms.
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
Maine Fish and Wildlife 0.5 credits Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Introduction to Biology I or Honors Biology (or either concurrently) Do you love the Maine outdoors and all of the creatures that call it home? Maine has a rich natural history and supports a diverse array of habitat types and species. This class will focus on the various classes of wildlife found in Maine including Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Mammals, and Birds. Along the way we will uncover the challenges Maine wildlife face, the adaptations that allow them to survive here, and some of the strategies used by humans to manage populations. An emphasis will be placed on getting “out there” to experience some of the wildlife right in our back yard.
The Career Pathways Department’s mission is to prepare all students to live, react and interact in today’s rapidly changing, technology-oriented world. Students gain opportunities to learn and apply the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the challenges of the postsecondary environment successfully, including post-secondary education, the military, or the work force.
Introduction to Accounting 0.5 credit Grades 11 and 12 Are you interested in taking the most practical subject in school? Are you interested in business and finance? Are
you interested in possible career opportunities? If this describes you, this introductory class is for you! Become familiar with the language of business through the accounting cycle, including determining assets, liability and capital. Learn to prepare balance sheets, journals, ledgers worksheets and financial statements. Study the accounting cycle for service and merchandising business ownership models. Class members will examine current business practices, trends and problems related to accounting, and will be introduced to computerized accounting through the Quickbooks program. Honors Accounting 1 credit Grades 11 and 12 This accelerated year long class is designed for the self-motivated student interested in pursuing a four-year degree in accounting, finance, marketing or economics. Through hands-on applications and partial integration of computer technology, students will learn the basic to advanced fundamentals of accounting. All class members will develop a solid foundation for personal use for individuals and small business recordkeeping, for departmentalized accounting, control systems, general accounting adjustments, corporate accounting, management accounting, cost accounting, and other accounting systems, as well as for further accounting study. You and the Law 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 It has long been said that ignorance of the law is no excuse, but why are most people so uninformed about rights and laws? Through this class students will
learn how the law affects individuals’ responsibilities and rights, addressing topics that will include constitutional law (the Bill of Rights), criminal law, civil law, and personal liability. Students will gain an understanding of the legal rights and responsibilities and fundamental principles of authority, fairness, justice and responsibility that underlie our legal system. The use of legal case studies will allow you the opportunity to engage in discussions regarding legal problems, contemporary issues and the ramifications of those issues. All class members will learn when and how to consult professional counsel. Introduction to Marketing 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 More U.S. college freshmen declare majors in business than any other major. Do you have what it takes? Can you talk a dog off a meat wagon? If so, this class is for you! This business-oriented class will develop student understanding and skills in the functional areas of marketing: channel management, marketing-information management, market planning, pricing, product/ service management, promotion and sales. Students will acquire an understanding and appreciation of each of the marketing functions and their ethical and legal issues. AP Economics 1 credit Grades 11 and 12 How do choices end up determining what, how, and for whom goods and services are produced? When do choices that were made in the pursuit of self-interest also promote the social interest? Are we on the edge of a “fiscal cliff”? Students will study how individuals and groups make decisions with limited resources in order to best satisfy their wants, needs, and desires, as well as gaining a greater understanding of economics ranging from the viewpoint of the individual consumer or small business owner to the global economy. Topics will include the law of supply and demand, forms of business, labor unions, government finances and their influence on the economy, money and prices, inflation and deflation cycles. The course will relate history and psychology to the study of economics. Students will focus on both the micro and macro economic principles in preparation for the AP exam.
Career Exploration 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Highly recommended for sophomores! What do you enjoy doing? What skills or abilities do you have that make you proud or get you compliments? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? What are your plans after high school ? Career Explorations will help you identify your strengths and areas of interest, and match those to appropri-
Introduction to Computer Programming 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Recommended for students who are currently enrolled in an upper-level math course (CP Geometry or higher). Software engineering continues to be a highly rated career, with great demand for well-qualified employees. Through this class students will gain important fundamentals in the field of computer programming, becoming fa-
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
This challenging class will stress logically structured, well-documented computer programs while working with the JAVA programming language. Students who sign up for this class should enjoy problem solving both independently and on a team, and be willing to spend 1-2 hours per week working in the computer lab at school or on their home computer.
Exploring Computer Science 1 credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Algebra 1 Highly recommended for the collegebound junior or senior who has not taken any computer courses Communication, medicine, engineering, computer programming, and informatics are only a few of the professional fields that rely on knowledge in computer science. Students will be introduced to a wide range of topics including computer hardware, web design, programming, animation, image editing, robotics and human computer interaction. Developing the skills of oral and written communication of ideas, those that are most necessary for success in the 21st century, is emphasized.
AP Computer Science A 1 credit Grade 12 Prerequisites: Introduction to Computer Programming or teacher recommendation Prepare yourself to launch into an exceptionally fast-growing career field: “Employment of software developers is projected to grow 30 percent from 2010 to 2020” (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Software development is only one of many career choices that require computer programming skills. Students planning on pursuing careers in science, engineering or mathematics will also find computer science to be an essential part of their studies.
MATH Course sequences in mathematics vary and should be selected based on students’ post-secondary plans. Although there is some flexibility, college-bound students especially should consider carefully which sequence would best serve their intentions following graduation. Instruction and discussion of what constitutes academic integrity will be consistent through all Math classes in order to assure that students have the opportunity to understand the concepts presented, including how to recognize the difference between times when working with other students contributes to greater understanding of the material, versus times when group work hinders individual comprehension. Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
Computer Applications 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Highly recommended for freshmen! Explore the use of computers as tools in the workplace, school and at home, and become proficient with several software applications used throughout the TA campus. Topics will include word processing, databases and spreadsheets, painting and drawing, Internet use and safety, as well as current trends in technology. Students will improve their touch typing/keyboarding skills. This course serves as an excellent introduction to the use of computers on campus, as well as other technology classes at Thornton Academy.
miliar with the basics of programming through the Alice environment, where onscreen 3D objects can be made to move about and interact. This visual environment will lay the foundation of object oriented programming. Later in the year, students will use the RealBasic development environment to develop their understanding and use of objectoriented programming and algorithms further. Priority given to upper grade level students
Entrepreneurship 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Want to be your own boss? Would you like to start your own company? In this course students will study and practice entrepreneurship. Student teams will create a technology/product-based startup and write a business plan that includes all the building blocks of creating an enterprise. In order to create a successful startup, student entrepreneurs will be required to address various issues in startup creation such as product development, market research, technology viability, fund raising, competitive analysis, team formation, and marketing and sales strategy. The course will feature guest lecturers who are successful local entrepreneurs, investors and business leaders with strong experience in creating and running startups. Students choosing this course are likely to major in business or wish to start a business of their own after high school.
ate careers. A range of careers will be explored through readings, exciting guest speakers, visual media, great field trips and online research. Students will prepare a résumé, a budget that takes into account how income affects lifestyle. The culminating research project will be the compilation of a career portfolio to use as a resource.
On The Money - Financial Literacy 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Do you have a love-hate relationship with money? Do you know where your money goes? Today’s teens as a group spend more than $150 billion each year. Greenbacks or plastic? How do we earn it? How do we spend it? How do we invest it? How do we save and protect it? According to former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, the problem with today’s young society is the lack of financial “literacy,” or knowledge. Financial knowledge is like a puzzle – it’s only possible when you have all the pieces in hand, and know how to fit them together in the right order. On The Money will teach you important financial concepts about spending, saving, credit, taxes and other issues facing young adults, and how to apply those concepts in a systematic order that will provide a solid foundation for financial success.
Career Pathways
The following course sequence is designed to provide necessary mathematical knowledge and skills for students who plan military enlistment or direct entry to the workforce following graduation from Thornton Academy.
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
Foundations of Math I 1 credit Math is a useful skill to have. Common tasks such as measuring the ingredients for a recipe, determining the mileage of a driving trip, or figuring out the cost of an item on sale all depend on good math understanding. Math I is a non-college preparatory course in the principles of pre-algebra. Students will practice Foundations of Math skills: adding, subtracting, multiplication, division, and fractions using both positive and negative integers. While learning Foundations of Math, students will be introduced to the concepts of variables, constants, solving one variable equations and graphing. During the second half of the course students will use slope-intercept equations and graph those linear equations.
Foundations of Math II 1 credit Prerequisite: Math I Working in a trade, such as carpentry, electrical work, mechanics, and plumbing requires the ability to estimate job costs and use technical math skills specific to the field. Knowledge of slopes, areas, volumes, and distances is essential. Math II is a non-college preparatory course in the principles of geometry. Students will study many of the topics in a traditional high school geometry class but omit the element of proofs. Emphasis is placed on patterns and inductive reasoning, coordinate geometry, angles, parallel lines, triangles, congruence, similarity, quadrilaterals, polygons, circles, surface area, and volume.
Foundations of Math III 1 credit Prerequisite: Math II Since aptitude testing has been shown to be twice as accurate as job interviews in predicting future job perfor-
mance, the use of employment testing has grown dramatically in recent years. Math III is a non-college preparatory course in the principles of Algebra I. The course will include a review of basic algebraic concepts learned in Math I, such as variables and order of operations. Students will learn how to solve linear equations, including multi-step equations, equations with multiple variables and equations involving decimals, as well as write a linear equation based on the graph of a line. A study of exponents will introduce students to concepts beyond linear functions.
tend and strengthen their understanding of the basic operations related to whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratios and percents. Topics studied also include a review of integer properties, operation with signed numbers, solving linear equations and inequalities. Students will gain skills for graphing linear equations, calculating and identifying slope, and working with systems of linear equations. In addition, students will be introduced to such topics as functions, exponents, and polynomials; which will be all useful for future mathematics courses.
Foundations of Math IV 1 credit Prerequisite: Math III Consumer math is a field of mathematics that applies Foundations of Math skills to situations common to daily living such as buying a car, budgeting
Algebra with Discrete Mathematics 1 credit Prerequisite: Algebra I Beginning with a unit on systems of equations, this course builds on skills learned in Algebra I. Other new algebraic concepts include factoring, solving by factoring and an introduction to quadratic equations. Discrete mathematics topics of statistics and probability build skills in understanding of survey methods, analyzing data and graphs found in every day life as well as calculating probabilities through the use of combinations and permutations. Learn why the hotels in Vegas can afford to be so breathtaking!
money, investing, and paying taxes. This course will prepare seniors planning to enter the workforce directly after high school with an introduction to these critical life-long skills. The following course sequence is designed to provide necessary mathematical knowledge and skills for students who plan to enroll in a two- or four-year college program following graduation from Thornton Academy. Algebra I 1 credit Algebra I is the foundation for all math courses students will take in high school. It is imperative that students have a cohesive and comprehensive understanding of algebraic concepts. This course will enable students to ex-
Geometry 1 credit Prerequisite: Algebra with Discrete Mathematics, or Algebra I with an A average, or placement by instructor In this class geometric concepts will be studied from an algebraic perspective, sharpening logical thinking skills. Students will practice problem solving and become familiar with a core set of geometric postulates and theorems that detail relationships about polygons, circles, parallel lines, similarity, and congruence. Application of right triangle trigonometry and the Pythagorean Theorem will enable students to calculate angles of descent for aircraft or to determine the height of a distant object. Algebra II 1 credit Prerequisite: Geometry and either
Probability and Statistics 0.5 credit Prerequisite: Algebra II and Geometry This course, an introduction to the study of probability, interpretation of data, and fundamental statistical problem solving, will encourage student awareness of the importance of mathematics in the modern world by addressing questions like, “Why is my automobile insurance so expensive?�
dents with the skills necessary for the successful transition into Honors Geometry and Honors Algebra 2 and the high order mathematics courses that follow. Students will gain a thorough and extensive study of linear functions and graphing on the xy-coordinate system. Students will learn to graph linear equations, calculate and identify slope, solve and graph inequalities, and work with systems of linear equations. Students will use equations to model and solve authentic problems, interpret graphs, make predictions based on data, and create graphs from a table or list of values. The course may also include the study of quadratic functions. Honors Geometry 1 credit
Honors Pre-Calculus 1 credit Prerequisite: Honors Algebra II and Honors Geometry Students will study the unifying nature of functions with an emphasis on trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions. Visualization and analysis of graphs will help students develop insight into mathematical ideas. The course will encourage students to appreciate the importance of mathematics in daily life by connecting mathEligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities Upper SCHOOL STEM
Honors Algebra I 1 credit This fast-paced course will provide stu-
Honors Algebra II 1 credit Prerequisites: Honors Algebra I and Honors Geometry This course will provide a challenge for the serious and motivated mathematics students by focusing on the study of functions, including linear, quadratic, polynomial and rational functions. When studying quadratic functions students will calculate maximum income of a business by locating the vertex of a parabolic graph. Throughout the year similar examples will give students a more complete understanding of how algebra is applicable to other disciplines. A complete unit on conic sections including ellipses and hyperbolas will be incorporated. A complete unit on conic sections including ellipses and hyperbolas will be incorporated. NOTE: Honors Geometry may be taken concurrently by placement only.
The following course sequence is designed to provide necessary mathematical knowledge and skills for students who, following graduation from Thornton Academy, plan to attend a four-year college program and may major in a math or science field, or who may apply to a selective fouryear college regardless of major.
Prerequisite: Honors Algebra 1 Students will develop spatial concepts and insight into the relationships between plane figures such as points, lines, polygons, and circles. Students will apply algebraic principles, including the use of coordinates, to geometric problems and explore the measurement of two and three-dimensional figures. The concept of proof is a focus of this course, fostering an appreciation of the power of logic as a tool for understanding the world. Students will be expected to utilize the concepts of Honors Algebra I throughout the Honors Geometry course.
Trigonometry 0.5 credit Prerequisite: Algebra II and Geometry This semester course is designed for the student who intends to further his or her education in a technical field. The six trigonometric functions, which are defined in terms of ratios, are used routinely in calculations made by surveyors, navigators, machinists and carpenters. Trigonometric functions also have many applications in the physical and life sciences. Triangle solution problems, trigonometric identities, and trigonometric equations require knowledge of elementary algebra. NOTE: This course is not a substitute for Pre-Calculus.
Students will explore and analyze data by observing patterns or the absence of patterns, interpret information from graphical and tabular displays, apply appropriate statistical models including measures of centrality and spread to infer information from data, and learn to use technology in solving statistical problems.
Algebra with Discrete Mathematics or Algebra I with an A average, or placement by instructor This course is a continuation of the Algebra I and Algebra with Discrete Mathematics sequence. Students will delve into quadratic functions and be able to extend their geometry experience to maximize area of geometric figures. In this age of the greening of America, businesses are using such applications to minimize the amount of plastic used in water bottles. Algebra II will include a study of the operations with real numbers, linear equations and inequality applications, graphs and functions, polynomials, rational expressions, irrational and complex numbers, quadratic equations and functions, systems of equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, and arithmetic and geometric series. NOTE: This course does not meet the prerequisite for Pre-Calculus.
ematical principles to situations in the natural world (e.g., the periodic nature of ocean tides). Study of sequences and series and probability will be incorporated.
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes
Honors Statistics 1 credit Prerequisite: Honors Pre-Calculus Statistics is used more commonly than any other kind of math. Students will see clearly the answer to the question “When are we ever going to need this?” Honors Statistics is a yearlong course that will focus on collecting, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data. Topics will include exploratory data analysis, study planning, probability, and statistical inference.
UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
AP Statistics 1 credit Prerequisite: Honors Pre-Calculus The 21st century is the age of information. Advertisers, businesses, and politicians all make decisions based on research. “Data-driven” is the new
catchphrase. Statistics is often a general requirement for college majors. This demanding AP course in statistics will introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data. Students will be exposed to four broad conceptual themes: exploring data, planning a study, anticipating patterns, and statistical inference. All students are required to take the AP exam. Honors Calculus A 1 credit Prerequisite: Honors Pre-Calculus Since the underlying mathematical basis of many technical fields relies on calculus, many college majors require students to study calculus. This course is the equivalent of one semester of a college calculus curriculum. Studies will include topics of limits, continuity, differential and integral calculus. A grade of B or better will qualify the student to receive automatic credit for the course titled MAT 152D Calculus A at the University of Southern Maine through Project ASPIRE. All students are required to take the AP exam.
AP Calculus AB 1 credit Prerequisite: Honors Pre-Calculus Calculus is the mathematics of change. It can be used to explain the spread of epidemics or the path of a curveball. AP Calculus AB is the equivalent of a 1-½ semesters of a college calculus curriculum. In this demanding course, the student will study the cornerstones of calculus: the derivative, the definite, and the indefinite integral. Students will approach ideas through the concept of function, so the class will spend some time reviewing and extending student’s knowledge of trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential and polynomial functions. Students will also study continuity and limits, the differential and advanced techniques of integration as well as learn applications of these concepts. A grade of B or better will qualify the student to receive automatic credit for the course titled MAT 152D Calculus A at the University of Southern Maine through Project ASPIRE. All students are required to take the AP exam.
Courses - Upper School
Healthy Living: Wellness, Nutrition, Physical Activity
The goal of the Wellness Department is to support the health of all students by providing the knowledge and skills necessary to make good decisions about lifelong health and fitness. 1.5 credits in Wellness are required for graduation. Students must complete two, one-half credit core classes: Foundations of Personal Fitness and Current Issues in Wellness. Students also must complete an activity credit (recommended for the freshman year). Instruction and discussion of what constitutes original thought and the core principles of “fair play” will be consistent through all Wellness classes in order to assure that all students understand the meaning of personal integrity.
FRESHMEN Foundations of Personal Fitness 0.5 credit Grade 9 This required semester-long course will introduce students to the foundations of personal fitness in a classroom setting. Topics include physical activity and personal fitness, personal fitness program design, healthy body systems (musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and nervous), and basic flexibility.
ACTIVITY CREDIT Activity credits may be completed through any of the following four options. Students should consider each option carefully and select the one that best matches their personal interests and activities. Option 1: Successfully complete one of the activity courses listed in this section. • Students who select this option should do so during their freshman year. Option 2: Successfully complete Dance I. Option 3: Complete two interscholastic athletic seasons in good standing. NOTE: Must be completed by the end of junior year.
• Students selecting this option must file an Interscholastic Activity Credit Waiver form (available in the Guidance Office) after completing two seasons of interscholastic athletic participation. • The required activity credit will be awarded following verification of two completed seasons of interscholastic athletic participation. Grading will be non-weighted on a pass/fail basis. Activity Class: Recreational Fitness 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Preference given to freshmen; upperclassmen may add during the course adjustment period on a space-available basis Students will be introduced to a variety of recreational activities. Activities may include soccer, flag football, baseball and softball, lacrosse, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, tennis, horseshoes, and kickball. Activity Class: Weight/Power Training 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Preference given to freshmen; upperclassmen may add during the course adjustment period on a space-available basis Students will learn how properly to improve both strength and power. Each student will develop a personalized weight and power-training regime. Activity Class: Dance Fitness 0.5 credits Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Preference given to freshmen; upperclassmen may add during the course adjustment period on a space-available basis Students will participate in activities like Zumba fitness, yoga and total body muscular strength/endurance exercises. The goal of the class is to increase students’ mental and physical stamina.
Activity Class: Personalized Fitness for Life 0.5 credits Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Preference given to freshmen; upper classmen may add during the course adjustment period on a space-available basis In this self-directed fitness class students will select and create individual fitness programs in three areas: cardiovascular fitness, strength training, and flexibility. Students will choose and engage in activities that they enjoy in each category. Activity Class: Group Fitness 0.5 credits Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Preference given to freshmen; upper classmen may add during the course adjustment period on a space-available basis Students will work in a group setting and will engage in a variety of physical activity programs to improve functional fitness. Students will complete circuit training, engage in strength/endurance work through the use of stability balls and bands, work on flexibility/stretching through yoga.
SOPHOMORE, JUNIOR, & SENIOR YEAR Sophomores, juniors and seniors must take Current Issues in Wellness. Students may also select from the following elective classes that have been designed for students interested in pursuing additional knowledge and skills in Wellness. Current Issues in Wellness 0.5 credit Grades 10 and 11 Prerequisite: Foundations of Personal Fitness The emphasis of this course is on decision making related to topics including: stress, sexuality, nutrition, and drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Students will expand their understanding and application of information learned in the foundations course, as well as explore current trends and issues in wellness in our society. Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes
Sport Psychology 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Foundations of Personal Fitness This course will address concepts related to sport and exercise psychology. Representative topics include confidence, focus, controlling distractions, the power of routines, motivation, goal setting, intensity, visualization, leadership, sportsmanship, anxiety and arousal. In addition, students will investigate current issues in sport and apply these to the area of sport psychology.
UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media
Nutrition and Healthy Cooking 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Foundations of Personal Fitness Students will learn to make healthy food selections using basic knowledge of the principles of nutrition. Students will participate in food preparation and learn
to plan and serve meals using the latest dietary guidelines and recommendations. Sport in American Culture 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Students will investigate the role of sport in American culture, thinking critically about a variety of topics related to sport such as youth sport, violence, gender, social class, the media, sport in education, and performance enhancing drugs. Other topics currently relevant in sport will also be discussed. Advanced First Aid & CPR 0.5 credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Foundations of Personal Fitness Students will learn more in depth about various topics in advanced first aid such as caring for individuals who have muscle, bone, head or spine injuries. In addition, legal and ethical principles of emergency care will be investigated. In addition,
students will have the opportunity to learn CPR and be able to be ready to become CPR/AED certified. Exploring Applied Exercise Science & Sport Studies 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Foundations of Personal Fitness Are you looking to become a physical therapist, athletic trainer, nutritionist, exercise physiologist, work in sport management, sport psychologist or any other sport studies professional? This course is designed for students who are interested in a career in exercise science & sport studies. Students will be able to explore each of these areas and will go more in depth with the area that they would like to continue in higher education. Students will also come out with a plan of where they would like to continue their area of interest.
Courses - Upper School
Biddeford Regional Center of Technology (BRCOT)
The Center of Technology provides career and technical education that supports and guides students on their career paths, whether they are entering the workforce or continuing their education following graduation. Students learn occupational skills under industry recognized standards and in some programs they may gain industry certifications that lead to employment opportunities. They may also earn college credits--many of the BRCOT programs have agreements with Maine colleges whereby students may earn free college credits by successfully completing these programs. Auto Body Technology I 4 credits Grades 11 and 12 This course will provide the student with fundamental skills in the field of auto body repair. Students will perform the actual work of paint preparation, metal finishing, patching rust areas, proper use of plastic filler, removing upholstery, replacing glass, removing, replacing, and aligning parts, welding, cutting, and brazing. Classroom instruction will cover safety procedures, proper use and care of tools, equipment, along with automotive body repair theory. Students with respiratory issues must have medical clearance to enroll in this course. Auto Body Technology II 4 credits Grade 12 Prerequisite: Auto Body Technology I The second year of the auto body sequence will provide the student with more advanced skills in major collision repair and refinishing, replacing quarter and door panels, mixing and thinning, spraying techniques, overall and spot refinishing, methods, procedures, proper care of equipment, materials, and safety. Upon successful completion of Auto Body II, the student will be employable at the entry level in auto body trades. Auto Mechanics I 4 credits
Grades 11 and 12 The Auto Mechanics program provides an opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in the field of auto mechanics. Students will learn how to apply the automotive theory they will learn in the classroom to actual practice in the auto mechanics shop. The first year will include shop safety, tool orientation, vehicle maintenance, tire and brake theory and service, suspension and steering, front end alignment theory and service, drive train theory and service, cooling system theory and service along with related math and science topics. The course carries NATEF/ASE certification and is designed as a two-year program. Auto Mechanics II 4 credits Grade 12 Prerequisite: Auto Mechanics I Year Two of the auto mechanics program includes shop safety, electrical systems, wiring diagrams, meter use, batteries, alternators and tune-ups, emission systems, enginge performance, computer controls, Snap-On scanners, all with related math and science topics. Students are eligible to participate in the statewide Ford/AAA Auto Skills contest and take the Maine State Inspection Licensing Exam to be qualified to perform inspections. Articulated college credits are available to students who continue their education at SMMC, CMMC, UTI, and the Univ of NW Ohio. Building Construction I 4 credits Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Strong math, grade-level reading and interpersonal skills. The curriculum of Building Construction I and II is aligned with the National Association of Home Builders standards and is centered on the construction of an energy efficient single family home. The first year of the program covers: safety, proper use of tools, building materials, building plans, specifications and codes. The project components include; floor, wall construc-
tion, roof framing as well as the installation of exterior trim, roofing, windows, doors and siding. Building Construction II 4 credits Grade 12 Prerequisite: Building Construction I or permission of the instructor The second year continues to build on the skills developed in the first year of the program. Instruction is focused on more advanced areas of residential construction including; design process, architectural blueprint reading, material estimating, stair construction and advanced roof framing. The project components include; insulation and air sealing, drywall, interior doors, finish trim and kitchen cabinets. Business & Financial Management 4 credits (12 College credits available) Grades 11 and 12 This program encompasses four courses that will provide a student with the broad knowledge to help him/her excel in any business related field or college program. Required subjects include at least three (3) of the following courses: Accounting I and II; Business Management/Entrepreneurship; Investing & Personal Finance; Marketing. Each of these courses offers transferable credits from either Thomas College, Northern Maine or Kennebec Valley Community College. An Internship in Business Management is possible as a second year option. This program may be supplemented with technology offerings from the Business Information Technology program described below. Complete course descriptions may be found on the BRCOT website, www.biddeford.mainecte. org. Business Information Technology 4 credits (9 College credits available) Grades 11 and 12 This course if for motivated students interested in acquiring the technology skills to efficiently operate their own business or
Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
assist in college coursework. Learn how to make today’s technology work for you by becoming a highly marketable employee in today’s business world as you acquire in-demand technology skills. Individual courses are shown below. Students may supplement this program with business course offerings from the Business and Financial Management program described above. Complete course descriptions may be found on the BRCOT website *Indicates courses that have either college articulated or dual enrollment credits available for students who continue their education in the business or computer fields. Web Design*--Learn effective design concepts and how they play an effective role in doing business on the Internet (Ecommerce). Computer Science--An in-depth course in programming and problem-solving, covering A-Level Advanced Placement (AP) Java topics. Computer Networking I and II (Cisco Discovery)*--Learn fundamental computer networking knowledge and prepare for college level courses or entry-level careers in IT and networking. Video Game Design--Create video games (and of course play them) and gain an understanding of the technological, creative, and business aspects of video game design. Computer Apps*--Learn and practice basic and advanced features of word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software using the current Microsoft products. Graphic Print Design*--Learn computer graphic skills while creating logos, newsletters, booklets, sport programs, flyers, certificates, brochures, tickets, and other documents for actual use by local school and community groups. Business Math Using Excel *--Learn and reinforce practical math skills typically encountered in business and personal finance, and useful in everyday life, while using spreadsheets (Excel).
Engineering, Architecture, Drafting I 4 credits Grades 11 and 12 (Grade 10 with permission by the instructor) So you’re thinking about a career in Engineering or Architecture? How do you know if it is for you? In this STEM course, students will learn the newest versions of the AutoDesk software like AutoCAD, Revit Architecture and, Inventor. The key architectural skills of hand drafting, sketching, and architectural model building will also be taught. For those interested in engineering, students will focus more
on the development of drawings and blueprints for the manufacturing process. Students will also learn how to program an industrial 3-D printer to make prototype parts. Field trips to local engineering and architecture firms, and guest speakers who are engineers and architects from a variety of industries, will provide insight into these in-demand career fields. Engineering, Architecture, Drafting II 4 credits Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Engineering, Architecture, Drafting I or permission of the instructor The second year of this program is projectbased. Students can customize their own curriculum based on the type of engineering, architecture, or design field they intend to pursue as a career. For example, architecture students will create portfolios to prepare for college entrance. All students will become more skilled in the AutoDesk software programs as they have the opportunity to work on real projects for the community like creating prints for non-profit building projects. Job shadowing and internships are highly encouraged. Articulated college credits are available to students who continue their education at SMMC or YCCC. Early Childhood Ed 4 credits Grades 11 and 12 This program is for students interested in exploring a career working with preschool children in a preschool or childcare setting, or for students preparing for further education in elementary education. Students should have the ability to work both independently and as part of a team. The academic component utilizes readings and research in child development theory. Students will operate a nursery school for four year olds where each student will assume lead teacher responsibilities for two weeks which includes the creation and delivery of appropriate nursery school curriculum. They will also complete a six (6) week internship in their educational interest area. Students will also learn basic first aid and CPR. Excellent attendance is very important. Electrical Technology I 4 credits Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Strong math and reading skills This is the first component of a two-year program that utilizes a state and nationally recognized curriculum. Successful completion of the two-year program, which also benefits students who are interested in HVAC and alternative power careers, may
lead to licensure as an apprentice electrician. Through classroom activities and hands-on labs, students will study electrical theory, residential and commercial wiring, and on-the-job safety. Students completing the NCCER curriculum may continue their job training after high school at locations across the country. More information about the curriculum may be found at Electrical Technology II 4 credits Grade 12 Prerequisite: Electrical Technology I This course is for the student continuing in the two-year Electrical program. Areas of study will be commercial and industrial wiring practices including motors and transformers. Successful students in this program will meet the educational requirements for a State of Maine Journeyman’s Electrician’s license. Articulated college credits are available to students who continue their education at any Maine Community College. Health Assistant/CNA 4 credits (2 of which are for Anatomy and Physiology credits) Grade 12 Prerequisites: Successful completion of a Biology or Chemistry class This college preparatory course is for students who enjoy working with people and are considering a career in the healthcare field. All students pursue nursing assistant training (CNA). Students have classroom and laboratory classes at the Center of Technology and 70 hours of clinical experience at local healthcare facilities. Two science credits are awarded are for anatomy, physiology & pathophysiology. The other two credits are for the nursing assistant curriculum, growth and development, nutrition, CPR and first aid certification. This program prepares students to continue their education in any of the health care fields or to work as a Certified Nursing Assistant. Students must also pass a background check and present evidence of current vaccinations in order to participate in the clinical experience and to be eligible to take the Maine Certified Nursing Assistant’s exam. Students may contract for honors credit. Introduction to Medical Sciences 4 credits (2 of which are for Anatomy and Physiology credits) Grade 12 Prerequisite: Chemistry or biology This challenging academic program prepares students for further education on the professional or technical level in
Machine Tool Technology I 4 credits Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Strong math skills Learn how to take raw materials like metals and plastics and produce a specialized finished product using mathematical knowledge especially geometry and hands-on practice. Students will learn the safe and efficient use of industrial machines like lathes, mills and computercontrolled machinery. Students will learn how use technical blueprints and precision measurement tools like verniers and calipers as they make projects. Related
Welding / Metal Fabrication II 4 credits Grade 12 Prerequisite: Welding and Metal Fabrication I The second year of the program will include Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG), Metal Inert Gas (MIG), pipe welding, heavy structural fabrication, and all areas of forming, cutting, and assembly, as well as complete coverage of blueprint reading and welding symbol interpretation. Shielded metal arc welding and flux cored arc are also practiced in this course. Students will have the opportunity to take the AWS certification tests in the spring. Upon completion of the two-year program, students will be qualified for entry-level employment or continued education at the community college level. Articulated college credits are available to students who continue their education at Southern Maine Community College.
Eligible for Arts and New Media Endorsement Eligible for STEM Endorsement Eligible for Advanced Studies Endorsement
UPPER SCHOOL Block 5/ X Classes UPPER SCHOOL Arts & New Media UPPER SCHOOL Humanities
Medical Assisting 4 credits Grades 11 and 12 This Business Academy course prepares students to be a step ahead in their college classes in pursuit of careers in the medical field and the business world. It also helps to prepare students for entry-level positions in these fields. In this course both clinical and business components will be addressed. Students will learn basic patient care, medical terminology, basic anatomy and physiology, diagnostic clinical procedures, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, scheduling, coding, billing and varied medical office procedures. Employment skills inclusive of resumes, cover letters and interview skills are also covered. Students are eligible to choose from an area of interest to do a clinical experience or job shadow in the medical field, subject to availability. Numerous speakers are invited into class and tours of local healthcare facilities will expose students to a variety of future career possibilities. A business education certificate for Medical Studies will be granted upon the successful completion of this program. Free college credits may be earned while taking this class. Juniors and Seniors may earn 3 Central Maine Community College dual enrollment credits for Medical Terminology (MET 111) which are transferable to most other colleges. Currently up to 6 articulated college credits are available to students who continue their medical education at one of
Welding & Metal Fabrication I 4 credits Grades 11 and 12 The first year of a two-year program, this course will provide the student with knowledge of fundamental theory and basic skills in the field of welding and metal fabrication. The program is based on a national curriculum, NCCER, and meets American Welding Society standards. Actual shop work will include all aspects of oxyacetylene welding, arc welding, light structural fabrication, safety equipment, and practice for promoting safety. Also included are welding in three positions on all fabrication joints as well as setting up and operating the flame-cutting torch. Students with respiratory issues must have medical clearance to enroll in this course; consult Guidance for more information.
Technical Writing 1 Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite Current enrollment in a COT program Using a learn-by-doing approach, students are introduced to the methods of writing used in business and technical documents. They will study and practice various forms of technical communication such as brief correspondence, informative reports, investigative reports, instructions, employment communication, recommendation reports, and proposals. Students will also study workplace ethics. This is a one credit course to supplement the program offerings for COT seniors.
Machine Tool Technology II 4 credits Grade 12 Prerequisite: Machine Trades I Students will continue their studies in precision machining by exploring areas of new product design and innovation. Students will learn how to operate machinery commonly used in industry, including a computerized milling machine (CNC) by learning its computer language (FANUC) to create parts to exceptional accuracy. With practical experiences with milling machine operations, lathes, computer numerical control programming and machining, and inspection, students will be prepared to handle a wide range of responsibilities in the metalworking industry. Graduates will find that their employment prospects are excellent. Articulated college credits are available to students who continue their education at Southern Maine, Central Maine and York County Community Colleges.
the following colleges: SMCC, YCCC, CMCC and the Seacoast Career School.
Legal Studies 4 credits Grades 11 and 12 This Business Academy course prepares students to further their education for careers in law, criminal justice or in the business world, and/or to help prepare for entry-level positions in these fields. It covers legal terminology, business, consumer, civil and criminal law. Court procedures, Internet legal research, current events and computer/legal applications inclusive of resumes, cover letters and interview skills are also covered. Job shadows are dependent on the availability with local businesses. A business education certificate for Legal Studies will be issued upon successful completion of this program. Free articulated college credits may be earned by taking this class. Currently up to 6 college credits may be earned for students who continue their education in the field of law, criminal justice or business at any of the following colleges: SMCC, YCCC, CMCC and Husson University.
classroom instruction will emphasize shop and machine safety, machining theory and blueprint reading.
any of 300-plus health career fields. This course covers human anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. Two science credits are awarded for anatomy and physiology. The other two credits are earned studying patient care skills, human growth and development, nutrition, CPR and first aid. Students may choose to complete the nursing assistant curriculum or complete an independent study and job-shadow (subject to availability) in the field of their choice. Students who choose to complete the nursing assistant curriculum will spend 70 hours caring for patients in local facilities then sit for the state nursing assistant exam. Students who choose job shadowing will complete 40 hours of independent study followed by 20 hours of job-shadowing in various areas of the healthcare field. Independent study/ job shadow students will sit for the National Healthcare Foundations Skills Assessment certification exam. Students may contract for honors credit.
Upper School
Arts and New Media Diploma Endorsement New in 2014-15: Thornton Expands its Diploma Endorsement program to include Arts and New Media and Advanced Studies The post-secondary landscape for college-bound Thornton graduates has changed significantly over even the last few years. College admissions have become more competitive, the applicant pool continues to expand, and a range of other factors have resulted in many schools raising admission standards and concentrating more intensely on what each applicant brings to the table. In response to this trend, Thornton Academy has initiated a unique and challenging diploma endorsement program. Diploma endorsements will: • Capitalize on Thornton’s proud tradition of educating students for a changing world
• Engage and challenge the teaching faculty • Further enhance TA’s progressive and innovative educational environment wherein the curriculum is always growing, flexible, and responsive • Allow motivated students to call attention to academic strengths and goals for future study
Fine Arts
Course Offerings
Music (Vocal)
Music (Instrumental)
Theater Basics
Concert Choir
Concert Band
Design for Stage
Treble Choir
Wind Ensemble
Acting I/II
Chamber Singers
Guidance Counselors and Department Heads will assist students enrolled in the Endorsement program to ensure all requirements are met.
Jazz Band
Costuming and Design 1
Music Tech
String Orchestra
TA Players Elective Choices
Students will file a letter of intent to complete the endorsement of their choice at the end of semester 1 of the 9th grade year.
Music Theory I*
Music Theory II*
Music Technology*
Recording Studio - odd years
Piano Lab (or pass proficiency exam)*
History of Rock and Roll
Music History in the World - even years*
AP Music Theory*
AP= Advanced Placement course H= Honors Course *Required participation in at least 6 shows, combination of performing & backstage Total Credits Needed 4 in Major Area
Additional Electives in Fine Arts or New Media Choose from the list to equal 8.5 total credits
Also required - 4 years of membership in at least 1 performance ensemble
4 2
Fine Art - VA/Music/Dance
Art History
Digital + Media
Digital + Media
0.5 1
Publications + Communications
Dance I
Visual Art
Total Credits Capstone Project
* Required electives for earning Music Endorsement
Students who successfully complete a rigorous program of study in the areas of Arts & New Media, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), or Advanced Studies will distinguish themselves with eligibility to earn a specialized diploma upon graduation. Within the application process, colleges and universities will be notified of a student’s outstanding achievement, and those who take advantage of this unique opportunity will be a better prepared and a more attractive applicant. Students may become eligible for any of our endorsed diplomas at any time during their time at TA. However, each endorsement carries specific requirements. To ensure eligibility for any of the endorsed diplomas, a student should work with his/her guidance counselor to plan carefully when making annual course selections.
New Media
Fine Arts Credit 1
Visual Art Visual Art I
1/H1 Pottery 1
1/H1 Painting
Digital + Media
Publications + Communications Credit
Dance I
Web Design I*
Dance II
0 .5
Web Design II*
0 .5
Dance III
Dance Company
3-D Animation*
Yearbook Editors*
Digital Layout and Design
Journalism Journalism/Feature Writing Lab** Yearbook*
Dance Fitness
Graphic Design I
Writing in an iPad World*
AP Studio Art
Dance Intern
Graphic Design II
0 .5
Sr. English Narrative Nonfiction*
Design for Stage
Digital Imaging and Design
Sports Journalism*
Costuming and Design I
Television Production I
Digital Story Telling/Radio Lab*
Elective Choices 0.5
Television Production II
Digital Marketing*
0 .5
Motion Graphics
Honors TATV
Digital Layout and Design
Art History*
H .5
Fine Art Portfolio Prep (Fall)
H .5
Honors Visual Art (Spring)
Web Design I*
AP Computer Programming*
Honors TATV
Movie Making
H .5
Sr. English Honors Narrative Nonfiction**
*Required participation in at least 6 shows, combination of performing & backstage
*Required for endorsement
Computer Programming*
*Does not count toward Fine Art Graduation requirement
*Does not count toward Fine Art Graduation requirement **Offered School year 15-16, and qualifies for an English credit
Digital + Media
Music Tech
Visual Arts elective
Visual Arts elective
Publications + Communications
Digital + Media
Publications + Communications
Digital + Media
Publications + Communications
2 0.5
Fine Art - VA/Music/Drama Costuming and Design II
Upper School
Advanced Studies Diploma Endorsement Thornton Academy offers a rigorous academic program to its students. The Thornton Academy Advanced Studies program affords students the opportunity to engage in our most demanding course offerings, preparing them for admission into competitive colleges and universities. Upon successful completion of 14 of the following options, students are awarded an endorsed diploma in recognition of their extraordinary aptitude and achievement. This endorsed diploma is recognized in college application materials, including letters of recommendation and transcripts. See your college counselor for more information and program requirements.
Social Science
Honors Sophomore English
Choice of 4 History Electives
Honors Biology
Honors Modern US History or AP US History or Academ-e or Dual Enrollment
Honors Chemistry or AP Biology or AP Chemistry (2CR) or AP Physics (2CR) or AP Environmental or Science or Academ-e or Dual Enrollment
Honors Junior English or AP Language and Composition or Academ-e or Dual Enrollment
Honors Senior English or AP Literature and Composition or Academ-e or Dual Enrollment
AP European History or AP Human Geography or AP Psychology or AP Government or AP Economics or Academ-e or Dual Enrollment
Honors Physics or AP Biology or AP Chemistry (2CR) or AP Physics (2CR) or AP Environmental Science or Academ-e or Dual Enrollment OR 3.0 credits in science courses listed above PLUS BRCOT Health Assistant/ CNA Program
Honors Algebra II or Honors Pre-Calculus or Honors Geometry
Engineering + Technology
Honors Introduction to Engineering
Honors TATV Studio or AP Comp. Programming or Any Business Academy Course at BRCOT or Intro to Medical Science or Honors Accounting
(taken once during sophomore, junior, or senior year)
(courses taken once during sophomore, junior, or senior year)
Honors Statistics or AP Statistics or Honors Calculus A or AP Calculus AB or Academ-e or Dual Enrollment
AP Statistics or Honors Calculus A or AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC or Academ-e or Dual Enrollment
Honors Introduction to Engineering (taken once during sophomore, junior, or senior year)
Honors TATV Studio or AP Comp. Programming or Any Business Academy Course at BRCOT or Intro to Medical Science or Honors Accounting (courses taken once during sophomore, junior, or senior year)
Honors Introduction to Engineering (taken once during sophomore, junior, or senior year)
Honors TATV Studio or AP Comp. Programming or Any Business Academy Course at BRCOT or Intro to Medical Science or Honors Accounting (courses taken once during sophomore, junior, or senior year)
Foreign Language
At Least Three Years Of: Honors Spanish or Honors French or Honors German or Honors Mandarin or Honors Latin or Honors Greek or Honors Arabic or AP Spanish or AP French or AP Mandarin or Proficiency of 100 on TOEFL or equivalent language exam, including AP in non-native language
Upper School
STEM Diploma Endorsement Thornton Academy offers a diploma endorsement program in the area of Science/Technology/Math/Engineering (STEM). Our first and perhaps most rigorous Diploma Endorsement, revealed in 2012, is for motivated engineering-bound students who strive to challenge themselves in high school while working to earn advanced placement in college. Thanks to an articulation agreement with the College of Engineering at the University of Maine (UM), students who successfully complete Thornton Academy’s most rigorous STEM sequence (read left to right) may gain admission to UM Orono’s renowned engineering program with sophomore standing. This opens the way for students to tailor their college careers more individually to their needs.
AP Chemistry AP Physics C
AP Computer Science A
Acceptance at UMaine Orono College of Engineering with Sophomore Standing
Option 1
Requires a score of 3 or better on each AP exam OR qualifying Early College Course (Academ-e, Dual Enrollment, or Concurrent Enrollment Courses at UM, SMCC, YCCC)
Thornton Academy STEM Endorsed Diploma*
Option 2
Requires 4 credits of mathematics, 4 credits of science, and 3 additional STEM Credits, with at least 1 credit in Technology or Engineering. 11 STEM Credits total required. *At least two courses must be AP or Early College Course (Academ-e, Dual Enrollment, or Concurrent Enrollment Courses at UM, SMCC, YCCC)
Anatomy & Physiology Astronomy Environmental Studies Marine Biology H Biology H Chemistry H Physics H Physical Science AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science AP Physics B or C Bioethics Maine Fish and Wildlife Early College Course
Requires 7.5 credits of STEM courses, including 3 in math, 3 in science PLUS at least 1 credit in Technology and Everyday Engineering. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of a 2.5 or higher over their time at TA.
Drafting w/ CAD Electrical Tech Health Assistant/CNA Intro to Medical Science Machine Tool Tech Auto Mechanics Welding Early College course
1 credit in Technology
Thornton Academy Applied STEM Diploma
Option 3
Basic Programming Computer Applications Exploring Computer Science Web Design 3D Computer Games AP Computer Programming - JAVA
3 credits in Science Early College course
OR ANY OF THESE COT OFFERINGS Drafting w/ CAD Electrical Tech Health Assistant/CNA Intro to Medical Science Machine Tool Tech I Auto Mechanics Welding I
PA RT N E R Engineering
AP English (AP Lit and Comp OR AP Lang and Comp) Honors Intro to Engineering
Everyday Engineering Honors Intro to Engineering Early College course
Everyday Engineering OR Honors Intro to Engineering
AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC
Algebra I or Honors Algebra I Algebra II or Honors Algebra II Algebra w/ Discrete Math Geometry Probability & Statistics Trigonometry H Calculus A H Pre-calculus H Statistics AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Statistics Early College course
Two AP Humanities (e.g., AP Human Geography, AP Latin, AP Spanish, AP Mandarin, AP French, AP USH, AP European History, AP Lit and Comp OR AP Lang and Comp)
3.5 cumulative GPA or higher
3 credits in Mathematics Early College course
2.5 cumulative GPA or higher
Upper School
UNE Matriculation Program Thornton Academy and The University of New England Announce an Exciting New Partnership Earn a Thornton Academy Humanities Diploma and, depending on course selection and exam performance, enter UNE as a fully matriculated Sophomore≠! Thornton students who receive the Advanced Studies Diploma may be eligible to enter the UNE College of Arts and Sciences with sophomore standing≠. Refer to the following conversion chart: Earn 22 (of 30) Credits by Fulfilling CAS “Core” Requirements TA Course
Required Score
AP Biology
AP Calculus
4 (AB) or 3 (BC)
AP English and Comp
UNE Equivalent
UNE Credits
BIO 104 or 105 and 106; Biology I and II
MAT 190: Calculus
ENG 110: English Composition
AP Environmental
ENV 104: Intro to Environmental Issues
AP Studio Art 2-D or 3-D
Creative Art
Earn 8 Additional Credits by Fulfilling CAS “Explorations” Requirements
AP Lit and Comp
ENG 199, an Exploration Course, OR a major requirement for the English Major
AP European History
HIS 231, an Exploration Course, OR a major requirement for the History Major
AP Government
PSC 101, an Exploration Course, OR a major requirement for the Political Science Major
AP Psychology
Intro to Psychology
AP Language (Spanish, French, Latin, or Mandarin
Explorations course (does not fulfill major requirements)
“At UNE, the College of Arts and Sciences curriculum holds true to the enduring values of the liberal arts. Our students examine the past in connection with the present while being challenged to understand and evaluate human values, cultures, and ideas as expressed in the various humanities disciplines. Our flexible curriculum enables our students to find their own paths, while our careful advising helps students achieve their intellectual and professional goals.”
Agreement under development with the College; pending approval of the President Spring 2014 ≠
Upper School
NTMA-U Advanced Workforce Development Program Pursuing Workforce Development at Thornton Academy Business owners across the state have become increasingly insistent regarding the crucial need for a highly skilled Maine workforce. The well-meaning commitment to “college for all” has resulted in skills gaps and missed opportunities for both students and businesses. Thornton Academy recognizes that conventional college programs may neither be the best fit for some TA graduates nor provide the kind of focused career preparation sought by businesses. The need for well-trained, job-ready workers is now, and promises to extend into the future locally and nationwide. To learn how best to address this need, Thornton Academy visited businesses to learn firsthand what they are seeking in job applicants. According to owners, good jobs are difficult to fill because local candidates generally lack manufacturing-specific skills in equipment and processes that are needed. TA learned that, in particular, companies specializing in machine tool production report a growing list of unfilled openings in Maine and throughout the country. To quote a leading global technology provider, “To stay competitive in a global market, delivering machines that combine high speed and precision is essential.” Clearly, the need for growth in skilled machine-tool specialists is essential and urgent. With such a large and varied student population, and considering the school’s dedication to preparing students for the fast-paced change that characterizes today’s economic climate, Thornton Academy is uniquely qualified to undertake the challenge of addressing needs within this field. To this end, TA has reached an agreement with the National Tooling and Machining Association (NTMA). NTMA has developed an online education program that “bridges the gap between traditional degree programs and skills-based certification curricula” (NTMA brochure). This new partnership is sure to benefit students and local businesses alike. In January of 2014 Thornton Academy became the first high school in the nation to promote advanced workforce development by providing the opportunity for motivated students to earn a high school diploma concurrently with a competency certificate in Precision Machining through completion of the NTMA-U National Precision Machining Registered Apprenticeship Program. Participating students will also earn 21 college credits, awarded by the University of Akron (OH). Following completion of NTMA-U course requirements, students who successfully undertake 8000 hours of an approved hands-on internship with a business partner will also earn a Journeyman’s License. John Boissonnault, an experienced machine tools specialist for over 30 The six semesters of study include the following years, is directing the program, and will serve as a training mentor to courses: students. Semester 1: Introduction to Machining/Basic Shop Math/Basic Blueprint Reading (100 hrs) Semester 2: Intermediate Machining/Intermediate Applied Shop Math/Intermediate Blueprint (100hrs) Semester 3: Introduction to CNC/Advanced Applied Shop Math/Advanced Blueprint (100 hrs) Semester 4: CNC Operations, Shop Math/Blueprint Reading/GDT (100 hrs) Semester 5: SPC, Advanced Manufacturing Processes (100 hrs) Semester 6: Manufacturing Practices and Procedures (100hrs) For more information regarding the application process, students are advised to speak with their guidance counselors or Mr. Boissonnault.
Early College - Aspirations Program
Early Study at Maine’s Public Colleges and Universities The Aspirations Program, which is sponsored by Maine’s public universities and colleges and the Trustees of Thornton Academy, enables juniors and seniors to enroll in collegelevel courses to earn college and high school credits. Courses are offered at no cost at the University of Maine System (USM Portland, Gorham, Saco Island), Southern Maine Community College, and York County Community College. Successful completion of courses (up to as many as twelve fully matriculating credits) will qualify a student to earn academic credits that may satisfy both TA diploma requirements and those required for a college degree. Eligible students may take up to six credit hours per academic year (generally two college courses) and may be taken during one or both semesters. Course tuition is covered by the post-secondary institution and the Maine Depart ment of Education. Other fees and charges will be offset by a generous grant from the Trustees of Thornton Academy. Students may be responsible for textbook costs. All participating colleges and universities, public and private, are fully accredited by the New Association of Schools and Colleges and offer courses that satisfy core requirements at most post-secondary institutions.
Thornton Academy will award one (1) high school Carnegie unit toward diploma requirements upon the successful completion of each three- or four-credit college or university course. Upon course completion, a student’s guidance counselor will determine whether the credit earned will be applied to the fulfillment of his/her core or elective diploma requirements. Who is eligible? Students must meet the following conditions in order to apply: • Recommendation by guidance counselor • Junior or senior student status • 16 years of age or older at the start of the semester • An overall “B” average at the start of the requested semester • Full-time enrollment at Thornton Academy as a boarding or day student. Home school students registered at TA are also eligible. Private tuition students may receive a 50% reduction in the cost of tuition.
Advantages of Being in the Early Study–Aspirations Program: • Earned college credit • Enhanced learning experiences • Familiarity with a college setting • Graduation from Thornton Academy with up to twelve (12) college credits Course numbers for each college or university participating in the Aspirations Program are listed below: University of Maine (UM) System, participating institutions 1 credit (TA), 3-4 credits (UM System) University of Southern Maine University of Maine at Orono University of Maine at Augusta The University of Maine System, fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, allows upper school students, with the permission of the guidance department, to take university courses to prepare for the college experience and earn credits toward a college degree. Students may be responsible for textbook costs, but Thornton Academy will offset any fees charged by the University. Upon successful completion of a course taken at the University, students may earn both high school credit and university credit. Interested students should speak with their guidance counselor. Note: University courses may supplement but not take the place of a graduation requirement.
Maine Community College (MCC) System, participating institutions 1 credit (TA), 3-4 credits (MCC System) Southern Maine Community College York County Community College The dual enrollment program between Thornton and SMCC/YCCC provides juniors and seniors with a unique pathway that combines high school completion with an early college experience. Upon successful completion of a course taken at the college, students in this program will earn both high school and college credit. Students may be responsible for textbook costs, but TA will offset any fees charged by the college. Interested students should speak with their guidance counselor. College courses may take the place of a graduation requirement, with approval of the guidance department. University of New England College Exploratory Program 1 credit (TA), 3-4 credits (UNE) The University of New England program allows eligible juniors and seniors to apply to the university to take one class free of charge each semester. Seniors may enroll in additional classes but will be charged tuition and fees at the continuing education rate (learn more at
Program of Studies
Thornton Academy 438 Main Street Saco, ME 04072 P: 207-282-3361 F: 207-282-3508
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