Thrive June 2022 Issue

Page 1

JUNE 2022



Insert Inside SUMMER 2022


first person

commitment action our

- Ben Terry

Real Estate Guide

HO OKED ON Fishing


IN THIS ISSUE • Ethel Precht Breast Cancer Walk Returns • New Cath Lab Brings More Precision • A Variety of Services are Offered at the Community Health Center of WCCH


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Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

andemic created an opportunity for me to get phenomenal people through these challenging know my clients on a more personal level,” circumstances. This community’s spirit is so very onya says. “It also allowed me to deepen my strong in helping one another. My husband and lationship with our clients by getting to know daughter returned to Lake Charles the day afte r me of their family members. Weathering the Laura came through. My daughter shared how ndemic has added a dynamic dimension to our neighborhood came together, cleared street r business.” debris, cut trees off of one another ’s homes, and Several months after the hurricanes, Tonya just checked on one another. Helping Late 2020 otheand rs well into 2021 g Ma na ge me dlth nt othe | eInv r office personnel wer me nt several more challenges, yet T Pla ableest is nn ing to ente wha t | help r Re ed tir us em to perseven eret andhas rem ain alt lth hhMa Ma na na na ge been on gratitude. She ge ge me me nt nt ntper |||son Inv Inv ealt Inv offic est estme eMa and me nt obta nt ntPla inme Pla Pla a nn few nn nn ing ing ing|||Re alest Re mot item Retir tir ivat tirem sme from em ed.” emen en enttt a positive set spin on these tragic at was once their office in the tower. Her created an opportun A year after Hurricane Laura, andpandemic the Grif fith on a more p ucc essful to know my clients as you are , we me also knage ow. She suffered substantial dam the re’s stil l mo re you Fina ncia l Gro up is Tonya says. “It still waiting for a new officealso allowed me ucc suc ucc ces ess sfu fullted as as as you you you are are are , , we , we we kn kn kn ow ow ow the ially the the re’s eva re’s re’s cua stil stil stil relationship with our clients by to ess l l l mo do mo and mo .ful re We re reyou you you ’ve beetem n por helarily cate ce. pinrelo d ntsspa Were g ou lls Far r go clie Advisors provide for mo d Ton tha yafamily members. n some of their nt tFlor to to to ida do do do whe . . We . We We re ’ve she ’ve ’ve bee stay bee bee n ed n n hel hel with hel pin pin rela pin g and g tive g ou ou ou s offic r and r r clie clie e clie pandemic has per nts nts nts son for ear nel for for s, a mo mo mo stor car re re age re ing tha tha tha facility in Lakeadded a dynami for more than $1.4 trillion of their har nnn mai dned our business.” acc ess ible to clie nts. Charles, and she continues to capably yea yea earass rs, s,rs,car car car ing ing ing for for for mo mo mo re re re tha tha tha n andmonths after the hur n n $1.4 $1.4 $1.4 Several tril tril tril lio lio lio n n n ed of of of the the the ir ets ir ir har har har . Fin dddd ou As an advisor, I kne t whthe y so ny peo w that ple Wealth Management | tru peoma st com ple ou and other office personnel wer pete I care r ntly advise clients from her hom e. Yet ned ed ed ass ass ass ets ets ets Wealth Management Wealth Management ||| Wealth Management . . Fin . Fin Fin d d d ou ou ou t t t wh wh wh y y y so the office and obtain a few pers so so st ma ma abo ma ny ny ut ny wer peo peo peo depend ple ple ncial Adviseors tru tru tru ing on st st st ou ou ou me,m r r r eve her to hel n ifnage ple focu s p the rem ains on ma mov ing forward theby ir side . “Gr what was once wealt iffiththeir office in th h day. t to al talk anc nci “We are atofamily-based team working side every nci .Ad I call ial al Ashome successful as you are, w ed Ad Ad vis vis vis che ors ors ors ck on to to to them hel hel hel also suffered substantial p Fina , p p to the the the liste ncia m m m n l ma Gro ma ma up nag nag nag of e We e e the the the lls Fargo Adv the ir ir we car we we alt e alt it h h isor h des s Tonya Griffith ,ir of thealt Griffith erv es. As successful as you are, As successful as you are, ww As successful as you are, initially evacuated and tempora want to do. We’ve been hel par ticip ate We are known for our relationship focused approach based on in wha teve r con vers atio will ns con they tinu e hdthe the thecar car careeeitititdes Financial Group of Wells Fargoto serve our clients, want des deserv to Florida where shebeen stayed wi want todo. do. We’ve been he to We’ve hel erv want to do. We’ve he erv stre es. es. es. ngth en 125 years, caring forbeen more t eded tocompassion hav e at and candor, and for putting our clients first – always. ” that time .” remained accessible to clients. Advisors, offers a wealth of experience our relationships, and assist our clie 125nts years, caring for more 125 years, caring for more t 125 years, caring for more us today. and earned assets. Find out wh “As an advisor, I knew that th in financial advising. She began her community while they get back onearned earned assets. Find out w assets. out wh earned assets. Find out wh us us ustod tod today. ay. ay. mostrabout were depending on thei Financial Advisors to help feet .” Find career with A.G. Edwards and Sons


Brightness The Griffith Financial Group is Embracing Change Despite the Clouds

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May Lose Value

Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC, a registered broker dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo and Company. 1120-03035

(337) 439-9081

2070 East Walnut Suite 101, Lake Charles, Louisiana 70601 1424 Rya n Street3, Suit

Contents In This Issue Style & Beauty

4 Beauty and the Beach 6 White Hot Hair Color Trends 7 McNeese Cowboy Closet

Regular Features

54 Who’s News 68 Solutions for Life


Wining & Dining

11 LeMacaron 12 SWLA Fights Against Hunger 13 Crying Eagle NFT Collection

Mind & Body


14-25 COVER SECTION: 24 First Person: Ben Terry

Home & Family




Places & Faces 46-52 56 57 58 59

Real Estate Guide

HOOKED Fishing


On Course for a Great Golf Vacation ON Recovery Spotlight: Johnson Funeral Home Groundbreaking at Canfor’s DeRidder Plant CVB Awards



Money & Career 62 64 65 66

SUMM ER 20 22

FAMILY WORKS: Joseph’s Electrical Center Business Runs in the Family: The Clemons Brothers Managing your Investments During Difficult Times Lead Council from Tellurian

commitm actionent our

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@thriveswla | Thrive is designed for people focused on living a happy, healthy life, one that is balanced, full of energy and contentment. Thrive readers want to make the most of every day and to be successful in all areas of their lives – family, health, home and career. Submitted articles and photos are welcome. Thrive assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials and does not guarantee any submissions. 4

Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

Healt h


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Style & Beauty

y t u a e B& the Beach This Summer’s Hottest Swimsuit Trends

by Kerry Andersen

If sunny skies and climbing temperatures have you dreaming of ocean breezes and sandy beaches, that means swimsuit season is here! Choosing a new bathing suit is a summer rite of passage and the search for just the right one can often be overwhelming. We’ve done the legwork for you with this roundup of top swimsuit trends for 2022. Choose a style that is flattering yet functional, grab some sunscreen and get out there!

Matched Set

In yet another nod to the trend of swimwear crossing over to fashion and leisure attire, the matched set is a hot offering from swimwear designers in 2022. The most popular are 3-piece sets that include bikinis with matching skirts, sarongs, or shorts. Flattering tankinis are also back in fashion and can be easily paired with string bikini bottoms, jeans, or shorts for easy vacation attire appropriate at the beach and the bar. Fashionistas can look for bold florals and crochet touches or a monochromatic look with all three pieces in the same fabric and color.


Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022


There’s nothing more feminine than a ruffle. This girly-girl accent adds fun to any style swimsuit and will be everywhere this season. Look for large bold one shoulder ruffles for a dramatic statement or pick simple bandeau tops that flounce with layer upon layer of frilly fabric. For a more subtle take on this trend, choose a suit with ruching along the neckline or a more playful option where ruffles or scallops line every edge of a bikini or one-piece. Those butt ruffle bottoms you wore as a child are back in fashion too, and bonus, they act as a sort of camouflage to conceal areas you might be self-conscious of while splashing in the pool.

Material Girl

Forget basic black. Swimsuits this season are bold, bright and shimmer in the sun. Once reserved for more delicate pieces of clothing, designers are using innovative new fabrics. Look for shiny lurex in all colors, textured quilted velvet, leopard print and crinkle fabrics. Metallic and glitter textiles bring a fun party vibe to your beach attire. The retro crochet bikini is making a comeback too with its totally textured boho vibe. Don’t forget to lather on extra sunscreen, the sun is attracted to all that glimmer and shine!

Belt It

Belt detailing is off the fashion runways and on the waist of one-piece swimsuits, cinching in waists and adding a designer touch to bikini bottoms. Some are built into the suit as a monochromatic style detail while others look and feel more like a traditional belt buckled or tied at the midsection. Either way, belts offer up an optical illusion that makes your waist look slimmer and that’s a style trend we can all celebrate!

Sporty & Functional

The classic one-piece swimsuit makes a return this season and it is anything but demure. Look for one pieces with plunging necklines, low backs, and off the shoulder styles. These athletic inspired suits are easy to wear, low maintenance and offer functional accents like zippers. Go bold with color and choose bright red to stand out in a crowd or trendy color blocking styles. Sporty bodysuits borrow from surfer style by featuring wetsuit type material, high necks and long sleeves for a look that can easily protect you from the hot summer sun and then top a stylish outfit when paired with a mini skirt and sandals.

Cut It Out

Celebrities and influencers have embraced this trend and you can too. Cut out one pieces are everywhere! Look for options with easy and flattering keyhole details or the monokini for more dramatic cut out looks. The beauty of this flirty style is you can choose which body parts to expose where the fabric cuts away to emphasize your shape and cover the rest. Knotted fabric in strategic areas of your body will also highlight your best assets. Cutout one-piece suits also double as a bodysuit under a pair of jeans or shorts. The only downside of this fun swimsuit trend? – awkward tan lines!


Style & Beauty

t o H e t i h W HAIR

by Kerry Andersen

As women age, hair dye has traditionally become a key part of their anti-aging routine to cover up gray locks and disguise the passage of time. During the pandemic, many hair salons were closed, and women had to learn how to handle hair color chemicals themselves or just let it all go and embrace their silvery natural hair color. Celebrities like Jane Fonda, Jamie Lee Curtis and Sarah Jessica Parker all unveiled new white hot hair during the pandemic and made going gray stylish for all of us.

Ginger Vine Salon owner Allison King Everage

says, “The pandemic allowed people time away from the world to grow out their hair and embrace a more natural low maintenance look.” If you’re not ready to go totally gray just yet, there’s a process called ‘gray blending’ that starts to slowly weave your natural gray hair into your current color much like natural highlights for a more subtle approach. Going gray is not for everyone. Everage says, “Most clients love the transition to a new lower maintenance look, but some miss the smoother texture that hair color gives them and are switching back to covering the gray.” The trend even has some younger clients weaving silver shades into their natural hair color for an edgy modern look or intentionally choosing the drama of all-over locks in differing hues of gray. It’s important to ask your stylist what shade of gray or silver will flatter your skin tone. A cool toned platinum blonde will work for some while those with warm skin tones will want to keep their natural roots and blend the new color in for a more natural look. To make sure your new gray color holds, delay washing for two to three days after your color appointment and avoid extremely hot water.


Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

If you do decide to ditch the hair dye and embrace your natural gray or choose to go gray intentionally, Everage says it’s important to change the way you care for your locks too because natural and gray hair require a bit of TLC. These are her tips for rocking a head of white hot hair: • Use purple shampoos to keep silver and gray hair from turning yellow and to boost shine (try Aveda Blonde Revival). • Turn down the temperature on your styling tools to 380 degrees or below. When tools are too hot, they can damage hair and leave it looking yellow. • Use salon shine treatments and toners to help with a healthy transition to your natural hair color. • Beware of damage. Dying your hair gray requires extensive bleaching which can weaken your strands. Switch to products that pamper bleached, dyed, and processed hair. Ginger Vine Salon is located at 4720 Nelson Road (Suite 150) in Lake Charles. Visit gingervinesalon. com for hours of operation or to make an appointment. The salon is closed on Sunday and Monday.

Cowboy Closet Will Help McNeese Students

DRESS FOR SUCCESS Clothing Donations Now Being Accepted

If your spring cleaning included updating your professional wardrobe, your unwanted blazers and trousers could help McNeese State University students make a lasting impression at upcoming job interviews. The new Cowboy Closet is expanding the access McNeese students have to career-ready clothing. According to McNeese’s Career and Professional Development Services Director Andrea Burton, “Many students do not have the means to purchase professional attire. We do not want this need to be a barrier to their success.” The closet is housed in the Burton Business Center on the McNeese campus and will be open to students once per semester. “When students makes an appointment to visit the Cowboy Closet, they will first have a consultation with a staff member to evaluate their needs,” says Burton. “That discussion will help us determine what clothing is needed and if they will require to take home more than our standard five-item limit.” The Cowboy Closet has received support from the McNeese Foundation, McNeese Student Government Association and the Women’s Business Network with the Southwest Louisiana Economic Development Alliance. “We are proud to support McNeese’s effort to help students put their best foot forward with potential employers,” says Erica McCreedy, chair of the Women’s Business Network. “This initiative directly aligns with the Women’s Business Network’s mission to provide resources to future business leaders across Southwest Louisiana.”

The Cowboy Closet is currently accepting men’s and women’s suits, button-down shirts, blouses, dresses, slacks, shoes, belts, ties, scrubs, outerwear, McNeese polo shirts and coat hangers. The Office of Career and Professional Development Services supports the development of professional skills in students

by Tori Hebert

by connecting them with networking opportunities and potential employers. The office also hosts a Career Expo, Internship Soirée, and Education Professionals Recruitment Day each semester. To find out how to donate clothing or support the Cowboy Closet in other ways, visit www.mcneese. edu/career/cowboy-closet.

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Get the care of a physician and comfort of a spa at the Skin Studios. | Lake Charles | (337) 474-1220



Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

Wining & Dining


Old World Favorite is Here to Stay Along with macarons, they currently offer fine chocolates. But all that will change once they move to their new café location. “We’re moving to 2020 Country Club Road in mid-to-late August,” LeBleu says. “We will offer tarts, cakes, Napoleons, eclairs, coffee, gelato and much more!

However, early macarons were nothing like what we enjoy today. They were simple cookies made of sugar, almond flour and egg whites that were crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Present-day macarons are made of meringue and almond flour, usually with a buttercream or jam filling. And they are scrumptious! So where can you satisfy your macaron fix in Southwest Louisiana? Check out Le Macarons French Pastries in the Prien Lake Mall. They opened on Valentine’s Day of this year, and owners Lindsay and Fred LeBleu say the response has been “fantastic.” Lindsay LeBleu explains how they came to be franchise owners. My husband and I had our third child, a little boy, five days after Hurricane Laura hit,” she recalls. “I had to deliver in Baton Rouge because of the hurricane. We ended up living there for about three months after the storm. After living in a city with so many options of things to do and eat, we realized we wanted to be a part of the Come Back for SWLA.”

LeBleu says they started praying about how they could fulfill this dream. “After several months of going back and forth to Houston to get away from the storm damage in Lake Charles, it hit us that every time we were in Houston, our girls’ requested macarons and that we needed Le Macaron French Pastries in Lake Charles.” Before long, they were flying to Florida to purchase the franchise rights for both Lake Charles AND Baton Rouge – and the rest is history. They opened the Baton Rouge store in November 2021 in the Mall of Louisiana, with Lake Charles following a few months later. And business is booming. LeBleu says there are many flavors to choose from, such as salted caramel, Madagascar white vanilla and chocolate praline. Popular favorites are red velvet and birthday cake. “For Mother’s Day, we sold many gift boxes of macarons. It was refreshing to see the kids come to the cart excited to purchase some goodies for their mom.”

by Stefanie Powers

The LeBleu’s have catered weddings, anniversaries and baby showers, and they create corporate gifts. Delivery available with Doordash. They also offer free delivery with their catering. Le Macaron Lake Charles, Prien Lake Mall,,, find them on Facebook.

Simple, Elegant French Patisseries -AUTHENTIC FRENCH MACARONS -

Located inside the Prien Lake Mall (337) 370-1722 •


Wining & Dining

SWLA Fights Against Hunger McNeese State University Announces New Second Harvest Partnership to Feed the Hungry More than one hundred community partners from across Beauregard, Cameron, Calcasieu, and Jefferson Davis Parishes gathered on April 29 for the first-ever Southwest Louisiana Hunger Action Summit. Second Harvest Food Bank, in partnership with McNeese State University and the Community Foundation Southwest Louisiana, gathered committed community partners to work together to make a meaningful difference in the fight against hunger in Southwest Louisiana. “This was an exciting event and the first of its kind in our 40-year history,” said Second Harvest President and CEO Natalie Jayroe. “Everything we’re able to do in Southwest Louisiana, day-in, day-out, is only possible because of our partners at every level. Our goal is to collaboratively figure out how to better serve the community.” Second Harvest Food Bank has served the four-parish region for 40 years. The need for food assistance has always been great in Lake Charles and surrounding communities but the devastation and hardship this community has experienced over the last two years is unprecedented. “It’s hard to put a value on how much these community partnerships help amplify the fight against hunger,” said Second Harvest Regional Director Paul Scelfo. “Although we’re able to help thousands of families, children, seniors, and disaster survivors every month, we know we can do so much more. 12

Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

This Summit is just the beginning of bringing together the best people to solve the puzzle that is hunger.” One highlight of the Summit was the announcement of a new partnership by Second Harvest and McNeese State University to open and operate a large kitchen on the McNeese campus. “The kitchen facility in the College of Agricultural Sciences will be transformed into a teaching and learning lab where Second Harvest staff will prepare hot, nutritious meals for and provide hands-on experience in the nutritional care process,” said Geneva Breaux, assistant professor and director of the McNeese undergraduate program in nutrition and dietetics. “We are thrilled to partner with Second Harvest to help develop and provide thousands of meals each week. This is an amazing opportunity for our undergraduate and graduate students to observe and participate in a large scale, live, functioning food service operation.” Sara Judson, President and CEO, Community Foundation Southwest Louisiana, said the Hunger Action Summit is a great example of the Foundation’s mission of ‘connecting people who care with causes that matter.’ “The collaboration that took place at the event was incredibly positive. These types of partnerships are so inspiring. We had people of all ages sharing ideas today – from McNeese students to corporate leaders to retiree volunteers. We know there is no limit to what we can accomplish when we work together and that’s what today was about.”

Among the partners participating in the Summit were: • • • • • •

Catholic Charities of SWLA Calcasieu Council on Aging Salvation Army Lake Charles Local Foods, Local Places Calcasieu Parish School Board Beacon Community Center

The Summit focused on six key areas of need surrounding hunger in Southwest Louisiana, including: • • • • •

Child Hunger Senior hunger Food deserts Disaster response Working families and individuals

The continuing impacts of COVID-19, Hurricanes Laura and Delta, and the major spike in inflation has led to a dramatic increase in need for food across Southwest Louisiana, according to Second Harvest Chief Impact Officer Lindsay Hendrix. “In the year prior to the start of the pandemic, Second Harvest distributed more than three million pounds of food and supplies across the four-parish area. After the start of the pandemic, and through two major hurricanes, our staff and volunteers made possible more than twice that amount, eight million pounds of food and disaster supplies.” To join them in the fight to end hunger, please visit Follow them on Twitter at www.; fan us on Facebook at or Instagram at @2ndHarvestGNOA.

Crying Eagle Brewing Released


Double IPA with Corresponding NFT Collection Lake Charles’ own Crying Eagle Brewing Co. released their newest Double IPA, Divine Imagination, last month. With this release, they are offering 50 unique NFT’s that correspond with the can artwork. “Divine Imagination DIPA has been a work in progress for years” says Eric Avery, President of Crying Eagle Brewing. “The can art goes well beyond what consumers expect from craft breweries.” Designed by Baton Rouge marketing firm, Tilt, the can displays angels and demons battling one another for world supremacy, while earthly gates open to reveal a glorious eternity. The beer, Crying Eagle Brewing’s first release in 16 oz. cans, conveys beautiful notes of tropical fruit and white wine with soft, pointed bitterness, all while having a rich, velvety mouthfeel. “This Double IPA embodies everything we know and love about hoppy beer,” says Ryan O’Donnell, Brewmaster at Crying Eagle Brewing. “The result is a perfect balance of hop flavor, elegance, and expression” The corresponding Divine Imagination NFT’s rolled out on the emerging, a startup Avery co-founded with partners Josh McGee and Chad Moreno. “It is our hope that the NFT rollout for Divine Imagination exceeds expectations of world class brand building and high-tech marketing. If so, we look to tap into our industry contacts to make the Gigantic Network a premier NFT marketplace for craft breweries and artists alike” says Avery. About Crying Eagle Brewing Company Opened in 2016 in Lake Charles, Crying Eagle Brewing Company has set the standard for craft brewing in Southwest Louisiana, and its Lake Charles taproom offers their flagship brands, Louisiana Lager, Things Unsettled IPA, Don’t Blush Fruited Sour and Honey Wheat, plus limited-release beers, local events, a Bistro and tours. For more info and to find a retail location near you, visit






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Mind & Body

MEN’S HEALTH According to Harvard Health Publishing, the average man pays less attention to his health than the average woman. Compared to women, men are more likely to . . . • drink alcohol and use tobacco • make risky choices • not see a doctor for regular checkups

Men are assailed by the diseases that can affect anyone—heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, depression . . . but they also have unique issues such as prostate cancer and benign prostate enlargement. 14

Many of the major health risks that men face can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle: regular exercise, a healthy diet, not smoking, stress reduction, and alcohol consumption in the moderate range (no more than two drinks a day) if at all. Regular checkups and screening tests can spot disease early when it is easiest to treat. So don’t be an average man — get on board with protecting your health today. mens-health

Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

Michael Bergeron, MD Oncologist / Hematologist

Michael Broussard, MD Oncologist / Hematologist

Leroy Fredericks, MD Oncologist / Hematologist

Mohammad Khan, MD Oncologist / Hematologist

James Maze, MD Radiation Oncologist

No one wants to hear the words…”You have cancer.” If it happens though, the Cancer Center specialists at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital are with you every step of the journey. Commuting to a big city for ongoing treatments can now be a thing of the past. Memorial provides these cutting edge cancer treatments, exactly as your oncologist prescribes—right here and close to home. You and your quality of life are important to us. Stay Local for Cancer Care.

Every Journey Is Personal.


Mind & Body |




CANCER WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT ACTIVE SURVEILLANCE Every year more than 190,000 men in the U.S. are diagnosed with prostate cancer. For those whose disease is caught early, that diagnosis may come with a decision: Should the disease be treated right now, or is it safe to monitor it and treat it only if it starts to grow? The latter approach is called active surveillance—or “watchful waiting.” Prostate cancer often grows slowly, so immediate treatment may not always be necessary. “By choosing the active surveillance route many men are able to avoid the side effects that come from other treatments. This approach is very safe for men with low-risk prostate cancer,” Dr. John Upshaw, a boardcertified urologist and member of the medical staff at Lake Charles Memorial Health System. If you have intermediate- or high-risk prostate cancer, surveillance may not be the best option, especially if you are healthy or have a higher risk tumor. In these cases, it may be better to seek treatment to slow disease progression. 16

Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022


WHAT’S INVOLVED? Men who choose active surveillance typically see their doctor about every six months for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests, and every 12 months for digital rectal exams and prostate biopsies. These tests are used to monitor the cancer. Treatment – such as radiation or surgery – begins only if the cancer changes or starts to grow. One potential benefit of active surveillance is that it can help a man avoid or delay potential side effects of treatment, including sexual difficulties and incontinence. It’s important to understand there is a risk that the cancer could grow in between tests. Also, the prostate biopsies that are part of this approach can be uncomfortable.

According to experts, men who choose this option usually have a good prognosis. But it isn’t for everyone. Active surveillance is more likely a possibility for men with small, slow-growing tumors. Many of these men are also older. A pathology report can help determine if a man is a candidate for active surveillance based on specific details about his prostate tumor. Doctors also look at other factors, including the cancer’s stage and the man’s personal and family health history. Of course, preference is also part of the choice – some men may not feel comfortable delaying treatment.

The bottom line: Men who think they may want to try active surveillance for prostate cancer should discuss the pros and cons of the plan with their doctor. To make an appointment with Dr. John Upshaw, contact his office at 337-494-4656.

Hard work is harder with leg pain. Legs that are aching, tired and swollen – common symptoms of vein disease – can affect your productivity and turn every day into a struggle. If left untreated, these symptoms could turn into a serious condition. The Vein Center of Southwest Louisiana, under the medical direction of Dr. Carl Fastabend, the only full-time vein specialist in the state, offers effective, minimally invasive treatment options that can provide relief and restore healthy legs.

Take steps to put leg pain behind you. Call the Vein Center today!

Dr. Carl Fastabend

711 Dr. Michael DeBakey Dr., Ste. 100, Lake Charles • 312-VEIN (8346)

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Mind & Body |





Most 21st century men in the United States know the basic principles of a heart-healthy lifestyle, such as eliminating smoking, regular exercise, treating high blood pressure aggressively, controlling diabetes, and keeping off excess weight. Adhering to these basics may sound simple, but experience teaches us that it can be challenging. The importance for men to lead a hearthealthy lifestyle cannot be overstated. “With more access to information and modern resources, many men have made essential lifestyle changes,” says Dr. Michael Turner of Imperial HealthCardiovascular Specialists. “Despite taking these critical steps, some remain at a much higher risk of developing heart disease due to genetics.” An inherited genetic defect in the cholesterol metabolism, and other mutations, may result in a markedly increased risk of early heart attacks. Identifying men with these risks is vitally important.


Diabetes, if not diet controlled, may require professional help from either a family physician or an endocrinologist. Keeping the hemoglobin A1C low improves clinical outcomes. The best way for men to stop smoking is never to start. But once a person is addicted to tobacco, professional help with smoking cessation clinics, therapy, and medications can be effective.


Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

High blood pressure often responds to weight reduction and salt restriction. If it remains elevated, your family physician can assist with medical management. Aerobic exercise for at least 20 minutes five days a week is recommended. This can be as simple as walking or using training devices. Water aerobics is a good alternative for men with orthopedic issues, or those considerably overweight. Ideally, men should maintain a recommended BMI (body mass index) of around 25. Diet and exercise are the mainstays for weight reduction, with medications and surgery as a last resort. “A proper diet in America can be complicated, given the availability of fast food and a nationwide tendency to overeat,” says Dr. Turner. “The best general recommendation I can offer is to follow a Mediterranean-style diet.” This diet stresses decreased red meat consumption, increased fatty fish intake paired with vegetables, fruits, and nuts. In addition to decreasing the risk of heart disease, the Mediterranean-style diet decreases the risk of heart diseases, promotes longevity, and is associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers.

TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES Dr. Turner is encouraged by cardiac CT technology. “Preventive strategy is rapidly developing around cardiac CT technology. Men age 40 or above with no symptoms (such as chest pain) but with one or more risk factors (especially family history) may benefit from having a simple CT scan called a calcium scan.”

This simple test provides a quantitative calcium score in the coronary arteries, which has proven to be the single best predictor of the likelihood of having a heart attack over the next five to 10 years. “Knowing likely risks allows your medical professional to guide preventive treatment, decreasing your long-term risk of a heart attack or stroke,” Dr. Turner says. Chest pain is a well-known indicator that a dangerous cardiac event is on the horizon. Dr. Turner strongly emphasizes the need for early evaluation. “In individuals with chest pain, it is clear that the best first-line test for evaluation is a cardiac CT angiogram,” says Turner. “This scan assesses plaque in the coronary arteries and can exclude heart disease with almost 100% reliability. It also assesses short and long-term risks in individuals with plaque in their coronary arteries allowing customized treatment.” A new development called fractional flow reserve–CT further enables the identification of high-risk plaques noted on the cardiac CT scan. Deaths from heart attacks have declined almost 50% over the last 50 years due to risk factor reduction and the development of exciting medical and surgical interventions, but there is always ground to be gained. Dr. Turner remains passionate and optimistic. “By implementing heart-healthy lifestyle changes, identifying high-risk individuals, and utilizing customized preventive-andtreatment programs, we increase the odds of eliminating heart disease as a major factor in our lives.”

Make us a Part of your Family’s Care Guillermo Family Medicine Clinic offers comprehensive primary care for adults and adolescents (beginning at age 11), including: Brooke Kennedy, FNP-C

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New patients are welcome and appointments can be scheduled with little or no wait time.


Andres Guillermo, MD


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Guillermo Family Medicine Clinic

(337) 419-1958

501 Dr. Michael DeBakey Dr., 2nd Floor |

Guillermo Family Medicine Clinic


Mind & Body |



AGE IS JUST A NUMBER Hormonal changes throughout life are a big topic of conversation for women, but men are not immune to these changes. And when it comes to fitness and nutrition, not all plans are the same. Failing to take into account age, hormone levels and personal goals can be the difference between fitness feats and fitness frustrations.


For men in their 20s, testosterone levels are at an all-time high. The body is primed for sports and large muscle growth. This is the perfect decade to hit the weight room, build muscles, and establish a strong healthy foundation.


Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022


Leaving your 20s behind can be jarring on several levels, but as men age, especially around age 35, research suggests a one to three percent decline per year in circulating testosterone concentration. According to Maximum Kinetics Sports Performance General Manager Liz Kapelan, MPH, this is significant because low testosterone can affect a variety of factors in short- and long-term health, including muscle mass, energy, mood, diet choices, mental health and more. This decade is all about shifting focus from building big muscles to boosting your metabolism and avoiding or getting rid of the fat that’s starting to become stubborn. The focus here should be conditioning and maintaining fitness. In general, Kapelan recommends emphasizing a strength-based workout plan two to three times a week. “This should be coupled with a variety of aerobic and anaerobic training as well,” says Kapelan. “High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T) is a form of anaerobic training that has been shown to raise testosterone levels. Studies suggest resting for one to two minutes between intervals is beneficial.”

by Katelynn Mouton


In your 40s, the fast twitch fibers needed to build big muscles begin to decline; however, slow-twitch fibers, the ones most associated with endurance training, are less affected. For this age group, the mind-muscle connection is paramount. Controlled reps and movement patterns are key. Look for bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, planks and lunges. These movements work numerous muscle groups and are hard to beat. Kapelan points out that chronic endurance exercise—such as cycling or running for hours—has been shown to decrease testosterone. “High endurance athletes tend to have higher levels of cortisol, which has the opposite effect of testosterone. The more endurance exercise you do, the more likely you are to break down muscle tissue.” Should you rule out endurance training all together though? “Moderation is key,” Kapelan says. “Endurance training is not necessarily bad for you, but cortisol can have an impact on your muscle mass, sleep and mood. Moderate cardiovascular exercise, 30 minutes, five days a week, will protect your heart and will not trigger excess cortisol production.”

Protein, carbohydrates and fats are the key macronutrients to focus on. “Protein plays an important role because it helps repair and strengthen muscle tissue,” Kapelan explains. “Our bodies cannot store protein like it can store carbohydrates and fat so it is important that we get enough protein from food.” She adds as a caution that more than 20-25 grams per serving can induce bloating, gas and discomfort. Carbohydrates are often given a bad rap, but Kapelen says carbohydrates, even more than protein, create muscle. “Eat a colorful variety of vegetables and other complex carbohydrates like quinoa and oats, to introduce a diverse blend of vitamins and minerals to your body.”


What about men 50 and older? It’s important to take overall health and well-being into account. Look for a routine that includes cardio, resistance training, balance exercises and stretching. Change it up frequently by adding challenge and variety. A full-body workout two to three times a week is an effective way to slow down the aging process and maintain muscle mass. Include exercises that work major muscle groups like the legs, glutes, chest, back, shoulders, arms and core muscles. As far as timing of workouts for all ages, Kapelan says research shows a boost in testosterone levels when performing strengthtraining workouts in the evening versus early morning hours. No matter your age, nutrition is key. “Not fueling our bodies properly means less recovery and an increased risk for injury and sickness,” Kapelan says. “As we age, our bodies go through natural physiological adaptations meaning our diets must evolve as well. What we eat not only fuels our workouts, but also influences our mood, energy levels and immune and digestive health.”

Finally, fats are essential for proper body function. “Essential fatty acids help with muscle recovery, joint and tendon health,” Kapelan says. “They also help with brain and nerve function and are needed for the absorption of essential vitamins and the manufacturing of hormones.” Deep water fish, like salmon and tuna, and plant-based fats such as avocado, olives, nuts and seeds are smart choices.

Dry or weeping excema on the legs can be a sign of vein disease. Poor circulation can cause itchy, irritated or discolored skin. Trust the specialists at CIS who treat the root of the problem with minimally-invasive, in-clinic procedures to restore both the health and beauty of your legs.

Schedule an appointment at the CIS Leg & Vein Center today.

Scan the QR code to learn more about vein disease.


Mind & Body |




Free Home Deliveries Available to Patients in the City of Lake Charles & Calcasieu, Beauregard, Jefferson Davis, Allen & Cameron Parishes Medicis Pharmacy, one of only nine approved pharmacies in the State of Louisiana to sell medical marijuana, now offers a home delivery service to patients throughout the Southwest region, which includes the City of Lake Charles, Calcasieu, Beauregard, Jefferson Davis, Allen, Cameron parishes. “We’re excited to make history by launching Southwest Louisiana’s first-ever legal medical marijuana home delivery service. Medicis is deeply committed to improving patient access and delivering medication to patients in each and every zip code throughout Southwest Louisiana”, said John Condos, CEO of Medicis. “Our new home delivery service is designed to not only serve those patients who are home-bound or have trouble visiting our Lake Charles pharmacy but also those who will appreciate its convenience.” 22

Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

“The medical marijuana home delivery service was designed by a team of e-commerce experts and pharmacists to serve patients with debilitating diseases, like chronic pain, cancer and ALS,” said James Thibodeaux, PharmD, Medicis Pharmacy Manager. “This new service will offer Medicis patients the same home delivery convenience provided by Amazon and major pharmacy chains.” All deliveries will be handled exclusively by Medicis employees in company-owned delivery vehicles outfitted with cutting-edge safety features, including GPS tracking devices. For a limited time only, this service will be offered free of charge to patients.

About Medicis Pharmacy: Medicis Pharmacy is one of only nine approved pharmacies in the State of Louisiana to sell medical marijuana. The Medicis Pharmacy team serves patients suffering from chronic pain, cancer, ALS and other debilitating medical conditions through its Medical Marijuana Pharmacy located in Lake Charles, Louisiana. For more information or to learn how to become a medical marijuana patient, visit

Introducing a new

Bariatric Center for SWLA With two experienced surgeons to guide you on your weight loss journey

CHRISTUS Ochsner Bariatric Center is proud to have two expert physicians that offer weight loss surgery in our Bariatric Center. Dr. Jerome Schrapps has performed more than 2,500 bariatric procedures and has more than 15 years of experience in bariatric surgery. Scan to learn more

Dr. Matias Nauts has been serving patients in Southwest Louisiana for more than seven years and has performed more than 1,500 robotic procedures. He also trains surgeons throughout the region on performing surgery with robotic devices. Having these two surgeons offering their expertise in our area for weight loss surgery raises the bar for bariatrics in SWLA.

Call 337.475.4170 for a consultation or visit for more information.

Physicians Dr. Matias Nauts, D.O. Dr. Jerome Schrapps, M.D.

23 22-103005

Mind & Body |

MEN’S HEALTH IN LATE 2020, local meteorologist

Ben Terry was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer. The news was devastating, but not entirely a surprise. It was a tragic continuation of a health issue he’s been dealing with since the age of 22. Soon after college graduation, he was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease which put him at an increased risk for colon cancer. The symptoms were debilitating to the point of initially hindering Ben from full time employment. For five years, Ben worked for a company in Jackson, MS that outsourced weather segments to TV stations across the country, all while he and his doctor tried various medications and strove to keep the illness under control.

In 2012, Ben took a career leap and moved to Lake Charles to work at KPLC. He quickly found Dr. Ricardo McCall, a Lake Charles gastroenterologist, and for several years, Ben's health held steady, even going into remission after a few years. Because of his medical history, he had an annual colonoscopy, which invariably showed polyps, but thankfully no cancer. Ben was doing so well that in 2018, his colonoscopy was completely “clean” for the first time. And then came 2020 . . . COVID-19, the hurricanes. Ben felt well, and with so many other things going on, he and his doctor opted to put his colonoscopy on hold until later that year when the pandemic eased. But in November 2020, Ben was experiencing some new, worrisome symptoms. It was time to get things checked out. A colonoscopy revealed a large, ominous mass outside his colon. Since then, at age 39, Ben is waging war on the greatest storm of his life.

first person WITH



Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022


Thrive magazine recently sat down with Ben, where he shared details of his career as a meteorologist, his fight against cancer, and his gratefulness for the outpouring of love and care from the SWLA community. Describe your formative years. I grew up in the rural, close-knit town of Kosciusko, Mississippi. My parents divorced when I was young, so I was an only-child, but I did have a step-brother. It was a normal childhood, whatever that looks like. I was a bit shy and introverted, but I played baritone in school, which kept me occupied. I always had an interest in the weather, but I wasn’t certain how to translate that passion into a career. I took general classes at the nearby community college for two years – band students got a free ride – until I figured it out. I discovered a program at Mississippi State University for broadcast meteorology, and I knew that was what I wanted to do. After another three years of school at Mississippi State, I graduated with a BS degree in Geosciences with an emphasis in Broadcast Meteorology. I’ve been with KPLC now for 11 years.

Tell us the course of events after your cancer diagnosis. I had a giant mass that was sitting outside my colon. Dr. McCall said I needed to have my colon taken out and a “J-pouch” inserted, which bypasses the colon. He sent me to an expert surgeon at Methodist Hospital in Houston to have both my colon and the cancer removed. But prior to the surgery, an MRI showed that the cancer was more advanced than we realized – basically stage 4. Multiple organs were involved, most worrisome was my bladder. Surgery was off the table because the tumor was too large. Surgery was the ultimate goal, so the doctors and I opted for chemotherapy to shrink the tumor first. Starting in January 2021, I had chemo for five months. But the tumor did not respond. It’s an odd, rare tumor to be in the colon. Next, we tried radiation – every day Monday through Friday for six weeks. I temporarily moved to an extended stay hotel in Houston and continued to work full time remotely through all of it, despite fatigue. By the last day of treatment that July, they told me the tumor had shrunk by 60%, which was great. We had to wait at least six weeks to do the surgery so I could heal from the radiation. In September, they removed all visible cancer and a third of my bladder and deemed the surgery a success. They also detached my colon but didn’t have time in that first surgery to take it out.

Two days later and still recovering from the surgery, I spiked a fever, my blood pressure dropped. My colon had ruptured, causing sepsis. So they took me back to surgery to clean that out and repair the colon. After 12 days in the hospital, everything looked good and I came home to recover and await three subsequent surgeries which would take out the detached colon, form the J-pouch, and then connect the J-pouch. The plan was to heal, enjoy the holidays, and plan the surgeries starting in January of this year. In December, as a precaution, the doctor ordered a PET scan, and a couple spots lit up. I also had some bloodwork that came up low-level positive for cancer. It was odd and unexpected, but they weren’t terribly concerned at that time, thinking it might just be some inflammation. To be certain though, the doctors ordered an MRI; but I got pushback from my insurance company, delaying the MRI by weeks, and I finally had the test in March. I felt fine so I was confident everything was okay. But my oncologist at Houston Methodist called with the MRI results and said, “This is not good. The cancer is back. There are two tumors now about the size of golf balls, and it’s very aggressive. It’s looped around the small bowel and it’s obstructing a ureter. Apparently, there was some cancer remaining in your body on a molecular level, and it is back with a vengeance.” He added that he wasn’t sure what to do. He was willing to try some chemo regimens. But he’d had no experience with my situation. And time was of the essence. So I referred myself to MD Anderson for a second opinion. There’s a waiting list, and I was fortunate to get an appointment in ten days. They were basically as perplexed as the previous oncologist, saying my case is rare and it would be difficult to treat. But they’re willing to try their best. The good news is that it hasn’t spread to my liver, lungs, pancreas or stomach, which surprises the doctors, given this cancer’s aggressive nature. So currently and for the foreseeable future, they can’t promise me a cure, the surgeries are on hold, and I am going to Houston every

other Saturday for eight hours of intensive chemotherapy – five infusions back-to-back-toback. I’m not giving up!

Despite the circumstances, your attitude remains upbeat and positive. To what do you attribute your hopeful optimism? I have a strong faith. I have a lot of people praying for me. And I believe God miraculously heals people. God keeps people on Earth as long as they’re supposed to be here. We don’t know our day or time, but I feel like there’s more I can do. I’ve been transparent with this journey since day one. I have this opportunity to have a platform for early colon cancer detection. And I want to be a positive inspiration to others who are going through cancer treatment. I don’t know why I’m going through these trials, but things are working out. I trust God’s plan.

What advice do you have for others who are on their own cancer journey? You can see as many doctors as you want, you can take their advice, or not. You know your own body better than anyone. Be your own health advocate or have someone be an advocate for you. Get a second opinion when you feel you need to.

The SWLA community has rallied around you in big ways. What does this support mean to you? As a weatherman, I’ve enjoyed such a great connection with this community. I know they’re watching; they give me feedback. Since my cancer diagnosis, the community has been wonderful with prayers, encouragement, and fundraisers like the benefit by the Friends of Ben Terry committee and Gator 99.5 earlier this month. The outpouring of love from the community through prayers and financial support for my cancer treatments has been overwhelming. I am so grateful.


Home & Family


The 2022 hurricane season is fast approaching, and it looks to be another active one. Many of the indicators that help predict the number of storms we’ll see are pointing to 2022’s hurricane season being the seventh consecutive busier-than-normal season. The Hurricane season of 2020 taught us in tragic, tangible ways the importance of being prepared BEFORE a storm is even found in the Gulf. Meteorologists expect an above-average hurricane season for 2022, so we need to be proactive.



What are the early season projections saying? Dr. Phil Klotzbach and his team at Colorado State University recently issued their pre-season forecast – 19 named storms, nine hurricanes and four major hurricanes. All of those predictions are above the 30year averages of 14, seven and three, respectively. We are coming off a very busy 2021 hurricane season. Some 21 named storms formed last year; seven of those became hurricanes, with four reaching major hurricane strength – Grace, Ida, Larry and Sam. Their rationale for predicting above-normal activity is that La Niña conditions will transition to neutral by late summer into the fall. They also noted warmer than normal sea surface temperatures in the subtropical Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. Temperatures are also normal to slightly above in the broader Atlantic Ocean, all which likely indicate an active season. It is worth a reminder that the 2020 and 2021 seasons were quite active and exhausted the initial name lists consecutively for the first time on record.



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Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022



• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Alex Bonnie Colin Danielle Earl Fiona Gaston Hermine Ian Julia Karl Lisa Martin Nicole Owen Paula Richard Shary Tobias Virginie Walter

Together, we weathered the storms. And we’re ready for the next one. Last year marked another active storm season for Louisiana. As always, our communities stood strong. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as our crews worked to restore power. At Entergy Louisiana, preparing for storm season is a year-round commitment. We’ve rebuilt and reinforced the grid, and our teams are ready to respond to whatever comes next. Learn how you can stay prepared at

A message from Entergy Louisiana, LLC ©2022 Entergy Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Home & Family | HURRICANE





The past two hurricane seasons have proven that Louisiana is being impacted by more frequent and stronger systems. This state is home to incredibly resilient communities, and its residents deserve an electrical grid that is as resilient as they are. Entergy Louisiana is fully committed to meeting that demand for a more reliable and robust power grid. Not only is this important for the near term, but to ensure that future generations thrive on the Gulf Coast. It remains to be seen what the 2022 hurricane season will bring forth, but the company has taken steps to ensure that whatever the weather may bring, it is prepared to respond as quickly and as safely as possible. Entergy has made significant upgrades over the past few years, including spending billions on upgrading transmission infrastructure, outpacing the national average. New poles are also being put into place that meet a higher standard. Class-1 poles can withstand much higher winds, up to 150 mph, and have been proven to fare well in hurricanes. In Southwest Louisiana in particular, Entergy Louisiana has upgraded a substantial portion of its transmission infrastructure following Hurricane Laura. A new substation was also constructed in Calcasieu Parish, helping bolster reliability to thousands of customers in the Gillis, Moss Bluff and north and east Lake Charles areas.


Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

The $24 million project will make the local system stronger in the face of severe weather and help keep power flowing. Electricity is critical in the recovery process following hurricanes. Although no system is bulletproof and completely immune to Mother Nature, Entergy Louisiana is doing all it can to ensure power is delivered to communities in the wake of weather events.

What can customers do to prepare alongside Entergy? Have a plan in place well ahead of storms making landfall. In fact, the time to prepare for a significant event is now, including making a kit that is equipped with first aid supplies, important phone numbers and phone chargers. Customers can also help by trimming trees and shrubs away from their homes. Safety is also key. Immediately following a storm can be the most dangerous part of the event. Customers should avoid downed power lines, keep their distance from lineworkers as they begin to move in, and use generators according to all manufacturer guidelines. More safety and preparation information can be found at Entergy Louisiana urges customers to join in by being storm ready. The company is proud to serve communities in Southwest Louisiana and is committed to not only increasing the resilience of the power grid, but also to being there when severe weather rolls through.



You have probably already developed an emergency plan with your family for your home, but do you have one in place for your office? While hurricane season officially started June 1, the risk of a major storm is typically late summer and early fall. That gives you ample time to put a plan in place, if you haven’t already, to protect your important business records from storm damage, as well as ensure access to these documents during an extended evacuation or in the event your office space is damaged.

To prepare your business for continued success after a storm, having a disaster recovery plan that includes arrangements for business continuity is critical. These risk management strategies are designed to restore your business functions after a disaster and during recovery efforts, including the capability to communicate with your staff and clients and have access to important information, such as client files, financial records, human resource records, back-up copies and other business documents. Setting up secure, offsite storage for important business documents will enable you to get back to the business of your business quickly after a disaster, “After a natural disaster, your first priority is making sure your loved ones are safe, and then checking on the condition of your home. For business owners and managers, the next priority is checking on the status of their place of business,” says Marwa Vicknair, co-owner of Reliable Document Storage & Shredding, a locally owned, full-service records and information management company. “We can take some of the burden off your mind by providing a secure storage location for your sensitive, critical business material. Even if your business sustains damage, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that the documents you need for your business to function are safe, secure and easily accessible.” Everyone in Southwest Louisiana has experienced the effect of water damage and longterm power outages on living and office spaces. “Physical and electronic files can be damaged when exposed to warm, humid temperatures of south Louisiana,” says Vicknair. “That’s why our climate-controlled facility is fully equipped to keep your materials protected from wind, rain, heat and water damage.” In addition to secure, protected offsite storage, Reliable’s barcode system allows clients to track what records are in storage and where they are located, which makes it easy to quickly retrieve what you need when its needed. “Reliable’s organized system will allow you to access files and work with your clients remotely even if you can’t immediately return to your office,” explains Vicknair. “Hopefully, our region won’t experience a storm like those in 2020 again for many years, but we all understand that a natural disaster is not a matter of if, but rather when,” adds Vicknair. “The best way to protect your business is to have an emergency plan in place so you can serve your clients when they need you the most. Reliable can help you achieve your business continuity goals from anywhere at any time.” Reliable Document Storage & Shredding is located at 2925 Industrial Avenue in Lake Charles. For more information, call (337) 307-5327 or visit


Home & Family | HURRICANE


SOUTHWEST CALL CENTER K E E PIN G T H E L IN E S O F C O M M U NIC AT IO N O P E N IN T H E A F T E R M AT H O F DIS A S T E R by Angie Kay Dilmore When a community experiences a devastating event such as a hurricane that disrupts the nature of their lives in most every way, it is critical for business owners to establish and maintain communications with their customers, vendors and/or patients. “With Southwest Call Center (SCC), businesses can provide services with no interruption and keep customers informed of the progress of recovery,” says Celia Vincent Broussard, President of Southwest Call Center. Established in 1993, Southwest Call Center offers a wide variety of services to their clients that go above and beyond the scope of the typical answering service. In emergency situations such as natural disasters, when businesses and medical offices are unable to open their offices, SCC steps up their services to an even greater level. Southwest Call Center becomes the first point of contact for their customers. “Patients need prescription refills, appointments need to be rescheduled, and homeowners call building contractors, HVAC, electricians, and plumbers to schedule repairs,” says Broussard. “We answer the calls so businesses can provide services even as they begin their own recovery processes.” Broussard says Southwest Call Center acts as a support center to emergency response teams to help facilitate the transmittal of community • General Contracting notifications regarding food and shelter to the • Pre-Construction Services: public, media notifications as received from budgeting, estimating, engineered analysis, local government officials, and general media forecasting calls to first responder teams. Their agents also • Design Build receive and relay requests per first responder • Construction Management team members to secondary support entities that provide critical services, such as environmental cleanups. “We take disaster events very seriously and we understand our ability to operate during these times is critical to the success and continuation of our clients’ businesses,” adds Broussard. “With our redundant network, we have procedures in place that ensure continued operations during the (337) 445-3363 event of a disaster. We review, test and update, as necessary, these processes several times a year.”

In times of catastrophe, Southwest Call Center serves as a vital link between clients and their customers.

BUILDING A BETTER SOUTHWEST LOUISIANA Offering experienced, comprehensive commercial construction for healthcare, banking, education and other industries.



Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

The ability to stay in touch with customers helps protect a business’s bottom line. With a staff of 25 trained professionals and open 24/7, Southwest Call Center currently serves hundreds of In your corner and clients in ten states across the country. around the corner! Their benefits and services include: • Lower employee costs. Businesses save money 4415-A Lake Street when they use SCC as their primary answering Lake Charles, LA point. SCC’s costs are based upon actual time working on accounts – answering, screening and Call Center’s mission and purpose has been to 337.477.7354 Since 1993, Southwest Since1993, 1993,Southwest SouthwestCall CallCenter’s Center’smission mission and and purpose Since has been to Since 1993, Southwest Call Center’s mission and purpose purpose has hasbeen beento to be be dispatching calls – so non-productive time is be on-call so their customers do not have to be. The company provides be on-call so their customers do not have to be. The company provides on-call their customers do have to The on-call so soand theirpurpose customershas do not not haveto to be. be. The company company customer customer Since1993, 1993,Southwest SouthwestCall Center’s mission mission been Since Center’s and purpose has been to be customer support services to throughout Southwest Louisiana absorbed Call by SCC. customer support to businesses businesses throughout support services to businesses throughout Southwest Louisiana and support services toservices businesses throughout SouthwestSouthwest LouisianaLouisiana and the the be on-call so their customers do not have to be. The company provides and the rest of the US – all day, anytime, every day. and the rest of the US – all day, anytime, every day. on-call so their customers do not have to be. The company customer rest of the United States –– all day, every day. rest of the United States all day, every day. • Reduced operational costs.From SCC reduces customer support services to businesses throughout Southwest Louisiana answering calls, messages support services to businesses throughout Louisiana and the and From Southwest answering phone phone calls, email email messages and everything everything in in Traditional answering service isis not all do. From to a client’s expenses associated to Traditional answering service not all they theycan do.streamline From dispatch dispatch to email email to to andofthe of the US –overhead all day, anytime, every day. between, Southwest Call Center monitors business between, Southwest Call Center monitors can streamline business rest therest United States – all day, every day. voice mail even conference calling; businesses can use Call voicespace mail and even conference businesses canabout use Southwest Southwest Callin administrative personnel. Office isand freed communications. Businesses no longer responding communications. Businesses nocalling; longer have have to to worry worry about responding in From answering phone calls, email messages and everything in to streamline their business communications. Center to streamline theirour business communications. aaCenter timely manner because agents are working 24/7 to make sure your timely manner because our agents are working 24/7 to make sure your up for other functions and equipment costs are Traditional answeringCall service is not all theycan do.inquiries From are dispatch to email to between, Southwest Center monitors streamline business customer’s to customer’s inquiries are responded responded to consistently consistently and and in in aa timely timely manner. manner. lowered. The Lake Charles-based call center isis committed to “business voice mail and even conference calling; businesses can use Southwest Call The Lake Charles-based call center committed to providing providing “business The Lake Charles-based call center is committed to “business The Lake Charles-based call center is committed to providing providing “business communications. Businesses no longer have to worry about responding in as usual” service during disaster events or weather-related emergencies. asusual” usual”service service during disaster oron weather-related emergencies. as no matter what is going –– from to streamline theiremployee business communications. • Improved productivity. Managers, as usual” service no matter what events issure going on from hurricanes hurricanes to aCenter timelyto manner because our agents are 24/7 to make your Even an doesn’t stop The agent staff Evenworking an evacuation evacuation doesn’t stop them. them. 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The company has provided uninterrupted service to it’s it’s The Lake Charles-based callcall center isbusiness committed to providing “business managing people and more time providing the uninterrupted service. uninterrupted clients since The Lake Charles-based center is committed to 2005. providing “businessShayne M Laughlin, ChFC • business clientsservice. since 2005. their customers expect. usual”service serviceservices during disaster oron weather-related Southwest Call is committed Southwest Call Center Center is emergencies. committed asasusual” no matter what events is going – Call from hurricanes to to Southwest Center isis committed Southwest Calla Center committed to to treating their customers right by to treating their customers right by staff Even an evacuation doesn’t stop them. The have remote agent government mandated evacuations or stay-at-home orders; Southwest treating their customers right by answering treating their customers right by answering Call responding to every incoming contact responding to every incoming contact and volunteer-based ride-out crew toevery keepcall the community covered with professionally, taking an accurate • Alert Notification every call professionally, taking an accurate Center finds a way. The company has provided uninterrupted service to it’s from aa client’s customer from client’s customer professionally, professionally, message and delivering it according to their uninterrupted service. message and delivering it according to Service accurately business clients since 2005. accurately and and dispatching dispatching itit as as per per our ourtheir specifications –– all every specifications all day day every day. day. client’s instructions everytime. client’s instructions everytime. • Center Appointment Southwest Call is committed Southwest Call Center is committed to Confirmation to treating their customers right by 629 629SSMartin MartinLuther LutherKing KingHwy, Hwy,Lake LakeCharles Charles Service treating their right by answering 337-310-2435 337-310-2435 ll responding tocustomers every incoming contact • Event Registrations everya call professionally, taking an accurate from client’s customer professionally, • Job Hotline message and delivering it to their Since1993, 1993, Southwest Call Center’s Center’s mission Since1993, 1993,Southwest SouthwestCall Call Center’s Center’s mission and has to accurately and dispatchingaccording it as per our Since Southwest Call mission and purpose purpose has hasbeen beento to Since mission and purpose purpose hasbeen been to beand specifications – all day every day. • Medical Answering be on-call so their customers do not have to be. 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Always Always ON-CALL ON-CALL Always



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customer support totheir businesses throughout Southwest Loui be on-call so customers do not have to be. c customer support to businesses throughout Louisiana support services toservices businesses throughout Louisiana and on-call soSouthwest their customers doSouthwest not have to be. TheThe com support services toservices businesses throughout Southwest Louisiana and the and the rest of the US – all day, anytime, every day. customer support services to businesses throughout and the rest of the US – all day, anytime, every day. the United Statesservices – all day,toevery day. throughout Southwes businesses rest of the United States – allrest day,ofevery andof the of the US all day, anytime, every day. phone calls, email and everything in rest therest United States – all day, every day. From answering phone calls,From emailanswering messages and everything in–messages Traditional answering service is not all they do. 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and volunteer-based ride-out crew toprovided keep the community co Center finds a way. The company has uninterrupted 31 uninterrupted service. business clients since 2005.

Home & Family | HURRICANE




The Hurricane season of 2020 taught us in tragic, tangible ways the importance of being prepared BEFORE a storm is even found in the Gulf. Meteorologists expect an aboveaverage hurricane season for 2022, so we need to be proactive. These lists can help you prepare for a storm and arm you with resources you may need after a storm.

Be Prepared by Packing an Emergency Supply Kit One of the first things on your hurricane prep to-do list, even before a storm looms in the Gulf of Mexico, is to assemble an emergency supply kit; something you can grab and go, if need be. A basic emergency kit could include the following items: Food and Water:

• • • •

One gallon of water per person per day for at least three days At least a three-day supply of nonperishable foods Pet food Manual can opener

Tools and Maintenance items:

• • • • •

Flashlight(s) and extra batteries Basic tool kit including wrench or pliers for turning off utilities, if necessary Dust mask to help filter contaminated air Plastic trash bags Plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelterin-place

Personal Items:

• • • •


Moist towelettes, toothpaste, personal hygiene products Glasses and contact lenses Sleeping bag for each person At least one complete change of clothing for each person

Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

Miscellaneous items:

• • • • • • • •

Copies of important papers such as insurance documents, medical forms, and IDs Paper, pencils and pens NOAA weather radio with tone alert (and extra batteries) Whistle so you can signal for help if stranded Maps of the local area Inverter or solar charger to keep mobile phones charged Cash or travelers’ checks Books, games and playing cards

Plan your Evacuation If a hurricane is predicted to be severe, an order to evacuate may be given. Please heed these directives for your own safety. Before the storm makes landfall, follow these steps to plan ahead for your evacuation strategy:

• •

Know the local hurricane evacuation route(s). Plan your route but have alternative routes in mind in case of road closures. If you don’t have a vehicle, contact family, friends, your local government, or aid agencies to make other arrangements. Plan where you might stay. Do you have friends or family outside the evacuation zone who may be able to accommodate you? Hotels are another option, but make a reservation as early as possible, as they can fill up quickly. Collect copies of important papers such as medical insurance cards, homeowner’s insurance policy, emergency contact information in a gallon Ziploc bag and take them with you. Pack paper maps in case you lose your phone signal or you run out of battery life. Make considerations for your pets. Will you take them with you, leave them with someone else, or board them at a kennel? Please do not abandon your pets. Take pet food and vet contact info with you. Contact your local emergency management agency for more information.

Prep your Property

First Aid Kit:

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Latex or other sterile gloves Sterile dressings to stop bleeding. Cleansing agent/soap and antibiotic towelettes Antibiotic ointment Burn ointment Adhesive bandages in a variety of sizes Eye wash solution to flush the eyes or as general decontaminant A thermometer Prescription medications you take every day (periodically rotate medicines to account for expiration dates) Prescribed medical supplies such as glucose and blood pressure monitoring equipment and supplies Scissors and tweezers Petroleum jelly or other lubricant Non-prescription drugs: aspirin or non-aspirin pain reliever, anti-diarrhea medication, antacids, laxatives.

Whether you shelter in place or evacuate, your home will need some simple preparation to help protect it from hurricanes and their aftermath.

• • •

Cover all your home’s windows with plywood or permanent hurricane shutters to protect your windows from high winds and flying debris. You can pre-cut the plywood in fair weather and store it off the ground in a shed, crawl space or attic until needed. Remove any loose items in your yard that could potentially become projectiles, such as potted plants, lawn furniture, and toys. Trimming trees and shrubs away from your house helps make them more wind resistant and lessens the likelihood of them damaging your house. Keep gutters and drain pipes unclogged and clear of debris.


Last-Minute Preparations If a storm is imminent in the next 24-48 hours and you’ve done little prior preparation, don’t panic. Here’s your last-minute list.

• •

Track the storm path and projected risk areas at http://www.nhc.noaa. gov/. Monitor weather conditions with a battery-powered NOAA weather radio to receive the most up-to-date information, including forecasts, watches, or warnings. Turn your refrigerator to its coldest setting and keep it closed, so the food won’t spoil quickly if you lose electrical power. Bring all lawn furniture, outdoor decorations, trash cans, hanging plants (and anything else that could be picked up by the wind) inside. Anchor objects that cannot be brought inside. Fill up your bathtub, sinks and other large containers with fresh water. This will serve as an important reserve should you be without running water after a storm. Make sure all your family vehicles have at least a half-tank of gas, as filling stations may be closed or unable to pump gas during power outages.


Emergency phone numbers and resources: • In an emergency situation, always call 911 • 211 Helpline – Information from the United Way of SWLA • Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness -- 337-721-3800 • Louisiana Attorney General Hurricane Hotline – 1-866-351-4889 • LA State Police Troop D – 337-491-2511 • Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office – 337-491-3600 • Road Closure Hotline – 1-800-469-4828 • American Red Cross -- • FEMA – • LA Department of Children & Family Services - • LA Department of Transportation -- http://www.dotd. • LA Department of Health & Hospitals -- http://www. • National Weather Service Southern Region -- http:// Utilities: • Entergy -- 1-800-ENTERGY • Beauregard Electric – 1-800-367-0276 • CenterPoint Energy -- 1-800-477-0177

Special Considerations for Apartment Dwellers There are multiple steps those living in apartment can take in order to be prepared for when a hurricane strikes.

• •

First, talk to building management about an evacuation plan, including how to get out and where to go. Losing power and access to elevators is a big danger, especially for high-rises – so stock up and food and water for a few days, in case you can’t get out. Have extra batteries too for phones and electronics. Up high, wind is the enemy of course. Bring in outdoor furniture, lock your windows – and stay away from them.


Home & Family | HURRICANE



LOUISIANA Struggling to get your storm-damaged home repaired? The Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program may be able to help. The Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program invites homeowners impacted by Hurricanes Laura and Delta to complete a brief survey on the damage to your home. You can take the survey on any mobile device at or if you need assistance, by calling (866) 735-2001 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A survey guide along with a brief video are available on the website to provide a helpful overview to assist you in completing the survey.

Information you provide in your survey will help the program to continue analyzing unmet needs, and qualified applicants will be invited by the program to submit a full application when the program fully launches, which should be sometime this summer. The survey is free and there is no deadline set for completing the survey. After you complete the initial program survey, the program will begin to provide periodic text and/

or email updates regarding program launch, application availability, and any next steps required. All information you provide in your initial survey will be verified by the program during the application process to determine final eligibility. If you are not sure whether you sustained major/severe damage from Hurricanes Laura or Delta, please contact FEMA at 800-621-3362.

If you sustained major/severe damage as determined by FEMA from Hurricanes Laura and Delta, you are strongly encouraged to complete the survey, which is the first step in registering for program assistance. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete and does not require any documentation to be submitted. However, these items are needed to complete the survey:

• • •


Must have a working email address or mobile device that receives texts FEMA Registration Number(s) for disasters that damaged your home Hazard/Flood Insurance Provider and Policy Number (if applicable)

Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

1010 East First Street P.O. Box 970 DeRidder, LA 70634 Toll Free: 800.367.0275 Phone: 337.463.6221 Fax: 337.463.2809

975 North Perkins Ferry Road P.O. Box 12783 Lake Charles, LA 70611 Ph: 337.855.6684 Fax: 337.855.0073


With a dedicated IT team, your company will have specialists ready to assist with any and all tech-related issues. Kinetic IT will U R Rproductivity, I C A N E S as E Awell SON improve H overall as ensure critical business continuity BEGINS ON JUNE 1 should disaster strike.


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Home & Family

e t a t s E l Rea GUIDE The current status of the real estate market is difficult to define, and its outlook can depend on who you are talking with. With low inventory and high prices, it’s a perfect time to be in the housing market – if you are a home seller. Add in high interest rates to the mix, and it’s quite a challenge for today’s home buyers! With the assistance and advice of professionals –

namely real estate agents and mortgage lenders – it’s doable. But you’ll need patience, flexibility, and possibly the ability to compromise. In this special Real Estate Guide, you’ll find stories on mortgage lending and loan interest rates, the pros and cons of renting vs. buying a home, considerations on buying a second home, and information on investment properties.

Our Realtors Have the KEYS to the Home of Your DREAMS Whether you’re building from the ground up or searching for a fixer upper, the agents at CENTURY 21 Bessette Realty have the experience, the resources and the determination to make your dream home a reality. Contact us today. We’ll help you find your way home.


Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022 | 474-2185 3025 Lake Street, Lake Charles Each office independently owned and operated. Licensed by the Louisiana Real Estate Commission.

High Interest Rates Make Home Buying a Challenge by Kerry Andersen

The post hurricane housing market in Southwest Louisiana may be facing some unique and even unprecedented challenges, but no city is exempt from the topsy turvy reality of today’s fluctuating interest rates. After a year of relatively stable (and low) rates, the cost of buying a home is going up – and fast. Over the past 52 weeks, a 30-year fixed mortgage rate averaged 3.6 percent, but those days are behind us. In May, that number climbed to an astonishing 5.7 percent (5.4 percent average) and experts now believe it will rise even higher. The last time rates reached anywhere near this level was 2009 when the economy was grappling with a global financial crisis.

Lisa M. Johnson,

SVP Director of Mortgage Lending at JD Bank in Lake Charles, says inflation is the driving force behind the higher rates. “The government is raising rates to drive down inflation. This will be our reality for some time, at least until the next presidential election.” So how does an unknown and unpredictable lending market impact the home buying process? Johnson adds, “It’s more important than ever for homebuyers to turn to trusted professionals to help them through the lending process.

It’s not easy, but we are focused on counseling our clients during this unprecedented time and providing the best customer service available to those who depend on our knowledge of the volatile market with tight inventory and rising rates.” Buyers are scrambling to lock in a home loan before rates rise so high that their purchasing power takes a hit and they’re not able to afford mortgage payments. At the same time, national home prices hit an all-time high in March – up 15-percent from last year – and capping off a decade of increases for the longest running price hike streak ever. In Southwest Louisiana where available housing inventory is already low because of hurricane damaged properties, rising rates will tighten the squeeze on the demand for affordable entry level homes even more. “Eventually high mortgage rates will slow down home prices, but it’s definitely a seller’s market right now,” Johnson says. “Even so, we’re seeing more buyers trying to negotiate sale price on a home or bargain for paid concessions, so they aren’t priced out of the available inventory.” Across the country, homes are still selling for above asking price. However, economists predict that by the end of the summer there will be less competition for active listings and more available inventory. That doesn’t mean prices will dip because demand for housing is still strong, but it does mean prospective buyers won’t need to hurry and lock down a rate, easing the stress somewhat for those looking for their dream home.

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Home & Family | Real

Estate Guide

Is Real Estate Investing

r e d i s n o C o t s r o t c a F by Stefanie Powers

In these precarious times, investors are looking for the best bang for their buck. There are various ways to invest money; real estate is one of them. “Investing in real estate can be highly profitable, especially if you are willing to hold onto the property for an extended period of time and reap the benefits of the property’s appreciation value over a long stretch,” says Erin Allen, sales manager at Flavin Realty.

But like any investment, there are pitfalls, and nothing is ever a sure thing. Let’s look at the pros and cons of real estate investments. On the plus side, you can occasionally obtain real estate at a below-market price when the homeowner must sell quickly, and you have the necessary cash to take advantage of the situation. Foreclosures and auctions are another way to find deals. Next, real estate can generate consistent cash flow. If you purchase a rental property that

already has good tenants, you will receive monthly rent payments, and even additional payments associated with them, such as for storage and parking. And real estate tends to appreciate. Also, if you’re handy, renovating a fixer-upper may generate an increase in property value. House-flipping is popular, but always remember the 70% rule: Don’t spend more than 70% of the home’s after-repair value minus the costs of renovating the property.

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Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

“Flipping a home can be a great option for an investor looking for a quick return. However, buyers are more educated, so it is important to know your market,” says Karlie Leonards, Flavin Realtor®. “A Realtor® in SWLA can guide and educate clients with these potential flip properties and help them get the most bang for their buck.” On the downside, you may lose money at some point: a rental property may become vacant, or it will not be possible to raise the rent. Tenants may stop paying rent, and you’ll have to go through the eviction process. A hurricane hits—and we all know what happens after that. Unexpected maintenance issues can and will arise, such as a leaky roof, etc. Repair/ replacement costs may be huge and could wipe out your cash reserves. And remember, ongoing income from real estate, as well as gains from the sale of a property, are all subject to federal and state income taxes – which can be substantial. “Real estate maintains its value over time,” says Jimmy Cormier, Realtor® at Flavin Realty. “It’s not a typical short-term gain . . . and there is only a limited amount of real estate.” It’s not always easy to sell off real estate quickly, which can be a problem if you have an immediate need for a significant amount of cash. An investor could take advantage of you and offer quick cash at a steep discount to the market price of the property, which will obviously result in a significant loss on the sale. These disadvantages can be mitigated by hanging on to your properties for several years, maintaining a cash reserve to keep yourself solvent during any negative cash flow situations, and rolling your gains from any property sales over into new property investments to avoid taxes. “It is always wise to reach out to a real estate professional first,” advises broker Tommy Eastman of Flavin Realty. “A Realtor® will be able to answer any questions you may have, move your property quickly, and may already have an investor in mind. Yes, people can sell without a Realtor® but why risk the unforeseen when it comes to your biggest investment?”


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Home & Family | Real

Estate Guide

Is Buying a Second Home

? u o Y r o f t h Rig According to the National Association of Realtors, one in eight home buyers is shopping for a second home1—a majority with rental income in mind. In fact, more than two-thirds of those who own a second home plan to rent it out for at least part of the year, up from 20% in 2000.

However you utilize a second home, it’s a substantial investment—one that’s subject to different rules than your primary residence. “Whether or not you’re using it for rental income, a second home comes with its own set of financial considerations,” says Hayden Adams, CPA and director of tax and financial planning at the Schwab Center for Financial Research. Consider these factors when buying and/ or renting a second home.


Once you’ve found the right home for your needs, it’s time to figure out how to pay for it. Paying in cash is one option, depending on the interest-rate environment at the time of sale. If instead you decide to borrow to fund your second home or investment property, there are several financing options open to you, including:


A traditional mortgage: The most popular types include fixed-rate loans—typically for 15 or 30 years (generally speaking, the shorter the loan, the lower the interest rate)—and adjustable-rate mortgages

Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

(ARMs), whose interest rates reset after a fixed period of time and adjust in response to prevailing market rates. Jumbo loans— or those that exceed $484,350 in most parts of the United States—may require heftier down payments and have higher interest rates, closing costs, and fees.

A home equity line of credit (HELOC): A HELOC allows you to borrow against the equity in your existing residence—and the interest may be deductible if the funds are used to purchase, build, or substantially renovate a primary or secondary residence, up to certain limits. A cash-out refinance: This refi approach replaces your existing mortgage with one that carries a larger balance. The difference between the two loans is distributed as cash, which can be especially useful if you have house-related expenses over and above the new property’s purchase price. Securities-based lending: These nonpurpose lines of credits allow you to borrow against the value of your nonretirement assets while helping to keep your investment strategy on track. However you choose to finance your purchase, do your homework to understand the considerations and risks involved in obtaining a second home. Chief among them:

Additional debt: Taking on new debt could impact your cash flow and savings plan.

Bigger down payment: Lenders may require a larger down payment on a second home, in which case you’ll need to consider how to come up with the money without putting your other investments at risk.

Finally, be realistic about expenses. Beyond the purchase price, there are an array of ongoing costs, including insurance, repairs, utilities, and possibly homeowners’ association fees.


You need to decide up front whether you’ll rent out your second home, be it occasionally or on an ongoing basis. A rental property can provide not only income but also potential tax benefits. For example, you may be able to deduct certain expenses, such as depreciation, from your annual rental income.

Keep in mind that you’ll likely face a host of tax obligations as well. Apart from property taxes, any rental income could potentially push you into a higher tax bracket. Also, if you use a second home as both a rental property and for extended personal use, you may not be eligible for all the deductions a rental property alone would provide. A tax advisor can help you maximize the available deductions while helping you fulfill your tax obligations.

Another question to tackle in advance: How will you interact with renters? Some owners take a hands-on approach to everything from collecting rent to making repairs, while others hire handymen and even full-service property managers who can find suitable renters, help refurbish the property between tenants, and do everything in between. Such white-glove service comes at a cost, but it can be especially helpful with a property in a distant locale.

Also be sure to check with a real estate agent and/or your homeowners’ association regarding local rental laws. These can vary by municipality and even by neighborhood and are evolving rapidly in response to the rise of vacation rentals through companies such as Airbnb. In New York City, for example, you cannot rent out an entire apartment or home to visitors for fewer than 30 days, even if you own or live in the building.

Owners should also strongly consider setting aside emergency funds to avoid selling securities in a down market to pay for any unexpected expenses.


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Finally, Adams urges those planning to rent out a second home to treat it as a separate business entity. “If your rental isn’t structured properly, any renter who brings a lawsuit could potentially take your car, house, or hard-earned savings,” he says. For example, registering a business as a limited liability company (LLC) can help protect your assets in the event you’re sued—as can liability insurance.

A team effort

Buying a second home involves a lot of work, not only in advance of buying but throughout the rental process and eventual sale. Finding a reliable team of professionals—an accountant, an attorney, a real estate agent, and possibly a property manager—can help. “More so even than your primary residence, successful second-home ownership is a team effort,” says Adams.

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Home & Family | Real

Estate Guide

. s v g n i t n e R wning O

Pros and Cons to Consider Before You Sign a Lease or a Mortgage At one time, it was a given that everyone wants to become a homeowner eventually. But now many people are reconsidering whether ownership is all it’s cracked up to be. As more people value having the mobility to pursue jobs and lives in other cities, it’s less appealing to be locked into a longterm mortgage, and many people value the freedom of renting. This poses a major question for twentyand thirtysomethings: Should I buy or rent a home? “Choosing whether to rent or buy is one of the most important financial decisions you’ll ever make,” says Eric Tyson, MBA, financial expert and best-selling author of Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies. “Though owning a home and investing in real estate may pay off well over the long term, renting also has its advantages. To make the best decision, you need to understand your current personal and financial situation and think carefully about what matters to you now and what you think will matter to you in the future.” Tyson suggests first asking questions like: Would I rather pay more and live in a vibrant city, or enjoy a quieter life in a less populated area? Am I sure I want to stay in my current neighborhood, city, or state? Am I planning to 42

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start a family—and where do I see myself living when I start one? Do I want to buy a starter home now, or rent for a few years and then buy a larger house later on? Would I rather own a great home now, and have less money overall for travel and leisure? Then carefully weigh the pros and cons of renting and owning before you choose what is right for you.

Renting Pros You aren’t responsible for fixing up the property. When you rent, you don’t have to worry about the headache of maintaining your home. That’s your landlord’s job. You have more financial and psychological flexibility. Especially in your younger years, you may not stay with your current employer or chosen career. Should you change direction in the future, you may not want the financial overhead that comes with a mortgage. If you do decide to move, you can generally do so more easily as a renter than as a homeowner. You can have all your money in financial assets that you can tap into more easily. Some people enter their retirement years with a substantial portion of their wealth tied up in their home, a challenge that you don’t face when renting. It’s a great opportunity to test living in an area where you’re not certain you want to buy.

If you’re gearing up to purchase a home, renting gives you a chance to try out the area where you think you’d most like to buy. It may help you achieve big financial goals. Some financially successful renters include people who pay relatively low rent, either because they live in small housing and/or have roommates, or they live in a rent-controlled building. Some young adults live with a family member who provides them with a good deal on rent, which can have benefits. If you can consistently save ten percent or more of your earnings, which you may be able to do through a low-cost rental, you’re probably on track to achieving your financial goals.”

Renting Cons Your monthly rent is subject to inflation. Of course, living in a rent-controlled unit, where the annual increase allowed in your rent is capped, is the exception to this rule. Landlords tend to want long-term tenants. Most landlords prefer tenants who are stable renters and who remain for long periods of time. If you don’t expect to stay in an apartment much more than a year or two, that’s probably better left unsaid. You don’t own the property. After paying all that rent, the property isn’t yours at the end of the day.

Home Ownership Pros With a fixed-rate mortgage, your monthly payment never increases. This allows you to budget with confidence. However, your property taxes, homeowners insurance, and maintenance expenses will likely increase with the cost of living. As a homeowner, you build equity in your property. That equity can be significant by the time you retire. Owning may cost less than renting in some areas. This is especially true if you can buy at lower prices that occur after a decline in home values, which can happen for a variety of reasons. Mortgage interest and property tax payments for your home are generally tax-deductible. In the early years of your mortgage, nearly all of your payment goes toward interest. It’s a good option if you’re planning to stay put. Financially speaking, buying a home

begins to make more financial sense if you anticipate being in your home for three to five years or more.

price. Yet this is the percentage needed to avoid the added cost of private mortgage insurance (PMI) required by lenders.

There are plenty of options in the real estate market. When buying, you’re sure to find a housing option that’s right for you. In addition to single-family homes, you also have higherdensity options like condos, townhomes, and cooperatives. If you don’t have the time, energy, or desire to keep up a property, shared/ higher density housing may make sense for you.

The associated costs with buying are also high. Buying and selling a property entails a lot of expenses, including the cost of getting a mortgage, inspection expenses, moving costs, real estate agents’ commissions, and title insurance. To cover these transaction costs plus the additional costs of ownership, a property needs to appreciate about 15 percent during the tenure of your ownership.

Home Ownership Cons

“Regardless of whether you rent or buy, you will devote a significant amount of money to your housing expenses over the course of a lifetime,” concludes Tyson. “This is a momentous decision, so make decisions based on what is right for you—not what was right for your parents or even what’s right for other people your own age. Take a long, honest look at your life and your financial goals. Eventually, the right solution for you and your financial situation will become clear, and you can make a decision you feel good about.”

You might overpay or pay more than you can afford. Buying a home can be financially rewarding, but owning a property is a big financial commitment that may backfire if you get in over your head or overpay. Putting 20 percent down is steep for twentysomethings. Many people, especially people in their 20s, don’t have enough cash on hand to make the standard down payment of about 20 percent of the property’s purchase

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Home & Family | Real

Estate Guide

Housing Counseling Agency Announces

s e ss a l C n io t a c u d E 2022 Homebuyer

Calcasieu Parish’s Housing Counseling Agency, in conjunction with Project Build a Future, is hosting free Homebuyer Education Classes. Residents who are interested in buying a home, are in the process of buying a home, and even those who already own homes, are encouraged to sign up for a Homebuyer Education Class. “Taking a homebuyer education class gives potential homebuyers a chance to get unbiased information about what you can expect from the homebuying process,” said Yolanda Smith, Calcasieu Parish Housing Counseling Agency Case Manager. “In addition, these courses are often a prerequisite to be able to participate in first-time homebuyer programs and down-payment assistance programs.” The definition of “first-time homebuyer” is anyone who has not owned a home in the past three years -- even if the person owned a home previously. The class walks participants through the entire process of buying a home. It covers all the

fundamentals of homeownership, including the pros and cons of purchasing a home, the role of realtors, all about mortgages (mortgage terminology, mortgage originators, mortgage attorneys, mortgage underwriters and underwriting criteria), financial management and proper budgeting. Other topics include down payments, closing costs, and insurance. All classes are held at the Allen P. August Multipurpose Annex, 2000 Moeling St. in Lake Charles. Participants can opt to attend two, fourhour, back-to-back classes or attend one eight-hour session. Classes are free to all participants, regardless of income. To register, visit housingcounseling, click on the “homebuyer group counseling” tab and fill out the application. Applications are also available at the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury’s Human Services Department office, 2001 Moeling St., Lake Charles. The office is open from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., Monday-Friday.


Hosted by Project Build a Future Monday, June 20: 5-9 p.m. Tuesday, June 21: 5-9 p.m., Hosted by Calcasieu Parish Police Jury Saturday, Aug. 20: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10: 5-9 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 11: 5-9 p.m. Hosted by Project Build a Future Saturday, Nov. 19: 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Participants will receive a certificate when they successfully complete the class. For more information, call the Calcasieu Parish Housing Counseling Agency at 337-721-4030, ext. 5120 or email Alyssa Hebert at ahebert@

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Places & Faces Favorite Pastime in SWLA


HOOK While Lake Charles may be widely known for its glitzy casinos, local anglers will tell you that Southwest Louisiana is the place to come and cast a line. Our unique chain of waterways includes numerous lakes and rivers that flow into one another before finally emptying into the Gulf of Mexico. With so many diverse habitats, anglers have abundant opportunities to catch a wide variety of fish. In this guide, we highlight some of the top fish species in SWLA, as well as how and where to hook them and a few rules and regulations to keep in mind. You’ll also find a roundup of tackle box essentials. By the time you finish reading you’ll be ready to pack your gear and go!

What Fish will you Find? The waterways in SWLA are both brackish and fresh, which widely diversifies your possible targets. The fish you’ll catch depends on where you decide to cast your line. What you can count on consistently, however, is multiple hookups and plenty of opportunities to take home a trophy.

Speckled trout are a primary target of anglers in the Lake Area. You’ll find these schooling fish year-round in Lake Charles, Prien Lake, and Moss Lake. If you’re after a trophy, however, Calcasieu Lake is where you want to be. “Specks” typically arrive in midMarch and often weigh five to eight pounds, sometimes into the double digits! But great trout fishing isn’t limited to early spring and summer. Speckled trout can also be found in the winter months if you find some deep water, for example, Lake Charles. For bait, try topwater plugs, slow-sinking lures, and soft plastics. Redfish thrive in the brackish waters

of Lake Charles and Calcasieu Lake. Huge schools of these tasty fish roam the waters 46

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year-round and make for exciting adventures – especially for fly fishermen. Calcasieu Lake, often called “Big Lake,” is significantly larger than its neighbors. You can hook especially large Bull Reds along the jetties in the summer and during the fall mullet run. In winter, cast your lines along the ship channel. Targeting the marshy shorelines is a safe bet throughout the seasons. Big Lake is popular among fly anglers but that doesn’t mean traditional spinning rods won’t get the job done!

Bass are iconic in the world of sportfishing, and for good reason. These clever fish are opportunistic eaters – but don’t think that makes fishing for them is easy. Bass will rarely go after the same bait twice, meaning pursuing them never gets old. Bass are freshwater fish, so head north of the saltwater barrier into the Calcasieu River. Farther north, Toledo Bend is a bass fisherman’s mecca. While most fish that get pulled out of the Calcasieu River measure in between 6–12 inches, anglers have also caught bass over the 20-inch mark. Southwest Louisiana waterways are also home to flounder, black drum, crappie, bream, garfish, and catfish.

How to fish in SWLA Now that you know what fish to catch, let’s consider your method.

Charter boat fishing with a licensed local captain is one of the best ways to take advantage of the Lake Area. There’s a lot of ground to cover so if it’s your first time, heading out with a guide is a good way to guarantee you’ll maximize your time on the water. Whether you came to hook a spotted seatrout in Lake Calcasieu, a largemouth bass on the Calcasieu River, or redfish in Lake Charles, your captain will work hard to ensure you go home happy. They’ll also provide all your gear and ensure you’re fishing within the law. Below is a sampling of reputable charter services: • • • • •

High Tide Charters Waterside Charters Fishing Tom’s Guide Service Gills and Bills Guide Service Calcasieu Charter Service

Kayak fishing has been gaining in

popularity – and for good reason. You’ll get up close and personal with your targets, and it’s a great workout too. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve got some experience under your belt, Lake Charles is a great place to give kayak fishing a try. Southwestern Louisiana is home to plenty of shallow marshes where kayaks have a clear advantage. These shallow honey holes are often inaccessible by larger boats, so you’ll have the fish all to yourself. Enjoy the peace and quiet, take in all the wildlife, and go home with some delicious fish.

Shore Fishing. If you’d prefer to stay ashore, that’s okay too! You can still catch some of the area’s most notable fish from the banks. There are plenty of parks that allow you to wet a line from shore including Prien Lake Park, Holbrook Park, and Intracoastal Park. Or indulge in some surf fishing along the Gulf of Mexico’s coastline. Wherever you choose to go, speckled trout, redfish, and flounder are all possibilities.


Places & Faces |


Where to Fish The Lake Area is home to a lot of different waterways. As a result, it can be overwhelming to choose a spot. We’re just scratching the surface with the places listed below, but they’re a great starting point to build on. In addition to Lake Charles, Prien Lake, the Calcasieu River, and Calcasieu (Big) Lake, try:

Calcasieu Ship Channel

Creole Nature Trail

Offering places to fish from the bank, as well as a 24-hour boat launch, this access point at the northern end of the Calcasieu Lake is a great choice for a variety of anglers.

Often referred to as “Louisiana’s Outback,” the Creole Nature Trail starts at Lake Charles and extends all the way to the Gulf. Home to incredible wildlife, including over 400 bird species, you’ll also find redfish, speckled trout, flounder, and bass.


If you’re after bruiser brown trout or speckled trout, you can’t go wrong in the Calcasieu Ship Channel. You’ll likely catch your limit, both in the deeper waters around the ledges and in the marshy bayous.

Calcasieu Point Landing

Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

Calcasieu River

We know this is vague, but Lake Charles is the biggest city on the river and offers access to both the upper and lower streams. Hook spotted bass and bream in the upper stream; catfish, largemouth bass, and crappie in the middle; and in the lower stream, it’s all about redfish, trout, and flounder.

Prien Lake

Located six miles southwest of Lake Charles, Prien Lake is a sportfishing paradise. Its brackish waters are home to speckled trout, redfish, black drum, and flounder. This lake is protected from the strong winds that blow across Calcasieu Lake, making it a great choice for winter anglers.

Rules and Regulations

There are a few more things you show know before heading out on your Lake Charles fishing adventure. First up are fishing licenses. Since most of the waters in the area are brackish, you’ll need both a Basic Louisiana Fishing License, as well as a Saltwater License – depending on where you’re fishing. Make sure to stay on top of local regulations related to bag limits and seasonality. To ensure you’re fishing within the law, go to the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries website at If you’re unfamiliar with the area, a surefire way to make sure you’re respecting the rules is to head out with a local guide. Source:

Tackle Box ESSENTIALS The best way to get out there and catch a big one is to start with the right gear. A well-stocked and organized tackle box is an angler’s best friend. You never know when you might need something. Be prepared and build your box with the following. Extra line – One snag on a sunken log and you’re going to need more line. Several spools of varying weights will give you options. Spare hooks – You can’t fish without hooks, and the more you have to choose from, the better. Lures and bait – Ideally, you’ll have a mix of live and artificial bait such as spoons, jigs, plastic worms, spinners, and any other lures specific to the type of fish you’re looking for. Swivels allow your line to untwist without tangling when you’re retrieving the line. Sinkers are the weights used alongside a lure to increase the speed and depth to which the hook sinks.

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Bobbers or floats make it easier to see when there’s tension on the line. Fishing pliers make hook removal a whole lot easier. Look for a pair with a nylon sheath, coiled lanyard, and belt loop clasp for convenience. Multi-tool, aka Swiss army knife, is useful for just about anything. Digital hanging hook scale – For the fisherman who is into the numbers. First aid kit – You never know when you, or someone else, will need a bandage. Fillet knife – If you want to catch and cook your fish, a strong fillet knife is necessary to prepare your catches. Find one with a leather sheath for safe carry and single-stage sharpener.




Adult - $50

Adult - $50

Junior - $25

Junior - $25

Bug Repellant – No explanation needed. Sunscreen – Keep a bottle in your tackle box to avoid looking like a lobster after a long day of fishing.

Full event schedule, locations and registration details available online soon at:


Places & Faces |


Take a Day Trip to . . .



Lake Country Sabine Parish by Angie Kay Dilmore

Toledo Bend Reservoir,

the largest man-made lake in the South, is a prime destination for sportsmen and nature lovers. From Lake Charles, it’s an easy drive up Hwy. 17. The region’s biggest claim to fame is its bass fishing opportunities, which have repeatedly earned Toledo Bend the No. 1 spot on Bassmaster magazine’s top bass fishing destinations. The reservoir is 65 miles long and covers 185,000 acres. Several parishes are located alongside Toledo Bend. Sabine Parish is a hub of activities and where we will focus our adventure.

Toledo Bend Forest Scenic Byway, part of the Louisiana Trails & Byways program, gives visitors the chance to see some of the region’s spectacular scenery and learn about its history and culture— all without 50

Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

leaving the driver’s seat. This 76-mile driving trail encompasses the entire eastern side of Toledo Bend Lake, taking visitors past overlooks, little-known bayous and remote pine forests.

Fun Things to See & Do

Cool off at the brand new Toledo Bend Family Adventure Park, which just opened Memorial Day weekend. Experience their water slides, lazy river, splash pads, mini-golf, playground, and more. Georgia Craven, executive director at the Sabine Parish Tourist & Recreation Commission, says she’s excited about the new Adventure Water Park located at Wildwood Resort in Zwolle, La. “It offers another reason for families with kids of all ages to visit Toledo Bend Lake Country.”

Fishing tour guide companies abound around Toledo Bend. Living the Dream Guide Service offers a ‘Catch & Cook’ service. They clean and cook your fish when you return from your tour, so you can enjoy lunch and a cool drink at their marina.

Tack-A-Paw Expeditions, headquartered at remote Toro Bayou in Anacoco, will get you as deep into the wilderness as you can get in Louisiana. Its guides cover 70 miles of Louisiana waterways including part of Toledo Bend Lake. They offer packages that include everything from two-hour trips to multi-day backwoods camping adventures.

You may be familiar with the whimsical alligator statues in and around Calcasieu Parish. In Sabine Parish, you’ll find fish! Eight of them, to be exact, each painted by local artists. The Toledo Bend Lunker Art Project was initiated in 2011 and is sponsored by the Sabine Parish Tourism Commission and The Depot Art Guild. ‘Lunker’ is a fishing term that means a very large fish, especially a bass. For a list of fish statue locations, go to https://toledobendlakecountry. com/fish-statues.

El Camino Real de los Tejas is the famed “Royal Road” that linked Mexico City with Spanish settlements in what is now Texas and Louisiana. The road ends at Los Adaes State Historic Site in Robeline, and it crosses through Fort Jesup State Historic Site in Many. These state historic sites reveal fascinating stories of life on the “No Man’s Land” frontier as it was lived more than 300 years ago.

Depending on when you go, you might catch a show or concert at the Sabine Theatre in Many, La. Built in 1947, the Sabine Theatre was acquired by the town of Many in the mid-1990’s. It is now used for live theatre by the Sabine Parish Players, as well as musical performances, occasional movies, and other community events.

Interested in SCUBA diving at Toledo Bend? There are a number of sunken artifacts to explore, including some boats and an old barge sometimes used for training. You’ll find flooded cemeteries and the remains of buildings, even a couple of towns, hiding beneath the waters. Dive Toledo SCUBA Center bills itself as “the Diver’s Super Store.” They carry a complete line of new equipment – from caps to fins. They also handle some used diving equipment. Equipment repairs and inspection, air fills, and equipment rentals available.

Sabine Parish’s shopping haven can be found in downtown Many. You’ll find a variety of antique shops and boutiques such as Nichols, Good Gracious Apparel & Accessories, Gypsy Boutique, The Treasure Chest, and Past & Present Antique Mall. Each shop has its own special southern charm.


Places & Faces |


Where to Eat

To get your fill of the ‘world’s best tamales’, check out the parish’s Zwolle Tamale Trail. Deeply rooted in Native American and Spanish heritage, the Zwolle hot tamale stems from a combination of their culinary efforts to produce the most delectable hot tamale in the country. You’ll find tamales in mild, medium, hot, and extra hot varieties.

Casa Michoacana in Zwolle offers authentic Mexican fare. Open for lunch and dinner.

Where to Lodge

North Toledo Bend State Park is a great destination for anglers, mountain bikers, hikers, bird watchers, boaters, and of course, campers. Located in Zwolle, the park offers 900 acres of waterfront fun and spectacular scenery. Swimming pool and boat rentals offered seasonally. Cabins and RV sites available. FYI – South Toledo Bend State Park is closed for updates.


Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

Considering the rural nature of this region, there are a surprising number of great places to eat, including fine dining, mom-and-pop diners, and even gas stations, which often offer some unique fare. You’ll find everything from down-home cooking to great seafood dishes and delicious Tex-Mex dishes. Many restaurants host live music on weekends.

Bayou Crawfish in Many offers Cajun-Creole dishes as well as Southern home-cooking. Open for lunch and dinner.

Bell’s Gulf Station Café in Many serves great coffee, breakfast, and lunch. Get All-You-Can-Eat Pancakes on Saturdays.

For overnight stays, visitors have many options – cabins, rental homes, and plenty of campgrounds. For more information, go to toledobendlakecountry.

Camping not your thing? Cypress Bend Golf Resort in Many, La. offers a complete package for relaxation seekers. You’ll find 600 acres of manicured gardens, spa services, and accommodations that include two-bedroom golf suites. Their 18-hole championship golf course is closed through December for renovations.

Wildwood Resort in Zwolle offers cabins and RV sites. Amenities at this elevated camping experience include three swimming pools, paddle boats, kayaks, paddle boards, hydro bikes, a private boat launch, lighted pier, three catch and release ponds, a gift and bait shop, playground, and animal viewing/feeding.


Places & Faces

Movers & Shakers in

SWLA ...

professional organization devoted exclusively to serving individuals and groups engaged in instruction, administration, research, and dissemination of information for and about business. Sonnier currently serves as president of the Louisiana Association of Business Educators (LABE).

Alyssa Wagner

Wendy Sonnier

SOWELA Announces LACADA President And Teach of the Year SOWELA Technical Community College in Lake Charles has appointed Alyssa Wagner as the new President of the Louisiana Academic Advising Association (LACADA) for the upcoming 2022-2023 academic year. Wagner currently serves as Director of Academic Advising for SOWELA Technical Community College in Lake Charles. She has more than 10 years of experience in higher education including her service as Assistant Director of Student Services for University Studies at Texas Tech University and academic advisor at Waylon Baptist University in Lubbock. LACADA serves as an integral resource of professional development and networking resources for academic advisors in order to advance the practice of advising throughout Louisiana. In addition to her role as LACADA president, Wagner was also elected to a two-year term as the Louisiana liaison for the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA.) SOWELA also announced that Wendy Sonnier, instructor in SOWELA’s Business Administration and Office Systems Technology programs, recently received the National Business Education Association (NBEA) Postsecondary Teacher of the Year Award virtually at the association’s annual conference. NBEA is the nation's leading 54

Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

Dennis N. Stine

McNeese Confers Honorary Doctorate on Stine Lumber Co. CEO Dennis Stine During the 158th McNeese State University commencement ceremony May 13 at Burton Coliseum, the university conferred an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree on McNeese alumnus Dennis N. Stine, CEO of Stine Lumber Co. - a 76-year-old family owned business with 12 stores employing over 800 associates throughout Louisiana and Mississippi. Stine is a recipient of the McNeese Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus Award and has been generous in his financial support of the university, which includes the establishment of the Marla and Dennis Stine Endowed Scholarship for business and education students and contributions to the McNeese First Choice Campaign through the McNeese Foundation. He is a former member of the Louisiana House of Representatives and served as commissioner of administration under the late Gov. Buddy Roemer. Stine is also a former director for the Port of Lake Charles and was a board member

for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas, Texas, and the Louisiana Recovery Authority. He currently serves on the board of directors for Allied Building Stores and Star Lumber Company in Wichita, Kansas. Stine has been involved in a variety of civic and community activities and is currently chairman of the board for CHRISTUS Ochsner Hospital System and is on the McNeese College of Business Advisory Council. He is past chairman of the Council for a Better Louisiana and board of directors for the Southwest Louisiana Red Cross, past president of the Louisiana Building Materials Association and a past board of directors’ member of the West Calcasieu Association of Commerce, Southwest Louisiana United Way, Southwest Louisiana Chamber of Commerce and the Community Foundation of Southwest Louisiana. He has been recognized for his leadership and achievements with numerous awards, including the Jaycees Outstanding Young Man of Louisiana Award, West Calcasieu Association of Commerce Citizen of the Year, the Clara Barton American Red Cross Award and Calcasieu Area Council Boy Scouts of America Distinguished Citizen Award.

Jennifer Bushnell

McNeese MLS Program Director Recognized for Outstanding Service at Recent Conference Jennifer Bushnell, the medical laboratory science program director at McNeese State University, received four awards at the

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Louisiana Society for Clinical Laboratory Science’s (LSCLS) annual conference in New Orleans. The LSCLS is the state chapter of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science and furthers the national organization’s mission to make a positive impact in health care through leadership and excellence in the practice of laboratory medicine. The presentation included awards from 2020 and 2021, as the LSCLS conferences were not held due to COVID 19-related restrictions. For her service in 2020, Bushnell received the Omicron Sigma Award in recognition of her outstanding service to the organization and the Educator of the Year award for her exceptional professional achievement and high professional ideals. For 2022, Bushnell was again awarded the Omicron Sigma Award as well as the LSCLS Presidential Service Award, signifying recognition of her “above and beyond” service to the professional organization. Bushnell is a first-generation 1989 McNeese graduate with more than 30 years of experience in the field of medical laboratory science. Before coming to McNeese, Bushnell spent 14 years working in all areas of the medical laboratory at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital where she served as hematology supervisor. She received her Master of Education degree from McNeese in 2002. CHRISTUS Ochsner Health Southwestern Louisiana Welcomes Cardiothoracic Surgeon Subbareddy Konda


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Its ongoing efforts to expand services and clinical expertise, CHRISTUS Oschner St. Patrick Hospital welcomes cardiothoracic surgeon Subbareddy Konda, M.D. He practices at Ochsner CHRISTUS Health Center-St. Patrick located at 401 Dr. Michael Debakey Drive, Suite 200. Dr. Konda is a member of the American College of Surgeons, the Society of Thoracic Surgery, the Association of Surgeons of India, the Association of Cardiothoracic Surgeons of India, the Association of Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Great Britain and the Irish Medical Organization. Dr. Konda is accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment at any Ochsner CHRISTUS Health Center throughout the Lake Charles area, call 337-656-7875 or visit to schedule online. Phillips 66 Lake Charles Manufacturing Complex Names New General Manager Scot Tyler has been named general manager of the Phillips Scot Tyler 66 Lake Charles Manufacturing Complex in Westlake, La. Tyler brings 32 years of experience in a variety of refining and petrochemical industry roles to the Phillips 66 Lake Charles Manufacturing Complex. Tyler worked at PPG Industries in Lake Charles for just over 10 years after college and then more than 21 years for Phillips 66 in various assignments of increasing responsibility in engineering, operations, planning and economics, as well as management. He left the Lake Charles

facility as the Operations Manager in 2018 to serve as the Operations Manager for the Alliance Refinery in Belle Chasse, Louisiana. For additional information, please contact Megan Hartman, public relations director, at 337-491-4443.

JD Bank Welcomes Tyler Richard JD Bank is pleased to welcome Tyler Richard to our Commercial Lending Team. Richard will serve as AVP Commercial Lender in our Lake Charles Tyler Richard market and work with customers throughout SWLA to help them meet their financial goals through the financing of commercial projects including real estate, equipment, operating lines of credit, and many other business needs. His office is located at our Nelson Road Branch, 4400 Nelson Road in Lake Charles.

Subbareddy Konda, M.D.


Places & Faces

On Course for a Great Golf Vacation by Andrea Guthmann

Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, Alabama

Thirty-two miles of pristine, white powder-soft sand beaches offer a sublime backdrop to the five golf courses in the towns of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, a six-hour drive from Lake Charles. Consider playing at the Arnold Palmer-designed Craft Farms. If you’re a nature lover, play a round at Peninsula Golf Club, with its wooden golf cart paths leading to piers overlooking Mobile Bay. Roaming blue herons and egrets make you feel like you’re at a nature preserve. Coastal Alabama Golf can help you plan your golf trip, scoring discounts and the best tee times. Instead of hotels, 85% of visitors stay at a vacation rental. Harris Vacation Rentals has a wide selection of lodging, from beachfront condos to houses that fit the whole family and your pets. For dinner, head to Perch at the modern, eco-friendly Lodge at Gulf State Park for instagram-worthy sunsets overlooking the water. Another date night winner, Fisher’s Upstairs,serves seafood fresh from the Gulf of Mexico..

Whistling Straits, Kohler, Wisconsin

architect, it’s a course that’s both challenging and tranquil, with stately palms lined up along the greens. Colorful bougainvillea frame the driveway leading up to the stately white clubhouse with its massive columns and elegant interiors. There’s a respect for tradition here. Every golfer gets a caddy who brings along a great knowledge of the course. Half Moon has hosted a number of prestigious tournaments including the Jamaica Open Golf Championship and Dunhill Cup Final of the Americas. After enjoying your time on this legendary course, stop by the 19th Hole for a round of drinks. Besides golf, Half Moon Resort offers two miles of beautiful beaches, three restaurants and a world-class spa. But you don’t have to be a guest at the resort to enjoy a day of golf here.

Caribbean Course

Ponte Vedra & St. Augustine, Florida

Summer is serene at Whistling Straights, often called the “Pebble Beach of the Midwest”. Home to 2021’s Ryder Cup and three PGA championships, golfers will feel transported to Ireland’s rugged coastline as this course winds its way along the bluffs overlooking Lake Michigan. Caddies are required and make navigating the course a lot easier. Whistling Straits’ two Pete Dye-designed 18-hole courses are owned by Wisconsin’s luxurious Kohler Resort, located ten miles away. A post-round visit to the luxurious Kohler Waters Spa is a must. Specializing in hydrotherapy, this is your chance to experience all the legendary bath and shower amenities Kohler is known for.

Does your idea of a perfect vacation involve escaping to a tropical paradise? Carved into the foothills of the western coastline of Montego Bay, Jamaica, Half Moon Resort’s 18-hole course sits on the site of a former sugar cane estate. Designed by Robert Trent Jones Sr., America’s preeminent golf course 56

During the COVID-19 days of social distancing, golf courses were a safe place to get exercise and be social. The National Golf Foundation says there were 500,000 more golfers in 2020 than there were in 2019. That’s the largest increase the game has seen in 17 years. With golf on the upswing, there’s a growing interest in golf vacations, a perfect way for weekend golfers to take their game to new heights. We’ve teed up a few of North America’s very best golf destinations.

Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

The Sunshine State boasts more than a thousand golf courses, more than any other place in the U.S. But the epicenter for Florida’s game is just south of Jacksonville in the towns of Ponte Vedra and St. Augustine, home to the World Golf Hall of Fame.

Nearby TPC Sawgrass should be on every golf lover’s bucket list. Home to The Players Championship in March, considered golf’s unofficial fifth major, its clubhouse and course are open to the public. Try your hand at the course’s iconic island green, or just have a round of drinks or a meal at the club’s restaurant. $18 for a burger is a bargain to be able to spend the afternoon drinking in the views of the course from the restaurant’s elegant outdoor patio. Follow up your meal with a free tour of the building or the course. Volunteer storytellers guide you through the club’s history. Ponte Vedra Inn & Club is the resort of choice with two golf courses, plus a complimentary putting green and driving range for guests. This luxurious, familyfriendly, beachfront resort boasts a world class spa and tennis program. Guests can stay in oceanfront lodging or the historic inn overlooking the golf course. Larger golfing groups might opt for the Island House overlooking the course’s iconic 9th island hole. Kids will love the zero-depth pool and water slide

Recovery Spotlight

Johnson Funeral Home

Johnson Funeral Home, a Lake Charles landmark since 1976, recently reopened its Lake Street location almost two years after Hurricane Laura wreaked havoc on their flagship facility. Operations manager Andy Hankins said the damage to the building was extensive. Category 4 winds blew the large roof-mounted air conditioner units off the building, leaving gaping holes in the roof structure. Once the roof was compromised, wind blew into the building, breaking windows and strewing ceiling tiles and insulation. The maelstrom busted furniture, broke lamps and décor, and destroyed computers and other electronics. The sustained force of the wind eventually blew off a large section of the roof over the North Chapel and casket selection room. The roof trusses in this area collapsed, rendering the building structurally unstable, which delayed clean up and reconstruction. Next came the rains. “What wasn’t destroyed by the wind and roof collapse was finished off by the rain,” Hankins said. Johnson’s Sulphur location was similarly damaged, minus the roof collapse. Their Moss Bluff facility suffered only minor damage to the doors. Simple Traditions by Johnson Funeral Home on 5th Ave. was given a new roof, windows, carpet, and interior paint. The cost of repairs to all locations totaled $7.5 million. All facilities are now operating at full capacity. While causing a logistical nightmare due to the massive amounts of damage, Hurricanes Laura and Delta didn’t deter business. In fact, Hankins said they were busier than ever, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which doubled their death call volume. So they created a workaround. During the reconstruction process, founder Zeb Johnson and his team moved operations and managed their funeral business from their smaller Jennings location, which was spared damage.

But their Jennings funeral home was not able to keep up with the demand. The solution? Local communities of faith. “Without the churches, we never would have made it,” Hankins said. “Each church in town called us almost immediately and told us to let them know if we needed any help. We took them up on their offer. Many of the churches changed some of their long-standing rules and regulations to accommodate us. For instance, the Baptist church allowed our families of Catholic faith to have a rosary. Many of our churches permitted the families to have visitations in their chapels for several hours before the service (when prior to the storms that was against the rules due to time and usage constraints.) We would start using one part of one church that was functional and then their reconstruction would start so we would have to move on to another church while their repairs were completed. The ministerial staffs at each church were awesome to work with. I know we overstayed our welcome, but not one pastor, staff member, or church member ever complained.”

by Angie Kay Dilmore

What’s next for Johnson Funeral Home? Hankins said they will begin construction on a new office building at their Lake St. facility. “We had it on our plans to do before the storm. It will be a 4,000 sq foot addition that will accommodate all our office staff.”


Places & Faces

Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for

CANFOR’S DeRidder Plant Ground was officially broken April 21 on Canfor Southern Pine’s DeRidder Plant in Beauregard Parish, Louisiana. More than 60 community leaders gathered for a shovel ceremony on more than 100 acres where the new groundup construction lumber mill is being built. The $160 million state-of-the-art sawmill complex is being constructed with modern technology which will make the journey from log to lumber a high-tech process. From construction to operations, the plant is anticipated to create about 516 direct and indirect jobs. DeRidder Mayor Misty Clanton spoke of Canfor’s contribution to community. “When I look ahead to the future, it’s with much excitement and with lots of hope for the possibilities this plant will bring, not only economically, but also to have


Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

another valuable community partner in our corner to help move us forward. This is progress and this is a good day.” R.B. Smith, vice president of workforce and business development at the SWLA Economic Development Alliance, has worked with Canfor and Beauregard Parish officials since the project’s earliest days. He said, “This is truly a great day in Southwest Louisiana, and it’s been a great partnership with Canfor and every one of their people who are first-class. When this facility is up and operational, over 100 families in this area will be positively impacted working in a renewable, green, sustainable resource.” The state’s abundant forests stretch across 14 million acres – 51% of its land area – and Louisiana has a long history in wood products manufacturing. An estimated one million tons of sawtimber, or 38,000 truckloads of logs, will be required each year to meet the mill’s annual production capacity of 250 million board feet of lumber.

The strategic location of Canfor’s 16th U.S. operation is key to serving existing growing markets and to allow Canfor to grow its market presence globally. The complex will include a log yard, sawmill, lumber drying kilns, finishing planer, lumber storage and a rail spur. Plant commissioning will be a process, with first log through the sawmill expected late this year and finished product through the planer mill in Q1 2023. Canfor Southern Pine (CSP) has deep roots and a rich history that includes several legacy companies and partnerships with the leaders in the U.S. lumber industry. Over the last 10 years, Canfor has invested about $1 billion in CSP operations and anticipates significant future growth in the U.S. South. Learn more at




URISMWO Kyle Edmiston, CDME VISIT LAKE CHARLES President/CEO of Visit Lake Charles

in Southwest Louisiana

This past week,

Paul’s Rib Shack to the $200 million renovation Visit Lake Charles OUTSTANDING and addition at the Horseshoe Casino, celebrated National CULINARY OUTSTANDING we are poised for growth. Not to mention, Travel and Tourism PROFESSIONAL BARTENDING everyone is also ready for a new I-10 bridge and a Week (NTTW). le’s Amanda renovated parking garage on the lakefront! The This year also PROFESSIONAL Cusey future of travel is bright. happens to be the Executive Chef at 50th anniversary of We also took a moment to honor those in the The Villa Harlequin the Lake Charles/ hospitality industry who work on the frontlines Southwest Louisiana or behind the scenes to ensure quality guest Convention & Visitors Bartender/Server at OUTSTANDING experiences in Southwest Louisiana Bureau, and we commemorated the occasion FOOD SERVICE with the R.O.S.E. Awards, or Recognition of The James 710 over NTTW festivities. Spanning the past 50 PROFESSIONAL Service Excellence as well as Legacy Awards years, the CVB has evolved and grown into the for partners in tourism who work to enhance organization that it is today, creating synergy, Cristal cultural products, initiatives, and ensure partnerships, and driving economic vitality new Lakefront location, Lake Area Adventures & This past week, Boudreaux development in the destination. Those who OUTSTANDING across a variety of powerful sectors in Southwest Server at Paul’s Ribnominated Shackhospitality to the $200 million renovation Visit Lake professionals for Louisiana. TheCharles sophistication of marketing, President/CEO of Louisiana Travel Association BANQUET/CATERING Southern Spice VISIT LAKE CHARLES R.O.S.E. Awards also created testimonial videos securing domestic and international business, and addition at the Horseshoe Casino, celebrated National 2022 to showcase what makes their efforts shine for PROFESSIONAL world-classin sporting events, and spurring With more than 30 years MAY of hospitality experience different the tourism industry. Check out these videos Travel anddid Tourism development not happen overnight.we The are poised for growth. Not to mention, OUTSTANDING facets of travel, tourism, and economic development, Kidder at, and also, learn groundwork and solid foundation wereeveryone put into HOTEL SALES is also ready forinaSouthwest new I-10 bridge and a (NTTW). about the future of travel Louisiana oversees Louisiana Travel Association (LTA)Week which isago, an place 50 years and each year, we strive to PROFESSIONAL Conference at renovated parking garage on the lakefront! Senior The This year also build upon the year before – year after year. 800-member trade association that promotes, educates, and

MAY 2022



“Rockstar” Caesar



Jill Kidder LES


Kizzy Frank




Tiffany at Planning Manager Cusey ROSE AWARDS advocates for the Louisiana Tourism She VISIT LAKE CHARLES future of travel is bright. new Lakefront location, Lake Adventures & happens to future berecently the ThisVISIT pastindustry. week, LAKE CHARLES Celestine Looking to has the ofArea travel in Southwest Golden Nugget Lake VISIT LAKE CHARLES Rib Shack to the $200 million renovation Visit Lake CharlesandPaul’s OUTSTANDING become registered as an official lobbyist extended her Louisiana, I know that everyone cannot wait for General Manager Executive Che MAY 2022 50th anniversary of and addition at the Horseshoe Casino, celebrated National MAY 2022 Charles Hotel & Casino CULINARY some of thefor promising developments to begin Springhill Suites by duties to include advocating MAY 2022for tourism. we are poised growth. Not to mention, Travel and Tourism PROFESSIONAL We also took a moment to honor those in the

Legacy Awards &Louisiana thein Inaugural R.O.S.E. Awards in Southwest Southwest Louisiana in Southwest Louisiana

The Villa Harl the Lake Charles/ Sincerely, right along shores of Lake Marriott everyone is alsothe ready for a new I-10 bridge and a Amanda Kyleindustry Edmiston, CDME Charlesparking through a variety of public/private renovated garage on the lakefront! The hospitality who work on the frontlines Southwest Louisiana OUTSTANDING Cusey OUTSTANDING future of travel is bright. President/CEO of Visit Lake Charles partnerships. From $30-35 million in Executive at SPORTS PARTNER OF THE YEAR AWARD or behind the scenes toChef ensure quality guestCASINO FLOOR BARTENDING development with Wonder, Eagle’s Convention &toPort Visitors We also took a moment honor those inCrying the The Villa Harlequin PROFESSIONAL hospitality industry who work on the frontlinesexperiences in Southwest Louisiana OUTSTANDIN PROFESSIONAL Bureau, and we commemorated the occasion Joey Odom or behind the scenes to ensure quality guest “Rockstar” OUTSTANDING experiences in Southwest Louisiana FOOD SERV with the R.O.S.E. Awards, or Recognition of Owner Louisiana over NTTW festivities. Spanning the past 50 LEGACY AWARDS Caesar Darrell FOOD SERVICE with the R.O.S.E. Awards, or Recognition of LAKE CHARLES inand Southwest Louisiana PROFESSION PROFESSIONAL Service Excellence as well as Legacy Awards Service Excellence as well as Legacy Awards Bartender/Server at years, the CVB has evolved grown into the a Despite Taylor The James 710 for partners in tourism who work to enhance 2022 Cristal SHELLEY JOHNSON TOURISM new Lakefront location, Lake Area Adventures &Lakefront This past week, new location, Lake Area This past week, hosted for partners in tourism who work toAdventures enhance & cultural products, initiatives, andthe ensure ng numerous organization that it is today, creating synergy, new Lakefront location, Lake Area Adventures & Boudreaux This past week, Cristal LEADERSHIP AWARD Executive Casino Host at development in the$200 destination. 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From $30-35 million in Southwest Louisiana and addition at the Casino, OUTSTANDING nal experiences in Southwest Louisiana Southwest and addition at the Horseshoe Casino, celebrated National siana annual events in Calcasieu Parish. He has been a loyal place 50 years ago, and each we to Bureau, and we commemorated the occasion hospitality industry who work on the frontlines PROFESSION weyear, are poised forstrive growth.Louisiana Not to mention, Travel and Tourism BARTENDING CULINARY CULINARY PROFESSIONAL development with Port Wonder, Crying Eagle’sLouisiana Southwest PROFESSIONAL FOOD SERVICE with the R.O.S.E. Awards, or Recognition of guestor behind or behind the scenes to ensure quality Larry Avery Joey Odom over NTTW festivities. Spanning the past 50 the scenes to ensure quality guest Hostess at Convention &Lake Visitors PROFESSIONAL atand weand are poised for growth. 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Awards, or Recognition of Amanda NTTW Spanning the past 50 longstanding numerous development in the destination. Those who renovated parking garage on the lakefront! The Bartender/Server at Executive Chef at across a variety of powerful sectors in Southwest Celestine over NTTW festivities. Spanning the past 50 The Awards, or Recognition 50th anniversary of Looking to the future of travel in Southwest ExecutiveSERVICE Casino Host at renovated parking garage on the lakefront! This year also FOOD with the R.O.S.E. of Server at nominated hospitality professionals overhere NTTW festivities. Spanning the Excellence past 50 history of challenges in PROFESSIONAL We also took honorfor those in the The James 710 Service asa moment well astoLegacy Awards Louisiana. The sophistication marketing, right in Louisiana’s Playground. 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Awards, or Recognition of initiatives, and ensure GUEST SERVICES about the future of travel in Southwest Louisiana PROFESSIONAL Sincerely, right along shores of Lake Paul’s Rib Shack to thePROFESSIONAL $200 million renovation Visit Lake Charles partnerships, and driving economic vitality With more than 30 years of hospitality experience in different Marriott place 50 years ago, andthe each year, we strive to over NTTW festivities. Spanning the past 50work OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL and Crying Laura and Delta, development in the destination. Those who hospitality industry who on the frontlines Boudreaux development inKizzy the destination. 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Not to mention, Travel and Tourism oversees Louisiana Travelin Association (LTA) which is an or behind the scenes to ensure quality guest nominated hospitality professionals for PROFESSIONAL for partners tourism who work to enhance nominated professionals for family came to gave up on Jacob Jolie sitors Senior Conference iana. The sophistication marketing, organization that it is today, creating synergy, Server at Cristal everyoneSouthern or behind the to ensure quality guest Celestine Louisiana. Thescenes sophistication ofthat marketing, 800-member trade association promotes, educates, and Looking to the future of travel in Southwest is also ready forSpice a new I-10 bridge and a Pat Week nominated for (NTTW). Convention &of Visitors OUTSTANDIN Planning Manager at cultural products, initiatives, and hospitality ensure Chair the Louisiana Gaming Control Board the forefront of professionals holding over 20 received Legacy R.O.S.E. Awards, Southern Spice Louisiana. The sophistication ofAwards marketing, Amanda OUTSTANDING President/CEO ofGeneral Visit Lake partnerships. From $30-35 million in partnerships, and driving economic vitality experiences in Southwest Louisiana advocates forand the Louisiana Tourism industry. She has recently R.O.S.E. also created testimonial videos Louisiana, I know that everyone cannot wait forAwards renovated parkingvideos garage on the lakefront! The Southern This year also Manager at Charles Boudreaux Ficklin Spice R.O.S.E. Awards also created testimonial n ing domestic and international business, Golden Nugget Lake OUTSTANDING Bellman at L’Auberge experiences Southwest Louisiana securing and business, theinternational hurricane with the Southwest Louisiana annual events in Calcasieu Parish. He has been aofloyal development inaftermath the destination. Those become registered as an official lobbyist and extended her who Cusey R.O.S.E. Awards alsofor created testimonial videos some ofof thepowerful promising developments toin begin across adomestic variety sectors indomestic Southwest future travel is bright. commemorated the occasion happens to& beCasino the Springhill Suites by Charles Hotel BARTENDIN securing and international business, FOOD SERVICE Server at with the R.O.S.E. Awards, or Recognition of Hostess at to showcase what makes their efforts shine development with Port Wonder, Eagle’s duties tonominated include forConcert tourism. ayor Last year as of “Backadvocating inCrying Flight” and Charity Event. partner to Visit Lake Charles and area parks by keeping hospitality professionals for He is to showcase what makes their efforts shine for Sincerely, 0 right the shores of of Lake Executive Chef at 50th anniversary of -class sporting events,Louisiana. and spurring Marriott respectively: Thealong sophistication marketing, Casino Resort Lake FOOD SERVICE with the R.O.S.E. Awards, or Recognition world-class sporting events, and spurring Week (NTTW). This year also happens to be the 50th anniversary of the Lake Charles/ Southwest Louisiana Convention & Visitors and we commemorated the occasion of VISIT LAKE CHARLES ofBureau, Sports Productions over NTTW festivities. MAY 2022 Spanning the past 50 years, the CVB has evolved and grown into the organization that it is today, creating synergy, partnerships, and driving economic vitality across a variety of powerful sectors in Southwest Louisiana. The sophistication of marketing, VISIT LAKE CHARLES securing domestic and international business, MAY 2022 world-class sporting events, andpast spurring This week, development did not happen overnight. The Visit Lake Charles groundwork and solid foundation were put into celebrated National place 50 years ago, and each year,and we strive to Travel Tourism build upon the year beforeWeek – year(NTTW). after year.



in Southwest Louisiana

in Southwest Louisiana


new Lakefront location, Lake Area Adventures &

new Lakefront location, Lake Area Adventures & ast week, ROSE AWARDS ROSE AWARDS Paul’s Rib Shack to the $200 million renovation ake Charles and addition at the Horseshoe Casino, ated National we are poised for growth. Not to mention, and Tourism everyone is also ready for a new I-10 bridge and a (NTTW). renovated parking garage on the lakefront! The PROFESSION ear also the past 50sporting events, and to showcase what makes their efforts shine for tivities. Spanningworld-class the spurring tourism industry. Check out these videos the tourism industry. Check out these videosPROFESSIONAL opment did not happen overnight. Thedevelopment PROFESSIONAL OUTSTANDING Service Excellence well asovernight. Legacy Awards did notashappen The industry. OUTSTANDING the tourism Check out these videos has evolved and grown into the development didput notinto happen overnight. 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Check out these the promising developments to begin id not the happen overnight. Sincerely, Jill Kidder OUTSTANDING along shores ofsome Lakeof The OUTSTANDIN HOTEL SALES Sincerely, who work right along the shores of Lake hospitality industry on the frontlines at, and also, learn Sincerely, right along the shores of Lake nd foundation put into Kyle Edmiston, CDME lessolid through a varietywere of public/private HOTEL SALES west Louisiana PROFESSIONAL Kyle Edmiston, CDME Charles through a variety of public/private BANQUET/C Kyle Edmiston, CDME Charles through a variety public/private aboutof the future of travel in Southwest Louisiana OUTSTANDING ago, and each wemillion strive to President/CEO of Visit Lake erships. Fromyear, $30-35 in OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL President/CEO of Visit Lake Charles partnerships. 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Those who ors in Southwest BANQUET/CATERING Jill Kidder OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL nominated hospitality professionals for Frank OUTSTANDING BANQUET/CATERING OUTSTANDIN OUTSTANDING marketing, Kizzy OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL E CHAIR’S CUP SPORTS PARTNER OF THE YEAR AWARD GUEST SERV THE CHAIR’S CUP SPORTS PARTNER OF THE YEAR AWARD CASINO FLOOR CASINO FLOOR THE CHAIR’S CUP SPORTS PARTNER OF THE YEAR AWARD CASINO FLOOR PROFESSIONAL PROFESSION R.O.S.E. Awards also created testimonial videos Kizzy Frank PROFESSIONAL arry Avery Joey Odom Larry Avery Joey Odom PROFESSIONAL onal business, Larry Avery Joey Odom Darrell Pat Darrell Darrell to showcase what makes their efforts shine for Taylor Taylor Ficklin spurring Taylor Hostess at OUTSTANDING Charles.orgSPORTS #VisitLakeCharles #LouisianasPlayground tourism industry. Check out these videos PARTNER the OF THE YEAR AWARD Southern Spice CASINO FLOOR rnight. Joey The Odom PROFESSIONAL OUTSTANDING

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Southern Spice Southern Spice We also took a moment to honor those in the committed to CDME building a restaurant on the Lakefront such prestigious the events asCharles/ the Governor’s Games, Kyle Edmiston, Charles through a variety of public/private The Villa Harlequin Lake R.O.S.E. Awards also created testimonial videos Service Excellence as well as Legacy Awards the tourism securing domestic and international business, OUTSTANDING hospitality work on the frontlines OUTSTANDING near the future Wonder project which will for greatly USSSA State Tournament, and USSSA World Series industry who Charles of Port Visit Lake Charles partnerships. From $30-35 million in Southwest Louisiana THE CHAIR’S CUP SPORTS PARTNER OF THE YEAR AWARD toPresident/CEO showcase what makes their efforts shine CASINO FLOOR world-class sporting events, spurring or behind the scenes to ensure quality guest industry worked BARTENDING for partners in tourism who enhance enhanceto tourism and lakefront development. right here in Louisiana’s Playground. development with Portand Wonder, Crying Eagle’s work Convention & Visitors PROFESSIONAL the Joey tourism industry. Check out these videos Larry Avery Odom OUTSTANDING experiences in Southwest Louisiana development did not happen overnight. The PROFESSIONAL OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING Bureau, and we commemorated the occasion with legislators cultural products, initiatives, and at, and also, learn over NTTW festivities. Spanning Co-founder of Crying Eagle Brewing Company Owner ofensure Sports Productions of Louisiana FOOD SERVICE with the R.O.S.E. Awards, or Recognition of Darrell groundwork and solid foundation were put into the past 50 HOTEL SALES VALET/BELLMAN “Rockstar” PROFESSIONAL Service Excellence as well as Legacy Awards TOURISM LIFETIME SERVICE PUBLIC SERVICE AWARD to pass the about the future of travel in Southwest Louisiana Avery has a Despite AWARD Taylor years, the CVB has evolved and grown into the place 50 years ago, and each year, we strive to development in the destination. Those whonumerous PROFESSIONAL Caesar PROFESSIONAL for partners in tourism who work to enhance longstanding organization that it is today, creating synergy, at Executive Casino Host at Cristal build upon the year before – year afterhistory year. of framework forin Server at at Mayor Bob Hardey RonnieBartender/Server Johns challenges cultural products, initiatives, and ensure partnerships, and driving economic vitality nominated hospitality working professionals for Tiffany Delta Downs Racetrack Jacob Jolie Boudreaux The James Gaming 710 with SHELLEY Former hosting events JOHNSON TOURISM Server atin the destination. Mayor of Westlake, Louisiana Chair the Louisiana Control Board development Those who the Tourism Casino & Hotel across a variety ofof powerful sectors in Southwest Southern Spice Celestine Server at LookingAwards to the future of travel in Southwest Bellman at L’Auberge Visit Lake in Southwest LEADERSHIP AWARD R.O.S.E. also created testimonial videos nominated hospitality professionals for Louisiana. The sophistication of marketing, The Last year as Charles Louisiana duelate Mayor Southern Spice Southern Spice Louisiana, I know that everyone cannot waitthrough for Casino Resort Lake R.O.S.E. also created testimonial videos General Manager atAwards Jan HardyRecovery and OUTSTANDING securing domestic and international business, Jill Kidder Big Easy Foods, to Hurricanes OUTSTANDING theto tourism to showcase what makes their efforts shine forHardey was world-class sporting events, showcase what makes their efforts shine for GUEST SERVICES some of the promising developments to begin Charles General Manager at Springhill Suites by Improvement and spurring and Crying President/CEO of Louisiana Travel Association Laura and Delta, General Manager at BANQUET/CATERING industry worked a stalwart the tourism industry. Check out these videos PROFESSIONAL Sincerely, development did not happen overnight.Marriott The General Manager atOUTSTANDING right along theindustry. shores of Lake Eagle. His Odom never the tourism Check out these videos PROFESSIONAL District bill, With more than 30 years of hospitality experience in different supporter of with Springhill Suites bylearn at legislators, and also, family came to gave up on groundwork and solid foundation were put into Springhill Suites by HOTEL SALES Pat CDME development, Charles through a variety of public/private facets of Kyle travel,Edmiston, tourism, and economic Kidder Westlake, to pass the Housekeeping Kizzy Frank about the future of travel in Southwest Louisiana Springhill Suites by at, and also, learn the forefront of holding over 20 place 50 years ago, and each year, we strive to then Senator PROFESSIONAL OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING Ficklin oversees Louisiana Travel Association (LTA) which is an of Visit Lake Charles partnerships. From $30-35 million in Marriott people of build upon the year before framework for at Marriott the hurricane aftermath with the Southwest Louisiana President/CEO annual events in Calcasieu Parish. He has been the a loyal Senior Conference – year after year. 800-member trade association that promotes, educates, and Supervisor at Courtyard BARTENDING HOUSEKEEPING Marriott Hostess atManager about the “Back future ofandof travel Southwest Louisiana Johns,development took the piece legislation from the House Tiffany with Port Wonder, Crying Eagle’s in Flight” Concert Charity Event. Hein is partner to Visit Lake Charles and area parksof by Westlake, keeping and of LouisianaPlanning the Tourism at Travel Association advocates for the Louisiana Tourism industry. She President/CEO has recently Southern SpiceLake committed to building a restaurant on the Lakefront such prestigious events as the Governor’s Games, PROFESSIONAL Nugget Celestine travel in Southwest Southwest Looking to the future of Golden Recovery and by Marriott PROFESSIONAL Representatives and stewarded itregistered to the finish line with become as anTournament, official lobbyist extended at Travel. near the future Port Wonder project which will greatly USSSA State andand USSSA Worldher Series Charles Hotel & Casino cannot wait for Improvement General Manager at Louisiana. Louisiana, I know that everyone duties to include advocating for tourism. “Rockstar” Rose Wero enhance tourism and lakefront development. right here in Louisiana’s Playground. the Governor’s signature. 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Representatives and stewarded to the finish with MayorAvery Bobapplauds Hardey Ronnie Johns TheitJames 710 lineis SHELLEY JOHNSON General Manager BARTENDING Jacob Jolie development with Port Wonder, Crying Eagle’s Co-founder of Crying Eagle Brewing Company ofthe Sports Productions Louisiana Senior Confere Former Mayor of Westlake, Louisiana Chair Louisiana Control Board and seen toOwner The of National GolfGaming Clubofof Louisiana the Governor’s Darrell signature. 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President/CEO of had Louisiana Travel Association TRANSPORTATION BANQUET/CATERING working with hosting events supporter of with legislators Casino & Hotel become registered as an official lobbyist and extended her Bartender/Server at Bartender/Server at Kyle Edmiston, CDME Visit Bartender/Server Lake in Southwest Marriott PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL Westlake, to pass the With more than 30 years of hospitality experience in different Charles Hotela& The James 710 SHELLEY JOHNSON TOURISM Bartender/Server at OUTSTANDING Charles through Louisiana the people of Charles framework for duties todue include advocating for tourism. The James 710 OUTSTANDING President/CEO of Visit Lake LASTING IMPRESSION AWARD HOSPITALITY ARTS &Kizzy TOURISM AWARD Kidder The James 710 LEADERSHIP AWARD Big Easyfacets Foods,of travel, tourism, and economic development, to Hurricanes Pamela Frank HOUSEKEEPING

GUEST SERVICES The James 710 OUTSTANDING Miller President/CEO of Association Rose Wero Charter Coordinator at BANQUET/CATERING Manager atLouisiana Travel President of Arts ofPlanning Southwest Louisiana PatCouncil Charter Coordinator at PROFESSIONAL Nugget Lake Housekeeping Golden With more than 30 years of hospitality experience in different Partin has been Ficklin Partin has been Coastal CrewCoastal Change Crew Change facets of travel, tourism, and economic development, Kidder Supervisor at Courtyard Charles Hotel & Casino Kizzy Frank Hostess at dedicated s dedicated to oversees Louisianato Travel Association (LTA) which is an by Marriott President/CEO of Louisiana Travel Association Senior Conference President/CEO of Louisiana Travel Southern Spice Association theatre andassociation that promotes, educates, and 800-member trade President/CEO of Louisiana Travel Association Planning Manager at he theatre and OUTSTANDING thefor arts the advocates thein Louisiana Tourism industry. She has recently Golden Nugget Lake With more than 30 years of hospitality experience in different become registered as an official lobbyist and extended her CASINO FLOOR capital of Owner Lake Areain as adifferent OUTSTANDING With more than 30 years ofProductions hospitality experience ts the arts in the Co-founder of Crying Eagle Brewing Company of Sports of Louisiana Charles Hotel & Casino OUTSTANDING Bartender/Server at duties performer to include advocating for tourism. With more than 30 years Louisiana. ofKidder hospitality experience in different that he had for Westlake. TRANSPORTATION and PROFESSIONAL facets of travel, tourism, and economic development, Larry TOURISM Avery LIFETIME SERVICE AWARD Joey Odom VALET/BELLMAN Lake Area asfacets a of travel, tourism, and economic development, Kidder PUBLIC SERVICE AWARD PROFESSIONAL Over the last on the board of The James 710 facets of travel, tourism, and economic development, Kidder OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL Avery has a Despite Co-founder of Crying Eagle Brewing Company Owner of Sports Productions of Louisiana Darrell oversees Louisiana TravelRonnie Association (LTA) which is an years, Bartender/Server at YEAR AWARD LASTING Bob IMPRESSION AWARD HOSPITALITY ARTS & TOURISM AWARD performer and several Lake Charles THE CHAIR’S CUP Association SPORTS PARTNER OF THE oversees Louisiana Travel (LTA)the which is an Mayor Hardey Johns CASINO FLOOR Senior Conference Jacob oversees Louisiana Travel Association (LTA) whichPamela is an JolieTaylorLittle Theatre Avery has a Despite Senior Conference high school longstanding numerous Former of800-member Westlake, Louisiana Chair of the Louisiana Gaming Controleducates, Board PROFESSIONAL trade association that promotes, and Larry SamMayor Moore Randy Partin st on the board of Avery Joey Odom 800-member trade association that promotes, educates, and The James 710 Miller Senior Conference Bellman at L’Auberge longstanding numerous baseball has for 13 Owner years, Planning Manager at 800-member trade association that promotes, educates, and Head Baseball Coach at Sulphur HighThe School President of Arts Council of Southwest Louisiana Executive Casino Host at Co-founder of Crying Eagle Brewing Company of Sports Productions of Louisiana Planning Manager a late Mayor Last year as Darrell CharterResort Coordinator at history of challenges in Casino Lake advocates for the Louisiana Tourism industry. 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OUTSTANDING Casino & Hotel the people of framework for duties to include advocating capital of Lake Area as a for tourism. Visit Lake in Southwest Big Easy Foods, to Hurricanes piece of tourism business toas Southwest Louisiana. With of hospitality experience in different uge more than 30 years serving the HOUSEKEEPING Charles through Louisiana due Westlake, and Travel Association the Tourism GUEST SERVICES President/CEO of Louisiana Louisiana. performer and Charles through Louisiana due and Crying Laura and Delta, OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL Southwest Recovery and Over thedevelopment, last on the board Big Easy Foods, to Hurricanes ity. president of the board for 8His years. He is Big currently the facets of travel, tourism, and economic Kidder PROFESSIONAL Eagle. Odomofnever Easy Foods, to Hurricanes GUEST SERVICES Louisiana. 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She has to The National Club ofand Louisiana and seen the Governor’s signature. Johns currently serves as Hostess at Moore’s integralGolf assistance for hosting the president of the Arts Council Southwest Louisiana “Back in Flight” Concert and Charity Event. 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OUTSTANDING piece of tourism business to Southwest Louisiana. Charles Hotel & Casino near the future Port Wonder project which will greatly USSSA State Tournament, and20 USSSA Planning Manager at World Series the forefront of Despite holding over Avery has afor that he had for Westlake. duties to includeenhance advocating tourism. tourism and lakefront right here in Louisiana’s Playground. advocates fordevelopment. the Louisiana Tourism industry. She has recently Avery has a Despite TRANSPORTATION enhance tourism and lakefront development. right here in Louisiana’s Playground. Avery aSouthwest Louisiananumerous Despite Golden Nugget Lake OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING the hurricane aftermath withhas the annual events in Calcasieu Parish. 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800-456-SWLA #VisitLakeCharles #LouisianasPlayground

Delta Downs Racetrack Sam Moore Partin Miller history of Randy challenges inGovernor’s Mayor Bob Hardey Ronnie Johns working with hosting events committed building onofthe Lakefront such prestigious events as the Games, Mayor Bob Hardey Ronnie Johns Head Baseball Coachto at Sulphur High Schoola restaurant President Arts Council of Southwest Louisiana working with hosting events Former Mayor of Westlake,Charter Louisiana Chair ofCasino the Louisiana Control Board &Gaming Hotel Jacob Jolie Coordinator at working with hosting events Former Mayor of Westlake, Louisiana Chair of the Louisiana Gaming Control Board Partin beenUSSSA State Tournament, Visit inhasSouthwest Coastal Crew Change nearLake the future Port Southwest Wonder project which will greatly USSSA World Series Visit Lake in Southwest Theand late Mayor Last year as Bellman at L’Auberge Jan Hardy Louisiana is dedicated to Visit Lake in Southwest Hardey was the tourism The late Mayor Last year as through Louisiana due SPORTS PARTNER OF THECharles YEARtheatre AWARD Casino Resort Lake known as the and Jan Hardy Charles enhance tourism and lakefront development. right here in Louisiana’s Playground. through Louisiana due

Delta Downs Racetra Jacob Jolie Delta Downs Racetrack 59 Casino & Hotel Bellman at L’Auberge Casino & Hotel Casino Resort Lake Charles


Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022


Money & Career


WORKS Local business legacies

L to R, Randy Lanza, Erin Howle, Flo Lanza, Danny Lanza

JOSEPH’S ELECTRICAL CENTER Erin Howle, lighting consultant at Joseph’s Electrical Center, says the family business began in the 1960s with her greatgrandfather, Mike Lanza, as part of his electrical contracting business, Lake Charles Electric. “My grandfather, Joseph (Joe) Lanza, bought the showroom and electrical supply house portion in 1973, and Joseph’s Electrical Center, as we know it today, was born,” she says.

Joe Lanza

retired in the late 1990s. But Erin says he continued to come to the store every day up until just months before his death. “He passed away in 2015, but he was very proud of the fact that he was able to provide a livelihood to his children through the family business. At the time of his death, four of his six children and one of his six grandchildren worked in the business, though others had worked here at one time or another over the years.” The business is currently owned by Joe’s wife, Flo, and there are four family members who work at the store. Flo is 90 years old and does accounts payable and payroll. Danny (Joe and Flo’s son) does accounts receivable and manages electrical sales. Randy (another


Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

son) oversees the decorative and landscape lighting portion as well as the window displays. And Erin (Joe & Flo’s granddaughter) does showroom sales and marketing. As a kid, she recalls going to “the shop” after school and during the summers. “I built houses out of light fixture boxes and roller skated through the showroom and warehouse to see how fast I could finish the route.” Erin says the lighting industry has changed drastically over the last few decades. “In the beginning, we only carried a few decorative lighting lines because they mostly offered the same types of things. We could fit all the fixtures for a new house in something the size of a grocery cart. But over the years, lighting has become an integral part of the decorative home furnishings industry, and we now buy from over 150 different lighting companies. We can get pretty much anything our customers want. If it’s not something we are familiar with, we will research it and find out more. We have recently ordered custom hand-blown glass fixtures from Italy and currently have a custom seven-foot-wide chandelier on order for a customer. But even with big projects like those, we still sell everyday light fixtures and light bulbs.”

by Angie Kay Dilmore

Joe and Flo Lanza in the early 2000s

Moving forward, Erin says the family plans to do what they’ve always done. “We want to provide the best electrical and lighting expertise and selection of residential lighting and fan products in our area.” And will the company remain in the family? Erin is currently the youngest person in the business. Her oldest son is age 14. We’ll see!

Big city selection. Small town service.

605 12TH ST, LAKE CHARLES 337-436-4930

Joseph’s Electrical Center is located at 605 12th St. in Lake Charles. For more information, call 337-436-4930 or see their website,



Our team is READY TO LEND

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Twenda Hanson

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Bobby Broussard


Money & Career Thomas Clemons (L), Todd Clemons (R)

Entrepreneurship Runs in the Family

Brothers Consider Lake Charles Ideal for Business

by Christine Fisher

Two brothers, both Lake Charles natives, are examples of the entrepreneurial spirit that is prevalent in Southwest Louisiana. Each one has his own business and their own path of how it came to be, but they share a passion for this area despite the challenges experienced from Mother Nature. “The opportunities in Lake Charles are endless. Anyone who has an entrepreneurial spirit, this is a great place to be,” says Todd S. Clemons, attorney and founder of Todd Clemons and Associates. Upon graduation from Southern University Law Center, Todd was open to employment “anywhere from Lake Charles to New Orleans,” he says. “In my last year of law school, Judge Henry Yelverton of the Third Circuit Court of Appeal offered me a job as a law clerk, and I jumped on it because there’s no place like home.” He went on to become an Assistant District Attorney in Calcasieu Parish for several years, then joined the Department of Justice as an Assistant US Attorney in the Lake Charles and Lafayette area. Todd opened his law firm in Lake Charles in 2007. The firm currently has three attorneys and will expand to four when his son, Micah Clemons, joins in August.


Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

“The hurricanes, ice storm and flood have been difficult for many people and it’s sad to see so many people displaced, but Lake Charles is coming back stronger than ever,” Todd says. “The future is very bright; I see progress every day.” Todd’s older brother, Thomas, is a graduate of McNeese State University and co-owner of PrideStaff, a staffing agency in Lake Charles, along with his sister, Tanya. “We always contemplated a joint business venture, and we wanted to open the business in Lake Charles because this is our hometown. We have family and extended family here. She resides in Connecticut, but she is very involved in the business and I’m the operating partner.” Thomas is a member of the board of directors with the Chamber Southwest and serves as vice chair of business development and diversity. Todd is also a member of the Chamber Southwest. Both are strong advocates of how businesses can flourish when they provide excellent service to their customers. “I agreed to serve on the board because my vision of this area matches up with the Chamber’s overall vision. Specifically, that involves increasing opportunities for businesses from all backgrounds,” Thomas explains. “Everyone should have a voice and a seat at the table. We are in a unique position to rebuild our area in a way that hasn’t been available prior to the recent events that have set us back. We just need to ensure that everyone is represented.”

Todd admits that as a boss he is demanding but fair. “Our clients pay significant fees for our services. In criminal cases, their freedom is on the line. They are trusting us, and we must deliver excellent service.” Todd says he and his brother are both strong-willed, and they have a strong work ethic. “Our father is retired from the Postal Service. Growing up, we saw him go to work every day, delivering mail in the heat and humidity,” says Todd. “Although he was a college graduate, he never complained. Our late mother was also hard working, at one time working two jobs. In our family, we learned that if you want something, you must work for it.” One of the aspects of Southwest Louisiana that Todd enjoys is the genuineness of the people, the abundance of outdoor activities and the food. “We have excellent cuisine, and we’re on the water between Houston and New Orleans; Lake Charles is a great location,” he says. Thomas agrees. “There is an engaging and down-home feel of Southwest Louisiana. In my experience with my business, residents are engaging and supportive if we’re true to our word and we stand behind our products and services. People here really want businesses to succeed. I feel they are willing to give you every opportunity to do so.”

Managing Your Investments During Difficult Times The combination of a pandemic, economic difficulties, political unrest, and natural disasters have all presented their respective challenges. Investors may be wondering what effect these events could have on their investments, which is why it’s helpful for investors to focus on three fundamental actions that could help them work toward meeting their investment goals — know yourself, build a plan, and keep an eye on the long term. Know yourself When stocks drop by 20% or more, some investors might ignore the drop, others might feel the urge to sell, while still others might see it as a good time to buy. This range of reactions illustrates different levels of risk tolerance, or how sensitive investors are to market volatility. Risk tolerance varies from one investor to another, and no level of tolerance is considered the “right” level — there’s only the right risk tolerance for each investor. Talking with financial advisors or completing online questionnaires can help investors determine their risk tolerance.

While understanding your risk tolerance is essential, it should not be considered in isolation. Risk tolerance, goals, and time horizon all play a role in setting an investment plan. Investing more aggressively may yield more rewards but the length of time available for investing also plays a part. A longer time horizon could give investors the potential for compound growth. And setting specific goals can help to determine how much an investor should accumulate to support their goals. Build a plan Dwight D. Eisenhower may have said it best: “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.” Even though a plan may need to be modified to adapt to changes, the very process of setting a plan will help investors to discover and focus on their most important investment goals. For a plan to be useful, it’s important for investors to clearly detail which goals they are trying to achieve. Some of an investor’s goals will be shorter term, such as building a rainyday fund. Intermediate-term goals might include buying a house or paying for a child’s education. Longer-term goals might include planning for retirement and potentially leaving a legacy for charities or family.

Investor assets can then be matched to those various goals. For example, investors might own short-term bonds to meet a near-term expense, and a mixture of stocks and longerterm bonds to meet needs that are further in the future. The investor’s risk tolerance will help determine the mix of more volatile assets — such as stocks — to less volatile assets such as bonds. Keep an eye on the long term Once a plan is in place, it’s important to maintain it over the long term. This process includes regularly rebalancing the portfolio if allocations move too far away from targets, a task that in many cases can be automated. Maintenance also includes revisiting plans as investor goals or situations change. A plan is meant to be a living document. While market drops can be troublesome, unpredictable economic events have presented challenges in the past. With resilience and creativity, America’s businesses and households have managed to overcome them. While there are no guarantees that past performance will repeat itself, history has shown us that investors who reach their goals are often those who stick to their investment plans and take a long-term view of the markets.

This article was written by/for Wells Fargo Advisors and provided courtesy of Tonya Jones Griffith in Lake Charles, La. at 337-439-9081, located at 2070 Walnut St. Suite 101. Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2019 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. All rights reserved.


Money & Career

Lead Council The 2021-22 Washington Marion High School LEAD Council has selected to make a $20,000 donation to Epps Memorial Library to help purchase new technology for innovative teen programming and services as the library rebuilds due to damages sustained from Hurricanes Laura and Delta. This donation is provided by Tellurian Inc’s youth LEAD program annual grant to Washington Marion High School. The students selected to focus their community project on literacy this year following a meeting with community leaders where various challenges facing local residents were discussed. Epps Memorial Library was identified as the ideal project partner after the students visited the library and observed the building damages sustained from the 2020 hurricanes in. “I truly enjoyed working on our project with Epps Memorial Library,” said Grace Bettis, a Junior and LEAD council member at Washington Marion High School. “We were heartbroken when we saw the condition of our community library. This was the place we would go after school to do homework, and a safe place to see our friends after school.” The library is slated to begin repairs soon, and with the funds provided by the LEAD students, the rebuild will include new technology for innovative teen programming and services, including items for a special Library of Things. 66

Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022


“I was genuinely stunned and thankful when the students met with me and told me of their wanting to donate to Epps Memorial,” says Shone Jones, Branch Manager of Epps Memorial Library. “To know that the library meant so much to them was truly heartwarming and appreciative. This donation will allow the library to purchase technology and digital equipment that will enhance programming services.” The library will offer local teens opportunities to create, explore, and engage with high-quality equipment for video production as well as virtual reality experiences. Video production tools range from basic tripods to professional backdrops and green screens, making the digital possibilities endless. The Library of Things will hold items available to check out. Some of the planned items will match the video production tools available for in-library use and others will help the community capture and celebrate its past through digitization equipment. Epps Memorial Library, originally named the Carver Branch Library, was first opened in 1945. It was the first library opened specifically for the African American community in Calcasieu Parish. It quickly became an important part of North Lake Charles, providing educational support to residents. “I am extremely proud of the young scholars of Washington Marion LEAD Council for spearheading this project for the Epps Memorial Library with the assistance of a financial grant from Tellurian,” says Mike Smith, Calcasieu Parish Police Juror District 2 and Washington Marion High School Alumni. “It is also a pleasure seeing these young people get deeply involved with improving the quality of life for our community.

Epps Library is in a rebuilding stage and once completed, the LEAD Council students will see their vision fully engaged for the community to experience.” Washington Marion High School students participating in Tellurian’s youth LEAD program this year include: Christopher Bernard, Grace Bettis, De’Asha General, Armorie Hagans, Denea Heath, Gabrielle Jack, Alynah Jefferson, Dante Leday, Kalei Lilly, Ziyon Perry and Madyson Williams. Washington Marin High School teacher Corry Allen serves as the council’s faculty advisor. About Tellurian’s Youth LEAD Program Tellurian invests in leadership development in Southwest Louisiana through several programs and partnerships. Their youth LEAD (Leadership, Enrichment and Development) program is an innovative initiative designed to identify and cultivate the next generation of leaders in our neighboring communities. High School participants at their partnering schools are selected through a competitive application process and given $20,000 with one guiding rule – “Do good in your community.” LEAD participants solicit input from elected officials, non-profit organizations and business leaders to identify pressing community needs. They are then challenged to design and execute projects to address them. For more information, please contact Heather Hohensee, Tellurian Director of Government and Public Affairs, at heather.hohensee@


Multiple sessions offered this summer.



Do I know how to…



Reality Check will give teens the knowledge and resources they need to successfully handle real-life challenges as they transition to adulthood. Each course is taught by deputies and experts in their respective fields. This one-day program will cover some of the most confusing situations teens are likely to face, such as: • Roadside safety • Impact of driving • Importance of credit score under the influence • Dealing with peer pressure • Much more! • Protecting identity online

FOR QUESTIONS CALL: (337) 491-3851




for life


from Solutions Counseling & EAP by Keri Forbess-McCorquodale, MS, LPC, LMFT, CEAP

Stop Gaslighting Me! (Part 1) I’ve been hearing the term “gaslighting” being thrown around a lot lately, have you? It appears to have secured a foothold in our vernacular, so I thought maybe we should explore it a bit.

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation and psychological control. The gaslighter feeds the victim false information that leads the victim to question reality and things they know to be true. The victim ends up questioning their own memory and even their sanity. As with other forms of power and control, the perpetrator of gaslighting starts out subtly and builds from that point. It becomes more and more difficult for the victim to trust themselves or see the truth. The term gaslighting comes from a 1938 play, Gas Light. In the story, a husband slowly and methodically blames his wife for doing things she doesn’t remember doing. He also dims their gas-fueled lights and tells her she is hallucinating. Increasingly she begins to doubt her own sanity. We find out that the husband wants to be able to commit his wife to an insane asylum because she accidentally stumbled upon something that could prove the husband committed a crime. So, what are we on the lookout for with this gaslighting thing? Gaslighters often start relationships with what I call “too much, too soon.” Lots of compliments, lots of selfdisclosure, lots of assumed intimacy before it is actually possible because you just met this person, lots of wanting to spend every waking moment with you. Another term for this stage is “Love Bombing” (you might have heard that one a lot lately too!) The more you are love bombed, the more you become enamored. The faster you relax and trust your gaslighter, the sooner the gaslighter can begin the manipulation. And so, the gaslighting begins. It starts with little lies about simple things. You don’t remember it the same way the other person does, but it is not worth pointing that out. As the volume of lies grows, and you dare to point out incongruencies, you will be accused of lying. Then you will be complimented, while your friends and family will be told you regularly “misremember” things. It’s all about keeping you off balance.


Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

Here are some common gaslighting techniques:

• Countering – questioning your memory of something. “Are you sure? You know you have a bad memory.” • Witholding – refusing to engage in a conversation. Often, the gaslighter pretends they don’t understand you. “I do not have any idea what you are talking about!” • Trivializing – belittling and or disregarding your feelings. “You’re so ridiculously sensitive.” “You overreact to everything.” • Denial – pretending to forget events or how they occurred. “I never said that! Wow, your memory is really going.” • Diverting – changing the discussion to focus on you and your credibility. “That is just another crazy idea you picked up somewhere. Who have you been talking to?” • Stereotyping – using negative stereotypes to manipulate. We’re talking gender, race, age, ethnicity, etc. “You know people will think you’re ‘just an irrational female’ if you tell anyone.” As these behaviors continue, you are going to start changing. It could look something like: • You are constantly second-guessing yourself. • You can’t seem to make simple decisions. • You begin to call yourself “too sensitive”. • You constantly apologize for things, whether or not you did them. • You lie to family and friends about the relationship and the way you are being treated. • You feel hopeless, joyless, worthless and overall incompetent. If you feel I have been looking at your life with this article, please tune in for next month’s issue. I will address how to get out of this abusive relationship. If you feel you can’t wait until next month, I urge you to get started in therapy as soon as possible. Gaslighting is serious business, and you deserve better!

The CITGO Lake Charles Manufacturing Complex hosted the 37th Annual CITGO MDA Golf Classic in support of the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) on May 2 at the Lake Charles Country Club. Aeryn Doucet, left, 2022 MDA Ambassador; Dr. Don Wood, MDA President & CEO; Sterling Neblett, CITGO Vice President & General Manager; Missy Amidon, CITGO Public Affairs Manager

The tournament raised $383,494 to support research and services for those affected by muscular dystrophy. Since 1985, CITGO Lake Charles has engaged vendors and partners to raise more than $5.9 million to support MDA’s mission to empower people living with neuromuscular disease to live longer, more independent lives. We thank our generous vendors and partners that made this year’s event a resounding success.



We are pleased to present to you the Annual Water Quality Report for the year 2021. This report is designed to inform you about the quality of your water and services we deliver to you every day (Este informe contiene información muy importante sobre su agua potable. Tradúzcalo o hable con alguien que lo entienda bien). Our constant goal is to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water. We want you to understand the efforts we make to continually improve the water treatment process and protect our water resources. We are committed to ensuring the quality of your water. *All information in this report has been collected and reported to you in accordance with water quality standards established by the USEPA. We are pleased to report our drinking water meets all Federal and State regulatory requirements. CITY OF LAKE CHARLES WATER SOURCES The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over the surface of land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity. OUR WATER SOURCE(S) ARE LISTED BELOW: SOURCE NAME



Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water

Contaminants that may be present in untreated source water include: • Microbial Contaminants - such as viruses and bacteria, may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife. • Inorganic Contaminants - such as salts and metals, which can be naturally-occurring or result from urban stormwater runoff, industrial, or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining, or farming. • Pesticides and Herbicides – which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban stormwater runoff, and residential uses. • Organic Chemical Contaminants – including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also come from


Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

gas stations, urban stormwater runoff, and septic systems. • Radioactive Contaminants – which can be naturally-occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. HEALTH INFORMATION A Source Water Assessment Plan (SWAP) is now available from our office. This plan is an assessment of a delineated area around our listed sources through which contaminants, if present, could migrate and reach our source water. It also includes an inventory of potential sources of contamination within the delineated area, and a determination of the water supply’s susceptibility to contamination by the identified potential sources. According to the Source Water Assessment Plan, our water system had a susceptibility rating of ‘MEDIUM’. If you would like to review the Source Water Assessment Plan, please feel free to contact our office. FOOD AND DRUG In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. Food and Drug Administration regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water which must provide the same protection for public health. We want our valued customers to be informed about their water utility. If you have any questions about this report, want to attend any scheduled meetings, or simply want to learn more about your drinking water, please contact NICHOLAS HUNTER at 337-491-1201. If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. CITY OF LAKE CHARLES WATER SYSTEM is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or at safewater/lead. The Louisiana Department of Health routinely monitors for constituents in your drinking water according to Federal and State laws. The tables that follow show the results of our monitoring during the period of January 1st to December 31st, 2021. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk.

Below, you will find many terms and abbreviations you might not be familiar with. To help you better understand these terms, we’ve provided the following definitions: • Parts per million (ppm) or Milligrams per liter (mg/L) —one part per million corresponds to one minute in two years Or a single penny in $10,000. • Parts per billion (ppb) or Micrograms per liter (uz/L) — one part per billion corresponds to one minute in 2,000 years, or a single penny in $10,000. • Picocuries per liter (pCi/L) — picocuries per liter is a measure of the radioactivity in water. • Treatment Technique (ITT) — an enforceable procedure or level of technological performance which public water systems must follow to ensure control of a contaminant. • Action level (AL) — the concentration Of a contaminant that, if exceeded, triggers treatment or Other requirements that a Water System must follow. • Maximum contaminant level (MCL) — the “Maximum Allowed” MCL is the highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCI’s are set as close to the MCLG’S as feasible using the best available treatment technology. • Maximum contaminant level goal (MCLGI) — the “Goal” is the level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to human health. MCLG’s allow for a margin of safety. • Maximum residual disinfectant level (MRDL) — The highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants. • Maximum residual disinfectant level koal (MRDLG) — The level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants. • Level I Assessment— A study Of the water System to identify potential problems and determine (if possible) why total coliform bacteria have been found in our water system. • Level 2 Assessment — A Very detailed Study Of the Water System to identify potential problems and determine (if possible) Why an E, coli MCL Violation has and/or Why total coliform bacteria have been found in our Water System on multiple occasions.

During the period covered by this report we had the below noted violations.

No Violations Occurred in the Calendar Year of 2021

Our water system tested a minimum of 90 samples per month in accordance with the Total Coliform Rule for microbiological contaminants. With the microbiological samples collected, the water system collects disinfectant residuals to ensure control of microbial growth. DISINFECTANT DATE HIGHEST UNIT RANGE MRDL MRDLG RAA CHLORINE




0.84 -4



TYPICAL SOURCE Water additive used to control microbes.

In the tables below, we have shown the regulated contaminants that were detected. Chemical Sampling Of our drinking water may not be required on an annual basis; therefore, information provided in this table refers back to the latest year of chemical sampling results. To determine compliance with the primary drinking water standards, the treated water is monitored when a contaminant is elevated in the source water. SOURCE WATER REGULATED CONTAMINANTS ANTIMONY, TOTAL BARIUM










0 - 1.8




0 - 0.47






Discharge from petroleum refineries; fire retardants; ceramics; electronics; solder





0 - 60






0 - 0.2




Discharge of drilling wastes; Discharge from metal refineries; Erosion of natural deposits Discharge from steel/metal factories; Discharge from plastic and fertilizer factories Erosion of natural deposits; Water additive which promotes strong teeth; Discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories












Discharge of drilling wastes; Discharge from metal refineries; Erosion of natural deposits




0 - 0.2




Decay of natural and man-made deposits. Runoff from fertilizer use; Leaching from septic tanks, sewage; Erosion of natural deposits








COMBINED RADIUM (-226 & -228)



0 - 1.94




Erosion of natural deposits




0 - 3.76




Decay of natural and man-made deposits. Note: The gross beta particle activity MCL is 4 millirems/year annual dose equivalent to the total body or any internal organ. 50 pCi/L is used as a screening level.
















2017 - 2019


0 - 0.3







0 - 0.07





25 - 208




0.08 - 7.83






0.25 - 0.56






6.26 - 7.78
















0 - 0.01





0 - 0.02













No Detected Results were Found in the Calendar Year of 2021













Environmental protection Agency Required Health Effects Language Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). There are no additional required health effects notices. There are no additional required health effects violation notices. Thank you for allowing us to continue providing your family with clean, quality water this year. In order to maintain a safe and dependable water supply we sometimes need to make improvements that will benefit all of our customers. We at the CITY OF LAKE CHARLES WATER SYSTEM work around the clock to provide top quality drinking water to every tap. We ask that all our customers help us protect and conserve our water sources, which are the heart of our community, our way of life, and our children’s future. Please call our office if you have questions.

Corrosion of household plumbing systems; Erosion of natural deposits; Leaching from wood preservatives














2.3 - 4.3




By-product of drinking water disinfection





2.8 - 7.5




By-product of drinking water disinfection





3.3 - 7




By-product of drinking water disinfection





2.3 - 12.1




By-product of drinking water disinfection





13.1 - 16.2




By-product of drinking water chlorination





16.9 - 24




By-product of drinking water chlorination





20.6 - 23




By-product of drinking water chlorination





17.4 - 30.9




By-product of drinking water chlorination



Thrive Magazine for Better Living • June 2022

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