Thunder Roads MD-DE-DC 1403

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Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC 4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122 Fax # 888- 698-7004

Big City’s Two-Wheel Testament......................5 ABATE of MD....................................................7 Joker’s Wild..................................................... 11 Big City Road Hounds.....................................13

Facebook – Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DEL-DC Twitter – TR_BigCity Editor / Owner / Publisher BIG CITY

KISS in the Kitchen.........................................15 Tech Tips.........................................................17 If He Was Your Son.........................................19 Cutest Baby Biker Contest..............................20 Sippin’ Shine with Hillbilly................................24 Center Calendar..............................................25 Bike of the Month: Lucky Streak......................28

SALES & MARKETING Steve “Hillbilly” Craig Mike “Rhino” Ryan (443) 875-7887 (443) 875-7482 Suzy “Carebear” Leighton David “Barney” Barnhouse 302-383-9041 717-465-2292 Teresa “Blueiz” Christiansen 301-283-8008

Mike “Tractor” Herbert 240-298-0472

Events.............................................................30 Call of the Wild by Kitty...................................34 Biker Friendly Directory...................................36 Gods & Guns...................................................43 Tabasco Report...............................................45 TNT..................................................................47 Miles With Smiles............................................49 Thunder Cam..................................................51

Accounting Mike “Bighead” Abbott (443) 875-7597 Marketing & Social Media Mgr. Catherine “Kitty” Noske / CRAVE Marketing Solutions 443.591.1882

ON THE COVER: Model: Ninni Coleman

Layout & Design Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics

Photographer: Michael J. Alves

Photography Michael J. Alves, Mike “Smiles” Johnson

Special Thanks to: East Coast Sound

National Founders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN. 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580

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hat a show!!! We had a great time entertaining the masses at this year Timonium Bike Show and After Parties. The weekend was full of good times. Be sure to check out the link to all the photos on our Facebook page. We also hope everyone enjoys the stress relieve BOOBS provided by Millstream Inn. May you all put them to good use in your own special way? What can you say about March, but it’s good to be Irish! I get to pullout my Irish Drinking Team Shirt and tell everyone “Let the Games Begin!” With that said, we also want everyone to be safe & responsible. Don’t be the one to ruin this great holiday for all your friends and family. This month also marks another favorite day in the Biker Community. You guessed it March 20th, the first day of Spring. This is the time of year we all start coming out of hibernation and getting ready to get our Rally season on. Coming up on the list for us here at Thunder Roads MDDE-DC are a lot of prime events that you won’t want to miss out on like our Rolling “Best in Show” Bike Shows sponsored this year by Riders Insurance. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to keep up with all the other great events we will be hosting and attending this year. As Always Keep Changing Lanes, Big City


MARCH 2014


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might happen to us, that no one would care if we were to die or shed a tear over our grave.

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”(Genesis 2:18)

No one felt loneliness more keenly than David. In a series of earnest, heartfelt appeals to God, David cried out in his loneliness and despair. His own son rose up against him, the men of Israel went after him, and he was forced to flee from the city, and leave his house and family. Lonely and afflicted (Psalm 25:16), his only recourse was to turn to God and plead for mercy and God’s intervention (Psalm 25:21) because his only hope was in God. It is interesting to note that the word “lonely” is never used in the New Testament to describe people. In the New Testament, the word “lonely” only occurs twice and both times refers to desolate places (Mark 1:45; Luke 5:16), where Jesus moved off into the wilderness to be alone.

God settles the solitary in a home; he leads out the prisoners to prosperity, but the rebellious dwell in a parched land. (Psalm 68:6) He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3) “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.”(Revelation 3:20) Being alone and being lonely are two different things. You can be alone without being lonely, and you can be lonely in a crowded room. Loneliness is, therefore, a state of mind, an emotion brought on by feelings of separation from other human beings. The sense of isolation is very deeply felt by those who are lonely. The Hebrew word translated “desolate” or “lonely” in the Old Testament means “one alone, only; one who is solitary, forsaken, wretched.” There is no deeper sadness that ever comes over the mind than the idea that we are alone in the world, that we do not have a friend, that no one cares for us, that no one is concerned about anything that

Whatever the cause of loneliness, for the Christian the cure is always the same—the comforting fellowship of Jesus. That loving relationship with our Master has reassured and encouraged countless thousands who languished in prisons and even went to their deaths for His sake. He is the friend who “sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24), who lays down His life for His friends (John 15:13-15), and who has promised never to leave us or forsake us but to be with us until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). We can take comfort in the words of the old hymn that says it best: “Friends may fail me, foes assail me, He is with me to the end. Hallelujah, what a Savior!”

Gordon “Preacher” Bacon PO Box 1107, Leonardtown, MD. 20650 • 240.577.0605 Facebook; Rushing Wind Motorcycle Ministry Gordon and his family, his wife Debbie, Son Gordon “Gordy” Jr, Christina and Janine first started out in ministry in New Mexico on the Navajo Reservation in January of 1983. Gordon and his family moved to Phoenix, Arizona in 1986 and continued their work with the Navajo from there. During their stay in Arizona The Bacon Family Ministry attended Sweetwater Church of The Valley under Pastor Glenn Foster. Gordon Bacon also was both a student and an instructor at Sweetwater Bible College. While living in Phoenix, AZ the ministry with the Navajo continued along with adding Prison ministry in Florence, AZ at Florence Maximum Security Prison to those on death row and lifers with no chance of parole. The Bacon Family moved to Fairmont, WV in 1991 to where Gordon was an interim pastor for The Church of Living Waters Jesus Outreach. In 1993 the Lord called Gordon and Debbie Bacon to Southern Maryland. Debbie became the Administrator for The Rock Christian Academy while Gordon continued to minister around the country and into Mexico. Today Gordon “Preacher” Bacon is the Founder of Rushing Wind Ministry and Rushing Wind M/M in Southern Maryland. THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC

MARCH 2014






BATE of Maryland had two bills introduced this legislative session. SB173 and HB477 - Protective Headgear Requirements for Motorcycle Riders - Exception. This bill would allow an adult at least 21 years of age and who has $10,000 in health insurance freedom of choice in helmet usage. It has been heard in both Judicial Proceedings and Environmental Matters Committees. We are waiting on a vote in these committees. We also had introduced HB666 and SB640 which would make motorcycle only checkpoints illegal. This bill has also been heard in both committees and we are awaiting a vote.

ABATE of Maryland testified against SB80 which would have required protective headgear on allterrain vehicle riders of any age. Even on private property. Thank heavens that died in committee. We also support HB835 - Motor Vehicles - Criminal Negligence Resulting in Deaths. We will continue to follow the progress of this bill. As you can see, this is the busiest time of year for ABATE. We are busy representing Maryland motorcyclists in Annapolis. I will keep you updated on the above bills. ABATE of Maryland is also working with the MVA in updating the motorcycle section in the drivers handbook. This has been a long time coming and we are looking forward to working with The Maryland Coalition of Motorcyclists and the MVA. We are very thankful to Delegate James Malone for making this happen.

There are several bills that we are watching and that we support. One is SB580 - Consumer Protection - Sales of tires - limitations and required notice. This bill would require merchants who sell tires to make consumers aware of the age of the Michelle Holcomb tire in writing. This is a consumer awareness bill. Executive Director

SB533 - Forests and Parks - Public Recreation ABATE of Maryland, Inc. on Private and State-Owned Land - Off-Highway Vehicles. This would expand a certain liability For more information – exemption for a landowner who agrees to the use of a defined part of the landowner’s property for cross-country skiing or snowmobiling in Garrett County to apply to the use of an off-highway vehicle in the State. This would help open up private properties for off roaders to ride on and exempt property owners from liability. As most of us know, most of us grew up riding 4 wheelers and dirt bikes before we moved to on road motorcycles. It is important that there is some place for people to ride in the state.


MARCH 2014






MARCH 2014






A fart is a pleasant thing... t gives the belly ease... It warms the bed in winter...And suffocates the fleas. A fart can be quiet... A fart can be loud... Some leave a powerful... Poisonous cloud A fart can be short... Or a fart can be long... Some farts have been known... To sound like a song..... A fart can create...A most curious medley... A fart can be harmless...Or silent...and deadly. A fart might not smell... While others are vile... A fart may pass quickly... Or linger a while... A fart can occur...In a number of places... And leave everyone there... With strange looks on their faces.From wide-open prairie...To a small elevator...A fart will find all of us Sooner or later.But farts are all bad... Is simply not true...We must never forget... Sweet old farts like you! When a friend’s son took the entrance exam for medical school, he was perplexed by this question:”Rearrange the letters P-N-E-S-I to spell out the part of the human body that is most useful when erect.” Those who spelled SPINE became doctors.... The rest are in government. I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless man who asked me for a couple of dollars for dinner. I took out my wallet, extracted ten dollars and asked, “If I give you this money, will you buy some beer with it instead of dinner?” “No, I had to stop drinking years ago,” the homeless man replied. “Will you use it to go fishing instead of buying food?” I asked. “No, I don’t waste time fishing,” the homeless man said. “I need to spend all my time trying to stay alive.” “Will you spend this on hunting equipment?” I asked. “Are you NUTS!” replied the homeless man. “I haven’t gone hunting in 20 years!” “Well, I said, “I’m not going to give you money. Instead, I’m going to take you home for a shower and a terrific dinner cooked by my wife.” The homeless man was astounded. “Won’t your wife be furious with you for doing that?” He asked. I replied, “Don’t worry about that. It’s important for her to see what a man looks like after he has given up drinking, fishing and hunting.” THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC

MARCH 2014



MARCH 2014


Chico – Hey there, I’m Chico (aka Mr. Cheeks, Chiclet, Cheeky, etc.) I’m a super sweet ten year old male purebred Chihuahua who loves life! If you’ve never thought about adopting a senior animal, let me tell you you’re missing out! The great thing about senior animals is that we’re so mature! I’m not interested in running around and chewing on things and getting in trouble like a puppy; I just want to lie in your lap and be loved on. And I give kisses too! I love to eat, snuggle under the blankets next to you on the couch, and I like wearing clothes! I’m still playful too. I love running around and get really excited when you play with me! I’m currently living in a foster home with one of BHS’s wonderful employees, and her two small dogs. If you would like to visit with me just submit an online application and the staff will get in touch with you! My vision and hearing may not be the best, but I promise you the best love you can get if you give me a chance!

am a very sweet girl who will crawl up on the couch with you and snuggle close! I just love belly rubs and attention! Stuffed animals are fun too! I like to play fetch with the staff and will drop it whenever they tell me while we’re playing. Friends are great, and I love every-one that comes to hang out with me! Come to BHS today and meet me so we can be friends, too! Gary - If you are looking for a sweet and loving dog who also has a playful side, then look no further! I’m Gary! My favorite things are being with people and playing with toys, like Kongs and Nyla bones. I also really love bubbles - yep, bubbles! If you blow bubbles for me, I will jump up and pop them! Of course, I’m also perfectly content to just lay in your lap and have my belly rubbed. I also know some commands like: Sit, Stay, Come and Drop It...... So come out and see me already... I’ll have the bubbles waiting for you!

Arwen Baltimore Humane Society Hello! My 1601 Nicodemus Road name is Arwen! Reisterstown, MD 21136 I am a very T: 410-833-8848 | F: 410-833-4481 smart female, eight year old Baltimore Humane Society: A no-kill shelter protecting, saving, and caring for animals since 1927! D o b e r m a n Pinscher mix who knows lots of commands such as sit, stay, down and paw!! I have lived with both dogs and cats, and always had fun with the cats playing and chasing. I can be a little shy and cautious when first meeting new people, but I will warm up to you quickly! I’m a real foodie and love eating ________________________________________ out of Kongs. They’re especially great after we go for a walk, AUTO * MOTORCYCLE * RV another favorite hobby of mine. Hope to meet you soon!

Community Insurance 2014


Chani - Hey there my name is Chani! I am a super loveable four year old girl who came to BHS with my pups. They’ve all found homes and now I’m looking for mine! I enjoyed being a mom, but now I’m ready to start a new journey! I THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC

MARCH 2014

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MARCH 2014


K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads Tennessee i have chosen this name for our monthly recipe page, as that was what my mother, rest her soul, always used to say when I would assist her in the kitchen. mom was an avid supporter of the kiss (keep it simple sweetie) method of cooking. i now, more than ever, truely appreciate her philosophy of always taking shortcuts where you can, as long as your ultimate outcome is that of down home, labor of love cooking.

K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads Tennessee

LEPRECHAUN’S STEAK & EGGS BENEDICT 1 Piece a Person of Thick Bread; sour dough or I like raisin bread, a baquette, whatevs. Toast it up. 1 Minimum of a 16 oz. Strip Steak (if you marinade it a half-hour out in mustard & Worcestershire sauce, it makes it a whole lot more tender and flavorful. 8 Large Eggs Quality Margarine (I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter) or actual real Butter. Salt & Pepper to Taste BLENDER CHEESE SAUCE: 8 Egg Yolks 4 Tbls. Lemon Juice Couple Dashes of Louisiana Hot Sauce Salt & Pepper to Taste 1 Cup of Unsalted Butter or Margarine; melted If you have a grill skillet use it to get the grill marks on the steak. Cook in a tab of margarine, on medium-high until good & caramelized (at least on front side). Once your steak is done the way you like it, put it on a plate and let it rest (resting allows all the juices to go back into the steak), while you make the rest of the recipe. In a separate large, non-stick skillet, put in a couple pats of margarine, let it melt down and skillet get hot and crack your eggs into it. Let cook till outer edges crisp up and flip. Remove not long after flipping. You want the yolks nice and creamy & runny. In blender, add all ingredients for 20 seconds, pour into the lid hole part, very slowly now, the melted butter just a little at a time or you’ll end up with scrambled eggs. Add your salt & pepper last. Cut your steak on the bias (opposite of the way the grain runs) and cut at a slant. Put your buttered toast down, then layer 4 or 5 pieces of steak on the toast then drizzle the cheese sauce all over top. Garnish with some Parsley flakes. OMG! Break your eggs and let it all mix in together and dip your steak in damn, this’ll make you pat your own back It’s that damn good. POT O’ GOLD LIL’ APPLE PIE CRESCENTS 1 Can of Sliced Apples w/ Sauce & Cinnamon 1/2 Cup of Butter or Quality Margarine; melted 1 Pkg. of Your Favoite Brand of Crescent Dinner Rolls 1 tsp. of Nutmeg 1 Tbls. of Light Brown Sugar THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC

In a small sauce pan, mix up and heat up, on low, all the ingredients apart from the Crescent Rolls. Heat up oven to 375 degrees. Crack open your can of rolls and smooth out on counter. Add a big Tablespoon of the warm (not hot) mixture to widest part of roll. Spread it all the way across. Slowly and carefully start wrapping. Fold one fold over mixture and gently push in each side to form like a little burrito. Continue to gently fold all the way till the pointed end. Lay out on a cookie sheet or round pan lined with alum. foil (but remember, the reflection makes them cook faster), but cook until golden brown and not a minute longer. Remove from oven and cover with alum. foil and tuck it in around bottom to keep hot while you make glaze. GLAZE: Mix together....... 1 Cup of Confectioner’s Sugar 2 tsps. of Lime Juice 1 Tbls. of Cinnamon Mix until runny-thick consistency. Add a drop of water or two if need be. But dunk each crescent roll into the glaze mixture and let set up on a paper plate. These are exceptionally delicious with your hot coffee in the morning or with hot tea later in the day. Make up a BIG batch. They’re magically deliciious! A WEE HAIR O’ THE DOG THAT BIT YOU.... *This is BOLD & SPICEY & KICK-ASS! 2 & 1/2 ozs. Quality Vodka 3 Ounces of GREEN Tomato Bloody Mary Mix (get at any liquor store) 1 & 1/2 ozs. Green Tomato Juice & Red Tomato Juice, both. 3/4 ozs. Lime Juice 3/4 ozs. Lemon Juice 1 Tbls. Horseradish sauce (in condiment aisle) *I like the creamy style already blended with mayo & sour cream 1/4 oz. Worcestershire sauce 1/4 oz. Green Hot Sauce Large Pinch of Salt Blend it up, baby. Don’t add ice to blender as will just dilute. Pour over cracked ice, or let sit in freezer for 5 mins. in to get icey, icey cold. Have fun but drink smart w/ a designated driver HAPPY ST. PATTY’S DAY, BIKERS!

MARCH 2014





Ethanol Gasoline, Today’s Common Fuel


kay so there is a big debate it seems, over ethanol fuel. Yeah, it burns cleaner and will keep a newer motorcycle’s carburetor or fuel injectors clean being as it contains alcohol. So most of your newer bikes won’t experience fuel problems for quite a while. Keep in mind, if you don’t ride your motorcycle often or if you put it up for the winter months, ethanol gasoline can go bad within one month. You guys with fuel injected models may not experience as much of a problem as the guys with carburetors, but bad fuel is still bad fuel!!! To those of you riding the earlier motorcycles (2000 & earlier), it would be a good idea to have the fuel tanks flushed and inspected for rust and other contaminants including old fuel. Because ethanol is alcohol based, it also acts as a solvent which will loosen sludge, dirt and old fuel varnish from your fuel tank. Which is why replacing fuel lines, filters and cleaning of fuel injectors and carburetor jets becomes necessary. To add to that, ethanol mixed fuels burn hotter, requiring rejetting your carburetors or remapping your fuel injection system to add more fuel and lower your engine’s temperature thus lowering fuel mileage. Sorry guys, not our fault! If you’re experiencing these problems with your motorcycle, feel free to give us a call. We will be glad to help you out! “Keep the shiny side up!” Jeremy Carbaugh Cycle Shack



MARCH 2014





If He was your son… At times over the last few years I catch myself thinking about two parents that I have never met but that have become very much a part of my prayers. I wonder what each day in their lives must be like. I think the not knowing would drive me half crazy. Of course I’m talking about Jani and Robert Bergdahl. They are the parents of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl the only American being held captive in the Afghanistan conflict. I have three sons of my own and it was hard to sleep when they would come home a little late as they were growing up. It’s hard to think about what these two parents have been going through for the last 4 ½ years.

First we need to remember that Bowe is not the only missing American. He is the only missing soldier from the current conflict. I think most of you know where I stand on this subject. If there is ever one American missing it is one too many. WE MUST NEVER LEAVE ONE BEHIND! When someone joins out military they do so to defend our freedom. It seems that the least we can do as a people is to make sure they come home. There is no flag I have ever seen that moves me the way the POW/MIA flag does. As most of you know I wear a doo rag almost everyday. It is not an accident that most of them have to do with our POW/MIA. We must not let this issue be swept under some political rug. We as a people must demand that our politicians bring our soldiers home. Every Tuesday for the last three years I have shared on my Facebook page Bring Bowe home. I never thought it would still have to be shared almost 5 years after he was captured. I ride with some friends and we decided to get some of the Vietnam


POW/MIA bracelets only this time with Bowe Bergdahl on them and wear them until he comes home. I had no clue it would be on still. I wear it with honor and hope his parents know they are not alone.

Sgt. Bergdahl was born March 26, 1986 in Sun Valley Idaho. Bowe was assigned to the 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division based at Fort Richardson, Alaska. He went missing on June30, 2009 in South East Afghanistan near the Pakistan border. He is believed to be held by the Haqqani network an insurgent group affiliated with the Taliban somewhere in Pakistan. There have been a few videos where he has been seen alive. The latest was dated Dec.14, 2013 and in the video he talks about the death of Nelson Mandela proving that the video was filmed recently. There are also reports out there that ay that he was drunk when captured or that he joined the Taliban. Most of the reports have been denied by the Dept. of Defense. I don’t care about the circumstances. BRING HIM HOME and we can sort all the rest out. In closing I just think that we need to treat our soldiers better. They have no problem signing a blank check to the American people. When we stop taking care of the ones that defend our freedom we lose the part of us that makes us Americans. Bowes parents watched him leave for military service with the belief that one way or another he would come home someday. We need to keep that promise to them. Because like I said at the beginning WHAT IF IT WERE YOUR SON…?

MARCH 2014


We want to thank the following vendors for contributing: Baltimore Harley Gator Skins Indian Motorcycle Bikers Clothing LED Cycles/Boogie Lights BAM Motorcycle Attorneys Naughty Girl Cycles 20




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MARCH 2014


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MARCH 2014

2/19/2014 4:30:03 PM



MARCH 2014


Sippin’ shine with hillbilly


&*paul teutul sr.

got the chance to meet Paul Sr. at The Timonium Bike Show 2014. I really didn’t know what to expect. Like a lot of you I have been watching the show Orange County Choppers for awhile now. I’ve seen the problems live on television that a family had to go through. I was also trying to think of the questions that I was going to ask someone that I felt I sort of knew after watching him on the show all these years. I can tell you that talking to Sr. was easy and he made me feel very comfortable while I was interviewing him. I guess it didn’t hurt that I brought our cover girl Carrie along with me. Thanks Carrie.

HB- When did you start the business and how did you know this was what you wanted to do? PTS- I’m trying not to give my age away. I believe it was around 1968. I loved messing around bikes.


HB- Did you have any idea that you would become this big OCC Business? PTS- No I never thought or had any idea that it would be what it has grown into today. I started with a partner in a steel fabrication business for about 28 years. He was a real biker guy and back then we could do things others couldn’t do because we had the steel fabrication shop. So I came up with procedure for bending the steel and stretching the bike and that’s how it basically started. HB- I don’t want to get into the problems you’ve had on the show especially with family but do you regret having a reality show looking back on everything? PTS- No I have nice cars and bikes and a nice house and have been able to provide for others. HB- Now if someone came to us at Thunder Roads and asked us if we wanted to do a reality show. Would you say do it or whatever you do say no? PTS-It’s a lot of work to do a reality show. We do a lot of stuff behind the scenes that don’t appear on television. Remember every aspect of your life and your friends and family are exposed. I would say yes go ahead and do it. When all things are considered it’s been a good deal. HB- I have three sons and while I watched I couldn’t believe that you were dealing with personal stuff in front of us all. That had to be hard on you all.



PTS- Yeah I don’t recommend that part.

HB- Do you get tired of doing these meet and greet shows?

HB- What’s your favorite bike that you’ve ever made?

PTS- You know it’s what I do. I hadn’t done them in years and just started to do them again recently. It’s a good way to connect with the fans and thank them for watching. I don’t mind doing them. I’m having a good time. I felt like it was time to get back out here again. I did three this month and I have some more to do in the future. I’m going to try and do a couple bike things a month.

PTS- The next one. HB-Do you have a bike that you wish you would’ve kept instead of selling it? PTS- You know what I have my first two bikes. I have a 1971 Triumph and a 1974 Harley that I kept. I still have them. HB- I was thinking that you have made so many nice bikes there has got to be one or two you really wanted to keep. PTS- Not really. I have a couple of cars that I would like to have kept but the bikes were my business and I could always make another. HB- I saw an episode that JR. surprised you and brought back the first bike you two ever made together and you had the one you had just made together. Watching you smile as you rode with your son I thought that might be one you would like to get back. PTS- That one was from way back and it did bring back some good memories from working with Paul JR. I would like to have that one but as you saw on the show JR, only borrowed it. And we sent it back. That was a nice ride with JR. on a couple of great bikes.


HB- Where do you see yourself going with all this in the next couple of years? PTS- About the same really. We have a restaurant now and we have franchises and we even have a bowling alley in one of our places so the sky is really the limit. Whether you’re a SR. person or you were a JR. person meeting with Paul SR. will be a pleasure for all of you. He was kind and patient and stayed longer than he was supposed to so that he could sign and take pictures with everyone that wanted one. I really enjoyed meeting him and having the time to sip some shine with Paul SR. Now if he will just bring a certain HILLBILLY on his show for a guest shot. What do you think? He could build me a hillbilly bike that makes shine as we drive. AWESOME! SR should know my motto Everything Goes Better with a Hillbilly!! Remember boys and girls always lose the lid and share with friends, a circle usually works best! Miss ya Wayne!

MARCH 2014





Owner - Andy Stringer from Mechanicsville, Md. (He is a co -cofounder of the annual Poker Run, “Breast Cancer In April” with Michael “Tractor” Herbert. Proceeds benefiting; Sisters at Hearthelping families in the tri-county area and The Sideout Foundation - funding research for this horrible disease. Both of these Motorcycle enthusiast brought to us by Teresa “Blueiz” Christiansen.) Photographer – US Patriot Photography – Michael J. Alves Year - 2010 Make - Sucker Punch Sally Model - Working Man’s Bobber Engine - 80 cubic inch Evolution w/6 speed tranny Painted by - Venom Hydro Graphics Seat - Paul Cox Industries and Drop Z Handle bars w/ Vintage bicycle grips Andy took 2nd place this year in the Bobber class at the Timonium Bike Show and in 2011 he won 1st place at All American Harley’s open house.


MARCH 2014


upcoming events

TRMDEL is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to: Events@

Delaware R

American Legion Post 7 Custom Car & Bike Show Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Custom Car & Bike Show. Rain Date April 28th. $10.00 Registration. Dash Plaques to the first 100 cars and patches to the first 50 bikes. Free hotdog or hamburger with each registration. 30 Car and 12 Bike Trophies. Open to the public- Music & Food All Day For more info 302-284-9646 Ride to the Tide Sunday, April 27, 2014 The Blue Knights Delaware Chapter 1 and the Delaware Special Olympics will hold the Annual Ride to the Tide on April 27th ( Rain date will be May 4th ). Ride will depart from the University of Delaware, Newark at 10:30am and from the Delaware Motor Vehicle lanes in Dover at 12 noon. fundraisers/ride-to-the-tide Home of the Brave Poker Run Saturday, May 10, 2014 from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM This is a poker run to benefit Home of the Brave which helps homeless veterans. Cost is $20 for initial entry and $10 per additional entry. There will be various prizes for best hand, raffles and other entertainment. Stops will include the American Legion in Dover, DE, Touchdown Restaurant, Green Stinger Restaurant and Seafood City. This event is proudly sponsored by the Dover, Delaware chapter of the Iron Order MC. For more info: Delaware / Maryland State HOG Rally 2013 (in Maryland) Thursday, June 19, 2014 - Sunday, June 22, 2014 The 2014 Delaware / Maryland State HOG Rally is being held in Cumberland, MD Go here for more information on the 2014 Delaware / Maryland State HOG Rally www. 2nd Annual Aetna Hose Hook and Ladder/ Wounded Warrior Project Motorcycle Run Saturday, June 28, 2014 8:30 AM 2nd Annual Run To Benefit the Wounded Warrior Project Scenic ride through Delaware’s coastline with a special stop along the way afterwards food and entertainment will be provided rider pins will be provided 50/50 Door prizes Silent Auction For more info.:


Delaware / Maryland State HOG Rally 2013 (in Maryland) Thursday, June 19, 2014 - Sunday, June 22, 2014 The 2014 Delaware / Maryland State HOG Rally is being held in Cumberland, MD Go here for more information on the 2014 Delaware / Maryland State HOG Rally


F Daytona Party Saturday, March 8, 2014 from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM Kingsman Presents Our Annual F Daytona Party Music By: Great Train Robbery Great Food - Drinks - Drawings - Tattoo Artist Event Shirts and Much More!!! Donation: $25 per Person, $40 per Couple in Advance or $30 & $50 at the Door See a Kingsman Member for Tickets in AdvanceFor more info.: Hagerstown Maryland Motorcycle Swap Meet, Craft & Vendor Show Sunday, March 16, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM 1st Annual Spring Motorcycle Swap Meet and Craft and Vendor Fair, Sunday March 16,2014 10am-5pm,Washington County Ag Center, 7313 Sharpsburg Pike, Boonsboro, MD, 21733. Something For Everyone!! We will have a wide Variety of Motorcycle Parts and Accessories from Several Great Vendors!! Also Craft and Product Vendors! Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Items will be available, as well as baked goods Admission 5.00 per Adult, Children 12 and under are Free!!! Vendor Spaces: 25.00 per 10x10 spaces set up from 8am-10am March 16, 2014 Call 301-988-6775 or 301-988-9666 or Email For Space Reservation ABATE Annual Spring Open House w/ Charles County Chapter Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:00 PM Silent Auction, Cheer basket Raffle, Jelly Bean Contest, Games and more. Come Join your fellow ABATE members to ring in the riding season sharing stories and upcoming events. Spring Bull/Oyster Roast April 5th, 2014 5pm- 10:00 pm Harley Davidson of Baltimore Presents Benefiting the Baltimore Metro H.O.G. Chapter $38.00 per ticket Gaming / Prizes / Music/ Door Prizes Rosedale American Legion 1331 Seling Ave. Baltimore, MD 21237 410-866-9656 For more info contact Tina 410-238-2003 ext 122 Photo Scavenger Hunt to benefit the Semper Fi Fund Saturday, April 5, 2014 from 11:30 AM to 4:00 PM Find an item, do a stunt, get crazy and go nuts....then take a pic and check it off the list. Most points at the end wins! Each item will have an assigned point value. MARCH2014

• $20.00 entry fee per participant • All proceeds raised goes to support the Semper Fi Fund providing financial assistance and lifetime support for injured members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families • Hunt will be from 1-4 PM • Registration opens at 11:30 at Vanessa’s Corner Pub in Taylorsville, MD (Rts 26/27) • After party prizes, Giveaways, 50/50 and Drink specials to follow hunt. For more info: Joe Johnson Truck, Car and Bike Show Saturday, April 5, 2014 10:00 AM This is a charity event helps Joe Johnson Bible Knowledge Awards given out at graduation each year. It has simple categories and free admission to all. Joe Johnson, who is chaplain for the Home and School Association, voiced his idea for getting more community involvement with the Eastern Shore Junior Academy in 2010. He felt that the school should host a truck, motorcycle and car show in early April to start off the season. In 2011, the first show occurred and Joe was there, working the registration table and opening the show. He had a great time and began making plans for the next year. Almost tragically, Joe fell the next day striking his head and triggering a stroke that nearly took his life. Six months of therapy and recovery found Joe a little weaker but still determined to get the show rolling again. For more info. : Spring Scrabble Run Saturday, April 12, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM ABATE of Calvert County Maryland Spring Scrabble Run Saturday, April 12, 2014. Registration is $10 per person and starts at 10 a.m. at Traders Restaurant in Chesapeake Beach. Last bike out at 11 a.m. Last bike in at 4 p.m. Play Scrabble on this Run—each stop gets you tiles, highest scoring word wins $$$$$. For more information contact Jeanine Haran evenings 410-286-3147 or email Rain or shine - cars welcome. For more info.: Blessing of the Bikes Saturday, April 12, 2014 from 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM Join the Black Jacket Cruizers at Battley Cycles for a Blessing of the Bikes. A free hot dog cook-out starts at 11:30am. Gather your bikes in the dealership parking lot by 12:30pm. The blessing begins at 1pm. Afterwards, take a leisurely, 1.5 hour long ride on back roads with the Black Jacket Cruizers. 5th Annual Spring Car, Truck & Motorcycle Super Show Sunday, April 13, 2014 from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM RAIN DATE: Sunday, April 27th, 2014 Registration Time (day of event): 11a.m. - 2p.m. Event Time: 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. $12 Pre-registration, BUY ONLINE with Promo Code CARSHOW: https://webhost. THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC

Bikes to the Beach - 4th Annual Thursday, April 24, 2014 - Sunday, April 27, 2014 Taking place all weekend long throughout Delmarva Look for all types of new exciting biker events for the Spring Rally in Ocean City Maryland! From bull riding, bike shows, custom builders, awesome vendors, great food and lots of drink specials! Great time of the year to come to the beach and get the Spring season revved up! Hope to see you there! American Legion Riders Chapter 276 Blessing of the Bikes Sunday, April 27, 2014 9:00 AM Blessing of the Bikes Breakfast at 9:00am, Howard L Turner Post 276, 50/50 Raffle, Event Pins available. 11:00am Blessing immediately following a group ride to Union Hotel. 1282 Susquehanna River road Port Deposit Maryland 21904. For more info.: Apple’s 11th Annual East Coast Motorcycle Rally Wednesday, August 6, 2014 - Sunday, August 10, 2014 Formerly known as the “East Coast Sturgis Motorcycle Rally” Two Stages, GREAT BANDS five days of Colossal Entertainment You won’t Forget! Featuring The Outlaws & Great Train Robbery Come Early, Stay Late! There will also be a Poker Run, Bike Show, Field Events, Contests and All Kinds of Wild Fun! This is the event that’s taking the country by storm! All the reasons are right. Mountains, Open Country, Good People, Clean Air and the Freedom of the road! The East Coast Motorcycle Rally is the hot spot for motorcyclist to get together for good times, good food, and great entertainment. Come, Camp, Party! NO ONE DAY RATE! Rally Ticket price includes: Camping / Concerts / Tours / motorcycle Demolition Derby and All other Activities HOT SHOWERS AVAILABLE EVERY DAY : FREE RV’S, CAMPERS, BUSES ETC.. Apple mountain main event grounds for the east coast motorcycle rally has no full hook up sites, RV’s, campers etc are welcome on the main event grounds, self contained.


America’s 9/11 Ride, the 13th Anniversary Friday August 15th This is the 14th annual fully police escorted commemorative motorcycle ride to all three of the September 11th crash sites. It is in remembrance of those who served, protected, lost their lives and to the volunteers of that tragic day. Our ride takes place in August, respecting each site and the survivors, allowing them to mourn during September. The ride officially starts on Friday August 15th at 7:00am from Highland Harley-Davidson in Somerset, Pa. and rides through the Flight 93 Memorial (but does not stop). Continuing on to Cumberland, Md. (fuel stop for small tank bikes) and regroup at Rocky Gap State Park (bathroom break). Then we travel to the Outlet Malls in Hagerstown, Md. for lunch and fuel. Then the group rides to the Double Tree (host) hotel in Arlington, Va. This is a very well organized ride, it is fully police escorted, we have a “pumper team” to assist at the fuel stops, we have “road captains” spaced every 50 bikes to maintain the ride and they are in communication with each other. We have chase vehicles with trailers to pick up bikes that experience difficulties. We have mechanics & spare parts travel with the ride.

West Virginia

Pinnacle Creek Trail Off-Road Trip Thursday, April 3, 2014 - Sunday, April 6, 2014 You’re Invited! Come ride with Steve Graybeal, the Diamond Motor Sports Parts Manager! I’ve got a great trip planned for you on the Pinnacle Creek Trail System, part of West Virginia’s greater Hatfield-McCoy Trail System. It’s an awesome place to ride - I’ve been there many times. I’m leaving with a group of 10 to 15, or more, the morning of Thursday April 3rd and returning Sunday, April 6th, which allows several days to explore the trails. It takes 7 hours (about 440 miles) to get to Trails Lodging in Pineville, WV, about 5 miles from the Pinnacle Creek Trail head. I have reserved a house to share lodging expenses, so the more the merrier...and cheaper! For all the great info on the trip, click the pic below or go to On that blog site, I put a map, a breakdown of expected expenses, more pictures, a list of items you›ll need, a rough itinerary and more useful links to see what you can expect. Please sign-up early, so I can firm up the plans for a great trip. I›ll have daily rides planned for both the scenery-seeker and the straight-up adventure seeker. It›ll be a family-oriented fun trip for big kids/adults on ATV›s (250cc & up), UTV›s, and even larger trail bikes if you choose. I hope you›ll ride with me! Call or email me @ 302-697-3222 ext. 237 or Rally in the Valley Thursday, May 1, 2014 - Sunday, May 4, 2014 Motorcycle Rally in the Winding Hills of Southern WV the 1st weekend in May each Year. You won’t want to miss this! 1st weekend of May All Kinds of Bikes! All kinds of Food! All Kinds of Vendors! All Kinds of Bands! Bike Show! Miss Rally in the Valley Contest! Bike Games! Bikini Bike Wash! 1000’s of Miles of Curves on the Country Roads around MARCH 2014

Williamson, and Much More! Blackwater Motorcycle & Music Festival Thursday, May 15, 2014 - Sunday, May 18, 2014 The cities of Thomas and Davis, as well as the Timberline Resort will host events Check the website below for more info and updates 2014 WV HOG Rally July16th – 19th Canaan Valley Resort The HOG rally has come back to Canaan Valley. Some of the best riding in the country is in West Virginia. Come and enjoy some great riding, great fun and fellowship. Checkout our web site and get registered. With you, we will make this the best rally ever. Mountainfest Motorcycle Rally Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - Sunday, July 27, 2014 Motorcycle Stunt Shows, Poker Run, Games, Contests, Live Bands, Vendors, Food, and lots more... “MountainFest is the most exciting motorcycle event on the East Coast!” Wild and Wonderful MountainFest is presented by MountainFest, LLC, in cooperation with the Greater Morgantown Convention and Visitors Bureau, and our many generous sponsors. MountainFest, LLC is a 501(c)3 non-profit limited liability corporation. MountainFest, LLC is comprised of area residents from all walks of life who value their community and want to share the magic of West Virginia with bikers everywhere. Proceeds from MountainFest go to non-profit Mylan Park, and the many worthwhile public and private projects underway there. Our long-term goal is to make Wild and Wonderful MountainFest one of the nation’s premier motorcycling events. Plenty of Lodging nearby & Camping is available! See the event website (below) for complete information and schedules.


upcoming events

Pre-Registration Cutoff Date: April 12, 2014 Day of Event Registration Fee: $15.00 per vehicle $15 registration at the door and free to admire. Stunt Show Wheelie Machine DJ Door Prizes and a 50/50 Drawing, Trophy Classes from 1900-present, Stock and modified cars and trucks including Best of Show and Bosses Choice! Award Presentation Time: 5:00 p.m. Note: if you are using a GPS, do NOT type in WEST. Just type 11113 Baldwin Road, New Market, MD 21774




Ride Because you love it. Ride to Cure Cancer. Hosted By:

8845 Pulaski Highway Help fund life-saving research and give hope to patients and their families. Join us for a 75-mile motorcycle ride and Poker Run throughout Baltimore County to benefit blood cancer research. 2014 Honored Heroes

Sunday, April 13, 2014 Registration: 8 - 9:45 AM ~ Poker Run Start Time: 10 AM $30.00 Pre-Registration OR $35.00 Day of Ride Includes (1) Punch Card & Ride T-Shirt (One Punch Card = One Hand)

Food, Prizes, Music & More after the ride! GRAND PRIZE: 3 DAY WEEKEND IN OCEAN CITY DURING SUNFEST AND A HARLEY DAVIDSON JACKET! Prizes will also be awarded to: Best Hand, 2nd Best Hand and Worst Hand Karen Kruger Multiple Myeloma Survivor

Erik Sauer AML Survivor

Unable to ride the day of the poker run? Purchase a hand and our volunteers will get your punch card(s) punched for you! Additional hands available for $15/each.

Ride For Leukemia Supporting Partners



Special Pre-Registration Take advantage of the last day to pre-register and help find a cure for cancer! Join us at the Harley-Davidson of Baltimore on Saturday, April 12th.

For More Information or to Register, Contact: Beth Prensky, Campaign Director Phone: (443) 471-1608~ E-mail: THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC

MARCH 2014


The Locals Guide for Daytona Beach Bike Week! There is no greater fun than a bike rally! No matter where it is there is always an abundance of fun and roaring bikes! This is especially true in Sunny Daytona Beach Florida where Bike Week has been happening for 73 years!

M years ago was for Bike Week y first trip to Daytona nearly 7

, I loved the warm weather and beaches so much that I moved here on Hiatus 3-months later; aside from a short 5-years in Maryland I have have been here ever since. Bike Week is near perfect timing. The weather is calm, mid 70-80’s and for those of you who are sick to death of winter Bike Week offers 7 days of sunshine and pure fun (always with a chance of afternoon showers and it pours down here pack a rain suit)! If you come here often you have likely figured out where the majority of the fun is and you have a routine of things you like to see and do. However, for you first timers or if this is first time in a longtime I thought I would dish out a little comfort information to help you really enjoy what our great little town has to offer. Everywhere I list is locally owned and operated, most are veteran owned businesses and none of them are a rip off! One thing you need to be prepared for is paying cash in many locations. Not too sure why but there are a ton of businesses down here that are strictly CASH ONLY! Before I get too deep into things I would like to extend my services to anyone traveling to my town. I Kitty am inviting you to message me through Thunder Roads MD Facebook, or the few of you that have my personal Facebook, and/or via email (at the bottom) if you have any questions or need any “local” assistance. First and foremost if you are going to come on vacation and don’t desire leaving on probation you need to know a few laws. 1.

Florida does not require helmets so long as you carry $10K of insurance on your bike. You are perfectly fine wearing a non-DOT turtle shell here as well.


Ape hanger handlebars are a HUGE NO-NO in Florida and especially Daytona and Port Orange! The law states that your handlebars can not be over the height of your shoulders.


Drinking and Riding, please be extra careful! Do the right thing and call a cab. There are 4-6 cab companies in the area, all are very affordable! Many of them line up outside of event locations for you to easily walk to and get a SAFE ride home.


Dogs, Glass, and booze of any type is not permitted on any of Volusia Counties Beach’s and they LOVE ticketing tourists… There is a dog beach in New Smyrna which you will find directions to later in my local rant here.

Geography & Lay of the Land


There are 4 major areas to Daytona and we are all sort of mashed together and you can’t really tell when you leave one town and drift into another. Starting at the far North where Rossmeyer’s HD aka Destination Daytona, as well as Broken Spoke, Iron Horse, No Name Saloon, and a few others is Ormond Beach, drive south on US 1 or I-95 for aprox 5-7 miles and you are in Holly Hill. I for one am not a fan of this area and I am pretty certain that you won’t be either! Heading south again for about 5 miles you hit Daytona Beach, South 5-8 more miles is South Daytona (where I live) and South of us 4-6 miles is Port Orange. Thereafter you have Daytona Beach Shores, Ponce Inlet , and New Smyrna. Deland has where we locals consider the best bike rally because they barricade Main St. and have live music, beer, contests, vendors, plentiful parking, and Shade! Deland is West of Daytona I believe about 25-30 miles and well worth the ride. Best of the Best & Musts! The following list is where we locals hang out and truly enjoy. I am going to spill the beans on where to get your best breakfast, lunch, and dinner along with entertainment and hopefully I will be able to save you a little money and you will ultimately enjoy your trip just a little more! Naturally we start off with my favorite subject GREAT FOOD! Best Breakfast goes to Pat’s Riverfront Café. This is a CASH ONLY restaurant so NO CARDS! This tiny café packs a punch and serves up home cooked breakfast and lunch right on the banks of the Halifax River! You can find Pat’s 7-or so blocks west of Dunlawton Ave in Port Orange on Peninsula Ave. My second place local favorite is Rosie’s Diner. This tasty eatery can be found on US 1 in South Daytona aprox. 3-miles South of International Speedway Blvd. Your chances of seeing me (Kitty) there for breakfast are pretty darn good! For lunch it’s all fish for us! You can’t come to Florida and not enjoy fresh fish and sea food! We have two local favorites for lunch and each of them are a good 20-30 minute ride from Daytona. Option one is the Dolphin View in New Smyrna Beach. To get to NSB you simply head south on US 1 or if your are in a hurry hit I-95. Dolphin View serves up over 30 types of fish cooked in an array of various methods from fried to broiled or blackened. There is plenty of parking and be sure to go on a sunny day because its 100% outside dining! The name holds t truth while there you usually always see a school of dolphins swimming and playing around in the water happily entertaining you! Dolphins are sacred everywhere but, especially in New Smyrna as it has historically been known for having a high population of sharks and they are ranked highest in number of



shark attacks. Dolphins fight off sharks so where you see one you may find the other! Our second local lunch stop is the Bantum Chef in Bunell Fl. This is North on 95 to the Bunell exit then a few mile West into the town of Bunell. It is a drive in style diner that is defiantly nothing fancy or special but one of the best darn holes in the wall in mid-Florida! While there you can order a number of different things however, Kitty recommends the fish sandwich! Bring your appetite or plan to share because this $4 sandwich is a pleasure but also a huge gut buster! Dinner is where the hard choices come in! There are literally hundreds of eating establishments and more come in during the events! The places I love most are as follows: Best Chicken Sandwich or BBQ hands down, Rossmeyers aka Destination Daytona at the Hog Stand! Best bar and grill on the beach goes to two locations 1 The Ocean Deck (if you go after 9pm you can catch a live band playing on the beach and kick your shoes off to enjoy! No. 2 is Original First Turn, a historic location with Daytona’s racing history, the First Turn is also on the beach, offers both inside and outside dining, plenty of parking, and to get there you take A1A (sounds crazy) but several miles and you’ll see it on the left (I promise!). Feeling like having Chinese or Japanese food there is no other place in town better than Leah’s located on Nova Road about 1 mile south of Bevielle Ave. Now then, as for pizza, we are a divided household the MR. swears the best of the best is Louies Pizza located between Nova & Clyde Morris on Bevielle Ave. However, my favorite is Gisseppies Located on Nova Road in Port Orange one thing you MUST know before you go this is a Steelers fan site! But they have been plenty kind to us Ravens fans! The pact we have made to seal up our differences in the house is Louies for delivery and Gisseppies when dining out I suggest you do the same! Other good eats include B.F.F.R located on Ridgewood (US1) right where Daytona Beach meets up with Holly Hill. We have over 10 American Legion Halls and each one is open to the Veteran and Active Duty public and their +1 at anytime. Where to be entertained? Ready for Entertainment this you can find in the official guide book but your best bets are as follows: Daytime bands definitely Main Street. My personal Favorite is Full Moon Saloon. The Mr. likes Boothill Saloon and yeah you should drop in just for tourist sake! Another great time for killing an afternoon and getting a bite to eat, a cold one, and maybe a few patches sewn on all while being happily entertained is definitely the Iron Horse. Should you decide to stay past sundown you can catch their headliners which are David Allen Coe, Boston, and Bad Company. At 3pm on the 8th & 9th you can catch the Budweiser Clydesdales on A1A near Main Street and if you want something really interesting and fun I recommend taking in a cole slaw wrestling match at Cabbage Patch (next to Cackleberry camp ground). Later at night on Main Street the place to be is Froggy’s! You must be prepared to see beautiful half dressed girls everywhere THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC

doing outrageous things (Remember Lucky from the Bike Show? She will be there!). You can also catch free concerts at Rossmeyers aka Destination Daytona under the outdoor pavilion this year they have 7-8 different bands with headliners being Vixen & Great White. Best Rides: Riding the loop is okay, it is pretty however, we locals like a few different routes. Message me via Thunder Roads MD DC DE Facebook and I will send you 2-3 different maps! Odds & Ends: Dog Parks: My favorite dog park is named after its location “Reed Canal Park” it is located off of Nova Road on Reed Canal. Reed Canal is located about where South Daytona merges into Port Orange. My happiness with this park comes from their having a good walk path and sectioned off dog areas one for ankle biters and the other for big boys. It’s generally flea/pest free and most people I have run into there are excellent and responsible pet owners. Need a Doctor but not the ER Florida is packed with after-hours walk in clinics. On average there is one within 5 minutes or 3 miles of any major location. Groceries & Best Produce hands down Publix! Liquor stores here are plentiful the Mr. and I generally stick to ABC Liquors located in each of the 4 towns in multiple locations. They are affordable and have a great selection! Cigar aficionados message me and I will tell you where to go based on where you are at. These places are definitely off the map and take a little more detail to explain. There is a new one that just opened on A1A near Port Orange however; we have never been so I can’t speak to it. There is usually one that opens during events only on Main Street however, we have found their cigars to be dry and not well humidified (which is pretty darn hard to accomplish in Florida). Need motorcycle parts or repairs? For essential key parts I recommend Black and Gold on Beach Street. For repairs I trust taking my Harley to the dealership only and occasionally my hubby! A must is the Daytona Flea Market. Honestly you can skip through most of it but there is one place you must see and that is the Leather Shoppe. Ask anyone right when you go in and they will point you in the right direction! This place does custom belts, buckles, vests, chaps, bags, hats, wallets you name it they got it! They do stamping, burning, and all custom fits right there in front of you! Well folks I could continue writing and telling you a dozen more awesome wonders to make your Bike Week experience complete however, I have to get this article finished up and off the printers! As I said in the beginning you are welcome to message me, Kitty through Thunder Roads Maryland’s Facebook or via email kitty@ with any questions, needs, guidance, or just to find out where I and my crew are having a good time at! Be Safe. Have a Good Time & a Great Ride! Don’t forget to send us your photos via Facebook or email! Xoxo! Kitty TRM MD DC DE Facebook

MARCH 2014


biker friendly directory

DEALERS & SHOPS A to Z Cycles 1472 E. Lebanon Rd. Dover, DE 19901 302-632-2272 All American Harley-Davidson 8126 Old Leonardtown Road Hughesville, MD 20763 301-274-5000 Baltimore Harley-Davidson 8845 Pulaski Hwy. Baltimore, MD 21237 410-238-2003 Battley HarleyDavidson/Battley Cycles 7830 Airpark Road Gaithersburg, MD 301-948-4581 Brandywine Auto Parts/ Brandywine Automotive Centers 14000 Crain Hwy Brandywine, MD 20613 301-372-1000 C&C Cycle 8182 Telegraph Rd Severn, MD 21144 410-305-0924 Clinton Cycles 6709 Old Branch Ave. Camp Springs, MD 301-449-5900 Chesapeake Motor & Power Sports 436C Chinqapin Round Rd Annapolis, MD 21401 443-714-8004 Cycle Shack 10124 Liberty Road Randallstown, MD 21133 410-922-6141 Defender Cycle Works Fowler Industrial Park, Unit 4 Mechanicsville, MD 20659 301-247-9901 301-247-5733 Delaney’s Cycle Service 6360 South Hanover Rd Suite G Elkridge, MD 21075 410-379-8651 36

East Coast Sound 101 Skip Jack Rd, Suite 5 Prince Frederick, MD 20678 443-968-9635 Final Touch Detailing Staggers Road Laurel, MD 20707 240-456-4502 Fort Washington Harley Davidson 9407 Livingston Rd Fort Washington, MD 20744 301-248-1200 Fredericktown Triumph 5800 Urbana Pike Frederick, MD 21704 301-663-8333 Glen Burnie Motorsports 20 Holsum Way Glen Burnie, MD 21060 1-855-253-5253 Heyser Cycle Center 14445 Baltimore Ave Laurel, MD 301-776-6932

The Shop 6788 Mid Cities Ave. Beltsville, MD 20705 240-542-4091 S.M. City Motorsports 20260 Poplar Ridge Rd. Lexington Park, MD 20653 301-863-6499 Southern Maryland Cycles 3806 Cassell Blvd. Prince Frederick, MD 20678 443-975-6414 Upper Marlboro Ford 5701 Crain Hwy Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 301-627-5600 Victory of Southern MD 4630 Crain Hwy. White Plains, MD 20695 301-932-2383 Walk Enterprises 930 Galesville Rd Galesville, MD 410-867-602

Bars & Restaurants

Hollyrock Customs High Performance Diesels 301-690-2130

Barefoot Bernie’s 901 Dual Hwy Hagerstown, MD 21740 301-797-4424

IRONHORSE Repair 2939 York Road Gettysburg, PA. 17325 717-334-1007 M&J Motor Company 1000 S. Queen St. Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-262-6200 Newburg Marine 301-259-4403 Prince Frederick Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge 265 Solomons Island Rd. Prince Frederick, MD 20678 866-937-5916 Old Glory Harley Davidson 11800 Laurel Bowie Road Laurel, MD 20708 301-575-0575 Ron Treacy Automotive Certified Master Technician All Makes and Models Mobil at Rte 3 & 450 Bowie, MD 301-262-0003

Bamboo Bernie’s 8359 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd. Pasadena, MD. 21122 410-647-6100 Cancun Cantina 7501 Old Telegraph Road Hanover, MD. 21076 410-761-6188 Cancun Cantina West 901 Dual Highway Hagerstown, MD 21740 301-797-4422 Creekside Inn 1225 Security Rd Hagerstown, MD 21742 301-791-6307 Crookedi Sports Bar & Grill 8419 Bayside Rd Chesapeake, MD 20732 410-257-7999


Dawg House 102 W. 5th Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 dawghouse102 717-762-0914 Gridiron Grill 20865 Callaway Village Way Callaway, MD 20620 240-925-0998 Millstream Inn 5310 Dogwood Rd. Baltimore, MD 21207 410-265-8224 Pit & Pub 2706 Philadelphia Avenue Ocean City, MD. 21842 410-289-2020 Reckless Ric’s 1702 Furnace Drive Glen Burnie, MD. 21060 410-590-2280 Rips Casual Dining 3809 N. Crain Hwy. Bowie, MD Restaurant: 301-805-5901 Deli: 301-805-5903 Wine & Spirit Shoppe 301-805-5902 Ruddy Duck Brewery & Grille 13200 Dowell Road Solomons, MD 20609 410-394-3825 Swamp Circle Saloon 5471 Muddy Creek Rd. Churchton, MD 20733 301-261-5442 Seabreeze / Swampy’s 27130 S. Sandgates Rd Mechanicsville, MD 301-373-5217 The Greene Turtle For a location near you The Scuttlebutt 12320 Neale Sound Dr Cobb Island, MD 20625 (240) 233-3113 The Woodstock Inn 1514 Woodstock RD Woodstock, MD 21163 410-750-3673


legal services Dale’s Bail Bonds 11 E Market Street Ste 1 Georgetown, DE 19947 302-856-7214 Law offices of Jay Irwin Block 90 Painters Mill Rd. Suite 131 Owings Mills, MD 21117 410-356-6555 800-875-6554 Mark A. Epstein 900 Reisterstown Rd. Baltimore, MD 21208 800-806-LAWS (5297)

Realtor Services Kelly Beaton, Realtor Remax 1393 Progress Way Eldersburg, MD 21784 Office: 410-549-3500 Cell: 443-340-9164 O’Brien Realty Alexandra J. Herbert 29770 Three Notch Road Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 301-844-7400

Apparel/Retail Battlefield Leathers 1954 B York Rd. Gettysburg, PA 17325 717-334-0657

In-Step Leather 7540 Washington Blvd. US1 Shopping Center Elkridge, MD 410-799-1568 J&L Doo Rags Custom / Handmade Doo Rags www.J& 814-285-1336 Mary’s Bargain Cycle New Castle Farmers Market 110 N. DuPont Hwy. New Castle, DE 19720 302-322-9323


Michael J. Alves US Patriot Photography

Francis Scott Key Family Resort 12806 Ocean Gateway Ocean City, MD 21842 800-213-0088

Mark Petinga Photography Email: 443-630-4124


No Croak Embroidery For all your Custom Patch needs! 410-259-5234 Outback Leather 309 Main Street Laurel, MD. 20707 301-604-2211 Regulators Motorcycle Apparel 10 Chesnut Drive Elkton, MD 23923 888-628-3206 Renegade Classics 3176 Solomons Island Road Huntington, Maryland (301) 855-1999 Roofing by George & Home Improvements Inc. 38582 Brett Way Mechanicsville,MD 20659 301-884-7360 Southern MD Pawn Brokers 2224 Crain Hwy. Waldorf, MD 20601 240-222-3547



Comfortably Numb Tattoo Studio 1 W. King Street Littlestown, PA 717-345-6620 Ink Wizard Tattoo 2 Locations 7928 Old Branch Ave. Clinton, MD 20735 301-877-1544 & RT.235 and by the Mill Rd. California, MD 20619 301-866-0086 Orange Tattoo Company 2020-A West Street Annapolis, MD. 21401 410-224-6088 Wicked Killa Ink 8740 Cherry Lane Suite 16 Laurel, MD 20707 240-482-6162

list your business here!! Contact rhino: or 443.875.7482

MARCH 2014

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Callahan Insurance Agency Beverly Callahan 135 Christiana Road Suite 3 New Castle, DE 19720 302-395-1322 Waring-Ahearn Insurance Progressive Agent 25805 Point Lookout Rd Leonardtown, MD 20650 301-475-5541 Community Insurance Services 308 2nd Street (RT 1N) Laurel, MD 20707 301-490-9600 ___________________________ If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email for more information. If you’re a Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email BFD@TRMDEL.COM with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you.


biker friendly directory

Thursdays Steak & Crab House 4851 Riverside Drive Galesville, Maryland 20765 410-867-7200





MARCH 2014



NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

Off-Highway motorcycle sales grew 5.7% for the year. The annual total of 73,371 represents a 3,976 unit boost from last year. The near 4000-unit gain comes despite a slow finish in 2013, recording a YOY decrease of 1,025 units in December.

FARM BILL DETERS E15 Opponents of E15, such as motorcyclists whose vehicles are not approved to use fuel containing higher levels of ethanol, won a major victory on February 7, 2014 when President Barack Obama signed the Agricultural Act of 2014, with a provision removing subsidies for biofuel blending pumps. The provision, tucked into page 735 of the 949-page farm bill, could make it more difficult for gasoline blended with higher concentrations of ethanol to find its way to rural areas, where demand for the fuel is greatest. Blender pumps mix gasoline and ethanol for sale at gas stations, so restricting the grant money to purchase the pumps necessary to dispense E15 would greatly deter its distribution. That, in turn, could make it more difficult for the United States to implement a program known as the Renewable Fuel Standard, or RFS, which mandates increasing amounts of biofuels like corn-based ethanol be blended into the nation’s fuel supply. The Obama administration previously set a goal of installing 10,000 blender pumps to promote consumption of higherethanol gasoline, but currently only 59 stations across 12 states sell E15, compared with 125,000 U.S. gasoline stations. The win for motorcycle and ATV owners, who risk damaging their machines and invalidating warranties by even inadvertently putting E15 in their tanks, follows a November move by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to reduce for the first time the amount of ethanol required to be blended into U.S. gasoline supplies. Ironically, the EPA proposed the cuts in part due to concerns over the lack of infrastructure, such as blender pumps needed to sell gasoline with greater concentrations of ethanol. MOTORCYCLE SALES INCREASE The Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) has reported that annual motorcycle sales grew 1.4% in 2013. The 465,783 unit total represents a 6,485 increase from 2012. The dual-purpose and off-road segments enjoyed the greatest percentage annual growth, with scooter sales declining in 2013.

Scooter sales, which are traditionally more volatile than bike sales, struggled to match 2012 totals. The annual tally of 34,742 was 6,363 units short of the 2012 total – a 15.5% decline. ATV sales for 2013 posted a nearly identical tally of 228,305 – a mere 0.5% increase over 2012. The quad market benefited from a strong December to push the annual tally into the black, with a 1,799 unit increase YOY for the month. Notably, the MIC does not track sales for UTV and side-by-side units, which have reportedly eclipsed ATV sales in recent years. STATES RANKED BY MOTORCYCLE OWNERSHIP With 8,410,255 motorcycles registered to 311,800,000 U.S. citizens, according to the most recent DOT and Census data that means that out of every 37 Americans you meet, one of them probably owns a motorcycle. But in some states your odds are better than others, and when you compare statewide motorcycle registrations with population figures, you might be surprised where some states stand in the rankings. For example, Iowa comes in third with 18 people for every motorcycle, more than double the national average. In 2011 the state had 173,929 motorcycles registered, and a population of just over three million. The second highest ratio of bike ownership is in New Hampshire, whose 1.3 million population shares 79,266 motorcycles, equaling 17 people per motorcycle. First on the list is South Dakota with 12 people for each motorcycle, over three times the national average. In 2011 the state had 69,284 motorcycles registered, representing just 0.82% of all motorcycles in America, but its sparse population of 816,598 gives it the highest concentration of motorcycling in the country. Rounding out the Top Ten are; Wisconsin (4th with 18 people per bike); Wyoming (5th/19); North Dakota (6th/21); Vermont (7th/21); Montana (8th/21); Minnesota (9th/22) and Alaska (10th/23).

On-Highway motorcycles sales tallied 324,691 for the year, a 2% increase from 2012. The On-Highway segment is by far the largest tracked by the MIC, and it includes all street-legal bikes excepting dual-sports and scooters. It recorded a 6,485 unit year-over-year (YOY) increase.

The Ten Lowest ranked states are; South Carolina (40th/43 people per bike); Kentucky (41st/44); Hawaii (42nd/45); California (43rd/47); Utah (44th/47); Maryland (45th/48); Georgia (46th/49); New York (47th/56); Texas (48th/58); Louisiana (49th/67, almost half the U.S. average); and lastly Mississippi (50th/106, nearly a third the norm).

The smallest volume segment, Dual, reported the largest YOY percentage increase at 7.8%. The Dual category includes small street-legal dual-sports as well as popular Adventure bikes. The yearly total for this market was 32,979 for a 2,387 unit increase in 2013.

It’s interesting to note that due to large populations, some of the states with the largest numbers of motorcycles finished low on the rider density list; California is number one in motorcycles owned with 801,803, representing 9.5% of all motorcycles in the U.S., but with a population of over 37 million it comes in





a lackluster 43rd place! Likewise, New York with 345,816 motorcycles, and Texas with 438,551, came in near the bottom of the rankings.

The anti-motorcycle/bicycle lawmaker from West Islip, New York made those remarks in response to a high school senior who wrote to him as a part of a government class assignment.

It is also worth noting that only one of the Top Ten motorcycling states has a helmet law, while 6 of the 10 least bike-friendly states requires riders to wear them. MISSOURI PUSHES TO CHANGE BAN ON SUNDAY MOTORCYCLE SALES

On January 29, the 17-year old, Matthew Cutrone, wrote to Barraga requesting “some sort of bike lane or maybe even warning signs in certain areas of the county” after his mother was hit by the driver of a van that illegally turned left in front of her.

Like many states, it is against the law in Missouri for dealers to sell cars, trucks or motorcycles on Sunday. Due to archaic “Blue Laws” influenced by religion during the Colonial Period, sales are prohibited on the Sabbath, but there is a trend brewing and some states are removing this outdated ban.

Stating that he believes that “no one who lives in our hamlet or for that matter Suffolk County should ever ride a bicycle or motorcycle,” Barraga’s callous response lit up social media and prompted a ton of angry responses, though the legislator said he’s standing by his remarks.

The latest state to allow Sunday motorcycle sales was Indiana last July, when Hoosiers joined Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Maryland in removing their Sunday sales ban.


Now Missouri’s Blue Law is being challenged, and lawmakers are proposing three bills that would allow for motorcycles to be sold in Platte and Jackson Counties on Sundays. The reason is because some Kansas City metro dealers feel it is not fair that they can’t sell on Sundays when just across the border in the neighboring state of Kansas, dealers can. Other states that currently prohibit the Sunday sales of motorcycles and automobiles are Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Oklahoma, North Dakota and Wisconsin. In Missouri, dealers are not even allowed to discuss a sale on Sunday, or face a $300 fine and possible jail time. NY LAWMAKER SAYS BIKES SHOULDN’T BE ALLOWED IN HIS DISTRICT Legislator Thomas F. Barraga (R-11th District) says people should not ride bikes at all in his district because “Suffolk County is a suburban automobile community -- drivers expect to see other drivers on the road, not bicyclists and motorcyclists.” THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MD-DE-DC

Motorcyclists in Washington could turn left at an intersection if the traffic light doesn’t give them the green arrow after a complete cycle under a bill that received strong support from the Senate in Olympia. SB 5141 would change state traffic laws to account for a problem some motorcyclists have at intersections controlled by sensors that fail to recognize them. They don’t register on the sensor, and the left-turn arrow never turns green, said Senator Jim Hargrove, a Hoquiam Democrat who rides a motorcycle and said he’s experienced the problem first-hand. Under the proposed legislation, a motorcyclist would have to wait through a complete cycle of lights changing for all directions before making a left-turn when clear. The bill passed on a 46-2 vote. The same bill passed the Senate last session but didn’t receive a final vote in the House. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” ~ Clarence Darrow (1857-1938) American trial lawyer

MARCH 2014



MARCH 2014




’m writing this article at the end of a very cold and snowy week in January. If you’re reading this I hope the sun is out and the weather is warmer and you and your scooter are headed out for a ride. I hope this article doesn’t offend anyone. I mean it. After the events of yesterday at the Columbia Mall in Maryland I could no longer remain silent. I’m sick and tired of some jackass changing the lives of so many because he is having some problems. What has happened to us as a Nation and a people? When did it become okay to take out your anger or problems on our community? How many of us now sit in front of our televisions shaking our head as another one of these senseless tragedies happens? More often than not they happen so much nowadays you become almost numb to them unless they are happening near you. People glance at the TV and don’t notice anymore. Well to borrow a line from an old movie “I’M MAD AS HELL AND I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!” I just couldn’t stay quiet any longer. As I’ve gotten older I have grown to hate two words in the English language. Politically Correct. I have to believe that one of the biggest problems with our country is the fact that we have turned our back on GOD as a Nation. There I said it! I even wrote it down! Before you get mad and stop reading lets think about this for a moment. In a country that has written on its money “In God We Trust” we seem to be more afraid of hurting someone’s feeling than believing in that short but powerful statement. It really gets to me that almost everyone in a school has some money in their pocket with this saying on it yet my kids aren’t allowed to spend a few seconds during the school day in a talk with God. Ironic isn’t it? I’ve thought for a number of years that if maybe God was allowed in school some of these kids feeling alone or bullied might have turned to God instead of lashing out at our communities. Let’s make sure to get this part right I’m not the perfect Christian. As a matter of fact I’ve never met one. I say Merry Christmas and I do a hundred other things that would irritate the politically correct. I can’t tell you how many things I don’t like that others do but I just ignore it. What a concept. Are you really going to get upset with me for saying Merry Christmas? Get over yourself. I don’t expect you to change because I disagree with you. It’s okay to disagree. I respect your right to disagree. Bikers have understood the RESPECT thing for a long time. Now comes the real controversial part of the article. Can there be more? You Bet! I do not own a gun. I’m probably the only member of both sides of my family that doesn’t


own a gun. Most of you know I’m from West Virginia. The common belief is that when you are born in WV you get a gun in the crib before you get a bottle. Don’t get me wrong I’ve been around guns my whole life. I’ve been hunting and shooting many times. I just never found the need to own a gun. Not to mention my wife really doesn’t like to be around guns. I never found it worth the argument. I never really had an opinion on gun rights because I didn’t own one. Events and ones like it over the past few years have really started to help me form an opinion. The Bill Of Rights were put down on paper by our Founding Fathers. Here we go again trying to change things that this country was founded on. We live in a State that has some of the strictest gun laws in this country. (Maryland) We also live in a state we’ve just seen I’m no safer here than anywhere else. I’ve decided to buy a gun. Until we get to a place I can go to the mall with my grandchildren and not be threatened by a nut with a gun I’m going to be a gun owner. I also believe it’s time to move to a state that I can carry legally in. I’ve tried to do it the other way for 54 years. Like one of my partners said yesterday “Wouldn’t it have been nice if the headline was man stopped by citizens before he could shoot innocent people.” I’m tired of the loss of so many innocent lives. There is a great picture going around on Face book about how we need more Mayberry. I can’t think of a better prescription for our country. Sunday morning Church and afternoon family time. Finding ways to help your neighbors instead of hiding from them. Heck, how many of you even know your neighbors much less help in the community? Bikers get a lot of bad press for the way they dress and sometimes we may party a little too much. We are the ones that get out and do what we can for the community. I feel better now that I got this article out of my head. I hope I didn’t offend too many of you. I’m tired of skirting around the issues and worrying whether or not I was irritating someone or group. We are blessed by God to live in the greatest country on earth. We need to stop trying to deny who we are and what we were founded on. Let’s get back to who our founding fathers hoped we would be. I want to send my deepest sympathies to the victims of the Columbia Mall shooting. I ask that we all keep their friends and families in our thoughts and prayers. My most heartfelt prayer is that this is the last time I write about such a tragic event. God Bless us all. Hillbilly

MARCH 2014

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Why Do You Even Want a Patch?


t’s crossed my mind recently about all the clubs that have popped up in the past few years. I understand the allure, trust me. Hell I still stare at my Old Mans club pictures from the 60’s in awe. And it’s what has driven me to participate at the level that I do. But aside from that, I wonder what the true motivation is with all these clubs? The Military Clubs I get. For many, that is what started it all back in the early days. Even with the old Flat Track teams that became some of the largest MC’s in the world, I get it. It’s being a part of a team with the same interests and goals, or it’s the missing camaraderie of former military service. When I joined my first 3 Piece MC Club, I think I was naive. No, I know I was. I really bought on to the entire “Club” Forever Forever “Club” thing. I am not knocking them at all; we still use it in our Club. Hell, I think every 3 Piece club does. But what I’ve learned is that nothing is really “forever” anymore, or it seems that way. Perhaps, and I know that there are some who I truly believe will stay in their organization forever, or at least retire their patch some day, but they are fewer and farther between. Hell I’m guilty! Had I of tattooed that first MC in a “FF” tattoo, It would now be dated. See, I didn’t know enough to understand what it truly meant, and I left them as a member before finally finding my place and where I am currently. This one, will be as forever as possible.

I still get disappointed today honestly. Even in our current club, and some of us have now been together for several years, yet some quit and move on to something else in their lives. It bothers me. Am I as poor as my Old Man was back in his day, no. Am I the “scourge of Society”, I don’t think so.. but do I share the exact same mind set with many of the Original “Columbus Aces MC” and other members of other Clubs that had influence in the 60’s and 70’s of my childhood like Lightning, Fire Clown, Gut, Indian, Mad Dog, Blackbeard, Strut, and Tiny? You bet you’re a$$ I do!

So it got me thinking, with all of these clubs that have started up, do they really understand what it means to be in a club? Sadly, most don’t. It’s a fad, or at the very least a hobby. I don’t think MCs were originally started as a Fad or Hobby, they honestly were a lifestyle. But what does that mean, and why? Well many of those original fellows simply had nothing in their lives, and they banded together with others who had nothing in their lives, and together they had something. It wasn’t a conscious “choice” regarding living that lifestyle, it simply was their actual lifestyle. Does that make sense? And now so many people want to emulate their lifestyle, when in truth, nobody would probably consciously choose their real lifestyle. Like Dad said, back in the day they were the bottom of the barrel. The “scrounge”. They were poor, they lived in the bad neighborhoods, they didn’t have the opportunities to make the money or get the education many in society were afforded, so they banned together almost out of necessity. For Survival. Eat or be Eaten. That’s where it came from, not a desire to do benefits and cancer runs, but simply to survive. Were their recreational motorcycle riders? Sure there were. “You meet the nicest people on a Honda”. Anyone remember that ad campaign from back in the day? The AMA embraced that and many people became their members. But did the “dirty bikers”? No, they had no desire to “fit in” to the society that looked down on them, whether they rode a motorcycle or not. So it’s a very passionate debate isn’t it? So many form “MC Clubs” and they feel it’s their right to do so. Hey, this is America.


Look, I hate Cancer, Sick Kids, Deaths of Friends, and Tragedy as much as the next human being. But that’s not in the least why I joined an MC. See there are many like me, who fight like Hell to preserve the honor of those downtrodden cast outs that really started it all. It is simply because we Respect Them. It’s why we get so pissed off when we see their traditions trampled. When we see what we feel are either the uninformed, or unintelligent flying a 3 piece Rocker with an MC Cube, who have no clue what it even means.

So here’s one old school bikers thought. Instead of diluting the integrity of the history of real MC’s, and instead of putting one together with a few of your buddies who are “Bike Riders”, how about you honor the tradition and work your a$$ off for one that already exists? Make their club better by standing tall, doing your probationary time so you learn if it’s right for you, and they learn if you are right for them. So you can perhaps understand what the true meaning and definition of being an MC is all about, if hopefully they even know. After being elected President of the first MC I joined, there was an opportunity to afford a new chapter a shorter than usual Our 2013 Wetzel Camp probationary period. And I will never forget, during this time I had a conversation with a friend and high ranking 1%er of another club and he asked me; “Tabasco, just out of curiosity, how many days did you probate for your patch”. I answered him. He asked, “How valuable of a time was that for you, in learning about the Club you now lead, and the guys you now call a Brother”? I told him it was “priceless”. So then he said, “Why would you ever consider bringing in any new member into your brotherhood with even one day less of an education that you were afforded”? That’s a wise old Biker that I call a friend. Being offered to Probate for a Respected MC is not so that you are degraded; it is an Honor few will ever be afforded the opportunity in which to participate. Embrace it. Learn to be your clubs next leaders. It doesn’t pay to cut corners. It doesn’t pay to cheat people of their education. It’s a disservice to the history of MC’s, and when I see people doing it, it makes me question, Why Do You Even Want a Patch? Thanks For Reading.. Respect the Traditions. Tabasco

MARCH 2014



MARCH 2014




MARCH 2014



MARCH 2014



his is the time of year that most bikers in this area dislike. The urge to ride is there, but the weather is either too cold, too wet, too icy, or snowing. However, although our bikes are now parked for the winter, there are still many enjoyable biker-friendly bars to visit. In Northern Damascus on route 27 is a comfortable bar called Lu and Joes. Here you can sit down for a very reasonably priced meal or just have a drink and chat with the other patrons. During crab season, this is one of the best places to bring your friends and family for an all you can eat crab fest. They serve everything from steaks to Chinese food. In the summer it’s rare to drive by and not see a row of bikes lined up out front. Further North on route 27 is a hidden bar called Memories. This is a bit more pricey, but well worth it. The steaks and burgers are some of the best to be found in the area. You might even be asked to join in a game of corn hole while you enjoy your stay there. Another of my favorite places to go is a bar in Laurel on Route 1 called Nuzbacks. During Redskin and Raven games, beers are only $1.50 and wings are $.50 each. With large screen televisions set up all over the bar, it’s easy to find a perfect seat to enjoy the


games. They make a roast beef sandwich that is every bit as good as the ones you can get at Bull on the Beach in Ocean City, and their seafood is delicious. This familyowned restaurant has been around for decades and will hopefully stay for decades to come. For a more tropical setting, check out either Cancun Cantina, Bamboo Bernies, or Reckless Rics. All of these can be found in the Glen Bernie, Pasadena area. They are famous for having some of the best local bands. In the summer, several of them offer bike shows twice a month. Spend your evening sitting on a hammock under a palm tree, or just resting on one of their piers watching boats ride up and down the river. You can bring back the days of the old West at The Woodstock Inn. Nestled between a railroad track and a horse trail, you will discover a taste of the past; a time when men rode horses and wore ten gallon hats. You’ll often find horses tied to the post while the riders inside enjoy a hot meal and a cold beverage. In the summer, they host several bike shows with live bands, and serve pit beef throughout the season. Here you’ll meet some of the friendliest “pardners” with their many stories of places they’ve been. Even though the weather isn’t what we would like it to be, don’t let it keep you indoors. Go out, meet some new people, and enjoy these nearby watering holes.

MARCH 2014






MARCH 2014



MARCH 2014



MARCH 2014


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