Thunder Roads Mid-Atlantic 1805

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The Ride for the Fallen is our way of remembering the sacrifices of Maryland Veterans who gave their lives for our country. With the goal this year of raising $15,000 to support Veteran Charities.





Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic 4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122

Diary of a Biker Chic.....................................................5 Big City Two-Wheel Testament.....................................6

Across The Pond............................................................8

Facebook – Thunder Roads Mid-Atlantic Twitter- TR_BigCity Instagram- ThunderRoadsMid-Atlantic

Road Captain’s Report.............................................. 12 Joker’s Wild................................................................. 20


Mike “Rhino” Ryan 443-875-7482

Center Calendar......................................................... 22 Featured Bike............................................................. 24

Mike ”Bighead” Abbott 443-875-7597

Bikes to the Beach Map & Guide............................. 26

MARKETING SPECIALISTS REDD 540-398-7551 JB Amanda 540-539-1492 410-459-2443 (Western MD / Northern VA / WV Crew) (Northern Baltimore/Delaware)

NCOM Newsbytes...................................................... 31 Bullet Points................................................................ 33

Cathy Curran Darren Myers 410-251-5438 757-286-3377 (Eastern Shore Sales Crew) (Virginia Sales Crew)

Biker Friendly Directory............................................. 38 Upcoming Events....................................................... 40


Need To Know............................................................ 44

Meredith Hancock Hancock Graphics

CONTRIBUTORS Preacher Gordon Bacon “Two Wheel Testament” Joyce “Biker Chic” Marc Ritchie & Rose Grant “Road Captain’s Report” Leon Brittain “Throttle Life” Andy Tallone “Across the Pond” Jim Bull “” Off-Road/Racing Editor (717-951-5620) DISTRIBUTION Suzy “Carebear” Leighton Mike “Smiles” Johnson David “Barney” Barnhouse NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN. 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580




Model: Melissa Photography Credit to: Toro Productions

MAY 2018

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic



Ÿ Custom T-Shirts Event Giveaways Club Branding Fundraisers Event Pins Embroidery Banners


Sc r Em een gn bro prin s & id tin e Mo ry g re !



HIS HAS BEEN one crazy start to the season. One day your riding in a t-shirt the next your layered up and still cold. Let us all hope and pray that May brings us the warm riding weather most of us are waiting for. Join us this month as we will be attending the OC Bikes to the Beach Rally. You will find all the info you need about this year’s event inside this month’s edition. We are honored to be the Official Rally Guide this year and want to thank all our rally partners for their support. So, come on down to the event this year and be sure to stop and say Hi. Of course, this month is also a month of Remembrance of all the Brave Men and Women that have served our country and gave the life for our freedoms. With out the sacrifices of these men and women we may not know the feeling of the wind in our faces as we ride through the windy back roads, or down the interstate making our way on that road trip we always dreamed of. So I will ask, as a fellow Veteran myself, please take a moment and remember our fallen and those who have yet to make it back home. We also want YOU to be a bigger part of the magazine this year! Get involved! This is your magazine too! If you want to see something, let us know! And don’t be afraid to take some pictures, and write down your stories, and send them to us. You never know, it might end up in the magazine! We are always looking for a good story, or a new road, or a helpful tip on new parts or just routine maintenance on the bike. Help you fellow Brother and Sisters out, don’t be selfish, share what you learned with everyone. For a full list of all the local events in the MidAtlantic area, be sure to check out our website We have all the information you will need to plan your season as we update our calendars weekly with new rides and rallies. As always, feel free to submit your event to be listed on the site at no charge. Just go to the web page events tab and click the submit your event tab. We will get it up on the site asap. The Road Crew here at Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic works very hard at keeping you up to date with all the local events in your area. We attend as many events as we can, more than any of our competitors, but we can’t be everywhere. Submit your photos and stories to and be a part of the THUNDER!! Living the Lifestyle, NOT just selling It! L&R, Rhino & Bighead

Best Impressions A D V E R T I S I N G

(757) 638-7100

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

MAY 2018 3


MAY 2018

Thunder RoadsÂŽ Mid-Atlantic



April 15, 2018 Hello and happy May to all you bikers and friends out there! Yesterday, I finally was able to get my bike back down to the shop. I have to send out a big “thank you” to my friend Buddi (Yes that’s her real name!) for following behind me. I wasn’t sure how it was going to do since it’s still leaking antifreeze but it rode like a champ. Funny story while riding to the shop…Buddi kept a safe distance behind me. I noticed that a car kept getting in between us and Buddi would go around them and get back behind me. What I didn’t know until after I dropped the bike off was that the car was yelling at her to stop tailgating me! She was in no way tailgating me but for some reason this guy thought she was. I guess I’m glad that someone else was looking out for me. You just never know what’s going on around you like that when you are just enjoying the ride…which I did. It was a sunny and 80 degree day and I didn’t want to get off the bike! I didn’t want to press my luck with the antifreeze leaking so I went straight to the shop. Just a side note: Buddi and I had a conversation after I had dropped the bike off. I had mentioned that every time I feel like I want to stop riding, I always change my mind when I get on the bike and take off. We both had made the comment that right before we get on the bike, we both get a little nervous and our stomach starts to get a little upset from being so nervous. I thought that was just me, but I guess not! That nervousness usually lasts for maybe the first five minutes of my ride and then it disappears and the nervousness is replaced with a smile and butterflies of excitement in my stomach. This biker chic isn’t putting the wheels away just yet! Anyways, I got to the shop safely and the guy writing up my ticket didn’t know my story but he saw that my bike had been in there five times for this issue. I also asked him to do some routine maintenance on the bike. I told him I was dropping it off and they can take their time with it because I want it fixed this time. I walked out and headed to Buddi’s car. We were sitting there trying to figure out what to do for lunch when the guy who wrote up my ticket came out with one of the other guys who know me. They petted Buddi’s dog and the guy who wrote me up handed me a CD. He said it was his band and since I write for the magazine, I should check it out because they play “biker style” music. This guy had no idea what he had just done. He had no idea that I am a bit of a music snob and before I started riding in 2007, music was all I had to get rid of my stress and the everyday bullshit of life. I had also sang in a couple of bands waaaay back in the day…we never got anywhere but music has always been a big part of my life, mainly rock, metal, and heavy metal, and hardcore metal. I also have a deep love for the bluesy type of rock…did I mention that I have a music notes tattoo? So being someone who loves music, I told him I’d check out the CD. After Buddi and I finished our lunch and walk in the park, she dropped me back off at my car. I popped in the CD and gave it a listen on my 30 minute drive back to my house. Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

Have you ever noticed how music and riding a motorcycle go hand in hand? They both produce the same results…they melt stress, they touch at your emotions, make you feel like you are not alone in the world, and after a good ride or some really good live music, you feel like you can take on the world! They both give you a natural high and if you are doing it right, that high will stay with you for days. I didn’t know what to expect when I popped in the CD because I’ve gotten some CD’s from local bands and the recording is so bad that you can’t really get a good idea of what they sound like. I’m happy to say that this was not the case with this band… The name of the band is “Indianhead.” It’s a three piece band and they rock pretty damned hard! The CD he gave me was a 4 song EP and it left me wanting more! I checked out their Facebook page: Indianheadrox/ and loved how they described themselves: “Dirty ass southern hard rock, road tested.” I feel like that explains them perfectly! The cover on the front of the EP is kind of…interesting! It’s a little creepy and I won’t say anymore because I want you to go find these guys and get your hands on the EP so if I leave it at that, maybe you will be curious and check it out. The first song on the CD is called “Carry the Weight.” Just some lines from the song “I carry the weight, I can’t like go.” “This damn weight feels like a ton.” The heavy parts are heavy enough for a slow head bang (but my head banging days are over…ouch!) and the vocals are right up there with Sully Erna. They are smooth and clear but a bit on the “growl” side when need be. When I hear songs, I sometimes play images in my mind and with this song, I see a guy who is dealing with so much crap and is starting to feel the weight and it’s pulling him down…but he gets on his motorcycle and takes off and that weight starts to melt away (there might be something wrong with me)! The other three songs on the CD are “Memphis at Midnight,” “Molly from the Mill,” and “Life According to Buddha.” I could give my opinion on each song but all I’m going to say is that these songs kick ass! I could see them playing at a bikefest someday down the road. I hear a lot of different influences in the songs like Tool, Black Label Society, Alice in Chains, and even a bit of Guns n Roses. I already have the CD downloaded onto my iPod! All I can say is that if you like the dirty rock and roll sound, you’ll love these guys! From what I can tell it looks like they are fairly new but I have a feeling you’ll be seeing a lot of them… make sure to check them out if you are a fan of rock music! That includes my music review! In all seriousness, music and riding a motorcycle are my two loves and the fact that I could combine the two in one of my articles is pretty awesome! Hopefully I’ll have some stories of some bike trips coming up soon but in the meantime, I’ll just crank up the music! Be sure to check me out on my Facebook page: If you are a chic and thinking about starting to ride, message me and I’ll answer any questions and calm any fears you may have!

MAY 2018 5

A MEMORIAL DAY PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIERS “roots”, having to move from base to base once every 3 to 4 years. Many will be physically disabled the rest of their life, having the use of one or more of their limbs taken from them. Scores have been mentally disabled resulting in them being unable to handle day to day living. And thousands upon thousands have given the ultimate sacrifice, their life, so that we can continue to enjoy our lives living safely in a land of freedom. (1 John 4:7-12).

My God Who Gave His Only Son, To Shed His Blood For All Mankind. Give Strength To All The Loving Ones, Who Give Their Sons To Keep Our Land Free. Your Faithful Men And Women, Venture Near And Far. We Call Upon Your Mercy, No Matter Where They Are. Keep Them Safe, One And All, On Land, In Air, On Sea. And While We Know Some Will Not Return, Give Us Strength To Accept Their Destiny. And To The Men That Have Fallen, Give A Special Place Of Grace In Eternity. And Help Me Lord To Never Forget, The Price They Paid For Our Great County. Memorial Day is a day that is set aside to remember, and honor, our brave soldiers who have given their lives to protect our land and keep us free. It began as a day to honor our Civil War dead, but after World War I, it was expanded to include those who died from all the wars in which America was involved. Our country has fought in 12 wars (not counting the Afghanistan War which brings the updated total to 13.) In every one of these cases, we have asked the young people of our nation to be willing to give their lives in the name of freedom (for us and others in foreign lands.) The sacrifices these young men and women have made can never be totally comprehended nor can they be repaid by us.

Dear friends, we should love each other, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has become God’s child. And so everyone who loves knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love to us: He sent his only Son into the world to give us life through him. True love is God’s love for us, not our love for God. He sent his Son as the way to take away our sins. That is how much God loved us, dear friends! So we also must love each other. No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us. If we love each other, God’s love has reached its goal—it is made perfect in us. We can never begin to understand what they went through, and are continuing to go through, all because they love their nation and the freedoms we take for granted everyday. We can never begin to repay them and their families for the sacrifices they have made for us. It seems as if saying “Thank You” just isn’t enough.










Just stop and think about a little of what these wonderful young people have given up for us. At the very least, they have given years of their life, time away from their families, to serve their country which they love. They have given us any chance of setting down

Memorial Day Blessings To All Who Served and Protected Our Nation

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MAY 2018

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

Thunder RoadsÂŽMid-Atlantic

MAY 2018 7

1959 A10 Rocket 650 twin. This was BSA in her prime.


FOR THE LOVE OF THE RIDE ing, meals & entertainment provided, rides all weekend long through the amazing countryside (including Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch), and a judged motorcycle show.

ROADSIDE BREAKDOWNS BY ANDY TALLONE There are a lot of things to love about classic British motorcycles. First off, they’re beautiful, sexy even, most sound fantastic, many are quite fast, they have great historical relevance, there is a huge support network of parts & know-how, and despite all that they’re still relatively cheap. All of those benefits are quite compelling, but my favorite reason for loving Brit bikes is taking them out & riding them. And I’m not alone. Nearly every weekend, in cities all across America, and the world, classic British bike nuts dust off their trusty steeds, warm ‘em up & meet up with other likeminded fanatics to take We take the ferry across the their vintage machines out Sacramento River on the Delta Ride for a long ride.

MY CLUB Most classic British motorcycle clubs are called Owners Clubs, or OCs. My club is called the BSA Owners Club of Northern California, or BSAOCNC. They’ve been around for 30+ years & sponsor great club rides once a month, rain or shine. Many are themed rides, like “The Triples Ride”, where members who own Triumph Trident or BSA Rocket 3 750cc Triples are encouraged to bring their bikes out. They also have a“Rigid Ride” for old rigid-frame bikes. But folks with all sorts of bikes go on these rides also. Despite the name, you don’t have to own a BSA, or any other motorcycle for that matter. All you need is a passion for Brit bikes in general. However, hundreds of its members do have Brit bikes of one brand or another, most being BSAs. I’m a Triumph fan myself, and I’m always welcome. In fact, when my Triumph isn’t running (common problem with old Brit bikes) I show up on my ’08 Harley-Davidson Dyna Streetbob. I take some mild ribbing, but its in all good fun, and we always have a good time.

350 MILES OF BACKROADS Most of these rides are day rides, but some are overnighters, or 3- or 4-day rides. One of my favorite rides was not One of many stops due to breakdown...not mine actually an official this time BSAOCNC club ride, although many members went. Every year in May, a group of old British bikes would gather in front of Raber’s Parts Mart in San Jose CA, it’s the best classic British motorcycle shop that I personally have ever seen, it’s legendary in the Bay Area, and a big gathering place for the Brit bike faithful. The plan was to take backroads for about 350 south to almost Santa Barbara to attend the annual Cachuma Lake All-British Rally. There was camp-

30 or 40 bikes might leave San Jose that morning, with 2 or 3 chase trucks following behind. Out of that many bikes, 4 or 5 might break down bad enough to have to go the distance on the trailer. That’s not to say we only had 4 or 5 breakdowns. On a trip like that we might have twice that many, and we’d all pull over and take out whatever tools & parts we had, combined with our ingenuity, and in most cases, we’d find a way to get them on the road again. But if not, within half an hour or so, the chase trucks would show up & save the day.

RIDING MY YELLOW BIKE But, obviously no one Another roadside breakdown, but Yellow wants to ride in the truck. We’re there to ride. And Bike ran flawlessly this trip what a ride! That’s really why I go on these things. Sure, the event itself was a blast, and the rides around the Santa Barbara area were incredible, but I’m all about that long ride to get there & home. My bike in those days was my beloved Yellow Bike, a 1973 Triumph Bonneville 750 custom cafe racer that I built from scratch. I rode it to Cachuma in 2004 & again in 2006, and it really forced the Yellow Bike to evolve. In ’04, I was one of the breakdowns, just 5 miles from our destination, when my coil vibrated loose & grounded out on the frame. Quick fix & we were on our way. On the way home, Overlooking Michael Jackson’s Neverland another bracket vibrated in Ranch near Cachuma Lake CA two & my rear fender rode on top of the back tire for the last hundred mile. This kind of long, hard ride is a real test of any bike, but even more so for a 45-year-old bike essentially based on a 1937 design. It forced me to make the bike better. In 2006 I rode it back with the same bunch & won the modified class in the bike show there, against several bikes that were trailered there. It never missed a beat.

CLUB RIDES EVERY MONTH, RAIN OR SHINE Every month, all year long, the BSAOCNC, and their sister club the BSAOCSC (Southern California) schedule great rides in some pretty awesome places. I’ve been on many club rides including the Delta Ride (around the Sacramento River Delta, including 2 I rode Yellow Bike to Cachuma, wiped it ferries, old historic towns, down & won my class in the show etc.), the Mother Lode Ride

(through historic 49er Gold Rush Country) & many more. They have rides in the Napa Valley Wine Country, Mount Shasta, Highway 1 along the Pacific Coast, Monterey/ Carmel & more.

The entire town Locke is leaning. It was once home to the Chinese workers who built the Delta by hand.


There are OCs just like mine all across America & throughout the former British Empire. They’re pretty easy to find, just google it. There are OCs for nearly every brand, Triumph Owners Club, Norton Owners Club, Ariel Owners Club, etc. Most are cheap to join & will welcome you with open arms, regardless of your bike. Most have Club Historians who know everything there is to know about their particular marque (brand) & various other resources for parts, service, manuals & hardto-find advice. Bikes of that marque are often bought and Lunch stop in Volcano CA, on sold within these OCs. Most BSAOCNC’s ‘Mother Lode Ride’ have rides and other events all year long.

BIG NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL OCS Big national & international umbrella OCs, like the BSAOC, oversee all their regional chapters like mine, and also have national & international rallies, sometimes annually. At these events, members from all over the world travel great distances to attend. Some bring their bikes. A member of my club traveled to England last year without his, for the BSAOC International Rally & a fellow member who was local to the event in England, who my buddy had never met before offered to loan him his second bike so he could go on all the The friends I rode to Cachuma with in 2006. rides at the rally. That’s me in front in blue.

THE CAMARADERIE OF A ROADSIDE BREAKDOWN That’s the kind of camaraderie you find in clubs like these. Maybe its the implied trust & shared duty to help one another during the inevitable roadside breakdowns. These breakdowns by the way are not regarded as a bad thing by people like us. As long as no one gets hurt, it’s not dark, raining, or too cold or windy, most of the people I’ve ridden with over the years relish the chance to help solve a vexing problem with meager resources & little time. It’s a chance to shine. It’s MacGyverstuff & weird people like me love that crap. And of course, it doesn’t feel too bad getting out of the saddle & stretching your legs either. But in the end, we all stick together & work together to solve the problem. One time, one of our group went over to a barbed wire fence & untwisted a piece of wire from it that we desperately needed to get our buddy’s Norton back on the road. And all the while, we talked, joked, laughed & had a great time together. It sounds strange, but these roadside breakdowns

are almost a cherished part of the overall experience.

JOIN THE ACTION If you’ve ever thought about collecting classic bikes, or just buying your first vintage motorcycle, This ’70 Bonneville just sold in Vegas for consider this about most classic British motorcycles: just $6,050. Get yours today! Many, perhaps most of them from the late 1950s on, are quite roadworthy when properly maintained, and fast enough to keep up with modern traffic. For under $10,000 it’s not that hard to find a nice mid-60s to early-70s Triumph TR6 or Bonneville, or even a Trident, or a BSA 650 twin or 750 Triple, or even a Norton Commando. Any of these bikes would handle, ride and stop well enough to be a safe, comfortable ride that’s fast enough to do just about anything you want to do, with the exception of keeping up with modern sport bikes. They’re a blast to ride, they look and sound great & they really turn heads everywhere you go. I’ve written about the Las Vegas Motorcycle Auction Week in this magazine (March 2018) & that would be a great place to start. You might be quite surprised at how low the cost of entry for some of these incredible bikes are. This year at Mecum’s Vegas Auction in January, a perfect 1970 Triumph 650 Bonneville sold for just $6,050. I couldn’t believe it! And that would be an excellent bike to ride anywhere. Next, research Owners Clubs for your marque in your area, then work out from there (ie: other marques and/or other areas). Join up, get their newsletter, find out about their rides & events, then take it out & ride it. Make some friends. Most clubs are filled with really good people with an honest love of these motorcycles & a desire to share that with others. My club’s website is, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a great club near you. START HERE:

Vendor Space Available, Call 420-610-4590 10

MAY 2018

Thunder RoadsÂŽ Mid-Atlantic

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Looking for a Riding Club that actually Rides a lot?

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MAY 2018 11


MAY 2018

Thunder RoadsÂŽ Mid-Atlantic

This isn’t just a hobby. It’s who I am. Rider gets it.

Share how deep your passion runs.


Ride with Rider. Get your quote today. Visit or call (844) 276-0161. Available in Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Thunder Roads®Mid-Atlantic

MAY 2018 13



I’ve often heard them referred to as, “old man bikes.” I just don’t get it. I often wonder if it’s just said out of spite. I usually reply, “Most of us get there eventually.” I see so many newer riders trading in their bikes within a year, because they bought it on looks for the most part, and found it didn’t really suit their riding needs. While the trunk is sometimes sacrificed for a “bagger”, the bike that will take you and your pillion, and all of your necessities, to the places your hearts want to be, is not just machine. It’s a lifestyle, and the difference between watching your life pass you by, vs. starring in it. For those of you who have made that connection, especially the younger crowd, my hat’s off to you. It took me decades until I finally “got it.” So, this old man was finally getting to ride again. Even though it was mid-April, up until the day before, it felt more like the 96th of January. Temps, this day, were forecast to be rather Doors-like: high in the 60s. Aerosmith’s “Dream On” was playing over the speakers, as I set the cruise and briefly let go of the bars, capturing the moment. True to form, the Ultra Limited that Shenandoah Harley Davidson provided, didn’t miss a beat. I took a deep breath and it hit me: the first time in months I smelled fresh cut grass. It was just my good friend Henry Jordan and I on this leg. Unfortunately, Rose was working, as I symbolically reached back and squeezed empty space where her leg would normally be. I was now paired with the task of piloting the half ton stallion and taking pics on the fly. It was something I did on a regular basis before we met, but there hadn’t been any need to since. Apparently, it’s a diminishing skill, in need of recurring practice, as I later found out. If it’s any consolation, Motor Clothes has never looked better thanks to the hard work of her and her colleagues.

Don’t Forget the Tag


Walk Bridge in Buchanan sponsored by

Henry and I found a structure with plumbing and a nearby walk bridge in Buchanan. We were ahead of schedule, so we just hung out and watched the James’s rapid flow from the torrential rains from a few days ago. The clouds had all evaporated letting the sun coax more of the trees to bloom. Seeing some colors for the first time this season was a heartwarming sign that winter’s clutch would soon be letting go. Another good friend of mine, Brian Weeks, was casually waiting next to his “old man bike” when we arrived at the scheduled scooping coordinates. Introductions made, I pulled out the pod of all triness, since we were all professionally spaced in formation Alpha for the shot. It’s always a special day riding with Brian. Between our schedules, he’s one of those friends I only get to ride with a few times a year. He bought a bike from me a couple of years ago. He’s put over 35 thousand miles on it. I can’t begin to tell you how fulfilling that is to me. So, the three “old guys” set off with Henry and I in tow. I always enjoy going someplace new and being guided by someone who grew up in the area. It’s also a bit of a rarity that I get to go someplace that I’ve already written about. And if that’s the case, then it better be someplace special. The Bent Mountain Bistro was a riding story I did a couple of years ago with a different publication. It’s not far off the Blue Ridge Parkway near Roanoke, and their BBQ, is amongst the best I’ve ever had. It was a hit when we were there before and I’m very happy that I had a similar experience this time. The place is simply a gem, and they’ve even improved it with outdoor seating. I think I wrote back then that the warm and friendly staff matched the de-

Brian Weeks

MAY 2018

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

Formation Delta and the Tagless Wonder

Fail cor. I wouldn’t change a word. If ever there were a “Fat, Dumb and Happy” trophy awarded to a restaurant after someone left, they would have one. The only blemish on our day was a stop at a road construction site. We were somewhere near Floyd. It was there that Henry asked, “Where’s your tag?” And then it struck me. In my haste, and excitement to go riding, I forgot to attach my dealer tag to the bike. We made it to a gas station and I called Rose to fetch it for me, so I could ride it the next day. Have you ever heard anyone laugh so hard that it made you laugh too? Yeah, that just happened. Our native two wheeled Sherpa of the Appalachians was guiding us to New Castle. Henry was running interference for any wouldbe tag spotters. We had to get through Christiansburg before we were back on two-lanes in less hostile territory. So instead of being inconspicuous, this dumbass took advantage of the four-lane to get some profile shots of Henry and Brian. So, between spaces of traffic, I pointed the, up until now, undetected tagless wonder, next to my partners in crime. Looking at my attempts later that evening, I might as well have closed my eyes. Fail! It was hot. There was an overlook occupied by two vehicles in their own Alpha formation. The three amigos had to downgrade all the way to Delta. We had all started off earlier the 40s and our thermometers were now reading in the low 80s. If ever there was a time we were all glad to be on old man bikes, where we could stow all of our extra gear, it was now. Henry and I said our goodbyes to Brian at another structure with plumbing. This time, they had a key. A Gixer 750 with an ICP paint theme and extended swingarm showed up in the parking lot just before we left. I took some pics for my buddy James, who has some similarly themed ink. The ride home was mostly two-lane: some with paint, most without. One last little icing on the cake was seeing Williamsville Gorge

Blind Squirrel Found One

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

full and alive with cascades. But the real treat was hangin with my buds again. It’s been a long, dark winter. And even though Rose wasn’t there with me, I sensed, with the budding trees, that we would soon be donning our gear again, together, from our sacred closet, whose door has been shut up until now. Here’s to Spring! Here’s to old guys! Here’s to old man bikes! And here’s to riding with my Pillion, my Co-Pilot, my Girl and my Love, very, very soon! Cheers and thanks for reading! Marc Ritchie

42 Overlook

Bent Mountain Bistro

MAY 2018 15



ENTER for a chance to

SIDECAR MOTORCYCLE 2017 GEAR-UP 2-wheel drive!

Visit to enter online or call (800) 262-5646 for more info. A minimum donation of $5 per ticket, or $20 for five tickets, is suggested. Featuring custom parts, accessories and gear from these companies: This 2-wheel drive sidecar from Ural Motorcycles is a special “Adventure Together” edition, outfitted by the Wilkinson Brothers of Good Spark Garage. It was carefully set up and dialed in by one of the nation’s top Ural sales and service dealerships, Heindl Engineering of Eaton, Ohio. UPGRADED PARTS & ACCESSORIES: + LED Sidecar Lights /Custom Guards + Black Engine and Drive-Train + Engine Skid Plate + Sidecar Nose & Fender Rack + Aluminum Reinforced Hand Guards + Heindl Engineering Rear Sidecar Bumper + Ural First Aid Box + Headlight & Spotlight Rock Guards + Leg Shields / Mud Guards

FACTORY GEAR-UP OPTIONS: • Sidecar Spot Light • Sidecar Power Outlet • Sidecar Tonneau Cover • Gas Tank with Built-In Storage • Jerry Can • Utility Shovel • Luggage Rack • Universal Spare Wheel • Sidecar Front Bumper

Winner will be selected in a random drawing to be conducted during the 2018 AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony weekend scheduled for September.


MAY 2018

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

Karma Cycles Cambridge, MD Book your appointment for FREE Spring Safety Inspection Inspections for HD bikes only. Available while appointments last.


2934 Ocean Gateway (Rt. 50), next to Comfort Inn

Thunder RoadsÂŽMid-Atlantic

MAY 2018 17

MOTORCYCLE RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS If you ride a motorcycle, you should be involved in one of these organizations. Stand up, Get involved, Be a Part of the Solution! Preserve your rights as a biker!

DELAWARE 61 B McMillan Way, Newark, DE. 19713 Email:

MARYLAND ABATE of Maryland, Inc. 71 Franklin Street, Annapolis, MD. 21401 Email:

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

Motorcycle Riders Foundation 1325 G Street NW Suite 500 Washington DC 20005 Email:

MAY 2018 19

Bubba walked into his local watering hole with a purple and black shiner and Earl, his best friend asked, “what have you got into now?” and Bubba replied, “all I know is I was in an elevator. This woman steps in with triple D’s and I couldn’t help from staring at them of course, and then she said, “Would you please press one?” and so I did”. “I don’t remember much after that.” -------------------------------------------------------------The bad news is I accidentally took the wrong medication today. The good news is I’m now protected from heartworms and fleas for the next three months. -------------------------------------------------------------Walter took his wife Ethel to the State Fair every year, and every time he would say to her, “Ethel, you know that I’d love to go for a ride in that helicopter.” But Ethel would always reply, “I know that Walter, but that helicopter ride is 50 dollars and 50 dollars is 50 dollars.” Finally, they went to the Fair, and Walter said to Ethel, “Ethel, you know I’m 87 years old now. If I don’t ride that helicopter this year, I may never get another chance.” Once again Ethel replied, “Walter, you know that helicopter is 50 dollars and 50 dollars is 50 dollars.” This time the helicopter pilot overheard the couple’s conversation and said, “Listen folks, I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll take both of you for a ride; if you can both stay quiet for the entire ride and not say a word I won’t charge you! But if you say just one word, it’s 50 dollars.” Walter and Ethel agreed and up they went in the helicopter. The pilot performed all kinds of fancy moves and tricks, but not a word was said by either Walter or Ethel. The pilot did his death-defying tricks over and over again, but still there wasn’t so much as one word said. When they finally landed, the pilot yelled back to Walter and said, “Wow! I’ve got to hand it to you. I did everything I could to get you to scream or shout out, but you didn’t. I’m really impressed!” Walter replied, “Well to be honest I almost said something when Ethel fell out, but you know, 50 dollars is 50 dollars!” -------------------------------------------------------------Earl and Bubba are sitting in their same favorite watering hole and Bubba asks “If you’re going to make a parachute jump how high you reckon you should be?” Earl lazily replies, “I’d say about 3 days of steady drinking should bout’ do it”. 20

A cowboy named Bud was overseeing his herd in a remote mountainous pasture in Montana when suddenly a brand-new 2015 BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of dust. The driver, a young man named Cliff in a Brioni® suit, Gucci® shoes, RayBan® sunglasses and YSL® tie, leaned out the window and asked the cowboy, “If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will you give me a calf?” Bud looks at the man, who obviously is a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, “Sure, why not?” The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell® notebook computer, connects it to his Apple iPhone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo. The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop® and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany. Within seconds, he receives an email on his Apple iPad® that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses an MS-SQL® database through an ODBC connected Excel® spreadsheet with email on his Galaxy S5® and, after a few minutes, receives a response. Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet® printer, turns to the cowboy and says, “You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves.” “That’s right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves,” says Bud. He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on with amusement as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car. Then Bud says to the young man, “Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?” The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, “Okay, why not?” “You’re a United States Congressman”, says Bud. “Wow! That’s correct,” says the yuppie, “but how did you guess that?” “No guessing required.” answered the cowboy. “You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. You used millions of dollars worth of equipment trying to show me how much smarter than me you are; and you don’t know jack-chit about how working people make a living or about cows, for that matter. This is a herd of sheep. Now give me back my dang dog, ya’ fool.”

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Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

Thunder RoadsÂŽMid-Atlantic

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elcome. This is a story of commitment, a desire to build a motorcycle that is unique, original, and Steve McQueen cool. My name is Theodore Downey; this is my passion. Bikers, we may all agree, have customized their motorcycles since the first one was ever manufactured and sold. Two wheels, an engine, a gas tank and a thousand possibilities in between. Fads come and go but classic and cool is forever. This build is about simplicity. No do-dads, fairy bells, skulls or fancy paint; rather a raw look with an aggressive stance, form and function. Not a trailer queen but a rideable street bike. Let’s be honest. Would you rather stare at a watch dial or open the back and see the movement? As you begin to look at the form of this bike, you start to see the nuances and the creativity it holds. This bike draws you in and rewards you with intrigue and curiosity When it began it was resurrected to life starting from a scraped out 1976 FLH frame and motor which was purchased at a swap meet. It was completely gutted and pulled from a mud pit. The original cost was $1800.00 and came with a clear title and help to load it on my truck. I set the frame on a work table and leveled it to discover the direction I wanted to take. I had a plan. However, I’ve always felt, creativity must supersede any previous thoughtout idea, or I could take the risk of losing golden opportunities. For example, when I found the most bitchin’ part, that could be modified to be a tail light, it was a Sportster piston. I knew that to create my vision, I had to be the one to build, and machine, as much of it as possible. I used parts found at swap meets that I felt were just cool. Some were modified, or cannibalized, to be used, I felt, in a much better way than the original purpose. For example, I used a pan head swing arm to lower the rear wheel height and add that special look. Ninety percent of my finished bikes have incorporated swap-meet parts or junk from anything, including antique vases. In the beginning of my build, I purchased a nacelle 41 mm pan front end. Once I Installed it, I not only had a vision change, I had an explosion of ideas. I knew I must have a rocker front wheel to achieve the look I imagined. After a fruitless search, eighteen months later, I found it. And then, the bike began to develop. The rear wheel, I chose came from a Fat Boy which gave the backend a Bonneville Salt Lake look. Both, the new front and rear wheel, required a lot of work, from machining the rear axle to fabricating brake parts. The lower legs were shaved. After machining a custom headlight assembly, the hydraulic brake system was installed behind the headlight. Out of sight! The handlebar was made from 1.25” 6061 Aluminum with an internal throttle. The old school hand levers were welded directly to the bars to achieve a clean look. The forward lower controls, pedals and foot pegs, were made exclusively for this bike. A Sportster tank was chosen for the old school look as well. The tunnel however was removed, lowered, and widened. The seat pan I developed was just awesome. It added a cool factor. The seat is sprung on exhaust valve springs and emphasized the concept of the bike. The oil tank was another score from a swap meet. I removed the original battery box and a larger battery box was installed with hardware mounts. I custom designed the oil lines with the look of the older era oil filter. I rebuilt the engine, and the ratchet top, with a few upgrades. I installed a DBL drive belt and pulley system and a primo Revero clutch assembly. The one thing I really want to stress is that most bikers, I’ve run into, change something to personalize their bike, to make it their own. I’m no different. Creating a unique, one-of-a-kind customized bike is my passion. Harley has showrooms full of optional equipment from rim to foot pegs, seats, and there is always plenty of chrome. Grab a wrench and create. Make it yours. Never mind what others think. You’re building a bike for you alone.


MAY 2018

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic




Model: Melissa Photography: Toro Productions Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

MAY 2018 25

MAY 3rd - 6th, 2018 OC E A N C I T Y M A R Y L A N D


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D E L AWA R E 54



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MAY 2018 27

MAY 3rd - 6th, 2018 Live Music • Outdoor Venues • Custom Bike Show • Poker Run

Make sure to save your receipts from sponsor locations for extra chance tickets to win one of our grand prizes...You will receive additional chance ticket for every $10 spent. Just bring them in to the main tent at Hoopers! You have to be present at Fish Tales on Sunday for the drawing!

lete all fields Must comp lete a __ ll field ____ ____ s ______ __ ____ __ __ ____ ______ Name: __ Nam ______ e: ____ ____ ____ __ _ __ _ __ ____ ____ ____ ________ Phone: __ Phone ______ ____ : _ __________ _____ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ____ ______ Email: ____ ____ EES mail: TAL MUSAT _ H _ FIS __ PRESENT T BE Must comp


Find a mystery Red drink token and turn in to main event tent at Hooper’s for great prizes. Registration is limited. Only 1000 black chips will be given out and only 10 red chips will be in circulation. If you are lucky enough to get a Red chip, bring it to the main event tent at Hooper’s to claim your bonus prize! American Legion Riders Post #166 2018 RIFLE RAFFLE


Henry “Big Boy” 44 Magnum “God Bless America Edition”

Supporting Our Troops and Community Date: Saturday, May 5th @ Noon


Legion Riders Tent at HOOPER’S CRAB HOUSE Registration - Riders Tent Anytime Friday or before 12 Noon on Saturday Donation of $20.00 per rider and $15.00 per passenger Open to Public and Four Wheels

Weatherby Vanguard Synthetic Stainless 30-06 Rifle with Nikon Scope Get yours before it is sold out! AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS • Post #166 • OCMD

Drawing Date: Feb. 3rd, 2019 • Super Bowl Sunday at the Legion Tickets only $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00!

Proceeds benefit various Veterans/Military Programs and Local Charities.

Must be able to pass Maryland State Police or Residence’s Police Background Check. Need not be present to win.

Trophies, Cash & Door Prizes, 50/50’S & Fun!!


MAY 2018

Guns Courtesy OF Arthurs Shooters Supply Winner Gets Chance To Win Both! Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

En t er t ai n men t LI NE UP

Friday 5/4: - 5PM Opposite Directions - 9PM - Anthem - 10PM Steal The Sky Saturday 5/5: - 5PM Full Circle - 9PM - Anthem - 10PM Lima Bean Riot


Date: 5/3/18 10am-7pm Date: 5/4/18 10am-9pm 10am-12pm 12:30pm-4:30pm 5pm-9pm Date: 5/5/18 10am-1pm 1:30pm-4:30pm 5pm-9pm Date: 5/6/18 10am-4pm

DJ Jonboi Acoustic John acoustic TBD DUST N BONES Kaotik Kings Ransom REBEL SOUL No Tell Motel DJ JonBoi



Pet Threads Retreat Addictions Tom Gray Durags Blaze Anti Fog Spray Patch Lady Con Lei Transport Lady Law Heated 4 U Native Feathers Rider Insurance Mike’s Magnets Soldiers Solutions Teal Treasures Silver Coast Fatt Bobs Toms Pins Highway Leather Fastlights Texas Knives Bah Charities Nice Ash Cigar Co Chickee’s BBQ American Legion Post #166 Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

MAY 2018 29



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NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES AIM-2622-F-Ad for Tennessee.indd 1 Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) CONGRESSIONAL ETHANOL BILL WOULD LIMIT E-15 FUEL A measure to limit proliferation of E-15 fuel (gasoline containing 15% ethanol) has been introduced in the U.S. Congress. The “Growing Renewable Energy through Existing and New Environmentally Responsible Fuels Act” has been introduced in the U.S. House (H.R. 5212) by U.S. Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) and in the Senate (S. 2519) by Senator Tom Udall (D-NM). This proposed legislation intends to cap mandated ethanol content in the nation’s fuel supply at 9.7% and would stop the federal government from forcing E15 fuel into the market. Capping the ethanol mandate would ensure continued availability of fuels deemed safe for motorcycles, such as E-10, since E-15 fuel is not approved for use in motorcycles and can damage fuel systems and void manufacturers’ warranties. HARLEY GETS REPRIEVE AS EUROPE EXEMPTED FROM TRUMP TARIFFS Harley-Davidson is breathing a sigh of relief at news that the European Union will be temporarily exempted from America’s new tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. European ministers had specifically named the Motor Company, along with Levi’s jeans and Jack Daniels whiskey, as a target for punitive European import duties in retaliation against President Trump’s announced 25% tariff on imported steel and 10% tariff on foreign aluminum. At least for now, the EU, along with Argentina, Brazil, Australia and South Korea, has been temporarily exempted from the U.S. tariffs, giving those countries time to try to negotiate permanent exemptions. For other countries including Russia and Japan, the tariffs are set to go into effect. Despite the exemptions, prices may still be driven up by the additional costs that Harley, and other American manufacturers, will encounter due to the new American import tariffs.


APPEALS COURT STRIKES DOWN GAG ORDER IN11/1/11 WACO5:06 CASE PM A Texas appeals court has struck down a gag order issued in a case arising from the 2015 shootout involving motorcycle clubs and police outside a Waco restaurant that left nine bikers dead and dozens more injured. In a six-page opinion issued Wednesday, March 21, a three-judge panel of the 10th Texas Court of Appeals ruled that the McLennan County District Attorney’s Office had failed to make a case for the order. State District Judge Doug Shaver of Houston had issued the order at District Attorney Abel Reyna’s request in the case of Matthew Clendennen, one of 154 motorcyclists indicted after the shootout. The order prevented prosecutors, attorneys and investigators from commenting publicly on the case. Clendennen’s attorney appealed, supported by media groups that included The Associated Press, arguing the order was overly broad and unconstitutional. DEADWOOD CASINOS TO IMPLEMENT ‘NO COLORS’ DURING STURGIS RALLY Following a February 16 request from law enforcement for the South Dakota Commission on Gaming to ban colors in casinos during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, the commission put the onus on the city of Deadwood and the individual gaming properties in coming up with a solution, tasking them with “taking the lead” to implement policies to monitor potential increased bike gang presence during Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Deadwood Gaming Association (DGA) Executive Director Mike Rodman briefed the commission on the industry’s response plan at the April 3 gaming commission meeting in Deadwood. “We believe that the best path forward to keep Deadwood safe is for each individual property to have their security and management teams work with the city of Deadwood and its safety officials on proper safety planning that takes their unique properties into consideration. We do not believe there is a ‘one solution fits all’ approach that would be effective overall,” said Rodman in a letter to South Dakota Commission on Gaming Executive Director Larry Eliason. The letter was drafted in response to correspondence from Eliason requesting proposals from the city and the industry as to how they would proceed to comply with the commission’s directive. The commission asked for a list of DGA member casinos that will and won’t allow colors during the Rally.

MAY 2018

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

OREGON GOVERNOR KATE BROWN SIGNS DRIVER ACCOUNTABILITY LAW Oregon Governor Kate Brown formally signed House Bill 2598, the Driver Accountability bill, into law on February 28, 2018, providing some relief for riders who are victims of reckless drivers. “HB 2598 makes it a crime for a driver who recklessly injures a motorcyclist,” explains the Oregon Confederation of Clubs website, “This law also covers the passenger on a motorcycle. If convicted, the reckless driver can be charged with vehicular assault and will have a Class A Misdemeanor on their record. The punishment can be doing time up to one year in prison with a maximum fine up to $6,250.” Great thanks to Oregon Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (AIM) attorney Christopher Slater, “who took a brilliantly simple idea and seeing that concept to its very end and conclusion.” This will be a powerful tool to punish those who violate a biker’s right of way or otherwise injures a rider due to a driver’s recklessness. “Too often drivers have crashed into a motorcyclist getting away without even a ticket. With this law, there will finally be some teeth in ensuring that reckless drivers who injure riders or their passengers will be convicted of a crime,” wrote Mike of the Oregon COC on their website. Much thanks to BikePac and ABATE of Oregon for their skillful efforts of organizing the hearing testimony, and great appreciation for the riders that testified. FEMALE RIDERS WORLDWIDE TO RIDE IN UNISON FOR “FEMALE RIDE DAY” Lady bikers around the globe will take to their motorcycles on Saturday, May 5th for the 12th edition of International Female Ride Day (IFRD). Celebrations will be hosted in countries worldwide by women’s clubs, foundations and individuals, and the organization will host an open house at SF Moto in San Francisco featuring guest speakers, test rides and some of the latest motorcycle products designed for female motorcyclists. Created in 2007 by Vicki Gray, a Toronto-based road and race instructor, IFRD’s purpose was to highlight and celebrate the tens of thousands of women who ride globally. The event takes place annually on the first Saturday of May each year. Other countries taking part in the 2018 event include Canada, the USA, Iceland, India, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, the Caribbean, Germany, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Japan, China, and Israel. SIKHS IN ALBERTA EXEMPTED FROM HELMET LAW Turban-wearing Sikhs in Alberta, Canada will be allowed to ride motorcycles without a helmet starting April 12, joining the Provinces of Manitoba and British Columbia in granting the exemption. For decades, the Sikh community in North America has been fighting to pass a legal exemption that would allow members of the religion to legally ride a motorcycle while wearing a turban, and not a helmet. The exemption to the vehicle equipment regulation in the Traffic Safety Act was amended by an order from Transportation Minister Brian Mason, the provincial government announced Thunder Roads®Mid-Atlantic

March 29th. Mason told CBC News that the province’s Sikh community has requested the exemption for the past 30 years, which applies to drivers and passengers over the age of 18 who are practicing members of the Sikh religion. Mason said the exemption was granted at the request of the Sikh community as recognition of their civil and religious rights. The Sikh Motorcycle Club of Edmonton says the law change is a “milestone and memorable day” in Alberta history, adding “This change will bring some new opportunities/businesses to bike repair shops/aftermarket accessories shops and Motorcycle Dealerships etc.” Back in 2014 this issue came up in Ontario, Canada where lawmakers, after careful and calculated consideration, denied the request to allow the exemption. THREE-WHEEL ‘AUTOCYCLES’ DON’T REQUIRE MOTORCYCLE LICENSE More and more states are adjusting their regulations towards three-wheelers that aren’t quite cars and aren’t quite motorcycles; like the Polaris Slingshot. The latest state to do so is Mississippi, where all you need to drive a Slingshot is a regular driver’s license with no motorcycle endorsement necessary. The new vehicle classification means residents of the Magnolia State can now legally drive “autocycles” sans motorcycle endorsement, thanks to three-wheelers that have traditionally been classified as motorcycles being re-designated as “autocycles.” This makes Mississippi the 43rd U.S. state where driving an autocycle only necessitates a class C license, but you do need to follow the state’s motorcycle helmet laws if you want to drive a Slingshot. APPEALS COURT SIDES WITH COPS USING BIKER PHOTOS TO LOBBY Fighting a bill that would have allowed Floridians to openly carry guns, two Orange County sheriff’s deputies in 2011 moved forward with a plan to give lawmakers a glimpse of some people who might be able to pack heat publicly; such as outlaw bikers. The deputies pulled together booking or driver’s license photos of “one percenters” -- members of outlaw motorcycle clubs -- who might be able to openly carry guns, and provided the photos to the Senate Judiciary Committee in opposition to the measure. In the end, lawmakers did not approve a broad open-carry proposal for people with concealed-weapons licenses, but their use of the photos led to a lawsuit that resulted in a federal appeals court rejecting arguments by three members of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club that the officers had violated a privacy law in using the photos without their knowledge or permission. The civil case focused heavily on whether the officers violated a federal law known as the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act, but the ruling by a three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the officers, upholding a lower-court ruling that an exception to the federal privacy law covered lobbying, and additionally that the officers were entitled to “qualified immunity”. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “The secret of Happiness is Freedom; the secret of Freedom is Courage.” ~ Thucydides (460-395 BC), Greek historian

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There are many options on the market, for one to choose from, gonomics of a Glock, then when it comes theirthego-to self-defense there are other strikerUnfortunately, violenceto hasthinking again struck inabout a school within United States of America. Thehandgun. news is full of fast-paced, maddening alienating even after these local last few weeks. Quite literally, you cantoday watch nearly existing Iand can walkheadlines into any of my firearms dealers andevery find dis-faction fight each other fired choices. The Smith while whole new factions splitwith off and various join the fray. Politicians have submitted new Federal legislation to renew the Assault Weapons play cases awash handguns. The question that each & Wesson M&P and the Ban, raise ages for purchasing of specific classes of firearms, and continue to seek a ban on accessories. new shopper faces is; ‘which one is the one?’. We all have our reaSIG-Sauer P320 are both sons for the handguns that we end up choosing and I have my just as modular and are SCHOOL DEFENSE complaints about some of those methods; such as relying on the vastly superior when it The firearms community is highly divided due there being two interpretations dealer’s salesperson for advice or buying third-rate gear when one comes to comfortability in of the 2nd Amendment: either all current restrictions should be rolled back or more paycheck them tried and true. I’ll the hands. that “reasonable restrictions”could’ve should be had.gotten One side wants to armsomething students Glock-17 (atshare the college level) and and roll back decades old learning infringements from over the years. some of teachers my experiences and That is the market side Glock-26 on certain classes of firearms. The other side wants to continue to allow the The handguns that I have shot and experienced have varied over of the conversation. What Democrats to receive any demand they can come up with at a moment’s notice: theas last but the product line that I was first introduced to your applications are will such banningfew bumpyears, stocks (“rate-increasing devices”), “assault weapons” was Glock. Currently, that dictate the niches that your choice and “improving” background checks (see: “NICSshould Fix Act”). come as no surprise. There aren’t And, of course, there’models s arming people in the schools. Presently,shot the talkand is it is the brand that many Glock which I haven’t must cover. There is, obviously, a focused faculty atproficient grade schools, butinit would also includedespite armaments bybeing able to produce I amonmost operating, huge between buying a personal students at the college level. There has been back-lash to calls by President shot groups just as tight with other brands in the striker-fire arena. protection sidearm and a range Trump, again, to implement the arming of teachers in schools around the The aesthetics of the Glock line are rather bland, in my opinion; it day paper-puncher. The latter alnation. Rep. Mark Sanford mentioned something about the teachers “not is like seeing another cheaply parts build AR-15. I had lows for all the flexibility in the wanting to shoot a student”, but I don’t see the relevanceoutfitted, when an assailant is gunning down your other students. I’m notof surethe whatgrip his point is. the Generation-4 line came not enjoyed the feeling until world; if you have the money for An understanding to be hadthings on schools.aside, Colleges andbygrade schools are a Glock PRESIDENT TRUMPH (R) AND SENATOR FEINSTEIN (D-CA) out, as well.needs These the time handgun got the sidearm you want. For most two totally different animals to plan aitdefensive instance, around to my home, was strategy triedaround. and For true. The system was proven people, it’s a mix of both… Howevif the average grade school has one to two Resource Officers (usually from “certain individuals deemed to be dangerous.” as reliable across the world’s armed forces and more than half of er, some of those people can’t pri“Take the guns first, go through due process second...” the sheriff’s office), you may merely double your stock of armed personnel by the American lawof the enforcement armed them. it means whoever the Federal government deems to be oritize the personal protection pick allowing firearms in the hands faculty. The problemwere is that your additionalwithUnfortunately, If any such bill is passed with that kind of wording, I fully expect the personnel are likely having static. The teachers, at least my day, used(Double-Action one classroom dangerous. or they buy one gun to cover both Despite a love forinDA/SA / Single-Action) the entire school day. The students may have moved around, but you could multiple Three-Letter Agencies to botch a detainment when they have enough niches. If you’re looking for a handhandguns and having owned a couple of SIG-Sauers, I keep comtime that movement down to the second due to the routines. Unfortunately, compelling evidence, like in the case of the multiple reports they were made gun, you need to compartmentalto thearmed 9mm Glock one guideline aware ofisregarding the Florida shooter, and all while arresting someone who is iting allowsback for any potentially faculty membersdouble-stacks. to be specifically targetedThere Springfield, that I follow; which is to prepare for any eventuality that may occompletely innocent. I believe it to be a fact that the wording will inevitablySIG, be Glock ize your needs before making your or planned around. selection. This is something that directed at whichever group of “dissenting” voters crosses every president after In a college, thereUnited are a handful of Resource Officers (think two four).two cur in the States. This leads totothe secondary rules I a lot of firearms instructors, espeTrump if enacted. Again, I assume that you will possibly double that number by adding an have for purchasing a platform: reliability and commonality. The President Trump could be playing the Democratic Party, as well as the RINOS, allowance for faculty to carry. Most, if not all, campus carry that has passed has cially Concealed Licensing instrucGlock has been proven in combat by multiple countries and USs job to do their due diligence allowed students with concealed handgun licenses to also carry. The difference but it is every liberty-promoting American’ tors, stress. SOCOM units in Afghanistan, most recently. So, why commonality? is a larger uptick in who can carry and how fluid the campus is. The number of and let their politicians know that it the mere suggestion of such controls is Thatfluctuates goesover back eventualities. Whether it isunacceptable. a localRegardless collapse of you votedNext in grounds Part 2, I will cover some concealed handgun purof whether for himmonth, or not. On what carriers the day,toclasses are skipped and or cancelled, and the am I basing this statement? The fact thatchases he is enabling the Democratic Party, people make and come to ultimately regret. carriers are harder to pinpoint for elimination. respect for law enforcement or a total collapse of the Republic, that I’ve seen othermagazines left-wing organizations, theiralso fight. It’cover s a dangerous game BLOWBACK as it stands: I want to be able to pick up and and use withto continue I will suggested and popular alternatives, which I have and it couldnumber be lost. If we let go through with a violation of any to prefer, and the proper holster systems for Sean Davis summed it up, onammunition, Twitter, simply: “Thisfrom week’s which gun controla decent 9x19 Parabellum ofoneci-president seen individuals come argument in a nutshell: because government failed at every level, you need of the Amendments, it provokes thoughts in others that it is alright to do so. local law carry. The thismultiple nicheAmendments, themthus–violating because Uncle Mike’s and Fobus are not included there. Trump spokefits to violating multiple aspects tovilians have your and rights curtailed… by enforcement the government that just failed at everyGlock-19 perfectly, given the local compositions individual because sovereignty. I Some of these suggestions may come as a surprise, especially for level. ” And, these are new goalposts. Moved handgun from “the government and law of yourused, can useareboth the G17 and G19 TheFOX’ Glock-17 female shooters out there. s Tucker Carlsonand brought-19 up a validthe point when asking: “Imagine if Barack enforcement evil and shouldn’t have weapons or war” magazines. posts. Obamalaw had said that.” President askedprominent Sen. Diane Feinstein to include herused latest Assault are theTrump most handguns by local enforcement If you would like to see more firearms related material, then visit Violating Constitution and the Bill of Rights is not how you “Make Weapons Ban as rates an amendment an up-coming bill. I hadn’t and the are togoing up. bipartisan The proof of ever this can betheseen in the messaging all your local politicians seen it before, but Feinstein was as happy as a 10-year old allowed to have ice American Great Again” and you should be high of LEO trade-in ofoftheir .40toS&W let them counterparts: know that. cream aftervolume dinner. Reportedly, in the same meeting, sales he was short supporting Questions or comments? Email the Glock-23 and inGlock-27. If called something wrong, If you want goes to see extended versionsIof these articles, then visit the ban. Glock-22, He rightfully mentioned the black market, that statement. He have the source and relatively forwill the minimum age ofability long-gunto purchases to bemagazines raised to 21. He spoke to ammunition bump-stocks easily. “[being] gone soon”. He also called for firearms to be taken from Questions or comments? Email Thunder Roads about Magazine Louisiana/Mississippi March 2018 need | 16 So, what for you? You |will first to find a shooting range that offers a handgun rental line and then shoot the firearms that not only held your initial interest, but also the ones that you hadn’t looked at. It can be referred to as “Shooting the Spectrum” and you must decide what that “spectrum” is. For me, it’s usually a narrowed selection of three to five DA/SA and striker-fired handguns whenever I go to do rental shooting. This will do two things for you. You will be able to make your assessments about the handguns you’ve chosen and you will be slowly, but steadily training yourself over time. Practicing proper firearms handling and safety measures is more important than immediately finding what you want to buy. That latter issue should take time and the longer the time it takes; the more money you will have, to decide with, and that means a broader range of choices. If you don’t like the erThunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

MAY 2018 33


MAY 2018

Thunder RoadsÂŽ Mid-Atlantic

South Central Bike Fest Chase City, Virginia

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Veterans & Active Military Free with ID

A CHARITY EVENT TO BENEFIT: The Barksdale Cancer Foundation Mecklenburg County Cancer Association Follow us on Facebook: South Central Bike Fest Contact Lee for more info: 434.210.1503


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Thunder RoadsÂŽMid-Atlantic

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Dealer & Shops

Whirled of Color Customs, LLC Body, Paint and Custom Airbrushing 116 Roesler Road Glen Burnie, MD 21060 410-553-0953

Bayside Harley-Davidson 2211 Frederick Blvd Portsmouth, VA 23704 757-397-5550

Zipper’s Performance Products Elkridge, Maryland 410-579-2828

biker friendly directory

Baltimore Harley Davidson 8845 Pulaski Hwy. Baltimore, MD 21237 410-238-2003

Colonial Harley-Davidson 1701 Temple Pkwy Prince George, VA 23875 804-861-4700 CPC Powder Coating 6800 Mid Cities Ave. Beltsville, MD 20705 443-336-2105 Indian Motorcycle of Fredericksburg 10151 Southpoint Parkway Fredericksburg, VA 22407 540-642-4017 Old Glory Harley Davidson 11800 Laurel Bowie Road Laurel, MD 20708 301-575-0575 Patriot Harley- Davidson 9739 Fairfax Blvd Fairfax, VA 703-352-5400 Pete’s Cycles 344 Bel Air Rd. Bel Air, MD 21014 410-879-3586 For other locations go to TG Automotive 8176 Telegraph Road Suite E Severn, MD 21144 443-795-4733 The Twisted Spoke 97 Milford Street Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-326-4644 38

Bars & Restaurants Hickory House 1137 US Hwy 19 North Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-269-7373

Millstream Inn 5310 Dogwood Rd. Baltimore, MD 21207 410-265-8224 Rips Casual Dining 3809 N. Crain Hwy. Bowie, MD Restaurant: 301-805-5901 Deli: 301-805-5903 Wine & Spirit Shoppe 301-805-5902 Seabreeze / Swampy’s 27130 S. Sandgates Rd Mechanicsville, MD 301-373-5217 The Tavern 4975 St. Leonard Rd. ST Leonard, MD 20685 410-586-2225 The Woodstock Inn 1514 Woodstock RD Woodstock, MD 21163 410-750-3673

Legal Services

Law offices of Jay Irwin Block 90 Painters Mill Rd. Suite 131 Owings Mills, MD 21117 410-356-6555 800-875-6554 MAY 2018

Carolyn Crowley Injury Attorney 301-676-1120 1-866-523-9529 Law Offices of Richard M Lester Aid to Injured Motorcyclist’s A.I.M 7334 Topanga Canyon Blvd Ste. 200 Canoga Park, CA 91303 800-531-2424 Offices Nationwide to Help You. Tom McGrath’s Motorcycle Law Group 1-800-321-8969 Weatherholtz Bonding 306 W. Stephens Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-267-5888

Apparel / Retail

Best Impressions Advertising 3325 Taylor Road, Suite 101 Chesapeake, VA 23321 (757) 638-7100 Blaze Leather 2239 Randolph Avenue Elkins, WV 26241 681-298-5055 Maryland Small Arms Range 9801 Fallard Court Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 301-599-0800

Mary’s Bargain Cycle

New Castle Farmers Market 110 N. DuPont Hwy. New Castle, DE 19720 302-322-9323 Outback Leather 309 Main Street Laurel, MD. 20707 301-604-2211

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic


Bobby Tarowsky 304-797-1470 304-723-8955


Big City Body Art 154 C Lafayette Ave Laurel, MD 20707 240-482-6162 Lodging Francis Scott Key Family Resort 12806 Ocean Gateway Ocean City, MD 21842 800-213-0088

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

Insurance Agents Rider Insurance

Clubs, Organizations & Riding Groups

American Motorcyclist Association (800) AMA-JOIN C.E.’s Helping Hands (Old Fields, WV) A non-profit organization enlisting the help of other good hearted people wanting to contribute to the cause of helping others in need. The organization holds monthly meetings and several fundraising rides every year. Donations are always appreciated. Saints & Soldiers Motorcycle Riding Club saintsandsoldiersrc

Places of Worship

Iron Horse Fellowship 414 Battlefield Blvd South Chesapeake, VA 23322 Rushing Wind Ministry Meets 11am Sunday’s Location: Charlotte Hall Farmers Market We are a Biker friendly church focusing on uplifting and encouraging others to follow Jesus Christ. “We believe we live in a real world with real people looking for real answers “ Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email BFD@ for more information.

biker friendly directory

Renegade Classics Biker Outlet 7950 W. Broad Street Merchants Walk Shopping Center Richmond, VA 23294 804-501-BIKE (2453)

If you’re Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email BFD@BIGCITYRHINO.COM with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you.

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upcoming events

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to:

DELAWARE Bike Nights:

Wednesday’s Hooter’s New Castle, DE. 6-10PM

MARYLAND Ocean City Bikes to the Beach May 3 - 6, 2018 Live Music · Outdoor Venues · Custom Bike Show · Poker Run Blessing of the Bikes Sunday, May 6, 2018 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Renegades Classics of Annapolis BLESSING OF THE BIKES DRIVEN BY THE SPIRIT Bikes Blessed by: Reverend Father Martin “Pops” Berman Bike Night - Valor House Wednesday May9th from 6-9PM Valor House Restaurant, 7456 Gumboro Rd, Pittsville, MD 21850 Bike Night- Music by Mark Shores Outdoor Cornhole Free to Public - Private Parking Drinks and Food Specials Horseshoes and Hand Grenades - Chosen Sons MC Sat May 19, 2018, 1pm - 6pm $10.00 Admission - Free Giveaways - Food - Drinks Available - Raffles Horseshoes and Corn hole Tournaments Music by DJ Grumpy More Info - Booze 443-848-2974 2018 Bikefest at The Woodstock Inn Sun May 20, 2018, 12pm - 5pm Woodstock Inn, 1415 Woodstock Rd, Woodstock, MD Live Bands - Farm Fresh Food from Braglio Farms 4/29 - Midnite Run 5/20 - One Louder 6/3 - Never Never 7/15 - No Tell Motel 8/26 - TBA 9/30 Never Never Open House - Renegade Classic Sun May 20, 2018, 10-4PM Renegade Classics of Annapolis, 3180 Solomons Island Rd # 101, Edgewater, MD. Live Music - BBQ - Tattoos - Bike Wash Vendors


17th Annual British & European Classic Motorcycle Day Sunday, May 20, 2018 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM High Point Farm – Clarksburg, MD British & European Classic Motorcycle Day is one of the largest events of its kind, with a field full of all types of Classic British & European motorcycles; swap meet vendor area; Tech Talks; and much more. We are located in the rolling countryside of Maryland, close to Washington, DC and Baltimore. There are over 15 Brit & Euro classes for the judged concours and over 75 plaques and ribbons to be awarded, and door prizes awarded to select Concours winners. The vendor area has Classic British & European parts and accessories, complete bikes, project bikes, maybe even that elusive piece you need to finish a bike you’re working on. 2018 East Coast Thunder Saturday, May 26, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Old Glory Harley-Davidson – Laurel, MD Annual FREE CONCERT on Rolling Thunder/Memorial Weekend with 3 live bands, vendors, food by GIGGY’S BBQ, PEOPLES CHOICE BIKE/CAR SHOW and In-House POKER RUN. VISIT www. or call 240832-5148 for more informatoon. 10th Annual Josh’s Ride Sat Jun 2, 2018 9am - 3pm 4080 School Rd, Broomes Island, MD 20615 A Memorial ride through Southern Maryland benefiting the Huntington Volunteer Fire Department Registration starts at 9:00 am Registration fee is $25.00 per person Food at the After Party Ride For The Fallen Sat Jun 2, 2018 10am - 4pm The LZ 154 Lafayette Ave, Laurel, Maryland Please come join our poker run style event. The ride starts and ends at the LZ. There are four stops in between and each of the stops is named after a fallen hero. At each of the odd stops, you get a chance to meet the family of that hero. The registration opens at 1000. Rider are free to leave on their own and there will be a group ride leaving at 1130. The families will join us back at the LZ. Prizes and awards will be announced at 1800 (6 pm). Free shirt with entry. Fees: $30 for Rider and $10 for passenger. This is our third year and we honored to be allowed to carry the names and faces of these heroes. Bike Day at the Coon Club Sat Jun 2, 2018 11am - 8pm Bike Show - Bike Games - Tattoo and Piercings - Burnout Pit - Loud Pipes Food - Pit Beef, Pit Ham, Hot Dogs and Fries Wet T-Shirt - Frozen T-Shirt - Pole Dancing Contests Live Music by Red Dirt Revolution Proceeds to go to veterans charity - Heroes to Hometowns MAY 2018

2nd Annual Operation Blue Line Ride Sat Jun 2, 2018 Noon - 5pm Jerry Skrivanek V.F.W. Post 8185, 520 Susquehanna River Rd, Port Deposit, MD Our registration will begin at 10 am with coffee and donuts at VFW POST 475 in Newark, De Kickstands up at 11:30 Our fees will be $20 for rider and $10 for passenger. Our ride will start at VFW POST 475 in Newark, Delaware. We will then take a leisurely ride thru De/Md ending at the VFW POST 8185 in Port Deposit, Md At this point our event begins with entertainment, food, raffles, 50/50s and of course a lot of fun! Our goal is to help out C.O.P.S. again this year!! Please help us support this cause and double our proceeds from last year!!! Check back for updates as details unravel! Thank you all for your support! 2nd Annual Ride for Samm Poker Run Sat Jun 2, 2018 Noon - 5pm Hilltop Inn, 825 Hilltop Rd, Elkton, MD 21921 Prizes - 50/50 - Trophies - Chinese Auction Live Music - Mason Dixon and with Forsaken All Wheels Welcome $25 per couple - $30 at the door 2018 Bikefest at The Woodstock Inn Sun June 3, 2018, 12pm - 5pm Woodstock Inn, 1415 Woodstock Rd, Woodstock, MD Live Bands - Farm Fresh Food from Braglio Farms 4/29 - Midnite Run 5/20 - One Louder 6/3 - Never Never 7/15 - No Tell Motel 8/26 - TBA 9/30 Never Never Basket Bingo - Hogs and Heroes Saturday June 9th, 10:30 – 5PM American Legion, 501 St John St, Havre De Grace, MD Basket Bingo - All ages welcome Vendors and Pit Beef 20 Bingo Games for $25 + Free Raffle Ticket (3 Cards per game) Door Prizes and Raffles Fisher House Foundation - Punishers MC Sunday, June 10th, from 10am -4pm 19201 Frederick Rd, Germantown, MD Live Music - WELLPLAYED Food by Carrabba’s 50/50 Raffle - Door Prizes Silent Auction - Cash Bar $20.00 Donation Operation Red Line Poker Run and Ride in Bike Show - Knights of the Fallen Sunday, June 10th, from 10am -4pm 300 Newark Ave, Elkton, MD Proceeds to Benefit the Singerly Vol. Fire Department General Admission - $5 Poker Run + $10 - Bike Show Registration + $10 Music by Forsaken

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

Tuesday’s Tidewater Motorcycles – Chili Dog Social– Suffolk, VA Thursday’s High Tides – Colonial Beach, VA. 6-11PM High Tides is kicking off the riding season by starting a bike night that promises to be a very good time. DJ Rockin Roger will be providing the tunes for now but as the summer starts arriving look for live music to be on the menu. The Tiki Bar is almost an arm’s reach away from the water and there is usually a fire going in the firepit on those chilly evenings. CLUB COLORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! No Drama, No BS and have a good time. El Rodeo Restaurant – Fredericksburg, VA. 5-9PM Big O Bike Shop LLC sponsored Bike Night Weekly 50/50 drawings. Proceeds to a different charity each month. Games, contests, raffles, and giveaways. Great authentic food and homemade ethnic desserts. More info - Kerry O’Shields - 703 963 0697 Big Woody’s - Virginia Beach, VA Great specials, biker buckets, live music and prize giveaways Oceana Cycles – Virginia Beach, VA Legendary Hot Dog Night 1st Thursday of Every Month! 6:00pm Buffalo Wild Wings – Culpeper, VA. 5-11 PM - Saturday – 4/17, 5/12, 6/9, 7/14, 9/8 Sons of Blackwater Military MC For more Info - Vice – 423-304-4294 Sipe’s Restaurant and Bar – Harrisonburg, VA. 6:30PM-?? – Saturday – 4/28, 5/26, 6/23, 7/28, 8/25, 9/22 - $5 Cover – Live Music Sons of Blackwater Military MC For more Info - Tailgate – 540-246-3365


Salty Dawgs poker Run Saturday, May 5, fom 9 AM to 4 PM Eagles Nest – Chesapeake, VA 12th Annual Salty Dawgs Poker Run to support the Portsmouth Fisher House. Bike Show, Live Auction, Gun Raffles, vendors, 50/50 and Pker Run More info – Clint – 757-462-0711

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

Ride Virginia Habitat for Humanity Poker Run - 11th Annual Saturday, May 12, 9:00 AM Habitat ReStore – Fredericksburg The RIDE VIRGINIA Poker Run is an annual fundraiser to engage motorcycle groups as well as local bikers who want to support Habitat. This half-day event takes participants on a motorcycle tour of Habitat projects and local landmarks, and tickets purchased help support local build projects. Riders drive a designated route and draw playing cards at each planned stop. At the final destination, riders play their hand of poker and a cash prize is awarded to the best AND the worst hand. Bike Night - Sons of Blackwater Military MC Saturday May 12, 2018 5pm - 11pm Buffalo Wild Wings, 763 Nalles Mill Rd, Culpeper, VA Bike Night For More info Call Vice - 423-304-4294 CVMA 27-3 6th Annual BASH Friday, May 18, 2018 - Saturday, May 19 Ed Allen’s Campground - Lanexa, Virginia VMA 27-3 6th Annual BASH. Super event

with a 80-mile Poker Run through historic Virginia, Live Bands, Food, vendors, Beer Truck. Kicks off on Friday, 18 May, 4 pm to midnight. Saturday, 19 May 2018, 7 am, Poker Run 1000 am through approximately 3 pm; live bands throughout the day until midnight. For more info, contact: Dr. Ken “Doc” King, CVMA 27-3 PRO, Bike Night - Sons of Blackwater Military MC Saturday, May 26, from 6:30-11:30 PM Sipe’s Restaurant and Bar, 1625 E Market St, Harrisonburg, VA Bike Night with Live Music $5 Cover More Info; Call Tailgate - 540-246-3365 2018 Virginia Ride for Kids Sun Jun 3, 2018 8am - 2pm Richmond Raceway, 600 E Laburnum Ave, Richmond, VA Enjoy a fun ride, food and entertainment! Cheer our Stars, localchildren fighting brain tumors Fundraise to earn incentives likeTshirts, jackets and more Get a chance to win a new Honda CB300F andother great prizes (see rules below) Connect with other enthusiasts fora great cause Come join us with any make or model of street legalmotorcycle, or just enjoy the day with family and friends! By raisingfunds for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, you’ll give kidsbattling the deadliest form of childhood cancer a brighter future.REGISTRATION: 8 9: 30 a.m. KICKSTANDS UP: 10 a.m. South Central Bike Fest June 7-10 All Day Jonbil Rd, Chase City, VA 23924 A Charity Event to Benefit Barksdale Foundation Mecklenburg County Cancer Assoc. Thursday - Evening BBQ and Entertainment Friday - Historic Ride, Cruise in, Entertainment, Fireworks Saturday - Poker Run, Bike show, Rodeo Events, Entertainment and Wet T-shirt Contest Bike Night Sons of Blackwater Military MC Saturday June 9th, 2018 5pm - 11pm Buffalo Wild Wings, 763 Nalles Mill Rd, Culpeper, VA Bike Night For More info Call Vice - 423-304-4294 Bike Night Sons of Blackwater Military MC Saturday, June 23rd, from 6:30-11:30 PM Sipe’s Restaurant and Bar, 1625 E Market St, Harrisonburg, VA Bike Night with Live Music $5 Cover More Info; Call Tailgate - 540-246-3365 continued...

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upcoming events

VIRGINIA Bike Nights:

24th Annual Richmond Riders Poker Run Sunday, May 6, from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM 2018 Richmond Riders Poker Run, our 24th annual event supporting the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation and the Ride for Kids program. This year’s event will be beginning at our supporting dealer, Richmond Honda House, located at 7906 West Broad St. As always, our poker run features a tour through some of the best roads Central Virginia has to offer. At each of the end points along the way, you’ll draw cards to make your poker hand. The end point for this year’s event is Mission BBQ, located at 5440 Glenside Dr. Food will be available for sale in the restaurant and outside, we’ll hold our “awards ceremony” where we’ll award prizes for best hand and worst hand. As always, we’ll also have plenty of great door prizes to give away, too. All proceeds from this year’s Poker Run go to the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. Each day, 13 children are diagnosed with a brain tumor. Since 1984, The Ride for Kids program has supported the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation through a national series of motorcycle rides. The money we raise provides critical support to scientists searching for a cure and improved treatment options for children. For the Richmond Riders, we can’t think of a more worthwhile use of our time and money. We hope you’ll join us to raise money for this very worthy cause. Click here to learn more about our event:

upcoming events

Mid-Atlantic Women’s Motorcycle Rally 2018 Jun 21, 2018 - Sun Jun 24, 2018 Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Front Royal Blue Ridge Shadows, 111 Hospitality Drive, Front Royal, VA The Mid-Atlantic Women’s Motorcycle Rally is the premiere women’smotorcycling event in the Mid-Atlantic. Held every June, it bringstogether women motorcyclists and enthusiasts for a three day rally fullof friendship, games, educational seminars, rides, contests, andfundraising to support women with the challenges of cancer. The weekendculminates in the Parade of Chrome to honor women riders, cancersurvivors and pledge our support to those that have been touched bycancer. To date, the women of the Mid-Atlantic Women’s Motorcycle Rally have almost $400,000 to support women facing the many challenges ofcancer. We will continue this tradition in the fashion that we knowbest — bringing together women and having a great time together thougheducational seminars, rides and of course a few games. Being a woman motorcyclist is powerful – why not join and bring your power to combineforces with us? www. Childhelp Benefit Concert - Richmond Harley Davidson Fri Jun 29, 2018, 5:30-9PM Richmond Harley-Davidson, 12200 Harley Club Dr, Ashland, VA $20.00 Tickets Headline - Tribute to Journey Odyssey Road Opener - Mickie James Benefiting the Chidhelp Alice C. Tyler Village More Info - 540-399-5076


2nd Friday of every month @ 7PM Sorry Souls MC WING NIGHT 9505 Williamsport Pike, Falling Waters WV. Come out for a great Time and GREAT EATS!! Try al the flavors



Lets’s Ride 1000 for Make-A-Wish Foundation Saturday, May 5-6 Wheeling, WV 26003 Let’s Ride 1000 conducts certified Saddle Sore 1000 motorcycle rides for charity. 100% of proceeds go directly to the charity. This event will benefit the Make-AWish Foundation as we will ride to Hell, Michigan. This Saddle Sore 1000 is called the “Almost Heaven to Hell” Ride. Check out will begin at 4am on May 5, 2018 and riders will proceed on a predetermined route to and from Hell, Michigan. The entire 1000 miles must be completed within 24 hours. All rides are certified by the Iron Butt Association. More details available at Www.facebook. com/letsride1000 Sorry Souls MC - Wing Friday May 11, 2018 7pm - 11pm Sorry Souls MC Clubhouse - 9505 Williamsport Pike, Falling Waters, WV. Come out for a great time and great eats!! All are Welcome! Wings - Toxic, Hot, Mild, Garlic, BBQ, Honey BBQ, Old Bay For more info - 410-984-5926 Capitol City Biker Bash 2018 June 7-10 All Day Haddad Riverfront Park, Charleston, WV 7th Annual Capitol City Biker Bash brought to you by Go Mart and Mountain Dew at Haddad Riverfront Park along the banks of the beautiful Kanawha River. The city closes all four lanes of the Kanawha Boulevard for Motorcycle enthusiast to have easy access to Charleston and enjoy West Virginia’s wonderful winding byways, rockin music, fabulous food and to see dear old friends as well as make cherished new ones. The Capitol City Biker Bash is partnering for a fourth year with HospiceCare. www.capitolcitybikerbash. com/

MAY 2018

SCRC West Virginia State Rally 2018 June 8th – June 10th Sleep Inn, 701 Professional Park Dr, Summersville, WV The Southern Cruisers Riding Club is a Free, Family Oriented Motorcycle Riding Club that uses the Web to communicate and focuses on the Enjoyment and Fellowship of Riding Motorcycles while doing so Safely. The Southern Cruisers is not an Internet club for Motorcycle Enthusiasts. Check the event website ( ) for additional details and updates. Sorry Souls MC - Wing Friday June 8, 2018 7pm - 11pm Sorry Souls MC Clubhouse - 9505 Williamsport Pike, Falling Waters, WV. Come out for a great time and great eats!! All are Welcome! Wings - Toxic, Hot, Mild, Garlic, BBQ, Honey BBQ, Old Bay For more info - 410-984-5926 CBWV Regional Korean Memorial Dice Run Saturday June 9th, 10:30 – 5PM VFW post 7048, 1310 Morgantown Ave, Fairmont, WV. Dice Run - Benefiting the completion of the Marion County Korean War Memorial 50/50 - Raffles Bikes - $15 - Passengers - $10 Registration 10:30-11:45am Kickstands up @ Noon Rider Fee includes food at last stop Party for a Cause - Autism Speaks - Sorry Souls MC Saturday June 23rd, Noon - ???? Moose Pavillion, Douglas Grove Rd Douglas Grove Rd, Martinsburg, WV Gates open at Noon - (Till ?????) Camping is Allowed - Tents/Campers - No Hookups Bike Raffle of a 2002 Softail Heritage (Only 4700 Miles) $25.00 Per Ticket Basket Raffles - 50/50 Bands include - School of Rock, The Fogg, Semi Hard, Trixie and the Speedracerz, and Bridge to Divide Food by - Fat Jack’s “Bartlet Q” $20.00 Per Person More info - 410-984-5926

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By Matt Danielson The Motorcycle Law Group

MOTORCYCLE AUXILIARY LIGHT BILL SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR APRIL 20, 2018 HB 1464, the motorcycle auxiliary light bill that was introduced by Delegate Roxann Robinson at the request of the Virginia Coalition of Motorcyclists (VCOM) was signed by the Governor. The bill will become law as of July 1, 2018. As of July 1st Virginia motorcyclists will be able to utilize aftermarket lighting to improve visibility even if such lighting is not approved by the Superintendent of the Virginia State Police, or any other federal agency or safety organization. Below is the language that the bill added to 46.21012 of the Code of Virginia: Notwithstanding § 46.2-1002, motorcycles or autocycles may be equipped with standard bulb running lights or light-emitting diode (LED) pods or strips as auxiliary lighting. Such lighting shall be (i) either red or amber in color, (ii) directed toward the ground in such a manner that no part of the beam will strike the level of the surface on which the motorcycle or autocycle stands at a distance of more than 10 feet from the vehicle, and (iii) designed for vehicular use. Such lighting shall not (a) project a beam of light of an intensity greater than 25 candlepower or its equivalent from a single lamp or bulb; (b) be blinking, flashing, oscillating, or rotating; or (c) be attached to the wheels of the motorcycle or autocycle. Thank you to everyone who worked to pass this legislation, and thank you to each and every one of you who took the time to send an email or write a letter in support of this bill. As always, this was a group effort. If you have any questions about this bill or any other matters concerning motorcycle related laws, do not hesitate to reach out to me. Matt Danielson McGrath, Danielson, Sorrell & Fuller The Motorcycle Law Group 1-800-321-8968 44

MAY 2018

Thunder Roads® Mid-Atlantic

Dedicated to protecting the rights of injured motorcyclists. We ride so we understand. If you’ve been injured through no fault of your own, call the Motorcycle Law Group.SM

1-800-321-8968 Licensed in Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia. Thunder Roads®Mid-Atlantic

MAY 2018 45

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