3 FOTO DA CAPA: Open Reflection DISPONÍVEL EM: https://goo.gl/eufDiX CAPA, DIAGRAMAÇÃO, REVISÃO E PROJETO GRÁFICO Vinicius Gomes Pascoal ORGANIZAÇÃO: Vinicius Gomes Pascoal
PASCOAL, Vinicius Gomes. A Turba – Anelectos: coletânea de artigos de opiniões de estudantes do curso de letras. / Vinicius Gomes Pascoal [org.]. Recife – Selo Editorial Prolinfo, 2015. 56p. Inclui referências 1. Crítica de cinema. 2. Língua Inglesa. 3. Artigos de Opinião.
UNIVERSIDADE DE PERNAMBUCO – UPE REITOR Prof. Pedro Henrique de Barros Falcão VICE-REITORA Prof.ª Maria do Socorro Mendonça Cavalcanti PRÓ-REITOR DE GRADUAÇÃO - PROGRAD Prof. Luiz Alberto Ribeiro Rodrigues PRÓ-REITORA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO E PESQUISA - PROPEGE Prof.ª Maria Tereza Muniz Cartaxo PRÓ-REITOR ADMINISTRATIVO - PROADMI Prof. Rivaldo de Albuquerque Mendes PRÓ-REITORA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PESSOAS - PRODEP Prof.ª Vera Rejane do Nascimento Gregório PRÓ-REITOR DE EXTENSÃO E CULTURA - PROEC Prof. Renato Medeiros Moraes COORDENADORA DE ASSUNTOS ESTUDANTIS - CAE Prof.ª Adelina Maria Salles Bizarro COORDENADOR DE DESENVOLVIMENTO DE GRADUAÇÃO - CDG Prof. Karl Schurster Veríssimo Sousa Leão
PROGRAMA DE LÍNGUAS E INFORMÁTICA DA UNIVERSIDADE DE PERNAMBUCO - PROLINFO COORDENADOR GERAL DO PROGRAMA Prof. Severino Carlos da Silva COORDENADORA PEDAGÓGICA Prof.ª Daiana Gaia Pereira COORDENADORA ADMINISTRATIVA Prof.ª Jéssica Maria Rodrigues Santos COORDENADOR DE TECNOLOGIA DA INFORMAÇÃO João Victor Xavier COORDENADOR DE INTERIORIZAÇÃO Prof. Vinicius Gomes Pascoal COORDENADORA DE PROJETOS Prof.ª Mariane Bezerra de Menezes COORDENADORA DE EDUCAÇÃO À DISTÂNCIA Prof.ª Rozineide Novaes Ferraz COORDENADOR DE APOIO AOS POLOS Prof. David José Andrade Lima SECRETÁRIA Prof.ª Joelma Ramos Xavier DESIGNER Davi Sales APOIO ADMINISTRATIVO Karla Suelayne Ferreira Correia Pollyana Stefany de Almeda Sales Sabryna Barbosa Ramos Thaís de França Rigueira
PALAVRA DE ABERTURA Resultado de uma parceira entre o PROLINFO e a UPE Campus Mata Norte, eesta é mais uma publicação que compõe o Selo Editorial Prolinfo, sempre preservando a ideia que essas publicações são originadas integralmente pela produção de jovens graduandos e graduandas da licenciatura em letras com dupla habilitação inglês – português e suas literaturas. Neste volume o(a) leitor(a) encontrará os frutos da disciplina de língua inglesa V, realizada no primeiro semestre do ano de 2015 na UPE Campus Mata Norte. Na disciplina mencionada, o corpo discente foi convidado a visitar fílosofos políticos desde os princípios da humanidade, passando por Mozi, Comte, Lincoln, Proudhon, Pankhurst, Maudidi, Ebadi, e outros. Essas leituras desembarcavam na produção fílmica de King Vidor, o aclamado The Crowd, de 1928. A proposta era abrir o tecido fílmico para então provocar os seus/suas espectadores(as) e causar inquietação formal que se convertessem artigos de opinião. Como parte do processo de ensino-aprendizagem de toda a disciplina supramencionada foi registrado através de um grupo de discussão no facebook, pensou-se na relevância de trazer num livro a conversão desses esforços digitais datiloescrito. O nome analecto não poderia ter vindo em momento mais oportuno. Como parte do contrato de resolução para avaliação discente, a proposta de ter seu artigo de opinião publicado foi eletiva aos seus autores e autoras. Contudo, os artigos que não se encontravam no formato padrão também não puderam constar nesta seletiva, embora muitos desses materiais tivessem fôlego e constituição vigorosa para se apresentar aos que aqui chegaram. Também por se tratar de um grande exercício de prática escrita, foi combinado que nenhum artigo receberia alteração, revisão, ou retoque por parte do editor (embora este tenha feito os ajustes deste material apenas no tocante aos moldes da ABNT). O exercício da escrita, a participação nos debates online, os diálogos em espaço presencial, as dinâmicas desenvolvidas em classe, o respeito dedicado aos colegas de classe com quem se aprende ao longo de um semestre letivo, essas etapas se convertem neste ambiente utópico de aprendizagem onde aquilo que foi vivenciado dentro de classe agora pode ser acessado, ao menos através de algumas breves e suscintas opiniões que compactam o resultado das leituras do mundo e das leituras da academia. Aqui, neste tempo-espaço-fluxo-contínuo convertemos a passagem de uma disciplina através de um e-book.
Com muito orgulho e felicidade desta turma ______________________________________
Vinicius Gomes Pascoal
SUMÁRIO 1920: A DECADE OF GREAT TRANSFORMATIONS – (p.9) Natália Maria Gomes Barbosa TIREDNESS KILLS: IT IS FUNDAMENTAL TO NEGOTIATE WORKING HOURS. – (p.10) Nathália Mirella Veríssimo de Lima FAMILY CONFLICTS IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY THE ILLUSION OF SOCIETY'S WELFARE – (p.12) Joselene Maria da Silva THE CROWDED: ENTRE O MODERNO E O CONTEMPORÂNEO – (p.13) Camilla Rodrigues Protetor HOW MUCH? (THE MAN AND ITS SOCIAL FUNCTION) – (p.15) Lucenilda Maria José do Espírito Santo THE SEARCH OF A BRIGHT FUTURE. – (p.17) Kaminski Silva Florêncio A STRUGGLE THAT IS TIMELESS – (p.18) Mariane Milena Oliveira da Silva OLD MOVIE: TRANSMITTING CURRENT CONCEPTS – (p.19) Mikaelle Delana da Silva Araújo THE CROWD: UMA HISTÓRIA DE AMOR NOS TEMPOS MODERNOS – (p.20) Anderson de Santana Lins ARTIGO DE CINEMATOGRAFIA NO MUNDO MODERNO. – (p.22) Myrna Mchado Borges POPULAÇÃO MUNDIAL: AUMENTO OU DIMINUIÇÃO? – (p.23) ELIZABETE LOPES DA SILVA THE CROW(D) – (p.25) Richard Cavalcanti Santos AMBITION VS. SURVIVAL JOHNS SIMS JUST ANOTHER IN THE CROWD – (p.27) Roberta Malu Botêlho Silva THE CROWD: A MIRROR THAT CONTINUES REFLECTING TODAY – (p.29) Deivson Augusto da Siva Vieira ANOTHER BETWEEN ONE MILLION – (p.31) Glauco Damião Souza da Silva THE CROWD AND THE CAPITALISM – (p.32) Halliny Naianny Cavalcanti R. dos Santos AS THE CHILDREN SUPPORT THEIR PARENTS (EMOTIONALLY) – (p.34) Fransuene Carla da Silva THE CROWD: A FÓRMULA PARA UM CLÁSSICO – (p.36) Michely Candido THE CROWD: THEME REALISTIC AND HIS DRAMATIC – (p.38) Pollyana Stefany De A. Sales
THE CROWD: PORTRAIT OF LIFE – (p.40) Conceição Érica de Andrade Pereira THE SPEED OF CHANGE – (p.42) Adriene da Silva Freitas THE STIFLING CROWD: WHAT KING VIDOR WANTS TO SHOW US – (p.43) Agda Olívia Barbosa Baía WOMAN: A BREAKTHROUGH WITH OVER THE YEARS – (p.44) Welington Ribeiro de Medeiros VELOCIDADE INCESSANTE – (p.45) Juliana do Nascimento Ferreira THE CROWD: MAN IN REAL LIFE. – (p.47) Maxwênia Itala Gomes Melquiades De Souza WORKER'S DILEMMA (RIGHT TO PROPERTY) – (p.48) Rosileide Maria Santos da Mata THE WOMAN AS SEEN IN THE CROWD – (p.49) Izabella Rosa Pessoa
Natália Maria Gomes Barbosa1 nataliamaria_14@hotmail.com
The 1920s, is marked by a series of changes. These changes occurred in the social, cultural and technological fields.Based on the historical context of the time, it can be said that from this decade, we started to have greater freedom in the values of society. Love relationships, have greater physical contact. Women also began to gain ground in society, through the feminist movements that were the result of revolutionary time period. This move was aimed at the destruction of the traditional bourgeoisie tax model and aimed to create a new society, which would need to free women from domestic slavery, and make room for them to have an opportunity to enter the labor market and in politics. In technology, changes can be observed in the transport and household appliances. We have to replace the train that was collective use for the private use of cars. Appliances there is a search for something that facilitates people's lives, we have the example of this frenzied use of the vacuum cleaner. According to Charles Chaplin: ‘’We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in . The machine, which gives abundance has left us in want’’. ( Charles Chaplin- O grande Ditador-1940) With the advancement of technology , humans , were stuck to this modern looking more and more things that facilitate their life. Watching the movie '' The Crowd '' , one can say that the main factor of the changes that are incurred by society, is a result of the passage of time, and the speed with which things happen .This time it transforms everything , wears love relationships, and brings the aging people . The 1920s in his final years , was affected by a financial crisis that led to the crash of the New York Stock Exchange . This financial crisis has contributed to that there were many layoffs in the labor market , thus affecting all estaduense society. With these changes undergone by society during the 1920s , humanity began to gain a new face , thus contributing to the formation of values and advances we see in society today. it can be said that the time influenced the past, back to interfere with the course of the present . The film '' The crowd ‘’, brings with it the features which marked the society of the time, and shows how these changes imply the life of today's society. With technological advances occurred in that decade, left for today's individuals, the constant search for new technologies, for things that facilitate their life. And if today women are in the labor market and are present in politics, it was thanks to changes in the 1920s.
Discente do curso de Letras , com dupla habilitação em (Português –Inglês, e suas Literaturas) na UPE. É Docente desde o ano de 2013 na Escola Florentino de Souza Gaião. 1
Nathália Mirella Veríssimo de Lima2 (nathaliamirela@hotmail.com) Everybody dreams of a perfect job, which is financially satisfactory, physically and that makes us satisfied .But along this journey many things used to change and appear in our lives , such as problems at work, building a family and up even something more serious when you have a high workload . We saw in the movie that was made in ... one family who lived well , and a father of family like many others, who have aptitude in a particular business sector. The society lives new paradigms on lifestyle in and out of work , building new values on the demands of lifestyle so we can be sure that this problem has occurred since the time the current a centuries ago, various sciences have given their contributions for study this trouble. Mark developed a theory which states that the worker force ( considered as a commodity ) has the same value as the time that the worker needs to produce enough to receive his salary and ensure the survival of his family. However, many times the value of this time is smaller than the amount of total work force. The difference between these two values is known as surplus value. I believe is a clear criticism of capitalism , indicating the capitalist exploration of workers because the salary were paid a small percentage of the amount equivalent to what was produced. This theory has been used by several working class members in order to receive higher salary . “Money is the alienated essence of the work and of man's existence; the essence dominates him and he loves it”!. (Markx,Dicionário de Citações,2010,pag 57). We can see clearly the symptoms of depression that parents lose their daughter in the car accident, those scenes clearly demonstrate how the division not personal problems with the work are harmful because the father begins to develop psychological disorders and can no longer focus on his duties in the workplace. In my opinion, the film could show more details about the ordinary life of the people who ran behind work wished. The man might have had a happy ending, whereas I quite liked how they showed living together in the home of the family of all the steps. It is interesting to see more details on the role of women in those times where it devoted only to chores.I confess that I felt sorry for the man that lose his job with two children to support and I believe that it moved everyone , taking the tragedy of the scene in the film. Master the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his leisure, between your mind and your body, between his education and his recreation, between his love and his religion. He hardly knows which body of the other. He simply pursues his vision of excellence in everything you do, leaving to others the decision of whether is working or playing. He thinks he is always doing both simultaneously.
Nathália Mirella Veríssimo de Lima, studying graduation in Letters at UPE (containing major in Portuguese and English language and their literatures) . This study is based on research done for her while studying labor safety in 2014 until January 2015. 2
11 The value of work goes through several transformations and suffers breaking several paradigms. As psychology is a field of knowledge that long to understand and explain human behavior as well as their motivations, favor a backdrop of the motivational theories, because we are trying to change in work values. Previously it was possible for personal achievement and recognition, work, has represented today nothing more than a means of survival and security, since we can identify a large number of people dissatisfied with their work, as well as many work without employment. One can even say that the involvement of people with their work has decreased over time as well as the motivations of people to him. Previously, we lived in a different context where people devoted themselves body and soul to work and were willing to face desafios. With over time, there was a change. A critical aspects of motivation is the reduction or excess in working hours leading to a psychological saturation of the worker as well as social instability, economic policy the country has past, also causing instability in business and therefore at work. The value of labor is losing ground and giving way to some discussion if the job is still a motivational source from the most repetitive work to the most creative. Work ceased to be a source of satisfaction and quality of life going to play the role of means of survival and hope.
Referências: Karl Marx,. O Capital. Trad. Maurice Lachâtre. Germany, :1863.
Joselene Maria da Silva http://lattes.cnpq.br/9148930900869815 e-mail: joselenemsilva@hotmail.com
Initially we will enter in the first decade of the twentieth century in the United States and across a typical state family welfare in which there are many problems and several family sectors. The film shows the duality inherent in this kind of state where the idea that there is only economic and emotional growth is illusory levels. I found very striking movie scenes, life in society is represented in a hard way and contrary, so that is shown reality in many American families, and especially in the 20 decade of the respective century and where it culminated in the historic and terrifying fall of the stock market in New York. Observe a family construction start where the boy achievement the girl and dream of a perfect home, that is, a happy marriage, many children and a secure job for life. Faced with the speed of information and the uncertainties of life this family is placed at averse than thought. I saw at various times North American woman, dedicated to the home and the family itself. She sought, through a thought embedding in utopias give the best of themselves and see plenty just growing in your home. In turn, the husband showed as an entity full of caring, loving, caring, protective and the positive effect of a continuous labor growth, but over time all these traits have become extinct, due to external and internal character orders. The world just showed that he was just another in the crowd and he should fight more for their goals to can grow in life. Above we see clearly that the capitalist universe brought to humanity, a project based on the right that tended to say that the world was moving towards fullness, synthesis nothing more than a myth, in which a whole certainly plan was actually a illusion. This world has its roots in the Enlightenment, the philosophical movement which proposed the reason as light every civilization, which was the main mentor of the outbreak of the First World War. Traversing all the context of the film and its interrelation with thoughts that were born at other times is proposed the idea that the society of the perfect American social welfare does not exist. Therefore, it is verifiable that the film portrays the purest clearly what is found in American families in what was created was an aura of uncertainty culminating in a sad confirmation that nothing is absolute.
Camilla Rodrigues Protetor 3 (Camilla.protetor@hotmail.com) O filme aqui tratado mostra a realidade de uma família moderna da década de 30, tempo esse envolto de revoluções e mudanças. O inicio do filme seria comumente confundido com ‘Tempos modernos’ atuado por Charles Chaplin, porém suas propostas divergem, enquanto ‘Tempos Modernos’ vem criticar os meios de produção posteriores a Revolução Industrial – Fordismo e Taylorismo – e as péssimas condições a que eram mantidos os funcionários. The Crowed – ou a Turma, em português – de King Vidor vem levar questões realistas de como é a vida em sociedade e cultura da década de 30, vivenciadas por John, o qual terá altos e baixos no drama. Vemos no filme a importância do tradicionalismo familiar, o problema – ainda perpetuado na modernidade – do capitalismo, podem ainda serem levantados pontos como o feminismo. O tradicionalismo pertencente às famílias do século passado é algo banal e até pouco corriqueiro, mas que vale ser ressaltado no filme, visto que seu protagonista sofre opressão da família de sua esposa. Onde, numa sociedade patriarcal, o homem é o centro e a mulher, rechaçada e submissa, é culpada de todos os males e deve atender aos conceitos preestabelecidos por uma sociedade machista, não só socialmente falando, mas cultural e histórica. Emmeline Pankhurst( 1858 – 1928), ativista que luta por causas feministas, foi atrás dos direitos das mulheres, atrás do reconhecimento da mulher enquanto eleitora e detentora de conhecimento e força de votos. Mulher que estava a frente de seu tempo, porém não podemos cosiderar o feminismo como movimento atual, pois desde a idade média, as mulheres assumiam papel de matriarca quando havia a perda do chefe familiar. Eram precursoras dessa ideologia, embora não tivessem em mente essa consciencia ainda. O modo capitalista de produção pode ser observado no filme, modo este, cujo o homem está preso a um clico vicioso no qual trabalha, consome, trabalha novamente pra consumir mais, sem que haja o desprendimento desse alienamento consumista que atrofia homem moderno, entrando desta forma no pensamento marxista. A visão capitalista no filme faz-se a partir do momento em que o homem submete-se ao trabalho em troca do seu sustento, e também, pela divisão das classes sociais. Pode-se fazer aqui uma clara analogia com o machismo, no qual o homem traz o sustento da casa enquanto a mulher passa a fazer os afazeres domésticos. Em uma determinada passagem do filme, após o fracasso do marido – John –, a mulher – Mary – recorre a seus irmãos para dar lhe um emprego, John o nega, para o personagem aquilo o parecia como uma forma de fracasso e submissão. Embora o filme seja composto por altos e baixos do personagem principal e que traga como tema central o cotidiano de uma família do inicio do século XX, é possível ressaltar pontos que Graduanda do curso de licenciatura em letras com habilidade em português e inglês e suas literaturas oferecido pela UPE. Atualmente ligada ao grupo de pesquisa CELLUPE e CEL da mesma instituição UPE. Desenvolve pesquisa na área de literatura Moçambicana e feminismo. Bolsista CNPq pelo programa PIBIC- PFA . Para ter acesso a este cv acessar: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8039129938019064 3
14 convergentes entre o século moderno e o século que está a um passo a frente, contemporâneo. Sendo assim o filme trouxe em seu enredo fatos atemporais, fatos que sempre estarão presentes no convívio do homem moderno contemporâneo.
15 HOW MUCH? (THE MAN AND ITS SOCIAL FUNCTION) Lucenilda Maria José do Espírito Santo4 (lucenilda_santos2011@hotmail.com) The society has always lived a great existential conflict. To be or not to be, have or not have, power or no power. Issues such as these have always been under discussion. How many people looking to make your goals be met? What is the value that society gives us for what we are, or do? What the extent to which we should seek to achieve our "dreams"? The society limits us in this matter? These points come together, and tell us how every being is seen in society for the activities they perform. Living in society implies causes and consequences. The planet home billions of human beings, each one with different goals and thoughts. Often some are more "lucky" than others and survive in a better way. It's hard not to find in society a person who in the crowd, just waiting for your recognition that both the professional side as the "rights" that should have basic and does not have (health, food, housing); while others live in luxury and full of superfluous things. In this context, the concept of social function - which addresses the need that "every person has a social duty to perform a certain activity, to develop the best possible way their physical individuality, moral and intellectual, for it to fulfill its social function better way "(Figueiredo, 2008) - does not apply to everyone. The era depicted in "The Crowd" just shows a "uselessness", caused by the revolution of technological advances, urbanization and population growth, which is higher than the adaptation time. The quantity of people only increases and the society with its structure are changed every day more and more quickly. Adapt to these changes and get a "space" in society is increasingly difficult. To achieve this "space" people tend to seek to achieve their goals in every way. There is in this context a portion suffering from social conditions imposed on him. It is difficult to get even essential supplies to live. This happens for several reasons: A society "unfair" and uneven, people increasingly selfish, poor income distribution and even the way citizens "fight" for their rights. No use, for example, a portion of teachers take to the streets to protest for better pay conditions, if the other party continues in classrooms, as if all that was alien to him. As a popular saying and even great revolutionary thoughts as Ernesto Che Guevara, "unity is strength" and if people really cared to each other in the necessary intensity, there would be so many inequalities. The uselessness that the character John has, is precisely failing to contribute their share in its social function. Amid that crowd, it is "lost" waiting for an acknowledgment that does not come, being alienated by the work and having to compete all the time, trying to realize a dream. He is guided by the society they live in, whether a promotion at work or have a family, and this seems to escape from his hands. And it happens with several families from the consolidation of capitalism. Not for the least disadvantaged people have not ideal, but why not have the conditions necessary to realize them.
Lucenilda Maria José do Espírito Santo é discente do curso de Letras (com dupla habilitação: Inglês-Português e suas respectivas literaturas) da UPE. Possui trabalhos na área de Literatura, Entretenimento, e afins. Tem interesses nas áreas de Literatura e Comunicação. É pesquisadora de trabalhos escolares em Surubim - PE. Participou como mediadora da exposição “Simplesmente Capiba, 110 anos”, promovido pelo SESC Ler Surubim em 2012. 4
16 Since its inception man lives "ruled" by the society they live in and the functions that it performs. There have always been those who get some "profit" with the activities or "uselessness" of other. Thus, there is an inequality of opportunity, rights when it comes to social function. What is the difference between a dustman and a lawyer? Perhaps the opportunities that each had in their society. But remember that nothing and no one is useless. Each performs a function necessary for survival. What would the lawyers without the dustmen? ... They would be up to their necks, with their own waste.
References: MELO. José Mário Delaiti de. A função social da propriedade. Disponível em: http://www.ambito-juridico.com.br/site/?n_link=revista_artigos_leitura&artigo_id=12660 (Acesso: Junho de 2015). Wikiquote. Che Guevara. Disponível em: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Che_Guevara (Acesso: Junho de 2015). Wikipedia a Enciclopédia livre. Função social da propriedade. Disponível em: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fun%C3%A7%C3%A3o_social_da_propriedade (Acesso: Junho de 2015).
17 THE SEARCH OF A BRIGHT FUTURE. Kaminski Silva Florêncio5 (Kama.florencio@gmail.com)
Which Mom and Dad don’t desire a good future for their children? In Which they are responsible and able to develop their skills and capabilities so they can have a peaceful and promissory future! We are educated and taught during our childhood to desire great personal things, positions and mostly, to choose our Professional Carrier, which profession to follow that can open a bridge between our dreams to become the person that our fathers desire our “just one more” in the great and vast crowd of people with lost dreams or simply interrupted by stones in the middle of the path. The movie The Crowd is a classic, although old but that portrays a little bit of our subject. He tells the history of a Young John Sims, when he’s Born his father puts a great hope that hes future will be amazing and bright. Making clear from there the fascination of the character since his childhood, to desire a grateful life destined to great things. However, the turning point of the story is when John's father dies and he realizes he has interrupted his dreams. Older, john become one more in the crowd full of dreams, working and living automated and in a mechanical way. We must always go in search for our dreams even without having any idea if they will become true or not, we will know that when we start the search. Giving up is not always the way. We will measure our ability and capability when we go after what we really believe and want. However, dreaming will not take you to any place, we need to fight. If we don’t make it right the first time we shall never give up along the way or even stop in time, not even everything in our life will be conquer in the first time, it’s like learning to give the first steps, or riding a bicycle, you will fall a lot of times but you will always be ready to stand up and try again. As Aerosmith Says in their song “Dream until your dream comes true”. I believe that the even more important that a good schooling or give a brand new cellphone to your son, it’s to show him how life its hard and though and that the most important it’s to fight every day in search for your dream and not give up.
References: The Crowd (1928), King Vidor Aerosmith “Dream On”, (1973)
“I’m a student on the Letters course (With dual English – Portuguese qualification and literatures) on UPE Pernambuco University. Big Fan of the band Aerosmith, crazy for strawberry ice cream and sushi, loves to read novels, and addicted to series and movies 5
Mariane Milena Oliveira da Silva6 (http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K8160640A1) Mariane.Milena@gmail.com
The storyline is about John Sims, Born on the fourth of July, 1900, His dreams soon fade with the death of his father when John is but a lad. Like many before him, John sets out to make his mark in New York City, but ends up a faceless worker, in a large office of a large business. Soon he meets a young woman named Mary, His future Wife .Things take their course and they soon live in a small apartment. Soon John is bickering with Mary and finds that he has no love for the in-laws. When the marriage looks like a bust, he finds that Mary is with child and he stays. After 5 years, he has a son and a daughter and the same dead end job. When tragedy strikes. In 1928 it was released the movie called “The Crowd”, directed by King Vidor. In that time was having the talkie transition, must of the movie was stopping to be silent films to be sound it, our movie are silent even though the movie is timeless because its theme are very relevant. needless to say but still worth to mention that studying the transition in that time was really important to know all the ideas behind the theme and the story, so is very important to know that in 1929 was the great crash in New York and the people were too worry and too sad about the depression of that year. In this movie we can see the idea of money, good life and the tradition in Sims'life. John comes to the city with the idea of growth in professional and social life, but life and married have some issues such as familiar and financial. If you consider the social themes that were most important in this movie, we can see that some problems are timeless. This movie had so much success because the people could see “themselves” in the cinema, since the film portrayed the traditional family of the 20s, thus being able to sympathize with this story. From that time until nowadays people still wants the “American way of life”, but we can see that is so much more behind that term because capitalism influence in people's lives.
Referencias: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Crowd_(1928) http://dalenogare.com/2015/02/the-crowd-a-turba-1928/
Mariane Milena Oliveira da Silva, discente do curso de letras da Universidade de Pernambuco Campus Mata Norte. 6
Mikaelle Delana da Silva Araújo http://lattes.cnpq.br/2472014852702132 mikaelledelana@hotmail.com Whenever a child is born, shines in every look, especially parents, a hope for change, for something good to come. In the movie "The Crowd" by King Vidor, the first sentence that Mr. Sims says when Jhon your child is born is: "The world will talk about this boy". Everyone in the family creates great expectations and begins to dream about the bright future that would have the boy. The boy grows up with this concept of wanting to grow in life and be destined to do great things. What he does not know is that would be another amid large crowd, this quest to grow and improve their lives. The image of the movie is all black and white and is part of the mute cinema, that is, we do not listen to the speech of the characters, only the soundtracks and often appears on the screen, a brief caption indicating any speech or describing situations. All this is due to the limitations of the time (1928). Therefore, each object of the scene, the face expressions, focalization, among other details, are of great importance for understanding the film. As for the space and the focus of the film, Tania Pellegrini writes: In addition to integrated with time, space is associated therefore a greater or lesser degree, to the characters and to the narrator, with his views, his gaze, his "camera" which focuses on crops and reality. (Tania Pellegrine, 2003, p. 25) It is important to realize how much the space and the focus that King Vidor gives or does not give (purposefully), in the film, has a symbolic significance. After Jhon Sims becomes an adult, the focus was once centralized in his figure, becomes decentralized and in the scenes now Jhon is always lost in the crowd. He is lost among so many others who run after the same job, the same promotion, the same dream. The film The Turba acquired an immense importance because it deals with themes that are universal as the financial crisis, and that did not happen just at that time, but she always comes up in human history, so a 1928 film conveys a current concept. The Jhon character who works in an office think of a better life and marries Mary, giving her and her family this hope. But ultimately, the situation only gets worse, especially with the death of his daughter. He leaves the employment and marriage becomes in crisis. This is a picture of what happens in the real world. Love is tested when there is financial shortage. The reality tone in this film conveys lightness and reflection in the viewer.
References: O GRANDE DITADOR. Direção: Charles Chaplin. Estados Unidos, 1940.
20 THE CROWD: UMA HISTÓRIA DE AMOR NOS TEMPOS MODERNOS Anderson de Santana Lins7 anderson_linssan@hotmail.com The Crowd, cujo diretor é King Vidor, apesar de ser uma produção datada de 1928, é atemporal, não apenas pela temática abordada, mas também pela estética a qual se apregoa como, por exemplo, o uso do movimento das câmeras, influências nítidas do modernismo em sua plenitude. “Seria possível um filme mudo estar à frente de seu tempo? Ao olhar para The Crowd (A Turba, no Brasil) digo que a resposta é sim, apesar de que tal afirmativa possa soar como um exagero.”, escreveu Waldemar Dalenogare Neto em seu blog dedicado às críticas de filmes. O filme expõe a vida de John Sims, desde a sua mais terna idade, até os altos e baixos pelos quais passa ao lado de sua esposa Mary. O pai de Sims o estimulou desde muito jovem, afirmando que Sims seria um grande homem. A criança, por sua vez, sonhou com Nova York, vencendo a vida. Entretanto, seus sonhos foram ficando para trás desde a morte de seu pai. Jonh conhece Mary, com quem teve dois filhos. Já em Nova York, sente seus sonhos ofuscados por um sistema social impiedoso. Isso nos faz lembrar os questionamentos da socióloga inglesa Beatrice Webb, cujo foco era os entraves oriundos da globalização e industrialização do mundo. Para ela, o capitalismo é – e sempre será – um dos principais meios capazes de levar a desigualdade social. Durante o filme, é possível observar sempre a cidade e seus milhões de habitantes, destinados a servir um sistema social injusto e cada vez mais distante dos idealismos românticos até então postos à tona pelas produções cinematográficas. A interferência do modernismo nas artes se faz inegavelmente presente em The Crowd. É a partir desse contexto que o espectador vê o desenrolar da história do casal Jonh e Mary: jovens cujos sonhos divergem da realidade social da época. No início do matrimônio, Jonh – sempre otimista – faz planos para um futuro melhor. Porém, com a morte trágica de um de seus filhos, a vida a dois passou a ser ainda mais difícil. A monotonia e os problemas ocasionados pelo alcoolismo esmiuçaram os problemas do matrimônio. A intimidade das personagens foi revelada pelas câmeras. Uma história de amor moderna se revela aos olhos do espectador, trazendo à tona as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos sujeitos sociais: desigualdades, a dicotomia sonhos versus realidade, entre outros. Apesar desse ultrarrealismo presente na citada narrativa fílmica, o casal consegue superar as dificuldades, É dessa forma que a obra fílmica de King Vidor é considerada como uma grande obra-prima, estando ao lado das grandes produções do cinema mudo.
7 Graduando em Letras (UPE Campus Mata Norte); pesquisador do CELLUPE – Centro de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários e do Projeto ‘Língua em Uso em diferentes contextos sociais’ (LINUS – CELLUPE), com pesquisas desenvolvidas nas áreas de Linguística Aplicada, Linguística SistêmicoFuncional, Ensino e Educação; bolsista pelo Programa de Fortalecimento da UPE (PFA-UPE).
21 NETO, Waldemar Dalenogare. Críticas de Filmes: The Crowd (A Turba) – 1928. Disponível em: http://dalenogare.com/2015/02/the-crowd-a-turba-1928/, acessado em: 14 de junho de 2015.
Myrna Mchado Borges
Filme “The Crowd” é norte-americano do ano de 1929 que aborda mais a realidade e menos a ficção, mostrando no cinema o que é o modernismo. The Crowd faz uma critica ao capitalismo, como sendo um sistema sócio- econômico em que os meios de produção, tens fins lucrativos e não são feitos pelo governo. Riquezas vindas atraves da exploração de terras e também do trabalho dos servos nas industriais como é o caso do filme. Segundo Karl Marx, a afinidade entre a produção no princípio do capitalismo, onde o operário comercializa sua mão de obra para o burguês possuidor dos meios de produção. Ainda segundo ele a alienação da mão de obra em analogia ao produto final de seu trabalho. Entrenato, infelizmente muitas dessa empresas capitalista não investem em seus operários e termina que eles trabalham sem motivação, apenas fazem o que é preciso para se manterem no emprego e assegurar finaceiramente a sua família. Isso nos levar a repensar este sistema e suas relações estabecida no ambito profissional. A realidade do personagem liga-se ao termo mimeses, destacado por Brait (1990) e utilizado pela primeira vez nas descrições de Aristóteles em suas análises sobre o ser ficcional na obra literária, para dar uma margem simples de lógica ‘real’. Neste conceito, o personagem seria, “aquilo que é ‘imitado’ ou ‘refletido’”, todavia sabe-se, que este ser não é uma simples imitação do real. Em suma, a personagem é um ser fictício e, como tal, tem sua apreensão dentro da obra, ou seja, tem uma complexidade ficcional assim como a trama a qual está inserida. No filme encontramos ainda o machismo que ainda existe de forma mascarada nas camadas sociais e de forma bem característica e visível na sociedade. Além da subimissão da mulher perante ao marido. Do século XX para os dias atuais, houve uma luta incansável por melhores condições e reconhecimento, porém após muito sofrimento, aos poucos elas começaram a alcançar o que era delas por direito, deixando de lado velho e ultrapassado conceito homem dominante e mulher dominada. Por fim, somos seres racionais (pensantes), e não podemos nos destruirmos em permuta valores monetários, ou seja, temos que procurar pôr em prática a teoria da realização própria, respeitando os limites da natureza humana. É necessario que as pessoas detivesse em comprarcompulsivamente pois, isso gera a rotatividade do capital.
Com base no filme “A MULTIDÃO de 1928”, fizemos uma analise e visionamos o grande número de população que se encontra no filme, a cena mostra o protagonista com uma vida difícil e tudo se torna competitivo para ele, com isso analisamos as mudanças no padrão de crescimento da população em geral, incluindo os efeitos de migrações, guerras, doenças, tecnologia e cultura, e como explicar as relações entre natureza, cultura e demografia, incentivando a humanidade a procurar novas formas de evitar futuras catástrofes demográficas provocadas pelo ambiente ou pela ação do homem. É nessa perspectiva que se ajusta o nível de recursos a população ao traçarmos uma história da população mundial, procuramos esboçar um caminho para o futuro, baseado num equilíbrio entre as restrições ambientais e os recursos limitados. Segundo Karl Marx (1847). Numa de suas frases mais famosas dizia que, até então, os filósofos haviam interpretado o mundo de várias maneiras. “Cabe agora transformá-lo”. Vimos aqui uma teoria que passa de séculos a contemporaneidade , abrangendo questões para o futuro, uma das questões a ser vista nesse trabalho é a distribuição da população mundial onde esta ocorrendo de forma desigual ,o envelhecimento populacional é hoje um fenômeno universal, característico tanto dos países desenvolvidos como de modo crescente e do Terceiro Mundo. Os fatores responsáveis pelo envelhecimento são discutidos, com especial referência ao declínio tanto das taxas de fecundidade como das de mortalidade, através de recursos escassos esta se tornando cada vez mais difícil manter uma família com grande numero de pessoas com isso diminuindo a fecundidade, diz carvalho que: "A mudança demográfica faz com que o desafio ambiental, de fazer com que haja recursos para uma população formada por bilhões de pessoas, seja menor do que no passado. Ele não está resolvido, mas é menos urgente se considerarmos a queda na fecundidade". Por isso é que nesse ponto de vista muitos se preocupam com o excesso de pessoas no mundo atual, mas está na hora de começarmos a nos preocupar com a escassez de pessoas com um aumento de idosos no mundo, o envelhecimento é inevitável e a população não garante totalmente a sustentabilidade, é ainda preciso pensar em um mundo, para poder tornar a vida possível e acessível a todos, pode-se assim dizer que deve haver um equilíbrio e investimentos em nossos jovens ,por parte dos nossos políticos investindo em saúde ,educação e habitação para assim ter uma melhor qualidade de vida.
Elizabete Lopes da Silva cursando 5º período de letras resolvi escolher este curso pelo que ele proporciona não só intelectual mas também profissional,docente do curso de letras com dupla habilitação inglês-português e suas literaturas da UPE. Tendo interesse pelo trabalho no tema de População mundial: Aumento ou Diminuição . Desenvolvendo uma pesquisa de artigo de opinião The American Dream as seen in The Crowd 8
24 REFERENCIAS: Massimo Livi Bacci Breve Historia da População Mundial (2013) www.g1.globo.com/envelhecimento-da população-mundial CARVALHO, J. A. M., 1993. Crescimento Populacional e Estrutura Demográfica no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Marx Karl Miséria da Filosofia (1847)
25 THE CROW(D) Richard Cavalcanti Santos9 (riic@live.co.uk) Nothing that has happened so far Has been anything we could control I have just been waiting for the perfect time to tell you what I know Every man is happy until Happiness is suddenly a goal. (PARKER, 2012) There's a moment right in the beginning of the The Crowd where Johnny is sitting up on a fence with a bunch of his friends as they talk about their ambitions concerning the future (notice: none of them use the words want or dream), for which he replies 'My Dad says I'm goin' to be somebody big!'. It's not like he dreams to become big, it's more like he is destined to be big. He is not dreaming a dream of his own, he is dreaming his father's and probably his father's father and so on. Johnny is actually dreaming the American dream, but he doesn't actually dreams it, it's more like he expects it, cause the dream was already dreamed for him, all he have to do is sit and wait patiently for his ship to come. The fences can be understood as the symbol for his humble beginnings in the countryside or as the symbol for the childhood, a place where The Crowd can't hurt you yet. Given the movie unfolding, I'd rather stick with the latter, cause really he just gets off the fences to find out his father just died, maybe that was the end of his childhood and the beginning of the struggle that is depicted in the rest of the movie. As a grown-up, Johnny goes to live in New York and start working and then meets a girl, has two children, loses one of his child in a car accident, quit working... Always waiting for his ship to come, never losing the hope, except for a moment where he tries to commit suicide, but that can be seen as him losing hope on himself, he never actually loses the hope he has on the city and its opportunities. The issue here is never if Johnny has the qualities, cause like his "Sleight O'Hand: The Magic Cleaner" slogan shows, he can be considered smart or, in another terms, apt to succeed in this society, the issue here is: does the society really gives him the opportunity he is always asking for? Well, it doesn't seem that way. Johnny is always trying to bend the city as his version of it, but never seems able to do it, cause after all, it's all just a fantasy, a dream, even though he doesn't know it. It's important to consider that even facing these adversities, Johnny never takes a pessimistic posture, washing away the meritocratic speeches like "he didn't fought hard enough" or "he didn't put enough effort into it". There are always opportunities to be taken and Johnny takes them all, until he realizes he was just pursuing something that he could never catch: he could never be "somebody big", he would always be Johnny, and Johnny would always be just another face in The Crowd. Even though it doesn't sound too bright, the movie actually ends up on a low-key, positive note: the only place where you can really succeed in this society is in the heart of your family, and if they too get enough of it there's always art to make life more bearable.
É docente do curso de letras (com dupla habilitação inglês-português e suas literaturas) da UPE e possui trabalhos na área de literatura, produção textual e cinema. Tem interesse pelo trabalho em literatura e cinema e suas possíveis integrações pedagógicas. 9
26 Referências: PARKER, KEVIN. Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control. Interpréte: Tame Impala. In: IMPALA, TAME. Lonerism. [Perth, AU]: Modular Recordings, 2012. 1 CD (ca. 51 min.). Faixa 11 (6 min 1 s).
Roberta Malu BotĂŞlho Silva mallu_motta@hotmail.com
Like any good parent, encourage your child to grow up to be someone is a classic mania, with John Sims was no different. Then his father forgot to explain to the child the difficulties that would come ahead , especially with their social class and difficulties of the time, but as an adult following her father's encouragement becomes an ambitious man, dreaming of good jobs, good wages and be someone in life and moves to a big city. The Turba comes about that the search for recognition by growth in professional and social life going through the natural obstacles of adversity and competition. The film interweaves two sides John 's life: a man trying in every way to reach a satisfactory future and also support your family and keep your wedding an easy task for him. Being portrayed in the big city in this case, New York, may already be aware of the difficulties that lie ahead to grow and be someone in life, through the movie scenes you can see the number of people on the streets, many going to work others looking for work, this was basically the scheme at that time. The city depicted with images of tall skyscrapers, and then immediately go to a scene of a large office room where workers are alienated and do the same thing every day, in the midst of these people, many have the will John Sims, grow in life and believe in the " American way of life ". This issue of addressing capitalism and the American way of life model is very relevant at the time, the United States plunged into the greatest economic crisis ever, everything was devastated. The film also sets this counterpoint between high rises and unemployment, the sadness of entrepreneurs lose everything and the discontent of those who no longer had anything to continue in the same situation. John Sims in the middle of all workers with similar dreams with her, did not want to become someone famous or become chef of some segment of the company, just wanted to stop living in a cramped house in which he lived with his wife, he did not want to have fear of going through difficulties, since then become a father, and responsibility for their family would increase, but John is fired for going through problems at home, problems at work and feel their superiors do not care about what goes with it, the only concern is to replace it by someone who surely would be waiting for employment for a long time. After months of great financial difficulty, John thinks of suicide. He promised himself all his life he would be big and well off, but he begins to realize that he is not the only man whose father convinced him that had an optimal life, and it's just a blip on a crowd of people trying to climb the ladder social view society itself that charges them as the brother of his wife, who only visit them just to charge them upward mobility. To learn how your sister this to John's care. That is the major concern of most social status and stand out in some way. Walking down the street he finds a job opportunity that needs someone who can juggle and again in the middle of a crowd John is one who knows how to do what is required, is a counterpoint to an earlier scene in which he and his family laughed at a man doing what he would do now, it is a funny situation for him ever thought would not descend further social status, but the survival instinct was stronger. One of the few bright moments in John's life was a very sad moment for him, the death of his father. In which he is at the door of your building, near a crowd gathers around something, and it will gradually standing out from
28 the others, a little scared to find out the reason of the agglomeration, the last scene which he receives treatment different from the others and highlight in the crowd. All other scenes, John Sims is always going against or lost in the crowd. Becoming one with their anonymity. Times have changed since that decade, but people are still struggling with the ambition of illusion and reality of a seeming insignificance. In the last scene John is with his family in a comedy show they laugh and forget their problems, and then the camera zooms out of their seats, revealing rows and rows of people laughing, until the Sims disappears into the crowd. Then the film shows us that John can never become important and it can never be financially stable, but, instead of fighting through the crowds to satisfy his desire for status, he learned to take comfort in the anonymity of the crowd provides . It did not disappear in the masses, he came to terms with the fact that he is one in many.
Deivson Augusto da Siva Vieira (augusto.deivson@hotmail.com) The main criterion of what makes a movie, a classic, maybe is the representation of the piece in analysis in agree with the reality, how much the reality can be represented and for how much times a parallel can be made with the piece. The Crowd, released in 1928, directed by King Vidor, has many aspects of what we see in the reality in the nowadays. The history of the search to be "somebody important", of John Sims (James Murray), in a city completely crowded, where many others wants just the same, is a mirror of the face of the man’s searches today. With parallels with the movie and our reality, this article wants to make clear the mirror that a piece of the seventh art, like the crowd, can be today, despite the time it was made. One of the many parallels that can be seen without a closely sight is the depression. To understand it, it's necessary to make a explanation with the face of depression pictured in the movie. First, we have a married couple, initially the happiness can be felt in the air, "Wife and I are happy and everything is swell; it's heavenly inside our flat but outside is EL!". It's a general knowledge that a success marriage is not made in one day to other, a couple begins to really knows each other with time. The two protagonists are in a situation that many others, in our time, face themselves: the fast marriage. The crisis appears in common situations, and explodes in minimal things, and then, they start to see that things aren't going so good as they thought. This point is showed in a perfect way, the movie, despite of being silent, makes by the soundtrack of Carl Davis, the nuances from heaven, to the hell, be even more clear: "Can't you do anything for yourself? ". Remember the parallels, we could make another. Think about the social media, this factor, put away many phases of the knowledge of your future partner. Became easy find someone, and much more easier get wrong in that, you get a complete profile, and can express in many ways if you are interested or not. Is even more faster to get "married". This abrasive aspect is overlooked by the arrives of a baby. A baby that brings to the couple, hope to a great future, and, in fact, isn't easy to see that kind of thing in our lives? Use the given example, the social media, or even better, the problematic couple of neighborhood, or those in the family that always are fighting. But then, comes the death of one child. And now, we go back to the depression. The society doesn't stops. The requirements are made, there is no time to mourning. The core is so closed, it's impossible someone grow up to a higher social level. The dream of be someone important is going away. Months... endless months, lets John in a melancholic state of wait, and when he saw himself with no open doors, with the constant charges, including from his wife and her family, being forced to give away of his pride, falls in depression, thinking about suicide. “Greater marital conflict indirectly led to increases in depressive symptoms via increases in functional impairment”( Choi, H., Marks, N.F., 2008, p.9) . Today, the society is also closed; to get in a higher level isn't easy, people pass their lives trying to make it, but all they get is a retirement, with lucky. Unfortunately, another parallel made indirectly is the miss of space of black people in the movie. Of course, it indirectly show to us the domination of the whites in that society. It's a sad background that can't be turned around. Even today, the protagonists and the major characters of movies are white; in the most of times the black people are represented like servants, agreeing with a ideal ethnicity, passed with the time. It’s a reality that is changing, but is not close of being ready. Like
30 Nelson Mandela said (p.295): I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society. Another parallel is about the woman, she is showed only like a housekeeper. We don't have, in the job of John, for example, women. And we don't have a primordial paper of Mary, Her opinion doesn't make difference in their lives. She is the one who makes everything be ready for his use; “ I darned your socks and washed everything. They're in the bureau.". Of course, today the women have a more important role in society, but gender equality doesn't exist in any part of the world. The crowd is a classic. It can be proved by the aspects of the reality reflected in the movie, despite the pass of the time. It could explain and exemplify many parts of the nowadays society psychologically and philosophically.
CHOI, H., MARKS, N.F., 2008. Marital conflict, depressive symptoms, and functional impairment. J. Marriage Family 70 (2), 377–390. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.17413737.2008.00488.x/abstract
KELLY, Paul. The Politics Book. DK Publishing. 2013
Glauco DamiĂŁo Souza da Silva (glauco_dsds@hotmail.com) Capitalism. We can address the emergence of this political-economic event since the beginning of the low middle age with the rise of the bourgeois class - class of merchants and craftsmen - which implemented a new economic configuration: the pursuit of profit and circulation of goods for resale. This practice has made the economy count in amount the value of each commodity adopting monetary values. However, it is the historical moment after the industrial revolution in which becomes more evident the impact this system has caused in society, since human labor becomes automated and regimented and thereby influencing the way of thinking, acting and living the human life. From 1920 to 1929 was the glory period of the America, end of the First World War, United States winner and growth stocks as well, and a bad moment with the Great Depression in 1929. It is in this moment and in this social context that the film The Crowd (1928) is inserted. The film shows, basically, the daily life of a couple of time showing with a sensitivity and reality that made are remembered today. In the film we have the the influence of this period in American society. The fisrt off example of depicted impact, we can highlight the huge market competition and the consequences it generates: mental automatism. In the film, John Sims arrives in New York wondering win a great social mobility and all your professional desires, but life in the big city does not develop as easy as expected. John works in an accounting firm and spends the whole film looking for social mobility that does not happen, even to the work clown dress holding announcements, and even when you win a slogan contest gets a good prize money, something terrible it happens. The film thus portrays the difficulties that the country was going in the 1929 period with high unemployment rates - as at the end of the film, it shows a long line of unemployed portraying a new depressive York. The life of the character is always routine and your thoughts influenced by the social context as at the time John sees an advertisement placard directed at newlyweds who want to furnish Their new homes. This Gives him the impulse to propose marriage to his date. Therefore, the film depicts the reality of the daily life of an American family in the context of the stock market crash of 1929 showing, in the foreground, the large-scale impact on market competition and automation in thinking, acting and living the society through the character John Sims and Mary, his wife, in the background.
Halliny Naianny Cavalcanti R. dos Santos e-mail: nanacavalcaanti@hotmail.com
The Crowd is a classic written by King Vidor in 1926 and 1929 film, which, notably, is different from other films of the time, he introduces us to New York City like no other shown. One example is the beginning of the film, which, through hidden cameras shows us the daily life of the streets, calling attention to the crowd that consumed, the amount of cars, buildings with many windows alike, until the camera takes us into one of those windows, where we lost hundreds of secretaries "equal" working, alienated, doing the same thing every day, until it focuses on the main character John, who will follow throughout the film. Another point is that The Crowd, different from others, there is no glamour or devastating novels, only the daily life of an ordinary man and his wife in the middle of the 'crowd'. The film highlights and capitalism within society, where the owners are the bourgeois, and the minority of the population and workers, who were the majority of the population, live on the wages paid in return for their labor by the "owners" of business. Two very different kinds of goods holders have to confront and get in touch: on the one hand, the money owner of means of production and means of subsistence, working to increase the sum of values that has, purchasing power the others work; and the other free workers, the labor force own sellers and therefore work. Free workers in both directions because they are not directly part of the means of production (...) and because they are not owners of the means of production (...) The capitalist system presupposes the dissociation between the workers and the ownership of the means by which do the work (...) The process that creates the capitalist system is only in the process that removes the employee the property of their means of labor, a process that turns into capital the means of subsistence and production and converts them into wage direct producers. The so-called primitive accumulation is only the process that dissociates the worker the means of production (Marx, 2001, p. 828). Capitalism is a system that endures to this day. In the film the main character faces precarious situations, has a job which does not like and when it appears something new, behold, it is invaded by the "crowd" always shown in the film. As in the scene in which they see a sign where you need 100 men, and at the same time appears men from all sides to take the position; or the scene where his youngest daughter gets hit, and killed, and immediately a crowd is around the girl's body; ie, capitalism already mentioned, where the working class is the majority of the population, therefore, many end up getting a job. John Sims is a character who is always looking for something new, grow in life, searching for professional and personal growth. And to know Mary, get married and start a family with her, he gains a new responsibility, in support this family, and always says that "tomorrow will be brilliant," always in search of that recognition, the problem is that it is only another in the middle of "mob" demand the same things. This issue of capitalism and the city of New York depicted in the film, it shows precisely the economic crisis experienced by the United States, where it reached the state and society in general. The Crowd depicts all this when unemployment shows, men demand, a lot of manpower to little
33 opportunity, discontent when he could not anything. And that, despite being a 1928 film, is still very present in many aspects, such as capitalism, unemployment, economic crisis. The Crowd is one of the best existing silent films. The script portrays well, with wisdom, such a difficult time, and a poetic form and even, one might say, comical. At the end of the film, for example, where John, Mary and the surviving son laugh at a clown who makes an unemployed character and begging, that is, it is ironic because they are laughing at their own situation, and when the camera zooms out once again they get lost amid the crowd, returning to be just one among the whole society.
REFERÊNCIAS VIDOR, King. The Crowd. New York, 1928. MARX, Karl. O Capital: crítica da economia política. São Paulo: Civilização Brasileira, 2001. Livro I. (18ª ed.).
34 AS THE CHILDREN SUPPORT THEIR PARENTS (EMOTIONALLY) Fransuene Carla da Silva10 fransuenecarla@gmail.com As children, we believe that when we grow we will be someone important. When grown, given the difficulties of the modern world, our desire is reduced to just want to be someone. This one needs to stand out from the large crowd that walks following the same goals. Seen out such people that make up this cluster each had a dream, which had been gradually pushed aside along with their individuality to follow the desire of the market. The constitution of a family feeds the desire to achieve a larger goal. The marital obligations prioritize the welfare of the couple as its financial stability, which define its physical quality of life, psychological and prestige before the other. The man, husband, must overwhelm your childhood dreams and be aimed at following the crowd. The woman, wife, looks after the house and tries to ensure the satisfaction and approval of her husband. When this structure dislikes the party and work dissatisfaction is affected reaches marital limits. The woman acts blindly and unconsciously, to ensure that your wedding remains firm. These issues point to the importance of inquiring about the criteria and values that, at different times and spaces, substantiate the attitudes of men and women in relation to the expectations and attitudes that both have in relation to marriage and married life, as well as on the meaning they attach to feelings and, in particular, who conceive of love and happiness, where these features are now evoked as a condition of this union. (Moreira, 1997, p. 25-26). In the midst of marital disorders a solution arises. In fact it is a hope that has the power to overwhelm all the misfortunes experienced before. The pregnancy of a woman is so exceptional that can inhibit any sore spots and open way for a new beginning or a better continuity of life one leads. As such, the loss of this child puts everything away, causing depression and emotional disorders that put to the test the family strength. The family structure is directly affected the design of a child, one needs more time, money and responsibility at the same time it creates a stable environment with loveliness and satisfaction. The child transfers to their parents the confidence need to face the difficulties and find a way to overcome the challenges. Being out of that noisy, selfish crowd that follows each a common thought at all, it is easy to judge them and make fun of them. While imagine what his parents thought he would be in the future, they remind your infant's dream about what it would be when he grew up. Only joining them is that we understand the meaning behind hundreds of people running and working around the clock to be a good family, to give the best for their children, to impose itself well before the other. The family encourages the professional growth of the employee. A child stimulates the coexistence of family members and the efficiency of their work. The children would be the pillar of a family? Possibly. A couple with financial and marital difficulties may not endure long union without the strong influence that children cause in their search for improvements. Finally, your goal ends up not being to fulfill his dream, but your child's dream.
Discente no curso de Letras – Português e Inglês – da Universidade de Pernambuco. Docente de Língua Inglesa na Escola Adventista de San Martin. 10
35 REFERENCES: VIDOR, King. The Crowd. 1928. MOREIRA, Maria. Homem e mulher na década de 30: tensões sociais e vida cotidiana. Revista de Ciências Humanas. Florianópolis v. 15 n.21 p.23-35. 1997.
36 THE CROWD: A FÓRMULA PARA UM CLÁSSICO Michely Candido11 (michely_candido@hotmail.com)
Para começar, o próprio nome do filme já remete o que está por vir. "The Crowd", de King Vidor, traz uma conotação imediata de multidão/anonimato, onde o indivíduo (no caso John Sims, personagem central) com suas aspirações e sua personalidade de arrogante/juvenil natural, vai sofrer com as sucessivas desilusões da vida. O que acontece, em maior ou menor grau, com qualquer cidadão vivente em qualquer época de crise, em qualquer metrópole do mundo. Recheado de poesia, o diretor centraliza um contraponto entre o concreto irredutível e o lirismo de quem vive (ou tem que viver) pensando no amanhã, em se defender, no que comer, enfim no existencial. Cenas signos desfilarão essa ideia o tempo todo dentro do filme, em momentos onde podemos observar um beijo entre um singelo casal de namorados, John e Mary, com um arranha-céu imponente ao fundo, representante do capitalismo cosmopolita grandioso dos grandes centros econômicos, no caso Nova York. John é só mais um assalariado com aspirações, como todo jovem, porém, vivente do momento presente. Achando que o próprio destino lhe conferirá mais felicidades no futuro sem que ele se esforce tanto pra isso. É o que vai enriquecer a sequencia de toda trama, na relação dolorosa com sua companheira pelas responsabilidades crescentes, agora, de uma família quase não suportada pelo mesmo. Culminando com a morte trágica do seu filho, arrebentando todas as ilusões e trazendo a quem assiste um dos momentos de identificação mais forte do filme, "The Crowd" traz a catarse imediata com todo o público que vivencia o momento histórico da Grande Depressão, que foi a crise de 1929. Afinal, quem não se sentiria impotente? Quem não tem sentimentos suficientes para se colocar num contexto gradativo de desilusões onde tudo está em jogo? Mulher, filhos, pobreza, amor, morte, recessão econômica e etc. Juntando à tudo isso que foi dito, o filme amarra todos esses dramas a uma fotografia belíssima, que é capaz de mostrar a grandiosidade da cidade em momentos tão cotidianos e corriqueiros, que jamais havia sido observado daquela maneira antes. Fazendo de tudo uma grande poesia, que nos leva a analisar uma cruel realidade sob um ponto de vista real/porém/doce e aceitável. Um filme simples, completamente avesso ao padrão de Hollywood dos filmes anteriores, que privilegiava mais o romance sem contexto, de puro entretenimento. A sociedade estava acostumada a ver coisas mais ilusórias. Ninguém pensaria em ir ao cinema para ver a própria realidade. Mas esse foi trunfo do filme: ousar em mostrar essa realidade e extrair disso a identificação massiva. Curiosamente, falando tecnicamente da produção, os próprios atores vivenciaram as realidades dos personagens em suas vidas reais/pessoais. O próprio ator principal, após o grande sucesso do filme, passou por momentos de crise e chegou a recusar um trabalho, mesmo numa situação de necessidade, por puro orgulho. Não aceitaria um papel por "pena". Que é basicamente o que o próprio personagem John vem a passar. Chegando à depressão e ao suicídio por afogamento. Seria a vida imitando a arte? Ou a arte imitando a vida? Ainda curiosamente, o próprio filme teve vários finais gravados, por imposição da MGM. Em exibições teste, a audiência recusara vários finais, aceitando apenas o "Final Feliz".
É discente do curso de Letras da UPE. Interessada pelos trabalhos na área de linguística e Aquisição da Linguagem. 11
37 Referências: VIDOR, King. The Crowd. Nova York 1928. Crítica do filme no site: Assim Era Hollywood. Disponível em <https://assimerahollywood.wordpress.com/2012/12/28/filmes-a-turba/> acesso em 18 de jun. 2015.
Pollyana Stefany De A. Sales (stefanyyl@hotmail.com) This article is an effort to combine the current trend and aesthetics of American cinema narrative construction of a new the concept of modernism in order to get a broader perspective of the idea of the visual and visible within the filmic construction of urban space. The aim is therefore to reflect on the interaction between the real city and its filmic representation, that is, the cinematic city, and the importance of this relationship for understanding the spatial and temporal relations in the context of modernity and other contexts in the film The Crowd (1928). Movies are, in most cases, closed universes that gave the man a relationship with your reality through a viewing imagery process that reality through the "imaginary "production environments and built for action. It is in these imaginary environments that new technologies are the ideal place to self justify and contemporary cinema is the possibility of real affirmation as pure externality. Therefore, the contemporary cinema has given us a real "artificial vision" of reality (or not) that makes us think and "feel" the world due to a complex system of representation. The Crowd you could walk to two distinct sides: could approach very strongly the issue of mass: John Sims is another trying to conquer a satisfying future, support their families and live with dignity. Or could approach the romantic side: marriage, it would be a trail turns into another responsibility for the character. King Vidor could address two very current issues of equal ways: at times the issue of the mob, the crowd deserves mention, the producer abused and used the moving camera. "Who saw the silent film The Crowd will never forget it and look forever with respect to this director that if was never what they called 'an author', but it certainly was a big ' professional ' film . This view conflicts with some critics who simply find it the best Hollywood director (had eaten five Oscar nominations, finally winning an honorary in 1979". (EWALD FILHO. Filmmakers Dictionary. 2002, p. 739.) “Quem viu o filme mudo The Crowd jamais o esquecerá e olhará para sempre com respeito para este diretor que, se nunca chegou a ser o que chamavam de ‘um autor’, mas certamente foi um grande ‘profissional’ de cinema. Essa opinião conflita com a de alguns críticos que simplesmente o acham o melhor diretor de Hollywood (teve inclusive cinco indicações ao Oscar, ganhando finalmente um honorário em 1979)”. "The world will talk about this boy": this was the first sentence that the father of John Sims (James Murray) said when he was born. And it is precisely on this that The Crowd is: the search for recognition by growth in professional and social life; King Vidor will show whether or not John Sims will become a historical man . The family crisis, for example, which is one of the points depicted in the film "The Crowd" and also very present nowadays... When in the movie, the marriage routine and difficult personality Simns end up making the life of the couple a biggest problem that order, that would be even worse after the disaster that kills one of his sons. This portrayed in the film happened to almost a century ago, but it seems that it was produced a few days ago. The resemblance to the present day leave us impressed, because the diversity of stories we see and we live are numerous. When the lives of couples
39 have ups and downs, good days, some bad, fleeting joys, fears, and so follow; wives who do not stand to live with husbands who drink often and this causes constant bickering; when you lose a child(a) parents lose the will to live, but acquires new life thanks to the encouragement of another child. All of these examples cited are situations that the film tackles and happens in our reality. The director turns the skyscrapers of New York high, in large office rooms, all of which are alienated and do the same thing every day, uncritically ; perhaps among those many people , several have the same desire to John Sims, grow in life. The film establishes a counterpoint between the tall buildings and unemployment; between sadness of businessmen who lost everything and the discontent of those who never had anything. Although it was filmed in 1928, the film is still very present in all aspects. The Crowd is a silent film that seems not to have suffered over time. His realistic and dramatic theme the very close of several productions that were successful in the decades in American cinema.
REFERENCES: EWALD FILHO, Rubens. DicionĂĄrio de Cineastas. SĂŁo Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 2002.
40 THE CROWD: PORTRAIT OF LIFE Conceição Érica de Andrade Pereira112 ericapereira1206@gmail.com
The Crowd is a silent movie and tells the story of John Sims seeking a place in the sun among so many others seeking the same thing in New York. His drama begins after the death of his father who believed his son would stand out in the crowd. Reaching John city is faced with difficulties involving work, family and the crowd, besides the collection of his wife's family and yourself. It is noteworthy that at the time it was released the film was not as well accepted as it portrayed a drama and at that historic moment of the Great Depression the American public wanted anything but watching such a work full of dramas. The film The Crowd was nominated for an Oscar for best director for King Vidor and also best artistic production thus gaining much prestige in the world of cinema. This production of MGM launched in 1928 gave the talk and innovated both thematically and in the cinematic elements. Though it was produced in the twenties, The Crowd talks about issues that are always in question as professional life, the amorous and the familiar. This gives the long one contemporary air that causes it to be a reference to today. Another innovation of the film was talking about an ordinary man with dreams of an ordinary person and facing dramas like everyone else. In this way, it has a totally realistic tone that shows the life for an angle unexplored at that time. The film shows us that all have dreams and want to get ahead, but there is a company who also want it and not always life will be easy and joyful. John Sims is one of those who want to stand out in the crowd, who want to give the best to his family, but faced with the harshness of real life that often destroys dreams. The camera effects placed in the film meant that he was also considered the innovative technical issue. It is interesting to see how the camera moves quickly to portray the city that looks like an anthill. Other interesting things to stand out is the greatness of the scenarios and the amount of extras in scenes. All this with the intention of showing how the protagonist is small in the crowd of the great New York that was growing economically and attract people from everywhere in search of a better life, showing the growing capitalism. The office where John works has hundreds of other employees as it look like ants in the midst of great scenery and still look smaller with the aid of cameras (cranes) who can capture the image above. It is worth noting that everyone is doing the same movements in an automated manner and work as if they were all the same and are in fact, for all those who are there have dreams and like John, want to ascend socially and no longer just another in the hard journey life. Again wanting to show the reality of the time. Not everything is sadness and drama in The Crowd. Happy and funny scenes of life are also represented. The scenes showing the first couple of times John and Mary show the birth of new dreams that now will be shared between the couple. The discovery of the pregnancy of Mary and the birth of children are also happy moments in the lives of the protagonists. The complicity of the couple even facing difficulties in marriage and financial life is one of the most beautiful angles in which to analyze the film. Mary, despite disagreements, always beside John and believed in the potential and in her husband's dreams. Even when she thought about leaving the love was stronger.
É discente do quinto período do curso de Letras (com dupla habilitação inglês-português e suas literaturas) da Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE). Tem interesse nas áreas de linguística, textualidade e gramática. Monitora de língua portuguesa no Projeto Mais Educação do Governo Federal nas Escolas Municipal Marechal Castelo Branco e Estadual Ginásio de Limoeiro Arthur Correia de Oliveira. 12
41 Another exciting moment is when the protagonist sad for the death of her daughter and disillusioned with regard to employment decides to commit suicide, but his son keeps saying he loves you and who wants to be like him when I grow up. And once again the love saves the day. The film fulfilled its role of being faithful to reality and it was brilliant both in theme and in the cinematic elements that made this a real work of art. King Vidor built a smart and innovative film that could last until the present day. The Crowd ends with a scene where the protagonists are again in the midst of the multitude, but happy after all that passed and still carrying the dreams of a better life. While not a final so happy he can excite and make the public reflect. After all that is life, full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, dreams and frustrations, but that can only be experienced and utilized.
Adriene da Silva Freitas adrienesilvafreitas@gmail.com
The change is the result of progress and the film The Crowd shows this in a very modern way for its time. The film shows the life of a couple and continues to show his family. We see the change in each part of the film and we see very fast. It's funny to note how the daily life of each family member changes and gains new beginnings, wearing and renewing relationships and lives in that family. It is possible to see the changes that comes over time placed in the film. The crowd surprised to be innovative for its time. It brings a more realistic view of the world and the film shows more than just entertainment as was common in that decade. The speed of the scenes involve the viewer to show that time is running out and that life is passing and that the world will not stop because of some misfortunes. It is noteworthy that these changes are not always good. John and Mary become impatient, the crisis does not help the family to grow economically and this makes the relationship go changing dramatically. “O tempo, esse químico invisível, que dissolve, compõe, extrai e transforma todas as substâncias morais(...)” (Machado de Assis). The marriage becomes increasingly complicated and emotional distress as well as physical is taking account of the characters and is interesting as it is so well portrayed in the film. It is also seen how the couple despite all the problems are in love who share a solution to keep their lives following. But such changes are part of the natural course of life and this is what makes the human being capable of developing and The crowd let it exemplified. A content size movie showing everyone that life goes on and not only affects the world around us but also interpersonal relationships and how everything is configured faithful to the real way, a simple movie screen. The brilliant production has its message conveyed to everyone who watches the film: life is a whole world that will move without waiting for someone to adapt to it. Referências: ASSIS, Machado de – Iaiá Garcia. Obra Completa, de Machado de Assis, vol. I, Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1994.
Agda Olívia Barbosa Baía (agdabaia@hotmail.com) The Crowd, is a film by King Vidor from 1928. The production is one of the last silent movies and shows us a direct critic to the Consumism, Materialism, Capitalism and selfishness. On 20's, there was a lot of new things on the Americans real life, and that what Vidor wants that we see and make a reflection about. Everything starts on John Sim's birth, when his father says that he will be a Big man, but the cruel true we can see through the film, it's all about show how difficult is to survive on our society even more to be an important person, everyone wants to be big, but the crowd suffocates our dreams, we became just another person on the big crowd. Starting with the day the protagonist borned, July 4th, that has a symbolic significance, and maybe is the reason to his father thinks that John will be a important man. But when his father dies, we can see the lonely John, and that's the beginning of the "real" life. Vidor try to show us that the capitalism and materialism are the reason for our destruction. So when he is 21, John goes to New York expecting to be a big man like his father's dream. The Crowd is cleary showed on the movie, not just physically on the great scenes by the hidden cameras on New York's streets, but on a connotatively way. We can see this on the Ferry scene when a passenger says to John "You've gotta be good in that town if you want to beat the crowd." and John says "Maybe...but all I want is an opportunity." Vidor show it is impossible to be away from the crowd once you start to live in a big city, for example, on the Beach Mary, John and their children are "alone" and the scene is cuted showing a man who is annoyed at John’s singing, and one can see a lot of people spread out behind him. In this amazing film King Vidor make us reflect more about the life we are living, the selfishness the materialism, and other things. This Film is a Masterpiece and still belongs to our time, it's not just for the people from 20's it's about n owadays too.
44 WOMAN: A BREAKTHROUGH WITH OVER THE YEARS Welington Ribeiro de Medeiros w.ribeiromedeiros111@gmail.com The woman in a perpetual evolution, always going in the direction of the emotional, psychological and body growth. Acting in various fields of social life as a whole, as we saw in the movie, the woman in the 1928 has wanted to conquer its space in the world as a being who can and should in my opinion be conquered by law. Given the desire of the woman that frees itself of male oppression will pitch, women themselves are gradually giving their cry for freedom, and gradually they will grow and conquer their place in this exclusively male world. But this change does not come now, it is not only the beginning of the 20 or as we saw in the film century with Mery protagonist, it was just a simple housewife, but she had her longings to be give and John's wife, of be a good wife for him and a great housewife. But women have gone through many changes over the centuries. Historically, the woman was subordinated to male power, basically having procreation function, home maintenance and education of children, at a time when the value was physical force or later in time women were hunted up as witches, for making tea and use plants in healing processes. Over time, however, they were created and produced instruments waived the need for physical strength and thought about the woman changed a bit, but still the woman was in an inferior position, always intended to be an appendage of the man, never his fellow man, this understanding culturally chained the woman, casting him their existence as these possibilities presented. In the twentieth century, after the world wars, scientific and technological advances, irrevocably arises the possibility of another room for the woman. By the 40s, feminism takes his first steps, and it begins to think about the possibility of a future different from the one you booked culturally and historically. Women already had been in a process of slow and gradual social achievements, economic and legal, but it is from then that intensify the discussions and struggles for overcoming the situation of women. The woman faces even today with this contradiction: on the one hand, a historical heritage that merely being a mother, wife; on the other, the ability to choose their future and to subject its history and of humanity on an equal footing with the male. Currently Congressman Pastor Eurico, made an amendment at the state level education, to remove the word gender school context, this implies that we can not in the classroom talk about women's issues and or sexual orientation, for our students. This amendment is against women, and sues wishes to evolve and grow, but in my opinion, women should face more this fight, face and go ahead, why were many centuries of evolution, to get where they arrived and will be from now front more centuries to grow and evolve, towards achievements and rights which are his by right.
REFERĂ&#x160;NCIAS: http://www.webartigos.com/artigos/mulher-o-feminino-atraves-dos-tempos http://www.coladaweb.com/direito/direito-da-mulher
Juliana do Nascimento Ferreira13 (juliana19nado@hotmail.com)
O século XX foi marcado por grandes transformações, principalmente as tecnológicas trazidas pela Revolução Industrial e algumas pelo novo sistema econômico vigente, o capitalismo. Naquela época milhares de pessoas estavam procurando por um emprego, viviam no ritmo frenético das indústrias, das cidades, enfim, uma vida completamente complicada. Com base no filme “ The Crowd” dirigido por King Vidor ficam evidentes essas ocorrências citadas anteriormente, principalmente observando a vida personagem principal.O filme é na verdade uma “recriação” de um outro filme já bastante conhecido por nós “ Tempos Modernos”, ambos com a mesma temática. Durante muitos anos as pessoas trabalhavam exclusivamente no campo. Com o passar dos anos as mesmas começaram a migrar para a cidade em busca de melhores condições de vida, porém,não foi isso que encontraram. Com isto, as grandes indústrias começaram a empregar essas pessoas, que na maioria das vezes só abandonavam seu antigo local de moradia em virtude do emprego. Dessa forma, homens, mulheres e crianças, passavam bastante tempo trabalhando nas indústrias e/ou fábricas. Isso em um ritmo frenético, em condições péssimas, tanto na higiene quanto nas instalações. Muitas das mulheres chegavam a ter seus filhos ali mesmo nas indústrias, sem nenhuma assistência médica, o que poderia causar grandes problemas ou até mesmo levá-las a morte. As crianças também não eram poupadas nenhum um pouco desse ritmo, pois a jornada de trabalho era igual para todos, independentemente da idade, ou da sexualidade. De acordo com Marx e Engels, “podem-se distinguir os homens dos animais de diferentes maneiras por exemplo, pelo fato de terem consciência, religião ou qualquer outra característica que se queira mencionar (a linguagem, a racionalidade, etc.). No entanto, eles próprios começam a se distinguir a partir do momento em que passam a produzir os meios necessários à conservação de sua vida.” E era justamente na produção desses meios necessários a sua sobrevivência que os homens, mulheres e crianças sofriam tanto. Trabalhavam, e no final, o que recebiam infelizmente não era o suficiente para dar conta das coisas que realmente necessitavam. Mas por que isso ocorria? Porque os donos das grandes indústrias ficavam com o lucro daqueles bens produzidos, o que não era certo, pois eram eles que produziam e no final de tudo, quem ficava com as “recompensas” eram os patrões e a classe trabalhadora ficava apenas com as mais variadas dificuldades. Como isso é possível? Para o sociólogo alemão Karl Marx essa “sobra”, ou seja, esse lucro que os donos recebiam era chamado de mais valia, era o fruto do trabalho de seus funcionários, os quais não tinham o direito de receber o dinheiro que realmente mereciam, pois esse dinheiro era convertido em lucros para o patrão. Resumindo, o trabalhador não recebia pela sua real força de trabalho. O que eu acredito que seja totalmente errado, já que todos nós temos direitos iguais perante a lei. Como isso ocorre de É discente do curso de letras (com dupla habilitação inglês-português e suas literaturas) da UPE . Tem interesse pelo trabalho de pesquisa em temas relativos a gramática e literatura. É docente na Escola Monsenhor Jonas Menezes e Silva. 13
46 maneira tão absurda e tão comum, digamos assim, já se tornou uma regra a qual todos seguem sem nem questionar. No filme também podemos observar essa questão, fica claro por meio da personagem principal, que tenta, tenta e tenta subir na empresa em que trabalha, mas infelizmente ele não consegue. Não só ele, mas também outras personagens almejam crescer na vida. O que mais parece incrível é que mesmo com todas as dificuldades enfrentadas por todo o proletariado naquela época, a concorrência por um emprego era altíssima, quando apareciam, por exemplo, 100 vagas para uma determinada função se inscreviam muito mais do que isso. O que todos eles queriam, assim como nós também queremos é uma oportunidade para desenvolvermos nossas capacidades e com ela conseguir garantir o nosso sustento. Entretanto essa temática abordada o filme não está tão distante de nós. Em nossa atual sociedade as coisas funcionam da mesma maneira, só que de um jeito mais organizado, estruturado. Acredito que nós fomos ensinados a não questionar, pois é assim e sempre o será. Na maioria dos casos, todos nós fazemos uma grande crítica as pessoas que se comportavam daquela maneira em virtude de um emprego, mas na verdade isso acontece da mesma forma em nossa sociedade , somos trabalhadores que vendem sua força de trabalho para um determinado local e os nossos patrões ficam com o nosso lucro, nosso “excesso” de trabalho, que por conseguinte não questionamos simplesmente achamos que está bom e fica por isso mesmo.
REFERÊNCIAS : MARX, Karl. http://www.filosofia-em-destaque.com.br/news/capitalismo-segundo-karl-marx/ Acesso em Junho de 2015
MaxwĂŞnia Itala Gomes Melquiades De Souza
Fleeing the themes of the films of the era, The Crowd, back to the audience an approximation of reality, which is one of the facts of the work have been a success. A dramatic work and changes that can be understood for centuries. The story behind the story of a dreamer boy whose his name is John Sims, played by (James Murray), who after reaching the full age begins to face, like all other citizens, the problems of life may be the main monotony. The film shows a number of his father's words bringing a little hope for the child, one of them ". You've gotta be good que in town if you want to beat the crowd", and it is from your father's death , he left for New York seeking to be this great person he wants to be, have "bright future". The film's director can clearly report the trouble while happiness of the people who come to NY, showing skyscrapers and the vast office rooms, with people doing the same activities every day. In an amusement park, John knows Mary, his future wife with whom the future will have two daughters and who will share their dreams. Launched in 1928, the film is a correlation between the economic and social situation in New York with the life of the character, the time is precisely marked by a very delicate period called the "Great Depression or crisis 1929", criticism is also made the "America Way of Life" to the great American way of life that should be adopted and followed by citizens, but which in turn was not revenge. The actual design of a common man in a capitalist society is in the film establish a relationship between the tall buildings, large offices and the high rate of unemployment, also leaving quite evident sadness of businessmen who lost everything and with the discontent of those who have never had nothing. John going to the city in intent, is come in quite contradictory to the position he is, where he comes to work in an accounting firm which in turn will be the not very well paid, as the country is in economic crisis, however it can ensure - with great difficulty, for their "tomorrow" family will be much more promising. The marriage goes through ups and downs, as well as your financial life marriage also undergoes a major crisis. Year result and his professional life is growth, causing the protagonist of the story will leave their jobs in search of something better, an illusion. For he is offered a job offer from their in-laws, that vanity and pride are denied. At one scene in the film he is shown laughing at a man on the street working on the street holding clown dress announcements, without imagining that one day he would have to do the same to survive. Still not enough life tends to worsen when the street a car hits her daughter, causing her to die soon after. At the end of the work is shown in a dry and clearly the reality of the country, where the main characters wandering around the city by tram and is shown the thousands of people who flock to the city in search of the same ideal "financial independence, success and recognition professional ", which is the reason that makes the film is a timeless production and over and approaching the public, as these ideals are still sought in the XXI century.
48 WORKER'S DILEMMA (RIGHT TO PROPERTY) Rosileide Maria Santos da Mata rosesantossilva@outlook.com Employees are not entitled to housing, something very essential, I think. How does a worker can live without a house? Without an environment that provides a little comfort to your rest after an exhausting day, in a repetitive routine work. In a society where everything belongs to them (employers) and nothing is ours (who actually does the “heavy " part of the job ), we are workers who have no resources, is “we in need." In a way, forced to work getting minimum wages to ensure housing and food, we are who pay the "wages” of the powerful, that anyone making know what earn large sums of money. We are aware that in our society, the reality is grotesque. To improve their lives, getting essential goods for man, one must cheat, build equity depending on the sweat of others. We can see that this fact is antisocial; lack equality in our society. The famous French political philosopher Pierre Proudhon says that “property is theft!” This phrase is present in his first major work, one of the most known. For him, the fall and death of societies are due to the accumulation of goods, because it was antisocial. This undermines the rights to equality, freedom and security. He also believed that the rights that were won by the French Revolution are not respected with private property. Some may always more than others depending on the "value" that is employed by her company. We are led to reflect on this question, and the philosopher Pierre takes on when it makes use of this words: "The downfall and death of societies are due to the power of accumulation possessed by property.”. And it really is a great truth. How many companies have already been destroyed due to social inequality? There are so many people living in luxury, and others in extreme poverty, without shelter and much less to eat. I do not intend to defend the ideas of communism, on the contrary, only made reference to Pierre, because I believe like him, that every citizen has the right to housing. If we are workers, we exercise our obligations; we must also be entitled to this much more than essential. Without going into political matters, after all the society is governed by it, but in our country is a political term that does not happen in practice. According to Hannah Arendt author, German philosopher (1906-1975), political "it is the coexistence of different"; But this policy is only for the rich, and the poor are in the same misery. As it is known that music of composers: Rogerio Gaspar; Wesley Rangel, "Where the increasingly rich get richer and the poor get poorer each time / and the reason everyone already knows, / and that the top rises and the low-down." Unfortunately it is like that in our society, but maybe one day we did not create shame in the face and fight for our rights. For just fighting for our rights do we change this society full of inequality.
REFERENCES: www.brasilescola.com/politica/ www.vagalume.com.br/as-meninas/xibom-bombom.html www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204155111614264&set=gm.1592722437 649554&type=1&theater
Izabella Rosa Pessoa14 (izabellarosapessoa@gmail.com) John and Mary have met each other in a double date set by his friend Bert in Coney Island. Comes an effusive passion and by the end of the meeting Johnny asks the girl's hand in marriage. Soon after, they spend their honeymoon at Niagara Falls. However, over time this relationship start showing its imperfections. We can see Mary in the typical role of women in society at the time: solve the problems of the house and take care of chores to please her husband. They live a much simpler life than the girl is used and this shock is evident when watching the Christmas Eve scene where her family clearly demonstrates disapproved their relationship. Nevertheless, the girl does not give up his beloved. The couple go through the adversities of everyday life, including the strange way (not to say aggressive) that the husband deal with problems in their home. Everything becomes Mary's fault, everything should be solved by her and she do nothing but take care of the home. We notice with time some abusive relationship traces of what was and is still supported on the basis of patriarchal society. In April, the couple almost separate. But the revelation of a pregnancy makes husband and wife reconciled. After five years, the couple now has two children and an increase of eight US dollars in their account suggesting an apparent improvement (both in their relationship as financial). Nevertheless, Mary is disappointed with her routine and the lack of professional growth of her husband who, unlike Bert, appears stalled in its very function. The woman is so sunk in their social values that simply leaves in the background the fact she is doing the same things after so long and focuses only on the professional growth of companion. Establishing a self annulation what still happens with some women even today. After long insistence of his wife, John bet on a slogan and bill a good sum of money. Happiness is on the rise in Sims' home. When parents call for their children so they can celebrate together, her younger daughter is hit by a truck and dies after. This ends the sanity of the parents of the girl who end up collapsing. A crisis was established in the family and things only get worse when Mary discovers that her husband was fired because he could not concentrate at work after what happened. Suicide and divorce are themes that permeate this family at this time. But at the end of the film there is reconciliation and situations are set to show that love wins. But is there a really winner? In a relationship so full of ups and downs and in which the woman is placed as the holder of the household chores and nothing else. It is necessary to think.
É discente no curso de Letras (com dupla habilitação português-inglês e suas literaturas) da UPE.
O editor-organizador
Vinicius Gomes Pascoal
É Licenciado em Letras (Inglês/Português) pela UPE (2011), Especialista em Metodologia da Tradução pela Faculdade Frassinetti do Recife - FAFIRE (2012), e Mestre em Teoria da Literatura pela UFPE (2015). Possui aperfeiçoamento em Língua inglesa pela Universidade de Oregon (2015), em Filosofia pela Cornell University (2015), em Comunicação pela Universidade de Hong Kong (2015), em literatura pela Harvard & Vanderbilt (2015), em Liderança Inclusiva pelo Catalyst (2015), e em Ciências Políticas pela Delft University of Technology, ETH Zürich & Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT (2015). É Tradutor (EN-PT) no Twitter Translator Center & Facebook Translations Team, além de ter integrado o corpo de jurados da Sulake.Inc (Brasil-Finlândia). É Professor e Coordenador das atividades de: Interiorização (Mata Norte, Agreste, e São Francisco Pernambucano), Avaliação Institucional, RH, Selo Editorial, Flipboard e Instagram da UPE-PROLINFO. É [cyber]ativista e entusiasta pelos seguintes temas: queer studies; fotografia; literatura em quadrinhos; literatura e linguagem da cultura digital; língua inglesa & games. Na condição de graduando, foi bolsista CNPq (2009-2010) e monitor acadêmico PFA-UPE (2011) ambos pelo Movimento de Experiências Literárias - MEL (UPE). Atualmente participa do NELI, o Núcleo de Estudos de Literatura e Intersemiose, na UFPE.