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March 20 & 27, 2013

Free Coupons In Each Section Total Value is Over

Vol. 7, Issue 11 & 12



Distributed Weekly R E A D A B I G M E S S A G E . L I V E A B I G M E S S A G E TM


by Janet Spencer

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• In 1977 in Austin, Texas, Vincent Johnson and Frazier Black broke into the home of Mr. & Mrs. David Conner. They stole two TVs and a checkbook. A few hours later, the two men showed up at a local bank with a check made out to themselves for $200. They asked the teller to cash it for them. She asked them to wait a minute, and called security. The check they had tried to cash was her own. • Ricky Shipman went swimming off a beach in North Carolina in 1972, and lost the wallet out of the pocket of his swimming suit. Eleven years later a man named Gause gutted a mackerel which had been caught by a friend of his off the coast of North Carolina. Inside the fish was Shipman’s drivers license, still intact. Gause returned Shipman’s license. • In 1914, just before the start of WWI, a German mother took a photo of her baby son. Film plates at that time were sold individually. She dropped the plate off in Strasbourg to be developed, but because the war started, she was never able to retrieve it. Two years later in Frankfurt, she bought another film plate to photograph her new baby daughter. When it was developed, she found it was a double exposure. The picture underneath was that of her small son. Somehow the plate had become mixed in with a pile of undeveloped film.

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Tidbits of Baldwin County Distributed Weekly, March 20 & 27 of 2013, For Your Sales & Marketing Needs Call 251-504-0149

• In 1971, Mrs. Willard Lovell of Berkeley, California, accidentally locked herself out of the house. She spent 10 minutes trying to find a way in, when the postman arrived with a letter from her brother. He had been staying with her a few weeks earlier, and the letter contained a spare key to the house, which he had borrowed and forgotten to return. • It was a hot evening in June in El Paso, Texas when patrolman Allen Falby accidentally crashed his motorcycle into a speeding truck. Businessman Alfred Smith witnessed the accident and was the first person on the scene. Falby lay bleeding to death from a severed artery in his leg. Quickly, Smith removed his tie and fashioned an effective tourniquet from it. When the ambulance crew arrived, they credited Smith with saving Falby’s life. Falby eventually recovered, and returned to police work. Five years later, he reported to an accident scene along Highway 80. A car had smashed into a tree, and the driver was bleeding to death from a severed artery in his leg. Falby pulled the man from the car and applied a tourniquet. While trying to make the man more comfortable, he suddenly recognized the victim. It was Alfred Smith, the same man who had saved his own life five years earlier. “One good tourniquet deserves another,” quipped Falby. • Brenda Rawson became engaged to Christopher Firth in 1961, and he gave her a nice diamond ring. She was heartbroken when she lost the ring while on vacation in Lancashire, England. In 1979 she was talking with her husbands’ cousin, John. They were discussing metal detectors when John mentioned that 18 years earlier, one of his kids had discovered a diamond ring near Lancashire. It was her ring. • A farmer’s wife in West Germany lost her wedding ring in a potato field. Forty years later, she found it again- inside a potato grown in that field. • Actor Anthony Hopkins was looking for a book called The Girl from Petrovka by George Feifer because he was playing a part in a movie being made from the book. He looked all over London for a copy but couldn’t find one. Later he was waiting in a subway station when he noticed someone had left a book behind on a bench. Picking it up, Hopkins found it was The Girl from Petrovka. Two years later Hopkins was filming another movie when he was visited on the set by author George Feifer. Feifer complained that he no long had even a single copy of his own book because he loaned his final copy to a friend who lost it in London, adding it was particularly annoying because he had written notes in the margins. Hopkins, incredulous, handed Feifer the copy he had found. It was the self same book. • Christina Cort lived in Salvador, Brazil in 1966 when an out-ofcontrol truck crashed into her house. In 1989, she was still living in the same house when once again, an out-of-control truck crashed into it. It was the same truck driver who had barreled into her home 23 years earlier. • Gosselin Delius of Brussels, Belgium was caught in a storm while sailing a yacht off the coast of England in 1988. His glasses fell overboard. Several weeks later he was reading a newspaper when he saw an article stating that Yan Gazelle of Belgium had caught a 13-pound monkfish, and found a pair of glasses inside it when he gutted it. The glasses, identified by their serial number, belonged to Delius. They were bent but usable. • Otto Lewis, a lobsterman in Maine, lost his glasses when they fell overboard in the Atlantic. A few days later, a friend who was also a lobsterman returned them to him. He had found them in a lobster trap. • Beatrice Lillie, famed British actress, was appearing in a stage play called “This Year of Grace” in Ontario. During a matinee, the entire cast was on stage for the finale, in which Lillie sang, “Britannia Rules the Waves.” The cast lined up behind her, waiting for her to sing the final verse so they could move into their positions across the stage for the final curtain. However, they were shocked to hear Lillie repeating the second verse over again instead of going into the final moves. There was nothing to do but go along with her, and they marked time in the line across the back of the stage as she sang. Suddenly, a huge arc light fell from the ceiling, landing in the middle of the stage with a huge crash. Glass splattered across the stage where the cast would have been standing had Lillie not decided for an unknown reason to repeat the second verse. • E.G. Steele of Weybridge, England, served in WWI. He was tried and punished for striking an officer. His punishment was to be tied to a gunwheel for one hour at sundown. Next to his camp was an Australian brigade who passed through their camp each evening to get to a nearby town. Several Australian men discovered Steele tied up, and decided it was ridiculous to tie a man up. One of them stepped forward to cut Steele loose. Steele noticed the man had two missing fingers on his left hand. A decade later, Steele was riding the New York subway when a man sat down next to him and they began to chat. Hearing his Australian accent, Steele began to tell him of his rescue in the war. The Australian interrupted, finished the story for him, and held up his left hand- which was missing two fingers. It was the same man.


Satellite & Electronics

Icky Algae

Easter “Eggstras” Salad Garnishes Crack and peel away the shells of dyed and decorated hardboiled eggs and transform these Easter “eggstras” into fanciful bunnies to garnish a supper salad. Let your school-age kids do the creating of this fantasy garden, and they’ll discover that mealtime preparations can be fun and full of whimsy. When completed, their edible artful accents will delight the whole family, bringing truth to the old saying, “The eyes eat first.” First, show your kids how to wash, spin dry and toss together your favorite salad greens. Arrange on a platter. Now come the clever bunny garnishes. Here’s how to make one edible egg bunny: --Peel off the shell of one hard-boiled egg. --Using an ordinary table knife, cut an even 1/4-inch slice off a long side of the egg to form a flat base for the body of the bunny. (The cut-off slice will have an oval shape.) --Cut the oval slice evenly in half lengthwise to make two “bunny ears.” --Cut a slit on top of the pointed, slimmer end of the egg body, squeeze gently to open, and tuck the two floppy ears in the space. --Make a bunny face below the ears. Insert cloves or raisin bits to form the eyes and nose. Insert a baby carrot with a bit of parsley into the mouth area to make it look as if the bunny is eating a carrot. A cauliflowerette or spring of parsley makes a fluffy tail. Make several and set amongst the greens on the salad platter. Chill until ready to serve. Extra idea: Make edible radish mice to scamper in the greens. For one mouse, choose a radish with a lengthy root to represent the mouse’s tail. Cut a slice off the long side of the radish to form a flat base for the body. Above the stem, insert two small cloves for eyes. For the ears, cut two thin, equal-size round slices from another radish. Make a slit above the eyes and place the slices in the opening. Note: Remove cloves before eating garnishes.

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: The water in my aquarium is green! What did I do wrong, and how can I clear up the view? -- James, Sarasota, Fla. DEAR JAMES: The green water is caused by an explosive growth of aquarium algae. A small amount of algae is normal in aquariums, but too much can cause all sorts of problems. One of three things -- or possibly all three -- may have occurred to turn your aquarium water green. You may be overfeeding the fish; the aquarium may not be getting regular maintenance (changing the water, etc.); or the unit is sitting in direct sunlight. The solution to this type of algae, then, is to monitor and adjust the fish’s food supply; stick to a maintenance schedule; and move the aquarium out of direct sunlight if needed. Other types of algae can plague aquarium life and make the tank look just plain ugly. For example, if colonies of brown algae form in a tank, then the light levels are too low and the water has too many nutrients. Smelly, slimy blue-green algae (actually a bacteria) is caused by insufficient maintenance and is extremely difficult to clear up, but turning off the tank light for up to a week can slow its growth. Change the water at least every week (two weeks at most), making sure the new water has had its chlorine content neutralized and that its temperature matches the water in the tank. Scrape away excess algae while the water level is low, and wipe the inside of the glass with a clean cloth. Don’t use algaecides to clear up the problem; you’ll clear out the fish population as well. Check all filters and intake tubes to ensure they’re not clogged.






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Bring this ad to recieve 10% OFF repairs or service and we will enroll you to recieve an additional 5% discount towards your next service. Call 626-7777 to schedule your appointment or come see us at 27180 HWY 98 in Daphne, AL 36526 Can not be combined with other offers or specials. Expires 7-31-13

VA Security Breach Exposes Personal Data It came from a hotline tip: The Department of Veterans Affairs in one of the medical regions was transmitting personally identifiable information over unsecure lines. The VA Office of the Inspector General (VAOIG) investigated. The allegation was that a certain Veterans Integrated Service Network, handling more than 400,000 veterans, was sending health record information around to the various outpatient clinics and medical centers over local, unencrypted Internet networks. Information included names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers and health data (even X-ray images) for not only veterans but their dependents. Those sending out the data ‘fessed up: It was a “common practice,” and they “typically” transferred the data that way. The excuse given was that the office of the techies was getting a system security waiver. Meaning that they accepted the risk that loss or theft of data was possible. Wrong answer, said the OIG. Not only could the information be grabbed as it went down the line, but mischief-doers could grab the router information and travel back up the line and get into the system. From there it’s not much of a reach that much damage could be done, including a Denial of Service attack on the VA’s computers. Further, those security waivers are only for exceptional circumstances and must be signed by the heads of federal agencies. The big problem is that there were both VA and federal requirements in place to ensure the security of information that was sent, and transmitting the way they have is a violation. As with all VAOIG inspections, the department has the opportunity to respond to allegations and recommendations. The response was that they’re not transmitting over unsecure Internet connections, that they’re using a private network link. But no, that link is not encrypted.

Remote Link Between Heartburn, Cancer

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have had heartburn for many years. I take Prilosec for it, and it works fine for me. My doctor scheduled me for a gastroscope exam. I haven’t had one for quite a while. The doctor who did the scope called me and my family doctor to say that I had changes seen in the biopsy he took. He says I have Barrett’s esophagus, which can turn into cancer. Naturally, this has me worried. Will you elaborate on Barrett’s esophagus and what I have to look forward to? Neither of my doctors has suggested a change in medicines. Do you? -- T.M. ANSWER: Barrett’s esophagus is a change in the kind of cells that line the lowermost part of the esophagus, the part that attaches to the stomach. That change brings with it a chance of further, cancer changes. The risk is quite small, about 0.5 percent per year. Barrett’s esophagus happens to people who have GERD, gastroesophage-

al reflux disease, more popularly called heartburn. You take a medicine, Prilosec, that suppresses the production of stomach acid. Medicines that act similarly sometimes can retard the progression of these cell changes into cancer cells. They most definitely control heartburn. Barrett’s also can happen to people who do not have GERD. The chance of cancer developing depends on a number of criteria. One is the kind of cells that have evolved. If they show low-grade changes, the likelihood of cancer is not as great as it would be if they show high-grade changes. The length of the area involved with these changes is another factor in determining the cancer risk. You must not have had signs that raise the risk for cancer, or the doctor would have recommended immediate treatment. About the only thing you need to do is comply with the suggested follow-up scope exams so the doctor can see if any procedures are needed to eradicate these new cells. You don’t have to sit around and worry. You have not received a death sentence. The booklet on GERD (heartburn) explains this common disorder and its treatments. Readers can obtain a copy by writing: Dr. Donohue -- No. 501W, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada. with the recipient’s printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery.

est. 1981


The Affordable One-Day Denture Service on the Gulf Coast Dentures and Extractions in One Day! • Same Day Service • On-Site Lab • Sedation Dentistry Available

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Page 4

Tidbits of Baldwin County Distributed Weekly, March 20 & 27 of 2013, For Your Sales & Marketing Needs Call 251-504-0149

1. What was on the flip side of “Instant Karma!” and when was it released? 2. Who wrote and released “25 or 6 to 4,” aka “Twenty-Five or Six to Four”? What’s it about? 3. Name the duo with the 1968 release of “Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing.” 4. What was the name of the song released in 1962 by Kenny Ball and His Jazzmen? (Clue: foreign city) 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “Out on the road today I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac.” Answers 1. “Instant Karma! (We All Shine On),” released as a solo by John Lennon in 1970, had “Who Has Seen the Wind?” by Yoko Ono on the b-side. 2. Penned by the band Chicago’s organist/vocalist Robert Lamm, the song is allegedly about time of day and having been up all night writing. 3. Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell. Elton John and Marcella Detroit followed in 1993 with a version for John’s 1993 album “Duets.” 4. “Midnight in Moscow.” 5. “The Boys of Summer,” released by Don Henley, former drummer and vocalist for the Eagles, in 1984. Henley explained in an interview that the lyric was about aging and about his generation selling out.

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Tidbits of Baldwin County Distributed Weekly, March 20 & 27 of 2013, For Your Sales & Marketing Needs Call 251-504-0149 STORE HOURS: Mon-Sat 9:00am-5:30pm Closed on Sundays

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Easter Ham with Creamy BBQ Sauce For a tangy twist on your usual Easter ham, try this recipe, which flavors the pork with creamy homemade barbecue sauce. 2/3 cup light sour cream 1/3 cup light mayonnaise 1/3 cup barbecue sauce 3 tablespoon milk 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika 1 (6- to 8-pound) fully cooked, spiral-sliced smoked bone-in half ham 1. In medium bowl, stir together sour cream, mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, milk and smoked paprika. Serve with 1 (6- to 8-pound) fully cooked, spiral-sliced smoked bone-in half ham. Makes 1 1/4 cups barbecue sauce. Serves 16. ÂĽ Each serving: About 250 calories, 14g total fat (5g saturated), 76mg cholesterol, 1,880 sodium, 3g carbohydrate, 27g protein.

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Tidbits of Baldwin County Distributed Weekly, March 20 & 27 of 2013, For Your Sales & Marketing Needs Call 251-504-0149

Come on over to ELBERTA HARDWARE!

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Fighting Back Against Scammers Seniors are the biggest target of scammers, and their most common method of contacting us is the telephone. We need to beware. You know all your routines, and if something new comes up, be suspicious. If the “bank” calls and wants to talk about your account, hang up and call them back to be sure you’re really talking to your bank and not a scammer. The same goes if “Medicare” or “Social Security” calls you and asks for personal information, or if the “electric company” says your power will be cut off if you don’t make a payment over the phone. Don’t be fooled. They’re not likely to call you on the phone. Two of your biggest weapons again scammers: Caller ID on your phone and a shredder. By knowing who’s calling before you even answer the phone, you can protect yourself against aggressive thieves. And with a shredder you can destroy any mail or documents that have your name on them before they go in the trash. Remember the “granny scam,” where someone posing as a grandchild calls up and says he or she is in trouble and needs emergency money? Far too many grandparents have fallen for that scam and wired money to thieves. One state is now making it a law that companies who do the wire transfers notify the sender about where the money is actually ending up. Call your state senators and representatives and suggest that this be a law in your state as well. If you’re near a senior center, ask it to put together a program to tell seniors about scams and how to handle those who call and pressure you about giving personal information on the phone. If you’re ever in doubt about who’s calling you and asking for information, hang up.

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Tidbits of Baldwin County Distributed Weekly, March 20 & 27 of 2013, For Your Sales & Marketing Needs Call 251-504-0149

Page 7

$408 $458 $508 For Qualifying Individuals

1. GEOGRAPHY: The Gulf of Sidra lies off what African nation? 2. TECHNOLOGY: What kind of computer file is indicated by a .htm extension? 3. MEASUREMENTS: What is a nanosecond? 4. MUSIC: What kind of instrument is an Appalachian dulcimer? 5. LANGUAGE: What is an interrobang? 6. FAIRY TALES: What kind of poisoned fruit does the evil Queen give Snow White? 7. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which four U.S. presidents were assassinated in office? 8. INVENTORS: What is Robert Fulton famous for inventing? 9. HISTORY: When was the Magna Carta imposed to prohibit arbitrary royal acts? 10. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the early Roman term for the month of July?

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Answers 1. Libya 2. A hypertext file 3. One billionth of a second 4. Stringed 5. A punctuation mark that combines a question mark and an exclamation point 6. An apple 7. Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John Kennedy 8. The steamboat 9. 1215 10. Quintilis

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Tidbits of Baldwin County Distributed Weekly, March 20 & 27 of 2013, For Your Sales & Marketing Needs Call 251-504-0149


• Home Security Shotguns • Handguns • AR & AK Rifles • Pepper Spray • Tazers • Stun Guns • And More!

Professional Nail Care for Ladies & Gentlemen

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¥ It was Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist Pearl S. Buck who made the following sage observation: “All things are possible until they are proved impossible, and even the impossible may only be so as of now.” ¥ If you dread trying (and too often failing) to pair up socks on laundry day, you’ll be glad to know that your anguish is not unrecognized: May 9 has been designated National Lost Sock Memorial Day.

Appt. & Walk-ins Welcome • Gift Certificates Available Polished Nail Bar appreciates your business! We offer $10 off after 10 visits *see salon for details


¥ Progress is not always universally embraced. In 1825, a magazine called The Quarterly Review scoffed, “What can be more palpably absurd than the prospect held out of locomotives traveling twice as fast as stagecoaches?” ¥ If in your studies of history you never ran across the Anglo-Zanzibar War, don’t feel educationally shortchanged; most people have never heard of the conflict. In 1896, the pro-British sultan of Zanzibar, Hamad bin Thuwaini, died, and his successor, Khalid bin Barghash, did not look as favorably upon the British Empire. Because a treaty signed 10 years earlier stated that any candidate to attain the sultancy must receive the approval of the British Consul, the British viewed Kalid bin Barghash’s accession as an act of war. The sultan barricaded himself in his palace, but the superior numbers and firepower of the British quickly defeated the embattled sultan. How quickly? The battle lasted all of 40 minutes, making it the shortest war in history.

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¥ There are those who wonder if beloved actor Tony Curtis, with more than 100 films to his credit, would have been quite as successful if he hadn’t changed his name. His given name, Bernard Schwartz, just doesn’t quite have the same ring to it. *** Thought for the Day: “People need good lies. There are too many bad ones.” -- Kurt Vonnegut

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21040 Miflin Road Suite 2 • Foley, AL 36535 Phone: 251-943-6730 • Fax: 251-943-6737 115 East 1st Street • Bay Minette 251-937-0012 Store Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8.30 AM - 5.30 PM Friday: 8:30 AM - 6.00 PM

and at www.tidbitsofbaldwincounty.com

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Tidbits of Baldwin County (Big Message Publishing LLC) considers its advertisers reliable and verifies as much data as possible. Consequently, readers using this information do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the investors contact the appropriate consumer agency before sending payment. Although persons and companies mentioned herein are believed to be reputable, neither the Tidbits of Baldwin County nor any of its employees accept any responsibility whatsoever for their actions. For more information about credit card scams and advanced fee loans write: FTS Washington, DC 20580

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EMAIL YOUR CLASSIFIED TO editor@tidbitsbc.com MAIL TO: Big Message Publishing 3820 South McKenzie Street Foley Al 36536 Employment

Now hiring Stylist. Open 7 days a week. Salon Fahrenheit Gulf Shores 251-948-7563


Enrolling Now for Medical Assisting, Medical Office Administration and HVAC & Refrigeration! Call Fortis College Today! 888203-9276 or visit www.fortiscollege.edu For consumer information visit www.Fortis.edu THE OCEAN Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/ Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800-321-0298.


WANTED RECUMBENT EXERCISE BIKE in good condition. Call 251-947-5580

Real Estate

GOOD-BAD-OR NO CREDIT RENT TO OWN,4BR,2B D/W 943-4301 Beautiful Gulf Shores Condo, sleeps six 2 bdrm 2 bath, 1 kng- 2 twins- 1queen slp sofa, Large Beach Front Balcony, New mattresses and furniture. Lot of amenities. Call now for reservations 850-450-9182. www.vrbo.com/450794 * Boat, Car/Truck, ATV, Camper/RV, Motorcyle, or old mobile home…You can now trade for a new mobile home using either of these items as a down payment. 850-474-9973. * SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME?? Need a new home? At least $1200 monthly income will get you a new home. Call to apply! 850-474-9973 GOOD-BAD-OR NO CREDIT RENT TO OWN 3BR,2B D/W 943-4301 * New! 3 bedroom/2 bath mobile home, own it for as low as $295/mth…850-4749973. * BUYER BACKOUT….120 payments remain on a Foreclosured Mobile Home. 850-474-9973. RENT ONLY 1 BR,1B APARTMENT $650 (INCLUDES UTILITIES) 943-4301 RENT TO OWN Handyman special with land in Loxley, AL Call Ted @205-239-2804 LAND HOME PACKAGE available in nice subdivison in Loxley, AL for Mfg/Mobile home. Call Ted @205-239-2804.

Real Estate

PROPERTY FOR SALE 10.5 acre farm in Elsanor off Hwy. 87. 47x60 barn, tractor and implements included. Call 251-284-4101 for more information. FOR SALE 16 x 60 MH in excellent condition, Lot 25, Seniors Park Cedar Grove, Foley. For more info call 251-987-5742

For Sale

LG FRONT load Washer/Gas Dryer $799. Kenmore Refrigerator(18’)Gas Range $649. Both about 2 yrs in excellent condition. Kenmoore Top Load Washer/Gas Dryer (good condition) $399. Serious Inquires Only. (Sets only). ezellmoody@gmail.com LEATHER TRIM Sofa, Love Seat, Lg Ottoman, Two Tables and BigScreen Stand w/ glass $799. ezellmoody@gmail.com 1998 HOLIDAY Rambler Vacationer 32ft, 51,000 miles New appliances, generator, leather seats. 454 Chevy, hydraulic leveling. Many extras. By owner. No dealers please. call 850-7488348 or 8349


Debbie’s Cleaning homes & condos, general & deep cleans. 20 yrs experience, references upon request. Call 850-602-6466 or 850-9825229


Polished Nail Bar NOW OPEN in Daphne. Looking for Cosmotologists, manicurists. Send resume to Polishednailbardaphne@yahoo.com or call 608-322-2077.

Service Tech Needed

Service Tech Needed - 2 years, or more, experience required in pest control field. Great opportunity with established company in Baldwin County. Competitive pay and good benefits. Call 251-943-7874.


2012 TRACKER Pro Guide V-16C BOAT. This boat has never been in the water. 16’, Deep V Aluminum Hull, 60 hp Mercury, ELPT 4 Stroke, Minn Kota trolling motor, Lowrance Fish Finder, 3 swiveling seats 6 locations, with matching trailer $11,500. Serious inquires only. (850)698-0771 Tri-hull Boat For Sale 1979 Boat with 85hp Evenrude Call Todd at 251-591-0392 $2,000


Will paint yard decorative items, new or faded that you would like painted (angels, frogs, turtles, etc.). Call 850-982-5229 Gulf Shores / Foley area.

Business Opportunity

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Page 10

Tidbits of Baldwin County Distributed Weekly, March 20 & 27 of 2013, For Your Sales & Marketing Needs Call 251-504-0149

¥ Soak your metal tools in Coca-Cola when they get gummed up. It does a great job of loosening the gunk, and after a few hours in a Coke bath, you can practically just brush stuff right off. Makes you wonder about drinking it ... but whatever works! ¥ If you get the Sunday newspaper, you likely get coupons. Perhaps there are others who would enjoy any coupons you don’t use rather than your recycling them. Ask your neighbors and friends. ¥ To make a cottage-cheese dip, blend it in your food processor until smooth and add your dip flavoring packet or season with flavors as you would sour cream.

¥ “You can use a Thermos to keep soup warm as a lunch option. Just get a clean funnel for the kitchen and use it to add soup to the Thermos. It makes a good alternative for mixing up your lunch options, especially in cold weather. Before you fill the Thermos with your hot food, fill it with boiling water and let it sit for a good five minutes. Then empty out the water just before filling. The food will stay hot longer.” -- E.D. in Wisconsin ¥ If you have a smartphone (or just a cellphone that takes pictures), there’s a new, novel way of keeping track of printed information: Snap a quick pic. This works for store hours (get the store name in the picture with the hours), receipts, sales advertisements for reference when shopping and much, much more. You can delete the photo when you are done. ¥ If you have a tablecloth that is stained, you might be able to salvage it by turning it into napkins or a table runner. Edge it with a pretty and complimentary fabric to spice things up a little.


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10 Easy Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill With the 2 percent payroll deduction going away, paychecks are that much smaller, and it’s more important than ever to find ways to reduce grocery bills. Retailers know this, and they’re becoming even more ruthless about getting you to part with your shopping dollars. Here are 10 tips to help cut your grocery bill: 1. Check the sales flyers that come in the mail or the newspaper, and make a list of your meals for the coming week. Check ingredients at home to make sure you don’t buy duplicates. 2. Stores are laid out to get you to spend the most money. Bakeries will blow the scent of baked goods to entice you into that area. The deli section will put out samples of meats and cheeses, hoping you’ll try a sample and buy. Staples like milk and eggs will be in the back corner of the store, forcing you to go a long distance past other items. Look down each aisle. If there’s nothing down that aisle you need, don’t go there. 3. Set a limit on how much extra you’re willing to spend if you come across real bargains while in the store. 4. Shop at night, if possible, by yourself. Leave the kids at home or tell them there will be no extras. 5. Eat before you go. You’ll be less tempted to buy items not on your list. 6. Buy in bulk only if it makes sense. If you can save money on a five-pound package of hamburger and freeze it in one-pound packages, do that. But if a mega-size box of cereal will only go bad in your cupboard, it’s no bargain. 7. Check the unit price on each item, especially now that the package sizes of so many items are changing. The price might be the same, but with less in the package, it actually costs more per serving. 8. Buy “plain” foods such as rice or pasta and add your own seasonings. Buy plain cereal and add your own sugar -- or not. 9. Buy cheaper cuts of meat and use your slow cooker to make a meal. Add another meatless dinner to your meal rotation. 10. Get creative in the kitchen and look online for new recipes. Experiment with adding ingredients such as cooked rice or pasta and vegetables to a can of soup for a hearty meal.

Tidbits of Baldwin County Distributed Weekly, March 20 & 27 of 2013, For Your Sales & Marketing Needs Call 251-504-0149


Economy Discount Tires





Page 11

New Tire Sales, Brake Repair, Oil Change, Mechanical

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“If It SwImS we’ve Got It” ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Resist a confrontation with that irksome person. The matter will soon blow over anyway. Meanwhile, channel your high Arian energy into areas with more positive potential. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) The innovative Bovine finds a creative way to resolve a sensitive domestic problem by midweek. A former colleague returns with an intriguing business suggestion. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) An unexpected critical statement from someone you trust could catch you momentarily off guard. But you soon recover your equilibrium and rise to the challenge. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You might feel you can handle a new project on your own. But advice from someone with experience could help you avoid possibly costly as well as time-consuming obstacles. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Waiting for others to make decisions is difficult for the take-charge Lion. But by week’s end, you should hear news that will help you regain control of the situation. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Your superjudgmental side could dominate the week unless you try to keep it in check. Otherwise you risk offending people, including some who are very close to you. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Expect more information to come out about that possible career shift. Meanwhile, your loving concern helps someone close to you get through a worrisome period. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Despite an occasional setback, workplace pressures should continue to ease through most of the week. This would be a good time to plan that long-delayed trip. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) The sage Sagittarian quickly recognizes an opportunity when she or he sees it, especially if it’s one you’ve been planning for. Take aim and go for it. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) The Sea Goat’s unique insight guides you as you check out a questionable situation. Your efforts should prove rewarding for you and your many supporters. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) You might want to pace yourself a bit more. Rushing could lead to serious slip-ups. Take more time to check out details you might otherwise overlook. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) The best way to resolve those remaining problems is to ask others for help. They’ll be happy to do so, especially when you agree to share the credit for a job well done. BORN THIS WEEK: Your natural gift for honest leadership earns you the respect and admiration of others.

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Tidbits of Baldwin County Distributed Weekly, March 20 & 27 of 2013, For Your Sales & Marketing Needs Call 251-504-0149

¥ On April 2, 1513, near present-day St. Augustine, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon comes ashore on the Florida coast and claims the territory for the Spanish crown. Ponce de Leon is credited with the first recorded landing and the first detailed exploration of the Florida coast. ¥ On April 3, 1776, because it lacked sufficient funds to build a strong navy, the Continental Congress gives privateers permission to attack British ships. Any goods captured by the privateer were divided between the ship’s owner and the government. ¥ On April 7, 1873, John McGraw, one of the winningest managers in baseball history, is born in Truxton, N.Y. McGraw’s career total of 2,763 wins ranks second only to Connie Mack. Between 1902 and 1932, the New York Giants won 10 pennants, came in second place 11 times and won three World Series championships. ¥ On April 4, 1949, the United States and 11 other nations establish the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a mutual defense pact aimed at containing possible Soviet aggression against Western Europe. The signatories agreed, “An armed attack against one or more of them ... shall be considered an attack against them all.” ¥ On April 5, 1951, death sentences are imposed against Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, after they were found guilty of conspiring to transmit atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. The only seriously incriminating evidence came from a confessed spy who was given a reduced sentence to testify against them.

1. In 2012, Jim Thome became the fourth player in major-league history to have hit 100 homers with three different teams. Who else did it? 2. Arizona’s Aaron Hill hit for the cycle twice in a season in 2012. Who was the last player to do it twice in a season? 3. Who was the first Pittsburgh Steeler to rush for 1,000 yards in a season? 4. Name the first 10th seed vs. 15th seed men’s basketball matchup in NCAA Tournament history. 5. Who was the first draft pick in the history of the NHL’s Tampa Bay Lightning? 6. Name the youngest driver to win a NASCAR Cup season championship. 7. In 2013, Bob and Mike Bryan became the most successful tennis team in Grand Slam history, winning a 13th doubles title. Who were they tied with?

Answers 1. Alex Rodriguez, Reggie Jackson and Darrell Evans. 2. Brooklyn’s Babe Herman, in 1931. 3. John Henry Johnson rushed for 1,141 yards in 1962. 4. In 1991, Richmond faced Temple. 5. Defenseman Roman Hamrlik, in 1992. 6. Bill Rexford was 23 when he won the title in 1950. 7. Australians John Newcombe and Tony Roche.

Page 12

¥ On April 6, 1968, Stanley’s Kubrick’s science-fiction classic “2001: A Space Odyssey” makes its debut in movie theaters. The film clocked in at around three hours and contained less than 40 minutes of dialogue, with long stretches of absolute silence or of the sound of human breathing. ¥ On April 1, 1970, President Richard Nixon signs legislation officially banning cigarette ads on television and radio. In 1969, Congress had passed the Cigarette Smoking Act, requiring warning labels that stated: “Cigarette Smoking May be Hazardous to Your Health.”

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Tidbits of Baldwin County Distributed Weekly, March 20 & 27 of 2013, For Your Sales & Marketing Needs Call 251-504-0149

Page 13

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Wolf Bay is the destination for your perfect coastal getaway, as the only waterfront condo in Foley. Allow us the opportunity to host your business function, family reunion, church retreat or special celebration. Our property offers a serene setting for your next golf outing, girls’ getaway or guy’s fishing trip. Among our amenities, Wolf Bay features 3 piers for docking boats, fishing and catching crabs, outdoor pool, clubroom with fitness equipment and pool table. We also have canoes, kayaks, bass skiffs and bicycles on site for rental. Every unit has 300 sf balconies to take in the spectacular sunrise and relax while watching for birds and dolphins. We invite you to visit Wolf Bay for a beautiful, memorable Gulf Coast experience … close to everything, yet worlds apart!

Wolf Bay Landing Condominiums 8900 Toler Lane, Foley, Alabama 36535 www.WolfBayCondo.com 251.943.4265 or 251.421.1965

Page 14

Tidbits of Baldwin County Distributed Weekly, March 20 & 27 of 2013, For Your Sales & Marketing Needs Call 251-504-0149

$44.99 Anytime Play Must Present coupon at Time of Check in Expires 4/2/13

Sweet and Easy Golf Swing Tips by Helen Hecker Most golfers don’t know that eighty percent of the world’s golfers have a handicap of 18 or more. The biggest concerns of golfers today are inconsistency first of all, followed by slicing and distance. Golf is a difficult game to master and most golfers don’t have the time it takes to practice, practice, and practice to significantly improve. Keep the good energy flowing and don’t give in to any negative thoughts. Approach the game with a positive attitude and repeat affirmations if you can, such as “I play great golf all the time.” Visualize where you would like the ball to land, as you swing. Use the muscles in your legs and trunk when you swing. Make sure to use the proper technique. Accomplished golfers purposely use sidespin to steer their ball around obstacles or towards the safe side of fairways and greens. Use the basic ‘hitchhiker’ position when you’re working on your backswing. As the body matures, the ability to rotate the upper torso is affected by age, and the hand action can also slow down requiring a slightly stronger grip. The most

important thing about the golf swing is the angle and not the strength that’s applied to it. Trust your golf club to do the job it was intended to do. It’s difficult for a golfer to practice hitting shots longer than short pitch shots unless one pays to play golf or pays to practice at a driving range or indoor golf training facility. Try not to grip the club too tightly. Putting can become a nightmare and a condition called the ‘yips’ has affected not only amateurs but professionals as well; get expert advice and consider a golf swing aid. Many golfers who are strongly left-handed in their daily life prefer the right-handed swing. To prevent injury and improve swing speed and distance requires your body to be both strong and flexible. It’s no secret; most of the professional players actively participate in workouts. The state of the physical condition is very often overlooked as a possible cause of golf swing problems. Golf swing aids come in all shapes and sizes including apparel type accessories to correct alignment or a club addon accessory to monitor your swing. Aids can be found online and are often cheaper. There are aids that will help you with swing alignment.

Be careful about the claims on TV commercials and magazine ads; seek expert advice before you buy because they may not live up to their claims. Golf swing aids will improve your game. Golf magazines often review the newest golf swing aids and are reviewed by golfers, making it easy to choose the right one for you. If you’re looking for an aid to improve your stance they’re not hard to find. Keep in mind that with some golf swing aids, you may still need advice or help from an expert. If you’re a golfing novice just starting out, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just starting out, pick just one aid and go to work on your swing. You can find golf swing aids that will help you with your wrist and arm position. With plenty of practice, a better golf swing will be the end result. Practice, practice, practice! When you play a round of golf, concentrate on improving your golf swing, putting or something specific that day; have a plan in mind.

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3884 South McKenzie Street (HWY 59) Foley, Alabama

They have been in the golf business for 40 years and have been at their present location for 10 years. Specializing in new and used custom brand name clubs. Repair & regripping is also available as well as good golf advice!


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