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Palisades Charter High School • Pacific Palisades, CA • October 14 - 31, 2008 • Volume XLIX, Issue 3 •

RICK STEIL Pali Photographer

Marching Band Renews Vision RICK STEIL Pali Photographer

Marching Band members take a short break during rehearsal for the evening’s football game. The new and improved marchers have got loads of enthusiasm and talent, as evidenced from their performances.

Dolphin Football steamrolls opponent Granada Hills in a 21-0 blowout, destroying the competition and winning the Charter Bowl (top). Students and parents browse tons of colleges and talk to college reps (bottom).

Due to the influx of new instructors, the school’s Marching Band is transforming from a pep-band to a competitive marching powerhouse. BY ALISON WHITE Tideline Staff Editor

With the arrival of new band director, Arwen Hernandez, and percussion coach, Jeremy Miller, the marching band is beginning to adjust from being a less structured program into an intense, competitive field marching band. This is the first year such a large staff is conducting the band. The new staff has set high goals for the band this year and plans on competing in marching field competitions throughout the region. The transition from previous seasons has been dramatic, but band members seem to be adjusting quickly. “[Students] have been flexible and helpful throughout my time here, as have my colleagues and administrators,” said Hernandez; “It seems that everyone is excited about the opportunity for

growth.” Drum Captian Nicole Hendifar has seen the change as well. “Our technique and sound have been magnified. Without the new staff, we wouldn’t be able to achieve what we have now and even go beyond that.” To the student body, the marching band is best known for their ability to excite the crowds during football games with fun pop songs and drum cadences. But it is obvious that the crowds are not the only ones having a blast. Looking at the band one can see the band members are enjoying themselves as well. They enthusiastically cheer the team on with their music, while instructors cheer alongside them. Freshman Tenor Drum Player Jesse Victoroff said, “During the game it’s really fun because we are supporting the football team, and playing music energizes the crowd. It’s awesome.”

Participating in fun activities such as games helps the band bond and motivates them for their competitive endeavors that extend throughout the rest of the school year. Later in the football season, the band hopes to perform their field show during half time. After games, the band is dedicated to working hard to perfect their competitive field show. They are committed to rehearsing music and marching hours that extend beyond seventh period to produce the best show possible. This year, their performance features Brian Balmages’ “Flight of the Griffin,” a classic field marching piece. Although the work is extensive, it is a team building process that rewards discipline and hard work. “We have to rehearse for hours in order to master twenty seconds of show,” said Hernandez, “Through

all of this, it is a huge pleasure to watch certain students distinguish themselves as leaders and to watch the ensemble become a tightly-knit, supportive team.” The band is constantly fine tuning their skills and improving their technique. “I anticipate better instrumentation and an increase in numbers. I would like to have a color guard join us on the field next year and for color guard to continue to perform in competitions throughout the spring. I would like to see a successful marching band program become an expected part of Pali’s many achievements,” said Hernandez. In upcoming years, the staff hopes that the entire band will continue to develop. “With a lot of effort and support,” said Hernandez, “We can have a wind, percussion and guard program to be very proud of.”

is alive. Junior Mia Canter will portray the role of Olivia, who in addition to inadvertently falling in love with Viola (thinking she is a he), also wards off several romantic attempts by the Duke Orsino, played by Alex Caan. The eighteen other cast members and understudies are a mix of ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth graders. Some are Drama veterans, and others are participating in their very first show. The decision to choose a Shakespearean play for the fall show was a somewhat controversial one. “Pali has a great reputation for Shakespeare,” said Ms. Kraus, referring to the Shakespeare Festival that the school competes in every spring. “And I thought it would be fun to bring that to the main stage.” However, many people feel that Shakespeare is inaccessible to the modern teenager, and

therefore fewer people will feel inclined to attend. Junior Elena Loper, who will be playing Maria in the production, said, “I love Shakespeare. It’s so eloquently written. But there may not be many people outside the Drama Department who are that interested.” To remedy the presupposed lack of interest by the student body, Ms. Kraus and her team of student techies have a few things planned. Co-head of Set Lexi Rubaum said, “We’re picking our own era to set the show in. That’s going to lighten up the Shakespeare. We might set it in the 70’s, or the turn of the century, or the 1920’s. We’re not sure yet.” In addition to a different setting, the people involved in the show can look forward to some professional help that will make it a success. Ms. Kraus has already contacted a Shakespeare professor

to help coach the actors. Dr. Wesley Vantassel will fly in from Washington at some point during rehearsals to lend an expert hand. Not only that, but Ms. Kraus said she will be hiring a lighting designer to “expand lighting possibilities.” Overall, Ms. Kraus said she was extremely pleased with the audition process and the first day of rehearsal, which consisted of a cold read-through of the entire play. “It’s a great comedy,” she said. Greatness is an important component of the play, in fact. One of the most famous quotes from Twelfth Night is “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” The cast, crew, and most of all, the director, will soon be hard at work, preparing and rehearsing in order to make this show achieve its greatness.

Swim Team Camping Trip Page 3

Teacher Evaluations Page 4

Lunch Time Page 5

Shakespeare Takes the Main Stage BY KATY P OOL

Tideline Staff Writer

This year, the school’s first main stage production will be Twelfth Night, a comedy by William Shakespeare. This also marks the first main stage production to be directed by the new Drama teacher, Lisa Kraus. The play premiers Friday, December 5th, and the final performance is the evening of December 13th. Rehearsals began the week of September 29th after the cast list had been posted on Mercer Hall that same afternoon. The list revealed that Junior Chloe Wilson will play Viola, a young woman who disguises herself as a man after surviving a shipwreck. Viola’s brother Sebastian, played by senior Alec Strassmore, also survives the shipwreck, but both siblings are unaware that the other

Pali Blacks Out Page 2

College Fair Attracts a Crowd


BY DANIEL HARTONO Tideline Editor-in-Chief

Students and parents had the opportunity to learn more about particular colleges of interest during the annual College Fair in Mercer Hall on Tuesday, October 7 from 6:30-9 p.m. The College Fair, featuring about eighty-five different colleges, allowed students to view a scope of schools from across the nation. Colleges such as Harvard, MIT, USC, Columbia, UCLA, University of Puget Sound, Colgate, and Vassar were present among an array of others. “The main reason we do the college fair is to expose students to the incredible range of colleges in this country. Everybody is chasing after the same few brand name schools, but there are 3,000 colleges in this country, and a place you’ve never heard of before the College Fair might end up being the perfect place for you,” said College Counselor Ms. Kunkle. “It’s all about having an open mind, and looking for a college that suits you, rather than trying to tailor yourself to what you think a particular college wants.” Additionally, in conjunction with the Fair, several test preparation companies were present such as Princeton Review and Kaplan. Workshops and informational sessions were also held for students who are interested in applying to historically black universities or who desire to be recruited as athletes. Ms. Martin also conducted an informational meeting and workshop for Spanish speaking parents. This year’s College Fair continued with the time changes implemented last year in which the hour of 6:30-7:30 p.m. was reserved strictly for seniors and juniors, so that students would be able to com-

Radiohead’s Reckoner Page 6

municate more freely with the college representatives without interference from parents. “Reps have told me that they wish more schools would ‘ban’ parents! They experience improved dialogue with students when parents are absent and that students are ‘forced’ to think of intelligent questions,” said College Counselor Ms. Grubb. Ms. Kunkle also said, “Our upperclassmen love the change, and colleges love it too, because they are really mostly interested in talking to students.” The actual planning for the College Fair began last June, before the conclusion of the school year and continued throughout summer until the actual day of the event. Ms. Grubb, who was responsible for organizing the majority of the College Fair, said, “I received responses [from colleges] throughout the summer months, either by mail, e-mail or telephone calls. I probably spent between 15 - 20 hours over the summer dealing with it. Probably around another 20 hours during September and then a good part of the day prior to the Fair and all day on Tuesday, [but it] seemed like a lot more!” “Many of the college reps wouldn’t miss it and have been coming for years. They know Pali students and want to attract them to apply to their institution.” However, “Some need convincing that it would be beneficial for them to spend the time and money to attend,” continued Ms. Grubb. Students enjoyed the Fair because they had the opportunity to learn more about the type of college that they may want to attend. “I attended the College Fair to have a broader scope on colleges and have a better idea of the type of college I wanted to go to. I learned that there are many options in the types of colleges I could go to such as urban Continued on page 2

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