Volume XLIX, Issue 6
Tideline NOVEMBER 28 - DECEMBER 12, 2008
ADDITION TO THE BOARD Head Basketball Coach and Teacher Reelected as 1 of 3 Teacher Representatives
Seniors Voice Their Opinion in a Poll Conducted by Government classes BY D ANIEL N IKNAM
Tideline News Editor
Alongside the 2008 presidential election, 513 students from the Senior government classes were surveyed on November 3 and 4 for their vote on the propositions and the presidential candidates. The clear-cut winner for president was Barack Obama with 76% of the vote compared to 12% for John McCain. Green Party candidate Ralph Nader came in third place with 4%. When asked why she thought a majority of students voted for Barack Obama, Senior Natasha Milner said, “I think most teenagers are in favor of liberalism and change, especially students that go to our school. That is what Obama stands for so they are more likely to vote for him.” Senior Sina Safvati, a firm supporter of Mccain wasn’t surprised that Obama received the majority vote and said, “I’m actually surprised that 12% of the people admitted that they support a Republican candidate for president in a highly liberal environment. There are actually many Republicans at our school; however, they are just reserved about it because they are outnumbered and feel insecure about exposing their true political views.” The senior government students also voted on the California propositions. The controversial proposition 8, which sought to Continued on Page 2
Curious Students Attend Financial Aid Workshops BY D ANIEL HARTONO Tideline Editor-in-Chief
The College Center hosted the annual Financial Aid Workshops on November 18 and 19 in B101 in order to assist seniors and parents with the financial aid application process. Liz Lesan, who has been assisting seniors with financial aid at the school for six years, led the workshop and discussion by introducing the various types of aid options available. The types of aid can be classified under four main categories: grants, scholarship, on-campus employment, and loans. Generally, grants are forms of aid that are awarded by the schools directly, scholarships are awarded by individual entities, on-campus employment allows the school to fund jobs for the student, and loans are money that the student can borrow, but must pay back. “Most financial aid will come from the college you attend, with a combination of sources (federal, state, and the college itself). Continued on Page 3
Tideline Staff Writer
FUTURE ATTORNEYS : The Mock Trial team put their cross-examination skills to use in the annual Los Angeles County competition.
College Meetings Cause Increase in Student Curiosity BY LAYLEE S ALEK Tideline Staff Writer
As seniors continue their path to college through the completion of applications, they have been given extra informational boosts through the visits of many college representatives. Though these visits have died down from their start in late September, students have taken advantage of the information available to them. Ranging from small private colleges on the East Coast to the largely populated schools in the University of California (UC) system, these admissions representatives visit to answer specific questions seniors have. College Center Counselor, Ms. Grubb, said, “These meetings give students the opportunity to receive information about colleges that Continued on Page 2
Mock Trial Team Takes on People v. Lane BY ELANA JOFFE
Tideline Editor-in-Chief
The Mock Trial team headed downtown to compete against Damien High School and North Hollywood High School in the annual competition held by the Constitutional Rights Foundation on November 3 and 13, 2008. The case presented to high schools was People v. Lane, an arson trial featuring a pretrialmotion on the First Amendment. The fictional case gave potentially strong arguments to both the defense and the prosecution. The defendant, Leslie Lane, was accused of arson and inciting a riot. The charges were regarding a fire set on the New Believer’s property, a fictional sect. Witnesses were called to testify both against and for Lane. Pali’s Defense was the first to compete against Damien High School. Azad Amanat acted as the
pretrial-motion attorney and made an argument as to why the charges against Leslie Lane (Daniel Heo) should be dropped. The witnesses Leslie Lane, Jan Jefferson (Abigail Robbins), Riley Roberts (Elana Joffe), and Kelly King (Mary Hobbs) were called to testify in defense of Leslie Lane along with the team’s defense attorneys, Dexter O’Connell, Kevin Seo, and Jessica Lee. Each attorney questioned the witnesses, cross-examined the prosecution witnesses and objected to comments and statements made by the opposing team. Mary Hobbs received full points for her portrayal of Kelly King, expert witness as did Jessica Lee, her direct examiner. Dexter O’Connell also received twenty out of twenty points for his closing statement. The team won this trial by 2 points out of 400. The Team’s second trial tested the Prosecution against the
Pali Seniors meet with college representatives to discuss options regarding their future plans. C A M P U S | PA G E 3
O P I N I O N | PA G E 4 - 5
Peer Editing, a.k.a. Cheating
Defense from the Highly Gifted Magnet at North Hollywood High School. The pretrial-motion attorneys for the prosecution were Sina Safvati and Bobby Saxton. The prosecuting attorneys were Emily Park, Ahlysha Gopaul, and Roxanne Houman who questioned Officer Dana Daniels (Preston O’Connell), Chris Chen (Abigail Robbins), Rev. H.H. Hingel (Abigail Sarafian), and expert witness Stacy Samuels O‘Sullivan). North (Rory Hollywood beat Pali by 8%, precluding the mock trial team from advancing into the next level of competition. The team’s coach Dexter O’Connell, however, is still optimistic after a year long hiatus. “I’m just happy that we had a team this year,” he said.
James Paleno, a Special Education teacher and Basketball Coach, emerged victorious in the election for the Teacher R epresentative on the Board of Directors, which ended on November 10. It was a tight race between Mr. Paleno, who ran for reelection, and Alexander Shuhgalter, a Spanish teacher. The election, in which most of the teachers voted, consisted of many statements, interviews, and a large group discussion. Despite the competitive nature of the election, neither of the candidates were very aggressive. Paleno only criticized Shuhgalter once, saying “The only real difference is in our methods. I personally believe that you need to pick and choose your battles. You can’t always be forceful and aggressive and on the attack mode,” suggesting that Shuhgalter can sometimes be more offensive than is necessary. After he was declared the winner of the election, however, Paleno expressed that he still supports his former opponent. “He would have been a good option,” said Paleno. When asked what priorities he has that he will address during his term, Paleno said, “I want to deal with the whole idea of traveling teachers,” referring to the problem of teachers who move from room to room due to the excess of students in classrooms. Paleno said that he ran because he “wanted to Continued on Page 2
Directors for Senior Show Selected, Aim to Stay True to Personal Vision BY M ELINA C HARIS Tideline Staff Writer
The two shows that will be featured in the annual SeniorDirected Show, set to open in the spring, were recently chosen by a group of drama students in the Senior class. James and the Giant Peach, directed by Seniors Natasha Milner and Suah Kang, and Edward Scissorhands, directed by Seniors Lorin Doctor and Anthony Iglesias, were selected as the most creative and interesting of the five shows originally submitted. The Senior Show, as its name implies, is directed and run by selected members of the Senior class whose shows and ideas appealed most to the other Seniors in drama who voted on them. Meetings for the Senior Show ‘09 began at the end of last year, and anyone in the Senior class involved in drama was welcome to attend the meetings. However,
only those who attended the first meeting were allowed to be part of the voting process that took place during the course of this fall and resulted in the selection of the final two shows in late October. Senior Liane Dallalzadeh said of the process, “I went to all the meetings and cast my vote. We really tried to pick shows that would appeal to a vast number of people and I think these two shows together do that well.” Five shows were originally considered and each entry required a proposal that demonstrated the ideas and visions of the Senior submitting it. “I made it clear during the proposal that I wanted the Senior Show to be a group project, [and] not just something that I created. I wanted everyone to be able to share their ideas and I think everyone appreciated that,” said Doctor. Continued on Page 2
Spring Awakening Opens in L.A.
Football Wraps Up Season
Students are always coming up with new ways of blurring the line between what is moral and immoral.
Police a Menace to Students
The Tideline Goes to St. Louis Journalism students win Superior Award designations at Journalism Education Association Convention.
ASL Class Teaches the Art of a Nonverbal Language
American Sign Language is now being taught at Pali.
Since when has driving on the sidewalk been allowed?
The War on Proposition 8
Gay activists protest outside Mormon churches, reminding Americans of the separation between church and state.
The award-winning play finally makes its way to the City of Angels, playing downtown at the Ahmanson Theater.
The Dolphins finish up a strong season with an unfortunate loss and look toward a bright future.