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ELECTION 2008 Palisades Charter High School • Pacific Palisades, CA • November 1 - 12, 2008 • Volume XLIX, Issue 4 •



Welcome to Depression, Enjoy Your Stay

BY D ANIEL HARTONO Tideline Editor-in-Chief

Students communicate with studentelected faculty representative on Board of Directors in an open forum.

A Question and Answer Forum was held with Mr. Steven Klima, the student-elected faculty representative on the Board of Directors, on Monday, October 13 in B101 in order for students to openly communicate with the elected candidate in a formal setting. Klima has been a teacher at Pali for fifteen years, previously worked with Leadership for seven years, and also was a Senior Class Sponsor for six years. Currently, Klima teaches English Literature and AP English Language and is one of eleven members on the Board of Directors. As the student-elected representative on the Board, Klima wishes to support the ideas and concerns of the students. “I saw that the students did not have a voice and I wanted to make sure that they were represented. I just want to make sure students understand the role of the Board,” said Klima at the meeting. Continued on page 2


BY A US TIN WILLIAMS Tideline Staff Writer

Ms. Iannessa, Director of Student Services and Attendance, desires to restore Pali pride by cleaning up the quad. She believes that the trash left over from nutrition and lunch is evidence of a lack of respect for the school. Ms. Iannessa wishes to motivate the students, but is unsure whether it would be better to have a system of reward or punishment. One idea she has is to offer a longer lunch period, or give dolphin tickets to those who clean up trash. Some ideas of punishment would be to block off “trashy” areas and to assign detention to the offenders. Mr. Christopher Lee, social studies teacher said, “It sounds like she is being very creative. The students should be praised for cleaning up and there should be more reward than punishment.” There is an environmental consid

Road Safety Assembly Page 2

BY WILL A NDERS ON and M ARIEL R EDLIN Tideline Staff Writers

Club Day Attracts Student Interest Students promote their community service clubs, including Oxfam America and UNICEF, and scores of students signed up.



cover outlets for their interests, but it also allows students to examine the many ways that they can complete their mandatory community service hours. “Club Day is the best venue on campus to introduce all clubs, whether they are service clubs or not,” community service director Gretchen Miller. “All 21 of our community service clubs on campus participated this year.” With the help of leadership students, club presidents, and Mr. Jefferson, tables were set up for each club participating during nutrition. It was then up to the club presidents to make posters and decorate the tables. In addition, community service clubs were required to bring the 300 fliers containing the club’s

mission statement to hand out to students. There are over 100 active clubs on campus, although only under 70 clubs, 40 not including community service clubs, participated in Club Day. However, students were still overwhelmed with the variety of clubs to choose from. “I thought it was kind of cool that all the students organized all these different clubs, but I did think it was a bit chaotic,” said Freshman Ben White. Upperclassmen were also able to take advantage of Club Day. “The amount of clubs and people looking to join is impressive as always,” said Junior Chauncey Hicks. “College admissions certainly can drive people.”

Senior Su Kang, ASB Vice President, organized this year’s Club Day. “Club Day was and always is such a hectic day, especially because there weren’t enough tables for the community service clubs this year,” said Kang. “I think in the end, though, that the final goal was reached as many students were exposed to clubs which allowed them to discover new interests.” Several new clubs made their debut at this year’s club day, including the Pali ‘08 Debate Club, which meets Wednesdays at lunch in F104. “This was my first time being involved with Club Day, so that was pretty exciting!” said Senior Tyler Continued on page 2

The Tideline Newspaper received the Gold Medalist Award in the 2007-2008 Columbia Scholastic Newspaper Competition. After earning Bronze the previous year, the Tideline was motivated to improve and received 936 out of 1000 possible points, with All-Columbian honors in Coverage and Business Operations. The critique is broken down into four categories: Coverage, Writing and Editing, Graphic Presentation, and Business Operations. The newspaper

earned 290 points out of 300 in Coverage, 366 out of 400 in Writing and Editing, 183 out of 200 in Graphic Presentation, and 97 out of 100 in Business Operations. Compared to last year, the Tideline Newspaper scored 224 points higher in total to earn the Gold Medalist Award and had significant increases in all categories. All-Columbian honors were awarded for earning over 284 points in Coverage and over 94 points in Business Operations. Business Manager Edwin Amirianfar and Malana Kalimullova are proud of these improvements. Amirianfar said, “This award means a lot to

me. We worked hard as a team raising money for the newspaper and we all deserve this award.” Additionally, James Bourne, Editor-in-Chief, said, “Our hard work and dedication to the paper paid off and I’m looking forward to getting it again this year. This is a tremendous honor for our staff.” Although the critique featured many categories that the staff exceeded expectations in, there were areas that require improvement as well. The judges’ commentary suggested decreasing editorializing in news coverage, making layout styles more consistent, and identifying all persons in pho-

tos. Dexter O’Connell, Editorin-Chief, said, “We will be IDing everyone in our photos this year and we won’t be editorializing at all. However, I believe our newspaper layout is unique, but we will still work on the consistency anyway.” Journalism Advisor Ms. Cappelli is proud of her students and said, “My journalism class works hard every day to put out this paper. They truly deserve this Gold Medalist Award and I am extremely pleased with their effort.”

Club Spotlights Page 3

College Fair Page 4

Cheaters Page 5

Election 2008 Page 6

Tideline Staff Writer and Editor

Club Day invites many students to join new clubs.

Students flooded the quad at lunch during Club Day on October 15, in order to get a taste of the many clubs available on campus. Clubs ranging from the Creative Writing Club to the Chess Club set up tables on the quad, handed out flyers, and informed prospective members of their purpose and plans for the year. Not only does Club Day give students a chance to dis-

Tideline Wins Gold Medalist Award in National Newspaper Competition BY D ANIEL N IKNAM Tideline News Editor

The next 20 years will be unlike any in the history of the United States. Our national debt has risen to unprecedented levels. The dollar is losing value rapidly. Americans’ savings are at the lowest point since the Great Depression. The combination of these factors, plus many more, have led to a widespread opinion that we are in the early stages of the worst economic collapse in global history. We keep being told not to panic or worry, that the federal government will take care of it. Yet, when people are having their homes taken away from them or are having to find a second or third job to support their hungry families, who wouldn’t panic with a $10 trillion national debt staring them down as well? You, along with the rest of our generation, are going to have to pay for it. On October 3rd, 2008, The House of Representatives voted to pass the federal government’s historic $700 billion plan to bail out the nation’s financial system. Later that same day, U.S. stocks fell dramatically, capping the worst week for the stock market since the 2001 terrorist attacks. They have continued to fall since, and the decline has included the worst week, by percentages, in history. Why now? What caused this sudden collapse? For one thing, the economic collapse is not sudden. Inflation and national debt have increased steadily since Richard Nixon eliminated the gold standard in 1971. But during the past eight years of the Bush Administration, America’s economy has suffered more then ever before. For the first time in history the United States is fighting three wars while taxes are being cut. The banks and financial institutions have been deregulated. This allowed banks to trade in the stock market. The housing market exploded. Prices went up. Banks sold mortgages to people without down payments or proof of income. When interest rates jumped, home “owners” could not pay back what they owed. They defaulted, and the banks were left with worthless paper. Now, we have a credit crisis and banks are afraid to lend to each other. This is very serious, and no one seems to know how to fix it, or where we are headed. But the question remains: what does this mean for you and our generation? As a student, you may be saying to yourself, “It’s Continued on page 3

Girls Volleyball Page 8

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