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Western Cape Hockey team
Congratulations to Meecah Engel, who has been selected for the Western Cape u.14 Girls Hockey team. This team will be attending the DCAS National School Sport Champions (Winter Games) in Benoni from 3-7 July. Congratulations to Armand Basson, who has been selected for the u.16A Eden IPT team. This team will be travelling to Bloemfintein from 6-12 July.

Eden hockey teams
Mossel Bay Junior Sportsman

Congratulations to Johan Schoeman who was awarded the Winner - Mossel Bay Junior Sportsman of the year and Pieter Schoeman, who was awarded Runner-Up - Mossel Bay Junior Sportsman of the year over the weekend.

Jnr Sportman
Baie geluk aan Ricardi Matthee wat die naweek vir die 3de jaar in ‘n ry, aangewys is as Mosselbaai se Jnr Sportman met ‘n gestremdheid van die jaar. Ons is Baie trots op jou Ricardi.
Eden Distrik Netbalspanne

aan Chanelle Barnard (Graad 12), en Zeenath McCarthy (Graad 11) wat verkies is tot die Eden Distrik Netbalspanne. Ons is super trots op julle, en ons bewonder hoe hard julle werk.