Ceramic World Review India 2014

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C eramic W orld R eview

ISSN 1121-0796

Ceramic World Review

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Hkkjrh; fljsfeDl 2014 esa Lokxr gS!

Welcome to Indian Ceramics 2014!


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Year 24, lh MCY;w vkj Supplement to no.105 January/February 2014 Bimonthly Review


Cover picture by: Giancarlo Pradelli



Paola Giacomini

Welcome to Indian Ceramics 2014!

Hkkjrh; fljsfeDl 2014 esa Lokxr gS!

8 interview 12 16

Kajaria powers ahead

Milena Bernardi

cqyanh dh jkg ij dtkfj;k A digital passage to India

Milena Bernardi

Hkkjr dh vksj ,d fMftVy ekxZ Automation also triumphs in India

Milena Bernardi

Lopkfyr rduhdh dh jkg ij Hkkjr


24 28 30 34 38 40 events

Modern technology for the Indian brick industry

Hkkjrh; bZaV m|ksx vk/kqfud çkS|ksfxdh ds jkg ij The Digital Ecosystem

Erminio Guiducci

fMftVy bdksflLVe Colorobbia Digital Space, on the trail of social responsibility

dyksjksfc;k fMftVy Lisl lkekftd mÙkjnkf;Ùo ds jkg ij Digital lines: integrated solutions

Marco Ferrari

fMftVy ykbu % ,dhd`r lek/kku

New aesthetic potential in ceramics

Marcello Fontanini

fljsfeDl esa u, laHkkfor lkSan;Z fl)kar Bongioanni technology in Iraqi Kurdistan

Rosario Palumbo

bjkdh dqfnZLrku esa c‚ft;ksvkuh çks|kSfxdh Bedeschi supplies new brick factory in Russia

csMsLph us [kM+h dh :l esa u;h bZaV–QSDVªh

42 products

AKW 41

Intesa 3


Bedeschi 47

Kajaria 37

Smaltochimica 25

Bmr 6

L.B. 1

Bongioanni Macchine


Poppi Clementino

Ceramics China


Remix - Cbc

Ceramicure by Ebi Ltd



2 45 IV cop

Smalticeram 71


III cop

Tecnoexamina 47 Tecnofiliere 53

Colorobbia 4

Setec 49

Tecnopress 39


Siti B&T Group



II cop



Ce r amCe i cr W am or i cld W or R e vi lde Rwe vi n . e80 w /I N 20 D0 I A9 20 14

Da oltre quarant’anni leader nella progettazione e costruzione di linee di lappatura, levigatura, calibratura e squadratura dei prodotti ceramici. Nel rispetto dell’ambiente e dell’uomo. A leader for more than forty years in the design and manufacture of lapping, polishing, calibrating and squaring lines for ceramic products. Caring for nature and human beings.




Hkkjrh; fljsfeDl 2014 esa Lokxr gS! Welcome to Indian Ceramics 2014! Paola Giacomini - p.giacomini@tiledizioni.it

Indian Ceramics 2014 is organised by MMI India (a branch of Messe München International), relies on support from the Indian Government and collaborates with the most important ceramics associations. It aims to exceed the figures registered for the 2013 edition, when 164 exhibitors and over 5,000 visitors attended. Indian Ceramics 2014 will see the participation of the major international companies in the sector, who recognise the exhibition as an excellent opportunity to showcase the latest technological innovations. Italian producers abound, with esteemed companies like Sacmi, System, SITI B&T, LB Officine Meccaniche, Smac, Air Power, Setec, Tecnoferrari, Mectiles, Cielle and Tecnopress representing the ceramic machine industry sector; Bernini, Bongioanni, Capaccioli, Icra and Tecnofiliere from the heavy

clay and refractory plant production sector; Poligraph, Stylgraph and Tecnografica as graphic design firms, in addition to Smalticeram, Smaltochimica and Lamberti for glazes and additives. The Italian companies will occupy a total area of around 800 sqm, over half of which will be taken up by the traditional collective stand organised by ACIMAC (Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machinery and Equipment for Ceramics) and ICE (Italian Trade Promotion Agency). There will be a fair number of Spanish companies present - including Esmalglass-Itaca, Torrecid, Cretaprint, Verdes, Hito, Megacolor and Beralmar - and Germany will also attend, exhibiting brands such as Dorst, Eirich, Händle and Netzsch. Other prestigious names will also be present, including the American company Ebi Ceramicure and the multinational company for raw materials - Imerys, while a collective stand hosting exhibitors from China will be located in Pavilion B. Indian Ceramics will be accompanied by a high-calibre supporting programme of side events. One of these is the first edition of Innovation Exchange: a platform which provides insights into the latest trends, processes and technologies in the ceramic industry. It takes the form of a series of 30-minute lectures delivered by industry experts. The Technical Workshop, to be held on 27 February, is particularly interesting. Here, visitors can attend technical presentations by De Boer Damle Pvt., Imerys Ceramics, Netzsch Grinding & Dispersing - Netzsch España, Smaltochimica, System Ceramics, Riedhammer/Sacmi Group, SITI B&T and Nutec Bickley Kilns. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY INDIAN CERAMICS! 

Hkkjr fo'o dk rhljk lcls cM+k Vkby mRiknd ns'k gksrs gq, 70 djksM+ oxZehmRiknu ds vk¡dM+s dks Nwus ds dkQh djhc gS] bl tkunkj o`f)&nj dh dgkuh vc gekjs fy, vutkuh ugha jg x;hA Vkby ds bl egÙoiw.kZ cktkj } kjk gksus okys bl c`gr~ –mRiknu us fo'oHkj ds rduhdh] dPpk eky vkSj lsokvksa ds vkS|ksfxd vkiwfrZdrkZvksa dk /;ku bl vksj vk—"V fd;k gS lkFk gh buds lapkydksa ls lg;ksx dk lEcU/k fodflr djus ds fy, çsfjr fd;k gSA blfy, ;g egt la;ksx ugha gS fd vgenkckn esa Hkkjrh; fljsfeDl ds ukSosa laLdj.k – fljsfed Vkby] lSfuVjhos;j] vkSj gSoh Dys baMLVªh ds vkiwfrZdrkZvksa dh lcls cM+h Hkkjrh; çn'kZuh – ds volj ij fljsfed oyZ~M fjO;w – fljsfed m|ksx dh lcls egÙoiw.kZ varjkZ"Vªh; if=dk& fgUnh Hkk"kk esa viuk igyk fo'ks"kkad çdkf'kr djsxhA bldk mís'; varjkZ"Vªh; :i ls çdkf'kr vaxzsth laLdj.k ds vykok Hkkjrh; xzkgdksa ds fy, vkSj vf/kd çHkko'kkyh lEçs"k.k dk ,d tfj;k [kksyuk gSA

vkSj VsDuksxzsfQdk ¼Tecnografica½ xzkfQd fMtkbu çfr"Bkuksa ,oa LekyVhlsje ¼Smalticeram)] LekyVksflfedk ¼Smaltochimica½ vkSj ySEcVhZ ¼Lamberti½ Xysftax daiuh dk çfrfuf/kÙo djrh gSaA bVSfy;u daifu;ka lEiw.kZ {ks=Qy ds yxHkx 800 oxZeh- esa jgsaxha ftuds vk/ks esa ,lhvkbZ,e,lh ¼Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machinery and Equipment for Ceramics½ vkSj vkbZlhbZ ¼Italian Trade Promotion Agency½ ds

lkStU; okys ikjaifjd lkewfgd iaMky gksaxsA

Lisu dh daifu;ka Hkh vPNh la[;k esa viuh mifLFkfr ntkZ djk,axh ftuesa bLekyXykl&bVkdk ¼Esmalglass-Itaca½] VksjsflM ¼Torrecid), ØsrkfçaV ¼Cretaprint½ ,osnsZt ¼Verdes½] fgVks ¼Hito)] esxkdyj ¼Megacolor½ and csjkYej ¼Beralmar½ çeq[k gksaxhA bl çdkj teZuh Hkh MkslZ~r ¼Dorst½] bfj[k ¼Eirich½] gk;Unsy ¼Händle½ vkSj usRl ¼Netzsch½ tSls czkaMksa dk çn'kZu djrs gq, mifLFkr jgsxkA nwljs [;kfryC/k ukeksa esa vesfjdh daiuh ,ch fljsfeD;ksj ¼Ebi Ceramicure½ vkSj dPps eky ds fy, çfl) cgqjk"Vªh; daiuh belZ ¼Imerys½ Hkh lfEefyr gksaxh A phu ds çn'kZdksa okyk lkewfgd iaMky iosfy;u ch esa gksxkA Hkkjrh; fljsfeDl vusd dk;ZØeksa dh J`a[kyk ds lkFk ekStwn jgsxk ftlesa mPp&Lrjh; çfrHkk ds n'kZu gksaxsA

Hkkjrh; fljsfeDl 2014 ,e,evkbZ bafM;k ¼Messe München International dh ,d 'kk[kk½ }kjk vk;ksftr dh tk jgh gS] tks Hkkjr ljdkj dh lgk;rk vkSj lcls vge fljsfed laxBuksa ds lg;ksx dk vkis{kh gSA bldk y{; 2013 laLdj.k esa ntZ vk¡dM+ksa dks ikj dj tkuk gS tc 164 çn'kZd vkSj buesa ls ,d uokpkj&fofue; ¼innovation yxHkx 5]000 n'kZd lfEefyr gq, FksA exchange½ dk igyk laLdj.k gksxk ;g ,d ,slk eap gksxk tgka fljsfed baMLVªh Hkkjrh; fljsfed 2014 esa bl lsDVj ds vR;k/kqfud #>kuksa] çfØ;kvksa vkSj dh çeq[k varjkZ"Vªh; daifu;ksa dh rduhfd;ksa ds lEcU/k esa var–Zf"V ik;h Hkkxhnkjh ns[kh tk ldsxh] ftuds tk ldsxhA ;g baMLVªh ds fo'ks"kKksa vuqlkj ;g çn'kZuh vR;k/kqfud ds }kjk çLrqr 30 feuV ds O;k[;kuksa rduhdh uokpkjksa dks lkeus j[kus dk dh J`a[kyk dk :i ysxkA 27 Qjcjh csgrjhu volj çnku djsxhA bVSfy;u dks vk;ksftr dh tkus okyh rduhdh mRikndksa esa çfrf"Br daifu;ka tSls dk;Z'kkyk [kklrkSj ij fnypLi gksxh lSDeh ¼Sacmi½] flLVe ¼System½] lhVh A bles n'kZd Mhcks;j nkeys çkbosV ch ,aM Vh ¼SITI B&T½] ,ych vkfQflus fyfeVsM ¼DeBoer Damle Pvt-½] belZ esdkfu'ks ¼LB Officine Meccaniche½] fljsfeDl ¼Imerys Ceramics½] usR'k LeSd ¼Smac½] ,;j ikoj ¼Air Power½] xzkbafMax ,aM fMliflaZx&usR'k ,Likuk lsVsd ¼Setec½] VsDuksQsjkjh ¼Tecnoferrari½] ¼Netzsch Grinding & Dispersing – Netzsch esDVkbYl ¼Mectiles)] fl;syh ¼Cielle½ España½] LekYVksflfedk (Smaltochimica½] vkSj VsDuksçsl ¼Tecnopress½ daifu;ka flLVe fljsfeDl ¼System Ceramics) tks fljsfed e'khu baMLVªh lsDVj jh/kkesj/lSDeh xzqi ¼Riedhammer/Sacmi dk çfrfuf/kÙo djrh gSaA blh çdkj Group½] lhVh ch ,aM Vh ¼SITI B&T) vkSj csfuZuh ¼Bernini½ cksaftvkuh ¼Bongioanni½] uqVsd fcDys fDyal ¼Nutec Bickley Kilns½ fl;kiSfl;ks ¼Ciapaccio½] bØk ¼Icra½ vkfn daifu;ksa dh rduhdh çLrqfr;ksa esa vkSj VsDuksfQfy;j ¼Tecnofiliere½ lfEefyr gks ldsaxsA gSoh Dys vkSj Hkêh okys mRiknu la;a= ls tqM+k lsDVj rFkk i‚yhxzkQ ge vk'kk djrs gSa fd vki Hkkjrh;  ¼Poligraph½] LVkby xzkQ ¼Stylgraph½ fljsfeDl dk yqRQ mBk,axs !

Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I N D I A 20 14



India, the world’s third largest tile producer with volumes close to the 700 million square metre mark, has by now got us used to its impetuous growth rates. The immense volumes turned out by this key market have led industrial suppliers of technologies, raw materials and services worldwide to pay it special attention and develop a closer collaboration with its operators. So it’s no coincidence that, in a move to mark the IX edition of Indian Ceramics in Ahmedabad - the biggest Indian exhibition for suppliers of ceramic tiles, sanitaryware and heavy clay industries - Ceramic World Review, the most important international magazine for the ceramic industry, will publish its first special issue in the Hindi language. The idea is to be able to offer an even more effective communication channel to the Indian clients, in addition to the English version published internationally.

cqyanh dh jkg ij dtkfj;k

Milena Bernardi - m.bernardi@tiledizioni.it

Kajaria powers ahead Kajaria Ceramics is one of the best known tile producers in the Indian subcontinent. Set up by Ashok Kajaria in December 1985 in Sikandrabad, in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, the company produced its first tile in 1988. Since then it has grown steadily and now has 7 plants, 2,150 employees and an annual output of 45.2 million square metres of tiles. The company has always combined growth with large-scale technological investments to improve product quality and expand its portfolio. The company’s goal is clear and ambitious: “We aim to reach an output of 100 million sq.m/year by March 2018,” Ashok Kajaria told us during our meeting.


CWR: What factors have helped Kajaria achieve its dominant position in the local industry? Ashok Kajaria: Kajaria was founded with a vision to deliver the best quality tiles to our customers. Since our genesis, quality has always been our driving force. Over the course of time, we pushed back boundaries and pursued innovations to leave a lasting mark in the market. But the most important factor that has contributed to our success is our people – our employees,

Production departments at the Kajaria plant in Uttar Pradesh


Cera mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014

dtkfj;k fljsfeDl Hkkjrh; miegk}hi ds lcls ukeh VkbYl mRikndksa esa ls ,d gSA fnlEcj]1985 esa v'kksd dtkfj;k }kjk mÙkj çns'k ds fldUnjkckn esa LFkkfir bl daiuh us igys&igy Vkby dk mRiknu 1988 esa fd;kA rcls blesa yxkrkj c<+ksÙkjh gksrh jgh vkSj vc blds lkr IykaV gSa] tgk¡ 2150 yksx dk;Zjr gSa vkSj 4-5 djksM+ oxZ eh- VkbYl dk okf"kZd mRiknu gks jgk Ashok Kajaria gSA daiuh vius Li"V vkSj egÙokdka{kh y{; dks bl çdkj j[krh gS& Þge ekpZ 2018 rd 10 djksM+ oxZ eh- ds lkykuk y{; dks çkIr djuk pkgrs gSaAß v'kksd dtkfj;k dk ckr&phr ds Øe esa ;g dguk FkkA lh MCY;w vkj % os dkSu ls dkjd gS ftUgksaus yksdy baMLVªh esa dtkfj;k dks 'kh"kZ ij igq¡pus esa enn dh gS\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % dtkfj;k vius xzkgdksa dks loksZÙke xq.koÙkk ds VkbYl miyC/k djkus ds lius ls 'kq: gqvkA xq.koÙkk 'kq: ls gekjh çsjd 'kfä jgh gSA bu reke lkyksa esa ge vkxs gh c<+rs x, gSa vkSj geus cktkj ij LFkkbZ Nki NksM+us ds fy, uokpkjksa dks viuk;k gSA fdUrq gekjh lQyrk esa ;ksxnku djus okys lcls egÙoiw.kZ dkjd gSa gekjs yksx – gekjs deZpkjh ,oa lg;ksxh vkSj lcls c<+dj gekjs MhylZ dk vfMx fo'okl vkSj lg;ksxA

Kajaria plant in Rajastan

associates and above all the unswerving faith and support of our dealers. CWR: What range of products do you offer today? A. Kajaria: Over the past 25 years, Kajaria Ceramics has expanded its production capacity to 45.2 million sq.m/year. Today, we offer more than 1,000 designs of ceramic wall and floor tile and polished and glazed porcelain tiles, from 20x20 cm small size tiles to 60x120 cm large formats. We recently launched two new glazed porcelain collections called The Size (60x120 cm) and The Square (80x80 cm), which are the biggest favourites amongst our customers. CWR: What investments in production technology have you made recently? A. Kajaria: We have installed a new plant from Sacmi for the production of large-format glazed porcelain tiles to international quality standards. We have also expanded our number of digital machines to 8 sourced from Europe. CWR: What is your opinion of digital technology? A. Kajaria: I have a very high opinion of this technology. We have been using it since 2010 and the advantages are plain to see. It has enabled us to increase productivity and rationalise other production costs, as well as expand our product range and add value to our floor and wall tile collections. Digitally decorated tiles are becoming increasingly popular amongst Indian consumers. Kajaria is now able not only to produce tiles with varied designs but also to offer the largest collection of digitally printed tiles in India. CWR: Do you adopt green technologies in your production process? A. Kajaria: At Kajaria, we are very much concerned about the environment and always endeavour to reduce the negative impact that a company like ours may have on the environment. We have always striven to use technology that guarantees innovation, sustainability and reduced consumption of natural resources. For example, all our plants use natural gas. We have been awarded the Green Building Certificate and ISO 14001 for environment management in recognition of our eco-friendly production facilities. CWR: What is the impact of energy costs? A. Kajaria: The cost of energy and fuel is a big issue in India. We source power from the grid and natural gas from GAIL

lh MCY;w vkj % fdu mRiknksa dh J`a[kyk vkt vkius cktkj esa mrkjh gS\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % fiNys 25 o"kksaZ ds nkSjku dtkfj;k fljsfeDl us 4-5 djksM+ oxZ eh çfro"kZ rd viuh mRiknu {kerk dks c<+k;k gSA vkt geus XysTM vkSj ikfy'k fd;s gq;s ikslZyhu VkbYl ds 100 ls Hkh vf/kd fMtkbuksa dks mrkjk gS ftlesa 20x20 lsehds NksVs vkdkj ls ysdj 60x120 rd cM+s vkdkj okys VkbYl gSaA geus gky gh esa Þlkbtß ¼60x120 lseh-½ vkSj Þ,DlDok;jß ¼80x80lseh-½ uke ds nks u, XysTM ikslZyhu dh J`a[kyk mrkjh gS tks gekjs xzkgdksa ds lcls ilanhnk mRiknksa esa ls gSA lh MCY;w vkj % vki us gky esa mRikn&rduhdh ds {ks= esa D;k dqN fuos'k fd;k gS\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % geus vUrjkZ"Vªh; xq.koÙkk ekudksa ds vuq:i cM+s vkdkj ds ikslZyhu VkbYl ds mRiknu ds fy, lSDeh (Sacmi) ls ,d u;k IykaV LFkkfir fd;k gS] geus Lisu ls vk;kfrr 8 fçUVjksa dh enn ls vius fMftVy e'khuksa dh J`a[kyk esa foLrkj fd;k gSA lh MCY;w vkj % fMftVy rduhdh ds ckjs esa vki dh D;k jk; gS\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % bl rduhdh dks eSa cgqr egÙoiw.kZ ekurk gw¡A ge 2010 ls bldk ç;ksx dj jgs gSa vkSj blds ykHk Li"V :i ls ns[ks tk ldrs gSa] blls gesa mRikndrk dks c<+kus vkSj nwljs mRiknu&ykxrksa dks de djus esa enn feyh gS] blds lkFk gh lkFk mRiknksa dh J`a[kyk c<+kus vkSj ¶yksj vkSj oky VkbYl dh ewY;oÙkk c<+kus esa Hkh l{ke gks ik, gSaA fMftVy Msdksjs'ku okys VkbYl dh yksdfç;rk Hkkjrh; miHkksäkvksa ds chp c<+rh tk jgh gSA dtkfj;k vc u dsoy fofHkUu fMtkbuksa okys VkbYl ds mRiknu esa cfYd fMftVy <ax ls fçUVsM VkbYl dh lcls cM+h J`a[kyk Hkkjrh; cktkj esa mrkjus esa leFkZ gSA lh MCY;w vkj % D;k vki viuh mRiknu&rduhdh esa xzhu&rduhdh dks viuk jgs gSa\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % dtkfj;k esa ge i;kZoj.k dks ysdj cgqr tkx:d gSa] ge ges'kk viuh daiuh ds }kjk i;kZoj.k ij iM+us okys udkjkRed çHkkoksa dks ;FkklaHko de djus dk ç;kl djrs gSaA ge ges'kk ,slh rduhdh ds bLrseky ds fy, ç;kljr jgs gSa tks uokpkj ¼innovation½] lkrR; ¼sustainability½ vkSj çk—frd lalk/kuksa ds lhfer nksgu lqfuf'pr djrk gSA mnkgj.k ds fy, gekjs fy, lHkh IykaV çk—frd xSl dk bLrseky djrs gSaA gekjs mRiknu&çfØ;kvksa ds i;kZoj.k≶ksxh ds rkSj ij igpku nsrs gq, i;kZoj.k&çca/ku ds fy, gesa ISO 1400 vkSj xzhu fcfYMax lfVZfQdsV feyk gSA lh MCY;w vkj % ÅtkZ&O;; dk D;k vlj iM+k gS\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % ÅtkZ vkSj bZa/ku ij gksus okyk O;; Hkkjr esa

Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I N D I A 20 14


(Gas Authority of India Limited). The price of natural gas has risen over the last 3-4 years and the continued weakening of the rupee has also adversely impacted the cost of fuel. However, we have been able to absorb the pressure of energy costs and maintain our margins by moving continuously towards value-added products. CWR: How do you see the economic situation in India today? A. Kajaria: Over the last year, the Indian economy has seen a slowdown and even today the general business sentiment is low. Nonetheless, the tile industry has been growing consistently for many years, largely due to the low base. A major contribution to the growth of the Indian tile industry has come from the replacement of marble – the most widely used floor and wall covering material in the country – by tiles. CWR: What are the latest figures for the sector? A. Kajaria: Although India is the third largest producer and consumer in the world with a production of 617 million sq.m in 2011, per capita consumption is still just 0.52 sq.m/year, the lowest amongst the top 10 consumer countries including China, Iran, Vietnam and Indonesia. The Indian tile industry has been growing at an annual rate of around 15% over the last twenty years. Half of the industry is controlled by the top 10-12 players, which are present nationwide and command a brand premium. The another half, consisting of around 350 small scale and unbranded players, are located in the state of Gujarat in western India. The big national players have now entered into tie-up agreements with small-scale producers to sell their good quality products under their own brands. Kajaria has acquired 4 such plants over the last two years. CWR: Are you worried about the high imports of tiles from China? A. Kajaria: No, Indian producers are becoming cost efficient and are increasing the scale of operations to lower production costs. Moreover, India is producing tiles to international standards in all segments and sizes, which can match the Chinese and even the European levels of quality. Freight costs also act as a deterrent to Chinese imports, along with the strengthening of the Chinese currency and the weakening of the rupee.


Cera mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014

,d cgqr cM+k eqík gSA gekjs fy, fxzM fctyh dk L=ksr vkSj xsy ¼xSl vFkksfjVh vkQ bafM;k fyfeVsM½ çk—frd xSl dk L=ksr gSA fiNys rhu&pkj o"kksaZ ds nkSjku çk—frd xSl dh dherksa esa o`f) gqbZ gS vkSj :i;s ds Hkh yxkrkj detksj iM+us ls bZa/ku dh ykxr ij foijhr çHkko iM+k gSA fdUrq geus ÅtkZ&O;; ds ncko dks Hkjld de djus vkSj yxkrkj detksj ewY;& laof/kZr ¼value-added½ mRiknksa dh vksj vkxs c<+us ls okafNr vk;&Lrj cuk, j[kus esa lQyrk gkfly dh gSA lh MCY;w vkj % orZeku Hkkjr dh vkfFkZd fLFkfr dks vki fdl çdkj ns[krs gSa\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % fiNys lky ls Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk esa eanh ns[kh tk jgh gS] vkSj vkt Hkh vke O;kolkf;d ekgkSy mRlkgtud ugha gS] blds ckotwn yksvj csl ds pyrs VkbYl baMLVªh yxkrkj Qy&Qwy jgh gS Hkkjrh; VkbYl baMLVªh ds o`f) dk ,d çeq[k dkj.k gS Q'kZ vkSj nhokjksa ij ekcZy yxk, tkus dh txg VkbYl dk çpyu esa vkuk gSA lh MCY;w vkj % vkids {ks= ls lEcaf/kr rkts vk¡dM+s D;k gSa\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % ;|fi 2011 esa 61-7 djksM+ oxZ eh- mRiknu ds lkFk Hkkjr bl {ks= esa rhljk lcls cM+k mRiknd ,oa miHkksäk ns'k gS fdUrq çfrO;fä miHkksx vHkh Hkh ek= 0-52 oxZeh- çfro"kZ gS] tks phu] bZjku] fo;ruke vkSj baMksusf'k;k lesr fo'o ds nl 'kh"kZ miHkksäk ns'kksa esa lcls uhps gSA fiNys 20 lkyksa esa 15% okf"kZd ds nj ls Hkkjrh; VkbYl m|ksx esa c<+ksÙkjh gks jgh gSA yxHkx vk/kh baMLVªh ij 'kh"kZ dh 10&12 daifu;ka dkfct gSa tks iwjs ns'k Hkj esa QSyh gqbZ gSa vkSj vius czkaM dh mR—"Vrk LFkkfir dj pqdh gSaA 'ks"k vk/kh baMLVªh ds varxZr xqtjkr esa fLFkr fcuk fdlh czkaM okyh 350 NksVs vkdkj okyh daifu;ka vkrh gSaA jk"Vªh; Lrj dh cM+h daifu;ksa us NksVs Lrj ds mRikndksa ds vPNh xq.koÙkk okys mRiknksa dks vius czkaM ds rgr cspus ds fy, muds lkFk vuqca/k fd;k gSA fiNys nks o"kksaZ ds nkSjku dtkfj;k us pkj ,sls IykaVksa dk vf/kxzg.k fd;k gSA lh MCY;w vkj % D;k phu ds }kjk cM+s iSekus ij fd;s tkus okyk VkbYl dk vk;kr vkids fy, fpark dk fo"k; gS\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % ugha] Hkkjrh; mRiknd vc equkQs dh fLFkfr esa gSa vkSj de mRiknu&ykxr esa Hkh viuk nk;jk c<+k jgs gSaA Hkkjr vc lHkh vkdkj ,oa çdkj okys varjkZ"Vªh; ekudksa okys VkbYl dk mRiknu dj jgk gS tksfd phuh ;gk¡ rd fd ;wjksih; xq.koÙkk okys VkbYl dh cjkcjh dj ldrk gSA phuh eqæk ds etcwr gksus vkSj :i;s ds detksj gksus ds ckotwn HkkM+s dh ykxr ds pyrs phuh vk;kr ij dqN vadq'k yxrk gSA

CWR: What are the strengths of the Indian tile industry? A. Kajaria: The low cost of production is certainly one of the strengths of the Indian ceramic industry, which delivers international quality products at an affordable price. The strong demand from the replacement market is also helping the growth of the industry. CWR: What are the biggest problems? A. Kajaria: Certainly the price of natural gas, which is around 12-13 dollars per MMBtu, the highest in the world. We hope that fuel prices will go down in the near future, allowing us to become more competitive globally. CWR: Does Kajaria operate in export markets? A. Kajaria: We are strongly focused on our domestic market as local demand is good. We export just 1% of our total sales volume, mainly to the Gulf countries. CWR: What are your distribution channels in the local market? A. Kajaria: We sell our products nationwide through 850 dealers, who in turn sell to sub-dealers. In addition we sell to big projects directly. We also have 150 plus dealer outlets wich exclusively sell Kajaria products only, thereby giving more focus on displays as well as sales.We have also strengthened our manufacturing presence by acquiring companies in West and South India, making logistics simpler and more cost effective for these regions. CWR: What kinds of tiles are most in demand amongst consumers? A. Kajaria: Market trends have shifted towards large sizes. Following this trend, we have increased our product portfolio with larger formats such as 60x120 cm and 80x80 cm for floors and 30x90 cm for walls. Polished tiles are still the preferred choice in tier II and III cities, but in the largest metropolises there is a trend towards products with satin, wood or rustic finishes. CWR: What other projects do you have in the pipeline? A. Kajaria: It is a continuous journey. In April 2013 we acquired another plant for vitrified tiles in Gujarat and we are also in the process of expanding our capacity in our southern plant. Investments are a key component of our plans. Over time we intend to continue to expand using all available opportunities, whether green field or brown field projects, further acquisitions, and continued outsourcing. CWR: How do you see your company in 5 years’ time? A. Kajaria: We will continue to expand and expect to become a force to be reckoned with throughout Asia. We are aiming to reach an output of 100 million sq.m/year by March 2018. Our goal is to become one of the top ten tile companies in  the world.

lh MCY;w vkj % Hkkjrh; VkbYl baMLVªh dh rkdr D;k gS\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % de mRiknu&ykxr fuf'pr :i ls Hkkjrh; fljsfed baMLVªh dh ,d cM+h rkdr gS tks oguh; ewY; ij varjkZ"Vªh; xq.koÙkk okys mRiknksa dh vkiwfrZ dks laHko cukrk gSA lh MCY;w vkj % lcls cM+h leL;k,a D;k gSa\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % fuf'pr rkSj ij çk—frd xSl dh dher tksfd çfr MMBtu yxHkx 12&13 Mkyj gS] ;g fo'o esa lcls vf/kd gSA gesa mEehn gS fd bZ/ku dh dherksa esa fudV Hkfo"; esa deh vk,xh ftlls ge vkSj l'kä&:i ls oSf'od çfrLi/kkZ dk fgLlk cu ldsaxsA lh MCY;w vkj % D;k dtkfj;k fu;kZr –cktkj dk fgLlk cusxk\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % ge ?kjsyw cktkj ij [kklrkSj ij /;ku ns jgs gSa D;ksafd LFkkuh; ek¡x vPNh gSA ge vius dqy fcØh dk dsoy 1% fgLlk gh fu;kZr djrs gSa] ;g fu;kZr eq[; :i ls [kkM+h ns'kksa dks gksrk gSA lh MCY;w vkj % LFkkuh; cktkj esa vki fdl forj.k&ç.kkyh dks viuk jgs gSa\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % geus vius mRiknksa dh fcØh ns'kHkj esa QSys 850 Mhyjksa dh enn ls djrs gSa] ;s Mhyj iqu% lc&Mhyjksa dks csprs gSa] blds vykok cM+s çkstsDV dks ge lh/ks csprs gSaA gekjs ikl 150 ls vf/kd forj.k&dsaæ gSa tks dsoy dtkfj;k ds gh mRiknksa dks csprs gSa] tks fcØh vkSj çn'kZu ¼display½ nksuksa ij /;ku nsrs gSaA if'pe vkSj nf{k.k Hkkjr esa daifu;ksa dk vf/kxzg.k djds] laHkkj&ra= ¼logistics½ dks vkSj etcwr cuk dj] lkFk gh lkFk bu {ks=ksa esa mRiknu dks fdQk;rh ¼cost-efficient½ cuk dj ge vius fuekZ.k&ra= dks etcwr dj jgs gSaA lh MCY;w vkj % miHkksäkvksa ds chp lcls vf/kd ekax fdl rjg ds VkbYl dh gS\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % cktkj dk #>ku cM+h lkbt dh rjQ gqvk gSA bls /;ku esa j[krs gq, geus mRiknksa ds jsat esa 60x120 lsehvkSj 80x80 lseh- ds ¶yksj VkbYl vkSj 30x90 lseh- ds oky VkbYl dks tksM+k gSA f}rh; vkSj r`rh; Js.kh ds uxjksa esa ikfy'k okys VkbYl vHkh Hkh igyh ilan cus gq;s gSa ysfdu cM+s egkuxjksa esa lkfVu] oqM ;k jfLVd fQfu'k dh vksj :>ku gqvk gSA lh MCY;w vkj % Hkfo"; esa vksj dkSu ls çkstsDV dh ;kstuk gS\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % ;g ,d lrr ;k=k gS] vçSy 2013 esa dkape; VkbYl ds mRiknu ds fy, geus xqtjkr esa ,d nwljs IykaV dk vf/kxzg.k fd;k gS vkSj ge vius nf{k.k Hkkjr fLFkr IykaV dh dk;Z{kerk dks c<kus dh çfØ;k esa yxs gq, gSaA fuos'k gekjh ;kstukvksa dk ,d egÙoiw.kZ ?kVd gSA vkus okys le; esa lHkh miyC/k voljksa dk bLrseky djds foLrkj&Øe dks tkjh j[kuk pkgrs gSa] pkgs ;g xzhu QhYM çkstsDV gks ;k czkmu QhYM çkstsDV] vf/kxzg.k vkSj vkmVlksflaZx dks Hkh ge tkjh j[ksaxsA lh MCY;w vkj % vkxkeh 5 o"kksaZ esa vki daiuh dks fdl çdkj ns[krs gSa\ v’kksd dtkfj;k % ge viuk foLrkj tkjh j[ksaxs ftldh lgk;rk ls ge iwjs ,f'k;k esa ,d Hkjkslsean uke ds rkSj ij mHkjus dh mEehn djrs gSaA gekjk y{; ekpZ 2018 rd 10 djksM+ oxZeh- çfro"kZ ds vkadM+s dks Nwuk gSA gekjk y{; nqfu;k ds nl 'kh"kZ VkbYl daifu;ksa esa fxuk tkuk gSA 

Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I N D I A 2 0 14


Hkkjr dh vksj ,d fMftVy ekxZ

Milena Bernardi - m.bernardi@tiledizioni.it

A digital passage to India The acquisition of new sites, the decision to adopt digital decoration technology, strong investments in R&D and a keen commitment to the environment: these are just some of the strengths which have contributed to the success of Orient Bell, one of the leading Indian tile producers. Operating since 1977, the turnover of the company is 6.2 billion rupees, approx 73 million Euro. The company has embraced modernity in all senses of the word: “We are a techno-friendly company”, said Mahendra K. Daga, Chairman & Managing Director of Orient Bell, speaking on the subject of their notable presence on the web and in social media. Indeed, the company has proven itself highly capable of using these marketing and communication tools to the advantage of customers.

u, LFkyksa dk vf/kxzg.k] fMftVy ltkoV rduhdh dks viukus dk fu.kZ;] vuqla/kku vkSj fodkl esa fd;k x;k Hkkjh fuos'k vkSj i;kZoj.k ds çfr xgjh çfrc)rk&;s Hkkjr ds egRoiw.kZ Vkby fuekZrkvksa esa ls ,d ^vksfj,aV csy* dh lQyrk esa lg;ksx nsus okys dqN egÙoiw.kZ igyw gSaA ;g daiuh 1977 ls dk;Zjr gSA 31 ekpZ 2013 dks lekIr gksus okys foÙk o"kZ ds fy, dqy fcØh esa 6% dh o`f) ¼6-2 vjc :i;s] yxHkx 7-3 yk[k ;wjks½ ntZ fd;k gS] ftlesa 10-6 % nj ekftZu c<+r Hkh ns[kus dks feyh gSA ek= ,d pkSekgh Mahendra K. Daga esa fMftVy ltkoV esa gksus okys Hkkjh fuos'k us vk; esa 154% dh o`f) dh gSA ;g c<+ksrjh bl vksj lkQ b'kkjk dj jgh gS fd vU; ns'kksa dh rjg Hkkjr esa Hkh fljsfed dk Hkfo"; ltkoV dh u;h rduhd ls tqM+sxkA bl dEiuh us vk/kqfudrk ds gj igyw dks viuk;k gSA vksfj,aV csy daiuh ds v/;{k egsaæ ds- Mkxk us osc vkSj lks'ky ehfM;k dks daiuh ds fo"k; esa mYys[kuh; çLrqfr nsrs gq, ;g dgk gS fd % Þge rduhdh dks lkFk ysdj pyus okyh daiuh gSaß ;g lp gS fd CWR: What is the structure of Orient Bell today? daiuh us xzkgdksa ds ykHk dks /;ku esa j[kdj ekdsZfVax vkSj lapkj Mahendra K. Daga: We manufacture ceramic and porce- ds midj.kksa ds ç;ksx ds vius mPp lkeFkZ~; dks fl) fd;k gSA


lain tiles with the “Orient Tiles” and “Bell Tiles” brands in three modern plants located in Sikandrabad (in Uttar Pradesh, in the north), Hoskote – Bangalore (in the south of India) and Dora – Vadodara (in Gujarat, in the western part of the country). The total production capacity, close to 30 million sq.m/year, and the location of the plants in three different regions of India, enable us to serve the whole Indian market with quick delivery times, and with a floor and wall tile range in different sizes, produced with exclusive cutting-edge technologies (including four patent pending technologies). All of this gives us the edge over the competition. Our focus is not exclusively on quantity, but rather - and primarily - on quality and design, which is developed by Spanish and Indian graphics studios. We use the latest digital printing technology for our decoration; in fact, we have more digital printers than any other ceramics company in India: we are equipped with a Kerajet printer and seven Tecnoferrari printers. The versatility of these printers, together with the combination of inks, enables us to reproduce marbles, stones, woods and high definition pictures using every colour, so offering our customer the possibility to match our products to any kind of décor. CWR: Orient Bell is known for being an environmentally friendly company...


C era mic W o rld Review India 2014

lh- MCY;w- vkj % vkt ds nkSj esa vksfj,aV csy dh lajpuk dSlh gS\ egsaæ ds- Mkxk % ge Þvksfj,aV VkbYlß vkSj Þcsy VkbYlß uked czkaM ds lkFk fljsfed vkSj ikslZyhu VkbYl dk fuekZ.k djrs gSaA blds fy, rhu vk/kqfud IykaV~l fldanjkckn ¼mÙkj esa mÙkj çns'k½] gksldksV–caxyksj ¼nf{k.kh Hkkjr esa½ vkSj MksjkoM+ksnjk ¼ns'k ds if'peh fgLls esa½ fLFkr gSaA bldh dqy mRiknu {kerk 3 djksM+ oxZehçfro"kZ gSA Hkkjr ds bu rhu fHkUu fgLlksa esa fLFkr gksus ls ge leFkZ gks lds gSa fd ge lHkh xzkgdksa dks tYnh vkSj le; ij lsok çnku dj ldsaA gekjh lsokvksa esa Q'kZ vkSj nhokjksa ds fy, vyx&vyx eki dh Vkbysa Hkh miyC/k gSa tks fofHkUu çdkj dh vk/kqfud rduhdh ls ySl gSaA ¼blesa pkj fopkjk/khu isVsaV rduhdh 'kkfey gSa½A ;s lHkh gesa vU; daifu;ksa ls çfrLi/kkZ esa c<+r dh fLFkfr esa yk jgs gSaA gekjk /;ku dsoy ek=k ij ugha gS vfirq çkFkfed rkSj ij VkbYl dh xq.koÙkk vkSj fMtkbu ij Hkh gS tks fd Lisu vkSj Hkkjr ds xzkfQd LVwfM;ks ls fodflr fd;k x;k gSA ge viuh ltkoV esa vR;k/kqfud fMftVy fçafVax rduhdh dk ç;ksx djrs gSaA gekjs ikl okLro esa Hkkjr dh fdlh Hkh fljsfed daiuh ls T;knk fMftVy fçaVlZ miyC/k gSa–gekjs ikl dsjktsV fçaVlZ vkSj lsosuVsDuksQsjkZjh fçaVlZ gSaA bu fçaVlZ dh fo'ks"krk ;g gS fd ;g ,d lkFk dbZ jaxksa dh bad ds feJ.k ls ekcZy]iRFkj]ydM+h vkSj mPp dksfV ds fp= fdlh Hkh jax esa iSnk dj ldrk gSA bl çdkj gekjs mRikn xzkgdksa ds }kjk ltkoV ds fdlh Hkh ekax dks iwjk djus esa leFkZ gSaA lh MCY;w vkj % vksfj,aV csy ,d ,slh daiuh gS tks i;kZoj.k dks

M. K. Daga: We are a member of the Indian Green Building Council and we have already earned over 50,000 tons of carbon credits from international agencies for our “green” production processes. These include using waste heat and sawdust in the spray dryer instead of natural gas. We also use other means to save energy, and at the moment we are the lowest energy-consuming tile plant in India. Our Bangalore plant is the only one in India that uses a dry process, which consumes 30% less fuel than wet process plants. Furthermore, the waste waters are treated and used for agricultural irrigation. CWR: Orient Bell is also very active in terms of R&D, as the latest patents demonstrate. M. K. Daga: Orient Bell has always been an innovative and environmentally friendly company. This approach, which is very much in our DNA, has encouraged us to invest in R&D, and to develop new technologies and products that not only help our customers, but also society and the world at large. We currently have four technology patents pending, that have been tested in various Indian, Italian and British laboratories; these tests confirm our product claims in terms of quality and environmental and health protection. We are open to evaluating any form of cooperation and technology licensing opportunities with reputed tile companies who share our belief in providing innovative tile solutions. CWR: Can you describe these innovations? M. K. Daga: “Forever tiles” technology makes our tiles extremely abrasion resistant and fit for use in high traffic areas. Our tiles reach a score of 8 on the MOHS scale of hardness (whereas diamond scores 10 and iron 4) and even repeated attempts at scratching the surface can be resisted. “Germfree tiles” technology has been proven to remove more than 99.5% of bacteria from ceramic surfaces. These tiles are also proven to be 10 times safer than ceramic cookware, and are particularly suited for use in areas in which hygiene is crucial, such as homes, health-

lkFk ysdj pyrh gS --,e- ds- Mkxk % ge bafM;u xzhu fcfYMax dkmafly ds lnL; gSa vkSj viuh Þxzhuß mRiknu çfØ;k esa varjkZ"Vªh; ,tsafl;ksa ls ge igys gh 50]000 Vu ds dkcZu ØsfMV çkIr dj pqds gSaA bu xzhu çfd;kvksa esa çk—frd xSl ds cnys O;FkZ tkus okyh Å"ek vkSj cqjkns dk ç;ksx Lçs Mªk;j ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA ge ÅtkZ dh de [kir ds fy, vkSj Hkh ç;ksx dj jgs gSa vkSj bl od~r ge Hkkjr esa ÅtkZ dk lcls de ç;ksx djus okys Vkby IykaV gSaA gekjk cSaxyksj dk IykaV bl le; Hkkjr esa vdsyk IykaV gS tks 'kq"d çfØ;k dk ç;ksx dj jgk gS]ftls xhyh çfØ;k okys IykaV dh rqyuk esa 30% de bZa/ku dh t:jr gksrh gSA blds vykok ge vif'k"V Qkyrw ikuh dks mipkfjr djds [ksrksa esa flapkbZ ds fy, bLrseky esa ykrs gSaA lh- MCY;w- vkj : isVsaV ds rktk çLrkoksa ls irk pyrk gS fd vksfj,aV csy vuqla/kku vkSj fodkl ¼R&D½ ds lEcU/k esa cgqr vf/kd lfØ; gSA ,e- ds- Mkxk : vksfj,aV csy ges'kk ls gh ,d uokpkjh ¼Innovative½ vkSj i;kZoj.k ds vuqdwy pyus okyh daiuh gS] bl –f"Vdks.k us – tksfd gekjs cqfu;knh lksp dk ifj.kke gS – gesa vuqla/kku vkSj fodkl ¼R&D½ esa fuos'k djus vkSj ubZ rduhdh vkSj mRiknksa dks fodflr djus ds fy, çksRlkfgr fd;k gSA ;g u flQZ gekjs xzkgdksa dh cfYd lekt dh vkSj mlls Hkh cM+s Lrj ij iwjs fo'o dh enn djrh gSA vHkh gekjs ikl pkj rduhdh fopkjk/khu isVsaV gSa ftUgsa Hkkjr] fczVsu vkSj bVyh dh ç;ksx'kkykvksa esa tkapk&ij[kk tk pqdk gSA ;s ijh{k.k gekjs mRikn dks xq.koÙkk]i;kZoj.k vkSj LokLF; lqj{kk dh 'krksZ ij [kjk fl) dj pqds gSaA ge ukeh Vkby daifu;ksa ds lkFk fdlh Hkh çdkj ds lg;ksx vkSj uohu rduhdh ds ykblsaflax voljksa ds vkdyu dks rS;kj gSa] tks fd u, ç;ksxksa esa gekjs Hkkxhnkj curs gSaA lh- MCY;w- vkj : D;k vki vius u, ç;ksxksa dk fooj.k nsaxs\ ,e- ds- Mkxk : ÞQ‚j,ojVkbYlß rduhdh gekjs VkbYl dks vR;f/kd jxM+&jks/kh cukrh gS ftuij vR;f/kd vkoktkgh okys txgksa ij Hkh [kjksap ugha iM+rhA gekjh VkbYl ,e- vks- ,p- ,l- }kjk fu/kkZfjr dM+siu ds iSekus ij 8 vad ij gSa ¼tcfd ghjk 10 vkSj yksgk 4 ij gS½ vkSj bruk gh ugha ckj&ckj jxM+ yxus ls Hkh bu Vkbyksa ij dksbZ QdZ ugha iM+rk gSA ÞteZÝhVkbYlß rduhd ;g fl) dj pqdh gS fd fljsfed dh lrg ls 99-5% dhVk.kqvksa dks [kRe fd;k tk ldrk gSA bu VkbYl dks fljsfed dqdos;j ls 10 xquk T;knk lqjf{kr

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care centres, schools and public places. “Cool Tiles” is a range of ceramic roof tiles with a Solar Reflective index (SRI) value of 103, capable of reducing the temperature of a building by more than 20°C, thus enabling a large energy saving (for cooling purposes) and helping to combat global warming. The fourth patent is “Life Tiles”. These surfaces are treated with a special coating of Titanium dioxide (TiO2), along with other special materials which make these tiles photocatalytic. This gives the product three amazing qualities: they kill more than 99.2% of germs, they have self-cleaning properties and neutralize smog and pollution, and finally they convert harmful NOx gases into harmless moisture. Just one thousand square meters of Life Tiles neutralize more pollution than 150 trees. What is most interesting is that we can combine two different technologies in the same tile. For example, we offer Forever Tiles plus Germfree Tiles, Forever Tiles plus Life Tiles, and Cool Tiles plus Life Tiles. CWR: How is your sales activity organized? M. K. Daga: As mentioned previously, we are in a position to cover the whole country, as we have three plants in three strategic locations in India. Both our brands, Orient and Bell, are available at over 4,000 retailers across the country. The company has offices/depots in most of the state capitals and a large team of sales personnel to provide prompt customer service. We are also focusing on our retail business, and have now opened our own Tile Boutiques across the country. By the end of the current financial year, we will have over 150 Orient & Bell Tile Boutiques. CWR: Indian ceramic tile production is growing very fast, responding to the equally fast increase in the construction industry. What is the current trend in the sector? M. K. Daga: The ceramic tiles industry in India has followed international trends, characterized by excess capacities and falling margins. The Indian tile industry, despite an overall slowdown of the economy, continues to grow at a healthy 15% per year. The so-called “organized sector” comprises approximately 14 major companies and groups. The current income of the organized sector is over 72 billion rupees (approx. 860 million euro). The “unorganized sector” accounts for nearly 60% of the total ceramics industry in terms of production and turnover, which clearly indicates the growth potential of this sector. India is the third largest tile producer in the world, but it doesn’t currently figure on the list of major exporting countries, even if Indian exports are rising at an accelerating rate annually.

fl) fd;k tk pqdk gSA ;s VkbYl mu txgksa ds fy, vR;f/kd ykHkdkjh gSa tgk¡ lQkbZ cgqr t:jh gS tSls ?kj] LokLF;&lqj{kk dsaæ] Ldwy vkSj lkoZtfud LFkkuA Þdwy VkbYlß fljsfed VkbYl Nr ds fy, cukbZ x;h gSa tks 103 ewY;oÙkk ds lksyj js¶ysfDVo baMsDl ls ;qä gS] ;s VkbYl ,d bekjr ds rkieku dks 20°C rd de djus esa l{ke gSa]bl çdkj ;g T;knk ek=k esa fctyh cpkus ds lkFk gh Xykscy okfeaZx ls Hkh yM+us esa ennxkj gSA pkSFkk isVsaV gS ÞykbQ VkbYlß dkA bu VkbYl dks VkbVsfu;e Mkbv‚DlkbM (TiO2) dh [kkl dksfVax ls mipkfjr fd;k tkrk] bl dksfVax esa dqN vU; rRoksa dks Hkh feyk;k tkrk gS tks bUgsa çdk'k&mRçsjd (photocataytic) Hkh cukrh gSaA ;s rRo VkbYl dks rhu vn~Hkqr fo'ks"krk Hkh çnku djrs gSa tSls: ;s 99-2% dhVk. kqvksa dks [kRe djrs gSa] buesa Lo;a dks lkQ j[kus dh vkSj dkys /kqa, vkSj çnw"k.k dks Hkh fu"çHkkoh djus dh {kerk gS] rhljk ;g fd ;s gkfudkjd NOx xSlksa dks gkfujfgr ueh esa ifjofrZr dj nsrh gSaA 150 isM+ ftrus çnw"k.k dks fu"çHkkfor dj ldrs gSa] ,d gtkj ehVj dh ^ykbQ VkbYl* }kjk mlls vf/kd çnw"k.k [kRe dh tk ldrh gSA blesa lcls T;knk #fpdj ckr ;g gS fd ge nks vyx&vyx rduhdksa dks ,d gh Vkby esa feyk ldrs gSaA mnkgj.k ds fy, ge ^Q‚j,oj VkbYl* ds lkFk ^teZÝh VkbYl*] ^Q‚j,oj VkbYl* ds lkFk ^ykbQ VkbYl* vkSj blh rjg ^dwy VkbYl* ds lkFk ^ykbQ VkbYl* Hkh is'k dj jgs gSaA lh- MCY;w- vkj : vkius fcØh dh çfØ;k dks fdl çdkj xfBr fd;k gS\ ,e- ds- Mkxk : tSlkfd eSa igys gh crk pqdk gw¡] fd ge iwjs ns'k esa QSyus dh fLFkfr esa gSa] D;ksafd bl ;kstuk ds varxZr Hkkjr ds rhu fgLlksa esa geusa rhu IykaV yxk;sa gSaA gekjs nksuksa gh czkaM~l vksfj,aV vkSj csy ns'k esa 4000 [kqnjk O;kikfj;ksa ds ikl miyC/k gSaA daiuh ds n¶rj T;knkrj jkT;ksa dh jkt/kkfu;ksa esa fLFkr gSa vkSj rqjar xzkgd lsok ds fy, dk;ZdrkZvksa ¼dLVej ds;j½ dk ,d cM+k ny Hkh miyC/k gSA vius [kqnjk O;kikj dks dsaæ esa j[krs gq, geusa iwjs ns'k esa Vkby cqVhd [kksysa gSaA bl foÙk o"kZ ds var esa gekjs ikl 150 ls Hkh T;knk vksfj,aV ,aM csy Vkby ds cqVhd gksaxsaA lh-MCY;w-vkj : fuekZ.k&m|ksx esa o`f) ds lkFk&lkFk Hkkjrh; fljsfed Vkby mRiknu cM+h rsth ls Qy&Qwy jgk gSA bl {ks= dk ekStwnk :>ku D;k gS\ ,e- ds- Mkxk : Hkkjr esa Vkby m|ksx c<+rh {kerk vkSj ?kVrs ykxr ds lkFk varjkZ"Vªh; ço`fÙk;ksa ls lapkfyr gksus yxk gSA vFkZO;oLFkk esa fxjkoV vkus ds ckn Hkh] Hkkjrh; Vkby m|ksx yxkrkj 15% dh nj ls o`f) dj jgk gSA ÞlaxfBr {ks=ß ds varxZr yxHkx 14 cM+h daifu;ka vkSj lewg gSaA bl laxfBr lsDVj dh vk; bl le; 7-2 [kjc ¼yxHkx 860 fefy;u ;wjks½ gSA mRiknu {kerk vkSj dqy fcØh ds fygkt ls vlaxfBr {ks= ds rgr lEiw.kZ fljsfed m|ksx dk 60% fgLlk vkrk gS tks bl {ks= dh o`f)&{kerk dks n'kkZrk gSA Vkby&mRiknu esa Hkkjr dk fo'o esa rhljk LFkku gS]ij vHkh rd bldk uke fo'o ds çeq[k fu;kZrd ns'kksa esa lfEefyr ugha gSa tcfd Hkkjr ds fu;kZr dh xfr çfr o"kZ rsth ls c<+ jgh gSA

CWR: Do you already export part of your production? M. K. Daga: Yes, we have been exporting to various parts of the world including the UK, Singapore, Poland, Maldives, Bahrain, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Qatar and Oman. With the launch of digital tiles, we look forward to expanding our export market, as well as our volumes, in the future.

lh-MCY;w-vkj: : D;k vki vius mRiknu dk fgLlk fu;kZr djrs gSa\ ,e- ds- Mkxk : gk¡] ge fo'o ds dbZ fgLlksa tSlsfd fczVsu]flaxkiqj] iksySaM] ekynho] cgjhu] dqoSr] Jhyadk] drj vkSj vkseku esa Hkh fu;kZr djrs gSaA fMftVy VkbYl dks mrkjus ds lkFk ge vius fu;kZr&cktkj dks vkSj vf/kd foLrkj nsus ds fo"k; esa fopkj dj jgs gSaA

CWR: Do you see any aspects of the local tile industry that still need to be improved? M. K. Daga: Yes, indeed. The annual per capita tile consumption in India is under 0.5 sq.m. There is much scope for this to increase. Being a developing country, the tile market in India is price-sensitive and brand-aware. We are spending time, energy and money in our marketing efforts to generate customer demand. We believe that, as well as demand for

lh-MCY;w-vkj : D;k vki yksdy Vkby m|ksx ds fdlh ,sls igyw ij fopkj dj jgs gSa ftls vHkh Hkh vkSj mUur cukus dh vko';drk gS\ ,e- ds- Mkxk : gk¡] fcydqyA Hkkjr esa Vkby dh çfrO;fä [kir 0-5 oxZ eh- gSA bl {ks= esa o`f) dh xqatkb'k vHkh vkSj vf/kd gSA ,d fodkl'khy ns'k gksus ij Hkkjr dk Vkby cktkj ewY;&laosnh gksus ds lkFk gh czkaM ds çfr Hkh tkx:d gSA ge le;] ÅtkZ vkSj /ku [kpZdj ekdsZfVax ds ç;klksa ds }kjk xzkgdksa esa ekax iSnk djus dk


Cera mic W o rld Review India 2014

new construction, the refurbishment market presents a huge degree of potential for those manufacturers, like us, who aim for high technical quality and added value products. CWR: On the contrary, what are the competitive points of strength of the industry? M. K. Daga: The main strength of the Indian tile industry lies in its large market and potential for future growth. CWR: What about the situation of the Indian building industry and market? M. K. Daga: There is definitely a growing real estate sector in the country, coupled with rapid urbanization and increasing income levels. The real estate industry accounts for almost 65% - 70% of the total demand for tiles in India, whereas demand from the refurbishment market is only 12%. These figures encourage companies like ours to concentrate more on B2B business, while continuing to invest in new display centres through our Tile Boutiques. Residential and commercial projects, the introduction of larger format tiles and the availability of tiles decorated with digital technology are the key drivers of demand in India. We expect digital tiles to play a larger role in driving demand in the coming years. CWR: With such a huge local demand, are you planning to increase your production? M. K. Daga: We have recently acquired the Bell Tile brand and two manufacturing plants along with it, therefore, at present, we are focusing on utilizing our own manufacturing capacity, while, in the past, we outsourced to ten or so other companies. CWR: What does Orient Bell offer that most sets it apart from the competition? M. K. Daga: Our brand offers Indian consumers contemporary global designs at amazing value for money. Our tiles are the product of a fusion of European trends & aesthetics with the unique use of hues & colours to create an Indian vibrancy. We are already the leader in India when it comes to innovative technologies in the industry. Apart from our patent pending innovations, we also focus on new digital and communication technologies. Our social and digital media achievements include over 400,000 “Likes” on our Facebook page, an iPad app (“TileStyles”), virtual e-showrooms on our company website and “TilesTalk”, a free training and information service for clients which is serviced by a toll-free number, website and mobile devices. With all these initiatives, we are working to build stronger brands and create larger customer pull. Also, we are one of the most environmentally conscious tile manufacturers and are proud to be responsible  corporate citizens.

ç;kl dj jgs gSaA gekjk ekuuk gS fd u, fuekZ.k&dk;Z esa c<+rs ek¡x ds lkFk&lkFk ejEer ;k uohuhdj.k dk cktkj Hkh ge tSls mRikndksa ds fy, cgqr vf/kd laHkkouk iSnk djrk gS tks mPp rduhdh xq.koÙkk vkSj ewY;&laof/kZr mRiknksa ds fy, çfrc) gSaA lh-MCY;w-vkj : nwljh vksj baMLVªh dh rkdr ds çfrLi/khZ&fcanq D;k gSa\ ,e- ds- Mkxk : Hkkjrh; Vkby m|ksx dh eq[; 'kfä mlds vius cM+s cktkj vkSj Hkfo"; esa o`f) dh {kerk gSA lh-MCY;w-vkj : Hkkjrh; fuekZ.k m|ksx vkSj cktkj dh fLFkfr D;k gS\ ,e- ds- Mkxk : fuf'pr rkSj ij Hkkjr esa rsth ls c<+rs uxjhdj.k vkSj c<+rs vk;&Lrj ds vuq:i fj;y ,LVsV ds {ks= esa o`f) gqbZ gSA 65%&70% VkbYl dh ekax rks Hkkjr esa fj;y,LVsV esa gksrh gS] tcfd uohuhdj.k ds cktkj esa dsoy 12% dh gh ekax gSA bl çdkj ds vkadMs ge tSlh daifu;ksa dks çksRlkfgr djrs gSa fd ge ch Vw ch fctusl ij /;ku dsfUær djsa] blds lkFk gh ge vius Vkby cqVhDl ds ek/;e ls vius u, fMLIys lsaVj esa fuos'k tkjh j[ksaA vkoklh; vkSj O;kolkf;d ifj;kstuk,¡] cM+s vkdkj okys VkbYl dk çpyu esa vkuk] fMftVy ltkoV okys VkbYl dh miyC/krk – ;s lkjs Hkkjr esa ekax dks çHkkfor djus okys çeq[k dkjd gSaA gesa mEehn gS fd vkus okys o"kksaZ esa ek¡x iSnk djus esa fMftVy VkbYl dh ,d cgqr cM+h Hkwfedk gksxhA lh-MCY;w-vkj : brus cM+s LFkkuh; ekax dks ns[krs gq, D;k vki vius mRiknu dks c<+kus ds ckjs esa lksp jgs gSa\ ,e- ds- Mkxk : gky gh esa geus nks VkbyfuekZ.k IykaV ds lkFk gh csy Vkby dk czkaM Hkh gkfly fd;k gS] blfy, vHkh gekjk /;ku viuh gh fuekZ.k&{kerk ds bLrseky ij dsfUær gS] tcfd vrhr esa geus nl ls T;knk daifu;ksa ls vkmVlkslZ fd;k gSA lh-MCY;w-vkj : vksfj,aV csy cktkj esa ,slk D;k is'k dj jgk gS tks mls vU; daifu;ksa dh çfrLi/kkZ esa lcls vyx djrk gS\ ,e- ds- Mkxk : gekjk czkaM Hkkjrh; miHkksäkvksa dks vkd"kZd dherksa ij ledkfyd oSf'od fMtkbuksa dk jsat is'k djrk gSA gekjh VkbYl ;wjksih; lkSUn;Z vkSj ço`fÙk ds lkFk Hkkjrh; NVk okys vn~Hkqr jaxksa dk la;ksx Hkh lkeus ykrh gSA baMLVªh esa u;s rduhdh – ç;ksxksa ds ekeys esa ge igys ls gh vkxs gSaA vius fopkjk/ khu isVsaV uokpkjksa ¼innovations½ ds lkFk&lkFk ge u;h fMftVy vkSj lapkj&rduhdh ij Hkh /;ku ns jgs gSaA gekjh lks'ky vkSj fMftVy ehfM;k dh miyfC/k;ksa esa Qslcqd ist dh 400]000 ÞykbDlß Hkh lfEefyr gSaA blds lkFk ,d vkbZ&iSM ,Iyhds'ku ¼ÞVkbyLVkbYlß½] gekjh dEiuh dh osclkbV ij fo|eku opqZvy bZ&'kks:e vkSj ÞVkbYl&V‚dß uked xzkgdksa ds fy, lsok gS tks VksyÝh uacj] osclkbZV] lapfjr ek/;e ds }kjk fu%’kqYd çf’k{k.k ,oa lwpuk çnku djrk gSA bu lkjs mik;ksa ds }kjk ge vius czkaM dks vkSj etcwr cukus vkSj vius xzkgdksa dh la[;k c<+kus ds fy, dke dj jgs gSaA blds lkFk gh ge i;kZoj.k dh –f"V ls lcls tkx#d Vkby&fuekZrkvksa esa ls ,d gSa] bl çdkj gesa ,d ftEesnkj dkiksZjsV ukxfjd gksus ij xoZ gSA 

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Lopkfyr rduhdh dh jkg ij Hkkjr

Milena Bernardi - m.bernardi@tiledizioni.it

Automation also triumphs in India

Hkkjrh; miegk}hi ds lcls cM+s fljsfed 'kgj The city of Thangadh in Gujarat - the largxqtjkr ds Fkkux<+ esa ;wjks&,adj lSfuVjhos;j est ceramics district on the Indian subconçkbosV fyfeVsM fLFkr gSA bldh LFkkiuk tinent - is home to Euro-Anchor Sanitary1996 esa e;wj f=osnh }kjk dh xbZ vkSj bldk ware Industries Pvt., founded by Mayur lapkyu vHkh Hkh [kqn muds vkSj muds iq=ksa Trivedi in 1996 and still run by him and his ftxj vkSj udqy }kjk fd;k tk jgk gSA sons Jigar and Nakul. The company’s exlSfuVjhos;j ds {ks= esa daiuh dk 30 o"kksaZ ls perience in the sanitaryware sector actualMr. Mayur Trivedi with Mattia D’Agostini (Setec) vf/kd dk vuqHko gSA f=osnh ifjokj lkseiqjk ly spans more than thirty years, being the lewg dh Hkh vxqokbZ djrk gS] tks bl {ks= Trivedi family also head of the Sompura esa 1990 ls gh lfØ; daifu;ksa dk ,d lewg Group, a group of companies active in the gS ftudh feyh&tqyh mRiknu&{kerk jkstkuk sector since the 1980s with a combined 10]000 uxksa dh gSA vius 'kq:vkrh o"kksaZ esa iwjh production capacity of over 10,000 piecrjg cM+s LFkkuh; vkSj cgqjk"Vªh; daifu;ksa tSls es/day. ,p ,aM vkj tk¡ulu ¼H&R Johnson½ vkSj jksdk Having spent its early years producing exbf.M;k ¼Roca Indiaa½ dh vksj ls fuekZ.k djrs clusively on behalf of large local and multigq, gky ds o"kksZ esa ;wjks&,adj ¼cktkj esa ,fly national companies - including H&R John¼Easil½ czkaM&uke ls tkuk tkus okyk½ us vf/kd son India and Roca India - in the latest ykHkdkjh cktkj ¼eq[; :i ls ;wjksih; cktkj½ years Euro-Anchor (known on the market dh vksj :[k fd;k gS rkfd ;g 'kr&çfr'kr under the brand-name Easil) has begun to fu;kZrksUeq[kh daiuh ds :i esa LFkkfir gks ldsA target more profitable markets (notably bl y{; dks çkIr djus ds fy, f=osnh ifjokj the European markets), becoming a 100% Jigar Trivedi us daiuh dh mRiknu&lajpuk esa vkewy&pw. export-driven company. In order to reach kZ ifjorZu fd;k gS vkSj bl Øe esa Lokpkfyr this objective, the Trivedi family have radiç.kkyh viukus vkSj deZpkfj;ksa ds rduhdh&çf'k{k.k ij cy fn;k cally transformed the company production structure, focusgSA blds ifj.kke cgqr tYn fn[kus yxs & mRiknu esa o`f) gqbZ sing on line automation and technical training of its personvkSj lcls c<+dj mRikn dh xq.koÙkk esa lq/kkj gqvk ftldh enn nel. The results were quick to come: the growth in production, ls 2012 esa 40% vk;&o`f) ntZ dh xbZA and above all the improvement of product quality resulted geus bl lacU/k esa ftxj f=osnh ¼29½ ls ppkZ dh] yEcs le; ls in a 40% income increase in 2012. ftudh ns[kjs[k esa fcØh] [kjhn vkSj mRiknu&dk;Z lapkfyr gks We discuss this with Jigar Trivedi (29) who has been fully injgk gSA volved in sales, purchases and production for a long time.


CWR: To begin with, can you tell us how Euro-Anchor presents itself on the market today? Jigar Trivedi: We produce approximately 2,500 pieces/day including normal and one-piece WC bowls, cisterns, washbasins and pedestals. In the context of Indian sanitaryware producers, we rank as a large/medium company. Just like the rest of the Sompura Group, Euro-Anchor has grown rapidly and, despite the high degree of automation recently adopted, employs 300 people who are dedicated to all production phases - from raw material processing (we also have our own quartz and kaolin mines) to glaze preparation. CWR: Can you tell us about the company technological investments to modernize production?


Cera mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014

lh-MCY;w-vkj- : lcls igys ge vkils ls ;g tkuuk pkgrs gSa fd ;wjks&,adj vkt Lo;a dks cktkj ds lkeus dSls çLrqr djrk gS\ ftxj f=osnh : ge ,d ux okys MCY;w lh ckmy] gkSt ¼cisterns½] ok'k&csflu vkSj isMLVy lesr çfrfnu yxHkx 25]000 uxksa dk mRiknu djrs gSaA gekjh fxurh cM+s/e/;e daiuh esa gksrh gSA 'ks"k lkseiqj lewg dh rjg ;wjks&,adj cgqr rsth ls c<+ jgk gSA gky esa cgqr cM+h rknkn esa Lopkfyr ç.kkyh dks viukus ds ckotwn Hkh geus 33 deZpkfj;ksa dks lsok;ksftr fd;k gS tks dPps eky dh çkslsflax ¼gekjs ikl DokVZt vkSj dkmfyu dh viuh [kkusa gSa½ ls ysdj Xysftax dh rS;kjh rd leLr mRiknu&pj.kksa esa yxs gq, gSaA lh-MCY;w-vkj- : D;k vki mRiknu&i)fr dks vk/kqfud cukus ds fy, daiuh }kjk fd;s tkus okys rduhdh fuos'k ds ckjs esa dqN dgsaxs \

The Euro Anchor facility

J. Trivedi: Until recently, our production process was entirely manual: from casting to glazing, right up to the finish. This decision was obviously based on the low labour costs. The increase in labour costs and the need to become more competitive also on a qualitative level dictated the transition towards automatic machines. For now we have focussed on systems for glaze and body production (for example the new mixers) as well as automated glazing systems and spray booths. Our Setec glazing robot was the first of its kind in Thangadh, a city which is home to many sanitaryware producers. Some months later a twin robot was launched by Ariston Ceramic, a Sompura Group company. Another machine on our line is the “Upward”, designed to automatically glaze siphons and rims. All our investments have been aimed at achieving a decisive turning-point in Euro-Anchor growth. Not only have we been in a position to reduce the number of personnel involved in specific operations, and reduce the processing times in the (previously manual) post-glazing phases, we have also considerably improved the quality of the finished product as well as the first choice yield. This is a crucial step towards satisfying the demand of an exacting market like Europe’s, where we export the majority of our products. CWR: A 40% growth in 2012 is a truly impressive result. How is 2013 going? J. Trivedi: It’s true. Our expansion was extremely rapid and, thanks to the investments made last year, 2013 is also going very well. Our goal now is to work in order to consolidate this growth trend, seeking to acquire new market shares in pre-established areas (such as Poland, Holland, Romania, Serbia, Austria and some African and South American markets) as well as markets that are new to us. It is, of course, imperative that we remain open to change and introduce new technologies and production methods which enable us to move with the times. CWR: To what extent was it also necessary to invest in technical training for the personnel to work with the new technologies?

ftxj f=osnh : vHkh gky rd gekjh mRiknu&çfØ;k–<ykbZ] Xysftax ls ysdj fQfu'k rd iwjh rjg gLrk/kkfjr ¼manual½ FkhA fuEu Je&ykxr ds pyrs geus ;g fu.kZ; fy;k FkkA Je&ykxrksa esa o`f) vkSj xq.koÙkk ds Lrj ij Li/kkZ esa cus jgus dh t:jr us gesa Lopkfyr e'khuksa dh vksj eqM+us ds fy, çsfjr fd;k gSA vc rd geus Xyst vkSj ckMh&çksMD'ku ¼mnkgj.k ds fy, u, feDlj½ ds lkFk–lkFk Lopkfyr Xysftax ç.kkyh vkSj Lçs cwFk ij dsafær fd;k gSA gekjk lsVsd Xysftax jkscksV Fkkux<+ esa vius <ax dk igyk ç;ksx gS] tgk¡ lSfuVhos;j ds cgqrk;r mRiknd ik, tkrs gSaA bl ç;ksx ds dqN eghuksa ckn lkseiqjk lewg dh ,d daiuh ,fjLVu fljsfed }kjk ,d tqMqvka jkscksV mrkjk x;kA gekjs vksj ls çLrqr ,d vkSj e'khu ÞviokMZß Lopkfyr <ax ls flQu vkSj fje dh Xysftax d fy, rS;kj dh xbZ gSA gekjs lHkh fuos'kksa dk y{; ;wjks&,adj dh o`f) dks ,d fu.kkZ;d eksM+ ij igqapkuk gSA vkt ge u dsoy deZpkfj;ksa dh la[;k vkSj Xysftax ds ckn okys pj.k dh çkslsflax esa yxus okys le; dks de djus dh fLFkfr esa gSa cfYd geus rS;kj eky dh xq.koÙkk dks lq/kkjus dh fn'kk esa Hkh mYys[kuh; lQyrk çkIr dh gSA ;g ;wjksi tSls cktkj dh ekax dks larq"V djus dh fn'kk esa ,d fu.kkZ;d dne gS] tgka ge vius vf/kdk¡'k mRiknksa dk fu;kZr djrs gSaA lh-MCY;w-vkj- : 2012 esa gksus okys 40% o`f) dks lpeqp ,d çHkko'kkyh ifj.kke dgk tk ldrk gSA 2013 dks vki fdl çdkj ns[krs gSa\ ftxj f=osnh : ;g lR; gSA gekjk foLrkj cgqr rsth ls gqvk vkSj fiNys o"kZ fd;s x, fuos'kksa dh enn ls 2013 Hkh cgqr vPNk tk jgk gSA gekjk y{; vc bl c<+ksÙkjh dh ço`fÙk dks etcwr cukus ds fy, dke djuk gS vkSj blds lkFk igys ls LFkkfir {ks=ksa ¼tSls iksySaM] gkyS.M] jksekfu;k] lfoZ;k] vkfLVª;k rFkk dqN v¶jhdh vkSj nf{k.kh vesfjdh cktkj½ ds lkFk&lkFk mu cktkjksa esa–tks gekjs fy, vHkh u, gSa – u;h Hkkxhnkjh gkfly djuh gSA ;g cgqr t:jh gS fd ge cnyko ds fy, [kqys gksa vkSj u;h çks|kSfxdh ,oa mRiknu&ç.kkyh dks vkxs yk;sa tks gesa le; ds lkFk pyus esa l{ke cukrk gSA

“Upward” for automatic glazing of siphons and rims

lh-MCY;w-vkj- : u;h çks|kSfxdh ds lkFk pyus ds fy, deZpkfj;ksa ds rduhdh çf'k{k.k dks vki fdruk t:jh ekurs gSa\ ftxj f=osnh : ;fn ge vR;k/kqfud e'khuksa dks dsoy ykdj yxk nsrs

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J. Trivedi: It would have been impossible to get where we are today so quickly, had we simply bought the latest generation machines and failed to provide adequate training. Technology is fundamental, but without assistance and personnel training in terms of machine operation and maintenance, these state-of-theart systems would not get us very far. It is very important to establish a trust relationship with the technological partners - in our case Setec from Civita Castellana, Italy. Setec not only supplied us with machines, they also provided us with their expertise: they trained our personnel, provided for modelling and chemi- Glazing robot cal analysis of our raw materials and resolved problems relating to formulation and firing curve. CWR: To what extent are environmental concerns important to your production process? J. Trivedi: There’s not a modern company in the world that can grow without being conscious of the environment. In our case, for example, we offer a range of sanitary ware with water-saving flush-systems as well as the latest generation antibacterial surface treatments. We were the first company in India to employ Setec’s nanotechnology - the titanium-dioxide based BS02, highly sought after in the West. CWR: What are your goals for the near future? J. Trivedi: We have spent the last few months working on plans for a new facility which will produce particular types of sanitaryware. We are not talking about, unusual products, but rather items which are not of much interest to the Indian market but very popular in the West. We can’t reveal too much, partly because we are still negotiating the details, but it will certainly involve further collaboration with Setec. Shortly, meanwhile, we intend to install new benches for BAV automated casting, which will enable us to produce WC bowls and bidets with highly modern design, so essential in our target  markets.

vkSj muds lEcU/k esa i;kZIr çf'k{k.k çnku ugha djrs rks gekjs fy, vkt ogka igq¡puk vlaHko gksrk tgka vkt ge [kM+s gSaA çks|kSfxdh ,d cqfu;knh rÙo gS ysfdu e'khuksa ds lapkyu vkSj j[k&j[kko ds fygkt ls mfpr ekxZn'kZu vkSj deZpkfj;ksa ds çf'k{k.k ds vHkko esa ;s vR;k/kqfud ç.kkfy;ka gesa vkxs ugha ys tk ldrh gSaA gekjs fy, vius rduhdh –Hkkxhnkj flfoVk dSLVsykuk] bVyh ds SETEC ds lkFk fo'okl dk fj'rk dk;e djuk cgqr egÙoiw.kZ gSA SETEC us u dsoy gesa e'khuksa dh vkiwfrZ dh gS cfYd viuh fo'ks"kKrk dk ykHk Hkh gesa çnku fd;k gS&tSls mUgksaus gekjs deZpkfj;ksa dks çf'kf{kr fd;k gS] gekjs fy, dPps eky ds jklk;fud fo'ys"k.k vkSj ekMfyax dk dke fd;k gS vkSj lkFk gh QkewZyksa vkSj Qk;fjax doZ ls tqM+h leL;kvksa dks lqy>kus esa Hkh enn dh gSA lh-MCY;w-vkj- : vkidh mRiknu&çfØ;k ds fy, i;kZoj.k ls tqM+s eqís fdrus

egÙoiw.kZ gSa\ ftxj f=osnh : nqfu;k esa dksbZ ,slh vk/kqfud daiuh ugha gS tks i;kZoj.k ds çfr tkx:d gq, fcuk fodkl dj ldsA gekjs ekeys esa mnkgj.k ds fy, geus lSfuVjhos;j ds ,sls jsat dks mrkjk gS tks ikuh dh cpr djus okyh ¶y'k&ç.kkyh ds lkFk&lkFk vR;k/kqfud mipkfjr dhVuk'kd lrg ls ;qä gSA ge Hkkjr dh igyh daiuh gSa ftUgksaus lsVsd dh uSuksVsDu‚yksth& VkbZVsfu;e MkbZvkDlkbM ij vk/kkfjr BSO2 dks viuk;k gS ftldh if'peh txr esa cM+h ekax gSA lh-MCY;w-vkj- : fudV Hkfo"; ds fy, vkids D;k y{; gSa\ ftxj f=osnh : fiNys dqN eghuksa ls ge ,d u, fudk; ¼facility½ ds fy, ;kstuk ij dke dj jgs gSa tks dqN [kkl rjg ds lSfuVjhos;j dk mRiknu djsxkA ;gk¡ ge vlkekU; mRiknksa dh ckr u djds ,sls mRiknksa dh ckr dj jgs gSa] Hkkjrh; cktkj esa ftudh iwN Hkys u gks fdUrq if'peh txr esa tks cgqr yksdfç; gSaA ge bl fo"k; esa vHkh T;knk [kqyklk djus dh fLFkfr esa ugha gSa D;ksafd ge vuds eqíksa ij ckrphr ds nkSj esa gSa] fdUrq bruk t:j gS fd blls SETEC ds lkFk gekjh Hkkxhnkjh dk foLrkj gksxkA ge tYn gh BAV Lopkfyr <ykbZ ¼automated casting½ dh u;h e'khu yxkuk pkgrs gSa tks gesa gekjs yf{kr cktkj ds fy, t:jh rFkk mPp vk/kqfud fMtkbu okys wc ckmy vkSj Bidet ds mRiknu esa l{ke cuk,xkA 


Hkkjrh; bZaV m|ksx vk/kqfud çkS|ksfxdh ds jkg ij Modern technology for the Indian brick industry Established in 1986, JJB is today one of the leading Indian brick manufacturing company. Based in the city of Godhra (Gujarat State), JJB has been involved over the last 23 years in some of the most modern Indian architectures, marvellous structures like IIM in Ahmedabad, IIM in Indore, and the MS University in Baroda. The brilliant success of the company is largely due to the vision of a young entrepreneur, Mr. K N Hemrajani, who in the mid ‘80s decided that it was time for the Indian market to shift from the existing poor quality bricks to new high quality products, and since the company’s incorporation, the tremendous belief in supreme quality has always been the driver and the mission of the family brickworks. The main objective of the new production unit was to deliver value for money to the buyer and to manufacture a product with a difference. To reach this goal, JJB had to move to modern technologies, introducing them into a field, brick manufacturing, which was still deprived of technological advancements in the Country.


Since the beginning, the company has been focusing on manufacturing hand molded clay bricks. Through rigorous practical research, JJB has developed a unique production system manufacturing flawless high quality bricks

Tecnofiliere special die 210x105 mm


C era mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014

1986 esa LFkkfir tstsch daiuh vkt Hkkjrh; bZaV fuekZrk daifu;ksa esa vxz.kh LFkku j[krh gSA xqtjkr ds xks/kjk 'kgj esa LFkkfir tstsch fiNys 23 o"kksaZ ls Hkkjr ls dqN vfr vk/kqfud LFkkiR; ds uewuksa tSls vgenkckn ds vkbZ-vkbZ-,e-] bUnkSj ds vkbZ-vkbZ-,evkSj cM+ksnk ds ,e- ,l- ;wfuoflZVh tSls vn~Hkqr Hkouksa ds fuekZ.k esa 'kkfey jgk gSA xqtjs dqN oä esa daiuh&laLFkkid ds nksuksa csVksa r#.k vkSj bys'k gsejktkuh us cktkj esa ek=k vkSj fHkUu daiuh dh bl vn~Hkqr lQyrk dk Js; mlds rstLoh m|eh Jh ds- ,u- gsejktkuh dh nwjnf'kZrk dks tkrk gS ftUgksaus fiNyh lnh ds vkBosa n'kd ds e/; esa ;g r; fd;k fd vc Hkkjrh; cktkj dks iqjkus vkSj jíh fdLe ds bZaVksa ds LFkku ij vPNh xq.koÙkk dh bZaVsa miyC/k djkbZ tk;sA bl çdkj daiuh ds LFkkiuk ds lkFk gh loksZPp fdLe ds bZaVksa ds fuekZ.k dh mudh /kkj.kk us bl ikfjokfjd bZaV O;olk; dks fe'ku dk :i ns fn;kA bl u, mRiknu bdkbZ dk çeq[k y{; [kjhnnkjksa dks muds iSls dk ewY; pqdkus ds lkFk&lkFk [kkfl;r fy, ,sls bZaVksa dk fuekZ.k djuk jgk tks nwljksa ls vUrj fy, gksA bl y{; dks çkIr djus ds fy, tstsch us vk/kqfud rduhdh dh vksj :[k fd;k vkSj bls bZaV –fuekZ.k ds {ks= esa viuk;k tc ns'k bl {ks= esa mUur rduhdh ls dkslksa nwj FkkA vius 'kq:vkrh nkSj ls daiuh us gkFk dh enn ls feVVh }kjk bZaV ds fuekZ.k ij Lo;a dks dsfUær fd;s jghA dfBu vH;kl vkSj 'kks/k dh cnkSyr tstsch us vkt ,d ,slk vf}rh; vuks[kk mRiknu&ra= rS;kj fd;k gS tgk¡ ls rS;kj gksdj fudys bZaVksa dk

Roller Mill

which are regarded as the finest quality bricks in India. The company enjoys an absolute monopoly in the Indian facing bricks market, which has been growing at a staggering rate of around 100% (y-o-y) over the last 10 years. It also owns huge clay deposits in the form of land holdings by the proprietor and his family members. In the recent past, the two sons of the founder, Tarun and Ilesh Hemrajani, foreseeing the need of both quantity and different quality products for the market, decided together with their family to invest, first in India, into new technology brick process. A nearly complete line for extrusion products was introduced on-site, launching JJB to new absolute levels into brick production and allowing his staff to challenge new market requests. In fact today JJB is able to supply new shapes of bricks which were never supplied before. The investment needed first of all an investment in time and trips to visit several plants in China, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, Belgium, Algeria, Qatar, Netherlands, Spain and France, discovering the most recent applications and solutions in the brick production. After the studying period, the complete line was erected and nowadays is consisting of box feeder, roller mill, mixer and extruder in the preparation line. Automatic cutter, auto-

Fully Automatic Cutter

iwjs Hkkjr esa dksbZ tksM+ ugha gSA bl çdkj ds xq.koÙkkiw.kZ bZaVksa ds mRiknu esa daiuh dk iwjs Hkkjr esa ,dkf/kdkj gS vkSj ;g çfro"kZ lkS Qhln dh nj ls dqykaps ekjrs gq, nkSM+ jgk gSA daiuh ds çksijkbVlZ vkSj ifjokj ds vU; lnL;ksa ds ikl ySaM&gksfYMax ds :i esa Dys ¼fpduh feêh½ dk çpqj Hk.Mkj gSA xq.koÙkk okys mrikn dh t#jr dks le>rs gq, viuh nwjnf'kZrk ls fu.kZ; dj Hkkjr esa igyh ckj u;s rduhdh okys bZaV–mRiknu esa fuos'k fd;kA fuekZ.k&LFky ij mRikfnr bZaVksa ds fy, ,d iw.kZ #ijs[kk dks veyhtkek igukrs gq, tstsch us mRiknu ds {ks= esa cktkj dh vko';drk ls fuiVus dh pqukSrh dks Lohdkj djrs gq, vius deZpkfj;ksa dks rS;kj fd;kA lPpkbZ ;g gS fd vkt tstsch ,slh fLFkfr esa gS fd og mu vkdkjksa ds bZaVksa dh vkiwfrZ dj ldrk gS tSlk dHkh fdlh us ugha fd;k gSA blds fy, tstsch us vius vHkh fuos'kksa esa igyk fuos'k bl rduhdh dks le>us esa fd;k ftlds rgr mlus phu] flaxkiqj] eysf'k;k] teZuh] csfYt;e] vYthfj;k] drj] uhnjySaM] Lisu vkSj ¶jkal ls bZaV&fuekZ.k ls tqM+s la;a=ksa esa ckj&ckj tkdj ogka bLrseky gks jgs vk/kqfud rduhdh dks ns[kk] le>k vkSj lh[kkA bu LFkkuksa vkSj la;a=ksa dk v/;;udj vkSj mlls lh[kdj ,d lEiw.kZ :ijs[kk dk fuekZ.k fd;k x;k ftlesa c‚DlQhMj] jksyj fey] feDlj] ,DLVªwMj dk fuekZ.k&LFky ij miyC/k djk;k x;kA Lopkfyr dVj] Lopkfyr yksMj ,oa lEiw.kZ pkSacj Mªk;j ¼Lopkfyr

Cutter and Automatic Drier Car Loader

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matic loader and a complete chamber drier with autoVªkaliksVZ la;a= ds lkFk½ vkt bl fuos'k dks lEiw.kZrk çnku dj matic transport car is completing the investment. In a jgs gSaA gekjs ns'k esa tgka bZaVksa ds fuekZ.k ds gj pj.k esa ekuoh; country where nearly every production phase is still conJe dh t:jr ns[kh tkrh gS ,sls esa bls ,d lUnHkZ&;ksX; ducted manually, this is n'kZuh; vkSj ljkguh; la;a= an absolute reference dgk tk ldrk gSA plant to visit and apprecigky gh esa tstsch us lk¡pk ate. Recently, JJB decid¼shaping½ fuekZ.k ds {ks= esa ed to invest also in the fuos'k fd;k gSA bVSfy;u shaping area. Tecnofildaiuh ÞVsDuksfQfy;jß &ftls iere, the Italian company lk¡pk&fuekZ.k rduhdh ds specialized in clay prod{ks= esa fo'ks"kKrk gkfly gS – uct shaping technology, dks tstsch us u;h bZaVksa ds fy, was asked to study and v/;;u djds MkbZ fodflr develop a die for a new djus ds fy, dgk FkkA ;gk¡ brick. The goal was chaldk;Z pqukSrhiw.kZ Fkk] bldh lenging, due to the speotg bZaV&fuekZ.k esa fof'k"V cial clay used in the brickfdLe dh feêh dk bLrseky works: the very high gksuk gS ftlesa ckyw dh vf/ content of sand requires kd ek=k gksrh gS vkSj feêh dks a high percentage of wavafre nkSj rd lfEefJr djus ter to keep the final mixds fy, ikuh ds Hkh vR;f/kd ing of clay together. ek=k dh vko';drk iM+rh gSA A special die 210x105 mm was studied and realized VsDuksfQfy;j us blds fy, by Tecnofiliere in order to ,d fof'k"V MkbZ 210x105 compress at maximum mm dks 'kks/kiwoZd viuk;k the product for a better dk v/;;u fd;k ftlls stabilization. csgrj fLFkjhdj.k ds fygkt A series of special plates, ls mRikn dks vf/kdre with progressive tapering laihfMr fd;k tk ldsA ;g inside for a better driving fof'k"V IysV ls cuk MkbZ &tks of clay, are the body of vanj ls 'kq.Mkdkj gksrs pyk the die themselves. Spetkrk gS &esa feêh cgqr vPNs cial steels are used to en<ax ls lfEefJr gksrh pyh sure longer lifetime and tkrh gS] bles fof'k"V LVhy minimum wear. A double dk ç;ksx gksrk gS ftlls ;g frame, both smooth and nh?kZdky rd lqjf{kr jgrk with rills, can be used gS vkSj de VwVrk&QwVrk gSA onto the same body: this bles nksgjs Ýse dk bLrseky solution allow JJB to obgksrk gS ftles ,d fpduk tain two different prodvkSj nwljk ?kqekonkj gksrk gS ucts from the same die. ftlls ,d gh MkbZ ls tstsch Perforation is ensured by nks fofo/k çdkj ds bZaVksa ds very hard ceramic cores. fuekZ.k esa l{ke gksrk gSA Successful start-up of the vfr dBksj fljsfed fNæ die was completed at the ds ek/;e ls fNæ&iafä end of 2013 and today ¼perforation½ dks iDdk fd;k new shapes and dies are tkrk gSA 2013 ds var rd in the study phase. bl MkbZ dh lQyrkiwoZd The production capacity 'kq:vkr dh tk pqdh gS vkSj of the company is 15 Milvc u, vkdkj ds MkbZ ij lion Bricks in a typical v/;;u vkSj 'kks/k py jgk manufacturing season. gSA daiuh vkSlru ,d fuekZ. Strong wish to succeed, kdky esa 1-5 djksM+ bZaVksa dh constant presence at mRiknu&{kerk j[krh gSA work, quick understanding of market needs and lQy gksus dh –<+ bPNk] requests and good cooplrr v/;olk;] cktkj dh eration with suppliers are t:jrksa dh Rofjr le> rFkk some of the Hemrajani vkiwfrZdrkZvksa ls lg;ksx gh Family most important gsejktkuh ifjokj dh vc characteristics that have rd dh lQyrk ds dqath jgs ensured - and will contingSa ftlls mUgksaus vius bl ue to ensure - the greatO;olk; esa 'kkunkj lQyrk est success in the busi- Some examples of Jay Jalaram Bricks products ikbZ gS tks Hkfo"; esa Hkh tkjh ness.  jgsxhA 


Cera mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014

fMftVy bdksflLVe

Erminio Guiducci - Intesa (Fiorano, Italy)

The Digital Ecosystem


Intesa, a Sacmi Group member company founded in 2010 esa LFkkfir lSDeh (sacmi) lewg dh lnL; daiuh bUVslk 2010, specialises in ceramic glazing and decoration dks fljsfed Xysftax vkSj Msdksjs'ku rduhfd;ksa esa egkjFk gkfly technologies. Its core business consists of the devegSA bldk eq[; O;olk; fMftVy fçaVj dk fuekZ.k ,oa fodkl lopment and manufacture of digital printers. gS| lkS deZpkfjvksa okys bl daiuh dk eq[;ky; ,Listkuks vkSj With a total workforce of around a hundred employees vuqlU/kku ,oa fodkl dsaæ fQvjSuks esa fLFkr gSA daiuh us ges'kk at its headquarters in Spezzano and its R&D centre in FiolSDeh lewg ds mPpLrjh; O;kolkf;d ,oa rduhdh fo'ks"kKrk rano, the company has always embraced the Sacmi ds lkFk bVSfy;u vkSj varjkZ"Vªh; cktkjksa dh vko';drk dks Group’s philosofeykdj phy of combins[kus ds Intesa Digital Ecosystem ning a high den'kZu dks gree of viuk;k gSA corporate and dsoy ,d technological fMftVy specialisation f ç U V j with a strong fofuekZrk u gksdj] baVslk cus on the needs ds ikl of the Italian and fMftVy international rduhdh dk markets. ,d oSf'od Rather than just utfj;k a digital printer gS ftlesa manufacturer, e ' k h u ] Intesa has a gloflLVe vkSj bal vision of digilesfdr tal technology lsok;sa lHkh that embraces lfEefyr machines, sygSaA bUVslk stems and intefMftVy grated services. bdks f lLVe This is the conds ihNs ;gh cept behind InladYiuk gS tesa Digital ftlesa fljsfed daifu;ksa ds miLdj ds lkFk fMftVy çkslsl ds Ecosystem, a set of instruments and expertise to support çR;sd pj.k ij lgk;rk nsuk gSA ceramic companies in every stage of the digital process. While offering both single-pass and multi-pass digital intgka ;g fMftVy badtsV fçaVj ¼dksyksjk ,p Mh ,oa dyj LdSu kjet printers (Colora HD and Colorscan plotter, respectiIykVj½ dks flaxy&ikl vkSj eYVh&ikl vely), Intesa is also looking to the future and eqgS;k djkrk gS] ogh¡ bUVslk fMftVy considering other potential applications of rduhdh dh lEHkkoukvksa ds lkFk&lkFk digital technology. These include the possiHkfo"; dh vksj Hkh xaHkhj gSA blesa bulsV bility of applying digital glazes, both in large lkt&lTtk ds fy, T;knk vkSj vYi quantities to create backgrounds, reliefs ek=k esa] i`"BHkwfe esa fMftVy ped dks and textures and with smaller targeted apbLrseky djus dh laHkkouk ij fopkj plications for inset decorations. djuk gSA bl mís'; ds fy, blus For this purpose, it has developed the new dksyksjk ,p Mh dk fodkl fd;k gS ij Colora HW, the first digital printer in the ;g fo'o dk çFke fMftVy fçaVj gS tks world for water-based glaze application. ty&vk/kkfjr Xyst ,Iyhds'ku gSA blds lkFk gh lHkh baVslk Furthermore, all Intesa printing systems are controlled infçafVax flLVe vkrafjd :i ls Øksuks lk¶Vos;j ls fu;af=r ternally by Crono software developed by Intesa Imagksrs gSa ftls bUVslk besftax us rS;kj fd;k gS tks lEiw.kZ ging, which constitutes the nerve centre of the entire mRiknu&çfØ;k dk ra=&dsaæ gSA production process.


Cera mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014







THE EVOLUTION OF OUR PRESENT STARTS FROM OUR PAST. History, genius, experience and professional skills are resources that Smaltochimica has always put at the disposal of the ceramic industry. Chemistry and associated research remain key-factors in the development of new products and for the very future of the ceramic industry across the world.

Colora HD Black

The Colora HD Black inkjet printer

dksyksjk ,p Mh CySd badtsV fçUVj

The Colora HD Black high-definition digital printer uses dksyksjk ,p Mh CySd gkbZ MsfQfu'ku fMftVy fçUVj& tkj Xaar 1001 GS12 printing technology combining high di¼xaar 1001 GS 12½ fçafVax çkS|ksfxdh dk ç;ksx djrk scharge capacity and high productivity with a transversal gS ftles mPp mUekspu&{kerk ,oa mPp mRikndrk 360 resolution of up to 360 dpi. MhihvkbZ VªkalolZy fjtksY;w'ku ls tqM+k gSA Colora HD Black displays some important technical innodksyksjk ,p Mh CySd dksyksjk Js.kh ds iwoZorhZ fçaVjksa dh vations compared to the previous printers in the Colora serqyuk esa dqN egÙoiw.kZ rduhdh uohurk fy, gq, gS] fo'ks"k ries. :i ls fçaVgsM QhfMax lkbdy ds fVdkmiu dks lq/kkjk In particular, the stability of the printhead feeding cycle x;k gS vkSj ,d ¶yksfQy J`a[kyk forjd dk fodkl fd;k has been improved and a new Flow-Fill series distributor x;k gSA has been developed. dksyksjk ,p Mh CySd cktkj esa miyC/k ,dek= ,slk fçUVj gS Colora HD Black is the only digital printer on the market ftlesa nks lD'ku flLVe ¼,dne Åij fçaV ckj ds e/; vkSj with a dual suction system (top, between the print bars, dUos;j csYV~l ds e/; ,dne uhps dh vksj½ yxs gS ftlls and bottom, between the conveyor belts) to ensure maxifçafVax {ks= dks vf/kdkf/kd lqj{kk fey ldsA vc bls ,d mum protection of the printing zone. u, fufeZr l‚¶Vosj ls fu;af=r gksrk gS ftls iwjh rjg ls It is now managed by a sofnks dk;ksZ ds fy, ¼bad dh tware that has been comple[kir ,oa fu;a=.k rFkk cxSj Colorscan 1014: Technical characteristics tely redeveloped in terms of mRiknu jksds fçaV VsLV ds both functions (setting and çca/ku gsrq½ vkSj 17 bap ds Vp LØhu ds eksfuVj dh checking ink consumption, Printing technology InkJet - Drop on demand –f"V ls fodflr fd;k x;k management of print tests wiXaar 1001 GS6 / GS12 gSA thout stopping production) Printheads and graphics with a 17” Number of colour modules from 3 to 6 vU; pkfjf=d fo'ks"krkvksa esa touch-screen monitor. The other construction characteristics include: • IDRA ink feeding unit, which allows for optimal management of ink supply and recirculation, the possibility of inverting the ink cycle and the independent management and control panel interfaced with the main PC; • the new air-conditioned printing area, with a heated printing table, a moving bar for automatic cleaning and removable colour bars to facilitate the cleaning and maintenance operations.

Print area

1000 x 1400 mm

Physical printing resolution

360 dpi

Optical printing resolution

> 1000 dpi

Maximum printing speed

25 m/min. linear

Print mode

Binary / Greyscale

'kkfey gSS % • vkbZ- Mh- vkj- ,- bad QhfMax bdkbZ] tks bad vkIiwfrZ vkSj iqupZØ.k dk çca/ku djrk gS ,oa bad lkbZdy dk O;qRØe.k rFkk eq[; ih- lh- ds daVªksy iSuy ds lkFk bldk Lora= çca/ku djrk gSA • uohu ,;j daMh'ku fçafVax {ks=] tks m".k fçafVax Vscy ls tqM+k gksrk gS] ftlesa ,d ?kweus okyk 'kykdk gksrk gS tks Lopkfyr lQkbZ ds fy, gksrk gS rFkk LFkkukarj.kh; jaxhu 'kykdk tks lQkbZ ,oa j[kj[kko çfØ;k esa enn djrk gSA

The Colorscan plotter

dyj LdSu IykWVj %

The Colorscan series plotters are amongst the most advanced multi-pass digital decoration systems available for application of ceramic inks and are essential for all product re-

dyj LdSu Js.kh ds Iy‚Vj lcls vR;k/kqfud eYVh&ikl fMftVy Msdksjs'ku flLVe gS tks fljsfed bad ds mi;ksx ds fy, loZFkk lkFkZd rduhd


Cera mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014

search and development activities on the part of ceramic producers, glaze and colour companies and graphic design firms. Colorscan is a compact and versatile plotter and an extremely important component of the Intesa Digital Ecosystem. It can be fully integrated into the production cycle for both prototyping and small production runs. Digital application of ceramic glazes: Colora HW

Characteristics and quantities of glazes that can be applied with HW Base


Particle size

3 - 12 μm


1,400 - 1,500 g/l


250 - 1,000 g/sq.m

Main characteristics of HW printing technology Print nozzle diameter

> 100 μm

Print mode

Binary - Greyscale 36 m/min.

gS ,oa lkFk gh fljsfed mRiknd] Xysu ,oa jax dEifu;ksa xzkfQd fMtkbu QeZ ds fy, cgqr vko';d Hkh gSA dyj LdSu ,d l?ku ,oa cgqeq[kh Iy‚Vj gS ,oa baVslk fMftVy bdksflLVe dk vfr egRoiw.kZ vax gSA bls mRiknu pØ esa nksuksa& çksVksVhfiax ,oa y?kq mRiknu xfr ds fy, tksM+dj ç;qä fd;k tk ldrk gSA

fljsfed Xyst dk fMftVy ç;ksx:dksyksjk ,p MCY;w

Printing speed Until now, the ceramic diNative resolution gital decoration process has been limited to the application of solvent- Colora HW based inks. Even the “digital glazes” that have appeared recently on the market continue to be solvent-based products that cannot be applied in large quantities. Intesa is now proposing a new technology that brings the creation of a fully digitalised glazing line a step closer. Thanks to the exclusive printing technology developed by Intesa-Sacmi, the new Colora HW allows for controlled application of glazes with similar characteristics to those of glazes applied with conventional systems.

bUVslk vc ,d ubZ rduhd ij fopkj dj jgh gS tks iwjh rjg ls fMftVy Xyst ykbu ds djhc gksxhA bUVslk lSDeh }kjk fodflr fof'k"V fçafVax rduhd ds pyrs u, dksyksjk ,l Mh MCY;w ikjaifjd ç.kkyh ds lkFk ç;qä gksus okys Xyst dh leku [kwfc;ksa okys Xyst ds fu;af=r ç;ksx dh Lora=rk çnku djrk gSA

Crono software

Øksuks lkW¶Vos;j

The entire Intesa Digital Ecosystem is managed and controlled by the new Crono software developed by Intesa Crono Imaging, which allows for extraordinary production flexibility and the development of new and original ceramic materials. Crono allows all stages of the production process to be synchronised: from image acquisition in digital format to preparation of the files for printing; from application of the base glaze to management of backgrounds and textures; from high-definition decoration to enhancement of the graphic designs through the application of material. 

lEiw.kZ baVslk fMftVy bdksflLVe dks ,d u, l‚¶Vos;j Øksuks ls gh fu;af=r ,oa pyk;eku fd;k tkrk gS ftls baVslk besftu us fodflr fd;k gS tks u, ,oa ekSfyd fljsfed inkFkksaZ ds fodkl ,oa vfrlk/kkj.k mRiknksa esa yphykiu eqgS;k djrk gSA Øksuks mRiknu ds lHkh pj.kksa dks laØfer djrk gS& fMftVy Q‚esZV esa rLohj ysus ls ysdj mudh fçafVax fd Qkby rS;kj gksus rd; osl Xyst ls ysdj i`"BHkwfe ,oa VsDpj ds çca/ku rd; gkbZ& MsfQfu'ku lkt& lTtk ls ysdj xzkfQd fMtkbu rdA 

40 dpi

vHkh rd fljsfed fMftVy Msdksjs'ku çfØ;k foyk;d vk/ kkfjr bad rd gh lhfer jgh gSA ;gk¡ rd fd gy fQygky cktkj esa miyC/k fMftVy Xyst Hkh foyk;d vk/ kkfjr mRikn jgs gSa ftudk vf/kd ek=k esa bLrseky ugha fd;k tk ldrkA

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dyksjksfc;k fMftVy Lisl lkekftd mÙkjnkf;Ùo ds jkg ij Colorobbia Digital Space, on the trail of social responsibility Colorobbia Digital Space, produced by Colorobbia including the three series C-inks, C-Shine and C-Glaze, was conceived in full compliance with two fundamental principles, which are: compliance with a social responsibility policy and the achievement of the best compromise possible to guarantee high level technical performances. Indeed, when developing its range of inks, right from the beginning Colorobbia has always set itself two primary objectives: safeguarding the health of its operators and preventing a series of technical problems. Safeguarding health With a view to safeguarding the health of the operators engaged both before and after the production and use of the ink, Colorobbia has identified two different but equally important levels with which to define its own responsibilities: • Responsibilities towards the market, in order to ensure maximum protection with regard to the health of the end users; Colorobbia was the first company to approach the market with a complete range of inks that were not classified as hazardous. • Responsibilities towards workers. As a form of responsibility towards all its workers, Colorobbia has always avoided using substances classified as hazardous when manufacturing its inks.


Preventing technical problems The objective of Colorobbia is, indeed, that of preventing a series of technical problems that may appear when the inks do not have an adequate affinity with water or glycolic acid-based materials (e.g. materials applied via bell glazing, with rollers, flat mesh, …). The most common defects encountered when using extremely water-resistant inks are: • Surface cracks/water-repellent defects, • They becomes matt and fire-resistant (in certain firing conditions), • Uneven colour. To meet this objective, Colorobbia has therefore also paid particular attention to the choice of the organic material used, which is a fundamental component of the ink "system". The Range The Colorobbia Digital Space range aims to meet the requirements of digital decoration by providing a wide choice of technical and also aesthetic solutions. Our objective, as always, is to increase the value of the finished product. The range is composed of the following series of products: • C-Inks: the range of consolidated pigmented inks for digital


Cera mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014

dyksjksfc;k }kjk l`ftr dykjksfc;k fMftVy Lisl&ftles lh&baDl] lh–'kkbu vkSj lh&Xyst ;s rhu J`a[kyk,a lfEefyr gSa–dh ifjdYiuk nks vk/kkjHkwr fl)karksa dks /;ku esa j[kdj dh xbZ gS&lkekftd mÙkjnkf;Ùo uhfr dk vuqikyu ,oa mPpLrjh; rduhdh çn'kZu dks lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, laHko loksZÙke le>kSrsA oLrqr%] bad ds vius jsat dks fodflr djus ds Øe esa dyksjksfc;k us 'kq: ls gh vius lkeus nks cqfu;knh y{; j[ks gSa&vius v‚ijsVjksa ds LokLF; dh lqj{kk vkSj rduhdh leL;kvksa ls fuiVukA LokLF; dh lqj{kk mRiknu ds igys vkSj ckn ds pj.k vkSj bad ds ç;ksx esa yxs v‚ijsVjksa ds LokLF; dh lqj{kk dh –f"V ls dyksjksfc;k us vius ftEesnkfj;ksa dks ifjHkkf"kr djrs gq, nks fHkUu fdUrq leku :i ls egÙoiw.kZ Lrjksa dks igpku dh gS& • cktkj ds çfr ftEesnkfj;ka–rkfd miHkksäkvksa ds LokLF; dh vf/ kdre lqj{kk lqfuf'pr dh tk lds; dyksjksfc;k igyh ,slh daiuh gS ftlus cktkj esa bad dh ,slh J`a[kyk mrkjh gS tks tksf[keiw.kZ gksus dh Js.kh esa ugha vkrk gSA • deZpkfj;ksa ds çfr ftEesnkfj;ka–vius lHkh deZpkfj;ksa ds çfr ftEesnkjh dk fuokZg djrs gq, dyksjksfc;k us bad ds mRiknu esa ,slh lkexzh dk bLrseky djus ls ges'kk ijgst fd;k gS tks tksf[keiw.kZ gksus dh Js.kh esa vkrs gSaA rduhdh leL;kvksa dk fuokj.k dyksjksfc;k dk mís'; okLro esa mu rduhdh leL;kvksa dks nwj djuk gS tc bad ikuh ;k XykbZdksfyd ,flM& vk/kkfjr lkexzh ls ¼jksyj] ¶ySV&es'k vkfn }kjk csy&Xysftax esa ç;qä lkexzh½ vPNs çdkj ls fey ugha ikrkA vR;f/kd tyjks/kh bad dk bLrseky djus ij vkerkSj ij ;s [kkfe;ka lkeus vkrh gSa– • lrg dk pVduk/ty&jks/kh [kkfe;ka] • bad dk Qhdk vkSj Toyu &jks/kh ¼Toyu dh dqN fLFkfr;ksa esa½ gksuk] • jaxksa dk ,d:i u gks ikukA bl mís'; dks çkIr djus ds fy, dyksjksfc;k us ç;qä vkxsZfud lkexzh dk [kkl /;ku j[kk gS tks bad ^flLVe* dk cqfu;knh ?kVd gSA J`a[kyk dykjksfc;k fMftVy Lisl }kjk çLrqr J`a[kyk dk mís'; foLr`r rduhdh ,oa vkyadkfjd fodYi lq>krs gq, fMftVy Msdksjs'ku dh vko';drkvksa dks iwjk djuk gSA gekjk mís'; ges'kk ls gh rS;kj eky dh xq.koÙkk esa o`fí djuk jgk gSA J`a[kyk ds varxZr fuEufyf[kr mRikn lfEefyr gSa– • lh&baDl : fMftVy Msdksjs'ku ds fy, jaxhu bad dh J`a[kyk ftles gfjuhy ¼cyan½] Hkwjk] eVeSyk] ykyh fy, eVeSyk] ihyk] gjk] ihyk] xqykch vkSj dkyk jax 'kkfey gSA vius iwoZorhZ dh rqyuk esa vf/kd l?kurk okys u, mPp&Lrjh; ihys bad ds tqM+us

decoration, including cyan, brown, beige, reddish beige, yellow, pink, green and black. This range has recently been enriched by the addition of a new particularly high performance yellow ink with a significantly higher intensity than its predecessor. • C-Shine: the range of inks with non-traditional effects that allow the user to obtain, for example, metallic surfaces. • C-Glaze: the range of inks with more traditional characteristics for digital applications that includes a white and a matt ink, and which has recently been expanded with the addition of a unique primer/reactive. The latter is absolutely nontoxic, scentless and has the same base solvent as all the other Colorobbia Digital Space inks. This ink has a high level of reactivity even with a low load, develops with a neutral tone and has a ceramic function comparable to that achieved with the same effect applied by traditional means. The new frontier beyond digital decoration: Smart Digital Glazing Colorobbia, always at the forefront in proposing itself as a reference partner, also in cases which represent the new technological frontiers of our sector, is actively working on a collection of smart solutions for the complete digitalisation of the ceramic process. Thanks to our continuous collaboration with the main systems manufacturers in the sector, Colorobbia hopes to also gain a reputation as a key player in the digital glazing market, with a range that includes: • Water-based materials (engobes and glazes) which are suitable for ceramic application by way of digital glazing, and fully compliant with Colorobbia's social responsibility policy; • Materials which are suitable for different production technologies (wall and floor tiles) and versatile at different weights of application (from 200 g/sqm to 1,000g/sqm), so enabling the printer to obtain a wide range of effects on the finished tile. • Materials that are capable of working accurately, with applications in blocks of colour that cover the entire surface, or also of replicating the structural effect, and therefore simulating possible reliefs. Conclusions Colorobbia firmly believes in a model of sustainable development and attributes prime importance to the health of its operators within its industrial policy. It strives to combine these two aspects as effectively as possible, and to continue guaranteeing the premium quality standards and the high level of innovation which has always made its products stand out. 

ls ;g J`a[kyk igys ls le`) gqbZ gSA • lh&'kkbu : xSj–ikjaifjd çHkkoksa okys bad dh J`a[kyk tks ç;ksxdrkZvksa dks /kkrq&l–'k ¼metallic½ lrg çnku djrk gSA • lh&Xyst : fMftVy ç;ksxksa ds fy, vkSj vf/kd ikjEifjd [kwfc;ksa okys bad dh J`a[kyk ftlesa lQsn vkSj pedghu bad gSa] vkSj vuks[ks çkbej/ fj,fDVo ds tqM+us ls ftlesa gky gh esa foLrkj gqvk gSA ;g iwjh rjg fo"kjfgr vkSj b=jfgr vkSj blesa ogh csl lksYosaV gS tks nwljs dyksjksfc;k fMftVy Lisl bad esa ik;k tkrk gSA bl bad esa de Hkkj gksus ij Hkh mPp Lrj dh fj,DVhfoVh gksrh gS rFkk ;g rVLFk jaxr ds lkFk fodflr gksrk gS] blds lkFk blesa mlh çdkj dk fljsfed QaD'ku feyrk gS tks ikjaifjd rjhdksa ds bLrseky ls çkIr fd;k tkrk gSA fMftVy Msdksjs'ku ls vkxs dh jkg : LekVZ fMftVy Xysftax dyksjksfc;k jsQjsal ikVZuj ds rkSj ij ges'kk lcls vxz.kh jgk gSA mu ekeyksa esa Hkh tks ges'kk gekjs lsDVj ds u, rduhdh {ks=ksa dk çfrfuf/kÙo djrk gS ogk¡ Hkh dyksjksfc;k fljsfed çfØ;k ds iw.kZ fMftVykbts'ku ds fy, dq'ky lek/kkuksa dh J`a[kyk ij lfØ; :i ls dk;Zjr gSA bl lsDVj esa eq[; ra=–fuekZrkvksa ds yxkrkj lg;ksx ds pyrs] dyksjksfc;k fMftVy Xysftax ekdsZV esa fuEufyf[kr jsat ds lkFk egÙoiw.kZ Hkkxhnkj dk ntkZ Hkh gkfly djuk pkgrk gS& • tyk/kkfjr lkexzh ¼engobes vkSj glazes½ tks fMftVy Xysftax ds } kjk fljsfed mi;ksx ds fy, rFkk tks dyksjksfc;k dh lkekftd mÙkjnkf;Ùo dh uhfr ds iw.kZr% vuq:i gksA • ,slh lkexzh tks fofHkUu mRiknu&rduhfd;ksa ¼o‚y vkSj ¶yksj VkbYl½ ds fy, mi;qä gks] lkFk gh tks fofHkUu Hkkjksa okys miLdjksa ¼200 xzke/oxZ eh- ls ysdj 1000 xzke/oxZeh-½ ds fy, Hkh mi;qä gks ftlls fçUVj rS;kj Vkby ij foLr`r J`a[kyk okys çHkkoksa dks çkIr djus esa leFkZ gksrk gSA • ,slh lkexzh tks jaxksa ds ,sls [kaMksa okys miLdjksa esa dk;Z ds fy, leFkZ gksrk gS tks iwjs lrg dks <d ysrk gS vkSj lajpkukxr çHkkoksa dh vuq—fr rS;kj djus esa ennxkj gksrk gSA fu"d"kZ dyksjksfc;k lrr fodkl ds e‚My esa –<+rk ls fo'okl djrk gS vkSj vius vkS|ksfxd uhfr esa vius vkijsVjksa ds LokLF; dks cgqr vge le>rk gS rFkk bu nksuksa i{kksa dks ;FkklaHko tksM+us dk ç;kl djrk gSA blus mPp xq.koÙkk ekudksa vkSj mPp Lrjh; uokpkj ¼innovation½ dks lqfuf'pr fd;k gS ftlus ges'kk blds mRiknksa dks vyx [kM+k fd;k gSA 

Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I N D I A 2 0 1 4


fMftVy ykbu% ,dhd`r lek/kku

Marco Ferrari - Siti B&T Group (Fiorano, Italy)

Digital lines: integrated solutions


Digital decoration, just like all other forms of expression, always originates from a design, which may be a piece of marble, a stone, a piece of wood, a fabric or an innovative design, but it can be traced back and separated into its basic components, which are Structure, Colour, Effect and Texture. For example, if we take the phases of development of a design such as wood, our study always begins by observing our reference model. The structure is identified through a scan performed with a laser scanner, or a high definition optical scan. The high resolution file obtained in this way is then developed graphically and transformed into an engraving file, ready to create Rubbers or Pads for the press using a laser engraver. During the production phase, this new technique, which is much more accurate than the traditional one, allows the digital decorating machine to accurately apply the design to the structure of the tile. This allows the colours, shades and textural effects which are typical of natural wood and stone to be enhanced, so creating products that can often not be distinguished from their original, natural counterparts. In order to succeed in matching the digital design to the various structures that the press can produce, an instrument that identifies the structure is required, and it must be possible to synchronise this with the digital decorating machines present on the glazing line. The colour of the sample wood, which we normally refer to as the “design of the wood”, is usually created using a digital back that acquires the image at an extremely high resolution. The file obtained in this way is developed in order to create the design-structure combinations. It is next transformed into a file that will then be loaded on the digital decorating machine. Here too, intervening on the graphics is fundamental, as we not only have the opportunity to create true reproductions of nature, but also to improve the natural colours and shades of the piece with designs based on new, attractive tones, or by Evoseven


C era mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014

vfHkO;fDr ds vU; :iksa dh rjg] fMftVy Msdksjs’ku ,d fMtkbu ls mRiUu gksrk gS] tks laxejej dk VqdM+k] ,d iRFkj] ydM+h dk ,d VqdM+k] ,d diMk ;k ,d uohu fMtkbu gks ldrk gS] ysfdu bls okil tkapk tk ldrk gS vkSj bls blds ewyHkwr ?kVd esa foHkkftr fd;k tk ldrk gS] tks lajpuk] jax] izHkko vkSj cukoV gSA mnkgj.k ds fy;s] ;fn ge ,d fMtkbu tSls fd ydM+h ds fodkl ds pj.kksa dks ysa] rks gekjk v/;;u ges’kk vius lanHkZ uewus dk i;Zos{k.k djus ls 'kq: gksrk gSA lajpuk dks ystj LdSuj] ;k mPp xq.koRrk ds vkWfIVdy LdSu ls fd;s x;s LdSu }kjk igpkuk tkrk gSA bl izdkj ls izkIr gqbZ mPp fjtkWY;w’ku dh Qkby dks ltho <ax ls fodflr fd;k tkrk gS vkSj ,d uDdk’kh Qkby esa :ikarfjr fd;k tkrk gS] tks ystj uD’kdkj dk iz;ksx djds izsl ds fy;s jcj ;k iSM cukus ds fy;s rS;kj gksrh gSA mRiknu pj.k ds nkSjku] ;g ubZ rduhd] tks ikjaifjd rduhdksa ls T;knk lVhd gS] Vkby dh lajpuk esa fMtkbu dks T;knk lVhd <ax ls ykxw djus dh vuqefr nsrh gSA ;g ,sls jax] 'ksM vkSj cukoV ds izHkko cukrk gS tks izkd`frd ydM+h dk izfr:i gksrh gSa vkSj blls iRFkj vkSj Hkh mUur gksrk gS] rks ,sls mRiknksa dk fuekZ.k djuk ftUgsa muds okLrfod] izkd`fr :i ls vyx ikfjHkkf"kr u fd;k tk ldsaA fofHkUu lajpukvksa ds fy;s fMftVy fMtkbu dks feykus esa lQyrk ikus ds fy;s] ftUgsa izsl mRiUu dj lds] lajpuk cukus okys ,d midj.k dh vko’;drk gksrh gS] vkSj pedkus okyh js[kk ij mifLFkr fMftVy lTtk djus okyh e’khu ds lkFk bldk ladkyu djuk laHko gksuk pkfg;sA uewuk ydM+h dk jax] ftls ge izk;% ^^ydM+h dh fMtkbu** ds :i esa lanfHkZr djrs gSa] fMftVy ik’oZ dk iz;ksx djds cuk;k tkrk gS tks fp= dks csgn mPp fjtkWY;w’ku esa izkIr djrk gSA bl izdkj ls izkIr dh xbZ Qkby dks fMtkbu&lajpuk ds la;kstu dk fuekZ.k djus ds fy;s fodflr fd;k tkrk gSA blds ckn bls ,d Qkby esa :ikarfjr fd;k tkrk gS tks fQj fMftVy lTtk djus okyh e’khu ij yksM dh tkrh gSA ;gka Hkh] fp=ksa ij gLr{ksi ekSfyd gS] D;ksafd u

creating innovative stone/wood or wood/cement combinations, etc. Furthermore, a true reproduction of the originals is not sufficient to meet the requirements of the market, which seeks a range of different versions of the same design, all centred on and coupled with the limited number of structures provided by the press. Some of the technical characteristics that make wood come alive are tactile sensations and not merely optical effects. Natural wood has a coarse texture that the touch recognises as authentic. For example, in natural wood, the tread makes some areas shiny and others rough. To translate these effects into ceramics, we need different decorative elements: the press, which reproduces identical elements to the original samples; a digital decorating machine (Evoseven or Evofive), which recognises incoming structures and matches the appropriate design to each one; a second, smaller digital decorating machine, such as the Evothree, which then applies a textural effect, for example, in this case, a devitrifier. Devitrifier is a common inkjet ink produced by the major ink manufacturers, which reacts with the surface of the base glaze on the tile (in this example a semi-polished surface), and breaks the ordered chains of silica, so alternating a matt appearance with the polished effect of the glaze in the areas it touches. The tile will therefore have the structure, given by the press, the colour, given by the digital file, and the typical appearance of polished wood on the crests, and a matt appearance on the lower parts of the surface. The technical reasons which justify the use of various synchronised digital decorating machines, rather than one sole decorating machine equipped with many applications, can easily be explained: the new generation print heads allow large quantities of ink to be released, and the use of textural applicaThe colour bar tions requires signifi-

dsoy gekjs ikl izd`fr dh izfrd`fr;ka cukus dk lqvolj gS] cfYd ubZ] vkd"kZd fLFkfr ij vk/kkfjr fMtkbu ls] ;k uohu iRFkj@ ydM+h ;k ydM+h@lhesaV ds la;ktuksa vkfn dk fuekZ.k djds VqdM+ksa ds izkd`fr jaxksa vkSj 'ksM~l dks mUur djus dk Hkh ekSdk gSA blds vfrfjDr] ,sls cktkj dh vko’;drk dks iwjk djus ds fy;s okLrfod dh vlyh izfrd`r i;kZIr ugha gS] tks ,d gh fMtkbu ds dbZ laLdj.kksa dh Ja[kyk nsrk gS] lHkh ftl ij dsfUnzr gksa vkSj izsl }kjk iznku dh xbZ lhfer lajpuk ls ;qfXer gksaA dqN rduhdh xq.k tks ydM+h dks thoar dj nsrs gSa] os Li’kZ laosnuk gSa vkSj u fd flQZ vkWfIVdy izHkkoA izkd`frd ydM+h dh cukoV [kqjnqjh gksrh gS ftls Li’kZ djus ij og vlyh izrhr gksrk gSA mnkgj.k ds fy;s] izkd`frd ydM+h esa] VªsM dqN fgLlksa dks pednkj vkSj vU; dks [kqjnqjk curk gSA bu izHkkoksa dks fljsfeDl esa Mkyus ds fy;s] gesa fofo/k lTtkRed rRoksa dh vko’;drk gksrh gS% izsl] tks okLrfod uewus tSls rRoksa dh izfrd`r cukrk gS( ,d fMftVy lTtk djus okyh e’khu ¼bZokslsou ;k bZoksQkbo½] tks vkus okyh lajpukvksa dks igpkurh gS vkSj izR;sd ds lkFk mi;qDr fMtkbu dks feykrh gS( ,d nwljh] NksVh fMftVy lTtkRed e’khu] tSls fd bZoksFkh] tks fQj cukoV izHkko dks ykxw djrh gS] mnkgj.k ds fy;s] bl fLFkfr esa] fodkpdA fodkpd ,d ,d lkekU; badtsV bad gS ftldk fuekZ.k cM+s bad fuekZrkvksa }kjk fd;k tkrk gS] tks Vkby dh vk/kkj ped dh lrg ds lkFk izfrfØ;k djrh gS ¼bl mnkgj.k esa] vk/kh&ikWfyl dh xbZ lrg½] vkSj flfydk dh Øfed Ja[kyk dks rksM+rh gS] rkfd ftu {ks=ksa dks ;g Nq, mlesa ped ds ikWfyl fd;s x;s izHkko pedjfgr iznf’kZr gksA Vkby dks blds dkj.k izsl ls lajpuk feysxh] fMftVy Qkby ls jax feysxk] vkSj f’k[kj ij ikWfyl dh xbZ ydM+h dh izk:fir izLrqfr] vkSj lrg ds fupys fgLls ij [kqjnqjh izLrqfr feysxhA og rduhdh dkj.k tks dbZ vuqiz;ksx okyh ,dy lksy dh lTtkRed e’khu ds LFkku ij] fofo/k ledkfyd dh fMftVy lTtkRed e’khuksa ds mi;ksx ds lkFk U;k; djrk gS] mls dkQh vklkuh ls le>k;k tk ldrk gS% ubZ ih<+h ds eqnz.k fljs dkQh ek=k

Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I N D I A 2 0 14


cant quantities of ink to be deposited. Digital decorating machines, which are becoming increasingly compact, can therefore release more ink than the quantity that the tile is capable of absorbing between one application and the next. Therefore, the last bars would end up having to decorate a wet, semi-finished piece. The ink in contact with the wet part would begin to migrate from where it had been applied, losing definition and failing to decorate the tile accurately. The more ink deposited, the more obvious this fault would be. Projecta Siti B&T proposes using one main decorating machine with 5 or 7 bars for the chromatic inks and a second decorating machine, usually an Evothree, featuring 3 bars, for the textural effects. This second printer will be synchronised with the first and positioned a few metres away, to allow the piece to dry properly between one application and the next. It may seem financially unfeasible to fit a line with two separate decorating machines. Instead, one of the features that makes this solution particularly interesting is in fact its economic convenience. The most expensive part of a digital decorating machine is always the colour bar, which contains the print heads and the electronics; the fact that the bar is moved from one decorating machine to another, on a different line, enables the costs of each bar to be split and makes the configuration of the lines much more versatile. Let’s consider an example: after the wood design, we might need to produce a tile on which the application of a devitrifier is not required, but instead a reactive sinking or white ink. In a digital decorating machine in which the bars are fixed, in order to replace the devitrifying ink with a reactive ink, the colour must be removed, the circuits and print heads cleaned very carefully and the filters changed. If the reactive ink is from a different supplier from that of the devitrifier, almost all of the circuits must be cleaned with the new cleaner, before proceeding to load the new ink. It is clear that this operations waste time, reduce productivity and also have a cost, in terms of the amount spent on cleaning the machine and changing the filters. Furthermore, if the first and second inks used at each change of ink are not chemically compatible, there is a risk that the print heads may block. The range of technological products by Projecta Siti B&T can help solve this problem, with Evostore, a mobile storage unit on which we can deposit the ink bar loaded with the devitrifier, making it available for another line, or leaving it to rest until it is needed again. From Evostore, we then lift out the bar of reactive ink to be positioned in place of the devitrifier on the same line. This operation only takes a few minutes, unlike the hours required for a traditional ink change and, as it does not involve cleaning the machine, there is no need for any kind of filter, or to replace the filters. In this way we can also change the colour configuration of a printer, adding, removing or replacing colour bars, so creating endless expressive and decorative possibilities for the digital line. Depending on the design, we may decide to cre- Evostore ate a granulated finish on ce-


Cera mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014

esa bad NksM+rs gSa] vkSj cukoVh vuqiz;ksxksa ds mi;ksx ds fy;s bad dh ,d fu/kkZfjr ek=k dk HkaMkj jguk vko’;d gSA fMftVy lTtkRed e’khusa] tks dkQh rsth ls NksVh gksrh tk jgh gSa] bl dkj.k ls ml ek=k ls T;knk bad NksM+ ldrh gS ftls Vkby ,d vuqiz;ksx ls nwljs ds chp lks[kus esa l{ke gSA vr%] vafre iV~Vh ,d xhys] vk/ks cus VqdM+s dh lTtk ds lkFk dke [kRe djsxhA xhys Hkkx dh bad ml LFkku ls gVuk 'kq: gks tk,xh tgka bls yxk;k x;k Fkk] ftlls Vkby dks Bhd ls ltkus dk dke vlQy gks tk,xk vkSj bldh xq.koRrk Hkh fxj tk,xhA ftruh bad HkaMkj esa gksxh] xyrh gksus dh vk’kadk mruh gh vf/kd gksxhA ,lvkbZVhvkbZ ch,aMVh ifj;kstuk of.kZd bad ds fy;s 5 ;k 7 iV~Vh okyh ,d eq[; lTtkRed e’khu vkSj cukoVh izHkko ds fy;s nwljh lTtkRed e’khu] tks vkerkSj ij bZoksFkh] 3 iV~Vh okyh gksrh gS] dk iz;ksx djus dk fopkj izLrkfor djrh gSA bl nwljs fizaVj dks igys ds lkFk ledkfyd fd;k tk,xk vkSj dqN ehVj dh nwjh ij LFkkfir fd;k tk,xk] rkfd VqdM+s ,d vuqiz;ksx ls nwljs ds chp Bhd rjg ls lw[k ldsaA nks i`Fkd lTtkRed e’khuksa dks ,d ykbu esa fQV djuk foRrh; rkSj ij vlgt yx ldrk gSA blds vykok] ,d fo’ks"kr tks bl lek/kku dks fuf’pr rkSj ij vPNk cukrh gS og bldh vkfFkZd lqfo/kk gSA ,d fMftVy lTtkRed e’khu dk lcls egaxk Hkkx jax iV~Vh ;k dyj ckj gksrh gS] ftlesa eqnz.k fljs vkSj bysDVªkWfuDl gksrs gSa( ;g rF; fd iV~Vh dks ,d lTtkRed e’khu ls nwljh esa ys tk;k tkrk gS] ,d vyx js[kk esa] izR;sd ckj dh ykxr dks foHkkftr djrh gS vkSj js[kkvksa ds foU;kl dks vkSj Hkh T;knk ifjorZu’khy cukrh gSA bls ,d mnkgj.k ds lkFk le>rs gSa% ydM+h ds fMtkbu ds ckn] gks ldrk gS fd gesa ,slh Vkby dk fuekZ.k djuk gks ftl ij fodkpd ds vuqiz;ksx dh vko’;drk u gks] ysfdu fQj Hkh ,d izfrfØ;k’khy flafdax ;k lQsn bad dh gksA ,d fMftVy lTtkRed e’khu esa ftlesa ifV~V;ka yxh gksrh gS] fodkpd bad dks izfrfØ;k’khy bad ls cnyus ds fy;s] jax dks gVk;k tkuk pkfg;s] lfdZV vkSj eqnz.k fljksa dks vPNh rjg ls lkQ djuk pkfg;s vkSj fQYVjksa dks cnyuk pkfg;sA vxj izfrfØ;k’khy bad fodkpd ds vfrfjDr fdlh vkSj forjd ls vkbZ gS] rks ubZ bad Hkjus ls igys yxHkx iwjs lfdZV dks u;s Dyhuj ls lkQ djuk pkfg;sA ;g lkQ gS fd bl dke esa le; cckZn gksrk gS] mRikndrk ?kVrh gS vkSj ykxr Hkh vkrh gS] tks fd e’khu lkQ djus vkSj fQYVj cnyus esa yxh ek=k ij vk/kkfjr gSA blds vfrfjDr] izR;sd bad ifjorZu esa mi;ksx dh xbZ igyh vkSj nwljh bad vxj jklk;fud rkSj ij vuqdwy ugha gS] rks eqnz.k fljksa ds Qal tkus dk [krjk Hkh gksrk gSA ,lvkbZVhvkbZ ch,aMVh ifj;kstuk ds rduhdh mRiknksa dh Ja[kyk bl leL;k dks gy dj ldrh gS] bZoksLVksj ds lkFk] ,d eksckby laxzg.k bdkbZ ftl ij fodkpd ls Hkjh bad iV~Vh dk HkaMkj dj ldrs gSa] tks nwljh js[kk ds fy;s miyC/k gksrh gS] ;k bldk nksckjk mi;ksx gksus rd ds fy;s bls ,sls gh NksM+ ldrs gSaA blds ckn ge bZoksLVksj ls] izfrfØ;k’khy bad dh iV~Vh dks fudkydj ,d gh js[kk ij fodkpd ds LFkku ij yxk ldrs gSaA bl dk;Z esa dqN gh feuV yxrs gSa] ikjaifjd bad ifjorZu ds foijhr ftlesa ?kaVksa yxrs gSa] D;ksafd ;g e’khu dh lQkbZ esa 'kkfey ugha gksrh gS] ;gka fdlh izdkj ds fQYVj dh dksbZ vko’;drk ugha gksrh] u gh fQYVj cnyus dhA bl izdkj ls ge jax ifV~V;ksa dks tksM+dj] gVkdj ;k cnydj fizaVj ds jax foU;kl dks Hkh cny ldrs gSa] rkfd fMftVy js[kk ds fy;s vlhfer lwpd vkSj lTtkRed

ramics, using Evodry Fix, a digital decorating machine capable of shooting glue on to the points indicated in the design. The granules fall on to the tile, remain stuck on the parts where the glue is present and an aspirator removes any excess material. This example is not only a ceramic technique that provides excellent aesthetic results, but it can also be used to differentiate and protect the products of one ceramic industry from those of its competitors. A tile created solely with a digital decoration on a smooth base is easy to copy. With the techniques available today, the design can easily be acquired by scanning or photographing the finished pieces. Even if the finished result displays an inferior quality and resolution to the original, there are many up-and-coming markets that can benefit from copying successful models rather than producing original ones of their own. It’s a different story when it comes to copying a complex design. This is extremely difficult, as it involves not only recreating the design, but also the structures, effects and texture of the original. The semi-finished product, ready to enter the kiln, is checked by Evovision, a digital machine capable of recognising defects in the shape, glazing and decoration of the piece, consequently eliminating it from the line before firing, delivering a check report and recommending the appropriate corrective actions. Finally the tile is fired in the kiln and takes on its definitive appearance and technological characteristics. The in-line technology used can also be supported by a workshop technique, such as for example a colour management program, which ensures that the design presents the same shades of colour as the finished product, that is that the colours viewed on the monitor are the same as those that appear on the tile when it exits the kiln. This result can only be obtained by correctly calibrating the monitors and digital printers. Today this technique also takes on a strategic relevance considering that many ceramics groups carry out their production in various remote locations, producing ceramic tiles in facilities that may be very distant from one another. This means that the product, as it is viewed on the monitor, must exit the kiln in their facility in Italy and be almost identical to tiles exiting the kiln in their facility in the USA. Colour management programs are the only instruments that allow us to achieve this result. Moreover, colour management also enables us to optimise and indeed reduce the consumption of ink to a minimum, so reducing the fixed production costs. Siti B&T Group is a partner that is capable of developing new technological and decorative solutions, and of providing support in terms of designs and graphics. It also offers customer services and access to its knowhow, these being two essential elements for gaining a competitive edge. 

laHkkoukvksa dk fuekZ.k gksrk gSA fMtkbu ds vk/kkj ij] ge fljsfeDl ij nkusnkj lQkbZ dk fuekZ.k Hkh dj ldrs gS] tks bZoksMªkbZ fQDl ,d fMftVy lTtkRed e’khu dk iz;ksx djds cukbZ tkrh gS] ;g fMtkbu esa fn;s x;s fcanqvksa ij xksan yxkus esa l{ke gksrk gSA nkus Vkby ij fxjrs gSa] vkSj tgka xksan yxh gksrh gSS ogka fpid tkrs gSa vkSj ,d okr’kks"kd vfrfjDr lkexzh dks gVk ysrk gSA ;g mnkgj.k dsoy ,d fljsfed rduhd ugha gS tks csgrjhu lkSan;Z ifj.kke iznku djrh gS] cfYd bldk iz;ksx ,d fljsfed m|ksx ds mRikn dks mlds izfr}a}h ds mRikn ls vyx djus vkSj cpkus ds fy;s Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gSA fpdus vk/kkj ij vdsys fMftVy fMtkbu ds lkFk cukbZ ,d Vkby dks dkWih djuk vklku gksrk gSA orZeku esa ekStwn rduhdksa ls] fMtkbu dks lkQ VqdM+ksa dks LdSu djds ;k QksVksdkWih djds vklkuh ls izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gSA ;gka rd fd ;fn ,d lkQ ifj.kke okLrfod dh fuEu xq.koRrk vkSj fjtkWY;w’ku iznf’kZr djrk gS] rks ,sls dbZ gksugkj cktkj gSa tks [kqn ds uewus rS;kj djus ds LFkku ij lQy uewuksa dks dkWih djds budk Qk;nk mBk ldrs gSaA tfVy fMtkbu dks dkWih djus ds le; dgkuh dqN vkSj gksrh gSA ;g dkQh dfBu gksrk gS] D;ksafd blesa u dsoy okLrfor uewus ds fMtkbu dh] cfYd lajpuk] izHkko vkSj cukoV dh Hkh iqujksRifRr 'kkfey gksrh gSA HkV~Vs esa Mkyus ds fy;s rS;kj vk/ks&iwjs gqbZ mRiknksa dks bZoksfotu tkaprk gS] tks VqdM+s ds vkdkj] ped vkSj lTtk dh =qfV;ksa dk irk yxkus esa l{ke fMftVy e’khu gS] ;g ml VqdM+s dks vkx esa tkus ls igys js[kk ls vyx dj nsrh gS] tkap fjiksVZ Hkstrh gS vksj mi;qDr lq/kkj dk;Z dh vuq’kalk djrh gSA var esa] Vkby dks HkV~Vh esa idk;k tkrk gS vkSj blds fu.kkZ;d izn’kZu vkSj rduhd xq.k dks tksM+k tkrk gSA leku rduhdksa ds mi;ksx dk leFkZu odZ’kkWi rduhdksa }kjk Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gS] tSls fd jax izca/ku izksxzke] tks ;g lqfuf’pr djrk gS fd fMtkbu vafre mRikn dh rjg jax ds leku 'ksM~l dks iznf’kZr djrk gS] ;kfu fd ekWuhVj ij fn[kus okya jax vkSj HkV~Vh ls fudyus okyh Vkby ds jaxksa esa dksbZ varj ugha gksxkA bl ifj.kke dks dsoy ekWuhVj vkSj fMftVy fizaVj ds lgh O;kl uki ls gh izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gSA vkt ;g rduhd ,d lkefjd izklafxd fopkj Hkh /kkj.k djrh gS fd dbZ fljsfed lewg vius mRiknu dks fofo/k nwjnjkt ds LFkkuksa esa iwjk djrs gSa] ;kfu bu la;a=ksa esa mRiUu dh xbZ fljsfed VkbYl nwljs ls vyx gks ldrh gSA bldk vFkZ gS fd mRikn tSlk ekWuhVj esa fn[k jgk gS] mls bVyh ds la[;k dh HkV~Vh ls Hkh oSlk gh fudyuk pkfg;s tSlk fd ;w,l, ds la;= dh HkV~Vh ls fudy jgk gSA ;g ifj.kke izkIr djus ds fy;s jax izca/ku izksxzke ,dek= midj.k gSA blds vfrfjDr] jax izca/ku gesa bad ds miHkksx dks U;wure rd de djus vkSj b"Vre mi;ksx djus esa l{ke djrk gS] ftlls ,d fuf’pr mRiknu ykxr esa deh vkrh gSA ,lvkbZVhvkbZ ch,aMVh lewg ,d lk>snkj gS tks ubZ rduhd vkSj lTtkRed lek/kku dk fodkl djus] vkSj fMtkbu vkSj fp=ksa ls lacaf/kr leFkZu iznku djus esa l{ke gSA ;g xzkgd lsok vkSj blds dSls djsa rd igqapus dh lqfo/kk iznku djrk gS] ;g izfr;ksxh nkSjku esa vkxs c<+us ds fy;s nks egRoiw.kZ rRo gSA 

Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I N D I A 2 0 1 4


fljsfeDl esa u, laHkkfor lkSan;Z fl)kar

Marcello Fontanini - LB Officine Meccaniche (Fiorano, Italy)

New aesthetic potential in ceramics


At the Fiorano Modenese open-house held in September, LB Officine Meccaniche organized an exhibition retracing its 40 years of technological success and its high technical and aesthetic value products: A genuine showcase created to launch Divario, the innovative system that embodies all of LB’s experience in the construction of plant and machinery for press feeding. This new feeder design combines higher aesthetic-production potential with a significant reduction in management and maintenance costs. The innovative powder batching system can be used to achieve higher definition aesthetics and a greater production capacity thanks to the possibility of loading the press mould from two simultaneously operating belts. This unique method of handing powders can give rise to a wide range of aesthetic effects and products (with smooth, lapped, textured or polished surface). Flexibility and simplicity are the two key concepts on which LB technological research was based, following the most advanced design criteria and paying greater attention to reducing space and unproductive time while increasing energy efficiency. Divario is available in various models that can be applied to any type of press, and has been designed to be personalized to suit the customer’s specific needs. Its use is especially suited to large formats: LB’s intention, in fact, is to comply with the current trends of the main producers and simplify the changeover to a single large format, to


Cera mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014

flrEcj esa vk;ksftr fQvkjkuks ekWMuht vksiu gkml esa] ,ych vkWfQflu eSdsfuds us viuh rduhdh lQyrk vkSj viuh mPp rduhd vkSj lkSan;Z ewY; mRiknksa ds 40 lky dks nksgjkus okyh ,d izn’kZuh vk;ksftr dh% ,d okLrfod izn’kZu eatw"kk fMokfj;ks dh 'kq:vkr djus ds fy;s] ;g ,d izxfr’khy iz.kkyh gS tks izsl QhfMax ds fy;s la;a=ksa vkSj e’khuks ds fuekZ.k esa ,ych ds iwjs vuqHko dks lfEefyr djrh gSA u;k QhMj izk:i esa izca/ku vkSj j[kj[kko dh ykxr esa Hkkjh deh ds lkFk mPp lkSna;Zijd mRikn dh laHkkouk gSA bl izxfr’khy ikmMj cSfpax iz.kkyh dk iz;ksx mPp xq.koRrk;qDr lkSan;Z izlk/ku vkSj csgrj mRiknu {kerk izkIr djus ds fy;s fd;k tk ldrk gS ftlds fy;s nks lkFk&lkFk izpkyu csYVksa ls izsl ekmYM dh yksfMax dh laHkkouk dks /kU;okn fn;k tkuk pkfg;sA ikmMj lkSaius dh vuks[kh fof/k lkSan;Z izHkkoksa vkSj mRiknksa ¼fpduh] yisVh gqbZ] lajpuk;qDr ;k ikWfy’k dh xbZ lrg ds lkFk½ dh o`gn Ja[kyk dks c<+k ldrh gSA yphykiu vkSj lknxh os nks eq[; vo/kkj.kk,a gSa ftl ij ,ych ds rduhd 'kks/k vk/kkfjr Fks] ftlds ckn lcls mUur fMtkbu ekinaMksa dk vuqlj.k fd;k x;k vkSj ÅtkZ n{krk dks c<+krs gq, LFkku vkSj vuqRiknd le; dks de djus ds fy;s cgqr T;knk /;ku fn;k x;kA fMokfj;ks fofo/k ekWMyksa esa miyC/k gS ftUgsa fdlh Hkh izdkj ds izsl ij mi;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gS] vkSj bls xzkgdksa dh fof’k"V vko’;drkvksa dks iwjk djus gsrq oS;fDrd cuus ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k gSA bldk mi;ksx fo’ks"k rkSj ij cM+s izk:iksa ds vuqdwy gS% okLro esa] ,ych dk bjknk eq[; mRiknksa ds orZeku :>ku dk ikyu djuk vkSj ifjorZuksa dks ,d ,dy cM+s izk:i esa ljyhd`r

then obtain the various submultiples.

djrh gS] rks fofHkUu mi&fofo/krk,a izkIr gksaA

Continuity and efficiency

fujarjrk vkSj n{krk

Divario represents a significant technical progress compared to the existing LB press feeders and it keeps unaltered its potential to realize any previous aesthetic effect. The simplicity of its engineering leads to higher working efficiency by increasing the production capacity for the realization of technical products in double-loading, associated to a great reduction of down-times and maintenance costs.

fMokfj;ks okLrfod ,ych izsl QhMjksa dh rqyuk esa dkQh egRoiw.kZ rduhdh izxfr iznf’kZr djrk gS vkSj ;g fdlh fiNys lkSan;Z izHkko dks le>us ds fy;s vius lkeF;Z dks vckf/ kr j[krk gSA bldh bathfu;fjax dh lknxh mPprj dk;Z n{krk dh vksj tkrh gS] ftls Mcy&yksfMax esa rduhdh mRiknksa ds foØ; ds ft;s mRiknu {kerk dks c<+kdj izkIr fd;k tkrk gS] tks vpsr dkykof/k vkSj j[kj[kko dh ykxr dh Hkkjh deh ls lacaf/kr gSA

Flexibility and simplicity

yphykiu vkSj lknxh

Divario is designed to operate, regardless of the desired size, in different ways: • double-loading for the production of technical products of high aesthetic value, with effects created without the use of rigid parts (grids) and consequently different every time; • single-loading for the production of full body tiles (in a very short time the machine becomes a simple linear highly efficient drawer and can continue to feed the press during size change operations or modification of the aesthetic effect of the double-loading); • fast double-loading for uniform and full-field deposits of

fMokfj;ks dks ,sfPNd vkdkj dh fpark fd;s fcuk] dbZ rjhdksa esa izpkyu djus ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k gS% • mPp lkSan;Z ewY; ds rduhd mRiknksa ds mRiknu ds fy;s Mcy&yksfMax] dBksj Hkkxksa ¼fxzM½ ds mi;ksx ds fcuk cus izHkkoksa ds lkFk vkSj Qyr% gj ckj vyxA • Qqy ckWMh VkbYl ds mRiknu ds fy;s ,dy&yksfMax ¼cgqr de le; esa] e’khu ,d lk/kkj.k js[kh; mPp n{krk;qDr vkns’kd cu tkrh gS vkSj vkdkj cnyus ds izpkyuksa ;k Mcy&yksfMax ds lkSan;Z izHkkoksa ds la’kks/kuksa ds nkSjku nkcd pykuk tkjh j[k ldrh gS½( • • mPp xq.koRrk dh lkefxz;ksa dh cgqr NksVh ek=k ds cjkcj vkSj iw.kZ {ks= ds HkaMkjksa ds fy;s rst Mcy&yksfMaxA

LTi mu




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Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I N D I A 2 0 14


very small quantities of high quality materials. Through the simple replacement of a dosing device, Divario can lay the aesthetic effect both on the surface and under the body, allowing to realize even products “fine side down”. The interface which allows to manage the machine and modify its set-up according to the production, has been designed with a “user friendly” perspective. All the main components are within reach of the operator, enabling simple and intuitive management. Energy saving Divario has been designed to handle only the parts strictly necessary for the different operating modes of the machine and for the particular products in order to minimize the use of electrical energy and the wear on moving parts. It is the first numerically controlled machine in the ceramics sector, with a reduced control panel, and is the result of extensive research into refined and latest generation electronics. The significant energy saving attributes are, in fact, also the result of the innovate drive systems. Innovation Despite its compact size, Divario allows a number of possibilities of customization according to the specific aesthetic and production needs: it can house different kits on the same platform to obtain different aesthetic effects without stopping production. The loading device for the base body has been positioned next to the press mould in order to reserve more space in the rear, dedicated to the creation of the aesthetic effect. This enables to continue to feed the press while the design is being created, with obvious advantages in terms of productivity, efficiency and aesthetic quality. More than just a machine: a project In the design of Divario, LB started from the requests of its customers and went much further in an attempt to anticipate the future needs of the market. Divario is not just a machine, it is a ‘work in progress’ that aims to provide new ideas for new products that client companies can produce at their facilities, thanks to the innovative technology and the numerous possible aesthetic effects. In the field of full-body porcelain tiles, the company has, in fact, clearly understood the need of leading producers in the various countries to return to manufacturing products of high aesthetic value, different to those of competitors, and not easily copied. For this reason, since the official launching of Divario in September, LB has exhibited and highlighted some of the products that the new system can produce. Some products in particular have been much appreciated: trend-setting cements, realized through particular movements and non-uniform effects, aesthetically appealing and far better than previous technological solutions; flake effect; wood effect; marble effect, all produced at faster speeds and with an unlimited range of characteristics that were previously unthinkable; and all with parameters that can be personalized to satisfy the different needs of the ceramic tile manufacturers. The potentials and aesthetic evolutions of Divario are even more numerous, thanks also to the constant product Research & Development activities of the LB labora tory.


Cera mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014

lkekU; :i ls] ek=k ;a= dks izfrLFkkfir djds] fMokfj;ks lrg vkSj <kaps nksuksa ij lkSan;Z izHkko dks x<+ ldrk gS] tks ^^Qkbu lkbM Mkmu** mRikn Hkh izkIr djus dh vuqefr nsrk gSA mRiknu ds vuqlkj e’khu dks izcaf/kr djus vkSj blds lsVvi dks la’kksf/kr djus dh vuqefr nsus okys baVjQsl dks ^^iz;ksDrk ds vuqdwy** ifjizs{; ds lkFk fMtkbu fd;k x;k gSaA lHkh eq[; lkefxz;ka izpkyd dh igqap ds vanj gksrh gS] ftlls ,d lkekU; vkSj lgt izca/ku curk gSA ÅtkZ dh cpr fMokfj;ks dks bl izdkj ls fMtkbu fd;k x;k gS fd og fo|qr ÅtkZ ds mi;ksx vkSj xfreku Hkkxksa dh f?klkbZ dks de djus gsrq fuf’pr mRiknksa vkSj e’khu ds fofo/k izpkyu fof/k;ksa ds fy;s fcYdqy t:jh Hkkxksa dks gh laHkkysA fljsfeDl ds {ks= esa ;g igyh la[;kuqlkj fu;af=r gksus okyh e’khu gS] ftlesa de daVªksy iSuy gSa vkSj ;g ifj"d`r vkSj uohure ih<+h bysDVªkWfuDl esa O;kikj 'kks/kksa dk ifj.kke gSA vly esa] blds egRoiw.kZ ÅtkZ cpr xq.k uohu Mªkbo iz.kkyh dk ifj.kke gSA uohurk vius NksVs vkdkj ds ckotwn] fMokfj;ks fof’k"V lkSan;Z vkSj mRiknu vko’;drkvksa ds vuqlkj vuqdwyu dh dbZ laHkkoukvksa dh vuqefr nsrk gS% blesa mRiknu jksds fcuk fofo/k lkSan;Z izHkko izkIr djus ds fy;s ,d gh IysVQkWeZ ij fofo/k fdV~l yxk ldrs gSaA ihNs dh vksj T;knk LFkku vkjf{kr djus ds fy;s vk/kkj <kaps ds fy;s yksfMax ;a= dks izsl ekmYM ds Bhd cxy ls LFkkfir fd;k x;k gS] tks lkSan;Z izHkko ds fuekZ.k dks lefiZr gSA blls fMtkbu dk fuekZ.k gksrs gq, Hkh izsl QhM tkjh j[kus dh lgwfy;r feyrh gS] tks fuf’pr rkSj ij mRikndrk] n{krk vkSj lkSan;Z xq.koRrk ds fy;s ,d ykHk gSA ;g e’khu ls T;knk gS% ,d ifj;kstuk fMokfj;ks ds fMtkbu esa] ,ych us vius xzkgdksa ds fuosnuksa ls 'kq:vkr dh vkSj cktkj ds Hkfo"; dh vko’;drk dk iwokZuqeku yxkus ds fy;s dkQh vkxs rd x;kA fMokfj;ks dsoy ,d e’khu ugha gS] ;g ,d ^izxfr’khy dk;Z* gS tks u;s mRiknksa ds fy;s u;s lq>ko iznku djus dk y{; djrk gS ftudk fuekZ.k xzkgdksa dh daifu;ka vius la;a=ksa esa dj ldrh gS] blds fy;s uohu rduhd vkSj dbZ laHkkfor lkSan;Z izHkkoksa dks /kU;oknA iw.kZ ewY; ds iksflZyhu VkbYl ds {ks= esa] vly esa] dEiuh us fofHkUu ns’kksa ds izeq[k fuekZrkvksa dh vko’;drk dks le> fy;k gS] tks mPp lkSan;Z izHkko ds mRikn dk fuekZ.k djuk gS] tks izfr}af};ksa ls vyx gks] vkSj ftls vklkuh ls dkWih u fd;k tk ldsA blfy;s] flrEcj esa fMokfj;ks dh vkf/kdkfjd ykWfUpax ls] ,ych dqN mRiknksa dks iznf’kZr vkSj fpUgkafdr dj pqdk gS ftUgsa ubZ iz.kkyh cuk ldrh gSA dqN mRiknksa dks fof’k"V rkSj ij dkQh iz’kalk feyh gS% VªsUM lsfVax lhesaV] fuf’pr xfrfof/k ls laikfnr vkSj vleku izHkko] lkSan;Z :i ls vkd"kZd vkSj fiNys rduhd lek/kkuksa ls dkQh csgrj( ijr izHkko( ydM+h izHkko( laxejej izHkko] lHkh dk fuekZ.k dkQh rsth ls vkSj vlhfer xq.kksa dh jsat ds lkFk fd;k tkrk gS ftlds ckjs esa igys lkspk Hkh ugha tkrk Fkk( vkSj lHkh ekinaM ds lkFk ftls fljsfed Vkby fuekZrkvksa dh fofo/k vko’;drkvksa dks iwjk djus ds fy;s oS;fDrd fd;k tk ldrk gSA fMokfj;ks dk lkeF;Z vkSj lkSan;Zijd Økafr Hkh cgqr T;knk gS] ftlds fy;s ,ych iz;ksx’kkyk dh lrr mRikn 'kks/k vkSj fodkl xfrfof/k;ksa dks /kU;oknA 

bjkdh dqfnZLrku esa cksfUtvkuh çks|kSfxdh Rosario Palumbo - Bongioanni Macchine (Fossano, CN, Italy)

Bongioanni technology in Iraqi Kurdistan


Iraqi Kurdistan, also known as the Autonomous Kurdistan Region, is an autonomous federal entity of Northern Iraq. The region is largely mountainous with numerous rivers that make it very fertile and attractive for settlement. The region has attracted billions of dollars of investments in development projects in recent years, particularly in the building sector in response to the strong market demand. Anyone who submits a feasible project to the government, provided it is approved and is in line with the new law on investments, receives free land for construction. However, to date only a very small number of projects have been completed. In view of these benefits, the regional Iraqi private multi-sector group Halabja Group, based in Sulaymaniyah, Governorate of Sulaymaniyah, has finalised a project in cooperation with Bongioanni Macchine for the construction of a complete plant with a capacity of 1,000 tons of bricks per day with the aim of meeting the high demand in the area. The new plant is already in its start-up phase. The Group, led by chairman Aso Mohammed Ali, has branches in Kurdistan and elsewhere in Iraq, including Erbil, Baghdad, Duhok and Zakho, as well as in the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and China. The new plant has been installed alongside the existing facility. The production process related to clay preparation up to the silo storage operates over two shifts/day, while the subsequent production line, using clay from the silo, runs over Wet Pan Mills three daily shifts. Both zones op-

Aso Brick – outside plant view


Cera mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014

bjkdh dqfnZLrku] ftls Lora= dqfnZLrku {ks= ds uke ls Hkh tkuk tkrk gS] mÙkjh bjkd dh ,d la?kh; ;k Lok;Ùk'kklh {ks= gSA ;g {ks= vf/kdrj igkM+ vkSj vla[; ufn;ksa ls f?kjk gksus ds dkj.k mitkÅ gS vkSj fuokl dh –f"V ls vkd"kZd Hkh gSA gky gh ds dqN o"kksaZ esa fodkl&;kstukvksa] [kkldj Hkou&fuekZ.k {ks= esa gksus okys Hkkjh cktkj&ekax ds vuq:i bl {ks= us djksM+ksa Mkyj dk fuos'k viuh vksj [khapk gSA dksbZ Hkh laLFkk tks ,d leqfpr ;kstuk dks ljdkj ds le{k j[krh gS] ;fn mls Loh—fr fey tkrh gS vkSj og fuos'k ds u;s dkuwu ds vuq:i gks rks mls ljdkj }kjk fuekZ.k ds fy, eq¶r tehu fey tkrh gSA gkykafd] vc rd dsoy dqN gh ;kstuk;sa iwjh gks ik;h gSaA bu ykHkksa ds eísutj bjkd dh {ks=h; cgqvk;keh futh lewg gykCtk xzqi&tksfd lqykefu;kg esa fLFkr gS us& cksaftvkuh e'khu ds lg;ksx ls ,d ;kstuk iwjh djus dk fu.kZ; fy;k gSA bl ;kstuk esa ml {ks= esa c<+h gqbZ ekax dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, çfrfnu ,d gtkj Vu bZaVksa ds mRiknu&{kerk okys ls IykaV cukus dk mís'; j[kk x;k gSA u;k IykaV igys ls gh pkyw gksus ds pj.k esa gSA bl xzqi dk usr`Ro vlks eksgEen vyh dj jgs gSaA bl xzqi dh 'kk[kk,a dqfnZLrku ds lkFk&lkFk bjkd ds vU; fgLlksa tSls fd bjfcy] cxnkn] nqgksd vkSj tk[kks ds lkFk gh la;qä vjc] rqdhZ vkSj phu esa Hkh gSA uohu IykaV dks igys ls fo|eku O;oLFkk ds ikl gh yxk;k x;k gSA fuekZ.k dh ;g çfØ;k Dys cukus ls ysdj flyks&laxzg.k rd fnu esa nks ikyh esa laiUu fd;k tkrk gSA bl chp fuekZ.k dh çfØ;k Dys dks flyks ls yxkrkj ç;ksx djrh jgrh gS ;g fnu esa rhu ikfy;ksa esa gksrk gSA bl rjg nksuksa gh Hkkx g¶rs esa 6 fnuksa rd pyrs gSaA Dys cukus dh ç.kkyh esa 38 ,e dk ,d rhozfljk e'khu esa yxk;k tkrk gS tks fd dPps eky dks eghu


erate 6 days a week. The preparation line will use a new 38M version edge runner for optimal crushing and mixing of the raw material to be fed into the plant. The production line and all the machinery needed to prepare the clay mix use the Bongioanni type Tecno 750 extruder for shaping, including application of the patented system for extrusion quality control based on automatic adjustment of the auger speed of rotation. This patented system ensures constant delivery of the required quantity of clay to the extruder die, making for a more homogeneous mix density, a more uniform thrust surface and improved quality of the extruded product. It also results in higher productivity of the extruder and a lower electricity consumption while keeping the auger running at the optimum speed. Given the importance of the Halabja Group in the region, the new project will spur other entrepreneurs to make new investments in the reconstruction of both the Kurdistan region and the whole of Iraq, where brick is traditionally the most popular building material. 

rksM+dj IykaV esa feyk nsrk gSA mRiknu&bZdkbZ vkSj Dys&feDl dks rS;kj djus ds fy, vko';d iwjh e'khujh vkdkj nsus ds fy;s cksaftvkuh VsDuks 750 dk bLrseky djrh gS] ftlesa mudh isVsaV dh gqbZ ç.kkyh 'kkfey gksrh gS tks mldh xq.koÙkk dks cuk;s j[kus ds fy, mldh ?kw.kZu&xfr ij vk/kkfjr gSA ;g isVsaV ç.kkyh visf{kr Dys dh ek=k dh vckf/kr vkiwfrZ lqfuf'pr djrh gS tks vius mRikn dks ,dleku lrg vkSj vf/kd ,d:i feJ.k ?kuRo vkSj ckgj fudys mRikn dh csgrj xq.koÙkk çnku djrh gSA bldh fo'ks"krk ;g gS fd ;g vuqdwy xfr ij fctyh dh [kir de vkSj mRiknu vf/kd djrh gSA bl {ks= esa gykCtk xzqi dks egÙkk dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, u;h ifj;kstuk vU; m|fe;ksa dks Hkh dqfnZLrku {ks= vkSj iwjs bjkd ds iqufuZekZ.k dh –f"V ls u, fuos'k ds fy, çksRlkfgr djsxk tgk¡ bZaV lokZf/kd çpfyr fuekZ.k&lkexzh gSA 

HIGH QUALITY MINERALS FOR CERAMICS • Impressingly white firing kaolins, tailor made for casting, jiggering and isostatic pressing process for the tableware industry • Unique kaolins for sanitaryware, with a remarkable casting rate • White firing kaolins for Gres Porcellanato • Highly purified feldspars for bodies and glazes • Crystal quartz – thoroughly pure

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csMsLph us [kM+h dh :l esa u;h bZaV – QSDVªh Bedeschi supplies new brick factory in Russia

June 20 saw the official inauguration of the Ketra newly completed brickworks in Cheboksary (Chuvash Republic, Russia). Among those attending the launch were the owners of the TUS Group of Cheboksary (Mr. Nicolay Fedorovic Ugaslov, with his sons Aleksandar and Dimitriy), the local authorities (President of the Chuvash Republic, Mr. Mikhail Ignatev and staff), executives from Sber Bank and all the facility’s staff. Founded in 1992 by Nicolay Fedorovic Ugaslov, the TUS Group is one of the area’s biggest businesses. It operates in the construction sector and has interests throughout the Chuvash Republic and in the Province of Moscow.


The plant, which has a capacity of 60,000,000 bricks/year, can produce a range of bricks including hollow, solid and facing bricks, large thermal bricks with pores, partitions etc. It


C era mic W o rld Review INDIA 2014

20 twu dk fnu lk{kh jgk psckDljh ¼pqok'k x.kjkT;] :l½ esa u;h dsVªk bZaV QSDVªh ds vkf/kdkfjd mn~?kkVu dkA bl lekjksg dk f'kjdr djus okyksa esa tgka psckDljh ds Vh- ;w- ,l- lewg ds ekfyd fudksyk; QsMksjksfcd mxkLykso vkSj muds nksuksa iq= –vysDtsaMj vkSj fnfe=h; 'kkfey gq, ogha LFkkuh; fudk; dh vksj ls pqok'k x.kjkT; ds jk"Vªifr fe[kkby bXukVso vius LVkQ ds lkFk mifLFkr Fks vkSj lkFk gh lkFk Lcsj ¼Sber½ cSad ds vf/kdkfj;ksa ds lkFk iwjk deZpkjh veyk Hkh ekStwn FkkA fudksyk; QsMksjksfcd mxkLykso }kjk 1992 esa LFkkfir Vh- ;w- ,l- lewg ml {ks= dk lcls fo'kky O;kolkf;d laxBu gSA fuekZ.k ds {ks= esa lfØ; ;g lewg iwjs pqok'k x.kjkT; esa viuh n[ky j[kus ds lkFk lkFk ekLdks esa Hkh lfØ; gSA bl la;a= dh mRiknu&{kerk 6 djksM+ bZaV çfro"kZ gS vkSj ;g fofo/k çdkj dh bZaVksa elyu Bksl] [kks[kyh] ja/kzh; vkSj [kkapk;qä rkih;



PRESSES QUALITYREGENERATION was supplied, fitted and launched entirely by Bedeschi, one of the world’s leaders in complete brickwork production lines. The new factory benefits from the 100 years of experience and robust business structure of Bedeschi, which set up an office in Moscow several years ago to ensure prompt service for local clients, technical assistance and replacement part supplies. 

bZaVksa dk mRiknu dj ldrk gSA csMsLph us u dsoy bl m|e dks [kMk djus esa viuh Hkwfedk fuHkkbZ cfYd la;a=ksa dh vkiwfrZ ds lkFk mls lqO;ofLFkr :i fn;kA fcMsLph bZaV&m|ksx vkSj mRiknu esa dqNsd cM+s ukeksa esa vxz.kh jgk gSA bl u, la;a= dks csMsLph ds fiNys lkS o"kksZ ds vuqHko ds lkFk&lkFk lqLFkkfir O;kolkf;d&ra= dk Hkh ykHk fey jgk gS ftlus o"kksaZ iwoZ viuk ,d dk;kZy; ekLdks esa [kksyk gS ftlls LFkkuh; xzkgdksa dh t:jrksa dks rRdky iwjh djus ds lkFk&lkFk rduhdh lgk;rk vkSj la;a= ds dyiqtsZ dh vkiwfrZ esa Hkh enn ns ldsA 


SPAREPARTS forplungerpumps

forhydraulicpresses Bedeschi, founded in 1908, was one of the first companies in Europe to designAnd manufacture equipmentAnd machinery for the brick industry. The Padua-based group isAlsoActive in the cement sector (building crushers, raw material storageAnd collection machinesAnd dedusting equipment/filters)And the shipping sector (for which it makes ship loaders/unloadersAnd transhipment equipment). The company’s different business units help ensure the group’s financial stability, while their technicalAffinities provide opportunities for significant industrial synergies. The company’s ownershipAnd production sectors have remained unchanged for more thanA century, making BedeschiA byword for integrityAnd total reliability. *** 1908 esa LFkkfir csMsLph ;wjksi dh dqN çkjfEHkd daifu;ksa esa ls ,d gS ftlus bZaV&m|ksx ds miLdj vkSj e'khuksa ds fMtkbu vkSj mRiknu dk dk;Z 'kq: fd;k FkkA iMqvk&LFkkfir lewg lhesaV m|ksx ¼Ø'kj –fuekZ.k] dPpk eky HkaMkj.k] laxzg.k&e'khu] fQYVj fuekZ.k½ ds lkFk&lkFk f'kfiax m|ksx ¼ftlds fy, ;g Hkkj mrkjus vkSj yknus okys miLdjksa ds lkFk Vªkalf'kfiax miLdjksa dk fuekZ.k djrk gS½ esa Hkh lfØ; gSA daiuh dh fofo/k O;kolkf;d bdkb;ka daiuh dks foÙkh; fLFkjrk çnku djrh gSa ,oa mudh rduhdh ,d:irk lg;ksfx;ksa ds fy, egÙoiw.kZ vkS|ksfxd lgdkfjrk ds ykHk dk volj çnku djrh gSA daiuh ds LokfeÙo vkSj mRiknu lsDVj esa fiNys lkS lkyksa esa dksbZ cnyko ugha gqvk gS vkSj blus csMsLph dks bZekunkjh vkSj iw.kZ fo'oluh;rk dk ,d i;kZ; cuk fn;k gSA





SACMI Market demand for large tiles is on the up and up: and that means production of high-end products of considerable unit cost in which the technological perfection of complete plants and individual machines plays a key role when it comes to meeting demanding quality and output requirements. Sacmi’s response to that demand is the PH 10000. With a pressing force of 10,000 tons it can compact even the very largest sizes at very high specific pressures. A part of the innovative Imola series, the PH 10000 completes the upper end of Sacmi’s ceramic press range and maintains all the advantages of a series that has been extensively tried and tested in the field, especially as regards the preloaded structure, which ensures outstanding, long-lasting rigidity and reliability - as hundreds of similar Sacmi machines installed over the last 20 years clearly demonstrate. The hydraulic control circuit is similar to that on the other presses: plunger movement and pressing stages are regulated by two proportional valves, which ensure maximum pressing precision and repeatability over time without any variation in output. A feature particular to the PH 10000, instead, is its structural modularity: the main components can be shipped separately and the machine subsequently reassembled on site, thus minimising transport costs. Thanks to a flow multiplier coupled with an accumulator set the PH 10000 has an extremely brief cycle; it is also extremely reliable on account of the pressure multiplier, which contains the zones subject to very high pressure and so increases the reliability of the circuit itself. Controlled - like


the other machines in the series – by a powerful electronic ‘brain’ that communicates with the press via a fieldbus, the press is easy to operate from both a control response time viewpoint and in terms of optimal control of all the operative parameters, shown on a userfriendly display that has been designed according to the most advanced ergonomic criteria. The most immediate advantage of this control system is minimisation of cycle downtimes, thus raising press speed and productivity. Consumption? In keeping with Sacmi’s policy of saving energy without compromising on output performance - but rather improving it - consumption levels are reduced to a minimum. More specifically, on the PH 10000 Sacmi’s design engineers have implemented a special cycle with high energy savings and have, at the same time, provided the machine with features that eliminate press consumption during line stops.

Cera mic W o rld Review India 2014

cM+s Vkby ds fy, cktkj dh ekax yxkrkj c<+rh tk jgh gSA bldk eryc gS fd gkbZ&baM mRiknksa dk mi;qDr dherksa esa mRiknuA ftlesa] ekax dh xq.koRrk vkSj mRiknu dh t:jrksa esa] lexz la;a= dk rduhdh :i ls iw.kZ gksuk vkSj O;fDrxr e’khusa] fu.kkZ;d Hkwfedk fuHkkrh gSaA lSDeh us bl ekax ds fy, ih,p 10000 is’k fd;k gSA 10]000 Vu dh nkc 'kfDr ds lkFk] cgqr cM+s vkdkj dks vR;f/kd fof’k"V ncko esa] ladqfpr fd;k tk ldrk gSA mUur beksyk lhjht dk ,d fgLlk] lSDeh ds fljsfed izsl jsat ds Åijh Nksj ls 10000 ih,p iwjk djrk gS vkSj fo’ks"kdj] izhyksMsM lajpuk esa] lhjht ds lHkh Qk;nksa dks cuk, j[krk gS] ftldk fd cM+s iSekus ij iz;ksx vkSj ijh{k.k fd;k x;k gSA ;g mRd`"Brk vkSj yacs le; ls LFkkbZ fo’oluh;rk dks lqfu’fpr djrk gS] tks fd fiNys 20 lkyksa esa baLVky dh xbZ lSdM+ksa ,slh gh lSDeh e’khuksa esa lkQ fn[kkbZ nsrh gSA gkbZMªksfyd d a V ª k s y lfØV blh rjg vU; izfØ;kvksa esa leku gSA Iyxj dk ewoesaV vkSj izSflax LVst] nks vkuqikfrd okWYoksa ls lapkfyr gksrs gSaA tks mRiknu ds nkSjku] fcuk fdlh fofo/ krk ds vf/ kdre ncko

dks lVhd vkSj ckj&ckj] cuk, j[krs gSaA ih,p 10000 esa fo'ks"k :i ls ,d lqfo/kk gSA blds eq[; fgLlksa dks vyx djds b/kj&m/ kj Hkstk tk ldrk gS] vkSj lkbV ij bls fQj ls tksM+k tk ldrk gSA blls ifjogu ykxr de gks tkrh gSA ,D;qeqysVj lsV ds lkFk tqM+k ¶yks efYVIyk;j cgqr 'kkunkj gSA blls ih,p 10000 dk pØ cgqr NksVk gks tkrk gSA ;g Hkh izslj efYVIyk;j ds fy, vR;ar fo’oluh; gS] ftleas mPp ncko ls tqM+s {ks= 'kkfey gSa vkSj blfy, lfdZV dh [kqn dh fo'oluh;rk c<+ tkrh gSA lhjht dh vU; e’khuksa dh rjg] ;g e’khu Hkh ,d 'kfDr’kkyh bySDVªkWfud ^fnekx* }kjk lapkfyr gksrh gS] ftldk ncko fQYMcl }kjk lapkfyr gksrk gSA daVªksy fjlikal Vkbe vkSj lHkh vkWijsfVo ekinaMksa esa cf<+;k fu;a=.k] bu nksuksa gh n`f"Vdks.kksa ls ncko dks lapkfyr djuk ljy gS] tks fd vR;k/kqfud vxksZukWfed ekinaMksa ds vuqlkj cuk, x, ,d ;wtj ÝSaMyh fMLIys ds lkFk gSA bl daVªksy flLVe dk lokZf/ kd Rofjr ykHk e’khu ds pØ dks de djuk gS] ftlls ncko] xfr vkSj mRiknu c<+rk gSA [kir\ mRiknu ds çn'kZu ij le>kSrk fd, cxSj lSDeh dh ÅtkZ cpr dh uhfr dks viukrs gq, [kir ds Lrj dks U;wure fd;k x;k gSA fo'ks"k :i ls] ih,p 10000 esa lSDeh ds fMtkbu bathfu;jksa us mPp ÅtkZ cpr ds lkFk ,d fo'ks"k pØ ykxw fd;k gS vkSj lkFk gh] ykbu LVkWIl ds nkSjku ncko dh [kir can djus okys Qhpj ds lkFk e’khu miyC/k djkbZ gSA

We design you product


Bongioanni shapes the customer’s ideas both for coverings and for wall and facing materials transforming them in projects to create a perfect union between the aesthetic exigencies and the necessary technological features which determine the value of the product, such as characterization of the most valid geometry from the thermic point of view through the Lambda calculation, the mechanical resistance, the adequacy of the profile of the different phases of the production process and the fitting for the assembly.

Bongioanni Macchine S.p.A. Via Macallè, 36/44 12045 Fossano (CN) - Italy Tel. +39 0172 650511 Fax +39 0172 650550 www.bongioannimacchine.com info@bongioannimacchine.com

Bongioanni Stampi s.r.l. Via Salmour, 1/A 12045 Fossano (CN) Italy Tel. +39 0172 693553 Fax +39 0172 692785 www.bongioannistampi.com info@bongioannistampi.com



RIEDHAMMER Increasing energy costs and environmental obligations force manufacturers of industrial kiln plant and the ceramic industry in general to explore all available potential energy saving methods. One of customers’ main selection criteria when considering investment in new plant is energy efficiency and Riedhammer offers cutting-edge innovation and specific technical solutions to meet current challenges in this regard. The principal measures for enhanced energy efficiency in new plant comprise of the following: • energy-efficient engineering (EEE) • energy-management-system (EMS) and Reko burner system • integrated process control • internal heat re-use • combined re-use of thermal energy • Co-generation as a flexible and high efficient way to use available energy sources and recovery of waste energy. Furthermore, there are also technical alterations possible to existing kiln plant which can be realized with varying investment costs and effort to achieve more energy efficiency like: • high product setting density • directly re-used waste heat from the cooling zone • implementation of heat exchangers for the heat recovery • upgrade to pre-heated combustion air or secondary air. The main objective of the devel-

opments presented under the terms EMS, Reko system und Cogeneration consist in the significant energy savings combined with CO2 emission reduction and improved glaze quality on continuously and discontinuously operated kiln plants for sanitary ware production. Apart from the possibility of using the waste heat from the kiln plant for other purposes to improve the energy balance of the factory, the EMS presents the latest technology for optimizing the use of resources such as gas and electrical power which also contributes to an increase in product quality. Due to various hardware and software tools contained within the system which interact with the state-of-the-art kiln components, an extremely high performance level can be achieved to meet our customers’ demand for ecological and economical production plants for firing sanitary ware.

c<+rh ÅtkZ dherksa vkSj i;kZoj. kh; nkf;Roksa ds pyrs] vkS|ksfxd Hkëk la;a= vkSj phuh feêh m|ksx ds fuekZrk] ÅtkZ dh laHkkfor cpr ds rjhds ryk'kus ds fy, LokHkkfod rkSj ij etcwj gSaA u, IykaV esa fuos’k ij fopkj djus okys xzkgdksa ds p;u ds eq[; ekinaMsa esa ls ,d gS] ÅtkZ n{krkA vkSj jkbMgSej bl lanHkZ esa ekStwnk pqukSfr;ksa dk lkeuk djus ds fy, vR;k/kqfud fof’k"V lek/ kku miyC/k djkrk gSA u, IykaV esa ÅtkZ n{krk dks c<+kus ds cqfu;knh ekinaMksa ds fy, fuEufyf[kr dks lEefyr djrs gSa % • ÅtkZ l{ke bathfu;fjax ¼bZbZbZ½ • ÅtkZ izca/ku iz.kkyh ¼bZ,e,l½ vkSj jsdks cuZj iz.kkyh • ,dh—r çfØ;k fu;a=.k • vkarfjd xehZ iqu% mi;ksx • FkeZy ÅtkZ dk la;qä iqu% mi;ksx • miyC/k ÅtkZ lzksrksa vkSj vif'k"V ÅtkZ dh olwyh dk

mi;ksx djus ds fy, ,d yphyk vkSj mPp dq'ky rjhds ds :i esa lg&mRiknuA blds vykok] ekStwnk Hkëk la;a= ds fy, rduhdh fodYi Hkh laHko gSa ftls cnyrh gqbZ fuos’k ykxr vkSj vf/kd ÅtkZ l{kerk gkfly djus ds ç;kl ds lkFk eglwl fd;k tk ldrk gS tSls% • mPp mRikn lsfVax ?kuRo • BaMs {ks= ls lh/ks fQj ls bLrseky dh xbZ cckZn xehZZ • xehZ nqckjk ls ikus ds fy, ghV ,DlpsatlZ dk dk;kZUo;u • iwoZ&xeZ ngu gok ;k f}fr;d gok esa uohuhdj.k dkj[kkus ds ÅtkZ larqyu esa lq/ kkj djus ds fy,] Hkëk la;a= ls cckZn xehZ mi;ksx djus dh laHkkouk ds brj] bZ,e,l] xSl vkSj fctyh ds :i esa lalk/kuksa ds mi;ksx dk vuqdwyu ds fy, uohure rduhd çLrqr djrk gS tks fd mRikn dh xq.koÙkk dks Hkh c<krh gSA iz.kkyh ds Hkhrj fufgr fofHkUu gkMZos;j vkSj lkW¶Vos;j midj.kksa ds dkj.k] tks fd HkV~Vs ds ?kVdksa ls lac) gksrs gSa] gekjs xzkgdksa dh i;kZoj.kh; vkSj fdQk;rh mRiknu la;a=ksa dh ekax dks ,d cgqr mPp izn’kZu Lrj rd gkfly fd;k tk ldrk gSA

mPp ncko dkfLVax lek/kku ds {ks= es]a lSDeh u;k ,ohch dkfLVax cSp a Hkh izLrqr djrk gS tks fd mRikndksa dks 2] 3] 4 ;k 5 Hkkx dk mi;ksx dj lkeku cukus ds fy, vuqefr nsrk gSA ,,y,l ds leku dh lajpuk ds lkFk gh] ok'kcsflu] flad] iSMfs LVvYl] LDoSV vkfn çdkj VSd a vkSj fyM vkfn Hkh cuk, tk ldrs gSa vkSj vc [kqyk fje MCywlh cukuk Hkh laHko gSA MCyw lh nhokj ij Vkadus okyk ;k Q’kZ ij yxk gqvk gks ldrk gSA mRikn feJ.k ds fy, cnyko dh fLFkfr es]a ,,y,l dks ,ohch esa ifjofrZr fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj

bldk mYVk fd;k Hkh tk ldrk gSA ubZ cSVjh O;ofLFkr e’khu ls mPp mRiknd nj gkfly dh tk ldrh gSA u, lk¡ps dh la[;k lVhd ç.kkyh foU;kl vkSj vko';d mRikndrk ds vk/kkj ij fHkUu gks ldrh gSAa tks fd ,d ckj esa Q’kZ&ekmUVsM ds fy, 10 MCyqlh ckmYl vkSj nhokj ij Vkadu okys 8 gks ldrs gSAa ;gka rd fd e'khu dh Hkh yackbZ lk¡ps dh la[;k ds fglkc ls pquk tk ldrh gS ftls fd fuekZrk ¼4 laLdj.k miyC/k½ dks baLVky djus dk bjknk j[krk gksA Lopkyu ds fofHkUu Lrjksa dks Hkh

SACMI WHITEWARE In the field of high pressure casting solutions, Sacmi presents the new AVB casting bench, which allows producers to make articles using 2, 3, 4 or 5-part moulds. With the same structure as the ALS, designed to cast washbasins, sinks, pedestals, squat-type WCs, tanks and lids, it is now possible to make open-rim WCs. The WCs may be of the wall-hung or floor-mounted type. In the event of a change to the product mix, the ALS can be converted into an AVB, and vice versa.


The new battery-arranged machine allows very high output rates to be achieved. The number of moulds may vary depending on exact system configuration and required productivity, up to a maximum of 10 WC bowls for floor-mounted types and 8 for wall-hung ones. Even the length of the machine can be chosen according to the number of moulds the producer intends to install (4 versions available). Different levels of automation

C era mic W o rld Review India 2014

can also be applied: de-moulding may be automatic following installation of a robot, or can be manual, servo-assisted by a zeroweight lifter. Outstanding machine flexibility also makes it possible to produce different models with different casting cycles simultaneously. The AVB features all the trademark functions of Sacmi machines: proportional hydraulics to maximise the working life of the moulds, maximum casting pressure of 15 bar, the possibility of applying vacuum to the moulds and being able to change them without having to dismantle the container frames. The AVB responds perfectly to the need to produce econom-

ical WCs; an alternative to traditional casting, it reduces both space and labour requirements while improving the quality of the finished product thanks to the use of porous resin moulds. Sacmi is able to provide the complete modelling, mould machine and piece maturing package, tailor-made to suit the customer’s specific requirements.

ykxw fd;k tk ldrk gSA Mh&eksfYMax ,d jkscksV dk Lopkfyr baLVkys’ku gks ldrk gS] ;k fQj eSuqvy gks ldrk gSA e'khu dk csgrjhu yphykij fofHkUu ekWMyks]a fofo/k ekWMyksa dks cukus ds fy, ,d lkFk fofo/k dkfLVax lkbfdy ekWMy mRikfnr djrs gSAa ,ohch] lSDeh e’khu ds lHkh VªM s ekdZ QaD’kuksa dks n’kkZrk gS% eksYMksa ds dk;Z thou dks c<+kus ds fy, vkuqiikfrd

gkbMªkfs yd] 15 ckjksa dk vf/kdre dkfLVax ncko] eksYMksa esa fuokZr cuk ldus dh laHkkouk vkSj fcuk daVus j Ýseksa dks fo?kfVr fd, muesa ls 6 dks cnyukA ,ohch ,d ijaijkxr dkfLVax ds fodYi ds rkSj ij fdQk;rh MCywlh ds mRiknu dh t:jr dks Bhd ls fuHkkrk gS] ;g rS;kj mRikn dh xq.koRrk dks c<+krs gq,] txg vkSj Je nksuksa gh vko';drkvksa dks de dj nsrk gSA >j>jk jky molds ds mi;ksx ds fy, rS;kj mRikn /kU;okn dh xq.koÙkk esa lq/kkj djrs gq, ikjaifjd dkfLVax ds fy, ,d fodYi gS] ;g lSDeh xzkgdksa dh fof’k"V vko’;drkvksa dks iwjk djus ds fy, lai.w kZ ekWMfyax] eksYM e’khu vkSj ihl eSP;qfjax iSdt s ] Vsyj&esM miyC/k djkus esa l{ke gSA Vsyj&esM miyC/k djkus esa l{ke gSA ADVERTISING



GAIOTTO AUTOMATION Gaiotto Automation, the international robotized solutions specialist, is proud to present a wide range of solutions conforming to the different technical needs and budget availability of the users. GA2000 robot: It is the widely successful self-learning robot. Able to be ceiling-mounted without any mechanical or electronic modifications, the machine has been designed to work in perfect harmony with existing carousels, transfer units and conveyors, whatever the painting plant layout: longitudinal, centralised or combined. The many features that ensure user-friendly control and ease of maintenance include 6 hermetically sealed gearmotors with a minimum number of connections, protective casings on all the motors and easy access to all moving parts. The Robot uses a multiple programming: self-learning, point-to-point and off-line. The offline 7WD (7 work digital axes) is the most innovative one, an applying solution which allows to automatically simulate the trajectories and generate the glazing programs by the piece digitalization and its following modelling. The 6 axes of the Robot and the 7th of the turntable, are coordinated in order to optimize the movements of the Robot in trajectories, the most possible linear and fluid. This allows a particular reduction in cycle time and overspray while being easily seated in front of our own desktop without stopping production. GA-OL robot: It is the new robot by Gaiotto specially designed for offline programming. More straightforward compared to GA2000 robot as it does not feature a selflearning function but built according to the same kinematics as the older model, by making the full use of any software generated by self-learning robot. The Brushless motor controlled, non reversible precision reduction gear system guarantees excellent accuracy and repeatability of all axis movements. Hermetically sealed gearmotors, protective casings on all the motors and minimised number of connections all guaranteeing a suitable protection degree. Maintenance can be carried out


in a user-friendly manner thanks to easy access to all moving parts. GA-OL robot may also be topmounted without any mechanical or changes being required. The two robots models above mentioned have been designed to be interfaced with external devices such as: • “Visus Pro”: visus system studied to recognize the different types of pieces and adjust the programs trajectories according to their real position. The system uses the principle of the programs translation on the Cartesian plane. • “Mass Control”: automatic system for the glaze deliveries management. The system allows the regulation of the sprayed product by carrying out measurements and regulations 25 times at second. Gaiotto, during the last Tecnargilla exhibition, presented a new model with electronics integrated inside the Robot control board; this will allow an high simplification of the devices by collecting all the function in an unique operator interface. This system is important to allow the saving and optimization of the sprayed product. GA/F-OL robot: It is the Gaiotto’s recommendation for all those who wish to introduce an otimised automatic solution in the form of Fanuc robot. Full compatibility with the Gaiotto off-line programming software package and full integration with the glaze flow rate control system (Mass Control). The wrist joint load and the working range specifications are comparable to Gaiotto robots. This robot can be top-mounted or wallmounted without any mechanical or electronic changes being required.

Cera mic W o rld Review India 2014

varjk"Vªh; jkscksVhd`r lek/ kku fo’ks"kK] xSvksVks vkWVkses’ku] mi;ksxdrkZvksa fofo/k rduhdh t:jrksa vkSj ctV miyC/krk laca/ kh lek/kkuksa dh ,d foLr`r jsat izLrqr djus ds fy, xkSjokfUor gSA th,2000 jkscksV& ;g foLr`r :i ls lQy lsYQ&yfuZx jkscksV gSA fcuk fdlh ;kaf=d ;k bysDVªkWfud la’kks/kuksa ds ;g e’khu dgha Hkh p<+us esa l{ke gSA e’khu bl rjg fMtkbu dh xbZ gS fd og ekStwnk dsjlsy] VªkalQj ;wfuVksa vkSj dUos;jksa ds lkFk iw.kZ lkeatL; ls dke dj lds] pkgs tSls Hkh IykaV ysvkmV fpf=r fd;k x;k gksA pkgs og yacor gks ;k dsanzhd`r ;k fQj nksuksaA dbZ Qhpj gSa tks ;wtj&ÝSaMyh lapkyu vkSj j[kj[kko esa ljy gSaA blesa] U;wure dusD’ku la[;k] lHkh eksVjksa dh lqj{kkRed dsflax vkSj lHkh ewfoax fgLlksa rd vklku igqap ds lkFk] 6 ok;q:n~/k <ax ls can fd, x, xs;jeksVlZ 'kkfey gSaA jkscksV dbZ çksxzkfeax dk mi;ksx djrk gS% lsYQ yfuZax] IokbaV Vw IokbaV vkSj vkWQ ykbuA vkWQ&ykbu 7MCywMh ¼7 odZ MhftVy ,Dlsl½ lcls vfHkuo gSA ;g ,d lek/kku gS tks VªktsDVªht dk vuqdj.k djrk gS vkSj fMftVyhdj.k vkSj vius ckn dh ekWMfyax ls Xysftax dk;ZØeksa dks mRiUu djrk gSA jkscksV dh 6 dqYgkfM+;ka ¼,Dlst½ vkSj VuZVscy dh 7oha dqYgkM+h] lokZf/kd lh/ kh vkSj rjy VªktsDVªht esa jkscksV dh xfrfof/k laHko djus ds fy, lefUor gSaA blesa fcuk mRiknu jksds] vklkuh ls vius MSLdVkWi ds lkeus cSBdj] le;&pØ esa fo’ks"k rkSj ij deh vkSj vksojLizs laHko gSA th,&vks , y jkscksV% ;g [kklrkSj ij vkW Q &ykbu izksxzkfeax ds fy, xSvksVks dk ,d u;k jkscksV gSA th,2000 jkscksV dh rqyuk esa

;g vf/kd ljy gS] gkykafd blesa lsYQ&yfuZax QaD’ku dh lqfo/kk ugha gS ysfdu lsYQ&yfuZax jkscksV }kjk mRiUu fdlh Hkh lkW¶Vos;j dks iz;ksx djds] bls iqjkus ekWMy ds leku fdusesfVDl ds vuqlkj cuk;k x;k gSA cz’k eksVj }kjk lapkfyr] ukWu fjolsZcy izsfltu fjMD’ku fx;j iz.kkyh] lHkh v{kksa dh xfrfof/k;ksa dh mR—"Vrk lVhdrk vkSj mls yxkrkj nksgjkus dh xkjaVh nsrh gSA Bhd <ax ls can fx;jeksVlZ] lHkh eksVlZ dh lqj{kkRed dsflax vkSj dusD’kuksa dh U;wure la[;k] mi;qä laj{k.k fMxzh xkjaVh nsrs gSaA j[kj[kko ;wtj ÝSaMyh rjhds ls Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gSA th,&vks,y jkscksV dks fcuk fdlh ;kaf=d ;k vko’;d ifjorZu ds p<+k;k tk ldrk gSA Åij mYyf[kr nks jkscksV ekWMy] ckº; midj.kksa ls baVjQsl djus ds fy, fMtkbu dh xbZ gS] tSls% • ^^foll izks**% foll iz.kkyh fofHkUu izdkj ds VqdM+ksa dks igpkuus dk v/;;u djrh gS vkSj izksxzke VªStSDVjh dks mudh vly fLFkr ds vuqlkj feyku djrh gSA ;g iz.kkyh] dVsZfl;u Iysu es dk;ZØeksa ds vuqokn ds fl)karksa dk iz;ksx djrh gSA • ^^ekl daVªksy**% Xyst forj.k izca/ ku ds fy, Lopkfyr iz.kkyhA ;g iz.kkyh ,d lsdaM esa 25 ckj ekidksa vkSj fu;eksa ds tfj, fNM+dko mRiknksa ¼LizsM izksMDVksa½ ds fu;eu dh vuqefr nsrh gSA vafre VSDukWfxZyk izn’kZuh esa] xSvksVks us jkscksV fu;a=.k cksMZ ds vanj ,dhd`r bySDVªkfuDl ds lkFk ,d u;k ekWMy izLrqr fd;kA ;g ,d ;wuhd v‚ijsVj baVjQsl esa lHkh QaD’kuksa dks ,d= djds cgqr ljyhdj.k dj nsxkA fNM+dko mRikn dh cpr vkSj vuqdwyu ds fy, ;g iz.kkyh t:jh gSA th,@,Q&vks,y jkscksV % xSvksVks mu lHkh ds fy, bldh laLrqfr djrk gS tks QkukSd jkscksV ls vuqdwfyr vkWVksesfVd lek/ kku is’k djuk pkgrs gSaA xSvksVks vkWQ&ykbu izksxzkfeax lkW¶Vos;j iSdst vkSj Xyst ¶yks jsV daVªksy iz.kkyh ¼ekl daVªksy½ ds iwjh rjg vuqdwyA fjLV TokbaV yksM vkSj dk;Z {ks=ksa dk fofunsZ’ku xSvksVks jkscksVksa ls rqyuh; gSA ;g jkscksV fcuk fdlh e’khuh ;k vko’;dh; bySDVªkfud cnykoksa ds dgha Hkh p<+ mrj ldrk gSA




Upward is a new machine designed by Setec for the automatic internal glazing of WCs, or more specifically, siphons and rims. This system allows users to solve the practical issues that are often encountered during the internal glazing of a component. Some parts of the siphon and the rim are not easily accessible due to their specific shape, and so the only way to achieve a uniform glaze application is to fill the component entirely. Upward allows for this filling to be performed automatically from above, using a suspended tank, which allows uniform spreading of the enamel and prevents the accumulation of dirt and dust on surfaces - a problem which is difficult to overcome when filling from below. A specially-designed emptying system serves to eliminate excess product and seal the remaining glaze onto the inner walls of the WC-bowl. An automatic two-way tipping system ensures complete emptying of the bowl and perfect distribution of the enamel on the inner surfaces. Each stage of the glazing process is controlled by a modern touch-screen PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) that allows users to set the type of bowl to be

glazed (P-shaped or S-shaped siphon), and produces information on timings, delay, angles and a range of other parameters. The machine can be used to glaze standard-type bowls as well as one-piece WCs, and is equipped with all possible options, including stainless steel external tank, vibrating sieve, magnet filter, glaze suspension mixer, pneumatic pumps, suspended tank, drip sponge and level sensors. These accessories ensure that the glaze is kept clean and at the proper density, as well as preventing drips and other slight imperfections. The machine is made entirely of stainless steel in order to withstand the corrosive action of the ceramic glazes, and the software is quick to install and easy to use.

Åij lSVsd }kjk MCyqlh dhs vkWVksesfVd baVjuy Xysftax fMtkbu dh xbZ ,d ubZ e’khu gS] ;k vf/kd Li"V :i ls flQksal vkSj fjEl gSaA ;g flLVe mi;ksxdrkZ dks O;kogkfjd elyksa dks gy djus nsrk gS] tks fd vDlj fdlh fgLls esa vkarfjd Xysftax ds nkSjku fn[kkbZ iM+ tkrs gSaA flQkSu vkSj fje ds dqN fgLls vius vkdkj ds dkj.k vklkuh ls igqp esa ugha gSa] vkSj blfy, ,d :i Xyst djuk flQZ lexz fgLls dks iwjh rjg ls Hkj dj gh laHko gSA bls ,d fuyafcr VSad dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] Lopkfyr :i ls Åij ls Hkjk tkrk gS ftlls ,dlkj jax QSyrk gS vkSj lrg ij /kwy vkSj feV~Vh ds teko Hkh ugha gksrkA uhps ls Hkjus esa ;g fnDdr vkrh gSA fo’ks"k rkSj ij fMtkbu fd;k x;k [kkyh djus okyk flL-

Ve] vfrfjDr mRikn dks [kRe dj nsrk gS vkSj 'ks"k Xyst dks MCywlh&dVksjs dh nhokjksa esa can dj nsrk gSA ,d Lopkfyr nksrjQk fVfiax flLVe] dVksjs ds iwjh rjg [kkyh gksus vkSj Hkhrjh lrgksa esa jaxkbZ dk fcYdqy ,dlkj gksuk lqfuf’pr djrk gSA Xysftax izfØ;k dk izR;sd Lrj ,d ekWMuZ Vp LØhu ih,ylh ¼funsZ'k;ksX; rdZ fu;a=d½ tks fd XysTM fd, tkus okys dVksjs ds izdkj dks ¼ih 'ksi gS ;k ,l 'ksi½ lsV djus nsrk gS vkSj le;] nsjh] dks.k vkSj fofo/k vU; ekudksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjh iSnk djrk gSA e’khu ekud fdLe ds ckmYl ¼dVksjs½ dks Xyst djus ds lkFk gh] MCywlh ds ,d fgLls] vkSj ;FkklaHko lHkh fodYiksa] ftlesa taxjfgr LVhy ds ckgjh VSad] okbczsfVax pyuh] pqacd fQYVj] Xyst lLisU'ku feDlj] ok;oh; iai] lLisaMsM VSad] fMªi Liat vkSj lsalj Lrj 'kkfey gSa dks Xyst djus esa iz;ksx dh tk ldrh gSA ;s lkeku lqfuf’pr djrs gSa fd Xyst LoPN vkSj mfpr ?kuRo ij gqvk gS] lkFk gh Vidus vkSj vU; ekewyh [kkfe;ksa dks jksdrk gSA e'khu iwjh rjg fljsfed Xyst dh {k;dkjh dkjZokbZ dk lkeuk djus ds Øe esa iwjh rjg taxjks/kd LVhy dh cuh gS vkSj lkW¶Vos;j tYnh ls baLVky gksus okyk vkSj iz;ksx djus esa vklku gSA

Cyhp vkSj fljsfed Xyst vo;oksa ds vkiwfrZdrkZ jhfeDl dh LFkkiuk 2009 esa gq;hA ;g lhchlh lewg ,oa vkbZ-,e-,-,Q¼[kfut f?klkbZ fo'ks"kK½ lh -chlh- ¼dPps eky vkSj [kfut dk vkiwfrZdrkZ½ dk gh vax gSA lhchlh lewg us bl {ks= esa viuk uke ,d vfrfof'k"V daiuh ds :i esa LFkkfir fd;k gS vkSj ;g lewg ds fofo/k daifu;ksa ds vlk/kkj.k O;kolkf;d ,drk

vkSj vkilh lg;ksx ls gh laHko gks ik;k gSA ;g lewg bVyh vkSj varjkZ"Vªh; xzkgdksa dks u dsoy fof'k"V mRikn eqgS;k djkrh gS ftles ifj"—r ,oa vnZ~/k&ifj"—r mRikn 'kkfey gSa] cfYd vU;kU; lsok,¡ Hkh eqgS;k djkrh gSA eksMsauht dh fljsfed 'kgj dh pkj fHkUu LFkkuksa ls lapkfyr ;g lewg mRiknksa dh fof'k"V vko';äkvksa dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, vius

REMIX - CBC GROUP Remix, the bleach and ceramic glaze compound supplier, was established in 2009 and is part of the CBC Group inlcuding also I.M.A.F (specializing in mineral grinding) and CBC, supplier of raw materials and ceramic bodies. The CBC Group has established itself as one of the leading companies in its field, thanks to the high level of professionalism


and the synergy among the participant companies which can provide exclusive products, both finished and semi-finished, and offer a bespoke service to both Italian and international clients. Operating from 4 different sites across the Modenese ceramics district, the Group has access to grinding and composting facilities enabling it to prepare and supply very quickly

Cera mic W o rld Review India 2014

the required products in liquid or spray form, according to the specific production requirements. Within the field of bleaches and glaze compounds, Remix has built its company philosophy upon a commitment to constant technical product research, a trait which has led to the company becoming one of the world leaders in its sector. Bleach - one of the most important products in the range, and produced using synthetic elements - was developed to replace zirconium silicate and is available for use with porcelain tiles, glazes and digital inks. Remix bleach is cheaper and more stably priced than zirconium silicate; its use also avoids the problems associated with radioac-

tivity regulations in force in some countries. For best results in terms of efficacy, the bleach should be used in the same ratio as zirconium silicate, replacing it completely without altering the end result. To ensure maximum versatility, Remix has produced three categories of bleach: for ceramic bodies (completely non-radioactive), for engobes and for ceramic glaze. The latest innovation developed as a result of Remix’s research is a bleach for use in the production of sanitaryware.

f?klkbZ ,oa dEiksfLVax dsUæksa esa fyfDoM vkSj Lçs ds :i esa miyC/k djkrh gSA Cyhp ,oa Xyst inkFkksaZ ds {ks= esa jhfeDl daiuh dk n'kZu – bldh bZekunkj rduhdh mRikn vkSj 'kks/k ds çfr bldh çfrc)rk gS] blh fof'k"Vrk us bls bl {ks= esa nqfu;k dk ,d vxz.kh uke cuk fn;k gS Cyhp& bl J`a[kyk ds mRiknksa esa ,d egÙoiw.kZ mRikn gS ftls la'ysf"kr vo;oksa ls mRikfnr fd;k tkrk gS] bls ftdksZfu;e flfydsV ls çfrLFkkfir djus ds fy, fodflr fd;k x;k

vkSj vkt ;g ikslZyhu VkbYl] Xyst vkSj fMftVy bad ds :i esa mi;ksx ds fy, miyC/k gSA Cyhp lLrk gS vkSj ftdksZfu;e flfydsV dh rqyuk esa bldh dher esa T;knk fLFkjrk gS ,oa bldk mi;ksx mu ns'kksa esa Hkh fcuk fdlh ijs'kkuh ds fd;k tk ldrk gS tgka jsfM;ks/kfeZrk ls tqM+s dkuwu ykxw gSaA çHkkoksRikndrk dh –f"V ls Hkh Cyhp dks ftdksZfu;e flfydsV ds gh vuqikr esa ç;ksx esa yk;k tkrk gS bl çdkj fcuk ifj. kke cnys bls çfrLFkkfir fd;k tk ldrk gSA vR;f/kd fofo/krk lqfuf'pr djus ds mís'; ls jhfeDl us Cyhp ds rhu oxZ cuk, gSa ¼fljsfed inkFkksaZ ds fy, iw.kZr% vjsfM;ks/kehZ½ ,Uxksal ds ,oa fljsfed Xyst ds fy,] jhfeDl us u, 'kks/k us ,d vkSj u;k Cyhp fodflr fd;k gS ftldk ç;ksx lSfuVjhos;j ds mRiknu esa gksrk gSA ADVERTISING



POPPI CLEMENTINO Poppi Clementino operates in the field of energy saving and protection of the environment and has gained experience all over the world. In particular, it offers an energy check-up service capable of analysing a company’s current situation and offering solutions tailored to its specific needs. Optimising energy usage and reintroducing waste energy into the production system can considerably reduce consumption without altering the production cycle. The most energy-intensive machines in the ceramic industry are spray dryers and dryers. The first source of recovered energy originates from the kiln cooling air, which unlike kiln flue gases can be introduced directly into the energy-intensive machines without the need to be treated. Flue gases on the other hand have to pass through a system to reduce pollutants which might damage the machines. A distinction can be drawn between two kinds of systems depending on whether the waste energy is recovered directly or indirectly, although in reality the two systems can be integrated. In the figure below, we can see that the energy recovered from 5 kilns is used to feed 2 spray dryers and 8 dryers, of which 5 are vertical and 3 are horizontal. Poppi Clementino technology is able to create a kind of “energy bank” that can channel the available hot air volumes giving precedence either to the spray dryers or to the dryers according to production requirements. In this specific case, the hot air originating from the kiln cooling system is channelled to the user devices by means of a duct. This is connected to another pipe coming from a heat exchanger which


generates hot air using the heat contained in the kiln flue gases. After the two branches have merged, the duct has a larger diameter so as to be able to transport the larger available air volumes, which are then channelled towards the individual user devices. Various pressure switches and thermocouples are installed along the route and serve to measure the available flowrates in real time to determine the potential reduction in use of the burners installed on the spray dryers and dryers. Looking in greater detail, the installed heat exchanger is a selfcleaning plate type to avoid the various problems that may occur when using classic shell and tube type exchangers. This machine is able to generate an airflow of around 25,000 Nm3/h at 180°C, which added to the 50,000 Nm3/h at 165°C from kiln cooling results in an “energy bank” of 75,000 Nm3/h at 170°C. The available flow can be completely used by the energy-intensive machines without in any way altering their operation, resulting for example in a 20% reduction in the energy consumption of the spray dryers and a 25-30% reduction in that of the dryers. To convert the effective flowrate in m3/h of hot air into m3/h of CH4, it is necessary to

Cera mic W o rld Review India 2014

i‚ih DysfeUVsuks ds oSf'od Lrj ij mtkZ&cpr ,oa i;kZoj.k&laj{k.k ds {ks= esa dk;Z djus dk fo'kn vuqHko gSA [kklrkSj ls ;g daifu;ksa ds rkRdkfyd fLFkfr;ksa dk fo'ys"k.k dj mudh t#jr ds vuq:i mUgsa ,uthZ psd&vi lsok eqgS;k djkrh gSA mtkZ dk leqfpr mi;ksx vkSj mRiknu–ra= esa fQtwy esa cckZn gksrh ÅtkZ dks fdlh çdkj bLrseky esa ykus ls mtkZ ds [kpZ dks cxSj mRiknu&pØ esa ifjorZu fd;s jksdk tk ldrk gSA fljsfed m|ksx esa Lçs Mªk;j vkSj Mªk;j tSls midj.k gSa ftlesa lokZf/kd ÅtkZ dh [kir gksrh gSA iqu% ç;ksx esa yk;h tkus okyh ÅtkZ dk igyk lzksr gok dks 'khry djus okyh Hkêh gS ftls xSl fpeuh okyh Hkêh ds brj mtkZ l?ku midj.kksa esa bLrseky dh tk ldrh gS og Hkh fcuk mipkfjr fd;s gq,A fpeuh okyh xSlksa dks ogh¡ nwljh vksj ,slh O;oLFkk ls fuiVuk gksrk gS ftlls çnw"k.k dke ij blls e'khuksa dks uqdlku gks ldrk gSA bu nksuksa flLVe esa bl vk/kkj ij foHksn fd;k tk ldrk gS fd fQtwy [kpZ gksrh ÅtkZ dks çR;{k ;k vçR;{k :i ls ç;ksx esa yk;k tk lds tcfd gdhdr esa bu nksuksa dks tksM+k tk ldrk gSA vkxs mfYyf[kr vkadM+ksa ls ge ;g ns[k ldrs gSa fd ik¡p Hkfê;ksa ls ÅtkZ dks iqu% çkIr dj bldk ç;ksx ge nks Lçs Mªk;j ;k vkB

Mªk;j esa dj ldrs gSa ftles ik¡p m/kZ~ok/kj gksrs gSa vkSj rhu {kSfrtA i‚ih DysfeUVsuks rduhd ÅtkZ cSad dk ,d çdkj cukus esa l{ke gS tks miyC/k xeZ ok;q dh çcyrk dks ojh;rk ds vk/kkj ij ,oa mRiknu dh t:jrksa dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, Lçs Mªk;j ;k Mªk;j rd igqapk,A dqN fof'k"V ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa Hkêh dh dwfyax flLVe ls miUu xeZ ok;q dks ufydk ds ek/;e ls igqapk;k tkrk gS] ;g ghV ,Dlpsatj ls fudys ,d nwljs ikbi ls tqM+k gksrk gS tks Hkêh ds fpeuh xSlksa esa ekStwn xehZ ls xeZ gksrk gS tc bu nksuksa 'kk[kkvksa dks ,d dj fn;k tkrk gS rks ufydk dk O;kl c<+ tkrk gS vkSj ;g cM+h ek=k esa ok;q dks ys tkus esa l{ke gks tkrk gS rc bls vyx –vyx mi;ksx esa yk;s tkus okys la;a=ksa ls tksM+ fn;k tkrk gSA vusdksa çs'kj Lohp vkSj FkeksZdiYl dks chp&chp esa yxkdj [kkl le; esa ;g x.kuk dh tkrh gS fd Lçs Mªk;j vkSj Mªk;j esa yxs cuZj dM+s mi;ksx esa fdruh laHkkO; deh vk jgh gS ;fn foLr`r :i bldk voyksdu fd;k tk; rks irk pyrk gS fd la;a= esa LFkkfir fd;k gqvk ghV ,Dlpsatj ,d lsYQ&Dyhfuax IysV gh gksrk vkSj cgqrsjs leL;kvksa ls futkr fnykrk gS tc Dykfld 'ksy vkSj Vîwc Vkbi ,Dlpsatj dk mi;ksx gks jgk gksA bl e'khu dh {kerk 180°lsrkieku ij 25000 U;w-?kuehçfr?kaVk rd ok;q çokg iSnk djus dh gS ftls Hkêh 'khryd ij 165°lsrkieku ij 50000 ?ku U;w-eh çfr?kaVk ls tksM+us ij 170 lsds rkieku ij 75000 U;w-?ku eh çfr?kaVk ds :i esa ,uthZ cSad esa ifj.kr gks trk gS bl miyC/k ok;q&çokg dk ,uthZ balsafVo midjj.kksa ds }kjk cxSj muds v‚ijs'ku ds cnys fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj blls Lçs&Mªk;j }kjk ÅtkZ ds bLrseky esa 20% dh dVkSrh gks tkrh gS] Mªk;j ds ekeys esa ;g 25 ls 30% rd gks tkrh gS] m".k ok;q ds çHkko'kkyh

determine the quantity of kcal/h available and divide this figure by a coefficient of 8,250, which is the heating value of natural gas. In this specific case we obtain an hourly saving of 395 Stm3/h of CH4. Considering an average cost of 0.30 euro/Stm3 of CH4, this plant guarantees an hourly saving of 118.50 euro, which multiplied by a production time of 7,000 hours/year corresponds to a total saving of 829,500.00 euro. From this we need to subtract the plant management costs, which in this case are limited to the higher electrical consumption of the inverterized installed fans. Along with the benefit of around 829,500.00 euro/year obtained from direct fuel savings, another major contribution comes from white certificates issued accord-

ing to the number of TOE (tons of oil equivalent) saved. At present these incentives are only available in Italy through companies called ESCO and have a duration of 5 years. An installation of this kind may save 2,600 TOE/ year, convertible to 234,000.00 euro/year obtained through this contribution. All plants are supplied with legally valid instruments to measure the values subsequently used by the ESCO. The guaranteed performance of the system is determined on the basis of the data measured by these instruments. The savings allow for a very rapid return on the investment (10-16 months), which is achieved without affecting production setup due to the fully automatic operation of the energy recovery system.

çokg nj dks CH4 esa ifjofrZr djus ds fy, ;g vko';d gS ge çk—fVd xSl ds m".krk&ewY; tks 8250 dk xq.kkad dk gksrk gS ls foHkkftr dj nsaA fof'k"V ekeyksa esa ge CH4 ds 395 LVksu ?ku eh-çfr?kaVk dh cpr ik ldrs gSaA CH4 ds 0-30 ;wjks/ LVksu ?ku eh-çfr?kaVk dks vkSlr ekurs gq, ;g e'khu 118-50 ;wjks çfr ?kaVk dh cpr dh xkjaVh nsrk gS vkSj ;gh ;fn iwjs o"kZ ds :i esa tksM+k tk, rks mRiknu ds ,d o"kZ esa ?kaVksa ds vuqlkj ;g x.kuk 7000 ?kaVk çfr o"kZ gksrh gS vkSj blls dqy 829]500 ;wjks dh cpr gksrh gSA vc gesa e'khu ds çcU/ku&ykxr dks ?kVkus dh t:jr gS tks bl ekeys esa baoVkZjkbTM baLVkYM QSu }kjk vR;f/kd fctyh ds [kir dks lhfer djus ls tqM+k gqvk gSA çR;{k bZa/ku ds [kir esa 829]500 ;wjks dh çfro"kZ dh cpr ds ckn

nwljk cM+k ;ksxnku Vhvksb ¼TOE) ds cpr ds 'osri= ds :i esa vkxs vkrk gSA ,sls balsafVo dsoy bVyh esa gh dqN daifu;ksa ds ek/;e ls miyC/k gS ftUgsa ESCO dgk tkrk gS tks ik¡p o"kZ rd miyC/k djk;s tkrs gSa bUgsa vf/k"Bkfir djus ls 26000 TOE dh cpr gksrh gS bl çdkj 234]000 ;wjks çfro"kZ dh cpr gksrh gS bu lHkh la;a=ks ls fof/kd :i ls çekf.kr miLdjksa dh vkiwfrZ gksrh gS ftls ewY; dk vkdyu gks lds ESCO ftldk mi;ksx djrk gSA bu midj.kksa }kjk vkadM+ksa dh x.kuk dj la;a= ds çn'kZu dh xkjaVh nh tkrh gSA ykxr dh okilh fuos'k ds 10 ls 16 eghus ds Hkhrj dj nh tkrh gS blls mRiknu&{kerk ij Hkh vlj ugha gksrk D;ksafd ;g ÅtkZ dh fjdojh iwjs Lopkfyr rjhds ls djrh gSA



BOOTH A # 198

BOOTH A# 111



EBI-CERAMICURE To reduce the refire rate in the sanitaryware industry, Ebi-Ceramicure has developed CeramiCure® Light Cure Acrylic (LCA™), the original, complete sanitary ceramic and porcelain repair solution for making virtually invisible repairs of minor glaze defects (pits, iron spots, small chips and pinholes). Made of a high-tech nano-acrylic developed originally for a variety of medical applications, repairs using the LCA™ material withstand moisture, cleansers and heat up to 285°F and will not yellow, fade or fall out over time. CeramiCure® LCA™ is available in more than 200 colors (with custom matching available prior to ordering, so mixing of colors is not required). Non-toxic, fast-curing and easy to use, the CeramiCure® LCA™ repair solution is efficient quality one can see. Utilizing the CeramiCure® LCA™ repair process will allow to reduce re-fire rates, minimize repair costs and time, increase productivity and kiln capacity and reduce gas, oil and electricity consumption, while simultaneously decreasing CO2 output. CeramiCure® LCA™ will allow sanitaryware producing company to enjoy additional Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing benefits while being “green.” Another item in the CeramiCure® range, is CeramiCure® Self Cure Acrylic (SCA™), the original complete sani-


tary ceramic and porcelain repair solution for the restoration of previously unusable cracked or scrapped pieces. Based on the technology of the CeramiCure® LCA™ material, CeramiCure® SCA™ allows for the repairs of larger cracks in sanitary ware pieces, even those cracks located below the waterline. The CeramiCure® SCA™ solution utilizes a number of innovative non-toxic acrylic and composite materials to make structurally sound, leakproof repairs that were previously impossible to make. Scrapped pieces can now be transformed into saleable, profitable pieces with quick, easy and cost-effective repairs utilizing the CeramiCure® SCA™ material. Just as with the CeramiCure® LCA™ repair material, utilizing the CeramiCure® SCA™ material to turn scrap pieces into saleable inventory allows for higher profit margins through increased productivity and kiln capacity, resulting in decreased energy usage and costs, and reduced overall CO2 output.

Cera mic W o rld Review India 2014

LoPNrk mRikn m|ksx esa fjQk;j nj dks de djus ds fy;s] ,ch&fljsfeD;ksj us ped lacfa /kr =qfV;ksa ¼xM~<]s yksgs ds nkx] NksVs [kaM vkSj fiugksy½ dh vka[kksa ls u fn[kus okys lq/kkj cukus ds fy;s ,d okLrfod] iw.kZ lQkbZ fljsfed vkSj iksflZyhu lq/kkj lkWY;w’ku fljsfeD;ksj® ykbV D;ksj ,fØfyd ¼,ylh, ™) dk fodkl fd;k gSA okLrfod rkSj ij fofHkUu izdkj ds fpfdRlh; vuqi;z ksxksa ds fy;s fodflr mPp rduhd ds uSuks&,fØfyd ls cus] lq/kkj ,ylh,™ lkexzh dk mi;ksx djds ueh] 'kks/kd vkSj 285F rd dh xehZ dks jksdrs gSa vkSj ;s lkexzh le; ds lkFk ihyh] /kq/a kyh vkSj [kjkc ugha gksxhA fljsehD;ksj® ,ylh, ™ 200 ls T;knk jaxksa esa miyC/k gSa ¼vkWMjZ djus ls igys dLVe feyku ds lkFk] rks jaxksa ds feJ.k dh vko’;drk ughaA xSj&fo"kkDr] tYnh Bhd gksus okyk vkSj mi;ksx esa vklku] fljsfeD;ksj® ,ylh, ™ lq/kkj lek/kku mi;qDr xq.k gS ftls dksbZ ns[k ldrk gSA ljsfeD;ksj® ,ylh,™ lq/kkj izfØ;k dk mi;ksx djuk fjQk;j nj dks de djus] lq/kkj ykxr vkSj le; dks de djus] mRikndrk vkSj HkV~Vh {kerk dks c<+kus vkSj xSl] rsy vkSj fo|qr miHkksx dks de djus dh lqfo/kk nsrk gS] lkFk gh dkcZu MkbvkWDlkbV mRltZu dks Hkh ?kVkrk gSA fljsfeD;ksj® ,ylh,™ LoPNrk mRikn fuekZrk dEiuh dks ^^gfj;kyh** gksrs gq, vfrfjDr N%

flXek vkSj irys fuekZ.k Qk;nksa dk ykHk mBkus dh lqfo/kk nsrk gSA fljsfeD;ksj® Ja[kyk esa ,d vU; oLrq gS fljsfeD;ksj® lsYQ D;ksj ,fØfyd ¼,llh,½] igys mi;ksx u gq, VwVs ;k jn~nh VqdM+kas ds lq/kkjus ds fy;s ,d vlyh iw.kZ lQkbZ fljsfed vkSj iksflZyhu lq/kkj lek/kkuA fljsfeD;ksj® ,ylh,™ lkexzh dh rduhd ij vk/ kkfjr] fljsfeD;ksj® ,llh,™ LoPNrk mRikn ds VqdM+kas esa cuh cM+h njkjksa dks lq/kkjs ds dke vkrk gS] Hkys gh os njkj ikuh dh ykbu ds uhps D;ksa u gksAa fljsfeD;ksj® ,llh,™ lkWY;w’ku dbZ uohu xSj&fo"kkDr ,fØfyd vkSj fefJr lkefxz;ksa dk mi;ksx lajpukRed rkSj ij csgrj] fjlko ls izQ w lq/ kkj cukus ds fy;s djrk gS] ftls igys cukuk yxHkx vlaHko FkkA jn~nh VqdM+kas dks vc fljsfeD;ksj® ,llh, ™ lkexzh dk iz;ksx djds Rofjr] vklkuh ls vkSj ewY; izHkkoh lq/kkj ls cspus ;ksX;] Qk;ns ;ksX; VqdM+kas esa cnyk tk ldrk gSA fljsfeD;ksj® ,ylh,™ lq/kkj lkexzh dh gh rjg] fljsfeD;ksj® ,ylh,™ lkexzh dk iz;ksx djds jn~nh VqdM+kas dks cspus ;ksX; lkexzh esa cnyk tkrk gS ftlls mRikndrk vkSj HkV~Vh dh {kerk dks c<+kdj T;knk Qk;nk dek;k tk ldrk gS] ftlls ÅtkZ [kir vkSj ykxr esa deh vkrh gS] vkSj dkcZu MkbvkWDlkbV mRltZu esa Hkh deh vkrh gSA

TECNOFILIERE S.r.l. - 41016 Novi di Modena (MO) ITALY - Via Provinciale Modena, 57/A Tel. +39059677797 (r.a.) - Fax +39059677759 http://www.tecnofiliere.com - E-mail: tecnofiliere@tecnofiliere.com



SMALTOCHIMICA Glycol ethers are the main category of low polarity organic solvents used for the production of digital ceramic inks. For this type of application the most suitable glycol ether product proves to be TPNB (tri-propylene glycol nbutyl-ether). However this product is often hard to find on the market as its production is not sufficient to cover the needs of the digital ceramic market. Numerous tests have been carried out to find products that could replace TPNB for ceramic inks but almost all of them proved unsuitable for a variety of reasons (excess “drying”, partial incompatibility with the dispersing agents used with TPNB, viscosity and surface tension not suitable for digital application). Smaltochimica has fine-tuned an alternative solvent to TPNB for the production of inks, namely SM 1972, that can be used as a partial or total replacement of TPNB in ink formulas. Its chemical nature, which is similar to that of TPNB, makes it perfectly compatible with dispersing agents used to produce glycol ether inks. Moreover, SM 1972 features evaporation temperature and surface tension values that can improve the “excess drying” of inks. Should it be deemed necessary to completely replace

TPNB with another solvent, Smaltochimica has developed a range of similar products to SM 1972, all with an identical viscosity value to that of TPNB, namely: 1 SM 2001, 1 SM 2003, 1 SM 2004. The evolution of the research in the field of digital inks has led many manufacturers to use chemicals that belong to ester family of compounds for the formulation of next generation inks. To this end, Smaltochimica, in partnership with a company that manufactures esters, has selected a broad range of products of vegetal origin whose fat acid component derives from renewable sources, that have a high solvent power and that release low levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. The products have the following characteristics: they can be used for the production of digital ceramic inks, as shown by tests carried out in our laboratory; suitable chemical-physical parameters for digital printing application; low level of polluting emissions; they do not attack plastics; high boiling temperature; suitable evaporation temperature and surface tension to avoid the “excess drying” of inks; reduced price if compared to glycol ethers and esters available on the market.

XykbdkWy bZFkj fMftVy fljsfed bad ds mRiknu ds fy;s iz;ksx gksus okyh fuEu iksyfjVkbvkWxZfs ud foyk;d dh ,d izeq[k Js.kh gSA bl izdkj ds vuqiz;ksx ds fy;s lcls miqDr XykbdkWybZFkj mRikn Vhph,uch ¼VªkbZ&izkis fyu XykbdkWu&C;wfVy&bZFkj½ lkfcr gksrk gSA ;|fi] bl mRikn dks cktkj esa [kkstk dkQh dfBu gksrk gS D;ksfa d bldk mRiknu fMftVy fljsfed cktkj dh vko’;drk dks iwjk djus ds fy;s i;kZIr ugha gSA ,sls mRiknksa dk irk yxkus ds fy;s dbZ ijh{k.k fd;s x;s gSa tksfljsfed bad ds fy;s Vhih,uch dks izfrLFkkfir dj ldsa ysfdu yxHkx lHkh fofHkUu dkj.kksa ls vuqi;qDr lkfcr gq,a ¼cgqr T;knk lw[kuk] Vhih,uch ds lkFk mi;ksx gq, fNM+dus okys inkFkZ ds lkFk dqN vlaxrrk] fMftVy vuqiz;ksx ds fy;s xk<+kiu vkSj ruko dk mi;qDr u gksuk½A LeSYVksfdfedk bad ds mRiknu ds fy;s Vhih,uch ds oSdfYid foyk;d dk fooj.k nsrk gS] tSls fd ,l,e 1972] ftldk iz;ksx bad lw=ksa esa Vhih,uch ds vkaf’kd ;k iw.kZ izfrLFkkiu ds :i esa fd;k tk ldrk gSA bldh jklk;fud izd`fr] tks fd Vhih,uch dh jklk;fud izd`fr ds leku gS] tks bls XykbdkWy bZFkj bad dk fuekZ.k

djus ds fy;s iz;ksx gksus okys fNM+dus okys inkFkZ ds lkFk fcYdqy vuqdy w cukrh gSA blds vykok] ,l,e 1972 ok"ihdj.k] rkieku vkSj lrg ruko xq.k iznf’kZr djrk gS tks bad dh ^^cgqr T;knk lks[kus dh {kerk** dks mUur djrk gSA Vhih,uch dks fdlh vU; foyk;d ds lkFk izfrLFkkfir djus ds fy;s iwjh rjg ls vko’;drk le>s tkus ds fy;s] LeSYVksfdfedk us ,le,e 1972 ds leku mRiknksa dh ,d Ja[kyk dk fodkl fd;k gS] ftuesa ls lHkh ds xk<+is u ds xq.k Vhih,uch ds leku gS] tSls fd% 1 ,l,e 2011] 1 ,l,e 2003, 1 ,l,e 2004A fMftVy bad ds bl {ks= esa 'kks/k ds fodkl us dbz fuekZrkvksa dks ,sls jlk;uksa dks iz;ksx djus dh vksj vxzlj fd;k gS tks vxyh ih<+h ds bad ds fu:i.k ds fy;s ;kSfxdksa ds ,LVj ifjokj ls lacfa /kr gSAa bl fljs es]a LeSYVksfdfedk us] ,LVj cukus okyh ,d dEiuh ds lkFk lk>snkjh es]a okuLifrd mRifRr okys mRiknksa dh ,d o`gn Ja[kyk dk p;u fd;k gS] ftldk QSV ,flM uohuhdj.kh; lalk/ku ls mRiUu gksrk gS] ftldh foyk;d 'kfDr dkQh T;knk gS vkSj ;g okrkoj.k esa dkcZu MkbvkWDlkbM dk fuEu Lrj NksMr+ h gSA

TECNOEXAMINA, PART OF TECNOFERRARI GROUP VivaJet®, the digital printer designed and produced exclusively for use in the ceramics industry is engineered on the basic concepts - Compact Easy Repayable - which have made it a success in markets worldwide, and particularly in India, with over 40 machines installed and working in the state of Gujarat. VivaJet® is available in several different configuration up to 8 colour bars for a maximum width of 1380 mm. with a very compact configuration. Equipped with a user friendly software interface VivaJet® is worldwide recognize as a very easy machine to run during normal production and flexible in any


change required by the market. Able to work in a binary or grey scale mode VivaJet® is an extremely flexible digital printer able to match the most difficult working conditions with very high printing performances. Tecnoferrari is now offering new opportunity to have machines dedicated to printing with precious inks such as gold and platinum. Tecnoferrari customers can rely on a team of expert technicians who provide continuous assistance throughout India, and an ever-increasing number of approved inks.

Cera mic W o rld Review India 2014

fljsfed baMLVªh esa bLrseky ds fy, fooktsV us fMftVy fçaVj cktkj esa mrkjk gS tks daiSDV bth fjis;scy ds cqfu;knh vo/kkj.kk ij rS;kj dh xbZ gS ftlus nqfu;kHkj ds cktkj] [kkldj Hkkjr esa lQyrk gkfly dh gS tgka dsoy xqtjkr esa 40 e'khus LFkkfir gSaA fooktsV vkB jaxksa rd ds ckj okys fofo/k lek—fr;ksa esa vf/kdre 1380 feeh- ds vfrl?ku lek—fr ¼Compact configuration ½ ds :i miyC/k gSaA ;g miHkksäkvksa ds fy, lqfo/kktud lk¶Vos;j baVjQsl ls ySl iwjh

nqfu;k esa cktkj ds fdlh cnyko ds eqrkfcd <y tkus okyk vkSj lkekU; mRiknu&çfØ;k esa cgqr vklkuh ls lapkfyr fd;s tkus okys e'khu ds :i esa tkuk tkrk gSA ckbujh ;k xzs Ldsy eksM ij dke djus esa l{ke fooktsV cgqr yphyk fMftVy fçaVj gS tks cgqr dfBu dk;ZfLFkfr;ksa esa Hkh vfr mPpLrjh; fçafVax nsrk gSA VsDuksQsjkjh vc xksYM vkSj IysfVue tSlh dherh bad ls fçaV djus okyh e'khuksa dks miyC/k djkus dk volj çnku djjgk gSA VsDuksQsjkjh ds xzkgd dq'ky rduhf'k;uksa ds Vhe ij Hkjkslk dj ldrs gSa tks Hkkjr esa fujarj c<rh la[;k esa ekU; bad eqgS;k djkus ds lkFk laHko lg;ksx çnku dj jgs gSaA çnku dj jgs gSaA





via Martiri della Resistenza, 7 20090 FIZZONASCO DI PIEVE EMANUELE - MILANO (ITALY) Tel. +39 Fax +39 www.fracbruciatori.com info@fracbruciatori.com






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