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Tile Edizioni also publishes:
Year 25 Supplement to no.110 January/February 2015 Bimonthly Review
Cover picture by: Giancarlo Pradelli
contents 7
tecnargilla 8
Welcome to Indian Ceramics 2015!
Hkkjrh; fljsfeDl 2015 esa Lokxr gS!
Paola Giacomini
Tecnargilla 2014 reports record attendance
VsDukjftyk esa mifLFkfr ds fjdkWMZ
Focus on digital glazing & decoration 14 fMftVy jksxu vkSj lTtk ij /;ku dsafnzr 38 Flexibility, efficiency and quality in large-format porcelain panels Andrea Gozzi cM+s Lrj ds ikslZfyu iSuy esa uE;rk] n{krk vkSj xq.koRrk 44 New technologies for tile pressing Maurizio Barbanti Vkby nckus ds fy;s ubZ rduhd 50 Greater creative freedom in a smaller space Emilio Benedetti NksVs LFkku ij csgrj jpukRed Lora=rk 54 products 48 advertisers’ list
vkidks dk;ZeqDr djus ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k--vkdkj dh lhek ls--eksVkbZ dh lhek ls--ikjaifjd lkapksa ls--ÅtkZ miHkksx ls---
lrg ds iwjs ncko ds le; 420 fdxzk@oxZ lseh ds cjkcj ÅtkZ 1-600 x 5-400 feeh rd iwjh rjg ls cjkcj vkdkj ÅtkZ vkSj dPps eky dks cckZn fd;s fcuk 3 ls 30 feeh rd dh eksVkbZ 2 feeh rd lajpukRed lrg
izd`fr dk lEeku djrs gq, pquus ds fy;s Lora=rk TEST THE BEST system-gea.com
bafM;u fljsfeDl 2015 esa vkidk Lokxr gS! Welcome to Indian Ceramics 2015! Paola Giacomini - p.giacomini@tiledizioni.it India, the world's third largest tile producer with volumes close to the 750 million square metre mark, has by now got us used to its impetuous growth rates. The immense volumes turned out by this key market have led industrial suppliers of technologies, raw materials and services worldwide to pay it special attention and develop a closer collaboration with its operators. So it's no coincidence that, in a move to mark the X edition of Indian Ceramics in Ahmedabad – the biggest Indian exhibition for suppliers of ceramic tiles, sanitaryware and heavy clay industries – Ceramic World Review, the most important international magazine for the ceramic industry, will publish again its special issue in the Hindi language.The idea is to be able to offer an even more effective communication channel to the Indian clients, in addition to the English version published internationally. Indian Ceramics 2015 is organised by MMI India (a branch of Messe München International), relies on support from the Indian Government and collaborates with the most important ceramics associations. It aims to exceed the figures registered for the 2014 edition, when 164 exhibitors and 5,325 visitors attended. Indian Ceramics 2015 will see the participation of the major international companies in the sector, who recognise the exhibition as an excellent opportunity to showcase the latest technological innovations. Italian producers abound, with esteemed companies like Sacmi, System, SITI B&T, LB, Air Power, Setec, Tec-
noferrari, Mectiles, Certech, TekMak, Tecnema, Manfredini & Schianchi, representing the ceramic machine industry sector; Bernini, Bongioanni, and Tecnofiliere from the heavy clay and refractory plant production sector; Stylgraph and Tecnografica as graphic design firms, in addition to Colorobbia, Smalticeram, Smaltochimica and Lamberti for glazes and additives. The Italian companies will occupy a total area of around 800 sqm, of which 300 sqm will be taken up by the traditional collective stand organised by ACIMAC (Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machinery and Equipment for Ceramics) and Italian Trade Agency. There will be a fair number of Spanish companies present – including Esmalglass-Itaca, Torrecid, Cretaprint, Verdes, Hito, Megacolor, Vidres and Beralmar – and Germany will also attend, exhibiting brands such as AKW, Dorst, Eirich, Elster, Händle and Netzsch. Other prestigious names will also be present, including the American company Ebi Ceramicure, the raw material suppliers – Imerys, Mota, Sibelco, and the heavy clay machinery suppliers Ceratec, Cleia, Craven Fawcett, Metalcertima. Indian Ceramics will be accompanied by a high-calibre supporting programme of side events. One of these is Innovation Exchange: a platform which provides insights into the latest trends, processes and technologies in the ceramic industry. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY INDIAN CERAMICS!
yxHkx 750 fefy;u oxZ ehVj ek=k ds lkFk rhljk lcls cM+k Vkby mRiknd] Hkkjr vius tksjnkj fodkl nj ds lkFk vc blesa vH;Lr gks pqdk gSA bl egRoiw.kZ ls ckgj fudyus okyh vifjfer ek=k us iwjh nqfu;k esa rduhdksa] dPps eky vkSj lsokvksa ds vkS|ksfxd forjdksa dk /;ku [khapk gS vkSj blds izpkydksa ds lkFk fudVre lg;ksx fodflr fd;k gSA rks ;g dksbZ bRrsQkd ugha gS] fd fljsfed VkbYl] lSfuVjhos;j vkSj gsoh Dys m|ksxksa ds forjdksa ds fy;s Hkkjr dh lcls cM+h izn’kZuh] vgenkckn dh bafM;k fljsfeDl ds X laLdj.k dks fpfUgr djus ds fy;s] fljsfed oYMZ fjO;w] fljsfed m|ksx ds fy;s lcls egRoiw.kZ varjkZ"Vªh; if=dk] fganh Hkk"kk esa iqu% viuk fo’ks"k laLdj.k izdkf’kr djsxhA varjkZ"Vªh; rkSj ij izdkf’kr vaxzsth laLdj.k ds lkFk] ;g fopkj Hkkjrh; xzkgdksa ds fy;s T;knk izHkkoh lapkj iz.kkyh iznku djus esa l{ke gksxkA bafM;u fljsfeDl 2015 ,e,evkbZ bafM;k ¼esls eqadsu baVjus’kuy dh ,d 'kk[kk½ } kjk vk;ksftr fd;k tkrk gS] Hkkjr ljdkj ds leFkZu ij fuHkZj djrk gS vkSj lcls egRoiw.kZ fljsfeDl laLFkkvksa ls lg;ksx izkIr djrk gSA bldk mn~ns’; 2014 laLdj.k esa iathd`r vkadM+ksa dks ikj djuk gS] tgka 164 izn’kZdksa vkSj 5]325 n’kZdksa us Hkkx fy;k FkkA bafM;u fljsfeDl 2015 esa bl {ks= dh cM+h varjkZ"Vªh; daifu;ka Hkkx ysaxh] tks bl izn’kZuh dks uohure rduhdh uokpkjksa dks izn’kZu djus ds csgrjhu ekSds ds :i esa ns[krh gSaA brkyoh daifu;ka cgqrk;r esa mifLFkr gksaxh] ftuesa dbZ ekuuh; daifu;ka gksaxh tSls
lSDeh] flLVe] ,lvkbZVhvkbZ ch ,aM Vh] ,y ch] ,;j ikoj] lsVsd] VsDuksQjkjh] eSdVkbYl] dVsZd] VsdeSd] VsDusek] eSuÝsfMuh ,aM fl;kadh fljsfed e’khu m|ksx {ks= dk izfrfuf/ kRo dj jgh gSa( cfuZuh] ckWuftvksvuh] vkSj VsDusfQfyvjh gsoh Dys vkSj nqnZE; la;a= mRiknu {ks= ls gSa( LVkbyxzkQ vkSj VsDuksxzkfQdk xzkfQd fMtkbu daifu;ka gSa] lkFk gh lkFk jksxu vkSj ;ksxtksa ds fy;s dyjksfc;k] LeSYVhflje] LekYVksfdfedk vkSj ySEcVhZ gSaA brkyoh daifu;ka yxHkx 800 oxZ ehVj dk dqy {ks= vkPNkfnr djsaxh] ftl esa 300 oxZ ehVj vkphekd ¼,lksfl,’ku vkWQ bVSfy;u eSuqQSDjlZ vkWQ e’khujh ,aM bfDoiesaV QkWj fljsfeDl½ vkSj bVSfy;u VªsM ,tsalh } kjk vk;ksftr ikjaifjd laxBu LVSaM }kjk fy;k tk,xkA dqN la[;k esa Lisfu’k daifu;k Hkh gksaxh] ftl esa ,LeyXykl&bVkdk] VksjsflM] ØsVkfizaV] oMsZl] gkbVks] eSxkdyj] okbMlZ vkSj csjkYej lfEefyr gSa] vkSj teZuh Hkh 'kkfey gksxk] ftlesa ,dsMCY;w] MkWLVZ] bZfjp] ,YLVj] gSaMy vkSj usLd tSls izn’kZd czkaM gksaxsA vU; izfl) uke Hkh mifLFkr gksaxs] ftlesa vesfjdu daiuh ,chfljsfeD;ksj] dPps eky ds forjd vkbZesfjl] eksVk] flcsYdks] vkSj gsoh Dys e’khujh forjd fljkVsd] Dysvk] Øsosu QkWdsV] esVylfVZek 'kkfey gSaA bafM;u fljsfeDl dk lkFk mPp&{kerk okys dqN vU; leFkZu dk;ZØe Hkh nsaxsA buesa ls ,d bUuksos’ku ,Dlpsat gSa% ,d IysVQkWeZ tks fljsfed m|ksx esa uohure VªsaM~l] izfØ;kvksa vkSj rduhdksa dk iwjk Kku iznku djrk gSA ge vk’kk djrs gSa fd vki bafM;u fljsfeDl dk vkuan mBk,axs!
Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I N D I A 20 15
Tecnargilla 2014 reports record attendance
Tecnargilla 2014, the world leading exhibition of technologies for the ceramic and brick industries held in Rimini and ending on 26 September, reported a total attendance of 32,120 visitors, 5.5% up on the previous edition held in 2012. The attendance figure was the highest of all 24 editions in the show’s history. The show also set a record in terms of its global reach. Overseas visitors from 101 countries made up 49% of the total, confirming Tecnargilla as one of the world’s most international exhibitions and the most strongly attended of all ceramic technology shows. A total of 15,770 international visitors converged on Rimini, 6.4% more than in 2012. They stood out for their extremely high profile, most of them being technical decision-makers, owners or top managers of the world’s leading companies in the ceramic and brick sectors. Following a decline in 2012, the number of Italian visitors rose by 4.6% to 16,350, clearly indicating the intention on the part of Italian ceramic companies to invest in innovative technologies. The range of offerings on display was astonishing, with
Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
VsDukjftyk 2014 esa vkxarqdksa dk ,sfrgkfld fjdkWMZ ntZ fd;k x;k gSA fljsfed vkSj bZaV m|ksx dks lefiZr rduhdksa ds fy;s yxus okyk fo’o dk vxz.kh izn’kZuh fjfeuh esa 26 flrEcj dks can gqbZ ftlesa 2012 esa gq, dk;ZØe dh rqyuk esa 5-5 izfr’kr dh o`f) ds lkFk 32]120 vkxarqd ntZ gq,A yksxksa dh mifLFkfr dh ;g la[;k bl dk;ZØe ds bfrgkl esa vc rd dh lcls T;knk gS] tks bl o"kZ vius pkSchlosa laLdj.k esa igqapk gSA dk;ZØe ds varjkZ"Vªh; pfj= esa ,d u;k fjdkWMZ Hkh FkkA 500 ls T;knk izn’kZdksa esa ls] 40 izfr’kr izn’kZd daifu;ka xSj&brkyoh] 25 vU; ns’kksa ls Fkh] tks 2012 dh rqyuk esa 10 izfr’kr T;knk gSA lcls vPNs izn’kZd ns’kksa esa ,d ckj fQj Lisu] teZuh] rqdhZ vkSj phu Fks] ftlds ckn vtsZaVhuk] csfYt;e] czkthy] cqYxkfj;k] bftIV] xzhl] gkWySaM] psd fjifCyd] :l] ;w,l,] Ýkal] ;wds] iqxZxky] Hkkjr] ikfdLrku vkSj ;wØsu FksA tgka rd mifLFkfr dk loky gS] 101 ns’kksa ds varjkZ"Vªh; vkxarqdksa us dqy mifLFkfr ds 49 izfr’kr mifLFkfr dks iznf’kZr fd;k] ftlus ;g lqfuf’pr fd;k fd VsDukjftyk fo’o izn’kZfu;ksa ds lcls varjkZ"Vªh; izn’kZfu;ksa esa ls ,d gS] lkFk gh lkFk bldk fjdkWMZ fljsfed rduhd {ks= ds lcls T;knk Hkkx ysus okys izn’kZuh ds :i esa gSA fjfeuh esa vkus okys varjkZ"Vªh; izpkydksa dh la[;k 15]770 Fkh] tks 2012 ls 6-4 izfr’kr T;knk FkkA mudh izksQkby vR;ar egRoiw.kZ gS% vkxarqdksa esa ls T;knkrj rduhdh {ks= ds fu.kZ;drkZ] fljsfed vkSj bZaV m|ksx dh fo’o dh lcls egRoiw.kZ daifu;ksa ds ekfydksa ds izfrfuf/k ;k 'kh"kZ izca/kd FksA
technological innovation taking centre stage. The 500 exhibitor companies accommodated in a floor space of 75,000 sq.m (up 7% on 2012) offered a world preview of the latest technological innovations relating to the production process and aesthetics of fine ceramics (tiles, sanitaryware and tableware) and heavy clay products. The exhibitors were delighted to see their efforts rewarded by such large numbers of high-quality visitors. Speaking at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, employment Minister Giuliano Poletti had words of praise for the exhibitors. “The technological innovation generated by these companies is infectious,” he said. “It is a world-leading sector that stands out for its expertise and for cooperation between rival companies that share an ability to offer cutting-edge solutions tailored to the needs of customers worldwide.” Another strongly attended event was the roundtable discussion on “Ceramic Industry, Territory, Internationalisation”, followed by the presentation of the International Aldo Villa Award to Franco Manfredini, chairman and managing director of Casalgrande Padana group, Knight of Labour and past chairman of Confindustria Ceramica.
:l] ;wØsu] bftIV] vYthfj;k] yscuku] V~;wuhf’k;k] eksjDdks] rqdhZ] bjku] lc&lgkjk vÝhdk] nf{k.kh vesfjdk vkSj ckYdu ls [kjhnnkjksa ds vkf/ kdkfjd izfrfuf/keaMy vk, Fks] ftlds fy;s izn’kZdksa ds lkFk fo’ks"k ch2ch cSBdksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA 2012 esa bVSfy;u vkxarqdksa esa deh vkus ds ckn] bl ckj mudh la[;k esa Hkh o`f) gqbZA ;g ,d ckj fQj vfHkuo rduhdksa esa fuos’k djus dh brkyoh fljsfed daifu;ksa dh bPNk dk fo’ks"k lwpd gS% 16]350 LFkkuh; m|ksx O;olkf;dksa us izn’kZuh ns[kh ¼2012 ls 4-6 izfr’kr T;knk½A rduhd izn’kZuh ds uk;d Fks izn’kZu dh is’kd’k dk Hkh vR;ar egRo FkkA rduhdh uokpkj bl dk;ZØe dk iw.kZ uk;d FkkA mRre fljsfed m|ksx ¼VkbEl] lSfuVjh fQfVaXl vkSj Vscy mRikn½ vkSj bZaV m|ksx ds fy;s izfØ;k vkSj fMtkbu ij ykxw gksus okys uohure rduhdh uokpkjksa ds ,d oSf’od iwokZoyksdu gsrq fjfeuh esa 75]000 oxZ ehVj ds {ks= Qy ¼2012 ls 7 izfr’kr T;knk½esa 500 daifu;ksa us izn’kZu fd;kA fo’ks"kr%] VsDukjftyk us mRiknu izfØ;kvksa dh n{krk vkSj uE;rk ¼ÅtkZ vkSj dPps eky ds miHkkx vkSj izca/ku ykxr esa deh½ vkSj izfØ;kvksa vkSj mRiknksa dh okrkoj.kh; fujarjrk dks lefiZr lek/kkuksa dh c<+rh la[;k dh estckuh dhA Vkby {ks= esa rduhdh izn’kZu ds eq[; va’kksa esa cM+s vkSj cgqr cM+s
Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I n d i a 20 15
Digital symposium a big success Held for the second time at Tecnargilla following its debut in 2008, the 6th Annual Symposium organised by Acimac on “Decoration and Digital Glazing of Ceramic Tiles” confirmed its success formula. A total of 800 professionals from 30 countries took part in what has now become the most eagerly awaited and strongly attended conference for the Italian and international ceramic industries. The symposium saw unprecedented attendance and was held in the Rimini exhibition centre’s conference halls and south hall, where a large screen was set up to enable the many people taking part to follow the presentations more easily. Following the introductory remarks given by Fabio Tarozzi, Chairman of Acimac, and Simone Castelli, director of the Rimini Fiera Business Unit, talks were given by representatives of System, Colorobbia, Siti B&T - Projecta Engineering, Durst, In.Te.Sa., Esmaglass-Itaca, Xaar PLC, Kerajet, TecnoExamina, ColourService, Sibelco Europe and FM. The abstracts of the presentations will be published in the February 2015 issue of CWR, devoted as always to digital technology, and are translated into Hindi in this special India issue to be distributed in January at Indian Ceramics (Ahmedabad).
Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
vkdkjksa ds mRiknu] feJ.k J`a[kyk ds izxfr’khy fMftVyhdj.k vkSj ubZ lrg ds izca/k ds fy;s lek/kku lfEefyr gSA blds ifj.kkeLo:i] izn’kZuh us vius n’kZdksa dks Hkfo"; VkbYl dk ,d vf} rh; iwokZoyksdu fn[kk;kA ^^bu daifu;ksa }kjk iznf’kZr fd;s x;s rduhdh uokpkj izlkj.kh; gSA** ;s 'kCn VsDukjftyk ds izn’kZdksa dk vfHkoknu djus ds fy;s jkstxkj ea=h fxmfyvkuks iksysVh us dgs FksA ^^vuqHko] vkSj mu daifu;ksa ds chp lg;ksx tks izfr}a}h gSa ysfdu oSf’od xzkgdksa dks O;fDrxr vkSj mPpre rduhdh lek/kku iznku djus esa laxfBr gSa] ls fpf=r ,d oSf’od vxz.kh {ks=A** ÝSadks eSaÝsfMuh] dSlyxzSaM iMkuk lewg ds v/;{k vkSj izca/k funs’kd] dSofy;js Msy ySokjks ¼Jfedksa ds fy;s brkyoh xq.kkuqØe½ vokMZ fotsrk vkSj dUQkbMfLVª;k fljsfedk ds iwoZ&v/;{k ds le{k varjkZ"Vªh; izhfe;ks ,YMks foyk ds izn’kZu ls igys ^^fljsfed m|ksx] HkkSxksfyd {ks=] varjkZ"Vªh;dj.k** ij xksy est ppkZ esa mifLFkfr dkQh T;knk FkhA fMftVy lTtk vkSj feJ.k ij laxks"Bh ds fy;s fo’kky lQyrk 2008 esa VsDukjftyk ds vkjaHk gksus ds ckn ls nwljh ckj] ,lhvkbZ,e,lh }kjk ^^fljsfed VkbYl dh fMftVy lTtk vkSj feJ.k** ij vk;ksftr 6oha okf"kZd laxks"Bh dkQh lQy lkfcr gqbZA 30 ns’kksa ls 800 O;olkf;d mlesa 'kkfey gq, tks vc mRlqdrkiwoZd bartkj djus okyh dk;ZØe cSBd cu xbZ Fkh vkSj ftlesa oSf’od fljsfed m|ksx ds loZJs"B yksxksa us Hkkx fy;k FkkA fjfeuh fQ,jk ds lEesyu d{k vkSj nf{k.kh gkWy esa fd;s x;s lEesyu esa dkQh T;knk mifLFkfr ntZ dh xbZ] tgka dbZ lac) nyksa dks vklkuh ls lEesyu dk vuqlj.k djus esa lgwfy;r nsus ds fy;s cM+h LØhu yxkbZ xbZ FkhA QSfcvks VSjksth] ,lhvkbZ,e,lh v/;{k] vkSj fleksu dSLVsyh] fjfeuh fQ,jk
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The Gamma XD Series represent Durst’s next generation of 8-color ceramic inkjet printers with unrivaled print quality and production flexibility. • New “Adapative Dot Placement Technology” for banding-free printing • Up to 8 color bars • Printing width up to: Gamma 98 XD: 956 mm Gamma 148 XD: 1403 mm • Innovative design for easy customer service • Fast print head replacement by operator • Precise tile thickness scanner to avoid line stops • Intelligent Ink Management System • On printer color corrections
Visit Durst Hall A, Booth 131 at Indian Ceramics 2015
Colorobbia wins the third Tecnargilla Design Award With its Channa project, the Tuscany-based multinational won the third edition of the Tecnargilla Design Award, the award set up by Acimac and Rimini Fiera to honour the latest technological innovations applied to the ceramic industry. The theme of this edition was “Thickness” and featured original projects focusing on technologies, colours, decorations and finishes conducted by CMF Technology, Coloritalia-Bonet, Colorobbia Italia, Digital Design, Esmalglass Itaca, Intesa, Kerajet, LB, Martinelli Ettore, Sacmi, Sertile, SRS, System, Torrecid Group and Vidres. The Channa project by Colorobbia was created by combining conventional glazing technologies with digital glazing processes to obtain surprising interlocking 3D effects. According to the jury statement, it “succeeded in interpreting the theme of thickness and its possible variations in ceramic tile production”. The jury was made up of: Luisa Brighenti, a designer with twenty years of experience in the ceramic sector; Paola Tinuper and Paola Azzolini, architects, colour experts and partners at the architecture practice Azzolini Tinuper; Paolo Zannini, Chairman of the Italian Ceramic Society; Stefano Luccioli, Emilceramica technical manager; Mara Merlini, architect; Gianluca Casadei, owner of Edilrivestimenti; and Paolo Gambuli, director general of Acimac.
C era mic W o rld Review India 2015
O;kikj bdkbZ funs’kd }kjk ifjp;kRed vfHkuanu ds ckn] fuEu daifu;ksa us eap ij ,d&nwljs dk lkFk fn;k% flLVe] dksyksjksfc;k] ,lvkbZVhvkbZ ch,aMVh & izkstsDVk bathfu;fjax] MLVZ] bu-Vh-lk-] ,LekXykl&bVkdk] tkj ih,ylh] dsjktsV] VsDuks ,Dtkfeuk] dyj lfoZl] flcsYdks ;wjksi] ,Q,eA buds izn’kZu dk ,d ifjn`’; vkxs ds i`"Bksa ij izdkf’kr fd;k x;k gSA dksyksjksfc;k us rhljk VsDukjftyk fMtkbu vokMZ thrk VLduh fLFkr cgqjk"Vªh; lewg dksyksjksfc;k] vius pSuk fMtkbu ds lkFk] fljsfed m|ksx esa iz;qDr uohure rduhdh uokpkj dk lEeku djus ds fy;s ,lhvkbZ,e,lh vkSj fjfeuh fQ,jk }kjk LFkkfir rhljs VsDukjftyk fMtkbu vokMZ dh fotsrk cuhA bl lky ds laLdj.k dk fo"k; Fkk ^eksVkbZ*A izLrqfr;ka rduhd] jax] lTtk vkSj lQkbZ ls lfEefyr okLrfod fMtkbu ds vuqlkj Fkh] ftUgsa lh,e,Q rduhd] dyfjVsfy;k&cksusV] dksyksjksfc;k bVSfy;k] fMftVy fMtkbu] ,LeyXykl bVkdk] baVslk] dsjktsV] ,ych] efVZusyh bVksj] lSDeh] lVkZby] ,lvkj,l] flLVe] VksjsflM lewg] okbMlZ }kjk tek fd;s x;s FksA fu.kZ;drkZvksa ds iSuy ds vkSfpR; ds vuqlkj] dksyksjksfc;k ds pSuk fMtkbu us ^^lQyrkiwoZd eksVkbZ ds fo"k; vkSj fljsfed fuekZ.k esa blds laHkkfor fHkUurkvksa dks of.kZr fd;k gS**A fu.kkZ;dksa ds iSuy esa lfEefyr Fks% yqblk fczxsafV] ,d fMtkbu ftUgsa fljsfed {ks= esa chl lky dk vuqHko gS] ikvksyk fVuqij] ikvksyk ,tksfyuh] vkfdZVsDV vkSj dyj VªsaM fo’ks"kK] ,tksfyuh fVuqij vkfdZVsDpj QeZ ds lk>snkj] ikvksyks tSfuuh] brkyoh fljsfed lkslk;Vh ds v/;{k] LVSQsuks yqfdvksyh] ,fey fljsfedk VsfDudy ,fj;k] ekjk efyZuh] vkfdZVsDV] fxvkyqdk dSlkfM] ,fMfYjosLVhesaVh ds ekfyd] ikvksyks xSEcqyh] ,lhvkbZ,e,lh ds egk izca/ kdA
-30% FUEL CONSUMPTION +25 PRODUCTIVITY 9 MONTHS FOR YOUR RETURN OF INVESTMENT XXL 3950 MM WIDE The SITI’s GREENFIRE is the most efficient kiln in the world, because it combines high energy efficiency with greater productivity.
Mk;olkZ] fljsfed Vkby mRiknu esa ,d ubZ vo/kkj.kk Diversa, a new concept in ceramic tile production by Rita Cagnoli, System Before the days of automation, glazing used to be performed manually by skilled operators, almost exclusively women, who would pour glaze onto the tiles using wooden bowls to prevent any contamination of the glaze. This was the first surface glazing process, gradually replaced by curtain coater machines and bell systems. In the age of digitalisation, this fundamental stage of decoration cannot continue to be performed analogically. Encouraged by the success of the Creadigit decorating machine, System began developing a system that would be capable of performing digital glazing using piezoelectric DOD technology, the same technology that is successfully used on what are now considered standard decorating machines. The choice fell on a simply engineered head with recirculation, allowing for the use of water-based products with a particle size of 6 µm. The resultant machine, called Layerdigit, is able to load a maximum of 4 different products and deposit up to 400 g/m2 of material per application. The Layerdigit philosophy involves depositing a sufficient quantity of material on the tile to ensure total coverage with maximum uniformity and absorption of the deposited material. The 360 dpi resolution is important in order to achieve perfectly uniform product application and to completely close the surface porosity. Due to the large quantities of product deposited on the tile, it is essential to develop materials with a high percentage of water together with the solid component and organic phase in order to avoid burning large quantities of solvents. System is currently working closely with the glaze and colour producers based in the Sassuolo ceramic cluster to develop products and raw materials that can be used with this technology to achieve very high yields. Layerdigit is the first station on the ceramic production line of the future, called Diversa. By using digital technology, this line will be capable of glazing, decorating, creating effects and reliefs and depositing protective layers on the tile – all in a space of just 25 metres. It will be possible to install high-resolution (400 dpi) and low-resolution (200 dpi) decoration stations on the line to achieve the highest production flexibility. The entire line will be equipped with a single highprecision conveyor belt to ensure perfect synchronisation between all the printing stations. With applications including glaze-engobes, glazes, coloured, gloss and matt effects, colour designs (up to 16 colours), metallic effects, protective layers and powder applications with Windpowder etc., the new line will combine cutting-edge technology with outstanding scope for creativity in ceramic production. The minimum printing width of 1200 mm will enable
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Cera Cera mic micWW oo rld rldReview ReviewIndia India2015 2015
Lopkyu ds fnuksa ls igys] jksxu dk dk;Z izpkydksa }kjk [kqn fd;k tkrk Fkk tks ,d ckj esa ,d Vkby ds jksxu dk dke djrs FksA ;g ekuoh; dk;Z /khjs&/khjs vkoj.k yxkus okyh e’khuksa ls cny x;k vkSj fQj csy] fMLd vkSj ok;qjfgr jksxu iz.kkfy;ksa okyh Lopkfyr Js.kh ls cny x;kA fMftVyhdj.k ds nkSj esa] lTtk dk ;g ewyHkwr pj.k ,ukykWx :i ls iwjk gksus ds fy;s tkjh ugha jg ldrk gSA fØ;kfMftV MsdksjsfVax e’khu dh lQyrk ls izksRlkfgr] flLVe us ,d ,slh iz.kkyh dk fodkl djuk vkjaHk fd;k tks fMftVy jksxu djus esa l{ke gks] ihtksbysfDVªd MhvksMh rduhd dk iz;ksx djds] ogh rduhd ftldk lQyrkiwoZd iz;ksx ml ij fd;k x;k ftls vc ekud lTtk e’khu le>k tkrk gSA lk/kkj.k :i ls cuk, x, iqupZØ.k okys fljs ij Mkyk x;k fodYi] 6 ekbØksu ds d.k vkdkj okys ty&vk/kkfjr mRiknksa ds mi;ksx dh vuqefr nsrh gSA ifj.kkeh e’khu] ftls ys;jfMftV dgrs gSa] vyx&vyx vf/kdre 4 mRiknksa dks yksM djus vkSj izfr vuqiz;ksx 400 xzk@oxZ eh- rd dh lkexzh dk HkaMkj djus esa l{ke gSA ys;jfMftV fl)kar esa vf/kdre ,d:irk ds lkFk dqy dojst vkSj HkaMkj.k lkexzh ds lekos’k dks lqfuf’pr djus ds fy;s Vkby ij lkexzh dh i;kZIr ek=k dks laxzfgr djuk ’kkfey gSA iw.kZr% leku mRiknu vuqiz;ksx dks izkIr djus vkSj lrg dh lja/kzrk dks iwjh rjg ls [kRe djus ds fy;s 360 MhihvkbZ fjtkWY;w’ku cgqr egRoiw.kZ gSA Vkby ij laxzfgr mRikn dh cM+h ek=k ds dkj.k] foyk;dksa dh cM+h ek=k dks tykus ls cpus ds fy;s n`<+ ?kVdksa vkSj dkcZfud pj.k ds lkFk ikuh ds mPp izfr’kr okyh lkefxz;ksa dk fodkl djuk vko’;d gSA flLVe orZeku esa dkQh mPp ykHk ikus gsrq bl rduhd ds lkFk mi;ksx djus ds fy;s mRiknksa vkSj dPps eky dk fodkl djus gsrq lSlqvksyks fljsfed {ks= vk/kkfjr jksxu vkSj jax mRikndksa ds lkFk dkQh ?kfu"Brk ds lkFk dke dj jgk gSA ys;jfMftV Hkfo"; dh bl fljsfed mRikn Js.kh dk igyk iM+ko gS] ftls Mk;olkZ dgrs gSaA fMftVy rduhd dk iz;ksx djds] ;g Js.kh Vkby ij jksxu] lTtk djus] izHkko vkSj mHkkj cukus vkSj lqj{kkRed ijrsa laxzfgr djus esa l{ke gksxk] lc dqN flQZ 25 ehVj dh ,d txg esaA lcls T;knk mRiknu uE;rk izkIr djus ds fy;s bl Js.kh ij mPp&fjtkWY;w’ku ¼400 MhihvkbZ½ vkSj fuEu&fjtkWY;w’ku ¼200 MhihvkbZ½ dks LFkkfir djuk laHko gksxkA ;g iwjh Js.kh lHkh fizafVax LVs’kUl ds chp mfpr ladkyu dks lqfuf’pr djus ds fy;s ,d flaxy mPp&;FkkFkZrk okys okgd iV~Vs ls lqflTtr gksxkA Xyst&buxksc] jksxu] jaxhu] ped vkSj pedjfgr izHkko] jaxhu fMtkbu ¼16 jaxksa rd½] eSVsfyd izHkko] lqj{kkRed ijr vkSj foaMikmMj ls ikmMj vuqiz;ksx tSls vuqiz;ksxksa ds lkFk] ubZ Js.kh esa fljsfed mRiknu esa jpukRedrk ds fy;s csgrjhu iz;kstu ds lkFk fljs dkVus okyh rduhd la;ksftr gksxhA 1200 feeh dh U;wuee fizafVax pkSM+kbZ ladjh mPp&xfr dh
focus on digital glazing & decoration
the same levels of productivity to be achieved with a belt speed of 10 m/min. as narrow high-speed lines. This will make it possible to work simultaneously on different sizes with different applications loaded on the machine bars. Water-compatible standard inks are also being developed to harmonise the line’s applications and guarantee the maximum compatibility between one decoration station and another. The Diversa system introduces the concept of working in layers, allowing tiles to be decorated with the utmost flexibility in production runs as short as an hour.
Js.kh ds rkSj ij 10 eh-@feuV dh xfr okys csYV ls leku Lrj dh mRikndrk dks izkIr djus esa l{ke djsxhA blls e’khu ckj ij yksM fd;s x;s fofHkUu vuqiz;ksxksa ds lkFk fofHkUu vkdkj ij ,d gh le; ij dke djuk laHko gks ik,xkA bl Js.kh ds vuqiz;ksxksa dks lqlaxr djus vkSj ,d lTtk LVs’ku vkSj vU; ds chp vf/kdre laxrrk dh xkjaVh nsus ds fy;s ty ls laxr ekud L;kfg;ksa dk Hkh fodkl fd;k tk jgk gSA Mk;olkZ iz.kkyh ijrksa esa dke djus dh vo/kkj.k dk ifjp; nsrh gS] ftlls ,d ?kaVs ftrus de mRiknu le; esa Hkh VkbYl dks vR;f/kd uE;rk ds lkFk lqlfTtr djus dh lqfo/kk feyrh gSA
Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I n d i a 2 0 1 5
dyjksfc;k fMftVy Lisl% fMftVy Økafr tkjh gS Colorobbia Digital Space: the digital evolution continues At a time of constant technological progress in the ceramic industry, Colorobbia is unveiling the latest innovations in its Colorobbia Digital Space range. Unlike just 5 or 6 years ago, the benefits of digital decoration are now well established. Building on the advantages of this technology, the current goal of research efforts is to be able to apply greater quantities of material than with traditional inkjet technology, to use even more functional materials, to increasingly customise the finished product and naturally to optimise and increase the efficiency of the process. These developments may lead to the complete digitalisation of the glazing line by combining both digital decoration and digital glazing. What once might have been considered a distant dream is now ever closer to becoming reality. Colorobbia believes that this goal can be achieved through two complementary solutions: low application weight glazing and high application weight glazing. • High application weight: the possibility of depositing material in quantities ranging from 300-400 g/sq.m up to 1 kg or more but with a lower resolution than with conventional inkjet printing. The technology may be applied to both floor and wall tiles and is equally versatile in terms of its position within the ceramic production layout. The material application machine can be positioned either before the inkjet printer (for example to replicate a texture) or after it (in the case of a honing or polishing process). • Low application weight: the possibility of depositing material in quantities ranging from a minimum of 30-40 g/sq.m up to 200-300 g/sq.m with high print resolution. Here too the application is suitable for both floor and wall tiles. The machine can be positioned either before or after the inkjet printer, exploiting the enormous potential for synchronisation offered by digital technology. In keeping with this philosophy, Colorobbia has developed two new series of materials to meet all the needs of its ceramic manufacturer customers. The HQ series is designed mainly for high application weights and includes water-based materials with a particle size that is smaller than that of conventional glazes but higher than that of digital inks. In this case the D100 separation number is below 20 micron. Colorobbia’s current range consists of an engobe, a glaze-engobe, a matt glaze, a transparent glaze, a super white glaze and a waxy glaze, as well as more sophisticated effects such as lustre and metallic effects. These materials are designed for floor tiles but are also available in a wall tile version (photos 1-2). For low-weight glazing, Colorobbia is proposing its new SPS
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Cera Cera mic micWW oo rld rldReview ReviewIndia India2015 2015
by Fabio Avoni, Colorobbia
fljsfed m|ksx esa lrr rduhdh izxfr ds le; esa] dksyksjksfc;k viuh dksyksjksfc;k fMftVy Lisl Ja`a[kyk esa viuk uohure uokpkj dk vukoj.k dj jgk gSA fiNys 5 ;k 6 lky ds foijhr] vc fMftVy lTtk ds Qk;ns vPNh rjg ls LFkkfir gks x, gSaA bl rduhd ds Qk;nksa ij fufeZr] ’kks/k iz;klksa dk orZeku mn~ns’; ikjaifjd badtsV rduhd ds lkFk T;knk ek=k esa lkexzh yxkuk] T;knk dk;Z’khy lkefxz;ksa dk iz;ksx djuk] iw.kZ mRikn dks yxkrkj vuqdwfyr djuk vkSj LokHkkfod :i ls bl izfØ;k dh n{krk dks c<+kuk gSA ;s fodkl dk;Z fMftVy lTtk vkSj fMftVy jksxu nksuksa dks la;ksftr djds jksxu Js.kh ds iw.kZ fMftVyhdj.k dk dke dj ldrs gSaA ftls dHkh nwj dk [okc le>k tkrk Fkk og vc okLrfodrk cuus ds cgqr djhc gSA dksyksjksfc;k ;g fo’okl djrh gS fd nks laiwjd lek/kkuksa ds ek/;e ls bl mn~ns’; dh izkfIr dh tk ldrh gS% fuEu vuqiz;ksx Hkkj jksxu vkSj mPp vuqiz;ksx Hkkj jksxuA • mPp vuqiz;ksx Hkkj% 300 &400 xzk-@oxZ eh- ls 1 fdxzk ;k mlls T;knk rd dh ek=k jsat esa lkexzh dk HkaMkj djus dh laHkkouk] ysfdu ikjaifjd badtsV fizafVax ds lkFk esa fuEu fjtkWY;w’ku ls bl rduhd dks Q’kZ vkSj nhokj nksuksa dh VkbYl ij yxk;k tk ldrk gS vkSj ;g fljsfed mRiknu ysvkmV esa viuh fLFkfr ds lanHkZ esa cjkcj :i ls cgqi;ksxh gSA eVsfj;y ,Iyhds’ku e’khu dks badtsV fizaVj ls igys ¼mnkgj.k ds fy;s] ,d lajpuk dks nksgjkus ds fy;s½ ;k mlds ckn ¼iz[kj djus ;k pedkus dh izfØ;k dh fLFkfr esa½ LFkkfir fd;k tk ldrk gSA • fuEu vuqiz;ksx Hkkj% U;wure 30&40 xzk-@oxZ eh- ls 200&300 xzk-@oxZ eh- rd dh ek=k jsat esa mPp fizaV fjtkWY;w’ku ds lkFk lkexzh dk HkaMkj djus dh laHkkoukA ;gka ij Hkh ;g vuqiz;ksx Q’kZ vkSj nhokj nksuksa VkbYl ds fy;s mi;qDr gSA bl e’khu dks badtsV fizaVj ls igys ;k mlds ckn LFkkfir fd;k tk ldrk gS] ftlls fMftVy rduhd }kjk iznku dh xbZ ledkfydrk ds fy;s dkQh laHkkoukvksa dk ykHk mBk;k tkrk gSA bl fl)kar dks /;ku esa j[krs gq,] dksyksjksfc;k us vius fljsfed fuekZrk xzkgdksa dh lHkh vko’;drkvksa dks iwjk djus gsrq lkefxz;ksa dh nks ubZ Jsf.k;ksa dk fodkl fd;k gSA ,p D;w Ja`a[kyk eq[; rkSj ij mPp vuqiz;ksx Hkkj ds fy;s fMtkbu dh xbZ gS vkSj blesa O;ogkfjd jksxu ls NksVs ysfdu fMftVy L;kgh ls cM+s d.k vkdkj okyh ty vk/kkfjr lkefxz;ka lfEefyr gksrh gSaA bl fLFkfr esa] Mh100 i`FkDdj.k la[;k 20 ekbØksu ls de gksrh gSA dyjksfc;k dh orZeku Ja`a[kyk esa ,d baxksc] Xyst&baxksc] eSV Xyst] ,d ikjn’khZ jksxu] lqij lQsn jksxu vkSj ekse tSlk jksxu ’kkfey gS] lkFk gh lkFk T;knk izxfr’khy izHkko Hkh tSls fd pedhys vkSj eSVsfyd izHkkoA bu lkefxz;ksa dks Q’kZ dh VkbYl ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k tkrk gS ysfdu ;s nhokjksa dh Vkby ds laLdj.k esa Hkh miyC/k gksrh gSa ¼fp= 1&2½A
focus on digital glazing & decoration
series. This series is designed to satisfy the printhead manufacturers’ requirement for solvent-based materials but with a special particle size obtained through an innovative grinding process. This makes it possible to achieve more intense shades of notoriously pale colours such as yellow and pink and above all allows for the use of materials that can deliver depth and thickness rather than just colour, resulting in surface effects and textures that were previously unimaginable with digital technology. Colorobbia can already supply colours such as yellow and pink as well as effects such as matt and transparent glaze (photos 3-4). All digital products supplied by Colorobbia are fully tested and approved by most leading machine and printhead manufacturers. As a result, SPS series products have already been adopted on an industrial scale by a leading Italian ceramic producer. Colorobbia offers highly functional materials (requiring a lower application weight than in the conventional decoration process), which when combined interact in a sequence of layers to produce an innovative and entirely digital tile. Conclusion Colorobbia Digital Space offers much more than a simple colour chart or a single test run of a digital effect/glaze. It delivers a combination of essential characteristics backed by Colorobbia’s 90 years of experience: reliability of materials, safety, worldwide technical support, proprietary know-how for all production processes, a team of technicians with specialist expertise in basic product research and complete projects, and above all the passion that each employee offers to the company and the customer.
fuEu&Hkkj jksxu ds fy;s] dksyksjksfc;k viuh ,lih,l Ja`a[kyk dks izLrkfor dj jgh gSA bl Ja`a[kyk dks foyk;d vk/kkfjr lkefxz;ksa ds fy;s fizaVgsM fuekZrkvksa dh vko’;drk dks larq"V djus ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k gS] cfYd ,d mUur f?klkbZ izfØ;k ds ek/;e ls izkIr fd;s x;s fo’ks"k d.k vkdkj ds lkFkA blls ihys vkSj xqykch tSls Li"V ef)e jaxksa ds T;knk xgu jaxksa dks izkIr djuk laHko gksrk gS vkSj bu lcls Åij mu lkefxz;ksa dk iz;ksx djus dh vuqefr feyrh gS tks flQZ jax ds vfrfjDr xgjkbZ vkSj pkSM+kbZ Hkh ns ldrh gS] ftlds ifj.kke Lo:i lrgh izHkko vkSj lajpuk,a feyrh gSa tks igys fMftVy rduhd ds lkFk vdYiuh; FkhA dyjksfc;k igys ls gh ihys vkSj xqykch jaxksa tSls jax vkSj pedjfgr vkSj ikjn’khZ jksxu tSls izHkkoksa dh vkiwfrZ dj ldrk gS ¼fp= 3&4½A dyjksfc;k }kjk fn;s tkus okys lHkh fMftVy mRikn iwjh rjg ls ij[ksa x, vkSj T;knkrj vxz.kh e’khu vkSj fizaVgsM fuekZrkvksa }kjk Lohd`r gksrs gSaA urhtuu] ,lih,l Ja`a[kyk ds mRikn ,d vxz.kh brkyoh fljsfed mRiknd }kjk vkS|ksfxd Lrj ij igys ls gh viuk fy;s x;s gSaA dyjksfc;k mPp dk;Z’khy lkefxz;ka ¼ikjaifjd lTtk izfØ;k esa ls fuEu vuqiz;ksx Hkkj dh vko’;drk gksrh gS½ iznku djrk gS] tks fQj vfHkuo vkSj iwjh rjg ls fMftVy Vkby dk fuekZ.k djus ds ijrksa ds ,d Øe esa ,d&nwljs ls la;ksftr fd;s tkrs gSaA lkjka’k dyjksfc;k fMftVy Lisl fdlh lk/kkj.k jax pkVZ ;k fdlh fMftVy izHkko@jksxu ds flaxy VsLV ju ls cgqr T;knk iznku djrk gSA ;g dyjksfc;k ds 90 lky ds vuqHko ls izkIr egRoiw.kZ [kwfc;ksa dk la;kstu iznku djrk gS% lkefxz;ksa dh fo’oluh;rk] lqj{kk] oSf’od rduhdh leFkZu] mRiknu dh lHkh izfØ;kvksa ds fy;s VªsMekdZ ;qDr tkurkjh] vk/kkjHkwr mrikn 'kks/k vkSj iwjh ifj;kstuk esa fo’ks"kK fuiq. krk ds lkFk rduhf’k;uksa dk ny] vkSj bu lcls Åij mRlkg tks izR;sd deZpkjh dEiuh vkSj xzkgdksa dks nsrk gSA
Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I n d i a 2 0 1 5
fMftVy izfØ;k% iw.kZ ,dhdj.k dh vksj The digital process: towards total integration Projecta Engineering is continuing its efforts to innovate the Evolve range of digital decoration machines. Through a process of ongoing research, Projecta Engineering has transformed decoration into an efficient high-performance digital system that can be fully integrated into the production process. A design approach aimed at effective dialogue between all stages of the glazing line has created intelligent, fully automated lines built around the graphic design project. The use of cutting-edge solutions (Evolve, Evostore, Synchro 3D, Evovision) has already produced outstanding results in terms of maximum integration of digital technologies into ceramic production lines. Following the addition of new models and accessories, the Evolve family is now the most complete and versatile range of decorating machines on the market. The main advantages of Evolve digital decorating machines are: • compactness, ruggedness and versatility; • ease of access and maintenance thanks to the automatic cleaning system; • powerful suction; • machine parameter management from a single point; • low installed power; • image loading speed; • interchangeable colour modules; • modularity and scalability according to the customers’ requirements, in an extremely small space. Evolve decorating machines have very small overall dimensions and class-leading characteristics. Their proprietary hardware and software architecture allows for the use of a range of printheads. An open system of this kind brings significant benefits as there are no constraints on ink and printhead purchasing, allowing the utmost freedom of choice. The printheads can consequently be alternated according to the various applications and product characteristics required by the customer. The colours are housed in completely removable bars. The colour bars hold the colour tanks, the printheads, the fittings and the filters. With the electronics located in the rear section, the extremely simple and accessible hydraulic and electronic fittings allow any given colour module to be removed from its original location and inserted in the new position without the need for washing. The operation takes just a few minutes and enables the same bar to be used on another machine on another line. Evolve’s success is based on its modularity and versatility,
Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
Vincenzo Palumbo, Projecta Engineering-Siti B&T Group
izkstsDVk bathfu;fjax fMftVy lTtk e’khuksa dh bokWYo Ja`[kyk esa uoifjorZu ykux ds vius iz;kl dks tkjh j[k jgk gSA tkjh 'kks/k dh izfØ;k ds ek/;e ls] izkstsDVk bathfu;fjax us lTtk dks ,d n{k mPp&izn’kZu;qDr fMftVy iz.kkyh esa ifjofrZr fd;k gS tks mRiknu izfØ;k esa iw.kZr% ,dhd`r gSA jksxu Ja`[kyk ds lHkh pj.kksa ds chp izHkkoh fopkj ds mn~ns’; ls ,d fMtkbu izLrko us xzkfQd fMtkbu ifj;kstuk ds ikl cus dq’ky] iw.kZr% Lopkfyr Ja`[kyk dk fuekZ.k fd;k gSA vR;k/kqfud lek/kkuksa ¼bokWYo] boksLVksj] flaØks 3Mh] boksfotu½ ds mi;ksx us fljsfed mRiknu Ja`[kyk esa fMftVy rduhdksa ds vf/kdre ,dhdj.k ds lanHkZ esa csgrj ifj.kke fn;s gSaA u;s ekWMyksa vkSj ,lsljht dks tksM+dj] bokWYo Js.kh vc cktkj esa lTtk e’khuksa dh lcls iw.kZ vkSj cgqi;ksxh Ja`[kyk gSA bokWYo fMftVy lTtk e’khuksa ds eq[; ykHk gSa% • l?kurk] etcwrh vkSj cgqi;ksfxrk( • mi;ksx vkSj j[kj[kko djus esa vklkuh] Lopkfyr lQkbZ iz.kkyh dks /kU;okn( • 'kfDr’kkyh f[kapko( • ,d fcanq ls e’khu ds ekinaM dk izca/ku( • de laLFkkfir 'kfDr( • best yksM djus dh xfr( • ijLij ifjorZuh; dyj ekWM~;wy( • xzkgdksa dh vko’;drk ds vuqlkj] cgqr de txg esa izfr:idrk vkSj ekiuh;rkA bokWYo lTtk e’khuksa dk dqN ifjek.k dkQh de gksrh gS vkSj muesa oxZ dh vxz.kh fo’ks"krk,a gksrh gSaA VsªMekdZ ;qDr gkMZos;j vkSj lkW¶Vos;j lajpuk fizaVgsM dh ,d Ja`[kyk dk mi;ksx djus dh lqfo/kk nsrh gSA bl izdkj dh ,d [kqyh iz.kkyh dbZ egRoiw.kZ Qk;ns nsrh gS D;ksafd buesa L;kgh vkSj fizaVfljksa dks [kjhnus dh dksbZ ck/kk ugha gksrh] fodYiksa dh vf/kdre Lora=rk nsrh gSA fizaVfljksa dks fofHkUu vuqiz;ksxksa vkSj xzkgdksa }kjk ekaxh xbZ mRikn fo’ks"krk vksa ds vuqlkj fu;fer rkSj ij cnyk tk ldrk gSA jaxksa dks iwjh rjg ls gVk, tk ldus okys ckj esa yxk;k tkrk gSA dyj ckj dyj VSad] fizaVfljs] fQfVaXl vkSj fQYVj idM+rs gSaA fiNys fgLls esa fLFkr bysDVªkWfuDl ds lkFk] iw.kZr% ljy vkSj lqyHk gkbMªkWfyd vkSj bysDVªkWfud fQfVax fdlh Hkh fn;s x;s dyj ekWM~;wy dks mldh okLrfod fLFkfr ls gVkus vkSj /kks, fcuk u, LFkku ij yxkus dh lqfo/ kk nsrh gSA bl dke esa dqN gh feuV yxrs gSa vkSj mlh ckj dk iz;ksx fdlh vU; Ja`[kyk ij fdlh vU; e’khu ij fd;k tk ldrk gSA bokWYo dh lQyrk bldh izfr:idrk vkSj cgqi;ksfxrk ij vk/kkfjr gS] tks de la[;k esa ifjorZu’khy dyj ckj dk iz;ksx djds izkIr fd;k tkrk gS] bu ckj ij jaxksa ds Øeksa vkSj lkexzh izHkkoksa dks fdlh Hkh le;
focus on digital glazing & decoration
achieved through the use of a small number of mobile colour bars on which the sequence of colours and material effects can be changed at any time. This makes for savings as only a limited number of additional colour bars need to be purchased, and they can be used on any line as required with short set-up times and without the need for washing. At Tecnargilla 2014 Projecta Engineering unveiled a number of new products including the digital machine with the largest printing width in the world, which is already in operation at the facilities of two leading Italian ceramic manufacturers. In view of the market success of large format tiles and their growing use in unconventional applications, Projecta Engineering decided to extend its already wide range of extralarge printers with the introduction of the new EVO 8, which has a printing width of 1890 mm. It is the first company in the sector to have introduced a machine capable of decorating such wide ceramic panels. Another innovation is that of EvoDRYFIX, a machine for dry powder application already in operation at several factories in the Sassuolo area. EvoDRYFIX is the first digital ceramic printer to combine inkjet drop on demand technology with dry application technology. The use of two colour bars for glue application enables granules with various particle sizes to be applied, from a minimum of 50 microns to a maximum of 500 microns. This allows for a full range of applications – from low thicknesses with high definition through to coarser, high thickness applications. The maximum stability and repeatability of granule application is guaranteed. As with the entire Evolve family of decorating machines, the EvoDRYFIX stands out for its exceptional flexibility of use. The granules can be changed in a short space of time to allow for a rapid reconfiguration of the decoration line. EVO7
cnyk tk ldrk gSA blls dkQh cpr gksrh gS D;ksafd lhfer la[;k esa gh vfrfjDr dyj ckj dks [kjhnus dh t:jr gksrh gS] vkSj mUgsa FkksM+s ls le; esa vkSj /kqykbZ dh vko’;drk ds fcuk t:jr vuqlkj fdlh Hkh Ja`[kyk esa iz;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gSA VsDujfxyk 2014 esa] izkstsDVk bathfu;fjax us dbZ lkjs u, mRiknksa dk vukoj.k fd;k ftuesa nqfu;k dh lcls cM+h fizafVax pkSM+kbZ okyh okyh fMftVy e’khu Hkh gS] tks nks vxz.kh brkyoh fljsfed mRikndksa ds la;a=ksa esa igys ls gh izpkfyr gSA cM+s izk:i dh VkbYl dh cktkj lQyrk vkSj xSjikjaifjd vuqiz;ksxksa esa buds c<+rs mi;ksx dks ns[krs gq,] izkstsDV bathfu;fjax us u, boks 8 dk ifjp; djds cgqr cM+s fizaVjksa dh viuh o`gn Ja`[kyk dks foLrkfjdr djus dk fu.kZ; fy;k] ftldh fizafVax pkSM+kbZ 1890 feeh gSA ;g bl {ks= dh igyh daiuh gS ftlus brus cM+s fljsfed iSuy dh ltkoV djus esa l{ke e’khu dks izLrkfor fd;k gSA ,d vU; uokpkj boksMªkbfQDl gS] lw[ks ikmMj ds vuqiz;ksxksa ds fy;s ,d e’khu tks lSlqvksyks {ks= esa dbZ dkj[kkuksa esa igys ls gh izpkfyr gSA boksMªkbfQDl badtsV MªkWi vkWu fMekaM rduhd vkSj lw[ks vuqiz;ksxksa dh rduhd dks lfEefyr djus okyk igyk fMftVy fljsfed fizaVj gSA xksan ds vuqiz;ksx ds fy;s nks dyj ckj dk iz;ksx djus ls U;wure 50 ekbØksu ls ysdj vf/kdre 500 ekbØjsu rd ds fofHkUu d.k vkdkj okys nkuksa dks yxkuk laHko gksrk gSA ;g vuqiz;ksxksa dh ,d o`gn fo’ks"krkdh lqfo/kk nsrk gS] de eksVkbZ okys gkbZ MsfQfu’ku vuqiz;ksxksa ls ysdj [kqjnqjs T;knk eksVkbZ okys vuqiz;ksxksa rdA nkuksa ds vuqiz;ksx dh vf/kdre fLFkjrk vkSj nksgjko dh xkjaVh gSA lTtk e’khuksa dh iwjh bokWYo Ja[kyk ds lkFk] boksMªkbfQDl mi;ksx esa viuh vk’p;Ztud uE;rk ds fy;s vOoy gSA ltkog Ja[kyk dk Rofjr iqufoZU;kl djus ds fy;s nkuksa dks cgqr FkksM+s le; esa cnyk tk ldrk gSA EvoDRYFIX
Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I n d i a 20 15
MLZV dh vksj ls ubZ fMftVy lTtk rduhd New digital decoration technologies from Durst Norbert von Aufschnaiter, Durst Phototechnik Building on the success of more than 500 installations worldwide, Durst once again demonstrated its capacity for innovation at this year’s Tecnargilla with the presentation of its Gamma XD series and new digital glazing technology. The Gamma XD series is the new generation of Durst 8-colour ceramic printers, designed for lasting printing precision and uniformity and extraordinary colour stability. Alongside technological innovations, the machines have sophisticated new features including modularity and an integrated self-maintenance capability. The Gamma XD series includes two printers capable of decorating tiles of various sizes with quick and easy width adjustments: • Gamma 98XD for printing widths up to 957 mm • Gamma 148XD for printing widths up to 1404 mm. Both printers feature Durst High Definition technology printheads and dual ink circulation and can be configured with up to 8 bars. The new Gamma XD series is capable of decorating tiles with a native resolution of 300 dpi combined with the innovative Adaptive Dot Placement technology. This machine is able to print 4 grayscale levels with a drop size of up to 90 pl. Printheads with drop sizes up to 320 pl are also available for creating special effects such as gloss, matt, lustre, metallic effects, etc. The intelligent Electronic Print Head Alignment System ensures band-free printing and high image quality and colour uniformity over the entire print width. A new system for printhead cleaning and filtering without ink loss ensures consistent printing results, a long printhead life and long times between maintenance. It also avoids the ink wastage that derives from discharge onto the conveyor belt during standard printhead cleaning cycles. The printheads are designed to reduce machine stoppages and can be replaced and adjusted by the operator quickly and easily. The new Gamma XD printers are equipped with Remote Diagnostics Technology and allow all maintenance and support work, including printhead changing, to be performed without supervision by Durst. The machines allow ease of access on both sides for maintenance work (photo 2) and offer guided procedures for performing quick and easy replacements and alignments. The new structure of the Gamma XD series printers is designed to optimised ergonomics and further improve the production processes. The control panel can be adjusted in height, rotated and easily adjusted on site for left or right handed operation. The Gamma XD series is equipped with what customers consider to be the best printing software for quick and simple operation (64-bit Linux). The operator can choose one of the many available languages to customise the user in-
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Ceramic World Review 75/2008 Cn. era mic W o rld Review India 2015
iwjh nqfu;k esa 500 ls T;knk laLFkkiu dh lQyrk dk fuekZ.k djds] MLZV us bl lky ds VsDukjftyk ij vius xkek ,DlMh Ja`a[kyk vkSj ubZ fMftVy jksxu rduhd ds izn’kZu ds lkFk ,d ckj fQj uokpkj dh viuh {kerk dk izn’kZu fd;kA xkek ,DlMh Ja`a[kyk MLZV 8&dyj fljsfed fizaVlZ dh ubZ ih<+h gS] ftls fVdkÅ fizafVax lqLi”Vrk vkSj ,d:irk vkSj vlk/kkj.k jax n`<+rk ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k gSA rduhdh uokpkj ds lkFk gh] bu e’khuksa esa izekih;rk vkSj ,dhd`r Lo&vuqj{k.k {kerk tSlh ubZ izxfr’khy lqfo/kk,a gSaA xkek ,DlMh Ja`[kyk esa Rofjr vkSj ljy pkSM+kbZ lek;kstu ds lkFk fofHkUu vkdkjksa dh VkbYl dh lTtk djus esa l{ke nks fizaVj 'kkfey gksrs gSa% • 957 feeh rd dh fizafVax pkSM+kbZ ds fy;s xkek 98,DlMh • 1404 feeh rd dh fizafVax pkSM+kbZ ds fy;s xkek 148,DlMhA nksuksa fizaVjksa esa MLZV gkbZ MsfQfu’ku rduhd ds fizaV fljs vksj nksgjs L;kgh izlkj gksrs gSa vkSj bUgsa 8 ckj rd ls foU;kflr fd;k tk ldrk gSA ubZ xkek ,DlMh Ja`[kyk vfHkuo ,MkfIVo MkWV IyslesaV rduhd ds lkFk lfEefyr 300 MhihvkbZ ds lgt fjtkWY;w’ku ds lkFk VkbYl dh lTtk djus esa l{ke gSA ;g e’khu 90 ih,y rd ds cwan vkdkj ds lkFk 4 xzsLdsy Lrj dks fizaV djus esa l{ke gSA ned] pedghurk] ped] eSVsfyd izHkko vkfn tSls fo’ks"k izHkkoksa dk fuekZ.k djus ds fy;s 320 ih,y rd ds cwan vkdkj okys fizaVfljs Hkh ekStwn gSaA bldk dq’ky bysDVªkWfud fizaV gsM vykbuesaV flLVe ;g lqfuf’pr djrk gS fd iwjh fizaV pkSM+kbZ esa cSaM&eqDr fizafVax vkSj csgrjhu fp= xq.koRrk vkSj jaxksa dh ,d:irk feysA L;kgh dk uqdlku fd;s fcuk fizaVfljksa dks lkQ vkSj fQYVj djus ds fy;s ,d ubZ iz.kkyh ;g lqfuf’pr djrh gS fd fujarj fizafVax ds ifj.kke] fiazV fljs dh yach vof/k vkSj j[kj[kko esa yack varjky feysA ;g L;kgh cckZnh ls cpkrk gS tks ekud fizaVfljs dh lQkbZ ds nkSjku okgd iV~Vs ij cgko ls fudyrh gSA fizaVfljksa dks e’khuksa ds vojks/k dks de djus ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k gS vkSj izpkydksa }kjk rqjar vkSj vklkuh ls bls cnyk vkSj lek;ksftr fd;k tk ldrk gSA u, xkek ,DlMh fizaVlZ dks fjeksV Mk;uksfLVd rduhd ls lqlfTtr fd;k x;k gS vkSj ;s fizaVfljs dks cnyus lfgr lHkh vuqj{kk vkSj leFkZu dk;Z dks MLZV ds fujh{k.k ds fcuk iwjk djus dh vuqefr nsrs gSaA ;g e’khu j[kj[kko dk;Z ds fy;s nksuksa rjQ ij igqqapus dh lgwfy;r nsrh gS ¼fp= 2½ vkSj Rofjr ,oa ljy izfrLFkkiu vkSj lajs[k.k dk;Z djus ds fy;s funsZf’kr dk;Ziz. kkyh iznku djrh gSA xkek ,DlMh fizaVlZ dh ubZ lajpuk dks Je&n{krk dks vuqdwfyr djus vkSj mlds vkxs dh mRiknu izfØ;kvksa dks csgrj djus ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k gSA fu;a=.k iSuy dks ÅapkbZ esa lek;ksftr fd;k tk ldrk gS] ?kqek;k tk ldrk gs vkSj cka,&nka, gkFk ls dke djus ds fy;s lkbV ij vklkuh ls O;ofLFkr fd;k tk ldrk gSA xkek ,DlMh Ja`a[kyk ftlls lqlfTtr gS mls xzkgdksa }kjk Rofjr vkSj ljy lapkyu ds fy;s csgrjhu fizafVax lkW¶Vos;j ekuk tkrk gS ¼64&fcV ykbuDl½A izpkyd ;wtj baVjQsl dks vuqdwfyr djus ds fy;s miyC/k dbZ Hkk"kkvksa esa ls fdlh dk p;u dj ldrs gSaA ;g lkW¶Vos;j mPp Lrj dh uE;rk iznku djrk gS vkSj fMftVy dk;Z izxfr dks vuqdwfyr djus ds fy;s fofHkUu QaD’kUl ls lqlfTtr gS] tSls MsIFk bQsDV tSlh fo’ks"k L;kgh dk iz;ksx djds Lor% gh ,d lajpuk dk fuekZ.k djus ds fy;s fo’ks"k MLZV vkWVksLVªDpj QaD’kuA
focus on digital glazing & decoration
terface. The software allows for a high degree of flexibility and is equipped with various functions to optimise the digital workflow, such as the exclusive Durst Autostructure function for creating a structure automatically when using special inks such as depth effects. Durst Digital Glaze Line With the new Digital Glaze Line concept, Durst is introducing an innovation that will revolutionise ceramic tile production through completely digital glazing before and after the digital decoration machine and synchronisation of the digital glazing, printing and finishing processes. This will result in greater creativity, efficiency and precision and will allow for on-demand production, from inception through to the finished product, without the need for further production stages. Digital Glaze technology will enable tile producers to perform complete or partial glazing and to create textures that are synchronised with the graphic design, opening up possibilities that would have been unimaginable with conventional technologies. Digital Glaze technology can be installed before the current digital decoration printer to glaze tiles with flat or textured surfaces, or after the printer to apply special effects or a protective finishing layer. The biggest advantage of this innovative technology is that it is able to apply large quantities of glaze with a particle size very close to that of conventional glazes, allowing for lowcost applications that maintain the look and feel of traditional ceramic materials. This makes it possible to optimise the production process, increase efficiency, reduce waste and minimise production costs. The new Gamma XD series is already equipped with a software interface for synchronisation with Digital Glaze technology. Durst is also planning to provide connections for digital printers produced by other brands so as to be able to offer the system in a stand-alone configuration.
MLZV fMftVy Xyst ykbu ubZ fMftVy Xyst ykbu vo/kkj.kk ds lkFk] MLZV ,d uokpkj dk ifjp; ns jgk gS tks fMftVy lTtk e’khu ls igys vkSj ckn esa iw.kZr% fMftVy jksxu djds vkSj fMftVy jksxu] fizafVax vkSj iw.kZ djus dh izfØ;k ds ek/;e ls fljsfed Vkby mRiknu esa Økafrdkjh cnyko yk,xkA blds ifj.kkeLo:i csgrj jpukRedrk] n{krk vkSj lqLi"Vrk feysxh vkSj eupkgh bPNk ij mRiknu dh lqfo/kk feysxh] [kRe fd;s x;s mRikn ls gh 'kq: djds] vfrfjDr mRiknu pj.kksa dh vko’;drk ds fcukA fMftVy Xyst rduhd Vkby mRikndksa dks iw.kZ ;k vkaf’kd jksxu djus vkSj xzkfQd fMtkbu ds lkFk rqY;dkfyd lajpukvksa dk fuekZ.k djus dh lqfo/kk nsrk gS] vkSj ,slk laHkkoukvksa ds jkLrs [kksyrk gS tks ikjaifjd rduhdksa ds lkFk vdYiuh; jgh gSaA fMftVy Xyst rduhd dks likV ;k cukoV okyh lrg okyh VkbYl dk jksxu djus ds fy;s orZeku fMftVy lTtk fizaVj ds igys] ;k fQj fo’ks"k izHkko vFkkok lqj{kkRed ifj"dj.k ijr yxkus ds fy;s fizaVj ds ckn LFkkfir fd;k tk ldrk gSA bl vfHkuo rduhd dk lcls cM+k Qk;nk ;g gS fd ;g yxHkx O;ogkfjd jksxu ftrus cM+s d.k ds lkFk cM+h ek=k esa jksxu djus esa l{ke gS] tks fuEu&ykxr ds vuqiz;ksxksa dks vuqefr nsrk gS tks ikjaifjd fljsfed lkefxz;ksa ds :i vkSj Li’kZ dks laHkkyrk gSA blls mRikn izfØ;k dks vuqdwfyr djuk] n{krk c<+kus] vif’k"V ?kVkus vkSj mRiknu ykxr dks de djuk laHko cukrk gSA fMftVy Xyst rduhd ds lkFk ladkyu ds fy;s ubZ xkek ,DlMh Ja`a[kyk ds lkFk igys ls gh ,d lkW¶Vos;j baVjQsl miyC/k gSA MLZV Hkh vU; czkaM~l }kjk cuk, x, fMftVy fizavlZ ds fy;s dusD’ku iznku djus ij fopkj dj jgk gS rkfd ;g ,d Lopkfyr foU;kl esa flLVe iznku djus esa l{ke gks ldsA 2
Durst Digital Glaze Line Gamma-Decor Design Printing Stampa decoro
Gamma DG-Glaze
Gamma DG-Glaze
Glazing & Structure Smaltatura & spessore
Finishing, Effect Salatura, effetto
Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I n d i a 2 0 1 5
fMftVy ;qx esa jksxu vkSj lTtk Glazing and decoration in the digital age Erminio Guiducci, Intesa-Sacmi
Intesa is continuing along its path of technological development with the goal of complete digitalisation of the ceramic glazing and decoration processes. For this purpose, it is unveiling a completely new range of digital printers marketed under the Sacmi brand name, demonstrating how its operations are becoming increasingly integrated with those of its Imola-based parent company. For inkjet printing, Intesa is proposing its DHD series of decorating machines based on technology from Xaar, the world leader in inkjet technology. The DHD series can be fitted with all types of Xaar 1002 printheads, including the brand new GS40 heads unveiled at Tecnargilla 2014. DHD printers offer a number of major improvements and innovations over previous versions of Intesa machines. In particular, the ink circulation and feeding systems have been entirely redesigned to ensure a very high level of performance. The electronics are also completely new. All Intesa machines now use proprietary electronics developed internally by the Sacmi Group, which ensure very high performance in terms of data transmission rates, manufacturing flexibility and reliability, while at the same time allowing for perfect integration between the various digital applications that are to be found today on a ceramic glazing and decoration line. Furthermore, the DHD printer management software has a simple and intuitive graphic interface that is easy to use by operators. The DHD digital printer range comprises models DHD708 (maximum printing width of 697 mm), DHD1108 (maximum width 1120 mm) and DHD1308 (maximum width 1390 mm). Alongside these models, which can be used to decorate all sizes up to 1200 mm after firing, Intesa is also proposing a digital printer version that has been specially designed for decorating very large format ceramic panels and for installation on Sacmi’s Continua+ production lines. With its maximum printing width of 1882 mm and the possibility of installing up to 8 colour bars, the DHD 1808 has technical, construction and functional characteristics that are intended specifically for integration with the Continua+ production cycle. Equipped with an individual cleaning system for each colour bar, the DHD 1808 can be programmed to perform bar washing cycles in the time between the passage of one tile and the next, without the need to halt production. In view of the extraordinary benefits that digital tech-
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baVslk fljsfed jksxu vkSj lTtk izfØ;k ds iw.kZ fMftVyhdj.k ds mn~ns’; ds lkFk vius rduhdh fodkl ds iFk ij yxkrkj vkxs c<+ jgk gSA bl mn~ns’; ds fy;s] ;g lSDeh uke ds czkaM ds varxZr ekdsZfVax dh xbZ fMftVy fizaVj dh iw.kZ ubZ Ja`[kyk dk vuokj.k dj jgk gS] ftlls ;g crk;k tk jgk gS fd dSls mlds izpkyu mudh beksyk&vk/kkfjr ewy daiuh ds lkFk rsth ls ,dhd`r gks jgs gSaA badtsV fizafVax ds fy;s] baVslk badtsV rduhd esa fo’o dh vxz.kh daiuh tkj dh rduhd ij vk/kkfjr viuh lTtk e’khyksa dh Mh,pMh Ja`a[kyk dks izLrkfor dj jgk gSA Mh,pMh Ja`a[kyk dks lHkh izdkj ds tkj 1002 fizaVfljksa ds lkFk yxk;k tk ldrk gS] VsDukjftyk 2014 esa vukofjr fd;s x;s fcYdqy u, th,l 40 fljksa lfgrA baVslk e’khuksa ds fiNys laLdj.kksa dh rqyuk esa Mh,pMh fizaVlZ dbZ cM+s la’kks/ku vkSj uokpkj iznku djrs gSaA [kkl rkSj ij] dkQh mPp Lrj ds izn’kZu dks lqfuf’pr djus ds fy;s L;kgh izlkj ,oa Hkj.k iz.kkyh dks iwjk rjg ls nksckjk fMtkbu fd;k x;k gSA bysDVªkWfuDl Hkh iw.kZr% u;k gSA lHkh baVslk e’khusa vc lSDeh lewg } kjk vkarfjd rkSj ij fodflr VªsMekdZ ;qDr bysDVªkWfuDl dk iz;ksx djrh gSa] tks MkVk LFkkukarj.k nj] fuekZ.k uE;rk vkSj fo’oluh;rk ds lanHkZ esa vR;f/kd mPp izn’kZu dks lqfuf’pr djrs gSa] tcfd mlh le; fofHkUu fMftVy vuqiz;ksxksa ds chp laiw.kZ ,dhdj.k dh vuqefr Hkh nsrk gS tks vktdy ,d fljsfed jksxu vkSj lTtk Js.kh esa ik, tkrs gSaA blds vykok] Mh,pMh fizaVj izca/ku lkW¶Vos;j esa lk/kkj.k vkSj lgt xzkfQd baVjQsl gS ftlds dkj.k izpkydksa }kjk bldk iz;ksx djuk vklku gks tkrk gSA Mh,pMh fMftVy fizaVj Ja`a[kyk esa Mh,pMh708 ¼697 feeh dh vf/kdre fizafVax pkSM+kbZ½] Mh,pMh1108 ¼1120 feeh dh vf/kdre pkSM+kbZ½ vkSj Mh,pMh1308 ¼1390 feeh dh vf/kdre pkSM+kbZ½ ekWMy 'kkfey gSaA bu ekWMYl ds lkFk] ftldk iz;ksx tykou ds ckn 1200 feeh rd ds lHkh vkdkjksa dks ltkus ds fy;s fd;k tk ldrk gS] baVslk ,d fMftVy fizaVj laLdj.k izLrkfor dj jgk gS ftls dkQh cM+s izk:i ds fljsfed iSuyksa dks ltkus vkSj lSDeh dk dfUVuqvk $ mRikn Js.kh ij laLFkkfir djus ds fy;s fo’ks"k rkSj ij fMtkbu fd;k x;k gSA 1882 feeh dh vf/kdre fizafVax pkSM+kbZ vkSj 8 jaxhu ckj rd dks laLFkkfir djus dh laHkkouk ds lkFk] Mh,pMh 1808 esa dbZ rduhdh] fuekZ.k vkSj dk;Z’khy fo’ks”krk,a gSa tks fu;r gSa fo’ks"k rkSj ij dfUVuqvk $ mRiknu pØ ls ,dhdj.k ds fy;sA izR;sd dyj ckj ds fy;s fo’ks"k lQkbZ iz.kkyh ls lqlfTtr] Mh,pMh 1808 dks ,d Vkby vkSj nwljs ds chp ds le; esa ckj /kksus ds dk;Z dks iwjk djus ds fy;s Øeknsf’kr fd;k tk ldrk gS] mRiknu dks jksds fcukA lTtk pj.k ds fy;s iznku dh tkus okyh fMftVy rduhd ds vlk/ kkj.k Qk;nksa dks ns[krs gq,] iwjk fljsfed {ks= fMftVy vuqiz;ksxksa dks foLrkfjr djus dk iz;kl dj jgk gSA fo’ks"kr%] ikjaifjd lTtk izfØ;k esa ubZ lkSan;Z laHkkoukvksa dks ykus ds fy;s fo’ks"k lkefxz;ksa dk iz;ksx fd;k tk jgk gS] ftlesa c<+rk gqvk izpqj izkd`frd lajpuk,a] jax vkSj izHkko 'kkfey gSA gkykafd] pwafd ;s lkefxz;ka vHkh Hkh foyk;d&vk/ kkfjr vkSj mi&ekbØksu d.k vkdkj esa gSa] Åaph dhersa vkSj buesa lhfer vuqiz;ksx laHkkoukvksa dk nks"k Hkh gSA
focus on digital glazing & decoration
nology offers for the decoration stage, the entire ceramic sector is striving to expand digital applications. In particular, special materials are being used to bring new aesthetic possibilities to the traditional decoration process, including increasingly rich natural textures, colours and effects. However, as these materials are still solvent-based and have a sub-micron particle size, they often have the drawback of high costs and limited application potential. To be able to produce tiles with the real material look and feel that cannot be achieved using inks alone, Intesa has developed the new HW printing technology for controlled application of ceramic glazes. HW technology can apply water-based glazes with particle sizes greater than 3 microns (range 3 - 12 micron). It is capable of depositing glazes in quantities of between 200 and 1000 grams per square metre for either fullfield applications (engobes, textures) or specific spot applications integrated with traditional ink decoration. Initially designed and developed in the Sacmi Group’s research laboratories, HW is now brought to the ceramic industry by Xaar with the brand new Xaar 001 printhead, featured on Intesa’s Glazejet and DHW series digital printers. The Glazejet 330 laboratory plotter, complete with a printing station and DropWatcher system, has already been adopted by numerous glaze and colour producers for their glaze research and development activities. The Glazejet 1000 plotter is suitable for prototyping and developing large-size products. During Tecnargilla 2014, Intesa also unveiled the DHW 700 digital printer, the first single-pass digital machine for operation in a continuous industrial process. DHW can be synchronised with conventional inkjet printers and allows a fully digitalised glazing and decoration line to be created.
okLrfod lkexzh ds :i vkSj vkHkk okyh VkbYl] ftUgsa dsoy L;kgh dk iz;ksx djds izkIr ugha fd;k tk ldrk gS] mudk mRiknu djus esa l{ke gksus ds fy;s] baVslk us fljsfed jksxu ds fu;af=r vuqiz;ksx ds fy;s ubZ ,pMCY;w fizafVax rduhd dk fodkl fd;k gSA ,pMCY;w rduhd 3 ekbØksu ls T;knk ¼3&12 ekbØksu dh jsat½ ds vkdkj okys d.k okys ty&vk/kkfjr jksxu dks yxk ldrh gSA ;g iw.kZ&{ks= vuqiz;ksx ¼baxksc] lajpukRed½ ;k ikjaifjd L;kgh lTtk okyh fo’ks"k LFkku vuqiz;ksx ds fy;s 200 vkSj 100 xzke izfr oxZ ehVj ds chp dh ek=k esa jksxu dk HkaMkj djus esa l{ke gSA izkjaHk esa lSDeh lewg dh 'kks/k iz;ksx’kky esa fMtkbu vkSj fodflr fd;k x;k] ,pMCY;w dks tkj }kjk fcYdqy u, tkj 001 fizaVfljs ds lkFk fljsfed m|ksx esa yk;k x;k gS] tks baVslk ds XysttsV vksj My,pMCY;w Ja`[kyk ds fMftVy fizaVlZ dks izdV djrk gSA XysttsV 330 iz;ksx’kkyk IykWVj dks] ,d fizafVax LVs’ku vkSj MªkWiokWpj iz.kkyh ds lkFk iwjh rjg ls] dbZ jksxu vkSj jax mRikndksa }kjk muds jksxu 'kks/k vkSj fodkl xfrfof/k;ksa ds fy;s igys ls gh viuk fy;k x;k gSA cM+s vkdkj ds mRiknksa dh izfrd`fr cukus vkSj mldk fodkl djus ds fy;s XysttsV 100 IykWVj mi;qDr gSA VsDukjftyk 2014 ds nkSjku] baVslk us Mh,pMCY;w 700 fMftVy fizaVj dk Hkh vukoj.k fd;k] tks izpfyr vkS|ksfxd izfØ;k esa izpkyu ds fy;s igyh flaxy&ikl fMftVy e’khu gSA Mh,pMCY;w dks O;ogkfjd bdtsV fizaVj ds lkFk ladkfyd fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj iw.kZr% fMftVy jksxu vkSj lTtk Ja`a[kyk dk fuekZ.k fd;k tk ldrk gSA
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fljsfed m|ksx esa ^^fMftVy lkexzh** dk vkuk “Digital material” comes to the ceramics Armando Meletti, Alessandro Ferrari, Esmalglass-Itaca Group industry The digital technology revolution in the ceramics world is becoming clearer every day. It all began with pigmented inks, which offered ceramic flooring and wallcovering manufacturers huge manufacturing and business benefits. Research is ongoing and is not limited to decoration, since ceramic is much more than that: it is the sum of the structure, contrast, shine and different tactilities that can be achieved with the material. Now, if the material can be made using digital systems, enabling simultaneous and synchronised decoration and glazing, the innumerable advantages of digital technology could increase by several orders of magnitude. This was the goal set by Esmalglass-Itaca as it developed the DPM (Digital Printing Materials) product family, which are specifically designed for use with digital systems and are capable of creating ceramic products through an entirely digital process, which starts as soon as they leave the press and ends when they enter the kiln. DPM products are divided into two sub-families depending on particle size: DPM submicron and DPM micron. The former, adapted to current printheads, contain nanometric particles whose granulometric distribution provides excellent physical stability as well as superb printhead performance; moreover, the quantity of material deposited is similar to that of current pigmented inks, below 100 g/m2. DPM submicrons include materials that complement existing decor and create special effects. These include a white used for decoration or as a basis for digital inks, a transparent shine effect developed to create areas of matt-gloss contrast, and a reactive sinking ink that creates small variations of level in the base glaze, forming micro-reliefs. The DPM micron series is instead usable with new, highdischarge printing heads that enable material weights well above 100 gr/m2, exceeding 1 kg/m2. These products, which have already been patented, feature an aqueous base and particle sizes of above 3 microns. The greater particle size compared with submicron products is directly linked to two considerations: price and ceramic effect. Indeed, on the one hand there is a significant reduction in price compared with submicron materials (which is by no means unimpor-
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fljsfed dh nqfu;k esa fMftVy rduhd Økafr fnu c fnu T;knk Lohdk;Z gksrk tk jgk gSA ;g lc jatd L;kgh ds lkFk 'kq: gqvk] ftlus fljsfed dh Q’kZ vkSj nhokj ds doj cukus okys fuekZrkvksa dks dkQh fuekZ.k vkSj O;kikfjd ykHk igqapk,aA bl ij 'kks/k dk;Z vHkh Hkh tkjh gS vkSj ;g lTtk rd gh lhfer ugha gS] D;ksafd fljsfed mlls Hkh dgh T;knk gS% ;g lajpuk] daVªkLV] ped vkSj fofHkUu Li’kZrkvksa dk ;ksx gS ftUgsa lkexzh ls izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gSA vc] ;fn lkexzh dk fuekZ.k fMftVy iz.kkfy;ksa dk iz;ksx djds] lTtk vkSj jksxu dks ,d lkFk vkSj ledkfyd rkSj ij l{ke djds fd;k tk ldrk gS] rks fMftVy rduhd ds cs’kqekj Qk;nksa dks dbZ egRoksa rd c<+k;k tk ldrk gSA ;g y{; ,ElyXykl&bVkdk }kjk fu/kkZfjr fd;k x;k gS D;ksafd blus Mhih,e ¼fMftVy fizafVax eVsfj;Yl½ mRikn Js.kh dk fodkl fd;k Fkk] ftls fo’ks"k rkSj ij fMftVy iz.kkfy;ksa ds lkFk mi;ksx fd;s tkus ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k gS vkSj ;g iwjh rjg ls ml fMftVy izfØ;k ds ek/;e ls fljsfed mRiknksa dk fuekZ.k djus esa l{ke gS] tks mRiknksa ds izsl NksM+us ds lkFk 'kq: gks tkrh gS vkSj HkV~Vh ij izos’k djrs gh [kReA Mhih,e mRiknksa dks d.kksa ds vkdkj ds vk/kkj ij nks mi&Jsf.k;ksa esa foHkkftr fd;k x;k gS% Mhih,e lcekbØksu vkSj Mhih,e ekbØksuA orZeku fizaMgsM~l esa :ikarfjr iwoZ ds mRiknksa esa uSuksesfVªd d.k gksrs gSa ftudk d.keki fo’ys"k.k forj.k csgrjhu HkkSfrd fLFkjrk lkFk gh lkFk csgrjhu fizaVgsM izn’kZu iznku djrh gS( blds lkFk gh] laxzfgr gksus okyh lkexzh dh ek=k orZeku jatd L;kgh ds leku gh gksrh gS] 100 xzke@oxZ ehVj ls uhpsA Mhih,e mi&ekbØksu esa os lkefxz;ka lfEefyr gksrh gSa tks ekStwnk lTtk esa ped ykrh gSa vkSj fo’ks”k izHkko fufeZr djrh gSaA buesa lTtk ds fy;s ;k fMftVy L;kgh ds fy;s vk/kkj ds :i esa iz;ksx dh xbZ lQsnh] pedjfgr&pedhys daVªkLV ds {ks= dk fuekZ.k djus ds fy;s fodflr fd;k x;k ,d ikjn’khZ pedhys izHkko] vkSj FkksM+h jkgr nsus ds fy;s ewy jksxu esa fofHkUu Lrj dh NksVh&NksVh fHkUurkvksa dk fuekZ.k djus okys izfrfØ;kRed vojksgh L;kgh 'kkfey gSA Mhih,e ekbØksu Ja`[kyk blds LFkku ij u,] mPp&fMLpktZ okys fizafVax fljksa ds mi;ksx djus ;ksX; gS tks 100 xzke@ oxZ eh- ls Åij 1 fdxzk@oxZ eh- ls T;knk rd ds Hkkj okyh lkexzh ds fy;s l{ke gSA ;s mRikn] ftUgsa igys gh isVsaV djok fy;k x;k gS] tyh; vk/kkj vkSj 3 ekbØksUl ls T;knk ds d.kh; vkdkj dh fo’ks"krk izdV djrk gSA mi&ekbØksu mRiknksa dh rqyuk esa cM+s d.k vkdkj lh/ks nks rdksZa ls tqM+s gq, gSa% ewY; vkSj fljsfed izHkkoA vly esa] ,d vksj mi&ekbØksu lkefxz;ksa dh rqyuk esa dherksa esa dkQh deh vkrh gS ¼tks mPp Hkkjr dk iz;ksx djrs le; fdlh Hk rjhds
focus on digital glazing & decoration
tant when using high weights), while on the other it is possible to apply the same quantities used at the moment with bells, flat-screen printing, rollers or mottle. The DPM micron range includes gloss white, matt white, transparent white, transparent matt satin and a crystalline finish. They can be applied full-field, before or after decoration, using a set design synchronised with the rest of the process to create thickening effects as with screen printing or rollers, or to create reliefs normally obtained using a press mould. It is therefore possible to achieve any kind of coating comparable with current methods, but with all the production advantages of digital technology.
ls egRoghu ugha gS½] ogha nwljh vksj ,d le; ij mi;ksx dh xbZ csy] ¶ySV&LØhu fizafVax] jksyj vkSj fp=.k ds lkFk leku ek=k ij ykxw djuk laHko gSA Mhih,e ekbØksu J`a[kyk esa pedhyk lQsn] vkEyku lQsn] ikjn’khZ lQsn] ikjn’khZ vkEyku lkVu vkSj fØLVyhd`r lTtk 'kkfey gSA bUgsa LØhu fizafVax ;k jksyj ds lkFk gh eksVkbZ ds izHkko dk fuekZ.k djus] ;k ,d izsl lkaps dk iz;ksx djus lkekU; rkSj ij izkIr fd;s x;s mHkkj dk fuekZ.k djus ds fy;s ckdh dh izfØ;k ds lkFk ledkfyd ,d fMtkbu lsV dk iz;ksx djds lTtk ls igys ;k ckn esa iwjs {ks= ij yxk;k tk ldrk gSA bl otg ls orZeku fof/k;ksa dh rqyuk esa fMftVy rduhd ds lHkh mRiknu Qk;nksa ds lkFk fdlh Hkh izdkj dh dksfVax dks izkIr djuk laHko gSA
Esmalglass-Itaca laboratories have been researching DPM products for several years, presenting them for the first time at Cevisama 2011, where they were awarded the ‘Alfa de Oro’. Both material types – micron and submicron – were designed for use in all production types (porous, stonewear, double-fired, etc.). At the same time, all the components have been optimised to enhance the technical and aesthetic characteristics required by current ceramics trends, as well as to guarantee the maximum chromatic development of Esmalglass-Itaca pigmented inks.
,LeyXykl&bVkdk dh iz;ksx’kkykvksa us dbZ lkyksa rd Mhih,e mRiknksa ij 'kks/k dk;Z fd;k] vkSj dsfolkek 2011 esa mUgsa igyh ckj iznf’kZr fd;k] tgka bUgsa ^vYQk Ms vksjks* ls iqjLd`r fd;kA ekbØksu vksj mi&ekbØksu nksuksa gh izdkj dh lkefxz;ksa dks lHkh izdkj ds mRiknuksa ¼fNfnzr] iRFkj ds ik=] Mcy&Qk;MZ vkfn½ esa iz;ksx djus ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k FkkA mlds lkFk&lkFk] orZeku ds fljsfed VªsaM }kjk ekaxh xbZ rduhdh vkSj lkSan;Z xq.kksa dks c<+kus] lkFk gh lkFk ,LeyXykl&bVkdk jatd L;kgh ds vf/kdre pVdhys fodkl dh xkjaVh nsus ds fy;s lHkh ?kVdksa dks vuqdwfyr fd;k x;k gSA
The advantages of a totally digital process are innumerable: from improving the product, to optimising the production process and cost management. While, on the aesthetic front, it makes it possible to achieve new finishes and structures, in production and management terms it enables a reduction in the length of the production line and shorter lead-times for the development of new products. It also reduces or eliminates the typical defects of traditional decorations, makes it quicker and easier to switch designs and reduce production tones, thereby making stock management easier.
iw.kZr% fMftVy izfØ;k ds vla[; ykHk gSa% mRikn dks csgrj djus ls ysdj mRiknu izfØ;k vkSj ykxr izca/ku dks vuqdwfyr djus rdA tcfd] lkSan;Z ds igyw ij] ubZ lTtk vkSj lajpuk,a izkIr djuk laHko gksrk gS] mRiknu vkSj izca/ ku ds lanHkZ esa ;g mRiknu Js.kh dh yackbZ dks de djrk gS vkSj u, mRiknksa ds fodkl esa yxus okys le; dks ?kVkrk gSA ;g ikjaifjd lTtk dh lkekU; =qfV;ksa dks Hkh vyx djrk gS ;k gVkrk gS] ftlls fMtkbu cnyuk vkSj mRiknu le; dks de djuk ljy vkSj rhoz gksrk gS] vr% bl izdkj ls HkaMkj dk izca/ku vklku gksrk gSA
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fMftVy fljsfed Vkby Msdksjs’ku% ge ;gka ls dgka tkrs gSa\ Digital ceramic tile decoration: Where do we go from here? Digital decoration of ceramic tiles took off in 2007 when Xaar released the Xaar 1001 printhead. The unique, patented TF Technology™ in the Xaar 1001 meant that the printers could run for extended periods of time. This is because the high flow rate of ink past the back of the nozzle during drop ejection ensured that any particles or air were removed from the printing nozzle and the ink was jetted reliably. As a result, ceramic tile producers could take advantage of the many creative and production benefits of digital printing which were so significant that the printer could pay for itself in around six months. Also important is the open ink model used in the ceramic tile market. This means that the ink is bought independently of the printer manufacturer and tile manufacturers are free to purchase their ink from the most competitive source and change that ink as often as is commercially attractive. Xaar supports this open ink model by working directly with ink partners to ensure their inks work to maximum capability in its printheads. In addition, Xaar engineers provide carefully tuned waveforms that jet the ink reliably and accurately. The open ink model has provided sufficient competitive pressure to reduce the price of digital inks in the ceramic market and this has been a significant contributor to the adoption of digital printing in ceramic tile production. Consequently, with these positive factors, we have seen a rapid take up of digital inkjet tile decoration over the last few years. During this time Xaar has steadily expanded its printhead family and, earlier this year, released the Xaar 1002 family of printheads incorporating TF Technology™ and multiple new innovative technology features. The range includes the new Xaar 1002 GS40 printhead with a range of selectable drop sizes from 40-160 picolitres (pL) and which can lay down up to 40 g/m2 of a wide variety of high pigment, large particle inks and fluids. This allows tile manufacturers to increase differentiation and add value by printing strong, intense and vibrant colours plus a variety of glaze effects. The market has been quick to respond and at Tecnargilla EFI Cretaprint, Intesa-Sacmi, KERAJet, SITI B&T and TecnoFerrari launched the first Xaar 1002 GS40-enabled printers to deliver stunning new digital decoration capabilities. Plus, Xaar’s Chinese OEM partners – Hope Ceramics Machinery, Keda Clean Energy Co, Meijia Ceramics Equipment Co, and New King Time – will be introduce new models to the market in due course. At Xaar we expect that the conversion of production lines to digital decoration will continue as it offers such great rewards. But what are the next challenges? Where else can digital inkjet technology provide benefits? We see a future where the whole of the production line is digital. In fact, endto-end digitalisation of ceramic tile manufacturing processes is set to become a reality with the new Xaar 001 printhead. Featuring a selectable drop volume of up to 200 nanolitres
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Ceramic World Review n. 75/2008 Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
Gillian Ewers, Xaar
fMftVy lTtk us 2007 esa mM+ku Hkjh tc tkj us tkj 1001 fizaV gsM dks iznf’kZr fd;kA tkj 1001 dh vf}rh;] isVsaV djokbZ xbZ Vh,Q rduhd dk vFkZ Fkk fd fizUVj dks yacs le; rd pyk;k tk ldrk FkkA ,slk blfy;s gksrk gS D;ksafd cwan fudklh ds nkSjku uksd ds ihNs ls xqtjus okyh L;kgh dk mPp izokg nj ;g lqfuf’pr djrk gS fd fizfUVax uksd ls fdlh Hkh izdkj dk d.k ;k gok fudy tk, vkSj L;kgh dh /kkj vkjke ls pysA blds ifj.kke Lo:i] fljsfed Vkby fuekZrk fMftVy fizfUVax ds dbZ jpukRed vkSj mRiknu Qk;nksa dk ykHk fey ldrk Fkk] tks brus egRoiw.kZ Fks fd yxHkx 6 eghuksa esa gh fizUVj dh ykxr olwy gks ldrh FkhA fljsfed Vkby cktkj esa iz;ksx fd;k x;k bruk gh egRoiw.kZ vksiu bad ekWMy gSA bldk vFkZ gS fd L;kgh Lora= :i ls fizaVj fuekZrk ds vfrfjDr ykbZ tkrh gS vkSj Vkby fuekZrk lcls vf/kd izfrLi/khZ lzksr ls viuh L;kgh [kjhnus vkSj ml L;kgh dks O;olkf;d :i ls vkd"kZd u gksus ij cnyus ds fy;s Lora= gSA tkj L;kgh lk>snkjksa ds lkFk lh/ks dke djds bl vksiu bad ekWMy dk leFkZu djrk gS rkfd ;g lqfuf’pr gks lds fd mudh Lok;h vius fizaV fljksa esa vf/kdre {kerk ds lkFk dke djsaA blds vfrfjDr] tkj bathfu;lZ Bhd ls lek;ksftr dh xbZ rjaxs iznku djrs gSa tks L;kgh dh /kkj dks fo’oluh;rk vkSj Bhd rjg ls NksM+rs gSaA fljsfed cktkj esa fMftVy L;kgh ds ewY; dks de djus ds fy;s vksiu bad ekWMy us i;kZIr izfr}a}h ncko cuk;k gS vkSj blus fljsfed Vkby mRiknu esa fMftVy fizafVax ds Lohdj.k esa egRoiw.kZ lg;ksxh dh Hkwfedk fuHkkbZ gSA ifj.kkeLo:i] bu ldkjkRed dkjdksa ds lkFk] geus fiNys dqN lkyksa esa fMftVy badtsV Vkby lTtk dk rsth ds lkFk vkxs c<+rs gq, ns[kk gSA bl le; ds nkSjku tkj us vius fizaV fljs dh Js.kh dks dkQh foLrkfjr fd;k gS vkSj] bl lky dh 'kq:vkr esa] Vh,Q rduhd vkSj dbZ ubZ vfHkuo rduhdh fo’ks"krkvksa okys fizaV fljs dh tkj 1002 Js.kh dks cktkj esa mrkjkA bl Ja`a[kyk esa 40&160 fidksyhVj (pL) rd ds vkdkj dh p;fur cwanksa dh Ja`a[kyk okyk u;k tkj 1002 th,l40 fizaV fljk 'kkfey gS vkSj bls mPp o.kZd dh ,d foLr`r oSjk;Vh ds 40 g/m2 ehVj rd ds vkdkj] cM+h d.k L;kgh vkSj nzo esa Mkyk tk ldrk gSA blls Vkby fuekZrk lqn`<+] rhoz vkSj pedhys jaxksa lkFk gh fofHkUu jksxu izHkkoksa dks fizaV djds fof’k"Vhdj.k dks c<+k ldrs gSa vkSj oSY;w tksM+ ldrs gSaA ;g cktkj dkQh tYnh izfrfØ;k nsrk gS vkSj VsDukjftyk esa bZ,QvkbZ ØsVkfizaV] bUVslk&lSDeh] dsjk tsV] ,lvkbZVhvkbZ ch,aMVh vkSj VsDuksQjkjh us ubZ csgrjhu fMftVy lTtk {kerk,a iznku djus okys igys tkj th,l40 l{ke fizaVj mrkjsaA lkFk gh] tkj ds phuh vksbZ,e lk>snkj & gksi fljsfeDl e’khujh] dsMk Dyhu ,uthZ daiuh] ehft;k fljsfed bfDoiesaV daiuh] vkSj U;w fdax Vkbe cktkj esa vkus okys le; esa u, ekWMyksa dks ifjfpr djok,axsA tkj esa] ge ;g mEehn djrs gSa fd mRiknu Ja`a[kyk dk fMftVy lTtk esa :ikarj.k tkjh jgsxk D;ksafd ;g dbZ csgrjhu urhts iznku djrk gSA ysfdu vxyh pqukSfr;ka D;k gSa\ fMftVy badtsV rduhd vkSj dgka Qk;ns iznku dj ldrh gS\ ge Hkfo”; ns[krs gSa tgka iwjh mRiknu Ja`a[kyk fMftVy gSA vly esa] fljs ls fljs rd fljsfed Vkby fuekZ.k izfØ;kvksa dk fMftVyhdj.k u;s tkj 001 fizaV fljs ds lkFk okLrfodrk cuus ds fy;s rS;kj gSA tkj 1002 th,l12 ls 2]300 xquk cM+s 200 uSuksyhVj (nL) rd dh ek=k dh p;fur cwanksa
focus on digital glazing & decoration
(nL) – 2,300 times larger than the Xaar 1002 GS12 – the Xaar 001 jets digital glazes and other fluids such as heavily-pigmented inks with particles up to 25 µm with consistent precision and accuracy – laying down up to 700 g/m2 on a tile, compared to 10-40 g/m2 for the decoration phase. The allround capability of the Xaar 001, unmatched in the digital ceramics decoration market, enables the application of decorative coloured glazes, structure and flood glazes. Ceramic tile manufacturers can now use digital techniques to create exciting new tile designs that stand out from the competition whilst benefitting from leading edge tile production efficiency. For use both before and after decoration, the Xaar 001 complements the market-leading Xaar 1002 family of printheads to build up layers of different materials, adding structure and contrast to flat tiles. The traditional methods currently in use for adding structure are expensive and inflexible. But, by adding structure digitally with the Xaar 001 manufacturers can vary the relief pattern on every single tile. Because the Xaar 001 has the ability to lay down up to 700 g/m2 of fluid it can also be used for other applications, such as applying engobe and glaze to the tile body. In fact, the Xaar 001 printhead played a key role in helping Colorobbia produce the winning tile at this year’s Tecnargilla Design Awards. The beautiful, richly-coloured and textured tiles were produced using a combination of black glaze and silver detail printed on the Sacmi HW printer using the Xaar 001 and Colorobbia’s optimised digital fluids. Here I have outlined the Xaar roadmap for ceramics for the near future. The new printheads in the Xaar 1002 family form part of our continuing investment in R&D aimed at driving Xaar’s vision of digitalising the entire deposition process in the ceramic tile production line.
ds lkFk] tkj 001 ,d Vkby ij lTtk pj.k ds fy;s 10&40 g/ dh rqyuk esa] 700 g/m2 rd dh lrr lqLi”Vrk vkSj 'kq)rk ds lkFk fMftVy jksxu vkSj vU; nzo tSls fd 25 µm rd ds d.k okys Hkkjh&jatd okyh L;kgh dh /kkj NksM+h tkrh gSA fMftVy fljsfed lTtk cktkj esa ftldk dksbZ lkuh ugha] ml tkj 001 dh pkSrjQk {kerk lTtkRed jaxh jksxu] lajpuk vkSj cgqrk;r ped ds vuqiz;ksx dks l{ke djrh gSA fljsfed Vkby fuekZrk vc ubZ jksekapd Vkby fMtkbuksa dk fuekZ.k djus ds fy;s fMftVy rduhdksa dk iz;ksx dj ldrs gSa tks vxz.kh rhoz Vkby mRiknu n{krk ls [kkl ykHk ysrs gq, izfrLi/kkZ ls vyx jgrh gSA lTtk ls igys vkSj ckn esa nksuksa ckj mi;ksx djus ds fy;s] tkj 001 fofHkUu lkefxz;ksa dh ijr dk fuekZ.k djus] lapjuk tksM+us vkSj fpiVh VkbYl dks mFkyk djus ds fy;s fizaV fljksa dh cktkj dh vxz.kh tkj 1002 Js.kh dh lgk;rk djrh gSA lajpuk tksM+us ds fy;s orZeku esa mi;ksx gksus okyh ikjaifjd fof/k;ka cgqr egaxh vkSj dBksj gSaA ysfdu] tkj 001 ds lkFk fMftVy rkSj ij lajpuk tksM+dj fuekZrk izR;sd Vkby ij uDdk’kh ds rjhdksa esa varj ldrs gSaA pwafd tkj 001 esa 700 g/m2 nzo yxkus dh {kerk gS] blfy;s bldk iz;ksx vU; vuqiz;ksxksa esa Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gS] tSls fd Vkby dh lrg ij v/kksysi ;k jksxu yxkukA okLro esa] tkj 001 fizaV fljs us dksyksjksfc;k dks bl o"kZ ds VsDukjftyk fMtkbu vokWMZ~l esa thrus okyh Vkby dk fuekZ.k djus esa egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkbZ FkhA lqanj] csgrjhu jax vkSj lajpukvksa okyh VkbYl dk fuekZ.k tkj 001 vkSj dksyksjksfc;k ds vuqdwfyr fMftVy nzo dk iz;ksx djds lSDeh gkMZos;j fizaVj ij eqfnzr flYoj fooj.k vkSj dkys jksxu ds la;kstu dk iz;ksx djds fd;k x;k FkkA m2
;gka eSaus fudVre Hkfo"; ds fy;s fljsfeDl gsrq tkj ds jksMeSi dks js[kkafdr fd;k gSA tkj 1002 Js.kh esa u;k fizaV fljk vkj,aMMh esa gekjs lrr fuos’k ds Hkkx curk gS ftldk mn~ns’; fljsfed Vkby mRiknu Ja`a[kyk esa iwjh xkn izfØ;k dk fMftVyhdj.k ds tkj dh nwjnf’kZrk dks izcy djuk gSA
Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I n d i a 2 0 1 5
fljsfed m|ksx esa nwljh fMftVy Økafr% lkexzh dks iqu% [kkstuk The second digital revolution in the ceramic industry: rediscovering material Jose Vicente Tomas Claramonte, Kerajet A leader in the field of inkjet digital printing solutions for ceramics with more than 1500 machines installed worldwide, Kerajet is now introducing a revolutionary new printing process that uses proprietary printheads to deposit liquid glazes and powdered grits in quantities that would previously have been unthinkable. This innovative technology takes the form of K8 and K9 printheads, designed and produced at the facility in Almazora (Spain). These printheads incorporate cutting-edge technology and aim to make the ceramic tile glazing and decoration process entirely digital. The printheads for K8 glazes are produced in 3 different sizes capable of depositing up to 4000 g/m² of liquid material in full grayscale (256 levels) and with a vertical resolution of 50 dpi. The required particle size is the same as a standard water-based glaze. The K9 printhead introduces a new concept for applying solid powders directly onto the ceramic material, also in full grayscale at 50 dpi. It can deposit grits and spray-dried products with a particle size of 200 micron (up to 300 micron) with a total application weight of 300 g/m². The K8 and K9 printheads are mounted on the Kerajet A1 machine (sold under the “Kerajet slave” trademark), which features special systems to standardise the application process and minimise drying and fixing problems. It can mount up to 5 independent bars of K8 or K9 printheads with a printing width of up to 1400 mm. In spite of its small size, “Kerajet slave” can deliver high-level performance on a par with that of “Kerajet Master”, with which it coordinates perfectly. This make it the ideal machine for creating a 100% digital ceramic tile production line. The line might for example consist of the following components: 1. “Kerajet esmalt”: the “Kerajet slave” version fitted with
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Ceramic World Review n. 75/2008 Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
iwjh nqfu;k esa 1500 ls Hkh T;knk e’khusa LFkkfir djds fljsfed ds fy;s badtsV fMftVy fizafVax lek/ kkuksa ds {ks= esa vxz.kh] dsjktsV ,d ubZ Økafrdkjh fizafVax izfØ;k yk jgh gS tks dkQh ek=k esa nzo jksxu vkSj ikmMj fxV~Vh dk HkaMkj djus ds fy;s VªsMekdZ ;qDr fizaVfljksa dk iz;ksx djrh gS ftlds ckjs esa igys lkspuk Hkh vdYiuh; FkkA ;g vfHkuo rduhd K8 vkSj K9 fizaVfljksa dk :i ysrh gS] ftUgsa vYektksjk ¼Lisu½ ds la;a= esa fMtkbu vkSj mRikfnr fd;k x;k gS A bu fizaVfljksa esa dfVax&,t rduhd ekStwn gksrh gSa vkSj ;s fljsfed Vkby ds jksxu vkSj lTtk izfØ;k dks iwjh rjg ls fMftVyh iwjk djus ds fy;s cus gksrs gSaA K8 jksxu ds fy;s fizaVfljksa dks 3 vyx&vyx vkdkjksa esa cuk;k x;k gS tks iw.kZ xzsLdsy ¼256 Lrj½ esa vkSj 50 MhihvkbZ ds Å/okZ/kj fjtkWY;w’ku ds lkFk 4000 xzk@oxZ eh- rd dh nzo lkexzh dk HkaMkj djus esa l{ke gSA vko’;d d.k dk vkdkj ekud ty&vk/kkfjr jksxu ds gh leku gSA K9 fizaVfljsa 50 MhihvkbZ ij iw.kZ xzsLdsy esa] lh/ks fljsfed lkexzh ij Bksl ikmMj yxkus ds fy;s ,d u, fl)kar ls ifjp; djkrs gSA ;g 300 xzke@oxZ eh- ds dqy vuqiz;ksx Hkkj ds lkFk 200 ekbØksu ¼300 ekbØksu rd½ ds vkdkj ds d.kksa ls fxV~Vh vkSj Lizs&MªkbM mRiknksa dks tek dj ldrk gSA K8 vkSj K9 fizaVfljksa dks dsjktsV A1 e’khu ¼^^dsjktsV Lyso** VªsMekdZ ds varxZr csph xbZ½ ij tksM+k tkrk gS] tks vuqiz;ksx izfØ;k dk ekudhdj.k djus vkSj lw[kus dks de djus rFkk leL;kvksa dks Bhd djus ds fy;s fo’k"k iz.kkfy;ka iznku djrh gSA ;g 1400 feeh rd dh fizafVax pkSM+kbZ ds lkFk K8 ;k K9 fizaVfljksa dks 5 Lora= ckj rd dks tksM+ ldrh gSA vius NksVs vkdkj ds ckotwn] ^^dsjktsV Lyso** mPp&Lrj dk dk;Z fu"iknu dj ldrk gS] ^^dsjktsV ekLVj** ds leku gh ftlds lkFk ;g csgrj rjhds ls la;ksftr gksrk gSA mnkgj.k ds fy;s] ;g Ja`[kyk fuEu ?kVdksa dks lfEefyr dj ldrh gS% 1. ^^dsjktsV ,LekYV**% 5 jksxu izfr e’khu ds lkFk] ty&vk/kkfjr
focus on digital glazing & decoration
K8 printheads for water-based glaze application, with 5 glazes per machine; it can perform selective glazing (synchronised with decoration) to create textures and relief, as well as gloss and matt effects; it can also apply special glazes and coloured screen printing pastes; 2. Kerajet solid”: the “Kerajet slave” version fitted with K9 printheads, designed for grit application (solid particles of size <300 micron), with 5 grits per machine; it can perform selective decoration (synchronised with other applications) to create textures and relief, as well as gloss and matt effects; it can also apply special grits and coloured and protective screen printing pastes; 3. “Kerajet Master” with K4 and K6 printheads and 12 inks in-machine is the ideal printer for selective digital decoration synchronised with other applications; 4. “Kerajet next” printer, likewise with K4 and K6 printheads, allows for 6 additional applications during the decoration stage (textures and reliefs, gloss and matt effects, penetrating effects and metallic colours); 5. A second “Kerajet solid” used in this stage for the application of protective layers; 6. “Kerajet visio”, a scanner used for print quality control. Thanks to the unlimited potential and advantages of digital printing, the Kerajet digital line ensures total control of the production lines, from the pressed tile through to firing. It is fully synchronised and can perform decoration using soluble pigmented inks to achieve special effects or metallic surfaces while applying glazes and grits to replicate the unique look and feel of ceramic material. At the same time it considerably simplifies production lines and allows up to 48 synchronised applications to be performed on the same tile.
jksxu vuqiz;ksx ds fy;s K9 fizaVfljksa ds lkFk tksM+k x;k ^^dsjktsV Lyso** laLdj.k( ;g lajpuk,a vkSj mHkkj cukus] lkFk gh lkFk pedhys vkSj pedjfgr izHkkoksa nsus ds fy;s p;fur jksxu ¼lTtk ds lkFk ledkfyd½ dk;Z dj ldrk gS( ;g fo’ks"k jksxu vkSj jaxhu LØhu fizafVax isLV Hkh yxk ldrk gS( 2. ^^dsjktsV lkWfyM**% K8 fizaVfljksa ds lkFk yxk;k x;k ^^dsjktsV Lyso** dk laLdj.k] ftls 5 fxzV izfr e’khu ds lkFk fxV~Vh vuqiz;ksx ¼300 ekbØksu rd ds vkdkj ds Bksl d.k½ ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k gS( ;g lajpuk,a vkSj mHkkj cukus] lkFk gh lkFk pedhys vkSj pedjfgr izHkkoksa nsus ds fy;s p;fur jksxu ¼lTtk ds lkFk ledkfyd½ dk;Z dj ldrk gS( ;g fo’ks "k fxV~Vh vkSj jaxhu vkSj lqj{kkRed LØhu fizafVax isLV Hkh yxk ldrk gS( 3. K4 vkSj K6 fizaVfljksa vkSj e’khu esa 12 L;kgh ds lkFk ^^dsjktsV ekLVj** vU; vuqiz;ksxksa ds lkFk ledkfyd p;fur fMftVy lTtk ds fy;s vkn’kZ L;kgh gS( 4. ^^dsjktsV usDLV** fizaVj] K4 vkSj K6 fizaVfljksa ds lkFk mlh rjg] lTtk pj.k ds nkSjku 6 vfrfjDr vuqiz;ksxksa dks lqfo/kk nsrk gS ¼lajpuk vkSj mHkkj] ped vkSj pedjfgr izHkko] rh{.k izHkko vkSj eSVsfyd jax½( 5. lqj{kkRed ijrksa ds vuqiz;ksx ds fy;s bl pj.k esa ,d nwljs ^^dsjktsV lkWfyM** dk iz;ksx fd;k x;k( 6. ^^dsjktsV foft;ks** fizaV xq.koRrk dks fu;af=r djus ds fy;s iz;ksx fd;k x;k LdSuj gSA fMftVy fizafVax dh vufxur laHkkoukvksa vkSj Qk;nksa dks /kU;okn] tksfd dsjktsV fMftVy Ja`[kyk mRiknu Ja`[kyk ds iw.kZ fu;a=.k dks Vkby nckus ls ysdj HkV~Vh esa idkus rd lqfuf’pr djrh gSA ;g iw.kZr% rqY;dkfyd gS vkSj fo’ks"k izHkko ;k eSVsfyd lrg izkIr djus ds fy;s ?kqyu’khy jatd L;kgh dk iz;ksx djds lTtk dk dk;Z Hkh dj ldrk gS] fljsfed lkexzh ds vf}rh; :i vkSj vkHkk dks nksgjkus ds fy;s jksxu vkSj fxV~Vh yxkrs gq,A mlh le;] ;g dkQh gn rd mRikn Ja`a[kyk dks ljy djrk gS vkSj ,d gh Vkby ij 48 ledkfyd vuqiz;ksxksa rd dks dke djus dh vuqefr nsrk gSA
Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I n d i a 2 0 1 5
mPp&izHkko okyh fMftVy Vkby lTtk rduh High-impact digital tile decoration technology Giovanni Affinito, Silvia Giusti, TecnoExamina
Digital ceramic tile decoration is seeing unprecedented growth as new technologies are developed to complement traditional printers. In this context, TecnoFerrari Group member company TecnoExamina is presenting its new VivaJet® product line, a new benchmark for the ceramic industry in terms of performance, ease of use and reliability. This new range of printers is designed for high-intensity colours and for the application of digital effects and glazes.The outstanding printing performance of VivaJet® is guaranteed by the innovative Xaar1002 GS6, Xaar1002 GS12 and Xaar1002 GS40 printheads, which can deliver inks with 3 times larger solid particles and are able to maintain high printing quality by doubling the application weight. Characteristics include: • extremely high printing uniformity; • extremely high printing precision, with 6 or 12 pl drop; • 360 dpi and 4 dpd up to 40 m/min. with maximum application weight; • maximum intensity for colours and effects (up to 160 pl for GS40)
fMftVy fljsfed Vkbt lTtk esa cstksM+ fodkl fn[k jgk gS D;ksafd ikjaifjd fizaVjksa dh laiwjd cuus ds fy;s ubZ rduhdksa dk fodkl fd;k x;k gSA bl lanHkZ esa] VsDuksQjkjh lewg dh lnL; daiuh VsDuks,Dtkfeuk viuh ubZ ohoktsV® mRikn Ja`a[kyk dk izn’kZu dj jgk gS] tks izn’kZu] mi;ksx esa ljyrk vkSj fo’oluh;rk ds lanHkZ esa fljsfed m|ksx ds fy;s u;k ekunaM gSA fizaVjksa dh ;g ubZ Ja`a[kyk mPp&izcyrk okys jaxksa vkSj fMftVy izHkko ,oa jksxu ds vuqiz;ksx ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;s x;s gSaA ohoktsV® dh csgrjhu fizfVax lsokvksa dh xkjaVh vfHkuo tkj 1002 th,l6] tkj 1002 th,l12 vkSj tkj 1002 th,l40 fizVfljksa }kjk nh tkrh gSa] tks 3 xquk T;knk cM+s Bksl d.kksa okyh L;kgh ns ldrs gSa vkSj vuqiz;ksx ds Hkkj dks nksxquk djds mPp fizafVax xq.koRrk dks laHkkyus esa l{ke gSaA bldh fo’ks"krkvksa esa 'kkfey gS% • mPp fizfVax dh furkar ,d:irk( • furkar mPp fizafVax Li"Vrk] 6 ;k 12 ih,y cwan ds lkFk( • vf/kdre vuqiz;ksx Hkkj ds lkFk 40 eh-@feuV rd 360 MhihvkbZ vkSj 4 MhihMh • jaxksa vkSj izHkkoksa ds fy;s vf/kdre rhozrk ¼th,l40 ds fy;s 160 ih,y rd½
The VivaJet® printer, complete with a new frame with integrated by-pass and available for sizes up to 1.4 m (model L), houses up to 8 colour bars with the exclusive all-in-front layout capable of reducing dimensions by 20% and guaranteeing the maximum ease of access to all components. It also has an external unit for filtration, suction and pressurisation of the printing compartment and a new cleaning carriage. The new colour bar, with its patented double ink recirculation system approved by Xaar (TF Technology™), guarantees outstanding reliability with high ink demand and high line speeds. The integrated by-pass system allows printing or maintenance to be performed without difficulty during nondigital production without having to stop the line, keeping the printheads protected and avoiding conveyor belt wear. The GigaBit-Ethernet electronics and V6 software increase the available graphic memory by a factor of 8 and the processing speed by a factor of 3. It is possible to print a different job from the one in production or make changes on-the-fly without having to stop the line. The VivaJet® range also includes: • VivaJet®-DF which allows for totally independent asynchronous management of double and single row production runs, even of tiles of different sizes. • VivaJet®-4, a model capable of meeting various
ohoktsV® fizaVj ,dhd`r ck;&ikl okys iwjs u;s Ýse vkSj 1-4 eh ¼ekWMy ,y½ rd ds vkdkjksa ds fy;s miyC/krk ds lkFk] ;g fcYdqy u, vkWy&bu&ÝaV ysvkmV ds lkFk 8 jax ckj rd dks LFkkfir djrk gS tks 20 izfr’kr rd ifjek.k dks ?kVkus vkSj lHkh ?kVdksa dks vf/ kdre ljyrk ds lkFk iz;ksx djus dh xkjaVh nsus esa l{ke gSA blesa Nkuus] f[kpkao vkSj ncko cukus ds fy;s fizafVax d{k ls ckgj Hkh ,d ckgjh bdkbZ vkSj ,d u;k lQkbZ okgd gksrk gSA tkj ¼Vh,Q rduhd½ }kjk Lohd`r isVsaV dh xbZ Mcy bad iqu%ijflapj.k iz.kkyh ds lkFk ;g u;k jax ckj] L;kgh dh T;knk ekax vkSj e’khu dh rst xfr ds lkFk csgrjhu fo’oluh;rk dh xkjaVh nsrk gSA ,dhd`r ck;&ikl iz.kkyh xSj&fMftVy mRiknu ds nkSjku e’khu dks can fd;s fcuk fdlh leL;k ds fcuk fizafVax vkSj vuqj{k.k dk;Z dks iwjk djus dh lqfo/kk nsrh gS] fizaVfljksa dks lqjf{kr j[krs gq, vkSj okgd iV~Vs dks f?klus ls cpkrs gq,A xhxkfcV&bFkjusV bysDVªkWfuDl vkSj V6 lkW¶Vos;j 8 ds dkjd ls ekStwn xzkfQd eseksjh dks vkSj 3 ds dkjd ls izkslsflax xfr dks c<+krs gSaA mRiknu esa bl ,d ls fofHkUu dk;ksZa dks fizaV djuk ;k e’khu dks can fd;s fcuk rqjr&Qqjr ifjorZu djuk laHko gSA ohoktsV® Ja`a[kyk esa 'kkfey gS% • ohoktsV®&Mh,Q] tks nksgjh vkSj ,dy iafDr ds mRiknu dh iw.kZ Lora= vrqY;dkfyd izca/ku dh lqfo/kk nsrk gS] fofHkUu vkdkjksa dh VkbYl ds fy;s HkhA • ohoktsV®&4] fofHkUu vko’;drkvksa dks iwjk djus esa l{ke ekWMy% izHkkoksa ds vuqiz;ksx ¼rh{.k djuk] pedkuk] pedjfgr cukuk½ ds fy;s ;k rhljh tykou e’khu
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focus on digital glazing & decoration
needs: expansion of an existing printer for application of effects (penetrating, matt, gloss) or for the use of precious metals (gold, platinum, lustres) on third firing lines, and last but not least for emerging digital glazing applications. • VivaJet®TV, the definitive solution for decorating trim pieces which can be used alone or in conjunction with VivaJet® to decorate the surfaces and sides of corner profiles, bullnose pieces, corners and skirting. VivaJet® comes with numerous accessories: VivaSafe, VivaScan, VivaCheck, VivaDot, VivaBlock and VivaAlert. In parallel with the presentation of the new range of printers, TecnoExamina is also unveiling the new version of the GeCo®2 colour management suite. GeCo® is a colour management package with a guided and intuitive workflow that offers an array of key characteristics for the printing stage: completion percentage, colour accuracy, gamut warning, colour curve management, ink saver, consumption management by channel, and tone correction. GeCo®2 (or remote RIP Geco V6) is able to control production lines with multiple synchronised printers (decoration, effects, glazes) in order to create a truly automated full digital architecture. Profile management is based on the ICC V4 standard, the only standard recognised for profiling, and is able to operate with three-colour, four-colour or multichannel processes. This allows for complete freedom in using acquisition and profiling tools (supplied on request) so as to find the most appropriate solution according to the needs of the ceramic company’s internal research department, of the external graphic design firm or of the colour and glaze producer. GeCo®2, which can now boast close to a hundred installations, allows for superior distribution and channel separation and improved contrast and drop distribution, resulting in higher production quality. It is also an essential part of the product digitalisation process and is crucial for determining the limits of a given digital line. This new version has a faster and extremely intuitive interface, enhanced by a graphic correction tool capable of creating, analysing and correcting up to 8 variants of the same design and applying the automatically proposed ink-saver strategies, bringing ink savings of up to 50%. Tecnoferrari Group is firmly committed to research and analysis for creating and developing new technologies, new fluids and new applications that meet present and future needs.
ij dherh /kkrqvksa ¼lksuk] IysfVue] ped½ dk iz;ksx djus ds fy;s] vkSj vafre ij de ugha] fMftVy jksxu vuqiz;ksx dks mHkkjus ds fy;s ekStwnk fizaVj dk foLrkj djukA • ohoktsV® Vhoh] drjs x;s VqdM+ksa dks ltkus ds fy;s fu;r lek/kku ftldk iz;ksx vdsys fd;k tk ldrk gS ;k dksuksa dh :ijs[kk] cqyukst VqdM+ksa] dksuksa vkSj >kyj dh lrg vkSj dkuksa dks ltkus ds fy;s ohoktsV ds la;kstu esa fd;k tk ldrk gSA ohoktsV® dbZ lgk;d lkefxz;ksa ds lkFk vkrk gS% ohoklsQ] ohokLdSu] ohokpsd] ohokMkWV] ohokCykWd vkSj ohokvyVZA fizaVj dh ubZ Ja`a[kyk ds izn’kZu ds lekukarj] VsDuks,Dtkfeuk GeCo®2 jax izca/ku lqbV ds u, laLdj.k dk Hkh vukoj.k dj jgh gSA GeCo® funsZf’kr vkSj lgt dk;Zizokg okyk ,d jax izca/ku iSdst gS tks fizafVax pj.k ds fy;s egRoiw.kZ xq.kksa dh ,d Js.kh iznku djrk gS% iwjk gksus dk izfr’kr] foLrkj dh psrkouh] jax lkSan;Z dk izca/ku] bad lsoj] pSuy ls miHkksx izca/ku] vkSj Vksu lgh djukA GeCo®2 ¼;k fjeksV vkjvkbZih xhdks V6½ oLrqr% Lopkfyr iw.kZ fMftVy lajpuk dk fuekZ.k djus ds fy;s dbZ ladkfyd fizaVlZ ¼lTtk] izHkko] jksxu½ ds lkFk mRiknu Ja`a[kyk dks fu;af=r djus esa l{ke gSA izksQkby izca/ku vkbZlhlh V4 ekud ij vk/kkfjr gS] tks :ijs[kk ds fy;s ekU; ,dek= ekud gS] vkSj rhu jaxksa] pkj jaxksa ;k eYVhpSuy izfØ;kvksa ds lkFk lapkfyr djus esa l{ke gSA blls ladyu vkSj :ijs[kk VwYl ¼fuosnu ij vkiwfrZ dh xbZ½ dk iz;ksx djus esa iw.kZ vktknh feyrh gS rkfd fljsfed daiuh ds vkarfjd v/;;u foHkkx] ckgjh xzkfQd fMtkbu QeZ ;k jax vkSj jksxu mRiknd dh vko’;drk ds vuqlkj lcls mi;qDr lek/ kku dks [kkstk tk ldsA GeCo®2] tks vc yxHkx lkS laLFkkiuksa dk nkok dj ldrh gS] csgrj vkiwfrZ vkSj pSuy i`FkDdj.k vkSj mUur daVªkLV vkSj cwan vkiwfrZ dh lqfo/kk nsrh gS] ftlds ifj.kkeLo:i csgrj mRiknu xq.koRrk feyrh gSA ;g mRiknu fMftVyhdj.k izfØ;k dk Hkh ,d egRoiw.kZ Hkkx gS vkSj nh xbZ fMftVy e’khu dh lhekvksa dk irk yxkus ds fy;s Hkh egRoiw.kZ gSA bl u, laLdj.k esa T;knk rst vkSj lgt baVjQsl gS] xzkfQd djsD’ku Vwy ls ifj"d`r gS tks ,d gh fMtkbu ds 8 izdkjksa rd dk fuekZ.k] fo’ks"k vkSj lq/ kkj djus esa vkSj Lor% gh izLrkfor bad&lsoj dk;Zuhfr dks ykxw djus esa l{ke gS] tks L;kgh dh 50 izfr’kr rd cpr djrk gSA VsDuksQsjkjh orZeku vkSj Hkfo"; dh vko’;drkvksa dks iwjk djus okyh lewg ubZ rduhdksa] u, nzoksa vkSj u, vuqiz;ksxksa dk fuekZ.k vkSj fodkl djus ds fy;s v/;;u rFkk fo’ys"k.k djus ds fy;s iw.kZr% lefiZr gSA
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fljsfed fMftVy lTtk ds fy;s mUur jax izca/ku lek/kku Advanced colour management solutions for Silvano Filippi, Colourservice ceramic digital decoration The rapid growth in digital ceramic decoration technologies has brought considerable benefits for the tile production process worldwide. Considering their complexity, however, these technologies must be managed effectively in order to make best use of digital decoration systems and to optimise the timeframes and costs of research and production. To help ceramic companies achieve this difficult goal, Smaltochimica group, through its subsidiary Colourservice, offers services, consulting, training and software and hardware solutions, backed by a high degree of expertise and professionalism. Colourservice has long been distributing traditional colorimetric software solutions tailored to the ceramic market and has built on this past experience to develop suitable applications and devices for digital colour management in the ceramic industry. The centrepiece of the Colourservice range consists of its hyperspectral scanners such as the Scanner1000 and Scanner Mini. Ideal for scanning large or small original specimens, they deliver high performance and are the perfect solution for graphic design firms, ceramic companies’ internal research departments and contractors. These two machines make precise measurements of test charts so as to determine the colour profile of the ceramic production conditions. Both scanners operate most effectively when combined with the Colour Profiler software, although the software can also be used on commercial spectrophotometers already available on the market. The Colourservice software solution allows for optimal profiling of the ceramic production conditions (printer, ink, glaze, firing conditions) by creating a linearization chart (individual ink analysis), a chart to check the total quantity of ink (TIL, Total Ink Limit) and a profiling chart which mixes the individual inks to determine the gamut or colour profile of the analysed ceramic production conditions. This information enables the colour management software to immediately analyse the graphic files (or
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fMftVy fljsfed lTtk rduhdksa esa Rofjr izxfr us iwjh nqfu;k dh Vkby mRiknu izfØ;k ds fy;s ykHkdkjh lkfcr gqvk gSA gkykafd] budh tfVyrk dks ns[krs gq,] bu rduhdksa dks fMftVy lTtk iz.kkyh dk lcls vPNk mi;ksx djus ds fy;s vkSj 'kks/k vkSj mRiknu dh le;lhek rFkk ykxr dks vuqdwy djus ds fy;s izHkkoh :i ls izcaf/kr fd;k tkuk pkfg;sA bl dfBu mn~ns’; rd igqapus esa fljsfed daifu;ksa dh lgk;rk djus gsrq] LekYVksfdfedk lewg viuh lgk;d daiuh dyjlfoZl ds ek/;e ls] mPp Lrj dh fo’ks"kKrk vkSj O;olkf;drk ds leFkZu ls csgrj lsok] lykg] izf’k{k.k vkSj lkW¶Vos;j ,oa gkMZos;j lek/ kku iznku djrh gSA dyjlfoZl dkQh yacs le; ls fljsfed cktkj ds vuq:i ikjaifjd dyjhesfVªd lkW¶Vos;j lek/kkuksa dh vkiwfrZ djrh vkbZ gS vkSj blus vius fiNys vuqHkoksa dk iz;ksx fljsfed m|ksx esa fMftVy jax izca/ ku ds fy;s mi;qDr vuqiz;ksxksa vkSj fMokblksa dk fodkl djus ds fy;s fd;k gSA dyjlfoZl Ja`a[kyk dk dsUnzHkkx blds gkbijLiSDVªy LdSuj dk cuk gksrk gS tSls LdSuj 1000 vkSj LdSuj feuhA cM+s ;k NksVs okLrfod izfr:iksa dh LdSfuax djus ds fy;s mi;qDr] ;s mPp dk;Zfu"iknu iznku djrs gSa vkSj xzkfQd fMtkbu QeksZa] fljsfed daifu;ksa ds 'kks/k foHkkx vkSj Bsdsnkjksa ds fy;s mi;qDr lek/kku gSaA ;s nksuksa e’khusa ijh{k.k dk fof/kiwoZd ekiu djrh gSa rkfd fljsfed mRiknu fLFkfr;ksa dh jax :ijs[kk dks fu/kkZfjr fd;k tk ldsA dyj izksQkby lkW¶Vos;j ds lkFk tksM+us ij nksuksa LdSuj izHkkoh :i ls dke djrs gSa] gkykafd bl lkW¶Vos;j dk iz;ksx ekdsZV esa igys ls miyC/k O;olkf;d LisDVªksQksVksehVj ij Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gSA dyjlfoZl lkW¶Vos;j lkWY;w’ku fljsfed mRiknu fLFkfr;ksa ¼fizaVj] L;kgh] jksxu] tykou fLFkfr;ka½ dh vkn’kZ :ijs[kk fu/kkZj.k dh lqfo/ kk nsrk gS] jSf[kd pkVZ ¼oS;fDrd L;kgh fo’ys"k.k½ dk fuekZ.k djds tks L;kgh dh dqy ek=k ¼VhvkbZ,y] VksVy bad fyfeV½ dh tkap djus okyk pkVZ gS] vkSj :ijs[kk pkVZ cukdj tks fo’ysf"kr fljsfed mRiknu fLFkfr;ksa ds foLrkj vkSj jax :ijs[kk d fu/ kkZj.k djus ds fy;s vyx&vyx L;kfg;ksa dks fefJr djrk gSA ;g tkudkjh jax izca/ku lkW¶Vos;j dks xzkfQd QkbYl ¼;k LdSu½ dk rqjar fo’ys"k.k djus vkSj vafre ifj.kke dk loksZPp iwokZoyksdu dk fuekZ.k djus esa l{ke djrh gSaA ;g iqu#Riknuh; jax dk xzkfQd vkSj izfr’kr lwpd iznku djrk gS vkSj mUgsa rqjar lq/
focus on digital glazing & decoration
kkjus ds fy;s l{ke djrk gSA ;g fdlh Hkh jax mRiknd ls yh xbZ L;kgh ls yksM fdlh Hkh izdkj dh fMftVy lTtk e’khu dk iz;ksx djds lcls de laHkkfor le; esa csgrjhu fizafVax ifj.kke dh xkjaVh nsrk gSA e’khu esa L;kgh dh la[;k ;k Øe ls lacaf/kr dksbZ
scans) and generate a precise preview of the finished result. It provides a graphic and percentage indication of the reproducible tones and enables them to be corrected immediately. This guarantees the best printing result in the shortest possible time using any type of digital decorating machine loaded with inks from any colour producer. There are no limitations in terms of the number or order of inks in the machine.
lhek,a ugha gSaA
Colourservice software also addresses ceramic digital printing problems, helping ceramic companies correct their graphic files in response to changes in printing results so as to quickly re-establish a unique colour that meets production standards. The ability to make these corrections quickly and precisely is an important requirement for tile manufacturers. Knowing that the final tone of the product can be maintained, it is less problematic to transfer print files from one ceramic production context to another (different facility, line, printer, glaze or inks). These functions will enable Colour Profiler software – potentially combined with the hyperspectral scanner – to rapidly become a vital tool for the graphics and production departments, allowing them to manage research and production times effectively and reliably.
dyjlfoZl lkW¶Vos;j fljsfed fMftVy fizafVax dh leL;kvksa dk Hkh irk yxkrk gS] fizafVax ifj.kkeksa esa ifjorZu djus ds fy;s fljsfed daifu;ksa dks mudh xzkfQd QkbYl dks lq/kkjus esa enn djrk gS rkfd rqjar ml vf}rh; jax dks iqu% LFkkfir fd;k tk lds tks mRiknu ekudksa dks iwjk djrk gSA rqjar vkSj mRd`"Vrk ds lkFk bu lq/kkjksa dks djus dh {kerk Vkby mRikndksa ds fy;s ,d egRoiw.kZ ekax gSA ;g tkurs gq, fd mRikn ds vafre jax dks dk;e j[kk tk ldrk gS] ,d fljsfed mRiknu lanHkZ ls nwljs ¼vyx la;a=] Ja`a[kyk] fizaVj] jksxu ;k L;kgh½ esa fizaV QkbYl dks LFkkukarfjd djuk de tfVy gksrk gSA ;s dk;Z dyj izksQkby lkW¶Vos;j dks lfØ; djsaxs] tks laHkkfor :i ls gkbijLisDVªy LdSuj ls tqM+k gksrk gS] tks 'kh?kzrk ls xzkfQDl vkSj mRiknu foHkkx ds fy;s egRoiw.kZ midj.k curk gS] vkSj mUgsa izHkkoh :i ls vkSj fo’oluh;rk ls 'k kks/k vkSj mRiknu le; dks laHkkyus dh vuqefr nsrk gSA
Tools for controlling and determining digital printing issues must be seen as a top priority for ceramic companies, enabling them to manage digital technologies with ever greater autonomy.
fMftVy fizafVax eqn~nksa dks fu;af=r vkSj fu/kkZfjr djus okys midj.kksa dks fljsfed daifu;ksa dh 'kh"kZ izkf;drk ds rkSj ij ns[kk tkuk pkfg;s] tks mUgsa fMftVy rduhd dks vc rd ds lcls vPNs Lok;Rrrk ds lkFk izcaf/kr djus esa l{ke djrh gSA
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fMftVy jksxu Digital glazes The Sibelco Group, a business operating in the natural raw materials sector, was founded in 1872. Today it has more than 208 production sites located in 41 countries worldwide and a total workforce of 10,500 employees. The Group offers a wide range of products for digital glaze production, including Silica and Quartz Sands, Clays, Kaolins, Feldspars and Nepheline, Wollastonite, Alumina Trihydrate (ATH), Calcined Alumina and Natural Oxides. All products are quarried and milled at Sibelco Group facilities: Geertruidenberg (Holland), where Sibelco Mineral Plus materials are produced (e.g. ATH, Wollastonite and Petalite); Devon (UK), where clays and kaolins are quarried and milled for use in engobe and glaze formulations for conventional glazing technologies; and the quarries in Westerwald and Eastern Germany (Seilitz region) and in the Czech Republic (Hlubany). To offer even closer support to ceramic tile producers, Sibelco Europe has also set up facilities in the two largest European ceramic clusters – Castellón in Spain and Sassuolo in Italy. In Spain, the facilities at Utiel and Nules specialise in the milling of quartz, feldspar and nepheline, while in Italy the facilities at Poviglio, Colombara and Sessa Aurunca produce quartz, feldspar, wollastonite, ATH, nepheline, clay and kaolins. Given the many different fields of application of these products, a wide range of particle size distributions are required. Sibelco Group uses cutting-edge milling technology to meet these various needs. In particular, four product types are available for digital glaze producers. • Silverbond Quartz: Obtained by milling a raw material with a high silica content, these products are highly consistent in terms of their chemical composition and particle size distribution; the particle sizes available for the various products range from a minimum D50 of around 2.0 microns (Silverbond SA800ES) up to a maximum of around 50 microns (Silverbond SA4K). • Clays and Kaolins: These products are already widely used in engobe and glaze formulations and are obtained by selecting the best layers of clay present at Sibelco’s various quarries; they stand out in particular for their stability and controlled rheological characteristics, as well as their consistent chemical analysis (high content of Al2O3) and white colour after firing; they are available shredded, noodled or in powder form (puraflo) with a D50 particle size below 5 microns. • Feldspars and Nepheline: A wide range of fluxes are also available. The Unispar series stands out for its high grinding level and consists of two products with a D50 of 4 and 7 microns, an Na2O content greater than 10% and a low content of Fe2O3 (around 0.10%). When a greater total alkali content is required, Norwegian Nepheline (Spectrum
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Ceramic World Review n. 75/2008 Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
Davide Maccaferri, Sibelco Europe
izkd`frd dPpk eky {ks= esa lfØ; ,d O;kikj flcsYdks lewg dh LFkkiuk 1872 esa gqbZ FkhA vkt iwjh nqfu;k ds 41 ns’kksa esa bldh 208 ls Hkh T;knk mRiknu LFky gSa vkSj buesa 10]500 deZpkfj;ksa dk dk;Zcy gSA ;g lewg fMftVy jksxu mRiknu ds fy;s mRiknksa dh ,d o`gn Ja`a[kyk iznku djrk gS] ftlesa flfydk vkSj DokV~Zt lSaM~l] dSvksfyUl] QsYM~LiklZ vkSj usQsfyu] okWysLVksukbV] ,Y;wfeuk VªkbgkbMªsV ¼,Vh,p½] dSYlkbaM ,Y;qfeuk vkSj izkd`frd vkWDlkbM 'kkfey gSaA lHkh mRiknksa dks flcsYdks lewg ds dkj[kkus% xhfVªqMucxZ ¼gkWySaM½ esa mR[kfur vkSj vkSj ihlk tkrk gS] tgka flcsYdks feujy Iyl lkefxz;ksa dk mRiknu fd;k tkrk gS ¼tSls] ,Vh,p] okWysLVksukbV vkSj iSVsykbV½( Msou ¼;wds½] tgka ikjaifjd jksxu rduhd ds fy;s v/kksysi vkSj jksxu fu:i.k esa iz;ksx djus ds fy;s feV~Vh vkSj phuh feV~Vh dk mR[kuu fd;k tkrk gS vkSj ihlk tkrk gS( vkSj osLVjokYM vkSj iwohZ teZuh ¼lhfyV~t {ks=½ vkSj psd x.kjkT; ¼yqcuh½ dh [knkusaA fljsfed Vkby mRikndksa ds fy;s vkSj Hkh djhch leFkZu iznku djus ds fy;s] flcsYdks ;wjksi us Hkh nks lcls cM+s ;wjksih; fljsfed {ks=ksa esa la;a= LFkkfir fd;s gSa & Lisu esa dSLVsyu vkSj bVyh esa lSlqvksyksA Lisu esa] U;wfV,y vkSj U;wYl ds la;a= DokVZ~t] QsYMLikj vkSj usQsfyu dh filkbZ esa fo’ks"kK gS] tcfd bVyh esa iksfofXyvks] dksyksecjk vkSj lslk vkS#adk ds la;a= DokVZ~t] QsYMLikj] okWysLVksukbV] ,Vh,p] usQsfyu] feV~Vh vkSj phuh feV~Vh dk mRiknu djrs gSaA bu mRiknksa ds vuqiz;ksx ds dbZ fofHkUu {ks=ksa dks ns[krs gq,] o`gn vkdkj ds d.kksa ds forj.k dh vko’;drk gksrh gSA flcsYdks lewg bu fofHkUu vko’;drkvksa dks iwjk djus ds fy;s dfVax&,t filkbZ rduhd dk iz;ksx djrk gSA fo’ks"kr%] fMftVy jksxu mRikndksa ds fy;s pkj izdkj ds mRikn miyC/k gksrs gSaA • flYojckWUM DokV~Zt% mPp flfydk ?kVd ds lkFk dPps eky dh filkbZ ls izkIr gq,] ;s mRikn viuh jlk;fud lajpuk vkSj d.k vkdkj dh vkiwfrZ ds lanHkZ esa vR;ar laxr gksrs gSa( fofHkUu mRikn Ja`a[kykvksa ds fy;s miyC/k d.kksa ds vkdkj U;wure yxHkx 2-0 ekbØksu ¼flYojckWUM SA800ES½ ds Mh50 ls vf/kdre yxHkx 50 ekbØksu ¼flYojckWUM SA4K½ rd gksrs gSaA • feV~Vh vkSj phuh feV~Vh% bu mRiknksa dk iz;ksx igys ls gh v/ kksyis vkSj jksxu fu:i.k esa fd;k tkrk gS vkSj flcsYdks dh fofHkUu [knkuksa esa ekStwn feV~Vh dh lcls vPNh rjg ijr ls izkIr fd;k tkrk gS( ;s fo’ks"kr% viuh n`<+rk vkSj fu;af=r izokgfoKkuh xq.kksa] lkFk gh viuh laxr jlk;fud fo’ys"k.k ¼AI2O3 dk mPp rRo½ vkSj tykou ds fy;s lQsn jax ds fy;s tkuh tkrh gS( ;s vyx&vyx] iV~Vh esa ;k ikmMj ds :i esa ¼I;wjk¶yks½ 5 ekbØksu ls uhps ds Mh50 d.k vkdkj ds lkFk miyC/k gSaA • QsYMLiklZ vkSj usQsfyu% vif’k"Vksa dh ,d o`gn Ja`a[kyk Hkh miyC/k gSA ;wfuLikj Ja`a[kyk vius mPp filkbZ Lrj ds fy;s tkuh tkrh gS vkSj blesa 4 vkSj 7 ekbØksu ds Mh50 okys nks mRikn 'kkfey gksrs gSa] ,d Na2O ?kVd 10 izfr’kr ls T;knk vkSj Fe2O3 dk fuEu ?kVd ¼0-10 izfr’kr ds yxHkx½A tc T;knk cM+s iw.kZ {kkjh; ?kVd dh vko’;drk gksrh gS] ukosZ ds usQsfyu ¼LisDVªe Ja`a[kyk ds mRikn½ dk iz;ksx lcls T;knk gksrk gS ¼yxHkx 15&16
focus on digital glazing & decoration
series products) is the most widely used (with a sum of Na2O and K2O of around 15-16% and an Al2O3 content greater than 23%). Unispar and Spectrum series products are not subject to CLP regulation marking so they are particularly suitable for the production of unlabelled glazes and engobes. • Wollastonite and Alumina: already widely used in matt glaze formulations, Wollastonite Casiflux is available in different particle sizes with a D50 of 9 microns (Casiflux G20) or 16 microns (Casiflux G38). Other products used in glaze compositions include Alumina trihydrates from the Portafill series, with particle sizes ranging from a minimum of 4 microns (Portafill SG10) to a maximum of 12 microns (Portafill SG40) for milled products. Sibelco performs ongoing research with the aim of expanding the range of minerals available to the ceramic industry and thereby promote innovation and development of digital glazing technology.
izfr’kr ds Na2O vkSj K2O dk ;ksx vkSj 23 izfr’kr ls T;knk dk AI2O3 ?kVd½A ;wfuLikj vksj LisDVªe Ja`a[kyk ds mRikn lh,yih fofu;eu ds v/khu ugha gS blfy;s ;s fcuk yscy yxs jksxu vkSj v/kksysi ds mRiknu ds fy;s fo’ks"kdj mi;qDr gSA • okWysLVksukbV vkSj ,Y;wfeuk% pedjfgr jksxu ds fu:i.k esa igys ls o`gn :i ls mi;ksx fd;k x;k] okWysLVksukbV dSfl¶yDl 9 ekbØksu ¼dSfl¶yDl G20½ ;k 16 ekbØksu ¼dSfl¶yDl G38½ ds Mh50 okys fofHkUu vkdkj ds d.kksa esa miyC/k gSA jksxu la?kVdksa esa mi;ksx fd;s x;s vU; mRiknksa esa 'kkfey gS iksVkZfQy Ja`a[kyk dk ,Y;qfeuk VªkbgkbMªsV] ihls x;s mRiknksa ds fy;s U;wure 4 ekbØksu ¼iksVkZfQy SG10½ ls vf/kdre 12 ekbØksu ¼iksVkZfQy SG40½ rd ds d.k vkdkj dh Ja`a[kyk ds lkFkA flcsYdks fljsfed m|ksx ds fy;s miyC/k [kfut dh Ja`a[kyk dk foLrkj djus ds mn~ns’; ls vfojr ‘kks/k djrk gS vkSj blds QyLo:i fMftVy jksxu rduhd ds uokpkj vkSj fodkl dks izksRlkfgr djrk gSA
xzhu Cyks] Vkby dks BaMk vkSj lkQ djus ds fy;s de&ykxr dk gfjr lek/kku Green Blow, the low-cost green solution for tile cooling and cleaning Giacomo Davoli, FM The steady growth of digital decoration is fuelling a need for increasingly strict control of the temperature of tiles entering printers to ensure consistently high quality printing. For optimal printing, the tile temperature should be no greater than 45°C as higher temperatures may result in defects. Before applying the decoration, it is also necessary to ensure that the tiles are perfectly clean and uniform by removing any ceramic dust that has deposited. One cheap, effective and flexible method for cleaning and cooling tiles entering the digital decoration machine is to use high-performance centrifugal fans. FM, which has long been producing and selling centrifugal fans for use on ceramic production lines, unveiled its latest model at Tecnargilla 2014. Called Green Blow, it is a centrifugal fan specially designed for maximum cleaning and cooling performance while reducing electrical power consumption and noise. Green Blow meets the strict limits imposed by the EU regulations due to come into force in 2015 and can therefore be used not only in the ceramic industry but in any sector requiring a cleaning or cooling capability. Compared to the previous model, Green Blow has 25% greater capacity and a 28% higher airflow speed, resulting in an up to 80% increase in the cooling effect. Alongside these improvements in performance, the downsized motor – reduced from the 0.55 kW or 1.1 kW of the previous model to just 0.37 kW – brings energy savings and an approximately 40% reduction in weight. A meticulous airflow study allows for an approximately 40% reduction in perceived noise levels. The ergonomics have been improved and installation on the line made simpler, while maintenance requirements are minimal. In parallel with the Green Blow fan, FM has also designed a new 620 mm orientable diffuser which brings a further increase in performance and reduction in noise. Due to its special geometry, this diffuser can cool tiles with widths up to 800 mm and can be angled from 10° to 45° with respect to the surface of the tiles to guarantee the maximum flexibility of use. Combined use of the Green Blow fan and the new diffuser allows for the highest possible performance as the two devices were designed as part of a joint project. Last but not least, the company has developed a rugged support for in-line installation, available in various lengths for lines of different sizes. Green Blow is fully interchangeable with the preceding model and can be connected to all previous accessories. Green Blow was developed as a result of lengthy studies conducted in the field, which have shown the importance of correct installation for optimum cooling and cleaning. To maximise the cooling effect, it is advisable to orient the diffuser at its smallest possible angle (10°), minimise the height
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Ceramic World Review n. 75/2008 Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
fMftVy lTtk dk lrr fodkl fu;fer mPp xq.koRrk;qDr fizafVax dks lqfuf’pr djus ds fy;s fizaVj esa tkus okyh VkbYl ds rkieku ds c<+rs gq, n`<+ fu;a=.k dh vko’;drk dks bZa/ku ns jgk gSA loksZRd`"V fizafVax ds fy;s] Vkby dk rkieku 45°C ls T;knk ugha gksuk pkfg;s D;ksafd T;knk rkieku ds dkj.k =qfV;ka vk ldrh gSaA lTtk djus ls igys] VkbYl ij yxh fdlh Hkh izdkj dh fljsfed /kwy dks gVkdj ;g lqfuf’pr djuk Hkh vko’;d gS fd VkbYl vPNh rjg ls lkQ vkSj ,d:i gSaA fMftVy lTtk e’khu esa izos’k dj jgh VkbYl dks lkQ vkSj BaMk djus dk ,d lLrk] izHkkoh vkSj vuq:i rjhdk mPp fu"iknu okys vidsUnzh ia[kksa dk iz;ksx djuk gSA ,Q,e] tks fljsfed mRiknu Ja`a[kyk esa iz;ksx djus ds fy;s dkQh yacs le; ls vidsUnzh ia[kksa dk mRiknu vkSj foØ; dj jgk gS] us VsDukjftyk 2014 esa vius uohure ekWMy dk vukoj.k fd;kA xzhu Cyks uked] ;g ,d vidsUnz ia[kk gS ftls fo|qr miHkksx vkSj vkokt dks de djrs gq, vf/kdre lQkbZ vkSj BaMkgd nsus ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k gSA xzhu Cyks 2015 esa vfLrRo esa vkus okys ;wjksih; la?k fofu;eksa }kjk yxkbZ xbZ l[r lhekvksa dks iwjk djrk gS vkSj blfy;s bldk iz;ksx u flQZ fljsfed m|ksx esa cfYd ,sls fdlh Hkh {ks= esa fd;k tk ldrk gS ftlesa lQkbZ vkSj 'khryu {kerk dh vko’;drk gksA fiNys ekWMy dh rqyuk esa] xzhu Cyks esa 25 izfr’kr T;knk {kerk gS vkSj 28 izfr’kr T;knk rst gok nsrk gS] ftlds dkj.k 'khryu izHkko esa 80 izfr’kr dh o`f) gksrh gSA izn’kZu esa bu lq/kkjksa ds lkFk&lkFk] NksVs vkdkj dh eksVj dks fiNys ekWMy ds 0-55 kW ;k 1-1 kW ls ?kVkdj 0-37 kW dj fn;k x;k gS] ftlls ÅtkZ dh cpr gksrh gS vkSj Hkkj esa 40 izfr’kr rd dh deh vkrh gSA ,d tfVy ok;qizokg v/;;u dfFkr /ofu Lrj esa yxHkx 40 izfr’kr de djus dh vuqefr nsrh gSA Je n{krk dks mUur fd;k x;k x;k gS vkSj Ja`a[kyk ij laLFkkiu ljy gqvk gS] tcfd vuqj{k.k dh vko’;drk Hkh de dh xbZ gSA xzhu Cyks ia[ks ls lekukarj.k esa] ,Q,e us ,d u;s 620 feeh vfHkfoU;Lr folkjd dks Hkh fMtkbu fd;k gS tks izn’kZu dks vkSj Hkh csgrj djrk gS vkSj 'kksj dks de djrk gSA bldh fo’ks"k T;kehfr ds dkj.k] ;g folkjd 800 feeh rd dh pkSM+kbZ okyh VkbYl dks BaMk dj ldrk gS vkSj VkbYl dh lrg ds lanHkZ esa bls 10° ls 45° rd ds dks.k esa ?kqek;k tk ldrk gS] tks iz;ksx dh vf/kdre vuq:irk dh xkjaVh nsrk gSA xzhu Cyks ia[ks vkSj u, folkjd dk lfEefyr mi;ksx] mPpre laHkkfor izn’kZu dh vuqefr nsrk gS D;ksafd nksuksa fMokblksa dks la;qDr ifj;kstuk ds :i esa fMtkbu fd;k x;k FkkA vafre ysfdu de ugha] daiuh us ,d izR;{k laLFkkiu ds fy;s rst leFkZu dk fodkl fd;k gS] tks fofHkUu vkdkjksa dh Ja`a[kyk ds fy;s fofHkUu yackbZ esa miyC/k gksrk gSA xzhu Cyks iwoZorhZ ekWMy ds lkFk cnyk tk ldrk gS vkSj fiNyh lHkh lgk;d lkefxz;ksa ds lkFk tksM+k tk ldrk gSA xzhu Cyks dks dk;Z{ks= esa fd;s x;s yacs v/;;u ds ifj.kkeLo:i fodflr fd;k x;k Fkk] ftlus vkn’kZ 'khryu vkSj lQkbZ ds fy;s lgh laLFkkfir ds egRo dks fn[kk;k gSA 'khryu izHkko dks c<+kus ds fy;s] folkjd dks ftruk laHko gks lds mrus de dks.k (10°) ij vuqdwfyr djus] ia[ks dh ÅapkbZ dks de djus vkSj ia[kksa dks ,d Øe esa ,d nwljs ls ,d ehVj dh nwjh ij j[kus dk lq>ko fn;k tkrk gS ¼fp= 4½A ftruk laHko gks lds fMftVy fizaVj ds izos’k ds mrus djhc ia[ks dks j[kuk Hkh egRoiw.kZ gS rkfd Vkby lrg dh Å”ek lhfer gks lds
focus on digital glazing & decoration
of the fan and position the fans in series at a distance of one metre from each other (fig. 2). It is also important to position the fans as close as possible to the entrance to the digital printer so as to limit heating of the tile surface caused by heat transfer from the interior of the tile subsequent to cooling. Conversely, to clean the tile effectively the diffuser should be oriented at its maximum inclination (45°) and positioned as close as possible to the tile surface so as to direct a very high-speed airflow onto the tile. In any case it is advisable to install the fans in such a way that the airflow is in the opposite direction to that of the movement of the tiles along the line. If a number of fans are installed in sequence, the first should perform cleaning and the rest cooling. To be able to provide the best possible technical support, FMlab (FM’s R&D laboratory) has developed Tiles Cooling Simulator, a simulation software that calculates the tile cooling effect along the line so as to determine the best position for the fans. The software can be used to simulate existing lines with real data provided by the customer. This enables the ideal number of fans for each application and their positions along the line to be determined without the need for lengthy and costly testing. The new Green Blow fan
Example of installation support
ftlls Vkby ds vanj ls Å"ek LFkkukarfjr gksdj og BaMh gks tk,A blds foijhr] Vkby dks izHkkoh :i ls lkQ djus ds fy;s folkjd dks mlds vf/kdre >qdko (45°) ij vfHkfoU;Lr djuk pkfg;s vkSj Vkby dh lrg ls ftruk laHko gks lds mrus j[kuk pkfg;s rkfd Vkby ij lh/ks rkSj ij rst xfr dh gok iM+sA fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa] ia[kksa dks bl izdkj ls laLFkkfir djus dk lq>ko fn;k tkrk gS fd e’khu esa VkbYl dh fn’kk ls foijhr fn’kk dh vksj ok;qizokg gksA ;fn ,d Øe esa dbZ ia[kksa dks yxk;k tk,] rks igyk okyk lQkbZ djus ds fy;s vkSj vU; VkbYl dks BaMk djus ds fy;s gksus pkfg;sA lcls vPNk laHkkfor rduhdh leFkZu iznku djus esa l{ke gksus ds fy;s] ,Q,e ySc ¼,Q,e dh vkj,aMMh iz;ksx’kkyk½ us VkbYl dwfyax flE;qysVj dk fodkl fd;k gS] tks flE;wys’ku lkW¶Vos;j tks e’khu ds ikl Vkby ds 'khryu izHkko dh x.kuk djrk gS rkfd ia[ks ds fy;s lcls vPNs LFkku dk fu/kkZj.k fd;k tk ldsA xzkgdksa }kjk iznku fd;s x;s okLrfod MkVk ds lkFk ekStwnk e’khu dh vuq:irk fn[kkus ds fy;s lkW¶Vos;j dk iz;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gSA blls fdlh yach vkSj egaxh tkap&iM+rk dh vko’;drk ds fcuk izR;sd vuqiz;ksx ds fy;s ia[kksa dh vkn’kZ la[;k vkSj e’khu ds lkFk mudh fLFkfr dk irk fd;k tkrk gSA The new 620 mm diffuser
Example of installation on an existing line
Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I n d i a 2 0 1 5
cM+s Lrj ds ikslZfyu iSuy esa uE;rk] n{krk vkSj xq.koRrk Andrea Gozzi - System Lamina (Fiorano Modenese, Italy)
Flexibility, efficiency and quality in large-format porcelain panels A large-format porcelain panel production plant based on the innovative Gea pressing system was started up at the end of August in the new NG Kütahya facility in Turkey. Due to its characteristics it is certainly one of the most modern production units of this type designed to date by System. The heart of the plant is the Gea 40000 mouldless press, which will produce porcelain panels in the two sizes 1600x4800 mm (from which it is possible to obtain 800x800 mm, 800x1600 mm and 800x2400 mm sizes by cutting the green module with a disk cutter) and 1200x4800 mm (with subsizes 600x600 mm, 600x1200 mm, 1200x1200 mm and 1200x2400 mm) of thickness between 8 and 12 mm. The installation has a production capacity of 10,000 sq.m/ day and is complemented by a Rotocolor S5 XXLBS glazing line, a Creadigit digital decoration unit with 22 heads and 6 colour bars, System (by Welko) thermal machines (a 34 m dryer and a 140 m kiln with 2950 mm infeed), a storage system, a Multigecko sorting line and a 4Phases packaging machine. The production unit is designed to accommodate future expansion. Right from the first few days of production, the large-format panels displayed exceptional flatness and calibre and are ready for their official launch at Cersaie 2014, where NG Kütahya is taking part for the first time this year.
vfHkuo ft;k ncko iz.kkyh ij vk/kkfjr ,d cM+s Lrj ds ikslZfyu ¼phuh feV~Vh½ iSu mRiknu la;a= VdhZ esa ,u th dqVkg;k la;a= esa vxLr ds var esa vkjaHk gqvk FkkA blds xq.kksa ds dkj.k ;g fuf’pr :i ls flLVe }kjk bl izdkj ls fMtkbu dh xbZ vc rd dh lcls vk/kqfud mRiknu bdkb;ksa esa ls ,d gSA la;a= dk fny gS ft;k 40000 lkapkjfgr izsl] tks 8 vkSj 12 feeh ds chp dh eksVkbZ ds nks vkdkjksa 1600x4800 feeh ¼ftlls ,d fMLd dVj ls gjs ekWM~;wy dks dkVj 800x800 feeh] 800x1600 feeh vkSj 800x2400 feeh ds vkdkj ikuk laHko gS½ vkSj 1200x4800 feeh ¼600x600 feeh] 600x1200 feeh] 1200x1200 vkSj 1200x2400 feeh ds vkdkjksa ds lkFkS½ ds ikslZfyu iSuy dk fuekZ.k djsxkA bl laLFkkiu dh mRiknu {kerk 10]000 oxZ eh-@fnu gS vkSj ;g jksVksdkWyj ,l5 ,Dl ,Dl ,y ch ,l Xysftax ykbu] 22 fljs vkSj 6 jax ckj okys ,d fØ;kfMftV fMftVy lTtk bdkbZ] flLVe ¼osYdks }kjk½ rki ;a= ¼3 34 eh Mªk;j vkSj 2950 feeh bUQhM okyh 140 eh HkV~Vh½] ,d laxzg.k iz.kkyh] ,d eYVhfxdks i`FkDdj.k Ja`[kyk vkSj ,d 4 pj.k dh iSfdax ;a= ls lgk;d gSA bl mRiknu bdkbZ dks Hkfo"; ds foLrkj dks lek;ksftr djus ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k gSA mRiknu ds igys dqN fnuksa ls gh] cM+s&Lrj ds iSuyksa us vlk/kkj.k Li"Vrk vkSj {kerk iznf’kZr dh vkSj dSlsZ 2014 esa viuh vkf/kdkfjd rkSj ij izkjaHk djus ds fy;s rS;kj gS] tgka ,uth dqVkg;k bl lky esa igyh ckj Hkkx ys jgk gSA
In addition to the Kütahya facility, System received orders for a further 7 Gea installations in the first 8 months of 2014, each of them different and tailored to the specific production requirements. The lines supplied to the following companies are already in operation as of this year: • Bars Keramicheskiy (Russia), with a Gea 15000 press for large 1000x3000 mm panels of thickness 3-6 mm; • Thai Ceramic Company (SCG Group, Thailand), with a Gea 30000 press for 1400x3200 mm and 1200x3600 mm large-format panels of thickness 6-20 mm; • Granitifiandre (Italy), with a Gea 27000 press for 1600x3200 mm, 1000x3000 mm, 1200x3000 mm and 1500x3000 mm large-format panels with thickness of between 6 and 12 mm and textured surfaces. The lines designed for the following companies will begin production in the first few months of 2015: • Platinum (Indonesia), with a Gea 35000 press for 1200x4800 mm and 1000x5000 mm panels of thickness 6-12 mm;
dqVkg;k la;a= ds vfrfjDr] flLVe dks 2014 ds igys 8 eghuksa esa 7 fx;k laLFkkiuksa ds vkWMZj feys] ftuesa ls izR;sd vyx Fkk vkSj fof’k"V mRiknu ekaxksa ds vuq:i FkkA bl o"kZ esa vc rd fuEu daifu;ksa dks forfjr ;s Ja`[kyk,a izpkyu esa gSa% • cklZ dsjfepsLdh ¼:l½] 3&6 feeh eksVkbZ ds cM+s 1000x300 feeh iSuy ds fy;s ft;k 15000 izsl ds lkFkA • FkkbZ fljsfed dEiuh ¼,llhth lewg] FkkbZySaM½] 6&20 feeh eksVkbZ ds 1400x3200 feeh vkSj 1200x3600 feeh ds cM+s Lrj ds iSuy ds fy;s fx;k 30000 izsl ds lkFkA • xzSfuVhfQvkUnz ¼bVyh½] 6 vkSj 12 feeh ds chp dh eksVkbZ vkSj jpukRed lrg ds 1600x3200 feeh] 1200x3000 feeh] 1200x3000 feeh vkSj 1500x3000 feeh ds cM+s Lrj ds iSuy ds fy;s ft;k 27000 izsl ds lkFkA fuEu daifu;ksa ds fy;s fMtkbu dh xbZ Ja`[kyk 2015 ds igys dqNeghuksa esa mRiknu 'kq: gksxk% • IysfVue ¼baMksusf’k;k½] 6&12 feeh eksVkbZ ds 1200x4800 feeh vkSj 1000x5000 feeh iSuy ds fy;s ft;k 35000 izsl ds lkFkA • lu ykWV ¼phu½] 3&6 feeh eksVkbZ ds 1200x3600 feeh iSuy ds
Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
• Sun Lot (China), with a Gea 26000 press for 1200x3600 mm panels of thickness 3-6 mm; • Laminam (Italy), with a Gea 27000 press for 1600x3200 mm, 1000x3000 mm, 1200x3000 mm and 1500x3000 mm panels of thickness 6-20 mm; • Toto (Japan), with Gea 22000 press for 1200x3000 mm and 1000x3000 mm panels of thickness 3-10 mm. This unit will be started up in January and was chosen by the Japanese group, already a leader in the sanitaryware segment in the Far East, with a view to stepping up its activities in the tile sector.
fy;s ft;k 26000 izsl ds lkFkA • ysfeue ¼bVyh½] 6&20 feeh eksVkbZ ds 1600x3200 feeh] 1000x3000 feeh] 1200x3000 feeh vkSj 1500x3000 feeh iSuy ds fy;s ft;k 27000 izsl ds lkFkA • VksVks ¼tkiku½] 3&10 feeh eksVkbZ ds 1200x3000 feeh vkSj 1000x3000 feeh iSuy ds fy;s ft;k 22000 izsl ds lkFkA ;g bdkbZ tuojh esa 'kq: gks tk,xh vkSj bldk p;u ml tkikuh lewg }kjk fd;k x;k Fkk] tks lqnwj iwoZ esa LoPNrk mRikn ds {ks= esa igys ls gh vxz.kh gS] vkSj Vkby {ks= esa viuh xfrfof/k dks vkxs ykuk pkgrk gSA
Following these latest start-ups, the volumes of large-format porcelain tiles and panels produced worldwide in 2015 using System’s Lamina technology and the GEA press will reach 25 million sq.m. All over the world, the ceramic industry is moving rapidly towards the production of ever larger porcelain panels in various sizes and thicknesses.
bu uohure 'kq:vkrksa dk vuqlj.k djds] 2015 esa flLVe ds yfeuk rduhd vkSj fx;k izsl dk iz;ksx djds iwjh nqfu;k esa fufeZr gksus okys cM+s&Lrj dh ikslZfyu VkbYl vkSj iSuYl dh ek=k 25 fefy;u oxZ eh- rd igqap tk,xhA iwjh nqfu;k esa] fljsfed m|ksx fofHkUu vkdkj vkSj eksVkb;ksa ds cM+s ls cM+s ikslZfyu iSuYl ds mRiknu dh vksj dkQh rsth ls c<+ jgk gSA flLVe us 2000 esa yfeuk ladYiuk dk vkjaHk djds bl fopkj/ kkjk dks izR;kf’kr fd;k vkSj vkdkj fn;k vkSj 2002 esa VsDukjftyk
Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I n d i a 2 0 15
System anticipated and shaped this trend with the launch of the Lamina concept in 2000 and the first presentation of the technology at Tecnargilla in 2002. But while the technology available at that time only allowed for the production of very large panels of thickness 3-5 mm, the new Gea process developed in 2012 marked a real breakthrough due to its outstanding manufacturing flexibility. It is now the manufacturer who can decide which tiles to produce at any time in terms of the following characteristics: • size: from a single pressing size (1000x3000 mm, 1200x3600 mm, 1200x5400 mm and 1600x5400 mm) it is possible to obtain all subsizes by cutting the green module; the width of the panel can also be varied, following a quick and simple procedure (45 minutes) to change the module (e.g. from 1600 mm to 1000 mm), the feeders and the upper belt; • thickness: from 3 to 30 mm in any size, ideal for any application (floor and wall tiles for interiors and exteriors, residential and high-traffic commercial settings, kitchen countertops, surfaces for advanced architectural applications, etc.); • surface finish: it takes just 30 minutes to change the upper belt, which can be laser engraved at a very high resolution (254 dpi) to create relief textures; the belt can have up to three different textures at the same time, making a total of 16.6 linear metres with a maximum depth of 1.8 mm. The Gea 40000 belt (just one for all sizes) has a lifetime of 275,000 sq.m. All versions of Gea can be configured and sized according to the specific production requirements and mix of subsizes (some examples are shown in Table 1). One version that stands out in particular is the brand new GEA 50000, unveiled at Tecnargilla 2014 and capable of producing 10,500 sq.m/day of panels in a 1600x5400 mm size. Greater efficiency and lower consumptions Further revolutionary aspects compared to the traditional ceramic production process include the significant simplification of the processes, improved factory efficiency (for Max. TAB. 1 pressing area example, there are no moulds and consequently no need for mould storage areas), and the big reduction in consumption of energy and raw materials. Take 1600x5400 GEA 50000 for example a residential floor tile of size 120x120 cm (four pieces obtained using Gea from the 1200x4800 mm size), with a thickness of 8 mm, produced 1600x4800 GEA 44000 with standard spray dried body and compliant with standards. Compared to traditional pressing technology, Gea allows for: 1200x5000 GEA 35000 a thickness of about 4 mm less than standard; a 33% reduction in raw materials and energy consumption during firing; simplification of the scoring and 1600x3600 GEA 33000 cutting process; less waste; lower weight (-14 kg) and conse-
C era mic W o rld Review India 2015
esa bl rduhd dk igyk izn’kZu fd;kA ysfdu tcfd ml le; ekStwn og rduhd dsoy 3&5 feeh eksVkbZ dh cgqr cM+s iSuYl ds mRiknu djus ;ksX; Fks] 2012 esa fodflr ubZ ft;k izfØ;k viuh csgrjhu fuekZ.k uE;rk ds dkj.k ,d okLrfod egRoiw.kZ [kkst cuhA vc fuEu xq.kksa ds vk/kkj ij os fuekZrk gh gSa tks fdlh Hkh le; ;g fu/kkZfjr dj ldrs gSa fd fdu VkbYl dk fuekZ.k djuk gS%
• vkdkj% ,d nkc vkdkj ls ¼1000x3000 feeh] 1200x3600 feeh] 1500x54000 feeh vkSj 1600x5400 feeh½ gjs ekWM~;wy dks dkVdj lHkh de vkdkjksa dks izkIr djuk laHko gS( ekWM~;wy ¼tSls 1600 feeh ls 1000 feeh rd½] QhMj vkSj Åijh csYV dks cnyus ds fy;s Rofjr vkSj lk/kkj.k izfØ;k ¼45 feuV½ dk vuqlj.k djds] iSuy dh pkSM+kbZ Hkh vyx&vyx dh tk ldrh gS( • eksVkbZ% fdlh Hkh vkdkj esa 3 ls 30 feeh rd] fdlh Hkh vuqiz;ksx ds fy;s mi;qDr ¼van:uh vkSj ckgjh lTtk ds fy;s Q’kZ vkSj nhokjksa dh VkbYl] ?kjsyw vkSj mPp&;krk;kr okys O;olkf;d lsfVaXl] jlksbZ dk pkSdk] mUur okLrqf’kYi vuqiz;ksx ds fy;s lrg vkfn½( • lrg dh lTtk% Åijh csYV dks cnyus esa flQZ 30 feuV yxrs gSa] ftls izeq[k lajpuk,a cukus ds fy;s ,d mPp fjtkWY;w’ku ¼254 MhihvkbZ½ ij ystj ls x<+k tk ldrk gS( csYV esa ,d le; esa rhu vyx&vyx lajpuk,a rd cukbZ tk ldrh gSa] ftlls 1-8 feeh dh vf/kdre xgjkbZ ds lkFk dqy 16-6 yhfu;j ehVj dk fuekZ.k gksrk gSA ft;k 40000 csYV ¼lHkh vkdkjksa ds fy;s flQZ ,d½ dh thoulhek 275]000 oxZ ehVj gSA ft;k ds lHkh laLdj.kksa dks fof’k"V mRiknu vko’;drkvksa vkSj lg&vkdkjksa ds feJ.k ds vuqlkj foU;kflr vkSj ifjekf.kr fd;k tk ldrk gS ¼rkfydk 1 esa dqN mnkgj.k fn[kk, x, gSa½A ,d laLdj.k tks bl ekeys esa vOoy gS] og gS fcYdqy u;k ft;k 50000] ftls VsDukjftyk 2014 esa iznf’kZr fd;k x;k vkSj ;g 1600 x 5400 feeh vkdkj esa 10]500 oxZ eh@fnu iSuy dk mRiknu djus esa l{ke gSA T;knk n{krk vkSj de miHkksx ikjaifjd fljsfed mRiknu izfØ;k dh rqyuk esa vxys Økafrdkjh #[k esa izfØ;k dks dkQh gn rd vklku djuk] mUur QSDVªh n{krk ¼mnkgj.k ds fy;s] dksbZ lkapk ugha vkSj blfy;s lkaps j[kus ds LFkku dh dksbZ vko’;drk ugha½] vkSj ÅtkZ rFkk dPps eky ds miHkksx esa Hkkjh deh 'kkfey gSA mnkgj.k ds fy;s ekud Lizs MªkbV oLrq ls vkSj ekudksa ds vuq:i Pressing module
Green cutting subsizes
Production capacity
1600x5400 1600x4800 1200x5400 1200x4800 1000x5000 etc.
1600x2700, 1600x1800, 1600x2400, 1600x1600, 800x1600, 800x800, 1200x2400, 1200x1200, 600x1200, 600x600, 1000x2500, 1000x1000, etc.
10,500 m2/d
1600x4800 1200x4800 1000x4500 etc.
1600x2400, 1600x1600, 1600x800, 800x800, 1200x2400, 1200x1200, 600x600, etc.
9,250 m2/d
1200x4800 1000x5000 etc.
1200x2400, 1200x1200, 1200x600, 600x600, 1000x2500, 1000x1000, 500x500, etc.
7,200 m2/d
1600x3600 1600x3200 1200x3600 1000x3500 etc.
1600x3200, 1600x1600, 800x1600, 800x800, 1200x3600, 1200x1800, 1200x1200, 1200x600, 1000x3500, etc.
6,900 m2/d
quently lower transport costs; and greater ease of installation. As for energy consumption during pressing, Gea 40000 has an installed power up to 3 times lower than that of a medium to high tonnage press and an energy consumption of 0.23 kWh/m2 (1.34 kWh per stroke), in other words 50% less than a standard press, with a productivity of 7,000 sq.m/day. With a moisture content of 4-5%, the spray-dried powder also helps reduce energy consumption. It is completely recycled, both from the press (recycled in the lower filling process) and from the edge trim (3-4%) which is reused in the raw materials department. Last but not least, the Gea system can be fully integrated with existing plant and requires no foundation work (floor loading capacity 10 kg/cm2) or oversized transport requirements given that it is assembled on site. Aesthetics and product quality
cukbZ xbZ 8 feeh eksVkbZ okyh 120x120 lseh ¼1200x4800 feeh vkdkj ls ft;k dk mi;ksx djds izkIr fd;s x;s pkj VqdM+s½ vkdkj dh vkoklh; Q’kZ dh Vkby dks ysrs gSaA ikjaifjd nkc rduhd dh rqyuk esa] fx;k ls% ekud ls yxHkx 4 feeh eksVkbZ de dh tk ldrh gS( vkx esa rikus ds nkSjku dPps eky vkSj ÅtkZ ds miHkksx esa 33 izfr’kr deh vkrh gS( [kjksapus vkSj dkVus dh izfØ;k dks vklku djuk( de vif’k"V( de out ¼14 fdxzk ls de½ vkSj blds ifj.kkeLo:i ;krk;kr dh ykxr esa deh( yxkus esa dkQh vklkuhA ncko ds nkSjku ÅtkZ miHkksx ds laca/k esa] ft;k 40000 esa e/; ls mPp VuHkj izsl ls 3 xquk de ÅtkZ yxkbZ xbZ gS vkSj ÅtkZ miHkksx 0-23 fd-ok-?ka-@oxZ eh- ¼1-34 fd-ok-?ka- izfr LVªksd½ gS] nwljs 'kCnksa esa ekud izsl ls 50 izfr’kr de] 7]000 oxZ ehVj@fnu dh mRikndrk ds lkFkA 4&5 izfr’kr ds ueh ?kVd ds lkFk] Lizs&MªkbV ikmMj ÅtkZ miHkksx dks de djus esa Hkh lgk;rk djrk gSA bls iwjh rjg ls iqujkofrZr fd;k tk ldrk gS] izsl ¼fupyh Hkjkou izfØ;k esa iqujkofrZr½ vkSj dksuksa dks NkaVus ¼3&4 izfr’kr½ nksuksa ls] ftldk iz;ksx nksckjk dPps eky ds foHkkx esa fd;k tkrk gSA vafre ij de ugha] ft;k iz.kkyh ekStwnk la;a= ds lkFk iwjh rjg ls ,dhd`r fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj la;a= esa bls yxk, tkus gsrq fdlh vfrfjDr LFkkiu dk;Z ¼Q’kZ dh yksfMax {kerk 10 fdxzk@oxZ lseh½ ;k cgqr cM+h ;krk;kr ekaxksa dh t:jr ugha gSA
Gea also offers unlimited aesthetic potential due to the various types of decoration that can be used (wet, dry and full body decoration, micronized powders, multi-filling), with powder application directly on the belt without dedicated cars and with constant productivity. The panels, produced with standard spray dried body wilqanjrk vkSj mRikn dh xq.koRrk thout additives and compliant with UNI 1441-10545 standards, display reduced calibre (± 3 mm at the kiln exit in ft;k fofHkUu izdkj dh lTtkvksa ds dkj.k vufxur lkSan;Z laHkkouk,a the case of the 1600x4800 mm size) and a panel flatness iznku djrh gSa ftudk iz;ksx ¼xhyh] lw[kh vkSj ekbØksuhd`r ikmMj] up to a maximum of 0.2 mm. This is due to the uniform cgq&Hkjko½] lefiZr cklZ ds fcuk vkSj lrr mRikndrk ds lkFk csYV compaction over the entire surface of the panel (in the ij izR;sd ikmMj vuqiz;ksx ds lkFk fd;k tk ldrk gSA Gea press the ratio ekud Lizs MªkbM oLrq ds lkFk fdlh between the thrust ;ksT;ksa ds fcuk fcuk, x, vkSj ;w,uvkbZ TAB. 2 - Technical characteristics of a panel produced area and oil is 1:1) and 1441&10545 ekudksa ds vuq:i] ;s iSuYl with Meta 9100 spray-dried body and pressed using a Gea press the fact that the de {kerk ¼1600x4800 feeh vkdkj dh absence of the mould fLFkfr esa HkV~Vh dh fudklh ij ± 3 feeh½ % 4-5.5 Moisture eliminates all internal vkSj vf/kdre 0-2 feeh rd iSuy Li"Vrk post-pressing stresses. iznf’kZr djrs gSaA ,slk iSuy dh iwjh lrg bar 420 The good calibre and Max. pressure ij vf}rh; la?kuu ¼ft;k izsl esa ncko flatness values allow {ks= vkSj rsy dk vuqikr 1%1 gS½ ds dkj.k N/mm2 >1 for further improve- Bending strength in green gksrk gS vkSj bl rF; ds dkj.k fd lkapksa ments in the quality dh vuqifLFkfr lHkh vkarfjd i’p&nkc N/mm2 >3.5 and efficiency of the Bending strength after drying rukoksa dks vyx djrh gSA vPNh {kerk subsequent processes vkSj Li"Vrk eku oxhZdj.k ¼izR;sd vksj ls of squaring (only 2-3 Apparent density gr/cm3 2.05-2.10 flQZ 2&3 feeh gVk, tkrs gSa½] lku p<+kus mm is removed per vkSj ikWfy’k djus dh vkxs dh izfØ;kvksa dh side), honing and polixq.koRrk vkSj n{krk esa vkxs dh lq/kkj dh …. 0.02 Standard deviation of apparent density shing. vuqefr nsrh gSA
All the images in this article refer to the new Kütahya plant and are courtesy of Kütahya Group. Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
Vkby nckus ds fy;s ubZ rduhd Maurizio Barbanti - Siti B&T Group (Formigine, Italy)
New technologies for tile pressing Whether it is developing innovative process solutions or automating an entire line, SITI B&T, with its many years of applications experience throughout the world, is able to provide a complete line of “turnkey” systems designed according to the specific needs of each individual ceramics manufacturer. The forming of the ceramic body by the pressing of atomized powder is one of the most important phases in the ceramics production cycle. The range of SITI equipment has been enhanced by the addition of new technologies designed to improve product quality and the tasks of the operators, and has now been completed by the very high tonnage presses - up to 40,000 tons, which were presented at Tecnargilla 2014 trade fair last September. These were inspired by the needs of the market to produce large slabs, together with increasing productivity and improving energy efficiency. The EVO 3.0 range The new generation SITI EVO 3.0 presses enable this objective to be reached through unique patented cutting edge technologies: • E-Syncro®, the unrivalled electronic de-moulding system, • Fasty, the new rapid mould changeover technology, • Start & Stop, the advanced hydraulic power unit that drastically reduces energy consumption, • Genius box for intelligent tile quality control. The new, compact, EVO 3.0 press technologies can be easily adapted to any type of existing EVO press, becoming an integral part of them. The SITI presses, which come with a five year warranty, have always been designed and manufactured to ensure a high level of quality and productivity as well as being focused on cost reduction for pressed ceramic products. The new devices enable the production process to be revolutionised: lean manufacturing, reduced downtime, adjustments and testing between one production batch and another. E-Synchro® E-Synchro® is the new electromechanical device consisting of a brushless motor with an integrated absolute encoder solidly coupled with a heavy-duty recirculating ball screw in order to ensure effective and accurate transmission of motion with a maximum positioning error of less than 0.05 mm. Ejection synchronism is achieved neither electromechanically nor hydraulically (as with other ejection systems) but through the electronic position control of the four ejectors which is managed in real-
C era mic W o rld Review India 2015
Hkys gh mUur izØe lek/kku dk fodkl djus dh ckr gks ;k ,d iwjh i)fr dks Lopkfyr djuk gks] nqfu;k Hkj esa vius lkyksa ds vuqiz;ksx vuqHko ds lkFk] ,l-vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ- ch- ,aM Vh-] izR;sd fljsfed fuekZrk dh fo’ks"k vko’;drk ds vuqlkj fMtkbu dh xbZ ^VuZdh* iz.kkyh dh iwjh i)fr iznku djus esa l{ke gSA d.khd`r ikmMj dks nckdj fljsfed mRikn dk fuekZ.k djuk fljsfed mRiknu pØ esa lcls egRoiw.kZ pj.kksa esa ls ,d gSA mRikn dh xq.koRrk vkSj izpkydksa ds dk;ksZa dks mUur djus ds fy;s fMtkbu dh xbZa ubZ vfrfjDr rduhdksa }kjk ,l-vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ- midj.kksa dh J`a[kyk dks csgrj fd;k x;k gS] vkSj blus vc vfr mPp Vu Hkkj ncko & 40]000 Vu rd dks iwjk dj fy;k gS] ftls fiNys flrEcj esa VsDujftyk 2014 O;kikj esys esa iznf’kZr fd;k x;k FkkA ;s mRikndrk c<+kus vkSj ÅtkZ n{krk dks mUur djus ds lkFk] cM+h ifV;ksa dk fuekZ.k djus dh cktkj dh vko’;drk ls izsfjr FkkA bZoks 3-0 J`a[kyk ubZ ih<+h dk ,l-vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ- bZoks 3-0 izsl isVsaV dh xbZ vf}rh; /kkj rduhdksa ds ek/;e ls bl mn~ns’; rd igqapus esa l{ke djrs gSa% • bZ&flaØks®] cstksM+ fo|qr fM&ekmYM iz.kkyh • QkLVh] ubZ Rofjr lkapk ifjorZd rduhd] • LVkVZ ,aM LVkWi] ,d fodflr gkbMªksfyd ÅtkZ la;a= tks ÅtkZ ds miHkkx dks dkQh de djrk gS] • dq’ky Vkby xq.koRrk fu;a=.k ds fy;s thfu;l ckWDlA bl ubZ] Bksl] bZoks 3-0 izsl rduhd dks fdlh Hkh izdkj ds ekStwn bZoks izsl ds lkFk vklkuh ls tksM+k tk ldrk gS] tks mldk ,dhd`r Hkkx cu tkrk gSA ikap lky dh okjaVh ds lkFk vkus okys ,l-vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ- izsl dks ges’kk ;g lqfuf’pr djus ds fy;s fMtkbu vkSj fuekZ.k fd;k x;k gS fd os ncko ls cuk, x, fljsfed mRiknksa ds fy;s mPp Lrj dh xq.koRrk vkSj mRikndrk ns lkFk gh lkFk muds ewY; dks de djus ij Hkh /;ku nsA ;s u, fMokbl mRiknu izfØ;kvksa esa Økafrdkjh ifjorZu ykus ds fy;s gS% ,d mRiknu cSp vkSj nwljs ds chp izo`Rr mRiknu] de varjky] lek;kstu vkSj ijh{k.kA bZ&flaØks® bZ&flaØks ,d u;k fo|qr;kaf=r ;a= gS ftlesa ,d vR;f/kd fVdkÅ iqu% ifjlapkjh ckWy LØw ds lkFk n`<+rk ls tqM+s gq, ,d ,dhd`r fujis{k ,udksMj okyh ,d cz’kjfgr eksVj gksrh gS] tks ;g lqfuf’pr djrh gS fd 0-05 feeh ls Hkh de dh vf/kdre fLFkfr =qfV ds lkFk xfr dk izHkkoh vkSj 'kq) lapj.k feysA fu"dklu ledkfydrk dks u rks fo|qr;kaf=d ek/;e ls gkfly fd;k tkrk gS u gh gkbMªksfyd ¼vU; fu"dklu iz.kkfy;ksa ds lkFk½ ls cfYd ;g pkj fu"dkldksa ds fo|qr fLFkfr fu;a=.k ds ek/;e ls gkfly fd;k tkrk gS ftls izsl ds ih,ylh ls okLrfod le; esa O;ofLFkr fd;k
time by the PLC of the press. The absence of hydraulics or connection to remote control devices means that the operation is unaffected by temperature, working fluid or the distance from the control device. This means that the operation of the ejection device is perfectly stable and unaffected by surrounding conditions. Each ejector is an independent axis (managed by the PLC) and as such can be managed independently from the other ejectors in terms of position, speed, acceleration, ramps, and operational dynamics. This enables the operator to orientate the ejector plate in space and correct any errors resulting from non-uniform loading. Additionally, management via the PLC enables movements to be interpolated with other devices such as the traverse and the powder loading carriage. This ensures uniformity of thickness of the finished product and leads to a significant improvement in quality control during the forming process. The mechanical interfaces of the E-Synchro® and the previous SITI Syncro technologies are the same. This means that all the existing moulds can be used if new thrust axes distances are used which involve minimum intervention costs and times. The use of E-Synchro® does not involve any increase in mould changeover times. The complete absence of hydraulic components (proportional valves, logic elements, highpressure pipes, fittings, hydraulic seals etc.) results in a drastic reduction in the number of maintenance interventions. Maintenance personnel will no longer be required to replace the individual components, but rather a complete electromechanical ejection unit within the machine. Fasty Fasty is the innovative automated rapid mould change system that can be used with
tkrk gSA fjeksV daVªksy ;a= esa gkbMªksfyd ;k la;kstu dh vuqifLFkfr dk vFkZ gS fd og izpkyu rkieku] dkf;d nzo ;k fu;a=.k ;a= dh nwjh ls vizHkkfor gSA bldk vFkZ gS fd fu"dklu ;a= dk izpkyu iwjh rjg ls fLFkj jgrk gS vkSj vklikl dh ifjfLFkfr;ksa ls vizHkkohA izR;sd fu"dkld ,d Lora= /kqjh gksrk gS ¼ftls ih,ylh }kjk laHkkyk tkrk gS½ vkSj fLFkfr] xfr] Roj.k] jSai vkSj izpkyu xfr’khyrk ds lanHkZ bls vU; fu"dkldksa ls Lora= :i ls O;ofLFkr fd;k tk ldrk gSA blls izpkyd fu"dkld IysV dks Åij mBk ldrk gS vkSj fdlh vleku yksfMax ds dkj.k mRiUu =qfV dks lgh dj ldrk gSA blds vykok] ih,ylh }kjk izca/ku xfrfof/k dks vU; ;a=ksa ds lkFk iz{ksfir djus esa l{ke djrk gS tSls fd izfrca/kd ;k ikmMj yksfMax okguA ;g vafre mRikn dh eksVkbZ dh lekurk dks lqfuf’pr djrk gS vkSj fuekZ.k izfØ;k ds nkSjku xq.koRrk fu;a=.k esa egRoiw.kZ lq/kkj djrk gSA bZ&flaØks® vkSj fiNyh ,l-vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ- flaØks rduhdksa ds ;kaf=r baVjQsl leku gSaA bldk vFkZ gS fd ;fn ubZ izsfjr /kqfj;ksa dk iz;ksx fd;k x;k gS tks lHkh ekStwn lkapksa dk iz;ksx Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gS] ftlesa U;wure e/;orhZ ykxr vkSj le; lfEefyr gksrk gSA bZ&flaØks dks mi;ksx djus esa lkaps cnyus esa yxus okys le; dks dksbZ btkQk ugha gksrk gSA gkbMªksfyd ?kVdksa dh iwjh vuqifLFkfr ¼vkuqikfrd okYo] rkfdZd rRo] mPp nkc okys ikbi] fQfVaXl] gkbMªksfyd lhy vkfn½ ds ifj.kkeLo:i j[kj[kko ds gLr{ksi esa dkQh deh vkrh gSA vuqj{k.k deZpkfj;ksa dks fdlh fuf’pr ?kVd dks cnyus dh vko’;drk ugha gksxh] cfYd e’khu ds vanj iwjh fo|qr;kaf=r fu"dklu bdkbZ dks cnyuk gksxkA QkLVh QkLVh ,d mUur Lopkfyr Rofjr lkapk ifjorZd iz.kkyh gS ftldk iz;ksx lHkh ¼u, ;k iqjkus½ ,l-vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ- bZoks izslksa ds lkFk cl izsl csM dks cnydj fd;k tk ldrk gSA ;g ;a= mu lHkh j[kj[kk bdkbZ;ksa ls lqlfTtr gS tks izsl ij@ls lkaps dks yksM djus ;k gVkus ds fy;s vko’;d gS vkSj izsl ds fdlh Hkh vfrfjDr gLr{ksi ;k vU; midj. kksa ds mi;ksx dh vko’;drk ugha
Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I n d i a 2 0 1 5
all (new or existing) SITI EVO presses by simply replacing the press bed. The device is equipped with all the tending units necessary for loading and unloading the mould onto/from the press and no further intervention by the press or the use of other tools is necessary. These features mean that the dimensions, both on the machine and on the floor are very compact. The fact that Fasty is completely independent from the point of view of the mould loading/unloading phases means that the mould can be only prepared on it in the conventional way using a lift truck, or from equipped storage bays. This further adds to the degree of automation and reduces human intervention (+safety/-errors). Fasty consists of a handling AGV on which there are two mobile sides equipped with roller guides, a hydraulic centring unit and a pusher head with integrated magnetism. A further option is to use all the existing moulds if two modifications are made to the rolling tracks of the roller guides required for handling the mould. The SITI BT rapid mould changeover device is extremely versatile and reduces size changeover time to less than 30 minutes, resulting in greater production efficiency. Moulds of up to 2450 x 1500 mm and a weight of up to 10000 kg can be handled. It is compatible with both the Syncro and new E-Synchro® ejection systems. Start & Stop Start & Stop is a hydraulic generator with inverter controlled motors capable of eliminating energy consumption during the phases of the cycle in which no hydraulic energy is required, reducing energy consumption even further compared to systems that use an inertial flywheel. The unit consists of a high slip induction motor directly coupled to a fixed flow hydraulic piston pump. Each hydraulic generator is capable of delivering a maximum pressure of 420 bars. The Start & Stop unit allows the total power required for pressing to be divided between several hydraulic generators placed in parallel. This means that if maintenance needs to be carried out, it is possible to isolate only the unit that needs servicing, and the press never needs to be stopped during production. This modular design allows the installed presses to be supplied by the same Start & Stop unit (same motor and same pump) regardless of their tonnage. Consequently, there is a considerable reduction in the number of spare parts needed in stock. Genius Box This is an innovative electronic tile quality control system with feedback for the adjustment of the pressing parameters. It is capable of detecting pressing defects (due to loading, dirty cavities, extraction, chips, cracks, thickness etc.) and transmit the information to the press for parameter correction. Main checks are: • dimensional (including thickness), • apparent density, • side defects. The Genius Box devices inspect the surfaces and edges of the tile and map its features. The system automatically adjusts the pressing phase parameters rather than the timing of mechanical extraction or modifying the type of deaeration. The supervisor system All SITI presses are equipped with a supervisor system with an instant touchscreen operator interface system that enables complete plant diagnostics, completely parameterized loading for rapid size control, and the continuous recording of production data. The supervisor program can be used to: • Control the various phases of the pressing cycle;
Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
gSA bu lqfo/kkvksa dk vFkZ gS fd e’khu vkSj lrg nksuksa ij gh ifjek.k dkQh lqxfBr gksrs gSaA lR; ;g gS fd lkaps yksM djus@gVkus ds pj.kksa ds ifjn`’; ls QkLVh iwjh rjg ls Lora= gS] ftldk vFkZ gS fd fy¶V Vªd dk iz;ksx djds ;k lfTtr laxzg.k [kaM ls O;ogkfjd rjhds esa lkapksa dks bl ij gh rS;kj fd;k tk ldrk gSA blls Lopyu dh Js.kh c<+rh gS vkSj ekuoh; gLr{ksi de gksrk gS ¼T;knk lqj{kk@de =qfV;ka½A QkLVh esa ,d lapkyu ,thoh gksrk gS ftl ij nks xfr’khy fljs gksrs gSa tks jksyj xkbM] ,d gkbMªksfyd dsUnzh; bdkbZ vkSj ,dhd`r pqacdRo okys ,d iq’kj gsM ls lqlfTtr gksrs gSaA lkaps dk lapkyu djus ds fy;s t:jh jksyj xkbM ds jksfyax VªSd esa ;fn nks la’kks/ku gksrs gSa rks ,d vfrfjDr fodYi lHkh ekStwnk lkapksa dk iz;ksx djuk gSA ,l-vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ- ch-Vh- Rofjr lkapk ifjorZd ;a= vR;ar cgqi;ksxh gS vkSj vkdkj ifjorZu le; dks 30 feuV ls Hkh T;knk de djrk gS] ftlds ifj.kkeLo:i csgrj mRiknu n{krk izkIr gksrh gSA 2450 x 1500 feeh ds lkapksa vkSj 10000 fdxzk rd ds otu dks laHkkyk tk ldrk gSA ;g flaØks vkSj u, bZ&flaØks® fu"dklu iz.kkfy;ksa ds lkFk laxr gSA LVkVZ ,aM LVkWi LVkVZ ,aM LVkWi baoVZj fu;af=r eksVlZ okyk ,d gkbMªksfyd tujsVj gS tks ml pØ ds pj.kksa ds nkSjku ÅtkZ miHkksx dks i`Fkd djus esa l{ke gS ftlesa fdlh tyh; ÅtkZ dh vko’;drk ugha gS] ;g ,d tM+Roh; pDds dk iz;ksx djus okyh iz.kkfy;ksa dh rqyuk esa vkSj vf/kd ÅtkZ miHkksx dks de djus esa l{ke gSA bl bdkbZ esa ,d mPp fLyi baMD’ku eksVj 'kkfey gksrh gS tks ,d fLFkj izokg okys gkbMªksfyd fiLVu iEi ls lh/ks tqM+h gksrh gSA izR;sd gkbMªksfyd tujsVj vf/kdre 420 ckj dk nkc nsus esa l{ke gksrk gSA LVkVZ ,aM LVkWi bdkbZ ncko ds fy;s vko’;d dqy ÅtkZ dks lekukarj j[ks x,s dbZ gkbMªksfyd tujsVlZ esa foHkkftr djus dh vuqefr nsrh gSA bldk vFkZ gS fd ;fn eSaVusal djus dh t:jr iM+rh gS] rks flQZ ml bdkbZ dks vyx djuk laHko gksxk ftldh ejEer djrh gS] vkSj mRiknu ds nkSjku dHkh Hkh izsl dks can ugha fd;k tk,xkA ;g ekWM~;wy fMtkbu LFkkfir izslksa dks muds VuHkkj dh ijokg fd;s fcuk leku LVkVZ ,aM LVkWi bdkbZ ¼leku eksVj vkSj leku iEi½ ls forfjr fd;s tkus dh vuqefr nsrk gSA ifj.kkeLo:i] HkaMkj esa vko’;d vfrfjDr iqtksZa j[kus dh la[;k esa dkQh deh vkrh gSA thfu;l ckWDl ;g nkc ekinaMksa ds lek;kstu ds fy;s izfriqf"V okyh ,d mUur fo|qr Vkby xq.koRrk fu;a=.k iz.kkyh gSA ;g ncko dh =qfV;ksa dk irk yxkus ¼yksfMax] xanh xqgk] fudklh] fpIl] njkjs] eksVkbZ vkfn ds dkj.k½ vkSj ekinaM lq/kkj ds fy;s izsl rd lwpuk Hkstus esa l{ke gSA eq[; tkapsa gSa% • ifjeki ¼eksVkbZ lfgr½] • izR;{k ?kuRo] • ik’oZ =qfV;kaA thfu;l ckWDl ;a= Vkby dh lrg vkSj dksuksa dh tkap djrs gSa vkSj mlds xq.kksa dks ekirs gSaA ;g iz.kkyh ;kaf=r fudklh ;k lTtk ds izdkj dks la’kksf/kr djus ds le; dh txg Lor% gh ncko pj.k ds ekinaMksa dks lek;ksftr djrh gSaA fujh{kd iz.kkyh lHkh ,l-vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ- izsl Rofjr Vp LØhu vkWijsVj baVjQsl iz.kkyh okyh ,d fujh{kd iz.kkyh ls lqlfTtr gksrs gSa tks iw.kZ la;a= funku] Rofjr vkdkj fu;a=.k ds fy;s iw.kZ ekinaM yksfMax] vkSj mRiknu MkVk dh lrr fjdkWfMZax djus esa l{ke gksrh gSA fujh{kd dk;ZØe dk iz;ksx fuEu ds fy;s fd;k tk ldrk gS% • ncko pØ ds fofHkUu pj.kksa dks fu;af=r djuk( • /kqfj;ks]a ncko] rkieku vkSj Vkby dh eksVkbZ dh xfrfof/k dks fu;af=r vkSj fu;fer djuk( • fo'ks"k dk;Z lk/kuksa dh lqjf{kr djuk( • vkadM+s cukus ds fodYiksa ds lkFk mRiknu MkVk ns[k vkSj lqjf{kr djuk( • lacfa /kr gsYi lqfo/kk ls vykeZ lan’s k dks izcfa /kr vkSj lqjf{kr djuk( • lHkh HkkSfrdh; izpkyu ekinaMksa ds xzkfQd izn’kZu dk fuekZ.k djuk( • ckgjh MkVk ladyu iz.kkfy;ksa ds lkFk lapkj djuk( • ,dhd`r fjeksV lgk;rk ¼oSdfYid½A
For over ten years, MECTILES ITALIA has been operating in the second-hand market for the ceramics industry, by providing all types of plants to companies preferring second-hand products of top-grade quality. MECTILES ITALIA offers complete plants covering the entire production line:
from raw material preparation to the enamelling and selection phases. Furthermore, the proposed solutions allow for combining â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;used and reconditionedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; plants with new machines, accessories and equipment. Thanks to extensive experience acquired over the years, reliability, highly qual-
ified technical assistance service capable of completing all installation, testing, start-up and product search phases, and the growing demand by Italian and international customers, MECTILES ITALIA makes a reliable choice for second-hand products for the ceramics industry worldwide.
• Control and regulate the movement of the axes, pressures, temperatures and tile thickness; • Save special work recipes; • View and save production data with the option to generate statistics; • Manage and save alarm messages, with related online Help function; • Produce a graphical display of all the physical operating parameters; • Communicate with external data acquisition systems; • Integrated remote assistance (optional). Supera®, the new name for large size presses Supera® is the revolutionary press with patented technology for large size tiles, which was presented for the first time at Tecnargilla 2014 and which will be officially released onto the market in 2015. It guarantees the elimination of waste, increased productivity and high energy efficiency. The special features that distinguish it are: • the absence of a mould; • the complete elimination of waste, which is achieved through the new patented systems, developed by the SITI B&T Research and Development Centre; • the improved flatness of the pressed tile; • the exceptional versatility in terms of both tile size and thickness; • the absence of foundations; • a significant optimization in factory logistics. The versatility of the Supera® presses enables tiles of any size or slabs with a wide range of thicknesses to be produced according to the customer’s specific production requirements. This enables great flexibility in terms of both the production process and materials storage (taking into account the possibility of cutting various sizes of fired or unfired tiles and the absence of a mould), greater production efficiency, also due to the innovative system of waste elimination, and a significant reduction in energy consumption compared to conventional presses.
lqijk]cM+s vkdkj ds izslksa ds fy;s u;k uke lqijk cM+s vkdkj dh VkbYl ds fy;s isVsaV rduhd okyh ,d Økafrdkjh izsl gS] ftls lcls igys VsDujftyk 2014 esa iznf’kZr fd;k x;k Fkk vkSj tks 2015 esa vkf/kdkfjd rkSj ij cktkj esa yksdkfiZr fd;k tk,xkA ;g vif’k"V ds i`FkDdj.k] mRikndrk dh o`f) vkSj mPp ÅtkZ n{krk dh xkjaVh nsrk gSA bls ikfjHkkf"kr djus okys fo’ks"k xq.k gSa% • lkaps dh vuqifLFkfrS( • vif’k"V dk iwjh i`FkDdj.k] ftls ,l-vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ- ch-,aM-Vh- 'kks/k vkSj fodkl dsUnz }kjk fodflr dh xbZ ubZ isVsaV iz.kkyh ds ek/;e ls izkIr fd;k tkrk gS( • nckbZ xbZ Vkby dh mUur Li"Vrk( • Vkby ds vkdkj vkSj eksVkbZ nksuksa lanHkksZa esa vlk/kkj.k :i ls ifjorZu’khy( • vk/kkj dh vuqifLFkfr( • QSDVªh ds jln esa egRoiw.kZ vuqdwyuA lqisjk® izslksa dh ifjorZu’khyrk ds dkj.k xzkgdksa dh fof’k"V mRiknu ekaxksa ds vuqlkj fofHkUu eksVkbZ okys fdlh Hkh vkdkj ;k [kaM dh VkbYl dk fuekZ.k fd;k tk ldrk gSA blls mRiknu izfØ;k vkSj lkexzh laxzg.k ¼vfXu izTTofyr ;k dPph VkbYl ds fofHkUu vkdkj dks dkVus vkSj lkaps dh vuqifLFkfr dh laHkkouk dks /;ku esa j[krs gq,½ nksuksa ds lanHkZ esa T;knk yphykiu] csgrj mRiknu n{krk feyrh gS] ,slk O;ogkfjd izslksa dh rqyuk esa vif’k"V i`FkDdj.k dh izxfr’khy iz.kkyh] vkSj ÅtkZ miHkksx esa dkQh deh ds dkj.k Hkh gksrk gSA
foKkiunkrk Bedeschi
III cop
L.B. 1
Smalticeram 53
Smaltochimica 41
System 6
Tecnoferrari 4
IV cop
Tecnofiliere 49
Bongioanni Macchine
Mectiles Italia
Ceramics China 2015
Poppi Clementino
Colorobbia Italia
Remix - C.B.C. Group
Durst 11
Ebi by Ceramicure
Setec 63
Efi Cretaprint
Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
5 58
Siti B&T Group
II cop+13
The Italian excellence in the world
TECNOFILIERE S.r.l. - 41016 Novi di Modena (MO) ITALY - Via Provinciale Modena, 57/A Tel. +39059677797 (r.a.) - fax +39059677759 http://www.tecnofiliere.com - tecnofiliere@tecnofiliere.com
NksVs LFkku ij csgrj jpukRed Lora=rk
Emilio Benedetti - LB (Fiorano, Italy)
Greater creative freedom in a smaller space Advanced technology combined with lower production costs, reduced energy consumption and minimal environmental impact are the key goals of LB’s research efforts in the field of treatment and management of ceramic powders, covering everything from granulation and compaction of bodies through to weighing and batching, dry colouring, feeding and in-press decoration. The new watchword in many industrial sectors – including that of ceramics – is “rationalization” in terms of processes, plant engineering and production line layouts. The ever higher levels of automation and the steady progress towards complete digitalisation of the glazing and decoration processes are major steps towards achieving these goals. This means leaner and shorter lines that also deliver higher performance and flexibility. This is the concept behind Freestile, a new system for the production of full-body and glazed porcelain tiles that overcomes the limitations imposed by upstream mechanical equipment and reduces layouts while increasing production efficiency and the variety of colours of the finished products. Unveiled for the first time at Tecnargilla 2014, Freestile combines two new technologies: Easy Color Boost for dry colouring of ceramic bodies and the Divario press feeder.
fljsfed ikmMj ds iz’kks/ku ,oa izca/ku ds {ks= esa fuEu mRiknu ykxr] de ÅtkZ miHkksx vkSj U;wure i;kZoj.kh; izHkko ds lkFk mUur rduhd ,ych ds 'kks/k iz;klksa dk eq[; mn~ns’; gS] ftlesa df.kdk;u vkSj inkFkZ ds la?kuu ls ysdj otu vkSj lewg lsV djuk] lw[kk jax djuk] Hkjuk vkSj bu&izsl lTtk rd lc dqN
lfEefyr gSA izfØ;kvksa] la;a= bathfu;fjax vkSj mRiknu iz.kkyh foU;kl ds lanHkZ esa fljsfed {ks= lfgr] dbZ vkS|ksfxd {ks=ksa esa u;k ukjk gS ^^ljyhdj.k**A jksxu vkSj lTtk izfØ;kvksa ds iw.kZ fMtVyhdj.k dh vksj Lopkyu vkSj fLFkj fodkl ds igys ls csgrj Lrj bu mn~ns’;ksa dh izkfIr dh vksj cM+s dne gSaA bldk vFkZ gS fd NksVh vkSj de iz.kkfy;ka tks mPp izn’kZu vkSj uE;rk Hkh iznku djrs gSaA ;g ÝhLVkby ds ihNs dh vo/kkj.kk gS] tks iw.kZ <kaps vkSj jksxu fd;s x;s ikslZfyu VkbYl ds mRiknu ds fy;s ubZ iz.kkyh gS tks iwjs gq, mRiknksa ds jaxksa dh fofo/krk vkSj mRiknu n{krk dks c<+krs gq, izfrizokg ;kaf=d midj.k }kjk yxkbZ xbZ lhekvksa dks gjkrh gS vkSj ysvkmV dks ?kVkrh gSA VsDukjftyk 2014 esa igyh ckj fn[kk, x,] ÝhLVkby esa nks ubZ rduhd gSa% fljsfed oLrqvksa dh lw[kh jaxkbZ ds fy;s bZth dyj cwLV vkSj fMokfjvks izsl QhMjA
Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
Easy Color Boost
bZth dyj cwLV
Easy Color Boost is the new LB patent for dry colouring ceramic bodies and is the evolution of the Easy Color System technology that was the benchmark for 15 years. Its most evident characteristic is the extremely simple plant configuration, which reduces energy consumption, maintenance and plant cleaning times and mechanical stress on the coloured body. Easy Color Boost significantly reduces the entire spray dried powder storage system, all the intermediate storage units and preparation of the semi-finished products required for specific aesthetic effects. To produce all the necessary colours, the majority of porcelain tile manufacturers currently work with various coloured bases plus neutral bases, all of which are stored at ground level. To save on floor space, the Technological Tower developed back in 1999 stored the bases and colours in 8 storage silos, from where they were subsequently retrieved to create the wet coloured powders. The real novelty of Easy Color Boost is the fact that the powders coming from the spray dryer are transported directly behind the press, where they undergo a dry colou-
bZth dyj cwLV fljsfed oLrqvksa dh lw[kh jaxkbZ ds fy;s u;k ,ych isVsaV gS vkSj ml bZth dyj flLVe rduhd dk fodkl gS tks 15 lkyksa rd ekunaM FkkA bldk lcls izR;{k xq.k csgn vklku la;a= foU;kl gS] tks jax dh xbZa oLrq ds ÅtkZ miHkksx] j[kj[kko vkSj la;a= dh lQkbZ ds le; vkSj ;kaf=r ruko dks de djrk gSA bZth dyj cwLV fof’k"V lkSan;Z izHkkoksa ds fy;s vko’;d iwjh Lizs MªkbM ikmMj laxzg.k iz.kkyh] lHkh e/;LFk laxzg.k bdkbZ;ksa vkSj v/kwjs mRiknksa dh rS;kfj;ksa dks egRoiw.kZ <ax ls de djrk gSA lHkh vko’;d jaxksa dk fuekZ.k djus ds fy;s] T;knkrj ikslZfyu Vkby mRiknd orZeku esa vkSlr :i ls 3&4 jaxh csl Iyl U;wVªy csl ds lkFk dke djrs gSa] ftu lc dks lrgh Lrj ij laxzfgr fd;k tkrk gSA lrg LFky ij cpr djus ds fy;s] 1999 esa fodflr fd;k x;k VsDuksykWftdy VkWoj 8 LVksjst lkbyksa esa csl vkSj jaxksa dks laxzfgr fd;k tkrk gS] tgka ls bUgsa xhys jaxhu ikmMj dk fuekZ.k djus ds fy;s fu;fer rkSj ij izkIr fd;k tkrk gSA bZth dyj cwLV dh vlyh ubZ ckr gS ;g gS fd Lizs
Technical porcelain tile, single charge with Easy Color Boost dry coloured atomized powders
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ring process and if necessary are treated to produce flakes or micronised powders. They are then conveyed to the press carriage, in this case Divario. The dry colouring system is especially important as it achieves a significant increase in colour intensity and gamut in a shorter space of time. Further advantages of Easy Color Boost include a better particle size distribution and lower mixing and body colouring times, allowing the powders to be fed to Divario on a just-in-time basis. The first prototype was installed in late 2014 at LB laboratory and will be installed in the first months of 2015 by a leading company in the Sassuolo ceramic cluster to begin production in parallel with the existing Easy Color System. The system is due to be launched onto the market in spring 2015.
Mªk;j ls vkus okyk ikmMj lh/ks izsl ds ihNs Hkstk tkrk gS] tgka ;s lw[kh jaxkbZ izfØ;k ls xqtjrs gSa vkSj ;fn vko’;d gks rks bUgsa ijr ;k lw{e ikmMj cukus ds fy;s iz’kksf/kr fd;k tkrk gSA blds ckn bUgsa izsl okgu esa ys tk;k tkrk gS] tks bl fLFkfr esa fMokfjvks gSA lw[kh jaxkbZ dh iz.kkyh fo’ks"k rkSj ij egRoiw.kZ gS D;ksafd ;g de le; esa jax ?kuRo vkSj foLrkj dks egRoiw.kZ o`f) izkIr djrh gSA bZth dyj cwLV ds vU; Qk;nksa esa csgrj d.k vkdkj forj.k vkSj feJ.k vkSj oLrq dh jaxkbZ dk fuEu le; gS] tks ikmMj dks fMokfjvks esa rqjr&Qqjr Hkjus dh lqfo/kk nsrk gSA igyk izk:i 2014 var esa lklqvksyks fljsfed {ks= esa ,d vxz.kh daiuh }kjk laLFkkfir fd;k x;k rkfd ekStwn bZth dyj flLVe ds lkFk mRiknu vkjaHk fd;k tk ldsA bl iz.kkyh dks 2015 clar rd ekdsZV esa mrkjk tkuk gSA
The Divario press feeder
fMokfjvks izsl QhMj
Another key component of the new Freestile concept is the Divario press feeder, which was introduced just a year ago and can already boast 25 units commissioned worldwide. Most of the companies that have adopted it on their porcelain tile production lines are already Easy Color System users. These include three important companies in Italy, one in Poland, one in Egypt, one in Belarus, one in Portugal, and two in India. LB aims to rapidly establish Divario as the global benchmark for porcelain tile production, just as it did with the introduction of the Dual double loading system back in 1988. One of the system’s key features is the new installed kit for creating novel and previously unachievable aesthetic effects. However, the technology of the entire system stands out for its operational flexibility and significant reduction in management and maintenance costs. The photo shows a selection of products that can be pro duced using Divario.
ubZ ÝhLVkby vo/kkj.kk dk ,d vU; egRoiw.kZ ?kVd fMokfjvks izsl QhMj gS] tks dqN gh lky igys yk;k x;k Fkk vkSj iwjh nqfu;k esa laLFkkfir 25 bdkbZ;ksa ij igys ls gh xoZ dj ldrk gSA T;knkrj daifu;ka ftUgksaus vius ikslZfyu Vkby mRiknu la;a=ksa ij bls viuk;k gS] os lHkh igys ls gh bZth dyj flLVe iz;ksx gSaA buesa bVyh dh dwi- fljsfedkM^beksyk ,aM flikxzsl] iksySaM ds uksok xkyk] vy vksekjk ftlus bftIV esa viuh QSDVªh esa nks bdkbZ yxk j[kh gSa] csfjvkstk ¼csyk:l½] iqrZxky esa Qsjh,aMeSlh] Hkkjrh; daifu;ka dtkfj;k ¼ftlus rhu LFkkfir dh gSa½ vkSj flVh Vkby lfEefyr gSa] lkFk gh lkFk dyjksfc;k] ,LeyXykl vkSj VksjsflM tSls jksxu vkSj jax fuekZrkvksa dks forfjr dh xbZ bdkbZ;ka HkhA ,y ch dk mn~ns’; ikslZfyu Vkby mRiknu ds fy;s fMokfj;ks dks oSf’od ekunaM ds :i esa tYn ls tYn LFkkfir djuk gS] tSlk fd blus 1988 esa M~;wvy Mcy yksfMax flLVe dks izLrqr djds fd;k FkkA bl flLVe ds izeq[k xq.kksa esa ls ,d uohu vkSj igys vizkIr lkSan;Z izHkkoksa dk fuekZ.k djus ds fy;s ubZ laLFkkfir fdV gSA gkykafd] iwjh iz.kkyh dh rduhd bldh izpkyu uE;rk vkSj izca/ku rFkk j[kj[kko ykxr esa egRoiw.kZ deh ij fVdh djrh gSA ; g fp= mRiknksa ds p;u dks n’kkZrk gS ftldk fuekZ.k fMokfjvks dk iz;ksx djds fd;k tk ldrk gSA
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Ceramic World Review n. 75/2008 Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
SACMI Market demand for large tiles is on the up and up: and that means production of high-end products of considerable unit cost in which the technological perfection of complete plants and individual machines plays a key role when it comes to meeting demanding quality and output requirements. Sacmi’s response to that demand is the PH 10000. With a pressing force of 10,000 tons it can compact even the very largest sizes at very high specific pressures. A part of the innovative Imola series, the PH 10000 completes the upper end of Sacmi’s ceramic press range and maintains all the advantages of a series that has been extensively tried and tested in the field, especially as regards the preloaded structure, which ensures outstanding, long-lasting rigidity and reliability - as hundreds of similar Sacmi machines installed over the last 20 years clearly demonstrate. The hydraulic control circuit is similar to that on the other presses: plunger movement and pressing stages are regulated by two proportional valves, which ensure maximum pressing precision and repeatability over time without any variation in output. A feature particular to the PH 10000, instead, is its structural modularity: the main components can be shipped separately and the machine subsequently reassembled on site, thus minimising transport costs. Thanks to a flow multiplier coupled with an accumulator set the PH 10000 has an extremely brief cycle; it is also extremely reliable on account of the pressure multiplier, which contains the zones subject to very high pressure and so increases the reliability of the circuit itself. Controlled - like
the other machines in the series – by a powerful electronic ‘brain’ that communicates with the press via a fieldbus, the press is easy to operate from both a control response time viewpoint and in terms of optimal control of all the operative parameters, shown on a userfriendly display that has been designed according to the most advanced ergonomic criteria. The most immediate advantage of this control system is minimisation of cycle downtimes, thus raising press speed and productivity. Consumption? In keeping with Sacmi’s policy of saving energy without compromising on output performance - but rather improving it - consumption levels are reduced to a minimum. More specifically, on the PH 10000 Sacmi’s design engineers have implemented a special cycle with high energy savings and have, at the same time, provided the machine with features that eliminate press consumption during line stops.
Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
cM+s Vkby ds fy, cktkj dh ekax yxkrkj c<+rh tk jgh gSA bldk eryc gS fd gkbZ&baM mRiknksa dk mi;qDr dherksa esa mRiknuA ftlesa] ekax dh xq.koRrk vkSj mRiknu dh t:jrksa esa] lexz la;a= dk rduhdh :i ls iw.kZ gksuk vkSj O;fDrxr e’khusa] fu.kkZ;d Hkwfedk fuHkkrh gSaA lSDeh us bl ekax ds fy, ih,p 10000 is’k fd;k gSA 10]000 Vu dh nkc 'kfDr ds lkFk] cgqr cM+s vkdkj dks vR;f/kd fof’k"V ncko esa] ladqfpr fd;k tk ldrk gSA mUur beksyk lhjht dk ,d fgLlk] lSDeh ds fljsfed izsl jsat ds Åijh Nksj ls 10000 ih,p iwjk djrk gS vkSj fo’ks"kdj] izhyksMsM lajpuk esa] lhjht ds lHkh Qk;nksa dks cuk, j[krk gS] ftldk fd cM+s iSekus ij iz;ksx vkSj ijh{k.k fd;k x;k gSA ;g mRd`"Brk vkSj yacs le; ls LFkkbZ fo’oluh;rk dks lqfu’fpr djrk gS] tks fd fiNys 20 lkyksa esa baLVky dh xbZ lSdM+ksa ,slh gh lSDeh e’khuksa esa lkQ fn[kkbZ nsrh gSA gkbZMªksfyd d a V ª k s y lfØV blh rjg vU; izfØ;kvksa esa leku gSA Iyxj dk ewoesaV vkSj izSflax LVst] nks vkuqikfrd okWYoksa ls lapkfyr gksrs gSaA tks mRiknu ds nkSjku] fcuk fdlh fofo/ krk ds vf/ kdre ncko
dks lVhd vkSj ckj&ckj] cuk, j[krs gSaA ih,p 10000 esa fo'ks"k :i ls ,d lqfo/kk gSA blds eq[; fgLlksa dks vyx djds b/kj&m/kj Hkstk tk ldrk gS] vkSj lkbV ij bls fQj ls tksM+k tk ldrk gSA blls ifjogu ykxr de gks tkrh gSA ,D;qeqysVj lsV ds lkFk tqM+k ¶yks efYVIyk;j cgqr 'kkunkj gSA blls ih,p 10000 dk pØ cgqr NksVk gks tkrk gSA ;g Hkh izslj efYVIyk;j ds fy, vR;ar fo’oluh; gS] ftleas mPp ncko ls tqM+s {ks= 'kkfey gSa vkSj blfy, lfdZV dh [kqn dh fo'oluh;rk c<+ tkrh gSA lhjht dh vU; e’khuksa dh rjg] ;g e’khu Hkh ,d 'kfDr’kkyh bySDVªkWfud ^fnekx* }kjk lapkfyr gksrh gS] ftldk ncko fQYMcl }kjk lapkfyr gksrk gSA daVªksy fjlikal Vkbe vkSj lHkh vkWijsfVo ekinaMksa esa cf<+;k fu;a=.k] bu nksuksa gh n`f"Vdks. kksa ls ncko dks lapkfyr djuk ljy gS] tks fd vR;k/kqfud vxksZukWfed ekinaMksa ds vuqlkj cuk, x, ,d ;wtj ÝSaMyh fMLIys ds lkFk gSA bl daVªksy flLVe dk lokZf/kd Rofjr ykHk e’khu ds pØ dks de djuk gS] ftlls ncko] xfr vkSj mRiknu c<+rk gSA [kir\ mRiknu ds çn'kZu ij le>kSrk fd, cxSj lSDeh dh ÅtkZ cpr dh uhfr dks viukrs gq, [kir ds Lrj dks U;wure fd;k x;k gSA fo'ks"k :i ls] ih,p 10000 esa lSDeh ds fMtkbu bathfu;jksa us mPp ÅtkZ cpr ds lkFk ,d fo'ks"k pØ ykxw fd;k gS vkSj lkFk gh] ykbu LVkWIl ds nkSjku ncko dh [kir can djus okys Qhpj ds lkFk e’khu miyC/k djkbZ gSA
SETEC “GOAL” (Glazing Onepiece Automatic Line) is the new automatic line for glazing OnePiece WC proposed by Setec Group. The system ensures a considerable productivity associated with a high level of automation in the glazing of one-piece type WC in order to reduce production costs and increase quality. The line is composed of a robot which performs automatically all the operations of loading, unloading and handling of the pieces. The main phases made by this machine are the pick up of the pieces from a conveyor belt, the transfer of the same piece on two automatic syphon glazing systems and the subsequent positioning of the toilet in two cabins, where two S6 Setec robots in carbon fiber ensure the performing of spraying the outer surface of the toilets. Glazing supports are cleaned automatically at each discharge of the piece. The arm of the central manipulator picks up again the glazed WC to download on the same conveyor where the operator will provide the final finishing with a special foot cleaner. The synchronicities are operated by a control panel equipped with PLC and touch-screen that allows the supervision of the production cycle.
This integrated system allows to minimize the presence of operators in the glazing cycle. This results in labor cost savings, quality improvement and a strong increase in production.
^^thvks,,y@xksy** ¼Xysftax ou ihl vkWVksesfVd ykbu½ lsVsd lewg }kjk izLrkfor ou&ihl MCY;wlh dk jksxu djus ds fy;s ,d ubZ Lopkfyr Ja[a` kyk gSA ;g iz.kkyh mRiknu ykxr de
djus vkSj xq.koRrk c<+kus ds fy;s ou&ihl izdkj ds MCY;wlh ds jksxu esa Lopkyu ds mPp Lrj ls lacaf/kr fof’k"V mRiknu dks lqfuf’pr djrh gSA ;g Ja`a[kyk ,d jkscksV dh cuh gS tks Lor% gh VqdM+ksa dks yksM djus] gVkus vkSj laHkkyus ds lHkh dke djrk gSA bl e’khu } kjk cuk, x, eq[; pj.k okgd iV~Vs ls VqdM+ksa dks mBkuk] nks Lopkfyr jksxu fudkyuh dh iz.kkfy;ksa ij mu VqdM+ksa dks Hkstuk vkSj blds ckn nks dsfcUl esa VkW;ysV dks LFkkfir djuk gS] tgka dkcZu Qkbcj esa nks ,l6 lhVsd jkscksV~l VkW;ysV dh ckgjh lrg ij Lizs dk dke djrs gSaA jksxu leFkZu dks izR;sd VqdM+s dks fudkyrs le; Lor% gh lkQ dj fn;k tkrk gSA dsUnzh; vkWijsVj dk gRFkk mlh okgd ij MkmuyksM djus ds fy;s jksxu MCY;wlh dks iqu% mBkrk gS tgka lapkyd ,d fo’ks"k QwV Dyhuj ls vkf[kjh ifjlTtu djsxkA ledkfydksa dks ih,ylh vkSj VpLØØhu ls lqlfTtr daVªksy iSuy ls lapkfyr fd;k tkrk gS ftls mRiknu pØ dk fujh{k.k fd;k tkrk gSA ,dhd`r iz.kkyh jksxu pØ esa lapkydksa dh mifLFkfr dks de djus dh vuqefr nsrh gSaA blds urhtuu Jfedksa ds [kpZ esa deh] xq.koRrk esa lq/kkj vkSj mRiknu esa dkQh o`f) gksrh gSA
Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w I n d i a 2 0 1 5
products REMIX - CBC GROUP CBC Group took part in Tecnargilla (hall D5 stand 113), where it presented a number of new products developed by the company’s technical staff. One of the most important of these is the new range of products for digital glazing, sold under the ReMix brand, designed to equip customers to tackle the latest challenge of digital technology, namely the application of texture, thickness and glaze. These are water-based and dry glazes that produce superior graphic and aesthetic effects, while at the same time simplifying the glazing line. These new solutions were developed by a team of laboratory technicians and plant engineering experts for the design, testing and application of the new “digital texture”, with a close eye on streamlining production costs. ReMix was formed in 2010 and is now a leading producer of
whiteners and glazes. It operates from the facilities owned by the CBC Group, which is one of the most interesting players on the market. Thanks to outstanding professionalism and the synergies between the Group’s member companies, it is capable of supplying selected finished and semi-finished products, and provide its national and international customers with a customised service. The Group operates four facilities, all located in the ceramic cluster around Modena. These house milling and composting plants are capable of preparing and supplying the required product in liquid or spray form, according to specific customer requirements and with very short delivery times.
lhchlh lewg us VsDukjftyk esa Hkkx fy;k Fkk] tgka blus daiuh ds rduhdh LVkQ }kjk fodflr u, mRiknksa dh Ja`a[kyk dks iznf’kZr fd;kA buesa ls lcls T;knk egRoiw. kksZa esa ls ,d fMftVy jksxu ds fy;s mRiknksa dh ubZ Ja[a` kyk gS] ftls jhfeDl czkaM ds varxZr cspk x;k] tks eq[; :i ls lajpuk] eksVkbZ vkSj jksxu ds vuqiz;ksx laca/kh fMftVy rduhd dh uohure pqukSfr;ksa dk lkeuk djus esa xzkgdksa dh lgk;rk djus gsrq fMtkbu dh xbZ FkhA ;s ikuh vk/kkfjr vkSj lw[ks jksxu Fks tks csgrjhu xzkfQd vkSj lkSan;Z izHkko mRiUu djrs gSa] vkSj mlh le; jksxu Ja`a[kyk dks Hkh Li"V djrs gSaA bu u;s lek/kkuksa dk fodkl ubZ ^^fMftVy cukoV** ds fMtkbu] ijh{k.k vkSj vuqiz;ksx ds fy;s iz;ks x ’kkyk rduhf’k;uks a
vkSj la;a= bathfu;fjax fo’ks"kKksa } kjk mRiknu ykxr dks O;ofLFkr djus ij dM+h utj j[krs gq, fd;k x;k FkkA jhfeDl dk xBu 2010 esa fd;k x;k Fkk vkSj vc ;g fojatdksa vkSj pedhys jksxuksa dh vxz.kh mRiknd gSA ;g lhchlh lewg ds LokfeRo okys la;a= ls lapkfyr gksrk gS] tks cktkj esa lcls etsnkj f[kykfM+;ksa esa ls ,d gSA lewg dh lnL; daifu;ksa ds fy;s csgrjhu O;olkf;drk vkSj lg;ksx dks / kU;okn] ;g p;fur rS;kj vkSj vk/ ks&rS;kj mRiknksa dk forj.k djus] vkSj blds jk"Vªh; vkSj varjkZ"Vªh; xzkgdksa dks fof’k"V lsok,a iznku djus esa l{ke gSA ;g lewg pkj la;a=ksa dks lapkfyr djrk gS] lHkh eksMsuk ds vklikl fljsfed lewg esa fLFkr gSaA ;s ?kjsyw pDdh vvkSj feJ.k la;a= fo’ks"k xzkgd vko’;drkvksa ds vuqlkj vksj cgqr de forj.k le; ds lkFk nzo ;k Lizs :i esa ekaxs x, mRikn dks rS;kj djus vkSj vkiwfrZ djus esa l{ke gSA
mPp ncko dkfLVax lek/kku ds {ks= es]a lSDeh u;k ,ohch dkfLVax cSp a Hkh izLrqr djrk gS tks fd mRikndksa dks 2] 3] 4 ;k 5 Hkkx dk mi;ksx dj lkeku cukus ds fy, vuqefr nsrk gSA ,,y,l ds leku dh lajpuk ds lkFk gh] ok'kcsflu] flad] iSMfs LVvYl] LDoSV vkfn çdkj VSd a vkSj fyM vkfn Hkh cuk, tk ldrs gSa vkSj vc [kqyk fje MCywlh cukuk Hkh laHko gSA MCyw lh nhokj ij Vkadus okyk ;k Q’kZ ij yxk gqvk gks ldrk gSA mRikn feJ.k ds fy, cnyko dh fLFkfr es]a ,,y,l dks
,ohch esa ifjofrZr fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj bldk mYVk fd;k Hkh tk ldrk gSA ubZ cSVjh O;ofLFkr e’khu ls mPp mRiknd nj gkfly dh tk ldrh gSA u, lk¡ps dh la[;k lVhd ç.kkyh foU;kl vkSj vko';d mRikndrk ds vk/kkj ij fHkUu gks ldrh gSAa tks fd ,d ckj esa Q’kZ&ekmUVsM ds fy, 10 MCyqlh ckmYl vkSj nhokj ij Vkadu okys 8 gks ldrs gSAa ;gka rd fd e'khu dh Hkh yackbZ lk¡ps dh la[;k ds fglkc ls pquk tk ldrh gS ftls fd fuekZrk ¼4 laLdj.k miyC/k½ dks baLVky djus dk bjknk j[krk gksA Lopkyu ds fofHkUu Lrjksa dks Hkh ykxw fd;k tk ldrk gSA Mh&eksfYMax ,d jkscksV dk Lopkfyr baLVkys’ku gks ldrk gS] ;k fQj eSuv q y gks ldrk gSA e'khu dk csgrjhu yphykij fofHkUu ekWMyks]a fofo/k ekWMyksa dks cukus ds fy, ,d lkFk fofo/k dkfLVax lkbfdy ekWMy mRikfnr djrs gSAa ,ohch] lSDeh e’khu ds lHkh VªM s ekdZ QaD’kuksa dks n’kkZrk gS% eksYMksa ds dk;Z thou dks c<+kus
SACMI WHITEWARE In the field of high pressure casting solutions, Sacmi presents the new AVB casting bench, which allows producers to make articles using 2, 3, 4 or 5-part moulds. With the same structure as the ALS, designed to cast washbasins, sinks, pedestals, squat-type WCs, tanks and lids, it is now possible to make open-rim WCs. The WCs may be of the wall-hung or floor-mounted type. In the event of a change to the product mix, the ALS can be converted into an AVB, and vice versa. The new battery-arranged machine allows very high output rates to be achieved. The number of moulds may vary depending on exact system configuration and required productivity, up to a maximum of 10 WC bowls for floor-mounted types and 8 for wall-hung ones. Even the
length of the machine can be chosen according to the number of moulds the producer intends to install (4 versions available). Different levels of automation can also be applied: de-moulding may be automatic following installation of a robot, or can be manual, servo-assisted by a zeroweight lifter. Outstanding machine flexibility also makes it possible to produce different models with different casting cycles simultaneously.
Cera mic W o rld Review India 2015
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The AVB features all the trademark functions of Sacmi machines: proportional hydraulics to maximise the working life of the moulds, maximum casting pressure of 15 bar, the possibility of applying vacuum to the moulds and being able to change them without having to dismantle the container frames. The AVB responds perfectly to the need to produce
economical WCs; an alternative to traditional casting, it reduces both space and labour requirements while improving the quality of the finished product thanks to the use of porous resin moulds. Sacmi is able to provide the complete modelling, mould machine and piece maturing package, tailor-made to suit the customer’s specific requirements.
ds fy, vkuqiikfrd gkbMªkfs yd] 15 ckjksa dk vf/kdre dkfLVax ncko] eksYMksa esa fuokZr cuk ldus dh laHkkouk vkSj fcuk daVus j Ýseksa dks fo?kfVr fd, muesa ls 6 dks cnyukA ,ohch ,d ijaijkxr dkfLVax ds fodYi ds rkSj ij fdQk;rh MCywlh ds mRiknu dh t:jr dks Bhd ls fuHkkrk gS] ;g rS;kj mRikn dh xq.koRrk dks c<+krs gq,] txg vkSj Je nksuksa gh vko';drkvksa dks de
dj nsrk gSA >j>jk jky molds ds mi;ksx ds fy, rS;kj mRikn / kU;okn dh xq.koÙkk esa lq/kkj djrs gq, ikjaifjd dkfLVax ds fy, ,d fodYi gS] ;g lSDeh xzkgdksa dh fof’k"V vko’;drkvksa dks iwjk djus ds fy, lai.w kZ ekWMfyax] eksYM e’khu vkSj ihl eSP;qfjax iSdt s ] Vsyj&esM miyC/k djkus esa l{ke gSA Vsyj&esM miyC/k djkus esa l{ke gSA
BMR Dry edge-grinding for single-fired moved raw material. The squarflaxy&Qk;MZ fNfnzr Vkby vkSj Hkh laHko gSA porous tile and semi-porcelain ing machine is equipped with an v/kZ&ikslfZ yu Vkby ds fy;s Mªkb flaxy&Qk;MZ fNfnzr Vkby ds Mªkb tile has been a successfully estab- enclosure and a series of ducts ,t&xzkbafMax gky gh ds dqN lkyksa ,t&xzkbafMax dh rjg] ikslfZ yu Vkby lished process for several years for extracting the dust generatesa ,d lQyrkiwod Z LFkkfir izfØ;k dk Mªkb ,t&xzkbafMax dk fl)kar Hkh now. With BMR and its ongoing ed by edge-grinding. The spindle cu xbZ gSA ch,evkj vkSj vuql/a kku gVk, x;s dPps eky dh lqj[kh djus commitment to Research & De- enclosures are equipped with derFkk fodkl esa blds vfojr leiZ.k ij fuHkZj djrk gSA velopment, the dry squaring pro- vices for regulating extractor flow ds lkFk] lw[ks oxZ dkVus dh izfØ;k dks oxZ cukus okyh e’khu dksuksa dh cess can now also be applied to according to the working speed vc ikslfZ yu Vkby ij Hkh yxk;k tk f?klkbZ ls cuus okyh /kwy dks fudkyus porcelain tile, thanks to the new and the characteristics of the raw ldrk gS] ftlds fy;s ubZ VkWi LDokMªk ds fy;s ,d ?ksjs vkSj ufydkvksa dh Top Squadra Dry squaring ma- material dust. Two types of grindMªkb LDoSfjax e’khu dks /kU;okn dguk Ja[a` kyk ls lqlfTtr gSA chine. When working on porce- ing tool can be used, depending pkfg;sA ikslfZ yu Vkby vkSj 'khV ij /kqjh ?ksjk dke djus dh xfr vkSj dPps lain tile and sheet, a number of on the type of porcelain tile: resdke djrs gq,] dbZ vfrfjDr fLFkfr;ksa eky dh /kwy ds xq.kksa ds vk/kkj ij additional conditions must be inoid and metal grinding wheels, dk lkeuk djuk iM+rk gS] tSls lefiZr fudklh izokg dks fu;fer djus okys met, including use of dedicated with special coating of the diamidj.kksa dk iz;ksx djuk( xhyh fMokblksa ls lqlfTtr gksrs gSAa tools; slight reduction in speed mond for dry-processing and a izfØ;k dh rqyk esa xfr esa dqN deh nks izdkj ds f?klkbZ midj.kksa dk compared with wet processing; binding agent with high thermal vkuk( O;klekidksa dh la[;k c<+kdj iz;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gS] tks ikslfZ yu increasing the number of cali- conductivity. The pusher plays a 12 djuk( bl izfØ;k esa fudyus okyh Vkby ds izdkj ij fuHkZj djrk gS% brators to 12; fitting a fabric filter key role in assuring the geometric /kwy dks fudkyus ds fy;s ,d diM+s ds jky okyh iUuh ;k jsflukWbM vkSj /kkrq to extract the process dust. These quality of squaring, and consists ds f?klkbZ ifg;s] lw[kh izfØ;k ds fy;s fQYVj dks yxkukA conditions are offset, however, by of two arms, one of which is moghjs dh fo’ks"k dksfVax vkSj mPp rki ;s fLFkfr;ka gS a vkW Q ls V ] gkyka f d] major advantages for users, be- tor-operated, encoder-controlled pkydrk okys ckbafMax ,tsVa ds lkFkA iz ; ks D rkvks a ds fy;s cM+ s Qk;nks a ls ] cause there is no need for wa- and can be reset from an operaiq’kj oxksaZ dh T;kferh; xq.koRrk dks D;ks f a d mRiknu {ks = es a ;k fdlh ter in the production area or any tor keypad to guarantee the tile’s fuekZ.k esa ikuh ;k ty iqupZØ.k lqfuf’pr djus esa egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk foundations or a water recycling diagonal dimension. By connectiz.kkyh dh vko’;drk ugha gS] iwjh fuHkkrk gS] vkSj blesa nks gRFks gksrs system, the replacement parts ing the squaring machine to an ,t&xzkbafMax Js.kh ds izfrLFkkfir Hkkxksa gS]a ftuesa ls ,d eksVj&pkfyr] of the entire edge-grinding line electronic dimensional control dh dkQh yach lsok lhek gksrh gS] vkSj dksfM=&fu;af=r gksrk gS vkSj bls have a longer service-life, and it unit, diagonals are checked and ,t&xzkmaM ds dPps eky dk iqupZØ.k vkWijsVj ds dhiSM ls jhlsV fd;k is possible to recycle the edge- restored in fully automatic mode. tk ldrk gS tks Vkby ds d.kZ ground raw material. fofe; dh xkjaVh nsrk gSA Like for dry edge-grindTECHNICAL DATA: oxZ dkVus okyh e’khu dks fo|qr ing of single-fired porous Format Model N° of Calibrators kW Machine Length foeh; fu;a=.k bdkbZ ls tksM+ tile, the principle of dry edge-grinding of pornsus ij] iwjs Lopkfyr eksM esa celain tile is based on 200/3,800 mm SQUADRA 12/1 24+24 287 13,760 17,800 mm fod.kksaZ dh tkap dh tkrh gS vkSj pulverisation of the remls fjLVksj fd;k tkrk gSA
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products TECNOFILIERE As part of its ongoing research aimed at product development and innovation, Tecnofiliere recently signed off a new model of die designated TFE-J. This new product was spawned by the need to meet increasingly specific requirements of markets and customers, who demand high product quality combined with ease of use and maintenance of the die. Our new TFE-J dies combine the top-class characteristics of our most traditional TFE dies and our innovative CF1FC dies. More specifically, the TFE-J dies retain the benefits of extrusion with the wide output system, which makes it possible to increase the output section of the body, thus increasing hourly production capacity significantly, and achieving high standards of product quality and a substantial reduction in specific energy consumption. What’s more, like the CF1FC, the TFE-J dies retain their modular construction system, which extends their overall service-life considerably, because maintenance can be performed by replacing only the worn modules. The bridges are also made in several pieces, so that only the worn parts need to be replaced. All the compo-
nents, in fact, including the bridges, are made by means of machining with numerical control tools, thus ensuring a high degree of dimensional stability and total reproducibility over time. Another benefit of the TFE-J dies is that they yield the same level of clay compacting as their CF1FC counterparts, thanks to the high thickness of the die components. At the same time, the new dies reduce assembly/ disassembly times and facilitate maintenance, because they are made up of a smaller number of components. TFE-J dies can be used with liners and cores in any type of material, including hardened steel, chrome steel and tungsten carbide. The latter is a special material with high levels of tenacity and hardness (1950HV), used for plants subject to a high degree of wear of these components during extrusion.
mRiknksa ds fodkl vkSj uokpkj ds mn~ns’; ls tkjh vius 'kks/k ds Hkkx ds :i esa] VsDuksfQfyjs us gky gh esa Vh,QbZ&ts uke dk MkbZ djus dk ,d u;k ekWMy is’k fd;kA ;g u;k mRikn mu cktkjksa vkSj xzkgdksa dh c<+rh gqbZ fof’k"V ekaxksa dks iwjk djus dh vko’;drk dk ifj.kke Fkk] tks MkbZ ds mi;ksx esa ljyrk vkSj vuqj{k.k ds lkFk la;ksftr mPp mRikn xq.koRrk dh ekax djrs gSaA gekjh ubZ Vh,QbZ&ts MkbZ esa gekjh lcls ikjaifjd Vh,QbZ MkbZ vkSj vfHkuo lh,Q1,Qlh MkbZ ds lcls vPNs xq.kksa dk la;kstu gSA T;knk fof’k"V rkSj ij] Vh,QbZ&ts MkbZ cM+h vkmViqV iz.kkyh ds lkFk mRlkj.k ds Qk;nksa dks cuk, j[krk gS] tks oLrq dh ckgjh [kaM dks c<kuk laHko djrk gS] ftlls ?kaVksa dh mRiknu {kerk dkQh gn rd c<+rh gS] vkSj mRikn xq.koRrk ds mPp ekud izkIr gksrs gSa] vkSj fof’k"V ÅtkZ miHkkx esa larks"ktud deh vkrh gSA blds vykok]
lh,Q1,Qlh dh rjg] Vh,QbZ&ts MkbZ viuh izekih; fuekZ.k iz.kkyh dks cuk, j[krh gSa] tks mudh dqy dk;Z&vk;q dks fo’ks"k :i ls c<+krs gSa] D;ksafd vuqj{k.k dk dke flQZ f?kls gq, Hkkxksa dks cnydj fd;k tk ldrk gSA fczt dk fuekZ.k Hkh dbZ VqdM+ksa esa fd;k tkrk gS] rkfd flQZ f?kls gq, Hkkxksa dks cnyus dh gh t:jr gksA vly esa] lHkh ?kVd] fct lfgr] la[;kr fu;af=r midj.kksa ds lkFk e’khuksa ds lk/ku ls cuk, tkrs gSa] ftlls mPp Lrj dh vkdkj n`<+rk vkSj le;&le; ij iw.kZ iqu#Riknuh;rk dks lqfuf’pr fd;k tkrk gSA Vh,QbZ&ts MkbZ ds vU; Qk;nsa ;g gS fd ;s vius lh,Q1,Qlh izfr:i dh gh rjg leku Lrj dh feV~Vh l?kurk iSnk djrs gSa] ftlds MkbZ ds ?kVdksa dh T;knk eksVkbZ dks /kU;okn djuk gksxkA mlds lkFk&lkFk] ;g ubZ MkbZ yxkus@fudkyus ds le; dks de djrh gS vkSj j[kj[kko dks ljy djrh gS] D;ksafd budk fuekZ.k de ?kVdksa ls fd;k tkrk gSA Vh,QbZ&ts dk iz;ksx fdlh Hkh izdkj dh lkexzh esa vLrj vkSj lRo ds lkFk fd;k tk ldrk gS] ftlesa Bksl LVhy] Økse LVhy vkSj VaXLVu dkckZbM 'kkfey gSA blds ckn mPp Lrj dh n`<+rk vkSj dBksjrk ¼1950,poh½ okyh ,d fo’ks"k lkexzh gksrh gS] ftldk iz;ksx mRlkj.k ds nkSjku bu ?kVdksa ds dkQh T;knk f?klus dh gky esa la;a= ds fy;s fd;k tkrk gSA
mounting points for the bearings that support the two rollers located at a fixed distance between centres and which rotate at the same speed. The rollers comprise a shaft with a set of 5-pointed steel crusher stars mounted on it. The points of each star are protected with a wear-resistant coating. The particle size distribu-
612,Qvkj izkbejh Ø’kj dks Bksl iFkjhyh feV~h ds cM+s VqdM+ksa dks dqpyus vkSj pwj&pwj djus ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k gSA vlalkf/kr feV~Vh dks cSd&gks yksMj ;k vU; okgu ls lh/ks rkSj ij] ;k Ø’kj ds Åij fLFkr ckWDl laHkjd ds ek/;e ls lh/ks rkSj ij ik=/kkjd esa Hkjk tk ldrk gSA Ø’kj esa mu cs;fjaXl ds fy;s
vkyacu fcUnq okys nks etcwr LVhy lkbM iSuy gksrs gSa] tks dsUnzksa ds chp fuf’pr nwjh ij fLFkr leku xfr ls ?kweus okys nks jksylZ dh lgk;rk djrs gSaA jksyj ,d 'kk¶V ds cus gq, gksrs gSa ftl ij 5 fcUnq okys LVhy Ø’kj LVkj dk lsV yxk gksrk gSA izR;sd LVkj ds fcUnq ?k"kZ.k izfrjks/kh dksfVax ls lqjf{kr gksrs gSaA ckgj tkus okyh lkexzh dh d.k
BONGIOANNI The 612FR primary crusher is designed for crushing and crumbling large lumps of hard shale clay. Unprocessed clay can be fed directly into the hopper by a back-hoe loader or other vehicle, or by means of box feeders located above the crusher. The crusher consists of two robust, steel side panels complete with
C era mic W o rld Review India 2015
tion of the outgoing material is such as to ensure the smooth operation of the downstream machinery. The rollers are operated by planetary gear motors driven by a system of motors, pulleys and V-belts. A robust hopper in electro-welded sheet steel con-
veys the clay to a set of crusher discs, while at the same time supporting a series of scrapers for cleaning the rollers. The side walls of this hopper are protected by wear-resistant sheet steel. All the bearings are lubricated with grease.
vkdkj vkiwfrZ bl izdkj ls gksrh gS fd vuqizokg e’khuksa dk lqpk: lapkyu lqfuf’pr gks ldsA jksylZ dks eksVlZ] pj[kh vkSj oh&csYV dh ,d iz.kkyh }kjk pykbZ tkus okyh vfLFkj fx;j eksVjksa }kjk lapkfyr fd;k tkrk gSA fo|qr&osYMsM LVhy 'khV esa ,d etcwr ik=/kkjd Ø’kj
fMLd ds lsV rd feV~Vh dks <ksrk gS] vkSj mlds lkFk gh jksyjksa dh lQkbZ djus ds fy;s dbZ [kqjpfu;ksa dk leFkZu Hkh dj jgk gksrk gSaA bl ik=/kkjd ds fdukjs dh vkM+ ?k"kZ.k izfrjks/kh LVhy 'khV ls lqjf{kr gksrh gSaA lHkh cs;fjXal dks xzhl ls fpduk fd;k tkrk gSA
TECHNICAL DATA Rollers dimensions (Ø x width)
600 x 1200 mm
No. of crushing points/star
No. of crushing stars
10 ÷ 9
R.p.m of the rollers
14 ÷ 17 R.p.m./’
Installed power for rollers
30 or 37 kW
Max. production
200 – 300 ton/h
7300 Kg
Performance level required (PLr)
GAIOTTO AUTOMATION Gaiotto Automation, the international robotized solutions specialist, is able to supply a wide range of solutions conforming to the different technical needs and budget availability of the users. The GA2000 sanitaryware glazing robot is the widely successful selflearning robot. Able to be ceilingmounted without any mechanical or electronic modifications, the machine has been designed to work in perfect harmony with existing carousels, transfer units and conveyors, whatever the painting plant layout: longitudinal, centralised or combined. The many features that ensure user-friendly control and ease of maintenance include 6 hermetically sealed gearmotors with a minimum number of connections, protective casings on all the motors and easy access to all moving parts. The Robot uses a multiple programming: self-learning, point-to-point and off-line. The off-line 7WD (7 work digital axes) is the most innovative one, an applying solution which allows to automatically simulate the trajectories and generate the glazing programs by the piece digitalization and its following
modelling. The 6 axes of the Robot and the 7th of the turntable, are coordinated in order to optimize the movements of the Robot in trajectories, the most possible linear and fluid. This allows a particular reduction in cycle time and overspray while being easily seated in front of our own desktop without stopping production.
varjkZ"Vªh; jkscksVhd`r lek/kku fo’ks"kK] xSvksVks vkWVkse’s ku iz;ksDrkvksa dh fofHkUu rduhdh ekaxksa vkSj ctV miyC/krk dks iwjk djus ds fy;s lek/ kkuksa dh ,d foLr`r Ja[a` kyk dh vkiwfrZ djrk gSA th,2000 LoPNrk mRikn jksxu jkscksV lQy Lor% lh[kus okys jkscksV dh Ja[a` kyk gSA fdlh ;kaf=d ;k fo|qrh; la’kks/ku
ds fcuk Åij yxk, tkus esa l{ke] bl e’khu dks ckgjh ekStnw k fgaMksy]s ifjogu bdkbZ;ksa vkSj okgd] isVa djus okys la;= a dh tks Hkh :ijs[kk gks% yacor] dsUnzhd`r ;k la;ksftr] bu lcds lkFk mfpr lkeatL; esa dke djus ds fy;s fMtkbu fd;k x;k gSA bldh eq[; fo’ks"krk,a tks iz;ksDrk&mUeq[kh fu;a=.k vkSj j[kj[kko esa vklkuh dks lqfuf’pr djrh gS]a og gSa U;wure la;kstukvksa ds lkFk 6 ok;q#) lhy dh xbZa fx;j eksVlZ] lHkh eksVjksa ij lqj{kkRed vkoj.k vkSj lHkh xfreku Hkkxksa rd vklkuh ls igqp a ukA ;g jkscksV dbZ izkx s kz feax dk iz;ksx djrk gS% Lor% lh[kuk] fcanq ls fcanq vkSj vkWQ&ykbuA vkWQykbu 7MCY;wMh ¼7 dk;Z fMftVy /kqfj;ka½ lcls T;knk vfHkuo gS] ,d mi;ksxh lek/kku tks VqdM+kas ds fMftVyhdj.k vkSj bls vkxs dh ekWMfyax ls iz{ksiiFk dk Lor% vuqdj.k vkSj jksxu dk;ZØe dk fuekZ.k djus dh vuqefr nsrk gSA jkscksV dh 6 vkSj VuZVcs y dh 7oha / kqfj;ka lcls laHkkfor jS[kh; vkSj nzo iz{ksiiFk esa jkscksV dh xfrfof/k dks vuqdfw yr djus ds fy;s lek;ksftr gksrh gSAa blls pØ le; vkSj vksojLizs esa [kkl deh vkrh gS og Hkh mRiknu jksds fcuk vius [kqn ds MsLdVkWi ds lkeus vkjke ls cSBs gq,A
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products POPPI CLEMENTINO Poppi Clementino operates in the field of energy saving and protection of the environment and has gained experience all over the world. In particular, it offers an energy check-up service capable of analysing a company’s current situation and offering solutions tailored to its specific needs. Optimising energy usage and reintroducing waste energy into the production system can considerably reduce consumption without altering the production cycle. The most energy-intensive machines in the ceramic industry are spray dryers and dryers. The first source of recovered energy originates from the kiln cooling air, which unlike kiln flue gases can be introduced directly into the energy-intensive machines without the need to be treated. Flue gases on the other hand have to pass through a system to reduce pollutants which might damage the machines. A distinction can be drawn between two kinds of systems depending on whether the waste energy is recovered directly or indirectly, although in reality the two systems can be integrated. In the figure below, we can see that the energy recovered from 5 kilns is used to feed 2 spray dryers and 8 dryers, of which 5 are vertical and 3 are horizontal. Poppi Clementino technology is able to create a kind of “energy bank” that can channel the available hot air volumes giving precedence either to the spray dryers or to the dryers according to production requirements. In this specific case, the hot air originating from the kiln cooling system is channelled to the user devices by means of a duct. This is connected to another pipe coming from a heat exchanger which
generates hot air using the heat contained in the kiln flue gases. After the two branches have merged, the duct has a larger diameter so as to be able to transport the larger available air volumes, which are then channelled towards the individual user devices. Various pressure switches and thermocouples are installed along the route and serve to measure the available flowrates in real time to determine the potential reduction in use of the burners installed on the spray dryers and dryers. Looking in greater detail, the installed heat exchanger is a selfcleaning plate type to avoid the various problems that may occur when using classic shell and tube type exchangers. This machine is able to generate an airflow of around 25,000 Nm3/h at 180°C, which added to the 50,000 Nm3/h at 165°C from kiln cooling results in an “energy bank” of 75,000 Nm3/h at 170°C. The available flow can be completely used by the energy-intensive machines without in any way altering their operation, resulting for example in a 20% reduction in the energy consumption of the spray dryers and a 25-30% reduction in that of the dryers. To convert the effective flowrate in m3/h of hot air into m3/h of CH4, it is necessary to
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i‚ih DysfeUVsuks ds oSf'od Lrj ij mtkZ&cpr ,oa i;kZoj.k&laj{k.k ds {ks= esa dk;Z djus dk fo'kn vuqHko gSA [kklrkSj ls ;g daifu;ksa ds rkRdkfyd fLFkfr;ksa dk fo'ys"k.k dj mudh t#jr ds vuq:i mUgsa ,uthZ psd&vi lsok eqgS;k djkrh gSA mtkZ dk leqfpr mi;ksx vkSj mRiknu–ra= esa fQtwy esa cckZn gksrh ÅtkZ dks fdlh çdkj bLrseky esa ykus ls mtkZ ds [kpZ dks cxSj mRiknu&pØ esa ifjorZu fd;s jksdk tk ldrk gSA fljsfed m|ksx esa Lçs Mªk;j vkSj Mªk;j tSls midj.k gSa ftlesa lokZf/kd ÅtkZ dh [kir gksrh gSA iqu% ç;ksx esa yk;h tkus okyh ÅtkZ dk igyk lzksr gok dks 'khry djus okyh Hkêh gS ftls xSl fpeuh okyh Hkêh ds brj mtkZ l?ku midj.kksa esa bLrseky dh tk ldrh gS og Hkh fcuk mipkfjr fd;s gq,A fpeuh okyh xSlksa dks ogh¡ nwljh vksj ,slh O;oLFkk ls fuiVuk gksrk gS ftlls çnw"k.k dke ij blls e'khuksa dks uqdlku gks ldrk gSA bu nksuksa flLVe esa bl vk/kkj ij foHksn fd;k tk ldrk gS fd fQtwy [kpZ gksrh ÅtkZ dks çR;{k ;k vçR;{k :i ls ç;ksx esa yk;k tk lds tcfd gdhdr esa bu nksuksa dks tksM+k tk ldrk gSA vkxs mfYyf[kr vkadM+ksa ls ge ;g ns[k ldrs gSa fd ik¡p Hkfê;ksa ls ÅtkZ dks iqu% çkIr dj bldk ç;ksx ge nks Lçs Mªk;j ;k vkB
Mªk;j esa dj ldrs gSa ftles ik¡p m/kZ~ok/kj gksrs gSa vkSj rhu {kSfrtA i‚ih DysfeUVsuks rduhd ÅtkZ cSad dk ,d çdkj cukus esa l{ke gS tks miyC/k xeZ ok;q dh çcyrk dks ojh;rk ds vk/kkj ij ,oa mRiknu dh t:jrksa dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, Lçs Mªk;j ;k Mªk;j rd igqapk,A dqN fof'k"V ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa Hkêh dh dwfyax flLVe ls miUu xeZ ok;q dks ufydk ds ek/;e ls igqapk;k tkrk gS] ;g ghV ,Dlpsatj ls fudys ,d nwljs ikbi ls tqM+k gksrk gS tks Hkêh ds fpeuh xSlksa esa ekStwn xehZ ls xeZ gksrk gS tc bu nksuksa 'kk[kkvksa dks ,d dj fn;k tkrk gS rks ufydk dk O;kl c<+ tkrk gS vkSj ;g cM+h ek=k esa ok;q dks ys tkus esa l{ke gks tkrk gS rc bls vyx –vyx mi;ksx esa yk;s tkus okys la;a=ksa ls tksM+ fn;k tkrk gSA vusdksa çs'kj Lohp vkSj FkeksZdiYl dks chp&chp esa yxkdj [kkl le; esa ;g x.kuk dh tkrh gS fd Lçs Mªk;j vkSj Mªk;j esa yxs cuZj dM+s mi;ksx esa fdruh laHkkO; deh vk jgh gS ;fn foLr`r :i bldk voyksdu fd;k tk; rks irk pyrk gS fd la;a= esa LFkkfir fd;k gqvk ghV ,Dlpsatj ,d lsYQ&Dyhfuax IysV gh gksrk vkSj cgqrsjs leL;kvksa ls futkr fnykrk gS tc Dykfld 'ksy vkSj Vîwc Vkbi ,Dlpsatj dk mi;ksx gks jgk gksA bl e'khu dh {kerk 180°lsrkieku ij 25000 U;w-?kuehçfr?kaVk rd ok;q çokg iSnk djus dh gS ftls Hkêh 'khryd ij 165°ls- rkieku ij 50000 ?ku U;w-eh çfr?kaVk ls tksM+us ij 170 ls- ds rkieku ij 75000 U;w-?ku eh çfr?kaVk ds :i esa ,uthZ cSad esa ifj.kr gks trk gS bl miyC/k ok;q&çokg dk ,uthZ balsafVo midjj.kksa ds }kjk cxSj muds v‚ijs'ku ds cnys fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj blls Lçs&Mªk;j }kjk ÅtkZ ds bLrseky esa 20% dh dVkSrh gks tkrh gS] Mªk;j ds ekeys esa ;g 25 ls 30% rd gks tkrh gS ] m".k
determine the quantity of kcal/h available and divide this figure by a coefficient of 8,250, which is the heating value of natural gas. In this specific case we obtain an hourly saving of 395 Stm3/h of CH4. Considering an average cost of 0.30 euro/Stm3 of CH4, this plant guarantees an hourly saving of 118.50 euro, which multiplied by a production time of 7,000 hours/year corresponds to a total saving of 829,500.00 euro. From this we need to subtract the plant management costs, which in this case are limited to the higher electrical consumption of the inverterized installed fans. Along with the benefit of around 829,500.00 euro/year obtained from direct fuel savings, another major contribution comes from white certificates issued accord-
ing to the number of TOE (tons of oil equivalent) saved. At present these incentives are only available in Italy through companies called ESCO and have a duration of 5 years. An installation of this kind may save 2,600 TOE/ year, convertible to 234,000.00 euro/year obtained through this contribution. All plants are supplied with legally valid instruments to measure the values subsequently used by the ESCO. The guaranteed performance of the system is determined on the basis of the data measured by these instruments. The savings allow for a very rapid return on the investment (10-16 months), which is achieved without affecting production setup due to the fully automatic operation of the energy recovery system.
ok;q ds çHkko'kkyh çokg nj dks CH4 esa ifjofrZr djus ds fy, ;g vko';d gS ge çk—fVd xSl ds m".krk&ewY; tks 8250 dk xq.kkad dk gksrk gS ls foHkkftr dj nsaA fof'k"V ekeyksa esa ge CH4 ds 395 LVksu ?ku eh-çfr?kaVk dh cpr ik ldrs gSaA CH4 ds 0-30 ;wjks/ LVksu ?ku eh-çfr?kaVk dks vkSlr ekurs gq, ;g e'khu 118-50 ;wjks çfr ?kaVk dh cpr dh xkjaVh nsrk gS vkSj ;gh ;fn iwjs o"kZ ds :i esa tksM+k tk, rks mRiknu ds ,d o"kZ esa ?kaVksa ds vuqlkj ;g x.kuk 7000 ?kaVk çfr o"kZ gksrh gS vkSj blls dqy 829]500 ;wjks dh cpr gksrh gSA vc gesa e'khu ds çcU/ku&ykxr dks ?kVkus dh t:jr gS tks bl ekeys esa baoVkZjkbTM baLVkYM QSu }kjk vR;f/kd fctyh ds [kir dks lhfer djus ls tqM+k gqvk gSA çR;{k bZa/ku ds [kir esa 829]500 ;wjks dh çfro"kZ dh cpr
ds ckn nwljk cM+k ;ksxnku Vhvksb ¼TOE) ds cpr ds 'osri= ds :i esa vkxs vkrk gSA ,sls balsafVo dsoy bVyh esa gh dqN daifu;ksa ds ek/;e ls miyC/k gS ftUgsa ESCO dgk tkrk gS tks ik¡p o"kZ rd miyC/k djk;s tkrs gSa bUgsa vf/k"Bkfir djus ls 26000 TOE dh cpr gksrh gS bl çdkj 234]000 ;wjks çfro"kZ dh cpr gksrh gS bu lHkh la;a=ks ls fof/kd :i ls çekf.kr miLdjksa dh vkiwfrZ gksrh gS ftls ewY; dk vkdyu gks lds ESCO ftldk mi;ksx djrk gSA bu midj.kksa }kjk vkadM+ksa dh x.kuk dj la;a= ds çn'kZu dh xkjaVh nh tkrh gSA ykxr dh okilh fuos'k ds 10 ls 16 eghus ds Hkhrj dj nh tkrh gS blls mRiknu&{kerk ij Hkh vlj ugha gksrk D;ksafd ;g ÅtkZ dh fjdojh iwjs Lopkfyr rjhds ls djrh gSA
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