Ceramic World Review China 2015

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ISSN 1121-0796

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Ceramics China 2015 2015

World production and consumption of ceramic tiles


有一个地方, 在这里梦想和蓝图相遇, 创造出不可思议的创新性 解决方案

Creadigit 灵感之源泉; 卓越的技术性能融合完美的设计与色彩, 打造出无与伦比的创新性饰面

展位号:C201- Hall 3.1 欢迎前来参观指导




Year 25, Chinese Edition Supplement to n° 111 April/May 2015 Bimonthly review

Cover picture by: Giancarlo Pradelli

contents 7


Greetings to Ceramics China 2015

Fabio Tarozzi



World production and consumption of ceramic tiles

Luca Baraldi


China suffers fall in tile exports

Luca Baraldi


















2015广州陶瓷展致辞 世界瓷砖生产与消费 中国瓷砖出口量下滑

100% digital lines

Luca Baraldi

Diversa, a new concept in ceramic tile production

Rita Cagnoli

100%数字化喷釉线 Diversa——瓷砖生产新概念

Colorobbia Digital Space: the digital evolution continues

Colorobbia Digital Space: 数字变革进行时

The digital process: towards total integration

Vincenzo Palumbo


New digital decoration technologies from Durst

来自杜斯特 (Durst) 的最新数字装饰技术

Fabio Avoni

Norbert von Aufschnaiter

Glazing and decoration in the digital age

Davide Medici


Esmalglass-Itaca, new digital solutions for the ceramic tile market Armando Meletti


Alessandro Ferrari

The second digital revolution in the ceramic industry: rediscovering material


High-impact digital tile decoration technology


Jose Vicente Tomas Claramonte Giovanni Affinito, Silvia Giusti

Advanced colour management solutions for ceramic digital decoration


Silvano Filippi

Digital glazes

Davide Maccaferri




Greater creative freedom in a smaller space


Emilio Benedetti

advertisers’ list

Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w CHI N E SE ED I T I O N 20 15



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Greetings to Ceramics

China 2015 2015广州陶瓷展致辞

Ceramics China represents a major chance for both Chinese and Italian companies to communicate and to strengthen their long-lasting cooperation. The world ceramic market requires every day better quality tiles, for the production of which the best available technologies are needed. Italian technology for ceramics, world leader in terms of quality and innovation, will be

Fabio Tarozzi

represented in this year’s exhibition by several top companies, which will present their latest solutions and newest technologies. Confirming the support of our Association to the exhibition, we wish to all the exhibitors, visitors and organizers a very successful Ceramics China 2015. Fabio Tarozzi ACIMAC Chairman (JF)

我谨代表 ACIMAC(意大利 陶瓷机械及设备制 造商协会)向中国 陶瓷行业的中国机 构和业内人士致以 最亲切的问候。 中国(广州)国际陶 瓷工业技术与产品 展览会对中国公司 和意大利公司而言 都是一个沟通和巩 固两者长期合作的 主要机会。 世界陶瓷市场要求 瓷砖的质量逐日上 升,因此要生产这 样的优质瓷砖,就 需要目前能达到最 好的技术。在质量 和创新方面都是世 界行业内佼佼者的 意大利陶瓷技术,

将在今年的展览会 上由几家顶尖公司 作为代表参展,这 些公司将展示他们 各自最新的解决方 案和技术。 为表示我们协会 (意大利陶瓷机械 及设备制造商协 会)对这个展览会 的支持,我们对参 加本届展会的所有 参展商、观展商和 展会主办方表示祝 愿,祝愿2015中国 (广州)国际陶瓷 工业技术与产品展 览会圆满成功。 意大利陶瓷机械设 备制造商协会 (ACIMAC)主  席。


On behalf of ACIMAC, the Association of the Italian Manufacturers of Machinery and Equipment for Ceramics, I would like to express my warmest greetings to the Chinese institutions and to the operators of the Chinese ceramic industry.

CE R AM I C W or ld R e vi e w chi n e se e d i ti on 20 15


World production and consumption of ceramic tiles ption

nsum and co n io t c s produ mic tile world of cera

Luca Baraldi, Ufficio Studi Acimac - studi@acimac.it

世界瓷砖生产与消费 ACIMAC ne 84 Buracchio Italy Via Fossa iovara (MO) Bagg 0 336 41126 059 51 T. +39 ac.it im ac info@ imac.it www.ac



The second edition of the publication “World production and consumption of ceramic tiles” produced by the Acimac Survey Department is due to be released in November. Consisting of 216 pages of graphs, tables and comments, it provides detailed analysis of the ten-year trends up to 2013 in industry, market, per capita consumption and export flows in large geographical areas and in the 66 biggest tile producer, consumer, exporter and importer countries. Here we present a preview of the key figures.




1) World production and consumption of tiles maintained a robust growth trend in 2013 with respectively 6.4% and 5.9% increases over 2012. Import-export flows also rose by 5.5%, slightly less than the 7% growth reported in 2012.

1) 2013年,世界瓷砖的生产与消费维持强劲增长趋

2) World tile production reached 11,913 million sq.m, 6.4% up on the 11,194 million sq.m of 2012. This growth trend occurred all over the world and in virtually all producer countries, apart from a very small number

设备制造商协会(Acimac)调研部门于11月发布。 该报告含有216页的图形、表格和评论,对大片地 理 区域,以及66个最大的瓷砖生产、消费及进出口国在 20 03至2013这十年中的行业、市场、人均消费和出口 量趋势进行了详尽分析。 以下是该报告中的关键数据。

势,较2012年分别增长了6.4%和5.9%。进出口量 也上升了5.5%,略低于2 012年报告的7%的增长 率。 2

世界瓷 砖产量达到了119.13 亿m 2 ,较2 012年的 111.94亿m 2 提高了6.4%。全球普遍出现了这样的 增长趋势,而且除极少数瓷砖生产国产量与2012


% on world production

% var. 13/12




OTHER EUROPE (Turkey included)



NORTH AMERICA (Mexico included)








2013 (Sq.mt Mill.)

% on world consumption

% var. 13/12






OTHER EUROPE (Turkey included)






NORTH AMERICA (Mexico included)







































Cera mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015



COPYRIGHT: ACIMAC • Info at: studi@acimac.it

of cases of countries that maintained the levels of 2012. Asia produced 8,315 million sq.m (8% up on the 600 million sq.m of 2012), bringing its share of world production to 69.8%. Production in Europe rose by 4.5%, up from 1,700 million to 1,776 million sq.m, making up 15% of world production. In greater detail, the European Union (EU-28) produced 1,186 million sq.m (0.7% up on 2012), while production in non-EU European countries rose from 522 to 590 million sq.m (+13%) due to growth in Turkey and Russia. In the American continent, total production reached 1,458 million sq.m (12.2% of world production). Central and South America produced an extra 20 million sq.m to reach 1,158 million sq.m (+1.8%), while production in North America remained stable at 300 million sq.m. Africa’s production rose from 349 to 359 million sq.m (2.9% up on 2012). 3) World tile consumption reached 11,574 million sq.m (up 5.9% on the 10,932 million sq.m of 2012). Asia maintained its 66.5% share of global demand, increasing from 7,231 million to 7,692 million sq.m (6.4% up on 2012, less than the growth in production). China and India (and to a lesser extent also Indonesia, Iraq, Malaysia and the Philippines) were the countries responsible for the biggest increases in consumption. Once again the only area to see a fall in demand was the European Union, where consumption dropped from 890 to 854 million sq.m (down 4% following the 5.8% fall in 2012), with almost all countries contributing to the decline. By contrast, demand in non-EU Europe rose from 514 to 567 million sq.m (+10.3%), driven by strong growth in Russia and Turkey. Just as in 2012, the highest percentage growth in 2013 was in Africa (+13.4%), rising from 610 to 692 million sq.m. All the continent’s biggest consumer countries (Egypt, Nigeria, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, South Africa, Ghana, Tunisia, Tanzania and Kenya) saw increases in consumption. Demand in Central and South America rose by 4.2%, from 1,221 to 1,272 million sq.m, largely driven by Brazil and Argentina. Consumption also rose by 5.4% in North America to reach 449 million sq.m. 4) World exports increased by 5.5% in 2013 from 2,539 million to 2,678 million sq.m, a slower rate of growth

WORLD EXPORTING AREAS % on world exports

% var. 13/12





OTHER EUROPE (Turkey included)




NORTH AMERICA (Mexico included)

























Cera mic W o rld Review ch inese edition 2015

洲 的瓷 砖产 量已达 8 3 .15 亿 m 2(较 2 012 年的6 亿m 2 增长了8%),占世界总产量的69.8%。欧洲 瓷砖产量从17亿m 2上涨到了17.76亿m 2,提升了 4.5%,占全球总产量的15%。

具体 来 说,欧 盟( 欧 盟 的 2 8 个 成 员国)产 量 为 11.86亿m 2(较2 012年增长0.7%);得益于土耳 其和俄罗斯的产量增长,欧洲的非欧盟国总产量 从5.22亿增长到了5.9亿m 2(增幅13%)。美洲大 陆总产量为14.58亿m2(占世界总产量的12.2%)。 中南美洲产量为11.58亿m 2,增加了20 0 0万m 2( 增幅1.8%),北美产量稳定,为3亿m 2 。非洲产量 从3.49亿m 2 增长到了3.59亿m 2(较2012年上涨 2.9%)。

3) 全球瓷砖消费总量为115.74亿m 2(较2 012年的 109.32亿m 2 增长了5.9%)。亚洲需求量从72.31 亿 m 2 增 长 到 了 76 . 9 2 亿 m 2 ,占全 球 总 需 求 的 66.5%(较2012年上涨6.4%,但低于产量增长)。 其中消费量增长最多的是中国和印度(其次为印 度 尼西亚、伊 拉 克、马来西亚和 菲律 宾)。欧 盟 再次成为唯一出现需求下降的地区,其消费量从 8.9亿m 2 跌至8.54亿m 2(自2 012年下滑5.8%后 再次下滑4%),几乎所有欧盟成员国的消费量都 在下降。相比之下,欧洲的非欧盟国在俄罗斯和 土耳其的强势增长拉动下,需求从5.14亿m 2 增长 到了5.67亿m 2(飙升10.3%)。

2013年,非洲消费量从6.1亿m 2 增至6.92亿m 2, 增幅13.4%,继2 012年后,再次成为增长百分比 最高的地区。整个非洲大陆最大的瓷砖消费国( 埃及、尼日利亚、摩洛哥、阿尔及利亚、利比亚、 南非、加纳、突尼斯、坦桑尼亚和肯尼亚)在消费 量上均有增长。

中南美洲的需求从12.21亿m 2 增长到了12.72亿 m 2 ,增 幅4. 2 %,但主要依 赖的是巴西和 阿根 廷 的拉动。北美的消费量也上升了5.4%,为4.49亿 m 2。


2013 (Sq.mt Mill.)



(on Total World Consumption)

Domestic sales 76.9%

Import Export 23.1%

COPYRIGHT: ACIMAC • Info at: studi@acimac.it

than that of the previous 3 years. Exports rose in almost all continents with the exception of Africa (-29%), which lost the ground it had gained in 2012 to return to 44 million sq.m. Asia exported 1,490 million sq.m (7% up on the 1,393 million sq.m of 2012), equivalent to 55.6% of total world exports. The second largest area in terms of export volumes (with 29.5% of world tile exports) was the European Union, which exported 789 million sq.m (+5.2%) as a result of a further recovery on the part of Spanish and Italian exports. Exports from non-EU Europe increased slightly, from 147 million to 153 million sq.m (+4.1%). Exports from Central and South America remained stable at 116 million sq.m (+0.9%), while exports from North America rose to 86 million sq.m (+19.4%), boosted by the growth in Mexican exports. 5) The steady growth in import/export flows over the years does not conflict with our long-held belief that tile is a material that tends to be produced close to the place of consumption. Although world exports stand at 22.5% of production and 23.1% of global consumption, more than half of this volume consists of exports shipped within the same geographical area as that of production (80% of South America’s exports remain in South America, 75% of North America’s exports remain within the NAFTA area, 60% of Asian exports are shipped to other Asian countries). The EU is a partial exception in that 50% of its exports are shipped to non-EU countries. This analysis is confirmed by the fact that each continent’s contributions to world production and consumption are similar. In other words, Asia accounted for 69.8% of production and 66.5% of world consumption, while the corresponding figures for Europe (EU + non-EU) were 15% and 12.3%, for the Americas 12.2% and 14.9% and for Africa 3% and 6%. 6) As the world’s largest producer, consumer and exporter of ceramic tiles, the sheer scale of China’s volumes has been the driving force behind world growth in production, consumption and exports for over 15 years.

4) 2 013 年,全 球 瓷 砖 出口量 从 2 5 . 3 9 亿 m 2 增 至 26.78亿m 2,增幅5.5%,较之前3年有所放缓。 几乎全球各大洲的出口量都在增长,只有非洲( 降低了29%)例外,丢掉了2012年取得的领先地 位,落回了4 4 0 0万m 2 。亚洲出口量达14.9亿m 2 (较2012年的13.93亿m 2上涨7%),相当于全球 出口总量的55.6%。

欧盟是出口量第二大的地区(占全球瓷砖出口总 量的29.5%),随着西班牙与意大利出口的进一 步复苏,欧 盟出口量 达到了7. 8 9亿m 2(上涨了 5.2%)。欧洲的非欧盟国出口量有些许上升,从 1.47亿m 2 增至1.5 3亿m 2(增幅4.1%)。中南美 洲的出口量为1.16亿m 2(小幅上涨0.9%),趋势 平稳,而北美在墨西哥出口增长的拉动下,出口 量增至8600万m2(飙升19.4%)。

5) 这些年进出口量的平稳增长与我们长期持有的“ 瓷 砖生产往往 靠近其消费地区”的观 念并不冲 突。尽管全球出口量占产量的22.5%,占全球消 费 量的 2 3 .1%,但 其中半 数 以 上都 发 生在同一 地理区域内部(南美8 0%的出口仍在南美,北美 75%的出口也都在北美自由贸易区(NAFTA)内 部,亚洲60%的出口也是输入了其他亚洲国家)。 欧盟有部分例外,因为其50%的出口输入了非欧 盟国家。

各大洲自己对全球产量与消费量的贡献相差 无 几,这一事实也印证了上 述分析。具体而言,亚 洲对全 球产量与消费 量的贡献分别为69. 8 %和 66.5%,欧洲(欧盟加非欧盟)为15%和12.3%, 美洲为12.2%和14.9%,非洲为3%和6%。

6) 在过去15年多的时间里,作为全球瓷砖最大的生 产国、消费国和出口国,中国的整体规模一直是 全球瓷砖产量、消费量和出口量增长背后的驱动


2009 (Sq.m Mill.)

2010 (Sq.m Mill.)

2011 (Sq.m Mill.)

2012 (Sq.m Mill.)

2013 (Sq.m Mill.)

% on 2013 world production

% var. 13/12











































































































Source / Fonte: Acimac Survey dept. “World Production and consumption of ceramic tiles”, 2nd edition 2014


C era mic W o rld Review ch inese edition 2015

STILE, PRECISIONE E AFFIDABILITÀ NEL RIFLESSO DELLE TUE CREAZIONI. Style, precision and reliability in the reflection of your creations.

Tecnologie industriali BMR per levigare, squadrare e lucidare superfici in ceramica. BMR industrial technologies for polishing, squaring and shining any ceramic’s surfaces.



COPYRIGHT: ACIMAC • Info at: studi@acimac.it

Although the Chinese industry and market remain difficult to quantify due to the very large discrepancies between the available figures, our estimates suggest that Chinese production totalled about 5,700 million sq.m in 2013 (up 9.6% on 2012), equivalent to 47.8% of world production. This compares with a production capacity calculated by official Chinese sources at around 10 billion sq.m, spread over some 1400 companies and 3500 production lines. Domestic consumption is estimated at 4,556 million sq.m, 39.4% of world consumption (equivalent to per capita consumption of 3.4 sq.m). Although China exported 1,148 million sq.m in 2013, equivalent to 42.9% of the world total, the country’s export growth rates have continued to slow (5.7% yearon-year growth in 2013 compared to 26.6% in 2010, 17% in 2011 and 7.2% in 2012). Saudi Arabia retained its position as the biggest market for Chinese tiles (83 million sq.m, -4.6%), followed by Nigeria (60 million sq.m, +23.5%), the United States, Thailand, Brazil, South Korea and the Philippines. By contrast, China saw very strong growth in terms of export value. The country’s 2013 export turnover totalled US $7.89 billion (24.3% up on the $6.35 billion of 2012), and the average selling price rose from 5.85 to 6.88 $/sq.m (+17.6%).

7) With a further 7.4% growth in exports to 318 million sq.m, Spain consolidated its position as the world’s second largest exporter. It also continued its recovery in terms of production with output volumes reaching 420 million sq.m (+4%), confirming the country’s position at 5th in the rankings of world producers. Domestic demand continued to fall, dropping from 109 to 102 million sq.m (-6.4%). With the sole exceptions of France (still the second largest foreign market), United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Portugal, Greece and Kuwait, sales increased in all the major export markets, with Saudi Arabia maintaining its top position (33.6 million sq.m). The biggest increase was in Libya (now the third largest market), where exports rose in just a year from 8.3 to 18.9 million sq.m. In 2013 the breakdown of Spanish exports by volume was Europe 35% (47% in value), Asia 32% (26% in value),

力。尽管因为可得数据存在非常巨大的差异,导 致中国的瓷砖行业与市场仍难量化,但据我们估 计,中国2 013年的总产量约为57亿m 2(较2 012 年增长9.6%),相当于全球总产量的47.8%。中 国官方来源给出的估计产能在10 0亿m 2 左右,共 涉及约1400家公司的3500条生产线。

据估计,中国国内消费量为45.56亿m 2,占全球 总消费量的39.4%(相当于人均消费量为3.4m 2)。 尽管中国2 013 年的出口量为11.4 8 亿 m 2 ,相当 于 全 球 总量的4 2 .9 %,但 其出口增 长率在持 续 减缓(2 013年同比增长仅为5.7%,而2 010年是 26.6%,2 011年是17%,2 012年是7.2 %)。中国 瓷砖的最大市场仍是沙特阿拉伯(830 0万m 2, 下降4.6%),后续依次为尼日利亚(6000万m 2,上 升23.5%)、美国、泰国、巴西、韩国和菲律宾。 相比之下,中国在出口额上的增长势头还是非常 强劲的。中国2 013年的瓷砖出口交易总额为US $78.9亿(较2012年的$63.5亿上涨了24.3%), 平均售价从5.85$/m 2 涨到了6.88$/m 2(大幅上 涨17.6%)。

7) 西班 牙凭借出口量的再度攀升巩固了其作为全 球第二大出口国的地位,出口量达3.18亿m 2,涨 幅7.4%。其生产也在持续复苏中,产量达4.2亿 m 2(涨幅4%),确定了该国全球第5大生产国的 地位。不过,其国内需求仍在继续下降,从1.0 9 亿m 2 跌至1.02亿m 2(降幅6.4%)。瓷砖在主要 出口市场的销量几乎都有所提高,沙特阿拉伯以 3 36 0万m 2 继续稳居榜首,只有法国(仍是第二 大海外市场)、阿联酋、伊拉克、葡萄牙、希腊和 科威特例外。利比亚(如今的第三大市场)增量 最大,短短一年中,出口量就从83 0万m 2 飙升至 1890万m 2 。2 013年,西班牙的出口量中,欧洲 占35%(出口额占47%)、亚洲32 %(26%)、非


2009 (Sq.m Mill.)

2010 (Sq.m Mill.)

2011 (Sq.m Mill.)

2012 (Sq.m Mill.)

2013 (Sq.m Mill.)

% on 2013 world consumption

% var. 13/12











































































































Source / Fonte: Acimac Survey dept. “World Production and consumption of ceramic tiles”, 2nd edition 2014


Cera mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

COPYRIGHT: ACIMAC • Info at: studi@acimac.it

Africa 24% (17% in value) and the Americas between 9% and 10%. Export value rose to 2,240 million euros (+7.6%) with an average price remaining stable at 7 €/sq.m, enabling the Spanish tile industry to close out 2013 with a total turnover of 2,796.7 million euros (+5.3%).

8) In 2013 Italy saw a very small decline in production (-1%) to 363 million sq.m, but a recovery in total sales to reach 389.3 million sq.m (+1.9%). Domestic sales continued to fall (from 93 to 86.5 million sq.m, -7.2%), generating a turnover of 856 million euros (-6.8%); exports rose both in volume (from 289 to 302.7 million sq.m, +4.8%) and in value (from 3,662 to 3,870 million euros, +5.7%). The sector’s total turnover was 4.73 billion euros (+3.2%). Exports to Western Europe, the biggest market for Italian tile (48.8% of total Italian exports), remained almost unchanged at 148 million sq.m (-0.8%). Exports rose in all other geographical areas: +11.7% in the NAFTA markets (41 million sq.m, 13.5% of Italian exports), +3.9% in Central and Eastern Europe (38 million sq.m), +1.5% in the Balkans (15 million sq.m), +17.6% in the Far East (15 million sq.m), +15.2% in the Gulf states (12 million sq.m), +29.8% in North Africa and the Middle East (12 million sq.m) and +19.8% in Latin America (6 million sq.m). A focus on the Italian tile industry is published on page 64. 9) The three biggest exporter countries - China, Spain and Italy - accounted for 66.1% of world exports last year. Italy maintains the top position in terms of two criteria, export share and average price. It exports 83.5% of production compared to the 75.7% of Spain and the approximately 20% of China. But above all it is Italy’s average export price of 12.8 €/sq.m that demonstrates its world leadership position, ahead of the 7 €/sq.m of Spain, the 5.2 €/sq.m of China and Turkey and the 4.6 €/sq.m of Poland (followed by the other countries). 10) In 2013 Brazil maintained its position as the world’s


其出口总额涨至22.4亿欧元(涨幅7.6%),平均 售价保持稳定,为7€/m 2,得益于此,西班牙瓷 砖行业在2 013年终时的总交易额达到了27.967 亿欧元(涨幅5.3%)。

8) 意 大利 2 013 年的产 量为3.6 3 亿m 2(小 幅下降 1%),而总销量有所好转,达到了3.893亿m 2( 小幅增长1.9%)。意大利国内销量持续下滑(从 93 0 0万m 2 降至865 0万m 2 ,降幅高达7.2 %), 交易额为8.56亿欧元(降幅6.8%);出口量(从 2.89亿m 2 增至3.027亿m 2,增幅4.8%)与出口额 (从36.62亿欧元涨至38.7亿欧元,涨幅5.7%)皆有 上升。整个行业的总交易额为47.3亿欧元(涨幅 3.2%)。

意大利瓷砖对西欧 这一 最大市场(占意大利总 出口量的4 8.8%)的出口量基本没变,为1.4 8亿 m 2(小幅减少0.8%)。意大利对其他 地 理区域 的出口量皆有上升:NAF TA市场是11.7%(410 0 万m 2 ,占意 大利出口量的13. 5 %),中 欧与东 欧 是 3 .9 %(3 8 0 0万m 2 ),巴尔干半岛诸国1. 5 % (15 0 0万m 2 ),远 东17.6%(15 0 0万m 2 ),海 湾国家15.2%(120 0万m 2),北非和中东29.8% (1200万m 2),拉丁美洲19.8%(600万m 2)。

9) 去年,中国、西班牙和意大利这三个最大的瓷砖 出口国,出口量占全球总量的66.1%。在出口份 额和平均售价上,意大利仍稳居第一。其产量中 有83.5%用于出口,相比之下,西班牙只有75.7%,中 国只有大约20%。

不过,真正将意大利推上世界龙头地位的还是其 12.8€/m2的平均出口售价,远超西班牙的7€/m2, 中国和土耳其的5.2€/m 2,波兰的4.6€/m 2(其 他国家皆低于4.6€/m 2)。


2010 2011 2012 2013 (Sq.m Mill.) (Sq.m Mill.) (Sq.m Mill.) (Sq.m Mill.)

% on 2013 national production

% on 2013 world exports

% var 13/12

value 2013 (million €)

average export price (€/sq.m)































































































































Source / Fonte: Acimac Survey dept. “World Production and consumption of ceramic tiles”, 2nd edition 2014


Cera mic W o rld Review ch inese edition 2015

COPYRIGHT: ACIMAC • Info at: studi@acimac.it

second largest producer and consumer country. Production has been increasing steadily for over 20 years and reached 871 million sq.m in 2013 (up 0.6%, slower than the average trend in recent years), while domestic consumption rose to 837 million sq.m (+4.2%). Exports, shipped almost entirely to Latin America and the United States, showed a slight recovery to reach 63 million sq.m, while imports rose to 50 million sq.m, mostly from China. Anfacer is forecasting growth rates of between 4% and 6% in 2014. Production is expected to reach 917 million sq.m, consumption 837 million sq.m and exports 67 million sq.m, with an estimated installed production capacity at the end of the year of 1,038 million sq.m. A focus on Brazil is published on page 70.

10) 2 013 年,巴西仍 是全 球 第二大瓷 砖生 产与消费

11) India was once again the world’s third largest tile producer and consumer country in 2013. Production increased to 750 million sq.m (+8.5%) and domestic consumption to 748 million sq.m (+9.8%). As a result of its steady growth in exports (40 million sq.m in 2013), India is now the world’s 11th largest exporter country. At the same time it has also increased imports, mainly from China, reaching 45 million sq.m.


12) With a production of 500 million sq.m, exports of 114 million sq.m (+22.6%) and domestic consumption of 350 million sq.m (-6.7%), Iran retains its position as the fourth largest producer and exporter country (79% of its exports are shipped to Iraq, the rest to other neighbouring markets). It has now dropped to fifth place in terms of consumption after being overtaken by Indonesia, which last year marked up 5.9% growth in domestic demand (360 million sq.m) and an 8.3% rise in production (390 million sq.m).


13) Amongst the world’s top 10 producer, consumer and exporter countries, Turkey was the country with the highest growth rates in 2013 in terms of both production (up 21.4% from 280 million to 340 million sq.m) and consumption (up 22.8% from 184 million to 226 million sq.m), which was almost entirely met by local

土 耳 其 在 产 量( 从 2 . 8 亿 m 2 到 3 . 4 亿 m 2 ,飙 升

国。在过去2 0多年中,其产量稳步增长,于2 013 年达到 8.71亿m 2(增长0.6%,增长速度较近些 年来 的 平 均 趋 势 要 缓 ),其 国 内消 费 量 攀 升至 8.37亿m2(增长了4.2%) 其出口量为6300万m2, 有轻度回升,几乎都出口到了拉丁美洲和美国, 另一方面,其进口量增至5000万m 2,绝大多数来 自中国。巴西瓷砖制造厂商协会(Anface r)预 测2 014年的增长率会在4%到6%之间。产量、消 费量和出口量分别有望提升至9.17亿m 2、8.37亿 m 2 和670 0万m 2,预计这一年末的装机产能可达 10.38亿m 2。

消费国。产量增至7.5亿m 2(增幅8.5%),国内消 费量达7.48亿m 2(增幅9.8%)。得益于其出口量 的稳定增长(2013年为40 0 0万m 2),印度目前已 成为全球第11大出口国。与此同时,其进口量也 有提升,已达4500万m 2,主要来自中国。

出口至伊拉克,剩余部分均出口给其他邻国), 产 量为5 亿 m 2 ,出口量为1.14 亿 m 2(大 幅 增 长 22.6%),国内消费量为3.5亿m 2(下降了6.7%) 在消费量上,伊朗被印度尼西亚赶超,跌至第五 位,印度尼西亚去年的国内需求上升了5.9%(3.6 亿m 2),产量上升了8.3%(3.9亿m 2)。 13)2 013 年,在 全 球十大 生 产、消费与出口国中, 21.4%)和消费量(从1.84亿m 2 到2.26亿m 2,暴 涨2 2.4%)上都是增速最快的,其本 地产量几乎 可以 完全 满 足 其自身消费 需求。上 述 数 据 对土 耳其瓷砖行业来说都是崭新的记录。不过,土耳


2009 (Sq.m Mill.)

2010 (Sq.m Mill.)

2011 (Sq.m Mill.)

2012 (Sq.m Mill.)

2013 (Sq.m Mill.)

% on 2013 national consumption

% on 2013 world imports

% var. 13/12























































































































Source / Fonte: Acimac Survey dept. “World Production and consumption of ceramic tiles”, 2nd edition 2014


Cera mic W o rld Review ch inese edition 2015

COPYRIGHT: ACIMAC • Info at: studi@acimac.it

production. These are both all-time records for the Turkish tile industry. On the other hand, Turkey was the only major exporter to see a decline in export volumes last year, down from 92 to 88 million sq.m (-4.3%) after 3 consecutive growth years. But in spite of this small fall in volume, it achieved a new record in terms of value with export turnover up 3.1% to $605 million (455 million euros). The top export markets for Turkish tiles in terms of value were Germany ($61 million, -7.2%), Israel ($59.4 million, +2.1%), Iraq ($47.7 million, -21.4%) and the UK ($47.4 million, +12.4%). Iraq has become Turkey’s top export market in terms of volumes at 10.7 million sq.m (+0.5%). A focus on the Turkish tile industry is published on page 76. 14) In 2013 the top 10 importer countries imported a total of 960 million sq.m of tiles, equivalent to 35.8% of total world import/export flows. In the relevant table we have included the shares of each country’s total consumption covered by imports. Imports made up more than half of domestic consumption in all countries apart from Russia and Thailand, while in Iraq and Nigeria they covered 100% of demand. The rankings of the top importers have changed since 2012, now led once again by the United States with 160 million sq.m of imported tiles (+15.1%). This equates to 69.6% of domestic consumption, which has risen to 230 million sq.m (+12.7%). The growth in demand prompted a bigger rise in imports than in domestic production, which amounted to 70 million sq.m - partly controlled by Italian groups. There was an increase in import volumes from the four biggest supplier countries, namely China (+17%), Mexico (+9%), Italy (+15%) and Spain (+26%). If we look at import values the rankings are reversed, with Italy the market leader with a CIF value of $584 million (+18%), followed by China ($448 million, +32%), Mexico ($299 million, +12%) and Spain ($143 million, +19%). Imports of Turkish tiles in volume increased by 29% (32% in value) and shipments of Colombian tiles by 10%. Imports from Brazil remained stable (+0.3%), while volumes shipped from Peru and Thailand fell. 15) Saudi Arabia, the world’s second largest importer country, maintained its level of imports at 150 million sq.m, 63.8% of consumption. Domestic demand has continued its rapid growth to reach 235 million sq.m in 2013, encouraging the local industry to make investments in production capacity. Production continued to rise in 2013, expanding from 85 to 90 million sq.m (including 57 million sq.m produced by Saudi Ceramics) and will further increase. 16) Two of the largest tile importer and consumer countries, France and Germany, showed fairly similar trends in 2013, with further small falls in domestic demand (France 116 million sq.m and Germany 110 million sq.m). This in turn pushed down imports (France 96 million sq.m and Germany 83 million sq.m). By contrast, Russia saw further growth in domestic demand to 231 million sq.m (+8.5%), which was met by both an increase in domestic production (from 154 to 166 million sq.m, +7.8%) and a rise in imports from 70 to 80 million sq.m (+14.3%). 


C era mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

其也是 去年主 要 瓷 砖出口国中唯一 一 个出口量 下降的,在 连 续三年增 长后,从9 2 0 0万m 2 跌 至 880 0万m 2(跌幅达4.3%)。不过,尽管数量上有 小幅下降,其出口交易额却创下$6.05亿(合4.55 亿欧元)的新高,涨幅3.1%。土耳其瓷砖的头号 出口市场为德国($610 0万,跌幅7.2%)、以色列 ($ 594 0万,涨幅2.1%)、伊拉克($ 4770万,跌 幅21.4%)和英国($4740万,涨幅12.4%)。以数 量论,伊拉克已凭借1070万m 2(增幅0.5%)成为 了土耳其的第一大出口市场。 14)2 013年,全球10大瓷砖进口国进口总量为9.6亿 m 2,相当于全球进出口总量的35.8%。在相关表 格中,我们罗列了各国总消费量中进口所占份额。 除 俄 罗斯 和 泰 国 以 外,其他 国 家的 国内消 费 量 都有半数以上依赖进口,伊拉克和尼日利亚则是 10 0%靠进口。自2012年开始,进口国榜单中前面 的名次发生了变化,目前,美国以1.6亿m 2 的瓷砖 进口量(涨幅15.1%)再次领跑。

该数字相当于美国国内消费量(增至2.3亿m 2 , 涨幅为12.7%)的69.6%。对美国而言,需求增长 更多是带动了进口而非国内生产,其国内总产量 为70 0 0万m 2 — —部分掌控在意大利集团手中。 中国、墨西哥、意大利和西班牙这前四大瓷砖 供 应国的进口量也有所上升,分别为17%、9%、15% 和26%。若按照进口额排名,则上述顺序有所颠 倒,意大利以$5.84亿(涨幅18%)的到岸价值夺 下榜首,随后依次是中国($4.48亿,涨幅32%) 、墨西哥($2.99亿,涨幅12%)和西班牙($1.43 亿,涨幅19%)。土耳其瓷砖的进口量增长了29% (进口额上涨32 %),哥 伦比亚瓷砖的装运量提 升了10%。巴西减少了从秘鲁和泰国的进口,但总 体进口量维稳(小幅增长0.3%)。

15)沙特阿拉伯是全球第二大进口国,其进口量维持 在1.5亿m 2 的水平上,占消费量的63.8%。其2013 年国内需求持 续快 速增长至2 .3 5 亿m 2 ,鼓 励了 本 地瓷 砖行业投资产能。其产 量在2 013 年继续 攀升,从8500万m 2 涨至9000万m 2(其中5700万 m 2 来自Saudi Ceramics公司),并有望在KMG 公司的新工厂投入使用后得到进一步提升。 16)2013年,法国及德国这两大名列前茅的瓷砖出口 与消费国表现出了相当类似的趋势,国内需求( 法国1.16亿m 2,德国1.1亿m 2)进一步小幅下降。 这 反 过 来又削弱了进口(法国96 0 0万m 2 ,德国 8300万m 2)。

相 比 之下,俄 罗 斯 国 内 需 求 进 一 步 增 长,达 到 2.31亿m 2(大幅增长8.5%),其中部分靠国内产 量增长(从1.54亿m 2 到1.66亿m 2,涨幅7.8%)满 足,部分依赖进口量(从7000万m 2到8000万m 2, 涨幅14.3%)的提高。

China suffers fall in tile exports Luca Baraldi - studi@acimac.it

中国瓷砖出口量下滑 While remaining well ahead of other ceramic tile exporter countries, in 2014 China suffered its first setback in exports. After 10 years of uninterrupted growth culminating in record exports of 1,095 million sq.m in 2013, volumes dropped by 2.9% last year to 1,063 million sq.m (a reduction of 32 million sq.m). The breakdown of Chinese exports by large geograph-

虽然与其他瓷砖出口国相比态势良好,但中国在 2014年首次迎来瓷砖出口量下滑。经过10年的持 续增长,中国的瓷砖出口量在2013年达到峰值,总 量为10.95亿平方米。去年,中国瓷砖出口量下降 了2.9%,总量为10.63亿平方米(减少3200万平方 米)。

Chinese exports of ceramic tiles by geographic area 2011





% VAR 14/13

% VAR 13/12

CAGR 14/10

Shares 2014





















South America






























European Union










Other Europe




















Values in million sq.m. - Source: Acimac Research Department


Main destination countries of Chinese ceramic tile exports 2010





% VAR 14/13

% VAR 13/12

CAGR 14/10

Shares 2014

1. Nigeria










2. Saudi Arabia










3. Republic of Korea










4. Philippines










5. USA










6. Indonesia










7. Thailand










8. United Arab Emirates










9. Malaysia










10. Brazil










Other Countries




















Values in million sq.m. - “World Production & Consumption of Ceramic Tiles”, Acimac November 2014


Cera mic W o rld Review ch inese edition 2015

ical areas shows that sales increased only in Africa and Oceania (by 5.7% and 12.7%, respectively). And in the African continent (the second largest market for Chinese exports with sales of 250.3 million sq.m, 23.5% of the total), sales remained strong only in sub-Saharan Africa, rising by 8.3% year-on-year to reach 227.6 million sq.m. By contrast, exports to North African markets fell by 15% to 22.7 million sq.m. China suffered a decline in exports to all other areas of the world, including Asia where they fell for the second year running (-2.6% in 2013 and -3% in 2014) to reach 552.6 mil-


按大地理区域分类的中国出口细分信息显示,瓷砖 销售量只在非洲及大洋洲有所增长(增长率分别 为5.7%和12.7%)在非洲大陆(第二大中国瓷砖出 口市场,销售量为2.503亿平方米,占总销售量的 23.5%),中国瓷砖在撒哈拉以南地区的销售依然强 劲,达到2.276亿平方米,同比增长8.3%。相反,中

国瓷砖在北非市场的出口量仅为2270万平方米,下 降了15%。



lion sq.m, 52% of total Chinese exports. Sales also declined sharply in South America (99.8 million sq.m, -22.8%), largely due to the downturn in Brazil (-46%), while exports to North America remained virtually stable at 82.1 million sq.m (-0.8%) in spite of the fall in sales in the United States (46.8 million sq.m, -2.8%). As for Europe, Chinese exports not only fell for the fourth year running in EU markets (24.5 million sq.m, -7.7%) but also suffered the first decline in non-EU Europe (22.1 million sq.m, -10.8%) including a 14% slump in Russia.

地区,中国瓷砖出口已连续两年呈下滑趋势(2013 年下降2.6%,2014年下降3%),目前为5.526亿平 方米,占中国瓷砖总出口量的52%。深受瓷砖销售量 在巴西急剧下滑(下降率46%)的影响,中国瓷砖在 南美地区的销售量下滑明显(9980万平方米,下降

22.8%)。尽管中国瓷砖在美国销售量下滑(4680万 平方米,下降2.8%),但在北美地区,瓷砖销售基 本保持稳定,销售量为8210万平方米,下降0.8%。 在欧洲,中国不仅面临对欧盟瓷砖出口的第四年下滑

(2450万平方米,下降7.7%),还首次迎来了对非 An analysis of the leading countries of destination for 欧盟地区瓷砖出口的下跌(2210万平方米,下降10.8%), Chinese tile exports reveals the growing importance of Africa, with Nigeria occupying the top position at 74.1 仅在俄罗斯地区的出口量就暴跌了14%。 million sq.m (up 3.9% on 2013), 7% of total Chinese exports and 29.6% of all sales in Africa. 一份针对中国瓷砖主要出口国的分析表明,中国瓷 Next follows Saudi Arabia with 63.4 million sq.m 砖出口在非洲地区增长显著,在尼日利亚的出口量最 (-22.1%), which 大,为7410万平 has dropped to second place. 方米(在2013年基 Chinese exports of ceramic tiles by geographic area Interestingly, the 础上上涨了3.9%), 18 million sq.m 占到中国瓷砖总出 Export shares 2004 lost by China has 口量的7%,在非 been made up 洲地区总销售量的 by an equivalent increase in im29.6%。紧随其后 ports from India. 的是沙特阿拉伯, Exports to the Re出口量为6340 万平 public of Korea, 方 米( 下 降 2 2 .1 % ,跌 China’s third larg至第二位。有趣的 est foreign market, also fell by 是,中国所减少的 11.5% to reach 1800万平方米的 48.3 million sq.m. 瓷砖出口量正好与 With the excep从印度的瓷砖进口 tion of the United 量持平。在韩国, States and Brazil, all the other top中国第三大海外 10 Chinese ex市场,瓷砖出口量 port countries 也下降了11.5%, Export shares 2014 are in Asia, and 达到4830万平方 of these only the Philippines (+14.9%) and Indonesia (+27.1%) reported an increase in Chinese tile sales.


To conclude, it is interesting to observe how the breakdown of Chinese exports by large geographical areas changed over the decade 2004-2014. In spite of considerable growth in exported volumes, Asia’s share fell from 78.4% to 52%. This was offset by increases in the shares of Africa (from 9.8% to 23.5%), South America (from 1.7% to 9.4%) and the NAFTA region (from 3.3% and 7.7%). The export shares sold in Europe and Oceania have re mained much more stable.

只 在 菲 律 宾(增 长


Cera mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

砖出口国,除美国 和巴西外,其余均 在亚洲。据报道, 在这些国家中,中 国瓷砖的销售量

14.9%)及印尼(增 长27.1%)有所增 长。

总的来说,观察按 大地理区域分类的 中国出口细分信息 在2004到2014这十年间的变化趋势十分有趣。尽管出

口量明显增长,但亚洲市场所占份额由78.4%下降至 52%。反之,换来的是非洲(由9.8%增长至23.5%)、南 美(由1.7%增长至9.4%)及北美自由贸易区(由3.3% 增长至7.7%)市场所占份额的提高。欧洲及大洋洲所 占出口份额相比之下则稳定得多。

100% digital lines

Luca Baraldi - l.baraldi@tiledizioni.it

100%数字化喷釉线 More than 800 industry professionals converged on the 6th Annual Acimac Meeting on Digital Glazing and Decoration Technologies, organised by Acimac and Tecnargilla in collaboration with Ceramic World Review on 23 September 2014 during the exhibition in Rimini. The most eagerly anticipated and strongly attended conference for the Italian and international ceramic industry proved a resounding success. Introduced by Acimac’s chairman Fabio Tarozzi and moderated by Prof. Paolo Zannini, the Annual Meeting featured presentations by twelve speakers representing the leading companies in the sector. The event fully met the audience’s expectations, focusing in particular on the new digital glazing technologies first seen on the stands of printer manufacturers and glaze and colour producers at Tecnargilla, as well as the opportunities that these technologies offer for the ceramic industry. Amongst the colour producers, Fabio Avoni (Colorobbia Italia) introduced the Colorobbia Digital Space range solutions for low-discharge glazing (solvent-based SPS series) and highdischarge glazing (water-based HQ range), then Armando Meletti and Alessandro Ferrari (Esmalglass Itaca) discussed the latest progress in the Digitalinks range. Davide Maccaferri (Sibelco) presented a selection of raw materials designed specifically for the production of digital glazes. On the subject of application technologies, Franco Stefani (System chairman) discussed the key features of Diversa, a highly innovative 25-metre line that can be used to glaze, decorate, apply effects and relief and protect tiles. Vincenzo Palumbo (Projecta Engineering) presented a wide range of decorating machines and accessories from the


Cera mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

2014年9月23日里米尼展览期间,意大利陶瓷机械设备 制 造 商 协 会( A c i m a c)和 里 米 尼 陶 瓷 技 术 装 备 展 ( Te c n a rg i l l a)携 手《陶瓷 世界评论》(Ce ra m i c World


协会第6届年会暨数字装饰和喷釉技术研讨会,8 0 0多 名业内专业人士汇聚一堂。此次大会在意大利和整个国 际陶瓷 行业备 受期 待,万众 瞩目,最 终取得了巨大 成 功。 此 次年 会由 A c i m a c 协 会主 席 F a b i o Ta ro z z i启 动,Paolo Zannini教授担任主持,十二位来自行业龙头 企业的代表发表了演讲,亮点十足。此次盛会主要聚焦 打印机制造商和色釉料生产商首次推出的全新数字喷 釉技术,以及这些技术为陶瓷业带来的机遇,完全满足 了观众的期望。 在众多色釉料生产商中,来自意大利Colorobbia公司 的Fabio


系列)和高喷量喷釉(水基HQ系列)的Co l o robbia Digital


Itaca集团的Armando Meletti和Alessandro Ferrari 就DPM数字打印材料领域的最新进展进行了探讨。来 自Sibelco集团的Davide Maccaferri展示了一系列专 为生产数字釉料而设计的原材料。 至于喷墨打印技术,System公司总裁Franco


讨论了Diversa产品的主要性能,高度创新的25米喷釉 线,可包括施釉、着色装饰、制造效果及浮雕,及上保护

focus on digital glazing & decoration

Evolve family, which now includes the new EVO 8 with an even larger printing width (1890 mm) and the EvoDryfix printer for dry powder applications. Norbert von Aufschnaiter (Durst) discussed the characteristics of the new Durst Digital Glaze Line, which features digital glazing both before and after the decorating machine and synchronisation of all processes. Intesa-Sacmi likewise introduced a fully digital capability for the glazing and decoration processes with its new HW printing technologies for application of water-based ceramic glazes, including the new DHW 700, the first continuous-process single-pass printer. Kerajet’s Chairman, José Vicente Tomas Claramonte, argued that the ultimate goal of this second digital revolution must be to rediscover material qualities while at the same time enormously simplifying production lines. With this in mind, the Kerajet 100% digital line allows for up to 48 synchronised applications on the same piece. One company that has no doubts about the digital future of the entire tile production line is Xaar, as Gillian Ewers pointed out in her presentation of the new Xaar 001 printhead for application of digital glazes and other fluid materials, which is capable of depositing weights of up to 700 g/m2.

釉等功能。来自Projecta Engineering公司的Vincenzo Palumbo展示了各种各样的Evolve系列印花机及配 件,Evolve家族如今再添新成员,包括全新的EVO 8,印 刷宽度更大(1890 mm),还有EvoDryfix喷干粉设备。 来自Durst公司的Norbert von Aufschnaiter阐述了全 新Durst数字喷釉线(Durst Digital Glaze Line)的特 征,该生产线的特点在于可以同时在印花机及所有工序 同步之前及之后进行数字喷釉。Intesa-Sacmi同样引进 了全数字化的喷釉和装饰工艺,拥有应用于水性陶瓷釉 的全新HW打印技术,包括全新的DHW 700——第一台 连 续 作 业单通 道 打印 机。Ke ra j e t公司的董事 会主 席 José Vicente Tomas Claramonte表示,第二次数字 革命的最终目标是重新开发材料的性能,同时极大地简 化生产线。基于这一点,Kerajet公司的100%数字化喷釉 线能够做到在同一个产品上同步应用48道工序。 正如Gillian Ewers在展示Xaar 001喷头时所指出的一 样,Xaa r公司对整个瓷砖生产线的数字化未 来毫不怀 疑,该系列喷头主要用于数字釉料以及其他流体材料, 喷墨量可达700 g/m2。Silvia Giusti(隶属于Tecnofer-

Ce r am i c W or Celd r am R ei cviWe or w chi ld nReese vi eewd inti. on 1 0 5/ 20 2 1051 4

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Another person to speak about new printers for the application of digital effects and glazes was Silvia Giusti (TecnoExamina, Tecnoferrari Group), who illustrated the VivaJet range of machines, while her colleague Giovanni Affinito presented the new features of the GeCo®V6 colour management system developed by the company. On the subject of colour management, Silvano Filippi (ColourService) described Colour Profiler software and the connected hyperspectral scanners, a set of solutions that can help address all issues relating to ceramic digital printing. Last but not least, Giacomo Davoli (FM) discussed accessories for effective digital glazing and introduced FM’s Green Blow centrifugal fans for tile cooling and cleaning mounted on digital lines. Summaries of the presentations are published on the following pages. The global diffusion of digital technology The number of digital printers for ceramic tile decoration in operation worldwide at the end of 2014 was estimated at around 5,570. Of these, 3,500 (61%) were built by the 7 best known European manufacturers - the Italian companies Durst, Intesa-Sacmi, Projecta (Siti B&T Group), System and Tecnoferrari and the Spanish firms Kerajet and Efi Cretaprint while the remaining 2,250 were made in China, mostly installed in Chinese ceramic factories and to a much smaller World distribution extent in India. The country with the largest number of digital printers in operation is obviously China (more than 2,500), followed by India (the market that has seen the biggest growth in recent months to more than 500 units), Spain, Italy, Turkey, Iran, Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia and Mexico. Looking at larger geographical regions, Asia is the continent with the largest number of installed machines (67.7% of the total), followed by Europe (22%), South America and Africa (both at 4%) and the NAFTA region (1.9%). 

ACIMAC HANDBOOK ON DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES Digital Glazing and Decoration of Ceramic Tiles is the fifth update of Acimac handbooks on digital technologies and features some extended technical reports written by the leading companies manufacturing glazes and inks, printers and colour management systems.

The handbook is available in Italian and English and can be downloaded free of charge in pdf format from our website www.ceramicworldweb.it.


Cera mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

rari集团的TecnoExamina)以VivaJet系列机器为例, 也谈到了应用数字效果和釉料的新型打印机,而她的同 事Giovanni Affinito则展示了该公司所开发的GeCo®V6 色彩管理系统的新特征。说到色彩管理,来自ColourService公司的Silvano Filippi详细描述了色彩分析器 (Colour


仪,这一整套设施可以帮助解决所有与陶瓷数字打印相 关的问题。最后而且同样重要的是,来自FM公司的Giacomo




装在数字化喷釉线上,用于瓷砖冷却和清洁。后文刊有 对此次展示的总结。 数字技术的全球推广 截至2014年年底,预计在世界范围内现用于瓷砖装饰的 数字打印机约为5570台。其中有3500台(61%)出自7家 最有名的欧洲制造商,包括意大利公司Durst、IntesaSacmi、Projecta(Siti


ferrari公司,以及西班牙企业Kerajet和Efi Cretaprint, 剩 下 的 2 2 5 0 台则 由 中 国 制

of digital printers

造,多 数 设 备 安装 在中国 陶 瓷工厂,也有极少部分是在印 度。很明显,数字打印机应用 最多的当属中国(超 过250 0 台),紧接着是印度(最近几 个月里,该国市 场 的 增 幅 最 大,已增至5 0 0多台)、西班 牙、意大利、土耳其、伊朗、 巴西、埃及、印度尼西亚和墨 西哥。放 眼 更 大范围的地 理 区域,亚 洲 的已安装 机器 数 量最多(占总数的67.7%), 其次是欧洲(22%)、南美洲 和 非洲(均为4 %)以及 北美 自由贸易区(1.9%)。

ACIMAC数字技术手册 《瓷砖数字喷釉和装饰》已是Acimac数字 技术手册的第五次更新,特点就在于里面 包括了由生产釉料和墨水、打印机以及色 彩管理系统的领先企业所写的一些拓展技 术报告。

该手册有意大利语和英语两 个版本,可在我们的网站 www.ceramicworldweb.it 上免费下载pdf版本。

Diversa, a new concept in ceramic tile production

by Rita Cagnoli, System


Before the days of automation, glazing used to be performed manually by skilled operators, almost exclusively women, who would pour glaze onto the tiles using wooden bowls to prevent any contamination of the glaze. This was the first surface glazing process, gradually replaced by curtain coater machines and bell systems. In the age of digitalisation, this fundamental stage of decoration cannot continue to be performed analogically. Encouraged by the success of the Creadigit decorating machine, System began developing a system that would be capable of performing digital glazing using piezoelectric DOD technology, the same technology that is successfully used on what are now considered standard decorating machines. The choice fell on a simply engineered head with recirculation, allowing for the use of water-based products with a particle size of 6 µm. The resultant machine, called Layerdigit, is able to load a maximum of 4 different products and deposit up to 400 g/m2 of material per application. The Layerdigit philosophy involves depositing a sufficient quantity of material on the tile to ensure total coverage with maximum uniformity and absorption of the deposited material. The 360 dpi resolution is important in order to achieve perfectly uniform product application and to completely close the surface porosity. Due to the large quantities of product deposited on the tile, it is essential to develop materials with a high percentage of water together with the solid component and organic phase in order to avoid burning large quantities of solvents. System is currently working closely with the glaze and colour producers based in the Sassuolo ceramic cluster to develop products and raw materials that can be used with this technology to achieve very high yields. Layerdigit is the first station on the ceramic production line of the future, called Diversa. By using digital technology, this line will be capable of glazing, decorating, creating effects and reliefs and depositing protective layers on the tile - all in a space of just 25 metres. It will be possible to install high-resolution (400 dpi) and low-resolution (200 dpi) decoration stations on the line to achieve the highest production flexibility. The entire line will be equipped with a single high-precision conveyor belt to ensure perfect synchronisation between all the printing stations. With applications including glaze-engobes, glazes, coloured, gloss and matt effects, colour designs (up to 16 colours), metallic effects, protective layers and powder applications with Windpowder etc., the new line will combine cutting-edge technology with outstanding scope for creativity in ceramic production. The minimum printing width of 1200 mm will enable

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自动化时代开始之前,施釉主要是由技术熟练的 操作人员(几乎都是女性)手工完成,她们用木 碗将釉料淋在瓷砖上,以防玷污釉料。这是第一 道施釉工序,后逐渐被钟罩和皮带系统所代替。 而这一初级装饰工艺在数字化时代已经无法再继 续像以前那样进行。 Creadigit印花机的成功令System集团倍受鼓 舞,之后该集团便开始开发一种能够运用压电式 DOD技术进行喷釉的系统,我们现在所说的标 准印花机中所用的也就是DOD技术,应用非常 成功。 这项选择最终落到了设计简单的再循环喷头上, 该喷头可喷粒径为6 µm的水基产品。最终生产 出的机器名为Layerdigit,最多可以加载4种不 同的材料,每次喷墨量可达400 g/m2。 Layerdigit的原理为,在瓷砖上沉积足够数量的 材料,以确保材料尽量均匀地覆盖及被吸收。想 要实现产品喷印的完美统一并完全封闭表面气 孔,保持360 dpi的分辨率尤为重要。由于瓷砖 上堆积了大量的沉积物,所以开发出一种含水分 较高并兼有固体材料的有机相材料非常关键,而 且同时可以避免将大量的溶剂烧毁。 目前,System集团正与萨索罗(Sassuolo)陶 瓷产业群的釉料和颜料生产商密切合作,旨在开 发出能够搭配使用该技术的产品和原材料,以实 现高产目标。 Layerdigit是未来陶瓷生产线——Diversa的第 一步。通过使用数字技术,该生产线可以进行 施釉、装饰,营造效果和创作浮雕,并在瓷砖上 沉积保护层,而且全线仅占据25m的空间。同 时,由于生产线上可安装高分辨率(400 dpi) 和低分辨率(200 dpi)的设备,使最高程度的 生产灵活性成为可能。整个施釉线将全线配备高 度精密的传送带,以确保所有印刷环节的完美同 步。通过运用底釉、釉料、色釉、亮光及哑光效 果、色彩设计(多达16种颜色)、金属效果、 保护层以及采用Windpowder 粉料进行粉末喷

focus on digital glazing & decoration

the same levels of productivity to be achieved with a belt speed of 10 m/min. as narrow highspeed lines. This will make it possible to work simultaneously on different sizes with different applications loaded on the machine bars. Water-compatible standard inks are also being developed to harmonise the line’s applications and guarantee the maximum compatibility between one decoration station and another. The Diversa system introduces the concept of working in layers, allowing tiles to be decorated with the utmost flexibility in production runs as short as an hour.

印等,新的施釉线将尖端的技术和出色的创造力完美结 合于陶瓷生产。 最小印刷宽度为1200 mm,这就意味着10 m/min的皮 带速度就可以达到与高速宽行打印机一样的生产力水 平。这也让机器平台上不同大小、不同适用范围的同步 工作成为可能。 水基墨水与该生产线的应用协调发展,并确保各装饰环 节之间的最大兼容性。Diversa系统引进分层工作的概 念,在短短一个小时的生产运行时间内,最大程度地实 现瓷砖装饰的灵活性。

Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w chi n e se e d i ti on 2 0 15


Colorobbia Digital Space: the digital evolution continues

by Fabio Avoni, Colorobbia

Colorobbia Digital Space: 数字变革进行时 At a time of constant technological progress in the ceramic industry, Colorobbia is unveiling the latest innovations in its Colorobbia Digital Space range. Unlike just 5 or 6 years ago, the benefits of digital decoration are now well established. Building on the advantages of this technology, the current goal of research efforts is to be able to apply greater quantities of material than with traditional inkjet technology, to use even more functional materials, to increasingly customise the finished product and naturally to optimise and increase the efficiency of the process. These developments may lead to the complete digitalisation of the glazing line by combining both digital decoration and digital glazing. What once might have been considered a distant dream is now ever closer to becoming reality. Colorobbia believes that this goal can be achieved through two complementary solutions: low application weight glazing and high application weight glazing. • High application weight: the possibility of depositing material in quantities ranging from 300-400 g/sq.m up to 1 kg or more but with a lower resolution than with conventional inkjet printing. The technology may be applied to both floor and wall tiles and is equally versatile in terms of its position within the ceramic production layout. The material application machine can be positioned either before the inkjet printer (for example to replicate a texture) or after it (in the case of a honing or polishing process). • Low application weight: the possibility of depositing material in quantities ranging from a minimum of 30-40 g/ sq.m up to 200-300 g/sq.m with high print resolution. Here too the application is suitable for both floor and wall tiles. The machine can be positioned either before or after the inkjet printer, exploiting the enormous potential for synchronisation offered by digital technology. In keeping with this philosophy, Colorobbia has developed two new series of materials to meet all the needs of its ceramic manufacturer customers. The HQ series is designed mainly for high application weights and includes water-based materials with a particle size that is smaller than that of conventional glazes but higher than that of digital inks. In this case the D100 separation number is below 20 micron. Colorobbia’s current range consists of an engobe, a glaze-engobe, a matt glaze, a transparent glaze, a super white glaze and a waxy glaze, as well as more sophisticated effects such as lustre and metallic effects. These materials are designed for floor tiles but are also available in a wall tile version (photos 1-2). For low-weight glazing, Colorobbia is proposing its new SPS

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面对陶瓷行业日新月异的技术进度,Colorobbia 公司终于揭开了其Colorobbia Digital Space系 列最新发明的神秘面纱。 与5、6年前不同的是,数字装饰的优点如今已是 有口皆碑。基于该技术的优势,当前的研究目标 是利用此项技术提高喷墨量,突破传统喷墨技术 的限制,并更多地运用功能性材料,增加产品个 性化订制的可能,再 自然而然地优化并提 高流程效率。这些进 步和发展通过对数字 装饰和喷釉的结合, 可能会实现施釉线的 完全数字化。曾经遥不可及的梦想如今仿佛距离 实现又近了一步。 Colorobbia相信只需两个互补的解决方案,就 可以实现这一目标:低施釉量施釉和高施釉量施 釉。 • 高施釉量:喷墨量达300-400

g/m 2,甚至超

过1 kg或以上,但采用该技术比传统的技术相 比分辨率较低。该技术可用于地砖和墙砖的施 釉,就其在陶瓷生产线中的定位而言,同样用 途广泛。该喷釉工序可置于喷墨打印机之前( 例如复制纹理时)或之后(进行珩磨或抛光处 理时)。 • 低施釉量:喷墨量达30-40 g/m2,最多达200300

g/m 2,分辨率高。同样适用于地砖和墙

砖的喷印。该设备可置于喷墨打印机之前或之 后,利用数字技术的优势,极有可能实现完美 同步。 按照这一原理,Colorobbia开发出了两个系列的 新型材料,以满足陶瓷制造商客户的所有需求。 HQ系列主要设计用于高施釉量,包括粒径小于传 统釉料但大于数字墨水的水基材料。如果分离数 为D100,则粒径应小于20微米。Colorobbia当 前的生产范围主要是釉底料、化妆土、亚光釉、 透明釉、高白釉和蜡质釉,还可以打造出珠光和 金属等更加精美的效果。这些材料主要设计用于 地砖,但也有适用于墙砖的版本(图1-2)。 至于低施釉量,Colorobbia拟用其全新的SPS系 列。该系列主要设计用于满足喷头制造商对于溶

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series. This series is designed to satisfy the printhead manufacturers’ requirement for solvent-based materials but with a special particle size obtained through an innovative grinding process. This makes it possible to achieve more intense shades of notoriously pale colours such as yellow and pink and above all allows for the use of materials that can deliver depth and thickness rather than just colour, resulting in surface effects and textures that were previously unimaginable with digital technology. Colorobbia can already supply colours such as yellow and pink as well as effects such as matt and transparent glaze (photos 3-4).


All digital products supplied by Colorobbia are fully tested and approved by most leading machine and printhead manufacturers. As a result, SPS series products have already been adopted on an industrial scale by a leading Italian ceramic producer. Colorobbia offers highly functional materials (requiring a lower application weight than in the conventional decoration process), which when combined interact in a sequence of layers to produce an innovative and entirely digital tile.


Conclusion Colorobbia Digital Space offers much more than a simple colour chart or a single test run of a digital effect/glaze. It delivers a combination of essential characteristics backed by Colorobbia’s 90 years of experience: reliability of materials, safety, worldwide technical support, proprietary knowhow for all production processes, a team of technicians with specialist expertise in basic product research and complete projects, and above all the passion that each employee offers to the company and the customer.

其磨至特殊粒径。通过这种方法可以加强黄色和 粉色等浅色的明暗度,最重要的是可以使用表现 深度和厚度(不仅仅是色彩)的材料,打造表面 效果和纹理,这些放在以前定是难以想象,而数 字技术让这一切成为了现实。Colorobbia如今已 经可以提供黄色和粉色等浅色系了,亚光釉和透 明釉等塑造的效果也已不在话下(图3-4)。 Colorobbia提供的所有数字产品均已经过最领 证。因此,SPS系列产品已被意大利一家领先陶瓷 生产商率先采用,实现了工业化应用。 Colorobbia提供高功能材料(相较于传统装饰工 艺,所需施釉数量更少),结合使用时,这类材 料能够以层为序列相互作用,生产出极具创新性 的纯数字化瓷砖。 结论 Colorobbia Digital Space能够提供的不仅仅是 简单的彩色图案或某数字效果/釉料的单次测试运 行。Colorobbia公司还可以为客户提供兼具两 种基本特征的服务,而这断然离不开其90年的专 业经验:材料可靠、安全、全球范围内的技术支 持、所有生产流程所需的专利技术、拥有产品研 发和完整项目专业知识的技术人员团队,最重要 的每一位员工对公司和客户所付出的满腔热情。



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The digital process: towards total integration

Vincenzo Palumbo, Projecta Engineering - Siti B&T Group

数字化处理:迈向一体化 Projecta Engineering is continuing its efforts to innovate the Evolve range of digital decoration machines. Through a process of ongoing research, Projecta Engineering has transformed decoration into an efficient high-performance digital system that can be fully integrated into the production process. A design approach aimed at effective dialogue between all stages of the glazing line has created intelligent, fully automated lines built around the graphic design project. The use of cutting-edge solutions (Evolve, Evostore, Synchro 3D, Evovision) has already produced outstanding results in terms of maximum integration of digital technologies into ceramic production lines. Following the addition of new models and accessories, the Evolve family is now the most complete and versatile range of decorating machines on the market. The main advantages of Evolve digital decorating machines are: • compactness, ruggedness and versatility; • ease of access and maintenance thanks to the automatic cleaning system; • powerful suction; • machine parameter management from a single point; • low installed power; • image loading speed; • interchangeable colour modules; • modularity and scalability according to the customers’ requirements, in an extremely small space. Evolve decorating machines have very small overall dimensions and class-leading characteristics. Their proprietary hardware and software architecture allows for the use of a range of printheads. An open system of this kind brings significant benefits as there are no constraints on ink and printhead purchasing, allowing the utmost freedom of choice. The printheads can consequently be alternated according to the various applications and product characteristics required by the customer. The colours are housed in completely removable bars. The colour bars hold the colour tanks, the printheads, the fittings and the filters. With the electronics located in the rear section, the extremely simple and accessible hydraulic and electronic fittings allow any given colour module to be removed from its original location and inserted in the new position without the need for washing. The operation takes just a few minutes and enables the same bar to be used on another machine on another line. Evolve’s success is based on its modularity and versatility,


Cera mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

Projecta Engineering 公司正 继 续为 E vo l ve 系列 数字印花 机 的创 新 而 不 懈 努 力 。通 过 不 断 进 行 研 究,P r o j e c t a Engineering已将装饰转 化成一种高效的高性能数 字系 统,该 系 统 可 以 完全 整合 进 入 生 产流程。其设 计方法旨在实现施 釉 线所 有阶段的有效沟通,而且该方法已在平面设计项 目的基础上打造出全自动的智能生产线。 在 将 数 字 技 术 最 大 程 度 地 融 入了陶 瓷 生 产 线 方面,先进解决方案(Evolve、 Evostore、 Synchro 3D和Evovision)的应用已经取得了非 常显著的生产成果。Evolve家族再添新型号和 配件之后,如今已成为市面上最完整、最多功能 的印花机系列。 Evolve 数字印花机的主要优势在于: • 结构紧凑、耐用和用途多样化; • 配备自动清洁系统,易于使用和保养; • 吸墨能力强; • 可以从单一点对打印机参数进行管理; • 装机功率低; • 图像加载速度快; • 可互换的颜色模块; • 在极小的空间内根据客户的需求进行模块化和 扩展。 Evolve印花机的外形尺寸极小,但在特性方面却 领先于同级别印花机。专有的硬件和软件构架, 可以使用各种各样的喷头。这样的开放式系统优 势显著,对墨水和喷头采购没有任何限制,完全 可以自由选择。因此,可以根据不用的应用类型 以及产品特性,并按照客户的要求替换喷头。 颜料装在一个可完全拆卸的通道内。通道内含颜 料槽、喷头、配件以及过滤器。电路位于尾端, 极度简单易用的液压和电子配件可以将既定的颜 色模块从原始位置移开,无需清洗即可插入新的 位置使用。只需几分钟即可完成此操作,同一个

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achieved through the use of a small number of mobile colour bars on which the sequence of colours and material effects can be changed at any time. This makes for savings as only a limited number of additional colour bars need to be purchased, and they can be used on any line as required with short set-up times and without the need for washing.




At Tecnargilla 2014 Projecta Engineering unveiled a number of new products including the digital machine with the largest printing width in the world, which is already in operation at the facilities of two leading Italian ceramic manufacturers. In view of the market success of large format tiles and their growing use in unconventional applications, Projecta Engineering decided to extend its already wide range of extra-large printers with the introduction of the new EVO 8, which has a printing width of 1890 mm. It is the first company in the sector to have introduced a machine capable of decorating such wide ceramic panels.

使用几个可以随时改变颜色顺序和材质效果的移动 式通道,实现Evolve系列产品的模块化和灵活性, 这是Evolve成功的关键所在。 只需另外购买几个通 道即可,而且这些通道还可以根据要求运用于任何 生产线,装配耗时短,而且无需清洗,可以大量节约 成本。 Projecta Engineering在2014年的里米尼陶瓷技 术装备展上公布了许多新产品,其中包括全球印刷宽 度最大的数字打印机,该机器已被意大利两家领先 陶瓷制造商率先用于各种设备。大尺寸瓷砖取得了巨 大的市场成功,也越来越多地运用于非传统喷涂,鉴 于此,Projecta Engineering决定引进印刷宽度达 1890 mm的全新EVO 8,进一步拓展超大打印机的 应用范围。Projecta Engineering引进了一台能够 装饰此类宽度陶瓷板材的机器,在该行业首开先河。

Another innovation is that of EvoDRYFIX, a machine for dry powder application already in operation at several factories in the Sassuolo area. EvoDRYFIX is the first digital ceramic printer to combine inkjet drop on demand technology with dry application technology. The use of two colour bars for glue application enables granules with various particle sizes to be applied, from a minimum of 50 microns to a maximum of 500 microns. This allows for a full range of applications - from low thicknesses with high definition through to coarser, high thickness applications. The maximum stability and repeatability of granule application is guaranteed. As with the entire Evolve family of decorating machines, the EvoDRYFIX stands out for its exceptional flexibility of use. The granules can be changed in a short space of time to allow for a rapid reconfiguration of the decoration line.

用于干粉喷涂的EvoDRYFIX是Projecta Engineering的又一大创新,萨索罗产区已经有好几 家工厂将EvoDRYFIX投入使用。EvoDRYFIX是第一 台将喷墨墨滴所需技术和干式喷涂技术相结合的数 字陶瓷打印机。使用两个通道进行涂胶,如此一来, 便可以运用不同粒径的细粒,小至50微米,大至500 微米均可使用。这样也就实现了各种材料的全面应 用,无论是厚度小但清晰度高,还是粗糙、厚度大的 各类喷涂,均不成问题,同时也最大程度地确保了施 粒的稳定性和重复性。与Evolve整个系列的印花机 一样,EvoDRYFIX最突出的便是其非凡的使用灵活 性,在短时间内即可更换细 粒,快速重组装饰生产 线。



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New digital decoration technologies from Durst Norbert von Aufschnaiter, Durst Phototechnik

来自杜斯特 (Durst) 的最新数字装饰技术 Building on the success of more than 500 installations worldwide, Durst once again demonstrated its capacity for innovation at this year’s Tecnargilla with the presentation of its Gamma XD series and new digital glazing technology. The Gamma XD series is the new generation of Durst 8-colour ceramic printers, designed for lasting printing precision and uniformity and extraordinary colour stability. Alongside technological innovations, the machines have sophisticated new features including modularity and an integrated self-maintenance capability. The Gamma XD series includes two printers capable of decorating tiles of various sizes with quick and easy width adjustments: • Gamma 98XD for printing widths up to 957 mm • Gamma 148XD for printing widths up to 1404 mm. Both printers feature Durst High Definition technology printheads and dual ink circulation and can be configured with up to 8 bars. The new Gamma XD series is capable of decorating tiles with a native resolution of 300 dpi combined with the innovative Adaptive Dot Placement technology. This machine is able to print 4 grayscale levels with a drop size of up to 90 pl. Printheads with drop sizes up to 320 pl are also available for creating special effects such as gloss, matt, lustre, metallic effects, etc. The intelligent Electronic Print Head Alignment System ensures band-free printing and high image quality and colour uniformity over the entire print width. A new system for printhead cleaning and filtering without ink loss ensures consistent printing results, a long printhead life and long times between maintenance. It also avoids the ink wastage that derives from discharge onto the conveyor belt during standard printhead cleaning cycles. The printheads are designed to reduce machine stoppages and can be replaced and adjusted by the operator quickly and easily. The new Gamma XD printers are equipped with Remote Diagnostics Technology and allow all maintenance and support work, including printhead changing, to be performed without supervision by Durst. The machines allow ease of access on both sides for maintenance work (photo 2) and offer guided procedures for performing quick and easy replacements and alignments. The new structure of the Gamma XD series printers is designed to optimised ergonomics and further improve the production processes. The control panel can be adjusted in height, rotated and easily adjusted on site for left or right handed operation. The Gamma XD series is equipped with what customers consider to be the best printing software for quick and simple operation (64-bit Linux). The operator can choose one of the many available languages to customise the user in-

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继在全球成功投放500多台打印机后,Durst在今年的 里米尼国际陶瓷技术博览会(Tecnargilla)上,通过 展示其伽马XD系列产品及 最新喷釉技术,再一次展 现了不凡的创新能力。 伽马XD系列是Durst研发的 新一代8色陶瓷打印机,专 业设计,打印精度高、均 匀性持久,具有超凡的色泽稳定度。除了技术上的创 新,该系列打印机还融合了模块化和综合自我维护能 力等新特点。 伽马XD系列共开发了两款打印机,能够满足各类型号 瓷砖的装饰需求,实现快速、简捷的宽度调整。 • 伽马98XD打印机的打印宽度可达957 mm • 伽马148XD打印机的打印宽度可达1404 mm 这两款打印机都采用了Durst高清喷头和墨水双循环技 术,最高可配置8个通道。 最新的伽马XD系列可用于瓷砖装饰,结合了点适应 定位(Adaptive Dot Placement)创新技术,拥 有300 dpi的物理分辨率。该打印机能够实现4灰度级 的打印水平,墨滴尺寸最高可达90pl。墨滴尺寸高达 320 pl的喷头也可用于制造特殊的效果,如亮光、亚 光、闪光、金属效果等。其采用的智能电子喷头校准 系统可以确保在整个打印宽度上实现无波段打印,高 质量图像和色彩的均匀性。全新的喷头清洁系统和无 墨水损耗过滤系统可以保持一致的打印效果,喷头使 用寿命长,维修的间隔期长。同时,该打印机避免了 在正常喷头清洁周期中,喷到传送带上的墨水损耗。 喷头设计有利于减少机器故障,操作人员可以快速、 简捷地更换或调整喷头。最新的伽马XD打印机配置 了远程诊断技术,并允许所有的维护和支持工作(包 括更换喷头)无需Durst监督便可操作。该系列打印机 可以轻松实现从两侧进行维护工作(图片2),并为 如何快速、简单地进行更换和校准操作提供了指导教 程。 伽马XD系列设计了全新的结构,优化了人体工程学, 进一步提高了生产工艺。其控制面板高度可调,旋转 式,可轻松实现左右手互换操作。 伽马XD系列配有客户认为的最佳打印软件,可实现快 速、简单的操作(采用64位Linux操作系统)。操作人 员可根据需求任选一种语言,实现私人订制的用户界 面。该软件具有高度的灵活性,并配有多重功能,能 够优化数字工作化流程,例如,Durst独特的自动结构

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terface. The software allows for a high degree of flexibility and is equipped with various functions to optimise the digital workflow, such as the exclusive Durst Autostructure function for creating a structure automatically when using special inks such as depth effects. Durst Digital Glaze Line With the new Digital Glaze Line concept, Durst is introducing an innovation that will revolutionise ceramic tile production through completely digital glazing before and after the digital decoration machine and synchronisation of the digital glazing, printing and finishing processes. This will result in greater creativity, efficiency and precision and will allow for on-demand production, from inception through to the finished product, without the need for further production stages. Digital Glaze technology will enable tile producers to perform complete or partial glazing and to create textures that are synchronised with the graphic design, opening up possibilities that would have been unimaginable with conventional technologies. Digital Glaze technology can be installed before the current digital decoration printer to glaze tiles with flat or textured surfaces, or after the printer to apply special effects or a protective finishing layer. The biggest advantage of this innovative technology is that it is able to apply large quantities of glaze with a particle size very close to that of conventional glazes, allowing for low-cost applications that maintain the look and feel of traditional ceramic materials. This makes it possible to optimise the production process, increase efficiency, reduce waste and minimise production costs. The new Gamma XD series is already equipped with a software interface for synchronisation with Digital Glaze technology. Durst is also planning to provide connections for digital printers produced by other brands so as to be able to offer the system in a stand-alone configuration.

化功能可以保证其在使用特殊墨水(如加深效果)的过 程中,自动创建一个结构。 Durst数字喷釉线 随着全新的数字喷釉线概念,Durst正引入一项创新,该 创新将通过在数字印花机之前,数字喷涂、打印和修坯 同步之后进行完全喷釉,彻底颠覆传统的陶瓷砖生产工 艺。这无疑会带来更多的创新、更高的效率和精确度, 通过按需生产,实现从最初阶段到成品的一站式生产, 无需再多的生产阶段。喷釉技术让瓷砖生产商能够进行 全部或部分施釉,并创造与图案设计同步的纹理结构, 结合传统技术,将开创难以想象的可能。喷釉技术可以 在当前数字装饰打印机对瓷砖进行平面或纹理表面施釉 前进行安装,或是在打印机完成特殊效果或起保护作用 的终饰层后进行安装。该创新技术的最大优点便是能够 应用大量釉料(其粒径十分接近传统釉料的粒径)同 时,成本较低,保持了和传统陶瓷材料一样的外表和触 感。这不仅有利于优化生产工艺,提高生产效率,减少 浪费,也有利于实现生产成本的最低化。 全新伽马XD系列,装有与喷釉技术同步的软件界 面。Durst也计划为其他品牌生产的数字打印机提供连 接,以实现该系统的独立配置。


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Glazing and decoration in the digital age Davide Medici, Intesa-Sacmi

数字时代的施釉和装饰 Intesa is continuing along its path of technological development with the goal of complete digitalisation of the ceramic glazing and decoration processes. For this purpose, it is unveiling a completely new range of digital printers marketed under the Sacmi brand name, demonstrating how its operations are becoming increasingly integrated with those of its Imola-based parent company. For inkjet printing, Intesa is proposing its DHD series of decorating machines based on technology from Xaar, the world leader in inkjet technology. The DHD series can be fitted with all types of Xaar 1002 printheads, including the brand new GS40 heads unveiled at Tecnargilla 2014. DHD printers offer a number of major improvements and innovations over previous versions of Intesa machines. In particular, the ink circulation and feeding systems have been entirely redesigned to ensure a very high level of performance. The electronics are also completely new. All Intesa machines now use proprietary electronics developed internally by the Sacmi Group, which ensure very high performance in terms of data transmission rates, manufacturing flexibility and reliability, while at the same time allowing for perfect integration between the various digital applications that are to be found today on a ceramic glazing and decoration line. Furthermore, the DHD printer management software has a simple and intuitive graphic interface that is easy to use by operators. The DHD digital printer range comprises models DHD708 (maximum printing width of 697 mm), DHD1108 (maximum width 1120 mm) and DHD1308 (maximum width 1390 mm). Alongside these models, which can be used to decorate all sizes up to 1200 mm after firing, Intesa is also proposing a digital printer version that has been specially designed for decorating very large format ceramic panels and for installation on Sacmi’s Continua+ production lines. With its maximum printing width of 1882 mm and the possibility of installing up to 8 colour bars, the DHD 1808 has technical, construction and functional characteristics that are intended specifically for integration with the Continua+ production cycle. Equipped with an individual cleaning system for each colour bar, the DHD 1808 can be programmed to perform bar washing cycles in the time between the passage of one tile and the next, without the need to halt production.


In view of the extraordinary benefits that digital tech-


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釉和装饰工艺的完全数字化。为此,公司开创了一 款全新领域的数字打印机,并冠以萨克米集团的品 牌名进入市场,展示了其如何逐渐将业务与总部设 在伊莫拉的母公司业务相融合。 对于喷墨打印,Intesa基于赛尔(Xaar)公司(喷 墨技术领域的世界领先者)的技术,正致力于开发 DHD系列印花机。DHD系列可配置 所有型号的赛尔1002喷头,包括其 在2014里米尼陶瓷技术装备展上发 布的全新GS40喷头。 DHD打印机在Intesa原来的打印机 基础上做出了一些重要的改进和创 新。尤其是其墨水循环系统和进墨 系统,为保证极高的性能水平,进 行了重新设计。采用的电路板均为全新产品。所有 的Intesa打印机现采用由萨克米集团内部研发的专有 电路板,可以确保在数据传输效率、制造灵活性或 可靠性方面的极高性能,同时,实现了当今陶瓷施 釉和装饰线所采用的各类数字应用之间的完美融合。 此外,DHD打印机的管理软件采用了简单、直观的 图像界面,易于操作人员使用。 DHD数字打印机的型号范围为DHD708(最大打 印宽度为697 mm)、DHD1108(最大打印宽度为 1120 mm)和DHD1308(最大打印宽度为1390 mm)。 除了上述型号(可用于装饰烧制后宽度达1200 mm 的各类瓷砖)之外,Intesa也专注于设计一款专门用 于装饰超大规格陶瓷板材的数字打印机,可安装在 萨克米集团的Continua+生产线上。DHD 1808数字 打印机,最大打印宽度为1882


道,为与Continua+生产周期相融合,其在技术、 结构和功能特征方面进行了专门设计。DHD 1808数 字打印机的每个通道都配有独立的清洁系统,因此 可设定每块瓷砖输送间隔时间内的通道清洗周期, 不需暂停生产进行清洁。 鉴于数字技术为装饰领域带来了巨大的利益,整个 陶瓷行业也在努力拓宽数字技术的应用范围。特别 是特殊材料的应用为传统装饰工艺在美学上带来了 全新的可能,其自然纹理、颜色和效果都日益丰富 多样。然而,由于这些材料依然是基于溶剂的,且 粒径为亚微米级,因此通常具有成本高、应用潜力

focus on digital glazing & decoration

nology offers for the decoration stage, the entire ceramic sector is striving to expand digital applications. In particular, special materials are being used to bring new aesthetic possibilities to the traditional decoration process, including increasingly rich natural textures, colours and effects. However, as these materials are still solvent-based and have a sub-micron particle size, they often have the drawback of high costs and limited application potential. To be able to produce tiles with the real material look and feel that cannot be achieved using inks alone, Intesa has developed the new HW printing technology for controlled application of ceramic glazes. HW technology can apply water-based glazes with particle sizes greater than 3 microns (range 3 - 12 micron). It is capable of depositing glazes in quantities of between 200 and 1000 grams per square metre for either fullfield applications (engobes, textures) or specific spot applications integrated with traditional ink decoration. Initially designed and developed in the Sacmi Group’s research laboratories, HW is now brought to the ceramic industry by Xaar with the brand new Xaar 001 printhead, featured on Intesa’s Glazejet and DHW series digital printers. The Glazejet 330 laboratory plotter, complete with a printing station and DropWatcher system, has already been adopted by numerous glaze and colour producers for their glaze research and development activities. The Glazejet 1000 plotter is suitable for prototyping and developing large-size products. During Tecnargilla 2014, Intesa also unveiled the DHW 700 digital printer, the first single-pass digital machine for operation in a continuous industrial process. DHW can be synchronised with conventional inkjet printers and allows a fully digitalised glazing and decoration line to be created.

为保证瓷砖生产具有真实的材质外观和触感(单靠 墨水不能实现),Intesa研发了全新的HW打印技 术,以解决陶瓷釉料应用受限的问题。HW技术可应 用于粒径大小超过3微米(通常为3微米至12微米) 的水基釉料中。无论是全区域喷涂(底釉和纹理) 还是结合传统墨水装饰的特殊区域喷涂,该技术能 够在每平方米沉积200到1000克重量不等的釉料。 作为萨克米集团研究实验室最初设计和研发的技 术,HW如今被赛尔公司引进陶瓷行业,开发了全 新的赛尔001喷头,集中了Intesa Glazejet和DHW 系列数字打印机的特点。Glazejet 330实验室绘图 仪配有打印系统和墨滴喷射观测系统,现已被众多 釉料和颜料生产商采用,用于其釉料研究和开发活 动。Glazejet1000绘图仪适用于大型产品的原型设 计和开发。 在2014里米尼陶瓷技术装备展上,Intesa也发布了 DHW 700数字打印机,该打印机为第一台单程数字 打印机,可用于工业工艺的连续操作。DHW可实现 与传统喷墨打印机的同步功能,允许开创完全数字 化的施釉和装饰线。

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Esmalglass-Itaca, new digital solutions for the ceramic tile market Armando Meletti, Alessandro Ferrari, Esmalglass-Itaca Group

Esmalglass-Itaca——为瓷砖市场提供新型数字解决方案 The digital revolution in the ceramic industry that began with pigmented inks now offers enormous production and economic benefits for ceramic floor and wall tile manufacturers. But why consider only the advantages of digital decoration when ceramic is far more than this? Ceramic is a combination of textures, contrasts, brightness and different surfaces that are achieved through the application of material. And if this material can be applied using a digital system capable of performing decoration and glazing simultaneously and in a synchronized manner, this will bring further benefits alongside the many advantages already offered by digital technology. This is why Esmalglass-Itaca set its sights on developing materials for digital application. After many years of research and experimentation, it has finally developed two new groups of products that can be applied to ceramic surfaces using digital systems: Digital Effects and Digital Materials. These two families complement the already wide “Digitalinks” range of digital inks that our customers have been using to decorate their products for years. These two families of products are designed to give customers the opportunity to create an entirely digital process. The “Digital Effects” series consists of submicron products suitable for use with today’s printheads, nanometre-scale particles whose particle size distribution ensures excellent physical stability along with optimum performance. This category comprises materials that complement the decoration and create special effects. These include: a white effect used for decoration or as a base for digital inks; a transparent shiny effect designed to create contrasting matte-gloss areas; and a transparent matte glaze that creates small variations of level in the base glaze, resulting in micro-reliefs. The “Digital Material” series consists of micron products designed for use with the new high-discharge printheads. They allow for material application weights well above 100 g/m2 and as high as 1 kg/m2 or more. They are water-based materials with a particle size greater than 3 microns. This larger particle size with respect to submicron materials has a direct influence on the ceramic effect, resulting in digitally deposited application weights that are comparable with the quantities currently deposited by bells, flat screen printing machines, rollers and fumés. These products also have a significantly lower price than submicron materials, which is essential for industrial operation with high application weights. These two factors have made a key contribution to the feasibility of a fully digital ceramic production process. The Digital Material family includes: matte white, transparent white, transparent matte satin, crystal and metallic for monoporosa tiles and porcelain, and a lustre. These products can be applied full field in thick layers, before or after deco-

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陶瓷行业的数字革命源于着色墨水的使用,为陶瓷地 砖和墙砖生产商带来了巨大的生产效益和经济效益。 但其实陶瓷喷墨工艺的优势远不止于此,为何不考虑 呢?因为陶瓷结合了纹理、对比度、明亮度以及不同 表面等要素,需要通过材料的喷涂来实现。如果该材 料能够通过一种可以同时装饰和施釉的数字系统以同 步的方式进行喷涂,除了数字技术已有的诸多好处之 外,还会带来更多的利益。 这也是为何EsmalglassItaca会将其目光放在开发用 于数字喷涂的材料之上。经 过多年的研究和实验,公司 最终研发出了两组全新产品,可使用数字系统在瓷砖 表面喷印。即:数字效果与数字材料。这两大产品家 族补充了我们目前广泛使用的“Digitalinks”系列数 字墨水,我们的客户多年来一直使用该墨水装饰他们 的产品。这两大产品家族的设计,让客户有机会创造 一套完整的数字工艺。 “数字效果”系列由亚微米产品构成,该产品适用于 当今使用的喷头以及纳米级粒子,其粒径分布在保证 优良的物理稳定性的同时,提供了最佳的性能。该类 别由用于补充装饰和创造特殊效果的材料构成。具体 包括:起装饰作用或作为数字墨水基底的白效果,用 于形成亚光对比区的透明光泽效果、用于在基底釉料 上制造不同细微变化,形成小型浮雕的透明亚光墨 水。 “数字材料”系列由适用于新型高喷量喷头的微米产 品构成。其允许的材料可实现喷墨量大大超过100 g/m 2, 高达1


材料。就亚微米材料而言,较大粒径会对陶瓷效果造 成直接影响,进而产生数字沉积喷涂重量,该重量堪 比旋转杯、平板丝网印花机、辊筒和幻彩机所产生的 沉积重量。相比亚微米材料,这些产品的成本更加低 廉,是进行高应用权重工业操作的必备材料。这两大 要素为实现完全数字化陶瓷生产工艺的可行性做出了 重要贡献。 数字材料系列包括:亚光白、透明白、透明亚光、用 于釉面内墙砖和陶瓷的水晶效果和金属效果。这些产 品可适用于全区域厚涂层、装饰前后、或与用于制造 厚度效果的剩余工艺同步的明确设计,以及丝网打印 或辊筒。它们甚至可以被用于制造浮雕,而用目前的 工艺只能通过模具压制实现。可用于与现有方法相同

focus on digital glazing & decoration

ration, or as clearly defined designs synchronized with the rest of the process to create thickness effects, as with screen printing or rollers. They can even be used to create reliefs, an operation that is currently only possible with a press mould. They allow for the same kinds of applications as existing methods but with all the productivity advantages of digital technology.


Esmalglass-Itaca has been studying and developing these kinds of materials for a number of years; they first came to public notice when the company won the Alfa de Oro award at Cevisama 2011 and consequently patented its high discharge digital micron glazes. Both type of materials, micron and sub-micron, are designed for application on all kinds of tiles: monoporosa, porcelain, stoneware, double-firing, etc. All compositions have been optimized to meet the aesthetic and technical characteristics required by today’s ceramic industry while maintaining the high colour performance of Esmalglass-Itaca pigmented inkjet inks.


Using a fully digital process with the materials that EsmalglassItaca is offering the market brings countless advantages, including improvements to products and benefits in terms of the production process and management. Aesthetic advantages include new finishes and structures and a simpler development process. The benefits regarding production and management include a shorter production line, faster new product development times, reduction or elimination of the expendable supplies of traditional decorations, greater flexibility and speed in model changeover and a smaller number of colour tones, resulting in simpler warehousing operations. Last but not least, the Digital Solutions family from EsmalglassItaca consist of more than just digital colour - they decorate tiles by actually applying a layer of material. This gives tile manufactures and designers the opportunity to create products that are clearly differentiated and are manufactured using a fully digital process. In its renovated showroom in Villarreal, Esmalglass-Itaca Group is also presenting an exclusive display area for largeformat tiles, from 240x120 cm up to 320x160 cm or larger, with a variety of sizes obtained by cutting the large panels. Decoration can be performed before or after compaction, for which purpose Esmalglass-Itaca offers a highly comprehensive range of products: colours to be applied to the earths, atomized glaze and flakes to produce a richly coloured body; the above-mentioned inks, digital effects and materials, up to glazes, colours, grits and granules to obtain extremely natural looking or highly polished finishes.

Esmalglass-Itaca多年来一直致力于该类材料的研发 工作。2011年,它们首次面世,便帮助该公司在西 班牙瓦伦西亚展上获得Alfa de Oro奖,并随后获得 了高喷量数字微米釉料的专利。微米和亚微米这两大 类材料都可应用于各种瓷砖:釉面内墙砖、瓷质砖、 以满足当今陶瓷行业要求的美学和技术特性,同时保 持了Esmalglass-Itaca颜料型喷墨墨水的高度色彩性 能。 使用Esmalglass-Itaca提供给市场的材料进行完全数 字化工艺,可以带来无尽的好处,就生产工艺和管理 而言,可以促进产品提升,产生效益。也具有美学优 点,如新型表面材料和结构以及更简单的开发工艺。 就生产和管理而言的利益有:较短的生产线、较快的 全新产品研发时间、减少或消除传统装饰消耗品的使 用、具有更大的灵活性、实现快速模型切换、较少 的色调数量、更加简单的仓储管理。最为重要的一 点,Esmalglass-Itaca开发的数字解决方案系列由多 种数字颜色构成——可实际运用一层材料对瓷砖进行 装饰。这可以使瓷砖制造商和设计人员有机会开发差 异化产品,并使用完全的数字化工艺制造。 在Esmalglass-Itaca集团维拉里尔(Villarreal)重 新布置的陈列室中,也为大规格瓷砖(从240x120 cm到320x160


区,里面陈列了通过切割大块陶瓷板材产生的各种 类型瓷砖。装饰可以在密封之前或密封之后进行, 为此,Esmalglass-Itaca提供了一系列非常全面的 产品。将多样颜色应用于陶瓷土、雾化釉料和薄片, 生产色彩丰富的砖体;采用上述墨水、数字效果和材 料,结合釉料、色彩、粗磨粉和颗粒,实现极其自然 的外观效果或光洁度高的表面。

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The second digital revolution in the ceramic industry: rediscovering material Jose Vicente Tomas Claramonte, Kerajet

陶瓷产业的第二次数字革命:重新发现材料 A leader in the field of inkjet digital printing solutions for ceramics with more than 1500 machines installed worldwide, Kerajet is now introducing a revolutionary new printing process that uses proprietary printheads to deposit liquid glazes and powdered grits in quantities that would previously have been unthinkable. This innovative technology takes the form of K8 and K9 printheads, designed and produced at the facility in Almazora (Spain). These printheads incorporate cutting-edge technology and aim to make the ceramic tile glazing and decoration process entirely digital. The printheads for K8 glazes are produced in 3 different sizes capable of depositing up to 4000 g/m² of liquid material in full grayscale (256 levels) and with a vertical resolution of 50 dpi. The required particle size is the same as a standard water-based glaze. The K9 printhead introduces a new concept for applying solid powders directly onto the ceramic material, also in full grayscale at 50 dpi. It can deposit grits and spray-dried products with a particle size of 200 micron (up to 300 micron) with a total application weight of 300 g/m². The K8 and K9 printheads are mounted on the Kerajet A1 machine (sold under the “Kerajet slave” trademark), which features special systems to standardise the application process and minimise drying and fixing problems. It can mount up to 5 independent bars of K8 or K9 printheads with a printing width of up to 1400 mm. In spite of its small size, “Kerajet slave” can deliver high-level performance on a par with that of “Kerajet Master”, with which it coordinates perfectly. This make it the ideal machine for creating a 100% digital ceramic tile production line. The line might for example consist of the following components:

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Kerajet是陶瓷数字喷墨打印行业的领 军者,在全球共装备了超过1500台机 器。Kerajet现推出了一个革命性的新型 打印工艺,采用能存放大量液体喷釉和 干粒的专有喷头;这在从前是难以想象 的。这一创新技术采用了在Almazora(西班牙) 工厂设计和生产的K8和K9喷头。 这些喷头包含尖端技术,旨在将瓷砖施釉和装饰工 艺完全数字化。 K8喷釉有三种不同尺寸的喷头,在全灰等级(256 级)下能够喷印多达4000 g/m²的液体材料,同时 垂直分辨率为50 dpi。所需的粒径与标准水基釉料 相同。 K9喷头引入了一种新的概念,将固体粉末直接喷 涂到陶瓷材料上,同样是全灰度,垂直分辨率为 50


300微米)的喷雾干燥颗粒,总喷墨重量为300 g/m²。 将K8和K9喷头安装到Kerajet A1打印机上(销售 采用的商标为“Kerajet


具有特殊系统,能规范喷涂工艺并最大化减少干燥 和修理问题。最多可安装5个独立K8或K9喷头,打 印宽度高达1400mm。 尽管体积小,但“Kerajet


和“Kerajet Master”比肩的高性能,并能和它完 美协调。这些都使得它成为制造100%数字瓷砖生 产线的理想机器。举例来说,生产线可能由以下各 部分构成: 1.“Kerajet esmalt”:安装K8喷头的“Kerajet

focus on digital glazing & decoration

1. “Kerajet esmalt”: the “Kerajet slave” version fitted with K8 printheads for water-based glaze application, with 5 glazes per machine; it can perform selective glazing (synchronised with decoration) to create textures and relief, as well as gloss and matt effects; it can also apply special glazes and coloured screen printing pastes; 2. Kerajet solid”: the “Kerajet slave” version fitted with K9 printheads, designed for grit application (solid particles of size <300 micron), with 5 grits per machine; it can perform selective decoration (synchronised with other applications) to create textures and relief, as well as gloss and matt effects; it can also apply special grits and coloured and protective screen printing pastes; 3. “Kerajet Master” with K4 and K6 printheads and 12 inks in-machine is the ideal printer for selective digital decoration synchronised with other applications; 4. “Kerajet next” printer, likewise with K4 and K6 printheads, allows for 6 additional applications during the decoration stage (textures and reliefs, gloss and matt effects, penetrating effects and metallic colours); 5. A second “Kerajet solid” used in this stage for the application of protective layers; 6. “Kerajet visio”, a scanner used for print quality control. Thanks to the unlimited potential and advantages of digital printing, the Kerajet digital line ensures total control of the production lines, from the pressed tile through to firing. It is fully synchronised and can perform decoration using soluble pigmented inks to achieve special effects or metallic surfaces while applying glazes and grits to replicate the unique look and feel of ceramic material. At the same time it considerably simplifies production lines and allows up to 48 synchronised applications to be performed on the same tile.

slave”版本,用于喷涂水基釉,每台打印机装 有五种釉料;能够进行选择性喷釉(与装饰同 步进行),创造纹理、浮雕,以及亮光和亚光效 果;同时还能用于喷涂特殊釉料和彩色丝网打 印浆。 2.“Kerajet


slave”版本,用于喷涂砂料(<300微米的固 体 颗 粒 ),每 台 打 印 机 装 有 五 种 砂 料 ; 能 够 进 行选择性装饰(与其他应用同步进行),创造纹 理、浮雕,以及亮光和亚光效果;同时还能用 于喷涂特殊砂料和保护丝网打印浆。 3. 装 配 K 4 和 K 6 喷 头 , 并 且 自 带 1 2 种 墨 水 的“Kerajet Master”,是选择性数字印花装饰 配合其他应用的理想打印机。 4. 同样安装K4和K6喷头的“Kerajet next”打印 机在装饰阶段可进行6个附加喷涂应用(纹理、 浮雕、光泽、亚光、透明效果和金属色彩)。 5. 在此阶段使用第二个“Kerajet


来喷涂保护层。 6. “Kerajet visio”:一台用于打印质量控制的扫 描仪。 由于数字打印的无限潜力和优势,Kerajet数字线 确保了对从压制成型到烧制的整个生产线的总控制。 它具有完全同步功能,能够一边采用可溶着色墨水 创造特殊效果或金属表面,一边运用喷釉和喷砂复 制陶瓷材料独特的外观和触感。 同时,它还很大程度地简化了生产线,并允许多达 48个喷涂应用在同一瓷砖上同步进行 。

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High-impact digital tile decoration technology Giovanni Affinito, Silvia Giusti, TecnoExamina

影响力极大的数字瓷砖装饰技术 Digital ceramic tile decoration is seeing unprecedented growth as new technologies are developed to complement traditional printers. In this context, TecnoFerrari Group member company TecnoExamina is presenting its new VivaJet® product line, a new benchmark for the ceramic industry in terms of performance, ease of use and reliability. This new range of printers is designed for high-intensity colours and for the application of digital effects and glazes.The outstanding printing performance of VivaJet® is guaranteed by the innovative Xaar1002 GS6, Xaar1002 GS12 and Xaar1002 GS40 printheads, which can deliver inks with 3 times larger solid particles and are able to maintain high printing quality by doubling the application weight. Characteristics include: • extremely high printing uniformity; • extremely high printing precision, with 6 or 12 pl drop; • 360 dpi and 4 dpd up to 40 m/min. with maximum application weight; • maximum intensity for colours and effects (up to 160 pl for GS40). The VivaJet® printer, complete with a new frame with integrated by-pass and available for sizes up to 1.4 m (model L), houses up to 8 colour bars with the exclusive all-in-front layout capable of reducing dimensions by 20% and guaranteeing the maximum ease of access to all components. It also has an external unit for filtration, suction and pressurisation of the printing compartment and a new cleaning carriage. The new colour bar, with its patented double ink recirculation system approved by Xaar (TF Technology™), guarantees outstanding reliability with high ink demand and high line speeds. The integrated by-pass system allows printing or maintenance to be performed without difficulty during nondigital production without having to stop the line, keeping the printheads protected and avoiding conveyor belt wear. The GigaBit-Ethernet electronics and V6 software increase the available graphic memory by a factor of 8 and the processing speed by a factor of 3. It is possible to print a different job from the one in production or make changes on-the-fly without having to stop the line. The VivaJet® range also includes: • VivaJet®-DF which allows for totally independent asynchronous management of double and single row production runs, even of tiles of different sizes.

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随着新技术的开发,瓷砖数码装饰工艺极大的补充 了传统打印机的不足,并在见证前所未有的发展。 在此背景下,TecnoFerrari集团成员公司 T e c n o E x a m i n a 展 示 了 其 全 新 的 V i v a J e t ®产 品 线——它在性能、易用性和可靠性方面都是陶瓷行 业的新标杆,同时也可使用水基墨水。该全新的打 印机系列是为高强度色彩以及数字特效以及喷釉而 专门设计的。创新型的Xaar1002 GS6、Xaar1002 GS12、Xaar1002 GS40喷头不仅可以喷出比固体 颗粒大三倍的墨滴,还能通过使施釉量加倍维持较 高的打印质量,从而保证了VivaJet ®的卓越打印性 能。其拥有的特性包括: • 超高的印刷均匀性 • 超高的印刷精度,6或12pl墨滴。 • 360 dpi 和 4 dpd下,速度可达40 m/min,同时 具有最大施釉量。 • 最高强度的颜色和效果 (GS40高达160 pl) V i v a J e t ®打 印 机 配 备 全 新的集成旁路机架,打印 尺寸达1.4 m(L型号), 内部装有多达8个通道, 且独有的前置布局能够 节约20%的尺寸,并最大 程度地保证轻松接触所有 组件。它还有一个外部装 置,用于打印隔间的过 滤、吸墨和加压,还有一 个全新的清洁托架。新的 通道获得了赛尔公司(TF 科技™)批准的双墨水循 环系统专利,保证了在高墨水需求和高线路速度下 出色的可靠性。集成旁路系统允许在非数字生产期 间无需停止生产线即可轻松进行打印或维护,能够 保护喷头且避免传送带磨损。 千兆以太网的电子设备和V6软件将可用的图形存储 器容量翻了8倍,处理速度翻了三倍。无需停止生 产线,即可从正在作业的设备上进行不同的打印或 在临近备用设备上进行更改。VivaJet®系列包括: • VivaJet ® -DF允许对不同大小瓷砖的双线和单线 生产进行完全独立的异步管理。 • VivaJet ®-4:该型号可满足多元化需求:扩大现 有打印机对喷涂效果(渗透、亚光、亮光)或使

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• VivaJet®-4, a model capable of meeting various needs: expansion of an existing printer for application of effects (penetrating, matt, gloss) or for the use of precious metals (gold, platinum, lustres) on third firing lines, and last but not least for emerging digital glazing applications. • VivaJet®TV, the definitive solution for decorating trim pieces which can be used alone or in conjunction with VivaJet® to decorate the surfaces and sides of corner profiles, bullnose pieces, corners and skirting. VivaJet® comes with numerous accessories: VivaSafe, VivaScan, VivaCheck, VivaDot, VivaBlock and VivaAlert. In parallel with the presentation of the new range of printers, TecnoExamina is also unveiling the new version of the GeCo®V6 colour management suite. GeCo®V6 is a colour management package with a guided and intuitive workflow that offers an array of key characteristics for the printing stage: completion percentage, colour accuracy, gamut warning, colour curve management, ink saver, consumption management by channel, and tone correction. GeCo®V6 is able to control production lines with multiple synchronised printers (decoration, effects, glazes) in order to create a truly automated full digital architecture. Profile management is based on the ICC V4 standard, the only standard recognised for profiling, and is able to operate with three-colour, four-colour or multichannel processes. This allows for complete freedom in using acquisition and profiling tools (supplied on request) so as to find the most appropriate solution according to the needs of the ceramic company’s internal research department, of the external graphic design firm or of the colour and glaze producer. GeCo®V6, which can now boast close to a hundred installations, allows for superior distribution and channel separation and improved contrast and drop distribution, resulting in higher production quality. It is also an essential part of the product digitalisation process and is crucial for determining the limits of a given digital line. This new version has a faster and extremely intuitive interface, enhanced by a graphic correction tool capable of creating, analysing and correcting up to 8 variants of the same design and applying the automatically proposed ink-saver strategies, bringing ink savings of up to 50%. Tecnoferrari Group is firmly committed to research and analysis for creating and developing new technologies, new fluids and new applications that meet present and future needs.

用贵金属(黄金、铂金、光泽彩料)的需求在第 三烧制线上的使用,以及同样重要的,对新兴数 字喷釉技术的扩展。 • VivaJet ® TV是腰线装饰用的最终解决方案,既 可以单独使用,也可以与VivaJet ® 一同使用, 装饰墙角装饰型材、卡扣件、墙角和踢脚线的表 面和侧面。 V i v a J e t ®安 装 有 大 量 附 件 : V i v a S a f e 、 V i v a S can、VivaCheck、VivaDot、VivaBlock

VivaAlert。 在推出新系列打印机的同时,TecnoExamina还 推出了GeCo®V6色彩管理软件的新版本。 GeCo®V6是一个色彩管理包,有指导性和直观性 的工作流程,在打印阶段具备一组关键特征:任 务完成百分比、色彩精确度、色域警告、色彩曲 线管理、省墨模式、按渠道消耗管理和色调校正。 GeCo ® V6能够控制配备了多个同步打印机(装 饰、效果、喷釉)的生产线,以创造一个真正自 动化的全数字架构。色彩特征性管理基于ICC V4 标准,这是公认的用于色彩特征分析的唯一标 准,且能够进行三色、四色或多通道操作进程。 这可为采集和分析工具(应要求提供)带来完全 的自由,以便根据陶瓷公司内部研究部门、外部 图形设计公司或颜色和釉料生产商的需求,找到 最合适的解决方案。 GeCo®V6现已安装近百台,它具有更优的墨水分 布和通道分离,同时改善了对比度和墨滴分布, 从而提高了生产质量。它也是产品数字化过程的 一个重要组成部分,对于确定给定的数字线路的 限制至关重要。该新版本有更快和极其直观的界 面,由图形校正工具进一步优化。该工具能够创 建、分析和校正同一设计的8个不同变量,并采用 自动建议墨水节省模式,能够节省高达50%的墨 水。 Tecnoferrari集团坚定地致力于对创造和开发满足 当下和未来需求的新技术、新液体和新应用的研 究和分析。

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Advanced colour management solutions for Silvano Filippi, Colourservice ceramic digital decoration

先进的陶瓷数字装饰色彩管理解决方案 The rapid growth in digital ceramic decoration technologies has brought considerable benefits for the tile production process worldwide. Considering their complexity, however, these technologies must be managed effectively in order to make best use of digital decoration systems and to optimise the timeframes and costs of research and production. To help ceramic companies achieve this difficult goal, Smaltochimica group, through its subsidiary Colourservice, offers services, consulting, training and software and hardware solutions, backed by a high degree of expertise and professionalism. Colourservice has long been distributing traditional colorimetric software solutions tailored to the ceramic market and has built on this past experience to develop suitable applications and devices for digital colour management in the ceramic industry. The centrepiece of the Colourservice range consists of its hyperspectral scanners such as the Scanner1000 and Scanner Mini. Ideal for scanning large or small original specimens, they deliver high performance and are the perfect solution for graphic design firms, ceramic companies’ internal research departments and contractors. These two machines make precise measurements of test charts so as to determine the colour profile of the ceramic production conditions. Both scanners operate most effectively when combined with the Colour Profiler software, although the software can also be used on commercial spectrophotometers already available on the market. The Colourservice software solution allows for optimal profiling of the ceramic production conditions (printer, ink, glaze, firing conditions) by creating a linearization chart (individual ink analysis), a chart to check the total quantity of ink (TIL, Total Ink Limit) and a profiling chart which mixes the individual inks to determine the gamut or colour profile of the analysed ceramic production conditions. This information enables the colour management software to immediately analyse the graphic files (or scans) and generate a precise preview of the finished result. It provides a graphic and percentage indication of the reproducible tones and enables them to be corrected immediately. This guarantees the best printing result in the shortest possible time using any type of digital decorating machine loaded with inks from any col-

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陶瓷数字装饰技术的快速发展为全球的瓷砖生产带 来了可观的收益。但是,考虑到其复杂性,这些技术 必须得到有效管理,以便最好地利用数字化装饰系 统,并优化时间安排以及研究和生产成本。 为 帮 助 陶 瓷 企 业 实 现 这 一 艰 巨 目 标 ,S m a l t o c h i m i c a 集 团 通 过 其 子 公 司 Colourservice,在高度专业知识和专业能力的支持 下,提供服务、咨询、培训以及软硬件解决方案。 Colourservice长期向陶瓷市场提供量身打造的传 统比色软件解决方案,并在过往经验的基础上为陶 瓷工业的数字色彩管理开发合适的应用与设备。 Colourservice产品范围的核心为其高光谱扫描仪, 例如Scanner1000 和 Scanner Mini等。它是扫描 不同大小的原始样本的理想扫描仪,具有高性能,是 提供给图形设计公司、陶瓷公司的内部研究部门以 及承包商的完美解决方案。 这两台扫描仪对测试图进行精确测量,以便根据陶 瓷生产条件确定其颜色剖面。这两台扫描仪都能在 结合色彩分析软件的同时有效 运作,尽管该软件也 可用于市场上已有的商业分光光度计上。 Co l o u r s e r v i ce 软件解 决方案能通 过创 建一 个线 性化图(单独的墨水分析),一个用于检查墨水总量 (TIL,墨水总量限制)的图表,和一个混合了多种单 独墨水的、用于确定所分析的陶瓷生产条件的色域 或色彩分析的分析图表,对陶瓷生产条件(打印机、 墨水、釉料、烧制条件)进行最佳分析。 该信息能帮助色彩管理软件迅速地分析图形文件(或

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our producer. There are no limitations in terms of the number or order of inks in the machine. Colourservice software also addresses ceramic digital printing problems, helping ceramic companies correct their graphic files in response to changes in printing results so as to quickly re-establish a unique colour that meets production standards. The ability to make these corrections quickly and precisely is an important requirement for tile manufacturers. Knowing that the final tone of the product can be maintained, it is less problematic to transfer print files from one ceramic production context to another (different facility, line, printer, glaze or inks). These functions will enable Colour Profiler software - potentially combined with the hyperspectral scanner - to rapidly become a vital tool for the graphics and production departments, allowing them to manage research and production times effectively and reliably. Tools for controlling and determining digital printing issues must be seen as a top priority for ceramic companies, enabling them to manage digital technologies with ever greater autonomy.

扫描件),并生成一个完成结果的准确预览。它能够以 图形和百分比的形式显示可复制的色调,并能使它们立 即得到纠正。这保证了在最短时间内,不论使用任何类 型、配置任何墨水的数字印花机,都能达到最佳的打印 效果。对机器中墨水的数量和顺序没有限制。 Colourservice软件还解决了陶瓷数字打印问题,帮助 陶瓷企业根据印刷效果更正其图形文件,以便更好地建 立一个能够满足生产标准的独特颜色。 对于瓷砖制造商而言,快速并精确做出修正的能力是对 其一项重要要求。 在知道产品的最终色调可被保持的情况下,将打印文件 从一个陶瓷生产环节转移到另一个(不同的工厂、生产 线、打印机、釉料或墨水)所产生的问题会较少。 这些功能将使色彩分析软件— —可能与高光谱扫描仪 结合,迅速成为图形设计部门和生产部门的重要工具, 帮助他们有效地、可靠地管理研发和生产时间。 陶瓷企业必须将用于控制和确定数字打印问题的工具 视作一项头等大事,因为这种工具可以帮助他们在管理 数字技术上有前所未有的自主权。

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Digital glazes Davide Maccaferri, Sibelco Europe

数字喷釉 The Sibelco Group, a business operating in the natural raw materials sector, was founded in 1872. Today it has more than 208 production sites located in 41 countries worldwide and a total workforce of 10,500 employees. The Group offers a wide range of products for digital glaze production, including Silica and Quartz Sands, Clays, Kaolins, Feldspars and Nepheline, Wollastonite, Alumina Trihydrate (ATH), Calcined Alumina and Natural Oxides. All products are quarried and milled at Sibelco Group facilities: Geertruidenberg (Holland), where Sibelco Mineral Plus materials are produced (e.g. ATH, Wollastonite and Petalite); Devon (UK), where clays and kaolins are quarried and milled for use in engobe and glaze formulations for conventional glazing technologies; and the quarries in Westerwald and Eastern Germany (Seilitz region) and in the Czech Republic (Hlubany). To offer even closer support to ceramic tile producers, Sibelco Europe has also set up facilities in the two largest European ceramic clusters - Castellón in Spain and Sassuolo in Italy. In Spain, the facilities at Utiel and Nules specialise in the milling of quartz, feldspar and nepheline, while in Italy the facilities at Poviglio, Colombara and Sessa Aurunca produce quartz, feldspar, wollastonite, ATH, nepheline, clay and kaolins. Given the many different fields of application of these products, a wide range of particle size distributions are required. Sibelco Group uses cutting-edge milling technology to meet these various needs. In particular, four product types are available for digital glaze producers. • Silverbond Quartz: Obtained by milling a raw material with a high silica content, these products are highly consistent in terms of their chemical composition and particle size distribution; the particle sizes available for the various products range from a minimum D50 of around 2.0 microns (Silverbond SA800ES) up to a maximum of around 50 microns (Silverbond SA4K). • Clays and Kaolins: These products are already widely used in engobe and glaze formulations and are obtained by selecting the best layers of clay present at Sibelco’s various quarries; they stand out in particular for their stability and controlled rheological characteristics, as well as their consistent chemical analysis (high content of Al2O3) and white colour after firing; they are available shredded, noodled or in powder form (puraflo) with a D50 particle size below 5 microns. • Feldspars and Nepheline: A wide range of fluxes are also available. The Unispar series stands out for its high grinding level and consists of two products with a D50 of 4 and 7 microns, an Na2O content greater than 10% and a low content of Fe2O3 (around 0.10%). When a greater

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矽比科集团(Sibelco)成立于1872年,是一家 经营天然原料的企业。今天,它在全球41个国家 已经有超过208个生产基地,员工总数达到10500 人。集团提供各种不同的用于电子喷釉生产的产 品,包括硅、石英砂、粘土、高岭土、长石、霞 石、硅灰石、三水合氧化铝(ATH)、煅烧氧化铝 和天然氧化物。 所有产品均在矽比科集团的工厂进行开采和加 工。Sibelco Mineral Plus系列材料(如:三水合 氧化铝、硅灰石和透锂长石)是在海特勒伊登贝赫 (荷兰)生产的;传统喷釉技术所需的化妆土和釉 料配方中的粘土和高岭土是在德文郡(英国)开 采和加工的;开采是在维斯瓦特和东德(Seilitz地 区)以及捷克共和国(Hlubany)进行的。 为了更近地支持瓷砖生产商,矽比科(欧洲)还 在欧洲两个最大的陶瓷集群地——西班牙的卡斯 特利翁和意大利的萨索罗设立了工厂。在西班牙, 位于乌铁尔和努莱斯的工厂专 门从事石英、长石和霞石加 工;而在意大利,位于波维 廖、Colombara和塞萨奥伦 卡的工厂生产石英、长石、硅 灰石、三水合氧化铝、霞石、 粘土和高岭土。鉴于这些产品是应用在许多不同的 领域了,因此需要一个大范围的粒径分布。矽比科 集团采用先进的加工技术,以满足各种需求。有四 类产品尤其可供数字釉料生产商使用。 • 高 纯 石 英 粉 ( S i l v e r b o n d ) : 通 过 加 工 获 得 的 原料具有高二氧化硅含量,这些产品在其化学组 成和粒径分布上高度一致;各种产品的可用粒 径的范围从D50的大约20微米(Silverbond


800ES)到最大约50微米(Silverbond SA4K)。 • 粘土和高岭土:这些产品已广泛应用于釉底料和 釉料配方中,并从矽比科现有的各个矿场中筛选 出最好的粘土层来进行开采;它们特别突出的优 点在于其稳定性和控制流变特性,以及其保持一 致的化学成分(高Al 2 O 3 含量)和在烧制后呈现

的白色;它们可切丝、切条或研磨成粉状,粒径 为低于5微米的D50。 • 长石和霞石:提供各式溶剂。Unispar系列有突 出的高研磨水平,包括两个产品,其具有粒径 分别为4微米和7微米的D50,高Na 2O含量,高 于10%和低Fe 2 O 3 含量(大约0.10%)。当需要

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total alkali content is required, Norwegian Nepheline (Spectrum series products) is the most widely used (with a sum of Na2O and K2O of around 15-16% and an Al2O3 content greater than 23%). Unispar and Spectrum series products are not subject to CLP regulation marking so they are particularly suitable for the production of unlabelled glazes and engobes. • Wollastonite and Alumina: already widely used in matt glaze formulations, Wollastonite Casiflux is available in different particle sizes with a D50 of 9 microns (Casiflux G20) or 16 microns (Casiflux G38). Other products used in glaze compositions include Alumina trihydrates from the Portafill series, with particle sizes ranging from a minimum of 4 microns (Portafill SG10) to a maximum of 12 microns (Portafill SG40) for milled products. Sibelco performs ongoing research with the aim of expanding the range of minerals available to the ceramic industry and thereby promote innovation and development of digital glazing technology.

更高的总碱含量时,挪威霞石(Spectrum系列 产 品 ) 是 使 用 最 广 泛 的 ( N a 2O 和 K 2O 的 总 和 为

大约15-16%,Al 2O 3含量大于23%)。Unispar和

Spectrum系列产品不受《欧盟物质和混合物的分 类、标签和包装法规》管制,因此它们特别适合 用于未标记的釉料和釉底料的生产。 • 硅灰石和氧化铝:已广泛应用于亚光釉料配方, 硅灰石硅酸钙存在于不同的粒径中,有粒径为9 微米(硅酸钙G20)或16微米(硅酸钙G38)的 D50。在釉组成物中使用的其他产品包括Portafill 系列的氧化铝三水合物,它的粒径范围为4微米 (Portafill SG10)到12微米(Portafill SG40), 用于铣材。 矽比科以扩展陶瓷行业可用矿物质范围为目标,开 展持续的研究,从而促进了数字喷釉技术的创新与 发展。 ADVERTISING



SMALTICERAM Digital printing has expanded rapidly in recent years and appears certain to become the main decoration system used in the ceramic industry in the near future. This innovation has had a major influence on technical and aesthetic tile trends at a global level, largely as a result of the precision that can be achieved with inkjet machines. Manufacturers and suppliers of materials conduct research aimed specifically at exploiting the full potential of inkjet printing. The first-generation printheads used for colour have now reached a virtually optimal level. The same applies to the inks, where the colour range that can be obtained with 5 print bars has reached an outstanding level. The “Smaltink ecosolutions” range from Smalticeram currently consists of 12 basic colours capable of generating all the colour tones of modern ceramic fourcolour printing. The development of new higher discharge printheads has opened up previously unimaginable scenarios in which materials other than coloured inks can be applied onto the tiles. Smalticeram’s research in this field has expanded the “Smaltink ecosolutions” range with the development of the SD Special Digital series, reagent compounds, micro-lustres, devitrifying mineral bases and mat-


ting micro pigments. SD Special Digital includes special digital materials capable of enhancing ceramic surfaces by creating extremely natural three-dimensional effects of outstanding quality. As a result of the combined digital application of colour and material, the “Smaltink ecosolutions” range offers ceramic tile producers a complete and effective tool for meeting the needs of an increasingly discerning and competitive market.

Cera mic W o rld Review ch inese edition 2015

近 几年数字 打印技 术迅 猛发展,看起来注定将在 不远的将来成为陶瓷业 的主要装饰系统。 这项创 新已对全 球瓷 砖 的技 术趋势和审美趋势 造成了重大影响,这主要 是由喷墨打印机 所能达 到的精度造成的。 原料生 产商和 提供商专 门就彻 底开发喷墨打印 的潜力展开了 研究。 第一代用于发 色墨水的喷头 事实上目前已 达到了最佳水 平。 墨水也呈现出 同 样 的 情 况 ,5 个 打 印 通道所能得 到的色域已 达到极高水 平。 “Smaltink ecosolutions” 技术来源于 Smalticeram, 目前包含了12

种 基 本色,这 些 颜 色可 以生成现代陶瓷四色打 印法中所有的色调。 新喷头具有更高的喷墨 量,它的发展使除发色墨 水以外的其他原料可以 应用于瓷砖上,打开了一 个 全 新的 领 域,而 这在 以前简直 是 无法 想 象 的。 Smalticeram在该领域 的 研 究极 大 的 拓 展 了“ S m a l t i n k ecosolutions”的范围, 研制出SD Special D ig ita l系列、试剂化合 物、微光技术、失透矿物 基础釉和亚光微色料。 SD Special Digital技术 包含特 殊的数字原料, 这种原料能产生非常优 质、自然的三维效果,从 而优化瓷制品的表面。 作为颜色和原料的数字 运 用 相 结 合 的 结 果 ,“ S m a l t i n k ecosolutions”系列为 瓷 砖 制 造 商 提 供了完 整、有效的工具,帮助制 造商满足眼光日益敏锐、 竞争日益 激烈的市场需 求。

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focus on digital glazing & decoration FRITTA The availability of new digital printing machines capable of achieving greater application weights has opened up new opportunities for ceramic tile production, including a wide range of effects, material applications and 3D graphic designs. Based on continuous R&D efforts, the new range of digital inks from Fritta delivers greater intensity and a wider colour gamut, allowing them to be used to decorate ceramic materials in the colours currently in greatest demand in the market. Surfaces, the new range of digital inks for ceramic effects, is being increasingly widely used in industrial ceramic processes. The range consists of submicronic materials which can be used with any kind of technology and with new printheads and are capable of adding value and exclusive appeal to ceramic tile collections in line with the latest creative trends. The Surfaces collection includes: • a flux effect capable of creating surface profiles and microreliefs; • clear matt and gloss inks, which create contrast and volume and can be combined with the flux to produce 3D effects with a wealth of details; • an extra-white ink which can be used to contrast with coloured bases or intensely coloured decorations; • a lustre effect (which can be used with printheads with application weights higher than 100 g/m2), an innovation in digital ceramic technology as it creates highly distinctive products; • a metallic eff e c t used for special decorat i o n s but also suitable for general use in wall tile production; • glue for grit applica-


tion, which can be used to create different textures and volumes synchronised with the graphic designs. The latest digital revolution from the leading printer manufacturers has led to the development of digital glazes which use the material as a base for subsequent decorations. Rather than just a surface covering, these glazes create texture and volume and can be combined to create the widest range of product types. This latest series of digital materials further enhances decorative potential, allowing for the development of exclusive and previously unimaginable creative offerings. Fritta has launched the Digital Glaze series which includes a clear gloss glaze, three different matt glazes (satin, rustic and matt) and a gloss-matt effect glaze for the production of monoporosa, red body stoneware and porcelain. The new series was developed for high-discharge printheads with application weights of between 200 and 1500 g/m2. In general these are water-based products with particle sizes of up to 25 microns and a high solids content. The application resolution is between 25 and 40 dpi, sufficient for the drop size. They are used in the first decoration process as base glazes and also for final applications, as in the case of protective glazes. The digital products available from Fritta also include series for dry digital decoration, which are used for creating textures, relief and clearly defined volumes.

Cera mic W o rld Review ch inese edition 2015

拥有更大施釉重量的数码 打印机的使用,为瓷砖生 产开启新机遇,包括丰富 的色彩效果,材料应用及 3D图形设计。经过不断 的努力,Fritta 研发出色 彩饱和度更高,色域更广 的新型数字墨水,能在陶 瓷材料上印出目前市场需 求量最大的颜色。 Surfaces是一种全新的数 字墨水系列,可以用来制 造陶瓷效果,目前正广泛 地应用于工业陶瓷加工。 其应用范围包扩亚微米材 料。亚微米材料可与任何 技术及新型喷头一同使 用,并且符合最新的创意 潮流,能让瓷砖更具价值 及吸引力。 Surfaces系列具有: • 助熔效果,能够塑造轮 廓并形成微浮雕; • 透明亚光墨水及亮光墨 水,能形成色彩对比及 凸起,加之其助熔作 用,能形成细节丰富的 3D效果; • 特白墨水,能与有色背 景或色彩浓烈的装饰物 形成对比; • 光泽效果(能与施釉重 量高于100 g/m2喷头起 使用),数字陶瓷技术 的一大创新,能创造出 与众不同的产品; • 金属效果,可用于特殊 装潢,也适用于普通墙

面贴砖生产; • 应用干粒所需的胶水, 可根据图形设计形成不 同纹理及凸出。 由打印机龙头生产商最新 发起的数字革命带动了数 字釉料的发展,数字釉料 能在本材料的基础上进行 后续装饰。这种釉料不仅 仅是表面涂料,还能产生 纹理和凸起,最大化地增 加产品类型。最新的数字 材料系列还能提高装饰潜 力,促进别具一格的,前 所未有的创意产品的开 发。 Fritta已推出Digital Glaze系列,该系列包括 一种透明亮光釉料、三种 不同的亚光釉料(缎面、 粗面及亚光)以及一种用 于一次烧成材料、红炽瓷 及瓷质砖的哑光亮光效果 釉料。新型釉料系列专为 施釉量为200到1500 g/ m 2 的高喷量喷头开发。 这些产品大体上均为水性 产品,粒径为25微米, 固体含量高。应用分辨率 为25到40 dpi,符合墨滴 尺寸。这些产品在首轮装 饰中用作基础釉料,也在 尾轮装饰中用作保护釉 料。 Fritta的数字产品还包含 了干粉数字装饰系列,用 于形成纹理、浮雕及明显 凸出效果。

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focus on digital glazing & decoration VETRICERAMICI Vetriceramici is continuing its tradition of investing in technological innovation for all types of products. Ever since it was founded, it has specialised in the production of grits and over the years has established an undisputed market leadership position. Vetriceramici’s frit kilns are specially designed to achieve perfect refining of the glass and to eliminate the risk of foreign matter inclusions. The granulation plants designed and built by Vetriceramici guarantee constant particle size distribution curves, low dust levels and the absence of metallic contaminants. The historic range of Vetriceramici grits includes: • Antireflective matt grits produced in a wide range of colours and with excellent technical characteristics, also suitable for honing and polishing, • HIGH-CROM grits with a high concentration of chromophore oxides, • Clear coloured glossy grits, • Clear, white and extra-white pearl effect grits, • White, yellow or fusion coloured titanium reagent grits, • Metallic grits, • White and extra-white, gloss and matt grits. These coloured grits are attracting fresh interest from the market, largely due to the advent of digital technology which enables them to be applied selectively to portions of the tile surface, thus improving the aesthetic quality of the tiles. Derived from glossy crystalline, these grits are very clear and are ideal for honing and polishing. Their transparency and


high gloss makes them particularly suitable for use as a finishing layer over dark coloured digital prints. The series of glossy grits was recently expanded with the addition of new products with a high coefficient of expansion for the production of large-format tiles with an excellent level of flatness. In particular, the BRP range of clear, anti-reflecting satin and matt technical grits stand out for their high abrasion and chemical resistance. Over the years Vetriceramici has expanded this series to make it the most comprehensive and highest performance range of products available on the international market. It consists of more than 20 different types of products with various calibrated particle sizes and is capable of meeting all requirements in terms of surface, colour development, expansion coefficient and application techniques, whether dry or in an aqueous suspension. All these grits are suitable for natural finishes, various degrees of matting (including complete non-slip) and for honed and polished surfaces.

Cera mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

Vetriceramici正秉承其 传统,不断对各类产品的 技术创新进行投资。公司 自成立起,就专攻砂料生 产,多年来已建立了无可 争 议 的 市 场 领 导 地 位。Vetriceramici的熔 块炉经过专门设计,能够 实现玻璃的完美熔化,并 降低杂质夹杂的风险。 Vetriceramici公司自己 设计建造的制粒装置,确 保了恒定的粒径分布曲 线、低粉尘含量以及零金 属杂质。Vetriceramici 以往的砂料产品范围包 括: • 具有多种颜色、良好技 术特性、适用于珩磨与 抛光的抗反射亚光砂 料; • 具有高浓度生色团氧化 物的高铬砂料; • 透明的亮光干粒; • 透明、白色及超白的带 有珠光效果的砂料; • 白色、黄色或混合色的

钛试剂砂料; • 金属砂料; • 白色及超白亮光和亚光 砂料; 这些彩色砂料在市场上正 不断吸引新的注意,这主 要归功于数字技术的出 现,使得彩色砂料能够选 择性地应用于部分瓷砖表 面,进而提升了瓷砖的美 观品质。由于是从光泽的 结晶体中提取,因而这些 砂料非常清透,是用于珩 磨与抛光的理想材料。其 透明度与高光泽度使得它 们尤其适合作为深色数字 打印的饰面层使用。该系 列的亮光砂料最近增添了 新产品,新产品具有高膨 胀系数,适合生产大幅面 瓷砖,同时具有卓越的平 整度。特别是BRP系列的 清透、抗反射、光泽和亚 光技术砂料凭借其高耐磨 性和抗化学性脱颖而出。 多年来,Vetriceramici 不断扩大该系列,使其成 为该领域国际市场上现有 的性能最高最全面的产 品。该系列包含了超过 20种不同类型的产品, 具有各种校准粒径,能够 满足所有需求,包括对表 面、显色、膨胀系数、施 釉技术等,无论干法或在 水性悬液中的要求。所有 的这些砂料都适用于天然 饰面、不同程度亚光(包 括完全防滑亚光)以及珩 磨与抛光表面。

focus on digital glazing & decoration EFI CRETAPRINT Benefiting from the extensive experience of its parent company EFI, Cretaprint has improved the quality of its range of machinery, software control and colour management solutions in the last two years. EFI Cretaprint has expanded its product portfolio with the aim of becoming the major technology partner for ceramic tile manufacturers. The new EFI Ceramic Ecosystem now covers industrial printers, software and ceramic inks and also ensures a rapid, all-round Customer Service, an innovative concept aimed at total customisation and capable of delivering added value along with maximum quality and production efficiency. New products due to be launched in 2015 are based on research into new hardware, inks and software and follow the latest trends in the ceramic sector, particularly in terms of large formats and textures. Cretaprint now offers industrial printers with multi-head technology designed for durability and upgradability with the latest technology. The C3+ and P3+ 8-bar multi-head printers with printing widths of respectively 700 mm and 1400 mm are equipped with fast EFI electronics. They achieve more efficient suction between the bars and airflow and feature fully automatic reverse flow for internal printhead cleaning to prevent permanent nozzle clogging. At Tecnargilla 2014, Cretaprint successfully launched the new C4 8-bar machine with a maximum


printing width of 700 mm. This machine can use different printheads on the same machine, including the latest Seiko printheads developed for industrial ceramic tile production and meeting the needs of high productivity and highly creative designs. The C4 is a more compact machine than its predecessors, requires less maintenance and has lower energy consumption. The new C4 also maintains the distinctive characteristics of Cretaprint printers while featuring a newly engineered ink system, a more efficient vacuum system and high-precision printing quality, a new transport system for greater alignment precision and a simplified user interface. Optional features have been added including machine synchronisation, an alarm system that sends text messages from the printer to a mobile phone, and control and correction of nozzle wear. The EFI Fiery ProServer colour management software has also been improved with the addition of new functions such as the automatic creation of the effects channel. Fiery is extremely fast and precise and can achieve excellent results on tiles with perfectly reproduced graphic designs and even simpler colour matching. It also offers full control over ink consumption and greater flexibility in the choice of inks and glazes. Fiery ProServer is the fastest tool for creating and adjusting ceramic inks in the preproduction stage, as well as the simplest and most cost-effective solution for managing this opera-

Cera mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

得益于母公司EFI的丰富 经验,快达平在过去两年 改善了装置、软件控制和 色彩管理解决方案。 为了成为瓷砖生产商的主 要技术合作伙伴,EFI快 达平扩大了其产品系列。 新EFI Ceramic Ecosystem 目前拥有工业打印机、工 业软件及陶瓷墨水,同时 还保障快速全面的客户服 务并秉持全面客户化的创 新观念,还能通过最优的 品质和最高的生产效率产 生附加价值。 通过研究新硬件、墨水和 软件,该公司于2015年 推出新产品。其新产品紧 跟陶瓷行业最新趋势,特 别是在大版式和大纹理方 面。 快达平目前将多头技术应 用于工业打印机。该技术 采用最新技术研发,为保 持产品持久性和可升级性 而设计。C3+及 P3+ 8色 通道多头打印机的打印宽 度分别为700 mm和1400 mm,并安装有EFI快速电 子设备。这些打印机能使 气流更有效地吸走通道上 的气流,还能给内部喷头 添加自动逆流功能,以避 免永久性喷口堵塞。 在2014年的里米尼陶瓷 技术装备展,快达平成功 推出了新型C4 8通道打印

机,其最大打印宽度为 700 mm。该打印机可使 用包含用于工业瓷砖生产 的最新精工喷头在内的不 同喷头,符合生产率高和 设计创意好的要求。C4 打印机比之前的打印机更 轻便,维护要求更低,能 量消耗也更少。除新设计 的墨水系统、更高效的真 空系统、高精度的打印质 量、对准精度更高的新型 传输系统以及更简约的用 户界面外,新型C4打印 机还保留着快达平打印机 的鲜明特色。该款打印机 还添加了可选特性,包括 机械同步性以及一个报警 系统。打印机通过该系统 能向手机发送短信。同 时,这款打印机还可以控 制并消除喷嘴磨损。 EFI Fiery ProServer 色彩 管理软件也进行了完善, 添加了新功能,能自动生 成效果通道。Fiery软件 速度快、精度高,能完美 复制图形设计,能运用更 简单的色彩搭配,在瓷砖 上呈现出卓越的效果。它 能全面控制墨水消耗,在 墨水及釉料的选择上也更 灵活。Fiery ProServer是 生产准备阶段最快速的陶 瓷墨水选择工具和调整工 具,还能提供最简单经济 的室内操作管理解决方

tion in-house. Building on its decades of experience and scientific and technological expertise in the field of printheads and inks, chemistry, stability, jetting performance and the production process for various applications, EFI has developed a new range of ceramic inks aimed at customers demanding greater quality and reliability. Unveiled at Tecnargilla 2014, these include dark blue, reddish brown, yellow, golden yellow, beige, pink and black, as well as effect inks such as

sink-in ink, white and digital glazes for special decorations. EFI provides a full warranty for the quality and supply of its inks to Cretaprint customers, together with the support of a highly-trained team of ink application engineers. EFI inks are specially formulated to guarantee optimum performance on the printheads and ink systems used on Cretaprint machines. They do not contain VOCs and are nonhazardous, odourless and have a minimal impact on operator health and the environment.

案。基于其几十年的经验 以及在喷头及墨水领域、 化学领域、稳定性、喷印 以及不同产品加工技术上 的科技专长,EFI针对客 户需求,开发出了更优质 可靠的新型陶瓷墨水系 列。 这一墨水系列在2014年 的里米尼陶瓷技术装备展 上推出,颜色包括深蓝、 红棕、金黄、米黄、粉色 和黑色,同时还包括了特

效墨水,如沉淀墨水以及 用于特殊装饰的白釉和数 字釉料。 EFI有着专业技术扎实的 墨水应用工程师,向快达 平顾客充分保证墨水质量 及供应量。EFI墨水专为 快达平打印机定制,以保 证喷头及墨水性能达到最 优。墨水不含挥发性有机 化合物,无害五味,将对 操作者及环境的影响降到 最低 。

MEGACOLOR CERAMIC PRODUCTS Megacolor Ceramic Products, a Spanish company specialising in the production, sale and distribution of ceramic colours and digital inks, was set up in 2002 and is now a major player in the sector. Thanks to the experience and expertise of its professional staff and the use of cutting-edge technology, it offers outstanding customer support and quality control. This has allowed it to achieve strong sales in the domestic and international markets. These results are backed by Megacolor’s major ongoing efforts in R&D for ceramic decoration, allowing the company to offer its customers the benefits of all innovations created in its laboratory. These efforts are now reflected in the range of inks and digital effects from the Inkjet Master line, which offer the following advantages: • outstanding stability and durability through a perfect combination of organic and inorganic components; • total quality control and guaranteed product continuity; • certification from the world’s leading digital printer suppliers. Moreover, these products are completely eco-friendly. None of them require special transport in accordance with ADR hazard classes and they are guaranteed safe to use. The Inkjet Master digital ink range includes 10 colours and 5 effects combining advanced technology with a wide col-

our gamut, allowing for the production of ceramic tiles with exceptional technical and aesthetic qualities. Further advantages of Inkjet Master include: • an excellent, wide colour gamut; • strong ink intensity and colour; • immediate adaptation to all printing systems available on the market; • extremely high colour consistency and protection of the main parts of the digital printing machine. A further operation demonstrating the company’s strong focus on the market and its efforts to constantly improve customer service is the start-up of the new Megacolor Ceramic Products branches in Mexico and in Orel (Russia), which will provide sales, technical and logistic support to the ceramic industry respectively in Mexico and North America and in Russia and the neighbouring countries. In the past two years Megacolor Foshan S.L. has had tremendous growth in the Chinese market and plans to continue to grow in the future, establishing a centre of production and direct distribution in China.

Megacolor Ceramic Products是一家专门生 产、销售及分销陶瓷颜料 和数字墨水的西班牙公 司。 该公司成立于2002年, 现为该行业的龙头企业。 得益于员工的专业经验与 专业知识以及先进技术, 该公司有着突出的客户支 持和质量控制。使其能够 旺销海内外市场。 这 些 成 果 都 源 自 Megacolor在陶瓷装饰 研发上所作的不懈努力, 使其能研究出惠及客户的 各类创意产品。其墨水品 种及Inkjet Master系列的 数字效果均反映了其所作 的努力。Inkjet Master有 以下优势: • 有机物质和无机物质配 比完美,稳定性、持久 性突出; • 全面的质量控制及受保 障的产品使用寿命; • 来自世界领先数字打印 机供应商的认证。 另外,这些产品都是完全

环保的。所有产品无需 根据ADR危险类别进行 特殊运输,保证使用安 全。Inkjet Master数字 墨水系列包含10种颜色 和5种效果,采用先进技 术,色域广,能生产出 技术质量高、富有美感 的瓷砖。Inkjet Master 还具有以下优势: • 色域广; • 墨水饱和度高、色彩鲜 艳; • 能立即适应市场上所有 的打印系统; • 色彩一致性极高,能保 护数字打印机主要部 件。 Megacolor Ceramic Products的另一行为也 显示了其对市场的强烈 关注和其为提高客户服 务所做出的努力。 该公司在墨西哥及奥廖 尔(俄罗斯)新成立了 分公司,负责为墨西 哥、北美,俄罗斯及相 邻国家的陶瓷行业提供 销售、技术及物流支 持。在过去两年里, 美格色彩贸易(佛 山)有限公司在中国 市场获得了巨大的发 展,而且他们计划扩 大发展,并在中国建 立生产和销售中心。

Ce r am i c W or ld R e vi e w CHI N E SE E D I TI ON 2 0 1 5


Greater creative freedom in a smaller space 更小空间,更多创意自由 Emilio Benedetti - LB (Fiorano, Italy)

Advanced technology combined with lower production costs, reduced energy consumption and minimal environmental impact are the key goals of LB’s research efforts in the field of treatment and management of ceramic powders, covering everything from granulation and compaction of bodies through to weighing and batching, dry colouring, feeding and in-press decoration. The new watchword in many industrial sectors – including that of ceramics – is “rationalization” in terms of processes, plant engineering and production line layouts. The ever higher levels of automation and the steady progress towards complete digitalisation of the glazing and decoration processes are major steps towards achieving these goals. This means leaner and shorter lines that also deliver higher performance and flexibility. This is the concept behind Freestile, a new system for the production of full-body and glazed porcelain tiles that overcomes the limitations imposed by upstream mechanical equipment and reduces layouts while increasing production efficiency and the variety of colours of the finished products. Unveiled for the first time at Tecnargilla 2014, Freestile combines two new technologies: Easy Color Boost for dry co-

提高科技含量,降低生产成本、能耗和环境影响 是LB在处理、管理陶瓷粉末领域努力研究的主要 目标,这一领域涵盖了从坯体造粒、压缩到称 量、配料、干着色、送料和压花装饰等各项内 容。 许多工业部门(包括陶瓷业)的新口号是在过 程、设备工程和流水线布局上实现“合理化”。 自动化水平的提高,以及上釉、装饰过程完全数 字化技术的稳步前进,是达到这些目标的主要步 骤。这意味着更短更精简的生产线也能实现更高 的生产性能和灵活性。 这正是Freestile背后的理念。Freestile是一种用 于全瓷坯和上釉瓷砖生产的新系统,它克服了上 游机械设备带来的局限,在减少流水线布局的同 时,提高了生产率以及成品花色的丰富性。 Freestile在2014年的里米尼陶瓷技术装备展 (Tecnargilla)上首次亮相,将 Easy Color Boost瓷坯干着色技术和Divario压制送料设备两 种全新的技术结合在一起。





Cera mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

louring of ceramic bodies and the Divario press feeder.

Easy Color Boost

Easy Color Boost

Easy Color Boost是LB用于瓷坯干着色的新专 利,是15年来被作为技术标杆的Easy Color System技术的升级版。 这项技术最显著的特点是车间布局极为简单,它 减小了能耗,降低了设备养护和车间清洁的次 数,以及设备对有色瓷坯的机械应力。Easy Color Boost大大地缩小了整个干粉喷雾存储系统, 所有的中间存储单元以及特殊造型效果所需的半 成品的准备过程。 为了生产所有需要的花色,目前的大部分瓷砖厂 家使用的是各种有色基础釉和无色基础釉,并且 全部储存于地面上。 为 节 约 占 地 面 积,1999年研发的 Technological Tower系统将基础釉 和色料储存在8个储藏

Easy Color Boost is the new LB patent for dry colouring ceramic bodies and is the evolution of the Easy Color System technology that was the benchmark for 15 years. Its most evident characteristic is the extremely simple plant configuration, which reduces energy consumption, maintenance and plant cleaning times and mechanical stress on the coloured body. Easy Color Boost significantly reduces the entire spray dried powder storage system, all the intermediate storage units and preparation of the semi-finished products required for specific aesthetic effects. To produce all the necessary colours, the majority of porcelain tile manufacturers currently work with various coloured bases plus neutral bases, all of which are stored at ground level. To save on floor space, the Technological Tower developed back in 1999 stored the bases and colours in 8 storage silos, from where they were subsequently retrieved to create the wet coloured powders. The real novelty of Easy Color Boost is the fact that the

Technical porcelain tile, single charge with Easy Color Boost dry coloured atomized powders

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powders coming from the spray dryer are transported directly behind the press, where they undergo a dry colouring process and if necessary are treated to produce flakes or micronised powders. They are then conveyed to the press carriage, in this case Divario. The dry colouring system is especially important as it achieves a significant increase in colour intensity and gamut in a shorter space of time. Further advantages of Easy Color Boost include a better particle size distribution and lower mixing and body colouring times, allowing the powders to be fed to Divario on a just-in-time basis. The first prototype was installed in late 2014 at LB laboratory and will be installed in the first months of 2015 by a leading company in the Sassuolo ceramic cluster to begin production in parallel with the existing Easy Color System. The system is due to be launched onto the market in spring 2015.

仓中,然后又在这里将其复原成湿的有色粉末。 Easy Color Boost的真正新颖之处在于,它的粉 末从喷雾干燥器出来后,直接被运送至压制处接 受干着色处理,若需要的话还可制成雪花状或微 粒化粉末。这些粉末之后被运至压制厢,并在这 种情况下使用Divario设备。 这套干着色系统的可贵之处在于色度和色域更丰 富,耗时更少。Easy Color Boost的进一步优势 包括优化了粒度分布、降低了混合和坯体着色次 数,从而使送往Divario的粉末实现无库存生产。 首套原型于2014年安装在LB实验室,并将在 2015年初安装至一家位于撒索罗(Sassuolo)陶 瓷产业群的龙头企业,与现有的Easy Color System并行工作。 这套系统将于2015年春季投放市场。

The Divario press feeder Another key component of the new Freestile concept is the Divario press feeder, which was introduced just a year ago and can already boast 25 units commissioned worldwide. Most of the companies that have adopted it on their porcelain tile production lines are already Easy Color System users. These include three important companies in Italy, one in Poland, one in Egypt, one in Belarus, one in Portugal, and two in India. LB aims to rapidly establish Divario as the global benchmark for porcelain tile production, just as it did with the introduction of the Dual double loading system back in 1988. One of the system’s key features is the new installed kit for creating novel and previously unachievable aesthetic effects. However, the technology of the entire system stands out for its operational flexibility and significant reduction in management and maintenance costs. The photo shows a selection of products that can be pro duced using Divario.

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Divario压制送料设备 Freestile新理念的另一重要部分是Divario压制送 料设备,它在一年前被引进,但已有25台在全球 范围内投入生产。大部分将这种设备应用于瓷砖 生产线的公司也是Easy Color System的用户。 他们包括三家重量级的意大利公司,一家波兰公 司,一家埃及公司,一家白俄罗斯公司,一家葡 萄牙公司,一家印度公司,以及一家中国公司( 广州蒙娜丽莎建材有限公司)。 LB的目标是把Divario压制送料设备迅速确立为 全球瓷砖生产的标杆,正如1988年将Dual双装 载系统引向全世界 那样。 这套系统 的关键性能之一是创造 新颖、前所未有造型 效果的新安装包。但 是,整套系统所应用 的科技中,最出彩 的部分是操作的灵 活性以及管理养护 费用的显著缩小。 图片展示了运用 Divario设备所生 产的瓷砖精品。 







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ceraMic china 2015 – stand c525 - hall 3.1


COLORITALIA BONET Coloritalia Bonet’s laboratory dedicated to new digital technologies is proceeding with its research into ever more interesting inks. Despite its complete shift into the digital age, however, the company is still also pursuing its research aimed at improving the performance of traditional pigments for glaze, with one eye on emerging technologies and the other on the coming seasons’ colour trends in interior design that will inevitably also influence the ceramic and decoration sector. Coloritalia Bonet therefore proposes a range of pigments formulated specifically for slips and glaze-slips, which are now the most widely used types of glaze in the ceramic industry, but which are often affected by problems of tone variegation due to the use of traditional pigments developed for different glazes and unsuitable for such formulations. In developing this range, Coloritalia Bonet also paid close attention the quality-toprice ratio - a key consideration in an increasingly competitive market - so as to provide ceramic manufacturers with a product that meets their specific needs in full, without weighing too heavily on the bottom line. As for colour trends, Coloritalia Bonet research laboratory focused on the growing demand for every shade of fuchsia and violet. The company therefore developed pigments in these tones for all firing temperatures, from dou-


ble-fired tile to porcelain tile, hence from 1040 °C to 1200 °C, thus offering an extensive range of tones, from cyclamen to intense pinks and various shades of violet. The same range has also been extended to products for porcelain and artistic ceramic. As always, Coloritalia Bonet is capable of formulating colours on an ad hoc basis for individual manufacturers, starting from a simple colour mark or Pantone reference number. This enables manufacturers to bring added value to their collections, by offering a unique, distinctive tone that can become the hallmark of the collection.

Cera mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

Coloritalia Bonet的实验 室致力于研究新型数字技 术,目前正在研究比以往 更加有趣的墨水。虽然已 完全转入数字时代,但该 公司仍在不断钻研,致力 于改善传统釉用色料的呈 色效果,一方面着眼于新 兴技术,另一方面密切关 注室内设计下一季的色彩 趋势,因为室内装饰的色 彩趋势也必将影响到陶瓷 装饰领域。 因此,Coloritalia Bonet 打算开 发一系 列专门 用于泥 浆或泥 釉的颜 料。泥

釉是目前陶瓷行业使用最 广的釉料类型。但是,由 于传统颜料可用于各种釉 料但不适用于泥釉,因此 导致泥釉经常会出现颜色 不均的问题。 在开发这个系列的同 时,Coloritalia Bonet也 重点考虑了性价比的问 题,使得在竞争日益激烈 的市场中能为陶瓷生产商 提供满足其具体需求的产 品,并且不会对其底线造 成重大负担。 在 色 彩 趋 势 方 面,Coloritalia Bonet研 究实验室注意到市场上对 于不同层次的紫红色及紫 色的需求在日益增长。因 此,该公司开发出了这些 色调的颜料。这些颜料适 用于各种烧成温度, 从二次烧成瓷砖到瓷 质砖,从1040°C到 1200°C,均可适 用,颜色层次也十分 丰富,从粉色到深粉 色,以及各种层次的 紫色都有。该系列还 运用到了瓷质产品及 艺术型陶制品上。 Coloritalia Bonet总 是能够基于简单的色 标或潘通色卡上的参 考色号为不同的生产 商创造出各种别致的 色彩。这样,生产商 们就能通过给产品添 加独特、别致且具有 标志性的色彩,从而 带来附加价值。

products NUOVA FIMA Efficiency, compactness and reliability are the key characteristics of the new EkoSort™ sorting line from Nuova Fima. EkoSort™ is a simplified sorting system that can be configured directly via the software. The special suction cups enable it to be used with tiles of any size or thickness, thereby minimising size changeover times. With its extremely compact, circular structure, it is capable of making full use of all the available space and handling even the largest tiles efficiently. Thanks to its special design features, the machine handles tiles gently during the stacking phase and reduces shock. It also minimises environmental impact, noise levels and production line complexity thanks to the innovative pick-up system, which ensures that falling tiles are de-

posited gently on the stack below. EkoSort™ is exceptionally reliable and has limited maintenance requirements. This has been achieved by reducing the number of parts subject to wear (e.g. by eliminating belts) and by adopting a circular turret geometry to ensure ease of access to all machine parts.

Nuova Fima公司新一代 EkoSort™分拣线主要注 重效率性、紧密度与可靠 性。EkoSort™是一套简 化的分拣系统,可通过软 件直接进行配置。 配有特殊吸盘,适用于不 同尺寸或厚度的瓷砖,因

此,最大程度地缩小了各 类尺寸瓷砖的换模时间。 因具有极佳的紧密度和圆 形结构,该机器能充分利 用一切有效空间,即使是 最大规格的瓷砖,也能有 效进行处理。 由于其特殊的设计特点, 该机器能够在堆叠过程中 轻拿轻放瓷砖,并减少震 动。同时,该机器采用了 创新的捡拾系统,确保脱 落的瓷砖能够被轻放在下 面的堆架上,也能最大程 度地减少环境影响,噪音 污染以及简化生产线。 EkoSort™具有超强的可 靠性,无需太多维护。 通过减少易受磨损的零 件数量(如减少输送 带),并采用圆形角塔 几何结构,确保所有机 械零件易于使用,从而 实现上述性能。

able for the production of largeformat tiles with previously unimaginable results. The second is a body for the production of pressed or extruded porcelain tiles (including large sizes) with exceptional mechanical and absorption characteristics. Building on the experience it has gained since 1985, C.B.C. can now compete effectively in the market and make full use of its production capacity by exploiting synergies between group companies.

经过最初使用干磨技术生 产红瓷坯的阶段,C.B.C 后来运用干磨技术专攻白 瓷坯和瓷器的生产。干磨 技术的优点是可使用通常 与水磨工艺不相容的原材 料。这项 技术还极 大地减小 了电、气 和水的消 耗 和 成 本,从而 大大降低 了环境污 染和CO2 大 气 排 放。依靠 这项干磨 技术,C.B.C 生产了多 种类型的

瓷坯,其中最新生产的两 种引起了陶瓷行业的极大 关注。

C.B.C. GROUP After initially producing red bodies by means of dry milling, C.B.C. subsequently specialised in the production of white ceramic bodies and porcelain, also using dry milling. Dry milling technology has the advantage of being able to use raw materials that are normally incompatible with the wet grinding process. It also considerably reduces consumption and costs of electricity, gas and water, resulting in a significant reduction in environmental pollution and CO2 atmospheric emissions. C.B.C. produces various types of bodies using this milling technology, the two most recent of which are attracting considerable interest in the ceramic sector. The first is a body for the production of fast double-fired tile with zero shrinkage. Thanks to further refinement during the dry milling process and the use of the new pressing technologies now available on the market, this body is suit-


Cera mic W o rld Review ch inese edition 2015

第一种是用于生产零收缩 的快速二次烧成瓷砖的瓷 坯。得益于干磨过程中的 进一步改进,以及目前已 经上市的这种新压制技术 的使用,这种瓷坯适合生 产大规格瓷砖,能得到前 所未料的结果。 第二种是用于生产压制砖 或挤出砖(包括大规格) 的瓷坯,具有超常的机械 性和吸收性。 基于1985年以来积累的 经验,C.B.C.现在能有 效地参与到市场竞争中, 通过开发集团公司间的协 同增效效应而充分地利用 其产能。

EBI-CERAMICURE The CeramiCure® Light Cure Acrylic (LCA™) and Self Cure Acrylic (SCA™), detailed below, are green technologies which allow for increased efficiency due to reduction in production costs and increased energy savings. Utilizing the CeramiCure® LCA™ repair process will allows a plant to reduce re-fire rates, minimize repair time and costs, increase productivity and kiln capacity and reduce gas, oil and electricity consumption, while simultaneously decreasing CO2 output. Likewise, utilizing the CeramiCure® SCA™ material allows a plant to turn scrap pieces into saleable inventory, resulting in increased profit margins through improved productivity and kiln capacity, while further decreasing energy usage and costs, and reducing overall CO2 output. Implementing both the CeramiCure® LCA™ and SCA™ technologies together will maximize energy savings, production cost reductions, and CO2 output while also resulting in additional Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing benefits. CeramiCure® Light Cure Acrylic (LCA™) is the original, complete sanitary ceramic and porcelain repair solution for making virtually invisible repairs of minor glaze defects. Made of a high-tech nano-acrylic developed originally for a variety of medical applications, repairs using the LCA™ material withstand moisture, cleansers and heat up to 285°F and will not yellow or fall out over time. CeramiCure® LCA™ is available in more

than 200 colors, with custom matching available prior to ordering, so mixing of colors is not required. Non-toxic, fast-curing and easy to use, the CeramiCure® LCA™ repair solution is efficient quality you can see. CeramiCure® Self Cure Acrylic (SCA™) is the original complete sanitary ceramic and porcelain repair solution or the restoration of previously unusable cracked or scrapped pieces. Based on the technology of the CeramiCure® LCA™ material, CeramiCure® SCA™ allows for the repairs of larger cracks in sanitary ware pieces, even those below the waterline. The CeramiCure® SCA™ solution utilizes a number of innovative non-toxic acrylic and composite materials to make structurally sound, leakproof repairs that were previously impossible to make. Scrapped pieces are no longer high cost lost revenue – they can now be transformed into saleable, profitable pieces with quick, easy and cost-effective repairs utilizing the CeramiCure® SCA™ material. To take advantage of the benefits and immediate cost savings realized through implementing the CeramiCure® LCA™ and SCA™ Repair solutions, visit www. ceramicure.com or contact us at info@ceramicure.com.

下文详细介绍的丙烯酸 光 能 陶 瓷 修 复 系 统 (LCA ™)与自固化丙烯酸 修复系统(SCA ™)采用绿 色科技,有效降低了产 品成本,节约能源。利 用CeramiCure® LCA™ 修复加工陶瓷,能够帮 助企业降低复火率,减 少修复时间和成本,提 高产能与瓷砖质量,减 少煤气、燃油和电力消 耗,同时降低二氧化碳 的排放。同样的,利用 自固化丙烯酸修复系 统,能够帮助企业将瓷 器碎片变成可售产品, 通过优化产能和瓷器质 量来提高利润,同时进 一步减少能源消耗与成 本支出,降低二氧化碳 的总体排放。同时运用 丙烯酸光能陶瓷修复系 统与自固化丙烯酸修复 系统,将大大节约能 源,降低生产成本和二 氧化碳排放,同时获 得“六西格玛”与“节 约制造”带来的附加利 益。丙烯酸光能陶瓷修 复系统提供独创完整的 卫浴陶瓷修复方案,可 无痕修复瓷釉微小瑕

疵。高科技纳米丙烯酸 酯原本是为了一系列的 医疗应用而开发的,修 复瓷砖时采用这一材料 能够使其抵抗潮湿与清 洁剂的侵蚀,耐285华氏 度的高温,不会因时间 长而发黄或掉落。丙烯 酸光能陶瓷修复系统能 提供200多种颜色,按次 序自定义搭配,因此无 需混合不同颜色。丙烯 酸光能陶瓷修复系统质 量可靠,无毒、修复迅 速并且使用便捷。固化 丙烯酸修复系统的陶瓷 修复方法具有独创性、 完整性及清洁性,能够 对无法使用的陶瓷碎片 进行修复。 运用固化丙烯酸修复材 料,能够修复卫生器具 碎片甚至水印线下的较 大裂痕。固化丙烯酸修 复系统利用了一系列创 新的无毒丙烯酸组合材 料来实现结构完美的防 漏修复,这些技术前所 未有。 利用固化丙烯酸修复材 料快速、便捷、低成本 地修复陶瓷碎片,已不 再是成本高昂的损失, 而是如今可 出售可获利 的产品。 想通过CeramiCure® LCA™ 以及 SCA ™ 修复 系统来实现 利益最大 化,快速节 约成本,请 登录网站 www.ceramicure. com或者 通过邮件联 系 我 们 info@ceramicure. com。

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products CMF TECHNOLOGY New surface finishes on large-format ceramic tiles and panels can now be achieved using the Silktile XLT dry satin finishing machine from CMF Technology. Available in a range of models for different requirements (e.g. matt or gloss finishes on glazed porcelain tiles, removal of surface roughness on unglazed porcelain, etc.), the new Silktile XLT can comfortably perform satin finishing on ceramic panels up to a maximum width of 1600 mm. With its four satin finishing heads mounted on a portal type supporting structure, the machine can process panels of unlimited length transiting on the conveyor belt below. Leading Italian and non-Italian ceramic companies have chosen the Silktile XLT for its ease of use (without the need for an operator as all the operating parameters are constantly monitored by the machine management program), the possibility of using numerous types of abrasives to obtain differADVERTISING

ent surface finishes, and the low operating costs (dry satin finishing and low electricity consumption). CMF Technology also offers a comprehensive pre- and aftersales service that gives companies the opportunity to perform industrial-scale satin finishing tests at the CMF site in Pavullo and to receive advice from experts in the field of abrasives production.

使用CMF Technology 的Silktile XLT干式抛光机 就可以给大规格的瓷砖 和陶瓷板材进行表面抛 光。新型Silktile XLT干式 抛光机有不同型号,能 满足各种加工要求(如 抛釉瓷砖的哑光或光面 处理以及素瓷的表面抛 光等)。它能轻松给宽

度最大为1600 mm的陶 瓷板材进行抛光。该抛 光机的门式机架上安装 有四个抛光喷头,能加 工传送带上任意长度的 板材。 由于Silktile XLT具有易用 性(机器的全部操作参 数均由机器管理程序监 控,无需操作人员), 还可以使用不同研磨剂 对各种表面进行抛光, 并且操作成本低(干式 抛光,耗电量低),意 大利及其他国家的龙头 陶瓷公司都选择了这种 抛光机。 CMF Technology还提 供周到的售前机售后服 务,生产商可以在其位 于帕武洛的工厂进行工 业规模的抛光测试,还 能得到行业专家在研磨 剂生产方面的建议。

SACMI - SANITARYWARE DIVISION Sacmi machines and equipment for sanitaryware manufacture, using moulds with 4 or more parts, have high production rates and an excellent standard of quality. In addition to machine manufacture, Sacmi Verona also carries out modelling developments in order to offer our customers a complete package. The AOM casting system has been specially designed for the production of one-piece WC’s, thanks to the application of all the most innovative techniques available. These include removable active containment of the rim mould with tank, known as Isoboxtm (patented), the elastic insert used to make the hole for water feed to the rim (patented), the active de-moulding and maturing system and the hyper-ventilated pre-drier. Inside the robotized workstation it is possible to complete all finishing and handling tasks, load-

ing of the drier cars included. A dedicated optional also allows users to produce the tank lid on the workstation.

萨克米公司的卫生洁具制造 机器及设备均采用零件数在 4个或以上的模具,拥有高

生产率和出色的质量水准。 除了机器制造外,为了给客 户提供完整的成套组件,萨 克米维罗纳(Sacmi Verona)还会进行模型制 造开发。 得益于当前一切最具创新性 技术的应用,公司已为一体 式卫生间洁具的生产专门设 计出了一个AOM注浆系 统。这些技术包括水箱唇面 模具采用可拆卸外壳,这项 名为Isoboxtm的技术已经获 得专利;用于制造唇面给水 孔的弹性嵌入件(已获得专 利);主动脱模和养护系 统;以及超通风预干燥器。 一切精加工和装卸任务,包 括干燥车装坯,都有可能在 机器人化的工作站内完成。 该工作站还专设有一个功能 选项,可满足用户生产水箱 盖的需求。 ADVERTISING

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CeramiCure® Self-Cure Acrylic (SCA™) is ideal for repairing large and small body “cracks” on sanitary ceramic or porcelain pieces normally being scrapped.

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products TURBOMACH Cogeneration means simultaneous production of two kinds of energy (electrical, thermal, chilling or mechanical energy). The electrical generation is produced by means of a gas turbine in which the mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy for self-consumption, or to be sold to electrical power networks. The exhaust gas is thermal energy that can be recovered or consumed on site. Cogeneration benefits are: • Lower primary energy consumption, resulting in reduced energy bills; • Availability of reliable and stable electricity and heat; • Reduction of CO2 emissions versus conventional generation; • Possibility to sell excess electricity to the grid. Ceramic manufacturing needs large quantities of electricity and hot air. Gas turbine cogeneration is a logical way to improve the production economics. The use of gas turbine’s exhaust air in the spray dryer is further enhancing the profitability of operations, while great environmental benefit is granted with direct drying. The advantages of gas turbine cogeneration are: • Global efficiency from 27-32% to 75-90%; TAB. 1 • Saving on electrical and fuel costs; • More precise temperature regulation at spray dryer inlet for a more homogeneous dried product; • Simultaneous and independent generation of power and heat adequate to the customer needs; • High reliability & availability of the power plant; • Possibility to sell elec-


热电联产表示同时生产两 种能源(电能、热能、冷 能或机械能)。燃气轮机 将机械能转化为电能,从 而产生电力满足自用,也 可出售给电力公司。产生 的废气可当场回收或消 耗。热电联产的优势有: • 减少一次耗能,从而节 约能源费用; • 能产生可靠、稳定的电 能和热能; • 与常规发电方式相比能 减少二氧化碳排放; • 能将多于电力出售给电 网系统。 陶瓷生产需要大量的电力 和热风。燃气轮机热电联

tricity to the grid to earn revenue; • Emission reduction, possibility to apply for certificates and carbon credits. Table 1 shows the design data and utility costs of an European company where Turbomach implemented a Direct Drying Solution by installing a Centaur 50 gas turbine. Table 2 shows the comparison between the yearly energy spend with the previously used conventional generation and with the new cogeneration plant. This example shows that gas turbine cogeneration is the perfect tool to improve the profitability of ceramic manufacturing, thanks to the characteristics of the exhaust air stream. In many circumstances the financial performances are even higher than

Line capacity Product in Product out

40 t/h @35% humidity 27 t/h @6% humidity

Average energy demand Electrical energy power - Thermal energy

4.3 MW - 10.5 MW

Utility Cost Electrical energy with cogeneration

130 Euro/MWh

Electrical energy without cogeneration

105 Euro/MWh

Natural gas cost

0.31 Euro/Nm3

Gas turbine running hours in cogeneration


Gas turbine running hours in open cycle


产是提高生产经济性的可 行方法。在直接干燥法给 环境带来极大好处的同 时,在喷雾干燥器中利用 燃气轮机废气正在进一步 提高经营利润。燃气轮机 热电联产的优势有: • 整体效率从27-32%上 升至75-90%; • 节约电力和燃料成本; • 更精确地控制喷雾干燥 器进气口处的温度,从 而更均匀地对产品进行 干燥; • 同步独立生产满足客户 需要的电力及热能; • 发电厂的高度可靠性和 可得性; • 能将多余电力出售给电 网系统获取收益; • 减排,可申请相关证书 和碳信用额。 表1显示了一家欧洲公司 的设计数据和能源成 本。Turbomach在该公 司实行了直接干燥解决方 案,安装了一台Centaur 50燃气轮机。表2显示了 使用以前的常规发电方 式和新型热电联产的年 能源消耗对比。 这个例子表明,得益于 废气的特性,燃气轮机 热电联产能极大地提高 陶瓷生产的利润。由于 可以将多余电力出售给 电网系统或/和因高效 热电联产收到奖励,在 很多情况下,财务业绩 甚至比例子中所列举的 还要高。

TAB. 2

Conventional generation

Centaur 50 gas turbine in Cogeneration

Electricity from the grid

2,900,000 €/y

0 €/y

Natural gas in the spray dryer

1,800,000 €/y

200,000 €/y

Natural gas in the gas turbine

0 €/y

3,000,000 €/y


4,700,000 €/y 33 €/t (product out)

3,200,000 €/y 19 €/t (product out)

Cera mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

what shown in the example, due to the possibility of selling excess electricity to the grid or/and receiving incentives for high efficiency cogeneration. The integration of gas turbine exhaust air into the spry dryer drying process is technically proven and well known. Turbomach / Solar

Turbines Incorporated experience is unrivalled: 85 units has been installed in cogeneration plants in ceramic factories with direct drying applications in Spain, Italy, Turkey, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Mexico, Germany, Brazil, Tunisia, Malaysia, Japan, Iran, Croatia and Belarus.

将燃气轮机废气运用到喷 雾干燥器的干燥工艺中, 是经过技术验证的,并且 广为人知。Turbomach 和索拉透平公司的业绩无 与伦比:在西班牙、意大 利、土耳其、印尼、印

度、泰国、墨西哥、德 国、巴西、突尼斯、马 来西亚、日本、伊朗、 克罗地亚及白俄罗斯的 直接干燥陶瓷厂的热电 站中,已经安装了85台 燃气轮机。

troduces the concept of “wettability” of the porous resin. By controlling this parameter, it is possible to obtain moulds that offer higher performance in the forming process compared to standard porous resin manufacturers. The wettability of a mould has a direct influence on the migration of water from the slip though the porous resin during the pressure forming process. By controlling this parameter, B&T Por resins are able to promote the separation of the liquid and solid phases of the slip during the press-forming process. This produces more compact ceramic articles that are less prone to deformation after being extracted from the press. Furthermore, controlling the wettability of the mould allows lower demoulding pressures to be used, resulting in reduced deformation of the pieces when released from the mould.

B&T White 能够生产出 最全面的多孔树脂模 具,用于高压卫生陶瓷 生产。该树脂模具完善 了SITI B&T集团注浆机系 列,设计有几何结构和 机械解决方案,采用 FMR(快速模具更换) 理念,实现了机器更 快、更有效的模具安 装。 模具可以有一个模穴或 型号(每个生产周期可 生产一个铸件),或同 一型号出现两个或多个 模穴(每个生产周期可

生产两个或多个铸件) ,适用于小型制品。 此外,B&T White生产 的树脂模具也可根据特 殊安装要求,用于市场 上出售和著名厂商生产 的注浆机。B&T White 系列的主要特点便是能 够根据其自身的专利技 术,生产出B&T Por多 孔树脂。 通过该技术及其在生产 工艺方面所获得的化学 物理深入知识,B&T White正确预估并满足 了所有客户在多孔性和 机械强度方面的要求。 与标准多孔树脂生产商 相比,B&T White引进 了多孔树脂的“可湿 性”概念,通过控制该 参数,有可能生产出具 有较高成型工艺性能的 模具。在压力成型过程 中,模具的可湿性可 以减少泥浆中的水分 进入多孔树脂。 通 过 控 制 该 参 数,B&T Por多孔树 脂在压力成型过程 中,能够促进液体与 泥浆中固相介质的分 离。因此,可以生产 出更多紧密型陶瓷制 品,从压机提取后, 较少发生变形。此 外,控制模具的可湿 性可以降低脱模所需 压力,在移除模具 时,减少制品的变 形。

B&T WHITE B&T White produces the most comprehensive range of porous resin moulds for high-pressure ceramic sanitaryware production. The resin moulds complete the SITI B&T Group’s range of casting machines, with geometries and mechanical solutions designed for faster and more efficient mould installation on machines in keeping with the FMR (Fast Mould Replacement) concept. The moulds can have either one cavity or model (in which case each production cycle produces one casting) or two or more cavities belonging to the same model (resulting in two or more castings for each production cycle). This is practicable for smaller sized articles. B&T White also produces resin moulds for use on casting machines already on the market and made by the best known manufacturers in accordance with the specific installation requirements. The key feature of the B&T White range is the production of B&T Por porous resin based on its own proprietary expertise. This expertise and in-depth knowledge of chemical and physical aspects of the production process enables B&T White to evaluate and meet all customer requirements in terms of porosity and mechanical strength. B&T White also in-

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products BMR Dry edge-grinding for single-fired is equipped with an enclosure 用于单次烧成多孔砖和半 porous tile and semi-porcelain tile and a series of ducts for extract瓷砖的干磨边技术至今已 has been a successfully estab- ing the dust generated by edge经成功研发数年。BMR lished process for several years grinding. The spindle enclosures now. With BMR and its ongoing are equipped with devices for 始终致力于研发工作,新 Squadra commitment to Research & De- regulating extractor flow accord- 研发出的Top velopment, the dry squaring pro- ing to the working speed and the Dry干磨边机使干磨边加 cess can now also be applied to characteristics of the raw mate工也能被应用于瓷砖生产 porcelain tile, thanks to the new rial dust. Two types of grinding 中。生产瓷砖和瓷板必须 Top Squadra Dry squaring ma- tool can be used, depending on chine. When working on porce- the type of porcelain tile: resinoid 满足大量的附加条件,包 lain tile and sheet, a number of and metal grinding wheels, with 括使用专用工具;与湿加 additional conditions must be special coating of the diamond 工相比速度较慢;校准器 met, including use of dedicated for dry-processing and a binding 的数量增加至12个;安 tools; slight reduction in speed agent with high thermal conduc装纤维过滤器分离加工粉 compared with wet processing; tivity. increasing the number of cali- The pusher plays a key role in 尘。 brators to 12; fitting a fabric fil- assuring the geometric quality 然而这台设备对用户的好 ter to extract the process dust. of squaring, and consists of two 处在于,这些条件都被抵 These conditions are offset, how- arms, one of which is motor-op消了。因为生产区不需要 ever, by major advantages for erated, encoder-controlled and 用水、粉基或水循环系 users, because there is no need can be reset from an operator for water in the production area keypad to guarantee the tile’s 统,整条磨边线中取而代 or any foundations or a water re- diagonal dimension. By connect- 之的部分具有更长的使用 cycling system, the replacement ing the squaring machine to an 寿命,磨边原料的再利用 parts of the entire edge-grinding electronic dimensional control 也成为可能。 line have a longer service-life, unit, diagonals are checked and 与单次烧成多孔砖的干磨 and it is possible to recycle the restored in fully automatic mode. edge-ground raw material. TECHNICAL DATA: Like for dry edge-grinding of single-fired porous tile, the principle of dry edgeFormat Model N° of Calibrators kW grinding of porcelain tile is based on pulverisation of the removed raw mate200/3,800 mm SQUADRA 12/1 24+24 287 13,760 rial. The squaring machine

SETEC Setec is presenting its new BAV Multistick casting line for WC with attached rims. The line consists of 3 modules: each module works with 10 moulds and consists of 2 parallel external lines for casting the WC body and a parallel group for casting the interior rim (configurations for different plants


can be examined on request). The body of the WC is cast by means of inverted moulds (the foot at the top and the rim zone at the bottom). The rims are cast with the external wall downwards (water distribution holes visible with the mould open) so that they are aligned with the WC body for

C era mic W o rld Review ch inese edition 2015

Setec正在展示其新款的 BAV Multistick铸造流水 线,主要用于生产带轮圈 的卫浴产品。该生产线由 3个模块组成:每个模块 有10个模具共同作业,包 含2条用于铸造卫浴瓷坯 的外部并行线和一个铸造

边技术相似,瓷砖的干 磨边原理是以去除原料 的磨碎为基础的。 磨边机装配有外壳和一 系列导管,用于分离磨 边产生的粉尘。 纺锤形外壳装配有流量 分离装置,可根据工作 速度和原料粉尘特点调 节分离流量。根据瓷砖 的类型,可使用的磨具 有两种:带有干加工专 用金刚石涂层和高热导 率的粘合剂的树枝和金 属磨轮。 在保证磨边几何质量的 过程中,推进器发挥了 重要作用。它有两个操 作臂(其中之一为电动 操作),由编码调控, 在操作键盘上可被重 置,用以保证瓷砖的对 角线尺寸。磨边机和电 子尺寸控 制装置相 连后,可 Machine Length 检 查 对 角 线并以自 动模式进 17,800 mm 行保存。

内部轮圈的并行组(不同 厂房的布局可按要求进行 检查)。卫浴瓷坯采用倒 模方式铸造(底部朝上, 轮圈区朝下)。轮圈的外 墙朝下铸造(打开模具可 见布水眼),从而更易于 与卫浴瓷坯上胶。轮圈能

ease of gluing. The rims can be angled individually by 30° to optimise mould emptying. When the casting phase (thickness formation and hardening) is complete, the process continues as follows: • The WC body mould is partially opened, raising the foot (upper element) and the lateral mould group in such a way that the mould piston remains at the bottom. The lateral mould group (with the WC body inside) now performs a 120° rotation. • After several finishing operations, the attachment surfaces are prepared and glue is applied to the rim. • The subsequent motorised lowering of the lateral moulds results in coupling with the rims and simultaneous gluing of the cast pieces along the entire line. • When the rim gluing operation has finished, the lower semimoulds of the rims are fixed securely to the lateral pairs by means of manual metal clips, allowing them to be raised in block. • Once all the moulds (lateral + rims) have been raised again, they are rotated by 120° to allow the rim semi-moulds to be removed and relocated in their original positions. The glued rims are now entirely visible and can be finished manually. • At the end of the gluing stage, polyurethane demoulding supports are applied. • The next step is that of automatic demoulding by means of motorised shifting of the deposit belts below the moulds containing the cast and glued articles. • By simultaneously opening all the moulds, the articles can be

extracted at the same time. 被单独调整30°,便于模 的方式自动脱模。 • In the last step, the demoulding 具清空。当铸造阶段(厚 • 同时打开所有模具并取 belts return to their original posi度组成和硬化)完成时, 出元件。 tion (laterally with respect to the 按如下步骤继续: • 最后一步,将沉积带复 casting module), where they 原至初始位置(侧面的 • 局 部 打 开 卫 浴 瓷 坯 模 are transformed into a tempo复原至铸件模具处), 具,提升底部(上升元 rary storage unit until the pieces 并将其改装成临时储存 件)和侧边模具组,从 are removed and sent on to the subsequent processing stage. 装置,直到零部件拆除 而使模具活塞保持在底 On request, the casting line can 并被送往下一加工阶段 端。将侧边模具组(包 be equipped with multi-layer belts 为止。 括卫浴瓷坯在内)旋转 to accommodate a larger num应要求,铸造线可装配 120°。 ber of pieces deriving for example • 经过几道精加工,制好 多 层 带 以 便 调 试 大 量 派 from the use of continuous cast附 件 表 面 并 将 轮 圈 上 生铸件,例如使用连续 ing technologies (spag-less sys铸造技术(spag-less系 胶。 tem). The new machine is designed to drastically reduce • 接下来机械式降低侧边 统 ) 。 新 设 备 的 设 计 目 physical fatigue for the operator 模 具 , 从 而 与 轮 圈 相 的在于彻底减轻工作流 during the work cycle. Further im连,同时顺着整条线给 程 中 操 作 员 的 体 力 疲 provements include energy sav劳。进一步改进内容包 铸件上胶。 ings (use of class IE2 electric mo括节能(使用IE2等级的 • 轮圈上胶操作完成后, tors) and workplace safety. The 电动机)和工作安全 使用手动金属夹将轮圈 new line offers a number of ad的下端半模具牢牢地固 性 。 新 生 产 线 的 优 势 如 vantages: 定在侧边的轮圈对上, 下: • Automation of the rim gluing stage. 使它们可以整体上提。 • 轮 圈 上 胶 环 节 的 自 动 • Simultaneous extraction of cast 化。 • 将 所 有 模 具 ( 侧 边 + 轮 pieces. 圈 ) 再 起 提 起 并 旋 转 • 同步提取铸造件。 • Casting position with rim in low 120°,从而拆除轮圈 • 轮 圈 较 低 时 的 铸 件 位 position, which is more suitable 置,从而更好地避免技 半模具并移动至最初位 for avoiding technological de术缺陷。 置。现在能完全看见上 fects. 胶轮圈并可手动完成。 • 元件具有高度的铸件应 • High casting application flexibility of articles with complex de用灵活性,并具有复合 • 在上胶阶段的末尾,使 sign and large dimensions. 设计和大尺寸。 用聚氨酯脱模支承结 • Fully openable moulds to allow • 完全可开启模具,允许 构。 for optimal and uniform drying. 最佳和统一烘干。 • 下一步,使用模具下方 • Possibility of using spag-less 包含铸件和上胶元件的 • 可使用spag-less技术 technology moulds. 的模具。 沉积带,以机械式移动 • Possibility of pro• 同一生产 ducing articles TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: 线可生产 with different designs on the 不同设计 Production capacity 30 pieces/casting x 2(**) castings per day same produc的元件。 Length 29,000 mm x width 7,000 mm x height tion line. Overall dimensions • 高效率, 3,700 mm. • High efficiency 大大缩减 and consideraInstalled electrical 22.5 kW. 停 机 时 ble reduction in power 间。 downtimes. **using a dryer molds

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products SACMI Market demand for large tiles is on the up and up: and that means production of high-end products of considerable unit cost in which the technological perfection of complete plants and individual machines plays a key role when it comes to meeting demanding quality and output requirements. Sacmi’s response to that demand is the PH 10000. With a pressing force of 10,000 tons it can compact even the very largest sizes at very high specific pressures. A part of the innovative Imola series, the PH 10000 completes the upper end of Sacmi’s ceramic press range and maintains all the advantages of a series that has been extensively tried and tested in the field, especially as regards the preloaded structure, which ensures outstanding, long-lasting rigidity and reliability – as hundreds of similar Sacmi machines installed over the last 20 years clearly demonstrate. The hydraulic control circuit is similar to that on the other presses: plunger movement and pressing stages are regulated by two proportional valves, which ensure maximum pressing precision and repeatability over time without any variation in output. A feature particular to the PH 10000, instead, is its structural modularity: the main components can be shipped separately and the machine subsequently reassembled on site, thus minimising transport costs. Thanks to a flow multiplier coupled with an accumulator set the PH 10000 has an extremely brief cycle; it is also extremely reliable on account of the pressure multiplier, which contains the zones subject to very


high pressure and so increases the reliability of the circuit itself. Controlled – like the other machines in the series – by a powerful electronic ‘brain’ that communicates with the press via a fieldbus, the press is easy to operate from both a control response time viewpoint and in terms of optimal control of all the operative parameters, shown on a user-friendly display that has been designed according to the most advanced ergonomic criteria. The most immediate advantage of this control system is minimisation of cycle downtimes, thus raising press speed and productivity. In keeping with Sacmi’s policy of saving energy without compromising on output performance - but rather improving it - consumption levels are reduced to a minimum. More specifically, on the PH 10000 Sacmi’s design engineers have implemented a special cycle with high energy savings and have, at the same time, provided the machine with features that eliminate press consumption during line stops.

C era mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

市场对大规格瓷砖的需 求正在不断攀升:这意 味着需要生产单位造价 高昂的高端产品以满足 市场对瓷砖质量和产量 的苛刻要求,要做到这 一点,整套设备和单个 机器的技术完善至关重 要。 为应对这一需求,萨克 米公司推出了PH 10000 压机。这款压机具备1万 吨压力,甚至可以在极 高的比压条件下压制极 大尺寸的瓷砖。该公司 独创的Imola系列已在该 领域历经考验,并得到 了广泛应用,尤其是其 所具备的预紧结构,可 确保卓越持久的坚硬度 与可靠性,这一点已在 过去20年间,萨克米数 以百计与之类似的机器 的安装使用过程中得到 了清楚印证。作为该系 列的成员之一,PH 10000压机保留了其所有 优点,且更加高端,进 一步完善了萨克米公司

的陶瓷压机产品系列。 PH 10000中的液压控制 电路与其他压机上的类 似:活塞运动与压力等 级由两个比例阀调控, 可在不影响产量的情况 下,确保施压精准度与 可重复性的最大化。而 PH 10000的独有特点是 它的结构模块化:其主 要组件可分别装运,然 后在现场组装成整机, 从而最大程度降低了运 输成本。 PH 10000上装备有一个 能量流量倍增器和一个 蓄能器组,极大缩短了 运行周期;所配备的压 力倍增器则极大提高了 其可靠性,该压力倍增 器中有多个可承受极高 压力的分区,提升了电 路本身的可靠性。与该 系 列 的 其 他 机 器 一 样,PH 10000由一个强 大的电子“大脑”控 制,该装置通过现场总 线与压机相连,因此, 无论从控制响应时间, 还是从所有操作参数的 最优控制角度来看,PH 10000都是易于操作的。 而所有操作参数都会呈 现在一个用户友好型的 显示器上,其设计遵照 最先进的人体工学标 准。上述控制系统最直 观的优点在于最大程度 缩短了周期性停工时 间,从而提升了压成速 度和生产率。 而且完全符合萨克米公 司的节能政策,在不降 低压机产出表现,甚至 还有所提高的情况下, 将其消耗水平降到了最 低。更具体来说,萨克 米公司的设计工程师在 让PH 10000拥有特殊的 高节能周期的同时,还 彻底消除了压机在生产 线不运作时的消耗。

GAIOTTO AUTOMATION Gaiotto Automation, the international robotized solutions specialist, is able to supply a wide range of solutions conforming to the different technical needs and budget availability of the users. The GA2000 sanitaryware glazing robot is the widely successful selflearning robot. Able to be ceilingmounted without any mechanical or electronic modifications, the machine has been designed to work in perfect harmony with existing carousels, transfer units and conveyors, whatever the painting plant layout: longitudinal, centralised or combined. The many features that ensure user-friendly control and ease of maintenance include 6 hermetically sealed gearmotors with a minimum number of connections, protective casings on all the motors and easy access to all moving parts. The robot uses a multiple programming: self-learning, point-to-point and off-line. The off-line 7WD (7 work digital axes) is the most innovative

one, an applying solution which allows to automatically simulate the trajectories and generate the glazing programs by the piece digitalization and its following modelling. The 6 axes of the robot and the 7th of the turntable, are coordinated in order to optimize the movements of the robot in trajectories, the most possible linear and fluid. This allows a particular reduction in cycle time and overspray while being easily seated in front of our o w n deskt o p witho u t stopping production.

Gaiotto Automation是 国际化的机器人化解决 方案专家,可根据用户 不同的技术需求和可行 的预算提供种类丰富的 解决方案。GA2000卫生 洁具施釉机械手是一款 取得了广泛成功的自学 机器人。经专门设计, 无论涂饰设备布局如 何,是纵向、集 中还是组合式, 这款机械手都可 与现有的转台、 转移部件和带式 输送机完美配 合,且无需额外 的机械或电子调 整,就可直接进 行顶置式安装。 这款机械手拥有 诸多便于用户操 控及维护的特 色,包括接口数 最小化的6台密

封式齿轮降速马达,为 所有马达配备的保护 套,以及能够轻松接触 到所有移动零件的设 计。除此之外,它还采 用了多程序设计:自学 习、点对点和脱机。 脱机式7WD(7个工作 数控轴)是其中最具创 新性的一款应用解决方 案,可自动模拟轨线, 并借助单个产品的数字 化生成施釉程序,进行 随后的模型制造。位于 机械手上的6个轴和转台 上的第7个轴会协同工 作,以优化机械手性 能,令其按照轨线,尽 可能进行线性、流畅的 运动。7WD可在不停止 生产的情况下轻松安装 在现有的台式电脑前, 能尤其显著地减少周期 时间,和超范围喷涂情 况。 ADVERTISING

products SITI B&T GROUP The most energy-intensive processes in ceramic factories are without question those of the thermal machines. In this field, Siti B&T Group has achieved maximum energy efficiency with its new Greenfire® kilns, which are capable of reducing fuel consumption by up to 30% and increasing in productivity of more than 25% thanks to innovative fuel combustion systems and the use of high-quality insulating materials. These kilns are suitable for firing tiles of sizes ranging from 40x40 cm up to 1600x3200 mm (an XXL version with 3950 mm entrance width has been specially developed for large formats). The burners used on these kilns belong to the new Greenburners range unveiled at Tecnargilla 2014, which exploit the energy of the production cycle to guarantee maximum energy efficiency and the lowest possible emissions of CO, CO2 and NOx as well as further reducing fuel consumption. The Titanium® burner in particular uses excess oxygen inside the kilns and is equipped with a patented fume recirculation system to ensure complete oxidation of the fuel and a significant reduction in CO, CO2 and NOx. The use of the Titanium® burner on the Greenfire® kiln ensures considerable cost savings as well as a significant reduction in consumption: just 390 kcal/kg of unfired porcelain (including different thicknesses) based on a production of 10,000 sq.m/day. It also ensures greater temperature uniformity, better flatness and an increase in first quality choice, resulting in a 25% increase in productivity and an immediate return on the investment. Alongside its range of increasingly high energy performance kilns, Siti B&T Group also develops custom solutions to optimise existing plants based on retrofits that can be


installed without stopping production lines. Interventions of this kind allow for energy savings of up to 30% and a considerable reduction in direct production costs. As far as the pressing process is

C era mic W o rld Review ch inese edition 2015

陶瓷厂中最耗能的工艺 设备毫无疑问便是热力 机械。在该领域,Siti B&T集团凭借其最新的 Greenfire ® 窑炉,实现 了最大的节能效益。该

窑炉采用了创新燃烧系 统,使用高品质绝缘材 料,能够最大减少30%的 燃油消耗,提高超过25% 的生产力,适用于各种规 格的瓷砖烧制(从40x40 cm到1600x3200 mm不等),其专门 设计了一款XXL窑 炉,配有3950 mm 的入口宽度,可用于 大型规格瓷砖的烧 制。窑炉使用的烧嘴 为其在2014年里米 尼陶瓷技术装备展上 发布的新型Greenburners系列,通 过利用生产周期的能 源,保证了最大的节 能效益和最低的 CO、CO 2 和NO x 排 放,进一步减少了燃 油消耗。 钛 ® 烧嘴尤其适用于 窑炉内部存在氧量过 剩的情况,该烧嘴配 有再循环烟气系统专 利技术,可以保证燃 料的完全氧化,大大 减 少 C O 、 C O 2和 N O x的 排 放 。 在 Greenfire®窑炉使用 钛 ® 烧嘴,既可以大 大降低成本,又能减 少燃料消耗:按照每 天生产10,000平方 米的未烧制陶瓷(包 括各种厚度的陶瓷), 其消耗仅为390千 卡/千克。同时,也 确保了更加均匀的温 度、良好的平整度以 及增加了更多的优质 选择,生产力提高了 25%以上,实现了投 资的即时回报。 除了开发高效节能的 窑炉以外,Siti B&T 集团还负责研发定制 解决方案,优化现有 设备,对其进行改造 更新,无需停止生产 线,便可安装。此措


工业用喷墨打印头 concerned, Siti presses have always been designed to deliver high levels of quality and productivity while maintaining a strong focus on cost cutting. The new devices revolutionise the process, ensuring lean production and reducing downtime, adjustments and tests between one production run and another. For example, the latest generation of EVO 3.0 presses are equipped with sophisticated technologies to improve pressing and reduce tile defects: • E-Synchro®, the innovative, fully electromechanical demoulding system which eliminates loading errors and considerably reduces maintenance costs; • Genius box® for total tile quality control; • Fasty, the fully automated device which ensures rapid mould changing in just 30 minutes; • Start & Stop, an authentic power-on-demand system, is an innovative hydraulic power unit which eliminates machine downtimes and consumptions whenever the press does not require hydraulic energy. In the large-format pressing segment, Siti B&T Group unveiled its Supera® technology at Tecnargilla 2014. Key technical features include the absence of a mould and high flexibility in terms of sizes and thicknesses (achieved by cutting before or after firing), resulting in a more flexible production process and simplified storage. Higher productivity is achieved by total elimination of waste thanks to new patents developed by the Siti B&T Research & Development Centre, while greater flatness of the pressed tiles ensures improved product quality. Further characteristics of Supera® include the absence of foundations, optimisation of factory logistics and a considerable reduction in energy consumption compared to conventional presses.

施保证了高达30%的节能 效益,大大减少了直接 生产成本。就冲压工艺 而言,Siti压机在保证高 水平质量和生产力的同 时,注重了节约成本。 新型设备彻底改变了该 工艺,确保了精益生 产、减少了停工期,在 生产运行之间互相调整 和测试。例如,最新一 代EVO 3.0压机,采用精 致的工艺技术,提高了 冲压效果,减少了瓷砖 瑕疵: • E-Synchro ® ,采用全 机电脱模创新系统,能 够减少装载误差,大大 降低维护成本; • Genius box®用于整套 瓷砖质量控制; • Fasty,全自动设备, 仅需30分钟,便可快速 更换模具; • Start & Stop(启动与 停止),正宗的按需供 电系统,采用创新技术 的液压动力装置,在压 机无需液压能源的情况 下,能够减少机器故障 停机时间,降低燃料消 耗。 在大幅面瓷砖压制市 场,Siti B&T集团在2014 年里米尼陶瓷技术装备 展发布了Supera®技术, 其主要技术特点有:无 需模具,在尺寸和厚度 方面具有更高的灵活性 (通过在烧制之前或之 后切割实现)。 因此,生产工艺更加灵 活,储藏更加简单。由 Siti B&T集团研发中心开 发的最新专利技术,可 以减少浪费,提高生产 力,同时,保证受冲压 瓷砖的良好平整度,提 高产品质量。与传统压 机相比,Supera®还具有 以下特点:无需基础, 优化工厂物流,极大量 减少能源消耗。

高打印画质 精准的油墨落点、稳定的墨滴形成与滴墨量,实 现了圆滑的灰度级表现能力及出色的打印品质。

生产性 牢固耐用的喷头设计加上精密的制造公差,实 现了高生产成品率。

处理能力 CF1L/CF1XL喷头是为提高处理能力而特别设计的 大墨滴喷头。非常适合运用于陶瓷装饰等方面。

多样性 支持UV固化型墨水和油性墨水。可以喷出高粘 度、高比重的液体、实现了在多种用途上的应用。

高可靠性 采用的墨水循环结构,确保了出色的喷墨性能和 喷墨的正确性。并完全可以排除气泡和沉淀导致 的墨滴偏移、喷嘴堵塞的情况。

TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION, Inkjet Business Group https://www.toshibatec.co.jp/tecfiles/sslhtdocs/contacts/inkjet/form.html

6-78 Minami-cho, Mishima-shi, Shizuoka 411-8520 Japan

products ALTEO From being the first producer of alumina 120 years ago, Alteo has evolved into the leading, fully-integrated, global supplier of specialty aluminas, for various markets, in particular ceramics. Alteo is an international group with four plants in Europe (three in France and a fourth in Germany) and a production capacity exceeding 700,000 tons per year. Alteo provides a unique range of products to more than 550 customers around the world. High-quality and R&D oriented, Alteo develops continuously the best solutions for Ceramics producers. For more information, meet Alteo’s team at Ceramics China

- Hall 3.1 booth C507 and visit www.alteo-alumina.com

Alteo公司作为第一家 氧化铝生产商,已经有 120年的历史,如今已 在多个市场,尤其是陶 瓷 市 场,发 展成为 全球领 先、完 全一体 化的专 业氧化 铝供应 商 。 Alteo 是一家 跨国集 团 公

司,在欧洲拥有四间工 厂(法国三个,德国一 个),其年产能在70 万吨以上。 Alteo拥有一系列独一 无二的产品,并销往世 界各地,客户数量超过 550个。 坚持优质与以研发为导 向的Alteo公司从未停 止过为陶瓷生产商开发 最佳解决方案的脚步。 欲了解更多信息,请前 往广州陶瓷工业展3.1 号馆C507号展位咨询 Alteo团队,或访问 Alteo公司网站www. alteo-alumina.com

ergy savings and quick use, • increased lifetime of the components (pumps, filters, valves, blades, bearings, pistons of the pumps and hydraulic motors), • high filterability. The fluid is designed to be used in all industrial hydraulic system and in particular in the ceramic industry. The product has been

Syneco公司最新推出了一 种适用于液压设备高压运 作的液压油,能有效减少 磨损和环境污染,提高节 能 效 益 。 S y n e c o Press C2888液压油具有良 好的粘度指数。其基础油 经过特别加工精制而成, 采用最先进的无锌复合添

加剂。该产品具有良好的抗 磨、防锈、消泡性能,以及 良好的抗乳化性,即使在操 作压力不理想的情况下,也 能正常使用。 在 任 何 操 作 条 件 下,Syneco Press C2888 液压油都能保持极佳的过滤 性能。因此,基于上述特 点,它能满足新型工 业设备固定或移动机 械(多为露天操作) 的各类要求,具体如 下: • 使用时间长,能够 实现无人机械的3次轮 班操作; • 即使在环境温度较 低的情况下,也能够 快速达到设备所需的 运行速度,因此可有 效实现节能、使用快 捷等功能; • 延长了部件的使用 寿命(水泵、过滤 器、阀门、叶片、轴 承、水泵活塞和液压 马达);

SYNECO Syneco presents its new fluids for hydraulic plants at high pressure that grant a less wear, a reduced environmental impact and energy saving. The Syneco Press C2888 is a fluid with a good viscosity index. The bases are particularly refined and the state-of-the-art additivation package is Zinc free. The production has excellent anti-wear, anti-rust, anti-foam properties and a good level of demulsibility for use even under generally severe conditions in terms of operating pressures. The Syneco Press C2888 has an excellent filterability in all conditions. Thanks to these characteristics it can meet the requirements of new industrial plants, with fixed and movable machinery (and often operating in the open air), which can be sum up with: • long periods of use, even on 3 shifts with unmanned machinery, • rapid reaching of running speed of the plant, also at low environmental temperatures, thus achieving possible en-


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tested for 15,000 working hours providing excellent chemical and physical results. The diagram highlights the viscosity changes of the 3 fluids on the time axis: After 1500 work/hours the hydraulic oil “A” has already lost the greater part of its viscosity, and there will be a volume reduction due to blow-by, which must be restored or replaced in order to avoid disastrous problems of wear and plant operation. Syneco is also one of the first world lubricant producers that has managed to highlight the problems related to the use of additivation packages containing Zinc: in fact, if this element is present in the additive package, in a few hundred hours it turns into polyphosphates; this transformation can cause residue formation on the pumps and proportional valves, jeopardizing their normal operation. Syneco also supplies technical service. The company has developed the “Syneco Check-Up Service” which is based on the analysis of a sample of the lubricating oil taken during servicing. While circulating within the mechanical components and the servomechanisms, the lubricating oil collects and carries major information regarding the operating conditions of the relevant mechanical systems. Proper identification of the chemical, organoleptic and structural changes undergone by the relevant molecules through analysis of a specific sample enables the servicing staff to determine the actual state of health of the mechanical unit, which is being inspected.

• 较高的过滤性。 该液压油适用于所有的工 业液压系统,尤其是陶瓷 工业。经过了15000个工 作时数的测验后,该产品 表现出了良好的化学和物 理性能。该图表展示了时 间轴上3种不同液压油的 粘度变化情况:在经过 1500个工作小时的测试 后,液压油“A”大体已 不具有粘度,加上漏气, 粘度将会大大减少,因此 为避免发生严重的磨损和 设备操作问题,需进行补 充或替换液压油。 Syneco 也是世界上第一 家润滑油生产商,成功提 出了使用含锌复合添加剂 过程中所遇到的相关问 题:实际上,如果复合添 加剂含有锌这种元素,在 运行几百个小时后,就会 转换成多磷酸盐;这会导 致水泵和比例阀残留滤 渣,进而影响其正常运 行。Syneco公司同时也 提供技术服务。该公司根 据对维护期间使用的润滑 油的取样分析,开发 了“Syneco技术检查服 务”。润滑油在机械部件 和伺服机构中循环流通 时,会收集和传递相关机 械系统运作条件的主要信 息。通过对特殊样本的分 析,对相关分子在化学性 能、性状及结构上发生的 变化进行适当辨别,可以 帮助维护人员在检查时判 别机械装置的实际运行状 况。

products RIEDHAMMER Increasing energy costs and environmental obligations force manufacturers of industrial kiln plant and the ceramic industry in general to explore all available potential energy saving methods. One of the customers’ main selection criteria when considering investment in new plant is energy efficiency and Riedhammer offers cutting-edge innovation and specific technical solutions to meet current challenges in this regard. The principal measures for enhanced energy efficiency in new plant comprise of the following: • energy-efficient engineering (EEE) • energy-management-system (EMS) and Reko burner system • integrated process control • internal heat re-use • combined re-use of thermal energy • co-generation as a flexible and high efficient way to use available energy sources and recovery of waste energy. Furthermore, there are also technical alterations possible to existing kiln plant, which can be realized with varying investment costs and effort to achieve more energy efficiency:


• high product setting density; • directly re-used waste heat from the cooling zone; • implementation of heat exchangers for the heat recovery; • upgrade to pre-heated combustion air or secondary air. The main objective of the developments presented under the terms EMS, Reko system and Co-generation consist in the significant energy savings combined with CO2 emission reduction and improved glaze quality on continuously and discontinuously operated kiln plants for sanitary ware production. Apart from the possibility of using the waste heat from the kiln plant for other purposes to improve the energy balance of the factory, the EMS presents the latest technology for optimizing the use of resources such as gas and electrical power, which also contributes to an increase in product quality. Due to various hardware and software tools contained within the system, which interact with the stateof-the-art kiln components, an extremely high performance level can be achieved to meet our customers’ demand for ecological and economical production plants for firing sanitary ware.

C era mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

日益上涨的能源成本 和环保责任迫使工业 窑炉制造商和整个陶 瓷行业开始探索一切 潜在可行的节能方 式。能效也成为了客 户在考虑投资新设备 时的主要选择标准之 一,而在这一点上, 瑞德哈默公司可为其 提供尖端创新与具体 的技术解决方案以应 对当前挑战。 提高新设备能效的主 要措施如下: • 能效工程(EEE) • 能 源 管 理 系 统 (EMS)和Reko燃 烧炉系统 • 一体化过程控制 • 内热再利用 • 热能组合再利用 • 将 热 电 联 产 作 为 一 种灵活、高效的可 用能源利用方式, 以及废能回收再利 用方式。 此外,若能付出相应 投资成本和努力,现 存窑炉设备也有可能 进行如下提升能效的 技术改造: • 提 高 产 品 装 窑 密 度;

• 对 冷 却 区 的 废 热 实 现直接再利用; • 安 装 热 交 换 机 , 实 现热能的回收再利 用; • 升 级 , 增 加 预 热 助 燃风或二次风的功 能。 进行EMS、Reko系统 和热电联产改进的主 要目的是,在连续和 间断操作窑炉设备生 产卫生洁具时既能大 幅减少能耗,还能降 低二氧化碳排放量, 提高釉面质量。 除了具备将窑炉设备 中的废热用作他图以 改善工厂能量平衡这 一可能性外,EMS还 展示出了优化天然 气、电力等资源利用 的最新技术,这一技 术对产品质量的提升 也有帮助。 该系统中拥有各种各 样可与最先进的窑炉 组件相互作用的软硬 件,在它们的帮助 下,卫生洁具生产设 备可达到极高性能水 平,满足客户对烧制 过程生态、经济的要 求。

products ANCORA Ancora is launching a revolutionary, high-output dry squaring machine for all kinds of ceramic products, including porcelain tile. While tool limitations previously restricted the dry grinding process to low-hardness ceramic materials (monoporosa and double fired tiles), Ancora has now made the technology available for harder materials such as porcelain, delivering higher levels of productivity than traditional wet grinding. Dry squaring offers a number of major advantages in terms of: • energy: it is not necessary to perform drying after machining absorbent products, which brings significant energy savings; • the environment: the process does not use water so it does not generate sludge or waste water requiring purification; • costs: the cost of the line is lower due to the absence of a water supply and sludge treatment system; building work is not required for water conveyance; • plant durability and maintenance: there are clear improvements achieved by operating in the absence of moisture and saline mist. The new Speed Dry squaring machine from Ancora provides a definitive solution to productivity issues for monoporosa, double fired tiles and especially porcelain tiles, surpassing the throughput levels of traditional wet squaring. Based on an innovative patented concept, the Speed Dry


squaring line from Ancora uses high-speed spindles equipped with a cooling system and specially designed tools which are kept clean by compressed air jets and are capable of removing large thicknesses of material with a high degree of efficiency. This ensures high work rates even with porcelain tile, achieving throughputs as high as 30 metres per minute with standard removal quantities (e.g. 600x600 mm, 10-11 mm of thickness and 3 mm removed per side). Floating tilted or swinging spindles are available for machining the chamfered edge. The precise and rapid positioning device with ergonomic adjustment, also available in a pneumatically controlled version, allows the squaring lines to achieve very high production rates with small size tiles and perfectly perpendicular sides even in the case of large-format tiles. In the automatic version, the side machined in the first stage is aligned with extremely high precision by a numerically controlled axis that dialogues with the dimensional control device.

C era mic W o rld Review ch inese edition 2015

安可拉公司现正推出一 款革命性的高产量干法 磨边机,适用于所有陶 瓷产品,包括瓷质砖。 此前,因工具局限性, 磨边机的干磨工序只能 处理低硬度的陶瓷材料 (一次烧成和二次烧成 的瓷砖),如今,安可 拉已研发出了可适用于 瓷料等更硬材料的技 术,生产率高于传统湿 磨。 干法磨边机具备诸多主 要优势: • 能源:不必在加工可吸 收产品后再进行干燥, 这能大大节约能源; • 环 境 : 该 工 序 无 需 用 水,因此不会产生必须 净化的污泥或废水; • 成本:因为无需安装供 水和污泥处理系统,所 以降低了生产线成本; 并同时省去了输水设备 的建造工作; • 设备耐用性与维护:在 干燥、无盐雾的环境中 运行使设备在这两个方

面有了显著改善。 安可拉公司这一新款的 Speed Dry(速干)磨边 机可切实解决一次与二 次烧成瓷砖(尤其是瓷 质砖)的生产率问题, 产量水平超越了传统湿 法磨边。 安可拉公司的Speed Dry 磨边机系列以一项创新 性的专利概念为基础, 采用配备有冷却系统和 专门工具的高速主轴, 这些主轴用压缩空气喷 射器即可清洁,且拥有 高效的大厚度材料磨边 能力。因此,哪怕面对 瓷质砖,这款机器也能 保证高工作率,按标准 磨除量(比如规格为 600x600毫米,10-11毫 米厚的瓷砖每边磨除3毫 米)计算,其工作率可 高达每分钟30米。 这款机器配备有加工倒 角边缘所需的浮动倾斜 主轴或摆动主轴。进行 了人体工学调整的定位 设备快速精准(另一气 控版中也具 有该设备), 让这一磨边 机系列在处 理小规格瓷 砖,以及大 规格瓷砖中 完全垂直的 边缘时,也 能达到非常 高 的 生 产 率。在这一 自动版机器 的第一加工 阶段中,数 控轴会根据 尺寸控制设 备提供的规 格信息对产 品边缘进行 校准,使其 具备极高的 精确度。

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products POPPI CLEMENTINO Poppi Clementino Spa is a company specialized in the optimization of the energetic consumption. By performing an accurate analysis of the energy used in the production cycle, the company is able to offer to its customers a set of customized solutions for energy recovery and filtration systems. In the field of energy recovery, the company has developed in the years a number of technologies able to reduce the energetic waste: it normally recovers the calorific potential embedded in the heat and fumes, by recycling it on the production cycle. Poppi Clementino Spa has already successfully installed its systems in a large number of industries, including ceramics, bricks, foundries, plastics to name just a few. In the production of ceramic tiles, the machines that require the largest consumption of energy, are, in the order, spray driers, driers and kilns. Poppi Clementino Spa has developed a combined system focused in the recovery of the energy coming from the kilns: the most can be recovered from the heat embedded in the air normally exhausted through the cooling chimneys; in addition, also the fumes contains large amount of heat, that can be ideally recovered. The recovery of the cooling air is usually called “direct” recovery system. The recovery of the fumes, normally require the installation of a Heat Exchanger, and it is called “indirect” recovery system. In the most of the cases, the two systems are combined in order to achieve the maximum efficiency. Direct recovery systems: It is a combined system, on which the hot air exhausted from the cooling chimney of the kiln is conveyed by a fan to feed the burners of the spray driers, at an average temperature of 170 °C. In this application, where an inverter is used to control the speed of the fan, it can be usually recovered an amount of energy, that allows a saving of 20-25% of the yearly consumption of the spray drier.


Indirect recovery system: the heat included in the fumes coming from the exhaustion of the chimneys of the kilns, have to be treated appropriately because of the large amount of corrosive pollutants. For this operation, a fumes/air heat exchanger is installed to obtain clean hot air, to be conveyed to the energy-consuming machines through insulated pipes. The temperature drop can be estimated to be around 1°C for every 10-15 meters of appropriately insulated pipe. In the driers, it can be normally reached a 25÷30% reduction in the consumption of fuel (natural gas, diesel, LPG etc.). Heat exchangers. From the beginning, Poppi Clementino Spa has been active in the engineering and manufacturing of heat exchangers. Such machines are used as heat sinks prior to the filtration stage. The heat exchangers are also often used in the cogeneration process, on which there is the combined production of electrical and thermal energies. The working principles of the heat exchanger is based on the transfer of heat from the hot smokes to another fluid that is normally air or hot water. The product range of Poppi Clementino Spa also included diatermic oil exchangers. Depending on the working temperature, smoke corrosiveness, and solid particulates included on the fumes, the company has developed a complete range of machines. Control and supervision instruments. Poppi Clementino Spa has developed a sophisticated and reliable electronic control system for the management of filtration and energy recovery equipment. In order to meet the growing request from its customers to monitoring the dust extraction systems, Poppi Clementino Spa can provide a dust control system based on the concept of differential pressures: it combines a digital measuring device, able to display the amount of dust produced in the working cycle, and

Cera mic W o rld Review ch ines e edition 2015

Poppi Clementino Spa是一家专注于为能 源消耗提供最优解决 方案的公司。 通过在一个生产周期 中对能源消耗的精确 分析,我公司能够为 每位客户制定一套适 合客户自身需求的能 源回收和过滤系统方 案。 在能源回收领域,多 年来公司开发了一系 列减少能源浪费的技 术和设备:我们通常 把在生产中潜在地隐 藏于高温和废气中的 热量回收起来。Poppi Clementino Spa已成 功地在众多工业领域 中安装使用这些设 备,比如制陶业,制 砖业,铸造业,塑胶 业等一大批工业项 目。 在瓷砖生产中,需要 消耗大量能源的设备 主要有喷雾干燥机和 烘 干机(以及窑炉)。 Poppi Clementino Spa针对这一生产研发 了一套综合系统回收 来自窑炉的热能:在 冷却道消耗掉的那些 隐藏于气体中的热量 大部分都可以被回 收,此外, 废气中也 含有大量的热能,这 些也可以很好地被回 收起来。 对冷却气体中热量回 收的方式通常被称为 直接回收系统。 在对 废气的回收中通常需 要安装一个热交换 器,所以这种回收被 称为间接回收系统。 在大多情况下,这两 种系统是结合使用以 达到最大回收效率。 直接回收系统:以下 例子是对一个组合系

统的说明, 在窑炉的 冷却道中被消耗的热 气体经过风扇被送到 喷雾干燥机的燃烧器 中,平均温度为170 °C. 在这个应用中,安装 一个了交换器来控制 风扇的速度,它可以 回收大量的能源,这 个回收量相当于节约 了喷雾干燥机一年消 耗能源的20%-25%。 间接回收系统:窑炉 烟囱中的废气中含有 大量的热量,但是大 部分是腐蚀性污染 物,所以必须用正确 的方式处理。 针对这一操作,一个 废气热交换器或者气 体热交换器将被安装 在系统中来获取干净 的热气体,然后通过 绝缘管道输送到耗能 设备中。 在适当的绝 缘管道中每10-15米温 差预估为1°C。 在烘 干机中,通常可以降 低燃料(天然气,柴 油,液化天然气等) 消耗的25%-30%。 热交换器. 从一开始,Poppi Clementino Spa公司 就一直专注于热交换 器的研发和生产。 这些设备作为散热片 用在过滤阶段之前。 在电和热能的综合生 产中,热交换器也经 常被用在热电联产 中。 热交换器的工作原理 是基于把热烟中的热 量转化为另外一种流 体,通常是气体或者 热水。 Poppi Clementino Spa 公司的产品还包 括Diatermic oil 交换 器。 (备 注:一 般石油 在热量转化中容易起

report possible failures. Potential failures can be constantly detected by a software developed by Poppi Clementino Spa and displayed on a screen. All related data are shown and the software is able to localize the problem by displaying it in the layout of the

system, with a relevant advantage in the maintenance intervention. Furthermore, the software keep tracks of all the exact amounts of energy recovered, allowing the operators to know time-by-time the exact amount of savings.

火,diatermic oil含有 特殊添加剂可以防止起 火)根据工作温度,烟 雾腐蚀性和废气中的固 体颗粒,公司研发了一 系列完整的产品。 控制和监测仪器

Poppi Clementino Spa 研发了一套精准 可靠的电控系统来管 理过滤和能源回收系 统。为了满足广大客 户在除尘方面日益增 长的需求,我公司根 据压差理念研发了一 套除尘系统:它结合 一套数字测量装置可 以显示在生产周期中 生产的粉尘量,并可 以预报潜在故障。潜 在 故 障 可 以 通 过 Poppi Clementino Spa研发的软件被持 续监测然后显示在显 示屏上。所有相关数 据都可以被显示出 来,而且软件可以根 据在系统布局中所展 示的数据的位置来锁 定有问题的部位,这 在预防和维修方面是 一个明显的优势。此 外,这个软件可以跟 踪所有被回收的能源 的精确数量,可以使 操作员随时知道节省 的数据。

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