Ceramic World Review China 2018

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C eramic W orld

R eview 陶 瓷 世 界 评 论

ISSN 1121-0796

technology news markets

Ceramics China 2018


BEYOND IMAGINATION STRUCTURE SURFACES Thanks to its exclusive STS technology, SUPERA can create textured finishes as deep as 4 mm on 5 to 18 mm thick, large format slab tiles, and up to 6 mm deep on 19 to 30 mm thick slab tiles.


Thanks to its exclusive STS technology, Supera can produce large format slab tiles measuring up to 1600x4800 mm and between 5 and 30 mm thick.


Thanks to its exclusive STS technology, Supera can produce large format slab tiles that measure up to 1600x4800 mm and are perfectly flat and rectified.

Now beat us (if you can)

Visit us at CERAMICS CHINA 2017 C206, Hall 3.1


LB Officine Meccaniche S.p.A Via Pedemontana, 166 41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO) - Italy www.lb-technology.com

Design is not a simple word. It’s a mental attitude to face the innovation; a continuous search for original and nontrivial solutions, that has to be able to communicate with people and generate emotions. The creative person, for that reason, is never satisfied, but he is in a constant rebirth that tries his very existence, in the eternal attempt to impress and to be liked by others, like he’s working at the same poetry needing to perpetuate herself with always new words to renovate the emotion each time. This page too, for example, should be design, but the designer is not sure that it will be see in the same way that it’s seen by him, who is drawing it. The word design has many different meanings and for us it represents the capacity to create original surfaces, to show our emotions and to transfer them into your houses. The design is for us like a path made up of many steps, where you never think to the final arrival but only to the closest finish line. What you are reading could be an interpretation of the design like thoughts translated into graphics in a not banal form of expression. If you have read until now we can say that a part of the goal has been reached and an intermediate step for the development of an idea expressing our desire of innovation has been concluded.

w w w. t e c n o g r a f i c a . n e t




Year 28, Chinese Edition Supplement to No. 126 April/May 2018 Bimonthly review


Cover picture by: Giancarlo Pradelli



12 World News 22 Events

System, technology partner for New Pearl Group 西斯特姆:新明珠集团的技术合作伙伴

Focus on 24

Paolo Sassi

Greetings to Ceramics China 2018 2018年广州陶瓷工业展致辞

large sizes & panels

LBXTRA and Freestile: technology for large sizes LBXTRA和Freestile:适用于大规格瓷砖生产的先进技术

Large-size ceramic panels and slabs: the evolution continues Andrea Bresciani, Roberto Pelliconi 大规格陶瓷板材:变革仍在继续


28 32

Emilio Benedetti, Giuseppe Macchioni

Aesthetics 4.0: a natural approach to industrial creativity 美学4.0:工业创造力的自然之选

Davide Medici

Lamgea, technology for contemporary architecture Lamgea——为当代建筑而生的技术

Full Digital, barrier-free decoration 全数码化无障碍装饰

Supera® and STS technology: creativity and technology in the decoration of large size panels and slabs Supera®与STS技术:大规格陶瓷板材装饰的创造力与技术 Marco Ferrari

A new dimension of beauty 美丽新维度

The value of a complete technological finishing process 完整技术精加工工艺的价值

Visually-striking and highly durable large surfaces 视觉震撼且经久耐用的大规格瓷砖

The importance of the application process in large-size ceramic tile treatment and finishing 大规格瓷砖处理和精加工应用工艺的重要性 Simone Sorrentino, Giuseppe Soli

Twin-channel kiln for large size tiles: high output and flexibility in small spaces 为大规格瓷砖而生的双通道窑炉:小空间里的高产量与灵活性 ICF & Welko

CMF XLT: Customised technologies for large size tiles CMF XLT:大规格瓷砖的定制技术

Digicol, the new generation of digital glues Digicol:新一代数码胶水 Water-based glazes and engobes for full digital applications 水性釉料和化妆土的全数码化应用

Ecoink-Cid®, the sustainable full-digital solution Ecoink-Cid®可持续全数码解决方案

New air conditioning plants for the sanitaryware industry 卫浴洁具行业的新型空调设备

Sabo commissions a new line for Malaysian Kilan Batu Sabo为马来西亚Kilan Batu公司安装新的生产线

Products 产品

34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50

52 Technology 54



64 Latest technologies 70 Advertisers’ List

Andrea Gozzi

Rita Cagnoli

Alberto Lumetti

Marco Sichi

Claudio Casolari, Massimo Lanzarini

Mirco Corbelli

Giorgia Ferrari, Vittorio Vandelli

Paolo Marcheluzzo




Publisher / Editore: Administration and Editorial Office Amministrazione e Redazione TILE EDIZIONI S.r.l. Via Fossa Buracchione, 84 41126 Baggiovara (MO) - Italy Tel. +39 059 512103 Fax +39 059 512157 info@tiledizioni.it Iscritto al registro delle imprese di Modena C.F./P.IVA IT02778050365 Capitale Sociale: € 51.400,00 R.E.A. 329775 Iscrizione ROC n. 9673 Periodico bimestrale registrato presso il Tribunale di Reggio Emilia al n. 803 in data 26/07/91 • Editor / Direttore responsabile: Paola Giacomini p.giacomini@tiledizioni.it • Editorial Board / Comitato Editoriale: Simona Armichiari, Claudio Avanzi, Luca Baraldi, Chiara Bruzzichelli, Cristian Cassani, Paolo Gambuli, Erminio Guiducci, Luigi Montermini, Fabrizio Raponi, Fabio Schianchi • Advertising / Pubblicità: TILE EDIZIONI Tel. +39 059 512103 Fax +39 059 512157 • Paola Giacomini mobile +39 335 1864257 p.giacomini@tiledizioni.it • Elisa Verzelloni mobile +39 338 5361966 e.verzelloni@tiledizioni.it • Translation / Traduzioni: John Freeman (EN) Ceramic Town Weekly (Chinese)

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Date of going to press / chiuso in redazione il: 29/04/2018 In GUANGDONG province: NEWPEARL Group DONGPENG Group ENSHENG Group GRIFINE Group HAOSHENG Group WONDERFUL Group XINJINCHENG Ceramics XINJINSHENG Group Other provinces: KAIXUAN Ceramics (HUBEI) DONGYUE Group (SHANDONG) HUADA Ceramics (SHANXI) KINGSWAY Ceramics (SHANDONG) SINYIH Group (SHANDONG) YIHAO Ceramics (SHANDONG) VTONG SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (SHANDONG)

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Tile Edizioni also publishes:


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Porcelain stoneware tiles: < 390 Kcal/Kg Sanitary ware: < 800 kcal/Kg Contractually guaranteed and certified values Reduced CO2 and NOx emissions

TITANIUM® uses the oxigen excess available in the inner of the kiln thanks to a patented fume recycling system that oxidises fuel completely and significantly reduces CO2 and NOx emissions.

Visit us at CERAMICS CHINA 2017 C206, Hall 3.1


Our technology lies in real innovation, in the knowledge of fine arts and sciences and in a forward-looking approach. System Lamina is the first ever manufacturing process to have opened up new fields of applications in ceramic industry for a new concept of architecture. Lamgea, our moldless press, is at the core of this evolution. Multi-Format tiles, ceramic surfaces up to 1600x4800 mm, a wide range of thicknesses from 3 to 30 mm and a structured finish up to a depth of 2 mm. System Lamina offers you 4.0 industrial plants fully equipped, tailor-made services and cutting-edge technological solutions where you are the protagonist.



Greetings to Ceramics China 2018

2018年广州陶瓷工业展致辞 Paolo Sassi

On behalf of ACIMAC, the Association of the Italian Manufacturers of Machinery and Equipment for Ceramics, I would like to express my warmest greetings to the Chinese institutions and to the operators of the Chinese ceramic industry. Ceramics China represents a major chance for both Chinese and Italian companies to communicate and to strengthen their long-lasting cooperation. The world ceramic market requires every day better quality tiles, for the production of which the best available technologies are needed. Italian technology for ceramics, world leader in terms of quality and innovation, will be represented in this year’s exhibition by several top companies, which will present their latest solutions and newest technologies. Confirming the support of our Association to the exhibition, we wish to all the exhibitors, visitors and organizers a very successful Ceramics China 2018. Paolo Sassi ACIMAC Chairman


我谨代表ACIMAC(意 大利陶瓷机械及设备制 造商协会)向中国陶瓷 行业的中国机构和业内 人士致以最亲切的问 候。 广州陶瓷工业展对中国 公司和意大利公司而言 都是一个沟通和巩固两 者 长期 合 作 的主要 机

会。世界陶瓷市场对瓷砖 质量的要求逐日上升,因 此要生产出优质的瓷砖, 就需要最好的技术支 持。在 质 量 和 创 新方面 都 是世界 行业内佼 佼者 的 意 大利 陶 瓷 技 术,将 通 过多家顶尖公司在今 年工业展上进行展示,这 些 公司将展示 他们 各自 最新的解决方案和技 术。 为表 示 我们 协 会( 意 大 利陶瓷机械 及设备制造 商协会)对这个展会的支 持,我们对参加本届展会 的所有参展商、观展商和 展会主办方表示祝愿,祝 愿2 018广州陶瓷工业展 圆满成功。

Paolo Sassi 意大利陶瓷机械及设备制造 商协会 主席


Follow us also on Social. Daily updates! Search “Ceramic World Web” and “Tile Edizioni”



Fingerprint FPRM

Glossy Glaze

Matt Glaze

world news Tecnargilla will be back in Rimini from 24 to 28 September 2018 The 26th Tecnargilla, the world’s most important exhibition of supplies to the ceramic and brick industries, will be held from 24 to 28 September 2018 in Rimini. Organised by Acimac and IEG-Italian Exhibition Group, a company formed as a merger between Rimini Fiera and Fiera di Vicenza, the biennial show is an unmissable event for industry professionals. It will display the largest range of products and the most innovative technologies for the production of ceramic tiles, bricks and roof tiles, sanitaryware and tableware along with the latest aesthetic trends showcased by design firms and ceramic glaze and colour producers. Tecnargilla 2018 has already laid the foundations for another successful edition, with strong international representation and large numbers of exhibitors and visitors. The leading Italian and international companies have already booked their spaces at the show. Besides Italy, the best represent-

ed countries will be Spain, Turkey, Germany, the UK, Portugal, France, Egypt and China, bringing the share of foreign exhibitors to 35% of the total. For the 2018 event the organisers aim to maintain the position established in 2016 as the Italian show with the highest international attendance: 16,764 non-Italian buyers (6.3% up on 2014) from more than 100 countries out of the total of 33,395 visitors (+4%). Thanks to its unrivalled leadership position, Tecnargilla 2018 will be supported by the Italian Ministry for Economic Development, which has listed it amongst the trade fairs of national importance included in the special plan to promote Italian businesses. An intense promotional campaign is also under way aimed at expanding the exhibition’s international reach and ensuring the participation of all the leading players in the industry. Alongside a presence at the world’s top exhibitions with staff and representation stands and direct contact with the ceramic industry’s major trade associations, chambers of commerce and outstanding buyers, the overseas promotional ac-

tivities this year are backed by a network of highly trained agents who are working to increase the visibility of the event in their respective countries. GPE Fairs in Spain, Bee2Bee in Turkey, Arta Group in Iran, Unifair Exhibition Service with a branch in China and Rare Tech Projects Pvt in India are the partners that Tecnargilla has chosen to expand its promotional activities abroad and which are already garnering positive feedback. Once again numerous delegations and selected buyers are expected in the business meetings area (more than 1,000 meetings were held in 2016), an initiative that is especially appreciated by exhibitor companies for the excellent commercial opportunities it offers.


意大利陶瓷技术展将于2018 年9月24日至28日在里米尼 举办




业的装备展览会——第26届 意大利里米尼国际陶瓷技术 展(Tecnargilla)将于 2018年9月24日至28日在里 米尼举办。展会由 Acimac与里米尼 会展中心和维琴察 会展中心合并组成 的意大利展览集团 (IEG)联合举 办,展会两年一 届,是业内人士不 容错过的一大盛 事。展会将展示生 产瓷砖、砖、屋面 瓦、洁具、餐具的 最齐全的生产设备 和最具创新性的技 术,此外,设计公 司、陶瓷色釉料生 产商还将在此展示



地位的的意大利和国际化龙 头企业都已经预定了展位。 除意大利之外,最具代表性 的国家还包括西班牙、土耳 其、德国、英国、葡萄牙、 法国、埃及和中国,外国参 展商的份额占总参展商的35 %。 对于2018年,主办方的目标 是维持2016年获得的成 果——吸引最多国际参展商 和 观 展 商 的 意 大 利 展 会。2016年的Tecnargilla 吸引了来自100多个国家的 33,395位观展者(增加了4 %),其中16,764为非意大 利买家(比2014年增加了 6.3%)。凭借其无可匹敌 的领导地位,2018年的 Tecnargilla将得到意大利经 济发展部已将Tecnargilla列 入促进意大利企业发展特别 一场紧锣密鼓的推广活动正 在进行,只为扩大展会的国 际影响力,确保行业中所有 领先企业都能参与其中。除 了让企业可以携员工参与这 一世界顶级展会并拿到代表 性展位,以及与陶瓷行业的 主要贸易协会、商会和优秀 买家直接接触之外,今年的 海外推广活动还得到了训练 有素的代理商群体的支持, 这些代理商将致力于提升展 会在各自国家的知名度。西 班牙的GPE展会、土耳其的 Bee2Bee、伊朗的Arta Group、新之联展览服务中 国分公司和印度的Rare Tech



Tecnargilla扩大海外推广活 动的合作伙伴,且它们已经 获得了积极的反馈。在商务












Gizemfrit (Akkök Holding) purchases Megacolor and enters the digital decoration segment

Akkök Holding, one of Turkey’s largest chemicals groups with operations extending to the real estate and energy sectors, has purchased Megacolor, a company founded by Luís Sidro in 2002 in Castellón, Spain which produces inks and pigments for digital ceramic tile decoration. The agreement signed last December will enable the Turkish giant (turnover 1.9 billion euros) to establish itself for the first time in the digital technology segment through its Gizemfrit division. Founded in Sakarya in 1979 and part of Akkök Holding since 2015, Gizemfrit is Turkey’s largest producer of ceramic frits and glazes with a 70% share of the country’s output and exports to 60 countries worldwide. The acquisition of Megacolor for an undisclosed figure (but estimated at around 10 million euros) is a strategic investment for Gizemfrit and Akkök Holding, which have confirmed that Luís Sidro will stay on to ensure management continuity. Thanks to its high degree of technological specialisation and the presence of sales branches in China, Mexico, Iran and Russia, Megacolor

System supplies

automation for American Wonder Porcelain plant

American Wonder Porcelain, the US division of the Marco Polo Group (Dongguan City, China) is investing in System automation for its new porcelain tile plant in Lebanon, Tennessee. The new investment will allow the company to expand its product range and introduce new sizes up to 600x1200 mm. For the end-of-line department, System will supply two fully automated sorting lines complete with Qualitron artificial vision



has expanded successfully over the years to reach a turnover of around 10 million euros, 50% of which is generated through exports. As Gizemfrit’s general manager Veysi Küçük explained, the company aims to substitute the Turkish tile industry’s current imports of $25 million of digital inks a year with sales of Megacolor brand products, for which purpose it has announced an investment programme aimed at tripling production capacity. The Turkish group has set itself the ambitious goals of doubling Gizemfrit’s turnover within 5 years to reach $170 million by 2022 and positioning itself within the next 10 years as one of the world’s top three players in the sector. As well as strengthening the Megacolor brand, Gizemfrit is also considering new investments in the USA, China and Brazil.

土耳其金盛釉料(Akkök Holding)收购美格色彩, 进军数码装饰领域



















起成为Akkök Holding旗下










Akkök Holding收购美格色






是Akkök Holding和金盛的




Holding已经确认Luís Sidro




续性。由于 技术专业化 程度高,并 且在中国、 墨西哥、伊

Akkök Holding是土耳其最










里 成 功 扩

翁 成 立 的 美 格 色 彩


system, Multigecko sorter, 4Phases packaging machine and Griffon palletiser, all of which are highly flexible machines that allow for a sharp reduction in production costs. American Wonder Porcelain is the first US company to have adopted 4Phases technology for on-demand cardboard packaging. The packaging is created specifically to the size of the stack of tiles and is printed with information and logos in real time before the stack is sent to the palletisation stage. The Marco Polo Group is also adopting System’s high-definition Creadigit digital printers

to obtain products with the highest technical and aesthetic quality. Creadigit technology has already been adopted widely by US manufacturers due to its high productivity and printing precision. The equipment supplied by System also includes several Robobox units for unfired product storage and Robofloor units for products leaving the kiln, both developed by the Nuova Era division.

西斯特姆为美国唯美瓷砖 工厂提供自动化设备 马可波罗集团(中国东莞

市)美国分公司美国唯美瓷 砖公司为位于田纳西州莱巴 嫩的新瓷砖工厂斥资购买西 斯特姆的自动化设备。这项 新投资将扩展该公司的产品 系列,生产最大规格为 600x1200mm的瓷砖。 西斯特姆将为该公司的生产 线末端提供两条全自动分拣 线,配备Qualitron人工视 觉系统、Multigecko堆垛 线、4Phases包装机和 Griffon拣选机。这些设备 的操作高度灵活,将大幅降 低生产成本。美国唯美瓷砖

world news 公司是美国第一家采用








炉 之 后 的









设 备 均 由





储 存 未 烧 制 产 品 的


Daugres adopts LB porcelain tile technology

ing process. Research carried out at the LB laboratories in Fiorano have shown that it is possible to achieve excellent results even with very low percentages of colouring pigments, allowing for a reduction in production costs. This major supply agreement strengthens LB’s position in the Chinese market for the entire powder management process as far as the press.




















后,Poppi Clementino Spa







LB has enjoyed an excellent start to the year with the signing of a prestigious contract with Chinese firm Daugres to supply a complete porcelain tile powder preparation plant for the facility in He Yuan (Foshan). The agreement covers Easy Color System dry colouring technology and the Single Feeder press feeder, which allow for the production of products with high aesthetic and technical quality in a wide range of combinations. Moreover, layouts can be customised to make best possible use of space, resources and existing elements. Powders coloured using the LB dry process can be used for all types of tiles (glazed, micronized, veined, etc.) produced using either the single or double charg-

Poppi Clementino Spa opens its first branch in China

Poppi Clementino Spa, a Reggio Emilia-based company specialising in the development of energy recovery and environmental purification systems, has opened its first Chinese branch in Shanghai. Directed by Delia Hu, the branch began operating in January 2018 and establishes an important technical and commercial presence in the strategic Far Eastern markets, a region where the company has been operating very successfully in recent years. Following success in In-


道格拉斯采用LB瓷质砖技术 LB在今年有了一个良好的开 端,与中国公司道格拉斯签 署合同进行深度合作,为河 源(佛山)的工厂提供一套 完整的瓷质砖粉料制备装 置。该协议涵盖了Easy Color


术和Single Feeder压机喂

donesia, Thailand and Malaysia, Poppi Clementino Spa is now concentrating on development in the Chinese market as it goes through the important transition from poor, highly polluting fuels towards the use of natural gas. To support companies in this process, Poppi Clementino Spa provides expertise in energy efficiency gained in more than 30 years working alongside the world’s leading ceramic groups.







司,Poppi Clementino Spa







Poppi Clementino Spa开设第 一家中国分公司 Poppi Clementino Spa的总 部位于意大利雷焦艾米利亚,



Sacmi supplies Catalan Ceramics with largest press in Vietnam As part of an investment plan aimed at expanding its portfolio in the high-end segment, the Vietnamese company Catalan Ceramics has commissioned Sacmi to supply a new production line for medium-large and large glazed tiles spanning all stages from the press to the kiln exit. The line was installed at the facility in Bac Ninh consists of a Sacmi PH 7500 hydraulic press, the largest and most powerful press currently installed in Vietnam which will produce around 8,000 sq.m/ day of 80x80 cm size tiles, coupled with an ECP 285 5-layer horizontal dryer, a DHD-D 1208 digital decorating machine from Sacmi Digital and an FCC low-consumption single-layer roller kiln. A Sacmi PH 6500 dual cavity press

Siam Ceramic adopts Fusion technology from Manfredini & Schianchi Siam Ceramic, part of the Thai group SCG (Siam Cement Group), recently started up a Fusion granulation tower from Manfredini & Schianchi at its facility in Saraburi where a MS-Drytech dry grinding plant has been in operation since 2014. The world-patented Fusion FGT technology will be used to produce single-fired tiles in 60x60 cm and 90x90 cm sizes with a super-gloss finish. This technology was chosen by the Thai group due to the advantages it brings in terms of both the production process and environmental sustainability. It produces a dry granulate (without the use of fluidised bed dryers) with excellent characteristics of homogenisation, flow and density and guarantees perfect blending of all the raw materials present in the formulation and excellent stability in the subsequent stages of pressing, drying and



for the production of similar sizes, ordered in 2017, is also at the start-up stage. Catalan Ceramics celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2017 and has been collaborating with Sacmi since 2007, during which time it has received 11 presses, 12 dryers and 12 kilns, as well as various conveying and end-of-line solutions, including a press loading unit, a vertical warehouse and an automated sorting line. This latest investment raises the Vietnamese ceramic tile manufacturer’s production capacity to almost 20 million sq.m/year, strengthening its position amongst the top five ceramic tile companies in the country.












米 一 共 购 买 了 1 1 台 压



包括一台萨克米PH 7500液




的 最 大 和 最 强 大 的 压




砖日产量约为8,000m ;还


有一台ECP 285 五层卧式干




部门的DHD-D 1208数码喷





炉。加泰罗尼 亚陶瓷于2017

萨克米为加泰罗尼亚陶瓷 提供越南最大压机

年订购的一台 用于生产类似




米PH 6500双

firing. The result is a high-quality finished product that maintains the same levels of water absorption (<3%) and green, dried and fired breaking load and the same drying and firing cycles. The tile surface is also extremely uniform and ideal for matt and gloss applications. Fusion also completely eliminates natural gas consumption in the production process and consequently reduces CO2 emissions.

























暹罗陶瓷采用Manfredini & Schianchi的融合技术 泰国SCG集团(暹罗水泥 集团)旗下的暹罗陶瓷近来 在其沙拉武里府的工厂中启 动购自Manfredini


Schianchi的熔融造粒塔, 在 这 里 , 一 种 叫 M S Drytech的干磨装置已经在 2014年投入使用。获得世 界专利的FGT熔融造粒塔技 术将用于生产超亮面的,规 格在600x600(mm)和


Stephan Schmidt-Group: innovation, investments and a winning team

Stephan Schmidt Group, one of the world’s leading producers of specialty clays and minerals for the ceramic industry, has succesfully completed the management’s generational change with Stephan Schmidt taking over from Günther Schmidt as Managing Partner of the owner-operated family enterprise. Since 2016, the R&D department has been led by Prof. Ralf Diedel, who has strengthened collaboration with professional associations, institutes and universities. More recently, Bernhard Thömmes has taken over from Berthold Lorig as the head of Sales, Marketing and Application Technology. Stephan Schmidt Group recently completed expansion and modernisation work at the company’s headquarters in Dornburg-Langendernbach, including the building of new offices and training and conference facilities. The laboratories also underwent major modernisation work aimed at optimising the workflow of the three different departments (Quality Control, Application Technology, Research and Development). With more than 70 years of experience in research and development of high-quality ceramic raw materials and state-of-the-art laboratories, Stephan Schmidt Group is today a major partner for the international ceramic industry with a reputation for innovation, reliability and solidity. The company’s 20 opencast mining pits in Germany (including 16 in the Westerwald region) guarantee clay reserves for more than 100 years. The extracted clays are homogenised and refined in the group’s modern preparation and

grinding plants, where the high production and storage capacities ensure rapid availability of the raw materials at any time.

Stephan Schmidt集团:一个 善于创新、投资的成功团队 Stephan


界领先的陶瓷行业专用粘土和 矿物制造商之一,已成功完成 了管理层的更新换代,最终 Stephan


Günther Schmidt成为该个体 经营的家族企业的管理合伙 人。 自2016年起,研发部门由Ralf Diedel教授进行管理,他加 强了集团与专业协会、研究机 构和大学的合作。而最 近,Bernhard


替Berthold Lorig成为销售、 营销和应用技术部门负责人。 Stephan




Langendernbach公司总部 的扩建和现代化改造工程,包 括新办公室、培训和会议设 施。实验室也进行了重大的现 代化改造工作,旨在优化三个 不同部门(质量控制、应用技 术、研究与开发部门)的工作 流程。凭借超过70年的高品 质陶瓷原材料研究和开发经验 以 及 最 先 进 的 实 验 室,Stephan


如今已成为国际陶瓷行业的重 要合作伙伴,在创新性、可靠 性和稳定性方面赢得了广泛赞 誉。该公司在德国的20个露 天矿坑(包括韦斯特瓦尔德地 区的16个矿坑),确保粘土 储存量可用超过100年。提取 的粘土将在该集团 现代化制备和研磨 工厂中进行均化和 精制,工厂的高产 能和强大的存储容 量可确保在任何时 候都能快速获取原 材料。


world news

world news Durst announces forthcoming installation of its full digital glazing line

At Cevisama 2018 Durst announced that after more than 6 years of research and development, it will be installing its fully-digital glazing and decoration technology within a few months. The solution incorporates latest-generation Durst glazing, printing and finishing technologies capable of working with glazes that are similar to conventional products. At its stand at Cevisama 2018 in Valencia the Brixen, Italy-based company illustrated the characteristics of the “Durst TRUE Full Digital Tile Production Workflow 4.0”, which includes the Durst Gamma DG Digital Glaze and Gamma XD printers and the Durst ColorGATE True Ceramics Color Management solution. The technology received strong interest from visitors, as Norbert von Aufschnaiter, Durst Group’s Segment Manager, Ceramics Division, explained: “We are confident that we will soon be able to start up the first Durst Digital Full Glaze lines, which will guarantee maximum versatility, flexibility and quality, as well as extremely competitive management costs, space rationalisation and a high degree of management control through process automation.” The Gamma DG Digital Glaze single-pass printer uses patented Durst RockJet® printhead

technology, specifically developed and produced by Durst. It can handle water-based glazes with large particle sizes of up to 45 microns, similar to those of traditional glazes. It allows for the production of high-resolution textures in an unlimited range of variations and can be used to create unique, innovative designs composed of different glazes on the same tile, including gloss and matt finishes. The Gamma XD digital decoration printer is renowned for its banding-free print quality, its long printhead duty cycles with zero ink waste, and its low maintenance and service costs. Last but not least, the ColorGATE True Ceramics Color Management system designed specifically for ceramic inks is the only solution with ultra-fast patch reading printed on flat or textured tile surfaces and patented Fingerprint colour control which takes into account any variation in production conditions over time, such as glaze or firing conditions.



















Gamma XD打印机,以及







Gamma XD数码装饰打印



部门业务经理Norbert von




















Gamma DG数码喷釉单通




杜斯特宣布即将安装全数 码施釉线 在2018年西班牙瓦伦西亚 国

(Cevisama 2018)上, 杜斯特宣布,经过6年多的 研发,他们将在数月内安 装全数码施釉和装饰生产 线。这一解决方案融合了 最新一代杜斯特施釉、喷 墨、加工技术,与一般常

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System, technology partner for New Pearl Group


System, the leading international supplier of technological innovation and high-performance industrial automation for the ceramic industry, signed a major partnership agreement in September last year with the largest Chinese tile manufacturer New Pearl. New Pearl has chosen System as the exclusive technology supplier for its industrial conversion programme aimed at renewing its industrial assets with innovative eco-friendly production processes, thereby completing the process that was launched several years ago using System technology. The partnership agreement between New Pearl and System was signed during the evening organised by the Chinese group at the Lamborghini Museum in Funo d’Argelato (Bologna, Italy). Franco Stefani, founder and Chairman of System Group, explained that R&D plays a vital role in developing cutting-edge solutions and delivering them to the globalised market. One such solution is System Lamina, the first technology used to produce large size ceramic surfaces which has also been adopted by New Pearl. The large-size tile production plant supplied by System Lamina to New Pearl was officially opened on 6 December 2017 in the presence of the Chinese authorities, the management of System and the New Pearl Group as well as a large audience made up of the Chinese press, guests and the Chinese ceramic company’s complete workforce. The heart of System Lamina technology is the Lamgea mouldless press, which not only guarantees size change flexibility but is also able to produce porcelain surfaces with unique characteristics thanks to an unrivalled industri-



西斯特姆(System)是陶瓷行业技术创新和高性能工业 自动化的领先的国际供应商,去年9月与中国最大的瓷砖 制造商新明珠集团签署了一项重要合作协议。 新明珠集团选择西斯特姆作为其产业改造计划的独家技 术供应商,旨在通过创新环保的生产流程更新其产业资 产,从而通过使用西斯特姆技术来完善几年前推出的工 艺。 新明珠集团与西斯特姆之间的合作协议是在由新明珠组 织的在福诺德·阿格拉托的兰博基尼博物馆(意大利博 洛尼亚)举办的晚宴上签署的。西斯特姆的创始人兼董 事长弗兰科·史蒂芬尼(Franco Stefani)解释说,开发 先进解决方案并将其提供给全球化的市场,研发在其中 发挥着重要作用。西斯特姆 Lamina是用于生产大规格陶 瓷表面的一流技术,同样被新明珠集团所采用。 2017年12月6日,在西斯特姆和新明珠集团的管理层以及 由中国媒体、嘉宾、新明珠集团的全体员工组成的大批 观众的见证下新明珠集团配备西斯特姆 Lamina技术的大 规格瓷砖生产工厂的正式启动。 System Lamina技术的核心是Lamgea无模具压机,它 不仅保证了规格更改的灵活性,而且由于采用无与伦比 的低能耗生产工艺,所以能够生产出独一无二的瓷质砖。 Lamgea采用专门设计的具有专用工作周期的液压回


al process with low energy consumption. Lamgea uses a specially designed hydraulic circuit with dedicated work cycle and maximum pressing force of 44,000 tonnes to produce large-size surfaces (up to 1600x4800 mm) in a wide range of thicknesses (from 3 to 30 mm) while completely eliminating internal stresses. The Lamgea pressing system has many unique qualities, especially its characteristics of uniformity, allowing for constant density and a fired slab that is sufficiently uniform to create the so-called “book match” effect. The absence of a mould ensures maximum size change flexibility at the press, an operation that takes a mere two and a half hours with replacement of the kit and just one hour to change the pattern of the three-dimensional texture. This procedure is performed entirely digitally using the management software which allows for an extremely rapid size change. The belts have a lifetime of 50,000 cycles and similar costs to those of traditional technologies. ❱❱ Lamgea wins Science and Technology Innovation award On 28 March in Foshan, System China was named the winner of the 14th China Ceramics Industry Awards promoted by the magazine Ceramic Town Weekly for the extraordinary process innovation achieve by Lamgea. The Science and Technology Innovation award received in Foshan by the General Manager of System China, Orfeo Finocchi, demonstrates that System’s cutting-edge Italian technology is recognised as the international benchmark for industrial automation in the ceramic sector. 5

路,最大压力为44,000吨,可生产各种厚度(3至30 mm)的大规格瓷砖(最高达1600x4800 mm),同时完 全消除内应力。 Lamgea压制系统具有许多独特的性能,尤其是其均 匀特性,能够使产品密度均衡稳定,烧成的大板均匀一 致,创造出所谓的“纹理配对”效果。 无需模具确保了压机内最大规格更改的灵活性,更换装 备只需花费两个半小时,更改立体纹理图案只需一小时。 这个全数字化流程使用能够快速更改规格的管理软件。 传送带的使用寿命为五万次,成本与传统技术不相上下。 ❱❱ Lamgea获得科技创新奖 3月28日,西斯特姆中国公司在佛山凭借Lamgea技术卓 越的工艺创新能力成为由《陶城报》主办的第14届中国 陶瓷行业新锐榜的获奖者。 西斯特姆中国区总经理奥菲欧·芬诺奇(Orfeo Finocchi)在佛山被授予科技贡献奖,获此殊荣表明西 斯特姆代表的先进意大利技术被公认为陶瓷行业工业自 动化的国际典范。




LBXTRA and Freestile: technology for large sizes

LBXTRA和Freestile:适用于大规格瓷砖生产的先进技术 Emilio Benedetti, Giuseppe Macchioni, LB (Fiorano Modenese, Italy)

近半个世纪以来,LB一 直与世界领先的瓷砖制 造商合作,投资专门针 对行业需求量身定制的 工艺、技术、机械和工 厂解决方案的研发。这 些产品包括尺寸更大、 更厚、产量更高、生产 更灵活独一无二、难 以复制,而且运维成本 低、生产布局小,对环 境影响也较小的产品, 其技术和服务与智能工 厂(工业4.0)的原则相 适应。 多年的努力使LB能够在 其新的技术中心安装最 新的技术解决方案,使

For almost half a century LB has been collaborating with the world’s leading ceramic tile manufacturers and investing in research and development of technical, technological, mechanical and plant solutions tailored specifically to the industry’s needs. These include products that are unique, exclusive and difficult to replicate, often in ever larger sizes and large thicknesses; higher productivity and flexibility; lower operating and maintenance costs, smaller production layouts and a lower environmental impact; technologies and services that are compatible with the principles of the Smart Factory (Industry 4.0). These efforts have led LB to install the latest technological solutions in the new LB Technology Centre, which has been completely upgraded with two production lines. The Centre can perform the following kinds of testing: • Migratech 4.0: the revolutionary microgranulation technology capable of producing granules suitable for the shaping of ceramic tiles or panels of any kind, bringing enormous savings in terms of operating and maintenance costs and a significant reduction in environmental footprint. • Divario: the latest press feeding solution for all kinds of porcelain products, both full-body and decorated in line. • Freestile and LBXTRA: the only technology in existence for colouring and decorating powders using an aesthetic effect kit, which is also suitable for large size tiles; the wide range of aesthetic solutions include the “through vein” effect for extra-thick full-body products.



技术中心得到完整升级,并拥有两条生产线。新中心可 以完成以下几种检测: • Migratech 4.0:革命性的微粉技术,能够生产出适用 于瓷砖或任何类型面板成型的粉料,在运维成本方面 节省大量成本,并大大减少了对环境的影响。 • Divario:适用于各种瓷质砖的最新压机布料解决方 案,包括通体瓷砖和装饰性瓷砖。 • Freestile和LBXTRA:是现有唯一使用成套美学效果 着色和装饰粉料的技术,同样适用于大规格瓷砖;这 套广泛的美学解决方案涵盖超厚通体产品的“纹理脉 络”效果。 • AST4 PLUS和STAR:用于预防和主动维护设备和装置 的监控软件,充分利用了虚拟和扩充实境的潜力。 在过去的2-3年中,LB在全球已安装了约40条新生产线, 用于生产规格高达1.6×3.2米,厚度高达3厘米的陶瓷大 板和厚板。 事实上,LB已经为世界各地(阿根廷、巴西、埃及、印 度、意大利、波兰、俄罗斯、西班牙、土耳其、乌克兰 和美国)80%以上的工厂供应这些生产线,彰显了LB作 为瓷砖制造商关键合作伙伴的重要地位。特别是,LB的 Colorboost、Freestile和LBXTRA技术保证了成品具有独 特和高度创新的美学效果。

Focus on large sizes & panels

• AST4 PLUS and STAR: cockpit software for preventive and proactive maintenance of machines and plants which exploits all the potential of virtual and augmented reality. In the last 2-3 years around 40 new lines have been installed worldwide for the production of ceramic panels and slabs in sizes of up to 160x320 cm and thicknesses of up to 3 cm. The fact that it has supplied more than 80% of plants feeding these lines all over the world (Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, India, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and the USA) underscores LB’s role as the manufacturers’ key partner. In particular, its Colorboost, Freestile and LBXTRA technologies guarantee finished products with unique and highly innovative aesthetics. ❱❱ Migratech 4.0 Production of large ceramic panels and slabs requires special treatment of the granule prior to forming in terms of flowability and particle size. The innovative Migratech 4.0 technology is the ideal solution for guaranteeing perfect compaction or pressing of the granule and ensures very high savings in production line management and operation, as well as cutting atmospheric CO2 emissions by around 60%. The process, plant and method are all patented and are currently undergoing final technological and plant engineering testing in the LB laboratories and on the industrial production lines of world-leading ceramic tile manufacturers. The innovative nature of Migratech 4.0 technology is demonstrated by the funding received by LB Group from the Emilia- Romagna regional government and the Italian Ministry for Economic Development.

❱❱ Migratech 4.0 在生产大板的过程中,需要在制粉阶段对陶瓷粉料的流 动性和粒径进行特殊处理。创新的Migratech 4.0技术是 保证粉料均匀分布、坯体致密度更高理想解决方案,并 能够高度节省生产过程中的管理和运营成本,同时能够 将大气中二氧化碳排放量削减60%左右。 相关工艺、设备和方法均已获得专利,目前正在LB实验 室和世界领先的瓷砖生产商的生产线上进行最终的技术 和设备工程测试。LB集团从艾米利亚-罗马涅地区政府和 意大利经济发展部获得的资金支持使Migratech 4.0技术 的创新性得以面世。 ❱❱ Freestile和LBXTRA Freestile和LBXTRA技术的开发可用以满足最具创新性的 瓷砖生产商的需求。它们可用于生产各种厚度和任何规 格的瓷砖,包括陶瓷大板和厚板,并且能够制造独一无 二且不可仿制的产品。其优点包括:具有更高的生产灵 活性、最优化厂房布置和相对较低的环境影响。 这些技术使实时数字化色彩管理成为可能,为大板提供 各种成套创造性美学效果。 同时采用这些解决方案可以生产具有“通透”效果的通 体二次布料和一次布料产品,或后续线上应用/加工作为 辅助基础的二次和一次布料产品。


❱❱ Freestile and LBXTRA The Freestile and LBXTRA technologies have been developed to meet the needs of the most innovative ceramic tile producers. They can be used for the production of tiles of various thicknesses and any size, including large panels and slabs, and are capable of creating unique, exclusive and non-replicable products. Advantages include greater production flexibility, optimisation of the plant layout and lower environmental impact. The use of these technologies allows for real-time colour digitisation to supply the various kits required for creating aesthetic effects on large-size panels. Adopting these solutions concurrently allows for the production of full-body double loading and single loading products with a “through-vein” effect or double and single loading products to be used as a base for subsequent supplementary inline applications/finishes. 5 CWR CHINA 2018


Large-size ceramic panels and slabs: the evolution continues

大规格陶瓷板材:变革仍在继续 Andrea Bresciani, Roberto Pelliconi, Sacmi Imola (Italy)

The production of large porcelain panels and slabs is now reality, testifying to the power of Italian innovation and the enormous development potential of traditional ceramic tiles. The growing success of this new product type in its various versions owes much to recent advances in plant engineering and the development of innovative, high-performance solutions. The Continua+ line from Sacmi aims to offer manufacturers a hi-tech, full digital technology that is at the same time versatile and simple to use, capable of producing glazed and full-bodied porcelain in all sizes and thicknesses required by the market. The system has the flexibility needed to easily vary the powder loading width up to a final fired and rectified size of 1600 mm and thicknesses from 3 mm to 20 mm, allowing for the production of panels and slabs in all commercial sizes (1600x3200 mm, 1500x3000 mm, 1200x2400 mm, etc.) and the corresponding modular submultiples (80 cm, 75 cm, 60 cm, 50 cm, etc.) while avoiding the production of waste and maximising productivity. The availability of various devices for loading the powders on the steel conveyor belt makes it possible to apply any type of semi-finished products (spray-dried, dry coloured or micronized powders, granules, flakes, dry glazes, etc.) by means of automated digital dosing systems. The upper continuous forming belt can be chosen in a smooth steel version, producing a ceramic surface that is ideal for subsequent digital decorations, or it can be clad with a regenerable structure with a graphic design extending over a length of 7.5 metres. Continua+ is effectively a Full Digital line: it combines dry digital decorations, a digital graphic texture, inkjet glazing and decoration and digital decoration with granules, providing manufacturers with cutting-edge tools for the pro-



大规格陶瓷板材的生产如今已成为现实,证明了意大利创新 的力量和传统瓷砖的巨大发展潜力。 这种新的产品类型在各领域中的成功发展,很大程度上要归 功于设备工程最近取得的进步以及创新型高效解决方案的 发展。萨克米(Sacmi)的Continua+生产线旨在为制造 商提供高科技、全数字化技术,该技术具有功能多且易于 使用的特点,能够生产市场所需的各种规格和厚度的釉面 通体瓷质砖。该系统灵活性强,可轻松改变布料宽度,最 终烧成宽度可达1600mm,厚度从3mm到20mm不等,因 此能生产各种商业规格(1600x3200(mm)、1500x3000 (mm)、1200x2400(mm)等)以及相应模块化系数 (80cm、75cm、60cm、50cm等)的大板和厚板,同时 在生产中避免浪费并最大限度地提高生产力。 由于可用多种设备在钢铁输送带上进行布料,因而可以通过 自动化数字配料系统来处理各种类型的半成品(喷雾干燥、 干粉混色、微粉、干粒、颗粒、干釉等)。顶部的连续性成 型带可以选用光滑钢板,生产为后续数字装饰相匹配的陶 瓷表面,或包裹能够将图形设计长度延伸7.5米的可再生结 构。Continua+实际上是一条全数码生产线:它将干法数 码装饰、数字图形纹理处理、喷釉、装饰以及干粒数码装饰 相结合,为制造商提供先进的生产工具,为陶瓷原料生产提 供尖端科技和美学附加值。 然而,为适配大板生产,整个工厂的生产环节都必须经过特 殊设计、排序和施工,从运输和装卸系统到热能设备(干燥 机和窑炉)以及生产线末端的辅助操作。 干燥的理想解决方案毫无疑问是采用多层卧式干燥机,该干 燥机通常具有5或7层,既能保持对热循环的良好控制又能

Focus on large sizes & panels

duction of ceramic materials with extremely high technical and aesthetic added value. However, to produce large panels and slabs the entire plant must be specially designed, sized and implemented in all stages of the process, from the transport and handling systems to the thermal machines (dryer and kiln) and the auxiliary end-of-line operations. The ideal solution for drying is without question the multi-tier horizontal dryer, typically with 5 or 7 tiers, which is able to reduce space while maintaining perfect control over the thermal cycle, including temperature uniformity across the entire width of the dryer, final stabilisation and rapid extraction of the panels to be sent on to glazing/decoration. The kiln for panels and slabs must be designed in such a way as to avoid the stresses that typically arise in large-size tiles, especially in the cooling phase, which means it must have a suitable length. It is also necessary to minimise potential deformation of the panels or slabs in the firing zone caused either by incorrect roller pitch or by bending of the rollers under high loads, especially in the event of medium or large thicknesses, in which case kilns with a narrow entrance width (2170 mm) are preferable. A complete plant for large-size panels and slabs must also include finishing lines that are suitably redesigned to cope with the large dimensions. These include: • squaring and rectification lines • honing/polishing lines • fibreglass backing application lines for low-thickness panels • submultiple cutting lines • sorting and palletisation lines • picking and packaging lines. These finishing operations must be combined in order to handle the many semi-finished products that need to undergo further processing to create the packaged finished product. This, together with the ever smaller batch sizes and the greater product diversity resulting from the ease of varying the sizes and decorations of the panels, makes it necessary to adopt new production models designed for more efficient warehouse management of both semi-finished and finished products. The reorganisation of production and scheduling of operations in the various production islands requires the adoption of new control and logistics functions integrated with the company ERP, as in the case of the HERE supervision system proposed by Sacmi. Thanks to Continua+ technology, which already boasts more than 40 installations in the factories of top industrial groups, mainly in Italy, the production of porcelain panels and slabs can now be considered an outstanding example of the application of Industry 4.0 criteria. 5

减少空间,包括温度在整个干燥机上分布均匀、最终稳定 性,并能够将大板快速提取输送至施釉/装饰阶段。 用于大板的窑炉必须经过特殊设计,以避免通常在大规格瓷 砖生产过程中产生的压力,特别是在冷却阶段,这说明窑炉 必须有一个适合长度。此外,在烧制阶段也有必要将大板发 生变形的几率降到最低,大板变形主要是由于辊棒间距不合 理或者辊棒负载过高产生弯曲而造成的,特别是大板厚度达 到中高级的情况下,因此入口宽度较窄(2170mm)的窑 炉更为合适。生产大板的成套设备还必须包括与之相配的并 经过重新设计的后期加工生产线,以适应大板的后期加工。 这些生产线包括: • 磨边和调整加工线 • 哑抛/抛光加工线 • 薄板底部添加玻璃纤维网应用加工线 • 约数切割加工线 • 分拣和码垛加工线 • 拣选和包装加工线。 这些加工工序必须结合起来,以便处理许多需要经过深加工 才能制成最终整体产品的半成品。由于大板规格和装饰的多 样化,从而使产品批量变得更小,产品差异化变得更大,因 而有必要采用新的生产模式,以便更有效地开展半成品和成 品的仓储管理。正如Sacmi提出的HERE监控系统一样,各 生产工厂的生产和作业调度重组需要采用与公司ERP相融合 的新的控制和物流系统。 如今有超过40台Continua+技术设备安装在顶级工业集团 的工厂,尤其在意大利,因而可将瓷质大板的生产视为工业 4.0标准应用的杰出范例。




Focus on large sizes & panels

Aesthetics 4.0: a natural approach to industrial creativity

美学4.0:工业创造力的自然之选 Davide Medici, INTESA (Casalgrande, Italy)

Over the last ten years, glazing and decoration have seen far greater development in terms of application techniques than any other stage of the production process. Integration with new shaping methods has taken the concept of “glazing line” to a higher level. The creation of product aesthetics is no longer limited to glazing but also includes the powder loading and shaping stages, as well as the operations of cutting, squaring and surface finishing. This makes it essential to operate in a digitally controlled environment capable of interacting with and supervising the various stages, leaving designers the creative freedom to combine materials, textures and colours with perfect synchronicity.


Pre-compaction dry glazing and dry digital decoration: On the new Continua+ lines, the process of aesthetic enrichment begins even before the shaping stage with the application of a fine layer of dry glaze which contributes to digital decoration subsequent to compaction. Moreover, with the DDD (dry digital decoration) systems, it is possible to decorate the still unpressed bed of powder, which will subsequently be compacted to create a smooth or textured surface coordinated with the overall graphic design. DHD - Wet digital glazing and decoration: The perfect compactness of the surfaces of Continua+ panels makes it possible to apply smaller quantities of digital glaze while creating perfect ceramic surfaces. The precise order in which the drops released by the digital printheads are deposited ensures the best possible coverage of the surface with any gloss or matt finish. More efficient material application together with the technical characteristics of Continua+ surfaces makes it possible to operate almost exclusively using digital techniques. DHD, the range of digital printers produced by Sacmi-Intesa, is designed to make the most of these innovative opportunities. The total efficiency of the ink feeding systems, the sophisticated electronic printhead management and the stability of the entire system demonstrate that this cutting-edge technology is particularly suited for use on large and very large sizes. Intesa has also developed a sophisticated proprietary screening algorithm called FLS, which enormously increases image quality and the compactness and uniformity of full-field surfaces, a characteristic that is essential for digital glazing and for meeting the market’s current graphic design requirements. DHD is naturally able to use the printing device most suited to the user’s needs. High-definition images, ceramic effects, glazes and final coverings can all be applied using the most suitable printheads, whether designed for fine resolutions or for high or very high discharges.




的发展来实现生产过程的更好的自动化操作。在过去的 十年里,施釉和装饰在应用技术方面比其他任何生产工 艺阶段都取得更大的发展。与新的成型方法相结合使“ 施釉线”的概念提升到了较高的水平。产品美学的创立 不再局限于施釉,同时也包括了布料和成型阶段,以及 切割、磨边和表面处理应用。因此,在能够与各个阶 段进行相互作用并进行监控的数字控制环境中进行操作 显得尤为重要,留给设计师足够的自由创作空间,使材 料、纹理和色彩完美地结合起来。 Sacmi与集团高度专业化的个体公司合作开发的技术产 产阶段引入提高产品质量和美学效果的元素。 预压干法施釉和干法数码装饰:在新的Continua+生产 线上,丰富瓷砖美学效果的工艺在成型阶段前就已经 开始了,其中一层精细干釉的应用,有助于在压实后 进行数字装饰。此外,采用DDD(干法数码装饰) 系统,可以装饰仍未压制的粉料,在后续的压制阶段 可以与整体图形设计相配合以创造光滑或有纹理的表 面。 DHD - 湿法数码施釉和装饰:Continua+大板表面的完 美的致密度能够使用更少的数码釉料来创造最佳的陶 瓷表面。数码喷头释放的墨滴被精确排序进行喷印, 确保了瓷砖表面任何亮光和哑光应用的最佳覆盖范 围。更高效的材料应用以及Continua+表面的技术特 性使几乎完全采用数字技术进行操作成为可能。 DHD是Sacmi-Intesa生产的数码喷墨机系列,旨在充 分利用这些创新机会。供墨系统的整体效率、精密的 电子喷头管理以及整个系统的稳定性表明,这种先进 技术特别适用于大规格和超大规格的瓷砖生产。 Intesa还开发了一种名为FLS的精密的专有筛选算法, 该算法极大地提高了图像质量和瓷砖表面的致密度和 均匀度,这对于数码喷釉和满足市场目前对图形设计 的要求来说至关重要。. DHD能够很自然使用最适合用户需求的打印设备。高 清晰度图象、陶瓷效果、釉料和最终表面效果都可以 通过最合适的喷头进行喷印,无论是为高分辨率,还 是为大墨量或超大墨量而进行设计的。 DDG - 线上干法数码装饰:可用于装饰陶瓷产品的材料

Focus on

large sizes & panels DDG - inline dry digital decoration: The range of materials available for decorating ceramic products is constantly being expanded. Dry phase material adds volume and helps create a sophisticated natural look to offset an otherwise excessive focus on graphic design. Like DDD, DDG also aims to extend digital decoration to the application of powders and grits in combination with the three-dimensional texture of the tile and the graphic design. DDG is used on the glazing line, where it coordinates with the wet glue application bars to create very high definition images. DGD - pre-press dry digital decoration: Sacmi has developed the DGD system to extend the dry glazing or decoration concept to the world of traditional pressing and provide the same opportunities to lines or plants that use standard technology. DGD is suitable both for applying a layer of dry glaze and for depositing powders according to a specific design in order to enhance the product’s aesthetics. These powders can be combined with all post-pressing digital applications. CAM 1200-1800 airless glazing with synchronised mobile arms: To meet any kind of production requirement, Sacmi-Intesa has developed an efficient wet glaze application system based on a mobile nozzle booth specially designed for handling large and very large sizes. Perfect synchronisation of the axes allows for optimal glaze application in the absence of tracking. DSP 1608 - post-firing decoration: The DSP 1608 multi-pass digital printer is the result of years of research in which technical developments has been adapted to technological advances in the field of fluids and applications. The new digital materials for third firing (inks or precious metals) require a different application technique to the one used in traditional ceramics. The development of a dedicated hydraulic supply system and a technique for fixing drops onto non-absorbent surfaces means that the components can be refined and completely integrated. Multi-pass printing requires the development of sophisticated screening algorithms that can be tailored according to the desired end product. The solutions developed by Sacmi-Intesa’s imaging engineers resolve various technological issues and bring significant competitive advantages. As a result, decoration with DSP ensures unparalleled printing quality on any type of substrate and with any kind of ink, glaze or effect. 5



范围在不断扩大。干燥阶段材料数量增加了,有助于创造 出精致自然的外观,从而抵消对图形设计的过度关注。与 DDD一样,DDG还旨在将数字装饰延伸至粉料和干粒结合 瓷砖立体纹理和图形设计的应用之中。DDG适用于施釉线 上,与湿法胶水应用杆相协调以创造非常高清晰度的图像。 DGD - 压制前干法数码装饰:Sacmi开发了DGD系统,将干 法施釉或装饰概念延伸到传统压制的领域中,并为采用标 准技术的生产线或设备提供相同的机会。DGD既适合为瓷 砖施加一层干釉,也适合根据特定设计进行布料,以提高 产品的美学效果。这些粉料可以与所有压制后的数字应用 相结合。 带有移动机械手的CAM 1200-1800无空气施釉:为了满足各 种类型的生产需求,Sacmi-Intesa开发了一种高效的湿法 施釉应用系统,该系统以一个专门设计用于处理大规格和 超大规格的移动喷嘴体作为基础。轴心的完美同步能够在 没有进行跟踪的情况下优化施釉应用。 DSP 1608 –烧制后装饰:DSP 1608多通道数码打印机是经 过多年研究的成果,技术发展已适应液体和应用领域的技 术进步。用于三度烧的新型数码材料(墨水或贵金属)需 要采用与传统陶瓷不同的应用技术。专用的液压供应系统 和将墨滴固定在非吸收性表面上的技术发展,意味着组件 可以精制化并完全相互协调。多通道打印需要开发精密的 筛选算法,以便根据所需的最终产品进行定制。SacmiIntesa的影像工程师开发的解决方案解决了各种技术问题 并带来显著的竞争优势。因此,使用DSP进行装饰可以确保 在任何类型的砖坯上,以及采用任何墨水、釉料、特殊效 果都能获得无与伦比的打印效果。所有这一切都要归功于 Crono色彩管理系统的发展潜力,Crono是处理和组织工 业打印文件的重要工具。


Lamgea, technology for contemporary architecture

Lamgea——为当代建筑而生的技术 Andrea Gozzi, System Lamina (Fiorano, Italy)

System Lamina technology has utterly transformed the use of ceramics in architecture, opening up new markets in sectors that would previously have been unimaginable: from the world of furniture, which now has a real alternative to traditional materials such as natural stone, to public and commercial building, where these highly original and customised interior and exterior surface coverings are now much in demand. This revolutionary technology stems from an original idea by Franco Stefani, Chairman of System Group, an intuition that marked the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the world ceramic industry. Starting out from the concept of single tiles, System went on to develop 1600x4800 mm surfaces in thicknesses ranging from 3 to 30 mm using Lamgea, the world’s most powerful mouldless press.


Lamgea uses a specially designed hydraulic circuit with a ded-





建筑中的使用,在以前难以想象的领域开辟了新市场:陶 瓷开始是在家具领域取代传统材料,如天然石材,如今又 进入公共和商业建筑,这两者目前对高度原创和定制化的 室内外表面装饰材料的需求非常大。 System Lamina这项革命性的技术是西斯特姆集团董事 长Franco


展史掀开了新的篇章。从单块瓷砖的概念开始,西斯特姆 使用世界上最强大的无模具压机Lamgea不断开发规格 为160 0×48 0 0(mm),厚度从3mm到30mm不等的瓷 砖。 La m g e a采用一种 专门设 计的具有专用工作 循 环和 最 大44,0 0 0 吨压力的液压回路,生产一系列厚度(3mm至

Focus on large sizes & panels

icated work cycle and maximum pressing force of 44,000 tonnes to produce large-size panels (up to 1600x4800 mm) in a wide range of thicknesses (from 3 to 30 mm) while completely eliminating internal stresses. The raw materials are processed using an innovative system of customised belts to create either smooth surfaces or – using a laser engraving system applied to the belts – textured finishes with relief depths of up to 2 mm. First unveiled in 2000, System Lamina technology has evolved over the years and now offers the international market cutting-edge solutions with higher production capacity and greater flexibility in terms of sizes and thicknesses. The unique strengths of Lamgea technology make it the market leader in the production of large low-thickness ceramic surfaces. These include: • total absence of residual stresses after pressing; • easy-to-learn press functions; • a process that is stable and simple to manage; • the possibility of using standard bodies without the need for special mixes; • a green-oriented pressing system with low energy consumption; • complete recovery of waste; • unlimited aesthetic potential for the production of textured surfaces. The Lamgea mouldless press is renowned for its versatility in terms of the range of thicknesses it can produce. It is especially popular for the production of thin (6 mm) and ultra-thin (3 mm) panels, which offer a range of advantages including higher production capacity, reduced consumption of raw materials and energy, and lower weight per square metre.

完全消除内部应力。采用定制皮带创新系统对原材料进行 加工,制作光滑的表面,或在皮带上使用激光雕刻系统, 生 成凹凸深度可达2 m m 的具有纹理的表面。西斯 特 姆 Lamina技术于2000年首度亮相,经过多年的不断发展, 如今可以为国际市场提供具有更高生产能力,以及在规格 和厚度方面更具灵活性的先进解决方案。Lamgea技术 的独特优势使其成为生产大规格薄板的市场领导者。 这些优势包括: • 压制后完全没有残余应力; • 易学易用的压制功能; • 稳定且易于管理的流程; • 可以使用标准坯体而不需要特殊搭配; • 低能耗的绿色压制系统; • 完全回收废弃物; • 生产纹理表面的无限美学潜力。 Lamgea无模压机因可生产一系列厚度的多功能性而闻 名。它尤其适合生产薄(6mm)和超薄(3mm)的板材, 并具有一系列优势,包括生产力更高、原材料和能源消耗 更低以及的每平方米重量更低。 将 建 筑 与 室 内 设 计 视 为 人 类 天 赋 的 表 达 ,西 斯 特 姆 Lamina技术由于采用压制系统(Lamgea)和数码打印 技术(Creadigit),将瓷砖应用于以前难以想象的应用领 域。运用该技术的 生产过程能够制造出独特的表面,再现 氧化金属的色泽、木纹的触感,以及最稀有和最负盛名的 大理石或天然石材等,以上只是列举几个例子。但与原始 材料相比,这些产品将更持久耐用,并且随着时间的推移 保持其显著的技术和美学特征。


System Lamina technology has taken porcelain into previously unimaginable areas of application thanks to a pressing system (Lamgea) and a digital printing technology (Creadigit) that see architecture and interior design as an expression of human talent. The process is able to create unique surfaces that reproduce the patina of oxidised metal, the tactile appeal of wood grain, and the rarest and most prestigious kinds of marble or natural stone, to mention just a few. But compared to the original materials, they are much more durable and maintain their outstanding technical and aesthetic characteristics over time. 5 CWR CHINA 2018


Full Digital, barrier-free decoration

全数码化无障碍装饰 Rita Cagnoli, System (Fiorano, Italy)

In recent years digital decoration has established an important position in the ceramic industry, a sector that delivers innovative, cutting-edge products suitable for all architectural applications. The glazing lines present in production facilities are now almost all equipped with digital printers for depositing the colours that will serve to decorate the tile, as if the ceramic body were a blank sheet ready to be transformed into a decorated surface without placing any limit on creativity. Creadigit digital printing from System is an invaluable and highly innovative decoration tool capable of adding unprecedented aesthetic, emotional and functional value to the ceramic surface. It was developed through intense research efforts that have made drop-ondemand digital inkjet printing unique anywhere in the world. If we look at the process of digitisation in the ceramic sector, we see that it is opening up potential for new functions, including the possibility of performing glazing and final protective treatment with a single-pass inkjet system. Back in 2014 System was the first company to launch this concept with Diversa, a 25 metre long integrated ceramic line in which all the steps in tile decoration were designed to be performed digitally. Diversa became the design vision for the ceramics of the future. Over the following years, full digital has become reality and the product segment in which it has seen the greatest expansion is that of large-size ceramic tiles. The reason lies in the advantages offered by the digital process, first and foremost the fact that in the production of large-size tiles only first-choice products are accepted. The full digital process allows for perfect application of material, ensuring precise, waste-free consumption and allowing for the production of small batches with great graphic variety. System has achieved total digitisation of the ceramic production line thanks to the high performance of Creadigit as well as the development of a series of technological innovations. These include: 1. interchangeability of printheads in the Creadigit bars; these printheads can be either of the small drop type for high definition designs or high discharge models for glazing and depositing large quantities of materials; 2. the development of Creavision, the vision system used for aligning the graphic design of the incoming tile; 3. introduction of a sequencer for synchronising two or more machines on the line.



近年来,数字装饰确立了在陶瓷行业中的重要地位, 为所有建筑应用提供创新型前沿的产品。生产设备中 的施釉线现在几乎都配备为瓷砖装饰进行喷印颜色的 数码打印机,瓷砖坯体就如同一张白纸,可以让人尽 情发挥创造力,把它变成一个装饰表面。西斯特姆的 Creadigit数码打印是价值不菲且高度创新的装饰工 具,能够给予陶瓷表面前所未有的审美价值、情感价 值和功能价值。 这种技术经过不懈研究努力开发而来,让按需数字喷 墨打印技术在全球独树一帜。 纵观陶瓷行业的数字化进程,我们可以看到它在新功 能上的开拓潜力,包括用单通道喷墨系统进行喷釉并 做最后的防护处理。 早在2014年,西斯特姆就是第一家推出Diversa概念 的公司,Diversa是一条25米长的整合所有瓷砖装饰步 骤的以数字形式呈现的陶瓷生产线。Diversa成为未来 陶瓷的设计愿景。 随后几年,全数码化成为现实,产品方面见证了大规 格瓷砖的巨大增长。这得益于数码化工艺的优势,而 最重要的一点是在大规格瓷砖的生产中,只有最佳的 产品才会被接受。全数码化生产过程能完美地应用原

Focus on large sizes & panels

Thanks to its highly specialised technical departments, System is continuing to create real innovation and open up new applications, confirming its mission as a “process innovator” with globally unique solutions. The full digital process initially used solvent-based inks and materials, although these proved not to be so efficient because the fully-digital line requires shorter drying times and a greater focus on the environment. In these processes the quantity of material deposited on the tile using inkjet technology is much greater than that of a hybrid line, where digital decoration only involves the application of colours. Due to their chemical nature, the combustion of solvent-based products in the kiln is not entirely efficient, resulting in the release of small odorous molecules into the atmosphere. In keeping with its focus on environmental sustainability of its products and processes as a key factor driving innovation, System has begun to analyse multiple factors, including continuous improvement and monitoring of the production plant and the development of new inks and materials. The glaze and colour producers are in turn proposing new solutions that System is adopting on the Creadigit system, namely the use of high-density, high particle-size solvent-based inks and inks with a high percentage of water. All solutions are designed to improve the process and eliminate the odorous component. For several years System has been in the front line in developing and promoting water-based inks and materials, the area where it sees the greatest development potential for the future. 5

材料,确保材料使用精确、无损耗,并让有大量图形变 化的小批量生产成为可能。 由于Creadigit具有良好性能,且开发了一系列技术创 新,西斯特姆的瓷砖生产线已实现了全数码化进程。这 些创新包括: 1. Creadigit打印杆中喷头的可交换性:这些喷头既可 以用于高清晰度设计的低墨量模式,也可以用于喷釉 和大量材料的高墨量模式。 2. Creavision的发展:Creavision是用于校准即将到达 的瓷砖图案设计的视觉系统。 3. 引入一个程序装置以同步使用生产线上两台或更多设 备。 由于高度专业化的技术部门,西斯特姆持续创造了真正 意义的创新并开创了新的应用,用全球独一无二的解决 方案肯定了它作为“工艺创新者”的使命。 全数字化生产工艺最初使用溶剂型墨水和材料,虽然后 来证明这些都不怎么高效,因为全数字化生产线所需干 燥时间更短,且更注重环境保护。在全数字生产过程 中,通过喷墨技术施加到瓷砖上的材料数量比混合生 产线上的要多得多,在混合生产线上数字化装饰只有上 色而已。由于自身的化学属性,溶剂型产品在窑炉中的 燃烧不充分,导致气味难闻的微小颗粒被释放到了空气 中。 西斯特姆一直重视其产品和工艺的环 境可持续性,这是其驱动创新的重要 因素,西斯特姆已开始分析各种因 素,包括持续改良和监控生产设备并 开发新型墨水和材料。 釉料和颜料制造商相继提出了新的 解决方案,西斯特姆同样采纳了这 些新的解决方案,并将它们用到 Creadigit系统中,即采用密度高、 粒径大的溶剂型墨水和含水量较高的 墨水。所有的解决方案都是为了改 善生产工艺、消除带有难闻气味的成 分。几年下来,西斯特姆在开发和改 进水性墨水和材料方面处于领先地 位,这是在未来还有极大发展潜力的 领域。5



Supera® and STS technology: creativity and technology in the decoration of large size panels and slabs

Supera®与STS技术:大规格陶瓷板材装饰的创造力 与技术 Marco Ferrari, SITI B&T Group (Formigine, Italy)

The rules of the game are changing and imagination is opening up new horizons for the ceramic tile industry. Supera® technology is Siti-B&T Group’s innovative solution aimed at the latest market frontier, the production of large size ceramic panels and slabs. Supera® is based on the STS® Structure & Thickness for Slabs concept, which combines design and technology to create unique products in a wide range of thicknesses and textures. The synergy between Group companies plays a vital role in improving product aesthetics. Digital Design develops visual design projects, which are then transformed into reality by cutting-edge digital decoration systems for panels and slabs from Projecta Engineering. And to complete the process, the market-leading finishing company Ancora supplies equipment for enhancing the surface of the panels. Supera® marks the culmination of years of research efforts focused on finished products rather than technology. A successful solution must achieve excellent aesthetic results while cutting production costs and ensuring high levels of efficiency and quality. Supera® does this by combining high production volumes with maximum flexibility in the production of porcelain panels and slabs with dimensions up to 1600x4800 mm and thicknesses ranging from 5 to 30 mm, while surface textures with depths of up to 6 mm can be created on large-thickness slabs. Supera® is designed and built in accordance with the innovative ISO Concept based on a number of key success factors, including zero product defects and uniform thickness and flatness due to evenly distributed shaping pressure over the entire surface of the slab.



游戏规则正在发生变化,想象力为瓷砖行业开辟了新视 野。Supera ® 技术是西蒂贝恩特(Siti - B&T)集团针对最 前沿市场所开发的创新解决方案— —大规格陶瓷板材生 产。Supera ® 是根据“STS®大板的结构和厚度”这一理念 将设计和技术结合起来创造一系列厚度和纹理的独特产 品。集团公司之间的相互协作在提升产品美学效果方面扮 演者重要角色。Digital Design负责开发视觉设计项目, 然后通过Projecta Engineering这一专为大板设计的先 进数码装饰系统转化为现实产品。在这个过程中,精加工 领军企业安可拉(Ancora)为增强板材表面效果提供了 设备。 SU PE R A ® 标志着多年来专 注于成品而非技 术的研 究工 作到达顶峰。一个成功的解决方案必须能实现卓越的美 学 效 果,同 时 能 降 低 生 产成 本并 确 保 高 水平 的 效 率 和 质量。S u p e ra ® 通 过 结 合高产 量和 最 大 灵 活 性做 到了 这一点,它能生产最大规格达160 0x4 8 0 0(mm)、厚度 为5 -3 0 m m的陶瓷板材,并能在大规格厚板上做出深达 6mm的表面纹理。 Supera ® 是根据创新的ISO理念而设计和制造的,ISO理 念以一系列关键的成功因素为基础,包括零产品缺陷以及 由于成型压力均匀分布在整个大板表面上而形成的厚度和 平整度均匀统一。 创新的按需供电Start&Stop液压动力 装置能降低高达30%的能耗。 SUPERA ® 不仅是一项多专利尖端技术,而且是一条涵盖 所有生产工艺的完整的生产线,包括从备料到后期加工阶

Focus on large sizes & panels

The innovative power-on-demand Start & Stop hydraulic power unit allows energy consumption to be reduced by up to 30%. Supera® is not just a multi-patented cutting-edge technology but a complete line that covers all steps in the process, from preparation through to the end-of-line stage. Fully integrated with the Group’s solutions for creating new and more refined aesthetics in the ceramic sector, it guarantees a high level of flexibility along with greater productivity, efficiency and quality and lower consumptions. Siti B&T Group’s technologies have long incorporated all the success factors of Industry 4.0, including remote support, data and production parameter management with remote control via an app and scheduled and preventive maintenance. Industry 4.0 criteria are now standard features of all solutions proposed by the Group. The R&D approach that involves identifying the best technical solutions for a specific end result provides an effective response to the demands of modern architecture and clients and to the needs of increasingly demanding ceramic manufacturers. A concrete demonstration of the enormous potential offered by the Siti B&T Group’s technologies can be seen at the Projecta Engineering headquarters, which hosts a permanent exhibition of ceramic panels and slabs with textured surfaces based on graphics by Digital Design. 5

段。它与集团在陶瓷领域打造全新的、更精致的美学效果 解决方案完全融合,在确保证高度灵活的同时,提高了生 产力、效率和质量,并降低了消耗量。 Siti B&T集团的技术早已将工业4.0成功的所有要素纳入其 中,包括远程支持,以及通过APP、定期预防性维修进行 远程控制实现数据和生产参数的管理。集团所有解决方 案现今都具备工业4.0标准的特征。 为特定效果提供最佳 技术解决方案的研发方向,能够有效响应现代建筑和客户 的需求,并满足陶瓷制造商日益苛刻的要求。Siti B&T集团 技术的巨大潜力在Projecta Engineering总部展现得淋 漓尽致,那里展示着根据Digital Design的图形设计而生 产出来的具有纹理表面的陶瓷板材。




A new dimension of beauty

美丽新维度 Alberto Lumetti, Ancora (Sassuolo, Italy)

The visual and tactile beauty of a tile’s surface can be enhanced by means of a machining process that combines cutting-edge technology with experience and impeccable workmanship. With this in mind, Ancora (SITI B&T Group), world leader in the design and production of complete lines for ceramic product finishing, has developed a new finishing concept capable of adding value to the product during the final stage of production to give it greater competitiveness in the marketplace.


The machines produced by Ancora perform a complete finishing process, the key steps being squaring, polishing, honing, cutting, edge grinding and protective treatments. The company today exports its expertise to 40 countries worldwide and can boast thousands of installed lines, each customised and differentiated through meticulous attention to detail. Its philosophy is focused on the concept of mass customization, a customer-oriented approach that is becoming an increasingly essential component of a modern production line. The tile manufacturer is thus transformed from a client to a partner with the shared goal of building flexible solutions and expanding knowledge. In its role as a market innovator in search of ever new forms of expression linked to ideas, thinking and cultural and technological tools, Ancora is a company that produces timeless beauty. To do this, it exploits its detailed knowledge of the sector and all aspects of the finishing process. Its goal is to solve the problems facing ceramic companies, to propose functional solutions and to suggest new ideas for production: whatever the idea, there are no limits preventing it from being implemented.


Ancora machines can work with tile sizes ranging from strips of width 150-200 mm up to latest generation 1600x3200 mm slabs and panels. Several plants currently at the construction and start-up stage are even able to work with sizes up to 1800x3600



湛工艺的机械加工过程来增强。出于这种考虑,作为全球 领先的为陶瓷产品精加工设计和生产完整生产线的企业, 安可拉(Ancora,隶属于SITI


精加工理念,能够在生产的最后阶段为产品增加价值,使 其在市场上更具竞争力。 安可拉生产的设备能够完成完整的精加工过程,其中的 该公司将其专业设备出口到全球40个国家,并且拥有数千 条已安装的生产线,每条生产线都是与众不同的,根据客 户的具体要求而制造,并注重细节,力求一丝不苟。公司 的经营理念聚焦于大规模定制这一概念,即一种以客户为 导向的方法,这是在现代化生产中日益重要的组成部分。 瓷砖制造商因此由客户转变为合作伙伴,有着建立灵活解 决方案和扩展知识面共同的目标。作为探索思想、思维以 及文化和技术工具的新型表达方式的市场创新者,安可 拉是一家能够创造永恒之美的企业。它通过利用瓷砖行 业以及精加工各方面的详细知识来实现这一点。安可拉的 目标是解决瓷砖企业所面临的问题,提出功能性解决方 案和新的生产理念:不管这个想法是怎样的,都没有什么 可以限制它被进行实施。 安可拉的设备可以用于规格范围从150-200mm宽的长条 瓷砖,到规格在160 0x320 0(mm)最新一代大板。目前 处于施工和启动阶段的几家工厂甚至可以处理规格达到 180 0x360 0(mm)的大板,这要归功于能够处理宽度达 20 0 0mm的大板的生产线,这是为帮助制造商提出新理 念、研发新材料而专门设计。

Focus on large sizes & panels

mm thanks to a line capable of handling panels up to 2000 mm in width, designed specifically to assist manufacturers in developing new ideas and materials. In particular, Ancora offers various possible configurations for the now essential honing process in terms of number of heads (series with 8, 10, 12, 16, 20 and 24 heads). They are all equipped with a series of optional technical/electronic features that make the machines more productive, efficient and easier to manage, thereby simplifying a process that can add significant value to the ceramic tile. As part of its constant focus on technological innovation, Ancora has developed an automatic dry squaring machine which is particularly suitable for large-thickness slabs. One of the latest technological innovations is PoliDry, the first machine in the world for dry honing. This innovation brings a number of advantages: • completely dry operation both for porcelain and for more absorbent ceramic surfaces (for the latter in particular the drying phase necessary in the wet process is eliminated), bringing significant energy savings; • the process does not produce sludge or waste; • the cost is lower due to the absence of a water supply system; • no building work is required; • a healthier workplace.


A solution with 8 to 24 heads for sizes ranging from 300 mm to 1650 mm. Thanks to its technical characteristics, this concept allows the machine to achieve the highest level of creativity. Today ceramic panels and slabs are seen as luxury products that combine exceptional aesthetic and technical quality thanks to their technological content.


In keeping with the SITI B&T Group philosophy, Ancora has invested in innovation and development with the aim of playing a key role in the socalled Fourth Industrial Revolution. Industry 4.0 has taken manufacturing to a new level, allowing for complete integration of machines along the entire production chain and introducing a new kind of interconnection with the operator. This is the concept behind Ancora Tutor 4.0, a new system that gives technicians a complete overview of the line together with a remote operation capability, resulting in perfect human-machine synergy. 5

配置,尤其是在抛光头数量(提供8个、10个、12个、16 个、20个和24个抛光头系列)方面。 它们都配备了一系列可选的技术/电子功能,使设备的 生产能力更高、效率更高、更易于管理,从而为瓷砖增 添重要价值简化了工序。 作为其持续关注技术创新的 一部分,安可拉开发了一种自动干磨机,特别适用于大 规格的厚板。其中一个最新的技术创新是PoliDry,这 是世界上第一台用于干法哑抛的设备。这一创新技术 拥有诸多优势: • 对瓷质砖和吸水性更强的瓷砖表面进行完全干法作 业(尤其对于后者来说,在湿法工艺的被淘汰的情况 下,这种干法工艺是非常有必要的),能够大大节约 能源; • 该工艺不会产生沉渣或废弃物; • 由于无需使用供水系统,因而成本较低; • 无需建筑工程; • 提供更健康的工作场所。 这个 方 案 具 有 8 - 2 4 个 抛 光 头,规 格 从 3 0 0 m m 到 了最高水平。如今,陶瓷大板被视为结合了卓越审美和 过硬技术质量的奢华产品,这都要归功于安可拉设备 的技术含量。 为了与SITI B&T集团的理念保持一致,安可拉在创新和 研发方面进行了投资,以 期 在 所 谓 的第四次工业 革命中发 挥关 键 作用。 工业4.0已经将制造提升 到 一 个 新 的 水 平,使 整 个生 产链中的设 备能 够 完全一体化,并引入与运 营 商 的 新 型 互 连 。而 这 就是安可拉 Tutor 4.0背 后的理念。安可拉 Tutor 4 . 0 是 一 种 新 型 系 统, 可以让 技 术 人 员全面了 解生产线并实施 远 程 操 作,从而实现完美的人机 协同。




The value of a complete technological finishing process

完整技术精加工工艺的价值 Marco Sichi, BMR (Scandiano, Italy)

In recent years the ceramic tile market has received a big boost from the production of large-size tiles and panels, which are now available in a range of thicknesses and sizes up to 1600x3200 mm and beyond. BMR has responded to the newly emerging needs of the sector with a wide and consolidated range of highly competitive machines and products. The growing number of Italian and international installations (more than 50 BMR lines for large size tiles are in operation worldwide) reflects the company’s position as a leading player amongst suppliers of technology for honing, treating, cutting and squaring/chamfering of ceramic surfaces. To achieve this important result, the company has focused on developing not just innovative and efficient machines but a complete end-of-line finishing process that takes all factors into account, creating solutions tailored to the customer’s specific manufacturing needs. The BMR technological process can be divided into 4 main stages: • pre-grinding • honing/polishing/treatment • cutting of submultiples • squaring/chamfering. The first step consists of pre-grinding using one or two squaring modules to prepare the surface prior to the honing stage. The next step is honing itself, a surface abrasion process that serves to create finishes with various gloss levels on glazed or porcelain surfaces. This process plays a crucial role in the development of the finished product and its aesthetic quality, and also contributes to the definition of the digital decoration process. The finished result of honing is determined by several dif-



近年来,大规格瓷砖和板材的生产大大地推进了瓷砖市 场的发展,目前这些瓷砖和板材的厚度范围很广,规格可 达1600x3200(mm)以上。 BMR公司通过提供广泛而统一的、具有高竞争力的设备 和产品,对新兴的行业需求作出了回应。在意大利以及在 国际地区安装的设备数量的增长(BMR公司在全球有超 过50条大规格瓷砖生产线正在运行),反映出BMR公司作 为陶瓷表面技术供应商领先企业的重要地位,包括哑抛、 后期处理、切割和磨边/倒角技术。为了实现这一重要成 果,BMR公司不仅致力于开发具有创新性且高效的设备, 还致力于开发将所有因素考虑在内的、完整的终端精加工 工艺,从而为客户的特殊制造需求定制解决方案。 BMR工艺流程可以分为4个主要阶段: • 预磨边 • 哑抛/抛光/后期处理 • 倍数切割 • 磨边/倒角。 第一步为预磨边,使用一个或两个正方形模型进行表面的 加工,为下一阶段的哑抛做准备。下一步是进行哑抛,这 是一种表面“磨损”工艺,用于在釉面砖或瓷质砖上创造 光泽度不同的表面。这个过程对于成品的开发和美学质量 起着至关重要的作用,也为定义数码装饰工艺做出贡献。 哑抛的装饰效果由几种不同因素决定(摆动速度、皮带速 度、抛光粉的颗粒大小和抛光头的压力),这些因素由操 作人员根据釉料和使用的数材料进行控制,对于大规格

Focus on large sizes & panels

ferent factors (swing speed, belt speed, tool grit size and head pressure), which are controlled by the operator according to the glazes and applied digital materials, especially in the case of large size tiles where tool efficiency must be optimised. Resin and diamond abrasive tool technology has evolved in step with the development of honed ceramic products, increasing the flexibility of the process and allowing it to adapt more effectively to production requirements and the desired gloss level. After honing it is essential to perform treatment, the first stage of which involves using a roller to apply a protective acid pickling solution to prevent the formation of matt stains in the event of prolonged contact with acid pH substances. In collaboration with specialist companies, BMR has exploited its unique expertise in the field of tools, glazes and raw materials to develop three treatment lines that use acid pickling and pore-filling products to guarantee optimal cleaning and gloss. These differ according to the texture of the ceramic surface, which can be divided up between polished full-body and honed/glazed porcelain: TopCoat, which maintains the product’s original gloss level; TopFinishing, which increases the gloss level; SuperShine, a thermomechanical treatment carried out on the dry, clean tile which significantly increases the product’s glossiness. The BMR process ends with score-and-snap and squaring operations, which can be carried out using either wet or dry technology, the latter having the qualities of energy saving and low environmental impact. The Trasla Dry and Dry Cut dry cutting technologies are differentiated according to whether cutting is transversal (Trasla Dry) or longitudinal (Dry Cut). Both operations are followed by tile snapping. Squadra Dry and Top Squadra Dry are the two dry solutions for squaring, which are suitably sized for large size tiles. In addition to the benefits of dry technology (plant simplification, longer lifetime of parts and consequently of the line, improved working environment), BMR has recently added another advantage that is particularly significant for ceramic companies. It has been shown that it is possible to recycle the large volumes of dry grinding residues and reuse them as a raw material in the body formulation stage. Research conducted in collaboration with the Chemistry and Geology Department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia has determined the chemistry, particle size distribution and technological properties of the powders produced using dry squaring techniques, highlighting the vital role of the type of tools installed on the machine. 5



研磨工具技术随着哑抛陶瓷产品的发展而逐步演变,增加 了工艺的灵活性,并使其能够更有效地适应生产要求及所 需的光泽度。 哑抛之后,必须进行后期处理,第一阶段是 使用辊棒施加保护性酸洗溶液,以防止长时间接触 酸性 pH物质时形成哑光的污渍。 B M R与专业公司合 作,利用其在工具、釉 料和原材 料领 域的独特专长开发了三条后期处理线,使用 酸洗和空隙 填 充 产 品 来 保 证 最 佳 的 清 洁 和 亮 度。这 些 工 序 因瓷 砖 表面纹理不同而有所不同,可以根 据通体抛光和瓷质哑 抛 / 釉面进 行分类:To p Co a t,用于 保 持产品原有的亮 度;TopFinishing,用于增加产品亮度;SuperShine是通 过在干燥、干净的瓷砖上进行热处理,达到显著提高产品 亮度的效果。BMR的最后一道工艺是刻痕折断和磨边操 作,能够使用湿法或干法技术,后者具有节能和降低环境 影响的特点。Trasla Dry和Dry Cut干法切割技术根据是 横向切割(Trasla Dry)和纵向纵向(Dry Cut)进行区分。 这两个操作结束之后进行瓷砖分割。 Squadra Dry和Top Squadra Dry是适用于大规格瓷 砖的两种干磨解决方案。 除了具有干法技术(工厂简化、 零部件和 生 产线 寿 命 更 长 、工 作 环 境 更 好 )的 优 点 以 外,B M R 最 近 又 新 增 一项 对 陶 瓷 企 业 来说特别重要的优 势。研 究表明,即有 望回收 大量的干磨 残留物,并将它们在 坯体制备 阶段 重 新 用作原材料。与摩德 纳 - 雷 焦·艾 米 里 亚 大学的化学和 地质 系合 作 进 行 的 研 究 已经确定了干磨工艺 所产生粉末的化学 性质、粒径分布和工 艺性能,表明了安装 在 设 备上 的 工 具 类 型的重要作用。




Visually-striking and highly durable large surfaces

视觉震撼且经久耐用的大规格瓷砖 Claudio Casolari, Massimo Lanzarini, Metco (Monteveglio Valsamoggia, Italy)

The continued development of large-size ceramic tiles inevitably centres on digital decoration, which now uses specially-designed cutting-edge technologies and materials to attain the highest levels of performance. Metco’s Sinkmet SSI range of solvent-based soluble inks and Sinkmet EE-BS-DG colourless sinking inks are good examples. ❱❱ Sinkmet (SSI) solvent-based soluble inks The Sinkmet SSI range consists of 6 colours, including the 4 in the base series, namely L109CB1 (Cyan), L251MB1 (Magenta), L329YB1 (Yellow), L198KB1 (Black), and the two inks from the “Preziosi” Series, L064MB5 (Magenta Gold) and L181KB3 (Black Ruthenium). The codes vary according to the printheads the inks are used with. The Sinkmet SSI inks produced in the Metco factory in Monteveglio (Bologna) are certified and residue free. Given their aliphatic, naphtha-like nature, the solvent-based colours are insensitive to water. They have a boiling point higher than 250°C and their completely soluble chromophoric portion prevents the risk of drying even if the printhead is not used for many months. Added to this, they display unlimited stability, very low electrical conductivity and absence of clogging. These inks do not require glazes or protective sandwich layers as they penetrate inside the surface. They enhance the natural look of the product due to integration of the colour with the body and can be mixed together to produce specific tones. A digital printer loaded with Sinkmet SSI does not need to be cleaned during production and does not require any special maintenance when left unused. The colour change operation is extremely rapid, taking between 60 and 90 minutes. The use of Sinkmet SSI inks reduces problems of dotting and banding as the colour that has diffused into the ceramic layer creates a kind of mask that hides the absence of printing on the part of one or more nozzles. Sinkmet SSI inks are currently certified for use on printers from Efi, Intesa, Kerajet, Projecta, System, Tecnoferrari, Hope, Meijia and Teckwin, while certification from Durst is pending. They are configured for use with Dymatix SG1024M/SG1024L, Xaar GS12/ GS40, Toshiba CFIXL, Seyko GS and Kyocera printheads.



大规格瓷砖的后续发展必然以数码装饰为方向,数码装饰现 在是以通过使用特制的高端技术和材料来展现其最高性能效 果。美高公司(Metco)印袂®Sinkmet 透墨水和印袂Sinkmet





技术和材料中的佼佼者。 ❱❱ 印袂®Sinkmet ®SSI溶剂型渗透墨水 印袂®Sinkmet



--L109CB1(青色)、L251MB1(棕色)、L329YB1(黄 色)、L198KB1(黑色),2种“Precious”系列墨水--L064MB5(黄金红)和L181KB3(钌黑)。代码根据墨水所 用的喷头而异。印袂®Sinkmet ®SSI墨水由美高公司生产,该 公司的工厂位于蒙特韦廖(博洛尼亚),该公司生产的墨水 都是经过认证且零残留的。鉴于该系列墨水具有脂肪质、石 脑油状的天然性质,所以溶剂型墨水具有天然的排水性。它 们的沸点高于250℃,即使喷头数月未用,完全溶解的发色 离子也能防止干燥的风险。 除此之外,它们具有超强的稳定性和超低的导电性,而且不 会堵塞喷头。由于这种墨水是渗入到瓷砖表面下的,所以 不需要在表面添加釉料或保护层。而且墨水的颜色能够与 坯体融合,这不仅增强了产品外观的自然特性,而且也可 因混合而产生特定的个性化色调。使用印袂®Sinkmet



墨水的数码喷墨打印机在生产过程中不需要进行清洁,在 闲置时也不需要任何特殊维护。更换各色墨水的操作非常方 便快捷,只需60到90分钟。使用印袂®Sinkmet



可以减少色点和拉线问题。因为墨水的颜色已经渗入到瓷 砖坯体中,由点细微扩散成一个面,这个面能够覆盖一个 或多个喷孔未打印到的空白地方。Sinkmet


通过了Efi、Intesa、凯拉捷特(Kerajet)、Projecta、西 斯特姆(System)、天工法拉利(Tecnoferrari)、希望 (Hope)、美嘉(Meijia)和泰威(Teckwin)喷墨机的 认证,而Durst的认证正在进行中。

Focus on large sizes & panels

❱❱ Sinkmet EE-BS-DG colourless sinking inks This series of sinking inks promotes penetration of the SSI colour inside the ceramic body, whether double loaded or applied with a pressurised waterfall. Application with a normal digital bar reduces the quantity that needs to be used as the sinking inks work selectively where needed for the design. Between 10 and 50 g/m2 is required for honed finishes, whereas the application of sinking ink may need to be as high as 300 g/m2 for polished finishes (where the penetration depth must be greater than 1 mm). In addition to the Sinkmet EE-BS-DG types, Metco can also design and develop other sinking inks for specific body compositions. ❱❱ C.A.B.P. (Customer Additivated Body Powder) “Customer Additivated Body Powder” refers to double loading application of spray-dried powders with added chromophoric promoters called Metox (dispersible powders). The addition of chromophoric promoters to the body allows for outstanding levels of performance in terms of colour development as well as a significantly extended colour gamut. This option involves adding chromophoric additives to the slip, adjusting the rheology and finally spray drying the slip to produce a powder for double loading application either in or before the press. In the case of double loading application of Sinkmet SSI inks, the operation can be performed within a very short line length (as short as just 30 metres). The powder is applied in the quantity required to produce a 1-1.5 mm layer after firing. The two-layer body leaves the dryer, then once the surface temperature has dropped to 40-50°C it undergoes decoration by means of a dedicated digital printer for SSI inks, normally equipped with 6 bars (4 for colour and 2 for the sinking inks), or in the most sophisticated installations with 8 or even 12 bars depending on the complexity of the desired design. Unlike with conventional pigments, no further materials need to be applied to protect the decoration because the SSI inks penetrate into the layer that will subsequently become porcelain stoneware, a material well known for its surface strength and resistance characteristics. 5

这些墨水可与星光(Dymatix)SG1024M/SG1024L、赛 尔(Xaar)GS12/GS40、东芝(Toshiba)CFIXL、精工 (Seyko)GS和京瓷(Kyocera)的喷头进行配对使用。 ❱❱ 印袂®Sinkmet ®EE-BS-DG无色助渗剂 不管是应用于二次布料还是淋浆工艺中,这一系列助渗剂能 够促进印袂®Sinkmet ®SSI渗透到陶瓷坯体中。 该产品应用到标准的数码打印设备通道中可以减少墨水的需 用量,因为助渗剂会根据设计需求有选择性地发挥作用。哑 光产品所需的助渗剂量为10-50克/平方米,而抛光产品(其 中渗透深度必须大于1毫米)所需的助渗剂量可达300克/平 方米。 除了现有的印袂®Sinkmet



定的坯体成分设计和开发其他助渗剂。 ❱❱ C.A.B.P.(定制的坯体添加粉料) “Metox”就是“定制的坯体助色粉料”,它是指添加在应 用于二次布料的喷干粉料中的发色助剂(分散性粉料)。将 助色剂添加到坯体中,可以在颜色发色的方面展示出其出色 的发色效果,同时也能显著地拓宽色域。这种方法包括向面 浆中添加助色剂,调整流速,最后将面浆雾化喷干成粉料, 在压制前或压制期间添加于二次布料的粉料中。在二次布料 时使用印袂®Sinkmet



产线上进行(短至30米)。 该粉料是用于在瓷砖烧成后形成的1-1.5mm表层中。二次 布料瓷砖坯体经过干燥后,待其表面温度下降至40-50℃, 随后在经专用数码喷墨机用印袂®Sinkmet ®SSI墨水进行打印 装饰,该喷墨机通常配备6条打印通道(4条用于着色,2条 用于助渗剂),或者根据设计的复杂程度,以安装具有8条 乃至12条通道的更高端设备。不同于传统色料墨水,使用印 袂®Sinkmet



水装饰的瓷砖无需再其他 材料来保护装饰表面,因 为印袂®Sinkmet



水会渗透到瓷砖表面下, 并最终将形成完全玻化的 瓷砖表层,这是一种以其 高表面强度和高耐磨特性 而闻名的材料。




The importance of the application process in large-size ceramic tile treatment and finishing

大规格瓷砖处理和精加工应用工艺的重要性 Simone Sorrentino, Giuseppe Soli, Surfaces Group (Italy)

Surfaces Group was set up with the aim at offering the market a complete range of technologies, tools and expertise for ceramic surface finishing operations. The three highly specialised companies in the group – Surfaces Technological Abrasives (abrasives and fickert blocks for honing), ADI (diamond tools for cutting and squaring) and A.S. Tools (tools and plants for protective treatment) – have rapidly established an international leadership position in the industry thanks to their unflagging research efforts focused on innovative hi-tech products. One of the most important steps in the production of largesize ceramic tiles and slabs is pre-grinding of the short side to eliminate sharp and curved edges that are liable to break and cause surface scratching when one tile pushes against another. This process does not affect the tool cost per square metre as any material removed at this stage does not have to be removed in the final squaring stage. To remove all scratching particles during honing, it is advisable to chamfer any sharp corners of the tile using specific tools. Pre-grinding and final squaring of large panels and slabs requires a larger quantity of product to be removed from the edges than in the case of traditional tiles. For this purpose, ADI has developed a line of dry grinding wheels that guarantee productivity of the line and finished product quality. For honing of large-size tiles and slabs, Surfaces offers a wide range of tools, abrasive brushes and fickert grinding blocks suitable for any kind of finishing. Five®, for example, is a new Surfaces project that is capable of eliminating as much of the post-firing undulation effect as possible to protect the aesthetic quality of the surface. It achieves the same final aesthetic effect as traditional polishing while maintaining the productivity typical of surface honing. Full on the other hand is a product that simplifies the polishing phase by eliminating the pickling process. It guarantees a perfect aesthetic result with extremely clean, smooth and glossy surfaces (up to 90 gloss) using fewer polishing heads. Moreover, without pickling it reduces machine wear and considerably improves the quality of the working environment. There are three surface finishes with different gloss levels: • Campo Pieno 80-90 Gloss, for extremely glossy full-field mirror surfaces. • In Cresta 30-60 Gloss, for polishing the outermost portion of the texture.



Surfaces集团成立的目的是为陶瓷表面精加工操作提 供全面的技术、工具和专业技能。该集团中三家高度专 业化的公司组成,分别是:Surfaces


Abrasives(用于哑抛的磨料和磨块)、ADI(用于切割 和磨边的加工工具)以及A.S.Tools(用于防护处理的工 具和工厂)。由于其对创新高科技产品的不懈研究,该集 团在行业中迅速建立起国际领导地位。生产大规格瓷砖和 板材,最重要的步骤之一就是对短的一边预先进行磨边, 消除瓷砖边沿上锋利和变形的部分,因为当瓷砖相互推挤 时就会容易产生破裂并在瓷砖表面留下刮痕。这个过程不 会影响每平方米的工具成本,因为在这个阶段去除的任何 材料都不必再在最终的磨边阶段去除。为了在哑抛过程中 去除所有能够造成划痕颗粒,建议使用专用工具对瓷砖的 所有尖角进行倒角。对大板进行预先磨边和最后磨边需要 比传统瓷砖(每面多达几厘米)去除更多的边缘材料。为 此,ADI开发了一系列干法研磨轮,确保生产线的生产力 及成品质量。 对大规格瓷砖和大板进行哑抛,Surfaces提供了一系列 工具,适用于任何后期加工,如具有珩磨作用的刷子和磨

Focus on large sizes & panels

• Satinato 20-40 Gloss, for silky touch surfaces with an anti-reflective effect. This new Soft Touch finish produces smooth, satin-effect tiles on a par with the most sophisticated natural stone without compromising the non-slip characteristics of the surfaces. It can be applied to any kind of porcelain tile thanks to a mechanical operation performed on the finished product after firing. It is ideal for creating marble and natural stone effect surfaces and is equally valid for concrete- or resin-inspired finishes. The protection of honed surfaces entails filling the porosity by means of protective chemical treatments. These involve batching and applying the treatment, drying it and then removing any excess by friction using special tools. At the end of the treatment, the surface is generally slightly more glossy but above all it is protected from dirt, staining (wine, coffee, etc.) and chemical attack from acids (e.g. lemon juice). The plant proposed by Surfaces Group for filling porosity on the surface of large ceramic panels and slabs is called FILL IT. Compact in size (with a width of around 50 cm), it is able to treat slabs up to 170 cm wide by adjusting the quantity of treatment to be applied according to the needs of the product. By controlling the speed of rotation of the tools it is possible to adjust the friction applied to the surface. Complete success of the protective treatment application and removal of excess is guaranteed by the materials used, namely Scotch-Brite pads and polishing fabrics for the tools that distribute and fix the product inside the pores, while filament planetary brushing machines are used to dry the treatment and remove any excess. These surface treatments are suitable for both glossy and matt surfaces. Surfaces Group provides customised solutions and support in developing prototypes thanks to the expertise of Surfaces LAB, a pilot plant equipped with the most advanced technologies that works in close contact with ceramic companies, providing them with assistance through to the start-up of industrial production and performing staining and chemical resistance tests in accordance with standard UNI EN ISO 10545. The presence of branches in the main markets outside Italy allows the group to provide technical support to its international clientele. 5

块。例如,Five®是一个新的Surfaces项目,能够尽可能地消 除瓷砖烧制后的不平整,以保护瓷砖表面的美观性。它达到 了与传统抛光同样的最终美学效果,同时保持了哑光面特有 的生产力。另一方面,Full是一个通过去除酸洗工艺来简化抛 光工序的产品。它使用更少的抛光头,但获得了非常干净、 光滑、亮光的表面(光泽度高达90),保证了完美的美学效 果。此外,不进行酸洗可以减少机器磨损,并显著改善工作 环境的质量。 这款设备可创造三种不同光泽度的表面效果: • Campo Pieno 80-90亮度,有着极高的光泽度并呈现出立 体镜面效果。 • Cresta 30-60 亮度,对纹理的最外层进行抛光。 • Satinato 20-40 亮度,这是没有反光效果的柔滑表面。这 种新的“柔和触感”表面能够生产与最精致的天然石材相 媲美的光滑的,具有缎光效果的瓷砖,而不会影响表面的 防滑特性。由于是在烧制后对成品进行机械操作,因此它 应用于任何类型的瓷质砖。这是创造大理石和天然石材表 面效果的理想选择,同样适用于水泥或树脂表面效果的瓷 砖。 哑抛表面的保护需要通过保护性化学处理来填充气孔。这包 括配料、应用处理和干燥,然后用特殊工具通过摩擦去除多 余材料。在处理结束时,表面亮度通常会有所增加,但最重 要的是它可以防止灰尘、污渍(葡萄酒、咖啡等)和酸性物 质(如柠檬汁)的化学侵蚀。Surfaces集团研发的填充大板 表面气孔的设备被称为FILL IT。该设备体积小(宽度大约50 厘米),能处理宽度达170厘米的大板,可根据产品的需求 调整适量的处理数量。通过控制工具的旋转速度,可以调整 施加到表面的摩擦力。所使用的材料保证了保护性处理应用 和去除多余材料的完全成功,即用于设备的 不织布磨头和抛 光材料修复了产品内的气孔,而长丝行星齿轮式刷子清除设 备用于干燥处理以及去除多余材料。这些表面处理适用于亮 光和哑光的表面处理。 得益于Surfaces


发提供定制方案和支持。Surfaces LAB是一家拥有最先进技 术的试验工厂,与陶瓷企业关系密切,帮助企业启动工业生 产,进行符合UNI EN ISO 10545标准的防污和抗化学腐蚀性 的测试。该集团在意大利以外的主要市场设有分支机构,从 而能够为国际客户提供技术支持。




Twin-channel kiln for large size tiles: high output and flexibility in small spaces

为大规格瓷砖而生的双通道窑炉:小空间里的高产量与灵活性 ICF & Welko (Maranello, Italy)

The growing production of large size tiles in the ceramic sector has given rise to a new problem: the elimination of residual post-firing stresses to allow for subsequent operations of cutting, drilling, etc. For this purpose, large size tiles need to be fired for much longer times than medium-sized tiles, regardless of the stresses generated in the previous steps. Given that the use of large kilns affects the quality of finished products and limits the range of thicknesses and surface finishes, the solution is to use very long kilns, although this is sometimes not compatible with the spaces available. To solve this problem, Welko has developed a twin-channel kiln with two independent channels positioned one above the other. This solution offers numerous advantages: • The kiln length is halved, • Occupied space is halved, • The two channels can be operated as two independent kilns, • Two different kinds of products can be produced at the same time, • Two different cycles can be used in the two channels, • The same product can be produced at the same time in the two channels, • Consumptions are reduced thanks to the lower heat losses. Let’s look at the kiln’s main technical characteristics. The two channels are separate and independent. The two channels’ service fans and combustion plants are completely independent, while the thermal insulation allows very different operating temperatures to be maintained in the two channels without affecting each other. Separate and independent pressure management. The pressure in each channel is regulated and controlled in-



陶瓷行业大规格瓷砖生产的不断增多引发了一个新问题: 如何消除烧制后的剩余内应力,以便进行后续的切割、钻 孔等操作。为此,不管前面步骤中产生的内应力或大或 小,大规格瓷砖比中等规格瓷砖烧制更长时间。 鉴于大型窑炉的使用会影响产品的质量并限制了产品的厚 度和表面效果,由此而产生的解决方案是使用非常长的窑 炉,但这可能会出现空间不够的情况。为了解决这个问 题,Welko开发了一种具有两个独立通道立式双层窑炉。 该解决方案具有许多优点: • 窑炉长度减半, • 占用空间减半, • 两个通道可以作为两个独立的窑炉进行运作, • 可以同时生产两种不同的产品, • 两个通道可以使用两个不同的周期, • 可以在两个通道中同时生产同一种产品, • 由于热损失减少,因而降低了能耗。 下面是该窑炉的主要技术特性。 两个通道是分开、独立的。两个通道的服务风扇和燃烧设 备完全独立,隔热层能够使两个通道保持完全不同的操 作温度,且不会相互影响。 分离、独立的压力管理。在烧制区和冷却区,每个通道中 的压力独立调节和控制,从而保证即便生产出现缺口, 产品仍然保持一致性。 最大的灵活性。在不失去对整个过程的控制的情况下,窑 炉可进行单个通道运作。在这种情况下,热消耗会高出 7-10%。

Focus on large sizes & panels

dependently in both the firing and the cooling zone, thereby guaranteeing product consistency even after gaps in production. Maximum flexibility. The kiln is designed to function with a single channel without losing control of the process. In this case specific heat consumption is 7-10% higher. Energy recovery. The kiln uses hot air recovered from cooling as combustion air for the burners (expected savings of 7% compared to a kiln with cold air). Hot air recovery for use in the dryer. The hot air recovery system is also able to recycle hot cooling air for use in dryers, if present on the line. The reduction in heat consumption in the drying stage can be as high as 40-50%. High-efficiency burners. The same burners are used as those developed for the single-channel kiln. These intensive combustion burners generate the flame entirely inside the combustion cone, thereby optimising the efficiency and exit speed of the fumes and generating convective currents inside the channel to facilitate temperature uniformity and energy transfer to the material undergoing firing. Inverters. The fans are equipped with inverters, allowing the kiln’s sensitive variables to be controlled without using valves but simply so as to optimise electrical energy consumption. Consumption. Depending on the type, thickness and dimensions of the tiles and the firing cycle, heat consumption varies from 500 to 600 kcal/kg, while electrical energy consumption amounts on average to 0.04 kWh/kg. ❱❱ Production process advantages

能量回收。窑炉使用冷却区内回收的热空气作为燃烧器的 助燃空气(与含冷空气的窑炉相比,预期节省7%的能 量)。 热空气回收用于干燥机。热空气回收系统还能够将生产线 上存在的热冷却空气进行循环用于干燥机上。干燥阶段 热耗最高可降低40-50%。 高效燃烧器。使用与单通道窑炉相同的燃烧器。这些强化 燃烧器完全在燃烧区内部产生火焰,从而优化效率和废 气的排出速度,同时在通道内产生对流电,促使温度均 匀并把能量传递给正在燃烧的材料。 逆变器。风机配备了逆变器,可以在不使用阀门的情况下 控制窑炉的敏感性,达到优化电能消耗的目的。 能耗。根据瓷砖的不同类型、厚度、大小和烧成周期,热 量消耗的变量从500至600千卡/千克不等,电能消耗平 均为0.04千瓦时/千克。 ❱❱ 生产工艺优势 自2016年9月起,第一台Welko双通道窑炉在Borgotaro 的Laminam工厂投入使用,生产厚度从6到20毫米不等的 大规格瓷砖;第二台窑炉于2018年1月在西班牙启用,生 产厚度为3和6毫米的瓷砖。在该领域的经验表明: • 可以在两个通道中生产相同颜色的相同产品; • 温度和压力曲线的自动改变实现了完整的产品转换管 理, • 生产缺口的完善管理。 在任何情况下,出窑后的瓷砖始终保持平整度和颜色一致 以及在窑炉中的零破损。


The first Welko twin-channel kiln has been in operation since September 2016 in the Laminam facility in Borgotaro for the production of large size tiles with thicknesses ranging from 6 to 20 mm; a second kiln was started up in Spain in January 2018 for the production of tiles with thicknesses of 3 and 6 mm. Experience in the field has demonstrated: • the possibility of producing the same product with the same colour in the two channels; • complete product changeover management with automatic changing of the temperature and pressure curve, • complete management of production gaps. In all conditions, consistent flatness and colour and zero kiln breakages are achieved at the kiln exit. 5 CWR CHINA 2018


CMF XLT: Customised technologies for large size tiles

CMF XLT:大规格瓷砖的定制技术 Mirco Corbelli, CMF Technology (Pavullo, Italy)

CMF Technology has been designing and building plant and automation for the ceramic industry for over 40 years. In the field of automation, it supplies ceramic tile conveying and handling lines, storage systems with laser guided vehicles and satin finishing machines that serve to functionalise the surfaces of sintered products. The range of equipment available for porcelain tile production includes raw materials storage, batching and mixing plants, behind-the-press technological towers for management and mixing of coloured bodies, dry colouring units, and single and double loading and “throughvein” press feeding systems.


The growing demand for customised solutions for large-size tile and panel production together with CMF’s efforts to meet the needs of the market has led to the launch of CMF.XLT, the brand name used for the company’s many plant and process solutions specially designed and engineered for production, handling and finishing of large-size ceramic tiles and panels. CMF Technology has already completed a large number of orders for XLT brand equipment. Alongside the well-established TBOX and TFLAT lines of storage units for fired and unfired products and the Pegaso laser-guided vehicles, other automation segment solutions that have attracted considerable interest include the Rotox transfer table and the Magic Table




动化系统。 在自动化领域,该公司提供陶瓷输送带和装卸作业线,配备激光 制导轨车的存储系统,以及用于加工功能性产品的缎面加工设备。 可用于瓷质砖生产的设备包括原材料存储、配料及搅拌设备、压机 之前管理和混料的技术塔、干法着色设备,以及一次布料、二次布 料、形成通体纹理的布料系统。 市场对大规格瓷砖和板材生产定制解决方案的需求日益增 长,CMF为满足市场这一需求推出了CMF.XLT品牌。该品牌产品 的众多设备和工艺解决方案。CMF科技公司已经为XLT品牌设备拿 下了大量订单。除了用于烧成产品和未烧成产品的TBOX和TFLAT存 储设备以及Pegaso激光制导轨车之外,其他自动化领域的解决方 案也吸引了相当多的关注,包括Rotox转换台和魔术桌大板旋转装 置。 Rotox用于转换和90°旋转陶瓷板材及其倍数规格产品,而Magic Table满足了陶瓷板材及其倍数规格产品安全旋转的需求,并确保 产品在生产周期结束时的完整性。 对于无釉瓷质大板的生产,CMF科技公司的Tech Tower配备了两

Focus on large sizes & panels

panel rotation device. Rotox is used for the transfer and 90° rotation of ceramic panels and their submultiples, while Magic Table fulfils the need for safe rotation of ceramic panels and their submultiples and guarantees complete integrity of products at the end of the production cycle. For the production of unglazed porcelain panels, CMF Technology equips its Tech Tower range with two different types of press feeding system: the Spiller Evolution 3D decoration unit, a device that is suitable for the production of panels using the single- and double-loading process; and Spiller 2.0, a patented technology specially designed to create “through-vein” full body effects during the panel shaping stage using latest-generation pressing technologies. The Spiller 2.0 module was developed through the hard work of staff at the R&D laboratory, an integral part of CMF’s organisation. It has pilot plants for studying new processes and system solutions and offers training courses and customised research services. The XLT technologies for the ceramic tile finishing segment also include the Silktile dry satin finishing machines for the satin finishing of large size tiles and panels in sizes up to 1600x3200 mm. Silktile is produced in a wide range of models to meet many different requirements (matt or gloss finish for glazed porcelain tiles, satin finish for unglazed porcelain, etc.) and is attracting growing market interest. 5

种不同类型的布料系统:Spiller Evolution 3D装饰设备,该设备适 用于通过一次布料和二次布料生产大板;Spiller 2.0,则是一项专利 技术,在大板成型阶段使用最新一代压制技术,专门打造“通透” 的通体效果。 Spiller 2.0模块经过研发实验室工作人员的不懈努力开发而成,该实 验室是CMF组织的一个组成部分。实验室拥有用于研究新工艺和系 统解决方案的试点设备,并提供培训课程和定制研究服务。 瓷砖精加工领域的XLT技术还包括Silktile干法缎光精加工机,用 于大规格瓷砖和规格达1600×3200(mm)的大板的缎面精加 工。Silktile配备一系列模具,可以满足许多不同的需求(瓷质釉面砖 的哑光或亮光表面效果、无釉瓷砖的缎面效果等),吸引着越来越 多的市场关注。




Digicol, the new generation of digital glues

Digicol:新一代数码胶水 Giorgia Ferrari, Vittorio Vandelli, Smaltochimica (Spezzano di Fiorano, Italy)

Smaltochimica began developing products for digital decoration in 2014 when it launched its NIK series of solvent-based digital inks with a wide range of colours. In 2016, it added the SDM range of digital materials and special effects. With the growing use of digital technology, efforts to advance ceramic production and decoration increasingly focused on complete digitisation of the ceramic process and on the diversification of materials and sizes. One aspect that prompted keen interest was the surface application of grits and powders to produce innovative material and visual effects, from full-field honed surfaces to the finest graphic details. In 2017 Smaltochimica decided to concentrate on the development of digital glues, materials that combine extensive aesthetic potential with all the opportunities of digital technology. Digital glues offer numerous advantages compared to traditional grit pastes: • greater uniformity of the decorated surface, • possibility of applying high-definition shaded graphic designs, • superior aesthetic results from the grits in terms of applied weight (lower consumption) and the effect obtained after firing, • smaller quantity of water supplied during decoration, making them ideal for decorating large size tiles.

斯玛图(Smaltochimica)于2014年开始开发数码装饰 产品,推出了具有多种颜色的NIK系列溶剂型数字墨水。 2016年,它增加了SDM数字材料和特殊效果墨水。 随着数字技术使用的持续增长,陶瓷生产和装饰越来越 关注陶瓷工艺的全数字化以及材料和规格的多样化。 干粒和粉料的表面应用引起了人们的浓厚兴趣,它们能 够产生创新材料和视觉效果,包括立体哑光面及精细图 形。 2017年,斯玛图决定专注于数字胶水的研发。这些材料 具有广泛的审美潜力,包含数字技术的无限可能。 与传统的干粒粘贴相比,数字胶水具有无数优点: • 装饰表面更均匀, • 可以应用高分辨率深色图形设计, • 无论从应用后的重量(较低的消耗量)还是从烧成效 果看,都使干粒获得优异的美学效果 • 装饰过程中用水量更少,是装饰大规格瓷砖的理想选 择。 这些都是Digicol系列用于固定干粒和粉料的胶水的优 点,获得了 全球领先的数码喷墨机和喷头制造商的认 证。 这些胶水分为4个子类别:有机、无机、生态无机和水性 无机。

These are the principles behind the Digicol series of adhesive products for grits and powders certified by all the leading manufacturers of digital printing machines and printheads. These glues are divided into 4 subcategories: organic, inorganic, eco-inorganic and water-based inorganic. All products in the Digicol series have excellent gluing capacity and perfect definition following application. In view of the many variables involved (printheads, rheological requirements, ceramic surfaces and graphic designs), a wide range of glues have been developed for each subcategory. With an average application of between 60 and 80 g/m2 of Digicol it is possible to glue grit weights ranging from 350 to 700 g/ m2 depending on production requirements. The first Digicol glues to be launched onto the market were the so-called Organic Digicol glues. The strengths of these products are their filtration simplicity and the absence of jetting issues on digital printheads; their main weaknesses are short bonding times (meaning that intermediate storage times must be kept short) and the difficulty in creating shaded graphic designs.



Digicol系列的所有产品都具有出色的粘合能力,应用后 呈现出完美的清晰度。鉴于所涉及的变量较多(喷头、 浆料要求、陶瓷装饰和图形设计),针对每个子类别的 一系列胶水已经研发成功。 每平方米平均使用60至80克的Digicol,可以根据产品需 求可以将350至700克的干粒进行固定。 第一批推向市场的Digicol胶水就是所谓的有机Digicol胶 水。 这些产品的优势在于过滤简单、在数码喷头上不会出 现喷印问题;它们的主要缺点是粘合时间短(意味着中 间存储时间必须维持在较短时间内)、难以形成深色图 形。 无机Digicol胶水因含悬浮固体而表现突出,这款产品的 研发能够确保即使在细枝末节之处都能达到最佳的喷印 精度,并具有持久的粘合力。这类Digicol胶水的缺点是 它们的气味和分子类型被释放到烟道排放物中。当胶水 应用于整个瓷砖表面时,这个缺点尤为突出。

Focus on large sizes & panels

Inorganic Digicol glues stand out for the presence of a suspended solid and were developed to ensure optimal printing definition in even the smallest details and long-term bonding capacity. The defect of this class of Digicol glues is their odour and the type of molecules that are released in flue emissions, especially when the glue is applied over the entire surface of the tile. Based on studies conducted at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Smaltochimica has further improved these products by introducing its Eco-Inorganic Digicol glues, a series of products designed to reduce flue emissions in terms of both the type and quantity of organic compounds emitted. A partnership with a leading ceramic manufacturer for in-situ analysis of the flue emissions of the various Digicol products has allowed Smaltochimica to verify the effectiveness of the research undertaken and to evaluate future steps. In addition to these analytical checks, Smaltochimica has already begun research on a line of water-based Inorganic Digicol glues. An initial product has been formulated and is undergoing the certification process by the leading plant and machinery manufacturers. These materials maintain the technical and application characteristics of solvent-based inorganic products but have the added benefit of potentially further improving the environmental impact of products. 5

斯玛图吸收摩德纳大学和雷焦艾米利亚大学的研究成 果,进一步对这些产品进行完善,推出了一款生态无机 Digicol胶水。 这一系列产品有利于减少有机化合物排放的类型和数 量。与领先的陶瓷制造商合作,对Digicol各种产品的烟 道排放物进行原位分析后,斯玛图能够验证现有研究的 有效性并评估未来的步骤。 除了这些分析检查之外,斯玛图已经开始着手研究一系 列水性无机Digicol胶水。最初产品的生产方案已经制 定,正接受领先工厂和设备制造商的认证。这些材料保 留了溶剂型无机产品的技术和应用特性,但带来一项额 外好处是拥有进一步改善产品的环境影响的可能。




Water-based glazes and engobes for full digital applications


Ever since the first digital printer for ceramic tiles was introduced in 2000, the sector has undergone rapid, uninterrupted growth, leading to the digitalisation not just of the decoration stage but of the entire production process. It is in this context that Esmalglass-Itaca presented its water-based Full Digital process at this year’s Cersaie, an innovative solution designed to make the process fully digital and suited to modern production lines.


The Full Digital process essentially involves using digital technology to apply the initial engobe, the effect ink decoration and the finishing glazes. A fully digital approach of this kind brings countless advantages: formulations with a lower water content and smaller weights compared to traditional applications, more uniform glaze applications (especially in the case of large size tiles with widths of 60 cm upwards), selective glazing synchronised with the graphic design, reduction in personnel costs and loss of material on the line, increase in quantity of first choice product, etc. The decoration line digitalisation process was initially envisaged for large size tile production, which uses oil-based products suitable for existing printheads. These full digital production lines are being used with excellent results by large companies in Spain, Italy, Russia, etc.




了持续快速发展,引领了瓷砖装饰环节以及整个生产过 程的数码化发展。 基此背景下,埃思玛格拉丝·意达加(EsmalglassItaca,以下简称“意达加”)在去年举办的博洛尼亚陶 瓷卫浴展(Cersaie)上展示了其水性产品全数码工艺, 这是一种创新性的解决方案,旨在完成工艺的全数字

全数码化应用工艺实质上是使用数字技术进行首层化妆 土、特殊效果装饰墨水以及表层釉料的应用。 这种全数码应用方案带来了诸多优势:与传统的应用方 案相比,新配方的含水量较低,重量较轻,施釉效果更 均匀(特别是宽度60厘米以上的大规格瓷砖的应用), 选择性施釉与图案设计同步,降低了人员成本,减少了 生产线上材料的损耗,一级产品的数量增多等等。 装饰线数码化工艺的设想最初是为大规格瓷砖生产而提 出的,其使用适用于现有喷头的油性产品。这些全数码 化生产线正被西班牙、意大利、俄罗斯等国的大型企业 使用,效果极佳。


However, if the applied quantities exceed certain limits, the application of glaze-engobe and the final oil-based covering may produce unpleasant odours at the kiln exit. To solve this problem, Esmalglass-Itaca group proposes the use of water-based formulations for the initial engobe and the final glaze. The development of new high-discharge printheads designed specifically for water-based materials has allowed for the production of a full range of engobes and glazes for digital printers that bring further advantages with respect to those of a Full Digital process. One of these is greater environmental sustainability. The use of water results in a significant reduction in atmospheric emissions and in odours caused by combustion, which in many cases are entirely eliminated. The olfactometric tests performed have given results of around 500 EOU (European Olfactor Units), almost 6 times lower than the levels established by the European standards (3,000 EOU) as not causing discomfort to humans. The water-based Full Digital process formulated by Esmalglass-Itaca is ideal for all sizes and types of product. The Spanish company began studying these products in 2011, when it won the Alfa de Oro award for producing the first tile in an entirely digital process. The process was patented that same year. 5

但是,如果施釉量超过一定限度,那么化妆土和最终的 油性覆盖物可能会在窑出口处产生难闻的气味。 为了解决这个问题,意达加集团提出了在第一层化妆土 和最后一层釉料中使用水性配方。专门设计开发用于水 性材料的新型大墨量打印头,能使数码打印机应用各种 化妆土和釉料,从而为全数码化工艺带来更多优势。 其优势之一就是进一步实现环境的可持续性。水的使 用可显著减少大气排放和燃烧引起的气味,在许多情况 下还可以完全消除。嗅觉测试得到的结果是大约500个 EOU(欧洲嗅觉单位),比欧洲标准(3000个EOU)所 规定的水平低近6倍,因而不会给人造成不适。 由意达加研制的水性全数码工艺适用于各种尺寸和类型 的产品。这家西班牙公司于2011年开始研究这些产品, 当年意达加首次使用全数码化工艺生产瓷砖而荣获阿尔 法(Alfa de Oro)金奖。该工艺也在同年获得专利。 5



Ecoink-Cid®, the sustainable full-digital solution


In more than 50 years of business, the Torrecid group has been closely involved in a number of revolutionary technologies in the ceramic industry. These include single firing in its early years, followed more recently by the digital revolution and the growing adoption of the so-called Full-Digital ceramic production process. In this latter field the Spanish multinational has taken another important step forward in the last few months with the development of the Ecoink-Cid® range, the new water-based digital inks and glazes unveiled at Cersaie 2017. The first water-based Full-Digital solution to establish itself in the market, Ecoink-Cid® is already being adopted by several ceramic companies to perform completely digital glazing and decorating of ceramic surfaces.


Ecoink-Cid® consists of a highly comprehensive range of water-based solutions capable of achieving the best possible finished product. These include glazes with different gloss levels, matt glazes with all kinds of finishes, inks extending over a full spectrum of colours, ceramic and metal effect inks and inks for vitrified surfaces, as well as glue solutions for grit application. The innovative nature of these products is not only evident in terms of the quality of the ceramic surfaces but also makes an important contribution to the environmental sustainability of the production process. For example, the Ecoink-Cid® solution facilitates waste management, which is simpler and more eco-friendly given that cleaning is performed with water. It reduces atmospheric emissions and improves the working environment, offering ceramic tile producers the very best solutions that comply with the latest legislation on emissions and environmental protocols.


The new water-based inks and glazes produced by Torrecid offer clear advantages for the production process. In particular, the shorter drying time means that it is possible to reduce the distance between the various applications on



业的多项革命性技术息息相关。这些技术包括早期的一 次烧技术,随后是近几年的数字革命以及使用率越来越 高的所谓“全数码”陶瓷生产工艺。随着Ecoink-Cid®产 品系列的发展,这家西班牙跨国公司在过去的几个月中 在数字化领域又迈出了重要一步,即在2017年的博洛尼 亚陶瓷卫浴展(Cersaie)上推出了新型水性数码墨水和 釉料。 作为市场上第一款水性全数码解决方案,Ecoink-Cid®已 经被一些陶瓷公司所采用,用作瓷砖表面的数码喷釉和 装饰。

能够使产品达成最佳的装饰效果。这些产品包括不同光 泽度的釉料、各种效果的哑光釉料、各种颜色的墨水、 陶瓷和金属功能性墨水、用于玻化质表面的墨水,以及 用于干粒应用的胶水。 这些产品的创新性不仅体现在陶瓷装饰表面的质量上, 而且对生产环境的可持续性也做出了重要贡献。例 如,Ecoink-Cid ® 解决方案促进了污染物排放控制技术 的提升,由于只需要用水进行清洁,因而使该环节更简 单、更环保。它减少了大气排放,改善了工作环境,为 瓷砖生产商提供了符合排放和环境协议最新法规的最佳 解决方案。 由陶丽西生产的新型 水性墨水和釉料为生 产工艺带来了明显的 优势。尤其是,干燥 所需时间更短了,就 意味着可以缩短生产 线上各种应用工艺之 间的距离。EcoinkC i d ®产 品 也 完 全 兼 容所有其他陶瓷应用 工艺。 其改善生产工艺的另 一个特点是在烧制过 程中易于根除。由于 该产品蒸发点低,水 溶液在进入窑炉后就


the production line. Ecoink-Cid® products are also fully compatible with all other ceramic applications. Another characteristic that will improve the production process is ease of elimination during firing. Due to its low evaporation point, the aqueous base disappears shortly after entering the kiln, thereby facilitating the degassing process. A further aesthetic advantage concerns the superior integration of the coloured inks into the glaze. This is already leading to products with very natural finishes, better visual quality and greater definition and realism in terms of colours and effects.

能迅速消失,从而促进脱气过程。另一种美学上的优势 就是彩色墨水与釉料的完美结合。这使产品达到非常自 然的表面效果、更好的视觉效果,在色彩和效果方面更 加清晰和逼真。 随着Ecoink-Cid®的发展,陶丽西再次证明了其在创新方 面的领导地位,此外,作为陶瓷工艺未来潮流趋势的先 驱者,陶丽西也为陶瓷行业的可持续发展领域开创了新 篇章。


With the development of Ecoink-Cid®, Torrecid has once again confirmed its leadership in terms of innovation and as a driver of future trends in ceramics, opening up a new chapter for the industry in the field of sustainability. 5


SPARES & SERVICE All kinds of spare parts and equipments for ceramic industries



New air conditioning plants for the sanitaryware industry


Paolo Marcheluzzo, Marcheluzzo Ceramics (Caldogno, Italy)

The air conditioning plants guarantee ideal thermo-hygrometric conditions in sanitaryware production rooms regardless of whether traditional, spagless or high-pressure casting is used. Based on proprietary Marcheluzzo Ceramics technology (Caldogno, Vicenza, Italy), the plants feature a number of filtration stages to improve the quality of both the environmental and expelled air. A special cooling and humidification system together with control of fresh air replenishment ensures air changes and comfort regardless of the external conditions. A ducting system with calibrated and suitably sized diffusers ensures the same balanced flow throughout the department, avoiding air stratification and heterogeneity that would place product quality at risk. The plant is designed with a static pressure recovery system and is automatically balanced. Different kinds of air diffusers have been chosen carefully according to their position in the department (above the casting bench or in the piece storage area, height from the floor, etc.).

Air conditioning plants



无论是采用传统成型、spagless成型还是高压成型,空 调设备能够保证在卫浴洁具生产车间达到理想的温度和 湿度。Marcheluzzo Ceramics公司(意大利维琴察卡 尔多尼奥)拥有专利技术,设备能够对空气进行多重过 滤,同时改善环境和排出空气的质量。拥有特殊的冷却 和加湿系统,以及新鲜空气补给控制系统,无论外部条 件如何,都能确保空气的变化和舒适性。管道系统中装 有经校准且大小适宜的空气扩散器,能确保在整个车间 实现稳定的空气流动,避免了因空气分层和不均匀而导 致的产品质量风险。该空调设备设有静压回收系统,能 实现自动平衡,并根据在车间中的安装位置(如是在铸 造台上方还是在产品存储区内、距离地面高度等)精心 选用了不同类型的空气扩散器。 ❱❱ 防雾系统 用于spagless成型车间的新型防雾系统引起了卫浴洁具



❱❱ The anti-fog system The new anti-fog system installed in spagless type casting departments is attracting a lot of interest amongst sanitaryware manufacturers. The area where the benches are installed contains large volumes of humid air generated by the air pressure in the moulds at the time of demoulding. If left uncontrolled, this moist air (sometimes saturated and therefore present as mist) affects the humidity conditions of the environment as a whole. If allowed to recirculate directly from the air treatment units, this air can create problems with the machines as it is contaminated with traces of plaster and ceramic body originating from the moulds. The function of the anti-fog system is therefore to capture all the humidity immediately after the water has been ejected from the mould. The anti-fog system is naturally connected directly to the air conditioning plant because environmental conditions must be guaranteed at all times (the system logic takes account of all the units in operation).

中的气压会产生大量的潮湿空气,如果不受控制,这些 潮湿空气(有时因达到饱和湿度而呈现为雾状)会影响 整个环境的湿度。如果通过空气处理设备直接循环使用 这些空气,则可能会导致设备出现问题,因为这些空气 已受到污染,带有模具中的灰泥和坯体微粒。 因此,防雾系统的功能就是在水从模具中排出后立即收 集所有的湿度。防雾系统直接连接到空调设备,因为必 须始终保证车间达到设定的环境条件(系统算法会考虑 到所有运行中的设备)。

Anti-fog system for spagless bench




Anti-fog system for spagless bench

The system is based on Marcheluzzo Ceramics technology and is specifically designed for all kinds of casting bench, whether new or existing. ❱❱ The pre-dryers The pre-dryers are able to minimise the time between demoulding and the piece entering the dryers, freeing up the space normally required for parking the cars prior to drying. This is done when it is not possible to introduce the piece into the dryer immediately after demoulding due to the type of piece or specific production requirements. The plant features a single indirect combustion chamber with a gas burner for multiple cells (which may include a hot water battery) and a nebulisation system capable of increasing the humidity of each cell to saturation. The cycle times may vary according to the desired final moisture content. The airflow inside each cell is guaranteed to be as uniform as possible to avoid air speed differences which may have a negative impact on the first critical phase of piece shrinkage. ❱❱ Marcheluzzo Ceramics for American Standard Mexico As part of the investments in technological upgrading of its plants, American Standard Mexico (Lixil Group) recently commissioned Marcheluzzo Ceramics (Caldogno, Vicenza, Italy) to supply a fifth air conditioning plant complete with anti-fog system for installation on spagless casting benches in the traditional casting department. This latest order brings to 16 the total number of air treatment units and distribution systems supplied by Marcheluzzo Ceramics to the Mexican company. The order also included 20 pre-dryers, some of which are already in operation while others are nearing completion. 5





术,专为各种浇注台设计,无论是新类型还是现有类 型。 ❱❱ 预干燥机 预干燥机能够将从脱模到坯体进入干燥机的时间缩短到 最小,从而释放了通常在干燥之前停放运输车所需要的 空间。 使用预干燥机是由于坯体的类型或特定的生产要求导致 无法在坯体脱模后立即将其移入干燥机中。 预干燥机设有一个间接燃烧室,配有供多个预干燥间( 其中包括热水电池)使用的燃气灶和能够将每个预干燥 间的湿度增加至饱和的雾化系统。预干燥的循环时间可 根据所需的最终含水量而变化。 每个预干燥间的气流都尽可能地保持了均匀,以避免 因空气速度差异对坯体收缩的最初关键阶段产生负面影 响。 ❱❱ Marcheluzzo Ceramics与美标卫浴(墨西哥) 为了对其工厂进行技术升级,美标卫浴墨西哥公司(Lixil Group)最近委托了Marcheluzzo Ceramics公司(意 大利维琴察尔多尼奥)为其生产第五套配备防雾系统的 空调设备,用于安装在其传统浇注车间的spagless浇注 台上。 这一最新订单使Marcheluzzo Ceramics向美标卫浴墨 西哥公司提供的空气处理设备和空气分配系统总数达到 16个。该订单还包括20台预干燥器,其中一些已经投入 使用,剩余部分即将完工。


STEPHAN SCHMIDT KG FOR LAUFEN BATHROOMS. With its sanLine® product range, Stephan Schmidt KG has developed special clay blends for the production of sanitaryware. Due to their special properties, such as excellent deflocculation characteristics, minimal deformation, high purity and outstanding quality consistency, the clays of the sanLine® series meet the claims of Westerwälder Kompetenztone® - a brand of Stephan Schmidt KG standing for clays meeting the highest demands of ceramic production.


IlBagnoAlessi One is produced and distributed by Laufen Bathrooms under License of Alessi Spa Italy


Sabo commissions a new line for Malaysian Kilan Batu

Sabo为马来西亚Kilan Batu公 司安装新的生产线 Sabo, Vassiliko (Greece)

Sabo, a wellknown Greek supplier of machinery and automation for the heavyclay industry, is commissioning its new high-capacity direct setting machines at the Kilang Batu factory in Malaysia, north of Kuala Lumpur. The investor already owns two brick lines. The machines are part of a new complete high capacity plant intended for the production of traditional Malaysian products as well as some improved larger format products. This is Sabo’s second project in Malaysia. The aim of the project and investments is to achieve a high production capacity of up to 700 tons per day and a maximum of 30,000 pieces per hour of the traditional solid Malaysian standard brick of dimensions 215x100x65 mm and weight 2.4 kg. It is one of the largest production lines ever built in Malaysia. Sabo has supplied all the handling machines from cutting through to setting, as well as the robotized dehacking system and part of the kiln car transport system between the hacking and dehacking lines. ❱❱ Description of the plant More specifically, the line is equipped with two large extruders, one of which is to be used as a stand-by machine. The line is intended to work with either one or two extruded slugs for maximum flexibility and high capacities. The doubling of the slugs is performed by a machine prior to the cutter. The cutting line and doubler are therefore able to accommodate both extruders by moving some machines on rails to the appropriate positions before the extruders. Cutting is performed by a large 36-brick push-through cutter capable of cutting two slugs. This is a large, robust machine capable of cutting stiff extruded slugs. Special emphasis has been given to rapid wire changing by equipping the machine with a motorized movable wire harp, which automatically brings a new set of wires to the cutting po-



Sabo是希腊一家知名的重质粘土工业设备和自动化供 应商,目前正在马来西亚的Kilang Batu工厂(吉隆坡以 北)安装新的高容量直接码砖机(Kilang Batu已经拥有 两条砖块生产线)。这些设备安装在设备完善、产能颇 高的工厂中,以生产传统马来西亚产品及一些改良的大 规格产品,这是Sabo在马来西亚的第二个项目。 该项目和投资的目的是为了实现高产能,生产出日产 量高达700吨、每小时最高产量为30,000块,规格为 215x100x65毫米、重量为2.4千克的马来西亚传统标准实 心砖。这是马来西亚最大的生产线之一。 Sabo供应生产流程上所有处理设备(从切割到码砖)、 自动化分离系统以及码砖线和分离线之间的部分窑车运 输系统。 ❱❱ 工厂简介 更具体地说,生产线配备了两台大型挤出机,其中一台 用作备用机。该生产线能够同时挤出一个或两个砖块, 以实现高容量和最大灵活性。砖块加倍由置于切割机之 前的设备完成。因此,切割线和加倍装置可以通过将导 轨上一些设备移至挤出机之前的相应位置来容纳两台挤 出机。切割程序由一台能够切割两个砖块的大型36砖块 贯穿式切割器完成。这是一台大型且马力强劲的设备, 能够切割坚硬的砖块。特别要强调的是其快速更换钢丝 的能力,通过为设备配置自动化的可移动钢丝绳,可以 在检测到断丝后自动将一组新的钢丝送到切割位置。整 个过程自动执行,无需暂停挤出机的运行。该设备主要 设计用于调整钢丝角度,以实现更有效的切割。此外,


离线 技术


款式 设计 树 脂 模

施釉 烧成 卫生洁具创新 源自1984

注浆成型和 处理

technology 该系统还配备了钢丝移动装置和钢丝清洁器,以实现 更高质量的切割。 切割之后,湿砖将在双层夹持器下进行移动,通过该 流程实现两组(36块)湿砖的面对面定位。 生产线的其余部分由一系列用于分离和码垛砖层的码 垛带组成,在实现高容量的同时,尽量减少砖块处理 步骤。大多数皮带的使用都是基于这一原因。砖块用 四个间隔物分隔开来,在连续运动中实现提升和分离 砖块的目的。间隔机制可以通过不同的程序处理多种 不同规格的砖块。在码砖线末尾,三台700公斤重的 大型载荷机器人排成一排,将规格为6300x4200mm

sition upon detection of a broken wire. The whole procedure is performed automatically without stopping the extruder. The machine is designed to allow the wire inclination to be adjusted for a more effective cut. Moreover, the system is equipped with a wire moving mechanism and wire cleaner, resulting in a better quality cut. After the cutter, the wet bricks move under a duplication gripper, which can also perform face-to-face positioning of the two 36-piece groups of wet bricks. The rest of the line consists of a series of programming belts for separating and programming the layers. The line is designed to minimize brick handling while achieving high capacities. Mostly belts were used for this reason. The bricks are spaced using four spacers that lift and separate the bricks in consecutive movements. The spacing mechanism can accommodate many different brick dimensions through different programs. At the end of the setting line, three large 700 kg payload robots placed in line set the 6300x4200 mm kiln car in an edge-to-edge setting. The robots handle two layers at a time and with an extra move cross each layer separately to achieve a better setting stability. In addition to the usual places for receiving cut-offs, belt conveyors have been installed in many positions below the machines to allow for ease of cleaning. The dehacking line also utilises robots to unload the cars. Two robots dehack the cars and place the bricks on two programming chain conveyors. The programming conveyors create the layers and position them near the two packaging robots. These are designed to form two different rectangular shaped layers, which are placed alternately on the wooden pallet to form the pack. This allows for a better pack stability in comparison to the normal squared layer pack setting. The two packaging robots set the pack layer by layer in an edge-to-edge setting. These two robots also handle the empty wooden pallet by transferring it from a nearby pile to the final chain conveyor. The layers are gripped from all four sides to allow for more effective and secure brick handling and a tight pack. Once the bricks have been packaged on the wooden pallet, they are transferred by a chain conveyor to a stretch wrapping machine where they are wrapped in stretch film. Finally they are transferred to the final chain conveyor for collection by the forklift. The line also includes all the kiln car handling equipment between the hacking and dehacking line. 5



的窑车进行边对边设置。机器人可同时处理两层,每层 分别额外挪动些许位置,实现更好的稳定性。除了通常 接收切割物的地方之外,皮带输送机还安装在设备下方 的多个位置,以便于清洁。 该分离线还利用机器人卸载运输车。两台机器人将运输 车分离,并将砖块放在两台码垛链条输送机上。输送机 建立砖层后将其放置在两台包装机器人附近。设计目的 在于形成两个不同矩形形状的砖层,交替放置在木托上 进行包装。与一般的正方形包装相比,这种放置能更好 地确保包装稳定性。两台包装机器以边对边的设置逐层 进行包装,并将空木托从附近堆放的位置转移至最终的 链条输送机上。从四侧进行拉紧,实现更有效和安全的 砖块处理和密封包装。 砖块在木托上包装好后,将会被链条输送机转移到胶膜 缠绕机上,进行胶膜包裹。最后包装好的产品通过叉车 转移到最终的链条输送机上。该生产线还包含码砖线和 分离线之间的所有窑车处理设备。


Energy Recovery Systems and Filtration

Ecological awareness...

...use our technology

We design plants based on the specific needs of our customers, our team is able to dimension a state-of-the-art recovery system for the optimization of energy consumption.

Thermal Energy Recovery System “Intelligente”



Sleeve and Box Filters for Dust and Fumes Heat Exchangers Control and Supervision Instruments Water Purification Systems Washing Towers and Scrubbers


Poppi Clementino Poppi Clementino Spa is a company specialized in the optimization of the energetic consumption. By performing an accurate analysis of the energy used in the production cycle, the company is able to offer to its customers a set of customized solutions for energy recovery and filtration systems. In the field of energy recovery, the company has developed in the years a number of technologies able to reduce the energetic waste: it normally recovers the calorific potential embedded in the heat and fumes, by recycling it on the production cycle. Poppi Clementino Spa has already successfully installed its systems in a large number of industries, including ceramics, bricks, foundries, plastics to name just a few. In the production of ceramic tiles, the machines that require the largest consumption of energy, are, in the order, spray driers, driers and kilns. Poppi Clementino Spa has developed a combined system focused in the recovery of the energy coming from the kilns: the most can be recovered from the heat embedded in the air normally exhausted through the cooling chimneys; in addition, also the fumes contains large amount of heat, that can be ideally recovered. The recovery of the cooling air is usually called “direct” recovery system. The recovery of the fumes, normally require the installation of a Heat



Exchanger, and it is called “indirect” recovery system. In the most of the cases, the two systems are combined in order to achieve the maximum efficiency. Direct recovery systems: It is a combined system, on which the hot air exhausted from the cooling chimney of the kiln is conveyed by a fan to feed the burners of the spray driers, at an average temperature of 170 °C. In this application, where an inverter is used to control the speed of the fan, it can be usually recovered an amount of energy, that allows a saving of 2025% of the yearly consumption of the spray drier. Indirect recovery system: the heat included in the fumes coming from the exhaustion of the chimneys of the kilns, have to be treated appropriately because of the large amount of corrosive pollutants. For this operation, a fumes/ air heat exchanger is installed to obtain clean hot air, to be conveyed to the energy-consuming machines through insulated pipes. The temperature drop can be estimated to be around 1°C for every 10-15 meters of appropriately insulated pipe. In the driers, it can be normally reached a 25÷30% reduction in the consumption of fuel (natural gas, diesel, LPG etc.). Heat exchangers. From the beginning, Poppi Clementino Spa has been active in the engineering and manufacturing of heat exchangers. Such machines are used as heat sinks prior to the filtration

stage. The heat exchangers are also often used in the cogeneration process, on which there is the combined production of electrical and thermal energies. The working principles of the heat exchanger is based on the transfer of heat from the hot smokes to another fluid that is normally air or hot water. The product range of Poppi Clementino Spa also included diatermic oil exchangers. Depending on the working temperature, smoke corrosiveness, and solid particulates included on the fumes, the company has developed a complete range of machines. Control and supervision instruments. Poppi Clementino Spa has developed a sophisticated and reliable electronic control system for the management of filtration and energy recovery equipment. In order to meet the growing request from its customers to monitoring the dust extraction systems, Poppi Clementino Spa can provide a dust control system based on the concept of differential pressures: it combines a digital measuring device, able to display the amount of dust produced in the working cycle, and report possible failures. Potential failures can be constantly detected by a software developed by Poppi Clementino Spa and displayed on a screen. All related data are shown and the software is able to localize the problem by displaying it in the layout of the system, with a relevant ad-

vantage in the maintenance intervention. Furthermore, the software keep tracks of all the exact amounts of energy recovered, allowing the operators to know time-by-time the exact amount of savings.

Poppi Clementino Spa是 一家专注于为能源消耗提 供最优解决方案的公司。 通过在一个生产周期中对 能源消耗的精确分析,该 公司能够为每位客户制定 一套适合客户自身需求的 能源回收和过滤系统方 案。在能源回收领域,多 年来公司开发了一系列减 少能源浪费的技术和设 备:我们通常把在生产中 潜在地隐藏于高温和废气 中的热量进行回收。Poppi Clementino Spa已成功地 在众多工业领域中安装使 用这些设备,比如制陶 业,制砖业,铸造业,塑 胶业等一大批工业项目。 在瓷砖生产中,需要消耗 大量能源的设备主要有喷 雾干燥机、烘干机和窑 炉。 Poppi Clementino Spa针 对这一生产研发了一套综 合系统回收来自窑炉的热 能:在冷却道消耗掉的那 些隐藏于气体中的热量大

Latest technologies












Poppi Clementino Spa 公
















火,diatermic oil含有特殊






中,平均温度为170°C. 在










Poppi Clementino Spa 研







输送到耗能设备中。 在

















Clementino Spa研发的软



Clementino Spa公司






















Smalticeram In the space of just a few years, digital printing has become the standard decoration system in the ceramic industry, an innovation that has had a significant influence on the sector’s technical and aesthetic trends worldwide. The precision of modern inkjet machines and the constant evolution of increasingly high-performance and effective printing units has produced astonishing results. Research into raw materials for special effects has evolved in parallel with this. As a result, Smalticeram has further expanded its SJ-SD Smaltink range, a complete system that starts out from the four-colour process and evolves constantly to provide effective and reliable support for tile producers. Reagent complexes, microlustres, devitrifying mineral bases, white inks with differentiated coverage, matting micropigments, adhesives for dry applications and tracers for surface engraving are just a few of the unique products developed by Smalticeram specially for this technology. The possibility of applying large quantities of materials digitally is paving the way to the future challenge of “digital glazing”. More compact and synchronised production lines which can be controlled from remote stations and platforms that can be transferred

to any production unit are scenarios that we are likely to see in the very near future. Smalticeram is already helping achieve these future goals by developing micro-milled preparation bases with very high colour intensity and differentiated surface protective coverings, both of which are an integral part of the total digital process. The ever more widespread use of plants for large panel and slab production results in a need for high-precision application systems. More than ever before, the sector has to be able to provide end users with increasingly elegant, refined products with sophisticated finishes and above all high levels of performance and reliability. Customers are becoming ever more demanding and competition increasingly fierce, resulting in a need for extremely high quality standards. Smalticeram is looking to the future and responding to these needs through the combined digital application of colour and material.














































在短短的几年时间里,数码 打印已经成为陶瓷行业标准 的装饰系统,这一创新对陶 瓷行业的工艺和美学趋势 在全球范围内产生了重大影 响。现代喷墨机的精度,以 及越来越多的高性能的和

Syneco It is well known that Sacmi did not use to propose any brand of hydraulic oil to its clients, but only to indicate in the user’s manual the technical parameter of the oil needed for the machine. Nevertheless, with the quantity of Sacmi machines increasing and the uneven quality of the oil brands appearing in the market, many clients use unsuitable oil for Sacmi machines. Some



of them even use imitated oil with poor quality which causes many problems to the components, such as valves, pumps and logical valves and eventually could lead the clients to misunderstand the high level of quality of Sacmi equipments. In order to maintain the trust on Sacmi brand, save on maintenance costs and ensure the best performance of the presses, now Sacmi Machinery (Fos-

han Nanhai) Co., Ltd. is proud to propose to its clients the Syneco Press C2888 hydraulic oil specially developed for ceramic presses based on the cooperation between Sacmi and Syneco, which can increase the reliability of Sacmi machine and reach and excellent performance.


Latest technologies














































完全由 EFI 设计和生产,使





Cretaprint P4喷墨打






































量(最多 6 个或最多 12 个)









Efi - Cretaprint The EFITM Cretaprint P4 printer is the ideal solution for the decoration of panels and slabs on standard ceramic production lines and meets the needs of today’s market for tiles suitable for use in architecture, furnishing and new applications. EFITM Cretaprint P4 is a modular ceramic digital printer with a printing width of 1440 mm, suitable for the production of ceramic slabs and panels. Thanks to its modular configuration, it is possible to choose the number of printing bars (up to 6 or up to 12) and the size of the transport table. The modularity of the P4 printer allows a range of different settings to be selected. The most suitable configuration of the allin-one printer can be chosen according to individual production requirements, limiting the investment to the ceramic producer’s real needs. The multi-head printer configuration allows for maximum customisation. Moreover, with DTP it is possible to make full use of the printer width in all manufacturing cycles as large size tiles can be printed simultaneously with two different designs on two lines. All versions feature a single motion system. The components of EFI Cretaprint printers are designed to make these machines robust and reliable. These include the vacuum system, the print system, the automatic cleaning system and the accessible bars. The highest possible printing quality and a high-precision decoration process are guaranteed by

the machines’ electronic components and software. The electronic components are designed and built entirely by EFI to guarantee total printhead control. Printer management by operators is controlled and integrated with the design and colour management systems to reduce pressure on the connected and optimised plants. EFI




Latest technologies Manfredini & Schianchi Manfredini & Schianchi has developed FGT Fusion Granulation Technology with the specific aim of achieving excellent characteristics of homogenisation, flowability and density of the final granulate, thereby offering a real alternative to the existing spray drying technique in the production of ceramic products. After being treated with Manfredini & Schianchi dry milling technology, the fine particles undergo calibrated mechanical compression in the FGT system so as to activate their underlying molecular covalent and electromagnetic forces. The outcome of this process guarantees excellent intermingling of all the raw materials in the formulation and outstanding stability in the downstream stages of pressing, drying and firing. FGT is the per-

fect solution to the need for sustainable development in the ceramic tile production process as it is totally free of CO2 emissions.

Manfredini & Schianchi开 发出了FGT熔













融造粒技术, 目的是为了让 颗粒最后呈现 出合适的均匀 度、流动性和 密度,从而为 瓷砖生产既有 的喷雾干燥技 术提供一个可 替代方案。 通 过 使 用 Manfredini & Schianchi的 干磨技术,细


When theory turns into practice. Marcheluzzo Ceramics is a byword for top quality and multi-year experience in the field of turnkey plants for ceramic materials. A technical staff with long standing experience makes Marcheluzzo Ceramics Division a reliable partner in the international market for the Ceramic Industry. Thanks to the acquired know-how, Marcheluzzo Ceramics Division is today capable to offer solutions in various industrial fields.

Marcheluzzo Ceramics s.r.l. | Via Pomaroli, 117 | Caldogno (VI) ITALY Tel. +39 0444 585077 | Fax +39 0444 909110 | info@marcheluzzoceramics.com | www.marcheluzzoceramics.com

Latest technologies Setec “The Big One” is the name of the new automatic line for casting onepiece WCs proposed by Setec Group and presented at Tecnargilla 2016. This new system guarantees high productivity together with a high level of automation in the casting of one-piece WCs, thereby reducing production costs and improving quality. The modular line can comprise up to 10 modules, each equipped with 2 plaster moulds for casting the one-piece bowl and 2 plaster moulds for the respective rims. Various models and designs of one-piece WCs can be installed and cast on the same line.

The configuration of the largest plant consists of 20 installed moulds capable of casting up to 6 times a day using the capillary mould system. The maximum daily productivity is therefore 120 one-piece WCs or 240 close-coupled WCs. The machine performs all the operations automatically. All parts of the mould are automatically repositioned by the machine ready for the next casting operation. Synchronisation is achieved by means of a control panel equipped with PLC and touchscreen allowing for supervision of the entire production cycle. This integrated system minimises the operator’s pres-

ence during the cycle. All of this ensures lower labour costs and at the same time a big increase in quality and productivity. “The Big One”是Setec 集团所推出的铸造连体式马 桶的新型自动化生产线,该 生产线曾亮相于2016年意 大利里米尼国际陶瓷技术展 (Tecnargilla)。 该新型系统大大提高了连体 式马桶铸造的生产能力以及 自动化水平,降低了生产成 本,并提高了产品质量。 该模块化生产线由10个模 块组成,每个模块都配备2 个石膏模具用于连体马桶底 座的铸造成型,以及2个石 膏模具用于铸造连体马桶座 圈。多款连体马桶的模具和 设计都能在同一条生产线上 进行安装和铸造。

最大型的生产工厂由20个安 装模具组成,通过毛细管模 具系统每天能够完成高达6 次的铸造成型的操作,工厂 的最高日产量能够达到铸造 120件连体马桶或者240件 分体马桶。 所有设备都是全自动化操 作。全部模具都能通过设 备进行自动定位输送,为下 一步骤的成型铸造操作做好 准备。通过配备可编程序逻 辑控制器(Programmable Logic


称“PLC”)和触摸屏的控制 版面进行同步操作,整个生 产周期得到有效监控。 该集成系统能够最大限度地 减少生产过程中的人工操 作。 上述所提到的都能有效降低 劳动力成本,同时大大提高 产品质量和产能。


t u n n e l

advertisers list Bmr 4

Poppi Clementino

Certech 13-73


Colorobbia Italia

Setec 71


63 IV cop - 61

Durst 11

SITI B&T Group

II cop - 7



Spares & Service


Esmalglass-Itaca Group


Stephan Schmidt


Genitec 17

Surfaces Technological Abrasives


Industrie Bitossi

Syneco 6


L.B. 1



Manfredini & Schianchi


Tecnargilla 2018

Marcheluzzo Ceramics


Tecnografica 3

III cop

Megacolor 29


Metco 20

Turbomach/Solar 77

Microban 74




2 19


t u n n e l


w. se


www.economick.eu SETEC Group - SE.TE.C. / VICENTINI / IPEG / COELTUNNEL • Via Enrico Fermi 6/18 • 01033 Civita Castellana (VT) • ITALY tel. (+39) 0761-540606/(+39) 0761-542141 • fax (+39) 0761-542022 • www.setecsrl.it • info@setecsrl.it



Latest technologies Microban Since 2006, Microban has led the industry with its pioneering series of antimicrobial technologies and techniques that can be applied to ceramic tile and sanitaryware glazes prior to firing. After firing, the antimicrobial package interacts with the glaze formulation to create a final surface that is able to reduce and control bacterial growth. This integrated approach requires experience in ceramic engineering, glaze composition and antibacterial performance. For example, glaze ingredients typically vary widely. They may be sourced from multiple suppliers and may contain various trace impurities. The complex interaction between 5 or more chemical elements present in the glazes may be strongly affected by a non-optimal antimicrobial package. This may give rise to defects such as micro-pits caused by localised eutectic reactions, orange-peel optical reflection effects and the presence of phase-separated deposits such as dark precipitates. All of these challenges have been tackled and successfully overcome by the ceramic additive research and development efforts made by Microban’s technologists. Microban’s patented ceramic antimicrobial technologies combat the uncontrolled growth of microbes using unique compounds that are

customised for each manufacturing process. The antimicrobial is integrated into the ceramic glaze and provides continuous protection against microbes for the entire lifetime of the product so long as the glaze remains intact. With its silver-based formulations incorporated into a proprietary package, Microban’s antimicrobial solutions have been optimised for integration into a wide variety of glazes for ceramic tiles and sanitaryware. Their formulations can be adapted in such a way as to avoid affecting gloss level, colour or abrasion or chemical resistance of ceramic products. And unlike other products on the market which require UV light or which alter the ceramic surface in order to reduce microbe bonding, Microban antimicrobials act directly against microbes to prevent their reproduction and growth. Microban has developed a new antibacterial test method (ASTM E3031-15) for ceramic surfaces that has been published as a standard test method for more than a year. It is the first non-photocatalytic test method for antibacterial determination developed exclusively for ceramic surfaces. The new method is a significant innovation as all previous test methods used for testing ceramic surfaces were developed by adapting methods used for testing pol-

ymers (ISO 22196, JIS Z2801) or textiles (JIS L1902, AATCC 100). The ASTM E3031-15 test method provides a relatively accurate representation of the contamination typically found in high-traffic environments where ceramic products are used. The Microban team of microbiologists took a large number of samples from commercial toilets and ceramic floors to measure the bacterial flora and nutrient levels necessary to create appropriate incubation conditions and nutrient profile for the test. This study provided key information on the bacterial contamination and nutrient levels found in real-world conditions. During the investigation, the Microban team found that the survivability of Gram positive bacteria was highly variable even on untreated ceramic surfaces, unlike on polymer or textile materials. For this reason, the ASTM E3031-15 test specifies the use of a suitable representative of Gram negative bacteria, E. coli, which is derived from faecal matter and displays a high degree of resistance on ceramic surfaces. In all its areas of operation, Microban is committed to consumer safety and protection of the environment. Its scientists work closely with manufacturers to ensure the safety of the antimicrobial technology along the supply chain, from delivery, receipt and storage through to use in the production process. Microban products derive from natural elements and are retained within the ceramic glaze while providing an antibacterial action

over the entire lifetime of the ceramic product. They are registered both in the USA (EPA) and in Europe (BPR). In China, Microban has been partnering with Belite Tiles (www.belite.cn) since 2015. Thanks to this collaboration, Belite Tiles has introduced 4 product lines that feature the Microban antimicrobial technology: H-Line, Arabesque, Mosaics and Subway Series. Today these innovative collections are successfully marketed in China, Japan and the US. Additional collaborations are currently under development with key Chinese ceramics manufacturers.

自2006年以来,Microban 以其开创性的系列抗菌技 术和工艺引领行业,这些 技术和工艺可在烧制前应用 于瓷砖和卫生洁具的施釉阶 段。烧制后,整套抗菌剂与 釉料配方发生反应,形成能 够减少和控制细菌生长的最 终表面。使用这种综合方法 需要具备在陶瓷工程、釉料 配方和产品抗菌性能方面的 经验。例如,釉料的组成成 分通常差别很大,可能来自 多个供应商,含有各种微量 杂质。釉料中存在的5种或 多种化学元素之间复杂的相 互作用可能会受到一揽子不 理想的抗菌剂的强烈影响。 这可能会引发产品缺陷,如 出现由局部共晶反应引起的 微凹坑,桔皮光学反射效 应,以及存在相分离沉淀

FIG. 1: Example of glaze component impurity (iron) reacting with an improperly matched antimicrobial package, creating localized micro-precipitates of iron




Sieving and deferrization systems





VIBROTECH S.R.L. CERTECH GROUP Sede Legale: Via Racchetta 2 int. 20 C.P. 41049 Sassuolo MO Italy Sede Operativa: Via Don Pasquino Borghi 4 C.P. 42013 S. ANTONINO DI CASALGRANDE RE Italy Tel +39 0536 823776 int. 412 Fax +39 0536 812009 www.vibrotech.biz info@vibrotech.biz





Microban SilverShield® 技术可应用于陶瓷瓷砖和卫生洁具产品的釉料配方上实现有 效和持久的抗菌保护, 它能全天候发挥效能。 欲了解更多信息: www.microban.com


Latest technologies











过调整聚合物(ISO 22196




、JIS Z2801)或纺织品(JIS




L1902、AATCC 100)测试












ASTM E3031-15测试方法相








































FIG. 2: Confocal imagery of E. coli on an untreated (Left) and Microbantreated (Right) ceramic surface after 24hours under ideal growth conditions











方法 (ASTM E3031-15),




















Spares & Service Italia Spares & Service, a company based in Fiorano Modenese (Modena, Italy), distributes a wide range of spare parts and accessories for the ceramic industry. Set up in 1999, it is now an international player with a global presence and commercial partners in various parts of the world including Vietnam, Thailand, Mexico and Brazil. At its warehouse in Fiorano Modenese it stocks a wide range of items that can be ordered by code for any kind of ceramic production line or machine, including body preparation, pressing, glazing lines,

kilns, storage cars, loading/unloading machines and sorting lines. Throughout its years of experience and continued growth, the company has gained extensive knowledge of production processes and machinery while ensuring rapid deliveries and competitive costs.

何 生 产 线 和 设 备通过代 码进行下 单,如坯 体制备、

Spares & Service是一家












Latest technologies Solar Cogeneration with Gas Turbine is widely recognized as the best way to improve efficiency in Ceramic Market. How Cogeneration applies into Ceramic Tiles production? The answer is clearly showed in the sketch: the exhaust of gas from the turbines goes directly into the Atomizer and electricity is used in the Factory or exported to the national grid. Gas Turbines bring high quantity of heat into the drying process increasing significantly the overall process efficiency. Cogeneration with Gas Turbines brings several advantages in Ceramic Market: • Cost savings by reducing the overall gas consumption and electricity cost • Enhanced productivity (speed and quality) using a very stable source of heat • Great environmental benefit • Increased efficiency, form from 27-32% to 75-90% • Increased reliability & availability. Availability of the production plant will increase due to the combined presence of two sources of electricity, the gas turbine and the electrical grid. Furthermore it is possible to apply for certificates and carbon credits. In several applications an additional benefit comes from selling energy to the electrical grid. The integration of Gas Turbine exhaust air into the Spry Dryer drying process is technically proven and well known. Solar experience is unrivalled having more than 100 units connected to Atomizers in several manufacturing sites of main Ceramic Production facilities. Industry 4.0 concepts are the new frontier in terms of intelligent plant management. Our advanced monitoring system, grouped together under the trademark InSight System™, is designed to be integrated with this kind of



technology and capable of optimising operation of the turbine by eliminating unscheduled stoppages and minimising maintenance times. Solar is a leading US manufacturer of mid-range industrial gas turbines with over then 60 years of experience and more than 15,000 machines currently in operation in the widest range of sectors including manufacturing, industry and Oil & Gas. Solar is part of Caterpillar Inc., a leading world player in the field of mining and construction machinery as well as engines for traction and power generation. As a result, Solar benefit from all synergies and services offered by the corporation at a global level, including the possibility of providing financial assistance to customers by identifying the best solution for their needs, reducing payback times and maximising value generation. All of this goes well beyond the concept of product and service, evolving naturally as part of an advanced full-service approach that guarantees power and heat where it is needed, when it is needed and at the right cost. Solar, leveraging the unmatched and successful experience in the Ceramic Market, is fully engaged in the development of new opportunities all around the world. Each Customer, Market, Region and Country has its own peculiar needs. Solar, is capable to understand each specific requirement and to develop the right solution to support a more efficient, economic and environmental friendly business. Solar is present at all the main Ceramic Exhibitions, Presentations and Summits to promote cogeneration opportunities all around the world. During 2018 Solar will participate with a booth in the main Ceramic Exhibitions: USA, Brazil, China and Italy. Thanks to these events Solar keeps active communica-

tion with Customers, End Users and market operators enabling the possibility to offer the best products and services on the market. 热电联产的燃气涡轮机被广 泛认为是瓷砖市场提高效率 的最好方式。如何把热电联 产应用到瓷砖生产中去呢? 答案很清楚:涡轮机排放的 燃气直接进入喷雾器,电力 可用在工厂或者输送至国家 电网。燃气涡轮机为干燥过 程带去大量热气,从而显著 提高整个生产效率。 热电联产的燃气涡轮机为瓷 砖市场带来了几大好处: • 通过减少整体燃气消耗和 电力成本节约成本 • 通 过 使 用 非 常 稳 定 的 热 源提高生产力(速度和质 量) • 带来巨大的环保效益 • 提高效益,从27-32% 提高 至 75-90% • 增加可靠度和可用性。 由于燃气涡轮和输电网络这 两种现存电力来源的组合, 生产工厂的实用性将会增 加。而且这将有可能申请证 书和碳排放信用。在几种应 用中,额外 的收益来自 把能源销售 给电网以及 申请证书和 碳信用额。 把燃气涡轮 机排气设备 融入到喷雾 干燥机的干 燥 过 程 在 技术上是可 行 的 , 也 是广为人知 的。Solar( 太 阳 能 涡 轮 机 ) 是

无与伦比的,其有超过100 台设备与几个瓷砖生产基 地的喷雾器连接在一起使 用。工业4.0概念是智能工 厂管理的新阵地。我们先进 的监控系统都归在InSight System™这一商标下,旨 在与这种技术整合,能通过 消除不定期的停机,并尽可 能降低设备维修的时间来优 化涡轮机的运作。Solar是 美国领先的制造商,生产中 档的工业用燃气涡轮机,拥 有超过60年的生产经验, 现有超过15,000台设备在 各个行业中使用,包括制造 业、工业、石油和天然气行 业。Solar隶属于Caterpillar 公司,Caterpillar公司是 在采矿业、建筑设备、牵引 发电机和发电机领域的佼佼 者。因此,Solar能在全球 范围内从公司提供的所有协 同配合以及服务中受益,包 括通过给客户提供最佳解决 方案为客户提供金融支持、 减少回款期和最大限度地发 挥价值。这些都超越了产品 和服务的概念,并很自然地 成为一种先进的全方位服务 方法,以合理的成本确保电 力和能源都被用在需要的

www.solarturbines.com Phone: +41 91 851 1511 | +1 619 544 5352 infocorp@solarturbines.com

Latest technologies






















transit areas. The particle sizes available range from extremely fine micro-grits to coarser grits, all meticulously calibrated within their specific particle size range and guaranteed by strict quality controls on the finished product. Special attention has been devoted to interaction with digital colours so as to guarantee excellent colour rendering and to the needs of panel and slab technology through the development of grits with a high coefficient of thermal expansion. These latest additions to the range are a result of major R&D investments and the development of new plants with high levels of flexibility and productivity. These plants are equipped with innovative frit kilns capable of vigorously homogenising the fused mass and thereby eliminating all unfused products and adopt gritting technologies capable of guaranteeing a high-precision particle size distribution and the complete absence of contamination.













































Colorobbia At a time when ceramic tile manufacturers the world over are seeking to improve the quality of their products and brands, Colorobbia offers its customers a complete range of grits specially designed for both traditional and dry digital application. Grit application is becoming increasingly widely adopted even in markets that until recently were fairly reluctant to use these materials. This growth in popularity is largely due to two factors. The first is the possibility of obtaining a wide range of finishes, from high-gloss or satin polish finishes through to soft matt and rustic or stone surfaces. The second is the superior technical quality that can be achieved compared to traditional liquid glazing, including greater transparency and wear resistance, a more compact honed/polished surface, and application of smaller quantities of water. With this in mind, Colorobbia has expanded its range of grits in terms of both technical characteristics and particle size distribution to meet the needs of the widest range of applications (especially digital) and technology, from wall tiles to red body floor tiles and porcelain. Colorobbia’s products are now capable of creating surfaces ranging from full-field polished tiles to high-transparency and anti-reflecting soft matt, from “sugar” effects to mixtures with matt speckling and lustre, and even surfaces for exterior use in high


当全世界陶瓷制造商都 在寻求产品和品牌质量 提升的时候,卡罗比亚 (Colorobbia)致力于为 客户提供一系列品类齐全 的干粒产品,这都是为传 统和干法数码应用特别设计 的产品。即使是在如今还相 当不愿意使用这些材料的市 场中,干粒应用正变得越来 越广泛。这种受欢迎程度的



Surfaces Group Absolute finishing






您的智慧工厂在这里 HERE 用于互动式工程的人类专业经验

Your Smart Factory is

H.E.R.E.(这里)是萨克米开发的一套用于智慧工厂的新的软件解决方案,充分利用工业4.0优势。 H.E.R.E. is a set of new software solutions developed by Sacmi for the Smart Factory, making the most of industry 4.0 advantages.

工厂总览 - 监视和诊断 - 报告显示在移动装置上 - 生产管理 - ERP数据交换 - 在世界上数据随处可用 • overall view of the plant • monitoring and diagnostics • reports on mobile devices • production management • data exchange with ERP • data available anywhere in the world

H.E.R.E.控制控制系统和机器之间的生产数据交换与分析。利用现代工艺的支持,改善生产流 程管理和性能,在世界任何地方所需要的任何东西……在H.E.R.E.( 这里)。 H.E.R.E. controls production data exchange and analysis between the control system and the machine. Everything needed to improve process management and performance, with the support of modern technology, anywhere in the world... is H.E.R.E.

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