Wood CO2ts less branches out The Wood CO2ts less campaign was launched in summer 2020 and to date has been a great success. Sarah Virgo, campaign manager at Wood for Good, explains what the next phase of the campaign will focus on. The campaign aims to promote timber, but also to educate on timber’s positive role in combatting climate change as a low carbon, renewable building material. Thanks to the support of the timber industry bodies we can share a wealth of knowledge, from the basic through to the technical. Resources are available in every medium possible to suit everyone and their learning styles. Resources include six timber facts that tells the whole story of timber used in construction. The facts embrace every stage of the timber journey and are backed up with evidence, including links to key policy documents and reports that support the use of timber to reduce carbon emissions. The resources are not just for the wider construction industry, they are also available to those working in the timber sector, from forestry through to construction. As an industry, it is our responsibility to fully understand how timber contributes to a low carbon future and to keep up to date with the wider issues.
What can the timber industry do? Sign up to the Wood for Good newsletter for insights into key
he timber industry has been very supportive and many
topics, interviews with industry experts and best practice examples of
companies are keen to share that they are backing the
projects using timber. On the Wood CO2ts less page there is a wealth
campaign. The campaign is also targeting the wider
of information available via our supporters including reports, technical
construction industry, aiming to reach architecture and
information, case studies and links to CPD and training.
construction professionals and policymakers. In addition to coverage
Show your support for the Wood CO2ts less campaign. Share
in target media outlets, the campaign is being shared across Twitter
the campaign with others via your website, social media and other
and LinkedIn, enabling the message to be shared further.
marketing and PR activity. The key facts, infographics and videos can be made available for you to use. Get in touch with me and we can discuss
What’s next?
how you can support the campaign.
The next phase of the campaign will focus on the key topics within the
Share the Wood CO2ts less campaign with your supply chain. Let
climate change conversation and will highlight how using wood in the design
them know that you are serious about combatting climate change and
and construction of buildings can have a positive impact. The topics are:
that by using your timber products, they too play their part in making the built environment a more sustainable place.
• Achieving UK net carbon goals
Do you have something to share that supports the Wood CO2ts
• Timber’s contribution to sustainable construction
less message? Let us know about your projects championing timber.
• The forestry story
We welcome new case studies that can be used to educate the wider
• Green recovery.
construction industry on different timber applications and the technical data captured that evidence timber’s sustainability credentials.
Each of these areas creates both challenges and opportunities
Have a conversation with your colleagues. Are you doing everything
for built environment professionals. The Wood CO2ts less campaign
you can to work as sustainably as possible? Are you communicating
will evidence how timber can help and will signpost construction
the benefits of the way you work to your customers and prospective
professionals to further technical information and support. Campaign
customers? Timber needs to be at the forefront of the climate
activity will include features and opinion pieces in publications and
challenge conversation, and we ask you to be a part of it too.
online media outlets consumed by the target audiences. Social media More at www.woodforgood.com/co2
will continue to play a significant role in maintaining the conversation.
Timber Trader UK Magazine
Autumn 2020