Timber Construction Magazine Issue 11 Spring 2020

Page 23


Catalyst for change Tackling climate change is at the heart of the agenda for Futurebuild 2020 which aims to inspire visitors to come together to be a catalyst for change


ecent climate change demonstrations and government

a positive change. Each day, the six stages will host a focused keynote

declarations make one thing clear; we must all come together to

presentation by a recognised expert in their field.

take action against the climate change challenges we are facing. Put simply, without collaboration, we will fail.

The six keynote stages will address the following challenges: •

Offsite: reliability and efficiency combined with creative placemaking

Against this backdrop, Futurebuild 2020, which runs from

Buildings: retrofitted, re-used, net positive and built to perform

3–5 March at ExCeL London, will inspire visitors to join fellow industry

Interiors: sustainable and health promoting

leaders and innovators to be the catalyst for change that is so urgently

Resourceful Materials: thinking circular to reduce, reuse and recycle

needed to help deliver a more sustainable built environment.

Energy: accurate data for carbon accounting and reduced clean

Setting the agenda

energy usage Futurebuild’s highly regarded three-day arena programme is returning for 2020, bigger and better than ever before. It has been

Critical Infrastructure: delivering integrated green, grey, blue and social infrastructure The Offsite Keynote stage will focus on the most innovative offsite

developed with leading partners from across industry. The sessions

products, solutions and materials that are driving change in the sector.

focusing on solving the current climate and ecological crisis led by

Sessions not to be missed include: ‘Materials for offsite construction’,

politicians, academics and industry shapers will offer visitors a wide range

chaired by Neil Appleton, construction lead, National Composites Centre.

of opportunities to broaden their knowledge.

The session on day one will explore the latest innovations in material,

Unmissable sessions

manufacturing and product

include ‘Who’s in charge of

solutions. On day two ‘Structural

the climate crisis?’ on day one.

Timber Construction, delivering

Led by Aldersgate group chair

safe and sustainable building’,

Joan Walley it will explore the

chaired by Andrew Carpenter,

fundamental transformation that

chief executive of STA, will discuss

is needed in UK climate policy to

the STA’s sustainability credentials

alleviate the climate crisis and will

of timber in construction.

invite input from the audience.

The Buildings Keynote Stage

On day two ‘carbon neutral

will focus on the latest thinking

cities of the future’ will feature a

and initiatives in building quality

panel including London Mayoral

and performance. Key sessions

Candidate Rory Stewart. It will

include ‘Building a Safer Future

explore the pathway to healthier,

- what steps are being taken

more resilient cities.

towards fundamental reform?’

Opportunities to learn,

The session taking place on the

debate and discuss the biggest

first day will be chaired by Peter

issues facing the built environment are not limited to the Arena and extend across the whole event. While discussions on the arena stage

Caplehorn, from the Construction Products Association. ‘The Future Homes Standard 2025 – when, what, how?’ session taking

will focus on the biggest issues facing the built environment at a macro

place on the third day will be chaired by Lynne Sullivan, co-founding

level, six keynote stages will look at the specific challenges impacting

partner of sustainableBYdesign.

offsite, resourceful materials, buildings, energy, interiors, and critical infrastructure.

together experts in material and design innovation from across Europe.

This programme of solution-driven sessions will share the latest thinking and research, to educate, inform and inspire visitors to make

The Resourceful Materials Keynote Stage programme will bring

Spring 2020

Sessions not to be missed include: ‘What are Resourceful Materials?’ where Duncan Baker-Brown senior lecturer University of Brighton

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