Timber Construction Magazine Issue 19 Spring 2022

Page 32


Lowering Carbon Levels with Timber

Most carbon emissions come from the building when energy is used to heat, cool and power them. But the embodied carbon emissions created during the manufacturing of building materials and the construction phases of a building is also central to sustainable construction.


he huge requirement for new dwellings in the UK alone

Sustainable construction aims to use renewable and recyclable

is so significant that the government has a target of 300k

materials when building new structures and reducing energy consumption

homes per year to be built. (It is also being noted that

and waste. Offsite designs manufactured in a controlled factory

having missed this number for the last few years the

environment assure precision engineering, minimal waste and dramatically

requirement is nearer 345k per annum now). This simply adds to the

reduce onsite movement. This in turn means reduced carbon emissions

increasing pressure on the environment and the carbon production that

and a safer working site. The process also helps to eliminate many of the

is inevitable through this.

onsite checking procedures that traditional brick and block construction

It is therefore essential to reduce ‘upfront carbon’ emissions before


a building is used. The embodied energy that is used in the production of

One point of contact for the design manufacture and installation of

building materials must be considered by builders and building designers

a complete superstructure must be an advantage to the builder be it a

if we are to hit the current and future targets of carbon reduction that are

one of or multi-unit project. Timber frame is the major solution within

being set out.

the offsite home building market. Other panelised systems such as cross

Embodied carbon is unchangeable once a product is manufactured

laminated timber (CLT) and structural insulated panels (SIPs) will also help

thus the designer needs to be specifying low carbon products and design

deliver carbon capture and help plug the skills gap that is facing traditional

solutions. With increased building performance around the corner in the

construction. Both premium systems with their own unique advantages

form of tougher performance standards being introduced in the next

add to the options available in help to embody carbon!

change to building regulations there has never been a better time to swap

Timber offers exceptional thermal performance, greatly reducing

to timber.

household emissions – a positive for both the environment and the

Unlike many modern methods of construction (MMC) timber frame

pocket of the homeowner. Aside from its environmentally beneficial

is one of the oldest methods of construction known to mankind. It is

properties, prefabricated timber frame technology could prove to be a

stunningly simple in concept, widely used and accepted whilst rapidly

great assistance to meeting the demand for affordable housing. This trend

increasing in popularity.

has already started with many projects in this sector turning to the ‘fabric

Environmentally, the advantages of building with timber are enormous.

first’ approach that timber systems provide. There is no better way at

Timber is the stand-out performer, possessing the lowest embodied carbon

this current moment in time to significantly help the environment whilst

for any building material. Managed forests that are properly maintained

delivering the number of homes required. SBUK GROUP modern construction methods are about better

provide us with the only truly renewable building resource.

products and processes that aim to improve efficiency, quality, resident

The primary goal of a sustainable building is to reduce the industry’s impact on the environment. Houses developed using structural timber

satisfaction, environmental performance, and sustainability. All timber

solutions can be built up to 30% faster than traditional construction

products used within our business are sourced from sustainable sources

methods. In addition to this with the product being manufactured offsite,

and are either PEFC or FSC-certified.

there is a 90% reduction in waste. A timber frame home can reach a weathertight stage of the build much sooner than with traditional methods

More at  www.framebuilduk.co.uk  www.sipbuilduk.co.uk

of construction – a crucial driver for any self-build or housing solution.

 www.sbukgroup.co.uk

Timber Construction Magazine

Spring 2022



 @Timber_Media

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