12_Timbers Collection Membership Guidelines

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The Timbers Collection Program is a membership based program for owners of interests or memberships within Member Resorts. The Program is intended to provide Members with certain benefits made available by the Company, affiliates of the Company and the Partners. The Timbers Collection Program is owned and operated by the Company. These Membership Guidelines for the Timbers Collection Program govern the use of the Timbers Collection Program by its Members. Persons using the Timbers Collection Program, including the use of any Internet website maintained by the Company or any affiliate of the Company in connection with the Timbers Collection Program, shall comply with these Guidelines. Failure to comply with these Guidelines may result in the suspension and/or termination of a Person’s rights and privileges in the Timbers Collection Program. 2.


The following terms govern membership in the Timbers Collection Program: Company means Timbers Collection, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company having its business address at 201 Main Street, Suite 202, Carbondale, Colorado 81623. Initiation Fee means the fee owed by any Person in connection with such Person's Membership Application, as set forth in Section 6.6 below. Member means a Person who is an owner of an ownership or membership interest at a Member Resort and who has been registered and accepted by the Company as a Member of the Timbers Collection Program. If a Member is comprised of more than one individual or an entity, the Member shall designate, and the Company shall recognize, one natural individual who is fully authorized to act on behalf of the Member. Member Resort means any resort that is part of the Timbers Collection, as described at www.collectionmembers.com and updated from time to time. Membership Application means the written or electronic application or registration form completed by each Person who applies for a membership in the Timbers Collection Program, and by which each such Person agrees to the provisions of these Guidelines. Partner means any company or business designated as an official corporate partner or participant in the Timbers Collection Program, as described at www.collectionmembers.com and updated from time to time. Person means an individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, trust, or other legally recognized entity, in each case holding title to an ownership or membership interest in a Member Resort.

Program or the Timbers Collection Program means the membership based program operated by the Company pursuant to these Guidelines and any other guidelines, rules or regulations established by the Company from time to time. 3.




If a Person completes a Membership Application, is accepted for membership in the Timbers Collection Program and pays (or otherwise satisfies) the Initiation Fee then the Person shall be a Member in the Timbers Collection Program for so long as such Person is the owner of an ownership or membership interest in a Member Resort, subject to these Guidelines and the right of the Company to terminate the Program as further described below. 3.2

Sale of Ownership or Membership Interest in Member Resort.

A Member’s participation in the Timbers Collection Program shall terminate and expire upon the transfer, sale or conveyance of such Member’s ownership or membership interest in a Member Resort. In the event a Member is the owner of more than one ownership or membership interest in a Member Resort, such Person shall continue to be a Member in the Timbers Collection Program for so long as such Person owns at least one ownership or membership interest in a Member Resort. 3.3

Acknowledgement of Guidelines

Each Person, upon completion of a Membership Application, agrees to be bound by these Guidelines and by the terms and conditions set forth on the website located at www.collectionmembers.com (the “Database”), as amended by the Company from time to time. A Member’s privileges may be suspended or terminated for failure to follow these Guidelines, including the failure to pay fees as set forth below and in the Database. 3.4

Separate and Distinct

A Member’s participation in the Timbers Collection Program is separate and distinct from such Person’s ownership of an interest within a Member Resort, purchase contract with the developer of a Member Resort or the seller of ownership or membership interests in a Member Resort. 4.

Use of Program; Partners

4.1 Membership Benefits. A Member shall have any benefits extended to Members by the Company, affiliates of the Company and/or any Partners. The Member benefits shall be described in the Database and updated from time to time. Membership benefits may include discounts, special offers, privileges, rights or other economic or non-economic incentives. 4.2 Company Partners. The Company shall, from time to time and in its sole discretion, enter into arrangements or agreements with Partners in order to extend benefits from such Partners to the Members. The Company reserves all right to modify, change or terminate the Partners selected to participate in the Program, and any benefits extended to Members through the



Each Member who participates in the Timbers Collection Program acknowledges that: (a)

the Company has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information published in the Database is accurate. The Member, however, acknowledges that the benefits and programs offered to Members through the Program may vary from the information contained in the Database;


Members agree to comply with all rules and regulations of the Partners providing benefits to Members;


personal information of the Members may be requested or required by the Partners in connection with programs or benefits made available to Members by the Partners and that the Company does not control and is not responsible for the use of such information by the Partners.


certain Partners may collect credit card or other financial information from Members in connection with programs or benefits made available to Members by the Partners and that the Company is not responsible for the privacy or security of such credit card or other financial information provided to the Partners.


Members may not use the Timbers Collection Program for any commercial purpose, including, without limitation, the marketing or sale of any ownership or membership interest at a Member Resort;


all decisions of the Company concerning the interpretation of these Guidelines, including the Partners (and any Member benefits related thereto), or concerning the Database shall be final provided such decisions are made in good faith and in the reasonable discretion of the Company and applied uniformly among all Members;


a Member Account is not part of a Member’s ownership or membership interest in a Member Resort and does not “run with the land” and therefore, a Member Account shall not transfer to successive purchasers of a Member’s ownership or membership interest; and

(h) 5.

the Timbers Collection Program is not the primary reason for purchasing an ownership or membership interest at a Member Resort.

Privacy Policy.

The Program and Database may collect personally identifiable information from Members, including Member names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. By becoming a Member of the Program and providing personal information, each Member agrees to the collection, use and storage of such personal information. Any personal information collected from Members shall not be shared or sold with any person or entity outside of the Company, affiliates of the Company and Partners, unless ordered by a court or required by law, and each Member hereby consents to such limited sharing of their personal information as described herein. The Company makes no representations regarding the privacy policies of the Partners and, therefore, the Members are encouraged to review the privacy policies of each Partner prior to participation in any program, benefit, service, or other arrangement provided by such Partner. 6.



Interpretation. Applicable Law and Governing Jurisdiction

The terms and conditions of the Timbers Collection Program shall be construed under the laws of Colorado. By executing a Membership Application, each Member consents to the exclusive subject matter and personal jurisdiction of Colorado. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Guidelines, including any question regarding their existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its rules (“AAA Rules”), which AAA Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into these Guidelines except to the extent that any such AAA Rules conflict or are inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Section in which case the provisions of this Section shall prevail. The place of the arbitration shall be held in Denver, Colorado. Each party waives any right which it may have to any substantive review of any arbitration awarded by the court of the jurisdiction in which the arbitration is conducted and agrees that the award of the arbitrators in any such arbitration proceedings shall be final and without any right of appeal. The arbitration award may be entered as a final judgment in the court of any jurisdiction in which such entry shall be recognized under applicable law. Each party involved in any arbitration proceeding pursuant to this Section shall pay its own expenses in connection therewith. 6.2

Additional Opportunities

Each Member acknowledges and agrees that the Company, affiliates of the Company and/or Partners may, on occasion, offer various promotional opportunities and services through electronic correspondence or direct mail programs and each Member consents to such electronic mail solicitation and direct mailings. 6.3

Amendments to Timbers Collection Program

The Company reserves the right to change these Guidelines of the Timbers Collection Program from time to time, upon written or electronic notice to each Member. In addition, the Company

reserves the right to add or delete participating Partners on an ongoing basis and amend the Database accordingly. 6.4


The Company may terminate the Timbers Collection Program upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice (which may be electronic notice) to the Members. The membership of a Member in the Timbers Collection Program shall automatically terminate upon the transfer, sale or conveyance of such Member’s ownership or membership interest(s) in a Member Resort and the Company may also, at its sole discretion, terminate the membership of a Member in the Timbers Collection Program. In addition, the Company may terminate any Partner agreement or arrangement in accordance with its terms, in which case the benefits that are the subject of such agreement or arrangement shall no longer be provided to the Members through the Timbers Collection Program. 6.5


The Company’s liability to any Member is limited to the then current Initiation Fee paid by each Member to the Company, if any. In no case shall the Company be liable for special, consequential or punitive damages. In addition, the Company shall have no liability to the Members in connection with any programs, benefits, events, opportunities, services or arrangements provided by a Partner. Members using programs, benefits, events, opportunities, services or arrangements provided by a Partner shall be solely responsible for any fees or expenses incurred as a result of such use. 6.6

Fees and Costs

The membership and other fees set forth in the Database and/or in these Guidelines are in U.S. dollars. Fees charged by the Company may be amended at the Company’s sole discretion from time to time upon thirty (30) days’ notice (which may be electronically given) to the Members. Members are responsible for: (a)

Initiation Fee. Except as provided herein, the Initiation Fee, if any, shall be paid by any Person applying for membership in the Timbers Collection Program prior to the admission of such Person as a Member; provided, however, that in certain situations, the Initiation Fee may be decreased or waived completely at the discretion of the Company. In the event a Person applying for membership in the Timbers Collection Program is responsible for payment of the Initiation Fee, then following submittal of a Membership Application such Person shall be contacted by the Company in order to make arrangements for payment of the Initiation Fee, and in such event payment of the Initiation Fee shall be required prior to such Person’s acceptance as a Member of the Program. There is currently no Initiation Fee charged to Members; provided, however, the Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to implement the Initiation Fee for new Members in the future; and


Partner Charges. Members are also responsible for all charges, fees, expenses and other incidental costs charged by any Partner in connection with any programs,

benefits, events, opportunities, services or arrangements provided to the Members by the Company, affiliates of the Company or the Partners.

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