December 2015 – Issue 5
The community paper to whom your wellness matters.
As South Africa nears the end of the 2015 Disability Rights Awareness Month, Casual Day is wrapping up its 2015 campaign and launching its National Schools Programme for 2016. Schools are encouraged to pledge their support for Casual Day and to twin up with mainstream schools in their area. “School governing bodies, teachers and parents are encouraged to put Casual Day on their official 2016 calendars now,” says Casual Day project leader, Vanessa du Plessis. “Disability Rights Awareness Month (DRAM), culminating in International Disability Rights Day on 3 December, provides South Africa with an opportunity to inspire hope and confidence in the ability of communities and the state machinery to work together in addressing the common challenges facing persons with disabilities, and society in general.”
Members of the Filia School brass band playing at Casual Day.
organisations serving the community of persons with disabilities in South Africa.
the ordinary people of South Africa, and our sponsors Edcon, Game, Checkers and Absa, and hundreds of companies, to bring this money in.
“Since schools are a significant aspect of government and schools are where values and “To date, Casual Day has contributed over morals are instilled, we encourage government R222 million to the funding of organisations bodies to ensure that Casual Day is celebrated providing education, assistive devices, shelter a symbol forpublic breastfeeding protection, support. in each and every and private school in andpromotion employmentand to the almost 15% of the South Africa.” population who has disabilities. The amount
The Golden Bow
Owned by the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in South Africa (NCPPDSA) and sponsored by Edcon, Casual Day remains the most meaningful fundraiser for persons with disabilities, and is a lifeline for many
“South Africa annually commemorates National Disability Rights Awareness Month between 3 November and 3 December. 3 December is International Day of Persons with Disability, and is also commemorated as National Disability Rights Awareness Day. It is important to note that government funding for NGOs working in this sector is inadequate, and that most of
raised in 2015 will be announced next year in February, but we will add at least R20 million to that number,” says Du Plessis. “We work in conjunction with the network of disability organisations, who work together with
Continued on page 2
1 Casual Day celebrate Disability Awareness Day on 3 December
6 Enjoy the festive season without the guilt – or the extra kilogrammes
8 Towards an HIV-free generation – Rise. Act. Protect.
11 WIN! Do you have a WOW! recipe?
10 Answers to the “Preventing and managing diabetes” quiz in the November edition
12 Five steps to reaching your savings goals
Understanding your constitutional rights as we celebrate International Human Rights Day
4 The 2016 Cape Town Big Walk
11 Wellness Wishes
WesternCape on Wellness