Your Wellness Matters, Issue 8

Page 1


March 2016 – Issue 8



The community paper to whom your wellness matters.






The WoW! (WesternCape on Wellness) healthy lifestyles initiative held its ďŹ rst Celebration Ceremony at the Table Bay Hotel/Sun International in Cape Town on 16 March 2016. The event, sponsored by the hotel, acknowledged and rewarded the progress and achievements of the WoW! Champions and Clubs towards Creating a Culture of Wellness Together. The Western Cape Minister of Health, Dr Nomafrench Mbombo, and the Head of the Department, Dr Beth Engelbrecht, handed out awards to the top WoW! Champions and Clubs. Rusthof Old Age Home in Paarl, Bonteheuwel High School and the Department of Community Safety came out on top. The South African actor and comedian Siv Ngesi entertained the more than 200 guests, whilst Dr Sylvester Gasana had the crowd crying with enjoyment through Laughter Yoga.

Continued on page 2

WOW! Achievements PAGE 4

The Golden Bow

a symbol for breastfeeding protection, promotion and support.

Spaza Shops transformed for Paraffin Safety

Top tips to give your humble sandwich a boost




WesternCape on Wellness

Happy Nurses Day!


Your Wellness Matters – Issue 8 – March 2016



The WoW! Champions and participants are encouraged to engage their families, community members and colleagues towards building healthy habits. All of us are responsible for the lifestyle choices we make, and changes need to be made to prevent the development of chronic conditions due to being overweight, physically inactive, unhealthy eating and drinking habits (alcohol and sugarsweetened drinks), and smoking tobacco products.

Continued from page 1


The WoW! Initiative encourages a healthy lifestyle movement in the Western Cape. This is done by promoting increased physical activity, healthier eating and a healthy weight in order to prevent the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

The initiative is being tested by the Western Cape Department of Health in collaboration with its valued partners listed below. Although WoW! is a very new initiative, it has already established 11 Community Clubs, 8 School Clubs, 24 Western Cape Government Worksite Clubs and 1 Club each at Eskom Western Cape and Metrorail Western Cape. Through these Clubs, hundreds of community members, educators and learners and employees are taking part in a range of activities to achieve and maintain an increased level of physical activity, healthier eating and a healthy weight.

WoW! is trying to support people through the provision of information and activities to adopt healthier lifestyles. It is important to remember that SMALL CHANGES RESULT IN BIG BENEFITS! And those behavioural CHANGES START WITH YOU! If we help each other to live healthier lifestyles, then we can Create a Culture of Wellness Together! Several exciting new developments are being planned for the next phase of the WoW! initiative and will be announced in future editions of Your Wellness Matters! The WoW! initiative challenges all of us to create supportive environments at home, at school, at work and in the community where all of us can Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be You, Be WoW!

For example, physical activities can include walking (in groups and/or with family), exercise classes, dancing and taking the stairs instead of the lift or escalator. In order to promote both physical activity and access to healthy food, one of the WoW! Community Clubs started a Community Food Garden. Examples of healthy eating actions include cooking demonstrations, reducing salt during cooking by using alternative ingredients such as lemon juice and/or garlic, reducing sugar intake by avoiding or reducing drinks and juices that contain added sugar, and drinking lots of safe tap water with added natural flavours for instance: slices of fruit (lemon, orange, apple, etc.), fresh herbs (mint, lemongrass, lavender, etc.) or spices (aniseed, cinnamon, cloves, etc.).

The Western Cape Government acknowledges and expresses its gratitude to all the valued partners for their commitment, support and input towards developing a successful WoW! healthy lifestyles initiative. Adopting an inclusive approach, additional organisations and individuals with related expertise and a keen interest are encouraged to join the partnership. Current partners: Western Cape Government (Health, Education, Cultural Affairs and Sport, Community Safety, Agriculture, Dept. of The Premier). City of Cape Town (Urban Agriculture).National Government (Eskom/Eskom Western Cape, Transport/Metrorail Western Cape). Academia (University of Cape Town, University of the Western Cape, University of Stellenbosch). Private, NGO, NPO and CBO (44ten Media, The Heart & Stroke Foundation South Africa, BASA (Biokinetics Association of South Africa), Pharma Dynamics, Ubuntu Touch Project, HealthInsite, Capitec Bank, Appenberg Digital Publishing, Mamelani Projects, Vivendi Wellness, Table Bay Hotel/Sun International). Additional sponsors (Discovery Vitality, Virgin Active, FNB, RMB, Dis-Chem Pharmacies, Shoprite Checkers, Premier Foods).

WesternCape on Wellness

It is important to remember that SMALL CHANGES RESULT IN BIG BENEFITS! And those behavioural CHANGES START WITH YOU! If we help each other to live healthier lifestyles, then we can Create a Culture of Wellness Together!

CREDITS Your Wellness Matters is the first free wellness community newspaper created to assist people in understanding all aspects of wellness.

Managing editors Jehad Kasu Dali Chiwara

The Matrix No. 8 Bridgeways Road Bridgeways Precinct Century City Cape Town 7441

Shared services division Mymoena Sedick Celest Alexander +27 (0)21 830 5490/ +27 (0)21 388 5522

Staff writers Tasneem Smith Nicole Watson

Designer Reggie Jooste


Proofreading and Afrikaans translations Lois-Mari Swanepoel

Printing Paarl Coldset

Xhosa translations Nobuntu Stengile

Published by 44Ten MEDIA Publishing




• • • • •

Western Cape Government: Health Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa CANSA Milk Matters Western Cape Police Ombudsman

The management and staff at Your Wellness Matters Community Newspaper on the occasion of Nurses Day, would like to thank the hard working nursing staff at our hospitals for all the love and care offered to patients in our healthcare system.

Happy Nurses Day! 12 May 2016


Your Wellness Matters – Issue 8 – March 2016



WesternCape on Wellness


Two categories of achievement were rewarded at the WoW! Celebration Ceremony - Top WoW! Champions and Top WoW! Clubs. The WoW! Champions are self-nominated members from selected settings: Community Health Workers working with communities, staff from selected schools and employees from Western Cape Government worksites. They all received specialised training and, working in pairs, were required to establish a WoW! Club with between 20 and 30 participants within their own setting. The purpose of the Club is to promote physical activity, healthy eating and a healthy weight though group activities, support and encouragement. The Club participants were screened regularly to monitor changes in their behaviours in terms of

physical activity and healthy eating. The screening included blood pressure, weight, waist circumference (size), a 12 minute fitness test and brief questionnaires about their exercising, smoking, eating and drinking habits. The Top WoW! Champion in each setting was identified based on a Portfolio of Evidence that included records of activities implemented to increase physical movement/exercise and healthier eating, register of Club participants, attendance registers and photographs of group events.

The Top WoW! Club from each setting was selected based on several criteria, including the number of Club participants who joined initially, number of new participants who joined subsequently, number screened, and overall percentage of participants who maintained their involvement in Club activities. The WoW! team is very proud of and grateful for the amazing work and impressive achievements of not only the winners but also the rest of the Champions and their Club members! And we are looking forward to following their continued growth, progress and results towards happier and healthier lifestyles!

TOP WoW! Community Champions Petronella Smith and Ellen Pieterse from Rusthof Old Age Home in Paarl were selected as the Top WoW! Community Champions. Congratulations with your outstanding achievements towards creating a culture of wellness with members from your community! Their passion and commitment have resulted in the establishment of additional WoW! Clubs. We celebrate their commitment and successes!

In acknowledgement of their achievements, Petronella and Ellen each received a Certificate of Achievement, a Gift Voucher from Shoprite/Checkers, a Sorbet Voucher for a beauty/massage treatment, and a Wonderbag (low energy cooking pot). Top WoW! Community Champions: Ellen Pieterse and Petronella Smith, photographed with Minister Nomafrench Mbombo and Dr Beth Engelbrecht

TOP WoW! Community Club: Legioene Senior Club Groenheuwel, Paarl The Senior Legioene received the award for the Top WoW! Community Club. Congratulations to all the Club participants for their wonderful personal and group successes towards living healthier lifestyles! The group has regular exercise activities such as walking and aerobic workouts. Remarkably, they started a food garden and share the produce with other community members through cooking demonstrations towards promoting healthy cooking and eating. We celebrate their creativity and achievements!

In acknowledgement of their achievements, the Club received a WoW! Community ClubTrophy, a Certificate of Achievement and a beautiful exercise mat for each of the Club participants. Furthermore, the Club activities were filmed by the Good Life Network TV Channel to be broadcasted on Dstv!

Members of the Top WoW! Community Club from Rusthof Old Age Home in Paarl

TOP WoW! School Champions Nicola Pather and Bertha Armoed from Bonteheuwel High School were selected as the Top WoW! School Champions. Despite major problems with crime and gangs in the local neighbourhood, the commitment, determination and leadership skills of these two Champions resulted in exceptional achievements towards creating a culture of wellness within their school. We celebrate their determination and courage!

In acknowledgement of their achievements, Nicola and Bertha each received a Certificate of Achievement and a 6-month membership at any Virgin Active Club.

Top WoW! School Champions: Nicola Pather and Bertha Armoed, photographed with Minister Nomafrench Mbombo and Dr Beth Engelbrecht


Your Wellness Matters – Issue 8 – March 2016




TOP WoW! School Club: Bonteheuwel High School The Bonteheuwel High School received the award for the Top WoW! School Club.Congratulations to all the Club participants for encouraging each other towards great personal and group successes in living healthier lifestyles despite multiple environmental challenges! Due to safety concerns, the group has regular indoor physical activities. The staff also cook together periodically to advance knowledge about healthy food and cooking. We celebrate their dedication to facilitate life-changing actions! In acknowledgement of their achievements, the Club received a WoW! School ClubTrophy, a Certificate of Achievement

and a beautiful exercise mat for each of the Club participants.Moreover, the school will receive a Western Cape Government: Health donation of R65 000 from the winning WoW! Worksite Club (Western Cape Government: Community Safety)! The purpose of the donation is, in partnership, to establish a healthy lifestyle initiative at the school. We are looking forward to following their progress and the life changing actions resulting from this exciting partnership! Members of the Top WoW! School Club from Bonteheuwel High School

TOP WoW! Worksite Champion Mymoena Kherekar from the Western Cape Government: Department of Community Safety was awarded as the Top WoW! Worksite Champion. Despite demanding responsibilities at work, her passion and commitment for leading and promoting a healthy lifestyle movement with colleagues resulted in remarkable achievements! We celebrate her enthusiasm and determination to facilitate change through the provision of ongoing

group support and encouragement! In acknowledgement of her achievements, Mymoena received a Certificate of Achievement and a 6-month membership at any Virgin Active Club.

Top WoW! Worksite Champion: Mymoena Kherekar, photographed with Minister Nomafrench Mbombo and Dr Beth Engelbrecht

TOP WoW! Worksite Club; Western Cape Government: Department of Community Safety The Western Cape Government: Department of Community Safety received the award for the Top WoW! Worksite Club. Congratulations to all the Club participants! Their successes towards living healthier lifestyles are inspiring! The group has a structured weekly activity programme that includes walking in the City following an uphill route - labelled “The Hill of Doom”! We celebrate their group spirit and inspiring results! In acknowledgement of their achievements, the Club received a WoW! Worksite ClubTrophy, a Certificate of Achievement and a beautiful exercise mat for each of

the Club participants. In addition, the Club activities were filmed by the Good Life Network TV Channel to be broadcasted on Dstv! Furthermore, the Club received a Western Cape Government: Health donation of R65 000. The purpose of the donation is to establish a healthy lifestyle initiative at and in partnership with the Top WoW! School (Bonteheuwel High School). We are looking forward to following the health promoting actions and lifestyle changes resulting from this exciting partnership!

Members of the Top WoW! Worksite Club from the Western Cape Government: Community Safety

WesternCape on Wellness

Many congratulations and thank you to all WoW! Champions and their Club participants for creating a Culture of Wellness Together! You are WoW!


Your Wellness Matters – Issue 8 – March 2016



Top tips to give your humble sandwich a boost


There’s nothing quite like tucking into a wholesome sandwich. Sweet or savoury there is so much potential between two soft slices of fresh bread. According to food historians, the term sandwich originated with John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, who ordered for a waiter to bring him meat placed between two pieces of bread during a long gambling streak.

handle, extremely versatile and can be as affordable or extravagant as the pocket allows. There are however a few guidelines to ensure that your sandwich is as nutritious as it is delicious. Futurelife’s Head Dietician Lara de Santana shares her top tips:

Present day sandwiches have come a long way since the 18th century and is now a household staple which we have all grown up with.

Sandwiches are as fantastic as they are convenient, easy to

RECIPE FOR A GREAT SANDWICH LOW GI BREAD Choose breads that are low GI (Glycaemic Index). This means that the carbohydrates are broken down slower leading to a steady, gradual increase in blood sugar levels which our body responds well to, compared to a quick spike as shown in the graph below. Futurelife Smart bread is a great option here, as not only are both the White and Brown variants low GI but the Futurelife Smart White Bread is high in Omega-3 fatty acids (healthy fat which is very good for your heart and brain) and is a source of fibre, while the Futurelife Smart Brown Bread is higher in fibre and a source of omega-3’s Low GI foods are generally more of your browner, whole-wheat options that are higher in fibre. For example Futurelife Smart Brown Bread, brown rice etc³; however in this case Futurelife Smart White Bread boasting a low GI is an exception to this due to its unique recipe.

Look out for these logos when shopping:

LEAN PROTEIN One can even reduce the GI of a sandwich by including a protein into the filling. Besides improving how your body will break down and use it, protein has been proven to increase the feeling of fullness3,4. Leaner proteins are preferred to reduce the saturated fat intake which may have a negative effect on your heart and circulation. Add some thinly sliced grilled chicken, tinned tuna, pilchards, bean sprouts, mozzarella or cottage cheese etc.

DASH OF FAT Add a dash of your healthy fats which decrease inflammation, improve heart health and assist in you feeling fuller. Add some sliced avocados, olive tapenade or a sprinkle of pumpkin or flaxseeds/linseeds for an extra crunch. Futurelife Smart Brown Bread and Smart White Bread both contain omega-3’s due to the linseeds and linseed oil respectively in the recipes. Futurelife Smart White Bread can be considered high in omega-3’s with 214mg per serving


Your Wellness Matters – Issue 8 – March 2016



TURN UP THE FLAVOUR Sandwiches are one of those items that can turn bland and boring very quickly. The old favourite peanut butter and syrup or jam and butter may work for you still but if you are seeking some excitement try add some flavourful sauces like a basil pesto, pepper paste, chilli sauce, balsamic glaze, hummus, or flavoured cottage cheese. Even adding a sprinkle of fresh pepper and herbs can do wonders.


Like everything else we eat, we should always take note of the amount we are consuming. This also applies to bread. One easy way to monitor your portions with no effort is to buy sliced bread over whole loaves. We all know how tricky it can be to cut fresh bread so you land up with a very chunky slice instead of the suggested 30-40g slice found in sliced bread. Another way to monitor your portions is to have open sandwiches with filling on top of only one slice. Following our recipe for a great sandwich by using low GI breads, lean proteins and healthy fats will also help you to feel fuller for longer and prevent you from feeling the need to eat more.


While we know how delicious and nutritious a sandwich has the potential to be, most of us can’t tolerate those few ‘soggy’ patches often brought on by those juicy veggie toppings and sauces. And let’s face it, while our work lunchboxes sit in one place for the day, our kids sarmies are typically dragged through a range of activities in their breaks. The easiest way to avoid the dreaded ‘sog’ is to get a segmented hard lunchbox, ensuring the sandwich doesn’t get squished and the juicy toppings are placed in a separate segment to be added as needed.

LARA’S TOP TIPS FOR A HEALTHY SARMIE: low GI breads like Futurelife Smart Bread for your · Choose sandwiches to give your body sustained energy and will keep you fuller for longer, leaving you energetic and feeling great

proteins such as chicken and tuna are great on · Lean sandwiches to keep you fuller for longer and reduce your saturated fat intake

fats from avocados, olives and seeds can add a twist · Healthy to your sandwich and leave your heart and brain happy up your sarmie with fibre by adding fresh veggies such · Bulk as sliced tomato, shredded lettuce, rainbow coleslaw or even some legumes such as sprouts


Your Wellness Matters – Issue 8 – March 2016




Your health is in your hands – know what helps and what harms According to the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA), 30 - 40% of cancers can be reduced through lifestyle factors. These include diet and exercise, as well as the avoidance of cancer causing agents (called carcinogens) – and they can all help to reduce the cancer risk. As part of its Balanced Lifestyle campaign, CANSA offers pointers on how to reduce the cancer risk, by making informed lifestyle choices. “Some obvious choices in helping you reach healthy behaviour include the following; avoid tobacco use, exercise regularly, eat regularly choosing less processed foods, choose a combination of more raw or steam, grill and stir-fry foods and cut down on added sugar/salt intake, avoid alcohol and of course it’s important to go for regular cancer screening,” advises CANSA CEO, Elize Joubert. “Research has shown that poor diet and inactivity are two key factors that can increase a person’s cancer risk.Getting to and staying at a healthy weight is important to reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of several cancers, including those of the breast (in women post-menopause), colorectal and rectum, endometrium (the lining of the uterus), oesophagus, pancreas, and kidney, among others,” warns Joubert. Staying active is just as important as eating healthy. Be sure to exercise regularly – engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity, over and above usual activities, on five or more days of the week. Check with your registered healthcare professional before starting an exercise programme.



It’s important to know what you put into your body – whether it helps or harms your health. Some tips on how to make helpful and healthy choices include:

CANSA wants you to remember – it’s what comes into the home that matters, so shop wisely. Your trolley should contain a wide variety of foods and incorporate items from each of the following:

• Read food labels – be aware that ‘low-fat’ or ‘non-fat’ does not necessarily mean ‘low-kilojoule’ • Choose vegetables, seasonal fruit, legumes (such as peas and beans), and other lower energy foods, over sugary snacks • Exclude or limit your intake of sugar-sweetened drinks and fruit juices. • Exclude or limit your intake of processed meats such as bacon, sausage, lunch meats, and hot dogs • Choose fish, skinless poultry, or beans instead of red meat (beef, pork, and lamb). • Choose whole grains instead of refined grain products • Drink plenty of clean, safe water, as a guide aim for at least

• Wholegrains and starchy vegetables • Fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables • Try to includefish twice a week, reduce intake of red meat • Opt for nuts, avocado and vegetablefats/oils such as canola seed and olive oil • Try to include either dried or tinnedversions of legumes and soya in dishes at least onceor twice a week. Opt for at least one vegetarian main meal each week, include legumes, pulses and soya. • Reduce your intake of added sugars andprocessed foods.


CANSA The Cancer Association of South Africa.



Your Wellness Matters – Issue 8 – March 2016






WHAT HARMS? Poor diet WHAT HARMS? Lots of salt and sugar

WHAT IS A WHAT IS A HEALTHY HEALTHY WEIGHT? HealthyWEIGHT? weight is de ned for adults as a Body Mass Index

Poorwith diet processed foods Diet lled nactivity Lots of salt and sugar Diet lled with processed foods Being overweight Inactivity Carcinogens (cancer-causing agents): Make smarter, healthier food choices Being overweight Alcohol Reduce intake of red meat Carcinogens (cancer-causing Smoking - All tobacco products agents): Avoid Make healthier food choices intakesmarter, of processed meats Alcohol including hookah and e-cigarettes Reduce meat Eat seasonal freshintake fruitsof&red vegetables - All tobacco products Not going forSmoking regular cancer screening



wholegrains Avoid intake(high of processed Choose in bre) meats including hookah and e-cigarettes Eat seasonal fresh fruits Accumulate at least 30 minutes of & vegetables Not going for regular cancer screening Choose (high in bre) physical activity eachwholegrains day (5 or more Accumulate at least 30 minutes of days a week) physical activity (5 or more Drink plenty of clean, safeeach waterday (adults, days a week)a day) as a guide: 8 glasses Drink plenty of clean, Maintain a healthy body weightsafe water (adults, as a guide: 8 glasses a day) SASLTALT Avoid carcinogens a healthy body weight Going forMaintain regular cancer screening Avoid carcinogens Going for regular cancer screening 140 120



180 200








280 300

140 120



180 200

Healthy weight is de ned for (BMI) in the range of 18.5 to adults as a Body Mass Index 25.0. BMI - used to indicate (BMI) in the range of 18.5 to if you are overweight, obese, 25.0. BMI - used to indicate underweight or normal. if you are overweight, obese, underweight or normal.




HOW TO CALCULATE YOUH ROBW MTI*O CALCULATE [weight in kilograms (kg) Y O U I* ] á BMI= byR[heiBghM t in metres (m)]





280 300

BMI= RINGING SMARTER FOOD BRINGING FOOD RECOMMENDED BMI CHART PTIONS INTOSMARTER YOUR HOME at comes into your home matters, so shop wisely. Your trolley RECOMMENDED BMI CHART OPTIONS INTO YOUR HOME ould contain a wide variety of foods and incorporate items from 2

[weight in kilograms (kg) ]á by [height in metres (m)]2



What comes into your home matters, so shop wisely. Your trolley h of the following: should contain a wide variety of foods and incorporate 1 Choose wholegrains and starchyitems from vegetables. each of the following: SUGAR & SWEETS 1 Choose wholegrains and starchy 2 Fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables. 5 LEGUMES & SO Y A vegetables. 6 4 FATS & OILSSUGAR & SWEETS 3 Reduce intake of red meat - include 2 Fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables. 5 LE sh twice a week. 3 CHICKEN, MEGAUT,MFEISS H& SOYA 4 FATS & OIL, ESGGS & MILK 4 Opt for3nuts, Reduce intake of vegetable red meat - include avocado and 2 FRUIT 3& VECGHEICTAKEBNL, M sh twice a week. fats/oils such as canola seed and olive oil. ES EAT, FISH



OverweightUnderweight 25.0-29.9 BMI less than 18.5 Increased Increased Normal Weight Least Obese Class I 30.0-34.9 18.5-24.9 High Overweight Obese Class II 35.0-39.9 25.0-29.9 Very High Increased Obese Obese Class III Class BMI Igreater30.0-34.9 than 40 Extremely High High Obese Class II 35.0-39.9 Very High Obese Class III BMI greater than 40 Extremely High



Opt for nuts, 5 Try to 4include these in avocado dishes at and leastvegetable once fats/oils such as canola seed or twice a week. Opt for at least one and olive oil. 5 Try to include these in dishes at least once vegetarian main meal each week, include twiceand a week. legumes, or pulses soya.Opt for at least one LES vegetarian mainsugars meal each 6 Reduce intake of added and week, include processedlegumes, foods. pulses and soya.



6 Reduce intake of added sugars and processed foods.




> 30.0

* Being overweight or obese increases the risk of several <18.5 25.0-29.9 > 30.0 cancers, including those of the18.5-24.9 breast (in women, postmenopause), colorectal, endometrium (the lining of the * Being overweight or obese increases risk of several uterus), oesophagus, pancreas, and kidney, amongstthe others cancers, including those of the breast (in women, postmenopause), colorectal, endometrium (the lining of the uterus), oesophagus, pancreas, and kidney, amongst others

Toll-free 0800 22 66 22 Toll-free 0800 22 66 22


Your Wellness Matters – Issue 8 – March 2016



Spaza Shops transformed for Paraffin Safety Samantha Walt


On 15 March 2016 a team of 20 people from Engen’s Corporate Affairs division and affiliated agencies – Magna Carta, PHD and Posterscope – collaborated to transform the Freedom No. 2 Tuck Shop in Nyanga, Cape Town. With paint and purpose, the idea was to focus a team building initiative around the company’s KlevaKidz paraffin education and safety campaign. Leveraging the footprint of Klevakidz, the branding of Spaza Shops reinforces key paraffin safety messages in high-visibility areas. Across the country in Gauteng, the Western Cape and the Eastern Cape, the Engen-blue signature colours are easily identifiable on more than 30 Spaza Shops articulating key messages to ensure that the safe storage, cooking and labelling of paraffin products are highlighted. In the absence of adult supervision, it is children who often shop, cook and oversee the household duties in under-privileged communities. It is these youngsters who are particularly vulnerable to the dangers of handling paraffin incorrectly.

Engen’s Corporate Affairs General Manager, Tasneem Sulaiman-Bray says,

“We feel it is our duty to reinforce the message at every turn. The safety of our customers and communities comes first for Engen. As the largest distributor of paraffin to communities across South Africa and Lesotho, the safe use of paraffin is of particular importance to us.” Engen’s Spaza Shop campaign targets stores that are well established and optimally located within these communities to offer good communication visibility. Negotiation and contracts with store owners initiate the process. Following this, standardised templates ensure consistent branding and key messaging throughout the country.

Engen is a leading producer and marketer of fuels, lubricants and oil-based products. The company’sKlevaKidz campaign uses industrial theatre to inform and educate children about the safe handling and storage of paraffin. Launched in 2008, the initiative has reached more than 79,000 learners in 190 schools located in areas where the household use of paraffin is widespread. From 2013 to 2016 the campaign is set to reach 90,000 learners aged 9-13 in 300 schools.

From left to right: is Hayley Hugo, Andiswa Monareng, Melanie Holland, Brad Bergh and Cindy-Lee Maneveld.

Completed Spaza shop with Engen, Phd, Magna Carta and Openfield.

From left to right: Alice Msibi, Mntu Nduvane, Paul Makhanya, Shihaam Railoun and Thandi Mangana.

Cindy Bunde adding the final touches.

From the background: Brad Bergh, Tasneem Sulaiman-Bray and Mntu Nduvane.


Your Wellness Matters – Issue 8 – March 2016




ith World Health Day 2016 on 7 April you may have realised that diabetes is no small villain. Diabetes and prediabetes are on the rise and plan to take over the world! Their plan includes clever tactics like tasty takeaways, sneaky sodas, cancerous cigarettes and captivating couch-time. But don’t fear, we can stay super and beat diabetes with a few simple health basics! The World Health Organization has identified the best four superheroes to take to battle. Let’s meet the team:

1: WonderwaistwomAn

Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. The extra weight that collects around the middle is the single biggest risk factor for developing diabetes. By watching your weight you can start making changes to your lifestyle and prevent the extra kilograms from piling up. If your waist size is already above pants size 40” for men or 36” cm for women, weight loss should be your main plan to defeat diabetes! Weight loss is not easy but by making long-term changes like staying active, reducing portion sizes, drinking more water, eating more veggies, cutting out added fat and sugars, and starting your day with a healthy breakfast you can get there. Weight loss should be gradual and done the healthy way to make it last. Quick weight loss tactics often leads to gaining the weight back once you fall back into old habits.

2: Captain Activity

Images designed by

Activity has so many benefits! Upping your heartbeat pumps more blood around the body, keeps the heart fit, strengthens blood vessels, and most importantly, helps your body to become more sensitive to insulin - the key to preventing diabetes. Yet our modern lives are a mixture of commuting, standing and sitting - whether at work or school. When we get home the couch and our favourite TV shows call for more inactivity. Even if we exercise an hour a day, that is only a tiny percentage of our time compared to how long we spend sitting! There are two things we can do to change this. Firstly, aim for a minimum of two and a half hours of activity every week that is hard enough to make you breathe heavier and get your heart pumping. Our bodies need this to stay healthy. Secondly, move whenever you can! This can be taking comfort breaks, walking instead of driving, or even standing when you speak on the phone. These little extras cannot replace the value of heart-racing activity, but any movement still adds up to help prevent weight gain and diabetes.

3: Mr Eatwell & Veggie girl

Years of research inform us how to eat better to prevent diabetes. At the top of the list of diabetes-busting super-powers are fruit and vegetables. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables every day, aiming for fresh and different colours where you can. Next is recognizing and reducing the added sugars. The biggest culprits are sugary drinks and sugar hidden in foods like breakfast cereals, baked goods and ready-to-eat foods. Also choose whole grain cereals instead of refined white grains and plant oils like canola and olive oil instead of animal fats. Healthy eating should not be a chore or a punishment. Start making healthier choices part of your everyday habits and downgrade take-outs, sugary foods and salty snacks to ‘once-in-awhile ‘ foods.

4: Smoke-Free Man

We all know smoking causes cancer and heart disease, but it can also make you more likely to develop diabetes. Smoking creates microscopic villains called free radicals that attack the body and cause inflammation. This chronic inflammation in turn leads to diabetes, heart diseases and many other health conditions. If you are a smoker, cutting down will add years to your life and life to your years! It’s not easy, and most smokers try a few times before they manage to break the habit. Learn from your previous attempts and think how you can do it better the next time. Maybe it’s time for professional help or even medication? Stopping smoking makes you a superhero!

Your Wellness Matters – 8th Issue – March 2016 – pg 12

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