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World Record Breaking
AnEccleshall gym owner has been part of arecord-breaking rowing team.
JordanShuttleworth was partofthe team which broke the Guinness WorldRecord for rowingunassisted from San Francisco to Hawaii recently.
Former Royal Marine Jordan, whoruns Capacity FunctionalFitnessin Eccleshall, was part of ateam of four whocompleted the challengein30days nine days less than the previous worldrecord.
Jordan told theStone & Eccleshall Life Magazine: Therow was 2,400nautical miles in totaland the previousrecord was 39 days in which we wanted to beat. The boat cannever stop movingsoour routine forthe 30 days wastwo hours on two hoursoff. In your two hours off, youre to cleanyourself, eat and drink, anyadmin thats required on theboatorfor yourself and then finally...sleep. Theweather for thefirst seven to ten days waspretty miserable, very wetand constant winds blowing wavesondeck.Seas were rough andextremely choppy. Theweather in the middleand end ended up beingworse, no wind and30 plus degrees of heatfrom 9am to 9pm makingit extremely difficult to sleep andjust generally uncomfortable. We madewater everyday by desalinating thesea water andpumpingitintojerry canswhich we kept on deck. We weregetting through 4050 litres aday. Food was freeze dried rationstotalling 5,000 calories aday andwewould havetwo to three chocolate bars aday (for morale mostly).
Jordan added: Wesaw plenty of wildlife. Sea turtles, whales, killer whales, porpoises, dolphins, seals andorcas. We lost atotal of 35kg between us in 30 days despite eatingclose to 7,000calories. The rowitself went well, none of us particularly struggled withthe physical side or mentalaspectin ourselves. Mainly just with the weather,whatwewere being told we wouldget was not what we were seeingout at sea which wasslightly demoralising.