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Music Album
Agroup of 30 local musicians have banded together to produce an album.
Stone Ville is anew album writtenand conceived by David Patrick, who is the singer/guitarist in soul tribute band, The Lack of Commitments.
It has 12 tracks, with genres from indie rock through to folk-pop, country, ballads and prog, and features acast of 30 musicians.
Each track in the Stone Ville album, which was releasedinJuly, features a different line-upofmusicians and there are plenty of genres covered.
The album, which is described as eclectic in that it goesfrom indie rock to country, from prog to folk, from pop to ballad, is now available on all major streaming platforms as well as the artists site on Bandcamp.
Three video premieres were also released to coincide with the launch of the album to all major streaming platforms. Rain Down, When Will I Return and Fears, Hopes & Dreams.
David said: I stumbled across apiece of graffiti down by the canal that read simply Stone Ville. That was the onlycontext, Ihad no idea who had put it there but Iliked the simplicity of it so Itook asnap and mentally banked it. So whilstI really cant claim any responsibility for the graffiti, for me the name seemed to fit with the music Id been writing. It kind of just stuck and reflected my move and a new chapter in my life. Stone Ville is not asolo album, nor adebut album. I couldnt have completedthis without the whole team (the Stone Ville collective). After producing early demos and finalising the writing of the songs, Ithen set out to beg,steal and borrow performances from musicians Ive worked with over the years. And to that end the album features performancesfrom 30 musicians. Some local names, many from my current working band, The Lack of Commitments and importantly musicians from my time playing in Hertfordshire. If you can imagine an album with seven lead singers and as many lead guitarists and soloists then you can begin to understand the nature of the project. Dave (Marks) producer has done an amazing job of keeping asolid thread through the album sonically.