Diamonds2 of the Greek Economy 2015

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The most admired enterprises








o f t h e G re e k Eco n o my 2 0 1 5

o f t h e G re e k Eco n o my 2 0 1 5





Product categories

INTERCOMM FOODS S.A., founded in 1990, is a private company located in the low Thessalian district of Larissa, in central Greece and is one of the leading Greek export companies (turnover in 2013 reached € 72,6 million & in 2014 € 77,8 million). Intercomm Foods has great experience in PRIVATE LABEL products and at the same �me has developed its main brand DELPHI. Through con�nuous investment Intercomm Foods has become the leader in olive processing industry in Greece. The Company’s highest quality and service standards based on con�nuous improvement orienta�on allowed to gain great recogni�on in the interna�onal olive market.

• olives & an�pas�

Moreover, Intercomm Foods is also a leader in ASEPTIC fruit, supplying peach and apricot to top clients all over the world and sa�sfying all quality requirements. Last year new produc�on lines were installed expanding even more the capacity.

• asep�c peach & apricot fruit • peaches&apricots in cans & jars • compote • jams-syrups

Global Presence The company is 98% Exports Company covering more than 100 different countries. The brand name Delphi has a significant market presence in North-Eastern Europe, Russia and Scandinavian countries. Moreover, the company exports to USA, Canada, Australia, Iran, Mexico, Russia, China and countries of the Middle East. According to Infobank Hellas, Intercomm Foods SA is among the 15 Greek fast growing companies for the period 2009-2013.

Contact details: 8th Km Na�onal Road Larissa - Sykourio, P.O. Box 1127, Greece, Tel:+30/2410/57.50.92, 57.50.93, FAX:+30/2410/57.50.91, 57.55.03, e-mails: OLIVES SECTOR:, FRUIT SECTOR: fruitsales@, Website:


OWNED BY ACTIVE BUSINESS PUBLISHING 17 Kadmias St., Athens 118 55 - Greece Tel: (+30) 210 3427 481, (+30) 210 3428 666 Fax: (+30) 210 3421 955 URL: Email:

PUBLISHER Spyros A. Ktenas EDITOR IN CHIEF Dionisis Vasilopoulos EDITORS Konstantinos Panagopoulos Antonela Toni DATA BASE Ioanna Stergiou Antonela Toni Eirini Eleftheriou SALES MANAGER Theodoros Tsakaloglou MARKETING DEPARTMENT Othon Vasilopoulos Mirto Tozakidi Frank Fousteris FINANCE DEPARTMENT George Priakos Periklis Malamas

4 Diamonds











PRICE: 30ευρώ



By Spyros Ktenas The forces to restart the economy

6 Diamonds

The long-running recession being persevered by the Greek economy has not devastated all, as is highlighted by the latest edition of “Diamonds of the Greek Economy”, presenting the country’s most robust enterprises, which, despite the crisis, have continued along their upward trajectories, spurred by export orientation and investment. For yet another year, Active Business Publishing is showcasing companies that have stood their ground as major producers and offer hope in the effort to kick-start the country’s troubled economy. However, if this is to occur, the differences diving Greece and its lenders will first need to be resolved. Ties between Greece and the country’s lenders are being tested. Both sides are responsible for the impasse. However, most crucially, Greece’s major national achievement of becoming a member of the single European currency must not be sacrificed, while the cliff-hanging situation generated by the prolonged bailout talks, which has stunned the economy and undermined any prospect of growth, needs to end. The Greek business community supports the structural reforms needed in this land, especially the efforts being made to restructure the country’s social security system, create a modern and fair tax system, fight rampant tax evasion, utilize public-sector property, and improve productivity in the public sector, all of which would help overcome the current deadlock in negotiations for a new bailout deal. Only through the implementation of such reforms will overtaxation, extraordinary taxes and other counterproductive measures, which are hurting enterprises, employment, and, ultimately, the economy, be avoided. Common sense says that the prosperity of Greeks, improvement of work conditions, and better pay packages require increases in production, international competitiveness, and the national economy’s degree of export orientation. In other words, reforms and increased investment are needed. In turn, investments are only possible amid a steady and predictable legal, political, and economic environment. Without investments, unemployed citizens stand no chance of finding work, talented and frustrated young people will not stay in Greece, enterprises will not experience growth, and the state, constantly missing out on tax revenues, will find itself in a position of not being able to maintain the current level of salaries and pensions. Achieving economic growth is virtually impossible when an increasing number of greater tax burdens are being proposed, the cost of capital is non-competitive, and access to capital markets is impossible. The crucial issue at this point is to avoid severing ties with the country’s creditor representatives, which would prompt Greece’s exit from the eurozone.

Everyone is on a journey to the digital world. Travelling, of course, at different speeds. Some of us are already there.

SO MANY MYTHS Hazy internet landscape. You can have a team with only one player. There is no benefit for society and the economy. There is tax evasion. The world is unprotected.

ONE AND ONLY TRUTH B2B GAMING SERVICES is the biggest player in the online betting and gaming market. With its high technology internet platform, which was created in Europe and soon conquered it, it operates in Greece with great success since 2011.

YOU KNOW BETSHOP • 700.000 active users on the platform. • 6.300.000 average bets handled per month.

• Over € 2 billion average turnover annually. • € 54 million paid in betting duty taxes to the Greek State*.

That’s the way the game is played...


LEADING INNOVATION SINCE 1990 - *30% on gross profit of the company 2013 / 2014, as legislated 4002/2011. B2B GAMING SERVICES is legally operating in Greece (Law 4002/2011 Article 50 Paragraph 12) and with a greek Tax Regirtation Number, is supervised by the independent authority GGC (Greek Gaming Commission), is subjected to the taxation requirements (Law 4002/2011 (A180) articles 45 to 50, and is licensed to provide betting services and on line games by its residence country (The Malta Gaming Authority with Registration No. C. 41936 and License No. MGA/ CL2/348/2007 issued on 27th January, 2012 & - MGA/CL1/348/2007 issued on 27th April, 2012).


CONTENTS Editorial: 6 Spyros A. Ktenas

12 Interventions 54 Diamonds 303 Tourism

Diamonds index

323 Distinguished companies

8 Diamonds

A. KAOUSSIS SA 261 AB Vassilopoulos 86 ACCENTURE SA 197 ADIDAS HELLAS SA 185 AEGEAN AIRLINES SA 70 AENORASIS SA 290 AKMI EKPAIDEFTIKI S.A. 297 Alchimica SA 208 ALPHA ASTIKA AKINITA S.A. 175 Alpha Supporting Services SA 222 ANASTASIOS MAVROGENIS SA 143 ANIMUS 270 ANTIPOLLUTION S.A. 240 ANTISEL S.A. 290 Apolloneio Rehabilitation Center S.A. 241 ARGO S.A. 238 ARITI S.A. 218 Aspis S.A. - Hellenic Juice Industry 212 ASSODIVERS SA 214 Astir Vitogiannis Bros S.A. 256 Athanasios D. Koukoutaris SA 247 Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos” 66 Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP SA) 76 ATLAS TAPES S.A. 259 ATTICA DEPARTMENT STORES SA 191 Attica Tollway SA 72 AUTOHELLAS S.A (HERTZ) 148 AKTOR SA 104 B. & I. Mantzaris SA 282 B&F SA 204 Balakanakis Bros SA 170 BARILLA HELLAS SA 187 Beiersdorf Hellas SA 237 BIC VIOLEX SA 90 BIOIATRIKI SA 147 BioMerieux SA 281 BLUE STAR FERRIES SA 159 BMW GROUP HELLAS SA 140 BODYTALK SA 302 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM HELLAS SA 141 BOLTON HELLAS SA 212 BP Oil Hellenic SA 253 BRETAS Ltd 273 BRINK’S HELLAS S.A . 272 BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB SA 118 BSH Home Appliances SA 171 CALIN SA 271 CHALKIADAKIS SA 216 BETA CAE SYSTEMS SA 129 ELPEN Pharmaceutical Co. Inc. 130 COLGATE PALMOLIVE HELLAS Ltd 128 CORAL GAS SA 287 COSCO S.A. 252 COSMOTE MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS S.A. 56




Diamonds 9

Diamonds index



10 Diamonds

300 255 293 157 155 220 242 250 232 216 123 124 84 116 278 169 206 102 260 186 184 156 80 106 269 243 155 291 94 151 58 227 225 271 272 125 202 142 279 259 111 177 117 260 98 139 114 136 234 153 165


163 164 258 60 297 200 224 213 62 198 170 121 179 235 291 278 149 246 223 133 209 223 299 168 289 176 190 160 218 92 100 257 162 247 280 222 210 302 263 146 215 173 230 274 203 267 193 188 268 143 300


President of the Greek Tourism Confederation

Andreas A. Andreadis

Empowering Greek Economy and Society

The Roadmap targets that, by 2021, Greece will have achieved 24 million international air arrivals and 19 billion euros of immediate Apostolos Vakakis revenue annually…

12 Diamonds

The importance of Greek tourism – as an industry that directly and indirectly employs one in six workers and contributes a fifth of the country’s GDP – cannot be more apparent. The 24.5 million visitors that Greece welcomed in 2014 (including cruise arrivals), translated into 13.4bn euros flowing into the real economy, a figure which drew international attention and contributed to the first tentative signs of economic recovery. It was the major contributor to Greece recording a primary budget surplus last year. The next few years will be critical for the Greek tourism industry. SETE is working towards the implementation of a thorough plan that will improve the quality of tourism products and services, while also investing in education and training – both for those working in the industry and Greek society as a whole. It is our duty to continue to support the Greek economy and ensure a better future for generations to come, especially now that Greece is at a crucial crossroad. The Greek Tourism Confederation, representing the entire tourism industry of Greece as a social partner recognized by the State, is there to voices and represent the hopes, concerns and daily efforts of the people working in this sector. It also regularly consults the State on a number of tourism issues and has built upon an excellent collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism. Within its scope of business, we have already shared with the state a comprehensive development plan, the 2021 Strategic Roadmap for Greek Tourism. This defines the categories of tourism products and target markets, and the policies, investments

and infrastructure necessary in order to attract visitors. The Roadmap targets that, by 2021, Greece will have achieved 24 million international air arrivals and 19 billion euros of immediate revenue annually, with a resultant nine units added to the country’s GDP and the creation of 300.000 new jobs. It is a fact that we have achieved the visitor target of our Roadmap ahead of schedule. The tourism sector’s contribution to the country’s GDP today is in the range of 20%, according to official data. At the same time, SETE has added two significant arms to its make-up: Marketing Greece, a body established to represent and promote tourism throughout Greece, and the Institute of SETE, which provides scientific and technical support in the promotion, training and quality of entrepreneurship in the tourism sector. They have both given a voice to local communities and industries and are helping to represent the country in a fresh and innovative way, with research and clearly defined goals. We are certain that Greek tourism will continue to thrive this year as well, despite the current obstacles and the overall negative financial environment. 2015 is the year that the Greek Tourism Confederation is investing in the people of tourism: employees, owners of small businesses and merchants – who can only benefit by tourism performing well. This is the year to shine the light into Greece’s unknown corners, to work in partnership with the local communities, to safeguard our truly unique tourism product. We are supporting the Greek Government in all possible ways and we will continue to contribute to the Greek economy with all of our strength.


President of the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece

Athanasios Savvakis Proposals to the government for boosting the competitiveness of the regional industrial sector

…the government must work closely with enterprises…

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


14 Diamonds

We were pleasantly surprised to see that the structure of the new government includes the new Ministry of Productive Reconstruction, a decision that is of particular importance and meaning to the people in the industrial sector. In its public interventions, FING has repeatedly stressed the need for such a measure and we now see that it is being scheduled to take place. Unfortunately, it is a well-known fact in Greece that many promises remain just that, promises, which are never really delivered. Let me remind you of the concepts of ‘modernization’ and ‘re-establishment of the State’. During their time, these concepts were symbolic; they prevailed in public discourse, were well-targeted and substantial in terms of content, and were absolutely necessary in order to secure the future of our country. We all know how that ended... In order to avoid making the same mistake, the government must work closely with enterprises, on the one hand in order to give substance to the concept of ‘productive reconstruction’, and on the other hand in order to be able to implement this project together. Within this framework, FING proposes that we start this process by planning a specific industrial policy. This is what has been missing from the country for decades, and it is the basic element of productive reconstruction. Our proposal to the new government is that this ‘new industrial policy’ includes:1. horizontal and sectoral policies; 2. policies for enhancing the innovation capacity of manufacturing enterprises; 3. regulatory provisions and regulations to improve the operation of markets; 4. financial aid programmes, and 5. policies for enhancing internationalization and extroversion.

On the other hand, we propose that - in parallel with the planning of the new industrial policy, and indeed at an intensive pace - the new government work on solving important problems faced by the industrial sector, which hinder the jump-starting of the real economy. Based on a recent survey, FING members have assessed these problems and have put together their own “Top Ten Priorities»:1. The current tax regime; 2. The complete lack of liquidity in the market; 3. The inability to offset debts owed to the State against debts owed by the State; 4. High energy costs, which lead to high production costs; 5. High financial costs; 6. The lack of substantial market surveillance; 7. The bureaucracy behind NSRF programmes, which has a deterrent effect on the implementation of investments; 8. The relations between the industrial and retail sectors; 9. The lack of a statutory procedure for out-of-court settlement of non-performing loans, and 10. Incomplete transport and other infrastructures, which directly impact the smooth operation of enterprises. These are ten significant issues that essentially delay the much-desired growth of the regions, hold back the implementation of investments and creation of new jobs, and, in the end, pose a direct threat to the social cohesion of the Greek regions. Such a reversal will eventually prove what FING has been claiming for many years: “It is impossible to achieve long-term growth without a production base”.


President of Greek International Business Association

Dr Kyriakos Loufakis

Creating added value through exporting

Global trade from East to Europe passes through Greece

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


16 Diamonds

The Greek economy is enduring the most severe recession in its post-war history. Having lost over a quarter of its GDP the last 6 years, the situation of the economy does not yet corroborate the image of a country that rises like a phoenix from the ashes. We live through extremely difficult times. We have undergone the biggest fiscal adjustment in history. Liquidity is at minimum. This coupled with the fact that our country’s image becomes negative again in international markets, makes hard for Greek exporters and importers to persuade their international partners to do business with. We support our Government through the whole negotiation effort. However we believe that the procedures should be accelerated to reach an agreement, in order to ensure a stable political and economic environment and to consolidate security and trust, which are further essential for business sustainability and export growth. In this difficult environment what can Greek exporters do, in order to survive? In global economy, you must find your strengths. Our country has a lot of opportunities. To my opinion the biggest strengths of our area are the following: Geographical position and the hinterland Excellent, educated and trained workforce (scientists and engineers) Food and beverage industry Global trade today takes place between Far East and the Western World. The production of raw materials and industrial and consumer goods is made in East and consumption in Europe and the US. Global trade from East to Europe passes through Greece. This is the big opportunity of our region. Especially Thessaloniki is well situated for becoming a hub and a transit center. Hub does not mean just the

“moving of boxes”. It also means “value added services” like assembling and production of final goods from raw or intermediate materials. Raw/intermediate materials are currently manufactured in huge plants in Eastern countries, like China, India and the rest countries of the Far and Middle East, where low labor costs and economies of scale are possible. Final products however can be made locally, since by assembling locally you combine local with imported raw/ intermediate materials and SAVE IN LOGISTICS. Greece does not have only the geographical position, but also the human skills to develop such an infrastructure. Since a weapon can target in many directions, such an infrastructure can be used by manufacturers in Europe to export their goods to East and Africa that recently develop fast. For this to happen, it is vital to develop our infrastructure with no.1 priority the port of Thessaloniki. The big number of highly skilled Greek scientists and engineers should stay here. We currently export high-technology, but we have the potential for more. Foreign companies should consider to develop their R&D branches here, while our Government should provide more incentives to our young and skilled workforce to stay and flourish within the Greek borders. The food and beverage industry constitutes a fundamental pillar of the Greek economy, since 1/5 of the enterprises are activated within the sector. Our country offers unique products which combine quality, taste and nutritional values. This is our comparative advantage and there is a certain potential to exploit it further, creating added value through exporting more standardized and certified goods, instead of bulk.


President of the Federation of Attica and Piraeus Industries (SVAP)

Dimitris Mathios Liquidity is needed

The lack of liquidity has also had a direct effect on the exporting ability of local production Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


18 Diamonds

The question as to why the government continues to not exactly understand what is going on with the country’s liquidity problem, or what we mean when we say that the market has run dry and brought all activity to a halt, truly needs to be asked. We could perhaps imagine that the market liquidity issue will continue to not rank among the government’s top priorities for as long as a bailout agreement is not reached and the next steps concerning national debt management are taken. Even so, could this government possibly also be indifferent to the fate of 700,000 workers employed in what is still known as process manufacturing in Greece? During the first quarter of 2015, the market was deprived of over two billion euros of overall turnover. At present, manufacturing firms, from small-scale operations run by two persons to industrial enterprises employing 50 workers, require a total of approximately five billion euros to purchase raw materials and activate production. Banks are currently unable to cover these liquidity needs and making do by providing no more than guarantees. However, foreign suppliers of raw materials are not accepting these guarantees, and domestic production, alone, cannot meet the economy’s raw material requirements. Suppliers abroad are responding to appeals being made by Greek clients for orders by noting that the instability of the Greek economy and major pending issues with lenders is sustaining the overall uncertainty and, consequently, forbidding transactions, even if backed by bank guarantees. And while the noose around the neck of enterprises continues to tighten by the day, the Finance Ministry has issued an order for a freeze all payments for amounts owed to companies, be they VAT returns or debt generated by supplies to public-sector companies. This measure, alone, has wiped out roughly seven billion euros of trading activity from the market. The ministerial

order concerns a freeze on state debt payments that had fallen from ten billion euros in 2012 and 2013 to roughly five billion euros in 2014, but which have now risen to seven billion euros. As things stand, the market is being stifled as a result of the lack of liquidity, needed for imports and which the banking sector cannot provide. And how could it, when four billion euros worth of deposits were withdrawn from Greek banks in April, lowering the level of bank deposits to nearly 140 billion euros when the total amount of loans extended stands at 220 billion euros. Miracles cannot occur in the economy if pockets are not dug into. But expecting miracles to happen is a hopeless thought when you are called upon to contribute to the state’s needs, for its own debt issues, by paying ordinary and extraordinary taxes totaling 60 billion euros over the past five years. The lack of liquidity has also had a direct effect on the exporting ability of local production. Let us recall that back in 1981 Greece’s exports were worth 580 dollars per capita, compared to 340 dollars in Ireland and 216 dollars in Portugal. In 2011, Greece’s exports per capita were worth 1,900 dollars, compared to 34,000 dollars in Ireland and 12,600 dollars in Portugal. Ireland and Portugal both managed to step out of their bailout schemes in two years and are now growing at respective rates of two percent and four percent. Both countries are also now borrowing at zero interest rates. I resorted to using these two countries as an example to convince that it is possible to kick-start the Greek economy by revving up the export machine. The country’s industrial sector promises to once again stand at the economy’s forefront, as long as it operates under the same rules of competition in the European Union and eurozone.


Presiden of The Greek Association of Food Industry

Evangelos Kalousis

Extroversion - key pillar of growth

The exports of the sector reach 3,5 billion euros representing 22% of the total Greek exports (excluding petroleum products), Apostolos Vakakis showing a Turnover 454.276.468 continuous increase, even PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 96.956.097 during crisis

20 Diamonds

The past 5 years have been very difficult for the economy of Greece, the citizens and the business sector in general, resulting in uncertainty and insecurity within the market. The crisis has affected all sectors of the industry, including the Food Industry. Despite the overall negative environment, the Greek Food Industry, continues to be a dynamic, competitive and extrovert sector, playing a significant role in the economy of our country. It makes continuous efforts and undertakes all necessary measures and initiatives to face the crisis. Now more than ever, our sector has the ability to present high development rates taking advantage of the modern and high quality agricultural production, of the specialized know-how and the reasonable cost in Greece, and to further increase exports. This can apply particularly to our fast-growing food categories like Olive Oil, Fruits & Vegetables, Dairy Products, Traditional Greek Spirits, Bakery products as well as others such as honey, olives etc. It is worth mentioning that Greece ranks as the world’s third largest olive oil producer, whilst our country is the world’s biggest exporter of canned peaches. Thus, we all realize that potential exists. In the Greek Food Industry we have a common goal, to find the way out of the crisis and back to growth. This would require the implementation of a new develop-

ment model, based on: the improvement of competitiveness, the reinforcement of extroversion, the promotion of research & innovation and the attraction of new investments. More specifically, as far as extroversion is concerned, we believe that it is a crucial factor for the growth of the Greek industry. The businesses of the food sector have always been export oriented. The exports of the sector reach 3,5 billion euros representing 22% of the total Greek exports (excluding petroleum products), showing a continuous increase, even during crisis. Innovation, quality and consistency are the key elements to success along with driving new directions in foods that will support greek agricultural production and greek nutrition as a competitive advantage. Therefore, it is essential to be competitive and promote the extroverted and productive image of Greece. A serious industrial policy for the food industry will be the starting point for our country to find its way out of the recession that it has been facing in the past years. At the Greek Food Industry, we are confident that we will overcome the obstacles and return back to growth. Working hard, with determination and passion, we will continue to satisfy our consumers –in Greece and abroad- offering safe products of high quality.


President of the Federation of Greek Mariculture

Dimitrios Valachis

Significant contribution of aquaculture to the Greek economy in 2014

… we are at the beginning of the new Programming Period and it is very important to establish the right bases for a better preparation and more effective Apostolos Vakakis implementation… Turnover 454.276.468


22 Diamonds

Aquaculture throughout 2014, maintained the first position in livestock products. Nearly 115,000 tons have been produced, of which 85% approximately have been exported, mainly in the EU and in North America. The importance of aquaculture has been repeatedly proven, as an industry with significant economic contribution to the country’s GDP and the social cohesion of the coastal areas. The year 2015 can be characterized as the year of “restart” of the Greek aquaculture. The industry endured, despite the difficulties of the past three years and the intense competition, and not only managed to survive the economic crisis, but also made significant progress to address the main challenges and enhance competitiveness. The main challenge that had to be tackled was to maintain viability. For this reason in 2014 significant changes occurred as larger companies in the sector were reorganized. This is an ongoing process which will be completed in 2016. The aim is to create competitive schemes that will lead the industry in the near future. Already 2014 ended revealing a better status. Corporate earnings were increased and there is lower pressure in the markets for 2015, while the main concern is to maintain this stability during 2016 too. In addition to achieving stability in the industry, strong emphasis is given on strengthening the competitiveness based on two strategic priorities, the creation of a producers’ organization and the design of a national research and innovation program for the industry. Specifically: Producers’ organization is a key tool aiming the design and implementation of promotional activities for the development of new markets that will both absorb the increased production, and will on the other hand, maintain our leading position in the traditional markets of Europe and North America. We will focus on enhancing the quality and identity of the Greek products through the creation of a quality mark which is going to differentiate them from competing products.

The other strategic priority is research and technology (R & D) for the fish, as it is clear that there can be no development without research. For this reason, a comprehensive research program was designed with main objective to reduce production costs on existing types of production, mainly in sea bream and sea bass in order to compete cheaper imported fish products. Secondary this aims to improving the production process into new genres where we have less experience. It is worth noting that this is the first time since the launching of the industry that a comprehensive R & D program is designed as far as research is concerned. Every effort up to now derived from individual private initiatives, without leading to any significant technological improvement in the production process. It is worth noting that this program is a collaboration of industry companies, Greek research institutes and relevant national agencies. Additional important steps were taken to simplify the institutional framework and to make it a more favorable and attractive operating environment for aquaculturists. In particular, a law was adopted to simplify and accelerate the business licensing process. The law introduced for the first time a one-stop service and other important provisions such as the establishment of a National Aquaculture Council. At the same time there is progress in five projects regarding the establishment of Aquaculture Regulated Areas Development and we hope that the relevant departments will assist their immediate completion. The land is the principal institutional tool for the further development of the industry. Concluding I would like to stress that we are at the beginning of the new Programming Period and it is very important to establish the right bases for a better preparation and more effective implementation of the funding that is entitled to Greece from the European Fisheries Fund. This funding is almost double in relation to the previous one and the industry cannot afford to miss this opportunity at this particular time.


President of the Greek Plastic Industry Association

Ioannis Kaselimis

Plastics Industry: a part of the solution for Greece

A favorable climate for investment in Greece is crucial for the plastics industry to continue to make a meaningful contribution to Apostolos Vakakis economy and Turnover 454.276.468 society PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 96.956.097

24 Diamonds

Greece is currently at a turning point, for better or worse. The ongoing negotiations with the creditors of Greece are time consuming and the outcome so far is market inactivity. In this difficult context the Greek Plastics Industry tries to survive. We are very well aware of the difficult situation of Greece and if you combine that with the problems of our industry at a European level (volatility of the resin prices, high feedstock costs, high energy prices and high regulatory burdens) then you have a snapshot of the suffocating situation that the Greek companies trying to overcome. Despite the uncertainties and challenges facing by the plastics industry in Greece, it should be remembered that we are continue to make an important contribution to the economy and our modern lifestyles from cost effective packaging that preserves and protects goods to weight saving and safety components in cars. There are many aspects of modern living that would just not be possible without plastics and they will continue to be an important part of the economy. Manufacturing industries are sometimes depicted as an obstacle. However, in reality, sectors like the plastics industry are an important part of the solution for both Greek and European economy and for society at large. Unemployment and productivity are key challenges for Greece today. Unemployment continues to be an everyday reality for almost 26% of Greece’s workforce. The extreme high unemployment rate of the younger generation in our country and the risk of a lost generation are a major challenge to overcome. The plastics industry is uniquely positioned providing jobs all over Greece and Europe and are essential to the supply chains of a wide range of strategic areas of the economy, including healthcare, energy generation, aerospace, automotive, maritime, construction, electronics and packaging. Indeed, the added value that plastics bring to other sectors in European level is one the most remarkable features of our industry. In 2012, our industry in Europe accounted for: ● 62,000 companies ● 1.4 million jobs

● €26 billion annual contribution to public finances At the same time in Greece: ● 1500 companies ● 15 000 jobs ● €2 billion contribution to public finances Exports rose almost 34% at 2012 Strengthening the competitiveness of the Greek plastics industry can have a significant impact on the recovery of the manufacturing sector in general. A study led in 2013 by leading Italian think tank The European House Ambrosetti reveals that: ● The plastics industry is one of the sectors that provides the greatest contribution to EU manufacturing ● A 10% increase in the value added to the European plastics sector could lead to a 4.4% increase in the value added to the overall EU manufacturing sector ● At a national level, taking the example of Italy: ● Every job created in the plastics sector leads to the creation of almost 3 additional jobs in the wider economy, ● A €100 GDP increase in the plastics supply chain generates a €238 GDP increase in the economy. A favourable climate for investment in Greece is crucial for the plastics industry to continue to make a meaningful contribution to economy and society. One of the key challenges lies in creating the right conditions to make the most of our inherent capacity for innovation in Greece. This involves not only promoting science education and supporting entrepreneurship. It also means taking steps to help reduce the costs of production, such as energy and raw materials, even if we will not be able to compete on an entirely level playing field with other parts of the world. Greece needs now more than ever a strong plastics industry.


Special Advisor to Incofruit – Hellas, Association of Greek Export and Consignment Enterprises for Fruits, Vegetables and Juices

George Polychronakis

Greek exports of F&V hold their ground

For 2014 F&V exports amounted to 2,069 tons for a total of € 1,823 million

Greece’s geographical location at the most southern tip of Europe is the reason for a long tradition in the cultivation of F&V. The sector continuously adapts to an ever changing demand by supplementing the range with new varieties and new products. Total crop is estimated at 7.948 million tons (4,783 million tons of fruit & 3,165 million tons of vegetables) allowing for an increase in European retail market share every year but also opening new routes to South Asian, South American and African markets It is very encouraging to see an ever increasing number of young growers getting involved with new and alternative crops and also with new varieties which are in demand. Addressing our customers I want to stress that Greek F&V are in line with current market expectations while many have superior characteristics due to being: Grown in an environment that is still clean under the Mediterranean sun. Quality and nutritional value are high. They are certified and checked for size, color, taste and freshness. Our moto could be “Tasty, Safe, Healthy and Fresh” Between 2009 and 2014 fruit exports increased by 30,7% in value and 37,2% in volume. An examination of the various segments which compose the overall export agro sector clearly shows the overwhelming significance of F&V (fresh and processed). The contribution in value of F&V to the sector’s 5 year average is 34%. For 2014 F&V exports amounted to 2,069 tons for a total of € 1,823 million. For 2014 the Greek export agro sector consisted of the following segments (top 11):

2014 € millions

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


26 Diamonds

Fruit Tobacco Cotton Olives Olive Oil Feta 835






Canned peaches Sea Bass Vegetables 235



Sea Bream Wine 139


It is worth noting that the 2014 trade surplus in F&V (€1.16 billion) more than compensated the largest trade deficit in the meat (& meat byproduct) sector (€1.03 billion). This fact shows the importance of F&V in the overall agricultural trade balance for Greece. Besides excessive cost burdens of exported goods the main challenges of the sector are starting to be tackled under the new extrovert strategy of the administration. The main remaining challenges are: The implementation of tough controls to resolve intra community trade issues (taxation issues & circulation of non-standardized products) Resolving delays in signing bilateral phytosanitary agreements with 3rd countries for several products. E.g. There is a need to find new replacement markets in Asia, the Americas and the Middle East following the Russian embargo just like other EU countries have already done. In any case the Greek administration is called upon to give absolute priority to exports. Measures must be taken to eradicate all hindrances which burden a competitive export cost. It is necessary to put an end to the continued practice of facilitating third country imports against the interest of European F&V producers. This must be implemented on a national as well as an EU level. Finally, I believe it is necessary the European Commission take into consideration the negative repercussions for the F&V sector when getting into preferential agreements with third countries which have crops similar to the EU’s. I hope that within 2015 the elimination of all disincentives will be achieved so as to greatly improve the competitiveness of our products so we can maintain and even improve our market share.



ΦΑΡΜΑΚΕΙΟ Από το 1980 ο Όμιλος Εταιρειών ΠΕΙ.ΦΑ.ΣΥΝ. πρωτοπορεί στο χώρο της υγείας

Eνισχύουμε τη συνεργασία ● Στοχεύουμε στην ανάπτυξη ● Επενδύουμε στην καινοτομία Διαμορφώνουμε το μέλλον ●


Executive Vice-President & Deputy C.E.O.

Dimitris P. Giannakopoulos

“We stand firm against the plans which will ruin domestic pharmaceutical production”

« the reconstructing of production in the country».

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


28 Diamonds

Domestic production of pharmaceuticals remains one of the key pillars in the development of the Greek economy. This is the case despite the suffocating environment which has been imposed by the country’s creditors during the recent years when the bailout conditions have been in force, and which they are attempting to keep in place in the future by demanding that the new Greek Government take extreme recessionary measures. The Greek pharmaceutical industry has stood firm against plans which will ruin domestic pharmaceutical production. The industry has responded with an increasingly outward-looking and export-orientated approach, it has preserved all of the thousands of jobs it provides and it continues to make an important contribution to the country’s GDP. The major challenge is to ensure that this stance will become even stronger and will play an active part in the reconstructing of production in the country. The prerequisites for this are the creation of a stable entrepreneurial environment and the formation of a national pharmaceutical policy centered around citizens having unimpeded access to medicines, the provision of products with a high therapeutic value and at the same time achieving savings in expenditure on health-care by implementing restructuring measures. The policy of reducing the price of medicines, which has been applied across the board in recent years, has failed miserably to control expenditure on pharmaceutical products. It has simply transferred the burden to companies and to the patients themselves, with patients’ contributions to the costs of their medicines skyrocketing. The lenders’ insistence, even now, on introducing yet further reductions in prices is remarkable. As well as having very serious consequences for the survival of pharmaceutical enterprises, these reductions imply further limits on public pharmaceutical expenditure. It is now commonly accepted that pharmaceutical expenditure which is limited to 2 billion Euro, a limit which has remained

“fixed” for the last two years, is not sufficient to meet the Greek people’s need for pharmaceutical care. On the one hand it is an undeniable sign of the health care inefficiencies affecting the population, and on the other it leads to distortions in the functioning of the market for medicines in the light of the unsustainable rebates and clawbacks. As representatives of the domestic pharmaceuticals producers we are very well aware of the position the county finds itself in under the lenders’ sword of Damocles. And thus it is imperative that the positive steps already taken by the Government and the leadership of the Ministry of Health are maintained. These steps include the ability to show trade names on prescriptions for medicines for chronic illnesses and generic drugs. On the subject of pharmaceutical spending, establishing vaccinations as an exception is a crucial first step. Firstly because it will give the system some “breathing space” and secondly because vaccination is a part of every country’s social disease prevention policies and can in no way be considered to be a “cost”. Support for domestic pharmaceutical production is one of the Government’s stated aims and is something for which it is waging a hard fought battle with the country’s creditors. This support translates into increasing added value for production, new investments, the creation of new jobs and an increase in exports. It is indeed possible that within five years Greek pharmaceutical products could become the company’s top export and could reach even more than the 85 markets they have already penetrated. As for VIANEX, our aim is, through strategic investment and agreements, to maintain our leading position in the Greek pharmaceutical industry. Concurrently, in order to strengthen VIANEX abroad, we are holding discussions with many multinational companies and we hope that these will soon lead to important new agreements, following in the footsteps of our exemplary cooperation with Eli-Lilly for the production and export of the injectable antibiotic vancomycin to the Chinese market.

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Commercial Manager PCT S.A.

Tasos Vamvakidis PCT’s activities in Piraeus Port

In 2015 PCT has 23 Quay Cranes (5 of which are among the worlds largest)…

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


30 Diamonds

As Commercial Director of Piraeus Container Terminal S.A I would like to talk about of GREECE as the South Gate of Europe and a maritime junction point for transports. That is on what our Company, under the Management of our CEO Capt. Fu Cheng Qiu is working and promoting successfully for the last 5 years First a few words about COSCO COSCO is the number one Company in the world in Bulk cargoes and also number one Company in Logistics in China. COSCO is as well among the world TOP 5 Companies in Containerized shipments with COSCON container Lines and in Container Terminals with COSCO PACIFIC limited. In Greece COSCO Group is being presented by COSCO Greece, Piraeus Container Terminal .A and PCDC a joint venture Company. During 2008 COSCO PACIFIC LIMITED won the international tender for the concession of Pier II AND III OF PIRAEUS CONTAINER TERMINAL. Fluffing the terms of the Concession agreement as from TO 2009 PCT SA managed and operated the Container Terminal of Piraeus. PIRAEUS has a very advantageous LOCATION, it’s a SAFE HARBOUR with natural deep draft and with BOXSHAPE Piers. PCT SA , by investing significant amounts ( approximately 360 M Euro until now in

state of the art infrastructure and latest generation equipment , methodically, and with hard work upgraded the services and productivity and achieved in a short time to attract as Customers very big MARITIME AND COMMERCIAL Multinationals. Furthermore there is a new ig investment in progress of approx. 230 M Euro for construction West of Pier III in the next 2 -3 years. In 2015 PCT has 23 Quay Cranes (5 of which are among the world’s largest) 42 RMGs and RTGs and a substantial fleet of new technology trucks and container handling equipment. As a result of the investment and the hard work PCT succeed to become the number 42 in the world rank TOP 100 Container terminals, when on 2010 Piraeus was not even listed. PCT SA serves now a days more than 5 weekly services from to CHINA and FAR EAST TO of many shipping Lines and Alliances with an important Feeder Network for the BLACK SEA, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA areas. Furthermore via PCDC offers value adding services within its FREE ZONE for intermodal combined transports SHIP / TRUCK / RAILWAY and or Airplane in a 8 days less transit time than the NORTHERN EUROPE Ports. Our goal is to contribute with our best efforts in this NATIONAL STRATEGY and promote GREECE as the Gateway of Europe.


President of the Hellenic Chinese Chamber

Constantine Yannidis

The Hellenic Chinese business collaboration will be more fruitfull in the near future

The Hellenic Chinese Chamber, in its continuous effort to play a central role in the development of business and economic Apostolos Vakakis relations Turnover 454.276.468 between Greece andBEFORE China… PROFIT TAXES 96.956.097

32 Diamonds

THE HELLENIC CHINESE CHAMBER (HCC) is an institutional, non-governmental, non-profit, membership association for Greek corporations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in business affairs with People’s Republic of China, and Chinese corporations engaged in business affairs with Greece. Short info about the Chamber ● Was set up in 1995 ● Operates under Presidential Decree (576/277-95) ● Is widely recognized and respected at the highest level of both Greek and Chinese governments Mission To actively and continuously support the development of business and economic relations between Greece and China so that in the longrun, China becomes in the worldwide scene one of Greece’s major business and economic partners. Objectives ● To stimulate and support trade in goods and services, investment and technology transfer between Greece and China ● To promote the commercial and investment environment of Greece to the Chinese business community and opinion leaders ● To provide practical, professional and value added services to the Greek and Chinese corporations that will essentially support their efforts in developing business in China and Greece respectively ● To become the voice of the Greek business community to both Greek and Chinese governments through direct advocacy and well written and researched papers of both general and specific issues on Greek - Chinese matters Activities The Hellenic Chinese Chamber, in its continuous effort to play a central role in the development of business and economic relations between Greece and China, systematically takes initiatives and implements the following actions: ● Organize business and trade missions to China ● Host high-ranked Chinese governmental and business delegations in Greece and facilitate the development of the appropriate contacts ● Support and participate in important exhi-

bition fairs, business forums, conferences, workshops and seminars ● Support the publication of books, journals and newsletters China is one of the largest investors in Greece, and has poured money into the country at a time when other investors balked. Beijing wants Greece to be its gateway to Europe’s marketplaces. Over the last five years, China has been pouring money into the Eurozone’s most troubled economy at a time when most other investors have stayed away. As a businessman, I can say that there are three ways to make money from China’s economic upswing. You can attract investment so as to secure capital, you can look for cheap suppliers or you can turn to the Chinese market itself. The third option of course involves the greatest risk and thus also requires the most courage. But it will get you the highest returns. More than 1,000 Greek companies have established trade ties with China, mostly in the form of imports from the vast Asian country. But although the number of companies that have entered the Chinese market does not exceed 100, their performance is quite striking. These include S&B Industrial Minerals SA, jewelry and fashion brand Folli Follie, plastics company Plastika Kritis SA, FHL Kyriakidis Marbles and Granites, Coco-Mat mattresses, beauty product company Apivita, Kleeman elevators, Iktinos marble industry etc. Dozens more, including food and wine producers Tyras, Minerva, Ktima Lazaridis, Kriton Artos and Tsantalis, have also established their presence in the Chinese market. Their record so far is very positive. As President at Vitex S.A. the biggest purely Greek coloring (chemical) industry and president of the Hellenic Chinese Chamber, I can say that opportunities are to be found in all sectors: marble, shipyards, mining and mineral processing, jewelry, winemaking, canning, beekeeping, food processing, the export of agricultural goods (particularly olive oil), tourism, education and energy management. The opportunity is here and the relations between Greece and China are closer than ever. Chinese are our friends and collaborators through this difficult situation for our country and people. Let’s make this collaboration and friendship to RISE UP!!!

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Our experts use advanced modeling and data analytics to provide valuable insights to help our customers make the best choices. As a result, they are able to plan ahead and prevent unexpected downtime, maximize turbine performance, and ultimately offer lower energy prices to their customers. Together with leading energy providers, Siemens will continue to do what matters most: harnessing the full potential of wind power.


President of American Hellenic Chamber

Simos Anastasopoulos

Greece is going through its winter of discontent

This is not a time for despair; it is a time for action

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


34 Diamonds

The economy has taken a turn for the worse reversing a mild recovery that started last year. Growth is unlikely to recover anytime soon, prolonging the dependence of Greece on its creditors to help cover domestic obligations and debt. As negotiations with our European partners are dragging on the country has lost its momentum and returned to recession, overwhelmed by increased capital flight and policy uncertainties. The situation in the real economy is even worse as over the past few weeks Greece is covering its obligations and debts by using cash from reserve accounts and thus draining the market from any available liquidity. Obligations to the private sector are piling up and trade is frozen by a lack of credit and demands by suppliers for payments in cash. The prolonged negotiations and the perceived inability to reach an agreement with the institutions have shattered the fragile business confidence in the country. Foreign investors have pulled back and economic uncertainty has returned. This is not a time for despair; it is a time for action. We need to restore confidence in the country and its economic prospects quickly, and the single and most important step towards this direction is to strike a deal with the Institutions. This is not enough for a robust recovery though, as we need to proceed with the

necessary structural reforms that will solve the underlying chronic problems of our economy and will allow Greece to regain its credibility and competitiveness and in turn attract foreign investment. While the efforts to restore confidence in the political and economic environment are continuing, we need to revive the interest of the foreign investment community as the only available means for immediate financing of the real economy. While the government will be exhausting itself to strike a better deal, we need to project the image of the other Greece that is reflected in the healthy and credible private sector. In spite of the difficult situation and unfriendly economic environment there are still companies that are competitive, successful and surviving the crisis. These companies we should advertise, as the best Greek business examples, in order to reverse the image of an inward looking and struggling economy and at the same time encourage local entrepreneurship and instill hope for the future. The Diamonds of the Greek Economy are achieving both these goals, they acknowledge the efforts of the best and promote healthy and successful entrepreneurship, in and out of the country and for that, on behalf of the American Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, I would like to commend and congratulate you for this year’s edition.


Chairman of the German-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Michael Maillis

Extroversion is the only way

A total of 2.500 Greek businesses with 45.000 Greek visitors have participated over the last five years in exhibitions held in Germany and Apostolos Vakakis supported by the Turnover 454.276.468 Chamber PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 96.956.097

36 Diamonds

It is a shared view that the Greek economy is prompted to change course in the next few years. What is initially requested is to implement the necessary reforms in order to become productive and competitive and then access the road to a new productive model. This is the only way for Greece to grow rapidly and to create new sources of wealth and secure jobs. In other words there is no other way than entrepreneurship, extroversion and attracting investments. The economy of our country has to obtain an extroverted identity as soon as possible, in order to be able to stand and gain a dynamic presence on international markets. Only with work, change of mentalities and mainly deep cuts our economy will exploit the strong benefits available to it in several sectors so it can turn page and leave recession behind. For this purpose we are all invited to launch a “revolution” of concepts, a reversal of mentalities, so that soon enough the changes to be promoted, will inoculate society and create a new framework of action away from the “wounds” of over-indebtedness and lack of competitiveness. All these years the German-Hellenic Chamber has never stopped trying to support the extroversion of Greek business in multiple ways. It has been operating as a communication channel for Greek companies that are following a rather extrovert development strategy having Germany, the biggest market in Europe, as their target. Nevertheless Germany is one of the strongest trade partners for Greece. Only in 2014, Greek exports to Germany amounted to 1.7 bil-

lion Euros, registering an increase of 1.67%, but also securing about 7% of the country’s total exports. In order to strengthen the presence of Greek entrepreneurship in Germany the Chamber has started within the last few years numerous programmes regarding cooperation and technology transfer in a multitude of sectors such as tourism, selfgovernment and the agri-food sector. A total of 2.500 Greek businesses with 45.000 Greek visitors have participated over the last five years in exhibitions held in Germany and supported by the Chamber The 83 bilateral chambers operated in other countries but also the 120 offices held by Germany all over the world can be used through the Chamber as gateways for development for anyone who wants to gauge his strength abroad. For the Chamber all outward-looking actions are deemed to be a duty to the country, the hard-working Greeks and everyone who just doesn’t sit back but struggles for the best as well as to the society itself which has been pushed to its limits in the last five years. We will continue on this path - especially now as Europe is turning a new page and is examining policies to support demand having decided to promote a looser and at the same time growth oriented policy with a quantitative easing programme. The opportunity is big and the Chamber relying on its own forces will have to fight its own battle for the country to profit from the positive momentum, in order not to lose this chance which seems to be the last one.

Value through Innovation


H Boehringer Ingelheim, η μόνη πολυεθνική φαρμακευτική εταιρεία που συνεχίζει να διατηρεί εργοστάσιο στην Ελλάδα, υλοποιεί ένα ευρύ επενδυτικό σχέδιο, με στόχο να πραγματοποιείται στην Ελλάδα, η παραγωγή των νέων αντιδιαβητικών δισκίων Trajenta® και Jentadueto®, για τις περισσότερες χώρες του κόσμου. Υπολογίζεται ότι περισσότερες από 27.000.000 συσκευασίες θα παραχθούν στην Ελλάδα κατά την περίοδο 2014 - 2019. Έτσι, η εταιρεία μας, θα συνεισφέρει με ποσοστό πλέον του 2,5% στο σύνολο των ελληνικών εξαγωγών, πραγματοποιώντας ένα άλμα εξωστρέφειας, για την ανάπτυξη και το μέλλον της χώρας μας.

Trajenta-Jentadueto DC001621 /01-2015

Παραγωγή στην Ελλάδα... για όλο τον κόσμο!


President of Greek-Italian Chamber

Dr. Yiannis Tsamichas Acting as a key link for 63 years

Greece, due to proximity, constitutes a prime field for any expansion of economic activities Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


38 Diamonds

The Athens Greek - Italian Chamber of Commerce has been operating since 1952 as the key link between Greece and Italy with regard to the development and promotion of bilateral economic and trade cooperation, as well as for the creation of mutual investments, in support of the internationalization activities of the two countries. Our daily tasks include the presentation of Italian companies looking forward to beginning operations in Greece, as well as support to Greek companies in their efforts to reach the Italian market. In this context, the Greek-Italian Chamber of Commerce took a significant initiative concerning the preparation of the project “Exporting more Greece to 50 countries through 76 Italian Chambers of Commerce”. The aim of the project is the creation of a joint team of actors which will plan, define and jointly implement actions to promote “Made in Greece”. The key partner to this effort is the Central Union of Bilateral Italian Chambers of Commerce (Assocamerestero), with a presence in 50 countries through 76 Chambers of Commerce. This cooperation provides us access to a network of partners specialized in the internationalization of enterprises, not only in Italy but also in most countries of the world. This particular project became very popular, very soon. The respective team consists of: the Panhellenic Exporters Association, the Hellenic Management Association, the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Eurobank, the Northern Greece Exporters Association and the Thessaloniki Greek-Italian Chamber of Commerce. Our participation in significant European projects marks the beginning of 2015. Having already successfully concluded the Erasmus For Young Entrepreneurs program, concerning the mobility of young entrepreneurs within the European Union, we are currently participating in the preparation of the Medneta project, in the context of the European-Mediterranean ENPI CBC program. The Medneta research project, under the coordination of the National Technical University, focuses on supporting the creativity of traditional activities and aims in achieving cross-border dialog and cooperation between medium-sized arts and crafts enterprises and related entities. The main focus are professions and activities that could be a significant factor for the regeneration

of historic cities of the Mediterranean. At the same time, last March, we signed a Special Cooperation Agreement, the implementation of which will commence during 2015, with the purpose of promoting the Region of Western Greece and its products abroad, as well as fostering the strategic development of the tourist product of the region. The Region of Western Greece and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Aitoloakarnania, Achaia and Ilia participate in the said Agreement. In particular, the Agreement provides for the implementation of the “Greek Philoxenia Certified Quality” Project, the strengthening of Greek - Italian bilateral relations and the effective promotion of Greek cuisine and entrepreneurship, the promotion and advertising of Greek biodiversity, countryside and products, as well as the promotion of parallel actions for the protection of the environment. Greece, due to proximity, constitutes a prime field for any expansion of economic activities. According to recent data from the Bank of Greece, Italy is the ninth largest main investor in Greece, in terms of inventory level at the end of the reference year 2012. The fact that major Italian energy companies are interested in investing in Greece is notable; starting from the Eni oil company, which is interested in investing in the natural gas market, the privatization of DEPA, as well as the hydrocarbons market, which - after years of inactivity - is opening in our country. However, the fact that the largest investments in our country in recent years are Italian is a fact that must be noted and stressed, in spite of not being particularly known. Typical examples are the Thessaloniki Metro, where the Italian companies ANSALDO STS, ANSALDO BREDA, SELI, SALINI IMPEGILO have invested more than € 1.5 billion, the company MEDNAUTILUS – TELECOM ITALIA, specialized in construction of Data Centers and delivery of Cloud Services to enterprises, the ELPEDISON power company, with plants in Thisvi and Thessaloniki, GENERALI Hellas, with 150 years of presence in Greece, PIERALISI, MAPEI Hellas and others. All these companies operate in Greece, create jobs as well as goodwill. It must also be noted that none of these companies withdrew from Greece during the hard economic crisis that hit our country.

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President of the Hellenic – French chamber of Commerce and Industry

Christophe Lemarié France and Greece, a close economic partnership

The bonds of friendship between France and Greece have always been strong, in good or bad times… Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


40 Diamonds

France has been one of the strongest friends of modern Greece since its beginnings, as shown by the creation of the French Greek Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 130 years ago this year. It was the first bilateral Chamber of Commerce to be created in Greece, and it has never ceased to play a major role in the development of economic relations between the two countries since then. The bonds of friendship between France and Greece have always been strong, in good or bad times, and the relation between both countries is deep, touching all areas: economic of course, but also cultural, intellectual, and between ordinary citizens. France was one of the main advocates of Greece’s entry in the EU, and later in the Euro. French companies were big investors in the country’s development, especially in the fields of infrastructures, food industry, retail and finance. During the terrible crisis that Greece has endured since 2008, France has supported the Greek government, with help in the negotiations with its international partners, as well as support and advice to help it reform and modernize the Greek economy and institutions. As important, most French companies have maintained their presence and investments. There are today 120 French companies in Greece, employing about 15.000 persons, to which we should add many more who have an indirect presence, through agents and franchises. Greece has many opportunities to offer to

French entrepreneurs. Tourism is obviously the first one that comes to mind, and in this area the potential is huge. Greece offers a combination of natural beauty, great climate, fascinating history and great geographical position that is truly unique. With the right infrastructure investments, the long-term potential is huge. There are other opportunities, though, for potential investors. A well-qualified, multilingual and extroverted workforce, coupled again with a perfect position between East and West, should make Greece a natural regional services hub. Infrastructures, transport, energy, pharmacy, food, pisciculture are all areas where French companies have shown interest, despite the crisis, and the uncertainty that goes with it. The measure in which this interest will translate into investments, and jobs, will depend a lot of what will happen in the next months. To prosper, companies need a stable legal, fiscal and political environment, in which they are able to plan for the long-term. Greece has suffered too much, and still does, from unpredictable political evolutions, hard-to-understand, and to anticipate, tax policies, and unfriendly investment decisions. It is my biggest hope that policymakers will learn the lessons of mistakes past, and address these structural weaknesses, thus allowing dynamic and ambitious Greek companies (of which there are many!) to play their role in the development of the Greek economy.

Καταπολεμώντας τα σοβαρά νοσήματα Στην Bristol-Myers Squibb η δέσμευσή μας να αναπτύξουμε καινοτόμα φάρμακα είναι το ίδιο δυνατή με τη θέληση των ασθενών να καταπολεμήσουν τα σοβαρά νοσήματα.

• Καρκίνος • Καρδιαγγειακά Νοσήματα • HIV/AIDS • Ηπατίτιδα • Νοσήματα του Ανοσοποιητικού • Νοσήματα του Συνδετικού Ιστού • Ανοσο-Ογκολογία


Οι ερευνητές μας εργάζονται καθημερινά για να ανακαλύψουν τις μελλοντικές θεραπείες σε ποικίλους θεραπευτικούς τομείς όπως:


Ambassador of Israel to Greece

Ms. Irit Ben-Abba

We have a Multifaceted Strategy to develop Cooperation in Entrepreneurship with Greece

In 2014, 400,000 Israeli tourists visited Greece

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


42 Diamonds

I am pleased to convey a message to the prestigious “Diamonds of the Greek Economy,” conference, a gathering of the most prestigious and active companies in Greece from the fields of industry, trade, shipping and tourism as well as government officials and business and trade organizations. Statbank and Active Greece Publishing House should be commended for this initiative aimed at presenting the business success stories in Greece, especially during a time of economic crisis. In recent years, common interests have led Israel and Greece to develop a unique partnership in the East Mediterranean region. Our relations are characterized by wide ranging cooperation in politics, economy, defense, energy, academia and science, culture and tourism. In 2014, 400,000 Israeli tourists visited Greece. Many did so on direct charter flights and cruises to the islands as well as to Athens and Thessaloniki, a city with a special historic significance to the Jews both in Israel and worldwide. Innovation and entrepreneurship are two particularly exciting new fields of cooperation between our two countries which we are very interested in expanding. Israel has one of the most developed startup and innovation ecosystems in the world. Innovation has been the driving force of Israel’s economic development during the last three decades. There are more than 5,000 startups operating in the country today. In thirty years, high tech exports increased by 3,700%, from 1 billion to 29 billion dollars. Meanwhile, investment in R&D increased by 223%, from 1.3% to 4.2% of the GDP, which makes Israel the world leader in R&D. Israel has a higher percentage per capita of international investment in Israeli VCs than the U.S. Today, 50% of Israel’s exports are in high tech. Israel has the 3rd largest number of companies trading on the Nasdaq after the US and Canada. Over 250 multinationals, including international powerhouses like Microsoft, Samsung, Google, Apple, Facebook, Deutsche Telecom, Intel, and many others have R&D centers in Israel. For some multinationals their R&D centers in Israel are

their only ones. Israel is a start-up nation with a thriving ecosystem that includes many VCs, angels, incubators and accelerators. In the first quarter of 2015 there were over 1.5 billion dollars of FDI in startups and VCs. 2014 saw a huge inflow of capital amounting to almost 7.3 billion dollars. Last year was also the peak of M+A of Israeli startups into global companies such as google, facebook, and many others. It was the year where Israeli companies registered the biggest number of entries into the Nasdaq. We would very much like to share this knowhow with Greece. We have discovered a vast array of talent in the country as a blossoming startup ecosystem is starting to emerge. The Israeli Embassy is developing a multifaceted program to create close synergies between the startup eco-systems of our two countries. Among other things, the program includes several visits of various Israeli entrepreneurship experts and mentors, a long-term mentorship program, the Start Tel Aviv 2015 competition for young Greek start-uppers, etc. We wish to see the expansion of our economic cooperation in other fields as well including energy, agriculture, water management, medical technology, pharmaceuticals, cyber and homeland security and many other sectors where our two business communities can share ideas and develop new products together. I salute the initiative of the “Diamonds of the Greek Economy” Conference, and wish you every success in the proceedings. We at the Embassy of Israel would be very happy to cooperate and assist in any economic venture that would promote bilateral trade as well as any other type of economic cooperation. We encourage you to surf on the Embassy’s website and facebook to get a glimpse of innovation news from Israel and to follow impressive our activities in Greece and worldwide. We invite everyone to approach the embassy for any information you may need or any ideas you for cooperation you may have. With my sincere appreciation.

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the electricity and gas markets ◆ Indispensable back-up fuel -and not only - for the rapid and solid development

of renewable energy sources (RES) ◆ Essential element for the development of important new gas applications, such as another fuel

in automotive industry or as element for future innovative commercial applications for the production of new energy forms like hydrogen or liquid fuels ◆ Basic tool for the promotion of the European target of «20-20-20» and the European energy policies in general Natural gas is the fuel of choice in the framework of the European energy policy and is considered as the fuel of the 21st century and at the same time the bridge - given the right time horizon - between fossil fuels and renewable energy forms. The implementation of the big energy project to introduce natural gas in the Greek energy balance was set in motion with the creation of the Public Gas Corporation (DEPA), as the vehicle for putting in place the necessary infrastructure and establishing all the other components pertaining to a fledging natural gas industry.

DEPA DEPA was created to drive Greece’s modernization forward. Natural gas had become the key to the nation’s economic transformation; a tool for increasing competitiveness, reducing harmful emissions and cutting down on the country’s petroleum and lignite dependence. We have helped Greece achieve these goals and so much more. By securing and distributing a reliable gas supply via a diverse portfolio of long-term contracts, DEPA provided the fuel for economic transformation. In 1992, with sustained, large-scale investments in the national infrastructure and transmission network, DEPA distributed the fruits of this progress to Greek companies and power producers across the country. Through highly successful ventures with private investors, and the rollout of gas supply companies (EPAs) in 2000-2001, DEPA brought clean natural gas to millions of consumers for the first time. Through strategic, cross-border projects like IGI Poseidon and IGB, DEPA firmly established Greece as a stakeholder in the region’s shared energy future. With every new project, we have exceeded the expectations of our customers and partners. With each passing year, we have strengthened our role as agents for national development. With every milestone achieved, we have proudly looked onward to the challenges and the opportunities to come.

The Greek Market The natural gas market in Greece is young, but growing rapidly, driven by excellent sector fundamentals and an expanding customer base across all segments. Demand for natural gas in Greece has remained strong in the face of an unprecedented economic slowdown—as customers of all kinds choose cost effective, clean gas to power their daily lives. DEPA has been instrumental in developing and managing Greece’s modern natural gas infrastructure, which every day brings energy to millions of Greeks from sources all over the world. DEPA is the importer of pipeline natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Greece. Having provided gas to customers in Greece for more than fifteen years, its market experience enables the optimal coupling between international supply and domestic demand. DEPA’s strategic goal is to ensure sufficient natural gas volumes from reliable and diversified resources at competitive prices. Furthermore, DEPA is supplied with LNG from the global spot market, in order to ensure better prices for its clients, and sufficient supply in cases of increased demand. DEPA also closely monitors and evaluates global trends in the natural gas market —in line with the company’s long-term strategy to further diversify its sources and secure enough quantity at competitive prices— to meet the country’s current and future needs.

Confident in the Future DEPA is well-prepared and well-positioned to thrive in a dynamic market. The energy market, in Greece and throughout the region, is changing rapidly. DEPA sees this as an opportunity. An opportunity to leverage its human resources and physical assets to steer the course of a competitive market—towards greater technological advances, more intelligent infrastructure, and more efficient solutions.

FISIKON Clean, affordable, safe: natural gas is helping more and more Greeks get to where they need to go. Today, 20 million people worldwide rely on natural gas to power their vehicles. In Europe, an estimated 1.5 million people make use of this technology. And these numbers are growing every day. The EU has promoted the use of natural gas in vehicles as a means for countries to reduce dependence on imported oil and protect the environment. DEPA is proud of the work they do to support this transition. The use of natural gas as an automotive fuel makes as much environmental sense as it does financial sense. FISIKON technology – namely the natural gas used as fuel for vehicles – is tried, advanced, safe and offers the same possibilities with the most widely spread choices. As frontrunner in natural gas innovation and environmental protection, DEPA develops infrastructure and implements strategic co-operations aiming at expanding the use of this economical, safe and environmental friendly fuel on the Greek roads, while it is first to introduced Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) stations for public buses and trucks in Athens in 2000. 6 refueling stations are currently operated in various cities all over Greece. Athens: ◆ EKO – 264, Kifisias Avenue, Kifisia ◆ EKO – 8th km of Athens-Lamia National Road, N. Philadelphia ◆ Fisikon refueling station in Anthousa, on the side road of Attiki Odos Thessaloniki: ◆ EKO – 128, Georgiki Scholi Avenue, Pylaia, and ◆ BP – 36, K. Karamanli Avenue, Nea Magnisia and Volos: ◆ BP – 202, Larisis Street One more refueling station is under construction in Larisa and one in Lamia while 6 more are under licensing phase in Athens. There is a big variety of Natural Gas Vehicles in the Greek market:








Sustainability Investing in a Better Future DEPA provides the power to strengthen local economies, while strengthening local communities. DEPA is a company that puts social wellbeing on par with corporate interest. Through social programs and community-based outreach initiatives works to improve the lives of men, women and children throughout Greece. DEPA is proud to support the communities in which does business.

Environment Protecting the Environment From rugged mountains to the crystalline sea, DEPA’s workplace is Greece’s pristine natural environment. Its corporate policies prioritize the protection of country’s beauty, while contributing to the emergence of a sustainable, green gas industry. As Greece’s leading provider of clean-burning natural gas, environmental protection is a fundamental part of company existence. And as DEPA natural gas network continues to expand, we help more and more companies, factories and families reduce their dependence on less efficient and carbon intensive forms of energy. DEPA makes cleaner energy a possibility for millions.

Green Innovation Natural gas is one of the key components towards achieving the goal of a low-carbon future. DEPA wants to contribute and reach this goal faster. DEPA constantly seeking out new ways to harness the power of this incredible energy. This forward thinking attitude has fueled innovation in the transport sector, for example, enabling a growing number of Greeks to power their cars, trucks and busses on natural gas.

Proactive Preservation Environmental friendliness isn’t just about the consumer. At DEPA, we take a more proactive role, ensuring that their facilities, developments and administrative activities adhere to the strictest international standards for sustainable business. And through the most stringent safety protocols in the industry, we take all necessary precautions to preserve Greece’s natural environment for generations to come.



Gabriel Chaleplis Standpoint

We believe in our country and we will continue to exceed ourselves, against all odds, to the benefit of the national economy, our industry and our Apostolos Vakakis fellow citizen. Turnover 454.276.468


52 Diamonds

As I am writing these few words on the 21st of June 2015, another critical week beginning tomorrow for Greece, the world for me is divided in two: There are those who believe in my country and will exceed their effort to drive it forward, and those who are either indifferent, or never believed in it. But I remain an optimist. Because I think that in politics, business and life alike, progress may only be achieved if you reach resolution of “conflicts” among “competitive” perspectives. I also remain proactive against all odds; we may never serve our country, any business or this business, unless we put our efforts in the present; because, naturally, progress resides in the future having its roots in the past. B2B GAMING SERVICES, believes in a uniform European tax and legislative framework for the industry. I think this would prove extremely beneficial for Europe, all relevant parties and the citizens. Unfortunately, Europe is not there yet. Likewise in Greece, “conflicts” have not been resolved as yet; online betting and gaming companies operate under a transitional framework since 2011.

I believe that there is more to be gained for Greece, the industry as a whole, as well as the national economy, if a definite resolution was produced in this respect. As for the safety, security and protection of individuals and society, I am a firm believer of the fact that this is never fully achieved with over-legislation and surveillance; you also have to provide the means for self-protection to the citizens and the end users, being socially responsible. True Corporate Social Responsibility for me, needs to start with education, information and support. It is in our immediate plans to launch THE B2B GAMING SERVICES INSTITUTE FOR RESPONSIBLE GAMBLING & COMMERCIAL GAMING, availing first both to Greece and Europe, a unique industry resource for all parties. Being a strong believer of team spirit, before all else, I consider teamwork as the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results, this applying equally to my country, the industry and the people I work with. If we all serve these values, I believe our future will take care of itself and it will be brighter than ever.






True giant in retail trade

George Koutsolioytsos

Turnover 176.746.376


Folli Follie is a Greek company which designs, manufactures and distributes jewelry, watches and fashion accessories. Folli Follie creates fashion in 24 countries and operates more than 500 outlets worldwide. The company distinguished itself from the beginning, on the strength of its unique jewelry created, using materials such as silver, glass myrano and steel combined with diamonds, all at a very affordable price range for all. Folli Follie presents two main collections each year, autumn/winter and spring/summer, which are enriched during the year with special offers and new creative proposals. The company’s experienced design team consists of leading Italians, Swiss, and Greek designers, who create jewelery, watches and accessories. Emphasis on design is not limited to products, but also extends to areas influencing the company’s image, such as the decoration of stores, presentation of products, packaging, promotional material and, of course, an integrated communication strategy. The enormous and unprecedented success of Folli Follie in the demanding Greek jewelry market prompted the company’s owners to expand its product categories and then branch out abroad. In Japan and China alone, Folli Follie currently operates about 80 and 70 outlets, respectively, while, overall, the company is active in 25 countries with more than 500 outlets. Its presence includes outlets along the most celebrated shopping streets of the most cosmopolitan cities of the world, such as London (New Bond Street), Tokyo (Ginza), Paris (Rue Royale), Hong Kong (Central), New York (Madison Avenue), Dubai, Athens, Beijing, Seoul, and Honolulu. Apart from its flagship stores in strategic locations, Folli Follie products are also available in department stores (shop-in-shop) around the world, such as Isetan and Takashimaya in Japan, Lotte and Hyundai in Korea and Corte Ingles in Spain. Folli Follie maintains direct control of its international distribution network, from production to retail sale, which facilitates direct communication with consumers in an effort to meet ongoing needs and requirements. As for the Greek market, Folli Follie operates over 60 outlets, including stores in Athens and the suburbs, at major shopping centers such as The Mall Athens and Athens Heart, shop-in-shop outlets at department stores such as Attica, the Attica Golden Hall and Notos Galleries, while the company’s products are also available at HELLENIC DUTY FREE SHOPS across Greece.


Contact Details 23rd km Athens-Lamia national highway, 14565, Athens Tel.: + 30 210 6241000 Fax: +30 210 6241100 Εmail: Website:

54 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Own Equity Liabilities

FOLLI - FOLLIE S.A. 2012 2013 407.937.451,00 € 176.746.376,00 € -3.291.177,00 € 459.605.334,00 € 188.788.536,00 € 80.413.457,00 € 102.599.003,00 € 561.210.664,00 € 823.106.949,00 € 246.980.151,00 €

Change (%) -56,7 -57,4 451,6 -70,0

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Telecommunications Commercial


Millions of customers in three countries

Michalis Tsamaz

Turnover 1.280.964.000

Millions of customers, a market presence in 3 countries, steady progress based on innovation and the passion of the Group’s thousands of employees stand as the hallmarks of COSMOTE’s world in the current era. As a member of the OTE Group of Companies since 1998, COSMOTE has not only managed to conquer the leading position in the Greek mobile telephony market but also to establish itself as one of the biggest mobile operators in SE Europe. COSMOTE launched its commercial operations in Greece in 1998, as the third mobile operator in the country, entering the market five years after its competitors. Within a small period of time, the company changed market standards with its commercial policy, while, in record time, built a stateof-the-art telecommunications network that remains one of its major competitive advantages. The Greek mobile market leader since 2001, and increasing its gap versus competition as of 2007, COSMOTE today has a customer base that amounts to 7.5 million. COSMOTE has expanded its commercial reach to the wider region of SE Europe, operating, through its subsidiary firms AMC, in Albania, and Telekom Romania Mobile Communications in Romania. Τhe backbone of the group’s commercial network in Greece and Romania is GERMANOS, the most successful telecommunications retail chain in SE Europe. AMC is enjoying a successful course in Albania, while Telekom Romania Mobile Communications, recording dynamic performance, has more than 6 million subscribers. With the acquisition of Zapp, completed in October 2009, COSMOTE has consolidated its position in Romania, the biggest market in SE Europe. The world of COSMOTE is based on its high-end telecommunications network. Being one of the company’s key competitive advantages throughout its track record, COSMOTE’s network brings the company’s signal everywhere in SE Europe. The company has an impressive record of very important market firsts: it was the first to provide high speed broadband services HSDPA, among the first in Europe to upgrade its network to HSPA+ and the first in Greece – as well as among the first 10 worldwide - that recorded broadband downlink data speeds up to 42.2 Mbps. The company was also the first in the market to commercially launch its 4G (LTE) network. Today, 4G population coverage already exceeds 60%.


Contact Details 99 Kifissias Avenue, 15124 Maroussi, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6177777 FAX:+30 210 2511888 Website:

56 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Own Equity Liabilities

COSMOTE S.A. 2012 2013 1.460.975.000,00 € 1.280.964.000,00 € 461.237.000,00 € 431.398.000,00 € 409.078.000,00 € - 1.966.287.000,00 € 2.377.094.000,00 € 2.784.159.000,00 € 1.824.153.000,00 €

Change (%) -12,3 -6,5 20,9 -34,5


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Gambling Commercial


Monopoly in the lottery sector

Kamil Ziegler

Turnover 3.504.294.000

Established in 1958 and currently holding an operating license until 2099, OPAP SA is active in the organization, operation and conduct procedures for the PROPO, LOTTO, PROTO, PROPOGOAL, JOKER, BINGO-LOTTO, ΚΙΝΟ, SUPER 3, SUPER 4, and 5 from 35 lottery games. The company takes all necessary measures in order to secure strict and unimpeded and conduct of its games. Since 2003, OPAP SA’s headquarters have been located in Peristeri, west Athens. OPAP SA, a member of the European and International lotteries associations, has developed into a group of companies comprised of the following subsidiaries: OPAP Cyprus Ltd was established in 2003 as part of the company’s international expansion strategy into the Cypriot market, offering all its games of chance, except for Stihima. This company also owns OPAP Sports, which was named OPAP Glory Ltd until 2010. OPAP had acquired a 90 percent stake in OPAP Glory Ltd in 2003 and the remaining 10 percent in 2008. The corporate group also owns OPAP International Ltd, established in 2004 in Cyprus, in order to support the company’s strategic expansion abroad and introduce new games and upgrading existing ones. The group also owns OPAP Services SA, founded in 2004 with the objective of providing support services for OPAP’s operational functions and needs, as well as OPAP INVESTMENT LTD, which was founded in Cyprus, in order to organize, conduct and manage all types of games, instant lotteries and betting. In Greece, OPAP operates the sector’s largest retail network, represented by 4,739 outlets in

total. The company posted lofty figures for yet another year in 2013. Total turnover reached 3.5 billion euros from 3.7 billion euros in 2012. Company profit amounted to 190.7 million euros in 2013.


Contact Details 62 Leoforos Kifisou, Peristeri, 12132, Athens Tel.: +30 210 579 8800 Website:

58 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Own Equity Liabilities

OPAP S.A. 2012 3.775.251.000,00 € 644.420.000,00 € 749.603.000,00 € 1.161.702.000,00 € 559.107.000,00 €

2013 3.504.294.000,00 € 190.702.000,00 € 324.412.000,00 €,00 € 467.577.000,00 €

Change (%) -7,2 -70,4 -56,7 -3,1 -16,4


NATURAL GAS Commercial


Playing a major role in the energy sector

Spyros Palaiogiannis

DEPA Group is Greece’s natural gas utility, responsible for the wholesale, trading, transmission, distribution and supply of natural gas. The Group is currently owned 65pc by the HRADF (Hellenic Republic Assets Development Fund - TAYPED) and 35pc by Hellenic Petroleum (ELPE). Through DEPA, the Group is active in the wholesale, trading and supply of natural gas to large endusers. It sells gas under medium and long-term ToP contracts to power producers, large industrial customers and the three existing gas distribution and supply companies, or EPAs. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary DESFA, the Group owns and operates the regulated high pressure gas transmission network and Greece’s LNG re-gasification terminal. DESFA has the right to operate, maintain, manage and develop Greece’s transmission network (NNGS), and is responsible for providing non-discriminatory third-party access to the system. The NNGS is one of the latest natural gas transmission systems in Europe with its main pipeline was completed in 1996. DEPA owns the distribution network of low and medium pressure in the regions of Attika, Thessaloniki and Thessalia and has the right to develop and further exploit distribution networks throughout Greece. DEPA also has a 51pc holding in the EPAs, which are active in the supply of natural gas to residential, commercial and small industrial customers in the regions of Attica, Thessaloniki and Thessalia. The remaining 49pc stake in EPA Attikis is owned by Shell while the 49pc stakes in EPA Thessaloniki and EPA Thessalia are owned by Eni Hellas SpA. Upon their establishment in 2000/01, the EPAs were granted a 30-year concession license allowing them the exclusive right to develop, operate and exploit the distribution networks in their respective areas and supply gas to non-eligible customers.

Turnover 1.591.137.836


Contact Details 92, Μarinou Antipa Ave. GR - 141 21 Heraklion Attiki Tel: +30 210 2701000 FAX: +30 210 2701010 Website:

60 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PUBLIC GAS CORPORATION SA 2012 2013 1.941.651.348,00 € 1.591.137.836,00 € 111.007.624,00 € 156.470.333,00 € 142.142.931,00 € 103.288.426,00 € 1.399.045.160,00 € 1.507.444.518,00 € 1.302.780.702,00 € 941.666.977,00 €

Change (%) -18,1 41,0 -27,3 7,7 -27,7



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A leading commercial and industrial group in Greece

Odysseas Kyriakopoulos

Turnover 103.864.000

Silver & Baryte (S&B) mines and processes bentonite, perlite, bauxite, zeolite, wollastonite and produces continuous casting fluxes and a variety of specialty products for a wide range of industrial applications and markets, thus contributing to modern and sustainable lifestyles. Bauxites Parnasse Mining Co. was founded in 1934 in Fokis, Greece. That very same year, Silver & Baryte Ores Mining Co. SA (S&B) was established on the Greek island of Milos by four co-founders, Euripides Mavrommatis, Elias Eliopoulos, George Eliopoulos and Athanasios Eliopoulos. S&B internal organizational structure is divided into four geographic regions and four market segments. The geographic regions are North Europe, South Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Americas, with responsibility for operations, sales, supply chain and support functions. The four global market departments – Metallurgy, Foundry, Construction and Specialties – are in charge of marketing, global accounts management, business growth and research & development. Through its expansion to the developed world over the last 15 years, S&B evolved from an entirely Greece-focused company to a global group with assets and operations in 20 countries and a diverse community of people from 25 nationalities. In November 2014, negotiations were concluded for one of the largest business deals in the history of Greek enterprises, with the signing of an agreement for the absorption of the Kyriakopoulos family business by the world’s leading mineral company, France’s Imerys. Upon completion of the deal, the Greek company will hold 4.5pc of the French giant and Mr. Ulysses Kyriakopoulos will be a member of its Board. Imerys was founded by the Rothschild family in 1880, under the company name Imetal, and was initially involved in nickel mining and processing. Since then, a series of developments have taken place, leading the group to enjoy today an international presence in 50 countries and in more than 250 industrial regions.


Contact Details 15A Metaxa St, 145 64, Kifissia, Greece PO Box 51528 Tel: +30 210 6296 000 Fax: +30 210 6296 100 E-mail: Website:

62 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

S&B 2012 140.960.000,00 € 5.083.000,00 € 29.171.000,00 € 164.558.000,00 € 207.592.000,00 €

2013 103.864.000,00 € 112.044.000,00 € 34.525.000,00 € 282.066.000,00 € 178.505.000,00 €

Change (%) -26,3 2104,3 18,4 71,4 -14,0


Energy Industrial


Electricity Market Operator in Greece

Anastasios Garis, Chairman & CEO

Turnover 3.112.748.130

LAGIE, wholly owned by the Greek State, is the electricity market operator in Greece primarily responsible for operating the day-ahead electricity market. This mainly constitutes of the following key activities: calculating the quantities of energy for injection and withdrawal to and from the Greek electricity transmission system for every hour of the following day, as well as the ancillary services required by the transmission system operator, in accordance with the Electricity Transaction Code, calculating the hourly system marginal price of the day-ahead market which constitutes a component of the electricity wholesale price, clearing and settling monetary transactions within the framework of the day-ahead electricity market providing electricity market participants with the information needed in order to participate in the market in a timely and appropriate manner. LAGIE participates in associations (such as Europex) where electricity market operators and electricity exchanges belong, in order to jointly process and formulate guidelines for relative actions, within the framework of EU legislation, towards a cost effective coordination and harmonization of electricity markets across countries and regions. Related to this endeavor is LAGIE’s active participation in the Energy Regulator (RAE) initiative to design and implement the electricity market reforms within Greece aiming above for the most cost effective service to the consumer. In addition to its market operator role, LAGIE enters into electricity sales contracts in accordance with the requirements of Article 12 of Law 3468/2006 for electricity generated by all renewables (RES) and high-performance cogenerating units, provided that they are connected to the system either directly or via the distribution system. Under these contractual agreements, LAGIE settles the payments provided and recovers the amounts paid in accordance with the provisions of Article 143 of Law 4001/2011.


Contact Details KASTOROS 72, PEIRAEUS, 18545, GREECE Tel.: +30-211-880-0700 Fax: +30-211-880-6766 Email: Website:

64 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

OPERATOR OF ELECTRICITY MARKET SA 2012 2013 3.872.422.138,00 € 3.112.748.130,00 € -163.559.063,00 € 95.306.615,00 € -372.848.633,92 € -824770064 -322.036.421,00 € -227.363.901,00 € 839.154.576,00 € 1.469.245.997,00 €

Change (%) -19,6 75,1


Transportation Commercial

Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”

Welcome to the Athens International Airport!

Dr Yiannis N. Paraschis CEO

Turnover 272.035.603


Contact Details SPATA 19019 Tel.: +30 2103531000 Fax: +30 2103530001 Email: Website:

66 Diamonds

March 28th, 2001 marked the onset of a new era for air transport in Greece, with the opening of the Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”, which contributed to the transformation of the capital with one of the most modern, functional and safest airport in the world. Athens International Airport S.A. (AIA) was established in 1996 as a Public-Private Partnership with a 30-year B.O.O.T. (Build - Own - Operate - Transfer) concession to build and operate the airport and has undertaken successfully a series of very important roles, i.e. manager of the airport, employer and responsible corporate citizen. AIA is a privately managed company, with the Greek State holding 55% of shares, while the private shareholders collectively hold 45%. Thanks to its favourable geographical location at the cross-roads of three continents, state-of-the art infrastructure and top-notch service, the Athens International Airport has earned the trust of passengers, as well as numerous international distinctions and awards. Today, it constitutes one of the major gateways to South-Eastern Europe and forms a unique entrepreneurial entity of economic and social development in the Attica basin. Over 13,000 people are employed as part of the airport community which consists of more than 300 companies closely connected to the Airport Company while the Athens Airport City is one of the biggest employment engines in Greece, contributing to the national and local economy by 2.63% of the GDP, as per the Athens University of Economics and Business relevant study (2013). During its 14 years of successful operations the airport served more than 200 million passengers through 2.5 million flights. AIA, however, is far more than just a gateway to South-Eastern Europe; aiming at continuous growth, AIA develops its extensive real estate assets, conducts large-scale commercial activities and exports the company’s pioneering know-how in the IT sector. Indeed, approximately 40% of the company’s turnover and a significant share of its profits come from nonaeronautical activities. Internationally acknowledged as one of the best airports in the world, Athens International Airport offers a wide range of services and facilities, making each moment at the airport a pleasant experience for the travellers, their meeters and greeters and the airport’s visitors. Athens International Airport maintains one of the best airport terminals in Europe, equipped with state-of-the-art systems, featuring user-friendly orientation and comfortable waiting areas. Furthermore, according to the surveys conducted at the airport, our passengers and visitors highly appreciate the airport’s ambience, the courtesy of staff, the fine and exquisite offers of over 120 quality shops, restaurants & cafés in its Airport Shopping Centre as well as the attractive and highly convenient Retail Park which is located within the Airport compound . Athens International Airport S.A. 2013 Turnover 272.035.603,00 € Profit Before Taxes 93.942.047,00 € Gross Profit 163.602.269,00 € Own Equity 412.321.510,00 € Liabilities 813.743.382,00 €


Miscellaneous Commercial


The Biggest Toy Store Chain in Greece

Apostolos Vakakis


In 1986, a new toy store named Jumbo was launched in Athens, offering customers joy, fun and carelessness. Today, 29 years on, thanks to its extensive range of toys and games, the company is the top retail choice for children and adults. Represented by owns 67 stores in Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, and Romania, the company sells games, infant, seasonal items, decorating and stationary items. The company operates 25 stores in the wider Athens area and 28 in the rest of Greece, a further 8 in Bulgaria, 2 in Romania, and 4 in Cyprus. The company believes its retail presence in Greece and Cyprus could reach 64 stores, while its network in Romania may grow to between 12 and 18 stores in the foreseeable future. Jumbo outlets measure an average size of 8,800 square meters. The toy company is constantly expanding and recently signed franchise agreements for 2 stores in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), 2 stores in Albania, and one in Kosovo. The company employs 4,098 persons. Its huge variety of offerings is low-priced, averaging 4.99 euros. In terms of product categories, about 29 percent of sales are generated by toys, 10 percent baby products, 8 percent by stationary products, 24 percent by seasonal and 29 percent by domestic products. The company recently launched a new store in Serres, northern Greece. It also began operating a rented store in Agios Eleftherios, as well two leased stores in Romania, one Timisoara, the other in Bucharest. Recent activity also included the launch of a fourth store by the company in the Cyprus, in Paphos. The company’s trend of increasing financial figures continued in 2014. Total turnover increased to 491.5 million euros in 2014 from 459 million euros in 2013. Pretax profit increased to 99.6 million euros in 2014 from 93 million euros in 2013.



Contact Details 9 Kyprou & Idras St, 183 46, Moschato, Athens, Greece Τel.: +30 210 48 05 200 Fax: +30 210 48 05 212 Email: Website:

68 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Νet worth Liabilities

JUMBO SA 2012 454.276.468,00 € 96.956.097.00 € 223.727.308,00 € 488.229.473,00 € 255.073.971,00 €

2013 459.528.453,00 € 93.213.799,00 € 221,777,239.00 € 534.146.769,00 € 248.609.948,00 €

Change (%) 1.16 -3.86 -0.87 9,4 -2,5


Transportations Commercial


Carrying a record-breaking 10.1 million passengers in 2014

Theodore Vassilakis

Turnover 682.682.720


In 2014, Aegean Airlines and Olympic Air carried a combined 10.1 million passengers, operating a fleet of 50 aircraft. The airline recently announced the go-ahead for an order of seven new Airbus A320s, to be delivered in 2015 and 2016. The airline’s flight schedule for 2015 includes a network of 134 routes: 34 domestic and 100 international ones, in 42 countries, offering a total of 15 million seats, some two million more than in 2014. Aegean is a member of the strongest global airline alliance, Star Alliance. The company was awarded for the fourth consecutive year and fifth time in the last six years, as the best regional airline in Europe for 2014, by Skytrax World Airline Awards. Aegean Group in 2014 posted an increase in its consolidated results, having been positively affected by the expansion of its network and its synergies with Olympic Air. Consolidated earnings amounted to €912 million, an increase of 7pc compared to 2013. Passenger traffic in 2014 rose 14pc to 10.1 million, marking the best historic performance for a Greek airline. Net profits after tax rose to €80.2 million compared to €52.5 million in 2013. After tax profits include the positive effect on a non-recurring tax provision of €11.7 million. The Group’s operating cash flow amounted to €112 million, resulting to a cash in hand and cash equivalents of €207 million as of 31.12.2014 (or €218 million, if investments in corporate bonds are taken into account), in spite of large advances paid for the purchase of new aircraft. Aegean has successfully implemented a plan to renew its fleet with the delivery, since 2007, of new Airbus A-320s/321s replacing 15 Boeing 737-300s/400s. The new Airbus A320/321 aircraft helped the company’s network expansion to include new international routes. Since May 2011, Aegean operates a uniform fleet of jets of the Airbus A320 family. An additional ten Bombardier Q400s and four Bombardier D100s, owned by subsidiary Olympic Air, have been added to Aegean’s fleet since October 2013. Overall, in 2014 the company’s fleet numbered 36 aircraft of the Airbus A320 family (A319, A320 and A321) and 14 Bombardier. As part of its ongoing growth, Aegean in 2014 finalized an order for seven new Airbus A320ceos. Notably, the average age of Aegean’s fleet in 2014 was 6 years.


Contact Details 31, Viltanioti Str., 145 64 Kifisia, Attiki, Greece Tel.: +30 210 62 61 700 Fax: +30 210 62 61 900 Website:

70 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

AEGEAN AIRLINES SA 2012 2013 653.388.410,00 € 682.682.720,00 € -12.618.400,00 € 83.610.000,00 € 25.835.100,00 € 113.055.800,00 € 153.214.470,00 € 212.877.240,00 € 243.943.550,00 € 348.478.910,00 €

Change (%) 4,5 762,6 337,6 38,9 42,9


Transportation Commercial

Attica Tollway SA

Serving a large part of the capital

Leonidas Bobolas

Turnover 162.411.000


Contact Details 41.9 km, Attica Tollway (Attiki Odos), 190 02, Paiania, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6682000 Fax: +30 210 6635578 website: Email:

72 Diamonds

Attica Tollway, locally known as Attiki Odos, is a pioneering project constructed on a concession basis and constitutes one of the biggest co-financed road projects in Europe. It belongs to the first generation of co-financed projects awarded in Greece during the ‘90s and essentially paved the way and laid the foundations for the execution of future successful concession contracts, in Greece and in other European countries. Attica Tollway is a modern motorway extending along 65 km. It constitutes the ring road of the greater metropolitan area of Athens and the backbone of the road network of the whole Attica Prefecture. It is an urban motorway, with two separate directional carriageways, each consisting of 3 lanes and an emergency lane. The suburban railway of Athens has been constructed in the central reservation of the motorway. Attica Tollway constitutes a unique piece of infrastructure, even based on European standards, as it is essentially a closed toll motorway, within a metropolitan capital, where the problem of traffic congestion is acute. Attica Tollway is part of the PATHE road axis (Patra - Athens - Thessaloniki - Evzoni) and connects the Athens - Lamia national toad with the Athens – Corinth national road, by-passing the centre of Athens. Being a closed motorway, it has controlled access points and consists of two sections, which are perpendicular to one another: the Elefsina - Stavros - Spata A/P motorway (ESSM), extending along approximately 52 km, and the Imittos Western Peripheral Motorway (IWPM), extending along approximately 13 km. There are several significant benefits resulting from Attica Tollway. Indicatively, the motorway forms the main backbone that links all the modes of transportation and infrastructures in the Attica region: i.e. road, air, rail and sea. It significantly improves traffic conditions within the capital, by absorbing a significant portion of the daily traffic moving across the Attica basin. The project contributes to urban development and completion of physical planning in the Attica prefecture. It promotes the strategic restructuring of the energy and telecommunication networks, while also contributing to the residential and business development of the remote areas of Attica. “Attikes Diadromes S.A.” was founded in 1999 and has undertaken the operation and maintenance of Attica Tollway. In 2014, total turnover fell to 159.7 million euros from 162.4 million euros in 2103. Pretax profit also slid, falling by 21.29 percent, to 54.1 million euros in 2014 from 68.7 million euros in 2013.

ATTIKI TOLLWAY SA 2012 Turnover 175.444.000 Profit Before Taxes 63.933.000 Gross Profit 64.324.000 Net Worth 543.199.000 Liabilities 739.073.000

2013 Change (%) 162.411.000 -7,4 68.708.000 7,5 66.547.000 3,5 479.736.000 -11,7 625.053.000 -15,43


Travel retail Commercial


High quality at the lowest possible prices

Turnover 266.347.000


Hellenic Duty Free Shops SA was founded in January, 1979. The company operates in the travel retail industry, providing travelers passing through Greece’s exit points with the opportunity to purchase products from a wide selection of original, brand name products. The shops offer a vast range of genuine, brand name items, including perfumes and cosmetics, wines and spirits, tobacco products, confectionery, traditional Greek products, luxury items, clothing, and souvenirs. Brand name goods from Bvlgari, Folli-Follie, Links of London, Juicy Couture, Ermenegildo Zegna, UGG, Victoria’s Secret Beauty & Accessories, Armani Jeans, Boggi, Trussardi, Gant, Marasil, Korres, Mastiha Shop, Swatch and many more, are offered. The products are 100% authentic. All items are purchased by the company directly from suppliers abroad, without middlemen or representatives. This ensures quality, authenticity and low prices for the products sold. Starting out in 1979 with two sales outlets, it now operates an extensive network of 111 shops at 44 points throughout Greece (22 airports, 11 border stations, 11 ports). Hellenic Duty Free Shops S.A. owns the subsidiary Hellenic distributions SA which was founded in September, 2000. Today, the company operates an extensive network of stores in airports and ports across Greece. It has been active in on-board ship handling and the duty free wholesaling sector since 2005. More specifically, the company supplies and distributes products by world-famous brands to cruise ships, ferryboats, cargo vessels, ship chandlers, the military forces, and embassies, among others. It ranks as its sector’s leading company in Greece, focusing its activities on the merchandising of tobacco, cigars, wines, liquors, perfumes and cosmetics, confectionery, sunglasses, watches toiletries, accessories, and so on. Furthermore, it is the exclusive distributor of PHILIP MORRIS, PAPASTRATOS, PERNOD RICARD, HERSHEY’S, WORLD BRANDS DUTY FREE, WILLIAM GRANT’S, IAN MACLEOD, QUALITY SPIRITS INTERNATIONAL, MONUS Doo, NEMIROFF, EFE ALKOLLU, IMPERIAL TOBACCO, PHOENICIA FEREOS and FOLLI FOLLIE WINE in Greece. The company’s headquarters are located in Piraeus, Greece’s largest port, where it operates its administrative offices and maintains top-quality storage areas. In 2013, the Dufry Group, a leading travel retail operator headquartered in Switzerland, completed its acquisition of Hellenic Duty Free Shops following a transfer of the company’s 49% equity stake. In the lead-up, the Folli Follie Group had transferred 51% of Hellenic Duty Free Shops stake equity to Dufry. The company posted a total turnover of 266 million euros in 2013. Pretax profit amounted to 63.1 million euros.

Contact Details 23rd km Athens-Lamia national highway, Agios Stefanos, 145 65, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6269400 Fax: +30 210 6269600 Email: Website:

74 Diamonds

HELLENIC DUTY FREE SHOPS SA 2013 Turnover 266.347.000 Profit Before Taxes 63.131.000 Gross Profit 150.069.000 Net Worth 266.937.000 Liabilities 432.064.000


Water supply Industrial

Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP SA)

Offering the one essential drink

Anthony M. Vartholomeos

Turnover 336.154.000

EYDAP is the largest company of its kind in Greece and serves approximately 4,300,000 customers (2,030,000 water meters) while the length of its water pipelines is 9,500 km. The sewerage sector serves 3,500,000 residents with sewers spreading at almost 6,000 km. EYDAP was founded in 1980 after the merge of the incumbent water supplier in Athens and Piraeus “Hellenic Water Company” (EEY S.A.) and the “Greater Athens Sewerage Organization” (OAP S.A.). In 1999, EYDAP took its present legal form, as all of its major assets - dams, reservoirs, water towers, pumping stations and all other facilities that allow water to be transferred safely to treatment plants - were transferred to the company “EYDAP Assets”, thus remaining the property of the Greek State. In January 2000, EYDAP SA was listed on the main market of the Athens Stock Exchange. The company’s operations entail providing water supply and sewerage services; designing, constructing, installing, operating, managing, maintaining, expanding and upgrading water supply and sewerage systems; pumping, desalinating, processing, transferring, storing, and distributing all kinds of water as a means of serving EYDAP’s object; and managing and disposing wastewater treatment products. EYDAP’s area of service is the greater metropolitan area of Athens. However, EYDAP has the right to provide a full range of services in areas beyond its responsibility via subsidiaries and through programming contracts with local authorities. EYDAP has launched an ambitious program of renewable energy utilization. The objective is to contribute to the optimization of the energy balance of the country and society and explore the possibility of expanding to new profitable business. EYDAP’s energy sector involvement concerns projects dealing with hydropower; cogeneration of heat and power, using biogas and natural gas; solar energy projects; as well as energy reduction initiatives. In 2014, EYDAP posted reduced total turnover and profit figures, but they remained at relatively high levels. Total turnover slipped to 336.15 million euros in 2014 from 353.34 million euros. Similarly, pretax profit fell to 61.27 million euros in 2014 from 68.1 million euros a year earlier.


Contact Details 156 Oropou, 111 46, Galatsi, Athens, Greece Tel: 210 2144444 Fax: 2102144159 Website:

76 Diamonds

Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP SA) 2012 2013 Turnover 353.345.000,00 € 336.154.000,00 € Profit Before Taxes 68.097.000,00 € 61.267.000,00 € Gross Profit 150.594.000,00 € 145.585.000,00 € Net Worth 844.174.000,00 € 950.653.000,00 € Liabilities 833.619.000,00 € 700.485.000,00 €

Change (%) -4,9 -10,0 -3,3 12,6 -16,0


Cigarettes Industrial

Karelia Tobacco Industry SA

Market presence in over 65 countries

Andreas Karelias

Turnover 547.827.000

The firm’s roots date back to 1888 when the Karelia family’s first entrepreneurial generation established a small tobacco enterprise in the provincial city of Kalamata, southern Greece. From the 1950s onwards, Karelia has marketed a number of particularly popular cigarette brands that secured a wide distribution network and significant market share for the company on a nationwide level. The company’s headquarters and production facility continue to be based in Kalamata. The firm moved its operations to its present facilities, measuring 80,000 square meters, in 1971. Its sales and marketing department operates from Karelia’s company building in Athens. Nowadays, the Karelia Tobacco Company ranks as Greece’s largest cigarette manufacturer and exporter, and one of the fastest growing independently owned cigarette companies in the world. It operates offices throughout Greece and distributes its cigarette brands to a sales network covering 45,000 sales points. Internationally, Karelia cigarette brands are marketed in over 65 countries, in western and eastern Europe, North America, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and the Far East. Highlighting the firm’s export-oriented nature, Karelia owns five subsidiary firms, of which three are based abroad. One of these, the Karelia Tobacco Company, is based in the UK, and distributes in this territory. In 2008, Karelia founded a subsidiary firm in Turkey, Karelia Tutun ve Ticaret A.S. That same year, Karelia acquired the Backwoods cigar brand from Altadis SA, for the Greek market. It is worth noting that, despite the ongoing economic crisis in Greece, the firm carried out investments worth 3 million euros in 2013 with the objective of increasing production capacity, improving production flexibility, and increasing its export drive. Management is considering making revisions to its industrial structure, a move valued at over 6 million euro. In January, 2014, the firm spent 2.5 million euros on additional personnel costs, which included hiring 35 additional employees. The company proved its dominance yet again in 2014. Total turnover reached 189 million euros in 2014, a marginal 1.8 percent year-on-year decrease. Pretax profit increased impressively, by 40 percent, to 84.5 million euros in 2014 from 60.6 million euros a year earlier.


Contact Details Athinon Street, Kalamata, 241 00 Tel: +30 2721069213, 69002 Fax: +30 2721069080 Website:

78 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Karelia Tobacco Industry SA 2012 2013 459.057.000,00 € 547.827.000,00 € 56.954.000,00 € 60.643.000,00 € 75.718.000,00 € 84.619.000,00 € 262.612.000,00 € 278.625.000,00 € 57.426.000,00 € 66.013.000,00 €

Change (%) 19,3 6,5 10,5 6,1 14,95


Transportation Commercial


Among the country’s biggest infrastructure projects

Turnover 55.553.139


Nea Odos SA has undertaken the study, design, construction, operation, exploitation and maintenance of the Ionia Odos concession project, serving Greece’s northwest. Nea Odos, a joint venture of GEK TERNA, Ferrovial and ACS Group, combines know-how, experience and expertise along with comprehensive knowledge of the Greek reality. Having undertaken an ambitious project of a total budget of about 1.118 billion euros, Nea Odos aims to create contemporary and safe motorways of European standards that will contribute to the overall development and progress of the country. The primary objective is to provide safe and faster transportation conditions as well as high quality services to all Greek citizens. The Nea Odos project, with a total length of 380 km, is divided into two main sections and includes, one of these being the “Ionia Odos” motorway, running approximately 196 kilometers from the end of the Rio-Antirio bridge in Antirrio to Egnatia Odos, near Ioannina, in the northwest. The project’s other main section, PATHE, is a motorway of an approximate length of 172.5 km from Metamorphosi (Attiki Odos freeway in Athens) to Skarfia, beyond Kamena Vourla, north of Athens, plus an additional 11-km stretch connecting Shimatari and with Halkida in Evia, Greece’s second largest island just northeast of Athens. The top priority for Nea Odos is to implement the Concession Project in a technically sound, timely and effective way. For this reason, the company has developed and implements a Quality Management System (QMS) in accordance with the International Standard ISO 9001:2008. The QMS sets objective and measurable Quality Targets, achieved by implementing specific processes. Nea Odos’ commitment to quality is detailed in its Quality Policy. The company’s QMS is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 standard by Bureau Veritas, a leading global organization. Nea Odos is committed to offering a healthy and safe working environment for its personnel, customers and visitors at all its premises. For this reason, the company implements a Health & Safety Management System (HSMS) in accordance with the International OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard. The H&S Management System of Nea Odos S.A. is certified in accordance with the OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard.


Contact Details 13 Sorou St, Marousi, 151 25, Athens, Tel: +30 210 3447300 Fax: +30 210 6178011 Email: Website:

80 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Nea Odos S.A. 2012 57.848.649,00 € -8.601.377,00 € 36.092.569,00 € 127.742.147,00 € 188.248.024,00 €

2013 55.553.139,00 € 55.348.737,00 € 35.911.181,00 € 188.360.097,00 € 119.720.806,00 €

Change (%) -4,0 -0,5 47,5 -36,4

Πρωτοπορούµε... ...µε σεβασµό στην παράδοση και το βλέµµα στο µέλλον, ανοίγοντας νέους ορίζοντες για την ελληνική διατροφική βιοµηχανία

Ο,τι καλύτερο για όλη την οικογένεια


Natural gas Industrial

Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator S.A.

Pivotal role in the country’s energy sector The Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator (DESFA) S.A. was founded in March, 2007 following legislation ratified in 2005 for the natural gas market’s liberalization and alignment with an EU directive. DESFA was established as a subsidiary company of DEPA, the Public Gas Corporation. The National Natural Gas System (NNGS) sector was transferred from DEPA S.A. to DESFA S.A. The National Natural Gas System, as defined in article 6 of law 3428/2005, includes the National Natural Gas Transmission System (pipelines with design pressure above 19 barg) and the LNG terminal station on Revythousa, an islet in the Saronic Gulf, close to Athens. Through the transfer, DESFA S.A. acquired the full and exclusive right to the operation, management, exploitation and development of the NNGS. DESFA is also the owner of the NNGS. A presidential decree in 2007 also established procedures for the transfer of personnel for DEPA S.A. to DESFA. In 2010, following a bilateral agreement between Greece and Russia, South Stream – Greece SA was established for the South Stream natural gas pipeline’s Greek segment, as a joint venture between Russia’s Gazprom and DESFA SA, on a fifty-fifty basis. The company’s headquarters are located in the Greek capital’s northern suburb of Halandri.

Konstantinos Xifaras

Turnover 194.122.000


Contact Details 357-359 Messogion Avenue, Halandri, 152 31, Athens Tel.: +30 210 6501200 Fax: +30 210 6749504 Website: E-mail:

82 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator SA 2012 2013 266.501.000,00 € 194.122.000,00 € 112.561.000,00 € 53.619.000,00 € 121.360.000,00 € 76.373.000,00 € 801.132.000,00 € 808.272.000,00 € 746.095.000,00 € 707.322.000,00 €

Change (%) -27,2 -52,4 -37,1 0,9 -5,2

Our own‌..production manager


Engineering Industrial


Workforce of over 2,500 employees in Greece

Evangelos Mytilinaios

Turnover 404.408.000


METKA is a leading engineering contractor and industrial manufacturing group, active within the Energy, Infrastructure and Defense sectors. Over the past decade, METKA has focused its development strategy in becoming an internationally renowned EPC (Engineering­ProcurementConstruction) contractor, and has been recognized for its reliability, flexibility and impeccable track record. METKA is strongly focused on serving the needs of international customers and markets and is active in carrying out major power plant projects throughout Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, with strong emphasis on highly-efficient combined cycle gas turbine technology. The company’s manufacturing operations serve numerous global customers and export products around the world, whereas its industrial facilities, with several decades of experience in complex, high value-added manufacturing, produce equipment and components used in energy production, heavy industry, infrastructure development and defense applications. METKA is part of the MYTILINEOS Group, Greece’s leading independent Energy producer and a strong, competitive European Industrial Group in the sectors of Energy, Metallurgy and EPC Projects. With a workforce of over 2,500 employees in Greece and abroad, the Group’s goal is business excellence, always in accordance with the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility. Apart from its international EPC projects activity, MYTILINEOS Group is also one of the leading groups in Metallurgy and Mining in southeastern Europe and the Middle East, operating Europe’s most important vertically integrated alumina and aluminum production and trading plant. In Energy, the Group is the largest independent electricity producer, with a balanced portfolio of thermal and renewable energy sources. It also maintains a significant presence in the domestic natural gas supply and trade market. METKA’s industrial facilities, located in Greece, occupy a total area of 21 hectares and employ approximately 300 persons. These facilities provide the company with the ability to manage its own specialized tasks, such as the production of steel equipment (tanks, pressure vessels, heat exchangers), structure engineering, sand blasting and painting, cutting, formation and tracing of plates, machining, welding, fabrication, assembly and testing. Combining extensive manufacturing experience, well qualified personnel and high-precision automated machinery, the company’s production facilities meet demanding standards and achieve the highest quality levels. For yet another year, METKA posted exceptional financial results. Total turnover in 2013 reached 404 million euros from 327 million euros a year earlier, a 23% increase. Profit slipped by 8%, to 42.7 million euros from 46.4 million euros.

Contact Details 8 Artemidos, Maroussi, 15125, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 2102709200 Fax: +30 2102759528 Email: Website:

84 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

METKA SA 2012 327.915.000,00 € 46.511.000,00 € 77.143.000,00 € 287.235.000,00 € 355.936.000,00 €

2013 404.408.000,00 € 42.713.000,00 € 79.721.000,00 € 318.803.000,00 € 323.991.000,00 €

Change (%) 23,3 -8,2 3,3 11,0 -9,0


Miscellaneous Commercial

ALFA - BETA Vassilopoulos S.A.

A leading retail company!

Turnover 1.647.330.000


At AB Vassilopoulos, we celebrate more than 76 years of history in the food retail sector. 76 years of leadership and innovation! Our goal is to serve our customers, by offering them a variety of nutritious and safe products, as well as services in combination with affordable prices for all. We are one of the biggest retail companies in the Greek market, with a strong sense of responsibility towards our employees, our associates and our customers. From the opening of our first store in 1939, by the two brothers Gerasimos and Charalabos Vassilopoulos, till today, we are constantly in a development orbit. Some of the most important key dates is the acquisition in 2001 of the company TROFO SA, member of which is also ENA Cash & Carry. The following years we expanded our store network throughout the Greek region with company and franchise stores. In 2008, we acquired the discount chain PLUS HELLAS and expanded our network to the north of Greece with 29 stores. A year later, in 2009, we expanded our activities in the area of Thrace with the acquisition of KORYFI SA. In the end of 2010, we opened the first green store in Stamata, Attica, which is considered as the beginning of a new era of growth and sustainability for AB Vassilopoulos. In 2012, we inaugurated 20 new company stores, under the brands AB Vassilopoulos, AB City and AB Shop & Go. During the same period we also enlarged our franchise network by 7 stores. A major milestone for the company is 2013 when Delhaize Group announced another strategic investment in Greece through the establishment of the Centers of Excellence (CoE). The Centers of Excellence (CoE) are focused in developing specialized software solutions for the retail market, defining technology strategies and managing regional applications and the regional infrastructure. In 2014, we continued our investing program by opening 27 new stores. Corporate Social Responsibility activities are also a main part of our company’s corporate strategy. Each year, through our extensive Corporate Responsibility program “52 Weeks, 52 Actions of feeding and caring throughout Greece”, we focus on a major social problem. During the first year of the program we helped hundreds of fellow compatriots across the country who were having trouble feeding themselves and needed our help. This year, our effort focuses on the support of thousands of children. Faithful to our vision and values, we offer our customers Nutritious, Healthy, Safe and competitively priced products. In parallel, with the dynamic expansion of our stores and the constant implementation of innovative programs, we manage diachronically to maintain our high position in the retail market and in the conscience of consumers as one of the biggest and most credible companies in Greece.

Contact Details 81 Spaton Avenue, 153 44 Gerakas, Attiki P.O. Box 60011, 153 10 Agia Paraskevi Tel.: + 30 210 66 08 000, Fax: +30 210 66 12 675 Website:

86 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Alfa Beta Vassilopoulos SA 2012 2013 1.621.913.000,00 € 1.647.330.000,00 € 44.261.000,00 € 38.083.000,00 € 360.730.000,00 € 355.442.000,00 € 358.589.000,00 € 384.717.000,00 € 504.023.000,00 € 462.559.000,00 €

Change (%) 1,6 -14,0 -1,5 7,3 -8,2


Cosmetics Industrial


Pioneer in Greece’s beauty sector now a Greek multinational company

Nikos Evangelou Turnover 97.373.814


Contact Details 26 Amarousiou-Halandriou, 15125, Marousi, Athens Tel.: +30 2106173000 Fax: +30 210 6197081 Email: Website:

88 Diamonds

The Sarantis Group has been active for over 80 years as one of the leading companies in the production and marketing of consumer products. A pioneering firm in Greece that shaped the country’s beauty sector, Sarantis was founded in 1930 in Istanbul by Gregory Sarantis. It is nowadays based in Athens. The corporate group operates in the sectors of cosmetics and perfumes, personal care products and skin care, household products and health & care products.It enjoys a strong European presence through subsidiary firms in nine European countries, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Czech Republic, Hungary, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, (Fyrom), Bosnia and Portugal, and is export-oriented with products sold to over 35 countries in Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East and north Africa. The company’s power is highlighted by notable partnerships, including a joint venture with Estee Lauder Hellas for the distribution of Estee Lauder products in Greece, Romania and Bulgaria. Sarantis maintains its leading position by creating new products and continuously renewing established products, while also establishing new exclusive licensing agreements for international brands. Fragrances & cosmetics and household products stand as the two main pillars of development for the group, representing 90% of total sales. Most of these categories include privately made items, produced at the company’s two main production facilities in Greece and Poland. The Sarantis Group has a portfolio of over 80 brands, including very well know brands such as Bioten, Carroten, Kolastyna, Orzene, STR8, BU, C-Thru and Prosar. In addition, through exclusive distribution agreements, the group represents a significant number of designer brands with internationally recognizable products such as Johnson & Johnson, Adidas, Playboy, Coppertone and Denim. In the category of health and care, the group produces and represents leading brands in the field of vitamins, nutritional supplements, diagnostic and cosmetic pharmacy, among them Solene and Lanes. Finally, the category of selective distribution cosmetics adds well-known international brands to the group’s product portfolio, including La Prairie, Prada, Nina Ricci, Cartier, Carolina Herrera and Trussardi. The company’s strategy is continuing to generate positive results. In the first half of 2014, sales increased by 4.34 percent compared to the equivalent period a year earlier, reaching 120.79 million euros. Export sales increased by 6.25 percent, representing 60 percent of the group’s total sales, to represent a key aspect in the corporate group’s growth. In the Greek market, sales rose by 1.58%, despite a weak start to the year. Net profit reached 5.05 million euros from 6.32 million euros, while the net profit margin stood at 4.18% from 5.46% a year earlier. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

GR. SARANTIS S.A. 2012 2013 100.670.274,00 € 97.373.814,00 € -516.972,00 € 37.263.574,00 € 43.566.014,00 € 42.775.966,00 € 62.784.819,00 € 103.662.940,00 € 84.652.499,00 € 55.642.721,00 €

Change (%) -3,3 -1,8 65,1 -34,3


Miscellaneous Industrial


Sales in 160 countries covering all continents

Dimitrios Pisimisis Turnover 166.047.747

BIC is one of the most recognized brand names in the world, specializing in manufacturing, distribution, and selling of consumable products in more than 80 countries all over the world. Violex launched its operations in 1952 as a small family-run business owned by the Politis family, manufacturing razor blades for shaving. In the 70s, Anastassios Politis joined Violex’s forces with the French group BIC, which had made major impact with its disposable ballpoint pen. Violex remained a Greek firm, and was renamed Violex BIC. In 1999, the firm was acquired by the BIC group, but BIC VIOLEX remains a purely Greek firm. Nowadays, it is managed globally by Greek executives. Its products are 100 percent Greek. Today, BIC VIOLEX serves as the international centre for the BIC group’s razor blades division and employs 1,200 persons. Seventy percent of BIC’s razors for global market are designed and manufactured in Athens. Therefore, it can be asserted that an entirely Greek product dominates markets in all five continents. Essentially, production procedures of all of BIC’s razor blade shaving products begin in Greece, by a Greek firm that maintains four production facilities in the wider Athens district of Anixi, where the products are designed and manufactured. The location is also home to BIC’s R&D department. Forty patents have been developed there over the past eight years, leading to the supply of new shaving products for the international market. The parent company, Societe BIC SA, is based in France and produces writing products, lighters, and razors with sales in 160 countries covering all continents, from developed to developing markets. Its BIC products are available at 3.2 million retail outlets, while 9,200 persons are employed by the company worldwide. BIC Violex posted increased financial figures in 2013. Total turnover rose by 10 percent to 166 million euros from 151 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit increased more considerably, reaching 36.2 milliion euros in 2013 from 20.2 million euros in 2012, an 80 percent year-on-year rise.


Contact Details 58 Ag. Athanassiou, Anixi, 145 69 Τel: +30 210 629 9000 Fax: +30 2106216808 Website:

90 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

BIC VIOLEX SA 2012 151.503.100,00 € 20.212.423,00 € 47.823.845,00 € 123.777.141,00 € 29.546.061,00 €

2013 166.047.747,00 € 36.288.102,00 € 61.967.058,00 € 133.001.244,00 € 60.155.267,00 €

Change (%) 9,6 79,5 29,6 7,5 103,6


NATURAL GAS Commercial

Thessaloniki Gas Distribution Company SA

Supplying Northern Greece with natural gas

Turnover 140.934.411

The Thessaloniki Gas Distribution Company SA (EPA Thessaloniki) was founded in 2000 with a scope to play a role as a driving force in the dissemination of know-how on the use of natural gas in urban consumption. EPA Thessaloniki is owned by Greece’s Public Gas Corporation (DEPA) and a foreign strategic investor (ENI Hellas spa), with each one holding a stake of 51pc and 49pc, respectively, while ENI Hellas also holds the firm’s management. EPA Thessaloniki holds a 30-year exclusive license from the Ministry of Development for the management of natural gas promotion and supply for customers consuming up to 100 GWh in the wider region of Thessaloniki. Consumption of natural gas in Thessaloniki is projected to reach an annual 215 million cubic meters in 2015, covering all possible consumption sectors (residential, services, industry). Current household natural gas consumption levels (heating, hot water) are considered satisfactory; however, there is great growth potential in the air conditioning and power cogeneration fields, considering the favourable climatic and energy conditions offered in Greece to widely disseminate new uses. More than 35 km of new pipelines and some 10,000 new natural gas supply points were constructed in 2014, in various urban regions throughout Thessaloniki, bringing the total number of supply points to over 190,000 at the end of 2014. Natural gas sales in 2014 amounted to €114 million, posting a drop of 9.8pc compared to €126.5 million in 2013. The drop was mainly due to a drop in the price of natural gas (because of price reductions in oil products), and the application of a discount stipulated in the DEPA-Gazprom agreement. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) stood at €37.27 million in 2014, compared to €41.93 million in 2013, recording a drop of 11.1pc. Operating profits fell to €23.31 million, compared to €28.59 million year-on-year, a drop of 18.5pc. Net profits in 2014 dropped 19.5pc to €17.55 million.


Contact Details 256 Monastiriou & 7 Glinou, 546 28 Menemeni, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2310584000 Fax: +30 2310546365 Website:

92 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

THESSALONIKI GAS SA 2012 2013 169.907.590,00 € 140.934.411,00 € 38.453.685,00 € 29.297.579,00 € 31.020.003,00 € 37.578.113,00 € 266.814.859,00 € 265.302.812,00 € 46.873.993,00 € 48.838.523,00 €

Change (%) -17,1 -23,8 21,1 -0,6 4,2


Road network construction Industrial


Unifying the Peloponnese OLYMPIA ODOS SA was commissioned by the Greek ministry for public works to design, finance, construct, operate and maintain the Olympia Odos motorway for a period of 30 years, beginning in 2008. The consortium’s shareholders are all extremely experienced in designing and implementing largescale challenging projects in Greece and around the world. Six companies hold stakes in the OLYMPIA ODOS SA consortium, these being VINCI CONCESSIONS S.A.S. (29.9%), HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions GmbH (17%), J&P-AVAX Group (17%), AKTOR CONCESSIONS (17%), GEK TERNA (17%) and ATHENA SA (2.1%). The company’s 400 employees are currently providing motorists a high level of corrective maintenance along the road from Elefsina, west of Athens, to Patras. OLYMPIA ODOS SA provides two state-of-the-art traffic management centers equipped with advanced control systems and operating 24/7 to handle emergency calls, collect, analyze and transmit information and coordinate response action both by company means and emergency services, when needed. The company’s patrollers watch over the road network and intervene whenever required in collaboration with the Traffic Police and the Fire Brigade. For immobilized vehicles, towing is provided free of charge in collaboration with a private company. The company also provides a 4-digit emergency number (1025). The company’s personnel and subcontractors carry out preventive and corrective maintenance works, on a daily basis, to road infrastructure – cleaning, fencing, barriers, pavements, tunnels, and drainage. It also operates a toll system, motorway management system (MMS).

Turnover 58.416.404


Contact Details 4 Rizariou, Halandri, 15233, Athens, Greece Tel: 210 68 43 041 FAX: 210 68 43 049 Turnover E-mail: Profit Before Taxes Website: Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

94 Diamonds

OLYMPIA ODOS SA 2012 2013 58,686,678.00 € 58,416,404.00 € -57,719,871.00 € 28,825,097.00 € 32,677,879.00 € 27,868,891.00 € 149,267,219.00 € 203,052,766.00 € 605.869.022,00 € 657.633.911,00 €

Change (%) -0.5 -14.7 36.0 8,5


Pharmaceuticals Industrial


Combating HIV and hepatitis C

Turnover 48.974.726

The US Gilead Sciences is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development and distribution of innovative treatments in areas with demanding medical needs. The company’s research has focused mainly on liver diseases - even the latest discoveries about the complete cure of hepatitis C has establish it as one of the pioneers - HIV / AIDS, cancer and infections. Gilead Hellas has operated in Greece since December 1995. It was originally founded under the name NeXstar Pharmaceuticals Inc. and, in 2001, was renamed Gilead Sciences Hellas M.EPE. Gilead’s offices in Athens provide sales, marketing, regulatory affairs, as well as medical support for its products in Greece and the Middle East. Headquartered in Foster City, California, the parent multinational is active in North and South America, Europe and Asia - Pacific. Founded in 1987, it managed, in less than three decades, to become one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world with approximately 7,000 employees in five continents. Today, its product portfolio includes a number of successes in the therapeutic categories in which it operates, including the full treatment regimen for HIV on daily treatment of patients with a single pill, as well as an oral antiretroviral drug to reduce the risk of HIV development in high-risk adults. The company constantly develops partnerships with members of the scientific and academic community, business and local communities, which have proved pivotal for its efforts, strengthening the ability to develop new innovative drugs. In 2013, company investments in research and development amounted to 2.12 billion dollars compared to 1.76 billion dollars a year earlier. The group invested about 2.3 billion dollars for R&D last year. The group’s Greek subsidiary posted a total turnover of 49 million euros in 2013 from 44.5 million euros in 2012, supported by payments for outstanding amounts by the Greek state, the company’s main customer. Pretax profit rose significantly to 28 million euros from 6.9 million euros in 2012.


Contact Details 2 Rizountos & Thrakis St, Hellinikon, 167 77, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 89 30 100 Fax: +30 210 96 18 260 Website:

96 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

GILEAD SCIENCES HELLAS Ltd 2012 2013 44.366.100,00 € 48.974.726,00 € 6.904.155,00 € 28.071.224,00 € 23.007.734,00 € 11.510.357,00 € -15.197.989,00 € 11.091.686,00 € 70.753.075,00 € 57.856.254,00 €

Change (%) 10,4 306,6 -49,97 -18,2

Λ.Βουλιαγμένης 72 Τηλ: 210 9622840 Κιν: 6932 201803


εταιρικά καταστήματα στην Αττική

η ΓΛΥΦΑΔΑ Λ. Βουλιαγμένης 72 Τηλ: 210 9640801 ΚΟΛΩΝΑΚΙ Πατριάρχου Ιωακείμ 27 Τηλ: 216 7003537 ΒΟΥΛΑ Λ. Βουλιαγμένης 183 Τηλ: 210 8983980 ΑΝΩ ΓΛΥΦΑΔΑ Γούναρη 49 Τηλ: 210 9611210 ΒΑΡΗ Λ. Βάρης 3 & Άνδρου Τηλ: 210 8994544 ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΠΟΛΗ Λ. Αργυρουπόλεως 21 Τηλ: 210 9954005 ΗΛΙΟΥΠΟΛΗ Ελ. Βενιζέλου 112 Τηλ: 210 9954520 Ν. ΣΜΥΡΝΗ 1 Ελ. Βενιζέλου 249 Τηλ: 210 9825770 Ν. ΣΜΥΡΝΗ 2 Ελ. Βενιζέλου 117 & Κασαμπά Τηλ: 210 9323830 ΚΑΛΛΙΘΕΑ Λ. Ελ. Βενιζέλου 88 & Αγ. Πάντων 80 Τηλ: 210 9510330 ΑΛΙΜΟΣ Λ. Ποσειδώνος 61 Τηλ: 210 9836694 ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ 1 Γρ. Λαμπράκη 50 Τηλ: 210 4122266 ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ 2 Ηρ. Πολυτεχνείου 2 Τηλ: 210 4177408

Νο1 αλυσίδα Pet Shop

ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ 3 Πειραιώς 93 & Αμοργού 1 Τηλ.: 210 4836990 ΚΟΡΥΔΑΛΛΟΣ Γρ. Λαμπράκη 106 Τηλ: 210 5690680 ΚΕΡΑΤΣΙΝΙ Λ.Δημοκρατίας 61 Τηλ: 210 4316289 ΚΗΦΙΣΙΑ Τατοΐου 161 Τηλ: 210 8000549 ΜΑΡΟΥΣΙ 1 Λ. Κηφισίας 82 Τηλ: 210 6146130 ΜΑΡΟΥΣΙ 2 Σωρού 19 Τηλ: 210 6105193 ΑΝΟΙΞΗ Λ. Μαραθώνος 74 Τηλ: 210 6219714 ΠΕΥΚΗ Λ. Ειρήνης 51 Τηλ: 210 6127905 Ν. ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟ Λ. Ηρακλείου 420 Τηλ: 210 2817555 ΚΑΛΟΓΡΕΖΑ Λ. Κύμης 31 Τηλ: 210 2713616 ΝΕΑ ΧΑΛΚΗΔΟΝΑ Λεωφ. Δεκελείας 51 Τηλ: 216 8003892 ΑΝΩ ΠΑΤΗΣΙΑ Λ. Ηρακλείου 72 Τηλ: 210 2221311 ΧΑΛΑΝΔΡΙ 1 Παπανικολή 104 Τηλ: 210 6855791

ΧΑΛΑΝΔΡΙ 2 Πεντέλης και Ιωαννίνων 1 Τηλ: 210 6825174 ΒΡΙΛΗΣΣΙΑ Πεντέλης 20 Τηλ: 210 6811082 ΧΟΛΑΡΓΟΣ Λ. Μεσογείων 247 Τηλ: 210 6770470 ΑΓ. ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ Λ. Μεσογείων 390 Τηλ: 210 6001710 ΑΙΓΑΛΕΩ Ιερά Οδός 261 & Λογοθέτη Τηλ: 210 5987258 ΧΑΪΔΑΡΙ 1 Λ. Αθηνών 296 Τηλ: 210 5325300 ΧΑΪΔΑΡΙ 2 Λεωφ. Αθηνών 247 Τηλ: 210 5325009 ΠΕΤΡΟΥΠΟΛΗ Λ. Πετρουπόλεως 88 Τηλ: 210 5055040 ΙΛΙΟΝ Ιλίου 38 Τηλ: 210 2639885 ΓΕΡΑΚΑΣ Λ. Μαραθώνος 64 Τηλ: 210 6616237 ΑΡΤΕΜΙΔΑ Λεωφ. Σπατών & Κολοκοτρώνη Τηλ: 22940 81301 ΠΑΙΑΝΙΑ Λ. Λαυρίου 154 Τηλ: 210 6645661 ΚΟΡΩΠΙ Βασ. Κωνσταντίνου 289 Τηλ: 210 6626857

ΜΑΡΚΟΠΟΥΛΟ Λ. Πόρτο Ράφτη 62 Τηλ: 22990 49120 ΠΟΡΤΟ ΡΑΦΤΗ 37ο Χλμ. Λ. Πόρτο Ράφτη Τηλ: 22990 76743 ΠΙΚΕΡΜΙ Λ. Μαραθώνος 52 Τηλ: 210 6038140 ΠΑΓΚΡΑΤΙ 1 Φιλολάου 8 & Φορμίωνος Τηλ: 216 9002511 ΠΑΓΚΡΑΤΙ 2 Φιλολάου 203 Τηλ: 216 8003888 ΠΕΡΙΣΤΕΡΙ

NEO Λ. Θηβών 171

Τηλ: 210 5732004

Λ. Λαυρίου 44 (21ο Χλμ.) Κορωπί Τηλ: 210 6644761 • Φαξ: 210 6644762 •


Transporting Commercial

Piraeus Container Terminal S.A.

Seeking to develop Piraeus into the Mediterranean’s shipping focal point

Captain Fu Cheng Qiu

Turnover 116.960.319


Piraeus Container Terminal S.A. is a company registered in Greece and a wholly-owned subsidiary of COSCO Pacific Limited, a leading container terminal operator, ranked fifth worldwide. PCT is principally engaged in the development, operation and commercial utilization of the existing Pier II. Its future plans include construction of Pier III, so as to achieve a substantial growth in container handling capacity. PCT develops, maintains and manages container terminal facilities and operations for all types of containers. With the aid of modern equipment, advanced technologies and an experienced workforce, it operates container terminals with the objective of being a gateway and shipping hub in Greece, the Mediterranean and Europe by providing modernized and customer-oriented terminal services. PCT has existing four berths at Pier II, which will be expanded to six berths when Pier III is ready. Pier II’s west-side quay length is 700 meters with a depth of 16 meters, while Pier II’s east-side quay length is 787 meters with a depth of 14 meters. Pier III’s east-side quay length will be 600 meters with a depth of 16 meters. It is scheduled to be launched this year. Thirteen new super post panamax quay cranes will be added to Pier II and Pier III to expand the number of quay cranes from the existing eight units to 21 units thus year. PCT occupies a total area of about 763,998 square meters, with an enormous supporting container stacking area – paved with concrete block and designed for an annual capacity of about 3.7 meters TEUs, when Pier III is ready. The stacking blocks will be served by 24 units of state-of-the-art automated rail-mounted gantry cranes (RMGs). There will be 1,000 plug points for refrigerated containers. The company’s total turnover in 2014 reached 135 million euros, a 15.36 percent year-on-year rise. A total of 116.29 million euros were generated by loading and unloading activity, 8.64 million euros stemmed from storage, 4.46 million euros from shipping and mooring revenues, and 5.45 million euros from other activities. An additional 1.9 million euros were earned by shipping electricity supply fees.


Contact Details Sembo Neo Ikonio, 18863 Perama, Attica, Greece Website: E-mail: Tel: +30 2104099100 Fax: +30 2104099101

98 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Piraeus Container Terminal S.A. 2012 2013 104.300.990,00 € 116.960.319,00 € 19.561.231,00 € 24.582.138,00 € 26.696.129,00 € 33.163.021,00 € 85.506.624,00 € 103.502.340,00 € 190.229.373,00 € 247.145.910,00 €

Change (%) 12,1 25,7 24,2 21,0 29,9

Šartnoise designers


Transporting Commercial


Handling over 16 million tons of cargo per year

Turnover 51.560.097


Thessaloniki port is a European port and the natural gateway for the economic activities of the inland markets beyond Greece. It serves the growing needs of those countries for the import and export of raw material, consumer products and capital equipment. The port is a vital element of the country’s economy while it is also playing a substantial role in the effort of northern Greece and Thessaloniki, the region’s main city, to establish itself as the Eastern Mediterranean’s economic focal point. The port enjoys a privileged position as it is located at the crossroad of land transportation networks. Moreover, Thessaloniki’s port is at a driving distance from the city’s the International “Macedonia” Airport, 16 kilometers away, and just one kilometer from the central railway station. Thessaloniki’s port has a total quay length of 6,200m and a sea depth of 12 meters. It possesses 600,000 square meters of indoor and open-air storage area, as well as modern mechanical equipment for secure and prompt handling of all kinds of cargo - general, bulk and containers. Thessaloniki Port Authority S.A. currently ranks as one of the northern Greece region’s biggest employers, with a workforce of over 600 persons. Overall, more than 2,000 persons are active within the port’s premises every day. The Thessaloniki port handles over 16 million tons of cargo annually – 7 million tons of dry cargo and 9 million tons of liquid fuel cargo - 370,000 TEUs containers, 3,000 ships and 220,000 passengers. The port’s services for the cargo sector are comprised of loading, unloading, servicing and storage of all kinds of cargo - containers, bulk and general cargo - from and to ships, trucks and rail wagons. For ships, the port provides anchoring, mooring, water supply, power, telecommunication supply, and waste management services. As for passengers, the port offers a modern terminal that provides ship and cruise liner passengers with numerous services. The company places major emphasis on personnel and cargo safety, as well as respect for environment protection. Thessaloniki Port Authority S.A. became the Mediterranean’s first port to receive “Port Environmental Review System” certification for environmental issues, granted by the European Sea Ports Organization (ESPO) and the ECOPORTS Foundation. The company posted a slightly reduced total turnover figure in 2013, down by 2.5 percent, to 51.5 million euros. Pretax profit rose by 5.7 percent to reach 24.3 million euros in 2013 from 23 million euros in the previous year.

Contact Details P.O. Box 10467, Dock A, Thessaloniki Port, 54110, Thessaloniki Tel.: +30 2310593121 Fax: +30 2310593121 Email: Website:

100 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

THESSALONIKI PORT AUTHORITY S.A. 2012 2013 52.866.965,00 € 51.560.097,00 € 23.024.165,00 € 24.342.237,00 € 22.576.357,00 € 22.924.773,00 € 145.704.529,00 € 148.454.885,00 € 14.989.987,00 € 16.003.559,00 €

Change (%) -2,5 5,7 1,5 1,9 6,8


Petroleum Industrial


Consolidated turnover in 2013 at 5.1% of GDP

Vardis Vardinogianis Turnover 7.843.683.000


Motor Oil (Hellas) SA is active in the field of refining as well as trading of crude oil products. The company’s refinery along with its supportive facilities and fuel distribution facilities make up the country’s largest privately run industrial operation. The refinery is considered as being one of Europe’s most versatile. This facility, located in the Agii Theodori district of Corinth, west of Athens, produces the entire range of crude oil products, and is Greece’s only lubricants producer. The refinery is equipped with storage facilities whose capacity totals 2.5 million cubic meters, modern dock and loading infrastructure, and is Greece’s only refining facility - as well as one of Europe’s very few - to be certified with Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:2004) and Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2008) standards. Motor Oil is the sole shareholder of Coral SA (formerly Shell Hellas) and Avin Oil, which stand as the group’s basic retail arms for fuel and lubricants through a national retail network of 700 and 530 petrol stations, respectively. The two retail firms hold a market share of approximately 30%, combined. Motor Oil also entirely owns Coral Gas (formerly Shell Gas), a company active in Greece’s liquefied gas market. Motor Oil also holds a 92% stake (with Avin) in OFC Aviation Fuel Services SA, which manages the aviation refueling system and storage facilities at Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”. Furthermore, Motor Oil holds a 35% stake in Korinthos Power SA (the Mytilineos Group controls 65%). This firm operates an electricity producing plant with a 440 MW capacity within Motor Oil’s distillery facilities at Agii Theodori, Corinth. The trading division of Korinthos Power SA began operating in April, 2012. Finally, Motor Oil holds a 16% stake in Athens Airport Fuel Pipeline Company SA. Motor Oil’s sales have enjoyed a continual upward trajectory in recent years, and reached 12 million tons in 2013, setting yet another company record. The company markets its products through a strong sales network and long-term associations with customers. Motor Oil’s sales figures display a clear export orientation that increased in 2013. Company sales abroad, including the shipping and aviation sectors, in over 44 countries, the main markets being Turkey, Singapore, Lebanon, Libya, the USA, Gibraltar, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Cyprus, represented 74.4 percent of total sales. In 2013, the company posted a total turnover of 7.8 billion euros, down from 8.2 billion euros in 2012. Pretax profit fell considerably, to 23.1 million euros in 2013 from 114 million euros in the previous year.

Contact Details 12A Irodou Attikou Street. 151 24, Maroussi, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 8094000 Fax: +30 210 8094444 E-mail: Website:

102 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. 2012 2013,00 € 7.843.683.000,00 € 114.065.000,00 € 23.173.000,00 € 199.584.000,00 € 82.100.000,00 € 480.106.000,00 € 441.000.000,00 € 1.598.218.000,00 € 1.414.756.000,00 €

Change (%) -4,8 -79,7 -58,9 -8,1 -11,5


Construction Industrial


Major player, locally and internationally

Dimitrios Kallitsantsis

Turnover 581.105.000

Having developed milestone projects in Greece, AKTOR SA has established itself as the most powerful construction company in the country offering a broad range of construction services. Aktor is a member of the ELLAKTOR Group, recently ranked 103rd by ENR, a contractor business quarterly, in a list for the top 225 Global Contractors. AKTOR offers high-quality construction work that is developed efficiently, ultimately saving time and money for clients and increasing the company’s profitability. Possessing as a competitive advantage the accumulated experience obtained through its dynamic participation in the execution of the major public infrastructure and building projects in Greece, as well as large private-sector projects, AKTOR is expanding its strong presence in the local and international market, strengthening its position in southeast Europe and the Middle East through a strategically designed expansion policy. Capitalizing on its long-standing, multifaceted know-how in the construction industry and relying on its skillful and specialized workforce, AKTOR’s client base is constantly growing. AKTOR successfully responds to contemporary market demands for excellent quality and high speed in the completion of projects requiring complex technological solutions. At the same time, AKTOR is expanding its activities in new fields, broadening the range of services offered, which is further bolstering its leading in the construction sector. One of AKTOR’s key areas of activity in recent years has been the construction of modern business administration buildings for both the private and public sectors. Ergonomic office spaces, new technologies, innovative design, combined with bioclimatic solutions and building management systems, offer optimal conditions, leading to significant improvement in the quality of business life in general. In 2014, the company posted a total turnover increase to 950.24 million euros from 707.82 million euros in 2013. Pretax profit fell to 6.29 million euros in 2014 from 26.9 million euros in 2013.


Contact Details 25 Ermou, Kifissia, 145 64, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 8184000 FAX: +30 210 8184001 Website: e-mail:

104 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

ΑΚΤΟR SA 2012 473.690.000,00 € 184.606.000,00 € 32.995.000,00 € 427.221.000,00 € 650.568.000,00 €

2013 581.105.000,00 € 22.901.000,00 € 31.809.000,00 € 444.050.000,00 € 675.536.000,00 €

Change (%) 22,7 -87,6 -3,6 3,9 3,8



Acrylic extruded sheets from 2mm to 20mm thick. Ours acrylic sheets have dimensions 2050mm X 3050mm, except special orders. We provide a variety of colors.

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Provides services: -Cut to size -Laser cutting -Router cutting -Thermal bending -Thermo-vacuum forming -Etalbond processing E.SKRIMIZEAS SA




Nestle Hellas SA

Among the world’s biggest food giants

Paul Kiortsis

Turnover 407.469.991


Nestle products first became available in the Greek market in the late 19th century, as imports from Switzerland. Nowadays, the firm’s basic products in the Greek market cover the sectors of baby food, coffee, chocolate, cooking products, breakfast cereals, mineral water, ice cream, instant chocolate drinks, products for professional use, as well as pet food. Nestle Hellas is a subsidiary firm of Nestle SA. The group’s corporate structure in Greece is comprised of Nestle Hellas SA, Greek Cereals Group SA, Nestle Waters, Direct Hellas SA, and Nespresso Hellas. These firms employ 1,000 persons at six locations around the country. Of these, 400 are employed at the company’s Greek headquarters in the Athenian suburb of Maroussi. Also, the firm operates four production plants in Greece, a coffee-producing plant in Inofyta, on the capital’s northern outskirts, an ice cream producing facility in the Athenian suburb of Tavros, as well as two water bottling facilities, in the provincial cities of Vonitsa and Dodoni, both located in northwestern Greece. The firm’s coffee facility in Inofyta is equipped with eight production and packaging lines for Nescafe Classic and the Greek coffee Papagalos Loumidis. The firm’s ice cream facility in Tavros is set up on a plot of land measuring 18,040 square meters with buildings whose total floor space measures 12,046 square meters. The firm’s Korpi mineral water facility, on the outskirts of Vonitsa, aims at supplying consumers with top-quality natural mineral water. The firm’s other water bottling facility in Dodoni, close to Ioannina, northwestern Greece, began operating in 2001, its main activity being the bottling of 18.9-liter bottles. Sixty percent of the company’s total turnover is generated by the four aforementioned plants. Nestle has carried out investments in excess of 30 million euro over the past three years. The firm’s business plan for 2014 included various investments. In 2013, the firm hired 250 young employees, all aged under 30, as an initiative aimed at offering social and economic support. Furthermore, the firm intends to offer 500 young Greeks practical work experience and training in 2016. Nestle exports two local products, Loumidis Papagalos Greek coffee, and Korpi natural mineral water. The company’s financial figures in 2013 remained lofty. Total turnover was reduced slightly, by 6 percent, to 407 million euros from 434 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit fell by 18 percent to 22.4 million euros in 2013 from 27.4 million euros in 2012.

Contact Details 4 Patroklou, Marousi, 15125, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 688 41 11 Fax: +30 210 684 06 49 Email: Website:

106 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Nestle Hellas SA 2012 2013 434.489.267,00 € 407.469.991,00 € 26.712.460,00 € 22.420.111,00 € 239.935.113,00 € 216.631.829,00 € 53.237.483,00 € 63.500.501,00 € 301.718.521,00 € 279.249.115,00 €

Change (%) -6,2 -16,1 -9,7 19,3 -7,4


FINANCE Commercial


High increases in turnover and profit


Hellenic Exchanges – Athens Stock Exchange S.A., or simply “Athens Stock Exchange” (ASE) was founded in 2000. The company’s shares are listed in ASE’s Primary Market category. Following the merger by absorption of ASE, the company’s scope of operations includes the following: to hold shares in companies and enterprises of any legal form whose activities focus on supporting and operating organized capital markets, as well as developing activities and providing services relating to the support and operation of organized capital markets, to companies involved in third parties involved in organized capital markets or support their operation; to organize and support the operation of the securities market, ​​ the derivatives market and other financial instruments (including all products with any reference values) in Greece and abroad. The company owns two subsidiaries: ATHEXClear, an ASE deal clearing company, and ATHEX CSD, a Hellenic central securities depository. The group’s turnover in 2014 amounted to €47.3 million, compared to €81.5 million a year earlier, marking a drop of 41.9pc. Despite the fact that trade considerably increased since 2013, turnover dropped significantly as a result of major share capital increases by banks and public offers that took place last year. The group’s total revenue in 2014, minus the SEC expense, amounted to €45.1 million compared to €79.9 million in 2013, posting a drop of 43pc. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) in 2014 plunged 59.4pc to €24.0 million, compared to €59.1 million in 2013. Consolidated earnings before taxes (EBT), including financial results, amounted to €27.7 million in 2014, recording a drop of 56pc as compared to €63.1 million in 2013. Income tax expense for 2014 was calculated after the tax reform of the funds of all Group companies and amounted to €6.6 million, compared to €17.7 million a year earlier. Net profits after tax dropped 34.9pc to €21.0 million, as compared to €32.3 million in 2013.



Contact Details Athinon Avenue 110, 104 42 Athens, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 3366800 FAX: +30 210 3366101 E-mail: Website:

108 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

HELLENIC EXCHANGES SA 2012 2013 14.961.000,00 € 31.305.000,00 € 15.165.000,00 € 21.774.000,00 € 6.243.000,00 € 22.763.000,00 € 275.990.000,00 € 173.526.000,00 € 8.498.000,00 € 48.592.000,00 €

Change (%) 109,2 43,6 264,6 -37,1 471,8


Tobacco Industrial

Leaf Tobacco A. Michailides S.A.

The largest European tobacco processing group

Alexandros Michailides President & CEO

Turnover 141.178.000


Leaf Tobacco A. Michailides S.A. was founded in Drama, Greece in 1886 by Anastasios Michailides, great grandfather of Alexander Michailides, presently the largest shareholder since 1990. Five generations later the company has expanded to all Balkan countries buying and processing not only Oriental tobacco but FCV and Burley tobacco as well. The company constructed a large facility in Xanthi, Greece for Basma tobacco in the 1990’s. In the same period the company introduced, for the first time in Greece, the cultivation of Virginia tobacco and constructed a threshing plant for Virginia and Burley and storage facilities in Sindos, near Thessaloniki. Since 1992 the Group has developed its international presence with the acquisition and/or construction of production facilities in Albania, Turkey, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Slovakia and Bulgaria. In stages between 1996 and 2003, “Michailides” constructed the largest Oriental tobacco-processing factory in Polykastro, Greece. The Polykastro plant covers 123.000m2 on a 310.000 m2 site with a production capacity of 15 tons per hour, processing Oriental, FCV and Burley and has a warehousing capacity of 50.000 tons. The new Sandanski plant in Bulgaria was inaugurated in January 2011, adding a € 9.5 million investment in the country with production capacity of Oriental and Flue-Cured tobacco of 4-6 tons per hour. The second part of the project is currently under way constructing a new warehousing unit and increasing the warehousing complex to a total of 5.014 m2. In Strumica, FYROM the facility was upgraded in 2011 and in Drochia, Moldova the project of adding modern machinery to the production plant in order to move from traditional to soft drying processing has just been completed. This investment, along with the successful cultivation of classical oriental tobacco in the Moldova region, targets the enlargement of the Moldova tobacco market. Today, Leaf Tobacco A. Michailides Group is the largest European tobacco processing group and the 4th largest worldwide, operating in 6 countries: Greece, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Moldova and India. The Group operates with ultra-modern facilities, industrial installations and storage warehouses, employing 550 permanent and 1.000 seasonal employees. The Group has invested in processing and warehousing facilities to meet customer demands and requirements. In all countries the Group operates in it contracts with farmers directly, adhering to all international and local legislation. Leaf Tobacco A. Michailides Group strives to do business in a legal, ethical and responsible manner. These obligations apply to all companies of the Group and to all the Group’s employees. Our principals are to exceed our customer expectations, to invest in new cultivations and processes, to continue building a sustainable business, to commit to the health and safety of our people and to protect the environment where we operate. Contact Details:

Contact Details 43 October 26th Street, GR 54627 Thessaloniki, Greece Tel.: +30 2310524644 Fax: +30 2310526520 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Leaf Tobacco A. Michailides S.A. 2012 2013 122.873.000,00 € 141.178.000,00 € 990.000,00 € 21.531.000,00 € 36.767.000,00 € 47.742.000,00 € 126.327.000,00 € 129.210.000,00 € 365.413.000,00 € 350.598.000,00 €

Change (%) 14,9 2074,8 29,9 2,3 -4,1

Diamonds 109


Pharmaceuticals Commercial


Dynamic presence in pharmaceutical market’s new-era challenges

Roberto Greco

Turnover 194.599.231


Dynamically present in Greece since the ‘70s, GSK operates in two main areas - consumer and pharmaceutical products. GlaxoSmithKline SA operates under the existing company name following a series of three mergers involving SmithKline and Beecham in 1989, Glaxo and Wellcome in 1995, and Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham in 2000. In the pharmaceuticals sector, GSK sells more than 60 drugs to treat diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, allergic rhinitis, various skin diseases, thrombosis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, ovarian cancer, small cell lung cancer, cervical cancer, metastatic breast cancer, influenza, viral infections, HIV / AIDS, osteoporosis, epilepsy, migraine, Parkinson’s disease, depression, malaria, stomach ulcers, hepatitis B, and also to tackle rare diseases such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia and pulmonary arterial hypertension. In addition, GSK possesses 17 vaccines in Greece to prevent diseases, such as hepatitis A and B, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, seasonal influenza, rotavirus gastroenteritis, cervical cancer and invasive pneumococcal disease. In oncology, GSK is committed to developing innovative products and to continue to discover new ways to help patients receive the curative, preventive and supportive care they need for a better and longest possible life. Furthermore, GSK is a world leader in product development for pandemic influenza. In the area of consumer ​​ products, GSK has non-prescription medicines (Panadol), oral health products (Aquafresh, Sensodyne) as well as nutritional juices (Lucozade, Ribena). In 2013, the company made a significant move for the domestic industry by establishing Greece as a manufacturing and export center through an expansion of its cooperation with FAMAR. More specifically, four additional, non-prescription, products offered by GSK Consumer Healthcare (NiQuitin Lozenge, NiQuitin Patch, Breathe Right and Alvedon) are now prepared in Greece. Total production is estimated to be 12.5 million units per year. A 98 percent proportion of production is exported to 32 countries in Europe and Australia, while the remaining 2% is supplied in Greece. In 2013, the company posted a slight reduction in total turnover, to 194 million euros from 208 million euros in the previous year. Net pretax profit fell by 33 percent to 21 million euros in 2013 from 31 million euros in 2012.

Contact Details 266 Kifisias, Halandri, 15232, Attica Tel.: +30 2106882100 Fax: +30 2106847144 Email: Website:

110 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

GLAXOSMITHKLINE SA 2012 2013 208.547.775,00 € 194.599.231,00 € 31.756.126,00 € 21.232.151,00 € 91.499.323,00 € 75.937.005,00 € 107.102.673,00 € 73.774.653,00 € 40.207.828,00 € 96.203.708,00 €

Change (%) -6,7 -33,1 -17,0 -31,1 139,3


Pharmaceuticals Industrial


Pharmaceutical giant in Greece for decades

Erik Nordkamp

Turnover 282.157.501

The US giant, active in the Greek pharmaceutical market through its subsidiary Pfizer Hellas for nearly 55 years and occupying a leading position in the sector, has displayed a strong presence in the country through significant investments made to support its activity in Greece. Company investments in the Greek market have exceeded 200 million euros. Beyond this, and despite the adverse conditions prevailing in the Greek market, the group has shown its determination to remain active in Greece and also help during this period of crisis both financially and socially. In 2010, the Pfizer Hellas merged with Wyeth Hellas, reinforced its strong position in Greece. Pfizer Hellas was founded in 1960, starting with a modest workforce of 40 employees from its first production unit in the capital’s inner Pagrati district. By 1970, the company had grown and added a new plant in Avlona, slightly north of Athens, to its facilities, creating new standards in the pharmaceutical industry. The company began exporting in 1980. In 2003, Pfizer Hellas captured the market leader position as Greece’s biggest pharmaceutical company, a position it has maintained for years. The company’s development over the past few decades has provided significant benefits to the Greek economy, offering jobs to young scientists, providing training and development opportunities, while also contributing significant sums to the Greek state through taxes and social security fund contributions. The multinational group Pfizer, possessing top products in their respective sectors, and backed by ongoing research and development programs for new products, is a leader in the pharmaceutical industry worldwide. It operates in more than 85 countries having 52 production units, while its products are available in 150 countries. Part of production in Greece is exported to nearby markets, especially Cyprus. In 2013, total turnover at Pfizer Hellas reached 271 million euros, down from 332 million euros in 2012, an 18.4 percent year-on-year decrease. Profit amounted to 21 million euros in 2013, from 28 million euros in 2012.


Contact Details 243 Mesogeion Ave, Neo Psychiko, 15451, Athens, Tel : +30 2106785800 Fax: +30 2106785971 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

PFIZER HELLAS SA 2012 345.984.871,00 € 27.968.511,00 € 85.460.318,00 € 217.766.351,00 € 122.264.906,00 €

2013 282.157.501,00 € 20.737.689,00 € 70.063.625,00 € 235.344.321,00 € 114.197.527,00 €

Change (%) -18,4 -25,9 47,5 8,1 -6,6

Diamonds 111


Pharmaceuticals Commercial


Greece’s biggest biotechnology company

Constantinos Evripides

Turnover 98.881.464


The company was launched in 1997 when current CEO Constantinos Evripides, along with cofounders, the Iakovidis brothers, formed an ambitious pharmaceutical company, Greece’s first to specialize in pharmaceutical biotechnology, at a time when the industry was still at an embryonic stage, internationally. Their vision was to create the country’s best pharmaceutical company in terms of high expertise, innovation and responsible entrepreneurship. From early on, Genesis Pharma managed to establish itself among major Greek commercial companies, including the most important pharmaceutical companies active in the Greek market, with continuously growing sales. Today, eighteen years on, the company stands as the country’s only remaining purely Greek pharmaceutical company. It specializes in the promotion, sale and distribution of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology products, selling over twenty original and innovative pharmaceutical drugs in fields addressing the central nervous system, oncology, hematology, gastroenterology and nephrology, as a result of the company’s collaboration with major multinational pharmaceutical biotechnology enterprises. Biogen Idec and Celgene, two of the largest research and development companies of innovative pharmaceutical products worldwide, based on capitalization, are among the Greek firm’s partners. Their strategic alliance agreements concern the markets of Greece, Cyprus and southeast European region, especially Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia. Genesis Pharma ranks as one of Greece’s biggest award-winners, receiving dozens of awards and certification, from 2000 until the present day, for growth innovation, productivity, and commitment to excellence. Also, it is the only Greek company to have received multiple awards for “Best Workplace” - 12 Greek, four European prizes, and two special awards – while also being the first pharmaceutical company to be distinguished for its performance in the national CSR-CR Index on a steady basis since 2010. Genesis Pharma trimmed its debt owed by Greek public hospitals and the national health system as part of the country’s fiscal restructuring agreement in 2012. In 2013, the company posted a total turnover figure of 98.8 million euros from 182 million euros in 2012. Net pretax profit fell to 20.5 million euros in 2013 from 74.3 million euros in 2012.

Contact Details 270 Kifisias Avenue, 15232 Chalandri, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 877 1500 Fax: +30 210 689 3877 Email: Website:

112 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

GENESIS PHARMA SA 2012 2013 182.274.448,00 € 98.881.464,00 € 74.358.928,00 € 20.584.028,00 € 71.283.804,00 € 48.716.393,00 € 14.161.542,00 € 42.945.250,00 € 263.519.384,00 € 117.817.957,00 €

Change (%) -45,8 -72,3 -31,7 203,3 -55,3


Energy Commercial

EPA Attica SA

Serving over 285,000 households Natural gas supply company Fysiko Aerio Attikis SA, or EPA Attica, was founded in November 2001 as the sole distributor of natural gas for household and professional use in the wider Athens area. EPA Attica operates based on collaborations with leading companies in the energy sector, such as DEPA, the Public Gas Corporation, and Shell Gas. It developed the region’s natural gas distribution system by constructing new networks and supplying natural gas to households and businesses, affordably, safely and reliably. Natural gas is imported to Greece through a high-pressure pipeline managed by DESFA, Greece’s natural gas grid operator. Industrial gas consumers are connected through medium pressure networks, while low-pressure networks serve mostly residential and commercial users. At present, EPA Attica’s gas network in the wider Athens area is comprises of about 3,000 kilometers of low-pressure pipelines covering over 65 municipalities in the region. The network consists of 1,800 kilometers of new pipelines developed from 2002, 700 kilometers that were transferred to the company by DEPA in 2002, as well as 500 kilometers of an old network in central Athens that was gradually updated. EPA Attica nowadays employs about 300 people on its payroll. It serves over 285.000 households, 5.300 professionals, more than 1,200 schools and public buildings, as well as more than 200 large commercial and industrial consumers. The company posted reduced financial results in 2013. Total turnover fell by 18 percent to 171 million euros in 2013 from 210 million euros in the previous year. Pretax profit fell by 25 percent to 19.3 million euros in 2013 from 25.9 million euros in 2012.

Turnover 171.002.180


Contact Details 11 Sofokli Venizelou & Serron, Lykovrysi, 14123 Tel.: +30 2103406000 Fax:+30 2103406020 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

EPA Attica S.A 2012 210.322.252,00 € 25.919.253,00 € 37.052.122,00 € 346.172.398,00 € 73.243.218,00 €

2013 171.002.180,00 € 19.332.109,00 € 30.477.222,00 € 298.911.864,00 € 97.986.080,00 €

Change (%) -18,7 -25,4 -17,7 -13,7 33,8

Diamonds 113


Plaisio Computers IT & OFFICE PRODUCTS Commercial

Strong improvement of profitability for fourth consecutive year When the first Plaisio store opened in a 12m2 area at the center of Athens in 1969 by George Gerardos - who was just a student at that time – only a few people expected that it would become one of the largest Greek companies with more than 1100 employees and a turnover of millions of euros. During the financial crisis in Greece, Plaisio Computers is one of the few healthy Greek companies, with a strong improvement of profitability year by year since 2010, without staff lay-offs, without salary or benefit reductions. Specifically, for 2014 the Company announced: 1. Earnings After Tax more than € 16 m. and earnings per share 73 eurocents, increased by 12,9%. 2. Increased Sales by 5,2% for the full year, with an improved gross profit margin which approximates to 25%. 3. Positive operational cash flows by € 2,3 m., despite the significant increase of the paid taxes and the continued repayment of vendors. Moreover, in 2014, Plaisio was announced the “Retailer of the year” (Direction) and stood out as a “True Leader” (ICAP) amongst 22.200 companies in Greece. The multichannel business model of Plaisio Computers and the systematic investment in the following sectors are the key factors of this continuous success: Infrastructure In 2009 Plaisio Computers founded its HQ – Assembly – Logistics Center in Magoula - Attica, in a proprietary area of 22.500 m2, a total investment of approximately 30 million €. Therein is located the fully automated Logistics Center of the company and 25.000 Office & Technology products. Also, Plaisio operates in Magoula the stateof-art assembly center, with a production capacity of 350.000 Computers yearly, and the main service center. Finally, in the same area operates a 1.200m2 store, and the Company’s Administration Offices.

Costas Gerardos, Vice President & CEO

Turnover 297.548.000


Contact Details Thesi Skliri, Magoula Attica 19018 Tel.: +30 2105587700 Website:

114 Diamonds

Multichannel business model Plaisio operates an integrated network, comprised of physical and digital sales points. Specifically: ➤ 25 physical stores, located in major Greek cities ➤, the largest online store with more than 100.000 unique visitors per day and winner of many awards regarding its interface and innovative services ➤ Special Business to Business department (B2B), which serves 160.000 businesses in a fully personalized way ➤ Call center, 12 hours per day, 6 days per week Manufacturer & Retailer Plaisio is not just one more box mover. On the contrary, the Company operates as manufacturer and retailer simultaneously. Specifically, Plaisio’s highly expertized technicians assembly Turbo-X Computers in the Assembly Center located in Magoula. Turbo-X computers incorporate all the innovative technologies from day-one. In order to achieve this, Plaisio works directly with international leaders in computer components, e.g. Intel, NVidia etc. As a result of the disintermediation strategy, the company achieves the following: first, Turbo-X products have cutting-edge technology from day-one, and second, they are offered at very competitive prices. Brand Building Currently in Greece, the Turbo-X brand, which Plaisio launched in 1986, is No1 in Desktops and Νο1 in Tablets for 2014. Brand building is a key factor for this success, as well as low prices combined with cutting – edge technology. Great attention is paid in product design and marketing, while the product portfolio is constantly enriched as Turbo-X brand enters new categories (TVs, Smartphones, etc.). Finally, Plaisio is constantly investing in TurboX after sales services and as a result, consumers strongly prefer them. Exceptional Service Plaisio operates 21 technical service points in major Greek cities, where all Turbo-X products are checked, upgraded and repaired. More specifically, a total of 80 highly - skilled technicians provide: ➤ Service in 4 hours ➤ Upgrade in 4 hours ➤ Free telephone support (12 hours a day, 6 days a week) ➤ Built-to-Order, so as customers to build their own PC


Holistic customer experience The company constantly invests in the improvement of all channels (stores,, monthly catalogues, B2B, direct sales), so that consumers always enjoy a fresh and up-to-date experience, and innovative and personalized services at the same time. Consumers may find all the new technology products at the best prices. Plaisio operates a special B2B department that serves 160.000 companies - from SOHO to the largest corporation - in a fully personalized way. Finally, the Company launches special magazines rich of technology content, buying guides and tips.

Turnover EBT EAT Cash and cash equivelants Total Debt

PLAISIO COMPUTERS SA 2014 2013 297.548.000,00 € 282.739.000,00 € 22.270.000,00 € 19.448.000,00 € 16.149.000,00 € 14.309.000,00 € 45.115.000,00 € 52.219.000,00 € 9.979.000,00 € 14.263.000,00 €

Change (%) 5,2 14,5 12,9 -13,6 -30,0

Diamonds 115


Supermarket Commercial


Robust Greek firm among its sector’s leaders

Aristotelis Panteliadis

Turnover 700.082.989


METRO S.A. is comprised of two store networks with a total of 104 stores currently in operation; METRO Cash & Carry, a wholesale chain that has 46 stores throughout Greece, and My market, a supermarket chain with 62 stores mainly in and around Attica. METRO has enjoyed an active and strong presence in the Greek market since 1976. The company, created through a collaboration of eight grocers, remains under full Greek ownership. In 1976, the firm launched its first Cash & Carry outlet on Petrou Ralli Avenue in Athens. In 1977, the firm’s headquarters were transferred to Syggrou Avenue, and two years later, the company’s headcount had reached 100. Also in 1977, the company launched its first METRO supermarket in Korydallos, a suburb of port-city Piraeus. The first outlet beyond the wider Athens region was launched in 1990, on the Greek island of Rhodes. In 1994, the company’s headquarters were expanded, while company staff exceeded 1,000 employees. In 2004, the company’s supermarkets were renamed as My market, and were distinctly differentiated from the Cash & Carry outlets. In 2008, the firm opened a state-ofthe-art Logistics centre at Inofyta, slightly north of Athens, with an investment of 35 million euros. The first bioclimatic My market store was opened in 2011 in Kiato, west of Athens, close to Corinth. By the end of 2013, METRO SA had accumulated a total of 103 My market & METRO Cash & Carry stores. The company is currently employing over 4,200 people, while it strives to contribute to the strengthening of the Greek economy and local entrepreneurship. It endeavors to support Greek workers, suppliers and producers, consumers and independent professionals. It promotes smallscale production from every corner of Greece. Highlighting this policy, 115 out of the 1,240 company suppliers are small Greek producers, often very small family businesses. Cooperating with a reputable educational institution (Hellenic Management Association), the company established a personalized training program, the «METRO Academy», according to the standards of postgraduate MBA degrees, with a 152-hour (one year) teaching duration. The program offers training to store managers. The company’s financial results remained steady in 2013. Total turnover reached 700 million euros. Pretax profit amounted to 19 million euros.


Contact Details 1 Sorou st, Metamorfossi, 144 51, Athens Tel.: +30 210 28.93.500 Fax: +30 210 2835030 Website:

116 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

METRO SA 2012 699.422.666,00 € 19.251.166,00 € 78.966.396,00 € 133.466.941,00 € 188.745.428,00 €

2013 700.082.989,00 € 19.072.312,00 € 79.633.549,00 € 114.157.262,00 € 202.116.533,00 €

Change (%) 0,1 -0,9 0,8 -14,5 7,1


Pharmaceuticals Industrial


Export orientation and solid domestic partnerships

Nelly Katsou

Vasilios Katsos

Turnover 161.497.127


Basing its operations on model entrepreneurship with multinational character over its 46-year history, Pharmathen has, over the past year, begun forging robust strategic partnerships with major international pharmaceutical companies to reinforce its presence in Greece and abroad. The company made its mark in the pharmaceutical sector’s international map of innovation with a major R&D department achievement for healthcare products, this being its development of Long-Acting Injectable (LAI) technology. LAI technology is applied to a range of products and contributes drastically to the improvement of the quality of life of patients, as it reduces the amount of injections needed. The development of this innovative technology has led to an agreement with a major US pharmaceutical company for worldwide marketing of two LAI products. In another strategic alliance forged by Pharmathen in 2014, the company established a partnership with UCB to promote the Belgian company’s allergy products in Greece. Also, Pharmathen announced a strategic partnership with Novartis to jointly market, in Greece, two innovative medicines for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). To meet the needs created by these new developments, Pharmathen announced and added fifty new staff members to its workforce. The company invests heavily in research and development. Pharmathen is ranked among the EU’s top 50 pharmaceutical companies, in terms of investment in research. According to the company’s investment plan, investments in research and development of pharmaceutical products will exceed 100 million euros during 2013 to 2018. During extraordinarily difficult times, Pharmathen managed to implement an investment plan, exceeding 40 million euros, for the establishment of a new production plant in Sapes, northeastern Greece. The company employs more than 1,000 employees and has doubled its workforce over the past five years. Pharmathen has achieved average annual growth rates of 12% over the past 5 years. In 2014, its total turnover reached 181 million euros, while for 2015 the company will reach a turnover close to 200 million euros. The company’s export activity represents nearly one percent of the country’s exports, overall. Pharmathen holds more than 65 patents concerning both original and generic drugs, and has been awarded numerous prizes at national and international level. Pharmathen owns three modern research laboratories and two plants, and operates across the spectrum, from development to distribution of pharmaceuticals. It recently established company offices in Jordan and Australia and gained permanent representation in South America, strengthening the dynamics of the specific areas, while its products are approved in all EU markets, in cooperation with the largest pharmaceutical companies worldwide.

Contact Details 44 Kifissias Ave, Marousi, 15125, Athens, Tel.: +30 2106604300 Fax: +30 2106666749 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PHARMATHEN SA 2012 2013 149.321.132,00 € 161.497.127,00 € 10.500.225,00 € 19.038.024,00 € 50.839.728,00 € 64.992.195,00 € 89.015.971,00 € 102.523.852,00 € 83.065.489,00 € 77.832.179,00 €

Change (%) 8,2 81,3 27,8 15,2 -6,3

Diamonds 117


Pharmaceuticals Industrial


Strong profitability in a challenging environment

Turnover 63.004.846

For over half a century the subsidiary of Bristol-Myers Squibb in Greece has managed to transfer to the Greek health system innovation and discoveries of the multinational parent company, which is a global force in the field of biopharmaceutical industry, the main objective being to develop and provide innovative medicines for treatment of diseases such as cancer, HIV / AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic virus hepatitis B and C and cardiovascular diseases. The parent company was founded in 1887 by William McLaren Bristol and John Ripley Myers and was extended to the area of consumer ​​ products beyond the pharmaceuticals sector. Management at the Bristol-Myers Squibb group seeks to help extend and enhance human life by providing innovative medicines to treat serious diseases. It also contributes to significant health initiatives. The Greek subsidiary, which converted to SA legal company status in 2007, has received European awards for its performance and initiatives. Today, Bristol-Myers Squibb ranks among the leading biopharmaceutical companies worldwide. Having adopted a new business model and through in research and development of products, possesses the prerequisites to continue on an upward trajectory. Bristol-Myers Squibb SA Greece supports this process through its own route. The parent company, which places particular emphasis on research, founded, back in 1938, the Institute of Pharmaceutical Research, responsible for the bulk of its investment in research. It operates through five principal locations in the US, which are associated with a network of smaller facilities around the world. In 2013, the multinational company reported turnover of around 16.4 billion dollars from 17.6 billion dollars a year earlier. Its investments in research and development reached 3.7 billion dollars. Earnings amounted to 2.6 billion dollars, from 2.5 billion of 2012. As for the company’s domestic performance, total turnover fell to 63 million euros for 2014 from 82.8 million euro in 2013. Profit before taxes for 2014 were 10.6 million euro, decreased by 42.5%, compared to 18.4 million euro of 2013.


Contact Details 49-53 Attikis & 2 Propontidos, Vrillisia, 152 35, PO Box 63883, Athens, Tel: +30 210 60 74 300 Fax: +30 210 60 74 333 Website:

118 Diamonds

BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB SA 2014 Turnover 63.004.846,00 € Profit Before Taxes 10.606.859,00 € Gross Profit 30.155.205,00 € Own Equity 8.102.384,00 € Liabilities 32.969.228,00 €


Electrical Equipment Commercial

Germanos SA

One of the country’s best-known retail chains

Turnover 365.161.000

Germanos started with a single store in 1980 and, some three decades on, has managed to become a Greek multinational Branch Network Telecommunications Products and Services force. One of the strongest and most established brands in Greece, Germanos operates 350 stores around the country, and also enjoys a dynamic presence in southeast Europe. A member of the COSMOTE Group since October 2006, the company provides technology solutions, products and services that fully meet the needs of consumers. The GERMANOS chain of stores offers services and programs provided by COSMOTE, OTE’s mobile telephony company, as well as OTE’s landline and internet solutions, larger devices and mobile phone accessories. The company holds the highest market shares in the categories of digital products, gaming and consumables. In 2011, some 19 million customers made purchases at the GERMANOS retail network, a 6 percent increase compared to 2010, while service-related revenues increased by 11 percent, quite an achievement amid particularly difficult conditions for the retail market. As for the mobile telephony market, GERMANOS strengthened its customer base, attracted more corporate customers and significantly increased its sales of smartphones. In 2014, GERMANOS remained a key solution for telecommunication needs of Greek consumers. The company’s expertise in retailing, backed by OTE-COSMOTE, the largest telecommunications group in southeast Europe, generated strong results across all countries of operation, despite the negative conditions encountered both internationally and in the domestic market. In 2014, the company posted a total turnover figure of 329.6 million euros, down by 9.7 percent compared to the previous year. Its EBITDA figure reached 13.8 million euros, up by 287.1 percent, mainly as a result of legal expenses covered in 2013. The EBITDA profit margin for 2014 increased by 3.3 percent compared to 2013.


Contact Details 99 Kifissias, OTE Building (Megaron), Marousi, 15124, Athens Tel: +30 210 6177777 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

GERMANOS SA 2012 433,611,000 7,477,000 58,703,000 295,803,000 74,797,000

2013 Change (%) 365,161,000 -15.8 18,291,000 145 59,230,000 0.9 228,048,000 -22.9 176,296,000 135.7

Diamonds 119


Services Commercial

Turnover 72.299.000



Upward trajectory continues for yet another year The Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Thessaloniki SA (EYATH) was founded in 1998, resulting from a merger of two public utilities, OUTH SA, a water company, and OATH SA, a sewage system company. EYATH It is listed on the Athens stock exchange. EYATH’s Information Technology Department operates from the company headquarters in Thessaloniki (127 Egnatia st), where management and control of the central computer systems, telecommunication infrastructure, software and application activities by the company take place. Vertical and horizontal wiring systems at the EYATH building are certified. The company recently completed an upgrade of its entire digital network, installing MPLS technology, combined with leased lines. All active network systems, along with the host system, are housed in special rooms of constant temperature and humidity. The company’s two-layered computer systems are connected to ensure uninterrupted operation. Failure of one layer activates the other, ensuring total safety.Through its business and investment plan, the company is striving to develop and transform into a powerful unit of expertise and entrepreneurship in the region. In 2014, the company posted increased financial results for yet another year. Total turnover rose to 73.6 million euros from 72.2 million euros in 2013. Pretax profit increased by 13 percent, reaching 20.1 million euros in 2014 from 17.7 million euros in the previous year. EYATH SA 2012 73.851.000,00 € 17.624.000,00 € 31.265.000,00 € 136.005.000,00 € 55.087.000,00 €

Contact Details

127 Egnatia st, Thessaloniki, 546 35, Greece Turnover Tel: +30 2310 966 600 Profit Before Taxes Fax: +30 2310 212 439 Gross Profit Website: Net worth Liabilities

Supermarket Commercial

Apostolos Vakakis


2013 72.299.000,00 € 17.730.000,00 € 26.522.000,00 € 143.212.000,00 € 48.316.000,00 €

Change (%) -2,1 0,6 -15,2 5,3 -12,3


Dominating the country’s retail north Diamantis Masoutis SA, a Greek company active in the retail food sector, operates 256 stores, 237 supermarkets, and 19 Wholesale Cash & Carry outlets that cover the Greek regions of Macedonia, Thrace, Thessaly, Epirus, as well as the islands of Limnos and Lesbos. The company employs more than 6,300 staff members. The company was launched by its founder, Diamandis Masoutis, 39 years ago, in 1976, with an outlet in the heart of Thessaloniki, on Krystalli st. Nowadays, the chain of outlets covers northern Greece, where it holds a dominant retail trade position. On a national level, the firm ranks as one of the country’s four largest chains.



Contact Details 14th Km Thessaloniki – Vasilikon road, Thermi, 570 01, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2310 803 803 FAX: +30 2310 803 804 Website:

120 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MASSOUTIS DIAMANTIS SUPERMARKET SA 2012 2013 734.350.000,00 € 738.890.000,00 € 15.394.000,00 € 17.584.000,00 € 162.713.000,00 € 164.030.000,00 € 97.547.000,00 € 106.889.000,00 € 430.345.000,00 € 387.176.000,00 €

Change (%) 0,6 14,2 0,8 9,6 -10,0


Pharmaceuticals Commercial


Return to profitable territory

Μarkos Gerasopoulos

Turnover 224.879.373


Sanofi is a leader in the health sector, worldwide, with multidisciplinary activity, discovering, developing and providing therapeutic solutions focused on patient needs. It has a strong presence in healthcare with seven growth platforms: solutions for diabetes, vaccines for human use, innovative drugs, consumer healthcare, emerging markets, and the veterinary field. Sanofi is listed on the stock markets of Paris and New York City. Its portfolio in the Greek market includes innovative medicines in areas of great importance for public health, aiming at continuous improvement and upgrading of health for Greek patients and direct access to appropriate medication. Sanofi-Aventis, whose history stretches back considerably, offers support to the population’s most vulnerable groups. It produces over one billion doses of vaccines annually, covering about 500 million people. The company is part of a corporate group that is present in more than 100 countries on five continents. It operates 112 production facilities in 41 countries, while its products are marketed worldwide. It employs approximately 112,000 employees and is based in Paris. Approximately 16,500 scientists conduct research at 20 research centers spread across three continents, aiming to discover new innovative medicines. The subsidiary firm Genzyme has stood as a pioneer over 30 years in developing and providing innovative treatments for patients suffering from rare diseases and debilitating diseases, including multiple sclerosis. These objectives are achieved through world-class research and with the help and dedication of its employees as part of the company’s effort to contribute positively to the lives of patients and their families. The revolutionary therapies offered by of Genzyme, marketed in countries around the world, represent some important and life-saving developments in medicine. As part of the Sanofi corporate family, Genzyme benefits from the cooperation and resources of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies worldwide. In 2013, total group sales amounted to 32.5 billion euros and net profit to shareholders reached 3.8 billion euros, while investment in research and development amounted to 4.9 billion euros. Sanofi-Aventis posted a total turnover of 224.9 million euros in 2013 from 259 million euros in 2012, while pretax profit reached 17.8 million euros following a loss of about 6 million euros incurred a year earlier.

Contact Details 348 Syggrou Ave, Ktirio A (Building A), Kallithea, 17674, Athens Tel: +30 2109001600 Fax: +30 2109249129 Website:

SANOFI AVENTIS SA 2012 Turnover 251.955.492,00 € Profit Before Taxes -5.965.617,00 € Gross Profit 101.988.628,00 € Net worth 53.810.298,00 € Liabilities 100.727.067,00 €

2013 224.879.373,00 € 17.836.212,00 € 64.503.653,00 € 73.773.354,00 € 67.000.933,00 €

Change (%) -10,7 -36,8 37,1 -33,5

Diamonds 121




Serving 255.000 customers daily I. & S. SKLAVENITIS S.A., is a Greek company, one of the largest retailer in Greece with 60 years of experience in the retail market. It was founded in 1954 by Spyros Sklavenitis, John Sklavenitis and Miltiadis Papadopoulos, who were initially engaged in wholesaling and the packaging of spices. In 1967, the founders created “TELEXYP”, the first company in Greece that was accepting and delivering phone orders. The success of “TELEXYP” prompted them to create their first retail store in 1969 and to establish their first supermarket in 1971. The company has grown steadily since, following consistently its commercial policy that was based on three pillars: high quality products, friendly service and best prices. Spyros Sklavenitis, the last one alive from the original founders, passed away in March 2006. A few months later, his family took over the shares of the rest of the partners and assumed command of the company, which then operated 36 stores. In the following years, the company expanded its stores network, by acquiring 18 Stores of the “Papageorgiou” chain store (in July 2007) and by establishing till 2014, 56 Stores (in total), in Attica. In January 2015, the company acquired the 60% of the chain Store “Chalkiadakis” shares, in Crete (38 Retail Stores), which was possessed by “VEROPOULOS” company, and the 100% of “Makro Hellas” shares (9 Wholesale Stores in Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos, Irakleio, Larisa, Ksanthi & Patra). The company is recognized for the highest customer loyalty within the retail sector in Greece.

Gerasimos Sklavenitis

Turnover 1.190.661.000

Today, Sklavenitis Group: ● Operates 157 Stores (110 SKLAVENITIS, 38 CHALKIADAKIS and 9 Wholesale Stores MAKRO CASH & CARRY) in 11 cities of Greece ● Employs approximately 10.500 people ● Serves 255.000 Customers on a daily basis ● Cooperates with 8.000 Suppliers


Contact Details 80 Kifisou Avenue, 121 32 Peristeri, Attica, Greece Tel.:+30 2105794200 FAX: +302105151531 Website:

122 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Ι. & S. SKLAVENITIS SA 2012 2013,00 € 1.190.661.000,00 € 14.547.000,00 € 16.505.000,00 € 305.398.000,00 € 295.770.000,00 € 133.818.000,00 € 139.877.000,00 € 613.233.000,00 € 599.282.000,00 €

Change (%) -3,2 13,5 -3,2 4,5 -2,3




A leader in the premium car market Founded in 1982, Mercedes-Benz Hellas SA, is a 100% subsidiary of Daimler AG. The company is the General Distributor of Mercedes-Benz passenger & commercial vehicles smart cars, as well as Mercedes-Benz & Setra buses in Greece. The company is located in N. Kifissia, in an area of 40 ​​ exceptionally organized, functional and environmentally friendly acres. All Sales and Marketing functions for passenger and commercial vehicles, as well as the Center of Technical Support and Training are hosted there. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Hellas SA, is located in the same area, in order to offer a broad range of financial products to its customers. Mercedes-Benz Hellas also owns the Parts Distribution Center in Aspropyrgos and the sales center for used heavy and light commercial vehicles. “TruckStore”. “Mercedes-Benz Stars” is the used car sales business, ran by Mercedes-Benz & smart authorized sales distributors. Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of the company’s culture. Always a pioneer in these matters, Mercedes-Benz Hellas was the first company in the automotive sector to issue a Social Responsibility Report for 2013, while it invested in solar energy by placing photovoltaic panels on the roof of its premises, thus producing power of 302 kW at a surface of 4,000 m2. Moreover, the company is constantly contributing to major cultural, social and sports events of the country with significant sponsorships.

Yannis Kalligeros

Turnover 97.300.116

visit us on & join us on & & &


Contact Details Thivaidos 20, 145 64 Kifissia, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6296500 FAX: +30 210 6296510 Website: E-mail:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MERCEDES BENZ HELLAS SA 2012 2013 75.020.323,00 € 97.300.116,00 € 11.318.185,00 € 16.295.493,00 € 24.777.757,00 € 40.131.542,00 € 24.197.437,00 € 53.324.533,00 € 32.525.994,00 € 26.090.794,00 €

Change (%) 29,7 44,0 62 120,4 -19,8

Diamonds 123


Pharmaceuticals Commercial


Increasing its market share in Greece

Hasseb Ahmad

Turnover 163.594.413


Contact Details

MSD (Merck Sharp & Dohme) started operating in Greece in June, 2010 and nowadays employs more than 230 persons. It is a subsidiary of the multinational Merck & Co group, based in New Jersey, USA, and employing a workforce of 82,000 workers in 140 countries around the world. The enterprise operates under the Merck company name in the USA and Canada, and as MSD in Europe. MSD is the second largest pharmaceutical company worldwide. Although MSD has been officially present in Greece since 2010, when merger procedures with Schering Plough were completed, the latter has operated in Greece from as far back as 1974. In November, 2009 Merck merged with Schering Plough worldwide to create a new company. Today, MSD is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. It occupies a place among the leading 10 companies in the country in terms of therapeutic product unit sales. In Greece, MSD collaborates with VIANEX, improving patient access to innovative and effective treatments. MSD’s product portfolio for Greece includes a range of innovative formulations for therapeutic categories such as respiratory, anesthesiology, arthrosis - musculoskeletal diseases, gynecology (infertility treatments, contraception, menopause), dermatology, diabetes - endocrinology, cardiovascular, the central nervous system, the Infectious Diseases (treatments for HIV / AIDS, HEP C, fungal and bacterial infections), oncology, urinary, ophthalmology, and digestive. The product portfolio also offers therapies for rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, pediatric Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and pediatric ulcerative colitis. MSD and VIANEX promote joint therapeutic products in the categories of atherosclerosis, diabetes and respiratory diseases. MSD also collaborates with FAMAR, while a total of more than 40% of products available on the market are manufactured and packaged in Greece. Notably, MSD discovered the first drugs that are orally administered for hypertension, the first treatment to reduce cholesterol, more than 30 vaccines over the past 30 years, as well as medical therapies for AIDS treatment. In 2013, the parent company posted a total turnover of 44 billion euros. The Greek subsidiary posted a reduced total turnover figure, down by 12 percent, to 163.5 million euros from 186 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit fell more considerably, to 15.8 million euros in 2013 from 44.4 million euros a year earlier.

63 Agiou Dimitriou, Alimos, 17456, Athens, Tel: +30 210 98 97 300 Fax: +30 210 98 97 444 Turnover Email: Profit Before Taxes Website: Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

124 Diamonds

MERCK SHARP & DOHME (MSD) S.A. 2012 2013 186.200.134,00 € 163.594.413,00 € 44.442.612,00 € 15.852.565,00 € 50.127.458,00 € 42.391.935,00 € 14.145.810,00 € 20.573.280,00 € 245.678.051,00 € 234.132.843,00 €

Change (%) -12,1 -64,3 -15,4 45,4 -4,7


Marble Industrial


Export sales exceed 90% of turnover

Turnover 43.765.116


PAVLIDIS MARBLE-GRANITE, an enterprise founded in 1980 by Efkleidis Pavlidis, has since developed into a key producer of white marble in the international market. By applying a vertically integrated structure, the company controls production of final products from extraction to processing for the sale of rough, semi-finished and finished marble and granite products. It specializes in white and semi-white marble and also has a dynamic presence in beige marble. Operating quarries throughout Greece as well as in neighboring countries, PAVLIDIS MARBLE GRANITE’s marble products are applied to large and small constructions in all five continents, enhancing their aesthetic appeal. The company’s industrial facilities occupy an area of 20,000 square meters, set up on a 100,000 square meter plot of land not far from the provincial city of Drama, northern Greece, the country’s focal point of marble mining. It operates branches in Athens and Thessaloniki, ensuring that company products reach urban centers throughout Greece. PAVLIDIS MARBLE-GRANITE’s industrial facilities include three photovoltaic parks with a total capacity of 5 MW, providing energy autonomy to the company with the added advantage of not burdening the environment with 6,250 tons of CO2. The ARISTON, VENUS and GALAXY white marble products stand as the company’s flagship products. The VOLAKAS, SIVEC and THASSOS marble types complete a range of white marble options that satisfy both domestic and international consumer demands. With its KAVALA semi-white crystalline marble, the company offers an exceptionally environmentally-friendly and affordable material for many applications, while the ON THE ROCKS cream-beige limestone has earned its place in the competitive market of beige materials. From the day it was launched, the company has maintained an extremely strong export orientation, with export sales exceeding 90% of its total turnover. Beginning with the demanding construction requirements of countries in west Europe, the company has progressively expanded its activities in both hemispheres with exports to the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Middle East countries, as well as Latin America and the USA. Backed by a multitude of projects worldwide, PAVLIDIS MARBLE-GRANITE constitutes one of the most professional choices for companies undertaking and executing large-scale projects. High-quality standards are unfailingly intact, while the company operates in a disciplined fashion, respecting project deadlines. In 2013, the company posted exceptional financial results for year another year. Total turnover rose by 3 percent to reach 43.7 million euros from 42.5 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit increased by 17 percent to 15.7 million euros in 2013 from 13.4 million euros in 2012.

Contact Details Industrial Area of Drama, Drama, Greece Tel.: +30 2521306100 Fax: +30 2521306110 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PAVLIDIS MARBLE GRANITE SA 2012 2013 42.519.221,00 € 43.765.116,00 € 13.465.945,00 € 15.732.570,00 € 20.383.691,00 € 24.564.069,00 € 51.947.264,00 € 59.164.038,00 € 9.157.310,00 € 17.054.601,00 €

Change (%) 2,9 16,8 20,5 13,9 86,2

Diamonds 125



Elval Group

A worldwide leading aluminium group

Contact Details e-mail: website:

126 Diamonds

The largest Greek aluminum-processing group active in the production and marketing of rolled products and aluminum extrusion. For more than 40 years, Elval has been recognised as a trusted partner and innovative aluminium rolling Group with a broad portfolio of quality products made for the construction, shipbuilding, automotive, packaging, energy, lithography and HVAC markets. Through an established global commercial network across 90 countries and 12 production plants in Greece, Bulgaria, and the United Kingdom, Elval Group exports approximately 90.2 % of its production and is able to offer reliable and competitive solutions that meet the requirements of the most demanding global customers. Elval S.A. has the ability to sustainably produce both wide coils (up to 2.5m) and long slabs (9m) for diverse applications in a number of markets. Having completed a major investment plan in state-of-the-art equipment, the Company is able to operate cutting edge production facilities with an annual capacity of 250,000 tons. Elval’s extensive product range includes aluminium sheets and coils used in construction and architectural applications (side covers and roofs of buildings, floors, blinds, aluminium rollers, flexible tubes and heat exchangers), the shipbuilding and automotive industries (ships, cars, trucks and trains parts, and traffic applications), the food industry (food cans, beer and soft drink cans, closures, and flexible foil containers), among others. With a strong focus on quality and innovation, Elval invests significantly in product development, employee training, and the enhancement of its facilities. Through the Elval Technology centre, a department dedicated to R&D, the Company is able to introduce both innovations in manufacturing processes and high quality products. Moreover, Elval’s strategic partnership with United Aluminum Company of Japan (UACJ Corp.) has allowed it to reach a number of technological breakthroughs. Through this partnership, established in 1988, the Company benefits from significant technical assistance and expertise to support some of the most demanding industrial customers, aluminium dealers and distributors worldwide. Elval aims to further improve its position as one of the most important manufacturers of rolled aluminium products by adhering to the principles of sustainable development, and having an ongoing focus on technology and innovation, employee health and safety, environmental protection and social contribution.


Elval product range

Elval S.A. produces aluminium sheets, coils, and disks for a wide range of applications covering various markets. ● Construction / architectural applications ● Curtain walls ● Composite aluminium panels ● Perforated sheets and coils ● Corrugated sheets ● Polished floors ● Composite polyurethane panels ● Metal roofs ● False ceilings ● Roller blinds /shutters ● Garage and industrial doors ● Window sills ● Guttering ● Water transport systems ● Multi-layered pipes ● Power networks ● Electricity transmission cables ● Renewable energy ● Wind turbines ● Heat exchangers for immersion heaters ● Oil & Gas ● LNG storage tanks ● Automotive industry ● Various internal parts and components ● Heat insulating covers ● Shipbuilding ● Patrol vessels ● Catamarans, speedboats ● Pleasure boats ● Road and rail transport ● Trucks and trailers ● Tipper trucks

Key data

ELVAL GROUP Year 2014 figures Amounts in EUR million

Revenue (turnover) Sales outside Greece EBITDA Operating Results (EBIT) Income (Earnings) before Tax Investments Market presence in: % Sales outside Greece

● Fuel tankers ● Refrigerated trucks ● Cargo wagons ● Buses/coaches ● Special purpose vehicles ● Bus / lorry roofs ● Petrol / oil tanks ● Gas tanks ● Packaging ● Soft drink and beer cans ● Food cans ● Precision valves ● Closure caps ● Heating, ventilation, cooling ● Heat exchangers ● Car radiators ● Air coolers ● Condensers ● Stills ● Oil coolers ● Engineering applications ● Static silos ● Flat screen TVs (LCD) ● Circuit boards ● Light bulb bases ● Communications equipment boxes ● Heat-insulating pipes ● Transformers ● Toolboxes ● Household appliances ● Cooking implements ● Kitchen appliances ● Signage ● Road signs ● Billboards ● Car license plates

1,060 956.40 78.98 31.85 18.61 61.50 90 countries 90.20%

Diamonds 127


Cosmetics Industrial


Steady production in Greece for half a century


Colgate-Palmolive is one of the most famous names in the field of consumer products worldwide. The areas of activity cover almost the whole range of consumer products, while the company is present in more than 200 countries worldwide. Products include some of the most popular consumer products such as Colgate toothpaste and toothbrushes, Palmolive shampoo, and Mennen deodorant. The company figures prominently in the Greek market in terms of sales volume growth and other economic indicators. Colgate was founded in 1806 by William Colgate as a soap-making and candle business, in New York. In Greece, Colgate - Palmolive SA was founded in 1962, with headquarters in Athens, but Colgate - Palmolive products had been available in the Greek market from as far back as 1950. In 1963, the company developed a small soap and toothpaste producing plant in Athens, and, in 1964, signed a contract for a new factory in the Piraeus area. The new facility was constructed in 1966 and 1967, when it began operating. From 1985 to 1995, Colgate-Palmolive Greece restructured its entire production process and strategy, imports of cosmetics and launching a fully integrated facility producing plastic bottles and packaging in 1987. In 1990, it founded a department focused on oral hygiene medical products. In 1994, the company made a significant investment in the real estate market by purchasing the facility it had been using as its main warehouse. Since 1995, the company has implemented an extensive program for the modernization of all its industrial and commercial activities. Between 1995 and 2005, Colgate-Palmolive significantly developed its export activity. The company experienced total turnover and pretax profit decreases in 2013. Total turnover fell by 7 percent to 88.4 million euros from 94.6 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit dropped by 18 percent to 11.9 million euros from 14.6 million euros in 2013.



Contact Details 59 Athinon, 18541, Piraeus-Athens Tel.: +30 2104831900 Fax: +30 210 4895457 Email: Website:

128 Diamonds

COLGATE PALMOLIVE HELLAS LTD 2012 Turnover 106.048.399,00 € Profit Before Taxes 14.507.312,00 € Gross Profit 41.113.430,00 € Net worth 43.776.941,00 € Liabilities 23.961.627,00 €

2013 94.623.196,00 € 14.603.505,00 € 39.949.583,00 € 1.125.820,00 € 79.175.138,00 €

Change (%) -10,8 0,7 -2,8 -97,4 230,4


Energy Industrial


Two leading groups join forces for wise partnership

Turnover 172.160.002


Korinthos Power SA was founded in 2005, based in the northern Athenian suburb of Maroussi, with an operating license for 50 years. The company’s equity share is comprised of Argyritis Land Industrial and Commercial Company of Basic Metals SA – a Mytilineos Holdings SA subsidiary – which holds a 65 percent share, and Motor Oil (Hellas) SA, which controls the other 35 percent. KORINTHOS POWER SA possesses a combined cycle power production plant fuelled with natural gas of installed capacity measuring 436.6 MW, located at the Motor Oil (Hellas) facilities in Agii Theodori, Corinth. The company obtained its commercial operations license In March, 2012 and commenced its business activities. In 2013, the company posted a phenomenal pretax profit increase. It rose by 740.62 percent to 14 million euros. Total turnover fell by 4.95 percent to 172.16 million euros.


Contact Details 8 Artemidos, Maroussi, 15125, Athens, Greece. Tel: +30 210 3448300 Fax:+30 210 3448472

Information technology Industrial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 27.446.135


Contact Details Kato Scholari, 57500, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2392021420 Fax: +30 2392021417 Website: E-mail:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

KORINTHOS POWER SA 2012 2013 181.118.997,00 € 172.160.002,00 € 1.662.803,00 € 13.977.820,00 € 10.846.267,00 € 25.507.311,00 € 109.701.514,00 € 121.863.829,00 € 291.610.500,00 € 228.133.556,00 €

Change (%) -4,9 740,6 135,2 11,1 -21,8


Key player in the IT market BETA CAE Systems S.A., headquartered in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, is a private engineering software company committed to the development of state-of-the-art CAE software systems that meet the requirements of all simulation disciplines. The company’s products, the ANSA / µETA pre& post-processing suite, and SPDRM, the simulation-process-data-and-resources manager, hold a worldwide leading position across a range of industries, including the automotive, railway vehicles, aerospace, motorsports, chemical processes engineering, energy, electronics, heavy machinery, power tools, and biomechanics. Committed to its mission to produce best-in-class CAE software systems, BETA CAE Systems offers products that consistently exceed expectations and provides exemplary technical support to its customers. The company’s continual growth reflects the high level of customer satisfaction and user confidence. In 2013, the company’s total turnover figure increased by 2 million euros to reach 27.45 million euros. Pretax profit fell marginally, by 2 percent, to 11.45 million euros.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

BETA CAE SYSTEMS SA 2012 2013 25.407.836,00 € 27.446.135,00 € 11.750.078,00 € 11.448.090,00 € 19.927.256,00 € 20.929.197,00 € 11.244.461,00 € 1.713.124,00 € 10.287.237,00 € 32.689.936,00 €

Change (%) 8,0 -2,6 5,0 -84,8 217,8

Diamonds 129


Pharmaceuticals Industrial

ELPEN Pharmaceutical Co. Inc.

Focused on quality, pioneering activity, export orientation

Theodoros Trifon

Turnover 112.408.171


Contact Details 95 Marathonos Ave, Pikermi, 190 09, Attiki Tel.: +30 210 6039326-9 Fax: +30 210 6039300 Email: Website:

130 Diamonds

ELPEN Pharmaceutical Co. Inc., one of the leading Greek pharmaceutical industries, is an esteemed Greek company which has evolved over the past 50 years. ELPEN’s success in Greece and the international market, is based on the company’s unwavering dedication to applying the most rigorous of standards during all stages of the production process. This commitment to quality has been assisted by ELPEN’s research activity. ELPEN currently operates the largest privately-run research laboratory in Greece, adhering to the strictest protocols and international standards, equipped with state-of-the-art equipment as well as highly specialized scientists, in the quest for medical research and innovative medicines. After 18 years of operation, ELPEN’s Research and Experimental Center has consistently proven to be a pioneer in experimental - applied biomedical research and education, and is one of the largest applied biomedical research laboratories in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. The research laboratory features facilities suitable for the implementation of scientifically demanding projects. Presently, ELPEN manufactures a very broad list of pharmaceuticals in major therapeutic categories (respiratory, cardiac, central nervous system, antibiotics, antianaemics, etc), choosing to remain dynamic by constantly undergoing strategic decision-making in the search for novel innovative pharmaceuticals. Quality and leadership stand as the pillars of ELPEN’S export-oriented policy. ELPEN has implemented a three-year investment program on the modernization and expansion of quality control and production facilities, and has placed emphasis on further integration of specialized production sites for manufacturing pharmaceuticals focusing on the respiratory system, as well as manufacturing pharmaceuticals in the lyophilized form. The company’s Elpenhaler®, an innovative dry-powder inhalation device, invented by the company’s Founder and Chairman, Mr. Dimitrios Pentafragas, has been granted international patents in over 100 countries, representing ELPEN’s perennial quality, innovation, and established presence in the Greek and international markets. In 2014, the company’s lasting success was confirmed by three major prizes awarded to the company. ELPEN won an «Increasing Employment» award at the annual “Diamonds of The Greek Economy 2014 - The Country’s Most Robust Enterprises”. It was also honored with a «Research and Technological Development» by the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, while the company’s Founder and Chairman also received an award from the Greek Society of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, for his unwavering support and dedication to pharmaceutical and medical Research. The company exports thirty formulations of high therapeutic value, maintains an active presence in 27 European countries and 60 countries worldwide, continues to invest abroad, operates two sub-


sidiary firms in Germany and Sweden, while the ELPEN Group of Companies presently employs over 840 people. ELPEN Pharmaceutical Co. Inc. employs 630 staff members. The company is internationally recognized, a fact which serves to highlight that dedication to quality, innovation, and extroversion will unfailingly produce excellent results. In 2013, ELPEN’s total turnover reached 112 million euros, from 115 million euros in 2012. Profit reached 14 million euros, from 4 million euros a year earlier.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ELPEN Pharmaceutical Co. Inc. 2012 2013 115.332.649,00 € 112.408.171,00 € 4.272.774,00 € 14.106.500,00 € 54.215.616,00 € 56.419.369,00 € 40.052.196,00 € 50.556.073,00 € 97.815.712,00 € 96.584.705,00 €

Change (%) -2,5 230,1 4,1 26,2 -1,3

Diamonds 131


Pharmaceuticals Commercial


Dynamic profit increase in 2013

Nikolaos Kefalas

Turnover 99.613.081


Janssen belongs to Johnson & Johnson group of companies, one of the most comprehensive health care companies in the world. In Greece Janssen began as a scientific office in 1973 and now one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Greece. Janssen is oriented in providing innovative and high quality products aiming at improving human lives. With main concern the pharmaceutical research, it discovers, develops and markets innovative drugs in five major therapeutic areas: 1. Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases (diabetes). 2. Neuroscience (schizophrenia, dementia, pain). 3. Infectious diseases (HIV / AIDS, Hepatitis C, tuberculosis). 4. Oncology (multiple myeloma, prostate cancer). 5. Immunology (psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis). Janssen putting into practice the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility is applying for years actions and activities related to its employees, partners, suppliers, shareholders, customers, patients’ associations and the wider community. Its aim is to teach, offer and highlight the importance of health in creating a secure and prosperous future for all. The long lasting success of Janssen is due to a stable system of values that she has which is described as “Our CREDO”. The CREDO text is Janssen’s moral and strategic “compass” and it was written in 1943 by R.W. Johnson long before wsord like “Corporate Social Responsibility” were initiated. For 70 years Janssen’s CREDO composes a powerful bond highlighting and outlining the responsibility of the company towards its customers, employees, shareholders and to the community in which she operates and develops. The most important programs of our recent years towards the community are: ● « Food and Nutrition program, Promotion of Healthy Foods” ● «Educational Seminars for Recipients of Psychiatric Services” ● Awareness Campaigns on HIV / AIDS, Hepatitis C, Psoriasis, Prostate Cancer One of the primary goals of Janssen is the safety of its employees. Through educational programs and advanced systems Janssen aims to achieve maximum safety in the workplace. The company is also sensitive and promotes health and wellness to its employees, offering them the opportunity to participate in physical and mental health programs. The most important programs on Health and Safety are: ● Driving behavioral Programs ● Health Programs and provision of diagnostic tests ● Psychological counseling ● Life insurance plan ● Pension plan This year Janssen Greece was awarded for her socially and environmentally responsible actions by the Corporate Responsibility Institute. The CRI Bronze award was given to Janssen by the Corporate Responsibility Institute for her performance in the implementation of responsible practices, based on the National Corporate Responsibility Index (CR Index).

Contact Details 56 Irinis Ave, Pefki, 15121, Athens, Tel: +30 210 8090000 Fax: +30 210 6140072 Email: Website:

132 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICAL SA 2012 2013 98.594.381,00 € 99.613.081,00 € 4.920.400,00 € 13.520.223,00 € 30.465.681,00 € 28.715.108,00 € 73.057.107,00 € 83.657.583,00 € 26.701.231,00 € 29.324.284,00 €

Change (%) 1.0 174.8 -5.8 14,5 9,8


Food production Industrial


One of Greece’s biggest food producers

Turnover 304.918.306

Soya Hellas SA ranks as one of Greece’s biggest producers of food and agricultural raw materials. The firm is active mostly in the processing and industrialization of seed oil, refinement, and standardization of seed oils and olive oil, production and packaging of margarine and vegetable fats, production of lecithin, as well as management, storage and trade of oats. The variety of products and the high level of reliability, quality and services of Soya Hellas enable the company to supply a wide range of customers - the food industry, the animal feed industry, the fish farming industry, livestock producers, and the chemical and bioenergy industries. At present, Soya Hellas employs nearly 300 persons, primarily at the firm’s large industrial plant located in Evia, Greece’s second largest island, slightly northeast of Athens. The company also operates facilities in Thessaloniki’s industrial zone of Sindos, and Larissa where horizontal storage and freezer facilities are maintained. The firm also maintains facilities in Xanthi’s Genissea and Evlalos districts, in northern Greece. At storage facility of Preveza’s Thesprotiko region, western Greece, the firm maintains four horizontal warehouses for storing grains, soybean meal, sunflower meal, pellets and various bagged agricultural products, and is equipped with silos, bagging facilities, stainless steel oil tanks and freezer. The firm also runs a facility in the industrial zone of Heraklion, Crete, its main activity being the accumulation, storage, and supply of Cretan olive oil. The olive oil is purchased from selected olive oil mills and producers, who fulfill the ompany’s strict specifications related to olive oil production and storage. The Heraklion facilities include stainless steel olive oil tanks, housed in a thermally isolated building, fully equipped chemical laboratory and freezer. The company’s focus on product quality is fundamental to its overall policy. It carries out regular quality inspections, based on quality standards, at its two laboratories in Evia and Heraklion, Crete, both of which are equipped with state-of-the-art chemical analysis procedures. The firm maintains the required quality protection procedures throughout all production and storage stages, based on internationally recognized standards and Greek and European law. The company posted a total turnover of 233.3 million euros in 2014 from 303 million euros in 2013. Pretax profit fell to 8.4 million euros in 2014 from 13.3 million euros in 2013.


Contact Details 46-48, Voukourestiou st, 106 73 Athens, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 3664 200 Fax: +30 210 3644 765 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

SOYA HELLAS SA 2012 2013 263.699.195,00 € 304.918.306,00 € 10.111.872,00 € 13.327.239,00 € 21.578.095,00 € 25.749.481,00 € 52.863.034,00 € 63.134.819,00 € 84.716.644,00 € 62.126.737,00 €

Change (%) 15.6 31.8 19.3 19,4 -26,7

Diamonds 133



Welcome to a world of white... welcome to the F.H.L. I. KIRIAKIDIS world F.H.L. I. KIRIAKIDIS Marbles & Granites S.A. is active from 1991 in quarrying, elaborating and trading of marbles and granites. Our worldwide reputation in the natural stone sector has been gained mainly through our dominance in the white marble field. Owning different quarries in Greece from where the all-white marbles THASSOS SNOW WHITE, PRINOS, VOLAKAS, BIANCO VENUS, BIANCO M & BIANCO VENATINO are excavated, as well as being the biggest distributor of SIVEC 速 all white marble, provides us the capacity to deliver huge amounts of white marble covering the needs of every high scale project. The continuous investment in challenging innovations, considering excavation methods (like tunnel excavation), unique machinery equipment for cutting, carving and shaping of marble blocks

Turnover 38.762.902


Contact Details Industrial Park of Prosotsani, 66200 Drama, Greece Tel.: +30 25220 235145 Fax : +30 25220 23490 E-mail Website:

134 Diamonds


and green technology, together with our specialized workforce, gives us the capability to take over huge and challenging projects all over the world and to bring them to success! The F.H.L. I. KIRIAKIDIS GROUP consists of its numerous quarries, the headquarters with the marble processing plant, a dry mortar and adhesive production plant named MARMODOM, as well as it’s logistic company named AETOS, which are all located nearby Drama, Greece ensuring like this, that the whole workflow can’t be interrupted by exterior factors. Another subsidiary of the group is the marble trading company MARMI BIANCHI, which is located in Marina di Carrara, Italy. Living our motto: We are starting there, from where the others can’t go further… Few companies worldwide have the experience, know-how and the capacity to take over huge projects and to fulfill them successfully on time. F.H.L. I. KIRIAKIDIS GROUP surely proved many times in the past that it is one of them, by delivering prestigious high scale projects with white marbles, either artificially elaborated or in cut-to-size and tile sized shapes in strict delivery schedules. The entirely white marble which covers the Grand Mosque of Abu Dhabi, the National Parliament and Conference Hall in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and the pilgrim of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia, can surely prove this! For us the words HONESTY, EXACTITUTE and PERFECTION are not only words but our stringent line of acting and thinking on all levels. HONESTY Our customer constitutes an active capital investment for our company we respect him and we respect his demands. We offer individual solutions, standing beside him during all difficulties in order to supply his project in the best possible way with marbles and granites of best quality. We believe that nowadays the vital elements that are missing from our society are not the successful marketing and / or good sales techniques, but the elements of having and living the principles that our parents taught us: Honesty, reliability, stability. This world now misses the old traditional moral values like the word of honor, giving credibility and accepting responsibility. Our customer finds in F.H.L. a reliable partner on which he can count on. We believe that the maximum result in business is gained by inspiring people about the principles which constitute the basis of productivity, that is why our whole workforce, from the management till the production line, is giving always it’s best to reach higher aims. EXACTITUDE EXACTITUDE is of the essence while elaborating natural stones and especially marble. That is also why we are one of the few companies worldwide, which is offering to its clients a dry lay of the marble pieces with codification relative to the project layout. Our workforce of around 250 people is specialized in the elaboration of natural stones and with many years of experience in the field. In combination with our high technology specialized machinery, we are able to bring out the natural beauty of the marble, constituting it the jewel of each project. PERFECTION The different definitions of the word “PERFECTION” are quite controversial. Aristotle claims that it is something that is complete and so good that it can’t be better while attaining its purpose. Another approach says, that there lays a paradox in perfection, because only imperfection is perfect. Our definition of perfection is to persist in the task of fulfilling your vision of marble dreams…!

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

F.H.L. I. KIRIAKIDIS SA 2012 2013 25.815.414,00 € 38.762.902,00 € 830.169,00 € 13.127.767,00 € 6.024.737,00 € 18.256.565,00 € 28.278.825,00 € 43.905.071,00 € 41.236.841,00 € 22.786.177,00 €

Change (%) 50,2 1481,3 203,0 55,3 -44,7

Diamonds 135


Plastics - Rubber Industrial


Master batching supplier

Turnover 119.968.000


Founded in 1970, PLASTIKA KRITIS is one of the largest Greek plastics manufacturers and one of the leading European producers of masterbatches, additives used to color plastics, and agricultural films. Production of masterbatches began in 1980. Commitment to quality, technological innovation, cost competitiveness, flexibility and responsiveness to customer requirements have enabled PLASTIKA KRITIS to become an outstanding masterbatch supplier, with over 50 % of its production exported to 50 countries around the world. The company’s manufacturing facility in Heraklion, Crete is among the most modern in its fields of activity. A second facility near Athens is dedicated to production of filler masterbatches and garden furniture compounds. As part of its strategy for a sustainable international presence, and in order to provide fast and localized service to developing regions, “PLASTIKA KRITIS” is investing in modern masterbatch production facilities in selected countries. To date it has made such investments in Romania (1997), Poland (2001), Turkey (2001) and Russia (2006). All plants share the group’s technology, know-how, quality standards, economies of scale, product range, and new developments, under the company name “GLOBAL COLORS”. Listed on the Athens Stock Exchange in May, 1999, the company specializes in the production of KRITILEN® masterbatches & compounds; KRITIFIL® multilayer plastic films for agricultural applications; KRITIFLEX® geomembranes; KRITISOL® polyethylene pipes; KRITISAN® recycled plastics; and KRITIRES® renewable energy. Its products serve the horticultural and agricultural markets, plastics industry and projects related to water-management and environment protection. Apart from master batches, PLASTIKA KRITIS also produces agricultural films, polyethylene pipes, geomembranes and recycled plastics. The company also owns and operates a 12-MW wind-energy park and photovoltaic facilities with a 340-KW capacity, all in Greece, for electricity production. Besides their ecological importance and contribution to local economies, these projects ensure longterm prospects for the company’s energy-related costs. In 2014, the company posted a decrease in total turnover, but its profit figure increased. Total turnover fell by 4 percent to 115.5 million euros in 2014. Pretax profit rose by 8 percent, reaching 13.9 million euros.


Contact Details Heraklion, Crete, 711 10 GREECE, PO Box 1093 Tel: +30 2810 308500 Fax: +30 2810 381328 Mail: Website:

136 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PLASTIKA KRITIS SA 2012 2013 113.042.000,00 € 119.968.000,00 € 12.037.000,00 € 12.923.000,00 € 23.904.000,00 € 24.974.000,00 € 117.343.000,00 € 123.284.000,00 € 21.607.000,00 € 22.773.000,00 €

Change (%) 6.1 7.4 4.5 5,1 5,4


Beverages Industrial


Continuing to invest and develop

Petros Sepetas

Turnover 68.714.713

VIKOS SA was founded in 1990 and ranks among the country’s most renowned companies in the bottled water market. A Greek company, Vikos SA began operating in 1992 by bottling natural mineral water from a homonymous source and distributing to the Greek and foreign markets. In the process, it established itself as a key supplier to major supermarket chains. Having grown over the years, the company currently draws from four water sources and operates three ultra-modern factories. Two of these facilities, located in Zagorohoria, an area in Greece’s northwest that is protected for its natural beauty, produce bottled water and soft drinks. The company’s third facility, Petcom Plastics, located in the Industrial Area of Ioannina, also in the northwest, manufactures pre-forms and plastic caps for the bottled water market and the beverage industry. The enterprise’s company-owned facilities cover a total area of 37,500 square meters, while a workforce of over 250 persons is employed at nine state-of-the-art production lines with a capacity to deliver 210,000 liters per hour. Furthermore, the company operates its own logistics centers in Athens and Thessaloniki to offer optimal service to consumers and partners. The Vikos and Zagorohoria sources are certified as Natural Mineral Water sources. The company bottles water from these locations using the most technologically advanced equipment, without any human intervention or other processing techniques, from the initial pumping stage to distribution in the market. Within a period of two decades, the company, operating on the strength of its philosophy and principles, has managed to climb to the top of the bottled water industry, despite the unfavorable current economic conditions prevailing in Greece. The company’s commitment to total quality has catapulted it to the market leader’s position with a 22% market share, a level maintained from 2006 until the present day. Despite the ongoing recession in Greece and the high unemployment rate plaguing the country, Vikos SA has continued to invest and develop, the introduction of a new series of soft drinks being part of this drive for sustained productivity and creativity. The company has mapped out an investment plan valued at over 35 million euros for 2014 and 2015.


Contact Details Perivleptos Ioannina, 453 32 Ioannina, Greece Tel: +30 2651061951 FAX: +30 2651061363 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

EPIROTIKI BOTTLING COMPANY SA (VIKOS SA) 2012 2013 74.602.258,00 € 68.714.713,00 € 10.611.926,00 € 12.231.777,00 € 28.749.943,00 € 28.984.560,00 € 66.309.584,00 € 69.408.039,00 € 27.283.985,00 € 31.910.854,00 €

Change (%) -7,9 15,3 0,8 4,7 17,0

Diamonds 137


Food Products Industrial


Leader in the biscuit industry with 92-year history

Ioanna Papadopoulou Turnover 126.428.954


E.J. Papadopoulos SA owns four production sites in different parts of Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos, Inofyta), as well as a central warehouse in Aspropyrgos, slightly west of Athens, all certified and operating according to the International Quality Management Standard ISO 9001:2008, Food Safety Standard ISO 22000:2005, and the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) system. These certified standards apply to all the company’s activities in administration, production and commercial activities. E.J. Papadopoulos SA currently employs approximately 1,200 persons. The company is the market leader in the biscuit industry and a strong player in the bread substitute sector (rusks, breadsticks, crispies). More specifically, the company ranks second in the overall rusk market and is a leader in the category of premium rusks. Fostering a spirit of innovation and growth, along with a pioneering outlook, the company continues to expand into new product categories. It operates three sales departments across Greece, in Athens, northern city Thessaloniki, and Volos, mid-eastern Greece. Distribution in all other parts of the country is carried out by a network of local partners. A total of 200 sales representatives and merchandisers work in the field each day, along with a number of wholesalers, in order to ensure the wide distribution of the company’s products. The Papadopoulos company is currently present in more than forty countries across five continents, with its Caprice brand leading the way. Southeastern Europe, along with Cyprus, constitute an area of strategic growth. In 2013, the company continued to strengthen its leading position in the biscuit industry with new launches aimed at satisfying consumer demand. In the field of bakery products, the company ranks second with a leading share in the category of premium rusks. Investment and entry into the fresh sliced bread market was the company’s main focus in 2013, a move of strategic importance for the expansion of the company’s quality product portfolio offered to Greek consumers. Internationally, the company has maintained its growth trajectory and aims to further penetrate organized retail networks, primarily in European markets. In 2013, the company’s turnover reached 126.5 million euros, up from 121 million euros in 2012. Earnings before tax (EBT) amounted to 12.1 million euros in 2013, slightly down from 12.5 million euros in 2012.

Contact Details 26 Petrou Ralli Ave, 118 10 Athens, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 3482000 Fax: +30 210 3421225 Email: Website:

138 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

E.J. PAPADOPOULOS SA 2012 2013 121.009.432,00 € 126.428.954,00 € 12.527.032,00 € 12.127.527,00 € 59.440.668,00 € 59.049.575,00 € 81.045.973,00 € 84.451.568,00 € 83.614.660,00 € 83.181.675,00 €

Change (%) 4,5 -3,2 -0,7 4,2 -0,5




Operating Greece’s largest port Piraeus is the largest port in Europe and one of the largest in the world, with regard to passenger traffic. It is the main link between mainland Greece and the Aegean islands and Crete, while also being the main sea gate of the European Union at its southeastern border. The boundaries of the Main Port are the piers of Themistocles and Krakari. The Passenger Port is divided into areas that serve coasting and cruising. The Container Terminal PPA’s Container Terminal began its operation in June 2010. With a projected annual capacity of 1.0 million TEUs, it constitutes the main pier for PPA’s freight activities. The facility boasts latest technology machinery, comprising of eight cranes (four SPP) and eight RMGs. It has two platforms: the East one of a length of 500m and a depth of 18m, and the West one of 320m length and 12m depth. Car Terminal The increasing demand for transit vehicles in the Eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea and North Africa places Piraeus is seen a driving force for growth. The list of port customers now includes most of the major manufacturers in the car industry. The completion of the new port-side railway station, as well as its connection with the G2 car terminal in July 2013 and future expansions of the Car Terminal – as part of PPS’s five-year investment plan – combined with the use of information at all stages with the implementation of an integrated management system, ensure that the port of Piraeus can be a central transshipment gateway for the Mediterranean region.

Turnover 108.630.469


Conventional Cargo Handling and storage of general cargo is primarily done through the facilities of PPA in the Schisto site. Loading and unloading of general cargo is done by cranes, forklifts and tractors of various types. The Schisto facilities also offer special warehouses for general cargo storage. Use of land areas The Company operates a number of premises which are under its authority. Specifically, it concedes the use of these sites (outdoors and indoors) to third parties for the operation of shipbuilding units (repair base of Perama and Kynosoura), various industrial complexes, canteens, cafés, food storages and offices for agencies.

Contact Details 10 Akti Miouli Str., 18538, Piraeus, Attica Tel.: +30210 4550000 -100 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PEIREAS PORT AUTHORITY SA 2012 2013 106.592.453,00 € 108.630.469,00 € 6.323.537 € 11.824.617,00 € 19.934.260,00 € 22.224.256,00 € 159.753.304,00 € 166.014.420,00 € 229.055.545,00 € 220.504.746,00 €

Change (%) 1,9 87 11,5 3,9 -3,7

Diamonds 139


Transportation means Commercial


Exceptional financial results posted BMW Hellas, one of the country’s most successful premium car and motorcycle distributors, is present in the Greek market as a subsidiary of the BMW Group. It markets the BMW and BMW i, MINI, and BMW Motorrad models. BMW Hellas works closely with BMW Financial Services, which is an important member of the Group. The goal of the BMW Group is perfection of vehicles and services, using minimum natural resources in the production process, with models that highlight both development and beginning of a new era in motoring. The success of the BMW Group has always been built on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company has established environmental and social sustainability. Backed by its three brands, BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, the BMW Group has its sights set firmly on the premium sector of the international automobile market. The company knows how to deploy its strengths with an efficiency that is unmatched in the automotive industry. From research and development to sales and marketing, BMW Group is committed to the very highest in quality for all its products and services. The company’s success to date is proof of this strategy’s correctness. The company’s Greek subsidiary posted strong sales and profit increases in 2014. Total turnover increased to 110.41 million euros in 2014 from 72.60 million euros in 2013. Pretax profit increased to 13.61 million euros in 2014 from 11.4 million euros a year earlier.

Spiros Philippas

Turnover 68.345.033


Contact Details Kymis Avenue & 10 Seneka, Kifisia, 14564, Athens Greece Tel: +30 210 9118000 FAX: +30 210 9118001

140 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ΒΜW GROUP HELLAS SA 2012 2013 61,252,582.00 € 68,345,033.00 € 91,475.00 € 11,397,739.00 € 22,264,562.00 € 26,118,379.00 € 8,797,815.00 € 20,195,554.00 € 28,122,131.00 € 21,308,434.00 €

Change (%) 11.6 1,259.9 17.3 129.6 -24.2




Second place in local pharmaceutical market captured


Despite the difficult conditions in the Greek market over the past few years, multinational pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim’s local subsidiary firm has managed to keep posting increased sales figures as a result of its robust export activity. The company’s Greek subsidiary experienced a record-breaking year in 2014 following the completion of an investment in new production facilities in 2012, now fully operational. Boehringer Ingelheim began its business activity in Greece in 1966, and, several years later, launched an industrial production plant that has operated uninterruptedly until the present day, in Koropi, southeast of Athens. The facility set new standards for the country’s industrial sector. A vertically integrated production unit, the production plant has, since 1997, also focused on markets beyond Greece. Nowadays, the company supplies to over 45 countries in the EU, east Europe, Balkans, North Africa and the Middle East. In 2013, Boehringer Ingelheim Hellas maintained its strong position in the domestic pharmaceutical market, posting net sales of 299 million euros, a 23% year-on-year increase. Exports in 2013 amounted to 208 million, rising by 36.8%, spurred by the production and exportation of Micardis, medication for high blood pressure, from the company’s Koropi production facility. Pretax profit reached 11 million euros in 2013. Investment activity launched at the factory in 2012, for the development of a new unit, has been completed. As a result, the pharmaceutical company has begun producing new antidiabetic drugs that promise to further bolster the company’s export drive. Company exports currently represent about one percent of the country’s total exports. The company’s objective is for exports to reach half a billion euros. It is worth noting that Boehringer Ingelheim Hellas is the only multinational pharmaceutical company that maintains its own plant in Greece. The local subsidiary’s impressive performance has encouraged the parent company to invest considerably in its Greek operation, which has provided strong support for Greek exports. The Boehringer Ingelheim group is one of the top 20 pharmaceutical companies worldwide. Headquartered in Ingelheim, Germany, it operates globally with 140 affiliates and more than 47,400 employees. In 2014, the Greek subsidiary posted a total turnover of 245 million euros, down from 299 million euros in the previous year. Pretax profit fell by 8 percent to 10 million euros from 10.8 million euros a year earlier.

Contact Details

Turnover 299.222.803


2 Ellinikou, 167 77 Elliniko, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 2108906300 FAX: +30 210 8983207 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM HELLAS SA 2012 2013 244.404.586,00 € 299.222.803,00 € 12.961.131,00 € 10.857.770,00 € 27.324.863,00 € 31.041.205,00 € 33.700.791,00 € 38.951.404,00 € 122.747.419,00 € 119.406.836,00 €

Change (%) 22,4 -16,2 13,6 15,6 -2,7

Diamonds 141


Supermarket Commercial


Galaxias, the Greek supermarket

Turnover 432.801.929

GALAXIAS supermarket chain began its course in 1971 when five friends, working as employees in various fields, decided to pool their savings and enter the consumer products sector with their first outlet. The venture’s starting capital of 300,000 drachmas in 1971 was used to form a limited liability company named PENTE, involving a five-member team of shareholders led by the late Vassilis Himonidis (1933-2008). In 1982, the firm converted its legal status from a limited liability to an SA company and proceeded with the development of a supermarket chain. Ten years later, PENTE SA acquired ARGO SA, holding a 99.8% stake, and incorporated the latter’s 13 retail outlets into its supermarket chain. During that same year, the firm launched its first supermarket in provincial Greece, in Orchomenos, Boetia, northwest of Athens. At the end of 2013, the supermarket chain numbered 137 retail outlets, 54 of these located in the wider Athens area, and the rest scattered from Corinth, west of Athens, to Kilkis, northern Greece. Besides operating as retail outlets, thirteen of these outlets also operate as Cash & Carry spots at a wholesale level. Sixty-two of the chains are company-owned, and the rest are leased. The company strives to own all the property it operates from. At a consumer level, the company’s objective is to offer the lowest possible prices. As part of its competitive pricing strategy, the firm offers over 900 private-label products. At present, Pente SA and Argo SA employ a total of 3,500 persons. The company has established an incentive program through which top-performing employees are awarded prizes and trips abroad on an annual basis. Employees of distinction are also offered the opportunity of becoming company shareholders. The majority of company shares are held by employees, who participate at board and shareholder meetings, and are entitled to their respective share of company profits. In 2013, the supermarket chain’s total turnover slipped marginally, by 2 percent, to 432 million euros from 442 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit fell by 12 percent to 10.8 million euros in 2013 from 12.3 million euros in 2012.


Contact Details 129 Lenorman, Kolonos, 10442, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 5144 214 Fax: +30 210 5146 123 Website:

142 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PENTE SA 2012 442.041.199,00 € 12.394.532,00 € 76.270.211,00 € 118.045.420,00 € 111.341.344,00 €

2013 432.801.929,00 € 10.834.487,00 € 72.686.489,00 € 120.932.514,00 € 106.981.355,00 €

Change (%) -2,1 -12,6 -4,7 2,4 -3,9


Clothing Commercial

Turnover 183.444.670


Contact Details 59 Stadiou, Athens, 105 51, Greece Tel: +30 2103243101 Fax: +30 2103243127 Website:

Medical care products Commercial

Turnover 61.849.594



Spectacular profit rise in 2013 The Zara chain of stores is one of the leading fashion companies in the world and belongs to one of the largest distribution groups, the Inditex group. The company developed an “eco-efficient” management model for its stores, which reduces energy consumption by 20%, while also incorporating sustainability criteria and efficiency. This includes standard management measures applicable to all processes, from store design, lighting facilities, heating and cooling, to recycling furniture and decoration. Zara supports organic farming and use of organic cotton for clothing production (cotton 100%, with no pesticides, chemicals and bleaches). These items may be easily spotted at Zara stores as they carry distinctive labels. Zara’s trucks, which carry over 200 million garments annually, use diesel fuel of biological origin (5% of total fuel use). The policy reduces CO2 emissions by 500 tons each year. The company’s local subsidiary posted an impressive profit figure in 2013. Pretax profit increased spectacularly to 10.7 million euros from 1.5 million euros in 2012. Total turnover in 2013 reached 183.4 million euros, up slightly from 180 million euros in 2012. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ZARA HELLAS SA 2012 2013 180.682.457,00 € 183.444.670,00 € 1.498.403,00 € 10.767.701,00 € 85.924.231,00 € 85.762.748,00 € 40.059.653,00 € 48.653.189,00 € 55.903.237,00 € 43.304.689,00 €

Change (%) 1,5 618,6 -0,2 21,5 -22,5


Profit increase of 55% in 2013 Anastasios Mavrogenis SA has operated as the exclusive representative of Coloplast in Greece since 1990. The company has achieved a successful course in the Greek market. Headquartered in the capital’s Kypriadou inner district, at a company-owned building, the company also operates branches in Thessaloniki, Patras, Heraklion, and Crete, as well as a sales office in Larissa. It maintains working ties with scientific partners across Greece, thereby strengthening customer service. It offers Coloplast’s ostomy, urinary management, skin ulcer, and skin care products in the Greek market. Anastasios Mavrogenis SA ensures making its full range of products, which meet various requirements and needs, readily available for users and health professionals. Besides offering innovative products, quality services and ongoing support, the company is driven by moral responsibility to provide care. In 2013, the company’s total turnover increased by 17.19 percent, to 61.85 million euros. Pretax profit rose impressively, by 55.36 percent, to 10 million euros.


Contact Details 1A Gionas, Metamorfosi, 14451, Athens Tel: +30 210 2020232 Fax: +30 210 2020775 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ANASTASIOS MAVROGENIS SA 2012 2013 52.776.941,00 € 61.849.594,00 € 6.280.252,00 € 9.773.670,00 € 24.317.497,00 € 29.603.075,00 € 15.199.301,00 € 24.808.308,00 € 58.726.124,00 € 52.092.443,00 €

Change (%) 17,2 55,6 21,7 63,2 -11,3

Diamonds 143




Dimitris Giannakopoulos Executive Vice-President & Deputy C.E.O.

Turnover 247.498.029


Contact Details Tatoiou Street 18th km Athens-Lamia National Road Nea Erythrea, 146 71 Tel.: +30 210 8009111-120 Fax: +30 210 8071573 Email: Website:

144 Diamonds

VIANEX - The living history of Greek pharmaceutical industry The pharmaceutical company VIANEX SA could be said to reflect the living history of the Greek pharmaceutical industry, as for more than 90 years, Giannakopoulos family has been active in the pharmaceutical drug sector. The starting point was the establishment of one of the first pharmacies of Athens, in Pireus street, by Dimitris Giannakopoulos in 1924. The next great milestone was 1971, when the President & Founder of VIANEX S.A., Paul J. Giannacopoulos, pushed forward with a program of rapid expansion, concluded agreements with pharmaceutical companies of international repute such as Merck & Co (USA), Takeda Chemical Industries (Japan), Sigma Tau Industries (Italy), and Eli Lilly (USA), which have entrusted the company with the production and representation of their products in the Greek market. In 1977 the company started its production activities with the establishment of its first factory. In 1983 Vianex acquired a second production facility. Two years later, the productive capacity of the company was further advanced by the acquisition of a third facility, and in 1995 the subsidiary company VIAN SA was founded to undertake the distribution and marketing of what are known as overthe-counter (OTC) non-prescription medicines, food supplements, diagnostics and pharmaceuticalrelated products. In 1997 VIANEX relocated its head offices and its finished product distribution center to Varibobi, in north Athens. In 1999 Vianex acquired a fourth facility specialising in the production of cephalosporin antibiotics.


VIANEX SA 2013 Turnover 247.498.028,50 Profit Before Taxes 10.490.405,96 Gross Profit 68.768.322,15 Net worth 43.131.940,58 Liabilities 102.485.153,20

In 2006 the company went ahead with the foundation of ELDRUG SA, a spin-off company for research and development in conjunction with the University of Patras, and in 2011 Vianex obtained approval as a supplier from the World Health Organization and UNICEF. With the company now under the leadership of Dimitris Giannakopoulos, 2013 was also an important year for the group, which concluded an agreement with the company Eli Lilly to produce 10 million units of vancomycin per year for 100% export to China. In 2015, VIAN SA took over the distribution and marketing of the No.1 analgesic/antipyretic product line DEPON, as an outcome of the agreement with Bristol-Myers Squibb. The company has been active in export markets for more than 20 years. The worldwide expansion of the company’s export business and its steady growth over the last decade has made VIANEX one of the largest exporters in Greece. VIANEX exports in the markets of 35 countries across Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa. It has international accreditation (IQNET, EFQM, EU GMP, EU GDP) and holds 48 quality approval certificates. Health organizations in more than 13 countries have awarded VIANEX manufacturing facilities with a total of 32 GMP certificates. Every year, representatives of 20 of the largest multinational quality standard agencies come to inspect VIANEX facilities and verify that the company’s quality systems follow the latest international standards before approving the circulation of its products in Greek and international markets. Today Vianex is still the leading company in the Greek pharmaceutical industry, with exceptional high-level production capabilities and a workforce of over 1,100 employees. It provides a fully vertically-integrated range of production and distribution services for pharmaceutical products, and continues to expand the range of services it offers to the market sector. Its financial strength, as illustrated by its impressive financial results and investments, ranks it among the most trusted and efficient business enterprises in Greece.

Diamonds 145


Textiles Industrial


Battling amid adverse conditions VARVARESSOS SA (EUROPEAN SPINNING MILLS) was founded in 1974, originally under the name “SPINNING MILLS NAOUSIS GRIG. VARVARESSOS AND CO SA “. The operation was renamed VARVARESSOS SA (Spinning Naoussis) in 1990 before settling for its current title in 2003. The company is engaged in production and trade of yarn. Initially, the company exclusively produced cotton yarn, from its launch until 1992. However, paying heed to market trends and requirements of international trade, the company expanded its operations and began producing various specialized yarns. Current production includes special, high-quality thread; conventional spinning yarn; knitting – weaving yarn; 100% cotton combed; 100% Cotton Q - Cotton®, with certified cotton; 100% Modal; 100% Micro modal; and 100%, as well as yarn composite of various contaminants, mainly with natural components. The company owns two modern spinning mills with 47,000 ring and compact spindles, whose annual production reaches 6,000 tons of natural yarn. A large proportion of production is exported to other parts of Europe. Production complies with international and European standards (ISO, GOTS, Oeko-Tex). The company exports to more than 20 countries. In 2013, its exports represented 65.45 percent of total sales, reaching 11.67 million euros from 9.21 million euros in 2012. Varvaressos operates a research and development department, which strives to keep improving quality. The company also invests considerably in new technology and regularly updates its machinery. Twelve percent of the company’s energy needs are covered by its renewable resources. Varvaressos SA reported a total turnover figure of 17.8 million euros in 2013, a 16.3 percent increase from the previous year’s 15.3 million euros.

Turnover 17.839.904


Contact Details PO Box 16, Stenimachos, 592 00 Naoussa Tel: +30 23320 52 650 Fax: +30 23320 52 676 Ε mail: Website:

146 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

VARVARESSOS EUROPEAN SPINNING MILLS SA 2012 2013 15.283.960,00 € 17.839.904,00 € -4.330.208,00 € 5.032.243,00 € -903.158,00 € 363.954,00 € -1.731.503,00 € 9.645.500,00 € 39.934.847,00 € 26.754.980,00 €

Change (%) 16,7 -33,0


Medical Services Commercial


High-quality medical services

Turnover 85.569.493


Contact Details 132 Kifissias Ave & Papada, Athens, Greece. Tel.: +30 210 6966000 Fax: +30 210 6966164 Website:

The BIOIATRIKI group was founded in 1981 and soon won the trust of the medical world for the completeness and high quality of service. It is the leading provider of primary care physician services in Greece with 26 self-diagnostic laboratories in Athens, Thessaloniki and Piraeus, covering more than 36,000 square meters and serving more than two million people a year. The impressive growth of Bioiatriki has relied solely on the reliability of laboratory results, as highlighted a number of distinctions received locally and at a European level. It covers the fields of hematology, radiology, immunology, axial Tomography, biochemical, genetics, virological, cardiology, punctures, colposcopy, cytogenetics, cytology, cytometry, MRI, mammography, microbiology, molecular genetics, hormonology, osteoporosis, nuclear medicine, neurophysiology, ultrasonic and pediatric radiology. In 2013, the company posted a total turnover of 85.5 million euros following a figure of 106.5 million euros in the previous year. Pretax profit reached 9.4 million euros in 2013 from 19.7 million euros in 2012. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

BIOIATRIKI SA 2012 106.592.235,00 € 19.787.095,00 € 45.461.910,00 € 95.651.521,00 € 101.757.233,00 €

2013 85.569.493,00 € 9.440.158,00 € 26.780.843,00 € 95.939.479,00 € 88.928.990,00 €

Change (%) -19,7 -52,3 -41,1 0,3 -12,6


IT Commercial

Apostolos Vakakis

One of the first IT companies to be launched in Greece IBM has been present in Greece for decades. Its activity covers the hardware, software, networks, and the Integrated Information Technology Services areas. IBM’s business activities focus on the creation, growth and development of the era’s most advanced Information Technologies and transformation of these technologies into real business value. Spyros Poulidou is President and CEO of IBM for Greece and Cyprus. Previously, he held the position of Director of IBM Services Division for Greece and Cyprus. In 2013, the company posted steady sales figures and a profit decline. Total turnover reached 86 million euros, while pretax profit fell to 8.81 million euros, a 25.55 percent decline.

Turnover 85.995.000


Contact Details 284 Kifissias Ave, Halandri, 152 32, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 6881111 Fax: +30 210 6801300 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

IBM HELLAS SA 2012 85,969,000.00 € 10,984,000.00 € 23,827,000.00 € 4,423,000.00 € 67,969,000.00 €

2013 85,995,000.00 € 8,806,000.00 € 19,518,000.00 € 20,729,000.00 € 60,727,000.00 €

Change (%) 0.03 -19.8 -18.1 368.7 -10.7

Diamonds 147


Car rentals Commercial


Biggest car rental company operating in Greece AUTOHELLAS S.A. is the largest car rental company in Greece, based on financial capacity and the fleet size it manages. Furthermore, the company ranks as Hertz International’s biggest national franchisee in Europe. AUTOHELLAS S.A (HERTZ) has operated in Greece for more than 44 years. Since 1978, the company has constantly held first place in the car rental sector. The company received an industry award, granted by TTG, as the leading car rental company in Greece, in terms of services rendered, for two consecutive years, in 1998 and 1999. The company places major emphasis on its personnel. Employees and executives are carefully chosen, well educated, and experienced. Over the past two years, Autohellas has carried out an ambitious educational program for most of its personnel, aiming to further improve its services offered. Hertz’s fleet exceeds 23,000 cars of various types, stationed at 115 locations all over Greece, including 21 airports. Through privately-owned stations, covering all main areas, Hertz has been able to cover all customer requirements for both short and long-term renting (Renting, Operating Leasing and Fleet Management). Eight of the company’s largest service centers are located in Athens, Thessalonica, Rhodes, Corfu, Myconos and Crete, three of these in the wider Athens area. The company belongs to the Th. Vassilakis Group and is listed on the Athens Stock Exchange Market as Autohellas S.A. The company’s consistent growth has creates new work positions at Hertz locations, such as airports, local offices, as well as the headquarter facilities. The company posted a slightly reduced total turnover figure of 119.6 million euros in 2013, down from 122.4 million euros a year earlier, a 2.3 percent year-on-year decline. Net pretax profit increased by 4.5 percent, reaching 9.4 million euros in 2013 from 9 million euros in 2012.

Turnover 119.660.336


Contact Details 31 Viltanioti St, 145 64 Kifissia, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6264000 Fax: +30 210 6264409 Website:

148 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

AUTOHELLAS S.A (HERTZ) 2012 2013 122.480.916,00 € 119.660.336,00 € 9.001.902,00 € 9.405.232,00 € 20.120.463,00 € 21.880.319,00 € 117.507.463,00 € 128.343.834,00 € 253.881.281,00 € 220.810.341,00 €

Change (%) -2,3 4,5 8,7 9,2 -13,0




Major force in its sector

Turnover 71.634.284


Established in 1989, Teleperformance Hellas is the very first company to introduce contact centre outsourcing provision in Greece and -by far- the largest in the local market. It joined the Teleperformance Group in 1997 and, in 2002, became the Regional Headquarters for Teleperformance Operations in southern Europe and the Middle East. An ISO 9001:2008, COPC OSP, PCI DSS and ISO/IEC 27001 certified company, it operates under the leadership of the founding management team. Recognized as a “Best Place to Work” in Greece for 2013, it is present in Athens (at two different locations), Hania in Crete, and Gjirokastër, in Albania’s south, with a combined capacity of more than 3,800 state-of-the-art agent workstations and over 3,400 employees. In full alignment with the Group’s performance management process and standards, Teleperformance Hellas handles more than 25 million customer interactions annually, through Voice, Chat, E-mail, Letters and SMS for major multinational clients in the automotive, consumer electronics, fast-moving consumer goods, financial, healthcare, insurance, retail & e-retail, technology, telecommunications and travel sectors, providing customer care, technical support, customer acquisition, account receivables management and BPO Services. The host company of the European Campus of Teleperformance University, it became a major multilingual HUB destination for the European and Middle Eastern markets in 2004 and since then has created huge management experience serving 137 markets, managing programs in 34 languages and dialects, with 1,950+ multilingual employees from 78 nationalities, out of which 55% are university graduates, 90% are bilinguals and more than 25% are trilingual. Located at the point where west meets east, Teleperformance Hellas has a vast experience in the contact centre arena, a proven ability to recruit and retain highly skilled, top-performing- talents for multilingual and local programs, state-of-the-art technology sites with active BCP, DRP & Security processes based on PCI & ISO 27001, service delivery consistency with COPC, standardized human resources, standardized operational & quality management processes and a performance driven orientation that results in the consistent achievement of KPIs, CSAT, ESAT, NPS & QA scoring. All these position the company as one of the most attractive and preferred partners for major multinational companies in the European continent.


Contact Details 330 Eleftheriou Venizelou, 176 75 Kallithea, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 2109490500 Fax: +30 2109403383 Website:

SERVICE 800 - TELEPERFORMANCE SA 2012 Turnover 62.496.415,00 € Profit Before Taxes 9.332.148,00 € Gross Profit 19.465.178,00 € Net worth 17.129.357,00 € Liabilities 16.281.911,00 €

2013 71.634.284,00 € 2.371.123,00 € 21.303.552,00 € 17.814.274,00 € 22.247.885,00 €

Change (%) 14,6 -74,6 9,4 4,0 36,6

Diamonds 149


Rubber and Plastics Industrial


Supplying the world’s largest mines


ContiTech IMAS SA was established in 1972 in Volos, eastern mainland Greece with the objective of serving Greece’s energy sector and PPC, the Public Power Corporation, locally known as DEI. Since then, and based on the strength of a series of investments, the firm has managed to greatly increase its production capacity. In 2007, it added a new production line to its operations. ContiTech IMAS SA is a member of the Continental/ContiTech group. It is active in the domain of conveyor belt production, either made of wire ropes or linen, for specialized applications, as well as production of a wide range of applications in various industries, as well as production of various other rubber accessories. The firm’s production facilities are located in Volos’s industrial zone, where a total of some 300 persons are employed at two plants, Imas and Syrma. Moreover, the company markets Stell cord belts, textile belts, drum lagging, and protection systems. ContiTech IMAS has established a Quality Management System. Quality procedures are an essential part of the company’s production process, from beginning to end. Quality control starts from the raw materials the company receives and is implemented throughout the entire production process, ensuring is ISO 9001 certification for ContiTech IMAS. Continual improvement is essential for successful long-term business relationships with customers. Therefore, the company also applies ISO 9001 standards as a tool to steadily improve production in terms of quality, efficiency and safety. Imas exports between 70 and 75 percent of its production to the international market, including Australia, Chile, the UK and the USA, for firms active in metal mining, while, in Greece, PPC’s lignite mining division is the firm’s main domestic client. In 2014, the company posted a reduced total turnover performance, down by 40 percent, to 42.1 million euros from 71 million euros.



Contact Details Volos Industrial Area Greece - 38500 Tel: +30 2421096500 Fax: +30 2421096590 Website:

150 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

IMAS SA 2012 89,463,125 14,530,669 24,242,529 49,032,814 22,745,210

2013 Change (%) 71,254,556 -20.4 9,353,076 -35.6 17,580,544 -27.5 56,055,407 12.5 19,672,955 -14


Dairy Products Industrial


Offering high-quality for over 50 years

Michalis Sarantis

Turnover 148.655.638


Our story starts in 1965,when in our first facilities, in the center of Larissa, we started collecting milk from the stock breeders of the region so as to make our authentic, traditional, local products. Since then, a lot of “milk has been …spilt in the churn” until we reached 1998. It was then when our transfer from the center of Larissa to our today’s facilities in Gyrtoni, Larissa was realized, always being in cooperation with the region’s stock breeders and focusing on the high level of the conditions of breeding and living of the cows, which constitute the most basic guarantee for a type of milk that is excellent, with a rich taste and suitable for the entire family. Up to 2000 we have been operating locally in the Thessaly region, with the greater distribution in the local market of Larissa. The following year, in 2001, it is the year when we start selling our products in the whole of Greece. This will be marked by a pioneering movement for those times, since we first in Greece, sold the Fresh Selected OLYMPUS Milk in transparent bottles. As much as outstanding this choice was, equally outstanding was the Fresh Selected OLYMPUS Milk, thanks to the A’ material specifications that were and are, at least, 50% more strict than the limits of the European legislation, and also thanks to the fact that the milk collection takes place in farm units within short distances from our facilities. The top A’ material quality of the milk was one of the components for the OLYMPUS unprecedented success. The experience of three generations of milk producers, carrying the memories of the family creamery in the basement of the family home and the advice of the father who would always say that “ if you don’t have any good milk, you are not going to make any good cheese”, the faithful attachment to the beliefs and values of the authentic, traditional way of living and production of the products, and also the honesty that characterizes the OLYMPUS company, helped us built relations of trust and immediacy with the consumer which up to today is one of our most important advantages. In the 2000-2010 decade with an already pan-Hellenic activity and with continuously expanding our products’ range, we start also the exports to more and more countries. Thus, today we make it possible for people from 34 countries to enjoy our products and benefit from the values of the Greek Mediterranean diet and the authentic Greek products. This year, we complete 50 years of unceasing operation. And we believe that, on the occasion of this anniversary, there is nothing more substantial than to make a commitment to continue to be always by the Greek consumer’s side, with trust and honesty and also to support the Greek production, believing that the Greek land can produce excellent products, which, we in OLYMPUS, can exploit offering the consumer Greek products of a superior quality and taste.

Contact Details 16th km Larissa-Thessaloniki national highway, 41002, Larissa, Greece Tel: +30 2410-541.160-3 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

OLYMPΟS DIARY SA 2012 2013 151.207.266,00 € 148.655.638,00 € 509.864,00 € 9.288.798,00 € 36.140.287,00 € 42.432.558,00 € 47.218.122,00 € 54.340.492,00 € 98.440.972,00 € 80.219.536,00 €

Change (%) -1,7 1721,8 17,4 15,1 -18,5

Diamonds 151


Ropes Industrial


Entirely Greek-owned, totally debt-free

Turnover 31.580.986

D. Koronakis SA is the leading company in the manufacturing of ropes and wire ropes in Europe and one of the largest companies worldwide. D. Koronakis SA was established in 1967 by company founders Eleni and Dimitri Koronakis, who are still actively involved in the enterprise’s management. Its product range includes ropes, wire ropes, mooring ropes, combination ropes, and yachting ropes, all produced in Greece and recognized worldwide for their top quality and technical performance. In addition to the products developed locally, the company maintains a large stock of anchors, anchor chains, rigging gear, fiber slings and various other accessories that meet client needs. Above all, D. Koronakis SA has focused on customer satisfaction, providing not just products but client service as well. In order to be able to respond immediately to client needs, the company has worked with them to develop technologically advanced products after having spent large amounts of time and resources in Research and Development. The company’s manufacturing quality was quickly recognized, including by Lloyd’s. In order to enhance its quality control processes, the company has installed an electronic testing bench of 500T capacity and 40m length. In 1996, the company was awarded an ISO 9002 Certificate, followed by an ISO 9001:2008 Certificate that focuses on R&D, improved manufacturing skills, innovation production lines and quality assurance. The company has grown along with the needs of its clients. For this purpose, D. Koronakis SA has focused on building a strong network of international stock centers (depots) in key locations around the globe. In order to provide swift delivery of goods, the company has expanded its depot network to cover all continents. Locations include Livorno, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Tarragona, Algeciras, Barcelona, Shanghai, Singapore, Dubai, Fujairah, New York, Los Angeles, Houston, New Orleans, Dominican Republic, Panama, Cape Town and Durban. D. KORONAKIS SA is 100% Greek-owned and privately held by its Greek managers and directors. It is a 100% debt-free company with a strong financial standing and large capital liquidity. The company offers 24-hour service, 365 days per year, on all continents. In 2013, the company posted a slight increase in total turnover, up by 3 percent to 31.5 million euros. Net pretax profit rose by 10 percent to 8.7 million euros in 2013 from 7.9 million euros in 2012.


Contact Details 56 Gravias St, 185 45 Piraeus, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 2104060600 Fax: +30 2104615211 Email: Website:

152 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

D. KORONAKIS SA 2012 2013 30.603.549,00 € 31.580.986,00 € 7.930.466,00 € 8.760.874,00 € 9.932.426,00 € 10.905.609,00 € 30.771.670,00 € 46.057.762,00 € 5.641.686,00 € 5.496.500,00 €

Change (%) 3,2 10,5 9,8 49,7 -2,6


Energy Commercial


Producing a capacity of over 150 MW


The management of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) has been undertaken by PPC Renewables S.A., a wholly-owned subsidiary of power utility PPC, with the objective of achieving the greatest possible development in the RES sector. The company aims to achieve a leading position in the domestic RES sector and currently is equipped with 144.7 MW of installed capacity in wind farms and small hydroelectric and photovoltaic plants, 331.22 MW of projects at different stages of development, as well as a number of significant future projects in the pipeline. Staffed by highly-trained professionals, the company invests in the power of nature and collaborates with the largest manufacturers in the sector to utilize all available business opportunities. It seeks, develops and implements innovation, thus promoting cutting-edge technology and offering business solutions. PPC Renewables operates 21 wind farms, 16 small-scale hydroelectric and 7 photovoltaic for a total installed capacity of 147.7 MW, securing a significant RES sector presence. The company’s business plan is aiming for significant increases in installed capacity, as well as market share, over the next five years. PPC Renewables is currently constructing wind-energy facilities with an 81.07 MW capacity, smallscale hydropower stations with a capacity of 65.35 ΜW, photovoltaic parks with a capacity of 1.33 MW, as well as other projects totaling 65 MW. The company is active in wind energy, hydropower production, solar power production, geothermal power, or heat emitted by the Earth’s core, and hybrid systems, combining different renewable sources. The company posted increased financial figures in 2013, especially in terms of profit. Total turnover increased by 17 percent to 28.3 million euros from 24.3 million euros. Net pretax profit increased sharply, by 95 percent, to 8.6 million euros from 4.4 million euros.



Contact Details 3 Kapodistriou, Agia Paraskevi, 153 43, Athens Tel.: +30 211 211 8000 Fax: +30 211 211 8089 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PPC RENEWABLES SA 2012 2013 24.280.629,00 € 28.367.559,00 € 5.487.283,00 € 8.639.336,00 € 6.189.391,00 € 8.511.777,00 € 114.751.635,00 € 163.366.004,00 € 77.652.333,00 € 50.789.957,00 €

Change (%) 16,8 57,4 37,5 42,4 -34,6

Diamonds 153


Chemical Products Industrial


Exports constitute 90% of sales activity

Ilias Vasiliades Turnover 40.794.252


HB BODY SA was established in 1982 with the aim of producing and distributing high-quality products for the automotive refinishing industry. It is based in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, at company-owned facilities. Ninety percent of the company’s products are exported to 67 countries around the world. It is also a market leader in the Greek market. HB BODY SA maintains three subsidiary firms, in the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, and Spain, as well as marketing and promotion centers in Serbia and Russia. Within Greece, H.B. Body operates a distribution center in Athens, covering southern Greece and the islands. The company employs 250 persons in Greece, a number that is increasing by the year. Twenty percent of the company’s workforce holds university degrees, in the fields of chemistry, mechanical engineering, economics, and IT. Besides its Thessaloniki base, H.B. Body operates an Athens facility on 120,000 square meters of land, equipped with warehouse and production areas covering 80,000 square meters. Product research, design and development, administrative offices, training centre and the auditorium cover a further 10,000 square meters. The company invested more than 21 million euros over a three-year period, between 2006 and 2008, as well as a further 10 million euros over the past two years for the development of a brand new 3,500-square meter plant on 12,000 square meters of land, for the production of clears, hardeners and thinners. The company operates a technologically advanced logistic warehouse where 7,000 pallets can be stored through a computerized system, the only such existing system in Greece, and one of few in Europe. An investment worth 1.5 million euros for a distribution warehouse in Bulgaria, on land measuring 5,000 square meters, is on the way. In 2007, HB BODY SA invested two million euros into its distribution centre in Bristol, UK. In 1998, HB BODY SA obtained an ISO 9001 certificate from TUV (German Association for the Certificate of Quality Systems), officially guaranteeing quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing. The company’s total turnover figure fell by 8% in 2013 to 40.7 million euros from 44.2 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit rose by 14% to reach 8.1 million euros in 2013 from 7.1 million euros in 2012.


Contact Details SINDOS INDUSTRIAL AREA, 570 22 THESSALONIKI GREECE Tel.: +30 2310 790000 Fax: +30 2310 790010 Website:

154 Diamonds

H.B. BODY SA 2012 Turnover 44.288.408,00 € Profit Before Taxes 7.189.947,00 € 8.189.087,00 € Gross Profit 15.680.150,00 € Net worth 57.809.238,00 € Liabilities 6.484.999,00 €

2013 40.794.252,00 € 13.9 16.135.789,00 € 46.891.600,00 € 23.633.615,00 €

Change (%) -7.9 2.9 -18,9 264,4


Pharmaceuticals Commercial


High increases in profit before taxes for 2013

Turnover 35.433.448

Headquartered in Denmark, Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. The company also has leading positions within haemophilia care, growth hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Novo Nordisk employs approximately 39,000 employees in 75 countries, and markets its products in more than 180 countries. Novo Nordisk has marketed its products in Greece for many years, operating, since 1990, through a local subsidiary, Novo Nordisk Hellas Ltd. It is based in the Agia Paraskevi, an Athens suburb in the northeast. Novo Nordisk Hellas employs some 40 persons. In 2013, Novo Nordisk Hellas posted a total turnover figure of 35.4 million euros, up by 14.85 percent year-on-year. Pretax profit in 2013 reached 8.38 million euros.


65 Agias Triados & 80 Alekou Panagouli, 153 43, Agia Paraskevi, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6071600 FAX: +30 210 6071600 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Medical Equipment


Contact Details


Turnover 26.617.041


Contact Details 8 Kyprou, Neo Iraklio, 14122, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 2837640 Fax: +30 210 2837650 Email: Website:

NOVO NORDISK HELLAS Ltd. 2012 2013 30.851.548,00 € 35.433.448,00 € 250.814,00 € 8.377.700,00 € 7.489.097,00 € 10.896.579,00 € -5.491.533,00 € 263.361,00 € 14.890.205,00 € 10.561.202,00 €

Change (%) 14,9 3240,2 45,5 -29,07

One of its sector’s most profitable enterprises Mediprime is a key part of a group of companies that have been active in the health sector over the last 30 years in Greece. The group includes the Renal Centers «Mesogeios», the hospital waste management company «Medical Waste» and Therapeutic Center of Athens “White Cross”. The company is primarily active in the field of medical and pharmaceutical products related to nephrology. It is headquartered in Athens and operates three branches, in Thessaloniki, Crete and Kalamata. Mediprime is the exclusive representative of Fresenius Medical Care Germany (FME) in Greece, the leading global company of nephrological products for hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis treatments, making use of the most advanced technologies and top quality materials. Mediprime also maintains a coordinating role at the “Mediterranean” dialysis centers, both through purchasing equipment and materials as well contribution of services, including technical and regulatory requirements. In 2013, the company posted increased earnings before taxes, which reached 8.17 million euros from 7.05 million euros in 2012. Sales fell by 2.13 percent to 26.6 million euros. MEDIPRIME SA Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

2012 27.196.985,00 € 7.045.527,00 € 14.336.510,00 € 13.205.622,00 € 38.970.603,00 €

2013 26.617.041,00 € 8.170.354,00 € 14.187.322,00 € 14.803.495,00 € 31.757.514,00 €

Change (%) -2,1 16,0 -1,0 12,1 -18,5

Diamonds 155


Information Technology Commercial

Euronet Card Services SA

Offering its services in 155 countries

Turnover 22.497.948


Contact Details 1 Sachtouri & 2 Posidonos Ave, Kallithea, 176 74, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 947 8478 Fax: +30 210 947 8530 Website:

Investing Services Commercial

Turnover 24.320.119


Euronet Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: EEFT) facilitates the movement of payments around the world and serves as a critical link between its partners — Financial Institutions, Retailers, Service Providers — and their end consumers, both locally and globally. Founded in 1994, Euronet has established itself as a leading electronic payments provider. Euronet’s customers are served from three core business segments: Electronic Financial Transactions (EFT - including Payments Software), Prepaid (epay) and Money Transfer. In 2014, the company processed approximately $72 billion in ATM, prepaid and money transfer payments for approximately 200 financial institutions, 200 mobile operators, approximately 554,000 retailer and agent locations, and millions of individual consumers worldwide. With 4,600 employees in 49 countries, today Euronet’s mission of extending the convenience and simplicity of electronic financial payment solutions continues with the support of its dedicated people, integrated products and global presence. In 2013, the company’s total turnover figure increased by 28 percent, rising to 22.5 million euros from 17.5 million euros a year earlier. Pretax profit increased by 100 percent, to 8.1 million euros in 2013 from 4.1 million euros a year earlier. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

91 Mihalakopoulou St. 11528, Athens Tel: +30 210 7720000 Fax: +30 210 7720001 Email: Website:

156 Diamonds

Change (%) 28,51 98,67 35,74 0,00 84,95


Significant total turnover and pretax profit gains NBG Securities is the Investment Banking and Brokerage arm of the National Bank of Greece Group of companies, the oldest banking corporation in Greece. The company was founded in 1998 and was immediately listed on the Athens Stock Exchange. In 2007, P&K Securities merged with National Securities and in 2013 incorporated with the Investment Banking Division of the Parent Company (NBG), rebranding from National Securities to NBG Securities. The investing company is headquartered in Athens and operates branches in London and Bucharest. The company is active in Brokerage (both retail and institutional), Investment Banking and services such as research. The company’s Equity Research provides insightful analysis and actionable research recommendations for a diverse range of companies listed on the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE). In 2013, total turnover rose to 24.3 million euros from 9.8 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit reached 7.7 million euros in 2013, up from a loss of 4.3 million euros incurred in 2012.


Contact Details

EURONET CARD SERVISES SA 2012 2013 17.506.538,00 € 22.497.948,00 € 4.111.388,00 € 8.168.201,00 € 9.384.606,00 € 12.738.209,00 € 1.786.636,00 € 1.786.636,00 € 6.789.522,00 € 12.556.983,00 €

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

NBG SECURITIES SA 2012 2013 9.869.617,00 € 24.320.119,00 € -4.321.155,00 € 7.704.813,00 € -2.831.597,00 € 9.646.748,00 € 70.105.581,00 € 76.553.073,00 € 35.348.443,00 € 80.818.409,00 €

Change (%) 146,4 9,2 128,6


Pharmaceutical Equipment Commercial


Supplying premium quality medical devices

Turnover 12.110.874


Contact Details 2 Andrea Kalvou & Paleologou str. 15232 Chalandri, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6080143 Fax: +30 210 6080165 Email: Website:

MEDICARE HELLAS S.A. has been active in the healthcare industry for almost three decades. The company was founded in 1986 by Mrs. Constantina Kapetanopoulou to provide Hospital units with high quality medical devices and disposables. From the outset MEDICARE HELLAS became part of Johnson & Johnson’s widespread distribution network as an official supplier of its Medical Devices and Diagnostics business unit. Subsequently MEDICARE HELLAS enriched its product portfolio through successful distribution and exclusive partnership agreements with leading European & U.S. manufacturers for representing their brands. Through the years the company has managed to increase its market share, forming strong relationships with the healthcare community and building a well established corporate reputation. Within 2014 the company further expanded its domestic selling points & developed its exporting activity abroad. The success story of MEDICARE HELLAS is mainly due to: ● A consistent, sound business strategy based on ethics and clear corporate practices. ● A flexible, trustworthy, functional and result-oriented business scheme. ● A carefully built network of key partners and business alliances which ensures a broad range of excellent innovative products with high potential. ● A solid and loyal customer base. ● An effective, highly educated & well-trained sales team. The company’s product range features more than 5000 product items and its main product lines can be grouped into the following categories: Surgical technology, Medical disposables, Surgical Instruments and Equipment, Medical devices that cover the fields of invasive cardiology, electrophysiology, endovascular and neurovascular surgery. MEDICARE HELLAS also offers comprehensive proposals and services for setting up and outfitting medical centers and healthcare units. The company has the know-how to implement turn-key projects, train and provide after sales support. In response to its increasing business needs, the company has recently relocated its headquarters to a 2000 sq.m. building in the business area of Chalandri, Athens. Its new facilities have a spacious warehouse, equipped with the latest technology logistics system and ready-to-deliver stock in excellent storage conditions. Through its branches in Thessaloniki & Crete MEDICARE HELLAS successfully accommodates public & private hospitals & clinics and effectively covers the whole Greek territory. All company services, activities and operations are governed by the regulatory framework of the ISO:9001 quality management standard & related ministerial decisions for good distribution practices of medical devices. With an eye on society’s changing healthcare needs, the company is committed to providing the medical community with unique, innovative, high quality, branded and cost-effective therapeutic and diagnostic products, contributing thus to the advancement of good health and improvement of people’s quality of life. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MEDICARE HELLAS SA 2012 2013 9.860.416,00 € 12.110.874,00 € 2.371.626,00 € 8.134.259,00 € 3.746.220,00 € 6.021.969,00 € 2.896.894,00 € 5.264.605,00 € 20.927.185,00 € 17.584.914,00 €

Change (%) 22,8 243,0 60,7 81,7 -16,0

Diamonds 157


Pharmaceuticals Cosmetics Industrial


The world leader in care and beauty

Ersi Pyrisii

Much can be said about L ‘OREAL, one of the strongest companies in the cosmetics world, clients including major international stars. It has dominated the field of hairdressing in Greece. Based in France, L ‘Oréal Paris is present in 130 countries, its basic operating principle being to innovate and offer top-quality products for mass appeal at the best possible prices. Over the years, the group has maintained its leading place in the international cosmetics market, employing more than 77,000 workers and holding a market share close to 29%. In 2013, the company achieved sales of 22.98 billion euros, compared to 22.5 billion euros in 2012. Profit reached approximately 2.3 billion euros in 2013 from 2.9 billion euros in 2012. The company is inspired by global figures in the world of arts, fashion and beauty, passionate people, men and women, of all ages and backgrounds, and driven by innovation. Company researchers apply the latest in scientific discoveries to develop exclusive, innovative and safe products, the objective being to make these innovations accessible to all. In Greece, L ‘OREAL products first appeared in the mid-1930s. Forty years later, the French group decided to establish a subsidiary company in Greece. The company’s Greek production plant, operating here since the early ‘70s, was devastated by an earthquake that struck Athens in 1999. L ‘Oreal Hellas operates through four sales channels, hair salons, pharmacies, selective and broad distribution, while its distribution center in Avlona, 50 kilometers north of central Athens, currently handles orders of around 190,000 units a year for 13,000 products. In 2013, the Greek subsidiary posted a slightly reduced total turnover figure of 114 million euros from 118.9 million euros in 2012 Profit increased to 8 million euros from 7.7 million euros in 2012.

Turnover 114.135.097


Contact Details 39A Ethnikis Antistaseos, 142 34 Nea Ionia, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6188400 Fax: +30 210 6108212 E-mail: Website:

158 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

L’ OREAL HELLAS SA 2012 2013 118.947.135,00 € 114.135.097,00 € 7.671.854,00 € 8.075.402,00 € 90.393.747,00 € 85.895.662,00 € 11.738.262,00 € 11.738.262,00 € 32.446.613,00 € 39.795.151,00 €

Change (%) -4,0 5,3 -5,0 0,0 -18,5


Sea Transportation Commercial


Star of the Aegean

Michail Sakellis

Turnover 132.018.000

Blue Star Ferries SA, whose activities are entirely focused on passenger shipping, operates seven ferry boats flying the Greek flag, Blue Star 1, Blue Star 2, Blue Star Ithaki, Blue Star Paros, Blue Star Naxos, Blue Star Horizon, and Diagoras. In September, 2002, Superfast Ferries and Blue Star Ferries became the first Greek passenger ferry companies to receive ISO 14001 certification for Environmental Management Systems. Specifically, Blue Star Ferries Head Offices, as well as the vessels Blue Star 1, Blue Star 2, Blue Star Ithaki and Blue Horizon were certified with the standard. Auditing and certification were carried out by ABS Quality Evaluations, a member of the international American Bureau of Shipping group. In similar fashion, new additions to the company’s fleet in 2003, Blue Star Paros and Blue Star Naxos were also certified as per ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in August 2003. Blue Star Ferries SA, as well as all its ships, is applying the International Safety Management Code (ISM), related to the provisions of SOLAS for the protection of human life at sea. In addition, Blue Star Ferries SA and the vessels Blue Star 1, Blue Star 2, Blue Star Ithaki, Blue Star Paros, Blue Star Naxos and Blue Horizon are certified as per ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System. ABS Quality Evaluations, a highly respectable organization and member of the international American Bureau of Shipping Group, carried out auditing and certification of both systems. Certification under ISO 9001:2000 constitutes recognition of the high level of services offered by our Group. The Blue Star Ferries new buildings are of the very latest technology, guaranteeing conformance to the high international standards of environmental protection under the International Convention on Marine Pollution (MARPOL), as established by the IMO. Blue Star Ferries is an active member of HELMEPA, the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association, a non-profit and non-governmental organization involving ship-owners and seafarers. In 2013, the company posted a total turnover figure of 132 million euros, up from 112 million euros in the previous year. It also rebounded from a loss of 1.8 million euros incurred in 2012 to a pretax profit of 7.9 million euros in 2013.


Contact Details 123-125 Syngrou Avenue & 3 Torva Street, Athens, 117 45, Greece Tel: +30 2108919800 Fax: +30 2108919829 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

BLUE STAR FERRIES SA 2012 2013 112.516.000,00 € 132.018.000,00 € -1.514.000,00 € 7.967.000,00 € 19.832.000,00 € 30.051.000,00 € 223.511.000,00 € 231.262.000,00 € 141.186.000,00 € 134.801.000,00 €

Change (%) 17,3 51,5 3,5 -4,5

Diamonds 159


Construction Industrial


A key player in its sector

George Peristeris

Turnover 344.993.000

TERNA was founded in 1972 and has since has been actively involved in the implementation of a broad spectrum of public and private projects of considerable budget and complex know-how, such as the construction of railway and highway networks, high-quality office buildings, hospitals, museums, resorts, hydro-electric power plants, dams, harbors, and industrial facilities. In 1999, its merger with GEK S.A. - a company with an already dominant presence in the construction sector and the establishment of a strong overall corporate group was a significant contributing factor to the further development of TERNA. Today, TERNA is the construction company of GEK TERNA Group. The solid and continuous development of TERNA brings significant added value to the GEK TERNA Group. At present, TERNA is focused on the completion of major infrastructure and building projects undertaken. Based on its solid domestic foundation, TERNA is currently systematically and carefully strengthening its business activities in other countries. TERNA is committed to reducing the impact of its operations on the environment, through its adoption of the International Standard ISO 14001:2004. In 2013, the group signed new project contracts as well as expansion contracts for existing construction projects with third parties, the total worth of these contracts reaching about 2.73 million euros. The biggest of these deals concerns a contract with Greece’s main power utility PPC for the construction of a new 660-MW thermal power station in Ptolemaida, northern Greece. This project’s budget totals 1.39 million euros, while the completion date has been set for 2019. Two subcontracts offered to Dragados SA and Ferrovial Agroman SA for road projects - E-65 and NEA ODOS (PATHE) - budgeted at 890 million euro, combined, also represented a key part of the 2.73 millioneuro total. The company posted a total turnover increase of 18 percent to 345 million euros in 2013 from 291 million euros a year earlier. It converted a loss of 2.5 million euros in 2012 into a sizable profit of 7.9 million euros in 2013.


Contact Details 85 Mesogion, 115 26 Athens, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6968000 Fax: +30 210 6968098 Email: info@Terna.Gr Website:

160 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

TERNA SA 2012 291.039.000,00 € -2592000 20.927.000,00 € 129.132.000,00 € 497.976.000,00 €

2013 344.993.000,00 € 7.920.000,00 € 34.366.000,00 € 141.504.000,00 € 542.826.000,00 €

Change (%) 18,5 64,2 9,6 -8,3


Packaging Commercial


A global force in netting solutions

Turnover 56.172.815


The KARATZIS Group has been active in the manufacturing of netting materials for more than three decades. Starting with a small plant in Crete, KARATZIS has evolved into an international leader with an active commercial presence in more than 50 countries and state-of-the-rt production facilities in Greece and Germany. The Group’s wide product range comprises of netting solutions that serve the needs of agriculture, horticulture, packaging, meat & ham processing, construction and decoration. With a total production capacity that exceeds 29,000 tons, the Group’s factories manufacture a variety of products, from bale net-wrap, silage net and polyethylene bags, to shading nets, road fences and Christmas tree netting. The key competitive advantage of the Group lies in the innovative character of its products, which are characterized not only by top quality standards but also a high added value that makes them irreplaceable for final users. At the same time, the key pillar of KARATZIS’s successful business operations lies in the solid production base, which comprises of 5 manufacturing units in Greece and 2 in Germany, with a total factory space that exceeds 45,000 square meters. The Karatzis group also owns facilities and investments in energy sector and, in 2013, launched six photovoltaic power stations with a total capacity of 0.6 MW on the Ionian island of Cephalonia, western Greece. The company is active in the hotel & tourism sectors. It also trades in the commercial sector. Karatzis owns two companies, one in Spain and one in the UK. Specifically, Croppy Solutions is a company dedicated exclusively to Agricultural Packaging. The company primarily promotes KARATZIS S.A. products as well as other agriculture and packaging products in the Spanish market. Its central offices are located in the city of Valladolid, Spain. Also, Zeus Packaging Agri Ltd is a commercial company active in the promotion of Agricultural Packaging in the United Kingdom. The company distributes mainly agricultural packing solutions made available by KARATZIS S.A. as well as other agriculture and packaging products in the UK market. Its headquarters are located in Hertfordshire, UK. The company posted total revenue and pre-tax profit increases in 2013. Total sales rose by 8.6% from 51 million euros in 2012 to 56 million euros in 2013. Pre-tax profit increased further, by 53%, from 5.1 million euros in 2012 to 7.9 million euros in 2013.


Contact Details “A” Street - Heraklion Industrial Area , 716 01, Heraklion, Greece Tel: +30 2810382900 Fax: +30 2810381400 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

KARATZIS S.A. 2012 51.725.089,00 € 5.172.429,00 € 13.073.597,00 € 82.851.000,00 € 58.038.000,00 €

2013 56.172.815,00 € 7.916.465,00 € 14.414.888,00 € 88.036.000,00 € 52.805.000,00 €

Change (%) 8.6 53.1 10.3 6,3 -9,0

Diamonds 161


Transportation Means Commercial


Producing reliable vehicles Toyota Hellas SA, a firm engaged in the business of importing and distribution of cars, was founded in 1986. From the very first year of its establishment, the firm has pursued a course highlighted by a series of innovative moves that have proved influential in the Greek market. Local market standards changed and the firm managed to capture one of the leading places in the local auto market, as well as the respect of Greek customers. Toyota Hellas SA operates as a subsidiary of Inchcape plc. Toyota Hellas is the national representative of Toyota Motor Corporation in Greece. The Inchcape group, which employs a work force of over 1,400 persons, is active – internationally and in Greece - in various services related to the automobile field, such as importing and distribution of cars, retail sales, rentals, financing, and insurance. The company is responsible for the marketing and distribution of the Toyota & Lexus makes in Greece. It is also in charge of the marketing and distribution of original Toyota & Lexus parts used for repair work. Toyota Hellas supports the local network of authorized dealers and repairers of Toyota & Lexus vehicles. Since its foundation, Toyota has been using its Guiding Principles to produce reliable vehicles by employing innovative and high-quality products and services. Toyota Europe places Corporate Social Responsibility as a strategic priority and, as such, places great emphasis on environmental protection, technical training and road safety.

Aris Aravanis

Turnover 115.517.621


Contact Details 48 Ethnikis Antistaseos, Halandri, 152 31, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 28 08 508 Email: Website:

162 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

TOYOTA HELLAS SA 2012 2013 119,132,395.00 € 115,517,621.00 € 6,215,201.00 € 7,777,817.00 € 20,952,703.00 € 17,545,585.00 € 32,599,960.00 € 32,599,960.00 € 36,742,455.00 € 33,358,511.00 €

Change (%) -3.03 25.1 -16.3 0.0 -9.2


Cosmetics – Detergents Commercial


Company history characterized by innovation

Turnover 289.864.988


Contact Details 49 Agiou Konstantinou, Maroussi, 15124, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 2108764000 Fax: +30 2108764100 Website:

Procter & Gamble is one of the leading consumer products companies in the world. Its products are used daily by approximately 4.8 billion people of the roughly 7 billion living on the planet. Procter & Gamble possesses one of the largest and strongest portfolios for daily products, in a wide range of categories, including Ace, Always, Ambi Pur, Ariel, Bounty, Charmin, Crest, Dawn, Downy, Duracell, Fairy, Fusion, Gain, Gillette, Head & Shoulders, Lenor, Mach3, Olay, Oral-B, Pampers, Pantene, Tide, Vicks, Wella and Whisper. Overall, the Procter & Gamble group is present in 175 countries, employs over 121,000 employees through subsidiaries in 70 countries, and produces and sells more than 300 products. Procter & Gamble was founded in 1837 in Cincinnati , USA, by two European immigrants, William Procter and James Gamble. With sales exceeding 82.6 billion dollars in 2013, Procter & Gamble ranks as one of the largest business groups worldwide. In Greece, the multinational took its first steps in the early 50s, represented by the company GENKA, which primarily imported Tide ZK, a detergent for washing clothing by hand, through various traders. Founded in 1960 by Viochrom, an existing Greek company headed by Thanasis Gertsos and producing clothing dyes and detergents, Procter & Gamble Hellas became one of the first companies to establish a base in Greece. Its first offices were set up at the capital’s Syntagma square, while a facility producing detergents was developed at Viochrom’s facilities in Agia Varvara, Egaleo, western Athens. In the ‘70s, when automatic washing machines hit the Greek market in major numbers, the company introduced its first major detergent for Greece, Ariel. The decade ended with the arrival of the company’s Pampers nappies in the local market. Seeking to offer support to the Greek economy, Procter & Gamble developed an innovation center in Greece, an initiative based on preceding models established by the multinational company in countries such as Germany and the UK. The center has enabled the company to support R&D programs for current market trends and developments. The company holds a leading position in the Greek market but has been significantly affected by the decline in consumption, resulting in a total turnover decline of 17% in 2013 and a net profit fall of 27%. Total turnover fell to 289.86 million euros in 2013 from 350.35 million euros a year earlier. Pretax profit fell to 7.6 million euros in 2013 from 10.4 million euros in 2012.

PROCTER & GAMBLE HELLAS Ltd 2012 Turnover 350.351.441,00 € Profit Before Taxes 10.437.007,00 € Gross Profit 157.217.144,00 € Net worth 10.720.209,00 € Liabilities 56.208.989,00 €

2013 289.864.988,00 € 7.632.528,00 € 108.510.256,00 € 12.507.450,00 € 65.929.012,00 €

Change (%) -17.3 -26.9 -31.0 16,7 17,3

Diamonds 163


Finance, accounting, consulting Commercial


Leading force in financial services

Turnover 43.219.095


PwC in Greece is the largest professional accounting services firm in the country, with premises in Athens and Thessaloniki and a workforce of over 900 employees. Internationally, the company operates a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 195,000 people committed to delivering quality in tax and advisory services. Worldwide, PWC is the second most powerful brand (Rank by: BrandFinance®Global 500 (2015)) but number one as a professional services brand for 2015 (Rank by: BrandFinance® The most valuable professional services brands of 2015). In 2014, PwC globally acquired Booz & Co. which now operates as Strategy&. PWC created a leading global strategy, offering a combination of strategy consulting expertise and a proven track record of delivery, with unrivalled global scale and implementation experience. PwC provides industry-focused services for public and private clients in order to build public trust and enhance value. The company’s services are extended in the following sectors: Audit and Assurance (Capital markets group, international financial reporting standards, risk assurance services, Sarbanes-Oxley, shipping industry services), Consulting Services (Internal Audit, technology, Finance & Accounting, Operations, Governance Risk and Compliance, people & change, executive recruitment), Crisis Management (Business recovery services, dispute analysis & investigation), Tax ( Accounting outsourcing, corporate income tax, Finance, Treasury & Securitization, IFRS Reporting, Indirect Taxes, International Assignment, International Tax Structuring, Mergers & Acquisitions, Payroll & HR Administration Outsourcing, Real Estate Compliance, Tax Compliance, Transfer Pricing), technology (Cloud Assurance, Information Security, Threat and Vulnerability Assurance), Training Services and Transactions (Corporate Finance, Valuation & Strategy, Project Finance & Private Public Partnerships, Transaction Services). Pwc is active in the following industries: Banking & Capital Markets, Energy, Utilities & Mining, Engineering & Construction, Financial Services, Government & Public Sector and Insurance. It is also active in the sectors of Real Estate, Retail & Consumer, Shipping, Telecommunications and Transportation & Logistics. In 2014, the company posted a total turnover figure of 38 million euros, down from 43.2 million euros in 2013, a 12 percent decline. Pretax profit fell by 40 percent to 4.4 million euros in 2014 from 7.4 million euros a year earlier.


Contact Details 268 Kifissias Avenue, Halandri, 152 32, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 6874400 Fax: +30 210 6874444 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS SA 2012 2013 36.686.817,00 € 43.219.095,00 € 4.143.527,00 € 7.397.807,00 € 8.408.852,00 € 12.694.317,00 € 5.479.337,00 € 10.924.234,00 € 16.292.780,00 € 15.382.522,00 €

Change (%) 17,8 78,5 50,1 99,4 -5,6

Diamonds 165



Turnover 47.332.454


Seeing profits skyrocket in 2013 PAPAIOANNOU BROS S.A. was founded in 2003 by brothers Michael and Panourgias Papaioannou, under the corporate name INTERKAT S.A. The company’s head office is located in Gravia, Fokida. Its line of business is: ● Construction of all types of projects. ● Operation of quarries of inert or non-inert materials and other quarry products. ● Trade, import and representation of any kind of cars, vehicles and machinery. ● Involvement in any kind of tourist and construction activities. In August 2013, the company acquired the official E’ class public contractor certificate, which entitles it to undertake public works. In 2003, the firm’s turnover more than doubled to €47.33 million, compared to €17.06 million in 2012. Profits also skyrocketed from €1.62 million in 2012 to €7.21 million in 2013.


Contact Details

PAPAIOANNOU BROS SA 2012 2013 17.057.297,00 € 47.332.454,00 € 1.618.795,00 € 7.207.876,00 € 2.457.358,00 € 8.370.478,00 € 7.294.742,00 € 12.073.345,00 € 9.753.273,00 € 15.932.553,00 €

1st km Gravia – Lamia National Road, 330 57 Fokida, Greece Tel.: +30 2265 091684 FAx: +30 2265 091009 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Alternate energy forms

Eoliki Energiaki Peloponnisou SA


Turnover 17.024.054


Change (%) 177,49 345,26 240,63 65,51 63,36

Offering the most environmentally friendly energy form Eoliki Energiaki Peloponnisou SA, a subsidiary of France’s EDF Energies Nouvelles SA Group of companies, operates three of the parent company’s 16 wind-energy parks, in Argolida, northeast Peloponnese, Hania, Crete, and Viotia, slightly northwest of Athens. EDF Energies Nouvelles is a leader in the production of renewable energy. The company develops, installs and operates green electricity power plants, mainly in Europe and North America, primarily for its own owner-operator account and for third parties. By drawing upon natural, renewable resources, EDF Energies aims at providing competitively-priced carbon dioxide-free alternate energies equivalent to traditional sources. In 2014, the company experienced a decline in both total turnover and profit figures. Total turnover fell to 13.1 million euros from 17 million euros and pretax profit dropped considerably to 1.73 million euros from 7.21 million euros.


Contact Details 120 Vassilis Sofias Ave, Athens, Greece. Tel: 210 6462079 Fax: 210 6431420 Website: E-mail:

166 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth

Eoliki Energiaki Peloponnisou SA 2012 2013 12,023,259.00 € 17,024,054.00 € 3,436,96.00 € 7,205,547.00 € 5,047,181.00 € 6,265,267.00 € 19,961,293.00 € 32,037,620.00 €

Change (%) 41.6 109.6 24.1 60.5




Protagonist of the gaming sector

Turnover 150.853.000


Within 22 years of operation INTRALOT has achieved an impressive global expansion and has become the protagonist of the gaming sector. Leveraging its advanced know-how in the development of cutting-edge products and capitalizing on its significant experience in gaming operations management, INTRALOT offers customized and fully integrated solutions that are highly efficient and absolutely secure. INTRALOT has been publicly listed in Athens Stock Exchange since 1999. Its revenues in 2013 reached €1.54 billion. As a vendor and/or lottery operator, INTRALOT has been awarded contracts for a wide range of products and has established its presence in 57 jurisdictions on all 5 continents with more than 5.700 employees. INTRALOT is the leading supplier of Integrated Gaming and Transaction Processing Systems, Innovative Game Content, Sports Betting & Racing Management and Interactive Gaming Services to state-licensed gaming organizations worldwide. INTRALOT currently holds a dominant position in Europe, Latin & Central America, and Asia, with a significant presence in North America, and is continuing its dynamic expansion in Oceania and Africa. INTRALOT’s games library includes more than 400 types of games and variations, such as Numerical Lotteries, Online Games, TV Lottery Games, Sports Lotteries, Fixed-Odds Betting, Instant Lotteries, Pari-mutuel, Video Lottery, Monitor Games and Interactive Games. INTRALOT is the leading partner for those organizations that want to offer a Universal Gaming Experience to their players. Its customers take advantage of the most robust, efficient and versatile Unified Gaming Platform in the industry that seamlessly combines the Retail, Mobile and Home Users, connecting innovative Gaming Verticals and offering an unparallel business support to the organization for optimal customer experience. INTRALOT aims at maintaining its leading position in the lottery industry and in the gaming sector, offering added value to its clients, shareholders and employees. The Company continues to make remarkable progress, with the same passion for accomplishing its key targets: dedication to its clients’ satisfaction, and tailoring the design and development of pioneering and result-oriented solutions that meet market demand and the specific needs of its clients. INTRALOT actively engages the global gaming community and contributes decisively to the future development of the industry. It is a member of WLA (World Lottery Association), EL (European Lotteries and Toto Association), NASPL (North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries), CIBELAE (the Hispanic Association that covers South America and the Iberian Peninsula), APLA (Asia Pacific Lottery Association), and GSA (Gaming Standards Association) and a gold member of AGEM (Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers).

Contact Details 64, Kifissias Ave. & 3, Premetis Str Athens, 15125 Greece Tel : +30 210 615 6000 Fax: +30 210 610 6800 email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

INTRALOT SA 2012 139.599.000,00 € 6.202.000,00 € 51.363.000,00 € 121.272.000,00 € 344.424.000,00 €

2013 150.853.000,00 € 7.199.000,00 € 70.620.000,00 € 115.034.000,00 € 348.759.000,00 €

Change (%) 8,06 16,08 37,49 -5,14 1,26

Diamonds 167



Symetal S.A.

An outstanding global supplier of aluminium foil Established in 1977, Symetal produces aluminium foil (from 6 to 200 microns) and aluminium flexible packaging materials. The Company provides high quality aluminium foil solutions, both plain and converted, with a wide range of applications in the consumer goods, tobacco, food and pharmaceutical industries. The Company exports to more than 40 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Far East, North and South America and Australia and generates 92% of its sales outside of Greece. Symetal is subsidiary of Elval Group. Symetal operates two modern production facilities. The rolling plant situated in Oinofyta, Greece and the converting plant situated in Mandra, Greece. The rolling plant specialises in the production of plain aluminium foil, at a wide range of thicknesses and alloys. It has an annual capacity of 50,000 tons and its aluminium foil products are used in various applications such as converter foil, pharma foil, container foil, fin stock, household foil. The converting plant has an annual capacity of 22,000 tons and specialises in the conversion of aluminium foil for a number of packaging applications in the tobacco, food and pharmaceutical industries. Symetal is committed to providing high quality products and services to its customers with particular emphasis to customer satisfaction. The Company provides R&D services by capitalizing the extensive experience and know-how of its employees while being in close cooperation with a fully equipped metallurgical laboratory. Symetal is certified according to ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 22000:2005 and has integrated the principles of sustainability and corporate responsibility within its business strategy. The Company places great importance on an environmentally responsible operation, along with employee health and safety. Symetal product range ● Converter foil ● Pharmaceutical foil ● Cable foil ● Foil for food containers

Contact Details e-mail: website:

Key data

● Foil for candle lights

● Cigarette foil

● Foil for finstock

● Chocolate foil

●F oil for technical applica-

● Chewing gum foil

tions ● Household foil

blister packaging

SYMETAL S.A. Year 2014 figures* Amounts in EUR thousand

Revenue (turnover) Employees Market presence in: % Sales outside Greece * Symetal S.A. financials are included in Elval Group 2014 consolidated figures.

168 Diamonds

●C oated foil for lidding and

181.3 310 More than 40 countries 92%




Winning over European consumers

Michalis Arabatzis Turnover 55.875.000


The food industry Elliniki Zymi - Arabatzis is active in the frozen dough products sector, covering the Ho.Re.Ca and retail markets. The company is based at a production plant in Thessaloniki’s Industrial Area, on a company-owned plot of land measuring 23,500 ​​ square meters. It is supported by an extensive network that is maintained by a company-owned delivery van fleet, three branches in Athens, Patras, and Ioannina, as well as partners throughout Greece. Elliniki Zymi - Arabatzis is one of the most modern food industries in Greece and Europe as a whole. Since its foundation, the company has striven to produce high quality products. Quality assurance is linked to the procurement of high-grade raw materials, application of total quality control, safety and hygiene. The quality standards BS EN ISO 9001: 2000, BS EN ISO 22000: 2005, and IFS Inter-national Food Standard Issue 5: August 2007 (Higher Level) are applied throughout the entire production process. Domestic sales represent 86% of total sales while sales abroad account for the other 14%. The company primarily exports to Germany and Cyprus while, in more recent years, it has also begun exporting to other European countries such as Turkey, Romania, Sweden, and the UK. Investments were primarily made by the company with the prospect of developing a business on a par with other major Greek and international enterprises. With this in mind, a 30,850-square meter plot of land was purchased in the Sindos Industrial Area of Thessaloniki, that included an industrialstyle building providing 20,200 square meters of sheltered space, which the company utilized to set up two factories, equipping them with cutting-edge technology to produce puff pastry, croissants, traditional style pies, bougatsa, pizza, and other food products. Between 2005 and 2013, the company made further investments worth 16 million euros for the construction of a new building, close to the central factory. Its facilities include new fully automated pizza and croissant production lines, cooling facilities for deep-freezing products, packaging machinery, and trucks to cover new distribution points In 2013, the company’s total turnover increased by 3.3% to reach 55.6 million euros from 54.1 million euros in 2012. The company’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) figure increased by 8.3% to 8.1 million euros from 7.5 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit rose by 10.7% to 6.9 million euros from 6.2 million euros in the previous year.


Contact Details Thessaloniki Industrial Area, PO BOX 1238, 570 22 Sindos , Thessaloniki, Greece Τel: +30 2310 723440 Fax: +30 2310 795351 E- mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MICHAIL ARABATZIS SA ‘HELLENIC DOUGH’ 2012 2013 54.100.280,00 € 55.875.000,00 € 6.266.477,00 € 6.889.000,00 € 13.330.000,00 € 13.905.000,00 € 29.174.017,00 € 33.863.000,00 € 18.592.096,00 € 19.125.000,00 €

Change (%) 3.3 10.7 4.3 16,1 2,9

Diamonds 169


Electronics Commercial

Turnover 294.088.000



Global force in electronic products Since its inception in Suwon, South Korea in 1969, Samsung Electronics has developed into a leading company worldwide in information technology, with more than 200 affiliates around the world. The company produces home appliances such as TVs, monitors, printers, refrigerators and washing machines, as well as innovative mobile communications products, such as smartphone and tablets, among other things. Samsung also remains a reliable supplier of key electronic components such as DRAM memory and semiconductors without memory. The company affiliates cover fields including electronics, heavy industry, chemicals, and financial services. Samsung Electronics has set itself the objective of reaching sales of 400 billion dollars by 2020. The company’s Greek subsidiary posted a total turnover increase of 7 percent in 2013 to 294 million euros. Its pretax profit also rose, by 13%, to reach 6.8 million euros in 2013 from 6 million euros in 2012.


Contact Details 24A Kifissias Ave, Marousi, 151 25, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 2130 16 38 00 Website:


Turnover 49.420.092


Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS HELLAS SA 2012 2013 275.766.000,00 € 294.088.000,00 € 6.049.000,00 € 6.834.000,00 € 49.459.000,00 € 52.838.000,00 € 13.220.000,00 € 17.628.000,00 € 59.217.000,00 € 55.974.000,00 €

Change (%) 6,64 12,98 6,83 33,34 -5,48

Balakanakis Bros SA

Turnover and profit increases in 2013 BALAKANAKI BROS – OLYMPIAKI FRUIT SA is the Greek canned fruit sector’s largest firm, in terms of sales and profit figures. Following several years spent operating in the local fruit and vegetable market, the company’s founder, Thanassis Balakanakis, started supplying European consumers with Greek fresh fruits such as citrus, grapes and apricots in 1976. Freshness, taste, and nutrition were, and remain, the main company concerns with regard to its exports. This is achieved by selecting the best produce Greece has to offer. The company is based in Nafplio in the Peloponnese, south of the Greek mainland, where a fully equipped packing facility prepares products cultivated in southern Greece for exportation. The constant increase in product demand has prompted the firm to also export new products, such as stone-fruits, asparagus and kiwis. In order to cover market demand, an ultra-modern packing facility was constructed in Pella, Macedonia, northern Greece, where the region’s fruits and vegetables are packaged and exported. In 2013, the company’s total turnover rose to 49.4 million euros, up by 21 percent year-on-year. Pretax profit increased by an even greater percentage, reaching 6.7 million euros, an impressive 92 percent year-on-year rise.


Contact Details Argoliko-Nafplio, 21100, Nafplio, Greece Tel.: +302752036400 Fax: +30252036348 Email: Website:

170 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Balakanakis Bros SA 2012 40.653.480,00 € 3.532.953,00 € 9.926.613,00 € 14.882.341,00 € 5.265.640,00 €

2013 49.420.092,00 € 6.790.587.00 € 14.328.710,00 € 19.843.333,00 € 5.602.506,00 €

Change (%) 21.6 92.2 44.4 33,3 6,4


Electrical appliances Industrial

BSH Home Appliances SA

Operating 42 production facilities worldwide

Turnover 174.048.286


BSH Home Appliances SA is a member of BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH Group, the largest household appliance manufacturer in Europe. In Greece, BSH Home Devices SA is headquartered in Kifissia, northern Athens, which houses the company’s commercial and marketing sector. Its sales branch is located in Thessaloniki, the production plant is located close in the wider area of port-city Piraeus’s Renti district, and warehouses are in Aspropyrgos, west of Athens. In 1977, BSH and Siemens acquired a 60 percent share of PITSOS SA, a Greek producer of household appliances with a long tradition in the domestic market. Since 1996, Bosch, Siemens and Pitsos have operated together under the name BSP. In 1998, BSH incorporated the Gaggenau brand and, four years later, also acquired Neff. Recently, the company, which employs approximately 680 persons, was renamed ABE BSH Home Appliances. It is a leader in the Greek market for household appliances such as refrigerators, deep freezers, washing machines, and ovens, with a share of over 40%. The company’s export activity to other parts of Europe is increasing. A joint venture set up in 1967 by Robert Bosch GmbH (Stuttgart) and Siemens AG (Munich), BSH has experienced rapid growth over the past ten years. At present, BSH operates 42 factories in 13 European countries, the USA, Latin America and Asia. Including its global sales and customer service network, the BSH corporate family is currently comprised of about 70 companies in 50 countries, with a total workforce of nearly 46,000 people, over 70% of these employed in Europe. The company is headquartered in Munich. The group’s portfolio includes the Bosch and Siemens brands, as well as eight niche brands, Gaggenau, Neff, Thermador, Constructa, Viva, Ufesa, Junker and Zelmer, ensuring that the specific requirements of all clients are met. Furthermore, the four regional brands (Balay, Pitsos, Profilo and Coldex) ensure broad presence in their respective markets. The group’s product range spans the entire spectrum of modern household appliances, including ovens, hoods, dishwashers, washing machines and dryers, refrigerators and freezers, as well as small household appliances (consumer products), such as vacuum cleaners, coffee makers, kettles, irons and hairdryers. In 2013, the company’s total turnover amounted to 154 million euros, of which 35 million was generated by exports. Following seven successive loss-incurring years, the company posted a profit of 6.8 million euros in 2013.

Contact Details 17th kilometer Athens-Lamia national highway, 14564 Kifissia, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 2104277800 Fax: +30 2104277837 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

BSH Home Appliances A.B.E. 2012 2013 174.376.129,00 € 154.048.286,00 € -994.406,00 € 6.813.529,00 € 36.415.769,00 € 33.184.102,00 € 39.791.267,00 € 32.330.522,00 € 54.529.693,00 € 48.940.503,00 €

Change (%) -11.7 -8.9 -18,7 -10,2

Diamonds 171


Pharmaceuticals Industrial


Strategic moves bolster international standing

Turnover 131.535.877


Famar is arguably the Greek manufacturing pharmaceutical company that best applies the “strength in unity” concept among rival firms. For decades, Famar has collaborated with 150 different international pharmaceutical companies, offering its products in four continents. The main activity at Famar, a member of the Marinopoulos group, is to produce products for third parties, especially multinational companies. It produces over 770 million units, or about 5,500 different product codes, distributed in over 120 countries. Famar was founded in 1949 and maintains facilities in five European countries. In Greece, the company facility is located in Alimos, southern Athens, while production activity takes place at its modern facilities in Avlona, north of Athens. Through a series of strategic moves made in the ‘90s, Famar climbed to leading positions in the Greek market. In 1990, the company acquired a factory from Ciba-Geigy in Anthoussa, northeastern Athens. Three years later, Famar acquired a Pfizer plant in Avlona. It also incorporated the business unit of Sandoz and, in 1999, acquired a unit from Roche in Bladel, the Netherlands. In 2000, Famar bought a SmithKline Beecham production facility in Italy. In 2001, the company entered the French market, where it acquired a Novartis production unit for solid and liquid pharmaceutical forms, as well as an Aventis Pharma unit for solid pharmaceutical products. The following year, Famar acquired the Sephora distribution center in Boigny. In 2004, Famar acquired an additional plant in France, a production unit for solid and liquid pharmaceutical forms, from Aventis. In 2007, it acquired an industrial plant for sublimated and cytostatic medicines from Abbott. Two years later, Famar bought a factory for production of liquid and semi-solid pharmaceutical forms from of Johnson & Johnson. In 2011, Famar also stepped into Spain by purchasing a factory from Sanofi in Madrid. Famar exports 70% of its production. Backed by eleven production facilities, four of these in Greece and seven abroad, in France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain, and a distribution center in Thebes, northwest of Athens, Famar is one of the largest independent producers for pharmaceutical drug companies in Europe and internationally. Its workforce throughout Europe exceeds 3,200 employees. In 2013, Famar’s parent company posted a total turnover figure of 131.5 million euros, from 120.8 million euros in 2012. Profit slipped to 6.8 million euros in 2013 from 7.7 million euros in the previous year. The company’s turnover in 2014 is estimated to reach 455 million euros.

Contact Details 63 Agiou Dimitriou, Alimos, 174 56, Athens Tel.: +30 210 9898500 Fax: +30 210 9888800 Email: Website:

172 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

FAMAR SA 2012 120.804.005,00 € 7.733.168,00 € 41.517.327,00 € 38.257.296,00 € 77.378.383,00 €

2013 131.535.877,00 € 6.774.427,00 € 48.441.861,00 € 37.033.278,00 € 107.142.695,00 €

Change (%) 8.9 -12.4 16.7 -3,2 38,5


Chemicals Industrial

Vivechrom SA

Turnover and profit increases in 2013

Makis Provatas

Turnover 44.759.817

Vivechrom was founded in 1932 by Stefanos Diamantis Pateras and other members of a renowned shipping family for the purpose of manufacturing, processing, importing, exporting and trading all kinds of coatings, paints and plastics, based at the company’s first plant in Nikea, a district in the port-city Piraeus area. Vivechrom nowadays ranks is one of the largest industries in the country. The company built a new factory in the capital’s Mandra area on a 100-acre plot of land, where production was transferred. In 1972, Vivechrom changed its legal company status to an SA company with a capital amount of 55 million drachmas. In 1990, Vivechrom acquired international status by becoming a member Nobel Industries, one of the largest paint manufacturers in Europe, and Chemagra, representing a group of international investors. The same year Nobel Industries merged with Azko SA, the Dutch giant chemical and created Akzonbel, the largest paint company in the world and one of the largest industries in the global chemicals industry. Today Vivechrom is an active member of Akzonbel. As a market leader, it has continued developing with a modern organizational structure, dynamic management team, and a significant workforce of 214 people. The company boasts the largest and most effective distribution network with more than 2,000 sales points, serving the entire Greek mainland and the islands. The company develops innovative products and improves existing brands not only based on market trends and customer expectations but also within the framework of its policies concerning quality, environment, health and safety. Vivechrom markets ecological paints, wall paints, trim paints, metalcare, woodcare and special paints and thinners. Vivechrom has established a Quality, Environment, Health & Safety Directorate concerning quality, the environment and occupational health and safety. The company applies ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 management systems. The company posted excellent results in 2013. Total turnover increased by 4 percent to 44.7 million euros from 42.9 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit rose by an impressive 121 percent, to 6.7 million euros in 2013 from 3 million euros a year earlier.


Contact Details Vathi Piigadi, 196 00 Mandra, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 2105538700 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Vivechrom SA 2012 42.990.718,00 € 3.040.704,00 € 14.200.616,00 € 18.239.432,00 € 11.238.065,00 €

2013 44.759.817,00 € 6.728.567,00 € 17.048.180,00 € 18.339.407,00 € 16.921.905,00 €

Change (%) 4.1 121.3 20.1 0,5 50,6

Diamonds 173


Petroleum Industrial


Regional force in oil exploration and exploitation

Turnover 48.447.000


Energean Oil & Gas is a private E&P company focused on the Mediterranean and N. Africa, with a track record of over 30 years as an offshore and onshore operator of oil & gas assets in environmentally sensitive areas. Energean holds a 100% working interest in the Prinos and South Kavala development areas within the Prinos Basin, offshore Greece and is the only oil & gas producer in the country. Energean has invested over $200mm in the Greek E&P sector during 2007-2014 and it has planned a $200mm new investment plan during 2015-2017 aiming to increase production up to 10,000 barrels per day. Energean has recently purchased from KCA Deutag the rig “Energean Force” which has undergone full refurbishment in order to conduct the drilling of 15 wells at the Prinos, Epsilon and Prinos North oil fields. The company has a balanced portfolio of assets with production from the Prinos field in NE Greece, reserves of 30 million barrels (2P) audited by ERC Equipoise, 28 million barrels of contingent resources (2C) and significant exploration potential in licenses held in Greece (ofnshore Ioannina and offshore Katakolo), onshore Egypt and deep-water Israel , which provide the basis for future organic growth. Energean has also submitted bids for oil & gas exploration for the areas of Aitoloakarnania and Arta/ Preveza (Western Greece) as well as for three offshore blocks in Montenegro. The company’s cash flow is supported by a 6 year off-take agreement with BP for the entire Prinos production. Energean’s assets are supported by established infrastructure that allows quick and low cost monetization of the reserves. Energean Oil & Gas has established major strategic partnerships with leading companies. Energy giants such as BP, Schlumberger, Ocean Rig, Grant Thornton, ERC Equipose, and DNV consider Energean as a reliable, innovative and dynamic partner whose efforts reflect Greece’s effort to rebound from its deep recession, now into its seventh year. The company’s total turnover fell slightly, by 5.26% year-on-year, to 48.4 million euros in 2013. Its net profit figure fell more considerably, to 6.7 million euros in 2013 from 13.5 million euros in 2012.


Contact Details 32 Kifissias Avenue, 151 25 Marousi, Attica, Greece Tel: + 30 2108174200 Fax: + 30 2108174299 Email: Website:

174 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ENERGEAN OIL & GAS SA 2012 2013 51.135.000,00 € 48.447.000,00 € 13.587.000,00 € 6.714.000,00 € 23.748.000,00 € 12.850.000,00 € 22.926.000,00 € 62.154.000,00 € 115.847.000,00 € 107.674.000,00 €

Change (%) -5.3 -50.6 -45.9 171,1 -7,1


Real Estate Commercial


Active in real estate for 73 years

Turnover 11.555.414


Founded in 1942, Alpha Astika Akinita belongs to the Alpha Bank Group. Its main objective is to manage real estate owned by the company or third parties, provide evaluation reports, appraisals and technical advice, and comprehensive services for exploiting real estate owned by third-party customers (corporations, private individuals, organizations, insurance funds, etc.). The company’s shares have been listed on the Athens Stock Exchange since 1999. On Backed by specialized personnel and extensive experience in real estate transactions, the company is in a position to provide the entire range of related services in a consistent and reliable manner. Alpha Astika Akinita has formed subsidiary companies in the southeast European markets where the Alpha Bank Group is active, providing property management and development services for private owners and offering technical consulting advice for the bank’ s subsidiaries in the region. The company posted a 25 percent total turnover increase to 11.5 million euros in 2013 from 9.1 million euros in 2012. Net pretax profit fell by 25 percent to 6.6 million euros from 8.8 million euros.


24 Stadiou, 105 64 Athens, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 326 3929 Fax: +30 210 326 6148 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Non-Metal Products


Contact Details


Turnover 32.399.910


7 Lykovrisi Avenue, 14452, Metamorfosi, Athens Tel: +30 210 2826825 Fax: +30 210 2818574 Email: Website:

Change (%) 26,5 -25,0 67,2 2,8 29,6

Dominant force in marble sector IKTINOS HELLAS SA was founded in 1974 by Vaggelis Haidas, an architect, president and CEO to this date. The company has operated from its factory in Metamorfosi, Athens, since its launch. The facility includes the company offices, showroom, factory, and warehouse. Since its establishment in 1974, ΙΚΤΙΝΟΣ HELLAS SA has ranked among the leading suppliers in the marble market. It is a vertically integrated company with four privately owned marble quarries, cutting and processing factories, a local sales network and, most importantly, an ever growing sales network abroad. IKTINOS HELLAS S.A. exports 90% of its total sales. Iktinos Hellas excavates from four quarries in northern Greece, processes and exports the renowned, top-quality Thassos, Volakas, and Nestos marbles, as well as the special “Golden Spider” marble extracted from Mount Pangeo, which has been registered as a brand name. The company posted reduced financial results in 2014. Total turnover fell by 16 percent to 27.2 million euros, from 32.4 million euros in 2013. Pretax profit dropped by 40 percent, to 3.9 million euros in 2014 from 6.5 million euros a year earlier.


Contact Details

ALPHA ASTIKA AKINITA SA 2012 2013 9.136.026,00 € 11.555.414,00 € 8.888.127,00 € 6.669.033,00 € 3.584.680,00 € 5.991.818,00 € 121.368.201,00 € 124.727.007,00 € 4.737.712,00 € 6.139.676,00 €

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

IKTINOS HELLAS SA 2012 24.458.852,00 € 3.774.168,00 € 10.472.595,00 € 25.966.001,00 € 29.154.166,00 €

2013 32.399.910,00 € 6.560.022,00 € 14.752.640,00 € 30.052.090,00 € 29.821.263,00 €

Change (%) 32.5 73.8 40.9 15,7 2,3

Diamonds 175


FOOD Industrial

Turnover 39.265.364



Introduced salty snacks to Greek market Tasty Foods was launched in 1973 in Athens as a general food company, but quickly expanded its activities in the fast-growing food industry’s savory snacks sector, introducing the well-known Tasty Chips brand. In 1987, Tasty Foods joined forces with Frito Lay International, which belongs to the group of PepsiCo, and ranks as the largest producer of salty snacks worldwide. Tasty Foods-PepsiCo nowadays ranks as one of the leading companies in the Greece market’s savory snacks sector with a portfolio that includes well-known and successful brands such as Lay’s, Cheetos, Ruffles, Doritos, Tasty Naturals, and Quaker. The company employs 755 persons and is headquartered in Agios Stefanos, located in the eastern part of wider Athens, where its facility is equipped with sophisticated production and distribution systems. The company also maintains offices in Thessaloniki to support the sales effort in northern Greece. In 2013, the company posted a marginal 0.6 percent decline in total turnover to 106.15 million euros. It rebounded from a loss incurred in 2012 to a profit of 7.21 million euros in 2013.


Contact Details 22km Athens-Lamia national highway, Agios Stefanos, 14565, Attica Tel: +30 210 6298000 Fax: +30 210 6218100 Website:

Construction Commercial

Turnover 7.073.000


Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Own Equity Liabilities

6th km Thessaloniki–Thermis highway, Thessaloniki, 57001, Greece Tel.: +30 2310475914-9 Fax: +30 2310471264 Website:

176 Diamonds

Change (%) -0.6 0.9 -23.3 18.57

ETETH (Thessaloniki Construction Projects Company) SA

Taking on construction projects of all types Based in Thessaloniki, ETETH. S.A. was established in 1961 and, since 2001, has belonged to the J & P AVAX group. It holds a 6th class degree for general government projects, covering an entire range of works in terms of category, nature and type. For five decades, ETETH has built many major projects, both in the public and private sectors. It has worked in an innovative fashion, developing self-funded projects for the Greek state since the early ‘70s, while also playing a pioneering role in construction of sewage treatment plants from the mid-80s onwards. Applying a unique IT system throughout the production process, the company is able to monitor and execute contracts with exemplary quality and speed. In 1968, the company formed a subsidiary, ELVIEX, operating a privately-owned timber impregnation plant for the needs of the main power utility PPC, telephone company OTE, and the railway company OSE. Respecting people and the environment has stood as a fundamental principle for ETETH. It was certified by TÜV HELLAS with an ISO 9002 quality standard in 1997.


Contact Details

TASTY FOODS SA 2012 2013 106,150,254.00 € 105,565,857.00 € -6,910,507.00 € 6,651,545.00 € 48,350,668.00 € 48,787,180.00 € 29,015,918.00 € 22,254,375.00 € 34,231,853.00 € 40,589,103.00 €

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ETETH SA 2012 4.998.000,00 € -562.000,00 € 821.000,00 € 88.091.000,00 € 38.324.000,00 €

2013 7.073.000,00 € 6.517.000,00 € 384.000,00 € 85.044.000,00 € 35.151.000,00 €

Change (%) 41,5 46672,2 -3,5 9,0


Pharmaceuticals Commercial


Three decades of leadership in clinical research

Dionisis Filiotis

Turnover 118.323.708


The Greek pharmaceutical company Pharmaserve, founded in 1984, quickly developed into an important company in the domestic pharmaceutical market. Pharmaserve-Lilly was established in 1994 as a joint venture between Eli Lilly and Pharmaserve. Today Pharmaserve-Lilly SA ranks among the top ten companies in the Greek pharmaceutical market. Pharmaserve-Lilly is the exclusive representative of Eli Lilly & Co. in Greece, while also engaged in the marketing and distribution of pharmaceutical and para-pharmaceutical products for Grimberg Laboratories and Biocosmetics. It also sells diagnostic medical devices and machines provided by the following companies: ApexBio, Beekley, Cozmo, EKF Diagnostic, Lobeck Medical, Haemonetics, HTL Strefa, Medima, Mediprema, Somatex Medical, Spring, Quidel, WelchAllyn & Viasys Healthcare. The company operates a medical department whose scientific activity and impact, at a national level, is considerable. It employs 7% of the sector’s workforce and presents important work in research and development in the field of clinical research studies in Greece, with more than 1,500 researchers and 13,500 patients participating in research projects. The company focuses its efforts on providing detailed scientific information to healthcare professionals, presenting the benefits of products to patients, and then ensures that patients have access to the products they require. Lilly was founded in 1876 and is now the 10th largest pharmaceutical company in the world. It remains independent but is not detached. Lilly has developed productive alliances and partnerships around the world, promoting the company’s ability to develop innovative medicines at lower cost. The company is headquartered in Indianapolis USA, and employs approximately 39,000 thousand employees worldwide. The company’s R & D division, alone, employs over 7,900 people (20% of its total workforce), while clinical research is conducted in more than 55 countries. Company products are marketed in 125 countries. Revenues in 2013 totaled 23.1 billion dollars, rising 2 percent compared to 2012. Profit amounted to 4.7 billion dollars, up by 15%. Investment in R&D increased by 5 percent last year, reaching 5.53 billion dollars. In 2013, Pharmaserve-Lilly posted a 9 percent decline in its total turnover figure, to 118.3 million euros from 129.4 million euros in 2012. On the contrary, pretax profit rose by 36 percent, reaching 6.5 million euros in 2013 from 4.8 million euros a year earlier.

Contact Details 15th km National Road Athens-Lamia, Kifissia, 14564, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 6294600 Fax: +30 210 6294610 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PHARMASERVE - LILLY SACI 2012 2013 129.477.067,00 € 118,323,708.00 € 4.834.428,00 € 6,589,431.00 € 75.644.781,00 € 41.458.719,00 € 14.913.010,00 € 12.810.025,00 € 80.235.109,00 € 54.223.520,00 €

Change (%) -8.6 36.3 -45.2 -14,1 -32,4

Diamonds 177


Office Machines Commercial


One of the oldest companies in the field of computers

Turnover 48.290.652

The story of one of the most famous companies worldwide began in distant 1938. It was then when Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard started HP through a rented garage. The company in the same year of establishment launched its first product, the resistance-capacitance audio oscillator, used to test sound equipment. They named it the HP Model 200A. HP became a corporate enterprise in 1947, with Dave Packard as president and Bill Hewlett as vice president. Over the years, the company developed continuously, launching new products such as HP-65 (in 1974), which was the world’s first programmable pocket calculator. HP produced the laser interferometer, capable of taking infinitesimal measurements, until 1980, when the company introduced its first personal computer, the HP-85. The unit had input/output modules that allowed it to control instruments, add on more powerful peripherals and even to talk to other computers. A series of new innovative products followed, such as the HP-75C, the first hand-held computer. HP delivered its first laptop, the HP-110, in 1984. The company ranks as a leading force in its field. HP markets products for home use and for enterprises. Moreover, regarding the home products, its product mix includes: Laptops, tablets, Desktops, Monitors, Printers (including inks, toners & paper), general accessories and services &apps. For enterprises it offers: Computers, Networking (Data centers, wireless networking, Campus Networking etc.), Printers, Servers, Software (such as Hybrid cloud management, Information Governance, Information Management and IT service management etc.) and storage (Backup, recovery & archive, Enterprise application storage, Primary storage and Software-defined storage). In 2014, the company’s total turnover dropped by 4 percent, to 46.3 million euros from 48.2 million euros a year earlier. On the contrary, pretax profit increased by 22 percent, to 7.9 million euros in 2014 from 6.5 million euros in 2013.


Contact Details 1-3 Tzavella, Halandri, 15231, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 2111885000 Fax: +30 2111885377 Website:

178 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

HEWLETT PACKARD HELLAS Ltd 2012 2013 51.710.731,00 € 48.290.652,00 € 5.814.396,00 € 6.522.085,00 € 14.279.165,00 € 10.492.652,00 € 7.950.232,00 € 12.670.247,00 € 22.126.265,00 € 21.684.923,00 €

Change (%) -6,6 12,2 -26,5 59,4 -2,0


Electrical equipment Industrial


One in two transformers provided by Schneider Electric

Philippe Sauer

Turnover 71.734.442


SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SA is a subsidiary of French giant Schneider Electric, established in Paris in the energy management field. Operating for more than 40 years in the Greek market, Schneider Electric provides products, equipment and services that offer solutions for the energy and infrastructure, building, housing, industrial and data centre sectors. More specifically, the company provides transformers, industrial automation products, power distribution and final low voltage, as well as switching hardware. In Greece, Schneider Electric focuses on two main activities, commercial and industrial. Its commercial activity is based at sales centers in Athens, Thessaloniki and Patras, while the company also operates a service and customer education center. As for its Industrial activity in Greece, the company operates a transformer producing factory in Inofyta, an industrial area slightly north of Athens. The industrial facility, previously operated by Greek electronics firm ELVIM, ranks as one of Schneider Electric’s largest transformer production units in the world. Overall, the group employs more than 170,000 employees worldwide in 100 countries. Its workforce in Greece currently numbers some 300 persons. One in two distribution transformers sold in Greece is produced by the company. Electricity supply in Greece has relied heavily on the ELVIM transformers series. From 1969 until today, PPC, the main power utility, has used the company’s transformers. Over 115,000 transformers of the ELVIM series have been installed in Greece by both public and private-sector enterprises over the past 40 years. The company has catered to electricity production and distribution companies, building projects, industrial facilities and infrastructure projects. The ELVIM transformer series provides top quality, high performance, reliability, minimizes power loss and offers excellent durability. The company exports its transformers to over 25 countries, including Cyprus, the UK, Ireland, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Yemen, the Philippines, China, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Nigeria, Madagascar, Mauritius, and Seychelles. In 2013, the company posted increases in both total turnover and profit. Total turnover rose by 25 percent to 71.7 million euros in 2013 from 57.2 million euros. Pretax profit rose by 87 percent to 6.5 million euros in 2013 from 3.4 million euros in 2012.

Contact Details 19th km Athens-Lamia national highway, Nea Erythrea, 146 71, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 6295200 Fax: +30 210 6295210 E-mail: Website:

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SA 2012 Turnover 57.264.099,00 € Profit Before Taxes 3.480.437,00 € Gross Profit 14.557.974,00 € Net worth 9.073.454,00 € Liabilities 38.323.115,00 €

2013 71.734.442,00 € 6.513.726,00 € 21.023.450,00 € 8.615.667,00 € 24.818.113,00 €

Change (%) 25,27 87,15 44,41 -5,05 -35,24

Diamonds 179


Food Products Industrial


Τotal investments € 5 million

Eleftherios Saitis

Turnover 50.521.679


Contact Details Mavrovouni Skidra, 585 00, Skyda, Pellas, Greece Tel.: +30 2381089438 Fax: +30 2381081106 E-mail: Website:

180 Diamonds

KRONOS is a canned fruit industry established in 1971 by the families of Mr Eleftherios M. Saitis, Eleftherios M. Drigogias, Ioannis Chloros. It is the leader in the Greek fruit canning industry, the biggest in Europe and one of the top five worldwide. Having as a major priority the quality and the customer’s respect, our company has proved to be one of the main canned fruits producers and exporters worldwide. We are situated in the Central Greek Macedonia Mavrovouni Skydra in the source of peaches, as well as very close to the Thessaloniki sea port and airport. KRONOS SA is an 100% export company, covering more than 80 countries worldwide, with constant expansion into new markets, despite the economy instability in Greece. The equipment used is modern and updated, securing large production capacity on a daily basis. Our canned products are well known for the aroma, flavor, texture and high quality. The product range includes: Peaches halves, slices and dices. Peeled Apricots. Fruit cocktail. Peach and Apricot puree concentrate and single strength. Having an educated and qualified staff of 120 permanent and 750-800 seasonal people our industry, enjoys a very high reputation -(among our)- clients for 44 years, due to our best services and high quality products. The Greek canning industry, it is a very important sector for the economy of the country, as thousand of rural families (farmers) are involved in the whole process. Total production of all canned fruits and peach puree concentrate it creates an estimated turnover of € 52.000.000 per year and profit: € 6, 4 mil in 2013 and € 6,5 in 2014. INVESTMENTS Despite the heavy financial crisis in Greece, our investments will reach over € 8 million, covering new factory infrastructure and renovation , warehousing and modernization of environmental protection facilities, for the next three years. Instead of minimizing our labor force, we hired new employees and also there was no reduction in salary of our permanent staff. Moreover, in 2008, KRONOS SA, founded KRONOS SUN ENERGY SA, a renewable energy producing company. In 2008 it established a photovoltaic park of installed capacity of 2,5 MW , one of the biggest projects in North Greece for renewable energy. KRONOS SA makes the most of innovations in the energy department by using existing biomass to cover the power demands of the entire plant. The processed fruit’s pits provide enough energy to


ensure the company’s self-sufficiency with regard power. In this manner, KRONOS SA decreases its need for petroleum and reduces hydrocarbon emissions.Intercomm SA in Larissa is also our associate company. The administration of the company has now been transferred to the new generation with Mrs Nadia El.Saiti , being the new Chief Executive , Mr Nikos Tzimourtos as General Director . Together with a group of very efficient, dedicated and well experienced directors / managers, look into the future, to continue the company’s targets. Our main principles are: a) There is no use of words like ‘’I ‘’ or ‘’me’’ only ‘’we’’. b) Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. c) Responsibility, effective and hard work, shelf – criticism, avoiding arrogance. d) The success is a constant journey that demands: ‘’Dreams – Team – Care and Dare.’’ e) Key point of the success is the staff – human sources, respect them and motivate.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

KRONOS SA 2012 52.204.142,00 € 4.109.092,00 € 12.470.382,00 € 20.443.899,00 € 36.537.973,00 €

2013 50.521.679,00 € 6.404.122,00 € 13.937.998,00 € 23.111.748,00 € 25.680.000,00 €

Change (%) -3,2 55,9 11,8 13,0 -29,7

Diamonds 181


FOOD Industrial

Intercomm Foods SA

Rapid growth driven by strong exports Stergios Tsagkoulis, Chairman & CEO

Turnover 72.277.096


Contact Details 8th km Larissa-Sikouri highway, Larissa, 41110 (PO BOX 1127), Greece Tel: 0030-2410-575092,93 Fax: 0030-2410-575091, 575503 Email:, Website:

182 Diamonds

Intercomm Foods SA was founded in Larissa, in Greece’s mid-north, in 1990. The company standardizes and supplies agricultural products, operating from its state-of-the-art facilities measuring 150,000 square meters. It ranks as one of the Europe’s most dynamic firms in the standardization and supply of peaches and apricots, and is Greece’s biggest olive processing industrial unit. The company produces canned peaches and apricots, peaches and apricots in aseptic packaging, as well as olives and antipasti in tinplate containers and jars, all carrying the DELPHI brand name. It also produces for private labeling purposes, covering the needs of major food importers and supermarket chains worldwide. The company’s quality products, offering great nutritional value, competitive pricing policy, and reliable service have combined to make it a leading choice for clients seeking high-quality standards. Almost all, or 98 percent, of the company’s production is exported to other parts of the European Union, Russia, Ukraine, the Middle East, Iran, North Africa, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, as well as other destinations. In 2014, Intercomm Foods SA exported to 55 countries, supplying some 400 clients abroad. Intercomm Foods SA has maintained a distribution company in Moscow over the past 15 years. Besides exporting to Russia and familiarizing Russian consumers with its own products (canned fruit, olives, marmalades) under the DELPHI brand name, the company has also promoted other Greek products through long-term collaborative efforts with fellow Greek producers. Numerous Greek products have secured places on Russian supermarket shelves, generating extremely positive results and encouraging signs for future trading activity. The company’s DELPHI product range is also well known in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Fyrom), Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, as well as among the Scandinavian countries. The company is certified with ISO9001:2008, ISO22000:2005, BRC, and IFS standards.


Based on its financial results, Intercomm Foods SA ranks as one of the 50 biggest food enterprises operating in Greece, as well as one of the fifteen fastest-growing during 2009 and 2013. The company has received awards for its export activity from the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EVEA) and Active Greece-Stat Bank. It employs 350 persons on a fulltime basis as well as 900 seasonal workers. The company is currently carrying out a 9 million-euro investment plan for new production lines (fruit, olives, and various innovative products). It currently operates three company-owned production facilities, in Larissa, Halkidiki, northern Greece, and Koboti, Arta, northwestern Greece. Intercomm Foods SA has withstood the country’s ongoing deep recession of the past few years and, contrary to the performance of the national economy, is enjoying considerable growth in turnover and profit. The company is headed by Stergios Tsagoulis, chairman and managing director. In 2013, the company posted a total turnover figure of 72.28 million euros, from 62.5 million euros in 2012, 57.62 million euros in 2011, and 45.82 million euros in 2010. Pretax profit reached 6.36 million euros in 2013, a 163.8 percent increase, and net profit rose to 4.51 million euros, a 171.2 percent rise. The company expects to post an even greater turnover figure for 2014, estimated at 77.8 million euros.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

INTERCOMM FOODS SA 2012 2013 62,503,449.00 € 72,277,096.00 € 2,413,909.00 € 6,362,877.00 € 9,927,550.00 € 15,102,260.00 € 17,146,474.00 € 20,230,081.00 € 48,107,276.00 € 40,481,503.00 €

Change (%) 15.6 163.6 52.12 18.0 -15.9

Diamonds 183


Finance Commercial


Increased turnover and profit figures in 2013


NBG Asset Management M.F.M.C. belongs to the group of companies of the NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE. NBG Asset Management M.F.M.C. was established in 1972 on the initiative of ETEBA - now merged with NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE - in cooperation with Deutsche Bank, creating the leading company in Greece’s fund management industry. In 1973, NBG ASSET MANAGEMENT M.F.M.C. created the DELOS brand name for mutual funds, with the initial offering to the investment public named “DELOS BALANCED”. The company currently manages 20 DELOS mutual funds, the N.P. INSURANCE NEW POSIDON BALANCED FUND, two exchange traded funds (ETFs) domiciled in Greece, and three NBG funds SICAV domiciled in Luxembourg. The mutual funds of NBG Asset Management M.F.M.C. cover a wide range of investment categories (Equity, Bond, Balanced, Money Market, Fund of Funds, Structured and ETFs) in Greece and International markets. The wide spectrum of investment products provides great flexibility to investors who wish to build their personal investment plan according to their investment profile and investment objectives through mutual fund portfolios with a high degree of diversification. In addition to mutual fund management, NBG Asset Management M.F.M.C. offers Discretionary Portfolio Management Investment Services, Advisory Services and Administration and Safekeeping of UCITS units. NBG Asset Management MFMC is authorized in Greece and regulated by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission ( NBG ASSET MANAGEMENT MFMC mutual funds are distributed through the NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE, National Insurance, and authorized representatives. In 2013, the company’s total turnover reached 14.7 million euros from 12.5 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit increased to 6.3 million euros from 4.9 million euros a year earlier.



Contact Details 103-105 Syngrou Ave, Athens, 11745, Greece Tel.: +30 210 9007400 Fax: +30 210 90 07499 Website:

184 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

NBG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA 2012 2013 12.542.118,00 € 14.772.760,00 € 4.985.569,00 € 6.326.021,00 € 5.740.374,00 € 8.157.393,00 € 30.552.582,00 € 5.055.055,00 € 8.213.358,00 € 41.438.596,00 €

Change (%) 17,79 26,89 42,11 -83,45 404,53


Sporting Goods Industrial


High increases in turnover and profit

Turnover 103.248.376


Contact Details Vouliagmenis 112, Glyfada, 16674 Tel.: +30 2108930800 Website:

Pharmaceuticals Industrial

Turnover 30.355.290


Contact Details 46 Aghisilaou, Athens, 17341, Greece Tel: +30 2109310980 Fax: +30 2109338759 Email: Website:

The adidas Group is a global leader in the sporting goods industry, offering a broad portfolio of footwear, apparel and hardware for sport and lifestyle around the core brands adidas, Reebok, TaylorMade and Reebok-CCM Hockey. Headquartered in Herzogenaurach/Germany and employing more than 53,000 people in over 160 countries, we produce more than 660 million product units every year and generated sales of € 14.5 billion in 2014. At the adidas Group, our love for sport drives who we are and what we do. Every day. But just as a ball is more than leather and thread, and a shoe more than padding and plastic, we are bigger than our products. We don’t just work to create faster shoes and lighter fabrics: We strive to help athletes everywhere perform their best. We believe that it’s hard work inventing the future of sport, and that’s why we love it. When you push your limits, you make it possible for others to push theirs. We’re all working toward a future motivated by passion, original thinking, and the desire to build upon a proud legacy.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ADIDAS HELLAS SA 2012 2013 99.899.124,00 € 103.248.376,00 € 4.151.209,00 € 6.280.394,00 € 29.989.883,00 € 35.983.264,00 € 5.046.278,00 € 10.724.040,00 € 4.915.589,00 € 91.955.294,00 €

Change (%) 3,35 51,29 19,98 112,51 1770,69


Selling quality local pharmaceuticals over 66 years GAP is one of the most dynamic and ambitious Greek pharmaceutical companies. It was founded in 1949 by two brothers, Giorgos and Thanassis Papathanasiou, who continued the long family tradition in the field, with roots from Smyrna. GAP operates in 3 principal areas: production and distribution of generic and innovative products in the Greek and international markets; development and distribution of EVIOL products (vitamins, food supplements, cosmetics); and contract manufacturing of soft capsules from its state-of-the-art equipped facilities. GAP’s departments are all based at its company-owned facility. GAP’s plant operates in accordance with the latest international standards, capitalizing on its state-of-the-art pharmaceutical know-how, technology and equipment, and complying with GMP and GLP requirements, all of which ensures superior product quality. GAP’s plant operates five production line categories - soft capsules, sustained release pellets, tablets, injectables, and veterinary pharmaceutical drugs. Today, GAP is one of the three largest generic drug companies in Greece and a leader and a specialist in the Cardiovascular and Central Nervous System therapeutic drug categories. At the same time, large foreign firms have entrusted GAP for the production and promotion of their products in Greece.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

GAP SA 2012 26,745,061.00 € 4,135,062.00 € 14, 129,008.00 € 8.753.062,00 € 13.946.290,00 €

2013 30,355,290.00 € 5,141,044.00 € 19,246,034.00 € 8.917.260,00 € 17.326.831,00 €

Change (%) 13.5 24.3 36.2 1,9 24,2

Diamonds 185


Beverages Industrial


Among the most important players in the beer sector

Alexandros Karafillides

Turnover 92.176.905

The origins of the Mythos Brewery date back to 1968 with the establishment of Henninger Hellas SA by the German brewery Henninger Brau. It was renamed Mythos Brewery in 2000. In 2008, the Carlsberg group, Europe’s second-largest brewery, acquired Mythos Brewery, purchasing its entire equity share. That year, Mythos won a Superior Taste prize awarded by the International Taste & Quality Institute (iTQi) organization. In the years that followed, the company presented a series of new products. These include Carlsberg in a new-look bottle, a Mythos beer re-launch, a new Kaiser Double Malt, Kaiser Blonde, Somersby Apple, Mythos Radler, Somersby Blackberry, and, most recently, Draught Master Select. The company owns a production facility in ​​Thessaloniki’s Sindos area, which includes three production lines with a capacity of 11 million boxes a year. The Mythos, Kaiser and Henninger brands are produced at this facility and distributed throughout Greece. The company operates distribution centers in Athens, Thessaloniki and Crete, providing coverage nationwide. Mythos beer, which has developed into Greece’s most renowned beer in the world, is heavily exported in many markets. The company also imports and distributes internationally recognized brands in the Greek market - Danish Carlsberg, Mexican Corona Extra, the Irish beers Diageo Guinness and Kilkenny, Belgian Grimbergen, Bavarian Schneider Weisse weissbier, Magners Irish cider, and Somersby sparkling cider. As for its production process, Mythos Brewery implements the HACCP ISO 22000: 2005 food safety management system, the ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system, and the ISO 14001: 2004 international environmental management system. In the social responsibility area, the company was awarded a prize in 2005 for implementation of best practices in human resources management. It should be noted that the Mythos brewery merged with Olympic brewery in April, 2015. In 2014, Mythos Brewery posted a total turnover of 80.83 million euros, down by 3.4 percent from the figure posted for 2013. Pretax profit reached 10.98 million euros. Net profit amounted to 4.007 million euros in 2014 from 2.98 million euros in 2013.


Contact Details 280 Kifissias Avenue, Halandri, 15232, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 66 75 200 Fax: +30 210 66 75 296 Email: Website:

186 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MYTHOS BREWERY SA 2012 2013 84,751,092.00 € 92,176,905.00 € 3,216,625.00 € 6,084,405.00 € 40,308,649.00 € 44,056,141.00 € 52,794,390.00 € 56,139,681.00 € 19,075,929.00 € 23,016,041.00 €

Change (%) 8.76 1,269.64 39.27 6.34 20.65



Pantone 280



Innovation and extensive past stand as company’s greatest assets

George Spiliopoulos Turnover 5.941.291


Barilla Hellas’s origins date back to 1927 with the establishment of MISKO in Piraeus. In 1991, the company became part of the Barilla Group, trading the group’s products in the Greek market (Barilla pasta & sauces, and bakery products). In 2000, the company launched a cutting-edge production facility in Eleona (Viotia, Thebes), the third largest facility in Europe. In 2001, a mill in Volos, mid-northeastern Greece, which grinds 63,000 tons of domestic wheat every year, was added to Barilla Group. Placing particular emphasis on sustainable development, Barilla Hellas incorporates the group’s values into its local operation. The company factory in Eleona produces 55,000 tons of pasta products, annually, made using wheat produced by more than 5,500 Greek farmers. The company employs over 200 persons and, despite the financial crisis in Greece, Barilla Hellas holds the leading place in the pasta market as well as the pasta sauces market, with market shares of 45% and 65%, respectively. The company also exports to many countries around the world. In 2012, Barilla Hellas invested an estimated 2.5 million euros, while the Barilla Group has invested nearly 70 million euros into its Greek operations ever since entering the local market. Barilla Hellas constitutes a significant business hub and administrative center in eastern Europe for the Barilla Group. The Barilla parent company has a history that stretches back 137 years, beginning in 1877 with a small family-run business in Parma, northern Italy, headed by Pietro Barilla, producing bread and pasta products. The group is managed by the Barilla family, with the enterprise’s fourth generation, the Barilla siblings Guido, Luca and Paolo, at the helm. The firm operates 30 production plants around the world, including in the USA, Mexico, France, Germany, Greece, Russia, Turkey, and Sweden. The group produces over 1.7 million tons of food products annually. It employs over 8.000 persons and markets 1.000 different products that are distributed to 100 countries. In 2012, the group’s sales amounted to 4 billion euros, profit reached 60 million euros and the EBITDA figure reached 433 million euros. In 2013, Barilla Hellas posted a total turnover figure of 73.4 million euros, just under the 73.8 million euros posted in the previous year. Pretax profit increased considerably, by 72 percent, to reach 5.9 million euros in 2013 from 3.4 million euros in 2012.

Contact Details 26 Pappou & Akragantos, 10442 Athens, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 5197800 Fax: +30 210 5197859 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

BARILLA HELLAS SA 2012 73.816.558,00 € 3.448.622,00 € 28.145.376,00 € 31.812.394,00 € 21.666.687,00 €

2013 73.424.904,00 € 5.941.291,00 € 29.306.629,00 € 31.697.532,00 € 22.979.366,00 €

Change (%) -0,5 72,3 4,1 -0,4 6,1

Diamonds 187


Chemical Products Commercial

Yara Hellas SA

Active in the fertilizer market for 110 years

Turnover 107.186.666


The company’s development is rooted in Norwegian industrial firm Norsk Hydro, which dates back to 1905. At the time, industrialists Sam Eyde, Kristian Birkeland and Marcus Wallenberg tapped into Norway’s considerable natural resources to produce the company’s first important product, mineral fertilizer. It attracted worldwide attention as it enabled farmers to boost their yields. Yara’s fertilizers, crop nutrition programs and technologies increase yields, improve product quality and reduce the environmental impact of agricultural practices. Industrial and environmental solutions improve air quality by reducing emissions from industry and transportation, and serve as key ingredients in the production of a wide range of goods. Throughout the organization, a culture that promotes the safety of employees, contractors and society is fostered. Today, Yara has a worldwide presence, with more than 12,000 employees and sales to over 150 countries. Yara converts energy, natural minerals and nitrogen from the air into essential products for farmers and industrial customers. The main application is fertilizers, while industrial uses and environmental solutions are also important growth segments. Yara’s global activities range from phosphate mining and ammonia production, commodity trade and energy arbitrage, to building local market knowledge and developing customer relationships. The backbone of the company’s operations has traditionally relied on large-scale ammonia and fertilizer production in Europe. In recent years, new potential has developed in regions with low-cost gas supplies. Yara ensures reliable supplies of mineral fertilizer and related industrial products to customers worldwide. The company benefits from its economies of scale advantages as the world’s largest producer of ammonia, nitrate and complex fertilizer, and with about 20% of global ammonia trade. Quality assurance is central to the company’s services. A robust internal quality system is in place to ensure that all data produced is consistently reliable and accurate. In addition, the laboratory holds both BS-EN-ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/IEC 17025:2005 levels of accreditation and, as a condition for maintaining these accreditations, it regularly participates in internationally recognized proficiencytesting schemes. In 2013, the company’s Greek subsidiary posted a total turnover figure of 107 million euros, up by 10 percent. Pretax profit increased by 40 percent, rising to 5.9 million euros.


Contact Details 143 Syngrou Avenue, Nea Smyrni, 171 21, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 21 0937 0355 Fax: +30 21 0937 0357 Website:

188 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

YARA HELLAS SA 2012 2013 97.295.945,00 € 107.186.666,00 € 4.221.258,00 € 5.922.928,00 € 8.628.907,00 € 11.159.157,00 € 17.182.214,00 € 21.400.418,00 € 10.628.349,00 € 7.512.454,00 €

Change (%) 10,17 164,36 148,01 24,55 -29,32


Energy Industrial


Turnover and profit nearly doubles in 2014 Active in the production and supply of electricity, the HERON group is one of the few vertically integrated companies in the energy sector. Since 2004, the company has successfully operated two gasfueled electricity producing stations just beyond Thebes, northwest of Athens, with total installed capacity of almost 600 MW. Heron has stood as the main alternative electricity supplier in Greece since 2005. The company’s goal is to provide electricity to consumers, offering economic benefits and reliability. The Heron Group was established in 2000 following a strategic partnership between two key energy groups, GAZ DE FRANCE SUEZ, the world’s largest private-sector producer and supplier of energy, and the GEK TERNA Group, a pillar of strength in Greece’s construction and energy industries. Furthermore, in July, 2013, a strategic alliance was signed between GEK TERNA and QATAR PETROLEUM INTERNATIONAL (QPI), with a 25 percent stake acquitted by QPI in HERON II VIOTIA SA (Power station HERON II). The company’s principles and objectives include establishing itself in the Greek electricity market, by offering price incentives and high-quality services to customers, and maximizing the return on the shareholders’ capital while maintaining the level of service to customers at high levels. In 2014, the company posted a total turnover of 111.35 million euros, up from 64.88 million euros in 2013. Similarly, pretax profit almost doubled to 10.84 million euros in 2014 from 5.86 million euros in the previous year.

Turnover 64.883.000


Contact Details 124 Kifissias Ave, Athens, 11526, Greece Tel: +30 213 0333000 Fax: +30 2106968196 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

HERON SA 2012 37.819.000,00 € 1.443.000,00 € 1.864.000,00 € 39.085.000,00 € 26.409.000,00 €

2013 64.883.000,00 € 5.857.000,00 € 7.312.000,00 € 36.800.000,00 € 31.608.000,00 €

Change (%) 71,6 305,9 292,3 -5,85 19,69

Diamonds 189


Construction Industrial


Developing some of the country’s largest projects

Panagiotis Psaltakos

Turnover 6.871.662


TEKAL SA was founded in February 1990 as a result of personal and cooperative business activities of its shareholders, dating back to 1980. The company operates in the civil engineering, building, mechanical and services sectors throughout the country. The company delivers projects of high quality by satisfying the clients’ needs and implementing innovating business practices. The accumulated experience of the company over the past two decades has contributed towards strengthening its production capacity as well as its position in the local market. TEKAL SA has relocated to new headquarters and is currently in the process of expanding its business reach in the broader region of south Europe and the Balkans, both for private and public sector projects. The construction of modern new business administration premises in both the private and public sectors has been one of TEKAL’s key areas of activity during recent years. The highly specialized technical know-how required for the construction of all types of infrastructure projects and the extensive experience in industrial and electromechanical projects are some of the strongest assets at TEKAL. As a holder of a contractor’s certificate issued by the Greek Register of Public Works Enterprises (MEEP), TEKAL SA is eligible to tender construction projects of unlimited budget. It develops its activities through major projects in Greece and abroad, thereby shaping the dynamic presence of the company and the Group in the sector. TEKAL SA is based at a company-owned building in Voula, southern Athens. The company also owns three storage facilities, all in Kallithea, in the capital inner south. TEKAL employs more than 60 persons (engineers, technicians and administrators) who comprise a workforce capable of coping with all situations. In 2013, the company posted a higher total turnover figure and reduced profit. Total turnover increased by 5.9 percent to reach 6.87 million euros in 2013. Pretax profit fell by 37.6 percent to 5.75 million euros.


Contact Details 1 Mykonou, 16673 Voula, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 2109480680 Fax: +30 2109480683 E-mail: Website:

190 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

TEKAL SA 2012 6,486,804.00 € 9,217,144.00 € 1,349,078.00 € 18,013,488.00 € 2.207.776,00 €

2013 6,871,662.00 € 5,754,787.00 € 1,359,834.00 € 22,784,841.00 € 6.451.476,00 €

Change (%) 5.9 -37.6 0.8 26.5 192,2


Clothing - Retailer Commercial


Highly successful chain of department stores in Greece

Turnover 91.837.246


ATTICA DEPARTMENT STORES SA runs a highly successful chain of department stores in Greece named Attica, offer a variety of top-grade brands in women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, along with a large collection of bags, shoes, accessories, beauty and home products. Currently operating four department stores with a staff of some 2,500 employees, Attica maintains an appealing upto-date product mix for an overall effort that ranks it among Europe’s top up-market department stores rivaling enterprises such Selfridges, Harvey Nichols, Gallery Lafayette, and La Rinascente. Besides being well located and offering a wide selection of fashion brands and personalized services, Attica stores are renowned for high-level aesthetics, largely due to the enterprise’s artful window displays that are conceptualized by a dedicated creative team. Attica has operated a flagship store in the heart of Athens, at prestigious Syntagma, since 2005. Housed within City Link, a preserved historic Athenian building, this department store occupies 25,000 square meters and eight levels of selling space, making it Greece’s largest department store. The company also operates a four-level department store in the capital’s affluent northern suburbs, within the Golden Hall shopping center, a fashion and beauty destination. Attica launched its business at this address in 2008. More recently, in 2012, the company opened a third department store in northern city Thessaloniki at the Mediterranean Cosmos Mall. The move was expanded a year later with the acquisition of additional selling space to accommodate for a casuals brand collection. Also in 2013, Attica expanded its activity in the field of casual wear and denim by creating a new store solely dedicated to up-to-date casual brands, housed within The Mall Athens shopping center. Last year, Attica launched a second Thessaloniki department store, an investment valued at ten million euros. Occupying 7,000 square meters, this department store employs more than 200 persons. The company’s success is the result of careful economic management, constant monitoring and thorough knowledge of the retail sector. Also, due to its maintenance of a steady cash flow, the company is able to take advantage of further business opportunities. The company reported increased sales and profit in 2013, which reached 125 million euros and 7.5 million euros, respectively.

Contact Details 9 Panepistimiou st, Syntagma Square, Athens Tel: +30 211 180 2600 Fax: +30 211 180 2515 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ATTICA DEPARTMENTS STORES SA 2012 2013 69.330.357,00 € 91.837.246,00 € 2.416.189,00 € 5.735.583,00 € 20.297.389,00 € 28.847.272,00 € 19.611.924,00 € 42.778.640,00 € 42.309.462,00 € 85.610.580,00 €

Change (%) 32,46 137,38 118,13 118,13 102,34

Diamonds 191


Transportation means Commercial


Renting cars in 32 countries

Turnover 47.672.721

A global leader in corporate fleet management, LeasePlan was founded in the Netherlands in 1963 and is presently active in 32 countries. LeasePlan manages 1.42 million leased vehicles on behalf of its customers. It employs approximately 6,800 persons. LeasePlan has been active in Greece since 2003. Today, LeasePlan Greece manages a fleet of more than 14,000 vehicles, serving more than 1,700 customers. LeasePlan Hellas currently employs 82 employees. The company has been rewarded for the quality of services offered, following a customer satisfaction survey (TRI*M Index 84). In 2013, the company posted a stable total turnover figure, while pretax profit rose sharply. Total turnover reached 47.67 million euros. Pretax profit rose to 5.63 million euros from 2.64 million euros a year earlier.


Contact Details

LEASEPLAN HELLAS SA 2012 2013 47.174.481,00 € 47.672.721,00 € 2.643.000,00 € 5.634.629,00 € 5.184.967,00 € 5.421.546,00 € 34.383.166,00 € 40.017.795,00 € 69.884.451,00 € 73.506.696,00 €

17 A. Papandreou St, 15124 Maroussi, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6898760 Fax: +30 210 6825665 Ε-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities




Turnover 23.7775.880


Contact Details 7th km National Road Athens Korinthos, 19300, Aspropyrgos, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 5518100 Fax: +30 210 5570881 Email: Website:

192 Diamonds

Change (%) 1,1 113,2 4,6 16,4 5,2

Major rebound into profitable territory Halyps Building Materials SA is a company operating in cement activity under the brand name “Halyps Cement”, in aggregates activity under the brand name “Halyps Quarries” and in the concrete activity under the brand name “Et Beton”. It runs three production plants serving the wider Athens region. Halyps Building Materials SA has established a subsidiary firm in Durres, Albania under the name Eurotech Cement SH.P.K., which operates a Cement Terminal. The parent company, Italcementi Group, is a leading European cement producer and the world’s third largest, has consistently supported significant investments made in Greece with the aim of increasing capacity and efficiency, improving product quality and working conditions for employees, as well as adequately protecting the environment from the impact of its activities. Italcementi Group’s activities in Greece are motivated by its corporate values and identity, as well as the company’s 70-year presence in the country’s cement and building materials market. In 2013, the company posted a drop in total turnover but an exceptional increase in net pretax profit. Total turnover fell by 17% to 23.7 million euros from 28.5 million euros a year earlier. Net pretax profit skyrocketed 116% to reach 5.5 million euros in 2013 following a loss of 34.5 million euros in the previous year. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

HALYPS BUILDING MATERIALS 2012 2013 28.499.843,00 € 23.775.880,00 € -34.491.840,00 € 5.531.721,00 € -2.698.105,00 € -1.438.925,00 € 61.587.722,00 € 66.998.621,00 € 13.147.938,00 € 19.914.328,00 €

Change (%) -16,6 8,8 51,5


Boat repairs Industrial


Dominant force in global sailing market

Turnover 53.640.857


Contact Details

Yachting Protection is the leading yacht painting company in Europe with most of its activities carried out in German, Dutch and Italian shipyards. Its head office is located in Greece, but the majority of the company’s work-force is stationed throughout Europe and, occasionally, all over the world. The company employs over 400 experienced workers and, for the last 15 years, has operated as the main painting contractor for Lurssen, Abeking & Ransmussen, Amels and Heesen. Furthermore, the company maintains a more consistent collaboration with the Benetti Group, Heesen, Mondomarine, F.I.P.A and I.S.A. Besides Europe, Yachting Protection also provides services for repainting works in the Middle East and China. The company’s main activities concern painting and cementing for new ships, refitting and conversion work, repainting, maintenance, surveying and supervision. In 2013, the company’s total turnover reached 53.6 million euros, from 51.3 million euros in 2012. Net pretax profit fell to 5.5 million euros in 2013 from 8.3 million euros in 2012.

31st km Athens - Lamia national highway, 190 14, Oropos, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 2295023352-3 Fax: +30 2295023354 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities




Turnover 36.650.481


Contact Details 12 Naxou St, Peania, 190 02, Athens, Greece Tel: + 30 210 6683300 Fax: +30 210 6683329 Website: , , Email:

YACHTING PROTECTION Ltd 2012 2013 51.322.676,00 € 53.640.857,00 € 8.381.350,00 € 5.501.271,00 € 15.954.616,00 € 15.996.967,00 € 4.576.475,00 € 4.576.475,00 € 13.993.519,00 € 13.204.992,00 €

Change (%) 4,5 -34,4 0,3 0,0 -5,6

Coffee market leader over past 25 years Kafea Emporiki Techniki SA has operated in the Greek espresso market since 1988 as an entirely Greek, family-owned business, with a firm hold of a leading market share in the espresso Ho.Re.Ca. sector. Its main activities focus on the exclusive import and distribution of Illy esspresso, a popular blend made up of 9 types of 100% Arabica coffees, along with several other high-quality products of international renown such as premium Nonino distillates, Monbana chocolate, famous Dammann teas, Routin 1883 flavoring syrups, La Marzocco and La Faema machinery. Kafea has created one of the largest distribution networks throughout the country in the Ho.Re.Ca. Sector, as well as in the retail market, covering 98% of the market’s territory. Kafea continuously invests in know-how, training and technology. Backed by dedication and high professionalism, Kafea ensures the optimum implementation of procedures to offer consumer xcellent espresso. As a result, Greece has developed into the strongest export country for ILLYCAFFE SPA, in terms of volume. The Greek market absorbs almost half of the company’s total exports to Europe. In 2014, Kafea was awarded a ‘’Diamonds of the Greek economy” distinction, honoring its efforts on the 25th year of Illy’s presence in the local market. In 2013, Kafea posted a total turnover of 37 million euro, up by 6 percent from the previous year. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

KAFEA SA 2012 34.442.388,00 € 4.790.058,00 € 12.587.495,00 € 11.040.298,00 € 21.205.801,00 €

2013 36.650.481,00 € 5.032.243,00 € 13.125.652,00 € 7.238.594,00 € 21.650.250,00 €

Change (%) 6,4 5,1 4,3 -34,4 2,1

Diamonds 193


Pharmaceuticals Industrial


Holding a significant market share in 51 countries

Dimitrios Demos

Turnover 105.190.295


The pharmaceutical industry DEMO is an industrial and commercial organization of international reach established in 1965 and active in the production and sales of pharmaceutical products. The company’s plant located in Krioneri of Attica is the largest in Southeast Europe, with modern facilities of 45,000 m2, where a sophisticated Quality Control laboratory of 1,400 m2 is included as well. With its turnover exceeding €112,000,000, annual growth rate of over 22% during the last 8 years and more than 650 employees, DEMO is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Southeast Europe. In particular, the company operates in the health sector based on the following pillars: Production, approval and distribution of pharmaceutical products in the Greek and global market. Manufacturing of all kinds of injection products. Distribution of foreign pharmaceutical companies’ innovative products. Distribution of medicines for rare diseases. The company with a portfolio of 140 different products leads the pharmaceutical industry. DEMO constitutes one of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in Greece with a strong presence in the hospital market, ranking first among the pharmaceutical companies in terms of sold units during the last six-year period. The three manufacturing facilities in combination with the high tech warehousing facilities in both Athens and Thessaloniki allow the company to offer its own logistic services to all hospitals countrywide. In addition to that, DEMO consistently invests in its international collaborations. Today it has a global sales network with its own products and significant market shares in 51 countries. Since the end of 2013, it has presence in Germany through the subsidiary DEMO Pharmaceuticals GmbH with headquarters in Munich. The company’s licensing was completed; thus, the sales to hospitals, clinics and wholesale warehouses throughout Germany have commenced, with a predicted turnover of about € 10,000,000 per year. Additionally, DEMO already operates a branch office in China, while the operation of 7 more branch offices in other foreign countries is included among its immediate goals. Today the company has 1,186 approved products and 41 additional products undergoing the approval procedure. The global operation of DEMO has led the company to export 80% of its produced units as well as to maintain market shares of 30% in many countries for several years. It is worth noting that DEMO is internationally recognized being one of the official suppliers of pharmaceutical products of the United Nations, UNICEF and World Health Organization.

Contact Details 21st km Nat. Road Athens-Lamia, Athens, Greece, 145 68 Tel.: +30 210-8161802 Email: Website:

194 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

DEMO SA 2012 107.032.253,00 € 6.209.592,00 € 40.728.209,00 € 47.139.071,00 € 170.819.993,00 €

2013 105.190.295,00 € 5.371.953,00 € 39.150.831,00 € 49.386.163,00 € 150.579.861,00 €

Change (%) -1,72 -13,49 -3,87 4,77 -11,85




Among the most dynamic dairy product industries

Turnover 68.128.756


The Kri Kri dairy industry’s roots date back to 1954 when George Tsinavos, the company’s founder, opened a small pastry business in Serres, northern Greece, which produced and distributed ice cream and confectionery products around the town. Back in those days, ice cream was sold by roving hawkers equipped with handcarts that used ice and salt for cooling. Kri Kri ice creams, especially “cassata”, a unique ice cream, made using sheep’s milk for an extremely rich taste, gradually began gaining popularity beyond Serres. The ‘80s and ‘90s defined the company’s subsequent course. In 1987, the company constructed a new factory that also led to the production of yogurt made using fresh sheep and cow’s milk, gathered from the Serres area. In the mid-90s, Kri Kri set up a branch in the Athens area, a move that bolstered its distribution network for nationwide market coverage. Nowadays, the company’s products - ice cream, yogurt and fresh milk - are distributed extensively to both supermarkets and smaller retail outlets, and are also exported. At present, the company exports the majority of its range of products to 20 countries in Europe, the Balkans and the Middle East. As a key part of Kri Kri’s effort to target mainstream markets in other countries, and not just Greek Diaspora communities, its products are available at a number of major international supermarket chains. The company’s headquarters and main production plant are located in Serres. The company holds a majority 60 percent stake in a dairy production facility in Iraq’s Kurdish region, which supplies the Middle East market. It also holds a 49.29 percent stake in a facility in Sofia, Bulgaria, currently undergoing liquidation procedures. Kri Kri also operates its own distribution center in Aspropyrgos, on the western outskirts of Athens, used as a launching pad to supply the country’s south. Kri Kri began its exporting activity in 2000 with the aim of developing a presence in Europe and other international markets. It has based its exporting effort on two key areas, understanding the unique needs of other countries and offering products of high nutritional value and quality. The company posted increased total turnover but decreased profit figures in 2014. Total turnover increased by 13% to 77.1 million euros from 68.1 million a year earlier. Pretax profit decreased by 13%, to 4.6 million euros compared to 5.3 million euros in 2013.

Contact Details 3rd km Serres-Drama national highway, Serres, 62 125 Tel.: +30 23210 68300 Fax: +30 23210 68311 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

KRI-KRI MILK INDUSTRY SA 2012 2013 57.827.568,00 € 68.128.756,00 € 5.195.216,00 € 5.344.129,00 € 21.347.537,00 € 22.103.143,00 € 32.452.758,00 € 35.487.765,00 € 16.143.294,00 € 25.313.014,00 €

Change (%) 17.8 2.9 3.5 9,4 56,8

Diamonds 195


Chemicals Industrial


Capturing value and delivering superior performance

Despina Anastasiou Turnover 67.201.046


Dow (NYSE:DOW) combines the power of science and technology to passionately innovate what is essential to human progress. The Company is driving innovations that extract value from the intersection of chemical, physical and biological sciences to help address many of the world’s most challenging problems such as the need for clean water, clean energy generation and conservation, and increasing agricultural productivity. Dow’s integrated, market-driven, industry-leading portfolio of specialty chemical, advanced materials, agrosciences and plastics businesses delivers a broad range of technology-based products and solutions to customers in approximately 180 countries and in high growth sectors such as packaging, electronics, water, coatings and agriculture. In 2014, Dow had annual sales of more than $58 billion and employed approximately 53,000 people worldwide. The Company’s more than 6,000 products are manufactured at 201 sites in 35 countries across the globe. References to “Dow” or the “Company” mean The Dow Chemical Company and its consolidated subsidiaries unless otherwise expressly noted. Dow Hellas A.E., a subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, was established in Greece in 1960 with the construction of the first European polystyrene manufacturing facility at Lavrion. The company supplies regional customers a variety of plastics raw materials, basic and specialty chemicals, coatings and innovative agricultural solutions. The operations in Greece include commercial offices, laboratories and manufacturing lines for the production of polystyrene, STYROFOAM and XENERGY , thermal insulation solutions for the construction industry. In 1991, Dow Hellas was the first company in Greece to be certified for the quality of its products according to the international standard ISO-9000, and in 2005 was certified for environmental protection procedures as stipulated by EMAS ISO-14001. Dow played a leading and defining role in introducing Responsible Care to Greece in the early 90’s and with the recent launch of the Sustainability 2025 goals remains committed to applying science expertise to create sustainable solutions to some of the world’s greatest challenges. According to Dow Hellas balance sheet for 2013, revenues reached 67.20 million euro from 61.98 million euro in the previous year, an 8.4% increase. The firm has posted revenues of 58.86 million euro in 2011 and 46.41 million euro in 2010. Dow Hellas posted pretax profits of 5.3 million euro in 2013. The pretax profit figures posted in 2012, 2011 and 2010 were 5.6 million euro, 4.05 million euro and 0.46 million Euro, respectively.

Contact Details Thoriko (P.O. Box 47), 195 00, Lavrion, Attica, Greece, Tel.: +30 2292062200, Fax: +30 2292025243 Website:

196 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

DOW HELLAS SA 2012 61.980.918,00 € 5.602.667,00 € 9.331.691,00 € 11.007.858,00 € 11.606.883,00 €

2013 67.201.046,00 € 5.274.347,00 € 9.998.538,00 € 11.203.009,00 € 20.631.550,00 €

Change (%) 8,4 -5,9 7,1 1,8 77,8


IT consultancy Commercial

Turnover 37.074.516



Offering consulting services since 1960 A company of international dimensions, Accenture provides consulting, IT and outsourcing services, employing approximately 275,000 persons worldwide. In Greece, the company began operating in 1960 as part of the Arthur Andersen Business Consulting company. In 1996, the company’s Greek branch was renamed Andersen Consulting before changing again to Accenture SA in 2001. The company’s office in Greece currently employs roughly 400 sector professionals and ranks as one of the biggest enterprises in the field of business and IT consultancy. The local operation serves as an integral part of the company’s international framework and is mostly active in telecommunications, finance-related matters, and industry. From its office in Athens, Accenture serves clients in Greece, Cyprus, the wider Balkan region and the Middle East. In 2014, the company posted a slight fall in both total turnover and profit figures. Total turnover fell to 30.95 million euros and pretax profit dropped to 275,900 euros.


Contact Details 1 Arkadias, Kifissia, 145 64, Athens, Greece Τel: +30 2106781400 Fax: +30 2106776405 Website:

marble Industrial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 8.211.724 96.956.097


Contact Details Thassos, 64004, Kavala, Greece Tel: +30 25930 23195 Fax: +30 25930 22251 email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

ACCENTURE SA 2012 40,295,556.00 € 3,752,407.00 € 9,958,411.00 € 1,000,000.00 9,929,783.00 €

2013 37,074,516.00 € 6,436,189.00 € 11,478,890.00 € 1,500,000.00 € 11,613,530.00 €

Change (%) -8.0 71.5 15.3 50.0 16.96

D.N. Haritopoulos SA

Strong player in the marble business D.N. Haritopoulos SA was founded in 1972 as a quarry by Dimitris Haritopoulos in the form of sole proprietorship. In 1985, the company was reformed, and, to this day, remains a limited liability company under the name of D.N. Haritopoulos SA. Until 1987, the company was only quarrying the “Snow White” Marble in Thassos, an island in northern Greece. In 1988, the company established its own factory equipped with facilities to cut and process marble from its quarry. Both the company’s quarries and factory benefit from the latest, and best, in technology, courtesy of the company’s continual investment in cutting-edge technology, which guarantees the delivery of quality products to customers. A 30 percent share of total production is exported, with markets such as Iraq, China, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Italy and Spain amongst the company’s biggest absorbers. The company produces marble blocks, offcuts and aggregates from its quarry, using modern technology and techniques to extract the marble, such as modern water-cooled wire saws. The factory’s activity is based exclusively on marble supply from the company’s own quarries. With the use of the latest cutting technology (wire saws), the company is also able to produce blocks or slabs to custom dimensions. Annual production reaches about 5,000 cubic meters of marble blocks, 35,000 tonnes of offcuts and 6,000 cubic meters of aggregates annually. The factory produces 20,000 m² of marble slabs and 90,000 m² of marble tiles per year. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Own Equity Liabilities

D.N. Haritopoulos SA 2012 2013 6,535,190.00 € 8,211,724.00 € 3,569,303.00 € 5,217,375.00 € 4,026,720.00 € 5,691,160.00 € 19,152,156..00 € 20,766,279.00 € 995,639.00 € 4,344,660.00 €

Change (%) 25.7 46.2 41.3 8.4 336.4

Diamonds 197


Machines Industrial


A Worldwide Leading Greek company

Dimitris Kiliaris

Turnover 40.000.130


SABO S.A., a Greek company, was founded in 1984 by Mr. Dimitris Kiliaris and is one of the leading companies worldwide in constructing Turnkey Plants and machinery for the Brick and Tile Industry, beginning from the R&D sector, analysis of the soil clay, design, construction and installation of all machinery needed for a fully automated factory. SABO S.A. is the eldest company of SABO GROUP, a family of four companies structured to create synergies for maximum compatibility and efficiency in offering complete and integrated projects. Located in Vassiliko- Evia, in a privately owned 25.000 m2 area and employing more than 300 staff specialized employees from multiple sectors of expertise. In 1990, SABO was rewarded with its first project outside Greece and nowadays 97.5 % of the company’s sales are exclusively in exports into markets such as East and Central Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia and Latin America with completed projects in 44 countries. SABO’s list of clients continues to grow with new collaborations, as the company is focused on serving clients with the same principles and quality to all the aforementioned markets. Continuous development in all domains and a quest for new challenges comprises the core of the firm’s mentality. In this context, by 1994, the General Industry sector illustrates its presence by designing its first automation system. At the same time, SABO General Industry moves ahead by expanding its operations in Heavy Industry sector, installing raw materials conveying and stocking systems. In 2009, SABO S.A. expanded its activities in Environmental solutions. The start was made in the Renewable Sources Sector by giving birth to SABO Energy, which was later renamed as SABO Environmental. Taking advantage of the technical knowhow and the already set production line, the Company started producing and installing the first solar farms on 2010. In 2014, SABO Environmental expanded in the Waste Treatment sector. The experience, technical knowhow and successfully delivered projects worldwide have spread SABO’s reputation confirming its entrepreneurial ability even in the nowadays challenging business environment. High standards in technology, personnel and the after sales support services offered are the company’s main strengths.

Contact Details Vassiliko - Chalkida | Evia - GREECE Postcode 34 002 Tel: +30 22210 51805-9 Fax: +30 22210 54073 e-mail:

198 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Sabo Hellas SA 2012 40.756.107,00 € 1.216.315,00 € 7.799.410,00 € 12.147.295,00 € 28.094.951,00 €

2013 40.000.130,00 € 5.333.261,00 € 11.312.155,00 € 16.528.427,00 € 27.789.921,00 €

Change (%) -1,9 338,5 45,0 36,1 -1,1


IT Commercial

GLOBO Technologies SA

Continual growth over 18 years

Costis Papadimitrakopoulos

Turnover 25.224.000


GLOBO Technologies was founded in 1997 and today is considered one of the leading IT companies. Its activities focus on the design and implementation of integrated advanced technology services in five main areas: Enterprise Mobility, Digitization, System Integration, E-Commerce and Security. Over many of operation, the company has offered numerous IT solutions to enterprises and organizations of all sizes and from all sectors of activity. By upgrading the IT systems of many enterprises, GLOBO Technologies have achieved their functional transformation and ensured competitive advantages by accelerating and improving procedures, reducing operational costs, minimizing risks, and expanding activities. Its constant partnership with companies from the private and public sector and reputation in managing complex large-scale projects are a valuable asset as well as a guarantee for further development and expansion of the company abroad, particularly in southeastern Europe. The company’s objective is to offer enterprises appropriate services in order to become more flexible and competitive. GLOBO Technologies responds quickly and effectively in the dynamic IT environment. The company believes that success is ensured by using modern technology and appropriate human resources. It constantly seeks to maintain the values that elevated the company to the top. One of these is know-how, offered through strong relationships with international hardware and software suppliers, establishment of new partnerships with reputable manufacturers and reliable research - educational institutions. The company makes sure that personnel are continuously trained on new technological developments in order to be able to successfully complete any IT project. Innovation is also a key aspect, pursued by developing innovative products and solutions is an essential condition for company growth. GLOBO Technologies continues to invest in research, resulting in the creation of leading products, absolutely competitive in Greece and abroad. It maintains relationships of trust, believing that good results can be achieved only through a successful collaboration with the customer, starting from the very first exploratory meeting to project implementation. The company applies an efficient operation mode based on substantial knowledge of infrastructure, understanding needs, capabilities and customer objectives, to provide a proper, fully customized solution. The company also places great importance on a human-centered concept, investing in executives with knowledge and experience, as well as a strongly developed sense of responsibility and commitment. GLOBO Technologies fosters team spirit within the company, which characterizes the relationships with its customers and external partners.

Contact Details 37A Psarron st & 78 Aristotelous st, 15232, Halandri, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 212121 7700 Fax: +30 210 646 61 65 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Own Equity Liabilities

GLOBO Technologies SA 2012 2013 35,701,000.00 € 25,224,000.00 € 1,739,000.00 € 5,162,000.00 € 9,096,000.00 € 8,529,000.00 € 22,617,000.00 € 25,954,000.00 € 21,738,000.00 € 35,092,000.00 €

Change (%) -29.3 196.8 -6.2 14.8 61.4

Diamonds 199


Pharmaceuticals Commercial

Roche (Hellas) SA

110 years in health care

Alexander Zehnder Turnover 181.763.905

For more than 110 years, the pioneering company Roche has been breaking new ground in the health care sector. As a leader in the global market for in-vitro diagnostic products, it provides a wide range of diagnostic tools and laboratory tests for early and reliable detection of disease, as well as monitoring by doctors and patients, themselves. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche employs over 80,000 employees worldwide and annually invests around 11 billion Swiss francs (approximately 10.4 billion euros) in research and development. In the therapeutic area, Roche sells many drugs of high therapeutic value focusing on areas where there are large medical needs such as cancer, viral infections, inflammatory diseases, metabolic disorders and central nervous system. Roche is a world leader in the development and sale of drugs for the treatment of cancer. In Greece, Roche launched its presence in the early 30s, offering innovative pharmaceutical and diagnostic products to Greek health workers and patients. Today, Roche is represented in Greece by two independent companies, Roche (Hellas) SA, which operates in the pharmaceutical drug industry, and Roche Diagnostics (Hellas) SA, which offers diagnostic products covering the entire range of laboratory needs. The company provides innovative therapeutic solutions to health professionals scientists, including pharmaceutical drugs belonging to the therapeutic categories of virology (flu, hepatitis, AIDS, cytomegalovirus), nephrology (anemia chronic renal disease), transplantation (immunosuppression in solid organ transplantation), cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart failure), hematology (non-Hodgkin lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia), inflammatory diseases (rheumatoid arthritis) and metabolic diseases (osteoporosis, obesity). In Greece, Roche employs at least 180 people persons. Roche, a world leader in health care against cancer, offers effective oncology medicines in Greece with proven benefits for treatment of various cancers, including colon, breast, lung, stomach, pancreas and kidney. Roche also provides a number of innovative cancer drugs that are extending the lives of patients, including trastuzumab, bevacizumab, rituximab, erlotinib and capecitabine. These are used for different types of cancer, each with its own unique action mechanism.


Contact Details 4 Alamanas & Delfon, 151 25, Marousi, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 61 66 100 Fax: +30 210 61 99 930 Website:

200 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ROCHE HELLAS SA 2012 193.981.609,00 € -226.237,00 € 27.573.750,00 € 30.078.065,00 € 156.748.569,00 €

2013 181.763.905,00 € 5.132.373,00 € 32.689.232,00 € 35.210.438,00 € 107.690.510,00 €

Change (%) -6,30 18,55 17,06 -31,30


ENERGY Industrial


Advanced technology and highly trained personnel the key strengths

Leonidas Bobolas

Turnover 36.563.962


A subsidiary of the ELLAKTOR SA Group, HELECTOR S.A. serves as the corporate group’s division in environment and energy. The company specializes in the design, construction and operation of high-quality waste management projects and waste-to-energy generating products. The company holds a leading position in Greece and in Cyprus, is considerably active in the German market, and, at present, is developing, or has signed contracts, for projects in six more countries. Operating in association with its German subsidiaries Herhof GmbH and Helector GmbH, the company possesses internationally recognized expertise in waste management, which enables it to offer fully vertical solutions to meet the most complex demands and needs of demanding markets/customers. By expanding its activities and seeking new markets, the company has demonstrated its significant expertise in the following segments: construction and operation of waste management plants, including hazardous waste; construction and management of landfills and related projects; and development and operation of renewable energy sources (RES). Also, the company implements pilot and research programs under the auspices of EU-funded programs from which it expects to obtain experience in new applications with future value added and, ultimately, transform development programs into business plans. The company possesses specialized skills in the following technologies: dry stabilat; compost production; power production using landfill gas; wastewater treatment; anaerobic treatment of organic waste and integrated management system for the waste collection and transportation. The company has been awarded certificates for the implementation of the following management systems: Quality Management System; ISO 9001:2000; Environmental Management System; ISO 14001, fully compatible with national and European legislation; and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, OHSAS 18001:1999. In 2013, the company posted a total turnover increase of 40 percent, to 36.5 million euros from 26 million euros in 2012. Net pretax profit slipped marginally, by 0.5 pecent, in 2013 to 5 million euros from 5.1 million euros a year earlier.


Contact Details 25 Ermou St, , 145 64 Kifissia, Attica, +Greece Tel.: +30 210 8184700 Fax: +30 210 8184701 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

HELECTOR SA 2012 26.064.391,00 € 5.115.619,00 € 11.648.236,00 € 62.556.907,00 € 26.089.464,00 €

2013 36.563.962,00 € 5.091.085,00 € 9.149.073,00 € 66.931.020,00 € 28.345.594,00 €

Change (%) 40,3 -0,5 -21,5 7,0 8,6

Diamonds 201


Food and Beverages Industrial


Quiet yet exceptional achiever

Turnover 129.010.742


Pavlos N. Pettas S.A. (P.N.P.) was founded in 1947 as a small soap producing enterprise by Pavlos Pettas, adopting the founder’s name. By 1982, during tough years of Greek economic reconstruction, the company, a constantly evolving enterprise, reached a major turning point in its history and the small business switched to a Société Anonyme - S.A. legal status. These days, it is active today in two major sectors, vegetable fats production for the food industry, and raw materials for the bakery market. The company produces specialized products that are customized according to client needs at two fully automatized facilities in the Achaia area, northwest Peloponnese, while the enterprise’s dynamic R&D department provides solutions for new food industry requirements. The enterprise possesses over 80,000 square meters of company-owned installations in Greece and a further 110,000 square meters in Bulgaria. It employs approximately 120 highly-educated and trained employees, operates fully automatic and electronic equipment that is less than three years old, three distribution centers around Greece, while it exports significant amounts to Mediterranean and Eastern European countries. Τhe majority of the company’s products are registered under two brand names: FAMA® and FAMA® Premium Line for fats and margarines. P.N.P. mainly supplies food industries and qualified food producing companies as well as catering enterprises, or, more specifically, those producing food products such as croissants, biscuits, ice-cream, puff-pastry, dairy products, bakery and snack products, filling creams, and rusks. A significant amount of products are exported to the EU, former eastern European countries, as well as North Africa, Asia and North America. Exports represent over 40% of the company’s annual sales. In 2009, the company decided to invest in renewable energy source (RES) electricity production. The company started producing green electrical energy from biogas derived from anaerobic digestion of biomass. In 2011, the company established THRACIAN BIOGAS S.A. with a 60% stake in the operation. In 2012, the company established ALIARTOS BIOGAS S.A., an operation located in central Greece, with a 60% stake. In 2013, the company’s total turnover fell by 7.5 percent to 129 million euros. Pretax profit rose significantly, by 47 percent, to 5 million euros in 2013 from 3.4 million euros in 2012.

Contact Details 131 Riga Fereou st, 262 21 Patras, Achaia, Greece Tel.: +30 2610 242100 Fax: +30 2610 242119 Email: Website:

202 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PAVLOS N. PETTAS SA 2012 2013 139.474.639,00 € 129.010.742,00 € 3.419.769,00 € 5.047.558,00 € 11.693.090,00 € 15.169.238,00 € 44.437.099,00 € 46.066.637,00 € 60.525.019,00 € 62.276.024,00 €

Change (%) -7,5 47,6 29,7 3,7 2,9



Voudouris – Konstas SA

Offering quality meat over 44 years

Turnover 122.305.440


Contact Details 21 Pyrgou st, Moschato, 18346, Athens, Greece. Tel: +30 2104837370 Fax: +30 2104834890 Website:

Active in the Greek market since 1971, Voudouris–Konstas SA trades and processes fresh and frozen meat products. The firm specializes in the trade and processing of beef and pork meat, and applies traceability systems, based on European Union food safety directives. The firm also trades a large number of other products, including poultry, beef, by-products, and cold meats. The company collaborates with large and quality-driven enterprises throughout Europe, including the Bigard group, the Vion group, and Amadori, an approach that ensures top-grade products for consumers. Voudouris – Konstas SA operates a modern industrial facility measuring approximately 4,000 square meters for boning, processing, and standardizing meat products, fresh and frozen. It employs 260 specialized staff members. The facility includes food technicians and veterinarians who conduct inspections on a weekly basis, covering all stages, from livestock arrival to dispatch. The facility operates two modern production lines, amid controlled environments. The facilities are certified with ISO:22000 standards by the European Inspection and Certification Company.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

VOUDOURIS KONSTAS SA 2012 2013 127.260.462,00 € 122.305.440,00 € 5.454.166,00 € 5.002.734,00 € 17.566.384,00 € 17.513.608,00 € 24.393.055,00 € 26.700.955,00 € 23.465.172,00 € 18.916.397,00 €

Change (%) -3,89 -8,28 -0,30 9,46 -19,39

Chemicals Commercial


Representing internationally established chemical companies for many years

Turnover 17.732.796


Dr D.A.Delis was founded in 1945 in Athens, representing German chemicals manufacturers, namely the spinoff entities of the IG-Farbenindustrie group after its dismantling. It has operated under its current business form (Societé Anonyme – SA) since 1962 and has remained fully owned and controlled by Greek stakeholders since its inception. The company represents the leading German chemical industry enterprises as well as international mechanical equipment manufacturers for the textile and wood industries. Its product lines span the full spectrum of needs and applications for the chemical industry. Headquartered in downtown Athens, the company operates its own logistics infrastructure in Maroussi, in the capital’s north, and maintains local sales and service presence in the country’s north.


Contact Details 5 Paleologou Benizelou, 105 56, Athens, Greece Τel:+30 210 3297222 FΑΧ: +30 210 3230550 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Own Equity Liabilities

D.R. D.A. DELIS A.G 2012 2013 22,165,599.00 € 17,732,796.00 € 502,539.00 € 4,860,835.10 € 5,485,992.00 € 4,422,839.00 € 12,152,755.00 € 9,107,382.00 € 6,783,026.00 € 9,368,074.00 €

Change (%) -20.0 867.3 -19.4 -25.1 38.1

Diamonds 203


CLOTHING Industrial


Standing up to the multinationals

Vasilis Bitharas

Turnover 47.410.206

Founded in 1980, under the company name BSB, the enterprise switched to its new name, B&F, in August, 2014. It entered the business of producing and trading women’s clothing. In more recent years, the firm has also made a dynamic entry into the sector of women’s accessories, shoes, underwear, and swimsuits. In 2007, the firm, in a joint effort with the firm AMVIS, launched a pioneering sunglasses and reading glasses series, making these available at optical shops and selected BSB outlets. As a result, the firm now offers a comprehensive range of products, or total look, for women. Nowadays, the firm holds a leading place in the women’s fashion sector with 100 stores in Greece and abroad, as well as over 200 multi-brand stores where its brand is available. The firm holds the exclusive rights for design and production of clothing created by the well-known UK brand Forever Friends. In early 2008, B&F became the first company to create a new eco-friendly series of clothing made entirely with organic cotton. Remaining true to its export orientation, the firm, in recent years, has invested in its development abroad. Having started as a small-scale industry in the 80s, the firm recently managed to open its 100th store, in London. It is present in Turkey, and runs a total of 34 outlets abroad, including in Romania, Cyprus, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Albania, Moldova, and Armenia. Plans for the launch of new outlets in Russia and Dubai have been put on hold as the ongoing recession has forced the firm to retreat. Even so, the achievements made to date are lofty. At present, B&F employs 250 persons on a full-time basis as well as over 300 persons through franchised outlets. B&F staff receives training on a continual basis, making it a very significant component in the company’s endeavors. B&F operates a facility at its company-owned property in the Nea Philadelphia district, northwestern Athens, by the national highway. Investments at this facility have exceeded 20 million euros. Spread over 20,000 square meters on a plot of land measuring 2.6 hectares, the facility includes the firm’s administrative division, as well as logistics, tailoring, and quality-control departments.


Contact Details 10th km Athens-Lamia national highway, 143 42, Nea Philadelphia, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 2509000 Email: Website:

204 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

B&F SA 2012 37.160.605.00 € 552.601,00 € 18.730.074,00 € 22.849.972,00 € 26.317.891,00 €

2013 47.410.206,00 € 4.967.095,00 € 26.152.212,00 € 24.211.426,00 € 32.386.437,00 €

Change (%) 27.6 798.9 39.6 6.0 23.1


Hydrocarbon exploration/production Industrial


Unique in its field

Turnover 34.080.004

KAVALA OIL S.A. is a part of Energean Oil & Gas group, the only hydrocarbon producing group in Greece. This uniqueness moves Greece to the list of oil producing countries and has raised public interest for the activities developed at technical and operational levels, being also an ideal example of oil production in environmentally sensitive areas The company’s processing plant is designated as Sigma, located 14 km east of northern city Kavala and 18 km north of the Prinos platform complex on the main coast line. It consists of facilities for the final processing of oil and gas streams from the offshore facilities into stabilized crude oil, natural gas, natural gas liquid and elemental sulfurKavala Oil operates facilities in two offshore areas, Prinos and South Kavala The Prinos oil field covers an area of approximately four square kilometers and it is located offshore in the Gulf of Kavala, 8 kilometres west of the island of Thassos and 18 kilometres south of the main cost. The Prinos platform complex is located at the centre of the field and it includes two four-leg production platforms, Alpha and Beta. Each platform can accommodate 12 wells and is compatible with a jack-up rig, work-over rig and service rig. It also includes an 8-leg processing platform Delta The reservoir lies in a depth of 2,500 to 2,800 meters while the sea water depth in the area is 30 meters. The oil produced from the Prinos oil field is an under-saturated sour crude with an API gravity of some 27 to 30 degrees and a high sulphur content, while the gas produced contains about 50% hydrogen sulfide. The South Kavala field, an almost depleted gas field, is located offshore in the Gulf of Kavala and produces gas containing more than 80% methane. It was the first Hydrocarbon Reservoir discovered in Prinos – Kavala Basin. The reservoir is in a depth of 1,700 meters, while the sea depth in the area is about 51 meters. The four-leg platform, designated as Kappa, 12 km southwest of Prinos platforms - accommodates two wells and is compatible with drilling, workover and service rigs... The company posted positive results in 2013. Total turnover reached 34 million euros from 24.9 million euros. It also managed to convert a loss of 9.3 million euros in 2012 to a profit of 4.8 million euros in 2013.


Contact Details Nea Karvali, 64006, P.O. Box. 8, KAVALA, GREECE Tel: +30 2510 317201 Fax: +30 2510 317204 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Kavala Oil SA 2012 24.942.523,00 € -9.273.229,00 € -6.044.472,00 € -5.015.664,00 € 38.530.626,00 €

2013 34.080.004,00 € 4.890.303,00 € 5.285.357,00 € 8.340.921,00 € 28.923.104,00 €

Change (%) 36,6 -24,9

Diamonds 205


Food Products Commercial


Global food industry giant

Turnover 215.368.650


Contact Details 19-21 Aristotelous st, Metamorfosi, 144 51, Athens Tel.: +30 210 28 89 000 Website:

206 Diamonds

MONDELEZ HELLAS SA belongs to the Mondelez International corporate group. Mondelēz International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MDLZ) is a strong global brand in the snacks sector, as highlighted by its turnover figure of $35 billion in 2013. It operates in 165 countries. Mondelēz International markets chocolate, biscuits, chewing gum, candy, coffee and powdered drinks, and branded products worth billions of dollars, such as Cadbury, chocolate Cadbury Dairy Milk and Milka, Jacobs coffee, LU, Nabisco and Oreo biscuits, Tang powdered drinks and Trident gum. Mondelēz International is included in the Standard and Poor’s 500, NASDAQ 100 and Dow Jones Sustainability lists. In Europe, the international group (Mondelez Europe) operates in five main categories: Biscuits, Cheese & food, chocolate, coffee, chewing gum and candy, marketing 25 branded products for over 100 years. Its strongest performing brands are Milka, Cadbury, Côte d’Or, Toblerone chocolate, LU, Oreo, Belvita biscuits, Trident and Halls chewing gum and candy, Tassimo, Carte Noire, Jacobs and Kenco coffees, as well as Philadelphia cheese. Mondelez sells products in 33 countries around the continent, including Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. In Greece, the company’s local subsidiary sells Lacta and Pavlidis chocolates, Pavlidis couverture chocolate, Kiss, wafer 3BIT, Merenda, Gioconda chocolates, Philadelphia cream cheese, Kraft mayonnaise and ketchup, OREO cookies, Pavlidis biscuits, JACOBS filter coffee, JACOBS Espresso, Maxwell Housecoffee, TASSIMO beverages, Lacta and Cadbury chocolate drink, Fonzies savory snacks, Trident and Dentyne chewing gum, Halls candies, and Bubbaloo bubble gum. It is worth noting that the Pavlidis chocolate factory has produced the country’s favorite chocolates for over 170 years, becoming an integral part of Greece’s social fabric. It continues to operate from its original production base, as an updated facility (135 Pireos Street ), close to the center of Athens, where it began operating in 1840. Over the past three decades, the company has also produced its newer Lacta milk chocolate brand. The company posted positive results in 2013. Total turnover increased, reaching 215 million euros. Earnings before taxes increased to 4.8 million euros in 2013, an 11 percent increase.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MONDELEZ HELLAS SA 2012 2013 213.278.206,00 € 215.368.650,00 € 4.405.778,00 € 4.885.380,00 € 61.777.350,00 € 60.007.152,00 € 26.321.642,00 € 28.947.051,00 € 84.111.748,00 € 74.881.662,00 €

Change (%) 0,98 10,89 -2,87 9,97 -11


Personal Care & Pharmaceuticals Industrial


Providing daily personal care to locals over four decades

Turnover 92.122.549


With experience of 128 years, Johnson & Johnson, a partner in life from birth to adulthood, provides products that care for even the most sensitive of skin types. Cleaning and facial moisturizing products, shower gels and body creams are included among the company’s products. The company is widely recognized, worldwide, by professionals, and has been embraced by mothers, for products catering to baby skin care. Johnson & Johnson was founded in 1886 by the Johnson brothers in New Jersey, USA. In Greece, Johnson & Johnson’s representative operation was founded in 1975, marketing consumer and medical products, many of which are produced at its local plant in Mandra, western Athens. Internationally, the group ranks sixth in consumer health care products, is the largest company in medical and diagnostic equipment, the sixth largest in biotechnology and the sixth largest pharmaceutical company. The corporate group is comprised of more than 275 subsidiaries in 60 countries, employing around 128,700 employees. In Greece, Johnson & Johnson is active in three sectors, consumer products, pharmaceuticals and medical supplies, represented by three subsidiaries. In the field of consumer products, the company produces over-the-counter (OTC) products, or nonprescription drugs, skin care products, baby care, feminine and oral hygiene products. The group changed its structure in Greece and created a new subsidiary at the end of 2011, which absorbed the consumer products sector. Johnson & Johnson’s factory in Greece plays a key role in the group’s European business activities. Indeed, the majority of local production is exported to more than 35 countries. Exports represent over 90% of total Greek production. The company offers important social activity throughout Greece with a mobile polyclinic named “Hippocrates”, which travels around the country providing preventive health services to thousands of children. As for the multinational group’s financial performance, high sales, mainly in the pharmaceutical industry, propelled its financial figures in the second quarter of 2014. Earnings amounted to 4.33 billion dollars compared to 3.83 billion in the previous year. Sales rose by 9.1% to 19.5 billion dollars. The sales department of consumer goods worldwide rose 2.4%, reaching 3.7 billion dollars.


Contact Details Egialias & 4 Epidavrou, Marousi, 151 25, Athens Tel.: +30 2106875555 Fax: +30 2106850309 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

JOHNSON & JOHNSON HELLAS SA 2012 2013 98.832.028,00 € 92.122.549,00 € -25.348.399,00 € 4.880.679,00 € 31.347.996,00 € 25.974.866,00 € 169.220.343,00 € 173.948.142,00 € 25.125.158,00 € 24.752.235,00 €

Change (%) -6,79 -17,14 2,79 -1,82

Diamonds 207


Chemical Products Industrial

Alchimica SA

Worldwide presence

Chris Krimizis Tsatsoulis Turnover 28.311.019

ALCHIMICA SA is a dynamic company specializing in the development and production of chemicals for the building industry as well as other industries. For over 30 years, ALCHIMICA has successfully provided products and services to architects, engineers, home builders, contractors and building owners worldwide. Its one and two-part polyurethane systems have a proven track record of high performance in numerous prestigious construction works around the world. ALCHIMICA is a company with a strong tradition in innovation, investing heavily in research and development and constantly striving for new levels of excellence. This enables it to continuously introduce new technologies to the global market and, as a result, open up new opportunities, not only for the company, but also for its partners and distributors. Slowly but with determination over three decades, Alchimica succeeded in establishing a worldwide reputation strongly linked with quality, innovation, technical leadership and moral values. Alchimica’s product portfolio is vast and continuously increasing, in line with the industry’s needs. All Alchimica products are based on proprietary technology and knowledge offering the company a great advantage as far as flexibility and economics are concerned. Company products are applied to a range of projects from drinking water reservoirs, huge water desalinization plants, bridges, irrigation channels, hydroelectric plants, airports, and train tunnels to simple home roofing. Alchimica’s best-selling export item, “Hyperdesmo”, has become a staple for projects in the industry worldwide. The company’s R&D department is strong and includes ten chemists and chemical engineers, including three PhDs. Well equipped labs and pilot plans are available for the development of new products. The company’s state-of-the-art production and logistic facilities, its well located plants, and strong distribution network all combine to substantially increase its level of competiveness. In 2013, the firm’s total turnover increased by 19.92% to reach 28.31 million euros from 23.61 million euros in 2012. Net pretax profit also increased, by 86.75%, to 4.81 million euros in 2013 from 2.57 million euros in 2012.


Contact Details 13 Oryzomylon St, 122 44, Egaleo, Athens Tel.: 210 5443971 Fax: 210 5619287 E-mail: Website:

208 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Alchimica SA 2012 23.610.058,00 € 2.576.215,00 € 5.026.977,00 € 7.750.010,00 € 5.251.342,00 €

2013 28.311.019,00 € 4.811.701,00 € 7.800.528,00 € 6.154.494,00 € 10.407.170,00 €

Change (%) 19,9 86,8 55,2 -20,6 98,2


food PRODUCTS Industrial

Soya Mills SA

From flour and vegetable oils to biofuel

Marina - Ofloudi Giavroglou Turnover 212.812.316

Formed in 1970, Soya Mills SA remains one of the biggest firms in the field of production and trade of soya and soybean oil. It operates company-owned facilities in the Corinth region, west of Athens. The firm processes and trades soybean oil and olive oil. To reach the market, raw oils are first processed at the company’s modern facility. Soya Mills SA was the first company in Greece to engage itself in the production of soybean oil. The firm is also active in the trade of sizeable amounts of corn, barley, oats, and wheat. Soya Mills SA has also expanded its activities into other fields. More specifically, the enterprise acquired an olive oil production company and renamed the venture Hellenic Fine Oils (HFO). This firm is active in the production and packaging of olive oil. It exports to China, Japan, and Brazil. The firm’s establishment and 51% ownership of a recent venture, GF Energy, which is active in the production of biofuel, ranks as its most significant development. The total cost of this initiative is budgeted at 17 million euro. Part of the cost is being financed by EU subsidy programs. The business, whose production is based at a fully automated and environmentally friendly facility, stands as a biofuel alternative for farmers. Many company operations are fused in the production process. The soya mill operation provides raw materials for biofuel production. This biofuel facility, whose production capacity amounts to 130,000 tons annually, began operating in 2009 and produces close to 25,000 tons annually. Commenting on the GF Energy venture, the company’s managing director Marina Ofloudi noted: “We have signed contracts for approximately 20,000 hectares and will soon proceed with additional agreements of similar magnitudes.” Soya Mills intends to expand its contract-based farming business activity into its Hellenic Fine Oils (HFO) venture, especially with producers in southern Greece. The objective, according to the managing director, is to “achieve steady prices and quality regarding olive oil, so that we can export.” In 2013, the company posted increased total turnover and profit figures. Total turnover rose to 212 million euros in 2013 from 207 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit increased by 38 percent to 4.8 million euros from 3.4 million euros in 2012.


Contact Details 1 Alamanas, Euroco building, 151 25, Μarousi, Athens, Greece Τel: +30 210 6384 400 Fax: +30 210 6384 500 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Soya Mills SA 2012 207.798.828,00 € 3.479.073,00 € 12.236.548,00 € 40.912.457,00 € 55.092.519,00 €

2013 212.812.316,00 € 4.806.699,00 € 12.896.249,00 € 42.617.818,00 € 53.034.392,00 €

Change (%) 2,4 38,2 5,4 4,2 -3,7

Diamonds 209


Pharmaceuticals Industrial

Uni-Pharma S.A. Pharmaceutical Laboratories

Investing in new production unit of great potential

Turnover 39.265.364


In 2014, Uni-Pharma entered a new chapter in the company’s history by launching a new factory, a 14,000-square meter facility at a three-storey building, to produce all of the company’s products. This facility and the company headquarters are both located in Kifissia, northern Athens. The company also operates an 11,000-square meter facility for product storage and distribution management. Founded in 1967 by Cleon Tsetis, UNI-Pharma has grown, over the past five decades, to become a large and dynamic company. It ranks first in terms of sales in the Greek pharmaceutical market among purely Greek companies, selling 21 million product units per year. A pharmacist with a vision to strengthen the presence of Greek companies in the pharmaceutical industry, Cleon Tsetis led the company to increase business through the use of modern and innovative technology, including research and development of new formulations of existing drugs. Uni-Pharma researches, develops, produces and distributes pharmaceuticals, food supplements and medical devices. The main objective of the company is to enter new markets as a producer of innovative products. From its very first year, Uni-Pharma succeeded in developing innovative forms of pharmaceutical drugs. It was the first company in the world to present phenobarbital as an oral solution, a breakthrough that received broad support from pediatricians. In 1977, the company introduced its Salospir product (acetylsalicylic acid) to Europe in the form of tablets with enteric coating, in dosages ranging from 80mg to 1,000mg. Salospir sales exceeded 200 million tablets in 2012. In 1992, having developed a method of solubilization for paracetamol, UniPharma became the world’s first company to introduce injectable paracetamol, known as Apotel®. Uni-Pharma’s T4® products, for treatment of thyroid diseases, are available in 13 different contents. Moreover, Uni-Pharma is a pioneer company in Greece specializing in the production of effervescent forms of acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol, a combination of acetylsalicylic acid and vitamin C, and paracetamol combined with vitamin C. In 1998, Uni-Pharma acquired European patents for injectable solutions of paracetamol and paracetamol combined with other active substances. At present, the company employs about 175 persons, 30 percent of these being scientific researchers. In 2013, the company’s total turnover reached 39.3 million euros, up from 33 million euros in 2012, a 16 percent year-on-year increase. Profit fell to 4.8 million euros from 6.1 million euros, a 21.8 percent decrease.

Contact Details 14th km National Road 1, Κifissia, 145 64, Athens, Greece Τel.: +30 210 8072512 Fax: +30 210 8078907 Website:

210 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Uni-Pharma SA Pharmaceutical Laboratories 2012 2013 33.840.000,00 € 39.265.364,00 € 6.077.000,00 € 4.754.960,00 € 13.831.000,00 € 13.918.826,00 € 47.353.582,00 € 60.609.777,00 € 28.255.954,00 € 31.969.290,00 €

Change (%) 16,0 -21,8 0,6 28,0 13,1


Chemical Products Industrial


Major Player in its sector in southeast Europe

Athanasios Tziritis Turnover 31.245.253


Founded in 1980, ISOMAT SA is one of the most important manufacturers of building chemicals and pre-mixed mortars in the region of S.E. Europe. ISOMAT’s product range consists of more than 250 products for different construction applications, divided into six product groups - Waterproofing Materials, Concrete & Mortar Additives, Tile Adhesives & Grouts, Repairing Materials, Paints & Plasters and Floorings. The company’s product range is continuously enriched with new products, developed at its R&D Department, based on the latest trends in the construction sector. All products are constantly subjected to meticulous control carried out by the Quality Control Department with the aim of ensuring high-level, consistent quality, during and after production. Additionally, the company offers integrated technical solutions for maximizing customer benefits. ISOMAT currently operates two ultra-modern production plants, one in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, and the other in Belgrade, Serbia. Backed by four affiliated companies in the markets of Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey, a representative office in Russia, as well as a strong network of professional local distributors, ISOMAT carries out international sales in more than 35 countries in Europe, Asia, the US, Middle East and Africa, either through affiliated companies or local distributors. Isomat operates a number of affiliated companies. ISOMAT ROMANIA S.R.L., founded in 2000 in Bucharest, Romania, constitutes the exclusive trader and distributor of ISOMAT’s products in the Romanian market. ISOMAT INTERNATIONAL E.O.O.D., launched in 2004 in Sofia, constitutes the exclusive agent and distributor of ISOMAT’s products in the Bulgarian market. ISOMAT D.O.O. was established in 2005 in Belgrade and constitutes the exclusive distributor of ISOMAT’s products in the Serbian market. In March 2011, ISOMAT D.O.O. was transformed from a trading company to a manufacturer, when its new factory in Simanovci, Belgrade began operating. İSOMAT YAPI KİMYASALLARI VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ, the affiliated company in Turkey, founded in Istanbul in November 2013, serves as the exclusive agent and distributor of the company’s products in the Turkish market. In October 2013, ISOMAT established a representative office in Moscow, which is mainly responsible for monitoring local market needs and examining the prospect of expanding the company’s activity to Russia. The representative office is expected to soon begin operating as an affiliated ISOMAT company in Russia.


Contact Details 17th km Thessaloniki - Ag. Athanasios Road, P.O. BOX 1043, 570 03 Tel.: +30 2310 576005 Fax: +30 2310 722120 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ISOMAT SA 2012 29.076.484,00 € 3.231.045,00 € 12.202.288,00 € 31.041.353,00 € 9.986.120,00 €

2013 31.245.253,00 € 4.698.016,00 € 13.636.088,00 € 33.018.179,00 € 11.769.616,00 €

Change (%) 7,46 45,40 11,8 6,37 17,86

Diamonds 211


FOOD PRODUCTS Industrial Industrial


31.388.739 39.265.364


Aspis S.A. - Hellenic Juice Industry

Exports represent 85% of turnover ASPIS was founded in 1970 as a family owned company. In the early ‘80s, ASPIS embarked on a program to strengthen its overall position, both domestically and abroad. An effective sales campaign soon resulted in ASPIS supplying the fruit juice industry throughout Europe, the Middle East and Latin America with the required raw materials. The company markets excellent quality fruit juice concentrates and purees for the fruit juice industry. These include orange, peach, apricot, apple, pear, cherry (dark sweet, sour), plum, kiwi, strawberry, grape, pomegranate, blends, as well as canned products. The company also offers beverage producers filling and packing on a private-label basis. Its facilities are equipped with the newest technology for filling machines, operating amid fully ISO-approved procedures for aseptic TetraPak® packages (1Lit, 200ml, 250ml, 330ml). Nowadays, 85 percent of the company’s turnover is generated by exports. The company’s R&D department constantly strives to improve existing company products and introduce new products for continuous customer satisfaction. Innovation and keeping ahead of market trends stand as key objectives for the R&D team as part of the company’s export-orientation effort. It is certified with ISO 9001:2008, 22000:2005, HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) standards, as well as Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance, IFS, SGF and Kosher certificates, for all stages of production.


Contact Details 4th km Argos-Korinthos national highway Argos, 21200, Greece Tel: +30 2751 0 28000 Fax: +30 2751 0 66022 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Aspis SA C. Dedes 2012 26.457.572,00 € 3.289.142,00 € 6.206.982,00 € 40.267.242,00 € 7.057.901,00 €

2013 31.388.739,00 € 4.758.603,00 € 7.965.679,00 € 45.869.918,00 € 7.783.578,00 €

Change (%) 18,6 44,7 28,3 13,9 10,3

Pharmaceuticals – Detergents METAL PRODUCTS Commercial


Offering products used on a daily basis Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 51.214.118 39.265.364 96.956.097


Bolton Hellas SA is a member of the Bolton Group, possessing many years of experience in the consumer products market through brands such as Rio Mare, Softex, Merito, Overlay, WC Net, UHU, and Omino Bianco. It is presently developing a sales department in Greece exclusively focused on the promotion and distribution of a weight-losing product line, Somatoline Cosmetic, to pharmacies. Bolton Group produces and markets a vast array of high quality consumer goods in 125 countries. Today, the Group holds a portfolio of prestigious brands, including over 50 food, home, laundry care, adhesives, personal care and well-being, and beauty care product lines, distributed in supermarkets and perfumeries. Over 3,000 employees worldwide are focused on delivering high quality products that meet the ever-increasing needs of today’s consumers. Some 100 million households in 125 countries enjoy Bolton’s high quality products.



Contact Details 91 Michalakopoulou, 11528, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 4897800 FAX: +30 210 4897831 Website:

212 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Own Equity Liabilities

BOLTON HELLAS SA 2012 2013 58,314,548.00 € 51,214,118.00 € 5,081,003.00 € 4,684,073.00 € 24,277,179.00 € 22,755,903.00 € 4,911, 408.00 € 8,147,385.00 € 19,255,251.00 € 7,689,934.00 €

Change (%) -12.2 -7.8 -6.3 65.9 -60.1


BEVERAGES Industrial


A firm founded in 1888…

Turnover 23.375.418

METAXA has a long and proud history, whose roots can be traced back to over 5,000 years ago when ancient Greeks first developed the idea of wine production. The firm was founded in 1888 in the port-city Piraeus and began attaining success soon after. Several years later, the firm began exporting, which soon started winning it a series of awards, distinctions, medals, and tributes from around the world. The demand for METAXA soared and transatlantic activities became an everincreasing component of the firm’s export trade. In 1915, METAXA won the Grand Prix award at the International Exhibition of San Francisco, a distinction that was included on its bottle label. Nowadays, METAXA is part of the Remy Cointreau group and has been established among the top 50 spirit brands in the world. METAXA distributes its beverages to 110 countries all over the world, and overall, its products are sold to 130 countries. Some of METAXA’S products are: Five-star Metaxa, which lies at the heart of the Metaxa family. It comes in a bottle whose design was inspired by ancient Greek architecture, while its spirit captures the warmth of the sun. Aged for up to five years, this blend’s characteristically smooth and aged fruity taste perfectly complements its dark honey color, making this product an indispensible classic. The seven-star Metaxa is a very sophisticated member of the METAXA family. Its bottle is inspired by ancient Greek vases, or Amphorae, which were used to carry wines and spirits. It is aged for up to seven years, giving METAXA 7* a spirit of distinction, with a golden color and a full-bodied, raisin-inflected sweet taste. A self-confident spirit, METAXA Grand Olympian Reserve is a luxurious addition to the METAXA family. At a glance, its classically styled bottle bears witness to the richness of the Greek heritage to which it proudly belongs. The twelve stars on the label are a reminder that this smooth blend of METAXA contains distillates aged for up to 12 years. Its dark honey color and the hint of vanilla in its aroma are complemented by a full-bodied, woody taste. This mature spirit offers an elegant, assured and authentically Greek moment!


Contact Details 6 Andrea Metaxa Str., 145 64 Kifissia, Attica, Greece Tel +30 2106207100 Fax +30 2108073886 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

S. & E. & A. METAXAS SA 2012 2013 24.964.781,00 € 23.375.418,00 € 5.173.830,00 € 3.857.350,00 € 9.583.817,00 € 8.698.394,00 € 6.637.411,00 € 6.632.410,00 € 8.609.674,00 € 9.147.323,00 €

Change (%) -6,4 -25,4 -9,2 -0,1 6,24

Diamonds 213


Submarine telecommunication & power projects Commercial


Serving leading players in the telecommunication, power and alternative energy industries

Turnover 11.964.699


Contact Details 69 Okeanidon & 38 Charilaou Trikoupi St, Elefsina, 19200, Greece Tel.: +30 210 4527050 Email: Website:

214 Diamonds

The Assodivers group has been actively involved in offshore and near-shore activities since its establishment in 1976, maintaining cutting-edge technology that provides either turn-key solutions or sub-contracted work for major cable installation companies and marine contractors. Since 1985, Assodivers has been the leading contractor for all Greek-related cable projects, both offshore and onshore. Specializing in submarine cable installation, protection, repair and support operations, Assodivers has established a constantly updated long track record of projects, both domestically and abroad. Capable of providing highly customizable equipment, Assodivers’ clientele includes some of the leading players in the telecommunication, power and alternative energy industries. The Assodivers group currently employs more than 240 professionals, including vessel crew involved in company projects, all permanently employed and individually trained to become efficient, highly skilled members of the team. To offer its variety of services, including engineering, execution, and post-installation services and cable repairs, the company owns a fleet of seven vessels. Assodivers possesses a range of equipment available for use on various projects, including specialized underwater vehicles to land-based excavators. Most of the specialized equipment has been designed and manufactured at a production unit in Aspropyrgos, west of Athens, and has been extensively tested on various company projects. All equipment, including remotely operated vehicles and subsea trenching equipment, is customized based on project needs. Assodivers is certified according to the requirements of international standards ISO 9001:2008(Quality Management), ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health & Safety Management) by Bureau Veritas Certification. The company is a member of the Remote Systems & ROV Division of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA). Vessels employed by the company to execute projects are certified according to the IMO ISM and ISPS Codes by Bureau Veritas and are managed by S&O Ship Management Ltd., a Greek and Cypriot ISM DOC holder. The vessels are also registered with the Marine Division of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA). Over the years, Assodivers has undertaken major projects for companies such as Alcatel, Fulgor, Nexans, NKT, NSW, OTE, Prysmian (ex. Pirelli), and Greece’s main power utility, PPC. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Assodivers Ltd. 2012 8.057.142,00 € -2.451.581,00 € 269.355,00 € 7.321.106,00 € 5.841.425,00 €

2013 11.964.699,00 € 4.618.271,00 € 6.028.773,00 € 11.773.105,00 € 3.907.892,00 €

Change (%) 48,5 2138,2 60,8 -33,1




Pharmaceuticals Commercial


Aiming to create a nationwide network of independent pharmacies

Sotiris Lelos

Turnover 85.257.229

Vitafarm is one of the largest and most dynamic pharmaceutical warehouses in Greece, which, despite the crisis and the sharp decline in pharmaceutical expenditure in this country, has managed to steadily increase its financial performance every year since its launch. Vitafarm emerged from a merger between two companies, European Medicines SA and OTC Center SA, in 2001. Vitafarm operates in privately owned facilities covering an area of 3,000 ​​ square meters and fully equipped with the most modern equipment in the pharmaceutical warehouses sector, including the Austrian robotic KNAPP system for automatic execution of fast moving codes. This year, the company plans to install two robotic units made by German company ROWA for automatic execution of slow moving codes. Vitafarm, a member of the pharmaceutical warehouses group of S. Lelos, is playing a crucial role amid the country’s recession by striving to create a nationwide network of independent pharmacies for collective bargaining power that may boost respective profitability. Through this effort, Vitafarm aims to protect both its own operations, nine wholesalers as a whole, and business partner-pharmacists from external threats, as almost all companies in the sector have been negatively impacted by the country’s bailout agreement and reduced spending in pharmaceuticals, making the need for partnerships even more crucial. Despite Greece’s unprecedented economic crisis, the company managed to emerge as one of the most profitable Greek pharmaceutical wholesalers in 2012 and 2013. It was awarded a Diamonds of the Greek Economy prize by STAT BANK. In 2013, the company posted a 4.7 percent increase in total turnover, reaching 85.2 million euros from 81.4 million euros a year earlier. Pretax profit fell by 11 percent, to 4.5 million euros from 5.1 million euros.


Contact Details 23 Halkis, Pilea, 55535, Thessaloniki Tel: +30 2310478949 Fax: +30 2310478946 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

VITAFARM SA 2012 81.406.936,00 € 5.120.802,00 € 7.984.848,00 € 23.494.400,00 € 15.512.748,00 €

2013 85.257.229,00 € 4.548.279,00 € 7.415.609,00 € 10.873.938,00 € 14.560.418,00 €

Change (%) 4.7 -11.2 -7.1 -53,7 -6,1

Diamonds 215


Supermarkets Commercial

Turnover 132.529.219


Contact Details 1st Km Gaziou Krousona, 71500, Heraklion, Crete/ PO BOX 2034, 71002 (Neo Stadio), Tel: +30 2810 824140 Fax: +30 2810 821495 Email: Website:


One of Crete’s strongest supermarket chains CHALKIADAKIS SA began operating in Crete’s supermarket sector in 1980. In 1994, the chain was integrated into the Veropoulos group of super markets, achieving significant competitive pricing advantages and further expansion throughout Crete, Greece’s largest island. In 2004, it became the first supermarket chain to be certified with Quality Certificate ISO 9001: 2000 and Occupational Health and Safety HACCP Food standards for all activities, by ELOT, the Greek Standards Organization. In 2006, the company was also certified with the new international standard ISO 22000. This year, the company reached an agreement to transfer 60 percent of the Chalkiadakis outlets to the Sklavenitis supermarket company. Through this acquisition, I. & S. Sklavenitis further expanded its presence beyond Athens, backed by the Chalkiadakis family as a strategic partner for the Cretan market, where it holds extensive experience. At present, the Chalkiadakis chain numbers 38 stores and employs a workforce of 940 persons. In 2014, the company continued to improve its financial figures. Total turnover grew marginally, by 2 percent, to 132 million euros. Pretax profit rose more considerably to 4.5 million euros. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

XALKIADAKIS SA 2012 2013 130.906.216,00 € 132.529.219,00 € 2.169.565,00 € 4.496.339,00 € 33.636.711,00 € 34.642.933,00 € 9.259.238,00 € 10.772.050,00 € 46.569.426,00 € 44.890.347,00 €

Change (%) 1,24 107,25 2,99 16,34 -3,61




Pharmaceuticals Commercial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 46.087.211 96.956.097




Successful presence in the Greek market over 25 years International pharmaceutical group Menarini, a leading Italian enterprise, clocked up two-and-ahalf decades of continuous activity in Greece this year, in both the pharmaceutical drugs and diagnostic equipment sectors. Menarini launched its activity in Greece in 1989 by acquiring 70% of Damvergis SA, a Greek pharmaceutical industrial enterprise with a long presence dating back to 1935. Since this move, the company has provided numerous original pharmaceuticals to the market, primarily for cardiovascular treatment as well as other areas such as hypertension, heart failure, chronic stable angina, gout, migraine, herpes zoster, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and hyperlipidemia. The company’s successful performance over the past twenty or so years has established Menarini Hellas as a young and dynamic company in the local pharmaceutical market. It ranks among the 20 largest pharmaceutical companies in Greece. Menarini Hellas currently employs 178 persons with an average age of 35.


Contact Details A. Damvergi 7 and Konstantinopoleos, Athens, 10445, Greece Tel: +30 2108316111 Fax: +30 2108317343 Website:

216 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MENARINI HELLAS SA 2012 2013 48.548.780,00 € 46.087.211,00 € 8.420.928,00 € 4.417.464,00 € 28.566.192,00 € 24.505.413,00 € 10.200.808,00 € 10.364.254,00 € 17.254.221,00 € 16.917.789,00 €

Change (%) -5,07 -47,54 -14,22 1,60 -1,95



Kallas Papadopoulos SA

Possessing a wide product portfolio

Turnover 142.813.408

Founded in 1967, Kallas Papadopoulos SA has been active as an importer and distributor of raw materials and foods for more than 45 years, satisfying the needs of several industrial sectors, including confectionery, bakery, dairy products, charcuterie and the food service industry. Kallas Papadopoulos SA maintains modern facilities offering controlled temperature at its warehouses in the Aharnes area of northern Athens, the Thessaloniki industrial zone’s Vathy Avlidas area along the Athens-Thessaloniki highway, at the Ritsona interchange, as well as in Tripoli (Peloponnese), Volos (mid northeast Greece), and Bucharest. The company’s distribution system operates entirely on first in-first out basis, constantly monitoring all controlled temperature facilities through calibrated thermographs. The company has been exporting various products since 1995 to Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Albania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Fyrom), Egypt and Tunisia. Hundreds of tons of goods are distributed, daily, to several destinations around Greece by a fleet of refrigerated (reefer) trucks owned by the company, ensuring direct and constant delivery. The company’s Thessaloniki unit serves to minimize distances regarding its exports to the Balkans. In addition, the company operates a distribution network in Romania and Cyprus. Its quality-control department has operated since 1987. Sampling tests are carried out every day on all incoming and outgoing products by trained staff, ensuring excellent quality. The company has been implementing Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) systems since 2001 and is certified with ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System and ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System standards. The company imports food and raw materials of high standards in order to guarantee its clients excellent quality as well as the best possible quality/cost ratio. The company markets numerous products, including dairy powders, liquid milk, UHT milk, Belgian cow milk cream, Whey powder protein products, butter, cheese, cocoa, chocolate, vegetable fats, vegetable margarines, vegetable oils, vegetables fats bulk, creams, egg powder, wheat products, corn starch, potato products, frozen fries, canned products, pasta, food additives, organic products, frozen chicken products.


Contact Details 13 Phil. Damianou St - Aharnes, 136 71, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 24 01 830 -1-2 Fax: +30 210 24 01 833 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

KALLAS PAPADOPOULOS SA 2012 2013 120.349.351,00 € 142.813.408,00 € 4.748.174,00 € 4.489.369,00 € 13.001.279,00 € 13.543.678,00 € 22.402.490,00 € 25.445.464,00 € 39.064.657,00 € 43.715.484,00 €

Change (%) 18,67 -5,45 4,17 13,58 11,91

Diamonds 217


Medical equipment Industrial


Providing modern solutions for kidney patients

Turnover 27.251.335


Contact Details 52 Tatoiou, Avenue, Acharnes, 136 77, Greece Tel.: +30 210 8002650 Fax: +30 210 6207503 Email: Website:

Electro-optics Industrial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 35.807.255 96.956.097


Contact Details 7 Stratigi st, Neo Psychico, 15451, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 672 8610 Fax: +30 210 672 8624 Email: Website:

218 Diamonds

Ariti S.A was founded in 1985 and has operated in the field of medical and pharmaceutical products for over 30 years. It is an important dealer and partner of globally recognized and reliable manufacturing firms. Throughout the course of its operations, Ariti has achieved continual economic and trade development in all areas of its business, and today is the leader in the Greek market. The company operates mainly in the field of nephrology (hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis) and in the areas of urology, general surgery, orthopedics and pharmaceutical drugs. In recent years, Ariti has established four privately run units for chronic hemodialysis, providing high-quality health services to dialysis patients. Two of these dialysis centers operate in Athens, one in northern city Thessaloniki, and the other in Pella, northern Greece. All four are equipped with the latest dialysis machines. The company-owned facilities in Athens, covering ​​11,000 square meters, include offices and central warehouses measuring 5,520 square meters in floor space. The company’s Thessaloniki facilities occupy an area of 10,000 ​​ square meters with buildings (offices, warehouses) of 2,000 square meters. At last count, the company employed 79 persons, compared to 74 a year earlier. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Ariti SA 2012 28.112.324,00 € 3.867.962,00 € 14.925.909,00 € 12.040.319,00 € 66.868.507,00 €

2013 27.251.335,00 € 4.482.709,00 € 13.734.883,00 € 12.619.169,00 € 50.819.014,00 €

Change (%) -3,1 15,9 -8,0 4,8 -24,0


Greek supplier of defense equipment THEON Sensors was established in 1997 by a group of experienced professionals in the field of electro-optics. The company is located on privately owned land measuring 4,000 square meters with facilities measuring 1,200 square meters in Koropi, southeast of Athens. The company has grown into an internationally recognized developer and manufacturer of night-vision products currently being used by a wide number of Armed Forces around the world. The development and manufacturing of company products is performed in-house and the company’s main activities fall under two divisions: Electro-Optics and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). While THEON Sensors is the main supplier of Night Vision Equipment to the Greek Army, an international network of customers and partners has also been established. In fact, THEON Sensors supplies its systems to Armed Forces and Police in twelve countries around the world, including six NATO members. In addition, THEON Sensors cooperates with renowned vehicle manufactures based in various parts of the world supplying Night Vision Driver Viewers for armoured vehicles and main battle tanks.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Theon Sensors SA 2012 2013 32.955.091,00 € 35.807.255,00 € 2.561.826,00 € 4.454.030,00 € 9.246.402,00 € 7.999.683,00 € 9.465.330,00 € 9.065.387,00 € 18.377.136,00 € 23.802.085,00 €

Change (%) 8,7 73,9 -13,5 -4,2 29,5


Rubber - Plastics Industrial


Major European flexible packaging manufacturer

Turnover 54.207.000


FLEXOPACK SA was founded in 1979, in Koropi, southeast of Athens. Initially a family-owned business, the company, listed on the Athens Stock Exchange in 1996, is a major European flexible packaging manufacturer offering a great variety of products, with special emphasis in co-extrusion of barrier and non-barrier films. The company has a strong technical base in extrusion, bag-making, and printing. FLEXOPACK’s primary market is the food industry. Other markets include the printing/conversion industry, personal care, medical, and agribusiness packaging. Production and conversion, warehouses, R & D center, logistics and administration are housed in two neighboring facilities measuring 15,000 square meters. FLEXOPACK has operated under an ISO 9001 Quality Management System since 1995. In May 2003, it was accredited with the British Retailer Consortium (BRC/IOP) Standard, which introduces higher hygiene, product safety and quality standards for producers of food packaging. The company has experienced significant sales growth over the last five years. Dynamically addressing the future, FLEXOPACK is constantly investing to remain at the forefront of flexible packaging. The firm manufactures a great variety of films of the highest quality standards. All products are tailored to match the customers’ specific processing needs and the exact requirements for packaged good. The firm’s product range includes a variety of co-extruded structures up to 9-layers, which can fulfill the requirements of the most demanding packaging machines. Barrier structures include polyamides, or polyamide combinations with EVOH. For special humidity as well as oxygen and odor barriers, the firm has developed co-extruded PVDC structures. All these structures are available to the printing and lamination conversion industry, offering a unique choice of oxygen, aroma/ odor and water barriers. Additionally, a large selection of non-barrier 3-layer polyethylene films, using the most advanced technology and resins, is offered for high quality printing and/or lamination. The polyethylene range also includes a wide selection of shrink films addressing the growing demand for multi-packs (bottles, cans, or packs of carton) and a variety of films for personal care, tissue and sanitary products. State-of-the-art 6 and 8-color flexographic printing, greatly enhances packaging presentation and consumer appeal. The company posted stable financial results in 2013. Total turnover rose slightly, by 1%, to 54.2 million euros from 53.4 million euros in 2012. Likewise, net pretax profit rose by 3% to 4.4 million euros in 2013 from 4.3 million euros a year earlier.

Contact Details Thessi Tzima, 194 00 Koropi - Attiki - Greece Tel: (+30 210) 66 80 000 Fax: (+30 210) 66 26 583 Turnover Email: Profit Before Taxes Website: Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Flexopack SA 2012 53.404.000,00 € 4.337.000,00 € 9.329.000,00 € 43.036.000,00 € 25.227.000,00 €

2013 54.207.000,00 € 4.467.000,00 € 9.491.000,00 € 44.371.000,00 € 27.579.000,00 €

Change (%) 1,5 3,0 1,7 3,1 9,3

Diamonds 219


Shipping Commercial


Global Container Shipping Italian-Swiss shipping giant Mediterranean Shipping Company is a privately owned global enterprise operating a network of over 480 offices in 150 countries. It employs a team of over 24,000 dedicated individuals. The company has an established fleet of 465 container vessels with an intake capacity of 2,439,000 TEU, based on latest figures. The global sailing schedules cover 200 routes, calling at 315 ports, allowing the company to deliver cargo almost anywhere in the world. Mediterranean Shipping Company’s sea freight offering is complemented by its integrated warehousing and haulage services, which enable the company to offer true door-to-door service. The company employs trained, experienced experts for its full range of services, including reefer, out-of-gauge, breakbulk and trade services suited to various business natures. This offers the company the ability to maintain the personal service it is globally recognized for.

Christina Theodorika

Turnover 48.790.913


MSC in Greece The Mediterranean Shipping Company has decided to develop an information and services center for the corporate group in Greece. In doing so, the shipping giant has opted to establish its “Shared Services Documentation Center – SSDC” beyond its Swiss headquarters. Despite intense campaigning by agencies at major ports around the world, the company’s owners, the Aponte family, ended up opting for Piraeus, Greece’s largest port, as its choice of location for the new department. The shipping giant, which also maintains a strong presence in the cruise ship sector, plans to establish the center at its current company building at Piraeus port. The objective of the SSDC center will be to gather, process, and distribute information and services concerning all company activities to the group’s international network of agencies. As part of the initiative’s first stage, 150 new jobs will be created by the middle of the current year, while the number is expected to rise to 250 soon afterwards. In the longer-term, the MSC center is expected to employ some 500 persons, a development, which, according to MSC Greece manager Christina Theodorika, will require the company to relocate to a larger Piraeus base. This company’s move to establish a new center in Piraeus further bolsters the shipping cluster being developed at Piraeus port, and also contributes to the effort being made to reduce the country’s alarming unemployment problem.

Contact Details 12 Akti Poseidonos St, Piraeus, 18531, Greece Tel: +30 210 414 5500 Email:

220 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY HELLAS SA 2012 2013 46.098.580,00 € 48.790.913,00 € 5.166.202,00 € 4.223.361,00 € 14.261.676,00 € 13.251.645,00 € 872.091,00 € 880.346,00 € 24.271.467,00 € 24.020.375,00 €

Change (%) 5,84 -18,25 -7,08 0,95 -1,03




Five letters – like the five points of a star – together with the Rolex five-pronged crown, form the logo of a brand of global notoriety.



TURNOVER 38.971.289 42.659.803

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3.834.279 4.450.112


The contemporary status of Rolex and the unique The Perpetual self-winding movements that equip identity of the brand are products of its history, as all Oyster models, through their precision and reliearly as the beginning of the 20th century, driven ability, play an integral part in the reputation for by a passion for innovation and a constant quest excellence of Rolex watches The self-winding for excellence. system, invented by Rolex in 1931, it breathes The veritable Rolex signature “Superlative Chro- life into the movement so that the heartbeat of nometer Officially Certified”, the terms “Oyster” the watch never stops. The movement creates a and “Perpetual”inscribed on the dials, is the of- personal link between the wearer and the watch, On 2nd July 1908, Hans Wilsdorf, the founder of Rolex, officially filed and registered the name ficial guarantee ofname the precision of Rolex watches, capturing the wearer’s energy. ROLEX, as a brand in Switzerland. inherently linkedlike to ROLEX the identity brand. They areand certified as chronometers bytothe Swiss Indeed, a name withof itsthe three strong consonants two vowels, corresponds criteria-short, easy to pronounce and remember-that still apply today in choosing a successful The Οyster case, invented by Rolex in 1926, the Official Chronometer Testing Institute (COSC) brand name. In 1913, the ROLEX brand was registered internationally. Today it is registered world’s first waterproof case for a wristwatch, and are entirely designed and manufactured by worldwide.Since the death of Hans Wilsdorf in 1960,the name Rolex is associated with the constitutesinan in the his- Rolex to ensure high performance. landmarks theimportant history of milestone watchmaking. tory of contemporary Since its launch, the Oyster has become the pillar watchmaking. Today, of a collection of legendary watches, among the 1926 - the first waterproof and dustproof watch, thanks toRotor,the its hermetic most recognized in the world. 1931- the invention of the Perpetual self-winding mechanism, construction, all Rolex 1945 - the first wristwatch to indicate the date on the dial, watches are guaran1953 - the first watch guaranteed waterproof to a depth of 100 meters, teed waterproof to 1956 - the first wristwatch to show the date and athe day of the week spelt out in full. depth of at least 100 metres.was Crafted in his time. This prolific innovator, left an A veritable visionary, Hans Wilsdorf, ahead of 904 steel, 18ct gold the Rolex brand to the distinguished position it invaluable legacy to watchmaking and catapulted has occupied for over a century. or 950 platinum, it is Indeed, not only did Hans Wilsdorf shape perception of the wristwatch, its place, its purpose a symbol of our robustand its potential but he also made Rolex the ultimate reference in fine watchmaking by ness and consistently upholding the values thatwaterproofdefy time. Quality, passion and excellence. ness. ROLEX HELLAS SA TURNOVER (in euro)

Contact Details 3, Stadiou str. 10562 Athens Attica,Greece Tel: +30 210 322 6115 Fax: +30 210 324 8616


GROSS PROFIT (in euro) Turnover OWN EQUITY (in euro) Profit Before Taxes LIABILITIES (in euro) Gross Profit DEBT BURDEN Net worth EQUITY YIELD Liabilities





ROLEX HELLAS SA 1.828.664 3.834.279 2012 2013 6.829.105 8.472.634 38.971.289,00 € 42.659.803,00 € 1.482.630 2.456.469 3.834.279,00 € 4.450.112,00 € 10.210.150 10.860.014 8.388.468,00 € 9.269.321,00 € 87,32 81,55 2.456.469,00 € 995.652,00 € 123,34 156,09 10.860.014,00 € 13.199.609,00 €

CHANGE (%) 22,68 109,68

Change (%) 24,07 9,46 65,68 16,06 6,36 10,50 -6,60 -59,47 26,55 21,54

Diamonds Diamonds 221 145



Alpha Supporting Services SA Commercial

Turnover 14.607.728

Handling Alpha Bank Group’s smooth functioning ALPHA Supporting Services was founded in 2007 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Alpha Bank Group. The company’s activities include the development, provision and management of integrated IT services, the provision of a wide range of consulting, management, financial and accounting, re-engineering as well as financial and strategy design services. ALPHA Supporting Services is the main IT service provider for all Alpha Bank group subsidiaries in Greece and abroad as well as Alpha Bank Greece. The company is staffed by highly trained technical and administrative personnel with long experience in sophisticated IT systems and solutions and unmatched expertise in the operations of financial institutes. The company owns extensive, stateof-the-art, high-availability data center facilities, which host the centralized IT services offered. The IT infrastructure is supported by system and application management services as well as end-user technical support (service desk).


43 Panepistimiou St, 105 64, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 3262228 Website:

Alpha Supporting Services SA 2012 Turnover 17,293,719.00 € Profit Before Taxes 5,312,711.00 € Gross Profit 6,056,300.00 € Own Equity 63,671,501.00 € Liabilities 6,005,160.00 €



Contact Details


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 51.214.118 96.956.097


2013 14,607,728.00 € 4,346,632.00 € 3,989,455.00 € 65,021,832,00 € 8,628,898.00 €

Change (%) -15.5 -18.2 -34.1 2.1 43.7

Dynamic presence amid a challenging environment Founded in 1993 by Ilias Nathanailidis in Ptolemaida, northern Greece, the construction company TE.NA ATEVE nowadays stands as a dynamic presence in the Greek market. Construction projects represent the core activity of TE.NA A.TE.VE. The company is distinguished both for its high quality of delivered projects and efficiency in production. The operations at TE.NA ATEVE are based on expertise, experience, specialization, investment in human resources, advanced equipment and excellent financial structure. More recently, TE.NA. ATEVE has been active in the hotel industry. In 2014, the company’s total turnover increased to 40 million euros from 34.27 million euros a year earlier. Pretax profit increased by 4.34 million euros to reach 4.5 million euros in 2014. The company has invested heavily in its equipment used for projects. Equipment investments increased to 2.02 million euros in 2014 from 744,590 euros two years earlier.


Contact Details 25 Pontou, Ptolemaida, Kozani, 502 00, Greece Tel: +30 24630 25222 Ε-mail: Website:

222 Diamonds

TE.NA. SA Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

2012 40,333,063.00 € 3,504,461.00 € 5,669,780.00 € 11,705,291.00 € 4,823,857.00 €

2013 51,214,118.00 € 4,342,836.00 € 4,684,073.00 € 14,923,428.00 € 3,145,309.00 €

Change (%) 27.0 23.9 -17.4 27.5 -34.8


Non – Metallic Industrial

Turnover 11.876.455


Contact Details


Exports represent 85% of trade Smirdex ranks as one of the leading manufacturing companies of coated abrasives in southeastern Europe. Located in northern Greece, at an area covering 32,000 square meters, of which 16.000 square meters are built, Smirdex has been producing coated abrasives of high quality since 1981. Thanks to the continuous efforts for improvement by the firm’s specialized staff, the company has managed to grow and meet its sector’s high demands. The firm recently added a new, technologically advanced production line that has boosted its production capacity. Nowadays, the firm exports to more than 50 countries worldwide. An 85% proportion of its production is exported while the remaining 15% is sold locally. The firm’s main objective is to satisfy the growing needs of modern professionals, which is why it continuously invests in research and development. The firm remains open to new developments by keeping a close watch on the international market, which has ensured its manufacturing of high-standard products. High standards of quality control throughout the manufacturing process are ascertained by sophisticated on-site electronic systems, while finalized products are also inspected, offering the highest quality that meets the industry’s standards. The company posted increased total turnover and net pretax profit figures in 2013. Total turnover rose by 12% to reach 11.8 million euros in 2013. Net pretax profit increased by 44% to 4.2 million euros in 2013 from 2.9 million euros a year earlier.

Lefki-Xanthi, P.O. Box 109, 671 00, Xanthi, Greece. Tel: +30 25410 27836 Fax: +30 25410 72323 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities




Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

SMIRDEX SA 2012 10.585.546,00 € 2.930.454,00 € 4.335.416,00 € 12.110.537,00 € 1.080.690,00 €

2013 11.876.455,00 € 4.229.112,00 € 5.130.938,00 € 9.743.912,00 € 7.487.328,00 €

Change (%) 12,20 44,32 18,35 -19,54 592,83

The biggest Greek manufacturer in its segment The Company SP-CARTONPACK HELLAS S.A. and its affiliated company SP-CRETAN PACKAGING HELLAS S.A. operate in Greece since 1969 and is the only multinational company in the corrugated packaging sector where it belongs. Its main activity is the design, manufacturing and sale of corrugated board and corrugated cartonboxes and trays for the packaging of industrial and agricultural products. The Group of Companies activates in 3 production units: Thessaloniki, Korinthos and in Ierapetra of Crete. The continuous investments, the know – how impartation from the affiliated companies of abroad as well as the constant personnel training make the company a pioneer and the biggest greek manufacturer in its segment.

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 65.692.197 96.956.097


Contact Details 32 Kifissias Avenue, Maroussi, Building A, Atrina Center, 151 25 ATHENS Tel.: +30 210 9568191-5 Fax: +30 210 9568310 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

SP - CARTONPACK HELLAS SA 2012 2013 60.780.674,00 € 65.692.197,00 € 4.195.582,00 € 4.227.804,00 € 11.794.116,00 € 12.238.956,00 € 28.064.128,00 € 32.213.895,00 € 21.554.784,00 € 16.626.316,00 €

Change (%) 8,08 0,77 3,77 14,79 -22,86

Diamonds 223


Medical Equipment Commercial

Turnover 57.122.837



In vitro diagnostics world leader A world leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics, Roche Diagnostics is also active in Greece, employing about 150 persons and providing innovative, efficient and reliable solutions to healthcare professionals and patients, including basic laboratory research (university research laboratories, research institutes and industry), analysis of biochemical, immunological, hematological and molecular parameters, proanalytic systems, data management software, laboratory quality control, bedside analytical systems (blood gases, etc.), molecular control of transfused blood (blood donations), and daily self-monitoring means for patients (blood sugar measurement systems, cholesterol and triglycerides, continuous insulin infusion pump, coagulation factors measuring systems). In 2013, the company posted a total turnover of 61.8 million euros, an 8 percent fall compared to the previous year’s figure of 57.1 million euros. Pretax profit increased significantly to 4.2 million euros in 2013 from 1.7 million euros in 2012.


Contact Details 54A Akakion, Marousi, 151 25, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 8174000 Fax: +30 210 8174140 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS HELLAS SA 2012 2013 61.862.250,00 € 57.122.837,00 € 1.699.428,00 € 4.210.760,00 € 36.865.014,00 € 32.633.387,00 € 22.128.752,00 € 26.339.512,00 € 93.963.007,00 € 68.863.421,00 €

Change (%) -7,66 147,78 -11,48 19,03 -26,71

Railway network Commercial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 104.534.352 96.956.097


Contact Details 27 Karolou, 10437, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 2105283110 FAX: +30 2105283122 E-mail: Website:

224 Diamonds


Modernizing the country’s railway network ERGA OSE SA, a subsidiary of the Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE), was established in 1996 to undertake the management of OSE’s Investment Programme projects, and in particular those cofunded by EU Programmes. ERGOSE’s tasks include planning, development, support, management, design, supervision and construction of all types of projects for third parties in Greece and abroad, as well as land acquisition for the State or other public bodies. Since its establishment, ERGOSE has managed all modernization projects concerning OSE’s railway lines and facilities that have been part-financed by EU Common Strategic Framework (CSF) funds. The company currently manages almost all ongoing railway projects or projects to be awarded that are co-financed by the Operational Programme “Accessibility Improvement”, the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013, the Transport Sector of the 2nd Cohesion Fund, and the Regional Operational Programmes, as well as projects financed solely through national resources and directly related to co-financed Programme investments. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ERGOSE SA 2012 211,651,831.00 € 2,281,610.00 € 3,872,499.00 € 37,600,631.00 € 79,122,371.00 €

2013 104,534,352.00 € 4,046,441.00 € 3,546,063.00 € 39,829,949.00 € 120,811,255.00 €

Change (%) -50.6 77.4 -8.4 5.93 +34.5


Food – Fruits Industrial


Consistent profit performance

Turnover 74.174.436


The company was established in 1992 by Prodromos Pavlides in Giannitsa, about 50km west of Thessaloniki. His company’s main products are canned fruits and aseptic puree. In 2005, a new operation was established at a 50-acre plant for the production of aseptic fruit puree. In 2007, more than 10 million euros were invested to completely renovate the factory. All internal fabrication, including floors and walls, was replaced, while state-of-the-art processing equipment was installed, raising capacity and meeting all food-industry modern standards. Since then, the company has invested annual amounts of over 1.5 million euros on new machines to improve product quality as well as the efficiency of production lines. The facility is nowadays considered as being one of the most modern and well-equipped food processing factories in Europe, producing quality, safe, consistent and reliable products. The factory is certified with HACCP, BRC and IFS standards, all higher level. It has also been audited and approved by major buyers around the world. The company maintains a production capacity of more than 2 million basic cartons (24 x 1kg equivalent), approximately 15% of the total processed in Greece, and a total covered production and warehouse space of 200,000 square meters, which place P. PAVLIDES SA among the leading canners in Greece. The company’s objective is to not only maintain this status but also to continually strive to improve quality and services at all levels. The company is a member of the Pavlides corporate group. The group consists of five different companies: P. PAVLIDES SA (Canned Fruits- Aseptic fruit puree), PAVLIDES COTTON GIN SA (Cotton ginning, exports of ginned cotton & cottonseeds), DOMIKI- PAVLIDES SA (Production of Lime, Hydrated Lime, Aggregates and ready mix Concrete), PLAGIARI- PAVLIDES SA (Limestone Aggregates) and SOLID FUELS SA (Trading and Processing of Solid Fuels). The company posted a decline in results in 2013. Sales dropped by 8.78%, from 81 million euros in 2012 to 74 million euros in 2013. Net profit fell further, by 55.39%, from 9.1 million euros in 2012 to 4 million euros in 2013. Nevertheless, the company’s maintenance at a profitable level, despite these declines, was a positive development.


Contact Details 2nd km Giannitsa- Edessa, 58100, Greece Tel: +30-23820-83590 Fax: +30-23820-22065 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PRODROMOS PAVLIDES SA 2012 2013 81.317.937,00 € 74.174.436,00 € 9.117.819,00 € 4.067.570,00 € 14.810.017,00 € 10.575.782,00 € 34.833.591,00 € 34.772.111,00 € 28.473.676,00 € 38.816.256,00 €

Change (%) -8,78 -55,39 -28,59 -0,18 36,32

Diamonds 225


Miscellaneous Commercial


50% share of the Greek market

Manolis Tzatzimakis

Turnover 25.902.388

Despite doing business in a very challenging sector, fashion and accessories, Luxottica Hellas is managing to weather the ongoing crisis relatively unaffected. Despite the overall negativity of market conditions and decreased consumer purchasing power, the firm’s profit figures have remained high, while sales have risen. The roots of the firm’s successful course hail back to 1991, at a fashion show in Paris, where the owner of Luxottica requested to meet Greek entrepreneur Stratos Tzatzimakis, who was informed of Luxottica’s plans to launch a subsidiary firm in Greece, with or without a business partner. The Cretan entrepreneur immediately took a firm hold of the opportunity and the venture was named Luxottica Hellas. Tzatzimakis’s partner in the venture eventually withdrew. Luxottica Hellas markets sunglasses and reading glasses manufactured at the Luxottica plant, as well as sunglasses by celebrated firms, including Vogue, Byblos, Armani, Yves Saint Lauren, and Bvlgari, all of which provide the firm with a 50% share of the Greek market. In 2013, the firm’s sales increased by 2.63% to reach 26 million euros from 25.2 million euros a year earlier. The firm’s gross profit figure rose marginally to 9.3 million euros in 2013 from 9.2 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit decreased by 9.52% to 4 million euros from 4.4 million euros a year earlier. Finally, total debt remained unchanged at 8.7 million euros in 2013. The parent company was founded in 1961 by Leonardo Del Vecchio in Agordo, Italy. These days, the company’s headquarters are located in Milan. Luxottica Group S.p.A is the world’s largest eyewear company, controlling over 80% of the world’s major eyewear brands. Its best known brands are RayBan, Persol and Oakley. It also makes sunglasses and prescription frames for a multitude of designer brands such as Chanel and Prada, whose designs and trademarks are used under license. Luxottica also makes sunglasses branded as Giorgio Armani, Burberry, Stella McCartney, Versace, Vogue, Miu Miu, Tory Burch, and Donna Karan. Its prime competitor is the Safilo Group S.p.A.


Contact Details 3 Anthousas Ave, 153 51, Pallini, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 2106669300 FAΧ: +30 2106669301

226 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

LUXOTTICA HELLAS SA 2012 2013 25.237.520,00 € 25.902.338,00 € 4.456.761,00 € 4.032.569,00 € 9.191.046,00 € 9.284.460,00 € 2.527.919,00 € 2.527.919,00 € 8.711.239,00 € 8.710.123,00 €

Change (%) 2,63 -9,52 1,02 0,00 -0,01




Trading over 35,000 tons each year


OPTIMA’s history dates back to 1974, when Pantelis Panteliadis and his wife Ourania, operating from a modest office in the Athens tower, began the story of this successful, Greek family business. In 1978, OPTIMA launched an office in Thessaloniki to assist its expansion, via representatives, to every single region in the country. Optima switched to SA company status in 1981. The enterprise continued to grow and, in 1982, set up sales departments and distribution centers in northern Greece and Crete. The company has since enjoyed consistent growth. In 1997, the EPIROS cheese company was taken over by OPTIMA. The move marked the beginning of a new era of growth and recognition for Greek traditional cheese products worldwide. Since 2008, the company’s warehouses have been located at a state-of-the-art facility occupying 4,500 square meters in Inofyta, an industrial area north of Athens. OPTIMA is one of the largest distributors of cheese products in Greece, trading over 35,000 tons each year. OPTIMA’s distribution network covers most of mainland Greece, reaching over 2,000 points of sale. OPTIMA’s fleet of delivery vehicles is comprised of 16 company-owned refrigerated trucks with a total capacity of 130 tons. In order to better organize and monitor its fleet, the company has installed a telematics fleet management system for route and temperature control. The company’s warehouses in Athens and Thessaloniki manage over 140 products. The list is constantly renewed with new additions to meet contemporary nutrition trends and developing market needs. Optima’s headquarters are based at a company-owned building in Metamorphosis, a few kilometers from the center of Athens. In 2013, the company posted a total turnover of 104.5 million euros, slightly below the figure of 107.7 million euros achieved in the previous year. Pretax profit decreased by 26 percent to 4 million euros from 5.4 million euros in 2012.



Contact Details 1 Sorou St, Metamorfosis, 14451, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 2893400 Fax: +30 210 2845937 Website:

OPTIMA SA Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

2012 107.764.626,00 € 5.458.890,00 € 16.644.990,00 € 25.312.986,00 € 15.546.453,00 €

2013 104.598.778,00 € 4.032.449,00 € 13.213.923,00 € 23.368.177,00 € 24.794.291,00 €

Change (%) -2,94 -26,13 -20,61 -84,07 59,49

Diamonds 227


Medical services Industrial


Leading the way throughout its 28-year course


IATROPOLIS Medical Group is a unique private medical center that combines non-invasive modern treatment methods for cancer and imaging using state-of-the-art technologies. The enterprise was founded in 1986 in Athens, introducing the first MRI SCANNER, which, for many years, remained the only such medical device in Greece. Since then, the enterprise has installed 12 MRI scanners of various specifications. The world’s most advanced medical quality and control guidelines are followed at IATROPOLIS. IATROPOLIS Medical Group nowadays operates four medical imaging centers in Athens, all fully equipped with cutting-edge technology providing high-quality services accredited by international standards (certified by ISO 9001-2008). Investing in new technologies and techniques, IATROPOLIS was the first medical center in Greece to treat cancer patients with malignant or non-malignant tumors in any part of the body, or functional disorders, using CyberKnife treatment, a non-invasive robotic radiosurgery procedure. IATROPOLIS installed its first Cyberknife in 2006, the only one operating in Greece, and has treated over 4,000 patients to date, with great success. TOMOTHERAPY, the new standard in patient care that gives clinicians everything they need to deliver the best radiation therapy possible, also arrived as the first such medical technology to be installed in Greece. IATROPOLIS is also equipped to offer Thyroid Cancer treatment. Leading the way over its 28-year course, IATROPOLIS aims to consistently achieve its objectives and further establish itself as an exemplary clinic for diagnosis and non-invasive treatment, both in Greece and internationally, an objective that may be achieved through continuous education and training of all its clinical staff and health professionals.



Contact Details 54-56 Ethnikis Antistaseos, Halandri, 152 31, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 6796000 FAX: +30 210 6743294 E-mail: Website:

228 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Own Equity Liabilities

IATROPOLIS MAGNETIC TOMOGRAPHY SA 2012 2013 18,699,640.00 € 17,933,539.00 € 1,800,933.00 € 4,028,775.00 € 9,954,678.00 € 9,853,160.00 € 21,080,664.00 € 19,385,593.00 € 14,366,852.00 € 19,484,650.00 €

Change (%) -4.1 123.70 -1.0 -8.0 35.6




Active in the food market over 85 years

Ioannis Th. Jotis

Turnover 69.526.986

The nutritional products company YIOTIS was founded in 1930 by Yannis and Maria Yiotis, beginning its activity with a rice cereal product, the first ever packaged baby food produced in Greece. Yiotis nowadays produces, packages, and distributes about 100 different products, both within Greece and abroad. They cover the baby food, drinks, cooking, confectionery, desserts, semi- finished desserts, chocolates and semi-finished meal categories. The company’s research & development department, one of the company’s most dynamic divisions, also ranks as one of the most advanced in the Greek food industry. The department is comprised of specialized scientists (chemists, agriculturalists, chemical engineers, biologists, and food technicians), and is supported by the latest technological equipment and laboratorial infrastructure. Besides offering quality control, through the use of latest technological methods, the department also designs and develops new company products. The R&D department covers a space measuring 800 square meters. The Yiotis company facilities initially covered a total of 300 square meters and have nowadays grown to cover a total of 30,000 square meters, comprised of two production plants in Athens. Both are equipped with state-of-the-art machinery. Over the past decade, the facilities were completely renovated at a cost of 15 million euros. The effort included building extensions, expansion of existing production lines, and installation of new production lines and packaging machinery. The company exports to 25 countries on all five continents. In Africa and the Middle East, the company exports to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Egypt. In Europe, Yiotis products reach the markets of Germany, the UK, Belgium, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Malta, Spain, Italy, Sweden, and Norway, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Fyrom), Serbia, Russia, and Ukraine. In the Far East, the company exports to Singapore and China. In the Oceania region, it exports to Australia. The USA and Canada are also covered by the company’s export drive.


Contact Details 130 Kifissou Ave, Athens, 121 31, Greece Tel: +30 210 57 04 400 Fax: +30 210 57 69 101 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

JOTIS SA 2012 74,170,690.00 € 3,457,086.00 € 32,853,850.00 € 34,849,290.00 € 30,882,123.00 €

2013 69,526,986.00 € 4,023,528.00 € 31,675,770.00 € 37,648,522.00€ 30,526,854.00 €

Change (%) -6.26 16.38 -3.59 8.03 -1.15

Diamonds 229


Pharmaceuticals Commercial

Turnover 19.041.729

VOCATE Pharmaceuticals SA

Rising pharmaceutical force One of the newer Greek pharmaceutical company arrivals, VOCATE Pharmaceuticals SA is already making an impact on the domestic and international market. Founded in 1996, the company provides generic pharmaceuticals and innovative medical devices, both for private and public hospitals, covering the needs of virtually all specialized medical fields. VOCATE is equipped with certified modern warehouses for product storage and possesses a distribution fleet for prompt customer service. Parallel to its development in the Greek market, the company has also achieved significant activity abroad in various countries, including Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Vietnam and Hong Kong. Now set to complete product approval procedures in other countries, the company is preparing to also move into additional foreign markets. It is also working on establishing partnerships in other parts of Europe and beyond.


Contact Details 150 Gounari, Glyfada, 166 74, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 9624436 Fax: +30 210 9646582 Email: Website:

Food Products – Dairy Industrial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 31.989.989 96.956.097


Contact Details 15 Klisthenous st, Athens, 10552, Greece Tel.: +30 210 3217945 Fax: +30 210 3221858 Email:

230 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

VOCATE PHARMACEUTICALS SA 2012 2013 22.091.680,00 € 19.041.729,00 € -3.149.404,00 € 3.964.714,00 € 5.900.365,00 € 10.181.027,00 € 947.610,00 € 4.894.513,00 € 27.344.512,00 € 22.799.872,00 €

Change (%) -13,81 72,55 416,51 -16,62


Turnover and profit increases posted The company history at DANIEL S. Gattegno & SON A.E. dates back to nearly a century ago, in Thessaloniki, its main business being supply of sugar and coffee to the market. After World War II, the company relocated to Athens, where it became active in the milk and cocoa sectors, supplying the industrial sector. The company continued to grow and develop as the years went by, adding to its product catalog consumer products such as evaporated milk, milk powder (Regilait) and other items Later on, the company entered the cheese market by importing Regato from Northern Ireland and a great variety of cheeses from European countries, especially Germany. Following 1980, the company took advantage of the rapid growth of retail trade in Greece and began developing and marketing private label products. Today, the company continues to import and market milk and dairy products and does business with almost all of the sector’s industrial firms. It is also expanding its business horizons in the neighboring Balkan countries. The company posted total turnover and profit increases in 2013. Total turnover increased to 31.9 million euros in 2013 from 23.8 million euros in 2012, a 34 percent year-on-year increase. Pretax profit growth was more subdued, increasing to 3.9 million euros in 2013 from 3.6 million euros a year earlier, a 7 percent rise. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Daniel S. Gattegno & Son SA 2012 2013 23.817.853,00 € 31.989.989,00 € 3.689.605,00 € 3.938.539,00 € 4.908.095,00 € 5.191.770,00 € 4.720.115,00 € 3.680.905,00 € 3.692.652,00 € 5.743.374,00 €

Change (%) 34,3 6,7 5,8 -22,0 55,5


Electrical Appliances Commercial


Market leader in air conditioners

Turnover 87.736.000

Founded in 1958, F.G. EUROPE SA is active in the import and wholesale of long-lasting consumer goods, especially consumer electrical appliances such as air conditioners for domestic and professional use, major appliances, small appliances, as well as mobile telephony services. The company is the exclusive distributor of FUJITSU GENERAL Ltd (Fujitsu, General, Fuji Electric), in ten southeast European countries - Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, Romania, Turkey and Italy. In Greece, the company is the market leader in the air conditioner market. Since late 2005, the company has also served as the exclusive distributor of Consumer Electronics under the brand name SHARP in Greece. F.G. EUROPE is active in the distribution of major appliances and electronic appliances. Besides the complete range of no-frost refrigerators and microwave ovens – for household and professional use – under the Sharp brand name, the company also distributes a full range of Eskimo brand electronic appliances. F.G. EUROPE is certified according to ISO 9001/ 2000 Standards. F.G. EUROPE constantly strives to strengthen its cliental base. In the Greek market, the company distributes appliances via leading chains offering electrical household appliances, as well as specialized outlets, both in the wider Athens area and throughout Greece. In Italy, the company’s export activity is supported by storage areas in Mellaredo, in the wider Venice area, and Livorno, as well as a network of collaborative retail outlets that promote the distribution of products throughout Italy. In the Balkans, the company distributes its products via selected local distributors that possess dominant positions in their respective countries. In the Turkish market, where F.G. EUROPE SA began operating in 2008 with excellent prospects, the company distributes its products via collaborative distributors. The company’s subsidiary firms, FIDAKIS LOGISTICS SA and FIDAKIS SERVICE SA, cover supplementary fields such as inventory management (logistics) and services, accordingly. Moreover, the company has been producing electricity from renewable energy sources since 2006, through another subsidiary firm, R.F. ENERGY SA. In 2013, the company’s total turnover figure amounted to 87.7 million euros and pretax net profit reached 3.9 million euros.


Contact Details 128 Vouliagmenis Avenue, Glyfada, 16674, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 96 96 500 Fax: +30 210 96 96 803 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

F.G. EUROPE SA 2012 99.399.000,00 € 5.504.000,00 € 23.946.000,00 € 38.050.000,00 € 67.415.000,00 €

2013 87.736.000,00 € 3.963.000,00 € 21.508.000,00 € 41.771.000,00 € 68.813.000,00 €

Change (%) -11,7 -28,0 -10,2 9,8 2,1

Diamonds 231


Food Products Industrial

Alexandros Kikizas

Turnover 64.140.698


Contact Details 1 Vionos St, 104 43, Athens Tel: +30-210-5190100 Fax: +30-210-5190241 Email: Website:

232 Diamonds


Greece’s oldest pasta producer MELISSA KIKIZAS S.A. was founded by Alexandros Kikizas in 1947, with the vision to create a food industry that will promote the raw materials of our land and transform them into high quality products. Since then, for more than six decades, it continues to bring the finest bounty of the land to the homes of people. The intertemporal mission of this dynamic and fast developing food company is to satisfy consumer nutritional needs through meaningful products of high quality, promoting well-being. Production of pasta and durum wheat semolina constitutes company’s basic activity. Each year, it absorbs more than 100.000 tons of Greek durum wheat of excellent quality. The vertically integrated mill and the pasta production plant in Larissa, produces more than 50.000 tons of pasta annually, thus rendering the plant the largest in the Balkan area and among the 10 largest in Europe! MELISSA KIKIZAS, nowadays being managed by the third generation of Kikizas family, has become one of the most important food companies in Greece, with significant export activity in more than thirty five countries. Moreover, since the early 80´s, the company has developed an interesting commercial activity, by making international partnerships and entering with great success other food markets than pasta. In MELISSA KIKIZAS every employees “feel at home”, since the company has well preserved through the years the warm and friendly environment that its founder had established!


Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MELISSA KIKIZAS FOOD PRODUCTS SA 2012 2013 67.667.218,00 € 64.140.698,00 € 2.260.588,00 € 3.941.826,00 € 13.968.211,00 € 24.729.440,00 € 30.689.699,00 € 47.345.427,00 € 20.403.674,00 € 19.731.472,00 €

Change (%) -5,21 74,37 77,04 54,27 -3,29

Diamonds 233


POWER HEALTH HELLAS SA Health Food Supplements Commercial

Lili Perganda

Turnover 12.523.521


Premium quality and innovative Health Food Supplements Power Health Hellas SA is a leading and pioneering Greek company that has created, represented, imported, exported and distributed premium quality and innovative Health Food Supplements in the Greek and International markets since 1984. Its current portfolio is comprised of 70 employees, 25 sales representatives and over 100 products which are served directly to 5.000 pharmacies throughout Greece. Power Health is responsible for opening new doors and horizons in the Greek Pharmaceutical Industry and has been awarded numerous lucrative awards such as from the Committee of the European Business Awards (“National Representative and Finalist for 2011 and 2012”), the Global Trade Leaders Club (“International Business Excellence Award 2012”) and from Ernst & Young who awarded the President and founder of the company, Mrs Lili Perganta, the Self Made Entrepreneur Award in 2011 (the first Greek woman Entrepreneur ever to receive such an honor in Greece). The company enjoys increasing and leading market shares in various crucial segments such as Slimming, Echinacea, and Erectile Dysfunction. Amid the crisis, the company was awarded a high credit rating by ICAP and, consequently, was certified as one of the “STRONGEST COMPANIES IN GREECE” for both 2010 and 2011. This important acknowledgement verifies the firm’s creditworthiness and links it to the most powerful enterprises in Greece, ready to face the challenges of these times. In the context of promoting the company’s brand and product image in the best possible and consistent way, both locally and internationally, Power Health created an in-house creative office. This way, all marketing and communicational aspects of its campaigns are conceived and executed within the company. Packaging, promotional materials – such as folding boxes, carton displays, leaflets - TV spots, newspaper/magazine ads, radio scenarios, as well as promotional strategies and custom-made campaigns are all generated and pursued from the company’s headquarters. Power Health Hellas dynamically expands its exporting activities to global destinations. So far, its presence has been prominent, obtaining significant market shares in Cyprus and the Balkans, where its products have been accepted with enthusiasm by local niches and target audiences. Since its inception 3 decades ago, Power Health Hellas has been actively involved in Social Responsibility actions and campaigns such as Unicef, Medicines sans Frontieres, Smile of the Child and Pharmacists of the World. “Become the change you want to see in the world” is one of the company’s mottos, and it supports every single world of it with its actions dedicated to helping the least privileged. The company’s concepts and formulas are conceived and created in its own Research and Development Department –the only R&D department in the Greek Health Food Supplement market- for local and worldwide distribution and consumption. Highly specialized chemists and pharmacists are in the center of the product development process, creating top quality and innovative natural solutions targeted to the specific needs of each market segment. All formulas are developed with high standards and respect to the natural ingredients extracted and used, aiming at the delivery of safe, efficient and effective products to the end customer. Its product assortments are offered in a variety of options such as coated tablets in blisters or pots, effervescent tablets in tubes or sachets, chewable tablets in blisters, soft and hard gelatine capsules in blisters or pots, water soluble powders or mouth melt granules in stick packs or sachets. Apart from its own brands, Power Health Hellas also undertakes the development of 3rd party brands offering expertise, guidance, advice and support in all commercial stages. In 2012, the company posted sales of 12.5 million euro with its profit reaching 4 million euro.


Contact Details 59 Deligianni, Metamorphosi, Athens, 14452 Tel: 210 2821500 Fax: 210 2851122 e-mail:

234 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

POWER HEALTH SA 2012 2013 12.326.358,00 € 12.523.521,00 € 3.991.927,00 € 3.838.163,00 € 9.378.263,00 € 9.372.425,00 € 3.210.912,00 € 3.505.832,00 € 5.188.906,00 € 5.557.946,00 €

Change (%) 1,60 -3,85 -0,06 9,18 7,11


Petroleum Products Commercial


Supplier of shipping fuel for half a century

Turnover 180.342.811


Contact Details

SEKA SA was established back in 1961 by Nikos J. Vardinogiannis. It was initially launched as a collaborative effort with Mobil Corporation and Aristotle Onassis, as a bunkering station for vessels crossing the southeastern Mediterranean. Initially, bunkering operations were performed through the use of an anchored ‘mother’ vessel at the natural port of Kali Limenes, located at the southern tip of Crete. Client vessels were tied alongside the ‘mother’ vessel for fuelling and provisions. In 1966, SEKA completed the construction of a tank station on Agios Pavlos, also known as Mikronisi, an islet in the Libyan Sea, just a quarter of a mile off the Cretan shore. The tank facility consists of six tanks offering a total capacity of more than 31,000 metric tons. For decades, the station thrived as a renowned port call, providing quality services to a large number of vessels utilizing the Suez sea route. SEKA extended its bunkering operations in Piraeus when the Vardinogiannis-owned Motor Oil (Hellas) SA began operating a refinery in Agii Theodori, close to Corinth, west of Athens. Bunkering deliveries are made at the refinery and Piraeus port’s wider area (Piraeus Roads).

53-55 Akti Miaouli, Piraeus, 185 36, Greece Tel: +30 210 4293160 Fax: +30 210 4293345 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities




Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


SEKA BUNKERING STATION SA 2012 2013 180.102.422,00 € 180.342.811,00 € 4.977.812,00 € 3.830.605,00 € 8.567.543,00 € 8.082.994,00 € 14.537.429,00 € 16.157.299,00 € 17.228.614,00 € 14.669.668,00 €

Change (%) 0,13 -23,05 -5,66 11,14 -14,85

Part of a powerful corporate group INTERSPORT ATHLETICS is mainly active in wholesale and retail trade, imports, exports, manufacturing and processing of all types of clothing, underwear, and sportswear. In Greece, the firm operates through its subsidiary FOURLIS SA, and, on a global scale, is part of the INTERPSPORT chain based in Bern, Switzerland, whose network is comprised of 5,400 retail outlets in 42 countries. Furthermore, INTERSPORT ATHLETICS is active in Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey through subsidiary firms. INTERSPORT ATHLETICS (CYPRUS) LTD, an operation based in Cyprus, is fully controlled by the parent company and maintains four outlets. In Greece, INTERSPORT ATHLETICS operates 48 stores. In 2014, the firm’s total turnover rose to 76,377,000 euros from 71,838,000 euros in 2013. Net pretax profit rose to 5,319,000 euros from 3,809,000 euros in 2013.

71.838.000 96.956.097


Contact Details 18-20 Sorou, Marousi, 151 25, Athens, Greece Τel: +30 2102806000 Fax: +30 2102806099 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

INTERSPORT ATHLETICS SA 2012 2013 67.587.379,00 € 71.838.000,00 € 3.340.679,00 € 3.809.000,00 € 29.793.482,00 € 31.152.000,00 € 29.238.732,00 € 35.458.000,00 € 36.943.120,00 € 37.720.000,00 €

Change (%) 6,29 14,02 4,56 21,27 2,10

Diamonds 235


Constructions Industrial


Modern and innovative technologies applied

Turnover 11.621.410


Environmental Engineering S.A. is a Greek construction company, founded in 1993. Its main field of applications is the delivery of turn-key projects in wastewater and potable water treatment and manufacturing of specific equipment for these plants. The main areas of its activities are sewage treatment plants, industrial wastewater treatment plants, potable water treatment plants, landfill sites, vacuum sewer systems and industrial slaughterhouses (public - private). In addition, the company manufactures equipment for the above projects. Today, Environmental Engineering S.A. is among the leading companies in the Greek market in its field of activities and is well known for the quality and the efficiency of its projects. The company is also a member of the international organizations Water Environment Federation (W.E.F.) of the USA and Germany’s Abwassertechnische Vereinigung (ATV). The company is also active in design, installation, construction and maintenance. In the designing faculty, the company designs complete wastewater treatment plants as constructed installations that are simple to manage and maintain. As for installation work, the company’s team consists of experienced professionals with extensive government contract experience and long tenures in the environmental industry. Company staff also possesses extensive know-how in the operation of all equipment related to environmental industry, under real conditions. The company takes full accountability and responsibility for entire projects. Apart from design, installation and construction, Environmental Engineering is also active in maintenance, performed by highly experienced personnel. Company infrastructure includes privately owned facilities (offices, warehouse and an outdoor storage area). Environmental Engineering S.A. delivers comprehensive design services for most water and wastewater projects. The company is backed by all needed equipment, hardware and specialized software for project design preparation and equipment for construction projects such as trucks and vans, vehicles, personnel carriers, cranes of different sizes, construction cranes, excavators, small loaders and rollers, as well as equipment for plumbing and electrical work. The company also possesses necessary laboratory equipment for monitoring operations and projects. In 2013, the company posted greatly improved figures compared to a year earlier. Total turnover amounted to 11.6 million euros from 3.1 million euros in 2012. Net pretax profit skyrocketed from 729,000 euros in 2013 to 3.8 million euros in 2013, a spectacular 421 percent increase.

Contact Details 33 Voulgari St, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 (2310) 30.24.24 Fax: +30 (2310) 33.06.30 Email: Website:

236 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Environmental Engineering SA 2012 2013 3.162.190,00 € 11.621.410,00 € 729.074,00 € 3.801.501,00 € 812.890,00 € 3.428.811,00 € 7.210.338,00 € 9.593.827,00 € 1.009.420,00 € 3.872.774,00 €

Change (%) 267,5 421,4 321,8 33,1 283,7


Cosmetics Commercial

Beiersdorf Hellas SA

Trading the market’s oldest personal care product

Turnover 55.030.687

The Beiersdorf company was named after the inventor of modern skin care. Its products have been identified with the daily care of people in dozens of countries, including Greece. The famous Nivea, Liposan, Hansaplast, Atrix, Duo, and Lion products have conquered cupboards and shelves in Greek households for decades. The Nivea product has established itself in the market for more than a century. One of the unique qualities at Beiersdorf, allowing it to dominate various markets, has been its ability to develop products that focus on local characteristics and consumer needs. The company’s success is the result of a combination of innovative products and strong brands, based on experience in research and development. Beiersdorf Hellas is headquartered in Gerakas, slightly north of central Athens, and employs about 110 staff members. It is one of more than 150 subsidiary firms headed by the Beiersdorf AG cosmetics company, headquartered in Hamburg, Germany. The Nivea Beiersdorf brand, well known in Greece since 1930, is the number one skin care product in the world. The company also trades the established Eucerin, La Prairie, Liposan, 8x4 and Hansaplast products. TESA SE, one of the company’s subsidiaries, is one of the world’s largest producers of self-adhesive products and systems for industry, craft businesses, and consumers. The company’s multidisciplinary scientific team, consisting of biologists, cell biologists, molecular biologists, immunologists, and biochemists, works from the research center in Hamburg, seeking solutions for special needs of different skin types and age groups. Their research aims at identifying new active ingredients that helps the skin in metabolic processes as naturally as possible. To achieve this goal, the team uses the latest biochemical, molecular, biological and physical analytical methods and is associated with a global network of academic, institutional and industrial partners from the fields of research and science. In 2013, the Greek subsidiary’s total turnover remained steady, while pretax profit increased by 19 percent. Total turnover reached 55 million euros in 2013, marginally below the level of 55.3 million euros reported in 2012. Pretax profit increased to 3.7 million euros in 2013 from 3.1 million euros a year earlier.


Contact Details Aγίου Νεκταρίου 2, 153 44, Γέρακας Αττικής Tel.: +30 21066 00 000 Fax: +30 21066 12 344 Website:

BEIERSDORF HELLAS SA 2012 Turnover 55,311,267.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,166,528.00 € Gross Profit 36,619,719.00 € Net worth 19,810,905.00 € Liabilities 12,483,717.00 €

2013 55,030,687.00 € 3,767,561.00 € 35,565,722.00 € 19,912,114.00 € 14,279.931.00 €

Change (%) -0.51 18.98 -2.88 0.51 14.39

Diamonds 237


Plastics Industrial


Profit more than doubled in 2013 The company was founded in 1970, in Athens, by Dr. Alexis Stasinopoulos and Tryfon Mitrogiannopoulos. ARGO is active in the Plastic Packaging sector as a designer, producer, and trader of rigid packaging. Thanks to a wide range of processing technologies and polymer grades employed, the company offers plastic closures, droppers, vials, bottles, canisters, tubes, and dosing systems for demanding applications and diverse markets. It provides packaging solutions of high quality for best product protection and maximum brand impact in the market. The company is active in the markets of healthcare, personal care, crop protection, animal healthcare, chemicals, auto, food and beverages. The range of manufacturing technologies employed includes: Extrusion Blow Molding, Injection Blow Molding, Injection Stretch Blow Molding, Injection Molding, Plastic Tube production for Packaging, Printing and labelling and Assembling. The company is certified with ISO9001:2008, ISO14001:2004, ISO15378:2011, and EN ISO13485:2012 standards. Compliance with international standards and regulations is assured both by in-plant procedures and external accredited organizations or labs. The company performed well in 2013. Total turnover increased by 3% to reach 24.6 million euros from 23.8 million euros in 2012. Net pretax profit more than doubled, rising by 108%, to reach 3.65 million euros in 2013 from 1.7 million euros in the previous year.

Turnover 24.609.117


Contact Details PO Box 87, Koropi, 19400, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6626691-5 Fax: +30 210 6625500 Email: Website:

238 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Argo SA 2012 23.830.674,00 € 1.756.944,00 € 3.936.332,00 € 22.162.374,00 € 10.303.817,00 €

2013 24.609.117,00 € 3.654.817,00 € 4.750.683,00 € 24.412.501,00 € 7.495.700,00 €

Change (%) 3,3 108,0 20,7 10,2 -27,3


Medical Commercial


Pioneer in Greece’s medical tourism sector

Turnover 9.301.588


The Evexia Rehabilitation Center is a modern healthcare structure with medical nursing units, specialized medical and rehabilitation equipment and experienced personnel treating patients with motor, cognitive and behavioral disorders. The company aim is to achieve the recovery of patients regarding their daily living activities, and to help them return to their family, work environment and previous state of life. Located in Halkidiki, northern Greece, 18 km from the international airport, the Evexia Rehabilitation Center is equipped with 165 single and double-bed rooms, a high-dependency unit specialized in intensive care, microbiology and X-ray laboratories, and primary care services, including a laboratory and diagnostic department. The center’s management team, which operates based on long-term strategic policies and pursues individualized patient management models, has rapidly captured a large share of Greece’s recovery market, as highlighted by its 100% occupancy rate and continual dynamic evolvement. By supporting patients through step-by-step guidance, applying a strict quality management policy, investing in knowledge and continuous education of its staff and associates, the center has built a brand name in Greece that also stretches abroad in the international health and rehabilitation market. Evexia has, to date, also offered treatment to patients hailing from fellow European Union member states, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Egypt. While health systems worldwide are generally reducing their benefits and applying cost-cutting measures, Evexia is providing cost-effective recovery services and high-quality standards. The center functions based on models that evaluate treatment results with internationally recognized rating scales. The center is at par with world-renowned centers operating in other parts of the world. Evexia follows a strict quality-related management policy. The center’s services are certified by both TUV Nord Hellas (ISO 9001: 2008) (ISO 22000: 2005) and TEMOS (Trust Εffective Μedicine Οptimized Services) for personalized intensive recovery treatment programs based on established international practices, rules, and guidelines. The center posted relatively stable financial results in 2013. Total turnover slipped by 7 percent to 9.3 million euros in 2013 from 10 million euros in 2012. Net pretax profit fell marginally, by one percent, to 3.7 million euros in 2013.


Contact Details N.Kallikrateia, 63080, Halkidiki Τel: +30 2399076700, +30 2310273999 Fax: +30 2399051820 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Evexia SA 2012 10.057.226,00 € 3.751.131,00 € 5.157.539,00 € 13.053.799,00 € 3.498.640,00 €

2013 9.301.588,00 € 3.712.638,00 € 4.659.447,00 € 15.989.931,00 € 2.246.825,00 €

Change (%) -7,5 -1,0 -9,7 22,5 -35,8

Diamonds 239


Shipping waste management Industrial


Seeking a cleaner future

Vyron Vasiliadis

Antipollution is one of the leading port-facility companies and one of the largest waste management companies in Greece and beyond. The company operates at all major Greek ports and numerous private ports providing integrated solutions with services tailored to the unique and specific needs of each port. Antipollution was founded in its present form by the descendants of the first boat operators and stevedores to work at Piraeus port, active in ship waste management in the 1940s. Ever since, the company has expanded continuously, acquiring modern equipment and providing its services around the clock, every single day of the year. The company’s activities are divided into sea services and onshore services. As for the sea services, the company’s services include oil spill response, distressed/destroyed cargoes management and sea surface cleaning services. Regarding onshore services, it covers hazardous materials management, bulky waste management, recycling and recovery, cleaning services for outdoor spaces and facilities, greenery services, destruction/final disposal of off specs/expired, coastal clean-up and beach configuration services, alternative fuel production, animal by-products management and disinfestation, decontamination and fumigation services. The company holds the following certification: Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2008), Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:2004), Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001: 2007), Social Accountability Standard (SA 8000:2008) and Ship generated waste management system (ISO16304:2013). The company posted increased total turnover and profit figures for 2013. Total turnover increased by 16 percent to 11.4 million euros from 9.8 million euros in 2012. Net pretax profit rose by 24 percent to 3.7 million euros in 2013 from 2.9 million euros in a year earlier.

Turnover 11.424.134


Contact Details 57 Akti Miaouli, 18536, Piraeus Tel.: +30 Fax: +30 Email: Website:

240 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Antipollution SA 2012 9.834.188,00 € 2.988.452,00 € 4.348.753,00 € 4.946.458,00 € 6.521.065,00 €

2013 11.424.134,00 € 3.703.499,00 € 5.176.860,00 € 4.636.489,00 € 5.327.647,00 €

Change (%) 16,2 23,9 19,0 -6,3 -18,3


Medical Commercial

Apolloneio Rehabilitation Center SA

High-quality services

Turnover 7.912.927

The Apollonian Rehabilitation Centre started operating in March 2008, providing specialized and personalized health services from the rehabilitation team, with interest, care and respect for the dignity of patients. The aim of the center is both to improve the life quality of patients and offer guidance for their professional and social reintegration. Today, the centre offers 188 beds. The facilities include a day-care unit for outpatients. Inpatient rooms are equipped with double electric adjustable beds, TV and bathroom, featuring equipment for people with special needs. Apolloneio Rehabilitation Centre is located by the 6th kilometer of the Larissa-Tyrnavos, national highway, in the Thessaly area, central Greece. The center posted positive financial results in 2013. Total turnover reached 7.9 million euros. Net pretax profit amounted to 3.6 million euros.


Contact Details 6th km Larrisa-Tyrnavos national highway 415 00 Greece Τel: 2410 831170, 2410 831235, Fax: 2410 831174 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Apolloneio Rehabilitation Center SA 2012 2013 7.859.285,00 € 7.912.927,00 € 3.094.618,00 € 3.667.089,00 € 3.283.635,00 € 3.638.422,00 € 14.196.414,00 € 17.573.952,00 € 1.708.063,00 € 1.333.254,00 €

Change (%) 0,7 18,5 10,8 23,8 -21,9



Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 28.752.314


Company’s two production plants a key strength Danais SA was established in 1979 with the purpose of producing canned apricots and peaches in different grades and packaging options (1/2kg, 1kg, 3kg, 5kg, 200-liter aseptic drums) as well as apricot and peach puree. The company has two modern industrial units. The first, located by the 10th km of the old Argos-Tripoli national highway, is focused on the company’s apricot-related production. The second plant, located by the 4th km of Skydra–Aridea handles the company’s peachrelated production. Despite a sales decline in 2014, the company managed to report a greater profit. Total turnover fell to 25.96 million euros in 2014 from 28.75 million euros a year earlier. Profit increased to 4.72 million euros in 2014 from 3.26 million euros in the previous year.


Contact Details Mili Argos, Argos, Argolida, 212 00, Greece Tel: +30 27510 47550 Fax: +30 27510 47170 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Danais SA 2012 25.040.327,00 € 3.288.991,00 € 4.768.189,00 € 17.096.442,00 € 9.878.621,00 €

2013 28.752.314,00 € 3.257.504,00 € 4.942.518,00 € 17.008.984,00 € 6.183.985,00 €

Change (%) 14,8 -1,0 3,7 -0,5 -37,4

Diamonds 241


Paper Industrial

Turnover 92.015.628


Mega Disposables SA

Among the leaders in terms of market share MEGA SA, a purely Greek-owned company, is today one of the largest manufacturers of personal care products in Europe. The company began as a producer of cotton buds (Tipers), then swiftly added napkins, under the Cloe brand name, to its product line, and gradually developed its range by investing in skilled manpower and modern equipment. Today, it offers products that cover all the main categories of personal hygiene. MEGA employs 317 persons, owns its facility measuring 23,000 square meters, is ranked second, in terms of market share, in the personal hygiene products category, maintains strong contract manufacturing partnerships abroad, and also produces a large proportion of private labeling products in Greece. As for exports, the company has been active in markets abroad since the ’90s. MEGA SA has continuously developed its exporting activity, now serving over 25 countries based on partnerships with some of the most dynamic distributors in their respective countries. Total turnover increased to 92 million euros in 2013 from 83.4 million euros a year earlier, a 10% year-on-year increase. Pretax profit shrunk to 3.6 million euros from 4.1 million euros in 2012, a 13% decline.


Contact Details 148 Dekelias, Aharnes, 136 78, Athens Tel: +30 210 2419800, Fax: +30 210 2419818 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Medical Equipment

Hospital Line SA


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 22.379.486 96.956.097

Mega Disposables SA 2012 2013 83,431,363.00 € 92,015,628.00 € 4,197,202.00 € 3,641,936.00 € 32,040,348.00 € 32,159,196.00 € 22,446,247.00 € 22,868,136.00 € 31,520,885.00 € 35,199,794.00 €

Change (%) 10.3 -13.2 0.4 1.9 11.7

Steady course over two decades Hospital Line SA was founded in Athens in 1993 to undertake the promotion and sale of innovative, high-quality, medical products. In recent years, Hospital Line SA has expanded its activities to other Balkan territories and today maintains a market presence in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Fyrom) and Albania, through local subsidiaries. These are staffed with their own domestic teams that operate independently under the wider direction of Hospital Line SA. The company distributes surgical products for the following fields: orthopedic, surgical staplers, VAD systems, ultrasonic scissors, coagulation, ablation catheters RF, biological adhesive, laparoscopic, endoscopic, electrosurgical, and biosynthetic vascular grafts. It also offers intervention products in the following categories: interventional radiology consumables, coronary stents, peripheral stents and balloons, electrophysiology catheters, vascular grafts, embolization coils, and PTCA balloon catheters ablation RF. Hospital Line SA also offers pharmaceutical drugs for allergy, oncology, rheumatology and contrast media.


Contact Details 36 Kosti Palama, Nea Halkidona, Athens, 143 43, Greece Tel: +30 210 2502000 Fax: +30 210 2502010 E-mail: Website:

242 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Hospital Line SA 2012 19.800.749,00 € -10.189.344,00 € 8.987.018,00 € 11.766.896,00 € 33.228.797,00 €

2013 22.379.486,00 € 3.629.919,00 € 11.155.008,00 € 14.464.398,00 € 17.145.397,00 €

Change (%) 13,0 24,1 22,9 -48,4


Novartis (Hellas) SACI


Riccardo Canevari, Country President & CPO Head Greece

Turnover 381.172.156


A Leading pharmaceutical company focused on caring & curing Our mission We discover, develop and successfully market innovative products to prevent and cure diseases, to ease suffering and to enhance people’s quality of life. As patients are our focus, the depth and strength of our innovative pipeline enables us to change the practice of medicine and to bring more breakthroughs with real benefits to patients and society. Novartis (Hellas) SACI, which belongs to Novartis Group AG, is a leading and dynamic company in the Greek pharmaceutical sector, building its growth on innovative medicines. We have established a relationship of trust with patients, medical and academic community, media, Health Authorities and all of our stakeholders. The business activity of Novartis (Hellas) SACI, which employs 500 associates, focuses on prescribing medicines which are distributed to the Greek market through a wide network of hospitals, pharmacies and wholesalers. We produce millions of pharmaceutical packages in collaboration with Greek pharmaceutical companies, strategically supporting local entrepreneurship. More than 600,000 Greeks patients use our medicines. Our commitment to responsible and sustainable development rests on four key pillars: Patients We prioritize our work by patient need and strong scientific understanding of disease. Our customers demand products that yield clear health benefits in everyday use. We focus our resources on developing medicines that can produce positive real-world outcomes for patients and healthcare providers. We concentrate our work on efforts to control and eliminate diseases, pioneering new business approaches to reach underserved patients, and finding new treatments and adaptive solutions to improve health for people. Responsible business practices We adhere strictly to the established principles of conduct in all research activities and our business practices. Our People and Communities We are an integral part of the communities we operate in. Our people are the driving force to our success. Based on principles such as integrity, courage and collaboration, we cultivate a safe working environment which embraces diversity and rewards innovation and creativity. Every year in spring, we commemorate Novartis’ anniversary date of its creation with “Community Partnership Day” offering the opportunity to our associates to assist people in need, while at the same time we promote voluntarism. • Environment We adopt a preventive approach, striving to make efficient use of natural resources and to minimize the environmental impact of our activities and products.

Contact Details National Road Athinon-Lamias, 12ο Km. Metamorfosi, 14452 Greece Tel:210 28 11 712 Fax: 210 28 12 014 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Novartis Hellas SA 2012 410.100.943,00 € 1.021.788,00 € 108.658.853,00 € 105.450.474,00 € 75.557.700,00 €

2013 381.172.156,00 € 3.649.191,00 € 92.865.436,00 € 109.093.011,00 € 151.370.335,00 €

Change (%) -7,1 257,1 -14,5 3,5 100,3

Diamonds 243


Chemical products Commercial


Growing steadily

Turnover 70.540.500

The Elton group of companies (ELTON SA Greece and its affiliated companies in Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia) is the leading agent and distributor of industrial raw materials in Greece and the Balkan market. The group strives to cover a wide range of industrial activities performed by customers through six distribution centers in Athens, Thessaloniki, Bucharest, Cluj, Sofia and Belgrade. These facilities, measuring a total of 22.000 square meters, provide over 6,000 specialized products, always promptly available. The group also offers full technical support and information on a constant basis. Sectors covered by the Elton group includes food and beverages, cosmetics, household, paints, coatings, construction materials, textiles, chemical reagents and lab equipment, agrochemicals, animal nutrition and health, water treatment, metal treatment, paper treatment, candles, lubricants, plastics, tires and raw materials for tires. All ELTON SA activities are export-oriented with a clear focus on Balkan region, mainly through affiliated companies, but also through direct exports. The strategy offers the company expanded growth prospects as well as financial and business advantages. Customers in Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia are served through the affiliated companies, while the Albania and Former Yugoslav of Macedonia (Fyrom) markets are reached through direct exports, launched from two distribution centers in Athens and Thessaloniki. Besides the Balkans, these distribution centers also cater to the Cypriot and Middle East markets. ELTON SA provides high-quality products made by internationally renowned firms. It applies an ISO 9002 quality assurance system. In 2001, ELTON SA also acquired an ISO 9002 quality assurance system from the TUV-CERT certification agency for trade of raw materials and additives, the food and beverage industries, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, and construction and chemical industries. In 2014, ELTON SA posted a slightly reduced total turnover figure of 69.2 million euros, down by 2 percent from the previous year’s 70.5 million euros. Pretax profit fell by 6 percent to 3.3 million euros in 2014 from 3.5 million euros in 2013.


Contact Details Draseza place, Industrial Park, 19011, Avlonas, Attica Tel: +30 22950 29350 Fax: +30 22950 29305 Email: Website:

244 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

ELTON INTERNATIONAL TRADING SA 2012 2013 65,256,704.00 € 70,540,500.00 € 3,279,304.00 € 3,535,631.00 € 11,167,576.00 € 11,675,491.00 € 37,949,659.00 € 40,568,342.00 € 26,670,186.00 € 24,887,755.00 €

Change (%) 8.1 7.8 4.5 6.9 -6.7


Beverage Trading Commercial


Handling 8 of the world’s 20 most popular drinks

Tassos Evangelou

DIAGEO Hellas is a subsidiary of DIAGEO plc and ranks as the leading spirits company in Greece. The company employs approximately 140 persons and is based in Maroussi, northern Athens. It also maintains a sales division in northern city Thessaloniki and employs sales teams across the country. DIAGEO plc was founded in 1997 following a merger between Grand Metropolitan and Guinness. It ranks as a global leader in premium spirits. The company name, derived from the Latin word Dia, meaning “day”, and Geo, stemming from the Greek word “earth”, reflects the company’s purpose. DIAGEO distributes a unique range of spirits, wine and champagne, all products with long traditions. Impressively, DIAGEO operates eight of the world’s twenty most popular drinks. Brands distributed by Diageo Hellas in Greece include Johnnie Walker, Haig, Dimple, Cardhu, and J & B. DIAGEO Hellas was launched in 1992. In 1995, it founded United Distillers Boutari (UDB) and United Distillers Greece (UDG). In 1998, Diageo emerged from a global merger involving Guinness and Grand Metropolitan. The Greek subsidiaries of both companies (IDV Metaxa and UDG) united and created United Distillers Vintenters (UDV). At the turn of the millennium, the acquisition of a share in Seagram was announced. In 2001, the company was named Guinness UDV Hellas. The following year it changed to DIAGEO Hellas. In 2009, the headquarters were relocated to Maroussi. In 2012, Diageo Hellas launched a super deluxe Johnnie Walker portfolio, presenting its Keep Walking Greece campaign. Also recently, Diageo Hellas further enhanced its portfolio by adding PIMM’s to its list. In 2014, total turnover fell by 12.06 percent, reaching 91.35 million euros from 103.88 million euros in 2013. Pretax profit dropped by 85.38% to 514,500 euros.

Turnover 103.883.503


Contact Details 27 Agiou Thoma, Maroussi, 151 24, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 6801620 Fax: +30 210 6801622 Ε-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Diageo Hellas SA 2012 2013 117,003,530.00 € 103,883,503.00 € 507,580.00 € 3,519,638.00 € 52,066,653.00 € 48,123,612.00 € 14,950,975.00 € 17,580,012.00 € 100,079,303.00 € 62,817,390.00 €

Change (%) -11.2 593.4 -7.6 17.6 -37.2

Diamonds 245



Turnover 32.674.981


Contact Details

Konstantopoulos SA – “OLYMP”

95% of total turnover generated by exports Konstantopoulos SA – “OLYMP”, a successful and established firm in processing, standardizing and packaging of various olive types, has been active since 1956. Besides olives, the firm also produces a series of other appetizers whose recipes are based on olives, peppers, almond, garlic, artichoke, and mushroom. The firm’s office headquarters and production facilities are located by the 3rd km of the Katerini-Larissa national highway in northern Greece, on a company-owned 70,000 square meter plot of land. The building facilities cover over 12,000 square meters. Konstantopoulos SA – “OLYMP” underwent a corporate reshuffle in 1990. Its main shareholders, Leonidas Konstantopoulos and Prokopios Konstantopoulos, are the company’s founders. Over the past 20 years, their enterprise has operated primarily as an export company with over 95% of total turnover generated by sales abroad. The firm exports to more than 50 countries, half of these being central and northern European markets. The bulk of company sales are generated by developed markets, mainly those of Germany, Austria, the UK, the Scandinavian countries, the USA, Canada, and Australia. The company posted positive financial results in 2013. Total turnover increased by 8% to 32.6 million euros from 30.1 million euros in 2012. Profit rose by 32% to 3.5 million euros from 2.6 million euros a year earlier. Konstantopoulos SA 2012 30,103,436.00 € 2,658,084.00 € 5,495,682.00 € 16,602,241.00 € 13,408,888.00 €

3rd km Katerini - Larisa, 601 00 Katerini, Greece Τel.: +30 23510 47000 Fax: +30 23510 37748 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Petroleum products

Shell & MOH Aviation Fuels SA


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 250.043.000 96.956.097

2013 32,674,981.00 € 3,516,352.00 € 7,720,654.00 € 19,424,546.00 € 10,737,153.00 €

Change (%) 8.5 32.3 40.5 17.0 -19.9

Major local supplier of aviation fuels The company was founded following its transformation from Limited Liability to Societes Anonymes legal status in 2009. In the same year, it absorbed the aviation sales division of Shell Hellas SA. Following a change in shareholder structure, the company acquired its present corporate name of SHELL & MOH AVIATION FUELS SA in 2010, with a license to operate for 50 years. SHELL OVERSEAS HOLDINGS LIMITED controls a 51 percent stake in SHELL & MOH AVIATION FUELS SA and CORAL SA holds a 49 percent equity share. The company provides aircraft refueling services and, within this context, apart from its own customers, has also entered into business agreements with foreign company members of the Shell International Aviation Trading System for provision of refueling services to system customers at airports located in Greece.


Contact Details 32 Kifissias Ave, Marousi, 151 25, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 60 06 380 Website:

246 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Shell & MOH Aviation Fuels SA 2012 2013 242,819,000.00 € 250,043,000.00 € 3,791,000.00 € 3,483,000.00 € 12,999,000.00 € 13,034,000.00 € 12,656,000.00 € 14,231,000.00 € 8,172,000.00 € 10,102,000.00 €

Change (%) 3 -8.1 0.3 12.4 23.6



Turnover 22.365.603


Athanasios D. Koukoutaris SA

The best piece of Greece Alfa is a family business founded by Thanassis Koukoutaris, who started the business in mid-50s by making and selling handmade pies. Over the years, production gained increased distribution. By 1977, the network had expanded well beyond the company base to include the central Macedonia and Thessaly regions. The initial stage of the company’s transformation to a mass-producing industrial enterprise began taking place in the ‘80s. In 2008, the company’s production facilities were further extended by an additional 5,000 square meters. Nowadays Alfa holds the leading position in the Greek food market. Its national network includes 50 regional distributors and 11,000 points of sale. The company’s production plant stands as one of the most modern industrial units in Europe. Always adhering to the highest international quality and safety standards (ISO: 9001-2008, HACCP, IFS, BRC), Alfa manages to combine premium, allnatural ingredients of high nutritional value with exceptional taste. Alfa maintains a dominant presence in the retail market, including at major supermarket chains, bakeries, and cafes. It also supplies products to hotels and for mass catering services.


Contact Details 1st km Kozani-Argilos, 50100, Kozani Tel: +30 24610 42103-4, Fax: +30 24610 33305 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Tourism agencies



Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 91.773.685 96.956.097


Contact Details 16 Karyatidon, Kifisia, 145 64, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 3502000 FAX: +30 210 3502580 E-mail: Website:

Athanasios D. Koukoutaris SA 2012 2013 19.013.807,00 € 22.365.603,00 € 1.906.601,00 € 3.476.632,00 € 8.369.261,00 € 9.697.526,00 € 25.356.622,00 € 27.382.235,00 € 6.505.358,00 € 8.583.774,00 €

Change (%) 17,6 82,3 15,9 8,0 31,9

Bringing 1.5 million tourists into Greece each year TUI Hellas (formerly AIRTOUR GREECE SA) is a member of TUI Travel PLC, founded in 2007 through a merger between First Choice Holidays PLC and TUI AG. TUI Travel PLC is one of the largest travel companies in the world. It offers travel services in 180 countries, serving over 30 million customers in over 20 major markets. It offers a broad range and employs 48,000 workers. It currently operates a network of 25 branches in all major Greek destinations, while the TUI’s international cooperation has strengthened its position as the biggest tour operator in Greece. For TUI, “recreation” means relaxation, adventure, fun at nearby or distant resorts in Greece, European cities, exotic and remote destinations. The company’s reliable quality, organization and consistency in services offered has led it to organizing travel for more than 23 million travelers a year. TUI Hellas is also active in the field of airport supervision through Chapter Airline Services, which offers management of ground handling services, air services, airline representation and aircraft services. The company organizes the holidays of one-and-a-half million visitors to Greece per year, guaranteeing well managed stays for rest and relaxation and visits to the country’s most important tourist destinations. TUI Hellas’s network of 21 branches offer guests from Germany, the UK, Austria, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Poland, and many more countries unique hospitality, access to the best there is in Mediterranean cuisine, contact with Greek culture, as well as lesser known aspects of life in various parts of Greece – islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas, Crete and the mainland.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

TUI Hellas SA 2012 73,313,639.00 € -8,630,485.00 € 15,148,661.00 € 5,518,366.00 € 36,719,316.00 €

2013 91,773,685.00 € 3,336,793.00 € 17,171,150.00 € 7,246,147.00 € 50,901,768.00 €

Change (%) 25.2 13.4 31.3 38.6

Diamonds 247


ENERGY Industrial


Conducting business in a challenging market

Piguet Emmanuel Miche

Turnover 325.674.000

Having inherited the expertise, know-how and technology from its parent companies, Hellenic Petroleum, Edison and Ellaktor, ELPEDISON is an energy company that understands the market in depth, identifies all critical impacting factors and always acts with the end-consumer’s benefit in mind. With its two privately-owned, natural gas-fired combined cycle power plants ELPEDISON commits itself to one of the most environmentally friendly energy production processes. At the same time, the combined cycle state-of-the-art technology used at both ELPEDISON’s power plants ensures the most efficient use of fossil fuels, achieving an efficiency of about 56%. With its high caliber personnel, ELPEDISON identifies the exact needs of its commercial and household consumers, proposing appropriate solutions that best meets their unique needs while also reducing energy consumption costs. Today, ELPEDISON is a leading company in the segment of energy production and energy supply. It aspires to remain a key player in its sector, offering energy services of the highest quality, at competitive prices, with stability and consistency. At ELPEDISON, values are tied to business ethics, integrity and transparency as well as innovation, aiming at technological progress and full satisfaction of customer expectations. ELPEDISON consistently sets elevated goals, while ensuring the fulfillment of the company’s main objectives, which are: production of clean electricity through advanced and environmentally friendly technologies; provision of high-quality products and services to customers; integration of innovative solutions contributing to the community’s social and economic development; professional growth for employees and associates; and robust, long-term corporate development. In 2013, the company posted lower total turnover and profit figures, but they remained high. Total turnover reached 325.67 million euros. Pretax profit was 3.44 million euros.


Contact Details 8-10 Sorou str., Building C 151 25 Amarousi, Attika Tel: +30 211 211 7400 FAX: +30 210 34 41 255 Website:

248 Diamonds

Elpedison Power SA 2012 2013 Turnover 448.730.000,00 € 325.674.000,00 € Profit Before Taxes 3.620.000,00 € 3.444.000,00 € Gross Profit 83.203.000,00 € Net Worth 147.609.000,00 € 142.853.000,00 € Liabilities 499.435.000,00 € 423.801.000,00 €

Change (%) -27,4 -4,9 #DIV/0! -3,2 -15,1



Eurimac SA

High quality, low cost, optimal service

Stavros Konstantinidis

Turnover 30.187.279

EURIMAC is a joint venture company, the result of a strategic alliance between the well-known Greek pasta company MACVEL SA, which has been operating in Greece and Europe since 1939, and EURICOM S.p.a., an Italian group of companies producing pasta, flour and rice. The joint venture was founded in May, 1996, in northern Greece’s Kilkis industrial zone. The company employs a specialized workforce with extensive experience in the production of pasta products. The company’s pasta production plant was built in 1997 and began operating a year later. One of the most technologically advanced pasta production facilities in Europe, the facility is equipped with four production lines, two for long pasta and two for short pasta. Its overall annual production capacity is 72,000 tons. The high-quality pasta products are marketed in Greece and also exported abroad. EURIMAC manufactures pasta products under its own registered brand names. The parent company’s oldest and best-known pasta products are the iconic MACVEL range, launched back in 1939. As the company’s export activity began to intensify in the ensuing years, production was expanded to introduce new brands, either in response to the demands of foreign customers, or as a result of innovations by associates. Subsequently, the range was expanded to include brands such as Latino, Famiglia, Grande Pasta, Mama Mia, Bevellini, and many others. EURIMAC specializes in manufacturing private label products (outsourcing). It produces high-quality pasta for major European supermarket chains and discount stores, importers and food distributors worldwide. EURIMAC is heavily engaged in export activity in all the world’s main pasta markets. According to a recent study by the business service group ICAP, the company ranks as Greece’s leading pasta exporter, well ahead of its nearest rival. In 2013, the company received the “Elliniki Axia” (Greek Value) award for its export activity. EURIMAC exports to more than 45 countries on five continents, major markets including the USA, Japan, the UK, France, Germany, Sweden, and Norway.


Contact Details Kilkis Industrial Zone, Stavrohori, 61100 Tel: +30 23410 72164 Fax: +30 23410 72160 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Eurimac SA 2012 26,362,287.00 € 1,012,446.00 € 6,480,951,00 € 22,953,232.00 € 7,979,300.00 €

2013 30,187,279.00 € 3,382,860.00 € 7,399,133.00 € 25,426,081.00 € 8,021,511.00 €

Change (%) 14.5 234.1 14.2 10.8 0.5

Diamonds 249


Chemical Products Industrial

Megara Resins S.A.

Corporate Introduction

Turnover 37.080.549


Contact Details 38th Km NEOAK 19100, Megara, P.O. BOX: 29 Tel.: +30 2296083311 Fax: +30 2296083335 Email: Website:

250 Diamonds

Megara Resins S.A. is a diversified manufacturer and supplier of raw materials for industrial and architectural coatings as well as rosin based and other synthetic resins for the paint, adhesive, paper and construction industry. For over 40 years, Fanis Megara Resins S.A. has been a pioneer in creating innovative technologies to help coatings formulators meet their customers’ most demanding applications. Today, the company remains firmly committed to the pillars of innovation and new technologies and is widely regarded as being the most innovative Greek supplier to the coatings industry through its continued investment in R&D, technical support and new product development. Megara Resins offers its customers advanced and diverse products and technologies for surfaces with an emphasis on environmentally friendly products such as powder coating resins, rosin dispersions, alkyd resins, water-based acrylic dispersions, and unsaturated polyester resins. The company is committed to working with its customers to continuously developing environmentally advanced solutions and is dedicated to open communication concerning the safe handling, distribution, use and disposal of the products it makes. Megara Resins is equipped with manufacturing facilities comprising industrial scale reactors with capacities ranging from 2 to 10 ktons capable of production of a wide range of solvent-based resins and water-based emulsions, polyester resins and other synthetic resins such as rosin dispersions, alkyd resins, acrylic resins etc. used in the manufacturing of paints and coatings. Our Mission, is to grow a portfolio of leading specialty chemical businesses, and generate added value for our customers and the company. We create sustainable value for our partners by delivering innovative products and solutions. We realize this mission by setting the highest standards in service, reliability, safety and cost containment in our industry. We deliver superior returns to our shareholders by tirelessly pursuing new growth opportunities while continually improving our profitability, a socially responsible, ethical company that is watched and emulated as a model of success. We are committed to maintaining excellence, respect, and integrity in all aspects of our operations


and our professional and business conduct. We strive to reflect the highest ethical standards in our relationships with members, providers, and shareholders. Our Vision, is to be a recognized performance leader of the chemical industry. Being a performance leader means we will achieve operational excellence, industry-leading customer satisfaction and superior financial performance. Financial & Business Performance During 2014, Megara Resins’s turnover rose to 41.1 mil euro as a result of organic growth and intense export activity. Further, our profits before tax exceeded 3,7 million euro keeping our last year’s growth in high level. Megara Resins SA focused and improved its exports, diversifying the portfolio with new customers. It is significant that exports represent the 75% of turnover, which amounts to approximately 31 million euro. Megara Resins SA during last year reduced short and long term loan obligations. Cash and cash equivalents, as it is reflected in our financial statements, reached 5,0 million euro. For 2014 Megara Resins Group turnover exceed 49 mil euro, while our profits before tax was approx. 4,5 mil euro. One of the most exciting new developments in 2014 was the acquisition of a large chemical plant which is located in VathiAvlidos, about 75 km northeast of Athens. This was the result of a joint venture with a Turkish partner “Ak-Tas Dis Ticaret AS”, which has resulted to the establishment of a new company AKFA Chemicals P.C. (50% owned by Megara Resins and 50% by Ak-Tas Dis Ticaret AS). In addition to the production units at the plant site there is a modern docking facility and a tank farm for the storage of liquid chemicals. The capacity of the latter is 15.000 m3. Storage of liquid chemicals takes place in special tanks that provide all the necessary requirements regarding safety and environmental matters. Additionally, Megara Resins SA has acquired 100% of Papadimitrakopoulos SA since February 2014, which is located near the city of Pyrgos, Greece, with a resin production capacity of 10.000 Mt. It is evident from the above that the company, having entered the era of enlargement and development is growing rapidly. Using the latest years’ successful achievements as a stable starting point, the company moves towards an extensive program of complete automation and modernization. However, we operate in compliance with the law and adhere to high ethical standards. We create safe and health-conscious work environments, require compliance and embrace environmental stewardship. R&D activity A highly proficient team of senior scientists is dedicated to research in the field of binders for architectural coatings, construction, and paper sizing and to providing our customers with the most innovative, highest quality value-added products and services possible. The company’s research activities are supplemented by an international network of collaborations with leading universities, scientific research institutes and partner companies. The company’s research department is fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to perform synthesis and characterization of polymers. Megara Resins S.A. has been engaged recentlyin multipartner collaborative research projects. The company has however successfully completed numerous in-house research projects which have led to the development of new innovative products as well as research projects with large chemical companies. The company currently participates successfully in several EU funded research projects as well as coordinates a Marie Curie IAPP (Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways) project. Through these projects the company targets the development of new products via strategically beneficial collaborations that require skills and competences matching the company’s industrial interests and development needs. Participation in R&D projects has enormous benefits in terms of contacts, opportunities,identifying new and emerging markets for its products, and thus beingat the cuttingedge of innovation.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Megara Resins - Fanis Anastassios SA 2012 2013 30.135.168,00 € 37.080.549,00 € 2.276.082,00 € 3.321.602,00 € 5.853.973,00 € 7.455.524,00 € 10.424.389,00 € 12.599.983,00 € 16.348.280,00 € 16.065.675,00 €

Change (%) 23,0 45,9 27,4 20,9 -1,7

Diamonds 251


Transportation Services Commercial


Local subsidiary on upward trajectory

Turnover 12.443.406

The local subsidiary of COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company), China’s largest and the world’s leading Group specializing in global shipping, modern logistics and ship building and repairing, continued its upward trajectory in 2014. The Chinese corporate group’s Greek subsidiary, established 18 years ago, long before COSCO began making investments at Greece’s main port in Piraeus, is one of some 300 established by COSCO around the world. In 2014, COSCO’s Greek subsidiary posted a total turnover increase of 51 percent, to 18.8 million euros from 12.4 million euros in the previous year. Pretax profit also rose, reaching 4.7 million euros in 2014 from 3.5 million euros in 2013, a 36 percent year-on-year rise. COSCO is ranked 327th on the Fortune Global 500 list. Established on April 27th, 1961, COSCO owns and controls over 800 modern merchant vessels with a total tonnage of 56 million DWTs and an annual carrying capacity of 400 million tons. COSCO’s shipping lines cover over 1,600 ports in more than 160 countries and regions worldwide, and its fleet size ranks the first in China and the second in the world. COSCO has many ship-building and ship-repairing bases in China, which own a total of 16 docks including 300,000-ton-class docks and 500,000-ton-class docks, with businesses include large-sized ship and ocean engineering construction, refitting and reparation. These bases boast leading production equipment assembling ability and production management level, and takes a lead in the world in terms of indicators such as technical ability, production efficiency and production costs. These bases annually repair and refit over 500 large-sized vessels and build up 8.4 million tons, making it the largest ship-repairing enterprise and most-advanced ship-building enterprise. COSCO owns rich logistics facilities and resources. It operates more than 4,000 logistics vehicles, including large cargo transport vehicle with 289 axes and the largest carrying capacity of 8,000 tons, 2.49 million square meters of storage ground and 2.97 million square meters of warehouse. It provides high value-added services for customers in household, chemical, power and financing sectors. Besides, it also provides logistics services for many key projects home and abroad, such as Qinghai-Tibet Railway, Tianjin Airbus and Indian power station, setting many world records.


Contact Details 85 Akti Miaouli & 2 Flessa, 18538, Piraeus Tel: +30 2104290810 Fax: +30 2104290808

252 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Cosco Hellas SA 2012 13.793.216,00 € 3.648.786,00 € 5.467.288,00 € 3.300.313,00 € 14.910.864,00 €

2013 12.443.406,00 € 3.502.132,00 € 5.298.525,00 € 3.531.245,00 € 16.969.631,00 €

Change (%) -9,8 -4,0 -3,1 7,0 13,8


Petroleum PRODUCTS BP primary signature Full-colour For uncoated paper, light background, CMYK Colour


BP Oil Hellenic SA

The leader in Greece’s lubricant industry

Spyros Michalakakis

Turnover 260.489.005

BP has been an active supporter of the Greek economy since 1951 and is nowadays one of the leading companies in the market. BP Oil Hellenic markets a full range of automotive and industrial lubricants through Castrol and BP brands in Greece and other Balkan countries. Marine Lubricants supplies customers with products in 12 ports around Greece, while Air BP sells aviation fuel at 22 international and general aviation airports throughout the country. Lubricant sales have the leading position in Greece in both automotive and industrial markets. Their OEMs partnerships provide customers with the most improved high-performance lubricant superbrands that ensure cost efficiency. Currently, Castrol has strong partnerships with Aston Martin, Ford, Seat, Skoda, VW-Audi, Husqvarna, Jaguar, Komatsu, Land Rover, MAN, Triumph and Volvo. BP has also licensed the use of its brand on retail sites, to Hellenic Petroleum under a brand licensing agreement. The partnership has progressed even further with the sales of automotive BP and Castrol lubricants through over 2,000 gas stations across the country. BP is committed to maximizing value for customers through a mutually beneficial relationship founded on world-class products and services. All activities are certified by ISO 9001/2008, ISO 14001/2004 and OHSAS 18001/2007. BP employs nearly 120 people in a diverse and inclusive environment, where all people have the same opportunity to make a contribution and use innovative ideas to support and develop their work. BP Oil Hellenic head office is located in Athens while there is also an office strategically located in Piraeus port to service marine customers’ needs. All offices have extensive recycling programs in place, alongside procedures to reduce energy consumption for the company’s own operations. Such programs and procedures support both the local communities and the society as a whole. They aim to make a difference with both business-related and educational projects, including road safety initiatives for children and various educational and cultural programs for schools.


Contact Details Kifissias 26 & Paradisou 2, 15125 Marousi, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 2106887 777 Fax: +30 2106887 697 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

BP Oil Hellenic SA 2012 2013 254.963.807,00 € 260.489.005,00 € 4.348.818,00 € 3.310.645,00 € 20.333.369,00 € 20.253.032,00 € 52.254.569,00 € 54.126.996,00 € 31.122.732,00 € 28.587.560,00 €

Change (%) 2,17 -23,9 -0,4 3,6 -8,1

Diamonds 253


Mechanical equipment Industrial

Kleemann Hellas SA

Exporting elevators to over 90 countries

Turnover 75.862.169


KLEEMANN is a Greek multinational company active in the fields of manufacturing and trading of Complete Lift Systems. Founded in 1983, with the support and expertise of the German KLEEMANN HUBTECHNIK GmbH, and headquartered in Kilkis, northern Greece, the company has subsidiaries and sales offices in 10 geographical regions, covering more than 90 countries around the world. KLEEMANN ranks among the largest companies in the global elevator market with production facilities in Greece, China and Serbia. It manufactures more than 10,500 new elevators systems every year, equivalent to 2% of all new elevators worldwide. It holds the leading position in the Greek market, having undertaken about 72% of installed projects. The corporate group’s worldwide sales are generated in over 90 countries, the main markets being the UK, Germany, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Russia, New Zealand, Romania, Turkey and Cyprus. Most recently, the company began operating two new production plants in China and Serbia, enhancing the group’s production capacity. These two new plants produce lift components and complement the main production facilities in Greece. For the Kleemann Group, the creation of a production base in China is not specific to the Chinese market, but mostly associated with the development of sales in the wider regions of Indochina and Southeast Minor. The group has already conducted market research in Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines. Turkey ranks as a strong market for Kleemann. Recent subsidiary sales have grown, leading to greater profit. Russia, the UK, Ireland and the Middle East are also performing strongly for the company. It is currently examining new market entries into countries such as Australia. A plan for Japan has been postponed for later. As part of its production of Complete Lift Systems, the company produces sub-systems such as hydraulic lifting mechanisms, pistons, power units, component suspension (chassis), mechanical lifting devices, engines, chassis, counterweights, chambers, electronic KLEEMANN tables, KLEFER doors, hoisting lifts, as well as compact and residential pre-fabricated MaisonLIFT lifts. Other items include automatic doors, elevators KLEFER, electric engines, guides, ropes, cables, deposits, buttonholes and special KLEEMANN hydraulic oil. The company posted a 3% increase in total turnover in 2013, to 75.8 million euros from 73.7 million euros in 2012. Net pretax profit skyrocketed a remarkable 8,600%, to 3.2 million euros in 2013 from 37,000 euros in the previous year.

Contact Details Kilkis Industrial Zone, PO Box 25, Kilkis, 61 100, Greece Tel: +30 23410 38 100 Fax: +30 23410 38 200 E-mail: Website:

254 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Kleemann Hellas SA 2012 73,755,550.00 € 37,593.00 € 20,048,973.00 € 72,165,211.00 € 49,028,996.00 €

2013 75,862,169.00 € 3,274,872.00 € 23,079,518.00 € 72,743,302.00 € 41,511,394.00 €

Change (%) 2.9 8,611.4 15.1 0.8 -15.3


Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industrial


Initiating projects worldwide

Turnover 23.718.713

Marmor Kamin SA, a modest enterprise processing marble and manufactured fireplaces, was founded in Thessaloniki in 1981 by business partners Thanassis Antoniadis and Yiannis Sahanas. Through hard work, specialized craftsmanship and market knowledge, the company became well-known. It began exporting in 1990 to Russia, Cyprus and Belgium. The company has since continued to grow and invest before eventually relocating to new, privately owned headquarters built on a plot of land measuring 50,000 square meters in Thessaloniki’s Kavalari area, under a new name, Marmor SG SA. In 2004, co-founder Antoniadis took over the company’s leadership as president and CEO. Operating in a creative way with a fresh perception of the market’s developments, he steered the company towards further growth by focusing on export orientation and development of a global network. The effort placed the company among the world leaders, under the trading name “Stone Group International”. Since 2008, the company has constantly invested and developed new products and innovative production methods. The company’s investment plan for the next three years includes the creation of a new thematic business park as an operational link between all production lines and administration. This plan entails using top-range mechanical equipment, offering specific facilities for staff, clients and visitors, better product supply efficiency, as well as a reduction of transportation costs through easy access to all major roads. The company plant in the Kavalari Industrial Area, measuring 12,000 square meters, includes administration offices, three production departments, a project management department, an art craft atelier, six sheltered and five outdoor warehouses for blocks, slabs, white-marble tiles, granite, and natural stones. Using its in-depth knowledge, the procurement team ensures high-quality raw materials, constantly inspected. The logistics department offers material handling, inventory, packaging and transportation. The company maintains a branch serving clients in Greece’s south, the wider Athens area, and the Greek islands, on a daily basis. It also operates subsidiaries in Romania, Albania, Turkey and Egypt.


Contact Details 18th km Thessaloniki-Kavala national highway, Kavalari, 57200, PO Box 106, Greece Tel: +30 23940 20440 (5 lines) Fax: +30 23940 52733 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Marmor SG “Stone Group Inernational” SA 2012 2013 21.246.913,00 € 23.718.713,00 € 2.065.634,00 € 3.272.047,00 € 6.562.777,00 € 7.389.589,00 € 11.752.469,00 € 14.756.873,00 € 12.871.279,00 € 13.394.304,00 €

Change (%) 11,6 58,4 12,6 25,6 4,1

Diamonds 255


BOTTLER Industrial

Astir Vitogiannis Bros S.A.

Paving our road to success, we leave no elements to chance

Stelios Vitogiannis

Turnover 20.307.063


Continuing the legacy of its founders 60 years ago, the third generation of the Vitogiannis family now in charge of the business, is very proud to have steered the company to its current status, exporting billions of crowns to practically every famous bottler of soft drinks and beer in the world. Our positive perspective for the future, and our relentless effort for continuous organic growth and uninterrupted footprint of Astir in the global markets, together with effective and efficient management practices, helped us maintain a very reputable worldwide presence, and a measurable contribution to the GREEK economy. Our numbers speak by themselves. 90% of our production is exported, and capitalizing on our well planned and threaded distribution network we supply to thousands customers to over 40 countries, in all continents. Similarly we totally support the Greek bottling sector with the most positive way, providing the highest quality crown caps, with the shortest lead times, at competitive market prices at all times, enforcing the development and expansion of local established bottling companies. Sales are growing in double figures for the last 7 years consecutively, and we have to show outstanding results in regards to our financial indexes and profitability, securing our sustainability and presence for the future. In order to sustain such global presence and financial health, we continue to invest in advanced technological equipment, and we make sure that the ground rules and corporate principles pertaining to quality standards and customer satisfaction are never abandoned or compromised. This goes together with our sincere sensitivity towards environmental protection, carbon footprint and corporate ethical social responsibility.During the past year and in 2015 alone, we invested from own capital over 3 million euros to complete the installation of two new state-of-the art fully automated production lines in our main manufacturing facility in Greece, increasing our capacity by 30% and at the same time a similar effort is exercised in our plants in Canada and North Africa. Success does not come easy. All corporate stakeholders contribute to this effect, leaded by our expert highly skilled, hardworking and loyal staff, in all tiers of involvement, production, quality assurance, and administration alike. We are proud to have zero personnel mobility for many years to remember and equally important we strive to apply an operations system, which honors all international rules, ethical standards and proper business conduct. We work hard, with perseverance, strict quality standards, and total commitment towards serving the needs of our customers no matter what. Astir is therefore justified to be surely recognized and respected as one of the top largest, most accredited and loyal crown cork manufacturer in the world and for many years in a row to be awarded the highest credits for all international compliances, accreditations and supreme quality standards. Astir’s headquarters are in the industrial zone north of Athens- Greece, in its extremely modern and efficient manufacturing plant and we operate two more manufacturing facilities in Canada and Egypt. It is our honor to supply most of the world’s largest companies in the bottling industry such as Heineken NV, Coca Cola Company, Carlsberg Group, SAB Miller, PepsiCo Intl, Ab-Inbev, and many others.

Contact Details Position Draseza, Ind. Park of Avlona, P.C. 19011, Attiki, Greece Tel: +30 22950 29371 Fax: +30 22950 29373

256 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Astir Vitogiannis Bros SA 2012 2013 27.473.945,00 € 20.307.063,00 € 3.261.765,00 € 3.457.837,00 € 6.718.078,00 € 5.706.133,00 € 7.829.837,00 € 9.991.328,00 € 9.581.999,00 € 10.070.279,00 €

Change (%) -26,1 6,0 -15,1 27,6 5,1


Chemical Products Industrial

Turnover 33.553.360



Two decades of experience in the fertilizer sector Founded in 1969, Gavriel & Co is active in the agricultural field, importing and trading fertilizers. It is considered one of the most reliable firms in the field of effective and qualitative fertilization. The company owns two facilities, one in Argos, northeast Peloponnese, the other in Volos, mid-northeastern Greece. The company’s operation in Argos is one of the most modern and well-designed facilities in Greece today. Its Volos facility, a newly launched operation spread over 7,500 square metres, is located in the provincial city’s industrial area, on a 30-acre plot. The company possesses high-level expertise in fertilizer transportation. It packs its products in bags offering 12-month anti-UV protection, a pioneer move in the Greek market, while bags are appropriately positioned on pallets to protect the content from weather conditions and assure that consumers receive all products in perfect condition. Strategically placed, the company’s two facilities can meet fertilizer needs nationwide, from Crete to Thrace. The Volos facility is also well placed to serve Gavriel & Co’s exports in the Balkan region. The company posted impressive turnover and profits figures for 2013. Total turnover increased by 24.2 percent to 33.5 million euros in 2013 from 27 million euros in 2012. Company profit registered an even greater increase, rising by 40 percent, to reach 3.2 million euros in 2013 from 2.3 million euros in 2012.

Contact Details

9 Melitos & Kydonion St, Turnover Nea Smirni , 171 21, Greece Tel: +30 210 93.73.770, +30210 93.73.772 Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Fax: +30210 93.73.773 Email: Net Worth Website: Liabilities

Dim. S. Gavriel & Co. Ltd. 2012 2013 27.025.925,00 € 33.553.360,00 € 2.311.861,00 € 3.243.478,00 € 4.802.437,00 € 5.715.690,00 € 9.019.307,00 € 11.517.688,00 € 9.430.131,00 € 8.028.593,00 €

Change (%) 24,2 40,3 19,0 27,7 -14,9


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 20.554.943 96.956.097



Profit increase posted in 2013 TORRE-COOPERLAT SA was founded in 1975 and has since operated successfully in the ice cream production business and marketing of dairy and UHT vegetable products. Enjoying steady growth over the years, the company is based in New Santa, Kilkis, northern Greece. It produces all types ice creams, frozen vegetables (2,5 kg, 1kg, 450gr packagings), various ice cream syrup toppings, and natural strawberry and lemon sorbets in juice form. The company also markets a string of products made by associated factories in Italy, such as cooking cream, pastry cream, UHT long life milk, vegetable cream for cooking and baking (KRETORRE & HOPLA for cooking), whipped cream in spray can (500ml & 250ml), individual servings of Italian panacotta and cream caramel, espresso coffee of all types (grain, ground and capsule) and various drinks based on espresso, filter coffee, hot and cold chocolate, vegetable oils, margarines and individual portions of sterile meat. In 2013, the company posted a total turnover figure of 20.5 million euros. Pretax profit rose by 25 percent to 3.2 million euros in 2013 from 2.5 million euros in the previous year.


Contact Details Nea Santa, Kilkis, 61100, Greece Tel: +30 23410 64246 Fax: +30 23410 64886 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Torre-Cooperlat SA 2012 2013 20,448,046.00 € 20,554.943.00 € 2,567,945.00 € 3,214,931.00 € 5,546,712.00 € 6,243,498.00 € 14,030,190.00 € 16,335,367.00 € 5,956,018.00 € 5,762,161.00 €

Change (%) 0.5 25.2 12.6 16.4 -3.3

Diamonds 257


ENERGY Industrial


Great improvement over its finances for 2013

Turnover 39.799.127

Protergia is the largest independent electricity producer in Greece. The company’s portfolio of energy assets, with a total installed capacity of 1,200 MW, covers more than 10% of the country’s total electricity generation. As an electricity producer established through private investments in advanced-technology power plants, Protergia boasts an in-depth knowledge of the electricity market and is constantly carrying out environment-friendly investments, helping to bolster employment and the national economy. A wholly-owned subsidiary of MYTILINEOS Group, Protergia operates and manages all of the Group’s power plants, which comprise of gas-driven thermal plants and RES plants (wind farms, photovoltaic parks and small hydropower plants). Established in 2010, the company has evolved rapidly in the energy sector. Its vision of unlocking the potential of this sector in Greece has been a priority for the MYTILINEOS Group for the last decade. Protergia is also active in the supply of electrical power with the aim to provide electricity to businesses, professionals and households, responding to customer needs for competitive prices and modern, reliable services. The company applies comprehensive management systems in each respective area, certified with a Quality Management System according to EN ISO 9001:2008; an Environmental Management System according to EN ISO 14001:2004; and a Health and Safety Management System according to OHSAS 18001:2007. Protergia owns and/or operates directly on behalf of other MYTILINEOS Group companies - gas-fired thermal power plants, as well as power plants producing electricity from Renewable Energy Sources (RES). In the RES sector, Protergia operates wind farms, photovoltaic parks and small hydropower Plants. Some of these are already in operation, while others are in various development stages (construction or licensing) in various locations in Greece. The commercial activities of Protergia focus on wholesale and retail trading of electricity produced in the company’s modern, environment-friendly electricity production facilities. The company’s electricity production division generated a total turnover of 39.7 million euros in 2013, while net pretax profit reached 3.1 million euros.


Contact Details 11 Marinou Antypa Street, 114 21 Neo Iraklio, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210-3448500 Fax: +30 210-3448555 Email: Website:

258 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Protergia Thermoilektriki Agiou Nikolaou SA 2012 2013 251.929.000,00 € 39.799.127,00 € -657.000,00 € 3.192.745,00 € 11.576.000,00 € 8.089.561,00 € 371.324.000,00 € 91.537.777,00 € 322.914.000,00 € 293.364.265,00 €

Change (%) -84,2 -30,1 -75,3 -9,2


Plastics Products Industrial


62 years in business

Turnover 59.978.245


Contact Details

Atlas Tapes Group constituted by Atlas Tapes S.A. (parent company) and P. Lantzis SA (affiliate company), is considering as a vertical manufacturer of self-adhensive tapes, Greek market leader and ranking among the top European vertical producers, exporting well over 85% of its production. The original company was founded in Athens, by Christopher Lantzis and his sons in 1953. In 1977 production moved to Atalanti where it still remains today. Over the years carious investements in production led to the addition of new coating technologies and currently the company manufactures a comprehensive range of tapes, which includes: Packaging tapes: PVC, BOPP coated with solvent, acrylic and hot melt adhesive. Masking tapes: Acrylic, solvent and hot melt. Stationery tapes: Cellulose and BOPP as well as Specialty products. Takis Lantzis and son Jason (3rd generation) with the support of new investors are on the helm of Atlas Tapes since 2008. During the same period, a five year investement program was decided which led to the increase of total covered area of plants to 25.000 sqm, on 135.0000 sqm plot. Atlas Tapes SA 2012 53.197.783,00 € 1.722.969,00 € 6.366.151,00 € 9.033.416,00 € 23.641.233,00 €

68 Varis avenue, Voula, Greece, 166 73 Tel.: +30 210 8995388 Fax:+30 210 8995386 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities




Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 67.991.699 96.956.097


Contact Details Zevgolatio, Vocha, Corinth, 200 01, Greece Tel: +30 27410 58300 Fax: +30 27410 58297 Email: Website:

2013 59.978.245,00 € 3.165.075,00 € 8.356.578,00 € 11.525.898,00 € 26.224.966,00 €

Change (%) 12,7 83,7 31,3 27,6 10,9

Offering high-quality fish feed “PERSEUS Specialty Food Products” designs and produces special fish feeds under the brand name “ICHTIS”. They cover fish nutritional needs at all their development stages. The company’s industrial facilities are located amid a 22,000-square meter privately-owned area in Corinth’s Zevgolatio area west of Athens. Management and staff at ‘PERSEUS Specialty Food Products’ is committed to producing and selling first-rate products, while also offering high-level services. It aims for continuous improvement of aquaculture productivity and the highest possible product quality. Moreover, the company operates in line with specific self-imposed regulations in order to maintain product quality and customer satisfaction at high levels. More specifically, PERSEUS selects, buys and uses raw materials of top-quality standards for its fish feed production; implements strict and continuously improved quality-control programs when receiving raw materials, as well as throughout all production stages, from the first step to the final product; provides customers with scientific support services regarding product development; places emphasis on continual personnel education and training for top product quality; and sets measurable targets with regards to quality on a regular basis and conducts regular checks for progress. PERSEUS SPECIALTY FOOD PRODUCTS SA holds ELOT EN ISO 22000:2005, ELOT EN ISO 9001:2000, ELOT EN ISO 14001:2004 and ELOT EN ISO 22000:2005 certification. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Perseus Specialty Food Products SA 2012 2013 47.137.541,00 € 67.991.699,00 € 611.048,00 € 3.150.004,00 € 5.540.609,00 € 10.414.145,00 € 21.100.855,00 € 23.105.762,00 € 62.458.538,00 € 59.302.294,00 €

Change (%) 44,2 415,5 88,0 9,5 -5,1

Diamonds 259


Agricultural products – feed Commercial

Turnover 32.295.276


Supplying a leading company’s products PIONEER HI-BRED HELLAS SA (Formerly CHELLASINT SA) was founded in 1985 and is active in the marketing and promotion of seed for sowing crops, grasslands, vegetables and other such activities. With the exclusive import and distribution of products of major foreign companies, including Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc., Dlf Trifolium, and C. Meijer BV, the company has managed to capture a substantial local market share as well as the confidence of Greek farmers. In 1990, it signed a joint-venture agreement with Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. The company also promotes varieties of cotton, grain, alfalfa, grassland plants and potato vaccinator’s silage, sunflower hybrids, fodder plants, industrial tomatoes, and vegetables, among other items. Furthermore, it operates facilities in Thessaloniki and maintains offices in Athens, Thessaloniki, Larissa, and Komotini. Its distribution network covers all over Greece.


15 Fleming, Maroussi, 151 23, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 2106800741-7 Fax: +30 2106801018

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Plastics - Rubber


Contact Details


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 22.800.360 96.956.097


Contact Details Thermi, 57001, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2310 461 860 Fax: +30 2310 461 862 Email: Website:

260 Diamonds

Pioneer HI-BRED Hellas SA 2012 2013 28,488,249.00 € 32,295,276.00 € 3,178,755.00 € 3,147,188.00 € 12,173,068.00 € 11,837,042.00 € 2,348,159.00 € 2,436,608.00 € 9,351,042.00 € 9,572,464.00 €

Change (%) 13.4 -1.0 -2.8 3.8 2.4

Continual and lasting growth Founded in 1977 as FEDON TSANAS SA and based in northern city Thessaloniki’s Thermi district, a block of company shares were sold a year later to Dutch company SCHULPEN BEHERR BV. In 1990, the company was renamed MULTY FOAM SA industrial and commercial plastics company. Multy FOAM is a global market leader in household sponges and cleaning cloths. The Multy group has a workforce of over 500 employees and operates in eight countries, allowing global capabilities and local service. It operates production plants in the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Hungary, the United Kingdom and China, as well as sales offices and warehouses in Austria and Spain. The majority of company products are delivered as private label products. Multy produces all types of sponges, made of quality polyether and polyester foam. Its facilities in Greece produce over 300.000 cubic meters of foam, annually, in over fifty different varieties, used for Multy’s wide range of products, as well as the auto, textile, and furniture industries, among others. As household cleaning has become increasingly sophisticated, Multy offers a full range of high quality products, including special anti-bacterial treated hydrophilic sponges with top-quality green scouring fleece. Being a slap stock producer, Multy can supply blocks, sheets or semi-finished products made of polyurethane foam, which facilitates its access into various sectors, including the auto, furniture and bedding industries. The company exports to the Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, UK, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, Cyprus, Africa, America, St. Mauritius, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Albania and the United Arab Emirates. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Multy Foam SA 2012 20.797.568,00 € 1.957.933,00 € 5.141.231,00 € 34.692.216,00 € 9.234.715,00 €

2013 22.800.360,00 € 3.139.951,00 € 6.164.889,00 € 34.610.718,00 € 7.323.961,00 €

Change (%) 9,6 60,4 19,9 -0,2 -20,7


Clothing Footwear Industrial

Turnover 40.581.471


Providing sportswear for close to 40 years International Athletic Ltd. was founded in 1977 in Athens, marking a new era in the field of sports shops. The extensive experience of the company’s owners in sporting activities, combined with a continuous effort to further develop its human resources, contributed to major growth over the years that followed. The company exclusively represents brands such as DIANA (Italy) and REUSCH (Germany). Ιn 2004, International Athletic acquired the rights for the Admiral brand in Greece, Cyprus and all Balkan countries. The move was pivotal for the company’s further growth, spurred by the launch of various franchised outlets. Admiral’s network has grown across Greece with 80 company stores and 36 franchised outlets. In 2005, the company took on the dealership rights for the Kappa and Robe di Kappa brands in Greece and Cyprus. The company enjoyed strong financial results in 2014. Total turnover increased by 12 percent to reach 45 million euros. Pretax profit grew at an even greater rate, by 70 percent, to reach 5.3 million euros in 2014.


Contact Details Gorytsa, Aspropyrgos, 193 00, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 5576776 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Transportation means



Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 21.094.384 96.956.097


INTERNATIONAL ATHLETIC Ltd 2012 2013 39,431,698.00 € 40,581,471.00 € 3,058,738.00 € 3,131,008,00 € 21,513,931.00 € 21,850,562.00 € 7,707,344.00 € 10,189,416.00 € 23,384,639.00 € 19,432,839.00 €

Change (%) 2.9 2.4 1.6 32.2 -16.9

Major manufacture of waste collection equipment Kaoussis SA is the leading and most specialized company in Greece in the field of special waste management constructions. The company provides high expertise accompanied by a range of services. These offer solutions for individual waste management needs. The company provides innovative and effective solutions, paying particular attention to environmental concerns. Kaoussis SA was founded in 1958 in Athens, with the construction of heavy-duty vehicles as its main activity. The company has utilized its know-how to manufacture production-waste collection vehicles since the early 70s, featuring a groundbreaking - for the time - rotating drum-type compression system. In the ensuing years, the company invested heavily in developing domestic waste management expertise, customized to the specific conditions prevailing in Greece, with support from recognized companies abroad. In 1982, the company manufactured the first locally produced “press-type compression system”, and, since 1989, has expanded its activities to the study and construction of waste transfer stations.


Contact Details 162 Iera Odos St, Egaleo, 122 42, Athens, Greece Τel: +30 210 3459616 FAX: +30 210 3463850 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Kaoussis A. SA 2012 16.178.506,00 € 2.819.886,00 € 6.984.768,00 € 13.211.120,00 € 15.204.174,00 €

2013 21.094.384,00 € 3.122.421,00 € 7.453.613,00 € 11.258.656,00 € 19.757.888,00 €

Change (%) 30,4 10,7 6,7 -14,8 30,0

Diamonds 261




Combining quality and high nutritional value The company’s roots hail back to a small bakery established in 1948 in the Cretan town of Platanos, close to Hania, by Haritos Tsatsaronakis. It quickly acquired the “Manna” business name. During its early years, the bakery provided bread to Platanos and nearby villages. Later on, the founder’s son, Nikos, and his wife, Maria, joined the business. They introduced barley rusk production to the enterprise’s activities. In 1963, the company began selling rusks to Hania, followed by Athens not long after. Nowadays, after four rounds of expansion, the small bakery has been transformed into a major baking plant producing 53 different products. The company’s very first village business continues to operate, remaining faithful to the principles behind the company’s origins. The company’s production facilities cover an area of around 7,000 square metres and are equipped with four production lines. All production is prepared in compliance with international food production standards. As a result, the company has been certified by TUV HELLAS and the HACCP food management and safety system. Also, the company’s organic products have been certified to European standards by the national organization for the control and certification of organic products. The company makes it a point to monitor market developments with respect to new mechanical equipment available. It constantly modernizes its facilities, so as to keep up with the ever-growing needs of the market regarding both quantity and quality. The company markets traditional rusks, small rusks, croutons, wheat croutons, wheat & barley breadsticks, flavored rusks (with oregano, aniseed, almond and raisin), and organic rusks (wheat and barley). The company posted a total turnover figure of 9.7 million euros in 2013, up from 9.5 million euros in 2012. Pretax net profit rose to 3.1 million euros in 2013 from 3 million euros a year earlier.

Turnover 9.721.335


Contact Details 13-15 Loutrou Street, 136 78, Acharnae, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210-2630828 Fax: +30 210-2630472 Website: E-mail:

262 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

N. Tsatsaronakis SA 2012 2013 9.525.064,00 € 9.721.335,00 € 3.008.906,00 € 3.128.468,00 € 4.613.766,00 € 4.858.160,00 € 18.099.298,00 € 20.255.655,00 € 2.012.576,00 € 2.544.295,00 €

Change (%) 2,1 4,0 5,3 11,9 26,4


Aquafeed Industrial


Strong player in the fish farming market

Turnover 35.695.840

IRIDA SA is an independent and dynamic company which supplies aquafeeds and provides consulting services to the Greek Aquaculture Industry. The company’s strong market reputation rests as much on its high-performance feed products as it does on the quality of consulting services provided. It constantly invests in research and development in order to support, in the best possible way, long-term relationships with customers. In 2009, IRIDA took over the fish feed factory of PROVIMI Hellas in Agrinio, western Greece. It is equipped with a twin screw extruder from Clextral with a capacity of 25,000 tons per year. Highquality fish feeds are produced with a diameter range from 1.0 to 2.0mm.


Contact Details 60 Riga Fereou St, 346 00, Nea Artaki, Evia, Greece Tel: +30 22210 40116 FAX:+30 22210 41362 E-mail: Website:

Shipping transportation Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 7.213.032 96.956.097


Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Irida SA 2012 32.191.990,00 € 2.926.665,00 € 5.159.798,00 € 6.397.377,00 € 16.748.823,00 €

2013 35.695.840,00 € 3.106.914,00 € 4.996.942,00 € 7.758.053,00 € 20.100.309,00 €

Change (%) 10,9 6,2 -3,2 21,3 20,0


Considerable turnover, profit increases posted in 2013 United Marine Agencies S.A. is an experienced shipping agent specializing in International Transportation, Liner Agency and Logistics since 1991 and is the exclusive agent of EVERGREEN LINE for Greece. From its offices in Piraeus and Thessaloniki, the company provides services to customers all over Greece and can respond promptly and efficiently to their requests whether these concern imports, exports or transshipment trades. The company is also active in the services segment, whose activities include ocean freight, customs clearance and road transportation services. The agency, which is accredited with the ISO9001:2008 certification, applies high international quality standards, always seeking to further improve its services offered. The company prides itself for conducting business procedures in an ethical and honest manner by applying anti-corruption principles in line with the UK Bribery Act and US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The company posted significantly increased financial figures in 2013. Total turnover increased to 7.2 million euros from 3.5 million euros in 2012. Net pretax profit skyrocketed to 3 million euros from 126,000 euros in the previous year.


Contact Details Piraeus, K. Paleologou st, Piraeus, 18535, Greece Tel: +302104140600 Fax: +302104140677 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Net Worth Liabilities

United Marine Agencies SA 2012 2013 3.546.637,00 € 7.213.032,00 € 126.096,00 € 3.094.568,00 € 272.783,00 € 2.552.078,00 € 8.985.090,00 € 7.849.106,00 €

Change (%) 103,4 2354,1 835,6 -12,6

Diamonds 263


Financial Services Commercial


Steady growth and solid performance

Turnover 4.520.0000


Global Finance, founded in Athens in 1991, is an independent investment firm that has pioneered private equity and venture capital in the region and established an exceptional investment track record. Global Finance’s operations consist of private equity fund management, real estate development and advisory services covering South Eastern Europe. Global Finance manages a number of funds, each with a distinctive and clearly defined geographic and investment focus, supporting the regional expansion of Greek and foreign businesses. Global Finance places emphasis in the development of the management buy-out market. It takes a proactive role in backing dynamic companies with regional development plans (organic growth and buy-and-build strategies). In practice, Global Finance collects commitments mainly from institutional investors through fundraising, searches potential investment opportunities, participates actively in the portfolio companies’ management and exits the investments, normally 3 to 6 years after the initial investment. The main investment activity of Global Finance focuses on the manufacturing, information technology, specialty retail, media, telecommunications, services and real estate sectors in South Eastern Europe. Global Finance is one of the European industry’s most experienced firms having completed more than 80 investments in 10 countries with an aggregate acquisition value of over $820 million amid diverse economic and political environments. Representative companies in which Global Finance has invested include: ICAP (Greece), Andromeda Aquaculture (Greece), Eurodrip (Greece), Dodoni (Greece), United Milk Company (Bulgaria), Sicomed (Romania), Totalsoft (Romania), La Fourmi (Romania), Temenos (Switzerland), Yioula (Greece), Goody’s (Greece), Chipita (Greece), Germanos (Greece), Jumbo (Greece), NetMed (Greece), Mobiltel (Bulgaria), Orange (Romania) and Green Group (Romania). Partnering with Global Finance not only provides access to capital and growth opportunities, but also offers investors accumulated experience, access to an extensive business network and support from the most established private equity team in South Eastern Europe. Global Finance has offices in Athens, Bucharest and Belgrade. The company posted increased total turnover and profit figures in 2013. Total turnover increased by 9 percent to reach 4.5 million euros from 4.1 million euros in 2012. Profit more than doubled, rising 122 percent, to 3 million euros in 2013 from 1.3 million euros a year earlier.


Contact Details 7 Fragoklissias st, Athens, 15125, Greece Tel.: +30 210 812 4500 Fax: +30 210 805 5430 E-mail: Website:

264 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Global Finance SA 2012 4.160.000,00 € 1.377.036,00 € 2.378.550,00 € 3.487.895,00 € 3.968.989,00 €

2013 4.520.000,00 € 3.053.793,00 € 3.018.489,00 € 4.827.037,00 € 4.579.392,00 €

Change (%) 8,7 121,8 26,9 38,4 15,4


Engineering Industrial


Top quality hi-tech engineering studies

Turnover 6.564.297


Contact Details G. Genimatas 54, Finikas GR-55134, Thessaloniki Tel. +30 2310 496800 Fax. +30 2310 496880 Email: Website:

Established in Kozani, northern Greece, in 1988, GeoAnalysis S.A. ranks as one of the most dynamic companies in the field of engineering studies and consulting services. It is an avid investor in innovative and high-tech advancements. The company’s headquarters are located in a privately owned multi-story building in Thessaloniki’s Kalamaria district. The company also owns three more regional offices, in Athens, as well Kozani in the north and Xanthi in the country’s northeast. Geoanalysis is active in the fields such as cadastral mapping; surveying/ GPS Measurements; Control Networks; Micromovement Control; Digital Photogrammetry/Close Range Photogrammetry; Monument Surveying; Remote Sensing/ Satellite Image processing; Geographical Information Systems; Digital Mapping (cartography); Urban and Land Use Planning; Geology/Hydrogeology, Hydraulics; Forestry & Vegetation studies; Agricultural applications; Environment; Energy; Software Engineering; and Research and Development. The high-standard services provided are fully documented and controlled through applied quality assurance management systems based on the ISO 9001:2008 - 495151QM08 international standard, which was developed by the company’s executives, as a result of their scientific expertise and longstanding experience. Since 1993, the company has successfully carried out a number of research projects financed by either the European Union or the Greek Development Ministry. The success of these projects prompted the company to apply them in practice and render services to third parties. Ministries, public enterprises and administration, local authorities and private enterprises make up the company’s clientele. The company also offers a variety of specialized applications such as UAV, Aerial Photography, 3D Applications, Web Applications and Document Management. Geoanalysis has also participated in various European and national programs. Important milestones for the company include development of an IT web platform for an integrated processing and management of cadastral data; development of a digital web-based platform for networking, continuous communication and information of large teams along with monitoring of projects at an operational level; the execution, in 2014, of low-altitude flights for the production of cadastral base maps of very high geometric accuracy with the use of Line Cameras; as well as aerial photography services with the use of thermal and hyperspectral sensors for monitoring the rural environment. In 2013, the company posted considerable increases in total turnover and net pretax profit. Total turnover increased by 90 percent year-on-year to 6.5 million euros from 3.4 million euros in 2012. Net pretax profit reached 3.1 million euros in 2013 from 1.2 million euros in 2012, a 148 percent year-on-year increase. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Geoanalysis SA 2012 3.451.539,00 € 1.252.884,00 € 1.599.102,00 € 2.992.899,00 € 2.020.323,00 €

2013 6.564.297,00 € 3.109.692,00 € 3.226.879,00 € 6.160.062,00 € 2.323.148,00 €

Change (%) 90,2 148,2 101,8 105,8 15,0

Diamonds 265


Various services Commercial


Unique in its field

Vrasidas Zavras

ETVA Industrial Areas SA is controlled by the Piraeus Group, while the Greek state holds a 35 percent stake. It was founded in 2003, when the Industrial Areas Division of the ETVA Industrial Development Bank was separated from the financial institution and acquired by Piraeus Group. The main object of ETVA is the design, development, utilization and management of industrial areas and business parks. ETVA manages 27 industrial areas, including 2,285 enterprises, and employs a workforce of over 30,000 persons. As a member of the Piraeus Bank Group, ETVA, in collaboration with related Greek ministries, promotes investments for environmental upgrading in existing industrial areas and creates new “business park” models in the field of environmental economics. The environmental development plan includes: environmental upgrading of existing industrial areas; energy investments in renewable energy sources (RES); innovative, specialized design for the creation of new business parks in the rural economy sector; development of Business Parks Resolution; and integrated waste management activities. ETVA also operates in the areas of construction project management; provision of support services to Industrial Area enterprises; organization and operation of environmental management facilities; preparation of development and other programs of private or wider public interest; and energy services and feasibility analyses of investment projects. In 2014, the company posted a considerable total turnover increase and sharp drop in pretax profit. Total turnover reached 6.94 million euros in 2014 from 1.5 million euros in 2013. Pretax profit slumped to 649,850 euros in 2014 from 3.94 million euros a year earlier.

Turnover 1.493.423


Contact Details 75 Vasilisis Sofias Ave, Athens, 115 21, Greece Tel: +30 210 9540000 FAX: +30 210 9540087 E-mail: website:

266 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

ETVA VIPE SA 2012 3,013,603.00 € -3,060,392.00 € 777,672.00 € 208,507,465.00 € 19,592,235.00 €

2013 1,493,423.00 € 3,043,485.00 € 966,920.00 € 212,455,603.00 € 18,477,259.00 €

Change (%) -50.4 24.3 1.9 -5.7


document technology & services Commercial

Xerox Hellas S.A.

Rethinking the Way Work is Done

Vassilis Rabbat

Turnover 35.038.670


Contact Details Xerox Hellas A.E.E. 127 Syngrou Ave, Athens 117 45 Tel.: +30 2109307000 Website:

Xerox services, technology and expertise enable workplaces – from small businesses to large global enterprises – to simplify the way work gets done so they can operate more effectively and focus more on what matters most: their real business. “From our earliest days, our purpose was never about making copies but making it easier to share information. Chester Carlson, the inventor of xerography in 1938, had a vision of ‘making office work a little simpler, a little less tedious and a little more productive.’ Making things simpler has always been in our DNA. What we offer. We provide the industry’s broadest portfolio of document technology, services and software. Services: We help companies boost productivity and lower costs, our industry-leading end-to-end document services include: Managed Print Services: Save up 30% on your total printing costs with our industry-leading Managed Print Services. Outsourcing all your document management and printing helps you reduce costs and maximize productivity by optimizing your office printing infrastructure. We’ll help you print for less and print less. Communication & Marketing Services: Outsourcing of the handling and production of all your Communication & Marketing material. From Brochures to POP and banners to shop promotions and any other printing material you use to promote your products or services. Companies seek a managed print provider who consistently ensures the timely provision of the right quality output, to specification, delivered at the best price, and who can work with them to reduce both cost and elapsed time across the end-to-end process. Technology: The innovation that we bring to document systems, software and integrated solutions is unparalleled in the industry and is built into our broad portfolio of technology, for businesses of any size, in any industry. For the workplace: Our broad array of document devices enables us to place the right solution for any workplace and for any office, large or small. We offer: • Multifunction systems, color and black-and-white, that combine printing, copying, faxing and scanning. • Color network printers, solid ink and laser. • Digital copiers and fax systems. • Software to simplify how information is stored and shared. • Document scanners and other computer peripherals to increase workplace efficiency. • Mobile printing for your mobile workforce on the network or outside the corporate firewall. For production print environments: With digital production publishing, we created the on-demand printing industry, and our technology has allowed it to evolve. Books can now be printed for one or for thousands, and marketing materials can be customized for each and every prospect. For the graphic arts, marketing and production environments, we offer these printing systems and services: • Digital printers and presses, both color and black-and-white. • Continuous-feed printers. • Tools to help develop and grow a profitable digital print business. • Solutions for short-run book publishing, on-demand documents, transactional applications, cross-media customized campaigns and more. • Workflow software to simplify how print jobs are created and managed.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Xerox Hellas S.A. 2012 39.510.012,00 € 1.905.618,00 € 14.646.538,00 € 13.660.955,00 € 14.034.225,00 €

2013 35.038.670,00 € 3.026.058,00 € 13.008.825,00 € 12.768.250,00 € 10.000.057,00 €

Change (%) -11,3 58,8 -11,2 -6,5 -28,7

Diamonds 267


Beverages Industrial


Greek’s favourite water… with an international career!

Nikos Chitos

Turnover 43.071.799

The Natural Mineral Water ZAGORI with a strong vision and its values has managed ​​ to create heart relationship with consumers by gaining their preference. Having completed almost 30 years of presence in the Greek market now it has been travelled throughout 22 countries and is one of the best ”ambassadors” of our country abroad! CHITOS SA is the first Greek company exporting water abroad. Natural Mineral Water ZAGORI is traveling from Canada and Panama to America, Africa and China. The label “Natural Mineral Water ZAGORI” has been translated into 10 foreign languages, while the company CHITOS SA creates packages that meet the requirements of each market and consumer’s needs for each country. Our favorite water ZAGORI is approved for its quality throughout the world. Our goal to establish ZAGORI and its packages as “worthy ambassadors’ of the country abroad, is seem to be achieved. It is a major concern for CHITOS SA to continue to respect people, will, creation and equality. Through the course of all these years, we have learned not to negotiate its validity and the mutual trust that has developed with consumers and give back to society the added value it has been offered. That is why, moreover, that the Natural Mineral Water ZAGORI is the favorite - first - choice amongst Greek consumers. CHITOS SA currently operates three modern plants, all with a vertically integrated production in the areas Perivleptos, Kranoula and the Industrial Zone of Ioannina. The privately owned company springs are located in the region of Zagori. With guaranteed waters quality, due to the exceptional geological climate conditions in Epirus and our strict controls conducted during the bottling phase, ZAGORI is officially recognized by the European Union as a Natural Mineral Water. Each ZAGORI water bottle combines 30 years of experience with the original quality of nature and the cutting- edge technology in the field of water bottling. In CHITOS SA, innovation and openness are key pillars inside its business philosophy. The main objective in this difficult juncture: Company should manage to reverse the trend by creating new models of development and perspective. Our Company connects the favorite to all of you ZAGORI water with progress and evolution.


Contact Details 12ο Km. Ioanninon – Konitsas, 455 00 Ioannina, Τ: 2651061843, 2651085033-4 F: 2651037074 Website:

268 Diamonds

Chitos SA Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

2012 45.078.438,00 € 4.043.175,00 € 19.189.286,00 € 31.248.040,00 € 13.741.525,00 €

2013 43.071.799,00 € 3.020.141,00 € 19.154.260,00 € 29.454.891,00 € 9.814.978,00 €

Change (%) -4,5 -25,3 -0,2 -5,7 -28,6


Pharmaceuticals Industrial

Turnover 35.618.189


Contact Details


Investments in excess of 50m € over the past decade Founded in 1967, Genepharm is a pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing, manufacturing, marketing and distributing a wide range of generic pharmaceuticals. Initially focused on the Greek market, Genepharm has nowadays expanded, selling its products in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Central and South America. In Greece, the company produces and promotes its own branded generic products, supplying 8,300 physicians in various medical fields, these being cardiology, dermatology, gastroenterology, gynecology, neurology, oncology, internal medicine, pulmonology, urology and orthopedic. It operates modern production facilities measuring 12,000 square meters in Pallini, northern Athens. In 2001, the company modernized and expanded its facilities in accordance with EU GMP’s. In 2008, the company extended its premises yet again with the establishment of two new units for oncology products - solids and injectables. Genepharm produces 347 different products. Indicative of the company’s overall production strength, total annual production capacity reaches 780 million tablets for conventional drugs, 260 million for capsules, 7.5 million for Vials and 3.7 million for sinus solutions.

18th km Marathonos Ave, 153 51, Pallini, Athens Tel.: +30 210 6039390 Fax: +30 210 6039414 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Food Trading



Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Genepharm SA 2012 25.515.000,00 € -2.917.000,00 € 7.488.000,00 € 4.937.311,00 € 44.465.178,00 €

2013 35.618.189,00 € 2.988.050,00 € 11.892.360,00 € 7.894.295,00 € 42.877.030,00 €

Change (%) 39,6 58,8 59,9 -3,6

Offering services of exceptional quality With origins in Group Catair, Newrest was founded in 1996 by its co-CEO’s Olivier Sadran and Jonathan Stent-Torriani in Toulouse, France. Just under two decades later, Newrest stands as a global leader in multi-sector catering and operates in 49 countries with a workforce of more than 28,000 employees. Newrest is the only major catering company active in all catering and related hospitality segments, including airline catering, buy-on-board, duty-free on board, rail catering, concession retail, contract catering, remote sites and support services. In Greece, the company is based at the Athens International Airport. In 2014, the company posted a total turnover of nearly 1.39 billion euros.

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 31.501.438 96.956.097


Contact Details Athens International Airport, Building 14A, Spata, 19019, Attica, Greece Tel: + 30 210 35 41 150 FAX: + 30 210 35 45 114 Email: Website: europe/greece

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Newrest Hellas SA 2012 2013 32.389.438,00 € 31.501.438,00 € 3.450.516,00 € 3.016.608,00 € 12.865.340,00 € 11.872.084,00 € 9.701.944,00 € 9.117.118,00 € 13.842.727,00 € 12.083.135,00 €

Change (%) -2,7 -12,6 -7,7 -6,0 -12,7

Diamonds 269


Medical Services Commercial


RECOVERY AND REHABILITATION CENTER OUR HISTORY “ANIMUS” Recovery and Rehabilitation Center was founded in 2008 in Larisa, Greece. It started with 40 inpatient beds and has reached -just 7 years later- a capacity of 220 beds. Situated in a 170 acre area and its modern facilities, all of which reach 13,500 m², rightfully give the “ ANIMUS“ Recovery and Rehabilitation Center a leading role in Greece’s healthcare sector. OUR MISSION The personnel of the Centre, include 310 people, are fully trained to provide high standard care to patients and support their families. The whole scientific team, always patient oriented, aims and achieves not only the maximum physical, intellectual and psychological rehabilitation of the patient but also their full reintegration into society.

Achileas Davelis, Chairman & CEO

Turnover 8.794.734


OUR VISION The organization, infrastructure, consistency and quality of services, as well as our experience, have contributed to the successful course of ANIMUS Recovery and Rehabilitation Center which within a 7-year period, led us to become pioneers in our field. We are proud that our vision to become “the bridge” back to life, has been successful! With innovative services and applications of modern and promising therapies in conjunction with high-tech equipment, we aim to minimize any effects of the medical condition or injury suffered by the patient, but also the limitations arising from those . QUALITY OF SERVICE Since the launch of the ANIMUS Recovery and Rehabilitation Center, our goal was to ensure the excellent quality of our services which has been achieved through 2 international quality and safety certifications ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005, while at an international level we are global pioneers in being the first Recovery and Rehabilitation Center to have a TEMOS certification. Moreover, the high functional recovery numbers of patients per diagnosis, as well as the lowest average hospitalization, according to international data prove the high-level of our services. The most important thing for all of us who work at the ANIMUS Recovery and Rehabilitation Center are the smiles and unconditional love of over 10,000 patients, and their families, in our seven years of operation. This is proof that our mission and work has been successful!

Contact Details ANIMUS Recovery & Rehabilitation Centre 8th km of the Road Larissa - Trikala, Larissa Tel: +30 2410-851 851 Fax: +30 2410-851 585 P.O. Box: 1146 Email:

270 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Animus Recovery & Rehabilitation Center 2012 2013 7.062.374,00 € 8.794.734,00 € 2.069.314,00 € 2.993.751,00 € 3.958.017,00 € 5.151.610,00 € 12.190.760,00 € 14.431.829,00 € 9.243.721,00 € 10.328.995,00 €

Change (%) 24,5 44,7 30,2 18,4 11,7


Food Products Industrial

Turnover 39.766.726


Strong player in the flour market Papafili Mills is a pioneering firm and one of the most modernized in the flour-production sector. It uses over 100,000 tons of wheat – annually - as raw material for production, while the firm’s daily production capacity of flour reaches 500 tons. The firm’s endeavors began when Thanassis Papafilis, grandfather of the firm’s present-day shareholders, began operating a stone mill following the war period in Aggelokastro, a village close to Corinth, west of Athens, as a sole proprietorship business. These days, the firm is equipped with modern production facilities that are regularly updated through constant investment. This approach adds to the qualitative value of the company’s products while also meeting the demands of the firm’s substantial client base. The firm’s product range includes ready-to-use flour mixes made for the production of specific products such as baguettes, rye bread, cake, as well as organic products.


Contact Details Kalamaki, Corinth, 200 10 Tel: +30 27410 49790 Fax: +30 27410 49793 Website: Email:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Papafili Mills SA 2012 41.024.776,00 € 2.675.638,00 € 9.108.561,00 € 37.902.027,00 € 8.062.447,00 €

2013 39.766.726,00 € 2.954.841,00 € 8.966.358,00 € 36.919.923,00 € 9.129.407,00 €

Change (%) -3,1 10,4 -1,6 -2,6 13,2

Clothing Commercial


Expanding its network to more than 10 countries Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 38.962.785 96.956.097

Calin SA was founded in 1999 but the firm had actually begun operating in 1994. It serves as the Greek franchise firm for Calzedonia SpA Italia, a producer and trader of socks, tights, and swimwear. The company successfully developed a network of Calzedonia branches, and, from 2000, began developing its Intimissimi network of branches, specializing in underwear. Both networks were developed through a series of franchise deals. From its inception until the present day, the company has achieved an impressive track record. The parent company’s optimal organization, combined with effective promotion of the Calzedonia brand name in the Greek market, through the network of Calzedonia outlets, owned and franchised, led to the company’s rapid and widespread recognition. In addition, the development of the newer network, Intimissimi, has further contributed to the company’s rise.


Contact Details 2 Calvou και Paleologou, 152 32, Halandri, Athens, Greece Τel:+30 210 68 40 005, Fax: +30 210 68 57 243 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Calin SA 2012 35.283.599,00 € 2.360.137,00 € 14.175.561,00 € 5.925.700,00 € 11.611.490,00 €

2013 38.962.785,00 € 2.899.104,00 € 16.130.157,00 € 7.254.102,00 € 13.547.091,00 €

Change (%) 10,4 22,8 13,8 22,4 16,7

Diamonds 271


Food Trading Commercial

Turnover 34.135.886


Quality a major company strength Papageorgiou Food Services SA (PFS), one of the food sector’s leading and fastest growing food producers and distributors, has been operating from its base in Larissa, mid-northern Greece since 1991. The firm’s company-owned ultra-modern production facility, offering gyro and other meat packages, is comprised of the production unit, refrigeration and freezer booths, storage facilities, parking space for company trucks, and the firm’s administrative offices. The entire operation is spread over 5,000 square meters and employs 70 persons on a full-time basis. The firm’s production lines may produce up to 13,000 kilograms of gyro slabs every eight hours, 8,000 kilograms of souvlaki every eight hours, as well as 7,000 kilograms of meat packages (“bifteki” and kebab) every eight hours. The company caters mostly to grills, restaurants and hotels, offering a wide range of fresh and frozen products.


Contact Details 10th km Larissa-Ambelona highway, Ambelonas, Larissa, 404 00, Greece Tel & Fax: +30 2410 942 069 Email: website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Security Services



Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 18.689.872 96.956.097


PFS Papageorgiou Food Service SA 2012 2013 28.536.760,00 € 34.135.886,00 € 1.088.962,00 € 2.861.553,00 € 3.332.101,00 € 5.285.135,00 € 4.369.015,00 € 6.302.966,00 € 7.335.592,00 € 7.437.757,00 €

Change (%) 19,6 162,8 58,6 44,3 1,4

One of the sector’s top firms Brink’s Hellas, formerly known as “Hermes Security Group” was created in 2004 when Brink’s became the main shareholder of Hermes Security S.A. and its subsidiaries. Becoming a part of a globally recognized company has allowed Brink’s Hellas to strengthen its corporate environment and continuously change the status quo of different marketing levels in Greece. Brink’s Hellas is a prominent player in the Greek security services market, with diversified operations of its member companies, each one specializing in its own field, offering TOTAL SECURITY SERVICES. Brink’s Hellas operates directly in guarding, patrolling, monitoring and secure logistics services with a diverse customer base ranging from airline companies, banking institutions and their branches, industrial and commercial facilities, to various governmental services and organizations and premium local and multinational financial institutions. The company has operations across Greece with an extended branch network and more than 3,300 licensed, trained security officers providing quality security services to more than 3,000 sites and customers. The company holds the following certifications: Aviation Security Services, Cash & Valuables Services, Security Services and ELOT 1801:2008. The company posted a total turnover figure of 15.2 million euros in 2013 and a net pretax profit of 2.8 million euros.


Contact Details 52 Koritsas st, Athens, 104 47, Greece Tel: + 30 210 3484 000 Fax: +30 210 3428 200 Email: Website:

272 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Brink’s Security Services SA 2012 2013 18.138.627,00 € 18.689.872,00 € 2.139.211,00 € 3.033.262,00 € 3.724.162,00 € 4.283.625,00 € 4.202.310,00 € 5.512.805,00 € 5.470.839,00 € 5.441.310,00 €

Change (%) 3,0 41,8 15,0 31,2 -0,5


HEALTH Commercial

Turnover 3.973.040


Contact Details


High-quality services in the health sector and social security IONIS Development is a consulting company offering specialized services in the health and social insurance sectors. The company is based on values such as professional integrity, with particular emphasis on client needs, scientific development, constant improvement of its consultants through ongoing training and a creative approach. The company’s primary goal is to assist health care and insurance organizations place themselves dynamically in a constantly changing and rigorous market. IONIS Development SA’s services include strategic and business planning; planning and operation; planning of strategic information technology and development of information systems; operational assessment through simulation of processes; recruitment services; pPersonnel training; and payroll Services. IONIS Development is accredited by ISO: 9001 and continuously performs internal audits to improve its operations and ensure the high quality of services delivered to its clients. Its financial results remained steady in 2013. Total turnover amounted to 3.9 million euros in 2013 from 3.7 million euros in 2012. Pretax profit reached 2.8 million euros in 2013 from 2.7 million euros a year earlier.

21 Οmirou, Αthens, 10672 Τel.: +30 210 33 90 503-4 Fax: +30 210 33 90 505 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities




Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 17.236.350 96.956.097

Ionis Development SA 2012 2013 3.757.598,00 € 3.973.040,00 € 2.790.477,00 € 2.811.092,00 € 3.632.747,00 € 3.865.584,00 € 4.022.672,00 € 4.310.180,00 € 9.115.801,00 € 11.262.751,00 €

Change (%) 5,7 0,7 6,4 7,1 23,6

An olive exporter from Thessaly After many years of experience in the food industry, Nicholas Bretas founded the company “Brett B. Nikolaos” in 1995, which was renamed to “BRETAS Ltd.” in 2001, adopting a wider scope and setting far-reaching targets. Its new, privately owned modern facilities are located on the 9th km of the Larissa-Agia Rd., and apart from the domestic market, the company is highly active in a number of international markets (US, England, Germany, Scandinavia, Japan, etc.). The company engages in processing, standardization and marketing of agricultural products (olives, peppers, sundried tomatoes, mushrooms) of organic and conventional farming. The majority of raw materials are purchased directly from producers in accordance with the standards set by the company itself and transported in accordance with health and food safety standards to the Myrabased facilities where the first stage of processing takes place (ripening, sorting and pitting). Then, the raw materials are transported to the central production unit in Larissa for standardization and packaging in cans, glass jars, plastic trays and vacuum plastic bags.


Contact Details 9 km Larissa – Agia Road, 411 10 Larissa, Greece Tel: +30 2410 972075-9 Fax: +30 2410 972080 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Bretas Ltd. 2012 13.930.627,00 € 1.478.673,00 € 1.804.059,00 € 6.774.039,00 € 3.679.033,00 €

2013 17.236.350,00 € 2.805.477,00 € 3.313.535,00 € 8.947.563,00 € 3.069.561,00 €

Change (%) 23,7 89,7 83,7 32,1 -16,6

Diamonds 273


Transportations Mean – Spare Commercial

Turnover 32.530.568


Paramount safety cars Volvo Cars, based in Gothenburg, Sweden, is one of the world’s leading premium car manufacturers. It employs a staff of more than 20,000 and has manufacturing facilities in Sweden, Belgium, China and Malaysia. Vehicles sales expand to more than 100 countries around the world, represented in each country by National Sales Companies, with a network of totaling some 2,300 authorized dealers. In Greece, Volvo Cars is represented by Volvo Car Hellas SA, which is takes care of the firm’s strategic marketing, sales, network development and education, as well as service and after-sales service. CEO of the company is Mr. John Petoulis. Volvo customers in Greece are served by an extensive network of authorized distributors with modern shows of new passenger cars and sales departments with corresponding parts and integrated service, spare parts and accessories. In addition, a wide variety of shops are available to customers, such as specialist workshop, body shop, paint shop, all staffed by skillful and highly trained personnel.


Contact Details 19 Andrea Papandreou Str., 151 24 Marousi, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 57 94 900 Fax:+30 210 57 94 904 E-mail: Website:

Importation eq. & spares Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Volvo Car Hellas SA 2012 2013 30.846.991,00 € 32.530.568,00 € 318.366,00 € 2.802.672,00 € 5.904.051,00 € 7.804.666,00 € 5.652.745,00 € 7.688.873,00 € 4.167.329,00 € 5.595.367,00 €

Change (%) 5,5 780,3 32,2 36,0 34,3


Leader in the spare parts aftermarket IAPONIKI SA was founded in 1973, with its main business activity being spare part sales for Japanese car models, which at the time accounted for over 50pc of cars in Greece. Over the years, the firm’s association with leading spare part manufacturers in Japan developed even further, leading to exclusive representation of some of them in Greece by Iaponiki. The year 1990 was a milestone in Iaponiki’s corporate history. Foreseeing future changes in the domestic car market, i.e. an increase in European car sales, the firm widened its range of products by expanding its ties with Europe’s biggest spare part manufacturers. Since 1988, Iaponiki has been part of the Temot International Group, an organization comprised of 25 firms that are active in 33 countries around the world.

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 29.616.823 96.956.097


Contact Details 17th km Marathonos Ave., 153 02 , Pallini, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6669402 Fax: +30 210 6669612 Email: Website:

274 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Iaponiki SA 2012 25.882.847,00 € 1.163.920,00 € 8.988.115,00 € 4.006.488,00 € 15.068.037,00 €

2013 29.616.823,00 € 2.783.811,00 € 10.611.564,00 € 5.730.504,00 € 16.523.518,00 €

Change (%) 14,4 139,2 18,1 43,0 9,7


Casino Commercial

Turnover 62.493.652



The Athens casino Regency Casino Mont Parnes, the casino of Athens, operates amid a landscape of outstanding beauty in the heart of the National Park of Parnitha, on the northern outskirts of Athens. Located just 17 km from central Athens, the casino promises unique moments of entertainment in a luxurious and hospitable environment. The Mont Parnes hotel was originally run by EOT, the Greek National Tourism Organization, and went on to be operated by a succession of managers during the 60s, with limited success. The situation changed radically in 1971 when the first Greek casino was established alongside the hotel. The casino is currently operated by Regency Entertainment, a leading casino service provider. Operating three business units, the Regency Casino Mont Parnes, Regency Casino Thessaloniki, and the Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki, Regency Entertainment employs a workforce numbering 2,500 persons. The company offers unique entertainment experiences, daily, in safe and pleasant environments.


Contact Details

Regency Casino Mont Parnes SA 2012 2013 99,525,884.00 € 62,493,652.00 € 4,121,491.00 € 2,739,001.00 € 58,582,334.00 € 25,412,688.00 € 81,564,840.00 € 84,010,636.00 € 42,382,660.00 € 27,458,197.00 €

49 Agiou Konstatninouy, Marousi, 151 24, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 6149800 FAX: +30 210 6149801 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities


Greek Research & Technology Network SA


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 9.918.183 96.956.097


Change (%) -37.2 -33.5 -56.6 3.0 -35.2

Conducting research work over 20 years The Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET) is a state-owned company operating under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Education - General Secretariat for Research and Technology. Its mission is to provide high-quality Infrastructure and services to the academic, research and educational community of Greece, and to offer information and communications technology (ICT) to the general public. GRNET is the National Research and Education Network (NREN) provider, operating the Greek Academic network that connects local universities and research institutions via dark fibre at speeds up to 10Gbps, and offering to the Greek R&E community access to the pan-European GEANT network through 4x10Gbps links. GRNET also plays a key role at national level in the field of distributed and large-scale research infrastructures including Grid, Cloud and HPC. The company coordinates the Greek National Grid Initiative – HellasGrid, with more than 1,400 CPUs and 200 Terabytes of storage and is member of EGI pan-European Grid infrastructure. GRNET has developed and operates its own public IaaS cloud solution named Okeanos, offering cloud resources to Greek Universities.


Contact Details 56 Mesogion Ave, Athens, 11527 Tel: + 30 210 - 7474274 Fax: +30 210 – 7474490 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Greek Research & Technology Network SA 2012 2013 11,000,902.00 € 9,918,183.00 € -2,528,686.00 € 2,734,510.00 € 346,940.00 € 996,991.00 € 10,374,321.00 € 14,868,535.00 € 8,086,796.00 € 4,589,549.00 €

Change (%) -9.8 187.4 43.3 -43.2

Diamonds 275


Refrigeration installations Industrial


Highly renowned in refrigeration installations

Turnover 17.548.428

The firm was established as FRIGOSTAHL LTD by individuals with experience in the design of refrigeration installations and the construction sector. The firm launched its operations from the Macedonian region in northern Greece, offering solutions to a clientele of companies active in sorting, packaging & distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables. The firm converted its legal status to the SA category in February, 2003. In November of that year, the transferred its offices to Veria, northern Greece, establishing a 500-square metre independent office space, warehouses measuring 1,000 square meters, and, at the same time, established a 200-square metre office in northern city Thessaloniki’s Kalochori region. Nowadays the company owns a specialized fleet of vehicles that includes a 29 metric ton vehicle crane with trailer, a 12 metric ton vehicle crane, two open trucks with three metric ton capacities, five open compact pickup trucks, four closed vans fully equipped with tools for its cooling technicians, five smaller vehicles equipped with complete toolboxes for customer support, seven diesel operated forklifts and one battery operated forklift, nine battery operated scissor-lifts ranging from 7,50m to 12,00m lifting height, and one telescopic lift with 18 metre lifting height, as well one mini track loader and site cleaning equipment prior to handing over. At present, the company employs 60 employees divided in the following categories: engineers, graduates from technical institutes, mechanics & technicians, certified welders, drivers/forklift operators, electricians, hydraulic technicians and labour staff. The company’s activities have not changed since its launch, It continues to offer cold storage construction to the processing Industry, logistics centers, administrative buildings, super markets, retail stores and industrial buildings. Frigostahl’s clientele includes the most thriving companies in these sectors. The company posted robust financial results in 2013. Total turnover reached 17.5 million euros from 14.1 million euros, a 23 percent year-on-year increase. Net pretax profit amounted to 2.7 million euros from 1.5 million euros in 2012, a considerable 73 percent increase.


Contact Details Block 54, P.O. BOX 1321 , GR 57022 Τ: (+30) 2310570170-160 F: (+30) 2310570199 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Frigo Stahl SA 2012 14.187.078,00 € 1.576.532,00 € 2.461.302,00 € 19.011.766,00 € 2.702.272,00 €

2013 17.548.428,00 € 2.738.982,00 € 3.672.659,00 € 20.913.108,00 € 4.855.513,00 €

Change (%) 23,7 73,7 49,2 10,0 79,7

Diamonds 277


Cosmetics Commercial

Turnover 40.569.703



Trading the world’s most renowned brand names Local subsidiary SEPHORA GREECE SA operates the SEPHORA cosmetics stores in Greece. SEPHORA GREECE SA is owned by the LVMH Group, the international market leader in luxury products such as Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton, Moet & Chandon, Dom Perignon, Celine, Kenzo, Givenchy, Christian Lacroix, Fendi, Pucci, Guerlain, Tag Heuer, Sephora, Make Up For Ever, and Benefit. SEPHORA stores are present in 29 countries around the world, including the USA, Czech Republic, Mexico, Romania, Brazil, Spain, Italy, Poland, Singapore, Canada, France, Malaysia, Portugal, Turkey and China. At present, SEPHORA operates over 1,600 outlets around the world and is the leading cosmetics chain in France and the US. It is ranked second in Europe, overall. In Greece, the company operates 36 stores, in Athens, Thessaloniki, Larissa, Rhodes, Corfu, Hania, Serres, Volos, Patras, Halkida, Trikala, Agrinio, Kavala, Alexandroupolis, Mykonos, Veria, Ioannina, and Xanthi.


Contact Details 7 P. Marinopoulou, 17456, Alimos Tel: 2109898038 FAX: 2109888990 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Sephora Greece SA 2012 42,023,268 € -6,670,470 € 15,771,012 € -27,217,591 € 55,437,380 €

2013 40,569,703 € 2,727,855 € 14,487,442 € -24,502,237 € 52,594,913 €

Change (%) -3.5 -8.1 10.0 -5.1

Constructions Industrial


Key contractor for the US Navy Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 10.157.343 96.956.097


Contact Details 1 Ef. Polemiston, 73135, Hania, Crete, Greece Tel: +30 28210 88038-9 Fax: +30 28210 88037 Email: Website:

278 Diamonds

The company was established in 1996 by MICHAEL M. TSONTOS SA (Societe Anonyme) with its operating base in Hania, Crete. Its areas of activity concern public and private sector contracting projects, project management services and real estate. MICHAEL M. TSONTOS SA facilities are company-owned and consist of office spaces measuring 450 square meters, where the administrative and technical departments are based, production areas measuring 300 square meters equipped to produce hydraulic and mechanical systems, warehouses measuring 300 square meters, as well as outdoor space measuring 5,000 square meters, used for parking vehicles, carriers and groundwork machinery, as well as for the prefabrication of metal and concrete structures. Construction sites are backed by transferable office units. Four of these are permanently situated at the US Navy Base in Mouzouras, Souda Bay, Crete. The company’s testing laboratories are fully equipped with advanced facilities and staffed with personnel of extensive experience, allowing for the testing of construction materials concerning the soil – aggregates, concrete and bituminous mixture categories. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Michael M. Tsontos SA 2012 2013 8,013,690.00 € 10,157,343.00 € 1,336,067.00 € 2,680,226.00 € 1,988,649.00 € 3,574,197.00 € 2,599,884.00 € 4,023,577.00 € 3,767,550.00 € 4,245,375.00 €

Change (%) 26.7 100.6 79.7 54.8 12.


BEVERAGES Commercial


One of the two global leaders in beverages

Christoph Lemarie

The Pernod Ricard Group is one of the two global leaders in the industry of Spirits & Wine, employing over 18.200 people in 70 countries. Recognizing its social responsibility, Pernod Ricard Hellas is a proud member of the Alcoholic Beverages Business Association, as well as of the European Forum for Responsible Drinking -former Amsterdam Group- whose mission is to inform society about responsible alcohol consumption. Pernod Ricard Hellas is firm on developing products that bear the company’s commercial names, creating a value for its clients and consumers. To achieve this and to secure customers and social partners’ trust and continued satisfaction, Pernod Ricard Hellas provides its customers and consumers with safe products and services of a superior quality. Respecting both safety and the environment and fully complying with Greece’s laws and regulations, the company has been certified with international quality management systems. The firm constantly invests in quality and environmental management, through its state-of-the-art labs for quality control, new building facilities, contemporary bottling lines, systems to reduce energy and water consumption, comprehensive waste recycling systems, etc. Pernod Ricard Hellas’ portfolio consists of some well-known labels, with the whisky list including the ‘expensive’ Chivas Regal, the ‘good’ Ballantine’s and the ‘special’ Jameson. It also includes the famous Absolut Vodka, the excellent Havana Club rum and UK’s Beefeater Gin. In 2014, the company’s turnover was over €46 million, remaining at the same levels as in 2013. However, gross profit fell to €22.93 million compared to €23.19 million in 2013. Earnings before tax dropped significantly to €1.63 million from €2.7 million a year earlier.

Turnover 46.209.756


Contact Details Anthoussas Ave., 153 51 Pallini, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6601 400 FAX: +30 210 6601 401 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Pernod Ricard Hellas SA 2012 2013 48.916.713,00 € 46.209.756,00 € 3.355.208,00 € 2.712.318,00 € 25.065.430,00 € 23.195.382,00 € 17.868.920,00 € 18.560.623,00 € 18.757.782,00 € 19.547.983,00 €

Change (%) -5,5 -19,2 -7,5 3,9 4,2

Diamonds 279


Plastics Industrial

Turnover 40.488.326


Contact Details


Market leader over the past seven decades The well-known “Tupperware” brand made its first appearance in America in 1946, when Earl Tupper introduced the WONDERLIER BOWL, which is still sold today. The WONDERLIER BOWL had an advantage over all other food containers as it was lighter, did not break like glass or ceramics, and, mainly, because it was accompanied by a watertight and airtight lid. Despite the revolution that was brought about by the new product, it did not manage to sell satisfactorily in supermarkets, as consumers needed demonstrations to understand its uses and operation. In response to the subdued reaction, TUPPERWARE introduced a completely new way of approaching consumers in 1948 - residential demonstrations. TUPPERWARE emerged in Greece in 1964 and, three years later, began operating a factory in Thebes. Today, the Thebes factory is one of four operated by the firm in Europe. It is equipped with modern machinery and highly qualified staff. At present, TUPPERWARE products are available in 100 countries around the world, offering products for all needs and cultures. Every two seconds, a Tupperware demonstration is being performed around the world. In today’s information age, consumers can feel confident about finding Tupperware products easily thanks to an extensive distribution network covering the whole of Greece. New inventions allow Tupperware products to withstand extreme temperatures, from -40 degrees Celsius up to 230 degrees Celsius. The company’s total turnover increased by 3% in 2013 to 40.4 million euros from 39.3 million euros a year earlier. Net pretax profit fell by 19% to 2.6 million euros in 2013 from 3.3 million euros in 2012.

4 Akadimias St, Athens, 106 71, Tel.: +30 210 36.79.300 Fax: +30 210 36.02.193 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities




Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 37.354.985 96.956.097


280 Diamonds

Change (%) 3,0 -19,4 0,6 1,8 -2,7

One of the fastest developing companies M.P. PHARMA S.A. is one of the fastest developing companies in sales and storing medicines, medical products, medical equipment and pharmaceutical products. The company is certified by the Greek Pharmaceutical Organization, while it also possesses certification of ISO 9001:2008. The company has been founded on 16th of December of 2005 with the original brand name: ”EMEA PHARMA –Pharmaceutical Store, Marketing, Representation, Import – Export, Medicines Distribution, Cosmetics and Para-pharmaceutics Public Limited Company”. In 2011 Mr. Michael Panou, who until today is the major shareholder, purchased the company. By the decision of exceptional General Assembly of the shareholders on the 30th of June of 2011 the brand name was amended in “MEDICINES WAREHOUSE MICHAIL D. PANOU S.A.” with the distinctive title “M.P. PHARMA S.A.”. The company’s mission is the development of services and sales related to pharmaceutical and medical products in Greece and abroad. In addition, it aims to represent foreign companies and launch their products in Greece with consistency and reliability. The company’s vision is to be one of the top companies that offer integrated solutions in Greece and the Balkans. The company’s basic business goals are its development and its establishment as the leader of the pharmaceutical market, its continuous technological progress in order to achieve the optimum result and the creation of innovating functions, the improvement of the quality of the managing and the logistics section, as well as the increase of the profit in conjunction with the simultaneous cost reduction through the increase of profitability.

Contact Details Industrial Park, P.O. Box 60383, 57001, Thermi , Thessaloniki Tel: +30 2310460360 FAX: +30 2310483441 E-mail: Website:

Tupperware Hellas SA 2012 2013 39.316.251,00 € 40.488.326,00 € 3.315.272,00 € 2.672.052,00 € 13.112.745,00 € 13.196.029,00 € 5.443.285,00 € 5.541.165,00 € 11.816.414,00 € 11.500.602,00 €

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

MP Pharma SA 2012 42.358.415,00 € 2.217.419,00 € 3.441.679,00 € 2.413.924,00 € 5.978.404,00 €

2013 37.354.985,00 € 2.671.345,00 € 3.703.968,00 € 3.489.329,00 € 6.128.206,00 €

Change (%) -11,8 20,5 7,6 44,6 2,5


Non-Metallic Ores Industrial

Turnover 18.678.484


Specially designed products for builders Knauf USG is active in the development of exterior-building systems, its AQUAPANEL cement boards introducing new standards to the design and construction of buildings. Knauf’s production is vertically integrated, from the gypsum material used and derived from its own quarrying activities, to the processing stage for integrated components (gypsum plasterboard). The company production plant is located in Amfilohia, northwestern Greece, in the Stano area, on a 100-acre plot of land featuring 13 acres of sheltered facilities. The company also operates a 180acre gypsum quarry in the region. Its plant operates on a 24-hour basis with a significant proportion of production exported to the Balkans, the eastern Mediterranean, and north Africa. In 2013, the company posted a slight 2% drop in total turnover, down to 18.6 million euros from 19 million euros a year earlier. Net pretax profit increased by 11%, reaching 2.6 million euros in 2013 from 2.3 million euros in 2012.


Contact Details 10 Evripidou, Kallithea, 17674, Athens, Greece. Tel: +30 210 9310567 Fax: +30 210 9310568 Email: Web:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Medical Equipment

BioMerieux SA


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 10.100.816 96.956.097


Contact Details 70 Papanikoli, Halandri, 152 32, Athens Tel: +30 210 8172400 Fax: +30 210 6800880 Website:

Knauf USG SA 2012 19,086,984.00 € 2,360,806.00 € 6,767,548.00 € 10,508,123.00 € 11,486,509.00 €

2013 18,678,484.00 € 2,635,581.00 € 7,413,699.00 € 12,219,275.00 € 8,954,387.00 €

Change (%) -2.1 11.6 9.5 16.3 -22.0

Offering solutions for diagnosis of infectious diseases BioMerieux SA has been present in the Greek market for over 35 years, initially represented by the P.N. Gerolymatos SA company and nowadays through a subsidiary firm, BioMerieux Hellas. It is active in the nationwide coverage of diagnostic fields in clinical and industrial microbiology, clinical chemistry, hemostasis, immunology and molecular biology. The company is commercially active in IVD diagnostic tests - diagnostic hospital laboratories, faculties and educational institutions, private microbiological laboratories, diagnostic laboratories, industries. BioMérieux SA, part of the Mérieux Alliance Group, provides a comprehensive range of health prognosis, diagnosis, treatment and clinical monitoring equipment. Founded in 1963, it nowadays holds a prominent position in diagnostics, worldwide, covering over 150 countries on all continents. It maintains three headquarters, 35 branches, 15 production centers, 14 research centers and is associated with 110 dealers worldwide. With over 40 years knowledge and experience in the field of infectious diseases, BioMérieux focuses on diseases such as sepsis, nosocomial infections, HIV, hepatitis, and in high medical value diagnostics for diagnosing various cancers and cardiovascular disease. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

BioMerieux Hellas SA 2012 2013 10,905,933.00 € 10,100,816.00 € -855,822.00 € 2,612,879.00 € 5,531,899.00 € 5,847,138.00 € -792,487.00 € 1,316,138.00 € 19,687,173.00 € 8,475,040.00 €

Change (%) -7.4 5.7 266.1 -57.0

Diamonds 281


Building services Industrial

Turnover 8.883.226


High-quality services JCB SECURITY AND FACILITY SA was launched on May 4, 2000, as JCB SECURITY, in the field of security service. In 2002, it expanded its activities to include cleaning services. In 2011, the entire range of the company’s activities merged under the company name JCB SECURITY AND FACILITY SA. Nowadays, the company offers a variety of services such as security for buildings and spaces, V.I.P. security, patrols, security systems and security area equipment, cleaning services, cash transit, parking services and facility inspection. JCB SECURITY AND FACILITY SA constantly ensures that the services it provides carry the appropriate credentials. The company holds EN ISO 9001:2008 (Quality management system), EN ISO 14001:2004 (occupational health and safety management system), in line with OHSAS 18001:2007. In 2014, the company posted a total turnover figure of 12 million euros, up by 35 percent. Pretax profit fell mildly, by 5 percent, to 2.4 million euros.


Contact Details 135 – 137 Eleftheriou Benizelou, Kallithea, 176 72, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 95 77 216 Fax: +30 210 95 77 515 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Medical Equipment

B. & I. Mantzaris SA


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 16.613.393 96.956.097

JCB Security & Facility SA 2012 2013 5,478,502.00 € 8,883,226.00 € 1,348,305.00 € 2,606,727.00 € 2,091,329.00 € 3,381,960.00 € 2,918,260.00 € 5,475,844.00 € 761,614.00 € 1,219,129.00 €

Change (%) 62.1 93.3 61.7 87.6 60.1

Present in the cardiological field for half a century The B. & I. Mantzaris SA company celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, marking half a century of considerably successful activity in the field of cardiology. The company’s roots date back to 1964 when Vassilis and Tonia Mantzaris, taking the baton from their father Yannis Mantzaris, made a dynamic entry into the cardiology market seeking new perspectives. In 1975, their introduction of the Sentry 75 pacemaker earned the company a 50 percent share of the market, while, in 1977, excellent recommendations from General Electric Inc., marked the beginning of an ongoing, long-term collaboration with Medtronic Inc. In 2001, the company reached an agreement with Physiocontrol for exclusive distribution and technical support of Lifepak external defibrillators. Today, despite the negative impact of PSI procedures imposed in 2012 as part of a bailout agreement for Greece, the company remains robust. It is carrying on unperturbed, offering services to health professionals and patients throughout Greece.


Contact Details 2-4 Messogion (Athens Tower, Building C), 115 27, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 7706258 Fax: +30 210 7753416 E-mail: Website:

282 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

B. & I. Mantzaris SA 2012 2013 4,987,827.00 € 16,613,393.00 € -916,199.00 € 2,535,435.00 € 1,570,419.00 € 5,302,643.00 € 1,641,328.00 € 2,807,885.00 € 19,375,051.00 € 26,588,184.00 €

Change (%) 233,1 237.7 71.1 37.2


Cosmetics Commercial


Leading the way in the retail cosmetics market despite the crisis For decades, Greece’s retail cosmetics market has invariably been connected with the sector’s largest network, Hondos Center. Although the sector has contracted severely amid the deep and unending recession, this particularly company, founded in 1967, has not lost its glory. Nowadays, the Hondos Center chain, which remains purely Greek, is comprised of 79 stores nationwide. The chain developed through franchise deals. From the 90s onwards, the cosmetic sector has grown at an increased rate. The company made a hugely successful move by also offering clothing, footwear, household goods, accessories for women, men, and children, watches, and jewelry, through its stores, thereby strengthening impulsive decisions for increased shopping. An industry-shaking deal was struck between the supermarket chain Marinopoulos and Hondos Pallas Stores SA for a new partnership in which the supermarket will also operate at spaces within two Hondos Pallas department stores in downtown Athens.

Turnover 52.711.136


Contact Details 2 Agiou Konstantinou & 5 Lazaraki, Glyfada, 16675, Athens, Greece. Tel: +30 2108910900 Fax: +30 2108942215

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Hondos Center SA 2012 54,498,799.00 € 327,626.00 € 15,777,796.00 € 15,895,559.00 € 33,399,320.00 €

2013 52,711,136.00 € 2,585,565.00 € 15,493,846.00 € 15,457,690.00 € 32,129,829.00 €

Change (%) -3.3 689.2 -1.8 -2.8 -3.8

Diamonds 283

Food Products Industrial

Loulis Mills SA

230 years: Seven generations at the mill’s helm

Nikos K. Loulis – President Of B.O.D.

Turnover 93.953.493


The LOULIS MILLS company is currently active in Greece with two state-of-the-art production plants at Sourpi, eastern mainland Greece, and Keratsini, a district of the capital’s Piraeus port region. It occupies the leading spot in the Greek Flour Industry in terms of milling, sales and technology. The advanced technology employed by Loulis Mills provides its customers with over 120 flour varieties, ensuring a wide product range that is ideal for meeting all the demands of professional bakers. The business objective of Loulis Mills is exclusively focused on production and trade of flour ground from wheat, as well as rye, corn and barley. The corporate group’s products are divided into: Milling products (professional - wheat in sacks and in bulk form - and by-products - bran, etc) and consumer products (Long Life, or Fast Moving Consumer Goods, such as flour in a packet). By implementing the latest technology and monitoring market trends and needs, LOULIS MILLS produce 120 types of flour and semolina to service its 5,000 customers, bakers and pastry cooks. The effort is supported by a highly organized sales network across the country. The Sourpi industrial facility includes seven production lines; has a capacity to mill 1,000 tonnes of wheat per 24 hours; is equipped with a 55,000-ton grain silo; a Pilot Organic Mill; a traditional Stone Mill; a privately owned harbour for loading and unloading up to 4 ships; a 5,000-ton flour silo; a storage warehouse with a capacity of 3,000 tons; an ultra-modern chemistry laboratory and experimental bakery; and a technical support department for professional bakers. The Keratsini industrial facility has a capacity to mill 300 tons of wheat per 24 hours; is equipped with a 21,000-ton grain silo; a privately owned harbour for loading and unloading 140 tons of grains per hour; a 3,500-ton flour silo; a storage warehouse covering 3,000 square meters; and an ultramodern chemistry laboratory and experimental bakery. The company’s production process entails receiving wheat, storage, cleaning, milling, blending, packaging and distribution. The company operates three privately owned distribution centres, at Iera Odos (close to central Athens); Kalohori (Thessaloniki) and Podohori (Kavala), which, combined with the activities at Sourpi, make up an excellent distribution network. Product distribution centres every 200 km and an exemplary fleet of trucks provide the company with the capacity to immediately and smoothly cover the needs of the market and to also quickly and efficiently service customer orders from north to south. The distribution centers are certified with all the necessary HACCP and ISO quality and safety standards, meeting stringent requirements for the storage and distribution of products.

Contact Details 1 Spetson St, Keratsini, 187 55, Piraeus, Greece Tel: +30 210 40 90 100 Fax: +30 210 40 90 150 Email: Website:

284 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Loulis Mills SA 2012 22,202,672.00 € 1,632,474.00 € 5,688,852.00 € 78,746,744.00 € 80,639,317.00 €

2013 93,953,493.00 € 2,540,839.00 € 18,539,664.00 € 82,432,704.00 € 71,569,848.00 €

Change (%) 323.2 55.6 225.9 4.7 -11.2




Holding a leading place in its sector

Turnover 61.021.340

KARAMOLEGOS BAKERY SA, launched as a small family business in Thira, Santorini in 1950, can definitely be described as a major success story. Reflecting its rising business activity and growing ambitions, the bakery converted to SA legal status in 1989. Ten years later, guided by its company principles concerning quality, credibility and drive for progress, the company introduced its first sourdough toast bread product and, during that period, also entered the Athens Stock Exchange. In 2000, it acquired Apollonio SA bakery, and, in 2001, received ISO 9001-2000 certification. It also implemented HACCP standards. The year 2003 was a milestone year for the company. It introduced “Psiha toast”, the market’s first crustless sliced bread product, which was exceptionally well received by consumers. In 2006, its toast bread gained a new unique flavor, as a Multigrain Bread, which swiftly became a consumer favorite, as it offered a new twist to the market’s bread range. In 2007, Karamolegos Bakery launched its first pre-cut Sandwich & Hamburger buns. In 2009, it introduced “Gennima Thremma”, a wholegrain flour bread product including the sublime flavor of sourdough. In 2014, Karamolegos Bakery introduced its “Deka” product, a new type of packaged bread with a 10-day shelf life. Karamolegos Bakery’s distribution network is operated by six distribution centers located in various parts of the country (Athens, Patras, Thessaloniki, Larissa, Heraklion, and Ioannina) and 187 company-owned trucks. Moreover, it currently maintains a 32-member sales team whose members have been selected based on strict. Their promotional activity covers the entire country, including remote areas. The company’s main distribution objective is to ensure that products are delivered to local stores just hours after production. Karamolegos Bakery maintains high and strict quality standards. Its qualified scientific team conducts inspections on a regular basis, while the company is certified with ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 22000:2005 & BRC standards. In 2014, the company posted a total turnover of 61.7 million euros, slightly up by 1 percent from the previous year’s figure of 61 million euros. Pretax profit fell by 40 percent to 1.5 million euros in 2014 from 2.5 million euros in the previous year.


Contact Details Tzima, Koropi, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6694200 Fax: +30 210 6694299 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Karamolegos Bakery SA 2012 2013 64,317,740.00 € 61,021,340.00 € 3,304,954.00 € 2,522,890.00 € 30,153,128.00 € 26,561,741.00 € 39,739,426.00 € 39,343,538.00 € 67,752,515.00 € 74,915,517.00 €

Change (%) -5.1 -23.7 -11.9 -1.0 10.6

Diamonds 285



Turnover 15.765.493


Contact Details 30 Iroon Polytechniou, Falani, 40011, Greece Tel: +30 241 094 1815 Fax: +30 241 094 1549 E-Mail: Website:

Hotos SA

Feta cheese production a family affair The Hotos family tradition in cheese-making stretches back three generations, to the early 20th century. It was back then that grandfather Giorgos Hotos perfected the secrets of feta- and manouri-cheese making, drawing from the accumulated knowledge of the tradition in mountainous Samarina, northern Greece. Today, Hotos SA remains true to its family tradition, and combines almost a century’s worth of know-how with a state of the art creamery to ensure the superior quality of its products. The company has successfully remains family-managed despite its steady growth, and substantial production levels. The Hotos SA company-owned creamery is situated at the very center of the region’s milk production area, thus enabling its people to apply the strictest quality control in all production stages. Building on its love for good-tasting and healthy Greek cheese, and operating with utmost respect for customers, the company exports its products to numerous parts of Europe, the US, and Russia. Hotos SA applies ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and BRC standards for all stages of production. Hotos SA primary markets cheese products, primarily feta, manouri, goat anthotyro and mizithra, as well as sheep yogurt. All products are available in various packages and pallets.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Hotos SA 2012 14,688,915.00 € 811,626.00 € 1,508,065.00 € 11,731,935.00 € 5,146,938.00 €

2013 15,765,493.00 € 2,473,756.00 € 2,642,572.00 € 10,795,150.00 € 3,558,128.00 €

Change (%) 7.3 204.8 75.2 -8.0 -30.9

Medical Services Commercial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3.599.324 96.956.097


Contact Details

DiaMed Hellas SA

Leading force in the haematology medical sector Swiss-based DiaMed is the leading company in the serological screening of blood group, with over one million checks using the ID-MicroTyping System per day, worldwide. The company offers a wide range of diagnostic products for immunohaematology, haemostasis, haematology, infectious diseases, and other diagnostic areas. DiaMed Hellas SA serves as the Greek market representative for DiaMed GmbH, the parent company based in Cressier, Switzerland. DiaMed Hellas SA was launched in 1983 as an exclusive representative of diagnostic and medical products manufactured by DiaMed Switzerland AG. Its headquarters are located at a three-storey company-owned building in Moschato, southern Athens. It houses the subsidiary firm’s administration, accounting, secretarial, sales and marketing, scientific support, customer service, quality control, technical services and storage departments. In 1990, the subsidiary firm also set up a branch in Thessaloniki to cover the company’s needs in the country’s north. In Greece, the company has installed and maintains ID-MicroTyping systems, 14 Blood Donation centers, 83 Blood stations, and 30 fully automatic immunohaematology devices. DiaMed Hellas SA is staffed by a team of 25 specialized employees, offering swift, effective and friendly service.

6-8 Hiou, Moschato, 183 45, Athens, Greece Turnover Tel: +30 210 4819098 Profit Before Taxes Fax: +30 210 4819946 Gross Profit Email: Net Worth Website: Liabilities

286 Diamonds

Diamed Hellas SA 2012 4,130,580.00 € -383,682.00 € 2,795,255.00 € 1,071,270.00 € 7,870,060.00 €

2013 3,599,324.00 € 2,466,435.00 € 2,477,765.00 € 2,922,737.00 € 2,162,199.00 €

Change (%) -12.9 -11.4 172.8 -72.5


GAS Industrial


Serving over one million clients

John V. Vardinoyannis

Turnover 122.639.000

Coral Gas SA emerged from the acquisition by MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES SA of SHELL’s downstream commercial activities in Greece in the summer of 2010. The acquisition involved a transfer of all shares in Shell Hellas SA and Shell Gas SA to MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES SA. The firm, prior to the finalization of the deal, was renamed to Coral Gas SA. As a company integrated into the Motor Oil group, Coral Gas now employs a staff of 95 and carries new company signs, which helped it establish a new corporate image. Through its three facilities in Athens, Thessaloniki and Ioannina, Coral Gas serves over one million clients, supplying liquid gas with safety and reliability for various uses, including domestic, businesses and auto, as an alternative form of a more affordable and eco-friendly fuel, as well as other innovative products and services, such as new gas cylinders equipped with Flow Limiting Valves for maximum safety. In 2012, the firm launched an extensive investment plan focusing on increasing liquid gas use as auto fuel, as well as for heating by consumers in areas far away from existing gas pipeline infrastructure. Indicative of the investment plan’s progress was the fact that liquid gas stations were virtually doubled from 50 in 2011 to 99 in December 2012. The number of liquid gas stations continued to increase in 2013, reaching 157. Growth is expected to continue further in 2015, with a target set to operate a total of 251 liquid gas stations. The company also plans to push ahead with a modernization program for the firm’s Aspropyrgos facilities, on the western outskirts of Athens, to boost output. Another similar plan involves the inspection and recertification of older gas cylinders. The company’s turnover in 2014 rose to €127.45 million, recording an increase of 3.92pc compared to 2013. The result was mainly attributed to higher liquid gas sales in 2014 over 2013. Coral Gas’ sales of liquid gas in 2014 rose by 7.72pc to over 127.5 million tons from 118.4 million tons a year earlier.


Contact Details 26-28 Georgiou Averof Str., 14232, Perissos, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 9491000 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities

Coral Gas SA 2012 117.328.000,00 € 2.232.000,00 € 15.902.000,00 € 20.428.000,00 € 19.740.000,00 €

2013 122.639.000,00 € 2.454.000,00 € 15.568.000,00 € 21.372.000,00 € 22.886.000,00 €

Change (%) 4,5 9,9 -2,1 4,6 15,9

Diamonds 287


Construction Industrial

Turnover 2.464.760



Active in several sectors The KOURTIDIS group has clocked up thirty creative and successful years in the field of construction for both public and private-sector projects. The company was founded in 1974 by Konstantinos Kourtidis with a minimal amount of funds. Following sturdy growth experienced by the company during its early years, it eventually converted to SA legal status, under the company name KOURTIDIS SA. Impressive growth followed as a result of considerable public and private-sector projects taken on by the company both in Greece and abroad, leading to the development of a group of companies, with K. KOURTIDIS SA as the parent company. It is registered in the Registry of Greek Construction Companies (MEEP) as a Class 6 enterprise - Class 7 is the highest possible – which gives it the right to take on projects of high-level complexity. K. KOURTIDIS SA is one of the first construction companies to have been certified with ISO 9001: 2000/ EN ISO 9001:2000 Quality Assurance standards, in 1997. A subsidiary company, HYDRODYNAMIC SA, was established in 1988, its activities involving the construction of public works (Class 3 license), as well as imports and exports of sanitary items and tiles.


Contact Details 122 Dervenakion St, Koridallos, 18122, Piraeus Τel: +30 210 49.44.000-4 Fax: +30 210 49.59.970 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net Worth Liabilities




Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 23.928.005 96.956.097


Contact Details 6-8 Fragon st, 54626, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2310 536204 Email: Website:

288 Diamonds

K. Kourtidis SA 2012 2,547,700.00 € -1,491,382.00 € 658,580.00 € 12,247,914.00 € 30,526,466.00 €

2013 2,464,760.00 € 2,442,691.00 € 743,967.00 € 14,690,604.00 € 22,807,610.00 €

Change (%) -4.4 13.0 19.9 -25.3

Supplying tobacco for 88 years GLEOUDIS N. “KAVEX” SA is one of the largest and most dynamic firms in Greece’s tobacco industry. The firm’s activities entail collection, processing, production, and exporting of tobacco leaves. The company was founded in 1927 by Nicos Gleoudis in Thessaloniki. The company offers full repacking, storage and handling services, specializing in tobacco, from its modern complex, measuring 75,000 square meters, in Axioupolis, Kilkis, northern Greece. The company’s processing and warehouse facilities are located 70km north of Thessaloniki’s port, and about 25km away from Greece’s northern border with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Fyrom). The company owns and operates a further two facilities, Kavex Elbasan SA, in Albania, and Kavex Balkan SA, in Fyrom. Moreover, the company maintains a global network of partners and provides various tobacco varieties hailing from countries such Brazil, Argentina, Zimbabwe, Malawi, China, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Although tobacco represents the company’s core business, it also maintains interests in bulk-carrier shipping, real estate and production of food stuffs. The company posted reduced total turnover and profit figures in 2013. Total turnover fell by 27% to 23.9 million euros from 33 million euros in 2012. Profit declined to 2.4 million euros in 2013 from 2.9 million euros in 2012, a 16% year-on-year reduction. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

GLEOUDIS N. “CAVEX” SA 2012 2013 33,099,778.00 € 23,928,005.00 € 2,904,085.00 € 2,424,319.00 € 7,714,868.00 € 5,261,328.00 € 19,376,793.00 € 20,448,659.00 € 16,866,988.00 € 13,589,684.00 €

Change (%) -27.71 -16.52 -31.80 5.53 -19.43


Non-metallic ore Industrial

Turnover 3.523.628


Contact Details Pazinos Akrotiriou, 331 00, Chania, Greece Tel: +30 28210 66300 Fax: +30 28210 66302 Website:


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 34.704.465 96.956.097


Building the future now TACHYDOMI SA is a pioneering firm that has adopted the reinforced concrete building method since 1991, a time when the conventional approach of concrete columns and brickwork was still predominant. The company is driven by the prospect of further development in construction methods, readily applying new technologies on a constant basis to provide better manufacturing quality, while also taking product price into consideration. Applying the reinforced concrete construction method achieves uniformity and consistency, while also providing buildings with better protection against natural disasters and time-related deterioration than any other conventional method. The company offers unlimited design possibilities that can satisfy even the most demanding of customers. All applications meet Earthquake Regulations PNC 200 (Protocol no: D17a/141/3/FN275) requirements. TACHYDOMI SA has invested in a comprehensive fleet of vehicles and state-of-the-art equipment so as to reduce project development times and retain the highest possible construction quality standards. All construction phases are completed with company-owned equipment in order to maintain tightly-scheduled construction plans.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

TACHYDOMI SA 2012 190,010.00 € -555,257.00 € 94,697.00 € 1,438,718.00 € 6,334,964.00 €

2013 3,523,628.00 € 2,410,556.00 € 3,124,039.00 € 3,744,806.00 € 6,953,294.00 €

Change (%) 1,754.44 3,198.98 160.29 9.76


Steady performance The company’s roots date back to 1952, when KEPENOS MILLS SA began developing on the strength of its long-term vision, creativity, reliability, and collective action. Over the years, Kepenos Mills experienced success and recognition, allowing the enterprise to maintain an upward trajectory. These days, it ranks prominently, among the leaders of Greece’s flour industry. The company markets durum flours, special flours, soft flours, whole meal flours, extra special flours and flours from other cereals. With the assistance of specialists and ongoing support from the Electronic Data Processing (IT) department, Kepenos Mills have created and applied an innovative system for vehicle routes during distribution procedures. This innovative operating system allows the company to serve customers consistently, on a daily basis, based on their individual demands. The company posted steady financial results in 2014. Total turnover amounted to 35.8 million euros in 2014 from 34.7 million euros in 2013. Pretax profit reached 2.3 million euros in 2014.


Contact Details Industrial area of Patras, Patras, 250 18, Greece Τel: +30 2610 241940 Fax: +30 2610 647173 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

KEPENOS FLOUR MILLS SA 2012 2013 33,379,922.00 € 34,704,465.00 € 1,386,057.00 € 2,388,495.00 € 7,196,914.00 € 8,628,335.00 € 16,873,239.00 € 18,102,941.00 € 17,283,594.00 € 16,003,005.00 €

Change (%) 3.97 72.32 19.89 7.29 -7.41

Diamonds 289


Medical Equipment Commercial

Turnover 25.754.993


Contact Details


Southeast Europe’s biggest distributor of scientific products ANTISEL is the leading distributor of scientific products and solutions in Greece, Bulgaria and, in general, the southeast European region. The company was founded in 1967 in Thessaloniki, northern Greece. ANTISEL was founded by Apostolis Selidis with the initial objective to import and distribute scientific products and technologies in the country’s northern region. Nowadays, after four decades of servicing scientists and researchers in academic, industrial and health sectors, ANTISEL stands as one of the leading and most recognized partners for scientific equipment, reagents and consumables in southeast Europe, run by a strong team of over 100 persons, all specialized in the aforementioned fields. Specifically, ANTISEL operates in the following categories: Molecular Diagnostics, Molecular & Cell Biology, Genomics / Proteomics, Forensics, Analytical Measurements, Microscopy and General Laboratory Applications. Beginning from Thessaloniki, the company now also operates offices in Athens and Sofia. Antisel Bulgaria was founded in 1996 in Sofia and is equipped with trained staff and financial resources accumulated by the company’s long and successful activity in Greece. Antisel Bulgaria has developed into a robust and dynamic company run by a 20-member team. The company is certified with ISO 9001: 2000, an ISO EN 9001: 2000 and 13485: 2003 standards.

12th km Thessaloniki-Nea Moudania road, Thermi, 570 01, Thessaloniki Tel: +30 2310 322525 Fax: +30 2310 321912 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Medical Equipment



Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 26.367.252 96.956.097


ANTISEL A. SELIDIS BROS SA 2012 2013 21,766,360.00 € 25,754,993.00 € 403,170.00 € 2,356,386.00 € 7,688,876.00 € 10,753,916.00 € 6,004,147.00 € 8,830,292.00 € 44,076,050.00 € 48,152,018.00 €

Change (%) 18.32 484.46 39.86 47.07 9.25

One of the fastest growing suppliers of medical equipment Aenorasis, a dynamically growing company of Greek interests, has operated since 1998 in the field of handling and application of medical equipment and pharmaceutical products of various specialties and categories. More specifically, the company is active in the field of diagnostics, marketing products for gynecology and prenatal screening, cytology, and molecular biology. Also, Aenorasis supplies a range of medical equipment for oncology, as well as various other hospital devices. Although the company has mainly focused on medical equipment and devices, it has also expanded into pharmaceuticals in more recent years. Aenorasis has made available pharmaceutical drugs for oncology, hematology, surgery, neurosurgery, nephrology, intensive treatment, anesthesia and gynecology. The company represents leading European and US companies in Greece and the wider southeast European region. Companies represented include Hospira Inc (USA), Hologic Inc (USA), CIS bio - IBA Group (France - Belgium), Genomica SAU - Group Zeltia (Spain) and CR Bard Inc (USA).


Contact Details 17 Trapezountos, Melissia, 151 27, Athens Tel: +30 210 6136332 Fax: +30 210 8105298 Email: Website:

290 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

AENORASIS SA 2012 30,467,053.00 € 1,444,398.00 € 12,818,166.00 € 11,555,384.00 € 62,936,441.00 €

2013 26,367,252.00 € 2,339,611.00 € 14,641,188.00 € 17,620,908.00 € 32,400,119.00 €

Change (%) -13.46 61.98 14.22 52.49 -48.52


Petroleum Products Commercial


Giant of Greek Bunkering


SEKAVIN was founded in Greece in 1979 and belongs to the Vardinoyiannis group. It has a market presence in Piraeus and the island of Syros, as a supplier. The firm is one of the largest bunker suppliers to vessels, offering all grades of marine fuel, marine gas oil (MGO), as well as lubricants. It also owns three tankers to meet the needs in Piraeus, the capital’s port city, and Agii Theodori, west of Athens, as well as private facilities on the Greek island of Syros, serving vessels entering the Aegean area. From its Syros port facilities, SEKAVIN supplies vessels - with ex-pipe delivery and by barge with all fuel oil grades, ranging from 30CST to 380CST and MGO, as well as lubricants.


PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2.335.123 Contact Details 53 -55 Akti Miaouli, Piraeus, 185 36, Greece Turnover Tel: +30 210 4293160 Profit Before Taxes E-mail: Gross Profit Website: Net Worth Liabilities

Petroleum Industrial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


Sekavin Bunkering Stations SA 2012 2013 194,044,942.00 € 140,950,840.00 € 3,756,476.00 € 2,335,123.00 € 7,155,727.00 € 6,441,057.00 € 17,594,492.00 € 19,917,629.00 € 19,377,882.00 € 13,525,603.00 €

Change (%) -27.4 -37.8 -10.0 13.2 -30.2

OFC Aviation Fuel Services SA

Strong Presence in aviation fuelling OFC is a consortium comprised of Motor Oil Hellas Corinth refineries SA, Avin Oil SA, Skytanking NV and Hansaconsult GmbH. It stands as a unique cooperation between the largest Greek private petroleum group of companies and international companies specialized in aviation fuel systems design and operations. In 1998, the Athens International Airport (AIA) awarded OFC Aviation Fuel Services SA the design, financing, construction and operation of the airport’s aviation fuel facilities for a 23-year period. OFC is a state-of-the-art airport fuelling system in the European continent. It uses automated systems to provide a maximum level of reliability in its operations, and an advanced automation system monitoring and controlling aircraft refueling for all airlines. International safety requirements are strictly adhered to, while emphasis is also placed on environmental protection.

8.711.204 96.956.097


Contact Details OFC Aviation Fuel Services SA Athens International Airport, 5th km Spata-Loutsa freeway, Spata, 190 19, Greece Tel: +30 210 3541 100 Fax: +30 210 3541 120 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

OFC SA 2012 9,337,952.00 € 2,966,307.00 € 3,869,091.00 € 15,518,039.00 € 11,336,427.00 €

2013 8,711,204.00 € 2,324,941.00 € 3,468,326.00 € 15,298,298.00 € 9,598,628.00 €

Change (%) -6.71 -21.62 -10.36 -1.42 -15.33

Diamonds 291

Beverages Industrial


With significant sales across the globe

Turnover 27.019.979


Contact Details Αgiou Stefanou 88, 265 00 Saravali Patras Τel: +30 2610 529680-1 & 2610 529890-1 Fax: +30 2610 529682 Email: Website:

292 Diamonds

Loux Marlafekas has established a track record that stretches back 65 years in the soft drinks market, the firm’s dominant feature throughout this long period being is its full respect for consumers, mainly through rigorous selection of top-quality ingredients for its unique flavors, always tailored to the needs of respective eras. It all began back in 1950 when Panagiotis Marlafekas, the company’s founder, created a small industry in Patras, western Greece. Nowadays, Loux ranks as the country’s biggest fully Greek-owned firm in the soft drinks and juices sector. Today It ranks second in the Greek market, among two multinational leaders. The firm currently owns and operates three facilities covering a total area of 3​​ 3,000 sqm, of which 7,800 sqm is sheltered. The first of these, in Kefalovryso, northwestern Greece, serves as the firm’s production plant, the second, in Saravali, located on the outskirts of Patras, is the firm’s distribution center, while the third, in nearby Aigio, northern Peloponnese, serves as a PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) bottling facility. In November 2008, Loux acquired a new, well-equipped logistics center in Attica, in order to reduce transportation costs and delivery times. At present, the firm employs about 100 staff members, directly and indirectly, the majority of these residents of the wider Achaia prefecture in western Greece, and the rest from Athens and Thessaloniki. Moreover, in order to support its development, Loux has more than 450 sales representatives all over Greece. The company’s facility in Patras is equipped with modern machinery and uses advanced methods for quality-control, hygiene and modern packaging. Loux’s production process is certified with ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 22000:2005 standards. Loux soft drinks and juices travel worldwide, highlighting the natural quality and the superior taste of Greek products. In fact, exports reach 5% of the total turnover, with significant sales in Germany, Canada, USA, Italy, Australia, Cyprus, China, United Kingdom, Israel , Malta, Panama , Switzerland , Romania, Korea , Albania, Qatar. The company produces a wide variety of soft drinks the flavors on offer being orange, lemonade, Loux Mix, soda, traditional “gazoza”, and Loux Cola Tonic, all of which meet market needs. Natural juices have also made up part of the company’s product range since 2008. The firm markets natural juices in the following flavors: orange, peach, apple, orange and carrot juice, as well as a fruit cocktail. The firm expresses its support for social, sporting, and cultural events and activities in Greece through sponsorship initiatives as well. In 2014 Loux sponsored the Hellenic Presidency of the Council of E.E. and Loux Refreshments become the Official Soft Drink of the Presidency. Furthermore, the company is certified by the European Inspection and Certification Company EUROCERT with the mark “ΕΛΛΑ-ΔΙΚΑ ΜΑΣ”. In 2013, the firm generated sales of 27 million euro, up from 24.8 million euro in 2012, a rise of approximately 10%, as has been well publicized. Over the past five-year period, or the period of recession, the firm managed to increase its sales by 30%, while capturing a further two percent of the market share. In 2014 Loux’s turnover will reach approximately 29 million euro, as a result of the steady progress of all those years. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

LOUX MARLAFEKAS SA 2012 2013 24.787.568,00 € 27.019.979,00 € 2.291.888,00 € 2.333.209,00 € 12.895.167,00 € 14.260.743,00 € 21.379.716,00 € 22.532.587,00 € 11.495.887,00 € 8.982.124,00 €

Change (%) 9,01 1,80 10,59 5,39 -21,87




One of the best workplaces in greece MARS HELLAS is a subsidiary firm of the gigantic and well-known US foods manufacturer MARS. The subsidiary firm’s portfolio is comprised of internationally known chocolate brands (Maltese’s, Twin, Milky Way, m&m’s), ice creams, beverages, rice (Uncle Ben’s), as well as pet food (Royal Canin, Pedigree, Whiskas). In 2013, MARS HELLAS merged with WRIGLEY HELLAS and added the latter’s chewing gum products to its product portfolio. Most recently, during the current year, the firm was ranked 4th in a “Best Workplaces” rating for mid-sized firms employing between 50 and 250 persons. Revenues at Mars Hellas in 2013 fell to 37.9 million euro from 38.5 million euro in 2012, a 1.8% decline. Net pretax profit increased to 2.3 million euro in 2013 from 2.1 million euro in 2012, a 6% increase.

Terry Seremetis

Turnover 37.912.978


Contact Details 80-88 Syggrou Ave, 11741, Athens Tel: +30 210 8196200 Fax: +30 210 8000959 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MARS HELLAS SA 2012 38.565.945,00 € 2.196.251,00 € 21.180.544,00 € 3.794.560,00 € 15.328.390,00 €

2013 37.912.978,00 € 2.326.676,00 € 20.796.516,00 € 3.964.206,00 € 13.509.992,00 €

Change (%) -1,69 5,94 -1,81 4,47 -11,86

Diamonds 293


Real Estate Commercial

Turnover 5.692.831


Shopping center management leader ECE - LAMDA Hellas, specializing in management services for shopping and leisure centers, has undertaken the general management of two major Athenian centers, Golden Hall and The Mall Athens. The company is jointly owned by LAMDA Development (34%) and the German company ECE (66%). A leading company in property management, ECE is currently managing more than 95 commercial and leisure centers across Europe. ECE has stood as Europe’s leading shopping center development and management company for over 40 years, with a presence in 15 countries, and a total portfolio of 120 large shopping centers, both already under management or under construction. The managing strives to maintain ideal operating conditions for stores, both individually and collectively, to help meet the expectations of shoppers. In 2014, the company’s total turnover figure fell by 5 percent to 5.4 million euros. Pretax profit dropped by 16 percent, to 1.9 million euros in 2014 from 2.3 million euros in the previous year.


Contact Details 37A Kifissias Ave (Golden Hall), Maroussi, 151 23, Greece Tel: +30 210 7450600 Fax: +30 210 7450645 Website:

Miscellaneous Services Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 18.780.527 96.956.097


Contact Details 24 Dervenakion Str. 185 45, Piraeus, Greece T +30 210 40 60000 (24/7) F +30 210 46 17423 Email: Website:

294 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ECE LAMDA HELLAS SA 2012 2013 6,015,546.00 € 5,692,831.00 € 2,656,422.00 € 2,316,132.00 € 4,133,478.00 € 3,791,036.00 € 804,908.00 € 826,317.00 € 3,461,808.00 € 3,189,762.00 €

Change (%) -5.36 -12.81 -8.28 2.66 -7.9


Mastering the environmental protection and safety systems

EPE (Environmental Protection Engineering S.A.) was founded in 1977 for the provision of services and products in three vital areas: Environmental Protection, Legislation Compliance and Engineering Solutions.EPE is the largest company in the South East Europe offering complete services for the protection and the clean-up of the industrial and the marine environment, including oil spill response, antipollution, rehabilitation, training and distressed cargo services. With continuous investment in research and scientific analysis EPE constantly develops innovative machinery, offering pioneer solutions to the maritime sector. EPE designs, manufactures and trades environmentally friendly water and waste water collection & treatment systems, antipollution products and materials. The Company has also developed Cathodic Protection Activities and is classified amongst the main specialized suppliers of Sacrificial Anodes internationally.EPE provides efficient and socially responsible products and services that set benchmarks for quality, reliability, and innovation, meeting customer expectations for outstanding service & support, managing to maintain its top position amongst the most prominent companies of the shipping industry worldwide.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENGINEERINGN SA 2012 2013 18.852.436,00 € 18.780.527,00 € 702.908,00 € 2.296.978,00 € 3.331.998,00 € 4.873.763,00 € 10.963.290,00 € 12.387.753,00 € 9.300.347,00 € 9.444.543,00 €

Change (%) -0,38 226,78 46,27 12,99 1,55


Chemicals Industrial

Turnover 35.876.398


Linde Hellas Ltd

Among the oldest in its sector The Linde Hellas company belongs to the German Linde Group, a leader in the international market for compressed and liquefied gases for specialized areas, including the medical field. The company name bears the name of its founder, Dr. Carl von Linde, Professor at the Technical University of Munich, who first developed the innovative oxygen production method, as well as other rare gases, using liquefied air separation. This process has been coined the “Linde Method”. Linde Hellas is the oldest company among the 19-member corporate group in southeastern Europe and the Middle East. Linde Hellas owns three gas bottling plants in Mandra (Athens), Sindos (Thessaloniki), and Schimatari (Viotia), two liquid production facilities in Mandra (Athens) and Elefsina, west of Athens, as well as an oxygen gas plant in Magnesia. Furthermore, Linde Hellas operates eight distribution centers and maintains an extensive network of distributors and partners to serve customers throughout Greece. LINDE GAS BITOLA, a LINDE HELLAS subsidiary based in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Fyrom), operates a factory producing carbon dioxide for Greece and the wider Balkan region.


Contact Details Trypio Lithari, 19600, Mandra, Attica Tel: +30 211 10 45 500 Fax: +30 210 98 89 099 Website:

Services Commercial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4.217.552 96.956.097

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

LINDE HELLAS Ltd 2012 40,142,162.00 € -2,700,132.00 € 20,877,603.00 € 21,093,301.00 € 31,399,496.00 €

2013 35,876,398.00 € 2,251,029.00 € 18,456,003.00 € 23,827,241.00 € 24,201,479.00 €

Change (%) -10.63 -11.60 12.96 -22.92


No1 worldwide in service vouchers Edenred is the company which invented the Ticket Restaurant® meal voucher and is the world leader in prepaid corporate services. It designs and manages solutions that make life easier for employees and improve the overall performance levels of companies. Edenred believes that companies which care about the welfare of their employees earn huge benefits from the dedication, motivation and productivity. Combining decades of proven experience and capacity with the latest technological innovations, Edenred is nowadays recognized worldwide as a leader in service vouchers, while holding a strategic position in the human resources services market. Edenred enjoys a presence in 42 countries with 40 million users, 640,000 corporate clients and more than 1.4 million points, or affiliated stores. Since 1997, when Edenred began operating in Greece, it has developed into a powerful force in the local market and works with over 2,300 corporate clients, serving more than 100,000 users. At the same time, its services are linked with more than 10,000 affiliated stores.


Contact Details 33 Galatsiou & Markora, Athens, 111 41, Greece Tel: +30 210 2117030 Fax: +30 210 2020994 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

EDENRED SA 2012 3,711,485.00 € 1,928,042.00 € 3,368,403.00 € 666,592.00 € 22,346,033.00 €

2013 4,217,552.00 € 2,235,353.00 € 3,812,719.00 € 666,592.00 € 25,866,364.00 €

Change (%) 13.64 15.94 13.19 0.00 15.75

Diamonds 295


Energy Industrial

Turnover 4.217.552



Operating a wind park in Central Greece Energeiaki Dervenochorion is a company involved in energy field, whose main objectives are the undertaking and execution of all types of construction works, commissioned by public, municipal and private entities, organizations and associations of any nature in Greece and abroad. The firm was established in 2009 as a member of Terna Energy Group of Companies. It specializes in construction, installation and operation of power generation plants from Renewable Energy Sources (RES). Its scope includes undertaking and carrying out all kinds of designs, supervision and research, as well as acquisition, sale, procurement and trading of wind turbines, machinery, tools, products and equipment. The company currently operates a wind park comprising 12 wind turbines of a total output of 30 MW, located in Central Greece’s district of Boeotia. In 2014, the company posted sales of €6.4 million, down from €8.7 million in 2013, as a result of reduced tariffs and weaker wind conditions. Net profits after tax came at €0.8 million, as compared to €2.0 million a year earlier.


Contact Details 85, MESSOGION AVE., 115 26 ATHENS, Tel.: +30 210 6968525 Fax: +30 210 6968096 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities




Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 16.378.000 96.956.097


ENERGEIAKI DERVENOCHORION SA 2012 2013 3.711.485,00 € 4.217.552,00 € 1.928.042,00 € 2.235.353,00 € 3.368.403,00 € 3.812.719,00 € 666.592,00 € 666.592,00 € 22.346.033,00 € 25.866.364,00 €

Change (%) 13,64 15,94 13,19 0,00 15,75

Advanced production line a major strength KLEFER SA produces elevator doors at an advanced 12,000-square meter production facility in Kilkis, northern Greece. Established in 1999 as a joint venture between two very experienced and dynamic partners, KLEEMANN SA and TECNOLAM-FERMATOR, the resulting company benefits from Kleemann’s leading presence in the complete lift market, and Fermator’s extensive know-how and leading position in the automatic door market worldwide. The enterprise uses state-of-the-art technology (CNC cutting & punching, robotics welding, ERP system for production, quality and logistics control) to operate a high-standard product line that meets all customer needs. The product line includes light and heavy-duty cabin and landing Automatic Doors, in electrostatic paint or various claddings (stainless steel, glass panels, etc) with VVVF control; folding cabin doors; and semiautomatic landing doors. The company’s annual production capacity stands at 50,000 doors. It primarily serves the international market, focusing its efforts on Europe and the Middle East.


Contact Details Stavrochori Industrial Area, Kilkis, 611 00, Greece Τel: +30 23410 75730 Fax: +30 23410 75733 Email: Website:

296 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

KLEFER SA 2012 16.552.000,00 € 2.662.000,00 € 3.879.000,00 € 16.993.000,00 € 3.404.000,00 €

2013 16.378.000,00 € 2.189.000,00 € 3.559.000,00 € 18.626.000,00 € 3.675.000,00 €

Change (%) -1,05 -17,77 -8,25 9,61 7,96


Pharmaceuticals Commercial

Turnover 8.187.138



Increased turnover and profit performances posted Founded in 1926, Recordati is an international pharmaceutical group, listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, with a total staff of around 4,000 dedicated to the research, development, manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceuticals. Headquartered in Milan, Italy, Recordati has operations in the main European countries, Russia, other central and eastern European countries, Turkey, north Africa and the US. An efficient field force of medical representatives promotes a wide range of innovative pharmaceuticals, both proprietary and under license, in a number of therapeutic areas. The enterprise includes a business unit dedicated to treatments for rare diseases. Recordati, a partner of choice for new product licenses in its territories, is committed to the research and development of new specialties within the urogenital therapeutic area and treatments for rare diseases. In 2013, the company’s total turnover figure increased by 3 percent to 8.1 million euros. Pretax profit rose by 10 percent to 2.2 million euros in 2013 from 1.9 million euros a year earlier.


Contact Details

7 Zoodohou Pigis, Halandri, 15231, Athens, Turnover Tel: +30 2106773822 Profit Before Taxes Fax: +30 2106773874 Gross Profit Website: Net worth Liabilities

SERVICES Commercial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 19.101.235 96.956.097


Contact Details 16 Kodrigtonos Str., 112 57, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 8224074 E-mail: Website:

RECORDATI HELLAS PHARMACEUTICALS SA 2012 2013 7,960,831.00 € 8,187,138.00 € 1,979,672.00 € 2,179,017.00 € 5,587,461.00 € 5,749,892.00 € 4,307,786.00 € 6,486,802.00 € 869,573.00 € 1,429,979.00 €

Change (%) 2.84 10.07 2.91 50.58 64.45


A leader in education AKMI Group of Companies enjoys a leading place in Greece’s vocational education and training. The Group’s companies include: AKMI Vocational Training Center (KEK) The Center’s long experience ensures unique and multiple benefits for its associates, as AKMI Educational Group is always ahead of developments in the entire spectrum of educational needs. AKMI Vocational Training Institute (IEK) With an acclaimed 35-year-long course in the educational filed, AKMI IEK is a cornerstone for a strong vocational training, as it can uniquely respond to modern labor market demands for skilled, specialized and fully trained staff. Athens Metropolitan College Since 1982, the Athens Metropolitan College vision and mission have been to help students achieve their intellectual and cultural advancement. Reliably serving tertiary education, the College has been established in the minds of both parents and students as a top choice of quality university level education in Greece. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ΑΚΜΙ EKPAIDEFTIKI SA 2012 2013 19.039.558,00 € 19.101.235,00 € 2.795.759,00 € 2.174.485,00 € 6.946.668,00 € 6.456.759,00 € 6.804.556,00 € 4.007.845,00 € 3.554.567,00 € 5.540.939,00 €

Change (%) 0,32 -22,22 -7,05 -41,10 55,88

Diamonds 297



Turnover 31.554.101



Exporting to all 5 continents EPIRUS SA is one of the largest cheese-producing companies in Greece with a state-of-the-art production and packaging unit in the country’s northwestern region of Epirus, in Ammotopos, Arta. Approximately 25,000 tons of sheep & goats’ milk is processed annually at the EPIRUS plant. Products are exclusively represented in the Greek market by OPTIMA SA, belonging to the same group of companies. Besides its successful presence in the Greek market, EPIRUS SA is also highly active in foreign markets. The company nowadays exports to all five continents. Epirus SA is certified with the International Quality System ISO 9001: 2008 and International Management System Food Safety ISO 22000: 2005, standards issued by TUV Austria Hellas. The certification body Agrocert - O.P.E.G.EP has certified Epirus SA for its production of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) products such as PDO feta cheese and PDO Kefalograviera. Since 2009, Epirus SA has been certified with the IFS Food - Higher Level, a German standard for quality control and food safety. In 2014, all Epirus SA products were also certified with HALAL standards, allowing export to Arabic countries.


Contact Details 1, Sorou, 144 10 Metamorfosi, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 2102893775 Fax: +30 2102845937 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities


Lundbeck Hellas SA


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 44.943.132 96.956.097

EPIRUS SA 2012 33,632,027.00 € 1,755,494.00 € 3,733,646.00 € 31,397,438.00 € 5,714,490.00 €

2013 31,554,101.00 € 2,170,978.00 € 3,704,108.00 € 32,694,040.00 € 6,020,194.00 €

Change (%) -6.18 23.67 -0.79 4.13 5.35

A leader in mental disorders for 98 years Danish pharmaceutical Lundbeck is soon to celebrate a century of activity, with a 20-year significant presence in the Greek market. Lundbeck Hellas SA was established in Greece in early 1995. Drugs marketed in Greece by Lundbeck fall into three broad categories of pharmaceuticals for the central nervous system: antidepressants, antipsychotics and anti-dementia drugs. In addition, the company launches a number of other medicines in neurology. Lundbeck Hellas’ staff has grown from 18 people originally to 68 to date. Its headquarters are located in Athens, but the firm retains offices in Thessaloniki and local representatives in Eastern Macedonia, Thrace, Epirus, Thessaly, Central Greece, the Peloponnese and Crete. In 2013, Lundbeck took its first steps into a new field, in the EUwide circulation of Selincro® for the treatment of alcoholism. It has also launched a new treatment for schizophrenia in the US. In 2013, the Greek subsidiary saw its turnover rise to €44.94 mln, with net profits jumping to €2.14 mln, compared to €52.15 mln and €1.34 mln, respectively, a year earlier.


Contact Details 109 Kifisias Ave., Marousi, 14124, Athens Tel.: +30 2106105036 Fax: +30 2106105039 Website:

298 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

LUNDBECK HELLAS SA 2012 2013 52.151.659,00 € 44.943.132,00 € 1.345.816,00 € 2.148.920,00 € 18.341.850,00 € 13.112.594,00 € 5.596.045,00 € 5.596.045,00 € 14.870.946,00 € 15.327.004,00 €

Change (%) -13,82 59,67 -28,51 0,00 3,07



Turnover 18.412.613



Producing quality products Stavros Nendos S.A. has been manufacturing quality bakery products since the day of its foundation, earning its reputation with its reliability, customer service and flexibility. Dependable market supply is achieved thanks to a strong distribution network that is well-organized and staffed by highly experienced and skilled personnel. With its goal of excellent and fast service to its clients ever in sight, as well as the insurance of product quality during delivery, SELECT uses a fleet of 45 fully-equipped vehicles for product distribution. The company’s main facilities, covering a floor area of over 2,000 sq.m., are situated in the area of Paiania Attikis, from where products are distributed to southern Greece and the Aegean islands. The company’s activities include the following categories of businesses: fast food chains, food distribution companies, catering companies, restaurants, hotels and congress centers. Since 1995, S. Nendos products have been exported to countries such as Italy, Cyprus, Germany, Bulgaria, Belgium, Holland, Spain and Switzerland, while expansion plans include a number of new markets in other countries.


Sindos Industrial Park, 57022, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel.: +30 2310 798566 Fax: +30 2310 797366 Email: Website:

SELECT BREAD PRODUCTS STAVROS NENDOS SA 2012 2013 Turnover 18.295.242,00 € 18.412.613,00 € Profit Before Taxes 2.883.803,00 € 2.146.954,00 € Gross Profit 6.836.754,00 € 7.056.243,00 € Net worth 27.293.176,00 € 27.799.804,00 € Liabilities 5.598.154,00 € 7.220.900,00 €

Tobacco Products

Imperial Tobacco Hellas S.A.

Contact Details


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 57.394.268 96.956.097

Change (%) 0,64 -25,55 3,21 1,86 28,99

Impressive profit growth in 2014 Imperial Tobacco is a UK-originated international tobacco company, headquartered in Bristol, England. The history of Imperial Tobacco can be traced back to 1786, when tobacco company WD and HO Wills was founded in Bristol. Imperial Tobacco Hellas is a subsidiary of Imperial Tobacco Group, a leading international tobacco company. Imperial Tobacco Hellas is the center of Group activities in the South East Europe region, in charge of four additional markets apart from Greece: Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus and Malta. The company’s brand portfolio includes well known brands, such as Davidoff, JPS, Slim Line, West, Gauloises, R1, as well as Drum, Golden Virginia, Van Nelle and Rizla. According to its published balance sheet, the tobacco products company in 2014 recorded an increase of 3pc in turnover, while profit before tax jumped an impressive 94pc. Turnover rose from €57.3 mln in 2013 to €58.9 mln in 2014. Profits before taxes almost doubled from €2.1 mln. in 2013 to €4.1 mln in 2014.


Contact Details 300 Klisthenous Str., 153 44 Gerakas Attikis, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 66 15 055 Fax: +30 210 66 12 257 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

IMPERIAL TOBACCO HELLAS SA 2012 2013 59.173.378,00 € 57.394.268,00 € 1.800.071,00 € 2.139.512,00 € 14.063.427,00 € 13.672.176,00 € 670.000,00 € 670.000,00 € 48.126.141,00 € 49.541.703,00 €

Change (%) -3,01 18,86 -2,78 0,00 2,94

Diamonds 299


Chemical Products Industrial

Turnover 15.934.580



Exporting significant volumes ZIKO S.A. was established in 1986 and is based in the Thessaloniki industrial park, Northern Greece. Its privately owned facilities, covering a floor area of 17,000 sq.m., are located a mere 12km from the port of Thessaloniki, considered today as the largest port in the Balkans with regular container lines to all over the world. The company’s main activity is the production of fertilizers. Due to flexibility of the rising demands in the agricultural markets, ZIKO constantly expands its catalogue with new innovative products, also recording an impressive growth rate. Since October 2007, following the completion of a major investment, ZIKO’s storing capacity has risen to more than 45,000 MT of products in bulk, as well as 20,000 MT bagged in pallets, while its average production capability amounts to 1000 MT daily. Apart from its presence in Greece’s domestic market, ZIKO has a significant exporting activity to a number of countries, including Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, FYROM, Serbia, etc. In 2014, the company posted pre-tax profits of €2.4 million, up from €2.1 million in 2013. Turnover in the same year amounted to €16 million.


Contact Details


Thessaloniki Industrial Park (Road Α5), P.O. Box 1050 - 570 22 Sindos, Thessaloniki, GREECE Tel: +30 2310 799.727 Fax: +30 2310 796.664 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Chemical Products



Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 12.074.580 96.956.097


2012 10.852.067,00 € 351.628,00 € 1.168.036,00 € 8.184.550,00 € 2.387.381,00 €

2013 15.934.580,00 € 2.108.346,00 € 2.990.753,00 € 9.721.158,00 € 2.809.238,00 €

Change (%) 46,83 499,60 156,05 18,77 17,67

International sales to more than 45 countries Maris Polymers is an independent, privately owned polyurethane systems manufacturer and one of the leading European specialists in polyurethane liquid waterproofing products and cold curing polyurethane resins for construction, marine and industrial applications. Maris Polymers achieved its technological leadership by offering a whole range of special solutions and customized products. Founded in 1989, Maris Polymers SA is one of the fastest growing manufacturers of polyurethane liquid-applied waterproofing membranes and resins in Europe. Its stable growth comes as a result of its innovative and quality products, its highly specialized personnel and value-added services provided to its clients. Maris Polymers’ international sales expand to more than 45 countries in West and East Europe, Middle East, Africa, S.E. Asia and the Americas, where it operates either by affiliated companies or through close cooperation with local distributors. In the markets of France, Germany and South East Asia, the company operates under its affiliated companies Maris Polymers France Sarl, Maris Polymers Deutschland GmbH and Maris Polymers Asia Pty Ltd (Singapore), respectively.


Contact Details Inofita Industrial Park, 32 011 Inofita, Greece Tel.: +30 22620 32918-9 Fax: +30 22620 32040 Email: Website:

300 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MARIS POLYMERIS SA 2012 2013 10.266.915,00 € 12.074.580,00 € 1.043.540,00 € 2.101.287,00 € 2.404.141,00 € 3.295.166,00 € 3.664.689,00 € 3.184.102,00 € 4.132.570,00 € 5.960.916,00 €

Change (%) 17,61 101,36 37,06 -13,11 44,24


Metallic Products & Constructions Industrial

Turnover 39.093.033



Working locally, thinking globally KAMARIDIS GLOBAL WIRE SA prides itself as one of Greece’s largest polyurethane panel producers, as well as one of the modern and largest producers of black and galvanized wires and construction nails. The company was founded in 1976 as a trading company. Its current production capacity amounts to over 90,000 tons per year, supplied both to the domestic and global markets. Over the past decade, the company has managed to achieve recognition in both the Greek and international markets. At present, 60pc of its total production is exported to as many as 40 countries across the globe. KAMARIDIS GLOBAL WIRE currently exports to Europe, US, Africa, Balkans, and Middle East. The company anticipates its growth will accelerate in the future, especially in fastgrowing economies, such as those of Libya, Sudan and Paraguay. The company’s head offices and production facilities are located along the Thebes-Athens national road, on the outskirts of Athens, on a privately owned plot of land measuring 190,000 sq.m. The facilities themselves cover a total floor space of 27,000 sq.m.


Contact Details 4th km Thebes - Athens national highway Thebes, 32200, GREECE Tel: +30 22620 26766 Fax: +30 22620 25323 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities




Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 17.009.52 96.956.097

KAMARIDIS GLOBAL WIRE SA 2012 2013 50.805.170,00 € 39.093.033,00 € 763.365,00 € 2.088.937,00 € 4.884.345,00 € 4.814.236,00 € 27.462.657,00 € 37.318.832,00 € 21.026.300,00 € 15.635.918,00 €

Change (%) -23,05 173,65 -1,44 35,89 -25,64

Active in confectionery and baking since 1985 with over 95 representatives STELIOS KANAKIS SA has been offering unique and premium Confectionery, Bakery & Ice-Cream Ingredients and high level services for distinguished creations to Greek confectioners and bakers since 1985, with respect, loyalty and consistency, always bearing in mind the needs and interests of clients. Over this course, the company has experienced a long and steady course of continual growth and rapid evolution. At present, STELIOS KANAKIS SA holds the first place in the confectionery-bakery supply sector in Greece. The driving engine of this growth has always been the philosophy of quality and innovation in ideas, products and services.Today, STELIOS KANAKIS SA is the exclusive representative for supplies of raw materials to 26 top quality producers of confectionery, bakery & ice cream in Greece, Cyprus and the Balkans.


Contact Details 4, Anemonis Str. 13678 Acharne - Attiki, Greece Tel.: +30 210 2419700 Fax: +30 210 2462433 Email:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

STELIOS KANAKIS SA 2012 2013 17.101.568,00 € 17.009.528,00 € 1.375.387,00 € 2.265.533,00 € 5.608.808,00 € 5.833.490,00 € 16.743.902,00 € 16.776.761,00 € 4.196.337,00 € 5.042.508,00 €

Change (%) -0,54 64,72 4,01 0,20 20,16

Diamonds 301



Turnover 21.597.321


Contact Details


Representing more than 20 famous brands in Greece Uniflame S.A. was established in 1994 by Petros Ioannou. It was originally founded as an exclusive partner of Swedish Match, manufacturer of the Cricket lighter brand. In 2000 the firm expanded in the cigars and pipe tobacco sector, establishing exclusive distribution agreements with some of the sector’s most reputed businesses, such as Scandinavian Tobacco Group, Arnold Andre and J. Cortes. In 2004, the company enriched its portfolio by entering the tobacco accessories segment (filters and rolling papers) with Republic Technologies, Gizeh and Scandinavian Tobacco Group. During these years it gained a leading position within the sector with brands that are highly appreciated by consumers. Some of the brands of the company’s portfolio include: CAFÉ CRÈME, MACANUDO, LEON JIMENES, HENRI WINTERMANS, NOBEL PETIT, LA PAZ, HANDELSGOLD, FELLOWS, VASCO DA GAMA, WILLEM II, PRIMO, CLUBMASTER, NEOS, AMIGOS, BREAK, WHITE OWL, SALSA, SKANDINAVIK, BORKUM RIFF, SWAN Filters, OCB, GIZEH, etc. The firm’s vision is to retain a growing path and offer the market a range of brands that effectively respond to the demands of the tobacco sector.

15, Olympionikon Str., 153 54 Glyka Nera, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6000 686 Fax: +30 210 600 2787 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities




Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 15.252.925 96.956.097

UNIFLAME SA 2012 19.319.970,00 € 1.803.739,00 € 3.761.154,00 € 4.213.489,00 € 5.350.995,00 €

2013 21.597.321,00 € 2.059.397,00 € 3.926.978,00 € 4.921.389,00 € 5.608.009,00 €

Change (%) 11,79 14,17 4,41 16,80 4,80

Wholesale distribution in 35 countries Bodytalk SA was established in 1996 and is active in the sports clothing market. The company produces and sells its products under the brand names ‘Bodytalk’, ‘BDTK’ and ‘Bodytalk Kids’. All three brand-names are registered as international trade marks in several countries around the world. The product categories include classic and fashion sports wear for adults and children, jackets, bathing suits, accessories and shoes. The enterprise’s headquarters, production facilities and logistics center are located at a company-owned building measuring 3,000 square meters in Athens. In 2013, the company acquired an adjacent 2,000-square meter plot of land for future expansion. The company’s products reach the market through roughly 500 wholesale distributors and 32 retail outlets. Overseas, it distributes to 35 different countries in Europe, including Cyprus, France, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Belgium, and the UK, as well as Africa, and the Middle East’s Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, Lebanon, and United Arab Emirates. In 2013, Bodytalk established a new subsidiary company in Paris to facilitate its business activity in the French market.


Contact Details 36 Irinis, Tavros, 177 78, Athens Greece Τel: +30 210 3400000 FAX: +30 210 3400180 e-mail: Website:

302 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

BODY TALK SA 2012 15.326.068,00 € 1.905.212,00 € 7.754.160,00 € 9.293.544,00 € 6.552.587,00 €

2013 15.252.925,00 € 1.825.162,00 € 7.732.357,00 € 8.123.032,00 € 5.770.641,00 €

Change (%) -0,48 -4,20 -0,28 -12,59 -11,93





In a league of its own

Andreas Andreadis

Stavros Andreadis

Contact details Kassandra, 630 77, Halkidiki, Greece Tel: +30 23740 99400 Fax: +30 23740 99508 Website: E-mail:

304 Diamonds

SANI SA, a Greek family-owned venture founded 40 years ago by the parents of the enterprise’s current management, exemplifies a hotel business operating at a level of maximum efficiency. The company’s financial performance stands as solid proof. For yet another year, the business, owned by the siblings Stavros and Andreas Andreadis and Phaedon Zisiadis, posted a slight total turnover increase to reach just under 51 million euros. The company’s profit rose by 13% to nearly 8.5 million euros. SANI SA holds the title as Greece’s most profitable hotel business. Compared to the sector’s wider picture, SANI SA has floated well above the financial woes that have plagued numerous Greek hotel enterprises in recent years. But a marked improvement has been observed in the sector. Research conducted by Active Business Publishing in the hotel sector last year showed considerable increases in both turnover and profit. More specifically, a sample of 220 hotels in Greece showed that the sum of their losses incurred in 2012, an alarming amount of 147 million euros, was drastically reduced to 30 million euros in 2013. The total turnover figure of all 220 hotels, combined, rose by 17%, reaching just under 800 million euros. SANI SA controls the Sani Resort in Kassandra, Halkidiki, a breathtaking holiday location that offers escape to a natural environment where man and nature co-exist in harmony. The resort has been developed on a company-owned expanse measuring 450 hectares with a view of Mount Olympus and the Aegean Sea. Features include the Sani Beach Hotel, the Sani Beach Club, Porto Sani Village, and the Sani Asterias Suites. The resort’s marina and luxury villas built in the wider Sani area contribute to an overall setting that could be described as the country’s first fully developed tourism locale. SANI SA has also established a long-term collaboration with Oaktree Capital Management, a US investment fund managing over 80 billion dollars that is currently making a dynamic entry into Greek tourism-related real estate. The US investment fund, established in 1995 by Howard Stanley Marks and Bruce Karsh, has, in recent years, displayed a heightened interest for investment in Greekowned companies, particularly in shipping, tourism and banking. The fund is considered the world’s leading distress-debt investor. In 2008, it managed to accumulate 10.9 billion dollars to create the Opportunities Fund VII. Social security funds, foundations, and state investment funds represent Oaktree Capital Management’s main clients.


Hatzilazarou Group

One of the most promising hotel groups in the Greek Tourist industry

Ioannis Chatzilazarou

Contact details Kiotari Southern Rhodes 85109, Rhodes Greece Tel.:+302244047102 Fax:+302244047267 E-mail:

Hatzilazarou Group of hotels consists of 3 luxurious hotel resorts in the southern part of Rhodes. Lindos Princess Beach Hotel , Rodos Princess and Princess Sun. Hatzilazarou Group - one of the most promising hotel groups in the Greek Tourist industry, while for the Spa Wellness Center facilities, in Lindos Princess hotel, it acquired Afrodite Spa-Salon-Fitness. Situated in an ideal place in front of its private beach with crystal blue water and majestic beautiful Greek mountains in the background, Lindos Princess Beach Hotel is the perfect all inclusive resort choice for summer holidays in Rhodes. This family beach hotel is built in a tastefully modern design reflecting Greek Traditional architecture and is spread over a generous surface that features all the facilities and comforts, offered by an all inclusive resort, needed for a complete rejuvenation. It has in total 584 rooms and 20 luxurious suites. Rodos Princess Beach Hotel is the first hotel of its scale that was ever built in the south region of Rhodes. Capturing the most stunning location of Kiotari and overlooking the picturesque beach of Lagouni Bay this all inclusive family hotel has accommodated guests from all over the world, many of whom come back every year to enjoy the majestic landscape, the lively atmosphere and the hospitality of our staff. Rodos Princess Beach Hotel is a modern four star all inclusive beach hotel, ideal for couples and families that offers plenty of outdoor pools; some of which feature water slides, restaurants, bars, a lively animation team that makes sure to provide quality activities and shows for our guests and a general friendly and relaxing atmosphere that guaranties a memorable and stress-free holiday in Rhodes. This all inclusive family hotel is located in a quiet area and within a 20 minutes’ drive it offers plenty of beaches and the traditional Greek village of Lindos with its famous ancient acropolis. It has in total 356 rooms. Situated on a small hill with charming Greek mountain landscape in south Rhodes, the all-inclusive Princess Sun Hotel offers a panoramic sea view over beautiful Kiotari bay. With plenty of swimming pools, water slides, activities and newly refurbished rooms, this family beach hotel provides a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. The Four Star All Inclusive Hotel features fantastic facilities and excellent settings for both children and adults to enjoy a relaxing holiday in south Rhodes. Some of the services you can expect are tempting food and drinks available all day long, daily maid service, evening entertainment and kids Club. As a genuine all-inclusive beach hotel, beach facilities are in close reach, so our free shuttle buses go to the hotel’s beach (800 meters distance) every 30 minutes where you can enjoy crystal clear blue water, water sports and of course our all-inclusive beach Restaurant and Bar. Princess Sun Hotel is a smart choice if you are looking for great value for your holidays in south Rhodes. Princess Sun has in total of 195 rooms. Princess Sun Hotel is a proud member of H Hotels Collection.

Diamonds 305


FAIAX S.A. member of the N.Daskalantonakis Group - Grecotel FAIAX S.A. owns a portfolio of resort hotels in Corfu, Peloponnese, Crete, Rhodes and Halkidiki. It was founded in 1993 with one hotel and has since grown to include nine luxury and family resorts around Greece. The properties are under the management of Grecotel S.A. Faiax S.A. has demonstrated significant growth in profitability and increasing occupancy rates throughout the past years. According to Greek market statistics, FAIAX S.A. ranks as one of the most profitable companies in Greece for 2013 and the most profitable company in the hotel sector [source ICAP 2014]. The Properties: ➤ Corfu Imperial in Corfu ➤ Olympia Riviera Resort in Kyllini – Peloponnese Olympia Riviera Thalasso Olympia Oasis Mandola Rosa Ilia Palms ➤ Club Marine Palace in Panormos (Crete) ➤ Rhodes Royal in Rhodes ➤ Lakopetra Beach in Kato Achaea - Peloponnese ➤ Pella Beach in Halkidiki

Contact Details Kommeno, Gouvia, P.O. Box 306, Corfu 491 00 Τel.: +30 2661088400 Visit :

306 Diamonds



Top-class quality amid a magical setting Located on the north coastline of Crete, Village Heights Golf Resort is nestled amongst lush landscaped gardens and offers breathtaking views of Hersonissos. In true traditional Cretan style, studios, apartments and villas are beautifully designed to suit every taste. The resort is part of Sbokos hotel group. Village Heights Golf Resort offers a full host of amenities and features to ensure a restful stay. Guests can enjoy a wide range of leisure facilities within the Resort, including three pools (one indoor), a wellness center, kids club as well as numerous dining and entertainment venues. In addition, the Crete Golf Club is just 2km away, with incomparable views and special rates on greens fees. Located 30km east of Heraklion and within close proximity to all historical sites and landmarks, the resort is perfectly positioned for guests to experience the unmatched magnificence of Crete. Within easy reach, the town of Hersonissos offers small taverns, souvenir shops, bars and coffee shops. Besides the warm Mediterranean summers, Crete also mild winters full of sunshine, making the destination a perfect year-round getaway. The resort offers four styles of accommodation, offering options in size, location, view and ambiance to provide guests with the highest level of comfort and service. Each guestroom is designed with unique and refreshing dĂŠcor, to reflect the beauty and charm of a traditional Cretan Village. The self-catering guestrooms are beautifully styled, each with its own kitchen equipped with oven and stove, microwave, refrigerator, kettle, dishwasher, toaster, coffee maker and all necessary kitchen utensils. The Resort complies with the environmental standards of the Foundation for Environmental Education and was awarded with The Green Key for 2012 and 2011 and the the TripAdvisor Greenleaders Gold Award for 2014. Village Heights Golf resort has earned recognition to receive the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence for 2014 and CI Gold Crown Resort for 2011. The resort posted spectacular results for 2013. Total turnover rose sharply to 21.4 million euros from 3.8 million euros a year earlier. Also, the company managed to rebound from a loss of 675,000 incurred in 2012 to a profit of 4.7 million euros in 2013.

Contact Details Ano Hersonissos. 70014, P.O.Box 183, Crete, Greece Tel: +30 28970 29065 Fax: +30 28970 25395 Email: Website:

Diamonds 307


Grecotel – the leading luxury hotels & resorts in Greece The name of Grecotel is synonymous with quality hotels, personalised service, traditional Greek hospitality and being an advocate for environmental sustainability and the culture of Greece. Forty years since its formation, the N. Daskalantonakis Group is the most successful Greek luxury hotel group with properties in the most popular and picturesque areas of Greece. The 30 hotels are located in Crete, Corfu, Halkidiki, West Peloponnese, Rhodes, Mykonos, Kos, Athenian Riviera, Athens, Larissa and Alexandroupolis. According to Greek market statistics, the N. Daskalantonakis Group (including Grecotel S.A.) ranks as No. 1 Greek hotel group with 4.6% of total 5 & 4* hotel turnover [source ICAP 2014].

Nikos Daskalantonakis, Founder N.Daskalantonakis Group - Grecotel

The Group consists of four distinctive collections – Exclusive Hotels & Resorts, Luxury Hotels & Resorts, Boutique Hotels & Resorts and All-Inclusive Hotels & Resorts. Each hotel has a distinct character, with a strong focus on design, inspired by its stunning surroundings; many being close to notable Greek archaeological sites. The accommodation caters for every taste and whim: sea view rooms, family suites and bungalows with the option of a private pool and gym, and villas, known to have become the summer residences of the rich and famous. Grecotel excels when it comes to its service culture, always striving to surprise and delight. The warmth of Grecian hospitality is one of the many reasons guests return to a Grecotel resort year after year. The Privilege Club loyalty scheme was founded in 1996 as the first hotel loyalty scheme in Greece. Today it has over 500,000 members and is undergoing a major relaunch in 2015.

Contact Details Visit : 64B Kifissia’s Ave., GR-151 25 Maroussi, Athens, Greece Tel. +30 210 72 80 300, 210 37 43 600 Email: Website:

308 Diamonds

The Agreco Farm in Crete also belongs to the Grecotel owners. This is a pioneering example of a symbiotic relationship between organic agriculture and sustainable tourism. The Agreco Taverna has received numerous awards ranging from “Innovative Restaurant Concept” to “Best Organic Restaurant Worldwide”.



Psarou beach, Mykonos

WHERE GREECE IS MOST BEAUTIFUL! Grecotel is a collection of Greece's finest resorts, each individually designed and crafted, inspired by its own supreme beachfront location. Island retreats, enchanting waterfront palaces and contemporary haut chic resorts. Give your loved ones precious moments to cherish forever!

Olympia Riviera Resort, Luxury Mega Resort, Peloponnese





Corfu Imperial, Exclusive Resort, Corfu




Caramel, Boutique Resort, Crete






Leading force in Crete’s tourism sector Active in the tourism sector, the Sapounakis Pantelis company operates three hotels and a seaside fun park, all on the island of Crete. Lyttos Beach Hotel, Hersonissos, Crete. The Sapounakis Pantelis company’s Lyttos Beach Hotel is located 20 kilometers from Crete’s Iraklion airport, at Hersonissos, a renowned holiday destination. The hotel complex is located amid an exquisite setting. Located just five kilometers from the town and nestled within a vast and colourful 150-acre ​​ garden of palm trees and flowers that leads to a 350-meter, fully-organized, sandy beach, the Lyttos Beach Hotel is a stand-out attraction on the island. It features 347 rooms offering a view of the sea or garden (double rooms, quadruple rooms, family rooms and suites), four swimming pools, including a 50-meter pool, two restaurants, two bars, as well as 15 tennis courts, a mini football pitch, and a basketball court. Golfers can enjoy playing on the island’s most exciting 18-hole golf course, located five kilometers from the hotel complex. The golf course offers magnificent views of the multi-colored Cretan mountains. Overall, the Lyttos Beach complex could be likened to a mosaic created by sun, sea, sand, mountains, sports, fun, games, relaxation, fine International and Greek cuisine, and an extremely friendly atmosphere. Ikaros Beach Luxury Resort & Spa The Sapounakis Pantelis company’s Ikaros Beach Luxury Resort & Spa is located on a private beach in Crete’s Malia area, close to several regional attractions, including Stalis Beach, the Malia Palace, and Lyhnostatis. The Star Beach water park, another popular spot, is also located in the area. Highlights at the 249-room hotel include a fully equipped spa, indoor pool, and a children’s pool. All rooms are fully equipped with all modern features for a comfortable and relaxing stay. Star Beach Village The Sapounakis Pantelis company’s Star Beach Village, a 214-room hotel complex, is located in Hersonisssos. Offering direct access to the beach, the hotel, fully air-conditioned, is conveniently located within close range of major regional attractions such as the Aquaworld Aquarium and Stalis Beach.

Contact details Anisaras, 70014, Iraklion, Crete, Greece Tel: +30 2897029050 Fax: +30 2897023587

310 Diamonds

STAR BEACH WATER PARK The Sapounakis Pantelis company’s Star Beach water park, one of Europe’s most renowned seaside fun-parks, has been developed amid a specially designed 4-acre ​​ space along one of the peninsula’s most beautiful spots. It is a great place to visit for the entire family. The Sapounakis Pantelis company posted positive financial results for 2013. Total turnover increased by 16.98% to reach 21.59 million euros. It led to a pretax profit of 3.89 million euros.



The Greek hotelier who has invested 400 million The hotel chain “Mitsis Hotels” was founded by Mr. Konstantinos Mitsis in 1976 and represents the most important activity of the Mitsis Group of Enterprises, which is also active in the following sectors: textile industry, wine production, construction and publication.

Konstantinos Mitsis

History Bearing in mind the group’s versatile activities, the Mitsis Hotels logo is representative of the company founder’s attitude towards life, for the last 40 years or so: a forward-looking, target-oriented figure. The first knitting factory is established on September 5th, 1954. It signals the beginning of a long, successful career, which evolves at a quick pace. Achievements succeed to one another: textile industry, wine production, construction andmassmedia. While the first hotel unit only operates in 1976, today, hospitality has become the group’s main activity. The company counts 20 properties, 4-star, 5-star and deluxe City and Resort hotels, as well as 11 spa & thalassotherapy centres. Located in some of the most beautiful areas of Greece: on the islands of Crete, Rhodes and Kos, in Kamena Vourla in central Greece, and in Ioannina. The company employs 4000 staff, thereby playing an important part in the country’s tourism development and employment sector. In Athens maintains the hotel Sofitel, in Corfu in Roda Beach, in Ioannina Grand Serai, in Kammena Vourla Galini Resort, Crete Laguna Resort, Rinela Beach, Serita Beach, Kos Blue Domes Family Village Norida Beach Ramira Beach Summer Palace in Rhodes the Alila, Faliraki Beach, Grand Hotel, La Vita, Lindos Memories, Petit Palais, Rodos Maris, Rodos Village. We should note at this point that the group Mitsis since 2008 has invested 400 million Euro. the statements of its founder are characteristic, Mr. Konstantinos Mitsis on the web TV www.timetv. gr: «We have four new hotels, investing about 200 million euros. It is the last the Alila in Rhodes, Laguna in Crete, Blue Domes in Kos and the Grand Serai in Ioannina. In addition to those invested another 200 million for the renovation of 9 hotels by the chain of our brand new units. “ For the financial results of 2013 said: It was a very good year. Our turnover rose over 10%. We had the advantage of reduced costs because decreased salaries and social security contributions and all this allowed us to have a big profit. Our turnover amounted to approximately 150 million euro compared to 133 in 2012. Correspondingly, the gross profits across the group amounted to approximately 60 million euro.

Contact details 12, Filotheis str. 11147 Galatsi, Athens - Greece Tel.:+302102134644 Fax:+302102917672 Website: E-mail:

Diamonds 311



A luxury beach resort! In harmony with its awesome setting rises Mykonos Grand. A luxury beach resort inspirationally conceived to capture the essence of surrounding natural wonders and host the most welcome and appreciated guests with world class luxury. The Mykonos Grand Luxury Hotel & Suites offers the perfect setting for rare moments of romance, adventure, and excitement…and memories to last a lifetime. The word itself brings a treasure of valuable elements into our minds - azure beaches, the charm of landscape, the harmony of architecture, the unique Aegean light and the kind hospitality of its inhabitants. Mykonos is found next to Delos, a sacred island that was one of the revered religious centers of the Greek World. The luxurious resort is located on the beach of Ayios Yiannis, where the movie Shirley Valentine was filmed, just 4,2 km from Mykonos Town with the shopping areas and the world known night life, 4,5 km from the airport and 4,6 km from the port. Just 50m from our hotel entrance you can find the local transportation for Mykonos Town or to Ornos Beach. Upon your arrival, we shall be glad to provide you with transportation service and ensure a warm welcome and a comfortable accommodation to our hotel.

Contact details Ayios Yiannis, 84600 Mykonos Greece Tel: +30 22890 25555 Fax: +30 22890 25111 Website: E-mail:

314 Diamonds

Chosen by the gods!

Odysseia day excursions

Nidri - Lefkas Greece

Sun, Fun, Greek history and a delicious beach barbeque Make this a day of your holiday you will never forget! Email: Captain Gerasimos +30 6932 310 975

new times 27


Electra Hotels & Resorts

Increase in turnover by 20% for 2013

Gerasimos Fokas

Contact details 5 Ermou, 105 63 Athens, Attica Tel: +30 2103370047 FAX: +30 2103220310 Website:

316 Diamonds

The Greek group of Electra Hotels & Resorts contains 4 hotels, The Electra Palace in Athens (Plaka), The Electra in Syntagma square, The Electra Palace in Thessaloniki and The Electra Palace in Rhodes. All the hotels of the chain, “ELECTRA PALACE HOTEL ATHENS” (5*) was named after Electra, the character of ancient Greek theatre and literature who became a symbol for her love to her father. “ELECTRA PALACE HOTEL ATHENS” is located in Plaka, in the heart of the old town of Athens, only a few minutes away from the Acropolis and the Parthenon the new Museum of Acropolis, the representative ancient theatre of Dionysus, Herodion Theatre and from a number of important sights of the city. Also, it is located inside the commercial and business district, one can have a walk for shopping, coffee or entertainment, any time of the day. Access to the hotel from the Eleftherios Venizelos international airport or the port of Piraeus is easy, even with public transport. “ELECTRA PALACE HOTEL ATHENS” was recently expanded, refurbished and fully renovated to reflect the high-class and subtle aesthetics of the old aristocratic neighborhood which make it stand out among other hotels in Athens. It operates 102 standard rooms 33 of which offer a great view to the Acropolis, 9 Junior Suites, 10 Suites and 1 Presidential Suite. ELECTRA PALACE HOTEL (5*) in Thessaloniki, having undergone a complete renovation recently, is now fully equipped according to the latest international specifications. The hotel was awarded the “Silver Morpheus” as a best city hotel (Philoxenia 2008). The hotel’s unique architectural style towers over Aristotelous Square – which is Thessaloniki’s financial, cultural and commercial hub – a reference to the city’s rich byzantine history. It is located very near the most significant sights and monuments of Thessaloniki, just 300m from the White Tower and 800m from the Archaeological and Byzantine Museum, 1 km from the railway station, 15 km from the “Macedonia” international airport and a short distance from the city’s large exhibition center. ELECTRA PALACE HOTEL in Thessaloniki offers 130 rooms, 4 Junior Suites, 2 Superior Suites and 2 Executive Suites, all decorated in the neoclassical style. All Superior and Executive sea view rooms, as well as the suites offer a view to Aristotelous Square and the sea. The hotel offers non-smoking rooms as well as 2 totally nonsmoking floors. Built in 1974, and renovated in 2007, in an art deco style, the Electra Palace in Rhodes reflects the island’s Italian tradition. It is located on the west side of the island, on coast of Ialyssos, right next to the sea, near the traditional village Triantes and consists of two buildings. The hotel operates as a high standards Mediterranean resort hotel. The hotel offers three restaurants and three bars with a view to the sea and the swimming pool, a library, a conference hall and banquet hall with a capacity of 200 persons, sports facilities and, naturally, a beach with comfortable deck-chairs


Atrium Palace Thalasso Spa Resort & Villas, Lindos, Rhodes

Offering luxury accommodation with Spa wellness

Konstantinos Konstantinidis

Visitors to Rhodes, Greece who wish to be accommodated in a high-class 5 star luxury hotel with fine services and exclusive amenities are welcomed in the quality awarded Atrium Palace Thalasso Spa Resort & Villas in Kalathos Bay, Lindos. Situated in the tranquil bay of Kalathos Village, close to the picturesque village of Lindos, Rhodes this architecturally innovative 5 star luxury hotel combines luxury with its delightful blend of classical Greek and Italian styles. The architecture of the hotel resort is an expression of the distinctive blend of the island’s historical trends derived from the passing of centuries and civilizations. The 5 star luxury resort in the area of Lindos, on the Dodecanese island of Rhodes offers double rooms, junior suites and suites. Each luxuriously decorated and spacious guest room is situated graciously amongst a haven of inner courtyards and bridges. From every vantage point, the views of the Mediterranean Sea are simply breathtaking. Covering a space of over 2000sqm, in Kalathos bay near Lindos, the state of the art AnaGenesis Thalasso Spa Centre is unique and specially designed for absolute rejuvenation and relaxation. Escape into the idyllic world of The Atrium Palace, one of the most elegant resort hotels on the island of Rhodes, Greece with its stunning rooms, villas and AnaGenesis Thalasso Spa, a step away from the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. This nice location of luxury, romance, affluent accommodation, Thalasso Spa wellness, Thematic Restaurants, privacy and tailor made services is the beginning. Rhodes Island is your next cosmopolitan destination and the Atrium Palace your selection amongst resorts.

Contact details Kalathos, Lindos, Rodos, 85 102 Tel.: +30 22440 31601 Fax: +30 22440 31600 Website: E-mail:

Diamonds 317


Alkyon Resort Hotel & Spa

The opportunity to experience the pleasures of all seasons

Giorgos Politis

Contact details Vrahati, Corinthos, 200 06 Tel:+30 27410 52010 Fax:+30 27410 51166 Website:

318 Diamonds

Alkyon Resort Hotel & Spa presents the opportunity to experience the pleasures of all seasons, ideally located one hour from Athens, close to mountainous Corinth and 80 meters from the Corinthian bay. The Resort expands over 23 acres of land with 3 acres of palm trees and poplars, offering a range of recreational activities. With luxurious and beautifully presented accommodation, the hotel consists of rooms that vary from standard to deluxe with fireplaces and Jacuzzi, as well as cozy maisonnettes and spacious apartments with fully equipped kitchenettes. The beauty and luxury of the environment are essential factors for our health as they stimulate both body and mind. New modern ‘Sky lounge’ with comfortable sitting rooms, the ‘Sky Bar’, the ‘Sky Bar Restaurant’ and the 2 outdoor swimming pools with the combination of our excellent services are ready to offer you unforgettable enjoyment and delight. 2 Conference rooms with a capacity of up to 1100 people with natural light and the latest audiovisual equipment as well as meeting rooms for 10- 30 people with modern facilities and advanced services, guarantee successful conferences, exhibitions, meetings, gala dinners or social events. Escape to the ALKYON SPA CENTER and enjoy the innovative approach to well being. Select through a variety of treatments and massages for a unique experience in relaxation and restoration. The luxury environment of Spa Center offers a heated indoor swimming pool, a 6 pax Jacuzzi, 2 saunas, Turkish bath, hammam, spa jet, gym, coiffure, cabins for facial and body treatments and lounge area. Take advantage of the wine-tasting at the regional wine factories, horse riding and the impressive wooden Corinth Canal crossing. Your stay will be enhanced by history, luxury and culture as the hotel is close to the ancient sites of Corinth, Epidaurus, Mycenae and picturesque Feneos, as well as the artificial lake of Doxa and Trikala.


Kallithea Mare Palace

On the island of Rhodes, let the journey begin… A beach nearby, a fantastic pool scene, and postcard worthy views – this hotel ticks all the boxes. Overlooking a peacock-blue bay, this hotel serves up impressive views. Rhodes Town isn’t far away, either – it’s about a ten-minute drive. And when you want to explore a little closer to home, the famous Baths of Kalithea are about 800m away. The “Kallithea Mare Palace” is made with unique taste, built on the top of the cape of Kalithea, overlooks the wonderful bay of Kalithea with spectacular views out to Aegean Sea and across the Rhodes town and the famous “Baths of Kalithea”. The Hotel is surrounded by beautiful gardens, witch makes it an ideal place to relay and enjoy your Holidays. The decoration has been carefully selected and combined to create a tranquil and restful ambiance. The hotel combines several elements of good architecture with styles of the Aegean, which provoke a sense of tradition and authenticity. The Kalithea Mare Palace has been built to provide our guests with every comfort for a restful or energetic holiday.

Contact details 6th Km. Kallitheas Avenue, 85100 Rhodes, Greece Tel. +30 2241 068720 Fax. +30 2241 068512 Website: email :

Diamonds 319


Grande Bretagne

One of the most istorical hotels of Athens

Tasos Ηomenidis

Contact details 1 Vasileos Georgiou A’ str Athens, 105 64 Tel: +30 210 3330000 Fax: +30 210 3228034 Website:

320 Diamonds

With breathtaking views of the famed Acropolis and Parthenon, regal Constitution Square and the Parliament, lush Lycabettus Hill or the original Olympic Stadium, the multi-awarded 5 star Hotel Grande Bretagne offers an unrivalled perspective of Athens’ mythical history. The lavish rooms are appointed with the finest furnishings. The marble bathrooms feature a vanity counter, separate bathtub, and shower. Some rooms have balconies facing the Acropolis, and the daily changing of the guard at the parliament building. The historic GB Corner is recognized as one the capital’s famous hotspots. From Grande Bretagne’s rooftop you can see the original Olympic Stadium as you dive into the pool; the Acropolis from your barstool; the Parthenon as you sample the finest Mediterranean cuisine. The Grande Bretagne Spa offers a thermal suite, complete with herbal bath, grotto, ice fountain, couples retreat and indoor pool. Guests can indulge in ouzo oil massages. From private dining parties at The Cellar, to VIP airport transfer, the legendary Grande Bretagne prides itself on its service. Luminous & Inspired Hotel Rooms Not only do our interiors pay homage to our celebrated Greek culture with intricate moldings and classic décor, but each of the 320 hotel rooms and suites at the Hotel Grande Bretagne offers enchanting views of our courtyard or a spellbinding panorama of our city’s timeless landmarks. A Taste of Athenian Adventure Escape to the GB Spa Athens for an Ouzo Oil Massage or an indulgent respite in the Thermal Suite. Then venture up to the GB Roof Garden Restaurant & Bar for champagne as the sun sets behind the Acropolis - or down to The Cellar for a tasting of its 3,000 bottles of wine from the exquisite collection of the Hotel Grande Bretagne in Athens. Meetings & Events The ultimate choice for sophisticated business meetings and lavish social events in Athens, the hotel is offering state-of-the-art equipment & facilities, delicious cuisine & tailored services, to cover most demanding needs. Within over 1,100 square meters of refined function space, select amongst rick silk curtains & majestic chandeliers, vivid colored carpeting or gorgeous vitro-ceiling, antique wooden boardroom tables and leather chairs to add an exquisite touch to your next private meeting or fairy tale celebration.



Developers of Costa Navarino

Contact details 5 Pentelis St. 17564, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 9490200 Fax: +30 210 9490022 email: Website:

TEMES S.A. is a premier developer of luxury, mixed-use resorts. Through Costa Navarino, its flagship development in the region of Messinia, southwest Peloponnese, TEMES contributes to the establishment of Messinia as a world-class, high-end destination. Costa Navarino is the prime, sustainable destination in the Mediterranean. One of the most unspoiled and breathtaking seaside landscapes, this area has been shaped by 4,500 years of history. The Costa Navarino philosophy is driven by a genuine desire to promote Messinia, while protecting and preserving its natural beauty and heritage, which is why the building footprint at Costa Navarino will be less than 10% of the total land area. Costa Navarino comprises a number of distinct sites featuring 5-star deluxe hotels, luxury residences, conference facilities, spa and thalassotherapy centers, signature golf courses, as well as a wide range of year-round activities for adults and children which are unique in the Mediterranean. Extending over 130 hectares of gently sloping hillside, the first resort site Navarino Dunes is a stunningly beautiful west-facing location. Richly endowed by nature, the site overlooks a magnificent sandy beach that stretches for over 1 km, washed by the warm clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. It is home to two luxury 5-star hotels, The Romanos, a Luxury Collection Resort and The Westin Resort Costa Navarino; The Dunes Course – the first signature golf course in Greece- Anazoe Spa, a 4,000sq.m. spa & thalassotherapy centre; the state-of-the-art conference centre House of Events; specially designed facilities for children; as well as a variety of gastronomy venues, sports, outdoor and cultural activities. The second resort site Navarino Bay (140 hectares), will open in the near future. It is already home to the signature golf course, The Bay Course. Stretching along a magnificent 2 km seafront that affords breathtaking views of the Bay of Navarino, particularly at sunset, it is a place of outstanding natural beauty and enormous historical importance. Costa Navarino’s next development phase features Navarino Residences, a range of luxury freehold private properties, which will be situated within the award-winning Navarino Dunes resort. Further distinct areas will be developed in the future: Navarino Beach, Navarino Hills and Navarino Blue. Sustainable development Costa Navarino adheres to strict environmental protection guidelines and management principles, recognizing the significant contribution of a pristine natural environment to the development of a sustainable tourism product. The environmental management system of Costa Navarino covers all aspects of environmental protection by applying sustainable water and energy management practices, integrated solid & liquid waste management with an extensive recycling program and a number of environmental programs for the preservation of biodiversity and the protection of ecologically important habitats in the vicinity of Costa Navarino.

Diamonds 321



From 1/1/2012 and with new name the park hotel welcomed the upper scale world’s largest hotel chains ​​

Mari Deverikou

The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group, one of the fastest growing hotel companies worldwide, announced the Radisson Blu Hotel, Athens: The existing Athens Park Hotel will has been rebranded as Radisson Blu Park Hotel Athens on December 16, 2011. The property featuring 152 rooms is Rezidor’s very first hotel in Greece – the company is now present in Europe, Middle East and Africa. “Despite the recent crisis and still challenging times in Greece, hotels in the capital city Athens perform well. We are glad to arrive in Athens and to further strengthen our development in South East Europe”, said the President & CEO of Rezidor. Radisson Blu Park Hotel was fully renovated in 2009/2010, including most guestrooms and all public areas. Today, the property comprises 152 guest rooms, Gallo Nero restaurant, The Oak Room bar, St’Astra rooftop restaurant, and three conference rooms. It also features a rooftop swimming pool with stunning views across Athens and its famous Acropolis. The location of the hotel is in the northern part of the city centre, on Alexandras Avenue, which is one of the city’s main avenues and offers excellent access to the airport and surrounding area. The hotel is situated opposite “Pedion Areos”, the Athens largest park, and next to the National Archaeological Museum. The immediate neighborhood was redeveloped for the 2004 Olympics and is home to many offices and embassies. Athens’ old centre, the Acropolis, numerous museums and Kolonaki Square are all within walking distance. The owner’s statement Park Hotel is a leading deluxe hotel in Athens, operating for the last 37 years. The hotel has been through a major renovation during 2010 and is inspired by an urban nature concept with modern and innovative design throughout its premises. By joining the Radisson Blu family we look forward to a fruitful cooperation and future business development worldwide. Vassilis & Mary Deverikos

Contact details Alexandras Avenue 10, 10682 Athens, Attica Greece Tel.: +30 210 8894500 Fax: +30 210 8238420 Website: E-mail:

322 Diamonds

Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group is one of the world’s largest and most dynamic hotel companies. It has a fantastic portfolio of more than 1,340 hotels in operation and under development, a global footprint covering over 105 countries and territories and a powerful set of global brands: Quorvus Collection, Radisson Blu, Radisson, Radisson Red, Park Plaza, Park Inn by Radisson and Country Inns & Suites By Carlson. For more information on Rezidor, visit




Marinopoulos S.A.: Leading the way in the retail market

Contact details 63 Agiou Dimitriou, 17456 Alimos Tel: +30 210 9893 400 Fax: +30 210 9851 291 Email: Website:

324 Diamonds

Marinopoulos S.A. launched its first store in Athens, in 1962. Since then, the company has been holding a leading position in the retail sector, operating a network of 1.025 stores, employing 13.000 people in Greece and significantly contributing to the national economy and the local production. Meeting consumers’ needs has always been Marinopoulos main goal. All collaborations and programs are established towards this direction. Upgrading its network, introducing new store models, launching new innovative services and products, constantly implementing significant pricing offers, holding solid relations with local producers and suppliers are the pillars of the company’s corporate strategy. Business development is strongly connected with the company’s commitment to transparency, integrity and reciprocation for all stakeholders: consumers, suppliers, producers, employees and the society. In 2014, Marinopoulos invested over €18,8mn on the renovation the company’s network, upgrading 51 points of sale, improving

The company applies innovative and responsible operation for the consumers


its services. Additionally, the company invested on new –environmentally friendly- technologies as well as on Corporate Social Responsibility Programs. During 2014, Marinopoulos S.A. expanded the company’s network by introducing 202 new stores to the Greek market. Holding a franchise network of 564 points of sale Marinopoulos is a powerful and responsible franchisor; a safe choice for prospect franchisees. This expansion led to a more active representation of the chain in the Periphery, focused on popular touristic areas such as Crete, the Greek Islands, Northern and Western Greece. Furthermore, Marinopoulos maintains a long-lasting relationship with local producers and suppliers. In particular, 92% of the company’s suppliers come from the Greek market. In 2014, Marinopoulos collaborated with 113 new producers. Supporting quality Greek products holds a key-role in the company’s strategy. Marinopoulos’ Innovation Program of Greek products, is a sheer proof of the company’s commitment towards this direction. Marinopoulos S.A. is in constant pursuit of new relevant

opportunities and ventures, contributing to the growth and promotion of Greek products. In order to provide the best possible services to consumers, Marinopoulos has established several collaborations with leading companies in their sector. Pensioners making their purchases at the company’s stores may use “Elta Club Card” in order to shop with credit. “Pay On the Spot” service allows consumers to pay their bills in the company’s stores. Additionally, shop-in-shop initiatives offer extra services to all consumers; “OK bread” bakery chain and Kosta Boda are relevant examples. Sustainable operation, modern services, constant offers and support to local economies and societies were inextricably related to the 2014 development plan. Maintaining the largest strategically localized network is one of the company’s competitive advantages. Permanent upgrading of its services through innovation is Marinopoulos goal. It is the company’s aspiration to continue searching for opportunities and new “alliances”, establishing further its leadership in the Retail Sector.

Diamonds 325


Gabriel Chaleplis



“Luck is what happens, when preparation meets opportunity” Seneca

Contact Details Apartment 21, Suite 41, Charles Court, St Luke’s Road, Pieta PTA 1027, Malta. Τel. +30 697 8671 729 Website:, http:\\ Customer service Greece 8012224141

326 Diamonds

The internet has revolutionized practically every industry. It is both a channel and a mass medium to the Global Market. It deifies geography and its effect may be well witnessed in every aspect of human activity. What we now take for granted, back in the 90’s, when I started the B2B Gaming Platform, all this was not at all crystallized; back then, I had a fascination with the banking & investment markets, observing how the internet culture affected these sectors. It may have been that quote from Seneca that gave me the idea that gambling resembles the way stocks were traded. B2B Gaming Platform was born on the idea that betting and gaming deserve an industry-specific tool, a platform upon which to pursue the business, deliver powerful business advantage to each individual company in the industry, offer a safe and secure player environment that is legislation, culture and country specific; most importantly a platform which provides and welcomes fascinating play. By 1997, B2B was already a market leader in developing innovations on its proprietary gaming platform and we all took great pride in the technology involved, as it was not that common in those days to provide full customization in a complete management solution for the online betting and


gaming industry. Especially because we had to accommodate a variety of requirements, demonstrating reliability, while maintaining a high degree of versatility with a competitive edge for each of our different client users. In order for us to really expand upon these principles, we ourselves dared to take “the reality check” of the retail business as well. That is how our “retail brand” emerged, the well-known and highly successful BETSHOP brand. BETSHOP, not only clarified the entire philosophy, principles, code of professional conduct and status of B2B Gaming Services (the provider of the platform), it also suggested a pioneer model of operation, which revolutionized the standards by providing the benchmark for the relevant KPIs of the industry. BETSHOP, being today one of the most successful online & retail brands of B2B GAMING SERVICES, signifying what I like to call “the end of the digital beginning”, enjoys remarkable growth, pioneering in the future of the industry. BETSHOP entertains 700.000 active users, with an average of 6.200.000 betting slips per month, has an annual turnover of more than 2 billion euro and turned 54 million euro in betting duty taxes in Greece alone (2013 / 2014). I have this firm belief that the extent to which the online betting and gaming industry can operate as a legitimate tool of economic development, will depend largely upon the resolution of “conflicts” among “competing” perspectives. I have put this belief to the test for 20+ years of enterprising in different countries (the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Romania, South Africa, and Greece), being much rewarded from the performance of my initiatives. Since 2011, when we first started to operate in Greece under a transitional framework, I keep longing for a mutually beneficial and definite resolution. Until then I remain an optimist and pay my dues.

Diamonds 327


Fitco S.A.

A leading Greek copper alloy producer with significant international presence Fitco is a subsidiary of the Halcor Group and a leader in the Greek copper alloy market. With experience spanning more than sixty years, the Company invests proactively in research and innovative technologies, aiming to stay ahead of the competition in terms of productivity, product innovation and quality. Fitco employs a certified Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 and its products conform to the main European and US quality standards (EN, DIN, BS, NF and ASTM). Committed to sustainable development and environmental protection, Fitco employs certified systems in accordance with the Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:2004) and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001:2007). Fitco has significant international presence, exporting approximately 83% of its production, and provides exceptional support for its products, which are distributed to more than twenty six countries worldwide. The Company focuses on responding reliably and rapidly to changes in demand with the aim of achieving total customer satisfaction.

Fitco product range ●S olid and hollow brass bars (round, squared or hexagonal)

Contact Details e-mail: website:

●S olid and hollow brass

profiles ●B rass wire

Key data

●B rass wire and mesh for

fish farm cages

Fitco S.A. Year 2014 figures* Amounts in EUR million

Revenue (turnover) Sales outside Greece EBITDA Operating Results (EBIT) Income (Losses) before Tax Investments Market presence in: % Sales outside Greece *Fitco S.A. financials are included in Halcor Group 2014 consolidated figures.

328 Diamonds

●B rass tubes

59.4 49 (1.2) 0.75 (3.3) 1.1 14 countries 83%




‘’Edil plans to continue with investments’’ EDIL HELLAS Group of Companies was founded in Thessaloniki in 1985 with the mission to offer high quality products and services to the Greek market. Business areas include Natural Gas, Telecoms, and Waste Management. The company has offices and facilities which include modern warehouses in Thessaloniki in Industrial Area of Sindos, in Athens and in Larisa and currently employs more than 230 people. For all its activities Edil is certified for quality, environmental management, H&S and corporate responsibility according to the standards of ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS 1801, SA8000. Activity in the Telecoms market comprises services and solutions for the development and operational support of Fixed and Mobile Network infrastructures. Tower construction, installation and commissioning of mobile base stations, fiber optic and copper networks, licensing and maintenance are some of the services offered to most important Telecom Operators and technology providers. Another core activity is Natural Gas in which the company is product and services for the development of low pressure and medium pressure gas distribution networks. Natural Gas is considered a focus area and in the last years the company has expanded so as to cover midstream market also. New offerings include High Pressure Pipeline, SCADA, and Instrumentation, Smart Metering, and solutions for CNG stations and virtual pipeline. Finally, in 2014, the company received a license by RAE (the NRA) for the selling of gas both in on-grid and off grid areas. Since 2012 Edil also engages in Waste Management as a Licensed by the Greek State Operator to provide services for Municipality Waste Management, for the construction and operation of landfills, sludge and waste water treatment plants, recycling plants, biomass cogeneration plants. Evaluating the current economic environment Edil philosophy is to continue its investments to offer high quality products and services to its customers and to develop its core activities with the objective to increase efficiency and reduce CAPEX and OPEX for its customers.

Contact Details VOYLGARI 58, THESSALONIKI PO 54249 TEL. +30 2310 320777

Diamonds 329


Corinth Pipeworks Group

A leading steel pipe supplier of the global energy industry Corinth Pipeworks is one of the largest steel pipe manufacturers in Europe with a leading position in the global energy industry. Corinth Pipeworks began operations in 1969 and has since established itself in the production of medium and large diameter steel pipes for the transmission of oil, gas, and water, as well as the manufacturing of hollow sections for use in building and construction. The company offers reliable and technically sophisticated energy and construction solutions to demanding customers worldwide. Corinth Pipeworks vision is to further reinforce its leading position in the global steel pipe industry, to be acknowledged as a premium manufacturer and reliable solutions provider, to offer a nurturing environment to its employees, to contribute to the development of the local communities and to ensure maximum return for its shareholders. In line with this mandate, the Company maintains a strong focus on quality and innovation to meet or exceed customer expectations, an ongoing commitment to health and safety in the workplace, and a strategy that fully incorporates the principles of sustainable development.

Corinth Pipeworks product range Line pipes for oil and gas transportation

Contact Details e-mail: website:

Line pipes for oil and gas transportation are manufactured to meet the needs of the energy industry, enabling internal and external coating. Such products ensure corrosion protection and smooth flow of the transmitted energy resources. State-of-the-art equipment and extensive worldwide experience guarantee high production reliability and close tolerance dimensional accuracy of the pipes. Line pipes for oil and gas transportation meet international standards and specific customer quality characteristics, depending on their use.

Casing pipes Casing pipes are manufactured in accordance with the high frequency welding process (ERW/HFI) in compliance with international standards (API 5CT) and according to customer specifications in grades H 40, K 55 and J 55. The high frequency welding process (ERW/HFI) guarantees reliability in production and accuracy of dimensions within the acceptable limits.

330 Diamonds


Casing pipes are available to customers either with free ends or with an application of specific weld-on connectors.

Hollow structural sections Hollow structural sections are extremely important components in various types of engineering projects and, in particular, in metal constructions. The final products can have round, rectangular or square shapes, while their length is defined under customer specifications. Hollow structural sections are manufactured in accordance with the European Standard EN 10219-1.

Line pipes for water transportation Line pipes for water transportation are manufactured to transmit water to long distance networks and to distribute this water to consumption centres. Depending on customer needs, the pipes can be internally

and externally coated, thus ensuring corrosion protection and smooth water flow, in compliance with all hygienic and potable water requirements.

Services ● I nternal and external coating of pipes produced by other pipe manufacturers

●A ccredited laboratory for raw material

and pipe testing, according to ΕΝ/ISO 17025 ● I n-house corrosion testing laboratory for sour service applications ●W eld on connector facilities for casing pipes ●P ipe storage ●S upply of pipes or assignment of pipe coating outside the Group’s product portfolio to third party authorized subcontractors, in the context of major project implementation ●P ipe transportation

CORINTH PIPEWORKS GROUP Year 2014 figures* Key data Amounts in EUR million

Revenue (turnover) Sales outside Greece EBITDA Operating Results (EBIT) Income (Losses) before Tax Investments Market presence in: % Sales outside Greece (2014)

188.1 175 3.6 (4) (5.6) 51.51 34 countries 93%

* Corinth Pipeworks Group financials are included in Sidenor Group 2014 consolidated figures.

Diamonds 331


Halcor Group

A leading global producer of innovative and value added copper solutions

Contact Details website:

332 Diamonds

Halcor is a leading group of companies that specialise in the production, processing and marketing of copper, copper alloy and zinc rolled and extruded products, and cables. For more than 75 years, Halcor has been offering innovative and value added solutions that meet the evolving requirements of European and global customers in fields of plumbing and HVAC&R, naval construction and engineering, telecommunications, industrial production, architecture, and the automotive industry. With significant export activity in Europe, Asia, America and Africa, the Group operates nineteen companies in Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy, and owns nine production plants in Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania. Halcor products are known for their high quality and highly innovative features. The Group’s wide range of products includes copper, brass, zinc (zinc titanium) and alloy based bars, rods, tubes, sections, flats, wires, gutters, strips, copper wires, enamelled copper and aluminium wires, compounds, and a broad range of cables. Halcor has received approval from the Hellenic Copper Development Institute, which is supported by the international network of 24 copper centers ICA, to use the Cu+® brand, name and mark. Antimicrobial Copper Cu+® products constitute an integrated category of materials that are proven to be more effective than any other product, in continuously killing microbes that cause infections. The use of Antimicrobial Copper Cu+® in touch surfaces, as well as air conditioning and ventilation systems and medical gas networks has been proven to be more effective in the continuous elimination of bacteria that cause serious and dangerous infections, compared to the use of other materials. As a result of the Group’s strategic investments in R&D, Halcor is recognized as one of the leading copper producers in Europe, setting new standards in copper processing. The Company maintains a consistent focus on quality and environmental protection, and a strong commitment to the principles of sustainable development. In this context, all production facilities in the Group’s plants leverage advanced technologies to bring innovative products that are energy efficient and environmentally friendly to the market.


●C opper and brass sheets and strips for the

Halcor Group – product range Halcor offers a wide range of energy efficient and environmentally friendly products. ● Copper Tubes TALOS: Water supply, heating, natural gas, fire-extinction networks and air-conditioning facilities TALOS Coated Copper: Water supply, heating, floor (underfloor) heating, natural gas networks for water supply TALOS ECUTHERM: Water supply, heating networks, air-conditioning and cooling facilities and solar power systems, steam and industrial networks CUSMART: (flexible copper tubes) for water supply, heating, floor (under-floor) heating & cooling TALOS ACR: HVAC&R and solar applications TALOS GAS: (Coated) natural gas networks TALOS MED: medical gas networks TALOS ECUTHERM SOLAR: (factory-insulated) solar installations ACR TALOS INNER GROOVED: heat exchangers, air conditioning and cooling devices TALOS SOLAR Plus: solar absorbers ● Copper and Titanium Zinc gutters ●B rass bars rods, tubes, sections, flats and wires for applications in architecture, interior design, contemporary art, furniture, lighting, pumps, gutters, heatexchangers, plumbing, automotive, music instruments, etc. ● Copper and titanium zinc sheets and strips for architecture applications, such as domes, roof covers, exterior surfaces, gutters.

Key data

construction of electrical and electronic equipment, springs, parts and components for the automotive industry, boilers, solar energy collectors and panels, heat-exchangers, electricity converters, connectors, refrigerators, pre-rolled highfrequency cables, ammunitions, wrapping for fire-resistant cables, electrical cable wrapping. These products are suitable for marine applications, for the defense, petro-chemical, electrical, nuclear and medical industries, as well as for machining and special tools, cooking utensils, art and decoration. ●C opper alloys for the production of beakers, discs and coins. ●C opper bars, rods and strips for architecture applications, electrical and mechanical equipment, decoration. ●C ables for buildings, outdoor installations and industrial applications, transmission and distribution networks, installations with special requirements, marine applications, telecommunication and data transmission networks, renewable energy sources. ●P lastic and rubber compounds for the cable industry, production of soft water pipes, production of flexible spiral pipes, production of hard flexible pipes for electrical applications, rubber and plastic soles, flexible elastic and plastic profiles. ●E namelled wires for transformers, motorsgenerators, small motors, relayscoils, selfsupporting windings.

HALCOR GROUP Year 2014 figures Amounts in EUR million

Revenue (turnover) Sales outside Greece EBITDA EBITDA (adjusted) Operating Results (EBIT) Operating Results (EBIT) (adjusted) Income (Losses) before Tax Investments Market presence in: % Sales outside Greece

1,080 1,000 (5.2) 29.2 (28.7) 5.7 (73.0) 45.8 80 countries 92.60%

Diamonds 333


Sidenor Group

The largest long steel producer in Southeast Europe Contact Details website:

334 Diamonds

Sidenor Group is the largest long steel producer in Greece and Southeast Europe that meets customer needs worldwide, with steel product solutions that stand out for their excellent quality, high reliability and innovative features. The Group’s extensive product portfolio, which includes long and flat steel products, pipes, hollow structural sections and downstream products, is manufactured across 15 facilities in Greece, Bulgaria, Russia, FYROM and Australia. Following more than five decades of success and growth, Sidenor Group is firmly established in the international markets in which it operates and has built solid business relationships with high profile,global clientele. The key pillars of the Group’s business excellence include its constant focus on innovation, its consistency in delivering top quality solutions, its high production performance and its highly efficient commercial ability. Sidenor Group benefits from full vertical integration and aims to achieve optimal operational efficiency.


The Company is focused on the following core activities: ● Mini-mills ● Pipes, tubes and hollow sections ● Downstream operations and ● Sales and distribution Sidenor Group’s products meet the needs of its most demanding customers in Greece and abroad and stand out for their excellent quality, high reliability and particularly innovative features. Moreover, the Group’s production facilities are continuously upgraded and expanded with investments of EUR 860 million during the period from 1998 to 2014. Sidenor Group maintains its leading market position through unwavering focus on the non-negotiable quality of its products, the continuous emphasis on innovation and investments in state-of the-art technological equipment, and a customer-oriented approach to all its activities. Within this framework, the Group has applied a certified Quality Management System complying with the requirements specified in ISO 9001:2008. Sidenor Group product range

●S D integrated reinforcing system: The SD Integrated Concrete Reinforcing System represents

Sidenor’s approach to addressing significant demand for high ductility steel that provides increased protection against earthquakes. The system consists of: SD concrete reinforcing steel, SD stirrup reinforcing mesh, SIDEFIT special mesh, SD wire mesh, SIDEFOR and SIDEFOR PLUS prefabricated stirrup cages, INOMIX steel fibres and lattice girders. ●M erchant bars: Sidenor Group is the sole producer of merchant bars in Greece. Its portfolio of merchant bars consists of: hot-rolled square bars, hot-rolled flat bars of rectangular cross-section, hot-rolled round bars of circular cross-section, hot-rolled equal angle bars with round edges, I-section Beams (IPE), UPN channels. ●W ire rod: Wire rod of SAE 1006, 1008, 1010 grades, RSt37.2 and electrode quality, in cross sections from Ø5.5 to Ø16.0, suitable for a wide range of size reduction applications and in line with alllow-carbon wire production needs. ●S teel pipes – hollow structural sections: Steel pipes of medium and large diameter for pipelines and construction purposes, steel pipes of small diameter, and hollow structural sections (HSS). ●H ot-rolled flat products: Steel plates. ●S pecial steels: Hot-rolled round bars (diameter: 22-120mm), as well as turned and polished round bars (diameter: 30-115mm) used in the automotive industry and in various industrial applications. ●S pecial Profiles: Boron flats, THN Mining profiles, Ploughshare blades, Railway connections. ●O ther products: Double-twist hexagonal mesh (serasanetti), wire products (galvanized and black), welding products, steel balls, metallurgical by-products.

Key data

Revenue (turnover) Sales outside Greece EBITDA Operating Results (EBIT) Income (Losses) before Tax Investments % Sales outside Greece

SIDENOR GROUP Year 2014 figures Amounts in EUR million 822.1 633.8 23.0 (20.6) (54.9) 77.7 77.1%

Diamonds 335


Cablel Hellenic Cables Group

A leading European producer of reliable and competitive cable solutions

Contact Details e-mail:info@cablel.vionet .gr website:

336 Diamonds

The Cablel Hellenic Cables Group is one of the largest cable producers in Europe. The Company started its activities in 1950 as a Viohalco plant and in 1973 it was incorporated as an independent subsidiary under the name Hellenic Cables, expanding its production and trade operations. Today, the Cablel Hellenic Cables Group consists of Hellenic Cables S.A. which operates three plants in Viotia, Greece that produce cables, enamelled wires, plastic and elastomer compounds; the Fulgor S.A. plant in Corinth, Greece, which manufactures power cables, submarine cables and copper wires; Icme Ecab S.A., a power and telecommunication cable manufacturer in Bucharest, Romania and Lesco Ltd, a wooden reels and pallets plant in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. With a strong export orientation and focus on development of value added products, such as high and extra-high voltage cables and submarine cables, the Group makes significant investments towards enriching its product portfolio and enhancing its sustainability profile. In 2012, the Company completed a EUR over 60 million investment plan for the manufacture of high voltage submarine cables in Fulgor’s plant. The Company’s wide product range, which is sold internationally under the Cablel® trademark, extends to PVC, EPR and XLPE insulated power cables (rated up to 500kV), marine and low smoke halogen free cables, fire resistant cables, telecommunication, signal and data cables with copper conductors or optical fibres, as well as fire retardant halogen free plastic and elastomer compounds and enamelled wires. Wires and cables are supplied to a variety of international standards, such as VDE, CEI, NF, SEN, BS, UL, NEMA, JIS,

ASTM, DIN and ELOT. Many of the Company’s products are certified by ELOT, BASEC, VDE, IMQ, NF-USE, NETWORK RAIL, KEMA, DNV and UL. All Cablel® enamelled wires are manufactured and tested to the IEC 603170-1 standard; customers may also request any other recognised international standard. Technical know-how from world leaders such as the VISCAS Corporation is combined with continued investment in state-of-the-art machinery to ensure levels of efficiency and quality which meet the strictest standards. The Company’s Quality Management System is certified to ISO 9001:2008, its Environmental Management System to ISO 14001:2004 and its Occupational Health and Safety to OHSAS 18001:2007. Commitment to quality and sustainable development has been a key factor in enabling Cablel Hellenic Cables Group to establish a strong market position internationally. The Company’s highly experienced technical and managerial staff have a strong commitment to technological excellence and outstanding quality, which ensures that users of Cablel® products have made a reliable choice. The Cablel Hellenic Cables Group aims to constantly improve its offering and respond swiftly to changes in customer needs around the world with reliable, safe products, based on environmentally-friendly technologies. At the same time, the Group places strong emphasis on the development of its people and the creation of value for its shareholders, partners and the communities in which it operates. Looking ahead, the Group plans additional investments in technology and innovative cable solutions as a way of contributing to the creation of a sustainable future for its stakeholders.


Cablel Hellenic Cables Group product range ● Power cables ● Indoor installation cables ● Control cables ● Industrial and outdoor installation cables ● Fire retardant, fire resistant, halogen-free cables ● Medium voltage cables ● High voltage and extra high voltage cables ● Copper conductors for grounding applications and overhead Cu, Al and ACSR conductors ● Flame retardant Offshore and Marine cables ● Copper and aluminium rods ● Telecommunications and data transmission


● Gauging and control cables ● Copper conductor cables: Conventional tele-

phone cables - Telephone exchange cables - Data transmission cables – High frequency telephone cables ● Optic fibre cables (single-mode &multi-mode): Underground dielectric cables, in tubes - Underground dielectric cables, directly buried (steel reinforcement) Underground dielectric cables, featuring rodent protection - Indoor installation LSZH cables (central tube or tight buffered) ● Aerial installation cables (“8”-sized or ADSS) ● Signalling & railway signalling cables ● Submarine cables ● Medium voltage and high voltage cables ● Composite medium voltage and high voltage

cables with integrated optic fibre cables

● Optic fibre cables

● Plastic and rubber compounds ● PVC-based plastics ● Polyolefin-based plastics ● Elastomers

CABLEL HELLENIC CABLES GROUP Year 2014 figures* Key data Amounts in EUR milliom

Revenue (turnover) Sales outside Greece EBITDA Operating Results (EBIT) Income (Losses) before Tax Investments Market presence in: % Sales outside Greece

359.4 266.3 (10.7) (20) (37.9) 31 50 countries 74%

● Enamelled wires ● Winding wires for electric motors and transform-


● Copper wires for grounding earthing and can-

making Applications: ● Cables used in: ● Buildings ● Outdoor installations and industrial applications ● Transmission and distribution networks ● Installations with special requirements ● Ships and marine applications ● Telecommunications and data transmission networks ● Renewable energy sources ● Island - continental system interconnections ● Offshore wind park interconnections ● Enamelled wires are used in: ● Transformers ● Motors – generators ● Small motors ● Relays – coils ● Self-supporting windings-avoids varnish impregnations ● Compounds are used in: ● Cable industry ● Production of soft water pipes ● Production of flexible spiral pipes ● Production of hard flexible pipes for electrical applications ● Rubber and plastic soles ● Flexible elastic and plastic profiles Turnkey solutions Cablel Hellenic Cables Group has the necessary know-how to develop and offer turnkey solutions that meet specific demands of its customers. The Company provides: ● Design and manufacture of products according to customer requirements and project specifications ● Provision of special equipment needed for cable connections and termination of cable ends ● Transportation and installation of cables at the project site ● Civil works required for installation and protection of cables ● Testing, initial operation and delivery of the system to the customer (commissioning) ● Full project management ● Customer staff training in system operation and maintenance ● Provision of maintenance / support to the customer

* Cablel Hellenic Cables Group financials are included in Halcor Group 2014 consolidated figures.

Diamonds 337



Sales in excess of €130 million in 2014

Vasilis Gounaris, CEO at BASF HELLAS

Contact Details Paradeisou 2 & Kifisias, 15125, Marousi Tel.: +30 2106860100 Fax: +30 2106860200 Website:

338 Diamonds

At BASF, we create chemistry – and have been doing so for 150 years. Our portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection products to oil and gas. As the world’s leading chemical company, we combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. Through science and innovation, we enable our customers in nearly every industry to meet the current and future needs of society. Our products and solutions contribute to conserving resources, ensuring nutrition and improving quality of life. We have summed up this contribution in our corporate purpose: We create chemistry for a sustainable future. BASF had sales of over €74 billion in 2014 and around 113,000 employees as of the end of the year. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (AN). About BASF in Greece BASF Hellas S.A. is the operating company in Greece, belonging to the BASF Group. We help our customers in key industries, like the agricultural and industrial sector, to be more successful, by offering them innovative and sustainable products and solutions. BASF had sales in Greece of over €130 million in 2014 and around 74 employees as of the end of the year. BASF Hellas S.A. portfolio ranges from Crop Protection products, Care Chemicals, Performance Materials, Intermediates and Monomers to Petrochemicals and Dispersion & Pigments. Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at and Sustainability We have recognized sustainability as a significant driver for growth. By integrating sustainability considerations into our decision-making processes, we optimize our business and contribute to long-term economic success. We accomplish this by, for example, embedding sustainability into our organization with clearly defined responsibilities. Our sustainability management has three duties: We want to identify significant topics early on, take advantage of business opportunities, and minimize risks. Further information on Sustainable Development at BASF is available on the Internet at www.basf. com/sustainability



Representing Audi with 19 authorized Audi dealers

Steven Sirtis, General Manager at KOSMOCAR S.A.

KOSMOCAR S.A., established in 1970, is the official importer and distributor of VW and AUDI automobiles in Greece. During these years the firm has managed to carve out a successful track record in the Greek automotive market, creating a sense of security and confidence to customers of the popular VOLKSWAGEN and AUDI automobiles. It was also the first company in the Greek automobile market to create an entire network of dealerships on an integrated 3-segment operation basis (sales, service and spare parts). This highly successful presence of KOSMOCAR in Greece led to the expansion of its partnership with the VOLKSWAGEN AG group. In June 2006 it took on the representation of BENTLEY, while in March 2008 it was designated the official Repairer of Lamborghini and one month later, in April 2008, was selected to represent Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. In January 2013, only a few months after the acquisition of the legendary motorcycle manufacturer Ducati by the Audi AG through its subsidiary Lamborghini S.P.A., Kosmocar S.A. now represents Ducati in Greece and Cyprus. The philosophy of Kosmocar is based on transparency, friendly relations, proper and honest treatment of customers, in conjunction with the highest standards of service rendering. These activities and philosophy fully support the brand Audi, which has traditionally linked its name with the continuous progress and German technology and is known worldwide for its quality products and services. 2009 was a landmark year for Audi since it celebrated 100 years of development and creation. The core value of the brand, “Vorsprung durch Technik”, includes three aspects which have traditionally established Audi as one of the leading luxury car manufacturers around the world for many decades: Sport, Progressive and Sophisticated. Audi’s mission is to become the most successful luxury brand in the automotive industry, offering advanced products and services, having the most satisfied customers, as well as the best and most dynamic partners worldwide. KOSMOCAR SA represents Audi in Greece with 19 Authorized Audi Dealers Audi & 31 Authorized Service Partners, established in modern exhibitions and service areas throughout Greece, and well trained staff.

Contact Details 566 – 568, Vouliagmenis Av. 164 52 Argyroupoli Tel. 210 99 81 111 Fax: 210 99 81 130 E-mail: Website:

Diamonds 339



35 years of commitment to supporting the development of pharmacists

Thanasis Mouxtis

Contact Details 98 Ag. I. Renti, Agios Ioannis Rentis, 18233 Tel.: +30 2104830291 Fax: +30 2104813995 Email: Website:

340 Diamonds

The PEI.FA.SYN. group (Pharmaceutical Cooperative of Piraeus) ranks among the 3 biggest and faster growing companies in the area of pharmaceutical and O.T.C. trading in Greece. Despite its growth through the years, from 1980 when established, it has never kept away from its original mission: to offer its clients, the full range of products they trade, at the most competitive prices, and always deliver in the fastest and safest way. At the same time PEI.FA.SYN. supports the growth of its pharmacies members by providing education, I.T. services and focused promotional campaigns. PEI.FA.SYN. is based on its privately owned facilities, in Rentis, a district of port-city Piraeus, that cover an area of 3.000 m2 and has three subsidiaries companies, SY.FA.PEL. based in Argos, SY.FA.KO. based in Korinthos and SY.FA.SAMOU based in Samos. It covers the needs of pharmacies in the regions of Attica-Piraeus, Argolida, Arkadia, Korinthia and Samos-Ikaria in the most efficient and flexible way. It also has a service provider affiliated company, MEDI – SYN. that offers advisory and organizational services to pharmacies.With a regular staff of 178 employees, the PEI.FA.SYN. group , is serving on a daily basis, a clientele of more than 700 pharmacies. PEI.FA.SYN. holds an ISO 9001:2008 Certificate, conforms to the guidelines for good distribution practices of medical devices (1348/04) and operates under the European “Good Distribution Practice of Medicinal Products”.On a daily basis the PEI.FA.SYN. group processes 50.000 order lines, 3.000 orders and manages a wide portfolio of products (20.000 skus). The PEI.FA.SYN. group has made large investments in infrastructure and high technology equipment. Two automated picking machines, installed by Knapp Logistik Automation Gmbh, in 1998, together with RF- terminals in manual picking stations, allow PEIFASYN to serve effectively its clientele. The company operates the ORACLE Enterprise Resource Planning system (E-Business Suite) to facilitate information flow between all business functions, as well as the demand forecasting and inventory management system “Syncron”, to meet the challenges of stock shortages in a market were shortages have to be immediately addressed.PEI.FA.SYN.΄s pharmacists are now joining the “Green Pharmacies” network of cooperative pharmacies, a network with high quality products and services that focuses in meeting the needs and interests of the patient and strengthen further more the bonds between pharmacists and patients. Pharmacists are Health Coachers and are committed to deliver care in a patient-centered approach. The PEI.FA.SYN. group not only aims to stand out as a remarkable organization, but also strives to make a difference by offering support to fellow citizens in need, while also operating as an environmentally responsible company.The PEI.FA.SYN. management team, is committed to innovation, excellence and continuous development. The cooperative΄s balance sheet for 2014, presented a total turnover of 170 million euro and net profit of 1,4 million euro.



Fastest growing pharmaceutical company in the generic prescription pharmaceuticals market

Antonis Efmorfiadis

Contact Details Paster 6, Abelokipi, Athens, 11521 Greece Tel. +30 210 6413160 Fax +30 210 6445375 E-mail:

Medochemie Hellas, which is a subsidiary firm of Medochemie Ltd, is a fast growing, dynamic company in the Greek Generic pharmaceutical area. Medochemie Ltd, a multinational pharmaceuticals firm based in Cyprus develops, licenses, manufactures, markets and distributes branded generic and super-generic pharmaceutical products since 1976. Medochemie Ltd has 11 manufacturing plants, it maintains 3,800 marketing authorization licenses for 630 different pharmaceutical products, in over 10 therapeutic categories, which are distributed throughout the world, in more than 100 countries. The business activities of Medochemie Hellas, which employs more than 50 associates, are focused on the areas of generic prescription pharmaceuticals in both hospital and private sector. The firm offers a range of some 30 products mainly in the categories of central neural system, cardiology and pathology. Medochemie Hellas is based in its privately owned premises in Athens center. Vision During 2011, Medochemie went through a massive reform and a vision was formed in which all employees believed and took active part in. That vision was: “Medochemie Hellas will be the fastest growing generic pharmaceutical company in Greece” Medochemie’s working environment promotes meritocracy, stability, prosperity, growth and evolution. Values & Strategy Medochemie Hellas’s values are: ➤ Passion for achievement ➤ Responsibility ➤ Entrepreneurship ➤ Interest for human (society) ➤ Team spirit ➤ Innovation ➤ Focus & Fast action Medochemie Hellas’s strategy is to focus on: ➤ Product quality ➤ Establishing rules and procedures. ➤ Selection and continuous training of capable employees ➤ Emphasis on consistency and consequence After a remarkable 3 year evolution, Medochemie Hellas was awarded a distinction for being: “The fastest growing generic pharmaceutical company in Greece for the past 3 years, struggling in a negative environment.” This was the reward for a remarkable growth, shown below: ➤ Medochemie Hellas: From 34th place in the Greek generic market in 2011, to the 9th place in December 2014 ➤ From a market share of 0,8% in values in 2011, to a market share of 2,1% in December 2014 ➤ Average growth 2011-2014 of 30% ➤ Total growth for the period 2010-2014 : 125,4%, whilst the market grew negatively : -1,6% ➤ Medochemie Hellas actual sales in euros : 2010 : 3.300.000 / 2014 : 8.680.000 ➤ So far for 2015 the growth of Medochemie Hellas is 38,5% (IMS Values YTD 04/2015) Social Responsibility Medochemie believes in growth with a human face. As part of this conviction, our company has donated medicines to several organizations, such as “Doctors of the World”, Citizen-run health clinics and pharmacies and Church-run health clinics and pharmacies, as well as the organization “Pharmacists of the world”.

Diamonds 341



Reliable supplier of Greek agricultural products to major international markets

Jenny Giftea

Contact details Vasilissis Sofias 95, 11521 Athens, Greece Tel: +30 2106423614 Fax: +30 2106423349 Email: Website:

342 Diamonds

AGRO.VI.M. S.A. was established in 1994 as a continuation of the original company founded in 1964 by Andreas Gyfteas. During its first years of operation, the company mainly processed olive oil from Kalamata region. Following a succession of strategic investments, the company increased its productivity and significantly improved its international competitiveness whilst ensuring that the initial vision to offer products of exceptional attributes and traditional taste were not compromised. Today, AGRO.VI.M is one of the largest olive oil producing companies in Greece and one of the leading export companies of the country with an annual turnover of 30million Euros. AGRO.VI.M processes, packages and delivers Greek agricultural products worldwide, mainly from the Messenia area such as Kalamata PDO extra virgin olive oil and Kalamata PDO olives. It also offers a great variety of other PDO-Protected Designation of Origin Extra Virgin olive oils (SITIA, PEZA), PGI-Protected Geographical Indication Extra Virgin olive oils (LAKONIA); Organic Extra virgin Olive oil, PDO Kalamata & PGI Lakonia; Pure Olive Oil; Kalamata olives and other types; Organic Kalamata Olives; Kalamata and Green Olive paste; Blends of Olive oil; Gift basket; Dried figs; Mediterranean Gourmet Food; Antipasti. AGRO.VI.M typically buys in excess of 50% of the PDO Kalamata olive production of Messenia - one of the most well-known and awarded olive varieties of the country-, more than 50% of the PDO Kalamata extra virgin olive oil production and almost 30% of the total olive oil production of Messenia. The company continuously offers new products inspired by the design tendencies and the highest quality standards. ILIADA is the first Greek brand to open all paths to the Greek quality in the international markets and is honored with many awards. The new aromatized olives oils are proposed by great Chefs and food writers and have conquered the food lovers who seek for high-end products in very elegant packages. Other brands targeting international and domestic markets are Olvion, Olive Art, Erato, Delphi, Elina, Jenny’s and Elaionion. AGRO.VI.M. is a reliable supplier of Greek products to major international markets, exporting own brands and private labels to more than 50 countries worldwide: USA, Canada, EU, Australia, Japan, China, South Africa, North Africa, Middle East, Brazil, Hong Kong, to name a few. Via the optimized supply chain network, the company timely provides customers with the right premium quality goods and at the same time respects the environment, by reducing overall carbon footprint. The company adheres to ISO 9001:2008; 4001:2004; 22000:2005 (HACCP); 2005:2001; BRC; BIO Hellas; Kosher.



His purpose, the recognition of the qualitative supremacy of Greek olive oil worldwide

Gregory Antoniadis

SEVITEL, a non profit organization and the leading body representing private industry in the field of Olive Oil in Greece, can claim a 50 year old history. SEVITEL’ s numerous members include the largest Greek processing and packaging industries as well as Olive Oil Exporters. With the purpose of aiding its members in the production and marketing of a quality product it is immediately involved in activities conducive to the overall amelioration of the sector. Under the legal status of a Professional Association it performs the following: ● It is the legal representative of the industry before all authorities - national and European (EU). ● It follows national and EU legislation and issues guidelines to its members regarding standards and EU Regulations. ● It informs and through trained personnel, assists members in questions of promotion and legislation. ● It sets up expert committees and panels regarding Olive Oil quality features. ● It functions as a data bank on issues related to the olive oil market (national and international). ● SEVITEL is also widely involved in financing scientific research regarding the specific attributes of Olive Oil in relation to health. Sevitel participates in part-financed Programs (European Union – Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food - SEVITEL]) for the briefing - information and promotion of olive oil in the internal market of the European Union and in non-EU countries since 2000 The total activities of SEVITEL in combination with the efforts that does the entire sector for the growth of Greek Industry of Olive oil had as consequence the recognition of qualitative supremacy of Greek olive oil per the world.

Contact Details 15Α Xenofontos, 105 57 Athens, Attica Tel: +30 210 32 38 856 FAX:+30 210 32 46 408 Website: Ε-mail:

Diamonds 343



Ranked among the largest European companies in its sector Dem. Golemis Co. was founded in 1925 as a commercial business operating in Central and Eastern Europe. Anticipating the increasingly vital part that air transport would play globally, the company’s founder, Demetrios Golemis, signed the first agreement with LOT Polish Airlines in 1955 for the exclusive representation of foreign airlines in Greece. Since then, the development and expansion of its activities were continuous. In 1971, the company was renamed as Goldair. Today, an ever expanding range of services in the fields of tourism, airlines` representation, ground handling, cargo & logistics and renewable energy sources is offered, establishing Goldair among the largest European groups of companies in the aforementioned sectors. In Goldair Group, we always aim to improve our services. After sixty years of successful operation, we can satisfy any demand in the fields we operate. Each day, we go beyond geographical as well as personal boundaries, with one dream in mind: to get as far as possible.

Kalinikos Kalinikos

Contact Details 1st km Peanias - Markopoulou Avenue 19002 Attica, P.O. Box : 126 Tel: +30 210 3274610 Fax: +30 210 3239972 Website:

344 Diamonds

With an established and recognized presence in the European market, Goldair Group offers a continuously expanding range of services: ● Representation of foreign airlines in Greece. ● Organization of congresses, meetings, incentives exhibitions and events. ● Incoming and outgoing tourism. ● Aircraft chartering ● Ground handling services for aircrafts, passengers and cargo. ● Airport security services. ● Cargo forwarding, warehousing, management and distribution (logistics). ● Green environment technology In detail, the companies of Goldair Group: ● Goldair (Airlines Representation) ● G.A.S (Global Aviation Services -Airlines Representation) ● APG Hellas ( Airlines Representation) ● Goldair Handling (Ground Handling Services, present in 26 airports within Greece) ● L.G.S. Handling Cyprus (Ground Handling Services, present in Larnaca & Paphos airports in Cyprus) ● Goldair Handling Bulgaria (Ground Handling Services, present in Sofia ,Burgas and Varna airports in Bulgaria) ● Brink’s Aviation Security Services ( in 7 airports in Greece) ● Goldair Cargo (Freight Forwarding & Logistics Services ) ● Hellas Logistics (Freight Forwarding Services) ● MedLog (Logistics Services) ● Rail Cargo Logistics Goldair (Rail Transportation & Logistics Services) ● Goldair Tourism ( Corporate & Marine Travel Services, Incentives, Congresses, Events, DMC, Medical Tourism) ● Goldeco (Renewable Energy Sources)


Yannidis Group

55 years in the production of paints and varnishes

Constantine Yannidis

Contact Details P.O Box 139 Imeros Topos GR 19300 Aspropyrgos T. +30 210 5589 500 F. +30 210 4835 007 E-mail: Website:

Yannidis Group consists of three companies today, VITEX in architectural paints production and sales, Hermes in waterproofing materials and chemicals and VitexTherm in external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS). The group activities started back in 1932 in Piraeus-Athens (Greece). In 1960 the company expanded its business to the production of paints and varnishes. VITEX brand was born! It was the company’s first product in this industry. The company then was named ERMICHROM and VITEX was at the time a pioneering plastic paint color. Today the group has operations in different parts of Greece and the neighboring Balkan States of Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania. The Group consists of 215 employees in sales, production, exports, marketing, quality control, product safety and research. It is one of the biggest of its kind in Greece and has been the recipient of a significant number of prestigious awards. VITEX is the largest Greek manufacturing company concerning decorative paints in terms of sales and production. Headquarters of the group are located in the latest industrial site of Aspropyrgos (finalized in 2008), near Athens. The production sites and buildings of the group are company owned sites, a sign of the high capitalisation of the group. The facilities host two individual production units, a logistics center, new R&D lab and group’s headquarters. On this production site, we have set high standards in terms of productivity, technology, health safety and environmental performance. During the past decade a substantial investment in modernizing the production included the establishment of a state-of-the-art color production plant for VITEX paints. This made the group strong and flexible to face off the challenges presented by a continuously changing business environment. Believing in the potential of penetrating more markets, the group has drawn up an action plan for the expansion of the company in several countries, in an effort to make their Greek trade mark internationally known. Our brand “VITEX” is very well known in the professional and DIY markets. After focusing in the expansion to neighbor countries like Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania, the group is now aiming to use the positive experience gained and the available production capacity to expand to other countries, although we are already exporting to Albania, Georgia, Russia, Cyprus, Denmark, India, Australia and recently to the Czech Republic, Canada, Belgium and other countries. VITEX has also launched its Colorfull system, installed throughout its partner’s network aiming to answer all customer needs regarding colors and shades, for immediate delivery, through a computer-assisted procedure and with the use of specialized equipment. VITEX fulfils the commitment and adopts high occupational standards in health and safety processes according to the triple standard of Quality, Environment and Health & Safety (ISO 9001/14001/18001). Targeting the development and application of efficient Management Systems in a combined form and a common manual VITEX expands the ISO 9001:2008 (Quality) and ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental) to OHSAS 18001:2007 (Health & Safety). Also, all products and production are fully harmonized with the corresponding European Legislation.

Diamonds 345



Annual output of pharmaceutical products at 4.5 million units

E. Colocotronis

Contact Details 37, Pireos Str., 18346 Moschato, Athens, Greece Telephone: +302104819311 Fax: +302104816790 Email: Website:

346 Diamonds

ADELCO was established in 1934 for the manufacture of dyes and allied chemicals. In 1948, a large division was added for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and later for toiletry cosmetics. In the 1970s, Adelco becomes one of the largest Greek pharmaceutical companies by creating superior quality pharmaceutical products like Stedon, Filicine, Minitran, Paroticin and Salopyrine, while simultaneously the same was happening to cosmetics with OM-OR, the first shampoo that established in Greece and the other cosmetic products of Adelco. A part of Adelco’s products, is exported to countries of Africa, Eastern Europe and to the Middle & Far East. In 1983, Mr. Evangelos Colocotronis takes over the administration of Adelco, owner of the company. The company produces annually approximately 4,500,000 of about 50 pharmaceutical products , branded generics and unique combinations in various pharmacotechnical forms, which cover a wide therapeutic spectrum and also 50 forms of toiletry cosmetics like Adelco kids (for children), Intense Spa (for women), Velvet hand & body and the Adelco Men’s Concept (for men). After 2013, the objective of the company, is to acquire new collaborations with Greek and foreign companies. It has already expand its sales in other sectors, such as food supplements, which are imported from Canada, natural cleaning products, which are imported from America and manufactures Stevia with raw material that is imported from Paraguay. Finally, Adelco continuing the policy to social dividend, as did it’s founders all of the previous years, provides free medicines to the Principle of Church, Athens Medical Association, supports thoroughly the Pharmacy Community of Moschaton and grants significant monetary amounts to the blind children and to “SOS Children’s Villages”.


Balomenos Doors

Secures your space

Vasilis Balomenos, Chairman & CEO at Balomenos Doors

The history of Balomenos Doors starts in 1982 when his founder Mr. Vasilios Balomenos begins doing business as a technician in the area of armored security door installation. In 1989 Mr. Vasilios Balomenos following an extended business strategy through the trade sector, is founding Balomenos Doors SA, as well as the company’s first store. In 1995, the expansion carried on, with the opening of the second store and after 2 years the company is moved to a new privately owned area and standard industrial woodwork facilities are operated. The security door product is exclusively manufactured for Balomenos Doors SA in Italy, emphasizing a constant upgrade in security technical assets. In 2008, after the continued growth of the company, the Board of Directors approved a capital of 5.000.000 €, for specialized production machinery. The metallic parts are now being fabricated in house according to ISO 9001 certification by the German Certification Body. Following an investment progress the industrial facilities are extended in to a new adjacent 1.500m2 plant area. In 2010 a new headquarter building is constructed, that facilitates high technology automation, fabricating precisely high quality products. Nowadays, Balomenos Doors deals exclusively with security doors, always making technologically innovative products, combining security and design in a wide range of doors and fittings suitable to any furnishing style. All the products have passed through security and quality tests from specialized institutes in Italy and Greece (MIT) and have obtained burglar resistance certificate class 4 and 5. Paying great attention to the environment, Balomenos Doors is using eco-compatible materials and is continuously searching for new innovative technologies developing products and services to meet market demand. The Board, the strong team of designers and engineers, the specialized workers and experienced polishers the skillful branch managers «BALOMENOS DOORS sellers” equipped with excellent technical and aesthetic criteria, helps you in choosing the best door, dispatched by owned means of transport and installed by well-equipped technicians. The company supports a wide branch network with 7 sales points across Attica, 1 factory show room and an exhibit area located in Peiraios Av. 51, Moschato.Despite the demanding market and the poor economy of Greece, the group of Balomenos Doors continues making high quality products in competitive prices and responds to the needs of every single customer.

Contact Details Peiraios Av. 51, Moschato, Attica Tel.: +30 2104820000 Fax: +30 2104834567 Email: Website:

Diamonds 347



50% of the annual turnover comes from exports

Mr Nikitas Ragoussis, Managing Director

Contact Details 28th km Athens-Lamia national road, Afidnes 19014, Greece Tel.: +30 22950 45100 Fax: +30 22950 45250 Email: WEBSITE:

348 Diamonds

VIORYL S.A. is a Greek company established in 1946 whose main activities involve the development and production of industrial fragrances, flavours, fine chemicals and plant nutrition and protection products. VIORYL’s premises are located in Afidnes, Attica (headquarters and research laboratories) and Thiva, Boeotia (production and warehouse) covering a total of 12.500 square meters in buildings on an area of 50.000 square meters. Thanks to large investments in state-of-the-art technology as well as in qualified personnel, the company is nowadays the leader in the Greek market supplying clients with products of high quality and innovative character. The dynamic evolvement in scientific research combined with the commitment to quality and close cooperation with customers, provide VIORYL with a competitive advantage and have gained the company an excellent reputation worldwide contributing effectively to its continuous growth. VIORYL’s turnover surpassed 20 million euros in 2014 recording a growth of 10% in comparison to 2013. R&D spending reached 11% of the annual turnover while new investments included the installation of new manufacturing equipment and process automation systems. VIORYL bases a substantial part of its growth abroad. About 50% of its turnover in 2014 came from exports, most of them being fine fragrances, natural flavours and fine chemicals of high added value. Rapidly expanding towards new markets worldwide, the company has an active presence in Europe, Middle East, Africa, Far East and North America. VIORYL caters to the specific needs of the customers by providing the appropriate solution whatever this might require: innovation, creativity or problem solving. “As VIORYL bases a substantial part of its growth abroad, we aim to further enhance our presence in foreign markets by expanding our network of representatives in new countries all over the world”. Mr Nikitas Ragoussis, Managing Director of VIORYL S.A.


Zoinos Winery S.A.

Using innovative methods of cultivation and vinification Zoinos Winery S.A. , the oldest and the biggest wine-producer company in the North-West Greece, is actually the sequel of the co-operative Winery which was established in Zitsa-Epirus back in 1974 aiming for the improved cultivation of the indigenous varieties Debina , Vlachiko and Bekari. At the same time , the PDO region of Zitsa was adopted. That meant that the wine was coming from the legaly-defined wine growing area , was produced from the local varieties , was vinified using the area’s traditional technique and had specific organoleptic characteristics. The PDO region Zitsa includes two types of the fragrant PDO wines which are produced from the white grape variety Debina. A Still and a Semi-Sparkling one. The last five years , the company run a number of investments in order to upgrade its Winery . It uses innovative methods of cultivation and vinification not only to the local varieties but to the wider-known as well, such as Chardonnay, Traminner, Riesling , Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon .

Athanassios Katsanakis

With constant participation to the annual wine competitions, like Decanter World Wine Awards or Berlin Wine Trophy, the company tries to keep its products improved and competitive against the rest of the market. A notion that leads its wines to the top of people’s preferences. Zitsa Winery S.A. is a company with past , present but mostly a promising future as the national and international awarded products can indicate.

Contact Details Harilaou Trikoupi 38 tel. 26510 70963 fax: 26510 76107 E-mail: Website:

Diamonds 349


McCain Foods

Regional Leader based in Greece

George Ghonos

Contact Details Av. Tatoiou 153, 144 52, Metamorphosis, Athens - Greece Tel: 210 2834091, Fax: 210 2836776 Email: Website:

350 Diamonds

McCain Foods is a non-listed, family business founded in 1957 by McCain brothers in Canada. It employs over 18,000 people and has more than 48 factories around the world. The group is active in the production and marketing of frozen food. Primarily, its commercial strength comes from frozen potatoes (in various types of cuts), while in recent years it operates with great success in the field of Specialties (value added potato products) and Finger Foods. McCain Hellas was launched in the Greece’s domestic market in 1992, operating initially in the catering sector. Today, it enjoys increasing growth rates as its products are supplied to the largest foodservice chains, as well as to a large number of individual sale points across Greece, through its well-organized distribution network. McCain Hellas entered the retail business in 1996, which allowed it to build on its corporate image toward the final consumer, while increasing its commercial standing. It sells some 100 codes of foodservice products and another 20 codes of retail products. McCain Hellas has an increased awareness of social values ​​and social welfare issues. In recent years, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, the firm participates or designs its own programs in the educational, social and cultural fields. Its latest initiative “Fruit of Care” is aimed at supporting socially and economically excluded farmers in Notia, a region in Northern Greece’s Municipality of Almopia, focusing on the production of potatoes as a Social Product. Since 2005, McCain Hellas took over the management of the firm’s operation in the Balkan sates of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, FYROM, Bulgaria and Romania, as in these countries the group enjoys high growth rates while achieving a substantial upgrade of the local markets and their services sectors. Cyprus and Turkey were added to the above list in January 2013, while Italy joined in October 2014. Notably, Italy has great potential for dynamic growth, as reflected in results so far.


εzα protypos hellenic brewery

NEW BEER, NEW QUALITY Brewery εzα protypos hellenic brewery is an ertirely Greek company, which actively contributes to the decentralised development of the economy of Greece. It was established in 1989 as an homonymous subsidiary company of a German group, the beer brand of which was launched in Greece in 1980. In 1988, the German parent company undertook the development of its brand in Greece and a year later it acquired its plant at Atalanti. Right after, the company was reconstructed and renamed as Hellenic Breweries of Atalanti S.A. (ΕΖΑ). In 1998 the Greek businessmen participating in the company began to buy out te shares of the German company and in 2003 the procedure was concluded, leading to the complete localization of ownership. In order to achieve financing of its development strategy εzα protypos hellenic brewery proceeded in 2013 to an increase of its capital stock, with the participation of the strategic investor DAMMA HOLDINGS S.A. (investment firm of D. Daskalopoulos). Having increased its capital, the company’s management commited itself to the implementation of an ambitious, while realistic development strategy, with the essential vision to concentrate Greek brand names in the wider area of beer, soft drinks and bottled water markets, under a common shareholding structure with a distinct presence in Greek and foreign markets.

Athanasios Syrianos

Contact Details Olympou 3, 151 23, Nea Filothei Amarousiou, Τel.: +30 210 6898 520 Fax: +30 210 6898525

Beer Plant εzα protypos hellenic brewery has a modern beer plant of high capacity and more than 100 skilled employees in Atalanti, Fthiotida. The Atalanti plant, located in the centre of Greece, operates in harmony with the natural environmnet using for the beer production the spring water of Parnassos Mountain that is of excellent quality and composition. It produces high quality malt product using as raw materials chosen varieties of summer Scarlett and Prestige barleys and aromatic hops from Hallertau, Bavaria and Saaz, Bohemia. εzα protypos hellenic brewery successfully applies an integrated system of state-of-the-art production and environmental care processes, meeting the ELOT EN ISO standards. The Brands εzα protypos hellenic brewery produces in its private modern plant four excellent products: the new ζ εζα Premium Pilsener, Pils HELLAS, BLUE Island and BERLIN premium lager. Meanwhile, it has developed international marketing of recognised brands, among which Krombacher and Gulden Draak. With its wide range of products, εzα protypos hellenic brewery offers to consumers a wide variety of high quality beers and thus consolidates a complete strategic advantage, quality and service, aiming to the satisfaction of modern consumer’s needs. Innovation εzα protypos hellenic brewery is pioneer in draught beer for beer halls, luxury restaurants and pubs. The company has been very competititve in this type of packaging, investing to the required equipment that it provides to the retailers with loan. Our company successfully collaborates with more than 2,500 stores (hotels, restaurants, café), with impeccable service and high esteemed products. At the same time, it expands its collaboration with Super Market chains for the introduction of private label products, which are distinguished not only for their quality but also for their taste.

Diamonds 351


Creta Farms


Emmanouil S. Domazakis Chairman & and Managing Director

Konstantinos S. Domazakis Vice-Chairman & and Managing Director

Contact Details 23th km of National Road Athens - Lamia P.C.:14568 Kryoneri Attica Tel.: +30 210 6260000 Fax: +30 210 6221200 Website:

352 Diamonds

The journey of Creta Farms began back at 1970 in the island of Crete. It was in this blessed island where Stilianos Domazakis, the present owners’ father, started raising hogs paving the way for the first organized pork production facility in Crete, setting the fundamentals for Creta Farms SA, today the powerful leader in the Greek deli meats sector. His two sons, Emmanouil & Kostantinos, were not content to rest on the laurels of their fathers’ initial success. Soon, a brilliant idea was about to be born! A unique method, an idea that would later make Creta Farms SA not only among the largest food company groups in Greece, but an internationally, fast-growing enterprise as well. Olive oil was the secret! Olive oil, the Greek treasure, the “liquid gold” as Homer used to call it, the main ingredient of Mediterranean diet - worldwide acclaimed for its rich taste and high nutritional value – is today the basis of our Internationally patented method to create one-of-a-kind, world class quality food products with delicious gourmet flavor & healthier profile under low total fat and saturated fat levels. This is how the world of “Oliving” was born! “Oliving” is a new way of living which thanks to the goodness of olive oil, is placed at the heart of everyday nutrition. Combining innovation with tradition, technology with the values of a balanced diet and the wealth of our land, the world of “Oliving” will become the step to a tasty, healthier lifestyle. Welcome to the WORLD of OLIVING!


Pet City Group

Your best friend’s best friend Pet City Group is a family owned business founded in 1988. Until 1995 the company operated as wholesaler by importing and distributing pet products to more than 1.200 pet stores in Greece. However, in 1996 the interest of the owner turned to retailing. Since then, the company managed to become the leading specialty retailer of services and solutions for the lifetime needs of pets in Greece. There are currently 47 company owned stores, in the area of Attica ranging in size from 250m2 to 2.000m2. Pet City’s success is in large part due to the almost 450 employees. Pet City Group’s 600m2 headquarters and 3.000m2 logistics occupy in the eastern suburbs of Athens. The large warehouses keep all products safe and secure so they can be distributed to Pet City’s network of stores in excellent condition. Pet City’s Stores are stocked with over 20.000 products, including top of the line brands, with hundreds of items exclusively in Pet City. Live animals are imported, including kittens, birds, parrots, hamsters, rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, reptiles and around 1.500 puppies annually. Thousands of fish can be found in the nearly 2.000 professional aquariums between the stores, with additional fish imported from Singapore. Care is provided by Pet City’s staff of 50 expert ichthyologists, who are available to customers for professional advice. Pet City’s activities also include pet grooming run by specialists. The largest stores offer expert veterinarian care. The company owns a Veterinarian Center in Glyfada, which is equipped with the latest medical facilities, providing a full range of health care and emergency services. Pet City has also constructed a brand new e-shop offering high-quality product at reasonable prices.

Contact Details 44, Lavriou Ave Koropi, P.O. 19400 Tel: 0030 2106644761 Fax: 0030 2106644762 Website:

Diamonds 353




Redefining Frozen Dough & Pastry Products IONIKI, for 23 years now, is one of the most important vertically organized production units of frozen dough and pastry products in Greece, holding a leading position at Ho.Re.Ca as well as Retail and Private label segments. Furthermore, Ioniki’s products are present through established distributors in super markets and food service customers in Europe, Australia, USA, Canada and Middle East. Ioniki is expanding by transforming export sales to long term win-win collaborations in countries of Northern Europe and Middle East. Quality. Innovation. People. These are the three main values behind Ioniki’s success and solid financial position. Even from the very beginning, when Ioniki was just a small family business, it’s team was in a continuous quest for new ideas, establishing the fundamental basis for Ioniki’s evolution. Company’s strategy is to continually update the product range and to identify on time the needs and desires of the final consumer- customer. The production of innovating products that follows the latest trends by our specially trained R&D Department is one of our primary goals. Company’s purpose is to ensure the quality of its products, as well as to unceasingly update our services aiming at an excellent customer service in Greece and abroad. Ioniki’s business practices as well as the innovative sparkle of our products have been awarded in international competitions: European Business awards: National Champion Gulfood Awards: Two products among the top three entries for their ingenuity in the MENA region Sial Selection: “Filo mini rolls dolmades” were awarded in the consumed goods category, among 1002 nominees PLMA awards: Distinction for unique packaging All of the Company’s procedures are certified according to: ISO 22000:2005, IFS (Higher Level) and BRC. IONIKI never ceases to invest in equipment and technology with primary objective building consumer’s trust. Substantial investment plan is on process. We are committed to the value of placing people first, our staff, our clients and of course consumers worldwide.

Contact Details 1st km Neochorouda Oreokastro P.C. 54500, Thessaloniki, P.O. box 192 – IONIA TEL.: +30 2310 788120, 788372 FAX: +30 2310778225 Email: Website:

354 Diamonds



Where Experience meets Innovation Petsiavas S.A. is one of the most established, prominent and dynamic companies in Greece. Since our founding in 1920, our goal and commitment has been to focus on people, always following the same philosophy; hard work, innovation and efficiency in all the business sectors we specialize. The company operates in the service of people, having as its primary objective to improve the quality of life of consumers and the prosperity of society. The management of the company, maintaining our values and strategically updating the organization to contemporary business requirements, is in the hands of the third generation of the Petsiavas family. Today, the company operates successfully in three main sectors of the economy: Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products, Consumer Products, Chemicals & Plastics. PHARMACEUTICAL & HEALTH CARE PRODUCTS With respect to the consumer and according to the highest quality specifications, we produce and distribute in the Greek market pharmaceuticals under the company name, as well as on behalf of third parties. The Health Care Department also offers a wide range of premium over-the-counter products, as well as surgical & hospital products.

Simos Anastasopoulos

Contact Details Agion Anargiron 21, Kifisia Tel: +30 2106202301 FAX: +30 2108077079 Email: Website:

CONSUMER PRODUCTS The Consumer Products Department supplies tights, socks, underwear and swimwear of the highest quality and fit for women, men and children. CHEMICALS & PLASTICS Chemicals and machinery for the textile industry, laboratory equipment for the textile industry, plastic raw materials, are some of the products we distribute in the Greek market for more than 40 years. The company operates through its privately owned headquarters - offices, factory, warehouses - located in Athens, as well as its premises in Thessaloniki, Northern Greece, thus achieving full coverage of the Greek market. Our annual turnover for 2014 exceeded €18.000.000, 80% of which was realized as ex stock sales for our own account, while 20% was indent sales where we acted as agents for the foreign companies we represent and whose products we distribute in Greece. The company’s total capitalization stands at about €5.800.000, of which €3.200.000 is our own capital. The company employs a total of 125 people, of which 60 are sales people all technically trained, working out of our two locations in Athens and Thessaloniki from where we cover the entire territory of Greece. Our company is also present in Cyprus through Petsiavas Cyprus Ltd.

Diamonds 355


Taxiplon Hellas

Affording daily services of 6000 passengers Taxiplon Hellas has been being into action in Greece since the 2nd April of 2012 consisting the unique taxi company that has been formed in a period of economic crisis, while having successfully accomplished one upward course has been made one of the most developed businesses in Greece due to its adopted and innovating services. The biggest taxi company in Greece of developed and rewarded electronic assistance and of excellent services for the customer, dominates in the biggest urban centers of Greece by having the best market prices, no charging the call and also possessing the unique certification in the field of transportation, ISO 9001. Furthermore Taxiplon Hellas has conquered a place in diamonds of the Greek economy 2014 and is an official member of SETE. The quality and the safety in addition to the client and partners assistance have as a consequence the increase of its clientele as much as its vehicles. Taxiplon Hellas provides taxi services for passengers all over Greece, concluding executive members, employers, partners and visitors of private and public businesses, tourist agencies, conferences, exhibition centers, hotels, shipping companies and of course the ordinary passenger. Our drivers have excellent knowledge of the net roads, but they are also experienced professionals providing safe transportation by luxury vehicles. Its’ very natural that we are the first choice for taxi transportation all over Greece, as long as we afford daily services to 6000 passengers, on average, while our fleet is consisted of 970 vehicles in Attica and 305 in province of which 250 belong to Business class category. The vehicles that are going to provide services to your public, belong to Business category. They are all models of 2010 until 2015, while they offer high services like : ➤ Wi- fi connection ➤ Air-condition ➤ Payment by credit card ➤ English speaker drivers ➤ Leather and comfortable seats ➤ Fine dress code of Taxiplon Hellas ➤ You can make your reservations by the following ways: Sending an email to Calling to :2102719555

Contact Details Omorfokklisias 8, Nea Ionia, Athens,14234 Τel: +30 214 416 5682 Email: Web:

356 Diamonds



Major dairy industry player operating from geographical fringe.

Panagiotis Papapostolou

In 1963, a group of livestock farmers devoted to their work and true to their homeland tradition in Rodopi, Greece’s northeastern fringe, launched, informally at first and more organized over time, what grew to become the Rodopi traditional dairy Firm. Nowadays in the virgin land of Rodopi more than 700 families of farmers produce for generations the exquisite Rodopi milk. For these people milk stands above all! Rodopi is based on a company-owned plot of land with production facilities corresponding to 11.532,34 square meters, on 3rd kilometer of the Xanthi-Lagos national highway. The firm’s production machinery has been provided by firms internationally renowned for their new and high-level technology and quality, such as Tetra Pak, Alfa Laval. At present, the firm employs 94 persons on a full-time basis. Top quality and safety are the objectives of all employed at the firm. The advanced technological level of machinery used by the firm these days demands a highly trained team of employees, while also requiring and ensuring on-the-job training. The firm includes pure milk and other traditional dairy products. More specifically, the firm produces fresh and highly pasteurized milk, as well as long-life milk, goat’s milk, organic milk, chocolateflavored milk, milk cream, traditional yogurts, Greek authentic strained yogurt, feta cheese, a white local cheese and a variety of other white and yellow cheeses. In 2008, Rodopi was acquired by the TYRAS group, run by the Sarantis family. In 2014, the group posted sales of 294,292,009 euro. Rodopi posted a sales and a net pretax profit rise. Sales increased by 24,13% to 53,035,723 euro in 2014 from 42,724,004 euro in 2013. Net pretax profit increased to 1,119,623 euro in 2014 from 974,528 euro in 2013.

Contact Details 3rd km Xanthi-Lagos national highway 67100, Xanthi Tel.: 25410-26525, 22347 Fax: 25410-22192 Website: Email:

Diamonds 357



A story of refreshment

Nikolaos Tsaoutos -President of the B.O.D.

Panagiota Tsaoutou - CEO

Contact Details Agria 37300, Volos, Magnesia, Hellas. Telephone: +30 24280 91901 Fax: +30 24280 91900 E-mail: Website:

358 Diamonds

The history of EPSA dates back to 1924, when there was a surplus of lemons in the geographical area of Pelion. Observing a sales increase of traditional lemonade by peddlers, the owners of EPSA set the goal to create a factory that produces Soft Drinks. A German Chemical Engineer was invited to assist with the production of lemonade. It was then that the secret recipe was born and is preserved until today. Maintaining, already, cold rooms for the conservation of fruits and sale of ice, EPSA starts, as well, the production of Soft Drinks. At that time, EPSA was the basic distributor of power supply for the whole area around. During the nine decades that passes since then, a lot of progress has been done. In 1937 EPSA was awarded the “Golden Award for Quality” at Thessaloniki International Fair. In 1940 the noted glass bottle of EPSA, that was meant to become the landmark of the brand, is designed. Today, EPSA is still situated at exactly the same place in Agria area, in the city of Volos, maintaining modern facilities for the production of Soft Drinks. EPSA applies systems of quality control ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000, and an IFS Food Standard certification. The last years, next to the classic orangeade, lemonade, lemon soda and soda water, many new products have been added: Ice Tea in several flavors, Tonic, Sour Cherry drink, Organic Lemonade and Orangeade and Lemonade, Orangeade and Lemon Cola light (with sweetener from stevia plant). Last, but not least, “light drops”, a liquid sweetener from the stevia plant, was the new innovation.



Innovation, creativity over 35 years with respect for mankind and nature

Niki Koutsiana

Nikos Koutsianas

Contact Details 20th km Veria – Skydra highway, Episkopi, Naoussa, Imathia, Greece 59200, PO Box 26 Tel: +30 23320 59500 Fax: +30 23320 59532 Email: Website:

The impressive story of Apivita, a Greek company that has been creating natural, effective and holistic products since 1979 with the aim of promoting health and beauty, began in one single pharmacy. The story of Apivita is virtually synonymous with the story of Nick and Niki Koutsianas, both trained pharmacists, who met working in a pharmacy in Athens in 1972 and discovered they shared a passion for nature. It was in this pharmacy that the company’s first natural cosmetics, made using bee products and local herbs, were introduced to the market. Apivita was established in 1979, becoming Greece’s first natural cosmetics company in Greece, inspired by bee products, Greece’s rich Greek flora, and the ancient holistic approach of Hippocrates. The company name, meaning “life of bees”, derived from the Latin words “apis” (bee) and “vita” (life), is more than just a title. It reflects the identity and philosophy of Apivita as an organized, productive and sustainable development, as is the case with honeybee societies. Nowadays, Apivita products are sold in thousands of pharmacies around Greece, while the company is present in 14 countries around the world, including Spain, Cyprus, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Romania, Ukraine, Japan, and Hong Kong. In late 2013, the company launched a unique shop, its “Tie Apivita Experience Store”, in the Greek capital’s chic inner district of Kolonaki. Consisting of 5 floors, its set-up was, not surprisingly, inspired by bee societies and Greek nature. Last year, the company celebrated its 35th anniversary with the establishment of Apivita Japan, the company’s subsidiary firm in Japan. A year earlier, the company moved to its new base, a bioclimatic facility in Markopoulo, on the eastern outskirts of Athens. The facility stands in harmony with the company’s philosophy and environmental values. The company’s R & D department consists of 10 highly qualified scientists specializing in the fields of chemistry, cosmetics and chemical engineering. Apivita products consist of natural ingredients that offer the most powerful nutritional benefits, these being Greek and Mediterranean plants, plant and herb extracts, vegetable oils and plant infusions in place of regular water, 100% pure essential oils, bee products - propolis, royal jelly, honey, beeswax – and natural active ingredients such as resveratrol, lycopene, polyphenols, violavanoeidi, and safer, biodegradable preservatives. In 2013, the company’s total turnover increased to 32.8 million euros from 29.4 million euros a year earlier. Profit reached 447,000 euros, up from 412,000 euros in the previous year.

Diamonds 359


Nitsiakos S.A.

Major rebound from losses to profit

Theodoros Nitsiakos

Contact Details Ioannina Industrial Zone, Zitsa, Ioannina, 45 500 Tel.: +30 26510-22200 Fax: +30 26510-20769 Website:

360 Diamonds

The NITSIAKOS company was launched in 1972 by Theodoros Nitsiakos, an agronomist specializing in birdlife, at a location close to Ioannina, northwestern Greece. His venture is a vertically integrated poultry production operation covering breeding, hatching, animal feed production, fattening, slaughtering and processing with an established distribution network for the entire country. Nitsiakos nowadays ranks as the largest producer of poultry meat in Greece. It is stands as an important business in grain and soybean meal activity, and is ranked amid the country’s top ten food industry enterprises, based on turnover figures. The company is export oriented, as highlighted by recent supply contracts for 20,000 tons of durum wheat. Nitsiakos applies strict procedures and systematic checks to ensure safety and quality of his products for professionals and consumers. The company’s operations are certified with a standard ISO: 22000 self-monitoring system. Also, the company’s poultry is certified by Agrocert, guaranteeing a diet exclusively based on vegetables, vitamins and minerals. Nitsiakos has created two fully equipped self-monitoring laboratories. The microbiology unit, the first private laboratory accredited by ESYD, the national accreditation system, analyzes samples from breeding chambers, the feed and meat, while the chemical laboratory verifies that the raw materials and the feed meet company requirements. These controls are conducted at a rate of 800 samples per week, well over minimum levels demanded by European law, which highlights the company’s commitment to safety and quality issues. Over more recent years, the company has become involved with a range of new activities, including raw materials for feed (supplied to traders, feed producers, livestock and poultry enterprises); feed for productive animals; eggs-chicks (hatching eggs and chicks); biomass; pet food; , and flour for human consumption produced by the company mills. The company in 2014 had a turnover of 214 million euros against 168 million euros of 2013.



Product categories

INTERCOMM FOODS S.A., founded in 1990, is a private company located in the low Thessalian district of Larissa, in central Greece and is one of the leading Greek export companies (turnover in 2013 reached € 72,6 million & in 2014 € 77,8 million). Intercomm Foods has great experience in PRIVATE LABEL products and at the same �me has developed its main brand DELPHI. Through con�nuous investment Intercomm Foods has become the leader in olive processing industry in Greece. The Company’s highest quality and service standards based on con�nuous improvement orienta�on allowed to gain great recogni�on in the interna�onal olive market.

• olives & an�pas�

Moreover, Intercomm Foods is also a leader in ASEPTIC fruit, supplying peach and apricot to top clients all over the world and sa�sfying all quality requirements. Last year new produc�on lines were installed expanding even more the capacity.

• asep�c peach & apricot fruit • peaches&apricots in cans & jars • compote • jams-syrups

Global Presence The company is 98% Exports Company covering more than 100 different countries. The brand name Delphi has a significant market presence in North-Eastern Europe, Russia and Scandinavian countries. Moreover, the company exports to USA, Canada, Australia, Iran, Mexico, Russia, China and countries of the Middle East. According to Infobank Hellas, Intercomm Foods SA is among the 15 Greek fast growing companies for the period 2009-2013.

Contact details: 8th Km Na�onal Road Larissa - Sykourio, P.O. Box 1127, Greece, Tel:+30/2410/57.50.92, 57.50.93, FAX:+30/2410/57.50.91, 57.55.03, e-mails: OLIVES SECTOR:, FRUIT SECTOR: fruitsales@, Website:


The most admired enterprises








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o f t h e G re e k Eco n o my 2 0 1 5



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