Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2017

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o f t h e G re e k Eco n o my 2 0 1 7

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Novartis Hellas

Changing the practice of medicine Στη Νovartis, αξιοποιούµε στο έπακρο τη δύναµη της καινοτοµίας στην επιστήµη για να αντιµετωπίσουµε µερικά από τα σηµαντικότερα ζητήµατα που απασχολούν την κοινωνία στο χώρο της υγείας. ∆εν σταµατάµε ποτέ να αναζητούµε µε πάθος νέους τρόπους που θα βοηθούν τους ασθενείς να ζουν περισσότερο και καλύτερα.


Yannidis Group history begun with trading and production activities, specifically in the bituminous paper and insulation materials fields (Hermes) in 1932. Since then, the group has been constantly rising with the primary sector being the decorative paints. Vitex, the decorative paints business unit was established in 1960 and still consists the most important unit of the group.Vitex is today a leading Greek decorative paintmanufacturer, with strong presence in South East Europe and affiliates in Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania. We provide high added value products to our customers with a consumer oriented approach that promotes sustainability, innovation, public health and environmental safety. We set trends in the markets we operate and believe that paint is the finishing touch that will alter the space where we live, work, relax and enjoy our life. More recently a substantial investment in modernizing the production included the establishment of a state-of-the-art production plant for Vitex paints, a sign of the high capitalization of the group. This made the group strong and flexible to face off the challenges presented by a continuously changing business environment. Our brand “Vitex� is very well known in the professional and DIV markets. After focusing in the expansion to neighboring countries the group is effortlessly aiming to use the positive experience gained and the available production capacity to expand to other countries, while it already exports to over 15 countries across the world. The group dynamically continuous its strategic growth through four vertical business units, VITEX in architectural paint, Hermes in waterproofing materials and chemicals, VitexTherm in external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) and Eumaria in yacht paints.


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PUBLISHER Spyros A. Ktenas EDITOR IN CHIEF Dionisis Vasilopoulos EDITORS Natassa Spagadorou George Sakkas DATA BASE Antonela Toni Nikos Prokakis SALES MANAGER Theodoros Tsakaloglou MARKETING DEPARTMENT Myrto Tozakidi FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT Periklis Malamas George Priakos CTP & PRINTING Rois Bros SA PRICE: 30 €

4 Diamonds



By Spyros Ktenas Rebooting the Greek economy

6 Diamonds

The agreement between Greece and its international creditors at the recent Eurogroup meeting in Luxembourg paved the way for an €8.5-billion tranche to be disbursed. It is true that this was accompanied by a number of pledges and by the adoption of a growth clause. The signing of the agreement, as expected, once again divided the country’s political powers: the government expressed the belief that the country is now entering a growth trail, and the opposition insisted that what was achieved leads the country backwards. However, because the country must avoid a new cycle of political confrontation, it is necessary to stress that: Firstly, significant steps have been taken to progressively modernize the Greek economy and make it more competitive. For instance, budget deficits and balance of payments deficits have been eliminated. Secondly, important reforms have been made, including: the operation of the Independent Public Revenue Authority, the expansion of electronic transactions, the legislation on red loans, the rationalization of excise duties on energy, the maintenance of labor market reforms and the institutionalization of meritocratic procedures for the appointment of administrations to public companies (DEKOs). Thirdly, the completion of major privatizations has progressed. Are these enough? Undoubtedly not. There are still terrible obstacles that need to be overcome, with the most significant one being the problematic operation of the banking system. There can be no economic growth under high borrowing interest rates, capital controls and red loans exceeding 100 billion euros. The return of the banking system to European regularity is a top priority for businesses. Other serious barriers include the closed electricity market, delays in the administration of justice, obstacles to the realization of investments, the tendency to expand the state, the maintenance of problematic public enterprises, etc. Worst of all, however, is the fact that a wrong policy mix is s​​ till in place. The government identifies the effort to exit the crisis with increasing taxes and levies, horizontal cuts and disbursements, and not through policies that drive economic growth, liberalize products and services markets, abolish special privileges, and build trust in the global investment community. These are the reforms that generate economic growth and boost state revenues. These allow the reduction in direct and indirect taxation and the unbearable cost of social security contributions, and prevent further cuts in pensions. The government has to put into practice what the entire planet has realized: public revenues increase as tax rates are reduced! It’s very simple. Rather than remaining locked up in endless debate over surpluses and public debt, let’s wage a battle for growth, collectively and with vision. Of course, budgetary discipline is a necessary condition, but what is needed is growth, foreign investment and new jobs. The only recipe for getting through the crisis, as described in a recent speech by the President of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) Mr. Theodoros Fessas, is: ● Economic growth through private sector reform and investments, driven primarily by private initiatives. ● Choosing the right, intact and competent people for each executive position. ● An overall change in attitude. Talking about the past, division, populism and obsessions must be replaced by concepts such as seriousness, responsibility, consensus and cooperation; we should stop blaming each other. It is not others’ fault. The ‘others’ are us. Everyone who loves our homeland should at last look ahead and at least agree on a basic national goal. And that is: “Every worthwhile investment is a national goal.” This means that we all accept it, we believe we will benefit from its achievement, we contribute as much as we can, feel pride and enthusiasm when we achieve it and, above all, we cultivate a culture and values a​​ round it. There are many and significant investment opportunities in Greece. But there is no friendly environment for entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, the total investment in the crisis-ridden Greece is just 10% of GDP, less than half of Europe’s average. Public investment has been drastically cut; it will be difficult to return to pre-crisis levels. It is mainly the domestic private sector investing. According to Mr. Fessas, 260 SEV member companies account for 65% of business investment in Greece, i.e., one-fourth (1/4) of the total public and private investment. Regrettably, these investments are insufficient; we have to get closer to the average of Europe. And perhaps double them. By creating a business-friendly environment, Greek and foreign investors must be convinced that Greece is and remains a safe and promising investment destination. This, of course, requires at once a major international investment mobilization. International investors are presented with a wealth of choices in many countries. Investments will not come to Greece simply because the review of the country’s economy will be concluded or public debt will be settled. Investments will only come when potential investors are convinced that Greece offers significant investment opportunities and is determined to restore credibility. To this direction, the following action should be taken: ● To boost the Greek industry, as it has always been pioneering and exporting. To do this, however, the obstacles that restrain it have to be removed, such as energy costs, time-consuming licensing procedures, etc. ● Make Greece a pioneer in areas such as education, health and digital economy. ● Create an open and competitive energy market with interconnections inside and outside borders. ● Develop the most beautiful Mediterranean riviera on the coastline of Attica. ● Tap into the country’s unique cultural heritage.


CONTENTS Editorial: 6 Spyros A. Ktenas

14 Interventions 83 Distinguished companies 129 Diamonds

Diamonds index

377 Tourism

8 Diamonds




234 328 262 98 186 175 257 84 340 252 274 221 357 311 222 193 215 303 108 282 200 308 174 212 118 316 335 148 343 353 356 196 112 226 228 301 250 86 254 268 279 318 190 208 360 326 320 134 128 120 158 90 239 106 167 287


162 168 203 177 295 180 339 297 247 211 306 355 342 249 276 281 156 224 311 364 329 122 326 259 314 142 255 302 319 365 322 231 144 372 273 281 300 206 298 286 338 176 220 344 324 267 295 312 214 235 242 258 304 365 336 251

Diamonds 9

Diamonds index



10 Diamonds



Αλλάζουμε πορεία με Φυσικό αέριο κίνησης Το φυσικό αέριο κίνησης «αλλάζει πορεία» στις μεταφορές και τις στρέφει στην πράσινη ενέργεια, την υψηλή απόδοση και την οικονομία. Η αεριοκίνηση προσφέρει πληθώρα επιλογών σε ιδιώτες και επαγγελματίες οδηγούς και η αγορά προσαρμόζεται στην αυξανόμενη ζήτηση για το λεγόμενο «πράσινο καύσιμο» που η ΔΕΠΑ προωθεί στην Ελλάδα. Οι αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίες λανσάρουν πλέον για όλα τα γνωστά μοντέλα εκδόσεις προσαρμοσμένες στην ανάγκη για μειωμένους ρύπους. Οχήματα φυσικού αερίου μικρού και μεγάλου κυβισμού είναι διαθέσιμα στην παγκόσμια και την ελληνική αγορά ενώ η ζήτηση από ιδιώτες και επαγγελματίες οδηγούς αυξάνεται. Το φυσικό αέριο κίνησης, με τις χαμηλές τιμές που η ΔΕΠΑ εξασφαλίζει, προσφέρει οικονομία έως και 65% και αισθητά υψηλότερη απόδοση. Το φυσικό αέριο μετριέται σε κιλά και όχι σε λίτρα όπως είναι η βενζίνη και ενεργειακά ισοδυναμεί με 1,5 λίτρα αμόλυβδης βενζίνης, 1,3 λίτρα πετρελαίου και 2 λίτρα υγραερίου.

Οικονομική λύση για κάθε τύπο οχήματος Ιδιώτες οδηγοί αλλά και μικρές, μεσαίες και μεγάλες επιχειρήσεις από όλους τους κλάδους (μεταφορές, τουρισμός, εστίαση, υπηρεσίες κλπ) μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν επαγγελματικά οχήματα φυσικού αερίου και να έχουν σε κάθε περίπτωση σημαντικό κέρδος. Είτε οι ανάγκες τους καλύπτονται από ένα όχημα είτε από έναν ολόκληρο εμπορικό στόλο, τα οχήματα διπλού καυσίμου (βενζίνη/ φυσικό αέριο) προσφέρουν αυτονομία και εξοικονόμηση κόστους. Όλα τα επιβατικά ή επαγγελματικά οχήματα φυσικού αερίου (ταξί, βαν, φορτηγά μικρού ή μεγάλου κυβισμού) είτε είναι εργοστασιακά είτε είναι «εκ μετατροπής» μπορούν να κινηθούν με βενζίνη σε περιοχές που δεν έχει επεκταθεί η υποδομή πρατηρίων φυσικού αερίου. Οι γνωστότερες αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίες όπως είναι οι Ford Motor Company, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, General Motors, Honda Motor Company, Volkswagen, Hyundai Motor Group, Renault, Audi, Mercedes, Volvo, κλπ, εντατικοποιούν την παραγωγή μοντέλων φυσικού αερίου.

12 Diamonds

Εργοστασιακά μοντέλα διπλού καυσίμου

στην ελληνική αγορά

Στην ελληνική αγορά κυκλοφορούν ΙΧ και επαγγελματικά CNG μοντέλα διπλού καυσίμου από όλες τις μεγάλες αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίες. Τα πιο γνωστά μοντέλα κυκλοφορούν και σε CNG εκδόσεις, ενώ η γκάμα τους διευρύνεται συνεχώς με νέα μοντέλα να κάνουν την εμφάνισή τους στην ελληνική αγορά.

Το φυσικό αέριο πωλείται σε κιλά 2 λίτρα υγραέριο

1 κιλό ΦΑ

1,5 λίτρα βενζίνη 1,3 λίτρα πετρέλαιο



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ΠΥΛΑΙΑ Λ. Γεωργικής Σχολής 128

% τη 5 6 σ

ΝΕΑ ΜΑΓΝΗΣΙΑ Κων/νου Καραμανλή 136

Τα πλεονεκτήματα του Φυσικού αερίου κίνησης

Λάρισα Βόλου 65



Λαρίσης 202

6ο-7ο χλμ. Π.Ο. Λαμίας Στυλίδας


Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση απαιτεί στροφή στην αεριοκίνηση

Λ. Κηφισίας 264

Σύμφωνα με την ευρωπαϊκή οδηγία 94/2014/ EU για τη δημιουργία υποδομών εναλλακτικών καυσίμων, τα κράτη-μέλη δεσμεύονται μέχρι το 2020 ότι πρέπει να υπάρχουν πρατήρια CNG στις πυκνοκατοικημένες πόλεις. Σε αυτό το πλαίσιο η ΔΕΠΑ επεκτείνει το δίκτυο πρατηρίων FISIKON και σε άλλες πόλεις.

πρατήρια στην Ευρώπη

Ν. Φιλαδέλφεια 8ο Χλμ Εθνικής Αθηνών - Θεσ/νίκης (ρεύμα προς Λαμία)

Το φυσικό αέριο κίνησης (CNG) θεωρείται το οικονομικότερο εναλλακτικό καύσιμο. Η τιμή του είναι περίπου 65% χαμηλότερη σε σύγκριση με τη βενζίνη, έως 35% - 45% χαμηλότερη σε σύγκριση με το πετρέλαιο και το υγραέριο (LPG).

Σε όρους απόδοσης, ένα κιλό φυσικό αέριο κίνησης περιέχει πολύ περισσότερη ενέργεια σε σχέση με ένα λίτρο από όλα τα άλλα υγρά καύσιμα.

Λιγότερα έξοδα συντήρησης

Π. Ράλλη 101


οχήματα φυσικού αερίου

Χαμηλότερη τιμή

Μεγαλύτερη απόδοση

Αγ. Ιωάννης Ρέντης



Η καύση του φυσικού αερίου προκαλεί πολύ λιγότερες φθορές στον κινητήρα με αποτέλεσμα να μειώνονται τα έξοδα συντήρησης.

Καθαρότητα καυσίμου Άνω Λιόσια Καραϊσκου 91

Το φυσικό αέριο δε νοθεύεται καθώς η παροχή του γίνεται απευθείας από τους αγωγούς φυσικού αερίου.

Ανθούσα 1ο χλμ Λ. Ανθούσας

Κορωπί ΕΚΟ - Καλυψώ 110 (λειτουργία εντός μηνός)

Diamonds 13


Minister of Tourism

Elena Kountoura Greece: A 365-day destination - Tourism emerges as the driving force for generating growth, investments and new business

Τhe image of Greece is changing. Large projects are underway, including the upgrade of 14 regional airports as well as for cruise-ports and marinas, and also for high-end accommodation and luxury services

14 Diamonds

Tourism is a sector of high priority in our government policy for growth. It contributes essentially to the national economy, representing more than 20 per cent of GDP and is directly and indirectly linked to one fifth of the total employment. Our vision and target is to promote and establish Greece as a unique global destination for tourism 365 days a year. To this end, our national tourism policy that we began implementing in 2015 on a four-year plan bore results. We initiated five strategic pillars focusing on extending the official summer season, opening new dynamic sourcemarkets abroad, promoting new Greek destinations, developing thematic tourism and attracting new tourism investments of high added value. In the past two years, Greek tourism achieved consecutive rates of growth 7 per cent annually, double the global average. International arrivals exceeded 26 million in 2015 and 28 million in 2016, the highest numbers recorded in incoming tourism. 2017 has begun exceptionally. Following our negotiations and agreements with major tour operators internationally and air carriers, early bookings increased between 20 and 70 per cent from all source markets and connectivity enhanced. More than 150 new direct connections were added compared to last year and a total of 6,000 additional flights have been planned for our regional airports across the country to popular and new destinations that we promote. Sustainability is a strategic choice in our plan. We work towards materializing our goal for 365 days tourism and becoming an exemplary destination that will generate new tourism activity across the country and throughout the year, create new sources of income and new employment, and attract new tourism investments. To this end, we cooperate with all 13 regions of Greece to promote our cohesive national tourism brand, through the development of thematic tourism products each destination offers, including cultural tourism, pilgrimage tourism, medical tourism, wellness and spas, cruises, yachting and diving, luxury tourism, sports and recreation, MICE and business travel, city-breaks and gastron-

omy. We are currently adapting the legal framework towards simplifying and accelerating procedures for new business and investments in the tourism sector. We also strengthened our international presence, through the GNTO’s dynamic participation in international travel trade shows and exhibitions, along with a very targeted promotional marketing plan, consisting of mixed media advertising. Our wonderful destinations and all the exciting travel experiences Greece offers are promoted to our target markets through advertising and coops with major tour operators, on online global platforms, satellite TV networks, inflight magazines as well as with a large number of fam trips and press trips, the highest ever. Τhe image of Greece is changing. Large projects are underway, including the upgrade of 14 regional airports as well as for cruise-ports and marinas, and also for high-end accommodation and luxury services. In 2016, our one-stop-shop at the Ministry received 142 proposals for investments in existing and new 4- and 5-star hotels of capacity of more than 300 beds. Our one-stop-shop has been accelerating the licensing procedure and offers support to investors in all stages to start new business. In the new investment law, 251 proposals were submitted relating to tourism. Foreign investors and international funds now explore concrete opportunities to invest in the Greek tourism sector and real estate. Priority was also given to supporting smalland medium-sized tourism businesses, which are the backbone of our tourism industry. The first program through the NSRF 2014-2020 funds has been launched to encourage the modernization and the upgrade of their offered tourism product and services. A new program will follow, funding the creation of new small- and mediumsized tourism businesses. We strongly support the sector’s dynamic growth, which emerges as a driving force for the growth of our national economy in the coming years, creating new sources of income for the local communities, and, therefore, enhancing the national effort for prosperity across the country.


Diamonds 15


MP and Vice-President of the New Democracy party

Kostis Hatzidakis

Private investment: The key to unleash Greece’s potential

It is very pleasant to see that in today’s adverse environment there are Greek companies that are thriving thanks to their competitive advantages, including the skills of their workforce

16 Diamonds

It is no secret that in order for Greece to get through its current crisis and tackle the issues of high unemployment and low productivity, it needs to proceed with a significant paradigm shift. It must move towards a model that provides fertile ground for private sector initiatives to thrive, so that much needed investments will be implemented, acting as a driver for growth and job creation. Within this context, one of the main challenges our country faces is the restoration of trust in our economy. The main condition required in order to achieve this is to demonstrate consistent dedication to reforms. Reforms that are in accordance with European and international best practices and will help modernize the Greek economy and create a business-friendly environment. Such reforms are crucial when it comes to attracting private investment and allowing entrepreneurship to thrive, and therefore must be treated as an absolute priority. Other areas on which we need to focus include restoring the smooth functioning of the banking sector, in order to provide the economy with much needed liquidity. Promoting privatizations must also be on the top of our agenda, since these types of deals are essential for creating wealth and

new jobs, as well as for transferring valuable know-how from international companies. It is also imperative to establish a stable tax which provides incentives for investment and job creation, while focus also needs to be placed on reforming the public administration system and tackling bureaucratic inefficiencies The priorities outlined in this note are at the core of our program in the main opposition New Democracy party, and we are fully aware that there is no time to waste when it comes to implementing reforms towards this direction. We realize, of course, that we face a difficult task ahead. However we are certain that if we have a clear plan and work hard in order to implement it, Greece will be able to unleash the potential generated by its many competitive advantages, and will enter a path of strong, sustainable growth. It is very pleasant to see that in today’s adverse environment there are Greek companies that are thriving thanks to their competitive advantages, including the skills of their workforce. We must do our best in order to provide support to these companies, as well as to entrepreneurs that are trying to start new projects. The success of Greek companies translates to success for their workforce, and for Greece as a whole.


Diamonds 17


MP, f. Minister of Environment, Energy & Climate Change

Prof. Yannis Maniatis

“Together we can achieve the necessary progressive reforms towards our country’s development”

The Public Sector needs to regulate and guarantee transparency, fair competition, protection of the public interest and protection of the environment and the citizens

18 Diamonds

During these hard conditions, the scientists and businessmen, who have found the courage to resist the “brain-drain” and haven’t followed the lead of many others, and who have stayed to fight along with us this battle for recovery and development, they motivate us all. Their efforts under these intense circumstances mark a new era of “progressive patriotism”, which is worth not only our congratulations, but also our support! “Progressive” as there is nothing more revolutionary than a group of small, medium and large businesses defined by extroversion, innovation, willpower, good structure and persistence to undertake high risks in order to create new jobs and financially support the Greek society. “Patriotism” as this effort aims to help our country stand again and lays us all partners in this battle towards making Greece an equal part of the European family once more. The main element in this effort is our love for our nation and its people, based on our loyalty to creation, production, development and extroversion, giving us the strength to engage with dignity and respect in the international financial and political arena. This ongoing struggle is more than special to this cause. It’s where we can invest all our hopes and confidence for the future. It’s our diamond, literally and metaphorically speaking, in a social and financial level. In a rapidly changing world, with highly challenging technological developments in a period of a strong, multiple crisis, the dangers are increasingly big and unpredictable. It is, however, to be questioned where the politicians and the political forces are, in this so competitive and hostile environment for businesses. In the passing years, the financial crisis has severely damaged and modified our whole political system. Obsessions, myths, established methods and practices following the political system of the past have collapsed. So, in order to be more rational, what do healthy businesses, new scientists, innovative producers and all the other diamonds among us, need from this system and its contributors in order to succeed?

Transparency and equal treatment, less state barriers and market changes are substantial to confront the existing obstacles. These are what we call “progressive reforms” to achieve the goals of development! Bureaucracy and the costs of market distortions can’t be compensated by the occasional and unshaped “support” given by the government. Besides, this kind of support is totally inadequate to deal with all the constantly emerging issues. I consider myself as part of this group of people who are willing to apply the changes needed and to insist on the reforms necessary to ensure a better future for our country. It should go without saying that the actual social, economic and financial conditions are far more difficult and demanding than those of the passing decades. The question is how we can create new sources of wealth, which will establish new jobs and attract investments. As far as I am concerned, I bring into public discussion two severe “Progressive Reforms”. The first one focuses on the new role of Public Services into project management. The Public Sector needs to regulate and guarantee transparency, fair competition, protection of the public interest and protection of the environment and the citizens. In this way, the private sector will be able to rise again and not only become an important part of the Public Services, but also a major contributor in making the management of ongoing studies and projects efficient. Therefore I suggest a full reengineering process for all the Public Services. The second “Progressive Reform” proposed includes the full ownership of privatization procedures, based on 4 main Clauses: 1. A clause of maximum jobs available, 2. A clause guaranteeing local profits, 3. A clause of participation of the public in the future benefits of the investment, 4. A clause in favor of Intergenerational Solidarity by financing postgraduate projects for Greek Universities. As a matter of fact, our country needs us more than ever! A change of spirit, innovative ideas and hard effort are crucial to finally reverse this crisis and achieve a social and economic revival.


Diamonds 19


Nea Dimokratia, Aitoloakarnania MP

Konstantinos Karagounis Development and Justice

The Justice system has to be transformed to an E-Justice system. In other words, it has to finally enter the digital age, making life simpler for all parties involved

20 Diamonds

It is generally accepted that the Judiciary system plays a very important role in the economic development of a modern country. A well-functioning Judiciary system plays a central role in the amelioration of the country’s business and investment environment, and helps boost the country’s competitiveness and outward-looking orientation. According to the Doing Business Index, measured by the World Bank, the Greek Judiciary system is named as a deterrent factor for those looking to invest in the country. And this observation comes at a time that foreign investment is absolutely needed for the economy’s revival. In the recent past, the British Economist also sent a message deterring investment to Greece, due to the approximately five years needed to solve public contract disputes in court. Greece lags behind, amongst 189 countries, in “pushing forward” court cases. This ugly reality ought to have obliged the government to act quickly and make the necessary changes for a more effective Judiciary system. Yet, what we have seen is delays and in many cases a move backward, undoing everything good built in the previous years. In a well-governed society, in a country that calls itself Western European, such as Greece, the business environment can be ameliorated through the effectiveness of the Judiciary system. The Judiciary system can help the economy by minimizing the uncertainty created by long judiciary procedures. The Judiciary system ought to deal effectively with corruption; a corruption that undermines the rule of law and builds around it structures that hamper legal business activities. An effective Judiciary system should guarantee the transparency of the state, remove unfair practices and strengthen people’s respect for

court decisions, by serving as a regulator of economic activity. A country’s economic activity is strengthened when the Judiciary system is available to all (cost or other barriers are minimized) and when courts are not used as a means of unfair competition. Economic activity is strengthened when bureaucracy is simplified and when electronic means are used to save time and resources. Such a change is possible with a general reform of the existing legal system; by revisiting and rewriting basic legal codes, without losing sight of Greece’s long legal tradition, but at the same time taking into account current and future needs. Such a change is possible, if alternative Judiciary procedures are promoted within the whole legal spectrum; a new legal environment can be built and courts of law can finally be decongested. Legal mediation is already a fact for civil and commercial law and penal mediation should also be instituted soon. The Justice system has to be transformed to an E-Justice system. In other words, it has to finally enter the digital age, making life simpler for all parties involved. The steps described above are long due; a serious strategic plan for the evolution of the Judiciary system is long due. These changes will create investor confidence (domestic or foreign) and the economy will be able to receive the boost it so desperately needs. Within this difficult environment, there are companies, Diamonds of the Greek Economy that manage to operate successfully. They have been able to grow within the Greek financial crisis. They are defiant of the obstacles coming their way. They look forward and outward; they reward and respect their employees. These companies contribute to the national economy. These companies are our country’s crown jewels and should serve as an example for all.


Diamonds 21


Corporate social responsibility of PPC Greece’s Public Power Corporation (PPC) S.A. is one of Greece’s largest companies, with its facilities, power stations, mines and branches located all over the country. - The company had, has and will continue to have a very important role to play in supporting Greece’s economy by successfully financing and implementing its investment program in a particularly tough financial environment. In this context, PPC continues to invest by integrating new technologies into its individual processes, contributing to growth and job security. In the period 2011-2015, total investments were valued at 3.5 billion euros, while in 2016 reached 870 million euros. - PPC has set CSR as an integral and essential part of its strategic planning by taking initiatives and implementing specific policies around the pillars of the environment, society and, of course, the economy. - It undertakes a major social project of CSR actions, particularly in local communities, through donations, infrastructure projects, financial support, sponsorships, cultural and sporting events. Indicatively, in 2016 more than 850,000 euros were spent for donations and financial support. - PPC’s environmental policy is fully in line with national targets as part of the EU for 2020, as well as institutional interventions on climate change and environmental protection. - The objective is not only to meet the obligations arising from EU and national environmental legislation but also to promote an environmental strategy through a very large investment program that has brought to the environment investments of more than 1.14 million euros in the five-year period 2011-2015, accounting for nearly 33% of the company’s total investment budget. As the PPC recognizes the effects of its operation on the natural environment and the living world, undertakes a number of corresponding actions and initiatives:

22 Diamonds


● Withdrawal of old and polluting Units and construction of new Thermal and Hydroelectric Units, incorporating the most modern environmental technologies according to the best available techniques. ● Rapid expansion in Renewable Energy Sources (RES) via subsidiary PPC Renewables S.A. ● Improving the environmental performance of existing power stations. ● Exercise all Company activities in accordance with environmental legislation. ● Complete restoration of the lands of the mines and lakes in which the Company operates. In addition, it provides projects and services to society that go far beyond its legal obligations, such as: ● Provision of district heating/thermal energy in the form of hot water, to meet the heating needs for urban use in Kozani, Amynteo, Ptolemaida and Megalopolis, which is a model of sustainable management. ● Forestation of old mines into wooded areas or in experimental orchards by placing their products in schools and retirement homes. ● Creation of a forest park. ● Creation of leisure parks. ● Breeding of small birds and animals. ● Construction of artificial nests and biotopes.

Diamonds 23


President of the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece

Mr Athanassios Savvakis

“The adoption of a concrete industrial policy as the pathway for growth” Thessaloniki, 29 May 2017

Greece possesses all the necessary pre-conditions to adopt an industrial policy with the above mentioned features

24 Diamonds

In times of crisis, we look for inspiration. And what a better example to be inspired from than that of entrepreneurship. It is all these success stories of small start-ups or large ventures that keep us optimistic even in these hard times. It is our “Diamonds” that we showcase in the world market, proving that we, the Greek Enterprises, can deliver. Not all seem to share this point of view though. Unfortunately, the diminishing importance of real production in Greece, i.e. the manufacturing sector, has deprived the bedrock of a path for sustainable growth. The deindustrialization in our country stems from the policies adopted and implemented in the past 30 years, resulting in a distorted production model. It is clear, thus, that a concrete industrial policy is something that our country lacks. And it is exactly why it is so hard for Greece to get through the crisis. So, what we actually need is a sectorspecific industrial policy, outward-looking, leveraging the innovation capacity of Greek manufacturing enterprises and capitalizing on the benefits of the highly skilled human resources. But how is this going to be realized, when all the measures that have been adopted so far regarding the economic policy have

put high pressure on private ventures and added a heavy burden on the shoulders of the Greek enterprises? Rather than cutting back on the wasteful, counter-productive and extremely bureaucratic state, the Government actually sustains an non-efficient public sector. And it is for this reason that it has imposed tough tax measures on law-abiding citizens and businesses, when emphasis should be placed on measures to stop tax evasion and tax avoidance, which daily erode competitive and healthy companies. Greece possesses all the necessary pre-conditions to adopt an industrial policy with the above mentioned features. Despite the lack of support, Greek enterprises achieve substantial results. Of course, letting the enterprises on their own is not enough. The main challenge we face is not only to sustain these results, but to create the conditions for leveraging the overall competitiveness of Greece. The ground for setting this is designing and implementing a concrete industrial policy. The spectrum of measures that will leverage the export and innovative activity must be an integral part of this policy, in order to achieve the desirable outcome: more exports, growth, enhanced competitiveness.


Diamonds 25


President of the Greek Association of Branded Products Manufacturers (ESVEP)

Nikos Karageorgiou Branding in the Greek economy

In my opinion, above all, it requires a robust political leadership, with a coherent plan and the will to deliver

26 Diamonds

We are in the seventh year of the financial and economic crisis in Greece and unfortunately the situation is still fragile. Since 2014, potential wealth has vanished, new fiscal measures were imposed, arrears have inflated, the citizens’ disposable income has shrunk, and the competitiveness of the economy has deteriorated. Nowadays, uncertainty is being prolonged, the country is dragging, and the economy is still sinking, mainly due to the huge delays in the completion of the MOU review. The question, therefore, is what should be done to stabilize the situation, so that the country gets on a path of sustainable growth, with justice and cohesion, national dignity and dynamism. In my opinion, above all, it requires a robust political leadership, with a coherent plan and the will to deliver. This political leadership must set some priorities straightforward: ●F ront-loaded enactment of structural reforms, which the government is not willing to implement. ● I ntensive implementation of the privatization program, without internal impediments. ●P rovision of liquidity to the real economy, through faster absorption of EU funds, repayment of arrears, and cleaning of bank balance sheets. ●C hange of the fiscal policy mix, moving towards a gradual reduction in taxation by safeguarding fiscal discipline, using fiscal equivalents from the expenditure side, and focusing on combating “shadow economy.” ●E mphasis on the need to reduce the medium-to-long term fiscal targets, in order to create fiscal space. ●E nhancement of debt sustainability, by determining aggressive, medium-term parametric measures, taking into account both the stock and the flow of debt. ● I mprovement of the social safety net and social cohesion with sell-targeted, modern and comprehensive welfare-enhancing interventions. ● I nvestment in education and human capital by fostering an open, outwardoriented and quality-focused education

system, by implementing training and life-long learning policies and by initiating a national research system, paired with innovation and technology and adapted to the European and international frameworks. ● I mplementation of a national strategic plan for the productive reconstruction of the economy, towards an outward-oriented growth model, with emphasis in the areas of internationally tradable goods. All the aforementioned priorities are the key preconditions that could lay the foundations for the country’s return to sustainable growth, generating jobs and increasing prosperity. It is also obvious that in the long term, our living standards depend on branding and productivity growth. In turn, productivity depends on innovation. This makes the combination of branding and innovation a critical concern for the ESVEP. So we try to promote a decision-making level of our proposals and actions and sensitize decision makers. We always try to note the significance of branding in our world, and especially in the Greek economy. According to our view, brands are more than just intellectual property; they become the underlying common ethic that affects all aspects of a firm’s activities. As Philip Kotler, the most influential marketer of all times notes: “An increasing number of companies see their brands as the platform for running their business. The brand creates an identity for the product and/or company in the marketplace. It requires the company to think deeply its mission, vision, and values. The company has to work hard at developing the image that it wants customers to have of the offering. The brand must not only convince prospective customers and draw them to the brand but also be deeply believed in by the employees and other stakeholders of the company…” This note about belief is critical. Branding is a psychological entity that manifests economic value and firms of all sizes. Under these circumstances ESVEP is a leading organization in that field, trying to offer the best of its services toward the new direction of the Greek economy.


Diamonds 27


President of the Federation of Attica and Piraeus Industries (SVAP)

Dimitris Mathios

Priority to industry for growth: The only solution

Disinvestment is not only the result of the disincentives of a volatile tax policy and the multi-faceted bureaucracy that has plagued the country for decades.

28 Diamonds

The deindustrialisation of Greece, despite the patience and persistence of the industry that still struggles in our country under adverse conditions, is not only a consequence of the chronic disease of our economy for competitiveness, within its natural space, which is no other than the European Union and the Eurozone. Disinvestment is not only the result of the disincentives of a volatile tax policy and the multi-faceted bureaucracy that has plagued the country for decades. On the other hand, the lack of caution by entrepreneurs and investors for action is not only due to the current conditions and the ongoing crisis. Nor, finally, the memorandums (loan agreements) and the obligations deriving from them overturn investment plans and intentions of modernization and growth. Today’s financial ailments (apart from pathogens) are met in a single cause with two strands. One strand is that the problem of our economy is purely political. And the second is the lack of confidence in Greece’s political environment and developments. Because the business community of any country seeking its prospects is automatically inactive when it comes to political instability. And it is this instability that makes up, since 2009, the Greek political

landscape, and that’s difficult to change, as proven by the investment inactivity, permanent shutdown of large industrial complexes and business migration. These phenomena are almost unrelated to the actual crisis or the change of economic considerations. These are the consequences of the political contradictions in the face of the crisis, with a lack of confidence on our capabilities on the one hand, and on the other on intentions about a break with lenders, which creates the possibility of leaving the euro. Unfortunately, however, this message has worried neither the Greek the political scene nor the government which is responsible for the last causes. Proof of this is the efforts being made to convince others and ourselves that only by ensuring quantitative easing (QE) investment and investors will be queuing up in Greece to take a position. And in this way, we come back to the wellknown “political easing,” that growth is a matter of time. The truth, of course, is that quantitative easing (QE) will help the climate and make investment attractive. But growth requires vision and planning, and this can only be offered by industry. That is why we insist on the need to give priority to industry.


Diamonds 29


Chief Executive Officer of Uni-Pharma SA

Julia Tseti

«Accountability drives results» For more than half a century OFET (Tsetis Group of Pharmaceutical Companies) is building the bridges that link scientific achievements with the needs of patients and people, bridges that have proven to successfully bear the weight of the latest changes and obstacles in the pharmaceutical industry. Within an environment of recession, uncertainty, over-taxation, redundancy, rebate, claw back, brain drain, acquisitions and scandals, OFET chose to move forward, ➤ to ensure the sustainable development of Uni-pharma and InterMed, ➤ to not only maintain but also increase jobs, ➤ to dynamically penetrate international markets without selling out our knowhow, ➤ to develop new innovative products ➤ to support our traditional brands ➤ to invest in new technologies, machinery and production methods, ➤ to enter new collaborations that promote business ethics and innovation We managed to envisage ourselves not just

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


30 Diamonds

as Greek pharmaceutical manufacturers but as a Group that internationally promotes health and quality of life, with our ➤ solid expertise and deep understanding of the needs of international markets ➤ products of high quality and added value, ➤ ability to “think big” and to take risks, ➤ agility to quickly adjust to change ➤ ability to bridge the distance between the old and the new and make the best out of conflicts But the secret of our success; what really makes the difference lies in our conviction to pursue the seemingly unattainable, to select what seems to be a paradox and to fight to achieve the benefits deriving from it, continuously with ➤ Ethos ➤ Brains ➤ Courage ➤ Optimism And most of all with a strong sense of accountability towards patients, the medical community, our history, our people, our partners, our country.


Diamonds 31


Executive Vice-President & Deputy C.E.O. of VIANEX S.A.

Dimitris Giannakopoulos The pharmaceutical sector is suffering from old and new memorandum measures

The misguided pricing policy and the destructive rebates and clawbacks are coupled with stricter requirements for the entry of new medicines into the positive list, which will affect the domestic pharmaceutical industry negatively 32 Diamonds

Yet another medium-term fiscal policy framework was voted for by the government, while memorandum policies persist, and growth still seems a long way off, at least for the pharmaceutical sector, which has been hit, yet again, by new measures. The inability to implement urgent structural changes perpetuates the misguided pricing policy, which punishes inexpensive, off-patent and generic medicines. While the debate on this critical issue is being put off – to after the end of the second review – the prices of affordable medicines are plunging, for the eleventh time in the past seven years. It is clear that many businesses are stretched to the limit, and until a different ‘policy mix’, as the Ministry of Health terms it, is accepted by our creditors, the viability of the system and the businesses in the sector will remain at risk. The misguided pricing policy and the destructive rebates and clawbacks are coupled with stricter requirements for the entry of new medicines into the positive list, which will affect the domestic pharmaceutical industry negatively. Although the need for a health technology assessment (HTA) mechanism has been commonly accepted, the number of countries chosen is excessively high and their systems differ significantly. The imposition of an additional rebate of 25% on new medicines, even when it comes to combinations or new pharmaceutical formulations, will have a negative impact on the collaborations of Greek pharmaceutical companies. This continuing adverse situation can only be addressed through a national policy on medicines. However, a truly national pharmaceutical policy should

support domestic production. Rather than implying a protectionist framework, this can actually be achieved through the provision of appropriate value-added incentives, as is the practice in other countries. Spain, for instance, has introduced a domestic value-added coefficient based on the number of employees, the amount of employer contributions, taxation, depreciation costs, expenses on research, etc., which affects clawback calculation, as well as the pricing and reimbursement of medicines. Russia, on the other hand, pays a higher price to pharmaceutical companies for medicines that have been produced domestically, because, in the long run, the treasury will collect more via contributions and taxes paid by the companies and their employees. There is a similar framework in Turkey. Incentives can be also provided for investment in research and development through super deduction of costs and lower tax rates on related revenue. The cost of clinical trials can also be integrated into the same framework. A prerequisite for the above is that Greek governments reject creditorimposed horizontal measures that are destroying the domestic pharmaceutical industry. We, for our part, shall persist in our claim that the pharmaceutical sector is part of the solution, not the problem. We shall persist because we believe that a national policy on medicines can guarantee that the system remains viable and that the pharmaceutical needs of the country are met, while ensuring the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Greece.


Diamonds 33


President and CEO, Hellenic Breweries of Atalanti

Athanasios Syrianos Steady steps in a growing Greece

The company’s investment plan for the coming 3 years is valued at 30 million euros, and is aimed at creating a new bottling line - the best line not only in Greece but also the entire Balkans

34 Diamonds

We, the people of the Hellenic Breweries of Atalanti, in spite of Greece’s ongoing economic crisis, see a real opportunity for Greek creation and Greek pioneering. We are all inspired by a creative vision, which is both a call and a dynamic challenge. So, with a national view and plan, consistent with our strategy, which we constantly verify and adapt to further improve our competitive edge, we are constantly making considerable investments. We will go into battle with much bigger firms, and we want to be better through legitimate means. In 2016, the Hellenic Breweries of Atalanti became a national champion, more competitive, stronger and more cherished. Recently, we announced with great pleasure an exciting new development: the expansion of our EZA brand series with the EZA ζ Fine Lager and the EZA ζ Premium Pilsener, a move envisaged to empowering the company to play a leading role in the domestic beer market. For us in EZA, the letter ζ (zeta) symbolizes our zeal for beer! The Hellenic Breweries of Atalanti, through its beer business, leaves a positive mark on the industry. An industry characterized by an oligopoly operating regime. With creative products that respond to every tasteful approach, with sales growth and effective extroversion and, above all, overturning the oligopolistic market structure through healthy competition, Hellenic Breweries of Atalanti offers free choices and makes steady steps to the expected growth. We intend to contribute to the mosaic of a better future not only for Greece’s economy,

but also for the whole of society. We contribute to the country’s growth potential with Greek creation - Greek avant-garde. At the heart of this growth strategy lies the man. The individual worker, for whom the Hellenic Breweries of Atalanti has increased employment. And, the consumers, both Greeks and tourists, who come to our country and we have to offer them to try a Greek product rather than to give them the reproduction of consumer habits they already have. Our exports start from the complete experience of Greek hospitality, entertainment and taste of branded products that tourists will also seek in their country. We have to offer every consumer the opportunity to choose top quality products and that’s why the company has set the bar high! Moreover, only Greek entrepreneurship is prepared and can export by promoting Greece on an international level. The company’s investment plan for the coming 3 years is valued at 30 million euros, and is aimed at creating a new bottling line - the best line not only in Greece but also the entire Balkans. We consider ourselves obliged to contribute to growth and to increase our figures. With smart marketing, we can upgrade beer as the so-called international marketable product. This allows us to hope that we will keep a high profitability in the coming years, which justifies and rewards our investment decisions by demanding a clear position of the largest Greek brewery and a growth abroad by chasing projects and opportunities that do not concern only our company but our whole country, so that Greek production will get extroversion.


Diamonds 35


President & CEO of Power Health Hellas

Lili Perganta

Empowering Greek economy and society

The Health Food Supplement industry constitutes a fundamental, growing pillar of the Greek economy

36 Diamonds

Without a doubt we live in troubled times. The Greek economy is enduring its most severe crisis since post War. The past 7 years have been very difficult for the economy of Greece, its citizens and the business sector in general, resulting in wide uncertainty and insecurity. Yet in the country that we live in - and despite the heavy taxation and vast instability - there are still opportunities that can boost the damaged economy and provide relief in the society and the large numbers of unemployed. 30 years ago the Health Food Supplement Industry in Greece was non-existent. 3 decades later the Industry has grown rapidly into a 90 million euro sector, a figure that continues to grow. The vast changes in our daily lives, our nutrition, our heavy workload, anxiety issues and other factors have contributed dramatically to the consumer’s thirst for a new and different direction for their wellness and well-being. In 2015 more than 11 million health food supplements were sold from the Pharmacies a 115% increase since 2010 the year the crisis begun. Hundreds of young people have been employed in the Industry over the last years and this trend continues to grow. Power Health Hellas contribution to this reality has been immense since it was the first company of the Industry that despite the large obstacles, in 1984 opened new doors and horizons for the Pharmacy and the consumer.

Vitamins and dietary supplements is expected to be driven towards product specialisation in terms of different positioning, to address increasingly specific issues. As health and wellness awareness and the self-medication trend are likely to continue to gain ground in Greece, more consumers are expected to turn to vitamins and dietary supplements to resolve health problems or to prevent problems from occurring. As a result, progressively more products targeting specific health issues are expected to appear, whilst existing products are also expected to be increasingly more analytical in their health claims. The Health Food Supplement industry constitutes a fundamental, growing pillar of the Greek economy. Greek Nature’s unique biodiversity and wide variety of its flora offer numerous benefits for the consumers’ health and well-being and provide a massive exporting advantage. Our country has the ability to offer unique products which combine quality, taste and nutritional values. This is our comparative advantage and there is a potential to exploit it further by creating added value. I am confident that we will overcome as a country all obstacles and return back to growth by working hard, with determination and passion and most of all staying close to the growing needs and wants of the society.


Diamonds 37


Managing Director of Janssen Greece, Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, President of PhRMA Innovation Forum, Chairman of AMCHAM Pharma Committee

Makis Papataxiarchis “Creating Value through Innovation”

Everything we do - increasing patients’ access to our products and building sustainably thriving collaborations for all our stakeholders is designed to serve a greater good

38 Diamonds

Janssen is the pharmaceutical arm of Johnson & Johnson, one of the world’s leading global healthcare companies. We are dedicated to addressing and solving some of the most important unmet medical needs in Oncology, Immunology, Neuroscience, Infectious Diseases and Vaccines, and Cardiovascular and Metabolism. We are driven to action by the plight of patients, and we aspire to make a positive impact on their lives, always looking to work with partners interested in helping us achieve our goals. Our Credo is a constant in a time of remarkable change. Along with our strategic principles, it is the foundation from which we drive growth, and it has enabled us to achieve significant advances in health care for our patients and customers. Even more, to ensure our robust growth and prosperity for the future. Innovation at Janssen means products, but it also means solutions. Innovation is a core component of our business success. Meaningful innovation derives from the insight and spirit of our employees, and their ability to anticipate and understand the needs of our patients and customers and what they value. That impacts both what we do, and how we do it. So, we are increasingly focused on being innovative in how we bring products to market, the kinds of partnerships we develop and how we operate our business. Moreover, our aspiration to create innovations is what drives us to significantly and positively impact human health and wellbeing. They ground our roles as professionals in a larger purpose, and put significant responsibility on each of us. This is where our commercial interests and sense of social responsibility intersect. Everything we do—increasing patients’ access to our products and building sustainably thriving

collaborations for all our stakeholders —is designed to serve a greater good. In the end, it is this commitment that attracts and motivates our people and differentiates us in the market. Consumers are becoming increasingly empowered in making their own health care decisions. Economic growth continues to lag in our country, and the State is increasingly focused on the costs related to health care reforms. The cost and complexity of bringing meaningful innovations to the Greek market, is nowadays perceived more significant than ever. Despite these challenges, throughout Janssen Greece we are profoundly optimistic about our future, about our competitiveness in this fastchanging market, and about our ability to establish a positive corporate footprint. Our strong, consistent and sustainable financial performance isn’t just our primary objective. Along with our excellent execution and compliance with the laws and regulations, top priority at Janssen Greece and embodied in Our Credo is the commitment that “everything we do must be of high quality.” It must permeate everything we do, from operational procedures, to the actions of each employee. Our strategies, business plans, organizational structures and everyday decisions recognize the need to execute both with excellence and in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and Company policies and standards. I am therefore particularly proud of the significant role we at Janssen Greece, play in the local business environment. We promise to continue to evolve and respond to challenges and new opportunities in the health care market. We remain confident in the strength of our business and optimistic for the future.


Diamonds 39


General Manager of PEI.FA.SYN. GROUP

Thanasis Mouchtis

The Pharmacy of Tomorrow A new profession, emerging with the support by Cooperatives

From the distribution of pharmaceuticals, to the provision of health services: The profession of pharmacist at a major transition after many decades

40 Diamonds

The needs for primary health care services are growing rapidly at a global level. Among the factors that highlight this need, the most important are the aging population, mass movements of populations, financial suffocation of the insurance systems, etc. The extensive role and challenges faced by Greek pharmacists are part of a global trend in the years to come. Although the global drug market rose by 7% in 2016, with revenues of $1.1 trillion and a projected $1.4 trillion by 2020, there is no prospect of growth for the Greece of the ongoing economic crisis. Cuts in drug prices seem to be a fixed pharmaceutical policy in our country. In addition, the traditional pharmacy suffers from the gradual shift of business to other alternative channels (supermarkets, etc.). Also, online pharmacies (e.g. in the Netherlands) are beginning to claim a market share - not just in OTC - but also in prescription drugs and not just in the Netherlands, but also allowing online sales to patients in other European countries, following a verdict of the European Court of Justice on 19 October 2016. Over the next 10 years, sales of online pharmacies are estimated to reach 25% of the market, creating stifling pressures on traditional pharmacies. So, pharmacists should start to concentrate on patient-client health management tasks, instead of simply selling drugs. The continued development of technology will help pharmacists gain time to devote themselves to providing care and prevention services. The spread and continued development of medical devices to detect health indicators related to widespread diseases

(diabetes, hypertension, etc.), help the pharmacist to systematically support patients in the management of chronic diseases. Over-information on health issues that patients receive, especially via the internet, often leads them to confusion. The advice of the pharmacist scientist - in conjunction with the treating physician - can help the patient to better understand the issues that arise, and to guide them more effectively to manage their condition or to prevent pathological conditions. The special requirements and the complexity of taking new drugs make it difficult for patients - especially the elderly, resulting to incorrect dosing and the consequent poor effectiveness of treatment. The pharmacist may play an important role in preventing drug-drug interactions, suggesting dietary supplements, etc., as well as in monitoring any side effects of the drug therapy. The systematic and continuous contact of the pharmacist with the patient can be used to inform the physician about the effectiveness of the treatment. The pharmacist’s contribution to patient compliance in their pharmaceutical treatment is a critical area for the patient, the doctor and the pharmaceutical companies. In order to promote and assist in the development of this role and the establishment of a pharmacy to a primary health care space, PEI.FA.SYN. (Pharmaceutical Cooperative of Piraeus) organizes a conference on 24 September 2017 for pharmacies to be informed and then get prepared on the basis of the new requirements.


Diamonds 41


Marketing Barometer : Highlighting the Most Effective Marketing Practices.

George J.Avlonitis Professor of Marketing ● Athens University of Economics & Business ● Visiting Professor , Strathclyde Business School

Prokopis K.Theodoridis Assistant Professor of Marketing ● University of Patras

Apostolos Giovanis Associate Professor of Marketing ● Technological Education Institute of Athens

1. Introduction The Marketing barometer is an annual on-line survey that collects and disseminates the opinions of marketing executives in Greece in order to investigate marketing excellence, predict the future of markets, and improve the value of the marketing discipline in companies and society. The Marketing Barometer is conducted by the Greek Marketing Academy in collaboration with the Hellenic Institute of Marketing. It was launched for the first time in 2015. In this article, we present findings from the Marketing Barometers 2016. Specifically, the data reported in this article highlight the Greek companies’ approach to Marketing and reveal the Marketing practices associated with high company performance. 2. Methodology and Sample Profile The sampling frame of the Marketing Barometer consist of two lists of marketing executives who are active members of the Hellenic Institute of Marketing and the Greek Marketing Academy, respectively. The final list included 400 marketing executives who were asked to participate in our on-line survey. After two follow-ups, 175 responses were received representing a response rate of 43,7%. The on-line survey which included a copy of a structured questionnaire and a personalized cover letter outlining the purpose of the survey, lasted two months from early June to the end of July 2016 .The sample included companies of various sizes ( Small = less than 50 employees – 35% , Medium = 51-150 employees – 26% and Large = more than 150 employees – 39 % ) operating in the retail/ wholesale, manufacturing and services sectors, servicing,B2B (33%), B2C (11%)and B2B & B2C (56%) markets. 3. Marketing Approach 3.1 Business strategies The marketing executives were asked to indicate which business strategies they have adopted in order to tackle the environmental and market difficulties. They were provided with nine alternative strategies and Figure 1 presents their responses. The first four most frequently adopted strategies are: i) growth of the firm through the mobilization of its resources and capabilities, ii) growth of the firm through strategic alliances , iii) cost cuttings. iv) International market development. It is interesting to note that two of these strategies namely the first and the third , have an internal orientation and a notion of creating a defence wall towards the uncertainties of the market place and the economic situation, while the remaining two ( the second and the fourth) are geared towards organic growth through strategic alliance or internationalization.

42 Diamonds

DIAMONDS OF THE GREEK ECONOMY 2017 that represent a company having a customer oriented culture and they were asked to indicate whether their companies adopt/implement each of them by responding to a scale from totally disagree to totally agree, with respect to the pertinent statements . The results (Table 2) underline a customer orientation since superior customer service, customer centric culture, knowledge of the customer and marketing communications have been indicated by a relatively large number of sample companies. However, it was surprising that also a large proportion of the sample companies do not a) adopt a customer segmentation model,b) conduct customer/consumer research on a systematic basis and c) have a loyalty scheme.

Figure 1. Preferred business strategies

Table 2. Customer centricity

3.2 Marketing Strategies Next, a crucial question was the determination of how these strategies could be implemented i.e. what marketing strategies have been adopted in order to support these business strategies. The respondents were provided with thirteen different marketing strategies and were asked to indicate the four that they believed that they play a crucial role in fulfilling their strategic objectives (Table 1). The four most preferred Marketing strategies are: 1. Brand building (42%) 2. Innovation (38%) 3. Building trust with customers/consumers (36%) 4. Offering high quality product/service (33%) These Marketing strategies are consistent with the above mentioned preferred business strategies since,from one hand ,we have strategies that geared towards customer and market share retention and, on the other hand, we have strategies linked with growth through brand building, innovation and offering high quality product/service Table 1. Marketing strategies




Brand building




Building trust with customers


Offering high quality product/service


Superior Customer Service




Thorough customer knowledge


Improving sales methods


Increasing Communication Budget


Customer/consumer retention


Development of domestic distribution channels


Price reductions


Distribution retention





Superior customer service




Customer centric culture




In depth knowledge of customer/consumer needs




Newsletters, e-mail campaigns




Call/contact customer center




Customized promotions and communication




Integrated customer data base




CRM system




Customer analytics and segmentation




Customer/consumer research on systematic basis




Loyalty club




3.4 Marketing Leadership Another objective of the Marketing Barometer survey was to identify the kind of marketing activities that the marketing executives are responsible for their execution. The activities that respondents indicated that the marketing function has a major responsibility are the most classical ones, including advertising in the traditional, digital and social media, sales promotion activities, brand building, gathering and analyzing competitor intelligence, implementation of marketing analytics, trade promotion and market research (see Figure 2). However, there are activities that the respondents indicated to have a moderate to limited or even none responsibility. It was rather surprising to find that the marketing function had none or small responsibility in basic marketing activities such as customer service(49,2%). pricing policy (47%) ,CRM implementation (46%) and market entry strategies (32,5%). Figure 2. Marketing department’s responsibilities

3.3 Customer Centricity Next ,marketing executives were asked to indicate the degree of customer centricity orientation of their companies. They were provided with 11 customer centric tools/statements

Diamonds 43

DIAMONDS OF THE GREEK ECONOMY 2017 3.5 Marketing budget According to the responses, the marketing budget represents , on average, in the sample companies a 6,4% of the sales revenue. Analyzing the marketing budget and its allocation to different marketing activities, we found that the sample companies tend to follow the worldwide trend as they invest a large proportion of their budget in digital media . Indeed, almost 21% of the marketing budget is allocated to digital media (digital advertising, e-mail campaigns, social media, mobile marketing) in contrast to a 24% devoted to traditional ones (TV, radio, magazines etc). The rest of the budget splits among sale and trade marketing activities (18% ), marketing events (13%), direct marketing (11%), market research (6%), marketing training programs (4%) and the various marketing consulting services (3%) (Figure 3). Figure 3. Marketing budget allocation

The respondents also provided their perspectives concerning potential fluctuations of their marketing budget . As it is shown in Figure 4 the respondents anticipate a greater increase in the digital media and a larger reduction in the traditional media. The marketing executives also provided evidence of how the budget regarding the digital media will be allocated. The largest proportion of their budget (70%) will be devoted the firm’s web page, the social media and digital advertising. The remaining 30% will be allocated to SEO, e-mail campaigns, e-shop development and mobile marketing (Figure 5). Figure 4. Perspectives on marketing budget fluctuations

44 Diamonds

Figure 5. Digital marketing budget allocation

4. High vs Low Performing Companies In recent years several studies have pointed to the importance of marketing to company performance. As such, considerable emphasis has been placed on investigating the contribution of marketing-related activities in maintaining successful performance despite turbulence in the operational environment. In order to examine the impact of Marketing on company performance, the study’s sample was split in two groups : High Performing and Low Performing .The companies’ assignment to these two groups was based on respondents’ perception of their companies’ sales and market share performance, compared to those of their main competitors, during the last three years. Based on the above, the sample contains 70% high performing and 30% low performing companies. 4.1 Company Demographics With respect to companies’ individual characteristics, the results indicate that sector, company size and type of customers are significant differentiators between high and low performers. More specifically, big SMEs and corporate companies (more than 50 employees) operating in the retailing, wholesale and manufacturing sectors and servicing business and/or consumer markets, appear to be high performers, while small companies (less than 50 employees) operating in the services sector and servicing B2B markets present low performance. 4.2 Business Strategies High performing companies declare that they prefer business strategies that combine organic growth with internationalization or strategic alliances, while low performing companies follow mostly a retrenchment strategy (reorganization, cost reduction, no-change strategies) in order to attain better efficiency. 4.3 Marketing Strategies In terms of Marketing Strategies, the findings show that high performers adopt a more marketing oriented strategy by establishing a customer oriented organizational culture, investing in the knowledge of customer needs and wants ,in innovation and providing superior customer service. On the other hand, low performers seem to follow a more sales/product oriented strategy. 4.4 Customer Centricity Customer-centric is a way of doing business with your customer that provides a positive customer experience, before and after the sale, in order to drive repeat business, customer loyalty and profits. Customer centricity affects business performance .Indeed, with respect to the customer-centric strategy implementation, high performers combine better than low performers the required ingredients of customer relationship operational and analytic components. Thus, they have integrated customer bases, call/contact center, loyalty reward system,

DIAMONDS OF THE GREEK ECONOMY 2017 customer analytics and customer segmentation processes, CRM infrastructure, ongoing programs on customer satisfaction surveys, customer contact strategy, and customized customers’ campaigns. 4.5 Marketing Leadership Marketing leadership ascertains the importance of the marketing function for the success of a company and emphasises the dynamism of marketing in the business organizational structure. Marketing leadership is the way a firm effectively differentiates itself from its competitors by capitalising on its strengths (both current and potential) to provide consistently better value to customers than its competitors. The input of marketing leadership development process is the result of the environmental analysis (e.g. marketing research, competition analysis etc.), and its outcome is the four main elements of the marketing mix: product, price, promotion and place. Our study focused on the following marketing related activities in order to investigate the involvement of marketing executives in these activities and its impact on company performance: ● Communication referring to social media management, public relations, digital communication, content marketing, branding, traditional advertising, and mobile marketing ● Selling and CRM processes referring to direct customers’ contact, customer service, CRM, and sales ● Marketing research referring to competition research, market research and marketing analytics ● Product development referring to new product/service development ● Pricing ● Sales promotion referring to sales promos to customers and distributors ● New market entry/ penetration startegies The results indicate that high performers significantly differ from low performers by the extent to which the marketing personnel has a leading role in five out of the seven aforementioned

marketing-related activities: communication, product development, marketing research, pricing and new market entry/penetration strategies. 4.6 Marketing Budget As far as the marketing budget of 2016 is concerned, the results show that the overall marketing spending significantly affects marketing performance, as high performers declared that they had increased their overall marketing budget during 2016 ,while low performers had decreased it. This finding is consistent with those of published studies which show that the companies which retain or even increase their marketing budget during the period of recession tend to increase their market share and profitability. Focusing specifically on the digital marketing expenses for 2016, high performers appear to spend more money for digital advertising than low performers. The distribution of the expenses for all other categories (i.e. website development; social media presence; e-shopping options; SEO/Pay-perClick/SEM; e-mail marketing; and mobile marketing) is not statistically different between high and low performers. In table 3 we summarize the different characteristics, strategies and tactics of the high vs low performing sample companies, thus, highlighting the most effective marketing practices. 5.Conlusions In conclusion, our Marketing barometer revealed the marketing strategies, tactics and activities which are associated with company performance. Specifically, high performing companies adopt business strategies that combine organic growth with internationalization or strategic alliances, having established a marketing and customer oriented organization culture through a) the incorporation of the required ingredients of customer relationship operational and analytical components, b) the involvement of marketing personnel in major marketing activities and c) the increase of the overall marketing budget putting particular emphasis on digital advertising.

Table 3 : Differentiators of high and low performing companies . High-performers



Retailing, Wholesaling, Manufacturing



More than 50 employees

Less than 50 employees

Type of customers

B2B and/or B2C


Business strategy

Combinations of organic growth with internationalization or strategic alliances


Marketing Strategy

Customer Oriented

Sales/Product Oriented

Customer centricity

Effective integration of customer relationships management process

Sporadic implementation of customer relationships management process

Marketing leadership

Communication, Marketing Research, New Product Development,Pricing,New Market Entry/ Penetration Strategy

Sales and Sales Promotions

Overall marketing budget for 2016



Digital marketing expenses for 2016

Digital Advertising

Diamonds 45


Article by the President of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce

Simos Anastasopoulos The New Landscape

On the long term, we will continue to shape the new landscape through the work of our various committees by promoting the necessary reforms that will change mentalities and business practices

46 Diamonds

After seven years of Memoranda [i.e. loan agreements] and austerity, four different governments that negotiated agreements with our lenders, the reprofiling of the debt and the development of a cohesive plan to exit the crisis and return to growth, we are still stuck with uncertainty and recession. The operating conditions for the real economy are still extremely difficult and the return to normality remains an elusive dream. It is about time that we face reality and reconsider our approach and practices of doing business by actively participating in the formation of the new landscape further and above of any governmental policies. The inadequacy of the public administration and the preoccupation of our governments with fiscal reforms rather than reforms for growth, i.e. the realization that the government is largely unable to create in the present time a suitable business environment, essentially conveys the burden to the private sector. We are therefore called on to showcase the prospects of Greece’s economy by promoting the successful and credible companies that have adapted, changed and survived through the crisis. Companies that understand and incorporate the principles of open markets, competitiveness and corporate responsibility. They represent the credible private sector that realizes the need to shape a healthy environment that promotes business and entrepreneurship in order to create wealth

and distribute it fairly to all stakeholders. This is the new landscape that is developing in Greece, which, if effectively promoted, can reverse the false image about our country and persuade the markets and the international investment community that a new credible and creative Greece emerges full of opportunities and prospects and worthy of investment. Realizing the requirements, the AmericanHellenic Chamber of Commerce is proceeding with three initiatives. In order to quickly reverse the markets’ perception about the investment climate in Greece we are leading a direct communication campaign in the US with the cooperation of important organization like the Athens Stock Exchange and Enterprise Greece, and the participation of credible and successful companies represented at the highest level that will project the new landscape as developed and consolidated by the crisis. On a midterm timeframe, we are proceeding with the formation of a Business Competitiveness Council that is absolutely necessary under the current conditions to restore the credibility of the country and increase the competitiveness level of our economy. On the long term, we will continue to shape the new landscape through the work of our various committees by promoting the necessary reforms that will change mentalities and business practices.


Diamonds 47


President of the Hellenic Chinese Chamber, Entrepreneur, President of VITEX

Constantine Yannidis Hellenic Chinese Chamber and its role on the development of the bilateral cooperation

The role of the Hellenic Chinese Chamber (Commerce, Industry, Tourism and Shipping) is to become a bridge of communication between both countries for facilitating the bilateral commerce in imports and exports, enhancing cooperation in the services industry and of course to further attract Chinese investments in Greece 48 Diamonds

● The vision of Hellenic Chinese Chamber Greece and China do not only share a common past but also a common vision for the future that will be based on the better knowledge of each other. Although Greece and China are geographically far away, they are linked by friendship and mutual appreciation. Both countries are cradles of ancient civilizations and, at the same time, they enhance their cooperation with their eyes set on the future. Culture, education and science, together with contacts and exchanges between people, form the basis of the traditional Silk Road (One Belt One Road), linking China and Europe, with Greece playing a central role in these relations. The role of the Hellenic Chinese Chamber (Commerce, Industry, Tourism and Shipping) is to become a bridge of communication between both countries for facilitating the bilateral commerce in imports and exports, enhancing cooperation in the services industry and of course to further attract Chinese investments in Greece. We strongly believe that without the foreign investments the Greek economy will not recover soon. Whoever loves Greece and respects the Greeks cannot stand for the opposite. People, cities, and businesses of the two countries share the same dream, that is, to realize the revitalization of their respective nations. It has been proven in history that the future of countries and nations are becoming increasingly intertwined. Only through enhanced cooperation can countries realize joint revitalization and become an inseparable community. That is why in 2017 China is being the honored Country in Greece and Greece is being the honored Country in China. ● Strategic Investors A number of sophisticated domestic players including Fosun International Holdings and China COSCO Holdings have snapped up deals in a wide array of sectors in Greece in recent years and continued to show a strong interest in the country.

In August 2016, the Chinese shipping giant Cosco became the major stakeholder and assumed the management of Greece’s largest harbor, Piraeus Port Authority. The private conglomerate Fosun International Holdings entered an agreement in 2014 with Lamda Development SA to invest $200 million to reconstruct the former Elliniko International Airport in Athens. It has also been building up the tourism infrastructure in collaboration with the Thomas Cook Group to cater to affluent Chinese people who have shown an increasing interest in visiting Greece. Under the plan, PPC will sell a 24 percent stake in ADMIE to China’s State Grid for 320 million euros. Also, in the near future Air China will have direct flights from Beijing to Athens. ● C an the increase in incoming tourism from China provide a boost to the Greek economy? Even if the number of Chinese tourists visiting Greece rises significantly, their lower per capita, per-trip spend here (duty-free shops aside) means the country’s tourism industry will struggle to make up for the higher spending previously seen among German or British guests. While a certain percentage of individual Chinese visitors in Greece will splash out on luxury digs, with some even buying vacation homes, and numbers will undoubtedly continue to grow, it’s far too early to expect an influx of Chinese outbound tourists to rush in, spend lavishly, and “boost” the Greek tourism industry at this point. The “Golden Visa Program” was originally laid out in 2013 by the Greek government in the aftermath of the country’s massive sovereign debt crisis, with the aim of luring foreign capital to revitalize the failing economy. By the end of January 2017, the Greek government issued a total of 1,573 real estate investment licenses to foreigners, out of which over 40% were issued to Chinese buyers.


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Diamonds 49


Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kenya in the Hellenic Republic

Vicky Pantazopoulou Kenya: The rising power of the African continent

The country enjoys political stability and has a strategic development planning by 2030.

50 Diamonds

Kenya has evolved into the largest economic power of East and Central Africa with an increasingly robust and expanding economy. The country enjoys political stability and has a strategic development planning by 2030. Keeping close track of its course, it can be argued that the current period is appropriate to seize the really countless business opportunities that the country offers: (a) Investment environment of low risk and great opportunities; (b) Favourable investment policy; and, (c) Access to an expanded prospective market (460 million consumers in the East and South African Common Market). The areas deserving the attention of entrepreneurs are: Agriculture and Food Processing Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy, providing the necessary means of survival for 75% of the population. There is a remarkable field for diversification but also expansion of the agricultural sector, both by means of accelerating production in edible crops and through food processing, manufacturing and marketing. Investment opportunities are offered in irrigation (intensive, construction of dams and water reservoirs, etc.), as well as in upgrading technological infrastructure, for instance in packaging, storage (eg. cooling chambers), and transportation (in particular, of sensitive products such as flowers). Also deserving attention is the production of seeds, insecticides, herbicides and various veterinary services and related products. The production of tea, coffee, flowers, tropical fruits and nuts is one of the most productive and dynamic sectors in the rural economy. Demand, of course, is also high for the related supportive products and services. Finally, other promising fields are animal breeding (bees, fish, poultry, sheep, goats, cattle) and the entire dairy production, packaging and distribution chain. Constructions and Real Estate Kenya boasts a well-developed construction industry. With constant population growth, the country’s dynamic growth and the renewal of urban areas, there are constantly opportunities not only in home building (for high, medium and low incomes - including prefabricated low-cost), but also in commercial and industrial buildings. In addition, there is a large number of large public projects (roads, railways, bridges, etc.) under way. Due to this rapidly growing sector of the economy, significant opportunities are also opening up in the production and supply of building materials, fittings and other related products. Industrial sector The industry and manufacturing sector offers many investment opportunities and its role is important

in delivering added value to agricultural production. There is a really wide range of opportunities for either direct investment or entering into joint ventures in all manufacturing sectors, including agricultural products processing, auto parts assembling (already rapidly developing), clothing, electronics and electrical devices (motors, transformers, switches, pumps, resistors, capacitors, etc.), plastic, paper (with wood pulp from a variety of vegetable materials but also recycled paper), chemical and pharmaceutical products, metal products and mechanical equipment for both the domestic market and exports. Tourism and Hospitality Tourism is the third largest sector in Kenya to attract foreign exchange. The tourism industry is developing not only as a result of market liberalization measures and its diversification and expansion, but also because of the Government’s firm commitment to provide a supportive environment that is very well-suited to the successful promotion of tourism and political stability. Excellent opportunities are offered in various forms of tourism, such as congress, cultural, ecotourism, cruises, aviation, spanning from the creation of infrastructure to the variety of supporting actions and projects (production of promotional / information material, etc.). In the tourism sector, one can move either by direct investment or through joint ventures with Kenyan entrepreneurs. Special investor interest should also be focused on the construction/equipment of hotels and lodgings in national parks and reserves all over the country. Energy Kenya’s rapid growth has, naturally, created everincreasing energy needs. Energy demand is rising in recent years with rates of 20% per annum. In 2017, pumping is expected to commence of the country’s oil reserves, while an oil pipeline already under construction. Notably, special emphasis is given to the production of energy from renewable sources (RES). In this context, demand and opportunities are constantly being created in the fields of energy from the sun, wind, geothermal, water and biomass. Computer and Internet Services Kenya has integrated the IT and communication technologies into the priorities of its growth strategy. With the incentives and benefits it has to offer, investments can be made in individual sectors, such as internet cafes, call centers, computer software development, computer hardware repair, education and training, assignment of business procedures in sectors such as IT, development of broadband infrastructure, and so on.










Chair of the German-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Michalis Maillis,

“Extroversion and business activity, the way out for the new production model”

In 2016 alone, the Chamber, as a body, opened a channel of commercial activity in Germany for 439 Greek companies by international trade fairs organized in Germany and in other countries by German Trade Fairs Organizations

52 Diamonds

After many adventures, Greece “is turning the page” and tries to find its pace and get back on a course of continued growth. Greece is trying to restore its partners’ trust by having implemented a series of reforms on a wide range of sectors. Endeavors of course do not stop here, as it remains to prove reliability in meeting commitments. Further, greater efforts need to be made in the fields of reforms and privatizations, the functioning of public administration, the mindset of the State as well as of the business sector. At the same time, it is obvious that gradually the country’s new production model should take shape, a model based on extroversion and boosting competitiveness. To that direction the role of businesses, especially of the dynamic undertakings, the “diamond undertakings,” that stand out for their innovation and dynamism, is crucial. Spearheaded with a strong “entrepreneurship” and the promoted reforms, it’s about time we looked ahead with our main target to be the attraction of investments, creation of productive workplaces, the qualitative enhancement of our economy, namely all the elements we call sustainable development. The German-Hellenic Chamber, loyal to its principles to support Greek business activity and facilitate the efforts of attracting new investments, functions as the meeting point of foreign investors and the domestic market, as well as a bridge for the development of the extroverted Greek undertakings.

In 2016 alone, the Chamber, as a body, opened a channel of commercial activity in Germany for 439 Greek companies by international trade fairs organized in Germany and in other countries by German Trade Fairs Organizations. At the same time, 9,214 interested Greeks visited the said trade fairs seeking for new collaborations. Germany, as the biggest economy in the Euro-zone, however, is a point of reference for the Greek economy. Apart from its participation to the stabilization program, Germany is a main export destination, a host country for Greek scientists contributing to bilateral synergies, and the biggest market for Greek tourism. Germany has always constituted and constitutes an important investment partner of Greece. German companies have made investments in Greece in excess of 3 billion euros in the past few years, by employing 28,000 people and generating a turnover of 7.1 billion euros. For solid collaborations with the institutional partners, the country should provide space to businesses and let them “breath.” Only in this way the national effort to definitively end the crisis will bear fruit for our economy to progressively win its lost competitiveness. Only in this way the serious sacrifices of the Greek people during the last seven years, since 2010 when the first memorandum with the credit institutions was been signed, will prove to have been beneficial.


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Diamonds 53


President of Hellenic - Russian Chamber of Commerce

Dr. Dimitris Bakolas, Greek-Russian Relations: Time for moving forward

The HellenicRussian Chamber of Commerce, with its over 20 years experience on issues of bilateral business, has the required contacts and networks, as well as the know-how in assisting Greek companies

54 Diamonds

The sanctions European Union adopted against the Russian Federation and the reciprocal sanctions of the RF against the EU Countries had a very negative impact on Greek-Russian economic relations, and although the Greek Government was among those in the European Union that did not favor the sanctions, Greece had to comply with the EU decisions once they have been taken. Therefore, the positive momentum in the relations of the two countries, created by the initial openly pro-Russian rhetoric of the newly elected Greek leftish Government, has been quickly evaporated. When facing the crisis, the Government had to adopt different behavioral models in it’s international diplomacy, maintaining closer relations with the EU partners and the USA, while reducing expectations for Russian financial assistance. Further to the sanctions, these consequences brought additional damage to all

areas of bilateral relations, and first of all to the economic relations and trade: Greek vegetable and fruit producers did suffer at most, but practically all business areas, including tourism, have been affected. However, the situation seems to have started changing recently: tourist flow from Russia is drastically increasing, the deals in real state with Russians are moving up, while recently Russian companies came back showing interest in the privatization of Greek state companies, such as the railway enterprises and ports. The Hellenic-Russian Chamber of Commerce, with its over 20 years experience on issues of bilateral business, has the required contacts and networks, as well as the know-how in assisting Greek companies in their efforts to penetrate the huge Russian market, while providing support to Russian investors considering the opportunities in Greece.


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Diamonds 55


Managing Director, N|E|P|A Economic Consulting

Konstantinos Patiris

The Tax developments in 2016 in the light of international competition

Greece has taxfree 2 times the poverty level while the rest of the EU states calculate the tax-free to the poverty line

Contact Details: N|E|P|A Economic Consulting Athens: Anageniseos Str. 7-9, Nea Filadelfia, 14342 Τ: +30 210 2585584 E: UK: 130 Wood Street, London, EC2V 6DL T: +44 (0)20 7556 1460 E:

56 Diamonds

The rapid developments at global tax level have led to ongoing changes in the economic services of each state for stricter controls and limitation of tax evasion of natural and legal entities. It is constantly observed that the action plans of large organizations G20, EU and United Nations refer to how control greater tax transparency and exchange of information (characteristic actions the base erosion and profit shifting – BEPS). The businesses are taxed with 29% holding 5th place in the EU with the highest tax rate. Apart from the high tax rate on Greek businesses, a 100% tax advance is secured. In this tax dimension, if there is a deduction tax on dividends of 15% in the distribution and a solidarity levy of 2.2% to 10%, they create conditions of unequal competition for businesses compared to those of the EU, but also companies from third countries. The standard rate of 24% VAT applied to our businesses is also the 5th highest in the EU, however the VAT deficit between 20002011 amounted to 30%. The high VAT deficit dwindles the significant loss of revenue due to tax evasion and tax avoidance, which also creates unequal competition between businesses in our country and uneven competition in international price formation. Despite the high taxation, the state does not receive those planned, because coun-

tries such as Greece, France and USA are in declining points on the Laffer curve, as high tax rates are not accompanied by corresponding tax revenues. The maximum tax rates for natural entities range from 25% to 55% for OECD countries, and Greece is the country with the highest rate of low incomes when Austria the tax rate of 55% applies it to over 1 million. Generally, for most countries in the EU, tax is 20,000 â‚Ź and the low tax rate is 15%. Furthermore, regarding Greece, progressivity of taxes is limited and the large tax burden is treated by a limited income range. Greece has tax-free 2 times the poverty level while the rest of the EU states calculate the tax-free to the poverty line. All of the above, led Greek companies and businesses to a precarious financial situation, diminishing their effectiveness combined with the limitation and lack of liquidity. In order to address all of the above, companies will have to face these difficulties as a challenge, through: 1. Taxation planning and analysis of all laws, that could help the Greek company, such as the out-of-court settlement, Law 4469/2017 2. Adaptation and development of all corporate tax offices to alert and learn the current control policies 3. Continuous follow up and ongoing training of business executives on the above issues.


Diamonds 57


Chairman of the Hellenic Association of Management Consulting Firms (SESMA), Chairman and CEO of STOCHASIS Business Consultants SA

Mr. Vasilis Regouzas

Entrepreneurship and growth in Greece

Further enhancing competitiveness as a prerequisite for increasing extroversion requires a stable economic and business environment and eliminating as soon as possible cases of over-taxation of businesses and individuals 58 Diamonds

Since 2014, Greece has been struggling to recover its economy after a 6-year recession that has resulted in a 26% loss in the country’s GDP since 2008. The recession in 2008-2013 was the result of unsustainable growth in the period 2000-2009, which at macroeconomic level relied on the continuous increase in domestic demand with increased foreign borrowing, resulting in over-indebtedness and the country’s exclusion from the markets. This growth model also contributed to the creation of business undertakings which were largely supported by the State, either by regulating or suspending competition in the markets or by introducing all kinds of tax exemptions and protection measures that made non-competitive businesses profitable, either by artificially increasing demand for non-competing products of domestic firms, always borrowing from abroad. In the period 2010-2013, Greece was required not only to achieve the necessary fiscal adjustment (since there was no longer any external borrowing to finance the uncontrolled deficits), but also the opening up of key markets of the economy to competition. After 2013, Greek entrepreneurship could no longer rely on the Greek state because it could not cover the «competitive gaps» of domestic enterprises. Consequently, it has grown into a business-generating (goods and services) entrepreneurship that faces favorable domestic and global demand due to their quality and competitive costs. Competitive entrepreneurship (in domestic and international markets) has been growing in recent years, as evidenced by the dynamic growth of exports of goods since 2010 and tourism since 2013, and by the creation of several new competitive

businesses earning a share in the shrinking domestic market. In particular, the extroversion of businesses operating in industries that produce internationally tradable products has increased significantly and continues to grow rapidly in the 2010-2017 period, but from its very low levels in 2009. More and more Greek businesses have started to regard as a market for their products not their small local market or domestic market, or at most the market of a neighboring country, but the whole of the European and world markets. In this context, they adjust their business activities and organizational structure to respond effectively to the requirements of the new competitive conditions. Further enhancing competitiveness as a prerequisite for increasing extroversion requires a stable economic and business environment and eliminating as soon as possible cases of over-taxation of businesses and individuals. It is certainly necessary to remove the chronic obstacles (bureaucracy, etc.) to the entrepreneurship that exist in our country; Greece must now understand that its own growth policy cannot be but restoring its credibility with regard to fulfilling its loan obligations and implementing policies that will preserve and enhance the international competitiveness of its products. Despite the fact that the dynamic growth of competitiveness in recent years is not enough to compensate fully for the decline of “uncompetitive” entrepreneurship, we are at a time when entrepreneurship and the Greek economy itself with its comparative advantages and its enhanced international competitiveness have been strengthened and are expected to be further enhanced by the recovery of the economy.










Diamonds 59


President of Federation of Greek Mariculture

Antonis Chachlakis Investments, exports, expertise: The basis of Greek fish farming’s competitiveness

For yet another year it has been confirmed that fish farming is one of the key sectors of Greece’s primary production sector, having all the features needed to play a leading role in restarting the Greek economy: it attracts investment, it exports, and it directly and indirectly employs about 12,000 people in coastal and island regions, contributing to social cohesion in 10 of the country’s 13 regions.

In particular, in 2016 the volume of overall exports increased by 17%, exceeding a total of 83,000 tons

60 Diamonds

The sector’s most powerful asset, however, is its export activity and its contribution to the country’s trade balance and GDP. The total export value of all catches in the country in 2016 amounted to 653.5 million euros, of which 80% accounted for exports of sea bream and sea bass. Fish farming remains one of the main pillars of our national economy. In particular, in 2016 the volume of overall exports increased by 17%, exceeding a total of 83,000 tons, of an estimated value of over 450 million euros, again contributing to the country’s trade balance. As much as 93% of exports are channelled into EU markets, and the remaining 7% in all other countries; in terms of competition, Turkey remains Greece’s main competitor because of its increased production and aggressive trade policy due to declining domestic demand. Fish farming has been recognized as a promising sector of the country’s primary production, and has made many ‘firsts’ in its 30-year history. Recognizing the qual-

ity of Greek products, combined with their ever-increasing demand, provides the spark for further growth. But in order to win the growth bet, the state must stand by us, and support and promote the industry’s two strategic priorities: 1. Firstly, to accelerate the establishment of the Organized Areas for Aquaculture Development, stipulated in 2011 as the key instrument for the sector’s organized and environmentally responsible development. 2. Secondly, to immediately activate the Operational Fisheries Program, as it is the main tool for financing investment, job creation and promotional activities. Indicatively, while funding of Aquaculture Producers’ Organizations in other EU countries has already begun, in Greece the institutional framework for recognizing them is still pending. Fish farming exports 2016 Third counties Italy Spain France Portugal Netherlands Germany UK Other EU countries

2% 47% 16% 11% 10% 4% 3% 3% 4%


Diamonds 61


SEVE’s President

Dr. Kyriakos Loufakis “Greece has to ensure a stable political and economic environment, and consolidate security and trust”

Investment and optimism will help the economy recover in the long term, but Greece has to take care of the small and medium enterprises, the backbone of our economy

62 Diamonds

Despite the negative environment and the several problems which Greek exporters have to deal with, Greek exports were stable in 2016 and excluding fuels and lubricants, they rose by 1,2% on a yearly basis. Especially during the first quarter of 2017, expectations on the future of extroversion have risen due to our export performance. In January-March 2017, exports of goods stood at 6.9 billion euros compared to 5.8 billion euros in January-March 2016, up by 20.3%, whereas excluding fuels and lubricants, exports were up by 6.4% on a yearly basis. Thus, there is huge potential for Greek export firms to continue their upward spiral. In order to reinforce this potential, Greece has to ensure a stable political and economic environment and to consolidate security and trust which are further essential for business sustainability and export growth. Moreover, the conclusion of the review on the third financial assistance programme for Greece in summer will be a positive development. Investment such as the privatization of the Thessaloniki Port Authority is a great opportunity for Thessaloniki to become a global trade center between Far East where the production is made and consumption in the Western World. The geographical position of Greece,

and especially Thessaloniki, is well situated for becoming a hub where assembling and producing final goods from raw or intermediate materials can take place, corroborating in the middle and long term the Greek exports. Investment and optimism will help the economy recover in the long term, but Greece has to take care of the small and medium enterprises, the backbone of our economy, and provide them with a secure operating framework, as they can contribute in the short term on the economic development. Unfortunately, the malfunction of the Greek banking system with huge liquidity issues, coupled with excessive taxation which has an impact both on investment and working capital, create disadvantages for Greek exporters. SMEs can contribute to GDP growth and the corroboration of extroversion which is vital for economic development. In conclusion, striking a balance between fiscal stability policies and growth policies is the main pursuant. We have to take advantage of our competitive advantages, creating a context of stable economic environment focusing on extroversion. Now is the time to move on from the economy of recession to an economy of recovery and gradually to an economy of growth.


Diamonds 63


General Manager of the Association of Greek Olive Oil Standardization Industries (SEVITEL)

George Economou

It is absolutely imperative to establish Greek olive oil as synonymous to a premium and powerful, packaged olive oil brand

We need a co-ordinated national and collective visibility and promotion program

64 Diamonds

Since 1993 --and even more systematically since 2003-- SEVITEL has been actively involved in any export initiative expressed through national or EU programs. In fact, it was the first sector association in Europe to become active in promoting olive oil through EU programs. SEVITEL has already implemented 8 such programs, in at least 11 EU and 7 non-EU markets. These programs are co-funded by the European Union (50%), Greece’s Ministry of Agricultural Development and Foods through state budget (20%) and by SEVITEL (30%). The results are positive both in quantitative and qualitative terms. From 10,000 tons of branded olive oil exported in 2005, today we have reached 30,000 tons – a 300% increase. I personally feel that the qualitative difference in product distribution is even more important. Greek olive oil is no longer distributed solely through the traditional shops of the Greek Diaspora, but it is present in many retail chains and modern distribution networks, “confronting” the Italian and the Spanish olive oils on an equal basis. Also, where before 2005 the organic olive oils of specific origin were almost non-existent in the exports’ product portfolio, today they hold an important part of it. International markets are still growing for olive oil and in some countries, especially European ones, there is a specific demand for Greek olive oil. So, it is absolutely imperative to establish Greek olive oil as synonymous to a premium and powerful, packaged olive oil brand, and remove the “stigma” that it is a “good raw material for Italian olive oil.” SEVITEL’s proposals regarding the above necessity include the following: ● We must implement a cohesive national strategy and integrated intervention measures for the development of the sector. What we are just recently trying to promote, other competing countries like Spain have already done since the early 90s. There is no time for delays. ● Everyone involved in the olive oil supply chain – from the producer to the packer and exporter – must understand the importance of developing and growing the market for Greek olive oil, beyond simply producing it. There is room for production only when there is a market to sell to. The opposite is not the case. ● We have excellent quality, we have vacant capacity, and therefore we need to invest in market growth especially abroad. ● Incentives for mergers and creation of economies of scale should be the new motto in our policy. ● We must ensure the much-desired liquidity for the industry, and give a priority to exports. We cannot afford to waste neither a market nor a load due to funding inability. We need a co-ordinated national and collective visibility and promotion program. Let’s follow the example of our competitors, like Spain, that has introduced a small, per kilo of olive oil, retention fee, for financing the promotion and building the image of Spanish olive oil worldwide. Times have changed, the markets have opened up, international competition has intensified, the other olive oil producing countries are progressing rapidly and new producing countries are dynamically joining the world market. Many to-the-point characterizations have been attributed to Greek olive oil, such as “national product”, “unexploited national wealth,” etc. It is high time now that we handle it with actions, just like it deserves. For the olive oil packing and export companies that SEVITEL represents, the key strategic thrust and prerequisite for their sustainable development is to stay extrovert and focus on building branded products by taking advantage of the promotional programs SEVITEL undertakes worldwide.


Diamonds 65


President SEVT

Evangelos Kaloussis “The Greek Food Industry and its way back to growth”

We also constantly support innovation through sustainable actions, such as the ECOTROPHELIA competition, as well as the Greek Technology Platform and the Brokerage Events

66 Diamonds

The Greek Food sector is a main pillar of the Greek industry, contributing a lot to the nation’s economy. More specifically, the Greek Food Industry currently represents 25% of the industrial production, with 1,225 businesses active in the sector and sales of more than € 14.2 billion. The Food and Drink Industry represents 4% of the country’s total GDP, with increasing exports reaching € 4.5 billion. The seven-year period, 2009-2016, has been particularly difficult for the economy of our country. The significant drop in family income, the increased VAT, several tax increases, the lack of liquidity, along with other special taxes on food and beverages, have significantly impacted consumers’ purchasing power and their psychology. Still, in this challenging environment, the Greek Food & Drinks Industry continues to strive for the recovery of the economy and the strengthening of our country’s image across the world. Thus, our main focus relies on growth and we work towards this direction through the improvement of Competitiveness, the reinforcement of Extroversion, the promotion of Research & Innovation and the attraction of new In-

vestments. Regarding Competitiveness, our sector monitors the worldwide trends and invests on continuous improvements in order to respond to new consumer trends and provide safe & healthy products of top quality, as consumers’ trust is non-negotiable. Concerning extroversion, we aim to produce products that stand out for their authenticity and quality, support modern Greek agricultural production and promote the Greek diet, exporting famous Greek products of excellent quality to new markets abroad. We also constantly support innovation through sustainable actions, such as the ECOTROPHELIA competition, as well as the Greek Technology Platform and the Brokerage Events, aiming to support the entrepreneurship & the development of innovative, added value products. In the Greek Food Industry, in a difficult environment, we make a major effort with a winning spirit and a creative approach, having as main objective the return to growth. We work hard, with passion and commitment to quality, in order to achieve consumers’ satisfaction and sustainability of the food sector.



Η SANOFI ΕΙΝΑΙ ΜΙΑ ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΑ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΒΙΟΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ η οποία δεσμεύεται να βελτιώσει την πρόσβαση των ασθενών στην υγειονομική περίθαλψη, ενώ παράλληλα υποστηρίζει τους ανθρώπους που αντιμετωπίζουν προκλήσεις υγείας. Από την πρόληψη έως τη θεραπεία, οι 110.000 άνθρωποι της Sanofi είναι αφοσιωμένοι στο να κάνουν τη διαφορά στην καθημερινότητα των ασθενών, όπου κι αν ζουν, και να τους προσφέρουν τη δυνατότητα να απολαύσουν μία καλύτερη, πιο υγιή ζωή. SAGR.SA.17.02.0091

Diamonds 67


TELECOMMUNICATIONS: We design, license, construct and support the infrastructures for mobile and land line networks. EDIL HELLAS offers experience and comprehensive services in all aspects relating to your telecommunication needs, like the development of optical fiber NGA networks, I&C of telecommunication equipment and turn Key construction of mobile network base stations. It also provides maintenance services, telemetering, telemanagement and energy in remote areas. Our successful course in the field is confirmed by our client base, the biggest mobile and land line network providers. NATURAL GAS & Compressed Natural Gas: EDIL HELLAS has focused on the natural gas sector offering solutions and services for the design, construction and maintenance of infrastructure and networks. It is the main affiliate for most of the important gas providers and network managers like EDA Thessalonikis & Thessalias, EDA Attiis, DEDA and DESFA. With CNGGreece, EDIL HELLAS became the first CNG Operator in Greece to provide compressed natural gas (CNG) to off-the grid areas not connected to the pipeline network such as municipality networks, industrial consumers any other type of commercial consumers and natural gas stations.

68 Diamonds


Η CNG Greece είναι η 1η εταιρεία Προμήθειας και Μεταφοράς Συμπιεσμένου Φυσικού Αερίου (CNG) στην ελληνική αγορά. Χρησιμοποιώντας τεχνολογίες αιχμής, η CNG Greece κάνει πραγματικότητα την παροχή φυσικού αερίου σε καταναλωτές εκτός δικτύου με την μέθοδο Virtual Pipeline. Το φυσικό αέριο του δικτύου συμπιέζεται στο 1% του όγκου του, φορτώνεται σε κυλίνδρους και με ειδικά οχήματα μεταφέρεται στον τόπο της κατανάλωσης. Το Εικονικό Δίκτυο Διανομής Φυσικού Αερίου που δημιουργείται, μπορεί πια να εξυπηρετήσει Τοπικά Δίκτυα Δήμων, Βιομηχανικούς και Εμπορικούς καταναλωτές και, Πρατήρια Αεριοκίνησης σε Μη Διασυνδεδεμένες Περιοχές.

CNG GREECE Περάστε μαζί μας στη νέα εποχή καυσίμων Ευρεία κάλυψη με σταθμούς σε Θεσσαλονίκη - Λάρισα - Αθήνα - Κομοτηνή. Διεύθυνση: ΝΒ 7, Οικ. Τετ. 36 Σίνδος, 57022 T. +30 231 199 0552


Diamonds 69



The big turn around

● Profitable companies are a majority ● Increase in profit margins, higher dividends ● Balancing year for banks ● Organic improvements that will be continued

It took six years for listed companies, as a majority, to return to profitability and deliver a positive result across the bottom line. The last financial year that listed companies were profitable was 2013, when they had a profit of 2.5 billion euros, but 65% of them were loss-making. In 2016, a turn around was as it should be, given that in addition to net profits of 1.0 billion euros, 52% of the companies ended the year in positive territory. This trend did not occur unexpectedly; it was the product of company migration, bankruptcies, mergers, improvements, and mainly economic stabilization as expressed in GDP figures in 2016. It is no mere coincidence that Greek companies showed a strong correlation to the course of GDP, as the last time that a majority of profitable companies was recorded was in 2009. The performance of listed companies in 2016 is of particular im-

70 Diamonds

portance because it was achieved in one of Greece’s most hostile economic times. The basic tax rates for VAT, corporation tax and dividend tax in Greece in 2016 were 24%, 29% and 15%, respectively, and constitute the highest combination of taxes imposed on SA companies since 2000. For most companies, this combination is a small liquidity time bomb. Indeed, if other special taxes are added to this picture (eg. OPAP), the increased tax advances for the next financial year and the restrictions on capital movements, then the performance of listed companies in 2016 is tantamount to a small feat. The fiscal year 2016 was not a mere walk in the park. Despite the theoretically low basis of comparison to 2015, there were contradictions and extraordinary reasons that could justify a subordinate picture. Many of the listed companies were charged with the cost of reorganizing Marinopoulos supermarket chain, while fines by the Competition Commission have greatly reduced the results of construction companies; the decline in holdings and real estate continued at a high rate, while there were some negative surprises from companies beyond expectations. On the contrary, companies


that have systematically relied on exports, tourism and a prudent domestic expansion, saw their figures rise, or gained market shares as weaker players went off market. Banks stabilized at an organic level, also helped by sales of fixed assets or holdings in the Balkans. The result of this effort had an impact on shareholders, as dividends for the fiscal year to date are at 900 million euros versus 600 million euros a year earlier. The drop in turnover by 1.7% comes exclusively from the fuel refining and marketing sector (-6.7%), as a result of the decrease in the price of crude oil during the year and the sector’s overall specific weight (~ 24%). If refineries are excluded, turnover is unchanged, reflecting the stagnation of the Greek economy in the whole of last year. At sector level, Constructions (+22%) present a better image, as a result of their strong first-half results and the acceleration of concession projects. Remarkable industry performance is also seen in Retail (+ 11%) and transport rentals (+ 43%) associated with the tourism market. Operational profitability increased by 14.3%, reflecting an improvement in organic margins, which stood at 13.59% (compared to

11.69% last year), recording the highest annual rate observed since 2007. Improvements in operating margins have covered more than half of the losses from the recorded fluctuation of operating margins since the period of application of international accounting standards (3.8% - 17.9%). In the second half of the year, the operating margin stood at 14.3% (compared to 12.2% in 2015), while excluding refineries, the improvement reached 237 basis points, i.e. 14.89% against 12.52%. It has been observed that when operating margins are above a double-digit rate by mid-year, the final figures in the balance after deducting interest, depreciation and taxes, is usually marginally positive, a fact that was fully confirmed in 2016. Apart from operating profits and in spite of the effect of Finansbank’s loss on National Bank results, listed companies posted profits marginally higher than 1 billion euros. Commercial and industrial companies showed a profit of 1.8 billion euros, compared to 761 million euros in 2015 (+ 132%). Excluding the best industry (Refineries), profits are reduced to 1.2 billion euros (+ 128%), while excluding the worst (Constructions), profits are close to 1.95 billion euros (+ 99%). The distribution of net profits in the two semesters shows

Diamonds 71


a balanced fiscal year, in spite of the multitude of extraordinary negative events in the second half. The net profit margin reflected almost the entire improvement in operating margins, as a result of more cautious expansion of companies (maintaining depreciation at steady levels) and lower financing costs. The net margin during the year increased by 162 basis points to 2.81%, while in the second half it moved to 2.44%. In the banking sector, following Q4 2016 results, there have been some more distinct qualitative rearrangements. Differences in interest income stood at a low, one-digit rate, while substantial improvements were seen in profitability forecasts, which reflected the decrease in the organic cost and the contribution of profit from the sales of holdings. Finans’ losses have created a distorted picture of the sector’s net profitability, which for the four systemic banks is estimated at 317 million euros. Improvements that were observed and were consistent in each of the four quarters of the year - were as follows: ● Reduction in exposure to ELA and ESF funding ● Elimination of funding pillar 2. Redemption of Cocos (National Bank of Greece) ● Reduction in organic costs ● Reduction of NPLs and faster reduction of NPEs from the SSM program

72 Diamonds

● Faster deleveraging ● Sale of subsidiaries and EFSF bonds, recording surplus value that

helped absorb credit losses

● Maintaining high capital adequacy ratios (CT1: 16.9%)

The protagonists After several quarters of high predictability, positive surprises returned in the announcement of results. The strong balance sheets which were pleasantly surprising on the market, included FFGroup, Motor-oil, Coca-Cola, GEK TERNA and Hellenic Petroleum, for both profitability and cash flow. Hellenic Telecoms’ (OTE) profitability stood at satisfactory levels, as did OPAP following corporate transformations, influenced by the increase in gross profit tax, while Karelia continued its upward trend on all profit lines. The three companies in RES, Anemos, Terna Energy and Envitec had a strong fourth quarter, raising their profitability significantly. Similarly, Aegean Air, Plaisio and Intralot had a better finish of the year, improving their initial moderate performance. In medium-sized companies, the results of Sarantis, Thrace Plastics, Quest (influenced by extraordinary European events), and Autohellas stand out for their qualitative and dynamic picture. Several new names like Kloukinas, Nakas, AS Company and Iaso were added to the smaller categories besides the expected com-


panies (MLS, Elton, Kanakis, Karatzis, Flexopack, Kyriakidis, Kri-Kri, Petropoulos). Lower-than-expected results were also reported by companies that were affected by extraordinary factors, such as AVAX, MIG and Ellaktor, but with improvements in the balance sheet. Negative or lower forecasts were announced by Frigoglass, Forthnet, Euromedica, Karamolegos, Creta Farm, Elgeka, Kreka, Bioter, Akritas and Spyrou. Moving forward The good news for listed companies is that they have not only adapted to the tough conditions, but they also have the gift to perform well in the face of any new kind of business environment worsening. Given that the conclusion of the second assessment (by international creditors) of Greece’s economy will release forces by re-evaluating the Greek risk, corporate profitability can again find improvement catalysts. If the domestic market shows an increase in demand, the leading companies will have the first say in increasing their shares without lowering their profit margins. In the bank sector, the picture of teleconferencing on the one hand proves to be weak for the first quarter, while on the other hand, for milder forecasts of profits for the whole year. The organic cost is expected to be re-compressed, however, credit losses will not have the originally intended reduction rate. In the announcement annual results, Greek banks first provided data on the composition of regulatory capital. This issue has an increased specific weight for the follow-up as the endurance testing procedures are expected to begin in September. With banks having high Deferred Taxation (DTA), it seems that the objectives set by the European Supervisory Mechanism are met at the level of core capital. However, much will depend on the handling and proportion of DTA as the first-quality capital for the core capital of the banks. Therefore, the banking industry may be on investment focus due to the possible reduction in the country’s risk premium, however, needs attention as a possible change in supervisory obligations may create capital needs. Privatizations (Airports, Hellenicon, etc.), tourism and extraversion are the main business catalysts for the rest of 2017. They are resources that can give additional impetus to the growth of activity as there is the relative potential to exploit such a development. Additionally, there could be a possible reduction in the cost of borrowing, accelerating the process of selling red loans or auctioning new construction projects. Following the completion of result announcements, we maintain our positive attitude towards the banking sector by focusing on Alpha Bank as the bank that combines the best balance sheet, risk and return characteristics. In the non-financial sector, we consider OTE as the best ‘reflector’ of the lowering of the country’s special risk, while Mytilineos’ corporate transformation is of interest because of the synergies involved and investors’ visibility of profitability. In addition, we maintain a positive view of Folli-Follie due to its excellent performance, and Aegean Airlines due to its strong correlation with the country’s tourism. As far as other companies are concerned, we remain positive for Fourlis, Sarantis and Thrace Plastics, while in smaller companies we focus on Kri-Kri and European Reliance. Manos Hatzidakis, Head of Analysis Division, Beta Brokerage




In mil. Euros



(% )














































































































































Diamonds 73

Towards a cleaner and safer energy future with a distinct social dimension Natural gas is widely recognized as the bridge fuel, which along with renewables, will usher the era of a low carbon economy, not only in Europe, but worldwide. Its use has many economic, environmental and social advantages for states and consumers alike, ranging from households to businesses and industries.

DEPA, the leading supplier of natural gas in Greece, continues to advance its use through various investments, as part of a multilayered strategic plan which takes advantage of the company’s pivotal place in the Greek market. In that way, DEPA can contribute to the re-ignition of the Greek economy and to the reduction of carbon emissions, while at the same time improving the quality of life for local communities.

Another issue of importance when it comes to DEPA’s role is that the company has various sources of natural gas, such as Russia, Algeria and Turkey, while also having different routes for its supply, whether through pipelines or LNG. In this way, DEPA’s actions are 100% compatible to European energy policy, which calls for the differentiation of energy sources and routes of transportation.



DEPA’s investments are multiple in their nature, since they concern the expansion of the internal Greek network, but also the advancement of various international projects. As for Greece, a two-pronged strategy is realized and consists of the expanding of the gas transmission system in new regions, as well as gas reaching consumers in the remote areas through other means, such as CNG trucks and LNG. A primary goal is to expand the use of natural gas in the western part of the country, but there are also plans under way to expand to regions such as Eastern Macedonia/Thrace, the Greek islands and Peloponnese, since there is vocal demand from local communities. The advancing of the Greek market in terms of sale volumes and infrastructure is seen as a necessary step for the realization of major international gas projects with special importance not only for the region of SE Europe, but for the EU as a whole. This is why those projects have already been designated as Projects of Common Interest (PCI) by Brussels. One such project is the already mature Greek-Bulgarian (IGB) interconnector, which is one step away from construction and will provide Bulgaria and other Balkan markets with new quantities of gas from the Southern Corridor and possibly the Eastern Mediterranean and LNG suppliers in the future. Another is the Greek-Italian pipeline (IGI), promoted by DEPA and Edison. Together with EastMed, these projects aim to provide stability, energy security and adequate supplies to the states and consumers of South Europe.

Our five strategic goals 1- A Secure Supply Wherever you are at home, at work, at your business, in school, we are committed to ensuring you have a safe, secure, economical supply of Natural Gas.

2- Leading Market Performance DEPA is dedicated to supporting a liberalized and high-performing market - as a leader.

3- Develop From day one, we have been developing a comprehen-sive, modern national gas infrastructure, serving Greece. The next decade will see this infrastructure expand considerably throughout Greece.

4- Contribute Actions speak louder than words. Our initiatives for a green and efficient gas market are second to none.

5- Support Strong communities create strong societies. Our sup-port to community development is unwavering.

Investments in projects that will define the future of natural gas in SE Europe This is a crucial time when it comes to natural gas infrastructure, because relevant developments and investments will define the future of this particular fuel in Europe. Since gas has been recognized as a pillar fuel for the transition to a low carbon economy, it is essential that all European consumers have access to it as part of a fair, competitive and transparent market. At the same time, new projects must make sure that adequate quantities from as many sources as possible enter the EU. DEPA has a special place when it comes to international natural gas projects, since Greece sits at a crossroads between Europe and Asia. The country already participates in the Southern Corridor through the TAP pipeline, but has ambitious plans to develop other pipeline, LNG and interconnecting projects that will further elevate its place as a regional hub. DEPA already participates in most of these projects and actively pursues their completion.

Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) The project is being developed by ICGB AD, a 50-50 joint venture between IGI Poseidon SA and Bulgarian Energy Holding. DEPA and Italian Edison each hold a 50% of IGI Poseidon’s shares. IGB is at the moment a very mature project, just one step away from realization. Funding is in place, two market tests have been concluded successfully and before the end of 2016 a concessionaire is expected to be selected for its construction, which is expected to last two years.

Poseidon Med II Poseidon Med II project is a practical roadmap which aims to bring about the wide adoption of LNG as a safe, environmentally efficient and viable alternative fuel for shipping and help the East Mediterranean marine transportation propel towards a low-carbon future. The project, which is co-funded by the European Union, involves three countries Greece, Italy and Cyprus, six European ports (Piraeus, Patras, Limassol, Venice, Heraklion, Igoumenitsa) as well as the Revithoussa LNG terminal. The project brings together top experts from the marine, energy and financial sectors to design an integrated LNG value chain and establish a well-functioning and sustainable LNG market.

The Eastern Mediterranean Pipeline (EastMed) The Eastern Mediterranean Pipeline, or the EastMed, will connect the recently discovered gas fields in the Levantine Basin in the Southeast Mediterranean with mainland Greece. It is being developed by DEPA’s subsidiary company IGI Poseidon S.A in which the Italian Company Edison holds a 50% share. Feasibility studies have shown it to be viable both from a technical and an economical standpoint, while the project enjoys political support by the governments of Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Israel. Since more quantities of natural gas are expected to be discovered in the region, EastMed has considerable chances of being realized in the midterm, in order to transfer that gas to Europe.

Interconnector Greece - Italy (IGI) With the goal of connecting Greece to Italy, the Interconnector Greece-Italy (IGI) (running from the Thesprotia region in Greece to Otranto in Southern Italy), developed by the Greek company IGI Poseidon S.A. IGI Poseidon S.A., is equally owned by DEPA and the Italian Edison. It is a small, but vital link in the East-West axis when it comes to the future transfer of natural gas. IGI is projected to be combined with a land pipeline connecting to Turkish Stream in the Greek-Turkish border.

Co-financed by the European Union Connecting Europe Facility

Lower gas prices in the Greece translated to increased competitiveness and social benefits During last year, Greek consumers were able to take advantage of a significantly lower gas price, which was primarily the result of the drop in international oil prices. Cheaper gas led to increased competitiveness for power producers using this fuel versus other energy sources, such as coal. The result was a 53,9% rise of gas consumption in that particular segment. Overall, gas prices have dropped continuously since 2012.


It should be noted that consumption of natural gas in Greece reached 4.25 bcm last year, versus 3.25 bcm in 2015. Of these volumes, 4.07 bcm were supplied by DEPA, marking a 34% increase year to year. At the end of 2016 and during January 2017 demand for gas skyrocketed as a result of cold weather and power shortages. Sales are projected to increase in the following years as well, thanks to contracts with new customers in regions in Greece that did not have coverage until now. It should also be noted that DEPA negotiated a discount in the price of Algerian LNG it receives from Sonatrach during 2017, with a concurrent rise of imported volumes.

gas consuption

DEPA’s prices of natural gas to industry






May 2017

Nov. 2016

Nov. 2015 Jan. 2016

Nov. 2014 Jan. 2015

May 2017

Nov. 2016

Nov. 2015 Jan. 2016

0.0% Nov. 2014 Jan. 2015

0.0% Nov. 2013 Jan. 2014


Nov. 2012 Jan. 2013


Nov. 2013 Jan. 2014


Nov. 2012 Jan. 2013


Jan. 2012



Jan. 2012


DEPA’s prices of natural gas to gas supply companies

An ambitious expansion plan is already under way During 2016, the transformation and evolution of the Greek natural gas market continued, as Gas Distribution Company Rest of Greece (DEDA) S.A., the DEPA distribution subsidiary was activated in the beginning of 2017, according to Greek law, after being formed at the end of 2016. DEDA will take over the construction, extension and activation of new supply networks in regions outside the domain of the other two existing distribution companies (EDA Attica and EDA Thessalia-Thessaloniki). At the same time, DEPA will retain the overall supply strategy, international negotiations and contract signing, as well as the realization of international pipeline projects. DEDA already proceeds with a 320 million euro investment program in order to include 18 peripheral cities gradually in its network in the years to come. The company already controls a network of 500 km. in length, which supplies gas to 170 commercial and industrial customers in the areas of Central Greece, Central Macedonia and Eastern Macedonia - Thrace. The long-term goal is to increase network length to 1,200 km. until the year 2036 and thus increase gas consumption by 1 bcm. This will allow the company to supply 120,000 new residential customers and 10,000 businesses. More specifically, the investment plan calls for 99 million Euros in Central Greece for the construction of 320 km. of medium pressure grid, 7.25 km. of low pressure grid as well as 4 substations. The target in this particular region is 38,000 residential customers and 5,000 businesses.

In Central Macedonia, DEDA plans a 78 million euro investment for the creation of 327 km. medium pressure grid, 9 km. low pressure grid and 7 substations. The target in this case is 25,000 residential customers and 4,000 businesses. The greatest part of the investment program concerns the area of Eastern Macedonia - Thrace, where 485 km. of medium pressure grid, 9 km. of low pressure grid and 9 substations are going to be built with the goal of supplying 45,000 residential customers and 2,000 businesses. In areas where the construction of pipelines is deemed unfeasible, DEDA plans to use CNG. The investment program is separated in two phases; the first phase (2018-2023) is expected to create 1,600 new jobs as well as 700 indirect jobs. Equally important, DEPA signed in December 2016 a deal with Attica Group for supplying LNG to passenger ships. LNG is particularly important for shipping, since the sector is obligated to reduce its carbon footprint and its sulfide emissions from 2020 onwards, according to EU law. At the same time, it provides an opportunity to reduce fuel costs and improve its environmental credentials. In 2017, DEPA cooperated with Greek power market leader, PPC, in order to supply natural gas to islands that have no interconnection to the mainland grid. The goal is to supply power producing plans with gas, as well as to provide gas to local consumers. Last but not least, DEPA participates in the European program “Poseidon Med II�, which has the goal of advancing LNG use and refueling in shipping. DEPA is the Greek coordinator for the five year long project, while the ports of Piraeus, Patras, Heraclion, Venice, Egoumenitsa and Lemessos are included as case studies.


Natural gas as a transportation fuel gains a foothold in Greece

Thessaloniki EKO 28, Georgiki Scholi Avenue, Pylaia BP 36, K. Karamanli Av., Nea Magnisia

Larissa EKO 65, Volou St.



The EU places special emphasis on the use of alternative fuels in transportation in order to reduce CO2 emissions. One of the most promising solutions is CNG and LNG, since they are cleaner fuels and also cheaper than oil based fuels.

BP 202, Larissis St.

BP 6th km of LamiaStylida Old National Road

Kifisia EKO 264, Kifisias Av.

In that regard, DEPA continues to advance the use of CNG by developing its own Fisikon network, while at the same time the company promotes the use of LNG in shipping, thus helping Greece meet European requirements. N, Philadelphia

So far, DEPA has developed the necessary infrastructure and has begun communicating the benefits of natural gas as a fuel to consumers. The results are already impressive, since in 2016, sales of CNG were more than doubled in Greece, as more and more drivers, companies and municipalities realize the potential benefits of CNG and invest in the purchase of new vehicles of this type or the conversion of existing vehicles. This trend continues in 2017, leading to optimism for the future.

EKO 8th km of Athens-Lamia National Road

DEPA promotes natural gas as a fuel for vehicles through its own FISIKON brand name. DEPA currently operates 10 refuelling stations in various cities all over Greece while more are under way. In fact, other companies have already invested in the building of private refuelling stations, with two of those already inaugurated.

Ag. Ioannis Rentis 101, Petrou Ralli St.

Ano Liosia Fisikon refuelling station Karaiskaki & Nikitara St.


Κορωπί ΕΚΟ 110, Kalypsous St.

Fisikon refuelling station On the side road of Attiki Odos

Social Responsibility is at the core of DEPA’s activities DEPA has incorporated Corporate Social Responsibility practices in its overall business strategy, since the company believes that it must be a vital part of any public corporation in our times. The voluntary adoption of CSR principles reflects the company’s unwavering ethical commitment to a code of conduct which, along with its growth and development, ensures DEPA‘s positive contribution to the community and the environment.

Based on the above, DEPA has launched a multifaceted program including a series of initiatives that focus on:

In this way, DEPA ensures transparency and clear-cut operating procedures, more effective corporate governance, an improved work environment and enhanced human resources performance. At the same time, CSR principles lead to the establishment of a comparative advantage, making DEPA more competitive, more resilient and, certainly, more attractive to consumers, as well as boosting the company’s value and enhancing public trust.

• Supporting “green” business

In June, DEPA was awarded the Gold Prize as part of the ΕΚΕ-CR Index 2016-2017, while also gaining an Environment Award for its various social and environmental actions. DEPA CEO, Theodoros Kitsakos, receives those awards and underlined that corporations should not look into just profits in our times, but they must also take care of people, society and the planet itself.

• Promoting Greek culture and


• Improving public welfare, especially that of stakeholder communities civilization

• Sponsoring the arts, letters and sciences

• Supporting sports and education

• Respecting human values

At DEPA, being responsible is a starting point, not a goal.

• Actively protecting the environment






We continue to grow and support Greece’s economy

Dimitris Giannakopoulos President

Contact Details 14th km Athens-Lamia National Rd 14564, Kifisia Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 350000

84 Diamonds

The Giannakopoulos family has been one of the leading business families in Greece for over 90 years. In 1924, the family opened one of the first pharmacies in Athens and in 1951 the Giannakopoulos family founded PHARMAGIAN to represent multinational pharmaceutical companies in Greece. In 1971, PHARMAGIAN became a Societe Anonyme and was renamed VIANEX S.A. Since then, the Giannakopoulos family has continued to expand into other areas including Panathinaikos BSA from 1987, founding the DPG Group Of Companies in 2009, and the acquisition of 50% in Superfoods in 2016 in collaboration with the Papazoglou group of companies. Throughout the years, the Group has constantly expanded its business activities into new areas of opportunity, actively supporting the troubled Greek economy by investing and providing new jobs. VIANEX S.A. Since 1971, VIANEX S.A. has continued to make a considerable contribution to the Greek economy and to Greek society, and is seen as synonymous with the history of the Greek pharmaceutical industry. It works closely with some of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, has four factories and exports products to 35 countries worldwide. Since 2011, the company has been an official supplier to the World Health Organization (WHO). VIANEX S.A. actively supports associations, organizations and charitable institutions and contributes to strengthening the scientific, research and educational work of the medical community in every institution, hospital or research center. It cooperates closely with University Clinics and with research centers in Greece to promote scientific knowledge and to support the direct use of research in VIANEX S.A. production centers. This benefits Greek citizens, and every year the group awards a number of prizes and scholarships. The group also adjusts its production activity and takes action to reduce its environmental footprint. VIAN S.A. In 1995, the VIANEX S.A group founded VIAN to distribute well-known prescription and non-prescription pharmaceutical products, and parapharmaceutical products. The company provides distribution and marketing services to the pharmaceutical business and to the general trade market. This is a strategic business move, given that the non-prescription pharmaceuticals sector is developing rapidly in Greece. It provides direct sale services to over 5,200 pharmacies, as well as to all pharmaceutical warehouses and cooperatives, and works with almost all the Super Markets chains and with an organized network of partners nationwide. As part of its Corporate Responsibility, and in addition to the wealth of activities and initiatives which it actively supports together with the other companies in the group, VIAN S.A. also implements a strict Business Conduct and Ethics Code jointly with VIANEX S.A.


SUPERFOODS™ Superfoods® offers a wide range of nutritional supplements to cover consumer’s daily needs in various segments. Exploring nature and discover its hidden treasures, Superfoods concentrates their precious ingredients with a special technology, in highly nutritious food supplements to release their physical strength and energy. Processing and conversion of superfoods to final product guarantees the right quality controls, assessment and validation of active ingredients. Superfoods® is member of Giannakopoulos Group of Companies & Papazoglou Group and its one of the fastest growing companies in Greek food supplement market with +100% year on year growth, featuring an in-house R&D team owning the entire idea-to-market process. PANATHINAIKOS BSA The most successful team in the last decade has won a total of six European Championships and one Intercontinental Cup; in Greece it has won 36 Championships and 18 Greek Cups. This means that the team has won a total of 61 titles. All the European trophies, and the majority of the Greek titles, have been won since 1987 when the Giannakopoulos family took over the reins of the team. Panathinaikos has a firm commitment to a multitude of activities and initiatives that contribute to Greek society. It has developed a wide range of social activities with organizations such as the Juvenile Detention Centre in Corinth, Doctors Without Borders, the Hellenic Red Cross, ELEPAP, UNICEF, the Penteli Orphanage, “MITERA” Orphanage, the Children’s Village SOS, the Oncology unit at “Aghia Sophia” Children’s hospital, animal welfare associations, Correctional institutions, Schools, Academies, Municipalities and Municipal sports organizations. DPG Group οf Companies A Group with a leading role in the field of Digital Media and new technologies, these companies are the Group’s development vehicle for targeting new opportunities in a digital future. DPG Group has taken first place in the new field of Internet media and information. It managed some of the bestknown and successful websites in Greece such as (commercial management),, and also several others aimed at more targeted groups such as men, sports fans, mothers, and readers interested in health and wellbeing. A typical example of the Group’s drive for continuous development is that in the autumn of 2016 it brought the leading CNN brand to Greece through At the same time, the Group continues to operate in print journalism by publishing the “Prasini” sports newspaper. DPG has invested, and is continuing to invest, in updating and producing original Greek content, and is home to the largest group of Greek journalists in the field of digital media, even during the crisis. The publishing activities of the Group are supported by a network of firms such as Clickhouse, Lab14 and Straight Solutions (2S). These firms are all highly specialized in the field of digital marketing services and technology including Web Development, Integrated & Mobile Marketing, e-commerce and the management of telephone lines and premium rate SMS messages. In this way, DPG is able to provide innovative solutions both to meet its own needs for its own content and to meet the needs of advertisers and other clients. Finally, as part of its activities, the group is also involved in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility, where its active and significant presence supports various charitable causes and organizations which work with socially vulnerable groups. The Group has actively supported, the Greek Pediatric Society, the “Smile of the Child”, the National Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”, the Program on Food Aid “Diatrofi” and the Association for the Protection of the Unborn Child “I Angalia”. Awards and Distinctions Companies in the Giannakopoulos Group have been honored with a number of awards and distinctions in their fields. VIANEX S.A. was awarded the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Quality Award in 1996 and 2004 for the quality of its products and was the first company to be awarded the National Quality Award by the Ministry of Development in 1998. Among the awards VIANEX S.A. has received, the 1994 Business of the Year Award from the American Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and the American Embassy also holds a special place. VIAN S.A. received the Outstanding Performance Award in the category “Best Application of Sales & Operations Planning Processes” in the Transport & Logistics Awards. The DPG Group Of Companies has also received awards for the innovative services it offers and, in the last three years, has won a total of 8 gold, 6 silver and 6 bronze awards in the Digital Media Awards for the media outlets it runs.

Diamonds 85



A leading Greek copper alloy producer with significant international presence Fitco is a subsidiary of the Halcor Group, that constitutes copper processing and marketing segment of Viohalco and a leader in the Greek copper alloy market. With experience spanning more than thirty-five years, the Company invests in research and innovative technologies, aiming to stay ahead of the competition in terms of productivity, product innovation and quality. Fitco employs a certified Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 and its products conform to the main European and US quality standards (EN, DIN, BS, NF and ASTM). Committed to sustainable development and environmental protection, Fitco employs certified systems in accordance with the Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:2004) and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001:2007). Fitco has significant international presence, exporting approximately 86% of its production, and provides exceptional support for its products, which are distributed to more than thirty countries worldwide. The Company focuses on responding reliably and rapidly to changes in demand with the aim of achieving total customer satisfaction. Fitco product range ● Solid and hollow brass bars (round, squared or hexagonal)

Contact details e-mail: website:

86 Diamonds

● Brass sections

● Brass tubes

● Brass Flats

● Copper

● Brass wire

alloy wire and net for fish farm cages


Diamonds 87


CLOTHING Commercial

Piraeus Bank supports businesses serving the real economy Piraeus Bank Group March 2016 Assets

€76.6 bn

Net Loans

€47.4 bn


€41 bn

CET-1 ratio*


Branches 911 Employees

17.6 th


5.7 mn * Basel III

Kamil Ziegler, chairman & CEO OPAP SA

Turnover 454.276.468


Contact details Details

Amerikis 4, 10564, Athens, Attica Τel.: +30 210 3288 830 Fax: +30 210 3335265 Website:

88 Diamonds

Headquartered in Athens, Greece, with approximately 17.6th employees in 8 countries, Piraeus Bank Group offers a full range of financial products and services to approximately 5.7mn customers. Total assets of the Group amounted to €76.6bn, net loans to €47.4bn and customer deposits to €41.0bn on March 31, 2017. Founded in 1916, Piraeus Bank operated as a private credit institution for many decades, while it went through a state ownership for the period 1975-1991 until it was privatized in December 1991. Since then, it has rapidly grown in size and activities, representing today the leading Bank in Greece with 30% market share in terms of loans and 29% of deposits. In 2012, Piraeus Bank acquired the “good” part of Agricultural Bank (selected assets and liabilities) and Geniki Bank, a former subsidiary of Societe Generale. In March 2013, Piraeus Bank acquired the Greek banking operations of Bank of Cyprus, Cyprus Popular Bank and Hellenic Bank. In June 2013, Piraeus Bank acquired Millennium Bank Greece, a subsidiary of BCP. In April, 2015 Piraeus Bank acquired the carve-out part of Panellinia Bank healthy assets. These transactions comprise important steps towards the restructuring of the Greek banking system,in which Piraeus Bank has participated from the very beginning as a core pillar. In December 2015, Piraeus Bank announced the full coverage of the share capital increase by an amount totaling to €2.6 bn. Furthermore, the Bank issued Contingent Convertible Bonds under the provisions of the Law in favour of the HFSF and the CA 36 / 02.11.2015 for an amount of € 2.0 bn. The Group’s total equity amounted to €9.8bn at end of March2017. The Group’s Common Equity Tier-1 ratio reached 16.8% at the same period, while the fully loaded Basel III Common Equity Tier-1 ratio reached 16.3%. Accordingly, current capital ratios render Piraeus Bank as one of the strongest capitalized banks in Europe Piraeus Bank possesses particular know-how in the areas of medium-sized and small enterprises, in agricultural banking, in consumer and mortgage credit and green banking, capital markets and investment banking, as well as leasing and factoring. These services are offered through nationwide network of 649 branches and 1,917 ATMs, and also through its innovative electronic banking network of winbank. Piraeus Bank Group, possesses an international presence consisting of 262 branches. In particular, the Group operates in Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, in Ukraine, in London and Frankfurt. Piraeus Bank Group possesses a well-trained and experienced workforce Piraeus Bank Group, combining business development and social responsibility, endorses systematically its relations with its social partners through specific actions, while special emphasis is placed on the protection of the natural environment and preservation of cultural heritage. Piraeus Bank has built significant expertise and market share in the field of green banking with dedicated branches and products, addressing both business and individual needs. At the same time, the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation carries out culture-related activities, which are part of the Piraeus Bank Group’s corporate social responsibility and operates a series of thematic museums in Greece, which is constantly growing and has the ability to convey to the Greek rural regions cultural activities of high standards with effective and efficient manner.


Diamonds 89



A leading global producer of innovative and value added copper solutions Halcor, a Viohalco subsidiary, is a leading group of companies that specialise in the production, processing and marketing of copper and copper alloy rolled and extruded products. For more than 75 years, Halcor has been offering innovative and value addedsolutions that meet contemporary client demands in fields, such as plumbing, HVAC&R, renewable energy, architecture, engineering and industrial production. Halcor is a Group of six subsidiaries and seven associates/joint ventures, based in Greece, Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey, while it operates a total of five production plants in Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey. The Group develops and distributes a wide range of products, including copper and copper-alloy rolled and extruded products with Halcor being the sole producer of copper tubes in Greece.

Contact Details website:

90 Diamonds

High quality in production is achieved through strict controls applied throughout the production process. With a consistent quality focus, the company implements an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Quality Management System and leverages high technologies and expert staff. As a result of the Group’s strategic investments in research and development, Halcor is recognized as one of the leading copper producers globally, setting new standards in copper processing. The company maintains a consistent focus on quality and environmental protection and a strong commitment to the principles of sustainable development. In this context, all production facilities in the Group’s plants leverage advanced technologies to bring in the market innovative products that are energy efficient and environmentally friendly.


Halcor Group – product range Halcor offers a wide range of energy efficient and environmentally friendly products. ● Copper Tubes TALOS®: Water supply, heating, natural gas, fire-extinction networks TALOS® Coated Copper: Water supply, heating and cooling TALOS® ECUTHERM™: Water supply, heating networks, airconditioning and refrigeration, solar systems and industrial networks CUSMART®: (flexible copper tubes) for water supply, heating, floor (under-floor) heating & cooling TALOS® ACR: HVAC&R and solar applications TALOS® GAS: (Coated) natural gas networks TALOS® MED: medical gas networks TALOS® ECUTHERM SOLAR: (factory-insulated) solar installations TALOS® ACR INNER GROOVED: heat-exchangers TALOS® Geotherm: Geothermal heating and cooling TALOS® Linesets: Air conditioning and heat pump systems. ● Copper and titan zinc gutters ●B rass bars rods, tubes, sections, flats and wires for applications in architecture, interior design, contemporary art, furniture, lighting, pumps, gutters, heat-exchangers, plumbing, automotive, music instruments, etc. ●C opper sheets and strips for architecture applications, such as domes, roof covers, exterior surfaces, gutters. ●C opper and brass sheets and strips for the construction of electrical and electronic equipment, springs, parts and

components for the automotive industry, boilers, solar energy collectors and panels, heat-exchangers, electricity converters, connectors, refrigerators, pre-rolled highfrequency cables, ammunitions, wrapping for fire-resistant cables, electrical cable wrapping. These products are suitable for marine applications, for the defence, petro-chemical, electrical, nuclear and medical industries, as well as for machining and special tools, cooking utensils, art and decoration. ●U R30 copper alloy wire and net for cage farming aquaculture. ●C opper alloys for the production of beakers, discs and coins. ●C opper bars, rods and strips for architecture applications, electrical and mechanical equipment, decoration.

Key data

HALCOR GROUP Year 2016 figures Amounts in EUR million from continued operations

Revenue (turnover) Sales outside Greece EBITDA Investments 2000-2015 Market presence in: Sales outside Greece

693 654 35.3 527 80 countries 94.4%

Diamonds 91



A leading European producer of reliable and competitive cable solutions

Contact Details e-mail:info@cablel.vionet .gr website:

92 Diamonds

The Cablel Hellenic Cables Group represents the cable production and marketing segment of Cenergy Holdings, a Viohalco company and is one of the largest cable producers in Europe. The Company started its activities in 1950 as a Viohalco plant and in 1973 it was incorporated as an independent subsidiary under the name Hellenic Cables, expanding its production and trade operations. Today, the Cablel Hellenic Cables Group consists of Hellenic Cables S.A. which operates three plants in Viotia, Greece that produce cables, enamelled wires, plastic and elastomer compounds; the Fulgor S.A. plant in Corinth, Greece, which manufactures power cables, submarine cables and copper wires; Icme Ecab S.A., a power and telecommunication cable manufacturer in Bucharest, Romania and Lesco Ltd, a wooden reels and pallets plant in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. With a strong export orientation and focus on development of value added products, such as high and extra-high voltage cables and submarine cables, the Group makes significant investments towards enriching its product portfolio and enhancing its sustainability profile. In 2012, the Company completed a EUR over 65 million investment plan for the manufacture of high-voltage submarine cables in Fulgor’s plant. The Company’s wide product range, which is sold internationally under the Cablel® trademark, extends to PVC, EPR and XLPE insulated power cables (rated up to 500kV), marine and low smoke halogen free cables, fire resistant cables, telecommunication, signal and data cables with copper conductors or optical fibres, as well as fire retardant halogen free plastic and elastomer compounds and enamelled wires. Wires and cables are supplied to a variety of international standards, such as VDE, CEI, NF, SEN, BS, UL, NEMA, JIS, ASTM, DIN and ELOT. Many of the Company’s products are certified by ELOT, BASEC, VDE, IMQ, NF-USE, NETWORK RAIL, KEMA, DNV and UL. Cablel Hellenic Cables Group’s business activities are based on the implementation of certified management systems ensuring a responsible and continuous development. Environmental responsibility and occupational health and safety are the most important pillars towards sustainable development.

Technical know-how is combined with continued investment in state-of-the-art machinery to ensure levels of efficiency and quality which meet the strictest standards. Commitment to quality and sustainable development has been a key factor in enabling Cablel Hellenic Cables Group to establish a strong market position internationally. The Company’s highly experienced technical and managerial staff have a strong commitment to technological excellence and outstanding quality, which ensures that users of Cablel® products have made a reliable choice.

The Cablel Hellenic Cables Group aims to constantly improve its offering and respond swiftly to changes in customer needs around the world with reliable, safe products, based on environmentally-friendly technologies. At the same time, the Group places strong emphasis on the development of its people and the creation of value for its shareholders, partners and the communities in which it operates. Looking ahead, the Group plans additional investments in technology and innovative cable solutions as a way of contributing to the creation of a sustainable future for its stakeholders. Cablel Hellenic Cables Group product range ● Power cables ● Indoor installation cables ● Control cables ● Industrial and outdoor installation cables ●F ire retardant, fire resistant, halogen-free cables ● Medium voltage cables ● High voltage and extra high voltage cables ●C opper conductors for grounding applications and overhead Cu, Al and ACSR conductors ●S hip and marine installations fire resistant cables ●C opper and aluminium rods Telecommunications and data transmission cables ●G auging and control cables ●C opper conductor cables: Conventional telephone cables - Telephone exchange cables - Data transmission cables – High frequency telephone cables ●O ptic fibre cables (single-mode &multi-mode): Underground dielectric cables, in tubes Underground dielectric cables, directly buried (steel reinforcement) Underground dielectric cables, featuring rodent protection - Indoor installation LSZH cables (central tube or tight buffered)


●A erial installation cables (“8”-sized or ADSS) ●S ignalling & railway signalling cables

Submarine cables ●M edium voltage, high and extra high voltage cables ●C omposite medium voltage, high and extra high voltage cables with integrated optic fibre cables ●O ptic fibre cables ●U mbilical cables ●S ubsea flexible pipes Plastic and elastomer compounds ●P VC-based plastics ●P olyolefin-based plastics ●E lastomers Enamelled wires ●W inding wires for electric motors and transformers ●C opper wires for grounding earthing and canmaking Applications: Cables are used in: ●B uildings ●O utdoor installations and industrial applications ●T ransmission and distribution networks ● I nstallations with special requirements ●S hips and marine applications ●T elecommunications and data transmission networks ●R enewable energy sources ● I sland - continental system interconnections ●O ffshore wind park interconnections

Enamelled wires are used in: ●T ransformers ●M otors – generators ●S mall motors ●R elays – coils ●S elf-supporting windings-avoids varnish impregnations Compounds are used in: ●C able industry ●P roduction of soft water pipes ●P roduction of flexible spiral pipes ●P roduction of hard flexible pipes for electrical applications ●R ubber and plastic soles ●F lexible elastic and plastic profiles Turnkey solutions Cablel Hellenic Cables Group has the necessary know-how to develop and offer turnkey solutions that meet specific demands of its customers. The Company provides: ●D esign and manufacture of products according to customer requirements and project specifications ●P rovision of special equipment needed for cable connections and termination of cable ends ●T ransportation and installation of cables at the project site ●C ivil works required for installation and protection of cables ●T esting, initial operation and delivery of the system to the customer (commissioning) ●F ull project management ●C ustomer staff training in system operation and maintenance ●P rovision of maintenance / support to the customer

Diamonds 93



The leading producer of steel products in South East Europe

Contact Details e-mail: website:

94 Diamonds

With more than 55 years of steel industry expertise, Sidenor Steel Industry and its subsidiaries are reliable partners offering high quality and innovative solutions to their world-class customers. Sidenor Group is a leading producer of steel products in South East Europe. Its extensive product portfolio, which includes long and flat steel products, and downstream products, is manufactured across nine facilities in Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, FYROM and Australia. Project locations span Germany, Romania, Balkans, Algeria, Israel and the U.S.A. Sidenor Group is truly a global supplier. Product portfolio Sidenor Group provides a full range of solutions in the steel sector, to cater to the complex needs of its clients in Greece and internationally. The key features of the products of Sidenor Group are: ● outstanding quality ● strict adherence to applicable standards and regulations, and ● innovative characteristics, which provide customers and end consumers with added value. The products of Sidenor Group are mainly used in major technical – construction works, both in Greece and internationally, in various industrial applications, in shipbuilding, in the automotive industry, in the energy production sector, etc. The product family is structured as follows: SD integrated reinforcing system: The SD integrated concrete reinforcing system represents the approach of Sidenor Steel Industry when addressing significant demand for high ductility steel provided for increased protection against earthquakes. The system consists of SD concrete reinforcing steel, SD stirrup reinforcing mesh, Sidefit special mesh, SD wire mesh, Sidefor and Sidefor Plus prefabricated stirrup cages, Inomix steel fibres and lattice girders. Wire rod: Wire rod of S.A.E 1006, 1008, 1010 grades, RSt37-2 electrode quality, in cross sections from Ø5.5 to Ø16.0, which is suitable for a wide range of size reduction applications and meets all low-carbon wire production needs.


SBQ-Special steels: Hot-rolled round bars (diameter: 22-120mm) and peeled turned and polished round bars (diameter: 30-115mm) used in the automotive industry and in various industrial applications. Steel plates: Manufactured in accordance with the EN and ASTM European and American standards and also more specific certifications for shipbuilding, boilers, etc. Plates are intended for general construction purposes, shipbuilding, manufacturing of tanks, pressurised boilers, bridges, coach works, pipes, agricultural machinery, machinery components etc. Merchant bars: Sidenor produces a wide range of merchant bars covering the various needs of its customers. Its portfolio of merchant bars consists of hot-rolled square bars, hot-rolled flat bars of rectangular cross-section, hot-rolled round bars of circular cross-section, hot-rolled equal angle bars with round edges, I-section beams (IPE), and UPN channels. Steel balls for grinding: Steel balls for grinding are produced in various diameters ranging from 60mm to 100mm. They are used for grinding in ore grinding mills, most commonly in metal mining. To optimise its function for a specific metal, different hardness levels of the product can be used. THN Mining profiles: THN mining profiles have been developed for use in the production of steel arches for public works and underground mines, as well as formworks for tunnels. The use of THN profiles in tunnel and roadway support provides higher resistance and a yielding support. Boron flats: Boron steel flats bars are utilised where high strength, impact resistance, good bendability and weldability are required. Hot-rolled boron flats are used in the fork-lift industry in the production of lifting forks. Welding products: Erlikon produces a complete range of welding electrodes and wires. Its steel products cover a wide range of welding, hardfacing and cutting applications. The quality offered meets the strict requirements of the construction and shipbuilding sectors, raw materials and power industries, as well as the chemical and food industries. Various types of electrodes and welding wires are made available for non-alloyed and low-alloyed steels, fine-grained structural steels, hardfacing, heat-resistant steels, stainless and heat-resisting steels and also for cast iron and aluminium. Wire products: Wire products are manufactured by the subsidiary Erlikon Wire Processing S.A. (Erlikon) and used in a variety of applications. The wire products produced by Erlikon are divided into the following categories: - Black soft and hard wires - Common soft galvanised wires, semi-hard and heavily-galvanised wire under the trade names Syrgal, Syrgal Hard and Extragal, respectively - Welded galvanised mesh in rolls and sheets under the trade names Perinet and Overnet, respectively - Steel fibres for concrete reinforcement under the trade name Inomix (part of the SD Integrated Reinforcement System) - Double-twist hexagonal mesh (serasanetti) in rolls and gabions In order to achieve the optimum balance between operational and commercial flexibility, and production effectiveness, Sidenor Group has adopted an operational structure focused on the following three areas: ● Mini-mills; ● Downstream operations for steel product processing; ● Sales and distribution.

Diamonds 95


Food Products Industrial


Leader in frozen vegetables and frozen dough market Contact Details Thessaloniki Industrial Zone (A5 St.), Sindos 57022, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2310798483 Fax: +30 2310796221 E-mail: Website:

96 Diamonds

Founded in 1969, Barba Stathis is a subsidiary of Vivartia, the largest food company in Southeast Europe, and the leading company in frozen vegetables and frozen dough products in Greece. The fundamental pillars for its success are: Quality, Innovation, Nutrition, Taste and Convenience. Barba Stathis has been an ardent supporter of the Greek Economy and the agricultural production of the country, utilizing more than 3.000 hectars of cultivation. Its production is based on an integrated crop management system, contractual farming application of “Agricultural excellence”, production of organic farming and cooperation with academic institutions for research purposes, thus enabling the company to produce high quality products, as fresh as at the moment of harvesting. The fields in Greece are naturally fertile, providing Barba Stathis’ vegetables, optimal nutritional value, excellent appearance, outstanding taste and tenderness. Barba Stathis’ activities include the production and sale of frozen vegetables (conventional and organic), mixed vegetables (plain and with rice), combinations of frozen vegetables based on traditional Greek


recipes, as well as tomato products and fresh salads. Barba Stathis’ production plants comply fully with all National and International food quality management and safety standards. Its Quality & Safety Management system is EN ISO 9001/2008, EN ISO 22000/2005, I.F.S. & B.R.C. certified and guarantees that its vegetables are produced according to these standards. In the dough category, marketed under the brand name Chrysi Zymi, the Company promotes authentic delicious pastry creations based on Greek traditional recipes, offering consumers a wide variety of products including frozen filo kneaded with extra virgin olive oil, pies and mini pies filled with PDO cheeses and the finest ingredients, pizzas and a variety of filo dough variants in the category of chilled dough. At the same time, the company has developed an integrated strong Research and Development operation which focuses on capitalizing on innovations that respond to the demands of the markets it serves. Thus, it offers products that preserve and promote the Greek / Mediterranean cuisine which is adapted to the needs and pace of contemporary way of life, not only within the Greek boarders but also worldwide. Barba Stathis supports the society and people in need, in collaboration with leading organizations and foundations, giving priority to children. Furthermore, in cooperation with Universities and Schools, it provides practical training to young scientists and students and supports initiatives that aim at a wider education and training of young people. Based on its operational pillars and embracing its vision to represent Greek Nutrition globally, the company’s products are present in 21 countries in the five Continents, from the USA to Australia.

Diamonds 97



The Leading Greek Food Company

Contact Details Athinon - Lamias National Rd (23rd km), 145 65 Agios Stefanos, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 3495000 FAX: +30 210 3495289 E-mail: Website:

98 Diamonds

Founded in 1952, DELTA FOODS S.A. (DELTA) is a subsidiary of Vivartia, the largest Food Company in Southeast Europe, and is the leading dairy company in Greece, maintaining the 1st position in almost all product categories of its portfolio. DELTA produces milk, yoghurt, chocolate milk, dairy desserts, concentrated milk, PDO cheeses (feta and kasseri), as well as juice and energy drinks and iced tea. The company enjoys a 99% brand recognition and its products are accessible to consumers all over Greece, through more than 30.000 sales points, from large hypermarkets to small kiosks. The company is considered among Europe’s most important Dairy companies. Some of the most recognizable brands are DELTA Fresh Milk, Small Family Farms, μμμmillk, Daily, Vlahas and Easy (milk brands), Milko (chocolate milk), Complet, Small Family Farms and Vitaline (yogurt brands), Delta PDO cheese and Life (juices and iced tea brand). Advance and Smart are baby and children series of products, containing all the necessary nutritional elements for the proper physical and mental development of infants and children, thanks to their advanced formulas. All the above products are produced in its 6 plants in Greece. DELTA production plants comply with national and international food quality management and safety standards, including ISO 9001, ISO 22000, ΕΛΟΤ 1801 and 14001, AIB Food Safety Stds, BRC, IFS, AGROCERT, HALAL etc. DELTA invests in Greece, supporting the Greek economy and primary production. It ranks as the largest buyer of Greek milk production in Greece, absorbing more than 25% of the total quantity of cow milk produced in Greece. Furthermore, the company implements initiatives contributing to


the sustainable development of the Greek dairy sector through academic research, and by offering training and technical support to the dairy farmers, while, at the same time, it promotes the production of alternative crops for animal feed. Investments related to the quality of its products, innovation and technology have always been the cornerstones of DELTA’s development, enabling the company to lead the market over the years, create new innovative product categories and further develop nutrition standards. DELTA’s people skills, scientific knowhow and expertise in research & development and quality control & assurance procedures is widely recognized as a major asset. Quality Assurance and product development based on DNA technology, in a fully equipped Molecular Microbiology Laboratory, further enforce Delta’s commitment to safety. As a result, DELTA daily produces high nutrition value products that consumers distinguish and choose to offer to their families. During the recent years of the tough economic environment in Greece, Delta supports the society and people in need, in collaboration with leading organizations and foundations, giving priority to children. Furthermore, in cooperation with Universities and Schools, it provides practical training to young scientists and students and supports initiatives that aim at a wider education and training of young people. DELTA’s international vision is to represent Greek nutrition globally through original and innovative products of the highest quality. The export activity of DεLTα is experiencing dynamic growth, confirming the effective corporate strategy for development abroad. With this being the cornerstone of its strategy, DELTA launched its genuine Greek strained yogurt DεLTα that is rooted to tradition, but does so with an international appeal. DεLTα participates in all major International Food Fairs and has been repeatedly awarded by the International Taste and Quality Institute (iTQi). Actually, it is the only Greek yogurt range that has all of its variants awarded by iTQi. DELTA Feta Cheese is the first and only Greek cheese to win, in 2016, the CRYSTAL AWARD by the International Taste and Quality Institute. DELTA’s export activity with several of its products is currently spread to several countries in Europe, U.S.A., U.A.E. and Asia.

Diamonds 99


YANNIDIS GROUP Constantine Yannidis, President

Celebrating 85 years Protecting and Decorating Buildings Yannidis Group is the largest Greek owned architectural paints company in the country and operates through four vertical business units, namely VITEX in architectural paints, Hermes in waterproofing materials and chemicals, VitexTherm in external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) and Eumaria in yacht paints.

Contact Details Contact P.O Box 139,Details Imeros Topos, GR 19300 Aspropyrgos Tel. : +30 210 5589500 Fax : +30 210 4835007 E-mail: Website:

The group’s activities started back in 1932 with the production and trading of bituminous paper and insulation materials in Greece . In 1960 the company expanded its business to the production of paints and varnishes. The VITEX brand was born! It was the company’s first product in this industry. The company then was named ERMICHROM and VITEX was at the time a pioneering plastic paint with innovative charteristics that included the fast drying time allowing for the fast completion of a painting project. Today the group has a significant presence in South eastern Europe, with affiliated companies in Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania while it exports to over 15 countries across the world. The Group consists of 225 employees in research & development, sales, production, exports, marketing, quality control and product safety. The group has been the recipient of a significant number of prestigious awards including the Health & Safety awards, Best Hotel Supplier award, Diamonds of the Greek Economy award and other.

100 Diamonds


The group’s headquarters and the new state of the art chemical factory (whose construction was finalized in 2008), are located in the industrial zone of Aspropyrgos near Athens. The production sites and buildings of the group are fully company owned, a sign of the group’s high capitalisation. The facilities host two individual production units, a logistics center, new R&D lab and the group’s headquarters. On this production site, we have set high standards in terms of productivity, technology, health safety and environmental performance. The substantial investment in the establishment of the new state-of-the-art production plant for VITEX paints further enhanced the group’s ability to face the challenges and the related opportunities presented by the continuously changing local and global business environment. Believing in the potential of penetrating more markets, the group has drawn up an action plan for the expansion of the company in several countries, in an effort to capitalize on the the group’s products superior quality and the capacity of its production facililties. The “VITEX” brand enjoys a high awareness and preference rate in both the professional and DIY markets. VITEX uses a superior tinting system, the Vitex Colorfull system, with a lare number of Vitex owned tinting machines installed throughout its partner’s network, in all countries of operation. This tinting system allows for the immediate production of paints in thousands of available shades, through a computerassisted procedure and with the use of specialized equipment. VITEX fulfils the commitment and adopts high occupational standards in health and safety processes according to the triple standard of Quality, Environment and Health & Safety (ISO 9001/14001/18001). Targeting the development and application of efficient Management Systems in a combined form and a common manual VITEX expands the ISO 9001:2008 (Quality) and ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental) to OHSAS 18001:2007 (Health & Safety). Also, all products and production are fully harmonized with the corresponding European Legislation.

Diamonds 101


Mr. Ignatios Spanopoulos, President of the Group (left) & Mr. Michael Spanopoulos, Managing Director of the Group (right)

Contact Details 34, Dimokratias Ave., Perama 18863 Greece Tel: +30 210 4095-000 Fax: +30 210 4095-010 Email: Website: http://www.spanopoulos-group. com

102 Diamonds

Spanopoulos Group

Developing a broad sphere of marine activity throughout the globe Spanopoulos Group is the culmination of a 50-year successful activity in the area of marine works and shipping services. The story of Ignatios and Michael Spanopoulos is a classic story of hard work leading to success. They started its development as a family business with small seeds and great expectations to be established in the maritime field. The beginning became by offering reliable services with tugboats and launches in the vessels that approached the port of Piraeus. Nowadays, they have managed to develop a broad sphere of marine activity throughout the globe that includes: development of harbors and marina, building and repair of tugs, barges and specialty vessels; cable, pipe laying, salvage and diving operations; and shipbuilding; repair and yacht services. They employ more than 550 permanent highly skilled & trained personnel. ➢ Harbor & Marine Constructions Spanopoulos Group is a leading contractor in the marine construction field by completing more than 4000 projects, including: ● Dredging ● Breakwaters & Coast Protection ● Caissons & Concrete Elements Installation ● Offshore Foundation Works ● Geotechnical Surveys ➢ Towage - Salvage Spanopoulos group offers the following services on a worldwide scale: ● Open Sea Towages ● Harbor towing and assisting services ● Salvage & Emergency Response


● Wreck removal of hazardous vessels ● Marine environment protection The group operates a fleet of port & ocean tugs, AHTS, OSV, self-propelled floating cranes, support vessels fully equipped with modern towing, salvage, fire-fighting equipment. ➢ Shipyard’s services Spanopoulos Group owns and operates three shipyards. The first unit in Salamis island can accommodate 30 dry-dock vessels ranging from 35m to 120m, and approximately 25 moored boats in an area of 40.000m2. Having a 4,000-ton floating dock it may provide all shipbuilding and repair services to all kinds of commercial ships, under the guidance and supervision of our naval architects, mechanical engineers and technical department. The shipyard in Perama occupies an area of 16.500m2 while among the benefits includes a cafeteria, gym, library, roof garden and accommodation facilities. The purpose of the yard, with the newest and most modern 820t Travel lift in the East Med, constructed in 2016, is to provide all kind of services, exclusively to luxury yachts from 25 to 65 meters. Eleusis shipyard occupies an area of 82.000m2 and it is going to be equipped with floating docks over 200m. ➢ Transshipment and Lightering Services: Spanopoulos Group has a long history of operating floating cranes, barges and transportation means. Thanks to an efficient design can transship a highly productive rate of cargo per day, utilizing a large number of lifting parts. ➢ Underwater projects / Oceanographic – Hydrographic Services: Using cutting-edge technological equipment and abiding by the strictest safety regulations, we have become pioneers in the field of underwater projects, oceanographic - hydrographic services, laying and repairing all kinds of pipes – cables. Having safety as a prior driving force, efficient and effective procedures are followed in order to deliver thorough and integrated customer services. Success has not come by chance; it is the outcome of hard work, quality commitment and meeting client needs in a most professional manner. With great motivation, having solid values as guidance to the future, the Group states as one of its main focal maxims: “We will go further…”

Diamonds 103



A World of Taste The history of SEVITEL commenced in 1964 as “PANHELLENIC EXPORTS’ ASSOCIATION of OLIVE OIL,” by representing mainly the export of olive oil from industrial companies. In its current form, structure and organization, the body has operated since 1981 under the name “PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION of INDUSTRIALISTS: PROCESSORS – EXPORTERS of OLIVE OIL.” After amending the initial Regulation of the Association, in the General Meeting of 1992, the name was changed to “GREEK ASSOCIATION of INDUSTRIES and PROCESSORS of OLIVE OIL” with the distinctive title SEVITEL, as it remains until today. SEVITEL is a non-profit organization and the leading body representing private industry in the field of Olive Oil in Greece, claiming a 50-year-old history. SEVITEL’s numerous members include the largest Greek processing and packaging industries, as well as Olive Oil Exporters. With the purpose of aiding its members in the production and marketing of a quality product, the body is directly involved in activities conducive to the overall amelioration of the sector.

Contact Details Ksenofontos 15a, 10557, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 2103238856 Fax: +30 210 3246408 Email: Website:

104 Diamonds

Collaborations with other Federations SEVITEL is a member and collaborates with the Federation of Greek Industries (SEV) on sectorbased industrial matters, with PSE (PanHellenic Exporters Association) on issues, processes and disincentives of exports, with SEVE (Exporters’ Association of Northern Greece) and IOBE (Institute of Economic and Industrial Research). SEVITEL also collaborates with EBEA (Industrial and Commercial Chamber of Athens) on issues of information, marketing, etc., with the Association of SA and Ltd. Companies, as well as with HEPO (Hellenic Foreign Trade Board) on issues of promotion in the foreign markets, and more specifically for the promotion of Greek olive oil in the markets of USA, CANADA and AUSTRALIA. Additionally, SEVITEL works with the Professional Association ESVITE (Hellenic Association Of Olive Oil Packers), for the promotion of common objectives, and mainly dealing with the problems of olive oil marketing. Finally, SEVITEL participates in the National Interprofessional Organisation of Olive oil and Olives (EDOEE) for the publicity and promotion of olive oil consumption.


Under the legal status of a Professional Association, SEVITEL performs the following: ● It is the legal representative of the industry before all authorities - national and European (EU). observes national and EU legislation, and issues guidelines to its members regarding standards ● It and EU Regulations. ● It informs on and assists members in questions of promotion and legislation via trained personnel. ● It sets up expert committees and advisory groups regarding the quality features of Olive Oil. ● It functions as a data bank on issues related to the olive oil market (both national and international). ● It is linked to the Greek Trade Offices worldwide. ● It contributes to the overall promotion of Greek Olive Oil in the international market, in cooperation with Enterprise Greece ● SEVITEL is also widely involved in financing scientific research regarding the specific attributes of Olive Oil in relation to health. SEVITEL, among other things, is a member of: International Olive Council Advisory Committee on Olive Oil and Table Olives; ● The Advisory Committee on Oils and Fats – Olive Oil Section of the European Commission; ● FEDOLIVE (European Federation of Olive Oil Industries); ● The

The entire range of SEVITEL activities, in combination with the efforts made by the entire sector for the growth of the Greek olive oil industry, have led to the recognition of the qualitative supremacy of Greek olive oil around the world.

Diamonds 105


Athanasios Syrianos, President and CEO, Hellenic Breweries of Atalanti

Hellenic Breweries of Atalanti

About Hellenic Breweries of Atalanti: Contact Details P.O Box 139, Imeros Topos, GR 19300 Aspropyrgos Tel. : +30 210 5589500 Fax : +30 210 4835007 E-mail: Website:

106 Diamonds

The company was founded in 1988 as a subsidiary of a German brewing group, and a year later it acquired a plant in Atalanti, central Greece. At the same time, the company was reorganized and renamed to Hellenic Breweries of Atalanti (EZA). In 1998, the Syrianos family bought the shares held by the German subsidiary, in the form of a management buy out, resulting in a 100% Greek ownership five years later. EZA has evolved into a dynamic company with a portfolio of products of excellent quality beers, both locally produced and imported. EZA produces five fine beer products, such as Pils Hellas, EZA ζ Premium Pilsener & EZA ζ Fine Lager, Blue Island, Odyssey Special Beer and Berlin, while it imports and markets Krombacher, Arcobräu and Gulden Draak. The company employs more than 180 skilled workers and successfully implements a state-of-the-art technologyintegrated production and environmental care system, compliant with international standards for beer production.


Diamonds 107



The leading infrastructure player in Greece with an increasing international presence Ellaktor is a holding company with a history of nearly 60 years of activity and long-term investment in the following sectors: construction, concessions, waste management and environment, energy from renewable sources (RES) and also real estate development. Constructions has been, historically, the main sector of the firm’s activities, interconnected with all of the group’s other activities through major synergies. Concessions is another sector that affords the group several comparative advantages. In addition, Ellaktor holds a number of minority stakes in selected stronggrowth areas with a short- to medium term investment horizon, offering value opportunities to shareholders.

Contact Details 25 Ermou St., 145 64 Kifissia, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 8185000 FAX: +30 210 8185001 E-mail: Website:

108 Diamonds

Constructions Aktor is the Group’s primary constructions subsidiary, being Greece’s leading firm in the specific sector for a number of years. Efforts to establish and expand the firm globally, as well as its gradual transformation into a regional player have already begun to bear fruit with the undertaking of projects, mainly in the Balkans and the Middle East. Such projects are being selected carefully both in terms of the type of projects themselves and on a country basis. The high backlog of construction activity exceeds 3 billion euros (as at May 2017) and spans to more than 25 countries. Indicative of the firm’s new orientation is that the backlog is now generated by 58% of projects abroad and the remaining of projects in Greece. Aκtor is the cornerstone of the group’s growth, contributing substantially to all new activities through high-level executives and expertise. Concessions In the concessions field, the group holds a leading position among domestic competitors in cofinanced projects with major stakes in projects including Attiki Odos (59.2%) and Rio-Antirion Bridge (22%). Ellaktor, through its subsidiary Aktor Concessions SA, also has a significant share in the new market of co-financed projects, including the Corinth-Tripoli-Kalamata (Moreas) Highway, the Maliakos-Kleidi highway (Aegean Motorway), and the Elefsina-Corinth-Patra-Pyrgos-Tsakona


Highway (Olympia Odos), in addition to its active participation in several other concession projects (parkings, marinas, etc.). Waste Management In the waste management/environment sectors, the Group holds a dominant position in Greece in recycling and waste management projects, as well as in landfill and hazardous waste treatment facilities construction and operation. Following the acquisition of Germany’s Herhof by subsidiary Helector, the Group has gained access to a globally unique technology on recycling issues of municipal and commercial waste, which now makes it a major international player with significant presence in Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia and Jordan, in an area with significant growth potential. The Group financially closed the 1st Waste Management PPP in W. Macedonia (Operations are expected to begin by June 2017) and also operates the largest landfill biogas facility in Europe (25MW). Energy ELTECH Anemos SA, another Group subsidiary, operates in the wind farm sector, which through an initial core of engineering partners, is now staffed with specialized experts and knowhow in the complex procedures of design, evaluation, licensing, construction and operation of RES generation projects, mainly wind, which is its primary line of business. ELTECH Anemos was listed on the Main Market of Athens Stock Exchange in July 2014. Today, the Group operates several wind farms of a total installed capacity of 241MW (14 wind farms, one photovoltaic station and hydroelectric station), as well as another 145MW under construction. The Group is also highly active in the thermal energy generation segment via Elpedison SA. Real estate In the field of real estate development, the total value of real estate owned by subsidiary REDS is estimated at about 113 million euros (Book value as at 31/12/2016). Over the past five years, the firm concluded the development of two shopping and leisure centers in Patra and Athens, as well as a pioneering residential complex in Pallini (Attica). Also, in late 2010, the Smart Park, Spata began operation as Greece’s first hybrid commercial park, in an area expanding over 22.5 acres, including 7.5 acres of landscaped space. Other investments Finally, major investments have also been made beyond the firm’s traditionally strategic areas, such as the Regency Casino Mont Parnes (Athens) and the Halkidiki mines (Northern Greece) with a stake of 1.1% in Eldorado Gold and a 5% stake in Hellas Gold SA.

Diamonds 109


«Poukamisas Educational Enterprises SA»

Contact details Vouliagmenis Avenue 46 & Alexioupoleos 2, 16452, Argyroupoli Tel.: +30 2104112507 Fax: ++30 2104116752 Email: Website:

110 Diamonds

Poukamisas Educational Enterprises SA is Greece’s largest secondary education tuition group, with regard to both the number of tuition centres (a total of 57 across Greece) and the number of students. Poukamisas Tuition Schools were founded in Piraeus in 1989, by the mathematician Athanasios Poukamisas, who is the Group’s Chairman and CEO. Soon after, the first tuition school in Piraeus stood out and became one of the most important tuition centres in the city, due to the well - organized work and the great successes of its students in the Pan-Hellenic Examinations. The Group started growing in 2001 with the creation of new privately-owned tuition schools in neighboring municipalities of Piraeus. As the reputation of the first Tuition School had already expanded beyond the city’s borders, students from neighboring areas massively flocked to study. In 2006, the Group began growing under the franchising method, after it had arranged all the necessary supporting infrastructures, such as its publishing house, Poukamisas Publishing House, which published high level educational material. Not only was it used in the Group’s tuition classes, but was also available in bookstores all over the country. Regarding the Group’s educational facilities, it is the certification of all of its educational structures - with the quality system ISO 9001:2008 by TUV HELLAS - as well as the implementation of the specific technical specification 1433: 2008 by ELOT that ensure its uniform. The Group’s certification relates not only to the provision, but also to the design of educational services. Reflecting all levels of its operation, thereby structuring an excellent system of assessment of the educational work that is original and innovative, not only for the domestic but also for the international standards. Poukamisas Educational Enterprises has also entered other educational services, apart from the Secondary Education Tuition Centres. Such are the Poukamisas Elementary Tuition, the Poukamisas Language Centre, as well as the Poukamisas Informatics and Poukamisas Teachers’ Seminars. In recent years, Poukamisas has been on a rapid growth track, despite the unfavorable economic environment, as it has opened 40 new Tuition Centers from 2013 to today. This year, the company has also implemented a major growth step by relocating its headquarters to its new offices in the southern suburb of Athens, Argyroupolis. An autonomous, ultramodern building covers a surface area of 800 sqm, where all the services of the Group are fully and vertically operational. During a period of economic crisis, with hard work and belief in the fundamental values of ​​ quality, legitimacy and cooperation, Poukamisas Educational Services aspires to be established as the most recognizable name on the educational map of Greece.



PPC Today

Emmanouil Panagiotakis, Chairman & CEO PPC S.A.

PPC was founded in 1950 aiming at the electricity generation, transmission and distribution throughout the Greek territory. In December 2001, PPC’s shares were listed on the Athens Stock Exchange. In parallel, GDRs were admitted on the London Stock Exchange. PPC operates as a fully vertically integrated Group of Companies covering the whole spectrum of activities in the electricity field constituting one of the major industrial groups in terms of fixed assets.  PPC is the largest electricity generator and the principal supplier of electricity in Greece, with nearly 7.4 million customers. It currently holds assets in lignite mines, power generation, transmission and distribution. Its power portfolio consists of conventional lignite, gas and oil-fired thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, as well as RES installations, accounting for approximately 64% of the total installed capacity in the country. PPC fully owns two subsidiaries founded after the spin-off of the Transmission and Distribution segments: IPTO S.A. (Independent Power Transmission Operator S.A.) and HEDNO S.A. (Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator S.A.). HEDNO undertakes the management, development, operation and maintenance of the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network, while IPTO is responsible for the management, operation, development and maintenance of the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System and its interconnections. PPC Group is moving forward towards the future with greater flexibility, closer to the customers and with wider financial efficiency. At the same time, it provides equal access opportunities to the users of Transmission and Distribution Networks.

Contact Details 30 Chalkokondyli St., 10432, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 2105230301 Email: Website:

Diamonds 111



Explore the Traditional Greek Taste of Dough Products

Charalampos Konstantakis President & CEO

Contact Details 14th km National Road Halkida - Edipsos 34400 Kastella/Evia, Greece Tel: +30 22280 23700, Fax: +30 22280 22001 , Exports: Zoi Koulouri, Mobile: +30 6942553431, E-mail:

112 Diamonds

EVOIKI ZIMI SA was created in 1984 in Psachna, Evia under the name “Zimarika Psahnon” as a small personal industry with the production of traditional pasta, faithfully following the traditional recipes and using only the finest ingredients, with the way of experienced landladies. During the 90s, Evoiki Zimi expanded its activities in the production of frozen dough products and transferred to privately-owned facilities at Kastella, Evia. The growth of the company led it in 2004 to move part of its production to new modern facilities in the district of Dokos, Chalkida. At the end of the decade the company has presence also in Chania in Crete with one more production unit, and in 2017 a new branch in Karditsa strengthens the company’s fleet. The company vigorously expands the distribution network of its products under the brand names “Zimarika Psachnon” and “Zimi Psahnon” and constantly gains new customers in Greece and abroad. The success comes with the homemade country style fillo pastry and continues with crust fillo pastry, puff pastry, fillo kataifi, traditional pies, puff pastry pies, pizzas, croissants. Nowadays consumers can find the company’s products in most big supermarkets throughout Greece but also in smaller retail stores. A similar development has been achieved in the exports of products through the continuous development of sales network in the world market. The company constantly invests in the latest technical equipment and fleet of trucks, in the proper training of human resources and the absolute maintenance of consistently high quality and unique homemade taste of its products, having integrated quality assurance systems EN ISO 22000: 2005, BRC, IFS. Evoiki Zimi under the brand names “Zimi Psahnon” and “Zimarika Psahnon” exports to more than 30 countries around the world, from Australia to America, all categories of products. The company focused on the wholesale market (catering – horeca) where what is important is the quality of the product, not the brand, as well as on the production of private label products to major wholesalers who already had developed their own brand in local retail markets. Therefore, Evoiki Zimi managed to enrich further the range of its customers and to distribute its products to a much larger market than the one of the Greek Diaspora. Future plans remain actively seeking new fruitful markets and at the same time developing the existing ones either with new products or new distribution channels. International exhibitions remain a sales development tool and communication with partners and customers, so the company will continue to be present in the most important shows and trade fairs to promote its products.


Καταπολεμώντας τα σοβαρά νοσήματα Στην Bristol-Myers Squibb η δέσμευση μας να αναπτύξουμε καινοτόμα φάρμακα είναι το ίδιο δυνατή με τη θέληση των ασθενών να καταπολεμήσουν τα σοβαρά νοσήματα Οι ερευνητές μας εργάζονται καθημερινά για να ανακαλύψουν τις μελλοντικές θεραπείες σε ποικίλους θεραπευτικούς τομείς όπως:

NOGR16NP00245-01/ 20.01.16

• Καρκίνος • Καρδιαγγειακά Νοσήματα • HIV / AIDS • Ηπατίτιδα • Νοσήματα του Ανοσοποιητικού • Νοσήματα του Συνδετικού Ιστού • Ανοσο–Ογκολογία

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφτείτε την ιστοσελίδα

Μαζί μπορούμε να νικήσουμε

Diamonds 113



31 Years of designing and delivering the most innovative specialty products in all fields we are active in

Mrs. Efthalia Soultou, President and Managing Director

Contact Details 38 Sorou St., 151 25 Maroussi, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6109090 FAX: +30 210 6108748 E-mail: Website:

114 Diamonds

Rontis Hellas SA, the Greek subsidiary of the multinational specialty healthcare corporation, was established in Greece in 1986 by a group of leading professionals with a lengthy experience in the wider healthcare sector and a vision to provide the most innovative & trustworthy solutions to the market, aiming to become an international leader in the global healthcare industry. Currently, Rontis Hellas is active across five business divisions: ● Medical Devices Division, whose core pillars include the complete medical device inception, R&D, manufacturing and distribution processes. ● Pharmaceutical Division, which aside the contract manufacturing capabilities, includes the state of the art R&D lab as well as out-licensing activities. ● Infant & Baby Nutrition Division, which captures a 17-year long expertise in the specific field and produces some of the most innovative solutions in the Infant Nutrition field. ● Consumer Healthcare Division, which promotes Rontis’ OTC products in the Infant and Adult Dermaceutical, the Oral care, the Pain Relief, and the Upper respiratory system fields. ● Healthcare Services Division, which includes Haemodialysis services provided in the Group’s clinics. Rontis Corporation is proudly represented directly or through affiliated companies in 58 countries with the most recent one being the USA, where Rontis just obtained FDA clearance for an innovative medical device in the interventional radiology field, which presents a unique combination of key characteristics! Rontis organization is committed to expanding its pipeline actively – for this reason we are investing on average more than 8% of our annual turnover over the last four years towards research and development activities. At a country level, Rontis Hellas is one of the most active and reliable players in the Greek Healthcare industry by investing heavily in infrastructure as the company operates 2 manufacturing plants, 2 R&D centers and 1 Hemodialysis Clinic. Over the years, Rontis Hellas has reached a leadership position amongst the suppliers of the Greek public and private healthcare sector. Rontis’ brand name is particularly familiar to the Greek Medical community for its credible supply and leading position in the field of orthopaedics, bloodlines and blood transfusion. Rontis Hellas has built strong expertise and is being recognized for the distribution of orthopedic implants (including trauma, arthroplasty & sports medicine), general surgery disposables as well as capital equipment that captures the latest technology available internationally. Over the years we have built a strong track record of supplying quality bloodline products that are manufactured and sterilized in-house and distributed to the majority of the Greek haemodialysis clinics. Last but not least, Rontis is one of the primary players in Greece in the field of providing blood processing technology to blood banks, hospitals and therapeutic applications, while most recently we have expanded our presence in the blood bag market segment. At Rontis we are deeply committed to give back to society and vulnerable groups. We aim to lead, through our social activities, the area of corporate responsibility in order to contribute in our way to building a “social culture”, with a focus on our fellow human beings.


Diamonds 115


Oscar SA

Long experience in making quality chocolate About the company Oscar SA is a family-owned enterprise that engages in the production and sale of chocolate products for 80 years. The company was founded in 1932 in Istanbul, but due to frequent riots and persecutions that the Greeks in Istanbul suffered at the time, it was re-located and re-founded in 1970 in Athens, where it has been operating ever since. The love of chocolate making guides us to innovate our production with new technologies and machinery, which can satisfy even the most demanding customers. Our highly qualified personnel are part of our success in maintaining and improving the quality of our chocolate. The property A decisive step forward towards a greater development and growth of the company was the construction, in 2004, of a new privately-owned facility at Skalistiri, in the Aspropyrgos​​Industrial Park, Attica. The new facilities are located in a 10,000-sqm ​​ area, of which 7,500 sqm are indoor facilities, thus providing modern technological equipment for the proper functioning of the production process. The value of this investment is estimated at around €4.5 million. The capacity of the new plan exceeds 4,000 tons annually. During the biennium 2006-2008, the company invested over €2 million in modern equipment, fully automated, estimated to produce excellent products at very competitive prices.

Dimitris Arapoglou, President and CEO

Contact details ASPROPYRGOS, ATHENS, GR 193 00 TEL.: +30 210 5594680-4 FAX.: +30 210 5593828 Email: Website:

116 Diamonds

The products The company produces a wide range of chocolate products including chocolate bites, chocolate bars, pralines (single & double twist) in various packaging, gift boxes, seasonal chocolate products. The company ranks among the top players in terms of sales in Duty Free stores, located at airports, ports and border stations. It is among the pioneers in Europe to operate in the area of ​​licensing, offering today products, such as the much-loved heroes of young children Barbie, Minions, etc. It additionally produces private label products for big supermarket stores in Europe. The company offers products with the international certificates ISO, HACCP and IFS from Lloyd’s. Current Situation During the years, Oscar has succeeded in establishing a strong brand name in the European market. For more than 10 years, the firm’s close collaboration with the vast majority of major supermarket stores in Europe has had as a result to being one their major distributors of chocolate products. The company, for over 40 years, offers high quality chocolate products, which have gained the trust of the European consumers. Through a series of investments in the past 4-5 years, the company is fully equipped and modernized in order to achieve highest rates of growth, selling the finest chocolates, satisfying even the most demanding consumers, both in the domestic and international markets. Oscar’s current major goals include its market expansion boosting export sales. Today, the company exports products to 29 countries including: USA, Holland, Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Austria, Israel, Bahrain, Qatar, South Korea, Dubai, Australia, Japan, Germany, Libya, Ethiopia,Mexico, etc.


Diamonds 117



EPSA: A story of refreshment The history of EPSA dates back to 1924, when there was a surplus of lemons in the geographical area of Pelion. Observing a sales increase of traditional lemonade by peddlers, the owners of EPSA set the goal to create a factory that produces Soft Drinks. A German Chemical Engineer was invited to assist with the production of lemonade. It was then that the secret recipe was born and is preserved until today. Maintaining, already, cold rooms for the conservation of fruits and sales of ice, EPSA starts, as well, the production of Soft Drinks. At that time, EPSA was the basic distributor of power supply for the whole area around. During the nine decades that passed since then, a lot of progress has been made. In 1937, EPSA was awarded the “Golden Award for Quality” at Thessaloniki International Fair. In 1940, the noted glass bottle of EPSA, that was meant to become the landmark of the brand, is designed. Today, EPSA is still situated at exactly the same place in Agria area, in the city of Volos, maintaining modern facilities for the production of Soft Drinks. EPSA applies systems of quality control ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 22000: 2005 and an IFS Food Standard certification. During the last few years, next to the classic Orangeade, Lemonade, Lemon Soda and Soda Water, many new products have been added: Iced Tea in several flavours, Tonic, Sour Cherry Drink, Organic Lemonade and Orangeade and Lemonade, Orangeade and EPSA Cola light (with sweetener from the stevia plant). Also, “light drops”, a liquid sweetener from the stevia plant, was the new innovation. Last, but not least, Pink Lemonade was the latest addition to our product list.

Michalis Tsaoutos Chief Executive Officer

Contact Details Agria, Volos 37300, Magnesia, Greece Phone: (0030) 24280 91901 Fax: (0030) 24280 91900 E-mail:

118 Diamonds

Contact Information The factory and offices are open every day from 07:00 am -17:00 pm. School visits to the Museum are by appointment from October to May.


Diamonds 119



Among the top

Contact details 17km National Road & Kalamatas 2, 14564, Nea Kifisia Tel: +30 2108002980 Email: Website:

120 Diamonds

Green Cola Company, based on the long and successful path of EPAP, transforms the experience and innovation into successful products. Equipped furthermore with expertise and appropriate investments in building and technical equipment, EPAP is ranked among the top domestic soft drink bottling plants in terms of quality and capacity. In 2010, following a strategic business restructuring, EPAP launched a new line of beverages under the Sparky label, covering cola, cola with no sugar, orangeade, lemonade, sour cherry, lemon lime, soda water, tonic and cocktail, addressed mainly to the Northern Greek market. In 2012, a cola type product was launched, addressed to those looking for a beverage with minimal calorie content without sacrificing taste; the move was part of a strategic decision to focus on products that contribute to a healthier lifestyle. The well-known Green Cola, with a continuous consumer awareness increase, both in Greece and abroad, has already created its own customer loyalty base. In 2013 along the same strategic philosophy, the new BLE, GR8 (Gr-eight) and Mix & Match mixers were launched. Today, EPAP, having a wide range of products in its portfolio, continues creating new flavors, driven by excellence in quality, which is one of the company’s constant values. The production unit of EPAP extends to a total of 20,000 m2 covering areas for storage, loading and three modern production lines for all beverages: glass bottles 250ml and 330ml, can of 330ml, and PET plastic bottle of 500ml and 1.5lt. In terms of quality and safety assurance, the competent department conducts: (a) Quality control in terms of biological, chemical and physical hazards, through all the necessary measurements of products, in order to ensure the precise bottling procedure according to the specifications of each product; and (b) Microbiological test through examinations carried out at all production stages (from water to the final product). The company is certified by Lloyd’s, with: - ISO 9001:2008 for quality assurance in design, production, marketing and distribution activities of soft drinks. - ISO 22000:2005 for food safety assurance in design, production, marketing and distribution activities of soft drinks. The company’s export activity has increased substantially in recent years, especially to the Balkans and the Middle East, as a result of local businessmen recognizing the attractiveness and the benefits of its products. Israel is the most recent country where Green Cola was successfully launched. This success reinforces the belief that a new high quality product with specific ingredients may compete successfully against domestic and multinational giants. Some of the countries to which Green Cola exports its products are: China, Cyprus, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Belgium, Poland, Holland, Germany and Australia.


Diamonds 121




Redefining Frozen Dough & Pastry Products IONIKI, for 23 years now, is one of the most important vertically organized production units of frozen dough and pastry products in Greece, holding a leading position at Ho.Re.Ca as well as Retail and Private label segments. Furthermore, Ioniki’s products are present through established distributors in super markets and food service customers in Europe, Australia, USA, Canada and Middle East. Ioniki is expanding by transforming export sales to long term win-win collaborations in countries of Northern Europe and Middle East. Quality. Innovation. People. These are the three main values behind Ioniki’s success and solid financial position. Even from the very beginning, when Ioniki was just a small family business, it’s team was in a continuous quest for new ideas, establishing the fundamental basis for Ioniki’s evolution. Company’s strategy is to continually update the product range and to identify on time the needs and desires of the final consumer- customer. The production of innovating products that follows the latest trends by our specially trained R&D Department is one of our primary goals. Company’s purpose is to ensure the quality of its products, as well as to unceasingly update our services aiming at an excellent customer service in Greece and abroad. Ioniki’s business practices as well as the innovative sparkle of our products have been awarded in international competitions: European Business awards: National Champion Gulfood Awards: Two products among the top three entries for their ingenuity in the MENA region Sial Selection: “Filo mini rolls dolmades” were awarded in the consumed goods category, among 1002 nominees PLMA awards: Distinction for unique packaging All of the Company’s procedures are certified according to: ISO 22000:2005, IFS (Higher Level) and BRC. IONIKI never ceases to invest in equipment and technology with primary objective building consumer’s trust. Substantial investment plan is on process. We are committed to the value of placing people first, our staff, our clients and of course consumers worldwide.

Contact Details 1st km Neochorouda Oreokastro P.C. 54500, Thessaloniki, P.O. box 192 – IONIA TEL.: +30 2310 788120, 788372 FAX: +30 2310778225 Email: Website:

122 Diamonds


Diamonds 123



Binding Innovation

Efi Markesini, President

Contact Details 88, Them. Sofouli str., 551 31 Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, GREECE Tel.: +30 2310 424 167 Fax: +30 2310 424 149 Email: Website:

124 Diamonds

CHIMAR HELLAS SA is an INNOVATIVE R&D company. It counts an international experience of 40 years developing industrial KNOW-HOW in the field of wood based panels used mainly in furniture and construction. It has a focus on providing safe and environmentally friendly products and technologies, following the most stringent requirements worldwide and promoting the sustainability of its industry field. CHIMAR is a versatile company active in the following: ● Developing and providing innovative and competitive technology for the industrial production of adhesive resins and chemicals and their application in the manufacture of all wood-based panel types and grades. It is a pioneer in the field of reduction of the formaldehyde emission from wood panels, providing technology for emission at the level of natural wood. The CHIMAR technology is protected via a portfolio of over 20 ipatent families in more than 50 countries. ● Undertaking the engineering, construction, management, process support, revamp and procurement of equipment for chemical plants producing formaldehyde, formaldehyde resins and chemical additives. CHIMAR has already completed over 15 projects all around the world. ● Producing and providing chemical additives in industrial quantities per order. ● Offering customer focused/third-party R&D, testing and evaluation services at laboratory/pilot and industrial scale, technical support for field industries (remotely and on-site), consulting and advanced training of personnel. ● Implementing R&D projects in collaboration with established research and industrial organizations and partly supported by the European Commission. CHIMAR has participated so far in more than 50 funded projects and scientific networks. ● Offering accredited testing for the determination of formaldehyde release from wood-based panels. CHIMAR lab is accredited as per EN ISO/IEC 17025. ● Acting as the distributor and agent for industrial fire and explosion and process safety systems. The CHIMAR technology has been applied via licensing agreements in numerous industrial plants located in more than 40 countries. The wood panels produced each year using the chemicals of CHIMAR technology account for over 10% of the global wood panel production. The international network of CHIMAR clients is currently spread in: AUSTRALIA, BELARUS, BULGARIA, BRAZIL, CANADA, FINLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, ITALY, MEXICO, PORTUGAL, SOUTH AFRICA, SPAIN, TURKEY, UKRAINE, USA.


Diamonds 125


Giorgos Thomopoulos, Chief Executive Officer


“Extraversion actions the new goal of STASY” Contact Details Athinas 67, 10552, Athens Tel.: +30 214 4141152 Fax: +30 214 4141378 Email: Website:

126 Diamonds

Urban Rail Transport S.A. (STASY S.A.), the company that manages the three Athens Metro lines (line 1 of the former ISAP and lines 2 and 3 of the former AMEL) as well as Tram, has been acknowledged by the residents and visitors of Attica as the Public Corporation that provides a high level of transport services, equal to the ones offered by the the most successful European companies in the sector. Urban railways provide passengers with reliable, fast and safe journeys, as a result of the experience and know-how acquired by STASY employees, who are the largest asset of the company. With the latest relevant legislation confirming the definitive integration of STASY S.A. into the Hellenic Corporation of Assets & Participations S.A. (“Superfund”), as well as with the conclusion of the agreement with the lenders, the company will face new challenges in the near future. STASY’s Management assumption is that in this new environment new challenges are created and opportunities for the public transport company will occur. The administration’s new priorities are to


expand the company’s activities internally by providing additional transport services as well as to develop extrovert activities. The high level of know-how in the operation of the transport services as well as the maintenance of the rolling stock developed in the company are the keystones of further development of the company worldwide. The Chief Executive Officer of STASY S.A., Mr. George Thomopoulos, stresses that “the company’s technical know-how, the quality of safety, the high level of cleaning services provided in our network, the accuracy of the routes, the high level of professionalism, the scientific and technical specialization of our employees, can lead to the conclusion that the company offers comparative and competitive advantages in the field of urban railways inside and outside Greece “. In this new environment, he stresses, “For the present administration it is a real challenge for a public company to build stable growth bases so that we continue to provide high-quality transport services with a positive economic outcome. Furthermore, the company seeks to a stable environment and to the creation of new jobs as well as to reach a positive social result”. Our goal, Mr. Thomopoulos, concludes is “to manage with technocracy and professionalism a public corporation and to prove that a social policy, that respects and develops labor rights can coexist with economic surpluses as a whole”.

Diamonds 127



Exporting to more than 30 countries all over the world

Vasilis Kourtakis – President and CEO

Contact details 20 Anapafseos St., 19003 MARKOPOULO, Attica, GREECE Contact phones: Tel.: +30 22990 – 22231 Fax: +30 22990 – 23301 Email: Website: http://www.greek-wine-cellars. com

128 Diamonds

“Greek Wine Cellars - D. Kourtakis S.A.” was established in 1895 by Vassilis Kourtakis (1865 - 1946), the first Greek oenologist in contemporary Greece with degree in oenology. In the late 1960’s, Vassilis Kourtakis, the third generation of the Kourtakis family and today’s Chairman and Managing Director of “Greek Wine Cellars – D. Kourtakis S.A.”, took over the company’s reins. His entry into the company was accompanied by fresh ideas, youthful drive, and plans to conquer new markets outside Greece. In the mid-1980’s Vassilis Kourtakis created a state-of-the-art winery in Ritsona, Viotia. The company adopted cutting-edge winemaking methods and engaged in the production of a new range of non-resinated wines. In 1985, the company launched its Apelia range. In 1992, due to rapid pace of growth of the export, occurred the need to expand its wine portfolio, thus it led the company to collaboration with Calliga winery. “Greek Wine Cellars” would take over both the production and sales of the Calliga products in Greece and abroad, thus adding a premium quality range of wines to its own portfolio. The thrive of exports expanded over 32 countries around the world. In 2000 exports accounted for nearly half of the company’s annual turnover. Rapidly the “Greek Wine Cellars” expanded; through strategic and carefully planned collaborations. ● In 2004, the company bought 50% of the share capital of “Oenoforos S.A.”, consequently selling the “boutique” wines of the noted and respected winemaker, Angelos Rouvalis. ● In late 2009 “Greek Wine Cellars” began a co-operation with the group “Grands Chais de France” to distribute the GCF products in Greece. Subsequently, “Greek Wine Cellars” added to its product range a renowned selection of imported wines, that were previously entirely absent, thereby complementing the company’s own portfolio of Greek wines. ● In 2010, “Greek Wine Cellars” became the sole distributor of the Babatzim products in both Greece and abroad. Anestis Babatzimopoulos is a gifted winemaker and distiller who on his estate at Ossa, near Thessaloniki, produces the famous ouzo and tsipouro that have rightfully earned him the title of “master of distillation”. ● Through this latest commercial partnership the wine choices of this noted vineyard in Macedonia have been added to the “Greek Wine Cellars’” wine portfolio. Also the company has entered the spirits business, selling and distributing the premium Greek distillations of ouzo and tsipouro from Babatzim. The latest successful deal was concluded in March 2016. “Greek Wine Cellars” became the sole distributor of UNION OF VINICULTURAL COOPERATIVES OF SAMOS (EOSS)’s products. The production of Samos’ wines, crops a wine that is unique in taste and quality. The selection of sweet and dry wines contains all flavor peculiarities due to their cultivation at altitude terraces of Samos’ island. Thus, the outcome of this collaboration makes “Greek Wine Cellars” the greatest ambassador of Greek wines in the world market.




Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2017 COMPANY NAME





301,661,000.00 €


18,824,875.00 €


291,798,000.00 €


18,358,000.00 €


226,376,000.00 €


18,011,436.00 €


179,843,849.00 €


17,292,000.00 €


118,300,000.00 €

49 EKO S.A.

16,942,000.00 €


101,717,465.00 €


16,611,785.00 €


83,350,000.00 €


16,214,000.00 €


81,095,060.00 €


16,077,000.00 €


76,664,000.00 €


15,967,000.00 €


76,447,000.00 €


15,306,420.00 €


68,996,699.00 €


15,193,645.00 €


63,619,000.00 €


15,133,978.00 €


61,931,000.00 €


15,120,407.00 €


57,795,000.00 €


14,790,000.00 €


57,449,000.00 €


14,723,515.00 €


56,343,000.00 €


14,582,720.00 €


51,120,000.00 €


14,437,229.00 €


51,054,000.00 €


13,682,000.00 €


49,979,000.00 €


13,620,797.00 €

20 OTSM S.A.

49,585,000.00 €


13,187,000.00 €


48,783,829.00 €


13,026,880.00 €


47,167,000.00 €


12,933,760.00 €


46,826,000.00 €


12,890,020.00 €


40,628,000.00 €


11,948,613.00 €


39,431,000.00 €


11,916,759.00 €


38,368,000.00 €


11,726,717.00 €


36,877,353.00 €


11,422,649.00 €


31,816,000.00 €


11,373,737.00 €


30,867,505.00 €


11,240,658.00 €


30,168,906.00 €


10,940,547.00 €


27,333,000.00 €


10,802,574.00 €


26,278,000.00 €


10,731,719.00 €


25,145,000.00 €


10,616,544.00 €


24,514,352.00 €


10,597,675.00 €


24,032,367.00 €


10,593,000.00 €


22,725,000.00 €


10,547,286.00 €


22,620,000.00 €


10,485,667.00 €


20,863,141.00 €


9,865,399.00 €


20,754,000.00 €


9,772,290.00 €


20,439,930.00 €


9,599,886.00 €


19,806,000.00 €


9,526,464.00 €


19,280,997.00 €


9,398,766.00 €


19,091,935.00 €


9,294,000.00 €

44 DEMO S.A.

18,984,548.00 €


9,087,000.00 €

130 Diamonds





9,072,728.00 €


5,877,028.00 €


8,793,000.00 €


5,788,813.00 €


8,538,984.00 €


5,741,179.00 €


8,533,312.00 €


5,733,814.00 €


8,461,396.00 €


5,703,957.00 €


8,406,732.00 €


5,676,516.00 €


8,369,198.00 €


5,645,097.00 €


8,275,895.00 €

140 MABIZ S.A.

5,619,575.00 €


8,168,251.00 €


5,614,811.00 €


8,095,000.00 €


5,606,259.00 €

99 H. B. BODY S.A.

8,073,342.00 €


5,586,939.00 €


7,974,219.00 €


5,575,476.00 €


7,951,526.00 €


5,518,000.00 €


7,891,458.00 €


5,478,924.00 €


7,890,876.00 €

147 ARGO S.A.

5,474,499.00 €


7,852,652.00 €


5,468,462.00 €


7,842,016.00 €


5,413,503.00 €

7,817,906.00 €


5,413,473.00 €


7,340,003.00 €


5,402,000.00 €


7,326,000.00 €


5,386,770.00 €


7,189,680.00 €


5,224,388.00 €


7,021,435.00 €


5,212,000.00 €


6,953,037.00 €


5,195,695.00 €

112 ARITI S.A.

6,856,538.00 €


5,149,662.00 €


6,779,159.00 €


5,138,000.00 €


6,778,940.00 €


5,059,638.00 €


6,773,496.00 €


5,056,978.00 €


6,590,745.00 €


5,051,546.00 €


6,575,000.00 €


5,047,968.00 €


6,527,708.00 €


5,009,480.00 €


6,236,228.00 €


4,979,127.00 €


6,218,826.00 €


4,916,263.00 €


6,217,480.00 €


4,911,818.00 €


6,187,887.00 €


4,888,000.00 €


6,113,734.00 €


4,845,916.00 €


6,103,451.00 €


4,784,000.00 €


6,101,817.00 €


4,758,177.00 €


6,036,000.00 €


4,741,000.00 €

127 ACS S.A.

6,011,000.00 €


4,721,617.00 €


5,980,194.00 €


4,715,961.00 €


5,948,466.00 €


4,687,146.00 €


5,940,133.00 €


4,650,953.00 €


5,937,821.00 €


4,649,354.00 €

132 DEAS S.A.

5,909,127.00 €


4,643,323.00 €

Diamonds 131


Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2017 COMPANY NAME



4,637,141.00 €


3,618,000.00 €


4,597,449.00 €


3,608,780.00 €


4,577,604.00 €

223 AMVYX S.A.

3,520,019.00 €

180 SANI S.A.

4,513,060.00 €


3,517,258.00 €


4,502,850.00 €


3,512,143.00 €


4,482,020.00 €


3,495,128.00 €


4,443,515.00 €


3,467,093.00 €

184 MARKOU K.B. S.A.

4,420,498.00 €


3,454,876.00 €


4,395,958.00 €


3,452,409.00 €


4,370,026.00 €


3,408,389.00 €


4,344,789.00 €

231 IRIDA S.A.

3,384,001.00 €


4,336,000.00 €


3,361,709.00 €


4,311,225.00 €


3,346,910.00 €


4,294,909.00 €


3,297,911.00 €


4,261,228.00 €


3,256,938.00 €


4,230,085.00 €


3,254,454.00 €


4,207,810.00 €


3,251,828.00 €


4,203,000.00 €


3,232,620.00 €


4,164,605.00 €


3,227,432.00 €


4,161,663.00 €


3,214,183.00 €


4,132,340.00 €


3,210,328.00 €

198 TENA S.A.

4,097,780.00 €


3,200,456.00 €


4,083,567.00 €

243 TYRAS S.A.

3,196,235.00 €


4,073,925.00 €


3,194,844.00 €


4,011,326.00 €


3,191,986.00 €

202 S. & E. & A. METAXA S.A.

4,000,993.00 €


3,176,513.00 €


4,000,660.00 €


3,171,276.00 €


3,976,028.00 €


3,171,255.00 €


3,975,000.00 €


3,160,310.00 €


3,973,839.00 €


3,154,719.00 €


3,970,721.00 €


3,143,291.00 €


3,963,466.00 €


3,114,660.00 €


3,941,131.00 €


3,097,000.00 €


3,882,735.00 €


3,095,647.00 €


3,852,271.00 €


3,092,000.00 €


3,848,479.00 €


3,090,313.00 €


3,819,611.00 €


3,081,598.00 €


3,813,040.00 €


3,076,330.00 €

215 GEKE S.A.

3,768,320.00 €


3,063,789.00 €


3,711,984.00 €


3,055,151.00 €


3,711,373.00 €


3,054,659.00 €

218 CALIN S.A.

3,694,976.00 €


3,052,031.00 €


3,649,174.00 €


3,047,075.00 €


3,649,121.00 €


3,044,094.00 €

132 Diamonds









3,038,329.00 €


2,571,631.00 €


3,030,332.00 €


2,562,569.00 €


3,022,563.00 €


2,561,925.00 €


3,013,717.00 €


2,557,086.00 €


3,012,237.00 €


2,536,750.00 €


2,988,269.00 €


2,536,692.00 €


2,987,311.00 €


2,525,443.00 €


2,974,053.00 €


2,523,077.00 €


2,952,267.00 €


2,522,415.00 €


2,944,486.00 €


2,520,453.00 €


2,935,020.00 €


2,504,083.00 €


2,916,056.00 €


2,491,406.00 €


2,912,795.00 €


2,479,455.00 €


2,902,689.00 €


2,478,376.00 €

279 RESEL S.A.

2,870,969.00 €


2,456,878.00 €


2,855,992.00 €


2,452,961.00 €


2,851,099.00 €


2,446,833.00 €


2,847,051.00 €


2,430,478.00 €


2,842,163.00 €


2,424,000.00 €


2,842,112.00 €


2,423,110.00 €


2,790,800.00 €


2,402,998.00 €


2,774,336.00 €

2,395,000.00 €


2,756,346.00 €


2,754,995.00 €


2,750,254.00 €



2,749,866.00 €


2,369,356.00 €


2,738,497.00 €


2,353,000.00 €


2,686,551.00 €

334 VEPAL S.A.

2,328,773.00 €


2,677,450.00 €


2,326,526.00 €


2,676,000.00 €


2,326,000.00 €


2,673,127.00 €

337 SARKK S.A.

2,324,517.00 €


2,313,305.00 €

339 ZIKO S.A.

2,304,502.00 €

2,662,614.00 €


2,296,867.00 €


2,647,610.00 €


2,295,259.00 €


2,645,720.00 €


2,289,217.00 €


2,644,646.00 €


2,288,985.00 €

301 HOTOS S.A.

2,622,625.00 €


2,285,703.00 €


2,620,833.00 €


2,276,000.00 €


2,616,407.00 €


2,267,413.00 €


2,604,957.00 €


2,185,772.00 €


2,601,854.00 €


2,157,482.00 €


2,586,024.00 €


1.930.954,00 €


2,584,340.00 €

2,671,988.00 €

2,387,209.00 € 2,379,044.00 €

Diamonds 133




Greece’s largest betting firm

Damian Cope, Chairman & CEO OPAP SA

Turnover 1,683,798,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 301,661,000.00 €

The Organization of Football Prognostics (OPAP) was established in 1958, with the scope to undertake the organization and operation of the betting PROPO game. In 1999, OPAP was “reborn,” as it was converted into a Societe Anonyme, fully-owned by the Greek State. According to a 2003 decision by the Extraordinary General Assembly of the shareholders of the Company, its registered office was moved to the municipality of Peristeri Attica, 62 Kifisou St. The Company may establish branches, agencies and offices in Greece and abroad in order to serve its purposes. OPAP is Greece’s leading gaming company and one of the most respected in the industry worldwide. The company was founded in 1958 as the national lottery in the country, and was listed on the Athens Stock Exchange in 2001, holding the exclusive license to use any numerical lottery (7 games), the sports betting (4 games) and horse racing. It also has the exclusive rights to Lottery and Scratch in Greece through a joint venture in which it hold a 67% stake. Today OPAP has grown into a group of companies, which owns the following subsidiaries: -O PAP Cyprus Ltd: Established in 2003 as part of OPAP’s international expansion strategy, to offer in Cyprus the games available by the parent company, excluding PAME STICHIMA. -O PAP Sports: This was Cyprus’ sports betting company OPAP Glory Ltd. acquired by OPAP (90% in 2003 and 10% in 2008), to secure its presence in the fixed odds betting industry in Cyprus. In late 2010, OPAP Glory Ltd was renamed to OPAP Sports. -O PAP International Ltd: Established in 2004 in Cyprus to support the Company’s strategic expansion of operations abroad, introduce new games and upgrade existing ones internationally. -O PAP Service Providers SA: Established in 2004 with the objective to provide support services in relation to operational functions and needs of OPAP. -O PAP INVESTMENT LTD: Founded in Cyprus in order to organize, conduct and manage any kind of gaming, instant lotteries and fixed or variable returns staking. According to its 2015 annual report, OPAP holds 72.7% of the total Greek legal gaming market. OPAP has as many as 4,791 sale points in Greece and Cyprus, and is the largest commercial network in Greece. Additionally, the firm has 5,752 additional points of sale and street vendors for the distribution of Scratch tickets & Passive Lotteries. Investments in social contribution in 2015 were valued at 39 million euros, affecting some 1.7 million people through OPAP’s Social Contribution programs. Up to 2015, OPAP employed a staff of 860 at Group level.

Contact Details 62 Kifisou Ave., 121 32 Peristeri, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 5798800 Fax: +30 210 5798342 E-mail: Website:

134 Diamonds

GREEK ORGANIZATION OF FOOTBALL PROGNOSTICS (OPAP) SA 2014 2015 Change (%) Turnover 1,731,996,000.00 € 1,683,798,000.00 € -2.8 Profit Before Taxes 297,277,000.00 € 301,661,000.00 € 1.5 Gross Profit - - Net worth 1,166,661,000.00 € 1,162,282,000.00 € -0.4 Liabilities 449,279,000.00 € 380,248,000.00 € -15.4


Diamonds 135


Petroleum Industrial


A leader in the oil refining business

Vardis Vardinogiannis, President of Motor Oil Hellas

Turnover 5,276,468,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 291,798,000.00 €

Contact Details 12A Irodou Attikou St., 151 24 Maroussi, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 8094000 Fax: +30 210 8094444 Website: E-mail:

136 Diamonds

Motor Oil Hellas (MOH) is committed to being a leader in the petroleum refining business, providing its serving region with a reliable and affordable supply of energy. Through its evolution, MOH is now considered as one of the major contributors to the domestic economy and a key market player in the region. The Refinery, together with its ancillary plants and offsite facilities, form the largest privately-owned industrial complex in Greece and is considered as one of the most modern refineries in Europe. Due to its flexibility, it can process crude oils of various characteristics and produce a full range of petroleum products, complying with the most stringent international specifications, serving major petroleum marketing companies in Greece and abroad. Apart from fuels, MOH is the only Lubricants producer and packager in Greece. Base oils and finished lubricants produced are approved by International Organizations, ACEA, API, the US Navy and Army. The Refinery production operations are located in Agii Theodori, in the province of Corinth, about 70 km west of Athens. MOH’s Quality Management System is certified according to ISO 9001:2008 for the production & delivery of fuels, lubricants, waxes and bitumen. Additionally, the environmental management systems are certified according to ISO 14001:2004, while the Health and Safety system is certified according to OHSAS 18001:2007. The firm is Greece’s only oil refinery to have been certified with these three certifications. The Company is totally committed to continuous quality improvement, and within the scope of this commitment, in September 2006 the Refinery’s Chemical Lab was certified according to ISO 17025:2005 by Greece’s National Certification System (ESYD). Furthermore, since 2007 within the framework of its commitment for continuous improvement of Environmental Management, the Company voluntarily publishes an annual Environmental Statement according to European Regulation 1221/2009 (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme), verified by Bureau Veritas. In 2016, the group reported a drop in sales to 703.4 million euros, or -9.96% compared to a year earlier. this was attributed to the drop in the average price of petroleum products (in dollars) by approximately 18%, which however was partly offset by (a) the increase in volume by 3.86% (from 13.6 million tons in 2015 to 14.14 million tons in 2016); and (b) by the marginal appreciation of the US dollar against the euro by 0.23%. An analysis of sales volume data shows the Group’s strong export character as shipping and export sales accounted for 74.16% of the total sales volume in 2016, compared to 73.24% in 2015. The company in 2016 posted a drop in sales to 4.51 billion euros compared to 5.27 billion euros a year earlier (-14.5%). Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. 2014 2015 7,436,908,000.00 € 5,276,468,000.00 € -111,973,000.00 € 291,798,000.00 € 4,451,000.00 € 408,379,000.00 € 324,861,000.00 € 510,778,000.00 € 1,531,209,000.00 € 1,501,463,000.00 €

Change (%) -29.1 360.6 9075 57.2 -1.9

Our history

We have one target: achieving expertise in all fields that we are active in Our key elements are higher quality, creative flexibility & excellent service Our mission is the research & development and the production of the most innovative and trustworthy products and solutions Our corporate philosophy is based on innovation, quality and service We are keen to becoming an employer of choice Our vision is to improve the lives of millions

We are active in: Pharmaceuticals Medical Devices Infant & Baby Nutrition Consumer Healthcare Healthcare services

Rontis Hellas SA 38, Sorou, 15125, Marousi, Athens Tel: +302106109090 Fax: +302106108748 Email: //

Diamonds 137


Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”

All-time high performance in 2016, traffic up 10.7%

Transportation Commercial

The Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”, one of the most modern and functional airports in the world, opened in March 28th, 2001, marking the onset of a new era for air transport in Greece. The Airport Company, “Athens International Airport SA” (AIA), was established in 1996 as a Public-Private Partnership with a 30-year B.O.O.T. (Build-Own-Operate-Transfer) concession to build and operate the airport. AIA is a privately managed company, with the Greek State holding 55% of shares, while the private shareholders collectively hold 45%, and has undertaken successfully a series of very important roles, i.e. manager of the airport, employer and responsible corporate citizen. Thanks to its favorable geographical location at the cross-roads of three continents, state-of-the-art infrastructure and top-notch service, the Athens International Airport has earned the trust of passengers, as well as numerous international distinctions and awards. Today, it constitutes one of the major gateways to South-Eastern Europe and forms a unique entrepreneurial entity of economic and social development in the Attica basin. Over 13,000 people are employed as part of a large airport community, which consists of more than 300 companies closely connected to AIA and constitutes one of the biggest employment engines in Greece. During its 15 years of successful operation, the airport has served more than 214 million passengers through 2.6 million flights. AIA offers its airline partners one of the most innovative and integrated incentives programs, to ensure sustainability and further growth of both domestic and international traffic. The Athens International Airport, however, is far more than just a gateway to South-Eastern Europe; aiming at continuous growth, AIA develops its extensive real estate assets, conducts largescale commercial activities, and exports the company’s pioneering know-how in the IT sector. Besides its aeronautical and non-aeronautical activity, AIA remains always committed to its role as a responsible corporate citizen, introducing and implementing a range of programs, actions and special CR initiatives for society at large, and with a special focus on its neighbors in the local communities. Overall, in 2016, the Athens International Airport recorded an all-time high performance, with 20.02 million passengers, surpassing previous year traffic by 1.9 million (+10.7%). Both domestic and international passengers achieved double-digit growth levels of 11.2% and 10.4%, respectively, reaching 7.15 million and 12.87 million, respectively. This growth was driven by both the Greek residents’ dynamic growth of 15%, as well as the foreign residents’ robust rise of 8%. During the first quarter of 2017, the airport’s passenger traffic reached 3.71 million, exceeding prior-year levels by a robust 7.5%, with domestic traffic being slightly below the respective 2016 volumes (-2%), whereas international passengers enjoyed a sharp increase of almost 14.1%.

Dr Yiannis N. Paraschis CEO

Turnover 371,306,444.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 179,843,849.00 €

Contact Details Spata 19019, Greece Tel.: +30 210 3530000 Fax: +30 210 3530001 Email: Website:

138 Diamonds

Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos” 2014 2015 Change (%) Turnover 315,602,778.00 € 371,306,444.00 € 17.6 Profit Before Taxes 126,679,777.00 € 179,843,849.00 € 42 Gross Profit 204,085,514.00 € 260,724,575.00 € 27.8 Net worth 437,028,503.00 € 470,684,034.00 € 7.7 Liabilities 770,445,512.00 € 745,062,873.00 € -3.3


Diamonds 139




The largest telecommunications provider in Greece

Michael Tsamaz, OTE Group Chairman and CEO

Turnover (€ mn) 2016 3,908.1

P Adjusted EBITDA (€ mn) 2016 1,320.9

Contact Details 99 Kifissias Ave., 15124, Maroussi, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6111000 Fax: +30 210 6115825 Ε-mail: Website:

140 Diamonds

OTE Group is the largest telecommunications provider in the Greek market, and, together with its subsidiaries, forms one of the leading telecom groups in South-eastern Europe. OTE is among the three largest listed companies, with respect to capitalization, in the Athens Stock Exchange. OTE is also listed in the London Stock Exchange (LSE). Deutsche Telekom holds 40% of OTE’s share capital and the Greek State holds 10%. OTE Group employs approximately 21,000 people in three countries. OTE Group offers the full range of telecommunications services: from fixed-line and mobile telephony, broadband services, to pay television and ICT solutions. In addition to its core telecommunications activities, the Group in Greece is also involved in maritime communications, real-estate and professional training. Abroad, the Group operates in the telecommunications markets of Romania, where it offers fixedline and mobile communications, as well as television services, and in Albania, where it offers mobile telephony services. Aiming at continuously optimizing customer experience, OTE Group proceeded with establishing COSMOTE as the unified brand for all Group products in fixed-line and mobile telephony as well as internet services and pay TV. Telecommunications infrastructure OTE Group is the largest investor in new technologies and infrastructure in Greece, having invested over €2bn over the past six years. For the four-year period 2017-2020 it is materializing investments in the range of €1.5bn, primarily targeted at optic fibers and new generation networks. At present, OTE provides quality communication using the most advanced telephony and data networks, with over 35,000 kilometres of optical fibres and numerous satellite, submarine and onshore international links to every point of the globe. In Greece, besides providing the telephone network, which covers the entire country, including the remotest and least accessible regions of the Greek countryside, OTE offers broadband ADSL services to more than 95% of the existing telephone connections. OTE Group emphasizes to the replacement of the copper network by optic fibers, offering access to VDSL speeds up to 50 Mbps, to more customers. More than 2 million households and businesses have access to the new internet speeds. Moreover, there has been a sharp increase of the bandwidth of the National Core Networkm ensuring the flawless management of ever increasing data traffic through the International & National Internet.


In mobile telephony too, COSMOTE breaks new ground. It constantly develops its 3G network which covers more than 99% of Greece’s population, and at the end of 2012 was the first provider in Greece to launch a 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) technology network. Today, the company is No1 in Greece in terms of the population coverage achieved by its 4G network, exceeding 93%. At the beginning of 2015, COSMOTE also marketed its 4G+ LTE Advanced technology network, by offering speeds up to 300Mbps. Taking advantage of the increased capabilities of its mobile network after acquiring new spectrum, the Group was the first in Greece and among the first in the world, to launch mobile internet speeds up to 500Mbps. The population coverage of 4G+ has already exceeded 82%. Financial Data For 2016, the Group announced turnover of €3.908,1 mn, at about the same level as last year. adjusted EBITDA reached €1.320,9 mn. and the Pro forma EBITDA margin at 33,8%. The level of free cash flow was in target with €459 mn. The Group’s adjusted Net Debt was €0.5bn at December 31, 2016, down 37.9% compared to December 31, 2015. The Group’s ratio of adjusted Net Debt to 12-month trailing Adjusted EBITDA stood at 0.4x. Corporate Responsibility OTE Group has always connected its presence in Greece with social contribution. Under the pillars of the Environment, Society, Employees, and the Market, it is carrying out comprehensive Corporate Responsibility programs and actions. In 2016, it offered more than €3,6 mn for charitable purposes (support to vulnerable social groups, children, education, entrepreneurship, local communities, culture and sports).

(€ mn) Revenues Adjusted EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA margin (%) Cash & Other financial assets Adjusted Net Debt

OTE GROUP REPORT 2016 2016 3,908.1 1,320.9 33.8% 1,591.2 533.9

2015 Change 3,902.9 +0.1% 1,343.0 -1.6% 34.4% -0.6pp 1,329.3 +19.7% 859.8 -37.9%

Diamonds 141




Greece’s largest toy store chain

Apostolos - Evangelos Vakakis, President of BoD

Turnover 518,969,929.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 101,717,465.00 €

In 1986, a new toy store named Jumbo was launched in Athens, offering customers joy, fun and carelessness. Today, 30 years on, thanks to its extensive range of toys and games, the company is the top retail choice for children and adults. Today, the Group has a leading position in the retail sale of toys, baby items, gifts, homeware, stationery, etc. The firm’s objective is to remain a market leader, through continuously enriching the variety of its trading products, based on developments and demand trends in the categories in which the Group operates, as well as through keeping product prices at competitive levels and continuing its advertising campaign. Jumbo is a leader in the Greek market with a share of 36% to 38%. As at June 2016, Jumbo numbered 71 branches, of which 51 are located in Greece, five (5) in Cyprus, nine (9) in Bulgaria and seven (7) in Romania, while the Group also operates an electronic store, eJumbo. Through several partnerships, Jumbo has a presence with stores that carry the Jumbo brand in FYROM (two stores), Albania (two stores) and Kosovo (three stores). In addition, the firm recently renewed its franchise deal in Bosnia. Jumbo’s objective is to more effectively manage its existing network of stores and the company infrastructure through re-evaluation and upgrading of old stores, and expanding its network to new points in the coming years. The group employs some 5,056 people (June 2016), including 4,328 permanent staff and 728 temporary staff. Jumbo is proud to have the largest and most modern warehouses in the Balkans, of a total surface area of ​​300,000 sq.m. The Group in the period 2015/2016 posted a rise in sales to 637.56 million euros, compared to 582.55 million euros a year earlier, or an increase of 9.44%. Note that this performance was made possible even during a tough period in the domestic retail sector. Also, in Q1 2016/2017 Group sales rose 11.53% to 170.23 million euros. Company sales in the same period also rose to 550.51 million euros, recording an increase of 6.08% compared to 518.97 million euros a year earlier. Group EBITDA in 2015/2016 rose to 183.71 million euros compared to 159.26 million euros a year earlier, while EBITDA margin rose to 28.81% from 27.34%. At company level, EBITDA in 2015/2016 also rose to 130.07 million euros compared to 120.02 million euros a year earlier. EBITDA margin inched up to 23.63% against 23.13% a year earlier.

Contact Details

9 Kyprou & Idras St, 183 46 Moschato, Αttica, Greece Τel.: +30 210 48 05 200 Fax: +30 210 48 05 212 E-mail: Website:

JUMBO SA 2014 Turnover 491,555,418.00 € Profit Before Taxes 99,640,788.00 € Gross Profit 234,091,050.00 € Net worth 608,236,785.00 € Liabilities 281,037,953.00 €

142 Diamonds

2015 518,969,929.00 € 101,717,465.00 € 242,010,038.00 € 633,415,732.00 € 280,064,495.00 €

Change (%) 5.6 2.1 3.4 4.1 -0.3


Diamonds 143


Tobacco Products Industrial


Market presence in more than 65 countries

Andreas Karelias, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 629,520,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 83,350,000.00 €

Contact Details Athinon St., 241 00 Kalamata, Greece Tel: +30 27210 69213 Fax: +30 27210 69080 Email: Website:

144 Diamonds

The firm’s roots date back to 1888 when the Karelia family’s first entrepreneurial generation established a small tobacco enterprise in the provincial city of Kalamata, southern Greece. During the first few decades of operation, the firm’s reach was mostly local. The ensuing arrival of political and social stability allowed Karelia to expand business activities throughout Greece. From the 1950’s onwards, Karelia has marketed a number of particularly popular cigarette brands that secured a wide distribution network and significant market share for the company on a nationwide level. The company’s headquarters and production facility continues to be based in Kalamata. In 1971, the firm relocated operations to its present facilities, measuring a surface area of 80,000 sqm. The company’s sales and marketing departments are based at the Karelia building in Athens. Today, Karelia Tobacco Company is Greece’s largest cigarette manufacturer and exporter, and one of the fastest growing, privately-owned cigarette companies in the world. It operates offices throughout Greece and distributes its cigarette brands to a sales network covering 25,000 retail points. Internationally, Karelia cigarette brands are marketed in over 65 countries, in western and eastern Europe, Middle and Far East and Africa. The company’s major brands are George Karelias and Sons, Karelia Slims, Omé, Karelia Blue, Oriental Mist and American Legend. In 2008, Karelia took over the Backwoods cigar brand from Altadis SA for the Greek market. Highlighting the firm’s export-oriented nature, Karelia owns five subsidiary firms, three of which are based in countries other than Greece. The UK-based Karelia Tobacco Company distributes Karelia products in Great Britain, while Meridian SA, a fully-owned Kaleria subsidiary acquired in 1995, supplies duty free goods to ships. In 2007, the firm’s office in Bulgaria was upgraded to an import company under the company name Karelia Bulgaria EOOD. In 2008, Karelia established a subsidiary firm in Turkey, Karelia Tutun ve Ticaret A.S. Notably, in spite of the ongoing economic crisis in Greece, the firm invested more than 70 million euros during 2003–2015, with the objective of increasing production capacity, improving production flexibility and boosting exports. In January 2016, the firm spent more than 3 million euros in bonus schemes, remunerating employee’s dedication and effort. With regard to corporate social responsibility, Karelia has always been firmly committed to playing a leading role as a benefactor and sponsor of its home city of Kalamata. The tradition of giving back to its community has been a source of great strength and inspiration. Karelia actively supports local non-profit community organizations, and has so far sponsored countless art and cultural activities and events for generations throughout the history of the Company. In 2016, the Greek tobacco company remained on a growth path for yet another year, reporting higher sales of 646 million euros compared to 629 million euros a year earlier (up 2,7%). Pre-tax profit grew to 90.60 million euros against 83.35 million euros in 2015 (up 8,7%). KARELIA TOBACCO COMPANY INC. 2014 2015 Turnover 552,819,000.00 € 629,520,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 84,595,000.00 € 83,350,000.00 € Gross Profit 88,474,000.00 € 114,535,000.00 € Net worth 316,612,000.00 € 344,646,000.00 € Liabilities 69,459,000.00 € 76,810,000.00 €

Change (%) 13.9 -1.5 29.5 8.9 10.6


Diamonds 145


Transportation Commercial


Moving 12.5 million passengers annually, with sales of more than €1 billion

Theodore Vassilakis, Chairman

Eftichios Vassilakis, Vice Chairman

Turnover 921,710,090.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 81,095,060.00 €

Contact Details 31, Viltanioti St., 145 64, Kifisia, Attiki, Greece Tel.: +30 210 62 61 700 Fax: +30 210 62 61 900 Website:

146 Diamonds

Aegean airlines is Greece’s largest airline provider since 1999 offering full service, premium quality short and medium haul services. In October 2013, Aegean acquired Olympic Air; as a result passengers now have increased flight frequencies and connections, as well as improved accessibility to Greece’s islands, including some of the more remote ones, both for visitors and Greeks alike. Aegean’s 2017 schedule includes a network of 145 destinations, 112 external and 33 internal, in 40 countries, with 15.4 million seats available. The flights will be operated by one of the youngest fleets in Europe, which now consists of 61 aircraft, after the recent investment in additional new Airbus A320ceos. In 2016, Aegean transported 12.5 million passengers, which is 7% more than in 2015. The company in 2016 was named «Best Regional Airline in Europe,» in a survey carried out in more than 19.2 million passengers by Skytrax World Airline Awards. This award - awarded to Aegean for the 6th year in a row and 7th in total from 2009 to date - is yet another proof of the high quality services provided to customers who trust Aegean and place it firmly at the top of their choices. In Aegean, we continuously invest in modern, brand new aircraft, as well as control systems, technical support and systematic training of our staff. In early 2016, the company made a significant investment to purchase seven new Airbus A320 type aircraft, thus reaching a total of 61 aircraft. Our fleet is maintained thoroughly in everyday level in our modern facilities of the technical department, staffed with specialized and well-trained engineers, mechanical engineers and aeronautical engineers. Every aircraft in our fleet has been equipped with all the advanced safety systems such as ACAS II (Airborne Collision Avoidance System), the EGPWS (Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System) and DFGS (Digital Force Gauges). Meanwhile, Aegean cares of the environment and implements systematic upgrades primarily aimed at reducing noise, pollutant emissions and fuel consumption. Aegean’s fleet consists of 38 AIRBUS A320, 8 AIRBUS A321, 1 AIRBUS A319, 4 Dash 8-100, 10 Dash8-Q400 and 2 ATR. In 2016, AEGEAN posted consolidated revenues of 1.02 billion euros, up 4% compared with a year earlier. Passenger numbers increased by 7%, reaching 12.5 million, attributed primarily to foreign markets. More specifically, in 2016 domestic passengers increased by 2%, to 5.72 million, while foreign passengers rose by 12%, to 6.74 million. The international activity by source market was: Western Europe 55%, Central Europe 25%, Cyprus 10% and Middle East 10%. Earnings before tax at Group level dropped to 51.6 million euros compared to 100.3 million euros a year earlier. EBITDA fell 31% to 76.8 million euros against 111.2 million euros in 2015. AEGEAN AIRLINES SA 2014 2015 Turnover 850,891,090.00 € 921,710,090.00 € Profit Before Taxes 71,776,830.00 € 81,095,060.00 € Gross Profit 117,946,590.00 € 111,084,370.00 € Net worth 201,607,270.00 € 190,174,520.00 € Liabilities 378,581,850.00 € 430,126,080.00 €

Change (%) 8.3 13.0 -5.8 -5.7 13.6


Diamonds 147


Ethniki, Hellenic General Insurance Co. S.A. Insurance Commercial

Christoforos Sardelis, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 2015 454.276.468,00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2015 96.956.097,00 €

Contact Details 103-105 Syggrou Ave., 11745, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 2130 318189 Fax: +30 210 9099111 Website:

148 Diamonds

A leading force in the insurance sector for 126 years Established in 1891, Ethniki Insurance is the oldest insurance company in Greece, being the leader of the Greek Insurance industry and a powerful reference point in the public consciousness. The Company’s name has become synonymous to real assurance and incorporates the timeless values of reliability, ethos, safety, trust and respect. Ethniki at a glance: - Member of NBG Group - 100% owned by the National Bank of Greece. - Improves its infrastructure to provide quality services. - Pays claims to insured members of more than €1 million per day. - Has over 1,000,000 policyholders. -A lways stands near the people covering every need, with modernized structures and dynamic sales networks consisting of 158 Line offices staffed by 2,157 insurance consultants and 1,455 cooperating Broker offices across Greece. -A dopts a Customer-oriented philosophy, with continuous measurement of customer satisfaction, research and development of services & new products. - S upports the Education, Arts & culture and the Environmental sustainability by contributing to local initiatives. Ethniki Asfalistiki Q1 2017 results Ethniki Asfalistiki (Hellenic General Insurance Co. S.A.) extended its profitable course in the first quarter of 2017, with pre-tax earnings jumping by 54.5% to 18.7 million euros, compared to 12.1 million euros in the corresponding period a year earlier. A significant increase of 17.0% was also recorded in the company’s total production in Q1 2017, reaching 155.7 million euros compared to 133.1 million euros in the corresponding period of 2016. This was mainly attributed to the successful distribution of the new Life one-off premium “Ethniki Efapax+” (National One-off+), whose sales reached 22.7 million euros in Q1 2017, exceeding the 20.0-million target set. The above are more closely reflected on the increase in Life Insurance premiums by 29.6% to 115.1 million euros compared to 88.8 million euros in the corresponding period of 2016. With regard to the General Insurance Division, Q1 2017 premiums amounted to 40.6 million euros compared to 44.3 million euros in the corresponding period a year earlier, down 8.4%, mainly due to the Automotive Sector’s pour performance. The increase in production was the result of the firm’s successful operations by production networks, with the Bancassurance network increasing premiums in Q1 2017 by 112.6% to 40.6 million euros compared to 19.1 million euros in the corresponding period of 2016, attributed to the “Ethniki Efapax+” (National One-off+) product; in addition, the agency network managed to record an increase in premiums by 4.6% to 65.7 million euros against 62.8 million euros in Q1 2016. The impressive growth of the agency network is mainly attributable to the availability of new pension products, as well as to the continued increase in sales of the new successful Full hospital product. Notably, the firm enjoys an on-going reduction in operating expenses, as part of constant efforts to contain operating costs and increase the efficiency of the Company’s operations. The Company’s firm commitment to further improving capital adequacy has resulted in exceeding the Solvency Index by 100% without the use of the transitional measure for technical provisions, with the corresponding indicator now rising to 106% at 31.03.2017, compared to 96% at 31.12.2016. This particularly positive development stemmed from the strengthening of eligible own funds to cover the Solvency Capital Requirement by 10.6%. With the use of transitional measures and volatility adjustments, the Solvency II Index at 31.03.2017 stood at 175% against 170% at 31.12.2016. Good performance at the level of profits and capital allow Ethniki Asfalistiki to keep up its social contribution by being the major sponsor of “No Finish Line” in April 2017, which was the biggest charity race ever to be staged in Greece, with the aim of supporting the program for feeding poor families with minors, implemented by the non-profit Association “Together for Children.” Responding directly to the support needs of Lesvos and Chios islands, affected by the earthquake of 12 June 2017, the Company has proceeded directly to a series of relief efforts for the area’s population, giving priority to paying damages to the affected areas, while it also postponed for a future date the payment of insurance premiums by residents in these areas, proving in practice its support and relief of vulnerable groups in society.


Diamonds 149



AΒ Vassilopoulos S.A.

AB Vassilopoulos: leading since yesterday, growing today, caring for tomorrow

Leonidas Vretakos, CEO

Turnover 1,944,119,000 €


Well into its 78th year of operation, AB Vassilopoulos is still going strong in leading the Greek food retail sector. Focused on quality and on providing excellent services and a wide range of products at competitive prices to consumers, the company is established in the minds of its suppliers, partners and customers as a reliable choice. Until today, as a member of the Ahold Delhaize family, AB Vassilopoulos continues to follow a steady path of growth, operating, 378 stores throughout the country and employing 14,216 people – while maintaining its distinctive Greek identity as it supports its staff, customers and the national economy. To improve the life quality of the local communities in which it operates, the company implements integrated CSR programs. The Greek society embraces its activities, as shown by the measurable results of operations. Gazing at the future, AB Vassilopoulos` entire philosophy is reflected in the new CSR Platform called “ABitari tis Agapis” (The ABC of love). “ABitari tis Agapis” includes all the company`s initiatives and will embody even more. In this context, AB Vassilopoulos consistently undertakes actions to help people in need, to take care of children, to strengthen the local communities in which it operates in, to protect the environment and to ensure the quality of products offered to consumers. It should be noted that in 2016, AB allocated a total amount of € 2.426.738 euros helping thousands of people facing feeding issues and difficulties in their day to day life. AB Vassilopoulos for almost 8 decades is driving its sector, constantly improving at all levels of operation. The company`s commitment and efforts in various areas have often been recognized both in Greece and abroad, resulting in, among others, the following awards and distinctions: European Business Awards, Self Service Excellence Awards, Hellenic Responsible Business Awards, ICAP True Leaders, Logistic and Transport, KEM Franchise, Energy Mastering, Evolution Awards, Social Media Awards, etc. For further information on AB’s services and activities, please visit our website:

76,447,000 €

Contact Details 81 Spaton Av., 15344, Athens, Greece Tel: +30-210-6608000 Fax: +30 210 6048609

150 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ALFA - BETA VASSILOPOULOS SA 2014 2015 1,791,541,000.00 € 1,944,119,000.00 € 68,815,000.00 € 76,447,000.00 € 451,814,000.00 € 488,619,000.00 € 392,671,000.00 € 362,972,000.00 € 533,755,000.00 € 610,977,000.00 €

Change (%) 8.5 11.1 8 -7.6 14.5


Diamonds 151




Responsibly shaping the future of Mediterranean fish farming

NIREUS is the leading vertically integrated producer of Mediterranean fish and is positioned among the 10 largest listed aquaculture companies in Europe. In its 29 years of operation, NIREUS is setting the standards for categoryleading product guidelines, innovation and customer focused solutions.

Antonis Chachlakis CEO

Contact details 1st km Koropiou-Varis Ave. & Dimokritou St., 19400 Koropi, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6624280 Fax: +30 210 6626804 E-mail Website:

152Diamonds Diamonds 14


NIREUS’s core business is the production of European Seabass, Gilthead Seabream, Meagre and Pagrus, which are available in all product forms: fresh and frozen, whole, processed, fillets and prepackaged. Furthermore, the Group’s activities include the production of juveniles, fish feed and fish farming equipment. Thus, controlling the entire value chain of all of its products, NIREUS ensures that every stage of production complies with the best industry practices.Having its production facilities in Greece and Spain, the Group owns and operates 2 fish feed factories, 4 hatcheries, 26 fattening units, 3 pre-fattening units and 1 genetic research and development center, 6 modernized packaging units, 1 processing plant, 1 farming equipment manufacturing company and 1 company operating in aviculture and stockbreeding sector. With the vision “To include our high nutritional value Mediterranean fish in consumers’ diet around the globe’’ NIREUS’ sales and logistics network markets and delivers 1.5 million fish on a weekly basis, meeting the dietary needs of consumers to more than 35 countries, serving retailers, wholesalers, processors and fish farmers. Nireus is among the leading employers in Greece with a headcount of 1.100 employees across our country, contributing to the economic and social sustainability of many local communities. All employees work in a business environment that highly values integrity, health and safety, constant training and motivation. The future of the Aquaculture industry can be ensured only by operating responsibly. NIREUS adheres to principles of social responsibility and sustainability and has received the Management Award for Sustainable Development. Committed to quality management, product food safety, the environment and good aquaculture practices the company has been certified according to ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2004, ISO 22000: 2005, BRC and the Global GAP standards. In 2016, the Group’s revenues reached €197.8 million, marking an increase of 6,7% in comparison to 2015, with exports amounting to 79% of sales (€156.1 million).

Diamonds Diamonds153 15




A multinational giant

Dimitris Papalexopoulos , Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 273,193,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 63,619,000.00 €

Contact Details Contact details: 22-A Chalkidos St., 111 43 Athens, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 2591 111 Fax: +30 210 2591 205 Email: Website:

154 Diamonds

TITAN Group is an independent, vertically integrated cement and building materials producer with 115 years of industry experience. Based in Greece – where the parent company is listed on the Athens Stock Exchange since 1912 – TITAN Group’s activity spans 14 countries. This activity is carried out both by wholly-owned affiliates and by joint ventures with other partners, covering the production of cement, concrete, aggregates, mortars and other building materials; transportation - distribution of products; processing and industrial utilization of fly ash. The Group owns cement plants in thirteen countries, employs more than 5.500 people worldwide and is organized in four geographic regions: Greece & Western Europe, USA, Southeastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean. Throughout its history, TITAN has remained firm on combining operational excellence with respect for people, society and the environment. TITAN Group’s CSR and Sustainability commitment is demonstrated in its own policies and practices, as well as through its active participation in international initiatives. TITAN was the first company in Greece to sign the United Nations Global Compact, which aims at safeguarding human rights, labor rights, environmental protection, as well as combating bribery and corruption. It is a member of CSR Europe, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, the Cement Sustainability Initiative and the European Alliance for CSR. Throughout Greece’s economic crisis, since 2010, TITAN, under CEO Dimitris Papalexopoulos, has remained steadfast in the implementation of its action plan to improve social and environmental performance by retaining its focus on the triple bottom line framework and accelerating efforts to improve its safety culture; investing to reduce carbon footprint; and taking a number of initiatives to engage its stakeholders at the local level. Operating primarily in Greece and Western Europe (UK, France & Italy), where it makes 17% of its group sales, TITAN facilities comprise three (3) cement factories, 26 quarries, 29 ready-mix concrete plants, four import terminals, one grinding unit and one dry mortar factory. The firm employs a staff of 1148 personnel. The regions of Greece and Western Europe in 2016 declined in sales by 4.5% to 65.8 million euros, compared to 70.3 million euros a year earlier. Overall, the company in Greece faced a gap in the public works pipeline which caused headwinds. Generally, however, the company did focus on cost competitiveness and optimization of exports profitability. In 2016, the largest increase in sales was recorded by the American market, where sales rose 26.9%, to 210.1 million euros against 183.2 million euros a year earlier. Titan Group posted total 2016 sales of 1.509 billion, while EBITDA amounted to 279 million euros. As much as 53% of total sales came from the US market, 17% (of which 50% exported) from Greece and Western Europe, 14% from Southeast Europe and the remaining 16% from the Eastern Mediterranean. TITAN CEMENT CO. SA 2014 2015 Turnover 263,969,000.00 € 273,193,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 83,126,000.00 € 63,619,000.00 € Gross Profit 55,943,000.00 € 70,751,000.00 € Net worth 823,301,000.00 € 860,544,000.00 € Liabilities 416,957,000.00 € 387,754,000.00 €

Change (%) 3.5 -23.5 26.5 4.5 -6.8


Diamonds 155


ENERGY Commercial


A major player in power management and transmission

Turnover 264,601,000.00 €

The Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO) SA is a 100% subsidiary of PPC (Public Power Corporation SA) established in compliance with the provisions of Directive 2009/72/EC of the European Union on the legal and functional separation of the monopoly transmission and distribution activities of vertically integrated businesses operating in the energy sector. As the Administrator of Greek Electricity Transmission System Operator (ESMIE), IPSO has the task of ensuring the country’s electricity supply in a safe, efficient and reliable manner, promoting the development of free competition on the Greek electricity market and ensuring equal treatment of ESMIE users. IPSO’s installed grid lines extend to 11,232 km, including air, submarine and underground lines. These provisions were incorporated into Greek law (Act 4001/2011), under which IPTO was founded as a PPC subsidiary in accordance with the model of Independent Transmission Operator (ITO), as provided for in the abovementioned Directive. Under the provisions of Act 4001/2011, IPTO assumed the role of Manager of Greek Electricity Transmission System (ESMIE) and specific tasks of operation, maintenance and development of ESMIE, integrating the tasks and functions which were the responsibility of DESMIE as System Administrator and General Transmission Management of the PPC as the System Owner. In 2015, the firm reported a slight drop in sales (-1.5%) to 258 million euros against 262 million euros a year earlier. This was mainly attributed to a reduction in the cost of the Transmission System Lease. Operational expenses more than doubled to 103 million euros against 51 million euros a year earlier, primarily due to an increase in risk provisions to 28 million euros, against the previous year’s release of provisions of 22 million euros. The increase in operational expenses led to a 28% drop in EBITDA to 155 million euros, against 213 million euros in 2013. Net profit dropped some 50% to 35.5 million euros compared to 69.9 million euros a year earlier.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 61,931,000.00 €

Contact Details Contact details: 89 Dyrrachiou St., 104 43 Athens, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 5192101 Fax: +30 210 5192324 E-mail: Website:

156 Diamonds

INDEPENDENT POWER TRANSMISSION OPERATOR (IPTO) SA 2014 2015 Turnover 312,558,000.00 € 264,601,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 96,137,000.00 € 61,931,000.00 € Gross Profit 133,096,000.00 € 120,027,000.00 € Net worth 1,027,982,000.00 € 1,013,957,000.00 € Liabilities 1,598,860,000.00 € 1,735,457,000.00 €

Change (%) -15.3 -35.6 98.8 -1.4 8.5


Diamonds 157


REAL ESTATE Commercial


Higher sales in 2016

George Chryssikos, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 65,540,000.00 €


Grivalia Properties REIC is a leading Greek Real Estate Investment Company and among the 20 strongest companies on the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE). The Company was established in 1952 under the name “Commerce, Industry, Buildings S.A.” (EBO S.A.). In 1985 the Company was acquired by the Bank of Crete and established a portfolio of 14 properties. In October 2014, the Company was rebranded to Grivalia Properties by Eurobank Properties, signaling a new era with regard to its company identity. The new brand name reflected the three key company components, with precision: Its Greek roots – GRivalia, its investment character – GrIvalia, its unique values – GriVALia. The Company focuses its activities in the real estate sector, especially in the office, retail, logistics and industrial segments of the business, in highly commercial areas, provided that both the capital and the property market conditions permit it. Up to April 2017, Grivalia Properties’ portfolio contained a total of 90 properties. Most of them (34) are for retail/commercial use, while office properties umber 28 in total. The company owns another 18 properties for mixed use, 5 properties for logistics use and another 5 properties for special uses. The occupancy rate is 95.4%, while the total land size covers 1,191,563 sqm, of which buildings cover some 771,163 sqm. The vast majority (89,6%) of the properties are based in Greece, and the remaining 10,4% are based abroad. A total of 85 properties are located in Greece, while 2 are in Serbia and 3 in Romania. In addition, the company has one subsidiary in Greece, three in Romania, one in Serbia, two in Luxembourg and one joint venture in Greece (Piraeus Port Plaza 1). In 2016, the group reported a rise in sales to 61.3 million euros compared with 57.6 million euros a year earlier, up 6%. Higher sales were mainly attributed to investments made in 2015, as well as new investments in 2016. The firm’s main income source in 2016 was Greece, with sales of 55.6 million euros, followed by Romania (4.9 million euros) and Serbia (787,000 euros). The group’s finance income for 2016 amounted to 807,000 euros compared to 377,000 euros for the previous year, showing a 430,000 euros or 114% increase resulting from the group’s successful cash management. Profits after tax in 2016 amounted to 26.4 million euros compared to 61.9 million euros a year earlier.

57,795,000.00 €

Contact Details 117 Kifissias Ave. & Agiou Konstantinou St., 151 24, Maroussi, Athens Tel.: +30 210 8129600 Fax: +30 210 8129670 Email: grivaliaproperties@grivalia. com Website: http://www.grivalia. com/

158 Diamonds

GRIVALIA PROPERTIES REIC 2014 2015 Turnover 42,158,000.00 € 46,377,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 40,213,000.00 € 54,805,000.00 € Gross Profit 41,002,000.00 € - Net worth 833,375,000.00 € 851,152,000.00 € Liabilities 44,183,000.00 € 41,206,000.00 €

Change (%) 55.5 43.7 2.2 -6.7

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Μεγαλώνουμε με υγεία.


Metal Products Industrial


High profitability in 2015

Turnover 146,436,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 57,449,000.00 €

Contact Details 57A Ethnikis Antistaseos St. 15231 Halandri, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6799100 Fax: +30 210 6799154 Email: Georgina.KASIMATI@eur.crowncork. com Website: http://www.crownhellascan. gr

160 Diamonds

CROWN Hellas Can was founded in 1965 by the multinational groups of companies Metal Box (England), Continental Can (USA) and Carnaud (France), as well as Greek banks ETVA and NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE. The company’s Corinth plant was built in 1965 and the Thessaloniki factory in 1969. The company manufactures beer and soft drinks containers and ends, food cans and aerosol cans and ends. The Corinth plant produces containers and ends, while the Patras factory makes only containers for beer and soft drink packaging. The containers produced are of a “two-piece” type. The main raw material used in these two factories is aluminum. The configuration of cartridge barrel is made by using the latest technology applications. In addition, the Corinth plant features a special configuration container production unit (shaped cans), operated in collaboration with a major customer. The Thessaloniki plant produces containers for food packaging (fruit, tomato, meals, etc.) and aerosol containers. In 2015 the firm continued to invest in its three plants with two objectives, firstly to increase the installed capacity and, secondly, to improve production processes aiming at top quality products. Another major project at the Patras factory was completed in 2016 to upgrade the container laundry facility so as to eliminate quality problems. This investment was valued at more than 500,000 euros. With regard to the Thessaloniki factory, the firm invested in precautionary guarding and interlocks systems for worker protection, as well as in a major upgrade of the factory building and machinery to improve production processes and quality. In spite of the continuing recession in Greece’s economy, now in its 7th year, sales in the domestic Beer & Beverage Cans market increased in volume by 11.3% compared to a year earlier. At the same time, export volume to foreign customers increased by about 20%, while sales to Group companies recorded a major drop. Prices in the domestic market were reduced as a result of pressures from competition, but on the contrary, selling prices abroad rose. In 2015, food container sales in product units dropped by approximately 32% compared to 2014, attributed primarily to the adverse political and economic conditions in Greece, particularly in summer, which negatively impacted the smooth financing of our Greek customers, but also to the serious problems encountered in the late variety ANDROS that significantly reduced peach crops. Selling prices for food containers increased marginally. Sales of products in aerosol containers units doubled in 2015 compared with the previous year, but the marketing of these products has now become a very small part of our total sales. The Company continued to implement operating cost control programs in all three factories, placing special emphasis on promoting new container sizes combined with new shapes and ends with sophisticated technology. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

CROWN HELLAS CAN SA 2014 2015 154,329,000.00 € 146,436,000.00 € -1,991,000.00 € 57,449,000.00 € 17,680,000.00 € 10,207,000.00 € 60,729,000.00 € 125,578,000.00 € 115,257,000.00 € 42,871,000.00 €

Change (%) -5.1 2985.4 -42.3 106.8 -62.8



Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP SA)

Positive half-year results in 2016

Ioannis Benisis, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 324,248,000.00 €

EYDAP was founded in 1980 after a merger of the water supplier in Athens and Piraeus «Hellenic Water Company» (EEY S.A.) and the «Greater Athens Sewerage Organization» (OAP S.A.). EYDAP is the largest company of its kind in Greece and serves approximately 4.3 million customers (2.03 million water meters), while the length of its water pipelines is 9,500 km. The sewerage sector serves 3.5 million residents with sewers spreading at almost 6,000 km. In 1999, EYDAP took its present legal form, as all of its major assets - dams, reservoirs, water towers, pumping stations and all other facilities that allow water to be transferred safely to treatment plants - were transferred to the company «EYDAP Assets», thus remaining the property of the Greek State. In January 2000, EYDAP SA was listed on the main market of the Athens Stock Exchange. The company’s operations entail providing water supply and sewerage services; designing, constructing, installing, operating, managing, maintaining, expanding and upgrading water supply and sewerage systems; pumping, desalinating, processing, transferring, storing, and distributing all kinds of water as a means of serving EYDAP’s object; and managing and disposing wastewater treatment products. EYDAP’s area of service is the greater metropolitan area of Athens. However, the firm has the right to provide a full range of services in areas beyond its responsibility via subsidiaries and through programming contracts with local authorities. EYDAP has launched an ambitious program of renewable energy utilization. The objective is to contribute to the optimization of the energy balance of the country and society and explore the possibility of expanding to new profitable business. EYDAP’s energy sector involvement concerns projects dealing with hydropower; cogeneration of heat and power, using biogas and natural gas; solar energy projects; as well as energy reduction initiatives. The Group, in the first half of 2016, reported sales of 154 million euros, against 151 million euros in the corresponding period a year earlier. Earnings before tax rose to 26.2 million euros compared to 25.4 million euros in last year’s corresponding period.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 56,343,000.00 €

Contact Details 156 Oropou St., 111 46 Galatsi, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 2144444 Fax: +30 210 2144159 Website:

Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP SA) 2014 2015 Turnover 326,374,000.00 € 324,248,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 63,537,000.00 € 56,343,000.00 € Gross Profit 141,352,000.00 € 138,390,000.00 € Net worth 921,382,000.00 € 967,040,000.00 € Liabilities 620,619,000.00 € 610,156,000.00 €

Change (%) -0.7 -11.3 -2.1 5.0 -1.7

Diamonds 161


Travel retail Commercial


A leader in tax-free shopping for almost 50 years

Turnover 282,642,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 51,120,000.00 €

Contact Details 23rd km Athens-Lamia national highway, 145 65, Agios Stefanos, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6269400 Fax: +30 210 6269600 E-mail: Website: http://www.dutyfreeshops. gr

162 Diamonds

Hellenic Duty Free Shops SA, founded in January 1979, operates in the travel retail industry, providing travelers passing through Greece’s exit points with the opportunity to purchase products from a wide selection of original, brand name products. Its shops offer a vast range of genuine, brand name items, including perfumes and cosmetics, wines and spirits, tobacco products, confectionery, traditional Greek products, luxury items, clothing, and souvenirs. Brand name goods include: Bvlgari, Folli-Follie, Links of London, Juicy Couture, Ermenegildo Zegna, UGG, Victoria’s Secret Beauty & Accessories, Armani Jeans, Boggi, Trussardi, Gant, Marasil, Korres, Mastiha Shop, Swatch and many more. The products are 100% authentic. All items are purchased by the company directly from suppliers abroad, without middlemen or agents. This ensures quality, authenticity and low prices of the products sold. Starting out in 1979 with two sales outlets, it now operates an extensive network of 111 shops at 54 points throughout Greece including Airports, Border, Downtown & Hotel Shops Railway Stations & Other Cruise Liners & Ferries Seaports. Hellenic Duty Free Shops owns the subsidiary Hellenic Distributions SA which was founded in September 2000. Today, the company operates an extensive network of stores in airports and ports across Greece. It has been active in on-board ship handling and the duty free wholesaling sector since 2005. More specifically, the company supplies and distributes products by world-famous brands to cruise ships, ferryboats, cargo vessels, ship chandlers, the military forces, and embassies, among others. It ranks as its sector’s leading company in Greece, focusing its activities on the merchandising of tobacco, cigars, wines, liquors, perfumes and cosmetics, confectionery, sunglasses, watches toiletries, accessories, and so on. The company’s headquarters are located in Piraeus, Greece’s largest port, where it operates its administrative offices and maintains top-quality storage areas. In 2013, the Dufry Group, a leading travel retail operator headquartered in Switzerland, completed its acquisition of Hellenic Duty Free Shops following a transfer of the company’s 49% equity stake. In the lead-up, the Folli Follie Group had transferred 51% of Hellenic Duty Free Shops stake equity to Dufry. Dufry has more than 60 years experience in retail travel. It’s active in five divisions with 2200 shops and covers 425,000sqm of commercial space. It serves close to 2.5 billion customers and has a 1000 suppliers and employs a staff of 28,000. Dufry is the world’s leading travel retailer with a share of more than 20% in the airport travel retail market. In what is seen as a strategic investment, Hellenic Duty Free signed a 30-year deal with Fraport Greece to expand its existing retail space of 5,000sqm to 12,000sqm. Valued at 30 million euros, the expansion project is expected to begin in 2017 and be completed by 2021.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

HELLENIC DUTY FREE SHOPS SA 2014 2015 295,688,000.00 € 282,642,000.00 € 60,644,000.00 € 51,120,000.00 € 164,220,000.00 € 157,623,000.00 € 311,984,000.00 € 341,974,000.00 € 367,280,000.00 € 316,734,000.00 €

Change (%) -4.4 -15.7 -4 9.6 -13.8


Real Estate Commercial


Managing assets of €1.6 billion

Turnover 90,630,000.00 €

NBG Pangaea is the leading real estate investment company in Greece, founded in 1999 under the name ‘‘ATTICA PROPERTIES SA.” In 2007 it was renamed to MIG REAL ESTATE SA, and went public in 2009. The company is supervised by the Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism, as well as by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (HCMC). A landmark year for the company was 2015, when the merger process was completed for the absorption of “National PANGAIA SA” by “MIG Real Estate SA”. The Company, being part of Greece’s National Bank Group, was renamed to “NATIONAL PANGAIA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT SOCIETE ANONYME” with the distinctive title “National Pangaia SA.” With total assets of more than 1.6 billion euros, NBG Pangaea and its subsidiaries (the Group) engage in real estate investments, internally managed by experienced professionals with proven sourcing, execution and value creation track record. The group’s real estate portfolio consists of more than 333 commercial properties, primarily office and retail. With more than 80% of its portfolio located in prime urban areas throughout Greece and selectively positioned in other key markets in SE Europe such as Italy, Pangaea boasts a high-quality, high yielding, diversified portfolio with predictable cash flows driven by high occupancy levels, long term lease tenures and strong tenant base. Moreover, the total leasable area is 899,000 sq.m. Most of the properties are located in prime areas throughout Greece. The group owns 14 properties in Italy and 2 properties in Romania. Between 2013 and 2016, the firm invested 619 million euros in real estate. In 2016, the Group posted sales of 115.4 million euros, which relates to lease income, compared to 110.8 million euros a year earlier, an increase of 4.1%. The Group’s operating profits for 2016 rose to 81.2 million euros against 64.7 million euros in 2015, an increase of 25.5%. In the area of corporate responsibility, the company in 2016 adopted a program called “Responsibility Structures,” which is implemented in cooperation with well-established and local stakeholders. The program’s scope of action is to improve infrastructure and operational upgrading of important social structures by targeting social contribution and addressing key social problems. The company has selected and pledged for actions that have been completed or are currently in progress, valued at 470,000 euros.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 51,054,000.00 €

Contact Details 6 Karageorgi Servias St., 105 62, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 3340011 Fax: +30 210 3340160 Email: Website: http://www.nbgpangaea. gr

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

NBG PANGAEA REIC 2014 2015 78,393,000.00 € 90,630,000.00 € 161,331,000.00 € 51,054,000.00 € 165,028,000.00 68,324,000.00 1,235,909,000.00 € 1,178,719,000.00 € 254,987,000.00 € 252,380,000.00 €

Change (%) 15.6 -68.4 -58.6 -4.6 -1.0

Diamonds 163


Transportation Trade

Attica Tollway SA

A motorway used by more than 200,000 drivers daily

Turnover 162,779,000.00 €

Attica Tollway, locally known as Attiki Odos, is a pioneering project constructed on a concession basis and constitutes one of the biggest co-financed road projects in Europe. It was among the first generation of co-financed projects awarded in Greece during the ‘90s, and essentially paved the way for the execution of future successful concession contracts, in Greece and other European countries. Attica Tollway is a modern motorway extending along 70 km. It constitutes the ring road of the greater metropolitan area of Athens and the backbone of the road network of the entire Attica Prefecture. It is an urban motorway, with two separate directional carriageways, each consisting of 3 lanes and an emergency lane. The suburban railway of Athens has been constructed in the central reservation of the motorway. Attica Tollway constitutes a unique piece of infrastructure based on European standards, as it is essentially a closed toll motorway, within a metropolitan capital, where the problem of traffic congestion is acute. Attica Tollway is part of the PATHE road axis (Patra - Athens - Thessaloniki - Evzoni) and connects the Athens - Lamia national road with the Athens – Corinth national road, by-passing the centre of Athens. There are several significant benefits resulting from Attica Tollway. Indicatively, the motorway forms the main backbone that links all the modes of transportation and infrastructures in the Attica region: i.e. road, air, rail and sea. It significantly improves traffic conditions within the capital, by absorbing a significant portion of the daily traffic moving across the Attica basin. The project contributes to urban development and completion of physical planning in the Attica prefecture. It promotes the strategic restructuring of the energy and telecommunication networks, while also contributing to the residential and business development of the remote areas of Attica. In 2015 alone, as many as 73,638,528 vehicles used the road, i.e. on average 201,749 transits daily. The total distance travelled by incoming vehicles amounted to 1,185,034,543 kilometres.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 49,979,000.00 €

Contact Details 41.9km Attica Tollway (Attiki Odos), 190 02, Paiania, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6682000 Fax: +30 210 6635578 Email: publicrelations@attikesdiadromes. gr Website:

164 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ATTIKI ODOS S.A. 2014 2015 159,668,000.00 € 162,779,000.00 € 54,081,000.00 € 49,979,000.00 € 85,329,000.00 € 67,205,000.00 € 402,405,000.00 € 370,778,000.00 € 475,962,000.00 € 313,985,000.00 €

Change (%) 1.8 -7.6 -21.2 -7.9 -34




A leader in all of its product categories

Dimitris Pisimisis, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 208,806,407.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 48,783,829.00 €

Contact Details 58 Ag. Athanassiou St., Anixi 145 69, Attica, Greece Τel: +30 210 6299000 Fax: +30 210 6216808 E-mail: Website:

BIC, one of the most recognized brand names in the world, specializes in the manufacturing, distribution and selling of consumable products in 160 countries all over the world. VIOLEX launched its operations in 1952 as a small family-run business owned by the Politis family, manufacturing shaving razor blades. In the 1970s, Anastassios Politis joined Violex’s forces with the French group BIC, which had made major impact with its disposable ballpoint pen. Violex remained a Greek firm, and was renamed BIC Violex. In 1999, the firm was acquired by BIC group but BIC VIOLEX remained a purely Greek firm. The company is now globally managed by Greek executives, while its products are 100 percent made in Greece. BIC Violex SA is headed by CEO Dimitrios Pisimisis. Today, BIC Violex serves as the international centre for the BIC group’s razor blades division, employing a staff of 1,200. Seventy percent of BIC’s razors for global market are designed and manufactured in Athens. Therefore, it can be asserted that an entirely Greek product dominates markets in all five continents. Essentially, production procedures of all of BIC’s razor blade shaving products begin in Greece, by a Greek firm that maintains four production facilities in the wider Athens district of Anixi, where the products are designed and manufactured. The location is also home to BIC’s R&D department. The France-based parent company, Société BIC SA, produces writing products, lighters, and razors with sales in 160 countries covering all continents, from developed to developing markets. Its BIC products are available at as many as 3.2 million retail outlets, while 9,200 persons are employed by the company worldwide. The company is the world’s No. 1 in branded pocket lighters. In disposable razors, it holds second position in the US, Europe and Latin America. Bic is also the stationery market leader in Latin America, Europe, Africa, and India. On a worldwide level, in 2015, stationary products accounted for 33% (18.5 million euros) of total sales, followed by lighters (20% - 7.1 million euros), shavers (20% - 7.1 million euros), promotional products (Bic Graphic) (14% - 2.3 million euros), and miscellaneous products accounting for the remaining 3%. Notably, as much as 86% of Group net sales are generated in BIC owned factories. North America accounted for 46% of total sales, while developing markets (Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Oceania and Asia) accounted for 30%, and the European market for the remaining 24%. The Greek company in 2015 completed an investment valued at 21.4 million euros in mechanical equipment to increase production capacity, make new products, improve production process and acquire new technology. In 2016, the firm’s investment spending grew to over 35 million euros, mainly in machinery and buildings. BIC VIOLEX SA 2014 Turnover 167,058,976.00 € Profit Before Taxes 24,118,136.00 € Gross Profit 53,125,225.00 € Net worth 161,312,593.00 € Liabilities 27,689,544.00 €

2015 208,806,407.00 € 48,783,829.00 € 87,739,744.00 € 150,156,497.00 € 70,849,625.00 €

Change (%) 25.0 102.3 65.2 -6.9 155.9

Diamonds 165




A giant group

Evangelos Mytilineos, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MYTILINEOS HOLDINGS S.A.

Turnover 411,924,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 47,167,000.00 €

METKA is a leading engineering contractor and industrial manufacturing group, active within the Energy, Infrastructure and Defense sectors. Over the past decade, METKA has focused its growth strategy on becoming an internationally renowned EPC (Engineering­Procurement-Construction) contractor, and has been recognized for its reliability, flexibility and impeccable track record. METKA is strongly focused on serving the needs of international customers and markets, and is active in carrying out major power plant projects throughout Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, with strong emphasis on highly-efficient combined cycle gas turbine technology. The company’s manufacturing operations serve numerous global customers and export products around the world, whereas its industrial facilities, with several decades of experience in complex, high value-added manufacturing, production equipment and components used in energy generation, heavy industry, infrastructure and defense applications. Today, the firm is internationally recognized by leading customers for its ability to successfully deliver highly demanding projects. METKA is part of the MYTILINEOS Group, Greece’s leading independent Energy producer and a strong, competitive European industrial Group in the sectors of Energy, Metallurgy and EPC projects. With a workforce of over 2,500 employees in Greece and abroad, the Group remains firm on its goal for business excellence, always in accordance with the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility. Apart from its international EPC projects activity, MYTILINEOS Group is also one of the leading groups in Metallurgy and Mining in southeastern Europe and the Middle East, operating Europe’s most important vertically integrated alumina and aluminum production and trading plant. In Energy, the Group is Greece’s largest independent electricity producer, with a balanced portfolio of thermal and renewable energy sources. It also maintains a significant presence in the domestic natural gas supply and trade market. In 2016, Mytilineos Group posted a drop in sales to 1,246.1 million euros, compared to 1,382.9 million euros a year earlier. EBITDA also dropped to 224.4 million euros against 234.4 million euros in 2015. METKA in 2016 reported sales of 445 million euros compared to 668 million euros a year earlier. EBITDA also dropped to 74.9 million euros against 116.4 million euros in 2015. Notably, 42.9% of sales refers to energy thermal projects, 27.4% to photovoltaic projects and 71.22% of sales derived from projects abroad. The largest part of METKA sales were made in Greece, followed by Syria.

Contact Details 8 Artemidos St., 15125, Maroussi, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 2709200 Fax: +30 210 2759528 E-mail: Website:

166 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

METAL CONSTRUCTIONS OF GREECE SA 2014 2015 549,001,000.00 € 411,924,000.00 € 84,758,000.00 € 47,167,000.00 € 102,943,000.00 € 75,299,000.00 € 377,042,000.00 € 368,338,000.00 € 358,359,000.00 € 415,698,000.00 €

Change (%) -25 -44.4 -26.9 -2.3 16


Radio and Television Enterprises Commercial

Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT) SA

ERT shows high profitability in 2015 The Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT) is a public undertaking owned by the State and supervised by the Government. It has administrative and financial autonomy. The Company’s scope is to provide a public broadcasting services, facilitate access by the entire community to the electronic information it generates within its scope, as well as to distribute, exchange and disseminate of this information through the organization, exploitation and operation of television and radio stations and websites, and the provision of all kinds of audiovisual services using any technical means. In 2015, the company reported a rise in turnover to 182 million euros compared to 176 million euros a year earlier, an increase of 3.72%. Other income amounted to 348,000 euros against 46,000 in the previous year. Profit before tax came in at 46.83 million euros compared to 113.4 million euros a year earlier, while income after tax amounted to 40.69 million euros against 81.14 million euros in 2015. At the end of 2015, total assets stood at 386.8 million euros compared to 301.3 million euros at the end of 2014, analyzed in noncurrent assets of 151,9 million euros and in working assets of 234.9 million euros, compared to 158.4 million euros and 42.9 million euros, respectively, a year earlier. Long-term liabilities at the end of 2015 amounted to 15.9 million euros, compared to 36 million euros a year earlier, while short-term liabilities amounted to 94.5 million euros, compared to 69.6 million euros at the end of 2014. Total Equity as at December 31, 2015 amounted to 276.4 million euros compared to 231.7 million euros at 31.12.2014.

Turnover 182,902,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 46,826,000.00 €

Contact Details 136 Mesogeion Ave. & Katechaki St., 11527, Athens Tel.: +30 210 6066000 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

HELLENIC BROADCASTING CORPORATION (ERT) SA 2014 2015 176,356,000.00 € 182,902,000.00 € 113,404,000.00 € 46,826,000.00 € 112,804,000.00 43,693,000.00 231,688,000.00 € 276,385,000.00 € 69,660,000.00 € 110,409,000.00 €

Change (%) 3.7 -58.7 -61.3 19.3 58.5

Diamonds 167


ENERGY Commercial


Connecting every corner of Greece through energy

Nikolaos Chatziargyriou, Chairman & CEO, HEDNO S.A.

Turnover 2,125,600,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 39,431,000.00 €

Contact Details 20 Perrraivou St. & 5 Kallirrois St., 117 43 Athens, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 9281600 Fax: +30 210 9281698 Ε-mail: Website:

168 Diamonds

HEDNO SA was established in 2012 after a spin-off of the Distribution Segment of PPC SA. Today it is a 100% subsidiary of PPC, but it is an organizationally and operationally independent firm. Through the Medium and Low Voltage networks, HEDNO delivers electricity to some 7.4 million customers, while the Company manages the High Voltage networks in Attiki and the Non-Interconnected islands. In terms of number of customers served and the total length of the network lines, with 236,290 km of lines -nearly six times the earth΄s perimeter- HEDNO is one of the largest Distribution Companies in the EU. The fundamental tasks of HEDNO, is to ensure the efficient operation, maintenance and development of the country΄s distribution network, management of the Non-Interconnected islands electricity systems and provision of non-discriminatory access to the Network, for all energy consumers, dispersed generators and electricity suppliers. The facilitation of the smooth operation of the electricity supply market is HEDNO΄s fundamental mission. The Company΄s main services include: network development, network maintenance and operation, consumption metering, fault restoration, connection of all network users, including consumers and distributed RES (Renewably Energy Sources) and CHP (Combined Heat and Power) and the implementation of all necessary measures for mitigating environmental impacts. HEDNO΄s strategy is based upon the application of new technologies, termed smart grids, including remote monitoring, automation and control, automatic metering, remote customer services, etc. The Company aims to modernize the network and transform it into a “Smart System” that continuously optimizes the management of all consumers and producers connected to it. In order to achieve its main objectives, HEDNO emphasizes on innovation, promoting new design, operation and management practices for the electricity distribution network in Greece. It follows actively current research and development activities in Europe by participating in various research projects through European and national partnerships, in fields such as optimal integration of Distributed Energy Resources (both generators and consumers) into the network, active network development and operation, exploitation of «big data» available by automatic meters and sensors, etc. The company has an updated strategic investment plan valued at of 1.25 billion euros by 2020, with 12 core strategic projects. These projects concern the modernization of networks and infrastructure, the use of modern customer service systems and the introduction of innovative technologies and IT systems that support the above. The strategic projects cover a wide range of technologies modernization, such as smart grids and telemetry, and modernization of many internal company functions, guided by new developments at European level. HELLENIC ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION NETWORK OPERATOR SA 2014 2015 Change (%) Turnover 2,195,826,000.00 € 2,125,600,000.00 € -3.2 Profit Before Taxes 4,629,000.00 € 39,431,000.00 € 751.8 Gross Profit 47,455,000.00 € 92,496,000.00 € 94.9 Net worth 28,733,000.00 € 46,909,000.00 € 63.3 Liabilities 430,581,000.00 € 535,383,000.00 € 24.3


Supermarkets Commercial


Operating 495 stores with more than 20.000 employees

Turnover 1,304,718,000.00 â‚Ź

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 31,816,000.00 â‚Ź

Contact Details 136 Kifisou Ave, 12131, Peristeri, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 214 1009999 Fax: +30 214 1009998 Website:

170 Diamonds

I. & S. SKLAVENITIS S.A. is a Greek company, one of the largest retail companies in Greece with more than 60 years of experience in the retail market. The Company was founded in 1954 by Spyros Sklavenitis, John Sklavenitis and Miltiadis Papadopoulos, who were initially engaged in wholesaling and the packaging of spices. In 1967, the founders created TELEXYP, the first retail company in Greece that introduced telephone orders and delivery service. The success of TELEXYP prompted them to create their first retail store in 1969 and to establish their first supermarket in 1971. The company has grown steadily since, following consistently its commercial policy that was based on three pillars: high quality products, friendly service and the best prices. In 1993, the largest Store of the Company at the time (2,700 square metres) was established in Chalandri. In 1996, the 28th Store began its operation in Keratsini, in an area of 4,150 square metres. In 1998, the 1st Hypermarket of the Company was established in Nea Chalkidona with a sales area of 9,500 square metres. In 2004, the Store of Keratsini was expanded and became the largest Hypermarket of the Company, with a sales area of 12,000 square metres. Spyros Sklavenitis, the only remaining founder of the Company, passed away in March 2006. A few months later, his family acquired the shares of the remaining shareholders and assumed command of the Company, which at the time operated 36 Stores. In the following years, the Company expanded its network by acquiring 18 Stores of the PAPAGEORGIOU supermarket chain (in July 2007) and by establishing till 2014, 56 Stores (in total), in Attica. In July 2010, the Hypermarket of Kallithea began its operation (with a sales area of 9,000 square metres), while in December of the same year, the Company acquired 11 Stores of the ATLANTIK supermarket chain.


In 2013, 18 Stores were added to the Company’s network, which were acquired from EXTRA (9 Stores), BALASCAS (5 Stores) and DOUKAS (4 Stores) supermarket chains. Following these acquisitions, the total number of Stores amounted to 109. In 2014, a new modern distribution center of 30.000 square metres began its operation in Eleusis. In January 2015, the Company acquired 60% of CHALKIADAKIS supermarket chain in Crete (38 Retail Stores) and 100% of MAKRO HELLAS (9 Wholesale Stores in Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos, Heraklion, Larissa, Xanthi & Patras). In September 2015, the first SKLAVENITIS store outside Attica began its operation in Corinth. In 2016, MAKRO CASH & CARRY was renamed and relaunched in the Greek market as THE MART. On March 1st, 2017, SKLAVENITIS HELLENIC SUPERMARKETS S.A. (100% subsidiary of I. & S. SKLAVENITIS S.A.) began its operation following the acquisition of 400 Stores (382 in Greece and 18 in Cyprus) which were owned by MARINOPOULOS GROUP. Today, SKLAVENITIS supermarket chain operates 495 Stores in Greece and Cyprus and employs more than 20,000 people. SKLAVENITIS GROUP: ● Operates: ● 495 SKLAVENITIS Stores in Greece and Cyprus ● 39 CHALKIADAKIS Stores in Crete ● 17 KRONOS KARAKITSOS Stores in Patras ● 11 THE MART Wholesale Stores in 7 major cities of Greece ● Employs more than 23,000 people Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

I. & S. SKLAVENITIS S.A., 2014 2015 1,239,369,000.00 € 1,304,718,000.00 € 16,192,000.00 € 31,816,000.00 € 310,853,000.00 € 328,529,000.00 € 141,836,000.00 € 157,821,000.00 € 621,927,000.00 € 672,770,000.00 €

Change (%) 5.3 96.5 5.7 11.3 8.2

Diamonds 171




Posting higher sales and profits in 2016

Fu Cheng Qiu Captain

Turnover 140,573,180.00 €

Piraeus Container Terminal S.A. is a company registered in Greece and a wholly-owned subsidiary of COSCO Pacific Limited, a leading container terminal operator, ranked fifth worldwide. PCT is principally engaged in the development, operation and commercial utilization of the existing Pier II. Its future plans include construction of Pier III, so as to achieve a substantial growth in container handling capacity. PCT develops, maintains and manages container terminal facilities and operations for all types of containers. With the aid of modern equipment, advanced technologies and an experienced workforce, it operates container terminals with the objective of being a gateway and shipping hub in Greece, the Mediterranean and Europe by providing modernized and customer-oriented terminal services. PCT currently has four berths at Pier II, which will be expanded to six berths when Pier III is ready. Pier II’s west-side quay length is 700 meters, with a depth of 16 meters, while Pier II’s east-side quay length is 787 meters, with a depth of 14 meters. Pier III’s east-side quay length will be 600 meters with a depth of 16 meters. It is scheduled to be launched this year. Thirteen new super post panamax quay cranes will be added to Pier II and Pier III to expand the number of quay cranes from the existing eight units to 21 units. PCT occupies a total surface area of about 763,998 square meters, with an enormous supporting container stacking area – paved with concrete blocks and designed for an annual capacity of about 3.7 meters TEUs, when Pier III is ready. The stacking blocks will be served by 24 units of state-of-theart automated rail-mounted gantry cranes (RMGs). Also, there will be 1,000 plug points for refrigerated containers. In 2016, PCT posted total sales of 160 million euros compared to 140 million euros a year earlier. Net pre tax earnings rose to 40.29 million euros against 36.87 million euros in 2015.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 36,877,353.00 €

Contact Details Sembo Neo Ikonio, 188 63 Perama, Attica, Greece Te.l: +30 2104099100 Fax: +30 2104099101 Website: E-mail:

172 Diamonds

PIRAEUS CONTAINER TERMINAL S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 134,929,179.00 € 140,573,180.00 € Profit Before Taxes 29,931,832.00 € 36,877,353.00 € Gross Profit 39,498,051.00 € 44,714,392.00 € Net worth 125,440,086.00 € 151,445,258.00 € Liabilities 236,077,312.00 € 267,700,640.00 €

Change (%) 4.2 23.2 13.2 20.7 13.4


Natural Gas Commercial


Northern Greece’s natural gas supplier

Turnover 136,257,821.00 €

The Thessaloniki Gas Distribution Company SA (EPA Thessaloniki) was founded in 2000 with a scope to play a role as a driving force in the dissemination of know-how on the use of natural gas in urban consumption. EPA Thessaloniki is jointly owned by Greece’s Public Gas Corporation (DEPA) and a foreign strategic investor (ENI Hellas spa), holding a stake of 51pct and 49pct, respectively. ENI Hellas also holds the firm’s management. EPA Thessaloniki holds a 30-year exclusive license from the Ministry of Development for the management of natural gas promotion and supply for customers consuming up to 100 GWh in the wider region of Thessaloniki. The Thessaloniki-Thessaly Gas Distribution Company SA is active in the regions of Thessaloniki and Thessaly, supplying natural gas to 12 municipalities in Thessaloniki and 6 municipalities in the Thessaly region. Consumption of natural gas in Thessaloniki rose to reach an annual 215 million cubic meters in 2015, covering all possible consumption sectors (residential, services, industry). Current household natural gas consumption levels (heating, hot water) are considered satisfactory; however, there is great growth potential in the air conditioning and power cogeneration fields, considering the favourable climatic and energy conditions offered in Greece to widely disseminate new uses. More than 35 km of new pipelines and some 10,000 new natural gas supply points were constructed in 2014, in various urban regions throughout Thessaloniki, bringing the total number of supply points to over 190,000 at the end of 2014. Gas consumption in Thessaloniki in 2016 was projected to reach 191.3 million cubic meters and 97.8 million cubic meters in Thessaly, covering all possible use sectors (residential, tertiary, industry). According to estimates for 2017, gas consumption in Thessaloniki is expected to exceed 211 million cubic meters and in Thessaly 98 million cubic meters. Natural gas penetration is considered satisfactory in terms of domestic heating and hot water, but has significant growth margins in the HVAC sector and Cogeneration, considering that Greece offers the suitable climatic and energy conditions for the broad spread of new uses.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 30,867,505.00 €

Contact Details 256 Monastiriou St. & 7 Glinou St., 546 28 Menemeni, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel.: +30 2310 584000 Fax: +30 2310 546365 Website:

THESSALONIKI GAS DISTRIBUTION COMPANY SA 2014 2015 Turnover 127,272,493.00 € 136,257,821.00 € Profit Before Taxes 23,981,164.00 € 30,867,505.00 € Gross Profit 32,272,214.00 € 37,262,272.00 € Net worth 227,399,592.00 € 223,114,907.00 € Liabilities 45,514,232.00 € 42,367,999.00 €

Change (%) 7.1 28.7 15.5 -1.9 -6.9

Diamonds 173


Energy Commercial


Attica’s largest natural gas provider sees sales and profit rise

Turnover 169,185,449.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 30,168,906.00 €

Contact Details 11 Sofokli Venizelou St. & Serron St., 141 23 Lykovrysi, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 2103406000 Fax: +30 2103406020 E-mail: Website:

174 Diamonds

Natural gas supply company Fysiko Aerio Attikis SA (EPA Attica), was founded in November 2001 as the sole distributor of natural gas for household and commercial use in the wider Athens area. EPA Attica operates on the basis of collaborations with leading companies in the energy sector, such as DEPA, the Public Gas Corporation, and Shell Gas. EPA Attica is a public limited company in which the state has a stake of 51%; foreign investors hold the remaining 49%, as well as the company’s management. EPA developed the region’s natural gas distribution system by constructing new networks and supplying natural gas to households and businesses, affordably, safely and reliably. Natural gas is imported to Greece through a high-pressure pipeline managed by DESFA, Greece’s natural gas grid operator. Industrial gas consumers are connected through medium pressure networks, while low-pressure networks serve mostly residential and commercial users. At present, EPA Attica’s gas network in the wider Athens area comprises some 3,000 kilometers of low-pressure pipelines covering over 65 municipalities. The network consists of 1,800 kilometers of new pipelines developed since 2002; 700 kilometers that were transferred to the company by DEPA in 2002; and, 500 kilometers of an old network in central Athens that was gradually upgraded. With a staff of 300, EPA Attica nowadays serves more than 320,000 households, 5,500 commercial users, more than 1,200 schools and public buildings, as well as more than 200 large commercial and industrial consumers (hotels, hospitals, ministries & public buildings, industrial complexes and gyms). In 2015 EPA Attica was given the additional responsibility to manage the action of a subsidy system for the domestic gas installation costs for households to replace existing heating system, announced by the Environment and Energy Ministry. The grant was approved for a total of 3,900 beneficiaries and the total value of the subsidized action amounted to 4.7 million euros. Also in 2015 EPA Attica constructed a number of projects through six contractors, of a total value of approximately 5.5 million euros. In addition, the company constructed a total of 3,750 new supply connections, 17.5 km of Low Pressure network and 0.7 km of new Medium Pressure network. It also installed five (5) distribution stations, six (6) customer stations and one (1) CNG station. Further, a study was concluded on upgrading five (5) 25mbar Operational Zones in the Central Area, and a technical and cost evaluation was carried out for 386 extension requests by customers, of which it built and activated 49. In June 2015, the company’s Health and Safety Management System, as per OHSAS 18001:2007 standard, was inspected by TUV Hellas and the corresponding certificate was issued for the third consecutive three-year period. EPA ATTICA SA 2014 Turnover 158,718,109.00 € Profit Before Taxes 15,013,861.00 € Gross Profit 27,791,328.00 € Net worth 298,116,493.00 € Liabilities 79,464,476.00 €

2015 169,185,449.00 € 30,168,906.00 € 42,065,954.00 € 294,434,086.00 € 73,900,622.00 €

Change (%) 6.6 100.9 51.4 -1.2 -7.0


Supermarkets Commercial


Dominant retail force in Northern Greece

Ioannis Masoutis, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 800,583,000.00 €

The company was founded by Diamantis Masoutis 41 years ago, in 1976. The first store opened in 1976 in Krystalli Street in the heart of Thessaloniki. The company expanded rapidly and today, Diamantis Masoutis SA, a Greek company active in the retail food sector, operates 268 stores in total. The company consists of 246 supermarket stores and 22 Wholesale Cash & Carry stores located all over Central and North Greece. Diamantis Masoutis covers the Greek regions of Makedonia, Thrace, Thessaly, Epirus, and Evia as well as the islands of Chios, Thassos, Limnos and Lesvos. Further expansion is planned. Today, the company has two green stores and three fuel stations, while its franchise brand “Express Market” has 245 grocery stores. The company employs more than 6,700 staff members. Nowadays, the chain of outlets covers northern Greece, where it holds a dominant retail trade position. On a national level, the firm ranks as one of the country’s four largest chains. The retail chain has more than 1 million members of its loyalty scheme Mas card. Diamantis Masoutis has been awarded in Greece as one of the best workplaces for six consecutive years (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 ,2016 and 2017), and was among the 30 best large workplaces in Europe for the years of 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. Diamantis Masoutis logistic center covers a surface area of 60,000 sq.m. It employs a staff of 510, while it has a private fleet of 52 trucks and total investments valued at 50 million euro. The company in 2016 posted higher results in both sales and pre tax profit: sales exceeded 800 million euros compared to 751 million euros a year earlier, while pre tax earnings rose to 36.9 million euros against 27.3 million euros in 2015. In 2016 the chain focused on accelerating its growth by adding new stores to its network. In the commercial sector, priority was given to price policy, aimed at strengthening competitiveness, as well as to new product categories with emphasis on private label products.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 36,859,000.00 €

Contact Details 14th Km Thessaloniki-Vasilikon Rd, 57001, Thermi, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2310 803 803 Fax: +30 2310 803 804 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

DIAMANTIS MASOUTIS SA Amounts expressed to 000’s Euro 2015 2016 751,660,000.00 € 800,583,000.00 € 27,333,000.00 € 36,859,000.00 € 169,004, 000.00 € 187,366, 000.00 € 104,437, 000.00 € 103,448, 000.00 € 400,651, 000.00 € 434,941, 000.00 €

Change (%) 6,5% 34,9% 10,9% -0,9% 8,6%

Diamonds 175


Tobacco Industrial

Leaf Tobacco A. Michailides S.A.

The world’s 5th largest firm in tobacco processing and exports

Alexandros Michailides President & CEO

Turnover 117,116,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 26,278,000.00 €

Leaf Tobacco A. Michailides S.A. was founded in 1886 in Drama by Anastasios Michailides, great grandfather of Alexander Michailides, the firm’s largest shareholder since 1990. Five generations later, the company has expanded to all Balkan countries. The company buys, processes, packs and exports tobacco for cigarette producers around the world. Revenues come mainly from sales of processed tobacco and from fees charged for processing and other related services (mainly storage and financial charges) to cigarette producers. The group and the company mainly trade tobacco varieties (oriental, flue-cured, and burley) used in international brands of cigarettes. In the 1990s, the company constructed a large facility in Xanthi, Greece for Basma tobacco, while at the same time introducing in Greece the cultivation of Virginia tobacco. During the same period, it also constructed a threshing plant for Virginia and Burley tobaccos and storage facilities in Sindos, near Thessaloniki. Since 1992, the Group’s international presence has been growing. Between 1996 and 2003, Leaf Tobacco A. Michailides constructed the largest Oriental tobacco-processing factory in Polykastro, Greece. The Polykastro plant covers a surface area of 123,000 sqm on a 310,000-sqm plot of land, with a production capacity of 15 tons per hour, processing Oriental, FCV and Burley tobaccos, and a warehousing capacity of 50,000 tons. The new Sandanski plant in Bulgaria was inaugurated in January 2011, adding a 9.5-million-euro investment in the country, with production capacity of Oriental and Flue-Cured tobaccos of 4 to 6 tons per hour. Today, Leaf Tobacco A. Michailides is the largest European tobacco processing group and the 5th largest worldwide, operating in 4 countries: Greece, FYROM, Bulgaria and Albania. The Group operates ultra-modern facilities, industrial installations and storage warehouses, having invested in processing and warehousing facilities to meet customer demands and requirements. Across all countries, the Group operates under direct contracts with farmers, adhering to all international and local legislation. In 2015, the Group‘s largest proportion of sales came from Eastern-type tobaccos (95.38 million euros) and the rest from western type tobaccos (12.13 million euros). The bulk of the group’s total sales (63.67 million euros) came from other non-EU countries, followed by EU countries (35.46 million euros). In Greece, the Group posted 2015 sales of 8.38 million euros. Pre-tax income amounted to 25.48 million euros. In 2016, the company invested in two privately-owned warehouse complexes, one located in Kastanousa, ​​ Serresa and the other in ​​Simha, Xanthi.

Contact Details 43 October 26th St., GR 54627 Thessaloniki, Greece Tel.: +30 2310-524644 Fax: +30 2310-526520 Email: Website: http://www.michailides. com/

176 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Leaf Tobacco A. Michailides S.A. 2014 2015 115,601,000.00 € 117,116,000.00 € 32,362,000.00 € 26,278,000.00 € 61,829,000.00 € 50,492,000.00 € 136,420,000.00 € 155,593,000.00 € 495,799,000.00 € 576,441,000.00 €

Change (%) 1.3 -18.8 -18.3 14.1 16.3


Natural Gas Industrial


Pivotal role in the country’s energy sector

Sotirios Nikas, President & CEO

Turnover 149,158,000.00 €

The Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator (DESFA) S.A. was founded in March 2007 following legislation ratified in 2005 for the natural gas market’s liberalization and alignment with an EU directive. DESFA was established as a subsidiary of DEPA, the Public Gas Corporation (DEPA). The purpose of the company is the operation, maintenance, management, exploitation and development of the National Natural Gas System (NNGS) and its interconnections in order for the NNGS to be economically acceptable, technically even and integrated, and to meet the needs of the users of natural gas in a safe, adequate, reliable and cost-effective way. Also, the company’s activities include the unloading, temporary storage and gasification of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the LNG facility on the island of Revythousa. DESFA is a 100% subsidiary of DEPA. The National Natural Gas System (NNGS) sector was transferred from DEPA to DESFA. The NNGS, as defined by Greek law, includes the National Natural Gas Transmission System (pipelines with design pressure above 19 barg) and the LNG terminal station on Revythousa, an islet in the Saronic Gulf, close to Athens. Through the transfer, DESFA acquired the full and exclusive right to the operation, management, exploitation and development of the NNGS. DESFA is also the owner of the NNGS. A presidential decree in 2007 also established procedures for the transfer of personnel from DEPA to DESFA. In 2010, following a bilateral agreement between Greece and Russia, South Stream-Greece SA was established for the South Stream natural gas pipeline’s Greek segment, as a joint venture between Russia’s Gazprom and DESFA SA, on a fifty-fifty basis. The company’s headquarters are located in the Greek capital’s northern suburb of Halandri. In 2016, the firm posted high increases in turnover and pre-tax earnings. Sales rose 169.65 million euros against 149.15 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax income jumped to 46.2 million euros compared to 25.34 million euros in 2015. Within 2017, the company plans to complete an investment program valued at 31.53 million euros for the construction of the second upgrading of Revythousa installations and the completion of metric/regulatory stations to facilitate connection to the NNGTS by the power stations of Thebes, Protergeia and Korinthos Power.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 25,145,000.00 €

Contact Details 357-359 Messogion Ave., 152 31 Halandri, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6501200 Fax: +30 210 6749504 E-mail: Website:

HELLENIC GAS TRANSMISSION SYSTEM OPERATOR SA 2014 2015 Turnover 189,278,000.00 € 149,158,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 27,424,000.00 € 25,145,000.00 € Gross Profit 31,005,000.00 € 28,175,000.00 € Net worth 816,129,000.00 € 826,194,000.00 € Liabilities 655,705,000.00 € 625,089,000.00 €

Change (%) -21.2 -8.3 -9.1 1.2 -4.7

Diamonds 177




One of SE Europe’s biggest ports

Dimitrios Makris, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 50,881,605.00 €

Thessaloniki port is a European port and the natural gateway for the economic activities of the inland markets beyond Greece. It serves the growing needs of those countries for the import and export of raw material, consumer products and capital equipment. The port is a vital element of the country’s economy while it also plays a vital role in the effort of northern Greece and Thessaloniki, the region’s main city, to establish itself as the Eastern Mediterranean’s economic focal point. The port enjoys a privileged position as it is located at the crossroads of land transportation networks. Moreover, Thessaloniki’s port is at a driving distance from the city’s International «Macedonia» Airport, 16 kilometers away, and just one kilometer from the central railway station. Thessaloniki port has a total quay length of 6,200m and a sea depth of 12 meters. It possesses 600,000 square meters of indoor and open-air storage area, as well as modern mechanical equipment for secure and prompt handling of all kinds of cargo - general, bulk and containers. The port’s services for the cargo sector are comprised of loading, unloading, servicing and storage of all kinds of cargo - containers, bulk and general cargo - from and to ships, trucks and rail wagons. For ships, the port provides anchoring, mooring, water supply, power, telecommunication supply, and waste management services. In 2016, vessel arrivals (including domestic and foreign ships) dropped to 1828 compared 1984 a year earlier. Most of the ships arrived were Greek-flagged. Passenger traffic in 2016 recorded a jump to 69,508 against 26,356 a year earlier, an increase of 163%. The sea transport at Thessaloniki Port amounted to 14,099,627 tons, including liquid goods, dry and general cargo. The company places major emphasis on personnel and cargo safety, as well as respect for environmental protection. Thessaloniki Port Authority S.A. became the Mediterranean’s first port to receive “Port Environmental Review System” certification for environmental issues, granted by the European Sea Ports Organization (ESPO) and the ECOPORTS Foundation.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 24,514,352.00 €

Contact Details Dock A, Thessaloniki Port, 541 10 Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel.: +30 2310 593121 Fax: +30 2310 593121 E-mail: Website:

178 Diamonds

THESSALONIKI PORT AUTHORITY SA 2014 2015 Turnover 54,831,478.00 € 50,881,605.00 € Profit Before Taxes 28,388,514.00 € 24,514,352.00 € Gross Profit 26,529,142.00 € 24,333,039.00 € Net worth 128,768,713.00 € 127,087,934.00 € Liabilities 17,441,854.00 € 13,758,053.00 €

Change (%) -7.2 -13.6 -8.3 -1.3 -21.1


Car rentals Commercial


Greece’s biggest car rental company, with a fleet of 35,200 cars

Eftychis Vasilakis, Vice President & CEO

Turnover 141,239,691.00 €

AUTOHELLAS S.A. is the largest car rental company in Greece, based on financial capacity and the fleet size it manages. Further, the company ranks as Hertz International’s biggest national franchisee in Europe. AUTOHELLAS SA (HERTZ) has operated in Greece for 55 years. Since 1978, the company has constantly held first place in the car rental sector. In 2011 Hertz’s fleet exceeded 23,000 cars of various types, stationed at 115 locations all over Greece, including 21 airports. Through its privately-owned stations, covering all main areas, Hertz has been able to cover all customer requirements for both short and long-term renting (Renting, Operating Leasing and Fleet Management). Eight of the company’s largest service centers are located in Athens (three in the wider Athens area), Thessaloniki, Rhodes, Corfu, Myconos and Crete. The company places major emphasis on its personnel. Employees and executives are carefully chosen, well educated, and experienced. The company is part of the Th. Vassilakis Group and is listed on the Athens Stock Exchange as Autohellas SA. The company’s consistent growth has created new job positions at Hertz locations, such as airports, local offices, and headquarter facilities. In 2016, Autohellas Group posted a rise in consolidated sales at 264.8 million euros, compared to 182.9 million euros a year earlier. Notably, 2016 turnover figures are not exactly comparable to 2015, as SEAT car imports and car retailing activity (formerly Velmar) have been integrated. Sales from the Group’s core business, car leasing in Greece and abroad, increased by 12% in 2016, reaching 154.3 million euros against 137.9 million euros a year earlier. EBITDA rose 18.4% to 104.3 million euros compared to 88.1 million euros in 2015. At the same time, earnings after tax (EAT) came in at 22.7 million euros on a consolidated basis, compared to 18.6 million euros a year earlier, recording a significant increase of 22%. In order to support its organic growth and the quality of its services, the Group invested 139 million euros to purchase 10,350 cars, which apart from fleet renewal, expanded the firm’s fleet by 4,600 vehicles, reaching 35,200 cars, a new record for the size of the company.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 24,032,367.00 €

Contact Details 31 Viltanioti St, 145 64, Kifissia, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6264000 Fax: +30 210 6264409 Email: Website:

AUTOHELLAS SA (HERTZ) 2014 2015 Turnover 126,163,957.00 € 141,239,691.00 € Profit Before Taxes 13,197,709.00 € 24,032,367.00 € Gross Profit 29,740,552.00 € 32,836,942.00 € Net worth 150,208,403.00 € 154,750,107.00 € Liabilities 204,906,764.00 € 302,819,457.00 €

Change (%) 11.9 82.1 10.4 3.0 47.8

Diamonds 179



Petroleum Products Industrial


The Key Role of a Leading Energy Group in SE Europe

Efstathios Tsotsoros Chairman of the Board

Turnover 6,584,471,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 22,725,000.00 €

Contact Details 8A Chimarras St., GR 151 25-Maroussi Tel.: +30 210 63 02 000 Fax: +30 210 63 02 510 Website:

180 Diamonds

Founded in 1998, Hellenic Petroleum (ELPE) is one of the leading energy groups in South East Europe, with activities spanning across the energy value chain and presence in 6 countries. Hellenic Petroleum’s key shareholders are Paneuropean Oil and Industrial Holdings S.A. (42.6%) and the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (35.5%). Refining is the Group’s core business, accounting for 75% of total assets. It owns three of the four refineries in Greece, of total capacity of 340 kbpd, with a 65% share of the Greek wholesale oil products market. The Group is the domestic ground fuels marketing leader, through its fully-owned subsidiaries EKO and Hellenic Fuels (former BP Hellas). The two companies comprise a retail network of c.1,700 service stations throughout Greece as well as LPG, industrial, aviation and marine fuels and lubricants businesses. Hellenic Petroleum is a leading player in SE European markets. The Group owns the OKTA industrial installations in Skopje (FYROM) and through its network of 295 petrol stations is one of the key fuels marketing players in Cyprus, Serbia, Bulgaria and Montenegro. The Group’s portfolio includes exploration and production rights in Greece. The Group is acting as an operator (50% stake) for an international joint venture, which owns exploration and production rights of hydrocarbons in the offshore area of West Patraikos Gulf. In February 2016, following relevant international tender, HELLENIC PETROLEUM was selected as the preferred bidder for the lease of Arta-Preveza and NW Peloponnese areas. Hellenic Petroleum is the sole petrochemicals producer in Greece, mainly active in the propylenepolypropylene value chain. Domestic market shares exceed 50%, while exports account for more than 60% of sales. HellenIC Petroleum is also active in the power and gas sectors. Power generation and trading activities are carried out through Elpedison, a JV with Italian EDISON. The JV owns and operates two CCGT plants in Greece, one 390MW plant in Thessaloniki and a 420MW plant in Thisvi. Moreover, ELPE recently entered the field of renewable energy sources with a portfolio exceeding 200MW in various development stages. The Group is present in the natural gas sector through its 35% stake in DEPA, Greece’s main natural gas importer and wholesale supplier. DEPA fully owns DESFA, Greece’s natural gas grid owner and operator, and 51% of each of the local supply companies (EPAs). In 2016, ELPE posted sales of 5.99 billion euros. Gross profit amounted to 701 million euros and operating profit came in at 620 million euros. Pre-tax earnings in 2016 jumped to 466 million euros compared to 22.72 million euros a year earlier. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. 2014 2015 8,750,184,000.00 € 6,584,471,000.00 € -426,795,000.00 € 22,725,000.00 € -123,307,000.00 € 382,041,000.00 € 1,176,687,000.00 € 1,224,891,000.00 € 5,616,195,000.00 € 5,829,896,000.00 €

Change (%) -24.8 105.3 409.8 4.1 3.8



PLASTIC INDUSTRY PRODUCTION AND SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION TEKNOGLAS Acrylic extruded sheets from 2mm to 20mm XT/ HI thickness.Our acrylic sheets have dimensions 2050mm X 3050mm,except special orders. We provide a variety of colours. TEKNOGLAS Acrylic frost sheets . FROST: TEKNOCARB PC Polycarbonate extruded sheets from 2mm to 12mm thick.Our polycarbonate sheets have dimensions 2050mm X 3050mm, except special orders. We provide a variety of colors. PVC


PVC : TEKNOGLAS FOS: Speciality Teknoglas sheets for efficient lighting applications combined with LEDs. Speciality products for edge lighting and backlighting . FLEX DOOR: Door - curtain of transparent PVC with UV stabilized for extra weather resistance. Used in factories, food factories .

TEKNOCARB AC They are available in flat transparent sheets 12,15,18 and 20mm thickness. Sheets 2000x3050 mm. TEKNOGLAS TEKNOGLAS crystallize is the product line CRYSTALIZE with a relief SOLID acrylic sheets. TEKNOGLUE Special glue for acrylic sheets.




Supplying Greece’s “northern capital” with water

Nikolaos Papadakis, President and CEO

Thessaloniki Water Supply & Sewerage Co. S.A., trading as EYATH S.A. was founded in 1998 following a merger of Thessaloniki Water Supply Organization S.A. (OYTH S.A.) and Thessaloniki Sewerage Organization S.A. (OATH S.A.). Prior to that, in 1997, OYTH and OATH, which had been bodies governed by public law, had been converted into S.A. companies. EYATH is listed on the Athens Stock Exchange. The company is supervised by the Ministries of Economy & Finance and Macedonia-Thrace. The Company’s key operations are: to provide water supply to consumers via a water supply network; to provide sewerage services for waste via a sewerage network; and, to financially exploit both of those services and networks. The facilities owned or managed by EYATH are: (a) water abstraction works; (b) external aqueducts, boreholes and pipelines; (c) pumping stations and tanks; and, (d) the distribution network comprised of pipelines and water meters. EYATH uses the Karst system of aquifers on the Paiko Mountain, specifically its point of discharge at the Aravissos springs, to supply water to Thessaloniki. Water is abstracted from the Aravissos springs from two natural supply shafts, a spring fitted with a pump and 11 water boreholes which pump water via connecting pipes to the Aravissos aqueduct. The quantity of water obtained from the Aravissos springs ranges from 65,000m3 to 130,000m3 a day, depending to a large degree on each year’s snowfall and rainfall. In the first half of 2016, the company posted a slight rise in sales to 37.71 million euros compared to 37.30 million euros in the same period a year earlier. Earnings before tax rose to 10.79 million euros against 9.6 million euros in the first half of 2015.

Turnover 73,693,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 20,122,000.00 €

Contact Details 127 Egnatias St., 546 35 Thessaloniki, Greece Tel.: +30 2310 96900 Fax: +30 2310 275730 E-mail: Website:

182 Diamonds

THESSALONIKI WATER SUPPLY & SEWERAGE CO. SA 2014 2015 Turnover 73,693,000.00 € 73,048,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 20,122,000.00 € 20,754,000.00 € Gross Profit 26,886,000.00 € 26,902,000.00 € Net worth 145,481,000.00 € 150,434,000.00 € Liabilities 43,634,000.00 € 44,697,000.00 €

Change (%) -0.9 3.1 0.1 3.4 2.4


Supermarket Commercial


Among the biggest players in retail

Aristotelis Panteliadis, Vice President & CEO

Turnover 736,243,483.00 €

The history of the Greek chain METRO begins in 1976, when it was formed as a company by a cooperative of eight groceries; it has always been a company of Greek interests. Its first Cash & Carry store was in Athens (Petrou Ralli St.), while a year later, its central offices moved to Syngrou Ave. (Athens). Two years later, its staff grew to 100, while it opened its first METRO supermarket in the western Athens suburb of Korydallos. In 2004, the firm’s supermarkets were renamed to “My Market” and formally separated from Cash & Carry. In 2008, after a 35-million-euro investment, the innovating distribution center of Inofyta went into operation. My Market retail stores feature sale spaces of 1,000 to 1,200 square meters, and are located in very commercial locations. The largest number of stores is located in Attica, while the company’s policy regarding the expansion of the network is based on the development of branches throughout Greece. METRO Cash & Carry retail stores occupy sale spaces of between 2,500 and 3,500 sq.m., with convenient parking space, located in key locations with convenient access within the city or within its limits. These stores are aimed at professionals (such as mini markets, grocery stores, cellars, taverns, bars, hotels, etc.), not only in the city where they are located, but also for those in the wider region (50-80 km radius). Thus, sales come from two main categories of stores: Retail sales through My Market and Wholesale through METRO Cash & Carry. At the end of 2015, the company numbered a total of 112 stores (66 My Market and 46 METRO Cash & Carry stores). In 2016 METRO acquired the exclusive control over the business activities in Greece of Veropoulos supermarkets, significantly boosting its retail network and spreading to strategic locations across the Greek territory. The acquisition of the Veropoulos branch network increased My Market sales points to 222, covering strategic locations in every corner of Greek territory. In its new era, METRO employs more than 10,000 people, making the company one of the largest employers in Greece.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 20,439,930.00 €

Contact Details 1 Sorou St., 144 51, Metamorfossi, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 2893500 Fax: +30 210 2835030 Email: Website:

METRO SA 2014 Turnover 697,341,178.00 € Profit Before Taxes 17,015,412.00 € Gross Profit 144,525,375.00 € Net worth 118,917,962.00 € Liabilities 200,811,488.00 €

2015 736,243,483.00 € 20,439,930.00 € 154,299,577.00 € 130,306,127.00 € 221,566,016.00 €

Change (%) 5.6 20.1 6.8 9.6 10.3

Diamonds 183




Leading force in contact center outsourcing

Turnover 104,225,753.00 €

Established in 1989, Teleperformance Hellas is the very first company to introduce contact centre outsourcing provision in Greece and -by far- the largest in the local market. It joined the Teleperformance Group in 1997 and, in 2002, became the Regional Headquarters for Teleperformance Operations in southern Europe and the Middle East. In 2004, it started becoming a major Multilingual destination for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, serving currently over 130 markets in 35 languages & dialects and employing more than 4,800 people from 91 nationalities. The firm moved to a new center in 2016. Teleperformance Hellas is a Quality Management certified company, which in 2017 was once more recognized as a Best WorkPlace in Greece and in full alignment with the Group’s Performance Management Process and Standards; Teleperformance Greece operates today out of 3 Multilingual Hubs in Athens, 1 Site in Chania (Crete) and 1 more in Gjirokaster, South Albania with a combined capacity of 5,100+ agent workstations; supporting major Multinational Clients in the: Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Financial, Healthcare, Insurance, Retail & e-Retail, Technology, Telecommunications and Travel arena. With a proven ability to recruit and retain highly skilled -top performing- talents, with state-of-theart technology sites having active BCP, DRP and security processes based on PCI DSS & ISO 27001 standards, and -most of all- a Performance Driven Orientation that results to the consistent achievement of KPIs, CSAT, ESAT, NPS & QA scoring; Teleperformance in Greece is one of the most attractive partners to support Customer Care, Technical Support, Customer Acquisition, Account Receivables Management and BPO Services in the European Continent. On a global level, the firm in 2016 posted a rise in revenue to 3.64 billion euros compared to 3.39 billion euros a year earlier. Net profit also rose to 214 million euros against 200 million euros in 2015. Operating profit rose 10,1% to 339 million euros compared to 308 million euros a year earlier. Cash flow before interest paid and after tax amounted to 442 million euros in 2016, versus 400 million euros the year before.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 19,280,997.00 €

Contact Details 330 Eleftheriou Venizelou St., 176 75 Kallithea, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 2109490500 Fax: +30 2109403383 E-mail: Website: http://gr.www.teleperformance. com

184 Diamonds

SERVICE 800 - TELEPERFORMANCE SA 2014 2015 Turnover 83,383,502.00 € 104,225,753.00 € Profit Before Taxes 12,031,592.00 € 19,280,997.00 € Gross Profit - - Net worth 22,033,750.00 € 29,788,928.00 € Liabilities 19,592,541.00 € 20,159,423.00 €

Change (%) 25.0 60.3 35.2 2.9




A purely export business

Turnover 50,511,355.00 €

In 1980, Efkleidis Pavlidis established PAVLIDIS MARBLE-GRANITE, a company that, thanks to the consistently pioneering spirit and strong vision of its founder, has become one of the main producers of white marble in the world market. By using a vertically integrated structure, the company controls the production of the final product from extraction to processing, and the sale of rough, semi-finished and finished marble and granite products, specializing in white and semi-white marble and with a dynamic presence in beige marble. The company operates five (5) quarries: Ariston quarry, Kavala, Volakas, Florida and Perla quarries. Ariston is located in Granitis, Drama and 30,000 m³ of marble blocks are excavated. The names ARISTON, ARISTON V and ARISTON GL are the trade names of the colour selections of the white marble that is extracted. Kavala’s quarry capacity is 40,000 m³ of marble blocks per year and produces the traditional crystalline marbles. Volakas quarry produces white marbles with the characteristic of grey/brown veins. Florida quarry markets the unique marble with characteristic grey/blue veins on a white background which is marketed under the name FLORIDA. Finally in Perla quarry the company excavates the cream/beige limestone under the name of Perla. Pavlidis Marble and Granite has a marble cutting and processing factory and a granite cutting and processing factory in the Industrial Park of Drama. With full and complete mechanical equipment which is upgraded and expanded in accordance with the cutting-edge technological developments, the company’s trained and experienced personnel is always able to meet the growing demand for its products. Since its foundation to date, the company has been intensely orientated towards exports, with sales now accounting for more than 90% of its annual turnover. Starting out from the demanding construction requirements of Western European countries, the company has progressively expanded its activities to the two hemispheres with exports to the Far East, South-East Asia, Arab states, as well as South America and US. With a multitude of projects worldwide, Pavlidis Marble-Granite constitutes one of the most professional choices as regards the undertaking and execution of large-scale projects to high quality standards and with absolute respect for the environment.


PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 19,091,935.00 €

Contact Details Drama Industrial Area, 661 00, Drama, Greece Tel.: +30 25213 06100 Fax: +30 25213 06110 E-mail: Website: www.pavlidismg.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PAVLIDIS MARBLE GRANITE SA 2014 2015 40,658,877.00 € 50,511,355.00 € 13,535,894.00 € 19,091,935.00 € 20,485,483.00 € 28,467,027.00 € 69,656,469.00 € 77,856,668.00 € 9,549,081.00 € 7,606,470.00 €

Change (%) 24.2 41.0 39.0 11.8 -20.3

Diamonds 185


Pharmaceutical Products Industrial

DEMO S.A. Pharmaceutical Industry

More than 50 years of dynamic presence in Greece and worldwide

Dimitrios Demos, Vice President

Turnover 136.328.805,00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 17.883.633,00 €

Contact Details 21st km Athens-Lamia National Road, 14568, Krioneri, Attica Tel.: +30 210 8161802 Fax: +30 210 8161587 E-mail: Website:

186 Diamonds

DEMO SA pharmaceutical industry is an industrial and commercial organization of international reach established in 1965, and active in the production and sales of pharmaceutical products. The company’s plant, located in Krioneri, Attica, is the largest in SE Europe, with modern facilities of 45,000 sqm, where a sophisticated Quality Control laboratory of 1,500 sqm is included as well. With an annual growth rate of over 11% during the past 10 years and 800 employees in 2016, DEMO is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Southeast Europe. The company’s mission is to develop, manufacture and distribute worldwide safe and effective pharmaceutical products at competitive prices. Demo’s goal is to be consistently one of the best companies in the pharmaceutical market, maintaining the leading position in the Greek industry, its dynamic growth and the preference of customers and partners in the company’s products. In particular, the company operates in the health sector based on the following pillars: ● Production, approval and distribution of pharmaceutical products in the Greek and global market. ● Production of Injectable products of all forms (Liquid inj., Lyophilised products, Emulsions, Penems, Penicillins, Cephalosporins) ● Distribution of foreign pharmaceutical companies’ innovative products. ● Distribution of medicines for rare diseases. With a portfolio of 200 different products, DEMO leads the pharmaceutical industry, as it has a strong presence in the hospital market, ranking first among the pharmaceutical companies in terms of sold units. The three manufacturing facilities in combination with the high tech warehousing facilities in both Athens and Thessaloniki allow the company to offer its own logistic services to all hospitals countrywide. In addition, DEMO consistently invests in its international collaborations. International sales revenues increased dramatically over the past decades, while since 2004 DEMO ranks as the top exporter of injectable pharmaceuticals (own branded). Today, it has a global sales network with its own products in 80 countries, including countries in Eu-


rope, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Oceania and Mid East, enjoying a significant market share in many of them. Since the end of 2013, the has presence in Germany through the Munich-based subsidiary DEMO Pharmaceuticals GmbH. Additionally, DEMO already operates a branch office in China, while the operation of 7 more branch offices in other foreign countries is among its immediate goals. DEMO’s global operation has led the company to export 82% of its produced units, while it is worth noting that it is internationally recognized for being one of the official suppliers of pharmaceutical products to the United Nations, UNICEF, MSF, Red Cross and World Health Organization. The Quality Assurance Department monitors constantly all company production and control activities, ensuring strict compliance as per the applicable standards GMPs, GDPs, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 13485:2003, DY8/1348/04. The Department is staffed with experienced scientists of most specialties and is structured into two independent groups, one for each wing of production. At the same time, the QA Department has achieved to combine the different requirements of universally valid laws of pharmaceutical regulations and to integrate them smoothly into its quality system. This has led to the approval of DEMO by strict legislative authorities from all around the world. Furthermore, a number of new research projects are under progress. Under the supervision of highly qualified researchers –most of who own PhD degrees from acclaimed European universities– the R&D lab represents the company’s launching pad for the coming decades.

DEMO SA Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

2015 123.333.187,00 € 18.984.548,00 € 53.138.406,00 € 70.892.612,00 € 133.953.853,00 €

2016 136.328.805,00 € 17.883.633,00 € 54.769.397,00 € 82.825.392,00 € 132.403.754,00 €

Change (%) 10,5% -5,8% 3,1% 16,8% -1,2%

Diamonds 187




With an experience of 46 years

Turnover 472,995,331.00 €


GALAXIAS supermarket chain began its course in 1971 when five friends, working as employees in various fields, decided to pool their savings and enter the consumer products sector with their first outlet. The venture’s starting capital of 300,000 drachmas (approx. 1000 euros) in 1971 was used to form a limited liability company named PENTE, involving a five-member team of shareholders led by the late Vassilis Himonidis (1933-2008). In 1982, the firm converted its legal status from a limited liability to an SA company and proceeded with the development of a supermarket chain. Ten years later, PENTE SA acquired ARGO SA, holding a 99,8% stake, and incorporated the latter’s 13 retail outlets into its supermarket chain. Today, the supermarket chain numbers 149 retail outlets, 54 in the wider Athens area, and the rest scattered from Corinth, west of Athens, to Kilkis, northern Greece; 71 stores operate on privatelyowned properties and 77 on leased buildings. Besides operating as retail outlets, 13 of these outlets also operate as Cash & Carry spots at a wholesale level. An investment made in 2015 mainly in establishment and operation of new branches was valued at 22.3 million euros, while depreciation during the same period amounted to 10.53 million euros. At a consumer level, the company’s objective is to offer the lowest possible prices. As part of its competitive pricing strategy. At present, Pente SA and Argo SA employ a total staff of 4329. The company has established an incentive program through which top-performing employees are awarded prizes and trips abroad on an annual basis. Employees, in their capacity as the chain’s largest shareholder, participate in Board and general meetings and company profits. In 2015, the firm posted a rise in sales to 473 million euros compared to 462.2 million euros a year earlier, an increase of 2,34%. Pre-tax earnings also rose to 18.8 million euros against 12.5 million euros in 2014, an increase of 50.04%. According to the management, the good performance was attributed “to the closer monitoring of the company’s individual operations combined with the development of IT and the increase in the number of branches,” adding that “there is still much to be done for further growth.”

18,824,875.00 €

Contact Details 129 Lenorman St., 104 42 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 5144 214 Fax: +30 210 5146 123 Website:

188 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PENTE SA 2014 462,177,989.00 € 12,546,791.00 € 82,385,065.00 € 127,326,218.00 € 109,969,328.00 €

2015 472,995,331.00 € 18,824,875.00 € 87,921,316.00 € 139,569,616.00 € 121,438,041.00 €

Change (%) 2.3 50.0 6.7 9.6 10.4


Pharmaceutical Products Commercial

Novartis Hellas SACI

With vision and responsibility for the patient

Turnover 341,738,645.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 24,384,872.00 €

Contact Details Athens: 12th km Athens-Lamia National Road, 144 51 Metamorfosi, Attica, Greece Τel.: +30 210 2811 712 Fax: +30 210 2812 014 Thessaloniki: 216 Vas. Olgas St., 551 33 Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, Greece Τel.: +30 2310 4240 39 Fax.: +30 2310 4240 59 Website: Facebook: NovartisHellas/

Novartis Group holds a leading position in the Greek Pharmaceutical Industry. It has been active in Greece for 20 years with an expanded portfolio of innovative medicines (Novartis), medical and eye care products (Alcon) and generic medicines (Sandoz). The firm takes full advantage of the power of innovation in science and its vision is to contribute to changing the practice of medicine. Novartis’ portfolio of innovative medicines includes more than 50 products, many of which are leading therapies such as Cardiometabolic Diseases, Immunology and Dermatology, Neurosciences, Respiratory Diseases, Ophthalmology, Oncology and Haematology. In the three years 2013-2015, the company invested 138.2 million euros in the Greek society, through R&D, tax payments, payroll, suppliers, donations and sponsorships, while our investment to conduct approximately 200 clinical studies exceeds 18 million euros. Corporate Responsibility (CS) is an integral part of Novartis’ strategy and plays an important role in trying to discover new ways of expanding and improving people’s lives. Its patient-centered approach is a reference point in setting CS priorities, focusing on two key areas: expanding access to healthcare and doing business responsibly. Novartis is directly linked to the coverage and management of the needs and expectations of patients and their carergivets, patient associations, healthcare professionals, the academic community, its employees, partners and suppliers, as well as other stakeholders with the ultimate goal being the establishment of a relationship of trust with the Greek society and the creation of value for the organization, as well as the wider community. The company invests in the development of innovative products aimed at covering unmet medical needs, while consistently supporting initiatives, such as drug donations, free diagnostic tests, early access programs for innovative therapies, donations to public hospitals and university clinics to support research projects. Responding to the messages it receives from the outside environment, it prepares prevention and information programs across the country, such as awareness-raising campaigns for major diseases and patient rights, while being consistently on the side of patient associations across Greece. The “Community Partnership Day” is a special institution for employees who dedicate the anniversary of the founding of the company to the support of social groups in need. Through donations, Novartis supports the work of non-profit organizations, clubs and schools of border regions.

NOVARTIS HELLAS SACI 2014 2015 Turnover 337,982,696.00 € 341,738,645.00 € Profit Before Taxes -2,337,804.00 € 24,384,872.00 € Gross Profit 85,097,266.00 € 96,537,795.00 € Net worth 108,923,279.00 € 129,254,991.00 € Liabilities 131,555,587.00 € 151,406,628.00 €

Change (%) 1.1 1143.1 13.4 18.7 15.1

Diamonds 189




Active in 16 countries with more than 6,000 employees

Georgios Peristeris, CEO Turnover 1,163,480,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 93,619,000.00 €

Contact Details 85 Mesogeion Ave., Athens 115 26, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6968000 Fax: +30 210 6968098-99 E-mail: Website:

190 Diamonds

GEK TERNA Group is one of the leading business Groups in Greece with operations also in Central and Southeastern Europe, USA, North Africa and Middle East. The Group’s expertise spans from construction, energy production and supply, concessions, waste management and mining activities to real estate development and management. With a total staff of 6,000 employees around the world, the Group has invested more than 1.5 billion euros in the past few years. GEK TERNA is listed on the Athens Stock Exchange (FTSE / Athex Large Cap). Construction GEK TERNA Group, through its 100% subsidiary TERNA S.A., has been actively involved in the construction sector for over 45 years. TERNA has implemented a broad spectrum of public and private projects including the construction of railway and highway networks, high-quality office buildings, hospitals, museums, resorts, hydroelectric power plants, dams, harbors, industrial facilities, power plants, etc. TERNA’s current construction backlog is 2.5 billion euros. Renewable Energy Sources In the Renewable Energy Sources sector, GEK TERNA‘s activities are under TERNA ENERGY S.A., a pioneer player in the development of RES Industry in Europe, with a strong portfolio of technologies. The Group’s total installed capacity is 738 MW. The Group has 468 MW installed in Greece, 138 MW in the USA, 102 MW in Poland and 30 MW in Bulgaria. Furthermore, it has 242 MW of RES installations currently under construction or ready for construction, in Greece and overseas. Overall, the Group operates, is constructing or has full licensing of 980 MW of RES installations in Europe and the US and is targeting to reach up to 1,000 MW of operating RES projects over the following years. TERNA ENERGY is listed on the Athens Stock Exchange (FTSE / Athex Large Cap). Thermal Energy GEK TERNA Group is also involved in thermal energy production through its holding in HERON S.A., having partnered with two international leading energy players, GDF Suez και Qatar Petroleum. HERON operates in the sectors of electric energy production and supply. It owns two thermal power


plants of an installed capacity of 147 MW and 432 MW (HERON I and HERON II, respectively). Concessions - PPPs In the concessions sector, The Group displays an impressive dynamic through its involvement in financing, management and commercial exploitation of concession projects such as the road concessions “Ionia Odos”, “Central Greece Motorway”, “Olympia Odos” and the construction and participation in the operation of ten (10) car parks. It is also involved in PPP projects (e-ticketing). Mining The Group is also involved in mining activities through TERNA MAG S.A., a mining and commercial company, based in North Evia, Greece specializing in magnesia production. GEK TERNA GROUP is realizing a 100-million-euro investment plan for quarrying activities in Mantoudi. Real Estate GEK TERNA is also engaged in real estate development and management with a differentiated portfolio in Greece, Bulgaria and Romania, including business centers, logistic centers, industrial parks, entertainment parks, residential properties, commercial properties, hotels, parking stations, etc. In 2016, GEK TERNA consolidated sales rose to 1.16 billion euros compared to 971 million euros a year earlier, recording an increase of 19.7%. EBITDA, adjusted for non‐cash results, amounted to 252.7 million euros versus 155.2 million euro in the previous year, posting an increase of 62.8%. Profit before taxes jumped to 93.6 million euros versus 18.8 million euros in 2015, whereas net results after taxes and minority interest settled at earnings of 34.2 million euros versus losses of 14.4 million euro in the previous year.

GEK TERNA GROUP 2015 2016 Turnover 971,773,000.00 € 1,163,480,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 18,818,000.00 € 93,619,000.00 € Gross Profit 109,320,000.00 € 212,901,000.00 € Net worth 562,365,000.00 € 598,505,000.00 € Liabilities 2,046,434,000.00 € 2,485,988,000.00 €

Change (%) 19.7 397.5 94.8 6.4 21.5

Diamonds 191




Exporting products to 50 countries around the world

Turnover 128,690,000.00 €


Founded in 1970, PLASTIKA KRITIS is one of Greece’s largest plastics manufacturers and among Europe’s leading producers of masterbatches and agricultural films. Production of masterbatches began in 1980. Commitment to quality, technological innovation, cost competitiveness, flexibility and responsiveness to customer requirements have enabled PLASTIKA KRITIS to be an outstanding masterbatch supplier, with more than 50% of its production exported to 60 countries around the globe. The company’s manufacturing facility in Iraklion, Crete is among the most modern in its fields of activity. Specifically, the company specializes in the production of: master batches & compounds (KRITILEN®); multilayer plastic films for agricultural applications (KRITIFIL®); geomembranes (KRITIFLEX®); polyethylene pipes (KRITISOL®); recycled plastics (KRITISAN®); and, renewable energy (KRITIRES®). Products serve the horticultural & agricultural markets, the plastics industry and projects related to water-management & environmental protection. PLASTIKA KRITIS also owns and operates a 12-MW Wind Park and 340-KW of Photovoltaic Stations in Greece, generating electricity that secures competitive energy sources for the company. With six affiliate companies strategically positioned in high growth areas, the company also produces masterbatches in Romania (Romcolor 2000 SA), Poland (Global Colors Polska SA), Turkey (Senkroma SA) and Russia (Global Colors ZAO). It also produces agricultural films and geomembranes in China (Shanghai Hitec Plastics) and France (Agripolyane SA). Both the Group and the company continued to grow in the first half of 2016, posting consolidated sales of 134 million euros compared to 124 million euros in the same period a year earlier (+8.58%). Consolidated profit before tax jumped to 19.7 million euros against 14.6 million euros (+34.82%). The parent company’s sales rose to 68.2 million euros against 61.2 million euros (+11.45%), while profit before tax also rose to 9.4 million euros compared to 7.6 million euros (+24.07%), mainly as a result of a lift in sales and lower raw material costs in the first half of the year, which boosted gross profit. With regard to subsidiaries, Romania, Turkey, China and Russia posted particularly good results, while France showed stability, and Poland recorded a slight drop.

17,292,000.00 €

Contact Details R St., Irakleio Industrial Area, 715 00, Irakleio, Greece Tel.: +30 2810 308500 Fax: +30 2810 381328 E-mail: Website:

192 Diamonds

PLASTIKA KRITIS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 115,569,000.00 € 128,690,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 13,973,000.00 € 17,292,000.00 € Gross Profit 23,641,000.00 € 28,107,000.00 € Net worth 130,060,000.00 € 140,678,000.00 € Liabilities 23,739,000.00 € 27,397,000.00 €

Change (%) 11.4 23.8 18.9 8.2 15.4


Oil Products Commercial


Return to profitability in 2015

Panagiotis Petroulias, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 1,384,154,000.00 €

EKO, or Greek Fuels & Mineral Oils, is active in the petroleum products market and is a member of the Hellenic Petroleum Group. The company has facilities for receiving, storing and handling liquid fuels. It has an extensive network of proprietary or rented gas stations which have been leased to third parties or to the subsidiary company EKO Kalypso Ltd., with real estate concession contracts and commercial co-operation agreements for their exploitation, as well as third parties which they are associated with commercial cooperation agreements. The company has privately-owned fuel transportation and distribution tanks, sales offices, and contracts with agents for fuel sales at independent fuel stations, as well as partnerships with heating oil distributors and other businesses. An important weapon in its portfolio is the 23 aircraft refueling stations (including Athens airport). The firm also owns bottling plants, a gas distribution network and a lubricant production and packaging plant under the EKO brand, of a capacity of 20,000 tons. The company’s facilities are located in: Aspropyrgos (two installations), Heraklion Crete, Rhodes, Kos, Corfu, Thessaloniki (two installations), Skaramangas and Rethymno, Crete. Given EKO’s presence in inaccessible areas and islands, the firm operates five privately-owned vessels: two of them are RO RO Tankers, EKO 1 & EKO 2, each of a capacity of 2,700 m3 (2,454 MT DWT). The remaining three vessels are oil product tankers with a capacity of 3,500 m3 each (3,224 MT DWT), which have full assurance of transported fuel quality and environmental protection. All five vessels carry the Greek flag and employ mostly Greek seamen. Outside of Greece, EKO engages in strong activity. Specifically, it operates 91 petrol stations in Cyprus; it operates in Serbia’s retail network through 50 EKO stations all over the country; and, it operates a network of 82 fuel stations and 4 oil tanks with the EKO sign all over Bulgaria. In addition, the company’s products are available through 38 fuel stations in Montenegro through Jugopetrol AD ​​ kotor, a subsidiary of Hellenic Petroleum International AG.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 16,942,000.00 €

Contact Details 8A Cheimaras St., 15125, Μαρούσι Tel.: +30 210 63 02 510 Fax: +30 210 77 05 847 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

EKO SA 2014 1,660,186,000.00 € -3,016,000.00 € 80,262,000.00 € 156,387,000.00 € 318,072,000.00 €

2015 1,384,154,000.00 € 16,942,000.00 € 94,337,000.00 € 174,866,000.00 € 282,926,000.00 €

Change (%) -16.6 661.7 17.5 11.8 -11

Diamonds 193


Energy Commercial


Advanced knowhow in RES

Turnover 28,199,599.00 €

PPC Renewables SA (PPCR), is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Public Power Corporation SA (PPC), Greece’s largest power generation company. In 2006, PPCR inherited all Renewable Energy Source (RES) related activities (wind, small hydroelectric, solar and geothermal) from PPC, including all of its technological innovation, know-how and expertise in the field of power generation. The company owns 20 Wind Farms, 17 Small Hydro and 28 Photovoltaic Power Plants, of a total installed capacity of 153 MW. The company is involved in all RES-related projects, currently realizing an ambitious expansion plan with new and repowering wind projects, as well as in Geothermal and Biomass and hybrid power plants pipeline. PPC Renewables generates electricity with no adverse impact on the environment, with an overall pipeline of projects in different stages of development amounting more than 330MW. The last 4 years PPCR has developed a strong and competitive portfolio, having a significant number of accomplishments and advantages, adequate to lead it at the top of the RES sector in Greece. Some milestones in our course are: - The development of human resources processes and management systems, aligned to global practices and standards. In addition, one of PPCR priorities is the development of constructive relationships with the company’s stakeholders, such as the local communities and Public Authorities. The operating projects base has grown with 6 new Wind Farms, the construction of 1 SHPP and 1 PV Plant, of 23,4 MW total installed capacity. - Remarkable upgrade and enrichment of the current portfolio with the submission of permit applications for important and innovative projects, and JVs with distinguished Greek and foreign companies (Terna, S&B, ETBA, Iberdrola, EDF and Solar Reserve). At the same time, PPCR is seeking investment opportunities in the Balkans, especially Romania. In the first nine months of 2016, PPC Renewables posted steady sales of 21.3 million euros compared to 21.9 million euros in the same period a year earlier. Similarly, earnings before tax stood at 11.7 million euros against 13.3 million euros in the corresponding period in 2015.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 16,611,785.00 €

Contact Details 3 Kapodistriou St., 153 43, Agia Paraskevi, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 211 2118000 Fax: +30 211 2118089 E-mail: Website:

194 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PPC RENEWABLES S.A. 2014 2015 24,981,327.00 € 28,199,599.00 € 9,425,556.00 € 16,611,785.00 € 7,151,771.00 € 15,005,971.00 € 209,706,226.00 € 218,306,189.00 € 45,804,848.00 € 46,092,588.00 €

Change (%) 12.9 76.2 109.8 4.1 0.6


Transportation Services Commercial


The best place at sea!

Emanuele Grimaldi, Chairman of B.O.D.

Turnover 162,077,000.00 €


MINOAN LINES was founded in 1972 in Heraklion, Crete and is one of the biggest shipping companies in Europe. Its successful course is indissolubly connected with the history of the Greek coastal shipping. Guided by its customer-oriented philosophy, the continuous renewal of its fleet, the luxury, speed and safety of its passengers, as well as the upgrading of quality and range of services offered to them, MINOAN LINES has managed to capture the highest rankings of customer satisfaction since the very first steps of its operation. Important company milestones: In November 2013, a share capital increase was completed raising 50.5 million euros. In March 2014, an additional share capital increase raised 30.6 million euros, further strengthening the financial structure of the company and enabling it at the same time to overcome the repercussions of Greece’s economic crisis with minimal losses. In 2014, Minoan Lines undertook the official port and commercial agency of cargo vessels (Ro/Ro, Car-Carriers), owned or chartered by GRIMALDI GROUP at the port of Piraeus. This important deal enables Minoan Lines to further expand its activities in Greece in the field of commercial maritime transport. Minoan Lines manages an ultra-modern fleet of eight (8) vessels which are deployed on the domestic route of Crete (HERAKLION-PIRAEUS-HERAKLION) and in the international lines of Italy, PATRA-IGOUMENITSA-ANCONA and PATRA-IGOUMENITSA-ANCONA-TRIESTE. In 2016, the company posted sales of 160.2 million euros, while operating profit (EBITDA) rose to 37.8 million euros, up 1.8 million compared to a year earlier. Net profit after taxes came in at 20.7 million euros, up 3.0 million euros compared to 2014. In February 2016, Minoan Lines decided to enhance its holding in Hellenic Seaways S.A., becoming its largest shareholder with a stake of 48.53%. In 2017 Minoan Lines received four notable and very significant distinctions at this year’s TOURISM AWARDS 2017. Specifically, the company received: Gold Awards in the category “Supporting local communities / Actions of Corporate Social Responsibility”; GOLD AWARD in the category “Online presence and communication” for the NEW Minoan Lines’ Online Booking System, the best one in the Greek Coastal Shipping sector for its functionality; SILVER AWARD in the category “Greek cuisine / Promotion of the local cuisine”; and, SILVER AWARD in the category “Customer services”.

16,214,000.00 €

Contact Details 17, August 25 St., 71202 Heraklion, Crete, Greece Tel.: +30 2810 399800 Fax: +30 2810 330308 Email: Website:

MINOAN LINES S.A. 2014 Turnover 157,827,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes -2,116,000.00 € Gross Profit 19,400,000.00 € Net worth 233,807,000.00 € Liabilities 267,044,000.00 €

2015 162,077,000.00 € 16,214,000.00 € 41,773,000.00 € 250,040,000.00 € 244,874,000.00 €

Change (%) 2.7 866.3 115.3 6.9 -8.3

Diamonds 195



Managing a portfolio of over 500,000 insurance contracts EUROPEAN RELIANCE GENERAL INSURANCE Co. S.A. is a comprehensive insurance company, active in all modern insurance sectors. It provides full insurance coverage to individuals as well as to companies. It has created specially designed, ground-breaking and flexible insurance programs whilst investing continuously in new technology. The company’s sales network comprises of more than 5,000 salespersons throughout Greece serving the needs of 590,000 insurance policies. With 38 years of presence in the insurance market, the company has achieved performances over the usual limits, such as increases of 23% in turnover, 23.5% in net worth (capital), 25.5% in assets, 26% in stock and 16% in employment of an average age of 37 years. During the last seven years of Greece’s economic recession, European Reliance increased its production by 50%, while the market total dropped 33%. The company employs more than 5,000 insurance agents and a staff of 405, servicing more than 500,000 insurance contracts. Unlike the majority of businesses in Greece, European Reliance has made no administrative staff salary cuts, and no layoffs. On the contrary, in recent years it rewarded its personnel with bonuses totaling approx. 5.2 million euros. As mentioned above, the company manages a portfolio of over 500,000 insurance contracts, with a turnover of over 172 million euros and an investment portfolio of over 271 million euros rated ΑΑ-. European Reliance ranks among the market’s top players (2nd in Motor Branch, 4th in Non-life Insurance and 7th in all Insurance Branches). In 2016, the Company posted an impressive increase in pre-tax profit by 27.9% to 20.6 million euros, compared to 16.1 million euros a year earlier. Gross written premiums and related income rose by 3.0% to 172.2 million euros against 167.2 million euros in the previous year. Net worth at the end of 2016 jumped by 18.6% to 96.2 million euros, compared to 81.1 million euros a year earlier. Total Assets also rose by 8.9% to 386.6 million euros versus 355.0 million euros in 2015. Insurance reserves increased by 6.3% to 266.7 million euros, compared to 250.8 million euros a year earlier. In 2016, investment spending rose to 304.4 million euros versus 279.9 million euros in 2015. The firm also added more staff, with the number of employees increasing by 4.9% to 425 against 405 in December 2015.

Turnover 172,655,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 16,077,000.00 €

Contact Details 274 Kifisias Ave., 152 32, Chalandri Τel: +30 210 6829601 Fax: +30 210 8119789 E-mail: Website: https://www.europaikipisti. gr

196 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

EUROPEAN RELIANCE GENERAL INSURANCE CO. S.A. 2014 2015 166,326,000.00 € 172,655,000.00 € 15,108,000.00 € 16,077,000.00 € - - 71,619,000.00 € 81,131,000.00 € 23,882,000.00 € 23,009,000.00 €

Change (%) 3.8 6.4 13.3 -3.7


Sea Transportation Commercial

Blue Star Ferries SA

The star of the Aegean

Turnover 143,780,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 17,883,000.00 €

Blue Star Ferries SA and Superfast Ferries are owned by Attica SA Holding (or Attica Group) and are part of the Marfin Investment Group. Both companies’ ships provide coastal shipping services to some 40 destinations in Greece and abroad (Greece-Italy lines). Blue Star Ferries SA, whose activities are entirely focused on passenger shipping, operates nine ferry boats flying the Greek flag, Blue Star 1, Blue Star 2, Blue Star Naxos, Blue Star Paros, Blue Horizon, Blue Galaxy, Blue Star Delos, Blue Star Patmos and Superfast XII. In September 2002, Superfast Ferries and Blue Star Ferries became the first Greek passenger ferry companies to receive ISO 14001 certification for Environmental Management Systems. Specifically, Blue Star Ferries Head Offices, as well as the vessels Blue Star 1, Blue Star 2, Blue Star Ithaki and Blue Horizon were certified with the standard. Auditing and certification were carried out by ABS Quality Evaluations, a member of the international American Bureau of Shipping group. In similar fashion, new additions to the company’s fleet in 2003, Blue Star Paros and Blue Star Naxos were also certified as per ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in August 2003. Blue Star Ferries SA, as well as all its ships, apply the International Safety Management Code (ISM), related to the provisions of SOLAS for the protection of human life at sea. In addition, Blue Star Ferries and the vessels Blue Star 1, Blue Star 2, Blue Star Ithaki, Blue Star Paros, Blue Star Naxos and Blue Horizon are certified as per ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System. ABS Quality Evaluations, a highly respectable organization and member of the international American Bureau of Shipping Group, carried out auditing and certification of both systems. Certification under ISO 9001:2000 constitutes recognition of the high level of services offered by the Group. Blue Star Ferries’ new buildings are of the very latest technology, guaranteeing conformance to high international standards for environmental protection under the International Convention on Marine Pollution (MARPOL), as established by the IMO. Blue Star Ferries is an active member of HELMEPA, the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association, a non-profit and non-governmental organization involving ship-owners and seafarers. With regard to Greek coastal shipping, the firm in 2016 operated 1.1% less routes (particularly on the lines: Piraeus-Cyclades, Piraeus-Dodecanese, Piraeus-Crete, Piraeus-North Aegean islands), compared to the previous year. The group’s transport activity dropped 10.8% in passengers, while it rose 5.1% in passenger cars and 11.9% in trucks.

Contact Details 123-125 Syngrou Avenue & 3 Torva Street, 11745, Athens, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 8919800 Fax: +30 210 8919829 E-mail: bluestarferries@bluestarferries. com Website: http://www.bluestarferries. gr

BLUE STAR FERRIES SA 2014 2015 Turnover 143,780,000.00 € 152,572,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 17,883,000.00 € 15,967,000.00 € Gross Profit 38,331,000.00 € 52,910,000.00 € Net worth 244,588,000.00 € 258,800,000.00 € Liabilities 153,061,000.00 € 158,749,000.00 €

Change (%) 6.1 -10.7 38.0 5.8 3.7

Diamonds 197


Engineering Construction Commercial


Among the best underwater contractors

Turnover 42,554,000.00 €

Assodivers group has been actively involved in offshore and nearshore activities since its establishment in 1976. During its operation, Assodivers has maintained a cutting edge technology driven profile acting either as a turnkey solution provider or as a subcontractor to major cable installation companies and marine contractors. Since 1985, Assodivers has been the leading contractor for all Greek related cable projects for both land and sea works. Specializing in submarine cable installation, protection, repair and support operations, Assodivers has established a constantly updated long track record of participations, not only in domestic, but also in worldwide projects. Being capable of providing highly customizable equipment along with top quality services, even under the most unforeseen circumstances, has enabled Assodivers to capitalize by experience and rightfully include in its Clientele some of the leading players of the Telecommunication, the Power and the Alternative Energy industry. The company offers the following services: Engineering studies, execution services, post-installation services and cable repairs. Also, the firm relies on its high end technological equipment which consists of: remotely operated vehicles, subsea trenching equipment (various soil/mechanical trenchers and soft soil trenchers/jetting vehicles), offshore works support equipment (floating barges and workboats), onshore works equipment and underwater mattresses installation equipment Assodivers is certified according to the requirements of international standards ISO 9001:2008(Quality Management), ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health & Safety Management) by Bureau Veritas Certification and is a Contractor Member of the Remote Systems & ROV Division of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA). The vessels the company normally employs during project execution are certified according to the IMO ISM and ISPS Codes by Bureau Veritas and are managed by S&O Ship Management Ltd., a Greek and Cypriot ISM DOC holder and also a Contractor Member of the Marine Division of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA). Assodivers has undertaken large projects nationally and globally for major electric power and telecommunication companies including Alcatel, Fulgor, Nexans, NKT, NSW, OTE, Prysmian (ex. Pirelli), PPC.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 15,306,420.00 €

Contact Details 69 Okeanidon St. & 38 Charilaou Trikoupi St., Elefsina, 192 00, Greece Tel.: +30 211 8885100 Email: Website:

198 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ASSODIVERS LTD 2014 16,199,128.00 € 3,362,272.00 € 4,418,215.00 € 14,992,257.00 € 8,569,007.00 €

2015 42,554,000.00 € 15,306,420.00 € 18,165,508.00 € 26,508,244.00 € 20,826,354.00 €

Change (%) 162.7 355.2 212.2 76.8 138.7


Pharmaceuticals Industrial

Pharmathen SA

Cutting-edge innovation and strong extroversion

Vassilios Katsos, President

Nellie Katsou, Vice President Turnover 163,150,066.00 €

Established almost 50 years ago, Pharmathen SA, a domestic enterprising model of a multinational company, in the past three years developed new technologies and established strong strategic partnerships with major international pharmaceutical companies, reinforcing its presence in the international markets. The company left its mark on the world map of innovation in the pharmaceutical industry with a major achievement by its research and development of innovative healthcare products segment, with the development of the Long Acting Injectable (LAI) technology. The LAI technology is applied to a range of products and actively contributes to improving the patients’ quality of life, as through the progressive release of the drug in the body, injection treatments can be reduced. The development of this innovative technology has led to an agreement with a major US pharmaceutical company for worldwide marketing of two LAI products. But this is not the only strategic alliance for Pharmathen. Pharmathen views research and development as being interrelated. The firm has already invested an additional 10 million euros solely in its Sapes factory, north-eastern Greece, which will take care of manufacturing, commercial production and distribution of LAI drugs, while an additional 15 million euros investment are planned for the following year at the facility. Pharmathen ranks among the top 50 pharmaceutical companies in the EU, based on investments in research. According to company forecasts, in the period 2015-2020 investments in R&D for pharmaceutical products will exceed 120 million euros. The company employs a staff of more than 1100, having doubled its workforce in the past five years. Its export business accounts for about 1% of total annual Greek exports. It boasts a portfolio of more than 90 international patents, comprising original and generic drugs and pharmaceutical products, as well as many awards at national and international level. Pharmathen operates three ultramodern research laboratories and two industrial units, while engaging in the entire medicine range, from development to distribution of pharmaceuticals in more than 85 countries worldwide. Company offices were recently opened in Jordan and Australia, while the firm also gained permanent representation in South America, reinforcing its growth momentum in the specific regions. In addition, its products are approved in all EU markets, in cooperation with more than 200 global pharmaceutical companies.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 15,193,645.00 €

Contact Details 44 Kifisias Ave., 151 25 Marousi, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6604.300 Fax: +30 210 6666.749 E-mail: Website:

PHARMATHEN S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 156,983,428.00 € 163,150,066.00 € Profit Before Taxes 12,362,254.00 € 15,193,645.00 € Gross Profit 57,229,067.00 € 58,425,992.00 € Net worth 89,644,004.00 € 97,295,689.00 € Liabilities 86,570,376.00 € 115,662,906.00 €

Change (%) 3.9 22.9 2.1 8.5 33.6

Diamonds 199



A worldwide leading aluminium company

Contact Details e-mail: website:

200 Diamonds

Elval Group with operations dating back to 1973, is one of the leading aluminium flat rolled processing companies worldwide and the only aluminium rolling group in Greece. For more than 40 years, Elval has been recognised as a trusted partner, committed to sustainable and innovative manufacturing of a broad portfolio of high quality products made for the industrial, packaging, construction, shipbuilding, automotive, energy, and HVAC markets. Through an established global commercial network in more than 80 countries and 7 production plants in Greece, Elval Group exports over 80% of its production and is able to offer reliable and competitive solutions that meet the requirements of the most demanding global customers. Elval S.A. has the ability to sustainably produce both wide coils (up to 2.5 m) and long slabs (9 m) for demanding applications in a number of diverse markets. Having intense focus on investing in cuttingedge infrastructure and improving and extending production facilities, the Company has reached an annual capacity of 280,000 tons and is able to supply its multinational customers with innovative products and solutions of excellent quality that generate high levels of added value. Elval’s extensive product portfolio includes aluminium sheets and coils used in construction and architectural applications (side covers and roofs of buildings, floors, blinds, aluminium rollers, rainwater gutters and multilayer tubes), the shipbuilding and automotive industries (ships, car parts, trucks, trains, and HVAC applications), the food and beverage industry (food cans, beer and soft drink cans, closures, precision valves and flexible foil containers), among others. With a strong focus on quality and innovation, Elval invests significantly in product and process development, employee training, and the constant upgrading of its facilities. Through the Elval Technology centre, a department dedicated to R&D, the Company is able to introduce both innovations in manufacturing processes and high quality products such as Elval Grain that won the 1st prize in the 3rd Competition for Applied Research and Innovation “Greece Innovates”. Moreover, Elval’s strategic partnership with United Aluminum Company of Japan (UACJ Corp.) has allowed it to reach a number of technological breakthroughs in the HVAC sector. Through this partnership, established


in 1988, the Company benefits from significant technical assistance and expertise to support some of the most demanding industrial customers, aluminium dealers and distributors worldwide. Elval aims to further improve its position as one of the most important manufacturers of rolled aluminium products worldwide by adhering to the principles of sustainable development, and having an ongoing focus on technology and innovation, employee health and safety, environmental protection and social contribution. Elval product range Elval S.A. produces aluminium sheets, coils, and circles for a wide range of applications covering various markets. Construction / architectural applications ● Curtain walls ● Composite aluminium panels ● Perforated sheets and coils ● Corrugated sheets ● Composite polyurethane panels ● Construction angles ● Metal roofs ● False ceilings ● Roller blinds /shutters ● Garage and industrial doors ● Window sills ● Guttering Water transport systems

● Multi-layer tubes

Power networks

● bus ducts

Renewable energy ● Windmill platforms and nacelles

Oil & Gas

● Closure caps

Automotive industry ● Various internal parts and components ● Heat and sound insulating covers

● Heat exchangers ● Car radiators ● Air coolers ● Condensers ● Evaporators ● Oil coolers

● LNG storage tanks


● Patrol vessels ● Catamarans, speedboats ● Pleasure crafts ● Pontoon boats

Road and rail transport

● Trucks and trailers ● Tipper trucks ● Fuel tankers ● Refrigerated trucks ● Cargo rail wagons ● Buses/coaches ● Special purpose vehicles ● Caravans/Recreational vehicles ● Petrol / oil tanks ● Gas tanks


● Soft drinks and beer cans ● Food containers ● Aerosol valves

Heating, ventilation, cooling

Engineering applications

● Static silos ● Geodesic domes ● Flat screen TVs (LCD) ● Circuit boards ● Light bulb bases ● Communications equipment boxes ● Heat-insulating pipes ● Transformers ● Toolboxes

Household appliances

● Cooking implements ● Kitchen appliances


● Road signs ● Billboards ● Car license plates

Diamonds 201


Natural Gas Commercial


A domestic force in energy supply

Turnover 74,489,428.00 €

The Thessaly Gas Distribution Company SA (EPA Thessaly) was founded in 2000 with the scope to be a driving force in the dissemination of know-how associated with the use of natural gas for residential consumption. In main stake holders in the company are the Public Gas Corporation SA (DEPA) with 51% and a foreign strategic investor (Italy’s ENI) with 49%, which also runs the firm’s management. The company holds an exclusive 30-year license from the Ministry of Development for the management of the Natural Gas Distribution agency, as well as to promote the use and sale of natural gas for consumers under 100 GWh in the Thessaly region. In addition, the company is in charge of the expansion, management, operation and maintenance of distribution networks in its License region. Today, EPA Thessaly’s network serves six municipalities in Thessaly with an already activated natural gas network. Through a modern and constantly growing pipeline network, and placing emphasis on meeting consumer needs and caring for the environment, EPA Thessaly distributes natural gas safely, both at residential and commercial and industrial consumers. EPA Thessaly applies a Quality Management System according to ELOT EN ISO 9001:2008, which governs the Company’s operations in order to manage the quality of services. Also, in order to safeguard employees and third parties’ health and safety, the firm has implemented the Health & Safety Management System at Work (CSO) in accordance with the requirements of the standard OHSAS 18001:2007 / ELOT 1801:2008, certifying the building of an effective OHS Management System. In January 2017, EPA Thessaly and EPA Thessaloniki merged and created the gas supply company “Thessaloniki-Thessaly SA.” The company has been steadily supplying natural gas, since 2000, to more than 8,000 companies and 340,000 households (of which more than 270,000 are individual autonomous heaters), having established a relationship of trust with consumers, through directness, consistency and continuity.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 15,120,407.00 €

Contact Details 219 Farsalon St., 41335, Larisa, Greece Tel.: +30 2410 582300 Fax: +30 2410 552550 E-mail: Website:

202 Diamonds

THESSALY GAS DISTRIBUTION COMPANY SA 2014 2015 Turnover 67,585,251.00 € 74,489,428.00 € Profit Before Taxes 12,034,744.00 € 15,120,407.00 € Gross Profit 16,265,966.00 € 18,674,950.00 € Net worth 90,619,160.00 € 87,013,015.00 € Liabilities 37,732,649.00 € 37,296,300.00 €

Change (%) 10.2 25.6 14.8 -4.0 -1.2




The Athens stock market operator Hellenic Exchanges – Athens Stock Exchange S.A., or simply “Athens Stock Exchange” (ASE) was founded in 2000. The company’s shares are listed in ASE’s Primary Market category. Following the merger by absorption of ASE, the company’s scope of operations includes the following: to hold shares in companies and enterprises of any legal form whose activities focus on supporting and operating organized capital markets, as well as developing activities and providing services relating to the support and operation of organized capital markets, to companies involved in third parties involved in organized capital markets or support their operation; to organize and support the operation of the securities market, ​​ the derivatives market and other financial instruments (including all products with any reference values) in Greece and abroad. The company owns two subsidiaries: ATHEXClear, an ASE deal clearing company, and ATHEX CSD, a Hellenic central securities depository. In 2015, the firm reported a drop in revenue to 35.00 million euros, against 47.30 million euros a year earlier, down 25.9%. EBITDA dropped to 14.96 million euros compared to 26.00 million euros in 2013.

Socrates Lazaridis, Vice-Chairman & CEO

Turnover 22,299,000


Contact Details 110 Athinon Ave., 104 42 Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 3366800 FAX: +30 210 3366101 E-mail: Website:

HELLENIC EXCHANGES SA 2014 2015 Change (%) Turnover 22,299,000.00 € 18,050,000.00 € -19.1 Profit Before Taxes 13,268,000.00 € 14,790,000.00 € 11.5 Gross Profit 10,983,000.00 € 7,142,000.00 € -35.0 Net worth 171,412,000.00 € 163,886,000.00 € -4.4 Liabilities 5,428,000.00 € 6,735,000.00 € 24.1

Diamonds 203



High quality dairy products Food Products Industrial

It all started in 1965, in the OLYMPUS facilities in Larissa, where pure milk collected from local farmers in nearby areas was the raw material for our authentic, traditional products distributed mostly in the area of Thessaly. In 2000, we decided to make the big step and offer our products all over Greece. With steady and strategic steps, throughout the years we enhanced our product portfolio, with new product categories, including fresh juices, organic, goat milk and lactose free products, allowing us, to increase our market share and become one the most significant dairy industries in Greece. OLYMPUS, loyal to its values and respecting Greek nature, supports Greek farmers and Greek production, while it contributes to environmental protection and sustainable development. The selection of exceptional Greek raw materials, which is also the center of our philosophy, is the driving force behind the production of pure authentic Greek dairy products. The company has a wide portfolio of products covering the following categories: milk, yoghurt, cheese, butter, juices, mountain tea, organic products and lactose free products. OLYMPUS was the first company to formally request the establishment of a formal process for certifying the Greek origin of the products, on the grounds that it wished to protect Greek milk production. In 2015, with the establishment of the Greek mark, OLYMPUS was the first company to be certified with it. The company has been also very active in international markets with presence in as many as 37 countries all over the world. Specifically OLYMPUS has managed to increase its exports by 50% in just two years (from 64 million euros in 2013 to 96 million euros in 2015). A major role to this increase was played by the establishment of sales offices in key countries (Italy, Germany, Sweden and UK), that allowed us to have direct access to major local retailers. We at OLYMPUS consider our exports a very important part of our Group’s sustainability as they constitute almost 32% of the firm’s total turnover. Notably, in 2016 the companies Tyras SA, Olympus SA and Rodopi SA merged into a new company, Greek Dairies. Loyal to our values, we commit ourselves every day to deliver high-quality products that meet the dietary needs of our customers: healthy products, quality and above all, authentic Greek. Our commitment is that we work with constant passion and love in order to offer dairy products of exceptional quality and nutritional value in harmony with nature and in respect for the traditional Greek Mediterranean diet and culture.


Turnover 188,475,823.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 14,723,515.00 € details:

Contact Details 16th km Larissa-Thessaloniki National Highway, 41002, Larissa, Greece Tel: +30 2410 541160-3 Ε-mail: Website:

204 Diamonds

OLYMPUS DAIRY SA 2014 2015 Turnover 163,197,201.00 € 188,475,823.00 € Profit Before Taxes 8,284,703.00 € 14,723,515.00 € Gross Profit 47,069,333.00 € 58,066,999.00 € Net worth 58,990,084.00 € 78,005,959.00 € Liabilities 77,713,391.00 € 87,602,037.00 €

Change (%) 15.5 77.7 23.4 32.2 12.7


Transportation Commercial


Upgrading the country’s road network

Turnover 306,624,856.00 €

Nea Odos is the Concession Company which has undertaken the study, design, construction, operation, exploitation and maintenance of “Ionia Odos” Concession Project. Nea Odos, together with GEK TERNA, Ferrovial and ACS Groups as shareholders, combines know-how, experience and expertise along with a comprehensive knowledge of the Greek reality. Having undertaken an inspired project of a total budget of about 1.1 billion Euros, Nea Odos aims to create contemporary and safe motorways of European standards that will contribute to national economic development, will safeguard environmental protection and will upgrade the quality of life and society at large. The primary objective is to provide safe and faster transportation conditions, as well as high quality services to all Greek citizens. The concession project Ionia Odos has a total length of 380km and includes the following main sections: (a) “Ionia Odos” motorway of an approximate length of 196 km. from Antirio to Ioanina (Egnatia Odos I/C). This motorway is of paramount importance, both at a social and a developmental level because: Ιt connects Western Greece upgrading urban and rural centers such as Ioanina, Arta and Agrinio, it adequately serves and connects the ports of Patra, Astakos, and Igoumenitsa and it contributes to the wider development of the area by improving the access to major tourist and archaeological sites since, upon completion, the trip from Antirio to Ioanina will take 1 hour and 40 minutes instead of 3 hours and 30 minutes today. Also, (b) PATHE motorway, of an approximate length of 172,5 km from Metamorfossi I/C (area of Attiki Odos) to Skarfia, Prefecture of Fthiotida, after Kamena Vourla. And (c) PATHE connecting branch Schimatari – Chalkida, of a total length of 11 km under construction. The company, beyond the reliability of the road network, offers a range of services to travelers: road safety patrols, traffic management centers, 4-digit emergency telephone numbers, emergency phones and free road assistance. Also, fast pass-acm (Electronic toll payment service), MSS (Catering and refueling services), customer service and assistance to professional drivers (entry forms for overweight/oversized vehicles).

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 14,582,720.00 €

Contact Details 19 Nea Erithrea Ave., Nea Erithrea, 146 71, Athens, Greece Τel.: +30 210 3447300 Fax: +30 210 6178011 Email: Website:

NEA ODOS SA 2014 Turnover 340,773,847.00 € Profit Before Taxes 18,851,411.00 € Gross Profit 37,341,930.00 € Net worth 188,091,162.00 € Liabilities 915,315,544.00 €

2015 306,624,856.00 € 14,582,720.00 € 35,744,496.00 € 205,207,138.00 € 693,253,589.00 €

Change (%) -10.0 -22.6 -4.3 9.1 -24.3

Diamonds 205


Cosmetics Commercial


Leader in the beauty market

Ersi Pirishi, President and CEO

Turnover 119,439,867.00 €

Much can be said about L’Oréal, as it is one of the strongest companies in the cosmetics industry worldwide and has dominated the field of hairdressing in Greece. The firm’s ‘representatives’ include some of the biggest female international stars. The France-based firm’s presence spans some 140 countries, having at its core a philosophy of innovation and offering the best products at best prices to as many consumers possible. L’ Oréal remains at the top of the global cosmetics market, employing a staff of 89,300. The firm’s source of inspiration includes several global symbols from the world of arts, fashion and beauty, as well as passionate and talented people, men and women of all ages and backgrounds. Besides, the company’s ambition is to create the largest range of products in order to meet the multidimensional world that surrounds us. L’ Oréal researchers use the latest scientific discoveries to develop exclusive, innovative and safe products, whose use is understandable by all. The firm’s mission is to make scientific innovations accessible to everyone. It is the undisputed leader in the fragrances and cosmetics industry, offering a wide range of popular products. In Greece, L’ Oréal products appeared in the mid-1930s, and 40 years later the French group decided to establish a subsidiary in Greece. L’ Oréal Hellas operates four distribution channels for cosmetics: hair salons, pharmacies, selective and wide distribution. Its Avlona-based Logistics Center processes 190,000 orders and 13,000 codes per year. In 2016, sales inched down to 25.83 billion euros, compared to 25.25 billion a year earlier, while operating profit stood at 4.54 billion euros. The firm’s total investment spending in research and innovation in 2015 was valued at 794 million euros. As much as 32.1% of sales came from Western Europe and 28.5% from the North American market; 48.1% of sales relate to consumer products and 30.8% to L ‘Oreal Luxe products. The remaining 13.6% represents professional products and 7.5% active cosmetics. More specifically, 28.5% are skin products, 26.4% make-up products, 19.2% hair products, 12.1% hair dyes, 9.5% perfumes and 4.4% other products.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 14,437,229.00 €

Contact Details 39Α Ethnikis Antistaseos Ave., 142 34 Nea Ionia, Attica, Greece Τel.: +30 210 6188400 Fax: +30 210 6108.212 E-mail: Website:

206 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

L’ OREAL HELLAS S.A. 2014 2015 113,856,682.00 € 119,439,867.00 € 10,649,574.00 € 14,437,229.00 € 82,256,443.00 € 85,661,796.00 € 22,822,518.00 € 24,531,235.00 € 29,574,573.00 € 32,428,817.00 €

Change (%) 2.6 45.3 35.9 67.3 -20.1


Rent-a-Car Services Commercial


Sustaining continued growth in 2017

Turnover 152,282,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 13,682,000.00 €

Avis (OLYMPIC Commercial and Tourist Enterprises SA) is the largest car rental company and subsidiary of the Piraeus Bank Group, which has been active in Greece since 1960. Around the world, the firm operates in 160 countries with more than 5,450 rental stations, and serves more than 6.0 million customers a year. With an expanded network of more than 77 car rental stations and a fleet of 31,000 cars, Avis is a leader in the Greek market, covering rental needs in the fields of Rent-a-Car and Leasing, while it also specializes in sales of used cars, financing of car dealers, and in its new “Van 4U” leasing service for trucks up to 3.5 tons. In 2009, the company fully merged with Piraeus Best Leasing, while in 2010 it absorbed Piraeus Multifinancial Leasing. At the same time, Avis acquired the master franchise of Avis Rent a Car and Budget Rent a Car for the whole of Greece. The Company operates in the field of vehicle hiring, and has two main activities: short- and longterm leases. Short-term leases are targeted at individuals and companies to meet their casual needs for short periods of time. The industry has a strong seasonality due to increased demand for shortterm rentals during the summer. Short-term leases are served by a nationwide network of 77 rental stations, of which 45 are owned by the Company and the remaining 32 are owned by dealers. Longterm lease is targeted at companies and professionals to meet long-term needs. The long-term lease sector has increased its contract volume by 2% and, despite switching customers to lower-end cars (and therefore lower revenue per car), managed to increase its turnover marginally (1%). This increase, combined with the change in the operating mode and the structure of the network of short-term leases, as well as the increased sales of used cars, in both volume and value, led to an increase in the company’s turnover by 7.2% compared to 2015. Thus, in 2016 the car rental company reported sales of 163 million euros compared to 152 million euros a year earlier. EBITDA rose to 76 million euros, against 67 million euros in 2015, up 13.5%. Finally, pre-tax income jumped to 19.3 million euros compared to 13.6 million euros in 2015. Company plans for 2017 include renewing its fleet, strengthening its brand name and completing its network redesign program. A major competitive advantage for the company is a deal signed with Fraport for 2017, a contract that enables the company to provide its services to the major regional airports around the country, which will in turn contribute to higher sales and profitability of short-term leases, as well as gaining a larger market share.

Contact Details 50Α Vas. Georgiou Ave., Chalandri 15233, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 2106879800 Fax: +30 2106879672 Email: Website:

OLYMPIC S.A. (AVIS) 2014 2015 Turnover 158,232,000.00 € 152,282,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 384,000.00 € 13,682,000.00 € Gross Profit 27,280,000.00 € 41,879,000.00 € Net worth 84,432,000.00 € 87,034,000.00 € Liabilities 322,211,000.00 € 334,785,000.00 €

Change (%) -3.8 3463.0 53.5 3.1 3.9

Diamonds 207


Genesis Pharma SA Pharmaceutical Products Commercial

Specializing in innovative and biotechnological treatments Relying on its powerful product portfolio and on the implementation of a successful strategy, Genesis Pharma has managed to maintain a leading position in the major therapeutic categories targeted by its drugs, in spite of tough market conditions. The company is continuously expanding its product portfolio and its primary concern is to make sure that Greek patients have direct access to innovative medicines for rare, chronic and severe diseases. The company’s history goes back to 1997, when current CEO, Mr. Konstantinos Euripides, together with co-founders Iakovidis brothers, created a champion for the pharmaceutical company at the time, which was the first company in Greece to be specialized in pharmaceutical biotechnology at a time when the industry was internationally in its early stages. Their vision was to create the best pharmaceutical company in Greece in terms of high expertise, innovation and responsible entrepreneurship. Since its first years of operation, Genesis Pharma managed to establish itself as one of Greece’s largest commercial and pharmaceutical companies active in the domestic market, with ever-growing sales reaching 255 million euros in 2009. Today, 20 years later, the firm is the largest among Greek companies specializing in the promotion, sale and distribution of original and innovative medicines. It sells more than 20 original medicines, of high technology and therapeutic value, most of them biotechnological. The firm’s product portfolio consists of original and innovative drugs, mainly in the areas of oncology, hematology, central nervous system, nephrology, rheumatology and dermatology, as a result of its collaboration with major multinational pharmaceutical companies. Among its partners are two of the world’s largest companies in the research and development of original pharmaceutical products, Biogen and Celgene. The strategic alliance agreements that Genesis Pharma has concluded relate to the markets of Greece and Cyprus, while it also operates in the wider region of Southeastern Europe - mainly in Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia. It is one of the most award-winning Greek companies as since 2000 it has received dozens of awards and certifications for growth rates, innovation, productivity, commitment to excellence and corporate responsibility. In 2016, the company posted sales of 99.41 million euros compared to 102.43 million euros a year earlier. Earnings before tax also dropped to 10.96 million euros against 13.62 million euros in 2015. Similarly, the Group posted 2016 sales of 102.60 million euros compared to 105.49 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax income dropped to 7.04 million euros against 13.27 million euros in 2015.

Constantinos Euripidis, CEO Genesis Pharma

Turnover 102,434,763.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 13,620,797.00 €

Contact Details 270 Kifisias Ave. 152 32 Chalandri, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 8771 500 Fax: +30 210 6859 786 E-mail: Website:

208 Diamonds

GENESIS PHARMA S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 98,996,048.00 € 102,434,763.00 € Profit Before Taxes 12,294,867.00 € 13,620,797.00 € Gross Profit 42,284,502.00 € 45,221,600.00 € Net worth 51,039,965.00 € 63,316,148.00 € Liabilities 104,663,136.00 € 105,566,302.00 €

Change (%) 3.5 10.8 6.9 24.1 0.9


Food Products Industrial


Serving consumer needs in 67 countries worldwide

Spyros Theodoropoulos, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 103,451,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 13,187,000.00 €

Chipita was established in Greece in 1973 as a company producing and marketing savoury snacks. The main products back then were our Extra cheese-flavoured corn snacks, subsequently followed as of 1988 by potato chips. In 1991, the market saw the arrival of our 7DAYS croissant - individually packaged baked snack with long shelf life - followed shortly thereafter by the 7DAYS mini croissant. A few years later- in 1995- our innovative savoury Bake Rolls hit the markets, rapidly establishing themselves as consumers favorite. At about the same time, Chipita started establishing itself as the international company it remains today, either by setting up its own subsidiaries or by entering into strategic partnerships, either with major international or with strong local companies. Thus, Chipita has been operating outside Greece since 1995 by setting up manufacturing plants in Bulgaria, Portugal and Egypt, followed by Poland, Romania, Russia and Saudi Arabia and more recently India, Turkey and Malaysia. At the same time, Chipita also set up commercial offices in 6 countries- Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine. Chipita is currently present internationally in 4 major product categories- croissants and similar dough products, savoury snacks (Bake Rolls), cakes and confectionery. Company’s goods, produced in 18 manufacturing plants in 10 different countries, are delivered to consumers in a total of 67 countries, either directly or through strategic partnerships. More detailed: In Greece the company operates 4 manufacturing plants (in Lamia & Larissa). It has 1 plant in Bulgaria (Sofia), 1 in Constantinople (Turkey), 2 in Bucharest (Romania), 1 in Tomaszów Mazowiecki (Poland), one in Saint Petersburg (Russia) and one in Mumbai (India). Chipita also operates seven more manufacturing plants through joint ventures: four in Cairo, Egypt; two in Jeddah & Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; and, one in Batu Pahat, Malaysia. The company uses the best raw materials available and applies rigorous quality controls throughout the production process in order to provide safe, top quality products. Chipita has implemented the following standards and systems: ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System, ΑΙΒ Standards (American Institute of Baking) and IFS Food System (International Featured Standard). In 2015, the group posted a rise in sales to 388.86 million euros compared to 357.70 million euros a year earlier. The group recorded a surprising performance in pre-tax profit, skyrocketing to 62.68 million euros against 12.53 million euros in 2014.

Contact Details 12th km Athens-Lamia National Road, 144 52, Metamorfosi, Attiki, Greece Tel.: +30 210 2885000 Fax: +30 210 2885036 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

CHIPITA S.A. 2014 96,482,000.00 € -16,116,000.00 € 32,754,000.00 € 342,388,000.00 € 321,821,000.00 €

2015 103,451,000.00 € 13,187,000.00 € 31,376,000.00 € 339,942,000.00 € 317,529,000.00 €

Change (%) 7.3 181.9 -4.2 -0.7 -1.3

Diamonds 209


Ropes Industrial


Supplying the shipping sector for almost 50 years

Turnover 44,625,237.00 €

D. Koronakis SA is a leading company in the manufacturing of ropes and wire ropes in Europe and one of the largest companies worldwide. The firm was established in 1967 by Eleni and Dimitri Koronakis, who are still actively involved in the enterprise’s management. D. Koronakis is 100% Greekowned and privately held by its Greek managers and directors. It is a 100% debt-free company with a strong financial standing and large cash liquidity. The company offers 24-hour service, 365 days per year, on all continents. Its products serve the needs in ropes for Shipping, Offshore Oil and Gas, Drilling and Towing, Yachting and Sailing, Fishing and Aquaculture Industries, all produced in Greece and recognized worldwide for their top quality and technical performance. In addition to the products developed locally, the company maintains a large stock of anchors, anchor chains, rigging gear, fiber slings and various other accessories that meet client needs. Above all, D. Koronakis has focused on customer satisfaction, providing not just products but client service as well. In order to be able to respond immediately to client needs, the company has worked with them to develop technologically advanced products after having spent large amounts of time and resources in Research and Development. The company’s manufacturing quality was quickly recognized, including by Lloyd’s. In recent years, the production units of the company have expanded, covering more than 24,000m2 of building areas on more than 100,000 m2 of land. The company operates a state-of-the-art factory that is able to produce any kind of rope, of any size, quality, length or color. The company has grown along with the needs of its clients. For this purpose, D. Koronakis has focused on building a strong network of international stock centers (depots) in key locations around the globe. In order to provide swift delivery of goods, the company have built a distribution network with the best selling products at the biggest ports worldwide: Piraeus, New York, Houston, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Panama, Dominican Republic, Singapore, Fujairah, Durban, Cape Town, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Hamburg, Livorno, Tarragona, Algeciras Las Palmas. All products comply with International Certification Organizations.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 13,026,880.00 €

Contact Details 56 Gravias St, 185 45, Piraeus, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 4060600 Fax: +30 210 4615211 E-mail: Website:

210 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

D. KORONAKIS SA 2014 35,289,835.00 € 9,417,729.00 € 11,473,075.00 € 45,828,724.00 € 10,784,941.00 €

2015 44,625,237.00 € 13,026,880.00 € 15,105,347.00 € 54,332,343.00 € 8,459,462.00 €

Change (%) 26.5 38.3 31.7 18.6 -21.5




A global leader in PCs and printing


The story of one of the most famous companies worldwide began in distant 1938. It was then when Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard started HP through a rented garage. The company in the same year of establishment launched its first product, the resistance-capacitance audio oscillator, used to test sound equipment. They named it the HP Model 200A. HP became a corporate enterprise in 1947, with Dave Packard as president and Bill Hewlett as vice president. Over the years, the company developed continuously, launching new products such as HP-65 (in 1974), which was the world’s first programmable pocket calculator. HP produced the laser interferometer, capable of taking infinitesimal measurements, until 1980, when the company introduced its first personal computer, the HP85. The unit had input/output modules that allowed it to control instruments, add on more powerful peripherals and even to talk to other computers. A series of new innovative products followed, such as the HP-75C, the first hand-held computer. HP delivered its first laptop, the HP-110, in 1984. The company ranks as a leading force in its field. HP markets products for home use and for enterprises. Moreover, regarding the home products, its product mix includes: Laptops, Tablets, Desktops, Monitors, Printers (including inks, toners & paper), general accessories and services & apps. For enterprises it offers: Computers, Networking (Data centers, Wireless Networking, Campus Networking etc.), Printers, Servers, Software (such as Hybrid cloud management, Information Governance, Information Management and IT service management etc.) and Storage (Backup, recovery & archive, Enterprise application storage, Primary storage and Software-defined storage). On a global level, HP in 2016 posted net revenue of 48,2 billion dollars, down 6% compared to a year earlier. Cash provided by operations stood at 3.2 billion dollars. The largest part of sales came from notebooks (35%), followed by Print-Supplies (25%), Desktops (21%), Print-Comm.HW (11%), Workstations and other Personal Systems (6%) and Print-Cons.HW (2%).

48,790,632.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 12,933,760.00 €

Contact Details 1-3 Tzavella St., 152 31 Halandri, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 2111885000 Fax: +30 2111885377 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

HEWLETT PACKARD HELLAS Ltd 2014 2015 46,315,641.00 € 48,790,632.00 € 7,940,956.00 € 12,933,760.00 € 9,689,952.00 € 9,010,764.00 € 8,461,848.00 € 8,766,073.00 € 20,133,534.00 € 20,945,627.00 €

Change (%) 5.3 62.9 -7.7 3.6 -2.3

Diamonds 211


BEVERAGES Industrial


Continuing to invest and grow

Petros Sepetas, Chairman & Managing Director

Turnover 66,549,471.00 €

Founded in 1990, VIKOS SA ranks as one of the most renowned companies in the bottled water market. The firm began bottling natural mineral water from a pristine source in the Vikos area of northwestern Greece and distributing it to local and foreign markets. It has maintaining a role as a key supplier to major supermarket chains. The company has grown over the years and now pumps from four water sources. It operates three ultra-modern factories. Two of them are located in the renowned Zagorochoria region, protected for its natural beauty, produce bottled water and soft drinks. The company’s third plant, Petcom Plastics, located in the Ioannina Industrial Area, produces preform bottles and plastic caps for the bottled water market and beverage industry. The company employs a staff of more than 250, while its privately-owned facilities cover a total floor space of 37,500 sqm. The production facilities operate nine state-of-the-art production lines, capable of delivering 210,000 liters per hour. The company operates its own logistics centers in Athens and Thessaloniki in order to offer effective customer services and ensure that it can fully meet demand by partners. The “Vikos” and “Zagorohoria” sources are certified as Natural Mineral Water sources. The water drawn from these sources is bottled using the most technologically advanced equipment, without any human intervention or other processing techniques, from the pumping stage to the final consumer. Within two decades, the company has climbed to the top of the bottled water industry, in spite of the tough economic conditions currently prevailing in Greece. Despite the ongoing deep recession in Greece, Vikos has continued to invest and grow. The company’s enthusiastic drive for creativity challenges it to pursue new projects. Over the next few months, the company plans to introduce a new series of soft drinks under the “Vikos” brand name. As the firm places special emphasis on quality, it holds a number of quality certificates, such as: Lloyd’s Register, ISO 9001/2008, HACCP, ISO 14001/2004 and IFS (version 6). In addition, in terms of microbiological controls, during 2014 and 2015, 61,467 and 61,467 water samples were collected and tested, respectively. The total cost for safety and quality control in 2014 amounted to €377,435 and in 2015 it stood at €347,026.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 12,719,189.00 €

Contact Details 2 Hadji Pelleren St., 452 21, Ioannina, Greece Τel: +30 26510 61951 Fax: +30 26510 61363 E-mail: Website:

212 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

EPIROTIC BOTTLING INDUSTRY (VIKOS) SA 2014 2015 66,549,471.00 € 64,231,632.00 € 64,231,632.00 € 11,948,613.00 € 30,376,813.00 € 29,917,045.00 € 78,382,349.00 € 74,256,996.00 € 18,576,829.00 € 22,326,314.00 €

Change (%) -3.5 -81.4 -1.5 -5.3 20.2


Diamonds 213



Medical Technology Products Commercial

Turnover 82,869,138.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 12,890,020.00 €

Contact Details 1A Gionas St., 144 51 Metamorfossi, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 2020232 FAX: +30 210 2020775 Website:

Agricultural Machinery Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 53,857,763.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 11,916,759.00 € Contact Details 225 Syggrou Ave., Nea Smyrni, 17122 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 2110134533 Fax: +30 2310569818 Email: Website:

214 Diamonds

Offering specialized products for 62 years Anastasios Mavrogenis SA is the exclusive agent of Coloplast in Greece since 1990, with a important and successful track record in the domestic market. Coloplast develops products and services that make life easier for people with very personal and particular medical conditions. Headquartered in Athens, in a privately-owned building, the firm also has branch offices in Thessaloniki, Patras, Heraklion, Crete, as well as a sales office in Larissa and scientific associates throughout Greece for the most complete customer service. The company offers in the Greek market five of the six Coloplast product lines: Ostomy care products, Urine management products, Skin ulcers care products and Skin care products. It all started back in 1954, when nurse Elise Sørensen was concerned by the dramatic change in her sister’s, Thora, lifestyle following an ostomy operation. Thora no longer dared to go out, fearing that her stoma would leak in public. Elise was determined to help her sister out of her isolation. She came up with the idea of an ostomy bag with an adhesive ring, which would make it fit tightly to the skin. This would prevent leakage and give her sister – and thousands of people like her – the chance to return to their normal life. Since then, Coloplast activities expanded to include ostomy care products, incontinence management products and neurogenic bowel and skin care products and skin ulcers. MAVROGENIS ANASTASIOS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 72,116,473.00 € 82,869,138.00 € Profit Before Taxes 10,571,838.00 € 12,890,020.00 € Gross Profit 32,115,721.00 € 36,909,688.00 € Net worth 29,291,900.00 € 35,741,498.00 € Liabilities 33,485,682.00 € 40,839,415.00 €

Change (%) 14.9 21.9 14.9 22.0 22.0


One of the largest groups in agricultural machinery AGROGROUP is active in the field of agricultural machinery and spare parts since 1984. The firm employs 120 people and is a leader in the field of agricultural machinery. The companies that make up the group are: Agroparts, Agroline, Agrotechniki, Agrocenter, Agromarket, Green Line Energy, Agrotech and Magel. The Group’s facilities are located in the area of Sindos, ​​ Thessaloniki, housed in a 5000m2 building with a modern, three-storey storage system, as well as in Orestiada, Evros. The Group has the exclusive representation in Greece and Cyprus of the machines and spare parts of the following manufacturers: John Deere, Fantini, Faucheux, Geringhoff, Italmix, Hardi, Merlo Group, Pellenc, Pichon Industries, Vogel Noot and Suntech. In 2015, the Group posted a rise in sales to 73.54 million euros compared to 71.31 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax income dropped to 14.28 million euros against 15.53 million euros in 2014.

BOZATZIDIS - MITSIOLIDIS SA “ARGOTECH S.A.” 2014 2015 Turnover 51,358,896.00 € 53,857,763.00 € Profit Before Taxes 12,454,824.00 € 11,916,759.00 € Gross Profit 16,001,627.00 € 17,512,004.00 € Net worth 25,704,460.00 € 34,025,540.00 € Liabilities 40,858,561.00 € 28,485,194.00 €

Change (%) 4.9 -4.3 9.4 32.4 -30.3



Turnover 261,028,621.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 11,726,717.00 €

Contact Details


One of Greece’s biggest food producers Soya Hellas was founded in 1976 in Athens, and has since enjoyed continuous growth. Today, it stands as a leading Greek industrial and trading company in industries such as food, animal feed, aqua culture, livestock as well as in the chemical and bioenergy industries. The company’s main industrial facilities, operating since 1979, are located in Psachna Evia, at the Northern Evian Gulf. The factory produces: hydrogenated and interesterified oil, lecithin, PET bottles, soybean meal, sunflower meal and the respective crude soybean oil and sunflower oil, margarines and vegetable fats. Also it includes bottling lines for seed oils, olive oil and olive pomace oil. Soya Hellas also operates premises in Thessaloniki (horizontal warehouses and freezer), in Xanthi (silos, grain dryer, horizontal warehouses, freezer and stainless steel oil tanks), in Preveza (horizontal warehouses for storing grains, soybean meal, sunflower meal, bulk alfalfa pellets and various bagged agricultural products, silos, bagging facilities, stainless steel oil tanks and freezer), in Larissa (horizontal warehouses and freezer) and in Heraklion, Crete (origination, storage and promotion of Cretan olive oil). The company ensures high quality food products by applying high quality standards such as: Food Safety BRC and IFS, ISO 9001, 22000 and ISO 14001.

46-48, Voukourestiou St., 106 73 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 3664 200 Fax: +30 210 3644 765 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities



Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


37,161,089.00 96.956.097 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 11,373,737.00 € Contact Details Contact Details 25 Ermou St., 14564 Kifisia, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 8184600 Fax: +30 210 8184601 Εmail: Website: http://www.eltechanemos. gr

SOYA HELLAS SA 2014 2015 233,320,064.00 € 261,028,621.00 € 8,434,441.00 € 11,726,717.00 € 17,580,424.00 € 21,969,605.00 € 58,097,247.00 € 61,463,474.00 € 45,476,518.00 € 57,941,909.00 €

Change (%) 11.9 39 24.6 5.8 13.3

A leader in power generation from RES The ELLAKTOR Group of companies (former ELLINIKI TECHNODOMIKI TEV S.A.) established project companies in 2000 and entered the shareholder structure of other companies that had been active in the area of RES already in 1997. One of these companies, TETRAPOLIS AIOLIKA PARKA S.A., absorbed project companies and, following share capital increases, its current shareholder structure was formed in March 2008. Further, during the same period, TETRAPOLIS AIOLIKA PARKA SA was renamed to ELLINIKI TECHNODOMIKI ANEMOS SA. Nowadays ELLINIKI TECHNODOMIKI ANEMOS (“ANEMOS”) is one of the leading electricity generators from Renewable Energy Sources (“RES”) in Greece with a strong focus on wind energy. The utilization of wind energy through the construction of wind farms is one of the most significant means to generate energy and the exploitation of wind potential, a critical factor in the shaping of the future energy needs of the planet. EL. TECH. Anemos has all the necessary experience and know-how on the development, construction, operation and maintenance of wind farms since it is very active in this area, with a wide range of wind farms throughout Greece. Currently the company has 208 MW in operation and another 57 MW under construction. In the first half of 2016, the Group posted sales of 22.13 million euros compared to 19.17 million a year earlier. Pre-tax income rose to 7.9 million euros against 6.4 million euros in the corresponding period of 2015. In the same period, the Company posted sales of 20.64 million euros, with pre-tax income at 7.33 million euros. EL.TECH. ANEMOS S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 29,197,707.00 € 37,161,089.00 € Profit Before Taxes 6,057,771.00 € 11,373,737.00 € Gross Profit 13,378,785.00 € 19,945,856.00 € Net worth 117,830,069.00 € 125,626,793.00 € Liabilities 204,896,190.00 € 197,208,944.00 €

Change (%) 27.3 87.8 49.1 6.6 -3.8

Diamonds 215


Pharmaceutical Products Commercial

Bristol-Myers Squibb SA

Strong profitability in an adverse environment

Turnover 70,770,797.00 €


For over half a century, Bristol-Myers Squibb’s subsidiary in Greece has managed to convey to the Greek health system the innovation and discoveries of its multinational parent, a global player in the biopharmaceutical industry with the main objective to development and deliver innovative drugs to treat diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic hepatitis B and C virus and cardiovascular diseases. In recent years, the firm has been intensely active and has gone ahead with a number of major acquisitions. The Greek subsidiary is considered one of the most well-known pharmaceutical companies in the country, a fact attributed to its very popular analgesic Depon, a best seller in the Greek market with annual sales of over 100 million. The parent company was founded in 1887 by William McLaren Bristol and John Ripley Myers; besides the pharmaceuticals sector, the firm has also expanded to the field of consumer ​​ products. The US company is proud of the benefits to its shareholders, as it holds a dividend distribution record for more than 300 consecutive quarters, even raising the profits distributed! The Bristol-Myers Squibb group management seeks to help in extending and improving human life by providing innovative medicines for the treatment of serious diseases. At the same time, it contributes to significant health initiatives. The Greek subsidiary, which was transformed into an S.A. in 2007, has been awarded at European level for its good working environment. Today, Bristol-Myers Squibb is among the leading biopharmaceutical companies worldwide. Having adopted a new business model and thanks to its on-going product research and development, the firm is well positioned to continue on its strong growth path. Bristol-Myers Squibb SA Greece supports this process through its own path. The parent company, placing particular emphasis on research, founded in 1938 the Institute of Pharmaceutical Research, which absorbs the bulk of investment in research; it operates in five US-based principal locations, which are connected with a network of smaller facilities across the globe. In 2015, the Group reported total sales of 16.6 billion dollars, an increase of 4.3% year-on-year. Pretax earnings fell from 2.3 billion dollars in 2014 to 2.0 billion dollars in 2015. At product level, BMS received over 100 approvals for new medicines and additional indications and formulations of currently marketed medicines, including over 20 in major markets (US, EU and Japan).

11,422,649.00 €

Contact Details 49-53 Attikis St. & 2 Propontidos St., 152 35 Vrilissia, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6074300 Fax: +30 210 6074333 E-mail: Website:

216 Diamonds

Bristol-Myers Squibb SA 2014 2015 Turnover 63,004,846.00 € 70,770,797.00 € Profit Before Taxes 10,606,859.00 € 11,422,649.00 € Gross Profit 30,686,861.00 € 29,180,118.00 € Net worth 24,818,977.00 € 32,330,980.00 € Liabilities 15,224,729.00 € 21,165,106.00 €

Change (%) 12.3 7.7 -4.9 30.3 39.0




A success story ‘made in Greece’

Kiriakos Sarantis, Vice President & CEO

Turnover 329,020,000.00 €

With more than 50 years of operation in Greece, the Sarantis Group has become one of the leading suppliers in the FMCG and Health & Care product markets. Sarantis SA is now a Greek multinational with presence through affiliates in Europe, and significant export activity worldwide. In spite of difficulties in the business and financial environment, the Group records an impressive growth track, a result of multi-year efforts and targeted strategy. The “success story” of the Group has been based on the systematic investment in foreign expansion through affiliates, as well as the continuous renewal and enrichment of its portfolio, to which new brands are added through acquisitions and new deals for exclusive representation of international brands. The implementation of the Group’s strategy is feasible on the one hand because of its robust financial position that enables the group to finance its growth plans, and on the other hand because of its people who, with professionalism and dedication, serve the Group’s vision. The Group’s product portfolio includes more than 80 well-known brands that are milestones in their respective categories. Noxzema, Carroten, Bioten, Orzene, STR8, BU, C-Thru, Prosar, Sanitas, Ava, Teza, Pyrox, Camel, Afroso, are just some of the Sarantis-produced products with high brand recognition and significant market shares. In addition, through exclusive distribution agreements, the Group sells a number of strong brands, such as La Prairie, Prada, Nina Ricci, Cartier, Carolina Herrera, Trussardi, Johnson & Johnson, Denim, Lanes, Clearblue, Bio-Oil, etc. Estée Lauder products are also marketed, through a joint venture between Sarantis Group and Estée Lauder Companies. The Group’s international presence numbers nine (9) subsidiaries in Europe, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Czech Republic, Hungary, FYROM, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Portugal, and exports to more than one 35 countries. In 2016, the Group enjoyed significant growth in its product category strategies, which, combined with cost-effective management, led to a remarkable, higher-than-expected increase in profitability. Specifically, in 2016, consolidated Group sales rose to 329.02 million euros, up 18% year-on-year. Net profit jumped 24% to 24.52 million euros against 19.78 million euros a year earlier.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 28,840,000.00 €

Contact Details 26th Amarousiou - Chalandriou Str., 151 25 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6173000 Fax: +30 210 6197124 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

SARANTIS GROUP 2015 278,760,000.00 € 24,160,000.00 € 132,500,000.00 € 167,410,545.00 € 98,553,111.00 €

2016 329,020,000.00 € 28,840,000.00 € 152,630,000.00 € 184,033,978.00 € 98,724,158.00 €

Change (%) 18.0 19.4 15.2 9.9 0.2

Diamonds 217


Transportation Commercial


Connecting Greece’s largest urban centers

Turnover 146,164,186.00 €

Aegean Motorway Concession Company for PATHE Motorway, Maliakos – Kleidi section was established on 12 June 2007 in Larissa, Greece. The exclusive purpose of the Company is to carry out the design, construction, financing, operation, maintenance and exploitation of the Maliakos - Kleidi Motorway (from Raches I/C to Kleidi I/C), along with all supplementary works and relevant activities. The company’s main shareholders are: HOCHTIEF Solutions AG via HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions GmbH (35%), Aktor Concessions (20%), J&P-Avax SA (16.25%), Vinci Concessions SA %), Aegek General Construction Company (10%) and Athena Technical SA (5%). The project Aegean Motorway has undertaken consists of: reconstruction and update of the existing motorway extending over 230 km from Raches, Fthiotida Prefecture to Kleidi, Imathia Prefecture; construction of a new motorway section of 25 km, from Evangelismos - Larissa Prefecture to Skotina - Pieria Prefecture, which includes amongst other 3 twin tunnels, 20 bridges and structures; construction and operation of 5 new Motorists Service Stations; construction of 3 new interchanges, the Northern Katerini I/C, the Korinos I/C and the Aiginio I/C; operation of the motorway for 30 years via a fully equipped Management Centre; and lastly, the maintenance of the existing motorway for 30 years according to the international safety specifications. The initial investment for the project was EUR 1.3 billion euros, funded from equity, loans, state aid and its exploitation (toll revenues) as follows: Exploitation 300 million euros, Equity 121 million euros, State financial contribution 296 million euros and loans 583 million euros. As regular preventive maintenance is crucial to ensuring safety and smooth and unobstructed traffic for all Motorway users, the company takes care of regular and heavy maintenance to keep the motorway in top condition. In 2017 the company launched the new section of the Evangelismos - Skotina motorway. It is a new ultramodern motorway featuring 3 tunnels with separate branches along a 2km-, 3km- and 6kmlong direction. The 6km tunnel is the largest road tunnel in Southeastern Europe. The new project brings Greece’s major urban centers closer, such as Athens, Lamia, Larissa and Thessaloniki.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 10,940,547.00 €

Contact Details Moschochori, 41500, Larissa, Greece Tel.: +30 2410 680300 Fax: +30 2410 680304 Email: Website: https://www.aegeanmotorway. gr

218 Diamonds

AEGEAN MOTORWAY S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 168,732,675.00 € 146,164,186.00 € Profit Before Taxes 10,550,319.00 € 10,940,547.00 € Gross Profit 16,818,292.00 € 15,866,354.00 € Net worth 136,272,059.00 € 139,777,769.00 € Liabilities 429,318,388.00 € 462,449,256.00 €

Change (%) -13.4 3.7 -5.7 2.6 7.7




Showing its social character for yet another year

Turnover 365,426,715.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 10,731,719.00 €

Contact Details 4 Patroklou St., 151 25, Marousi, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6884111 Fax: +30 210 6840649 E-mail: Website:

Nestlé Hellas is a member of the Greek family for over a hundred years, marketing some of the most popular products. In 2015, Nestlé Hellas was voted among the 20 Most Admired Companies and was listed 10th in the respective list of the FORTUNE magazine. The company operates 3 factories in Greece, which account for more than 60% of its annual sales and employ a staff of 1,000. The firm’s main products in the Greek market are: baby food products, coffee, chocolates, cooking products, breakfast cereals, natural mineral water, ice creams, instant chocolate drinks, products for professional use and pet food products. Nestlé Hellas is among the industry’s most dynamic companies, exporting some of the most popular brands to the world’s largest markets. More precisely, its factories export more than 1500 tonnes of coffee (Loumidis Papagalos & Nescafé) to nine (9) countries including the USA, Australia, UK and Germany, while the ice cream factory exports to Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Balkans. In the investment segment, Nestlé Hellas will spend an extra 8 million euros to the domestic market through investments, mainly in the coffee segment, with a significant upgrade of the Inofyta plant. This investment, which began in 2016, is valued at 8.5 million euros and is the cornerstone of the company’s growth plan for 2017. Overall, for the period 2016-2017, Nestlé’s investment spending in Greece is valued at 18 million euros, with an emphasis on upgrading its productive activities. Continuing its strong social character, Nestlé Hellas offered 10,000 meals through the non-profit organization “We Can”. More specifically, from 1 to 31 December, 2016 for each Merit Coupon printed by members of, Nestlé Hellas offered a meal (infant, fitness breakfast cereals, Maggi purée) through “We can”. The number of meals from the Reward Coupons printed throughout the month reached 4.371. The company, on its own initiative, doubled and rounded up to the final number of 10,000 meals. Another important program is “Nestlé needs YOUth” 2013-2016, by which Nestlé was committed to offer 10,000 jobs and 10,000 training opportunities for young people up to end of 2016 across Europe. Over the three-year period, this goal was surpassed by 20,000 jobs and 12,000 apprenticeships and internships. In Greece the Initiative was implemented with great success. For the first three years, the target for Greece was 500 job opportunities (recruitment and opportunities for internship and apprenticeship). However, performance exceeded expectations as 558 job opportunities (412 recruitment, 146 internships and apprenticeships) were created during this period. In addition, through the “We Can Here” program, implemented by Nescafé, the company --in cooperation with SEV-IBEPE (the SEV training arm)—offered to 400 youths special certified training in sectors with great demand in Greece. NESTLÉ HELLAS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 385,064,848.00 € 365,426,715.00 € Profit Before Taxes 18,633,977.00 € 10,731,719.00 € Gross Profit 203,198,644.00 € 179,589,994.00 € Net worth 59,133,411.00 € 59,008,150.00 € Liabilities 268,734,959.00 € 318,554,875.00 €

Change (%) -5.1 -42.4 -11.6 -0.2 18.5

Diamonds 219


PAVLOS N. PETTAS S.A. Food and Beverages Industrial

Turnover 123,381,451.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 10,802,574.00 €

Contact Details 131 R. Fereou St., 26221, Patra, Greece Tel.: +30 2610 242 100 Fax: +30 2610 242 119 E-mail: Website:

TRANSPORTATION MEANS Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 69,389,009.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 10,616,544.00 € Contact Details 17 A. Papandreou St, 15124, Maroussi, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6898760 Fax: +30 210 6825665 Ε-mail: Website:

220 Diamonds

Among the country’s leading industries Pavlos N. Pettas S.A. (PNP) was founded in 1947 as a small soap production enterprise by Pavlos Pettas and was named after him. In the years that followed, the company presented rapid growth. Today, the firm is active in two major sectors: vegetable fats production for the food industry and raw materials for the bakery market. PNP mainly addresses food industries and qualified food producing companies, as well as catering enterprises, specifically those producing croissant, biscuits, ice-cream, puff-pastry, dairy, bakery and snack products, filling creams, ruskies, etc. The majority of our products are registered under two brand names: FAMA® and FAMA® Premium Line for fats and margarines. The company has a significant amount of exports to Mediterranean and Eastern European countries. A significant amount of products is exported to the EU, former Eastern European countries, as well as North Africa, Asia and North America. The firm’s exports account for more than 40% of total annual sales. Pavlos N. Pettas owns three major factories and a wide distribution network. Plant A is located in the industrial area of Patras, Plant B in Gomosto Achaias and Plant C is in Yambol, Bulgaria. The distribution of products is done by the affiliate company Fama Food Service Ltd. which is located in Thessaloniki (serving northern Greece, Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia) and in Athens (distributing products in the Greek islands and the south of Greece). Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PAVLOS N. PETTAS S.A. 2014 2015 126,619,020.00 € 123,381,451.00 € 7,219,491.00 € 10,802,574.00 € 15,133,980.00 € 14,330,382.00 € 51,051,219.00 € 56,893,335.00 € 59,519,985.00 € 70,037,888.00 €

Change (%) -2.6 49.6 -5.3 11.4 17.7


Among the largest car rental companies LeasePlan is a Netherlands-based global fleet management and driver mobility company. The firm is a world class fleet manager, including car purchase, insurance, repairs, retention and resale, meeting the needs of a broad customer base. With more than 50 years of operation, it has grown into a leading car leasing company with over 1.6 million vehicles of different companies managed in 32 countries. LeasePlan Hellas was established in 2003 and is a 100% subsidiary of LeasePlan Corporation N.V. In 2016, global leasing revenues amounted to 6.24 billion euros and vehicle sales revenues to 2.94 billion euros. LeasePlan’s fleet grew by 8%, from 1,55 million in 2015 to 1,67 million in 2016. The SME and Private Lease Segments have been the main contributors to this growth. Total assets increased by 11% to 23.8 billion euros, as a result of strong fleet growth. SME growth is being driven through a network of brokers and through telesales. In Private Lease we continue to grow through direct sales, as well as through retail partners. Private Lease is growing particularly well in the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

LEASEPLAN HELLAS SA 2014 2015 57,752,927.00 € 69,389,009.00 € 5,347,428.00 € 10,616,544.00 € 8,042,201.00 € 9,974,732.00 € 58,918,045.00 € 66,006,337.00 € 100,178,500.00 € 127,520,170.00 €

Change (%) 20.1 98.5 24.0 12.0 27.3



Dow Hellas S.A.

Capturing value and delivering superior performance

Despina Anastasiou, Regional President Dow Central Europe

Turnover 59,739,367.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 10,622,104.00 €

Contact Details Thoriko (P.O. Box 47), Lavrion, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 2292062200 Fax: +30 2292060602 Website: dow-chemical

Dow (NYSE:DOW) combines the power of science and technology to passionately innovate what is essential to human progress. The Company is driving innovations that extract value from material, polymer, chemical and biological science to help address many of the world’s most challenging problems, such as the need for fresh food, safer and more sustainable transportation, clean water, energy efficiency, more durable infrastructure, and increasing agricultural productivity. Dow’s integrated, market-driven portfolio delivers a broad range of technology-based products and solutions to customers in 175 countries and in high-growth sectors such as packaging, infrastructure, transportation, consumer care, electronics, and agriculture. In 2016, Dow had annual sales of $48 billion and employed approximately 56,000 people worldwide. The Company’s more than 7,000 product families are manufactured at 189 sites in 34 countries across the globe. References to “Dow” or the “Company” mean The Dow Chemical Company and its consolidated subsidiaries unless otherwise expressly noted. More information about Dow can be found at Dow Hellas S.A., a subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, was established in Greece in 1960 with the construction of a polystyrene manufacturing facility at Lavrion. The company supplies regional customers a diverse range of basic and specialty raw materials, plastics and chemicals for Packaging, Transportation, Infrastructure and Consumer Care. The operations in Greece include commercial offices, laboratories and manufacturing lines for the production of polystyrene, STYROFOAM(TM) and XENERGY(TM), thermal insulation solutions for the construction industry. In 1991, Dow Hellas was the first company in Greece to be certified for the quality of its products according to the international standard ISO-9000, and in 2005 was certified for environmental protection procedures as stipulated by EMAS ISO-14001. The company played a leading and defining role in introducing Responsible Care to Greece in the early 90’s and with the recent launch of the Sustainability Goals 2025 remains committed to applying science expertise to create sustainable solutions to some of the world’s greatest challenges. Dow Hellas was ranked in the “Business Leaders of Greece” and also featured in the “Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2016” as a company that is “Capturing Value and Delivering Superior Performance”. In 2017, Dow Hellas was also awarded best place to work by the Top Employers Institute.

Turnover Gross Profit Profit Before Taxes Net Worth Liabilities

Dow Hellas S.A. 2014 67,541,165.00 € 14,553,285.00 € 7,464,443.00 € 17,344,346.00 € 15,896,545.00 €

2015 59,739,367.00 € 14,612,363.00 € 10,622,104.00 € 20,690,480.00 € 10,460,887.00 €

Change (%) -11,55 0,4 42,3 1 9,29 - 34,08

Diamonds 221


Food Products Industrial

E.J. Papadopoulos SA

Leader in the biscuit industry

Ioanna Papadopoulou, President & CEO

Turnover 135,577,000.00 €


Papadopoulos SA is the market leader in the biscuit industry and a strong player in the bread substitute segment (Rusks, Breadsticks, Krispies). More specifically, the company ranks second in the overall rusk market and is a leader in the category of premium rusks. Fostering a spirit of innovation and growth, along with a pioneering outlook, the company continues to expand into new product categories. In 2011, it created an innovative product in the cereal bars sector, the Digestive Bar, the first ever cereal bar to be made with biscuit. In 2013, the firm extended its presence in the Greek market with the launch of packaged sliced bread. Papadopoulos owns four production sites in different parts of Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos, Inofyta), as well as a central warehouse in Aspropyrgos, west of Athens, all certified and operating according to the International Quality Management Standard ISO 9001:2008, Food Safety Standard ISO 22000:2005, and the HACCP system. These certified standards apply to all company activities in administration and production, as well as in commercial activities. Papadopoulos, with a current staff of approximately 1,200, operates three sales departments across Greece, in Athens, Thessaloniki and Volos, mid-eastern Greece. Distribution in all other parts of the country is carried out by a network of local partners. A total of 200 sales representatives and merchandisers work in the field each day, along with a number of wholesalers, in order to ensure the wide distribution of the company’s products. Papadopoulos has received numerous awards at both international and national trade fairs. The Papadopoulos company is currently present in more than 40 countries across five continents, with its Caprice brand leading the way, while southeastern Europe, along with Cyprus, constitute an area of strategic growth. Internationally, the company maintains its growth trajectory, aiming at further penetrating the Organized Retail Networks in the European markets, as well as the markets of the Middle East. More specifically, the company successfully continued its export activity in 2015 to more than 40 countries worldwide with its wide portfolio, but also with particular emphasis on Caprice, which remains the no.1 product in foreign countries with a huge potential. The company posted a total growth rate of 17% in volume and 21% in gross sales in foreign countries, while the Caprice brand was dynamically supported by advertising and communication campaigns in various Middle Eastern and European countries.

10,593,000.00 €

Contact Details 26 Petrou Ralli Ave., 118 10,Athens, Tel: +30 210 3482000 Fax: +30 210 3421225 E-mail: Website:

222 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

E.J. PAPADOPOULOS SA 2014 2015 133,694,363.00 € 135,576,830.00 € 11,319,124.00 € 10,593,276.00 € 62,682,583.00 € 63,837,755.00 81,472,807.00 € 83,291,842.00 € 87,819,101.00 € 71,779,802.00 €

Change (%) 1.4 -6.4 1.8 2.2 -18.3




A leader in department stores

Konstantinos Tsouvelekakis, Vice-President

Turnover 158,014,174.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 10,547,286.00 €

Attica department stores SA runs a highly successful chain of department stores in Greece named Attica, offering a variety of top-grade brands in women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, along with a large collection of bags, shoes, accessories, beauty and home products. Currently operating four department stores with a staff of some 2,500 employees, Attica maintains an appealing up-to-date product mix for an overall effort that ranks it among Europe’s top up-market department stores, rivaling enterprises such Selfridges, Harvey Nichols, Gallery Lafayette and La Rinascente. Besides being well-located and offering a wide selection of fashion brands and personalized services, Attica stores are renowned for high-level aesthetics, largely due to the enterprise’s artful window displays that are conceptualized by a dedicated creative team. Attica has operated a flagship store in the heart of Athens, at prestigious Syntagma, since 2005. Housed within City Link, a preserved historic Athenian building, this department store occupies 25,000sqm and eight levels of selling space. The company gets supplies from approx. 1000 Greek and foreign brands, making it Greece’s largest department store. The company also operates a four-level department store in the capital’s affluent northern suburbs, within the Golden Hall shopping center, a fashion and beauty destination. Attica launched its business at this address in 2008. In 2012, the company opened a third department store in the northern city of Thessaloniki at the Mediterranean Cosmos Mall. The move was expanded a year later with the acquisition of additional selling space to accommodate for a casuals brand collection. Also in 2013, Attica expanded its activity in the field of casual wear and denim by creating a new store solely dedicated to up-to-date casual brands, housed within The Mall Athens shopping center. In 2014, Attica launched a second Thessaloniki department store, an investment valued at 10 million euros. Occupying a floor space of 7,000sqm, this department store employs more than 200 persons. The Company in 2016 continued its growing path that makes it a leader in department stores, maintaining high levels of profitability. It reported a rise in total sales to 166.97 million euros against 158.01 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax profit also rose to 11.60 million euros against 10.54 million euros in 2015. In 2017, the firm plans to complete the renovation of its department store in City Link, upgrade its IT system and launch a new store in Golden Hall in September.

Contact Details 9 Panepistimiou St., Athens, Greece Tel: +30 211 1802600 Fax: +30 211 1802515 Email: Website:

ATTICA DEPARTMENTS STORES SA 2014 2015 Turnover 141,077,318.00 € 158,014,174.00 € Profit Before Taxes 10,627,911.00 € 10,547,286.00 € Gross Profit 44,495,682.00 € 49,909,563.00 € Net worth 48,733,123.00 € 54,239,851.00 € Liabilities 107,077,512.00 € 101,571,787.00 €

Change (%) 12.0 -0.8 12.2 11.3 -5.1

Diamonds 223




Continuing its presentation to more than 60 export destinations worldwide Stergios Tsagkoulis, Chairman & CEO

Turnover 135,577,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 10,593,000.00 €

Contact Details 8th km Larissa-Sikouri highway, Larissa, 41110 (PO BOX 1127), Greece Tel: 0030-2410-575092,93 Fax: 0030-2410-575091, 575503 Email:, Website:

224 Diamonds

INTERCOMM FOODS SA, founded in 1990, is located in Larissa, central Greece, and is one of the country’s leading export companies. The firm has strong experience in PRIVATE LABEL products, and at the same time has developed its main brand DELPHI. Sales in 2015 rose to 84.5 million euros compared to 78.6 million euros a year earlier, (with a pre-tax profit of 8.7 million euros). In 2016, sales inched down to 82 million euros. The company’s headquarters, warehouse and main production facilities cover an area of approximately 160,000m2. The firm operates two factories: (1) Olive and Fruit factory in Larisa, and (2) Olive factory in Kompoti, Arta. In 1999, the company carried out a large investment in the field of olives, with modern installations and state-of-the-art equipment. Through this investment, it succeeded in becoming the leader and biggest olive processing company in Greece, with the highest standards, subsequently gaining ever-increasing recognition in the international olive market. Intercomm Foods SA is also a leader in ASEPTIC fruit, supplying peach and apricot to top factories (jam producers, fruit preparations, juice factories, yogurt factories, etc.), all over the world and satisfying the highest quality standards and requirements. Main product categories: ● Olives, pastes & antipasti ● aseptic peach & apricot fruit ● peaches and apricot in cans & jars ● apricot and peach compote in cans and jars ● jams - syrups Intercom Foods SA is a family-run business that began operating with high ambitions. These days, the firm does business not only in Western Europe but around the world. It provides private label products to some of the biggest retail groups, such as Carrefour, Casino, Walmart, Kaufland, Aldi, Lidl, Tesco, Sandhurst, Metro, Norma, Edeka, etc.


The firm also enjoys a strong market presence with its brand-name products in the Balkans, Scandinavia and eastern Europe. Marketing its products under the Delphi brand name, the firm exports to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Scandinavian countries. Though the firm’s entry and survival in the Russian market proved difficult in the mid-1990s, it has managed to bolster its standing through a company of its own, which, besides marketing its own products, such as olives and compote, also offers other products, including olive oil, pastas, traditional Greek delicatessen and cheese products. Intercomm Foods SA exports up to 98% of its products to 60 countries and to more than 450 clients worldwide. Export destinations: EC, Russia, Ukraine, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Iran, Mexico, Russia, China, Japan, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, Middle East countries, etc. It is certified and operates according to ISO22000:2005, BRC, IFS quality standards. In 2017, the firm is carrying out an investment to upgrade and expand its Larisa facilities, valued at nine (9) million euros. Awards for Intercomm’s export presence worldwide by ● EBEA – Greek Chamber of Commerce in Athens ● Active Greece – Stat Bank ● Silver top exports company 2015 - Greek exporters According to financial sources: (1). Infobank Hellas: Intercomm Foods SA was among the 15 Greek fastest growing companies in 2009-2013. (2). Fortune: Intercomm Foods SA was the 6th most dynamic company among the 30th fastest growing Greek companies in 2015.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

INTERCOMM FOODS SA 2015 2016 83,298,278.00 € 82,435,000.00 € 10,485,667.00 € 12,791,000.00 € 19,320,695.00 € 20,950,000.00 € 29,688,219.00 € 37,622,000.00 € 44,394,849.00 € 35,653,000.00 €

Change (%) -1.0 22.0 8.4 26.7 -19.7

Diamonds 225



F.H.L. I. KIRIAKIDIS Marbles & Granites SA

A primarily export company

Turnover 42,205,166.00 €

FHL I. KIRIAKIDIS Marbles & Granites SA is active since 1991 in quarrying, elaborating and trading of marbles and granites. The company’s worldwide reputation in the natural stone sector has been gained mainly through its dominance in the white marble field. Owning several quarries in Greece, where the all-white marbles THASSOS SNOW WHITE, PRINOS, VOLAKAS, BIANCO VENUS, BIANCO M & BIANCO VENATINO are excavated, as well as being the biggest distributor of SIVEC® all-white marble, allows the firm to deliver huge quantities of white marble to cover the needs of all types of high-scale projects. On-going investment in challenging innovations, such as excavation methods (like tunnel excavation), unique machinery equipment for cutting, carving and shaping of marble blocks and green technology, together with its specialized workforce, gives the company the capability to take over huge and challenging projects all over the world and to bring them to success! KIRIAKIDIS GROUP consists of numerous quarries, the headquarters within the marble processing plant, a dry mortar and adhesive production plant named MARMODOM, as well as a logistic company named AETOS, which are all located near Drama, Northern Greece, and ensure that the workflow can’t be interrupted by external factors. Another subsidiary belonging to the group is the marble trading company MARMI BIANCHI, which is located in Marina di Carrara, Italy. In 2016, the Group posted a jump in sales to 66.54 million euros compared to 45.19 million euros a year earlier. Earnings before tax skyrocketed to 27.07 million against 11.14 million euros in 2015. With regard to the company, total sales in 2016 rose to 65.57 million euros and pre-tax income to 27.70 million euros. At yearend, the company employed 278 people and the Group employed 336 people. Through its continued intense export efforts in 2016, the company managed to retain its major customer markets of South Korea, China, Mid East, former Soviet Union countries, Singapore and Indonesia; these markets have not been affected by the economic crisis and continue to show dynamic growth rates. Also in 2016, a successful effort was struck for the development of the US market, and some steps were taken in the Oceania market. The company’s estimate for 2017 is encouraging, as group sales are expected to exceed 2016 levels. The company expects that in 2017 the markets of China, Mid East and former Soviet republics would play a leading role in export sales.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 10,147,264.00 €

Contact Details Prosotsani Industrial Park, 66200, Drama, Greece Tel.: +30 25220 235145 Fax: +30 25220 23490 E-mail: Website:

226 Diamonds

FHL I. KIRIAKIDIS S.A. 2014 Turnover 42,205,166.00 € Profit Before Taxes 9,865,399.00 € Gross Profit 23,966,736.00 € Net worth 46,115,443.00 € Liabilities 31,014,714.00 €

2015 42,135,807.00 € 10,147,264.00 € 23,824,206.00 € 44,796,893.00 € 24,858,615.00 €

Change (%) -0.2 2.9 -0.6 -2.9 -19.8


PORT Commercial


Among the biggest port in Europe

Turnover 99,880,455.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 9,772,290.00 €

Contact Details 10 Akti Miouli St., 18538, Piraeus, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30210 4550000 Fax: Email: Website:

Piraeus is the largest port in Europe and one of the largest in the world, with regard to passenger traffic. It is the main link between mainland Greece and the Aegean islands and Crete, while also being the main sea gate of the European Union at its southeastern border. The Passenger Port is divided into areas that serve coasting and cruising. The Company’s main activities are the provision of ship-boring services, loading and unloading services for goods (cargo), transportation of cars and vehicles, as well as passenger services (coastal and cruise). In addition, the Company provides port services to ships (water, electricity, waste management, dredging, etc.) and leverages its premises and facilities by hiring or conceding them to third parties for a consideration. Container Terminal PPA’s Container Terminal began its operation in June 2010. With a projected annual capacity of 1 million TEUs, it constitutes the main pier for PPA’s freight activities. The facility boasts latest technology machinery, comprising of eight cranes (four SPP) and eight RMGs. It has two platforms: the East one of a length of 500m and a depth of 18m, and the West one of 320m in length and 12m in depth. In 2015, approx. 300,000 containers were transited. Car Terminal The increasing demand for transit vehicles in the Eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea and North Africa places Piraeus is seen a driving force for growth. The list of port customers now includes most of the major manufacturers in the car industry. The completion of the new port-side railway station, as well as its connection with the G2 car terminal in July 2013 and future expansions of the Car Terminal combined with the use of information at all stages with the implementation of an integrated management system, ensure that the port of Piraeus can be a central transshipment gateway for the Mediterranean region. Conventional Cargo Handling and storage of general cargo is primarily done through the facilities of PPA in the Schisto site. Loading and unloading of general cargo is done by cranes, forklifts and tractors of various types. The Schisto facilities also offer special warehouses for general cargo storage. In 2016, the company posted a rise in sales to 103.5 million euros compared to 99.9 million euros a year earlier, or an increase of 3.6%, in spite of Greece’s negative economic environment (prolonged economic downturn, refugees, strike mobilizations). Increased revenues were recorded by Car Terminal activities by 1.4 million (13.4%) and cruise activities by 1.0 million euros (8.2%), while revenues from the allocation of Pier II and III were up by about 3.9 million euros. Earnings before taxes rose to 11.0 million euros compared to 9.8 million euros a year earlier, showing an increase of 13%, while net results improved almost in all of the Company’s business. Total operating expenses decreased by 8.0% to 92.8 million euros against 100.9 million euros in 2015. PIRAEUS PORT AUTHORITY SA 2014 2015 Turnover 104,320,264.00 € 99,880,455.00 € Profit Before Taxes 8,891,465.00 € 9,772,290.00 € Gross Profit 22,958,411.00 € 26,150,566.00 € Net worth 168,585,628.00 € 174,315,811.00 € Liabilities 215,701,810.00 € 193,661,274.00 €

Change (%) -4.3 9.9 13.9 3.4 -10.2

Diamonds 227




Dynamic expansion in the US market

Turnover 124,606,945.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 9,526,464.00 €

Contact Details 63 Agiou Dimitriou St., 174 56 Alimos, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 9898500 Fax: +30 210 9888800 E-mail: Website:

228 Diamonds

For decades, Famar has been working with 150 different international pharmaceutical companies, placing its products on 4 continents. The main activity of Famar, a member of the Marinopoulos Group, is the production of products for third parties, mainly multinational companies, producing on their behalf over 770 million pieces or about 5,500 different product codes, which are traded in more than 120 countries. Famar was founded in 1949 and maintains facilities in five European countries. In Greece, the company facility is located in the southern Athens suburb of Alimos, while production activity takes place at its modern facilities in Avlona, 50 km north of Athens. Across Europe, the company employees a staff of over 3,200. Through a series of strategic moves made in the 1990s, Famar climbed to a leading position in the Greek market. In 1990, the company acquired a factory from Ciba-Geigy in Anthoussa, northeastern Athens. Three years later, Famar acquired a Pfizer plant in Avlona. It also incorporated the business unit of Sandoz and, in 1999, acquired a unit from Roche in Bladel, Netherlands. In 2000, Famar bought a SmithKline Beecham production facility in Italy. In 2001, the company entered the French market, where it acquired a Novartis production unit for solid and liquid pharmaceutical forms, as well as an Aventis Pharma unit for solid pharmaceutical products. The following year, Famar acquired the Sephora distribution center in Boigny. In 2004, Famar acquired an additional plant in France, a production unit for solid and liquid pharmaceutical forms, from Aventis. In 2007, it acquired an industrial plant for sublimated and cytostatic medicines from Abbott. Two years later, Famar bought a factory for production of liquid and semisolid pharmaceutical forms from Johnson & Johnson. In 2011, Famar also stepped into Spain by purchasing a factory from Sanofi in Madrid. In June 2016 FAMAR made an agreement to acquire the Leganes plant in Spain from Roche. The two companies also signed a long-term production agreement that would enable Famar Leganes to supply Roche in the future with the products currently produced at the plant. The Leganes unit is certified by the US drug agency (FDA) and will give Famar access to the US market. Another powerful weapon in Famar’s arsenal was added in early 2017 when the company completed the acquisition of a manufacturing site from Bayer, located in Pointe-Claire, Canada, with the transfer of full ownership of the plant to Famar. Pointe-Claire is the first facility and FDA-approved site for Famar in North America. The site employs 150 people and offers excellent capacity for the production of liquid, semi-solid and solid dosage forms. Famar exports 70% of its production and, through its 11 factories (4 in Greece and 7 abroad France, Italy, Netherlands and Spain) and its distribution center in Thebes, the firm is one of the largest independent producers for drug companies in Europe and internationally, producing medicines for some 150 multinationals. FAMAR S.A. 2014 Turnover 125,696,337.00 € Profit Before Taxes 9,890,524.00 € Gross Profit 42,535,392.00 € Net worth 37,397,179.00 € Liabilities 96,871,030.00 €

2015 124,606,945.00 € 9,526,464.00 € 41,864,199.00 € 37,084,113.00 € 92,550,107.00 €

Change (%) -0.9 -3.7 -1.6 -0.8 -4.5


Diamonds 229



Plaisio Computers

The innovation leader of technology Plaisio Computers holds the first place in Technology & Office products and plays a leading role in the greek market for over 47 years. Since 1969, the company invests constantly in the improvement of all its channels, physical and digital (26 stores located in major cities, with more than 100.000 unique visitors per day, monthly catalogues, B2B which serves 160.000 businesses, direct sales), so that consumers receive a fresh and up-to-date experience as well as innovative and personalized services. Plaisio founded its HQ – Assembly – Logistics Center in Magoula - Attica in a proprietary area of 22.500 m2 with a production capacity of 350.000 computers yearly and the biggest technology stock in Greece. In the same area, Plaisio operates a 1.200m2 store and its administration offices. Additionally, the company’s social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, Foursquare) lead the competition with more than 1.200.000 followers. The key factors of Plaisio success are brand building (Turbo-X, Sentio, Q-Connect), the direct connection with international leaders in computer components, e.g. Intel & nVidia, the wide range of more than 25.000 products and competitive prices combined with cutting – edge technology. Also, the company offers a complete experience to its customers by providing after sales and technical support operation services. Specifically, in 2016 Plaisio announced:

Costas Gerardos, Vice President & CEO

Turnover 27,902,000.000 €


Contact Details Thesi Skliri, Magoula Attica 19018 Tel: +30210-5587700 Website:

230 Diamonds

● The

opening of a 2.500m2 superstore in Dafni region CSR initiative #plai_sou with Plaisio volunteer employees , assisting in all csr activities of the company.) ● The entry in books category ● The launch of the new Corporate Communication Platform ● The enhancement of the brand experience in our stores with in-store events (launching Huawei Honor smartphones & presenting Samsung Gear VR headset) ● The

Finally, Plaisio stood out for the second time in the Fortune’s list of the “20 Most Admired Companies in Greece” and awarded the prize “Omnichannel Experience of the Year”.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Plaisio Computers S.A. 2015 2016 26,779,600.000 € 27,902,000.000 € 929,400.000 € 654,800.000 € 5,959,800.000 € 5,878,300.000 € 8,565,100.000 € 8,792,400.000 € 5,417,800.000 € 6,038,300.000 €

Change (%) 4.2% -29.5% -1.4% 2.7% 11.5%


PACKAGING Industrial


A global market leader in Netting Solutions

Turnover 62,107,000.00 €

The KARATZIS Group has been active in the manufacturing of netting materials for more than three decades. Starting with a small plant in Crete, KARATZIS has evolved into an international leader with an active commercial presence in more than 50 countries and state-of-the-art production facilities in Greece and Germany. The Group’s product portfolio comprises of: Raschel Bags, Crop Baling, Tubular Net, Pallet Net wrap, Christmas Tree Netting, Display Packaging, Meat Processing, Gardening, Shade Net and Construction Net. The total production capacity exceeds 20,000 tons annually. The key competitive advantage of the Group lies in the innovative character of its products, which are characterized not only by top quality standards but also a high added value that makes them irreplaceable for final users. At the same time, the key pillar of KARATZIS’ successful business operations lies in the solid production base with a total factory space that exceeds 45,000 square meters. The Industrial complexes of Karatzis are located in: two factories in Heraklion, one in Larissa and one in Melidochori. Since 2000, the company also owns a production plant in Germany. The group also trades in the commercial sector. Karatzis owns two companies, one in Spain and one in the UK, while in 2016, another two commercial subsidiaries were added to the group: Karatzis Rus (Krasnodar) and Karatzis Italia (Milan). Specifically, Croppy Solutions is a company dedicated exclusively to Agricultural Packaging. Zeus Packaging Agri Ltd. is a commercial company active in the promotion of Agricultural Packaging in the United Kingdom. Karatzis Italia & Karatzis Rus are a purely commercial companies and it mainly addresses to the market of Italy and Russia, respectively. Karatzis group also owns facilities and investments in energy sector in seven different regions. Also, in the hotel and tourism sector, Karatzis owns the Nana beach resort in Hersonissos, Stella Polaris and soon the new Nana Imperial hotel in Hersonisos, Crete. In 2016, the company posted a rise in sales to 65.85 million euros compared to 62.10 million euros a year earlier. Earnings before tax also rose to 11.02 million euros against 9.08 million euros in 2015. At Group level, turnover in 2016 rose to 77.61 million euros against 72.33 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax profit rose to 11.99 million euros versus 9.90 million euros in 2015.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 9,087,000.00 €

Contact Details “A” Street - Heraklion Industrial Area, 716 01, Heraklion, Crete, Greece Tel: +30 2810 382900 Fax: +30 2810 381400 E-mail: Website:

ontact Details: Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

KARATZIS S.A. 2014 60,973,000.00 € 8,416,000.00 € 16,465,000.00 € 93,224,000.00 € 46,322,000.00 €

2015 62,107,000.00 € 9,087,000.00 € 16,426,000.00 € 98,338,000.00 € 45,963,000.00 €

Change (%) 1.9 8.0 -0.2 5.5 -0.8

Diamonds 231




VIANEX S.A.: The living history of Greece’s pharmaceutical industry

Dimitris P. Giannakopoulos Executive Vice - President & Deputy C.E.O.

Turnover 210,269,984.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 9,072,728.00 €

Contact Details Tatoiou Street, 18th km Athens-Lamia National Road Nea Erythrea, 146 71 Tel.: +30 210 8009111-120 Fax: +30 210 8071573 Email: Website:

232 Diamonds

VIANEX S.A. is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Greece, not only compared to other Greek companies, but also to multi-nationals. After more than 90 years of activity in the pharmaceutical industry, in many ways the Giannakopoulos family could be regarded as the living history of the Greek pharmaceutical sector. It all started in 1924, when the first pharmacy opened on Piraeus Street. The first stepping stone towards the creation of VIANEX S.A. was laid in 1960, when Paul Giannacopoulos founded PHARMAGIAN, an importer of medicinal products from the US, Europe and Japan, whose commercial activity spread across Greece. PHARMAGIAN soon became the agent for major international pharmaceutical companies, including Janssen, Roussel and Alcon, and expanded its business abroad. The first major milestone in the development of the company was in 1971, when PHARMAGIAN became a public limited company and was renamed VIANEX S.A. With its chairman and founder Paul Giannakopoulos at the helm, VIANEX S.A. continued its spectacular growth, entering deals with internationally renowned pharmaceutical companies, including Merck & Co (USA), Takeda Chemical Industries (Japan), Fujisawa (Japan), Sigma Tau Industries (Italy) and Eli Lilly (USA), all of which entrusted VIANEX S.A. to produce and/or represent their products on the Greek market. The company’s industrial activity began in 1977 with the establishment of its first factory, which specialised in the production of sterile, liquid, and semi-solid products and suspensions. In 1983, VIANEX S.A. opened its second factory. An innovative, environmentally friendly pharmaceutical plant, specialising in the production of non-sterile solid forms (tablets, capsules, granules). Two years later, the company boosted its manufacturing activities with the opening of its third factory, which is considered as one of the largest and most modern manufacturing facilities for lyophilised injectables in Europe. It has separate production lines for sterile injectables (lyophilized, solutions, suspensions), a special unit manufacturing cytotoxic gels, and a special R&D laboratory with two pilot lyophilisers, which carries out research programmes in lyophilisation, in the framework of joint research projects with universities and research centres.


In 1995, the company founded the subsidiary VIAN SA to distribute and market well-known nonprescription pharmaceutical products, food supplements, and diagnostic and parapharmaceutical products. In 1997, VIANEX S.A. established its headquarters and finished product distribution centre in Varibobi. In 1999, VIANEX S.A. opened its fourth factory, which is considered one of the most sophisticated among the few cephalosporin manufacturing plants in Europe. In 2006, the company incorporated ELDRUG S.A. for research and development purposes, and in 2011 VIANEX S.A. became an approved supplier to the World Health Organisation and UNICEF. 2013 was another important year for the group, which, now led by Dimitris Giannakopoulos, signed deal with Eli Lilly for the annual production of 10,000,000 units of vancomycin, 100% of which is exported to China. In 2015, following a deal with Bristol-Myers Squibb, VIAN undertook the marketing and distribution of DEPON, the best-selling analgesic-antipyretic product. In 2016, VIANEX S.A. signed a new multi-year agreement with MSD, renewing a successful cooperation that dates back more than 30 years. VIANEX S.A. has been active on the export market for more than 20 years. During the last three years, in particular, there has been a steady increase in exports. As a result, the presence of VIANEX S.A. in new markets has grown steadily. The company is currently present in 35 markets in Europe, Asia, Mid East and Africa, where it markets licensed products. In 2016, the company’s international presence was enhanced with the addition of new markets, mainly in Asia and Africa. VIANEX S.A. has obtained 48 international quality certificates (IQNET, EFQM, EU GMP, EU GDP), and its factories have received 32 GMP certificates from health organisations in various countries (Japan, Turkey, Jordan, Libya, Gulf Countries, Korea, Ivory Coast, Taiwan, Tunisia, Iraq, Kuwait, Egypt and Iran). Notably, VIANEX S.A. was the first company worldwide to receive GMP certification from the Turkish authorities. In total, the company exports 100 million packages of 400 different pharmaceutical products, while 60% of its production is intended for export. Today, with its high-level production capacity and its workforce exceeding 1,100 employees, VIANEX S.A. is a leader in the Greek pharmaceutical industry. The company covers all aspects of pharmaceutical production and marketing, and constantly upgrades the range of services it provides to the market. Operating in a highly competitive environment, VIANEX S.A. is well positioned to capitalize on opportunities, relying on its experience, know-how and its unique, specialised production capacity.

Diamonds 233


PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 208,801,980.00 € 96.956.097

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 8,792,676.00 € Contact Details

Shell & MOH Aviation Fuels SA

Leading position in the domestic market Shell & MOH Aviation Fuels SA is the marketing joint venture established by Shell Overseas Holdings Ltd (51%) and Motor Oil (Hellas) Corinth Refineries SA (49%) with the scope to market and supply aviation fuels under the Shell trademark in Greece. Its main activities involve the marketing and supply of aviation fuel JET A1 under the Shell Trademark in Greece and a wide variety of fuel related services, such as carnet cards, fuel sampling, defueling and CO2 Emissions Permits Trading. Nowadays, with presence in 20 airports in Greece, Shell & MOH Aviation has a leading position in the domestic market. At the same time, it is part of the Shell Oil International network, securing for its customers fuelling services in approximately 800 airports worldwide. Furthermore, Shell & MOH Aviation participates together with BP Aviation (50%-50%) in GISSCO, the Into Plane Company serving customers at 19 Greek airports, and with BP and EKO (33% each) in SAFCO, the Into Plane Company serving customers at Athens International Airport. In the first nine months of 2016, turnover dropped to 146.3 million euros compared to 182.2 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax income amounted to 9.07 million euros against 8.19 million euros in 2015. Equity in 2016 stood at 16.23 million euros against 13.08 million euros in the previous year.

151, Kifisias Ave., 151 24, Marousi, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 6006380 Fax: E-mail: Website: com

Shell & MOH Aviation Fuels SA 2014 Turnover 293,849,241.00 € Profit Before Taxes 7,288,920.00 € Gross Profit 18,346,309.00 € Net worth 11,515,732.00 € Liabilities 12,210,937.00 €

Non-metallic minerals


Contact Details


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 11,099,767.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 8,538,984.00 € Contact Details Thassos, 64004, Greece Tel.: +30 25930 23195 Fax: +30 25930 22251 Email: Website:

234 Diamonds

2015 208,801,980.00 € 8,792,676.00 € 19,636,116.00 € 13,083,000.00 € 8,714,000.00 €

Change (%) -28.9 20.6 7.0 13.6 -28.6

Exporting 30% of production The company was founded in 1972 as a quarry by Mr Dimitrios Haritopoulos in the form of sole proprietorship. In 1985 the company was reformed, and remains to this day, as a limited company under the name of D.N. Haritopoulos SA. By 1987 we were only quarrying the «Snow White» Marble of Thassos. In 1988 we established our own factory for the exclusive cutting and processing of the marble from our quarry. The quarry and factory benefits from the latest technologies available. The company invests in plant constantly to ensure that it utilising the latest leading edge technologies with robust equipment to guarantee the delivery of quality products towards customers. 30% of total production is destined for export. Iraq, China, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Italy and Spain are amongst the largest consumers. Most of the exported marble is loaded into containers and shipped from the port of Thessaloniki. The remaining 70% of production is absorbed by domestic Greek marble companies, the finished products from these companies is also exported in the global market. Moreover the output of the factory includes, squared marble slabs of various thicknesses and squared marble tiles. Both polished and unpolished. It can accommodate orders for custom sizes of both tiles and marble blocks. The annual production is about 5,000 cubic meters of marble blocks, 35,000 tonnes of offcuts and 6,000 cubic meters of aggregates annually. The factory produces 20,000 m² of marble slabs and 90,000 m² of marble tiles per year. D.N. HARITOPOULOS S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 8,505,690.00 € 11,099,767.00 € Profit Before Taxes 4,761,762.00 € 8,538,984.00 € Gross Profit 5,756,672.00 € 8,397,791.00 € Net worth 24,550,222.00 € 28,827,420 Liabilities 1,485,267.00 € 2,776,360

Change (%) 30.5 79.3 45.9 17.4 86.9



Turnover 27,693,144.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 8,533,312.00 €

Contact Details 8 Kyprou St., 14122, Neo Irakleio, Attica, Greece Tel. +30 210 2837.640 Fax: +30 210 2837.650 Website: E-mail:


Specialized nephrology solutions Mediprime SA is the key part of a group of companies operating in Greece’s health sector over the past 30 years. The group includes the MESOGEIOS Dialysis Centres, the MEDICAL WASTE (clinical waste sterilization) and the Therapeutic Centre LEFKOS STAVROS ATHINON. The company is active in the general field of medical devices and pharmaceuticals with a specialization in renal medicine. It is the sole agent in Greece of Germany’s Fresenius Medical Care (FME), the leading global company in nephrology products for dialysis and peritoneal dialysis treatments, using the most advanced technologies and top quality materials. The firm also acts as a general coordinator in establishing dialysis centers, both by providing devices and materials and contributing to building, and commissioning and running (including technical and regulatory affairs). Mediprime’ s pharmaceutical portfolio includes the co-promotion of EPREX® (nephrology) for Janssen-Cilag and the exclusive promotion of OsvaRen® and Phosphosorb® by Fresenius Medical Care - Renal Pharma. The company is based in Athens with three branches in Thessaloniki, Crete and Kalamata. The staff and services are strategically distributed throughout Greece for optimal support and maximum performance of kidney units, patients and health professionals. The choice of technical and medical staff is based on internationally established criteria for achieving and delivering safe and effective therapeutic results. MEDIPRIME Α.Ε. 2014 Turnover 26,426,625.00 € Profit Before Taxes 9,489,946.00 € Gross Profit 15,269,059.00 € Net worth 22,104,952.00 € Liabilities 22,986,748.00 €

2015 27,693,144.00 € 8,533,312.00 € 14,350,724.00 € 25,490,127.00 € 30,218,853.00 €

Change (%) 4.8 -10.1 -6.0 15.3 31.5


Medical Services Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 86,750,421.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 8,461,396.00 € Contact Details 132 Kifissias Ave. & Papada St., 11526 Athens Attica Greece Tel.: +30 2106966000 FAX: +30 2106980553 E-mail: info@ Website:

A leader in health services

BIOIATRIKI SA Group of Health Companies operates in the medical health care sector. Founded in 1981, the firm is today the leading private medical provider of primary care services in Greece, with 26 diagnostic centers, occupying a total floor space of over ​​ 36,000sqm and counting more than 2.0 million visits per year. Bioiatriki is the first diagnostic primary care company to certified with ISO 9001 (1999) and ISO 15189 (2007) for a wide range of accredited tests. The group has also won several top distinctions, both in national programs (ESEAP, among 200 laboratories) and European ones (BIORAD, among 550 laboratories) of external quality assessment. Today, the group operates 20 centres in Athens and 8 in Thessaloniki. At the same time, there are three dental offices in Athens. The Group’s commitment in innovation and reliability of medical results led to its recognition as a European Centre of Excellence by two international giants, Roche (for full automation of laboratories) and General Electric (for CT and MRI). Further, it has entered a strategic partnership with US leading medical organization Mayo Clinic, for specialized and rare laboratory tests and the Medical Second Opinion service. Bioiatriki Group also operates three privately-owned clinics, BIOCLINIC Athens, Piraeus and Thessaloniki, which are models of modern high-quality hospital units, as well as three dental units (Athens, Alimos, Kifissia). The Group cooperates with more than 400 companies, the largest insurance companies and all social security funds. BIOIATRIKI SA 2014 Turnover 85,303,627.00 € Profit Before Taxes 10,872,434.00 € Gross Profit 28,932,725.00 € Net worth 83,769,118.00 € Liabilities 80,539,985.00 €

2015 86,750,421.00 € 8,461,396.00 € 32,985,995.00 € 77,040,808 72,148,472

Change (%) 1.7 -22.2 14.0 -8.0 -10.4

Diamonds 235


Pharmaceutical Products Commercial


A global leader in the health sector

Mrs Agata Jakoncic, CEO, MSD Greece, Cyprus, Malta

Turnover 172,044,668.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 8,406,732.00 €

Contact Details 63 Agiou Demitriou St., 17456 Alimos, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 9897300 Fax: +30 210 9897444 Website:

236 Diamonds

Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) began operation in Greece in June 2010, and today employs a staff of more than 260. It is a subsidiary of the multinational group Merck & Co, based in New Jersey, which employs 70,000 staff members in 140 countries around the world. The company operates under the name Merck & & Co, Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA in the US and Canada, and as MSD in the rest ofd the world. MSD, the world’s second largest pharmaceutical company, remains firm on its aim of fulfilling its basic mission: “to keep people healthy.” Although the company officially began operation in Greece in 2010 following the completion of a merger with Schering Plough, the latter maintains a long presence in Greece since 1974. In November 2009, Merck merged with Schering Plough worldwide to create a new company that works hard to improve people’s lives around the globe. Today, MSD, as one of the largest global drug companies, occupies an important place among the top 4 companies in Greece in terms of total sales volume of therapeutic products. In Greece, MSD has joined forces with VIANEX, a partnership that now counts 34 years, improving patient access to innovative and effective treatments. MSD’s product portfolio in Greece includes a wide range of treatment categories, including cardiology, diabetes, oncology, immunology, antibiotics, infectious diseases, gynecology, dermatology and respiratory diseases. MSD’s new immunologic treatments for advanced melanoma are already in circulation in Greece and will soon be followed for other forms of cancer. In addition, new innovative drugs are also expected for diabetes, atherosclerosis and hepatitis C, while the antibiotics sector is being boosted with drugs that are more resistant to antimicrobial resistance. The fact that MSD products account for 53% of the 20 most important diseases worldwide proves the company’s long tradition in research and development of new therapies. In 2017, MSD was honored at this year’s Prix Galien Prize of Pharmaceutical Awards, winning the “Best Biotechnology Product” award. Also, a major distinction for the company is the 4th place in the Best Workplaces 2017 survey, in the category of companies with more than 250 employees; MSD Greece was awarded a distinction for the third consecutive year. The company’s global sales in 2016 inched up to 39.80 billion dollars compared to 39.49 billion dollars a year earlier. Most sales came from the pharmaceutical sector followed by Animal Health and Other Revenues (hedging activities and third party manufacturing sales). In 2015 the company employed a staff of 68,000, of which 26,500 were only in the United States. The Company’s business is characterized by the introduction of new products or new uses for existing products through a strong research and development program. Approximately 12,300 people are employed in the Company’s research activities. Research and development expenses were 10.1 billion dollars in 2016, 6.7 billion dollars in 2015 and 7.2 billion dollars in 2014. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MERCK SHARP & DOHME «MSD» 2014 2015 177,253,317.00 € 172,044,668.00 € 8,777,410.00 € 8,406,732.00 € 36,666,353.00 € 36,649,680.00 € 26,676,495.00 € 33,594,320.00 € 209,609,186.00 € 162,592,992.00 €

Change (%) -2.9 -4.2 0.0 25.9 -22.4




Turnover 61,608,812.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 8,369,198.00 €

Contact Details Thessaloniki Industrial Park (1st Road), 570 22, Sindos, Thessaloniki, Greece Τel: +30 2310 723440 Fax: +30 2310 795351 E- mail: Website:

Supermarkets Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


134,155,408.00 € 96.956.097

Retaining a high market share

Food industry Hellenic Dough (Elliniki Zymi) - Arabatzis engages in the frozen dough products sector, covering the Ho.Re.Ca and retail markets. The company is based at a production plant in Thessaloniki’s Industrial Park, on a privately-owned plot of land measuring 30.850 ​​ sqm. It is supported by an extensive network that is maintained by a company-owned delivery van fleet, three branches in Athens, Patra and Ioannina, as well as partners throughout Greece. Hellenic Dough - Arabatzis is among Greece and Europe’s most modern food industries. Since its foundation, the company has striven to produce high quality products. Quality assurance is linked to the procurement of highgrade raw materials, application of total quality control, safety and hygiene. The quality standards BS EN ISO 9001:2000, BS EN ISO 22000:2005 and IFS International Food Standard Issue 6 (Higher Level) and BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 7 are applied throughout the entire production process. The company primarily exports to Germany and Cyprus, while, in more recent years, it has also begun exporting to other European countries, such as Turkey, Romania, Sweden and the UK. In 2015, Arabatzis Michail SA ‘Hellenic Dough’ was awarded in 3 products for it’s superior quality at the International Taste & Quality Institute. The International Taste & Quality Institute - iTQi - based in Brussels, is the world leading organization dedicated to testing and promoting superior food and drink, an independent, international organization that showcases and promote top flavor food from around the world. MICHAIL ARABATZIS S.A. ‘HELLENIC DOUGH’ 2014 2015 Turnover 58,103,150.00 € 61,608,812.00 € Profit Before Taxes 8,512,222.00 € 8,369,198.00 € Gross Profit 15,362,814.00 € 15,382,346.00 € Net worth 34,945,024.00 € 36,613,626.00 € Liabilities 19,695,153.00 € 26,183,901.00 €

Change (%) 6.0 -1.7 0.1 4.8 32.9


The largest super market chain on Crete! CHALKIADAKIS SA began operating in Crete’s supermarket sector in 1980. In 1994, the chain was integrated into the Veropoulos group of super markets. In January 2015, the chain became part of the Greek group I. & S. Sklavenitis, which acquired the Veropoulos’ stake in Chalkiadakis. Through the acquisition, Sklavenitis further expanded its presence beyond Athens, backed by the Chalkiadakis family as a strategic partner for the Cretan market, where it holds extensive experience. At present, the Chalkiadakis chain numbers 41 stores and employs a staff of 940. In 2004, Chalkiadiakis was the first supermarket chain to be certified with Quality Certificate ISO 9001: 2000 and Occupational Health and Safety HACCP Food standards for all activities, by ELOT, the Greek Standards Organization. The company has also been certified as per new international standard ISO 22000, since 2006.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 8,275,895.00 €

Contact Details Contact Details 1st km Gaziou Krousona, 71500, Heraklion, Crete, Greece Tel: +30 2810 824140 Fax: +30 2810 821495 E-mail: Website: http://www.xalkiadakis. gr

CHALKIADAKIS SA 2014 Turnover 128,903,080.00 € Profit Before Taxes 4,922,572.00 € Gross Profit 34,828,187.00 € Net worth 9,741,230.00 € Liabilities 47,953,112.00 €

2015 134,155,408.00 € 8,275,895.00 € 36,957,528.00 € 12,711,440.00 € 49,026,937.00 €

Change (%) 4.1 68.1 6.1 30.5 2.2

Diamonds 237


Food Products Industrial

Turnover 94,546,298.00 €


Integrated operations in agribusiness, food & bioenergy Agroinvest SA is a sustainable food and fuels producer, operating a number of integrated businesses through its industrial complex in Greece. The firm engages in: trading agricultural raw materials, crushing oilseeds to make protein meals and edible seed oils, producing biodiesel and glycerine, producing fish feed and operating fish farms and producing compound feed for livestock farms. Notably, the company holds the largest proportion of biodiesel allocation for 2017, with a share of 23.76% and a quantity of biodiesel alone at 31,360 kiloliters. Agroinvest operates three chemical labs on a 24-hour basis, constantly performing analyses using state-of-the-art testing equipment. Always adhering to international standards and best practises, we enhance our work by cooperating with a large network of third-party certified laboratories.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 8,168,251.00 €

Contact Details 517 Vouliagmenis Ave., 16341 Ilioupoli, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 48 12 280 Fax: +30 210 48 26 576 Email: Website:

AGROINVEST S.A. 2014 Turnover 92,095,561.00 € Profit Before Taxes 147,626.00 € Gross Profit 13,507,816.00 € Net worth 75,172,160.00 € Liabilities 43,756,853.00 €

2015 94,546,298.00 € 8,168,251.00 € 20,251,150.00 € 80,791,770 42,149,377

Change (%) 2.7 5433.1 49.9 7.5 -3.7

SEKA BUNKERING STATION SA Petroleum Products Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 123,001,908.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 7,974,219.00 € Contact Details 53-55 Akti Miaouli St., 18536, Piraeus, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 4293160 Fax: +30 210 4293345 E-mail: Website:

238 Diamonds

Offering high quality services to vessels SEKA SA was established back in 1961 by Nikos J. Vardinogiannis. It was initially launched as a collaborative effort with Mobil Corporation and Aristotle Onassis, as a bunkering station for vessels crossing the southeastern Mediterranean. Initially, bunkering operations were performed through the use of an anchored ‘mother’ vessel at the natural port of Kali Limenes, located at the southern tip of Crete. Client vessels were tied alongside the ‘mother’ vessel for fuelling and provisions. In 1966, SEKA completed the construction of a tank station on Agios Pavlos, also known as Mikronisi, an islet in the Libyan Sea, just a quarter of a mile off the Cretan shore. The tank facility consists of six tanks offering a total capacity of more than 31,000 metric tons. For decades, the station thrived as a renowned port call, providing quality services to a large number of vessels utilizing the Suez sea route. SEKA extended its bunkering operations in Piraeus when the Vardinogiannis-owned Motor Oil (Hellas) SA began operating a refinery in Agii Theodori, close to Corinth, west of Athens. Bunkering deliveries are made at the refinery and Piraeus port’s wider area (Piraeus Roads). The company offers bunkering services, marine lubricants (cylinder, generator, engine, turbine, hydraulic oil) and agency services (water supplies, fresh products, inspections, provisions, etc.). In addition, SEKA performs deliveries at sea through the use of chartered in barges. In addition, in Piraeus, SEKA can arrange for 4 barges available to cover its needs, while in Kali Limenes two barges are available to perform deliveries. Further, SEKA also operates in Kali Limenes two launch boats dedicated to the servicing of agency services of the port. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

SEKA BUNKERING STATION SA 2014 2015 181,825,923.00 € 123,001,908.00 € 3,169,409.00 € 7,974,219.00 € 8,201,165.00 € 10,423,946.00 € 19,735,555.00 € 24,171,304.00 € 8,864,726.00 € 4,653,889.00 €

Change (%) -32.4 151.6 27.1 22.5 -47.5


Chemical Products Industrial


Exporting 90% of production to 75 countries

Elias Vasileiadis , President & CEO

Turnover 35,969,704.00 €

HB BODY SA was established in 1982 with the objective of producing and distributing high quality products for the automotive refinishing industry. The firm was founded by Elias Vassiliadis, who remains president and managing director to date. The company is based in Thessaloniki, northern Greece on privately-owned premises. Nowadays, the firm is represented both in Thessaloniki and Athens on 120,000sqm of premises. The firm operates warehouse and production facilities covering 80,000sqm. Product research, design and development, administrative offices, training centre and the auditorium cover a further floor space of 10,000sqm. The auditorium seats 150 people with the capacity for 3 language translation simultaneously. Currently, HB Body employs 250 people in Greece, a number which is increasing every year. One in five employees holds a university degree. Amongst these are chemists, mechanical engineers, economists and computer experts. The company markets the following products: Underbody - Stone Chipping Protection, Seam Sealers, Fillers, 1K-2K Primers, Clear Coats, Paints, Hardeners, Polishing Compounds, Sprays, Thinners, Ancillaries and Powder Coatings. The company is really very proud of its technologically advanced logistic warehouse of empty tins where 7,000 pallets can be stored through a computerized system, the only such warehouse in Greece and among Europe’s few. As much as 90% of the company’s products are exported to 75 countries all over the world, while the firm still holds the leading position within the Greek market. HB Body has three subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Spain and marketing/promotion centers in Serbia and Russia. Within Greece it owns a distribution centre in Athens covering southern Greece and the islands. The company has invested more than 21 million euros over a three-year period (2006-2008). An additional 10 million euros have been invested for a brand new plant of a surface area of 3,500sqm on 12,000sqm land for the production of clears, hardeners and thinners.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 8,073,342.00 €

Contact Details Sindos Industrial Area, 570 22, Sindos Τhessaloniki, Greece Tel.: +30 2310790000 Fax: +30 2310 790015 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

HB BODY SA 2014 37,734,235.00 € 8,416,315.00 € 15,678,922.00 € 53,016,455.00 € 3,764,360.00 €

2015 35,969,704.00 € 8,073,342.00 € 15,383,376.00 € 52,898,807.00 € 7,648,879.00 €

Change (%) -4.7 -4.1 -1.9 -0.2 103.2

Diamonds 239


Tobacco Products Industrial

Papastratos today

Turnover 274,155,035.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 7,890,876.00 €

Contact Details Imeros Topos, Location Kororemi, Aspropyrgos 193 00, Greece Tel.: +30 210 41 93 000 Fax: +30 2104193821 Email: Website:

240 Diamonds

Papastratos, an affiliate of Philip Morris International (PMI), is the largest tobacco products’ producer in Greece. It is based in Aspropyrgos, and offers approximately 800 direct and indirect jobs in its production plants and administrative facilities. Papastratos’ portfolio of products includes the world’s leading brand Marlboro, reputed international brands Philip Morris, L & M, the historic ASSOS, and the innovative potentially reduced risk tobacco product IQOS. Since 2016, Papastratos has been the leading company in a cluster of countries including, in addition to Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Malta. Counting 86 years of history in the Greek market, Papastratos continues its dynamic business development and supports the Greek economy and Greek society. Dynamic business development Since 2003 the company has implemented an investment plan which exceeds 700 million euros. The plan focuses on infrastructure at the company’s factory in Aspropyrgos, its people and brands, on significant social responsibility activities as well as on the fight against the illegal trade in cigarettes. In 2016 it was nominated as the #1 Most Admired Company (in any sector) in Greece by the Fortune magazine. A New Era The new investment will create 400 new jobs, boost exports and put Greece at the forefront of the smoke-free future designed by Philip Morris International. Care for its people Its people are the most crucial ingredient for the business success of Papastratos. The company constantly invests in scouting and searching for capable professionals to meet the varying needs of the company, in dynamic career development plans, competitive salaries and benefits, international career building and in a modern working environment. This investment has led to Papastratos being recognized as a great place to work by the Great Place to Work® Institute Hellas (2012, 2013, 2014, 2017) and as a top employer by the Top Employer Institute for three years in a row (in 2015, 2016, 2017), while it has received many awards for employees development.


Caring for its people, caring for society As caring for its staff, Papastratos also cares for our society and the country. A multi-faceted corporate social responsibility plan, representing an expenditure of more than EUR 2 million since 2009, aims to provide vulnerable social groups with relief from the economic crisis. Indicative CSR activities of Papastratos to date include: ● Disrupt Greece, a program for the development of innovative entrepreneurship in cooperation with Industry Disruptors-Game Changers and Fortune Greece (2017) ● “Care On the Move”, the 1st European shower bus for the homeless in cooperation with the NGO Praksis and the support of the Ministry of Labour and OASA (2016) ● A programme of free vocational training for 2,300 unemployed people (2013-14 and 2016) ● Offering 110,000 meals to soup kitchens run by the Archdiocese of Athens (2015 and 2016) ● Training programme for 570 tobacco farmers in Northerner Greece (2014, 2015 and 2016) ● Creating 4 shelters for homeless abused women (2015) ● Supporting homeless single parent families through the NGO Praksis Day Center (2015) ● Support for the local Aspropyrgos community (social grocery store & pharmacy, playgrounds, buying a car for the help at home programme) (2009-2016) Support for Greek tobacco growing Historically, Papastratos was always purchasing the largest amount of Greek oriental tobacco. In 2013 the parent company PMI entered into a cooperation Agreement with the Greek government, undertaking to buy 50% of the Greek oriental tobacco production for three-year period 2013-2015. The Agreement was renewed in 2016 for another three-year period (until 2018). Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PAPASTRATOS S.A. 2014 2015 202,421,693.00 € 274,155,035.00 € 3,660,276.00 € 7,890,876.00 € 58,295,099.00 € 75,121,872.00 € 90,130,090.00 € 95,051,648.00 € 227,624,983.00 € 248,226,079.00 €

Change (%) 35.4 115.6 28.9 5.5 9.1

Diamonds 241


Transportation Services Commercial


Global Container Shipping

Christina Theodorika, President

Italian-Swiss shipping giant Mediterranean Shipping Company is a privately-owned, global enterprise operating a network of over 480 offices in 150 countries. It employs a team of over 60,000 dedicated individuals. The company has an established fleet of 460 container vessels with an intake capacity of 2.75 million TEU, based on latest figures. The global sailing schedules cover 200 routes, calling at 315 ports, allowing the company to deliver cargo almost anywhere in the world. Mediterranean Shipping Company’s sea freight offering is complemented by its integrated warehousing and haulage services, which enable the company to offer true door-to-door service. The company employs trained, experienced experts for its full range of services, including reefer, outof-gauge, breakbulk and trade services suited to various business natures. This allows the firm to maintain the personal service it is globally recognized for. MSC has decided to develop an information and services center for the corporate group in Greece. In doing so, the shipping giant has opted to establish its “Shared Services Documentation Center – SSDC” beyond its Swiss headquarters. Despite intense campaigning by agencies at major ports around the world, the company’s owners, the Aponte family, ended up opting for Piraeus, Greece’s largest port, as its choice of location for the new department. The shipping giant, which also maintains a strong presence in the cruise ship sector, plans to establish the center at its current company building at Piraeus port. The objective of the SSDC center will be to collect, process and distribute information and services concerning all company activities to the group’s international network of agencies.

Turnover 53,677,815.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 6,113,734.00 €

Contact Details 12 Akti Poseidonos St., 185 31 Piraeus, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 414 5500 Fax: +30 210 4119454 E-mail: Website:

242 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY GREECE SA 2014 2015 50,927,974.00 € 53,677,815.00 € 7,891,457.00 € 6,113,734.00 € 15,174,253.00 € 16,630,645.00 € 6,610,682.00 € 5,128,532.00 € 21,578,267.00 € 20,133,737.00 €

Change (%) 5.4 -22.5 9.6 -22.4 -6.7


Food Products Industrial

P. Pavlides SA

Among the leading canners in Greece

Turnover 60,636,569.00 €

Pavlides SA, situated in the heart of the peach orchards in northern Greece’s Central Macedonia region, was established in 1992 by Prodromos Pavlidis. Specialized in the production of canned fruit (peach, apricot, pear, fruit cocktail) and pulp (peach, apricot, apple, pears), and with a production capacity of more than 3.5 million cartons (24 x 29oz) and 11,500 metric tons (concentrated juice 30-32 brix), Pavlides is among the leading canners worldwide. In 2003, the company expanded its product range and volume through a joint venture with ALCO (Industrias Alimenticias Mendocinas SA) in Argentina, achieving to meet the needs of more clients worldwide. The firm in 2007 invested more than 10 million euros in a project to upgrade and renovate its factory, creating one of the most modern and well-equipped fruit processing factories in the world. Using the latest canning technology, Pavlides can guarantee product integrity meeting the individual needs of its partners and clients. In 2013, the company acquired Ardagh Hellas, a developer of metal packaging solutions. The new corporation under the name ‘National Can Hellas’ aimed at growing and further integrating its business operations, expanding the tin can production to a variety of categories. In 2014, Pavlides acquired a new juice manufacturing unit that raised its total capacity of fruit puree to 11,000 – 12,000 tons. Since 2015, Pavlides runs a biomass plant, generating energy from waste material sources, like fruit pits. With a production capacity of approximately 15% of the total processed in Greece, and a total sheltered production and warehouse surface space of 200,000 sqm, Pavlides is among the leading canners in Greece. Pavlides SA is a member of Pavlides Group of companies. Founded in 1965, the Group has grown to become one of the most diverse and paramount in Northern Greece, comprising the following companies: Pavlides Cotton Gin SA (Cotton gining), Plagiari SA (Limestone & Basalt Aggregates), Domiki SA (Lime & Hydrated Lime and ready mix concrete), Solid Fuels SA (processing & trading of solid fuels), K&P SA (Concentrated fruit juice), Pella Cement (Portland & white cement) and National Can Hellas (Metal packaging solutions).

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 7,852,652.00 €

Contact Details 2nd km Giannitsa-Edessa Highway, 58100, Giannitsa, Greece Tel.: +30 23820 83590 Fax: +30 23820 22065 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

P. Pavlides SA 2014 73,551,044.00 € 13,265,763.00 € 18,111,366.00 € 44,518,785.00 € 29,444,879.00 €

2015 60,636,569.00 € 7,852,652.00 € 12,447,574.00 € 49,561,705.00 € 22,605,090.00 €

Change (%) -17.6 -40.8 -31.3 11.3 -23.2

Diamonds 243



The strongest network presence in SE Europe OTEGLOBE, headquartered in Athens, Greece, and operational since October 2000, is the international carrier with the strongest network presence in SE Europe, and the wholesale arm of OTE Group of companies, the leading telecommunications’ group in Greece and SE Europe. OTEGLOBE is engaged in the provision of wholesale international voice and data services, as well as integrated solutions and value added services. The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of OTE SA. The company has grown to a regional hub in SE Europe, delivering a complete portfolio of transport, voice, corporate & mobile services to international Carriers, mobile and fixed telephony Operators, as well as to multinational organizations. OTEGLOBE is the only carrier in the SE European region with two geographically diverse, multi-wavelength protected fiber-optic backbone networks, the GWEN & the TBN, as well as a secure, private IP/MPLS network, to connect Greece and the wider Balkan region to major European hubs. Apart from GWEN and TBN Networks, OTEGLOBE’s network infrastructure is complemented by co-ownership in multiple cables, cross-border links with all neighboring countries and Teleport facilities. Overall, the majority of Greek, as well as a significant share of SE European broadband volume, is currently served over OTEGLOBE’s reliable and resilient network infrastructure. Based on strong partnerships with major service providers in Middle East, North Africa, the CIS region and recently Latin America, OTEGLOBE continuously demonstrates a proven track record of delivering solutions beyond its network reach in both voice and data markets. The financial year 2016 has been a successful year for OTEGLOBE as it posted a steady growth in its core operations, notwithstanding the unstable macroeconomic environment and continuing falling prices in the Greek market, as well as the greater Balkan region and Western Europe, as a result of the increasing competition and the economic crisis in Europe. The company posted a rise in 2016 sales to 340 million euros compared to 315 million euros a year earlier, up 8%. Pre-tax income rose 6% to 8.28 million euros against 7.84 million euros in 2015, while EBITDA dropped to 16.1 million euros versus 17.17 million euros a year earlier.

Dinos Andreou, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 315,659,991.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 7,842,016.00 €

Contact Details 6-8 Zinonos Eleatou St. & Agisilaou St., 15123, Marousi, Attiki, Greece Tel.: +30 210 8762500 Fax. +30 210 8762609 E-mail: Website:

244 Diamonds

OTE GLOBE S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 287,147,282.00 € 315,659,991.00 € Profit Before Taxes 10,510,330.00 € 7,842,016.00 € Gross Profit 30,539,319.00 € 30,588,894.00 € Net worth 194,574,318.00 € 200,687,232.00 € Liabilities 90,602,965.00 € 94,844,060.00 €

Change (%) 9.9 -25.4 0.2 3.1 4.7


Pharmaceutical Products Commercial

Pharmaserve – Lilly S.A.

Actively showing its social sensitivity

Turnover 93,317,817.00 €

Pharmaserve, a Greek pharmaceutical company, was founded in 1984 and quickly evolved into a major company in the domestic drug market. In 1994, Pharmaserve-Lilly became a joint venture between the US company Eli Lilly & Company and Pharmaserve. In fact, it is the only Greek pharmaceutical company in which a multinational giant holds a stake. Today, Pharmaserve - Lilly is among the top ten companies in the domestic pharmaceutical market. Pharmaserve - Lilly is the exclusive representative of Eli Lilly & Company in Greece, while at the same time engaging in marketing and distribution of pharmaceutical and para-pharmaceutical products. The company has a medical department with very significant research activity and enjoys maximum acceptance at national and international levels. The company focuses its efforts on providing detailed scientific information to health professionals on the benefits of its products for patients, and ensures patients access to the products they need. In 2015, in a show of social sensitivity, the company donated 14,000 drug packages to hospitals and social drug stores, while also offering support to 17 patient associations. These were supported through awareness-raising actions through donation s or donations to associations of patients with serious conditions such as Diabetes, Cancer, Osteoporosis & Mental Disorders. Lilly was established in 1876 and is among the leading companies worldwide. The company has developed productive alliances and partnerships around the world, promoting the ability to develop innovative medicines. It is headquartered in Indianapolis, US and employs a worldwide staff of just under 42,000. In 2016, Eli Lilly posted sales of 21.22 billion dollars against 19.95 billion dollars a year earlier. Net income rose 14% to 2.73 billion dollars compared to 2.40 billion dollars in 2015. In R&D alone, the firm in 2016 invested 5.24 billion dollars, up 9% compared to 4.79 billion dollars in 2015. Lilly’s products are marketed in 120 countries, through factories in the US, Puerto Rico and 11 other countries.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 7,817,906.00 €

Contact Details 15th km Athens-Lamia National Road, 14564, Kifisia, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6294600 Fax: +30 210 6294610 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Pharmaserve – Lilly S.A. 2014 2015 102,247,734.00 € 93,317,817.00 € 7,205,821.00 € 7,817,906.00 € 33,529,206.00 € 33,116,939.00 € 18,965,959.00 € 19,005,555.00 € 31,448,193.00 € 40,750,311.00 €

Change (%) -8.7 8.5 -1.2 0.2 29.6

Diamonds 245


Chemical Products Commercial


Active in the fertilizer market for 112 years

Turnover 91,625,889.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 7,340,003.00 €

The company’s development is rooted in the Norwegian industrial firm Norsk Hydro, which dates back to 1905. At the time, industrialists Sam Eyde, Kristian Birkeland and Marcus Wallenberg tapped into Norway’s considerable natural resources to produce the company’s first important product, mineral fertilizer. Yara’s fertilizers, crop nutrition programs and technologies increase yields, improve product quality and reduce the environmental impact of agricultural practices. Industrial and environmental solutions improve air quality by reducing emissions from industry and transportation, and serve as key ingredient in the production of a wide range of goods. Today, Yara has a worldwide presence, with more than 15,000 employees and sales to over 160 countries. The company has production sites in 16 countries and holds strong positions in niche markets as well, from emissions reduction products to animal nutrition. Yara is also the largest trader of ammonia in the world. Yara converts energy, natural minerals and nitrogen from the air into essential products for farmers and industrial customers. The main application is fertilizers, while industrial uses and environmental solutions are also important growth segments. Yara’s global activities range from phosphate mining and ammonia production, commodity trade and energy arbitrage, to building local market knowledge and developing customer relationships. The backbone of the company’s operations has traditionally relied on large-scale ammonia and fertilizer production in Europe. The company benefits from its economies of scale as the world’s largest producer of ammonia, nitrate and complex fertilizer, and with about 20% of global ammonia trade. Quality assurance is central to the company’s services. A robust internal quality system is in place to ensure that all data produced is consistently reliable and accurate. In addition, the laboratory holds both BS-EN-ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/IEC 17025:2005 levels of accreditation and, as a condition for maintaining these accreditations, it regularly participates in internationally recognized proficiencytesting schemes. In 2016, the firm posted global sales of 10.08 billion euros compared to 11.84 billion euros a year earlier. The main source of revenue was fertilizers. As much as 35% of turnover came from the European market, 28% from Brazil, 9% from Latin America, 6% from Africa, 10% from Asia and Oceania and 12% from North America.

Contact Details 143 Syngrou Avenue, 17121, Nea Smyrni, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 21 0937 0355 Fax: +30 21 0937 0357 Email: Website:

246 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

YARA HELLAS SA 2014 96,122,482.00 € 9,801,943.00 € 13,007,782.00 € 29,227,602.00 € 8,486,045.00 €

2015 91,625,889.00 € 7,340,003.00 € 11,157,954.00 € 33,600,357.00 € 7,699,643.00 €

Change (%) -4.7 -25.1 -14.2 15.0 -9.3


Energy Industrial


A new major energy supplier Heron SA is a group of companies active in power generation and supply, which began operation in 2000. The firm is today supported by three major energy groups. Heron was the first private group to operate in Greece’s liberalized energy market. In 2014, the company built Greece’s first privatelyowned power plant, while a second, combined cycle power plant was built in 2009 at the same location. Heron was established by GEK TERNA Group, a leader in energy generation from conventional and Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in Greece and internationally. In 2009, a stake in the firm was acquired by GAZ DE FRANCE SUEZ, the world’s largest independent power generator and supplier. In March 2014, QATAR PETROLEUM INTERNATIONAL (QPI), another global energy leader, acquired a stake in the Heron II power plant. In 2015, net imports from interconnected countries increased by 15% compared to 2014. The main reason for this increase was the higher wholesale electricity market price in Greece compared to the interconnected countries, despite a 10% drop in wholesale electricity market price compared to 2014. Total production in 2015 increased by 2% compared to 2014. The contribution of lignite production to the energy mix fell from 45% (22,709 GWh) in 2014 to 38% (19,418 GWh) in 2015. The output gap was mainly covered by RES and hydroelectric generation that contributed to the network a total of 29% of energy (from a total of 25% in 2014). The export-import balance increased by 9% in 2015 compared to 2014. Net imports from Bulgaria increased by 16% while net imports from Albania and Italy decreased by 15% and 11%, respectively.

Turnover 131,381,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 7,326,000.00 €

Contact Details 124 Kifissias Ave, 11526, Athens, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 213 0333000 Fax: +30 210 6968196 E-mail: Website:

HERON SA 2014 Turnover 111,349,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 10,841,000.00 € Gross Profit 12,228,000.00 € Net worth 39,808,000.00 € Liabilities 33,908,000.00 €

2015 131,381,000.00 € 7,326,000.00 € 10,449,000.00 € 40,450,000.00 € 49,206,000.00 €

Change (%) 18.0 -32.4 -14.5 1.6 45.1

Diamonds 247


Petroleum Products BP primary signature Full-colour For uncoated paper, light background, CMYK Colour



A leader in Greece’s lubricant industry

Spyros Michalakakis, President and CEO

BP has been an active supporter of the Greek economy since 1951 and is nowadays one of the leading companies in the domestic market. BP Oil Hellenic markets a full range of automotive and industrial lubricants through Castrol and BP brands in Greece and other Balkan countries. Marine Lubricants supplies customers with products in 12 ports around Greece, while Air BP sells aviation fuel at 22 international and general aviation airports throughout the country. Lubricant sales have the leading position in Greece in both automotive and industrial markets. Their OEMs partnerships provide customers with the most improved high-performance lubricant superbrands that ensure cost efficiency. Currently, Castrol has strong partnerships with Aston Martin, Ford, Seat, Skoda, VW-Audi, Husqvarna, Jaguar, Komatsu, Land Rover, MAN, Triumph and Volvo. BP has also licensed the use of its brand on retail sites to Hellenic Petroleum under a brand licensing agreement. The partnership has progressed even further with the sales of automotive BP and Castrol lubricants through over 2000 gas stations across the country. BP is committed to maximizing value for customers through a mutually beneficial relationship founded on world-class products and services. All activities are certified by ISO 9001/2008, ISO 14001/2004 and OHSAS 18001/2007. BP Oil Hellenic head office is located in Athens while there is also an office strategically located in Piraeus port to serve marine customers’ needs. All offices have extensive recycling programs in place, alongside procedures to reduce energy consumption for the company’s own operations. Such programs and procedures support both the local communities and the society as a whole. They aim to make a difference with both business-related and educational projects, including road safety initiatives for children and various educational and cultural programs for schools.

Turnover 198,388,632.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 7,189,680.00 €

Contact Details 26 Kifissias Ave. & 2 Paradisou St., 151 25 Marousi, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 2106887777 Fax: +30 2106887697 E-mail: Website:

248 Diamonds

BP OIL HELLENIC SA 2014 2015 Turnover 270,954,051.00 € 198,388,632.00 € Profit Before Taxes 9,213,823.00 € 7,189,680.00 € Gross Profit 21,684,127.00 € 22,593,723.00 € Net worth 32,048,768.00 € 31,020,516.00 € Liabilities 31,433,406.00 € 28,930,281.00 €

Change (%) -26.8 -22.0 4.2 -3.2 -8.0


IATROPOLIS Medical Group SA Medical Services Commercial

Turnover 22,791,957.00 €


Cutting edge technology in treatment, imaging and prevention IATROPOLIS Medical Group is a unique private medical center that combines non invasive modern treatment methods for cancer and imaging using state-of-the-art technologies. It was founded in 1986 in Athens, where the first MRI scanner was installed and for many years it was the only one in Greece. Since then, however, as many as 12 MRI scanners have been installed, including four 3Tesla and five PET/CT. The firm has another 18 departments equipped with all imaging devices (mammography, ultrasound, etc.). IATROPOLIS nowadays operates four (4) medical imaging centers in Athens, fully equipped with cutting-edge technology and providing high quality services. The Group operates according to the international quality standards to better serve patients, and is certified as per ISO 9001:2008. Notably, the firm’s biopathology laboratory (microbiological, biochemical, immunological, haematological), is one of the most modern laboratories in Greece; it meets the increased and special requirements of patients, having obtained ISO 15189:2007 accreditation, thus making it one of the few laboratories in the country with the specific certification.

7,021,435.00 €

Contact Details 64 Vas. Sofias St., Athens 11528 Tel.: +30 211 9969000 Fax: +30 211 9969099 Email: Website:

Food Products Industrial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 42,276,761.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 6,953,037.00 € Contact Details Argoliko-Nafplio, 21100, Nafplio, Greece Tel.: +30 27520 36400 Fax: +30 2520 36348 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

IATROPOLIS MEDICAL GROUP SA 2014 2015 17,842,891.00 € 22,791,957.00 € 1,803,755.00 € 7,021,435.00 € 8,467,506.00 € 13,724,239.00 € 9,153,384.00 € 12,273,032.00 € 14,702,067.00 € 11,737,839.00 €

Change (%) 27.7 289.3 62.1 34.1 -20.2

Balakanakis Bros SA

Exporting fruits since 1976 Balakanakis Bros – Olympic Fruit SA is the Greek canned fruit sector’s largest firm, in terms of sales and profit figures. Following several years of operation in the local fruit and vegetable market, the company’s founder, Thanassis Balakanakis, began supplying European consumers with Greek fresh fruits, such as citrus, grapes and apricots, in 1976. Freshness, taste, and nutrition were, and remain, the main company concerns with regard to its exports. This is achieved by selecting the best produce Greece has to offer. Balakanakis Bros markets: oranges, mandarins, apricots, grapes, kiwis, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines and asparagus. The company is based in Nafplio, Peloponnese, south of the Greek mainland, where a fully equipped packing facility prepares products cultivated in southern Greece for export. The constant growth in product demand has prompted the firm to also export new products, such as stonefruits, asparagus and kiwis. In order to cover market demand, an ultra-modern packing facility was built in Pella, Macedonia, northern Greece, where the region’s fruits and vegetables are packaged and exported. BALAKANAKIS BROS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 47,966,913.00 € 42,276,761.00 € Profit Before Taxes 7,996,873.00 € 6,953,037.00 € Gross Profit 15,379,673.00 € 13,105,535.00 € Net worth 25,756,483.00 € 30,826,506.00 € Liabilities 4,870,322.00 € 6,894,250.00 €

Change (%) -11.9 -13.1 -14.8 19.7 41.6

Diamonds 249


ARITI SA Medical Equipment Commercial

Turnover 29,751,708.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 6,856,538.00 €

Contact Details 148 Dekelias St., 136 78 Aharnes, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 2419800 Fax: +30 210 2419818 E-mail: Website:

Information Technology Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 72,835,522.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 6,778,940.00 € Contact Details 23rd Km Athens-Lamia National Road, 14565, Aghios Stefanos Tel.: +30 2106244000 Fax: +30 2106244697 Website: https://www.firstdata. com

250 Diamonds

Posting higher sales and profitability Ariti was founded in 1985 and represents medical-technology and pharmaceutical products for more than 30 years. Its dynamic course in the healthcare sector is based on three main features: (a) highly trained personnel; (b) innovative and high-quality products; and, (c) excellent cooperation with Medical and Nursing staff in hospitals. The company operates mainly in the Division of Nephrology (Hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis), and in the areas of Urology, General Surgery, Orthopaedic and Pharma. It is also active in the segment of refrigerators and freezers for storage of biological products. The company’s main customers are public hospitals and private clinics. The firm’s privately-owned facilities in Athens cover a total floor space of 11,000 sqm, including offices and central warehouse of 5,520 sqm. The Thessaloniki-based facilities occupy a surface area of 10​,000 sqm in buildings (offices & warehouses) covering 2,000 sqm. Product distribution is made by ​​ its own transport means. Ariti in recent years established four Private Dialysis Clinics, providing high quality and reliable health services to renal patients. Two of the Dialysis Centers are located in Athens, one in Thessaloniki and one in Pella (northern & central Greece), all equipped with the highest technology dialysis equipment. The firm is qualified as per ISO9001, ISO 13485 and DY8 1348. Keeping on a growing track, the Company in 2015 posted a rise of 5.2% in sales and 44.3% in pretax income. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ARITI SA 2014 28,282,862.00 € 4,752,267.00 € 14,026,017.00 € 16,039,414.00 € 49,025,263.00 €

2015 29,751,708.00 € 6,856,538.00 € 15,319,543.00 € 22,136,170.00 € 49,293,350.00 €

Change (%) 5.2 44.3 9.2 38 0.5


Global leader in commerce-enabling technology and solutions First Data Corporation sits at the center of global electronic commerce. First Data is the global technology leader in payment technology and services solutions. With 24,000 owner-associates and operations in 36 countries, the company provides secure and innovative payment technology and services to more than 6.0 million merchants and financial institutions around the world, from small businesses to the world’s largest corporations. Today, businesses in nearly 118 countries trust First Data to secure and process more than 2,500 financial transactions per second. First Data’s unparalleled infrastructure and partnerships go “beyond the transaction” with next-generation point-of-sale technology fueled by powerful analytics to detect fraud, gain insights into consumer spending, and strengthen customer loyalty. All day, every day, First Data helps its clients thrive in the evolving world of commerce. First Data offers high quality services to: small businesses, large merchants, global and national institutions, community financial institutions, government and other industries. In 2016, the electronic trading company’s sales inched up to $11.58 billion compare to $11.45 billion a year earlier. Net income amounted to 660 million dollars, against a loss of $1.2 billion in 2015. In Greece, the company has been operating since 2004, following the acquisition of Delta Singular Outsourcing Services, to claim the leading role in providing transaction management services. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

FIRST DATA HELLAS S.A. 2014 2015 69,121,734.00 € 72,835,522.00 € 3,761,310.00 € 6,778,940.00 € 20,595,454.00 € 24,511,834.00 € 11,574,141.00 € 16,198,903.00 € 61,474,390.00 € 54,371,454.00 €

Change (%) 5.4 80.2 19 40 -11.6


Vehicles Commercial

Mercedes-Benz Hellas S.A.

A leader in the premium car market

Yannis Kalligeros, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 135,934,244.00 €

Founded in 1982, Mercedes-Benz Hellas SA, is a 100% subsidiary of Daimler AG. The company is the General Distributor of Mercedes-Benz passenger & commercial vehicles smart cars, as well as Mercedes-Benz & Setra buses in Greece. Daimler Group is one of the largest passenger car and commercial vehicle makers in the world. Headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, the group employs more than 272,000 workers worldwide, with production facilities in 19 countries. On the basis of 2016 figures, most of the group’s sales came from Mercedes-Benz cars (56%), followed by Daimler Trucks (20.7%), Daimler Financial Services (12.6%), Mercedes-Benz Vans (8%) and Daimler Buses (2.7%), while overall revenues were also higher. Revenue in 2016 amounted to 153 billion euros, while net profit stood at 8.78 billion euros. Spending on R&D in 2016 stood at 7.5 billion. The company is located in the northern Athens suburb of Nea Kifissia, in an area of 40 ​​ acres of exceptionally organized, functional and environmentally friendly land. All Sales and Marketing functions for passenger and commercial vehicles, as well as the Center of Technical Support and Training are hosted there. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Hellas SA, is located in the same area, in order to offer a broad range of financial products to its customers. Mercedes-Benz Hellas also owns the Parts Distribution Center in Aspropyrgos and the sales center for used heavy and light commercial vehicles. “TruckStore.” “Mercedes-Benz Stars” is the used car sales business, ran by Mercedes-Benz & smart authorized sales distributors. In 2015, the company employed a staff of 192. Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of the company’s culture. Always a pioneer in these matters, Mercedes-Benz Hellas was the first company in the automotive sector to issue a Social Responsibility Report for 2013, while it invested in solar energy by placing photovoltaic panels on the roof of its premises, thus producing power of 302 kW at a surface of 4,000 m2. Moreover, the company is constantly contributing to major cultural, social and sports events of the country with significant sponsorships. In 2015, the company donated more than 156,000 euros to various social groups and organizations, while it rendered more than 38.6 million euros in economic value to society.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 6,779,159.00 €

Contact Details 20 Thivaidos St., 145 64 Kifissia, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6296500 Fax: +30 210 6296510 Website: E-mail:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MERCEDES-BENZ HELLAS S.A. 2014 2015 114,184,787.00 € 135,934,244.00 € 4,044,679.00 € 6,779,159.00 € 30,325,253.00 € 25,509,446.00 € 52,284,925.00 € 56,883,267.00 € 23,806,244.00 € 31,251,150.00 €

Change (%) 19.0 67.6 -15.9 8.8 31.3

Diamonds 251


Electrical & Electronic Appliances Commercial


The No. 1 chain of electrical and electronic appliances

Andreas Athanasopoulos, Vice President & CEO

Turnover 365,928,454.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 6,773,496.00 €

KOTSOVOLOS is the leading electrical and electronics chain in Greece, which has been active in the country since 1950 when it opened its first store. The company specializes in the sale of electrical and electronic products, such as large and small home appliances, video and audio devices, computers, photographic equipment and telecommunication products. The Kotsovolos chain is a member of the European Dixons Carphone Group, one of the world’s leading electronics and mobile telephony sales companies, employing a staff of over 42,000 in 11 countries. The company’s network consists of 95 physical stores in various regions of Greece, while consumers who prefer the internet for their purchases can use the Kotsovolos integrated online store at www. In addition, the company places emphasis on the development of multiple sales channels, such as franchise stores and corporate business (B2B) sales activities. Kotsovolos’ branch network of 95 modern stores throughout Greece comprises of 68 corporate and 27 franchise stores. In 2016, the company received a series of awards. In particular, it was once again distinguished for its excellent workplace environment in the Best Workplaces 2016 survey. It also won the European Excellence Award in Logistics 2016, received by Mr. Ziglis, Chief Supply Chain & Home Services Officer of Dixons South East Europe. Kotsovolos was awarded the GOLD Award in the “Integrated Marketing Campaign” category for the 65-year KOTSOVOLOS event, “Journey to Technology” Festival. It also received Silver Awards for Best Use of YouTube and Best Effectiveness Campaign at this year’s Digital Media (Dime) Awards 2016. Finally, Mr. Andreas Athanasopoulos, Vice President and CEO of Kotsovolos - Dixons South East Europe, received the “Manager of the Year 2016” award at the 18th InfoCom World conference. In the context of community support, the company has chosen a strategic cooperation and support of the NGOs “Smile of the Child,” “Make A Wish” and “The Ark of the World,” which are its main social partners. Also, in cooperation with the Appliance Recycling Company SA, which is the official body for the recycling of appliances, and of course with the participation of consumers, KOTSOVOLOS has recycled to date more than 748,000 appliances of a total weight of more than 12,780 tons. The company’s investment plan for in 2016-2017 is valued at an estimated 8.5 million euros, and is envisaged to further improve and expand its network, as well as human resources and services.

Contact Details 14th Km Athens-Lamia National Road & 2 Spilias St., 144 52, Metamorfosi, Attica, Greece Τel.: +30 210 289 9999 Fax: Email: Website:

252 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

DIXONS SOUTH - EAST EUROPE SA 2014 2015 377,089,616.00 € 365,928,454.00 € -6,338,637.00 € 6,773,496.00 € 70,010,342.00 € 78,373,736.00 € 29,610,268.00 € 35,652,728.00 € 183,852,095.00 € 156,844,067.00 €

Change (%) -3 206.9 11.9 20.4 -14.7


Chemical Products Industrial

Alchimica SA

Exporting high quality products

Christos Krimizis-Tsatsoulis, President & CEO

Turnover 31,367,133.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 6,590,745.00 €

ALCHIMICA SA is a dynamic company specializing in the development and production of chemicals for the building as well as other industries. For over 30 years, ALCHIMICA has successfully provided products and services to architects, engineers, home builders, contractors and building owners worldwide. Its one and two-part polyurethane systems have a proven track record of high performance in numerous prestigious construction works around the world. The company’s portfolio contains the following products: Polyurethane liquid membranes, Thermal insulation & Water proofing, Floor Systems, Top Coats, Joint Sealants, Cementitious Mortars, injection Foams, Adhesives, Water Based systems, Primers, Additives, Aquasmart® System and other products. Alchimica’s product portfolio is vast and continuously increasing, in line with the industry’s needs. All Alchimica products are based on proprietary technology and knowledge offering the company a great advantage as far as flexibility and economics are concerned. Company products are applied to a range of projects from drinking water reservoirs, huge water desalinization plants, bridges, irrigation channels, hydroelectric plants, airports, and train tunnels to simple home roofing. Alchimica’s best-selling export item, “Hyperdesmo”, has become a staple for projects in the industry worldwide. The company’s R&D department is strong and includes ten chemists and chemical engineers, including three PhDs. ALCHIMICA is a company with a strong tradition in innovation, investing heavily in research and development and constantly striving for new levels of excellence. This enables it to continuously introduce new technologies to the global market and, as a result, open up new opportunities, not only for the company, but also for its partners and distributors. Slowly but with determination over three decades, Alchimica succeeded in establishing a worldwide reputation strongly linked with quality, innovation, technical leadership and moral values. As a result of the firm’s dynamic expansion in both the domestic and international markets, ALCHIMICA has so far established four subsidiaries abroad. In 2015, revenue from sales in the domestic market amounted to 8.15 million euros and exports to 23.2 million euros, a total of 31.3 million euros. Pre-tax profit rose to 6.5 million euros, after taxes to € 4.6 million. Export sales to more than 60 countries around the world account for as much as 80% of the company’s total sales. ALCHIMICA operates two privately-owned production facilities in Greece. ALCHIMICA products are available in some 450 partnership stores throughout Greece and in 60 countries worldwide through central distributors and/or agents.

Contact Details 13 Oryzomylon St., 122 44, Egaleo, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 5443971 Fax: +30 210 5619287 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Alchimica SA 2014 26,347,302.00 € 5,266,345.00 € 7,778,552.00 € 3,925,925.00 € 11,338,141.00 €

2015 31,367,133.00 € 6,590,745.00 € 9,560,757.00 € 8,567,389.00 € 8,787,813.00 €

Change (%) 19.1 25.1 22.9 118.2 -22.5

Diamonds 253



Offering packaging solutions worldwide RUBBER – PLASTICS Industrial

FLEXOPACK SA was founded in 1979, in Koropi, southeast of Athens. Initially a family-owned business, the company, listed on the Athens Stock Exchange in 1996, is a major European flexible packaging manufacturer offering a great variety of products, with special emphasis in co-extrusion of barrier and non-barrier films. The company has a strong technical base in extrusion, bag-making, and printing. FLEXOPACK’s primary market is the food industry. Other markets include the printing/conversion industry, personal care, medical, and agribusiness packaging. Production and conversion, warehouses, R&D center, logistics and administration are housed in two neighboring facilities measuring a total surface area of 15,000 square meters. The company has experienced significant sales growth over the last five years, and now has two subsidiaries: Fescopack Sp. (engaged in the production and sale of high barrier shrink bags and in the marketing of flexible packaging materials), and Flexosystems Ltd (distribution, promotion and marketing of all products manufactured and marketed by the Group FLEXOPACK in the growing Serbian market). Also the affiliated companies Inova Dimitrakopoulos Bros SA (a leading domestic supplier in injection-molded packaging for the food industry) and Vlachos Bros SA (an export-oriented flexible packaging converter specialized in rotogravure printing, up to 8 colors, and solventless and solvent-based lamination mostly for the food industry). In 2015 the company purchased a land plot adjacent to its existing facilities in Tzima Location, Koropi. The land covers a surface area of 9,904 square meters, on which the Company is building an industrial facility. The construction of the above industrial building, which will be a two-floor building with basement and will have production and storage spaces along with an office area of 7,000 square meters, started on an intensive pace during the last quarter of 2016 and is expected to complete by the end of the current fiscal year 2017. This new building after the completion and the commencement of its operation is expected to strengthen the company’s production capacity. Also, an important development for the company was the establishment of a new commercial company under the name «FLEXOPACK ΝΖ LIMITED», in Auckland of New Zealand. In 2016, the Company posted a rise in sales to 67.41 million euros compared to 62.27 million euros a year earlier. The Group also posted a rise in 2016 sales to 70.25 million euros compared to 61.20 million euros in 2015. Company earnings before tax increased to 8.17 million euros versus 6.57 million euros in 2015. Group pre-tax profit in 2016 rose to 7.60 million euros compared to 5.74 million euros a year earlier.

Turnover 62,271,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 6,575,000.00 €

Contact Details Thessi Tzima, 194 00 Koropi, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6680000 FAX: +30 210 6626583 E-mail: Website:

254 Diamonds

FLEXOPACK SA 2014 Turnover 57,493,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 5,040,000.00 € Gross Profit 10,459,000.00 € Net worth 47,116,000.00 € Liabilities 27,816,000.00 €

2015 62,271,000.00 € 6,575,000.00 € 12,850,000.00 € 50,468,000.00 € 29,902,000.00 €

Change (%) 8.3 30.5 22.9 7.1 7.5



Food Products Commercial

Turnover 41,128,500.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 6,527,708.00 €

Contact Details 12 Naxou St., 190 02, Peania, Attica, Greece Tel: + 30 210 6683300 Fax: +30 210 6683329 E-mail: Website:

Plastics Industrial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 73,268,196.00

Greece’s first importer of illy espresso Kafea Emporiki Techniki SA has operated in the Greek espresso market since 1988 as an entirely Greek, family-owned business, with a firm hold of a leading market share in the espresso HoReCa sector. Its main activities focus on the exclusive import and distribution of Illy espresso, a popular blend made up of 9 types of 100% Arabica coffees, along with several other high-quality products of international recognition, such as premium Nonino distillates, Monbana chocolate, famous Dammann teas, Routin 1883 flavouring syrups, La Marzocco and La Faema machinery. Kafea has created one of the largest distribution networks throughout the country in the HoReCa sector, as well as in the retail market, covering 96% of the market’s territory through 78 commercial associates. The firm continuously invests in know-how, training and technology. Backed by dedication and high professionalism, Kafea ensures the optimum implementation of procedures to offer consumer excellent espresso. As a result, Greece has developed into the strongest export country for ILLYCAFFE SPA, in terms of volume. KAFEA is the exclusive distributor of illy and other products in the Bulgarian market. In addition, the company has a strong social character as it responds directly to social needs either through product or financial support to foundations, NGOs, events, fundraising, sponsorship and support for volunteer groups. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

KAFEA SA 2014 41,857,441.00 € 6,215,837.00 € 14,992,641.00 € 11,106,844.00 € 13,938,463.00 €

2015 41,128,500.00 € 6,527,708.00 € 14,545,818.00 € 10,134,594.00 € 18,917,702.00 €

Change (%) -1.7 5 -3 -8.8 35.7


Greece’s sole producer of EPS Monotez was founded in the early 1960s, and initially produced boards of expanded EPS used for thermal insulation in buildings. As from the early 1970s the company’s main activity switched to the production of EPS as a raw material. Annual production capacity has progressively reached the level of 70,000 tons. Monotez addresses to medium and large size companies producing and trading thermal insulation boards and packaging materials. In the normal course of business, Monotez cooperates with a large number of other companies to accommodate its needs. These include sourcing of specialized raw materials, transportation services, insurance companies, etc. The headquarters of the company were relocated in 2013 in the area of Krioneri Attikis, Athens, while the firm’s privately-owned production facility is located in the industrial zone of Inofyta, Viotia, about 50km north of Athens. The company employs a total staff of 70, and is certified as per ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 6,218,826.00 € Contact Details 111 Lefkis St., 145 68 Kryoneri Attikis, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 28.11.135 Fax: +30 210 28.18.726 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MONOTEZ SA 2014 72,563,411.00 € 2,855,307.00 € 8,533,388.00 € 10,986,177.00 € 19,120,400.00 €

2015 73,268,196.00 € 6,218,826.00 € 9,205,560.00 € 15,347,745.00 € 9,420,109.00 €

Change (%) 1 117.8 7.9 39.7 -50.7

Diamonds 255




A modern European motorway in Greece

Turnover 55,269,017.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 6,217,480.00 €

Olympia Odos is one of the largest projects of strategic importance for Greece, as a modern European-standards motorway, constructed to connect the Peloponnese with Central Greece and Europe. The project includes the design, construction, maintenance and operation of the Elefsina - Korinthos - Patra motorway, with a total length of 201.5 km. Olympia Odos is a concession project, which is funded partly by the Greek State and the European Union, but mainly by private investments by strong Greek and foreign companies with a long and successful history in constructing high quality and cost-effective infrastructure projects, as well as the provision of high-level operation services. The new, modern and secure motorway will offer an upgraded and safer link with the southwestern part of Greece, and in particular to and from the Patras Port, the archaeological sites and tourist areas, enhancing export activities and rural production. Olympia Odos is the only project constructed while open to traffic along its 120km, and therefore is the most challenging construction project in Greece. The widening of the existing road is implemented either on one or on both sides of the motorway, depending on the case. At the same time, high quality operation services are provided from day one. Patrols, emergency teams and maintenance staff, in cooperation with the Traffic Police, Fire Brigade and private road assistance companies, are on the alert to provide drivers with road assistance in case of emergency, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, as well as securing the high standard corrective and preventive maintenance of the network. The Shareholders of OLYMPIA ODOS S.A. are: Concession Company: OLYMPIA ODOS S.A. VINCI CONCESSIONS S.A. (29,9%) J&P-AVAX S.A. (19.1%) Hochtief PPP Solutions GmbH (17%) AKTOR Concessions S.A. (17%) GEK Terna S.A. (17%) Operator: OLYMPIA ODOS OPERATION S.A. Constructor: APION KLEOS CONSTRUCTION JOINT VENTURE

Contact details Contact details: 4 Rizariou St., Chalandri, 15233, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6843 041 Fax: +30 210 6843 049/406 E-mail: customercare@olympiaoperation. gr Website:

256 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

OLYMPIA ODOS SA 2014 2015 22,610,271.00 € 22,043,691.00 € 5,934,252.00 € 6,236,228.00 € 6,113,938.00 € 7,576,667.00 € 9,999,400.00 € 14,226,187.00 € 5,785,535.00 € 3,951,052.00 €

Change (%) -2.5 5.1 23.9 42.3 -31.7


Clothing, Footwear Commercial



Continued growth in recent years Diethnis Athlitiki Ltd. was founded in 1977 in Athens, marking a new era in the field of sports shops. The extensive experience of the company’s owners in sporting activities, combined with a continuous effort to further develop its human resources, contributed to major growth over the years that followed. The company supplies the market with cheap and quality shoes, clothes and accessories. Ιn 2004, Diethnis Athlitiki acquired the rights for the Admiral brand in Greece, Cyprus and all Balkan countries. This was crucial to the firm’s further expansion through the creation of franchise stores, in turn enabling new partnerships for the mutual benefit of Admiral’s power and strengthening the brand’s commercial value. Admiral’s network has grown across Greece, now numbering 138 company stores and 31 franchised outlets. In 2005, the company took on the dealership rights for the Kappa and Robe di Kappa brands in Greece and Cyprus.

55,269,017.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 6,217,480.00 €

Contact Details Gorytsa, Aspropyrgos, 193 00, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 5576776 E-mail: Website: http://diethnisathlitiki. gr/

Plastics Industrial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover 43,989,566.00 € TAXES PROFIT BEFORE 96.956.097

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,980,194.00 €

Contact Contact Details Details 4 Akadimias St., 106 71 Athens, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 3679300 Fax: +30 210 3602193 E-mail: GRcustomercare@Tupperware. com Website: http://www.tupperware. gr/

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

DIETHNIS ATHLITIKI LTD 2014 2015 28,170,656.00 € 55,269,017.00 € 3,318,729.00 € 6,217,480.00 € 14,878,325.00 € 27,481,500.00 € 16,396,021.00 € 19,950,665.00 € 15,426,189.00 € 13,640,853.00 €

Change (%) 96.2 87.3 84.7 21.7 -11.6


A global leader The well-known “Tupperware” brand made its first appearance in America in 1946, when Earl Tupper introduced the Wonderlier Bowl, which is still sold today. The Wonderlier Bowl had an advantage over all other food containers as it was lighter, didn’t break like glass or ceramics, and mainly because it was accompanied by a watertight and airtight lid. Despite the revolution that was brought about by the new product, it didn’t sell satisfactorily in supermarkets, as consumers needed a demonstration to understand its uses and operation. In response to the subdued reaction, TUPPERWARE introduced a completely new way of approaching consumers in 1948 - residential demonstrations. Tupperware emerged in Greece in 1964 and, three years later, began operating a factory in Thebes. Today, the Thebes factory is one of four operated by the firm in Europe. At present, Tupperware products are available in 100 countries around the world, offering products for all needs and cultures. The Tupperware product range can cover the most demanding of consumer needs. New inventions allow Tupperware products to withstand extreme temperatures. In 2016, the company posted global sales of $2.21 billion compared to $2.28 billion a year earlier. Net income rose to 223 million dollars against 185 million dollars in 2015. Gross margin amounted to $1.49 billion compared to $1.53 billion the previous year. Most sales came from the Asia Pacific region ($748 million), followed by Europe (559 million euros), Tupperware North America (358 million euros), South America (356 million euros) and Beauty North America ($190 million). Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

TUPPERWARE HELLAS SA 2014 2015 43,018,722.00 € 43,989,566.00 € 4,057,329.00 € 5,980,194.00 € 13,739,332.00 € 14,953,052.00 € 8,680,177.00 € 9,694,378.00 € 7,006,882.00 € 7,329,333.00 €

Change (%) 2.3 47.4 8.8 11.7 4.6

Diamonds 257


Paper Industrial


A role model of healthy business initiative

Turnover 134,517,065.00 €


MEGA S.A., a 100% Greek company, is today one of the largest production units of personal hygiene products in Europe. Constant investment, high quality standards and ethics are the answer to the crisis, as well as the confirmation that the Greeks were born not only to consume, but also to create. MEGA supports the Greek economy by following a company’s philosophy based on the triptych: Production, Headquarters, Ownership in Greece. MEGA produces its products in Greece. MEGA invests in production areas and state-of-the-art high-end technological equipment in Greece, while promoting Greek innovation by creating new jobs. Meanwhile, MEGA’s products are on the shelves of more than 30 countries abroad, representing our country deservedly. According to MEGA, the way to development needs to go through investment. Following this belief, MEGA continued its investment plan with expenditures of over 55 million € (2010-2016). This amount of investments consisted in state-of –the-art mechanical equipment and advanced quality control systems, thus introducing innovations to high-end production lines. At the same time, always considering its employees as its most precious asset, it not only maintained working positions, but also increased its personnel by over 73% between 2010 and 2016. MEGA has been active abroad since the 1990s. By further enhancing its export synergies, it has managed to increase its exports fivefold (2010-2016) confirming that innovation and quality can have a Greek identity, as well as an international passport. With a sense of responsibility towards society, MEGA tries to hear the ever-increasing needs of vulnerable social groups. MEGA intensifies its efforts by supporting consistently, the work of recognized NGO’s in Greece. In 2016, the company offered over 1.5 million products in collaboration with social organizations and charity organizations throughout Greece. Today more than ever, MEGA supports the Greek economy by strengthening its investment plans. The company’s strategy is based on innovation, continuous investment and extroversion. In this context, MEGA’ s business objectives for the next years are linked, among other things, with the strengthening of its operations both in Greece and in international markets. With this in mind, it has already commenced a new investment in our country worth 30 million euros, which comprises new warehouse, new production plant and new state – of – the- art machinery, increasing the capacity in the categories where the company operates.

6,103,451.00 €

Contact Details 148 Dekelias str., 13678 Aharnes, Greece Tel. +30 210 2419800 Fax +30 210 2419818 Email: Website:

258 Diamonds

MEGA DISPOSABLES S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 112,913,848.00 € 134,517,065.00 € Profit Before Taxes 4,703,834.00 € 6,103,451.00 € Gross Profit 38,762,943.00 € 45,895,318.00 € Net worth 26,241,982.00 € 28,748,212.00 € Liabilities 49,360,072.00 € 63,158,876.00 €

Change (%) 19.1 29.8 18.4 9.6 28.0


Courier Services Commercial

Turnover 81,159,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 6,011,000.00 €


Holding a leading position in the sector ACS Courier S.A., member of the Info-Quest Group of companies, was founded in 1981 and has become the leading company in the domestic courier marketplace, by providing first-class courier services in competitive rates, within Greece and for all international shipments and worldwide destinations. The company operates the largest network in Greece, Cyprus, Albania and Bulgaria, with more than 450 branches, which cover the communication needs of hundreds of thousands of businesses and individuals in 200 countries around the world, while using the most complete and modern IT equipment and automated systems for sorting, tracking and locating shipments. ACS has undoubtedly linked its name to Courier service in Greece for over 30 years. Today ACS operates on premises of a total floor space of 30,000 sqm. The company handles more than 15,000,000 shipments per year, delivering to 15,500 different destinations within Greece with more than 1500 delivery vehicles (trucks & motorbikes). The firm employees a staff of some 3,000 specialized employees. In 2016, the courier company posted a rise in sales to 89.99 million euros compared to 81.15 million euros a year earlier. Earnings before tax also rose to 10.75 million euros compared to 6.01 million euros in 2015. EBITDA amounted to 11.69 million euros against 6.95 million euros in 2015. ACS purchased a 26.6-acre property with its own funds, where it plans to build its new, modern central offices and sorting facilities.

Contact Details


25 Asklipiou St., 14568, Kryoneri, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 8190000 Fax: +30 210 8190311 E-mail: Website: https://www.acscourier. net

2014 Turnover 82,304,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 6,707,000.00 € Gross Profit 18,828,000.00 € Net worth 8,991,000.00 € Liabilities 17,051,000.00 €

Chemical Products



Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover 37,096,298.00 € TAXES PROFIT BEFORE 96.956.097

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 5,948,466.00 € Contact Details 17th km Thessaloniki-Ag. Athanasios Rd, 570 03 Ag. Athanasios, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel.: +30 2310 576005 Fax: +30 2310 722120 E-mail: Website:

2015 81,159,000.00 € 6,011,000.00 € 18,999,000.00 € 10,634,000.00 € 20,120,000.00 €

Change (%) -1.4 -10.4 0.9 18.3 18.0

Exporting to more than 30 countries Founded in 1980, ISOMAT today produces over 350 products that are used in general and more specialized building activities, such as installations, repairs and improvements. Products are divided into six basic categories: Drying materials, Cement and mortar additives, Glues and putty, Repair materials and painting materials, Ready-to-use plasters and Industrial floors. ISOMAT is led by Athanasios Tziritis, Vice-president and Managing Director. At present, the firm operates two state-of-the-art production facilities, one in Thessaloniki’s Agios Athanasios district, and another one in Belgrade, Serbia. ISOMAT employs a staff of more than 350 in Greece and abroad. Operating through sales points in Athens and Thessaloniki, and associated with more than 1500 retail outlets, ISOMAT serves the building sector throughout Greece. ISOMAT exports its products to more than 40 countries and has six subsidiaries in Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Russia, Slovenia, as well as an affiliated company in Spain. Subsidiaries in Serbia and Romania operate production facilities in Belgrade and Bucharest, respectively. In 2016 Isomat was awarded by the Northern Greece Federation of Industries with the Large Enterprise Excellence Award. The criteria for this award were: Employee growth, investment in Greece, enhanced extroversion, innovation, environmental concerns, technological development, CSR actions and, above all, its growth amidst Greece’s adverse economic circumstances. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ISOMAT SA 2014 33,064,782.00 € 4,190,449.00 € 14,369,060.00 € 36,043,997.00 € 9,818,597.00 €

2015 37,096,298.00 € 5,948,466.00 € 16,463,141.00 € 39,485,350.00 € 9,982,032.00 €

Change (%) 12.2 42.0 14.6 9.5 1.7

Diamonds 259


Miscellaneous Commercial

Turnover 57,572,934.00 â‚Ź

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,940,133.00 â‚Ź

Contact Details 3, Stadiou str., 10562, Athens, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 2103226115 Fax: +30 2103248616 Website:

260 Diamonds

Promoting the values and excellence of the Rolex brand Rolex, the leading brand of the Swiss watch industry headquartered in Geneva, enjoys an unrivalled reputation for quality and expertise the world over. Rolex Oyster watches, all certified as Superlative Chronometers for their precision, performance and reliability, are symbols of excellence, elegance and prestige. Founded by Hans Wilsdorf in 1905, the brand pioneered the development of the wristwatch and is at the origin of numerous major watchmaking innovations, such as the Oyster, the first waterproof wristwatch, launched in 1926 and the Perpetual rotor self-winding mechanism invented in 1931. Rolex has registered over 400 patents in the course of its history. A truly integrated and independent manufacturing company, Rolex designs, develops and produces in-house all the essential components of its watches, from the casting of the gold alloys to the machining, crafting, assembly and finishing of the movement, case, dial and bracelet. Rolex is also actively involved in supporting the arts, sports, exploration, the spirit of enterprise and the environment through a broad palette of sponsoring activities, as well as philanthropic programmes.


The Rolex brand was introduced in the Greek market in the 1950s. Since then, the brand has enjoyed a remarkable growth with two retail shops and official retailers throughout the country. In order to meet all after-sales customer needs, Rolex Hellas SA, has established a Rolex Service Center, staffed by highly-skilled technicians, trained by Rolex Geneva. They follow precise technical procedures to ensure that every watch meets the stringent performance Rolex requirements. Rolex Hellas, led by CEO Mrs. Iro Vaharis, continues to promote the values and excellence of the Rolex brand.

Rolex S.A. 2014 Turnover 51,013,386.00 € Profit Before Taxes 5,809,977.00 € Gross Profit 10,963,493.00 € Net worth 5,842,796.00 € Liabilities 5,069,376.00 €

2015 57,572,934.00 € 5,940,133.00 € 11,839,956.00 € 5,919,515.00 € 4,623,522.00 €

Change (%) 12.9 2.2 8.0 1.3 -8.8

Diamonds 261



Turnover 40,503,545.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,937,821.00 €

Contact Details Athens International Airport, Building 14A, 19019 Spata, Attica, Greece Tel.: + 30 210 3541150 Fax: + 30 210 3545114 E-mail: Website: greece


Offering services of exceptional quality With origins in Group Catair, Newrest was founded in 1996 by its co-CEOs Olivier Sadran and Jonathan Stent-Torriani in Toulouse, France. Just under two decades later, Newrest stands as a global leader in multi-sector catering and operates in 49 countries with a workforce of more than 28,000 employees. Newrest is the only major catering company active in all catering and related hospitality segments, including airline catering, buy-on-board, duty-free on board, rail catering, concession retail, contract catering, remote sites and support services. In Greece, the company is based at the Athens International Airport, and operates as many as 25 branches throughout the country. In the period 9/2015 to 9/2016, the firm reported sales of 43.18 million euros compared to 40.50 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax profit amounted 6.9 million euros compared to 5.8 million euros in 2015. At a global level, the catering company operates in 50 countries. Consolidated sales for the period 2014-2015 amounted to 954 million euros. The largest share of sales comes from inflight services (44.1%), followed by rail (24.4%), remote site (15.2%), catering (13.1%) and retail (3.2%). In Greece, the company deals exclusively with catering and inflight services. Newrest’s main source of revenue comes from the European market with 39.9%, followed by Mid East, Asia & Oceania at 38.4%.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

NEWREST HELLAS SA 2014 2015 37,506,279.00 € 40,503,545.00 € 4,946,562.00 € 5,937,821.00 € 14,932,128.00 € 16,376,642.00 € 3,358,709.00 € 10,769,753.00 € 12,005,813.00 € 16,480,113.00 €

Change (%) 8 18.8 9.7 220.7 37.3

DEAS SA Food Products Industrial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 40,722,600.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 5,909,127.00 € Contact Details Chalkidiki 63100, Greece Tel.: + 30 23710 54300 Fax: + 30 23710 54230 Ε- mail: Website:

262 Diamonds

A purely export company A family-owned business specializing in olives, DEAS is located in the heart of Halkidiki, a northeastern Greece region renowned for its quality green olives. Processing and selling of olives started in the mid 1960s by moderate sales of the family’s own production of olives. Today, Deas is a 100% export company whose production is sold to more than 50 countries around the world. The firm processes all types of olives. The company factory is equipped with technologically advanced equipment that allows for packaging flexibility to suit all products to meet market needs. With constant and rapid expansion over the years, facilities now cover a floor space of more than 8,000 sqm. Annual production output is currently at 18,000 tons. Production is vertically-integrated, covering the entire process, from olive picking to the final packaged product, either in retail or bulk packaging, for all markets, including the HoReCa sector and supermarkets. Deas packages various olive types, including: green olives, Kalamata olives, black natural olives, black oxidized olives, bruschettas, spreads & pastes, mixed olives and Mediterranean products. The company implements the ISO9001:2000 quality standard, as well as the ISO:22000 (HACCP) food safety system standard to every aspect of production. Also implemented are the requirements of the BRC (British Retail Consortium), IFS (International Food Safety) systems, Tuv Hellas, Tuv Nord and Bio Hellas.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

DEAS SA 2014 37,903,927.00 € 4,626,502.00 € 7,253,283.00 € 14,751,945.00 € 24,461,474.00 €

2015 40,722,600.00 € 5,909,127.00 € 8,885,971.00 € 17,436,218.00 € 32,381,567.00 €

Change (%) 7.4 27.7 22.5 18.2 32.4




Among the sector’s oldest companies

Makis Provatas, Chief Executive Officers

Turnover 44,516,068.00 €

Vivechrom was founded in 1932 by Stefanos Diamantis Pateras and other members of a renowned shipping family with the purpose to manufacture, process, import, export and trade all kinds of coatings, paints and plastics, based at the company’s first plant in Nikea, a district near the port-city Piraeus area. Vivechrom nowadays ranks as one of the largest industries in the country. The company built a new factory in Mandra, west of Athens on a 100-acre plot of land, where production was transferred. In 1972, Vivechrom changed its legal company status to an SA company with a capital amount of 55 million drachmas. In 1990, Vivechrom acquired international status by becoming a member of Nobel Industries, one of the largest paint manufacturers in Europe, and Chemagra, representing a group of international investors. The same year Nobel Industries merged with Azko SA, the Dutch giant chemical, and created Akzonbel, the largest paint company in the world and one of the largest industries in the global chemicals sector. Today Vivechrom is an active member of Akzonbel. As a market leader, it has continued growing with a modern organizational structure, dynamic management team, and a significant workforce of 225 people. The company boasts the largest and most effective distribution network with more than 2,000 sales points, serving the entire Greek mainland and the islands. The company develops innovative products and improves existing brands not only based on market trends and customer expectations but also within the framework of its policies concerning quality, environment, health and safety. Vivechrom markets ecological paints, wall paints, trim paints, metalcare, woodcare and special paints and thinners. Vivechrom has established a Quality, Environment, Health & Safety Directorate concerning quality, the environment and occupational health and safety. The company applies ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 management systems. Vivechrom, having gained the trust of parent company AkzoNobel, has made significant investments in Greece. In this context, the transfer of varnish production from Turkey’s Marshal to the Vivechrom plant in Greece is the next direct investment with an estimated implementation time by the end of 2017. This investment will boost employment by increasing the factory’s workforce by 15%.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 7,106,421.00 €

Contact Details Vathi Pigadi, 196 00 Mandra, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 5538700 FAX: +30 210 5550464 E-mail: Website:

VIVECHROM SA 2014 Turnover 43,272,018.00 € Profit Before Taxes 5,509,766.00 € Gross Profit 16,143,731.00 € Net worth 20,074,416.00 € Liabilities 10,659,500.00 €

2015 44,516,068.00 € 7,106,421.00 € 17,138,304.00 € 21,402,850.00 € 13,617,848.00 €

Change (%) 2.9 29.0 6.2 6.6 27.8

Diamonds 263


Waste & Water Management Commercial

Turnover 24,553,087.00 €



Protecting the environment since 2000 MESOGEOS Group is one of the largest groups in the field of environmental protection in Greece. It is highlypositioned in the market of water, waste water and solid waste treatment, as well as renewable energy production and energy saving. MESOGEOS is also active in other countries like Cyprus, Romania, Azerbaijan, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro. The company was established in 2000 by Dionysios Georgopoulos-chemical engineer, and Georgios Alegras-electrical engineer, as well as other members with remarkable experience in the fields of environmental protection and Local Administration. MESOGEOS is active in the following sectors: Concession contracts as well as Public-Private Sector Partnerships contracts and performance based contracts for Integrated Water Supply, solid waste and wastewater treatment, energy saving, Operation and maintenance services for networks, water, waste water and solid waste treatment facilities and energy systems, Technical support and consultation of Municipal Companies for Water Supply and Sewerage as well as solid waste management, energy saving etc, Design and construction of treatment plants and networks and Development and supply of prefabricated compact water and wastewater treatment systems. The company also offers integrated environmental protection solutions, such as: Operation and maintenance of water supply networks and water treatment plants, Operation and maintenance of sewerage networks and sewage treatment plants, Management of systems for the collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of solid waste and Management of renewable energy systems.

5,741,179.00 €

Contact Details 67 Aiolou St., Athens, 10559, Greece Tel.: +30 210 3837748 Fax: +30 210 3837633 Email: Website:

Medicines - Detergents Commercial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


PROFIT BEFORE 41,707,754.00 € TAXES 96.956.097 PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,676,516.00 €

Contact Details Contact Details 91 Michalakopoulou St., 11528 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 2104897800 Fax.: +30 210 4897 800 Email: mail@boltonhellas.boltongroup. gr Website:

264 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MESOGEOS S.A. 2014 30,608,794.00 € 2,915,981.00 € 6,480,649.00 € 7,683,454.00 € 27,819,052.00 €

2015 24,553,087.00 € 5,741,179.00 € 9,559,460.00 € 12,744,096.00 € 23,932,298.00 €

Change (%) -19.8 96.9 47.5 65.9 -14


Representing global brands in the Greek market Bolton is active in the wholesale sector of food, household and personal care products. In particular, it is involved in the production and marketing of body care products, toothpaste, paper articles, floor polishes and furniture polishes, kitchen, toilet and bathroom cleaners, and other chemicals. It also imports preserved foods, which are also produced and marketed in Greece. In addition, the firm is an agent of domestic and foreign industrial and commercial houses. Major brands in the company’s portfolio are: Rio Mare, Neutro Roberts, Somatoline Cosmetic, Merito, Omino Bianco Overlay, Argentil, We Net and Fornet. Bolton Hellas is a subsidiary of the Bolton Group, which produces and markets a vast array of high quality consumer goods in 125 countries. Today, the Group holds a portfolio of prestigious brands, including over 50 Food, Home and Laundry Care, Adhesives, Personal Care and Wellbeing and Beauty Care products, distributed in supermarkets and perfumeries. Over 3,000 employees worldwide are focused on delivering high quality products that meet the ever-increasing needs of today’s consumers. Thanks to our people’s commitment, 100 million households in 125 countries enjoy Bolton’s high quality products. The largest proportion of the group’s sales comes from food (49%), followed by household and laundry care (17%) and personal care and well-being (16%). The remaining 13% of sales account for adhesives and 5% for beauty care. In 2016, the Greek subsidiary posted sales of 31.35 million euros compared to 41.70 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax earnings amounted to 5.08 million euros against 5.67 million euros in 2015. In 2016, the company employed a staff of 57. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

BOLTON HELLAS SA 2014 2015 41,991,055.00 € 41,707,754.00 € 5,359,650.00 € 5,676,516.00 € 12,065,160.00 € 12,006,329.00 € 12,038,626.00 € 4,741,999.00 € 4,783,047.00 € 7,239,412.00 €

Change (%) -0.7 5.9 -0.5 -60.6 51.4




WORK CAN WORK BETTER The brand character of Xerox in four words We are living at a time of great transition in business, enabled by digitization and a spectacular spread of technology. As a technology company we always ask ourselves whether our clients are satisfied with the business outcome they are seeing. Our point of view is to focus evermore on the work flow, believing that the next frontier for driving real progress will come from improving the work itself. Xerox is uniquely positioned to have this conversation, given that work is a domain that we are associated with. We are experts in work flow, document management and business process across a wide range of industries. This is the same conversation we have been having with our clients since the early inception of our company, when Chester Carlson, the inventor of xerography, had to improve that very basic of business processes which was the way people shared information. We call this conversation “Work can work better”

Vassilis Rabbat, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 30.212.255,00 €

At Xerox we believe that improving the flow of work is core to helping an organization to work better. Today Xerox encompasses the mindset, the method and the approaches we take to work with our clients, to understand how their businesses work. To unpack and unfold how a process works. To help improve it and to make it better. We are highly innovative but yet very practical. We like to really get into the narrowly details with our clients. “Work Can Work Better” is a point of view that reflects much of what’s on the minds of business decision-makers today. In a world that’s awash in new technology capabilities, there’s growing interest in talking less about technology promises and more about business outcomes.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4.069.131,00 €

Contact Details 127 Syngrou Ave, 11745, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 9307000 Website:

XEROX HELLAS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 30.212.255,00 € 30.382.775,00 € Profit Before Taxes 4.069.131,00 € 5.733.814,00 € Gross Profit 12.806.121,00 € 13.268.076,00 € Net worth 15.098.537,00 € 15.609.121,00 € Liabilities 4.180.673,00 € 5.125.521,00 €

Change (%) 0,6 40,9 3,6 3,4 22,6

Diamonds 265


Pharmaceutical CLOTHING Products Industrial Commercial


Among the world’s largest biopharmaceuticals

Jim Sage, Kamil CEO Ziegler,

chairman & CEO OPAP SA

Turnover 229,661,174.00 454.276.468 €

The US giant has been operating in the Greek pharmaceutical market for the past 56 years through its subsidiary Pfizer Hellas, holding a top market position. The firm has exhibited a dynamic growth potential, making major investments that have exceeded 200 million euros in recent years. Following its merger in 2010 with Wyeth, the leading biopharmaceutical reinforced its strong position in Greece. The firm was founded in 1960, starting with a tiny workforce of 40 people at its first factory in the inner Athens suburb of Pangrati. Growing up, the company in 1970 added a new plant in Avlonas, East Attica, giving new life and creating new demands in the pharmaceutical industry. Export activities began in 1980. In 2003, Pfizer Hellas became the largest pharmaceutical company in Greece, maintaining that position for several years. A milestone date for the company has been July 15, 2010 when it merged operations with Wyeth Hellas, creating the most powerful biopharmaceutical company in Greece. In 2012, the company decided to break away its veterinary products industry and set up a subsidiary, named Zoetis. The new Pfizer Hellas involves in a wide range of activities in the field of human health. Its innovative formulations include vaccines, biological medicines and food products, while the high level of human resources expertise and specialization gives the firm an unprecedented dynamic. In 2016, the multinational Pfizer Group posted a rise in sales to 52.8 billion dollars compared to 48.8 billion dollars a year earlier, marking an increase of 8%. Net income also rose to 7.2 billion dollars against 6.9 billion dollars in 2015. For yet another year, the firm channeled a significant portion of its sales to research and development. The figure for 2016 was 7.8 billion dollars versus 7.6 billion dollars in 2015. Notably, 50% of sales come from the US market, followed by Japan, accounting for 8% of sales. The remaining 42% comes from the rest of the world. With regard to prizes, Pfizer Hellas has been distinguished for yet another year in 2016 as the company with the best working environment in Greece, winning the top position in the category of businesses with more than 250 employees, according to the annual survey by Great Place to Work Institute Hellas .The company is ranked for the third year among the top of the list, as in the respective surveys in the years 2015 and 2014 it was ranked first and second, respectively.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,614,811.00 96.956.097 €

Contact Details 243 Messogeion Ave., 154 51 Neo Psychiko Attica Greece Tel.: +30 2106785800 Fax: +30 2106785971 / 210 8199096 Website:

266 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PFIZER HELLAS S.A. 2014 2015 250,683,984.00 € 229,661,174.00 € 11,378,833.00 € 5,614,811.00 € 60,073,755.00 € 59,358,876.00 € 231,818,948.00 € 177,650,412.00 € 66,847,123.00 € 46,546,788.00 €

Change (%) -8.4 -50.7 -1.2 -23.4 -30.4


Miscellaneous CLOTHING Commercial


A global leader in sunglasses

Kamil Ziegler, Manolis Tzatzimakis, chairman & CEO OPAP SA

General Manager


The roots of the firm’s successful course hail back to 1991, at a fashion show in Paris, where the owner of Luxottica requested to meet Greek entrepreneur Stratos Tzamtzikakis, who was informed of Luxottica’s plans to launch a subsidiary firm in Greece, with or without a business partner. The Cretan entrepreneur immediately took a firm hold of the opportunity and the venture was named Luxottica Hellas. Luxottica Hellas markets sunglasses and reading glasses manufactured at the Luxottica plant, as well as sunglasses by celebrated firms, including Byblos, Yves Saint Lauren, and Bvlgari, Giorgio Armani, Emporio Armani, Prada, Prada Linea Rossa, Miu Miu, Dolce & Gabbana, Persol, Burberry, Oakley, Vogue και Ray-Ban. The parent company was founded in 1961 by Leonardo Del Vecchio in Agordo, Italy. These days, the company’s headquarters are located in Milan. Luxottica Group SpA is the world’s largest eyewear company, controlling over 80% of the world’s major eyewear brands. Its best known brands are RayBan, Persol and Oakley. It also makes sunglasses and prescription frames for a multitude of designer brands, such as Chanel and Prada, whose designs and trademarks are used under license. Luxottica also makes sunglasses branded as Giorgio Armani, Burberry, Stella McCartney, Versace, Vogue, Miu Miu, Tory Burch, and Donna Karan. Nowadays, the company has presence across 150 countries with more than 8000 retail stores, 18 distribution centers and 12 manufacturing facilities. In 2016, Luxottica posted total sales of 9.08 billion euros, up 2.8% compared to 8.83 billion euros a year earlier. Gross profit was inched down to 5.9 billion euros against 6.0 billion euros in 2015, dropping 1.1%. In the first four months of 2017, the group recorded sales of 2.38 billion euros (958 million euros wholesale and 1.42 billion euros retail sales), compared to 2.26 billion euros in the corresponding period a year earlier. Notably, the market recording the highest rise in the first four months of 2017 was Europe, with an increase of 17%.

454.276.468 € 25,563,826.00


Contact Details 3 Anthousas Ave., 153 51, Pallini, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 2106669300 FAΧ: +30 2106669301

LUXOTTICA HELLAS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 26,484,141.00 € 25,563,826.00 € Profit Before Taxes 5,065,430.00 € 5,606,259.00 € Gross Profit 9,452,395.00 € 9,603,941.00 € Net worth 6,189,763.00 € 6,379,075.00 € Liabilities 3,072,222.00 € 5,044,428.00 €

Change (%) -3.5 10.7 1.6 3.1 64.2

Diamonds 267



Turnover 101,862,891.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,478,924.00 €

Contact Details Pirgou St. & Prespas St, 18346, Moschato, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 4839200 Fax: +30 210 4839206 E-mail: Website:

Among Greece’s leading meat companies Brothers Haralabos and Ioannis Floridis began their successful business involvement in the meat processing sector in 1980, taking over a family business that had been headed by their father since 1953. The duo swiftly established the firm as one of the leading enterprises in the sector and, in 2000, launched an updated company, Floridis SA, at an ultra-modern, privately-owned meat processing and packaging facility. Investments in the firm’s production facilities and well-trained personnel, numbering 285 employees, have played a significant role in the company’s continued growth. In 2010, the firm launched a new privately-owned, 10,500-sqm production facility adjacent to Athens’ central meat market in Renti, a district close to the port city of Piraeus. This production plant is equipped with ultra-modern facilities and has a storage capacity of 2,500 tons. The firm also owns a modern fleet of refrigerator trucks. The production facility is equipped with 2,000 cubic meters of refrigerated booths for fresh and frozen meat products, two latest-generation fast-freeze units, as well as 4,000 sqm of air-conditioned production and transportation space. All in all, the factory is a model, designed in accordance with the most advanced systems. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

FLORIDIS MEAT SA 2014 2015 103,189,840.00 € 101,862,891.00 € 2,969,673.00 € 5,478,924.00 € 21,187,150.00 € 22,580,568.00 € 32,953,771.00 € 33,993,012.00 € 38,064,670.00 € 34,571,849.00 €

Change (%) -1.3 84.5 6.6 3.2 -9.2


With a 47-year-long history in plastic packaging

Industrial Industrial Apostolos Vakakis

ARGO SA was founded in 1970 in Athens, by Dr. Alexis Stasinopoulos and Tryfon Mitrogiannopoulos. The firm engages in the plastic packaging sector as a designer, producer, and trader of rigid packaging. The company’s business activity spans the markets of healthcare, personal care, crop protection, animal healthcare, chemicals and auto, and food and beverages. The range of manufacturing technologies employed includes: Extrusion Blow Molding, Injection Blow Molding, Injection Stretch Blow Molding, Injection Molding, Plastic Tube production for Packaging, Printing and Labelling and Assembling. Thanks to a wide range of processing technologies and polymer grades employed, the company offers plastic closures, droppers, vials, bottles, canisters, tubes and dosing systems for demanding applications and diverse markets. It provides high quality packaging solutions for best product protection and maximum brand impact in the market. The firm also operates a privatelyowned factory in Bucharest, Romania. Argo is certified as per ISO9001:2008, ISO14001:2004, ISO15378:2011, and EN ISO13485:2012 standards. Compliance with international standards and regulations is assured both by in-plant procedures and external accredited organizations or labs.

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 27,506,230.00 €€ 29,468,093.00

PROFIT BEFORE BEFORE TAXES TAXES PROFIT Contact Details 5,474,499.00 €€ 10,902,910.00 Contact Details 1st km Koropiou-Varis St., 19400, Koropi, Greece Tel.: +30 216 4003100 Fax: +30 210 6625500 E-mail: Website:

268 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Argo S.A. 2014 26,848,594.00 € 4,067,979.00 € 6,043,468.00 € 28,055,034.00 € 5,695,117.00 €

2015 27,506,230.00 € 5,474,499.00 € 7,013,985.00 € 31,575,559.00 € 10,478,096.00 €

Change (%) 2.4 34.6 16.1 12.5 84.0




Λιλή Π εργαν τά,

πρόε σύμβουδρος και δι ευθύ λος τη ς Pow νουσα er Hea lth

Η επιχ ειρημα τίας πο το «φα υ έφερε ρμακε ίο τη στη γε ς φύσης» ιτονιά σας


της Hell as


Diamonds 269



A leading steel pipe supplier of the global energy industry Corinth Pipeworks is one of the largest steel pipe manufacturers in Europe with a leading position in the global energy industry. Following a cross-border merger by absorption by Cenergy Holdings SA of the Greek formerly listed companies Corinth Pipeworks Holdings S.A. and Hellenic Cables Holdings S.A. in December 2016, Corinth Pipeworks is a subsidiary of Cenergy Holdings SA, a Viohalco company. The Cenergy Holdings portfolio consists of companies positioned at the forefront of high growth sectors, such as energy, telecommunications and construction with a strong financial position, a track record of success and a promising future. Corinth Pipeworks began operations in 1969 and has since established itself in the production of medium and large diameter steel pipes for the transmission of oil, gas, and water, as well as the manufacturing of hollow sections for use in building and construction. The company offers reliable and technically sophisticated energy and construction solutions to demanding customers worldwide.

Contact Details e-mail: website:

270 Diamonds

Corinth Pipework’s clients include Chevron, BP, BG, Shell, DEPA, DESFA, OMV, Gas Connect, Wintershall, Snam, National Grid, RWE, Spectra Energy, Energy Transfer, Williams, Denbury, ENI, Kinder Morgan, DCP Midstream, Plain All American, McJunkin, Spartan, EPCO, Spectra, Enbridge, Cheniere Energy, Talisman, STEG, Sonatrach, PDO, OGC, Saudi Aramco, ADNOC, SCOP, Socar, EXXON MOBIL, EDF, TIGF, QP, GRTGAZ, GASCO, PEMEX, Saipem, Allseas, Subsea 7, Technip etc. Our vision is to be the pipe producer of choice, to maintain our dedication to delivering energy to the world, to grow sustainably and set standards of excellence, to refine our quality, to invest and further develop our technical knowledge while expanding our capabilities, to increase our efficiencies and add exceptional value for customers. We


Copyright TAP deliver solutions to challenging projects with professional integrity while developing successful business relationships through mutual trust and respect. Our aim is to provide a fulfilling and rewarding environment for our people and to serve and support our community while maintaining a solid financial performance. Corinth Pipeworks product portfolio Corinth Pipeworks produces high quality steel pipes for oil, gas, CO2, water and slurry pipelines, as well as casing pipes for drilling operations. The Group also produces a wide range of structural hollow sections for the construction sector. Its long history of innovation and ‘one-stop-shop’ integrated services has designated Corinth Pipeworks’ position as one of the world’s top steel pipe suppliers. The Group’s three main product categories are: ● Line pipes: Manufactured either in the Group’s high frequency induction welding unit (HFW),the helically submerged arc welding unit (HSAW) or the longitudinal submerged arc welding unit (LSAW) the primary uses of line pipes are in oil, gas, CO2 and water transportation networks. ● Casing pipes: These high-frequency induction welded pipes (HFW) are used in oil and gas extraction drills. The product range offered for this application has been expanded by the installation of the new LSAW mill. ● Hollow structural sections: Used in the construction sector. Services ● Internal and external coating of pipes produced by other pipe manufacturers ● Accredited laboratory for raw material and pipe testing, in accordance with ΕΝ/ISO 17025 ● In-house corrosion testing laboratory for sour service applications ● Weld on connector facilities for casing pipes ● Pipe storage ● Supply of pipes or assignment of pipe coating outside the Group’s product portfolio to third party authorised subcontractors, in the context of major project implementation ● Pipe transportation

Diamonds 271


Metal Products Industrial

Astir Vitogiannis Bros S.A.

Paving the way to success, leaving no elements to chance

Stelios Vitogiannis, CEO Astir Vitogiannis Bros S.A.

Turnover 22,012,422.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,413,503.00 €

Continuing the legacy of its founders 62 years ago, the third generation of the Vitogiannis family now in charge of the business, is very proud to have steered the company to its current status, exporting billions of crowns to practically every famous bottler of soft drinks and beer in the world. Our positive perspective for the future, and our relentless effort for Astir’s continuous organic growth and uninterrupted footprint in the global markets, together with effective and efficient management practices, helped us maintain a very reputable worldwide presence, and a measurable contribution to the GREEK economy. As much as 90% of Astir’s production is exported, and capitalizing on our well planned and threaded distribution network, we supply to thousands customers to over 40 countries, in all continents. Similarly, we totally support the Greek bottling sector with the most positive way, providing the highest quality crown caps, with the shortest lead times, at competitive market prices at all times, enforcing the development and expansion of local established bottling companies. Sales are growing in double-digit figures for the last 7 years consecutively, generating outstanding results in financial indexes and profitability, securing our sustainability and presence for the future. In order to sustain such global presence and financial health, we continue to invest in advanced technological equipment, and we make sure that the ground rules and corporate principles pertaining to quality standards and customer satisfaction are never abandoned or compromised. This goes together with our sincere sensitivity towards environmental protection, carbon footprint and corporate ethical social responsibility. In 2015 and 2016 alone, we invested over 3 million euros of equity funds to complete the installation of two new, state-of-the-art, fully automated production lines in our main manufacturing facility in Greece, increasing output capacity by 30%, while at the same time a similar effort is being made for our plants in Canada and North Africa. Astir’s headquarters and its extremely modern and efficient manufacturing plant are based in the Avlona industrial zone north of Athens, while the firm operates two more manufacturing facilities in Canada and Egypt. It is our honor to supply most of the world’s largest companies in the bottling industry such as: Heineken NV, Coca Cola Company, Carlsberg Group, SAB Miller, PepsiCo Intl, AbInbev and many others.

Contact Details Position Draseza, Avlona Industrial Park, P.C. 19011, Attiki, Greece Tel: +30 22950 29371 Fax: +30 22950 29373 Email: Website:

272 Diamonds

ASTIR VITOGIANNIS BROS S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 8,160,517.00 € 22,012,422.00 € Profit Before Taxes 1,322,858.00 € 5,413,503.00 € Gross Profit 2,256,112.00 € 7,446,755.00 € Net worth 11,183,480.00 € 14,778,601.00 € Liabilities 6,167,038.00 € 5,112,208.00 €

Change (%) 169.7 309.2 230.1 32.1 -17.1


Food Products Industrial

Konstantopoulos SA – “OLYMP”

Exporting 95% of production to 50 countries

Turnover 38,411,706.00 €

Konstantopoulos SA - “OLYMP”, a successful and established firm in processing, standardizing and packaging of various olive types, has been active since 1956. The firm markets olives, olive oil and specialties. Olives are divided into the following categories: Kalamon, Chalkidiki, Amfisis, Naupliou, Damaskinoelia and Thassou. Each olive category comes in different types of processing, with the main products made available in different packaging options. The founders of Konstantopoulos “OLYMP” - Mr. Leonidas Konstantopoulos and Mr. Prokopis Konstantopoulos - are the company’s main shareholders. The firm’s headquarters and production facilities are located on the Katerini-Larissa highway, northern Greece, on a privately-owned 70,000-sqm plot of land, with buildings covering a floor space of over 12,000 sqm. The company’s annual output and storage capacity is 13,000 MT of olives. Olives are stored and fermented in big, 16,000-Lt tanks. When ready, olives are processed according to customer needs. There are whole, pitted, stuffed, sliced and marinated olives. In order to preserve safety and ensure healthy products, OLYMP has developed Risk Management Systems and has been certified by IFS (International Food Standards) and by HAACP. Obtained since January 2004, the IFS certification reveals the company’s effort in maintaining high quality. In July 2006, the firm was certified by HACCP system (CODEX ALIMENTARIUS), another system that certifies the high quality and safety of production lines. Additionally, the well-equipped and qualified Quality Control Department takes systematic action to ensure that regulations are strictly observed. The company always invests in advanced technologies and building constructions. Konstantopoulos Olymp is primarily an export company, with export sales accounting for more than 95% of its turnover. The company exports goods to more than 50 countries, in Central and Northern Europe, United States, Canada and Australia, while its olives are also sold in Arabic countries and the Caribbean.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,386,770.00 €

Contact Details 3rd km Katerini-Larisa National Road, 60100, Katerini, Greece Τel.: +30 23510 47000 Fax: +30 23510 37748 E-mail: Website: http://www.konstolymp. gr

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Konstantopoulos SA – “OLYMP” 2014 2015 34,793,172.00 € 38,411,706.00 € 4,677,366.00 € 5,386,770.00 € 7,959,981.00 € 9,196,661.00 € 20,206,550.00 € 21,171,095.00 € 11,720,498.00 € 15,003,023.00 €

Change (%) 10.4 15.2 15.5 4.8 28.0

Diamonds 273




Holding a leading position in the dairy market

Michail Panagiotakis, deputy CEO

Turnover 95,449,318.00 €

Fifty-three years after its establishment in 1963, DODONI dairy company, with respect to its heritage, continues to unfold its unique history, devoted to its tradition and its authentic taste, the taste of good. The firm today fully meets the increasing Greek and international consumers’ needs for pure and 100% Greek products, identified as a superior brand in taste and high quality. With a wide range of eight categories of purely Greek products and some 80 different codes, the leading dairy company has won its own exclusive place on consumers’ table. The firm’s number one selling product, Dodoni PDO feta cheese, as well as its fresh milk, real yogurt, hard cow cheese, galotyri cheese, butter and many other unique products made of pure raw materials, are the key parameter of the firm’s superior quality and authentic taste. Its expanded network of more than 5,500 producers in 514 villages of Epirus, north-western Greece, ensures the company’s daily supply of 100% Greek, homogenized and pasteurized milk, rich in natural flavor, thanks to 2,500 herbs and plants growing in the specific region’s pastures. Through its exports, Dodoni travels to international consumers in 35 countries worldwide, becoming a proud ambassador of Greek products and cuisine, promoting Greek quality and legacy. In addition, its continued insistence on pure raw materials and respect for customers make the firm synonymous with unrivaled quality for consumers both in Greece and abroad. In 2015 the company established its subsidiary in the Netherlands with the ultimate goal of further penetrating into Europe, as well as properly managing the requirements of foreign customers. The company also holds a 49% stake in a halloumi cheese dairy in Cyprus, which is expected to process more than 10,000 tons of fresh sheep and goat milk, and export the Cyprus Dodoni cheeses to Central Europe, Australia, North America and the Middle East. When fully developed, the plant will provide 60 jobs. The company’s main priority is to actively support Cyprus government efforts to secure the Cyprus Halloumi Cheese as a PDO product. In 2015, the food industry continued for yet another year to make significant investments to improve production facilities and upgrade buildings and machinery in Greece. At the end of 2015, the firm employed a staff of 324.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,224,388.00 €

Contact Details 1 Tagmatarhi Kostaki St., 451 10 Eleousa, Ioannina, Greece Τel: +30 26510 89700 Fax: +30 26510 89707-08 E-mail: Website:

274 Diamonds

DODONI SA 2014 Turnover 92,645,588.00 € Profit Before Taxes 2,360,683.00 € Gross Profit 19,176,954.00 € Net worth 32,395,133.00 € Liabilities 56,731,489.00 €

2015 95,449,318.00 € 5,224,388.00 € 24,233,817.00 € 35,670,096.00 € 66,707,421.00 €

Change (%) 3.0 121.3 26.4 10.1 17.6


Cosmetics Industrial

Frezyderm ΑΒΕΕ High increases in turnover and earnings in 2015

Mr. Ioannis Anastasiou, President and CEO

Turnover 33,261,829.00 €


Frezyderm SA was established in 1986 by Mr. Anastasios Anastasiou with the scope of designing, producing and marketing of dermatological products, their presentation to dermatologists and distribution drugstores. The main concern was the design and production of safe and effective, high-quality products, under strictly pharmaceutical criteria, which will be a reliable partner of dermatologists. In 2002, the firm’s privately-owned dermocosmetics production plant was inaugurated, a modern and well-organized unit for the production of specialized cosmetic products, harmonized with the directives of the European Union. Current market data led to the creation of a Sales Department. The network extends across Greece with a circle of 4,500 pharmacies developing Frezyderm’s brand name day by day, occupying an even greater share of the pharmacy shelf. Today, the company has a wide range of products that cover all care and nursing needs. Specifically, products include face, hair, body, sensitive area and sunscreen products, as well as a wide portfolio of products for infants and children. Beyond the Greek market, products have successfully penetrated international markets such as the UK, Spain, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus, as well as Mid East countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Frezyderm products are also exported to Canada. Notably, in mid-2015 the firm established the subsidiary Frezyderm UK LTD. The company’s production facility is divided into two sectors: (a) quality control (microbiology lab, analytical and technical support departments), and (b) the production sector, including manufacturing and packaging departments, as well as warehouses. At the same time, Frezyderm has shown its primary interest in R&D. The R&D Department, staffed by specialized scientists (pharmacists and chemists) with long experience in the field, is engaged in the continuous research, design and development of cosmetic products, based on the latest cosmetic data, and cares for the preservation of high quality and effectiveness. In 2015, Group sales (parent company only) rose 12.09% to 33.2 million euros compared to 29.6 million euros a year earlier. Given that the subsidiary company in the UK had no commercial activity until the end of the 2015, the increase in turnover is attributed to the marketing of new products and the higher sales of existing products through the company’s commercial policy. Group EBITDA in 2015 amounted to 5.74 million euros versus 3.6 million euros in 2014, up 59.4%. Group earnings jumped to 3.54 million euros compared to 1.12 million euros in 2014, up an incredible 215%.

5,149,662.00 €

Contact Details 75 Menandrou St., 10437, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 5246.900 Fax: +30 210 5244.433 Website: E-mail:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

FREZYDERM S.A. 2014 29,673,071.00 € 2,232,684.00 € 17,994,112.00 € -1,642,108.00 € 19,421,465.00 €

2015 33,261,829.00 € 5,149,662.00 € 21,503,251.00 € 769,414.00 € 14,760,793.00 €

Change (%) 12.1 130.6 19.5 146.9 -24

Diamonds 275


Information Technology Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 78,350,000.00 € 96.956.097


One of the first IT companies to be launched in Greece IBM has been present in Greece for decades. Its activity covers the hardware, software, networks, and the Integrated Information Technology Services areas. IBM’s business activities focus on the creation, growth and development of the era’s most advanced Information Technologies and transformation of these technologies into real business value. On a global level in 2016, the company reported $79.9 billion in revenue, $11.9 billion in income from continuing operations and $13.0 billion in operating (non-GAAP) earnings, resulting in diluted earnings per share from continuing operations of $12.39 as reported, and $13.59 on an operating (non-GAAP) basis. Pre-tax income from continuing operations of $12.3 billion decreased 22.7 percent year-to-year and the pre-tax margin was 15.4 percent, a decrease of 4.1 points versus 2015.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,138,000.00 €

284 Kifissias Ave., 152 32 Halandri, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6881111 Fax: +30 210 6801300 E-mail: Website:

IBM HELLAS SA 2014 Turnover 77,253,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 9,282,000.00 € Gross Profit 19,386,000.00 € Net worth 14,332,000.00 € Liabilities 56,189,000.00 €

Medical Devices

Micrel Medical Devices S.A.

Contact Details


2015 78,350,000.00 € 5,138,000.00 € 16,541,000.00 € 8,650,000.00 € 55,725,000.00 €

Change (%) 1.4 -44.6 -14.7 -39.6 -0.8

Globally known for its infusion pumps

5,059,638.00 €

Micrel Medical Devices SA is a medical technology company engaged in designing, manufacturing and marketing “smart” drug delivery systems. The company offers a full range of ambulatory volumetric and syringe infusion pumps, administration sets, accessories, as well as remote patient infusion control and monitoring systems and services for a broad array of hospital and home-based patient treatments. Micrel is currently present, directly or through distributors, in more than 30 countries around the world. Micrel’s strengths come from its long experience in the infusion devices industry, gained through a large, established product portfolio all over the world and a combination of innovative market-driven R&D culture with flexible manufacturing. At Micrel, innovation is a way of life at all levels of the organization. It is a continuous process that results in breakthrough product and service improvements targeted to assisting patients, healthcare service providers and distributors. Micrel develops new technologies and has a strong Intellectual Property (IP) portfolio in infusion systems supporting its product range. The company currently holds more than 20 patents on infusion technologies.

113 Gerakas Ave., Gerakas GR15344, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 6032333 | +30 210 6032334 Fax: +30 210 6032335 E-mail: Website: http://www.micrelmed. com

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


PROFIT BEFORE 14,119,060.00 € TAXES 96.956.097 PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details Contact Details

276 Diamonds

Micrel Medical Devices S.A. 2014 2015 10,792,927.00 € 14,119,060.00 € 2,866,701.00 € 5,059,638.00 € 6,705,904.00 € 8,594,571.00 € 5,777,289.00 € 8,840,900.00 € 2,732,387.00 € 3,838,890.00 €

Change (%) 30.8 76.5 28.2 53 40.5



Turnover 13,265,040.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,056,978.00 €

Contact Details Lefki-Xanthi, 671 00, Xanthi, Greece Tel: +30 25410 27836 Fax: +30 25410 72323 E-mail: Website:


Turnover Turnover 47.332.454

Exporting 80% of production Smirdex SA ranks as one of the leading manufacturers of coated abrasives in southeastern Europe. Located in northern Greece, on a 32,000-sqm land plot with 16,000 sqm of built-up surface, Smirdex has been producing coated abrasives of high quality since 1981. Thanks to continuous efforts for improvement by the firm’s specialized staff, the company has managed to grow and meet the sector’s high demands. The firm recently added a new, technologically advanced production line that has boosted its production capacity to 40,000 sqm per shift. Nowadays, the firm exports to more than 70 countries worldwide, with as much as 80% of production being exported and the remaining 20% sold locally. The firm’s main objective is to satisfy the growing needs of modern professionals, which is why it continuously invests in research and development. The firm remains open to new developments by keeping a close watch on the international market, ensuring manufacturing of high-standard products. Company products are used in the auto, wood, marble, building construction and metal sectors. High standards of quality control throughout the manufacturing process are ensured by sophisticated on-site electronic systems, while finished products are also evaluated, offering the highest quality that meets the industry’s standards.

SMIRDEX SA 2014 Turnover 12,281,842.00 € Profit Before Taxes 4,641,724.00 € Gross Profit 5,459,410.00 € Net worth 13,159,091.00 € Liabilities 1,762,049.00 €

2015 13,265,040.00 € 5,056,978.00 € 6,146,364.00 € 16,725,477.00 € 2,294,277.00 €

Change (%) 8.0 8.9 12.6 27.1 30.2


A global electronics giant Since its inception in Suwon, South Korea in 1969, Samsung Electronics has developed into a leading company worldwide in information technology. The Company is a global electronics company comprised of the headquarters in Korea and 169 subsidiaries across the world. The company produces home appliances, such as TVs, monitors, printers, refrigerators and washing machines, as well as innovative mobile communications products, such as smartphone and tablets, among other things. The company and its subsidiaries operate three business divisions: Consumer Electronics, Information Technology & Mobile Communications and Device Solutions. Samsung Electronics Hellas is conducting business in Greece since 2010. In 2016, the electronics giant posted global sales of 174 billion dollars compared to 173 billion dollars a year earlier. Pre-tax income rose to 26 billion dollars against 22 billion dollars in 2015.

208,204,000.00 €


Contact Details 24A Kifissias Ave., 151 25 Marousi, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 213 0163800 Fax: +30 213 0163801 Website:

SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS HELLAS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 238,281,000.00 € 208,204,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 6,525,000.00 € 4,888,000.00 € Gross Profit 49,227,000.00 € 40,197,000.00 € Net worth 22,082,000.00 € 25,342,000.00 € Liabilities 39,750,000.00 € 48,148,000.00 €

Change (%) -12.6 -25.1 -18.3 14.8 21.1

Diamonds 277


Cosmetics Commercial


Enjoying Greeks’ appreciation for 85 years

Theodoros Poulopoulos, Country Manager της BEIERSDORF HELLAS A.E.

Turnover 43,069,207.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,051,546.00 €

Beiersdorf is a company that carries the title of the inventor of modern skin care, as its products have been identified with the daily care of people in dozens of countries, including Greece. Their brands are familiar to millions of consumers. The renowned Nivea, Liposan, Hansaplast, Atrix, Duo, Lions have long ago won a permanent place in the cupboards and shelves of all Greeks. Nivea has been established in the market for more than a century. One of Beiersdorf’s features, which allowed it to dominate every market, is the development of products focusing on local characteristics and consumers’ needs. Success has been the result of a combination of innovative products and strong brands, based on experience in research and development. Beiersdorf Hellas is headquartered in Gerakas, Attica and employs a staff of about 90, while it is just one of more than 150 subsidiary cosmetics companies of Hamburg-based Beiersdorf AG. For more than 130 years, the company’s primary concern has been to meet the needs of its customers. Beiersdorf’s Nivea trademark, well-known in Greece since 1930, is the number one skin care product in the world, in addition to Eucerin, La Prairie, Liposan, 8x4 and Hansaplast. Subsidiary Tesa SE is one of the largest global producers of self-adhesive products and systems for industry, craft businesses and consumers. “The experience, courage, perseverance and creativity are qualities that characterize a good researcher,” asserts Dr. Horst Wenck, head of Beiersdorf Front End Innovation. “Considering the fact that knowledge of the natural sciences is doubling up at least every eight years, we now know 5,000 times more than people did 100 years ago. This is reflected upon the enormous growth of the knowledge gained by Beiersdorf on the biology of the skin and the basic biological, chemical and physical principles of optimum skin treatment, and eventually upon the increase of pioneering products and materials, which have skyrocketed since the mid-1990s,” Mr Wenck adds. The research efforts of the multidisciplinary team, consisting of biological anthropologists, cell biologists, molecular biologists, immunologists and biochemists at the Hamburg-based research center are also looking into the special needs of different types of skin and age groups. Their research aimed at discovering new active substances that help the skin in metabolic processes as naturally as possible. To achieve this goal, the team uses the latest biochemical, molecular, biological and physical analytical methods and collaborate with a global network of academic, institutional and industrial partners from the fields of research and science.

Contact Details 2 Aghiou Nektariou St., 153 44 Gerakas, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6600000 FAX: +30 210 6612344 E-mail: Website:

278 Diamonds

BEIERSDORF HELLAS S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 41,682,124.00 € 43,069,207.00 € Profit Before Taxes 5,393,430.00 € 5,051,546.00 € Gross Profit Net worth 26,649,440.00 € 24,608,842.00 € Liabilities 7,779,787.00 € 10,575,054.00 €

Change (%) 3.3 -6.3 -7.7 35.9



Pharmaceutical Products Industrial

Together in health, development and innovation since 1949 GAP is one of the most dynamic and aspiring Greek pharmaceutical companies, operating in 3 principal areas: ● Production and distribution of generic and OTC products in the Greek and International markets (main fields of interest: Cardiovascular / Central Nervous Systems / Infections / Antiulcerants) . ● Development and distribution of EVIOL soft capsule technology products (Vitamins, Food Supplements). ● Contract manufacturing of soft capsules in its state-of-the-art equipped facilities. GAP’s unwavering commitment to the QUALITY, SAFETY and EFFICACY of its products, from the beginning of production to the final product, have won the trust of healthcare professionals and patients, thus making the company a leader in the therapeutic categories in which it operates. It is one of the companies that have laid the foundation for the Greek pharmaceutical market. Meanwhile, the company’s export activities are continuously expanding aiming to penetrate progressively into more markets. Leader in Vitamins and Food Supplements Since 1978 with the creation of the first oral vitamin E in the innovative form of a soft capsule, the EVIOL Research and Development department at GAP focuses its research efforts on good health and quality of life developing the EVIOL range of Food Supplements. ● EVIOL Food Supplements are of high quality and nutritional value using the high- tech soft capsules technology and provide all the necessary nutrients that in combination with a balanced diet help in the proper functioning of the body and in maintaining good health and quality of life. The only soft capsule manufacturer operating in Greece One of the major activities of GAP is the contract manufacturing of soft capsules. The company applies soft gelatin capsule technology since the 1970’s as the only such manufacturer in Greece. GAP’s facilities cover 5,500 m², which include the areas of production, technical support, quality control, research & development and storage. As a specialized partner in soft capsule manufacturing, GAP’s GMP EU-compliant facilities provide: ● Soft capsule Production Lines for pharmaceuticals, food supplements and cosmetics. ● Soft capsule Production Line for highly toxic drugs and hormones. ● Manufacture of any shape, size, color or fragrance in accordance with the customer’s specifications. ● Printing of any logo or text on your soft gels.


Dynamic presence in International markets GAP distributes a large number of products to more than 30 markets such as Europe, America, Canada, Middle East, Far East and Africa.

32,905,588.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,047,968.00 €

Contact Details 99 Poseidonos Av., 16674, Glyfada, Athens Greece Tel.: +30 210-9310980-4 Fax: +30210-9338759 Email: Website:

GAP S.A. 2014 Turnover 32,552,633.00 € Profit Before Taxes 6,408,776.00 € Gross Profit 19,864,241.00 € Net worth 8,796,702.00 € Liabilities 23,206,366.00 €

2015 32,905,588.00 € 5,047,968.00 € 19,729,208.00 € 12,149,398.00 € 17,518,174.00 €

Change (%) 1.1 -21.2 -0.7 38.1 -24.5

Diamonds 279


Finance Commercial


With a client base of more than 43,000 shareholders

Turnover 12,719,939.00 €


NBG Asset Management MFMC belongs to the group of companies of the National Bank of Greece. The firm was established in 1972 on the initiative of ETEBA - now merged with National Bank of Greece - in cooperation with Deutsche Bank, creating the leading company in Greece’s fund management industry. In 1973, NBG Asset Management created the DELOS brand name for mutual funds, with the initial offering to the investment public named «DELOS BALANCED». The Company currently manages 21 Mutual Funds DELOS and N.P. INSURANCE NEW POSIDON BALANCED FUND and 3 NBG funds SICAV domiciled in Luxembourg. The mutual funds of NBG Asset Management cover a wide range of investment categories (Equity, Bond, Balanced, Money Market, Fund of Funds, Structured and ETFs) in Greece and international markets. The wide range of investment products provides great flexibility to investors who wish to build their personal investment plan according to their investment profile and investment objectives through mutual fund portfolios with a high degree of diversification. In addition to mutual fund management, NBG Asset Management offers Discretionary Portfolio Management Investment Services, Advisory Services and Administration and Safekeeping of UCITS units. NBG Asset Management MFMC is authorized in Greece and regulated by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission. The company’s mutual funds are distributed through the National Bank of Greece, National Insurance and authorized agents. The total assets under management at the end of 2015 was 1.37 billion euros, and the total number of clients serviced by NBG Asset Management were in excess of 43,000, including 81 institutional investors. In 2016, the firm reported income from commissions (turnover) of 11.40 million euros compared to 12.72 million euros a year earlier, recording a drop of 10.4%, attributed to the decrease in the average assets of managed funds. Earnings before tax in the same year amounted to 3.73 million euros compared to 5.00 million euros in the previous year, recording a decrease of 25.5%. Equity as at 31 December 2016 amounted to 12.93 million euros compared to 13.58 million euros in the previous year, recording a drop of 4.8% year-on-year. This was primarily attributed to the distribution of 2015 dividends amounting to 3.20 million euros, as well as to the drop in profit in 2016.

5,009,480.00 €

Contact Details 103-105 Syggrou Ave., Athens, 11745, Greece Tel.: +30 210 9007400 Fax: +30 210 90 07499 Email: Website:

280 Diamonds

NBG ASSET MANAGEMENT M.F.M.C. 2014 Turnover 15,384,879.00 € Profit Before Taxes 5,903,364.00 € Gross Profit 4,992,225.00 € Net worth 29,095,730.00 € Liabilities 6,715,184.00 €

2015 12,719,939.00 € 5,009,480.00 € 3,713,937.00 € 13,580,238.00 € 2,470,727.00 €

Change (%) -17.3 -15.1 -25.6 -53.3 -63.2


KPMG CONSULTANTS SA Services Commercial

Turnover 15,937,374.00 €

High quality b2b services KPMG is a global network of independent member-companies (service providers) associated with KPMG International, a Swiss Cooperative. KPMG member companies provide audit, tax and advisory services. We operate in 150 countries with a worldwide staff of 189,000. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct entity. In Greece, since 1971, KPMG has been providing comprehensive auditing, advisory, accounting, tax services to Greek and international companies operating in Greece and abroad. In 2016, the auditing company posted total turnover of 15.95 million euros against 15.93 million euros a year earlier. Earnings before tax amounted to 4.15 million euros compared to 5.14 million euros in 2015. The gross result stood at 8.65 million euros in 2016 against 7.62 million euros in 2015. Worldwide, combined global revenues in 2016 amounted to 25.42 billion dollars. The largest portion of turnover came from audits (10.12 billion dollars), Advisory (9.74 billion dollars) and tax (5.56 billion dollars).

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,413,473.00 €

Contact Details 3 Stratigou Tombra St., Aghia Paraskevi 15342, Athens Tel.: +30 210 6062 100 Fax: +30 210 6062 111 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

KPMG CONSULTANTS SA 2014 2015 15,682,824.00 € 15,937,374.00 € 4,838,513.00 € 5,413,473.00 € 7,457,419.00 € 7,916,390.00 € 4,401,847.00 € 4,220,204.00 € 5,356,804.00 € 4,804,158.00 €

Change (%) 1.6 11.9 6.2 -4.1 -10.3


Turnover 65,938,697.00 €

A leading tobacco company Imperial Tobacco is a UK-originated international tobacco company, headquartered in Bristol, England. The history of Imperial Tobacco can be traced back to 1786, when tobacco company WD and HO Wills was founded in Bristol. Imperial Tobacco Hellas is a subsidiary of Imperial Tobacco Group, a leading international tobacco company. Imperial Tobacco Hellas is the center of Group activities in the South East Europe region, in charge of four additional markets apart from Greece: Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus and Malta. The company’s brand portfolio includes well known brands, such as Davidoff, JPS, Slim Line, West, Gauloises, R1, as well as Drum, Golden Virginia, Van Nelle and Rizla. In the 12-month period Sept. 2015 to Sept. 2016, the firm posted sales of 67.2 million euros against 65.9 million euros in the previous year. Earnings before tax amounted to 5.23 million euros compared to 5.25 million in the corresponding period a year earlier.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 5,255,912.00 €

Contact Details 300 Klisthenous St., 153 44 Gerakas, Attika, Greece Tel.: +30 210 66 15 055 Fax: +30 210 66 12 257 E-mail: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

IMPERIAL TOBACCO HELLAS SA 2014 2015 58,944,808.00 € 65,938,697.00 € 4,147,480.00 € 5,255,912.00 € 14,935,335.00 € 16,153,114.00 € 4,238,391.00 € 4,732,090.00 € 51,914,360.00 € 51,769,012.00 €

Change (%) 11.9 26.7 8.2 11.6 -0.3

Diamonds 281


Pharmaceuticals Industrial

ELPEN Pharmaceutical Co. Inc.

Constant research and development for the good of mankind

Theodoros Tryfon, Vice President

Turnover 113.949.055,00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4.903.868,00 €

Contact Details 95, Marathonos avenue, 19009, Pikermi – Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6039326-9 Fax: +30 210 6039300 E-mail: Website:

282 Diamonds

Elpen the pioneering Greek pharmaceutical company has marked a 50-year course of significant progress. It remains steadily dedicated to excellent quality and to the research of novel therapies. The vision of its Founder Mr.Dimitrios Pentafragas is served by Elpen, thusly implementing as a primary criterion to its strategic choices and decision, the motto: Caring For Mankind. Within this context, the company has invested well over 7% of its turnover in research programs, while maintaining since 1996 Greece’s largest research center of Applied Biomedical Research, while also being one of the largest such centers in Europe! Elpen enjoys a significant presence in all the basic therapeutic categories with medicaments of extremely high safety and therapeutic efficacy. The company holds a leading position in the medical sectors of Cardiology and Pneumonology, ranking presently as the 6th pharmaceutical company in the country, among over 400 companies presently active in Greece, both domestic and multinationals. The development of novel drugs constitutes a primary criterion for Elpen’s strategic choices. It is for this reason that the company constantly invests in state-of-the-art pharmaceutical technology, thus leading the way for novel, high-quality drugs and significant therapeutic value. A significant ‘fruit’ resulting from this research endeavor is represented by the novel, patented, dry powder inhaler Elpenhaler®, a device conceived and invented by the company’s Founder and Chairman, Mr.Dimitrios Pentafragas, a device which has been approved in 27 European countries with worldwide patent approval in more than 100 countries! Elpenhaler® is acknowledged as an extremely effective therapeutic weapon in the fight against lung diseases such as asthma and COPD. The quality of its robust construction and its user-friendly functionality certify to its durability during the extensive clinical trials it has undergone up until today. The development of the novel dry powder inhaler Elpenhaler® led to a significant, pioneering, worldwide decision in favor of Elpen- it is the first pharmaceutical company to have ever received European marketing approval of a generic fixed-dose combination inhaler. The sector of inhaled drugs ranks among the most difficult to receive approval, with drug administration is attained by means of the Elpenhaler® dry powder inhaler device. Elpen attributes a significant importance to extroversion thus, constantly reinforcing exports activi-


Mr Dimitrios Pentafragas, President and founder of ELPEN

ties of pharmaceuticals bearing its brand name. With exports of 30 pharmaceutical products in 27 European countries and 60 countries worldwide, it already constitutes a recognizable presence in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Furthermore, there are future ambitious plans underway with the objective to expand its powerful presence in the world markets. Since 2012, Elpen has established a subsidiary in Germany, Elpen Pharma GmbH, a company which has already won the respect and trust of German doctors. The manufacturing know-how and the high quality of Elpen pharmaceutical products have led to the establishment of long-term business collaborations with international pharmaceutical companies aimed at the manufacturing of products in its state-of the art facilities, and the supply of medical training and promotion services. Contributing to our fellow man and society at large, are concepts which represent a perennial compass in the progress of Elpen. This has been practically proven over many years by means of the company’s significant activities in a multitude of Corporate Social Responsibility projects. The company has sponsored the Greek Anticancer Society in the way of offering free nationwide mammograms for women belonging to vulnerable social groups. This project is testament to the sincerity and seriousness with which Elpen regards its Social Responsibility, an act motivated by neither marketing nor business strategies, granted that Elpen is not a manufacturer nor vendor of oncology medicaments. Elpen, the pioneering Greek pharmaceutical company actively supports the nation’s economy and employment sectors, creating values which contribute to Development. It is characteristic that during the bleak times of crisis and extreme economic insecurity, the Elpen Group of Companies has managed to reinforce its human resources sector by supporting a staff of 900 employees. Moreover, it has aimed at promoting a people-centric working environment while functioning as a model European company.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ELPEN Pharmaceutical Co. Inc. 2014 2015 113,949,055.00 € 119,784,367.00 € 4,903,868.00 € 4,916,263.00 € 62,850,380.00 € 76,919,577.00 € 37,402,029.00 € 42,031,836.00 € 73,932,658.00 € 84,059,636.00 €

Change (%) 5.1 0.3 22.4 12.4 13.7

Diamonds 283


Food Products Industrial


Operating in the food industry since 1950!

Turnover 193,216,774.00 €

Established in 1970, Soya Mills SA remains one of the biggest firms in the field of production and marketing of soya and soybean oil, with privately-owned facilities in the Corinth region, west of Athens. The firm processes and trades soybean oil and olives. Soya Mills operates both in Greek territory and the Eastern Mediterranean. It’s main products are: Proteins (derived from processing seed-oils, a main ingredient of animal feed), Seed Oils (sunflower, soybean and rapeseed oils), Cereals (maize, wheat, barley, for human or animal feed) and Olive Oils. Also, Soya Mills products not falling under the four main categories, are classified as Other Products and include: Seed Oil Fatty Acids, Olive Oil Fatty Acids and Linseed Oil. The company’s history began in 1950 when two refugees from Asia Minor, Elias Eliades and Aristotelis Ofloudis, experienced in the cereal sector, founded the Thessaloniki-based company “Thessaloniki Olive Oil & Cotton Industry,” one of the largest in the sector. The firm was quickly recognized in both the Greek and the international market. Soya Mills facilities are located in strategically selected areas of Greece and the Balkans in order to serve the domestic market, as well as the countries of Eastern Europe, Mid East and the Mediterranean. The firm’s headquarters are based in Athens, while the main processing plant is in Kalamaki, Corinthia. The Company has 3 units for the reception, drying and storage of oilseeds and cereals in Northern Greece. Its products are exported to 40 countries around the world. The company has been certified with the “Ella-Dika Mas” sign since 2016, as it meets all the quantitative and qualitative criteria required. In 2015, the company posted sales from its commercial activity of 111.9 million euros. Industrial activity generated 74.9 million euros, while turnover from service provision amounted to 6.27 million euros. At the end of 2015, the company employed a staff of 125. The largest part of the food industry’s sales came from the domestic market, at 164.43 million euros, while exports were worth 28.78 million euros. Finally, the company has direct holdings in: Greek Excellent Oils, GF Energy, Marine Logistics and Vitagrain.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,911,818.00 €

Contact Details 1 Alamanas St., Euroco Building, 151 25 Μarousi, Attica, Greece Τel.: +30 210 6384 400 Fax: +30 210 6384 500 E-mail: Website:

284 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

SOYA MILLS SA 2014 210,275,761.00 € 7,804,450.00 € 14,910,586.00 € 46,712,093.00 € 71,491,449.00 €

2015 193,216,774.00 € 4,911,818.00 € 13,052,810.00 € 47,880,427.00 € 56,590,102.00 €

Change (%) -8.1 -37.1 -12.5 2.5 -20.8




Doubling profit in 2015

Turnover 109,803,630.00 €

In recent years, Kafkas has been one of the most dynamic Greek companies in the electrical and light fittings sector, holding a leading position. Kafkas’ energy saving and home and building automation solutions are a holistic offer for its clients covering a complete range of needs. In particular, the products marketed by the company are: cables, installation materials, switchgear, switchboards, industrial hardware, intelligent management systems, stand-alone systems, weak networks, telecommunications protection, security, lighting, lamps, energy-saving products, etc. The firm operates 49 shops nationwide (21 in Attica), covering 54,000 sqm, and employs a staff of 680, serving 7500 customers per day. As much as 78% of the company’s products are channelled into industry, infrastructure, commercial and other buildings. The remaining 22% corresponds to residential use. Notably, 32% are electrical and industrial goods, 28% light fittings and lamps, 26% cables and infrastructure, 9% information & communication technologies and 5% panel building. Since 2006, the company has recorded a steady increase in its total turnover. In 2014, the company enjoyed a 34% share in the domestic market. A landmark year for the company was 2013, when Kafkas became a member of the Fegime Group, an alliance of European companies active in the electrical equipment sector. Fegime Group is doing business in 18 countries in Europe: it has more than 230 corporate members with approximately 1155 outlets, selling electrical equipment. With regard to corporate social responsibility, the company took the initiative to actively participate in the very important work of the charity organisation “The Smile of the Child” and to strengthen its great effort by placing money-boxes in all of its stores. The company also cooperates with central Athens Aretaieio Hospital, where it has established a Blood Bank. Kafkas, with respect for and a sense of responsibility towards the environment, systematically contributes to environmental protection by implementing a lamp recycling program since 2008 at all its stores, in collaboration with the companies Photocyclosi SA and Recycling of Appliances SA, which aim at saving energy and reducing waste volume, thus contributing to the creation of better living conditions for all citizens.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,845,916.00 €

Contact Details 1st Km Markopoulo Ave., Paiania 19002, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 216 3003000 Fax: +30 216 3003100 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

V. KAFKAS S.A. 2014 99,287,227.00 € 2,211,637.00 € 28,159,322.00 € 18,243,411.00 € 30,659,714.00 €

2015 109,803,630.00 € 4,845,916.00 € 31,215,988.00 € 19,507,662.00 € 33,424,870.00 €

Change (%) 10.6 119.1 10.9 6.9 9.0

Diamonds 285


Quarries-Concrete Industrial


Among the sector’s largest companies

Turnover 51,777,506.00 €

The company’s history begins in 1960, when Mr. Elias Larsinos embarked on contractor activity for the purpose of which he established a concrete plant in the Corinth Delta and a quarry in GaAthikia, Corinth. Larsinos nowadays is one of the most dynamic and fast growing Companies in the areas of quarrying and production of concrete, based in Corinth. The Company operates throughout Greece offering quarries and concrete plants (permanent and worksite for serving execution of technical projects), producing high quality products. To date, the Company has undertaken and successfully completed some of the largest projects undertaken in Greece, providing quality and innovative products and services. The company operates 12 concrete production units across Greece. Larsinos has proceeded with the installation and implementation of a Quality System in order to better organize and operate the company, while meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 for the Design, Production and Distribution of Concrete. Certification of Larsinos was carried out by TÜV HELLAS (TÜV NORD). The firm also operates 5 quarries in Corinth, Messinia, Nafplio, Aitoloakarnania, Paros and Evia. Notably, the company is one of the first to obtain the CE certification for the aggregates produced in its GaAthikia (Corinth) quarry, having implemented all the necessary procedures. It also holds OHSAS 18001:2007 health and safety management system certification. In the framework of the Health & Safety Awards 2016, Larsinos SA received 4 awards for health and safety in the workplace. Respect for the environment is a primary element of the Company’s activity. All units operate under validated environmental terms in force. In aggregate quarries, exploitation takes place in such a way that the operation site is returned in an environmentally restored state and is integrated into the ecosystem. In addition, the mechanical equipment used are the most modern and environmentally compatible. Group sales in 2015 rose slightly to 52.55 million euros compared to 51.39 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax profit jumped to 4.52 million euros against 732,000 euros in 2014.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,758,177.00 €

Contact Details 35 Damaskou St., 20100, Korinthos Tel.: +30 27410 83645 Fax: +30 27410 28030 Email: Website:

286 Diamonds

LARSINOS SA 2014 Turnover 50,421,782.00 € Profit Before Taxes 1,005,661.00 € Gross Profit 14,683,909.00 € Net worth 1,169,343.00 € Liabilities 48,749,616.00 €

2015 51,777,506.00 € 4,758,177.00 € 18,099,893.00 € 4,292,221.00 € 46,085,368.00 €

Change (%) 2.7 373.1 23.3 267.1 -5.5


B&F SA Clothing Industrial

Turnover 56,421,774.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,687,146.00 €

Standing up to the multinationals Founded in 1980, under the company name BSB, the enterprise switched to its new name, B&F, in August 2014. It entered the business of producing and trading women’s clothing. In more recent years, the firm has also made a dynamic entry into women’s accessories, shoes, underwear, and swimsuits. In 2007, the firm, in a joint effort with AMVIS, launched a pioneering sunglasses and reading glasses series, making these available at optical shops and selected BSB outlets. As a result, the firm now offers a comprehensive range of products, or total look, for women. Nowadays, the firm holds a leading place in the women’s fashion sector with 120 stores in Greece and abroad, as well as over 300 multi-brand stores where its brand is available. In early 2008, B&F became the first company to create a new eco-friendly clothing series made entirely of organic cotton. The company advances its international presence through an ambitious plan to infiltrate into new markets; to date, its products are available in 18 countries. In 2015, the company’s staff numbered 393 employees. B&F staff receive training on a on-going basis, making it a very significant component in the company’s endeavors. B&F operates a facility at its privately-owned property in the Nea Philadelphia district, NW Athens, by the national highway. Investments at this facility have exceeded 20 million euros. Spread over 20,000 square meters on a plot of land measuring 2.6 hectares, the facility includes the firm’s administrative division, as well as logistics, tailoring, and quality-control departments.

10th km Athens-Lamia National Highway, 143 42 Nea Philadelphia, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 2509000 E-mail: Website:

B&F SA 2014 Turnover 54,209,950.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,259,338.00 € Gross Profit 31,029,876.00 € Net worth 26,848,023.00 € Liabilities 54,662,181.00 €

Transportation Means

Hellenic Defence Vehicle Systems S.A.

Contact Details


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


26,841,102.00 96.956.097 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,643,323.00 €

Contact Contact Details Details

Road C-6, Firsts Industrial Area, 38500, VOLOS, GREECE Tel.: +30 24210 78620 Fax: +30 24210 78645 E-mail: Website:

2015 56,421,774.00 € 4,687,146.00 € 31,289,819.00 € 28,554,660.00 € 57,043,696.00 €

Change (%) 4.1 43.8 0.8 6.4 4.4

Quality, precision, efficiency Hellenic Defence Vehicle Systems SA (HDVS) was founded in 2001 and is a wholly-owned Greek subsidiary of Krauss-Maffei Wegmann & Co. KG (KMW). The parent company, Europe’s leading system supplier for armored wheel and track vehicles, has expanded in Greece while paving the way for a successful conclusion to the LEO2HEL project, as the Greek Army has ordered 170 LEOPARD 2HEL vehicles plus support periphery. Turning to advantage the know-how and the experience from the co-operation in LEO2HEL project and the state-of-the-art infrastructure, HDVS supply a wide range of services such as: Manufacturing and Assembly of Components, Component Groups and Special Tools for General Defense and Industrial Applications, Precise Mechanical Machining, Welding of Special Steels, Painting, Manufacturing and Assembly of Protection Kits, Assembly of Electromechanical Subsystems, Refurbishment of Components and Component Groups and Field Customer Service and Spare Parts Supply for Military Vehicles and Defense Systems. HDVS facilities, with covered surface area of 4,100 sqm, are located in the First Industrial Area of Volos. They are full equipped with modern machinery for manufacturing of high precision and quality products. The company has been certified for Facilities Security Clearance from the Hellenic MOD to a NATO-SECRET degree. HDVS is registered in the Registry of Domestic Defence Material Manufacturers of the Hellenic MOD, is a member of the Hellenic Aerospace & Defence Industries Group (HASDIG) and the Greek-German Chamber (AHK).

Hellenic Defence Vehicle Systems S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 4,932,457.00 € 26,841,102.00 € Profit Before Taxes -783,885.00 € 4,643,323.00 € Gross Profit -27,270.00 € 5,461,911.00 € Net worth -1,191,774.00 € 2,202,413.00 € Liabilities 17,871,433.00 € 5,994,771.00 €

Change (%) 444.2 692.3 20129.0 284.8 -66.5

Diamonds 287


Pharmaceutical Products Industrial

Turnover 2016 54,855,440.00 €

EBITDA 2016 7,160,708.00 €

14th klm National Road 1, 145 64 Κifissia, Attica, Greece Τel: +30 210 8072512 Fax: +30 210 8078907 Website:

288 Diamonds


53 years of value creation in the pharmaceutical industry: A story worth telling The Tsetis Group of Pharmaceutical Companies (OFET) comprises two complimentary, dynamic companies, UNI-PHARMA SA and INTERMED SA, that share parallel objectives, yet with a different focus. Kleon Tsetis, a pharmacist with a vision to strengthen the position of Greek companies in the pharmaceutical industry, established Uni-Pharma in 1967 with the mission of improving the Quality of Life of our fellow men by facilitating access to treatment with innovative, high-quality and costefficient pharmaceutical products. Since its establishment, UNI-PHARMA has been researching, developing, manufacturing and marketing pharmaceuticals of the highest quality, covering all major


therapeutic areas, with innovation highlights such as APOTEL® and SALOSPIR®, as well as technological challenges such as T4®. INTERMED was founded in 1996 sharing the same mission, but with a clear focus on daily wellness needs. By introducing innovative cosmeceutical and pharmaceutical best-selling brands, such as CHLORHEXIL®, EVA®, and UNISEPT®, INTERMED follows the trail blazed by UNI-PHARMA in developing, manufacturing and marketing high quality consumer health products that cover all major health care segments (Oral Care, Skin Care, Feminine Care, Baby Care, Nutrition, etc.), complementing UNI-PHARMA in its contribution to the improvement of quality of life of our fellow men. Uni-Pharma’s vision is to be among the leaders of the constantly changing pharmaceutical landscape, by offering high quality products to patients worldwide. Since its foundation, Uni-Pharma has grown from a small privately-held company into a large and dynamic organization, which currently holds the leading position in unit sales among Greek-owned companies in the domestic market, with almost 30 million Stock Keeping Unit sales which accounts for a 22% market share. UNI-PHARMA employs 236 permanent staff in total, 10% of which is allocated to the strategic func

Diamonds 289


tion of Innovation, 47% to Manufacturing, 34% to the strategic function of Customer Service and 8% to Key Supportive Activities. Thirty percent of the personnel comprises of tertiary education scientists, while 37% of those hold a post-graduate diploma. In order to sustain this growth, Uni-Pharma actively explores partnering potential with commercial partners and academic institutions alike, at global scale, while tirelessly investing in technology and manufacturing excellence. Through undaunted efforts, UNI-PHARMA’s reach today extends to five continents and 53 countries, leveraging on growth opportunities around the globe. UNI-PHARMA exports high technology products under its own brands, creating value and contributing to the great national effort of re-shaping the character of Greece’s economy. In the field of research, it has expanded far beyond the realm of pharmaceutical technology where it already holds more than 30 patents, entering organic synthesis and drug discovery through collaborative translational research. Currently, UNI-PHARMA has a pipeline of more than 20 products in late stage development, corresponding to an annual R&D budget of 1.0 million euros. Targeted innovation areas are the modification of the physicochemical characteristics of well-established molecules in order to mitigate potential inflammatory effects and decrease patient discomfort leading this way to higher compliance or the prevention of possible inactivation of active pharmaceutical ingredients through biotransformation pathways prior to their reaching of their molecular targets and deploying their intended effect. Furthermore, research focus of UNI-PHARMA has also been set on delivery systems with encapsulation and conjugation techniques in particular. The most prominent token of UNI-PHARMA’s commitment in multi-dimensional business development and source of competitive advantage is its new state-of-the-art industrial plant in Attica, inaugurated in 2015, which is the largest investment materialized in the Greek pharmaceutical field over the last 2 years. The new facilities are a model of safety, efficiency and automation. Bioclimatic design, allows a significant reduction of the site’s energy consumption footprint coupled with other best practices in the sustainability field, while being in full harmony with the surrounding environment, whereas fully automated and digitized production and control systems maximize effort and output. The total area of the site is approximately 9,500 sqm and its capacity reaches 2 billion tablets and 50 million parenteral dosage units, annually.

290 Diamonds


Excellence, forever. Awards and Recognitions Throughout the years, Uni-Pharma has received Excellence Awards by numerous institutions both nationally and internationally, for either its products or innovative business practices and procedures. Uni-Pharma has been nominated and awarded a relevant distinction in the category ‘The Most Admired Enterprises’ in 2015 by the Active Business Publishing for the ‘Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2015’ edition. Uni-pharma has been accredited with the International Certification EFQM Recognised for Excellence - 5 stars. After nine consecutive years that the company applies the EFQM Excellence Model, UNI-PHARMA has managed to combine business development with continuous improvement of business processes in key functional areas, while raising the bar of excellence every time. Uni-Pharma has been awarded with the 2017 Ecopolis National Environmental Award for the environmental investment through the construction of the new bioclimatic production facilities. Additionally, the jury committee of “DOMES” International Review of architecture awarded Unipharma with the Distinction of Best Project 2011-2015, for its new manufacturing facilities in the northern-Athens suburb of Kifissia. UNI-PHARMA received the “Professional Solutions in Healthcare Award” after a successful nomination for a Laureate Diploma by the organizers of the most prestigious networking event for the global pharmaceutical industry, CPhI. This distinction highlights the undaunted efforts by the historical Greek pharmaceutical industry, for externalization and uninterrupted global-scale growth.

UNI-PHARMA KLEON TSETIS PHARMACEUTICAL LABORATORIES SA 2014 2015 2016 Change (%) Turnover 41,526,779.00 € 48,986,797.00 € 54,855,440.00 € 12.0% EBITDA 5,594,347.00 € 6,245,075.00 € 7,160,708.00 € 14.7% Gross Profit 15,160,153.00 € 17,986,671.00 € 17,744,533.00 € -1.3% Net Assets 55,144,396.00 € 58,260,894.00 € 58,501,538.00 € 0.4%

Diamonds 291


Pharmaceuticals Commercial

Vitafarm S.A.

The Greek pharmacy’s best partner

Sotiris Lelos

Turnover 140,109,706.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,109,711.00 €

Contact Details 23 Chalkis Str, Pylaia, Thessaloniki 57001 Tel.:+30 2316003100 Fax: +30 2310478946 E-mail: Website:

292 Diamonds

Vitafarm S.A. - Pharmaceutical Center S.A. through a stable and successful multi-year operation is regarded a leader in the supply chain of medicines, parapharmaceuticals, cosmetics and health products in Greece, with its main activity being the supply of pharmacies in the wider region of Northern Greece. The firm is a member of Lelos Group, Greece’s largest private drugstore group comprising nine companies and serving more than 2,500 pharmacies nationwide. Vitafarm, a purely Greek company, is housed in privately-owned facilities of a surface area of 3,000 sqm in the Pilaia area of ​​Thessaloniki. Since its foundation, it has managed to increase its financial figures every year, keeping up its successful track even today, in spite of the crisis experienced by the entire pharmaceutical sector. Vitafarm seeks innovation and continually invests in new technologies while maintaining the lead over competition. In addition to modern drug storage facilities, it has a fully automated order execution and completion system by the well-known Austrian KNAPP company, for managing fast moving item codes, and a new section based on the ROWA autonomous robotics unit by the German company of the same name, which allows optimal management of slow moving item codes. The entire handling system, from the receipt of items to the delivery at pharmacies, is monitored electronically using RF scanners, a process that, in addition to fully recording all events, minimizes errors. With a modern, privately-owned fleet of vehicles, VITAFARM rapidly serves more than 800 points of sale in Thessaloniki and in the wider region of Northern Greece. At the same time, the company’s workforce is an important factor in its successful course; the company’s priority is the continuous education and training of its staff, currently amounting to 60 people, aiming primarily at the excellent and safe handling of drugs and ultimately the provision of high-quality services to the Greek pharmacist. As a constantly evolving firm, Vitafarm takes initiatives, studies ways and proposes solutions that help not only to overcome the crisis experienced by the Greek pharmacy, but also to increase its profitability. Moving in this direction, it distributes and promotes the Stirixis private label series, which include personal care and orthopedic care products that are available exclusively at pharmacies. The renewed Stirixis series is an important help for the Greek Pharmacy, since it can combine


high quality with low cost compared to similar types of other branded companies. Vitafarm also represents dynamically innovative product lines from renowned European firms. These products cover a very wide range of needs of a pharmacy’s customers, from blood pressure gauges and pregnancy tests to food supplements, anti-lice items, presbyopia glasses, scales and oral hygiene products. Vitafarm is certified as per ISO 9001:2008, while at the same time holds certification by Greece’s National Drug Organization (EOF) for its operation under the European Good Practice Guidelines for good practice in the wholesale distribution of pharmaceuticals. The firm adheres to rigorous quality control procedures, such as GPS tracking of truck destinations, real-time monitoring of all warehouses, refrigerators and cool storage rooms, as well as the restriction of access to its premises by unauthorized personnel. In recent years, the company has been systematically moving towards finding solutions that are in line with new eco-standards. Typical examples are the installation of a system for automatic collection, disposal and compaction of cartons, ceiling mounting of light pipe installations and the exclusive use of LED lighting, where necessary, as well as the modernization of its fleet, thus significantly reducing the its energy footprint. Vitafarm, dynamically growing against the crisis, managed for yet another year to be one of the most profitable Greek companies, remaining firm on its strategic commitment to consistently and accurately serve the Greek pharmacy.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth

Vitafarm S.A. 2015 121,966,435.00 € 4,650,953.00 € 9,413,194.00 € 19,021,891.00 €

2016 140,109,706.00 € 4,109,711.00 € 10,256,299.00 € 18,566,126.00 €

Change (%) -14.9 -11.6 9 -2.4

Diamonds 293



Turnover 24,011,469.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,637,141.00 €

Contact Details Thermi, 57001 Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2310 461 860 Fax: +30 2310 461 862 Email: Website:

Food Products Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


152,317,359.00 € 96.956.097

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,597,449.00 € Contact Details

Contact Details 19-21 Aristotelous St., 144 51, Metamorfosi, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 2889000 Fax: +30 210 2851430 E-mail: Website: http://

294 Diamonds


A leader in the private label sponge market Founded in 1977 as Fedon Tsanas SA and based in the northern Greece city Thessaloniki’s Thermi district, the company was partly acquired a year later by the Dutch company SCHULPEN BEHERR BV, and in 1990 it was renamed to MULTY FOAM SA industrial and commercial plastics company. Multy Foam is a global market leader in household sponges and cleaning cloths. The group employs a staff of over 500 and operates in eight countries, facilitating global activities and local service. It operates production plants in the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Hungary, UK and China, as well as sales offices and warehouses in Austria and Spain. The majority of company products are delivered as private label products. The company offers customers the same high quality, whether its products are packaged under the Multy brand name or as a private label. Multy produces all types of sponges, made of quality polyether and polyester foam. Its facilities in Greece produce over 300,000 cubic meters of foam annually, in more than 50 different varieties, used for Multy’s wide range of products, as well as the auto, textile and furniture industries, among others. As household cleaning has become increasingly sophisticated, Multy offers a full range of high-quality products, including special anti-bacterial treated hydrophilic sponges with top-quality green scouring fleece. MULTY FOAM S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 23,692,102.00 € 24,011,469.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,669,836.00 € 4,637,141.00 € Gross Profit 7,713,659.00 € 8,493,023.00 € Net worth 36,904,401.00 € 35,111,059.00 € Liabilities 4,288,584.00 € 4,384,889.00 €

Change (%) 1.3 26.4 10.1 -4.9 2.2


Global food industry giant MONDELEZ HELLAS SA is part of the Mondelēz International corporate group. Mondelēz International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MDLZ) is a strong global brand in the snacks sector. It operates in 165 countries. Mondelēz International markets chocolate, biscuits, chewing gum, candy, coffee and powdered drinks, and branded products worth billions of dollars, such as Cadbury, chocolate Cadbury Dairy Milk and Milka, Jacobs coffee, LU, Nabisco and Oreo biscuits, Tang powdered drinks and Trident gum. In Europe, the international group (Mondelēz Europe) operates in five main categories: biscuits, cheese & food, chocolate, coffee, chewing gum and candy, marketing 25 branded products for over 100 years. Its strongest performing brands are Milka, Cadbury, Côte d’Or, Toblerone chocolate, LU, Oreo, Belvita biscuits, Trident and Halls chewing gum and candy, Tassimo, Carte Noire, Jacobs and Kenco coffees, as well as Philadelphia cheese. Mondelēz sells products in 33 countries around the continent. Sales in the European market alone in 2015 amounted to 10.5 billion dollars. In Greece, the company’s local subsidiary markets Lacta and Pavlidis chocolates, Pavlidis couverture chocolate, Kiss, wafer 3BIT, Merenda, Gioconda chocolates, Philadelphia cream cheese, Kraft mayonnaise and ketchup, OREO cookies, Pavlidis biscuits, JACOBS filter coffee, JACOBS Espresso, Maxwell Housecoffee, TASSIMO beverages, Lacta and Cadbury chocolate drink, Fonzies savory snacks, Trident and Dentyne chewing gum, Halls candies, and Bubbaloo bubble gum. MONDELEZ HELLAS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 187,939,488.00 € 152,317,359.00 € Profit Before Taxes 5,536,563.00 € 4,597,449.00 € Gross Profit 33,126,083.00 € 26,736,914.00 € Net worth 32,824,426.00 € 35,330,023.00 € Liabilities 66,291,802.00 € 56,340,409.00 €

Change (%) -19.0 -17.0 -19.3 7.6 -15.0


beverages Industrial

Turnover 26,359,200.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,577,604.00 €

Contact Details Industrial Area, 41003, Larissa Tel.: +30 2410 541541 Fax: +30 2410 5411300 Website:

Chemical Products Industrial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 17,643,257.00



«Armed» with private labeling Hellenic Juices was founded in 1991 in Greece. Its activity is the production of raw materials and juices. The company trades the brands Viva Fresh, Belo and One. It operates its privately-owned production facilities in Larissa, and since 2005 has started to produce juices for the retail chains Sklavenitis, Carrefour-Marinopoulos, Masoutis and other companies, including other non-alcoholic beverage companies, from which it makes 90% of sales. Thanks to the two distribution centers in Larissa and Athens, the company manages to serve over 650 customers nationwide. Apart from Greece, however, the company has developed export activity in the markets of Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, FYROM and Morocco. In 2015, the company posted a jump in sales to 26.4 million euros compared to 17.6 million euros a year earlier, up 49.9%. This increase was mainly attributed to the supply of a much larger volume of products to the Lidl retail chain. As much as 97% of revenue (25.6 million euros) came from the Greek market, as exports, mainly to other European countries, did not exceed 0.8 million (3% of revenue), although they more than tripled compared to 2014. EBITDA also increased by 45.9% to 5.7 million euros. HELLENIC JUICES S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 17,586,976.00 € 26,359,200.00 € Profit Before Taxes 2,819,645.00 € 4,577,604.00 € Gross Profit 5,412,981.00 € 7,450,985.00 € Net worth 5,983,522.00 € 9,439,630.00 € Liabilities 12,763,312.00 € 12,722,158.00 €

Change (%) 49.9 62.3 37.7 57.8 -0.3


Distributing products to more than 45 countries Founded in 1989, Maris Polymers SA is one of the fastest growing manufacturers of polyurethane liquid-applied waterproofing membranes and resins in Europe. Its stable growth comes as a result of its innovative and quality products, its highly specialized personnel and the value-added services provided to its clients. Maris Polymers is an independed, privately owned Polyurethane systems house and one of the leading European specialist in polyurethane liquid applied waterproofing products and cold curing polyurethane resins for Construction, Marine and Industrial applications. In addition, Maris Polymers proves its technological leadership by offering a full range of special solutions and customized products. The firm also offers products in the following categories: Flooring Systems, Waterproofing Systems, Coatings & Sealers, Joint Sealants, etc. Maris Polymers exports its products to more than 45 countries in Western and Eastern Europe, Mid East, Africa, SE Asia and the Americas, where it operates either by affiliated companies or through partnerships with local distributors. In the markets of France, Germany and SE Asia, the company operates under its affiliated companies Maris Polymers France Sarl, Maris Polymers Deutschland GmbH and Maris Polymers Asia Pty Ltd (Singapore), respectively. Maris Polymers delivers individual solutions worldwide from its production facilities in Athens, Greece.

4,502,850.00 €

Contact Details Inofyta Industrial Park, 32011, Inofyta, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 22620 32918-9 Fax: +30 22620 32040 E-mail: Website:

MARIS POLYMERS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 14,294,868.00 € 17,643,257.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,143,686.00 € 4,502,850.00 € Gross Profit 4,828,809.00 € 6,239,457.00 € Net worth 4,609,009.00 € 5,783,814.00 € Liabilities 4,364,554.00 € 3,645,014.00 €

Change (%) 23.4 43.2 29.2 25.5 -16.5

Diamonds 295


Beverages Commercial


No. 2 in the domestic market

Turnover 41,963,127.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,482,020.00 €

The Pernod Ricard Group is one of the two global leaders in the industry of Spirits & Wine, employing over 18,200 people in 70 countries. Recognizing its social responsibility, Pernod Ricard Hellas is a proud member of the Alcoholic Beverages Business Association, as well as of the European Forum for Responsible Drinking -former Amsterdam Group- whose mission is to inform society about responsible alcohol consumption. Worldwide, the company is regarded as the No. 2 in wines and spirits. In 2015/2016 net sales amounted to 8.68 billion euros. Profit from recurring operations amounted to 2.28 billion euros. In the same year, the world drink giant employed a staff of 18,421 workers of 85 different nationalities. The firm operates 101 production sites, while 90% of sales come from outside France. Most sales came from the Asian/Rest of the world market, amounting to 3.5 billion euros, followed by Europe (2.7 billion euros) and the US (2.5 billion euros). Pernod Ricard Hellas is firm on developing products that bear the company’s commercial names, creating value for its clients and consumers. To achieve this and to secure customers and social partners’ trust and continued satisfaction, Pernod Ricard Hellas provides its customers and consumers with safe products and services of a superior quality. Respecting both safety and the environment and fully complying with Greece’s laws and regulations, the company has been certified with international quality management systems. The firm constantly invests in quality and environmental management, through its state-of-the-art labs for quality control, new building facilities, contemporary bottling lines, systems to reduce energy and water consumption, comprehensive waste recycling systems, etc. In 2017, for the seventh consecutive year, Pernod Ricard employees in Greece and around the world left their offices to take part in the action “Responsib’All Day,” through which support is offered to local communities. On June 1, 2017, Pernod Ricard’s global social responsibility footprint was shaped by more than 100 initiatives across 85 countries all over the world. Pernod Ricard Hellas’ portfolio consists of some well-known labels, with the whisky list including the ‘expensive’ Chivas Regal, the ‘good’ Ballantine’s and the ‘special’ Jameson. It also includes the famous Absolut Vodka, the excellent Havana Club rum and UK’s Beefeater Gin. In 2016 the company posted a drop in sales to 38.90 million euros compared to 41.96 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax profit amounted to 257,000 euros, compared to 4.6 million euros in 2015.

Contact Details Anthoussas Ave., 153 51 Pallini, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 6601 400 FAX: +30 210 6601 401 E-mail: Website:

296 Diamonds

PERNOD RICARD HELLAS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 46,086,279.00 € 41,963,127.00 € Profit Before Taxes 1,632,833.00 € 4,482,020.00 € Gross Profit 23,649,275.00 € 21,364,034.00 € Net worth 18,506,940.00 € 18,659,078.00 € Liabilities 20,403,775.00 € 18,714,325.00 €

Change (%) -8.9 174.5 -9.7 0.8 -8.3


Chemical Products Commercial

Turnover 47,360,615.00 €



A leading force in trusted coating solutions Hempel is one of the largest suppliers of decorative, industrial, marine coatings, as well as container and yacht coatings worldwide. As a world-leading supplier of trusted coating solutions, we work in the protective, marine, decorative, container and yacht industries. Across the globe, Hempel’s coatings protect structures and equipment from corrosion; they extend asset lifetime, improve efficiency, reduce maintenance costs and bring color to our homes and places of work. An important asset for the company is the 12 R&D facilities located in Europe, Mid East, Asia and America, which meet their customers’ needs where they conduct their business. This gives them the opportunity to work closely with them to develop solutions tailored to the environment in which they operate - and so protect their assets for longer. Today, the company is active in more than 80 countries. Worldwide, the company in 2016 posted sales of 1.4 billion euros against 1.5 billion euros a year earlier. EBITDA dropped to 188 million euros compared to 220 million euros in 2015. Net profit amounted to 47 million euros, while the company employed a staff of 5,787, compared to 5,661 in 2015.

4,443,515.00 € 8-10 Stravonos St., & 162 Vouliagmenis Ave., 16674 Glyfada, Athens Tel.: +30 2104143400 Fax: +30 2104143500 Website:

HEMPEL COATINGS (HELLAS) SA 2014 2015 Turnover 29,577,855.00 € 47,360,615.00 € Profit Before Taxes 1,463,023.00 € 4,443,515.00 € Gross Profit 7,954,864.00 € 13,136,400.00 € Net worth 6,041,365.00 € 8,707,054.00 € Liabilities 10,417,678.00 € 18,234,230.00 €



Contact Details

Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 75,374,224.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 4,344,789.00 € Contact Details David Amariglio St., Thesi Loutsa, 19018 Magoula, Attika, Greece Tel: +30 210 551 5240-3 Fax: +30 210 555 2258 Email: Website:

Change (%) 60.1 203.7 65.1 44.1 75.0

The largest stainless steel service centre in the Balkans Today at PrometalBakli we operate two separate Tinplate and Stainless Steel Service Centres in western Attica, as well as a Distribution Centre in Thessaloniki, northern Greece. Founded in 1950, the company is the largest stainless steel service centre in the Balkans, and one of the biggest independent tinplate service centres in Europe. We are active in both metal markets, offering specialized services and support to our clients who seek top quality and constant innovation. PrometalBakli is a family business now in its third generation, with: 23,000 sqm of storage and production facilities, over 20,000 tons of stock, 64 million euros in own invested capital and sophisticated knowhow in specialized services. With experience acquired over the past decades, Prometal built its own facilities, designed specifically for storing, processing and handling tinplate. Within a 40,000-sqm site in the industrial park of Magoula, facilities include 11,000 sqm of storage and production space, as well as modern offices. Also, in the nearby industrial park of Mandra, on a 27,000-sqm land plot, it operates a 9,000 sqm production and storage area, which includes an innovative and cutting edge service centre with CTL, slitting and polishing lines for processing stainless steel, as well as large warehousing facilities for the storage and distribution of finished products, whether flat (coils or sheets) or long (tubes, bars, etc.). To cater for the demands of Northern Greece’s market, Prometalbakli built a high-capacity center for storage and distribution, located in the industrial park of Sindos near the Thessaloniki-Giannitsa motorway. Within a total surface area of 5,000 sqm, the 3,000-sqm storage facility stocks a wide range of ready-made products. PROMETAL SA 2014 Turnover 41,850,511.00 € Profit Before Taxes 1,348,358.00 € Gross Profit 2,585,774.00 € Net worth 35,259,277.00 € Liabilities 9,349,745.00 €

2015 75,374,224.00 € 4,344,789.00 € 6,732,741.00 € 67,770,875.00 € 3,208,085.00 €

Change (%) 80.1 222.2 160.4 92.2 -65.7

Diamonds 297


Miscellaneous Industrial

Landis+Gyr SA

A global leader in integrated energy management solutions

Turnover 94,833,374.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,352,406.00 €

Landis+Gyr has been designing and manufacturing high-quality, state-of-the-art electricity meters since 1896. Based in Zug, Switzerland, the company has access to a highly skilled workforce and distribution system throughout Europe with subsidiaries in Berlin, London and Vienna. Landis+Gyr offers an extensive portfolio of advanced metering and intelligent energy management products designed to answer the needs of utilities around the globe. Its categories are divided into gas, electricity, heating and cooling meters, as well as communications units, dynamic load management and software services with custom solutions. In 1924, the company expanded globally with the establishment of its first overseas offices in New York and Melbourne (Australia). Growth continued and a significant step was taken in 1976 when Landis+Gyr acquired the meter producer Duncan Electric of Lafayette, Indiana. The year 1981 saw the advent of electronic meters and Landis+Gyr was at the forefront, developing and launching its first range of digital meters for the industrial and commercial sectors. The company’s global growth and expansion continued throughout the late 1990s, propelled by various investors and owners, including Electrowatt, KKR and Siemens. In 2004, Bayard Capital of Australia purchased the company with a vision of building the premier energy management company in the world, one that would combine positive environmental outcomes with Landis+Gyr’s metrology expertise and culture. Under Bayard’s ownership, Landis+Gyr made 14 different investments in the sector, deploying over 1.2 billion dollars in capital to expand beyond being a pure metering company and enter the field of networking and communications space. Today Landis+Gyr is the world leader in integrated energy management solutions. With a 100-yearold history, it has the largest portfolio of products and services in its industry. It counts 25 years of innovation in smart metering solutions, proven by the active management of more than 15 million metering points under long-term contracts. It also counts more than 60 years of experience in direct load management. Landis+Gyr has a local presence in more than 30 countries across five continents. It also collaborates with over 3,500 companies around the world, featuring the industry’s largest installed base in the world. Finally, the company holds all the necessary ISO certifications for quality and environment processes.

Contact Details 78th km Athens-Corinth National Road PO Box 207, GR-20100, Corinth Tel: +30 27410 41200 Fax: +30 27410 25265 Email: Website:

298 Diamonds

Landis+Gyr SA 2014 Turnover 79,508,400.00 € Profit Before Taxes 5,090,034.00 € Gross Profit 5,448,601.00 € Net worth 23,614,046.00 € Liabilities 18,870,119.00 €

2015 94,833,374.00 € 2,352,406.00 € 5,005,831.00 € 23,175,233.00 € 26,323,516.00 €

Change (%) 19.3 -53.8 -8.1 -1.9 39.5


Oil Products Commercial


A leader in the fuel market

John V. Vardinoyannis, President

Turnover 1,630,569,000.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,336,000.00 €

Contact Details 12 Α Irodou Attikou St., 151 24, Marousi, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 9491000 Fax: E-mail: Website: http://www.coralenergy. gr

Coral Gas SA emerged from the acquisition by MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES SA of SHELL’s downstream commercial activities in Greece in the summer of 2010. The deal regards Shell’s activities in the fields of service, commercial and industrial fuel, asphalt, supply and distribution, LPG, chemicals and lubricants production facilities in Greece. Shell’s network of approximately 700 petrol stations, was also transferred to Motor Oil, but will continue to operate under the Shell brand and market Shell’s products. Coral Gas SA (ex Shell Hellas SA) is active in Greece in the oil sector with its main activities focused on the marketing of petroleum products, mixing, packaging and marketing of oil and related products and related services provision. Fuel stations Coral maintains around 700 Shell fuel stations in Greece, providing a high level of products and services. At a Shell fuel stations, customers can refuel their car with Shell’s top fuel (petrol or oil), check their tires, wash the car, and in some cases also order home heating oil. Commercial and industrial fuels Coral serves a wide range of wholesale customers outside of Greece, supplying technologically advanced fuels to the wider commercial sector, from industry, general trade, construction and transportation to liquid fuel traders. Chemicals Chemical industry activity involves the storage and distribution of a wide range of products destined for chemical industries. Coral is the exclusive agent/distributor of Shell Chemicals in Greece. The products cover a wide range of needs and are transported by special chemical tankers from Shell Chemicals’ refineries to Coral’s privately-owned facilities, from where they are distributed to customers in Greece and other Balkan countries. Shipping Coral is a reliable shipping fuel supplier, aiming at being the customer’s strategic partner. Asphalt Coral’s asphalt sector is active in Greece as well as in neighboring markets, with a wide range of products which are either pure binders of conventional type or modified with polymers or other types of admixtures or synthetics for the production of colored bituminous mixtures or, finally, asphaltic base insulating materials intended for a variety of uses, ideally for applications involving sealing of joints. LPG Liquefied petroleum gas, or simply gas, is an ideal solution for the modern home, industry and business, offering energy solutions at affordable rates. With over 3,000 customers across Greece, three (3) locations in Athens, Thessaloniki and Ioannina and more than 100 employees, Coral Gas offers reliable products and excellent service. Coral Gas S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 1,695,303,000.00 € 1,630,569,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 7,438,000.00 € 4,336,000.00 € Gross Profit 68,805,000.00 € 74,399,000.00 € Net worth 71,251,000.00 € 74,044,000.00 € Liabilities 231,772,000.00 € 229,894,000.00 €

Change (%) -3.8 -41.7 8.1 3.9 -0.8

Diamonds 299


Food Products Industrial


Among Greece’s strongest dairy firms

Panagiotis Tsinavos, President & Managing Director

Turnover 66,950,798.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,294,909.00 €

The KRI KRI dairy industry’s roots date back to 1954 when George Tsinavos, the company’s founder, opened a small pastry business in Serres, northern Greece, which produced and distributed ice cream and confectionery products around the town. Back in those days, ice cream was sold by roving hawkers equipped with handcarts that used ice and salt for cooling. Kri Kri ice creams, especially “cassata”, a unique ice cream made of sheep’s milk for an extremely rich taste, gradually began gaining popularity beyond Serres. The ’80s and ’90s defined the company’s subsequent course. In 1987, the company constructed a new factory that also led to the production of yogurt made of fresh sheep and cow milk collected from the Serres area. In the mid-90s, Kri Kri set up a branch in the Athens area, a move that bolstered its distribution network for nationwide market coverage Nowadays, with Panagiotis Tsinavos as president and managing director, the company’s products, ice cream, yogurt and fresh milk, are distributed extensively to both supermarkets and smaller retail outlets. Regarding the corporate facilities, Kri Kri is located in northern Greece only 3 km away from the city of Serres. It consists of 2 different plants, the dairy and the ice cream production plant, all operating with state-of-the-art machinery. The ultramodern yogurt production plant consists of fully automated production lines, strictly isolated from external conditions, all fully controlled using X-Ray inspection systems. It produces all different types of Greek yogurt. The ice cream production plant is equipped with state-of-the-art production lines, which allow for an annual production capacity of 100 million servings during the ice cream season. It consists of fully automated production lines for all types of ice cream. Kri Kri began its exporting activity in 2000 with the aim of developing its presence in both European and international markets. At present, the company exports the majority of its range of products to more than 15 countries in Europe, the Balkans and the Middle East. In 2016, exports rose by 30.4% year-on-year and accounted for 23.6% of the company’s total sales. In 2016, the firm reported steady sales at 66.57 million euros compared to 66.95 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax earnings almost doubled to 8.16 million euros against 4.29 million euros in 2015, up 90%. EBITDA amounted to 10.99 million euros compared to 7.31 million euros in the previous year, an increase of 50.3%. Ice cream sales declined 7%, with a final figure of 19.81 million euros in 2016, compared to 21.31 million euros in 2015. On the contrary, dairy products sales in 2016 were up by 2.6%, at 46.59 million euros against 45.42 million euros in 2015.

Contact Details 3rd km Serres-Drama National Highway, 62125, Serres, Greece Tel.: +30 23210 68300 Fax: +30 23210 68311 E-mail: Website:

300 Diamonds

Kri Kri SA 2014 Turnover 77,149,640.00 € Profit Before Taxes 4,656,991.00 € Gross Profit 16,828,587.00 € Net worth 39,057,161.00 € Liabilities 30,933,770.00 €

2015 66,950,798.00 € 4,294,909.00 € 22,371,325.00 € 40,939,050.00 € 28,770,168.00 €

Change (%) -13.2 -7.8 32.9 4.8 -7.0


Plastics Industrial


Playing a leading role in Greece and Europe FIBRAN was founded in 1974 by its current CEO, Mr. Demetrios Anastasiadis, and since 1995 plays a leading role as a producer of insulation materials both in Greece and Europe. Today, Fibran has 6 production units, utilizing the latest technology for the manufacture of insulation products (Extruded Polysterene, Stonewool and Expanded Polysterene), as well as Gypsum Boards. In Greece, in its industrial plant located in the Terpni village, Serres, Fibran produces stonewool insulation products with the brand name FIBRANgeo and extruded polysterene products with the brand name FIBRANxps. Other extruded polysterene production units are located in Portugal, Bulgaria and Slovenia. FIBRAN is currently the third largest producer of extruded polysterene in Europe. In Italy, the firm has invested in the production of gypsum products (gypsum boards and bagged products), as well as in the distribution of insulation, waterproofing and dry construction materials. It also produces expanded polysterene in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).The company’s products are distributed either via subsidiary companies, or via a wide network of authorized dealers, to over 30 countries worldwide. In addition, Fibran is also active in the field of research, through its collaboration with academic institutions, both in Greece and abroad. The firm aims at providing comprehensive solutions and products for the protection of building and industrial structures. The company further aims at providing continuous education to the technical world via the publication of handbooks, software programs, and by frequently organizing scientific seminars and conferences in Greece and abroad.

Turnover 29,474,444.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,261,228.00 €

Contact Details 6th Km Thessaloniki-Oreocastro Highway 57013 Oreocastro, Thessaloniki Tel: +30 2310 682425 Fax: +30 2310 683131 E-mail: Website:

FIBRAN D. ANASTASIADIS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 25,356,752.00 € 29,474,444.00 € Profit Before Taxes 1,896,220.00 € 4,261,228.00 € Gross Profit 6,552,856.00 € 8,445,366.00 € Net worth 65,548,548.00 € 69,187,419.00 € Liabilities 2,879,247.00 € 4,569,844.00 €

Change (%) 16.2 124.7 28.9 5.6 58.7

Diamonds 301


Kallas Papadopoulos SA Food Products Industrial

Turnover 140,912,123.00 €

Marketing a wide product portfolio Founded in 1967, Kallas Papadopoulos SA has been active as an importer and distributor of raw materials and foods for more than 45 years, satisfying the needs of several industrial sectors, including confectionery, bakery, dairy products, charcuterie and the food service industry. Kallas Papadopoulos maintains modern facilities offering controlled temperature at its warehouses in Aharnes, northern Athens, the Thessaloniki industrial zone’s Vathy Avlidas area along the AthensThessaloniki highway, at the Ritsona interchange, as well as in Tripoli (Peloponnese), Volos (mid northeast Greece), and Bucharest, Romania. The company has been exporting various products since 1995 to Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Albania, Skopje, Egypt and Tunisia. The company’s Thessaloniki facility serves to minimize distances regarding its exports to the Balkans. In addition, the company operates a distribution network in Romania and Cyprus.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,207,810.00 €

Contact Details 13 Phil. Damianou St., Aharnes, 136 71, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 2401830 Fax: +30 210 2401833 E-mail: Website:

Real Estate Commercial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 10,294,640.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 4,164,605.00 € Contact Details 24 Stadiou St., 10564, Athens Tel.: + 30 210 326 3929 Fax: +30 210 326 6148 Εmail: Website: http://

302 Diamonds

Kallas Papadopoulos SA 2014 2015 Turnover 147,692,078.00 € 140,912,123.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,882,868.00 € 4,207,810.00 € Gross Profit 14,028,211.00 € 14,316,301.00 € Net worth 28,236,436.00 € 31,190,098.00 € Liabilities 48,664,555.00 € 46,418,260.00 €

Change (%) -4.6 8.4 2.1 10.5 -4.6


Enjoying high profitability ALPHA ASTIKA AKINITA SA is a company of Alpha Bank Group and provides comprehensive services covering all aspects of real estate. Specifically, the Company undertakes services including: Valuation Reports and Certification of Projects’ and Investments’ Progress, Sales and Purchases, Rents and Leases, Real Estate Management and Supervision & Project Management. ALPHA ASTIKA AKINITA’s extensive experience and its highly trained staff enables the Company to undertake and accomplish the most difficult and complicated projects in the field of real estate. The Company established a Branch in Thessaloniki in August 1997, in Patra in April 2000 and in Iraklion (Crete) in December 2001, and has an extensive network of 450 collaborating Engineers throughout Greece. All of the Company’s activities are certified according to the International Standard ISO 9001/2008. In 2016, the firm posted steady revenues of 10.28 million euros compared to 10.29 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax profit inched down to 4.02 million against 4.16 million euros in the previous year. In 2016, consolidated turnover amounted to 12.9 million euros compared to 13.6 million euros a year earlier. After-tax results on a consolidated basis amounted to losses of 5.4 million euros, mainly attributed to the recognition of provisions against earnings of 4.1 million euros in 2015. ALPHA ASTIKA AKINITA S.A 2014 2015 Turnover 10,345,617.00 € 10,294,640.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,510,080.00 € 4,164,605.00 € Gross Profit 4,074,010.00 € 4,751,354.00 € Net worth 127,243,588.00 € 130,005,863.00 € Liabilities 3,397,660.00 € 3,991,435.00 €

Change (%) -0.5 18.6 16.6 2.2 17.5


Petroleum Products Commercial


Seeing exports jump in 2016

Ioannis Aligizakis, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 1,023,594,000.00 €

Elinoil dates back to the distant 1954, when it was founded under the name D. Diamantidis - Ch. Kourouklis & Co. Its main activity was the import of crude oil. The firm’s name was changed in 1960 to its current name, Elinoil, while at the same time it expanded its activities to Northern Greece, and established its privately-owned fuel facilities in Aspropyrgos; in the same year, the firm was licensed to purchase all petroleum products, and went ahead with the construction and operation of its first fuel stations. Nowadays, Elin Group is involved with: liquid fuel trade, processing and marketing of solid fuels, domestic marketing of lubricants, marketing ship lubricants, international trade in liquid and solid fuels, biodiesel production and construction and maintenance of technical projects. Elinoil operates the following facilities: Three storage and transport facilities for liquid fuels and oils in Aspropyrgos, Volos and Porto Lagos; three tankers to meet marine transport needs; two modern solid fuel processing plants in Aspropyrgos and Volos; a fleet of privately-owned tank trucks, which allows it to offer the high level of service demanded by customers, while all of its fuel stations are equipped with the latest technology. In 2016, the Group reported higher consolidated turnover of 1.29 billion euros against 1.02 billion euros a year earlier, up 26%. EBITDA rose to 13.3 million euros compared to 12.3 million euros in 2015, an increase by 8%. Consolidated earnings before taxes for the group amounted to 6.8 million euros against 5.6 million euros in 2015. The parent company ELINOIL posted sales of 1.28 billion euros, while pre-tax earnings rose to 5.16 million euros. EBITDA rose to 11.8 million euros against 11 million euros in 2015. Notably, Elinoil saw its international sales skyrocket by 125%. Sales came mainly from: Lebanon, Italy and Albania, followed by the Arabian Gulf and Northern Europe. This is a new activity in which the company has further expanded, and is a new source of profitability. At the end of 2016, the total number of associated stations carrying the company’s sign and brands stood at 614.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,203,000.00 €

Contact Details 33 Pigon St., 14564 Kifisia, Athens, Greece Tel..: +30 210 6241500 Fax: +30 210 6241509 Website:

ELINOIL - HELLENIC PETROLEUM COMPANY S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 959,354,365.00 € 1,023,594,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 1,398,378.00 € 4,203,000.00 € Gross Profit 36,144,346.00 € 40,559,000.00 € Net worth 47,255,970.00 € 49,994,000.00 € Liabilities 80,071,470.00 € 80,870,000.00 €

Change (%) 6.7 200.6 12.2 5.8 1.0

Diamonds 303


Chemical Products Industrial


Recognized performance leader in the chemical industry

Turnover 2016 57,493,784.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2016 5,412,613.00 €

Contact Details 38th km Neoak, 19100, Megara, P.O. Box: 29 Tel.: +30 22960 83311 Fax: +30 22960 83335 E-mail: Website:

304 Diamonds

Megara Resins S.A. is a diversified manufacturer and supplier of raw materials for industrial and architectural coatings, as well as rosin-based and other synthetic resins for the paint, adhesive, paper and construction industry. The company was established in 1961 and for over 50 years it has been a pioneer in creating innovative technologies to help coatings formulators meet their customers’ most demanding applications. Today, Megara Resins remains firmly committed to the pillars of innovation and new technologies and is widely regarded as being the most innovative Greek supplier to the coatings industry through its continued investment in R&D, technical support and new product development. Being equipped with highly modern manufacturing facilities, it offers its customers advanced and diverse products and technologies for surfaces with an emphasis on environmentally friendly products such as powder coating resins & additives, rosin dispersions, alkyd resins, water-based acrylic dispersions, and unsaturated polyester resins. Megara Resins holds a strong manufacturing base in Greece operating in three sites situated in Megara (HQ), in the west Peloponnese and in Vathi Avlidos near Chalkida. “AKFA”, the latter, is the result of a strategic joint venture with a Turkish partner “Ak-Tas Dis Ticaret AS”, where in addition to its production units, at the plant site there is a modern logistics complex comprising a docking facility and a tank farm for the storage of liquid chemicals, the capacity of it is 15.000m3. Megara Resins continues its strategic global expansion and business development in developed & emerging markets. In 2016, the Group reported sales of €58.0 million +13% vs. 2015 as a result of organic growth and intense export activity with key presence in more than 53 countries, representing over 80% of its turnover. The group aimed to gaining a substantial premium on its cost of capital investing in innovation, as it is the enabler for continued growth. In this direction, profits before taxes exceeded €6 million, in combination with reduced short and long term loan obligations. Innovations based on effective and efficient research and development, are an important growth factor for Megara Resins. A highly proficient team of senior scientists are dedicated to research in the field of binders for powder coating resins, architectural coatings, construction, and paper sizing and to providing our customers with the most innovative, highest quality value-added products and services possible. The company’s research activities are supplemented by an international network of collaborations with leading universities, scientific research institutes and partner companies.


Megara Resins participates successfully in several EU funded research projects through which targets the development of new products via strategically beneficial collaborations that require skills and competences matching the company’s industrial interests and development needs. Participation in R&D projects has enormous benefits in terms of contacts, opportunities, identifying new and emerging markets for its products, and thus being at the cutting-edge of innovation. This is how the group ensures long term business success with chemistry-based solutions for almost all sectors of industry. It is evident from the above that the company, having entered the era of enlargement and development is growing rapidly. Using the latest years’ successful achievements as a stable starting point, the company moves towards an extensive program of complete automation and modernization. However, Megara Resins operates in compliance with the law and adhere to high ethical standards. Our Mission, is to grow a portfolio of leading specialty chemical businesses, and generate added value for our customers and the company. We create sustainable value for our partners by delivering innovative products and solutions. ● We realize this mission by setting the highest standards in service, reliability, safety and cost containment in our industry. ● We deliver superior returns to our shareholders by tirelessly pursuing new growth opportunities while continually improving our profitability. ● We are committed to maintaining excellence, respect, and integrity in all aspects of our operations. Our Vision, is to be a recognized performance leader of the chemical industry. Being a performance leader means we will achieve operational excellence, industry-leading customer satisfaction and superior financial performance.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MEGARA RESINS GROUP 2015 2016 51,000,039.00 € 57,493,784.00 € 3,072,241.00 € 5,412,613.00 € 9,952,455.00 € 12,425,171.00 € 20,632,989.00 € 23,991,868.00 € 27,320,890.00 € 27,719,276.00 €

Change (%) 12.7 76.2 24.8 16.3 1.5

Diamonds 305


HOSPITAL LINE S.A. Medical Devices Commercial

Turnover 14,703,323.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,132,340.00 €

Contact Details 36 K. Palama St., 143 43 Nea Halkidona, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 2510040 FAX: +30 210 2520742 E-mail: Website:

Constructions Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468



Constant presence in the Greek and international markets Hospital Line SA was established in Athens in 1993 with a scope to focus on quality products that require intensive promotion and purchasing support, as well as on the particular needs of the hospital market; and these led to the creation of a company that would fulfill the above goals. Hospital Line undertakes the promotion and sale of innovative and high quality medical products. The firm is staffed with a team of highly experienced professionals in the health market, many of whom have held top positions in multinational pharmaceutical companies. The company distributes surgical products in the following categories: orthopedics, surgical staplers, VAD systems, ultrasonic scissors, haemostasis, RF ablation catheters, biological glues, laparoscopic, endoscopic, electrosurgical, biosynthetic vascular prosthesis, etc. In addition, it offers interventional products in the following categories: interventional radiology disposables, coronary stents, peripheral stents and balloons, electrophysiology catheters, vascular grafts, embolic coils, PTCA balloons, RF ablation catheters, etc. The firm also acts as an agent of drugs for the following conditions: allergy, oncology, rheumatology and contrast media. In recent years, Hospital Line expanded its activities to other Balkan countries and today has a presence in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, FYROM and Albania, through subsidiaries which employ their own domestic staff and operate independently, but always under the direction and control of the Hospital Line. HOSPITAL LINE S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 22,750,481.00 € 14,703,323.00 € Profit Before Taxes 6,350,811.00 € 4,132,340.00 € Gross Profit 11,420,275.00 € 7,428,616.00 € Net worth 13,366,682.00 € 14,674,426.00 € Liabilities 13,455,584.00 € 11,156,939.00 €

Change (%) -35.4 -34.9 -35.0 9.8 -17.1


24 years of successful activity Founded in February 1993, TENA SA is a major Greek construction company based in Ptolemaida (Northern Greece). During the 23 years of its continuous successful business activity, TENA has completed a significant number of public and private projects in Greece, with reliability, on-time and on-budget, flexibility and high quality. TENA SA through these demanding projects has gained expertise, technical know-how, high performance and our most competitive advantage is the successful delivering of very demanding project schedules. The company’s activities extend to the following sectors: Industrial-Energy, Mining, Roads, Building, Plumbing, Building Ports and Dams. In all of its activities, TENA observes the ISO 9001:2008 quality assurance system. The firm is committed to reducing the impact of its activities on the environment by adopting the Environmental Management System in accordance with the International Standard ISO 14001:2004. In addition, ISO 18001:2008 provides an efficient and reliable health and safety management system.

4,097,780.00 €

Contact Details 25 Pontou St., Ptolemaida 50 200, Greece Contact Details Tel.: +30 24630 25222 Fax: +30 24630 54441 Email: Website:

306 Diamonds

TENA S.A. 2014 Turnover 32,695,507.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,387,470.00 € Gross Profit 3,803,552.00 € Net worth 16,689,099.00 € Liabilities 5,807,232.00 €

2015 30,902,647.00 € 4,097,780.00 € 4,205,462.00 € 18,956,496.00 € 7,767,768.00 €

Change (%) -5.5 21.0 10.6 13.6 33.8


Food Products Industrial


One of the most rapidly growing food industry companies in Greece

Theodoros Nitsiakos, President

Turnover 236,705,541.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,083,567.00 €

Nitsiakos is one of the most rapidly growing food industry companies in Greece, as well as the leading poultry producer in the country. Since 1972, when the company was launched, Nitsiakos has established a high quality vertically integrated production system, in order to ensure a reliable step by step process of breeding, hatching, and distributing of its products. Based in Ioannina, the company is operating both in Greece and abroad and has recently extended its reach beyond chicken meat. Over the last decade, Nitsiakos implemented an ambitious investment plan in order to secure its growth in its main business activities and to further allow its entry into the market of dry food for pets. For the first time in Greece, the company generated a production circuit of turkey and rabbit meat, as well as bread flour, and also proceeded with importing environmentally friendly bio-mass sunflower husk. Nitsiakos also gives particular emphasis on biosafety, and on veterinary monitoring, as the company takes strict measures and applies systematic checks in order to ensure the delivery of high quality products to its consumers. In 2014, following its strategic plan, the company made a contract to export 20,000 tons of durum wheat produced in Greece, while on the same time it emphasized on the improvement and development of its facilities, modernizing its mechanical equipment. It is worth noting that Nitsiakos has also maintained a strong activity in exportation to the Balkan countries and Cyprus, reaching constant sales growth and constantly seeking to penetrate into even more foreign markets. Moreover, the company pioneered by launching a new product in the Greek market, that of ‘black chicken’, aiming to offer to its consumers products of high nutritional value, in line with the company’s values and philosophy. Today, based on its turnover, Nitsiakos is the largest producer of chicken meat in Greece, one of the major companies when it comes to grain and soy flour trading and among the 10 largest food industry producers in the country. It also comprises of 4 raw material processing units, 4 feed units, 6 units of primary production and 2 dry food and flour factories.

Contact Details Industrial Area, Municipality of Zitsas, 455 00 Rodotopi, Ioannina, Greece Tel.: +30 26510 22200 FAX: +30 26510 20769 Website:

NITSIAKOS SA 2014 Turnover 213,784,504.00 € Profit Before Taxes -2,230,653.00 € Gross Profit 19,816,012.00 € Net worth 17,516,817.00 € Liabilities 99,558,383.00 €

2015 236,705,541.00 € 4,083,567.00 € 21,959,631.00 € 20,242,735.00 € 105,115,229.00 €

Change (%) 10.7 283.1 10.8 15.6 5.6

Diamonds 307


ELVIAL S.A. METAL Products Industrial

Dimitrios Tzikas President & C.E.O.

Turnover 46,298,593.00 €


Love for aluminium, persistence and commitment to the goal, insight of the future market Based on those 3 principles, in the year 1990, Mr. Dimitrios and Mrs. Maria Tzika established ELVIAL SA. A flexible aluminium extrusion industry focused on providing custom made solutions in aluminium profiles. ELVIAL evolved from an intermediate and geographically limited enterprise, into a modern, technologically advanced, vertically integrated, client oriented and without borders company. A Total Quality System (TQM) is applied in all production processes, including quality control laboratories at each stage of the production, providing also all the necessary Production Quality Certifications. ELVIAL today operates in a privately-owned space of 180 acres, in the Industrial Park of St. Panteleimon Kilkis, with more than 35,000m2 of buildings and an annual capacity of 14,000TN of aluminium profiles. The entire facility was fully sheltered in 2015. In 2016, ELVIAL began a new investment plan –once again in Greece– aimed at increasing production capacity to 20,000 TN annually, the implementation of new logistics robotic technologies and the doubling of the production capacity of the Machining Business. PERSISTENCE ON INNOVATION The continuous upgrade of the range of offered products constitutes ELVIAL’s permanent pursuit and purpose. What makes a difference, however, is that ELVIAL offers modern solutions and benefits to its direct partners and to end consumers, with products that are supported exceptionally throughout the whole supply chain: production, technical support, final application, end use. In 2004, ELVIAL was the first company to launch the Advanced Architectural Systems ELVIAL MULTILOCK, which offer end consumer all the benefits of aluminium but with enhanced theft resistance, having up to 21 perimeter locking points, safety glazing bead and theft resistance even in the tilt & turn position. ELVIAL has received an International Patent in 27 countries for the ELVIAL MULTILOCK Systems. In 2015 the firm launched the ELVIAL XCLUSIVE systems, which correspond to high standard needs for the highest Energy Performance, and combined with their elegant design are ideal for architects, engineers, as well as for the end consumers who wish to live in a high quality environment. I2: INNOVATIVE INSULATION TECHNOLOGY ELVIAL I2 Technology derived after a thorough and ongoing research, referring to the application of an insulating material, thoroughly designed for ELVIAL, with very low thermal conductivity: λ=0,023W/mK, which covers completely the intermediate chamber of profiles. ELVIAL I2 Technology provides total cover of the thermal brake chamber, having the optimum destiny that ensures excellent isothermal flow of the Aluminium System which may be improved by up to 38%. INTERNATIONAL ORIENTATION In an exceptionally unfavorable environment, ELVIAL achieved to increase its share in the Greek market to 18% in 2015, compared to 8.1% in 2008. At the same time, ELVIAL has further developed its extrovert profile and penetrated the demanding Central and West European markets mainly in the sector of high end industrial custom made products. Currently, ELVIAL exports to 24 countries which accounts for over 65% of its total sales. It is anticipated that in the next 3 years, ELVIAL exports will exceed 80% of its total sales. In 2015, the company industry completed its new investment on the mechanical equipment for the processing of aluminum products, storage and surrounding environment. In 2016, ELVIAL made a new investment valued at 2.85 million euros for the construction of a new building of approximately 2,500 sq.m. to house mechanical equipment and special storage shelves. Sales in 2016 are estimated to be approx. 57 million euros, up 23% compared to a year earlier.

4,011,326.00 €

Contact Details V Industrial Park Of Ag. Panteleimonas, 61100 Kilkis Tel.: +30 23410 39500 Fax: +30 23410 64173 E-mail: Website;

308 Diamonds

ELVIAL S.A. 2014 Turnover 36,681,975.00 € Profit Before Taxes 2,003,011.00 € Gross Profit 6,447,373.00 € Net worth 31,932,108.00 € Liabilities 21,067,051.00 €

2015 46,298,593.00 € 4,011,326.00 € 9,503,323.00 € 33,796,208.00 € 18,598,773.00 €

Change (%) 26.2 100.3 47.4 5.8 -11.7


BEVERAGES Industrial


A firm founded in 1888!

Turnover 26,055,167.00 €

METAXA has a long and proud history, whose roots can be traced back to over 5,000 years ago when ancient Greeks first developed the idea of wine production. The firm was founded in 1888 in the port-city Piraeus and began attaining success soon after. Several years later, the firm began exporting, which soon started winning it a series of awards, distinctions, medals and tributes from around the world. The demand for METAXA soared and transatlantic activities became an everincreasing component of the firm’s export trade. In 1915, METAXA won the Grand Prix award at the International Exhibition of San Francisco, a distinction that was included on its bottle label. Nowadays, METAXA is part of the Remy Cointreau group and has been established among the top 50 spirit brands in the world. METAXA distributes its beverages to 110 countries all over the world, and overall, its products are sold to 130 countries. Some of METAXA’S products are: Five-star Metaxa, which lies at the heart of the Metaxa family. It comes in a bottle whose design was inspired by ancient Greek architecture, while its spirit captures the warmth of the sun. Aged for up to five years, this blend’s characteristically smooth and aged fruity taste perfectly complements its dark honey color, making this product an indispensible classic. The seven-star Metaxa is a very sophisticated member of the METAXA family. Its bottle is inspired by ancient Greek vases, or Amphorae, which were used to carry wines and spirits. It is aged for up to seven years, giving METAXA 7* a spirit of distinction, with a golden color and a full-bodied, raisininflected sweet taste. A self-confident spirit, METAXA Grand Olympian Reserve is a luxurious addition to the METAXA family. At a glance, its classically styled bottle bears witness to the richness of the Greek heritage to which it proudly belongs. The twelve stars on the label are a reminder that this smooth blend of METAXA contains distillates aged for up to 12 years. Its dark honey color and the hint of vanilla in its aroma are complemented by a full-bodied, woody taste. This mature spirit offers an elegant, assured and authentically Greek moment!

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,658,636.00 €

Contact Details 6 Andrea Metaxa St., 145 64 Kifissia, Attica, Greece Tel +30 2106207100 Fax +30 2108073886 Website:

S. & E. & A. METAXAS SA 2013 2014 Turnover 21,693,152.00 € 26,055,167.00 € Profit Before Taxes 4,424,496.00 € 4,658,636.00 € Gross Profit 7,962,493.00 € 9,544,006.00 € Net worth 9,884,526.00 € 6,584,943.00 € Liabilities 8,127,786.00 € 10,586,111.00 €

Change (%) 20.11 5.29 19.86 -33.38 30.25

Diamonds 309




The world’s No. 1 dolma producer

Sotiris Seimanidis, Vice-President Turnover 454.276.468


Contact Details 2nd km Psahna – Politika Country Road, 34400 Politika, Evia, Greece Tel.: +30 22280 24735 Fax: +30 22280 24113 E-mail: Website:

310 Diamonds

Palirria was founded in 1957 on the island of Evia, Greece as a privately-owned business by entrepreneur Antonis Souliotis. Its primary purpose was the production and distribution of traditional ready-to-eat meals for Greek and International markets. Palirria remained a personal business until 1982, when it acquired a corporate form with the participation of Antonis Souliotis sons, Konstantinos and Vasilios. This corporate structure gave Palirria a potential that resulted in a leading position in the Greek market. In 1989 the company began to invest in modern and technologically advanced facilities and new offices. The project was completed in 1992 with the reallocation of its operations. Today, Palirria owns 3 manufacturing units, of a total floor space of over 30,000 sqm, and employs highly qualified staff of about 1,400 people. The firm’s annual production capacity amounts to 17,500 tons. Additionally, the company cultivates its privately-owned vineyards, having the total control of the production of vine leaves, which is the basic ingredient of Palirria’s best selling product: dolma. Palirria’s product range comprises 40 different codes that are based on traditional Greek and Mediterranean cuisine, with the basic product being dolmas (stuffed vine leaves). More specifically, Palirria is the No. 1 dolma producer in the world, with a production capacity of more than 1.4 million dolmas per day. The most impressive fact about dolmas is that this product is handmade. Tender vine leaves are stuffed one by one by hand with ingredients of excellent quality. Awards like the Great Taste (UK) and the Superior Taste Award (by the International Taste and Quality Institute-Brussels), that Palirria gets the last 4 years in the raw, justify the popularity of Palirria’s dolmas & their unique quality. Palirria’s product portfolio includes many other traditional Greek meals in various packages, such as cans, jars, plates or innovative plastic bowls, and a large variety of delicious frozen meals which are the best choices of Greek & Mediterranean cuisine under the brand name My Greek Meal and Today’s Special. Throughout the years Palirria enhanced its global presence and currently its products can be found in more than 40 countries around the world, including the USA, Canada, most European countries, Middle East and Australia. The firm is also trusted by some of the largest retail chains worldwide to produce private label products. Always being committed to quality, Palirria was one of the first Greek companies to implement ISO9001 (Quality Management Standard) in 1995, and to strictly adhere to HACCP in terms of safety during production in 1998. By investing in the most recent and modern production equipment, Palirria’s facilities are amongst the newest in Europe. Additionally, the factory’s equipment is continuously upgraded and the personnel is constantly trained. Its contemporary quality assurance systems, highly qualified workforce, the careful selection of raw materials and thorough inspection at every stage of production process, guarantee products of the highest quality. Palirria keeps on dynamically focusing on innovation and customer satisfaction, retaining firm on its vision; to be the world’s ambassador of Mediterranean and Greek Cuisine. In that scope, Palirria expands its portfolio by developing new product lines and customized products, constantly upgrading the visual identity and packaging of classic products in order to satisfy consumers’ diverse needs whichever is the target market.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PALIRRIA S.A. 2014 35,124,464.00 € 2,778,088.00 € 7,206,897.00 € 11,090,211.00 € 13,168,514.00 €

2015 39,698,241.00 € 3,976,028.00 € 8,448,186.00 € 15,510,855.00 € 10,623,801.00 €

Change (%) 13.0 43.1 17.2 39.9 -19.3



Turnover 83,800,000.00 €


Greece’s No. 1 sportswear retailer INTERSPORT ATHLETICS is mainly active in wholesale and retail trade, imports, exports, manufacturing and processing of all types of clothing, underwear and sportswear. In Greece, the company is a fully owned subsidiary of Fourlis SA, and on a global scale is part of the INTERSPORT chain based in Bern, Switzerland, whose network comprises 5,500 retail outlets in 44 countries. Intersport Athletics is also active in Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey through subsidiary firms. Intersport Athletics (Cyprus) Ltd. is fully controlled by the parent company and maintains four outlets. In Greece, Intersport Athletics operates 50 stores. The firm’s subsidiaries operate a total of 31 outlets in Romania, 22 in Turkey, 7 in Bulgaria and 4 in Cyprus. The firm’s investment program in 2016 included the addition of three new stores to its outlet network in Greece. In 2016, the retail trader of sporting goods (Intersport and Taf stores) in Greece posted sales of 90.8 million euros, with EBITDA at 9.2 million euros. Pre-tax income rose to 5.3 million euros compared to 4.0 million euros a year earlier.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,975,000.00 € 18-20 Sorou St., 151 25 Marousi, Attica, Greece Τel: +30 210 2806000 Fax: +30 210 2806099 E-mail: Website:

INTERSPORT ATHLETICS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 76,377,000.00 € 83,800,000.00 € Profit Before Taxes 5,319,000.00 € 3,975,000.00 € Gross Profit 33,912,000.00 € 34,104,000.00 € Net worth 39,370,000.00 € 42,226,000.00 € Liabilities 56,144,000.00 € 58,175,000.00 €

Food Products

E. & K. Stergiou & Co.

Contact Details


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


PROFIT BEFORE 21,629,877.00 € TAXES 96.956.097 PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,973,839.00 €

Contact Details Contact Details

4 Klisouras St., & Tatoiou Ave., Metamorfosi, Athens, Greece, 14452 Tel.: +30 210 2881900 Fax: +30 210 2830481 Email: Webmail:

Change (%) 9.7 -25.3 0.6 7.3 3.6

Rapid growth in a recessionary economy Stergiou company was founded in 1965 and since then has been growing steadily. The firm is active in the food market and its product portfolio includes: buffet items, confectionary, sandwiches, pastry products, daily prepared sweets, standardized sweets and deserts. The company is also active in retail and wholesale. Indicative of this is the fact that in 2015 wholesale accounted for as much as 99% of sales. Stergiou operates three outlets in the Athens suburbs of Metamorphosi, Nea Philadelphia and Kifisia. The company also has an extensive distribution network that travels over 4,000 km each day with the most modern fleet of refrigerated trucks. The areas covered are: Northwestern Peloponnese, Central and Southern Peloponnese, North Peloponnese, the whole of Attica, Prefecture of Fthiotida, Prefecture of Viotia and Prefecture of Evia. Production takes place at the firm’s privately-owned industrial facilities, covering a total surface area of about 26,000 sqm, with production activities taking up 14,000 sqm. Today, Stergiou supplies more than 2,500 canteens located in several large hospitals, schools, exhibition centers and, more generally, catering venues. In addition, the company has been the main supplier of the Greek Armed Forces for many years, under a business deal that was extended to include army canteens following their privatization as of 2014. This has helped the firm to almost triple its sales from 7.8 million euros in 2012 to 21.6 million euros in 2015, while in the same period net profits skyrocketed from 500,000 euros to 3 million euros. E. & K. STERGIOU & Co. 2014 2015 Turnover 19,694,717.00 € 21,629,877.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,098,066.00 € 3,973,839.00 € Gross Profit 8,911,469.00 € 9,741,969.00 € Net worth 6,946,219.00 € 8,535,411.00 € Liabilities 7,390,795.00 € 8,538,928.00 €

Change (%) 9.8 28.3 9.3 22.9 15.5

Diamonds 311




Initiating projects worldwide

Turnover 32,984,060.00 €

Athanasios Antoniadis and Ioannis Sachanas founded the parent company “Marmor Kamin S.A” in 1981 in Thessaloniki, a modest enterprise that processed marble and manufactured fireplaces. Through hard work, specialized craftsmanship and market knowledge, the company soon became a well-known name in the sector. The first exports began in 1990 to Russia, Cyprus and Belgium. Ever since, constant development and investments under the new name of “Marmor SG SA”, led the company to its new headquarters, at a privately-owned 50,000-sqm land plot in Kavalari, Thessaloniki. In 2004 Yiannis Antoniadis, took over the leadership of the company as President & CEO. Being inventive and with a fresh perception of the market evolution, he organized the company’s further growth through innovative business planning, resulting to constant rises in turnover and profits. He focused on a strategic extroversion and building up a global network, and managed to place the company among the world leaders, under the trading name “Stone Group International”. The company markets marble, granite, travertine and onyx. Production efficiency and operations are controlled by systematic planning and management of all manufacturing activities in accordance to the attested production standards. The company’s plant in the Kavalari Industrial Area, covers 12,000 sqm of the 50,000 sqm of the premises. It includes the Administration Offices, three Production Departments, a Project Management Department, an Art Craft Atelier, six sheltered and five outdoor warehouses for blocks, slabs and tiles of white marbles, granites and natural stones. Using their in-depth knowledge, the procurement team ensures the high quality level of raw materials under constant material inspection. Fundamental tools are: Material Database, Barcode System (Architectural and Project Software), Slab Classification by means of slab by slab Pictures, labels and the like. On the other hand, the Logistics Department serves a complete process involving the integration of material handling, inventory, packaging and transportation.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,970,721.00 €

Contact Details 18th km Thessaloniki-Kavala National Road, 572 00 Kavalari, Kozani, Greece Tel.: +30 23940 20440 Fax: +30 23940 52733 E-mail: Website:

312 Diamonds

MARMOR SG “STONE GROUP INTERNATIONAL” SA 2014 2015 Turnover 28,842,867.00 € 32,984,060.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,937,291.00 € 3,970,721.00 € Gross Profit 8,608,933.00 € 9,674,016.00 € Net worth 17,668,452.00 € 14,506,302.00 € Liabilities 17,141,299.00 € 26,017,167.00 €

Change (%) 14.4 0.8 12.4 -17.9 51.8


TUI HELLAS ΑΕ Tourism Enterprises Commercial

Turnover 44,470,252.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,930,014.00 €

Contact Details 80 Amarousiou-Chalandriou Rd., 15125, Μαρούσι Tel.: +30 2103502000 Fax: +30 2103502710 Website:

Food Products – Fish Feeds Industrial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468



Leading the tourism business worldwide TUI Group is the world’s number one tourism business. The broad portfolio gathered under the Group umbrella consists of strong tour operators, 1,600 travel agencies and leading online portals, six touristic airlines with around 150 aircraft, over 300 hotels with 214,000 beds, 16 cruise liners and countless incoming agencies in all major holiday destinations around the globe. TUI provides 20 million customers with an unmatched holiday experience in 180 regions. A key feature of company’s corporate culture is the global responsibility for economic, environmental and social sustainability. This is reflected in more than 20 years of commitment to sustainable tourism. In financial year 2015/16, TUI Group posted sales of 17.2 billion euros and an operating result of 1 billion euros. The firm employs a staff of 67,000. In 2016, the Greek subsidiary, which counts several years of operation in Greece, posted an increase in sales to 49.20 million euros compared to 44.47 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax income amounted to 3.68 million euros against 3.64 million euros in 2015.

TUI HELLAS ΑΕ 2014 Turnover 78,400,777.00 € Profit Before Taxes -1,592,862.00 € Gross Profit 16,765,076.00 € Net worth 5,459,556.00 € Liabilities 22,808,344.00 €

2015 44,470,252.00 € 3,930,014.00 € 13,397,332.00 € 6,777,630.00 € 44,338,496.00 €

Change (%) -43.3 346.7 -20.1 24.1 94.4


Supplier of high-quality fish feed PERSEUS Specialty Food Products designs and produces special fish feeds, with the brand name “ICHTIS,” covering the fish nutritional needs at all their development stages, since 1994. The firm’s industrial facilities are located in a 22,000-sqm privately-owned facility at Zevgolatio, Korinthia. With the gradual proliferation of products across almost all of Greece and to a wide customer base, the Company is now the main fish feed supplier to the fish farming sector. The management and staff of ‘PERSEUS Specialty Food Products’ is committed to producing and selling first-rate products with the benefit of high level services, aiming at the continuous improvement of aquaculture productivity and top quality products. In 2016, the listed company reported a 17% drop in turnover, attributed to the reduced demand for fish feed as a result of the overall market conditions. Sales amounted to 47.5 million euros compared to 57.3 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax earnings also dropped to 903,000 euros against 3.8 million euros in the previous year. In 2017, the management aims to reduce costs and sell products to low credit risk customers.

3,819,611.00 €

Contact Details Contact Details Zevgolatio, Vocha, Corinthia, 20001, Greece Tel: +30 27410 58300 Fax: +30 27410 58297 Email: Website: http://

PERSEUS SPECIALTY FOOD PRODUCTS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 61,243,236.00 € 57,358,197.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,011,364.00 € 3,819,611.00 € Gross Profit 10,549,522.00 € 9,233,675.00 € Net worth 19,974,600.00 € 21,917,966.00 € Liabilities 59,321,505.00 € 53,412,841.00 €

Change (%) -6.3 26.8 -12.5 9.7 -10.0

Diamonds 313


Pharmaceutical Products Commercial

Makis Papataxiarchis, Managing Director of Janssen Greece, Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, President of PhRMA Innovation Forum, Chairman of AMCHAM Pharma Committee

Turnover 115,980,887.00 â‚Ź

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,941,131.00 â‚Ź

Contact Details 56, Eirinis Avenue, 151 21, Pefki, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 8090000 Fax: +30 210 6140072 Website:

314 Diamonds


Advancing Science for the benefit of patients At the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, we are working to create a world without disease. Transforming lives by finding new and better ways to prevent, intercept, treat and cure disease inspires us. We are actively developing treatments for our patients in five important therapeutic areas of healthcare (Oncology, Neuroscience, Immunology, Infectious diseases & vaccines, Cardiovascular & Metabolic diseases). More than just products and individual treatments, Janssen wants to provide solutions in disease management, including collaboration with private and public parties to monitor and manage health. We are focused on operating in transparency and on building trust by listening to the people involved in healthcare decisions. To ensure that we can deliver our commitments to patients, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders who rely on us, we work side-by-side with them and we are looking at a future where patients and their families have a new sense of hope. Hope for a cure. For more information, please visit us at


Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICAL SACI 2014 2015 105,714,036.00 € 115,980,887.00 € 5,203,173.00 € 3,941,131.00 € 29,142,054.00 € 28,554,904.00 € 71,649,368.00 € 72,144,276.00 € 35,312,740.00 € 31,645,060.00 €

Change (%) 9.7 -24.3 -18.2 0.7 -10.4

Diamonds 315


Transportation Services Commercial


Moving forward with key railway projects for Greece and Europe!

Christos Dionelis, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 275,316,045.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,882,735.00 €

Contact Details 27 Karolou str, Athens 10437 Tel.: +30 210 5283170 Fax: +30 2105283122 E-Mail: Website:

316 Diamonds

ERGA OSE S.A. (ERGOSE, ) is a subsidiary company of Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE), which is the sole rail Infrastructure Manager in Greece. ERGOSE was established in 1996 to undertake the management of co-financed projects for the modernization of OSE’s railway lines and facilities, using various budget lines of the European Union, as well as projects funded solely from national resources, that are directly linked to the investments of the co-financed Programmes. Within this framework, ERGA OSE S.A. currently manages projects co-financed by the Operational Programmes of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2013, as well as those that will be co-financed by Programmes of the 5th Programming Period 2014-2020 (Partnership Agreement for the Reference Framework (NSRF) and financial instrument “Connecting Europe Facility” – CEF). The high expertise of ERGOSE refers to the implementation and development of conventional and high-speed lines, modern signaling, telecommanding, telecommunication and electrification systems, ERTMS, as well as construction of modern connections to ports and freight centers. Studies and constructions of relevant side projects like road sections, buildings and facilities are also part of the core-business of ERGOSE. ERGOSE is involved in all activities related to the implementation of rail projects, namely: ● Planning ● Design ● Land Acquisition ● Tendering ● Construction ● Procurement ● Quality control ● Delivery of completed project to the client for operation. After more than 18 years of operation, ERGOSE is well-organized and effectively structured and has developed the necessary systems to efficiently and reliably manage the effective use of European and national investments. ERGOSE benefits from the following key strengths: ●E xtensive know-how and significant expertise in managing high-speed rail infrastructure projects,


such as long tunnels driven in adverse geotechnical conditions and long railway bridges built using advanced construction techniques (e.g. incremental launching), as well as rail superstructure projects, such as installation of modern signaling, telecommanding, telecommunication and electrification systems, trackwork (ballasted and slab track), etc. ● Management Competence accreditation for acting as project beneficiary for NSRF 2007-2015. ●S pecialized and experienced personnel, including certified Executives-Project Manager Professionals in line with appropriate standards. ●S olid service organization covering all project implementation aspects (supervision, quality controls, health & safety, supporting services etc). ● Quality Management System certified to ISO 9001:2008. ● Health & Safety System certified to OHSAS 18001:2007. ● Pioneering Management Information System (MIS) covering all company operations. The total turnover of ERGOSE from 1997 is 5.2 billion Euros. ERGOSE’s operations have been expanded to include the provision of consulting services for planning, development, support, management, design, supervision and construction of all types of projects to third parties both domestically and abroad. More specifically, ERGOSE can be active internationally in contracts that involve: ● Policy advice, ● Project Management, ● Engineering services, ● Construction supervision, ● Procurement services, ● Environmental studies, ● Preparation and implementation of projects, ● Support to management of all types of EU funded projects. ERGA OSE S.A. 2014 Turnover 198,922,043.00 € Profit Before Taxes 5,200,105.00 € Gross Profit 4,184,513.00 € Net worth 42,450,511.00 € Liabilities 106,528,786.00 €

2015 275,316,045.00 € 3,882,735.00 € 3,613,657.00 € 40,763,296.00 € 139,690,580.00 €

Change (%) 38.4 -25.3 -13.6 -4.0 31.1

Diamonds 317


GAVRIEL, DEM. S., & CO. LTD Chemicals Industrial

Turnover 29,916,880.00 €


Operating two factories in main farmer hearts Gavriel is today the largest private Greek company in the field of plant nutrition. The company’s portfolio includes stabilized fertilizers, chemical granular fertilizers, blue blending fertilizers, inorganic minerals, chemical and water soluble raw materials and water-soluble NPK fertilizers. The firm’s installations consist of two privately-owned, ultra-modern fertilizer production plants. One is based in the Peloponnese town of Argos and the other in the mid-Greece city of Volos, which are two of Greece’s main farmer hearts. The Argos factory covers a total surface area of 142,000 sqm, of which 24,000 sqm are covered. It has a storage capacity of more than 35,000 MT of bulk and packaged goods and operates a sophisticated packaging line for granular chemical fertilizer; it is also equipped with a fully-automated production line for water-soluble fertilizers. The Volos plant covers a total surface area of 182,000 sqm, of which 32,000 sqm are covered, with a storage capacity of over 80,000 MT of bulk and packaged goods, also operating a sophisticated packaging line for granular chemical fertilizer. The company has also expanded its activities abroad, with export sales to Balkan countries, Cyprus, Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, etc. In 2016, the firm posted sales of 29.69 million euros, with pre-tax income at 3.67 million euros.

3,813,040.00 € 9 Melitos St. & Kydonion St., 17121, Nea Smirni, Attica, Athens Tel.: +30 210 9373770-2 Fax: +30 210 9373773 E-mail: Website:

GAVRIEL, DEM. S., & CO. LTD 2014 2015 Turnover 29,669,672.00 € 29,916,880.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,101,371.00 € 3,813,040.00 € Gross Profit 5,608,527.00 € 6,370,044.00 € Net worth 13,463,112.00 € 16,182,231.00 € Liabilities 8,201,273.00 € 10,760,120.00 €



Contact Details


Turnover 45,800,323.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,694,976.00 €

Contact Details 2 Calvou St., & Paleologou St., 152 32 Halandri, Attica, Greece Τel:+30 210 68 40 005, Fax: +30 210 68 57 243 E-mail: Website:

318 Diamonds

Change (%) 0.8 22.9 13.6 20.2 31.2

Expanding its retail network Calin SA was founded in 1999 but the firm had actually begun operating in 1994. It serves as the Greek franchise firm for Calzedonia SpA Italia, a producer and trader of socks, tights, and swimwear. The initial range of products extended also to lingerie through the establishment of INTIMISSIMI and TEZENIS, and helped the firm in Italy to gain a significant share of the domestic market. The company has successfully developed a network of Calzedonia outlets, and since 2000 has been developing its Intimissimi network of branches, specializing in underwear. Both networks were developed through a series of franchise deals. At the same time, the international network of CALZEDONIA-INTIMISSIMI-TEZENIS stores is growing dynamically, following an impressive upward course. In 2014, the Calzedonia network had already expanded to 29 countries, the Intimissimi network in 26 countries and the Tezenis network in 18 countries (with 1800, 1000 and 400 stores respectively), while its total staff numbered more than 26,000 employees, confirming the wide acceptance of the firm and its products by consumers. Calin Group operates in Greece through the Calzedonia, Intimissimi and Tezenis stores. Calzedonia chain network numbers 63 outlets throughout Greece, while INTIMISIMI operates 55 stores and Tenezis 10 stores. CALIN S.A. 2014 Turnover 44,166,427.00 € Profit Before Taxes 2,762,257.00 € Gross Profit 17,850,231.00 € Net worth 6,924,597.00 € Liabilities 15,800,351.00 €

2015 45,800,323.00 € 3,694,976.00 € 19,674,421.00 € 7,113,881.00 € 18,000,464.00 €

Change (%) 3.7 33.8 10.2 2.7 13.9




Working locally, thinking globally KAMARIDIS GLOBAL WIRE SA is one of the largest Greek companies in merchant steel imports, as well as in roll-formed steel sheet, prefabricated insulated and architectural polyurethane PUR INSOTHERM - PIR PIROTHERM PANELS manufacturing. The firm, founded in 1976 as a trading company, is now the largest producer of black & galvanized wire, construction nails and wire mesh in Greece. In 1990, the firm started to manufacture formed steel products for the construction of steel fabricated buildings. The head offices and the production facilities of KAMARIDIS GLOBAL WIRE SA are located at the 4th, 5th and 6th km of the Old Thiva-Athens Highway, on a land plot measuring 140,000 sqm, with facilities covering 50,000 sqm in total. The facilities ensure compliance with all safety and ergonomic requirements and are provided with modern machinery. The production capacity of Kamaridis Global Wire amounts to more than 70,000 tons annually, resulting to the direct disposition of its products in the domestic and international markets. Kamaridis Global Wire SA, with a leading presence in 50 countries in all 5 continents, has gained high recognition in the domestic and international markets. Export sales in 2015 amounted to 12.7 million euros, accounting for 34% of the firm’s overall sales. Notably, since 2010 the company has entered the club of Greece’s strongest companies. With production lines of polyurethane panels, black and galvanized wires, nails and a wide range of steel products, the firm has succeeded in boosting sales volumes and revenues. Continuous investment, high quality, innovation and the vision of further growth have led to the ranking of the company into the world’s largest forces.

Turnover 39,308,728.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,711,373.00 €

Contact Details 4th klm Thebes-Athens Old National Road, 32200 Thebes, Greece Tel: +30 22620 23123 Fax: +30 22620 25322 Email: Website:

KAMARIDIS GLOBAL WIRE S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 41,336,010.00 € 39,308,728.00 € Profit Before Taxes 2,508,904.00 € 3,711,373.00 € Gross Profit 6,278,561.00 € 5,545,856.00 € Net worth 39,149,065.00 € 40,602,769.00 € Liabilities 11,428,389.00 € 10,349,917.00 €

Change (%) -4.9 47.9 -11.7 3.7 -9.4

Diamonds 319


Transportation Services Commercial


Progressive thinking, Innovation, Hard work

Kallinikos Kallinikos, Executive Vice President

Turnover 54,581,207.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,649,174.00 €

Goldair Handling is a leading supplier of ground handling services in South East Europe. In Greece, Goldair Handling offers the full range of passenger, ramp, aircraft, cargo & mail services. Goldair Handling also provides representation of airlines, flights supervision, crew administration, as well as VIP, executive aviation and airport lounge services. Goldair Handling is the first private ground handling company to operate in the liberalized Greek market since 1999. Since then, Goldair Handling was granted ground handling licenses to the airports mentioned below, resulting to a network of 26 airports in Greece, while the firm has won various awards from its valuable partners - airlines, authorities and airports. Goldair Handling serves the following airports: Athens, Heraklion, Thessaloniki, Rhodes, Corfu, Chania, Kos, Zakynthos, Mykonos, Santorini, Kefallinia, Samos, Chios, Mytilene, Preveza-Aktion, Kavala, Kalamata, Skiathos, and Araxos Karpathos, Alexandroupolis, Ioannina, Lemnos, N. Aghialos-Volos, Paros, Skyros. The company’s clientele includes more than 100 airlines including Aegean Airlines, AirFrance, Alitalia, Emirates, easyJet, Etihad, KLM, Lufthansa, Olympic Air, Qatar Airways, Turkish Airlines and many more. Goldair Handling maintains a certified Quality and Environmental Management System. Goldair Handling is the first ground handling provider in Greece certified by IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO), for the Organization and Management of the Company, as well as for the stations of Athens (ATH) and Thessaloniki (SKG). Goldair Handling is also active in Cyprus, through LGS Handling Ltd. which is a joint venture between Louis Group and Goldair Handling, formed in 2008. Also, Goldair handling established its subsidiary company Goldair Handling Bulgaria, and on June 2010 acquired full handling license for Sofia International Airport. In 2016, in Greece alone, the groundhandling company served more than 105,000 flights, marking an increase of 6% compared to 2015. In the same year, the firm employed more than 2,500 employees (an increase of 3%), while sales rose to 60 million euros, up 7% compared to 2015. Finally, the company has completed a series of investments in the purchase of supplies, as well as the improvement of the company’s infrastructure. Specifically, it purchased ground equipment for 10 regional airports, amounting to 5 million euros, to also serve the scope of a new deal with Aegean Airlines for these destinations.

Contact Details Athens International Airport “El. Venizelos” Building 24, 1st Floor, 19019 Tel.: +30 210 3543889 Fax: +30 210 3543750 E-mail: ceo.secretariat@goldair-handling. gr Website: http://www.goldair-handling. gr

320 Diamonds

GOLDAIR HANDLING SA 2014 2015 Turnover 51,856,013.00 € 54,581,207.00 € Profit Before Taxes 2,437,483.00 € 3,649,174.00 € Gross Profit 4,175,025.00 € 5,243,444.00 € Net worth 5,946,514.00 € 8,586,883.00 € Liabilities 22,902,282.00 € 29,444,071.00 €

Change (%) 5.3 49.7 25.6 44.4 28.6


SPIRITS Commercial


Greece’s No. 1 in spirits

Isidore Revah, President and CEO

Turnover 43,328,813.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,520,019.00 €

Contact Details 6 Constantinoupoleos St., 164 52 Argyroupolis, Athens, Greece Τel.: +30 210 96 92 260 Fax: +30 210 96 92 299 Email: Website:

AMVYX SA is Greece’s largest and oldest import and distribution company of spirits. Its history begins in 1917 when Albert Revah, together with two associates, founded a small trading and import company in Thessaloniki, the then capital of Greece’s trade. They imported and marketed various food products, as well as beverages and wines from all over Europe. They also distributed wellknown Greek food and beverage brands in Northern Greece. Soon the company opened its first store in Thessaloniki and started growing rapidly. Thus, in 1976, the company entered a new chapter, as it was renamed to «AMVYX» and took the legal form of an SA company. The 1980s and 1990s were a landmark for AMVYX’s growth as it expanded its portfolio with flagship products, including Perrier (1984), Absolut Vodka and Bud Beer (1989). In 1995, AMVYX signed a new major deal with Jim Beam for the exclusive distribution of its products. In the first decade of the new millennium, AMVYX’s portfolio was enriched with new world-class brands. In 2010, the company again made a courageous opening, as it inaugurated its Wine Division, AMVYX Enothèque, and enriched its portfolio with the addition of the Alfa Estate, Argyrou Estate and Tselepos Estate. At the same time, it expanded its cooperation with InBev by adding the Stella Artois beer in its portfolio. In 2016 a new era of development begins for the company as it undertakes the distribution and marketing of Bacardi’s entire portfolio in the Greek market. Thus, it strengthened its position and became the largest pure Greek distributor of alcoholic beverages in Greece and the second largest distributor of imported alcoholic beverages by volume. Today, AMVYX represents over 70 leading international and Greek brands of alcoholic beverages (including beer, champagne and wine), through a developed network of 700 wholesalers. From 2012 to 2016, in the midst of Greece’s economic downturn, the company recorded a +60% increase in its sales, also doubling its market share, resulting in the firm’s ranking as the No1 Greek company in the spirits market, while also increasing its human resources by more than 15%. With a broad distribution network of 700 wholesalers and around 5,000 points of sale, AMVYX is currently one of the most important and trusted partners in the market, a pole of attraction for independent and non-alcoholic beverage companies looking for dynamic synergies. Having developed robust bases and advanced technology, AMVYX remains committed to its 3 pillars of growth: the sound development of its products, the creation of goodwill for its partners and the empowerment of its skilled staff. Through these proven strategies, it aims to be the No. 1 drink company in Greece in the next 3 years. AMVYX’s portfolio currently includes: Moët & Chandon: (No. 1 champagne with a market share of 60%), Dom Perignon (an absolute leader in super premium champagnes), Grant’s, Hendrick’s, Sailor Jerry, Glenfiddich, Bacardi, Stella Artois, Gray Goose, Bombay Sapphire, Serkova (leader in off trade with a 40% market share), Alfa Estate and Martini. AMVYX S.A. 2014 Turnover 38,433,932.00 € Profit Before Taxes 2,592,221.00 € Gross Profit 16,737,436.00 € Net worth 30,238,755.00 € Liabilities 23,425,469.00 €

2015 43,328,813.00 € 3,520,019.00 € 18,245,557.00 € 31,682,892.00 € 27,481,111.00 €

Change (%) 12.7 35.8 9.0 4.8 17.3

Diamonds 321



Turnover 23,440,889.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,517,258.00 €

Contact Details 9th km Arta-Ioannina National Road, 47042 Arta, Greece Tel.: +30 26810 52393 Fax: +30 26810 52387 Website: E-mail:

Medical Services Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


32,210,292.00 96.956.097 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,408,389.00 € Contact Details Contact Details 383 Sygrou Ave. & 17 Pentelis St., 17564 Palaio Faliro, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 9495000 Fax: +30 210 9495999 Email: Website:

322 Diamonds

Making products of high nutritional value Epirus-based dairy industry Karalis SA is the evolution of a relocated dairy which operated in Petra, Preveza for more than 50 years. Nowadays the cheese factory features modern design and technology with a daily processing capacity of 40 tons of milk. Karalis dairy is the largest industry and exporter of kefalograviera cheese (PDO). The company’s exports now account for 65% of total sales, with the remaining 35% made to the domestic market. Since 1982, exports are made to the US, Canada, Australia, England, France, Germany, Sweden and Belgium. Products include Feta, Kefalograviera, Gruyere, Kefalotyri, Anthotiro (cream cheese), fresh and dry Mizithra (skim-milk cheese), traditional Yogurt, Galotyri, fresh butter and strained yoghurt. In 2016, the company won 2 awards by the International Taste & Quality Institute (ITQI) for superior taste of its Epirus Feta and Epirus Kefalograviera. Also, the firm’s products have been awarded with 9 awards for their quality and high nutritional value, bringing KARALIS to the top position all over Greece in terms of awards. In addition, KARALIS is certified by the Greek State for all of its products as a company that uses 100% Greek raw materials, and therefore packaging will soon bear the Greek brand. KARALIS MILK INDUSTRY OF EPIRUS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 21,877,188.00 € 23,440,889.00 € Profit Before Taxes 2,432,074.00 € 3,517,258.00 € Gross Profit 3,959,141.00 € 4,451,693.00 € Net worth 13,496,110.00 € 15,983,880.00 € Liabilities 7,759,888.00 € 9,460,984.00 €

Change (%) 7.1 44.6 12.4 18.4 21.9

Rea Maternity Hospital

High quality medical services REA Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic was born in 2007, based on the vision of a group of outstanding obstetrics-gynaecologists, with a significant scientific and professional background. Equipped with the trust of more than 450 renowned physicians, the leadership’s resolve and the required capital adequacy, we have gone a long way in delivering the largest private investment in state-of-the-art infrastructure and medical technologies. REA has state-of-the-art and high-tech medical equipment, which offer fast and accurate results, leading to a correct diagnosis, with shorter hospitalization time. REA offers special units for both women and newborns in need, such as Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit I, II, & III (NICU) respectively, with high-tech equipment that provides any medical care required in case of emergency. The maternity hospital offers services in the following categories: Maternity (such as Prenatal Screening, Maternity Ultrasounds and Fetal Medicine), Gynaecological Services (such as Gynaecological Surgery, Diagnostic & Operative Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy), Diagnostic Departments and Laboratories (including Microbiology / Haematology, Biochemistry / Hormonology) and Specialized Units (Breast Center & Fertility Unit & In Vitro Fertilization). Rea Maternity Hospital 2014 2015 Turnover 30,055,152.00 € 32,210,292.00 € Profit Before Taxes 603,271.00 € 3,408,389.00 € Gross Profit 4,597,084.00 € 7,127,661.00 € Net worth 21,333,939.00 € 26,378,352.00 € Liabilities 72,404,552.00 € 70,185,273.00 €

Change (%) 7.2 465.0 55.0 23.6 -3.1


Information Technology Commercial


Global IT leader

Peggy Antonakou, Chief Executive Officer


Microsoft Hellas is a subsidiary firm in Greece for the Microsoft group, a corporation founded in 1975 and nowadays ranked as the largest firm in the development and production of software products around the world. The corporation’s head offices are located in Redmond, Washington, USA, while the company is represented by subsidiary firms in over 120 countries. In 2016, the firm posted sales of $85.3 billion, with $52.5 billion in gross margin and $20.2 billion in operating income. Net income amounted to $16.7 billion. Each year, Microsoft® invest more than 9 billion in R&D, while its products are designed on the basis of expanding personal and business capabilities. Microsoft Hellas has been active in Greece since 1992, offering products and services used in virtually all professional, educational, and personal activities of Greeks, while thousands of firms, organizations, and public sector firms base their operations on the technology and solutions offered by Microsoft. Parallel to all this, Microsoft also offers a wide range of consulting, educational, and technical services, assuring complete support for associates and clients. More specifically, in the services field, Microsoft is backed by a global organization offering full consulting services (Microsoft Consulting Services – MCS), as well as technical support services for products (Product Support Services – PSS). The firm’s fundamental objective is to contribute substantially to Greece’s economic growth and support local communities by making technology accessible to all Greeks. The firm employs a staff of 125 at its Greek branch, while a large number of Greeks are employed at Microsoft offices around the world. Microsoft Hellas is renowned for its innovative work environment by offering employees the opportunity to develop their capabilities and rewarding them based on level of performance. The firm also offers its team of employees flexible work hours, while equipping staff with internet access, laptops, and smartphones.

29,984,894.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,495,128.00 €

Contact Details 221 Kifisias Ave, 151 24, Marousi, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 211 1206000 Fax: +30 211 1206003 Website:

Microsoft Hellas SA 2014 2015 Turnover 28,690,866.00 € 29,984,894.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,341,081.00 € 3,495,128.00 € Gross Profit 4,762,980.00 € 4,920,451.00 € Net worth 7,140,638.00 € 7,319,748.00 € Liabilities 2,155,331.00 € 2,649,904.00 €

Change (%) 4.5 4.6 3.3 2.5 22.9

Diamonds 323



Loux: focusing on innovation Beverages Industrial

Ioannis Marlafekas, President & CEO

Turnover 30,003,513.00

Loux - Marlafekas is the largest, Greek owned, soft drinks and juices company in Greece. With five brands and a wide range of soft drinks and juices, Loux holds firmly the 2nd place in market share among multinational companies in the sector. Today, Loux operates three company-owned, state-of-the-art facilities in the Peloponnese, a production, bottling and distribution facility for its products, while a new logistics centre in Attica was added in 2008. The new investment was part of a large facilities upgrade investment plan, of over 20 million euro since 2007, designed to enable Loux to keep up with growing demand and proceed with the production of new, innovative products. Loux currently employs 130 members - including external workers- all over Greece. This is complemented by a nationwide distribution network comprising of 450 representatives, which enable Loux’s products reach over 40,000 points of sale. The company contributes in job creation on a local and national level, having increased its workforce by 30% in the last 8 years, despite the economic downturn in the Greek market. Loux invests in its workforce and partners, considering its human capital as its most valuable asset and integral part of the company’s development over the years. Loux’ s exports take place in 22 countries worldwide (Canada, Panama, Australia, Korea, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria, Cyprus, the United Kingdom, Dubai, Qatar and recently, Russia and South Africa) and account for 5% of the company’s total sales. The company aims to augment this percentage soon, as markets in the Nordic countries and the Middle East are expressing interest in Loux products. Despite the challenging conditions in the market, Loux has achieved steady growth, ranking among the most successful Greek companies. In 2015 Loux’s turnover reached 30 million euro, increased by 5.0% compared to 2014 (28.6 million euro), while in 2016 the company’s turnover was 32 million euro. The firm has zero bank debts and is self- financing its investments. Furthermore, in 2016 Loux introduced the new and innovative light soft drinks loux plus’ n light, the first light refreshments with only natural sweeteners (fruit sugars, fructose and herbal sweeteners), without any added sugar and 60 % less calories and in 2017 the company launched the loux plus ‘n light tea, in peach, red fruit and lemon flavors that follows the philosophy of plus ‘n light products, responding to consumer needs for balanced nutrition, while preserving Loux’ commitment to unrivaled quality, rich flavor and unique pleasure. Loux has received multiple distinctions and awards over the last decade. Among the most important highlights was in 2014 when Loux was named as the “Supporter of the Greek Presidency of the EU Council” making Loux the official soft drink of the Greek Presidency, and in March 2016 with the announcement of Loux as “Public National Champion” in the European Business Awards 2015-16 among 36 very popular Greek companies, while in the European Business Awards 2016-17 Loux was announced “National Champion”. In March 2017, Loux soft drinks became the first Greek refreshments to be selected as the top Superbrand in the category of non-alcoholic beverages, in the history of the competition of “Superbrands”. From 1950s until this day, Loux remains focused on its core values and vision of quality, creativity, drive for innovation and customer respect, while supporting social, sports and cultural initiatives, through an extended social responsibility program. The company participates in multiple national and international shows.


Contact Details 88 Agiou Stefanou St., Saravali, 265 00 Patra, Achaia, Greece Τel.: +30 2610 529680-1 Fax: +30 2610 529682 Email: Website:

324 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

LOUX MARLAFEKAS SA 2014 2015 28,619,452.00 € 30,003,513.00 € 1,493,474.00 € 3,467,093.00 € 17,569,737.00 € 17,766,445.00 € 24,654,145.00 € 26,558,976.00 € 9,375,865.00 € 12,633,936.00 €

Change (%) 4.8 132.1 1.1 7.7 34.7


Transportation Means Commercial


Among the most reliable car makes Toyota Hellas SA, a car importer and distributor, was founded in 1986. From the very first year of its establishment, the firm has pursued a course highlighted by a series of innovative moves that have proved influential in the Greek market. Local market standards changed and the firm managed to capture one of the leading places in the domestic auto market, as well as the respect of Greek customers. Toyota Hellas operates as a subsidiary of Inchcape plc. Toyota Hellas is the national agent for Toyota Motor Corporation in Greece. The Inchcape group, which employs a workforce of over 14,000, is active – internationally and in Greece - in various services related to the automobile field, such as import and distribution of cars, retail sales, rentals, financing and insurance. The company is responsible for the marketing and distribution of the Toyota & Lexus makes in Greece. It is also in charge of the marketing and distribution of original Toyota & Lexus parts used for repair work. Toyota Hellas supports the local network of authorized dealers and repairers of Toyota & Lexus vehicles. Since its foundation, Toyota has been using its Guiding Principles to produce reliable vehicles by employing innovative and high-quality products and services. Toyota Europe places Corporate Social Responsibility as a strategic priority and, as such, places great emphasis on environmental protection, technical training and road safety.

Aris Aravanis, President & CEO

Turnover 148,693,520.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,454,876.00 €

Contact Details 48 Ethnikis Antistaseos St., Halandri, 152 31, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 28 08 508 E-mail: Website:

TOYOTA HELLAS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 143,772,575.00 € 148,693,520.00 € Profit Before Taxes 4,654,376.00 € 3,454,876.00 € Gross Profit 19,415,637.00 € 20,694,192.00 € Net worth 32,562,871.00 € 32,910,697.00 € Liabilities 37,613,993.00 € 36,737,781.00 €

Change (%) 3.4 -25.8 6.6 1.1 -2.3

Diamonds 325


AQUAFEED Industrial

Turnover 48,218,947.00 €


Dynamic player in the fish feed market IRIDA SA is an independent and dynamic company which supplies aquafeeds and provides consulting services to the Greek Aquaculture Industry. Moreover, the company offers Fish Feeds, Organic Feeds and consulting services. The company’s strong market reputation rests as much on its highperformance feed products as it does on the quality of consulting services provided. It constantly invests in research and development in order to support, in the best possible way, long-term relationships with customers. IRIDA aims to produce fish feeds of high quality at a fair price without negatively impacting the society and environment. Fishmeal and fishoil should be sourced from sustainable fishery resources and their use should be at the lowest level without any compromise to fish health and welfare. Additionally, the production process should meet high standards for environmental protection. In 2009, IRIDA took over the fish feed factory of PROVIMI Hellas in Agrinio, western Greece. It is equipped with a twin screw extruder from Clextral, of a capacity of 25,000 tons per year. High-quality fish feeds are produced with a diameter range from 1.0 to 2.0mm.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,384,001.00 €

Contact Details 60 Riga Fereou St., 346 00, Nea Artaki, Evia, Greece Tel: +30 22210 40116 FAX:+30 22210 41362 E-mail: Website:

IRIDA S.A. 2014 Turnover 38,799,239.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,603,298.00 € Gross Profit 9,319,543.00 € Net worth 11,847,804.00 € Liabilities 21,957,576.00 €

2015 48,218,947.00 € 3,384,001.00 € 9,866,640.00 € 13,503,273.00 € 26,177,614.00 €

Change (%) 24.3 -6.1 5.9 14.0 19.2

GLEOUDIS N. “KAVEX” SA Tobacco Industrial

Turnover 26,164,210.00 €

Among the sector’s leading companies GLEOUDIS N. “KAVEX” SA is one of the largest and most dynamic firms in Greece’s tobacco industry, engaging in collection, processing, production and export of tobacco leaves. The company was founded in 1927 by Nicos Gleoudis in Thessaloniki. Tobaccos are being processed in 2 factories (one for oriental varieties and another for F/C Virginia and Burley tobaccos) in Axioupolis, Kilkis, 70km from Thessaloniki. The company also fully owns and operates two subsidiaries, Kavex Elbasan SA, in Albania, and Kavex Balkan SA, in FYROM. Company’s current portofolio includes: Main Oriental Varieties: Basma and Katerini (Greece & Albania), Prilep and Yaka (F.Y.R.O.Macedonia), Krumovgrad and North Bulgaria (Bulgaria), Izmir, Samsun, Sark, Bitlis, Trabzon, Adiyaman (Turkey), BG and Tombac (Lebanon), and Moldavskii (Moldova) as wells as all the remaining Oriental varietes growing in the region. F/C Virginia: tobaccos mainly from Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Poland, Italy, France, etc. Burley: tobaccos mainly from Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy, etc.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,346,910.00 €

Contact Details 6-8 Fragon St., 54626, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2310 536204 Fax: +30 2310 527 720 E-mail: Website:

326 Diamonds

GLEOUDIS N. “KAVEX” SA 2014 2015 Turnover 25,813,894.00 € 26,164,210.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,191,467.00 € 3,346,910.00 € Gross Profit 5,387,408.00 € 5,699,582.00 € Net worth 22,899,171.00 € 25,317,489.00 € Liabilities 13,967,158.00 € 8,250,687.00 €

Change (%) 1.4 4.9 5.8 10.6 -40.9


Footwear Commercial


Owning an extensive network of 55 stores in Greece

Turnover 25,872,975.00 €


In June 1990 founded the company “Ioannis Arg. Kourouniotis SA’’, with intense activity and presence in the wholesale footwear , by the same John Kourouniotis . Originally established in footwear slipper and slowly expanded to a wider range of footwear for men, women, children for both casual and active lifestyle. In 2001, the company turned to retail, showing rapid growth. The stores carry the brand «VOI & NOI» belonging to the group “Ioannis Arg. Kourouniotis SA’’ , which now consists of companies “Ioannis Arg. Kourouniotis SA’’ with distinctive title « ZANCOU SHOES SA », « ARMA SHOES AE » and « MARIKELLY STORES ». With many years of experience and excellent staffing, the retail network of the company now has more than 55 stores across Greece. The company having strong activity in the trade of footwear and accessories, has previously won major awards for the grouth and guality by recognized companies such as ICAP, including it in the «STRONGEST COMPANIES IN GREECE 2010” which classifies the market-leading companies in the area and one of «MOST ADMIRED ENTERPRICES 2014» , STAT BANK, «MOST ADMIRED ENTERPRICES 2016», STAT BANK,«GREEK BUSINESS CHAMPION 2016». Basics superiority of the brand, are the undoubted quality of the final product in conjunction with the production flexibility and design as well as product - price relationship. In any store VOI & NOI consumers can find huge variety of high level brand such as Rieker, S Oliver, US. Polo, Nike, Adidas and many other Brands. Additionally, in stores VOI & NOI consumers can find many other imported brands designs in ladies, men’s and children’s shoe in perfectly competitive prices . The plan for the next 1,5 year is to create additional 30 new shops which each of them will consists of an area from 1000 to 2000 square meters. Fully qualified individuals with deep knowledge and love for the subject , constantly updated on new trends in the field of fashion footwear , taking part in the largest and most remarkable exhibitions held around the world , securing the lead in quality and taste.

3,361,709.00 €

Contact Details 224 Molas & Kerkyras str, 136 71 Acharnes, AthensTel.: +30 2102433629 Fax: +30 210 2433990 Email: Website:

ZANCOU SHOES S.A 2014 2015 Turnover 21,441,358.00 € 25,872,975.00 € Profit Before Taxes 2,813,811.00 € 3,361,709.00 € Gross Profit 8,281,151.00 € 9,316,712.00 € Net worth 17,394,748.00 € 19,775,781.00 € Liabilities 4,223,018.00 € 4,109,450.00 €

Change (%) 20.7 19.5 12.5 13.7 -2.7

Diamonds 327



Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Turnover 96.956.097 24,345,614.00 €


Operating two production plants Danais SA was established in 1979 with the purpose of producing canned apricots and peaches in different grades and packaging options (1/2 kg, 1kg, 3kg, 5kg, 200-liter aseptic drums), as well as apricot and peach puree. The company has two modern industrial units. The first unit, where apricots are processed, is located at the 10th km of the old national road Argos-Tripoli, 150 km southwest of Athens. This specific region is known for its largest production of apricots in Greece. The production and storage area occupy a surface area of 11,000 sqm of a total of 25,000 sqm. This unit is capable of processing 12 to 14 tons of apricots per hour. The company’s central offices are also based here. The second unit, where peaches are processed, is located at the 4th km Skydra-Aridaia Rd., 80 km west of Thessaloniki. This region produces the largest amount of fresh peaches in Greece. The production and storage area occupy a surface area of 35,000 sqm of a total of 90,0000 sqm. This unit is capable of processing 30 to 35 tons of peaches per hour.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 3,256,938.00 € Contact Details Mili Argos212 00 Argos, Argolida, Greece Tel: +30 27510 47550 Fax: +30 27510 47170 E-mail: Website:

Services Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 12,850,158.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 3,227,432.00 € Contact Details 43 Panapistimiou St., 10564, Athens Tel.: +30 2103262228 Fax: +30 2103262224 Website:

328 Diamonds

DANAIS S.A. 2014 Turnover 25,957,125.00 € Profit Before Taxes 4,715,516.00 € Gross Profit 6,040,078.00 € Net worth 20,496,472.00 € Liabilities 6,172,093.00 €

2015 24,345,614.00 € 3,256,938.00 € 4,494,857.00 € 17,165,892.00 € 7,351,164.00 €

Change (%) -6.2 -30.9 -25.6 -16.2 19.1


Delivering business-critical and highly complex IT banking projects ALPHA Supporting Services was founded in 2007 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Alpha Bank Group. The Company’s activities include the development, provision and management of integrated IT services, provision of a wide range of consulting, management, financial and accounting, re-engineering, as well as financial and strategy design services. ALPHA Supporting Services is the main IT service provider for all Alpha Bank Group subsidiaries in Greece and abroad, as well as Alpha Bank Greece. The Company owns extensive, state-of-the-art, high-availability data center facilities, which host the centralized IT services offered. The IT infrastructure is supported by system and application management services as well as end-user technical support (service desk). The IT service portfolio includes core and peripheral banking, electronic banking, risk management, Customer management, workflow application management, business intelligence and analysis systems. The Company has successfully delivered numerous businesscritical and highly complex banking IT projects. ALPHA SUPPORTING SERVICES S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 16,280,687.00 € 12,850,158.00 € Profit Before Taxes 5,197,118.00 € 3,227,432.00 € Gross Profit 4,724,023.00 € 2,868,141.00 € Net worth 69,315,006.00 € 70,824,849.00 € Liabilities 10,137,937.00 € 9,162,647.00 €

Change (%) -21.1 -37.9 -39.3 2.2 -9.6


CLOTHING Commercial


70 years of quality and innovation in textiles In 1947, Giorgos Ioakimidis establishes a company, with hard work, boldness, and drive, selecting to start his business in women’s textile industry. The company grows and occupies an essential part of the industry. “Ioakimidis” becomes a famous name in the fashion industry and the textiles of the company are considered a must for the most impressive and elegant creations of fashion at the time. Today, the course of growth and success in the women’s textiles trading is continued with the same passion and spirit by his children, Anesti and Mari and his grandchildren. Today IOAKIMIDIS TEXTILES is one of the leading companies in the women’s textile market. The company imports and sells in the Greek and international markets (mainly through wholesaling and to a smaller extent through retailing as well), fabrics of high quality and style, in an enormous variety of designs. With 60 years of experience, modern eye on fashion, a contemporary and innovative perception, the company supplies manufacturers and shops worldwide, with the very best of textiles. IOAKIMIDIS TEXTILES serves the textile industry with fresh ideas and the urge for growth keeping faith in the company’s traditional values which are honoured for three generations.

Turnover 15,578,462.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,251,828.00 €

The philosophy of the company is and has always been development. IOAKIMIDIS TEXTILES competes its own successes; it breaks its own records and insists in moving forward. This makes it a better company for its customers! IOAKIMIDIS TEXTILES, is located in a privately-owned, new pioneering building at Koropi: a building of 5,200 s.m., and is now expanding to a second new, adjoining building functional and modern-equipped, in order to cover the needs of its customers, providing comfort and full service. Quality for IOAKIMIDIS TEXTILES is not an objective, it’s a condition. Every single choice in all levels of company operation is made with strict quality criteria. People working in IOAKIMIDIS TEXTILES are completely up-to-date informed for the trends of modern fashion. Their being highly specialized, experienced and talented provides them with the capacity required to foresee fashion evolution and the tendencies of tomorrow. Thus IOAKIMIDIS TEXTILES is always a leader. Well-informed and progressive, it does not simply follow fashion, it contributes considerably to its creation.

Contact Details 54 Koropiou Varis Av., 19400 Koropi, Greece Τel.: +30 210 6628927-8, 210 4170402, Fax: +30 210 4179496 Email: Website: http://www.ioakimidis. com

IOAKIMIDIS TEXTILES SA 2014 2015 Turnover 14,211,519.00 € 15,578,462.00 € Profit Before Taxes 2,878,510.00 € 3,251,828.00 € Gross Profit 5,201,815.00 € 5,557,629.00 € Net worth 18,677,700.00 € 20,112,711.00 € Liabilities 2,668,084.00 € 2,989,955.00 €

Change (%) 9.6 13.0 6.8 7.7 12.1

Diamonds 329



Serving the yacht market


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


Yachting Protection is the leading yacht painting company in Europe with most of its activities carried out in German, Dutch and Italian shipyards. Its head office is located in Greece, but the majority of the company’s workforce is stationed throughout Europe and, occasionally, all over the world. The company employs over 400 experienced workers and, for the past 15 years, has operated as the main painting contractor for Lurssen, Abeking & Ransmussen, Amels and Heesen. Further, the company maintains a more consistent collaboration with the Benetti Group, Heesen, Mondomarine, FIPA and ISA. Besides Europe, Yachting Protection also provides services for repainting works in the Middle East and China. The company’s main activities concern painting and cementing for new ships, refitting and conversion work, repainting, maintenance, surveying and supervision.

37,877,231.00 € 96.956.097

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,580,746.00 €

Contact Details 31st km Athens-Lamia National Highway, 19014, Oropos, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 2295023352-3 Fax: +30 2295023354 E-mail: vflorakis@yachtingprotection. gr Website:

Food Products Commercial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 20,968,216.00

YACHTING PROTECTION Ltd 2014 2015 Turnover 51,014,793.00 € 37,877,231.00 € Profit Before Taxes 4,507,580.00 € 2,580,746.00 € Gross Profit 12,075,663.00 € 9,915,701.00 € Net worth 4,598,308.00 € 6,313,668.00 € Liabilities 10,655,326.00 € 8,942,399.00 €

Change (%) -25.8 -42.7 -17.9 37.3 -16.1


Intense activity in the domestic and world markets The company was founded in 1995 by Nikolaos Bretas after many years of experience in the food sector. The company is based in new, state-of-the-art privately-owned facilities and is mainly active in the international market (US, UK, Germany, Scandinavia, Japan, etc.), and also in the domestic market. The company processes, standardizes and markets agricultural products (olives, peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms) of organic and conventional cultivation. Most of the raw materials are purchased directly from producers according to the standards set by the company and are transported in accordance with the hygiene and food safety provisions at the branch in Myra Larissa, where the first stage of processing (ripening, sorting, leaching) takes place. Subsequently, raw materials are transported to the main production unit in Larissa, where the standardization and packaging are made in metal containers, glass jars, plastic bins, vacuum plastic bags.

ContactBEFORE DetailsTAXES PROFIT 3,210,328.00 €

Contact Details 9th Km Larisa-Agias Rd., Larisa Λάρισα Tel.: +30 2410 972075-9 Fax: +30 2410 972080 E-mail: Website:

330 Diamonds

BRETAS LTD 2014 Turnover 17,694,637.00 € Profit Before Taxes 1,721,160.00 € Gross Profit 2,054,379.00 € Net worth 10,215,753.00 € Liabilities 1,505,406.00 €

2015 20,968,216.00 € 3,210,328.00 € 3,497,090.00 € 12,063,173.00 € 1,405,324.00 €

Change (%) 18.5 86.5 70.2 18.1 -6.6


Alfa Agricultural Supplies S.A. Chemicals Commercial Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Turnover 96.956.097 € 42,099,332.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,200,456.00 €

34 years of experience in agricultural supplies Alfa Agricultural Supplies SA was established in 1983 by Mr. V. Paissios, operating as a commission agency for agricultural supplies. Through a number of changes, Alfa became a commercial company in 1991, currently employing a staff of more than 90, including 33 agronomists throughout Greece. The firm maintains offices in Athens, Thessaloniki, Komotini, Larissa, Volos, Arta and Heraklion, Crete island. In 2000, the company constructed in Inofyta Viotias one of the most advanced units for formulation, repacking and distribution of agricultural supplies. The installations cover a surface area of 33,000 sqm (7,000 sqm sheltered), while a 2,500-sqm warehouse operates in Thessaloniki. The company’s products (plant protection chemicals, seeds and fertilizers) are designed to cover most of the existing crops in Greece. In the segment of plant protection, the company offers Insecticides, Acaricides, Herbicides, Fungicides, Special Products, Plant Growth Regulators, etc. In the area of seeds, the company offers seeds for: Vegetables, Maize, Industrial Plants, Turf and Forage Seeds. Moreover, Alfa Agricultural Supplies offers the following fertilizers: N-P-K Watersoluble, Granular, Organic-Biological Fertinagro, Organomineral Humi Fertak Pellets, Fertinagro Granulars, Special Granural For Acid Soils, Simple Watersoluble and Specialties-Trace Elements.

73 Ethnikis Antistasseos St., 15231, Chalandri, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 211 1205555 Fax: +30 211 1205559 E-mail : Website:

Alfa Agricultural Supplies S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 40,500,385.00 € 42,099,332.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,019,501.00 € 3,200,456.00 € Gross Profit 10,153,322.00 € 42,099,332.00 € Net worth 11,588,091.00 € 13,663,148.00 € Liabilities 16,000,594.00 € 15,203,058.00 €



Contact Details


Turnover 26,690,852.00 €


Change (%) 3.9 6.0 314.6 17.9 -5.0

The best piece of Greece Alfa is a family business founded by Thanassis Koukoutaris, who started the operation in mid-50s by making and selling handmade pies. Over the years, production gained increased distribution. By 1977, the network had expanded well beyond the company’s base to include the central Macedonia and Thessaly regions. The initial stage of the company’s transformation to a mass-producing industrial enterprise began to take place in the ‘80s. In 2008, the company’s production facilities were further extended by an additional space of 5,000 sqm. Nowadays, Alfa holds the leading position in the Greek food market. Its national network includes 50 regional distributors and 11,000 points of sale. The company’s production plant stands as one of the most modern industrial units in Europe. Always adhering to the highest international quality and safety standards (ISO:9001-2008, HACCP, IFS, BRC), Alfa manages to combine premium, all-natural ingredients of high nutritional value and exceptional taste. Alfa maintains dominant presence in the retail market, including at major supermarket chains, bakeries and cafes. It also supplies hotels and mass catering.

3,194,844.00 €

Contact Details 1st km Kozani-Argilos Rd., 501 00, Kozani, Kozani, Greece Tel: +30 24610 42103-4 Fax: +30 24610 33305 E-mail: Website:

ATHANASIOS D. KOUKOUTARIS S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 24,937,739.00 € 26,690,852.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,863,527.00 € 3,194,844.00 € Gross Profit 10,934,362.00 € 11,223,525.00 € Net worth 28,934,818.00 € 30,549,965.00 € Liabilities 8,609,931.00 € 8,746,233.00 €

Change (%) 7.0 -17.3 2.6 5.6 1.6

Diamonds 331


Information Technology Commercial


A dominant force in IT solutions SingularLogic is Greece’s No. 1 Software Vendor and one of the largest Integrated IT Solutions Group in Greece. Its activities comprise of the development and distribution of business software applications, design and implementation of Integrated IT Solutions for large enterprises of the private and public sector, including distribution and support of well-established international IT products. SingularLogic, member of Marfin Investment Group, employs highly skilled personnel, specialized know-how, a broad product portfolio, a large installed base of 40,000 SMEs and 700 large enterprises, and a dynamic national distribution network. The major IT projects – more than 400 – the company has rolled out in the private and public sector attest that SingularLogic is a reliable and credible partner that guarantees its clients’ investment. In 2016, the company reported sales of 35.4 million euros compared to 45.2 million euros a year earlier. However, the firm posted a loss of 1.88 million euros against a profit of 3.19 million euros in 2015. In 2016, large enterprises continued to be the main source of revenue, accounting for 68.85% of sales, followed by small- and medium-sized enterprises with 20.85%, and finally the public sector with 10.30%.

Turnover 45,286,517.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,191,986.00 €

Contact Details 3 Achaias St., & Trizinias St., Kifisia, Attica, 145 64 Greece Τ: +30 210 6266 100 F: +30 210 6266 099 Email: Website:

332 Diamonds

SINGULARLOGIC S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 44,910,498.00 € 45,286,517.00 € Profit Before Taxes -5,000,650.00 € 3,191,986.00 € Gross Profit 9,866,064.00 € 13,580,604.00 € Net worth 24,400,434.00 € 26,822,137.00 € Liabilities 86,293,923.00 € 82,834,915.00 €

Change (%) 0.8 163.8 37.6 9.9 -4.0




Λιλή Π εργαν τά,

πρόε σύμβουδρος και δι ευθύ λος τη ς Pow νουσα er Hea lth

Η επιχ ειρημα τίας πο το «φα υ έφερε ρμακε ίο τη στη γε ς φύσης» ιτονιά σας


της Hell as


Diamonds 333




A leading Athens-based toy chain store The Moustakas chain stores started as a small toy manufacturing and marketing firm, by current President George N. Moustakas, who has served as President of the Hellenic Association of Toy Manufacturers (SEVPPA) for 18 years. Since its first steps, Moustakas has set the principles and values upon which it built its reputation: QUALITY, RESPECT, and RESPONSIBILITY. Today, three generations later, the Moustakas stores continue to tenderly embrace children, remaining firm on offering select quality and exclusive toys to fully satisfy both children and parents. While toys have been changing year by year, the firm is still guided by the bright smiles on the faces of children. And this is what it views as its greatest reward.

44,602,419.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,176,513.00 €

Contact Details 17 Louvari St. & 4 Chr. Lada St., 12132 Peristeri, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 5755112-3 Fax: +30 2105722813 E-mail: Website:

MOYSTAKAS G. N. - HYPER MARKET OF TOYS S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 35,372,266.00 € 44,602,419.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,676,345.00 € 3,176,513.00 € Gross Profit 13,641,760.00 € 16,996,793.00 € Net worth 11,175,574.00 € 12,949,448.00 € Liabilities 29,633,676.00 € 30,581,920.00 €

Change (%) 26.1 -13.6 24.6 15.9 3.2

SEKAVIN BUNKERING STATION SA Petroleum Products Commercial

Turnover 93,706,827.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,171,276.00 €

Contact Details 53-55 Akti Miaouli St., Piraeus, 185 36, Greece Tel: +30 210 4293160 Fax: +30 210 4293345 E-mail: Website:

334 Diamonds

A giant in Greek Bunkering SEKAVIN was founded in Greece in 1979 and belongs to the Vardinoyiannis group. It has a market presence in Piraeus and the island of Syros, as a supplier. The firm is one of the largest bunker suppliers to vessels, offering all grades of marine fuel, marine gas oil (MGO), as well as lubricants. It also owns three tankers to meet the needs in Piraeus, the Greek capital’s port city, and Agii Theodori, west of Athens, as well as private facilities on the Greek island of Syros, serving vessels entering the Aegean area. Through its privately-owned facilities at Syros Island, SEKAVIN supplies vessels ex pipe and by barge with all fuel oil grades from 30CST up to 380CST and MGO, as well as lubricants. SEKAVIN supplies vessels, coming for cargo operation at Agioi Theodori Corinth, with petroleum products of 180CST/380CST / MGO and lubricants along with cargo operation. SEKAVIN is a major supplier of petroleum product at Piraeus port. It can supply vessels with all grades of high quality Marine Fuels from 30CST up to 380CST and MGO according to ISO specifications, as well as lubricants. Respect for the environment is a non-negotiable issue for SEKAVIN. The company is always ready to deal with all unexpected events. The firm spares no expense and effort in order to achieve health and safety protection. Due to safety reasons concerning vessels, crew and installations, the Port of Syros island is one of the most secure and highly protected bunkering stations in Greece. This area, both at sea and on shore, is heavily guarded and patrolled. Sekavin Bunkering Stations SA 2014 2015 Turnover 168,146,788.00 € 93,706,827.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,239,205.00 € 3,171,276.00 € Gross Profit 6,612,275.00 € 6,454,583.00 € Net worth 22,213,834.00 € 25,381,380.00 € Liabilities 5,253,809.00 € 1,675,519.00 €

Change (%) -44.3 -2.1 -2.4 14.3 -68.1


Cosmetics Commercial


Growing in spite of the economic downturn

Turnover 56,270,770.00 €

Being synonymous with the beauty of many women in the world, Estée Lauder has established its brand name among the leading companies operating in the Greek cosmetics market, starring in the category of selective distribution with the same brand name and Clinique products. The firm’s development in Greece has been combined for three decades with the Sarantis Group, which in the early 1980s embarked on a new growth strategy with the expansion of its activities through new partnerships with leading cosmetics companies in Europe and America. In 2002, a joint venture was formed between Sarantis and Estée Lauder, and the two companies operated independently. Estée Lauder Hellas is a subsidiary of the multinational group, and in addition to the two brands mentioned, it also imports and markets other products, such as Aramis, La Mer, Mac, Origins, Tommy Hilfiger, etc. Notably, the Greek subsidiary is also responsible for the expansion of products in Balkan markets, in cooperation with Sarantis. Estée Lauder bears the name of its creator and founder. Estée Lauder was born Josephine Esther Mentzer and grew up in the Corona district in Queens, New York. The name Estée was a variation of Esty, as her family called her. As a young kid, Estée was very interested in the area of beauty; ​​ with her uncle John Schotz, a chemist, as a mentor, she started selling her skin care products in beauty salons and hotels. In 1946, she founded the company, which then sold only four products, but was equipped with the female conviction, as the founder pointed out, that every woman can be beautiful. Today, 70 years later, this simple perception has literally changed the face of the beauty industry. The company today has more than 25 prestige brands worldwide and its products are in selective cosmetic distribution stores in more than 150 countries; it employs more than 16,000 employees. In 2016, the company posted global sales of 11.26 billion dollars. In the segment of product categories, most sales came from Makeup products ($4.70 billion), followed by Skin Care products ($4.4 billion), Fragrance ($1.48 billion), Hair Care ($ 554 million) and other products ($74 million). Notably, the market with the best sales was the US, with 42%, followed by Europe, Africa and the Middle East with 39% of sales, while the Asia-Pacific market accounted for the remaining 19% of sales.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,171,255.00 €

Contact Details 67 Tzavella St. & Mesogeion Ave., 152 31 Chalandri, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6786.100 Fax: +30 210 6776.444 Website:

ESTÉE LAUDER HELLAS AE 2014 2015 Turnover 50,929,905.00 € 56,270,770.00 € Profit Before Taxes 830,145.00 € 3,171,255.00 € Gross Profit 32,703,516.00 € 35,629,630.00 € Net worth 4,981,612.00 € 4,993,993.00 € Liabilities 25,448,715.00 € 26,557,719.00 €

Change (%) 10.5 282.0 8.9 0.2 4.4

Diamonds 335


Food Products Industrial


A real jewel in Greek industry

Alexandros Kikizas CEO at Melissa Kikizas

Turnover 58,733,389.00 €


MELISSA KIKIZAS was founded by Alexandros Kikizas in 1947 with the vision to create a food industry that will promote the Greek raw materials and transform them into high quality products. Since then, for more than six decades, the firm continues to bring the finest bounty of the land to the homes of people. The intertemporal mission of this dynamic and fast growing food company is to satisfy consumer nutritional needs through meaningful products of high quality, promoting wellbeing. Production of pasta and durum wheat semolina constitutes the company’s basic activity, with the firm each year absorbing more than 100,000 tons of Greek excellent quality durum wheat. The vertically integrated mill and the pasta production plant in Larissa produce more than 50,000 tons of pasta annually, ranking the plant as the largest in the Balkan area and among the 10 largest in Europe! In addition, in Melissa Kikizas, the preservation of the warm and friendly environment established by its founder allows employees to feel at home. Melissa Kikizas, now being managed by the third generation of the Kikizas family, has become one of the most important food companies in Greece, with significant export activity in more than 35 countries. In addition, since the early 1980s, the company has developed an interesting commercial activity, by striking international partnerships and entering with great success into food markets other than pasta. The pasta industry continued its excellent course in 2016, as it reported a significant increase in volume of sales by 2.1% year-on-year and in exports by 13.1%. In 2016, Melissa Kikiza products were exported to 37 countries. Group sales amounted to 60.1 million euros, while the company’s sales amounted to 56.7 million euros, down by 3.3% and 3.4%, respectively, compared to 2015. However, in spite of the small drop in sales, the fiscal year was particularly profitable for the Group. Pre-tax income for the group amounted to 5.5 million euros, while the company reported pre-tax earnings of 5.7 million euros, up 78.7% and 80.2%, respectively, compared to the previous year. In 2017, Melissa Kikizas aims to improve its share both in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as to boost exports to new markets, enhance its product range and investments to expand production output.

3,154,719.00 €

Contact Details 1 Vionos St., 104 43 Athens, Greece Τel:+302105190100, Fax:+302105190241, Website:, Email:

336 Diamonds

MELISSA KIKIZAS FOOD PRODUCTS SA 2014 2015 Turnover 55,380,171.00 € 58,733,389.00 € Profit Before Taxes 2,348,095.00 € 3,154,719.00 € Gross Profit Net worth 46,256,855.00 € 47,410,969.00 € Liabilities 25,772,245.00 € 22,635,467.00 €

Change (%) 6.1 34.4 2.5 -12.2



Pharmaceutical Products Commercial

10 years of successful entrepreneurship in the country Abiding by its commitment to take full advantage of the potential of biotechnology and explore the complex pathways of disease for patients suffering from serious diseases, Amgen Hellas focuses on the discovery, development, production and marketing of novel treatments. This approach, based on the use of tools such as advanced human genetics, aims at shedding light on the complexity of diseases and understanding the basic principles of human biology. Amgen began its activity in Greece in January 2007, with the objective to expand its strong company network and ensure Greek patients’ access to innovative treatments that can help to create added value both for patients themselves and the health system. Since 2010, Amgen is commercially active also in Cyprus through a local partnership. In 2013, a landmark year for the company, Amgen acquired full control of its business in Greece, by taking over the parent company’s full oncological and renal portfolio. Moving forward along the parent company’s path, Amgen Hellas has managed to develop its portfolio by providing innovative treatments in the areas of oncology, hematology, nephrology, metabolic diseases, inflammatory diseases and bone diseases. At the same time, it is developing one of the most innovative new molecule portfolios, showing respect for the code of ethics and seeking to offer additional value to patients and the community. In Greece, Amgen has been investing in both conducting major clinical studies, mainly through large international interventional studies, and enhancing young scientists’ scientific knowledge, so that biotechnology, which reflects the future in diagnosis and treatment, becomes a more accessible and attractive object of employment and investment. Amgen’s innovative therapeutic preparations have been recognized in Greece and have won major awards, such as Prix Galien Greece 2013 and 2015 in the categories “Best Orphan Drug” and “Best Biotechnology Product,” respectively. In addition, the firm has formed a high-quality and efficient work environment aimed at contributing to the whole community, also recognized by the institution of Best Workplaces for 2011 and 2014. As a pioneer in the field of biotechnology ​​ and research, Amgen is now the largest independent biotechnology company in the world, with its presence spanning across more than 75 countries. Since 1980, Amgen was among the first companies to deliver on a promise of this new scientific reality by bringing safe and effective medicines from the lab to the manufacturing plant and ultimately to patients. Amgen’s therapeutic products have changed the way of medical practice, helping millions of people around the world in the fight against cancer, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, bone disease and other severe diseases.

Turnover 74,121,886.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,143,291.00 €

Contact Details 4 Gravias St., 15125, Marousi, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 3447000 Fax: +30 210 3447050 E-mail: Website:

AMGEN HELLAS LTD 2014 Turnover 80,592,982.00 € Profit Before Taxes 2,898,550.00 € Gross Profit 18,654,968.00 € Net worth 32,606,104.00 € Liabilities 34,897,235.00 €

2015 74,121,886.00 € 3,143,291.00 € 14,846,540.00 € 35,233,348.00 € 52,036,134.00 €

Change (%) -8.0 8.4 -20.4 8.1 49.1

Diamonds 337


3M HELLAS LTD Miscellaneous Products Industrial

Turnover 33,199,862.00 €


A strong multinational company 3M is fundamentally a science-based company. It produces thousands of imaginative products, and it’s a leader in scores of markets - from health care and highway safety to office products and abrasives and adhesives. The success begins with the ability to apply its technologies - often in combination - to an endless array of real-world customer needs. The company is active in the following five business groups: Consumer, Electronics & Energy, Health Care, Industrial and Safety & Graphics. It holds its operations in 29 US states and 70 countries worldwide. In addition, it operates laboratories in 36 countries. In 2016, 3M reported worldwide sales of $30.10 billion, with international sales reaching $17.92 billion, or 60% of total sales. Net Income amounted to $5.05 billion, which is 16.8% of sales. Also, the company’s investment in R&D in 2016 amounted to $1.73 billion, while investments in the last five years totalled $7.52 billion. The company employs a staff of 91,584 worldwide: 35,745 in the US and 55,839 internationally. The Greek subsidiary in 2017 won the Best Workplace Award, with a resignation rates of just 1.4%!

2,059,479.00 €

Contact Details 20 Kifisias Ave., 151 25 Marousi, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6885300 Fax: +30 210 6843281 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Food Products



Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468

Turnover 57,824,767.00 €


PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,090,313.00 €

Contact Details Contact Details Nikitara St, Laimos Louzitania, 19300, Aspropyrgos Tel.: +30 210 5580590 Fax: +30 210 5579603 Email: Website:

338 Diamonds

3M HELLAS LTD 2014 32,214,817.00 € 2,741,176.00 € 13,747,706.00 € 5,561,651.00 € 11,817,870.00 €

2015 33,199,862.00 € 2,059,479.00 € 12,310,309.00 € 6,701,055.00 € 18,944,293.00 €

Change (%) 3.1 -24.9 -10.5 20.5 60.3

Dynamic presence in foods import and distribution Having started up as a one-person business by G. Kallinteris in 1975, Leader evolved into the modern and dynamic firm, with main activities in: Representation of major producers from 16 countries, Distribution, Storage, Processing/Packaging of dairy & cheese products, Representation of branded products and Creation of private labels. LEADER is located in its own facilities in the industrial zone of Aspropyrgos, Attica, incorporating offices for the company’s administrative services and an organised distribution & cold storage centre with a capacity of 13,500sqm. The company’s strength is based on and enhanced by its nationwide coverage, with two modern and high-specification distribution centres in Sindos (Thessaloniki) and Heraklion (Crete), which have a storage capacity of 8,500sqm and 3,700sqm respectively. The company’s products are distributed nationwide by its own fleet of multi-temperature refrigerated vehicles. At the main facilities of the company a state-of-the-art food standardization unit operates with 4 ultra-modern packing lines, enabling us to supply our customers with products that meet exactly the specifications that they request in terms of shape, weight and packaging, depending on the sales network. We also offer specialist solutions to customers regarding private label products. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

LEADER S.A. 2014 66,027,973.00 € 2,633,430.00 € 9,676,679.00 € 12,929,872.00 € 21,239,384.00 €

2015 57,824,767.00 € 3,090,313.00 € 10,273,878.00 € 13,150,940.00 € 17,614,378.00 €

Change (%) -12.4 17.3 6.2 1.7 -17.1




Greece’s oldest enterprise

Efrosyni Stavraki, Board Chair

Turnover 336,958,000.00 €


Hellenic Post (ELTA) is a group of companies providing modern high quality postal services at affordable prices in Greece. It was founded in 1828, almost simultaneously with the foundation of the Greek State, through a presidential decree issued by Ioannis Kapodistrias. ELTA Group comprises ELTA S.A. and its affiliated companies: ELTA Courier S.A., KEK ELTA S.A. and Post Insurance Brokerage. In 2015, the postal infrastructure of the company consisted of 693 branches and 720 agencies. The number of stores fell by 0.4% while the agencies remained stable compared to 2014. Also, ELTA has an additional 81 distribution points across the country, 9 mail sorting centers (of which 4 fully automated), a parcel sorting center and two parcel clearance services. The Company’s stakeholders are the Greek State, which holds 90% of its share capital, and EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (Eurobank) which holds the remaining 10%. ELTA offers postal services, financial, bancassurance services, retail products and courier services. The provision of universal services specifies the nature of ELTA as to its position and role in the operation of the postal market, in the sense of the commitment towards the State for the provision of universal services of acceptable quality at affordable prices for all citizens. The outcome of this commitment, along with the geographical morphology of the Greek territory, is the retaining and operation of the largest retail network in the country with over 1,400 contact points. Hellenic Post focuses on satisfying its customers’ needs. It pursues to successfully meet their everchanging needs, promote innovation, develop new products and continuously enrich its services. Our aim is to strengthen the long-term relationship of trust with the millions of customers that the company contacts on a daily basis. In the past few years, the company attained all the quality targets set by the Greek Postal regulator (EETT) and the International Post Corporation (IPC) for the distribution of mail, both domestically and internationally. Hellenic Post invests heavily in developing the skills and capabilities of its personnel aiming at their even more effective response to the new needs (new products, new technologies) in a rapidly changing postal environment. In the direction of the continuing and certified improvement of the professional skills of both employees and executives, the Vocational Training Centre (KEK ELTA) has a decisive contribution through the implementation of contemporary training programmes.

3,092,000.00 €

Contact Details 1 Apellou St., 101 88 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 3353777 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

HELLENIC POST SA 2014 2015 369,973,000.00 € 336,958,000.00 € 13,893,000.00 € 3,092,000.00 € 47,262,000.00 € 38,807,000.00 € 50,638,000.00 € 41,843,000.00 € 421,075,000.00 € 447,099,000.00 €

Change (%) -8.9 -77.7 -17.9 -17.4 6.2

Diamonds 339


Miscellaneous Commercial


An expanded product portfolio in profitable and developing sectors

Turnover 28,564,372.00 €

DIONIC was established as a one-stop-shop for the Greek entire sales sector, providing a variety of different, but also complementary -in many cases- products and services. At the same time, it maintains long-term collaborations with major houses abroad, and represents leading brands in the international market, addressing themselves as much to the wide public as to niche markets. Additionally, focusing on the development of new markets as a strategic target, that is, markets which show significant development potential, DIONIC has expanded in the fields of renewable energy sources and real estate properties development. With more than 300 employees and an expanded product portfolio in profitable and developing sectors, DIONIC makes available 6 million items annually, and 10,000 products to 2,500 customers, through 25 distribution channels, collaborating with 150 suppliers around the globe. It constitutes a powerful group with a European profile, which has activities in the fields of Trading and Distribution, Software, Energy, Real Estate and Consulting Services. Long-term specialization, creativity, excellent organization and evident know-how, as well as its expansion strategy in Greek and foreign markets, have established DIONIC as one of the most innovative, reliable and acknowledged groups on the market. In 2016, the group reported sales of 53.54 million euros compared to 47.78 million euros a year earlier. The company also posted a rise in sales to 31.98 million euros compared to 28.54 million euros in 2015. Group pre-tax results amounted to losses of 5.02 million euros against earnings of 2.44 million euros the previous year. The company incurred losses of 4.70 million euros against earnings of 3.07 million euros in 2015. EBITDA for the group stood at 2.25 million euros and for the company at 904,000 euros.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,076,330.00 €

Contact Details 95 Aristotelous St., 13674 Aharnes, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 2102419600 Fax: +302121056746 E-mail: Website: http://www.dionicgroup. com

340 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

DIONIC S.A. 2014 18,290,353.00 € -6,106,394.00 € 739,782.00 € -5,539,138.00 € 55,489,600.00 €

2015 28,564,372.00 € 3,076,330.00 € 6,933,265.00 € -3,037,821.00 € 69,149,769.00 €

Change (%) 56.2 150.4 837.2 45.2 24.6


Beverages Industrial

CHITOS SA - ZAGORI, Natural Mineral Water

ZAGORI, the Greek “ambassador” that travels to 25 countries around the world

Nikos Chitos, President

Turnover 43,352,237.00 €

CHITOS SΑ, the Greek bottling company of ZAGORI Natural Mineral Water, is ranked amongst the healthiest and most dynamically growing industries throughout the country. With a presence of 30 years in the Greek market, it has reached a leading position in the bottled water industry, meeting all consumers’ needs and creating a strong relationship with them. In spite of Greece’s current economic crisis, CHITOS continues steadily to invest on a zero borrowing basis, increasing manpower, contributing substantially to the national economy. Although the sector of bottled water in Greece during the past few years has been dwindling, mainly due to the recessionary conditions in both the market and the country, CHITOS has managed to cope with the crisis as an opportunity by recording an increase in sales and profits. CHITOS is constantly pursuing a long-term investment strategy with modern infrastructure, so as to increase its production rates and immunize the quality of the products. Today, the company owns two springs of natural mineral water and two bottling plants in the wider area of Zagori, Perivleptos and Kranoula. Recently, the company completed a 4-million-euro investment plan for the creation of a third plant in the Ioannina Industrial Zone, which vertically and supportively enhances the operation of the two bottling plants. CHITOS applies the most innovative bottling technology systems, a full range of products and packaging, so as to be closer to the daily needs of its consumers. By adopting a strong export orientation, CHITOS, has achieved to turn ZAGORI Natural Mineral Water into one of the best ”ambassadors” of Greece abroad. ZAGORI Natural Mineral Water is sold in more than 24 countries around the world (USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, EU, Balkans, South Africa, China, etc.). The label “ZAGORI Natural Mineral Water” has been translated into 10 foreign languages, while the product is bottled in packaging that meets the requirements of each foreign market and consumer needs per each country. The objective of CHITOS is to manage, even when obstacles occur, to create new models of growth and prospects for the country, correlating the “ZAGORI” with progress and development.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,063,789.00 €

Contact Details 12th km Ioannina-Konitsa Rd., 455 00 Ioannina, Τel.: +30 26510 61843 Fax: +30 26510 37074 E-mail: Website: http://www.zagoriwater. gr

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

CHITOS SA - ZAGORI, Natural Mineral Water 2014 2015 41,202,804.00 € 43,352,237.00 € 2,744,299.00 € 3,063,789.00 € 19,085,691.00 € 21,278,343.00 € 29,703,068.00 € 29,438,654.00 € 7,388,495.00 € 9,671,397.00 €

Change (%) 5.2 11.6 11.5 -0.9 30.9

Diamonds 341



Turnover 108,967,861.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,054,659.00 €

Contact Details 49 Kifisias Ave. & Ziridi St., 15123, Marousi, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 2106879008 Fax: +30 2106879079 Email:

Hospital Commercial

Turnover 42,306,728.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,052,031.00 €

Contact Details Panorama, 552 36 Thessaloniki Tel.: +30 2310 380000 Fax: +30 2310 341828 Website:

342 Diamonds


Posting higher sales in 2016 Huawei is a leading global provider of IT solutions and ICT. Our goal is to create a better connected world, acting as a responsible corporate citizen, an innovative leader in the information society and a partner in the industry. With customer-centric innovation and strong partnerships, Huawei has established an integrated portfolio of ICT solutions that offer consumers the competitive edge in the areas of telecommunication networks, devices and cloud computing. The 170,000 employees Huawei employs around the world are committed to creating the highest value for telecoms providers, companies and consumers. Huawei’s innovative ICT solutions, products and services are available in more than 170 countries, serving over a third of the world’s population. Founded in 1987, Huawei is a privately- owned company owned entirely by its employees. In 2016, Huawei’s Greek subsidiary reported a jump in sales to 153.3 million euros, compared to 108.9 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax income dropped to 2.49 million euros against 3.05 million euros in 2015. At the yearend 2016, the company employed a staff of 97 compared to 89 in 2015. In 2017, the company expects to maintain its market share. It also aims at investing and improving existing facilities and equipment, providing better quality products, utilizing human resources and qualitatively upgrading the services offered. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES SA 2014 2015 62,800,755.00 € 108,967,861.00 € 2,258,613.00 € 3,054,659.00 € 11,339,074.00 € 16,314,546.00 € 3,443,792.00 € 4,465,032.00 € 35,038,095.00 € 80,336,175.00 €

Change (%) 73.5 35.2 43.9 29.7 129.3


An exceptional hospital offering exceptional services St. Luke’s Hospital is a private medical institution of 278 beds, situated in the beautiful area of Panorama, Thessaloniki. It was built with funds from the USA and is owned by AMG International, a non-for-profit organization, which has its main offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Since 1975, when it first opened its doors to the public, St. Luke’s Hospital has followed a double motto. On the one hand, the words of the Hippocratic Oath: «For the benefit of the patients», and on the other hand, Paul’s words: «Τhe greatest of these is love». St. Luke’s Hospital is a general hospital covering almost all medical and surgical specialties. Even from its early days, the hospital was privileged to include among its staff some of the best doctors in Thessaloniki and, more generally, Northern Greece. Medical and nursing care are of the highest standard. All of the departments are equipped with state-of-the-art medical devises, which is constantly renewed in order to keep up with the latest developments of medical technology. The Hospital accepts patients covered by all public medical insurance organizations and has special contracts with private medical insurance companies.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ST. LUKE’ S HOSPITAL S.A. 2014 2015 44,994,867.00 € 42,306,728.00 € 4,140,535.00 € 3,052,031.00 € 8,044,855.00 € 7,704,003.00 € 17,657,138.00 € 19,486,847.00 € 57,985,779.00 € 58,205,936.00 €

Change (%) -6.0 -26.3 -4.2 10.4 0.4



Home Products Commercial

Turnover 167,059,367.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,047,075.00 €

Contact Details 176 Pireos St., 17778 Tavros, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 2103493207 Fax: +30 2103493209 Email: Website:


Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 37,256,247.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,044,094.00 €

Contact Details Kilkis Industrial Zone, 61100 Stavrohori, Kilkis, Greece Tel: +30 23410 72164 Fax: +30 23410 72160 E-mail: Website:

26 years of successful presence

Praktiker Hellas is Greece’s No. 1 DIY & Home Improvement network of stores, which has been on the side of Greek consumers since 1991. It has a rapidly growing e-shop, a specialized B2B division and a nationwide network of 15 stores, totalling 90,000 sqm and offering 50,000 products to 6 million customers per year. The opening of Praktiker Hellas’ first store in Elliniko, in November 1991, marked the introduction of the Do-it-Yourself philosophy in Greece, delivering complete ideas, solutions & services for home, garden, car, construction and leisure. At the end of 1995, the first phase of the company’s network development was completed with two more stores in Athens (Tavros, Ag.Varvara) and three in major cities around Greece (Thessaloniki, Larissa and Patras). Since April 2014, Praktiker Hellas has been a member of the Canadian Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited group, which since 1985 has been known for its significant history of successful investment in international companies with strong growth prospects and long-term development of corporate values. In 2016, the company completed 25 years of successful presence in Greece, contributing significantly to the Greek economy with a nationwide network of 15 branches, a fast growing e-shop, a specialized B2B division, a strong team of 1,400 employees and significant environmental and social actions in its history. For a total of 25 years, Praktiker Hellas has reported overall sales of 4.2 billion euros, and has paid insurance contributions, payroll tax, VAT and income tax totalling more than 500 million euros, contributing substantially to the country’s growth. The company’s positive economic and social footprint is also recorded in 2015 figures: Sales improved to 167.01 million euros, rising 3.8% year-on-year; profitability reached 2.09 million euros and job positions grew 7%. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PRAKTIKER HELLAS TRADING S.A. 2014 2015 160,988,986.00 € 167,059,367.00 € -2,283,492.00 € 3,047,075.00 € 53,961,726.00 € 55,498,565.00 € 5,976,147.00 € 8,071,971.00 € 54,516,233.00 € 49,147,431.00 €

Change (%) 3.8 233.4 2.8 35.1 -9.8


High quality, low cost, perfect service EURIMAC is a joint-venture company, formed after a strategic partnership between the well-known Greek pasta company MACVEL SA, operating in Greece and Europe since 1939, and EURICOM Spa, an Italian group of companies producing pasta, flour and rice. Eurimac was founded in May 1996 in the Kilkis industrial zone and employs a specialized staff with many years of experience in the manufacture of pasta products. The company specializes in the manufacture of own-label products and has invested heavily in the construction of a state-ofthe-art pasta production plant, implementing the highest quality and hygiene standards, with an annual production capacity of over 72,000 tons. At the end of 2006 work was completed on a processing mill for durum wheat, adjacent to the factory, which allowed for further improvement in the quality of semolina and a further cut in production costs, making the company 100% vertically integrated. In addition, Eurimac has invested significantly in the full automation of the packaging section for the various types of pasta it produces. In June 2010, a 9,000-pallet-strong warehouse was commissioned at the production plant, one of the largest of its kind in Greece. The company’s main activity, apart from the sale of pasta in the Greek market, is the export of pasta products to more than 45 countries across the globe, either under its own brand names or privately labeled. EURIMAC manufactures pasta products under its own registered brand names, which are distributed both in the Greek market and many countries around the world. The first and best-known family of pastas produced by the parent company are the iconic MACVEL range, first launched back in 1939. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

EURIMAC SA 2014 29,229,038.00 € 3,577,113.00 € 5,441,284.00 € 34,162,748.00 € 11,751,015.00 €

2015 37,256,247.00 € 3,044,094.00 € 5,165,460.00 € 34,683,328.00 € 12,214,660.00 €

Change (%) 27.5 -14.9 -5.1 1.5 3.9

Diamonds 343




230 years: Seven generations at the mill’s helm

Nikos K. Loulis, Board President

Turnover 101,371,750.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 3,012,237.00 €

LOULIS MILLS is currently active in Greece with two state-of-the-art production plants at Sourpi, eastern mainland Greece, and Keratsini, a district of the capital’s Piraeus port region. It occupies the top position in the Greek flour industry in terms of milling, sales and technology. The advanced technology employed by Loulis Mills provides its customers with over 120 flour varieties, ensuring a wide product range that is ideal for meeting all the demands of professional bakers. The business objective of Loulis Mills is exclusively focused on production and trade of flour ground from wheat, as well as rye, corn and barley. The corporate group’s products are divided into: Milling products (professional: wheat in sacks and bulk form - and by-products: bran, etc.) and consumer products (Long Life, or Fast Moving Consumer Goods, such as flour in a packet). By implementing the latest technology and monitoring market trends and needs, LOULIS MILLS produce 120 types of flour and semolina to serve its 5,000 customers, bakers and pastry cooks. The effort is supported by a highly organized sales network across the country. The Sourpi industrial facility includes seven production lines; it has a capacity to mill 1.000 tonnes of wheat per 24 hours; it is equipped with a 55,000-ton grain silo, a Pilot Organic Mill, a traditional Stone Mill, a privately owned harbour for loading and unloading up to 4 ships, a 5,000-ton flour silo, a storage warehouse with a capacity of 3,000 tons, an ultra-modern chemistry laboratory and experimental bakery, and a technical support department for professional bakers. The Keratsini industrial facility has a capacity to mill 300 tons of wheat per 24 hours; it is equipped with a 21,000-ton grain silo, a privately owned harbour for loading and unloading 140 tons of grains per hour, a 3,500-ton flour silo, a storage warehouse covering 3,000 square meters, and an ultramodern chemistry laboratory and experimental bakery. The company’s production process entails receiving wheat, storage, cleaning, milling, blending, packaging and distribution. In 2016, the listed company posted total sales 96.5 million euros compared to 101.3 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax income rose to 4.58 million euros against 3.01 million euros in 2015. The management’s objectives for 2017 are to achieve its operational goals and to lay the foundations for its long-term course, with particular emphasis on further development of the group in the market for blends and raw materials for bakery and confectionery, as well as to optimize the benefits between Group companies.

Contact Details 1 Spetson St., Keratsini, 187 55 Piraeus, Greece Tel: +30 210 40 90 100 Fax: +30 210 40 90 150 Email: Website:

344 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

LOULIS MILLS SA 2014 2015 88,006,162.00 € 101,371,750.00 € 3,711,620.00 € 3,012,237.00 € 19,485,683.00 € 19,202,835.00 € 85,977,157.00 € 84,267,570.00 € 75,325,955.00 € 77,538,200.00 €

Change (%) 15.2 -18.8 -1.5 -2.0 2.9


FOOD Industrial


Supported by five subsidiaries

Dimitrios Valachis, VicePresident & CEO

Turnover 53,213,679.00 €

Andromeda Group is the fastest growing group of companies in the Mediterranean aquaculture industry, with activity across Europe and worldwide export power as well. Achieving dynamic growth since its foundation until today, with the support of “Global Finance,” an independent investment firm, and the guidance of a highly experienced management team, Andromeda is developing into a dynamic group of companies aimed at establishing itself as the leader in Mediterranean aquaculture. Andromeda Group Headquarters are located in Athens, from where the company manages its commercial expansion and monitors international operations. The Group’s companies include: Andromeda SA (Greece), Acuicola Marina (Spain), Frescamar (Spain), Niordseas (Spain), Piscimar (Spain) and Andromeda Marine (Albania). Andromeda also maintains offices in Patra and production facilities along the coast of western Greece for production, trading and distribution of both juvenile and fresh fish. Andromeda ranks among the leading companies of the aquaculture sector in Greece. The main products marketed by the Group are: Fry, Whole Fresh Fishes (Gilthead Sea Bream, European Sea Bass, Meagre, Sharp Snout Sea Bream, Common Red Sea Bream) available in different size categories and packaged in 5, 6 or 10kg boxes. The company also offers ready to cook products, such as head on and fillets. The group operates five different types of facilities: Hatcheries, Farms, Packaging Facilities, Processing Units and Distribution Centers. Andromeda Group operates 2 hatcheries, one in Spain and one in Greece, and a pregrowing unit in Spain, with a total production of 75 million fries per year. The Group’s farms are located in Greece (4), Spain (2) and Albania (1), while packaging units are in Greece (2) and in Spain (1), plus one processing center. In 2016, the Greek listed fish-farming firm stabilized its turnover but saw pre-tax income drop. Sales inched up to 53.57 million euros compared to 53.21 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax earnings amounted to 655,000 euros against 2.98 million euros in 2015. Consolidated sales amounted to 103.9 million euros and pre-tax profits to 6.50 million euros.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,988,269.00 €

Contact Details 99C Lavriou Ave., 190 02 Paiania, Attica, Greece Tel: +30 210 664 0963-7 Fax: +30 210 664 1128 Ε-mail: Website: http://www.andromedagroup. eu/

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ANDROMEDA SA 2014 67,684,907.00 € -3,113,307.00 € 2,448,961.00 € 21,262,794.00 € 71,632,512.00 €

2015 53,213,679.00 € 2,988,269.00 € 2,183,007.00 € 23,103,879.00 € 62,570,395.00 €

Change (%) -21.4 196.0 -10.9 8.7 -12.7

Diamonds 345


Pharmaceuticals Industrial

Boehringer Ingelheim Hellas S.A.

A Quadruple Leader of the Greek Pharmaceutical Market

Dimitrios Anagnostakis, President & CEO

Turnover 235,469,981.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,987,311.00 €

Contact Details Headquarters: 2 Ellinikou St., 167 77 Elliniko, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 8906.300 Fax: +30 210 8983.207 Production facility: 5th Km Paiania-Markopoulo Highway, 194 00 Koropi, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6623.901 Fax: +30 210 6623.905 Website: com E-mail: com

346 Diamonds

Pharmaceutical Boehringer Ingelheim was established in 1885 and is now among the world’s top 20 pharmaceutical companies. The company has recently been named one of the top 100 innovative companies of all industrial sectors. Meanwhile the company is launching a new R&D strategy pledging to invest a total amount of 11, 5 billion euro over the next years. In Greece, the firm was founded in 1966 and is considered to be a market leader among the country’s top 10 drug companies, while it has awarded several times both in Greece and abroad for its successful launches of innovative products including respiratory, cardiovascular, pain management, and recently Diabetes and oncology. Boehringer Ingelheim Hellas is also considered to be an innovation leader as it participates actively in the parent company’s international clinical research program with a total investment of 11.5 million euros in the past five years in its participation in clinical trials. Boehringer Ingelheim Hellas SA is the only subsidiary of a multinational company in Greece that has been posting growing sales in recent years, amidst adverse conditions in the domestic market, helped primarily by its strong exports. Notably, the firm posted a high level of 2015 sales, as a result of both high exports and the returns of a 2012 investment in production facilities, now fully operational. The company recently celebrated the 40th anniversary of the opening of its production facility in Koropi, Attica, which set new standards in the country’s industrial sector. Today, it is the only multinational pharmaceutical company that maintains its industrial production facility in Greece for the production of Innovative Pharmaceutical products and, supplying not only the Greek market but also the markets of more than 65 countries. Its export activity is of particular importance not only to the firm itself, but also to the country’s economy, as it accounts for about 1% of total Greek exports, and approximately 25% of the Pharmaceuticals export domain, establishing Boehringer Ingelheim Ellas as a production & exports leader. Its parent company recently entrusted Boehringer Ingelheim Hellas with the production of innovative antidiabetic drugs at the Greek plant, aimed at covering a large part of its international production, which is a ‘first’ in the company’s history. The goal is to cover 70% of the world diabetes market. For this purpose, the company officially requested the necessary FDA approval before exporting to the US market. For this purpose, a new investment of 40 million Euros was approved in order to create the necessary plant expansion at Koropi. Thus, the total amount of investments that Boehringer Ingelheim released in the Greek market last 7 years overpasses 100 million Euro. Meanwhile, a necessary increase in personnel capacity is under implementation status. Due to the vast production of antidiabetic products it is estimated that Boehringer Ingelheim will be a strong partner in Diabetes due to the excellent results of the clinical trials for its products, and therefore exports will be positely affected: As a consequence of the increased exports of the antidiabetic drugs, the company forsees to move to 2,5% share of total exports of the country. This will be a winning moment not only for Boehringer Ingelheim Ellas but also for Greece. Such actions and investments in production and export activity by Boehringer Ingelheim Hellas – with exports being its strong asset, stand proof of the confidence shown by the German multinational and its intention not only to upgrade its Greek subsidiary, but also to support and boost Greek exports. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Boehringer Ingelheim Hellas S.A. 2014 2015 245,436,487.00 € 235,469,981.00 € -12,058,321.00 € 2,987,311.00 € 27,546,485.00 € 22,648,540.00 € 36,801,149.00 € 26,056,464.00 € 115,005,758.00 € 171,934,418.00 €

Change (%) -4.1 124.8 -17.8 -29.2 49.5


Pharmaceutical Products Industrial


A pharmaceutical industry aged 81!


Pharmaceutical company COOPER SA was established in 1936. The company has always applied pioneering techniques in the production of parenteral solutions, injectable antibiotics, classic and unique hospital drugs. It is widely known for its fully tested line of eye products, as well as for its important collaborations with well-known foreign firms. Through flexibility, speed, adaptation and integration of both new technologies and new management methods, adoption of quality standards in both the production process and quality control and in the other activities, as well as the full exploitation of its considerable capital, its human resources, lead the firm to develop and establish itself as an essential player in its field. At the same time, the company is also active in the export segment. As of 2009, Cooper collaborates with Fresenius Kabi Hellas on the hospital market, which includes the distribution, promotion and sale of a range of injectable generic products (antibiotics and anesthetics). At the same time, the firm, having gained the trust and the ability, has undertaken the production of injectable products as well as eye drops for third parties. So, the company has products in the following seven different categories: antibiotics, low volume injections, laxatives, veterinary, ophthalmic products, parenteral solutions and high volume syrups. Cooper places special emphasis on human resources and employs well-trained and skilled staff in all its departments. The manufacturing plant is licensed to manufacture pharmaceutical products for human use by Greece drug authority EOF, as it meets all the necessary national and European requirements. All production departments are regularly inspected by EOF in accordance with European legislation. In 2015, the company posted a rise in sales to 17.86 million euros compared to 14.16 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax income rose to 2.97 million euros against 2.19 million euros in 2014.

17,864,205.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,974,053.00 €

Contact Details 64 Aristovoulou St., 118 53 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 3462.108 Fax: +30 210 3462.007 Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

COOPER S.A. 2014 14,164,286.00 € 2,145,589.00 € 6,056,221.00 € 4,613,138.00 € 8,301,439.00 €

2015 17,864,205.00 € 2,974,053.00 € 7,326,755.00 € 5,843,699.00 € 12,557,183.00 €

Change (%) 26.1 38.6 21.0 26.7 51.3

Diamonds 347



Better health, brighter future Pharmaceuticals Commercial

Dimitris Papageorgiou Commercial Head, Takeda Hellas

Turnover 37,407,190.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,944,486.00 €

Contact Details 44 Kifissias Ave., Monumental Plaza, Building C, Maroussi 15125, Athens Τel.: +30 210 6387800 Fax: +30 210 6387801 Website:

348 Diamonds

Takeda is a world-class company with a long tradition and history in Japan, operating in Greece’s domestic market following the acquisition of Nycomed. We are a young, dynamic team with our main characteristic being our determination to continue in Greece and the Balkans the company’s long course, a process that began some 236 years ago in Japan, with a view to improving health and creating better prospects for the future of all people. Our passion for the field of care and our commitment to improve the quality of life allow us to help patients enjoy again precious moments in their life. Commercial Head, Takeda Hellas The company was established in Osaka in 1781 by Chobei I. Eight years later, the French Revolution broke out. The then political constraints and business environment differed greatly from what they are today, and Chobei I’s company was very small. From the late 18th century to the early 21st, the firm’s commitment has remained unchanged, but its impact was multiplied - one person helping as many people, tens of thousands of people who provide healthcare solutions worldwide. The small company started by Chobei I has grown into a global pharmaceutical company that managed to win the confidence of its stakeholders, expand its business and develop its own unique abilities. Today, Takeda is the largest in Japan, with more than 31,000 employees worldwide and annual sales of 12.7 billion euros. It also holds the 7th place in the largest number of products under development among global pharmaceutical companies. Its mission is the continuous effort to improve the lives of people worldwide through the provision of leadership in developing innovative pharmaceuticals, something for which the company is fighting every day. “What makes Takeda unique is that we place priority on the happiness of patients and people. It is precisely this that also drives the company’s prosperity.” (Yasuhiko Yamanaka, CEO, Takeda Tokyo Town Hall Meeting, 8 February 2013) Employees are the company’s major resource. Globally, Takeda employs as many as 31,168 employees with a common purpose: to support local communities in which the company operates, by providing solutions with a view to improving the health of patients. The firms’ human resources, spanning more than 70 countries, reflects the versatility and diversity of the markets in which the company operates. Research and development is a strategic orientation for Takeda. The company focuses on developing new therapies to satisfy unmet medical needs associated with numerous diseases and illnesses for which there is still no effective treatment. Takeda has an extensive portfolio of over 700 products, many of which cover the main therapeutic areas in which the company focuses: cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, oncology, pulmonology and immunology, central nervous system, vaccines and general medicine. In the field of oncology, Takeda focuses on the development of molecules with novel mechanism of action (first-in-class) and best-in-class drug combinations aimed at providing top pharmaceutical products to cancer patients worldwide. The series of products under development in oncology includes more than 20 substances on hematological and solid tumors, and investigates new substances for the treatment of multiple myeloma, lymphoma and prostate cancer. Providing high quality therapies to patients suffering from disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) is another focus area for Takeda. The company is seeking possible solutions for dealing with mood disorders and schizophrenia and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. In the field of immunology and pulmonology, Takeda investigates new oral pharmaceutical preparations, biological medicines and innovative inhalers. Currently, the interest of product development focuses on immunological diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. In the field of respiratory medicine, the company’s research interest focuses on asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, etc. As part of gastroenterology research programs, drugs have been developed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver inflammation, including idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Takeda has developed vaccines to prevent dengue, while it has also developed a unique vaccine under clinical trial for the prevention of norovirus. In addition, the firm has long held a leading position in clinical drug development, particularly in the areas of diabetes, hypertension and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). TAKEDA HELLAS S.A. 2014 2015 Turnover 33,125,987.00 € 37,407,190.00 € Profit Before Taxes 1,922,470.00 € 2,944,486.00 € Gross Profit 14,048,605.00 € 12,804,625.00 € Net worth 14,060,428.00 € 16,078,565.00 € Liabilities 10,644,587.00 € 15,960,030.00 €

Change (%) 12.9 53.2 -8.9 14.4 49.9


Pharmaceutical Products Commercial


Sanofi, a global life sciences company

Turnover 157,590,144.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,902,689.00 €

Sanofi is a global life sciences company committed to improving access to healthcare and supporting the people we serve throughout the continuum of care. From prevention to treatment, Sanofi transforms scientific innovation into healthcare solutions, in human vaccines, rare diseases, multiple sclerosis, oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, diabetes and cardiovascular solutions and consumer healthcare. More than 110,000 people at Sanofi are dedicated to make a difference on patients’ daily life, wherever they live and enable them to enjoy a healthier life. Medicine has made great progress in the last century. The average life expectancy of people worldwide has doubled in that time, thanks in large measure to the development of innovative treatments for serious diseases. At Sanofi, we have a clear and resolute line for action: to contribute to the continuous advancement of health. As a company, and as individuals, Sanofi and its talented employees have always striven to advance the cause of health by developing treatments that prevent and treat diseases, while enhancing access to healthcare for the people around the world. The expertise we have developed along the way has had a profound effect, particularly in the developing world. We have developed the first vaccine for the dengue virus, which infects 390 million people each year, and whose range is expanding due to climate change. Since the beginning of the year, first vaccination campaigns have started in the Philippines. Thanks to systematic vaccination campaigns, we are close to eradicating polio, while over the last decade, sleeping sickness treatments have saved more than 180,000 lives. In addition, we provide innovative treatments for global killers, like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Yet, there is much to be accomplished. A third of the world’s population still has no access to healthcare. And providing health products and services is just one part of the solution to tackle health inequalities that threat human development. As a responsible leader, we must adapt the way we operate to meet our commitment to health. We also must continue to uncover innovations to be shared widely among those in need. To do so, we know that the solution will emerge by listening to our stakeholders, and with a collaborative approach. For that, we partner with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the GAVI Alliance and the World Health Organization, amongst others. Finally, our commitment to health goes beyond medicine, in part through our corporate responsibility approach and our dedication to make a real difference in the lives of people every day.

Contact Details Syngrou Avenue 348, Building Α, 17674, Kallithea, Athens, Attica Tel.: +30 210 9001600 Fax: +30 210 9249129 Website:

SANOFI 2014 Turnover 175,354,651.00 € Profit Before Taxes 1,917,942.00 € Gross Profit 40,737,777.00 € Net worth 38,328,532.00 € Liabilities 55,757,427.00 €

2015 157,590,144.00 € 2,902,689.00 € 42,217,596.00 € 34,418,400.00 € 63,586,609.00 €

Change (%) -10.1 51.3 3.6 -10.2 14.0

Diamonds 349


PROCTER & GAMBLE HELLAS Ltd. Cosmetics Commercial

An absolute market leader in most of its product categories P&G is one of world’s leading consumer products companies, with its products used daily by about 4.2 billion people out of the earth’s total population of 6.5 billion. Procter & Gamble has one of the largest and strongest portfolios of everyday products from a wide range of categories, including: Always, Ambi Pur, Ariel, Bounty, Charmin, Crest, Dawn, Downy, Fairy, Febreze, Gain, Gillette, Head & Shoulders, Lenor, Olay, Oral-B, Pampers, Pantene, Tide, SK-II, Vicks, Wella and Whisper. Overall, the P&G family has a presence in 180 countries, employs more than 121,000 people in its 70 subsidiaries, and produces and markets over 300 products. More specifically, the company is active in 10 product categories, being a market leader in seven of them and in second place in the other three categories. P&G was founded in 1837 in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA by two European immigrants, William Procter and James Gamble. With sales exceeding $70 billion in 2015, P&G is one of the largest business groups in the world. In 2015, the main source of revenue was North America at 41%, followed by Europe at 24%. The multinational made its first steps in the Greek market in the early 1950s, with GENKA acting as its agent. The main product imported into Greece from various importers at the time was the Tide ZK handwashing detergent. In 1960, the then Constantinos Karamanlis government, in an effort to boost the country’s economic growth, invited foreign investors to set up businesses in Greece, provided they had a 50% Greek partnership. Viochrom, a company owned by Thanassis Gertsou, producing cloth coloring products and detergents, entered a 30-year contract with P&G, founding P&G Hellas. The Greek company was established in 1960 and was among the first foreign companies to operate in the country. P&G Hellas’ first offices were located in central Athens Syntagma Square, on 10 Othonos Street, while its detergent production plant and warehouse were located on Viochrom’s premises, in Agia Varvara, Egaleo. In the 1970s, as the washing machines dynamically entered Greece, the firm launched its first major detergent, Ariel. Late in the same decade, the landmark product Pampers hit the Greek market. From than point onwards, the company’s growth was a one-way road, since it managed to climb to top position in personal care products and cosmetics. In 2015, the company reported a drop in sales to 273.18 million euros against 296.91 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax income plunged to 2.86 million euros compared to 8.08 million euros in 2014.

Turnover 273,180,753.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,855,992.00 €

Contact Details 49 Agiou Konstantinou St., 151 24 Maroussi, Attica, Greece Tel.: 210 8764000 Fax: 210 8764100 Website:

350 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PROCTER & GAMBLE HELLAS Ltd. 2014 2015 296,911,592.00 € 273,180,753.00 € 8,084,919.00 € 2,855,992.00 € 106,298,056.00 € 94,746,597.00 € 12,732,403.00 € 12,530,228.00 € 67,545,167.00 € 46,817,409.00 €

Change (%) -8.0 -64.7 -10.9 -1.6 -30.7


Packaging Industrial


Operating in flexible packaging materials for 52 years

Turnover 48,575,377.00 €

Alfa Beta Roto SA has been producing and converting Flexible Packaging Materials for more than 50 years now. In this time, it has been established as one of Europe’s most reliable manufacturers and converters of flexible packaging. It stands out for its top quality and prompt delivery of both products and services, as well as for its readiness to adapt its products to its clients’ needs. Alfa Beta Roto’s headquarters are in Athens, while its main production facilities are located in Komotini, northern Greece. In the last few decades the company has developed a wide range of printed packaging solutions for many market sectors. Manufactured from superior grade raw materials, our product is used in industries such as: Food & Beverages, Soaps & Detergents and Pharmaceuticals. Moreover it offers Printed Plastic Flexible Laminates for Food & Beverages and Flexible Laminates for Cosmetics, Pharmaceuticals & Detergents. Also the company has wide-ranging experience and a long track record in the following markets: Fresh food, Processed and frozen food, Baked products, Pasta, rice and pulses, Snacks, Ice cream and other dairy products, Bottled water, Sweets, Dried fruit and nuts, Various types of coffee, Detergents, Household products, Pet food, Agricultural products and Cosmetics. A milestone for the company has been the year 2013, when a shareholding deal was signed with Schur Flexibles GmbH, acquiring a 67%-stake in Alfa Beta Roto. The rapidly growing Schur Flexibles Group operates factories in Finland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and Poland, and is becoming one of the largest European groups in the field of flexible packaging materials. Since 2016, the company has been renamed to Schur Flexibles Abr SA. In 2016, the firm posted sales of 44.35 million euros, compared to 48.99 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax income inched up to 3.99 million euros against 3.33 million euros in 2015.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,851,099.00 €

Contact Details 2 Kapsorahi St., Aegaleo 12241, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 3456 454 Fax: +30 210 3472 251 Email: Website: http://www.alfabetaroto. com

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ALFA BETA ROTO S.A. 2014 2015 46,038,134.00 € 48,575,377.00 € 2,707,251.00 € 2,851,099.00 € 8,424,012.00 € 9,733,101.00 € 24,005,699.00 € 25,922,727.00 € 31,284,499.00 € 28,660,771.00 €

Change (%) 5.5 5.3 15.5 8.0 -8.4

Diamonds 351


Hygiene Products Industrial


Greek products traveling worldwide

Konstantina Evangeliou, Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 40,988,046.00 €


SEPTONA was founded in 1973 and represents today one of the greatest manufacturers of personal hygiene products, both in Greece and worldwide, having an export activity that covers more than 60 countries. By continuously investing in new technologies for providing high quality products, SEPTONA is synonymous to PURITY and SOFTNESS in the everyday personal hygiene of consumers. Septona operates four highly modern manufacturing plants, of a total surface area of 60,000 sqm. As much as 68% of sales are directed abroad (to 70 countries), while in the domestic market the company usually ranks in first or second position, against very strong competitors. Over the past seven years, investments of over 36 million euros have been implemented, while production volume has doubled; in 2011-2016, the number of employees has increased 74%, reaching 510 people. Notably, the firm makes significant investment each year in R&D for new products, while the company’s objectives include product range enhancement and geographic expansion of sales. SEPTONA designs and produces products that meet all the needs of modern consumers, in the field of personal hygiene. Ally with nature, SEPTONA products embodies the unique qualities of almond oil and milk, chamomile an rose water and provide deep cleansing and softening. The excellent quality of the final product is the cornerstone of our philosophy. Products of high added value, SEPTONA series Lady Care, Cotton Care, Baby Pure and Medi Care are products of Greek design, meet the highest standards of quality control and hold a special place in the preference of consumers around the world. Moreover Septona offers products for: the family (Cotton wool, cotton buds, wet wipes), for the ladies (Sanitary napkins, Panty liners, Cotton pads, Cosmetic wipes, Nail polish remover wipes), for the baby (Baby wipes, Shampoos & baths, Moisturizing cream, Nappy rash protective cream, Baby safety cotton buds) and personal hygiene products (Strips, Underpads, Antibacterial wet wipes). Today, SEPTONA products have captured the hearts of consumers in 60 countries in all 5 continents and constantly keep reaching new markets. Through its international presence, SEPTONA has gained worldwide cultural sensitivity and offers products of high quality covering all consumer needs worldwide. Ever since its creation, SEPTONA is acknowledged as one of the greatest manufacturers of personal hygiene products, both in Greece and worldwide.

2,847,051.00 €

Contact Details Inofita Viotia, 32011 PO BOX 95 Greece Tel: +30 2262 0 31544 Fax: +30 2262 0 31984 Email: Website:

352 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

SEPTONA SA 2014 38,434,883.00 € 1,320,270.00 € 13,355,275.00 € 13,954,099.00 € 35,224,109.00 €

2015 40,988,046.00 € 2,847,051.00 € 15,517,958.00 € 15,513,332.00 € 33,754,525.00 €

Change (%) 6.6 115.6 16.2 11.2 -4.2


Eurobank Asset Management M.F.M.C. Mutual Funds Commercial

Turnover 15,505,564.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,842,163.00 €

Leader in mutual fund management in Greece Eurobank Asset Management resulted from the merger between Eurobank EFG Asset Management SA and Eurobank EFG Mutual Fund Management Company S.A., which took place in November 2011. The scope of the company is to offer superior investment services capitalizing on its investment management expertise, its innovative product approach and its international presence. Eurobank EFG Asset Management was established in 2000 as a 100% subsidiary of the Eurobank Group, with the scope of improving efficiency in the investment process by benefitting from synergies and economies of scale and offering integrated investment advisory services and discretionary asset management services to institutional clients. Eurobank Asset Management holds a leading position in the areas of mutual fund management, asset management and fund selection in Greece and in the countries where Eurobank operates. More specifically, the funds under management, more than €4.33 billion (31.12.2016), are analyzed as follows: €2.49 billion in Mutual Funds, €970 million in Institutional Portfolios and €840 million in Third Party Mutual Funds distributed through Eurobank Private Banking in Greece, Cyprus and Luxembourg, as well as through other sub-distributors.

Contact Details 10 Stadiou St., 10564, Athens, Attica, Greece Τel.: +30 210 3352800 Fax: +30 210 3352890 E-mail: Website: http://www.eurobankam. gr

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Technical & Business Solutions


Services Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 21,792,024.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 2,677,450.00 € Contact Details 90 Marinou Antipa St., 141 21 Neo Iraklio, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 2781 700 Fax: +30 210 2724 868 Email: Website:

Eurobank Asset Management M.F.M.C. 2014 2015 18,258,028.00 € 15,505,564.00 € 3,273,298.00 € 2,842,163.00 € 10,131,571.00 € 9,808,048.00 € 23,250,244.00 € 23,263,457.00 € 4,484,354.00 € 3,205,882.00 €

Change (%) -15.1 -13.2 -3.2 0.1 -28.5

High quality technical and business solutions Since its establishment in 1987, OTEplus has entrenched and distinguished itself in the Greek consultancy market for its specialised know-how in the field of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and Management Consulting, by: having implemented until today more than 300 projects providing integrated consultancy services for the support of organizations in the public and private sector related to economic, regional and technological development issues, both in Greece and abroad; developing significant activity in the greater Balkan region; and, providing customized services based on the particularities and needs of the local market. OTEplus offers a broad range of specialised Management Consulting services, in the areas of: Business Strategy / Planning, Business Organisational Transformation, Operational Research – Operation Optimisation, HR Management / Outsourcing, Market Research and Business Funding Support. In the rapidly evolving technology landscape OTEplus offers a wide range of specialised Technology Consulting services targeted in the following Information and Communication Technology (ICT) areas: ICT Consulting, Telecom Consulting, IT Process Governance, Business Intelligence and e-Services. Also, OTEplus covers a wide spectrum of Technical Solutions in the Information and Communications Technology sector, from the planning stage to implementation and maintenance support, knowing that it can be an essential part in the development of private and public sector enterprises and organisations. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

OTEPLUS S.A. 2014 65,573,481.00 € 956,077.00 €

2015 21,792,024.00 € 2,677,450.00 €

Change (%) -66.8 180.0

9,797,658.00 € 15,089,631.00 €

12,234,046.00 € 3,093,780.00 €

24.9 -79.5

Diamonds 353


Food Products Commercial

Turnover 41,028,047.00 €


Quality, a major company strength Papageorgiou Food Service (PFS) company, one of the top and most dynamically evolving production and distribution food companies, has been operating in the city of Larissa since 1991. The company markets: Gyros (pork and chicken), Souvlakis (pork and chicken), Burgers (burgers and shis kebabs), Selected Meats (pork, chicken and beef ), Cold Meats, Cheese Products, Salads and Fast Food Products (potatoes, pita breads, breads, oils, butters and tin cans). PFS operates under the rules and principles of European standards in the meat market and offers its clients high quality and service. The company is certified by ELOT (Hellenic Organisation of Foods) for applying the SDP (Quality Safeguard System) ISO 9001:2000, as well as for applying the Food Health and Safety Management System-Dangers Analysis and Critical Check Points HACCP 1416:2000. PFS observes constant quality controls in every single stage of operation, from raw material selection (pork, beef, chicken) that the company is supplied from only certified abattoirs, up to production, storage and distribution.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,673,127.00 €

Contact Details 10th km Larissa-Ambelona Highway, Ambelonas, Larissa 404 00, Greece Tel. & Fax: +30 2410 942 069 Email: Website:

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Services Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


12,406,463.00 96.956.097 €


Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

466 Irakliou Ave. & Kyprou St., 14122 Iraklio, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6855061 Fax: +30 210 6855033 Email: Website:

354 Diamonds

Change (%) 5.6 2.7 2.7 20.3 6.0


Offering hi-tech services since 1994 Neurosoft was founded back in 1994 as a local, in-house, software development company and has set the provision of qualitative solutions and services to its clients, both in Greece and abroad, as a primary goal. Since the strategic merger with Kestrel Information Systems, Neurosoft has evolved into a fully integrated ICT company with Software Development, System Integration and Information Technology Security capabilities. The staff headcount exceeds 140 highly skilled employees with in-depth experience in their field. The company is based in Athens and has subsidiaries/Rep Offices in Cyprus, UK and Dubai. Neurosoft business activities include: (1) Design, development and integration of innovative products and solutions for Sports Betting companies, Factoring & other Financial Institutions with fully customized Business Intelligence & Risk Management solutions; (2) Design, implementation operation and support of large scale infrastructure solutions for Operators of Critical Networks and Critical National Infrastructures Stakeholders; and, (3) Provision of Cyber security services (Security Assessments, Consulting and Managed Security Services). In 2016, the firm reported sales of 8.69 million euros compared to 12.40 million euros a year earlier. Pre-tax income inched up to 2.93 million euros against 2.66 million euros in 2015.

2,662,614.00 €

Contact Details

PAPAGEORGIOU FOOD SERVICE SA 2014 2015 38,838,353.00 € 41,028,047.00 € 2,604,113.00 € 2,673,127.00 € 5,506,628.00 € 5,655,421.00 € 8,196,557.00 € 9,858,010.00 € 7,350,837.00 € 7,791,859.00 €

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

NEUROSOFT S.A. 2014 9,062,775.00 € 2,296,840.00 € 3,493,577.00 € 6,118,419.00 € 3,224,686.00 €

2015 12,406,463.00 € 2,662,614.00 € 4,217,576.00 € 8,121,525.00 € 3,453,950.00 €

Change (%) 36.9 15.9 20.7 32.7 7.1


Food Products Industrial

Turnover 19,189,477.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,622,625.00 €

Contact Details 0 Iroon Polytechniou St., Falani 40011, Greece Tel: +30 241 094 1815 Fax: +30 241 094 1549 E-Mail: Website:

Food Products Commercial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


21,085,395.00 96.956.097 €

Hotos SA

Feta cheese production: A family affair Hotos family’s tradition in cheese-making stretches back three generations, to the early 20th century. It was back then that grandfather George Hotos perfected the secrets of Feta and Manouri cheese-making, drawing from the accumulated knowledge of the mountainous Samarina tradition. Today, Hotos SA remains true to its family tradition, and combines almost a century of know-how with a state-of-the-art creamery to ensure superior product quality. The company successfully remains family-managed despite its steady growth and substantial production output. Hotos’ privately-owned creamery is situated at the very center of the region’s milk production, thus enabling its people to apply the strictest quality control in all production stages. The company’s exports span many countries in Europe, as well as the US and Russia, currently accounting for up to 80% of total production. Hotos applies the ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and BRC standards for all production stages. The firm primarily markets cheeses, especially feta, manouri, goat anthotyro and mizithra, as well as sheep yogurt. All products are available in a variety of customer oriented packages and pallets. The company applies a Quality Management System according to standard EN ISO 9001:2008 and a plan for safety and hygiene products (EN ISO 22000:2005).

3 Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Hotos SA 2014 18,244,015.00 € 2,237,926.00 € 3,538,764.00 € 12,304,057.00 € 2,706,930.00 €

2015 19,189,477.00 € 2,622,625.00 € 3,350,918.00 € 14,850,675.00 € 1,560,723.00 €

Change (%) 5.2 17.2 -5.3 20.7 -42.3


42 years in the food market TORRE-COOPERLAT was founded in 1975 and has since operated successfully in the ice cream production business and marketing of dairy and UHT vegetable products. Enjoying steady growth over the years, the company is based in New Santa, Kilkis, northern Greece. It produces all types of ice creams, frozen vegetables (2.5kg, 1kg, 450gr packaging), various ice cream syrup toppings, and natural strawberry and lemon sorbets in juice form. The company also markets a string of products made by associated factories in Italy, such as cooking cream, pastry cream, UHT long life milk, vegetable cream for cooking and baking (KRETORRE & HOPLA for cooking), whipped cream in spray cans (500ml & 250ml), individual servings of Italian panacotta and cream caramel, espresso coffee of all types (grain, ground and capsule), and various drinks based on espresso, filter coffee, hot and cold chocolate, vegetable oils, margarines and individual portions of sterile meat.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,620,833.00 € Contact Details Contact Details Nea Santa, Kilkis, 61100, Greece Tel: +30 23410 64246 Fax: +30 23410 64886 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Torre-Cooperlat SA 2014 2015 20,768,082.00 € 21,085,395.00 € 2,493,751.00 € 2,620,833.00 € 5,696,266.00 € 5,958,166.00 € 17,738,485.00 € 19,576,640.00 € 5,386,929.00 € 3,288,254.00 €

Change (%) 1.5 5.1 4.6 10.4 -39.0

Diamonds 355


CLOTHING Fertilizers Commercial Industrial

Eurochem Agro Hellas S.a.

EuroChem Agro Hellas is a part of the EuroChem Group

Kamil Ziegler, Ioannis Vevelakis, chairman & CEO OPAP SA Chief Executive Officer

Turnover 454.276.468 € 35,854,389.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 96.956.097 € 2,604,956.00

Contact Details Eurochem Agro Hellas SA Mesogion Str. 249 154 51, Neo Psichiko Tel.: +30 211 17 69 172 Fax: +30 211 17 69 173 Web. Mail:

356 Diamonds

EuroChem is a leading global agrochemical company producing primarily nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, as well as certain organic synthesis products and iron ore. The Group is vertically integrated with activities spanning from mining and hydrocarbons extraction to fertilizer production, logistics, and distribution. Headquartered in Zug, Switzerland, the Group operates production facilities in Belgium, China, Kazakhstan, Lithuania and Russia and employs more than 23,000 people globally. Quality – the decisive characteristic of all of our products High-quality raw materials, a uniform particle size spectrum and good storage characteristics are only a few of our claims. Using all options available to us, we ensure to the best of our ability that the fertilizers marketed by EuroChem Agro are produced, stored, transported, marketed and used in a safe way – with the ultimate goal of reducing risks to nature and the environment. EuroChem Agro Hellas distributes a wide range of fertilizers. From classic basic fertilizers to Nitrophoska® complex fertilizers and to the innovative stabilized mineral fertilizers of ENTEC® and UTEC series that they hold the leading position in the Greek market. EuroChem Agro Hellas has its own facilities for Inhibition, bagging and storing the whole range of its products in Corinth. The Corinth factory covers an area of 35,000 sqm. of which 10,600 sqm. are covered. It has a storage capacity of 20,000 tons of bagged product outdoors, 3,000 tons of packaged goods in a sheltered area and 20,000 tons of bulk products. The proximity of the port of Corinth in combination with its strategic position allows EuroChem Agro Hellas to export ENTEC products to Mediterranean countries. The heart of the factory is the stabilization unit (ENTECation-inhibition). The automated continuous flow system available for this process ensures consistent quality and uniformity of products between different production batches. The process is controlled electronically by industrial computers with sensors present in all stages of production to ensure a high quality and consistent product mix. The ENTECation unit has a capacity of 90,000 tons a year with a further 90,000 tons for the new UTECation unit. The two packaging units also operate with automated systems, great accuracy and have a capacity that exceeds 210,000 tons per year.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Eurochem Agro Hellas S.a. 2014 2015 39,285,453.00 € 35,854,389.00 € 2,944,905.00 € 2,604,956.00 € 6,125,609.00 € 5,619,994.00 € 14,163,484.00 € 15,990,887.00 € 10,149,453.00 € 9,480,537.00 €

Change (%) -8.7 -11.5 -8.3 12.9 -6.6


BIOMAR HELLENIC ΑΒΕΕΙ Aquaculture Industrial

Turnover 53,699,991.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,601,854.00 €

Contact Details 6th Block, Β’ Volos Industrial Zone, 37500 Velestino, Volos, Greece Tel: +30 24250 61500 Fax: +30 24250 24031 E-mail: Website:

Chemical Products Industrial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


96.956.097 € 40,064,726.00

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 2,571,631.00 € Contact Details Megaridos Ave., Thesi Kallistiri, 19300 Aspropyrgos, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 2105519300 Fax: +30 2105519501 Email: Webmail:

A leading fish feed company BioMar Group is one of the leading suppliers of high performance fish feed to the aquaculture industry. Its main business areas are feed for salmon and trout in Norway, the United Kingdom and Chile, and feed for trout, eel, sea-bass and sea-bream in continental Europe. BioMar fish feed types cover the full lifecycle of the fish, including larvae feed, fry feed, smolt feed, grower feed, and brood stock feed. BioMar Hellenic SA is the fully owned subsidiary of BioMar Group in Greece, and part of its Continental Europe Region. It was established in 1989 and since 2001 operates its own fish feed factory located in the 2nd Volos Industrial Park in Velestino, which has a capacity of more than 50,000 tonnes of production per year. Today it employs more than 30 people, many of which are university graduates and some hold post graduate degrees in various scientific fields. The Greek factory of BioMar supplies mainly the Greek market, but it is also responsible for sales of fish feed in the East Mediterranean, the Balkans and Middle East countries. Exports account for 10% of total sales in more than 10 countries in the area. Apart from feeds for sea bass and sea bream, the factory also produces feed for trout, sturgeon, pagrus, meager and carp. BioMar is conducting R&D activities in Greece in collaboration with fish farmers and Greek institutions and universities. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

BIOMAR HELLENIC ΑΒΕΕΙ 2014 2015 39,844,290.00 € 53,699,991.00 € 2,615,840.00 € 2,601,854.00 € 6,296,251.00 € 8,354,626.00 € 12,229,143.00 € 14,052,388.00 € 34,802,021.00 € 46,689,692.00 €

Change (%) 34.8 -0.5 32.7 14.9 34.2


Strong activity in the Balkans The parent company Druckfarben Hellas S.A. and its subsidiaries make up the Druckfarben Group, which is active in the production and marketing of inks and paints, and in particular in the fields of flexible packaging, graphic arts and building paints. In the flexible packaging industry, the group is active in the production and marketing of flexo and rotogravure inks, which are applicable to food packaging, plastic bags, cartons, etc. In more detail, Flexographic inks are divided into two sub-categories: solvent inks and water-soluble inks. Solvents inks are mainly used in food packaging, plastic bags for supermarkets, wrapping papers, gifts and paper bags. Water-soluble inks are mainly used in cartons, fruit boxes, wrappers, cement bags, wallpaper, etc. Rotogravure inks are applied by rotogravure printing machines and are mainly used in flexible food packaging. The large increase in flexible packaging in food (paper, polypropylene, polyester, aluminum, polyethylene etc.) has also prompted the development of these inks. So, most of the products in showcases and supermarket shelves, i.e. chocolates, shrimps, croissants, rice, flour, coffees etc., are printed with inks of this category. The Group is also active in the field of building paints and varnishes, producing and marketing branded products (Kraft, Bioclima). The building paints are intended for: Wooden surfaces, Walls, Metal surfaces. In 2016, the Group posted sales of 44.58 million euros, with pre-tax income at 577,000 euros. At company level, sales stood at 35.80 million euros, with pre-tax earnings at 1.73 million euros. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

DRUCKFARBEN HELLAS S.A. 2014 2015 39,628,719.00 € 40,064,726.00 € -494,101.00 € 2,571,631.00 € 11,412,390.00 € 11,471,681.00 € 22,838,973.00 € 23,356,494.00 € 51,910,663.00 € 49,522,546.00 €

Change (%) 1.1 620.5 0.5 2.3 -4.6

Diamonds 357


Chemical Products Industrial


Among the globe’s largest companies!

Vasilis Gounaris, CEO at BASF HELLAS

Turnover 40,218,612.00 €

At BASF, we create chemistry – and have been doing so for 150 years. Our portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection products to oil and gas. As the world’s leading chemical company, we combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. Through science and innovation, we enable our customers in nearly every industry to meet the current and future needs of society. Our products and solutions contribute to conserving resources, ensuring nutrition and improving quality of life. We have summed up this contribution in our corporate purpose: We create chemistry for a sustainable future. BASF had sales of over €57 billion in 2016 and around 113,000 employees as of the end of the year. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (AN). About BASF in Greece BASF Hellas S.A. is the operating company in Greece, part of BASF Group. We help our customers in key industries, like the agricultural and industrial sectors, to be more successful, by offering them innovative and sustainable products and solutions. In 2014, BASF Hellas posted sales of over €130 million, with 74 employees as at yearend. BASF Hellas portfolio ranges from Crop Protection products, Care Chemicals, Performance Materials, Intermediates and Monomers to Petrochemicals and Dispersion & Pigments. Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at and Sustainability We have recognized sustainability as a significant driver for growth. By integrating sustainability considerations into our decision-making processes, we optimize our business and contribute to long-term economic success. We accomplish this by embedding sustainability into our organization with clearly defined responsibilities. Our sustainability management has three duties: We want to identify significant topics early on, take advantage of business opportunities, and minimize risks.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,562,569.00 €

Contact Details Paradeisou 2 & Kifisias, 15125, Marousi Tel.: +30 2106860100 Fax: +30 2106860200 Website:

358 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

BASF HELLAS S.A. 2014 2015 37,264,964.00 € 40,218,612.00 € 1,738,088.00 € 2,562,569.00 € 11,688,293.00 € 12,415,726.00 € 3,311,651.00 € 5,831,843.00 € 28,509,858.00 € 29,618,083.00 €

Change (%) 7.9 47.4 6.2 76.1 3.9


Information Systems & Technology Commercial

Turnover 7,618,033.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,557,087.00 €

Contact Details 6 Methonis St., 18545, Piraeus, Greece Τ 210 4101010 | F 210 4101013


An innovative IT company Neuropublic is an innovative company specialized in developing integrated information systems and applications on Web and Cloud environments. Products and services have been used successfully for over 10 years, by more than 800,000 final users, on fields such as agriculture, local government and health. Moreover the company markets: Information Systems (Custom Applications, IIS of local authorities, Geographic Information Systems, IIS of healthcare organizations), Cloud Services and Technologies (Roaming Studios and Code Generator). The company appeals to organizations and institutions in the public and private sector in local and international markets. It follows a systematic commitment to changing customer needs and develops innovative products and services that stand out on effectiveness and adequacy. The high-level research, integration of new technologies, our know-how and the continuous training and development of our staff, make up the identity of our company and this is reflected in the quality of products and services that we design and develop. It follows and applies a quality management system for the development and support of our software across the lifecycle.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

NEUROPUBLIC S.A. 2014 7,705,295.00 € 2,287,814.00 € 3,746,164.00 € 7,425,965.00 € 2,576,197.00 €

2015 7,618,033.00 € 2,557,087.00 € 3,725,763.00 € 8,561,839.00 € 3,014,963.00 €

Change (%) -1.1 11.8 -0.5 15.3 17.0


Food Products Industrial

Apostolos Vakakis

Turnover 454.276.468


22,224,244.00 96.956.097 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Contact Details 2,536,692.00 € Contact Details Apsalos, Νea Pella, Tel.: +30 2384 065122 Fax. +30 2384 065422 Email: Website:

Higher sales, small drop in profits in 2015 AGRIFREDA SA was founded in 2000 and is located in the agricultural region of Aridea, in the Pella prefecture, northern Greece. This specific area is renowned for its exceptionally fertile farming activity, as well as its potential for cultivation of a wide range of products, including cherries, chestnuts, peaches, apricots, potatoes, a variety of beans, spinach, and leek. The firm is active in processing and trade of agricultural products. It has managed, in a short period of time, to become Greece’s only processor of chestnuts, a particularly specialized process, while also being engaged in the processing of a large variety of fruit and vegetables. Besides its operations in Greece, the firm is also associated with foreign firms from Bulgaria, Turkey, and Italy, for imports. It exports to France, Italy, Germany, and Saudi Arabia. Agrifreda’s products are focused on frozen fruit, vegetables, sweets, Jam, Pastry, Cocoa Products, Syrup & base for ice-cream, Halva-Tahini and water. The firm is certified as per ISO 9001 for quality standards, ISO 22000, an international standard for food safety, as well as IFS Food and BRC Food, two highly specialized standards for food safety developed by retailer associations abroad. More specifically, they concern enterprises producing private label (PL) products, export-oriented products, as well as products sold to supermarket chains. IFS Food and BRC Food certification serve as a major competitive advantage for enterprises seeking to develop export activity. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

AGRIFREDA S.A. 2014 18,652,532.00 € 2,864,503.00 € 6,440,942.00 € 13,699,998.00 € 3,780,069.00 €

2015 22,224,244.00 € 2,536,692.00 € 7,192,841.00 € 15,314,103.00 € 3,999,138.00 €

Change (%) 19.1 -11.4 11.7 11.8 5.8

Diamonds 359


Pharmaceutical Products Commercial


Developing therapies, improving life Gilead Sciences is a biopharmaceutical company that researches and develops innovative therapies in areas with significant therapeutic gaps. With every new research and discovery of therapies, we seek the healing care of people suffering from life-threatening illnesses around the world. Gilead focuses on the areas of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, hematology and oncology, and serious cardiorespiratory diseases. Its range of 23 pharmaceutical products includes first-line drugs, including complete HIV treatment regimens and chronic hepatitis C that is available in a single tablet a day. Gilead Sciences was established in 1987 in Foster City, California, and developed into a leading biopharmaceutical company with a rapidly expanding range of pharmaceuticals and growing research into new drug development. It employs a staff of about 8,600 on all five continents. Millions of people around the world are living with better health and quality of life thanks to the innovative therapies developed by Gilead. In Greece, the company has been active since 2001 and disposes of original formulations for the treatment of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, haematological/oncological diseases, serious systemic fungal infections and cystic fibrosis. Today, Gilead Sciences Hellas employs a staff of 43 who focus on medical, regulatory and commercial activities.

Turnover 74,022,567.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,536,750.00 €

Contact Details 2 Rizountos St. & Thrakis St., 167 77, Elliniko, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 8930.100 Fax: +30 210 9618.260 Website:

360 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

GILEAD SCIENCES HELLAS LTD 2014 2015 53,324,439.00 € 74,022,567.00 € 1,213,969.00 € 2,536,750.00 € 9,546,614.00 € 12,068,277.00 € 12,212,628.00 € 13,833,993.00 € 32,327,702.00 € 90,175,452.00 €

Change (%) 38.8 109.0 26.4 13.3 178.9


Pharmaceutical Products & MEDICAL DEVICES Commercial


Intuition in Healthcare

George Alevizopoulos, General Manager

Aenorasis is a Greek pharmaceutical company which has successfully been operating in the health care sector since 1998, offering a wide range of effective diagnostic and therapeutic solutions. The company has established and maintains global partnerships built on trust with leading manufacturers of pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Aenorasis thus ensures the high quality of its products and services, demonstrates a positive growth rate in a constantly changing business environment. After a course of almost twenty years in the healthcare sector, Aenorasis is: The exclusive partner of top pharmaceutical firms worldwide for the marketing of innovative products in Greece. A trustworthy partner for the majority of healthcare professionals in Oncology, Immunology and Nuclear Medicine and a company which provides effective therapeutic options. A Marketing Authorization Holder for high-standard pharmaceutical products. The main distributor of medical devices and high-technology and high-precision products for all hospital units in Greece, thus developing a strong distribution and technical support network. A pioneer company in the marketing of innovative medical diagnostics, which support and promote the value of prevention and underline the importance of early diagnosis. We intend to provide innovative products and new treatments to patients, to offer physicians access to early diagnosis & effective therapy, through our extensive market experience, our wide sales marketing network and our long-term collaborations.

Turnover 33,534,387.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,446,833.00 €

Contact Details 17 Trapezountos Str. & Α. Papandreou Ave., 151 27, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6136332 Fax: +30 210 8105298 e-mail: Website:

AENORASIS S.A. 2014 Turnover 28,376,017.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,541,931.00 € Gross Profit 14,858,726.00 € Net worth 19,007,276.00 € Liabilities 29,904,262.00 €

2015 33,534,387.00 € 2,446,833.00 € 16,570,064.00 € 20,844,015.00 € 41,543,836.00 €

Change (%) 18.2 -30.9 11.5 9.7 38.9

Diamonds 361


Pharmaceutical Products Commercial

Michael Panou, President & CEO

Turnover 41,104,647.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,504,083.00 €

Contact Details Contact Details Industrial Park of Thermi, 570 01, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2310 460360 Fax: +30 2310 483441 Website:

362 Diamonds


“Adaptability and market knowledge, recipe for success” MP PHARMA SA is one of the fastest-developing export and logistics companies for medicine in Greece. Certified by the Greek National Organization for Medicines, and with ISO 9001:2008, the firm was founded in 2011 by Mr. Michael Panou, who is also the main shareholder. Although operating in Greece’s economic depression, MP PHARMA is continuously expanding by


investing in human resources, new facilities and hardware. The company’s mission is to develop services and sales related to pharmaceutical and medical products in Greece and abroad, and to represent foreign firms that wish to place their products in Greece, consistently and reliably. Its vision is to become one of the leading export companies of medicine offering integrated solutions, thus developing into a major regional Exporter and Logistics Provider of pharmaceutical products. Placing the customer’s needs first at all times, valuing teamwork as a means to attain our objectives, creating an environment of trust and mutual respect and relentlessly pursuing results are few of our values. The company’s Business Objectives are to establish MP-PHARMA as the market leader in all areas, to keep up with technology at all times, to improve quality of administration, delivery and profitability and reduce costs through increased efficiency.

MP PHARMA S.A. 2014 Turnover 41,431,797.00 € Profit Before Taxes 3,147,477.00 € Gross Profit 4,681,415.00 € Net worth 5,504,740.00 € Liabilities 5,448,381.00 €

2015 41,104,647.00 € 2,504,083.00 € 3,869,155.00 € 7,123,678.00 € 5,384,804.00 €

Change (%) -0.8 -20.4 -17.4 29.4 -1.2

Diamonds 363


Information Technology

Orange: CMYK 0/70/100/0 Grey: CMYK 70/50/65/50



A shiny diamond in its sector

Turnover 76,582,000.00 €

INTRALOT, a listed company established in 1992, is a leading gaming solutions supplier and operator, active in 55 regulated jurisdictions around the globe. With €1.9 billion turnover and a global workforce of more than 5,200 employees in 2015, INTRALOT is a robust corporation uniquely positioned to offer to lottery and gaming organizations across geographies ground-breaking solutions and operational expertise. Through the use of a dynamic and omni-channel approach, INTRALOT offers an integrated portfolio of best-in-class gaming systems and product solutions & services, addressing all gaming verticals (Lottery, Betting, Interactive, VLT). Players can enjoy a seamless and personalized experience through exciting games and premium content across multiple delivery channels, both retail and interactive. INTRALOT handles an average of €24.4 bln of wagers per year and has installed and operates more than 300,000 of its proprietary terminals around the world. As a member of the UN Global Compact, INTRALOT is a global corporate citizen committed to sustainable development, and is an active proponent of the principles of responsible gaming, possessing the WLA responsible gaming framework certificate. The company maintains the highest security certifications. INTRALOT is the first international vendor in the gaming sector that has been certified according to the World Lottery Association (WLA) Security Control Standard in 2012. Moreover, the Company has been certified with the ISO 27001 for its Information Security Management System (ISMS) and maintains the ISO 20000-1 certification on Information Technology Service Management. INTRALOT contributes decisively to the future developments of the industry being a member of the major Lottery and Gaming Associations around the globe: Platinum Contributor of WLA, Premium Partner of European Lotteries, Top Sponsor of North American Association of State & Provincial Lotteries, Star Contributor of CIBELAE (Lottery Association for South America and the Iberian Peninsula), Gold Sponsor of Asia Pacific Lottery Association, Member of Gaming Standards Association and Gold Member of the Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,424,000.00 €

Contact Details 64 Kifissias Ave. & 3 Premetis St., Athens, 15125 Greece Tel.: +30 210 615 6000 Fax: +30 210 610 6800 Email: Website:

364 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

INTRALOT S.A. 2014 85,714,000.00 € -2,148,000.00 € 37,041,000.00 € 103,683,000.00 € 371,121,000.00 €

2015 76,582,000.00 € 2,424,000.00 € 31,730,000.00 € 100,258,000.00 € 362,976,000.00 €

Change (%) -10.7 212.8 -14.3 -3.3 -2.2


MEGAS YEEROS S.A. Food Products Industrial

Turnover 24,494,718.00 €


With a strong presence in the US market MEGAS YEEROS was founded in 2007 with a vision of making yeeros (or, gyros) a world product. The imperative need for a qualitative upgrading of yeeros (for souvlaki) and meat products in the Greek market was the main reason for the establishment of Megas Yeeros. Megas Yeeros is a leader in the market and is the only company of its kind that has two production plants in Greece and America. The company today is the largest in yeeros production not only in Greece but also in Europe! It daily produces more than 20 tons of yeeros, 10 tons of skewers and 10 tons of meat products on behalf of the European market. The company’s products are available in the following markets: Europe, US, Canada, Panama, and Middle East. Distribution of Megas Yeeros products is made through Greek restaurants, grill shops, as well as supermarkets. Megas Yeeros’ plant in Aspropyrgos, Attica, was designed specifically for the needs of meat products and is one of the most ergonomic in Greece. With the main priority being to secure quality at all stages of production, Megas Yeeros industry constantly invests in the know-how and the most modern mechanical equipment.

2,452,961.00 €

Contact Details 100 Nato Ave., 19300, Aspropyrgos, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 558 4098 Fax: +30 210 558 4099 Email: Website:

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

MEGAS YEEROS S.A. 2014 21,229,771.00 € 2,010,930.00 € 3,911,191.00 € 4,440,122.00 € 8,546,177.00 €

2015 24,494,718.00 € 2,452,961.00 € 4,932,135.00 € 4,886,258.00 € 9,832,964.00 €

Change (%) 15.4 22.0 26.1 10.0 15.1

KANAKIS STELIOS SA Food Products Industrial

Turnover 18,082,529.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,616,407.00 €

Contact Details 4 Anemonis St., 13678 Acharnes - Attiki, Greece Tel.: +30 210 2419700 Fax: +30 210 2462433 Email: Website:

Active in confectionery and baking since 1985 Since 1985, STELIOS KANAKIS S.A. has been offering to the Greek Confectioners and Bakers unique and premium Confectionery, Bakery & Ice-Cream Ingredients and high level services for distinguished creations. Today, KANAKIS represents exclusively in Greece, Cyprus and the Balkans, 28 top quality producers of confectionery, bakery & ice cream raw materials. Its primary concern is the high quality of the products imported and distributed, as well as the continuous search in the market for new products and services that fulfill the ever-growing taste needs and preferences of consumers. KANAKIS never ceases to create, evolve and lead the market. Apart from the distinguished Athens Center of Gastronomy, the firm operates a Northern Greece branch at the ultra modern premises at Sindos Industrial Area, inside which also operates the state-of-the-art Thessaloniki Center of Gastronomy, and with a strong distribution network in Cyprus and Balkan countries, the Company offers innovative products, high-level services and efficient technical support and training in Greece, Cyprus and the Balkan region. In 2014, the food company posted sales of 18.57 million euros, with pre-tax income at 2.98 million euros. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

KANAKIS STELIOS SA 2014 2015 17,897,392.00 € 18,082,529.00 € 2,335,782.00 € 2,616,407.00 € 6,205,793.00 € 6,456,497.00 € 17,770,738.00 € 17,759,970.00 € 4,057,813.00 € 4,694,876.00 €

Change (%) 1.0 12.0 4.0 -0.1 15.7

Diamonds 365


Miscellaneous Products Commercial


For Pets Only!! Pet City Group is a family owned business founded in 1988. Until 1995 the company operated as wholesaler by importing and distributing pet products to more than 1.200 pet stores in Greece. However, in 1996 the interest of the owner turned to retailing. Since then, the company managed to become the leading specialty retailer of services and solutions for the lifetime needs of pets in Greece. There are currently 50 company owned stores – plus 6 that are under construction - in the area of Attica with 30.000m2 benefit sales area. Pet City’s success is in large part due to the almost 500 employees. In the beginning of December 2016 the company moved its headquarters and logistics in a new place close to the old ones in Koropi. The new facilities have total area 20.000m2, 1.600m2 offices, 10.000m2 covered warehouses and 9.000 pallet capacity. The new, larger warehouse keep all the products safe and secure so they can be distributed to Pet City’s network of stores in excellent condition. Pet City’s Stores are stocked with over 20.000 products, including top of the line brands, with hundreds of items exclusively in Pet City. Live animals are imported, including birds, parrots, hamsters, rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs and reptiles. Thousands of fish can be found in the nearly 2.000 professional aquariums among the stores, with additional fish imported from Singapore. Care is provided by Pet City’s staff of 45 expert ichthyologists, who are available to customers for professional advice. Pet City’s activities also include pet grooming run by specialists. The largest stores offer expert veterinarian care. The company owns a Veterinarian Center in Glyfada, which is equipped with the latest medical facilities, providing a full range of health care and emergency services. Pet City has also constructed an e-shop offering high-quality product at reasonable prices.

Turnover 30,339,751.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,398,218.00 €

Contact Details 22nd Km, Lavriou Ave, P.O. 19400 Koropi, Athens Greece Tel: 0030 2106644761 Fax: 0030 2106644762 Website: Email:

366 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PET CITY S.A. 2014 27,496,133.00 € 1,518,983.00 € 12,211,950.00 € 3,471,116.00 € 8,645,512.00 €

2015 30,339,751.00 € 2,398,218.00 € 13,418,535.00 € 5,064,061.00 € 9,256,833.00 €

Change (%) 10.3 57.9 9.9 45.9 7.1


Pharmaceuticals Commercial


Market Leader in Pharmaceutical Distributions

Turnover 123,684,616.00€

PHARMASERVICE S,A, established in 1971 as a full-range pharmaceutical wholesaler specializing in trading, distributing, storing and promoting a wide range of pharmaceuticals, OTC products and cosmetics, The company’s primary focus, for more than 45 years, has been to meet with the expectations of its clients and offer high quality services on a daily basis, By continuously investing in new technologies and human resources, Pharmaservice S,A, has created a stable and healthy working environment, both for the customers and its personnel, Today, the company occupies more than 170 qualified and experienced employees with the ultimate goal to ensure their commitment to the services provided and meet the demanding needs of modern pharmacies throughout Greece, Pharmaservice S,A, has developed one of the widest distribution networks in Greece, combined by a fleet of 40 cars to be able to cover the daily requirements of 1500+ pharmacies throughout the country, Being one of the leading companies in this sector with a long – time experience, the products are delivered following all the necessary procedures concerning the proper distribution of pharmaceutical products, Aiming at continual improvement, in 2012, the company was certified with a quality system to comply with the standards of ISO 9001: 2008 (confirmation DY8 / 1348-1304), for the proper distribution of medicines and medical devices, In 2016, Pharmaservice S,A, received a GDP (Good Distribution Practices) Certification of Pharmaceuticals for its high quality services and dedication to good distributive practices, The certifications of Pharmaservice S,A, (ISO 9000, GSP) through the Quality Management system, has also allowed our company to distribute pharmaceutical and OTC products for third parties (3PL) in accordance with the demands of customers and the legislation in force, With a steady business growth in this very unstable economic environment, Pharmaservice S,A, is one of the strongest pharmaceutical wholesalers with pan-European presence in the parallel trade, with long-established relationships achieved in cooperation with its valuable partners.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,379,044.00 €

Contact Details Lenorman 193, 104 42, Athens, Tel,: +30 210 5120150 Fax: +30 210 5120157 E-mail: info@Pharmaservice,Gr Website: http://pharmaservice,gr

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PHARMASERVICE S.A. 2014 2015 113,267,349.00 € 123,684,616.00 € 2,490,046.00 € 2,379,044.00 € 8,732,100.00 € 9,125,512.00 € 3,905,690.00 € 5,574,554.00 € 26,486,985.00 € 28,212,894.00 €

Change (%) 9.2 -4.5 4.5 42.7 6.5

Diamonds 367




Exporting over 85% of production

Turnover 70,204,619.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 4,937,141.00 €

Contact details 68 Varis Ave., 166 73 Voula, Attica, Greece Tel.: +30 210 8995388 Fax:+30 210 8995386 Email: Website:

368 Diamonds

Atlas Tapes Group, comprising Atlas Tapes SA (parent company) and P. Lantzis SA (affiliate company) , is a vertical manufacturer of self-adhesive tapes, considered a Greek market leader and ranking among the top European producers, exporting more than 85% of its production. The original company was founded in Athens by Christopher Lantzis and his sons in 1953. In 1977 production moved to Atalanti where it remains until today. Over the years, various investments in production led to the addition of new coating technologies and currently the company manufactures a comprehensive range of tapes, which includes: ● Packaging tapes: PVC, BOPP coated with solvent, acrylic and hot melt adhesive ● Masking tapes: Acrylic, solvent and hot melt ● Stationery tapes: Cellulose and BOPP ● Specialty products. Takis Lantzis and his son Jason (3rd generation), with the support of new investors, are on the helm of Atlas Tapes since 2008. During the same period, a five-year investment program led to the increase in total covered area of plants to 40,000 square meters, on a 135,000-squaremeter plot. New offices were constructed to accommodate the constantly increasing needs for human resources, while a fully automated slitting department was created and a state-of-theart laboratory, operating under ISO 9001 and 14001, was completely renovated. In 2014 Atlas Tapes celebrated its 30-year anniversary of masking production by installing a new paper impregnation line (total of two) and a dedicated masking solvent natural rubber coater along with another two lathe slitters (total of three). Atlas Tapes production today operates: ● Nine (9) coating lines: two acrylic water based, five solvent natural rubber and two hot melt synthetic rubber. ● Two (2) masking paper impregnation lines. ● Fifteen (15) fully automatic and robotic slitter-rewinders and numerous semi-automatic, as well as three fully automatic lathe (torno) slitters. Continuous developments and upgrading of the plant facilities highlights the company’s dy-


namic for technologically advanced production and high quality standards. The above investments combined with a steep increase in sales in recent years, have led to an increase in personnel from 195 in 2010 to 370 in 2017, with all these skilled employees constituting the heart and soul of the operation. Personnel numbers are expected to further increase as a result of the augmented capacity, growing sales and constant company growth.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

ATLAS TAPES SA 2015 72,341,911.00 € 2,185,772.00 € 10,512,000.00 € 20,766,135.00 € 30,665,694.00 €

2016 70,204,619.00 € 4,937,141.00 € 12,446,808.00 € 21,086,115.00 € 38,286,537.00 €

Change (%) -3.0 125.9 18.4 1.5 -31.2

Diamonds 369



Power Health Hellas S.A. Lili Perganta, President & CEO

Introducing pioneering revolutionary health products for 33 years

Turnover 13,532,992.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 2,157,482.00 €

Contact Details 59 Deligianni str., Metamorfosi, 14452, Athens, Attica, Greece Τel. +30 210 2821500 Fax: +30 210 2851122 E-mail: Website:

370 Diamonds

Power Health Hellas S.A. is a leading and pioneering Greek company that creates, represents, imports, exports and distributes premium quality and innovative Health Food Supplements since 1984. Its current portfolio is comprised of 70 employees, 25 Sales Representatives and over 100 products. Power Health’s products are served directly to 4.000 Pharmacies throughout Greece. Sales departments are based in Athens and Thessaloniki in order to cover all pharmacies with the most efficient and effective way, all over the country. The vision of the company remains focused on making consumers’ lives healthier and happier through the unique benefits that Nature provides us with. Power Health is responsible for opening new doors and horizons in the Greek pharmaceutical industry and throughout its 33 year history has introduced pioneering revolutionary health products that have paved the way for many other companies to enter and create an Industry of hundreds of jobs, rapid growth and total sales that exceed 80 million euros. Power Health remains the undisputed leader and enjoys increasing and leading market shares in various crucial segments such as Vitamins, Multivitamins, Winter products, Slimming and phytotherapy. Over the last 7 years the company has a strong presence abroad and most notably in the Balkans (Bulgaria, Romania, Albania) and in Cyprus where its presence is prominent and its products have been embraced and accepted with enthusiasm by local niches and target audiences. Power Health’s concepts and formulas are conceived and created by the company’s own Research & Development department – the only R&D department in the Greek Health Food Industry – for


local and worldwide distribution and consumption. It is comprised of highly specialized chemists, dietitians and pharmacists that are in the center of the product development process, creating top quality and innovative natural solutions targeted for the specific needs of each market segment. All formulas are developed with high standards and respect to the natural ingredients extracted and used, aiming at the delivery of safe, efficient and effective products to both the Pharmacies and the end consumer. Power Health is by distance the most awarded company having received only in the last 5 years 24 Global, European and local distinctions form leading Institutions. Some of them include being awarded for 3 years in a row from the Committee of the European Business Awards as one of the leading 400 businesses in Europe while in 2014 Power Health received the Award “Ruban d’ Honneur” as one of the top 100 enterprises in the continent and one of the top 10 in the “Customer Focus” category. Moreover since its inception more than 3 decades ago the company has been heavily involved in various crucial Corporate Social Responsibility actions and campaigns and for more than 20 years has supported the sacred causes of UNICEF, Medecins sans Frontieres, Pharmacists of the world and Smile of the child. Over the last 4 devastating for Greece years of the economic crisis, Power Health has reached even further by offering daily food nutrition to more than 120 children in Special Needs Elementary Schools. Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

Power Health Hellas S.A. 2014 2015 13,605,597.00 € 13,532,992.00 € 3,597,917.00 € 2,157,482.00 € 9,699,885.00 € 9,708,997.00 € 6,137,304.00 € 4,209,252.00 € 2,916,865.00 € 3,301,604.00 €

Change (%) -0.5 -40.0 0.1 -31.4 13.2

Diamonds 371


MACHINERY Industrial


Among Greece’s leading elevator firms

Konstantinos Koukountzos, CEO

Turnover 78,201,000.00 €

The main activity of the Group’s companies is production and trading of elevator systems, such as: hydraulic elevating mechanisms (piston, power modules, chassis), electromechanical elevating mechanisms (engines, chassis, counterweights), cabins (passenger, cargo, wraparound), electronic switchboards, electronic systems and Compact lifting systems. The need for the Group’s immediate adaptation to customer requirements and industry trends, has led to a new business activity offering the “Complete Elevator Package.” KLEEMANN’s new products cover all possible requirements of all types of construction, such as: hydraulic elevators without machine room (ARION Hydro MRL), electromechanical elevators without machine room (APOLLO Traction MRL and ATLAS Traction MRL), hydraulic Maison Lift, DUMBWAITER lift for smaller loads and antiseismic elevators. The main components marketed by the firm are intended for residential and office elevators, panoramic lifts for malls and hotels, industrial sites, airports, etc., including electromechanical engines, guides (rails), oils, cables, ropes and other mechanical components. KLEEMANN’s goal is to satisfy the specific needs of each client while increasing its market share and brand awareness internationally. The Group in 2015 established new subsidiaries in Croatia and Germany, while it also acquired a commercial company in Australia, aimed at boosting its presence in the respective markets. The company’s management in 2016 expects to preserve liquidity based on its international expansion and further penetration in markets with good growth potential. In 2015, the Group reported a rise in sales to 107.1 million euros against 98 million euros a year earlier, up 9.3%. Pre-tax income dropped to 4.8 million euros compared to 6.3 million euros in 2014, while EBITDA also dropped to 7.8 million euros against 9.5 million euros a year earlier, attributed primarily to higher discounts offered to customers to offset growing pressure from international markets for competitive prices, and the impact of negative developments in markets such as Turkey and Russia, which account for a large part of the Group’s sales.

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 6,770,000.00 €

Contact Details Kilkis Industrial Area, 611 00 Kilkis, Kilkis, Greece Tel.: +30 23410 38 100 Fax: +30 23410 38 200, E-mail:

372 Diamonds

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

KLEEMANN HELLAS SA 2014 2015 78,201,000.00 € 83,680,000.00 € 6,770,000.00 € 2,063,000.00 € 24,054,000.00 € 22,005,000.00 € 75,535,000.00 € 70,113,000.00 € 39,299,000.00 € 41,276,000.00 €

Change (%) 7.0 -69.5 -8.5 -7.2 5.0


COSMETIC Industrial


ADELCO – over 80 years of manufacturing

Evangelos Colocotronis – CEO of ADELCO SA Turnover 8,133,171.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 1,848,935.00 €

Contact Details 37 Pireos St., 18346 Moschato, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 4819311 Fax: +30 210 4816790 E-mail: Website:

In 1934, brothers Homer and Orestis Colocotronis, establish in Moschato, Athens “Chromatourgia Athinon E. Colocotroni Bros,” which played an important role in the industrial history of modern Greece. As of 1950, the company develops its main activities in the pharmaceutical industry. It obtains the name ADELCO and becomes one of the fastest growing Greek industries, immediately gaining appreciation and recognition throughout the medical community; with very strict quality standards, it effectively ensures until today each formulation created. At the same time, ADELCO opens another dynamic cycle of activities, expanding into the cosmetic industry. In 1950, Adelco introduces OM-OR shampoo, the first shampoo to be produced and marketed in Greece, and also Adelco toothpaste, the first fluoridated toothpaste offered in Greece. During the 1960’s and 1970’s, Adelco continues to grow and the firm becomes one of the largest Greek pharmaceutical companies by creating with its own resources and vertical production, superior quality and widely recognized pharmaceutical products, and leading Brands such as Stedon, Filicine, Minitran, Paroticin and Salopyrine, and in cosmetics, “OM-OR” and “Adelco”. Furthermore, Adelco establishes collaboration with leading European cosmetic manufacturers, such as Parke Davis, Le Petti, Daiitchi, Cosmed, Pharmacia, Pfrimmer, Cox, Revlon, Perlier, for representation of their products in Greece. In 1983, ADELCO - CHROMATOURGIA ATHINON E. COLOCOTRONIS BROS. S.A. continues its activities under the direction of Mr. Evangelos Colocotronis, whose belief is that “high quality is a fundamental value and the principal commitment for a pharmaceutical company such as Adelco.” The company continues its export effort overseas, developing markets in Europe, Africa, the Middle and Far East and China. In 2000, Adelco focuses on modernisation of facilities, purchasing new production machinery, developing new products and expanding activities internationally. The production of specific pharmaceuticals and cosmetic products currently represents the most important activity of Adelco. The company annually produces 4,000,000 formulations of about 45 pharmaceutical products, original and branded generics in unique combinations, covering a wide therapeutic range, eg. Adeprenal, Linipon, Ponotex, Algine, Acinic, Topepil, Menago, Cardiostyl, Clopadel, Cefacloril. The company’s success is further enhanced by its dynamic entrance in the beauty and cosmetic market. Products in the new series include Adelco Intense Spa Luxurious Color, offering specialized SPA care and protecting colored hair. The high quality range Adelco Velvet Hand & Body offers velvety softness and natural beauty. The Children’s range Adelco Kids includes products specifically designed for children with gentle compositions and delightful aromas. In ADELCO we believe that the overall quality that we have to offer is as important as the importance of good health. So we strive every day…aiming at perfection.

ADELCO S.A. 2014 Turnover 7,848,809.00 € Profit Before Taxes 2,119,101.00 € Gross Profit 5,275,371.00 € Net worth 3,049,165.00 € Liabilities 12,004,457.00 €

2015 8,133,171.00 € 1,848,935.00 € 5,366,702.00 € 4,024,298.00 € 23,890,662.00 €

Change (%) 3.6 -12.7 1.7 32.0 99.0

Diamonds 373



PEI.FA.SYN. GROUP Thanasis Mouchtis, General Manager of Pei.Fa.Syn. Group

Turnover 171,177,944.00 €

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 1,658,112.00 €

Contact Details 98 Ag. Ioanni Renti, 18233 Aghios Ioannis Rentis Tel.: +30 210 4830291 Fax: +30 210 4810116 Email: Website:

374 Diamonds

... looking at tomorrow The Pharmaceutical Cooperative of Piraeus (PEI.FA.SYN. Group) counts some 37 years of dynamic presence in the area of marketing ​​ and distribution of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products, always focusing on tomorrow, wishing to always be a prominent player in developments. By aiming to provide even higher quality services to pharmacists and paving the way for the development of new activities, the Association invests again in expanding its building facilities, upgrading existing equipment and developing automated processes. The body adds to its infrastructure another two new, robotic units and a system for the distribution of integrated orders per delivery route, aiming at a faster service to pharmacies. PEI.FA.SYN. operates in accordance with the European guidelines for good practice in drug delivery. The quality assurance of all traded medicinal products is ensured through certified processes and procedures, which describe in detail the requirements for the procurement, receipt, storage and transport of pharmaceuticals, as well as the control of facilities and equipment used. Through the Group’s decentralized and flexible logistics network, at least 3,000 orders from all pharmacies are processed daily. The Group has 4 distribution centers, a fleet of 35 new, privately-owned trucks, experienced and well trained staff of 185; it daily dispatches 2 to 3 deliveries in the wider area of Piraeus, ​​ Argolida, Korinthia and Samos, through its subsidiaries. Also, the Cyclades islands and the Dodecanese islands are served daily, in cooperation with a courier company, for the direct and safe supply of pharmacies. PEI.FA.SYN. supports the development of the pan-Hellenic cooperative network ‘Green Pharmacy’ in cooperation with other pharmacists’ cooperatives and with the coordination of the Federation of Pharmacists’ Cooperatives of Greece (OSFE). The aim is to provide pharmacies with all the tools for their development and more efficient commercial operation, such as purchasing and stockpile management systems, improving organization to create patient-centric, service-oriented service businesses that will help prevent and monitor patient compliance in treatment guidelines, while


at the same time supporting the state and the social security system in reducing the cost of public health through savings. The above strategy is the only way out for the survival of the Greek pharmacy in the new conditions of the fully liberalized market. Recently, keeping the bar up in innovative services to its pharmacies, the Association upgraded its online b2b platform, which has direct access to unique offers and order ability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and updates on new products as well as tips on health and beauty issues. PEI.FA.SYN. views Corporate Social Responsibility as an important and integral part of its business culture; its actions are systematically oriented towards addressing social and environmental issues by implementing a relevant multidimensional program. The Association undertakes social benefits initiatives to support vulnerable social groups, while at the same time, through its daily practices, protects the environment and saves natural resources. In 2016, PEI.FA.SYN. not only retained the number of jobs but even created new job positions, also managing to increase revenues. The Group reported a slight increase in consolidated turnover to 171 million euros compared to 170 million euros a year earlier, while pre-tax income dropped slightly to 1.7 million euros against 1.9 million euros in 2015. PEI.FA.SYN. creates standards, sets goals and implements visions, offering pharmacies flexible solutions tailored to the new demands of the pharmaceutical market and ensuring their growth.

Turnover Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit Net worth Liabilities

PEI.FA.SYN. GROUP 2015 2016 169,715,888.00 € 171,177,944.00 € 1,930,954.00 € 1,658,112.00 € 7,840,299.00 € 7,965,089.00 € 18,677,073.00 € 19,656,350.00 € 32,968,651.00 € 34,362,366.00 €

Change (%) 0.9 -14.1 1.6 5.2 4.2

Diamonds 375



Λιλή Π εργαν τά,

πρόε σύμβουδρος και δι ευθύ λος τη ς Pow νουσα er Hea lth

Η επιχ ειρημα τίας πο το «φα υ έφερε ρμακε ίο τη στη γε ς φύσης» ιτονιά σας


της Hell as






editorial TOURISM CAN HELP THE GREEK ECONOMY GROW AND THRIVE We only need to set the right objectives to meet the strategic plan By Margarita Manousou

Journalist - Tourism Expert

378 Diamonds

Greece is well known as much for its sun-drenched beaches as for its ancient history, and the country features countless fascinating places to visit, including lively seaside towns, well-preserved ruins, and serene whitewashed villages. Athens, the capital, is one of the world’s most ancient cities, and will always be Europe’s undisputed historical and cultural capital. Athens is known for the historic sites, the ancient world of Acropolis, the museums, sightseeing, shopping, and nightlife. Tourism in Greece has been a key element of the economic activity in the country, and is one of the country’s most important sectors. Greece has been a major tourist destination and attraction in Europe since antiquity, for its rich culture and history, which is reflected in large part by its 18 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, among the most in Europe and the world as well as for its long coastline, many islands and beaches. In 1960 Greece started to develop as a tourist destination for the European citizens and today has become one of the most attractive destinations. The country attached 25 million in 2016 and is expecting more in 2017. Today Greece is among the most visited countries in Europe and the world and Tourism is contributing 18% to the National Gross Domestic Product. Athens, Crete, Santorini, Mykonos, Rhodes, Corfu and Chalkidiki are some of the top tourist destinations. A statement made by UNWTO secretary Taleb Rifai during his visit to Athens during the spring period, underlined that “Greece’s growth in tourism is not accidental… Greece has its own identity and has achieved in attracting tourists and – most importantly – making them loyal tourists, repeat visitors”. Tourism’s total contribution to Greece’s GDP will reach 46,7 billion, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council’s (WTTC) Economic Impact Report 2016, launched in 2017. During the hard period, the Greek economy and the Greek people are going through due to austerity measures, Tourism seems to be the number one sector doing well. At the same time Tourism businesses provide work places and more than 17% of total employment are work places directly or indirectly related with tourism. Today everyone can see Tourism being the steam locomotive to support and help the Greek economy grow and thrive. It is well known that tourism one way or another is correlated to all sectors of the economy. In order to extend the tourism period, Tourism Bodies in Greece are trying to boost tourism products like Religious Tourism, City break Tourism, Meetings, Health Tourism and more. Greece has many benefits to exploit all these products. Significant historical religious presence, monasteries, mount Athos and more. There are numerous interesting and vibrant cities that can host successfully tourists seeking unspoiled hospitality and excellent food as well as fun and enjoyment. Thermal water springs all over the country can benefit the visitors in many ways. As far as the Meetings sector, there is a vast number of hotels all over the country and on the islands, that can host Conferences, Meetings and Events while providing top quality accommodation and services to satisfy the most demanding needs. Welcome to Greece



Developers of Costa Navarino

Contact details TEMES S.A. 5 Pentelis St. 17564 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 9490 152 Fax: +30 210 9490 218 Cell: +30 6981460993 Dr. Vassilia Orfanou Senior Media Relations Manager Email: Website: Costa Navarino: The Westin Resort, Costa Navarino: The Romanos, A luxury Collection Resort:

TEMES S.A. is a premier developer of luxury, mixed-use resorts. Through Costa Navarino, its flagship development in the region of Messinia, southwest Peloponnese, TEMES contributes to the establishment of Messinia as a world-class, high-end destination. Costa Navarino is the prime, sustainable destination in the Mediterranean. One of the most unspoiled and breathtaking seaside landscapes, this area has been shaped by 4,500 years of history. The Costa Navarino philosophy is driven by a genuine desire to promote Messinia, while protecting and preserving its natural beauty and heritage, which is why the building footprint at Costa Navarino will be less than 10% of the total land area. Costa Navarino comprises a number of distinct sites featuring 5-star deluxe hotels, luxury residences, conference facilities, spa and thalassotherapy centers, signature golf courses, as well as a wide range of year-round activities for adults and children which are unique in the Mediterranean. Extending over 130 hectares of gently sloping hillside, the first resort site, Navarino Dunes, is a stunningly beautiful west-facing location. Richly endowed by nature, the site overlooks a magnificent sandy beach that stretches for over 1 km, washed by the warm clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. It is home to two luxury 5-star hotels, The Romanos, a Luxury Collection Resort and The Westin Resort Costa Navarino; The Dunes Course – the first signature golf course in Greece; Anazoe Spa, a 4,000sq.m. spa & thalassotherapy centre; the state-of-the-art conference centre House of Events; specially designed facilities for children; and, a variety of gastronomy venues, sports, outdoor and cultural activities. The second resort site, Navarino Bay (140 hectares), will open in the near future. It is already home to the signature golf course, The Bay Course. Stretching along a magnificent 2 km seafront that affords breathtaking views of the Bay of Navarino, particularly at sunset, it is a place of outstanding natural beauty and enormous historical importance. Costa Navarino’s next development phase features Navarino Residences, a range of luxury, freehold private properties, which will be situated within the award-winning Navarino Dunes resort. Further distinct areas will be developed in the future: Navarino Beach, Navarino Hills and Navarino Blue. Sustainable development Costa Navarino adheres to strict environmental protection guidelines and management principles, recognizing the significant contribution of a pristine natural environment to the development of a sustainable tourism product. The environmental management system of Costa Navarino covers all aspects of environmental protection by applying sustainable water and energy management practices, integrated solid & liquid waste management with an extensive recycling program and a number of environmental programs for the preservation of biodiversity and the protection of ecologically important habitats in the vicinity of Costa Navarino.

Diamonds 379


Stavros Arnaoutakis Regional Governor of Crete

Region of Crete

Tourism, a business of utmost importance for Crete

Contact details REGION OF CRETE Eleftherias Sq., 71201 Heraklion Crete, Tel.: +30 2813 400305 Fax: +30 2810 342588 E-mail: Website: /

380 Diamonds

For the Region of Crete, tourism is one of the top pillars of the local economy. Before and during the economic crisis, from 2010 onwards, tourism proved to be a strong stable for the island’s growth. However, through our strategic planning, in order to further support and strengthen the sector, we strive to make use of all the room for improvement, for the benefit of businessmen, tour operators and, of course, the benefit of the whole of Crete. For this reason, since the first day of operation of the elected Regional Authority, tourism has been integrated into our strategic planning, not as an autonomous economic sector, but as a business field that requires co-operation and a uniting of forces. It is an economic sector which, in order to remain competitive, requires joint actions, political initiatives and the implementation of projects that involve all the productive institutions of Crete. The tourism industry only produces results when all the gears of the engine are put into operation, no matter whether it is under the responsibility of the state, or the responsibility of self-government and, of course, the industry. On our side, we are working together with businessmen on a daily basis, seeking the continuous expansion of the framework for cooperation. We understand that tourism is a group “sport” where, in


order for the team to win, all of the players involved, must work hard. Within this framework, as Region of Crete, we cooperate with our municipalities, our research and university institutes and tourism associations, for a common tourism planning, for a common tourism development model for the whole of Crete. We are already at the heart of yet another good tourist season, a season to be added to the positive indicators for tourism on Crete. But our effort does not stop here. Our role is constant, with increasing intensity. The Region of Crete will continue to star in the effort, which already counts the first positive results, in order to consolidate the positive climate for the years to come. With the prolongation of the tourist season, as well as with the turn to alternative forms of tourism, the combination of the tourist sector of Crete, and the field of agri-food and culture, we place strong foundations. We ensure all the preconditions that this dynamic sector of the island’s economy will manage to overcome obstacles and difficulties. Our major assets include the strength of Crete’s natural beauty, the good climatic conditions, the uniqueness of the Cretan hospitality, the value of the Cretan cuisine, the rich cultural and historical reserve of Cretan land, the operation of organized tourist units, and the conditions of safety and tranquillity – the indelible markings that make up a special identity for tourism in Crete, an identity that is approaching millions of visitors every year on the island. In recent years, the Region of Crete built a strong base for our tourist product. We synthesized views, we mobilized forces, tried to fill gaps in infrastructure. For all of us, tourism is a big deal. However, we will not be satisfied with the current situation and its mere consolidation. Over the next few years we will invest even more. The effort we have started will yield even more.

Diamonds 381


Manolis Manousos, Chief Executive Officer Board Vice President

Cretan Hospitality

The Trilogy of Crete Greece has always been associated with clear, blue skies and deep, crystal clear blue sea. With the color blue, people connect the refraction of the radiant sunshine and the unfathomable depth of the sea. Favored by the blue of the sky and its reflection in the water the color blue stands for distance, longing and clarity but also for harmony and infinity. Not without reason, the colors of the Greek flag, blue and white, symbolize the blue of the Aegean Sea and sky and the struggle for freedom and independence.

Contact details Ammoudara, Gazi, 71500, Crete, Greece Tel.: +30 2810 821602 Fax: +30 2810 821433 Website:

382 Diamonds

Crete, the leading Tourism destination in Greece, is where our hotels are settled. In 2007, after the acquisition of the two gems, Santa Marina Beach and Sitia Beach City Resort & Spa with the flag ship Apollonia Beach Resort & Spa, Cyan group of hotels was formed. Following the philosophy of life and tradition of Greek and Cretan hospitality, we have set our goal to offer our guests not only a comfortable and relaxing holiday, but also the delights of the Greek and Cretan culture and gastronomy. With 334 rooms at the main building, suites and 3 bungalow complexes, located on the long sandy beach of Amoudara, the 5-star Apollonia Beach Resort & Spa offers all the comforts necessary for a memorable vacation.


In its lush gardens our guests will find peace and relaxation, while in the spacious pools and on the beach, young and old alike can enjoy all-day sport activities and entertainment. The hotel’s main restaurant offers a huge variety of culinary delights, including Greek specialties and cooked-to-order daily specials, while at the three a la carte specialty restaurants our guests can enjoy traditional Cretan, Asian and Italian cuisines. Located centrally between East and West Crete, the hotel is also a convenient launching pad for many interesting excursions across the spectacular island of Crete, with its exciting history and culture. Open all year round, Sitia Beach City Resort & Spa, the only 5-star hotel located in Sitia, on a private sandy beach along the bay. The beautiful hotel, built in traditional Cretan design, has 162 rooms on four floors and is surrounded by gardens with flowers and greenery. The main restaurant offers a large variety of culinary delights, including Greek specialties and cooked-to-order daily specials and local dishes. Santa Marina Beach Resort is located directly on the long sandy beach of Amoudara, in the center of Crete. The 208 room, suites and 4 bungalow complexes, offer all the comforts necessary for a vacation to remember. Our restaurant offers a huge variety of culinary delights, including Greek specialties and cooked-to-order daily local dishes and specials. The hotel is located centrally between East and West Crete.

Diamonds 383


Konstantinos Konstantinidis, Chief Executive Officer

Atrium Hotels

Proposal for a Perfect Holiday

Contact details Kalathos 85102, Lindos, Rhodes Tel.: +30 2244031601, 31602 Fax: +30 2244031600 E-mail: Website:

384 Diamonds

Mr. Kostas Konstantinidis is the CEO of ATRIUM HOTELS in Rhodes, the world-renowned collection of 5-star luxury resort hotels. ATRIUM HOTELS have received numerous awards of excellence by offering an extraordinary quality and experience to their guests. A superb gastronomical experience, the fully equipped and cutting-edge SPA Centers and most importantly a highly skilled and hospitable personnel have all attributed to the hotel brand being globally established as a synonymous for quality, comfort and care for the customer. For example, a well-known and unique characteristic of ATRIUM HOTELS is that visitors arrive as guests and leave as lifelong friends. The three luxury resorts are geographically located in 3 different parts of the island, each with a unique architecture and personality. Mr. Konstantinidis is an architect in profession and considered a guru in hotel planning and design, having designed many of the best 5-star hotels in Rhodes. Along with Mr. Hatzikonstantinou, they have given each hotel its own character depending on the location of each project. The ATRIUM PLATINUM, located in the center of Rhodes, has been inspired by modern architecture with minimal design elements, from colorful and comfortable furniture with youthful flavors to dynamic adaptations to the natural features of the landscape. All rooms have spectacular views to the endless blue of the Aegean Sea, while from every balcony the daily experience of the color transitions of the sky are truly breathtaking. The ATRIUM PALACE is the middle of the island next to the magical Lindos and right on the seafront of Kalathos, with its crystal waters having been awarded the Blue Flag certification by the Founda-


tion for Environmental Education (FEE). The hotel’s architecture encapsulates the civilizations that have historically passed through the island of Rhodes, namely the Ancient Greek, the Roman, the Byzantine and the Arab civilizations. It’s the only hotel facing a 5km coastline and that uses the pure seawater for Thalasso-therapies and body & face treatments in their astonishing “Anagenisis” Spa Center. The one-and-only ATRIUM PRESTIGE in southern Rhodes has been inspired with the lovely whitepainted houses of Lindos and the traditional architecture of the Aegean Islands. Build on the side of the hill amphitheatrically, has granted a magnificent 100% sea view to all rooms. Directly by the sea front of the (also) Blue Flag-certified beach, the ultra-luxurious villas are in a league of its own, blessed with captivating views of the unspoiled landscape of the sandy gulfs. Every part of the hotel has been passionately designed with a particular attention to detail, with every corner exhibiting a different kind of beauty. While every house and room varies in design, following the style variations found in the Greek Islands, the hotel as a whole fits harmoniously in the pristine natural environment filled with trees and deers. The walks by the beautiful gardens leading to the never-ending seafront give calmness to the self, relax the body and soul and capture one’s mind forever. Mr. Konstantinidis has been the Vice President of SETE (Greek Tourism Confederation) for many years and in addition to being a successful businessman, he contributes actively with all his knowledge and power to make Greece and its islands what they deserve to be: The best and highest quality destination in Europe. In his own words, “We live in the best land in the world, blessed with an unparalleled cultural and physical wealth, a place where the Gods of the Sun and Sea were born. We also possess the highestskilled staff in Europe and thus have the potential to establish Greece as the place where the guests of the world will have the most unforgettable experiences, making traveling to Greece a year-round holiday destination, sharing with them our way of life, our gastronomy, our traditions. Greece can become the beloved second home of our friends”.

Diamonds 385



A special place of discrete luxury

Andreas Andreadis

Contact details Kassandra, 630 77 Chalkidiki, Greece Tel: +30 23740 99400 Fax:+30 23740 99508 E-mail: Website:

Sani Resort is a family-owned, privately-developed ecological reserve, established some 40 years ago. Offering the services of a world class resort, Sani provides guests with the best of both worlds: opulent luxury with world-class service, set in a surrounding environment of unique beauty. Set within its 1000 acres of natural magnificence, there are four internationally awarded fivestar hotels, each with its own distinctive character, offering a wide range of leisure facilities and accommodation. With a state-of-the-art yacht marina and a shopping plaza bustling with celebrated restaurants, vivid bars, a roaring café society, a vast array of chic boutiques and shops, sports and children’s facilities and with its three extraordinary Spa venues, Sani Resort is considered to be the ultimate Mediterranean destination. Sani’s natural beauty is reflected in everything this luxury holiday resort has to offer, but ultimately, it is the friendly and highly qualified staff that brighten it up, turning guests’ holidays into a personal, treasured experience. ● Four 5* Hotels (Open: April – October) ● Sani Beach - Sani Club - Porto Sani - Sani Asterias ● A 1000-acre private estate ● Ecological Reserve – Pine Forests – Bird Sanctuary ● 7km of white sandy beaches with EU Blue Flags ● Private yacht marina with shopping piazza ● Dine Around: 20 restaurants ● 16 bars and cafes ● Sports Centre – Watersports – Diving Centre ● 4 luxurious Spas ● Open-air Garden Theatre and a professional Entertainment team ● Creche and Childrens’ Mini Clubs ● Sani Festival ● Sani Gourmet ● Repeaters Club ● Sani VIP Services organizing tailor-made events ● Meetings and Special Event facilities The resort reported 2015 sales of 59.81 million euros, slightly up from 59.56 million euros a year earlier, with pre-tax profit plunging to 4.5 million euros compared to 29.63 million euros in 2014.

386 Diamonds

Yannidis Group history begun with trading and production activities, specifically in the bituminous paper and insulation materials fields (Hermes) in 1932. Since then, the group has been constantly rising with the primary sector being the decorative paints. Vitex, the decorative paints business unit was established in 1960 and still consists the most important unit of the group.Vitex is today a leading Greek decorative paintmanufacturer, with strong presence in South East Europe and affiliates in Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania. We provide high added value products to our customers with a consumer oriented approach that promotes sustainability, innovation, public health and environmental safety. We set trends in the markets we operate and believe that paint is the finishing touch that will alter the space where we live, work, relax and enjoy our life. More recently a substantial investment in modernizing the production included the establishment of a state-of-the-art production plant for Vitex paints, a sign of the high capitalization of the group. This made the group strong and flexible to face off the challenges presented by a continuously changing business environment. Our brand “Vitex� is very well known in the professional and DIV markets. After focusing in the expansion to neighboring countries the group is effortlessly aiming to use the positive experience gained and the available production capacity to expand to other countries, while it already exports to over 15 countries across the world. The group dynamically continuous its strategic growth through four vertical business units, VITEX in architectural paint, Hermes in waterproofing materials and chemicals, VitexTherm in external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) and Eumaria in yacht paints.

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Novartis Hellas

Changing the practice of medicine Στη Νovartis, αξιοποιούµε στο έπακρο τη δύναµη της καινοτοµίας στην επιστήµη για να αντιµετωπίσουµε µερικά από τα σηµαντικότερα ζητήµατα που απασχολούν την κοινωνία στο χώρο της υγείας. ∆εν σταµατάµε ποτέ να αναζητούµε µε πάθος νέους τρόπους που θα βοηθούν τους ασθενείς να ζουν περισσότερο και καλύτερα.


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