1 minute read

The Management of Event Operations and Logistics

tactics for facilitating proper movement and pedestrian traffic flow.

• Development and implementation of onsite briefing and debriefing activities and information exchange.


• Confirmation, acquisition, or enhancement of inherent or imported equipment and services to ensure sufficient transportation systems, parking facilities, utilities, sanitation

This three-day course introduces operations management for the event planner and venue provider. Taking a holistic view of an event enterprise, it links the traditional topics within operations management to present a coherent and hands-on approach specifically for the events manager. The course is pragmatic and is dictated by practical consequences and considerations, essential to an event manager who balances many views and needs of diverse stakeholders.

Contents of the course include the following:

• The development and/or procurement of suitable admittance credentialing and control systems such as registration, ticketing, and housing, as well as the

• Analysis, sequencing, and supervision of the tasks and providers necessary for the move-in, installation, maintenance, disassembly, and move-out activities associated with an event project.

• Development of checklists for the event project's procedural, practical, and hospitality requirements

• Sourcing, inspection, selection, and contracting of locations and facilities that will serve the needs of the event project and ensure the proper development and layout of the site

• Acquisition of the necessary and appropriate staging and equipment, and supervision of its installation, operation, and attendant technician personnel, to ensure the realisation of the event project's production plans within the event site's physical constraints

Course cost: R19,500. plus, VAT pp

This course is validated to provide 24 CPD credits that can be used to maintain a SACIAvalidated professional designation.

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