News Bulletin – AUG2015

Page 1

yftynf]df k'gM a;f]af; ug{ gx'g] ePsf] 5 . e"sDkaf6 8fF8f–j:tL rs]{/ ca a:g} gx'g] cj:yfdf k'u]sf] 5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf e"sDk kLl8t gful/ssf] k'g:yf{kgf Jojl:yt?kdf / ;'/lIft?kdf u/fpg' cTofjZos 5 . o;;DaGwdf

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g jiff{t\cl3sf] tfTsflns k'g:yf{kgfsf] nflu k|lt 3/ ?= !%,)))÷– /fHosf] tk{maf6 pknAw u/fpg] / kl5 sfo{ljlw lgwf{/0f u/L s"n ?= @,)),)))÷– df ggf£g] u/L lbg] elgPsf];Dd hfgsf/L ePsf] 5 . jiff{cl3 pknAw



u/fpg] elgPsf] ?= !%,))) ÷– klg cfh;Dd ;a}n] k|fKt u/]sf 5}gg\ . ;+sng ul/Psf] Ifltsf] ljj/0fdf g} ljleGg :yfgdf ljjfb ePsf] ;'lgG5 . k'g:yf{kg sfo{ /fd|f];Fu ug{ ;lsPg eg] cfd–gful/sdf /fHo / ;/sf/k|ltsf] e/f];f / ljZjf;df rf]6 k'Ug ;Sb5 . t/, clxn];Dd ul/Psf] sfo{x? x]bf{ Jojl:yt?kdf eP–u/]sf] cg'e"t x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . ;'/lIft jf;:yfg sxfF–s;/L agfpg], ;/sf/n] s]–slt ;3fpg], kLl8tx?n] s] ug'{kg]{, kLl8tsf nflu ;xof]u ug{ rfxg] pbf/dgf :jb]zL–ljb]zL, ;+3–;+:yf, JolQmsf] ;xeflutf s]–s'g k|lqmof / 9fFrfdf x'g'kg]{ eGg] ljifodf kof{Kt 5nkmn

Source: PMO Nepal.

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

/ lgSof}{n ePsf] b]lvPsf] 5}g .

k'glg{df{0fsf qmddf Wofg k'¥ofpg' kg]{ kIf s]–s] x'g\ < e"sDkkl5 o;af6 lj:yflkt gful/ssf] k'g:yf{kgf / Ifltu|:t ef}lts ;+/rgfsf] k'glg{df{0f ;a}eGbf dxTjk"0f{ sfo{ xf] . o; ljkt\sf] 38Ldf k'g:yf{kgf / k'glg{df{0f sfo{ ljZj;gLo, kf/blz{tfk"0f{ / Jojl:yt?kdf ;dod} ul/g'kb{5 . o;af6 cfd–gful/sdf /fHok|lt ljZjf; / e/f];f a[l4 x'G5 . o;f] x'g ;s]g eg] ;/sf/n] kLl8t gful/s, ;xof]ubftf / cfd–r]tgzLn gful/ssf] cfzf / e/f];f k"/f ug{ g;s]sf] b]lvG5 . k'g:yf{kg / k'glg{df{0fsf ;DaGwdf ;/sf/n] u/]sf lg0f{o / sfd–sf/afxLnfO{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] lg/Gt/ x]l//x]sf] 5 . ;'?sf s]xL sfo{x?h:t} Ifltsf] ;"rgf k|jfx, kL8LPgPsf] tof/L bftf ;Dd]ngh:tf cTofjZos ;sf/fTds ePsf 5g\ . t/, o;}aLr ePsf s]xL lg0f{o / sfo{x?n]

;8s k'u]sf / ;'ud 7fpFdf ;a} k'u]sf], ljs6 7fpFdf sf]xL gk'u]sf], /fxt ;fdfu|Ldf s] cfof], slt afFl8of], st}af6 cg'udg x'g g;s]sf] / ;/sf/L pkl:ylt uf}0f ag]sf] b]lvof] .

xfdLnfO{ em:sfPsf] klg 5 . gful/sx?sf] oqf] 7"nf] ljNnLjf7 eO/x]sf] cj:yfdf ;du|df cWoog ljZn]if0f u/L kf/bzL{ / ;a}sf] ;xeflutfdf k'g:yf{kg sfo{nfO{ cufl8 a9fpg'kg]{df slxn] slQ tNn] 3/dfq agfpg lbg], slxn] slt ;8s 5f]8\g'kg]{, slxn] ;ª\s6u|:t If]q 3f]if0ff ug]{, slxn]

Financial Tracking Services (UN)- Intl aid figures


(Data analysed 19 July)

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg ko{6ssf nflu ;'/lIft uGtJo 5 eGg] b]vfpg]h:tf sfo{x? eP . o:t}, e"sDkaf6 k|efljt ;+/rgfsf] k'g:yf{kg, k'glg{df{0f s]–s:tf ;+/rgfsf dfWodaf6 ug]{–u/fpg] eGg]df y'k|} ljsNk x'Fbfx'Fb} k|wfgdGqLs} cWoIftfdf k|flws/0f u7g ul/g', k|flws/0f k'glg{df{0fsf] sfo{ ubf{ hUufk|flKt, hUuf btf{, ;fj{hlgs vl/b / jftfj/0f;DaGwL k|rlnt sfg'gsf] Joj:yf nfu" gx'g] sfg'gL k|fjwfg ul/g' / ;+;b\n] o;}nfO{ cg'df]bg ug'{h:tf sfo{nfO{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] uDeL/?kdf lnPsf] 5 . nf]stflGqs Joj:yfdf hglgjf{lrt k|wfgdGqL :jo+n] of] dxTjk"0f{ cleef/f lnFbf k|rlnt sfg'g g} gnfUg]h:tf k|fjwfg ul/g' ;sf/fTds xf] eGg] 6LcfO{ g]kfn 7fGb}g . log} ;]/f]k]m/f]df 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;Dk"0f{ k'g:yf{kgf / k'glg{df{0f sfo{nfO{ cg'udg ug]{, ;/sf/nufot ;Da4 kIfx?nfO{ kf/bzL{, ldtJooL / ;doj4?kdf sfd ug{–u/fpg ;hu u/fpFb} sxLF st} e|i6frf/ jf clgoldttf eP–u/]sf] b]lvP÷e]l6Pdf tTsfn ;DalGwt kIf / cfd–gful/ssf] hfgsf/Ldf Nofpg];d]t c7f]6 u/]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] oL sfo{ ubf{ ;Dk"0f{ gful/s, ;~rf/hut\, ;/sf/L lgsfo / /fhgLlts bnx?sf] ;d]t ;xof]usf] ck]Iff klg u/]sf] 5 . ;du|df g]kfnn] clxn] cToGt sl7g ljklQsf] ;fdgf ub}{5 . o; cj:yfdf ljZjn] xfdLnfO{ ;3fPsf] klg 5 . k'g:yf{kgf / k'glg{df{0f sfo{ Jojl:yt?kdf x'g ;s]df g]kfn ce}m ;d[l4sf] af6f]df nfUg ;Sg] x'G5 eg] o;df otf–plt eP yk ljklQ ;fdgf ug'{kg]{ x'G5 .9

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



xfd|f] k/Dk/fdf ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/ /3'gfy clwsf/L ‘lgndz]v/Ú

!= ljifo k|j]z cfk"m ;fdflhs k|f0fL x'g'sf gftfn] ;dfhdf zflGtk"0f{ ;xcl:tTj sfod ug{ Psfsf{aLr lgjf{x ug{'kg{] e"ldsfsf] lgodgsf nflu dflg;n] d"n?kdf wd{, cfrf/ / sfg"gsf] lgdf{0f ug{ k'Uof] . blIf0f Pl;ofnL;lxt ljZjsf sof}+ ;dfhsf] ljsf;sf cf/lDes r/0fx?df x]bf{ wd{ dflg;sf] nf}lss / cnf}lss hLjgsf ax'ljw cfofdx?nfO{ lgb]{lzt ug]{ cfrf/, sfg"g, ;+:sf/, dgf]lj1fg, bz{g / ;du| ;f+:s[lts dfgsx? Ps;fy clen]lvt k|0ffnLsf ?kdf ljsl;t eP/ cfPsf] lyof] . ljsf;sf] qmddf dfgj ;dfh ha ldl>t / hl6n aGb} uof], of] hl6ntfn] wd{sf] Pp6} If]qleq /x]sf oL kIfx? j[Ifsf zfvfx? ljefhg ePh:t} 5'l§P/ ljlzi6 kIfsf] ?kdf b]vfk/] . o;sf] Pp6f nfIfl0fs pbfx/0f eg]sf] k'ghf{u/0fkl5sf] o"/f]kdf /fhgLlt sfg"gsf] b:tfj]h af]s]/ rr{af6 ;+;b\lt/ nfUof] / wd{tGqfTds /fHox? wfld{s :jtGqtf d"n:j?k ePsf] wd{–lg/k]If /fHo lgdf{0fsf] k|lqmoftk{m uP .

ljsf;sf] qmddf dfgj ;dfh ha ldl>t / hl6n aGb} uof], of] hl6ntfn] wd{sf] Pp6} If]qleq /x]sf oL kIfx? j[Ifsf zfvfx? ljefhg ePh:t} 5'l§P/ ljlzi6 kIfsf] ?kdf b]vfk/] . o;sf] Pp6f nfIfl0fs pbfx/0f eg]sf] k'ghf{u/0fkl5sf] o"/f]kdf /fhgLlt sfg"gsf] b:tfj]h af]s]/ rr{af6 ;+;b\lt/ nfUof] / wd{tGqfTds /fHox? wfld{s :jtGqtf d"n:j?k ePsf] wd{–lg/k]If /fHo lgdf{0fsf] k|lqmoftk{m uP .

k|fs[lts / ;/n ;dfh ha ljsf;sf qmddf ldl>t / hl6n aGb} uof], ljsf;sf] of] k|lqmofn] lghL / ;fd'bflos If]qeGbf ce}m km/flsnf] ;fj{hlgs If]qtkm{ dflg;nfO{ lnP/ uof] . hxfF s]jn JolQm, kl/jf/ / Pp6f ;d'bfodfq x}g, ce"tk"j{?kdf Pslqt x'Fb} uPsf] /fli6«o / cGt/f{li6«o ;dfhsf] nflu lgodgsf/L g}lts dfgs jf cfrf/ / hl6n sfg"gsf] lgdf{0fsf] cfjZostf x'Fb} uof] . of] k|lqmofn] sfg"g / wd{nfO{ km/s lsQfdf pEofpg] qmdnfO{ cem tLa| agfof] . kmntM wd{s} lsQfleq /x]sf] cfrf/ klg Psftkm{ wd{ / sfg"gsf] ;|f]tsf] ?kdf / csf{tk{m logLx?sf] kl/kfngfsf] g}lts dfgb08sf ?kdf b]vfkg{ uof] . kmntM clxn] cfrf/nfO{ lgofn]/ x]bf{ o;sf 7"nf b'O{ eFufnfx? b]vfk/]sf 5g\ . Pp6f sfg"g;Fu ufFl;P/ cfPsf] …sfg"gL ;bfrf/Ú / csf]{ wd{;Fu} ufFl;P/ /x]sf] …wfld{s ;bfrf/Ú . o; ;+lIfKt cfn]vdf d"ntM oL b'j} ;|f]t–d"naf6 lgM;[t eO{ ;fj{hlgs hLjgdf ufFl;Psf] ;bfrf/sf af/]df s]lGb|t eO{ 5nkmn ul/g]5 .

To;f] eP s] xf] t ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/ < ;+:s[t efiffsf] cyf{g';f/ ;bfrf/ zAb ;t\±cfrf/ -Ö;bfrf/_ af6 ag]sf] 5 . of] lau|xcg';f/ ;bfrf/sf] cy{ x'G5, pQd cfrf/0f jf ;xL Jojxf/ . o;nfO{ 6'S|ofP/ x]bf{ …;t\Ú sf] cy{ x'G5, æ;Qfo'Qm, jt{dfg, ljBdfg, df}h'b, jf:tljs, oyfy{, ;To, l6ls/xg], :yfoL / lgTo cflb . clg …cfrf/Ú zAbsf] cy{ x'G5 æs'g} lgod, l;4fGt cflbdf cfpg] / kfng ug'{kg]{ cfr/0f tyf Jojxf/sf] kl/is[t / g}lts?kÙ To;} cfwf/df ul/g] Jojxf/, /Llt jf k|yfÙ rfnrngÙ afgLa]xf]/fÙ rl/q, /Lltl:ylt, cfr/0f, kf/:kl/s Jojxf/ jf cfbfg–k|bfg cflb . /, ;bfrf/nfO{ ;fj{hlgs If]qdf /fv]/ x]bf{ of] ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/ aGg k'Ub5 .

OECD – Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Sector A Toolkit n]

;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/af/] eG5, "Public integrity refers to the proper use of funds, resources, assets, and powers, for the official purposes for which they are intended to be used" cyf{t\ æ;fj{hlgs sfof{nosf] p2]Zoadf]lhd k|of]u ul/g'kg{] /sd, ;|f]t, ;/;fdfg / clVtof/Lsf]



plrt k|of]u ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/;Fu ;DalGwt 5Æ . ;fj{hlgs If]qdf ;bfrf/sf] ;Gbe{ hjfkmb]xL, clje]b, Gofo / :jR5tf, k/lxt, / ck/kL8g;Fu ;DalGwt 5 . ;dfhsf x/]s JolQmx?sf] l:ylt / e"ldsf w]/yf]/?kdf b'O{ kf6f]df ljeflht ePsf] kfOG5 . Pp6f lghL / csf]{ ;fj{hlgs . JolQmsf] l:ylt / e"ldsfn] ;dfhsf c? JolQmnfO{ clxtsf/L?kdf k|efljt ub}{gg\ eg] Tof] ljifo If]q lghL x'ghfG5 . t/, p;sf] l:ylt / e"ldsfn] ;dfhsf c? JolQmnfO{ lxtsf/L / clxtsf/L b'j}?kdf k|efljt ub{5 eg] To:tf] JolQm ;fj{hlgs lhDd]jf/L /x]sf] JolQmTj xf], h;sf] e"ldsfåf/f ;fj{hlgs lxt ;'lglZrt x'g ;bfrf/sf] kl/kfngf x'g' clgjfo{ 5 . o;/L x]bf{ /fhgLlts lhDd]jf/Ldf /x]sf ;a} g]tf / sfo{stf{x?, :yfgLob]lv k|fb]lzs Pj+ s]Gb|Lo k|zf;gtGqdf sfo{/t sfof{no ;xof]uLb]lv d'Vo ;lrj;Dd, Gofofno, cfof]u, k|lti7fg, ;+:yfgnufotsf /fi6«sf] ;fj{hlgs l9s'6Laf6 vr{ ul/g] lgsfo;Fu ;Da4 JolQmx?åf/f lgjf{x ul/g'kg]{ ;fj{hlgs bfloÎj / e"ldsfx? o; If]qdf kb{5g\ . To;}u/L, ;dfhnfO{ k|ToIf / k/f]If b'j}?kdf ;sf/fTds / gsf/fTds?kdf c;/ ug{] ;+ul7t Pj+ lghL If]qsf Jofj;flos ;+u7g;d]tsf e"ldsfx? o;cGtu{t kb{5g\ . dgf]lj1fgn] eG5, ;fd"lxstfjfb ljj]såf/f l;lh{Psf] x'G5 . t/, JolQmjfb ;+j]usf] huaf6 pTkGg x'G5 . ;fj{hlgs If]qsf lxt / ;/f]sf/x? klg :jefljs?kd} ;fj{hlgs If]qdf kg]{ ePsf]n] o;n] JolQmjfbL :jfy{sf lg/Gt/

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;dfhsf x/]s JolQmx?sf] l:ylt / e"ldsf w]/yf]/?kdf b'O{ kf6f]df ljeflht ePsf] kfOG5 . Pp6f lghL / csf]{ ;fj{hlgs . JolQmsf] l:ylt / e"ldsfn] ;dfhsf c? JolQmnfO{ clxtsf/L?kdf k|efljt ub}{gg\ eg] Tof] ljifo If]q lghL x'ghfG5 . t/, p;sf] l:ylt / e"ldsfn] ;dfhsf c? JolQmnfO{ lxtsf/L / clxtsf/L b'j}?kdf k|efljt ub{5 eg] To:tf] JolQm ;fj{hlgs lhDd]jf/L /x]sf] JolQmTj xf], h;sf] e"ldsfåf/f ;fj{hlgs lxt ;'lglZrt x'g ;bfrf/sf] kl/kfngf x'g' clgjfo{ 5 .

em8\sfx?sf] ;fdgf ul//xG5 . h;/L cGgafnL nufPsf] v]taf/Ldf emf/ knfP/ lg/Gt/?kdf uf]8d]n ug{'kg]{ x'G5, kfgL /f]Sg] k|of]hgdf agfOPsf] 5fgf]af6} kfgL r'lxg] x'gfn] jif}{lkR5] 5fpg'kg]{ x'G5 . To;}u/L, ;fj{hlgs?kdf k|o'Qm x'g'kg]{ c;n cfrf/0fnfO{ hf]ufO{ /fVg lg/Gt/?kdf va/bf/L ul//xg'kg]{ x'G5 . ;dfhsf] ck]Iffljk/Lt eO{ JolQmnfO{ nfe / c?nfO{ xfgL x'ghfg] Jojxf/x? h;nfO{ xfdL e|i6frf/, b"/frf/, sbfrf/, cgfrf/, Jolerf/ cflb zAbx?åf/f cleJoQm u5f}{+ . oL ;bfrf/sf ljnf]d x'g\ . h'g JolQm, h'g kl/jf/, h'g ;d'bfo / h'g /fi6«df ;bfrf/n] sfd ul//x]sf] x'G5, ltgLx? b'lgofFsf ;'–;Eo OsfO{ x'g\ . xd|f] hgaf]nLdf …;To ar]sf] /x]5Ú / …;Tosf] wgÚ,

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg …;TojfbLÚ, …gLltjfgÚ, …lgi7fjfgÚ, …enfb\dLÚ cflb eGg] rng 5 . oL egfO{x?df :jo+df ;bfrf/tkm{ g} nlIft 5g\ . @= xfd|f] k/Dk/fdf /x]sf ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/sf s]xL c;n gd"gf ;bfrf/sf] ;Gbe{df x]bf{ Psfkl§ blIf0f Pl;ofnL ;dfhsf] d"nk|jfx ;+:s[ltleq wfld{s, sfg"gL Pj+ cfrfl/s u|Gysf ?kdf clen]lvt eO{ /fHoåf/f k|of]hg u/fOPsf g}lts ;bfrf/sf s'/fx? kof{Kt 5g\ eg] csf{tkm{ cNk;ª\Vos / ;LdfGt ;+:s[ltleq klg ;+:sf/sf ?kd} kNnljt eO{ cfPsf] ;bfrf/ ljBdfg 5 . xfdLn] cgfrf/, e|i6frf/, b"/frf/, sbfrf/, Jolerf/ cflbsf af/]df s'/f ubf{ cS;/ To;sf] ;sf/fTds kIf ;bfrf/, ;To, gLltk/fo0ftfh:tf ljifox?dfly a]jf:tf ug]{ ub{5f}F . b'lgofFsf x/]s j:t' / 36gfx? åGåk"0f{ 5g\ . h:tf] ls, x]/s /fd|f] lrhj:t'sf] cl:tÎj g/fd|f lrhj:t'sf] t'ngfdf dfq x'G5 . cyf{t\ /fd|f] x'gsf lglDt g/fd|f]sf] cl:tÎj clgjfo{ 5 . o;y{, c;n / v/fa, /fd|f] / g/fd|f];DaGwL efjx? ;a} g} t'ngLo x'g\ / logLx? ;Fu;u} cyf{t\ Ps};fy cl:tÎjjfg\ x'G5g\ . nfIfl0fs pbfx/0fsf lglDt æxl/of] kftsf] kqdfly g} /ftf] k"mnsf] y'Fufsf] ;f}Gbo{ k|:k'm6Lt ePsf] x'G5Æ eGg] plQm cfk}mFdf sfkmL 5 . of] oyfy{ ;To xf], t/ oxfF s] eGg vf]lhPsf] x}g eg] æ;bfrf/ x'gsf lglDt e|i6frf/ clgjfo{ /x]5Æ Û eGg vf]lhPsf] s'/f oltdfq xf] ls ;sf/fÎds / gsf/fÎds, /fd|f / g/fd|f s'/f jf kIfx? hlxn] klg ;Fu–;Fu} x'g] ub{5g\, g t s'g}

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

klg s'/fnfO{ ;Dk"0f{?kdf /fd|f] kfg{ ;lsG5 g t ;Dk"0f{?kdf g} g/fd|f]df emfg{ ;lsG5, ug{ ;lsg] eg]sf] rflxF s'g} klg lrhsf] c;n kIfnfO{ clwstd\ a9fpg ;lsof];\ / gsf/fÎds kIfnfO{ cToGt Go"g ub}{ nfg ;lsof];\ . o;y{, o; ;+lIfKt cfn]vdf g]kfnL ;dfh / ;+:s[ltleq /x]sf s]xL gd'gf k|s[ltsf ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/sf ljifodf rrf{ ul/Psf] 5 . h'g gLltut txsf]eGbf klg klg o;nfO{ sfof{Gjog txsf] ;+oGqleqsf] ;bfrf/sf ?kdf hf]8 lbOPsf] 5 . ;dfh / ;+:s[ltdf lglxt eP/ cfPsf] ;bfrf/sf] kIfnfO{ hf]8 lbOPsf] 5 .

xfd|f x/]s ;fj{hlgs sfof{no gful/ssf nflu ;]jf k|bfos lgsfo x'g\ / gful/s ;]jfu|fxL x'g\ . gful/s jf ;]jfu|fxLx?sf] ;jf]{Qd lxtnfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ ;]jf k'¥ofpg' sd{rf/Lx?sf] k|d'v st{Jo xf] .

@=! sfof{no / ;bfrf/ xfd|f x/]s ;fj{hlgs sfof{no gful/ssf nflu ;]jf k|bfos lgsfo x'g\ / gful/s ;]jfu|fxL x'g\ . gful/s jf ;]jfu|fxLx?sf] ;jf]{Qd lxtnfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ ;]jf k'¥ofpg' sd{rf/Lx?sf] k|d'v st{Jo xf] . To;}n] t pgLx? sd{sf] cfrf/0f ug]{ gfdwf/L cyf{t\ …sd{rf/LÚ x'g\ . sfof{no Pj+ sd{rf/Lsf] sfd, st{Jo, clwsf/, lhDd]jf/L / bfloÎj sfg"gdf pNn]v ePadf]lhd x'g] ub{5 . t;y{, oxfF sd{rf/L ju{af6 ck]Iff ul/g] ;bfrf/sf] d"n:j?k eg]sf] b08sf/L k|fjwfg ePsf] sfg"gsf] pkk|0ffnLsf] ?kdf lnOg'kb{5 . sd{rf/Lx? gful/saf6 ;ª\slnt /fh:jaf6 j[lQe/0f ug]{ ju{ x'g\, h'g cy{tGqsf] ;|f]t s/bftf gful/s;Fu ;DalGwt 5 . o;y{, gful/s bftf (Downer) / sd{rf/L k|fks (Recipient) x'g\ . xfd|f] ;Gbe{df ;]jfu|fxL gful/ssf nflu ;dlk{t / dl/xQ] ug]{ dg ePsf sd{rf/Lx? w]/} 5g\ . t/,

jt{dfg pkef]Qmfjfbsf] k|efjn] x'g ;Sb5 . pgLx? dgsf] ;f]rsf] e}mF sd{ ug{ c;dy{ 5g\ . yf]/}dfq o:tf sd{rf/Lx? 5g\, hf] dg, jrg / sd{n] g} cfˆgf cGgbftf ;]jfu|fxL gful/sk|lt ;dlk{t 5g\ . yf]/} sd{rf/Lx? 3"; gvfg] g}lts c8fgsf sf/0f ab\gfd 5g\, xflsdsf] sf]kefhgsf] l;sf/ x'Fb} b'u{dtkm{ ;?jf ul/G5g\ jf a9'jfdf /f]lsG5g\ / xTklQ pgLx? …dfnbf/Ú sfof{nodf ;?jf x'g] cj;/af6 jl~rt ul/G5g\ . cflv/ lsg < oL sd{rf/Lx?af6 /fi6« / gful/ssf] ;]jf eP tfklg pkef]Stfjfbsf] ;+:s[ltleq r'n{'Dd} 8'jL r/d JolQmjfbsf] b'lgofFtkm{ nlDs/x]sf xflsd / pgLx?sf cf;]kf;] rf6'sf/ ju{sf] ;]jf x'g ;Sb}g . csf]{tkm{ xfd|f] ;+:s[ltdf dflg;n] cfˆgf] :jefjcg'?k agfOPsf b]jtfx? g} :jo+df tyf– slyt eQmåf/f clk{t g}j]b, e]6L jf k|;fb u|x0f u/L cfˆgf eQmsf]



sNof0f u/fOg] s/f/df afFlwPsf 5g\ . ctM pQm k|;fb, g}j]b / e]6L k|flKt ePsf] sf/0fn] cfk"m k|;Gg eO{ eStn] dfu]cg'?ksf] ;]jf jf nfe k|bfg ug{'kg]{ pgLx?sf] bfloÎj x'g] g} eof] . dflg;eGbf zlQmzfnL dflgPsf b]jtfx? g} o; s/f/df afFlwPsf] ;Gbe{df zlQm / clwsf/k|fKt dflg;x?n] klg ;]jfu|fxLx?af6 g}j]b, e]6L / k|;fbsf] cfzf ug{'nfO{ s;/L cg'lrt eGg] / < t/, cfrf/ / cem ;bfrf/sf] b[li6af6 x]bf{ O{Zj/n] agfPsf] elgPsf] dflg;n] cfk}mFn] b]jtfx? hGdfP/ cfˆgf] :jfy{k"lt{ ug{ g}j]b, k|;fb / e]6L ck{0f ug{' / cfˆgf ;]jfu|fxLaf6 3"; / pkxf/ lnP/ cfk"m k|;Gg eO{ u}/–sfg"gL k|lqmofaf6 sfd ul/lbg' b'j} g} cgfrf/ / e|i6frf/ xf] . h'g clxn] Jofks?kdf rln/x]sf] 5 . æoxfF b]jtfx?nfO{ bf]if lbg] sfo{ cg'lrt eof]Æ eGg] s]xL k/deQmx?sf] u'gf;f] x'g ;Sb5 . t/, d]/f] egfO{ cfk}mF hlGdPsf] c;n b]jtfk|lt x}g, :jfyL{ dflg;n] cfˆgf] :jfy{ ;fwgfsf lglDt agfPsf :jfyL{ b]jtftk{m dfq xf] . of] n]vs :j–pTkGg / c;n b]jtfx?sf] t cfk}mF g} k/d\eQm xf] lsgeg] To:tf b]jtfx? qmf]w / rfs8LeGbf ;bf dfly x'g] ub{5g\ . To;}n] b]jtfx?sf] cf8 lnP/, wd{sf] cf8 lnP/ cg'lrt nfe / zf]if0fsf] lg/Gt/tf lbg] sfo{ ts{zf:qsf] lgodljk/Lt 5 . ts{zf:qdf k"j{–;t{ g} unt ePkl5 kl5Nnf] kl/0ffd 7Ls x'g ;Sb}g . h:tf] ls, æ;a} wft'x? 7f]; x'G5g\, kf/f] t/n x'g] ePsf] x'Fbf of] kf/f] wft' g} xf]OgÆ eGg] lgisif{ ;f]xL lgodadf]lhd unt 5 .



clxn] xfd|f] k/Dk/faf6 cfw'lgstftkm{ ;+qmd0fdf /x]sf] ;dfhdf k/Dk/fut lgoGq0fn] 5f]l8;s]sf] 5 eg] sfg"gsf] lgdf{0f, sfof{Gjog / To;dfly gful/ssf] ks8 / kx'Fr sdhf]/ 5 . o:tf] b]lvG5 ls ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/ljk/Ltsf lqmofsnfkx? olt Jofks 5g\, nfU5 xfd|f] k/Dk/fut wd{ / sfg"gsf h'Ogfx? dlSsO;s]sf 5g\ . clxn] /fHosf] l9s'6Laf6 j[lQe/0f ug]{ ju{sf dflg;x? Ps cb[Zo cy{tGqaf6 ;De|fGt ju{;/L kf]lift eO/x]sf 5g\ . t/, pQm cy{tGq ;j{;fwf/0fsf ;fd' b[li6uf]r/ x'Fb}g . tf]lsPsf] tna–;'ljwf lglZrt 5, t/ To;n] wfGg} g;Sg] u/L /ftf/ft ;x/df 3/ 7l8Psf 5g\ . 5f]/f5f]/Lx? :jb]z / ljb]zsf dx+uf ljBfnodf cWoog/t 5g\ . uf8L 5 / kl/jf/sf ;b:ox?df ;d]t vrf{n' Jojxf/ a9\b} uPsf] 5 . Tof] s;/L < dflg;x?n] k|Zg ;f]Wg ;ls/x]sf 5}gg\ jf k|Zg ;f]Wg] d];f] kfPsf 5}gg\ . k]ml/ klg of] Ps ha/h:t cg'Ql/t k|Zg alg/x]sf] 5 . ;fob kf/blz{tfsf] cleofg ToxL cb[Zo cy{tGqnfO{ b'lgofFsf ;fd' b[li6uf]r/ u/fpg' klg xf] . xfd|f] k/Dk/fdf / ;+:sf/df ;bfrf/ e/k'/ gePsf] xf]Og . pbfx/0fsf nflu æcsf{sf] gf;f] /fVg' x'Fb}g ÛÆ, æl;Q}df c?sf] l;of] / wfuf] klg glng' ÛÆ, æcsf{sf] s~rf] klg lng' x'Fb}g ÛÆ, æcsf{sf] wgn] kf]N5 ÛÆ, ækfk w"/Laf6 s/fpF5 ÛÆ, ædf}sfdf lx/f kmf]g{' j]df}sfdf sf}8L klg g5f]8\g' ÛÆ cflb–OToflb . k"0o u/]df :ju{ / kfk u/]df gs{ hfOg] wfld{s ljZjf;;lxt æe|i6frf/L, b"/frf/L / kfkL cflbnfO{ gs{df odb"tx?n] gfgf k|sf/sf oGq0ff

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

clxn] /fHosf] l9s'6Laf6 j[lQe/0f ug]{ ju{sf dflg;x? Ps cb[Zo cy{tGqaf6 ;De|fGt ju{;/L kf]lift eO/x]sf 5g\ . t/, pQm cy{tGq ;j{;fwf/0fsf ;fd' b[li6uf]r/ x'Fb}g . tf]lsPsf] tna–;'ljwf lglZrt 5, t/ To;n] wfGg} g;Sg] u/L /ftf/ft ;x/df 3/ 7l8Psf 5g\ .

lbG5g\Æ eg]/ dflgcfPsf] ljZjf;leq cfrf/ / ;bfrf/sf] ;Gb]z lglxt 5 . o;sf cltl/Qm xfd|f] k/Dk/fdf gLlt–;Gb]zsf ?kdf k|rlnt eO{ zf:qx?df g} clen]lvt x'g k'u]sf ;bfrf/sf lgodx? klg kfOG5g\ . h;sf s]xL k|d'v gd"gfx? o;adf]lhd 5g\M s_ ;]jfu|fxLx?af6 cg'lrt cfly{shGo nfe lng' x'Fb}g, cyf{t\ 3"; vfg' x'Fb}g, pkxf/ lng' x'Fb}g . v_ ;]jfu|fxLx?k|lt ;xof]uL / ljgd| Jojxf/ ug{' kb{5 . u_ clVtof/L jf sfg"gadf]lhd cfk"mn] kfPsf] clwsf/sf] b'?kof]u ug{' x'Fb}g . 3_ sfof{nosf] /sd, ;|f]t / ;/;fdfgsf] b'?kof]u ug{' x'Fb}g . ª_ /fi6« / gful/ssf] lxtsf lglDt ;dlk{t x'g'kb{5 . r_ zf/Ll/s?kdf sdhf]/ / czQm Pj+ h]i7x?k|lt ljz]if k|fyldstf lbOg' kb{5, cflb .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg @=@ wf/f] / ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/ g]kfnsf] kxf8L a;f]af;df ;fdfGotM d"naf6 kfgL lgl:sP/ lg/Gt/?kdf aUg] cj:yfdf ePsf] kfgLnfO{ dflg;n] wf/f]sf ?kdf k|of]u u/]sf x'G5g\ . wf/f] dflg;sf nflu ef}lts?kdf kfgLsf] d"n ePsf] 7fpF xf] . dgf]j}1flgs?kdf Ps kljq ;f+:s[lts :yn xf] . wfld{s?kdf gfu / hn–b]jtfsf] af;:yfg klg xf] . clg cfrfl/s?kdf ljleGg cfrf/ / g}lts lgod kfngf ug{'kg]{ lgodgsf] :yn klg xf] . o;/L x]bf{ wf/f] jf kFw]/f]sf] jl/kl/sf nflu b]lvPsf cfrfl/s lgodx? lgDgfg';f/ 5g\M s_ wf/f]sf] 5]p5fpdf lb;f–lk;fj ug{' x'Fb}g, kmf]xf]/ kmfNg' x'Fb}g . v_ wf/f]df gfª\u} g'xfpg' x'Fb}g . u_ kfgL yflk/x]sf] a]nf wf/f]sf] dfl:t/af6 af6f] sf6\g' x'Fb}g, To;f] ePdf ufu|Ldf yfk]sf] kfgL 3f]K6ØfP/ c? g} gofF kfgL yfKg' kb{5 . 3_ wf/f]df df;'–/ut cflb kfg{' x'Fb}g . ª_ wf/f] -kfgLsf] ;|f]t_ glhs}sf j[If sf6\g' x'Fb}g . r_ wf/f], kFw]/f] jf s'jfsf] lgoldt ;/;kmfO{, dd{t;+xf/ ug{' kb{5, cflb . o;/L wf/f] jf kFw]/f], s'jf cflbh:tf kflgsf ;|f]tx?nfO{ dfgjsf] ;jf]{Qd lxtdf pkof]u ug{ dflg;sf] k':tf}F–k':tfaf6 ;+u|lxt cg'ejnfO{ clnlvt ;bfrf/sf ?kdf ljsf; ug{ k'u]sf] b]lvG5 . o:tf cfrf/x? dflg;n] k|of]u g} gug]{ k':tssf kfgfdf xf]Og x/]s dflg;sf] dgdl:t:ssf] :d[t kfgfx?df cf/f]k0f u/L x/avt k|of]hgLo

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg agfOPsf] kfOG5 . @=# af6f] / ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/ æhf] ufpFsf] d'lvof, pxL af6f] xu'jf ÛÆ sf] Joª\Uof]lQm g]kfnL ;dfhdf lgs} k|Voft 5 . o;sf] 3'dfp/f] cy{ x'G5, æcu'jf jf k|d'vn] g} s'/f] lauf5{g\Æ / l;wf cy{ x'G5, æaf6f] ;a}n] ;kmf /fVg' kb{5Æ . cem ;fj{hflgs lhDd]jf/Lsf] jxg u/L k|d'v kbLo x}l;otdf /x]sf dflg;af6 t af6f] kmf]xf]/ ug]{ sfo{ ug{' x'Fb} x'Fb}g . of] egfO{ c? ;Gbe{df klg nlIft x'G5 cu'jfx? g} lgodsf] pNnª\3gstf{ x'G5g\ . eujfg\ elQmdf slxNo} dg gnufpg] / slxNo} wd{ gug]{ Pp6f ;'s'nu'08f kfqsf] j0f{g\ kf}/fl0fs b[i6fGtdf kfOG5 . To; b[i6fGtn] eG5, æPslbg pm af6f] lxFl8/x]sf] x'G5, af6f]df vfN8f] x'G5 / ToxfF lxnf] hd]sf] x'G5 . Tof] lxnf]df p;n] d/]sf] uf]?sf] vKk/ /fv]/ ;xh?kdf km8\lsP/ cl3 hfG5 / Tof] ;'ljwf c? klg ;of} dflg;x?n] lnPsf]n] od/fhsf] Gofo axLdf s]jn To;sf/0fn] dfq p;sf] k'0o b]vfkg{ hfG5 / p;nfO{ :ju{ k7fOPsf] lyof] .Æ csf]{ k|;Ë nf]vs]{sf] 5, æjfg/ ;]gfx? >L/fdsf] cfb]zadf]lhd nª\sf hfgsf nflu k'n agfpg Jo:t lyP . Tolts}df Pp6f nf]vs{] klg cfP/ cfˆgf] k'R5/ w'nfdf rf]j]/ k'g{'kg]{ 7fpFdf uP/ k'R5/ 6S6SofP/ clnslt eP klg w"nf] emfl//x]sf] /x]5 / eujfg\ /fdn] b]v]/ p;nfO{ :ofjf;L lbFb} wfk dfgf{n] cfh;Dd klg nf]vs]{x?sf] 9f8df /ª\uLg /]vfx? ePsf] egfO{ kfOG5 .Æ oL b[i6fGtx? ;Tosf] s;Ldf 3f]6\bf sfNklgs k|tLt x'G5g\ . t/, logLx?n] wd{sf]


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

wd{sf] dfWodaf6 ;dfhsf nflu lxt / sNof0f x'g] cfjZos g}lts cfrf/0f jf ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/nfO{ k|fyldstf lbPsf] b]lvG5 tfls ;dfh ToxL dfu{df cl3 a9f];\ .

dfWodaf6 ;dfhsf nflu lxt / sNof0f x'g] cfjZos g}lts cfrf/0f jf ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/nfO{ k|fyldstf lbPsf] b]lvG5 tfls ;dfh ToxL dfu{df cl3 a9f];\ . ctM dflg;n] ;fj{hlgs?kdf cfjt\– hfjt\ ug]{ af6f]sf] ;+/If0fsf] af/]df xfd|f] k/Dk/fdf tkl;ndf pNn]lvt s'/fx? rlncfPsf] kfOG5M s_ af6f]df lb;f–lk;fj ug{' x'Fb}g, kmf]xf]/ kmfNg' jf 8ª\u'/ nufpg' x'Fb}g, ;kmf /fVg' kb{5 . v_ af6f] ldRg' x'Fb}g, vfN8f–v'N8L kfg{' x'Fb}g . u_ af6f]sf] 5]pdf j[Iff/f]k0f ug{' kb{5 . 3_ af6f]sf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ k'n–k'n];f / kf6L–kf}jf agfpg' kb{5 . ª_ cfjlws?kdf af6f]sf] k'glg{df{0f / dd{t ug{' kb{5 . r_ cfˆgf] 3/5]paf6 lxF8\g] Kofl;Psf a6'jfx?nfO{ kfgL lkpg lbg' kb{5 .


5_ /flqkv ufpFsf] af6f]af6 lxF8]/ af; a:g cg'/f]w ug]{ a6'jfx?nfO{ oyf;So vfgf / af; a:g] :yfg lbg' kb{5 .9 -n]vs clwsf/L lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] dfgjzf:q ljefucGtu{t ljBfjfl/wL ul//xg'ePsf] 5 ._

;|f]t–;fdu|L Sof] <, dgf]h klAns];G;\ &^!, d]g/f]8 lbNnL, ls;gnfn zdf{, kfFrf} ;+:s/0f, @)!# g]kfnL a[xt\ zAbsf]z, sdnfbL, sf7df8f}F, @)%$ . gLlt -ljb'/, rf0fSo, / et[{xl/_, k|:t'ltM dbgk|;fb cof{n, k|sfzgM >LdtL /dfb]jL cof{n, låtLo ;+:s/0f, @)^# h]i7 . k~rtGq, -cg'=@))#_, s[i0fs'df/L b]jL, k|sfzs afa' dfwjk|;fb zdf{, jf/f0f;L–!, ef/t . dg':d[lt, !(((, -;+ rfdgnfn uf}td, ;+:s[lt ;+:yfg Vofhf s't'a, -j]bgu/_, j/]nL, pQ/k|b]z, ef/t, ;+zf]lwt ;+:s/0fM !((& . dxfef/t, @)^@, -;+ k+ /fdk|;fb ;Tofn, afa' dfwjk|;fb zdf{, jf/f0f;L ;+:s[t–lxGbL sf]z, låtLo ;+:s/0f, df]tLnfn agf/;Lbf; klAn;;{ k|fOe]6 lnld6]8, d'b|0f–h}g]Gb| k|];, gofF lbNnL, @))! . ;bfrf/, -pw[tM lji0f' k'/f0f, xf/Lt:d[lt u|Gy, alz:6 :d[lt u|Gy cflb_ sNof0f sfof{no uLtf k|]; uf]/vk'/, lxGbL c+s, pQ/ k|b];, ef/t . Dictionary of Sociology, Jonshon, Special Indian Edition, New Dehli, Oxford A. L. Dictionary, Sixth edition (Edt.) Sally Wehmeier, Oxford University Press. Sociology, a systematic introduction, Special Indian Edition, New Delhi OECD – Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Sector A Toolkit com/search?q=Goggle+search&ie=utf8&oe=utf-8#q=sadachar+in+Wikipedia http://www.researchgate. net/publication/250174526, what is Transparency? ARTICLE in PUBLIC INTEGRITY. Ethics and political practice, Perspectives on legislative ethics



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

e|i6nfO{ l5Gg / lng kfP k'Uof] uLtfn] eG5– e|i6x¿ rf]/ x'g\ b]j]Gb|k|;fb l;6f}nf


;f/df dflg;x?n] ;'v / cfgGb vf]h]sf 5g\ / of] s;/L k|fKt x'G5 eGg] ;DaGwdf cf–cfˆgf ;f]r–ljrf/, Jojxf/, ;+:sf/ / r]i6f 5g\ . x'g t ;'v / cfgGbdf km/s 5, e]b 5 . ;'v ef}ltstf;Fu ;DalGwt 5, ;d[l4 / ef]u;Fu . cfgGb rflxF clns cflTds ljifo 5, cWofÎdsf] ljifo 5 . ;'v å}tdf cfwfl/t 5 / cfgGb cå}t 5 . h]xf];\ a'emL–ga'emL dflg;n] ;'v / cfgGb g} vf]h]sf] 5 . dflg; kb, k};f, k|lti7f, wd{ ;a}af6 ;'v / cfgGb kfpg] OR5f /fV5 / r]i6f u5{ . t/, of] k|flKtsf pkfo tyf tl/sf ;DaGwdf cWofÎd / ef}ltsjfb tyf h8jfbaLr 7"nf] cGt/ 5, dte]b 5 . cWofÎdsf] dfWod tyf cEof;af6 k|fKt cfgGbn] Nofpg] k|ltkmnx? ;]jf, k/f]ksf/, s?0ff, bof / ;j{hglxtfosf ljifo 5g\ eg] ef}lts dfu{af6 k|fKt ;'vn] hLjgnfO{ ;'ljwfo'St agfpF5, t/ ef]uL, nf]eL, :jfyL{ agfpFb} dgnfO{

cfhsf] of] ef}lts, pkef]StfjfbL / lj1fg–k|ljlwsf] o'udf, lj1fkgsf] o'udf hlt cfgGb vf]h] klg dflg; l/Qf] 5– leqaf6 vf]qmf] 5 . To;}n] ef}lts ;d[l4 eP klg ?U0f 5 dflg;, cfTdf cGwsf/df 5 . oxL sf/0f xf] ls dflg;nfO{ s]xLn] k'Ub}g, hlt eP klg vfnL, vf]qmf] / l/Qf] cg'ej u5{– dflg;n] cfk"mnfO{ .

kfkL / e|i6;Dd agfpF5 . To;}n] cfhsf] of] ef}lts, pkef]StfjfbL / lj1fg–k|ljlwsf] o'udf, lj1fkgsf] o'udf hlt cfgGb vf]h] klg dflg; l/Qf] 5– leqaf6 vf]qmf] 5 . To;}n] ef}lts ;d[l4 eP klg ?U0f 5 dflg;, cfÎdf cGwsf/df 5 . oxL sf/0f xf] ls dflg;nfO{ s]xLn] k'Ub}g, hlt eP klg vfnL, vf]qmf] / l/Qf] cg'ej u5{– dflg;n] cfk"mnfO{ . o;sf] d"n sf/0f h8tf xf], å}t xf], dgsf] ;ª\sNk ljsNk xf] . dg g} xf] h;n] dflg;nfO{ bfgj klg agfpF5, dfgj agfpF5 / O{Zj/ klg agfpF5 . ef}lts b'lgofFdf dflg;n] ;'v vfh]sf] 5, t/ ;'vsf] clnslt efg x'g] ljlQs} Tof] ;'v k'gM ljlng x'G5 / To;n] p;nfO{ pTk|]/0ff lbFb}g– sfd ub}{g . rLh, j:t' tyf dg rflxF s'/f k|fKt x'gf;fy k'gM k|lts"ntf dx;"; x'G5– c;Gtf]if a9\5 . To;}n] ef}lts ef]usf] cGTo 5}g, nf]e / kfk o;sf] kl/0ffd

xf] . e|i6 cfr/0fsf] d"n sf/0f oxL 5 cyf{t\ dgn] rfx u/]sf] ;'vsf] k|flKt x'gf;fy Tof] eGbf k[ys / 7"nf] cfsf/–k|sf/sf] ;'vsf] rfx a9]/ cfpF5 . h:tf] vfg gkfpg]n] vfg kfpg] eof] eg] Tof] eGbf dflyNnf] ;'vk|flKtsf] sfdgf hfU5– of] t k|s[ltsf] lgod g} xf] . t/, o:tf] rfx jf OR5f x'Fbf slt vfg], slt ;ª\sng ug]{, sltdf ;Gtf]if ug]{ ljifo dflg;sf] :jefj, u'0f–wd{, lzIff–;+:sf/, cfk"m x's]{–a;]sf] jftfj/0f–kl/j]z / g}lts kIfn] klg lgb]{lzt ub{5 . Pp6f nf]eL–kfkL / e|i6nfO{ hltn] klg k'Ub}g, t/ Pp6f cfbz{, g}ltstf / ;Rrf cWoflTds k'?ifnfO{ ;fdfGo cfjZostf k"/f x'Fbf ;Gt'li6 eOxfN5, ;Gt'li6 lnG5 p;n] . ef]u a'l4 / ;+u|x a'l4 x'Fb}g– o:tf 1fgLhgx?df . pgLx?n] cfh{g u/]sf] bf}nt / P]Zjo{ ax'hglxtfosf nflu vr{ ug{ rfxG5g\– o:tf ;Tk'?if . t/, ;dfhdf o:tf ;Tk'?ifx?sf] ;ª\Vof sd 5, cem

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg 36\b}5 . lj/n} 5 . dflg;n] vf]Hg] ;'vsf] OR5f, rfx tyf cfsfª\Iffsf kl5 t[i0ff, sfdgf–jf;gf, nf]e / df]xsf] 7"nf] xft 5 . of] ;a} pmhf{ cwf]udgsf] af6f] xf] . of] gsf/fÎds k|j[lQ xf] . yf]/}df ;Gt'li6 lng], afF8]/ vfg], :jR5 a:g], g}ltsjfg / cg'zfl;t x'g] dfu{ pmhf{sf] p4{udg xf] . of] ;To–lgi7f / wd{sf] dfu{ xf] . ;dfhdf h'g u'0f wd{n] lhT5, ToxL ;+:sf/ / k|j[lQ xfjL x'Fb} hfG5 . ;Îj, /h / tdf] u'0fsf] ld>0f 5 ;dfhdf, k|s[ltdf . u'0f wd{sf] k|r'/tf / j[lQs} sf/0f Pp6f nf]eL–kfkL JolStsf nflu ;+;f/df pknAw ;a} wg–bf}nt, dl0f–dfl0fSo / ;'v–ef]usf ;fwg pm PSn}nfO{ gk'u x'g;S5, p;sf] ef]u a'l4 / ;+u|x a'l4sf sf/0f . o;sf] ;du| sf/0f xfd|f] dg / lrQsf] cj:yf / bfo/f xf] . cg}lts / e|i6 dflg; dg /f]uL xf] . of] /f]usf] lgbfg dgnfO{ ;kmf ug'{ g} xf] / cWofTdn] oxL s'/f l;sfpF5 . ;dfhdf cWofÎdsf] cEof; sdhf]/ x'Fbf ;Tju'0f sd x'Fb} hfG5 / k|s[ltsf] u'0f–wd{sf] ;Gt'ng lau|G5 / g}lts kIf sdhf]/ x'G5 . kmn:j?k ;dfh / /fi6«df e|i6x?sf] laulauL a9\5 . dg o:tf] 5}7f} OGb|Lo xf], h;n] dflg;nfO{ ;fw'–;Hhg klg agfpF5 / 8fs'–n'6]/f / e|i6 klg . ;fdfGo dflg;sf] dg k|foM åGå, b'Mv / j]r}gLdf oqtq 3'ld/xG5 . of] b'Mv / j]r}gL x6fpg ef}ltsjfbLn] ef]u / ;ª\u|xsf hlt pkfo u/] klg 36\g] xf]Og, a9\g] qmd x'G5 . o;sf] sf/0f xf]– /f]usf] klxrfg gx'g' / pko'St pkrf/ ljlw gx'g' . ;+;f/df xfdL x]/f}+– ;ª\u|x ug]{sf] eGbf afF8\g]sf] hLjg g}

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;+;f/df xfdL x]/f}+– ;+u|x ug]{sf]eGbf afF8\g]sf] hLjg g} cfgGbdf 5 . nf]eL / :jfyL{sf] hLjg ;bf b'Mvdf 5 . hLjgsf] Pp6f k/d lgod s] 5 eg] hf] nf]eL 5}g, e|i6 5}g pxL cfgGbdf 5, ;'vdf 5 . lsgsL ToxfF åGå x'Fb}g .

cfgGbdf 5 . nf]eL / :jfyL{sf] hLjg ;bf b'Mvdf 5 . hLjgsf] Pp6f k/d lgod s] 5 eg] hf] nf]eL 5}g, e|i6 5}g pxL cfgGbdf 5, ;'vdf 5 . lsgsL ToxfF åGå x'Fb}g . dxfg\ cWofÎd u|Gy uLtfn] eg]sf] 5— oq?kL sd{df h] e]l6G5, Tof] afF8\g'k5{, c?nfO{ klg To;sf] ;fe]mbf/L agfpg'k5{ . oxL zf:jt lgod e'n]/ dflg; e|i6 ePsf 5g\ . :jfyL{ dfG5] ;w}+ nf]eL x'G5, nf]eL ePkl5 b'Mv, kL8f / 56k6Ldf x'G5 . lsgsL nf]en] ;Gtf]if ug{ lbFb}g . ;Gtf]ifljgf ;'v x'Fb}g . lgM:jfyL{, k/f]ksf/L / :jR5 dflg; cfgGbdf x'G5 . o;sf] sf/0f xf]– pm h] 5, To;}sf] ;Gtf]ifdf x'G5 . ;Gtf]if x'gf;fy cfgGb :jtM jxG5 . a'4 ;'?df, /fhs'df/ eP/ /xFbf b'MvL x'g'eof] / b'Mvsf] sf/0f kQf nufpg 3/ 5f]8]/ lxF8\g'eof], t/ kl5 tk:ofåf/f lgjf{0fsf] cj:yf k|fKt u/L cfglGbt x'g'eof] / Tof] cfgGb c?nfO{ afF8\g k'gM ;+;f/df kms]{/ cfpg'eof] . s[i0f, hL;;,



dxfjL/, df]xDdb, gfgs ;a}n] 1fgsf] dfWodåf/f cfgGb afF8]sf 5g\ / of] ef}lts pknAwLsf] kl/0ffd xf]Og, cWofÎdsf] kl/0ffd xf] . >Ls[i0fn] uLtfdf tL dfG5]nfO{ rf]/ eGg'ePsf] 5 . h;n] k/dfÎdf, hut\ / hLjgaf6 k|fKt j:t' cfk"m PSn} u|x0f u5{ / c?nfO{ lbFb}g . e|i6x? PSn} u|x0f u5{g\ . 5nsk6af6 c?af6 l5G5g\ / cfh{g tyf ;+u|x u5{g\, b'MvLsf] b'Mv / cfz';Fu pgLx?nfO{ k|jfx x'Fb}g, l5Gg / lng kfP k'Uof]– pgLx?nfO{ . logLx?n] ;dfh / /fi6«nfO{ ljs[t agfpF5g\, bf]xg u5{g\ . To;}n] oL rf]/ g} x'g\ . uLtfdf lognfO{ rf]/ eGg'sf] sf/0f oL nf]eL–kfkL eP/ g} xf] . of] hut\df cfgGbsf] cg'ej c?nfO{ lbg'df g} 5 . To;}n] cfgGbsf] k5fl8 bfg 5 . wg, ljBf, 1fg, zLk, ljj]s ;a} bfgsf] kl/lwdf cfpF5g\ / o;/L cfP eg] ;dfh ;'vL x'G5 . t/, e|i6x?nfO{ bfgsf] dtnj x'Fb}g . pgLx?n] ug]{ bfg klg b]vfj6L / cfˆg} :jfy{sf nflu x'G5, k|rf/d'vL x'G5 . cfˆg} :jfy{sf] OR5f / cfsfª\Iffn] b]vfj6L bfg ug]{x? uLtfdf elgPsf rf]/sf] kl/efiff leq} k5{g\ . unt Wo]o / j[lQaf6 sdfPsf] bf}ntsf] bfg hlt u/] klg To;sf] cy{ 5}g . Tof] wgdf cfh{gsf] dfWod g} k|b"lift / ljiffSt x'G5 . d'Vo s'/f efj cyf{t\ cfzo / x[bosf] s'/f klg 5 . ljiffSt dgn] cflh{t wg ljiffSt x'G5 . To;}n] /fi6« ;dfhsf] lxt ug{ ;St}g . ;Rrf sdfO{sf] wg, Odfgsf] wg Ps ?k}ofF g} eP klg Tof] d"Nojfg x'G5 . t/, cfhsn ;Gt dxfÎdf egfpFbf, ef]uL–1fgL egfpFbfx? klg sfnf] wgsf] cfh{gdf ;fd|fHo agfpF5g\, wg s;/L cfPsf] 5, Totftk{m b[li6 g}



5}g . s]jn d]/f] cf>d–dlGb/nfO{, d]/f nflu slt cfpFb}5 eGg]df dfq b[li6 ePsf] b]lvG5 . wgsf] z'4tfdf ;fw'–;Gt–dxfÎdfnfO{ t Wofg 5}g eg] ;dfhdf e|i6frf/ a9\g] g} eof] . ;+;f/sf ;a} wd{sf] ;f/df t[i0ff / :jfy{sf] z"Gotfdf g} cfgGbk|flKtsf] pkfo lglxt /x]sf] s'/f :ki6 5 . cWofÎdsf ;a} ;fwgfx? / uLtfdf >Ls[i0fn] atfPsf elSt, sd{ / 1fg–of]usf dfu{x?, oxL cfzf, t[i0ff / :jfy{ljnLg u/fpg] pkfosf ?kdf /x]sf 5g\ . To;}n] :jR5tfsf nflu wd{ ;fwgfsf] dxÎj 5 . uLtfdf atfOPsf] lgisfd sd{ / Tofusf] efjgfn] ;'veGbf cfgGbsf] dfu{ k|z:t u5{ . Pp6f cfln;fg dxn / Tof] leqsf ;'v–;'ljwfx? /fd|f] cf]5Øfg, ;'ljwfo'St :gfg3/ / ;hfj6n] /fd|f] lgb|f lbg;S5 < dgdf Jofs"ntf / ct[lKt 5 eg] ef}lts ;'ljwfsf] s'g}

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

cfh g}ltstf / ;bfrf/sf] kIf sdhf]/ eP/ g} e|i6frf/ JofKt 5 . of] s'/f /fhgLlt k|zf;goGqdf a9L dgg\ x'g h?/L 5 . cfly{s / g}lts x'Fb} ljsf; xfdL e|i6frf/lj?4sf] lqmofzLntfaf6 dfq xfl;n ug{ ;S5f}+ . To;}n] of] cleofgsf] lg/f]wfTds / pkrf/fTds b'j} pkfosf k|lqmofdf Wofg lbg'k5{ .

cy{ 5}g . e|i6frf/Lsf] dg ct[Kt dg xf] . ct[Kt dgaf6 e|i6 cfr/0f x'G5 . k|zfGt dgdf åGå / ;+u|xsf]

j]u x'Fb}g / Go"g x'G5 . To;}n] cWofTdsf], wd{sf] / ;fwgfsf] dxTj 5 . Pp6f cWoflTds JolSt g}ltsjfg x'G5, g}ltsjfg JolSt e|i6 x'g ;St}g . cfh g}ltstf / ;bfrf/sf] kIf sdhf]/ eP/ g} e|i6frf/ JofKt 5 . of] s'/f /fhgLlt k|zf;goGqdf a9L dgg\ x'g h?/L 5 . cfly{s / g}lts x'Fb} ljsf; xfdL e|i6frf/lj?4sf] lqmofzLntfaf6 dfq xfl;n ug{ ;S5f}+ . To;}n] of] cleofgsf] lg/f]wfÎds / pkrf/fÎds b'j} pkfosf k|lqmofdf Wofg lbg'k5{ . o;sf nflu gLltut, k|lqmofut / ;+/rgfut ;'wf/ / b[9 ;fx;sf] cfjZostf 5 . of] ;fx; cWofTdsf] cEof;af6 k|fKt x'G5, ;|f]t ToxfF 5 . vf]nf ;kmf /fVg d'xfg ;kmf /fVg' klg plQs} cfjZos 5 .9 -n]vs l;6f}nf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"j{;lrj x'g'x'G5 ._

;"rgfsf] xs s] xf] < ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf /x]sf ;fj{hlgs dxÎjsf] ;"rgf dfUg] / kfpg] xs g} ;"rgfsf] xs xf] . s'g} lnlvt ;fdu|L jf sfd–sf/afxLsf] cWoog jf cjnf]sg ug]{, k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk lng], e|d0f ug]{h:tf] xs klg xf] . of] ;~rf/sdL{x?sf] dfq geP/ cfd–gful/sn] ;d]t rf;f] lnO/xg'kg]{ ljifo xf] . o;sf] pkof]un] ;dfhdf kf/blz{tf, pQ/bfloÎj / 1fg clej[l4 ug{ dbt k'¥ofpg] lglZrt 5 . ;a}n] pkof]u u/f}F .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg


;Gbe{ /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnL @)!% sf]

;bfrf/ k|0ffnL g} lsgf/fdf Û /fds[i0f /]UdL


gLo lgsfosf] r'gfjaf/] k|lta4tf hgfP klg To;nfO{ lsgf/fdf kfg'{, ;+ljwfg Ps jif{df lbg] jfrf k"/f gug'{, ;+j}wflgs lgsfodf zlQm afF8rF"8 ug{sf nflu bnut ;'ljwfdf cfwfl/t lgo'lQmnfO{ ;+:yfut ug'{ tyf ;fj{hlgs n]vf ;'wfg{sf nflu dxfn]vf–k/LIfsn] lbPsf ;'emfjnfO{ a]jf:tf ug'{h:tf sfo{af6 g]kfnsf] jt{dfg /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnL ldlNsP a/fa/ 5 . ;fy}, hglgjf{lrt ;+ljwfg;ef …Joj:yflksf ;+;b\Ú sf] ul/dfnfO{ cgf:yf u/L To;aflx/ g} /fhgLlts bnx?n] ultljlw u/L 5fk nfpgsf nflu ToxfF nfg] k|j[lQ ce}m sfod /xg' klg ;bfrf/ k|0ffnLk|lt 7"nf] Joª\Uo xf] . ljut jif{ @)&! df -;g\ @)!$ sf] dfr{b]lv @)!% sf] dfr{;Dd_ /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnLnfO{ cjnf]sg ubf{ ;bfrf/ k|0ffnLnfO{ x]Ssfdf g/flvPsf] kfOG5 . Tof] cjlwdf

:yfgLo lgsfosf] r'gfjaf/] k|lta4tf hgfP klg To;nfO{ lsgf/fdf kfg'{, ;+ljwfg Ps jif{df lbg] jfrf k"/f gug'{, ;+j}wflgs lgsfodf zlQm afF8r"8 ug{sf nflu bnut ;'ljwfdf cfwfl/t lgo'lQmnfO{ ;+:yfut ug'{ tyf ;fj{hlgs n]vf ;'wfg{sf nflu dxfn]vf–k/LIfsn] lbPsf ;'emfjnfO{ a]jf:tf ug'{h:tf sfo{af6 g]kfnsf] jt{dfg /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnL ldlNsP a/fa/ 5 . ;fy}, hglgjf{lrt ;+ljwfg;ef … Joj:yflksf ;+;b\Ú sf] ul/dfnfO{ cgf:yf u/L To;aflx/ g} /fhgLlts bnx?n] ultljlw u/L 5fk nfpgsf nflu ToxfF nfg] k|j[lQ ce}m sfod /xg' klg ;bfrf/ k|0ffnLk|lt 7"nf] Joª\Uo xf] .

lgjf{lrt ;+ljwfg;efsf] pkl:ylt ePsf]n] / lgjf{lrt ldlnh'nL ;/sf/ sfo{/t /x]sf]n] ;bfrf/ k|0ffnLnfO{ b'?:t /fv]/ k|hftGqdf cfjZos ;'zf;gsf cfwf/nfO{ b[9 kfg{ k|oTg x'g] w]/}sf] cfzf lyof] . kf/blz{tf, pQ/bfloÎjaf]w, / ;'zf;gsf] cEof;nfO{ clgjfo{ x'g] :ki6 hgfb]z ePsf] a]nf / ;+;b\df ;/sf/sf] ;dy{gdf ;+o'Qm?kdf b'O{ ltxfO dt ePsf] cj:yfdf klg b]zsf nflu clt cfjZos ;bfrf/ k|0ffnLnfO{ kfngf ul/Gg eg] slxn] ug]{ xf] < hgdt JoQm ePsf] / /fhgLlts bnx?nfO{ hglxtdf sfd ug{, ;'zf;g b[9 kfg{ cfjZos e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{sf nflu cfjZos /fHo zlQm, k|z:t :yfg / cj;/ ePsf] l:yltdf klg e|i6frf/sf] dfu{ 5f]8L ;bfrf/lt/ nfUg] sfd x'Fb}g eg] ef]lnsf nflu s;df e/f];f /fVg] < /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnL -/f;k|_ Pp6f To:tf] k|lqmof xf] h;n]

/fi6«sf] ;fd"lxs ;+ul7t Ifdtf tyf ;+/rgfnfO{ JoQm ul//x]sf] x'G5 . e|i6frf/ x'g glbg, ePdf To;nfO{ klxNofO{ sfg"gcg';f/ bl08t ug{, ;fj{hlgs sfof{nodf ;'zf;g cEof; ug{ tyf hgtfnfO{ cfjZos kg]{ ;]jf plrt?kdf ;dodf ;'ne u/fpgsf nflu o;n] ;Da4 ;+:yfnfO{ lqmofzLn u/fpF5 . ;fy}, ;+:yf–;+:yfaLr ;DaGw–;dGjo sfod u/L tLaLr k|hftGqdf clgjfo{ ;Gt'ng / lgoGq0f sfod ug{ klg /f;k|sf] hf]8 /x]sf] x'G5 . /f;k|df zf;g k|0ffnL;Fu cfj4 tLg ljwf sfo{sfl/0fL, Joj:yflksf / Gofokflnsf /fi6«sf lgldQ h'g;'s} a]nf klg cfjZos kg]{ :tDe x'g\ . ltgsf] ;fGble{stf /fi6«;Fu lg/Gt/?kdf /lx/x]sf] x'G5 . To;]}u/L, ;fj{hlgs If]q;Fu ufFl;Psf :tDex? —lghfdtL ;]jf, r'gfj cfof]u, ;'/Iff lgsfo, e|i6frf/lj?4sf OsfOx?, dxfn]vf–k/LIfs— ;'zf;gnfO{



cEof; ug{df a9L ;fGble{s x'g k'U5g\ . u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfx?df /f;k|;Fu lgs6?kdf cfj4 cfd–;~rf/dfWod, gful/s ;dfh, /fhgLlts bn tyf lghL If]q -Jofkf/_ sf] e"ldsfnfO{ klg sd cfFSg ;lsGg . tL ;a}sf] /fi6«sf] zf;g k|0ffnLdf cf–cfˆgf] e"ldsf /xG5 g} . e|i6frf/ x6fpg, clgoldttfnfO{ sd ug{, clVtof/sf] b'?kof]u x'g glbg tyf sfg"gsf] kfngf, ;'zf;g tyf pQ/bfloTjaf]w k|a4{g ug{ /f;k| k|efjsf/L cf}hf/ ePsf]n] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] o;nfO{ Ps ;oeGbf a9L b]zdf s]xL jif{b]lv k|of]u ul//x]sf] 5 . o;cg';f/ /f;k|sf] l:ylt cjnf]sg u/L, s]xL cg';Gwfg ;fwg k|of]u u/L klxNofOG5 . clg, ;bfrf/ cEof; ug{sf nflu s] sdL ePsf] /x]5 eGg] s'/f kQf nufOG5 . To;cg'?k of]hgf, cEof; tyf sfo{qmd nfu" u/L /fHosf ;Dk"0f{ dxTjk"0f{ :tDenfO{ ;'wf/ ul/G5 / yk b[9 kfl/G5 . /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnL, @)!% ljut jif{df /f;k|sf] l:ylt sdhf]/ ljGb'eGbf cln dflydfq /x]sf] 5 . zflAbs cy{df jf ;fª\lVos ;ª\s]tdf of] sdhf]/ gePsf] dfq xf], Ps cy{df ljZn]if0f ug]{ xf] eg] of] sdhf]/;/x g} xf] . cem uDeL/ ;Gbe{ t s] xf] eg] ljut tLg jif{df /f;k| emG8}–emG8} p:t}–p:t}

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

e|i6frf/ x6fpg, clgoldttfnfO{ sd ug{, clVtof/sf] b'?kof]u x'g glbg tyf sfg"gsf] kfngf, ;'zf;g tyf pQ/bfloTjaf]w k|a4{g ug{ /f;k| k|efjsf/L cf}hf/ ePsf]n] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] o;nfO{ Ps ;oeGbf a9L b]zdf s]xL jif{b]lv k|of]u ul//x]sf] 5 .

l:yltdf /x]sf] kfOG5 . tLg jif{sf] cGt/fndf o;df tflTjs ;'wf/ gx'g', cl3Nnf] jif{eGbf ;f/k"0f{?kdf ;sf/fTds?kn] km/s gx'g' lrGtfsf] ljifo xf] . kl/jlt{t ;dosf] dfu, hgtfsf] pn{+bf] cfsfª\Iff, ltgn] ;]jf / cGo If]qdf vf]Hg] bIftf, / k|ljlwn] lnPsf] 7"nf] km8\sf]nfO{ Wofgdf /fVg] xf] eg] tLg jif{df cf}krfl/stf dfq sfod /fVg' eg]sf] cjglt g} xf] . hg:t/df clxn] kfOg] g}/fZodf o;sf] :ki6 ;ª\s]t klg 5 .! /f;k|fsf s'g} klg Ps :tDen] alnof] x'gsf nflu cfjZos ^!—*) aLrsf] cª\s k|fKt u/]sf] 5}g . bz :tDen] $!—^) aLrsf] cª\s k|fKt u/]sf 5g\ eg] Joj:yflksf / ;fj{hlgs If]qn] @!—$) aLrsf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg cª\s kfP/ sdhf]/ l:yltdf b]lvPsf 5g\ . logsf] cª\sn] :ki6 ;ª\s]t lbG5 M g]kfnsf] /f;k|nfO{ alnof], ultzLn x'g / ;'wf/f]Gd'v x'g w]/} sfd ug'{ cfjZos 5 . sdhf]/ l:yltdf /x]sf :tDenfO{ ;'wf/ ug'{ clgjfo{ 5 lsgls ltgaf6 hgcfsfª\Iff k"/f ug]{ / hg;]jf k|bfg ug]{ s'/fdf ;an e"ldsf lgjf{x geO{ ;dfhdf ck]lIft?kdf e|i6frf/ /f]lsg] l:ylt cfpFb}g . /f;k| alnof] l:yltdf gePsf]n] e|i6frf/ Jofks?kdf a9]sf] xf] . ljut Ps jif{df ljZjsf e|i6 d'n'sdWo] g]kfnsf] l:ylt emg\ lalu|Psf] kfOG5 . g]kfnn] ;g\ @)!# df #! gDa/ NofO{ !!^ cf}+ :yfgdf /x]sf] lyof] . e|i6 l:yltaf6 aflx/ lg:sg] t/v/sf] ?kdf o;nfO{ Tof] a]nf lnOPsf] klg xf] . t/, Ps jif{kl5 @)!$ df !&% b]zdWo] @( gDa/ NofO{ g]kfn !@^ cf}+ b]zdf kl5lNt/ ws]lnPsf] 5 .@ /fhgLlts k[i7e"ldsf] b[li6sf]0faf6 x]g]{ xf] eg] ljut tLg jif{ lgs} g} km/s lyP . tLg jif{ klxn] afdkGyL g]tfsf] g]t[Tjdf ;/sf/ lyof], To;kl5 k|wfg GofofwLzsf] g]t[Tjdf sd{rf/Lsf] ;/sf/ /Xof] . clg, utjif{ lgjf{lrt ldlnh'nL k|hftflGqs g]tfsf] g]t[Tjsf] ;/sf/ sfo{/t /Xof] . tLg a]Unf–a]Un} /fhgLlts k[i7e"ldsf JolQmTjx?sf] g]t[Tjdf ;/sf/ ag] klg hgtfnfO{ ;]jf lbg], ;'zf;g k|bfg ug]{, ;bfrf/ sfod ug]{ e|i6frf/ x6fpg] lbzfdf vf;

! /f;k| @)!% ;DaGwdf ePsf] ;d"x 5nkmn, sf7df8f}+, !% dfr{, @)!% @ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] jif{]lg ug]{ u/]sf] Unf]an s/K;g k;]{K;g OG8]S;, @)!$ -o;df z"Gob]lv !)) gDa/;Dd cª\s lbOG5 . Ps ;o Nofpg]nfO{ ;bfrf/L / z"Go Nofpg]nfO{ clt e|i6 eg]/ u0fgf ug]{ cjwf/0ff cjnDag ul/Psf] x'G5, %) cª\seGbf sd Nofpg]nfO{ e|i6 dflgG5 ._

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg s]xL tflTjs ;'wf/ ePsf] b]lvGg . o; s'/fnfO{ tL tLg} jif{df /f;k| sdhf]/ ljGb'eGbf s]xLdfq dfly /x]sf] l:yltn] :ki6 kf5{ .# /fhgLlts g]t[Tjdf zf;g k|0ffnLdf ;bfrf/ sfod ug]{, e|i6frf/ x6fpg] tyf ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf] k|Tofe"lt hg:t/df lbg] /fhgLlts OR5f geP/ g} h'g;'s} /fhgLlts k[i7e"ldsf] g]t[Tj l;+xb/af/sf] cf;gdf /x] klg ;/sf/sf] sfo{z}nL p:t}, cf}krfl/stfdf cfwfl/t, hfuL/ vfg] d];f], ;/sf/L ;+zfwgnfO{ cfˆgf] lxtdf kl/rflnt ug]{ k|j[lQ b]lvPsf] xf] . k|hftGqsf, ;'zf;gsf nflu cfjZos !@ :tDe Joj:yflksf, sfo{sfl/0fL, Gofofno, ;fj{hlgs If]q, ;'/Iff lgsfo, lgjf{rg cfof]u, n]vf–k/LIf0f, e|i6frf/lj/f]wL lgsfo, /fhgLlts bn, cfd–;~rf/dfWod, gful/s ;dfh / lghL If]q g]kfndf 5g\ . ltgsf nflu sfd ug{ sfg"gL k|fjwfg klg gePsf] xf]Og .$ t/, tL cf–cfˆgf e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{ ;dy{ b]lvGgg\ . ltgsf] sfo{nfO{ cjnf]sg ubf{ sfg"gL k|fjwfg Psflt/ / cEof; csf]{lt/ uO/x]sf] kfOG5 . ;a}h;f] :tDedf /fhgLlts x:tIf]k k|jn dfqfdf /x]sf] 5 . sfg"g / cEof;aLrsf] vf8n g} g]kfndf e|i6frf/ a9\g'sf] sf/0f xf], b08xLgtfdf lj:tf/ x'g'sf] sf/0f xf] .%

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

g]kfndf :yfgLo r'gfjnfO{ 6fg]{ k|j[lQn] ubf{ :yfgLo ;/sf/sf] lgjf{lrt:j?k ;+:yfut x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . ;g\ !((@, !((& df To; txdf ePsf b'O{ r'gfjsf] k|efj ;sf/fTds eP klg ;g\ @))@ b]lv r'gfj qmdnfO{ ljljw lgx'Fdf 6fg]{ qmd clxn] klg sfod 5 . gAa] lbgsf] ;"rgfdf r'gfj ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtf lgjf{rg cfof]u;Fu ePsf] l:yltdf o;f] x'g' eg]sf] lgs} g} cgy{ xf] .

g]kfnL ;dfh / /fli6«o hLjgsf ljljw kIfsf] cg'ej 5 M e|i6frf/ a9]sf] 5, b08xLgtf df}nfPsf] 5, pQ/bfloTj kG5fpg] k|j[lQdf ef/L j[l4 ePsf] 5 . 3"; glbO{ s'g} klg ;fj{hlgs sfof{nodf sfd aGb}g eGg] hg–cg'ej 5 . g]kfndf e|i6 If]qnfO{ gcf}+NofOPsf] klg xf]Og . Ps zf]w cWoogcg';f/ /fhgLlts bn -&&Ü_, ;/sf/L sd{rf/L -^^Ü _, k|x/L -%*Ü_, Joj:yflksf -%!Ü_, Gofofno -%!Ü_, lghL If]q -#)Ü_, ;]gf -@&Ü_, z}lIfs k|0ffnL -@!Ü_, u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yf -@)Ü_, :jf:Yo ;]jf / wfld{s ;+:yf -!&Ü_ tyf cfd–;~rf/dfWodnfO{ -!$Ü_ ljljw cg'kftdf e|i6 eg]/ :ki6 kfl/Psf] xf] .^ cg'ejLx? eG5g\,

# /f;k| zf]w k|ltj]bg, 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn, @)!@, @)!$, @)!% $ ;Da4 ;+:yfsf !@ a]Unf–a]Un} jl/i7 clws[t;Fusf] cGtjf{tf{, !^—@), dfr{ @)!% % P]hg ^ Unf]an s/K;g Aof/f]ld6/, 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn, @)!# & /f;k| @)!% ;DaGwdf ul/Psf] kmf]s; u|'k 5nkmn, !% dfr{ @)!% * /f;k| zf]wsfo{, @)!%



tL ;+:yfx?df ljut b'O{ jif{df s'g} ;'wf/ ePsf] 5}g, o;}n] ltgdf clgoldttf tyf e|i6tf j[l4 qmddf 5 .& ;bfrf/sf] dfu{df oL tuf/fx? Û* g]kfndf :yfgLo r'gfjnfO{ 6fg]{ k|j[lQn] ubf{ :yfgLo ;/sf/sf] lgjf{lrt:j?k ;+:yfut x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . ;g\ !((@, !((& df To; txdf ePsf b'O{ r'gfjsf] k|efj ;sf/fTds eP klg ;g\ @))@ b]lv r'gfj qmdnfO{ ljljw lgx'Fdf 6fg]{ qmd clxn] klg sfod 5 . gAa] lbgsf] ;"rgfdf r'gfj ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtf lgjf{rg cfof]u;Fu ePsf] l:yltdf o;f] x'g' eg]sf] lgs} g} cgy{ xf] . o;af6 To; txdf jif]{lg hfg] @@ ca{ ?lkofFeGbf -lj=;+= @)&!_ a9Lsf] /sd / cGo ;+zfwgsf] lhDd]jf/Lk"0f{ k|of]u cK7Øf/f]df k/]sf] 68\sf/f] 5, clgoldttf, u}/–lhDd]jf/Lkg / kmh'n vr{, clVtof/sf] b'?kof]unfO{ af6f] v'n]sf] :ki6 5 . o;af6 :yfgLo txdf ax'kIfLo If]qdf gsf/fTds k|efj k/]sf] s'/f :ki6 g} 5 . of] s'/fnfO{ cg]s cflwsfl/s ;+:yfx?n] af/Daf/ cf}+NofP klg lg0f{o ug'{kg]{ /fhgLlts bnx?n] To;nfO{ lsgf/fdf /flv/x]sf] kfOG5 . /f;k|n] ;'zf;gsf nflu / k|hftGqsf] ;'b[9Ls/0fsf nflu clgjfo{ dfg]sf] cfjlws r'gfjnfO{ 6fg]{ k|j[lQ jf:tjdf g} Ps tuf/f]



‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

eP/ /x]sf] 5 . ;+j}wflgs cËdf /fhgLlts kf6L{sfaLr zlQm efua08f ug]{ gfddf vf; /fhgLlts kf6L{sf] ;'ljwfdf lgo'lQm lbg] k|lqmof of]kN6 a9L ;zQm?kdf :yflkt x'g k'Uof] . o;n] ubf{ clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u, lgjf{rg cfof]u, nf]s;]jf cfof]u, dxfn]vf–k/LIfssf] sfof{noh:tf ;+j}wflgs cfof]uaf6 ;'zf;gsf nflu ck]lIft :jtGq lg0f{o / Jojxf/sf] ;Defjgf sd x'g uPsf] kfOG5 . ;fy}, ;+j}wflgs cËx? /fhgLlts bn ljz]ifsf] ;]jfdf h'6\g'kg]{ afWotf o;af6 l;h{gf x'g uPsf]n] ;'zf;gdf of]ubfg k'Ug cK7Øf/f] 5 . lgjf{lrt Joj:yflksf -;+ljwfg;ef_ d'n'ssf nflu clt cfjZos sfg"g lgdf{0fdf gh'6]/ c? g} /fhgLlts d'2fdf cndlng'kg]{ / cfˆgf] lgw{fl/t af6f]df nDsg g;Sg] cj:yf utjif{ klg bf]xf]l/of] . klxnf] c;kmn ;+ljwfg;efsf] cg'ejaf6 kf7 l;Sg g;sL bf];|f] ;+ljwfg;efnfO{ klg Ps jif{;Dd ljgf p2]Zo k'/fg} ;+ljwfg;efsf] h:t} ultxLg cj:yfdf /fVg' eg]sf] g]kfndf ;'zf;gn] ck]Iff u/]sf w]/} ;'wf/nfO{ a]jf:tf ug'{ xf] . ;+;bLo Jojxf/ k|bz{gdf klg /fhgLlts bnx? o;kN6 w]/} kl5 k/]sf]n] Joj:yflksf Ps jif{;Dd cg'Tkfbs eO{ sdhf]/ l:yltdf k'u]sf] xf] . e|i6frf/ lg/fs/0f jf sd ug{

dxfn]vf–k/LIfsn] @#%$ ca{ ?lkofFsf] -lj=;+= @)&!_ n]vf–k/LIf0f ubf{ ljljw ;+:yfdf cfly{s clgoldttf, ljQLo cg'zf;gsf] kfngf gePsf] s'/f cf}+NofP klg To;tkm{ klxn]sf jif{df e}mF s'g} klg ;+:yfaf6 pko'Qm Wofg glbg' lrGtfsf] ljifo xf] . o; k|j[lQn] ljQLo cg'zf;g lau|Fb} hfg] :ki6 x'G5, h;n] k/f]If?kdf clgoldttfnfO{ g} an k'U5 .

:yflkt ;+:yfx? cfˆgf] ;+:yfsf] k|lti7f k|j4{g ug{df nfu]sf], k|rf/fTds z}nL ckgfPsf] / clgoldttf x'g], e|i6frf/ x'g], clVtof/ b'?kof]u x'g] vf;–vf; :yfgdf ;lqmo x'g g;s]sf] l:ylt lrGtfhgs 5 . ;fy}, clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u / /fli6«o ;ts{tf s]Gb||sf] e"ldsfaLrsf] cndn klg e|i6frf/ /f]Sg] ultljlwnfO{ tLj| kfg]{ lbzfdf afws g} ag]sf] kfOG5 . ;ts{tf s]Gb|df g]t[Tj txdf x'g] kl/jt{gn] o; ;+:yfnfO{ ;xL cy{df lqmofzLn agfpg afwf k/]sf] 5 . dxfn]vf–k/LIfsn] @#%$ ca{ ?lkofFsf] -lj=;+= @)&!_ n]vf–k/LIf0f ubf{ ljljw ;+:yfdf

cfly{s clgoldttf, ljQLo cg'zf;gsf] kfngf gePsf] s'/f cf}+NofP klg To;tkm{ klxn]sf jif{df e}mF s'g} klg ;+:yfaf6 pko'Qm Wofg glbg' lrGtfsf] ljifo xf] . o; k|j[lQn] ljQLo cg'zf;g lau|Fb} hfg] :ki6 x'G5, h;n] k/f]If?kdf clgoldttfnfO{ g} an k'U5 . ;fj{hlgs ljQnfO{ hyfefjL ug]{ k|j[lQ ;'zf;gsf nflu vt/fk"0f{ 5 . :tDex?sf aLr cfjZos ;Gt'ng lgoGq0fsf] sdL, /fhgLlts x:tIf]k j[xt\?kdf x'g] qmd g/f]lsg' tyf lghfdtL ;]jfnfO{ klg /fhgLlts x:tIf]ksf sf/0f e"ldsf v]Ng glbg] l:yltdf ;'wf/ ePsf] b]lvFb}g . pk/f]Qm sf/0fn] ubf{ g]kfndf e|i6frf/ a9\g uPsf] xf] / ;bfrf/sf] cleofg ylGsP/ a;]h:tf] ePsf] xf] . b]zdf e|i6frf/k|lt z"Go ;xgzLntf eGg] gf/f sfod /x] klg / e|i6frf/lj?4sf sfg"gL k|fjwfgdf sdL geP klg e|i6tf df}nfpFb}5 . e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f P]g, @)%*Ù ;'zf;g P]g, @))*Ù d'b|f lgd{nLs/0flj?4sf] P]g, @))*Ù ;"rgfsf] xs;DaGwL P]g, @))&Ù / n]vf–k/LIf0f P]g, @)$* sf ;fd' o:tf] l:ylt x'g' lrGtfsf] ljifo xf] . /f;k|sf] cjwf/0ff / efjnfO{ cjnDag u/L o;n] cf}+NofPsf lbzfdf sfo{ ug]{ xf] eg] e|i6frf/df sdL cfpFnf, ;bfrf/sf] af6f] v'Nnf Û9 -n]vs /]UdL /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnL;DaGwL cWoogsf] d'Vo cg';Gwfgstf{ x'gx' G' 5 ._

e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f cleofg ;kmn kf/f}+ .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfsf] e"ldsf z'esfGt zdf{


j{hlgs vl/b sfo{ jf ultljlw e|i6frf/sf] lgldQ ;a}eGbf a9L cfsif{0fsf] ;|f]t ag]sf] 5 . g]kfndf ;fj{hlgs vl/bdf x'g] e|i6frf/lj?4 ljleGg sfg"g, lgod / ljlgodg eP tfklg o; If]qdf e|i6frf/sf] qmd a9\bf] 5 . g]kfn ;/sf/sf] jflif{s ah]6sf] sl/a ^)Ü+ ;fj{hlgs vl/bdf vr{ x'G5 . e|i6frf/af6 Iflt ;fdfGotf !)Ü b]lv @%Ü x'g] cg'dfg ul/Psf] 5 / s'g} s'g} cj:yfdf s/f/ d"Nosf] $)Ü b]lv %)Ü ePsf] klg kfOPsf] 5 . clwsf+z sfo{–;DkfbgdWo] g]kfnsf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfgx? ;fdflhs– cfly{s p2]Zon] :yfkgf ePsf 5g\ / cfzf u/]cg'?ksf sfo{–;Dkfbg u/]sf 5}gg\ . e|i6frf/, /fhgLlts x:tIf]k, Jofj;flostfsf sdL, clws sd{rf/L / ck|rlnt k|ljlwn] ;/sf/L pBf]usf] v/fa l:yltdf of]ubfg k'¥ofPsf 5g\ . 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnn] ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfgdf ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjog u/]– kf/blz{tf, hjfkmb]xL, bIftf / ljZj;gLotf a9fO{ ;/sf/L vl/b k|lqmofdf e|i6frf/ Go"g ug]{ ck]Iff u/]sf] 5 .

g]kfn ;/sf/sf] jflif{s ah]6sf] sl/a ^)Ü ;fj{hlgs vl/bdf vr{ x'G5 . e|i6frf/af6 Iflt ;fdfGotf !)Ü b]lv @%Ü x'g] cg'dfg ul/Psf] 5 / s'g} s'g} cj:yfdf s/f/ d"Nosf] $)Ü b]lv %)Ü ePsf] klg kfOPsf] 5 .

;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf ;/sf/, Jofkf/ / gful/s ;dfhn] ;fj{hlgs vl/b sfo{df e|i6frf/lj?4 n8\g] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] ljsf; u/]sf] pkof]uL dfWod xf] . o;n] To; k|lqmofnfO{ ;d]6\5, h;n] ;/sf/ jf ;/sf/L lgsfo …k|flws/0fÚ / ;a} ;]jfk|bfosn] ;fj{hlgs sfo{ s/f/df lng'kbf{ To;df s'g} klg kIfn] k|:tfj /fVbf, 3'; dfUg' jf :jLsf/ ug'{, ;]jf k|bfos k|ltof]uL;Fu ldn]/ s/f/ xfl;n ug'{, jf k|flws/0fsf] k|ltlglwnfO{ sld;g lbg'nfO{ c:jLsf/ ub5{ . Ps :jtGq cg'udgstf{n] ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjog eP gePsf] x]b{5 / ;a} kIfn] cfˆgf k|ltj4tf ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfcg'?k kfngf u/]sf] jf gu/]sf] / ;a} ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{ lg/LIf0f ug]{ s/f/ k|lqmofdfkm{t\ k|flws/0fb]lv ;j{;fwf/0f;Dd k'¥ofpF5 . ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfn] ;]jfk|bfosnfO{ nfu" x'g] lgodx? k|:t't ub5{, sDkgLx?nfO{ 3';vf]/Laf6 b'?T;flxt ug{ pgLx?sf] k|ltof]uL klg 3';vf]/L ub}{gg\ eGg] ljZjf; lbnfpF5 . lghLs/0f jf cg'dlt–kq

lbg] lgsfon] e|i6frf/ /f]Sg] -ha/h:tL c;'Ng];d]t_ k|ltj4tfk|lt pgLx?sf] clws[tn] kfngf ub{5g\ / To; k|ltj4tfn] ubf{ kf/bzL{ tl/sf ckgfpFb5g\ . ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfg"gL?kn] afWosf/L s/f/ xf] . To;nfO{ pNnª\3g u/]df k|ltaGwsf a'Fbf nfu" x'G5g\ . o;dfk{mt\ ljQLo d'cfAhf / eljiodf 6]G8/ kfpg'af6 jl~rt;d]t u/fpg ;Sb5 . o;n] k|efjsf/L ?kn] e|i6rf/L Jojxf/nfO{ xtf]T;flxt ub5{ / ;bfrf/ ;D´f}tf s]jn ;b\efjgfsf] O;f/fdfq xf]Og . o;n] ;/sf/nfO{ ;fj{hlgs vl/b, lghLs/0f jf nfO;]lG;ª / gful/snfO{ c´ a9L ;'ljwfdf x'g] 7"nf] vr{ x'gaf6 hf]ufpF5 / e|i6frf/sf] ljs[t k|efjaf6 arfpF5 . sfof{Gjog ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf kl/of]hgfsf s]xL jf ;a} r/0fdf pko'Qm x'g ;Sb5 . d"ntM of] kl/of]hgf ultljlwsf] k"/f >[ª\vnfdf / ;a} s/f/ k|lqmofsf] x/]s r/0fdf nfu" x'g'kb{5 . Go"gtd?kdf ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf s/f/ k|lqmofsf] cfJxfg r/0fb]lv s/f/sf]



x:tfIf/;Dd hf/L x'g'k5{ . ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjogdf lglZrt ;"q k]z ug{ ;Dejt\ jf~5gLo x'Fb}g . of] k|lqmof ;b}j o;sf] cg'ejaf6 l;Sb} hfg'k5{ / ;a}df 7Ls x'g] ;+oGq gePsf]n] Ps k|;Ëaf6 csf]{df gSsn ug{ ldNb}g . o;sf] sfof{GjognfO{ ;~rf/dfWodaf6 k|rf/ ug'{kb{5 . ;Defljt af]nsaf]n ug{, 7]s]bf/ / pk–7]s]bf/n] ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfcGtu{tsf cfˆgf clwsf/ / st{Jo a'‰g'k5{ . lgofds, ;/sf/L lgoGq0fsf lgsfo / cGo ;/sf/L ljefun] klg ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf a'‰g'k5{ / s;/L o;n] sfd u5{ h;n] ubf{ o; kl/of]hgfdf lx:;]bf/ ;fdfGo gful/s -;j{;fwf/0f_ o;df ;xefuL x'g / ;xof]u ug{ ;S5g\ / of] ;xL 5, s;/L ;~rfng x'G5, s:tf] ;xefuL ;+oGqsf] k|:tfj /fv]sf] 5 / of] s;/L k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 egL yfxf x'g'kb{5 . gful/s ;dfhn]] ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjog ug{ Pp6f z'?cftstf{, ;xhstf{, cu'jf sfo{Gjogstf{ jf cg'udgstf{ eP/ dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]Ng ;Sb5 . gful/s ;dfhn] ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfnfO{ Go"gtd?kdf cg'udgstf{b]lv ;j{;fwf/0fk|lt hjfkmb]xL dfWodsf] e"ldsfdf k'¥ofpg clt cfjZos b]lvG5 . ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjog ug{sf] lglDt Ifdtf, ;|f]t, g]t[Tj, k|ltj4tf / ljZj;lgotf / ;fy} ljleGg k|of]ustf{sf] ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfk|lt Jofks hfgsf/L rflxG5 . o:tf hgr]tgf tyf k|;f/n] ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfsf] sfof{Gjog, k|j4{g / ;~rf/h:t} cGo ;/sf/L lgsfo, pBf]usf ;+u7g, gful/s ;dfh

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

g]kfndf e|i6frf/ k}mnFbf] 5 / a9\bf] ;ª\Vofdf ;fj{hlgs pBf]u If]qx?df ;d]t ;+:yfut ePsf] 5 . :jtGq e|i6frf/lj/f]wL ;+oGqsf] ?kdf ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfsf] k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 .

;+u7g, bftf / ax'kIfLo ;+u7gnfO{ 6]jf k'¥ofpg ;Sb5 . ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjog ug{, k|flws/0fn] gful/s ;dfh ;+u7gsf] ;xof]u lnFb} ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf k|lqmofdf x'g;Sg] ultljlw k|efjsf/L?kdf ;Dk"0f{ kl/of]hgfsf] 5gf]6 / s/f/ k|lqmof h;df of] nfu" x'G5Ù nIo / kl/l:yltcg';f/ ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf k|lqmofsf] l8hfOgÙ sfof{Gjog Joj:yfsf] /f]hfOÙ cg'udgsf] 5gf]6 / of] tof/ ePkl5, ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf ;Dk"0f{ s/f/ r/0fdf nfu" x'g] u/L k|of]u x'g;S5 . kl/of]hgfsf] ;kmntfdf ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf ;D´f}tfsf] e"ldsf ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfsf] ;kmn sfof{Gjog eg]sf] s/f/ k|lqmof kf/bzL{ / hjfkmb]xL 9Ëdf u/]sf] x'g' xf] . hxfF e|i6frf/ / ;d:of, cGof]n / kf/blz{tfsf] cefjn] ubf{ x'g] l9nf;':tL Go"g ePsf] cg'ej x'G5 . To;af6 kl/of]hgfsf] ;fdflhs, cfly{s / ljsf;sf nIo

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg xfl;n eO{ Go"g e|i6frf/n] k|efj sd x'G5 . o;af6 ;/sf/ / ;/sf/L sd{rf/Ldf ljZjf; Pj+ ;xeflutfsf] dof{bf a9\5 . olb e|i6frf/ eP5 eg] kQf nfU5 / k|lqmofaf6} sf/afxL ul/G5 . ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfn] ubf{ k|efjsf/L 9Ën] cfˆgf] sfd u5{ . g]kfnsf] nflu ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf g]kfndf e|i6frf/ k}mnFbf] 5 / a9\bf] ;ª\Vofdf ;fj{hlgs pBf]u If]qx?df ;d]t ;+:yfut ePsf] 5 . :jtGq e|i6frf/lj/f]wL ;+oGqsf] ?kdf ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfsf] k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 . o;f] ug{sf] lglDt pgLx?nfO{ pgsf k|ltåGåL klg unt sfddf ;+nUg xF'b}gg\ eg]/ ljZjf; lbnfpg'k5{ . ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf g]kfnsf] ;fj{hlgs pBf]udf nfu" ubf{ kl/of]hgfsf] ;'?b]lv cGt;Dd lgDg lnlvt k|d'v k|fjwfgx? ;d]6\g' kb{5 M • g]kfn ;/sf/n] ug]{ ;fj{hlgs vl/bdf ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf nfu" ubf{ sd{rf/Ln] OdfGbfl/tfsf;fy e|i6 / b"/frf/df c;+nUg gx'g] k|lt1f ug'{ kb{5 . ;fy}, ;fj{hlgs u'gf;f] ;+oGq Pj+ k|efjsf/L cg'udg / d"Nofª\sg k|0ffnL :yfkgf u5{, eGg'k5{ . • ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO{ ug]{ k|ltj4tf ug'{ kb{5 . s/f/ k|lqmofdf j}wtf, ljZjf;gLotf / kf/blz{tfsf nflu o;n] cfjZos ;"rgf ;fj{hlgs?kdf lbg' ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfsf] k|d'v ljz]iftf xf] . • s/f/ k|lqmofsf] z'?cftcl3 vl/bbf/ / 7]s]bf/nfO{ hfgsf/L lbg ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfsf] ;Demf}tf / vl/bsf] l;4fGtaf/] ;r]tgf sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog x'g'k5{ .9 -n]vs zdf{ ;bfrf/ k|l4a4tf;DaGwL cWoogsf] d'Vo cg';Gwfgstf{ x'g'x'G5._

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg



ljkt\ Joj:yfkg / gful/s lgu/fgL -gflg_ d'n'sdf xfn} cfPsf] e"sDkaf6 lglDtPsf] ljkt Joj:yfkgdf b]zleq jf ljb]zsf ;/sf/L, u}/–;/sf/L ;+3–;+:yf, wfld{s tyf Jofj;flos ;+3–;+:yf, lghL If]q tyf gful/sx?sf] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf /Xof] .

ef]h/fh kf]v/]n

e"ldsf d'n'sdf xfn} cfPsf] e"sDkaf6 lglDtPsf] ljkt Joj:yfkgdf b]zleq jf ljb]zsf ;/sf/L, u}/–;/sf/L ;+3–;+:yf, wfld{s tyf Jofj;flos ;+3–;+:yf, lghL If]q tyf gful/sx?sf] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf /Xof] . of] 5nkmn kq p4f/ / /fxtsf k|f/lDes r/0fdf ;xefuL x'g' ePsfx?sf] cg'ejsf cfwf/df gful/s ;dfhsf] casf] e"ldsf s] x'g ;Sb5 < ;f] af/]df 5nkmn cufl8 a9fpg] k|of]hgsf nflu tof/ ul/Psf] xf] . ljifo k|j]z ha ljklQ cfOnfU5 To;n] JolQm, /fi6«, ju{, hft, pd]/ s]xL g5'6ØfO{

cfpF5 df5{, gf]S;fg u5{ hfG5 . g]kfndf e"sDk hfG5 eGg] s'/f w]/} cufl8b]lv ;a}eGbf a];L cg'dfg ul/Psf] lyof] . t/, klg o;df ;a}eGbf sd tof/L /Xof] (Most Expected and Least Prepared) . o;kflnsf] e"sDkn] xfdL;Fu tTsfn p4f/ / /fxt Joj:yfkgsf] Ifdtf Pj+ ;fwg / ;|f]t kof{Kt 5}g / xfd|f] k"j{ tof/L sdhf]/ 5 eGg] b]vfof] . x'g klg sNkgf aflx/sf] ljklQsf] Joj:yfkg xfd|f] /fHosf] IfdtfeGbf aflx/sf] ePsf] s'/f :jLsf/ ug}{ kb{5 . hf] h;af6 xfdLn] tTsfn ;xof]usf] cfzf u/]sf lyof}+, tL ;+:yf jf JolQmx? :jo+ klg kLl8t lyP eGg] s'/f ;w}+ x]Ssf /fv]/ ToxL gh/af6 x]l/Pdf ;'?b]lv g} p4f/

/ /fxtdf vl6g], v6fpg] / sfd ug]{x?k|lt Gofo x'g hfg]5 . ljljw sl7gfO{sf afah"b klg p4f/ / /fxt tTsfn}af6 ;'? x'g;Sof] . o; sfddf d'n'sleq / aflx/sf] ;/sf/L, u}/–;/sf/L ;a} If]qsf] ce"tk"j{ ;+nUgtf /Xof] / o;n] pRr k|fyldstf kfof] . s]xL sdL–sdhf]/Lsf afah"b klxnf] r/0fsf] sfdaf6 ca xfdL To;kl5sf r/0fdf k|j]z ub}{5f}+ . /fxt / p4f/sf] qmddf w]/} lsl;dsf ;sf/fTds / sdL–sdhf]/Lsf kf6f b]lvP, ltgdf s]xLnfO{ tn a'Fbfut ?kdf pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . oL cg'ejx? efjL sfo{lbzf agfpg] lbzfdf ;xof]uL x'g ;Sg]5g\ .

@)&@ j}zfv !@ / To;kl5sf k/fsDkgaf6 ePsf Iflt / p4f/–/fxt;DaGwL s]xL tYofª\s ljj/0f d[ts 3fOt] ;/sf/L ejg k"0f{ Iflt ;/sf/L ejg cf+lzs Iflt lghL 3/ k"0f{ Iflt lghL 3/ cf+lzs Iflt cGt/f{li6«o :jf:Yo 6f]nL cGt/f{li6«o :jf:YosdL{ ljtl/t kfn

hDdf *&&* -%%Ü dlxnf_ @@#)# @^$( #^!& %)%%!( @&($^) *& !$)) *@!)&^

ljj/0f hDdf vf]hL /fxt–p4f/df kl/rflnt hgzlQm g]kfnL ;]gf ^^)^( g]kfn k|x/L $!&&^ ;z:q k|x/L @$&&% lghfdtL sd{rf/L @@%)) ;+nUg ljb]zL /fi6« #$ ljb]zL hgzlQm $%)) xjfO{ p8fg $@#^ ;|f]tM (assessed June 9, 2015)



;sf/fTds kf6f]x?  l;+uf] g]kfn h'?Ss} p7Øf], ljklQ;Fu h'Wg ;a} Psfsf/ eP, /fd|f] Pstf b]lvg ;Sof]Ù  ;/sf/sf vf;u/L ;'/Iff cËx?n] cfˆgf] e"ldsfaf6 cfd–g]kfnLsf] dg lhTg ;s], zfv a9fpg] df}sfsf] e/k'/ pkof]u ug{ ;s]Ù  ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|bfosx? -lah'nL, b"/;~rf/, xjfO{ ;]jf, oftfoft, :jf:Yo, vfg]kfgL_ n] ljklQsf] o; dxf38Ldf klg s]xL ckjfbnfO{ 5f8]/ ;]jfnfO{ /fd|f];Fu lg/Gt/tf lbg;s]Ù  o'jf ;d'bfo l;h{gzLn ljrf/;lxt k/f]ksf/df k|lta4 eO{ :jMk"mt{?kdf cu|efudf b]lvof] . cfk"mnfO{ lal;{of] . b]Vof] t s]jn e"sDk / To;n] NofPsf] ljklQÙ  ldl8of To;df klg vf;u/L ;f];n ldl8ofn] s]xL ckjfbnfO{ 5f8]/ ;"rgf ;Dk|]if0f / kl/rfngdf ce"tk"j{ e"ldsf lgjf{x u/]Ù  ;fdflhs, wfld{s, /fhgLlts, k/f]ksf/L ;+3–;+:yf, lghL If]q jf JolQm ljz]ifsf k/f]ksf/L dgx?n] xft k'msfP/ kLl8tnfO{ ;xof]u ug{ t5f8–d5f8 u/] . g]kfnLx?sf] ;xof]uL ;+:sf/sf] k'gM k'li6 u/]/ b]vfPÙ  cGt/f{li6«o ;d'bfon] cfk"mnfO{ g]kfnsf] ljktsf] ;Rrf ;fyL xf}+ eGg] s'/fsf] k'gM k'li6 ug]{ df}sf kfPÙ  g]kfnsf] e"sDk kLl8tx?sf] p4f/ / /fxtsf nflu ;xof]u h'6fpg ul/Psf cfXjfg / lj1fkgx?n] ;+;f/sf x/]s s'gf / ;d'bfo;Dd g]kfn / g]kfnLsf] l:yltaf/] tTsfn hfgsf/L x'g ;Sof] . dgsf/Ln] x[bo vf]n]/ ;xof]u u/]Ù  oqf] ljklQn] lgDTofPsf] ljljw

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;/sf/sf] lg0f{o Ifdtfdf k|Zg jfrs /x\of] cyf{t\ ;dodf rflxg] cfjZos lg0f{o lngaf6 r'Sof] jf u/]sf lg0f{ox? klg slG;:6]G6 /x]gg\ jf ltgn] sfof{Gjog txdf hl6ntf yk] . ;dodf rflxg] / vf]lhPsf ;"rgf lbgaf6 r'Sof] .

;d:ofsf] k[i7e"lddf ;d]t s'g} lsl;dsf] dxfdf/L k}mlng kfPg . vfg–ga:g gkfPs} sf/0faf6 s;}sf] d[To' ePsf] hfgsf/Ldf cfPsf] 5}gÙ /  ljeQm /fhgLlts zlQmx?nfO{ Ps} 7fpFdf pEofpg ;Sof] / To;n] nfdf] ;dob]lv ult/f]wdf k/]sf] ;+ljwfg lgdf{0fsf] af6f] v'Ng] ;ª\s]t b]lvP . u'gf;f / r's]sf] kf6f]  ;fj{hlgs gful/s ;/sf/n] cfˆgf] g]t[Tj / x}l;ot ;ª\s'rg u/fof], pmk|ltsf] u'gf;f] a];L /Xof] . e"sDksf] sf/0faf6 l;lh{t ce"tk"j{ Pstf / k|lta4tfnfO{ /fHosf] kIfdf h'?Ss} p7fpgaf6 r'Sof] . gful/s ;dfh klg of] cleof]uaf6 d'Qm x'g ;s]gÙ  /fxt Aoj:yfkgdf Psåf/ k|0ffnL ;f]lrof] . t/, To;n] cljZjf; a9fof] / cGttM c;kmn aGof] . bf]xf]/f]kg lgDTofof]Ù  ;/sf/sf] lg0f{o Ifdtfdf k|Zg jfrs /Xof] cyf{t\ ;dodf rflxg] cfjZos lg0f{o lngaf6 r'Sof] jf u/]sf lg0f{ox? klg slG;:6]G6 /x]gg\ jf ltgn] sfof{Gjog txdf hl6ntf yk] . ;dodf rflxg] / vf]lhPsf ;"rgf lbgaf6 r'Sof]Ù  ;dGjosf] kf6f] Psbd} sdhf]/

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg /Xof] . vf;u/L ljktsf] ljj/0f, cj:yf / /fxt Joj:yfkgsf af/]df st} w]/} k'Uof] -vf;u/L ;'ud, alnof] g]t[Tjsf] If]q, kx'Frjfnf /x]sf] 7fpF_ eg] b'u{d / kx'Fr gePsf ;'dus} klg kLl8tn] nfdf] ;do;Dd /fxt kfpg d[u d/Llrsf;/x eof] / p4f/sf] lgolt klg emG8} To:t} /Xof]Ù  u}/–;/sf/L lgsfox?aLr klg ;xsfo{, ;dGjo, kf/blz{tf / hjfkmb]lxtfsf] v8]/L k¥of]Ù  ;/sf/ / cGt/f{li6«o ;d"x vf;u/L bft[ lgsfox?aLrsf] cljZjf;sf] vf8n 7"n} ePsf] cg'e"t eof] . ;/sf/sf] k6s– k6ssf] cfXjfgsf afjh"b klg cGt/f{li6«o ;d'bfon] k|wfgdGqL ;xfotf sf]ifdf ck]Iffs[t?kdf /sd /fVg] rf;f] b]vfPgÙ  sltko cGt/f{li6«o ;d'bfon] lbPsf]–k7fPsf] /fxtsf] ;fdfgsf] n]vf–hf]vf jf x/lx;fa g} gePsf], p4f/ / /fxtsf nflu k|fKt ;xof]usf] PsLg / ;xL ljj/0f /fVg r's]sf] / To;sf] k|of]usf] kf6f]nfO{ kf/bzL{ ug{af6 r's]sf] b]lvof], hjfkmb]lxtf sdhf]/ aGof]Ù  ;/sf/ ljleGg lgsfoaLr jfl~5t dfqfdf ;xof]u / ;dGjosf] cefj /Xof] . /fHo / u}/–/fHoaLrsf] ;dGjo emg} sdhf]/ / r'gf}tLk"0f{ /Xof]Ù  /fHo, k|ltkIf nufot u}/–/fHo kIfaf6 x'g'kg]{ cg'udg / va/bf/Lsf] kf6f] sdhf]/ /Xof] . gful/s ;dfh o; dfldnfdf x/fPsf] cg'e"t w]/}n] u/]Ù  ljkt k|efljtx?sf] tYofª\s ;+sngdf hl6ntf / ltgsf] ljZj;gLotfdf cfzª\sf a9fof]Ù  ljklQsf] gfddf ;xof]u ubf{

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg wfld{s jf /fhgLlts kmfObf p7fpg vf]lhPsf] / ljZj;gLo elgPsf /fli6«o jf cGt/f{li6«o ;+:yfx?n] lbPsf] jf k|of]u u/]sf] /fxt ;fdu|L vfgof]Uo gx'Fbf–gx'Fb} klg ljt/0f x'g uof] / To:tfpk/ sf/afxL ug{af6 /fHo r'Sof] . gful/s ;dfh df}g k|foM /Xof]Ù  ljklQsf] df}sfsf] kmfObf p7fpg] k|j[lQn] df}sf kfof] . sfnfahf/Lsf nflu :j0f{ o'u ;fljt x'g k'Uof] . ;/sf/ /ldt] aGof]Ù  cGt/f{li6«o ;xof]usf] cfJxfg;Fu} xfdLnfO{ s]–s:tf] ;xof]u / ;fdfg rflxPsf] xf], ;f] :ki6 gul/gfn] sltko xfd|f cfjZostf aflx/sf If]qdf ;fwg / ;|f]t k|of]u x'g uP, bf]xf]/f]kg x'g uof]Ù /  vf;u/L kf/blz{tf / hjfkmb]lxtfsf] kf6f] sdhf]/ ;fljt eof] . l;lsPsf s]xL k|d'v kf7  ljkt Aoj:yfkgsf nflu xfnsf] sfg"gLnufot ;+:yfut ;+/rgf ck"/f], sdhf]/ / ckof{Kt 5 . ljkt / To;kl5sf] cj:yfsf] Joj:yf ug{ of] kf6f] / k|efjsf/L x'g'kb{5Ù  ljkt;Fu h'Wg ;a}sf] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf x'Fbfx'Fb} klg /fHo ;+oGq / lgsfox? ;'b[9, alnof] / ;fwg;DkGg x'g h?/L 5 . :yfgLo lgjf{lrt lgsfox?sf] pkl:ylt ckl/xfo{ 5 . :yfgLo lgsfo gx'Fbf /fHo sdhf]/ b]lvof]Ù  ljktsf avt ;d'Rr /fi6«nfO{ kl/rfng ug{ ;/sf/s} cu|ufdL / g]t[TjbfoL e"ldsf ckl/xfo{ 5Ù  k'glg{df{0f jf gjlgdf{0fsf] ;f/yL /fHo g} x'g'kb{5 . t/, p;sf] gLlt / g]t[Tjdf ;a}n] of]ubfg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

cGt/f{li6«o ;xof]usf] cfJxfg;Fu} xfdLnfO{ s]–s:tf] ;xof]u / ;fdfg rflxPsf] xf], ;f] :ki6 gul/gfn] sltko xfd|f cfjZostf aflx/sf If]qdf ;fwg / ;|f]t k|of]u x'g uP, bf]xf]/f]kg x'g uof] / vf;u/L kf/blz{tf / hjfkmb]lxtfsf] kf6f] sdhf]/ ;fljt eof] .

lbg] jftfj/0f x'g' ckl/xfo{ 5 . ;/sf/k|lt ;dy{g, ;xof]u, xf};nf / va/bf/Lsf] bx|f] jftfj/0f x'g'kb{5Ù /  ;/sf/ / o; sfo{df ;+nUgx?nfO{ hjfkmb]xL / kf/bzL{ x'g' agfOg' clgjfo{ 5 . k'g:yf{kgf, k'glg{df{0f / lgdf{0fsf] kf6f] ce}m s]xL 7fpFdf p4f/ / /fxts} r/0f /x] klg ca d'n's d"n?kdf k'g:yf{kg, k'glg{df{0f / gjlgdf{0fsf] r/0fdf k|j]z u/]sf] 5 . lgs6 eljiodf cfpg nfu]sf] jiff{taf6 kLl8tx?nfO{ s;/L ;'/lIft /fVg] / a:g} gx'g] egL elgPsf b'u{dsf afl;GbfnfO{ j}slNks :yfgdf k'g:yf{kg u/L s;/L Gofo lbg;Sg] tTsfnsf r'gf}tL log} x'g\ . o;sf ;fy}, e"sDkn] l5of–l5of agfPsf] kxf8sf] sdhf]/ cj:yfnfO{ casf] jiff{bn] s]–s:tf] c;/ kfnf{ / To;af6 l;lh{t x'g;Sg] ;Defljt yk ljktsf] Joj:yfkgdf /fi6« ;a} lsl;dsf] tof/Lsf ;fy /xg] / /fVg] kf6f] Hofb} cxd\ 5 . o;sf ;fy}, !) va{ xf/fxf/Lsf]



cfsng ul/Psf] gf]S;fgnfO{ lgdf{0f jf k'glg{df{0fsf nflu ToxL xf/fxf/Lsf] ;fwg / ;|f]t rflxg] k|f/lDes cg'dfg ul/Psf] 5 . jf:tljs Ifltsf] olsg ljj/0f tof/ ug{ pRr k|fyldstf lbO{ ;/sf/ / bftfx?sf] ;+o'Qm?kdf k|of; hf/L 5 . s]Gb|af6} vl6Psf] 6f]nL k|To]s uflj; / 3/w'/Ld} k'u]/ / ;+sngsf] sfd sl/a–sl/a ul/;s]sf] 5 . To;sf] tYofª\s ;fj{hlgs ePsf] cj:yf 5 . To;}sf] cfwf/df casf] lgdf{0fsf] bL3{sfnLg vfsf gfpg] sfdnfO{ ltj|tf lbO{+b}5 . lgs6 eljiod} x'g nfu]sf] bftfx?sf] a}7sn] lbg] ;Gb]z / k|lta4tfn] efjL dfu{lrqn] s'g ult lng] xf], To;df klg e/ kg]{ x'g ;Sb5 . k'g:yf{kgf, k'glg{df{0fnufot gjlgdf{0fnfO{ ;d]t b[li6ut u/L xfnsf] sfg"gL ;+/rgfdf k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{ / rflxg] ;+/rgf lgdf{0fsf nflu tLj| ultdf u[xsfo{ eO/x]sf 5g\ . casf] kf6f]df b]vfkg]{ ;Defljt r'gf}tL d'n's;fd' /x]sf r'gf}tL kf/ nufpg lxhf]s} ;f]r, dfgl;stf, k|lqmof / k|0ffnLaf6 ;Dej 5}g / oL sfdnfO{ o'4:t/df k|fyldstfsf ;fy n}hfg h?/L 5 . To;} klg åGåsf] Joj:yfkgd} clNem/x]sf] of] d'n'ssf] ;+j]bgzLntfnfO{ b[li6ut u/L ca x'g] / ul/g] sfd–sf/afxLn] yk hl6ntf gNofcf];\ eGg] s'/fdf ;a} kIf rgfvf] / ;+j]bgzLn x'g h?/L 5 . t}klg d'n'sn] s'g ult / lbzf n]nf eGg] s'/f b]xfosf s'/fx?n] lgwf{/0f ug]{5g\ M  e"sDk kLl8tsf gfddf h'6fOPsf jf k|fKt ;fwg / ;|f]tsf] kl/rfng Pj+ ltgsf] k|of]u / Joj:yfkg



s'g xb;Dd ;fdflhs Gofo tyf ;dGoflos lx;fan] ul/g] x'g\Ù  k|lqmofdf ;+nUg x'g]x?sf] ;dfj]lztf, sfd–sf/afxL / Jojxf/df b]lvg] cfr/0f, kf/blz{tf, hjfkmb]lxtfsf] c+z / ljZj;gLotfÙ  /fHo / hgtf tyf cGt/f{li6«o ;d'bfoaLrsf] ljZjf;sf] tx / jftfj/0fÙ /  lbOPsf jfrf / oyfy{tfsf aLrsf] tfbfDotf, sfd–sf/afxLsf] kf/blz{tf / hjfkmb]lxtfsf] dfqf . gful/ssf] s] e"ldsf x'g ;Snf < kL8fsf] 3fp ulx/f] 5 . hgtfsf cfzf / cfsfª\Iff r'lnPsf 5g\ . ;fwg / ;|f]tsf] kof{Kttf r'gf}tL g} /xg]5 . sfd ug]{ tf}/tl/sf / Jojxf/df t'?Gt} 7"nf] kl/jt{gsf] cfzf /fVg' klg unt x'g]5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf ;fdflhs Gofo, kf/blz{tf / pQ/bfloTjsf] kIfkf]if0fsf nflu :jtGq gful/s lgu/fgL emg} cfjZos x'g hfG5 . of] k[i7e"lddf / xfn} ul/Psf xfd|f cfˆg} tyf cGt/f{li6«o cg'ejsf cfwf/df ;d]t gful/sx?sf] ;d"xsf] b]xfosf If]qx?df ;sf/fTds / ;xof]uL e"ldsf x'g;Sg] ;Defjgf b]lvG5 .  kIfx?sf] lqmofsnfk ;"Id?kn] x]/L (Watchdog) kf/bzL{ / hjfkmb]xL agfpg k|f]T;fxg ug]{, bafa lbg], lhDd]jf/ agfpg k|of; ug]{Ù  gful/s ;xeflutfnfO{ k|f]T;fxg ug]{ / ;Da4 gful/sx?sf] clwsf/sf] kIfkf]if0f ug]{ (Citizenship Champion), kLl8tx?sf] ;jfn / ;d:ofnfO{ p7fpg tyf ;'wf/sf nflu jsfnt (Advocacy) ug]{Ù  l;dfGts[tx? tyf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g 5–5}g x]g]{ . kL8fsf] 3fp ulx/f] 5 . hgtfsf cfzf / cfsfª\Iff r'lnPsf 5g\ . ;fwg / ;|f]tsf] kof{Kttf r'gf}tL g} /xg]5 . sfd ug]{ tf}/tl/sf / Jojxf/df t'?Gt} 7"nf] kl/jt{gsf] cfzf /fVg' klg unt x'g]5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf ;fdflhs Gofo, kf/blz{tf / pQ/bfloTjsf] kIfkf]if0fsf nflu :jtGq gful/s lgu/fgL emg} cfjZos x'g hfG5 .

k|ltlglwTjljxLgsf] cfjfhnfO{ k|ltlglwTj (Representative) ul/lbg]Ù  /fHo tyf ahf/sf] lqmofsnfknfO{ dfu{–lgb]{lzt x'g]vfnsf d"No– dfGotf l;h{gf dbt ug]{ (Definer of Standards);

 kLl8tx?sf] hfoh ljifonfO{ cfd– jx;df NofO{ bafa ;d"x (Pressure Group) sf] sfd ug]{Ù  ljjflbt kIfx?aLr ;fy{s ;Djfbsf lgldQ ;xof]u ug]{ tyf ug{ gx'g] sfd x'gaf6 /f]Sg] k|of; ug]{, ;/sf/ / kLl8t kIf tyf cGo ;Da4 kIfx?aLr cfjZostfcg';f/ dWo:ytf u/fpg d2t ug]{, Pj+ /fd|f] eP–u/]sfsf] k|z+;f ug]{Ù  /fHo / cGo ;Da4 kIfx?n] u/]sf lg0f{o / jfrf k"/f u/]– gu/]sf] cg'udg u/L k"/f u/fpg bafa lbg]Ù /  /fhgLlts, ;fDk|bflos, wfld{s jf cGo afXo tTjaf6 :jtGq /xL lgikIf / t7:y 9Ëaf6 sfd ul/Psf] 5 jf 5}g tyf ;fdflhs, Gofo / ;dGofodf cfwfl/t

sf] / s]–s;/L gful/s ;dfhsf] AofVof Hofb} lj:t[t 5 . t/, o; k|of]hgsf nflu To:tf] gful/ssf] kl/sNkgf ul/Psf] xf], h;sf] :jo+ s'g} klg lx;fan] elgPsf sfd kmQ] ug]{ s'g} lsl;dsf] lhDd]jf/Ldf ;+nUg 5}g / p;n] ljifodf t7:y lx;fan] ;f]Rg / ;Dkfbg ug{ ;Sb5 . ;dfhsf :jtGq AolQmx? h;n] ;dfhdf pRr g}lts cfr/0f k|blz{t u/]sf 5g\, ;bfrf/ / ;dfhn] ck]Iffs[t?kdf pRr lx;fan] ljZjf; ub{5 To:tf kfqx?sf] k|ltlglwTj cGt/f{li6«o k|rng xf] . ;dfhdf ;r]tssf] sfd ug{, g}lts cleefjsTj lng / ;dfhsf ;LdfGts[t / k|ltlglwTj gePsfx?sf] kIfdf jsfnt ug{ hlxn] klg t7:y ;+:yf / JolQmx? ckl/xfo{ x'G5 . o:tf JolQmx?sf] Pp6} jf 5'§f5'§} ;d"xn] ljifout jf If]qut lx;fan] sfd ug{ ;Sb5g\ . cfjZostfcg';f/ s]Gb| / cGo txx?df o:tf ;d"x aGg] / ltgLx?n] sfdsf] cu'jfO{ ug]{5g\ . :yfoL ;+:yfsf] ?kdf ;f]lrg'eGbf k/]sf] avt tTsfn kl/rflnt x'g] jf ;do lbg] jf u/fpg] lx;fan] cu'jfx?sf] ;d"x /xg]5 . o:tf] ;d"xn] cfjZostfcg';f/ e]63f6 ug]{, lkmN8df hfg], ;Djfbsf] cu'jfO{ ug]{h:tf sfddf ;+nUg x'g]5 . ;d"xsf] sfddf ;xof]uL e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{ jf rflxPsf] ;To, tYo / tYofª\s / cfwf/x? tof/ ul/lbg lj1x?sf] ;fgf] sf]/ 6Ldsf] d2t lng ;lsg]5 . wGojfb .9 -nf]stGq ;jf]{kl/ gful/s ;d"xn] sf7df8f}+sf] xf]6n cof{ndf @)&@ h]7 @( ut] cfof]hgf u/]sf] 5nkmn sfo{qmddf k|:t't 5nkmn kq ._

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g


k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkgdf gful/s ;dfhsf] e"ldsf ;'af]ws'df/ Kofs'/]n

k[i7e"ld j}zfv !@ ut] uPsf] ljgfzsf/L e"sDk tyf To;kl5sf k/sDkgsf sf/0f * xhf/eGbf a9Lsf] d[To' ePsf] 5 eg] @@ xhf/eGbf a9L 3fOt] ePsf 5g\ . % nfv a9L ef}lts ;+/rgfx?df k"0f{ Iflt / @ nfv &) xhf/df cf+lzs Iflt ePsf] 5 . e"sDkn] !$ lhNnfdf clt k|efj kf/]sf] 5 . ljleGg lhNnfsf u/L & xhf/ * ;o ljBfnox?df Iflt k'Ubf z}lIfs sfo{qmddf c;/ k/]sf] 5 . ! xhf/ a9L :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?df Iflt x'Fbf :jf:Yo ;]jf k|efljt ePsf] 5 . P]ltxfl;s w/f]x/, ;/sf/L ejg, d7–dlGb/, h]nsf ejgx?df klg e"sDkn] Iflt k'¥ofPsf] 5 . clt k|efljt !$ lhNnfdf e"sDkn] caf}F{ /sd a/fa/sf] vfBfGg / kz'kª\IfLsf] Iflt ePsf] 5 . e"sDksf] k/fsDkgsf sf/0f hghLjg ;fdfGolt/ kms{g ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . Ps dlxgfsf] o; cjlwdf p4f/sf sfdx? k|foM ;lsPsf] cj:yf 5 . nueu # ;o

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa j}zfv !@ ut] uPsf] ljgfzsf/L e"sDk tyf To;kl5sf k/sDkgsf sf/0f aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa * xhf/eGbf a9Lsf] d[To' ePsf] 5 eg] @@ xhf/eGbf a9L 3fOt] ePsf 5g\ . % nfv a9L ef}lts ;+/rgfx?df k"0f{ Iflt / @ nfvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa &) xhf/df cf+lzs Iflt aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ePsf] 5 . e"sDkn] !$ lhNnfdf clt k|efj kf/]sf] 5 . ljleGg lhNnfsf u/L & xhf/ * ;o ljBfnox?df Iflt k'Ubf z}lIfs sfo{qmddf c;/ k/]sf] 5 .

hgfsf] cj:yf cem} c1ft /x]sf] 5 eg] s]xL d[tsx?sf] ;gfvt x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . o:tf] k|fs[lts ljkt\sf a]nf cfwf/e"t dfgjclwsf/ xgg\ x'g] hf]lvd a9L x'g] ub{5 . /fHon] t'?Gt} dfgjLo ;xfotf k|bfg ug'{sf ;fy–;fy} dfgjclwsf/ ;+/If0f ug'{kg]{ bfloTj klg lgjf{x ug'{kg]{ x'G5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf dfgjclwsf/ 7"nf dxf;lGwdWo] klg k|d'v rf/– gful/s tyf /fhgLlts clwsf/ dxf;lGw, cfly{s, ;fdflhs tyf ;f+:s[lts clwsf/ dxf;lGw, dlxnflj?4 x'g] ;a} k|sf/sf e]befj / afnclwsf/;DaGwL dxf;lGwx?åf/f k|Tofe"t clwsf/ ;+/lIft x'g' kb{5 . o;sf/0f o; k|fs[lts ljkt\df y'k|} gful/s ;+:yfn] ljleGg lqmofsnfkdfkm{t\ /fHosf lgsfonfO{ cfˆgf] bfloÎj lgjf{x u/fpgsf nflu ;xof]u ub}{cfPsf 5g\ .

j}zfv !@ ut]sf] e"sDkkl5sf] clt k|efljt !$ lhNnfdf ljz]if Wofg lbO{ ;a} lhNnfx?sf] cj:yf d cfj4 /x]sf] ;+:yfn] klg cg'udg ul//x]sf] 5 . o; cfn]vdf k|:t't ul/Psf tYofª\s www.inseconline. org af6 lnPsf x'g\ . p4f/ sfo{ p4f/ sfo{df g]kfnL ;]gf / ;z:q

;ª\s6u|:t lhNnfdf ePsf hDdf d[To'÷3fOt] ;ª\Vof



‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;ª\s6u|:t lhNnfdf ePsf d[To' / 3fOt] ;ª\Vof

k|x/Lsf] ;fy{s e"ldsf /x\of] .! l;Gw'kfNrf]s lhNnfdf e"sDk uPsf] @) ldg]6leq} ;]gf p4f/sf nflu 36gf:yndf k'lu;s]sf] lyof] . kLl8tx?nfO{ tTsfn /fxtsf nflu lhNnfl:yt k|fs[lts k|sf]k p4f/ ;ldltn] k|ltkl/jf/ b'O{ xhf/ ?lkofF pknAw u/fP/ tTsfnsf] uhf]{ 6fg{ ;xof]u k'¥ofPsf] lyof] .@ g]kfnL ;]gfn] SofDkleq} cf}ifwL pkrf/sf] Joj:yf u/]af6 3fOt] kLl8tnfO{ yk dbt k'u]sf] lyof] . p4f/ sfo{df cGo d'n'ssf ;]gf / k|fljlwsx?sf] e"sDk k|efljt lhNnfx?df u/]sf] ;xof]u klg pNn]Vo /Xof] . /fxt ljt/0f ljleGg lhNnfaf6 k|fKt ! @ # $

hfgsf/Lcg';f/ e"sDksf] s]xL xKtf;Dd /fxt ljt/0f ;'ud :yfgx? / af6f]sf] ;'ljwf ePsf 7fpFx?df dfq s]lGb|t /x]sf] lyof] .# /fxt ljt/0f ;dfg'kflts gePsf] / cfjZostfcg';f/ gePsf] kfOof] . b'u{d e]usf e"sDk kLl8tx?n] kof{Kt /fxt gkfPsf] / s]xL :yfgdf s'g} /fxt gk'u]sf] hfgsf/L xfdLn] k|fKt u/]sf 5f}+ . :yfgLo /fhgLlts bnx?n] /fxt ljt/0f cfˆgf If]qx?df s]lGb|t ubf{ /fxt ljt/0fdf /fhgLlts/0f ePsf] kfOPsf] 5 . o:tf] k|j[lQ uf]/vfdf b]lvof] . uf]/vfsf ;'ud :Yffgx?df cfjZostfeGbf a9L /fxt k'u]sf] kfOof] eg] l;Gw'kfNrf]s, wflbª, bf]nvf, sfe|], /fd]5fk / uf]/vfsf ljs6 j:tLdf xKtf lbg;Dd klg /fxt ;fdu|L k'Ug ;s]sf] lyPg .

:yfgLo k|zf;gsf] hfgsf/La]u/ /fxt ljt/0f ul/Psf lhNnfdf o:tf ;d:of b]lvPsf lyP . cem u}/–;/sf/L If]qaf6 ljtl/t /fxt ;'ud :yfgdf ljt/0f ug]{ / k|rf/d'vL /x]sf] kfOof] . cfjZostfcg'¿k /fxt ;fdu|L pknAw gx'Fbf ;d'lrt pkof]u x'g g;sL v]/ uPsf] klg kfOof] . tTsfnLg ;dodf lqkfnsf] cfjZostf a9L lyof] eg] pknAwtf sd /x]sf] OG;]s k|ltlglwsf] cg'udgsf] qmddf kfOof] . k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkgsf] tof/L / ;Ifdtf e"sDkaf6 cToGt hf]lvdo'Qm d'n'sdWo] g]kfn !! cf}F :yfgdf$ /x]sf] ;j{ljlbt eP klg

j}zfv !# ut] w'lnv]ndf cfof]lht OG;]s k|ltlglw e]nfdf l;Gw'kfNrf]s, /fd]5fk / bf]nvf k|ltlglwn] h]7 !# ut] cfof]lht e]nfdf k|:t't u/]sf] k|ltj]bgcg';f/ . OG;]ssf nlntk'/ k|ltlglw /d]zk|;fb ltdlN;gfn] nlntk'/ lhNnfdf u/]sf] :ynut cg'udgsf qmddf k|fKt tYo / w'lnv]ndf cfof]lht sfo{qmddf k|:t't k|ltj]bgsf cfwf/df .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg hf]lvd Go"lgs/0fsf nflu ;/sf/ / gful/s:t/sf] tof/L sd /x]sf] o;k6ssf] e"sDk / To;af6 l;lh{t ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfgsf qmddf b]lvof] . p4f/ sfo{df tflnd k|fKt ;]gf / ;z:q k|x/Lsf] ;ª\Vof Go"g /xg', cfjZos ;fwgx? pknAw u/fpg k"j{tof/L /x]sf] kfOPg . u}/–;/sf/L If]qaf6 lbOPsf tflndaf6 e|d ;[hgf eO{ cfdgful/sn] Hofg u'dfpg' k/]sf 36gfx? klg ;fj{hlgs eP .% e"sDkaf6 l;lh{t d"n ;d:of tyf hf]lvd -s_ cltk|efljt If]qsf lj:yflkt cfjf; clwsf/nfO{ cGt/f{li6«o dfgjclwsf/;DaGwL b:tfj]hn] k|fyldstf;fy p7fPsf 5g\ . dfgjclwsf/;DaGwL ljZjJofkL 3f]if0ff–kqsf] wf/f @% df


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g cfjf;sf] clwsf/nfO{ k|fyldstf lbOPsf] 5 . l;Gw'kfNrf]s, /;'jf, uf]/vfsf s]xL If]qx?df e"sDkkZrft\ uPsf] klx/f]sf sf/0f k"/} ufpF lj:yflkt ePsf] 5 . jiff}{Fb]lv a:b} cfPsf] yftynf]af6 oL e"sDkkLl8tx?nfO{ :yfgfGt/0f ug'{kg]{ cfjZostf b]lvPsf] 5 .^ lhNnfl:yt b}jL k|sf]k /fxt tyf p4f/ sf]ifn] e"sDksf sf/0f :yfgfGt/0f ug{'kg]{ cj:yfsf a:tLxx?sf] ;"rL a'emfO;s]sf] 5 . e"sDksf sf/0f a]kQf ePsf sl/a tLg ;o JolQmx?sf] cj:yfsfaf/]df ;/sf/nfO{ xfn;Dd s]xL yfxf x'g ;s]sf] 5}g .& -v_ k'g:yf{kgf / k'gjf{; uf]/vf, /;'jf, l;Gw'kfNrf]s, wflbª, bf]nvf / dsjfgk'/ lhNnfsf


s]xL :yfgdf e"sDkkZrft\ hldgdf lr/fx? b]lvPsf sf/0f oxfFsf hgtfn] cfkm"nfO{ ;'/lIft :yfgdf ;fg{ cfu|x u/]sf 5g\ .* casf] Ps b'O{ xKtfdf ;'? x'g] dg;'g / jiff{n] af9L klx/f] hfg] ;d:ofnfO{ dWogh/ ub}{ :yfgfGt/0fsf] Joj:yf ldnfpg' h?/L 5 . -u_ a]/f]huf/L e"sDk k|efljt If]qsf pBf]u, ko{6g, s[lif / Jofkf/df /x]sf hgzlQmnfO{ j}slNks / tTsfnLg /f]huf/sf] cfjZostf b]lvPsf] 5 . -3_ dgf];fdflhs ;d:of /fhwfgLsf c:ktfnx?df e"sDksf qf;sf sf/0f dfgl;s /f]uL a9\b} uPsf] ;"rgfx? k|fKt eO/x]sf 5g\ . e"sDksf sf/0f l;lh{t ;d:ofsf sf/0f ePsf cfTdxTofsf 36gfx?

;ª\s6u|:t lhNnfdf ePsf ;/sf/L ejg -k"0f{ Iflt÷cf+lzs Iflt_ ;ª\Vof


^ & *

ag]kf guf/kflnsf–* sf l/t]z k|wfg j}zfv !@ ut]sf] e"sDksf ;dodf 3/ aflx/ v]ln/x]sf lyP . ljBfnodf lbOPsf] e"sDk ;'/Iff;DaGwL tflndsf] cg';/0f ub}{ e"sDkaf6 hf]lug vf6d'lg n'Sg uP . df6f]n] hf]8]/ agfOPsf] 3/n] e"sDk y]u]g, pgL k'l/P . p4f/ u/L c:ktfn k'¥ofpFbf lrlsT;sn] d[t 3f]if0ff u/]sf lyP .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

;ª\s6u|:t lhNnfdf ePsf ;j{;fwf/0fsf] 3/ -k"0f{ Iflt÷cf+lzs Iflt_ ;ª\Vof

klg clen]v eO/x]sf 5g\ .( -ª_ dg;'gkl5sf ;Defljt vt/f ICIMOD -cfO{;LcfO{df]8_ nufot hnjfo' If]qdf lqmofzLn ;+:yfx?sf k|ltj]bgcg';f/ dg;'g cf/De ePkl5 e"sDku|l;t If]qdf klx/f] / af9Lsf] hf]lvd a9\g'sf ;fy} lxdtfn;d]t k'm6\g ;Sg] vt/fk|lt ;dod} ;ts{tf ckgfpg'kg]{ b]lvPsf] 5 . s]xL cg's/0fLo cEof;x? e"sDkkZrft\ k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L tyf cGo ;/sf/L sd{rf/Lx?sf] bIftfsf sf/0f s]xL lhNnfx?df p4f/ tyf /fxtsf nflu cg's/0fLo cEof; ePsf] kfOof] . e"sDkdf Hofg u'dfpg]x?sf kl/jf/nfO{ (

!) !!

;/sf/n] pknAw u/fPsf] lsl/of vr{ lngsf nflu l;Gw'kfNrf]s / dsjfgk'/ lhNnfdf ;xh k|lqmof ckgfOPsf] lyof] . kfFr hgf :yfgLo afl;Gbf / k|x/Lsf] /f]xa/df d'r'Nsf v8f u/]kl5 tL lhNnfx?df $) xhf/ ?lkofF tTsfn} pknAw u/fOPsf] lyof] t/, cGo lhNnfx?df o:tf] /fxt lng e"sDkaf6 d[To' ePsf] egL d[To' btf{ k|df0fkq clgjfo{ k]z ug'{kg]{ lgod :yfgLo k|zf;gn] nfu' u/]sf] lyof] .!) uflj; ;lrjx? cg'kl:yt ePsf sf/0f d[To' btf{ k|df0f–kq k|fKt ug{ sl7gfO{ eO/x]sf] cj:yfdf l;Gw'kfNrf]s / dsjfgk'/df ckgfOPsf] k|0ffnL ;dofg's"n /x]sf] 5 . dsjfgk'/ tyf l;Gw'nL lhNnfdf

uflj; txdf /x]sf k|fs[lts k|sf]k p4f/ ;ldltn] u/]sf] /fxt ljt/0f k|efjsf/L /x]sf] kfOof] . ;/sf/sf :yfgLo ;/f]sf/jfnf / :yfgLo kqsf/, clwsf/sdL{;d]tsf] pkl:yltdf ePsf sf/0f /fxt ljt/0f kf/bzL{ / ;'ud x'g ;s]sf] kfOof] . e"sDkaf6 lalu|Psf ;+/rgf dd{t tyf lgdf{0f cf/De u/]/ /f]huf/ l;h{gf u/]sf] pbfx/0f cGo lhNnfsf nflu klg pkof]uL x'g] b]lvG5 . kf/blz{tf ;/sf/ /fxt ljt/0fdf ;/sf/n] kf/blz{tf ckgfpg] k|of; u/]sf] 5 .!! e"sDkkZrft\ g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|wfgdGqL b}jL k|sf]k p4f/ sf]ifdf

sfe|] lhNnfdf e"sDkkl5sf] qf;n] ;tLb]jL pRr dfljsf k|frfo{ ^! jifL{o OGb|axfb'/ u]nfnn] cfTdxTof u/] . e"sDksf sf/0f pgsf] 3/ elTsPkl5 ca afFr]/ sfd 5}g eGb} pgL lxF8\g] u/]sf lyP . j}zfv !@ ut]sf] e"sDkkl5 sfe|] lhNnfdf ;fthgfn] cfTdxTof u/]sf] clen]v OG;]s sfe|] k|ltlglwn] /fv]sf 5g\ . cfTdxTof ug{'sf] sf/0f e"sDk g} eP gePsf] v'n]sf] 5}g . nlntk'/ lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{onn] d[tssf kl/jf/nfO{ lbg] elgPsf] lsl/of vr{sf nflu kf]i6df6{d k|ltj]bg / d'r'Nsf clgjfo{ ugf{n] ;dod} lsl/of vr{ kfPgg\ .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg /sd hDdf ug{ ;fj{hlgs clkn u/]sf] lyof] . o; sf]ifdf sxfFaf6 s;n] slt ;xof]u u¥of] eGg] hfgsf/L j]a;fO6dfkm{t ;fj{hlgs ug]{ ul/Psf] 5 . t/, tL sfo{ cfk}mFdf k"0f{ 5}gg\ . s'g ;fdu|L slt d"Nodf vl/b eof], sf]dfkm{t s;/L ljt/0f ul/of] eGg] :ki6 gkf?~h]n kf/blz{tf ckgfPsf] eGg] cj:yf /xGg . /fhgLlts bnx? ;'?sf lbgdf e"sDk k|efljt If]qdf /fhgLlts bn, ltgsf eft[ ;+u7gsf sfo{stf{sf] pkl:ylt lg/fzfhgs kfOof] . /fhgLlts bnx?n] sf]ifsf nflu cy{ ;ª\sng ul//x]sf 5g\ .!@ Tof] s'g k|of]hgsf nflu sf] dfkm{t, s;/L pkof]u ug]{ eGg] ljifodf eg] pgLx?n] ;fj{hlgs ug]{ u/]sf 5}gg\ . /fHonfO{ hjfkmb]xL / pQ/bfoL agfpg To:tf /sd /fHosf] sf]ifdf hDdf ug'{ bnx?sf] st{Jo x'g]5 . bnsf g]tfx?n] Psk6sdf krf;f}F nfvsf /fxt;fdu|L ljt/0f u/]sf] ;dfrf/ ;fj{hlgs eO/x]sf 5g\ . Tof] bnsf] ;ª\slnt sf]ifsf] /sd xf] jf lghL xf] jf cGo rGbfbftfaf6 k|fKt u/]/ ljt/0f u/]sf] xf], Tof] ;fj{hlgs x'g'kb{5 . cGt/f{li6«o u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfx? e"sDk k|efljt lhNnfx?df sfo{ynf] agfPsf cGt/f{li6«o u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfx? e"sDk kLl8tx?sf] /fxt tyf k'g:yf{kgfsf nflu ;lqmo /x]sf] kfOof] . e"sDkkl5sf] k'glg{df{0f tyf k'g:yf{kgfsf nflu cGt/f{li6«o u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfn] ;~rfng ug]{ !@

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

e"sDkkZrft\ g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|wfgdGqL b}jL k|sf]k p4f/ sf]ifdf /sd hDdf ug{ ;fj{hlgs clkn u/]sf] lyof] . o; sf]ifdf sxfFaf6 s;n] slt ;xof]u u¥of] eGg] hfgsf/L j]a;fO6dfkm{t ;fj{hlgs ug]{ ul/Psf] 5 . t/, tL sfo{ cfk}mFdf k"0f{ 5}gg\ . s'g ;fdu|L slt d"Nodf vl/b eof], sf]dfkm{t s;/L ljt/0f ul/of] eGg] :ki6 gkf?~h]n kf/blz{tf ckgfPsf] eGg] cj:yf /xGg .

sfo{ ;/sf/;Fusf] ;fem]bf/Ldf ug{ nufpg] / cg'udgsf] lhDdf :yfgLo ;/f]sf/jfnfx?dfkm{t\ ug{ nufpg'k5{ . Jofkfl/s 3/fgf tyf cGo ;+3–;+:yfsf] lgodg ljleGg Jofkfl/s 3/fgf tyf ;+:yfx?n] xhf/f}F 3/ lgdf{0f ul/lbg] eg]/ ;fj{hlgs 3f]if0ff u/]sf 5g\ . o;}u/L, u}/–cfjf;Lo g]kfnLx?sf] ;+u7gn] klg 3f]if0ff u/]sf] 5 . pgLx?af6 3f]lift 3/sf lgldQ cfjZos kg]{ k|fljlws of]Uotf, e"–pkof]u, j:tL ljsf;nufotsf ;du| 9fFrf u/L bftf ;lDdlnt cg'udg k|0ffnL / ;+/rgf tof/ u/]/ k'g:yf{kgfsf] sfd cljnDa yfNg'k5{ . ljlwsf] zf;g / hjfkmb]xLkgf dfkb08ljk/Lt lgdf{0f ug]{÷u/fpg]nfO{ sf/afxL x'g'kg]{



k|lqmof cjnDag u/fpg ;jf]{Rr cbfntdf k/]sf] /L6 lgj]bgdf ;'g'jfO eO{ cfb]z eO;s]sf] 5 . ;/sf/n] pQm ljifodf cfof]u u7g u/L sfg"gL sf/afxL cl3 a9fpg] lnlvt hjfkm ;jf]{Rr cbfntnfO{ k7fPsf] 5 . hgtf ;/sf/af6 cljnDa ;Dkfbgsf] ck]Iffdf 5g\ . gful/s ;Djfb / ;"rgf ;ª\s6sf] a]nfdf gful/sn] /fHoaf6 9f8; / ;/f]sf/sf] ck]Iff /fv]sf] x'G5 . t/ ;/sf/n] hgtfnfO{ tf/Gtf/ ;Daf]wg ug]{ / knknsf] cfˆgf] egfO{ cBfjlws ug{ ;s]g . ;fj{hlgs lgsfo hgtfsf] b}lgsLdf ;3fpg] s]xL lgsfoh:t}M g]kfn 6]lnsd, cfon lgud, /]l8of] g]kfn, g]kfn 6]lnlehgn] k|z+;gLo tj/n] sfd u/] . ;8s / k'nx?dWo] /fli6«o ;8s ;'rf? /Xof] . t/ b'u{d 7fpFsf ljB't\, ;8s, k'n, OG6/g]6 / kmf]g cem} klg e/kbf{ 5}gg\ . hgtf cGwsf/ cyjf nfdf] nf]8;]l8ª vKg afWo 5g\ . tTsfn lgoda4 ug'{kg]{ ljifox? e"sDkn] gi6 u/]sf ;Dk"0f{ If]qsf] k'glg{df{0f /fHosf] Psn a'tfaf6 dfq ;Dej 5}g . e"sDksf sf/0faf6 ePsf gf]S;fgLkl5 sltko If]qdf ug'{kg]{ ;'wf/ / ljsf;sf af/]df r]tgf / cg'ej a9]sf] 5 . /, of] a]nfdf ;/sf/n] gofF, 5l/tf] of]hgf / hjfkmb]xL sfo{z}nL lgdf{0f ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . dfgjclwsf/sf] ;j{dfGo l;4fGtcg';f/ k|To]s



JolQmsf] afFRg kfpg] clwsf/sf] /Iff /fHon] k|Tofe"t ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . o;sf nflu ;/sf/åf/f k|bfg ul/g] /fxt, k'glg{df{0f tyf k'g:yf{kgfsf] sfo{nfO{ dfgjclwsf/d}qL agfpg cjnDag ug{'kg]{ ;a} k|lqmof, sfo{of]hgf / ljlw tTsfn nfu" ug{ cfjZos x'G5 . o;sf nfluM -s_ cfjf; / a:tL ljsf; /fHosf] sfg'gL cu|flwsf/leq kg]{ u/L sfg"g lgdf{0f ug]{ . -v_ ef}ule{s / k|fs[lts ljklQhGo ljifodf ePsf cWoogx?nfO{ ;dfof]hg u/L k|:tfljt sfg"g kfl/t ug]{ . o; ljifodf lg/Gt/ cg'udg u/L kl/dfh{g, ;xof]u / ;dGjo ug{ k|efjsf/L sfg'gL ;+/rgfsf] lgdf{0f ug]{ . /fxt / k'g:yf{kgfsf sfddf cGof}n x'g] u/L ax's]Gb| / k/:k/ aflemg] s'/fsf] lgbfg sfg"gåf/f g} ;'lglZrt ug]{ . -u_ k'g:yf{kgf / k'gMlgdf{0fsf] sfddf :jb]zL tyf ljb]zL JolQm tyf ;+:yfx?;Fu ;fem]bf/L ug{ kf/bzL{, ;xeflutfd"ns, ;/n sfo{ljlwsf] lgdf{0f ug]{ . ;Dk"0f{ lqmofsnfk, n]vf–k/LIf0f / k|efj d"Nofª\sg k|ltj]bg tof/ ug]{ sfddf :yfgLo ;/sf/, bftf, e"sDkkLl8t / gful/s ;dfhsf] cy{k"0f{ ;+nUgtf /xg] s'/f ;'lglZrt ug]{ . -3_ k|fs[lts ljklQsf af/]df cfdhfgsf/L / ;+r]tgf a9fpg lzIff, ;~rf/dfWodnufot ;fj{hlgs If]qsf ljljw kmfF6nfO{ lqmofzLn agfpg] . -ª_ k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf] ;dodf /fxt / p4f/ sfo{df ;+nUg x''g'kg]{ sd{rf/L, ;'/Iff lgsfo / :jo+;]jsx?sf] cfjZostfsf]

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

;'rf? ug{ /fli6«o Ifdtf;d]t ljsf; x'g] k|lqmof cjnDag e"sDkn] gi6 ug]{ . u/]sf ;Dk"0f{ If]qsf] -`_ ;/sf/åf/f ;fj{hlgs ckLn k'glg{df{0f /fHosf] u/L :jb]z tyf ljb]zdf /x]sf Psn a'tfaf6 dfq ljifo lj1, bIf g]kfnLnfO{ ;Dej 5}g . e"sDksf k'glg{df{0f, Joj:yfkgsf] sfddf sf/0faf6 ePsf ;+nUg u/fpg] . gf]S;fgLkl5 sltko If]qdf ug'{kg]{ ;'wf/ / -6_ ljutdf ePsf ;a} k|sf/sf ljsf;sf af/]df r]tgf sdL–sdhf]/Lsf] klxrfg u/L / cg'ej a9]sf] 5 . To;sf] sfg"gL, ;+/rgfut / /, of] a]nfdf ;/sf/n] Joj:yfksLo ;'wf/ ug{ tTsfn} gofF, 5l/tf] of]hgf / sfo{bn lgdf{0f u/L sfof{/De hjfkmb]xL sfo{z}nL ug]{ . lgdf{0f ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . -7_ pBf]ux?sf] k'g:yf{kgfsf nflu ljQLo Pj+ k|fljlws ;xof]u h'6fpg] . -8_ jiff{tsf] ;dodf e"sDksLo klxrfg u/L pbf/tfk"j{s b'ik|efj;d]t ylkg] x'Fbf To;sf] pgLx?sf] cfjZostf kl/k"lt{ k"j{ tof/L ug]{ . ug]{ . -9_ /fHo / hgtfaLr hLjGt -r_ c:ktfn, ;~rf/ / gful/s ;Djfb :jf:Yorf}sL / :s"nsf :yfkgf x'g] u/L ;fj{hlgs :jf:YosdL{÷lzIfsx?nfO{ ;~rf/dfWoddfkm{t\ / ;/sf/L k|fs[lts ljklQsf sf/0f kg{ kbflwsf/Lx?sf] hgtf;Fusf] ;Sg] dgf]j}1flgs qf;sf k|ToIf ;Dks{ a9fpg] . a]nfdf ug'{kg]{ ljdz{ / pkrf/sf -0f_ gful/s d~r, u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yf ljifodf cfjZos tflnd lbg] . / z}lIfs lgsfox?;Fu ;/sf/L -5_ dlxnf, ;'Ts]/L, ue{jtL, zf/Ll/s k|zf;gsf] ;DjfbnfO{ lgoldt ckfª\utf ePsf, afnaflnsf agfpg] . / jl/i7 gful/sx?sf] ljlzi6 -t_ s[ifssf nflu xft] cf}hf/, cfjZostfsf] klxrfg u/L dn, aLp / e08f/0fsf] :yfgLo k"j{tof/Lsf] cj:yfdf /xg] . ;Lk Pj+ k|ljlw pknAw -h_ dfgjclwsf/;DaGwL /fHosf u/fpg] . s[ifssf] kz'wg, afnL tdfd ;+:yfx?nfO{ kl/rflnt / e08f/0f Ifdtfdf cfPsf] u/L /fxt, k'g:yf{kg / gf]S;fgLsf] d"Nofª\sg u/L k'glg{df{0fsf sfddf /fHon] /fxt lbg] . lgjf{x ug'{kg]{ sfg"gL bfloTj k"/f ug{ cfjZos ;xof]u lng] . ;'emfj -em_ j}b]lzs ;xof]usf] pkof]u tTsfn} ;Dkfbg ug'{kg]{ sfo{x? ubf{ of]hgfsfnkZrft\ o;sf] /]vb]v / ;Def/ u/L kl/of]hgf != ;f]n'v'Da' lhNnfsf &% k|ltzt

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg 3/ k"0f{¿kdf Iflt ePsf] / !% k|ltzt 3/ cf+lzs Iflt ePsf] k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L em+sgfy 9sfnn] atfPsf 5g\ . lhNnfnfO{ ;ª\s6u|:t lhNnf 3f]if0ff ug{ s]Gb|df l;kmfl/; u/]sf] atfP . b}jLk|sf]k p4f/ ;ldltsf cg';f/ Onfsf g+= ( sf uf]nL, rf}nfvs{ / efsfGhL tyf Onfsf g+= @ sf /fDr], v'dh'ª, ;f]tfª / a'ª5 \ ]:sfg uflj;df w]/} Iflt k'u]sf] 5 . lhNnfnfO{ ;ª\s6u|:t 3f]if0ff u/L /fxt tyf k'g:yf{kgfsf sfo{ ug]{ . @= ;/sf/n] ;ª\s6u|:t 3f]if0ff u/]afx]s  ndh'ª lhNnfsf afrf]s, s'NsL, Ondkf]v/L, b"wkf]v/L


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g / larf}/ uflj;Ù  ef]hk'/ lhNnfsf bf]efg], vftDdf, rf}sL8fF8L, s'bfssfpn] / s'n'ª uflj;Ù  vf]6fªsf nfdL8fF8f, g'gynf, vfkf{, s'le08], ;'ª\b]n, ;Nn], dËn6f/, ;'Gtn], b]jL:yfg / hn]Zj/Lnufotsf uflj;nfO{ ;ª\s6u|:t 3f]if0ff u/L /fxt tyf k'g:yf{kgfsf sfo{ ;'? ug{ . #= /fxt tyf k'g:yf{kgfdf cxf]/fq vl6Psf sd{rf/L, g]kfnL ;]gf, g]kfn k|x/L tyf ;z:q k|x/LnfO{ lbO{+b} cfPsf] b}lgseQf ! ;o @) ?lkofFn] laxfg a]n'sfsf] 5fs 6fg{ ;d:of kg]{ b]lvPsfn]


;dofg's"n a[l4 ug{ . $= lhNnfdf /fxt tyf k'g:yf{kgfdf k|of]u x'g] ;jf/L ;fwgsf nflu cfjZos t]n vr{ tyf cGo k|zf;lgs vr{sf nflu ;/sf/n] ah]6 pknAw gu/fpFbf k'g:yf{kgf tyf p4f/sf sfo{df sl7gfO ePsfn] lhNnf b}jL k|sf]k p4f/ ;ldltnfO{ cfjZos ah]6sf] Joj:yf ug{ . %= /fxt / cGo ;xof]u ljt/0fM ;/sf/L nfOg Ph]G;L / :yfgLo u}/;/sf/L ;+:yf tyf kLl8tnfO{ ;d]t ;+nUg u/fO{ uflj;:t/Lo k|fs[lts k|sf]k p4f/ ;ldlt u7g ug]{ .9 -n]vs Kofs'/]n cgf}krfl/s If]q ;]jf s]Gb|sf] cWoIf x'g'x'G5 ._

e|i6frf/sf ;DaGwdf ljleGg ;+:yfn] u/]sf] kl/efiff 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn e|i6frf/ eGgfn] ;fj{hlgs If]qdf sfd ug]{ kbflwsf/L / /fhgLlts jf ;/sf/L clws[tn] cfk"mnfO{ ;'lDkPsf] clVtof/L / zlQmsf] b'¿kof]u u/L s'g} klg JolQm jf ;Da4 JolQmx?sf] lghL kmfObfsf] nflu k|of]u ug]{ jf u}/sfg"gL Jojxf/nfO{ hgfpF5 . ljZj a}+s lghL kmfObfsf nflu ;fj{hlgs cf]xbfsf] b'¿kof]u g} e|i6frf/ xf] . ;+o'Qm /fi6«;ª\3 e|i6frf/ eGgfn] lghL nfesf] nflu ;fj{hlgs zlQmsf] b'¿kof]u xf], h;n] ;fj{hlgs lxtdf cj/f]w k}bf ub{5 . (UN Manual on Anti-Corruption Policy Vienna 2001) PlzofnL ljsf; a}Í e|i6frf/ eGgfn] ;fj{hlgs / lghL If]qdf sfo{/t kbflwsf/Lx?sf] To; lsl;dsf] Jojxf/nfO{ hgfpF5, h;af6 pgLx? cfk}mF tyf cfˆgf glhssf hf]–sf]xLnfO{ kbsf] b'¿kof]u u/L cg'lrt / u}/sfg"gL?kdf kmfObf k'¥ofpg] sfd ul/G5 . o'/f]kn ] L ;ª\3 e|i6frf/ eGgfn] ;Da4 kbflwsf/LnfO{ cfˆgf] sfo{;Dkfbgsf] qmddf cfjZos x'g] kbLo bfloTj / Jojxf/af6 ljd'v t'Nofpg] u/L k|ToIf / ck|ToIf?kdf 3"; jf c? s'g} cg'lrt kmfObf lng], lbg], dfUg], :jLsfg]{ / :jLsf/ ug{ ;Sg] l:yltnfO{ hgfpF5 .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

ljkt\ Joj:yfkgdf gful/s rf;f] 6L Pg l3ld/]


;+= @)&@ a}zfv !@ ut] dWofGx cfPsf] ljgfzsf/L e"sDk / To;kl5 cfPsf k/fsDkgsf sf/0fn] y'k|} gful/sn] Hofg u'dfPsf], w]/} JolStx? 3fOt] ePsf] / 7"nf] dfqfdf ;fj{hlgs tyf lghL ;DklQ gi6 x'g k'u]sf] 5 . o; 36gfsf af/]df 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] k|]; lj1lKt hf/L u/L ulx/f] b'Mv JoSt u/]sf] 5 . ;fy}, of] k|fs[lts k|sf]kdf k/]/ kl/jf/hg u'dfPsf gful/sx?df w}o{wf/0f ug]{ zlSt ldnf];\ eGg] sfdgf ub}{ zf]s ;GtKt kl/jf/hgk|lt 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;dj]bgf;d]t k|s6 u/]sf] 5 . o;a]nf 7"nf] k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf] ;fIfL a:g y'k|} gful/s afWo ePsf 5f}+ . o;n] xfd|f] ;fdflhs, dfgl;s / cfly{s cj:yf hh{/ agfPsf] 5 . dgf]j}1flgs ?kdf sdhf]/ agfPsf] 5 . of] Pp6f uDeL/ ;d:ofsf ?kdf ;a}sf cufl8 t]l;{Psf] 5 . ;du| /fi6«sf] lbuf] ljsf;sf] lglDt afws ePsf] 5 . e|i6frf/sf sf/0f g]kfnL ;dfh lynf]lynf]dfq ePsf] lyPg, ljgfz / cwf]ultlt/ ws]lnFb} uPsf] lyof] . /fhgLlts cl:y/tf / a9\bf] e|i6frf/sf dfem k|fs[lts

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa /fxt tyf ;xof]u lnFbf s;sf] lng] < s;sf] glng] < cg'udg s;/L aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ug]{ < kf/bzL{ agfpg] ;+oGq s] xf] < /fHo :ki6 x'g ;Sg'k5{ . o;nfO{ kf/bzL{ agfpg] / cg'udg ug]{ /fHo:t/Lo ;+oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Gq ljsf; ug{ g;Sbf aaaaaaaaaaaaaa /fHok|ltsf] cfzf, e/f];f / ljZjf; 36\bf] 5 . of] /fHon] tTsfn Wofg lbg'kg]{ dxTjk"0f{ kIf xf] .

ljklQ klg ylkg k'u]sf] 5 . ljkt\ Joj:yfkg s'g} klg d'n'ssf nflu hl6n ljifo xf] . sltko k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf] k"jf{g'dfg ug{ cfw'lgs lj1fgn] cem} klg ;s]sf] 5}g . To;f] eP klg :yfgLo:t/df pknAw ;fwg– ;|f]t / :jtM:k"mt{?kdf pknAw x'g] :jo+;]jL hgzlStnfO{ pko'St tj/n] kl/rfng ug{ ;s] p4f/ / /fxt ;/n ePsf pbfx/0f xfd|};fd' y'k|} 5g\ . ljkt\sf] cj:yfdf dfgjLo ;+j]usf sf/0f, ;xof]u / ;xof]uL xftx? k|z:t pknAw x'g] ub{5g\ . t/, To:tf] ;xof]usf] plrt Joj:yfkg ug{ g;Sbf k|sf]k k|efljtx?df g}/fZotf / ;d'bfo:t/df cGof}n /xg] u/]sf pbfx/0fx? klg 5g\ . o;y{, ljkt\ Joj:yfkg ubf{ ;|f]t–;fwgsf] ;xL ;b'kof]u ub}{ p4f/, /fxt ljt/0f / k'glg{df{0fsf sfd k|efjsf/L x'g ;s"g\ eGgfsf vflt/ 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;fj{hlgs cfXjfg u/]sf] xf] . o;n] xfdL;Fu pknAw ef}lts tyf dfgjLo ;|f]t–;fwgsf] clwstd\ pkof]u pko'St tj/n] u/L ;dod} s'g} klg

ljkt\sf] cj:yfnfO{ ;fdfGoLs/0f ub}{ n}hfg dxÎjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{ ljZjf; /flvPsf] 5 . o;cl3sf ljklQdf ;xof]usf nflu ;ª\sng ul/Psf] ;|f]t–;fwgsf] ;xL ;b'kof]u x'g g;s]sf] u'gf;f] xfdL w]/}n] ;'g]sf 5f}+ . /fxt tyf ;xof]u lnFbf s;sf] lng] < s;sf] glng] < cg'udg s;/L ug]{ < kf/bzL{ agfpg] ;+oGq s] xf] < /fHo :ki6 x'g ;Sg'k5{ . o;nfO{ kf/bzL{ agfpg] / cg'udg ug]{ /fHo:t/Lo ;+oGq ljsf; ug{ g;Sbf /fHok|ltsf] cfzf, e/f];f / ljZjf; 36\bf] 5 . of] /fHon] tTsfn Wofg lbg'kg]{ dxÎjk"0f{ kIf xf] . /fHok|ltsf] ljZjf; a9fpg klxnf] e"ldsf /fhgLlts bnn] lgjf{x ug{'k5{ . To:t}, ;~rf/dfWod, gful/s ;dfh, lghfdtL sd{rf/L, ;fj{hlgs tyf lghL If]qsf] klg plQs} lhDd]jf/L /xG5 . jf:tljstf s] xf] eg] o:tf] ljifd kl/l:yltdf d'n'ssf ;a} gful/sn] lhDd]jf/Laf]w ug{'k5{ / /fHok|ltsf] ljZjf; a9fpg'k5{ . ljklQ k|efljt geP klg kLl8tsf] gfddf /fxt ;fdfu|L lng' cg}ltstf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg xf], ck/fw xf] / e|i6frf/ klg xf] . ljkt\sf] 38Ldf ;d]t w]/} dflg;df nf]e hfUg ;S5 . o;n] g]kfnL ;dfhdf ljs[lt, lj;+ult j[l4 x'g;S5 . k'glg{df{0f / ljsf;sf] cj;/af6 cfd–gful/snfO{ al~rt u/fpg ;S5 . cy{tGqnfO{ pGgltsf] af6f]df cu|;/ x'g glbO{ w/fzfoL agfpg ;S5 . kLl8t gful/ssf] p4f/ / /fxtdf ;lqmo x'g'kg]{ cleefjssf ?kdf /x]sf] /fHosf] sdhf]/ pkl:ylt / ;|f]t–;fwgsf] b'?kof]u /f]Sg g;s]s} sf/0f ax';ª\Vos gful/s zf;gstf{ / ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf kbflwsf/Lx?k|lt ljZj:t x'g ;ls/x]sf 5}gg\ . o;nfO{ a]n}df Joj:yfkg gu/] cfd–gful/sdf g}/fZootf a[l4 x'g;Sg] ePsf] x'Fbf ;dod} kLl8tsf] /fxt, p4f/ / ;|f]t–;fwgsf] b'?kof]u /f]Sg] cleofg Odfgbf/L / k|efjsf/L ?kn] cl3 a9fpg] sfddf d'n'ssf lhDd]jf/ lgsfox? sl6a4 x'g' cfjZos 5 . h'g;'s} ljklQ cfP klg o;sf] ;fdgf ug{ /fHo ;~rfngdf /x]sf /fhgLlt1n] lgjf{x ug{ ;Sg] e"ldsf / ;lqmotfsf] ck]Iff ;a} gful/sn] ug{' ljjztf geP/ clwsf/ klg xf] . clwsf/ t xf], t/ pkof]u ul//xFbf st{Jo s]–s] x'g ;S5g\ eg]/ a'emfpg] lhDd]jf/L km]l/ klg /fHos} xf] . xfdLsxfF eg] /fhgLlt1x? lhDd]jf/L lng]eGbf kG5fpg pBt\ /x]sf] b]lvPsf] 5 . g]t[Tj lng cl3 ;g{'kg]{ /fhgLltsdL{ /fxt tyf p4f/ sfo{ k|efjsf/L x'g g;s] bf]iff/f]k0f x'g;S5 eGg] k"jf{g'dfg u/]/ sd{rf/Lsf e/df p4f/ / /fxtsf sfo{ cl3 a9fpg vf]h]sf] b]lvG5 . o;a]nf ljkt\n] dfq xf]Og,

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

h'g;'s} ljklQ cfP klg o;sf] ;fdgf ug{ /fHo ;~rfngdf /x]sf /fhgLlt1n] lgjf{x ug{ ;Sg] e"ldsf / ;lqmotfsf] ck]Iff ;a} gful/sn] ug{' ljjztf geP/ clwsf/ klg xf] . clwsf/ t xf] t/ pkof]u ul//xFbf st{Jo s] s] x'g;S5g\ eg]/ a'emfpg] lhDd]jf/L km]l/ klg /fHos} xf] . xfdL sxfF eg] /fhgLlt1x? lhDd]jf/L lng]eGbf kG5fpg pBt\ /x]sf] b]lvPsf] 5

sdhf]/ Joj:yfksLo Ifdtfn] klg xfdL ;a}nfO{ emsemSofPsf] 5, ;f]Rg afWo agfPsf] 5 . ef}lts ;+/rgf elTsg / 6'6\g ;S5g\, t/ gful/sx?aLrsf] ;fy / cfz 6'6\g lbg' x'Fb}g . /fHon] o;nfO{ cfZj:t



agfpg ;Sg'k5{ . o;sf/0f ;a} gful/sn] cfˆgf] lhDd]jf/L / st{Jo ;d]tnfO{ dgg u/L rgfvf] /xFb} lgu/fgLstf{sf ?kdf ;d]t cfk"mnfO{ pEofpg' h?/L 5 . k|fs[lts ljkt\ kLl8t gful/sk|lt ;xfg'e"lt k|s6 ub}{ / kLl8t gful/ssf] b'Mvdf ;+j]bgzLn x'Fb} ljleGg ldq/fi6«, cGt/f{li6«o ;+3–;+:yf / JolStx?n] lbPsf / lbg] cfly{s tyf k|fljlws ;xof]usf nflu ;Da4 kIfk|lt cfef/ JoSt ub}{ To;/L k|fKt ;xof]u b'?kof]u x'g glbg ljt/0f / Joj:yfkgsf nflu kf/bzL{ ;+oGq ljsf; ug{ klg e|i6frf/lj?4 ljZjJofkL?kdf lqmofzLn 6LcfO{sf] g]kfn RofK6/n] g]kfn ;/sf/;dIf cfXjfg u/]sf] 5. ;'emfj  ;Defljt ljkt\M ;fdfGotM ljkt\ b'O{vfnsf x'G5g\ . k|fs[lts / u}/–k|fs[lts ljkt\ . k|fs[lts ljkt\cGtu{t af9L, klx/f],



e"sDk, cfuhgL, xfjfx'/L, zLtnx/, cl;gf, d';nwf/] jiff{, ;'Vvf, clgsfn dxfdf/L cflb x'g\ . To:t}, u}/–k|fs[lts ljkt\cGtu{t cf}Bf]lus b'3{6gf, ljikmf]6g, ;8s b'3{6gf, ljiffn' kbfy{;Fu ;Da4 ljkt\ cflb x'g\ . o;afx]s cGo s] x'g ;S5g\ vf]h cg';Gwfg u/L ;"rL tof/ u/f}+ .  cg';Gwfg / tYofª\sM xfdLn] cg';Gwfg k|0ffnL dha't agfpg ;s]sf 5}gf}+ . o;}n] ubf{ jf:tljstf klxNofpg g;lsPsf] xf] . o;sf sf/0f s'g} klg s'/fsf] Jojl:yt ;"rgf lng / k|jfx ug{ ;s]sf 5}gf}+ . cg';Gwfg k|0ffnL / ;+oGq k|efjsf/L / pko'St ePsf 7fpFdf y'k|} ljklQnfO{ ;dodf Joj:yfkg ug{ ;lsPsf pbfx/0f xfd|f;fd' 5g\ . tYofª\s ;ª\sng u/f}+ . xfd|f k|fs[lts ;Dkbf– gbL gfnf, 7fpF cflb s]–s] 5g\ < ;f+:s[lts ;+/rgfM d7, dlGb/, kf6L, kf}jf, P]ltxfl;s

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf sf/0f ljjz eP/ k|f0f /Iff ul//x]sf gful/ssf] b'Mv a'em]/ p4f/, /fxt ljt/0f / k'gMlgdf{0fsf sfo{ /fhgLlts cfu|x k"jf{u|xaf6 dfly p7L lgikIf / lg:jfy{ tj/n] lqmofzLn xf]cf}+ .

ejg, ;+/rgf cflb s]–s] 5g\ < pBf]u, ;+/rgf s], sxfF / slt x'g\ To;;Da4 tYofª\s ;ª\sng u/f}+ . o;n] k|fs[lts u}/–k|fs[lts s'gvfnsf] ljklQ xf], s:tf] vt/f x'G5 / p4f/ tyf /fxtsf nflu s] ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] hfgsf/L k|jfx ug{ ;xof]u u5{ . To;}n] /fHosf] Wofg cg';Gwfg

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg u/L tYofª\s ;ª\sng ug]{tkm{ oyflz3| hfg' h?/L 5 .  ;"rgf k|jfxM s'g} klg k|fs[lts tyf u}/–k|fs[lts ljkt\;DaGwdf s] ePsf] xf], To;;DaGwL ;"rgf ;DefJo / pko'St dfWodaf6 ;Dk|]if0f u/f}+ . To;af6 x'g;Sg] ;Defljt vt/f, c;/, k|efj / ckgfpg'kg]{ xf]l;of/Laf/] klg hfgsf/L k|jfx u/f}+ . s'g} ljkt\df s] b'3{6gf x'g;S5 eGg] ;fdfGo cg'dfg u/L kLl8t gful/ssf] p4f/, /fxt / hLjg /Iffsf nflu tTsfn ug{ ;lsg] sfo{x? s] x'g\, To;;DaGwL ;"rgf klg lg/Gt/ k|jfx u/f}+ .  :yfoL ljkt\ Joj:yfkg, ;dGjo tyf kl/rfng ;ldlt u7gM k|fs[lts tyf u}/–k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf] o:tf 38Ldf ;a} /fhgLlts bn, gful/s ;dfhsf k|ltlglw, /fi6«;]js sd{rf/L, ;Dej eP lj1;d]tsf] ;+nUgtf /xg] u/L :yfoL k|s[ltsf] ljkt\ Joj:yfkg, ;dGjo tyf kl/rfng ;ldlt u7g u/f}+ . s'g} klg ljkt\ cfOkgf{;fy :jtM:km"t{?kdf ;f] ;ldlt ;lqmo x'g] Joj:yf u/f}+ . o:tf ;ldltnfO{ :yfgLo:t/;Dd lj:tf/ u/f}+ .  ;ª\s6sfnLg ;Dks{ gDa/ / JolStM s'g} klg ljkt\ cfOnfu] klxnf] ;"rgf /fHon] kfpg ;Sg] u/L /fHon] g} ;ª\s6sfnLg gDa/ / ;Dks{ ug{ ;lsg] JolSt tf]sf}+ . ljkt\ cfOkg]{ lalQs} :jtM:k"mt{?kdf ;lqmo x'g] k|aGw ldnfcf}+ .  k"jt{ of/LM s'g} klg k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf] ;fdgf ug{ jf To;sf] c;/af6 aRg cfjZos k"j{ tof/L ug'{ cfjZos 5 . k"j{ tof/Lsf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg nflu cfjZos sfo{x? s]–s] x'g,\ To;sf] klxrfg ug{' h?/L 5 . e"sDksf af/]df xfdL;Fu /fd|f] tof/L 5 elg/x]sf] lyof], t/ ;/sf/L tof/L To:tf] b]lvPg . o;n] e"sDksf sf/0f ePsf] Iflt / p4f/ /fxt sfo{ k|efljt ePsf] 5 . o;tkm{ Wofg lbpFm .  ljkt\ Joj:yfkg s]Gb| :yfkgfM oyflz3| /fli6«o:t/sf] ljkt\ Joj:yfkg s]Gb| :yfkgf u/f} . ;f] s]Gb|nfO{ ;|f]t–;fwg / pks/0f ;DkGg agfcf}+ . s]Gb|sf] cfly{s, k|fljlws kIf ;an kf/f}+ . p4f/ / /fxt sfo{sf nflu bIf hgzlSt tof/ ug{ ltgnfO{ k|fl1s, cNkcjlwsf] tflndsf] k|aGw u/f}+ .  kbflwsf/L klxrfgM ejg lgdf{0f cfrf/;+lxtf geP agfcf}+, eP ljkt\af6 kf7 l;sL cBfjlw u/f}+ . ax'tNn] ejg lgdf{0f ug{ :jLs[lt lbg] lhDd]jf/ kbflwsf/Lsf] klxrfg u/f}+ . ejg lgdf{0f cfrf/;+lxtf kfngf gu/L ejg lgdf{0f ug]{ gful/s / :jLs[lt lbg] kbflwsf/L ;hfo efuL 5g\ eGg] ;Gb]z k|jfx u/f}+ .  /fhgLlts cfu|xaf6 dfly p7f}+M k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf sf/0f ljjz eP/ k|f0f /Iff ul//x]sf gful/ssf] b'Mv a'em]/ p4f/, /fxt ljt/0f / k'glg{df{0fsf sfo{ /fhgLlts cfu|x–k"jf{u|xaf6 dfly p7L lgikIf / lgM:jfy{ tj/n] lqmofzLn xf]cf}+ .  p4f/ ;fdu|Lsf] k|aGwM ljkt\cg';f/ km/s km/s k|s[ltsf p4f/ ;fdu|L cfjZos kg{ ;S5g\ . xfdLsxfF cfOkg{ ;Sg] ljkt\ / cfjZos p4f/ ;fdu|Lsf] ;"rL tof/ u/f}+ . k|efljt

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

x'g;Sg] gful/s / Go"gtd p4f/ ;fdu|L pTkfbg ldlt / PS:kfo/ x'g] ldlt pNn]v u/L e08f/0f u/f}+ .  ;ª\s6sfnLg lrlsT;f tyf cf}iflwM km/s ljkt\sf nflu km/svfnsf cf}iflw / lrlsT;sLo ;'ljwf cfjZos k5{g\ . km/s–km/s ljkt\ ;Da4 :jf:Yo ;d:ofsf] ;"rL tof/ u/f}+ . tTsfn ug{ ;lsg] / s]xL ;dokl5 ug{'kg]{ pkrf/ lgSof]{n u/L To;sf nflu cfjZos k|aGw u/f}+ .  cg'udg tyf k/fdz{ ;ldltM /fxt, p4f/ / ;xof]u lng] / ljt/0f tyf kl/rfng ug]{ k|0ffnLsf] ljsf;, cg'udg / kf/bzL{ agfpg] k|of]hgsf nflu x/]s j8faf6 # hgf :yfgLo k|ltlglw;lxt xfnnfO{ uflj; ;lrjsf] g]t[Tjdf Pp6f k/fdz{ ;ldlt u7g u/f}+ .  tflndM s'g} klg ljkt\kl5 k'glg{df{0f cfjZos sfo{ xf] . o;sf nflu bIf hgzlSt cfjZos k5{ . o;sf nflu /fHon] tTsfn} k'glg{df{0f sfo{df cfjZos kg]{ bIf hgzlSt s]–s:tf rflxG5g\ <



klxrfg u/f}+ . cfjZostfcg';f/ tflnd ;~rfng u/f}+, h;n] k'glg{df{0f sfo{df ;xhtf Nofpg] lglZrt x'G5 . ;~rf/dfWodnfO{ cg'/f]wM ljkt\sf a]nf 7"nf] dfqfdf hgwg Iflt ePsf] x'g;S5 . o:tf] a]nfdf ;dfrf/ ;Dk|]if0f ubf{ cflwsfl/stf / dfgjLo ;+j]bgf Vofn ug{' cfjZos 5 . To:t}, s'g} klg ;dfrf/ ;Dk|]if0f ul//xFbf ;Gt'lnt 5–5}g < cfu|x– k"jf{u|xo'St 5 ls < Ps kIfLo jf kLl8t kIfsf b[li6sf]0f ;d]l6Psf] 5–5}g < s;}nfO{ ufnL ul/Psf] jf efjgfdf rf]6 k'Ug] ;fdu|L k/]sf] 5 ls h:tf s'/f Vofn ug{ g;s] Tof] ;dfrf/ ;fdu|L geP/ e|d aGg k'U5 . c~hfgdf ePsf uNtL yfxf kfpg]lalQs} ;Rofpgkl§ nfUg'xf];\ . cGoyf ;dfrf/ ;Dk|]if0f ug]{ ;~rf/dfWods} ljZj;gLotf 36\g ;S5 . oL ljifosf] lj1 klg ;~rf/sdL{ g} x'g\ . oL ljifodf ;Da4 ;a} ;~rf/sdL{sf] uDeL/ Wofg cfs[i6 xf]cf];\ / To:tf] uNtL x'gaf6 arf}+ / arfcf}+ .9 -l3ld/] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfndf jl/i7 ;~rf/ clws[tsf ?kdf sfo{/t x'g'x'G5._



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

ljkt\ Joj:yfkgdf kf/blz{tfsf] ;jfn lbg]z clwsf/L


lxn]–sflxF k|s[ltn] csNkgLo Wj+; dRrfpg ;S5 . k|s[ltn] dRrfPsf y'k|} Wj+zkl5 dflg;n] km]l/ l;h{gf u/]s} 5g\ . oxL cy{df elgPsf] xf]– xfdL yfs]sf cjZo 5f}+, t/ xf/]sf 5}gf} . @)&@ j}zfv !@ ut] lbpF;f] cfPsf] ljgfzsf/L e"sDk xfd|f] k':tfn] ;fdgf u/]sf] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] k|fs[lts k|sf]k xf] . of] k|fs[lts k|sf]k -e"sDk_ sf cufl8 dfgj hLjg xb};Dd czSt b]lvof] . gofF ;+ljwfg lgdf{0fsf] jx; hf]8n] rln/x]sf a]nf ;+ljwfg lgdf{0fsf] ax;nfO{ ;d]t cf]e]mn kfl/lbof] . gkf/f];\ klg lsg, hLjg g} geP ;+ljwfgsf] s] sfd < t/ ha;Dd hLjg x'G5– To;a]nf;Dd cfjZos s'/fx? ug{ 5fl8Fb}g, 5fl8Pg . To;n] clxn] lg/Gt/tf kfPsf] 5 . clxn] klg e"sDksf k/fsDkgx? cfO/x]s} 5g\ . e"sDkLo Ifltsf] n]vfhf]vf ul//x]sf 5g\ . e"sDkn] xfd|f] ;f]r, ljrf/, b}lgsL, k|fyldstf hLjgz}nLnufotsf ljljw cfofdx?df Jofks km]/abn NofOlbPsf] 5 . o;n]

k|efjsf/L Pj+ e/kbf]{ ;/sf/L ;+oGqsf] cefjdf /fxt ljt/0fdf kf/blz{tf k6Ss} b]lvPg . cfZro{ t of] s'/fdf nfU5 ls kmnfgf] 7fpFdf /fxt k'Uof] cyjf kmnfgf] lhNnfdf k'Uof] elgG5, t/ slt kl/df0fdf k'Uof] eg]/ st}af6 cflwsfl/s ;dfrf/ ;'lgFb}g . s] rflxF ;dfrf/df ;'Gg kfOG5 eg] xfdLnfO{ /fxt k'u]g, s[kof xfdLnfO{ /fxt k7fO{ lbg'xf];\ cflb–OToflb .

wgL ul/j, prgLr, of] hft p ju{, dlxnf–k'?if s]xL eg]gg\ . xfdL ;a} ;femf ;ª\s6sf] ;fu/dfly Pp6} gf}sfdf /x]5f}+ eGg] r]tgf hfu[t u/fOlbof] . e"sDksf] rk]6fdf xfd|f s}of}+ P]ltxfl;s ;Dkbfx? lgd]ife/d} gfd]6 eP . k|frLg ;Eotf / ;+:s[ltsf kvf{nx? elTsP ;Fu–;Fu} gofF Oltxf; /rgfsf 9f]sfx? klg v'Nb} uP . ca g]kfnL ;dfhsf] ;+:s[lt– snf, ;flxTo, /Ëd~r, cy{/fhgLlt e"sDks} ;]/f]km]/f]df 3'Dg]5 . cyf{t\ xfdL gofF o'udf k|j]z ub}{5f}+ . e"sDk cfPnuQ} b]zdf s]–slt Iflt eof] eGg] s;}n] olsg ug{ ;s]g . gful/sx? Hofg hf]ufpg, ;Defljt hf]lvdaf6 ;'/lIft /xg v'Nnf rf}/df hDdf eP . o:tf] ljklQdf s] ug]{– s] gug]{, ;/sf/n] klg d];f] kfpg ;s]g . 3/af6 nv]l6Psf dflg;x?nfO{ vfg]s'/f, lkpg] kfgL, rkL{, cf}iflwd"nf], cfsfz 9fSg] lqkfn s]xLsf] klg Joj:yf ;/sf/n] ug{ ;s]g . Toltdfq xf]Og, bftf / l5d]sL /fi6«x?af6 c;xfo gful/ssf gfddf cfPsf lqkfndf

;d]t Jofks clgoldttf ul/P5, eP5 . xfd|f] b]zsf] ;/sf/sf] Joj:yfkg k|0ffnLnfO{ x]g]{ xf] eg] cGo ;fdfGo cj:yfdf t nlIft ju{ ;d'bfo;Dd /fHon] ;]jf–;'ljwf pknAw u/fpg ;s]sf] 5}g eg] ljklQsf] cj:yfdf emg\ ;Dej x'g] s'/} ePg . ljklQdf ;xof]usf] ofrgf ul//x]sf ;fdfGohgx?sf kL8fbfoL b[Zox? b]v]/ dfgjLo efjgfn] b]z–ljb]zaf6 ljleGg ;+3–;+:yf, u}/–cfjf;Lo g]kfnLx?, Jofkf/L, pBf]uklt, ;dfh;]jL, snfsdL{nufot ljljw If]qaf6 ;xof]uL xftx? cu|;/ eP . s;}n] gub, s;}n] lhG;L ;xof]u u/] . t/, k|efjsf/L Pj+ e/kbf]{ ;/sf/L ;+oGqsf] cefjdf /fxt ljt/0fdf kf/blz{tf k6Ss} b]lvPg . cfZro{ t of] s'/fdf nfU5 ls kmnfgf] 7fpFdf /fxt k'Uof] cyjf kmnfgf] lhNnfdf k'Uof] elgG5, t/ slt kl/df0fdf k'Uof] eg]/ st}af6 cflwsfl/s ;dfrf/ ;'lgFb}g . s] rflxF ;dfrf/df ;'Gg kfOG5 eg] xfdLnfO{ /fxt k'u]g, s[kof xfdLnfO{ /fxt k7fO{ lbg'xf];\

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg cflb–OToflb . ljkt\ Joj:yfkgsf] k|f/lDes r/0fdf /fxt wdfwd uO/x] . xjfOhxfh, x]lnsK6/nufot uf8Lx?dfkm{t\ klg nluof] . To;/L nluPsf /fxt sxfF k'u] < sf] 5, o;sf] clen]v /fVg] < /fxt lng]x?n] g} a]OdfgL u/] ls < 7fpF–7fpFdf /fxt gkfPsfx?n] n"6kf6 u/] ls < s;}n] bf]Aa/ gfkmf u/]/ a]Rof] ls < of t ;Ifd ;/sf/L lgsfosf] pkl:ylt gePsfn] /fxt ljt/0fsf] ljifonfO{ lnP/ wldnf] kfgLdf df5f dfg]{ sfd eof] ls < x'g t e"sDkh:tf] k|fs[lts ljklQ k"j{;"rgf ljgf cfpg] ePsfn] tTsfn s]–slt Iflt eof] < tTsfnsf nflu /fxt s;/L pknAw u/fpg ;lsG5 < /fxtsf lglDt k|fyldstfsf ljifo s] x'g ;S5g\ eGg] ofjt\ k|Zgx?df ;/sf/ cndlng' :jefljs b]lvPnf . t/, /fxt ljt/0fsf] ;Gbe{df ljleGg u}/–;/sf/L Pj+ Joltmut ta/jf6 ePsf ;xof]uaf6 kLl8t gful/sx? al~rt x'g' b'Mvb\ s'/f xf] . ckf/blz{tf / clgoldttfsf] k'/fgf k|j[lQx? ljkt\ Joj:yfkgsf] l;nl;nfdf cem k|jn b]lvP . :yfgLo lgsfosf] lgjf{rg gx'Fbf /fxt ljt/0fdf emg\ w]/} r'gf}lt b]lvP . jf:tljs kLl8tx? klxrfg ug{ g;Sbf ufpFsf 6f7f–af7f / 7fn"x?n] /fxtsf] b'?kof]u u/] . ca xfdL;dIf !@ j}zfvkl5sf] ljgfzsf] n]vfhf]vf u/]/ kf/bzL{ 9Ën] k'glg{df{0fsf] sfdnfO{ ;Dk"0f{ ;|f]t–;fwgsf] kl/rfng u/]/ cufl8 a9\g'kg]{ cfjZostf 5 . /fHosf cjojx? k"j{jt\ rNg ;s]sf 5}gg\ .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

ckf/blz{tf / clgoldttfsf] k'/fgf k|j[lQx? ljkt\ Joj:yfkgsf] l;nl;nfdf cem k|jn b]lvP . :yfgLo lgsfosf] lgjf{rg gx'Fbf /fxt ljt/0fdf emg\ w]/} r'gf}lt b]lvP . jf:tljs kLl8tx? klxrfg ug{ g;Sbf ufpFsf 6f7f–af7f / 7fn"x?n] /fxtsf] b'?kof]u u/] .

dfkb08 ldr]/ agfOPsf ef}lts ;+/rgf, 9n]sf d7–dlGb/, kvf{n, k'n–k'n];fsf] pb]snfUbf] b[Zox? Pj+ e"sDksf] t/Ë;Fu} vNalnPsf dg–dl:tisx?nfO{ k"j{jt\ cj:yfdf kmsf{pg k'glg{df{0fdfkm{t\ cfly{s ljsf;df ch'{gb[li6 nufpg' cfhsf] /fli6«o cfjZostf xf] . e"sDkaf6 ePsf] IfltnfO{ k'glg{df{0f ug{sf] nflu ;/sf/sf tkm{af6 vr{ ug]{ ;+oGq / sfg"gL cfwf/df ;'wf/ cfO;s]sf] 5}g eg] bft[ lgsfosf clwsf/Lx? ;'zf;gsf] cj:yf b]vfP/ cfk"mv';L vr{ ug{ vf]lh/x]sf 5g\ . k|wfgdGqL b}jLk|sf]k p¢f/ sf]ifdf hDdf ePsf] /sd x]bf{ klg bft[ lgsfon] ljZjf; gu/]sf] b]lvG5 . ToxfF hDdf ePsf] sl/a % ca{dWo] cfwfh;f] ljb]zLsf] /sd xf] . t/, To;df klg lgoldt / 7"nf bft[ lgsfosf] of]ubfg gu0o 5 . ;/sf/nfO{ ljb]zL ;xfotfsf] 7"n} cfjZostf 5, t/ pmk|lt zª\sf klg 5 . bft[



lgsfo cGt/f{li6«o:t/d} 5lj lau|g] x'Fbf ;xfotf a9fpg tof/ 5g\ . t/, ;/sf/L ;+oGqaf/] cfZj:t x'g ;ls/x]sf 5}gg\ . vf;u/L vr{ ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtf, gLltut ;'wf/, e"sDkkl5 s'g k|sf/sf] k'glg{df{0f of]hgf cufl8 ;fg]{ eGg] ljifo :k:6 gcfpg' cfZj:t gx'g] cfwf/x? x'g\ . xfO6Lnufotsf d'n'sx?sf] cg'ejn] s] b]vfpF5 eg] bftfx? ;Dd]ngsf a]nf efj's eP/ Pp6f ;ª\sNk u5{g\ . t/, k};f lbg] a]nfdf cfgfsfgL u5{g\ . xfO6Lsf] e"sDkkl5sf] k'glg{df{0fsf nflu emG8} !) ca{ cd]l/sL 8n/ ;ª\sNk ul/Psf] lyof], t/ o;sf] cfwf /sddfq xfO6L lelqPsf] lyof] . t;y{, g]kfnsf] bftf ;Dd]ng bftfx?nfO{ pQ/bfoL agfpg / ;|f]t kl/rfng ug{ Pp6f OdfGbf/ cGt/f{li6«o ;ldlt agfpg h?/L 5 . o;sf] g]t[Tj g]kfnsf] lgdf{0fdf rf;f] /fVg] / cGt/f{li6«o 5lj ePsf] d'Vo bftf d'n'ssf] g]tfnfO{ lbFbf k|efjsf/L x'G5 . u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfsf] xsdf Pp6f cGt/f{li6«o dfkb08 s] xf] eg] s'g} ;+:yfsf] *) k|ltzteGbf a9L /sd kl/of]hgfn] nlIft u/]sf] sfo{df vr{ x'g'k5{ eg] afFsL @) k|ltzt To; ;+:yfsf] k|zf;lgs / cGo sfo{df vr{ x'g'k5{ . g]kfnsf] xsdf ;d]t of] dfkb08 sfod gug]{ cGt/f{li6«o u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfx?nfO{ pgLx? cfk}mFn] a9L k|zf;lgs vr{ a]xf]/]/ g]kfndf sfd ug'{eGbf a? ;/sf/L ;+oGqdfkm{t\ ;xof]u kl/rfng ug'{kg]{ gLlt clVtof/ ug{ h?/L 5 .9 -clwsf/L xfn 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfndf OG6g{sf ?kdf sfo{/t x'g'x'G5 ._



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

lghfdtL k|zf;g / lubf]{ ;fv bLksk|;fb 9sfn

!= ljifo kl/ro gful/sn] dtbfgåf/f lgjf{lrt u/]/ zf;gsf] clwsf/ lbO{ k7fPsf] lgsfonfO{ ;/sf/ elgG5 . ;/sf/ cfjlws lgjf{rgsf] k|lqmofdf cfwfl/t x'G5 / lglZrt ;dofjlwkZrft\ hgtfdfem lgjf{rgsf dfWodåf/f km]l/ cg'df]lbt x'g'k5{ . o;/L lglZrt ;dofjlwsf lglDt cfPsf] ;/sf/n] b]zsf] bLuf] cfly{s ljsf; / gful/ssf ;d:ofnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ tyf To;nfO{ sfo{?kdf kl/0ft ug{sf lglDt sd{rf/L ;+oGqnfO{ pkof]u ub{5 . o;/L ;/sf/n] hgck]Iffcg'?ksf sfo{qmdnfO{ 3/–b}nf]df k'¥ofpgsf lglDt v6fPsf] lgsfo ljz]if g} lghfdtL k|zf;g xf] . ;/sf/sf] cfjlws k|s[lt ePsf sf/0f lghfdtL ;+oGqn] g} gful/ssf ;d:ofnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug]{ ;+:yfut lhDd]jf/L k|fKt u/]sf] x'G5 . jf:tjdf lghfdtL k|zf;g ;+oGqnfO{ b]zsf] :yfoL ;/sf/ elgG5 . ;/sf/n] ;dosf] kl/jt{g;Fu} gful/ssf OR5f, ;d:of, xs / clwsf/sf kIfnfO{ plrt ta/n] ;Daf]wg ug{ ;s]

lghfdtL k|zf;gsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg z}nL / k|s[ltnfO{ cWoog ubf{ o;sf] ;fv lubf]{ cj:yfdf /x]sf] kfOG5 . cfd–gful/sn] ;]jf k|jfxdf emGem6, x}/fgL, lbSbf/L, cfly{s Joo / si6k"0f{ cj:yf ef]lu/x]sf 5g\ .

g;s]sf] ljifonfO{ gful/ssf] cg'df]bgn] k'li6 ub{5 . o:tf] cg'df]bgsf qmddf v/f] eO{ k|:t't x'g g;s]sf] / ;]jf k|jfxdf ;+:yfut?kdf r's]sf] g]t[TjnfO{ kl/jt{g u/L gofF ;Defjgf af]s]sf] g]t[TjnfO{ hgtfn] cg'df]bg ub{5g\ . t/, olt km]/abn eO;Sbf klg lghfdtL k|zf;gdf rflxF ;Dk"0f{ ;ª\u7gfTds ;+/rgf / ;+:yfut g]t[Tj g} kl/jt{g x'g] sfo{ x'Fb}g . To;}n] lghfdtL k|zf;g :yfoL ;/sf/ xf] . lghfdtL k|zf;gsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg z}nL / k|s[ltnfO{ cWoog ubf{ o;sf] ;fv lubf]{ cj:yfdf /x]sf] kfOG5 . cfd–gful/sn] ;]jf k|jfxdf emGem6, x}/fgL, lbSbf/L, cfly{s Joo / si6k"0f{ cj:yf ef]lu/x]sf 5g\ . a]nf–a]nfdf 5fkfdf cfPsf ;dfrf/, cg';Gwfgdf tlNng ;+:yfsf k|ltj]bg, cGt/f{li6«o lgsfosf] cg';Gwfgn] lbPsf] lgisif{sf] cfwf/df sd{rf/L k|zf;gsf] ;fv 36\b} uPsf] kfOG5 . d]/f] dt k|fKt u/]sf] lgsfon] d]/f lglDt ;/n, k|efjsf/L / ;]jfd'vL sfo{;Dkfbg ub{5 eGg] ljifodf gful/s ljZj:t aGg

;ls/x]sf 5}gg\ . @= :yfoL ;/sf/ / lghfdtL k|zf;g /fhgLlts g]t[Tjn] ;Dxfn]sf] ;/sf/ cfjlws / lglZrt ;dosf lglDt cg'df]lbt x'G5 . /fhgLlts g]t[Tj cfˆgf gLlt tyf sfo{qmdsf] ;femf cjwf/0ffsf cwf/df gful/ssf ;fd' k'Ub5g\ / gful/sn] cfˆgf] uf]Ko dtflwsf/sf] k|of]u u/L /fhgLlts g]t[TjnfO{ ;dy{g of lj/f]w ub{5g\ . To;}n] of] cfjlws k|s[ltsf] / lglZrt ;dosf nflu x'G5 . ;/sf/n] to u/]sf gLlt tyf sfo{qmd, bLuf] cfly{s ljsf;, gful/ssf] hLjg:t/df ;'wf/, ;]jfk|jfxdf r':ttf, kf/blz{tf, ldtJolotf, j}1flgstf / lgikIftfh:tf kIfnfO{ sfof{Gjog ug]{ clVtof/k|fKt lgsfo ljz]if g} lghfdtL k|zf;g xf] . ;/sf/ cfpg] hfg] eO/xg] t/ lghfdtL k|zf;g :yfoL?kdf /lx/xg] sf/0faf6 o;nfO{ :yfoL ;/sf/ elgg] u/]sf] xf] . s'g ;/sf/ /xg] / s'g ;/sf/ g/xg] eGg] s'/f hgtfsf] /f]hfOdf e/ knf{, t/ lghfdtL ;]jf g/xg] eGg] s'/f

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg sNkgf klg ug{ ;lsFb}g . h;/L eP klg o;nfO{ pEofpg} kb{5 .! To;}n] lghfdtL k|zf;g gful/ssf] OR5f, rfxgf / cfjZostfnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ lgTo /xg] PsfO{ xf] . lghfdtL k|zf;gsf] xfn;Ddsf] %( jif{sf] Oltxf;df ljljw afwf–Jojwfg a]xf]/]/ cufl8 a9\g' k/]sf sf/0f :jR5, lgikIf / kf/blz{tfk"0f{ sfo{ ;Dkfbg x'g g;s]sf] ljifonfO{ kf}8Øfnn] klg pNn]v u/]sf 5g\ . Psflt/ /fhgLlts g]t[Tj /fi6«;]jsnfO{ cf:yfsf cfwf/df ljefhg u/L sfvf / kfvf ug]{ k|j[lQsf sf/0f lgikIf cleefjsLo e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{ r'Sof] eg] lghfdtL /fi6«;]jsdf klg Jofj;flos dof{bf sfod /fVg]eGbf /fhgLlts ;+/If0fsf] cf8df cfˆgf] :jfy{ s]lGb|t aGb} uof] .@ lghfdtL k|zf;gn] k~rfotsfndf s]Gb|Ls[t zf;g 9fFrfsf] lzsf/ eO{ lgb]{zgfTds / lgoGq0ffTds jftfj/0fdf sfd ug'{k¥of] . /fhfsf] zf;gsfndf cfb]zfTds sfof{b]zsf] kfngf ug'{k¥of] . / ax'bnLo zf;g Joj:yfdf /fhgLlts g]t[Tjsf] rsf]{ x:tIf]ksf] ;fdgf ug{'k¥of] . To;}n] ;/sf/ ljljw k|s[ltsf] eP klg lghfdtL k|zf;g oyfjt\ /x]sf] tYo k'li6 x'G5 eg] :yfoL ;/sf/sf klg cfˆg} afWofTds cj:yfx? /x]sf] k|i6 x'G5 . plNnlvt cfwf/df lghfdtL k|zf;g gful/ssf ;fd" ;]jf k|jfxnfO{ r':ttf k|bfg ug]{ k/bzL{, lgikIf, ;/n / kl/0ffdd'vL agfpg] lgsfo xf] . /Hosf] ;|f]t, ;fwg / k|s[ltnfO{ dWo gh/ u/L gful/ssf] 3/b}nf];Dd ;]jf k|jfxdf v6\g] cljlR5Gg PsfO{ ePsf sf/0f of]

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

/fhgLlts g]t[Tjsf] ;/sf/ cfjlws lgjf{rgsf] pkh xf] eg] ;/sf/n] b]zsf] bL3{sfnLg lxtsf lglDt cfTd;ft\ u/]sf] gLlt tyf sfo{qmdnfO{ sfo{?kdf kl/0ft ug]{ ljZj;gLo cfwf/ :yfoL ;/sf/ xf] .

:yfoL ;/sf/ xf] . xfn lghfdtL k|zf;gnfO{ ;dof]lrt kl/dfh{g ug]{ qmddf t6:y, lgikIf / hgd'vL lghfdtL ;]jfsf] cjwf/0ff ljsl;t ePsf] 5 . lghfdtL ;]jfsf] :yfoL rl/qnfO{ k'li6 ug]{ of] csf]{ cfwf/ xf] . hgtfn] lt/]sf] s/af6 j[lQ / e/0f–kf]if0f u/]sf] 5' eGg] dfGotfnfO{ cfTd;ft\ ug]{ lghfdtL ;]jfsf] ljlzi6 ?k g} hgd'vL lghfdtL ;]jf xf] . /fhgLlts g]t[Tjsf] ;/sf/ cfjlws lgjf{rgsf] pkh xf] eg] ;/sf/n] b]zsf] bL3{sfnLg lxtsf lglDt cfTd;ft\ u/]sf] gLlt tyf sfo{qmdnfO{ sfo{?kdf kl/0ft ug]{ ljZj;gLo cfwf/ :yfoL ;/sf/ xf] . #= lghfdtL k|zf;gsf] lubf]{ ;fv ;fdfGot ;fv eg]sf] ljZjf;sf] cfwf/ jf ljZj;gLotf xf] . lghfdtL k|zf;gn] cfTd;ft u/]sf k]zfut OdfGbfl/tf, lgi7f, st{JozLntfnufotsf kIfn] o;nfO{ k|ltlglwTj ub{5. o;n] dg, jrg / sd{n] afFlwP/ ;]jf g} wd{ xf] eGg] kljq efjgfnfO{ Jofxfl/s ?k lbg] k|0f u/]sf] x'G5 . o:tf] sfo{ut ljlzi6tfnfO{ r'sfpFb} hfg',



st{Jokyaf6 r'Sb} hfg'nufotsf sdhf]/Lo'St cj:yfnfO{ lghfdtL ;]jfsf] lubf]{ ;fv elgG5 . lghfdtL k|zf;gnfO{ r':t, ;an, ;Ifd, OdfGbf/ / Jofjxfl/s agfpgsf lglDt ckgfOPsf t6:y, k|ltj¢ / hgd'vL lghfdtL ;]jfsf] cjwf/0ffdfly gsf/fTds k|efj kb}{ hfg' g} lghfdtL ;]jfsf] lubf]{ ;fv xf] . o;df b]vfk/]sf] ;fvsf] ;jfnnfO{ ljljw kIfn] k|efj kf/]sf] x'G5 . To:tf ;Defljt kIf h]–h:tf /x] tfklg cGttM To;n] k|zf;goGqsf] sfo{k|0ffnL, k]zfut OdfGbfl/tf / Jofj;flos cfr/0fnfO{ ljrlnt agfpFb5 . d'Vo sf/s kIfnfO{ lgDgfg';f/sf a'Fbfdf pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . #=! /fhgLlts ;ª\u7gjfbsf sf/0f lubf]{ ;fv lghfdtL k|zf;gsf] cxd\ nIo eg]sf] ;/sf/n] to u/]sf gLlt tyf sfo{qmdnfO{ pknAw ;fwg / ;|f]tsf] kl/lwdf /xL gful/snfO{ 3/–b}nf];Dd ;]jf k'¥ofpg] k|0f ug'{ xf] . ;f]kflgstf, j}wflgstf, t6:ytf, lgj}{olStstf / cdfg'stf o;sf k]zfut ljz]iftf x'g\ . xfn}sf lbgdf lghfdtL k|zf;gdf /fhgLlts ;ª\u7gjfb xfjL x'Fb} uPsf] 5 . lgikIf / ;]jfd'vL k|zf;geGbf /fhgLlts bnsf sfo{stf{sf] ;ª\u7gsf ?kdf k|zf;g ljsl;t x'Fb} uPsf] 5 . /fhgLlts bnn] klg Ifl0fs :jfy{l;¢ ug{ / ;:tf] nf]slk|otf cfh{g ug{sf lglDt lghfdtL k|zf;gnfO{ pkof]u ug{ yfn]sf] 5 . d''Vo /fhgLlts bn sfª\u|];, Pdfn], Pdfcf]jfbL / t/fO{ s]lGb|t /fhgLlts bn x/]sn] cfˆgf eft[ ;+:yfsf ?kdf sd{rf/L ;ª\u7gnfO{



pkof]u u/]sf 5g\ . xfn} ;jf]{Rr cbfntn] /fhgLlts bnsf cf8df vf]lnPsf lghfdtL ;ª\3 / ;ª\u7gsf sf/0f ;]jf k|jfxdf df}nfpFb} uPsf] ljs[ltnfO{ /f]Sg cGt/sfnLg cfb]z hf/L u/]sf] 5 . clwjStf ch'{gs'df/n] bfo/ u/]sf] l/6df lghfdtL ;]jfdf df}nfPsf] clt/fhgLlts/0fsf sf/0f To:tf u}/–sfg"gL / cfklQhgs ultljlw /f]sL kfpmF egL bfo/ pSt l/6n] lghfdtL k|zf;sf] lubf]{ ;fvnfO{ k'li6 ub{5 . cof{nn] cf7j6} lghfdtL ;ª\3 / ;ª\u7gnfO{ ljkIfL agfpFb} ltgsf] /fhgLlts ;+nUgtf vf/]h ug{;d]t dfu u/]sf 5g\ . lghfdtL ;ª\u7gdf sfª\u|];, Pdfn], Pdfcf]jfbL dw];L bn ;Da¢ cf–cfˆg} sd{rf/L ;ª\3 / ;ª\u7g 5g\ . sfª\u|];sf] t ;+:yfkg kIf / g]tf z]/axfb'/ b]pjf lgs6sf cnu–cnu sd{rf/L ;ª\3, ;ª\u7g 5g\ . bn ljefhglkR5] sd{rf/L ;ª\3–;ª\u7g aGg] u/]sf] 5 . Pdfcf]jfbLaf6 dfcf]jfbL ljeflht ePkl5 /fli6«o sd{rf/L ;ª\3 km'6]/ b'O{ ePsf 5g\ .$ plNnlvt tYon] lghfdtL k|zf;gdf /fhgLlts kIfw/tf a9\b} uPsf] / 6«]8 o'lgogsf gfddf To;n] k]zfut Jofj;flostfnfO{ :vlnt agfPsf] s'/f k|dfl0ft u5{ . x'g t g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^#, o;cg'?k ag]sf P]g–lgod / sfg"gn] klg 6«]8 o'lgog clwsf/ lbPs} 5 . t/, ;fd"lxs ;f}bfafhL k]zfut lgi7fnfO{ hLljt /fVgsf nflu x'g'kg]{ xf] . To;f] geO{ JolStut nfe / cfly{s k|nf]egsf] rSs/df of] km:b} uPsf] kfOG5 . g]kfndf lghfdtL ;]jfdf 6«]8 o'lgog

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

lghfdtL k|zf;gdf /fhgLlts kIfw/tf a9\b} uPsf] / 6«]8 o'lgogsf gfddf To;n] k]zfut Jofj;flostfnfO{ :vlnt agfPsf] s'/f k|dfl0ft u5{ .

clwsf/sf ljifodf gLltut?kd} Joj:yf 5 . g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^#Ù wf/f !# 3 / wf/f #), 6«]8 o'lgog P]g, @)$(Ù lghfdtL ;]jf lgodfjnL, @)%) n] lghfdtL k|zf;gnfO{ ;fd"lxs ;f}bfjfhL ug]{ sfg"gL clwsf/;d]t k|bfg u/]sf] 5 .% oL gLltut k|fjwfgx? lghfdtL k|zf;gsf Jofj;flos ;d:of ;Daf]wgsf lglDt to ul/Psf x'g\ . ;]jf, ;'ljwf, cGofo kbf{ gLltut?kdf k|ltlglwTj ug{, cGt/f{li6«o kl/j]zcg'?k ;]jf– ;~hfndf hf]l8g kfpg], lghfdtL ;]jfsf ljifodf cfjZostfcg';f/ /fo–;''emfj lbg]nufotsf ;+:yfut ljlzi6tf x'G5g\ . t/, k]zfut hjfkmb]xL, OdfGbfl/tf, lgikIftf / Jofj;flostfnfO{ lgjf{x ub}{ ;'ljwfdf s]lGb|t x'g'kg]{df oL ;a} kIfnfO{ uf}0f agfO{ /fhgLlts bnsf] sfo{stf{sf] z}nLdf pqg] k|j[ltn] gful/ssf ;fd" lghfdtL k|zf;gsf] ;fv lubf]{ 5 . dflysf] tYo / ltgsf] ljj]rgaf6 k'li6 x'G5 ls g]kfnsf] lghfdtL k|zf;g lgikIf, ;]jfd'vL / hgd'vL dfu{af6 r'Sb} uPsf] 5 . /fhgLlts bnnfO{ cfjlws lgjf{rgdf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg gful/ssf] dg lhTg] cfTdljZjf; sd x'Fb} hfg' / lghfdtL k|zf;gdf cfly{s nfesf] kb wf/0f u/L l5§} ;DkGg aGg] rfxgf a9\g'h:tf kIfsf] ldn]dtf]df o:tf] cj:yf b]vfk/]sf] xf] . #=@ e|i6frf/sf sf/0f lubf]{ ;fv tf]lsPsf] P]g, sfg'g, lgodfjnL / k]zfut OdfGbfl/tfaf6 Ro"t eO{ sfd ug'{nfO{ e|i6frf/ elgG5 . lghfdtL k|zf;gnfO{ dof{lbt, k]zflgi7, st{Jok/fo0f / Jofj;flos agfpg lghfdtL ;]jf P]g, @)$*, lghfdtL ;]jf lgodfjnL, @)%) 5g\ . t/, ltgsf] kl/lw / ;LdfnfO{ pnª\3g ug'{ g} e|i6frf/ xf] . lghfdtL ;]jfnfO{ g}ltstfaf6 Ro"t u/fpg] ljljw sf/0f x'G5g\ . ljz]ift wd{ Pj+ ;+:sf/sf] k|efj, b08xLgtfsf] ;+:s[ltnfO{ dfGotf, cfly{s sf/0f, /fhgLlts sf/0f, ckgTjsf] cefj, sdhf]/ ;+:yfut Joj:yf, g}lts lzIff / b"/bzL{tfsf] sdL Pj+ ljZjJofkLs/0faf6 pTkGg cfsfª\Iff kb{5g\ .^ g]kfnsf] lghfdtL k|zf;gsf] ljlzi6 Jofj;flos wd{df qmdzM lu/fj6 cfPsf] 5 . ;'zf;g k|j¢{gdf sd{rf/LtGqsf] e"ldsfsf ljifodf pd]zk|;fb d}gfnL n]V5g\— sd{rf/LtGqsf] e"ldsf lsg klg dxTjk"0f{ x'G5 eg] o;n] ;du| zf;sLo sfo{ ub{5 . ;fj{hlgs sfd–sf/afxLnfO{ ;xhLs/0f, dWo:ytf, lgodg tyf ;fem]bf/Lsf] sfo{ ub{5 . o;n] ;fj{hlgs ;]jf ljt/0fdfq ub}{g– g]t[Tj, cleefjsTj jf clGtd cf>osf] e"ldsf;d]t /xG5 . To;}n] o; ;+:yfnfO{ /fHosf] rf}yf] ax', ;hLj ;+ljwfg, ;+j}wflgs ;Gt'ng

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg rqm;d]t eGg] ul/G5 . ;fj{hlgs k|zf;s / sd{rf/Lx? g} /fHo / gful/ssf] k|f/lDes ;Dks{ljGb' xf], ha of] ;Dks{ k|efjsf/L?kdf ;Dkfbg x'G5 tadfq ;fdflhs ;Demf}tfsf] gjLs/0f x'G5 . o; cfwf/af6 s] k|i6 x'G5 eg] lghfdtL k|zf;g /fHo / gful/ssf aLrsf] ;DaGw ;]t' xf] . o;sf] e"ldsfdf lu/fj6 cfPdf cfd– gful/sn] cleefjsTj, lgikIftf / ;'/Iffsf] k|Tofe"lt ug{ kfpFb}gg\ . o:tf] cxd\ e"ldsf ePsf] ;+:yfnfO{ cfly{s k|nf]eg, Jofj;flostf, Ifl0fs :jfy{ / k]zfut lgi7faf6 e|i6frf/n] r'sfpFb} nu]sf] ;Gbe{ xfn}sf 5fkfdf cfPsf 5g\ . k"j{sfd' so{sf/L k|d'v g]kfn ko{6g af]8{, b'O{ ;lrj;lxt @# hgfsf] lj?¢df xfn;fn} clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] d'2f bfo/ u/]sf] 5 . clVtof/n] bfo/ u/]sf] lghfdtL ;+oGq;Fu ;DalGwt ;a}eGbf 7"nf] e|i6frf/ k|s/0fsf ?kdf o;nfO{ lnOPsf] 5 . s"n *! s/f]8 (% nfv lauf] dfu–bfjL;lxt bfo/ pSt d'2fdf ;'jf; lg/f}nf, cjsf;k|fKt ko{6g ;lrj ;'zLn l3ld/], jg dGqfnosf ;lrj z/brGb| kf}8]n, sfg"g cfof]usf ;lrj /~hgs[i0f cof{n, gful/s p8\8og k|flws/0fsf dxflgb]{zs /ltzrGb|nfn ;'dg, cy{dGqfnosf ;lrj l8lNnk|;fb l;jfsf]6L / jg ;lrj d]3axfb'/ kf08]nufot 5g\ . o;sf cltl/St ko{6g af]8{sf sfo{qmd lgb]{zs glGbgL nfx] yfkf, cflbTo a/fn, sfzL/fh e08f/L, w|'j /fO{, nId0f uf}td, nfnaxfb'/ aflgof, lbjfs/ ljqmd /f0ff klg /x]sf 5g\ .& k|zf;g ;+oGqsf pRrkb:y


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

k|To]s lbg cvaf/sf kfgf / ;~rf/dfWoddf lghfdtL ;+oGqdf df}nfPsf] e|i6frf/sf] hfnf];DaGwL ;dfrf/ ;Dk|]if0f x'G5 . o;n] g]kfnsf] lghfdtL k|zf;gnfO{ qmdzM gful/ssf] cfsfª\Iff, dWo:ytfsf] w/ftnaf6 cljZj;gLo, cfqmf]zsf] ljifo, g}/fZotfh:tf kIfdf 8f]¥ofpFb} nu]sf] l;¢ u5{ .

JolStsf] of] lgGbgLo sfo{nfO{ Pp6f k|ltlglw 36gfsf] ?kdf dfq lnOPsf] xf] . o:tf ultljlwdf ;+nUg / hgd'vL k|zf;gsf] ;f6f] wgd'vL lghfdtL k|zf;gsf] pBf]u ;~rfng ul//x]sf cGo ;of}+ 36gf 5g\ . lognfO{ ;d]t cg';Gwfgsf] bfo/fdf NofO{ sf/afxL u/]/ gful/sd}qL k|zf;gsf] k|Tofe"lt so{:ynd} l;h{gf ug'{ cfhsf] cfjZostf xf] . k|To]s lbg cvaf/sf kfgf / ;~rf/dfWoddf lghfdtL ;+oGqdf df}nfPsf] e|i6frf/sf] hfnf];DaGwL ;dfrf/ ;Dk|]if0f x'G5 . o;n] g]kfnsf] lghfdtL k|zf;gnfO{ qmdzM gful/ssf] cfsfª\Iff, dWo:ytfsf] w/ftnaf6 cljZj;gLo, cfqmf]zsf] ljifo, g}/fZotfh:tf kIfdf 8f]¥ofpFb} nu]sf] l;¢ u5{ . $= lgisif{ lghfdtL k|zf;g /fHosf gLlt tyf sfo{qmd, ;+j}wflgs k|fjwfg, To;cg'?ksf P]g, lgod / lgodfjnLsf] sfo{Gjogdf lqmofzLn


lgsfo xf] . gful/sn] r'gfjåf/f cg'df]bg u/]sf /fhgLlts g]t[Tj cfjlws x'g] ePsf sf/0f lghfdtL k|zf;g :yfoL ;/sf/ xf] . /fhgLlts ;ª\u7gjfb / ;fd"lxs ;f}bfjfhLsf sf/0f xfn lghfdlt ;+oGq klg qmdzM :vlnt aGb} uPsf] 5 . /fhgLlts g]t[TjnfO{ gful/saf6 cg'df]bg x'g]df cfzª\sf k}bf x'g', lghfdlt ;+oGqsf PsfO{x? 5f]6f] ;dfodf g} cfly{s nfesf] kb wf/0f u/L ;DkGg x'g] ck]Iffsf sf/0f o;sf] ;fv lubf]{ 5 . lgikIf, t6:y, k|lta¢, hgd'vL k|zf;gnufotsf cfsif{s zAb s]an gf/fdf ;Lldt /x] / Jojxf/df :jfyL{ dgf]j[lQ xfjL ePsf sf/0f lghfdtL k|zf;g e|i6frf/sf] bnbndf km;]sf] xf] . ;Gbe{ ;fdu|L != ch'{gdl0f cfrfo{ bLlIft, …sd{rf/L k|zf;gsf r'gf}ltx?Ú gj/fh ltjf/L -;Dkf=_ ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf ljljw cfofdx?, sf7df8f}+ M ;f]kfg k|sfzg, @)^&M@&^ . @= nLnfdl0f kf}8]n, …;Ifd lghfdtL ;]jfsf] vfFrf]Ú, kf/bzL{ -jif{ !$, cª\s @_, @)–@# . #= …lghfdtLdf /f]lsPnf /fhgLlts/0fÚ sflGtk'/ -cfj/0f k[i7, jif{ @#, cª\s %@_, @* r}t, @)&! . $= k"0f{rGb| e§/fO{, …6«]8 o'lgog clwsf/ / ;fd"lxs ;f}bfjfhLÚ, gj/fh ltjf/L -;Dkf=_ k"j{jt\, @*#–@(* . %= s[i0fk|;fb ;'j]bL, …g]kfndf e|i6frf/ M sf/0f / lgjf/0fÚ, gj/fh ltjf/L -;Dkf=_, k"j{jt\, !)#–!!* . ^= pd]zk|;fb d}gfnL, …;'zf;gsf ;Gbe{df sd{rf/LtGqÚ, kf/bzL{, -jif{ !$, cª\s #, @)&!_, !)–!& . &= …bfo/ eof] d'2fÚ, sflGtk''/ -jif{ @#, cª\s $%, @)&!, zlgaf/_, !–@ .9 -9sfn lq=lj= sLlt{k'/sf] g]kfnL s]Gb|Lo ljefudf sfo{/t x'g'x'G5 ._



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

;Gtfgsf] enf] ;f]rf}F / kfkdf]rg u/f}F s[i0fk|;fb e08f/L


g} klg /fi6« b]zeQm, c;n / k|efjsf/L g]t[Tjsf sf/0fn] aGb5 . o;;DaGwdf xfd|f;fd' y'k|} pbfx/0f 5g\ . vfg;Dd gk'Ug] cd]l/sgnfO{ hh{ jfl;ª\6g, h]km;{g / k}|mª\slng cflbn] cd]l/sfnfO{ ljZjs} nf]stflGqs zlQm /fi6«sf ?kdf k|:t't u/] . n]lggn] ;f]leot ;+3 agfP . dxfTdf ufGwLn] ef/t agfP . To:t}, g]N;g d08]nfn] clk|msf agfP . clt u/Lj dn]l;ofnfO{ ;DkGg /fi6«sf ?kdf pEofP– dxDdb dxfly/n] . oL ;a} g]t[Tjn] cf–cfˆgf /fi6«nfO{ ;zSt / ;DkGg /fi6« agfpg e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f / ;'zf;gnfO{ klxnf] k|fyldstfdf /fv] . gful/snfO{ Gofosf] cg'e"lt lbg ;kmn eP . xfdL eg] ;'zf;g sfod ug{ rflxg] Gofo Joj:yf ;an agfpg g;s]s} sf/0f g ;'zf;g sfod ug{ ;Sof}+ g t e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug{ g} . xfdLn] j}1flgs cg';Gwfg k|0ffnL k5\ofpg g;Sbf s]xL ug{ ;ls/x]sf 5}gf}+ . o;n] ;j{;fwf/0f gful/s k|tfl8t x'Fb} uPsf 5g\ . d"ntM Goflos clwsf/ k|bfg ug]{ ;+:yf eg]sf] k|x/L, dfnkf]t, e"ld;'wf/, gfkL lhNnf k|zf;g, sDkgL /lhi6«f/sf] sfof{no,

Pp6f o'u lyof], xfdL sfg'g Joj;foL v"a k9}of lyof}+ . s}of}+ GofofwLzx? klg w]/} c;n lyP . xfd|f] ljåtf Wofgn] ;'Gby], t/ cfh ;a} P]gs]g wg k|flKtdf nfu]sf 5g\ . Gofo clt z'e 1fg xf] . o;;Gbe{df k':ts dfq xf]Og, Jojxf/ / rfnrng klg x]g'{kb{5 . t/ clxn] o;tkm{ w]/}sf] Wofg uPsf] b]lvFb}g, o;nfO{ jf:tf u/]sf] b]lvFb}g .

oftfoft cflb x'g\ . clxn] cbfnt / ;/sf/L jlsn sfof{no;d]t :jo+ e|i6frf/df r'n'{Dd 8'a]sf] rrf{ kl/rrf{ eO/x]sf] 5 . klaq Gofo hgtfsf] kx'Fr eGbf 6f9f k'u]sf] 5 . Gofo lbnfpg] sfg'g Joj;foL / GofosdL{nfO{ lgofn]/ x]/f}+ Gofo xf]Og, wg pkfh{g ug]{ ;fwg ag]sf] 5 . ToxfF sfo{/t s]xL JolQmaf6 w]/} czf ug{ ;lsG5 t/ l:ylt ablnPsf] eg] 5}g . s;}n] :jLsf/ u/f];\ of gu/f];\ o;If]qdf dflkmof ;zQm 5g\ . Pp6f o'u lyof], xfdL sfg'g Joj;foL v"a k9}of lyof}+ . s}of}+ GofofwLzx? klg w]/} c;n lyP . xfd|f] ljåtf Wofgn] ;'Gby], t/ cfh ;a} P]gs]g wg k|flKtdf nfu]sf 5g\ . Goflos sfd clt :jR5 1fg xf] . o;;Gbe{df k':ts dfq xf]Og, Jojxf/ / rfnrng klg x]g'{kb{5 . t/ clxn] o;tkm{ w]/}sf] Wofg uPsf] b]lvFb}g, o;nfO{ jf:tf u/]sf] b]lvFb}g . cfhsf clwsf+z sfg'g Joj;foLdf k9\g] afgL 5}g / k9]/ klg To;nfO{ ;'Gg] sf]xL 5}gg\ . s'/f ldNof] lg0f{o eof] . o;n] e|i6frf/ a9fPsf] 5 . GofonfO{ e¥ofª agfP/ wg pkfh{g ug]{sf] af]nafnf a9]sf] 5 . o; cy{df Gofo e|i6frf//lxt

:jR5, z'4 / klaq x'g'k5{ eGg] tYo b'n{e x'Fb} uPsf] 5 . xfdL slt lgsDdf 5f}+ eg] o; b'u{ltaf6 d'Qm kfpg ug{ ;lsg] ;fdfGo sf]lz; klg ul//x]sf 5f}F . elgG5– Gofo lbg]eGbf lbnfpg] 7"nf] x'G5 . Gofo lbnfpg] sfg'g Joj;foLx? s}of}+sf] cfˆg} b'u{lt / rfn 5 . d oL ;a} ;fdflhs kIfnfO{ glhsaf6 lgofln/x]sf] 5' . k9]sf ljåfg\ 5}gg\ egf} eg] kLPr8L / PnPnPd u/]sf sfg'g Joj;foL klg 5g\ t/ Gofo cwf]ultdf /km\tf/n] s'lb/x]sf] 5 . cfbz{jfg\ sfg'g Joj;foLx? qmdzM sdhf]/ x'Fb} uPsf 5g\ . wg lkkf;'x?sf] x}sd rsf]{ 5 . log} x}sdjfnfx?n] GofonfO{ :jfxf kfl//x]sf 5g\ . cWoog cg';Gwfg / ljåtfsf] sb/ eO/x]sf] 5}g, ;'g'jfO{ s;}n] ub}{g . GofosdL{ cfˆg} ;f]r / 3d08df 5g\ . sfg'g Joj;foLx? s'/f u5{g\ cfu/fsf], t/ GofosdL{ a'‰b5g\– ufu|fsf] . cfjZostf s] sf] 5 s;}n] klxrfg g} ul//x]sf] 5}g . h;/L x'G5 wg rflxPsf] 5 . wg cfh{g ug]{ af6} cs}{ 5 lsg k9\g], a'‰g] / d]xgt ug]{ < h] lg0f{o u/] klg GofosdL{sf] lg0f{o xf], ckx]ngfdf d'2f v]Kg'kg]{ x'g;S5

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg eGg] e|d ;a}lt/ km}lnPsf] 5 . jf:tjdf Goflos cw{Goflos s'g} klg lgsfoaf6 klg /fd|f];Fu Gofo lgSof]{n x'g ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . sfg'g Joj;foLx?sf] rsf]{ kfl/>ldsn] u/La gful/s 7luPsf 5g\ . Gofo lbnfpg] sfg'g Joj;foL s}of}+ ljåfg 5g\, t/ rngrNtLdf 5}gg\ . k':ts n]Vg] / cGo ljåtfsf] sfd ug]{x?af6 Goflos hutn] s'g} nfe lng ;ls/x]sf] 5}g\ . s]xL ljåfg / ;Ifd sfg'g Joj;foLx?nfO{ cbfntL Jojxf/df GofosdL{n] ?rfpFb}gg . sfg"g Joj;foLx? klg ljleGg sDkgL, Jofj;flos ;+:yfgdf ;Nnfxsf/sf] ?kdf sfd u/]/ kfl/>lds c;'Ngd} /dfPsf 5g\ . o;n] qmdzM gful/snfO{ Gofloshut\af6 6f9f nlu/x]sf] 5 . Goflos lg?k0fsf nflu ax; u/L cbfntnfO{ ;xof]u ug'{sf] ;§f d:of}bf / ;Nnfxsf/ aGg' g} k|d'v nIo ag]sf] 5 . jf:tljstf s] xf] eg] Gofloshut\ o:tf ljåfg / ;Ifd JolQmsf] ;xof]uljgf rNb}g . o;f] x'Fbf af}l4s lbjflnofkg a9\g' :jfefljs ePsf] 5 . Gofo Joj:yf rngrNtLsf sfg'g Joj;foLsf e/df rn]sf] 5 . o:tf sfg"g Joj;foLx? gftfuf]tf, ;fyL / bnfn sfg'g Joj;foLsf ?kdf kl/lrt x'Fb} uPsf 5g\ . Toltdfq xf]Og pgLx?sf] x}sd g} rln/x]sf] 5 . o:tfvfn] sfg'g Joj;foLsf] k9\gdf / d]xgt ug{df vf;} rf;f] 5}g . s'/f ldNof], Gofosf] gfddf hLt xfl;n u¥of] . h;/L x'G5 lhtfpg] sfg'g Joj;foLsf] v"a gfd rn]sf] 5 . oL ;a} k|;+unfO{ x]bf{ sfg'g Joj;foLsf] k]zf e|i6frf/nfO{ a9fjf lbg gfd"b ePsf] 5 . of] ;a ;To xf] . ax;, h] u/] klg dfGotf k|fKt

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

s]xL ljåfg / ;Ifd sfg'g Joj;foLx?nfO{ cbfntL Jojxf/df GofosdL{n] ?rfpFb}gg . sfg"g Joj;foLx? klg ljleGg sDkgL, Jofj;flos ;+:yfgdf ;Nnfxsf/sf] ?kdf sfd u/]/ kfl/>lds c;'Ngd} /dfPsf 5g\ . o;n] qmdzM gful/snfO{ Gofloshut\af6 6f9f nlu/x]sf] 5 .

5 . lg0f{odf h] n]v] klg Gofo k¥of] eGg' k/]sf] 5 . ljåfg\ sfg'gL Joj;foLx?n] cd]l/sf, a]nfot / ef/tsf] Goflos l;4fGtsf] cWoog ub{5g\ . 1fg xfl;n ub{5g\ . xfd|f] ;Gbe{df eg] To:tf] 1fg g]kfnsf] Goflos lg0f{o;Fu d]n vfO/x]sf] 5}g . xfd|f] cbfntsf] rfn cfˆg} 5 . oxfF h:tf];'s} glh/ vf]h] klg e]l6G5 . ;"o{ klZrd, k"j{, pQ/ / blIf0faf6 pbfPsf] glh/ vf]hL ugf]{;\, e]6fpg' x'g]5 . xfdL sfg'g Joj;foLx? cfk"mnfO{ rGb|dfsf] Hof]lt dfGb5f}+ lsgeg] GofofwLznfO{ xfdL ;"o{ dfGb5f}+ . ;"o{sf] k|sfzaf6 rGb|dfdf /f]zgL k|fKt x'G5 . o:t}, xfd|f] 1fg Goflos lg0f{osf cfwf/df x'G5 . ;jf]{Rr cbfnt;d]tsf] glh/ vf]hL x]g]{ xf] eg] h:tf] vf]Hof]– To:tf] k|fKt x'G5 . o;n] Gofo–cGofo a'‰g sl7g ePsf] 5 . k}m;nf k9\g]n] x]g{'k5{ s] lg0f{o ubf{ s'g Goflos



l;4fGtnfO{ cfwf/ dflgPsf] 5 . s'g lg0f{o dgdf lng] / s'g 1fgsf ?kdf lng] < ;"o{ k"j{df jf klZrddf pbfof] eGof] eg] ;To s] xf] < ;To xf], ;"o{ k"j{af6 pbfpF5 / klZrddf c:tfpF5 . t/, Goflos lg0f{o s'g ;xL xf] / ;To xf] < of] s'/f xfd|f] a'l4n] 7Dofpg ;ls/x]sf] 5}g+ . xfdL a"9f sfg'g Joj;foL a"\9f] eof}+ To;}n] l;NnL 7xl/of}+ t/ o'jfsf] ult s] 5 < Gofloshut\sf] s'g l;4fGt ;To xf] < cyf{t\ ;"o{ klZrdaf6 pbfPsf] jf k"j{df c:tfPsf] hf] vf]h] klg 5Fb}5 . o;n] em'7f] vf]h]/ ;To :yflkt ug{ ;xof]u u/]sf] 5 . cflv/ glh/ g xf] . e|i6frf/n] cfqmfGt kf/]sf] Gofloshut\sf] eljiolt/ x]/f}+ . jf:tjdf sfg'g Joj;foLx? Gofloshut\sf vDaf x'g\ . t/, o:tf sfg'g Joj;foLsf] cWoog z"Go 5 . logn] Goflos jftfj/0f :jfxf kf/] . GofosdL{x?df klg To;} ul//x]sf 5g\ . pgLx?df ljåtfsf] ljifo ;'Gg rfxgf g} 5}g . eGg} k¥of]– Gofloshut\df slno'u cfof] . Gofo / sfg'gsf] dof{bfsf] cj:yf gfh's 5 eg] xfd|f] a'l4 cyf{t\ af}l4s Ifdtfsf] klg x|f; x'Fb} hfg] g} eof] . cfh Gofo ug]{ cbfnt;d]t a"9fkfsfsf] 1fg / cg'ejaf6 jl~rt x'Fb}5g\ . Odfgbf/, ljåfg cg'ejL TofuL a"9fkfsf nfvfkfvf / e|i6frf/L cbIf c1fgLsf] ;fd|fHo sfod x'Fb} uPsf] 5 . Gofloshut\df af]Nof], zq'hGo Jojxf/ 5 . gaf]Nof]– xfd|f] efjL ;Gtfg o:t} d"v{x?sf] k~hfdf hsl8g k'u]sf] 5 . ;Gtfgsf] enf} ;f]rf}+ / kfkdf]rg u/f}+ ;a}df oxL k|fy{gf 5 .9 -n]vs e08f/L jl/i7 clwjQmf Pj+ 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf ;b:o x'g'x'G5 ._



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

Unf]an lk; OG8]S;\, @)!%


n} ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf] …Unf]an lk; OG8]S;\ @)!%Ú n] zflGt a9\bf] qmddf /x]sf] tYo / ts{ k|:t't u/]sf] 5 . ljZjsf w]/} b]zx?n] o; ;"rsfª\sdf zflGt k|fKt ug]{ ;Gbe{df P]ltxfl;s :t/ xfl;n u/]sf] b]lvPsf] 5 . sltko åGåu|:t d'n'sdf lg/Gt/?kdf lx+;fpGd'v /x]sf] tYo klg ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] 5 . tYofª\ssf] ;f]wvf]h ljZjJofkL zflGtsf] :t/ cl3Nnf] jif{ l:y/ /x]sf] eP tfklg xfnsf jif{x?df ;g\ @))* eGbf s]xL ;Gtf]ifhgs gePsf] b]vfPsf] 5 . of] ;"rsfª\scg';f/ ut jif{ *! b]zx? zflGtdo b]lvPsf lyP eg] &* j6f /fi6«x?df lx+;fhGo lqmofsnfkx? a9]sf] b]lvof] . cftª\sjfb ljZjJofkL?kdf pNn]Vo dfqfdf a[l4 ePsf] klg b]lvof] . ;g\ @)!$ df cftª\sjfbL ultljlwdf dfl/g]sf] ;ª\Vof @),))) k'u]sf] cfFsng ul/Psf] lyof] . o; l/kf]6{n] lbPsf] tYofª\scg';f/ ;z:q åGå ;3gta/n] a9]sf] kfOof] . ;fy}, tYofª\sn] ;g\ @)!) b]lv @)!$ ;Dddf åGå ;DalGwt b'3{6gfdf emG8} rf/ u'0ff a[l4 ePsf] klg b]lvof] . o;/L x]bf{ lx+;fn] ljZjJofkL cy{tGqdf Pp6f b/f] bafa l;h{gf ul//x]sf] 5 . Unf]an lk; OG8]S;\ @)!% df lbOPsf] gS;fn] !^@ b]zx?sf] zflGt tyf lx+;fsf] ;f]wvf]h ug{ ;3fPsf] 5 . o; OG8]S;\n] @# j6f ;"rsx?nfO{ cnu–cnu cª\s k|bfg u/L b'O{ jf Tof]eGbf a9L d'n'sx?aLr t'ngfTds cWoog u/]sf] 5 . ;g\ @)!% df k|sflzt Unf]an lk; OG8]S;n] hl6n / ultzLn zflGtsf] agfj6af/] ;f]wvf]h u/]sf] tYo k9\g kfOG5 . ;fy}, l/kf]6{df zflGtsf] * jif]{ k|j[lQ, lx+;fsf] ljsf; / cGo dxTjk"0f{ tyf ;sf/fTds ;fdflhs k|ltkmn;Fu hf]8]/ ;sf/fTds zflGtsf] JofVof / rrf{ klg ul/Psf] 5 . To:t}, s]xL /fi6«x?df ce"tk"j{?kn] zflGtsf] :t/ a9]sf] klg kfOPsf] 5 eg] s]xL /fi6«x? lx+;f / åGådf km;]sf] klg b]lvPsf] 5 .

of] ;"rsfª\ssf] ljz]iftf o;cl3 k|sflzt ;"rsfª\sn] *! b]zx? zflGtdo b]vfPsf] lyof] eg] &* j6f b]z tNnf]:t/df /x]sf] b]vfPsf] lyof] . t/, ;g\ @)!% sf] ;"rsfª\sn] o"/f]ksf clwsf+z /fi6«x?df zflGt /x]sf] b]vfPsf] 5 . o;nfO{ ljZjsf] zflGtdo e"ldsf] ?kdf cufl8 NofPsf] 5 . ljZjdf @) dWo] !% j6f zflGtk|fKt b]zx? o"/f]kdf kb{5g\ . of] ;"rsfª\sn] ;'emfPsf] tYofª\scg';f/ pQ/ clk|msf ljZjsf] sd zflGtk"0f{ If]q xf] . of] ;"rsfª\s k|sfzg x'g yfn]b]lv zflGtsf] :t/af/] ljZjel/ dxTjk"0f{ / tLI0f ljZn]if0f ub}{cfPsf] 5 . o; If]qdf ;fj{hlgs bª\uf tyf cftª\sjfbL ultljlwx? a9\bf] qmddf /x]sf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



klg ;"rsfª\sn] b]vfPsf] 5 . cfGtl/s ;z:q åGåsf] a9\bf] qmd ljZjJofkL:t/df gf6sLo 9Ëaf6 ePsf] 5 . o:tf åGådf dfl/g]sf] ;ª\Vof ;f9] tLg u'0ffn] a9]sf] 5 . ;g\ @)!) df $(,))) / @)!$ df !*),))) dfl/Psf] tYo klg ;"rsfª\sn] ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] 5 . ut jif{ lx+;fsf] cfly{s c;/ / k|efjnfO{ d"Nodf bfFHbf o"=P;= 8n/ !$=# l6«lnog /x]sf] b]lvG5 eg] Unf]an s"n u|fx:y pTkfbg !#=$Ü /x]sf] b]lvG5 . kl/0ffd ;a}eGbf a9L zflGt sfod ePsf d'n'sx? cfO{;Nof08, 8]gdfs{ / cl:6«of x'g\ . oL b]zx?n] zflGtk"0f{ cj:yfdf ;'wf/ Nofpg pNn]Vo ult lnP . ut jif{ l5d]sL;Fusf] åGå / afXo åGåsf] ;+nUgtfaf6 ;fdfGo nfe dfq xfl;n ug{ ;s] . o;df clws ;'wf/ ug]{ /fi6«x? lugL la;f], sf]lbef]/, OlhK6 / a]lgg /x]sf 5g\ . ljZjel/d} l;l/of ;a}eGbf sd zflGt ePsf] d'n'sdf kb{5 . O/fs / ckm\uflg:tfg klg

ToxL ju{df k/]sf 5g\ . lnlaof To:tf] b]z xf], hxfF zflGtsf] cj:yf 36\bf] qmddf /x]sf] 5 . ;"rsfª\sdf ;fd]n ul/Psf] !^@ b]zx?dWo] lnlaof !$( cf}+ :yfgdf 5 . o'q]mg zflGt :vng ePsf] bf];|f] 7"nf] b]z xf] . o'q]mgsf leS6f]/ olgsf]ler\sf] k|zf;gnfO{ nf]slk|o qmflGtåf/f 9flnPsf] lyof] . ?;n] o'q]mgnfO{ c:yL/ agfPsf sf/0f ;+ul7t åGå ;"rsx?df sd cª\s kfPsf] 5 . zflGtsf] k|j[lQ ;g\ @))* sf] t'ngfdf of] ljZj



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

sd zflGtdo /x]sf] b]lvG5 . z/0ffyL{ / cfGtl/s lj:yfkgdf k/]sf JolQmx? af/]sf] ;"rsdf sdL cfPsf] 5 . To;}u/L, cfGtl/s åGåaf6 x'g] pNn]vgLo d[To' / cftª\sjfbsf] c;/df klg ;"rs k|lts"n b]lvPsf] 5 . To:t} b'O{j6f ;"rsx? -zflGt / lx+;f_ df ;g\ @))* b]lv ;'wf/ ePsf] b]lvG5 . ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3 zflGt :yfkgf sf]if / afXo åGåsf] ;+nUgtfdf afXo åGåaf6 x'g] d[To'sf] ;ª\Vof ut cf7 jif{df !(*@ af6 $!) df em/]sf] 5 . ;sf/fTds zflGt zflGt eg]sf] åGåsf] pkl:ylt gePsf] cj:yfdfq xf]Og, ;f]Rg] Jojxf/, ;+/rgf tyf zflGtk"0f{ ;dfhdf a;]sf] hu klg xf] . of] Unf]an kL; OG8]S;\ @)!% OG:6LRo"6 km/ Osf]gf]ldS; PG8 kL; -cfO{O{kL_ n] u/]sf] cWoog k|ltj]bg xf] . o;n] ;sf/fTds zflGt ePsf b]zx?df

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

/fHoaf6 lx+;flj?4 ;kmntfk"j{s k|lt/f]w ug{ ;lsg] tYo phfu/ u/]sf] 5 . ljZjdf lx+;fsf] s"n cfly{s k|efj Sofgf8f, k|mfG;, hd{gL, :k]g / o'q]mgsf ;Dk"0f{ cy{tGq hlt g} 7"nf] 5 . cWoog ljlw Unf]an lk; OG8]S;\ @# j6f ljifout tyf j:t'ut ;"rsx? ;+nUg /x]sf] Pp6f PsLs[t ;"rsfª\s xf] . o;n] !^@ b]zx?sf] zflGtsf] dfkg ub{5 . oL ;"rsx? tLgj6f j[xt\ ljifoj:t'df juL{s/0f ul/Psf 5g\ . ;dfhdf x'g] ;'/Iffsf] :t/, cGt/f{li6«o / cfGtl/s åGåsf] ;ª\Vof / ;}lgsLs/0fsf] ljGb' cflb kb{5g\ . of] To:tf] tYofª\sLo ;+oGq xf], h;df Unf]an lk; OG8]S;\n] zflGtk"0f{ ;dfh k|j4{g ug]{ a'emfO{ / eljiodf xfdLn] s] ubf{ lx+;fdf s6f}tL ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] :jLsf/ ub{5 .9 cg'jfb M /fhLj s'Fj/

ljgfzsf/L e"sDk

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnsf] ;fj{hlgs cg'/f]w e"sDksf sf/0f /fi6«df cfOk/]sf] ljkt\sf] o; 38Ldf vf]h, p4f/, /fxt, k'g:yf{kgf / k'glg{df{0fh:tf sfo{x?df ;xof]u ug{ b]zleq / aflx/sf JolSt, ;+3, ;+:yf / bft[ lgsfoaf6 ;|f]t h'6fpg b]vfOPsf] tÎk/tfsf] 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;Ddfg ub{5 . ;fy}, ljZjJofkL?kdf kf/blz{tf sfod ug]{ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnsf] d"ne"t dfGotfdf cfwfl/t /xL bftfn] h'g p2]Zoaf6 lbPsf 5g\, To;cg'?k ;xof]u cfof]–cfPg / k'Ug'kg]{ 7fpFdf k'Uof]–k'u]g < kfpg'kg]{n] kfP–kfPgg\, To;;DaGwL hfgsf/L ;fj{hlgs ug{'nfO{ xfdLn] xfd|f] bfloÎj 7fg]sf 5f}+ . To;}n] e"sDk kLl8tsf] gfddf /fli6«o Pj+ cGt/f{li6«o ;+3, ;+:yf / JolStx?n] s]–slt ;|f]t ;fwg, s]–s:tf] k|of]hgsf nflu pknAw u/fpg] argj4tf ePsf] 5 / ;f]dWo] slt pknAw u/fO;lsPsf] 5 . ;f]sf] ljj/0f 6LcfO{ g]kfndf lgDg dfWoddfkm{t\ lgoldt?kdf k7fO{ ;xof]u ug{'x'g ;a} JolQm, ;+3, ;+:yf / bft[ lgsfo;dIf 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;fb/ cg'/f]w ub{5 . o;/L k|fKt ljj/0f 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] cBfjlws u/L j]a;fO6dfkm{t\ ;fj{hlgs ug]{ k|aGw ul/Psf] hfgsf/L u/fpF5f}+ .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] ;xsfo{

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kf]i6aS;M !!$*^ km\ofS;M )!$$&%!!@ x6nfOgM !^^) )! @@@!!

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



6L=cfO{= g]kfnsf ultljlw g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg, @)&@sf] k|f/lDes d;f}bf ;fj{hlgs ;+ljwfg;efdf g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg, @)&@ sf] k|f/lDes d:of}bf k]z ul/Psf] 5 . @)&@ c;f/ !% ut] k|:t't ;f] d;f}bfsf] ;dLIff / e|i6frf/lj?4sf k|fjwfg ;'b[9 agfpg ;'wf/ ug{'kg]{ ljifo klxrfg u/L ;+ljwfg d:of}bf ;ldlt;dIf k|:t't ug]{ p2]Zon] @)&@ c;f/ !& ut] 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;b:o e]nf cfof]hgf u¥of] . e]nf k|:tfljt d:of}bfsf] ljleGg wf/fx?, e|i6frf/lj?4sf k|fjwfgnufotsf ljifodf s]lGb|t /x]sf] lyof] . d'VotM ;+j}wflgs lgsfox?, cb'ccf, dxfn]vf–k/LIfs / nf]s;]jf cfof]usf k|fjwfgx?df uxg 5nkmn ePsf lyP . ;f] sfo{qmdsf ;xefuLn] ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf] e"ldsf tyf sfo{If]q;DaGwL k|fjwfgx? cGtl/d ;+ljwfg / gofF hf/L x'g] ;+ljwfgaLr t'ngf ub}{ cfˆgf wf/0ff /fv]sf lyP . To:t}, s]xL ;xefuLn] /fhgLlts bn / Gofokflnsf ;Da4 k|fjwfgx?df b]lvPsf] åLljwf / c:ki6tf af/]df s]lGb|t /xL wf/0ff JoSt u/] . e]nfdf /fhgLlts bnleqsf] cfGtl/s nf]stGq, kf/blz{tf / pQ/bfloÎj;DaGwL k|fjwfgx? b'a{n kfOPsf] wf/0ff klg JoQm ePsf lyP . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] d"No–dfGotf / sfo{If]q;d]tnfO{ cfwf/dfgL ;+ljwfg;ef;fd' /fo–;'emfj tof/ u/L k]z ug]{ lgisif{ lgsfNb} ;f] e]nf ;DkGg eof] . wflbªdf u'gf;f] ;ª\sng– df]afOn Pnfs 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] e"sDksf] Iflt / To;kl5 k|bfg ul/Psf] p4f/ / /fxt ;fdu|L jf:tljs kLl8tnfO{ ljt/0f

eP–gePsf] ;DaGwdf u'gf;f] ;ª\sng ug{ wflbª lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{nodf ;xfotf sIf ;~rfng u¥of] . ;f] sfo{qmd @)&@ c;f/ !% ut] cfof]hgf ul/Psf] xf] . 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfj4 ;+:yf dfgjLo ljsf; tyf ;|f]t Joj:yfkg g]kfn ;f] e"sDk u|l;t lhNnf wflbªdf lqmofzLn 5 . u'gf;f] ;+sng s]Gb|df && hgf ;]jfu|fxL ;Dks{df cfPsf lyP . clwsf+zn] /fxt ljt/0f;DaGwL u'gf;f] u/]sf lyP . ;/sf/L tyf u}/;/sf/L lgsfon] pknAw u/fPsf] gub Pj+ cGo ;fdfu|L;DaGwdf w]/} u'gf;f]x? cfPsf lyP . sfo{qmdsf] cGTodf 6LcfO{ g]kfn / dfgjLo ljsf; tyf ;|f]t Joj:yfkg g]kfnsf k|ltlglwn] k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/LnfO{ u'gf;f] ;ª\sng s]Gb|df k|fKt u'gf;f] ;Daf]wg ug{ cfu|x u/]sf] lyof] . :yfgLo ;~rf/dfWodn] u'gf;f] ;ª\sng;DaGwL sfo{qmd / k|fKt u'gf;f] ;Da4 ;dfrf/ k|sfzg tyf k|;f/0f u/]sf lyP . e"sDku|:t Onfsfsf] cjnf]sg e|d0f 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf >L e/taxfb'/ yfkf g]t[Tjsf] Ps ;d"xåf/f @)&@ h]7 #! ut] wflbªsf] e"sDku|:t Onfsfx?sf] cjnf]sg e|d0f ul/Psf] 5 . e|d0fsf qmddf lhk|sf wflbª / 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfj4 ;+:yf dfgjLo ljsf; tyf ;|f]t Joj:yfkg g]kfnsf e"sDkkl5sf] cj:yfsf af/]df 5nkmn ul/Psf] 5 . /fxt ljt/0f k|0ffnL, JolQmut tyf ;fj{hlgs ;DklQdf k'u]sf] Iflt, lzlj/ Joj:yfkg / ;fd'bflos ljBfno ;DaGwdf ;j{;fwf/0faf6 u'gf;f] ;'Gg] sfd klg ul/of] . o; ;Gbe{df 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;a} k|sf/sf /fxt, cg'bfg / ;xfotf kf/bzL{ / hjfkmb]xL 9Ëaf6 u/fpg ;/sf/L lgsfosf k|ltlglw;dIf cfu|x klg u/]sf] 5 . Joj;foLdf c;n ;+:sf/ k|j4{g 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/ k|j4{g ljifos If]qLo uf]i7L ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 . uf]i7Lsf] k|d'v p2]Zo lghL If]qdf c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/ k|j4{g ug{ s]–s:tf] ;d:of 5g\ eGg] klxrfg ug'{ xf] . lhNnf pBf]u afl0fHo ;+3sf cWoIf jf



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

k|ltlglwnfO{ cfdGq0f ug]{, lhNnf txdf Jofj;flos lqmofsnfk ul//xFbf ef]u]sf ;d:of klxrfg ug]{ / To;/L klxrfg ePsf ljifo cGo lhNnfsf Jofj;foLnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg' xf] . o:t}, sxfF ;'wf/ ug{ ;lsG5 / ;'wf/sf nflu s;n]–s] e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{ ;lsG5 eg]/ vf]Hg' klg xf] . uf]i7Ldf lghLIf]qn] ;~rfng ug]{ Jofj;flos ultljlwx?df kfngf ug{'kg]{ g}lts cfr/0f / o;sf] pkfb]otfaf/]df k|sfz kfl/Psf] lyof] . lhNnfl:yt pBf]u afl0fHo dxf;+3sf k|ltlglwx?n] Joj;fo ;~rfngsf qmddf cfOkg]{ ;d:of / ;dfwfgsf] kxn ul//xFbf g}ltstfnfO{ s;/L sfod /fVg] eGg]af/]df cGo :yfgLo ;/f]sf/jfnf kIfx?;Fu klg 5nkmn ePsf] lyof] . pQm uf]i7L Pg;]n k|f=ln=sf] ;xof]udf 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] cfof]hgf u/]sf] xf] . If]qLo:t/df cfof]hgf ul/Psf tL uf]i7L @)&! r}t # ut] g]kfnu~h, @)&@ a}zfv & ut] lj/f6gu/, @)&@ c;f/ @ ut] kf]v/f / @)&@ c;f/ !# ut] x]6f}+8fdf ul/Psf x'g\ . uf]i7Ldf kfFr ljsf; If]qsf Joj;foL, gful/s ;dfhsf k|lglglw, pBf]u afl0fHo;+3sf k|ltlglwnufot ;/sf/L lgsfosf k|ltlglwx?sf];d]t pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . l/k|]m;/ 6«]lgË 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] lalN8ª g]zgn OlG6lu|6L O{g g]kfn -aLPgcfO{Pg_ sfo{qmdcGtu{t gf} lhNnfdf lqmofzLn 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfj4 ;+:yfsf kbflwsf/L tyf sd{rf/Lx?sf nflu l/k|]m;/ 6«]lgª cfof]hgf u¥of] . sfo{qmd @$–@% h'g @)!% df sf7df8f}+df cfof]hgf ul/Psf] xf] . tflndsf ;xefuLx?nfO{ lhNnf:t/df sfo{qmd;Da4 lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ubf{ cfjZos kg]{ 1fg pknAw u/fpg] p2]Zo sfo{qmdn] /fv]sf] lyof] . tflnddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf clwsf/Lx? / cGo ;|f]t JolStx?n] ;'zf;g tyf ;"rgfsf] xs, df]afOn Pnfssf] ;~rfng k|lqmof, cWoog tyf ;j]{If0f, ;~rf/sf] pkof]lutf, ;dsIfL ;xhstf{ k|lzIf0f k'l:tsf, ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfx, k|ltj]bg n]vg, cfly{s ljj/0fsf] clen]vLs/0fnufotsf ljifodf k|lzIf0f lbPsf] lyof] . To:t}, sfo{qmddf PnkL efg' zdf{n] ;bfrf/ / cfWoflÎdstf ljifos k|jrg lbg'ePsf] lyof] . k|jrgsf qmddf ;bfrf/ k|j4{gsf nflu g}ltstfsf] dxÎj

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

bzf{pg'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfn / cfa4 ;+:yfsf u/L !* hgfsf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] .

8f= uf]ljGb s]=;L=sf] cfGbf]ngk|lt P]Soj4tf 6LcfO{ g]kfnåf/f lqlj lzIf0f c:ktfndf sfo{/t k|f=8f= uf]ljGb s]=;L=n] r}t !# @)&! b]lv u/]sf] cg;gk|lt P]Soj4tf / ;dy{g ub}{ ;DdfggLo k|wfgdGqLnfO{ kq n]lvPsf] 5 . of] kfFrf} ef]s–x8\tfnn] lrlsT;f cWoog If]qdf k}mlnPsf] Jofks clgoldttf / e|i6frf/lj?4 cfjfh p7fpFb} gofF lrlsT;f sn]hx?nfO{ k|bfg ul/g] nfO;]G;k|lt nlIft 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] To; kqdf 8f= s]=;L=sf] dfunfO{ tTsfn} ;Daf]wg ub}{ pxfFsf] cg;g lz3| tf]8\gsf nflu cfjZos kxn ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/;dIf cfu|x ul/Psf] 5. .

;b:ox?sf] e]nf 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] @)&! r}t !#–!$ ut] w'lnv]ndf b'O{lbg] cGtlqm{of sfo{qmd ;DkGg u¥of] . pQm e]nfdf ;+:yfsf @% hgf ;b:ox?sf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . e]nfn] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] /0fgLlts of]hgf, sfof{Gjog kIf / efjL kxnaf/] ljrf/–ljdz{ u/]sf] lyof] . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf ;+:yfks Pj+ k"j{ cWoIf 8f= b]j]Gb|/fh kf08] / k"j{ clVtof/ k|d'v tyf ;b:o >L ;"o{gfy pkfWofon] ljz]if dGtJo /fVg'ePsf] lyof] . ;+:yfsf sfo{;ldlt ;b:ox?n] /0fgLlts of]hgfsf] d'Vo / ;fdlos If]qx?af/] k'glj{rf/ ug{ ;'emfj k]z ug'{ePsf] lyof] .

;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf ;xdltk|lt x:tfIf/stf{ k|ltj4 6LcfO{ g]kfn / o;df cfa4 ;+:yfsf] k|of;df ;ft lhNnfsf ljleGg ;/sf/L sfof{non] ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf ;xdlt–kqdf x:tfIf/ u/]sf 5g\ . x:tfIf/stf{ ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|ltlglw, 6LcfO{ g]kfn / cfj4 ;+:yfsf k|ltlglw;d]tsf ;+nUgtfdf Ps ;dLIff sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ul/of] . lrtjgdf cfof]lht pSt ;dLIff sfo{qmddf x:tfIf/stf{n] k|ltj4tf hgfPcg'?k ;kmntf / k|ult xfl;n u/]–gu/]sf] af/]df ;d]t 5nkmn ul/of] . sfo{qmddf lrtjg, ;'v]{t, wflbª, u'NdL, ?kGb]xL, Onfd / sf:sLsf ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|ltlglwx?sf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . ;fy}, ;xefuLx?n] k|:t'ltsf qmddf ;xdlt–kqdf ug{'kg]{ ;'wf/x?af/] klg rrf{ u/]sf lyP .

JolQmut cg'bfg 6LcfO{ g]kfnnfO{ @)&! kmfu'gdf Go"lhNof08sf >L

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

6LcfO{df gofF OG6g{

kmgf{G8f] of]gfyg ;'cf/]h–kfnf]ldgf], hd{gL hd{gLsf kmgf{G8f] of]gfyg ;'cf/]h–kfnf]ldgf]n] dfr{ @)!% b]lv tLg dlxgf;Dd 6LcfO{ g]kfndf OG6g{sf ?kdf sfd u/] . >L kfnf]ldgf]n] Po/xf8{ sfN;{ ljZjljBfno, 6'ljË]gaf6 kf]lnl6sn ;fOG; PG8 Pygf]nf]hL ljifodf :gfts l8u|L xfl;n ug'{ePsf] 5 . o; OG6g{l;ksf qmddf >L kfnf]ldgf]n] cjwf/0ff / kl/of]hgf k|:tfj n]vgdf ;3fPsf lyP .

x't/fh clwsf/L, z+s/b]j SofDk;, sf7df8f}+ 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] OG6g{l;kdf @)&! kmfu'gaf6 x't/fh clwsf/L klg ;fd]n ePsf 5g\ . clwsf/L z+s/b]j SofDk; sf7df8f}+df lahg]; :6l8h ljifodf :gfts cWoog ul//x]sf 5g\ . clwsf/Ln] Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmdcGtu{t k|fKt ePsf u'gf;f]sf] tYofª\s Joj:yfkgsf nflu ;xof]u ul//x]sf 5g\ .

x]n]g d]gg\, a+unfb]z a+unfb]zsL x]n]g d]gg\ @)&! kmfu'gb]lv @)&@ h]7;Dd 6LcfO{ g]kfn;Fu cfj4 /lxg\ . :jo+;]jssf ?kdf /x]sL ;'>L d]ggn] 9fsf ljZjljBfnoaf6 dfgjzf:q ljifodf Pdlkmn cWoog k"/f u/]sL l5g\ . ;'>L d]gg\ Pnfs cfp6l/r / e|i6frf/lj/f]wL cleofgdf dlxnfsf] ;xeflutf a9fpg] /0fgLltx?sf] th'{df sfo{df 6LcfO{df ;+nUg lyOg\ .



;xof]u u/]sf] hfgsf/L klg lbPsf 5g\ . Dof6n] cufl8 n]v]sf 5g\– d}n] 6LcfO{ g]kfnnfO{ lsg 5fg] eg] d To:tf] ;+:yfnfO{ ;xof]u ug{ rfxGy], h;n] d'n'ssf lk5l8Psf ;d'bfosf] ;zlSts/0f / pgLx?df ;sf/fTds k|efj kfg]{ k|of; u/]sf] xf];\ . of] cg'bfg ;xof]u 6LcfO{ g]kfnnfO{ pknAw u/fpg ;'>L cdL lr;xf]dn] ;xhLs/0f u/]sL x'g\ . cldgf jfNyfd, ;+o'St clw/fHo a]nfotL gful/s ;'>L cldgf jfNyfd ! h'g @)!% b]lv 6LcfO{ g]kfndf OG6g{sf ?kdf sfd ug{ yfn]sL 5g\\ . b'O{ dlxg] OG6g{l;ksf nflu g]kfn cfPsL cldgf cd]l/sfsf] k]lG;Ne]lgof :6]6 o'lgel;{6Ldf :gfts txsf] rf}yf] jif{df cWoog ul//x]sL 5g\ . cy{zf:q / cGt/f{li6«o ;DaGw cWoog ul//x]sL cldgf xfn 6LcfO{ g]kfndf kl/of]hgf k|:tfj, k|sfzf]Gd'v ljleGg k|ltj]bg n]vg sfo{df ;xof]u ul//x]sL 5g\ . pgn] eljiodf ljsf; ;xfotf / gLlt sfof{Gjogsf If]qdf sfd ug]{ ?rL /x]sf] atfPsL 5g\ .

6LcfO{ g]kfnsf PS;r]~h k]mnf]x¿ 5gf}6 n]vf clws[t ;'>L Odf]hgL >]i7 / k"j{ OG6g{ >L ;d|f6 /fodfemLnfO{ ;g\ @)!%–!^ sf nflu 6LcfO{ Ol08of / 6LcfO{ a+unfb]zsf nflu PS;r]~h k]mnf]sf ?kdf 5gf}6 ul/Psf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;g\ @))( b]lv blIf0f Pl;of If]qx?df ;dsIfL 6LcfO{ /fli6«o RofK6/x?df of] PS;r]~h sfo{qmdsf] g]t[TjbfoL e"ldsf lgjf{x ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . of] cjlw Ps jif{sf nflu dfq /x]sf] 5 . cfh;Dd of] PS;r]~h sfo{qmddf ## hgf k]mnf]x?n] ;kmntfk"j{s efu lnPsf 5g\ . o;n] 6LcfO{ /fli6«o RofK6/x?aLr sfo{If]q lj:tf/ ug{ of]ubfg k'¥ofPsf] 5 .9

Odf]hgL >]i7

Dof6n] Go"lhNof08 8n/ !))) -?= &*,)))_ cg'bfg pknAw u/fPsf 5g\ . >L Dof6n] ;g\ @)!@ df cfk"mn] g]kfn e|d0f u/]sf] hfgsf/L Od]ndfk{mt\ lbPsf 5g\ . ;fy}, Od]ndf pgn] g]kfn e|d0fsf qmddf g]kfnsf :yfgLo gful/sn] lbPsf] cfltYo / g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts ;f}Gbo{n] cfk"mnfO{ k|efljt kf/]sf] x'Fbf, Tof] ;'Gb/ b]znfO{ ;s]sf] ;xof]u ug]{ dg;fon] 6LcfO{ g]kfnnfO{

;d|f6 /fodfemL

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

zfxL gj]{lhog b"tfjf;sf sd{rf/Lx?l;t e]63f6 gj]{lhog b"tfjf;sf k|ltlglw / 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf k|ltlglwaLr e]63f6 ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . e]63f6df gj]{lhog b"tfjf;sf] ;xof]udf ;~rflnt g]kfndf /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|j4{g sfo{qmdsf] k|ultaf/] 5nkmn ul/Psf] lyof] . e]63f6 @)&! kmfu'g ! ut] ;DkGg ePsf] xf] . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] Ps k|ltlglwd08nn] zfxL gj]{lhog b"tfjf;sf] k|ltlglwd08n;Fu e]63f6 u/L 5nkmn u/]sf] 5 . 5nkmn !# k]ma|'c/L @)!% df ePsf] xf] . b'O{ k|ltlglwd08naLr gj]{lhog b"tfjf;sf] ;xof]udf 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng ul//x]sf] g]kfndf /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|j4{g kl/of]hgfdf s]lGb|t eO{ 5nkmn ePsf] lyof] .

e"sDkkLl8tsf nflu lbPsf] cg'bfg kf/bzL{ ug{ clkn pQ/bfloTj, ;bfrf/ / kf/blz{tfsf] k|j4{gsf nflu lqmofzLn 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnsf] g]kfn RofK6/n] g]kfnsf e"sDkkLl8tsf gfddf cfPsf] ;xof]u cg'bfgsf] vf]hL ug{ yfn]sf] 5 . o;cl3 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] k|ltlglwd08nn] cy{dGqL /fdz/0f dxt;Fu e]63f6 ug{'sf ;fy} 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnsf] ;lrjfno;Fu klg /fo ;'emfj lnPsf] 5 . xfnnfO{ ;/sf/L kf]6{n, o'Pgsf] kmfOgflG;on 6«Øflsª ;le{;]h / ;~rf/dfWodn] k|sfzg u/]sf k|ltj]bgx?nfO{ ;"rgf ;|f]tsf ?kdf lnOPsf 5g\ . clxn] e"sDk kLl8tsf gfddf k|fKt ;xof]u ;/sf/, bftf, ;+ul7t gful/s ;d"x / y'k|} JolStx?n] ;d]t ljt/0f ul//x]sf 5g\ . kf/blz{tf / pQ/bfloTjsf] ;'lglZrttfsf nflu ;fj{hlgs ;|f]t–;fwfg ljt/0f ug]{ hf];'s}sf] klg g}lts bfloTj xf] eGg] 6LcfO{ g]kfn 7fGb5 . e"sDkkLl8tsf gfddf cfPsf], lbg] k|ltj4tf JoSt ul/Psf] / vr{ ul/Psf] ;xof]u cg'bfg ;fj{hlgs rf;f]sf] ljifo xf] eGg] nfu]/ o;;DaGwL ;"rgf pknAw u/fOlbg cfXjfg ub}{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ljleGg bft[ ;+3–;+:yf / lgsfodf kqfrf/ u/]sf] 5 . To:t}, klqsfdf lj1fkg klg k|sfzg ul/Psf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] k|fKt u/]sf] ;"rgf ;fj{hlgs kmfObfsf nflu k|sfzg ug]{ hfgsf/L klg lbPsf] 5 .

6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] Sofn]G8/df sf6'{g 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] @)&@ ;fnsf] leQ]kfqf] k|sfzg u/]sf] 5 . pSt leQ]kfqf]df g]kfn sf6'{lgi6 Snan] !@ j6f

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

sf6{'g pknAw u/fPsf] 5 . sf6{'lg:6 Snadf cfj4 sf6{'lg:6x?n] ;fdlos ljifox?nfO{ ;d]6]sf 5g\ . leQ]kfqf] ;/sf/L sfof{no, 6LcfO{ cfj4 ;+:yf / cGo y'k|} ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ pknAw u/fOPsf] 5 .

;Gt'li6 ;j]{If0f 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng u/]sf] Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmdcGtu{t ;Gt'li6 ;j]{If0f ;DkGg ul/Psf] 5 . ;g\ @)!@ df ;'? ul/Psf] of] sfo{qmdkl5 sfo{qmdn] kf/]sf] k|efj / kl/jt{g a'em\gsf nflu ;j]{If0f ul/Psf] lyof] . of] ;j]{If0fdf :yfgLo gful/s;Fu ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfx ;DaGwL lh1f;fx? /flvPsf lyP . ;j]{If0f 5j6f lhNnfx?– Onfd, pbok'/, lrtjg, e}/xjf, sf:sL, wg'iffdf ul/Psf] lyof] . ;j]{If0fsf] lgisif{x?nfO{ k':tssf ?kdf k|sfzg ul/Psf] 5 .

;'zf;g / kqsfl/tf ljifos tflnd

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofg lrtjg;Fusf] ;xsfo{df ;'zf;g / kqsfl/tf ljifos tflnd ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 . @)&! r}t @)–@! ut] lrtjgsf] e/tk'/df cfof]lht sfo{qmddf :yfgLo tyf /fli6«o ;~rf/dfWoddf sfo{/t kqsf/x?sf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . ;~rf/ ljz]if1 Pj+ jl/i7 kqsf/ /fds[i0f /]UdL / 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf jl/i7 ;~rf/ clws[t 6L Pg l3ld/]n] ;xefuLx?nfO{ k|lzIf0f lbg'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmdsf] cGTodf jl/i7 kqsf/ /fds[i0f /]UdLn] ;xefuLx?nfO{ k|df0fkq ljt/0f ug'{ePsf] lyof] .9

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



d:of}bf ;+ljwfgdf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f / ;'zf;g k|j4{g;DaGwL Joj:yf g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg, @)&@ sf] d:of}bfdf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf k|fjwfg ;DaGwdf @)&@÷)#÷#! sf lbg 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnn] cfof]hgf u/]sf] cGtlqm{of sfo{qmddf ePsf] 5nkmnsf] ljj/0fM @)&@ c;f/ #! ut] sf7df8f}+df cfof]hgf ul/Psf] ;f] 5nkmndf d:of}bf ;+ljwfgdf s] kl/dfh{g ug{' cfjZos 5 eg]/ sfo{qmdsf ;xefuLx?af6 /fo–;'emfj lnPsf] lyof] . sfo{qmdsf] k|f/Dedf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf pkfWoIf uLtf s]z/Ln] ;xefuLnfO{ :jfut ug{'eof] . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf e/taxfb'/ yfkfn] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f / ;'zf;g k|j4{gsf ;DaGwdf ;+:yfn] lnPsf] wf/0ff ;xefuLx?;fd' /fVg'eof] . o;kl5 sfo{qmdsf k|d'v jStfsf ?kdf uf]uf] kmfpG8];gsf cWoIf s]bf/ v8\sf, jl/i7 clwjStf >Lxl/ cof{n / clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]usf k"j{k|d'v ;"o{gfy pkfWofonfO{ cfˆgf wf/0ff /fVg cfu|x ug{'eof] .

s]bf/ v8\sf, cWoIf, uf]uf] kmfpG8];g w]/} nfdf] ;dokl5 gofF ;+ljwfgsf] d:of}bf k|fKt ePsf] 5 . ;+ljwfgdf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f / ;'zf;g k|j4{gsf nflu e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{ ;Sg] dxÎjk"0f{ clVtof/, dxfn]vf–k/LIfssf] sfof{no Gofokl/ifb\nufotsf lgsfonfO{ sdhf]/ x'g glbg s] ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] xf] . d:of}bf g} gofF ;+ljwfgsf] ?kdf cfof] eg] ;'zf;g / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] ;Gbe{ sdhf]/ x'g] b]lvG5 . clxn] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug{ lhDd]jf/ lgsfonfO{ sd cfFlsPsf] b]lvG5 . kfPsf clwsf/;d]t s6f}tL ePsf] l:ylt 5 . cg'lrt sfo{ / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] sfo{ clVtof/n] x]g]{ eg]/ cl3Nnf] ;+ljwfgdf n]lvPsf]

g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg, @)&@ sf] d:of}bf ;DaGwdf

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6L=cfO{=_ g]kfnsf] wf/0ff k|f/DeM bf];|f] ;+ljwfg;efn] cfd–gful/ssf] hfgsf/L / k|ltlqmofsf nflu g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg, @)&@ sf] d:of}bf ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] 5 . @)^$ b]lv ul/Psf] k|of;n] l9n} eP klg Pp6f d:of}bfsf] ?k kfPsf] 5 . d:of}bf ;+ljwfg ;fj{hlgs x'g'nfO{ 6LcfO{ g]kfn :jfut / ;/fxgf ub{5 . cfd–g]kfnLsf] cfzf / efjgf ;d]6\b} ;+ljwfg;ef aflx/ /x]sf ljleGg zlStx?nfO{ ;d]t ljZjf;df lnP/ ;+ljwfg lgdf{0f x'g'kg]{ cj:yfdf ;+ljwfg;efleq}sf zlStx?sf aLrdf klg ;xdlt x'g g;Sg'n] ;+ljwfgk|lt ;a}sf] :jfldÎj / ckgÎj x'g g;Sg] kl/l:ylt b]lvg'n] 6LcfO{ g]kfnnfO{ plQs} uDeL/ agfPsf] 5 . ;+ljwfg;ef -klxnf]_ u7g ePb]lv g} 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;+ljwfg lgdf{0fsf] k|To]s r/0fdf rf;f] /fVb} cfˆgf /fo–;'emfj k|:t't ub}{cfPsf] 5 . cfˆgf nflu cfk}mFn] ;+ljwfg lgdf{0f ug]{ / ;+ljwfgcg'?k /fHo ;~rfng\ xf];\

eGg] g]kfnL gful/ssf] rfxgf xf] . of] rfxgfnfO{ ;b}j ;sf/fTds ?kdf lnFb} ev{/} ;j{;fwf/0fsf] k|ltlqmofsf nflu hf/L ePsf] d:of}bf ;+ljwfgdf /flvPsf sltko k|fjwfg nf]stGqsf dxÎjk"0f{ cjojx?– hjfkmb]xL, kf/blz{tf, sfg"gL zf;g / zlSt k[ysLs/0f tyf lgoGq0f / ;Gt'ng cflb kIfnfO{ ;d]6\b} c;n zf;g sfod /fVg ;xof]u k'uf];\ eGg] b[li6sf]0fn] 6LcfO{ g]kfn lgDg wf/0ff ;+ljwfg;ef;dIf k|:t't ub{5 != cfd–;~rf/sf] xsM cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# sf] k|:tfjgfdf k"0f{ k|]; :jtGqtf pNn]v ul/Psf]df d:of}bf ;+ljwfg, @)&@ sf] k|:tfjgfdf k"0f{ zAb x6fpFbf k|]; :jtGqtfsf] cfwf/e"t clwsf/df ;d]t aGb]h nufpg vf]h]sf] b]lvPsfn] k"0f{ k|]; :jtGqtf eGg] zAb pNn]v ug{' h?/L 5 . o;}u/L, wf/f !)& sf] pkwf/f # n] k|]; :jtGqtfdfly cª\s'z nufpg vf]h]sf] h:tf]



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

lyof] . clxn] cg'lrt sfo{ eGg] zAb g} lemlsPsf] 5 . e|i6frf/ / cg'lrt sfo{nfO{ cGt/f{li6«o sfg"gn] ;d]t :jLsf/ ul/;s]sf] cj:yf 5 . t/, xfd|f] ;+ljwfgsf] d:of}bfdf oL s'/f lgotjz lemlsPsf 5g\ . e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug]{ ;+j}wflgs lgsfonfO{ sdhf]/ / lgl/x agfpg]tkm{ pBt\ ePsf] b]lvof] . nf]s;]jf cfof]u / dxfGofoflwjStfsf] sfof{nonfO{ ;+3Lotfsf] df]8ndf nluPsf] 5, t/ c?nfO{ 5}g . ;+j}wflgs lgsfox?nfO{ lgoGq0f ug{'k5{ eGg] efjgf :ki6 b]lvG5 . nf]s;]jf cfof]u / cGo ;+j}wflgs cfof]usf aLrdf b/f/ k}bf ug]{ sfd ePsf] 5 . ljefuLo sf/afxL ug{ nf]s;]jf cfof]usf] :jLs[lt lng'kg]{ k|fjwfg /flvPsf] 5 . cb'ccfn] ljefuLo sf/afxLsf nflu l;kmfl/; ul/PsfdWo] $) k|ltztdfq sfof{Gjog ePsf 5g\ . t/, ca Tof] klg gx/g] l:ylt b]lvFb}5 . cfufdL ;+ljwfg kZrudgtkm{ hfg gkfcf];\ eGg] ljz]if cfu|x 5 .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

bafasf cfwf/df w]/} cfof]u agfOPsf] 5 .

>Lxl/ cof{n, jl/i7 clwjStf ljleGg cg';Gwfgn] g]kfnsf /fhgLlts bnx? e|i6 5g\ eGg] b]lvPsf] 5 . k|wfgdGqLnfO{ ;a}eGbf a9L ljZjf; ug{'k5{ . o; cy{df ;'zf;g sfod ug]{ ;a}eGbf a9L lhDd]jf/L klg k|wfgdGqLs} x'G5 . /fhgLlts

;"o{gfy pkfWofo, k"j{k|d'v, clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u clVtof/sf] clwsf/M klxn]sf] ;+ljwfgdf cg'lrt sfo{ eGg] lyof] . ;r]t u/fpg] jf ljefuLo jf cGo sfo{sf nflu n]v]/ k7fpg] eGg] lyof] . bkmf pNn]v u/]/ ljefuLo sf/afxL / ;r]t u/fpg] l;kmfl/; klg ul/of] . clwsf/ kG5fPsf] b]lvof] . clwsf/ lbOPsf] 5, t/ lg0f{o ul/Pg . cg'lrt sfo{sf] JoVof ul/Psf] lyof] . lghfdtL ;]jf P]gdf cg'lrt sfo{ eGg] s'/f g} /flvPg . cfpg] ;+ljwfgdf eg] cg';Gwfg g} gu/L k7fOlbg] s'/f n]lvof] . clxn]sf] Joj:yfn] cg';Gwfg ub}{ uof], kl5 cfjZos g7flgg ;S5 . :jtGq ;+:yfnfO{ v'DRofpg]tkm{ nfUof}+ . lzIff :jf:Yo jf c? s'g} If]qsf] a]Un} P]g agfP/ lgsfo v8f u/]/ sf/afxL ug{ ;lsg] elgPsf] 5 . e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug]{ xfdLsxfF ePh:tf] Joj:yf u/fpg ef/tdf 7"nf] k|oTg eO/x]sf] 5, t/ xfdL eg] ePsf]nfO{ klg df:glt/ nfu]sf 5f}+ . Gofokflnsfdf ;'wf/ ug{'kg]{ 5, ;a}n] n]lv/x]sf] af]ln/x]sf 5f}+ . Gofokl/ifb\ pQ/bfoL 5}g . o;n]

b]lvG5 . nf]stflGqs Joj:yfdf o:tf] k|fjwfg /fVg' pko'St x'Fb}g . df}lns xsM ;'zf;g k|fKt ug{ kfpg' ;a} g]kfnLsf] xs x'g]5 / ;fj{hlgs ;]jf ;xh, ;/n, kf/bzL{ / ldtJooL?kdf k|fKt ug]{ clwsf/ cfd–gful/ssf] x'g]5 eGg] 5'§} wf/f yKg' kb{5 . gful/stfM wf/f !& cg';f/ k|bfg ul/g] ;Ddfgfy{ gful/stf sf] j:t'lgi7 cfwf/ ;+ljwfgd} to ul/g' pko'Qm x'G5 . /fHosf lgb]{zs l;¢fGtM /fHosf ;a} If]qdf kf/blz{tf, hjfkmb]xL / ;bfrf/df cfwfl/t sfo{k4lt :yfkgf / b08xLgtf cGTo u/L g]kfnnfO{ e|i6frf/d'Qm Pj+ ;'zfl;t /fi6« agfpg] eGg] s'/f lgb]{zs l;4fGtdf pNn]v ug{'kb{5 . ldtJolotfsf] cjnDagM /fHosf] :j?k / zf;g k|0ffnL lgwf{/0f ubf{ o;af6 cfd–gful/sdf cgfjZos cfly{s ef/ gk/f];\ eGg]tkm{ Wofg lbOPg eg] ;+ljwfg ;fy{s aGg ;Sb}g . o; cy{df d:of}bf ;+ljwfgdf k|:tfj

ul/Psf ;+j}wflgs lgsfox? / ltgdf /xg] ;b:o ;ª\Vof, k|b]zx?sf] ;ª\Vof, ;+3Lo ;+;b\ / k|fb]lzs ;efdf k|:tfljt ;b:osf] ;ª\Vof 36fOg' kb{5 . b]z ljsf;df nufpg'kg]{ ;|f]t gofF lgld{t ;+/rgf wfGgd} vr{ x'g] cj:yf l;h{gf ug'{ pko'Qm x'Fb}g . ;+3Lo dlGqkl/ifb\ / k|fb]lzs dlGqkl/ifb\df /xg] dGqL / dGqfnosf] ;ª\Vof klg ;+ljwfgd} tf]Sg' pko'St x'G5 . To;/L tf]Sg Jofjxfl/s gx'g] eP ;+ljwfgdf ;+3 / k|b]zdf sfod x'g] dGqfnosf] gfd, ;ª\Vof / sfo{ ljefhg P]gåf/f tf]s]cg';f/ x'g]5 eGg] k|fjwfg /fVg' pko'St x'G5 . o;f] ubf{ thlahL clwsf/ k|of]u x'g] cj:yf g} /xFb}g . s'g} vf; sfo{ g} glbO{ pk–/fi6«kltsf] Joj:yf ug'{sf] cf}lrTo :ki6 5}g . o;af6 yk Jooef/dfq kg]{ b]lvG5 . t;y{, pk–/fi6«klt g} /fli6«o;efsf] cWoIf x'g] Joj:yf ug'{ cyjf pk–/fi6«kltsf] k|fjwfg g/fVg]tkm{ ;f]Rg' pko'Qm x'G5 . o;}u/L, :yfgLo sfo{kflnsf / Joj:yflksfsf] k|:tfljt ;+/rgf klg cTolws af]lemnf] / vlr{nf] x'g] b]lvG5 . oL ;du|


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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

GofofwLznfO{ e|i6frf/df sf/afxL ug{ ;Sb}g . v/fa cfrf/0fdf sf/afxL ug]{ xf] . clxn]sf] n]vfO{n] e|d k}bf ePsf] 5 . 3'; vfP/ /fhLgfdf lbg]nfO{ sf/afxL ug]{ ls gug]{ < axfn x'~h]n klg sf/afxL ePg, t/ kl5 klg gx'g] eof] . l;4fGttM b'O{j6f sfd ul//x]sf 5f}+ . Gofokl/ifb\df tLghgf t /fhgLlts dflg; 5g\ . Gofokl/ifb\ :jtGq 5}g . ;do 5– clxn] ;RofpF . Gofokl/ifb\nfO{ zª\sf nfUof] eg] clVtof/nfO{ cg';Gwfg ug{ lbP eOuof] lg . lgnDag u/]/ cg';Gwfg u/] eOuof] . e|i6frf/ ;Qf / kbsf] b'?kof]u xf] . ;+ljwfgn] kf6L{nfO{ s]xL cË g} dfGb}g . )$& ;fnsf] ;+ljwfgdf ;Qfsf] ;|f]t k|hftflGqs b]zdf /fhgLlts bn x'G5 eGg] s'/fnfO{ :jLsf/ ul/Psf] 5 . t/, /fhgLlts bn z'4 5}g . /fhgLlts bn cfr/0fadf]lhd ha;Dd lxF8\b}g, ta;Dd e|i6frf/ 36\b}g . clxn] /fhgLlts bnsf dflg; cfk}mF kLl8t 5g\ . cfwf/e"t s'/fM clVtof/nfO{ ;ª\s'lrt gagfcf}+ . xfdL cgSofssf] ;b:o xf}+ . cfˆgf] clwsf/ lj:tf/ u5{ . clVtof/ cln a9L hfGg] eof], Hofb} :j]R5frf/L eof] eGg] wf/0ffn] sfd eO/x]sf] 5 . :jtGq gagfPkl5 clVtof/ g} rflxPg . o;nfO{ pQ/bfoL agfpg] w]/}



tl/sf 5g\ . ;+:yf dflg; x]/]/ agfpg] xf]Og . ;+:yfsf] cfwf/e"t bz{gnfO{ g} dfg]{ sfd ug{' x'Fb}g . e|i6frf/s} sf/0f d'n'sdf htftt} ljt08f 5 . lji0f'k|;fb kf}8]n, ;efklt, ;+ljwfg clen]v cWoog tyf lgSof]{n ;ldlt, ;+ljwfg;ef ;+ljwfg lgdf{0fsf] lg0ff{os If0fdf 5f}+ . ;a} ;Gt'i6 x'g] ;+ljwfg lgdf{0f ug{ g;lsPnf . t/, clwstd\ /fd|f] agfpg] k|oTg ug{'k5{ . ;+ljwfg;efdf klg xfd|f] ;dfhsf] k|ltljDa 5 . k[ys wf/0ffx? ToxfF klg 5g\ . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] of] 5nkmn ;Gble{s 5 . of] 5nkmnsf] lgisif{ xNsf x'g]5}g . ljutsf] cg'ejaf6 w]/} s'/f l;Sg ;lsG5 . ;'zf;gljgf cfhsf] ;dfh rNg ;Sb}g . o;sf] ljsNk xfd|f Joj:yf 7Ls 5g\–5}gg\ < xfdLn] ;+j}wflgs, sfg"gL / ;+/rgfut Joj:yf 7Ls 5g\–5}gg\ < oL Joj:yfnfO{ s;/L cBfjlws ug]{ / k|efjsf/L agfpg] < xfdLn] Totf Wofg s]lGb|t ug{'k5{ . k'/fgf] ;+ljwfgdf ePsf] k'/fgf] kbfjnL df;]/ d:of}bfdf gofF kbfjnL k|of]u ul/Psf] 5 . d:of}bf ;ldltn] d:of}bfdfq u/]sf] xf] . of] clGtd xf]Og . ljz]if1x?;Fu 5nkmn ul//x]s} 5f}+ . cb'ccfnfO{ x]g]{ b[li6sf]0f Tof]

kIfdf Psk6s k'g/fjnf]sg ug{' h?/L 5 . &= /sdfGt/M ;+;b\åf/f :jLs[t sfo{qmdcg';f/ 5'6ØfOPsf] ah]6 s]xL ;dokl5 cGoq /sdfGt/ ^= ;/sf/sf] sfo{ ;~rfng k|0ffnLM ;+ljwfg / sfg"gsf ug]{ k|rng 5 . Jofjxfl/stfnfO{ b[li6ut u/L s]xL cwLgdf d'n'ssf] zf;g Joj:yfsf] lgb]{zg, lgoGq0f xb;Dd /sdfGt/ ug'{kg]{ cfjZostf eP klg o;sf] / ;~rfngsf] cleef/f dlGqkl/ifb\df /xg] k|rlnt ;Ldf gx'Fbf xr'jfsf e/df ah]6 lgwf{/0f x'g] / kl5 k/Dk/f g} xf] . t/, cfd–gful/ssf rfxgfadf]lhd /sdfGt/ ug]{ k|rngn] cfd–gful/sdfly s/sf] ef/ ;+ljwfg;efaf6 ag]sf] ;+ljwfgadf]lhd u7g x'g] ylkg] u/]sf] 5 / ah]6df pNn]v ul/Psf sfd gx'g] nf]stflGqs ;/sf/sf sfo{ ;~rfng k|0ffnL cfd– cj:yf 5 . o;tkm{ P]gåf/f g} pko'Qm ;Ldf lgwf{/0f gful/ssf nflu ckf/bzL{ / :j]R5frf/L x'g'x'Fb}g . ul/g]5 eg]/ :ki6 tj/n] pNn]v ug{' h?/L 5 . t;y{, d:of}bf ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f *% df elgPadf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/sf] sfo{ ljefhg / sfo{ ;Dkfbg *= ;l~rt sf]ifM ;l~rt sf]ifdfly x'g] Jooef/ sfg"gaf6 lgodfjnL ;fj{hlgs hfgsf/Lsf nflu k|sflzt x'g] xf]Og, P]gaf6 lgwf{/0f x'g] Joj:yf ul/g'kb{5 . / o;cg';f/ sfd gePdf :jtGq Gofofnodf k|Zg p7fpg kfOg] k|fjwfg /fVg'k5{ . cGo kbx?sf] h:t} (= ah]6 k|:t'lt / kfl/t ug]{ ;doM g]kfn ;/sf/sf] /fh:j / Joosf] cg'dfg d:of}bf ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f !@@ -#_ df k|wfgdGqL / dGqLx?sf] sfd, st{Ao / clwsf/ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] /fh:j / Joosf] cg'dfg k|To]s jif{ ;+ljwfgdf g} pNn]v ug'{kb{5 . h]7 dlxgfsf] !% ut] ;+3Lo ;+;b\df k]z ug]{5 eGg] To:t}, e|i6frf/sf] k|efjsf/L lgoGq0f klg ;/sf/s} pNn]v ePsf]df cfly{s jif{ ;'? x'g'eGbf $% lbg lhDd]jf/L ePsfn] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] ljifo cufl8 k]z ug]{ / ;+3Lo ;+;b\n] !% lbg cufl8;Dddf ;/sf/sf] sfo{ ;Dkfbgs} Ps cleGg cË aGg' kfl/t ul/g] 5 k|fjwfg /fVg' pko'St x'G5 . pko'Qm x'g] b]lvG5 .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;+/rgf lsg cfjZos 5 < o;af6 s] ck]Iff ul/Psf] xf] h:tf] d'Vo s'/fnfO{ Wofg lbP/ agfpg'k5{ . JolSt x]/]/ xf]Og . cb'ccfsf ;DaGwdf d:of}bfn] To:tf] ;ª\s'lrt efj af]s]sf] 5 eg] To;nfO{ ;Rofpg'k5{ eGg] s'/fdf d ;xdt 5' . cg'lrt sfo{ e|i6frf/ xf] eg] lsg g/fVg] < clVtof/sf] clwsf/ ;ª\s'lrt ug]{ 9Ën] xfd|f] ;+ljwfg agfpg' x'Fb}g . dfl;Psf] kbfjnL nfO{ /fVg] s'/fdf d d]/f] bnnfO{ ;d]t ;xdt u/fpg] k|oTg ug]{5' . /fhgLlts bnnfO{ :jR5 /fVg ;lsPg eg] /fHo nf]stflGqs x'g ;Sb}g . o; cy{df g]skf Pdfn]leq s]xL cfof]ux? cEof; ub}{cfPsf 5f}+ . h:tf] n]vf–k/LIf0f cfof]u / cg'zf;g cfof]u . xfdLn] x]g]{ s'/f s] xf] eg] g /fhgLlts bnfO{ c:jLsf/ ug{ ;lsG5 g ltgsf bf]ifnfO{ :jLsf/ ug{ ;lsG5 . ;'zf;g / e|i6frf/sf ;Gbe{df xfdL cGt/f{li6«o cg'aGwaf6 efUg] u/L jf k|lts"n x'g] u/L sfd ug{' x'Fb}g . z]/wg /fO{, ;efklt, ;'zf;g tyf cg'udg ;ldlt, Joj:yflksf ;+;b\ d'n'sdf ;'zf;g s;/L sfod ug]{ eGg] d'Vo r'gf}tL xf] . kf/blz{tf, ;'zf;g / hjfkmb]lxtf;lxtsf] ;+ljwfg s;/L agfpg] eGg] lrGtf ;fd"lxs 5 . clVtof/nfO{

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

cfu|x–k"jf{u|xaf6 x]g]{ klg ul/Psf] 5 . s]xL ;d:of cjZo klg 5 . clVtof/nfO{ alnof], ;zSt / k|efjsf/L agfpg'k5{ eGg]df xfd|f] c8fg oyfjt\ 5 . clVtof/nfO{ ;ª\s'lrt ug]{ cy{df ;'zf;g ;ldltdf s;}sf] cleJolSt cfPsf] lyPg . clwsf/ s6f}tL jf ;ª\s'rg ug]{ s'/f dfGo x'Fb}g . :jLsfo{ 5}g . ;'zf;g sfod ug{ hjfkmb]xL / pQ/bfoL agfpg ;+j}wflgs lgsfonfO{ alnof] agfpg'k5{ eGg]df d ;xdt 5' . of] 5nkmnsf] lgisif{ ;efd'v Pj+ cGo ;Da4 ;a} 7fpFdf pknAw u/fOlbg cfu|x ub{5' . cRo'taxfb'/ /fhe08f/L, sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs, ;LP;8LhL ;'zf;gnfO{ ;+/rgf, ;~rfng / glthf s;/L k|fKt ug]{ eGg] ;Gbe{df a'‰g' cfjZos x'G5 . sfo{kflnsf v08df ;'zf;gsf af/]df s]xL af]lnPsf] 5}g . v]d/fh /]UdL, k"j{;lrj tyf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf ;b:o cfd–;~rf/;DaGwdfM k|]; :jtGqtfnfO{ k"0f{ elg/xg' cfjZos 5}g . sfg"g agfP/ ;~rf/;fwgnfO{ cj?4 ug{ ;lsg] elgPsf] 5, of]rflxF 7Ls 5}g . ;+;b\sf] ;ª\Vof w]/} eof] . o;n] ;/sf/sf] :yfloTjdf c;/ u5{ . Gofokl/ifb\M /fhgLlts/0f ug{'ePg elgPsf] 5 . g]kfn af/sf] k|ltlglw Gofokl/ifb\df k7fpg] xf]Og . af/leqsf]

kfl/>lds tyf ;'ljwfsf k|fjwfgdf clglZrttf cfpg !)= Gofokl/ifb\sf] sfo{If]q M Gofokl/ifb\nfO{ GofofwLzsf] glbg ;a}df P]gadf]lhd tf]lsg]5 eg]/ pNn]v ug{' lgo'lQm, ;?jf, j9'jf / cg'zf;gsf If]qdf sfd ug]{ :ki6 lhDd]jf/L lbO{ Gofo If]qdf x'g] e|i6frf/sf] h?/L 5 . cg';Gwfgsf] lhDd]jf/L clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg !@= lgj[lQe/0fsf] k|fjwfgM ;+j}wflgs kbflwsf/L tyf cfof]unfO{ lbg] u/L jf To;f] x'g g;s] Gofokl/ifb\nfO{ ;jf]{Rrsf GofofwLzx?sf] lgj[lQe/0fsf] k|fjwfg g} Goflos If]qdf x'g] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug{ ;Ifd / km/s–km/s ubf{ lje]b b]lvPsf] 5 . o;nfO{ ;dfg lhDd]jf/ lgsfosf] ?kdf /xg] u/L o;sf sfo{ If]q, agfpg ;s] /fd|f] x'G5 . hjfkmb]xLnfO{ :ki6 tj/n] k'gn]{vg ug'{kb{5 . !#= ;+jw} flgs kbflwsf/Lsf] lgo'lStM ;+j}wflgs kbflwsf/Ldf !!= ;+jw} flgs kbflwsf/L;DaGwL k|fjwfgM /fi6«klt, lgo'Qm x'g cfjZos of]Uotf tf]lsFbf ælgo'Qm x'Fbfsf pk–/fi6«klt, k|wfgdGqL tyf dGqLx?, k|wfg avt /fhgLlts bnsf] ;b:o g/x]sf]Æ eg]/ pNn]v GofofwLz;lxt ;jf]{Rr cbfnt / k'g/fj]bg ul/Psf] 5 . o;f] eGbf lgo'Qm x'g tTsfn /fhgLlts cbfntsf GofofwLzx?, ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf k|d'v bnsf] ;b:otf 5f]8] k'Ug] b]lvG5 . o:tf JolQm lgo'St tyf ;b:ox?, k|b]z k|d'v, k|b]zsf d'VodGqL ePdf lghsf] lgikIftfdfly k|Zg p7\g ;S5 . t;y{, tyf dGqLx? / k|b]z;efsf ;efd'v, pk;efd'v, ælgo'Qm x'g'eGbf Go"gtd % jif{ klxn];Dd /fhgLlts cWoIf tyf pkfWoIf / ;b:ox?sf] ;d]t kfl/>lds bnsf] ;b:o g/x]sf]Æ eg]/ pNn]v ug{' h?/L 5 . tyf ;'ljwfx? st} sfg"gadf]lhd, st} P]gadf]lhd lgwf{/0f x'g] elgPsf] 5 . /fHodfly Jooef/ kg]{ o:tf] !$= clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]uM g]kfndf ljBdfg

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



/fhgLltsf sf/0fn] clxn];Dd kl/ifb\df k|ltlglw k7fpg ;s]sf] 5}g . o;n] GofofwLzsf] lgo'lSt /f]lsPsf] 5 . clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]uM cg'lrt sfo{ eGg] kbfjnL g} x6fPsf] 5 . slxn]sflxF If]qflwsf/ gf3]/ sfd u/]sf] x'Fbf 7]]ufg nufpg vf]lhPsf] xf]nf, t/ of] 7Ls 5}g . e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f cfof]u eg]/ gfdfª\s/0f ul/of];\ . xfdLsxfF y'k|} cfof]u eP ;dfgfGt/ cfof]u agfP/ ckJoo ug{'sf] s'g} cy{ 5}g . /fli6«o dfGotfk|fKt kf6L{ x'gsf nflu y|]; xf]N8sf] k|fjwfg -sDtLdf # k|ltzt v;]sf] ;b/dtsf]_ /flvof];\ . @) xhf/ ef]6 Nofof] eg] Pp6f ;dfg'kflts ;ef;b eOxfNof] . of] 5f8ftGq eof] . 6LcfO{n] tof/ u/]sf ;'emfjx?df s]xL kl/dfh{g u/f}+ . d:of}bf ;+ljwfgsf s'g a'Fbfdf s] ;'wf/ ug{'kg]{ xf] cem} tf]s]/ ;'emfj k7fcf}+ .

bfdf]b/k|;fb uf}td, k"j{cWoIf, 6LcfO{ g]kfn g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgnfO{ cfd–gful/sn] uDeL/tfk"j{s lng]vfnsf] agfcf}+ . xfF;f]sf] clen]v gagfcf}+ . ;a}nfO{ ;Gt'i6 agfpg] b[li6n] xf]Og, ;+ljwfg agfpg] k|oTg u/f}+ . k|efjsf/L ;+:yfdfq l;h{gf u/f}+ .

dLgf cfrfo{, ;b:o, 6LcfO{ g]kfn x/]s cfof]usf] cnu–cnu kl/R5]b lsg /flvPsf] xf] < ;+j}wflgs cfof]u eGg] zLif{scGtu{t cfof]ux?nfO{ ;d]6f}+ . s]xL cfof]udf lgo'lSt x'g] of]Uotf !% jif{sf] cg'ejsf] s'/f ul/Psf] 5 . t/, Tof]eGbf sd jf !) jif{d} klg cg'ej xfl;n ug{ g;lsg] xf]Og .

efg'k|;fb cfrfo{, dxfn]vf–k/LIfs, dxfn]vf–k/LIfssf] sfof{no d:of}bf ;+ljwfgdf dxfn]vf–k/LIfssf] sfo{If]q cem} :ki6 kfg{' h?/L 5 . :yfgLo lgsfo, ;/sf/L lzIf0f ;+:yfsf] n]vf–k/LIf0fsf] cj:yf s:tf] x'g] < o;nfO{ :ki6 kf/f}+ .

pd]z d}gfnL, cWoIf, nf]s;]jf cfof]u ;'zf;gsf y'k|} kfq x'G5g\ . ;'zf;gsf y'k|} ;"rs 5g\ . clVtof/sf af/]df dfq 5nkmn gu/f}+ . ;+3Lo nf]s;]jf cfof]usf] kl/sNkgf ul/Psf] 5 . k|fb]lzs nf]s;]jf cfof]u k|fb]lzs sfg"gcg';f/ u7g x'g]5, elgPsf] 5 . s;}sf] ax'dt cfof] / cfˆgf sfo{stf{ lgo'St u¥of] eg] s] xf]nf < lghfdlt ;]jf sdhf]/ eof] eg] nf]stGq gful/s tx;Dd k'Ug ;Sb}g . o;nfO{ xNsf 9Ën] glnOof];\ . k|fb]lzs cfof]usf] x}l;ot :jtGq x'g'k5{ .

;d:ofx?dWo] e|i6frf/ ;a}eGbf hl6n ;d:of aGg !%= dxfn]vf–k/LIfsM ;Dk"0f{ ;fj{hlgs ;|f]t vr{ x'g] lgsfox?sf] n]vf–k/LIf0f -/fi6«klt÷pk–/fi6«kltsf] k'u]sf] 5 . cGt/f{li6«ohut\df g]kfnsf] 5jL e|i6frf/n] sfof{no, :yfgLo lgsfo, ;fd'bflos ljBfno, wldNofPsf] cg'ej ;a}df 5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf e|i6frf/ ljZjljBfno cflb_ dxfn]vf–k/LIfsaf6} x'g] Joj:yf lgoGq0fsf nflu ;Ifd, ljZj;gLo / k|efjsf/L ug{' kb{5 . o;}u/L, %) k|ltzteGbf a9L ;/sf/L lgsfosf] Joj:yf ug{ ;lsPg eg] e|i6frf/ ce}m :jfldTj /x]sf ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] n]vf–k/LIf0f klg a9\g] ;fy} d'n's / gful/ssf] ;d[l4sf nflu ul/g] ;a} dxfn]vf–k/LIfs jf lghn] tf]s]sf] n]vf–k/LIfsaf6 k|oTg lgikmn x'g] lglZrt 5 . t;y{, d:of}bf ;+ljwfgsf] x'g' kb{5 . dxfn]vf–k/LIfssf] k|ltj]bg k]z u/]sf] wf/f @#* sf] pkwf/f -!_ sf] k|ltjGwfTds jfSof+z k"/} Ps jif{leq ;+;b\af6 -csf]{ k|ltj]bg k]z x'g' cufj}_ x6fO{ e|i6frf/lj?4 cg';Gwfg ug]{ ;Ifd lgsfosf] 5nkmn 6'ª\Uofpg] k|fjwfg /fVg'kb{5 ?kdf cfof]unfO{ lhDd]jf/L lbg] / e|i6frf/af6 s;}n] pGd'lQm kfpFb}g eGg] jftfj/0f lgdf{0f ug'{ !^= dxfleof]u;DaGwL k|fjwfgM d:of}bf ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f !)% -@_ df ;+j}wflgs kbdf lgo'Qm ePsf] JolQmsf] pko'Qm x'G5 . ;fy}, cfof]unfO{ ;fljsadf]lhd cg'lrt kbd'Qm x'g] cfwf/sf ?kdf dxfleof]unfO{ /flvPsf] sfo{cGtu{t cg';Gwfg ug{ kfpg] clwsf/ lbOg' / dxfleof]u nufpg ;lsg] j:t'lgi7 cfwf/sf ?kdf kb{5 . o;}u/L, cfof]unfO{ k|fs[lts P+j ;fj{hlgs e| i6frf/ u/]df eGg] jfSof+z yKg' kg]{5 . ;|f]tsf] b'?kof]u, hg:jf:Yodf kg{ ;Sg] gsf/fTds k|efjh:tf ;fj{hlgs ;/f]sf/sf ljifodf lghL If]qnfO{ !&= ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf] :jfoQtf / :jtGqtfM clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u, dxfn]vf–k/LIfs, ;d]t cg';Gwfg ug{ kfpg] clwsf/ lbOg'kb{5 .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

hgs/fh hf]zL, ;b:o, ;+ljwfg d:of}bf ;ldlt, ;+ljwfg;ef /fhgLlts ;xdlt ubf{ k]zfut kIf uf}0f x'Fbf]/x]5 . /fhgLltdf :jfy{dfq :yfoL x'Fbf]/x]5 . lxhf] u/]sf] ;xdlt qmdzM 6'6\b} uP . eTsfpg–laufg{ k6Ss} ;do nfUbf]/x]g5 . of] g} clGtd xf]Og . o;nfO{ ;+zf]wg u/]/ ;Rofpg ;lsG5 . lgjf{rg k|0ffnLdf xfdLn] s'/f u/]gf}+ . xfd|f] w]/} s'/fsf] h8 ;|f]t g} ToxL xf] . ToxfF s;/L ;'wf/ ug{ ;lsG5, ;a}n] Wofg s]lGb|t u/f}+ . 8f= kf08], ;+:yfks Pj+ k"j{cWoIf, 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;'zf;g k|j4{g / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f;DaGwL Joj:yfsf af/]df 6LcfO{n] u/]sf bf];|f] sfo{qmd xf] . of] t /fhgLlt xf] eGg] b[li6sf]0f /fv]/ ;+ljwfg agfPsf]h:tf] b]lvG5 . of] d:of}bf olt sdhf]/ 9Ën] cfpF5 eGg] sNkgf klg ul/Psf] lyPg . ^ jif{kl5 cfPsf] b:tfj]h xf] . ;a} ;dfhdf åGå x'G5 . o;nfO{ 36fpg g} nf]stflGqs k4lt cjnDag ul/Psf] xf] . OG6«]:6 cfl6{s'n]zg ug{ ufx|f] x'G5, t/ To;nfO{ Plu|u]6 ul/lbg] sf]xL ePg . )^# ;fndf ;+;b\ k'g:yf{kgf x'Fbf @)% leq} c6fpg ;lsGYof] . t/, dfcf]jfbLnufot c?nfO{ klg Nofpg a9fP/ ^)! agfOof] . oxL xf] Plu|u]6 ug{ g;lsPsf] eg]sf] . 6LcfO{ :yfkgf ePsf] @) jif{ gfl3;Sof] . k|ult ug{ kfpg] ls gkfpg] . /fhgLlt k5fl8 hfg ul/g] xf]Og, cufl8 hfg ul/Psf] k|oTg oxL xf] < ;ef;bx?n] ;'lw|G5 eg]/ hfg'eof] . e|i6frf/sf af/]df

nf]s;]jf cfof]u / lgjf{rg cfof]uh:tf ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf] ah]6 / hgzlQmdf ;/sf/sf] lgoGq0f /xg] u/]sf] 5 . o;af6 tL cfof]ux?nfO{ :jtGq ?kdf sfd ug{ sl7gfO{ kl//x]sf] 5 . o;df :jfoQtf lbg] u/L ;+ljwfgdf pko'St k|fjwfg /fVg' pko'St x'G5 . o;}u/L, ;a} ;+j}wflgs lgsfox?sf] cg'udg / d"Nofª\sg ;+;bLo ;ldltaf6 x'g] k|fjwfg -wf/f @*$_ n] tL lgsfox?sf] :jfoQtf / :jtGqtfdf x:tIf]k ePsf] b]lvG5 . o:tf] k|fjwfg g/fVg' /fd|f] x'G5 . !*= ;DklQ ljj/0fM ;fj{hlgs kb, lhDd]jf/Ldf /xg] ;a} AolQmn] ;DklQ ljj/0f k]z ug{'kg]{ k|fjwfg ;+ljwfgdf g} pNn]v ug{' kb{5 . !(= cfrf/;+lxtfM ;a} ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf kbflwsf/Lsf] cfrf/;+lxtf lgdf{0f u/L sfof{Gjog u/fOg]5 eGg]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

Pp6} b[li6sf]0f agfpg ;lsFb}g < ;dfh w]/} lr/fdf afFl8Psf] xf]nf, t/ e|i6frf/sf af/]df lsg To;f] ul/Psf] xf] < clVtof/sf w]/} sfdaf6 ;Gt'i6 5}gf}+ xf]nf, t/ clVtof/sf af/]df cg'lrt sfo{ eGg] zAb lsg lemlsof] < gofF P]g NofP/ ;a}nfO{ clVtof/ aflx/ /fVg ;lsg] k|aGw clxn]sf] ;+ljwfgn] u/]sf] 5 . hfoh 5 eg]/ ;xL yfKg'sf] cy{ 5}g . /fHo ;~rfnss} a'emfO{ e|i6frf/sf af/]df :ki6 5}g . s;}nfO{ kl/kSj ;+:yf rflxPs} 5}g eg] s] nfU5 < cgSofssf] :6]6 kf6L{ ePkl5 8f]d]l:6s sfg"gnfO{ To;;Fu gaflemg] kfg{ xfd|f sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug{'k5{ eGg] klg 5 . ca cGt/f{li6«o ;d'bfonfO{ s] eGg] < xfdLn] cfbz{sf s'/fdfq u/]sf xf]Ogf}+ . ;fd"lxs p2]Zosf nflu n8]sf xf}+ eg] /IffTds 9Ën] sf]xL klg k|:t't x'g' x'Fb}g . e/taxfb'/ yfkf, cWoIf 6LcfO{ g]kfn &) jif{sf] kl/sNkgfkl5 ;+ljwfgsf] d:of}bf cfPsf] xf] . ;+zf]wg ug{ ;lsG5 eg]/ 5f8\g x'Fb}g . d'n'snfO{ e|i6frf/d'St agfpg] ;Gbe{df ;ef;bx?n] cxd\ e"ldsf v]Ng ;Sg'eof] eg] To;sf] h; lng kfpg' x'g]5 . To;sf/0f pkl:ylt ;ef;bx?n] o;df Wofg lbg'x'g] ck]Iff /fv]sf 5f}+ . cfhsf] 5nkmn;d]tsf] cfwf/df 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] d:of}bf ;+ljwfgdf cfˆgf wf/0ff tof/ u/L ;+ljwfg;ef;dIf k7fOg] 5 . pkl:ylt / ;lqmo ;xeflutfsf nflu ;a}nfO{ xflb{s wGojfb .9 — 6L=Pg= l3ld/]

ljifo ;+ljwfgdf /xg' /fd|f] x'G5 . @)= /fhgLlts bn;DaGwL Joj:yfM cfˆgf] cfDbfgL vr{sf] ljj/0f ;fj{hlgs gug]{ / k|To]s jif{ n]vf–k/LIf0f u/fO{ k|ltj]bg ;fj{hlgs gug]{ bnx?sf] btf{ :jtM vf/]h x'g] k|fjwfg ;+ljwfgd} /flvg' kb{5 . o;sf cltl/Qm, nf]stGqdf /fHo ;~rfngsf] cleef/f /fhgLlts bnx?df g} /xg] x'Fbf bnx?nfO{ hjfkmb]xL, kf/bzL{ / ;'zfl;t agfpg] cfjZos k|fjwfg ;+ljwfgn] g} :ki6tM ls6fg ug{ ;Sg' kb{5 . d:of}bf ;+ljwfg, @)&@ kl/dfh{g ug]{ qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] k|:t't u/]sf pk/f]St plNnlvt a'Fbfx? ;dfj]z tyf ;dfof]hg x'g] ck]Iff /fvL ;+ljwfg;efsf ;DdfggLo cWoIf / ;+ljwfg;efsf ;DalGwt ;ldltx?;dIf k|:t't u/]sf 5f}+ .9

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] ;b:o e]nf 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] sfe|]sf] w'lnv]ndf ;b:o e]nf ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 . sfe|]sf] w'lnv]ndf cfof]lht ;f] ;b:o e]nfsf] cWoIftf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf >L e/taxfb'/ yfkfn] ug'{ePsf] lyof] . @)&! r}t !@–!# df cfof]hgf ul/Psf] ;f] sfo{qmdsf] ;'?jft ub}{ cWoIf yfkfn] e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofgdf ;+:yfsf ;a} ;b:osf] ;xeflutf / ;xof]u lg/Gt/ /xf];\ eg]/ sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ul/Psf] atfpg'eof] . gful/sn] Gofo dfUg hfg] 7fpFdf ;d]t e|i6frf/ JofKt eof] eg]/ g]kfn af/ Pzf]l;P;gsf] e]nfn] ;jf/Lrfnsb]lv GofofwLz;Dd e|i6frf/ JofKt ePsf] s'/f pNn]v u/]sf] klg atfpg'eof] . cWoIf yfkfn] cufl8 eGg'eof]– o;cl3 w'lnv]ndf o:t} e]nf u/]sf lyof}+ . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] /0fgLlts sfo{of]hgf sxfF s] eof] To;sf] ;d]t ;dLIff ug]{ Wo]o /fv]sf 5f}+ . of] e]nfn] xfd|f] cleofgdf 6]jf k'U5 eGg] nfu]sf] 5 . ;a}n] v'nf eP/ ;dLIff u/f}+ . xfdLn] kl5Nnf] ;do ;DkGg u/]sf lqmofsnfk;d]tsf] ;dLIff u/f}+ . o;kl5 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] /0fgLlts sfo{of]hgfsf af/]df dxf;lrj >L d's'Gbaxfb'/ k|wfgn] k|:t'lt /fVg'eof] . dxf;lrj d's'Gbaxfb'/ k|wfg /0fgLlt agfpFbf xfdLn] ljleGg sfo{lbzfsf af/]df 5nkmn u/]sf 5f}+ . xfdLn] g]kfndf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf ;3fp k'uf];\ eg]/ kfFr sfo{lbzf to u/]sf lyof}+ . ;lrjfnon] cfˆgf lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ul//xFbf 6LcfO{ sfo{of]hgfnfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ cl3 a9]sf 5f}+ . /0fgLltdf d'Vo kfFr sfo{lbzf 5g\ M kxn / k}/jL, ;xsfo{, If]qut hf]8, ;f+u7lgs ljsf;, d"No–dfGotfsf] k|j4{g cflb . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] /0fgLlts of]hgf ;g\ @)!# –!& sf] /0fgLlts of]hgfdf pNn]v ePcg';f/ g]kfnL ;dfhnfO{ e|i6frf/d'Qm agfpg] vf; nIo xfl;n ug{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] cfˆgf ultljlwnfO{ kfFr k|d'v If]qdf kl/nlIft u/]sf] 5 .

-s_ kxn / k}/jL gful/s ;/f]sf/sf ;fy} ;a} ;/sf/L cËdf yk kf/blz{tf x'g'kb{5 eGg] cfd–rf;f]nfO{ zlQms]Gb|n] cfTd;ft ug]{ u/L e|i6frf/lj?4 ;fy{s c8fg lng 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;/sf/ / g]kfnL /fhgLlts j[QnfO{ k|]l/t ub{5 . o;cGtu{t ;d;fdlos ljifodf Wofgfsif{0f / e|i6frf/ b]Vg] / ef]Ug] b'j}n] cfjZos ;xof]u lng;Sg] Joj:yf ldnfOPsf] 5 . -v_ ;xsfo{ e|i6frf/lj?4sf] ;dli6ut cleofgnfO{ ;'b[9 ug{ :yfgLo, /fli6«o / cGt/f{li6«o ;a}vfn] ;+3–;+:yf;Fu 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;xsfo{ / ;f´]bf/L ug]{ ub{5 . o;vfn] ;xsfo{sf] pTs[i6 gd"gfsf ?kdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ljleGg @% lhNnfdf @^ j6f :yfgLo ;+:yfx¿;Fu u/]sf] ;xsfo{nfO{ lng ;lsG5 . :yfgLo k|of;nfO{ ;3fpFb} 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] cfˆgf] pkl:ylt÷k|efjnfO{ ljleGg If]qdf lj:tf/ ub}{ nlu/x]sf] 5 . -u_ If]qut hf]8 ;Da4 clwsf/L÷lgsfonfO{ hjfkmb]xL agfpg cfjZos ;"rgf ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ ;Dk|]if0f ug]{ ul/sf] kf/bzL{ k|lqmofsf] cjnDagdfkm{t\ ;fj{hlgs If]qdf JofKt e|i6frf/ lgd"{n ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] gf/fsf ;fy ;fj{hlgs ;]jf, ;fj{hlgs vl/b, cWoog, cg'ej cfbfg–k|bfg / hgr]tgf clej[l4h:tf ljifodf 6LcfO{ g]kfn lqmofzLn /xFb}cfPsf] 5 . -3_ ;f+u7lgs ljsf; e|i6frf/lj?4 n8\g ;+:yf, ;b:o, sd{rf/L / cfj4 ;+:yfx¿ ;Ifd /x]sf 5g\ eGg] ;'lglZrt ug{ ;f]xL adf]lhdsf] ;+u7g lgdf{0f / ljsf; ug{ 6LcfO{ g]kfn sl6a4 5 . -ª_ d"No–dfGotfsf] k|j4{g e|i6frf/ ;dfKt ug{ cfd–hg;d'bfodf /xg] a]hf]8 ;DefjgfnfO{ b[li6ut ub}{ 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;bfrf/, Odfgbfl/tf / sfg"gsf] zf;gk|lt ;Ddfgh:tf kf/Dkl/s



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

d"No–dfGotfnfO{ ;'b[9÷ ;anLs[t t'Nofpg rfxG5 . tL d"No–dfGotfnfO{ cfTd;ft ug]{ hf] sf]xLn] klg e|i6frf/lj?4 n8\g] ;fx; /fVb5 eGg] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ljZjf; /lxcfPsf] 5 . o;kl5 dxf;lrjn] 6LcfO{ g]kfnåf/f ;~rfng ul/Psf ljleGg kl/of]hgf s'g–s'g lhNnfdf ;~rfng eO/x]sf 5g\ eGg] hfgsf/L lbg'eof] . ;fy}, dxf;lrjn] kfFr /0fgLlts sfo{lbzfnfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ kfFrj6f pk;ldltx? agfOPsf] hfgsf/L lbg'eof] . o;kl5 cWoIf yfkfn] dxf;lrjsf] k|:t'ltdf s]xL lh1f;f eP /flvlbg cfu|x ub}{ v'nf 5nkmnsf nflu ;do lbg'eof] . 8f= ljZjs]z/ df:s]M 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] cfof]hgf u/]sf] of] ;b:o e]nfn] ;b:ox?sf aLrdf ;fldKotf a9fPsf] 5 . o:tf e]nfn] xfdLnfO{ glhs Nofpg ;xof]u k'u]sf] cg'e"lt u/]sf] 5' . o;nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbpF . e]nfn] cflÎdotf a9fPsf] 5 . ;+:yfsf] /0fgLlts p2]Zo agfO{ nfu" ul/Psf] 5 . To;sf] ;dLIff eO/x]sf] 5 . o;n] ;+:yfsf] lqmofzLntf k|i6Øfpg] 5 . sxfF sdL–sdhf]/L 5g\ klxNofpg] 5 . 8f= /fdbofn /fs]zM ;Lldt kl/lwdf dfq o:tf] e]nf eO/x]sf] 5 ls h:tf] nfu]sf] 5 . o;af6 aflx/ hfg' h?/L 5 . gful/s ;dfh / ;~rf/dfWodsf dflg;x?;Fu klg o:tf 5nkmn rnfpg' k5{ eGg] dx;"; d}n] u/]sf] 5' . cl3Nnf] jif{ w]/} lhNnfdf ePsf sfo{qmddf ;xefuL ePsf lyof}+ . w]/} lhNnfsf] jf:tljs l:ylt yfxf kfpg] cj;/ k|fKt eof] . 8f= uf]ljGb s];L kfFr lbgb]lv cg;gdf x'g'x'G5 . /fhgLlts g]t[Tjn] kfun elg/x]sf] cj:yf 5 . /fhgLlts dflg;x? cfk}mFrflxF e|i6 ePsf] sf]xLaf6 l5k]sf] 5}g . 8f= s];Lsf] cj:yfk|lt a9L ;+j]bgzLn x'g'k5{ . P]Soj4tf hgfpg l9nf] gu/f}+ . o;n] pxfFsf] cfTdan a9fpg ;xof]u k'U5 . pxfFn] d]l8sn lzIffdf ePsf] e|i6frf/nfO{ phfu/ ug{'ePsf] 5 . ;du| lzIff If]qdf e|i6frf/ r/d ;Ldfdf k'u]sf] 5 . lgDg dfWolds ljBfnosf] ;~rfns ;ldltsf] r'gfjdf ;d]t dflg;x? xQ] xfln/x]sf 5g\ . @–# nfv ?k}ofF lnP/ ;~rfns ;ldlt lgo'St ePsf] ;'lg/x]sf 5f}+ . :s"nsf] ;~rfns ;ldltdf;d]t e|i6frf/ ePsf]n] o:tf] xQ] xfNg] qmd rn]sf] xf] .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

a'l4gf/fo0f >]i7M 8f= s];Lsf af/]df 8f= /fs]z;Fu ;xdt 5' . xfdLn] 8f= s];Lsf af/]df s]xL t af]Ng} k5{ . j+zLw/ l3ld/]M ;b:o e]nfsf] p2]Zo /fd|f] 5 . kf]lnl6sn PsfpG6flaln6Ldf P8\ef]s];L u5f}{+ eGg] s'/f xfd|f] /0fgLltdf cfPg . ;+:yfsf] /0fgLltdf kf]lnl6sn PsfpG6]laln6L 5'6]sf] 5 . csf]{ ;f];n PsfpG6]laln6Lsf] s'/f klg 5f8]sf /x]5f}+ . PsfpG6]laln6L km/ kmfOgfG;, km]o/g];h:tf s'/fdf k|j]z ug{' h?/L 5 . s[i0fk|;fb e08f/LM ul//fv]sf] sfd gx'g'eGbf sfgf] dfdf x'g' /fd|f] h:tf] ePsf] 5 . xfd|f] sfd uf]i7Ldf ;Lldt ePsf] 5 . xfdLn] k|ltkmn lng ;s]sf 5}gf}+ . pknlAw / eljio b]lvPg . d's'Gbaxfb'/ k|wfgM ljleGg lhNnfdf cfa4 ;+:yfdfk{mt\ sfd ul//x]sf 5f}+ . lhNnfsf dflg;x? pT;fxk|b 9Ën] ;xefuL eO/x]sf 5g\ . d's'Gb zdf{ kf}8]nM 6LcfO{ g]kfn;Fu lhNnf lhNnfaf6 u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfx? cfa4 eO/x]sf 5g\ . o;n] ;+:yfsf] e"ldsf al9/x]sf] b]lvG5 . /fhgLlts If]qs} sf/0f e|i6frf/ al9/x]sf] klg ;a}n] a'lem/x]sf 5f}+ . o;tkm{ xfd|f] Wofg s;/L a9fpg] eGg]lt/ k|of; ug{' h?/L 5 . ;'/]z/fh rfln;]M ;+:yfn] ;~rfng ul//x]sf lqmofsnfkx?af/] ;b:ox?nfO{ ;"lrt ul//xg'k5{ . o:tf e]nf x'g'cl3 s]xL ;fdfu|L ljt/0f ug{ ;s] /fd|f] x'GYof] . 8f= b]j]Gb|/fh kf08]M 6LcfO{df cg'ejL ;fyLx? x'g'x'G5 . lgM:jfy{efjn] nfUg'ePsf] 5 . /0fgLlts sfo{of]hgf ;Gtf]ifhgs 5 . xfdL sfd ul//x]sf 5f}+, t/ d'n'sdf pkb|f] 36]sf] 5}g . 8f= uf]ljGb s];Ln] xfd|f] cfGbf]ngdf ;3fp k'u]sf] 5 . of] ;+j]bgzLn ljifo xf] . o;df P]Soj4tf hgfpg' k5{ . jf:tjdf lrGtfhgs ljifo xf] . 8f= s]=;L=sf af/]df 8fS6/x? s;/L hf]ufpg] eG5g\, t/ sf]xL klg pxfFsf dfu ;Daf]wg ug{ tof/ eO/x]sf b]lvFb}g . ;~rf/dfWoddfk{mt\ dflkmofs/0fsf af/]df s'/f cfO/x]sf 5g\ . k|wfgdGqL cfk}mF lg/Lx 5g\ eG5g\ . pxfFsf] kf6L{sf] sf/0f xf]nf, JolStut sf/0f xf]nf t/ sfo{sf/L, ljwfos, Gofofno ;a} h]lnPsf] kl/l:ylt 5 . d]l8sn If]qdf dfq xf]Og, k|To]s If]qdf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

e|i6frf/ r/d ;Ldfdf 5 . oL s'/fnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ s] ug{ ;S5f}+ < /0fgLlt agfpg] / sfof{Gjog ug]{ xfdL ;a} ;+nUg 5f}+ . xfdLn] ul//x]sf sfd / d'n'ssf ;d:of ;Daf]wg ug{ s;/L ;lsG5 x]g{'kg]{ ePsf] 5 . …ly+lsª cfp6 ckm aS;Ú s]xL ;f]Rg–af]Ng ;S5f}+ ls < dxf;lrj, d's'Gbaxfb'/ k|wfgM xfdLn] If]qLo sfo{qmd ul//x]sf 5f}+ . If]qLo?kdf ;fpy Pl;og RofK6/sf t'ngfdf /fd|f] sfd ul//x]sf 5f}+ . ;+:yfsf] /0fgLlt ;a} ;fyLx?sf] 5nkmndf tof/ u/L nfu" u/]sf xf}+ . ;+:yfsf ;b:ox?nfO{ af]nfpFbf xfdLn] klxn] g} sfuhft k7fpg] u/]sf 5f}+ . cWoIf e/taxfb'/ yfkf -klxnf] ;qsf] ;dfkg_ 8f= s];Lsf af/]df P]Soj4tf hgfO/x]sf 5f}+ . o;sf] s]xL ;dfwfg lg:s]sf] 5}g . h;n] ;Rofpg'kg]{ lyof], pxL s'g} g s'g}?kdf ;+nUg ePsf] cj:yf b]lvPsf] 5 . lzIff / :jf:Yosf If]qdf b]lvPsf] e|i6frf/af/] s]lGb|t x'g] k|oTg ul//x]sf 5f}+ . of] If]q hl6n aGb} uO/x]sf] 5 . s[lif If]qsf] 7"nf] /sd eQfsf ?kdf uPsf] s'/f dGqLn] g} af]ln;Sg'ePsf] 5 . kf]lnl6sn kmfOgflG;8sf af/]df pgLx? sxfFaf6 NofpF5g\, s;/L vr{ ul//x]sf 5g\, ;|f]t–;fwg sxfFaf6 cfpF5 ;a} ckf/bzL{ 5 . ;j{;fwf/0f g]kfnLsf] xftaf6 /fhgLlt aflx/ k'lu;s]sf] b]lvG5 . slt g]tfsf] dfl;s vr{ % s/f]8eGbf a9L vr{ ul//x]sf 5g\ eGg] ;'lgFb}5 . kf6L{ cl86 ;dodf eO/x]sf] 5}g . x]nf] ;/sf/ / xfd|f] u'gf;f] ;'Gg] ;+oGqaLr ;xsfo{ eO/x]sf 5f}+ . Ps–csf{sf sd{rf/L cfbfg–k|bfg u/]/ cg'ej cfbfg–k|bfg eO/x]sf 5g\ . ;b:ox?sf aLrdf ce}m ;~rf/ ;Dks{ ug{ s] ug{ ;lsPnf xfdL ;f]Rg]5f}+ . of] ;a}sf] ;femf cleofg xf] . sfo{;ldltn] dfq xf]Og, ;a} ;fyLx?sf] plQs} ;xof]u / ;b\efjsf] vfFrf] 5 . xfdL slt cl3;/f k|f]PlS6e x'g] < slt jf:tljs x'g ;S5f}+ < xfd|f] :jtGqtfnfO{ cIf'00f /fVb} clVtof/nufotsf ;+:yf;Fu ;xsfo{



ul//x]sf 5f}+ . pxfFx?n] /fd|f] u/]sf lqmofsnfk;Dd xfd|f ;xsfo{ /xg]5 . e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ul/Psf] elgPsf] 7fpFdf g} emg\ e|i6frf/ al9/x]sf] ;'lg/x]s} 5f}+ . bfdf]b/ uf}tdM 8f= s];Lsf af/]df Pp6f l/hf]n';g kf; u/f}+ . g]kfn ;/sf/, lzIff dGqL ;a}nfO{ lbpF . k6s– k6s ef]s x8\tfn ug{' kl//x]sf] 5 . csf]{ k6s klg o:tf] ug{'k¥of] eg] sxfF hfg] eg]/ k|Zg klg u/f}+ .

bf];|f] ;q, @)&! r}t !# ut] cWoIf M e/taxfb'/ yfkf clxn] e|i6frf/ d'n'ssf ;Ldfgfdf dfq ;Lldt /x]g .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

8f= b]j]Gb|/fh kf08] cfh xfdL cfˆgf] cf:yf / ljZjf;sf sf/0f e]nf ePsf xf}+ . xfdL ;a} 6LcfO{ g]kfn;Fu hf]l8Psf 5f}+ . g]kfndf dfq xf]Og ljZjd} 6LcfO{ d"ed]G6 !((# af6 ;'? ul/Psf] xf] . clxn];Dd s'g} klg d'n'sdf e|i6frf/ 36]sf] k|ltj]bg cfPsf] 5}g . sltko d'n'sdf /fli6«o cf3ft kg]{ u/L gxf]nf, t/ g]kfndf To:tf] /x]g . xfd|f] ;dfhsf] x/]s kf6f]df e|i6frf/ hf]l8Psf] 5 . ;+:yfn] /0fgLlt agfO{ nugzLntfsf ;fy sfd ul//x]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ aln{gn] ;g\ @)@) ;Ddsf] /0fgLlt agfpg yfn]sf] 5 . y'k|} sfd ul/Psf] 5, t/ k|ltkmn ;f]r]h:tf] cfPsf] 5}g eGg] pgLx?nfO{ klg nfu]sf] 5 . clxn] cfTd–s]lGb|t Jojxf/ a9]sf 5g\ . e|i6frf/sf] kl/efiff g} abNg] a]nf ePsf] 5 . cfˆgf] d'n'ssf nflu :jtGq lrGtg ug{ ;Sg] l:ylt /x]g . To;sf] sf/0f j}b]lzs ;xof]u g} xf] . cg';Gwfg k|ltj]bg s;n] u|x0f ul//x]sf] 5 < s;n] OG6/gnfOh u/]sf] 5 < xfd|f cWoog–cg';Gwfg s;n] kl9/x]sf 5g\ . g]t[Tj z}nL, /fhgLlts ;+:sf/ stf uO/x]sf 5g\ < ;f]Rg'kg]{ a]nf h?/L eO/x]sf] 5 . x/]s

xfd|f] /fhgLlt sxfFaf6 rN5, ljsf; s;/L lgb]{lzt x'G5 < cGof}n a9\b} uPsf] 5 . e|i6frf/ a9\g] qmd xfd|f] pd]/h:t} a9\b} uPsf] 5 . o;af6 s;/L d'St x'g ;lsPnf eg]/ 5nkmn ug]{ p2]Zon] e]nf cfof]hgf ul/Psf] xf] . bf];|f] ;q 8f= kf08]sf] dGtJoaf6 ;'? ug]{ sfo{qmd to ul/Psf] 5 . To;cl3 8f= uf]ljGb s];Ln] ;'? ug'{ePsf] cg;gsf af/]df k|wfgdGqL;Ifd k7fpg tof/ ul/Psf] kq ;efdf k|:t't ul/g]5 . eLdaxfb'/ >]i7M w]/} s'/f k"j{ cWoIf 8f= kf08], bfdf]b/ uf}td / ;"o{gfy pkfWofohLaf6 ;'Gg] cj;/ kfPsf] 5' . xfdLnfO{ 6LcfO{sf] kl/of]hgf Pnfs jf Pnfs 8LkLn]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

lbg kqklqsfn] e|i6frf/sf ;dfrf/ cfO/x]sf 5g\ . ljb]zL ;xfotfn] k|lqmofdf cNdNofO/x]sf 5g\ . kl/of]hgfd'vL agfPsf] 5 . oL ljljw sf/0fn] e|i6frf/ ;fd"lxs kL8f xf] . 6LcfO{ aln{gdf :yfkgf x'g'cl3 g} e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofg ;xh 5}g eGg] t lyof] . d"ed]G6sf] rl/q s] xf] < ljQLo Joj:yf s:tf] x'G5 < va/bf/L ug{ ljb]zL k};f rflxFb}g . t/, xfdLn] ug]{ sfd cfjZos eP, t/ pkof]uL ePgg\ . ;b:o ;fyLx? bafa l;h{gf ug{ :jtM:k"mt{ eP/ nfUg'k5{ . xfdL clxn] d'n'sdf k|ltlglwljxLg cj:yfdf 5f}+ . lsgeg] /fhgLltn] ljZjf; u'dfPsf] 5 . /fhgLlts g]t[Tj klg lglZrGt rflxF 5}gg\ . pgLx? klg ;d:ofu|:t 5g\, pgLx?s} p4f/ ug{'kg]{ l:ylt 5 . ljs[ltsf] 7"nf] ;|f]t eg]sf] ;/sf/L lgo'lSt ePsf] 5 . lzIfsb]lv ;+j}wflgs lgo'lSt;Dd ;a}vfnsf lgo'lStdf k};fsf] rnv]n x'gyfn]sf] 5 . k~rfotL Joj:yfdf eGbf a9L e|i6frf/ a9]sf] 5 . of]Uotf, Ifdtf, u'0f x]l/g 5fl8of] . s'g} klg /fhgLlts bnsf] sf]iffWoIfnfO{ kf6L{sf] lx;fa yfxf x'Fb}g . 6LcfO{df xfdL w]/} kq n]lv/x]sf 5f}+, t/ To;nfO{ s;}n] hjfkm lbO/x]sf 5}gg\ . b]lvg] u/L zlSts]Gb|df bafa l;h{gf ug]{ cf}hf/ jf ;+oGq vf]Hg] a]nf ePsf] 5 . k|foM ;a} gful/s kL8fdf 5g\ . ;fj{hlgs ;DklQsf] b'?kof]u cTolws a9]sf] 5 . o:tf ljifodf s]xL ug{ ;lsG5 ls <9

;8sdf hfg] cj;/ pknAw u/fPsf] 5 . xfdL ;a} 8f= uf]ljGb s];Ln] ;'? ug{'ePsf] cfGbf]ngk|lt xfd|f] P]Soj4tf hgfO;s]sf 5f}+ . 8f= s];Ln] cbfnt klg ;xof]uL ePg eGg] s'/f klg /fVg'ePsf] 5 . k|wfg GofofwLz;Fu 6LcfO{sf] 6Ld uP/ e]6f}+ / o;af/]df s'/f u/f}+ . k|wfgdGqLnfO{ e]6f}+ . of] k|ltli7t ;d"x uP/ k|wfgdGqLnfO{ e]6]/ bafa l;h{gf ug{ ;S5f}+ . k|wfgdGqLn] clxn] lbg'ePsf] kq lkmtf{ lng ;Sg'x'G5 . k|wfg GofofwLz / k|wfgdGqLn] cfZjf;g lbg] xf] eg] 8f= s];Lsf] hLjg /Iff ug{ ;lsG5 . e|i6frf/ emg\–emg\ al9/x]sf] 5 . o;sf] d'Vo sf/0f

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;"o{gfy pkfWofo



k5{ . o;nfO{ cleofgsf ?kdf k|ltsf/ ug{ k|]l/t ug]{ sfo{qmd Nofpg'k5{ . o;sf s]xL afwf klg 5g\ . e|i6frf/sf sf/0f cfd– xfdL hf] o; ;+:yfdf ;fd]n ePsf 5f}+, k|foM ;a} gful/s 56\k6fO/x]sf clt Jo:t 5f}+ . csf]{ zf/Ll/s cj:yf / pd]/ To:tf] 5g\ . o;lj?4 sfd km'Q} ul/xfnf}+ eGg]vfnsf] klg 5}g . clxn]sf tGb]/L ug]{ ;+:yf 5, t/ ;+:yf hdftdf 56\k6L 5 . pgLx?;Fu pmhf{dfq xf]Og, s]xL k|efjsf/L ePg eGg] u/f}+ eGg] klg 5 . 6LcfO{n] To:tf o'jf;Fu ;xsfo{ ;a}nfO{ nflu/x]sf] 5 . ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . xfdLsxfF clxn] ePsf] hg;ª\Vof xfdL s]xL g s]xL ul//x]sf pTkfbgd"ns 5 . hgu0fgfn] b]vfPsf] tYofª\sn] 5f}+, t/ Tof] kmnbfoL ToxL b]vfpF5 . o;nfO{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] zlStsf] ePsf] b]lvPg . ca s] ug{ ;lsPnf < clxn]sf] ?kdf k|of]u ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . xfdLh:tf dflg;n] ;fy cxd\ k|Zg xf] . xfdL s] ul//x]sf 5f}+ eg] ljleGg lbg;Sg] xf] eg] To:tf o'jfnfO{ e|i6frf/lj?4sf] kl/of]hgf rnfO/x]sf 5f}+, ljleGg cg';Gwfg ul//x]sf cleofgdf pkof]u ug{ ;lsG5 . 8f= s];Lsf] ;dy{gdf 5f}+ . o:t}, xfdLn] ul//x]sf sfdx? pko'St klg clxn] o'jf ;d"x dfgj ;fª\nf] agfP/ ;8sdf 5g\ . kl/of]hgfcGtu{tsf lqmofsnfk x'g\ . o;sf] plqPsf] xfdL y'k|}n] b]v]sf 5f}+ . o'jfnfO{ To;}u/L cGTo sfuhdf x'G5 . o;n] xfd|f] 56k6L ;fDo e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofgdf clek|]l/t ug]{ k|of; agfpg ;ls/x]sf] 5}g, of] xfd|f] jf:tljstf xf] . o; u/f}+ . /f]6«ofS6nufotsf o'jf ;d"x 5g\ . ;DaGwdf cfˆgf cg'ej afF8\g] cg'dlt rfxG5' . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ug{ ;Sg] sfd csf]{ klg 5 / Tof] xfdL s]xL ;fyLx?n] ldn]/ ;]jflgj[Q ePkl5 Pp6f ;'zf;gsf kIfdf b]lvg]vfnsf] klg x'g]5– kf/blz{tf ;+:yf u7g u¥of}+ . To; ;+:yfdf kl/of]hgf klg / hjfkmb]xLsf b[li6sf]0fn] . ;+:yfut ?kdf kl/jt{g Nofof}+ . To;af6 s]xL hf]ufP/ xfdLn] rfx]sf 7fpFdf ug{ ;lsg] 7fpFx? 5g\ . h:tf] gu/kflnsf . ljleGg vr{ ug]{ k|aGw ldnfPsf 5f}+ . o;f] ubf{ ;+:yfsf] sfd / ;ˆ6j]o/sf] OG6/e]G;gaf6 of] sfd ug{ p2]Zocg';f/sf sfd ug{ s]xLn] klg /f]Sb}g . ;lsG5 . xKtf jf !% lbgdf Pslbg :jo+;]js aGg xfdLn] ug{ ;Sg] s'/f s] x'g\, klxrfg u/f}+ / ;a}sf] ;S5f+} . gu/kflnsfsf] /fh:j p7fpg] 7fpF, gS;f k|oTgaf6 To;nfO{ ;kmn agfcf}+ . xfdL Pp6f kf; ug]{ 7fpF, ;fj{hlgs hUuf ldlrPsf] ljjfb cleofg jf jfr 8usf ?kdf /x]sf] ;+:yfsf ;b:o Joj:yfkg ug{ ToxfF ePsf] Joj:yfnfO{ kl/jt{g xf}+ . xfdLnfO{ Jofsck xfd|f] cWoognfO{ agfpg'k5{ . ug{ ;lsG5 . ToxfFsf] ;'zf;g / kf/blz{tf a9fpg xfdL lkmN8df gcf]ln{sg xfdLn] s]xL pknlAw xfl;n ;lsG5 . xfdLdWo] Pshgf ToxfF uP/ al;lbg] xf] ug{ ;Sb}gf}+ . of] b]zsf] Kn; KjfOG6 s] 5 eg] Hofb} eg] To;n] k|ToIf k|efj l;h{gf u5{ . o;n] w]/} w]/} xNnf x'g yfNof] eg] ;/sf/ klg Jofs ePsf] 7"nf] sfd u5{ . of] sfd cGo b]z jf ;x/df ljz]if xfdLn] b]v]sf 5f}+ . Pdcf/kL 5fKg ef/tnfO{ lbg] ;]jflgj[Q ePsf dlg;x?n] rnfO/x]s} cleofg s'/f ahf/df cfof] . ;~rf/dfWodn] klg ToxfF 5fKg xf] . o;df xfdLn] ;~rf/dfWodnfO{ klg ;fyL agfpg lbg x'Fb}g eg]/ n]Vof] . y'k|} dflg;n] ToxfF 5fKg ;S5f}+ . clVtof/ / 6LcfO{sf aLr hlt ;xsfo{ / k7fpg' x'Fb}g eg]/ xf]–xNnf u/] . cGttM ;/sf/ Jofs ;dGjo x'g'kg]{ xf] Tolt x'g ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . o;df ePsf xfdL ;a}nfO{ yfx} 5 . Tof] gful/ssf] bafa clVtof/n] a9L tbf?stf b]vfpg'kg]{ xf] Tolt ;/sf/n] e]mNg g;s]/ Jofs ePsf] xf] . af3sf] b]vfpg ;s]sf] 5}g . d'vdf uO;s]sf] s'/f klg kms]{sf] pbfx/0f xf] . of] ;b:otf e]nfdf pkl:yt ;a}n] ;+:yfsf] xfd|f] ;dfhdf csf]{vfnsf] k|j[lQ klg 5 . Tof] s] k|efjsfl/tfsf ljifo h'g 56\k6L b]vfpg'ePsf] 5 eg]– s'g} s'/f eO;s]kl5 e}uf] t eg]/ ;xG5 . Tof] d;Fu klg 5 . o:tf sfdsf] ;'?jft cfˆgf] j8f k|ltsf/ gug]{ rng 5 . jf:tf gug]{ k|rng 5 . sfof{no jf gu/kflnsf g} x'g;S5 . o;n] lj:tf/} xfd|f]h:tf] ;+:yfn] dflg;sf To:tf afgL kl/jt{g ug{ ;dfhdf ;sf/fTds ;Gb]z k|jfx u5{ . t/, o;df o'jfk':tf;Fusf] ;xsfo{ h?/L 5 .9 ;Sg] sfo{qmd Nofpg'k5{ . k|ltsf/ ug{ l;sfpg'



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

/fhgLlts cl:y/tf g} xf] . /fhgLltnfO{ 6«ofsdf Nofpg 6LcfO{n] /fhgLlts bnnfO{ ;r]t u/fpg] u/L af]Ng'k5{ . ;+ljwfg lgdf{0fsf af/]df af]Ng'k5{ . 6LcfO{n] s]xL sfd u/]sf] 5}g eGg] dnfO{ nfUb}g . o;n] s]xL sfd ul//x]sf] 5 . d's'Gb zdf{ kf}8]nM /fhgLlts If]q, g}ltstf / rl/qsf s'/f p7]sf 5g\ . /fhgLlts kf6L{ g]kfndf w]/} eP . a9Ldf # j6feGbf a9L kf6L{ xfdLnfO{ rflxFb}g . bnLo :jfy{n] ljZjJofkL?kdf e|i6frf/ a9fPsf] 5 . /fhgLlts pQ/bfloTj / k|zf;lgs pQ/bfloTj km/s s'/f x'g\ . o;df ;Ldfª\sg x'g g;Sbf w]/} ljs[lt b]lvPsf x'g\ . /fhgLltsf] g]t[Tj ul//x]sf s]xL ;Lldt dflg;sf] :jfy{ k"/f ug{ sd{rf/LtGq klg nfluk/]sf] b]lvG5 . oBlk, oxfF b'j}sf] :jfy{ k"/f eO/x]sf 5g\ . e|i6frf/ d"n h8 g} oxL xf] . 8f= /fs]zM k|wfg GofofwLzn] ;ky u|x0f u/]sf lbg jlsnn] g} GofofwLznfO{ 3"; vfg nufpF5g\ eg]sf 5g\ . t/, af/ Pzf]l;P;gsf] lrtjgdf ;DkGg e]nfn] lgisif{ lgsfNof]– GofofwLzx?n] 3"; vfG5g\ . Psn]– csf{nfO{ b]vfP/ Gofofnosf] 5lj phfu/ u/]sf 5g\ . o;n] jlsn, GofofwLz / Gofofnosf] 5lj s:tf] 5 eGg] b]vfpF5 . of] uDeL/ ljifo xf] . clxn] ljsf; ah]6 b'?kof]u eO/x]sf] 5 . xfd|f of]hgfljb\ cg';Gwfgljgf g} of]hgf agfpg] ePsfn] ljsf; x'g g;s]sf] xf] . x/]s jif{ ljsf; ah]6 vr{ x'g g;s]/ lk|mh ePsf] ;'g]sf] klg nfdf] ;do eO;s]sf] 5 . vf; u/]/ t/fO{ dw];sf lhNnfx?df ljsf; ah]6df 7f8f] e|i6frf/ eO/x]sf] 5 . gLltljxLg g]t[Tj ePsf] 7fpFdf e|i6frf/ df}nfpF5 . a}+sn] lbg] C0f lng klg sd{rf/LnfO{ sld;g lbg'kg]{ l:ylt 5 .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

s'g}PsfpG6]laln6L lbO/xg' plrt 7flgFb}g . Toltdfq xf]Og, xfdLnfO{ jlsn] 3'; VjfpF5 klg eGg] ul/G5 . csf]{ Jofj;flos ;+:yfx?h:tf] Ol~hlgo/ Pzf]l;P;g, d]l8sn Pzf]l;P;g, rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6 Pzf]l;P;g, g]kfn af/ Pzf]l;P;g cflbn] cfˆgf ;b:ox?nfO{ lgodg ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . logLx?n] :jLs[lt glbO{ tt\;+:yfsf ;b:on] k|oflS6;\ ug{ kfpFb}gg\ . pgLx? ;a}sf] cfrf/;+lxtf 5 . xfd|f] /0fgLlts of]hgfdf Jofj;flos PsfpG6]laln6L n]lvPsf] 5}g . 5f]6f] ;dosf nflu agfOPsf] eP klg Tof] s'/f n]Vg'k¥of] / tL ;+:yfx?nfO{ 3r\3Rofpg ;Sg'k¥of] . ab\df;L ug]{ ;b:onfO{ sf/afxL lsg gu/]sf] eg]/ k|Zg ug{'k¥of] . Ol~hlgo/n] unt Pl:6d]6 u5{ . e]l/P;g x'G5 . lsg e]l/P;g eof] eg]/ ;f]Wof] eg] lhof]u|flkmsn Pl:6d]6 x'g g;Sbf km/s b]lvof] elgG5 . oxfF Tof] lhof]nlh:6 jf Ol~hlgo/dWo] Pshgf jf e]l/P;g c8{/ g} unt 5 eGg] b]lvG5 . b'a} 7Ls x'g} ;Sb}g . To;sf/0f xfd|f] /0fgLlts b:tfj]hdf k|f]k]m;gn PsfpG6]laln6Lsf] s'/f ;zSt 9Ën] /fvf}+ . o:tf ;+:yfsf ;b:onfO{ sf/afxL u/]sf] kfO{+b}g . o;sf lj?4df hfg] sfg"g klg 5, t/ To;sf] k|of]u x'g ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . To:tf g]t[TjbfoL ;+:yfn] lsg sf/afxL gu/]sf] eGg ;lsG5 . xfd|f] /0fgLlts b:tfj]hdf /x]sf] Goflos hjfkmb]xLnfO{ ljefhg u/]/ :ki6 af]Ng'k5{ .

v]d/fh /]UdLM 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o Voflt 5, To;nfO{ /fli6«o lxtdf pkof]u ug{ ;lsG5 . k"j{ kbflwsf/LnfO{ ;]jf ;'ljwf glbg Pp6f ;+:yfaf6 wgf{ cfof]hgf u/]sf lyof}+ . To;n] jflif{s %@ s/f]8 hf]ufPsf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfndf cfa4 JolStx?n] k|of; u/] w]/} s'/f ug{ ;lsG5 . larf}lnof lems]/ kfFrhgf sd{rf/L ylklbg] xf] eg] oftfoft sfof{nodf w]/} ;'wf/ j+zLw/ l3ld/]M h'l8l;on PsfpG6]laln6Lsf] b'O{j6f ug{ ;lsG5 . o:tf s'/fdf bafa l;h{gf ug]{ xf] eg] sDkf]g]G6 x'G5– …PS;Knfg]6f]/L / ;]lqmlkml;on tTsfn ToxfFsf] ljs[lt /f]Sg ;S5f}+ . PsfpG6]laln6LÚ . …PS;Knfg]6f]/L PsfpG6]laln6LÚn] k|x/L ;}lgs ;]jfdf d]h/eGbf dfly ;a}sf 3/df 3/]n' GofofwLz jf Gofokl/ifb\sf] ;b:o xf];\, h;n] klg lbg'k5{ . a]nfotdf kfln{ofd]G6n] af]nfpF5 ls eGg] nfUg] sfdbf/sf ?kdf sfd ul//x]sf 5g\ . To;nfO{ /f]Sg ;S5f}+ . slQ 5g\ < jflif{s slt vr{ eO/x]sf] 5 < lalQs} tL b'j}dWo] hf];'s} lsg gxf]pmg\ cfk}Fm uP/ lbg] tYofª\s ;ª\sng u/L ;fj{hlgs ug{ ;lsG5 . rng 5 . lr7L n]lv/xg} kb}{g . To:t}, ;]lqmlkml;on PsfpG6]laln6L ;hfo lbg] s'/f x'G5 . o;df gLltut e|i6frf/M nfp8f sf08 ;~rfns ;ldlt / GofofwLzafx]s c?n] ;hfo lbg kfpFb}g . lsgeg] dGqLn] hxfh lsGg ;Sof], t/ e|i6frf/ ug{ dlGqkl/ifb\df h;n] kfof], To;n] ug{ yfNof] eg] :jtGq Gofokflnsfsf] nu]/ lg0f{o ul/of] . o;n] g/fd|f] k|j[lQ x'ls{Psf] 5 . ;a} cl:tTjdf cf3ft k'U5 eGg] dflgG5 . t/, oxfF s'/f dlGqkl/ifb\df nfUg yflnPsf] 5 .

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6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;"rgfsf] xscGtu{t sxfF–sxfF, sf]–s;n], 3/]n' sfdbf/ /fv]sf 5g\ < ;"rgf dfu u/f}+ . e|i6frf/lj?4sf] lbj;M ;fd"lxs?kdf dgfpFbf 6LcfO{ g]kfn 5fofFdf k/]sf] 5 . clVtof/n] u/]sf a]lx;fa klg 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] vf]Hg'k5{ . clVtof/ cftª\s l;h{gf ul//x]sf] 5 . o;n] ;'zf;gdf dbt k'¥ofpg ;Sg'k5{ . l/:s lng dflg; 8/fO/x]sf 5g\ . s]Gb|Lo:t/df sfo{d"ns 9Ën] cl3 a9\g' h?/L 5 . s]zj cfrfo{M /fHon] gful/ssf gfddf u/]sf] vr{ gful/sn] kfpg] l:ylt 5}g . /fHon] %$÷%^ ca{ ?k}ofF vr{ ug{ ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . ljZjs]z/ df:s]M 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;'? ePsf] sl/a @) jif{ eO;s]sf] 5 . t/, 6LcfO{n] h'gvfnsf] k|efj l;h{gf ug{'kYof]{, Tof] ug{ ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . ;a}n] dgg u/]sf] s'/f xf] . x'Fbf–x'Fbf 3'; geO{ ljZjljBfnosf kbflwsf/L;d]t lgo'St x'g 5f8]sf 5g\ . ;+efjgf s]–s] 5g\ vf]hL u/f}+ . ls/0f yfkfM e|i6frf/ h/fdf ufl8O;s]sf] 5 . of] df}nfpFb} 5 . ;dfhdf e|i6frf/ ug{'kg]{ kf] /x]5 eGg] ;Gb]z k|jfx eO/x]sf] h:tf] nfUb5 . /fhgLlts kf6L{n] afwf gk'¥ofpg] afrf u/]/ ul/vfP x'GYof] eGg] l:yltdf 5f}+ . dflg;x?sf] ;DklQsf] ;|f]t vf]lhlbP x'GYof], t/ s;n] ug]{ xf] < pko'St ;+:yf s] xf] < j+zLw/ l3ld/]M åGå, ;+ljwfg / e|i6frf/ k/:k/ ;DalGwt 5g\ ls < o;n] l/;fOsn k|f];];nfO{ ;3fO/x]sf] 5 . e|i6frf/ / ;bfrf/sf aLrdf Ps lsl;dsf] åGå 5 . ;bfrf/, g}ltstfn] df]8fln6L / OlyS;nfO{ k|ltlglwTj ul//x]sf] cj:yf 5 . ;xg] k|j[lQ 5 . ;dfhsf] rl/q lgdf{0f kIf sdhf]/ eof] . /fhgLlt ;b:otfdf cfwfl/t geP/ sfo{stf{df cfwfl/t eof] . sfo{stf{ kfNg k};f w]/} rflxg], r'gfj n8\g w]/} rflxg] cj:yf . of] k4ltdf ;'wf/ gu/L e|i6frf/ /f]lsFb}g . 8f= afa'/fdn] e|i6frf/Lx? ;/sf/eGbf alnof 5g\ eg] . ;a}lt/ e|i6frf/ a9]sf] dx;"; eP/ klg ;'wf/sf k|of; ePgg\ . /fh ug]{, t/ gLlt gagfpg]lt/ /fhgLlt nlIft eO/x]sf] 5 . a'l4gf/fo0f >]i7M 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] tTsfn ug{ ;Sg] sfdx? s]–s] x'g\ < e|i6frf/ lgd"{n ug{ ;lsFb}g, 36fpg ;lsPnf . 36fpg cg';Gwfgd"ns sfd ug'{k¥of] . s]; :68L ug{'k¥of] . o;n] lbg] kl/0ffd



;dfhdf phfu/ ug'{k¥of] . oftfoft sfof{nodf larf}lnof geO{ sfd ug{ ;lsFb}g . larf}lnofnfO{ s'g vftf sxfF 5, ;a} yfxf 5 . larf}lnof x6fpg] k|oTg u/f}+ . ljlwjt\ tl/sfn] Ph]G;Lh:tf] v8f u/f}+ . dfnkf]t sfof{nodf larf}lnof ePg eg] vftf e]6\g ufx|f] kl//x]sf] 5 . Pp6f pbfx/0f 5– l8NnLahf/sf sd{rf/Ln] c:ktfndf cfP/ z]ifkl5sf as;kq ul/lbP, t/ /l;bdf 3/d'sfd dfnkf]t sfof{no l8NnLahf/ n]lvPsf] lyof] . o;f] ubf{ /fh:j %))) /fh:j lbFbf x'g] /x]5 . t/, pgLx?n] !%))) lnPsf lyP . afFsL /sdsf] /l;b lbPgg\ . 3/d'sfd c:ktfn n]Vg'kg]{ lyof], Tof] u/]gg\ . lbg] klg d~h'/ 5, lng] t lng] g} eOxfNof] . o;/L ;/sf/sf] /fh:j slt n'sfOPsf] 5 . o:tf s]; :68L ug{'k¥of] . ;dfh–6f]ndf 3':ofxf ;lsPsf 5g\ . klxn] To:tf] lyPg . h;n] /fh u5{, hf];Fu kfj/ 5, To;}sf sf/0f o:tf] ePsf] xf] . ;'/]z/fh rfln;]M e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug{ /fhgLlts If]qd} k|xf/ ug'{k5{ . d]l8sn If]qsf] e|i6frf/dfq /f]Sg ;s] klg x'GYof] . ;Dk"0f{ lzIffs} ug{ ;s] t uHha} x'g] lyof] . ;a} dflg;nfO{ y'g]/ ljZjljBfno g} aGb ug{'kg]{ l:ylt ag]sf] 5 . d's'Gbk|;fb kf}8]nM /fhgLlts If]qsf] g}ltstf / rl/q cfnf]Ro 5 . :jfy{n] /fhgLlts cl:y/tf a9fPsf] 5 . /fhgLlts / k|zf;lgs If]qsf] l;dfª\sg x'g ;s]g . nLnfk|;fb ;fksf]6fM xfdLsxfF ;a}eGbf 7"nf] ;d:of g} klAns k|f]Sof]/d]G6d} 5 . ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]gn] k|lqmofx? lgwf{/0f u/]sf] 5 . ToxfF sxfF–sxfF n"k xf]n 5g\, cWoog u/f}+ . o;df ;'wf/ ug{ ;lsof] eg] w]/} s'/f ;Rofpg ;lsG5 . ;"o{gfy pkfWofoM ;]S6/n kmf]s;sf af/]df s]xL s'/f /fVg rfxG5' . h:tf] d]l8sn lzIffsf] /fd|/L cWoog u/f}+ . s;/L e|i6frf/ x'G5 < s:tf kfq ;+nUg x'G5g\ < k|lqmof s]–s] x'g\ < To;nfO{ gLltut?kn] s;/L k|j4{g ul//flvPsf] l:ylt 5 < oxfF t n]6/ckm OG6]G8 ;/sf/n] lbg] clg csf]{n] ;DaGwg lbg] ubf{ /x]5g\ . klxnf] kq lbPkl5 bf];|f] lbg bafa kg]{ g} eof] . To:tf] kq lbg'cl3 s]xL cWoog ul/Psf] b]lvFb}g . n]VgrflxF s] n]lvPsf] 5, eg] …n]6/ ckm OG6]G8 Oh g6 Og O6;]Nkm ;lkml;PG6 6' :6\oflAn:6Ú . 7Ls xf]nf, t/ s] Tof] klxnf] kq lbPkl5 ;DaGwg glbO{ /f]Sg ;lsG5 <



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

Psflt/ ;/sf/n] OG6]G8 n]6/ lbG5, csf]{lt/ nfO;]G; lbg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . ;d:of g} oxLF 5 . oL ;a} s'/f gLltut?kdf sdhf]/ 5g\ . s]xL d]l8sn sn]hsf] ljz]if cWoog u/]/ lgsfNg] xf] / To;nfO{ cleofgsf ?kdf lnP/ hfg] xf] eg] s]xL ;'wf/ ug{ ;lsPnf . h'g;'s} ;]S6/df klg o;/L ljz]if cWoog ug{'kg]{ ePsf] 5 . h:tf] oftfoft If]qnfO{ lnpmF ;a} l;lG8s]6sf] xftdf 5 . k]6«f]lnod If]q To;}u/L l;lG8s]6 ul/Psf] 5 . Tof] l;lG8s]6nfO{ ;/sf/n] g} sfg"gL agfPsf] 5 . o;n] b]zdf s]xL JolStsf] xftdf ;'lDkPsf] l:ylt 5 . ;fj{hlgs ;]jfx?df ;/sf/ d'vl/t eP/, k|lt:kwL{ eP/ cfpg'kYof]{ . oxfF P]g 5, k|lt:kwL{ x'g'k5{ eGg] t/ sfg"gL?kn] g} To;nfO{ l;lG8s]6 k|0ffnLdf nluPsf] 5 . h'g r/0fdf kf/bzL{ 5}g, ToxLF s'/f phfu/ ug]{ xf] eg] kl/jt{g ug{ ;lsG5 . ;~rf/dfWodn] klg ;fy lbG5 . cbfnt klg o:t} xf]xNnfaf6 k|efljt 5 .

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;dfkg dGtJo bfdf]b/k|;fb uf}tdM ;+:yfsf] /0fgLlts b:tfj]h Ps k6s agfPkl5 ;w}+nfO{ x'g] s'/f xf]Og . of] cfjlws x'G5 . o;nfO{ x/]s jif{ kl/dfh{g u/L ;'wf/ ub}{ nfg ;lsG5 . Jofj;flos ;+:yfsf] PsfpG6]laln6Lsf] s'/f 5'6]s} xf] . o;nfO{ ;dfj]z u/f}+ . /]jthLn] Ps k6s agfO;s]sf] b:tfj]hdf lsg cndlnO/xg] eGg'eof] . o; cy{df xfd|f] /0fgLlts b:tfj]h a]nf–a]nfdf 5nkmndf Nofpg' g} pko'St x'G5 . 8f= /fs]zn] jlsnn] GofofwLznfO{ GofofwLzn] jlsnnfO{ 3"; vfg]–Vjfpg] s'/f u5{g\ eGg'eof] . o;n] Gofofnodf klg /f]u 5 eGg] cem k|i6ØfpF5 . 6LcfO{sf ljZjel/ !)) eGbf a9L RofK6/ 5g\ . xfdL ;Lldt @) dWo]df k5f}{+ . xfd|f sfd Tolt sdhf]/ klg 5}gg\ .9 k|:t'lt M 6L=Pg= l3ld/]

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnsf]

gf]l6; af]8{ ;le{; 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] k|jfx ug]{ ;]jf;DaGwdf hfgsf/L lbgsf nflu …gf]l6; af]8{ ;]jfÚ ;'? u/]sf] 5 . o;sf nflu !^!*) !$$& %!!@ df ;Dks{ ug{'x'g ;Da4 ;a}nfO{ hfgsf/L u/fOG5 .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn 5s'as' dfu{, gofF afg]Zj/, sf7df8f}+, g]kfn kmf]gM $$&%)^@, $$&%!!@, $$&%@^@ ˆofS;M $$&%!!@, kf]i6 aS; gDa/M !!$*^ E-mail:, Web:

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6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/ If]qLo ;Dd]ng -g]kfnu~h, lj/f6gu/, kf]v/f / x]6f}+8f_ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/ ljifos If]qLo uf]i7L ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 . uf]i7Lsf] k|d'v p2]Zo lghL If]qdf c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/ k|j4{g ug{ s]–s:tf] ;d:of 5g\ eGg] klxrfg ug'{ xf] . lhNnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf cWoIf jf k|ltlglwnfO{ cfdGq0f ug]{, lhNnf txdf Jofj;flos lqmofsnfk ul//xFbf ef]u]sf ;d:of klxrfg ug]{ / To;/L klxrfg ePsf ljifo cGo lhNnfsf Joj;foLnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg' xf] . o;n] sxfF ;'wf/ ug{ ;lsG5 / ;'wf/sf nflu s;n] s] e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{ ;lsG5 eg]/ vf]Hg' klg xf] . c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/ k|j4{gdf ;xof]u k'Ug] ljZjf; /fvL Pg;]n k|f= ln=sf] ;xof]udf 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] of] uf]i7L cfof]hgf u/]sf] xf] . If]qLo:t/df cfof]hgf ul/Psf tL uf]i7L @)&! r}t # ut] g]kfnu~h, @)&@ a}zfv & ut] lj/f6gu/, @)&@ c;f/ @ ut] kf]v/f / @)&@ c;f/ !# ut] x]6f}+8fdf ul/Psf x'g\ . uf]i7Ldf kfFr ljsf; If]qsf Joj;foL, gful/s ;dfhsf k|lglglw, pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf k|ltlglwnufot ;/sf/L lgsfosf k|ltlglwx?sf] ;d]t pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . b'O{ ;qdf ljeflht sfo{qmdsf] klxnf] ;qdf lhNnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf cWoIf, k|ltlglwÙ 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf kbflwsf/L, sd{rf/LÙ g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3sf k"j{ dxflgb]{zs 8f= x]dGt bjf8L, 6L=cfO{= g]kfnsf cfj4 ;+:yfsf k|ltlglw / Pg;]n g]kfnsf k|ltlglwx?sf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . uf]i7Lsf] klxnf] ;qdf g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3sf k"j{ dxflgb]{zs 8f= x]dGt bjf8Ln] Jofj;flos g}ltstf / g]kfnL pBf]u Jofkf/ ljifos sfo{kq k|:t't ug'{ePsf] lyof] . sfo{kqdf Joj;fo / Joj;foL ;DaGwdf ;ftfel/ k|sflzt ;dfrf/Ù sfg"g / g}ltstfÙ Jofj;flos cfrf/;+lxtfÙ lbuf] Joj;fo jf l56f] gfkmfÙ Joj;foLnfO{ nfUg] cf/f]kx?Ù c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/ k|j4{gdf Joj;foLsf] e"ldsfh:tf s'/fx? ;d]l6Psf lyP . pxfFsf] k|:t'ltkl5 sfo{qmdsf ;xefuLx?nfO{ $ ;d"xdf ljefhg ul/Psf] lyof] . ;'emfj ;ª\sng ug{sf] nflu ljeflht tL ;d"xdf kfFrj6f k|ZgnfO{ s]Gb|df /fvL ;'emfa lbg cfu|x ul/Psf lyof] . != o; If]qdf Jofj;flos ;+:sf/ s'g cj:yfdf /x]sf] kfpg'ePsf] 5 < @= c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/ k|j4{g ug{ sf]–s;n] -;+:yf_

s] cj/f]w v8f u/]sf 5g\ < #= s] u/] Jofj;flos ;+:sf/df ;'wf/ Nofpg ;lsG5 < $= Jofj;flos ;+:sf/df ;'wf/ ug{ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf] s:tf] e"ldsf x'g'k5{ < %= Jofj;flos ;+:sf/df ;'wf/ ug{ Jofj;foL cfk}mFn] s] ug'{knf{ < rf/j6f ;d"xn] cfk;df 5nkmn u/L k|To]s ;d"xaf6 Pshgf k|ltlglwn] lgisif{ k|:t't u/]sf lyP . To;/L lgisif{ k|:t't ul/;s]kl5 cGo ;d"xsf ;xefuLnfO{ k|Zg /fVg] ;do lbOPsf] lyof] . tL k|Zgsf] pQ/ lgisif{ k|:t't ug]{ kl|tlglwn] g} lbg'kg]{ Joj:yf ul/Psf] lyof] . uf]i7Lsf] bf];|f] ;qdf klxnf] ;qsf ;xefuLnufot ;/sf/L lgsfosf k|ltlglwx? If]qLo k|zf;s, k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L, /fh:j, eG;f/nufotsf k|ltlglwsf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . o; ;qdf klxnf] ;qdf p7fOPsf Jofj;flos ;d:of, ljleGg ;d"x k|ltlglwsf] lgisif{sf] ;f/;ª\If]k 8f= x]dGt bjf8Ln] k|:t't ug'{ePsf] lyof] . To;kl5 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf dxf;lrj d's'Gb axfb'/ k|wfgn] ;bfrf/ / 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf af/]df k|:t'lt /fVg'ePsf] lyof] . Pg;]nsf k|ltlglwn] 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ljsf; u/]sf] ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfdf Pg;]nn] x:tfIf/ ul/;s]sf] hfgsf/L lbFb} pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf k|ltlglwnfO{ klg o:tf] k|ltj4tfdf x:tfIf/ ug{ cfXjfg ug{'ePsf] lyof] . lhNnfdf /x]sf cGo ;/sf/L tyf lghL If]qsf k|ltlglwx?n] ;d]t cfˆgf ljrf/x? /fv]sf lyP . sfo{qmddf ;xefuL pBf]u Joj;foLn] cfˆgf If]qdf ePsf ;d:ofx?sf af/]df af]n]sf lyP . v'nf l;dfgf, k|x/L k|zf;g, eG;f/, /fh:j tyf cGo s'/fx? If]qcg';f/ km/s km/s /x]sf] kfOof] . Joj;foLsf] ;xeflutf 7fpFcg';f/ sd–a];L b]lvof] . sltko 7fpFdf ;xeflutf sd b]lvP klg 5nkmn k|efjsf/L b]lvof] . s]xL 7fpFdf ;/sf/L lgsfon] o:tf sfo{qmdnfO{ dxÎjsf] ?kdf lnPsf] kfOof] eg] s]xL 7fpFdf vf;} dxÎj glbPsf] cg'e"lt eof] . gful/s ;dfhsf] pkl:ylt /x] klg pgLx?sf] cfjfh ;zQm?kdf cufl8 cfPsf] kfOPg . sltko gful/s ;dfhsf k|ltlglwn] o; k|sf/sf sfo{qmdn] lghL If]qdf vf;} km/s



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

gkg]{ wf/0ff;d]t /fv]sf lyP . cfd–;~rf/sf] ;xeflutf klg 7fpFcg';f/ km/s–km/s b]lvof] . s]xL kqklqsfdf sfo{qmd;DaGwL ;dfrf/ k|fyldstfsf;fy k|;f/0f tyf k|sfzg ul/Psf] kfOof] eg] s]xL dfWodn] vf;} dxÎj lbPgg\ . lhNnf txdf kqsf/ cfk}mF ;dfrf/ ;ª\sng ug]{eGbf klg cfof]hs jf cGo s;}n] ;dfrf/ tof/ u/L pgLx?nfO{ pknAw u/fPdf dfq ;dfrf/ k|sflzt x'g] l:ylt klg b]lvof] . lhNnf txdf sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ubf{ lhNnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf] ;xsfo{df ubf{ s]xL s'/fdf ;lhnf] / s]xLdf cK7Øf/f];d]t b]lvof] . Tof] lhNnf pBf]u ;+3sf] JolQm slt a9L ;lqmo 5 jf To; sfof{nodf /xg] sd{rf/Lsf] e"ldsfn] ;d]t sfo{qmddf k|efj kf/]sf] b]lvof] . pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf s]xL lhNnf cWoIf jf k|ltlglwn] o:tf sfo{qmd lhNnf txdf ;fwf/0f ;b:osf] txdf ;d]t n}hfg kfP k|efjsf/L x'g] wf/0ff klg /fv] . lghL If]q;Fu ldn]/ ul/Psf ;'?sf sfo{qmd ePsfn] pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf k|ltlgwx? v'n]/ af]N5g\–af]Nb}gg\ < ;xeflutf s:tf] /xnf < h:tf ;fdfGo rf;f] xfdLdf /x]sf] lyof] . t/, sfo{qmddf pgLx?sf] ;lqmo ;xeflutf /Xof] . o; cy{df c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/ k|j4{g ug{ of] sfo{qmd ;kmn ePsf] cg'e"lt 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] u/]sf] 5 . sfo{qmdsf s]xL ;sf/fTds kIf != c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/af/] 5nkmn ug{ 5f]6f] ;dosf] ;"rgfd} Joj;foLx? pkl:yt eP / Jofj;flos ;d:ofdf s]lGb|t eP/ 5nkmn u/] . 5nkmnsf] lgisif{ ;/sf/L / gful/s ;dfhsf] k|ltlglw;dIf k'¥ofpg ;kmn eP . @= klxnf] k 6s Jofj;flos ;+ : sf/sf af/] d f s] l Gb| t If]qLo:t/sf] sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ul/of] . sd nfutdf sfo{qmd ;DkGg eof] . lghL If]qn] o;af/]df hfgsf/L kfpg] dfWod 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn aGof] . #= c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/sf af/]df uDeL/ eP/ lrGtg ug]{ / 5nkmndf ;xefuL x'g'kg]{ hfgsf/L lghL If]qn] kfof] . $= ;KnfO;fO8sf ?kdf lrlgPsf] lghL If]qn] c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/ k|j4{g ug{ unt lqmofsnfkdf ;xefuL gePdfq klg e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofgdf ;3fpg ;lsG5 eGg] ;Gb]z lbg sfo{qmd ;kmn eof] . %= c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/ k|j4{g ug{ ;xof]u k'Ug] o:t} sfo{qmdx? ug{ lhNnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 / 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfj4 ;+:yfx? klg k|]l/t eP . ^= 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]gn g]kfnn] ljsf; u/]sf] ;bfrf/

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

k|ltj4tf x:tfIf/ ug{ u/fpg ;s] e|i6frf//lxt Joj;fo ;~rfng ug{ ;lsg] hfgsf/L lghL If]qsf pBf]u Joj;foLn] kfP . ;xefuLn] lbPsf ;'emfj • o:tf 5nkmn sfo{qmd eljiodf klg 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] lg/Gt/ ;~rfng u/f];\ . 6LcfO{ cfa4 ;+:yf tyf lghL If]q klg o;sf nflu cfjZos ;xof]u ug{ tof/ 5g\Ù • o:tf sfo{qmd ubf{ d"No clea[l4 s/, s/, cfO{=P;=cf], ;dflhs pQ/bfloTj, rGbf tyf cGt/f{li6«o lgsfon] cjnDjg u/]sf k4ltsf af/]df ;d]t 5nkmn tyf k|:t'lt /flvof];\ . cGo b]zdf ePsf c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/sf] af/]df hfgsf/L lbOof];\Ù • o:tf sfo{qmd ;~rfng ubf{ / ;xefuLsf] 5gf}6 ubf{ Pp6f ;+:yfaf6 sDtLdf b'O{hgf k|ltlglwsf] ;xeflutf ;'lglZrt ug]{ Joj:yf ul/of];\Ù • o:tf 5nkmn sfo{qmd ubf{ s]Gb|Lo sfo{kqdfq xf]Og, If]q tyf lhNnfsf cg'ej;d]t ;d]l6Psf] sfo{kq k|:t't ul/of];\ . ;fy}, Joj;foLaLr x'g] 5nkmnnfO{ a9L ;do 5'6ØfOof];\Ù / • If]qLo ;Dd]ngeGbf klxnf lhNnftxdf o:tf] 5nkmn cfof]hgf ul/of];\ . o;n] sfo{qmdsf] p2]Zocg';f/ pko'St JolQm 5gf}6 ug{ ;lhnf] x'g]dfq xf]Og, sfo{qmdnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg klg ;xof]u x'g]5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnnn] kfFrj6} ljsf; If]qdf c;n Jofj;flos ;+:sf/ k|j4{g sfo{qmdsf dfWodaf6 lhNnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3x?;Fu ;DaGw :yflkt ug{ ;kmn ePsf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] klxnf]k6s lghL If]q;Fusf] ;xsfo{df If]qLo ;Dd]ng cfof]hgf u/]sf] xf] . o; sfo{qmdn] Jofj;flos cfrf/;+lxtfsf af/]df v'n]/ 5nkmn ug]{ jftfj/0f agfPsf] kfPsf 5f}+ . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] p2]Zo / sfo{If]qaf/] pBf]uL tyf Joj;foLnfO{ hfgsf/L lbg] pko'St cj;/ 7xl/of] . e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofgaf/]df Joj;foLafx]s ;/sf/L lgsfo, ;~rf/dfWod, gful/s ;+:yfdf ;d]t ;"rgf k|jfx ug{ ;kmn /Xof] . of] sfo{qmdsf] dfWodaf6 cfufdL lbg lghL If]q;Fu sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug{sf nflu Pp6f cfwf/lznf tof/ ePsf] 5 . o; k|sf/sf] sfo{qmdnfO{ lg/Gt/ cfof]hgf ug{ ;s] lghL If]qsf ;fy} ;dfhdf ;d]t ;sf/fTds ;Gb]z k|jfx x'g] ljZjf; ug{ ;lsG5 .9 k|:t'lt M bLgfgfy e§/fO{, k|zf;sLo clws[t, 6LcfO{ g]kfn

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

k|]; lj1lKt


;fj{hlgs ;/f]sf/sf ljifodf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] Wofgfsif{0f ug{sf nflu

6LcfO{ g]kfnn] hf/L u/]sf k|]; lj1lKt cJojl:yt lrlsT;f lzIff lrlsT;f lzIff If]qsf] ;'zf;gsf] ljifonfO{ lnP/ lq=lj= lzIf0f c:ktfnsf jl/i7 lrlsT;s 8f= uf]ljGb s]=;L=n] ug'{ePsf] cgzg / To;kl5 ;~rf/dfWoddf cfPsf ;dfrf/n] xfdLx?nfO{ uDeL/ / lrlGtt agfPsf] 5 . cfd–gful/ssf] :jf:YonfO{ k|efj kfg]{ lrlsT;f lzIffnfO{ Jojl:yt / u'0ffTds agfpg] ;DaGwdf 8f= s]=;L=n] /fVg'ePsf] dfu ;DaGwdf g]kfn ;/sf/ cgzgsf] 5}7f}+ lbg;Dd klg df}g a:g'n] ;'zf;g k|Tofe"t ug]{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k|lta4tfdf g} k|Zg p7\g] cj:yf cfPsf] 5 . hgk|ltlglwd"ns nf]stflGqs Joj:yfsf gfosx? hgefjgf / hgsNof0fk|lt c;+j]bgzLn b]lvg'n] d'n'ss} ul/dfdf cfFr cfpg] lglZrt 5 . ;'zf;gsf] k|Tofe"lt ul/g] / e|i6frf/lj?4 z"Go ;xgzLntf /xg] elgPsf] k|wfgdGqL ;'zLn sf]O/fnfsf] g]t[Tjsf] ;/sf/n] 8f= s]=;L=n] cf}+NofPsf :jf:Yo lzIff If]qh:tf] ;+j]bgzLn If]qdf /x]sf] a]lylt x6fpg cfjZos kxn gug'{ cfk}mFdf b"ef{Uok"0f{ 5 . of] cj:yfn] d'n'ssf] /fHo ;~rfngdf b]lvPsf c? ljs[lt / lj;+ultk|lt klg ;/sf/ ;+j]bgzLn x'g g;Sg] xf] ls eGg] k|Zg p7\g ;S5 . lrlsT;f lzIff If]qdf /x]sf tdfd a]lylt / ljs[ltsf] cGTo ul/g]5 eGg] ;Gb]z k|jfx x'g ;s] 8f= s]=;L=sf hfoh dfu :jtM k"/f x'g]dfq

geO{ ;du| d'n'sdf ;'zf;g k|Tofe"t x'g] gofF cfzfsf] ;~rf/ x'g]5 . ctM 8f= s]=;L=sf hfoh dfu k"/f u/L lghsf] hLjg/Iffsf lglDt tÎsfn cfjZos kxn ug{ / lghsf] :yf:Yok|lt yk x]nr]S|ofO{+ x'g glbg ;DdfggLo k|wfgdGqLHo";dIf 6LcfO{ g]kfn hf]8bf/ dfu ub{5 . ejbLo, e/taxfb'/ yfkf d's'Gbaxfb'/ k|wfg /fds[i0f dfgGw/ 8f= lrGtfdl0f of]uL bfdf]b/k|;fb uf}td 8f= /fdbofn /fs]z 8f= ljZjs]z/ df:s] ;"o{gfy pkfWofo 8f= ljho s];L 8f= /]jtaxfb'/ sfsL{ a'l4gf/fo0f >]i7 s]zjk|;fb cfrfo{ ho/fdl;+x af]x/f

uLtf s]z/L klb\dgL k|wfgfË nLnfk|;fb ;fksf]6f 8f= b]j]Gb|/fh kf08] s[i0fk|;fb e08f/L v]d/fh /]UdL hutdfg zfSo 8f= ;'/]z/fh rfln;] d's'Gb zdf{ kf}8]n j+zLw/ l3ld/] eLdaxfb'/ >]i7 ls/0f yfkf

@)&! r}t !#

6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] cfsl:ds a}7s 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] @)&@ j}zfv !@ ut] uPsf] e"sDksf] ;Gbe{df p4f/ / /fxtdf ePsf sfo{x?sf] ;dLIff ug]]{ / o;nfO{ s] s;/L k|efjsf/L agfpg ;lsG5 eGg] ;Gbe{df 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] cfˆgf ;b:ox?sf] ljz]if a}7s cfof]hgf u/]sf] 5 . ;f]

a}7saf6 b]xfoadf]lhdsf] lg0f{o ul/Psf 5g\ M s= o; ljz]if kl/l:yltdf ePsf sfo{ / ;|f]t kl/rfngsf] hfgsf/L cfd–gful/sdf k'¥ofpg 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] k|efjsf/L e"ldsf v]Ng] . v= p4f/ / /fxtsf nflu ;/sf/L tyf cGo ;|f]taf6


k|]; lj1lKt

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

s]–slt /sd jf ;fwg kl/rfng ePsf] 5 < o;;DaGwL ljj/0f ;/sf/, ;xfotf bftfx? / ;fdflhs ;+3–;+:yfaf6 ;"rgf dfu ug]{ / k|fKt ;"rgf lgoldt?kdf ;fj{hlgs ug]{ . a}7sdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf e/taxfb'/ yfkf, sfo{;ldlt / ;b:ox? 8f= b]j]Gb|/fh kf08], >L bfdf]b/ uf}td, >L lji0f'axfb'/ s]=;L=, >L ef]h/fh kf]v/]n, 8f=

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

ljdn sf]O/fnf, >L kjg cf]emf, >L s[i0fk|;fb e08f/L, >L s]zj cfrfo{, >L j+zLw/ l3ld/], 8f= /fdbofn /fs]z, >L v]d/fh /]UdL, >L k|sfz P /fhnufotsf ;b:ox?sf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . cflzif yfkf, sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs @)&@ j}zfv @

/fhgLlts cfu|xaf6 dfly p7f}+ oxL j}zfv !@ ut] dWofGx cfPsf] ljgfzsf/L e"sDk / To;kl5 cfPsf k/sDkgsf sf/0fn] y'k|} gful/sn] Hofg u'dfPsf], w]/} JolStx? 3fOt] ePsf] / 7"nf] dfqfdf ;fj{hlgs tyf lghL ;DklQ gi6 x'g k'u]sf] 5 . o; 36gfk|lt 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn ulx/f] b'Mv JoSt ub{5 . of] k|fs[lts k|sf]kdf k/]/ kl/jf/hg u'dfPsf gful/sx?df w}o{wf/0f ug]{ zlSt ldnf];\ eGg] sfdgf ub}{ zf]s ;GtKt kl/jf/hgk|lt 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;dj]bgf;d]t k|s6 ub{5 . o;}u/L, e"sDkdf k/]/ 3fOt] x'g] gful/sx?sf] pkrf/ Pj++ lz3| :jf:Yo nfesf] sfdgf;d]t ub{5f}+ . 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;/sf/, /fhgLlts bnx?, gful/s ;dfh, ;fy} gful/s;d]tsf] ;+o'St k|of;df of] ljklQsf] ;fdgf u/f}F / p4f/ Pj+ /fxtsf nflu ;DefJo ;a} kxn ug{ kl5 gk/f}F egL ;Da4 ;a}df ;fj{hlgs cfXjfg;d]t ub{5 . ljkt\sf sf/0f cK7Øf/fdf k/]sf gful/sx?sf] af/]df ;dfrf/ ;fdfu|L k|sfzg k|;f/0f u/L oyfy{ hfgsf/L lbg'sf ;fy} p4f/ sfo{df ;xof]u k'¥ofpg ;a} ;~rf/dfWodx?n] xfn;Dd u/]sf] k|of;sf] k|z+;f ub}{ ca kl5Nnf] ;dodf x'g] p4f/, /fxt Pj+ k'glg{df{0f;Da4 sfo{x?sf] klg lg/Gt/ lgu/fgL ub}{ oyfy{ ;dfrf/ ;Dk|]if0fsf nflu klg 6LcfO{ g]kfn ljz]if cfu|x ub{5 . o; cjlwdf 6LcfO{ g]kfn;dIf k|efljt If]qdf /fHosf] pkl:ylt k'Ug g;s]sf], eUgfjz]ifdf k'l/P/ nfdf] ;dob]lv /x]sf hLljt tyf d[t JolStx?sf] p4f/ x'g g;s]sf], 3fOt]sf] pkrf/ oyflz3| x'g g;s]sf] / ePsf k|oTg klg Jojl:yt / pko'St tj/n] x'g

g;s]sf] ;fy} /fHon] p4f/ / /fxtsf nflu u/]sf] k|of; klxrfg, kx'Fr / ;fdYo{sf cfwf/df b'?kof]u ePsf] u'gf;f] gful/sx?n] ul//x]sf 5g\ . of] ljgfzsf/L e"sDksf sf/0f pTkGg ;s6 ;dfwfg ug{ ePsf p4f/ Pj+ /fxtsf sfo{x?sf] klg 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] uDeL/tf;fy cWoog ul//x]sf] 5 . o;}aLr, g]kfnsf] b'Mvdf ;+j]bgzLn x'Fb} ljleGg ldq /fi6«, cGt/f{li6«o ;+3–;+:yf / JolSt;d]taf6 7"nf] dfqfdf ;xof]u pknAw ePsf] ;dfrf/ k|fKt eO/x]sf 5g\ . o;/L kLl8t gful/ssf] b'Mvk|lt ;xfg'e"lt /fVb} ;xof]u k|bfg ug]{ ;a}k|lt 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfef/ JoSt ub{5 . ;fy}, o;/L k|fKt ;xof]usf] b'?kof]u x'g glbO{ kf/bzL{ tj/n] ljt/0f Joj:yfkg ug{ ;d]t g]kfn ;/sf/;dIf 6LcfO{ g]kfn hf]8bf/ dfu ub{5 . kLl8t gful/ssf gfddf k|fKt ;xof]u s;n] slt / sxfFaf6 lbP / s;nfO{ slt pknAw u/fOof] To;sf] lj:t[t ljj/0f ;fj{hlgs ug{;d]t 6LcfO{ g]kfn ljz]if cfu|x ub{5 . of] b'Mvsf 38Ldf :yfgLo lgsfosf] cefj v6\lsPsf] 5 . o:tf] kl/l:yltdf x/]s /fhgLlts bn / JolStx?nfO{ klg /fhgLlts cfu|xaf6 dfly p7L p4f/ Pj+ /fxt sfo{df ;lqmo eP/ nfUg / cfjZos kxn ug{ ;d]t 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfu|x ub{5 . e/taxfb'/ yfkf., cWoIf @)&@ c;f/ (

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

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k"j{ ljlzi6 kbflwsf/LnfO{ cfhLjg ;/sf/L ;'ljwf lbg k|:tfj ul/Psf] ljw]os lkmtf{ ul/of];\ ;/sf/n] k"j{ /fi6«kltb]lv k"j{ u[xdGqL;Ddsf k"j{ ljlzi6 kbflwsf/Lx?nfO{ cfhLjg uf8L, ;'/Iff, cfjf; / ;lrjfno nufotsf] ;/sf/L ;'ljwf lbg] / cfhLjg cf}iflwpkrf/ vr{;d]t Aoxf]g]{ sfg"gL Joj:yf ug{ ;+;b\df ljw]os btf{ u/]sf] eGg] ;dfrf/k|lt 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] Wofgfsif{0f ePsf] 5 . clxn] d'n's ;dodf ;+ljwfg lgdf{0f x'g g;sL cfd– gful/sdf g}/fZotf a9\b} uPsf], e"sDksf sf/0f 7"nf] hgwgsf] Ifltsf ;fy} k'g:yf{kgf / k'glg{df{0fsf] r'gf}tL Aoxf]l//x]sf] cj:yfdf 5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf klg k"j{ ljlzi6x?nfO{ ;'ljwf lbg] k|fjwfg u/]/ ;/sf/n] /fHosf] 9's'6L b'?kof]u ug]{ 9f]sf vf]Ng nfu]sf]tkm{ 6LcfO{ g]kfn uDeL/ cfklQ JoSt ub}{ ;Da4 ;a}nfO{ ;r]t /xg cfu|x ub{5 .

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How can we ensure every penny of aid is accounted for in Nepal ? Ashish Thapa


t is absolutely critical that the millions of dollars committed to relief efforts in Nepal reach those who need it most and are not diverted or misused by those in power. Even though corruption is a risk, it is never a reason to turn away from people in need after a disaster has hit their country. The best way to ensure the aid reaches those in need is through a coordinated, transparent response. This is not easy, given that the earthquake has overwhelmed the country’s government, transport and other vital channels to deliver goods

As a first step, the government must commit to publishing how the aid money is being spent and use all the channels that will reach people across Nepal, even in hard-to-reach communities. At the same time, the aid coming into the country should be reported through the Financial Tracking System managed by the UN Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

and services. In the latest study by Transparency International in 2013 , 90% of people surveyed in Nepal said political parties were corrupt or extremely corrupt and 85% said the same of public officials and civil servants, making these two groups the two weakest institutions in Nepal. The government of Nepal has to make an increased commitment to transparency. While the prime minister’s relief fund could help to better track and control aid so that it is strategically administered, it also comes with risks if there is

no accountability or transparency. The fund has raised concerns with some who say that funnelling money this way risks politicising the aid distribution process. Money could end up where politicians want it, instead of where it is needed most. The injection of large amounts of money into resource-poor economies where institutions have been damaged increases the opportunities for the abuse of power. There is often pressure to disburse aid rapidly and there are immense organisational challenges in suddenly expanding the scope and scale of programme delivery. But centralising aid can speed up disbursement and can be a way to monitor where it goes if the right people and processes are in place. We strongly believe that aid must be accountable to the population and there needs to be information sharing and engagement with communities so they can exercise oversight and report cases of aid diversion. As a first step, the government must commit to publishing how the aid money is being spent and use all the channels that will reach people across Nepal, even in hard-to-reach communities. At the same time, the aid coming into the country should

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg be reported through the Financial Tracking System managed by the UN Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. The website for the prime minister’s relief fund is another key piece in the transparency process, something that both citizens of Nepal and the aid community can use as a focal point of important information, if it can provide timely and relevant updates. A potential model was developed in the Philippines after the super typhoon of 2013. This is not an attempt to introduce a level of bureaucracy that will hinder help reaching the needy. It works as a deterrent for those who seek to profit from disaster by showing a strong commitment to accountability. The fund should publicly and proactively provide information on the following items:

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g • itemized list of donations by donor (individual, anonymous, government, NGO, multilateral) and medium (cash/non-cash) • consolidated total of donations (individual, anonymous, government, NGO, multilateral) and medium (cash/non-cash) • an itemised list of spending, broken out by donor • consolidated list of spending • real-time and regular reporting of money received and spent, as well as geo-mapping of areas where spending is done • mapping of donations to spending categories • online discussion forum for questions/comments to be raised on donations and spending • a means to report corruption/complaints by communities and individuals

Article 71 about spending/relief.

• While the effect of a single diversion of relief goods may not even show up in aid agency accounts, it can be devastating for the person or family for whom the relief resources can make the difference between survival and starvation, dignity or desperation. • The key lesson that we have learned is that ordinary people and donors need to know what is happening all along the way. The above checklist is a good start and will help provide the confidence that money is well spent and spur further donations.9 (Ashish Thapa is the executive director of Transparency International Nepal.) http://www.theguardian. com/global-development-professionalsnetwork/2015/may/15/nepaldonations-corruption-aid-accountabilitytransparency-international.



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Exit strategy of ALACDP Initiatives Tumburu Gautam

Introduction This article seeks to address what will happen when current support for Advocacy Legal Advice Center and Development Pact (ALACDP), a project funded by European Union Delegation to Nepal, ends. The aim is to sustain the achievements acquired through the project interventions even after the end of the project on November 2015. TI Nepal and its network have learnt a lot from the projected action and shall continuously build upon those lessons. Since the beginning of the project, special care has been given to economize the entire intervention so that there is minimal pressure after the completion of the pilot phase. TI Nepal has made an effort to ensure that the good works are continued even with limited intervention and material resources. Intentionally, the local civil society organizations that are affiliated with TI Nepal and its coalition against corruption have been engaged in each of the action districts. The affiliation with local CBOs shall continue even after the project period. TI Nepal's strategy is to establish self driven volunteer monitoring mechanisms and continue the essence of the pledges made by the government offices. Further, it is expected that the local public shall exert pressure to continuity the good practices and learning while the pledging offices shall also make utmost effort

TI Nepal has made an effort to ensure that the good works are continued even with limited intervention and material resources. Intentionally, the local civil society organizations that are affiliated with TI Nepal and its coalition against corruption have been engaged in each of the action districts.

to retain the trust and patronage. Thus, to continue program goals, effort has been made to create a chain effect. Moreover, during the pilot project implementation, the project activities have been focused to achieve the following towards building a sustainable environment: • empowering the local public, ensuring access to information and public services for all citizens • orientation on administrative procedure along with legal provisions • creating an enabling environment for continuous dialogue for collaboration between citizen and government offices • advocating for paradigm shift; performance improvement of the government offices in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and pro

citizen services delivery • promotion of culture of integrity, transparency, accountability and pro citizen services in government offices • informal and formal networking to encourage demanding the rights provided by the state for its citizens

Preconditions The complete action and the desired outcome are not independent. There are some preconditions or assumptions enlisted as follows: • The political context allows citizen's freedom of expression on key policy issues related to public service rights, and allows people the freedom of expression to conduct and participate in public activities (e.g. peaceful rallies,

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg demonstrations, radio broadcasts, and press articles). In the pretext of new constitution in making the issue is crucial. • Various stakeholders (CBOs, CSOs, communities, public service providers, national and local government, and, at the higher level, donors) will continue to work together to discuss and address transparency and integrity concerns and increase responsiveness and accountability of local authorities and public representatives to people. The program’s overall theory of change is that increased responsiveness and accountability of local authorities and public representatives to the people will contribute to good governance in Nepal. There are two broad aspects of ALACDP as a package; i) awareness building, grievance hearing, consolidating public voice against corruption and assistance to the local citizen on legal and administrative issues while they are pursuing government services ii) working together with the government services providers and seeking commitment from them to constantly update and upgrade their level of service delivery to the citizens. These actions are two faces of the same coin and one complements the other. The project was lead by TI Nepal in collaboration with its network of 15 CBOs working at the district level. The local activities and coordination was intentionally entrusted to them so that their recognition, capacity, and responsibility are duly established to ensure they are blended into the project action. Similarly, the resources injected were minimal rather emphasizing maximum local contribution and active volunteerism by the members. Sustainability approach for ALAC ALAC in full Advocacy Legal Advice Center is a tool developed and

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g successfully implemented by Transparency International in over 80 countries. It is used as a tool to fight corruption and advocate for transparency, accountability rule of law and good governance in the respective country. It is used as a medium to engage with, and for, the people. This concept was implemented by TI Nepal well before this project was initiated and shall continue to be a part of TI Nepal's intervention. Grievances are continuously taken by TI Nepal immaterial of the project. During the ALACDP pilot project period due consideration was given to educate the volunteers, committee members of TIN CBOs on fundamental mechanisms of operating ALAC so that they can carry out the basic activities at the local level, with minimum resources even after the existing project comes to an end. Further, in each affiliated CBOs at least one lawyer is encouraged as a member so that his services can be provided to the local citizens easily. Sustainability of the DP Development Pact (DP) will be sustained by continued relationships and monitoring made by district based volunteer partner organizations. It is expected that, the higher standards of public accountability that pact has set, will be replicated, when public officials recognize and seek its credibility bestowing benefits. Public perception on the success of Development Pacts is expected to create the demand for their replication by other local communities and vulnerable groups. Civil society participation in decision making processes will ultimately lead to an adjustment of legislation as well as administrative processes. TI Nepal in another initiative is planning to execute the Development Pact on central level (Ministry of Government). Hence, after the central authority themselves sign the pledge the district level government offices



shall automatically be obliged. This project improves democratic governance through reinforcing the demand side of government accountability and increased media attention to the performance of local authorities against Pact indicators. It will also increase pressure for local authorities and public representatives to compete on the basis of public pledges and growing number of ‘Champions’ at local government levels. The Development Pact is a tool to demonstrate government intent to ensure corruption-free delivery. Citizen’s participation in performing oversight or watchdog roles vis-a-vis government in order to help curb corruption builds up public trust in government agencies and ultimately helps to ensure the sustainability of the project achievements. At the policy level, through various advocacy campaigns that TI Nepal has conducted with its partners at the local level there has been a positive systematic change in the government institutions. The advocacy and anti corruption campaign shall be continued by TI Nepal through the action that it carries even after project completion. • A number of advocacy activities carried at the local level through CBOs have established contacts with the local media to publicize the situation of governance in general, Development Pacts and the stories thereafter. TI Nepal will use its website and publications to publish/disseminate lessons learned and the performance of local authorities continuously. • Media coverage will build pressure to government offices to offer DPs and on other hand encourage communities to demand them. During the pilot program, implementation committee have been formed to share the experiences, supporting and monitoring pacts and to



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advocate for local governance and pro-public accountability. • TI Nepal & its partners have a successful advocacy track record and will use the established relationships with decisionmakers and local government to build support for the initiative and to create opportunities for retaining the good practices. Sustainability of action Sustainability of the program was achieved through 'partnership sustainability'; building the capacity and enhancing the strength of partners, target groups and final beneficiaries through awareness raising, training programs, and fellowship allotment. Partners have been developing human resource, organizational, and material capacity to replicate the project achievements including grievance hearing, solving and advocacy, beyond the grant period. In addition, TI Nepal encourages communities to identify and implement solutions by themselves, for themselves, minimizing dependency on external support. Legislative and policy reform will ensure long term improvements to good governance. The pacts monitoring mechanism shall establish continued visibility and scrutiny in existing political and administrative accountability relations. Financial sustainability The activities and outputs from this action are not fully dependent on substantial operating costs and, as a result, no significant financial costs will be incurred beyond the project lifespan. TI Nepal will maintain contacts with stakeholders and beneficiaries and offer support and advice to partners and target groups continuously as a part of its campaign. During the pilot project, the action was designed to orient the board members and volunteers to provide basic services and manage grievances. Financial

support may be requested from government agencies to continue the good governance initiative at the government offices engaged during the pilot project. Institutional level sustainability The awareness raising and training aspect of the program is specifically designed to ensure capacity building and knowledge transfer to CSOs, communities, public service providers, and government officials that will extend beyond the lifespan of the program. The media component is designed to ensure that public demand will maintain the momentum of the action and that media representatives will have the capacity and interest to continue to report on transparency, accountability, and integrity issues. At all stages partners collaborated with a wide variety of stakeholders and it is anticipated that through this continued interaction, target groups will develop a strong bond with each other at the local and national levels that will continue beyond the project period. Policy level sustainability Advocacy creates opportunities to link civil society with decision makers and establishes contacts that can be sustained after the action. TI Nepal’s dissemination of program findings through its policy advocacy and publications ensures innovative approaches and advocacy messages on accountability and responsiveness. This will lead to more cohesive engagement and

stronger impact. The action plays a facilitative role for communities to acquire practice in formulating demands and support their advocacy efforts at both the local and national level. By ensuring that communities are at the forefront, the initiative becomes a knowledge resource that can drive the demand for reforms to be implemented. Conclusion The nature of the project and the significance has to be considered while considering exit or absolute self sustainability. Gradual transfer of ownership and knowledge to the local partner is possible. The issues that the project seeks to address are not of a nature that can be solved once and for all but of are reoccurring nature. Political influence in the bureaucracy, random transfers of civil servants, and long political interim period is prevalent in Nepal now. Thus, it is a task too big for the local citizens, government officers, or the CBOs currently engaged alone to take the charge of the sustainability of the achievements of the project. The nature of the issue is long term, multi stakeholder, and related to both state policy and socio-political culture. Hence, this complex nature of the issue should be considered while drawing line for complete exit. Nevertheless, the various dimensions of sustainability related to the ALACDP portray a positive picture.9

(Mr. Gautam is the program coordinator of TI Nepal)

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Building National Integrity in Nepal (BNIN) program Summary of six monthly activity update. January - June, 2015 1. Program Induction

promote good governance.

TIN in partnership with its district based partners, carried out induction programs throughout the BNIN districts. The main objective of the program was to make people informed about BNIN program and also to raise awareness on anticorruption at district level, and to identify innovative ideas to engage civic society and state agencies to

The programs were chaired by the President of TI Nepal where partner organizations and other prominent government officials such as CDO, Secretary, LDOs presented an overview of corruption related issues in their respective districts. Representatives from several civil society organizations, advocates, media person etc. actively

participated in the program. Such event is helpful for TIN district partners and the key leaders to drive a larger anti-corruption movement at the local level.

Achievements: • Awareness raising among the locals on the presence of TI Nepal, its district based partners, and the overall goal of BNIN

At a glance Event


BNIN districts

TIN (President/SG), Govt. officials including CDO, district security chief, media/ journalists, representatives of political parties & civil society, district partners, and other local level stakeholders.

To interact with local stakeholders and also to provide suggestions and recommendation to realize good governance in BNIN implemented districts.

Development regions

TIN (President), CIAA regional office chief, regional security chief, TIN regional district partners,

To develop a greater link between the voices of the regions and initiate debate on anti-corruption at the centre.

Help desk & Mobile grievance collection

BNIN district

Service seekers and complainants, TIN team, district partners and govt. officials.


Kathmandu and BNIN districts

Consultants, enumerators, respondents, TIN & its

To provide a crucial evidence base to support TIN to advocate for various anticorruption initiatives.

Advocate to enforce higher anti-corruption standards


TIN board and staff, consultants, district partners

To equip the partner organization representatives with knowledge and tools useful to implement BNIN activities at the district level.

Build confidence of the district partners by enhancing their capacity to implement effective activities.

Program induction

Regional Conference

Refresher training to district partner


Follow up/ Expected result


To facilitate the collection of grievances from complainants directly from public office

The key leaders and TIN district partners effectively drive anticorruption movement at local level.

People empowered to speak against corruption and demand for integrity, transparency, and accountability from concerned offices



project. • Building rapport with district based public officials to ensure future collaboration in promoting good governance at the district level.

2. Mobile grievance collection (ALAC) 5 Mobile ALACs were conducted in coordination with TIN district partners in Banke, Baglung, Butwal, Siraha, Bhaktapur and Rupandehi districts. The objective of the event was to collect grievances from service seekers and complainant on the spot of public concerned office. A large number of people inquisitively participated in the mobile ALAC camp. TIN staff and district partner's team interacted directly with people who complained about the ongoing inefficiency regarding the service delivery. These grievances were documented properly for further follow up. The participants were also informed about on important concepts such as transparency, integrity and accountability. More than 370 grievances relating to irregularities in public service delivery were collected through these camps. Later these public grievances related to malpractice in public service delivery were bought to the attention of the concerned public authorities of the district, for redressal. IEC material related to RTI and good governance were also distributed to visitors on the mobile camp spot.

Achievements: • The direct interaction with the local people helped TIN and its partners to understand and assess the situation of the quality of public service delivery institutions. • Provided an encouraging environment for the people to speak against the prevailing corrupt practices in their districts.

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g • The public grievances were bought to the attention of the concerned authorities, informing them about the changes that needs to be initiated to increase the quality of public service delivery.

3. Regional Conference TI Nepal organized 3 regional conferences targeting Eastern region, Western region and Mid and Far Western region of Nepal in Rupandehi, Banke and Siraha district respectively. Integrity, ethics, and good governance were reiterated in these conferences. Local partners of TI Nepal's BNIN program in respective districts co-hosted the conferences, where representatives from 4-5 districts and local stakeholders actively participated. The main objective of the conference was to build coalition with different local stakeholder groups to discuss corruption related issues in the region. Discussion on the Good Governance Act and an overview on the district and regional corruption related issues were the major highlights of the conferences. Through these conferences, representatives of the government as well as civil society organizations have extended their full support to the initiatives carried out by TI-Nepal at the local level. TIN President Mr. Bharat Bahadur Thapa chaired the conferences.

Achievements: • Local citizens informed about the activities and programs carried out by TIN and its partner organizations at the district level • Discourse on anti corruption issues initiated at local level • Greater links created between the local and regional anti corruption issues

4. Research To provide a crucial evidence base

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg to support TIN to advocate for various anti-corruption initiatives four studies have been undertaken through independent consultants. We have already received the draft report from the consultants which are currently under review. Once the report is published, it will be distributed widely, advocating for the enforcement of higher anti-corruption standards. These studies will also be used to create awareness at the local level. a) National Integrity Context and Systems Analysis (NICSA). Researcher: Mr. Rama Krishna Regmee, Senior journalist. The objective of this study is to examine integrity at the national level. Intended result: Greater understanding of nature and severity of Nepal’s deficiencies of integrity in institutions. b) Integrity Pact plan. Research consultant- M/S Scott Wilson Nepal Pvt. Ltd. The main aim of this study is to take lead the introduction of the Integrity Pact (IP) program in Public Enterprises to support greater integrity in the field of public procurement through a study. Intended result: A more transparent system of public procurement that ensures Nepal’s public enterprises are seen to be leading the way in driving out irregularities. c) Review of budget formulation processes. Research consultant: M/S Molung Foundation. The objective of the study is to identify key areas of national interest from the perspective of governance (formulation, execution, monitoring and evaluation). Intended impact: Greater understanding of the allocation of public funds, for a more transparent budgeting process tailored to the needs. d) Survey on public service delivery: Research consultant : Project Research and Engineering Associate (PRENA). The objective of survey


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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg is to know the service delivery scenario at the district level, which will then be consolidated into a national report. Intended result: TIN able to understand service delivery problems at the district level for better-informed and more targeted advocacy.

5. Refresher Training Partner organizations from 9 districts of Nepal, involved in the BNIN program, participated in a refresher-training program organized by TI Nepal in Kathmandu on the 24-25 June 2015.The event aimed to equip partner organization representatives with the knowledge

and tools necessary to carryout BNIN activities at the district level. At the program, TIN officials and resource persons shared their perspectives on NGO management, The Good Governance and Right To Information act, mobile ALAC, media mobilization, research work, public service delivery, and peer facilitator training tools. A guest lecture on integrity and spirituality was part of the program that highlighted the importance of morality in promoting integrity. In addition, the program team carried out a discussion cum orientation on the BNIN program planning and reporting, along with administrativeand financial matters.


A total of 18 representatives from 9 districts, the TIN President and Portfolio holders, and staff were part of the event.

Achievement: • Program officers and representatives of the partner organizations trained on the important elements required to carry out successful anti corruption activities locally and regionally. • Program officers trained on the ways to effectively prepare financial reports and other administration related documents.9

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Paxonomics and Corruption Rajeev Kunwar


unning into the second decade of the new millennium, the latest political economy riddle has caused many to ponder sustaining and augmenting economic and financial prosperity. This links both peace and economics to create the science of peaconomics to further advance the cause of ending unnecessary suffering experienced in this contemporary era. The word that reflects this concept is paxonomics. It is a simple logic may not wholly be supported by facts and figures that when there is peace the economy gains momentum. For economic growth the prior condition is norms and values of peace which are to be sustained. Peace depends on a functioning state and stable political system. Even if there is no stability in politics, which happens in this transient world, the permanent government i.e. bureaucracy has liability and responsibility that ultimately lies with the public officials and policy makers. In order to deliver clean, swift, and responsive politics, actions, and activities, the modicum of peace is what every country yearns for. Likewise if economic growth increases it supports wellbeing, comfort, social safety and security emboldening pillars of peace (it is dealt later). There is a consensus that the role of the private sectors, public sectors and non-state actors can play in preventing mitigation and possibly resolving social and

It is a simple logic may not wholly be supported by facts and figures that when there is peace the economy gains momentum. For economic growth the prior condition is norms and values of peace which are to be sustained.

political conflict. The impact of these multi-sector efforts to reduce conflict and violence hinges upon peace economics and applications of standard macroeconomic theory. Peace-building depends more on providing public goods and services without red tape. Business expansion bolsters peace-building initiatives to boost employment opportunities. If there is a benchmark to explore creating new elements in measuring peaconomics then we can be a step ahead in realizing that peace and economics have directly proportional relations. It is wariness that increase in corruption decreases peace. The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) tries to promote a better understanding of the social and economic factors that help develop a more peaceful society. To achieve this goal IEP has created a new conceptual framework to define peace: providing metrics for peace and uncovering the relationship between peace, business, and prosperity. According to IEP there are eight pillars of peace that are as follows:

∗ well-functioning government ∗ sound business environment ∗ equitable distribution of resources ∗ acceptance of the rights of others ∗ good relations with neighbors ∗ free flow of information ∗ high levels of education ∗ low levels of corruption

The state must invest in human capital and skilled human resources. This is not a new framework that needs state apparatus to rationally function in order to yield the desired outcome in peace and economic momentum. In the transition a society of Nepal, state activities and government policies are long overdue. Government functions have been prevented by erratic fiscal policy and the interim government has debilitated the socio-political and economic system. In the domain of monetary and fiscal economics inclusive of private motive in illicit manners, there is a strong statistical connection between peace and corruption as shown by the recent IEP study on Peace and Corruption. This correlation is even stronger when looking specifically at the levels of internal peace of a country. The IEP suggests that corruption and peace has a non-linear relationship. Corruption impacts internal peace more than external peace. It is the tipping point that after a certain threshold the degeneration of governing institutions from corruption nurtures violent behavior.9 (Mr. Kunwar is the Sr. Programme Officer of TI Nepal)

Log on to the websites for further information http://www.visionofhumanity. org/sites/default/files/Peace%20and%20 Corruption.pdf

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Impunity and Corruption Dipesh Kumar Ghimire


orruption is a serious problem that affects many countries. Today, rather than decreasing, it is becoming more prevalent, especially in countries where impunity and lawlessness prevail. Endemic corruption is a complex situation that is rife in state institutions. Powerful groups with strong political and economic interests actively nurture corruption. Recently, there was a new example of the way such groups are able to enact laws that find loopholes to safeguard their illicit interest (Tum, 2001, p. 155). The lack of law enforcement in any state supports legal impunity. Whoever the culprit, they need to be punished. No one should be above the rule of law and it is important to ensure that everyone follows the law of the land. The implementation of law is also in favour of those who have power and its exercise for the use of such law (Bhattarai and Khatiwada, 2063, p. 195). The emergence of impunity is proportional to the corruption. A lack of adherence to the law allows monopolies to develop in the field of state power, and this increases the possibility of political corruption (ibid., p. 196). Legal impunity has a major role allowing the increase of political corruption in Nepal. Levels of impunity got more intensified during different régimes. During some

The impunity got more intensified during different régime. During such periods, the law was applied to the lower level employees and public officials. Before 1950s the oligarch Ranas were above the law of the country. This abetted corruption at the higher level. This influenced the officials to do and act illicitly.

periods, the law was applied to the lower level employees and public officials, and the upper classes were exempt. Before 1950s the oligarch Ranas were above the law of the country. This facilitated corruption at the higher levels of government and permitted officials to engage in illicit acts. On the subject of the increasing level of impunity during the Rana régime, Nepal (2069) writes: There was the provision of Final Audit from Kumari Chwok office during the Rana régime. When Juddha Shamsher was the Prime Minister, Ram Shamsher was Bada Hakim in Mahottari district. When the auditor from the Kumari Chwok office checked the account of Mahottari district he found some irregularities. According to the law of that time, the auditor fined Rs.1 for Ram Shamsher for irregularities. In return Mr. Ram was furious on the auditor. Mr. Ram Shamsher came to Kathmandu and pleaded in front of the contemporary Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher that the tenant is putting fine against the high official and it was not fair. Then Juddha Shamsher ordered that if Kumari Chwok sanctioned any punishment to the Ranas, the fine should be paid by the person who is one level below the Rana (p. 390).

According to Tum (2001, p. 155), corruption contributes to the weakening of the justice system. When acts of corruption involve high-ranking government officials who are denounced, the institutions charged with prosecuting them either do not investigate or make an acquittal. Mr. Tum adds that during the traditional types of régime, high level administrators and politicians would not be investigated for any financial irregularities or corruption. If they were investigated, then they would go unpunished. The same situation has arisen during modern régimes. Similarly, the Panchayat political system allowed the Panchayat rulers to forgove politicians for any kinds of crimes. This system was known as Panchakhat Mafi. Due to that Panchakhat Mafi, levels of impunity reached a maximum during the Panchayat regime. There was no parliamentary committee or CIAA, as there would have been during a democratic régime. So, during the Panchayat régime, politicians were able to commit any kinds of corruption and went unpunished. This impunity has led to the extensive corruption activities during the Panchayat system (Good Governance Year Book 2006, p. 16). When no action is taken against the political leaders involved in financial irregularities, smuggling and corruption, levels of impunity



rise. Due to this kind of legal immunity, political corruption becomes a part of the institution. When these leaders are not investigated and legal action is not taken, it increases legal impunity. When the respective body is not interested in investigating despite sufficient evidence, this also increases political corruption. This allowed the increase of impunity in politicians and cadres. Despite knowledge of the crimes and who committed them, the criminal was excused. While analysing the events in Nepal, corruption and irregularities at the high level of politics are not investigated, if investigated they get bail immediately. As said by Mr. Tum this promotes political corruption in Nepal. In 2053 B.S. the Mr. Sher Bahadur Deuba-led government sent five Ministers to Bangkok for false health check-ups and provided them each with US $2000 each. The CIAA investigated these Ministers and proved that there was an issue of political corruption. However, the Commission did not file any case against them (Thapa, 2058 B.S., p. 6). This was because the CIAA Act formed in 1992 did not a provision to allow the case to be filed against the political leaders. The CIAA Act 1992 was made in such a way that this act was not applicable to the political parties’ leaders and cadres. In the Act, the provision was made that if Ministers were to be punished then it had to get consent from the Prime Minister, and from the the speaker of parliament for the members of the parliament. This has created the situation whereby the politicians are not punished for any kind of financial crime or corruption. On April 17, 2002, the House of Representatives promulgated four Acts at a time including Corruption Control Act, CIAA Act, Impeachment Act and Special Court Act. All these Acts had the aim of controlling corruption. All the parties in the House of

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When no action is taken against the political leaders involved in financial irregularities, smuggling and corruption, this increases the legal impunity.

Representatives had passed these acts by discussing in the parliament rather than forming the committee. It seems that the political parties are increasing impunity by limiting agencies, which are involved in investigating and filing corruption cases, by reducing their staff and public authority. Politicians did not recruit anticorruption authorities out of fear of being investigated for cases of corruption and financial irregularities that they were involved in. From 3 November 2006, when contemporary Chief commissioner of the CIAA, Mr. Surya Nath Upadhyaya’s, term was terminated, there was no chief commissioner till May 7, 2013. During this crucial time of transition, the commission did not dare to investigate on the politicians and case a file against them. Furthermore, The CIAA did not carry out investigation on armed personnel carrier UNPKO Sudan Scandal, low quality Electricity Transformer Scandal, and money for Maoist Cantonment Scandal against the involvement of any politicians (Bhattarai, 2070). Impunity is responsible for the situation by preventing the investigation of these scandals and punishing those convicted. When the state mechanism gets weakened, bodies like the CIAA are also not able to carry out investigations against high level politicians. There is the legal provision that the CIAA

has no right to investigate the decision of the cabinet. Thus, very small departmental decisions are also being decided by the cabinet. This has been further promoting corruption. According to Tum (2001), without strong watchdog institutions, impunity becomes the foundation upon which systems of corruption are built. If impunity is not demolished, all efforts to bring an end to corruption are in vain. Nothing is more encouraging to those who are corrupt than to see themselves reflected in the same mirror of impunity that has been utilized by thousands of public officials, military personnel, businessmen, and politicians all over the world (155). As said by Tum, in Nepal, political corruption is being increased due to impunity of the elite. (Mr. Ghimire is lecturer at Trichandra Multiple Campus)

Reference Bhattarai, Pranav (2070), "Regulating Political Financing: A Challenge for Transparency," Paradarshi (Trimonthly Newsletter of Transparency International Nepal), Year 13, Issue 3, Falgun, pp. 46-50. Bhattarai, Dr. Ananda Mohan and Ishwor Prasad Khatiwada (eds.), Aashal Shansan Ko Lagi Kanun Ko Shasan: Aashal Shasan ko Lagi Shrwot Sangalo, (Kathmandu: Pro Public, 2063 B.S.) Dhakal, Baburam, Bhrastachar Ko Samrajya, (Kathmandu: publisher, 2060 B.S.) Good Governance Year Book 2006, (Kathmandu: Research and Media Center Against Corruption, year of publication) Nepal, Khemraj, Samaj, Sanskar Ra Shasan, (Kathmandu: Swo-Shasan Adhyan Prathisthan, 2069 B.S.) Pangeni, Dr. Bhabeshwor, Dr. K.I. Singh Ra Nepal Ko Rajniti, (Delhi: Adroit Publishers, 2065 B.S.) Tum, Rigoberta Menchu(2001),The Plague of Corruption: Overcoming Impunity and Injustice in Hodess et al., (eds.), Global Corruption Report 2001, (Berlin: Transparency International)9


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RTI—Our Right to Know Pankaj Kumar


ood governance in democracy requires the democratization of governance. In participatory democracy people elect the leaders who govern them and thereby, governance is not a monopoly of elected leaders. When governance becomes the privilege of select few or when the people who are governed are kept out of the affairs of governance, the system degenerates into bad governance and becomes a travesty of democracy. Good governance is characterized by transparency and accountability. The best way to ensure transparency and accountability in governance is through increased informed participation of citizens. The people are the largest stakeholder group in governance. They have a critical and crucial role to play. It is imperative that people know about the activities of the government. Nepal's Right to Information Act, 2007 supports Article 27 of the Nepal’s Interim Constitution, 2007 which gave the common citizen the right to seek information regarding government projects, schemes and other Activities. It was a landmark Act that had the potential to change the very basis of governance and the balance of power between common people and the government. The Act plays a key role in promoting

The Act plays a key role in promoting open and transparent governance in Nepal, and making the government more responsible and accountable to the citizen. In the following sections of the article, I will discuss how the RTI act has empowered the common people, promoted good governance and strengthened participatory democracy.

open and transparent governance in Nepal, and making the government more responsible and accountable to the citizen. In the following sections of the article, I will discuss how the RTI act has empowered the common people, promoted good governance and strengthened participatory democracy.

Accessibility In the pre-RTI era people’s role was only restricted to the election of their leaders. They did not have any right to know about the issues of government activities. But the RTI Act provided the common people with the much-needed right to seek information about the conduct of their government. The act was given the status of fundamental right as it is evident how crucial it is to the proper functioning of government.

Empowerment According to French philosopher Michel Foucault, power is derived from knowledge, and information is the basic component of knowledge. So, in this age of technology driven information revolution, empowerment requires access to information. The first thing any tyrannical government does is restrict the people’s access to the resources of information and monopolize it whereas, the principle of good governance demands free

flow of information. Concentration of information inevitably leads to centralization of power.

Participation The RTI Act facilitated and encouraged the participation of common people in the process of governance. Earlier people had the will, but they did not have the way to take part in so-called ‘office’ affairs. But the RTI Act paved the way for active participation of the common people in governance. People showed increased interest in the affairs of government and sought information regarding various issues affecting their lives and well-being. For any vibrant society participation of people in governance is essential. Fundamentally, governance should not be the prerogative of a particular group or class as it affects the whole society. The government policies and schemes must be formulated keeping in mind the interests of all the sections of the society, especially the downtrodden and marginalized. It would only be possible when all the impacted parties are given right to take part. The RTI Act empowered the people to seek definite and direct answers from officials on their work or lack thereof. Thus, accountability invariably lead to increased efficiency and a sense of



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responsibility among government officials.

Transparency Transparency is the bench mark of any good government. But in bureaucratic systems and government functionaries, transparency was an exception rather than a norm. In 2014, Nepal ranked 126th out of 175 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). According to Transparency International's Global Corruption Barometer in 2013 political parties were seen to be the most corrupt institution, scoring 3.8 on the

scale of one to five (1 meaning not at all corrupt and 5 meaning extremely corrupt).The RTI Act has the potential to tackle this rampant corruption at both a grass root level and in the corridors of the high and mighty. It is the most powerful weapon the common people have to challenge the impenetrable fortress of officialdom.

it possible, to a greatextent for the people to decideand determine the way they wantto be governed and provided the common people the power to shape the government schemes and policies. Governance wasno more an arbitrary privilege ofselect few. The RTI Act lent voice to theaspirations of ordinary citizens inissues of governance.

Good governance


Democracy is all about people’s participation and empowerment. The RTI Act has played a significant role in strengthening democracy by promoting decentralization of power and good governance.The RTI made

The journey of the RTI has not been easy. It faced challenges and resistance from various quarters. Bureaucrats and HAAKIM stiffly resisted and showed grudging reluctance while parting with



 Right to information as fundamental right of Constitutional provision.  Clear responsibilities and obligations of public institutions and National Information Commission in provisions of RTI Act.  Establishment of National Information Commission.  Provision of Right to Information Regulations.  As per the Act Power and authority delegated to National Information Commission.  Formulation of some manuals and guidelines for implementation of Right to Information.  Provision of Information Officer/Information desk.

 Lack of National Strategic Action Plan for RTI.  Lack of provision of sufficient budget for effective implementation of RTI.  Lack of effective management record for supporting RTI.  Lack of scientific classification of information.  Lack of nodal agency.  Lack of RTI resource centre, and network from central to local level.  Lack of organizational structure of NIC towards the local level.  Not enough appointment of staff at commission, lack of clear mandate on appointment, promotions and facilities of staff.

OPPORTUNITIES  Right to Information included in various trainings.  Right to Information included in the syllabus of higher secondary level education.  Online application system.  Civil society advocating for open, transparent, accountable society for good governance.  Networking at international level.  Attention of International donors

THREATS  General people not aware about Right to Information Act.  Weak institutional and record management system within Public agencies.  Lack of clear understanding about differences between spokesperson and information officer.  Notion that right to information belongs to journalist only  Passivity of political parties, NGOs, o Not all public institutions have websites and those who have are not updated regularly  Lack of review of Acts associated or related with right to information.  Problem with retention of PIOs.

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg information sought under the RTI. The obvious reason for their discomfort was that their activities were being publically scrutinized. Therefore, government officials often indulge in dilatory tactics by putting forth lame excuses. Yet, only a limited number of people are aware of the RTI and National Information Commission (NIC) in Nepal. Since the ultimate objective of the RTI Act is to ensure citizens right to information, mobilizing citizens is the most critical step. Until and unless the citizens actively exercise their right, the importance of the RTI Act will never be realized. On the other hand, until and unless citizens realize the significance of the Act, they will never use the Act to exercising their right. This being said, it is worth noting that most people of Nepal


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The limited knowledge and awareness of the NIC/RTI in the demand side has resulted only a negligible volume of requests for information.

both from civil society as well as general public are unaware about the extensive role of the NIC and the role it can play in protecting the fundamental right of every citizen regarding right to information as


well as in establishing a governance system that is transparent and accountable. The limited knowledge and awareness of the NIC/RTI in the demand side has resulted only a negligible volume of requests for information.

Conclusion The best way to deal with all these challenges while promoting good governance is by making the Act redundant. Government, instead of waiting for the common people to seek information, must voluntarily make all information available to the people. It will not only promote good governance but also increase the levels of trust between the government and the people.9 (Mr. Kumar is the Exchange Fellow from TI India to TI Nepal)



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My experience in Bangladesh Jwala Bhatt

The most interesting aspect of TIB’s campaign against corruption is the involvement of youth throughout Bangladesh. On a voluntary basis, youth (mostly students), engage with the field offices of TIB where they not only learn about the anti-corruption movement but also participate in it through various programs and advocacy events.


uring my Fredkorpset (FK) Fellowship, I worked at Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) for ten months. I was able to experience a wide range of aspects of Bangladeshi life, culture, and living as well as a different working environment at TIB.

single bamboo bridges and single lane roads in flood prone areas. The people of rural Bangladesh are very hospitable and are very prompt to offer paan or lemonade (which I have to decline every time after having read travel advisories against water in Bangladesh from the US state department).

My typical day starts with the early morning “Allah Hu Akbar” call on the loud speaker from the nearby mosque that serves the Islamic majority of Dhaka. I try and get some sleep as it is too early for me to do anything else. At 9:30 am, I reach the office and start working at my desk. TIB is different than TIN for several reasons; the language used is Bengali, the staff is much larger, and it possesses a more corporate working environment.

My weekends are filled with much excitement as I usually go hunting for profitable transactions in Dhaka. One of the most popular destinations for me is the “New Market” where clothes are sold for low prices, although one has to be very careful about the quality. I also find myself frequenting the leather market, shoe market and jeans market for the aforementioned ‘profitable transactions’.

After office hours, I usually roam around Dhaka’s streets that are filled with meat varieties, clothing hawkers, paan (betel leaf), local fruits and Rickshaws. The traffic noises and the scorching hot weather often turn my leisure walk into a ‘not-so-leisure’ walk. At times, Dhaka’s vibe seems to slow down but the friendly “Salaam Walley Kum” (peace be onto you) from just about everyone nudges me along. Occasionally, I get the opportunity to travel outside of Dhaka and see the rural parts of Bangladesh which often involves crossing precarious

Dhaka had been under political siege for the past seven months, it has now returned to normality, albeit a tad too late as my fellowship is nearing its end. I am however thankful for what I have been able to experience here in Rabindranath Tagore’s ‘Golden Bengal’. Corruption is a major hindrance to good governance in Bangladesh. In my field trips to rural parts of Bangladesh as well as short trips around Dhaka, I have seen the impacts of corruption. Corruption in Bangladesh occurs on multiple levels. Perhaps the biggest corruption that I experienced was

the Padma Bridge construction. Bangladesh transportation is still heavily reliant on the ferry system to cross the large rivers in Bangladesh because of the delays in the construction of the Padma Bridge. At the grassroots level I saw various instances of corruption. On one occasion, while watching a documentary, I heard of an instance in which climate funds in flood areas had been embezzled and the victims of the flood and storm had been provided with a house that had no walls (only a roof). Months later, when I actually went to visit the house, I saw that finally, the house had been built but only after much delay and suffering to the flood victims. I have come to learn and appreciate much about the way that TIB works against corruption. The most interesting aspect of TIB’s campaign against corruption is the involvement of youth throughout Bangladesh. On a voluntary basis, youth (mostly students), engage with the field offices of TIB where they not only learn about the anti-corruption movement but also participate in it through various programs and advocacy events. By becoming involved and exposed to the anti-corruption movement of TIB, many of these youth volunteers (YES members) eventually go on to work in the development sector as leaders against corruption and some of them end up working for

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg TIB itself. The management of TIB is another aspect that I have been able to learn from during my fellowship. The leadership took TIB from a 5 employees organization to a more than 200 employees organization. The leadership meticulously manages each employee, their operations, as well as research and other core functions through an organizational hierarchy. This fellowship strengthened me and reinforced my management skills and organizational leadership skills. It has provided me with experience and skills that will allow me to be a more effective part of or a better leader in an organization. Finally, I have had the opportunity to travel across Bangladesh on field trips to witness corruption as well as get the overall “Bangla

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g Experience”. I mainly travelled in the southwest part of Bangladesh to the Khulna division where the weather is spectacularly warm and humid as the area is quite close to the Bay of Bengal. I also traveled to the Northeast part of Bangladesh to the Sylhet division where the weather is relatively cooler but with more or less similar humidity to the south because of the large areas of marshlands called “haawars” in the local language. In the south, I saw how corruption can severely affect those that have fallen victims to natural disasters that origin from the ocean such as seastorms and cyclones. In the north, I saw how poverty can severely affect the locals, sometimes to the point where they have to start living near sewer systems and drainage areas. Apart from the typical NGO field trip, I also had the opportunity of



visiting the tea gardens of Sylhet, eating the famous shrimps (also known as ‘chingri’ to the locals) and fish of Southern Bangladesh, the lychees of Northern Bangladesh. I got the opportunity to visit various universities, government offices, municipalities, and be acquainted with people from all walks of life who were united in fighting corruption and making Bangladesh a land that is free from corruption and crime. The central idea of the FK fellowship is the exchange of knowledge among different countries. In the past 10 months, I have come to learn and experience much that I can take back to my home country.9 (Mr. Bhatt is the Exchange Fellow from TI Nepal to TI Bangladesh)



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Measurability and the implementation success of UNCAC Despite the global threat of corruption and the great efforts undertaken

Fernando Jonatan Suarez-Palomino

to tackle the problem, the anti-corruption conventions have not been able to create a greater impacts expected due to global threat. However, this subject requires further research, especially in view of the continuous improvement of regulatory instruments.

1. Introduction Over the past thirty years, the views on corruption have undergone several changes. Corruption has developed into a multi-faceted term, as political and socioeconomic dimensions have been taken into consideration to quantify the numerous damage it can inflict upon. In 1986, Samuel P. Huntington argued that corruption ensures greater efficiency and stability in fragile political systems (Pázmándy 2010:19). More recently, Susan Rose-Ackerman refuted Huntington’s thesis and argued the damaging effects of corruption in 1975 and 1978(Pázmándy 2010:19). In today’s context, peace, stability, sustainable development, democracy, and human rights are some of the factors that are influenced by corruption (Bosuter 2010:1). The value of funds that are misappropriated is estimated to be one trillion dollars annually (ibid.). Furthermore, the loss of resources and the multiple dimensions of global corruption have forced governments around the world to enter into regional agreements to tackle the problem of corruption more efficiently through cooperation (Argandoña 2006: 2). Therefore, the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption convened in 1996, the OECD Convention on

Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (1997), and the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption in 2003 (Bosuter 2010: 1) are of particular importance. Despite their significance, these conventions are not sufficient and, thus, are often characterized by vague standards that are more like declarations due to the regional restrictions of the global fight against corruption. As the aforementioned conventions were not specific enough and lacked legal commitment, they failed to motivate the signatories to abide by the commitments that they made (ibid.). Taking into consideration the lack of motivation from the signatories due to the absence of legal commitment, the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) was introduced and adopted in 2003. The UNCAC is the first legally binding anticorruption convention at the global level (ibid.). The large increase in signatory countries shows a worldwide consensus on the urgency as well as the existence of a corruption issue (ibid.; Argandoña2006: 2). In particular, the introduced rule for the return of loss of assets by corruption (UNCAC Chapter V) is considered as an innovative feature

in the anti-corruption standards (Bosuter 2010:1). Despite the global threat of corruption and the great efforts undertaken to tackle the problem, the anti-corruption conventions have not been able to create a greater impacts expected due to global threat. However, this subject requires further research, especially in view of the continuous improvement of regulatory instruments.

2. How do you define Corruption ? The word corruption comes from the Latin corruption or corrumpere and is usually translated as destruction (von Alemann 2005: 16). Corruption is often defined as a form of payment which either increasing an individual’s profits or reduces costs (ibid.) Thus, the definition focuses on integrity systems or standards for governments in the course of their righteousness and transparency (ibid.). Corruption can be seen as an empirical which can be observed in a subset of specific cases (cf. Buchan / Hill 2014: 2). Defining such an ambiguous concept is difficult to achieve and will be avoided in this paper, because of the scope of the discussion. The literature on the

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg definition of corruption is extensive and complex. In three editions of the International Handbook of Political Corruption from Arnold J. Heidenheimer, inter alia, (1970, 1989 and 2002) there have found a wealth of definitional problems (von Alemann 2005: 20) Several pieces of research have pointed out that the causes of corruption have often been linked to the lack of good governance (Rose-Ackerman, 1999: 9), therefore lot of emphasis has been put on detecting, punishing and preventing corruption (Buchan / Hill 2014: 3). However, the moral failings of politics and economics, which created these conditions, are often left out (ibid.). It is important to understand that corruption is not just a bureaucratic problem. The consequences of it can be the loss of freedom, self-determination, and the identity of the whole society, which lies in the heart of political instability (ibid.). The concept of corruption provides additional uncertainty, since it is a set of offenses, although not always observable, but legally defined (Buchan / Hill 2014: 5). On the other hand, the term carries a moral weight that this definition opposes because it is not simply a crime or offense, but a moral or a failure of the character (ibid.). Mark Philip said in 1997: “Identifying political corruption assumes an ideal image of what an uncorrupted politics might be” (Philip 1997 quoted from Bruchan / Hill 2014: 6). Therefore corruption should not be seen as a one-dimensional phenomenon, by saying as a number of forbidden acts, but as a concept that is inextricably intertwined with moral and theoretical discussion (Buchan / Hill 2014: 7). With the provided background, the term takes on a whole new weight; namely that of a moral decay and the looting of the moral character of a person or a government (Miller et al 2005: 5). Therefore it makes sense not to stick to one definition of corruption so that it does not

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It is important to understand that corruption is not just a bureaucratic problem. The consequences of it can be the loss of freedom, self-determination, and the identity of the whole society, which lies in the heart of political instability (ibid.).

lose its multilayered application. In addition, a definition of the concept of corruption is always based on the Euro-centric bias and thus the polemic perspective that will prevent the understanding of country specific corruption. It is to be aware of the problem that a non-definition of corruption could cause an obstructive research, but at the same time we see exactly there the confirmation of this topic, as the definition of corruption is problematic. Definitions such as “abuse of public office, power or resources for private benefit” (Johnston 1996: 281) are not precise enough as it is not clear what is public or private one what abuse really means (von Alemann 2005: 21). That is why the skepticism of Johnston is entitled and should remain in the further work regarding corruption: Perhaps the safest generalization is that while studying corruption, we should remember why it is important to study it and be aware that our definitions may vary according to the settings and questions we wish to ask. (Johnston 2001: 28).

3. The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) The UNCAC was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2003 and entered into force on 14 December 2005. At present, 174 countries have ratified it. The convention not only acts as a preventive measure, but



also as a regulatory instrument. The preventive measures include both the public and the private sector (Chapter II UNCAC). The convention emphasizes the introduction of anti-corruption agency in the nation (incase none is present) and further stresses the necessity of transparency in financial matters in all the spheres of public life, including transparency of political parties. Chapter III of UNCAC focuses on the criminalization and prosecution of the offense of “corruption”. For example, if the national laws have not defined appropriate regulations, states are obliged to make appropriate improvements and changes. Furthermore, all States Parties commit to mutual cooperation, which includes, among other things, provision of investigative tools in corruption related crimes, and also the provision of information to law enforcement in this regard (UNCAC Chapter IV). Another important principle of UNCAC is the regulation of return of assets that are derived from corruption (Chapter V).It mandates the return of misappropriated assets, and the unconditional cooperation of the Contracting States, regardless of their national legal catalogue if those very embezzlements are not advertised as a crime (UNODC2013).

4. Theoretical Localization to Measure Corruption (UNCAC) Corruption is a global problem that affects all economies worldwide (see BT 2002: 136ff; Gebhart 2009: 1ff.). The focus is not only on the economic damage but also on the threat it creates to the establishment of democracy and the rule of law (see Gebhart, 2009: 1; BT. 2002: 79). Therefore, states can no longer confront these dangers alone on a national level, and have realized that the centralization of all the activities will increase the effectiveness to fight the menace of corruption (cf. Abbott / Snidal 1998: 4f.; Haas et al 1993: 7). In order to take a centralized approach to



fight against corruption, the parties have adopted UNCAC, exclusively stating in the preamble that: they are convinced that corruption is no longer a local matter but a transnational phenomenon. All societies and economic-systems are affected. To prevent and control corruption, international cooperation is absolutely necessary (Preamble UNCAC). UNCAC can help reduce the national level of corruption, but for this to happen a compliance with the convention is needed. Compliance is generally considered as “a state of conformity or identity between an actor's behavior and a specified rule” (Mitchell 1994: 30), which means that the rules are not only implemented at the national, but also the internalization of the idea takes place at the social and legal level (see Börzel 2002: 6; Raustiala/ Slaughter 2002: 539). The theoretical explanation regarding the reasons for the rule-compliance of a state depends on the perspective. This can for example be rational institutionalism or marked by constructivism. Rational States will direct their behavior according to their own interests and only agree to cooperate with the agreements, or follow the rules, when it results in lower transaction costs (McLaughlin et al. 2007: 721). Furthermore, institutionalism follows the ‘assumption of rational action’, presuming that states are generally willing for cooperation and its resulting acquisition of rules, but they do not always coincide with the objectives of the institution or in some cases the necessary capacity to implement is missing (Chayes /HandlerChayes1993).On the other hand, the social constructivist approach follows the logic of appropriateness (Börzel 2002: 5). It assumes that socialization processes carries compliance set in motion and a rule must first obtain a general legitimacy and be consistent with national standards in the dialogue before it is followed (cf. McLaughlinet al.2007:725;

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Whereas the conclusions from the enforcement and management aspects can be measured quite accurately through quantitative operationalization, legitimacy is measured with great difficulty and cannot be clearly distinguished from the enforcement and management approach (Börzel 2002: 5).

Börzel2002: 5; 21; O’Connor2007). The three compliance approaches in the literature primarily focus on “Enforcement”, “Management” and “Legitimacy”(Börzel 2002). The assumption that a high rate of compliance with UNCAC leads to an effective fight against corruption scale at the state level, and noncompliance in turn increases the corruption scale or can stagnate, we can focus following hypotheses on the three approaches to the explanation of (non-)compliance. Whereas the conclusions from the enforcement and management aspects can be measured quite accurately through quantitative operationalization, legitimacy is measured with great difficulty and cannot be clearly distinguished from the enforcement and management approach (Börzel 2002: 5). This is partly due to the problematic constitution of a normative concept and, secondly, to differing interpretations (O’Connor 2007: 5). Qualitative approaches are more suitable in some cases, which is why a literature review would be more advisable.

5. Distinction of implementation and effectiveness To get as meaningful results as possible in terms of obtaining compliance with the provisions of UNCAC, the distinction between ‘implementation’ and ‘effectiveness’ is crucial. The term implementation should be understood as “the process of elaborating, transmitting,

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg monitoring, adjudication and enforcing decisions” (Victor et al. 1998: 14). According to Raustiala/Slaughter, the implementation is a critical point because in addition to the aforementioned points, “the passage of legislation, creation of institutions (both domestic and international) and enforcement of rules” (Raustiala / Slaughter 2002: 539) are also included. Moreover, implementation can be further divided into three subcategories: output, outcome, and impact (Börzel 2002: 14). Output is considered as the “legal and administrative measures that enable the practical application of the rule” (ibid.). The outcome, in turn, depends on the “effect of the legal and administrative measures on the behavior of the target group” (ibid.) and the impact describes the “action of a rule on its socioeconomic environment” (ibid.). The output can be operationalized relatively well in regards to implementation, while the outcome is expressed in specific behavior of the actors (Börzel 2002: 15). However, the operationalization of impacts is extremely problematic due to difficult measurability. Moreover, Börzelargues that the “question of the effect (impact) or problem-solving ability of a rule is left aside because lawful conduct does not necessarily lead to a change in the socio-economic environment” (Börzel 2002: 15). Due to already existing conventions and cooperation regarding corruption, it cannot be concisely determined whether changes are caused solely by UNCAC, or if other regulations already had affected the behavior of actors. Although, if not all measures for implementations are followed, it can still assure compliance (Raustiala /Slaughter2002:539). This can automatically happen when the compliance is already a part of national law (ibid.).Therefore, implementation is not a necessary or sufficient condition for compliance (ibid.). Regarding the

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg preparation of hypotheses, this requires special consideration. In contrast to the implementation, the concept of efficiency is nonspecific and is therefore defined differently. By such standards, the extent to which a rule causes behavioral changes corresponds precisely to the objective of that rule (Haas et al. 1993: 7). Another problem regarding this case is that efficiency is not a necessary or sufficient condition for compliance. Although high efficiency is often accompanied by high compliance, in exchange high compliance can exist regardless of inefficient and ineffective rules (ibid.). Given the criticism of the frequent mixing of the different terms, Raustiala/ Slaughter strengthen the notion that in empirical research, a connection between compliance and effectiveness is possible, though not supported by (ibid.).

6. The Compliance-Theory Compliance research has evolved over time to become a stand-alone topic in the field of international relations. The most decisive difference from the traditional International Business research is that in the theories of compliance, the focus is lesson emergence and development of international institutions, but on their effect towards a State’s behavior and the circumstances under which it demonstrates compliance with international regulations (Tallberg 2002; Checkel2001; Börzel2002). Indeed, the focus is on regime theories with the collective benefits of cooperation (Krasner 1982:186), but this does not provide satisfactory answers to questions on implementation and effectiveness of regimes (Hasenclever et al, 1997: p.23ff). To cover the lack of explanations regarding regime implementations, it is advisable to look at approaches and studies respecting regime effectiveness (Mueller, 1993:43) and the compliance theory (Chayes /Handler Chayes 1993; ibid., 1995; Simmons

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International norms and rules that are incompatible with the nation-state conditions will improve incentives to observe the rules, as the essential regime implementation would require changes and thus costs for various actors at national level.

1998: to consider 75-93). The majority of the scientific literature on the compliance theories in the IB can be divided into three concepts; each implements the different approaches to explain rule compliant behavior.

6.1 The enforcement approach Enforcement approaches are mainly based on game theory considerations, similar to the cooperation institutionalism theory. Accordingly, a state violates any rules if the cost of compliance with the rules is assessed as too high in comparison to its own benefit (Downs etal1996:387). Enforcement approaches assume that states violate international norms if they are not willing to bear the costs arising from the implementation. (Börzel 2007:9). International norms and rules that are incompatible with the nation-state conditions will improve incentives to observe the rules, as the essential regime implementation would require changes and thus costs for various actors at national level (Börzel et al 2007: 9). From rationalist perspective, may non-compliance be avoided only with sanctions and monitoring mechanisms, since they influence the strategic cost-benefit trade-offs by which the cost of non-compliance may be increased (Checkel 2001: 558). The increase in costs may be material in nature and consist of economic sanctions; however, it might be intangible, such as working due to the loss of reputation effect (ibid.). This can lead to a strategic rethinking on

Article 89 the part of states. Nevertheless, it cannot be assumed that all states have the same cost or the same sensitivity to these sanctions (Börzel 2007: 9).

6.2 The management approach Conversely, management approaches assume that states are willing to obey international rules in principle, even if these will generate costs (Chayes /HandlerChayes1993:187). Instead, rule violations happen unintentionally if the necessary conditions are missing (Börzel 2007:13). Non-compliance is often caused by lack of or insufficient capacity for action, vague definitions of standards within the control or an inadequate period to fully implement the rules (Chayes /HandlerChayes1993:188).

6.3 The legitimacy approach Similar to enforcement approaches, legitimacy approaches insinuate that non-compliance is done intentionally. Unlike the management and enforcement approaches, the legitimacy approach focuses on socialization, persuasion and learning mechanisms. Compliance in this case is not a matter of cost and benefit-oriented behavior (enforcement) or resources (management), but depends on the internalization and acceptance of a rule marking the standard for appropriate behavior(Börzel 2007:3). The “logic of appropriateness,” a social constructivist theory, can explain the aspect of the legitimacy of the rules that are followed by stakeholders (Börzel et al 2007: 16). Socialization occurs according to norms and rules that are mediated by the process of social learning (ibid.). Thus, compliance is generated when states share the normative beliefs of rules and deem them as necessary, without taking into account self-interest (ibid.). Furthermore, there are several ways of creating legitimacy. Thereby, the underlying rules can be part of an institution or a system, which is generally characterized



as one with a high legitimacy, so that an “acceptance of the rulesetting institution” may persist (Hurd, 1999: 379). But legitimacy can also be generated when a certain number of states already have compliance and the desire to belong to that community and demonstratively show that one has the same objectives as the group one follows; a mechanism that moves individual States for compliance. This could be defined as “peer pressure” (Finnemore / Sikkink 1998: 903). For this theory, I see the role of international institutions and NGOs as crucial, as their role is not only to monitor and sanction, but also to provide financial and technical support. Particularly, this plays a major role in countries with a low level of development in regards to capacity building “and the related aid for the implementation of international agreements” (PonceNava 1995: 131-136).9 (Mr. Palomino interned at TI Nepal during 2015)

7. References Abbott, Kenneth W. and Snidal, Duncan (1998), "Why States Act through Formal International Organizations?" Journal of Conflict Resolution, 42(1), pp. 3-32. Argandoña, Antonio (2006), From ethical responsibility to corporate social responsibility, presented at the 6th International Symposium on Catholic Social Thought and Management Education “The Good Company. Catholic Social Thought and Corporate Social Responsibility in Dialogue”, Rome, October 5-7. Börzel, Tanja A., (2002), Wenn sich Staaten nicht an die Regeln halten. Gewollte und ungewollte Regelverstöße gegen das EUGemeinschaftsrecht,<http://userpage.fu-berlin. de/~europe/forschung/dfg/projektantrag_ dfg.pdf>, Rev. 2013-02-18. Börzel, Tanja, Dudziak, Meike, Hofmann, Thomas et al. (2007): Recalcitrance, Inefficiency, and Support for European Integration: Why Member States Do (not) Comply with European Law, <http://aei. borzel-t-02a.pdf>, Rev. 2013-02-20. Bosuter, Baran (2010), Regime Implementation – Based on the Example of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g (UNCAC), Frankfurt a. M.: Universität Frankfurt, < gesellschafts-wissenschaften.uni-frankfurt. de/up-loads/images/1555/Bosuter_ EXPOS_ 13_Nov_2010.pdf>, Rev. 201302-12. Buchan, Bruce and Hill, Lisa (2014), An intellectual history of political corruption, New York: Palgrave and Macmillan. Chayes, Abraham and Handlerl, Chayes Antonia (1993), "On Compliance," International Organization, 47 (2), pp. 175-205. Checkel, Jeffery T. (2001), "Why Comply? Social Learning and European Identity Change," International Organization, 55 (3): pp. 553-588. Deutscher Bundestag (BT) (2002), Schlussbericht der Enquete-Kommission Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft, Drucksache 14/9200. Downs, George W., Rocke, David M. and Barsoom, Peter N. (1996), "Is the Good News About Compliance Good News About Cooperation?" International Organization, 50 (3): 379-406. Finnemore, Martha and Sikkink, Kathryn (1998), "International Norm Dynamics and Political Change," International Organization, 52 (4), pp. 887-917. Gephart, Malte (2009), Herausforderungen für die Anti-Korruptions kampagne im Spannungsverhältniszwischen internationaler und lokaler Ebene, Paper für die Nachwuchskonferenz „Normative Ordnungen: Rechtfertigung und Sanktion“ vom 23.10.-25.10.2009. Haas, Peter, Keohane, Robert, Levy, Marc (1993), Institutions for the Earth: Sources of Effective International Environmental Protection, Cambridge: Massachusetts, MIT Press. Hasenclever, Andreas, Mayer, Peter, Rittberger, Volker (1997): Theories of International Regimes. New York, Cambridge: University Press. Hurd, Ian (1999), "Legitimacy and Authority in International Politics," International Organization, 53 (2), pp. 379-408. Johnston, Michael (1996), "The search for Definitions: The vitality of politics and the issue of corruption," International Social Science Journal 149, pp. 321-336. Johnston, Michael (2001), "The definition debate: Old conflicts in new guises." In Jain, Arvind K., (ed.), "The Political Economy of Corruption," London: Routledge, n.d., pp. 11-31. Krasner, Stephen D. (1982), "Structural causes and regime consequences: Regimes as Intervening Variables," International Organization, 36(2), p. 186. Philip, Mark, (1997), "Defining political corruption," Political Studies 45 (3), pp. 436-462.

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg McLaughlin Mitchell, Sara and Hensel, Paul R. (2007), "International Institutions and Compliance with Agreements," American Journal of Political Science, 51 (4), pp. 721–737. Miller, Seumas, Roberts, Peter and Spence, Edward (2005), Corruption and anti-corruption: An applied philosophical approach. New York: Pearson Prentice Hall. Mitchell, Ronald B, (1994), Intentional Oil Pollution at Sea: Environmental Policy and Treaty Compliance, Massachusetts, Cambridge: MIT Press. Müller, Harald (1993), Die Chance der Kooperation. Regime in den internationalen Beziehungen, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. O’Connor, James (2007), "The Meaning of “Legitimacy” in World Affairs: Does Law + Ethics + Politics = A Just Pragmatism or Mere Politics?" SGIR conference presentation, 13 September 2007. Pázmándy, Matthias (2010): Measuring Corruption – Socio-economic determinants of corruption perception and the role of corruption experience, Diplomarbeit an der Universität Wien. Ponce-Nava, Diana (1995) in Lang, W. (ed), Sustainable Development and International Law, Capacity Building in Environmental Law and SustainableDevelopment London, Springer, pp. 131-136. Raustiala, Kal, Slaughter, Anne-Marie (2002), "International Law, International Relations and Compliance," Princeton Law & Public Affairs Paper, 02 (2), pp. 538-558. Rose-Ackermann, Susan (1999), Corruption and government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform, Cambridge: University Press. Simmons, Beth (1998), "Compliance with International Agreements," The Annual Review of Political Science, 1, pp. 75-93. Tallberg, Jonas (2002), "Paths to Compliance: Enforcement, Management, and the European Union," International Organization, 56 (3), pp. 609-643. UNODC (2013), Mechanism for the Review of Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, <http://www.unodc. org/unodc/en/treaties/CAC/IRG.html>, Rev. 2013-02-02. Victor, David G., Raustiala, Kal and Skolnikoff, Eugene B. (1998), The implementation and Effectiveness of International Environmental Commitments: Theory and Practice, Cambridge: MIT Press. von Alemann, Ulrich (2005), "Dimension of political corruption. Contribution to the international research," PVS Political Quarterly Special 35, VS Publisher of Social Sciences / GWV. [translated]

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The Cycle of Corruption and Women Amina Waltham


epal is known as one of the safer countries in the south Asian subcontinent, despite the recent earthquake. This is especially important for women. While the rest of Asia suffers from the welldocumented phenomenon of “Eve teasing”, an event that can extend from mere catcalling to murder, Nepal has remained somewhat of a safe haven. Despite this, misogyny is still prevalent in Nepal. It manifests as a slightly stronger strain of that seen in the western “developed” world - systematic discrimination against women, the perception of woman as lesser beings than men, and the presumed subservience of women. This translates easily into day-to-day life displayed through catcalling, staring, work place discrimination, internalized misogyny, and sexism. These phenomena should sound familiar to most women. The most pressing issue, however, should be female involvement in public society, woman’s capacity to interact with the government and the sense of agency that she possesses. There are a number of reasons for lower female participation in governance. Gender inequality leads to higher levels of illiteracy and familiar dependence for Nepali women. This prevents women from being able to put forward their concerns or corruption grievances. Furthermore, patriarchal dominance deters

Currently, a number of initiatives in Nepal focus on increasing female participation in governance. While this is mostly done in the pursuit of gender equality, a worthy goal, these advocates often stress that more women in governance is correlated with better governance.

female participation through paternal condescending of those women that do try to participate. However, increased participation of women is increasingly important in Nepal. This participation can range from female representatives in parliament to participation at local governmental levels. While female participation at a country level is important, the impact of female government at the grassroots level is stronger.

Misrepresentation Through Misinterpretation Currently, a number of initiatives in Nepal focus on increasing female participation in governance. While this is mostly done in the pursuit of gender equality, a worthy goal, these advocates often stress that more women in governance is correlated with better governance. However, here the advocates make one of the more common statistical errors - assuming that correlation can be equated with causation. The connection between more women in governance leads to less corrupt governments is easily confused with women being the cause of better governance. This theory rests on the assumption that women are fundamentally more generous, more well behaved, and more publicly conscious than their male counterparts (Dawson 2012). This, because of its gender normative claim, is a very gender normative

argument to make. On the whole, however, research shows that women are less likely to be corrupt than their male counterparts (Dawson 2012). It could be that the correlation between good governance and women’s participation is the other way around. In general, good governance allows more women to be involved in government. In corrupt societies, women are unlikely to be able to enter the political arena. Gender discrimination results in women being cut out of the political process. Thus, female participation in government is a good indicator of the level of political transparency in a country. This leads to the misconception that just increasing female participation in government, through more women in politics and more women in senior government positions will reduce corruption. A number of initiatives have been started to create mandatory quotas for female participation in government (Fraser-Molekti 15). These attempts at increasing equality will be ineffective if the political environment remains detrimental to women.

The grassroots interactions of women and corruption While women do not necessarily decrease corruption at the macro



level, at the grassroots level is the tread does hold (Timilsina 2014). At local government levels women participating in public decisionmaking increases the likelihood that public funds will be spent properly. The Local- Self Governance Act reserves “20% of seats in the ward level committees” for women in Nepal (Asian Development Bank). At least at the grassroots level, women are more likely to use resources to fund public programs, especially those in the health and education sector. However, in rural areas this participation is severely hindered by sexism and traditional gender roles. These lower participation rates leqds to women, especially at the grassroots level being “disproportionately and harder hit” by corruption than their male counterparts (Sanders 2013). Corruption is not synonymous with bribery - instead women are more likely to have their human rights contested; divorce laws, property rights, inheritance - are all areas in which women are treated unequally. Corruption allows these institutions to persist, continuing to damage the quality of life for women. In part, this can be seen in lower spending on women’s health and education in more corrupt countries. If this is true then more women are being affected by corruption in Nepal than men. Despite this, female reporting of corruption is still low. Where cases of corruption against women are recorded it is often male household heads that report these instances. Transparency International Nepal needs to come up with reporting mechanisms that cater to women. They also need to begin to strategically target women and determine which types of corruption are more likely to affect Nepali women.

Ending the cycle of corruption Despite TIN’s efforts women are still not being effectively tapped; this

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in governance, especially at the grassroots level. Corruption is not synonymous with bribery - instead women are more likely to have their human rights contested; divorce laws, property rights, inheritance are all areas in which women are treated unequally. Corruption allows these institutions to persist, continuing to damage the quality of life for women.

is mainly caused by the patriarchal dominance that still prevails in the Nepalese culture. Women are hesitant to make complains, and are generally considered more tolerant as compared to their male counterparts. Instead of complaining themselves, women prefer to channel their grievances through the male members of their society. The higher levels of illiteracy and dependence that women experience may cause this preference. Currently, Nepal has too few programs that specifically target corruption against women. This represents a huge growth possibility for TIN as TIN can expand its current programs to more seriously cater to women. To date, only one training session has been held that focused on giving Nepali women the tools necessary to combat corruption. TIN should try to focus on increasing the number of females using the ALAC (Advocacy and Legal Advice Center) hotline as women are less likely to make use of these services. Furthermore, TIN should commence programs that are proactive in encouraging female participation

Additionally, research to the specific types of corruption that are most strongly felt by women would help TIN frame its activities to better serve Nepali women.These targeted programs will significantly lessen the corruption burden of women. In addition, initiatives meant to increase female participation in governance should be partnered with programs that specifically target work place and general social gender inequality. Without a proactive gender equality movement increasing female participation in governance will have no effect on the standard of living for women overall. By providing women centric services, TIN can use its previously established expertise and networks to fundamentally affect the cycle of corruption and women in Nepal.9 (Ms. Amina is an intern at TI Nepal)

Sources Asian Development Bank. Overview of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Nepal. Asian Development Bank. 2010. Web. 12 July 2015. Dawson, Stella. “Are women leaders less corrupt? No, but they shake things up.” Reuters, 4 Dec. 2012. Web. 10 July 2015. Fraser-Molekti, Geraldine, and Janice Peterson.Seeing Beyond the State: Grassroots Women's Perspectives on Corruption and Anticorruption. Rep. New York: UNDP, 2012. Print. Lovitt, Jeff. Gender and Corruption: Are Women Less Corrupt. Transparency International. Transparency International, 7 Mar. 2000. Web. 8 July 2015. Sanders, Chris. "Do We Need Womenspecific Anti-corruption Projects?" Transparency International. Transparency International, 8 Mar. 2013. Web. 12 July 2015. Timilsina, Anga. Grassroots women: Game changers in the fight against corruption. United Nations Development Program. 14 Mar. 2014. Web. 10 July 2015.

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My Experience in Nepal and Transparency International Nepal Helen Manan


here is a saying in Bengali which is, ‘’to take experience and gather knowledge, if necessity permits you, you should go to China.” It means you should go far away to gather experience of life, if it is necessary. There, in Nepal and obviously at Transparency International Nepal, I have learned so many things that will help me a lot to go further on the road of life. As a citizen of Bangladesh, Nepal is the first foreign country that I have visited in my life. On the 27 of August 2014 the airplane carried me, and then landed, in the land of Nepal. I was a newly wed and so, before marriage my father even did not allow me to go anywhere alone. This was first time and I was alone. The sun was extremely hot and I did not know anybody. The feeling was, “alas, where I am?”. But I knew that my husband (who is exchange fellow from Transparency International Bangladesh to Transparency International Nepal) would be outside the airport. Still, as a newcomer I was afraid. My fear was removed when I entered the airport. Truly, I did not know many things about Nepal as a country, its culture, people and so on. But when I went to the visa counter, I was a little bit surprised to see

There is a saying in Bengali which is, ‘’to take experience and gather knowledge, if necessity permits you, you should go to China.” It means you should go far away to gather experience of life, if it is necessary.

the politeness and cordiality of the people in Nepal. I took an on arrival visa for 30 days and became happy with the behavior of the people and came out with a good feeling in my heart. After that I came out and saw my husband standing outside for me. We took a taxi and started our journey to the home where he had been living since coming to Nepal on 9 of August 2014. Our journey together in Nepal had begun.

Travelling Around Nepal Nepal is a South Asian country situated between India and China. The mountainous north of Nepal has eight of the world's ten tallest mountains, including the highest point on Earth, Mount Everest. Nepal is a developing country with a low income economy, ranking 145th of 187 countries on the Human Development Index (HDI) in 2014. Hinduism is practiced by about 81.3% of Nepalese, the highest percentage of any country. Buddhism is linked historically with Nepal and is practiced by 9% of its people, followed by Islam at 4.4%, Kiratism 3.1%, Christianity 1.4%, and animism 0.4% (http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Nepal). Each year, thousands of tourists come to visit Nepal because of its natural and

architectural beauty, weather, food, various cultures and so on. The weather is not extreme and is instead rather pleasant, which attracts people of different counties to stay for a long time in Nepal. Nepal has the highest mountain peaks and many more hills surround the country. For its diverse natural beauty, people of different countries become interested to visit. From our very first day in Nepal, we were interested in travelling to different places in Nepal. As our residence was in Kathmandu, it was very easy for us to go any place near Kathmandu, and even to get to distance places as the vehicles are easy to get and the roads are well managed. After few days of my arrival in Nepal, we went to Pokhara, the most beautiful place in Nepal. There we went for few miles of trekking and also visited Devid’s Fall, Guptessor Cave, Peace Temple, Fewa Lake, Seti Nodi (white river) many more places. We went to Dhulikhel where we visited the largest Buddha after climbing thousands of stairs. The sunrise from Nagarkot is the beautiful sunrise you can see. But the roads to go there are so high that it seems very dangerous. Bhaktapur



is a world heritage site and a very beautiful place that one must visit in Nepal. There are three Darbar Squares in Nepal which are: Patan Darbar Square, Bhaktapur Darbar Square and Basantapur Darbar Square. The beauty of Tribhuvan University of Nepal of Kirtipur, Kathmandu is different type. The large campus has separated buildings for different Departments and with good facilities. Beside these, I went to the different temples in Kathmandu. The diversity in Nepal in terms of ethnicity makes room for various sets of customs. Most of the customs go back to the Hindu, Buddhist or other religious traditions. Among them, the rules of marriage are interesting. During our stay in Nepal, we have participated many festivals like marriage ceremony, puja, prayer of Hindu and Buddha communities, Naya Varsha (B.S. 01-01- 2072) Nepali New Year, Tihar (Deepawali) etc. The festivals of Nepal are very colorful. Huge people of different religious belief, communities come and join together in all these occasions. During our stay in Nepal, I attended a wedding ceremony of the son of the President of Transparency International Nepal and that was a great experience for me, to see the colorful celebration. At that wedding ceremony, we tried different types of food, listened to melodious music, danced a lot and enjoyed the experience very much. According to me, Nepali people are very cordial, liberal, well behaved people, and are cool in nature. I think all these characteristics of Nepali people are because of their cool, nice and pleasant weather. Due to the cool and pleasant weather they are not rough and tough, rather they are very much cool in nature. During my stay in Nepal, I also visited India, mainly Delhi and Jaipur. There I visited many historical places. Now I can

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Huge people of different religious belief, communities come and join together in all these occasions. During our stay in Nepal, I attended a wedding ceremony of the son of the President of Transparency International Nepal and that was a great experience for me, to see the colorful celebration.

say that among all these three counties –Bangladesh, India and Nepal, the people of Nepal are the most gentle. I think because of the extreme weather conditions in Bangladesh and India, people of those countries are not very coolheaded people in general. My Experience At Transparency International Nepal Transparency International Nepal (TI Nepal) is a civil society institution dedicated to increasing public accountability and curbing corruption in all walks of life. It is registered at the Kathmandu District Administration Office and is affiliated with the Social Welfare Council. TIN is one of national chapters of Transparency International, a NGO that leads a global movement against corruption. Transparency International is active in more than 100 countries with its secretariat in Berlin (http://www. I was aware of Transparency International Nepal before, as my husband was the exchange fellow of TI Nepal from Transparency

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg International Bangladesh. After few months in Nepal, I joined Transparency International Nepal on 25 January 2015 as a volunteer. After starting at Transparency International Nepal, I attended a conference on ''Women and Corruption''. This was the first time I presented one of my articles in Nepal on 20/02/2015. The title of my article was “The Effect of Patriarchy on Women: The Case Study of Bangladesh.” The conference was for female participants. Women of different ages, education qualifications, social status, and economic conditions gathered there and shared their experiences with the main participants (the participants who delivered their speech and shared their articles). The main research article that I conducted is entitled “Increasing Female Participation in Promoting Good Governance.” In the article, I was trying to deal with some really significant concepts of today’s world. My research dealt with – what is patriarchy, the history of patriarchy, the difference between sex and gender, the origin of the difference between male and female, gender socialization etc. Good governance, the lives of the women of Bangladesh and Nepal, obstacles behind less participation of women, rights of women, situation of women participation in politics, women’s movements in Nepal, Transparency International Nepal and its strategic plan, vision and mission of Transparency International Nepal, programs of Transparency International Nepal etc. In that article I also dealt with gender and corruption, good governance and women empowerment, vision of good governance in Nepal, challenges for good governance in Nepal, global integrity index, and the failed states index etc. The office of Transparency International Nepal, Chakhkhu

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg Bakhkhu Marga, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu is small and it has few employees. However, they all are efficient and hard worker. Each year, many volunteers and interns join and work at the office and they come from different countries of the world. As I have mentioned earlier that Nepali people are very much cool and their way of living is smooth, there is no rush, and no hurry in their lifestyle. It seems that, there is no problem, and no tension in their lives. Whenever I came to office with public bus, I have observed that people in Nepal are relaxed in their movements. I never observed the scenario before in Dhaka and Delhi. During my working period at Transparency International Nepal, I went to Bhaktapur with all of the employees to observe the activities of the ALAC program of TI Nepal. In order to tackle the problems identified by citizens in an innovative way, TI Nepal applies ALAC and Development Pact aiming to multiply the impact through creating increased citizen demand for greater accountability in 15 districts. This 3.5 years program was initiated with the support of the European Union office in Kathmandu in 2012 (http://www.tinepal. org/?post_causes=child-protection). Another conference that I attended with Transparency International Nepal was also in Bhaktapur which was held on 2nd February 2015. The main theme of the conference was “The joint venture of Transparency International Nepal and BNIN.’’ The conference is important for me because there I learned so many things about TI Nepal and BNIN. The speakers of the conference said that for creating good human beings, good cultural surroundings, it’s necessary to remove any kind of crime from society. So, Transparency International Nepal is working on all these matters very deeply. Building national integrity is also significant and TIN emphasizes one thing that is, the amount of


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Nepali people are very much cool and their way of living is smooth, there is no rush, and no hurry in their lifestyle. It seems that, there is no problem, and no tension in their lives. Whenever I came to office with public bus, I have observed that people in Nepal are relaxed in their movements. I never observed the scenario before in Dhaka and Delhi.

crime indicates the amount of loss in a country. In Bangladesh, every year we face a little earthquake but it’s not more than 4.5 or 5 on the Richter scale. For the first time I faced such a life threatening earthquake in Nepal. The date was 25 of April 2015, a Saturday. As it was a Government holiday, the office was closed. Usually, Saturday is the day when we save for travelling around Kathmandu. That day we were getting ready to go out but it we were a little bit late. Suddenly, we felt that the house was moving so dangerously and everything in our home was also moving like a tornado had hit. At first we were thoughtless, and could not find out the way to get out from the home as everything was displaced. I won’t forget the experience in my entire life. At last we came out from the house and stayed outside. In the mean time all the other people of the area, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, gathered in the same place as us as that was the only large open place for the area. Luckily it’s just in front of our gate. For four days we


stayed in a tent with all the other families of the area. That time I could properly experience the very cooperative mind of Nepali people. I was also very much astonished that just after 2 hours of the earthquake, the Executive Director of Transparency International Nepal came to visit us to see whether we were safe or not. We cannot thank him enough. At last I want to add something from my experience here at Transparency International Nepal. As this was the first time I left my home, my relatives, my country, I was very home sick. But when I was introduced to the people here in Nepal, basically at TI Nepal, I was so relaxed and happy that now it’s time to leave Nepal I am a little bit upset that I am leaving the beautiful country, people, and helpful organization. But, no one can live in the same place forever. People have to leave. So, it’s time to say goodbye to Nepal, Transparency International Nepal, and the cordial people of Nepal. But before that, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to the people for making my journey here at TI Nepal so smooth and enjoyable. At first I want to give my special thanks to the Executive Director of TI Nepal Ashish Thapa, for his kind concern. I want to give my heartiest thanks to Kamal Pokhrel, the Deputy Executive Director of TI Nepal who was my supervisor, he helped me a lot with his valuable comments and guidelines. And last but not least I want to give my special thanks to Nisha Aryal, the Program Officer of TI Nepal for her cooperation from the very start. And thanks to all other employees of Transparency International Nepal.9 (Mrs. Manan interned at TI Nepal during 2015)

References 1. 2. 3. causes=child-protection.



‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

Winning essay on

Role of citizen in mitigation of corruption Organized by: Community Development Society (CDS), Siraha Dipesh Kumar Yadav,


orruption is an act of misusing power and authority to gain some personal benefits. Nowadays, it is seen as common problem mainly in the developing countries like Nepal. According to the corruption control act 2059, taking personal commission, compelling someone to work, taking bribe, taking donation etc are categorized as forms of corruption. According to the corruption perception index, Nepal scored 29 out of 100, which means Nepal is highly corrupt. The least corrupt country in SAARC is Bhutan and at the most corrupt is Afghanistan. Corruption exists and has always existed. It is considered one of the major hurdles to the overall development and economic prosperity of the country. Due to political instability, the level of corruption is increasing and corrupt people can easily escape from the laws. Along with the above mentioned causes, there are several other causes of corruption, such as lack of transparency, lack of nationalism, lack of public awareness about the negative impact of corruption in one's life etc. One of the main cause of corruption is less salary, incentives and motivation. Due to less salary offered to the governmental offices, they feel difficult to fulfill their needs. As a result they are compelled to take bribe. Similarly, the other cause is luxurious life style of people due to which the level of corruption is increasing. The increasing corruption level has caused negative impact on the country’s administration. The developmental activities do not

class 10, Bal Sansar English Secondary

reach the targeted groups. Along with it poor and illiterate people are mistreated for not being able to pay bribe to the concerned authority. Due to this people have to spend their life miserably. Similarly, it has resulted in the increase of antisocial activities like robbery, theft, murder etc. The country will not earn name and fame if it has high level of corruption. So corruption control is highly needed in this time. For this people should be made aware. To control this serious problem, the role of ordinary citizen is considered a must. They must contribute a lot by reaching to the

rural areas and to make them aware about it. The citizen of a certain place or area can raise their strong voice against corruption with the help of different media like television, newspapers, radios, pamphlets and so on. It is possible to make rural people aware. In addition, the long process of administrative work in the country

should be minimized. The feeling of nationalism should be developed in the citizens. The developed countries like Great Britain, USA, South Korea, Japan etc. are developed due to less level of corruption in their administration. So, knowing the advantage of corruption free state, we should try to make our country one of the corruption free countries. If some public post holders or other governmental official ask for bribe then it should be publicized. We should raise our strong voice against government to provide adequate

salary to the officials so that they do not have difficulty to fulfill their basic demands. Truly speaking, if the country is not made corruption free then such country will never achieve the targeted goal. That's why the role of citizen in controlling corruption is considered a must. The citizen of a certain country

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg must compel or force the people in their community or society to establish different non-governmental organizations related to corruption control. If such organizations are established, the local people must offer their free service and help people to escape corruption. Local people must visit the governmental as well as private offices, organizations to observe the level of corruption and try their best to eradicate and minimize it. People offers bribe to complete their work fast and those who are unable to offer it have to stay in queue for long time. Male and female can work together to fight corruption. We must know that gender has nothing to do with success, women if get chance can prove as equally as men.

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g To control corruption, along with the government the most responsible are the local people living or dwelling there. Mainly the problem like corruption is committed in the border areas where goods of different countries are exchanged. To control corruption government is trying its best, but up to now, it has not been possible. So we can conclude that, the problem of corruption in our country must be considered serious and as far as possible strong rule should be implemented to control it. Controlling corruption is not difficult if more effort of government and ordinary citizen is applied. The people should be educated so that with zero tolerance they may refuse



to give and take bribe. In order to control or overcome this serious problem, strong laws should be made and implemented effectively. So, considering the above facts, it is clear that the role of non-governmental and governmental organization is a lot in the minimization of corruption. Not only their roles, but we can conclude that the role of citizen is crucial in its eradication. Anti corruption offices should be established in different places. According to the recent survey conducted the main problem of Nepal is corruption and second is unemployment. So, it must be eradicated. As corruption is the major problem of Nepal, there should be constitutional provision for its eradication.9

Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmd, jflif{s ;dLIff, lrtjg

e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf dlxnf / o'jfsf] ;xeflutf lgoGq0fsf nflu ;'zf;g P]gsf e"ldsf;DaGwL cGtlqm{of, kf]v/f



‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

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– df}g bz{s

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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g





xfg} :d[ltsf] df]jfOn aH5 . pgn] Tof] p7fpgf;fy ;ljgfn] egL xflN5g\, æP :d[lt ;'g t t]/f] cfdfnfO{ lxhf] /flt crfgs ;~rf] geP/ c:ktfn k'¥ofpg' k/]5 . lgs} l;l/o; x'g'x'G5 /] Û t}n] k]ml/ d}n] ;d]t va/ ul/g;\ elGn;\ eg]/ laxfg} ;'gfPsL . ;se/ l56f] hf x} . yfxf 5 xf]Og, pxfFnfO{ SofG;/ ePsf] 5 <Æ :d[ltn] klg b'MvL :j/df lj:tf/} elG5g\, æcF yfxf 5 . t/, clxn] s] eP5 / c:ktfn g} k'¥ofpg' k/]5 <Æ æv} s] ePsf] xf] dnfO{ klg yfxf 5}g . t/, tF eg] ;se/ l56f] k'u .Æ pgn] em§ hjfkm lbg ;lSbgg\ . dfq …cFÚ elG5g\ / va/ lbPsLdf ;ljgfnfO{ wGojfb lbFb} elG5g\, ætF klg cfOh g !@ ah];Dd d h;/L eP klg k'U5' .Æ æd]/f] 7]ufg 5}g :d[lt . ;se/ d klg cfpFnf . t/, ltdL eg] rfF8} hfpmÆ eGb} df]afOn /flvlblG5g\ . laxfgsf] 6]lnkmf]gn] ;'lt/x]sf] ;f}/jsf] lgGb|f vNalnPnf eg]/ df]afOn lnP/ sf]7f aflx/ cfPsL :d[lt ux|f} dg kf/]/ sf]7fleq kl:5g\ . pgL sf]7fleq l5/]sL rfn kfP/ cf]5Øfgdf n]6]/ g} ;f}/jn] ;f]W5g\, æsf] d"v{sf] 6]lnkmf]g olt ;j]/} cfPsf] < a]sf/df p7fOlbof] slt dL7f] ;kgf b]lv/x]sf] lyP .Æ :d[ltsf] dg cfdfsf] la/fdLsf] va/ ;'g]/ o;} ljrlnt eO;s]sf] lyof], emg\ To;dfly ;f}/jsf] o:tf] s'/f ;'Gbf x'g;Dd lbSs x'Ggg\ . lj:tf/} elG5g\, æs'/} yfxf gkfP/ csf{nfO{ h] dgdf cfof] ToxL eGg t x'Fb}g

uLtf s]z/L

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kfO{+b}g . clg, ;f]e}m 3f6f vfP/ lsg hfg] <Æ æd}n] klg s;/L oltdfq lbG5' lxF8g\ f];\ eGg] < ;w}+ of] ?6df cfpg] hfg] ug]{ ePsL eP olt lbG5' eGy] x'Fnf . ca clxn] klxnf]kN6 ToxfF 6ØfS;Ldf hfFb}5' . x]gf]{;\ efO xl:k6n hfg nfu]sf] eg]sf] 3'DgnfO{ xf]Og, o;/L gs:gf];\ g . nf} eGgf];,\ ld6/df r9] hltdf hfg'x'G5 ls x'Gg <Æ 6ØfS;L 8«fOe/n] hjfk}m glbP/ klv{/x]sf] csf]{ u|fxs h;n] ld6/ grnfO{ tf]s]sf] df]n lbg /fhL x'G5 To;nfO{ lnP/ hfG5 . :d[ltnfO{ Tof] JolQm;Fu klg l/; p7\5 / dgdg} elG5g\, æo;}u/L xfdL e|i6frf/ ug{ k|f]T;fxg lbO/x]5f}+ . To; JolQmn] klg …ld6/ rnfP/ lxF8Ú\ eg]sf] eP 8«fOe/n] dfGg}kYof]{ . clg ld6/sf] Joj:yf ;kmn x'GYof] . :d[ltn] 38L x]l5{g\ afx| aHg nflu;s]sf] 5 . e/] 6fOddf kms{g ;Sg] xf] ls xf]Og eGg] pgnfO{ csf]{ lrGtf 5 . t}klg csf]{ 6ØfS;LnfO{ /f]lS5g\ / ;f]lW5g\ . ;a} ldn]sf 5g\ cfˆg} lgod agfPsf 5g\ . p;af6 klg Pp6} hjfkm cfpF5 . pgsf] l;4fGtnfO{ cfdfsf] dfofn] / 3/df 7Ls ;dodf k'Ug'kg]{ afWotfn] ufNb} n}hfG5 / cfk"m;Fu ePsf] k};fn] cflt–hflt ef8f k'U5 eg] nf}hf t eg]/ o;k6snfO{ uOlbg'x'GYof] . s]xL u/L k'u]g eg], s] ug]{ < logn] t 5f]8\b}gg\ < o:t}, ts{–lats{ lnP/ lg0f{o lng g;sL af6f]df klv{/xlG5g\ . dgn] elg/xG5, æxf]Og oL 6ØfS;L rfnsx?n] csf{sf] dsf{ lsg a'‰b}gg\ . k};fsf] h?/t ltgLx?nfO{ h:t} xfdLnfO{ klg t x'G5 . ;/sf/n] b/ tf]Sbf 6ØfS;L 8«fOe/nfO{ 3f6f x'g] / ofq'nfO{ dfq kmfObf x'g] u/L u/]sf cjZo 5}g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g xf]nf . k]ml/ logLx?sf] cfˆg} ;+3 klg x'G5 Sof/] Û s] ePsf x'g\ oL <Æ ;8sdf pleFbf–pleFb} Pp6f csf]{ vfnL 6ØfS;L cfO/x]sf] b]lV5g\ / /f]lS5g\ . To;n] eQmk'/ hfg dfGnf eGg]df pgnfO{ kSs} ljZjf; nfu]sf] lyPg . t/, crDd Tof] rfnsn] n}hfg tof/ eO{ 9f]sf vf]lnlbG5 . :d[ltn] r9\g'eGbf klxn] g} ;f]lW5g\— ld6/ rnfpg'xf];\ x} efO gq slt lbg] g} yfxf x'Fb}g . 3f6fdf kg'{ xf]nf < :d[ltsf] k|Zg l6k]/ Tof] rfnsn] klg elgxfN5— æld6/ /fVg' eg]s} u|fxs / rfns b'a}nfO{ dsf{ gk/f];\ Gofo xf];\ eg]/ xf] lg . xfdL ld6/ rnfO{ xfN5f}+ lg . lrGtf glngf];\, a9L lnFb}gf}+Æ eg]/ xfF:5 . rfnssf] o:tf] s'/f ;'g]/ :d[lt klg 5Ss kl5{g\ . pm ev{/sf] @%–#) hlt pd]/sf] b]lvGYof] . pm cfˆgf] /ˆtf/df 6ØfS;L rnfpFb} lyof] . :d[ltnfO{ pm;Fu s'/f ug{ dg nfU5 . lbSs ePsL pgnfO{ cfˆgf] p8]sf] dgnfO{ jxnfpg ;do sf6\g' klg lyof] . o;}n] :d[ltn] 6ØfS;L 8«fOe/sf] k]zf;Fu ufFl;Psf] p;sf] hLjgLsf] ultnfO{ a'‰g ;f]Wg yflN5g\— efO tkfO{+sf] pd]/ x]bf{ k9\g]–n]Vg] a]nfsf] h:tf] nfU5 . 6ØfS;L rnfpg yfn]kl5 s] k9\g kfpg'eof] xf]nf / < slt;Dd k9\g'ePsf] 5 < æs] k9\g' / lbbL < ufpFdf x'Fbf bz sIff k"/f u/]sf] lyP . ca Pn=Pn=;L=sf] hfFr lbG5' / lzIfs x'G5' eg]sf], ;don] x'QfP/ stf k'¥ofOlbof] stf < hgo'4 ;'? ePkl5 efuefu ;'? eOxfNof] . cfdf–afa'n] g} ufpFaf6 efu eGg yfn]kl5 stf k'u]/ k5fl/of], oL clxn] xftdf :6]l/ª 5 / lbge/ s'lb/xG5' . k9\g OR5f gePsf] xf]Og lbbL, t/ v} of] h'gLdf s] kfOnf / < cfdf–afa'n] ;fg}b]lv eGg'x'GYof], æh] u5{\;\

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg Odfgbf/Lk"j{s u/, k};f eg]sf] s]xL xf]Og Tof] dfl;P/ klg hfG5 . t/, 1fg / Odfg eg]sf] hlt vr{ u¥of] plt a9\5 .Æ cfˆgf] nt klg pxfFx?sf] clt{tk{m g} 9lNsFb} uof] . :d[ltnfO{ To; 8«fOe/af/] olt hfg]kl5 c? klg a'‰g dg nfU5 / ;f]lW5g\, æof] df]6/, tkfO{+sf] cfˆg} t xf]nf lg < lbgdf slt hlt gfkmf x'G5 <Æ æsxfF cfˆgf] x'g', lbbL < of] t ;fx'sf] xf] . ;jf/L rnf];\ of grnf];\ ?= Ps xhf/ x/]s lbg ef8f eg]/ rf]vf] a'emfpg'k5{ . of] Ps xhf/eGbf a9L hlt sdfpg ;S5f}+ Tof] dfq cfˆgf] x'G5 . o;}af6 t]n vr{, dd{t vr{ k'¥ofpg'k5{ . clg 3/ef8f ltg'{, n'uf nufpg', vfg' / s]xL /sd 3/ vr{sf nflu k7fpg'n] ubf{ ;w}+h;f] k};fsf] vfFrf] /lx/xG5 . cem eGgf];\ g ha g]kfn aGbsf] 3f]if0ff x'G5, ;jf/L rnfpg kfO{+b}g . To; lbgsf] klg k};f df]6/wgLnfO{ a'emfpg'kbf{ t ;fx|} dsf{ k5{ . clg eGgf];\ t, dg eP klg k};f / ;do lgsfn]/ s;/L k9\g hfpmF < k9\g'k5{ eGg] yfxf kfP/ klg dl/rh:t} eO{ lrd's]{/ a:g'k5{ . sd{n] glbPkl5 dgdfq nfu]/ x'Fbf]/xg]5 . ;fFRr} eg' eg] of] 6ØfS;L 8«fOe/sf] hLjg ;fx|} b'MvnfUbf] kf] x'Fbf]/x]5 . tkfO{+nfO{ xfd|f]af/] s]–sltdfq atfpm v} < xfdLnfO{ x/]s dlxgfs]f lgldQ eg]/ s'g} Ps uf8L tf]s]/ lbFb}gg\ . uf8L wgL;Fu b'O{6f uf8Lx?dfq 5g\ eg] klg abln/xG5g\ . slxn] t Psbd yf]qf] klg kg{ ;S5, u'8\bf–u'8\b} lau|g] . To;a]nf sdfO{ :jfQ} 36\5 . cx Û To:tf] cj:yfdf klg a'emfpg'kg]{ /sd 36fO{ lbpmg\ eGg] 6ØfS;L wgLnfO{ x'Fb}g . of] t eof]–eof] csf]{ s'/f emg\ 8/nfUbf] 5 . 6ØfS;L lnP/ u|fxsn]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg EofnLaf6 6f9f n}hfg eG5g\ . k};f klg ld6/cg';f/ geO{ eg] hlt lbG5' eG5g\ . dVv k/]/ uof], PsfGtsf] 7fpF cfPkl5 xfdL;Fu ePsf ;a} k};f n'6]/ a]kQf x'G5g\ . pN6} Ps–b'O{ hVv' nk]6f klg /Gyg] u/L rnfpF5g\ . ;fx'nfO{ oL s'/f ;'gfP/ s'g} ;xfg'e"lt kfO{+b}g . ufx|f] 5 xfdLnfO{ klg sfd u/]/ vfg . o;k6s :d[ltnfO{ 8«fOe/sf] u'gf;f] ;'g]kl5 k|Zg ug{ dg nfU5 / ;f]lW5g\— cfk"m 7luP eg]/ csf]{nfO{ b'Mv lbg' klg t /fd|f] xf]Og lg . o;}u/L, 7uL a9\g] t xf] lg < a? 7ux?nfO{ s;/L l7s 7fpFdf Nofpg] eGg] kf] ;f]Rg'k5{ . tkfO{+ cfOk'Ug'eGbf klxn] Pp6f 8«fOe/n] dnfO{ ld6/df n}hfGg eg]/ dg nflu efp u¥of] . eGgf];\ t, s'g} JolQm c:ktfndf hfFb}5 eg] To;sf] dg s:tf] ePsf] x'G5 < Tof];Fu k};f 5 ls 5}g To:tf] s]xL g;f]r]/ lgodaf6 aflxl/P/ k};f lng vf]Hg'x'G5 < Tof] klg cTolws a9L . o;}n] dnfO{ t o:tf e|i6frf/Lx?nfO{ hf] tF ;S5;\ ls d ;S5' eg]/ g}ltstf / lgod–sfg"g aflx/ uP/ sfd ug{ vf]H5g\ tLdfly h]–hlt ;'g] klg bof nfUb}g .Æ olt eg]/ :d[lt r"k nflU5g\ . 8«fOe/n] eG5, ænf} lbbL tkfO{n + ] eGg'ePsf] c:ktfn oxL xf]Æ eg]/ 6ØfS;L /f]lslbG5 / cf]n{g nfu]sL :d[lt;Fu ;f]W5, æoxfF tkfO{s + f] sf] la/fdL x'g'x'G5 <Æ æd]/L cfdf x'g'x'G5Æ eGb} ld6/ x]/]/ To;df r9]sf] ef8f lblG5g\ / xtfl/Fb} c:ktfnleq k;]/ la/fdLsf] af/] ;f]wk'5 ug{ yflN5g\ . pgnfO{ cfO{=;L=o"= sIfdf /fv]sf] 5 eGg] yfxf kfpgf;fy :d[lt nDsFb} ToxL l5g}df k'lU5g\ / kld{;g lnP/ leq kl:5g\ . cfdf nfdf] nfdf] Zjf; tfg]/ ;ª\s6sf] cj:yfdf /x]sf] b]v]/

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g pgsf] cfFvf /;fpF5 / cfdfsf] lgbf/df xft /fv]/ dft[:kz{ lnlG5g\ . aflx/ lg:sgf;fy pgsf] cfFvf bfOx?df k5{, h'g ;flnssf cfFvfx?n] e}mF pgnfO{ 6\jfn–6\jfN6L x]l//x]sf lyP . pgL tL cfFvfaf6 ar]/ 38L x]b}{ c:ktfn aflx/ lg:slG5g\ . ToxfF pxL 8«fOe/ kv]{/ a;]sf] b]lv cfZro{ / zª\sf Ps}k6s nfU5 . :d[ltn] p;nfO{ b]v]–gv]v]sf] u/L 5n]/ csf]{ lbzftk{m nfUg vf]Hbf pm g} glhs cfP/ ;f]W5, ælbbL, ;x/ kms{g] xf]Og <Æ s] eg' s] x'lG5g\ :d[lt . kms{g' t k5{ g} . k]ml/ t'?Gt csf]{ 6ØfS;L kfpg] xf] ls xf]Og . ca]/ klg eO;Sof] . d}n] o;nfO{ kv{ eg]s} lyOg, t}klg lsg klv{/Xof] < s] cy{ 5 o;sf] < ;'G5' 6ØfS;L 8«fOe/ klg Tolt ljZjfl;nf] x'Fb}gg\ eg]sf] . olt 6f9f cfPsL 5' . 3/ k'Ug] ;do klg 5f]Kg'k¥of] . s] u?F s] ePsL :d[lt g t 6ØfS;L ePtk{m a9\g ;lS5g\ g t eOuof] rflxGg eGg ;lS5g\ . 8«fOe/n] pgsf] dgdf rn]sf] cfFwLnfO{ a'e]m/ eG5, æd}n] tkfO{+nfO{ g] kv]{/ a;]sf] xf]Og . kms{g] 6«Lk gkfP/ o;} lyP, tkfO{+nfO{ b]v]kl5 dfq Tot} hfg] xf] eg]/ ;f]w]sf] x'F eg]/ 8«fOe/n] ;kmfOlbPkl5 :d[ltn] klg nfh dfGb} elG5g\, æTo:tf] s]xL ;f]r]/ r9\g cGsgfPsL xf]Og . d;Fu ePsf] k};fn] 6ØfS;Ldf hfg EofpF5 ls EofpGg eg]/ ;f]r]sL dfq x'F cGoyf gdfGg' xf]nf .Æ æP To;f] xf] eg] tkfO{+;Fu hlt 5 Tolt lbg' xf]nf . ofq' gkfPsf] eP slt af6f] o;} hfg'kYof]{ . clnslt /sd sd eP klg gf]S;fgL t x'Fb}g . olt ;'g]kl5 :d[ltn] Tof] 8«fOe/nfO{ wGojfb lbFb} 6ØfS;L r9\l5g\ .



kms{+bf s]xL ;do;Dd b'j} r"k /xG5g\ . kl5 s'/f p7fpg] pxL 8«fOe/ x'G5 . ;f]W5, ætkfO{+sf] cfdfnfO{ clxn] s:tf] /x]5 <Æ æTo:tf] /fd|f] 5}g . af]Ng ;Sg'x'Gg . e]lG6n];gdf /fv]sf] /x]5 .Æ æP lrGtf glngf];\ . c:ktfndf k'¥ofO;s]sf] 5 . /fd|f] eOxfN5 lg .Æ pgL r"krfk ;'lg/xlG5g\ . pm eGb} hfG5, ætkfO{+nfO{ oxfF k]ml/ cfpg ufx|f] k¥of] eg] 6]lnkmf]g ugf]{;\ d cfOxfN5' . d]/f] gDa/ cf]n{g' x'Fbf lbG5' . cfdfh:tf] la/fdL x'Fbf dg sxfF zfGt x'G5 / < of] s'/f d /fd|/L a'‰5' . :d[ltn] hjfkm lbGgg\ . pgnfO{ slxn] 3/ k'u"Fh:tf] eO;s]sf] 5. dgdf nflu/x]5, cfdfnfO{ c:ktfndf e]6\g uPsL lyP eg]/ ;f]VnfO{ eg' ls geg' . cfpg] a]nfdf g;f]Wg'sf] sf/0f …kb}{g hfgÚ eg] s] ug]{ eGg] 8/ lyof], ca t e]6]/ cfOxfn] . ufnL unf{g\ ;'lglbG5' . cfdf la/fdL ePsf] ;'g/] klg d 3/df o;} a:g s;/L ;S5' . logLx?sf] cxd\, cfk}mF;Fu /fv"g\ .Æ pgL k]ml/ r"k nfu]sf] kfP/ 8«fOe/n] g} s'/f p7fpF5, ætkfO{+n] nf]sn a; klg t r9\g'ePsf] xf]nf < a;sf] ofqf s:tf] nfU5 < æs:tf] nfUg' lg Û a; r9\g' klg afWotf g} xf] . cf/fdn] a;df ;km/ ug'{ t ;kgf b]Vg'h:t} eO;s]sf] 5 . a;df n]v]sf] x'G5, …dlxnf / ckfª\uÚ dtnj pgLx?sf] nflu cf/lIft l;6 . t/, ToxfF a:bf ;dfgtf ckgfOG5 . hf] klg a;]sf] x'G5 . g t tL dlxnf cfPkl5 l;6 5f]85 \ g\ g t ckfª\u . o;nfO{ t krfO;s]sf 5g\ . t/, ldgLa; r9\g] xf] eg] ef]Ug'kg]{ s'/fx? y'k|} 5g\ . ;j{k|yd k'8s \ f] / lzz'kfn eP/ hGdg'k5{ . lzz'kfn o; cy{n] ls b'O{hgf a:g] l;6df



tLghgf c6fpg ;Sg'k5{ / k'8s \ f] x'g'kg]{ cy{ pleP/ ;km/ ug{ ;Sg' . tkfO{+ cUnf] x'g'eof] eg] tkfO{s + f] ub{g / sDd/n] kfpg' ;f:tL kfPsf] x'G5 . xf]rf] 5t pleg] 7fpF yf]/} . t/, 8«fOe/ / vnf;LnfO{ ;le{; lbg'eGbf k};f sdfpg'df rf;f] /x]sf] x'G5 . b'O{hgf dfq b'O{hgfsf] l;6df a;]sf] b]Vof] eg] s'g} cgy{ eof] ls e}mF u/L t];|f] JolQm /fVb} vnf;L s/fpg yfN5 … ldn]/ a:gf];Ú\ . oltn] k'Ub}g, pm cfwf 9f8 aflx/ lgsfn]/ s/fpg yfN5, …l;6 vfnL 5, cfpg'xf];\ .Ú crDd t of] 5 k};f lng eg] ;dfgtf 5 . rfx] Tof] sDd/ lgx'¥ofP/ plePsf] xf];\ of l;6df vflbP/ a;]sf] xf];\ . pleg] / a:g] b'j}sf] nflu Pp6} b/ . dnfO{ t a'‰g'eof], a;df r9\g'eGbf 6]Dkf] r9\g dg nfU5 . Pp6f l;6 t kfOG5 . b'j} xfF:5g\ . k]ml/ cln lvGg eP/ :d[ltn] g} elG5g\, ca t tL 6]Dkf] 8«fOe/x?n] klg emg\ lgx'l/g'kg]{ 6]Dkf]df ;d]t pEofpg l;Sb}5g\ . ofq' klg To:t} rl9xfN5g\ . xtf/f] x'G5, ;jf/L;fwg sd 5 . s] u?g\, ;dodf clkm; k'Ug}k5{ . oxfF nf]sn a;sf] cj:yf o:tf] 5 eg] emg\ nfdf] b"/Lsf] / lhNnftk{m hfg] a;df r9\g' eg]sf] Hofg} dfof df/]/ r9\g' h:tf] eO;Sof] . a;leqsf] l;6n] dfq ofq' /fVg EofPg eg] To;sf] 5t;d]t k|of]u x'G5 . dfn;fdfg /fVgdfq xf]Og, ofq'x? g} Tod;f r9fOPsf x'G5g\ . xfO6]G;g tf/ klg ToxLaf6 uPsf] x'G5 . o;dflysf] xsfO{, cf]xf] Û s] eGg', a;af6 gcf]n{g] h]n;Dd afFlrg] xf] ls dl/g] xf] h:tf] x'G5 . emg\ of] bz}+ / ltxf/df t slt xf] slt b'3{6gfdf k/]/ d/]sf 5g\ . x/]s jif{ o:t} va/ ;'G5f}+, t/ klg of] lgoGq0f x'g;s]sf] 5}g . vfnL k};f s;/L sdfp eGg]dfq 5 . k};fsf] cufl8 dflg;sf] Hofgsf] d"No 5}g . o:t}, a]jf:tfn] ubf{ a;

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g PlS;8]G6 eO{ slQsf] Hofg;d]t uPsf] 5 . ;'lgG5, slxn] vnf;Ln] a; rnfP/ b'3{gf eof] t slxn] cTolws nf]8n] . æug{ rfXof] eg]+ y'k|} ;'wf/sf s'/fx? ug{ ;lsG5 . d'Vo t oftfoft lgod /fd|f] aGg'k¥of] / /fd|/L kfngf x'g'k¥of] . kfngf ePsf] 5 ls 5}g eg]/ cg'udg klg x'g'k¥of] . bf]ifLnfO{ ;hfo lbg] Joj:yf x'g'k¥of] . nfdf] b"/Lsf] a; ofqfdf aLr–aLrdf clgoldttf u/]sf 5g\ ls eg]/ k/LIf0f ug'{k¥of] / l6s6 hfFr ug'{k¥of] eg] nf]sn a;df r9\g]x?sf] klg l6s6 sf6\g] Joj:yf x'g'k¥of] . of] Joj:yfaf6 slt ofq'x? a;df r9] eGg] o;sf] l6s6 laqmLaf6 yfxf x'G5 . o;n] ;/sf/ / a;wgL b'j}nfO{ kmfObf x'G5 / ofq'x?n] klg ;'ljwf kfpg ;S5g\ . clxn] t sf]rfsf]r u/]/ a; r9Øf], ofq'x?nfO{ c;'ljwf lbg'lbof] . clg To;sf] kmfObf lng c? g} x'G5g\ . o;}n] ha;Dd xfnsf] Joj:yfdf ;'wf/ cfpFb}g oftfoft ;'ljwf kfPsf 5f}+ s;/L eGg] < clxn] t a; of 6ØfS;L r9\g' afWotf ePsf] 5 . o:t} s'/f rNbfrNb} :d[ltsf] cf]n{g] 7fpF cfOk'U5 / 8«fOe/nfO{ ToxL /f]lslbg cg'/f]w ul5{g\ . pgL cf]n]{/ ld6/df r9]sf] k};f lbg nfUbf 8«fOe/n] lnFb}gg\ / pN6f] klxnf] 6«Lkdf lnPsf] k};f klg lkmtf{ u5{ . p;sf] o:tf] cgf}7f] Aojxf/ b]v/ :d[lt 5Ss kl5{g\ / lsg, oL ?lkofF kmsf{pg'eof] eg]/ ;f]4f pm eG5, ætkfO{+n] cfh dnfO{ h]–hlt hfgsf/L / ;Nnfx lbg'eof] tL d]/f nflu oL ?lkofFeGbf cd"No eO/xg] 5g\ . d]/f] gfd / 6]lnkmf]g gDa/ of] xf] . tkfO{+nfO{ hlxn] klg h'g;'s} a]nfdf klg st} hfg'k¥of] eg] cK7Øf/f] gdfgL dnfO{ 6]lnkmf]g ug'{ xf]nf eg]/ cfˆgf] kl/ro sf8{

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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&@ ;fpg

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