Page 1

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn

kf/bzL { e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] ;xsfo{

ægu/f}+, gu/fcf}+, g;xf}+ e|i6frf/M b]zsf nflu cTo'Qd xf] ;bfrf/Æ

jif{ !$, cª\s @, 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g, @)&! c;f]h

o; cª\sdf e|i6frf/ / axfgf yl/yl/sf lrt # 6LcfO{sf] cWoIfdf 6«fG;k/]yfkfG;Llgjf{OG6/g] zgn g]@$kfns]bf/ ;'j]bL

e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] ;xsfo{

s'zf;gsf] rk]6fdf s'6gLlts lgof]u stGq / ;'zf;gdf k|]; #) ( nf] lr/~hLjL kf}8]n+, g]kfn kf] S ; aS; M !!$*^, 5s' a s' dfu{ , gofF afg] Z j/, sf7df8f} lzj ufp“n]

6]lnkmf]gM (&&–!–$$&%)^@, $$&%!!@, $$&%@^@ ˆofS;M (&&–!–$$&%!!@

ns'bdf cfly{s kf/blz{tfsf] cefj #$ ;bfrf/ !# v]/fd;" 8f= lrGtfdl0f of]uL Od]n M, j]a;fO6 M bg ltdlN;gf

k]m;a's÷6\jL6/ M tinepal, x6nfOg M !^^) )! z@@@!! f;g, e|i6frf/ / Joj;fo s]lGb|t zf;g k|0ffnL #& ;'ls/0f !& gful/s yfkf k|lbk g]kfn

@) ;Ifd lghfdtL ;]jfsf] vfFrf] nLnfdl0f kf}8\ofn


The Essence of the Anti-Corruption Movement Rajeev Kunwar


;DkfbsLo kftf]

6«6«ffG;k/] G;k/]GG;L ;L OG6/g] OG6/g]zzgn gn g]g]kkfnsf] fnsf] a'a'nn]l]l6g 6g

‘kf/bzL{ h ‘kf/bzL{’ ’@)&! @)&!c;f] c;f/

bnLo efuaG8f / 3";k}7 aGb ul/of];\ cGtl/d ;+ljwfg @)^# nfu" ePotf d'n'ssf] zf;g k|0ffnL g} cGtl/d k|s[ltn] rn]sf] 5 . k'/fgf] k|0ffnL TofUg rflxPsf] t/ gofF ;+ljwfgdfkm{t\ :ki6 gofF k|0ffnL :yflkt gul/Psf sf/0f d'n's ;ª\qmd0fsfndf 5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf ;+j}wflgs / sfg'gL d"NoeGbf klg :jfyL{ tfs5f]kfO / bn, u'6 / pku'6sf Ifl0fs nfe, ;:tf] nf]sf;+zf -lrk kk'nfl/6L_ d'vL cEof; / k|of]u lbgfg'lbg a9\b} uPsf 5g\ . o;n] Gofo, ;bfrf/, pQ/bfloÎjsf l:y/ d"Nox?pk/ /fHosf k|flwsf/Lx?af6 x'g] k|xf/ / ;Demf}tf tLa| aGb} uPsf 5g\ . d'n'ssf] :j:y / :jR5 ;fj{hlgs hLjg / ;fdflhs ;bfrf/sf b[li6af6 oL cEof;, k|xf/ / ;Demf}tfrflxF ;]jf / ljsf;sf afwsdfq x}g k|ltkmnsf k|Îo'Tkfbs / /fHok|ltsf] hgcf:yf v:sfpg rsf{ sf/stÎj aGb} uPsf] cg'ej x'g yfn]sf] 5 . u0ftGq :yfkgfotf /fHosf tdfd cjojx? bnLo /fhgLlts efuaG8fsf hfnf]df h]lnPsf 5g\ . Gofofno, ljZjljBfno, lgjf{rg cfof]u, dfgjclwsf/ cfof]u tyf clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]unufotsf ;+j}wflgs tyf ;fj{hlgs If]q bnLo /fhgLlts sf]kf]efhgdf k/]sf 5g\ . glthf:j?k /fli6«o hLjgsf ljleGg kIfdf kTofpg} g;lsg] u/L Ifdtfsf] x|f; cfPsf] 5 . bnLo cfwf/df sf]6f 5'6ØfP/ /fhgLlts lgo'lSt ug]{ s'/fnfO{ Pp6f :jLs[t k4ltsf ?kdf :yflkt ug]{ hah{:t kl/kf6L b]zdf :yflkt ePsf] 5 . /fd|f] xf]Og, xfd|f] dfG5] 5fGg] kl/kf6Ln] of]Uotf / Ifdtfsf] s'/f uf}0f dfq} agfPsf] 5}g, of]Uo / Ifdtfjfg\ gful/skª\lQm lg/fz, lj/St / knfog aGb} uPsf] 5 . d'n'ssf] lxt / 5lj pRr /fVg lqmofzLn /xg'kg]{ s"6gLlts If]q klg oxL /fhgLlts efuaG8fs} sf/0f abgfd x'Fb} uPsf] 5 . cGt/f{li6«o If]qdf cfˆgf] b]zsf] kIfdf nfebfoL e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{ s"6gLlts ;+oGqn] dxÎjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]Ng'kg]{ xf] t/ ;/sf/sf] lbzfxLg dfu{bz{g / clt /fhgLlts/0fn] ubf{ g]kfnsf] s"6gLlts If]qn] klg Tof] Jofj;flostf, Ifdtf / of]Uotf u'dfO;s]sf] cg'et" x'G5 . s"6gLlts lgof]usf] lgo'lSt /jfkm hdfpg], k};f sdfpg] / df]hd:tL ug]{ cj;/df kl/0ft ePsf] 5 . ljZj;fd' g'/ lu/]sf] cj:yfdf xfdL k'Ug'df s'6gLlts If]qsf] bnLo efuaG8f g} sf/s ag]sf] 5 . ;/sf/L :jfldÎjdf /x]sf x]6f}8f sk8f pBf]u, hgsk'/ r'/f]6 sf/vfgfh:tf ;+:yfg / snsf/vfgf aGb / Wj:t eP . g]zgn 6«]l8ª lnld6]8 / x]6f}8f l;d]G6 pBf]u cflb klg bnLo /fhgLlts efuaG8f / 3";k}7s} sf/0f aGb / Wj:t x'g] cj:yfdf 5g\ . b]zsf] cfly{s ljsf;df dxÎjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{ ;Sg] csf]{ dxÎjk"0f{ kf6f] cf}Bf]lus If]q klg bnLo /fhgLlts pS;fx6 / efuaG8fs} df/n] ?U0f ag]sf] 5 . ;a}eGbf w]/} /fhgLlts lgo'lSt

x'g] dGqfnodf zx/L ljsf;, zflGt tyf k'gMlgdf{0f, pBf]u, :jf:Yo, e"ld;'wf/ / :yfgLo ljsf; k5{g\ . cy{ dGqfnocGtu{t klg ljleGg af]8{x?df /fhgLlts lgo'lSt x'G5g\ . o:tf lgo'lSt lbP/ /fHosf]ifaf6 sfo{stf{ kf]:g] k|rngn] nfdf] ;dob]lv lg/Gt/tf kfO/x]sf] 5 . /fhgLlts lgo'lSt u/]/ sfo{stf{nfO{ s]xL ;dosf nflu dfq eP klg /f]huf/ agfpg ljleGg dGqfnodf To:tf lgsfo :yfkgf ul/Psf] tYok|lt sf]xL cGhfg 5}g . k|hftGqsf] cfwf/:tDesf ?kdf /x]sf ;+:yfx?df ;d]t /fhgLlts x:tIf]k / 3";k}7n] lg/Gt/tf kfO/x]sf] 5 . o;nfO{ ;Rofpg] kxn ePsf] b]Vg cem} kfOPsf] 5}g . x'Fbfx'Fbf k|hftflGqs tyf bnLo Joj:yfdf /fhgLltsf] d'Vo s]Gb|sf ?kdf /x]sf] ;+;b\nfO{ k|d'v tLg bn / dw]zL bnx?sf] df]rf{;d]t u/]/ To;sf %÷^ g]tfsf] s7k'tnL agfpg vf]lhPsf] 5 . Toltdfq xf]Og, ca ljjfb ;dfwfg ug{ ;+;b\ aflx/sf zlStx?;Fu ;Djfb ug{ csf]{ 5'§} pRr:t/Lo /fhgLlts ;ldlt lgdf{0f ul/Psf] 5 . bnLo Joj:yfdf bnLo wf/0ffn] dxÎj /fV5 t/ oxfF t w]/}df %÷^ g]tfsf] lg0f{o cg'df]bg ug]{ cf}krfl/s ;+oGq agfpg vf]lhFb}5– Joj:yflksfnfO{ klg . oL ;a} s'/fn] Pp6} lgrf]8 lbG5g\– d'n'ssf s'g} klg If]q / k|d'v ;+:yf bnLo /fhgLltsf] cg'lrt / cgfjZos ef/ af]Sg afWo agfOPsf 5g\ . o;n] d'n'ssf k|d'v ;+:yf / ltgsf ;~rfnsx?nfO{ cnf]slk|o / w]/} xb;Dd abgfd agfpFb} nu]sf] 5 . /fli6«o ;+:yfx?, hgk|ltlglw, gful/s, /fhg]tf, cWo]tf / gLlt–lgdf{0fx? k|ltsf] cfsif{0faf6 g} k|sf/fGt/df /fli6«o Ifdtf lgdf{0f x'G5 . /fhgLlts g]t[Tjdfq cnf]slk|o jf abgfd eP lgjf{rgdfkm{t\ gofF hgfb]zaf6 Tof] ;lRrg] cfzf ug{ ;lsG5 . t/, ;fj{hlgs If]q ;a} ab\gfd / ckTofl/nf eP gful/s /fHok|lt ljt[i0f aG5g\ . Gofo, ;'zf;g tyf ;bfrf/sf d"Nocg';f/ k4lt / k|lqmofx? lqmofzLn gx'g' g} sdhf]/ /fli6«o Ifdtfsf] kl/rfos xf] . cfd–gful/s pbf;Lg x'g] o;vfn] kl/l:yltdf /fHok|0ffnL / /fi6«lj¿4 v]Ng]x?nfO{ cg'sn " cj:yf aGg;S5 . o;y{, /fhgLlts bnsf] g]t[Tjn] ;ª\qmd0fsf gfddf cfˆgf] xfnLd'xfnL sfod /fVg] ;f]r Tofu ug'{ h¿/ eO;s]sf] 5 . lgi7f / ;bfrf/sf] d'n'sdf v8]/L g} nflu;s]sf] cj:yf cjZo x}g . cem klg d'n'sdf w]/} OdfGbf/ /fhgLltsdL{, ;dfh;]jL / k];f–Jofj;foL ;bfrf/, :jR5tf / Gofosf] d"Nosf nflu ;dlk{t 5g\ . d'n'ssf o:tf ;dfh;]jL, sfg'gljb\, GofofwLz, gful/s ;dfh, dfgjclwsf/sdL{, kqsf/, ;]gf, k|x/L, sd{rf/Lnufot ;Da4 ;a} gful/sn] ca /fhgLlts g]t[TjnfO{ bafa lbg'kg]{ a]nf cfPsf] 5 . o;}n] ca cfd–gful/sn] OdfGbf/L / ;bfrf/k|ltsf] lgi7fsf] k'g¿bo ub}{ cf–cfˆgf] 7fpFaf6 bafa lbg'kg]{ a]nf cfPsf] 5 M bnLo efuaG8f / 3";k}7 aGb ul/of];\ .

TofuaGbM 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnåf/f ;'zf;g tyf ;bfrf/ k|j4{gsf nflu of] a'n]l6g k|sfzg ul/Psf] xf] . o; a'n]l6gdf k|sflzt cfn]v n]vssf lghL ljrf/ x'g\ . logn] k|sfzs ;+:yfsf] cflwsfl/s wf/0ff k|ltljlDat ug]{ 5}gg\ . —;Dkfbs

k|sfzsM 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfn, 5s'as' dfu{, gofFafg]Zj/, sf7df8f}+, g]kfn, kf]i6 aS; g+=M !!$*^ kmf]g M ))(&&–!–$$&%!!@, $$&%@^@, $$&%)^@ km\ofS;M ))(&&–!–$$&%!!@ Pnfs 6f]nk|mL g+=M !^^)–)!–@@@–!!, Email:, Web: ;DkfbsM 6L Pg l3ld/]

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

!( cf}F ;fwf/0f;ef


6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] !( cf}+ ;fwf/0f;ef ;DkGg

cWoIfdf yfkf lgjf{lrt


G;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] !( cf}F jflif{s ;fwf/0f;efn] ;+:yfsf] cWoIfdf g]kfn ;/sf/sf k"j{;lrj >L e/t axfb'/ yfkfnfO{ lgjf{lrt u/]sf] 5 . ;fwf/0f;ef @)&! c;f]h !) ut] z'qmaf/ sf7df8f}+df ;DkGg ePsf] xf] . ;fwf/0f;efn] sfo{ ; ldltsf ;b:odf qmdzM >L cfgGb/fh d'NdL, >L /fds[i0f dfgGw/, >L d' s ' G baxfb' / k| w fg, >L uLtf s]z/L, >L kb\ldgL k|wfgfË, >L nLnfk|;fb ;fksf]6f, 8f= lrGtfdl0f of]uL, / ;+:yfut ;b:odf /fli6«o Jofj;flos kxn;d]t u/L cf7

hgfnfO{ ;j{;Ddt ?kn] lgjf{lrt u/]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ljwfgdf lgjf{ l rt ;b:ox? dWo]af6 pkfWoIf, dxf;lrj, sf] i ffWoIf cWoIfåf/f dgf]gLt ug]{ k|fjwfg /x]adf]lhd pkfWoIfdf >L uLtf s]z/L / >L d's'Gb axfb'/ k|wfgnfO{ dxf;lrjdf dgf]gLt ul/Psf] 5 . ;fwf/0f;efn] dxf;lrjåf/f k|:t't jflif{s k|ult k|ltj]bg, sf]iffWoIfåf/f k|:t't cfly{s jif{ @)&)÷)&! sf] n]vf–k/LIf0f k|ltj]bg klg kfl/t u/]sf] 5 . ;fy}, ;efn] cfly{s jif{ @)&!÷)&@ sf nflu a]s/ 6]nL b]j Pzf]l;P6\;nfO{ n]vf–k/LIfsdf

lgo'Qm ug]{ lg0f{o klg u/]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf dxf;lrjåf/f k|:t't k|ltj]bgdf elgPsf] 5– d'n'ssf] k|ult ljlwsf] zf;g, ;'zfl;t ;dfh, v'nf / kf/bzL{ ;fj{hlgs hLjg z}nLn] dfq ;Dej x'g] ePsf] x'Fbf ;bfrf/ k|j4{g cleofgdf k|To]s g]kfnL gful/snfO{ k|]l/t ug{ /fHo r'Sg' x'Fb}g . k|ltj]bgdfkm{t\ 6LcfO{ g] k fnåf/f d' n ' s sf] ;fj{ h lgs k| z f;gdf ;' w f/ NofO{ ;' z f;g sfod ug{ g;Sbf g]kfnL ;dfhsf] x/] s cjojdf k|ToIf k|efj kg{ yfn]sf] tYok|lt ;Da4 ;a} /fhgLlts bnsf] Wofg cfs[i6 xf];\ egL cfu|x;d]t ul/Psf] 5 .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf

;/sf/, /fhgLlts bn / ;+;b\ pbf;Lg cfd–gful/sn] e| i 6frf/nfO{ s;/L a'‰g] < e|i6frf/ ;a}sf nflu lrGtfsf] ljifo aGb} uPsf] 5 . 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g] z gnn] ;g\ @)!# df ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] Unf]an s/K;g Aof/f]ld6/sf cg';f/ g]kfndf ;g\ @)!! sf] t'ngfdf ;g\ @)!# df /fhgLlts, k|zf;lgs, Goflos, wfld{ s , ;fdflhsnufotsf If]qdf e|i6frf/ a9]sf] b]vfPsf] 5 . o;/L ;a} If] q / cfd– ;fy}, k|ltj]bgn] gful/s k|ltsf] bfloÎj k"/f ug{, lhDd]jf/ x'g / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f u/L ;'zf;g sfod ug{ ;Da4 ;a} kIf;Fu xflb{s clkn;d]t u/]sf] 5 . ;fwf/0f;efn] u/]sf lg0f{o != cfly{s jif{ @)&)÷)&! sf] jflif{s k|ult k|ltj]bg ;+:yfsf dxf;lrj e/t axfb'/ yfkfåf/f k|:t't ul/of] . pSt k|ltj]bgpk/ 5nkmn eO{ ;fwf/0f;efåf/f ;j{;Ddltn] :jLs[lt k|bfg ul/of] . @= cfly{s jif{ @)&)÷)&! sf] n]vf–k/LIf0f k|ltj]bg ;+:yfsf sf]iffWoIf d's'Gb axfb'/ k|wfgåf/f k|:t't ul/of] . pSt k|ltj]bgpk/ 5nkmn eO{ ;fwf/0f;efåf/f

gful/snfO{ e|i6frf/n] k|ToIf ?kn] lk/f] l n/xF b f;d] t cfd– gful/sn] e|i6frf/nfO{ s;/L a'‰g] / s;/L k|lt/f]w ug]{ eGg] ;DaGwdf kof{Kt hgr]tgf clej[l4 x'g ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . cfd–gful/sn] ;xh / ;/n?kdf ;fj{hlgs ;]jf kfpg ;ls/x]sf 5}gg\ eg] gLltut / /fhgLlts ?kdf x'g] e|i6frf/af/] t gful/s r]tgf / e/taxfb'/ yfkf ;zlQms/0f b'j}sf] cefj 5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf cfd–gful/sn] gjlgjf{lrt cWoIf, 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;j{;Ddltn] :jLs[lt k|bfg ul/of] . #= cfly{s jif{ @)&!÷)&@ sf] n]vf–k/LIfs lgo'lSt / kfl/>lds lgwf{/0f ;DaGwdf sfo{;ldltsf] k|:tfjadf]lhd a]s/ 6]nL b]j Pzf]l;P6\;nfO{ lgo'Qm ug{ / kfl/ >lds jflif{s n]vf–k/LIf0fafkt ;fljssf] ¿= #),))).– / kl/of]hgfsf] n]vf–k/LIf0fafkt k|lt kl/of]hgf ¿= !%,))).– -d"No clej[l4 s/afx]s_ df a9Ldf !) k|ltzt;Dd yKg ;lsg] to ul/of] . $= 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] sfo{;ldltsf] @ jif]{ sfo{sfn ;dfKt ePsfn] cWoIf Pj+ sfo{;ldltsf] ;b:o kbsf nflu ePsf] lgjf{rgdf cWoIfdf >L e/t axfb'/ yfkf / sfo{;ldlt ;b:ox?df qmdzM >L cfgGb/fh d'NdL, >L /fds[i0f

dfgGw/, >L d's'Gb axfb'/ k|wfg, >L uLtf s]z/L, >L kb\ldgL k|wfgfË, >L nLnfk|;fb ;fksf]6f, 8f= lrGtfdl0f of]uL, / ;+:yfut ;b:o /fli6«o Jofj;flos kxn lgjf{lrt x'g'eof] . %= ;efsf cWoIftf ul//xg'ePsf >L lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=n] z'esfdgf dGtJo;lxt gjlgjf{lrt cWoIfnfO{ sfo{ef/ x:tfGt/0f ug{'eof] . ^= gj–lgjf{lrt cWoIfn] ;+:yfsf] ljut, jt{gdfg / cfufdL sfo{qmdaf/] cfˆgf] dGtJo;lxt ;b:ox?nfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{'eof] . ;efdf /x]sf] pkl:ylt / k|:tfjpk/sf] 5nkmndf ;xeflutfsf nflu ;b:ox?nfO{ wGojfb;lxt ;ef lj;h{g ePsf] hgfp lbg'eof] .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;fj{hlgs ;]jf lnFbf, /fhgLlts ?kdf ;xefuL x'Fbf, lzIff :jf:Yoh:tf cfef/e"t ;]jf lng'kbf{ jf b}lgs?kdf cfOkg]{ cGo sfo{ ubf{;d]t st} cfk"m 7luPsf] l:ylt 5 ls < e|i6frf/n] c;/ kf/]sf] 5 ls < eGg]df rgfvf] x'g'kg]{ ePsf] 5 . ;fj{hlgs lgsfox?df ;]jf–;'ljwf lng hfFbf gful/s a8fkq 5–5}g x]g]{ / To;df tf]lsPeGbf a9L z'Ns gltg]{ ug'{kb{5 . g]kfndf ;'zf;gsf] cj:yfnfO{ s;/L ljZn]if0f ug'{ePsf] 5 < g]kfndf ;'zf;gsf] cj:yf sdhf]/ 5 . nfdf] ;dosf] ;ª\qmd0f, cl:y/ ;/sf/ / /fhgLlts bnx?sf] sltko cjflG5t lqmofsnfkx?sf sf/ 0f zflGt–;'/Iffsf] cj:yf ljZj;gLo x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . gLlt / sfg'gcg';f/ /fHon] cfd–gful/snfO{ k'¥ofpg] elgPsf] ;]jf–;'ljwf ;xh / ;/n?kdf k'¥ofpg] s'/f t k/} hfcf];\, s]–s:tf ;]jf–;'ljwf pknAw 5g\ < eGg] hfgsf/L;d]t cfd–gful/sdf k'Ug ;s]sf] b]lvPsf] 5}g . cfd–gful/s;Fu k|ToIf ;/f]sf/ /fVg] ;fj{hlgs lgsfox?df ce}m larf}lnofx?sf] laulauL 5 / ltg}sf dfWodaf6 e|i6frf/n] df}nfpg] df}sf kfPsf] 5 . /fhgLlts efua08fdf ul/g] ;fj{hlgs lgo'lQmn] /fHok|ltsf] ljZj;gLotf sdhf]/ aGb} uPsf] 5 . sfg'gdf /x]sf cg]sf}+ l5b|x?sf] pkof]u u/]/ ;fj{hlgs sf]if / cfd–gful/s 7lug] cj:yf sfod} 5 . ;'zf;g P]g, ;"rgfsf] xs;DaGwL P]g, :yfgLo :jfoQ zf;g P]gh:tf ;'zf;gsf 6'nx? pko'Qm ta/n] sfof{Gjog ul/Psf] 5}g . sd{rf/LtGq, lzIfs, ljBfyL{, dhb'/, o'jf ;a} If]qnfO{ /fhgLltn] ufFHbf ;di6Ldf ;'zf;gsf] cj:yf sdhf]/ ag]sf] 5 .



sfg'gL / sfo{ut ;a} If]qdf ;'wf/sf] cfjZostf 5 . t/, ;a} ;'wf/ Ps}kN6 yfNg ;Dej x'Fb}g . ;'zf;g / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fk|lt ;/sf/, /fhgLlts / ;+;b\sf] pbf;Lgtf cfhsf] ;a}eGbf k|d'v r'gf}tL xf] . /fHosf ;a} cª\unfO{ cfd–gful/sn] Jofjxfl/s?kdf cg'e"t ug{ ;Sg] u/L ;'zf;gdf k|ltj4 agfpg' cfjZos 5 . o;}u/L, /fhgLlts bndf nfdf] ;dosf] ;ª\qmd0fsf] cEof;n] ubf{ ;'zf;gsf cfwf/e"t kIfdf Wofg k'Ug ;s]sf] b]lvPsf] 5}g . cfGtl/s?kdf ;d]t ;'zf;g sfod x'g ;s]sf] 5}g eg] cfd–gfdul/snfO{ ;'zf;g cg'e"t u/fpg] s'/fn] k|fyldstf gkfpg' cgf}7f] xf]Og . o:t}, ;+;b\ eg]sf] hgljZjf;sf] s]Gb| xf] . t/, ;+;b\af6 ;d]t ;'zf;gsf kIfdf kof{Kt 5nkmn / cg'udg ug{ ;s]sf] b]lvFb}g . t;y{, ;'zf;g sfod ug{ ;'wf/sf] ;'?jft log} If]qaf6 x'g'kb{5 eGg] d]/f] ljZjf; 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;'zf;gsf] dxÎjk"0f{ cfwf/sf ?kdf /x]sf] ;bfrf/k4lt lgdf{0fdf klxnf] e"ldsf /fHosf] b]v]sf] 5 . TolQs} e"ldsf gful/s ;dfhsf] klg /xG5 . xfdL /fHosfljleGg lgsfo ltgsf k|ltlglw Pj+ gful/s ;+:yf / ltgsf k|ltlglwx?;Fu o;sf nflu ;xsfo{ ug{ x/t/xn] ;w}+ tÎk/ 5f}+ / clxn] ul//x]sf klg 5f}+ .

/fli6«o ;bfrf/k4ltsf] lgdf{0fdf /fHo;Fusf] ;xsfo{ s;/L eO/x]sf] 5 < /fli6« o ;bfrf/k4ltsf] tTsflng cj:yfsf ;DaGwdf 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] tk{maf6 k6s–k6s cWoog ePsf 5g\ . oL ;a} cWoogx? /fli6«o ;bfrf/k4ltsf cfwf/e"t :tDedf /x]sf kbflwsf/Lx? / cGo ;Da4 kIfx?;Fu 5nkmn / cGt/lqmof u/]/ ul/Psf] lyof] . oL cWoogx?n] ;'zf;g sfod ug{ ;'wf/sf] k|of; s'g If]qaf6 ;'? /fli6«o ;bfrf/k4lt;Fu ;DalGwt sfg'gL cj:yf, sfof{Gjogsf] cj:yf / ;'wf/sf cfjZostf;DaGwL ug'{ knf{ < d'n'sdf ;'zf;g sfod ug{sf nflu gLltut, :jtGq ljrf/ k|:t't u/]sf] 5 . o;sf] cfwf/df



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

xfdLn] ;Da4 lgsfo / kbflwsf/LnfO{ gLltut Pj+ sf]–s;n] s] ug'{ knf{ < sfg'gL ;'wf/ / k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjogsf nflu cfu|x e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofg ;xh sfo{ xf]Og . ul//x]sf 5f}+ / ul//xg] 5f}+ . t/, d'n'ssf] pGglt / ljZj;gLotfsf nflu of] cleofgnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg' cTofjZos 5 . /fHosf] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug]{ ;+oGqdf sxfF ;'wf/ e|i6frf/ JofKtsf] >]0fLdf /x]sf] d'n'sn] g t ;d[l4 k|fKt ug{ ;Sb5 g cGt/f{li6«o ;d'bfo / cfˆg} cfjZos 5 < g]kfndf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f;Fu ;DalGwt gLltut gful/ssf] ;d]t ljZjf; lhTg ;Sb5 . e|i6frf/n] Pj+ sfg'gL Joj:yf, ;+:yfut Joj:yf / ltgsf] ;/sf/, ;dfh / gful/ssf] ;d]t zL/ lgx'F/fpFb5 . jt{dfg cj:yf Pj+ ltgdf ug'{kg]{ ;'wf/sf ;DaGwdf /fhgLlt, ;fdflhs, d"No–dfGotf, cy{Joj:yf, lzIff, Pp6f cWoog g} ePsf] 5 . cWoogn] ;'emfP ;bfrf/ cflb ;a} If]qnfO{ e|i6frf/n] gsf/fTds cg';f/ gLltut, sfg'gL / ;+:yfut ;a} kIfdf k|efj kfb{5 . o;}n] e|i6frf/lj?4 n8fO{+ ;a}sf] ;'wf/ ug'{kg]{ cj:yf 5 . e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f P]g, ;femf n8fO{ xf] . ;a} ldn]/ n8\g g;s] of] k'/fgf] @)%( n] e|i6frf/ x'g / u/fpg ;Sg] ;a} If]q dxf/f]uaf6 5'6\sf/f kfpg sl7g x'G5 . t/ of] ;d]6\g ;s]sf] 5}g . o;n] dlGqkl/ifb\af6 ePsf cleofgsf] cu'jfO{ eg] /fhgLlts bn, ;/sf/ gLltut lg0f{o, cbfnt, ;]gfnufot ;fj{hlgs / ;+;b\n] g} ug'{kb{5 . nf]stGqsf] dfGotf klg If]qsf ;fy} ;Dk"0f{ lghL If]qnfO{ cfˆgf] bfo/fdf oxL xf] . ha;Dd oL lgsfox? e|i6frf/lj?4 ;d]6\g} ;s]sf] 5}g . ;+:yfut?kdf e|i6frf/ / ;lqmo x'Fb}gg\, sf/afxL / ;hfo u/]/ dfq e|i6frf/ clgoldttflj?4 cg';Gwfg ug]{ lhDd]jf/L kfPsf] 36\b}g . ;dfhsf ;a} tx / tKsfn] klg e|i6frf/ clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u cfk}mFdf / o;af6 /fi6«sf ;a} If]qdf kfg]{ gsf/fTds :jtGq 5}g . cfof]usf] cfˆg} hgzlQm 5}g . k| e fj a' e ] m / o;lj?4 nfUg' k b{ 5 . ;dfhn] g]kfn ;/sf/sf sd{rf/Laf6 cfof]usf lqmofsnfk e|i6frf/LnfO{ dfnf nufpg] xf]Og, alxisf/ ug'{ ;~rfng eO/x]sf] 5 . cfof]usf] jflif{s ah]6 kb{5 . o'jfnufot ;a} gful/saf6 e|i6frf/ ;/sf/n] lbPadf]lhd x'G5 . k|wfgdGqLsf] k|ToIf gsfl/g' kb{5 . ;~rf/hut\n] e|i6frf/sf ;DaGwdf /]vb]vdf /xg] u/L :yflkt /fli6«o ;ts{tf s]Gb| sDd/ s;]/ lj/f]w ug{ ;Sg'kb{5 . gful/s ;dfhn] / ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{no Jojxf/df cleofg g} ;~rfng ug'{kb{5 . pk]lIft sfof{no aGg k'u]sf 5g\ . oL lgsfox?nfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg kof{Kt k|oTg ePsf] b]lvPsf] e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofgdf gful/s ;dfh;Fu 5}g . e|i6frf/lj?4sf d'2f lsgf/f nufpg'kg]{ ;xsfo{ ;+:s[ltsf] lj:tf/ s;/L ug]{ < ljz]if cbfntn] pko'Qm ejg;Dd kfpg ;s]sf] e| i 6frf/n] s;} s f] enf] ub} { g eGg] hfGbf– 5}g . ;DklQ z'l4s/0f ljefunfO{ ;Ifd agfpg] hfGb} klg ;Dk"0f{ gful/s ;dfh Pstfj4 eP/ k|oTg g} ePsf] 5}g . o;/L e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofgdf nfUg ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . lhDd]jf/L kfPsf oL lgsfox?df sfg'gL, ;+:yfut e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofg s;}nfO{ h]ng]n xfNg] ;'wf/ / ;zlQms/0fsf] cfjZostf 5 . o;tk{m cleofg xf]Og . of] cleofg t d'n'snfO{ ;'N6f] / ;/sf/ / ;+;b\n] ljrf/ k'¥ofpg' kb{5 . ;d[l4sf] lbzfdf nfg] / eljiosf ;Gtltsf] hLjg ;'vdo agfpg] cleofg xf] . t/, klg ;a} gufl/s e| i 6frf/lj?4sf] cleofg k| e fjsf/L agfpg ;dfh e|i6frf/lj?4 nfUg ;ls/x]sf 5}gg\ .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

km/s–km/s gufl/s ;dfhsf] km/s–km/s k|fyldstf / sfo{If]q x'Fbf o:tf] ePsf] x'g ;Sb5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] k|d'v p2]Zo e|i6frf/lj?4 ;xsfo{ g} xf] . To;cg';f/ ljleGg u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yf gful/s ;dfhnufot;Fu e|i6frf/lj?4 ;xsfo{ ub} { c fPsf] 5 . o;nfO{ c? lj:tf/ ug' { k g] { cfjZostf 5 . o:tf /fli6«o rf;f]sf ljifodf ;a} ldn]/ ;xsfo{ ug}{ kb{5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] s'g s'g ljifonfO{ k|fyldstfdf /fv]sf] 5 < 6LcfO{ g] k fn e| i 6frf/lj?4 cfjfh p7fpg] ljZjJofkL cleofgsf] Ps cleGg cª\ u xf] . o;sf cfˆg} dfGotf, sfo{z}nL / k|fyldstf 5g\ . kf/blz{ t f, hjfkmb] x L, sfg' g L /fHo / nf]stGqh:tf o;sf cfwf/e"t dfGotf x'g\ . log} dfGotf / 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnåf/f nfdf] ;dosf] cWoog / k|of]uaf6 tof/ ul/Psf sfo{ljlw -6'N;_ sf] k|of]u ub}{ e|i6frf/ Go"lgs/0fsf nflu d"ntM b]xfosf sfo{x? k|fyldstf ;fy ug]{ 5f}+M ;fgf jf 7"nf ;a} lsl;dsf e|i6frf/sf] lg/Gt/ k|lt/f]wÙ ;fj{hlgs ;|f]t / ;fwgsf] b'?kof]u /f]Sg jsfnt ug]{Ù



/fli6«o jf cGt/f{li6«o ;+of]hgdf e|i6frf/lj?4 hgr]tgf clej[l4 ug]{Ù JolQmut kmfObfsf nflu ;fj{hlgs kb, k|lti7f / clwsf/sf] b'?kof]u x'g glbg cfjfh p7fO/xg]Ù cfly{s sf/f]af/df kf/blz{tf clej[4 ug{ k4lt lgdf{0f / kfngfdf k|f]T;fxg ug]{Ù ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfx ;/n / ;xh agfpg bafa lbg]Ù e|6frf/lj?4 sfd ug]{ u/L :yflkt ;fj{hlgs jf hg:t/sf ;a} lsl;dsf ;+:yfnfO{ p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu lgle{stfsf ;fy lqmofzLn /xg pTk|]l/t ug]{Ù e|i6frf/hGo lqmofsnfkdf ;+nUg x'g] s'g} klg kbflwsf/L jf ;+:yfn] pGd'lQm gkfpg / sfg'geGbf aflx/ sf]xL gx'g\ egL jsfnt ug]{Ù e|i6frf/lj?4 cfd–gful/sn] cg'e"t ug]{ u/L k|efjsf/L sfo{qmd Nofpg /fhgLlts bn, ;/sf/ / ;+;b\nfO{ bafa lbg]Ù / e|i6frf/lj?4 sfo{/t /fli6«o Pj+ cGt/f{li6«o ;+:yfut ;xsfo{ ug]{ . UNCAC n] ;'emfP cg';f/ sfg'g ;'wf/ ug{ bafa lbg] .

e|i6frf/ lj¿4 cfh}af6 ;lqmo xf]cf}+ . Act Against Corruption Today




6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

xfd|f] cfXjfg tkfO{+n] st} e|i6frf/, cgfjZos x}/fgL jf l9nf;':tLsf] ;fdgf ug{'k/]sf] 5 < 5 eg] xfd|f] lgMz'Ns gDa/ !^^)–)!–@@@!! df ;Dks{ ug{'xf];\. xfdL tkfO{+nfO{ dbt ug{ tof/ 5f}+ . z'Ns gnfUg] gDa/ !^^)–)!–@@@!! P8\ef]s];L PG8 lnun P8\efO; ;]G6/ -Pnfs_ g]kfn

-u'gf;f] ;'Gg Joj:yf ul/Psf] ljz]if ;+oGq_ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] ;xsfo{


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h


nf]stGq / ;'zf;gdf k|];

lzj ufpFn]


stGq s] xf] eGg] k|Zgsf] hjfkm cfk} m F d f ax;sf] ljifo x' g ;S5 . nf] s tGq s] xf] eGbf klg nf]stGqdf s] s] x' g ' h?/L 5 eg] / x] l /of] eg] o;sf] ljZn] i f0f ;xh nfU5 . ;du|df nf]stGq eg]sf] gful/ssf] ;xeflutfdf lgdf{0f x'g] / ;~rfng x'g] To:tf] k4lt xf], hxfF gful/s Pp6f k|lqmofdfk{mt\ cfˆgf nflu cfk} m F zf;g ug{ cl3 ;5{g\ . h'g ;dfhdf gful/ssf] dof{bf / :jtGqtf Pp6f k| f yldstfk" 0 f{ sfo{;"rL x'G5 . hxfF PseGbf a9L ljrf/x?sf] k|lt:kwf{ x'G5 / ;dfhdf Ps}k6s PseGbf a9L ljrf/x? cl:tTjdf 5g\ eg] / :jLsf/ ul/G5 . ca| f xd lnÍgn] k| h ftGqnfO{

;';"lrt ;dfh lgdf0f{ ug'{ / ;fj{hlgs kb cf]u6\g]x?nfO{ pQ/bfoL agfpg' k|];sf k|d'v lhDd]jf/L x'g\ . e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f / ;'zf;g sfod /fVg k|];n] v]Ng ;Sg] e"ldsf klg oxL xf] .

…hgtfåf/f hgtfsf] lglDt, hgtfsf] ;/sf/Ú eg]/ AofVof u/] . hgtf sf] x'g\ < s:tf]vfn] hg;xeflutfn] k|hftGq lbuf] x'G5 < hg;xeflutfsf nflu s:tf]vfn] jftfj/0f cg's"n x' G 5 < /fhgLlt jf ;fj{ h lgs rf;f]sf ljifox?df ;xefuL x'Fbf jf gx'Fbfsf kmfObf–a]kmfObf s]–s] x'g\ < hgtfsf] zf;g x'gsf nflu k|hftGqn] cfˆgf /fHosf hgtfnfO{ gful/s clwsf/ / st{Jo lbPsf] x'G5 . pgLx?n] cfk}mFn] agfPsf] sfg'g jf ;+ljwfgleq /xL s;/L ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg ug]{, ;xdlt jf lj/f]w ug]{, /fHo, gful/s ;dfh / cy{ t Gqsf] ;~rfng ug] { / c;n zf;gsf] :yfkgfsf nflu cfwf/e"t ;+3–;+:yfsf] :yfkgf ug]{, To;af/] gLlt / lg0f{o–lg¿k0f

hgtfn] cfk}mF ug{ kfpg] kl/kf6L g} k|hftGq xf] .1 ljut kRrL;–;o jif{ e l/sf] cjlwdf k|hftGqaf/] 5nkmn ePsf] 5 . jfbljjfb ul/Psf] 5 . o;k|lt ;dy{g hgfOPsf] 5 . o;pk/ cfqmd0f ul/Psf] 5 . o;sf] a]jf:tf ul/Psf] 5 . o;sf] :yfkgf ul/Psf] 5 . o;sf] cEof; rnfOPsf] 5 . o;nfO{ Wj:t kfl/Psf] 5 . clg sltko cj;/df o;sf] k'g:yf{kgf ePsf] 5 . t/, o:tf] nfU5– oL ;a 36gfsf afah'b k|hftGq;DaGwL sltko cfwf/e"t k|Zgx?af/] ce}m ;xdlt :yflkt x'g;s]sf] 5}g .2 v:sFbf] dof{bf sfo{sf/L k|d'v k|wfgdGqLsf] kb


k|hftGq xft] k'l:tsf, FES kfFRff} ;+:s/0f @)^(, k[i7 !,@


Dahl Robert Alan, On Democracy. Nepali Translation by Hriseekesh Upadhya page 3



dhfssf] ljifo eO/x] s f] 5 . dGqLx? v'n]cfd k|wfgdGqLsf] sf/0fn] of]–of] sfd ug{ kfOPg, elg/x] s f 5g\ . ;a} dGqLx? k|wfgdGqLsf ;xof]uLdfq} dflgg] k| 0 ffnLdf dGqLn] k| w fgdGqLsf sf/0f sfd ug{ gkfPsf] cf/f]k3 ;;+bLo df]8n;Fu d]n vfFb}g . jf:tjdf k|wfgdGqL kb cfk}mFdf ;+:yf xf] . To;}n] k|hftflGqs k4ltdf cfk" m dfly uDeL/ k| Z g p7\gf;fy k|wfgdGqLn] /fhLgfdf u5{ of j}wflgs k|lqmofaf6 p;nfO{ x6fOG5 . t/, Tof] kbsf] dof{bf ;w}+ hf]ufP/ /flvG5 . xfdLn] cfˆg} cEof;åf/f k| w fgdGqL kbsf] xb};Dd cjd"Nog u¥of}+ . o;sf] kl/0ffd d'n'sdf ;'zf;g xb};Dd sdhf]/ eO/x]sf] 5 . ;fF l Rrs} lg/Lx agfOPsf] 5, ;+;b\nfO{ . k|d'v tLgbn / dw]zL bnx?sf] df]rf{;d]t u/]/ To;sf %÷^ g] t fsf] s7k' t nL agfpg vf]lhPsf] 5 . x'Fbf–x'Fbf ca cfP/ ljjfb ;dfwfg ug{ ;+;b\ aflx/sf zlQmx?;Fu ;d]t ;+jfb ug{ csf]{ 5'§} pRr:t/Lo /fhgLlts ;ldlt agfpg vf]lhFb}5 . bnLo Joj:yfdf bnLo wf/0ffn] dxÎj /fV5, t/ oxfF t w]/}df %÷^ g]tfsf] lg0f{o cg'df]bg ug]{ cf}krfl/s ;+oGq agfpg vf] l hF b } 5 , ;+ ; b\ n fO{ . hgdtåf/f u7g ePsf] ;fj{ef}d lgsfosf] of]eGbf cjd"Nog c? s] x'g;S5 < 3

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

ljlwxLg cnf]stflGqs ;+:sf/sf] huaf6 ;lhn} clwgfosjfbsf] hGd x'gk'U5 eGg] yfxf kfpg cGt/f{li6«o cg'ej;Dd k'Ug} kb}{g, g]kfnd} h+uaxfb'/sf] pbo x]/] k'U5 . o;sf] csf]{ kf6f], ha /fli6«o ;+:yfx? sdhf]/ x'G5g\, ljb]zL …;xof]uÚ h'g;'s} a]nf …x:tIf]kÚdf kl/0ft x'G5 .

cfˆg} / afXo sf/0fn] Gofofno lg/Lx 5 . hgcf:yfsf] e/df l6Sg'kg]{ of] ;+:yf a]lyltsf] cfxfndf 5 eg]/ c?n] cf/f]k nufPsf] xf]Og, pm cfk}mFn] :jLsf/ u/]sf] 5 . l:ylt o:tf] 5 ls Gofofno :jo+n] …ljs[ltljxLg Gofokflnsf lgdf{0fÚ df hf]8 lbO/x]sf] 5 . ljwflosfn] a]jf:tf u/]sf], ;Ldf ldr]sf] cyjf sfo{sf/Laf6 pk]lIft jf k|tfl8t ePsfx?sf] clwsf/sf] ;d]t ;+/If0f ug'{kg]{ lgsfo cfˆg} ;d:ofdf h] l nPsf] 5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf gful/s clwsf/sf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

pkef]u / To;sf] pkrf/sf] xfnt bogLo 5, eGg lxlRsrfO{ /xg' kb}{g . o;sf] lgrf]8 xf], d'n'ssf k|d'v ;+:yfx? jf ltgsf ;~rfnsx? cnf]slk|o / w]/} xb;Dd abdfg x' g yfn] s f 5g\ . /fhgLlts g]t[Tj cnf]slk|o jf abgfd eP lgjf{rgdfk{mt\ gofF hgfb]zn] To;sf] z'4Ls/0f u5{ . t/, d'n'sdf gofF ;+ljwfg gag];Dd lgjf{rg x'g ;Dej nfUb}g . :yfgLo lgsfo vfnL ePsf] 8]9 bzs ePsf] 5 . k4lt / k|lqmofx? lqmofzLn gx'g' klg /fli6«o Ifdtf sdhf]/ x'g' xf] . /fli6«o ;+:yfx?, hgk|ltlglw, gful/s, /fhg]tf, cWo]tf / gLlt– lgdftf{x?k|ltsf] cfs{if0faf6 g} k|sf/fGt/n] /fli6«o Ifdtf lgdf{0f x'G5 . clxn] g /fi6«klt ;DdfgLt 5g\ g Gofofno . ljwfosx? g} …;+f;b x"F eGg c;lhnf] nfU5Ú eG5g\ . o;n] b]vfpF5, d'n'sdf ;'zf;gsf] xfnt . g]kfnsf /fli6«o ;+:yf / k|d'v /fhgLlt1x?sf] cnf] s lk| o tf abgfdLdf kl/0ft x'bF }5 . nf]stGqsf cfwf/ jf Ol~hg dflgg] oL ;:yf jf g]tfx? abgfd xF'b} uPkl5 nf]stflGqs u0ftGq s;/L nf]slk|o x'g;S5 < dfGo ljlwåf/f gofF g]t[Tj :yflkt ug]{k4lt cª\uLsf/ gug]{ xf] eg] JolQmx?sf] ckh;sf] ef/L nf]stGqn] af]Sg'k5{ . lsgsL

b'O{ ;ftfcl3 dfq} :jf:YodGqL vu/fh clwsf/L / k//fi6«dGqL dx]Gb| kf08]n] ;fj{hlgs ?kd} s]xL lgo'lQmx?df …k|wfgdGqLn] ;xof]u gu/]sf]Ú atfPsf lyP . of] cf/f]kaf/] clxn];Dd k|wfgdGqLsf] k|ltlqmof aflx/ cfPsf] 5}g .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

ljlwxLg cnf]stflGqs ;+:sf/sf] huaf6 ;lhn} clwgfosjfbsf] hGd x' g k' U 5 eGg] yfxf kfpg cGt/f{li6«o cg'ej;Dd k'Ug} kb}{g, g]kfnd} h+uaxfb'/sf] pbo x]/] k'U5 . o;sf] csf]{ kf6f], ha /fli6«o ;+:yfx? sdhf]/ x'G5g\, ljb]zL …;xof]uÚ h'g;'s} a]nf …x:tIf]kÚdf kl/0ft x'G5 . nf]stGq / k|]; g]kfn ;+ l jwfg;efaf6 gofF ;+ l jwfg lgdf{0f ug]{ qmddf 5 . cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# nfu" ePotfsf ;ft jif{b]lv d'n'sdf ;+ljwfg / ;/sf/ b'j} cGtl/d k|s[ltsf 5g\ . k'/fgf] ;+ljwfg vf/]h ePsf], gofF ;+ljwfg galg;s]sf] sf/0f d' n ' s ;+ q md0fsfndf 5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf ;+j}wflgs / sfg' g LeGbf klg /fhgLlts nf]slk|otfnfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ w]/} cEof; / k|of]ux? x'g] u/]sf 5g\ . ljrf/ tyf cleJolQm :jtGqtf, cfd–;~rf/dfWod;DaGwL clwsf/ / ;"rgfsf] xs;Fu ;DalGwt sfg'g, gLlt / Jojxf/nfO{ oxL k[i7e"lddf /fv]/ x]g'{k5{ . ljrf/ tyf cleJolQm :jtGqtf / ;"rgfsf] xs gful/s ;zlQm– s/0fsf b[li6n] dxÎjk" 0 f{ ;+j}wflgs cfwf/x? x'g\ . s'g} klg d'n'sdf nf]stGq slt 4

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

ljrf/ / cleJolQm :jtGqtfsf] ;+j}wflgs x}l;ot cyf{t\ of] ;+zf]wgLo jf c;+zf]wgLo x'g] eGg] af/]sf] ax;n] Pp6f lgSof}{n lgsfNg afFsL 5 . ljrf/ / cleJolQm :jtGqtf tyf k|]; :jtGqtfnfO{ s'g xb;Dd sfg'gL¿kdf lgodg ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] dfldnfdf ce}m ax; ug'{ h?/L 5 .

alnof] 5 eGg] d"NofÍg ug{ ToxfF zf;gk4lt / k|lqmofdf gful/ssf] ;xeflutf slt k|efjsf/L 5, eg]/ x]g{'k5{ . g]kfnsf] nf]stGq klg slt gful/sd'vL 5 eg]/ d"NofÍg ug]{ cfwf/ oxfF ljrf/ cleJolQm :jtGqtfsf] cj:yf / ;"rgfsf] xsh:tf gful/s clwsf/;F u ;DalGwt ljlwsf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog eP÷gePsf] cj:yf;Fu hf]8]/ x]g'{kg]{ x'G5 . cGtl/d ;+ l jwfgdf ljrf/ tyf



cleJolQm :jtGqtfsf] ;'lglZrttf ul/Psf] 5 . t/, ;}4flGts¿kd} ce}m klg ;d:ofx? afFsL 5g\ . ljrf/ / cleJolQm :jtGqtfsf] ;+j}wflgs x}l;ot cyf{t\ of] ;+zf]wgLo jf c;+zf]wgLo x'g] eGg] af/]sf] ax;n] Pp6f lgSof}{n lgsfNg afFsL 5 . ljrf/ / cleJolQm :jtGqtf tyf k| ] ; :jtGqtfnfO{ s' g xb;Dd sfg'gL¿kdf lgodg ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] dfldnfdf ce}m ax; ug'{ h?/L 5 . cGtl/d ;+ljwfg / efjL ;+ljwfgsf nflu ;+ljwfg;efsf] ;ldltåf/f k|:tfljt d:of}bfdf klg Aofks cy{ nfUg] k|s[ltsf sltko zAbx? pNn] v ePsf sf/0f o;sf] efjL k|of]usf ;DaGwdf lglZrGt x'g ;lsg] cj:yf 5}g . lsgsL ltgsf] sfof{Gjogsf gfddf ef]ln :jtGqtf lgoGq0f x'g;Sg] ;Defjgf alnof] 5 . g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# df ljrf/ tyf cleJolQm :jtGqtf / cfd–;~rf/;DaGwL xssf] ;'lglZrttf4 5 . t/, ;f]xL wf/f;Fu ;DalGwt pkwf/fdf ljrf/ tyf cleJolQm :jtGqtf / cfd–;~rf/ ;DaGwL xsnfO{ /f]s nufpg] u/L sfg'g agfpg ;lsg] olt Aofks Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 ls To;n] s'g} klg a]nf ljrf/ / cleJolQm :jtGqtf tyf cfd–;~rf/;DaGwL xs lgolGqt x'g;Sg] vt/f sfdo} /fV5 . h:tf] ls oL k|ltaGwfTds

g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# sf] wf/f !@ -#_ df ljrf/ / cleJolQm :jtGqtf / !% -!_ df k|sfzg, k|;f/0f / 5fkfvfgf;DaGwL xssf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . To;sf] k|ltaGwfTds jfSof+zdf o:tf] lgoGq0ffTds Joj:yf 5 .



jfSof+zdf ;/sf/nfO{ …;fj{hlgs lzi6frf/Ú jf …g}ltstfsf] k|lts"n x' g ] Ú , …5' j f5' t Pj+ hftLo tyf n} l Ës e] b efjnfO{ b' ? T;fxg ug]{Ú sfo{h:tf Jofks cy{ ePsf ljifodf ;d]t ljrf/ / cleJolQm :jtGqtfdf k|ltaGw nufpg ;Sg] u/L sfg'g agfpg] clwsf/ lbG5 . efjL ;+ l jwfgsf nflu ;+ l jwfg;efsf] ;ldltn] k|:tfj d:of}bfdf …;+3Lo OsfO{aLrsf] ;'– ;DaGwdf vnn kg]{ sfo{Ú …hfthflt wd{–;Dk|bfoaLrsf] ;'–;DaGwdf vnn kg]{Ú5 h:tf zAbx? yk]/ of] Joj:yfnfO{ emg\ km/flsnf] agfOPsf] 5 . csf]{tkm{ k|hftGqdf ;"rgf k|jfx eP/ dfq k' U b} g . ;" rgf k| f Kt u/]kl5 cfˆgf] k|ltlqmof k|s6 ug{ ljleGg j}slNks ;~rf/dfWod / ;|f]tsf] klg cfjZostf kb{5 . h;n] :jtGq eP/ lagf s'g} bafa hgtfsf] :j/nfO{ cleJolQm lbg ;sf];\ . To;}n] ;~rf/dfWodsf] :jtGqtf / ax'ntfn] ljz]if cy{ /fV5g\ . j}slNks ;~rf/k4ltsf nflu tLg kIfx? cfjZos 5g\ . -!_ j}slNks dfWodx? ;|f]tx?, -@_ j}slNks k|of]usf nflu ljleGg ;~rf/ k|0ffnLx? -#_ zf;s ju{n] dgk/L u/]df dt k|of]usf cltl/Qm tTsfn nf]sdt bzf{pg ;lsg] j}slNks Joj:yf . klxnf] kIfn] ;fdflhs kl/jt{gnfO{ k|ltlalDat 5 6

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

j}slNks ;~rf/k4ltsf nflu tLg kIfx? cfjZos 5g\ . -!_ j}slNks dfWodx? ;|f]tx?, -@_ j}slNks k|of]usf nflu ljleGg ;~rf/ k|0ffnLx? -#_ zf;s ju{n] dgk/L u/]df dt k|of]usf cltl/Qm tTsfn nf]sdt bzf{pg ;lsg] j}slNks Joj:yf .

u5{ eg] kl5Nnf b'O{n] ljleGg cj:yfdf k|ltlqmof JoQm ug{sf nflu hgtfnfO{ c;/ k|bfg u5{ . ljut jif{x?sf ;8s cfGbf]ng o:tf cj;/x?sf] cefjdf hGd]sf] klg x'g;S5 .6 vf]hk"0f{ ;dfrf/ ;ª\sng / k|:t't ug{ cfjZos Aofj;flos ;Lk w]/} kqsf/;Fu 5}g . ;dfrf/ ;|f]tsf] vf]hL pm;Fu lg/Gt/ ;Dks{ /fVg rflxg] snfdf klg w]/} kqsf/ lgk'0f 5}gg\ . To;df klg ;dfrf/sf] vf]hL, k|:t'lth:tf ljifodf cfjZos

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

;Lk–tflndsf] cefj 5 . /fHo jf klqsf Aoj:yfksx? kqsf/sf] ;Lk–ljsf;sf nflu nufgL ug{ OR5's 5}gg\ . ;:tf] nufgLsf] pTkfbg eP/ klg h]gt]g l6s]sf] 5, of] . tflnd ;~rfngsf nflu cfd–;~rf/ k|lti7fg g} lgdf{0f u/]/ d'n'ssf] dfucg';f/ tflnd glbg] xf] eg] obfsbf bftf vf]h]/ u}/–;sf/L ;+:yfn] lbg] tflnd jf ug]{ sfo{zfnfaf6 dfq g]kfnsf] vf] h –kqsfl/tfsf] cj:yfdf ;'wf/ Nofpg ;Dej 5}g . o;n] g e| i 6frf/lj¿4 ;zQm sbd rfNg;S5 g d'n'sdf ;'zf;g g} sfod ug{ ;S5 . kª\lQmsf/ :jo+sf] klg o;af/] cfˆg}vfn] cg'ej 5 . ;jf]{Rr cbfntdf e|i6frf/ ;DaGwL vf]hd"ns cfj/0f ;dfrf/ lxdfn va/klqsf df k|:t't ug]{ qmddf d}n] cgf}7f] cg'ej u/]sf] 5' . ;L8L sf08sf gfdn] rlr{t pQm ;dfrf/sf] ;|f]tn] …ljleGg /fli6« o b}lgsdf ;Dks{ ubf{ ToxfFaf6 of] ;dfrf/ aflx/ cfpFnf eGg] cfk"mnfO{ gnfu]sf]n] tkfO{;Fu ;Dks{ u/]sf] 5'Ú eg]sf] lyof] . o;sf] cy{ cfd–;~rf/ u[xx?df klg ;'zf;g Nofpg w]/} sfd ug{ afFsL 5 eGg] xf] . -ufpFn] g]kfn kqsf/ dxf;+3sf k"j{ cWoIf x'g'x'G5 ._

;+ljwfg;efsf] tTsflng df}lns xs;DaGwL ;ldltn] k|:t't u/]sf] d:of}bf k|ltj]bgsf] k[i7 !& / k[i7 @! . hg;~rf/ / k|hftflGqs/0f M g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df Ps cWoog . ;jf{ËL0f ljsf; cWoog s]Gb| .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



v]ns'bdf cfly{s kf/blz{tfsf] cefj /fd;"bg ltdlN;gf


cf}+ ztfAbLlt/ ;f]vsf nflu v]ns'b lqmofsnfx? x'Gy] . t/, cfh v]ns'b ;Eo dfgj ;dfhsf] cleGg cË ePsf] 5 . v]ns'b, dflg;sf] afNosfnb]lv a'9];– sfn;Ddsf] cfjZos lqmofsnfk ag]sf] 5 . Toltdfq xf]Og, v]ns'b /fi6«sf] cfly{s, ;fdflhs / ;f+:s[lts ljsf;sf] ;]t';d]t xf] . t/, g]kfnL v]ns'b If]q eg] df}nfpg gkfpFb} clgoldttfsf] bnbndf kmF;]sf] 5 . lj=;+= @)$^ ;fnsf] /fhgLlts kl/jt{g;Fu} g]kfnL v]ns'bsf] ;Defjgfsf] 9f]sfx? klg v'n] . To;cl3 v]ns'b b/af/sf] jl/k/L ¿dlNnPsf] lyof] . )$^ kl5 v]ns'b If]q cfd–dflg;sf] kx'Frdf k'Uof] . y|'k} v]nx? lelqP . g]kfndf cGt/f{li6«o v]ns'b k|ltof]lutfx? x'gyfn] . k|ltof]lutfsf] a[l4;Fu} v]ns'b If]qdf cfly{s rnv]nsf s'/fx? ;d]t hf]l8g yfn] . cfly{s

v]ns'bdf /fHon] u/]sf] nufgL / j}b]lzs ;xfotfsf] lx;fa–lstfa ckf/bzL{ ePsf sf/0f o;sf] ljsf;qmdnfO{ g} k|efljt kf/]sf] b]lvG5 . v]n ;+3x?nfO{ clxn];Dd klg jflif{s n]vf–k/LIf0fsf] 1fg 5}g . cfoJoosf] lx;fa–lstfa kf/bzL{ b]lvFb}g .

kf/blz{tfsf] k|Zgdf v]ns'b If]q /fHo, ;dfh / v]nf8Lk|lt pQ/bfoL b]lvPsf] 5}g . JolQmut nfe lng] / Jofkfl/s :jfy{sf ?kdf v]ns'bnfO{ b'¿kof]u ug{] lqmofsnfkx? olta]nf pbfª\uf] x'gyfn]sf 5g\ . g]kfndf v]ns'bsf] nf]slk|otf a9\bf] 5 . To;}n] o;sf] cy{– Joj:yfkgsf ljifodf ;d]t ;f]wvf]h x'g' :jfefljs g} xf] . v]ns'bdf /fHon] u/]sf] nufgL / j}b]lzs ;xfotfsf] lx;fa–lstfa ckf/bzL{ ePsf sf/0f o;sf] ljsf;qmdnfO{ g} k|efljt kf/]sf] b]lvG5 . v]n ;+3x?nfO{ clxn];Dd klg jflif{s n]vf–k/LIf0fsf] 1fg 5}g . cfoJoosf] lx;fa–lstfa kf/bzL{ b]lvFb}g . To;}n] /fHon] klg v]ns'bsf] ;DefjgfnfO{ gh/– cGbfh u/]sf] x'g'k5{ . v]ns'bdf nfvf}+ o'jf ;+nUg /x]sf 5g\ . t/, pgLx? v]ns'bdf

cfˆgf] eljio agfpg ;lsg] cj:yf gePsf] u'gf;f] ul//xG5g\ . /fli6«o ;+3x?n] cfˆgf] cfly{s cj:yfsf af/]df ;/sf/ / ;/sf/L lgsfox?nfO{ ;d]t hfgsf/L u/fPsf] kfOFb}g . v]ns'b ljZn]ifs lbjfs/nfn cdfTo o:tf ;+3–;+:yfx?n] ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj k"/f ug{ jflif{s k|ltj]bg ;fj{hlgs ug{'kg{] cfjZostf cf}NofpF5g\ . o;/L v]ns'bdf u"kr"k ePsf em]nx? olta]nf lj:tf/} aflx/ lg:sFb}5g\ . v]ns'bdf g]kfnn] u/]sf] k|ult;Fu} o;leqsf] cfly{s kf6f]sf] ljifodf ;d]t rf;f] x'g' :jfefljs xf] . olta]nf v]ns'b If]qdf ;jf{lws rrf{df /x]sf] ljifo eg]sf] k'm6ansf] cfly{s–sf08 / lqms]6leq ePsf] clgoldttf g} xf] . To;afx]s v]ns'b ;+3x?n] Dofgkfj/ sDkgLsf ¿kdf ;+3nfO{ b'¿kof]u u/]sf] cf/f]k;d]t e]mNg' k/]sf] 5 .



g]kfnL k'm6ansf] ;jf]{Rr ;+:yf clvn g]kfn k'm6an ;+3 -PGkmf_ sf cWoIf u0f]z yfkfsf] ljifodf p7]sf] clgoldttfsf s'/fx?nfO{ lnP/ clVtof/ / ;+;b\sf] ;fj{hlgs n]vf;ldltn] 5fgljg ul//x]sf] cj:yf 5 . g]kfn lqms]6 ;+3df clgoldttf ePsf] eGb} ;+3sf cWoIf;lxtsf kbflwsf/Lx? olta]nf lgnlDat cj:yfdf 5g\ . o;} ;Gbe{df ev{/} ;/sf/af6 ;ef;b\df dgf]lgt ePsf PGkmfsf cWoIf yfkfdfly nfu]sf] cfly{s clgoldttfsf] 5fgljg u/]/ tYo–;To ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] v08df g]kfnL v]ns'b v]ns'bsf] enfO{sf] sfd x'g] ljZjf; lng ;lsG5 .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

uof] < To; ljifodf p7]sf] k|Zgsf] lgjf/0f ;DalGwt lgsfon] ug{ ;s]sf] 5}g . g]kfnsf] sfg'gcg';f/ o;/L ljb]zL d'b|f ;fk6L lng ldN5 ls ldNb}g < To:t} ;f] ;fk6L /sd lt/]sf] atfOPsf] 5 . s'g dfWodaf6 Tof] /sd lkmtf{ uof] < To; ljifodf p7]sf] k|Zgsf] lgjf/0f ;DalGwt lgsfon] ug{ ;s]sf] 5}g .

k'm6andf clgoldttfsf] cf/f]k PGkmfsf cWoIf u0f]z yfkfn] clvn g]kfn k'm6an ;+3nfO{ sdfOvfg] efF8f]sf ?kdf ljsf; u/]sf] cf/f]k nufOG5 . Pl;ofnL k'm6an dxf;+3sf k"j{ cWoIf ljg xdfd;Fu yfkfn] cfˆgf] 5f]/f uf}/j yfkfsf] gfddf Ps nfv 8n/ lnPsf] ljifo ;~rf/dfWodx?n] k|fyldstfsf ;fy k|sflzt u/] . kL8An';Lsf] l/kf]6{df ljg xdfdsf] JolQmut vftfaf6 uf}/j yfkfsf] vftfdf b'O{ k6s u/L o"P; 8n/ ! nfv lnPsf] pNn]v 5 . u0f]z yfkfn] To;sf ljifodf af]nL km]l//x]sf] cj:yfn] klg zª\sf pAhfPsf] 5 .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

slxn] JolQmut C0f lnPsf] t slxn] ljg xdfdn] uf}/j yfkfnfO{ cGo g]kfnLx?nfO{ e}mF ;xof]u:j¿k ;f] /sd lbPsf] ljjfbf:kb s'/fx? aflx/ NofPsf 5g\ . ljg xdfdn] g]kfndf c;fdlos lgwg ePsf afn v]nf8Lx?, k'/fgf /fli6«o v]nf8Lx? / g]kfnsf Ps kqsf/nfO{ ;f] /sd 5fqa[lQ / ;xof]uafkt pknAw u/fPsf] egL ;~rf/dfWodx?n] pNn]v u/]sf 5g\ . g]kfnsf] sfg'gcg';f/ o;/L ljb]zL d'b|f ;fk6L lng ldN5 ls ldNb}g < To:t} ;f] ;fk6L /sd lt/]sf] atfOPsf] 5 . s'g dfWodaf6 Tof] /sd lkmtf{

Ps nfv kGw| xhf/ kfpG8sf] rrf{ ;G8] 6fOD;sf] & h'g @)!$ df k|sflzt ;dfrf/cg';f/ PGkmfsf cWoIfn] Ps nfv kGw| xhf/ kfpG8 ljg xdfdsf] s]Dsf] lgdf{0f sDkgL;Fu lnPsf 5g\ . PGkmf cWoIfn] Jofkfl/s k|of]hgsf nflu ;f] /sd s]Dsf] lgdf{0f sDkgL;Fu lnPsf] yfkf :jo+n] kqsf/ ;Dd]ngdfk{mt\ :jLsf/ ul/;s]sf 5g\ . pgn] cfˆgf] Jofkf/sf] ljifo eg] ;fj{hlgs u/]sf 5}gg\ . cfjZos 7fpFdf To;sf] ljifodf hfgsf/L lbg] atfPsf 5g\ . t/, ;DalGwt lgsfon] To;df lsg rf;f] lbPg < o:tf cg'Ql/t k|Zgx?n] g]kfnsf] k'm6an / v]n If]qdfly hgljZjf; sdhf]/ x'g] k|:6 b]lvG5 . yfkfn] /fd|f] lqmofsnfaf6 ;f] /sd lnPsf] x'g;S5, t/ To;df z+sf ug]{ 7fpF /fVg' x'Fb}g . cem ;ef;b\ h:tf] lhDd]jf/ kbdf a;]kl5 pgn] cfˆgf] uf]Ko Joj;fosf ljifodf ;fj{hlgs ug{ cfjZos /xG5 . Uff]n k|f]h]S6df clgoldttf ;g\ @))! b]lv @)!@ ;Dddf uf]n k|f]h]S6 cyf{t\ o'jf kl/of]hgfnfO{ ;zQm 9Ën] ;~rfng ug{sf nflu lkmkmfn] k|bfg u/]sf] /sdx?

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

PGkmfsf] cflwsfl/s vftfdfk{mt\ vr{ gu/L JolQmut vftfaf6 ;~rfng ul/Psf] cf/f]k PGkmfsf pkfWoIf sdf{l5l/ª z]kf{n] nufPsf 5g\ . g]kfnsf] w/fg, a'6an / Rof;ndf lgld{t Ps]8dLsf] lgdf{0f k|lqmofb]lv ;~rfng k|lqmof;Dd PGkmf sfo{;ldltnfO{ hfgsf/L;d]t gePsf] pgsf] cf/f]k 5 . lkmkmfsf] l/kf]6{df /ljgf lgdf{0f sDkgL / 8L=Pn= sG;N6]G;L, s]=;L= sG;N6]G;Ln] sfd u/]sf] b]lvG5 . ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]gcg';f/ sfd gePsf] cf/f]k klg 5 . uf]n k|f]h]S6sf nflu ;DalGwt gu/kflnsfn] ;d]t @% k|ltzt nufgL u/]sf] 5 . To;}n] pgLx?n] ;d]t cfˆgf] /sd s;/L nufgL ePsf] 5 eGg] hfgsf/L lng'kg]{ xf] . o;/L cg'udgsf] sdhf]/Lsf sf/0f klg clgoldttf a9]sf] cfzª\sf ul/G5 . stf/ k'm6an ;+3af6 k|fKt ^ nfv 8n/ g]kfnsf] lnu ;~rfng ug{sf nflu stf/ k'm6an ;+3n] @)!! b]lv @)!$ ;Ddsf nflu k|ltjif{ @ nfv 8n/sf b/n] $ jif{sf nflu * nfv 8n/ lbg] lg0f{o ePsf] atfOG5 . @ nfv 8n/dfq PGkmfsf] cl86 l/kf]6{df b]lvG5 . afFsL % nfv 8n/ cl86df l/kf]6{df b]lvFb}g lsg < yfkfk|lt c;Gt'i6L JoQm ul//x]sf PGkmf kbflwsf/Ln] 5fgljgsf nflu k]z u/]sf] l/kf]6{df k|Zg ul/Psf] 5 .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



ubf{ g]kfnL v]ns'bk|lt v]nf8L / k|lzIfssf wf/0ff gsf/fTds x'g;S5 . v]ns'b If]qdf b]vfPsf clgoldttf cfly{s ckf/blz{tfsf k/fsfi7f x'g\ . v]ns'b cg'zf;g / lgoddf v]lnG5 . t/, v]n ;+3x?n] cfly{s s'/fdf ldr]sf] lgodn] v]ns'b ;+3sf] :jfoQtfdfly ;d]t k|Zg lrGx v8f x'G5 .

Aofh cfDbfgL sxfFaf6 PGkmfsf] l/kf]6{cg';f/ @)^( ;fndf &@ nfv / @)&) ;fndf ^* nfv PGkmfn] Aofhaf6 cfDbfgL u/]sf] 5 . PGkmfn] s;/L Aofh cfDbfgL u/]sf] xf], ;|f]t vf]lnPsf] 5}g .

clVtof/df v]ns'bsf] ph'/Lsf] vft clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]udf k'm6an / lqms]6afx]s s/fFt], t]SjfGbf], af:s]6anh:tf rlr{t /fli6«o v]ns'b ;+3x?sf] dfq xf]Og /fli6«o v]ns'b kl/ifb\ / g]kfn cf]nlDks sld6Lsf lhDd]jf/ kbflwsf/Lx?dfly k/]sf ph'/Lsf] ;d]t vft 5 . kfFrf}+ / 5}6f}+ /fli6«o v]ns'b k|ltof]lutfsf k|lzIfssf] cf/f]k ljifodf klg ph'/L k/L 5fgljg Pl;og k'm6an dxf;+3af6 k|lt eO/x]sf] 5 . o;n] g]kfnL dlxgf kGw| xhf/ 8n/ lhNnf v]ns'b h6Ln cj:yfdf /x]sf] / If]qLo k|lzIfsx?nfO{ u|f; cfef; x'G5 . ?6\;cGtu{t lhNnf–lhNnfdf k'm6an v]nf8L pTkfbg ug{] cg'udgsf] cfjZostf p2]Zon] k|fKt x'g] u/]sf] k|lzIfs s[i0f yfkf atfpF5g\ . o;/L k|fKt PGkmf / PGkmfsf cWoIf yfkfdfly /sddWo] # b]lv $ nfv;Dd nufOPsf] s]xL cf/f]kx?dfly k|lzIfsx?nfO{ dfl;s¿kdf rrf{ ul/P . tL 36gf cfly{s k/fsfi7f afFl8Psf] b]lvG5 eg] afFsL !! ckf/blz{tfsf] x' g \ . v] n s' b cg' z f;g / lgoddf b]lv !@ nfv ?k}ofF dfl;s lxgfldgf ePsf] cf/f]k yfkfsf] 5 . v]lnG5 . t/, v]n ;+3x?n] kl;gf aufP/ v]nf8L pTkfbg ug{] cfly{s s'/fdf ldr]sf] lgodn] k|lzIfsx?nfO{ e|ddf /fv]/ sfd v]ns'b ;+3sf] :jfoQtfdfly ;d]t



k|Zg lrGx v8f x'G5 . cffly{s kf/blz{tfsf] ck]Iff ul/g'sf] d"n sf/0f v]nf8Lsf] xs / ;+3x?sf] :jfoQtfsf] ;+/If0f g} xf] . b[Zo / cb[Zo nufgLsf] k|efjsf] ljifodf kf/blz{tf ckgfpg'kg{] b]lvG5 . v]ns'b If]qsf] cfly{s kf6f]nfO{ ulx/f] cWoog u/L ;fj{hlgs ul/g] k|ltj]bgaf6 cfd gful/s ;r]t u/fpg ;lsG5 . g]kfn lqms]6 ;+3n] jflif{s k|ltj]bg cGt/f{li6«o lqms]6 sfplG;nnfO{ ;do–;Ldfleq ga'emfPs} sf/0f nfvf}+ ?k}ofF hl/jfgf ltg{'k¥of] . t/ oxfF t cGt/f{li6«o ;+3x?af6 lgoldt ;xof]u k|fKt ug]{ s]xL v]n ;+3x?n] t unt l/kf]6{ tof/ kf/]/ ;d]t a'emfpg] u/]sf] b]lvG5 . o:tf] lqmofsnfksf] cg'udg ;DalGwt lgsfon] gul/lbFbf g]kfnL v]ns'b hlxn] klg k5fl8 k/]sf] 5 . v]ns'bdf /fHon] u/]sf] nufgL, k|fof]hssf] nufgL, cGt/f{li6«o ;+3–;+:yfsf] ;xof]u cg'bfgsf] kf/blz{tfsf] ;'lglZrttf ug{sf nflu klg yfkfdfly nfu]sf] cf/f]ksf ljifodf lgikIf 5fgljg x'g h?/L 5 . Tof] v]ns'b If]qdf glh/sf ?kdf /xg]5 . ef]lnsf lbgdf v]n ;+3x?nfO{ kf/bzL{ x'gsf nflu o;n] r'gf}tL kl:sg]5 . To;}n] yfkf ;xL eP klg unt eP klg :ki6 5fgljg u/L ;fj{hlgs ug{ cfjZos 5 . Tof] yfkfsf nflu klg cfjZos 5 . pgn] klg cfˆgf] ljifodf e|d l;h{gf ul/Psf] eGb} lgikIf

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;+3x?leq} klg n]vfsf] cg'udg ug{sf nflu cfGtl/s ;+oGqsf] ljsf; ug{ cfjZos b]lvG5 . To;}u/L, lgoldt¿kdf n]vf– k/LIf0f l/kf]6{ ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{ a'emfpg'kg]{ k|fjwfgnfO{ s8fO{ ul/g'kg{] csf]{ h6Ln kf6f] 5 .

5fgljgsf] dfu ul//x]sf 5g\ . v]ns'bdf ljs]Gb|Ls/0f cfjZos a9\bf] s]Gb|Ls/0fsf sf/0f klg v]ns'bdf ;d:of a9]sf] xf] . o;n] s]Gb|Lo sld6Lsf kbflwsf/LnfO{ JolQmut :jfy{ k"/f ug{ ;xh agfPsf] 5 eg] nufgLsf] cg'kftdf ljsf; x'g;s]sf] 5}g . ;+3x?leq} klg n]vfsf] cg'udg ug{sf nflu cfGtl/s ;+oGqsf] ljsf; ug{ cfjZos b]lvG5 . To;}u/L, lgoldt¿kdf n]vf–k/LIf0f l/kf]6{ ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{ a'emfpg'kg]{ k|fjwfgnfO{

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

s8fO{ ul/g'kg{] csf]{ h6Ln kf6f] 5 . :jo+;]jssf ?kdf sfd ug]{ v]ns'bsf kbflwsf/Lx? slxn]sfxLF cfˆgf] c1fgtfsf sf/0f klg uDeL/ cf/f]k v]Kg ljjz 5g\ . cGt/f{li6«o If]qdf ;DalGwt ;+3x?n] cfˆgf] cfo–Joo ljj/0f kfb/zL{¿kdf cfˆgf j]e;fO8x?df /fVg] ub{5g\ . ef/tdf ;d]t s]xL ;docl3 v]ns'b dGqfnon] g} s]xL ;+3x?nfO{ lx;fa–lstfa j]a;fO8dfkm{t\ ;fj{hlgs ug{ lgb{]zg lbPsf] lyof] . To:tf] k|of; g]kfnsf] v]ns'b j[Qdf klg ;'? x'g ;s] ;sf/fTds ?kdf lng ;lsG5 . v]ns'bnfO{ :jR5 / cg'zfl;t If]qsf ?kdf ljsf; ug{ cfly{s kf/blz{tfsf] ;'lglZrttf ug{' cfjZos 5 . :j]R5fk"j{s cfly{s kf/blz{tfn] ;+3x?sf] :jfoQtfdfly klg cfd–v]nf8L, v]nk|]dL / /fHosf] ljZjf; a9\g]5 . o;tkm{ cfF6 ug{ ;s]sf] v08df :jo+;]jssf ¿kdf lqmofzLn ;+3sf kbflwsf/Lx?df g}lts an;d]t k|fKt x'g]5 . o;sf nflu zlQmzfnL dflgPsf yfkfsf ljifodf p7]sf cf/f]knfO{ g} lgikIf eP/ 5fgljg u/L ;fj{hlgs ug]{ cfF6 ug{] xf] eg] cGo ;+3x? :jtM nfOgdf cfpg] 5g\ . To; ljifodf ;DalGwt lgsfosf] Wofg hfcf];\ . -ltdlN;gf /fhwfgL b}lgsdf sfo{/t kqsf/ x'g'x'G5._


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h


gful/s s]lGb|t zf;g k|0ffnL

k|lbk g]kfn


;+ljwfg;efsf ax'dt ;b:ox? ;+ljwfg lgdf{0f k|lqmofdf tfnL 7f]Sg] sfddf dfq} pkl:yt ePsf 5g\ . ;dfj]zL / ;dfg'kflts eg]/ ;+ljwfg;efdf k'¥ofOPsf dgf]gLt hgk|ltlglwx?nfO{ ;+/Ifs kf6L{x?n] s'g} k|lzIf0f lbPsf 5}gg\ . :jod\ ;+;bLo dGqfnon] klg s'g} k|lzIf0f lbPsf] 5}g .

d|f] /fi6«sf] gfd ;ª\3Lo nf]stflGqs u0ftGq g]kfn /fVg] ;xdlt ;+ljwfg;efdf eof] . of] cToGt} /fd|f] sfd xf] . ;ª\qmd0fsfnLg g} eP klg @)^# ;fnb]lv xfdLn] s]Gb|Lo zf;g k|0ffnLdf nf]stflGqs u0ftGqsf] cEof; ub}{ cfPsf 5f}F . clxn];Dd of] nf]stflGqs u0ftGq gLltut 3f]if0ffdf ;Lldt 5 / o;sf] Aofjxfl/s cg'xf/ x]g{ xfdL slxn] gofF ;+ljwfg aGnf eg]/ k|tLIff ul//x]sf 5f}F . 3f]if0ffdfq} klg Pp6f ;sf/fTds sfd xf] . t/ 3f]if0ff ub}{df g]kfn nf]stflGqs u0ftGq x'Fb}g . gful/sn] x]g]{ eg]sf] nf]stflGqs u0ftGqsf] Aojxf/ xf] . clxn];Dd gful/ssf nflu g]kfndf nf]stflGqs u0ftGq cfPsf] 5}g . of] hLljt ;To xf] . Aojxf/df gcfPsf] x'gfn]

g} /fhgLlt bnsf g]tfx?n] k|fKt u/]sf] nf]stflGqs u0ftGqk|lt hgtfn] ;Ddfg hgfpg ;s]sf 5}gg\ . t/ of] ;TonfO{ g]kfnsf s'g} klg /fhgLlts bnsf g]tfn] cg'e"t u/]sf 5}gg\ . @)^@ sf] hgcfGbf]ngeGbf cufl8sf ;a} zf;gx? hgtflj/f]wL lyP . t/ nf]stflGqs u0ftGqsf] 3f]if0ff ePb]lvsf] g]kfnL /fHo;Qfsf] Aojxf/ klg hgkIfLo 5}g . 6fpsfdf Pp6f ;+ljwfg;ef 5 . ;+ljwfg;efsf ax'dt ;b:ox? ;+ljwfg lgdf{0f k|lqmofdf tfnL 7f]Sg] sfddf dfq} pkl:yt ePsf 5g\ . ;dfj]zL / ;dfg'kflts eg]/ ;+ljwfg;efdf k'¥ofOPsf dgf]gLt hgk|ltlglwx?nfO{ ;+/Ifs kf6L{x?n] s'g} k|lzIf0f lbPsf 5}gg\ . :jod\ ;+;bLo dGqfnon] klg s'g} k|lzIf0f lbPsf] 5}g .

sdhf]/ dgf]gLt hgk|ltlglw clg xfd|f] sdhf]/ ;fdflhs r]tgf, ;+ljwfg;efdf Psfsf/ ePsf] 5 . To;}n] clxn]sf] ;+ljwfg;ef klg s]xL dWodjuL{o a'l4hLjLx?sf] r]tgfsf] lzsf/ ePsf] 5 . ;a}nfO{ yfxf 5, dWodjuL{o a'l4hLjL r]tgf cfwf/e"t¿kdf cf};/jfbL x'G5 . g}ltstf x/fPsf] jt{dfg g]kfndf Tof] cfk"m / cfˆgf] ;d"xsf] :jfy{/Iffafx]s csf]{ s'g} sfd ug}{ rfxFb}g . clxn] ;du| /fhgLltsf] ldof] ag]/ a;]sf] oxL dWodjuL{o af}l4s r]tgfn] d'n'sdf /fh u/]sf] x'gfn] cfd–gful/sn] nf]stflGqs u0ftGqsf] cEof; ug{ kfPsf 5}gg\ . kfFr jif{df Pp6f r'gfj t k~rfotL zf;gdf klg ePs} lyof] . ;+;bLo k|hftGq ePsf] a]nfdf klg To:tf] r'gfj ePs}



lyof] . clxn] klg gful/ssf nflu nf]stflGqs u0ftGq eg]sf] ToxL dt v;fNg] sfddf ;Lldt ePsf] 5 . To;}n] ltgsf nflu clxn]sf] of] Joj:yf klg pxL …wg x'g]nfO{ 5Fb}5 rOg\, ul/anfO{ rd]nL nfUb5 cOg\Ú zLif{ssf] hguLtnfO{ ;fy{s agfpg]vfnsf] dfq 5 . g]kfndf ;j{q :jfy{n] /fh u/]sf] 5 . /fhgLlts bnsf g]tfx? klxn] cfˆgf kTgLsf af/]df ;f]R5g\ / ltgsf] lxtsf nflu of]hgf agfpF5g\ . To;kl5 ltgLx? cfˆgf] kl/jf/, 5'l§P/ leGg a;]sf bfh'efO–lbbLalxgL, ;fnf–;fnL / dfdf–dfOh'sf af/]df ;f]R5g\ . Psbd} km/flsnf] eP/ ;f]r] eg] ltgn] cfˆgf] u'6sf k|d'v uf]7fnfx?sf af/]df ;f]R5g\ . ltgsf nflu gful/s eg]sf] kfFr jif{df tLg dlxgfdfq sfd nfUg] hdft xf] . 7"nf g]tfsf] df;'df 6fFl;P/ a;]sf] of] /f]u ;fgf g]tfx?df klg ;/]sf] 5 / l;ª\uf] ;dfhnfO{ g]t[Tj ug]{ /fhgLltsf] of] :jfyL{ /f]u, olta]nf Pp6f ;fdflhs dgf]j[lQ aGb} uO/x]5 . of] dgf]j[lQ, g]kfnsf] cwktgsf] k|d'v sf/s aGg] vt/f emg\–emg\ a9]sf] 5 . u0ftGqdf gful/s ;jf]{Rr x'G5 . of] ;fdfGo 1fgsf] s'/f xf], sDtLdf klg ;Qfsf] nufd xftdf ;dft]/ a;]sf] dWodjuL{o a'l4hLjLsf nflu . t/ Tof] ;Qf ;~rfns o:tf] 1fgsf] lzIff gful/snfO{ lbg rfxFb}g . /fi6«klt ;DdfggLo

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

g]kfndf ;j{q :jfy{n] /fh u/]sf] 5 . /fhgLlts bnsf g]tfx? klxn] cfˆgf kTgLsf af/]df ;f]R5g\ / ltgsf] lxtsf nflu of]hgf agfpF5g\ . To;kl5 ltgLx? cfˆgf] kl/jf/, 5'l§P/ leGg a;]sf bfh'efO– lbbLalxgL, ;fnf–;fnL / dfdf–dfOh'sf af/]df ;f]R5g\ . Psbd} km/flsnf] eP/ ;f]r] eg] ltgn] cfˆgf] u'6sf k|d'v uf]7fnfx?sf af/]df ;f]R5g\ .

x'g], k|wfgdGqL ;DdfggLo x'g], hgtfsf k|ltlglwx? dfggLo x'g] rngnfO{ gful/s ;jf]{Rrtf elgFb}g . gful/s ;jf]{Rrtf k|ltlglwTjsf lx;fadf x'G5 . s/sf lx;fadf x'G5 . /fHodf s/ ltg]{x? 7"nf x'G5g\, s/ vfg] ;fgf x'G5g\ . gful/snfO{ /fHo geP klg x'G5, t/ gful/s geP /fHo aGg} ;Sb}g . of] ;Tosf] 1fgn] xfdLnfO{ s'g lgisif{df k'¥ofpF5 eg] nf]stflGqs u0ftGqdf gful/ssf] dfg;Ddfg x'g'kg]{ xf] . s/ vfg]x? ltgsf ;]js x'g\ . t/ g]kfndf 7"nf elgg], /fi6«klt, k|wfgdGqL, dGqL, ;f+;b, tyf sd{rf/LtGqsf 7"nf–a8fx?df of]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

;]js r]tgf st} b]Vg kfOPsf] 5}g . pgLx? ;a} cfk"mnfO{ zf;s / hgtfnfO{ zfl;t dfGg] r]tgfsf afxs ePsf 5g\ . nf]stflGqs u0ftGqdf ;]jfu|fxLn] klxn] h:t} b'Mv kfO/xg'sf] sf/0f zf;sx?df /x]sf] oxL k5f}6] r]tsf] lg/Gt/tf xf] . zf;sLo /fhgLlts r]tgfsf] xfnL– d'xfnLsf sf/0f g]kfnsf gful/s ;j{q pk]lIft 5g\ . nf]stflGqs u0ftGqsf] 3f]if0ff ePkl5sf] Aojxf/df klg of] pk]Iff 36]sf] 5}g . pN6} ;j{q k}mlnPsf] 5 . cfˆgf dfu k"/f u/fpg ljZj– ljBfnodf k|fWofks / ljBfyL{ b'a} ;d"xsf g]tfx? x8\tfn u5{g\ . 8fS6/x? la/fdL hfFRg 5f]8]/ cfˆgf ;'ljwf a9fpg c:ktfndf x8\tfn u5{g\ . k]6«f]n Aoj;foLx? sldzg agfpg k]6«f]n kDk aGb u5{g\ . oftfoft Aoj;foLx? cfˆgf] :jfy{ k"/f u/fpg oftfoft If]qd} x8\tfn u/]/ gful/snfO{ ;f:tL lbG5g\ . oL t If]qut s'/f eP . /fhgLltsf] d"n klg of] cgfrf/af6 aflx/ lgl:sg ;s]sf] 5}g . /fHo gful/snfO{ lbg'kg]{ ;"rgf n'sfpF5 . ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ b'Mv lbg' /fHosf] ul/df eO/x]sf] 5 . cbfnt klxn]h:t} u}/– lhDd]jf/ 5, hgtfsf] ;Gbe{df . dflysf pbfx/0fx? s'g} cf/f]k xf]Ogg\ . oL x'g\, g]kfnL hgtfn] clxn] ef]lu/x]sf] oyfy{ . ha AolSt :jfy{s]lGb|t x'G5, ta Tof] g}ltsxLg

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

aG5 . g}ltsxLgtf ;w}Fel/ cgfrf/, b'/frf/ / e|i6frf/sf] hggL x'G5 . :jfy{s]lGb|t dfG5]n] cfk"m / cfk"m cf]/k/sf] ;fgf] ;+;f/afx]s c? s;}nfO{ Gofo lbg ;Sb}g . c?nfO{ Gofo lbg g;Sg] k|0ffnLnfO{ nf]stflGqs k|0ffnL eGg ldNb}g . dflysf] l6Kk0fL kmut lj/f]wsf nflu n]lvPsf] xf]Og . /fhgLlts bnsf g]tfx?n] cfˆgf] lhDd]jf/Laf]w u?g\ eGg] d]/f] ;'emfj xf] . ;fx|} ufx|f] 5}g, of] Aojxf/df ;dfxLt x'g\ . ljutdf of] Aojxf/ g]kfnsf ;a} k|d'v kf6L{sf g]tfx?n] ul/cfPs} xf] . /fk|kfsf ljleGg 36sx?, Tof] zf]if0f / zf;gsf k|ltlglw lyP . t/, lg/ª\s'z k~rfotL Joj:yfsf lj?4 ;ª\3if{ u/]/ cfPsf g]tf g} of] nf]stflGqs u0ftGq g]kfnsf] g]tf ePsf 5g\ . plta]nfsf] ;ª\3if{df /fhgLlt ;]jf lyof] . clxn] klg ToxL ;f]rnfO{ cfˆgf ;a} sfdx?sf] cfwf/ agfpg] xf] eg] ;a} ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg lg:sG5 . t/, g]kfn / g]kfnLsf] b'ef{Uo g} egf}F, To:tf TofuL g]tfx? clxn] /fk|kfsf 36sx?af6 bLlIft eO/x]sf 5g\ . of] b'u{ltaf6 k|hftGq, nf]stGq, u0ftGqsf nflu nfdf] / h6Ln ;ª\3if{sf] sfnv08 kf/ u/]/ cfPsf g]tfx?n] hf]lug'k5{ . o;sf nflu, ;a} kf6L{sf g]tfn] cfk"mnfO{ /fi6«sf] g]tf agfpg] sfd ug'{k5{ . clxn] s'g} klg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

clxn] s'g} klg kf6L{sf] g]tf ;du| g]kfnsf] g]tf x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . ;a} kf6L{sf g]tfx? ;du| kf6L{sf] ;d]t g]tf x'g ;s]sf 5}gg\ . ltgLx? ePsf 5g\, cfˆgf] kf6L{leqsf] ;fgf] u'6sf] g]tf . u'6n] of]UotfnfO{ lt/:sf/ u5{ . g]tf u'6 s]lGb|t eP;Dd gful/ssf] t s'/} 5f8f}F, :jod\ ToxL kf6L{sf g]tfx? klg l;dfGtLs[t gful/s x'G5g\ .

kf6L{sf] g]tf ;du| g]kfnsf] g]tf x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . ;a} kf6L{sf g]tfx? ;du| kf6L{sf] ;d]t g]tf x'g ;s]sf 5}gg\ . ltgLx? ePsf 5g\, cfˆgf] kf6L{leqsf] ;fgf] u'6sf] g]tf . u'6n] of]UotfnfO{ lt/:sf/ u5{ . g]tf u'6 s]lGb|t eP;Dd gful/ssf] t s'/} 5f8f}F, :jod\ ToxL kf6L{sf g]tfx? klg l;dfGtLs[t gful/s x'G5g\ . u'6 /fhgLlts k|0ffnL xf]Og, cfk"mnfO{ cu'jf / 7"nf] egfpg rfxg] s]xL ;Lldt e|i6 g]tfx?sf] ;Qfdf]xsf] kl/0ffd xf] . ;a} kf6L{sf g]tfn] 6'Kkf] xf]Og, h/faf6 dfl:t/ plSng] ;f]r agfpg' k5{ . /fhgLltdf To;sf] klxnf] l;F9L x'G5, :yfgLo lgsfo .



h/f] alnof] eP, j[If x'ls{G5 . hu alnof] eP, 3/ alnof] x'G5 . :yfgLo lgsfo, cem ljz]if u/]/ ufpF / gu/kflnsfx?sf] r'gfj x'g;Sof] eg]dfq} xfd|f] nf]stflGqs u0ftGq g]tfx?sf] uf]hLaf6 lgl:sP/ gful/ssf] kf]N6fdf k'U5 . clxn]sf] l6s] k|yfn] AolQmnfO{ hgtfk|lt cg'Q/bfoL / e|i6 /fhgLlts g]t[Tjsf] lgdf{0f ug]{afx]s csf]{ s'g} sfd ug{ ;s]sf] 5}g . nf]stflGqs u0ftGq elgP klg cfd–g]kfnL hgtf 7"nfa8fsf zf;sLo r]tsf] lzsf/ ePsf 5g\ . g]kfnL hgtfnfO{ rflxPsf] s] lyof] / clxn] Tof] k|fKt ePsf] 5 ls 5}g eg]/ ;f]Rg] k|wfgdGqL / dGqLx?sf] v8]/L k/]sf] 5 l;+xb/af/df . of]hgf cfof]un] klg kl/jt{gsf/L ;Gb]z lbg ;s]sf] 5}g, cfˆgf of]hgf lgdf{0fsf sfdx?df . k~rfotL Joj:yfsf] of]hgf cfof]usf] k/Dk/fjfbL ;"qnfO{ g} clxn]sf] cfof]un] klg lg/Gt/tf lbO/x]sf] 5 . lxhf] hgtflj/f]wL zf;g lyof], hgtfkIfLo zf;gsf nflu xfdLn] ;ª\3if{ u/]sf lyof}F, Tof] hgtfkIfLo zf;gsf] ;kgf o:tf] lyof] eGg] ;f]r /fVg] / To;nfO{ cfˆgf] Aojxf/df nfu" ug]{ sfddfq} eOlbP klg g]kfnsf] /fhgLlt Odfgsf] 9f]sfsf] ;+3f/ 6]Sg cfpg] lyof] . @! ebf} )&!, sf7df8f}+ . -g]kfn g]skf Pdfn]sf g]tf x'g'x'G5._



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

;Ifd lghfdtL ;]jfsf] vfFrf] nLnfdl0f kf}8\ofn


hfdtL ;]jf lbj;sf] lbg xfdLn] ljutsf sfdsf] d"Nofª\sg u/L /fd|f Pj+ l;h{gfTds sfd k|jw{g ug{ / sdL–sdhf]/L s]nfP/ cfufdL lbgdf ;]jfsf] ;fv / u'0f:t/ a9fpg k|0f ug]{ cj;/ xf] . g]kfndf lghfdtL ;]jf u7gkl5sf] %* jif{sf] Oltxf; s]nfpFbf o;n] d"ntM tLgj6f r/0f kf/ u/]/ cfPsf] 5 . klxnf] ;]jf u7gs} k|f/lDes r/0f xf] . k'/fgf] ;fdGtL hxfFlgof zf;gdf cfwfl/t k|zf;sLo k|0ffnLsf] lj/fzt / nfdf] /fhgLlts ;+ q md0faLr lghfdtL ;]jfsf] u7g eof] . ;'¿sf k|f/lDes jif{nfO{ 5f8]/ To;kl5sf emG8} tLg bzs;Dd sfo{sfl/0fL, Joj:yflksf / Gofokflnsfsf ;a} clwsf/ Ps} JolStdf s]lGb|t /fhtGqfTds / lgb] { z gfTds Joj:yfsf] kIfkf]if0f ub}{

k~rfotL sfnv08df s'g} /fi6«JofkL ;~hfn ePsf] /fhgLlts ;+u7g gePs} sf/0f lghfdtL k|zf;g Pp6f lglj{sNk /fHoJofkL ;~hfn ePsf] alnof] ;+u7g x'g k'Uof] . To;}n] o;sf ;~rfnsx? alnof lyP .

ToxLcg'?ksf] k|lzIf0f / lgb]{zgdf lghfdtL ;]jf rNof] . of] cjlwdf cfb] z sf] z[ ª \ v nf, cfb] z sf] kfngf, cg'zf;g / lgb]{zg o;sf ;a}eGbf alnof u'0f /x] . k~rfotL sfnv08df s'g} /fi6«JofkL ;~hfn ePsf] /fhgLlts ;+u7g gePs} sf/0f lghfdtL k|zf;g Pp6f lglj{sNk /fHoJofkL ;~hfn ePsf] alnof] ;+u7g x'g k'Uof] . To;}n] o;sf ;~rfnsx? alnof lyP . k~rfotL Joj:yfdf /fhgLlts g]t[Tj -k~r_ n] cfk"mnfO{ cfˆgf] lgjf{ r g If] q sf] dfq k|ltlglwTj ug]{ ePsfn] e"uf]nsf] csf]{ s'gfdf /fhgLlts ultljlw ug{ kl/rfng jf lgoGq0f÷lgb]{zg ug{ jf ;"rgf lng;Sg] ;+ul7t cj:yf /fhgLlt1;Fu /x]g . To;sf] kmfObf k|zf;g k|0ffnLn] lnof] . kmn:j?k k~rfotL zf;g Joj:yfdf lghfdtL

/fi6«; ]jsn] dflysf] cfb]zsf] kfngf ug]{, dflyk|lt pQ/bfoL x'g] / cg'zfl;t t/ ;]jfu|fxLsf nflu eg] cfk"m zf;ssf k|ltlglw ePsf] 7fGg] dgf] j [ l Qdf sfd ul//x] . To;sf] wªwªL g]kfnsf] k|zf;gdf xfn;Dd s'g} g s'g}¿kdf sfod} 5. bf];|f] sfnv08 eg]sf] ax'bnsf] cfudgkl5sf] ;do xf] . ax'bnLo zf;g k|0ffnLsf] cfudgkl5 sfo{ jftfj/0f / hg–ck]IffaLr 7"nf] vf8n pTkGg eof] . v'nf ;dfhdf hgtfsf ck] I ff XjfQ} a9] t/ lghfdtL ;]jf Tof] k"/f ug{ tÎk/, ;Ifd / k|lzlIft lyPg . ax'bnLo zf;g k|0ffnLcg'?k rNg'kg]{ sd{rf/Lsf] bLIff, cfr/0f, sfo{z}nL, Jojxf/ / Ifdtf eg] cfb]z kfngf ug]{ s]Gb|Lo zf;ssf] k|ltlglw kfqsf] h:tf] lyof] / ToxL rl/qsf] lg/Gt/tf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

o;sf] d"n rl/q /lxcfof] . ax'bnLo zf;g k|0ffnLsf] cfudgkZrft\ k|zf;g / /fhgLltaLr ljZjf;sf] ;ª\s6 pTkGg eof] . /fhgLlts bnsf g]tfdf lxhf]sf lbgdf k|zf;sn] cf–cfˆgf 7fpFdf b]vfPsf] /jfkm / zf;sLo bafasf] tLtf] cg'ej lyof] . /fhtGqn] klg kf];]sf] k|zf;g pt} akmfbf/ x'g] zª\sf klg /fhgLlt1df lyof] . k|zf;gdf /xg]x?df lxhf]sf lbgdf /fhgLlts g]t[Tjdfly cfk"mn] zf;g u/]sf] /f]df~rs cg'ej lyof] . k|zf;sx?df cfk"mn] lxhf]sf lbgdf zf;g u/]sf] wªwªL Psflt/ lyof] eg] csf{tk{m st} /fhgLlt1n] abnf t lng] xf] O gg\ < eGg] cfzª\sf klg . oxL cfzª\sf / cljZjf;sf sf/0f /fhgLlts bnx?n] /fi6«;]jsaf6 lgikIftf, sfo{bIftf / Jofj;flostfeGbf akmfbf/L vf] H gyfn] . lghfdtL ;]jfn] of] laGb'df 7"nf] tgfj / ljefhg Aoxf]g'{k¥of] . Psftk{m /fhgLlts g]t[Tj /fi6«;]jsnfO{ cf:yfsf cfwf/df ljefhg u/L sfvf / kfvf ug]{ k|j[lQsf sf/0f lgikIf cleefjsLo e" l dsf lgjf{ x ug{ r' S of] eg] lgh f dt L / fi6 « ; ] j s d f k l g Jofj;flos dof{bf sfod /fVg]eGbf /fhgLlts cf:yf b]vfP/ cfˆgf] :jfy{kl" t{ ug{ jf ;+/If0f vf]Hg] k|j[lQ xfjL eof] . To;sf] gsf/fTds c;/ ;du| k|zf;gsf] sfo{bIftf, lgikIftf / Jofj;flostfdf k¥of] .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;/sf/n] ;a} /fi6«;]jsnfO{ cfˆgf] g7fGg] tyf ;a} /fi6«;j] sn] ;/sf/nfO{ cfˆgf] g7fGg] cj:yfn] ubf{ g t ;/sf/sf sfd–sf/afxL k|efjsf/L eP g t lghfdtL ;]jfn] cfˆgf] dof{bf / ;fvnfO{ pRrf] /fVg] bIftfk"j{s ;]jf lbg ;Sof] . bnut /fhgLlt olt xfjL eof] ls bn;Fusf] cfj4tfljgf j[lQljsf; / /fd|f] sfdsf] cj;/ kfOFb}g eGg] / bn;Fu cfj4 ePdf hlt;'s} v/fa sfd u/] klg 5"6 kfOG5 eGg] dfgl;stf sd{rf/Ldf lg/Gt/ emflª\ub} uof] .



/ /fd|f] sfdsf] cj;/ kfOFb}g eGg] / bn;Fu cfj4 ePdf hlt;'s} v/fa sfd u/] klg 5"6 kfOG5 eGg] dfgl;stf sd{rf/Ldf lg/Gt/ emflËb} uof] . oL ;a}sf] k|efj ;du| ;'zf;g / ;]jfk|jfxdf k¥of] . lghfdtL ;]jf P]gdf tflnd, ;?jf / a9'jf j:t'k/s / kf/bzL{ agfP/ tL ljs[lt Go"g ug{ /fhgLlts k|of; eP . t/, Aojxf/df To;sf] sfof{Gjog k|efjsf/L b]lvPg . sfof{Gjogdf g t /fhgLlts g]t[Tj OdfGbf/ b]lvof] g sd{rf/L k|zf;g Jofj;flos eP/ k|:t't x'g;Sof] . tyflk, lghfdtL ;]jfn] dfcf]jfbL åGåsf] cToGt sl7g / hf]lvdk"0f{ kl/l:yltdf cfˆgf ;]jfnfO{ h;f]t;f] lg/Gt/tf lbP/ Pp6f cK7Øf/f] kl/l:yltdf sfddf l6ls/xg] h'emf¿ rl/qsf] eg] k|bz{g ul//Xof] . of] sfnv08df v'nf / pbf/ cy{ Joj:yfdf ;+ul7t Joj;foLx?n] lghfdtL ;] j fdf sfo{/tnfO{ bafadf /fVg ;kmn eP . lghfdtL k|zf;gnfO{ afXo ;+;f/sf r'gf}tL Pj+ v'nf ahf/sf tLj| bafanfO{ y]Ug xDd] k¥of] / kl//x]sf] 5 . lgofds e"ldsfdf lghfdtL /fi6«;]jssf] bIftf / Ifdtf b'j} sdhf]/ ePsf sf/0f cfd–pkef]Stfsf lxt /Iff u/L hgtfnfO{ ;Gt'i6 agfpg g;Sbf lghfdtL ;]jf / To;dfk{mt\ ;/sf/ cfnf]lrt eO/x] .

/fhgLlts cf:yfsf cfwf/df ;+u7g vf]Ng pTk|]l/t ul/of] . ;/sf/n] ;a} /fi6«;]jsnfO{ cfˆgf] g7fGg] tyf ;a} /fi6«;]jsn] ;/sf/nfO{ cfˆgf] g7fGg] cj:yfn] ubf{ g t ;/sf/sf sfd–sf/afxL k|efjsf/L eP g t lghfdtL ;]jfn] cfˆgf] dof{bf / ;fvnfO{ pRrf] /fVg] bIftfk"j{s ;]jf lbg ;Sof] . t];|f] sfnv08 eg]sf] @)^@÷)^# bnut /fhgLlt olt xfjL eof] ls sf] bf];|f] hgcfGbf]ngkl5sf] ;do bn;Fusf] cfj4tfljgf j[lQljsf; xf] . d'n's u0ftGqdf k|j]z u/]kl5



lghfdtL ;]jfdf k'/fgf] /fhtGqsf] wªwªL jf dfgl;stf qmdzM sdhf]/ aGb} cfof] . oxL cjlwdf ;dfj]zL lghfdtL ;]jfsf] cjwf/ 0ffn] k|j]z kfof] . x'gtM lghfdtL ;]jf ;a}sf] ;femf k"mnjf/L xf] . oxfF ;a}nfO{ k|j]zsf] ;dfg cj;/ lyof] g} . t/, ;a} ;d'bfosf] ;dfg cj:yf / Ifdtf gePsf sf/0f lghfdtL ;]jfdf ;a} ;d'bfosf] pkl:ylt jf k| j ] z ;dfg' k flts x'g;s]sf] lyPg . cyf{t\, lghfdtL ;]jfdf ;a} ;d'bfosf] Gofof]lrt k|ltlglwTj x'g ;s]sf] lyPg . To;}n] P]gdf ;sf/fTds lje]bsf] Joj:yf ul/of] . of] Joj:yfkZrft\ lghfdtL ;] j fleq dgf] j } 1 flgs ljefhg Nofpg] r'gf}tL ;fdgf ug{ ;r]t k|of; h?/L lyof] . km/s 5gf}6 ljlw / c;dfg k|lt:kwf{af6 cfPsf aLrsf] Ifdtfsf] vf8n k'/]/ u'0f:t/Lo ;]jf k|jfxsf] k|Tofe"lt ug'{kg]{ r'gf}tL klg ylkof] . of] sfnv08 cToGt} cl:y/ /Xof] . åGåkl5sf] vl08t ;dfh / sfg' g sf] 5gf] 6 k" 0 f{ k| o f] u ug]{h:tf ljs[lt sfof{Gjog k4ltdf b]lvP . /fhgLlts cf:yfsf cfwf/df ljeflht lghfdtL ;]jf, hflt, efiff, e"uf]n / ;Dk|bfosf cfwf/df yk ljeflht eof] . /fhgLltsk4ltn] ;dfh afF8]s} lyof] . c? sf/0faf6 vl08t ePs} sf/0f ;]jfk|jfx k| e fljt eO/Xof] . ;ft jif{ s f] sfnv08df ;ftj6} ;/sf/ ag] . lg/Gt/ cl:y/ /fhgLlts g]t[Tjn] rnfpg] lghfdtL k|zf;gn] o;

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

cfˆg} cl:tÎj / :yfloTjsf] ;ª\s6df km;s]sf] ;/sf/n] dftxtsf] :yfoL ;/sf/ elgg] lghfdtL ;]jfnfO{ :yfloTjsf] k|Tofe"lt ug{ ;Sb}gYof] / u/]g klg . gful/s ;dfhn] eg] of] jf:tljstf / tYosf] ljZn]if0f} gu/L ;+:yfut x'g} g;s]sf] :yfoL ;/sf/ k|efjsf/L ePg elg/Xof] .

d"No, dfGotf, cg'zf;g, cfb]zsf] ;f] kfg, lgikIftf / Jofj;flos dof{bf sfod /fVg ;s]g . ;Qfdf cfPs} ef]lnkN6b]lv lbgulGtsf] xNnf rn]kl5 ;/sf/df /xg]x? clglZrttfsf] tLj| bafadf xtf/df lg0f{o ug]{ bL3{sfnLg :jfy{df ;f}bf u/]/ tÎsfn kmfObfsf nflu lg0f{o lng] / cfˆgf] bnsf] k|efj lj:tf/df ;xfos x'g] lg0f{o lng rsf]{ bafadf k/] . To;sf] k|ToIf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

df/ lghfdtL ;]jfdf k¥of] . lghfdtL k| z f;sx?n] kof{ K t 5nkmn, ljZn]if0f / kl/kSj lg0f{osf nflu cfu|x u/]df c;xof]usf] cf/f]k tTsfn sfdaf6 ljd'v x'g'kg]{ / tTsfn lg0f{ o ubf{ To;sf] kl/0ffdaf6 sfo{ / t ;+ u 7g / /fi6« n fO{ kg] { c;/af/] kof{ K t hfgsf/L gx'g]h:tf åLljwfTds kl/l:yltsf] ;fdgf b} l gsh;f] /fi6«;]jsn] ug'{kg]{ cj:yf cfof] . /fhgLlts g]t[Tjn] bnut, u'6ut :jfy{ / cfˆgf] k|efj lj:tf/df h]– h] lg0f{o ug{ rfxG5, ToxL ul/lbg] k|zf;s /fd|f / xfd|f x'g], c?rflxF kfvf kfl/g] k|j[lQn] /fd|f k|zf;ssf] dgf]jn 36Øf] . ;du|df sfo{Ifdtf / k|efjsfl/tf k|efljt eof] . cfˆg} cl:tÎj / :yfloTjsf] ;ª\ s 6df km;s] s f] ;/sf/n] dftxtsf] :yfoL ;/sf/ elgg] lghfdtL ;] j fnfO{ :yfloTjsf] k|Tofe"lt ug{ ;Sb}gYof] / u/]g klg . gful/s ;dfhn] eg] of] jf:tljstf / tYosf] ljZn]if0f} gu/L ;+:yfut x'g} g;s]sf] :yfoL ;/sf/ k|efjsf/L ePg elg/Xof] . k'/:sf/ / b08nfO{ k| e fjsf/L agfpg g;Sbf sfdk|ltsf] cle?rL a9fpg ;lsPg . kmn:j?k sd{rf/Lk|ltsf] cfd–wf/0ff klg Tolt ;sf/fTds x'g ;s]g . t/, oxL sfnv08df lzIff, :jf:Yo, vfg]kfgL, af6f]h:tf ;fdflhs / s]xL cfly{s k"jf{wf/df pNn]Vo pknlAw xfl;n eP . tdfd ljs[lt, lj;ª\ult, lg/fzf, s'07f / cl:y/tfsf] kl/l:yltaf6 klg

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

lghfdtL /fi6«;]jsn] k|zf;gnfO{ yk lalu|g glbO{ c;kmn /fi6« x'gaf6 hf]ufPsf] bfaL c:jfefljs x'g]5}g . cToGt s7Lg cj:yfdf lghfdtL /fi6«;]jsn] cfˆgf] Hofg hf] l vddf kf/] / ;+ l jwfg;efsf] bf];|f] lgjf{rgnfO{ ;kmn agfpg s]Gb|Lo e"ldsf lgjf{x u/] . lghfdtL /fi6« ; ] j sn] s7Lg kl/l:yltdf r' g f} t Lk" 0 f{ / hf] l vdo' S t sfd s'zntfk"j{s ;DkGg ug{ ;S5g\ eGg] ;Gb]z pSt sfo{;Dkfbgn] lbPsf] 5 . casf] af6f]

bnut /fhgLlts cf:yfsf cfwf/df ljeflht lghfdtL ;]jfn] lgikIf / Jofj;flos ;]jf lbg ;Sb}g eGg] s'/f 3fdh:t} 5n{Ë eO;s] s f] 5 . k] z fut bIftf, sfo{ljlzi6Ls/0f, j[lQljsf;sf cj;/sf] Gofof]lrt ljt/0f, sfdsf] j:t'k/s d"Nofª\sg / To;}sf cfwf/df j[lQljsf; Pj+ sfo{–lhDd]jf/Lsf cj;/sf] ljt/0f tyf sfdk|lt pQ/bfoL / k]zfk|lt lgi7fsf] k|Tofe"lt xfd|f] lghfdtL ;]jfnfO{ k|lt:kwL{, Jofj;flos, pQ/bfoL / ;]jfd'vL agfpg] pkfo x'g\ . k]z}lkR5] bh{gf}+ ;+u7g aGg', ltg} ;+ u l7t ;b:o /fhgLlts bnsf cjoj x'g], gLlt–lgdf{0fdf lg0ff{os e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{ / ;+ul7t Joj;foLn] c;+ul7t pkef]Stf 7Ug], To;}nfO{ hfoh 7fGg] / ;+/If0f lbg] k|j[lQn] cfd–gful/snfO{ ;'zf;g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



pTs[i6tdsf] k|j]z x'g] jftfj/0f agfpg ;Da4 ;a}n] cf–cfˆgf 7fpFaf6 l9nf] gu/L e"ldsf lgjf{x u/f}+ . ca xfdLnfO{ kv{ / x]/ jf k| o f] u u/] / glthf x] / eGg] k]z}lkR5] bh{gf}+ ;+u7g ;'ljwf jf ;x'lnot 5}g . xfdLn] aGg', ltg} ;+ul7t cfˆg} ljutaf6 kof{Kt kf7 l;s]sf ;b:o /fhgLlts 5f}+ . ;+sL0f{ :jfy{ Tofu]/ a[xt\ bnsf cjoj x'g], /fli6«o :jfy{nfO{ ;jf]{kl/ /fvL gLlt–lgdf{0fdf lg0ff{os lghfdtL ;]jfnfO{ lgikIf, cfsif{s, e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{ / ;Ifd, Jofj;flos, pQ/bfoL / ;+ul7t Joj;foLn] hgd}qL agfpg'sf] ljsNk c;+ul7t pkef]Stf 7Ug], To;}nfO{ hfoh xfdL;Fu 5}g . lghfdtL ;]jfdf oL 7fGg] / ;+/If0f rl/qsf] ljsf;ljgf ;'zf;g ;Dej lbg] k|j[lQn] cfd– 5}g . lghfdtL ;]jfsf] ljsNk gful/snfO{ ;'zf;g eg]sf] ;Ifd / k|efjsf/L lghfdtL / Gofosf] cg'e"lt ;]jfdfq} xf] . lghfdtL ;]jf ;Ifd lbg ;lsFb}g . k]zfut ePg eg] lghL If]q / u}/–;/sf/L ;+u7gnfO{ dof{lbt, If]q Jojl:yt 9Ën] cufl8 a9\g pQ/bfoL / jfl~5t ;Sb}gg\ / zf;sLo cjoj klg ;Ldfleq /fVg'sf] /fd|/L rNb}gg\ . ;/sf/sf] sfo{Ifdtf ljsNk 5}g . a9fpg klg lghfdtL ;]jfnfO{ ;Ifd / Jofj;flos agfpg}k5{ . /fi6«sf] a[xt\ :jfy{ /Iffy{ lghfdtL ;]jf Ifdtfjfg\ x'g}k5{ . lghfdtL ;]jf lbj;, @)&! n] lghfdtL /fi6«;]js, /fhgLlts g]t[Tj, Jofj;floshut\, / Gofosf] cg'e"lt lbg ;lsFb}g . gful/s ;dfh / k]zfsdL{ ;a}nfO{ k]zfut ;+u7gnfO{ dof{lbt, pQ/bfoL ;' z f;gsf] k|Tofe" l tsf nflu / jfl~5t ;Ldfleq /fVg'sf] ljsNk lghfdtL ;]jfsf] Jofj;flostf / ;Ifdtf a9fpg ;dGjofTds ¿kdf 5}g . nfUg k|]/0ff lbg ;sf];\ . clxn]sf] kb;f]kfg sd{rf/Lsf] txut ljt/0fnfO{ clws[ t d' v L -kf}8\ofn g]kfn ;/sf/sf agfpFb} cfGtl/s / afXo r'gf}tL d'Vo ;lrj x'g'x'G5._ v]Kg] Jofj;flos lghfdtL ;]jf Courtesy: http://www. lgdf{0f u/L ;]jfdf pTs[i6dWo]sf



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

e|i6frf/ / axfgf yl/yl/sf s]bf/ ;'j]bL

cl3Nnf] jif{ o:tf] af]n–saf]n x'g] k'FhLut vr{sf] cª\s Ps ;o ca{sf] xf/fxf/Ldf lyof] . o;sf] cy{ xf], bz ca{ ?k}ofF of] jif{ 3";df uof] . af]n–saf]n u/]sf] cª\s ;/sf/n] e'QmfgL u/]kl5 ToxfFaf6 lbg] /sd xf] of] .

Ps jif{df %^* sd{rf/Llj?4 e|i6frf/ d'2f . lauf]– hl/jfgfjfkt\ @ ca{ #) s/f]8 dfu–bfjL . @$ xhf/lj?4 cg';Gwfg rln/x]sf]— clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u . a}+lsË s;'/df !* ca{ @) s/f]8 /sd e|i6frf/ — s]Gb|Lo cg';Gwfg Ao"/f] . Ps JolQmaf6 & ca{;Ddsf] a}+lsË 3f]6fnf — ljleGg ;dfrf/–kq . b]ze/sf ljBfnox?n] tLg jif{df u/]sf Ps} k|sf/sf cfly{s clgoldttf -e|i6frf/_ ePsf] /sdsf] cª\s & ca{ — dxfn]vfsf] k|ltj]bg . lst]{ ljsf; b]vfP/ % ca{sf] e|i6frf/ — cvaf/ -lxdfn !^–#), @)^(_ sf] zLif{s ljZj–ljBfnodf dlb/fsf] lan — cvaf/ -sflGtk'/, !$ ebf}_ sf] zLif{s . a}l+ sË s;'/sf d'Vo cleo'QmnfO{ ;/sf/n] kqmfp g}


;sf] tx–k|sf/ / z}nLsf oL s]xL gd"gf x'g\ . lsl6Psf] /sddfq hf]l8of] eg] Ps jif{df $) ca{ ¿k} o fF e| i 6frf/ eP/ hfFbf]/x]5 . uPsf ;fpg dlxgfdf

ug{ ;s]g— cvaf/ -cfly{s b}lgs ebf} #_ sf] zLif{s s/ ltg{ 3"; M -#) ebf} @)^*_ sf7df8f}+ gofF afg]Zj/l:yt s/bftf ;]jf sfof{no . Pp6f Dofgkfj/ sDkgLsf] s/ ltg{ cfPsf n]vf–k/LIfsn] k/LIf0f ljj/0fcg';f/ k};f lt/]kl5 k|df0fLs/0f zfvfn] sfuhft k|dfl0ft u¥of], t/ s/ r'Qmf k|df0f–kq lbg] clws[t nId0f l3ld/]n] cg]s av]8f lems]/ ¿=%)))÷– 3"; v'jfpg tof/ geP;Dd k|df0f–kq lbPgg\. ebf} klxnf] ;ftf . k|wfgdGqL sfof{nosf] …x]nf ;/sf/Ú df rfjlxn s/bftf ;]jf sfof{nodf s/ lt¿Gh]n /fd|f] Jojxf/ u5{g\, lt/k]l5 s/ r'Qmf k|df0f–kq lbg] clwsf/L 3"; glnO{ sfd cl3 a9fpFb}gg\ eGg] ph'/L k¥of]. cy{ dGqfnon] tTsfn cg'udg ubf{ tL 3':ofxf sd{rf/Lsf] km6fxLF k'li6 eof] / pgL /fhwfgL aflx/ ;¿jf ul/P— lxdfn va/ klqsf !^–#) c;f]h @)^*.

$) xhf/ /ª\u]xft kqmfp k/]sL Ol~hlgo/ bLkf >]i7sf cg';f/ s'g} klg ljsf; lgdf{0fsf] af]n–saf]n u/]sf] cª\saf6 !) k|ltzt /sd xfdL, k|fljlwsx?nfO{ lbG5g\ .

cl3Nnf] jif{ o:tf] af]n–saf]n x'g] k'FhLut vr{sf] cª\s Ps ;o ca{sf] xf/fxf/Ldf lyof] . o;sf] cy{ xf], bz ca{ ?k}ofF of] jif{ 3";df uof] . af]n–saf]n u/]sf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

cª\s ;/sf/n] e'QmfgL u/]kl5 ToxfFaf6 lbg] /sd xf] of] . o;n] a'emfpF5 ljsf; lgdf{0fdf hlt vr{ a9\b} hfG5, e|i6frf/sf] cª\s klg ToxL ?kdf prflnFb} hfG5 . of];d]t hf]l8of] eg] jif{df e|i6frf/ eP/ hfg] jf uPsf] /sdsf] cª\s %) ca{ x'G5 . %) ca{ eg]sf] ;fgf] /sd xf]Og . k"j{ d]rLb]lv klZrdsf] afh'/f;Dd hf]8\g] dWo–kxf8L nf]sdfu{ hf] !* ;o lsnf]ld6/sf] 5 lgdf{0f x'g to ePsf] /sd lyof], $) ca{ . olt /sdn] ToxL af6f] aGbf]/x]5 . # ;o %) d]ufjf6sf] sf]z]nL hnljB't\ cfof]hgfsf] nfut vr{ @# ca{sf] 5 . of] a]nf rrf{df /x]sf] ( ;o d]ufjf6sf] ck/–s0ff{nL hnljB't\ cfof]hgfsf] nfut klg Ps va{ #( ca{sf] 5 . oL ;a}nfO{ lx;fa ubf{ e|i6frf/ eP/ hfg] /sdn] k"jf{wf/ ljsf;sf slt sfd x'Fbf/x]5g\ eGg] df]6fdf]6L cg'dfg ug{ / of] /sd hf]ufpg kfPsf] eP To;n] slt pknAwL k|fKt ug{ ;lsFbf]/x]5 eGg ;lsG5 . e|i6frf/ dfkg e| i 6frf/ slt;Dd ;xh, ;/n / lj:tf/ eP5 eGg] a'‰g dWo– klZrdf~rn ljZj–ljBfnosf pks'nklt;lxt !$ hgf kbflwsf/LnfO{ lnP x'G5 . of] ljZj– ljBfno ev{/} k|:tfljt / lgo'lQm ePsf tL kbflwsf/L klxnf] Aofrsf x'g\ . o;n] k7g–kf7g g} ;'¿

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

%) ca{ eg]sf] ;fgf] /sd xf]Og . k"j{ d]rLb]lv klZrdsf] afh'/f;Dd hf]8\g] dWo–kxf8L nf]sdfu{ hf] !* ;o lsnf]ld6/sf] 5 lgdf{0f x'g to ePsf] /sd lyof], $) ca{ . olt /sdn] ToxL af6f] aGbf]/x]5 . # ;o %) d]ufjf6sf] sf]z]nL hnljB't\ cfof]hgfsf] nfut vr{ @# ca{sf] 5 .

ul/;s]sf] 5}g . t/ b'O{ s/f]8sf] e|i6frf/ eO;s]5 . clVtof/n] u/]sf] To;sf sfuh–kqx?sf] cWoogaf6 o:tf] b]lvPsf] xf] . pks'nklt, /lhi6f/, lzIff ;]jf cfof]usf cWoIf, ljefuLo 8Lg, k|fWofks pk–k|fWofks / ;Dks{ sfof{ n osf sd{ r f/L cflbsf] k"/} ;d"x e|i6frf/df lnKt /x]sf] kfOof] . clVtof/ ;| f ] t cg' ; f/ oL kbflwsf/Ln] xfkm kfOG6 /



k]l6sf]6b]lv kl/jf/ lgof]hgsf ;fwg;d]t ljZj–ljBfnosf] sf]ifaf6 vl/b u/]sf /x]5g\ . clxn] d'2f e]mln/x]sf pk–s'nklt kb\dnfn b]jsf]6fn] @)&) c;f/ @) ut] s f] Pslbgdfq df;' / dlb/fdf dfq} ^) xhf/ @) ¿k}ofFsf] e'QmfgL u/]sf lanx?n] b]vfP . dlGb/ k|j]z z'Nsb]lv uf8L rnfpFbf cfˆg} uNtLn] 6«flkmssf] hl/jfgfdf k/]sf] /sd;d]t ljZj–ljBfnoaf6 e' Q mfgL lnOof] . ljBfnoaf6 ePsf] e'QmfgLsf lan k|df0fx?n] af]n]cg';f/ of] ljZj–ljBfnosf cfGtl/s a}7sx?df dlb/f ;]jg ul/Fbf]/x]5 . ;/sf/n] ;fj{ h lgs :yndf r'/f]6sf] ;]jg ug{ lgif]w u/]sf] 5 . dlb/fsf] t emg\ s'/} ePg . t/ ;/sf/sf] Tof] lgod of] ljZj– ljBfnodf nfu] g . To;} Pp6f cfGtl/s a} 7 sdf vr{ ePsf] egL dlb/f / r'/f]6sf nflu @$ xhf/sf] landf e'QmfgL eof] . o;sf] cy{ xf], oL kbfy{nfO{ of] ljZj–ljBfnon] cfˆg} lgodcGtu{t k|rng u/]sf] . ToxL lgodcGtu{t o;sf kbflwsf/L cfk"mdfq xf]Og, cfkmGtx?nfO{ dxª\uf] /]i6'/]G6df nu]/ Ps 5fs vfgf v'jfPsf] ;d]t ljZj–ljBfnoaf6 lt/fOof] . cfkmGtnfO{ v'jfOPsf] of] lan $% xhf/sf] 5 . of] sfd oxL /lhi6f/ 7s]Gb| lu/Lsf] xf] . pk–s'nkltsf] Ps5fs ^) xhf/ / /lhi6f/sf] Ps5fs $% xhf/ Û ;+:yfdfly n"6sf] of] eGbf csf]{ gd"gf s]



x'g;S5 < gd"gf cWoog ePsf] lanx?cg' ; f/ pk–s' n klt / /lhi6f/n] dlb/f / df;' vfPsf] /sdsf] cª\s @@ nfvsf] 5 . oL b'O{ kbflwsf/Ln] dfq slt dlb/f / df;' vfP5g\ eGg] of] cª\sn] lx;fa ug{ ;lhnf] kf/]sf] x'g'k5{ . ljZj–ljBfno eg]sf] lzIff lng] / lbg] 7fpF xf] . Pp6f ljBfyL{n] cfk"m lhljt /x'~h]n p;sf] of]Uotf lgwf{ / 0f ug] { k| d f0f–kqdf log} kbflwsf/Lsf] x:tfIf/ x'G5 . To:tf] ;+ j ] b gzLn lgsfosf lhDd] j f/ JolQmx? eg] s;/L e|i6frf/ ug{ ;lsG5 To;sf] cEof;df nfu]sf /x] 5 g\ . of] klxnf] k 6s k| s 6 ePsf] tYo xf] . k|Zgkq aflx/ NofOlbg] pQ/k'l:tsf hfFRbf kf; x'g]nfO{ k]mn / k]mn x'g]nfO{ kf; u/fOlbg] cflb sfd klxn] klg x'g] ub{y] . t/ ljZj–ljBfnosf] k};faf6 dlb/f / r'/f]6sf] of] xb;Ddsf] ;]jg cfˆgf] cfGtl/s a}7s;d]tdf To:tf j:t'x?sf] k|j]z, s'nklt k|wfgdGqLsf ;Nnfxsf/nfO{ dlb/f lknfP/ n¶ kfl/Psf] cj:yf aflx/ cfPsf lyPgg\ . of] ljj/0f cGoq k'Uof] eg] tL ljZj–ljBfnosf o:tf k|f l1sx?n] s] 7fGnfg\, o:tf] ljZj–ljBfnodf k|j]z lng s'g ljBfyL{ tof/ xf]nf, cflb k|Zgx? ;fdfGo 5}gg\ . clVtof/åf/f d'2f xflnPsf] 5, To;sf] cfˆg} k|sf/n] l5gf]kmfgf] xf]nf . t/, h] sfd eP tLrflxF slxNo} gd]l6g] u/L /]s8{df /lx/xg] 5g\ . s'g} Ps–b'O{hgf kbflwsf/Ln] lgot v/fa /fVg'

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

e|i6frf/Lsf s'/f klg cWoogsf nflu ;fdu|L x'g ;Qm5g\ . lghfdtL sd{rf/Ltk{m Psd'i6?kdf s'g} Ps JolQmaf6 bz nfv 3"; lnOPsf] 36gf of] a]nf;Ddsf] klxnf] xf] . /ª\u]xft olt w/} /sd ;dfltg'n] klg e|i6frf/sf] tx b]vfpF5 . bz nfv 3"; dfUg' cfk}mFdf cgf}7f] xf] .

c:jefljs xf]Og . t/ pk–sn'klt, /lhi6f/ cfof]u cWoIf, n]vf– lgoGqs, cg'udg clws[t, pk– k|fWofks, 8Lg, k|zf;s, ;xfos k|zf;s ToxfF hlt 5g\ ;a}n] oxL s'/f ug'{ ;f+u7lgs e|i6frf/sf] gd"gf g} xf] . cfdfsf] lsl/of a:bf sfh ahfP/ e'QmfgL lng] lsl/of a;]sf] lbgsf] klg l6P l8P vfg], Ps jif{df @ ;o $) lbg sfh a:g] / To:tf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

sfhafkt Psd'i6 % nfv ?k}ofF lng], h'g lbg :yfgLo sfof{nodf xflh/L 5, Tof] lbg cGoq sf7df8f}+ uPsf] egL af;, ef]hg, e|d0f, l6s6afkt Ps k6sdf %) xhf/ ;Ddsf] e'QmfgL lng] sfd c? sfof{ n odf clxn] ; Dd ePsf] kfOPsf] 5}g . To;sf/0f klg of] ljZj–ljBfnosf] gfd e|i6frf/ ljZj–ljBfno /xg uPsf] xf] . e|i6frf/;DaGwL cWoogstf{x?n] cg';Gwfg yfn] eg] ce}m w]/} gd"gf kfOg]5 . e|i6frf/ cf/f]kLsf s'/f e|i6frf/Lsf s'/f klg cWoogsf nflu ;fdu|L x'g ;Qm5g\ . lghfdtL sd{rf/Ltk{m Psd'i6?kdf s'g} Ps JolQmaf6 bz nfv 3"; lnOPsf] 36gf of] a]nf;Ddsf] klxnf] xf] . /ª\u]xft olt w/} /sd ;dfltg'n] klg e|i6frf/sf] tx b]vfpF5 . bz nfv 3"; dfUg' cfk}mFdf cgf}7f] xf] . 3";sf] n]gb]g x'Fbf To;af6 csf]{ kIfnfO{ Tof] eGbf a9L kmfObf gk'¥ofO{ ;Dej x'Fb}g . bz nfv g} 3";dfUbf 3";n] n'sfpg vf]h]sf cfly{s ck/fw s/f]8sf] xf/fxf/Ldf /x]sf] cg'dfg ug{ ;lsG5 . ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f ljefusf cg';Gwfg clws[t zDe' rfln;] k5'tfPsf 5}gg\ . l/kf]6{x?cg';f/ pgsf] hLjg ;fdfGo?ks} 5 . :yndf kqmfp x'Fbf pgn] eg]sf lyP— sd{rf/Ln] s]xL /sd af]Sg} x'Fb}g, p;n] 3/ Jojxf/ rnfpg'

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

kb}{g < clVtof/n] ToxL /sdsf] kmf]6f]skL gb]vfp~h]n p;n] of] 3";sf] /sd xf] eGg] dfGb} dfg]g . 3";sf] /sd lng sf]xL sd{rf/L s;}sf] 3/df Tof] klg ;fj{hlgs ljbfsf] lbg, hfG5 < pgn] k|ltjfb ul//x] . pgn] af]s]sf] sfnf] Aofu h;df …;DklQ z'4Ls/0f cleofgÚ eGg] 5fk nfu]sf] lyof] To;df bzj6f vfd lyP, h'g Pp6f vfddf Ps xhf/sf ;oj6f gf]6n] el/Psf] lyof] . clVtof/sf] uf8Ldf r9fP/ To;s} sfof{ n odf k' ¥ ofPkl5 cfk"mn] lnPsf] gf]6sf] kmf]6f]skLsf] csf] { To:t} xhf/ yfgsf bz xhf/sf] ;+Vof b]vfPkl5 dfq pgn] cfk"m ;dfltPsf] a'e]m . clVtof/ ;"qcg';f/ To;kl5 rflxF eg]— C0f lbg af] n fP/ clVtof/sf] k} ; f lbP5 . To;nfO{ pgn] k|f/Awsf] v]n egL :jLsf/] . of] /sd lng pgL To;} lbg laxfg cfˆgf] sfof{no k'u]/ ;DalGwt JolQmsf] gfpFdf ;a} ;DklQsf] ;|f]t v'n]sf] x'Fbf s]xL ul//xg' gkg]{ eGg] Aoxf]/fsf] kq agfO{ ;DalGwt clws[taf6 x:tfIf/ u/fO{ ;fydf af]s]sf lyP . of] /sd lnPkl5 Tof] kq ;DalGwtnfO{ lbg'kg]{ lyof] . /sd lbg]n] klg Tof] kq vf]h]g / pgn] klg lbg cfjZos 7fg]gg\ . pgsf] emf]nfdf /x]sf] of] kq clVtof/n] g} lnof] . ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f ljefu u7g ePsf] w] / } ;do lat] s f] 5}g . To;sf] kl/ro rflxF o;/L ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f u/fOlbg] cyf{t\

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

3";sf] /sd lng sf]xL sd{rf/L s;}sf] 3/df Tof] klg ;fj{hlgs ljbfsf] lbg, hfG5 < pgn] k|ltjfb ul//x] . pgn] af]ss ] f] sfnf] Aofu h;df …;DklQ z'4Ls/ 0f cleofgÚ eGg] 5fk nfu]sf] lyof] To;df bzj6f vfd lyP, h'g Pp6f vfddf Ps xhf/sf ;oj6f gf]6n] el/Psf] lyof] .

sd{rf/LnfO{ e|i6frf/ ug{s} nflu egL v8f ePsf] h:tf] kfOof] . zlgaf/sf] lbg, ;DalGwt JolQmsf] 3/d} k'u]/ /sd lnFbf 3"; x'Fb}g eGg] dfGotf x'Fbf]/x]5 sd{rf/Lsf] . kqmfp kgf{;fy pgn] kqmfp ug]{x?;Fu k|ltjfbdf af]n]sf zAbn] a'emfpg] s'/f ToxL xf] . pgn] clVtof/nfO{ g} b]vfP/ cl3Nnf] lbg ;DalGwt kIf;Fu eg]sf /x]5g\— sfof{nodf



clVtof/ cfpg ;Qm5, zlgaf/ 3/d} cfpF5' . zlgaf/ JolQmsf] 3/ pgsf nflu of]hgfj4 ;'/lIft lbg / 7fpF lyof] . pgn] dfu] hlt kfOg] ePsf] x'Fbf g} …lSno/]G;–kqÚ ;d]t ;fydf af]s]sf] x'g'k5{ . gq Tof] kq :jo+ ;DalGwt JolQm cfk}mF sfof{nodf uP/ a'‰g'kg]{ lyof] . cfˆgf ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ Tolt;Ddsf] b'Mv lbg rfx]gg\ . t/ k};f lnPkl5 kq rflxF lsg lbPgg\ eGg] rflxF pgnfO{ g} ;f]Wg'knf{ . ;w}+ lng] u/]sf] v'nf;f ljz]if ef}lts tyf k"jfwf{/ If]q ljsf; cfof] h gfsL Ol~hlgo/ bLkf >]i7sf] v'nf;fnfO{ cfwf/ dfGg] xf] eg] t e|i6frf/ emg\ 8/nfUbf] dxf/f]udf kl/0ft ePsf] a'‰g ;lsG5 . c?n] t klxn] klg dxf/f]u g} eGb}cfPsf lyP . 3"; vfg] sd{rf/Ln] g} To;f] eg]sf] rflxF klxnf] g} x'g'k5{ . O{=>]i7 ;fpg !% ut] To;/L g} /ª\u]xft ;dfltPsf] dWo]sL x'g\ . $) xhf/ ?k}ofF pgn] vfPsf] 3";sf] cª\s xf] . pgsf] klg dfGotf /x]5— sfof{ n oleq lnPsf] /sddfq 3"; x'G5 . 3"; lng] sfd emG8} dlxgfjf/L tna h:t} 7fg]sL pgn] 3"; vfg] 7fpF rflxF s'g} /]i6'/fFnfO{ agfPsf] kfOof] . ;w}+ To:tf] x'GYof], s]xL ePg . t/, of] lbg cln xtf/n] xf] n f k} ; f t /] i 6' / fF d f lnOg\ . t/, To;nfO{ cfˆgf] Aofudf xfn]/ ;f]e}m sfof{no kmls{g\ .



clVtof/sf] 6f]nLn] kqmfp ubf{sf qmddf pgsf] klxnf] k| l tlqmof lyof]— d}n] sfof{nodf lnPs} 5}g, s;/L 3"; eof] . o:tf] /sd t xfdLn] ;w}+ lnFb}cfPsf 5f}+ . sfd ul/lbPkl5 s;}n] /sd lbG5g\ eg] To;nfO{ s;/L 3"; eGg] < pgn] clVtof/ 6f]nLnfO{ eg]cg';f/ o:tf] $)–%) xhf/sf] /sd t jiff}{+b]lv lnFb}cfPsf 5f}+ . of] 3"; xf]Og, /fhL–v'zLn] lbPsf] /sd xf], To;/L lbPsf] /sd st} 3"; x'G5 < clVtof/n] pgsf] Aofuaf6 k|fKt /sdsf] kmf]6f]skL b]vfO;Sbf klg pgn] 3"; eGg] dflggg\ / s;}n] km;fPsf] eGg] cf/f]k klg nufOgg\ . c?x?n] rflxF o;/L /ª\u]xft kqmfp kbf{ ;a}sf] Pp6} k|ltlqmof x'GYof], s;}n] km;fof] . pgn] v'nf;f u/]cg';f/ k|foM ;w}+ g} 7]Ssf–;Demf}tfsf] saf]n cª\ssf] bz k|ltzt ;DalGwt 7]s]bf/af6 k|fKt x'Fb}cfPsf] lyof] . To;dWo] #) k|ltzt cfk"mnfO{ /fv]/ afFsL &) k|ltzt xflsdnfO{ lbFb}cfPsf] 5 . To;} lbg ToxL cfof]hgfsf k|d'v pk;lrj sf]dngfy clwsf/L ToxL Pp6f 6f]sgcGtu{tsf] $) xhf/sf] aL6f];Fu} kqmfp k/] . pgnfO{ rflxF 6] a nd} /sd lbOPsf] lyof] . …d}n] s;};Fu dfu]sf] lyOg\, To;} s'g} JolQm cfof] / 6]a'ndf /sd /flvlbof], of] s;/L 3"; eof] <Ú pgsf] klg k|Zg To:t} /Xof] . pgn] yk]— tkfO{+x? klg sd{rf/L, Pp6f sd{rf/LnfO{ km;fpg o:tf] tl/sf

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

dWodf~rn l;FrfO{ cfof]hgf h;sf k|fljlwsb]lv n]vf / k|zf;g;Ddsf JolQmaf6 To;/L g} 3"; lnPsf] cj:yfdf /ª\u]xft kqmfp k/] . Tof] of]hgf #( nfv /sdsf] lyof] . Tof] 7]Ssf !& nfvdf ;sf/ ul/of], To;sf nflu % nfv 3"; / !) k|ltzt sldzg lnOPsf] 36gf klg To;}a]nf v'n]sf] xf] .

7Ls ePg . of]hgfsf] cj:yf bz k|ltzt sldzgsf] of] :jLsf/f]lQm of] 7fpFdf dfq xf]Og . dWodf~rn l;FrfO{ cfof]hgf h;sf k|fljlwsb]lv n]vf / k|zf;g;Ddsf JolQmaf6 To;/L g} 3"; lnPsf] cj:yfdf /ª\u]xft kqmfp k/] . Tof] of]hgf #( nfv /sdsf] lyof] . Tof]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

7]Ssf !& nfvdf ;sf/ ul/of], To;sf nflu % nfv 3"; / !) k|ltzt sldzg lnOPsf] 36gf klg To;}a]nf v'n]sf] xf] . $) nfvsf] of]hgf !& nfvdf ;sf/L % nfv 3"; lbO{+bf lnOG5 . Tof] cfof]hgfsf] xljut s] eof] xf]nf eGg] cg'dfg ug{ ;lsG5 . of] cfof]hgfcGtu{tsf] % nfvsf] 3"; klg bLkfn] eg]h:t} 7]Ssf ;sf/ ug]{x?n] /fhL–v'zL lbPsf x'g\, To;sf/0f of] 3"; xf]Og . ahf/sf] ;Dk"0f{ d"Nofª\sg u/]/ s'g} cfof]hgfsf] nfut tof/ x'G5 . To:tf] nfutdf cfwfeGbf sddf 7]Ssf ;sf/ ug'{kg]{ otf sldzg rflxF k"/} nfutsf] lx;fadf lbg'kg]{ ePkl5 7]Ssf ;sf/ ug]{x?n] s;/L /fhL–v' z L lbP xf] n fg\ , cg'dfg u/f}+ . o:t}, nfv–nfv x'Fb} s/f]8 / s/f]8–s/f]8 x'Fb} cg]sf}+ /sd x'G5 / e|i6frf/ klg ToxL ?kn] al9/x]sf] . oL b'O{ sfof{nosf ;DalGwt sd{rf/Lx?sf] /ª\u]xft ljsf; lgdf{0fsf] /sddf s;/L xft ufl8Fb}cfO/x]sf] 5 eGg] pbfx/0f xf] . tfnfjGbLsf] tfn l;+xb/af/ 5]pd} /x]sf] ejg lgdf{0f tyf ;Def/ l8lehg sfof{nosf k|d'v n]vf clws[t ;'/]zs[i0f zdf{ s f] 3" ; vfg] / To;nfO{ l5kfpg] tl/sf klg cgf}7f] lyof] . of] l;sf] c?n] klg unf{g\ eGg] 8/ x'G5 . pgnfO{ sfof{nod} $)


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

xhf/sf] Pp6f la6f] k|fKt eof] . of] la6f] n]vf clws[t obaxfb'/ ltldlN;gfdfk{mt\ k|d'v clws[t sxfF k'u]sf] lyof] . zdf{n] Tof] /sdnfO{ o;/L n'sfP clVtof/sf] afp cfP klg e]p gkfpg] u/L . cfˆgf] 6]a'nsf] Pp6f 3/f{df /sd n'sfP/ To;sf] tfnf klg . 6]a'nsf afFsL ;a} 3/f{ v'nf, uf]hL klg vfnL ToxL Pp6f 3/f{sf] rfjL cfk"m a;] k5fl8sf] 7"nf] b/fh prfn]/ To;sf] rfjL l5kfOof] . eof] klg To:t}, o;/L /sd l5kfPkl5 clVtof/ 6f]nL k|j]z u¥of] . k" j { of] h gfcg' ; f/ ;a} 3/f{ vf]lnlbP, ;6–KofG6sf uf]hL klg pN6ØfP/ /sd e] l 6Pg . 6]a'nsf] Pp6f 3/f aGb /x]sf] tk{m k| Z g ul/F b f pgn] eg] — o;sf] rfjL x/fP/ w] / } lbgb] l v aGb 5 .Ú clVtof/sf sd{rf/Ln] ;f]w]+, lsg gv'nfPsf] < pgsf] pQ/ /Xof]— k|fljlwsnfO{ af]nfO/x]sf] 5, cfOk' u ] g . ev{ / } d fq pgL dftxts} n]vf clws[tn] pgnfO{ /sd lbPsf] atfO;s]sf] cj:yfdf

zdf{sf] tfnfjGbLsf] tfn cfk}mF zª\sf:kb lyof] . n]vf clws[tn] k};f lnPsf] t/ kmnfgfnfO{ lbPsf] atfO;s]sf] cj:yfn] clVtof/ emg\ ulxl/P/ vf]Hg yfNof] . /sd lgsfn'~h]n aflx/ lg:sg glbg], ;a} ;fdfg Ps–Ps u/]/ 5fGg] cflb eGg yflnPkl5 pgn] ltg} clVtof/sf sd{rf/Lsf] ;xof]udf 7"nf] b/fh p7fP / ToxL rflan] aGb 3/f{ vf]n] . ToxLaf6 $) xhf/sf gofF gf]6 lgsflnof] . klxn] ug]sf lyP–lyPgg\, clVtof/;fd' ulgFbf k"/} $) xhf/ lyof] . clVtof/n] kmf]6f]skL u/]sf] gf]6sf cl3 a;]/ pgn] clVtof/;Fu cfu|x u/]— cfˆgf] rl/qsf af/] c?;Fu ;f]lwof];\ . tL c? eg]sf ;Dejt ltg} JolQm lyP, Ps n]vf–clws[t h;n] cfk"mn] /sd ptf lbPsf atfPsf lyP eg] ToxL 5]pdf Ps zfvf clws[t\ lyP . h;n] bz xhf/ k|fKt u/]sf / of] ;a} b[Zo b]v]kl5 cfk}mFn] /sd uf]hLaf6 lems]/ cfˆg} 6]a'ndf clVtof/ ;fd' /flvlbPsf lyP .


>LdtLsf] ljnf}gf oxL sfof{nodf k|zf;g zfvfsf clws[t /f]zgs'df/ s7fot bz xhf/ ?k}ofF 3";sf] /sddf kqmfp k/] . Tof] /sd pgsf uf]hLdf g} lyof] . xhf/sf bzj6f gf]6 uf]hLd} c6\g] eP/ xf]nf . …Pp6f dfG5]n] kmfn]/ uof], kl5 lbpFnf eGb} lyP .Ú pgsf] of] k|ltlqmofsf] ;'g'jfO{ x'g] s'/f ePg . To;} s;}n] klg /sd kmfNb}g . pgn] a'e]m ca clVtof/df hfg'sf] ljsNk 5}g . Tof] va/ pgsL >LdtLn] klg ;'lg5g\ . xtf/–xtf/ cfOg\ / xf/–u'xf/ ug{ yflng\ . cfˆgf] >Ldfg\ To:tf] xf]Og, %–!) xhf/df hft kmfNg] JolQm xf]Ogg\, jl/k/L ;f]w]/ a'e]m/ Gofo ul/lbgf];\ . To;a]nf clVtof/n] Gofo ug] { cj:yf lyPg . 3";sf af/] pgn] >Ldfg\nfO{ klxn]b]lv ;ts{ u/fPsL eP Tof] k|of; s]xL sfd nfUg] x'g] lyof] . To;sf/0f hflu/] >Ldfg\sf >LdtL / >LdtLsf >Ldfg\n] a]n}df ;f]Rg'kg]{ ePsf] 5 . -;'j]bL cg';Gwfgd"ns n]vgsf nflu kl/lrt kqsf/ x'g'x'G5._

;bfrf/ cleofgdf nfuf}+



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

s'zf;gsf] rk]6fdf s'6gLlts lgof]u lr/~hLjL kf}8]n

/fhgLlts If]qaf6 5flgPsfx? dfq xf]Og, k//fi6«sf sl/c/ l8Knf]Dof6x?, hf] a9L k|f]k]m;gn x'g] ck]Iff /flvG5, klg clgoldttfsf uDeL/ k|s/0fdf d'l5Psf 5g\ . cGt/f{li6«o:t/df cfˆgf] b]zsf] 5lj pRr /fVg] lhDd]jf/L af]s]sfx? 7Ls pN6f] af6f] lxF8\g yfn]kl5 g]kfnsf] s"6gLlts ;+oGqdf gLltut tyf k|fljlws k'g;{+/rgfsf] cfjZostf 68\sf/f] b]lvPsf] 5 .

Pdfcf]bLsf] sf]6fdf 8f= afa'/fd e§/fO{sf] ;/sf/n] stf/sf] /fhb"t lgo'Qm ul/PsL dfofs'df/L zdf{sf] s'6gLlts k[i7e"ld lyPg. kl/0ffd pgsf] sfo{;Dkfbgdf b]lvof]. pgn] cfk"mlj?4 n]v]sf] eGb} Ps g]kfnL ;~rf/sdL{nfO{ b]z lgsfnf ug{ stf/sf] ;/sf/nfO{ cf}krfl/s–kq g} n]lvg\. o;}u/L, aLaL;Ll;tsf] cGt/jftf{df pgn] laNs'n} u}/–s'6gLlts z}nLdf stf/nfO{ v'nf h]nsf] ;+1f lbPkl5 ToxfFsf] ;/sf/n] pgnfO{ lkmtf{ af]nfpg g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ cfu|x u/]sf] lyof]. cGttM cfk}mFn] agfPsf] /fhb"tnfO{ lkmtf{ af]nfpg Pdfcf]jfbL ;/sf/ tof/ eof]. ;fpbL c/asf nflu g]skf Pdfn]sf] sf]6faf6 /fhb"t agfOPsf xldd cG;f/L emg} uDeL/ ljjfbdf d'l5P. pgLdfly g]kfnL sfdbf/sf nflu cfPsf] Ifltk"lt{ /sd cfkm\gf] vftfdf /fv]/ krfpg vf]h]sf] cf/f]k nfUof]. ;fpbL c/adf ;8s b'3{6gfdf k/]/ d[To' ePsf sfdbf/sf nflu cfPsf] /sddf /fhb"tn] clgoldttf ug{ vf]h]sf lyP. pgnfO{{ klg b]z kmsf{pg ;/sf/ afWo eof]. a]nfotsf] /fhb"t /x]sf d'/f/L/fh zdf{ cfkm\gf] sfo{sfn ;lsPkl5 ;;Ddfg :jb]z kmls{g'sf] ;f6f] a]nfotdf z/0ffyL{ ag]/ a;]. pgnfO{ tTsfnLg k|wfgdGqL lul/hfk|;fb sf]O/fnfsf] ;/sf/n] ;g\ @))* sf] k]ma|'c/Ldf a]nfotsf nflu g]kfnL /fhb"t

lgo'St u/]sf] lyof]. ljleGg ljjfbdf d'l5Pkl5 pgnfO{ s'6gLlts dof{bfljk/Lt sfd u/]sf] eGb} k|r08 ;/sf/n] pgnfO{ x6fpg] lg0f{o lnof]. /fhb"taf6 x6fOPkl5 pgnfO{ :jb]z kmls{g / a'´–a'´f/y ug{ k//fi6« dGqfnon] k6s–k6s kqfrf/ u¥of] . t/, zdf{n] eg] cfˆgf] Hofg g]kfndf c;'/lIft /x]sf] eGb} /fhgLlts z/0fsf nflu ToxfF cfj]bg lbP . blIf0f clk|msfsf nflu g]kfnL /fhb"t c¿0fk|sfz lwtfnsf] ut @)&) ;fn r}td} sfo{sfn ;lsPsf] lyof]. t/, pgL g]kfn kms{g c6]/ ul//x]. k//fi6« dGqfnon] pgnfO{ k6s–k6s g]kfn kmls{g tfs]tf u¥of]. t/, pgL ;Dks{d} cfpg 5f8]. /fhb"t lwtfn ;Dks{d} gcfPkl5 ;/sf/n] ToxfF gofF /fhb"t lgo'Qm u/]sf] 5. blIf0f sf]l/ofsf nflu axfnjfnf g]kfnL /fhb"t sdfgl;+x nfdf Pdfcf]jfbLsf] sf]6fdf k/]sf x'g\. pgn] cfkm\gf] kbsf] dof{bf g} la;]{/ sf]l/ofdf ljleGg Joj;fo ul//x]sf 5g\. nfdfn] 5f]/Lsf] gfddf /]:6'/]G6 vf]Ng'sf ;fy} b"tfjf;s} ;fd'Gg] kmf]6f] :6'l8of];d]t ;~rfng ul//x]sf] ;dfrf/ ;~rf/dfWoddf ;fj{hlgs ePsf] lyof]. Pdcf/kL agfpg b"tfjf; cfpg] g]kfnLx? a9\b} uPkl5 /fhb"tn] :6'l8of] vf]n]/ k};f sdfpg] h'QmL lgsfn]sf x'g\. pgnfO{ ;fdfGo :ki6Ls/0f ;f]w]/ k//fi6« dGqfnon] emf/f 6f/]sf] lyof].

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h


kfnsf] k|ltlglwTj ub}{ ljleGg b] z sf lgof] u x?df /fhb" t eP/ hfg]x?sf] x}l;ot phfu/ ug{ log} pbfx/0fx? sfkmL 5g\ . s]nfpFb} hfg] xf] eg] of] km]xl/:t lgs} nfdf] x'G5 . /fhgLlts If]qaf6 5flgPsfx? dfq xf]Og, k//fi6«sf sl/c/ l8Knf]Dof6x?, hf] a9L k|f]k]m;gn x'g] ck]Iff /flvG5, klg clgoldttfsf uDeL/ k|s/0fdf d'l5Psf 5g\ . cGt/f{li6«o:t/df cfˆgf] b]zsf] 5lj pRr /fVg] lhDd]jf/L af]s]sfx? 7Ls pN6f] af6f] lxF 8 \ g yfn] k l5 g] k fnsf] s"6gLlts ;+oGqdf gLltut tyf k|fljlws k'g;{+/rgfsf] cfjZostf 68\sf/f] b]lvPsf] 5 . u0ftGq :yfkgfotf /fHosf tdfd cjojx? /fhgLlts efua08fsf] hfnf]df k/]/ e'Q] aGb} uPsf 5g\ . a9L k|efljtdWo]sf] Ps xf], s'6gLlts If] q . cGt/f{ l i6« o /Ëd~rdf b]z lxt k|j4{g ug{ s"6gLlts ;+oGqx?n] e"ldsf v]Ng'kg]{ xf] . t/, ;/sf/L dfu{bz{gsf] cefj / clt /fhgLlts/0fn] ubf{ g]kfnsf] s" 6 gLlts ;+ o Gqn] Tof] Ifdtf u'dfO;s]sf] k|tLt x'G5 . kl5Nnf] ;dodf t s"6gLlt s] xf] eGg] g} ga'em]sfx?n] ;d]t g] k fnsf s" 6 gLlts lgof] u x? ;~rfng ul//x]sf 5g\ . pgLx?sf nflu /fhb"t x'g' eg]sf] /jfkm hdfpg], k};f sdfpg] / df]hd:tL ug]{ cj;/dfq xf] . /fhgLlts efua08faf6 pTkGg kl/0ffd xf]– of] . /fhb"t lgo'Qm ubf{ /fd|f xf]Og,

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

u0ftGq :yfkgfotf /fHosf tdfd cjojx? /fhgLlts efua08fsf] hfnf]df k/]/ e'Q] aGb} uPsf 5g\ . a9L k|efljtdWo]sf] Ps xf], s'6gLlts If]q . cGt/f{li6«o /+ud~rdf b]z lxt k|j4{g ug{ s"6gLlts ;+oGqx?n] e"ldsf v]Ng'kg]{ xf] . t/, ;/sf/L dfu{bz{gsf] cefj / clt /fhgLlts/0fn] ubf{ g]kfnsf] s"6gLlts ;+oGqn] Tof] Ifdtf u'dfO;s]sf] k|tLt x'G5 .

xfd|f dfG5] 5fGg] kl/kf6Ln] of]Uotf / Ifdtfsf] s'/f uf}0f aGg k'u]sf] 5 . kf6L{ut cfwf/df sf]6f 5'6ØfP/ /fhgLlts lgo'lQm ug]{ h'g ;+:sf/ b]zdf :yflkt ePsf] 5, To;n] c? If]qnfO{ h:t} s'6gLlts If]qnfO{ klg vf]qmf] t'NofO/x]sf] 5 . lgo'lQm ug}{ ;s; ljZjsf !#( d'n'sl;t g]kfnsf] bf}To–;DaGw /x]sf]df hDdf #@ b]zdf dfq} g]kfnL b"tfjf; 5g\ . o:t}, Pp6f b]zdf :yfoL lgof]u, $ b]zdf dxfjfl0fHo b"tfjf; / ! sG;'n]6 lgsfo :yfkgf ul/Psf] 5 . s"6gLlts ;~hfnnfO{ lj:tf/



ug]{ s'/f t k/sf] eof], ePsfnfO{ … d]G6]gÚ ug}{ ;/sf/nfO{ cfR5'–cfR5' kl//x]sf] 5 . /fhgLlts efua08f gldNbf oLdWo] !) j6f b"tfjf;df ;/sf/n] /fhb"t k7fpg ;s]sf] 5}g . /fhb"t gePsf b"tfjf;x? :jefjtM b}lgs k|zf;gdf ;Lldt 5g\ . nfdf] lvrnf]kl5 ;/sf/n] xfn} …sl/c/ l8Knf]Dof6Ú af6 ^ hgf /fhb" t lgo' Q m u¥of] . !^ j6f lgof]u vfnL /x]sf]df k//fi6«af6 ^ hgfnfO{ lgo'Qm ul/P klg /fhgLlts If]qaf6 x'g'kg]{ afFsL lgo'lQm slxn] ug]{ xf] 6'Ëf] 5}g . /fhb"t lgo'lQm ubf{ %) k|ltzt /fhgLlts Ô]qaf6 / %) k|ltzt s"6g}lts Ô]qaf6 ug'{kg]{ k|fjwfg 5 . clxn] l;kmfl/; ePsf /fhb"t ;a} ^ hgf s"6g}lgs sl/o/ ePsf x'g\ . /fhgLlts If]qaf6 5fGg ;/sf/nfO{ ;w}F ;s; x'g] u/]sf] 5 . clxn] l;kmfl/; ePsfx? blIf0f clk|msf, k|mfG;, s'j]t, yfONof08 / h]g]efl:yt /fi6«;ª\3Lo lgof]usf nflu x'g\ . hasL ef/t, cd]l/sf, stf/, hd{gL, ax/fOgh:tf g]kfnsf nflu clt dxÎjk" 0 f{ b]zx? /fhb"tljxLg g} 5g\ . /fhb"t gePsf b] z x?df sfo{ j fxssf ?kdf ljleGg txsf sd{rf/Ln] b"tfjf; rnfpFb} cfPsf 5g\ . ;x;lrj, pk;lrjb]lv zfvf clws[t;Ddn] b"tfjf;sf] g]t[Tj ul//x]sf 5g\ . tLgj6f b]zdf t zfvf clws[tn] b"tfjf; rnfO/x]sf] kfOPsf] 5 . sfo{jfxsn] rnfPsf b"tfjf;af6



s'g} ultnf] sfo{;Dkfbgsf] cfzf /fVg ;lsFb}g . lsgsL pgLx? sfd–rnfpdfq} x'g\ . g ;DalGwt b]zsf] pRr tx;Dd pgLx?sf] kx'Fr x'G5, 5 s'g} 7"n} lg0f{o lng;Sg] clwsf/ . s]jn b}lgs k|zf;g rnfpg]d} ;Lldt x'G5g\– sfo{jfxsx? . /fhb"t lgo'lQmsf] uf“7f] tTsfn} k' m Sg] cj:yf b] l vPsf] 5} g . ;Qf?9 bn sf+u|]; / Pdfn] Ps– csf{nfO{ cf/f]k nufpg} Jo:t 5g\ . sf+u|]; g]t[Tjsf] ;/sf/df k//fi6« d GqL dx]G b|axfb'/ kf08] Pdfn]sf x'g\ . pgsf] u'gf;f] cfk"mn] 5fg]sf gfdx?nfO{ k|wfgdGqLn] :jLs[t u/]gg\ eGg] 5 . sf+u|];n] eg] Pdfn]n] Psnf}6L¿kdf /fhb"t lgo'lQm u/]/ s'6gLlts ;+oGqx?nfO{ Pdfn]s/0f ug{ nfluPsf] cf/f]k nufpF5 . b'j} Ps–csf]{ kf6L{nfO{ lxnf] 5Øfk]/ cfk"m kfgLdflysf] cf]efgf] aGg vf]lh/x]sf 5g\ . b'j}sf] d'Vof{+OFn] b]z g} clg0f{osf] aGbL aGg' k/]sf] 5 . ef/td} 5}gg\, /fhb"t cfly{s, ;fdflhs tyf /fhgLlts lx;fan] ef/t g]kfnsf] clt g} lgs6 b]z xf] . g]kfnnfO{ tLglt/af6 3]/]sf] / g]kfnsf] /fhgLltdf hf]8bf/ pkl:ylt hgfpFb}cfPsf] elgPsf] ef/tdf /x]sf] g]kfnL b"tfjf; tLg jif{b]lv /fhb"tljxLg 5 . g]kfndf cfpg] k|To]s ef/tLo /fhb"tsf] /jfkm sDtL x'Fb}g . pgLx?sf] afn' j f6f/b] l v zLtnlgjf;;Dd

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

;Sb}gg\ . ef/tLo k|wfgdGqL g/]Gb| df]bLsf] g]kfn e|d0fsf qmddf /fhgLlts If]qaf6 g]kfnL b"tfjf;n] ug'{kg]{ w]/} sfd uPsfx? dfq g]kfnl:yt ef/tLo b"tfjf;n] u/]sf] geP/ k//fi6«af6 lyof] . /fhb"t gx'Fbf g]kfnaf6 sl/c/sf ?kdf ef/tdf x'g] pRr:t/Lo e|d0fsf] uPsfx?sf] ;dGjo ug]{ sfddf klg hl6ntf /]s8{ klg k}bf x'g] u/]sf] 5 . /fd|f] 5}g . ljz]iftM :jb]z kmls{g g]kfnsf nflu ;a}eGbf dxTjk"0f{ cfgfsfgL ePsfn] ef/tsf] /fhb"t agfpg ug'{ g]kfnL bnx?aLr ;a}eGbf a9L lvrftfgL /fhb"tx?sf] x'g] u/]sf] 5 . o;cl3 8f= afa'/fd cfd–k|j[lQ ag]sf] e§/fO{sf] Pdfcf]jfbL ;/sf/n] 5. cfˆgf] kf6L{sf g]tf /fd sfsL{nfO{ ef/tsf] /fhb"tsf nflu k|:tfj u/]sf] lyof] . t/, ef/tn] pgnfO{ ;xh kx'Fr x'G5 . csf]{tkm{ g]kfnn] ?rfPg, Plu|df] g} k7fPg . eg] ef/tdf /fhb"t lgo'lQm ug}{ To;kl5sf ;/sf/n] csf]{ gfd kl;gf sfl9/x]sf] 5 . k|:tfj ug{ ;s]sf 5}gg\ . ef/tsf] g]kfnL b" t fjf;sf] lhDd] j f/L ef/tLo dfdnfx?df sdfpg] sfObf dfq} ;Lldt x'Fb}g . ljZjsf rf/ /fhgLlts If]qaf6 uPsfx? dfq bh{geGbf a9L b]zx?df ef/tdf geP/ k//fi6«af6 sl/c/sf ?kdf /x]sf lgof]ux?dfk{mt\ g} g]kfnnfO{ uPsfx?sf] /]s8{ klg /fd|f] 5}g . x]b}{cfPsf 5g\ . tL b]zx?l;t ljz]iftM :jb]z kmls{g cfgfsfgL ;dGjo ug'{kg]{ g]kfnL b"tfjf;n] ug'{ g]kfnL /fhb"tx?sf] cfd–k|j[lQ xf] . ef/t / g]kfnaLrsf] ;DaGwdf ag]sf] 5 . k//fi6«sf sd{rf/Lsf] y'k|} d'2fx? 5g\, h;nfO{ æl8nÆ cfsÈ{0f eg]s} ljb]zl:yt lgof]udf ug{ ef/tLo b"tfjf;df k|efjsf/L kf]l:6Ë kfpg' xf] . To;df klg /fhb"t g]t[Tj cfjZos 5 . g]kfnL /fhb"t ePkl5 dfg, ;Ddfg / bfdsf] nf]e gx'Fbf ef/tsf] pRr txdf ;Dks{ x'g] g} eof] . ;fdfGotM s'g} klg ug} { ;Dej 5} g . k| f ] 6 f] s nsf /fhb"tsf] rf/jÈ]{ sfo{sfn ;lsg lx;fan] klg ef/tsf] /fhgLlts ^ dlxgfcl3 g} dGqfnon] o;af/] g]t[Tjn] sfo{afxs ag]/ b"tfjf; ;DalGwt b"tfjf;df kqfrf/ u/]/ rnfO/x]sf sd{rf/LnfO{ dxTj hfgsf/L u/fpF5 . kq kfPkl5 lbFb}g . pgLx?n] ;x;lrjeGbf ;DalGwt JolQmn] cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf] dflyNnf] txdf kx'Fr g} k'¥ofpg Joj:yfkg ug]{, kmls{g tof/L yfNg],

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

dxÎjk"0f{ sfd l;Wofpg] / kmlsg]{ ldlt tf]Sg] ug'{k5{ . /fhb"t / ltgsf kl/jf/sf] sfo{sfn ;s]/ kmls{g] a]nfsf] xjfO{ oftfoftnufot ;a} ;'ljwf ;/sf/n] g} Joxf]5{ . t/ klg b'O{–rf/ lbg jf Ps–b'O{ dlxgf eg] klg c6] / u/] / pt} a:g rfxG5g\– pgLx? . ljb]zdf hlt lbg a;fO{ nDAofof], Tolt g} cjlwsf] tna ;'lawf / eQf kfOg] ePsfn] sltko /fhb" t n] nf] e b] v fpg] u/] s f x'g\ . pgLx?n] 8n/df tna kfpg] ePsfn] g]kfndf eGbf lgof]ux?df w]/} u'0ff /fd|f] sdfO{ x'G5 . Ps sfo{sfndf /fhb"tn] %) nfveGbf a9L sdfpg] u/] s f] atfOG5 . To;}n] ljleGg lgx'F agfP/ pgLx? cfˆgf] ljb] z a;fO{ nDAofpg pBt\ /xG5g\ . sf]xL la/fdLsf] axfgf agfpF5g\ t sf]xL 5f]/f5f]/L k9fO{sf] . sf]xL olQs} ;Dks{ljxLg klg eOlbG5g\ . /fhb"tsf] x}l;otdf pkrf/ u/fp“bf s'6gLlts ;'ljwf kfOg] / vr{ klg ;/sf/L sf]Èaf6 u/fpg kfOg] ePsfn] sltkon] /f] u } gnfu] klg ljb]zsf dxËf c:ktfndf :jf:Yo hf“r u/fpg] u/]sf kfOPsf] 5 . of] k|j[lQ kl5Nnf] ;do lgs} a9] s f] 5 . /fhb" t x?n] eP– gePsf] vr{ b]vfP/ lan k]; ubf{ k//fi6« s f clwsf/Lx? cflht x'G5g\ . cf}ifwf]krf/sf] gfddf pgLx?n] h]–hltsf] lan k]; u5{g,\ To;nfO{ ;b/ ug{ ;/sf/ afWo x'G5 . /fhb"tdfq geP/ pgLx?sf

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

ljb]z a:g] /fhb"tx?sf] cfrf/;+lxtf agfP/ u/fpg' cfjZos 5 . ljb]zdf ug{ kfpg] / gkfpg] sfdx?sf] ;"rL g} agfP/ /fhb"t ag]/ hfg]x?nfO{ lbg'k5{ .

kl/jf/s} cf}ifwf]krf/ ;/sf/sf] lhDd]jf/Ldf k5{ . cf}ifwf]krf/df dfq geP/ cGo ljleGg zLif{s /fhb"tn] dgk/L vr{ ub}{cfPsf 5g\ . b"tfjf;sf] vftfaf6 dgk/L vr{ ug]{, clg ljleGg zLif{s agfP/ k//fi6«af6 k} ; f dfUg] /fhb" t x?n] /fli6« o 9's'6L l/TofpFb}5g\ . /fhb"tx?n] ug]{ vr{df cª\s'z nfpg] cf}hf/ ;/sf/l;t 5}g . sltko /fhb" t n] ToxL b] z df Jofkf/;d]t ug]{ u/]sfn] pgLx? xQkQ kmls{g rfxFb}gg\ . sltkon] kl/jf/sf ;b:onfO{ pt} hflu/ nufPsf x'G5g\ . sltko o'/f]k]nL tyf vf8L d'n'ssf /fhb"tn] klg u}/–cfjf;Lo g]kfnLx?;“u ldn]/ pt} Jofkf/ Joj;fo u/]sf 5g\ . ;/sf/sf] bfloTj s"6gLlts ;+oGqx?sf] k|efjsfl/tf a9fpg ;/sf/n] sbd rfNg l9nf



eO;s]sf] 5 . klxnf] sfd eg]sf] l/Qm /x]sf b"tfjf; / lgof]ux?df lgo'lQm xf] . /fhgLlts bnx?aLr n]gb]gsf cfwf/df xf]Og, of]Uotf / cg'ejsf cfwf/df lgo'lQm ug]{ k|lqmofdf kmls{g'sf] ljsNk 5}g . /fhb"t lgo'lQmsf] ljlw / k|lqmofdf cfd" n kl/jt{ g g} cfjZos 5 . /fhb" t df h" g /fhgLlts efua08fsf] k|0ffnL clxn] :yflkt ePsf] 5, ;d:ofsf] h/f] ToxL xf] . of] h/f]nfO{ pv]n]/ kmfNg}k5{ . sl/c/ l8Knf]Dof6sf] 5gf]6df klg kf/blz{tf ckgfpg'k5{ . ljb]z a:g] /fhb"tx?sf] cfrf/ ;+lxtf agfP/ u/fpg' cfjZos 5 . ljb]zdf ug{ kfpg] / gkfpg] sfdx?sf] ;" r L g} agfP/ /fhb"t ag]/ hfg]x?nfO{ lbg'k5{ . e|i6frf/ / clgoldttfdf d'l5Psf s' 6 gLlt1x?nfO{ bl08t ug{ ;/sf/n] s8f sfg'g agfpg'k5{ . /fhb"tx?n] ljleGg zLif{sdf ug]{ vr{sf] ;Ldf tf]s]/ To;eGbf a9L vr{ ePdf e'QmfgL /f]Sg'k5{ . /fhb" t ag] / hfg] x ?sf nflu clgjfo{ cf]l/oG6];gsf] cfjZostf 5 . k//fi6« dGqfnon] x/] s /fhb" t x?l;t lgs6 ;Dks{ d f /x]/ lgoldt¿kdf pgLx?sf] sfo{ ljj/0f lng] Joj:yf ug' { k 5{ . s'6gLlts lgof]ux?nfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg ;/sf/ cu|;/ ePg eg] 7"nf] wg/fzL t kmh'ndf ;lsG5 g} b]zsf] OHht / k|lti7f klg df6f]df ldN5 . -kf}8]n gofF klqsfdf sfo{/t x'g'x'G5._



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

;bfrf/ 8f= lrGtfdl0f of]uL


bfrf/ hLjgsf] k|d'v cË xf] . k|d'v cg'zf;g xf] . k|d'v cfwf/ xf] . hlt 1fgL, of]uL, WofgL eP tfklg ;bfrf/ 5}g eg] To; JolQmsf] s'g} d"No x'Fb}g . d"NoxLg JolQmn] g cfˆgf] ?kfGt/ 0f ug{ ;S5 g t ;dfhsf] lsgls ;dfhsf] ?kfGt/0f dfq cfbz{n] x'G5, g k|jrgåf/f, g lgb]{zgåf/f / g t ;+u7gåf/f . zf:qsf/x?n] wd{ s f cg] s f} + kl/efiffx?dWo] ……cfrf/M k/df] wd{MÆ nfO{ pRrkª\lQmdf /fv] . cToGt} ;an t/ cToGt} uxg . t/ w]/} 7"nf 1fgL, of]uL, tk:jL, ;dfh;]jLx? klg oxL ;bfrf/s} ;fwgfdf lrlKng k'u] . lsgls ;bfrf/ g} hLjgsf] ;fwgfsf] d"n hu xf] . hulagf 3/ slxNo} aGg ;Sb}g . hu hlt ulx/f] / ljzfn x'G5, dxn klg plQs} eAo x'G5 . ;bfrf/ g s]jn wfld{s hLjgsf nflu clkt' k|To]s ;fdflhs hLjg

;bfrf/ g s]jn wfld{s hLjgsf nflu clkt' k|To]s ;fdflhs hLjg / /fi6«hLjgsf nlfu ckl/xfo{ 5 . xfd|f] g]kfnsf] jt{dfg /fli6«o ;Í6sf] lgikIf d"NofÍg ug]{ xf] eg] t dfq Ps ;d:of b]lvG5, Tof] xf] ;bfrf/sf] cefj .

/ /fi6« h Ljgsf nlfu ckl/xfo{ 5 . xfd|f] g]kfnsf] jt{dfg /fli6«o ;Í6sf] lgikIf d"NofÍg ug]{ xf] eg] t dfq Ps ;d:of b]lvG5, Tof] xf] ;bfrf/sf] cefj . ;bfrf/s} cefjdf cleefjs, lzIfs, ;dfh;]jL lrlKnP g]tf egfpFbfx? t g/fd|/L efl;P . ;bfrf/ljxLg ;dfhsf] cj:yf 89]nf] nfu]sf] hËnh:t} xf] . h;df hf] klg h'g;'s} a]nf :jfxf x'g;S5 . ;bfrf/sf] dfu{df lxF8\g ;fFlRrs} s7Lg 5 / cToGt} r'gf}tLk"0f{ 5 . oxL s7Lg ;fwgfdf ;kmn xF'bf g/]Gb|bQ :jfdL ljj]sfgGb, df]xgbf; s/drGb ufGwL dxfTdf ufGwL =====aGg ;kmn eP . Oltxf; klg ltg}sf] ;Demgfdf /lrG5 / o'uo'ufGt/;Dd ufOG5 . xfd|f] lxGb" ;dfh klg ljlrqsf] 5 . oxfF w]/}n] lrqsf] k"hf t u5{g\, t/ rl/qsf] k"hf ub}{gg\ . /fd, s[i0f, a'4, dxfjL/ cflb hlt klg dxfg\

cjtf/ eP, xfdLn] tL ;a} s f lrqsf] dfq} k"hf u¥of}+ . t/, rl/qsf] k" h f u/] g f} + , cfTd;ft\ u/] g f} + / cfˆgf] hLjgdf k|of]u u/]gf}+ . clg kmfObf s] t dfq 306L ahfP/, w"k aQL afn]/ < cy{xLg sd{sf08 / kfv08d} ¿dlNnof], xfd|f] wfld{s ;dfh . wd{sf] rrf{ eof], lrGtg ePg . cjtf/x?sf] / u'¿x?sf] k"hf ul/of], t/ kl/zLng ul/Pg . a'4, uf]/vgfy, ;Ltf / e[s'6L cflb lje"ltx?sf] kljq hGd:yn xfd|f] b]z g]kfn cfh ul/aLsf] rk]6fdf 5 / ;fy} cg]sf}+ 8/nfUbf lj;Ëltx?sf] lzsf/ ePsf] 5 . e|i6frf/sf] ;"rLx?df g]kfnsf] :yfg ljZjdf klxnf] kª\ l Qmdf b] v fk/] s f] 5 . hub\ u ' ? ag] / ljZjnfO{ rl/qk|wfg, cfWoflTds lzIff lbg'kg]{ xfdL g]kfnLs} rl/q cfh uDeL/ lrGtfsf] ljifo ag]sf] 5 . ……:j+ :j+ rl/q+ lzIf]/g\ k[lyJof+ ;j{dfgjfMÆ eGg] j}lbs pb\3f]ifsf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

cfh pkxf; ePsf] 5 . k" H o Clifx?sf gLlt jrgx? pk]Iffsf] ljifo ePsf 5g\– ;bfrf/sf] kl5 nfUg] xf] eg] t s;/L ;kmn eOG5 / < s;/L wg sdfOG5 / < oL t k9\g], ;'Gg] s'/fdfq} x'g\, k|of]u ug]{ s'/f sxfF x'g\ / < ;bfrf/sf] hu olt g/fd| f ] ; F u s;/L vnalnof] t xfd|f] g]kfndf klg < dnfO{ s] nfU5 eg]– cfdf– a'afx?n]] ;';+:sf/o'Qm kfl/jfl/s jftfj/0f lbg g;Sg', ljBfnox?n] d" N o–dfGotfdf cfwfl/t lzIff (Value Based Education) lbg g;Sg' , ;~rf/dfWod (Media) n] ;sf/fTds ;Gb]z (Positive message) lbg g;Sg' , ;kmn egfpFbf g]tfx?n] / kbf;Lgx?n] ;bfrf/sf] nId0f/] v f a/fa/ gf£g', klZrdL ef]ujfbL ;Eotfsf] b' i k|efjn] g] k fnL ;dfhnfO{ klg ufFHg' / s]xL ljb]zLx?n] / ljwdL{x?n] of]hgfk"j{s g]kfnL hLjgdf /x] s f] cb\ e " t g} l ts andfly hfgfhfgL k|xf/ ug'{ cflb g} d"n sf/0f x'g\ . ;bfrf/sf] ;fwgfsf nflu 7"nf s'/feGbf klg ;fgf s'/fsf] dxÎj a9L x'G5 . O{+§f hlt 7"nf] eP klg To;nfO{ hf]8\g] l;d]G6 eg] ;fgf–;fgf s0f g} x'g\ . ¿v hlt 7"Nff] eP klg ;fgf h/f / tGt'n] g} ¿vnfO{ x'sf{Psf] x'G5 / c8ØfPsf] x'G5 . o:t}, ;–;fgf ;"qx? g} ;bfrf/sf] ;fwgfdf xfdL ;a}nfO{ rflxG5g\ . t/, xfdL hfgL–hfgL nfkjf{x eOlbG5f}+ . To;}n] kmf]g


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;bfrf/sf] ;fwgf–zf:qdf xf]Og, hLjgdf cfwfl/t x'G5 . zf:q slt k9]sf] 5 < egL x]l/Fb}g, t/ zf:qdf slt afFr]sf] 5 / ;fTIffTsf/ u/]sf] 5 < egL d"Nofª\sg ul/G5 .

p7fP/ Jo:t gx' F b f klg 3/df 5}gf}+, elglbG5f}+ . ef]ln x'g g;Sg] s'/fnfO{ klg …ef]ln–ef]lnÚ egL ;lhn} kG5fOlbG5f}+ . ;bfrf/sf] ;fwgf–zf:qdf xf]Og, hLjgdf cfwfl/t x'G5 . zf:q slt k9]sf] 5 < egL x]l/Fb}g, t/ zf:qdf slt afFr]sf] 5 / ;fTIffTsf/ u/]sf] 5 < egL d"Nofª\sg ul/G5 . ;Gt saL/ zf:q lyPgg\, t/ pgsf] ;bfrf/sf] k|sfz cfh;Dd klg km} l nF b } 5 . /fds[ i 0f k/dx+ ; klg clzlIft g} lyP, t/ pgsf] ;bfrf/sf] t]hn] k|v/ d]wfjL, tfls{s o'jf ljåfg\ g/]Gb| bQnfO{ klg ;dk{0f ug{ afWo t'NofOlbof] .


cfh h'g /fi6« ;kmntfsf] r'r'/f]df k'u]sf 5g\ . ToxfF k"jL{o bz{gcg';f/sf] ;bfrf/do hLjg geP tfklg Professional Ethics pRr 5 egL ;a}n] dfGg}k5{, :jLsfg'{k5{ . o; cy{df eGg'kbf{ ;bfrf/sf d"ntM b'O{j6f :j?k 5g\ – cfGtl/s / afXo . afXo :j¿kdf cg'zf;g, Jofj;flos cfr/0f / ;fdflhs Jojxf/ (Discipline, Professional Ethics,

cflb kb{ 5 g\ eg] cflGt/s :j¿kdf ;+ o d, ;flÎjstf, ljrf/sf] ;'Gb/tf / hLjgsf] ;jf{ËL0f kljqtf cflb kb{5g\ . lxGb" hLjg bz{gcg';f/ hLjg rf/ cf>ddf afFl8Psf] 5– a|Xdro{, u[x:y, ;Gof; / jfgk|:y . a|Xdro{ cf>d ;a} cf>dsf] hu xf] . ;an / ;'Gb/ a|Xdro{ cf>dlagf c? cf>d ;kmn x'G5g\ egL sNkgf ug'{ xfjfdf dxn agfpg'h:t} xf] . o; a|Xdro{ cf>dsf] ;fwgfsf] ;f/ klg ;bfrf/ g} xf] . cfh w]/} u[x:yLx? /f]O/x]sf 5g\, kf/kfr's] (Divorce cases) al9/x] s f 5g\ , kfl/jfl/s snxn] ubf{ aRrf–aRrL aaf{b eO/x]sf 5g\ . oL ;a}sf] d"n sf/0f xf]– c;n a|Xdrof{>d gx'g', ;bfrf/sf] hu vf]j|mf] x'g' . s'g} klg b]zsf] ljsf; To; b]zsf] e" – agf] 6 , k| f s[ l ts ;| f ] t –;fwg cflbdf lge{/ ub{5 . t/, To;df klg d'Vo s'/f eg]sf] dfgjLo ;|f]t–;fwg (Man Power) g} xf] . dfgjLo ;|f]t–;fwg (Man Power) Social Behavior)



‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

sf] cfwf/ ;bfrf/ g} xf] . k|fs[lts ;|f]t–;fwg, vlgh, k]6«f]n cflb s]xL gePsf b]zx? klg cfh ;bfrf/o'Qm hgzlQm ePs} sf/0fn] k|ult kydf nDs]sf 5g\ . h:t}M yfONof08, blIf0f sf]l/of cflb . t/ ;a}yf]s eP/ klg aaf{b x'g] lbzftkm{ pGd'v 5, cfh xfd|f] b]z g]kfndfq ;bfrf/sf] sdLn] . …wgL b]zsf u/La g]kfnLÚ eGg] pvfg xfd|} sf/0fn] rl/tfy{ ePsf] xf], lsgls xfdL ;bfrf/ gx'Fbf cToGt} u/La ePsf 5f}+ . d" n tM JolQm lgdf{ 0 f g} /fi6« – lgdf{0f / ljZj–lgdf{0fsf] cfwf/ xf] . JolQm–lgdf{0fsf] d"n cfwf/ eg] ;bfrf/ g} xf] . ;bfrf/sf] ;fwgfn] o:tf JolQmsf] lgdf{0f x' G 5, h;n] ;dfhnfO{ ;xh} 8f]¥ofpF5g\ / gofF Oltxf; sf]b{5g\ . gLltsf/x?n] j[Qsf] -rl/qsf]_ /Iff h;/L klg ug'{k5{ . ljQ -wg_ t cfpF5÷hfG5 . ljQ u'Db}df vf; s]xL x'Fb}g, t/ j[Q u'Dof] eg] t ;j{:j uof] – j[Q+ oTg]g ;+/If]t\ ljQd]lt r oflt r . cIfL0ff] ljQtM IfL0ff] j[Qt:t' xtf] xtM

;bfrf/sf] JofVof ljleGg dgLifLx?n], cfrfo{x?n] / cjtf/x?n] cf–cfˆg} efiffdf u/] . a'4n] k~rzLn eg] . qmfOi6n] 10 Commandments eg] . dxfjL/n] æ;+odM vn' hLjgd\Æ eg] . kt~hlnn] !) k|sf/sf od–lgod atfP . uf]/vgfyn] @) k|sf/sf od–lgod egL lgb]{zg u/] . h]xf];\, ;a} of]uLx?n], wdf{rfo{x?n] ;bfrf/nfO{ g} klxnf] v'8\lsnf] dfg] .

;bfrf/ k| T o] s JolQmsf nflu ckl/xfo{ 5 . ;fgf]–7"nf] eGg] oxfF s'g} e]b 5}g, t/ t'ngfTds ?kn] x]bf{ cu'jfn] ljlzi6 JolQmn], g]tfn] o;df s'g} nfk/afxL ug{ ldNb}g . 7"nfs} dfu{sf] cg';/0f ug'{ egL

gLltsf/n] l;sfPsf 5g\ . To;}n] elgG5– dxfhgf] o]g utM ; kGyf . o;}u/L, elgG5–7"nfn] h] u¥of] sfd x'G5, Tof] ;j{;Ddt . olb 7"nfx?n] g} ;bfrf/sf] ;fwgfdf nfk/jfxL ul/lbP eg] ;dfhsf] ?kfGt/0f s;/L xf]nf < ;bfrf/sf] JofVof ljleGg dgLifLx?n], cfrfo{ x ?n] / cjtf/x?n] cf–cfˆg} efiffdf u/] . a'4n] k~rzLn eg] . qmfOi6n] 10 Commandments eg] . dxfjL/n] ……;+odM vn' hLjgd\Æ eg] . kt~hlnn] !) k|sf/sf od–lgod atfP . uf]/vgfyn] @) k|sf/sf od–lgod egL lgb]{zg u/] . h]xf];\, ;a} of] u Lx?n] , wdf{ r fo{ x ?n] ;bfrf/nfO{ g} klxnf] v'8\lsnf] dfg] . klxnf] v' 8 \ l snf] d f hf] ljZjf;k"j{s pSng ;S5, p;n] g} c? ;a} v'8\lsnfx?nfO{ ;xh} kf/ ug{ ;S5 . ofqf ;'/Do aG5 / ;xh aG5, ;bfrf/ 5 eg] . hLjg ;'/lIft, ;d[4 / zfGt aG5 ;bfrf/ 5 eg] . -of]uL 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ;b:o x'g'x'G5 ._

e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f cleofg ;kmn kf/f}+ .


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h


;'zf;g, e|i6frf/ / Joj;fo ls/0f yfkf


ifo uDeL/ 5 . xfd|f] b]zdf k|rf/afhL / ;'Gbf ;'gfpFbf /fd|f nfUg] cg]s ljifo k|;Ë / tYofÍx? pNn]v u/]/ n]v–/rgf cfsif{ s agfpg hlt ;lhnf] 5 . Tolt g} ufx|f] 5, kf/bzL{ eP/ o;leqsf ljs[lt;Fu n8\b} Joj;fo ;~rfng ug{ / hf]ufpg . lsgeg] kf/blz{tf / ;'zf;gnfO{ cfˆgf] Joj;fodf :yflkt ug{ tkfO{+n] 7"n} d"No r'sfpg'kg]{ x'G5 . hxfF tkfO{+ cfˆgf] Joj;fo aGb ug{, 3f6fdf rnfpg jf 5 eg] cfˆgf] k}t[s ;DklQ;d]t df;]/ cl8g'kg]{ cj:yf cfpg;S5 . a9\g' t, cln 6f9fs} s'/f x'g;S5 . lsgeg] xfd|f ;du| ;/+rgf g} o:tf] 5, hxfF ;'zf;g / e|i6frf/sf aLrdf Hofb} dl;gf] nId0f/]vf 5 . h;nfO{ sfod /fVg obfsbf tkfO{+ cfk}mF d]l6g tof/ x'g'kb{5 . tkfO{+n] Joj;fo ug{ ghfGbf jf tkfO{+ o;df cg'ejL x'g'x'Gg / /fd|/L Joj:yfkg ug{

xfd|f ;du| ;/+rgf g} o:tf] 5, hxfF ;'zf;g / e|i6frf/sf aLrdf Hofb} dl;gf] nId0f/]vf 5 . h;nfO{ sfod /fVg obfsbf tkfO{+ cfk}mF d]l6g tof/ x'g'kb{5 . tkfO{+n] Joj;fo ug{ ghfGbf jf tkfO{+ o;df cg'ejL x'g'xG' g / /fd|/L Joj:yfkg ug{ ;Sg'ePg eg] cs}{ s'/f xf] . To; cj:yfdf tkfO{+sf] Joj;fo w/f;foL x'g klg ;S5 .

;Sg'ePg eg] cs}{ s'/f xf] . To; cj:yfdf tkfO{+sf] Joj;fo w/f;foL x'g klg ;S5 . t/, tkfO{+ ;'zf;g, kf/bzL{ / e|i6frf/af6 6f9} /x]/ Joj:yfksLo s'zntfsf;fy cfˆgf] Joj;fo ;~rfng u5'{, eGg'x'G5 eg] klg Hofb} sl7g 5 . gf}nf] zAb vf]Hg] xf] eg] Aofj;flos zlxb x'g tkfO{+ tof/ /xg' kb{5 . lsgeg] xfd|f] ;fdflhs ;~hfn, k|zf;lgs ;~hfn, lgod–sfg'gsf ;~hfn, /fhgLlts ;~hfn, cfly{ s ;~hfn, Aofj;flos ;~hfn, ;~rf/ ;~hfn, g} o:tf 5g\ . xfd|f] ;+/rgf / kl/j]z klg o:t} 5 . hxfF e|i6frf/ cg]s ¿k–/Ë, cfj/0f, cfsf/–k|sf/df o;/L JofKt 5g\, hxfF tkfO{+ grfxFbf– grfxFb} klg k:g'kg]{ afWofTds cj:yf cfpg;S5, slxn]sfxLF tkfO{ + To;leq ;' : t/L ;dflxt ePsf] cfk}mFnfO{ klg cQf]–kQf] gx'g;S5 .

t/, o;sf ljk/Lt tkfO{+ cfˆgf] Aofj;flos d"No–dfGotf, kf/blz{tf / cfˆgf] sfo{ k | l tsf] z' 4 tfdf cl8g rfxg' x ' G 5 eg] d k] m l/ klg eG5', tkfO{ d]l6g klg tof/ x'g'kb{5 . Aofj;flos ;lxb aGg] cfF6 ug'{ kb{5 . sd;]sd d]/f] @% jif{sf] Aofj;flos cg'ejn] o:t} eG5 . km]l/ d]/f] of] ljZn]if0f k"/} gsf/fTds eof] eGg'k"j{, Joj;fo dflg;sf] :jefj–;fk]If x'G5 / s'g w/ftndf tkfO{+n] To;nfO{ xfFSb} x'g'x'G5 . To;n] klg w]/} s' / fsf] lgwf{ / 0f ub{ 5 . tkfO{ + kfl/jfl/s 3/fgf / w/ftnsf] Joj;fonfO{ gofF–gofF r'gf}tL;Fu n8\b} / ahf/–;fk]If agfpFb} cufl8 a9\b} x'g'x'G5 ls tkfO{+ cfˆgf] kfl/jfl/s cfjZostf k"/f ug{, u'hf/f ug]{ lx;fan] Joj;fo ub}{ x'g'x'G5 < ls tkfO{sf] p2]Zo g} Jofkf/–Joj;fo ug]{ eP/ To;tkm{ nfUg'ePsf] xf] < jf tkfO{+ cGo



s'g} If]q gkfP/ o;tkm{ nfUg'ePsf] xf] < oL h'g;'s} sf/0fn] tkfO{+ o; If]qdf nfu] klg tkfO{+df dfq k};f sdfpg] / emg\–emg\ wgLdfq aGg] cfsfª\Iff kf] 5 ls < oL ljljw kIf–k|ToIf¿kdf tkfO{+sf] :jefj;Fu hf]l8Psf] x'G5 . tb\cg'?k g} tkfO{+ cfˆgf] Aofkf/–Joj;fo lj:tf/ ug'{x'G5 . o;}df tkfO{+sf] cfr/0f, kf/blz{tf, Aofj;flos d"No–dfGotf / :jfledfg c8]sf] x'G5 . ;'zf;g / e|i6frf/lj¿4df sfd ub}{cfPsf] cGt/f{li6«o 7"nf] 5ftf ;+ u 7g 6LcfO{ g] k fnsf] gofF ;b:osf] gftfn] d 7" n f–7" n f l;4fGtsf s'/f oxfF g/fv]/ xfd|f] b]zsf] ;fk]If ;fgf–;fgf Aofj;flos cK7Øf/f, cg'ej oxfFx?;Fu ;f6\g rfxG5' . -!_ ljsf;f] G d' v /fi6« x ?sf] ;/sf/L jf ;DalGwt lgsfox? hf] k|ToIf¿kdf lghL If]qaf6 ;~rflnt Aofkf/–Joj;fo;Fu s'g} g s'g}¿kdf ;+UnUg -btf{ ubf{, cg'udg ubf{, s/ cflb ltbf{_ /xG5g\ . To:tf lgsfodf sfd ug]{ sd{rf/Lx?sf]] ;f]rdf Aofks kl/jt{ g sf] vF f rf] 5 . Aofkf/–Joj;fo eGg]lalQs} ;a}nfO{ pgLx?n] Pp6} cfFvfn] x]g]{ ub{5g\ . Joj;fo ;~rfng ubf{ sfg'gL¿kdf sxfF cK7Øf/f] 5 < s/ cflbsf] bfo/fdf s] – s:tf h6Lntfx? 5g\ < cflb ljifodf s;/L ;xof]uL eO{ ;xhLs/0f ug{ ;lsG5 < o:tf s'/fdf k6Ss} Wofg lbFb}gg\, a? lg?T;fxL agfpF5g\ . pgLx?

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;'zf;g / e|i6frf/lj¿4df sfd ub}{cfPsf] cGt/f{li6«o 7"nf] 5ftf ;+u7g 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] gofF ;b:osf] gftfn] d 7"nf– 7"nf l;4fGtsf s'/f oxfF g/fv]/ xfd|f] b]zsf] ;fk]If ;fgf–;fgf Aofj;flos cK7Øf/f, cg'ej oxfFx?;Fu ;f6\g rfxG5' .

la;{G5g\ ls, log} Jofj;foLx?n] lt/]sf] s/x?af6 cfk"mx?n] cGo ;]jf–;'ljwf / kfl/>lds kfO/x]sf x'G5g\ eGg] s'/f . s'g} Joj;foL ljz]ifn] sfg'gL / ;fdflhs¿kdf cfˆgf] wd{ lgefPgg\ eGb}df ;a};Fu o:t} Aojxf/ ug'{ k6Ss} xF'b}g . o:tf] Aojxf/ / cfr/0fn] gofF–gofF dflg;x? o:tf] If]qdf k|j]z ug{ rfxFb}gg . cGttM o;n] d'n'ss} cy{tGqdf c;/ kfb{5 . -@_ Jofj;foLx?n] klg xfd|f] u'hf/f o;}df 5, cfˆgf] Aofkf/–Joj;fo lj:tf/sf cnfjf, xfdLn] b] z

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

ljsf; / ;du| cy{tGqnfO{ klg ;xof]u ul//fv]sf 5f}+ egL Pp6f :jfledfgL / /fli6«o efjgf /fv]/ sfo{ ug'{ kb{5 . clg Pp6f Go"gtd Aofj;flos d"No–dfGotfleq a;]/ kf/bzL{¿kdf cfˆgf sfo{x? cufl8 a9fpg' kb{5 . -#_ Joj;fodf :jR5, kf/bzL{ / :t/Lotfsf] s'/f, Aofjxfl/s¿kdf ;~rfng ug]{ JolQmsf] pknAw ljsNkx?n] klg lgwf{/0f ub{5 . tkfO{+;Fu ePsf] k'FhLsf] rfk, kxF'r / /fhgLlts l:y/tfn] klg dxÎjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]n]sf] x'G5 . tkfO{+;Fu rfklagfsf] k'FhLsf] pknAwtf 5 eg] dfgl;s bafa sd e]mn]/ klg cfˆgf] sf/f]jf/ ;Gt'lnt¿kdf ;~rfng ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . t/, tkfO{n + ] Joj;fosf nflu h'6fPsf] k'FhL s'g} a}ª\s, ljQLo ;+:yf jf cGosf] dxª\uf] Aofhb/sf] 5 eg] tkfO{+n] 7"n} dfgl;s bafasf aLr Joj;fo ug'{kg]{ x'G5 . o;df tkfO{+ v/f] pqg ;Sg'ePg eg] tkfO{sf] v'§f na{/fpg ;S5 . clg, Aofj;flos dof{bf / dfGotfljk/Lt ;Demf}tf ug'{kg]{ cj:yf klg cfpg;S5 . oxfFlg/ ;'zf;g / e|i6frf/ljxLg ;dfh kl/sNkgf gf/fdf dfq ;Lldt x'g;S5 . -$_ /fhgLlts cl:y/tfn] ubf{ sof}F lbg aGb, rSsfhfd, x8\tfn x'G5g\ . h;df tkfO{+sf Joj;fo ;ª\s'rg x'g hfG5 . t/, nufgL ug]{ a}ª\s, ljQLo ;+:yf jf cGon] tkfO{ + n fO{ s' g } klg lsl;dsf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

;x'lnot lbFb}g, pN6} hl/jfgf lnG5 . oxfFlg/ tkfO{+sf] g}ltstf 8udufpg ;S5 . Joj;fonfO{ nyflnË 5f8]/ tkfO{+ l;ª\uf] kl/j]z;Fu n8\g klg ;Sg'x'Gg . clg s] ug]{ < To;}n] d}n] of] n]vsf] klxnf] afSod} eg] ljifo uDeL/ 5 . lsgeg] xfd|f] b]zdf /fhgLlts cl:y/tfn] ubf{, aGb–x8\tfnn] ubf{ Joj;foLx?nfO{ g/fd|/L k|efljt kf/L c:tJo:t agfPsf] cj:yfdf klg lhDd]jf/L s;}n] af]Sg kb}{g . nufgL ug]{ ;+:yfsf] s]xL hfg]jfnf 5}g . ljleGg ;+/If0f / hdfgLn] ubf{ pN6} kmfOb} xf]nf . /fhgLlts bnx?sf] klg s]xL lau|g]jfnf 5}g . ha b]z xfFSg] /fhgLlts bn / k'FhL af]s]/ a:g] ;+:yfx?sf] klg s]xL lau|g]jfnf 5}g eg] o; ljifodf rf;f] /fVg] s;n] < o:tf] ljifo kl/l:yltdf klg /fhgLlt gsf/fTds ¿kd} eP klg km:6fPsf] / a}lsË tyf ljQLo ;+ : yfx? gfkmfdf ;~rfng x'Fb}cfPsf] d'Vo sf/0f oxL xf] . /fhgLlts g]t[Îjn] sfd gu/L b]zsf] 9's'6L ;Sb} Pskl5 csf]{ jif{ ;+ljwfg Nofpg] gfpFdf lgjf{rg u/fpFb} cfPsf] 5 . o; b]zdf xfnL–d'xfnL ug]{ k'FhLklt ju{sf] afx'No 5 . o:t}, a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?df hxfF ;Lldt ju{ / tKsfnfO{ cem wlg agfpg / efuj08fdf b]zsf] /fhgLlt rnfpg /fi6« s f] :jfledfgL, /fli6« o tf, cv08tf / cl:dtfnfO{ ;d] t bfpdf /fv]/, zlQm / s';L{df dfq

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;+3–;+u7g d~r, df]rf{ o'lgog cflbsf] cfj/0fdf, k|foM ;a} Joj;fonufot lzIff, ;fj{hlgs ;+3– ;+:yf, lghfdtL If]q cflbdf AofKt¿kdf c3f]lift ;dfgfGt/ gsf/fTds zlQmsf] pbo jt{dfg g]kfndf ljsf; / k|ultsf nflu d'Vo tuf/f]sf ¿kdf /x]sf] 5 .

e'm lG8/xg] rl/q /xG5 . clg, ;j{;fwf/0f gful/s xfdL kmut Tof] l3gnfUbf :jfy{ k"/f ul/lbg] dfWoddfq x'G5f}+ eg] ;'zf;g / e|i6frf//lxt b]z s;/L aG5 < -%_ ;+3–;+u7g d~r, df]rf{ o'lgog cflbsf] cfj/0fdf, k| f oM ;a} Joj;fonufot lzIff, ;fj{hlgs ;+3–;+:yf, lghfdtL If]q cflbdf AofKt¿kdf c3f] l ift ;dfgfGt/ gsf/fTds zlQmsf] pbo jt{dfg g]kfndf ljsf; / k|ultsf nflu d'Vo tuf/f]sf ¿kdf /x]sf] 5 . ;a}nfO{ /fd|f] dfG5] xf]Og, xfd|f] dfG5] rflxPsf] 5 . ;a} /fli6«o :jfy{df



xf]Og . JolQm kl/jf/ / To;eGbf a9L bnut÷u'6ut :jfy{df /dfPsf 5g\ . clg sxfF 5, tkfO{+ xfdLn] vf]h]sf], rfx]sf] / /f]h]sf] ;'Gb/, zfGt, ljsl;t clg :jfledfg g]kfnsf] dfu{lrq . xfdLn] of] ljs[ltnfO{ lr/]/ cf–cfˆgf] ;+:yfsf] ljsf; lj:tf/ clg /fli6« o :jfy{ n fO{ s]Gb|ljGb'df /fv]/ cl3 a9\g] xf] eg], ;+3, ;+u7g, d~r, df]rf{, o'lgog cflb . h]–;'s} cfj/0fdf /x] s f o:tf ;+ : yfnfO{ lj36g u/L x/]s ;+:yfdf Pp6fdfq o'lgog /xg' kb{5 . h;n] ;+3–;+:yfsf] Joj:yfkgnfO{ r':t–b'¿:t /fVb} lg/Gt/ lgu/fgL u/]/, ;sf/fTds ;xof]u / ;'emfj lbFb} cf–cfk"m cfj4 ;+:yfnfO{ ljsf;sf] af6f]df cufl8 a9fpg ;Sb5 . xfdL o;sf nflu tof/ 5f}+ < g]tfx? tof/ 5g\ < ;/sf/ o;sf nflu tof/ 5 < /fhgLlts bnsf ljleGg e|ft[ ;+u7gx? o;sf nflu tof/ 5g\ < u'Xo s'/f oxL xf] . -^_ :jfledfg / cfTd;Ddfg sfod /fv]/ g]kfndf Joj;fo ug'{ kmnfdsf] lrp/f rkfpg';/x /x]sf] 5 . ToxfF tkfO{+ knkndf n8\g'k5{ . clg, cfk}mF p7\g'k5{ . km]l/ n8\g'k5{ . clg, k]ml/ p7\g] sf]lz; ug'{k5{, ToxfF tkfO{+nfO{ p7fpg]jfnf sf]xL 5}gg\ . lsgeg] tkfO{+sf] sd{ / Joj;fo s;}sf] JolQmut / ;d"xut :jfy{;Fu hf]l8Psf] xF'b}g, To;}n] tkfO{+ cfk}mF n8\b} p7\g'k5{ . ToxfF tkfO{+n] s]xL kfpg w]/} u'dfpg'kg]{



cj:yf klg cfpg;S5 . t/ cGttM tkfO{n] w]/} u'dfP/ yf]/} kfPsf] s'/f g} jf:tjdf tkfO{+n] u'dfPsf]eGbf w]/} u'0ff a9L, ;f:jt, uf}/j / cfTd–;Ddfgn] el/Psf] x'g]5 . cfh ko{Gt–sd{ If]qdf sfd ul//xFbf d]/f] hLjgk|ltsf] cg'ej / cg'e"lt o:t} /x]sf] 5 . ;fF R r} – Hofb} ufx|f] 5, :jR5 / kf/bzL{ k[ i 7e" l ddf Joj;fo ;~rfng ug{ g]kfndf . ls Joj;fo eg] s } cfˆgf] :jfy{ k" / f ug] { , c?sf v'§f tfGg] sfd xf] eg]/ a' ‰ g' k ¥of] . h' g cfˆgf] dgn] dfGb}g . clg, lsg ¿G5, dª\un] cfˆg} 9Ën]============== . t/, of] ¿jfO{– ?jfO{dfq xf]Og . ;To / lgi7fsf] d"No / dfGotfsf], :jfledfg / kf/blz{tfsf] OdfGbfl/tf / ;]jfsf] ;du| ¿k xf] . of] af6f]df lxF8\bf h'g cfTd–;Gt'i6L kfOG5, Tof] cGtM st} kfOFb}g . o;df b'O{j6f n8fO{ ;dfgfGt/¿kdf Ps;fy n8\g'k5{, Pp6f Aofj;flos k|lt:kwf{sf] csf]{ Joj;foleq d"No–dfGotf, g}ltstf / OdfGbfl/tfsf] . 8f8'–kGo"F lnP/ a:g] dflg; g} a] O dfg ePkl5 ufx| f ] kbf] { / x] 5 . t/, pHofnf] – cFWof/f]d} vf]Hg] xf] . cK7Øf/f] af6f]df lxF8]/ ;kmntf kfpFbf h'g cfgGb cfpF5, Tof] ;/n af6f]df lxF8]/ kfpFbfsf]eGbf w]/} u'0ff a9L x'G5 . To;}n] eg]sf xf]nfg\, xfd|f cu|h jl/i7 ;flxTosf/ afns[i0f ;dHo"n] æb'vL / ul/asf] 3/df t]/f] af; x'g] eP, x] eujfg\ dnfO{ cem a9L b'Mv b]Æ .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;To / lgi7fsf] d"No / dfGotfsf], :jfledfg / kf/blz{tfsf] OdfGbfl/tf / ;]jfsf] ;du| ¿k xf] . of] af6f]df lxF8\bf h'g cfTd–;Gt'i6L kfOG5, Tof] cGtM st} kfOFb}g . o;df b'O{j6f n8fO{ ;dfgfGt/¿kdf Ps;fy n8\g'k5{, Pp6f Aofj;flos k|lt:kwf{sf] csf]{ Joj;foleq d"No– dfGotf, g}ltstf / OdfGbfl/tfsf] .

oL t eP gLltut¿kdf zLif{ : y :yfgdf a;]sfx? rfx] /fhgLlts If]qsf x'g\, rfx] cfly{s If]qsf Ifl0fs / lgxLt :jfy{ af]s]sf s7}j/L ;d"xsf s'/f . ca d lemgf–dl;gf t/ b]z lgdf{0fsf nflu cTofjZos ljifoj:t'lt/ tkfO{+sf] Wofg df]8\g rfxG5' . xfdL cf– cfˆgf] sfo{If]qdf OdfGbf/Lk"j{s eGg'kbf{ b}lgs slt 3G6f v6\ 5f}+ < nlntk'/, s'k08f]naf6 ;ld6 xf]6nsf] psfnf]af6 l;w}+ cfpg'xf];,\ gjlgld{t km/flsnf] af6f] / Psflt/dfq eP klg k'm6kfy e]6g\ ' x''g]5 . t/, k'm6kfysf aLr}df ePsf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

!)) kfOk/ xf]6n;Fu}sf] 7'§fx? oyfjt\ 5fl8Psf] 5 . To; If]qdf g]kfnLx?;Fu} y'k}| ljb]zLx?sf] klg a;f]af; 5, laxfg dflg{Ë jfsdf lg:sG5g\ . n8]/ 7"n} b'3{6gf x'g;S5 < lhDd]jf/L s;sf] < k'Nrf]s Ol~hlgol/Ë SofDk;sf] cufl8sf] k'm6kfydf 9n aiff}{+b]lv cnkq 5 . lhDd]jf/ lgsfodf $ k6s;Dd cg'/f]w ubf{ klg s]xL ePg . xtf/–xtf/df ljleGg 7fpFdf agfOPsf k'm6kfysf] n]an klg ldn]sf xF'b}gg\ jiff{t\df k'm6kfyd} kfgL hD5g\ . oL / o:tf ;fg} eP klg dxÎjk"0f{ sfo{sf] lhDd]jf/L s;}n] lnPsf] b]lvFb}g . 7]s]bf/n] sa'n u/]/ lhDd]jf/Lk"j{s agfpF5' eg] s f] lgdf{ 0 fsfo{ s f] q' 6 L / c:tAo:t cj:yfsf] cg'udg lsg ;DalGwt lgsfosf k|fljlws kIfaf6 xF'b}gg\, sf/0f tkfO{+ xfdL ;a}nfO{ yfxf 5 . o:tf cg]s pbfx/0f x'g ;S5g\ . cfk"mn] vf]h, cg';Gwfg, cGj]if0f cflb u/L pTkfbg u/]/ laqmL–ljt/0f ug'{ t k/}sf] s'/f l5d]sL b]z ef/taf6 vl/b u/]/ NofPsf] k]6«f]lnod kbfy{sf] d"No / cfk"lt{ xfdL ;xh¿kdf Joj:yfkg klg ug{ ;Sb}gf} . c? 7"nf–7"nf s'/f s] ug'{ < clg g]kfn lsg ag]g, e|i6frf/ lsg 36]g < ;'zf;g lsg ePg < cflb s'/fdf ax; ug'{sf] cy{ s] 5 < ;a}n] ;f]rf} / cf–cfˆgf] 7fpFaf6 k|ltj4 eO{ OdfGbf/ agf}+ . ho xf];\ . -yfkf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ;b:o x'g'x'G5 ._


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h


g]kfnsf cGt/f{li6«o u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yf

slt kf/bzL{ 5g\ < /fhwfgL b}lgsn] wd{sf] gfddf 7"nf] kl/df0fsf] cj}w /sd g]kfndf lelqPsf]Ù rLglj/f]wL ultljlwsf nflu u'Daf, r}Tosf gfddf 7"nf] kmG8 cfpg] u/]sf]Ù / o;}u/L dl:hb / db/;fsf] gfddf dfq geO{ rr{sf] gfddf ;d]t 7"nf] /sd lelqPsf] k|sfz P /fh pNn]v u/]sf] 5 . pSt b}lgsn] gfd rn]sf s]xL u};;n] klg ;fdflhs kmG8sf] gfddf o:tf] /sd Nofpg] u/]sf 5g\ egL n]v]sf] 5 . -/fhwfgL !@÷#÷@)!@_


kfndf cfO{Pgh L c f]sf ] lqmofsnfkaf/] a]nf–av]tdf ljb] z L l6Kk0fLsf/x?n] rf;f] b]vfPsf 5g\ . ef/tsf] OlG:6Ro"6 ckm l8km]G; :6l8h PG8 Pgflnl;;sf n]vs lgxf/ cf/= gfos n]V5g\, …klZrdL b]zx?af6 /sd k|fKt u/]sf cu};;k|lt rLgn] rf;f] k|s6 u/]sf] 5 . lsgsL logLx? g] k fndf hftLo ;ª\ 3 LotfnfO{ ;dy{g ul//x]sf 5g\ .Ú (Nayork, Nihar R, Strategic Himalayas Republic Nepal and External Powers, 20-14 (DSA, Delhi)

/fhwfgL b}lgsn] wd{sf] gfddf 7"nf] kl/df0fsf] cj}w /sd g]kfndf lelqPsf]Ù rLglj/f]wL ultljlwsf nflu u'Daf, r}Tosf gfddf 7"nf] kmG8 cfpg] u/]sf]Ù / o;}u/L dl:hb

/ db/;fsf] gfddf dfq geO{ rr{sf] gfddf ;d]t 7"nf] /sd lelqPsf] pNn]v u/]sf] 5 . pSt b}lgsn] gfd rn] s f s] x L u} ; ;n] klg ;fdflhs kmG8sf] gfddf o:tf] /sd Nofpg] u/]sf 5g\ egL n]v]sf] 5 . -/fhwfgL !@÷#÷@)!@_ g]skf Pdfn] lgs6 b[li6 ;fKtflxsn] klg g]kfnsf] 7"nf] kf6L{ dfcf]jfbLnfO{ wd{ kl/jt{g u/fpg 7"nf] /sd cu};;dfk{mt\ lbO;s]sf 5g\ egL n]v]sf] 5 . -b[li6, !!÷!÷@))!_ To:t} g]kfndf ePsf !$) cu};;n] hftLo cfwf/df sfdsf] nflu pd]bjf/ 5fGg] s'/f sflGtk'/ b}lgs -!!÷!)÷@)!@_ df n]v]sf] 5 . xfn} dlxnf, afn sNof0f / ;dfh sNof0f dGqLn] cu};;sf]

lqmofsnfkdf kf/blz{ t f rflxg] s'/f af]n]sf 5g\ . g]kfndf sfo{/t cu};;n] k|lt jif{ ?= !) ca{ ?k}ofF oxfFsf] cy{tGqdf NofpF5g\ . g]kfn ;/sf/n] xfn} k| s flzt u/] s f] cfly{s ;'wf/ sfo{of]hgf, @)^( sf] !# cf}+ a'Fbfdf g]kfndf sfd ug]{ cu};;n] cfˆgf] jflif{s cfoJoo ljj/0f, k"/f ePsf cfof]hgf / hg;fwgaf/] ;"rgf k|jfx ug'{kg]{ n]lvPsf] 5 / o; sfddf k//fi6« dGqfno tyf dlxnf, afnaflnsf tyf ;dfh sNof0f dGqfno;Fusf] ;xof]u lng'kg]{ s'/f n]lvPsf] 5 . ;f]xL sfo{of]hgfsf] !$ cf}+ a'Fbfdf cu};;af6 k|fKt x'g] ;Dk"0f{ ;xfotf ;a}nfO{ Psåf/ k|0ffnL cGtu{t cfpg'kg]{ s'/f pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . (Spotlight, gf]e]Da/, @)!@_



;g\ @)!$ sf] ljb]zL ;xfotf gLlt k|sflzt ePkl5 Pzf]l;P;g km/ OG6/g]zgn PghLcf] Og g]kfn (AIN) n] o;;DaGwL b:tfj]hdf pNn]v ePsf] k|fKt x'g] cfly{s ;xfotfdf kf/blz{tf / hjfkmb]xLnfO{ ;dy{g u/]sf 5g\ . g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;g\ @)!@ sf] h'nfO{ / h'g @)!$ u/L b'O{ jif{;Dd cGt/lqmofTds k|lzIf0f uf]i7Lsf] cfof]hgf u/]sf] lyof] . (Spotlight, !& ;]K6]Da/ @)!$_ sflGtk'/ b}lgsdf k|sflzt Ps n]vdf cu};;n] g]kfnsf afx'gIf]qLk|lt k"jf{u|x /x]sf] egL n]lvPsf] 5– afx' g –IfqLk| l t cfO{ P ghLcf] s f] k"jf{u|x, ljzfns'df/ e08f/L_ . o;} ;Gbe{df OG6/g]zgn cfOl8of eGg] lkmgNofG8sf] cu};;n] g]kfndf ptkGg ult/f]w k"0f{tM hftLo / ;fDk| b flos ePsf] s' / f xfn} ;DkGg uf]i7Ldf k|:t't ul/Psf] s'/f ;fKtflxs t¿0f -@# h'nfO{ @)!@_ df n]lvPsf] 5 . ;+ljwfg;efleq ss; gfds ;+ u 7gnfO{ o; cu} ; ;n] cfly{ s ;xfotf u/L lglZrt hfthfltlj?4 prfn]sf] s'/f klg ;f]xL klqsfn] pNn]v u/]sf] 5 . cfOl8of eGg] ;+:yf s'g} klg lgsfodf btf{ ePsf] 5}g . o; ;+:yfn] ;ª\3Lotf / Psn hftLo klxrfgsf] lgldQ nufgL u/]sf] s'/f klg o; klqsfn] n]v]sf] 5 . cfOl8of Institute of Democracy and Electoral Assistance) ls k|d'v l/lsnfn] sf7df8f}+ kf]i6;Fusf] cGtjf{tf{df cfˆgf] ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;g\ @)!$ sf] ljb]zL ;xfotf gLlt k|sflzt ePkl5 Pzf]l;P;g km/ OG6/g]zgn PghLcf] Og g]kfnn] o;;DaGwL b:tfj]hdf pNn]v ePsf] k|fKt x'g] cfly{s ;xfotfdf kf/blz{tf / hjfkmb]xLnfO{ ;dy{g u/]sf 5g\ .

;+ljwfg;efnfO{ ;xof]u ug]{, cGo b]zx?df s] ePsf] 5 egL atfpg], g]kfnL gful/sx?sf] ;e]{If0f ug]{ / ljleGg ;d"xaLr s'/fsfgL u/fpg] xf] . h'g s'/f ljjfbf:kb xf]Og (The Kathmandu Post, 22 August

. oxL ;+:yfn] hftLo kf6L{ vf]Ng ;'emfj lbPsf] egL Pp6f ;fKtflxsn] n]v]sf] lyof] -;fF3', !% cS6f]a/ @)!@_ . g]kfnn] ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf] ;b:otf k| f Kt u/] k l5 cg] s ;lGw tyf cle;lGwdf x:tfIf/ u/]sf] 5 . tLdWo] cfO{Pncf] !^( -cGt/f{li6«o >d ;+u7gsf] cle;lGw g+= !^( 2014)

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

;d]t xf], h;n] cflbjf;Lx?sf] clwsf/ / ;dfj]zLs/0fsf] lgldQ sbd p7fpF5 . ljut b; jif{df o; cle;lGwnfO{ @@ b]zn] dfq cg'df]bg u/]sf 5g\ . cd]l/sf, ?;, ef/t / rLgn] klg o;nfO{ cg'df]bg u/]sf 5}gg\ . oLdWo] g]kfnnfO{ ;xfotf k|bfg ug]{ cGo s]xL klZrdf b]z klg 5g\ . o:tf b]zsf ;xfotf ug]{ dfu{bz{s gLltdf Pzf] l ;P;g ckm OG6/g] z gn PghLcf]h ckm g]kfn (AIN) n] cGt/f{li6«o ;d'bfon] cfO{Pncf] !^( adf]lhd ljsf; cfof]hgfdf ljljwtf / ;dfj]zLs/0fnfO{ ;3fp k'¥ofpg cfO{Pncf] !^( nfO{ cfwf/ dfg] / dfu{ b z{ g l;4fGt dfg] s f] s'/f cfˆgf] ;xfotf sfo{qmddf /fv]sf 5g\ . o;/L sfd ug{ k|lta4 ;+:yfdWo] Sofg8fsf] Sofg]l8og OG6/g]zgn 8]enf]kd]G6 Ph]G;L, c:6«]lnofsf] c;P8, 8]gdfs{sf] 8flg8f / a]nfotsf] l8lkm8;d]t 5g\ . oL s'g} klg b]zn] cfO{Pncf] !^( nfO{ cg'df]bg u/]sf 5}gg\ . Sofg8f / c:6«]lnofdf w]/} ;+Vofdf cflbjf;L -OlG8lhlgo; lkkn_ a:b5g\ . cfˆgf] b] z n] rfxLF cfO{ P ncf] !^( df x:tfIf/ / cg'df]bg gug]{ t/ g]kfndf cfˆgf] ;xfotfsf] cfwf/e" t dfu{ b z{ g l;4fGtdf rfxLF cfO{Pncf] !^( cg';f/ x'g] egL oL b]z / o;af6 cfPsf cu};;x?sf] gLlt /x]sf] 5 . s] o:tf] sfd bf]x/f] dfkb08 xf]Og <. -P /fh 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf ;b:o x'gx' G' 5 ._

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g


syf ;ª\u|x …k|j[lQÚM ;"Id ;dLIff bLks 9sfn

kl/ro k|j[lQ syf ;ª\u| x 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn, g]kfn RofK6/åf/f k|sflzt s[lt xf] . ;flxlTos ljwfsf] dfWodåf/f ;bfrf/ / ;' z f;g :yfkgfsf] cleofgnfO{ o; k|sfzgn] 6]jf lbPsf] 5 . o; ;+:yfn] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f u/L ;bfrf/ k|j4{g ug]{ cleef/f ;+:yfut ?kdf axg u/]sf] 5 . o;} qmddf syf ;ª\u|xsf] k|sfzg ePsf] b]lvG5 . k|j[lQleq s"n PstL;j6f syf ;Ílnt 5g\ . d' V o ljifoj:t' e|i6frf/sf] lj/f]w / ;bfrf/sf] :yfkgf /x]sf sf/0f ;dfg lsl;dsf nfUg] syf o;cGtu{t ;Ílnt 5g\ . t/ ;Ílnt syfsf ;f/j:t' / ;Gb]z kIfnfO{ cfwf/dfGbf d"ntM k| z f;lgs, g} l ts, ;fdflhs / cfly{s ;'zf;g Pj+ ;bfrf/df

k|j[lQ syf ;ª\u|xsf] s]Gb|Lo clek|fo eg]s} ;bfrf/, e|i6frf/ljxLg ;dfh / /fHo Joj:yf tyf To;sf cfwf/af6 ;'zf;gsf] :yfkgf xf] . d"ntM o; cleofgnfO{ ;dy{g ug]{ syfx? ljljw k|s[ltsf /x]sf 5g\ .

s]lGb|t syfx?nfO{ juL{s/0f ug{ ;lsG5 . k|:t't ljZn]if0ffTds cWoogdf klg syf ;ª\ u | x df ;d]l6Psf syfsf d'Vo kIfx?sf] cfnf] r gfTds d" N ofª\ s g ug] { k|oTg ul/Psf] 5 . k| j [ l Q syf ;ª\ u | x sf] s] G b| L o clek|fo eg]s} ;bfrf/, e| i 6frf/ljxLg ;dfh / /fHo Joj:yf tyf To;sf cfwf/af6 ;'zf;gsf] :yfkgf xf] . d"ntM o; cleofgnfO{ ;dy{g ug]{ syfx? ljljw k|s[ltsf /x]sf 5g\ . k|zf;lgs ;'zf;g :yfkgfdf …k|jl[ QÚ k| j [ l Q syf ;ª\ u | x df ;Ílnt syfx?dWo] s]xL g]kfnsf] k|zf;g ;+oGqdf df}nfPsf] e|i6frf/;Fu ;DalGwt 5g\ . sd{rf/L k|zf;g eg] s f] b] z sf] :yfoL ;/sf/

xf] . /fhgLlts bnsf] g]t[Tjn] gLltut lg0f{o u/] klg sfo{If]qdf Jofjxfl/stf lbg] sfo{ sd{rf/L ;+oGqn] g} ub{5 . o; qmddf gful/sn] kfpg'kg]{ ;]jf– ;'ljwfnfO{ ;/n agfpg'sf] ;f6f] emGeml6nf], 3'dfp/f] / cGTodf ;]jfaf6 g} alGrt x'g'kg]{ cj:yf k|zf;g ;+oGqdf ljsl;t ePsf] 5 . o:tf] cj:yf l;h{ gf u/L gful/snfO{ cg'lrt 9Ën] zf]if0f ug]{ syf o;df ;Ílnt 5 . OGb" kGtsf] …kZrftfkÚ o;sf] k|ltlglw syf xf] . k|x/L k|zf;gdf k|j]z u/]/ kl/jf/nfO{ cs't ;DklQ cfh{g ul/lbg g;s]sf]n] ?i6 eO{ dfOt lxF8]sL >LdtL cGTodf e|i6 l5d]sL lzIff ;lrj ;To/fdnfO{ klqmPkl5 kbf]Ggltdf k/]sf] >Ldfg\ ;xL /x]5 eGg] ;Gb]z o; syfn] lbPsf] 5 . cfˆgf] k|zf;lgs lhDd]jf/LnfO{



b'¿kof]u u/L ;dfhdf cfly{s /afkm b]vfpg] sd{rf/L ;+oGq o; syfdf jl0f{t ;To/fds} lsQfsf 5g\ . To:t}, k|zf;lgs lhDd]jf/L / kbLo x} l ;otsf] b' ¿ kof] u sf] ljifodf cfwfl/t O{Nof e§/fO{sf] …unt af6f]Ú klg ;zSt /x]sf] 5 . k|x/Lsf] pRr cf]xf]bfdf k'u]kl5 kl/jf/sf] pS;fx6df nfu]/ pgn] cs't wg cfh{gsf] af6f] ;dfP . cGttM ToxL wgn] ;GtfgnfO{ s'ntdf ws]Nof] eg] kfl/jfl/s ;+/rgf klg Wj:t eof] . k|zf;g ;+oGqdf df}nfPsf] e|i6frf/nfO{ k|ltlglwTj ug]{ csf]{ syf t[i0ff s'Fj/sf] …sfh lkmtf{Ú xf] . ;LdfjtL{ eG;f/ gfsfdf v6fPsf] Odfgbf/ sd{rf/L cfˆgf] ;bfrf/ / cfly{s kf/blz{tfnfO{ af]s]/ lxF8\bf cGo sd{rf/Lsf] cFvfsf] sl;ª\u/ aGg' k/]sf] ;Gb]z o;df 5 . Ps JolStn] cfˆgf] sfo{ z } n LnfO{ :jR5 /fVg vf]h]/ dfq gx'g] / ;a}n] rfx]df dfq cfly{s ;'zf;g / ;bfrf/ lgdf{0f ug{ ;lsg] dfGotf o;df 5 . k|zf;lgs lhDd]jf/Lsf] r/d b'¿kof]u u/]/ zfgzf}stsf] hLjg latfP klg kbd'St ePkl5 ;a}sf] cfFvfsf] sl;ª\u/ x'g'kg]{ syf bLkls/0f zdf{sf] 5 . kb / k};fsf] /afkmdf cfkmGtl;t cg'lrt tyf c;fdflhs ag]sf] JolStnfO{ cGttM ;dfhn] s;/L lt/isf/ ubf]{/x]5 eGg] gd'gf o;n] k]z u/]sf] 5 . g]kfnsf] e|i6 k|zf;g ;+oGqsf] r/d gd" g fsf ¿kdf g/] G b| / fh kf}8]nsf] …/ftf]efn]Ú syfnfO{ lng ;lsG5 . dfnkf] t sfof{ n odf

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

g]kfnsf] k|zf;g ;+oGqleqsf] e|i6frf/ d'2fnfO{ ux'Ft 5s]{/ rf]Vofpg] sfo{ Gofo If]qn] u/]sf] ljifonfO{ lji0f' axfb'/ s];Lsf] Odfgbfl/tfsf] kmn syfn] k||i6ØfPsf] 5 . Odfgbf/ / ;'zf;gsf] kIfkftL b':dg e|i6frf/sf] cleof]udf h]n rnfg ePsf] t/ e|i6frf/sf] gfOs]rfxLF d'St ePsf] ljifonfO{ o;df dfld{stfk"j{s k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 .

df}nfPsf] e|i6 ;+:s[lt, kfOn}lkR5] 3"; Vjfpg'kg]{ afWofTds cj:yf, kmfF6jfnf sd{rf/Ln] larf}lnof;Fu ldnfPsf] ;fF7ufF7, cfˆgf] k};f vr{ u/]/ hUuf lsGbf klg cGoq}sf] hUuf kfl/lbP/ 7lug' k/]sf] cj:yfnfO{ lgs} ;"Idtfk"j{s o;df ;d]l6Psf] 5. /fhgLlts zlStsf] b' ? kof] u u/L k|zf;lgs cf]xf]bfdf a;]sfn] cufn]sf] e|i6 ;+:s[ltnfO{ d~h" sfF r ' n Lsf] …eG;f/sf] hlu/ / pmÚ syfn] k| l tlalDat u/] s f] 5 . /fhgLlts kl/jt{ g kZrft\ k|fKt pknlAw s]an cfˆgf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

dfG5]nfO{ dfnbf/ dGqfnoo, ljefu / s] G b| d f k7fP/ sld;g lng] g]kfnsf] :yfoL ;/sf/k|lt o; syfn] ltvf] Joª\Uo u/]sf] 5 . To;}u/L, g]kfndf ;jf{lws df}nfPsf] 7]Ssf–k§f;DaGwL sfd tfd]nLdf k|zf;lgs ;+oGqsf] e|i6frf/nfO{ nId0f udgfu]sf] …ef]nf ;/sf] d[To'Ú n] k|ltlalDat u/]sf] 5 . cToGt ;fwf/0f / ;fbuLk"0f{ hLjg afF r ]sf ef]nf ;/ clkm;sf cGo sd{ r f/Lsf] a;fp7Ln] e|i6 aGb} uPsf / ;/sf/L ejg lgdf{ 0 fsf] 7] S sf ldnfPafkt 3"; vfP/ d[To'sf] d'vdf k'u]sf] k|;Ë o;df cfPsf] 5 . g]kfnsf] k| z f;g ;+ o Gqleqsf] e| i 6frf/ d'2fnfO{ ux'Ft 5s]{/ rf]Vofpg] sfo{ Gofo If]qn] u/]sf] ljifonfO{ lji0f' axfb'/ s];Lsf] Odfgbfl/tfsf] kmn syfn] k||i6ØfPsf] 5 . Odfgbf/ / ;' z f;gsf] kIfkftL b' : dg e|i6frf/sf] cleof]udf h]n rnfg ePsf] t/ e|i6frf/sf] gfOs]rfxLF d' S t ePsf] ljifonfO{ o;df dfld{ s tfk" j { s k| : t' t ul/Psf] 5 . To;} u /L, ;sn a:g] t sf] …lrof vr{Ú / ;'zLnf b]phfsf] …d}nf] 6f6f]Ú syfn] klg wgcfh{gsf lglDt g]kfnsf] k|zf;lgs ;+oGqsf kx/]bf/x?n] unt 9Ën] cfˆgf] clwsf/ k|of]u u/]sf] k|;ËnfO{ phfu/ u/]sf] 5 . plNnlvt ljZn] i f0fdf cfPsf syfn] cGttM k|zf;lgs lhDd]jf/LnfO{ ;Gtfgsf] /x/ k"/f ug]{ gfddf, >LdtLsf cgfjZos

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

vfFrf]nfO{ 6fg]{ gfddf, ;dfhsf cGo JolStn] pS;fPsf] cfwf/df cfˆgf] e|i6 dgf]lj1fgsf] k|bz{g u/] s f 5g\ . To;} n ] g] k fnsf] e|i6frf/sf] ;a}eGbf dha' t h/f] k|zf;g ;+oGqsf 7]s]bf/n] g} uf8]sf] lgisif{df k'Ug ;lsG5 . ;fdflhs ;bfrf/ :yfkgfdf …k|jl[ QÚ k| j [ l Q syf ;ª\ u | x sf] clGtd nIo e|i6frf//lxt /fHo /x] tfklg ToxfF;Dd k'Ugsf lglDt ;dfwfg ug'{kg]{ ;fdflhs ;d:of klg 5g\ . ltgnfO{ k|:t't ljZn]if0fdf ;bfrf/ lgdf{0fdf k|j[lQcGtu{t /flvPsf] 5. ;fdflhs ;bfrf/;Fu ;DalGwt o; ;ª\u| xsf syfdf hf]xf] pNn]vgLo 5 . syfsf/ 6LPg l3ld/]n] lxGb" ;+:sf/df k|rlnt ljjfx ;DaGwnfO{ cfly{s n]gb]gsf] ljifo;Fu t'ngf ul/Psf] 36gf o;df k|:t't u/]sf 5g\ . cfhsf] ;dodf Ifdtfjfg / of]Uotf ePsf] JolStnfO{ hLjg ;fyLsf ?kdf cfTd;ft ug'{kg]{ xf] t/ o; syfdf ;;'/fnLsf] ;DklQdf / ljz]iftM ;;'/fnLsf] kx'Frsf cf8df cs' t wgcfh{ g ug] { dg;fon] j}jflxs ;DaGw ufF;]sf] 36gf 5 . of] g]kfnL ;dfhdf df}nfPsf] ;dflhs e|i6frf/ xf] . g]kfnsf] t/fO{ If]qdf bfOhf] k|yf Ps ;fdflhs dxf/f]usf ?kdf /x]sf] 5 . o;nfO{ ljifoj:t'sf ?kdf rog u/]sf] k|ltlglw syf /fdbofn /fs]zsf] …e|i6frf/sf]

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;fdflhs ;bfrf/ ;Fu ;DalGwt o; ;ª\u|xsf syfdf hf]xf] pNn]vgLo 5 . syfsf/ 6LPg l3ld/]n] lxGb" ;+:sf/df k|rlnt ljjfx ;DaGwnfO{ cfly{s n]gb]gsf] ljifo;Fu t'ngf ul/Psf] 36gf o;df k|:t't u/]sf 5g\ . cfhsf] ;dodf Ifdtfjfg / of]Uotf ePsf] JolStnfO{ hLjg ;fyLsf ?kdf cfTd;ft ug'{kg]{ xf] t/ o; syfdf ;;'/fnLsf] ;DklQdf / ljz]iftM ;;'/fnLsf] kx'Frsf cf8df cs't wgcfh{g ug]{ dg;fon] j}jflxs ;DaGw ufF;]sf] 36gf 5.



lrq lvlrPsf] syf nlntf bf]ifLsf] …nIoÚ xf] . e|i6 OlGhlgo/n] 7]Ssf– k§fdf 7]s]bf/;Fu ldn]/ cs't wgcfh{g u/]sf] t/ d[To'kZrft\ ;f/f ufpFn]n] 3[0ff, lt/isf/ / ckdfgk"0f{ zAb k|of]u u/]sf] ljifo 5 . o; syfn] klg cGttM ;dfhsf] gh/df lug{] u/L ul/Psf] Jojxf/nfO{ ;"IdtM k|:t't u/]sf] 5 . nIdLk|;fb b]jsf]6fsf] snfn] ljlzi6 prfO{ k|fKt u/]sf] ljwf lgaGw / sljtf xf] . t/ klg syfdf pgsf] pkl:ylt pNn]Vo lsl;dsf] 5 . pgsf] …tLhÚ syf o;df ;ª\slnt 5 . kl08t /dfsfGtn] ul/aLaf6 aRg / kl/jf/sf] 6L7nfUbf] cj:yfaf6 /fxt kfpg clGtd ljsNk 3"; /f]h] . t/, o;} k 6s pgL gf6sLo 9Ën] ;dfltP / e|i6sf] ;"rLdf k/] . cyf{t\ ul/aLn] cfqmfGt ag]sf] cj:yfdf 5f]/LnfO{ 3/df OHht cfh{g ug{, kl/jf/nfO{ ;dfhdf /aflkmnf] aGg cltl/St cfocfh{g ug'{k/]sf] / ToxL afWofTds ;fdflhs kl/j]zsf] kl/0ffd:j¿k e|i6 aGg' k/]sf] 36gf o;df lrlqt 5 . plNnlvt ljifo / ;Gbe{n] e|i6 cfly{s ultljlwnfO{ s]Gb|df /fv]sf 5g\ . t/ ltgnfO{ ;fdflhs hLjgsf] kl/j]zdf 3l6t u/fOPsf] sf/0f ;fdflhs ;bfrf/;F u ;DalGwt eOcfPsf 5g\ .

uGwÚ xf] . ljjfxsf] ;Dk"0f{ rfFhf]kfFhf] ldnfpg aw" kIfnfO{ cToGt wf}–wf} k/]sf] cj:yfdf ljjfxsf lbg s]6f kIfaf6 gofF–gofF kmdf{O;\ cufl8 ;f/]/ cToGt si6s/ jftfj/0f l;h{gf ug]{ cleofg o; syfsf] ;f/ xf] . cGTodf ;fdflhs hfu/0fsf] cu'jf ag]sf] o'jsn] :jLsf/]sf] / lagf bx]h ljjfx ;DkGg u/]sf] k|;Ë o;df cfPsf] 5 . To;}u/L, e|i6 cfr/0fsf JolStnfO{ ;fdfhdf g}lts ;bfrf/ :yfkgfdf æk|j[lQÆ ul/g] ckdfgk"0f{ Jojxf/sf] :ki6 JolStdf /x]sf] cfr/0f, b]z /



;dfhk|ltsf] lgi7f tyf OdfGbfl/tf ljz]if g} g}lts ;bfrf/ xf] . ;dfh, ;d'bfo / b]zsf ljljw cËdf ;bfrf/ / ;' z f;g sfodf ug{ d'VotM cfr/0fut OdfGbfl/tfsf] e"ldsf x'G5 . k|j[lQ ;ª\u| xdf klg o; ljifodf cfwfl/t syfx? /x]sf 5g\ . ltg}nfO{ o; ljZn]if0fdf g}lts cfr/0f;Fu ;DalGwt syfsf] ju{df /flvPsf] 5 . ljj]Ro ;ª\u| xdf ;Ílnt …nfh;/dÚ syfdf s[ i 0f cla/nn] g} l ts ;bfrf/nfO{ syfgs agfPsf 5g\ . Pp6f >dhLjL kqsf/nfO{ kfl/>lds lbg klg cfgfsfgL ug]{, bz}+–ltxf/h:tf rf8kj{df klg cfˆgf] kfl/>lds lngnfO{ euL/y k|oTg ug'{kg]{ afWofTds cj:yf o;df lrq0f ul/Psf] 5 . o;n] g]kfnsf] kqsfl/tf If]qdf /x]sf] lj;Ëlt / ljs[ltnfO{ 5n{Ë kf/]sf] 5 . g]k fnL cfVofg ;flxTodf ljlzi6 5fk agfO;s]sL syfsf/ uLtf s]z/Lsf] …q:t ;doÚn] klg ;dfhdf AofKt e|i6frf/sf] k|efj cfˆgf] nf]Ug]df klg k/]sf] xf] ls eGg] zª\sf dlxnfdf k/]sf] wf/0ff JoSt u/]sL 5g\ . cfˆgf] lgoldt sfof{ n oLo ;do ;s] / 6Ø" ; g k9fO{ cltl/St cfocfh{g u/]sf] >Ldfg\nfO{ e|i6frf/df ;+nUg xf] ls egL zª\sf ug'{kg]{ jt{dfg oyfy{ n fO{ k| l tljlDjt ul/Psf] 5 . o; ;ª\u| xdf ;Ílnt uf]ljGb l3ld/]sf] cg'jfbdf cfwfl/t …;kmn bfDkTo ;"qÚ, …hLjg–rqmÚ / …ljikIf b[li6Ún] klg JolStdf g}lts cfr/0f

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

kl/jf/n] rfx]df e|i6 afa'cfdfnfO{ klg ;Tdfu{df Nofpg ;lsg] ;Gb]z h'g" 9sfnsf] …k|folZrtÚ syfdf /x]sf] 5 . afa'sf] abgfd :s"nsf lzIfs lzlIfsfaf6 ;'Gg' k/]sf] 5f]/fn] ef]s x8\tfn g} u/]/ afa'nfO{ cfˆgf] sd{df kZrftfk dx;"; u/fPsf] 5 . To;}n] of] syf klg g}lts cfr/0f :yfkgfdf s]lGb|t 5 .

hufpg] clek|fonfO{ syfgssf] ¿k lbOPsf] 5 . kl/jf/df ;Gt'ng /fv]/ zfGt ;dfhsf] :yfkgfdf of] ] u bfg lbg' k 5{ eGg] dfGotf, cª\u'nLdfnfn] sfl6Psf cf}+nf hf]8\g g;lsPsf sf/0f l;h{gf ug{ g;Sg]n] Wj+z ug{ gldNg] ;Gb]z / /fHo ;~rfngsf] cleef/f lnPsf] JolStn] sfg'gL /fHo :yfkgfy{ cfˆg} afa'nfO{ klg sf/afxL ug'{kg]{ dfGotf pgsf syfdf pNn] v ul/Psf] 5 . kl/jf/n] rfx] d f e|i6 afa'cfdfnfO{ klg ;Tdfu{df Nofpg ;lsg] ;Gb]z h'g" 9sfnsf] …k|folZrtÚ syfdf /x]sf] 5 . afa'sf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

abgfd :s"nsf lzIfs lzlIfsfaf6 ;'Gg' k/]sf] 5f]/fn] ef]s x8\tfn g} u/]/ afa'nfO{ cfˆgf] sd{df kZrftfk dx;"; u/fPsf] 5 . To;}n] of] syf klg g} l ts cfr/0f :yfkgfdf s]lGb|t 5 . sfof{nosf ;xsdL{x? g}lts¿kdf :vlnt ePkl5 Pp6f Odfgbf/ / sd{lgi7 JolSt klg e|i6 aGb5 eGg] ;Gb]znfO{ /fdb]j kf08]sf] …hLjgz}nLsf] d"NoÚ syfn] k|ltljlDjt u/]sf] 5 . dfG5]df x'g'kg]{ g}lts / cfr/0fut kljqtfnfO{ wldNofO{ c;Tdfu{ d f 8f] ¥ ofpg] syfgs ePsf sf/0f o;n] klg g}lts ;bfr/ lgdf{0fdf cf]sfnt u/]sf] kfOG5 . oxL ;f/nfO{ x'ax' lg/Gt/tf lbg] sfo{ /fdk|;fb kGtsf] …gl;otÚ syfdf klg kfOG5 . /Ltf yklnofsf] …:d[ltsf] v08x/Ú syfn] g} l ts cfr/0f :vlnt ePsf] nf] U g] n fO{ slt ;DemfpF b f klg gnfu]/ cfTd–xTofsf] af6f] /f]h]sf] 36gf jl0f{t 5 . t/ of] knfogjbL lgisif{df cwfl/t ePsf sf/0f Tolt ;l6s9Ësf] syfgs of]hgf kfOFb}g . lsgeg] ;bfrf/df nufpg afFr]/ ;ª\3if{ ug'{kg]{df pN6} ;fdfGo dfG5] dg'{n] ;d:of ;dfwfg geO{ oyfjt\ /fVg] sfd ub{5 . ljj]Ro ;ª\u| xdf ;ª\slnt g}lts ;bfrf/ lgdf{0fdf s]lGb|t syf >Lw/ vgfnsf] …d' l St 8fF 8 fÚ xf] . hLjge/sf] b'isd{åf/f cflh{t ;DklQ eP tfklg cGttM cfˆg} b'isd{n] kf]Ng yfn]kl5 ;DkGg dxn klg hnfP/ v/fgL agfPsf] syfgs o;df cfPsf] 5 . of]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

klg g}lts¿kn] ktg eP/ cflh{t ;d[l¢ / g}lts hfu/0fkl§ cled'v ePkl5sf] k|j[lQdf s]lGb|t /x]sf sf/0f g}lts ;bfrf/ lgdf{0fdf cfwfl/t syf xf] . cfly{s ;'zf;g :yfkgfdf æk|j[lQÆ e|i6frf/sf] hu eg]s} cfly{s ;|f]tsf] ckrng xf] . g]kfn h:tf] cljsl;t b]zdf /fHon] nf]s– sNof0fsf/L cjwf/0ffcg' ; f/ k|zf;g ;+oGqnfO{ r':t / b'?:t agfpg ;s]sf] x'Fb}g . kmntM ljleGg ;]jfd"ns If]qdf klg lghL If]qsf] Jofkf/Ls/0f xfjL x'g uO{ gful/sdf h;/L x' G 5 k} ; f sdfpg] nIo ljsl;t x'G5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf /fHosf]ifsf] r/d b'¿kof]u x'g yfNb5 . k|j[lQ syf ;ª\u| xcGtu{t ;Ílnt syfdf klg ljz]iftM cfly{s ckrngsf] ljifonfO{ syfgsdf 9lnPsf] kfOG5 . ;ª\ u ||xdf ;Ílnt syfdWo] …ul/a b] z sf wgLx?Ú zLif{ s syfdf hn]Zj/L >]i7n] qmflGt / cfd"n ¿kfGt/0fsf gfddf ;f]emf gful/snfO{ wf]sf lbPsf] / /fhgLlt s]an kl/jf/ kfNg] k]zfdf kl/0ft ePsf] k|j[lQdfly JoUª\o u/]sL 5g\ . ljjfxh:tf] cg' T kfbs If]qdf /fHosf]ifsf] b'?kof]u u/]/ ;dfhdf cf8Da/ b]vfpg] / cfly{s ckrngnfO{ :f+:yfut ug]{ g]kfnL ;dfhsf] jt{dfg jf:tljstfnfO{ o;df gª\ U ofOPsf] 5 . 7fs' / a]naf;]sf] …cfTd–xTof/fsf]

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

g]kfnL ;flxTosf] cfVofg ljwfdf :yflkt JolStTj k|bLk g]kfnsf] …;Ddfg u|x0fÚ syf klg /fhgLltdf nfu]sf JolStsf] e|i6 sfo{z}nLk|lt cfqmf]z JoSt ul/Psf] 5 . ljho u'Ktn] b]z / hgtfsf] ;]jfdf ;dlk{t x'g /fhgLltdf nfu]sf] efif0fafhL u/]/ cGttM k};fsf] kl5 bf}l8Psf] k|;ª\unfO{ o;df lrq0f ul/Psf] 5 .

aofgÚ zLif{s syfn] klg lzlIft JolSt x]8 df:6/af6 /fhLgfdf lbP/ /fhgLltdf nfu]sf / cfly{s ckrngdf d'l5P/ ugfpg] ePsfdf cfqmf]z JoSt u/]sf 5g\ . To;}u/L, t'n;Lxl/ sf]O/fnfsf] …lknf]Ú zLif{s syfn] klg /fHosf]ifdf xft xfNg kfPsf eG;f/sf ;'Ajf / Odfgbf/ kqsf/sf aLrsf] x}l;ot b]vfO{ cfly{s ckrngdf d'l5PsfnfO{ cGttM sf/afxLsf] 3]/fdf kfg'{kg]{ ;Gb]z JoSt 5 . cfˆg} sf]7fdf 3";sf] kf]sf] n'sfP/ Odfgbf/ sd{rf/Lsf] 5lj b]vfpFb} lxF8]sf]df kqsf/nfO{ lgs} 3[0ff k}bf ePsf] 5 . of] sfd eG;f/sf sd{rf/Lsf]



lghL ljz]iftf xf] . g]kfnL ;flxTosf] cfVofg ljwfdf :yflkt JolStTj k|bLk g]kfnsf] …;Ddfg u|x0fÚ syf klg /fhgLltdf nfu]sf JolStsf] e|i6 sfo{z}nLk|lt cfqmf]z JoSt ul/Psf] 5 . ljho u'Ktn] b]z / hgtfsf] ;] j fdf ;dlk{ t x' g /fhgLltdf nfu] s f] efif0fafhL u/]/ cGttM k};fsf] kl5 bf}l8Psf] k|;ËnfO{ o;df lrq0f ul/Psf] 5 . Pp6f OdfGfbf/ lzIfs /3'gfy ;/n] lgisnlÍt JolStsf] xftaf6 ;Ddfg u|x0f ug]{, t/ e|i6sf] xftaf6 gug]{ dfGotf ;j{hlgs u/] . o;n] e|i6 /fhgLlts JolStnfO{ ultnf] emfk8 xfg]sf] 5 . To;}u/L, /d]z uf}td kfNkfnLsf] …k5'tf]Ú syfdf ;GtfgnfO{ lzIff–bLIff lbP/ c;n gful/s agfpg] clek|fosf ;fy cfly{ s ckrng u/]sf, t/ cfˆg} cfFvf cufl8 nfu" kbfy{sf] b'Jo{ ; gdf km;]sf 36gfnfO{ cfVofgLs/0f ul/Psf] 5 . o;n] h:tf] af6f]af6 ?k}ofF–k};f cfpF5, To:t} lsl;dn] vr{ x'G5 eGg] dtnfO{ ;fsf/ agfPsf] 5 . g]kfn ;/sf/n] :jf:Yo lzIffdf u/]sf] nufgL / ljz]iftM 8fS6/L k9\g] 5fqj[lQ sf]6fdf klg k};f VjfP/ of]UonfO{ kfvf / cof]UonfO{ sfvf ul/Psf] syf xf], nIdL pk|]tLsf] …cfdf x'gfsf] uj{Ú . cfˆgL 5f]/Lsf] gfd lg:sg] lglZrtk|foM eO;s]sf] cj:yfdf 3"; dfu]/ km]n u/fpg] sd{rf/Ls} 5f]/fl;t ljjfxsf] k|:tfj cfPsf] 36gf yfxf kfpFbf ufoqL 5fgfaf6 v;]h:t}



x'lG5g\ . s}of}+ la/fdLsf] :jf:Yodf ;r]t / lhDd]jf/ aGg'kg]{ k9fO{df ;d]t k};fsf] rnv]nn] g]kfn cfly{s dflkmofx?sf] s]Gb| ag]sf] k'i6L u5{ . g]kfndf e|i6frf/ ug]{sf lglDt ;a} e Gbf dfnbf/ c8\ 8 f eG;f/ sfof{ n o xf] . eG;f/df Odfgbf/ sd{rf/LnfO{ k]z]a/ 3':ofxf xflsdn] s;/L km;fpg ;S5g\ / cfk" m b" w n] wf] P sf] h :tf] aGg ;S5g\ eGg] ;TonfO{ …hLjgsf] kbf{Ú syfdf lx/0os'df/L kf7sn] pb\3f6g u/]sL 5g\ . plNnlvt ljZn]if0fsf cfwf/df g]kfnL ;dfhdf cfly{s ckrngsf If]q w]/} /x]sf] / ltgnfO{ k|of]u u/]/ ;dfhdf cfˆgf] zfg–zf}st b]vfpg kl5 gkg]{ sd{rf/L ;+oGqsf] sfo{z}nLnfO{ k'i6L ug{ ;lsG5 .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

lgisif{ …k|j[ l QÚ syf ;ª\ u ||x g]kfnL ;flxTosf] syf ljwfdf gjLg ljifosf] k|ltkfbg ug]{ k|ltlglw /rgf xf] . k/Dk/fut syf n]vgn] ;fdfGotM n]Vg g;s]sf] / ;d]6\g cfjZos g7fg]sf] ljifonfO{ o;n] cfTd;ft u/] s f] 5 . ljz] i ftM nf]s–sNof0fsf/L /fHo Joj:yfdf e|i6frf/ h3Go ck/fw, lgGbgLo sfo{ / s7f]/ ;hfo ef]Ug'kg]{ b'Zsd{ xf] . t/ g]kfnh:tf] cljsl;t b]zdf /fHo Joj:yf lkmtnf] ePsf] / sfg' g L l5b| vf] h L To;sf] kmfObf p7fP/ cfly{s ckrng ug]{ sfo{ al9/x]sf] 5 . To:tf] If]qut ljljwtfnfO{ k|j[lQleqsf syfdf ;Íng ul/Psf] 5 . d'VotM k| z f;lgs ;' z f;g, ;fdflhs

;bfrf/, cfly{s ;bfrf/ / /fhg}lts ;bfrf/sf] kIf lgs} sdhf]/ / ;+j]bgzLn ePsf] o; s[ltn] k'i6L u5{ . o;}nfO{ dWogh/ u/L /fHon] cfˆgf ;bfrf/d"ns gLlt tyf sfo{qmd agfpg'kg]{ lhDd]jf/LnfO{ klg k|dfl0ft u/]sf] 5 . ;Gbe{ ;"rL clwsf/L, w|'jxl/= …e|i6frf/ ;Gbe{M cGt/{fli6«o ;j]{Iff0fdf g]kfnÚ, kf/bzL{ -jif{ !#, cª\s @, @)&)_, k[=^–* . uf}td, /d]z …g]kfnsf] ;fdflhs If]qdf e|i6frf/Ú, kf/bzL{ -jif{ !#, cª\s !, @)&)_, k[=$(–%% . k|j[lQ – @)&), sf7df8f}+ M 6«fGk/]G;L OG6/g]zgn, g]kfn . -9sfnM lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] g]kfnL s]Gb|Lo ljefu, sLlt{k/' , sf7df8f}+df k|fWofkg ug{'x'G5 ._

;"rgfsf] xs s] xf] < ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf /x]sf ;fj{hlgs dxTTjsf] ;"rgf dfUg] / kfpg] xs g} ;"rgfsf] xs xf] . s'g} lnlvt ;fdu|L jf sfd–sf/afxLsf] cWoog jf cjnf]sg ug]{, k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk lng], e|d0f ug]{ h:tf] xs klg xf] . of] ;~rf/sdL{x?sf] dfq geP/ cfd–gful/sn] ;d]t rf;f] lnO/xg'kg]{ ljifo xf] . o;sf] pkof]un] ;dfhdf kf/blz{tf, pQ/bfloTj / 1fg clej[l4 ug{ dbt k'¥ofpg] lglZrt 5 . ;a}n] pkof]u u/f}F .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



6L=cfO{= g]kfnsf ultljlw 6LcfO{df yk tLg ;+:yf cfa4 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] ;+:yfsf] cfj4 ;+:yf lgb]{lzsf @)^* adf]lhd ljleGg lhNnfsf tLg ;+:yfnfO{ cfj4tf k|bfg ug]{ lg0f{o u/]sf] 5 . cfa4 x'g nfu]sf ;+:yfx?df qmdzM lqmPl6e u|'k ckm g]kfn, enf]xLof uflj; — ^, /f}tx6Ù ljsf;sf nflu ;fdflhs ;b\efj, t'N;Lk'/ g=kf= j8f g+=^ bfªÙ cf1f ;f]l;on

sG;g{ g]kfn, s6'Gh] uf=lj=;= j8f g+=*, ;"o{ljgfos, eQmk'/ /x]sf 5g\ . 6LcfO{ g]kfndf gofF lgo'lSt 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng ul//x]sf] lalN8Ë g]zgn OG6]lu|6L Og\ g]kfn kl/of]hgf cGtu{t kl/of]hgf ;+of]hsdf >L df]xg a'9fyf]sL, jl/i7 sfo{qmd

;+:yfdf ;~rflnt kl/of]hgf P8\ef]s];L PG8 lnun P8\efO; ;]G6/ -Pnfs_ of] kl/of]hgfcGtu{t g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|jfx ug]{ ;fj{hlgs ;]jf;DaGwL u'gf;f] ;'g'jfO{ ul/G5 . ;fj{hlgs ;]jf ;DaGwL l9nf;':tL / clgoldttf;DaGwdf gful/sx?af6 u'gf;f] ;+sng u/L ;Da4 lgsfonfO{ hfgsf/L u/fO{ To:tf u'gf;f] ;dfwfg ug{ kxn ug{' of] kl/of]hgfsf] d'Vo p2]Zo xf] . o; k|of]hgsf nflu 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] 6LcfO{ cfa4 ;+:yfx?;Fu ;xsfo{ ug]{ ub{5 . cfj4 ;+:yfx?n] gful/snfO{ e|i6frf/lj?4 ph'/L ug{ klg k|]l/t ub{5g\ . ljz]if u/L u|fdL0f If]qdf j;f]jf; ug]{ gful/sx?sf] ;xof]usf nflu of] s]Gb| lqmofzLn /x]sf] 5 . o; kl/of]hgf cGtu{t o; jif{ #$@ j6f u'gf;f] ;'lgPsf] lyof] . P8\ef]s;] L PG8 lnun P8\efO; ;]G6/ PG8 8]enkd]G6 KofS6 -Pnfs 8LkL_ Pnfs 8LkL kl/of]hgf @)^( ;fn a}zfv @% ut] b]lv ;~rfng x'Fb} cfPsf] 5 . o'/f]lkog o'lgogsf] cfly{s ;xof]udf 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng u/]sf] of] kl/of]hgf xfn Onfd, df]/ª, ;'g;/L, wg'iff, pbok' / , sf7df8f} + , wflbª, sf:sL, ?k] G b] x L, u'NdL, ;'v]{t, s}nfnL / lrtjgnufotsf lhNnfdf rln/x]sf] 5 .

o; kl/of]hgf cGtu{t gful/sx?af6 ;fj{hlgs ;]jf ;DaGwL u'gf;f] ;'Gg'sf cltl/St ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfx ug]{ ;/sf/L lgsfonfO{ ;fj{hlgs ;]jf ;'wf/ ;DaGwL k|ltj4tf kq hf/L ug{ k|]l/t ul/G5 . o; kl/of]hgfn] e|i6frf/ lj?4 hgr]tgf clej[l4 ug]{, ;]jf u|fxL / ;]jf k|bfos aLr ;dembf/L ljsf; ug]{, ;fj{hlgs ;]jfdf /x]sf l9nf;':tL tyf clgoldttf lj?4 ph'/L ug{ gful/snfO{ k|]l/t ug]{, gful/saf6 k|fKt ph'/L ;dfwfgsf nflu ;]jf k|bfos ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ ;xhLs/0f ug]{ ub{5 . To:t} kl/of]hgfn] lhNnfl:yt 6LcfO{ g]kfndf cfa4 :yfgLo ;+:yfx?dfkm{t ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ sfg"gL / k|zf;sLo ;/;Nnfx klg pknAw u/fpF5 . Pnfs ;lKnd]G6\/L u|fG6 of] kl/of]hgf 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng ub}{ cfPsf e|i6frf/ lj?4sf lqmofsnfkx? cem ;zSt kfg{ lqmofzLn /xg] 5 . o; kl/of]hgf cGtu{t ljz]ifu/L o'jfx?nfO{ e|i6frf/lj?4 lqmofzLn u/fpg o;sf nflu df]afO{n / ;]6nfO{6 Pnfsh:tf ultljlw ;~rfng ul/g]5g\ . ;fdlos cleofg ;~rfng ug{ k|]l/t ul/G5 . of] kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ug{ 6LcfO{ -aln{g_ n] ;xof]u u/]sf] 5 .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

clws[tdf >L /fhLj s'Fj/, / sfo{qmd clws[tdf >L jflif{s ;b:otf ;ef @)!$ df ;+:yfsf] tkm{af6 cWoIf lgzf cof{n, n]vf tyf k|zf;sLo clws[tdf >L ;'lhtf >L e/taxfb'/ yfkf ;xefuL x'g'ePsf] 5 . gflkt -g}sfk_ / >L /fh' aflgof -wfkfv]n_ nfO{ ;jf/L rfns kbdf lgo'Qm ul/Psf] 5 . ;Nnfxsf/ dgf]gLt 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf lgjt{dfg >L lji0f' axfb'/ s];LnfO{ cGt/f{li6«o ;xeflutf ljwfgsf] wf/f ## adf]lhd ;Nnfxsf/df dgf]gog ul/Psf] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn]] jln{gdf cfof]hgf ug]{ 5 . To:t} 6LcfO{ sfo{;ldltsf] k"j{ lg0f{onfO{ lg/Gt/tf g]zgn OG6]lu|6L sG6]S:6 PG8 l;:6d Pgflnl;; -lgS;f_ kl/of]hgf 6LcfO{ -aln{g_ n] lgS;f kl/of]hgfsf] lg/Gt/tfsf nflu ;lKnd]G6/L u|fG6 lbg] ;xdlt hgfPsf] 5 . o; kl/of]hgf cGtu{t lgS;f cWoog k|ltj]bgn] ;'emfPsf lgisif{x?sf] P8ef]s];L ug]{, ;'zf;g P]g @)^# sf] sfof{Gjogdf ;xof]u ug]{, / :jR5, Odfgbf/ / hjfb]xL ;fj{hlgs gLlt lgdf{0fdf ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] nufotsf sfo{qmd ;~rfng ul/g]5g\ . ;fpy;fpy Pl;of PS;r]Gh k|f]u|fd o; kl/of]hgfn] 6LcfO{sf blIf0f Pl;ofnL RofK6/df sfo{/t sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ ;Lk / cg'ej cfbfg k|bfg ug]{ cj;/ k|bfg ub{5 . ljut % jif{ b]lv rln/x]sf] o; kl/of]hgfsf] ;lrjfnosf ?kdf 6LcfO{ g]kfn /x]sf] 5 . o; cGtu{t xfn ef/t, a+unfb]z, >Ln+sf, kfls:tfg, dfnlåK; /x]sf 5g\ . xfn 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf >L Hjfnf e§ a+unfb]zdf /x]sf 5g\ eg] a+unfb]zsf >L vf]/l;b cfnd g]kfndf /x]sf 5g\ . o;cl3 >L n+sfsf >L xl/yf bfxfgfos] g]kfndf / >L lgzf cof{nn] >Ln+sfdf sfo{ u/L :jb]z kmls{Psf 5g\ . g]kfndf /fli6«o ;bfrf/ lgdf{0f g]kfndf ;bfrf/ lgdf{0f kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ ;DaGwdf @)&! ;fpg & ut] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf / gj]{lhog /fhb"taLr Ps ;emf}tf kqdf x:tfIf/ ul/Psf] 5 . lalN8ª g]zgn OlG6lu|6L Og g]kfn gfdsf] of] kl/of]hgf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] sf7df8f}n + ufot l;/fxf, bf]nvf, eStk'/, /f}tx6, ?kGb]xL, afFs], afun'ª, bfª / bfr'{nf lhNnfl:yt 6LcfO{= g]kfn cfj4 ;+:yfx?

dfkm{t gf} lhNnfdf ;~rfng x'g] ePsf] 5 . kl/of]hgf ;g\ @)!$ h'nfOb]lv @)!& ;Dd ;~rfng ul/g] ePsf] 5 . kl/of]hgfn] g]kfndf ;fj{hlgs If]qsf] e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0f ug{ of]ubfg k'¥ofpg] nIo /fv]sf] 5 . To:t} kl/of]hgfdfkm{t k|fylds ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ ;+:yfx?, If]qx? / ;dfhdf e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofg / ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/sf] ;jnLs/0f ug]{ p2]Zo /flvPsf] 5 . s]Gb|Lo / :yfgLo txsf zf;sLo / /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnLx?df gLltut ;'wf/ u/L e|i6frf/lj?4sf lqmofsnfk a9fpg]Ù e|i6frf/lj/f]wL kxn / ;'wf/ rfxg] /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{+li6«o ;fe]mbf/x?;Fusf] ;xsfo{ / ;+nUgtf a9\g]Ù lhNnf txdf ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfx ug]{ sfof{nox?sf] ljQLo Joj:yfkg / ;fj{hlgs vl/b k|0ffnLdf ;'wf/ eO{ hjfkmb]xL x'g]Ù / ;dfhdf ;bfrf/ j[l4 ug{ cfjZos d"NodfGotfsf] k|j4{g x'g] h:tf pknlAw k|fKt x'g] ck]Iff kl/of]hgfn] /fv]sf] 5 . lghL If]qdf g}lts ;+:s[ltsf] k|j4{g lghL If]qaf6 b" /;~rf/ ;~rfng ug]{ sDkgL Pg;] n sf] cfly{ s ;xof] u df 6LcfO{ g] k fnn] lghL If]qdf g}lts ;+:s[ltsf] k|j4{g ug]{;DaGwL kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ ePsf] 5 . o; kl/of]hgf cGtu{t d'VotM gLlt lgdf{0f txdf 5nkmn, g]kfnsf kfFr ljsf; If]qdf If]qLo ;Dd]ng, Ps lbj;Lo cGt/f{li6«o cg'ej cfbfgk|bfg tyf tflnd sfo{qmd / Pg;]naf6 ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf hfx]/ ug]{ nufotsf lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ul/g]5g\ . kl/of]hgfsf] cjlw !% dlxgfsf] /x]sf] 5 .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



lbFb} k"j{ cWoIf 8f= b]j]Gb|/fh kf08]nfO{ sfo{;ldltsf] lbof] . ;fy} sfo{qmd cfufdL lbgdf s] s:tf lqmofsnfk a}7sdf cfdlGqt ;b:osf ?kdf /flvPsf] 5 . ;~rfng ug{'knf{ eGg] af/]df pkl:yt ;b:ox?af6 /fo ;'emfa lng] pko'St d~r ;d]t aGof] . lgjf{rg clws[t ld>nfO{ wGojfb 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] !( cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf cWoIf !( cf}+ ;fwf/0f ;ef / sfo{;ldltsf ;b:ox?sf] lgjf{rg ;kmntfk"j{s 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] @)&! c;f]h !) ;DkGg u/fOlbg'ePsf]df lgjf{rg clws[t Pj+ 6LcfO{sf ut] z'qmaf/ sf7df8f}+df !( cf}F jflif{s ;fwf/0f;ef ;b:o >L jL/]Gb| ld>nfO{ 6LcfO{ sfo{;ldltn] wGojfb ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 . ;fwf/0f ;efn] ;+:yfsf] cWoIfdf 1fkg u/]sf] 5 . g]kfn ;/sf/sf k"j{ ;lrj >L e/t axfb'/ yfkfnfO{ lgjf{lrt u/]sf] 5 . ;fwf/0f;efn] sfo{;ldltsf ;b:ox?df >L cfgGb/fh d'NdL, >L /fds[i0f dfgGw/, 6LcfO{ ;b:otf cBfjlw 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ;fwf/0f ;b:otf cBfjlw ul/Psf] >L d's'Gbaxfb'/ k|wfg, >L uLtf s]z/L, >L kb\ldgL 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfndf xfn %( hgf ;fwf/0f ;b:o / k|wfgf+u, >L nLnfk|;fb ;fksf]6f, 8f= lrGtfdl0f of]uL, ! ;+:yfut ;b:o;d]t u/L hDdf ;b:o ;+Vof ^) / ;+:yfut ;b:odf /fli6«o Jofj;flos kxn;d]t u/L cf7 hgfnfO{ ;j{;Ddt ?kn] lgjf{lrt u/]sf] 5 . k'u]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ljwfgdf lgjf{lrt ;b:ox? dWo]af6 pkfWoIf, dxf;lrj, sf]iffWoIf cWoIfåf/f dgf]gLt ;bfrf/ ;Ddfgsf nflu cfXjfg 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] /fli6«o ;bfrf/ ;Ddfg @)&! sf ug]{ k|fjwfg /x]sf] 5 . ;f] k|fjwfg adf]lhd cWoIf >L nflu ;fj{hlgs ;~rf/ dfWoddfkm{t ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf yfkfn] >L uLtf s]z/LnfO{ pkfWoIf / >L d's'Gbaxfb'/ k|wfgnfO{ dxf;lrjdf dgf]gLt ug{'ePsf] 5 . cfXjfg u/]sf] 5 . ;fwf/0f;efn] dxf;lrjåf/f k|:t't jflif{s k|ult k|ltj]bg, sf]iffWoIfåf/f k|:t't cfly{s jif{ )&).)&! !( cf}+ :yfkgf lbj; 6LcfO{ g]kfn !( cf}+ jif{df k|j]z u/]sf] ;'vb\ cj;/df sf] n]vf k/LIf0f k|ltj]bg klg kfl/t u/]sf] 5 . ;fy} sfe|]sf] w'lnv]ndf ;+:yfsf ;b:ox?;Fu e]63f6 ;efn] cfly{s jif{ )&!.)&@ sf nflu a]s/ 6]nL b]j sfo{qmdsf] cfof]hgf ul/of] . pSt sfo{qmdn] ;+:yfsf Pzf]lzo6\;nfO{ n]vf k/LIfsdf lgo'Qm ug]{ lg0f{o klg ;b:ox?nfO{ ;+:yfn] s] ul//x]sf] 5 eGg] hfgsf/L u/]sf] 5 .

6LcfO{df gofF PS;r]~h k]mnf] df] = vf] / ;] b cfnd ljut tLg jif{ b ] l v 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g] z gn af+ u nfb] z df sfo{/t sd{rf/L x'g\ . >L cfndn] dfgjzf:q ljifodf hfxfËL/gu/ o' l gel;{ 6 L / ljsf; cWoog ljifodf v'ngf o'lgel;{6L a+unfb]zaf6 :gftsf]Q/ u/]sf 5g\ .

cfnd ;fdflhs cg';Gwfgdf ljz]if cle?rL /x]sf] atfpF5g\ . pgn] af+unfb]zdf /xFbf :jf:Yo, lzIff / ;/sf/sf] :yfgLo lgsfo;DaGwL l;l6hg l/kf]6{ sf8{ ;DaGwdf y'k|} ;j]{If0f ul/;s]sf 5g\ . o;sf cltl/St a+unfb]zsf] gful/s ;dfhsf k|ltlglw / :jo+;]jL o'jfx?;Fu y'k|} sfd u/]sf] cg'ej klg pgn] ;+ufn]sf 5g\ . >L cfnd xfn k|m]8sk{;]6 gj]{sf] km]nf]l;kcGtu{t 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfndf cfufdL ! jif{sf nflu sfo{/t /xg]5g\ .


k|]; lj1lKt

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

k|]; lj1lKt 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnn] ;d;fdlos ljifodf ;/sf/L lgsfo / ltgsf k|ltlglwsf] Wofg cfs[i6 ug{ kqfrf/ / k|]; lj1lKt hf/L ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . tL k|]; lj1lKt kf7ssf] hfgsf/Lsf nflu k|:t't u/]sf 5f}F.

6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] cWoIfdf yfkf lgjf{lrt 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] !( cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;efn] ;+:yfsf] cWoIfdf >L e/taxfb'/ yfkfnfO{ lgjf{lrt u/]sf] 5 . lgjf{lrt cWoIf >L yfkf g]kfn ;/sf/sf k"j{;lrj x'g'x'G5 . ;fwf/0f;efn] @)&! c;f]h !) ut] z'qmaf/ sf7df8f}d+ f ;DkGg ePsf] xf] . ;fwf/0f;efn] sfo{;ldltsf ;b:ox?df >L cfgGb/fh d'NdL, >L /fds[i0f dfgGw/, >L d's'Gbaxfb'/ k|wfg, >L uLtf s]z/L, >L kb\ldgL k|wfgfË, >L nLnfk|;fb ;fksf]6f, 8f= lrGtfd0f of]uL / ;+:yfut ;b:odf /fli6«o Jofj;flos kxn;d]t u/L cf7hgfnfO{ ;j{;Ddt?kn] lgjf{lrt u/]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ljwfgdf lgjf{lrt ;b:ox?dWo]af6 pkfWoIf, dxf;lrj, sf]iffWoIf cWoIfåf/f dgf]gLt ug]{ k|fjwfg /x]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf dxf;lrjåf/f ;fwf/0f;efdf k|:t't k|ltj]bgdf elgPsf] 5 M d'n'ssf] k|ult ljlwsf]

zf;g, ;'zfl;t ;dfh, v'nf / kf/bzL{ ;fj{hlgs hLjgz}nLn] dfq ;Dej x'g] ePsf] x'Fbf ;bfrf/ k|j4{g cleofgdf k|To]s g]kfnL gufl/snfO{ k|]l/t ug{ /fHo r'Sg' x'Fb}g . k|ltj]bgdfk{mt\ 6LcfO{ g]kfnåf/f d'n'ssf] ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf ;'wf/ NofO{ ;'zf;g sfod ug{ g;Sbf g]kfnL ;dfhsf] x/]s cjojdf k|ToIf k|efj kg{ yfn]sf] tYok|lt ;Da4 ;a} /fhgLlts bnsf] Wofg cfs[i6 xf];\ egL cfu|x;d]t ul/Psf] 5 . ;fy}, k|ltj]bgn] gufl/sk|ltsf] bfloTj k"/f ug{, lhDd]jf/ x'g / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f u/L ;'zf;g sfod ug{ ;Da4 ;a} kIf;Fu xflb{s clkn;d]t u/]sf] 5 . cflzif yfkf, sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs @)&! c;f]h !)

;bfrf/ lgdf{0f ug{ gj]{lhog ;xof]u 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnn] g]kfndf ;fpg & ut] gj]{lhog /fhb"t dxfdlxd Kjell Tormod ;bfrf/ lgdf{ 0 f (Building National Integrity in Pettersen / 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf lji0f'axfb'/ Nepal) ;DaGwL kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ ePsf] 5 . s]=;L=n] x:tfIf/ ug{'ePsf] 5 . ;f] kl/of]hgf;Da4 ;Demf}tfkqdf cfh ldlt @)&! kl/of]hgf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] sf7df8f}+ l :yt

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;lrjfnonufot l;/fxf, bf]nvf, eStk'/, /f}tx6, ?kGb]xL, afFs], afun'ª, bfª / bfr'{nf lhNnfl:yt 6LcfO{= g]kfn cfj4 ;+:yfx? dfkm{t\ gf} lhNnfdf ;~rfng x'g] ePsf] 5 . kl/of]hgf ;g\ @)!$ h'nfO{b]lv @)!& ;Dd ;~rfng ul/g] ePsf] 5 . kl/of]hgfsf] s'n nfut #% nfv gj]{lhog qmf]g/ /x]sf] 5 . kl/of]hgfn] g]kfndf ;fj{hlgs If]qsf] e|i6frf/ Go" g Ls/0f ug{ of] u bfg k' ¥ ofpg] nIo /fv] s f] 5 . To:t}, kl/of]hgfdfkm{t\ k|fylds ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ ;+:yfx?, If]qx? / ;dfhdf e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofg / ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/sf] ;jnLs/0f ug]{ p2]Zo /flvPsf] 5 .

k|]; lj1lKt


s]Gb|Lo / :yfgLo txsf zf;sLo / /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnLx?df gLltut ;'wf/ u/L e|i6frf/lj?4sf lqmofsnfk a9fpg]Ù e|i6frf/lj/f]wL kxn / ;'wf/ rfxg] /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o ;fe]mbf/x?;Fusf] ;xsfo{ / ;+nUgtf a9\g]Ù lhNnf txdf ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfx ug]{ sfof{nox?sf] ljQLo Joj:yfkg / ;fj{hlgs vl/b k|0ffnLdf ;'wf/ eO{ hjfkmb]xL x'g]Ù / ;dfhdf ;bfrf/ j[l4 ug{ cfjZos d"No–dfGotfsf] k|j4{g x'g]h:tf pknlAw k|fKt x'g] ck]Iff kl/of]hgfn] /fv]sf] 5 . cflzif yfkf, sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs ldlt @)&!÷)$÷)&

lghL If]qdf g}lts ;+:s[lt k|j4{g ug{ Pg;]nsf] ;xof]u 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn / Pg;]n lghL If]qdf g} l ts ;+ : s[ l tsf] k| j 4{ g ;DaGwL Ps kl/of] h gf ;~rfng ug{ ;xdt ePsf 5g\ . pSt kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ ;DaGwdf b'j} kIfsf k|ltlglwn] ;Demf}tf– kqdf x:tfIf/ u/L cfbfg–k|bfg u/]sf 5g\ . 6LcfO{ g]kfn e|i6frf/lj?4 lqmofzLn gful/s ;+:yf xf] eg] Pg;]n 6]ln–sDo'lg;s]zgsf If]qdf lghL If]qaf6 ;~rflnt sDkgL . 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] ljleGg If]qdf ;bfrf/ k|j4{g ug]{ cleofg ;~rfng ul//x]sf] ;Gbe{df lghL If]q s]lGb|t o; sfo{qmddf Pg;]nsf] dxÎjk"0f{ ;xof]u k|fKt ePsf] hfgsf/L lbFb} 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf gj–lgjf{lrt cWoIf e/taxfb'/ yfkfn] !% dlxg] o; sfo{qmddf lghL If]q;Fu ;DalGwt gLltx?df x'g] s]Gb|Lo / If]qLo:t/sf ax; / ;Djfbsf ;fy} Pg;]naf6 hf/L ul/g] ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tfn] lghL If]qdf yk g}lts / ;bfrf/ pGd'v k|of;x? l;h{gf x'g] cfzf

lnOPsf] atfpg'ePsf] 5 . o; kl/of]hgfcGtu{t d'VotM gLlt–ltdf{0f txdf 5nkmn, g]kfnsf kfFr ljsf; If]qdf If]qLo ;Dd]ng, Ps lbj;Lo cGt/f{li6«o cg'ej cfbfg–k|bfg tyf tflnd sfo{qmd / Pg;]naf6 ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf hfx]/ ug]{nufotsf lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ul/g]5g\ . d"ntM gLlt–lgdf{tf, dGqfno tyf ltgsf k|ltlglw, lghL / ;fj{hlgs If]qsf k|ltlglw, /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o lj1 / :yfgLo gful/sx?sf] ;xeflutf tL sfo{qmddf /xg]5 . kl/of]hgf cS6f]a/ @)!$ b]lv ;'? x'g]5 . kl/of]hgf cjlw !% dlxgfsf] /xg]5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng ug]{ of] kl/of]hgfsf nflu Pg;]nn] sl/a $) nfv ?k}ofF pknAw u/fpg] ePsf] 5 . cflzif yfkf, sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs @)&! c;f]h @$



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnsf] !( cf}+ ;fwf/0f;ef

jflif{s k|ult k|ltj]bgsf] ;f/f+z ug]{ lqmofsnfkx? dfu{–lgb]{z ug]{5 . /0fgLltn] d"ntM kfFrj6f sfo{lbzf to u/]sf] 5 . tL lgDg 5g\ M != e|i6frf/lj¿4 jsfnt tyf x:tIf]k @= ;xof]u / ;xsfo{ #= If]qut hf]8 $= ;+:yfut ljsf; %= d"No–dfGotf k|j4{g ;+:yfn] to u/]sf] ;f]xL sfo{lbzfadf]lhd o; jif{sf ;Dk"0f{ sfo{qmd / ultljlwx? ;~rfng ul/Psf 5g\ . tL o;k|sf/ 5g\ M s= P8\ef]s];L PG8 lnun P8\efO; ;]G6/ -Pnfs_ v= P8\ef]s];L PG8 lnun P8\efO; ;]G6/ PG8 8]enf]kd]G6 KofS6 -Pnfs 8LkL_ u= ;fpy–;fpy Pl;of PS;r]~h k|f]u|fd -P;P;O{_ . o; cltl/St ;+:yfn] s]xL gofF kl/of]hgfx? ;~rfng ug{ kxn ul//x]sf] 5 . tL o;k|sf/ 5g\ M s= lalN8Ë g]zgn OlG6lu|6L Og g]kfn -aLPgcfO{Pg_ M gj]{lhog /fhb"tfjf;sf] cfly{s ;xof]udf ;~rfng ug{ nfluPsf] k|:t't kl/of]hgfsf] ;Demf}tf–kqdf ev{/} x:tfI4f/ ePsf] 5 . v= Pnfs :dn u|fG6 M of] kl/of]hgfaf/] 6LcfO{ ;lrjfno;Fu 5nkmn rln/x]sf] 5 . u= g]zgn OG6]lu|6L sG6]S:6 PG8 l;:6d Pgflnl;; -lgS;f_ M of] kl/of]hgfaf/] klg 6LcfO{ ;lrjfno;Fu 5nkmn rln/x]sf] 5 . 3= k|df]l6Ë Plysn sNr/ M of] kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ug]{;DaGwdf lghL If]qn] ;~rfng u/]sf] Pg;]n;Fu 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] /0fgLlts sfo{of]hgf 5nkmn rln/x]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;g\ @)!# df e|i6frf/lj¿4 lqmofzLn pk/f]St plNnlvt ;a} kl/of]hgfx? 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] /xg /0fgLlts sfo{of]hgf, @)!#–@)!& tof/ u/]sf] 5 . to u/]sf] /0fgLlts sfo{of]hgf sfof{Gjog ug]{ lbzfdf k|:t't /0fgLltn] cfufdL kfFr jif{;Dd ;+:yfn] ;~rfng nlIft /x]sf 5g\ . k[i7e"ld 6LcfO{ g]kfn ljZjel/ ljleGg b]zdf :yflkt !)) eGbf a9L 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnsf /fli6«o RofK6/dWo]s} Ps cleGg -RofK6/_ cª\u xf] . sf7df8f}+ lhNnfdf btf{ eO{ lqmofzLn of] gful/s ;+:yfn] cfwf/e"t¿kdf e|i6frf/lj?4 bjfj l;h{gf ub}{cfPsf] 5 . e|i6frf/ s'g} /fi6«sf] ;Ldfgfleq dfq ;Lldt geO{ o;n] cGt/f{li6«o:t/d} k|efj kfg]{ ePsfn] o;sf] lgoGq0fsf nflu /fli6«o / cGt/f{li6«o:t/af6 x'g] ;a} k|sf/sf k|of;x?df ;xeflutf hgfpg 6LcfO{ g]kfn k|ltj4 5. ;+:yfn] :yfkgfsfnb]lv g} cfˆgf d"No–dfGotfsf ?kdf gful/ssf] b}lglGbgL e|i6frf/d'St x'g'k5{ eGg] s'/fnfO{ cFufn]sf] 5 . To:t} ;+:yfn] d"ne"t nIosf ¿kdf ;dfhsf ;a} tx, tKsf / If]qdf e|i6frf/ /f]Sg, kf/blz{tf, hjfkmb]xL / ;bfrf/ k|j4{g cflbnfO{ lnPsf] 5 . o;afx]s ;+:yfn] ;bfrfl/tf, kf/blz{tf, pQ/bfloTjaf]w, P]Soj4tf, cbDo ;fx;, Gofo / nf]stGq o;sf cfwf/e"t cfbz{ dfg]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfndf xfn ( ;b:oLo sfo{;ldlt;lxt %( hgf ;fwf/0f ;b:o / ;lrjfnodf !# hgf sd{rf/L /x]sf 5g\ . xfn 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] @! lhNnfsf @@ cfj4 ;+:yfx?;Fu ;xsfo{ ul//x]sf] 5 . o;afx]s ;/sf/, gful/s ;dfh, lghLIf]q / ;~rf/dfWod;Fu lg/Gt/ xft]dfnf] ub}{ e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofg lj:tf/ ug{ ;+:yf ;lqmo /x]sf] 5 .

6LcfO{ g]kfnn] @)&! c;f]h !) ut] sf7df8f}d+ f cfof]hgf u/]sf] !( cf}+ ;fwf/0f;efdf dxf;lrjåf/f k|:t't k|ult k|ltj]bgsf] ;f/f+z .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

!= jsfnt / x:tIf]k 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f, ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfxdf k|efjsfl/tf, kf/blz{tf, hjfkmb]xLnufotsf y'k|} /fli6«o d'2fx?df jsfnt ub}{cfPsf] 5 . o;n] ;+:yfsf] k|efj lj:tf/df dxÎjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgjf{x u/]sf] 5 . o;afx]s of] sfo{n] g]kfnL ;dfhdf kf/blz{tf / pQ/bfloÎj k|j4{g ug]{ ;DaGwdf klg ;xof]u u/]sf] xfdLn] 7fg]sf 5f}+ . kqfrf/ M y'k|} dxÎjk"0f{ ljifodf 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;/sf/sf] Wofgfs[i6 u/fPsf] 5 . o;n] ;/sf/nfO{ lgikIf lg0f{o ug{ / ;/sf/L lqmofsnfkx? kf/bzL{ agfpg bafa l;h{gf u/]sf] 5 . pRr:t/Lo e]63f6 M 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] sf7df8f}+df cfof]hgf u/]sf] Pl;of k|zfGt If]qLo a}7ssf qmddf 6LcfO{sf] Pl;of Kofl;lkms l8kf6{d]G6sf If]qLo 8fO/]S6/ 8f= >L/fs lKnkft / s]Gb|Lo ;lrjfnosf clwsf/Lx? cfpg'ePsf] lyof] . ;f]xL qmddf 8f= lKnkftn] ;fs{sf dxf;lrj >L ch{'gaxfb'/ yfkf / g]kfn ;/sf/sf d'Vo ;lrj >L nLnfdl0f kf}8]n;Fu pRr:t/Lo e]63f6 ug{'ePsf] 5 . ;f] e]63f6sf qmddf pxfFx?aLr /fli6«o ;bfrf/k4lt, ;g\ @)!% kl5sf] ljsf; Ph]G8f / e|i6frf/lj¿4sf dxÎjk"0f{ cGo d'2fx?pk/ 5nkmn ePsf] lyof] . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] csf]{ dxÎjk"0f{ gLltut jsfnt xfn} ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnL ;Da4 cWoogdfk{mt\ klg u/]sf] 5 . ;+:yfn] o; ;DaGwdf @))@, @))$ / @)!@ df /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnL;DaGwL cWoog u/]sf] 5 . kl5Nnf]k6s -d] @!, @)!$ df_ /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnL, @)!$ ;DaGwL cWoog k':tsfsf/df ;fj{hlgs ul/;lsPsf] 5 . xfdLn] o;nfO{ /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnLaf/] clxn];Ddsf] Jojl:yt / cflwsfl/s b:tfj]hsf ¿kdf lnPsf 5f}+ . u'gf;f] tyf df]afOn Pnfs M 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;/sf/L lgsfo tyf ;+:yfgx?df ePsf] l9nf;':tL / e|i6frf/ ;DaGwL ph'/L x6nfOg, Dof;]h, ˆofS;, Od]n / k|ToIf e]63f6dfkm{t\ ;ª\sng ul//x]sf] 5 . ;+:yfdf ljleGg dfWodaf6 k|fKt ePsf u'gf;f]x?nfO{ Pslqt ;dfwfgsf]



kxn ul/Psf] 5 . :yfgLo tyf /fli6«o:t/d} klg jsfnt ug{'kg]{ y'k|} d'2fx? xfdLnfO{ k|fKt ePsf lyP . o;qmddf sf7df8f}d+ f sl/a $)) / 6LcfO{ cfj4 ;+:yfx?dfk{mt\ !* ;oeGbf a9L u'gf;f] sfof{nodf btf{ ePsf 5g\ . lhNnf:t/df /x]sf ;/sf/L sfof{nox?df uO{ df]afOn Pnfs lSnlgs ;~rfng u/]/ klg u'gf;f ;ª\sng ul/Psf lyP . tLdWo] y'k|} ljifonfO{ gLltut txdf ;d]t jsfnt ul/Psf 5g\ . sf6{g' / ;flxTo M sf6{'lg:6 Sna;Fusf] ;xsfo{df sf6{'gx? tof/ ul/Psf 5g\ . tL sf6{'gx? ;+:yfn] @)&! ;fndf k|sfzg u/]sf] leQ]kfqf]df k|of]u ul/Psf 5g\ . o;afx]s e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] syf ;+u|x k|jl[ Q klg k|sfzg ul/Psf] 5 . pSt syf ;+u|xdf #@ j6f syf ;+u|lxt 5g\ . @= ;xof]u / ;xsfo{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] jsfnt ug{'kg]{ ljleGg d'2fsf] klxrfg u/L ljleGg ;+3–;+:yf;Fu ;xsfo{ ub}{cfPsf] 5 . o;n] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofgnfO{ dxÎjk"0f{ ;xof]u u/]sf] ljZjf; xfdLn] lnPsf 5f}+ . /fli6«o M 6LcfO{ g]kfn e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofgnfO{ :yfgLo tx;Dd lj:tf/ ug{ cgj/t¿kn] lqmofzLn /x]sf] 5 . xfn @! lhNnfdf @@ j6f ;+:yfnfO{ cfj4tf k|bfg u/L ;bfrf/ k|j4{g cleofgnfO{ ;zSt agfOPsf] 5 . o;n] Pnfs / Pnfs 8LkLh:tf kl/of]hgfnfO{ dxÎjk"0f{ ;xof]u k'¥ofPsf] 5 . of] jif{ :yfgLo :t/df y'k|} ;fj{hlgs sfo{qmdx? ;DkGg ul/Psf 5g\ . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] cfof]hgf ug]{ o:tf 5nkmn tyf cGt/lqmof sfo{qmddf ;+:yfsf kbflwsf/L tyf ;lrjfnosf k|ltlglwx?n] ;xeflutf hgfpg'ePsf] 5 . To:tf sfo{qmddf ;/sf/sf d'Vo;lrjb]lv cGo kbflwsf/Lx?sf] ;d]t ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . o;n] ;+:yfsf] d"No–dfGotf, p2]Zo / nIok|flKtsf nflu ;xof]]u k'u]sf] cg'el" t xfdLn] u/]sf 5f}+ . cGt/f{li6«o M e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf nflu cfof]hgf ul/Psf cGt/f{li6«o sfo{qmdx?df ;d]t 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf kbflwsf/L tyf ;lrjfnosf k|ltlglwx?sf] ;xeflutf



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

/Xof] . ;fpy–;fpy Pl;of PS;r]~h k|f]u|fd o;sf] Pp6f pbfx/0f xf] . o; sfo{qmdcGtu{t 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] Pshgf sd{rf/L blIf0f Pl;ofsf ljleGg RofK6/x?df k7fpg] u/]sf] 5 eg] tL RofK6/x?af6 klg g]kfndf cfpg] u/]sf 5g\ . o; jif{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnaf6 >L Hjfnf e§nfO{ a+unfb]z k7fOPsf] 5 eg] a+unfb]zaf6 >L v'l;{b cfnd g]kfn cfpg'ePsf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] o;} jif{ Pl;of k|zfGt If]qLo sfo{qmd a}7s -cf/kLPd_ sf] cfof]hgf u/]sf] 5 . d] !( b]lv @!, @)!$ df sf7df8f}d+ f cfof]hgf ul/Psf] ;f] sfo{qmddf @! b]zsf ^) k|ltlglwx?sf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . To; qmddf o; If]qsf sfo{sf/L lgb]{zsx?nfO{ ln8/l;k 8]enf]kd]G6 6«]lgË lbOPsf] lyof] . ;fy}, ;f]xL qmddf kmfOl6Ë s/K;g Og ;fpy Pl;of / g]zgn OlG6lu|6L l;:6d P;]:d]G6 g]kfn @)!$ cWoog k|ltj]bg klg ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf 5g\ . To:t}, 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] lalN8Ë kmfpG8];G; ckm OlG6lu|6LM g]zgn PG8 OG6/g]zgn PSk]l/oG;]h ljifos b'O{lbg] cGt/f{li6«o sGkm/]G; klg ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 . o; ;Dd]ngdf blIf0f Pl;ofnL b]zsf ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf kbflwsf/Lx?n] >Ln+sf / ;lrjfnosf k|ltlglwx?n] 6LcfO{ Pg'cn d]Da/l;k ldl6Ë / cf]kg ueg{d]G6 kf6{gl;{k sGkm/]G; ;xeflutf hgfpg'ePsf] 5 . To:t}, dn]l;ofdf ;DkGg e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o dxf;lGw;DaGwL sfo{zfnfdf klg pxfFx?sf] ;xeflutf /Xof] . o;afx]s a+unfb]zdf ;DkGg ldl8of 6«]lgËdf klg ;lrjfnosf k|ltlglwx?n] efu lng'eof] . #= If]qut hf]8 If]qut ljifodf hf]8 lbFb} ljz]if u/L ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfx, cWoog–cg';Gwfg / hgr]tgf clej[l4h:tf If]qdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] cfk"mnfO{ s]lGb|t ub}{cfPsf] 5 . ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfx M 6LcfO{ g]kfn If]qut¿kdf hf]8 lbPsf] Pp6f ljifo ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfx klg xf] . o;} jif{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] Pnfs k|f]u|fddfk{mt\ ;'zf;g k|j4{gsf] cleofgnfO{ ljz]if hf]8 lbPsf] 5 . Pnfsn] gful/saf6

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

k|fKt x'g] u'gf;f]nfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ / gful/sn] ;fj{hlgs ;]jfk|fKt ul//xFbf ef]Ug'k/]sf] ;d:of -clgoldttf, l9nf;':tL, unt cEof;x?_ klxrfg u/L ;Daf]wg ug{ xfdLnfO{ 7"nf] ;xof]u k'¥ofPsf] 5 . o;n] ;fj{hlgs ;]jfk|jfx ug]{ lgsfo tyf ;+:yfx?df kf/blz{tf, / pQ/bfloÎj lgjf{x ug{ k|]l/t ub}{cfPsf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng u/]sf] csf]{ sfo{qmd Pnfs 8LkL xf] . o; sfo{qmdn] ;/sf/L lgsfonfO{ ;'zf;g k|j4{gsf nflu k|ltj4tf–kqdf x:tfIf/ ug{ k|]l/t u/]sf] 5 . xfn;Dd o; sfo{qmdcGtu{t ( lhNnfsf @! j6f ;/sf/L lgsfox?n] k|ltj4tf–kqdf x:tfIf/ ul/;s]sf 5g\ . To:tf lgsfox?df lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no, pk–dxfgu/kflnsf, gu/kflnsf, lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{no, lhNnf gfkL sfof{no, lhNnf dfnkf]t sfof{no, lhNnf jg sfof{no, lhNnf hg:jf:Yo sfof{no, lhNnf e"ld;'wf/ sfof{nox? /x]sf 5g\ . ;]jf k|bfos / ;]jfu|fxLaLr ;b\efj / ;xof]u cfbfg–k|bfg ug{ ;/f]sf/jfnfx?nfO{ ;xof]u u/]sf] 5 . cWoog cg';Gwfg M 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] If]qut¿kdf hf]8 lbPsf] ljifo cWoog–cg';Gwfg klg xf] . g]zgn OlG6lu|6L l;:6d P;]:d]G6 @)!$ df}lns / dxÎjk"0f{ cWoog xf] . cWoogn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] kf/blz{tf, pQ/bfloÎj / ;bfrf/ k|j4{gsf nflu hf]8 lbPsf] 5 . 6LcfO{n] x/]s jif{ e|i6frf/ cjwf/0ff ;"rsfª\s -s/K;g k;]{K;g OG8]S;_ ;j]{If0f ;fj{hlgs ub}{cfPsf] 5 . o;n] ;j]{If0fdf ;dfj]z ul/Psf d'n'ssf] ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf af/]df gful/ssf] cjwf/0ff ;fj{hlgs ub{5 . ;f] ;j]{If0fcg';f/ o; jif{ -;g\ @)!#_ g]kfn !!^ cf}+ :yfgdf /x]sf] 5 . !&& b]zx?df ;j]{If0f u/L ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf] kl5Nnf] k|ltj]bgcg';f/ g]kfn !)) df #! cª\s k|fKt u/L !!^ cf}+ :yfgdf /x]sf] xf] . o;}u/L, ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf] csf]{ k|ltj]bg Unf]an s/K;g Jof/f]ld6/ @)!# n] a9\bf] e|i6frf/sf] k|j[lQ, ;'zf;gsf If]qdf ;/sf/n] u/]sf k|of; / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf b]lvPsf sdhf]/LnfO{ k|:t't u/]sf] 5 . ;g\ @)!# df g]kfnsf] z}lIfs If]qdf s]lGb|t /xL gfoj

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs sdn kf]v/]nåf/f n]lvPsf] g]kf]l6hd Og Pkf]OG6d]G6\;\ M b s]; ckm g]kfn zLif{ssf] cfn]v Unf]an s/K;g l/kf]6{df ;dfj]z ePsf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnåf/f ;g\ @)!# df sf]8; \ cfkm sG8S6, d]g]Hd]G6 ckm kmG8\; afO nf]sn 8]enf]kd]G6 al8h, l/;r{ cg k|f]h]S6 s:6, / DoflkË ckm ;]n]S6]8 PG6L s/K;g PG8 cf]e/;fO6 Ph]lG;h PG8 l/n]e]G6 nh ljifodf cWoog u/L k|ltj]bgx? klg k':tssf ¿kd} ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf] 5 . oL cWoogn] lgsfn]sf lgisif{x? ;Da4 ;/sf/L lgsfosf pRr kb:y kbflwsf/Lx?nfO{ pknAw u/fOPsf 5g\ . hgr]tgf clej[l4 M 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] hgr]gf clej[l4sf sfo{qmdx? klg ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 . ltgdf 6LcfO{ cfj4 ;+:yfx?df sfo{/t sd{rf/Lx?sf] Ifdtf j[l4;DaGwL tflnd, !@ lhNnfdf e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] /]l8of] ;Gb]z, 6LcfO{ g]kfn / o;sf lqmofsnfk;DaGwL j[Qlrq cflb x'g\ . o;} qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf kbflwsf/Lx?n] ljleGg ;~rf/dfWodx?df uO{ cGtjf{tf{, cfn]v k|sfzg, k|]; lj1lKt, kqfrf/dfk{mt\ klg hgr]tgf clej[l4 ul/Psf 5g\ . ;fpy–;fpy Pl;of PS;r] G h sfo{ q mdcGtu{ t >Ln+sfaf6 g]kfn cfPsf OG6g{ >L xl/yf bfxfgfos]sf] ;xof]udf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] j]a;fO6sf] :t/ j[l4 ul/Psf] 5 . o;n] j]a;fO6 lelh6 ug]{x?nfO{ yk hfgsf/L pknAw u/fPsf] ljZjf; lnPsf 5f}+ . o;}u/L, 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] dfl;s¿kdf cgnfOg a'n]l6g SofK;'n k|sfzg ub}{cfPsf] 5 . SofK;'ndfk{mt\ ;+:yfn] ;~rfng u/]sf lqmofsnfk / ultljlw ;fj{hlgs ug]{ ul/Psf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;+:yfsf] d'vkqsf ¿kdf q}dfl;s a' n ] l 6g kf/bzL{ k| s fzg ub} { c fPsf] 5 . o; a'n]l6gdf ;/sf/L, u}/–;/sf/L / lghL If]qsf k|fl1s JolStÎjx?n] cfn]v pknAw u/fpFb} cfpg'ePsf] 5 . ;+:yfsf] ultljlwx?nfO{ qmdj4¿kdf k|sfzg ub}{cfPsf] 5 . o;n] ;bfrf/ k|j4{gdf lqmofzLn x'g rfxg] ;+3–;+:yf tyf JolStx?nfO{ k|fl1s ;fdu|L pknAw u/fpFb}cfPsf] 5 .



$= ;+:yfut ljsf; d'n'sdf e|i6frf/n] lgDTofPsf r'gf}tL lbgx'F km]l/Fb} uPsf 5g\ . oL r'gf}tLx?af6 l;lsPsf kf7nfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ ;+:yfut ljsf; ug{' cfjZos x'G5 . o;sf nflu 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] sfo{;ldlt, ;b:o / ;lrjfnosf k|ltlglwx? bQlrQ eP/ nfu]sf 5g\ . !* cf}+ ;fwf/0f;ef M 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] @)&) c;f]h !& df !* cf}+ ;fwf/0f;ef ;DkGg ePsf] lyof] . pSt ;efdf ;+:yfsf ^@ hgf ;b:ox?dWo] #& hgfn] efu lng'ePsf] lyof] . ;efn] jflif{s k|ult k|ltj]bg, n]vf–k/LIf0f ul/Psf] cfly{s k|ltj]bg k|:t'ltkl5 kfl/t u/]sf] lyof] . ljwfg ;+zf]wg M 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ljwfg ;+zf]wg ug]{;DaGwdf k|:t't d:of}bfpk/ klg !* cf}+ ;fwf/0f ;efdf 5nkmn ePsf] lyof] . k|:tfljt d:of}bfnfO{ clGtd ¿k lbg] k|of]hgsf nflu 5'§} pk;ldlt u7g ul/Psf] lyof] . pSt ;ldltåf/f k|:t't d:of}bfnfO{ ljwfg ;+zf]wgsf nflu @)&! c;f/ @) ut] cfof]lht ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;efn] kfl/t u/]sf] lyof] . ;+:yfut ;'b9[ Ls/0f M ;+:yfut ;'b[9Ls/0fsf nflu ;+:yfsf] sfo{ ;~rfng lgb]{lzsf, @)!! kl/dfh{g ul/of] . pSt kl/dfh{gn] ;+:yfsf] cfly{s sf/f]af/;DaGwL sfo{ljlwut k|fjwfg, sd{rf/Lsf] lgo'lSt, ;]jfsf zt{ cflb cBfjlw u/]sf] 5 . ;+:yfdf gofF ;b:o M ;+:yfdf gofF ;b:ox?nfO{ ;b:otf lbOPsf] 5 . jl/i7 clwjStf >L ;ljtf a/fn, k"j{ lgjf{rg cfo'St >L ho/fdl;+x af]x/f / n]vs >L k|sfz P/fhnfO{ ;b:otf k|bfg ul/Psf] 5 . To:t}, g]zgn lahg]; Olgl;Pl6E;nfO{ ;+:yfut ;b:otf k|bfg ul/Psf] 5 . ;+:yfsf] :yfloTj M ;bfrf/ k|j4{g cleofgnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg of] ;+:yfsf] lg/Gt/ lqmofzLntf / :yfloÎj cfjZos 5 . ;+:yfdf xfn;Dddf sl/a Ps s/f]8 %) nfv ?k}ofF art ug{ ;lsPsf] 5 . of] ;+:yfn] dfl;s¿kdf 3/ef8fafkt 7"nf] /sd ltg{' kl//x]sf] 5 . sfo{;ldltn] ;+:yfdf art ul/Psf] /sd ;+:yfsf] gfddf 3/ vl/b ug]{ lg0f{o u/]sf] lyof] . 3/ vl/b ug{sf nflu vr{



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

ul/g] /sd hf]lvd/lxt nufgL klg xf] . o;n] ;+:yfsf] :yfloÎj / lg/Gt/tfdf dxÎjk"0f{ ;xof]u k'Ug] ljZjf; lnOPsf] 5 . o;cg';f/ vl/b ug{ pko'St 3/sf] vf]hL eO/x]sf] 5 . /fi6«JofkL ;~hfn / ;xsfo{ M e|i6frf/lj¿4 /fi6«JofkL ;~hfn lj:tf/ ug]{ Wo]on] ljleGg @! lhNnfsf @@ ;+:yfx?nfO{ ;+:yfn] cfj4tf k|bfg u/]sf] 5 . o;n] klZrddf ;dfh sNof0f ;dfh bfr{'nfb]lv k"j{df dlxnf hfu/0f ;+3 Onfd;Dd of] ;xsfo{ lj:tf/ ePsf] 5 . ljleGg ef}uf]lns kl/j]z / cfofddf sfd ul//x]sf ;+:yfn] cfk"mnfO{ ;'zf;g k|j4{g cleofgdf s]lGb|t dfq u/]sf 5}gg\, 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ;'zf;g k|j4{g cleofgdf dxÎjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgjf{x u/]sf 5g\ . e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofg lhNnf lhNnfdf k'¥ofO{ b]zJofkL agfpg ;xof]u u/]sf 5g\ . yk rf/ lhNnfdf ;+:yf klxrfg u/L ;xsfo{ k|j4{g ug]{ sfo{ eO/x]sf] 5 . !( cf}+ :yfkgf lbj; M 6LcfO{ g]kfn !( cf}+ jif{df k|j]z u/]sf] ;'vb\ cj;/df sfe|]sf] w'lnv]ndf ;+:yfsf ;b:ox?;Fu e]63f6 sfo{qmdsf] cfof]hgf ul/of] . pSt sfo{qmdn] ;+:yfsf ;b:ox?nfO{ ;+:yfn] s] ul//x]sf] 5 eGg] hfgsf/L lbof] . ;fy}, sfo{qmd cfufdL lbgdf s]– s:tf lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ug{'knf{ eGg] af/]df pkl:yt ;b:ox?af6 /fo–;'emfj lng] pko'St d~r;d]t aGof] . ;f]xL cj;/df ;+:yfsf ;b:o 8f= lrGtfdl0f of]uLn] sd{of]usf af/]df k|jrg ;d]t lbg'ePsf] lyof] . kl/of]hgfsf] ;dLIffTds d"Nofª\sg M ;+:yfn] ;~rfng u/]sf ljleGg kl/of]hgfx?sf] ;dLIff tyf :jtGq d"Nof+sgsf nflu :jtGq k/fdz{bftfnfO{ lhDd]jf/L lbOof] . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfn u/]sf] OG6]lu|6L PG8 PsfpG6laln6L Pp6f d'Vo kl/of]hgf xf] . o; kl/of]hgfn] ;bfrf/ k|j4{g;DaGwL d"No–dfGotfsf] hu]gf{ / k|j4{gsf If]qdf sfd u/]sf] lyof] . ;f] kl/of]hgf ut clk|ndf ;lsPsf] 5 . k/fdz{bftfn] kl/of]hgfsf] k|efjsfl/tf / kl/0ffddf s]lGb|t /xL ;dLIffTds k|ltj]bg pknAw u/fPsf 5g\ . o;afx]s t];|f] jif{df rln/x]sf] Pnfs 8LkLsf] klg dWofjlw ;dLIff ;DkGg ul/Psf] 5 . oL ;dLIff k|ltj]bgn] 6LcfO{ g]kfnåf/f eljiodf ;~rfng ul/g] lqmofsnfk / kl/of]hgfsf] k|efjsfl/tf tyf Ifdtf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

j[l4df pNn]v e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{ 5g\ . ;+:yfdf gofF kl/of]hgf M lalN8Ë g]zgn OlG6lu|6L Og g]kfn kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ ;DaGwdf xfn} 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf >L lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L= / gj]{lhog /fhb"tn] Ps ;emf}tf–kqdf x:tfIf/ ug{'ePsf] 5 . kl/of]hgfn] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofgnfO{ ;zSt agfpg], d'Vo ;]jfk|bfos ;/sf/L lgsfox?sf] ;fj{hlgs ;bfrf/ k|j4{gsf If]qdf sfd ug]{5 . kl/of]hgf sl/a ;f9] tLg jif{ ;g\ @)!& ;Dd ;~rfng x'g]5 . To:t} aln{gl:yt 6LcfO{ ;lrjfnon] Pnfs / lgS;f kl/of]hgfsf] lg/Gt/tfsf nflu ;lKnd]G6/L u|fG6 lbg] ;xdlt hgfO;s]sf] 5 . To:t}, lghL If]qsf] 6]lnsd ck/]6/ Pg;]n;Fu lahg]z PlyS;;DaGwL kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ ;DaGwdf 5nkmn eO/x]sf] 5 . cGt/f{li6«o ultljlw M ;+:yfsf] sfo{Ifdtf j[l4 / e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o cleofgx?af/] ;d]t hfgsf/L lng] Wo]on] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf kbflwsf/L tyf ;lrjfnosf k|ltlglwx?n] cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf sfo{qmddf ;xefuL x'g'ePsf] 5 . pxfFx?n] sfo{qmddf ;xefuL eO{ ToxfF l;lsPsf s'/fx? 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ;lrjfnosf k|ltlglwx?dfem /fVg'ePsf] lyof] . 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;fpy–;fpy Pl;of PS;r]~h sfo{qmdsf] cleGg cË xf] . cl3Nnf jif{e}mF o; sfo{qmdn] sd{rf/L cfbfg–k|bfg u/L Psfk;sf cg'ej cfbfg– k|bfg ub}{cfPsf] 5 . ut cu:6 dlxgfdf a}ªs \ sdf cfof]hgf ul/Psf] a}7sdf PS;r]~h k]mnf]x?n] ;xeflutf hgfPsf 5g\ . o;afx]s aln{gdf ;DkGg Pg'cn d]Da/ ldl6Ëdf ;+:yfsf cWoIfaf6 ePsf] 5 . pSt a}7sdf 6LcfO{n] ;~rfng u/]sf cleofgsf] g]t[Îj ul//x]sf /fli6«o RofK6/x?sf] cg'ej / ljrf/x? cfbfg–k|bfg ePsf 5g\ . %= d"No–dfGotfsf] k|j4{g kf/bzL{, hjfkmb]xL / e|i6frf/d'St ;dfh lgdf{0fsf nflu gful/sdf g}lts d"No–dfGotf k|ltljlDat x'g'k5{ eGg]df 6LcfO{ g]kfn ljZj:t 5 . cfXjfg M 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] OlG6lu|6L PG8 PsfplG6laln6L k|f]u|fddfk{mt\ dxÎjk"0f{ d"No–dfGotf k|j4{g ub}{cfPsf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

5 . pSt sfo{qmd ut clk|ndf ;lsPsf] 5 . sfo{qmds} bf}/fg ;DkGg ;+ljwfg;efsf] bf];|f] lgjf{rgdf pDd]bjf/x?nfO{ nlIft u/L /fhgLlts tyf k|zf;lgs ;'wf/sf ;DaGwdf s]lGb|t /xL 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ljz]if cfXjfg u/]sf] 5 . To;}u/L, e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;sf lbg xf:o–Joª\Uo sfo{qmd cfof]hgf u/]sf] lyof] . hLjgsf x/]s If0fdf ;bfrf/sf] dxÎjaf/]df sfo{qmdsf ;xefuLx?sf] Wofgfs[i6 u/]sf] lyof] . ;Ddfg tyf k'/:sf/ M e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj; -l8;]Da/ (_ sf lbg jl/i7 ;+:s[ltljb\ >L ;Todf]xg hf]zLnfO{ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn /fli6«o ;bfrf/ ;Ddfg, @)&) åf/f ;DdfgLt ul/of] . laqmd ;Dat\ !(&& a}zfv #) ut] hGdg'ePsf >L ;Todf]xg hf]zLHo"n] ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf] ljleGg cf]xf]bfdf /xFbf / cjsf; u|x0fkZrft\ klg ;bfrf/o'St cfr/0f / hLjgz}nL cjnDag u/L g]kfnsf] >La[l4sf nflu cgj/t ;dlk{t x'g'ePsf]df pRr ;Ddfg ub}{ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] ;f] ;Ddfg ;dlk{t u/]sf] xf] . k|ltj4tf M g}lts d"No–dfGotf / Aojxf/ tyf ;'zf;g k|j4{g ug{sf nflu g]kfn ;/sf/sf] :yfgLo lgsfosf clwsf/L / 6LcfO{ cfj4 :yfgLo ;+:yfx?aLr ljsf; -;bfrf/_ k|ltj4tfdf x:tfIf/ ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . ;f] ;xdltn] gful/sx?nfO{ ;/sf/L lgsfosf clwsf/L;Fu hjfkmb]xL / g}lts d"No–dfGotf cjnDag ug]{ ;DaGwdf dfu ug{ ;zlSts/0f u/]sf] 5 . of] ;xdlt ;bfrf/ k|j4{g ug]{ ;zSt cf}hf/ ;fljt ePsf] 5 . ;xdlt kqdf xfn;Dd d'n'ssf] ( lhNnfsf @! ;/sf/L sfof{non] x:tfIf/ ul/;s]sf 5g\ . ;"rgfsf] xs M ;"rgfsf] xssf] pkof]u ub}{ >L zf/bf e';fn emfn] 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng ul//x]sf sfo{qmd / vr{ dfu ub}{ lgj]bg btf{ u/fpg'ePsf] lyof] . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;"rgfsf] xsnfO{ ;'zf;g, v'nfkg / kf/blz{tfsf] dxÎjk"0f{ cf}hf/sf ¿kdf a'e]msf] / o;sf nflu jsfnt;d]t ub}{cfPsf] x'Fbf dfu ePadf]lhdsf ;"rgf pknAw u/fPsf] 5 . lahg]z PlyS; M 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] lghL If]qsf] 6]lnsd ;lj{; ck/]6/ Pg;]n;Fu g]kfnL pBf]u–Jofkf/ If]qdf g}lts ;+:s[lt tyf d"No–dfGotf k|j4{g ug{ ;xof]uL x'g]



sfo{qmd ;~rfng x]t' 5nkmn ul//x]sf] 5 . lgisif{ g]kfndf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf nflu uDeL/ 9Ën] ljleGg cleofg ;~rfng ug{'kg]{ cfjZostf 5 . ljz]if u/L d'n'sdf ljBdfg zf;g k|zf;gdf Jofks / bL3{ kl/jt{gsf nflu /fhgLltdf ;dlk{t /fhgLlt1x?sf] ;xeflutf / ;bfrf/ k|j4{g ug]{ ;sf/fTds ;f]rn] e|i6frf/lj¿4 clek|]l/t ug]{ cleofgdf nfUg'kg]{ ePsf] 5 . o;sf] ;'¿jft ;+ljwfg;efsf] bf];|f] lgjf{rgn] u/]sf] 5 . ;+ljwfg lgdf{0f k|lqmofn] k"0f{tfk|fKt ug{ ;s] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] cleofgnfO{ yk d2t k'Ug] lglZrt 5 . To:t}, s]Gb|Lo tyf :yfgLo lgsfosf] cBfjlws lgjf{rgn] g]kfnL gful/snfO{ ;fdflhs tyf k4lt;+ut kl/jt{gdf ;xefuL x'g k|]l/t ug]{5 . e|i6frf/lj¿4 ;+:yfut tj/n] d2t k'Ug] o:tf lqmofsnfkdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] lg/Gt/ cfjfh p7fpFb}cfPsf] klg ;a}nfO{ ljlbt} 5 . ;fy}, lgjf{rg ;b}j lgikIf, wfFwnL/lxt x'g'kg]{ / ;Dk"0f{ gful/sn] eo/lxt jftfj/0fdf dt lbg kfpg] Joj:yf ug{ lgjf{rg clkn klg hf/L ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . d'n'ssf] k|ult ljlwsf] zf;g, ;'zfl;t ;dfh, v'nf / kf/bzL{ ;fj{hlgs hLjgz}nLn] dfq ;Dej x'g] ePsf] x'Fbf ;bfrf/ k|j4{g cleofgdf xfdLdfq xf]Og, k|To]s g]kfnL gful/snfO{ k|]l/t ug{ ;s] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] e|i6frf/d'St ;dfh lgdf{0f ug]{ kl/sNkgf ;fsf/ x'g] 7fg]sf 5f}F . cGTodf 6LcfO{ g]kfn xfdL ;a}sf] ;femf ;+:yf xf] . o;nfO{ ;b}j / ;a} lsl;dsf] b':k|efjaf6 d'St /fVb} 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] d"No–dfGotf / cfbz{sf ;fy} d'n'ssf] kl/j]zcg';f/ e|i6frf/d'St / ;bfrf/o'St ;dfh lgdf{0fdf of]ubfg k'¥ofpg xfdL ;a} ;+o'St¿kdf nflu /xg'kb{5 . of] jif{ ;+of]us} s'/f xf] cWoIf;lxt sfo{;ldltsf] lgjf{rg klg x'Fb}5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] of] cleofgnfO{ cl3 a9fpg ;Ifd sfo{;ldlt rog x'g]5 eGg] xfdL ljZj:t 5f}+ . e/taxfb'/ yfkf dxf;lrj, 6LcfO{ g]kfn



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] !( cf}+ :yfkgf lbj;

;b:ox?af6 k|fKt /fo ;'emfj


G;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnn] :yfkgf lbj; dgfPsf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfn @)%# ;fn ebf} # ut] :yfkgf ePsf] xf] . o;n] @)&! ebf} # ut] !( cf}+ :yfkgf lbj; dgfpg] qmddf sfo{;ldlt / ;b:ox?aLr Ps 5nkmn sfo{qmd sfe|]sf] w'lnv]nl:yt w'lnv]n nh l/;f]6{df cfof]hgf u¥of] . ;'zf;g Pj+ ;bfrf/ k|j4{gsf nflu ;+:yfn] u/]sf kxnx?af/] ljj]rgf ub}{ cfufdL lbgdf ;+:yfn] s]– s:tf ljifonfO{ k|fyldstfdf /fVg'k5{ eGg] ;Gbe{df 5nkmn s]lGb|t /x]sf] lyof] . 5nkmndf ;+:yfsf sfo{;ldlt ;b:o / ;fwf/0f ;b:ox?dWo] @^ hgfsf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf :jfut dGtJo dxf;lrj >L e/t axfb'/ yfkfn] lbg'ePsf] lyof] . To:t}, sfo{qmdsf] cf}lrTo Pj+ :yfkgf lbj;sf] ;Gb]z cWoIf >L lji0f' axfb'/ s];Ln] lbg'ePsf] lyof] . To:t}, ;+:yfks Pj+ k"j{ cWoIf bfdf]b/k|;fb uf}tdn] ;+:yfsf k|f/lDes lbg / lqmofsnfkx?af/] rrf{ ug{'ePsf] lyof] . o;kl5 pkl:yt ;b:ox?nfO{ v'nf 5nkmnsf nflu dxf;lrj >L yfkfn] cfu|x ug'{ePsf] lyof] . sl/a $ 3G6f;Dd rn]sf] ;f] sfo{qmddf ;b:ox?n] ljleGg /fo–;'emfj pknAw u/fpg'ePsf] lyof] . >L e/t axfb'/ yfkf, dxf;lrj cfh 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] :yfkgf lbj; xf] . ;g\ !((# df dfgj ;d'bfonfO{ e|i6frf/sf sf/0f k/]sf] c;/af6 d'lSt kfpg k|a'4 JolStTjx?sf] k|of;df :yfkgf ePsf] ;+:yf xf] . of] ;+:yf g]kfndf !((^ df btf{ ePsf] xf] . :yfkgfsfndf !% hgf

JolStx? ;+:yf :yfkgfdf ;+nUg x'g'ePsf] lyof] . xfn o;df %& hgf ;b:ox? x'g'x'G5 . @! lhNnfdf @@ j6f cfj4 ;+:yfx? sfo{/t 5g\ . xfn $ j6f lhNnfdf cfj4tf lbg] k|lqmof ;'? ul/Psf] 5 . o;kl5 6LcfO{ g]kfn @% lhNnfdf k'Ug]5 . h;n] lxdfn, kxf8, t/fO{ ;a} If]q ;d]6\5 eg] !$ c~rndf ;+:yfsf] pkl:ylt /xg]5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ljut tLg jif{b]lv :yfkgf lbj; dgfpFb} cfPsf] 5 . o; jif{ ;+:yfn] cfufdL lbgdf ug'{kg]{ sfo{x? s]–s] x'g ;S5g\ eg]/ ;b:oHo"x?af6 ;'emfj / ;/;Nnfx k|fKt ug]{ Wo]on] of] 5nkmn sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ul/Psf] xf] . pkl:yltsf nflu ;a}hgfnfO{ xflb{s :jfut ub{5' . oxfFx?af6 k|fKt ;'emfj cfufdL lbgx?sf nflu dfu{bz{g x'g ;Sb5g\ . >L lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=, cWoIf lgs6 eljiodf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ;fwf/0f;ef x'g nflu/x]sf] 5 . ;+:yfnfO{ cem k|efjsfl/tf a9fpg ;b:ox?af6 /fo–;'emfj lngsf nflu of] sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ul/Psf] xf] . clxn] xfdL ;+:yf :yfkgfsf] !( cf}+ jif{df k|j]z u/]sf 5f}+ . ljut # jif{b]lv ;+:yfn] :yfkgf lbj; dgfpFb} cfPsf] 5 . ljutdf !% hgfaf6 ;'? ul/Psf] ;'zf;g k|j4{g cleofgsf] k|ltlglwd"ns ;+:yf 6LcfO{ g]kfndf xfn;Dd ^% hgf ;b:o k'u]sf]df cf7hgf ;b:ox?n] ;b:otf gjLs/0f gug{' ePsfn] xfn %& ;b:o /xg'ePsf] 5 . xfn;Dddf ;+:yfsf] ljwfg kfFrk6s ;+zf]wg ul/;lsPsf] 5 . To:t}, ;+:yfsf] ;b:ox?sf] ;xeflutfdf ;g\ @)!#



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

b]lv @)!& ;Ddsf nflu lgDg % /0fgLlts lbzf to ul/Psf] 5 . ;+:yfsf] /0fgLltM s= jsfnt / kxn (Advocacy and Interventions)Ù v= ;xsfo{ . u7aGwg (Coalitions/ Collaborations)Ù u= If]qut hf]8 (Sectoral Focus)Ù 3= ;+:yfut ljsf; (Organizational Development)Ù ª= d"No dfGotf -;bfrf/_ k|j4{g (Promoting Values) . pSt /0fgLlts lbzftkm{ cu|;/ /xg xfn ljleGg bft[ lgsfosf] ;+nUgtfdf lgDg $ sfo{qmd ;~rfng eO/x]sf 5g\ . s= PnfsM 6LcfO{ aln{gsf] ;xof]udf ;g\ @)!% ;Dd rfn' /xg]Ù v= Pnfs 8LkLM o'/f]lkog o'lgogsf] ;xof]udf @)!^ ;Dd rfn' /xg]Ù u= aLPgcfO{PgM gj]{lhog b"tfjf;sf] ;xof]udf ;g\ @)!& ;Dd rfn' /xg]Ù 3= ;fpy–;fpy Pl;of PS;r]~hM k|m]8sk{;]6 gj]{sf] ;xof]udf ;g\ @)!& ;Dd rfn" /xg] . k|:tfljt lqmofsnfkM 6LcfO{ aln{g;Fu Pnfs / lgS;f kl/of]hgfdf yk ;xof]usf nflu 5nkmn eO/x]sf] 5 . ;fy}, lghL If]q;Fusf] ;xsfo{sf nflu Pg;]n;Fu klg Ps kl/of]hgf k|:tfjpk/ 5nkmn eO/x]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] xfn ;~rfng ul//x]sf kl/of]hgfn] d"ntM hgu'gf;f] ;+sng, ;Daf]wg, ljsf; k|ltj4tf k|j4{g, u7aGwg lj:tf/, cg';Gwfg, jsfnt, ;bfrf/ k|j4{g / cg'ej cfbfg–k|bfg cflb /x]sf 5g\ . ;DkGg ePsf s]xL d'Vo lqmofsnfk 6LcfO{sf] Plzof k|zfGt If]qLo a}7s g]kfndf cfof]hgf, cGt/f{li6«o ;Dd]ngsf] cfof]hgf, o'/f]lkog o'lgog / gj]{lhog ;/sf/;Fu sl/a !) -bz_ s/f]8sf] kl/of]hgf ;D´f}tf, /fli6«o ;bfrf/ ;Ddfg k|bfg, /fli6«o:t/sf sl/a !) -bz_ cg';Gwfg / zf]wsfo{, cGt/f{li6«o ;j]{If0f -;LkLcfO{, hL;LaL_ g]kfndf ;fj{hlgsLs/0f, ;+ljwfg;ef lgjf{rgdf clkn, ljwfg ;+zf]wg, ;b:otf lj:tf/, cfj4 ;+:yf lj:tf/, ;Gb]zd"ns syf ;ª\u|x / leQ]kfqf] k|sfzg, ;/sf/sf] Wofgfsif{0f, ;d;fdlos ljifodf tTsfn k|ltlqmof;lxtsf] k|]; lj1lKt cflb .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

xfn ;+ : yfsf] kx' F r / ;xsfo{ @! -PSsfO{ ; _ lhNnfsf @@ -afO{;_ gful/s ;+:yfx?;Fu /x]sf], pQm ;+:yfx?nfO{ sfo{qmd / dfgj ;+zfwgsf nflu jflif{s ah]6 pknAw u/fpg ;lsPsf]Ù ;+:yfsf] !( cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;ef cfpFbf] c;f]h !) ut] cfof]hgf ug]{ u/L ldlt to ul/Psf], k|ult / cfo–Joosf] ljj/0f k|:t'ltsf nflu k|ltj]bgx? tof/ x'g] qmddf /x]sf] . of] ;+:yf Ps cGt/f{li6«o cleofgsf] cË ePsf], ljleGg k| l tli7t JolQmTjx? ;b:o /xg' e Psf] , kf/blz{tf, pQ/bfloTj, ;bfrf/, Gofo / ;dfgtf, ;fx;, P]Soj4tf / nf]stGq / ;Ddfgh:tf d"ne"t dfGotfaf6 ;+:yf k|]l/t /x]sf], o;} sf/0fn] o;k|ltsf] hgljZjf; a9\bf]Ù lgjf{rgkZrft\ ;+ljwfg lgdf{0f ug]{ /fli6«o Ph]G8fdf of]ubfg k'¥ofpg o; ;+:yfsf] dxÎj / cf}lrTo a9\bf] /x]sf] d]/f] a'´fO{ 5Ù /fhgLlts ;+qmd0f cGTo u/L gofF o'udf k|j]z ubf{ o; ;+:yfsf] e"ldsf c´ ;an x'g'kg]{ x'G5, e|i6frf/ JofKt g]kfnL kl/j]zdf /fhgLlts dfxf]ndf xfd|f] cleofg lgZro g} ;fy{s x'g] 5Ù cfh :yfkgf lbj;df pkl:yt ;b:oHo"x?sf] ;'´fjaf6 yk dfu{lgb]{z ldNg] ePsfn] :yfkgf lbj;sf] cj;/df oxfFx?sf] cd"No ;'´fj u|x0f ug{ of] e]nf cfof]hgf ul/Psf]Ù 5nkmn k"/} v'nf / cgf}krfl/s ?kdf cl3 a9fOg] ePsfn] oxfFsf] ljrf/ ;'Gg pT;'s 5f}+, lgZro g} oxfFsf] cd"No ;'´fjnfO{ cfufdL dfu{lgb]{zsf] ?kdf ;+:yfn] u|x0f ug]{5 . >L bfdf]b/ uf}td, k"j{ cWoIf, 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;+:yfdf ;+nUg x'g /fd|f dflg; vf]lhG5 . t/, slt ;lqmo eO/x]sf 5g\, xfdLn] ofb ul//x]sf 5f}F . ;+:yfdf ;b:o w]/} agfP/ ;+:yfsf] k|efjsfl/tf a9\b}g . ;+:yfdf ;+nUg ePsf dflg;x?n] lgjf{x ug]{ e"ldsfn] o;sf] ;lqmotf / k|efjsfl/tf a9\5 . ;b:odf ;]jfefj / ;lqmotf cfjZos x'G5 . 6LcfO{sf] :yfkgf ug]{ ;dob]lv g} d ;+nUg lyPF . 6LcfO{sf] :yfkgfsf] 3f]if0ff x'Fbf hd{gLdf /fd|f] / k|efjsf/L sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ul/Psf] lyof] . g]kfndf :yfkgf ug]{ qmddf 8f= b]j]Gb|/fh

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

kf08]n] ;lqmo e"ldsf v]Ng'eof] . cfhsf] ;kmntfsf] >]o 8f= kf08]nfO{ lbg'k5{ . ljut !* jif{df o;n] /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o If]qdf /fd|f] Voflt cfh{g u/]sf] 5 . lxdfn, kxf8 / t/fO{df xfd|f] pkl:ylt k'Ug ;Sg'kb{5 . ;d:of klxrfg u/L ;dfwfgsf pkfox? ;'emfpg ;Sg'kb{5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfndf ;Ifd / ;dlk{t sd{rf/L, /fd|f] ;lrjfno /x]sf] 5 . ;lrjfnodf b]zleqaf6 dfq xf]Og aflx/af6 klg OG6g{l;ksf nflu cfpg] u/]sf 5g\ . o;nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbpF . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ug{'kg]{ sfdx? oL x'g\ eGg] nfU5 M cg'udg Pj+ lg/LIf0fM 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] s]Gb|Lo ;/sf/, ;jf]{Rr cbfnt, ;+ljwfg;ef, ;+;b, ;+j}wflgs lgsfo, ;/sf/ / ah]6af/] cg'udg Pj+ lg/LIf0f ug{'k5{ . lg/Gt/tfM /fhgLlts bnsf] cfly{s kf/blz{tf, Pnfs / PS;r]~h k|f]u|fdh:tf sfo{qmdnfO{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] lg/Gt/tf lbg'k5{ . ;~rf/dfWodM ;'zf;g Pj+ ;bfrf/ k|j4{g cleofg ;kmn agfpg ;~rf/dfWodsf] ;xof]u lng cfjZos ePsfn] o;tkm{ ;+:yfn] ljz]if Wofg lbg'k5{ . lzIffM :s"n:t/sf afnaflnsfnfO{ nlIft u/]/ kf7Øqmd ljsf; u/L nfu" u/fpg ;/sf/LkIf;Fu ;dGjo ug{'k5{ . ;+ljwfgM ;+ljwfg lgdf{0fsf qmddf /x]sfn] ;+ljwfgdf e|i6frf/lj?4sf k|fjwfg ;d]6\g cfjZos lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ug{'k5{ . d"ntM xf8{j]o/ cyf{t\ ;|f]t–;fwgeGbf klg ;ˆ6j]o/ cyf{t\ leqL OR5f h?/L 5 .



sfo{;ldltk|lt cfef/ JoSt ub{5' . xfdLn cfufdL lbgdf ug{'kg]{ sfd $ j6f 5g\ eGg] nfU5 . s'g b]zsf] s'g If]qdf e|i6frf/ 5 eGg] ;fj{hlgs ug]{ u/]sf 5f}F . To;nfO{ cfwf/ dfg]/ ;fj{hlgs ax; rnfpg] / yk cGo sfo{ ug{'k5{ . /0fgLlts of]hgf /fd|f] 5 . /0fgLlts of]hgf ;+:yfn] u/]sf] k|ltj4tf xf] . sfof{Gjog ug{ sfo{;"rL tof/ u/f}F . ;fs{ If]qdf g]kfnsf] :yfg s] < xfdLn] If]qLo :t/df ;'wf/ ug{'kg]{ If]q / sfdx? s]–s] x'g\ < 6LcfO{df cfj4 ;+:yfsf] Ifdtf a9fpg s] ug{ ;lsPnf eGg] s'/fdf Wofg lbg'k5{ eGg] nfU5 . >L s]zj cfrfo{ sfo{k|ult ljj/0f ;sf/fTds nfUof] . /fHodf e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f ug{ y'k|} ;+:yf vf]lnPsf 5g\ . tL ;+:yfn] s] ul//x]sf 5g\ < ltgsf] k|efjsfl/tf d"Nof+sg u/]/ k|ltj]bg ;fj{hlgs ug{'k5{ . j}b]lzs ;xof]udf ;~rfng x'g] cfof]hgfx?af/] cWoog u/]/ k|ltj]bg ;fj{hlgs ug{'k5{ . lj1x? ;lDdlnt Pp6f ;ldlt u7g u/f}+ / d"Nof+sg k|ltj]bg ;fj{hlgs u/f}F . 6LcfO{ g]kfn kf/blz{tf / ;bfrf/ k|j4{g ug{ slt ;Ifd eof] eg]/ klg :j–d"Nofª\sg u/f}F . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ;~rfng vr{ ;/sf/af6 lng] k|oTg u/f}+ . e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] lhDd]jf/L ;/sf/sf] klg xf] .

>L j+zLw/ l3ld/] ;+:yfn] ;~rfng u/]sf lqmofsnfk ;Gtf]ifhgs >L e/t axfb'/ yfkf, dxf;lrj 5g\ . /0fgLlt klg /fd|f] 5 . ;a} kIf ;d]l6Psf] 5}g . ;a} ;b:ox?nfO{ v'nf 5nkmndf efu lng cfu|x ;+:yfn] /fhgLlts bn / ;+;b\sf] pQ/bfloTjsf If]qdf ub{5' . sfd ug'{k5{ . Goflos hjfkmb]lxtfsf nflu sfd ug{'k5{ . /fhgLlts pQ/bfloTj gePs}n] k|zf;g If]qsf] pQ/bfloTj a9fpg g;lsPsf] xf] . k|zf;lgs, 8f= ljZj s]z/ df:s] ;fdflhs / cfly{s pQ/bfloTj a9fpg klg xfdL :yfkgf lbj;sf cj;/df xfdL s] xf}F / cfufdL lbgdf nfUg'k5{ . d'n'sdf hjfkmb]xLsf] :t/;DaGwdf cWoog s] ug{ ;S5f}F eg]/ 5nkmn cfof]hgf ul/Psf]df ug{'k5{ .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

>L k|sfz P/fh g]kfndf sfd ul//x]sf cfO{PghLcf]n] sxfF–s] ul//x]sf 5g\ < logLx?sf] kf/blz{tfsf] cj:yf s] 5 < o; If]qdf xfdLn] sfd ug{'kg]{ cfjZostf b]V5' . pgLx?n] k7fPsf] k};f a}+lsË If]qaf6 cfpF5 t <

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

>L nLnfk|;fb ;fksf]6f Pp6f kfun /x]5 . ;jf{ª\u gfª\uf] a:bf]/x]5 t/ 6fpsfdf Xof6 rfxLF nufpFbf] /x]5 . Pshgfn] ;f]w]5g\, ltdL lsg gfª\u} a;]sf] < kfunn] eg]5, dnfO{ x]g{ sf]xL cfpFb}gg\ t lsg nufpg' < ltgn] km]l/ ;f]w], Xof6 t nufPsf 5f}+ t < sf]xL–sf]xL cfOxfN5g\ lsg eg]/ nufPsf] eg]5g\ . g]kfndf e|i6frf/sf] >L /]jt sfsL{ cj:yf To:t} 5 . ;+ : yfsf] ;b:otf ;DaGwdf cfhLjg ;b:osf] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf sf]xL g sf]xL rfxLF cGgfxhf/] k|aGw u/f}+ . o;n] :yfloTj NofpF5 . ljwfgsf] bkmf g} x'g'k5{ ls < s]xL gd'gf cfk}mF b]vfcf}F . ;DklQ !@ df ;fwf/0f;ef a}7sdf bf];|f] k6s sDtLdf !) ;fj{hlgs u/f}F . k|ltzt rfxLF pkl:yt x'g}kg]{ k|fjwfg /fvf}F . sfg'gL zf;g :yfkgfdf hf]8 lbg'kg]{ . 7"nf s'/f ug]{, t/ cfk"m cg'zfl;t gx'g] k|j[lQ a9]sf] 5 . ;]gf–k|x/L rf]vfh:tf] >L O{Zj/ pkfWofo b]lvPsf 5g\, ltgLx? jf:tjd} To:t} x'g\ t < lghL If]q xfdLn] ljifo s]lGb|t eP/ sfd ug{'kg]{ ePsf] 5 . /]u'n]6 ug]{x? g} e|i6frf/df lnKt 5g\ . dlGqkl/ifb\af6 lg0f{o u/fP/ d'n'sdf gLltut e|i6frf/ a9\g yfn]sf] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug{ tn ;kmf u/]/ ePg, dflyaf6} 5 . g]kfn jfo';]jf lgudsf] hxfh lsGg] a]nfdf ;kmf ub}{ hfg'k5{ . 6k–8fpg Pk|f]r x'g'k5{ . of] Pp6f dlGqkl/ifb\n] sDkgL / hxfh g} tf]s]/ lg0f{o u/]sf] r'gf}tL xf] . xfd|f] Ph]G;Lx? v'§fsf] kmf]xf]/ ;kmf ug{ 5 . of] Pp6f gLltut e|i6frf/sf] pbfx/0f xf] . ;'zf;g nfu]sf 5g\ . xfd|f] Ifdtf s] xf] < x]g{'k5{ . g]t[Tjaf6 sfo{ ;'? k5Øfpg] klg y'k|} x'G5g\ . ;a}nfO{ r]tgf 5, P]g, @)^$ sfof{Gjog ug{ hf]8 lbg'k5{ . t/ sxfFaf6 s;/L ;'? ug]{df åLljwf 5 . :s"nnfO{ oxfF ;+:yfut e|i6frf/ a9\bf] 5 . ;+:yfdf sfd ;bfrf/ k|j4{g ug]{ s]Gb| agfpg'k5{ . ug]{ JolStn] g} ;+:yfsf] clxt u5{ . lg0f{o ePsf] s'/f /fhgLlts sf/0fn] sfof{Gjog u/fpg ;lsFb}g . 6LcfO{n] /fli6«o of]hgfx?af/] klg cfˆgf] b[li6sf]0f >L kjg cf]emf ;fj{hlgs ug{'k5{ . ljifo 7"nf] 5 . hlt klg s'/f ug{ ;lsG5 . u0f]z sNr/df 5f}F . s'df/hL ;+;f/ kl/qmdf ug{ lxF8] . >L ls/0f yfkf u0f]zhL lzj–kfj{tLsf] sNkgf u/]/ pkflw kfpg ;kmn 6LcfO{ rnfpg ufx|f] 5 . To;n] af]s]sf] d"No–dfGotfdf eP . dflg;nfO{ s;/L l/emfpg] / b]ptfnfO{ s;/L l6Sg cem ufx|f] 5 . g]kfndf cfjZos kl/of]hgf s'g} l/emfpg] eGg] s'/f xfd|f] ;+:s[lt xf] . JolStut x}l;ot kf6L{ ;Qfdf cfpFbf /fli6«o of]hgf x'g] ;Qfdf gx'Fbf a9fof}F xf]nf, t/ ;fdflhs x}l;ot a9fpg ;s]gf}F . s;/L x'g;S5 . o; If]qdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] Wofg p2]Zo / Jojxf/ ldn]g eg] w/f;foL x'g] vt/f x'G5 . lbg'k5{ ls < 3/sf] sfd ubf{ /fd|f];Fu ug]{ t/ ;fj{hlgs hlt 7"nf] l8n agfpF5f}F, To;nfO{ c8Øfpg Tolt g} k|oTg ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . cGoyf To;n] lgDTofpg] ljgfz sfd ubf{ ;+j]bgzLn gx'g] u/]sf] kfOG5 . Tolt g} 7"nf] x'G5 . y'k|} dflg;;Fu ljgfz ug]{ a'l4 w]/} 5 . ljgf;sf/L z}nL k|j[lQ aGb} uPsf] 5 . ljifo

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

s]lGb|t eP/ sfd ul//x]sf 5}gf}F . cyjf To;tkm{ nflu/x]sf 5}gf}F . c? w]/} s'/f gu/f}F, :s"nd} dfq s]lGb|t x'g'k5{ ls < ;dfh abNg] xf] eg] :s"nsf aRrfdf s]lGb|t eP/ sfd u/f}F . ;fgfdf nfu]sf] cfbt / k/]sf] k|efj kl5;Dd /xG5 . e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] k|of; sxfFaf6 yfNg] < dflyaf6 tn hfg] xf] eg] dflyNnf]:t/df s]lGb|t eP/ sfd u/f}+ . ;+:yfsf] ;+/rgf ;fgf] 5, t/ 7"nf] sfd ug]{ k|oTg ul//x]sf 5f}F . ljleGg pk;ldlt agfP/ sfd cl3 a9fpg] xf] ls < 8f= ;'/]z/fh rfln;] e|i6frf/ ug]{ dflg;x? ;fx|} gsr/f] eO;s]sf 5g\ . s'g} k|ltj]bg ;fj{hlgs u/]/ klg k|efj kl//x]sf] 5}g . To;sf/0f To:tf] gsr/f] dflg;nfO{ PS;kf]h ug]{ a]nf eO;s]sf] 5 . lg0f{ostf{nfO{ cfF6 s;/L cfpF5 < xfdLsxfF PS;kf]h ug]{ dfWod g} 5}g . 6LcfO{ g]kfn] ug{ ;Sg] sfd s]–s] x'g\ < To;df klg s'g rfxLF k|efjsf/L 9Ën] ug{ ;lsG5, tL sfd dfq u/f}F . ;~rf/dfWod xfd|f] cleGg ldq xf] . ;~rf/dfWod;Ddsf] kx'Fr s;/L a9fpg] < o'jfx?sf] ;xeflutf s;/L a9fpg] < oL s'/fdf ;+:yfsf] Wofg hfg' h?/L 5 . w]/} xft, ;lqmotf / ;dk{0f rflxG5 . >L a'l4gf/fo0f >]i7 ;+:yfn] lg/LIf0f, d"Nofª\sg / ;r]t ug]{ sfo{ ug{'kb{5 . ;fy}, ;dfwfg;d]t klxNofpg ;Sg'k5{ . ;+:yfn] ckgfPsf] k|lqmof 7Ls 5÷5}g < x]g{'k¥of] . af6f] la/fPsf] eP ;'emfj lbg'k¥of] . ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f ljefusf] sfdaf/] cWoog ug{ ' k ¥of] . clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]usf lqmofsnfk 7Ls 5g\ < ;dLIff ug{'knf{ ls < ;r]t u/fPsf] hfgsf/L ;~rf/dfWoddfkm{t\ ;fj{hlgs ug{'k¥of] . ljifout pk;ldltx? agfpg'k¥of] .



>L ef]h/fh kf]v/]n :jo+;]jL ;+:yf xf], xfdLn] slt ;do lbPsf 5f}F . o;f] / p;f] ug{'k5{ eGg] x}l;otdf 5f} < cfˆgf ;Lldttf 5g\ . cfk"mn] cfk"mnfO{ g} b''Mv lbg] sfd gu/f}+ . xfd|f] an ;+Vof xf]Og, u'8jLn xf] . xfd|f] ljZj;gLotf s;/L a9fpg ;S5f}F . To;sf nflu ;~rf/dfWodsf] ;xof]u s;/L lng ;S5f}F < kl/of]hgf y'k|} Nofpg ;lsG5 . xfdLn] c?;Fu k|lt:kwf{ ug]{ xf]Og . pgLx?eGbf km/s s] ug{ ;S5f}+ eg]/ vf]Hg'k5{ . dflg;x?nfO{ e|i6frf/lj?4 af]Ng k|]l/t x'g] jftfj/0f s;/L tof/ ug{ ;lsG5 < k|df0f h'6fP/ k|efj kfg{'k¥of] . 6LcfO{n] lr¶L af]s]/ hfg] xf]Og . 6'N;sf] k|of]u u/f}F . …l5gf] x'g] ls 3g <Ú xfdL 3g xf}+, xfdLn] xfg]kl5 km'6\g ;Sg'k5{ . s] dfWod k|of]u ubf{ xfd|f] af]nL ;kmn x'G5, To;sf] klxrfg u/f}+ . cfdf ;d"x ;fdflhs If]qdf w]/} ;kmn b]lvPsf] 5 . u|fdL0f kl/j]zdf o;n] 7"nf] k|efj kf/]sf] 5 . o:tf ;d"xdf hfg] xf] ls < k|fyldsb]lv dflyNnf] tx;Ddsf nflu kf7Øqmd agfP/ pknAw u/fpg ;S5f}+ ls < ;/sf/nfO{ bafa lbP/ eP klg kf7Øqmd nfu" ug]{tkm{ nfuf}+ . @) cf}+ jif{ dgfO/xFbf s'g} Pp6f lhNnf jf s'g} If]qdf k|efj kfg{ ;Sg] ljz]if sfo{qmd tof/ u/L xfd|f] ;|f]t–;fwg vr{g ;S5f}+ ls < s]xL gd'gf b]vfpg ;lsG5 . 8f= lrGtfdl0f of]uL xfd|f] dfGotfM …ef]u ubf{ Tofu efjn] ef]u u/ .Ú …hltn] k]6 e5{, Toltdf clwsf/ 5 . Tof]eGbf a9L y'kfg]{ rf]/ xf], To;nfO{ b08 lbg'k5{ .Ú eGg] xf] . …h;sf] cfly{s rl/q 7Ls 5 Tof] dflg; 7Ls 5 eGg] a'lemG5 .Ú cleofg tLj| agfpg km];a's, 6\jL6/, :s"n, gful/s ;a};fd' k'uf}+ . cfd–gful/s;Dd xfd|f ;Gb]z k'¥ofpg ;Sg'k5{ . e|i6frf/lj?4sf] gful/s ;r]t agfpg] cleofg rnfpg g5f8f}+ . ;bfrf/ j[l4 ug{ t 5f8\g} ePg .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

>L z/RrGb| j:tL, sfo{;ldlt ;b:o y'k|} s'/f jfrf u/f}+, eGof}+ . t/, Pp6fdfq /fd|f];Fu ug{ ;s] x'GYof] . h/f] ;dfltPsf] 5}g . ;d:of ;ˆ6j]o/df 5, xf8{j]o/df xf]Og . e|i6frf/ lsg x'G5 eGg] s'/fnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{'k5{, ePkl5sf] s'/fnfO{ xf]Og . e|i6frf/ lsg eO/x]sf] 5 eGg] ga'emL x'g ;Sb}g . kft w"nf] eof] eg]/ k'5]/ kf/ nfUb}g . w"n} p8\g glbg s] ug{ ;lsPnf eGg]tkm{ nfUg'k5{ . sfg'g geP/ e|i6frf/ u/]sf] xf]Og . e|i6frf/LnfO{ ls/f k/f];\ eg]/ 36\g] klg xf]Og . of] gf/f g} unt 5 . of] Pp6f ufnL xf] . ;/fk xf] . /fHon] To;f] ug{ ldN5 < ;a}n] ;/fKb} lxF8\g] kl/l:ylt l;h{gf ug]{ xf] eg] ;dfh sxfF k'Unf < /fHosf d'Vo dflg;x? g} ;/fKglt/ nfUg] xf] eg] sf]af6 s] ck]Iff ug]{ < aRrfsf] dgdf ;bfrf/ k|j4{gsf nflu :s"ndf g}ltstf, ;bfrf/ %÷^ sIff, (÷!) sIff / pRr lzIffdf Ps–Psk6s bfz{lgs kIf phfu/ x'g;Sg] u/L kf7Øqmd /fVg] k|oTg u/f}+ . o;dfkm{t\ s]xL ;+:sf/ jf dg 5'g] s]xL s'/f /fVg ;lsG5 ls < :s"ndf jif{df Psk6s dfq eP klg jfbljjfb k|ltof]lutf jf s]xL sfo{ u/f}+ . Tof] k|efjsf/L aGg ;S5 . cGt/cfTdfdf r]tgf geP a'l4 / l8u|Ln] s]xL sfd ub}{g . g}lts lzIffsf] kf7Øqmd aGb}5 . d"No–dfGotfdf / g}ltstfdf cfwfl/t lzIffsf nflu ;/sf/;Fu cg'/f]w u/f}F .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

kl/j]z kl/jt{g kSs} eO/x]sf 5 . ho/fd l;+x af]xf]/f 6LcfO{sf] x6nfOgdf cfPsf ph'/L s;/L ;Daf]wg u5{ < xfdLn] gLltut txsf e|i6frf/x?df Wofg lbg'k5{ . ;jf]{Rrdf GofofwLz lgo'lStdf b]lvPsf] tdf;fn] cbfntleqsf] jf:tljstf ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] 5. d's'Gb zdf{ kf}8]n xfdL k|zf;g ug]{ ;+:yf xf]Ogf}+ . bafa l;h{gf ug]{ ;+:yf xf}+ . lzIff k|0ffnL sd{sf08L eof] . lgi7f lbg]vfnsf] lzIff x'g'k5{ . 8f= /fdbofn /fs]z, sfo{;ldlt ;b:o e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0fdf ;~rf/dfWod / gful/s ;dfhsf] plQs} e"ldsf x'G5 . kf;kf]6{ k|s/0f ;~rf/dfWodn] g} ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] xf] . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] sfd ul//x]sf] lhNnfdf e|i6frf/lj?4sf] r]tgf a9]sf] 5 . t/fO{df a9L e|i6frf/ x'G5 eGg] nfU5 . kxf8lt/ Tof] :t/df ePh:tf] nfUb}g . t/fO{ If]qdf xfdLn] sfd ug{'k5{ .

>L jL/]Gb| ld> ljwfgdf pNn]lvt bkmf $ sf] v08 -s_ df dfq xfd|f] >L eLdaxfb'/ >]i7 gful/ssf] r]tgf a9]sf] 5 . klxn] e|i6frf/ eP Wofg hfg] xf] eg] ;bfrf/ k|j4{g x'g;S5 . klg b]lvFb}gYof] . clxn] e|i6frf/ ePsf] b]Vg ;lsG5 . of] k|hftGqsf] sf/0fn] klg xf] . cfh k|fKt >L ljho s];L ;'emfjx?dWo]af6 s]xL 5fgf}+ / sfof{Gjog ug]{tkm{ lzIff If]qdf e|i6frf/ a9]sf] 5 . ljZjljBfnosf nfuf}+ . /fHo jf ;fj{hlgs If]qnfO{ 7Ug ldlnh'nL kbflwsf/Lx? g} e|i6frf/sf sf08df kbf{ o;af6 e|i6frf/ ug]{ k|j[lQ 8/nfUbf]¿kn] a9]sf] 5 . o;df g/fd|f] ;Gb]z uO/x]sf] 5 . pRr lzIff / :s"ntkm{ xfd|f] Wofg s]lGb|t x'g'k5{ eGg] nfu]sf] 5 . b"/ufdL s]lGb|t x'g'k5{ . ;+:sf/ / Jojxf/ b'j} kl/jt{g ePdfq b[li6sf]0faf6 x]bf{ afnaflnsfdfem :s"ntxaf6} sfd nfU5 . e|i6frf/LnfO{ b08–;hfosf] Joj:yf hfg'k5{ eGg] nfU5 . dlxnfnfO{ klg ;d]l6g'k5{ . xfd|f] x'gkb{5 . e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf dlxnfnfO{ kl/rfng

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

ug{' pko'St xf]nf .



ePsf] xf] . d'n'ssf] x/]s tx / tKsf e|i6frf/df lnKt /x]sf] b]lvG5 . ;b:o dxfg'efjx?af6 uxg ;'emfj k|fKt ePsf 5g\ . ltgnfO{ cfufdL sfo{;ldltn] ;d]6]/ lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ug]{5g\ eGg] ljZjf; lnPsf 5f}F . ;'emfjx? uxg 5g\ . d"n s'/f d'n'sn] e|i6frf/af6 d'lSt kfpF5 ls kfpFb}g ;a}sf] lrGtf 5 . ljljw k|of;sf afah"b klg e|i6frf/sf sf/0f d'n'ssf] cl:tTj / ;fj{ef}d;Qf stf hfg] xf] yfxf 5}g . ;a}n] k|lt/f]w / k|ltjfb u/f}+ . e|i6frf/ g;xf}+ .

>L v]d/fh /]UdL, sfo{;ldlt ;b:o clxn];Dd 6LcfO{n] s] u¥of] / o;nfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg s] ug{ ;lsPnf eg]/ ;b:ox?af6 /fo–;'emfj lng] p2]Zo /fv]sf lyof}+ . sfo{;ldltn] dfq geP/ cGo ;b:on] klg s] e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{ ;Sg'xf]nf eg]/ vf]hL ug]{ k|oTg klg lyof] . o; cy{df of] sfo{qmd pkof]uL ePsf] 5 . lhNnfdf u/]sf sfo{qmd s]Gb|eGbf k|efjsf/L ePsf 5g\ . xfdLn] s]xL xnrn Nofpg] sfo{qmddf pkl:yt ;b:ox?sf] gfdfjnLM /fli6«o:t/sf] ;Gb]z lbg] sfo{ ug{'k5{ . qm=;+=

>L e/t axfb'/ yfkf, dxf;lrj cfh k|fKt ePsf ;'emfjx? pkof]uL 5g\ . cfufdL ;fwf/0f;efdf ;a} ;'emfjnfO{ ;d]6]/ Nofpg] k|oTg ug]{5f}F . e|i6frf/ ug]{, u/fpg] / /f]Sg] ;a}lt/ /fhgLlt k;]sf] 5 . cl:y/tf 5 . ^@ jif{df ^$ ;/sf/ lgdf{0f eO;s]sf /x]5g\ . e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fleq e|i6frf/ x'gyfn]sf] 5 . oL ;Dk"0f{ kl/k|]Iodf xfdLn] pkknAw ;|f]t, Ifdtf / ;+efjgf ljrf/ u/L sfo{qmd agfpg' kb{5 . xfdL cfˆgf] ljljw ;Lldttfsf afah"b sfd ul//x]sf 5g\ . sfo{qmddf k|fKt ;'emfj ca cfpg] sfo{;ldltsf] dfu{bz{g aGg]5 .

;dfkg dGtJo >L lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=, cWoIf nfdf] ;do;Dd w}o{ eP/ al;lbg'ePsf]df sfo{;ldltsf tkm{af6 cfef/ / wGojfb JoSt ub{5' . ;a} ;fyLx? e|i6frf/ s;/L lgoGq0f ug]{ eGg]df lrlGtt /x]sf] kfPF . xfdLn] u/]sf k|of;sf] glthf ;a} ;sf/fTds 5}gg\ . /fhgLlts cl:y/tfnufot w]/} s'/fn] To:tf]

1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9= 10= 11= 12= 13= 14= 15= 16= 17= 18= 19= 20= 21= 22= 23= 24= 25= 26=

gfd >L lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L= >L e/t axfb'/ yfkf >L z/RrGb| j:tL 8f= /fdbofn /fs]z >L v]d/fh /]UdL >L bfdf]b/ k|;fb uf}td >Ldlt klßgL k|wfgfË 8f= ljZjs]z/ df:s] >L hutdfg zfSo 8f= ;'/]z/fh rfln;] 8f= O{Zj/k|;fb pkfWofo >L ef]h/fh kf]v/]n >L d's'Gb zdf{ kf}8]n 8f= /]jtaxfb'/ sfsL{ >L jL/]Gb|k|;fb ld> >L j+zLw/ l3ld/] >L kjgs'df/ cf]emf >L a'l4gf/fo0f >]i7 >L eLdaxfb'/ >]i7 >L lnnfk|;fb ;fksf]6f >L s]zjk|;fb cfrfo{ 8f= ljho s]=;L= 8f= lrGtfd0fL of]uL >L ls/0f yfkf >L k|sfz P /fh >L ho/fd l;+x af]x/f

kb cWoIf, -;efsf] ;efklt_ dxf;lrj sfo{;ldlt ;b:o sfo{;ldlt ;b:o sfo{;ldlt ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o ;b:o



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

lhNnf e|d0f k|ltj]bg afun'ª 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] ;'zf;g k|j4{g cleofgdf ;xsfo{ ug]{ ;+:yfx?sf] vf]hL ug]{ qmddf wf}nflu/Lsf] afun'ªdf 5nkmn cfof]hgf u/]sf] 5 . lj=;+= @)&! ebf} @# ut] lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{nodf cf}krfl/s 5nkmnsf] cfof]hgf ul/of] . 5nkmndf g]kfn af/ Pzf]l;P;g, g]kfn kqsf/ dxf;+3, u}/– ;/sf/L ;+:yf dxf;+3 afun'ªsf cWoIf tyf cGo kbflwsf/Lx?sf] pkl:ylt /Xof] . sfo{qmddf dlxnf clwsf/sdL{, sfg'g Joj;foL;d]tsf] pkl:ylt /Xof] . To:t}, g]skf Pdfcf]jfbLsf g]tf b]j]Gb| kf}8]n;d]tsf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . o;cl3 lj=;+= @)&! ebf} @@ k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Lsf] pkl:yltdf cgf}krfl/s 5nkmn ul/Psf] lyof] . pSt cj;/df afun'ª lhNnfdf lqmofzLn u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yf / :jR5 5jL ePsf JolStx?sf] pkl:ylt u/fpg k|oTg ug]{ eGg] ;DaGwdf 5nkmn ul/Psf] lyof] . 5nkmnsf] ;'?jft ub}{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf dxf;lrj e/taxfb'/ yfkfn] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] kl/ro lbg'eof] . ;fy}, dxf;lrj yfkfn] ;'zf;g k|j4{g ug]{ Wo]on] afun'ªdf u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfsf] vf]hL ug]{ qmddf 5nkmn sfo{ q md cfof] h gf ul/Psf] hfgsf/L ;xefuLx?nfO{ lbg'eof] . ;xefuLx?n] ;:yfsf] ;+/rgf / lqmofsnfkaf/] lh1f;f /fVg'ePsf] lyof] . 5nkmnsf qmddf afun'ª lhNnfsf k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L >L anb]j uf}tdn] ;'zf;g k|j4{g cleofgsf nflu :yfkgf ug{ cfjZos ;a} ;xof]u ug]{ k|ltj4tf JoSt ug{'eof] .

5nkmnn] lgDg lg0f{o u/]sf] lyof] != afun'ª lhNnfdf ljBdfg ;'zf;gsf] cj:yf af/]df 5nkmn u/L ;'zf;g k|j4{g cleofgnfO{ lhNnfdf cl3 a9fpg ;+:yfut k|of; ug]{ . @= afun' ª l:yt k' g /fj] b g cbfnt g] k fn af/ Pzf]l;P;g PsfO{sf k"j{ cWoIf /fd zdf{nfO{ gofF ;+:yf u7g ug{ cfjZos tof/L ug]{ k|of]hgsf nflu ;+of]hs tf]lsof] .

sf:sL sf:sL lhNnfsf] kf]v/f pk–dxfgu/kflnsf ;efsIfdf sfo{sf/L clws[tsf] pkl:yltdf 8LkL cg'udg tyf sfof{Gjog ljifodf a}7s ;DkGg ul/Psf] 5 . lj=;+= @)&! ebf} @# ut] ck/fXg cfof]hgf ul/Psf] pSt 5nkmn sfo{qmd 8LkL k|ltj4tf–kqsf] ;kmn sfof{Gjog / ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ yk ;xh ta/n] ;]jf–k|jfx ug]{ ljifodf 5nkmn s]lGb|t /x]sf] lyof] . pSt cj;/df sfo{sf/L clws[tn] ;'zf;g sfod ug{ cfk"mn] 8LkL k|ltj4tf–kqdf x:tfIf/ u/]sf] / To;sf] sfof{Gjogdf k|ltj4 /x]sf] atfpg'eof] . ;dGjo ;ldltsf] a}7s 5nkmnkl5 Pnfs 8LkL ;dGjo ;ldltsf] a}7s a;L @)&! ebf} @$ ut] df]afOn Pnfs sfo{ q md ;kmntfk" j { s ;DkGg ug] { ;DaGwdf 5nkmn ul/of]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

df]afOn Pnfs sfo{qmd df]afOn Pnfs sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ug]{ ;DaGwdf 6LcfO{ cfj4 ;'zf;gsf nflu gful/s ;dfhsf kbflwsf/Lx?;Fu 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf dxf;lrj >L e/t axfb'/ yfkf / ;b:o d' s ' G b zdf{ kf} 8 ] n n] hfgsf/L lng'eof] . sf:sL lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{nodf df]afOn Pnfs cfof]hgf ul/Psf] lyof] . pSt sfo{qmd @)&! ebf} @$ ut] laxfg !) ah]b]lv ;'? ul/Psf] lyof] . pSt sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf dxf;lrj e/taxfb'/ yfkf, ;'gf;sf cWoIf tyf cGo kbflwsf/L / 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;lrjfnosf k|ltlglwx?sf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf !^ hgf ;]jfu|fxLn] u'gf;f] btf{ u/fpg'ePsf] lyof] . gful/sx?n] btf{ u/]sf u'gf;fx? gful/stf, kf;kf]6{, ljjfx–btf{, l;kmfl/;, lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{nosf] gful/s a8fkq / ;/;kmfO{ cflb ljifodf s]lGb|t /x]sf lyP . sfo{ q mdsf] cGTodf ;' g f;sf cWoIf tyf sfo{;ldltsf ;b:ox?, 6LcfO{ g]kfn s]Gb|Lo ;lrjfnosf k |lt lglwx?n ] sf:sL lhNnfsf k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L s[i0faxfb'/ /fptnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg'ePsf] lyof] . k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L /fptn] ;/sf/ cfk}mFn] Wofg k'¥ofpg'kg]{ ljifodf 6LcfO{ g]kfn / To;;Fu cfa4

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;+:yfn] Wofgfsif{0f u/fpFbf v';L nfu]sf] atfpFb} u'gf;f] 8]:sdf btf{ ePsf ph'/L lnlvt¿kdf pknAw u/fOlbg;d]t cfu|x ug{'eof] .



k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L tyf lhNnf lzIff clwsf/Ln] 6LcfO{ s f] e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofgdf ;xof]u ug] { k| l tj4tf JoSt ug{ ' e Psf] lyof] . cjnf]sg kl5 ;f] 6f]nLn] t'n;Lk'/ bfª gu/kflnsf j8f g+= ^ bfªl:yt 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ ljsf;sf nflu ;fdflhs ;b\efjnfO{ g]kfnn] ;'zf;g k|j4{g cleofgdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] cfj4tf k|bfg ug{ ;xsfo{ ug]{ ;+:yfx?sf] vf]hL ug]{ l;kmfl/; u/]sf] 5 . qmddf ldlt @)&! ebf} !& b]lv @) ut] ;Dd bfª lhNnfsf] e|d0f u/]sf] 5 . sfo{;ldlt ;b:o >L v]d/fh eQmk'/ /]UdL g]t[Îjsf] 6f]nLdf ;bfrf/ o;cl3 bfª uPsf] ;f]xL 6f]nLn] lgdf{0f kl/of]hgfsf ;+of]hs >L eStk'/ lhNnfdf lqmofzLn g]kfn df]xg a'9fyf]sL / n]vf clws[t /fli6«o blnt ;dfh sNof0f ;+3sf >L alatf zdf{ x'g'x'GYof] . ;f] k|ltlglw;Fu ldlt @)&! ebf} @% ut] 6f]nLn] bfª lhNnfsf] t'n;Lk'/ / cf1f ;f]l;on sG;g{ g]kfnsf gu/kflnsf j8f g+= ^ l:yt ;+:yf k|ltlglw;Fu ldlt @)&! ebf} @( ljsf;sf nflu ;fdflhs ;b\efj, ut] e]63f6 uØf] . pxfFx?;Fusf] 3f]/fxL gu/kflnsf j8f g+= !! l:yt e]63f6kl5 6f]nLn] cf1f ;f]l;on /fhwfgL PsLs[t ljsf; k|lti7fg sG;g{ g]kfnnfO{ cfj4tf k|bfg ug{ g]kfn / 3f]/fxLl:yt dfgjclwsf/ l;kmfl/; u/]sf] 5 . hfu/0f ;+ 3 sf] sfof{ n odf uO{ cjnf]sg u/]sf] 5 . ;f] 6f]nLn] pNn]lvt ;+:yfx?sf] /f}tx6 cjnf]sg ug{'cl3 gful/s ;dfhsf 8f= /fdbofn /fs]zsf] g]t[Tjdf k|ltlglw, bfª lhNnfsf k|d'v lhNnf uPsf] >L df]xg a'9fyf]sL / >L clwsf/L >L lbg]z e§/fO{, lhNnf alatf zdf{ ;lDdlnt 6f]nLn] ldlt lzIff clwsf/L >L k|Xnfb cof{n, @)&! ebf} ( ut] /f}tx6 lhNnfdf ;xfos lhNnf lzIff clwsf/L tyf lqmofzLn ljleGg u} / –;/sf/L cGo sd{rf/Lx?;Fu e]63f6 u/]sf] ;+:yfsf k|ltlglwx?;Fu e]63f6 lyof] . e]63f6sf cj;/df >L u¥of] . 6f]nLn] lqmPl6e u|'k ckm /]UdLn] e|d0fsf] p2]Zoaf/] hfgsf/L g] k fnnfO{ cfj4tf k| b fg ug{ u/fpg'ePsf] lyof] . pSt cj;/df l;kmfl/; u/]sf] 5 .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

;'zf;gsf nflu gful/s ;dfh -;'gf;_

sf:sLsf] ultljlw sf:sLsf ;/sf/L sfof{no k|d'vx¿;Fu a}7s sf:sLsf ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|d'v / ;'zf;gsf nflu gful/s ;dfh -;'gf;_ sf kbflwsf/LaLr @)&) c;f/ % ut] cGt/lqmof ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . lhNnf k|Zff;g sfof{no sf:sLsf] ;efsIfdf ePsf] a}7sdf sf:sLsf %@ j6f ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|d'v tyf ;"rgf clwsf/Lsf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . a}7sdf ;'gf;sf sfo{qmd clws[t efg'eQm k/fh'nLn] Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmdsf af/]df hfgsf/L u/fpg'ePsf] lyof] . a}7sdf sf:sL lhNnfdf 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfj4 ;+:yf ;'zf;gsf nflu gful/s ;dfh sf:sLåf/f ;~rflnt Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmd k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjogdf s;/L n}hfg ;lsG5 eGg] ljifodf sfof{no k|d'vx¿;Fu ;'emfj lnOPsf] ;'gf;sf cWoIf k"0o kf}8]nn] hfgsf/L lbg'eof] . o;}u/L, ;'gf; sf:sLn] @)&) c;f/ # / @$ ut] sf:sLsf] cfjf{ / x]Dhf uflj;df Pnfs 8LkL cled'vLs/0f sfo{qmd klg u/]sf] lyof] .

sf:sLn] Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmdcGtu{t sf:sLsf ljleGg :yfgdf ^ j6f ;"rgfd"ns xf]l8{ªaf]8{ /fv]sf] 5 . @)&) c;f/ ^ ut] sf:sLsf k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L ofbjk|;fb sf]O/fnfn] Ps ;df/f]xaLr xf]l8{Ë af]8{ cgfj/0f ug'{ePsf] lyof] . sf:sLsf] zlxbrf]sdf @ j6f, x]Dhfsf] ofDbLdf @ j6f, ljhok'/ / Go"/f]8df !÷! u/L ^ j6f ;"rgf / hfgsf/Ld"ns xf]l8{Ë af]8{ /fVg] sfo{qmddf ;'gf;sf kbflwsf/L, gful/s ;dfh, kqsf/x¿ tyf s]xL ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|d'v Pj+ k|ltlglwx¿sf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] .

xf]l8{Ë af]8{ z'ef/De ub}{ k|lhc ofbjk|;fb sf]O/fnf . cGtlqm{of ;DkGg sf:sL lhNnfdf ;'zf;g / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf b]lvPsf r'gf}tLx? ljifos cGtlqm{of @)&) ;fpg @& ut] ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof] u sf k| d ' v nf] s dfgl;+ x sfsL{ s f] k| d ' v ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|d'v tyf k|ltlglwx? . cfltYotfdf If]qLo k|Zff;g sfof{nosf] ;efsIfdf cGt/lqmof ePsf] lyof] . ;'gf; sf:sLn] cfof]hgf ;"rgfd"ns xf]l8{Ë :yfkgf 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn;Fu cfj4 ;+:yf ;'gf; u/]sf] cGtlqm{of sfo{qmddf sf:sLsf gful/s ;dfh,

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

ljleGg ;/sf/L tyf u}/–;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|d'v tyf k|ltlglwx?, kqsf/ tyf ljleGg k]zfsdL{x¿sf] ;xeflutf lyof] . o;}u/L, ;'gf; sf:sLn] ;fpg dlxgfdf sf:sLsf & j6f ufpF ljsf; ;ldltdf Pnfs 8LkL cled'vLs/0f sfo{qmd u/]sf] lyof] . sf:sLsf]6 uflj;df ;fpg % ut], ;/fª\sf]6df * ut], ;fbL{vf]nfdf !! ut], ebf}/]df !^ ut], 3fxfrf]s, n'Dn] / k'DbLe'DbL uflj;df !* ut] sfo{qmd ul/Psf] lyof] .

;'gf;n] u/]sf] cGtlqm{of sfo{qmddf clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u k|d'v nf]sdfgl;+x sfsL{ 8LkL x:tfIf/ sfo{qmd ;DkGg kf]v/f pk–dxfgu/kflnsf / ;'gf; sf:sLaLr @)&) ebf} #) ut] hjfkmb]xL, kf/blz{tf / ;bfrf/ k|j4{gsf nflu k|ltj4tf–kqdf x:tfIf/ ePsf] 5 . kf]v/f pk–dxfgu/kflnsf sfof{nosf] ;efsIfdf 6«fGk/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf cWoIf lji0f' axfb'/ s];Lsf]

8LkL x:tfIf/ u/]kl5, ;Demf}tf–kq cfbfg–k|bfg ub}{ ;'gf; cWoIf kf}8]n / sfo{sf/L clws[t clwsf/L .



pkl:yltdf sfo{sf/L clws[t emns/fd clwsf/L / ;'gf;sf cWoIf k"0o kf}8]nn] ;Demf}tf–kqdf x:tfIf/ u/L cfbfg–k|bfg ug'{ePsf] lyof] . sfo{sf/L clws[t emns/fd clwsf/Ln] 8LkL k|ltj4tf–kq jfrg ub}{, 6LcfO{ g]kfn / ;'gf; sf:sLnfO{ ;fIfL /fv]/ ul/Psf] ljsf; ;Demf}tf s8fO{sf ;fy nfu" ug]{ / sfof{nodf /x]sf] sdL–sdhf]/L ;'wf/ ug]{ k|ltj4tf hgfpg'eof] . ;'gf; sf:sLn] cfof]hgf u/]sf] sfo{qmddf sf:sLsf ljleGg ;/sf/L tyf u}/–;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|d'v tyf k|ltlglwx¿, gful/s ;dfh, kqsf/ tyf ljleGg k]zfsdL{;lxt ! ;oeGbf a9Lsf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . lgjf{rg cfrf/;+lxtf, ;'/Iff, ;'zf;g / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ljifo cGtlqm{of ;DkGg ;+ljwfg;efsf] bf];|f] lgjf{rgsf cj;/df lgjf{rg cfrf/;+lxtf, ;'/Iff, ;'zf;g / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ljifos cGtlqm{of @)&) sflQs !! ut] kf]v/fdf ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . sfo{qmddf ;+ljwfg;ef lgjf{rg @)&) sf] ;Gbe{df 6L=cfO{ g]kfnn] cfXjfg u/]sf] …of]Uo / O{dfGbf/nfO{ lhtfcf}+, e|i6nfO{ x/fcf}+Ú eGg] cfXjfgsf af/]df ;'gf;sf cWoIf k"0o kf}8]nn] ;a}nfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg'eof] . ;fy}, pxfFn] lgjf{rg cfrf/;+lxtf kfngf, zflGt–;'/Iffdf kg{ ;Sg] vnn / pDdb]jf/x¿n] ;'zf;g / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug{ ckgfpg'kg]{ ljlwsf af/]df k|sfz kfg'{eof] . sf:sLsf k| d ' v lhNnf clwsf/L ofbjk| ; fb sf] O /fnfsf] pkl:yltdf ePsf] sfo{qmddf sf:sLdf lqmofzLn /fhgLlts bnsf g]tf tyf ltgsf pDd]bjf/, gful/s ;dfh, kqsf/ tyf k]zfsdL{x¿sf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj; ;' g f; sf:sLn] e| i 6frf/lj?4sf] cGt/f{ l i6« o lbj;sf] cj;/df æe|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0fsf nflu /fhgLlts k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjogdf ;ef;b\sf] e"ldsfÆ ljifos cGtlqm{of sf:sLsf] kf]v/fdf u/]sf] ;DkGg



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

u¥of] . l8;]Da/ ( cyf{t\ @)&) d+l;/ @$ ut] sf:sL lhNnfsf] k|ltlglwTj ub}{ k|ToIftkm{af6 gj–lgjf{lrt ;ef;b\x¿nfO{ af]nfO{ o:tf] cGtlqm{of ul/Psf] xf] . cGtlqm{of sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf k"j{ pkfWoIf cfgGb/fh d'NdL, g]kfnL sf+u|]; sf:sLsf ;efklt Pj+ ;ef;b\ o1axfb'/ yfkf, g]skf Pdfn]sf ;ef;b ;Ltf lu/L, g]skf Pdfn] sf:sLsf cWoIf dfgaxfb'/ lh;L, PsLs[t g]skf dfcf]jfbL sf:sLsf cWoIf emnskfl0f ltjf/L, clVtof/sf pk;lrj /fdhL bgfO{nufotn] e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0fsf nflu /fhgLlts k|ltj4tf / sfof{Gjogsf] ljifoj:t'sf af/]df cfˆgf] wf/0ff /fv]sf lyP . sfo{qmddf sf:sLsf ljleGg ;/sf/L tyf u}/–;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|d'v tyf k|ltlglw, gful/s ;dfh, k]zfsdL{, kqsf/nufotsf] ;xeflutf lyof] .

sf:sLdf ;'gf;n] e|i6rf/lj?4sf] lbj;df cfof]hgf u/]sf] cGtlqm{ofsf ;xefuLx¿ . kf]v/fsf] oftfoft / 6«flkms Joj:yfkg kf]v/fsf] oftfoft / 6«flkms Joj:yfkgsf nflu ;a} ;/f]sf/jfnf lgsfo ldn]/ cufl8 a9\g] k|ltj4tf hgfPsf 5g\ . 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfj4 ;+:yf ;'zf;gsf nflu gful/s ;dfh sf:sLn] oxL ldlt @)&) df3 ^ ut] kf]v/fdf u/]sf] a[xt\ 5nkmn sfo{qmdsf ;xefuLn] kf]v/fnfO{ s'?k x'gaf6 hf]ufpg kf]v/]nL g} nfUg'kg]{df ;d]t hf]8 lbPsf lyP . ;'gf; sf:sLn] cfof]hgf u/]sf] sfo{qmddf sf:sLsf k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L ofbjk|;fb sf]O/fnf, klZrd If]q kf]v/fsf 8LcfO{hL adaxfb'/ e08f/L, u08sL c~rn

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

oftfoft Joj:yf sfof{no kf]v/fsf k|d'v b]jL/fd e08f/L, g]kfn oftfoft Joj;foL /fli6«o dxf;+3sf If]qLo ;+of]hs wd{/fh clwsf/L, kf]v/f 6ØfS;L Joj;foL ;ldltsf jl/i7 pkfWoIf afa'/fd clwsf/L, ;'gf; sf:sLsf cWoIf k'0o kf}8]n, k|fWofks 8f= j]bgfy zdf{, gful/s ;dfhsf cu'jf 6]sgfy a/fn, ;'gf;sf ;b:o bLk]Gb| >]i7, clwjQmf /fh' clwsf/L, /fdaxfb'/ kf}8]n, KofA;g sf:sLsf cWoIf lrg' /fgfef6, g]kfn oftfoft dhb"/ ;+u7gsf lai0f' vqL, u08sL 6«s Joj;foLsf cWoIf s[i0fxl/ lh;L, cGgk"0f{ kf]i6 b}lgssf Ao"/f] k|d'v e/t sf]O/fnf, kqsf/x¿ bLggfy a/fn, ;'/]Gb| kf}8]n, uf]s'n aflgofF, l8lehg ;8s sfof{no sf:sLsf OlGhlgo/nufotn] cf–cfˆgf] ;'emfj lbg'ePsf] lyof] . g]kfn oftfoft Joj;foL /fli6«o dxf;+3sf If]qLo ;+of]hs wd{/fh clwsf/L / lhNnf 6«flkms k|x/L sfof{no sf:sLsf k|d'v bfgaxfb'/ yfkfn] sfo{kq k| : t' t ug' { e Psf] sfo{ q mddf ljleGg ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|d'v, oftfoft Joj;foL, gful/s ;dfh, kqsf/nufotsf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . dfnkf]t tyf gfkLsf ;]jfu|fxL / ;]jfk|bfosaLr cGtlqm{of ;DkGg ;'gf; sf:sLn] dfnkf]t tyf gfkL sfof{nosf] ;]jfk|jfx ;'wf/sf] ljifodf ;]jfu|fxL / ;]jfk|bfosaLr @)&) kmfu'g @@ ut] cGtlqm{of sfo{qmd u/]sf] 5 .

dfnkf]t tyf gfkL sfof{nosf ;]jfk|bfos / ;]jfu|fxLaLrsf] cGtlqm{of sfo{qmd .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

lhNnf dfnkf]t sfof{no sf:sLdf /x]sf] ;efsIfdf ePsf] sfo{qmddf ;'gf;sf k"j{cWoIf ;'/]Gb| yfkfdu/ / dfnkf]tsf ;"rgf clwsf/L Clif/fd nfld5fg]n] dfnkf]t tyf gfkL ;]jfk|jfxsf ljifodf sfo{kq k|:t't ug'{ePsf] lyof] . dfnkf]t tyf gfkL sfof{nodf kfOg] ;/sf/L ;]jfk|lt gful/ssf cg'ej tyf u'gf;fx¿ yfxf kfpg tyf gful/sx¿n] ;fj{hlgs ;]jf lnFbf ef]u]sf cK7Øf/f tyf ;d:of klxrfg u/L ph'/L ug]{ k|j[lQ ljsf; ug]{ p2]Zon] ul/Psf] cGtlqm{ofdf dfnkf]t tyf gfkL sfof{nosf k|d'v tyf ;]jfu|fxL, gful/s ;dfh, kqsf/;d]tsf ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] .



lyof] . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf s];Ln] /fhgLlts bnx¿ lhDd]jf/ gePsf] sf/0f b]zdf e|i6frf/ df}nfPsf] atfpg'eof] . b]zsf bnx¿ cg'zfl;t, dof{lbt / lhDd]jf/ gx'Fbf;Dd e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0f ug{ g;lsg] cWoIf s];Lsf] lgZsif{ lyof] . kf]v/f pk–dxfgu/kflnsf sfof{nosf sfo{sf/L clw[st emns/fd clwsf/Ln] kf]pdgkf sfof{nosf] ;]jf k|jfxsf] ljifodf sfo{kq k|:t't ug'{ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{sf dxf;lrj e/taxfb'/ yfkf, lhNnf hg:jf:Yo sfof{no sf:sLsf k|d'v /d]z clwsf/L, lhNnf dfnkf]t sfof{no sf:sLsf ;"rgf clwsf/L Clif/fd nfld5fg], ;'gf;sf ;b:o s[i0fk|;fb a/fn, sf:sLM ;]jfu|fxL / ;]jfk|bfosaLr ;'Gb/ u'?Í, kqsf/ bLggfy a/fnnufotn] cf–cfˆgf] a[xt\ cGtlqm{of ;DkGg u'gf;f] tyf ;'emfj lbg'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf ljleGg ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|d'v, ;]jfu|fxL gful/s ;dfhsf k|ltlglw, kqsf/nufot !)) eGbf a9Lsf] ;xeflutf lyof] . o;}u/L, ;'gf; sf:sLsf] cfof]hgfdf oxL @)&! a}zfv !$ ut] sf:sLsf] k"jL{ O{nfsfsf u|fdL0f uflj;sf] ;]jfk|jfxsf ljifodf dfem7fgf uflj;df cGtlqm{of sfo{qmd ePsf] 5 . dfem7fgf, sflnsf, ldh'/]8fF8f, y' d fsf] 8 fF 8 f / efxfrf] s uflj; sfof{ n o, s[ l if ;]jfs]Gb|, kz':jf:Yo s]Gb|, :jf:Yo rf}sL tyf x'nfs sfof{nox¿n] lbPsf] ;]jfk|jfxsf ljifodf 5nkmn sf:sLsf] dfem7fgdf ePsf] cGtlqm{ofsf ;xefuLx¿ . ePsf] lyof] . cGtlqm{ofdf ljleGg :yfgLo ;/sf/L ;]jfk|bfos lgsfosf k|d'v tyf k|ltlglwx¿, ljleGg ;'gf; sf:sLn], sf:sLsf ;a} ;/sf/L sfof{nosf] ;fdflhs ;+3–;+:yf, cfdf ;d"x, o'jf Sna, s[lif ;]jfk|jfx ;'wf/sf] ljifodf ;]jfu|fxL / ;]jfk|bfos ;ldlt, k|d'v tyf k|ltlglwx¿sf]] ;xeflutf lyof] . gful/saLr @)&) r}t !! ut] kf]v/fdf a[xt\ cGtlqm{of sfo{qmd u/]sf] 5 . sf:sLsf ;/sf/L sfof{nox¿sf] :jf:Yo ;]jfk|bfos / ;/f]sf/jfnfx¿;Fu cGtlqm{of ;]jfk|jfxdf b]lvPsf ;d:ofx¿ klxrfxg ug]{ / ;'wf/sf sf:sL lhNnfsf] :jf:Yo ;]jfk|jfx ;'wf/sf nflu pkfox¿sf] vf]hL ug]{, 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] Pnfs 8LkL To; If]qsf ;]jfk|bfos / ;/f]sf/jfnfx¿;Fu oxL sfo{qmddfkm{t\ ;'gf; sf:sLn] u/]sf ultljlwsf af/]df @)&! a}zfv @( ut] kf]v/fdf cGtlqm{of ul/Psf] ;/sf/L sfof{no / gful/s ;dfhnfO{ hfgsf/L lbg 5 . ;'gf; sf:sLsf] cfof]hgfdf ePsf] sfo{qmddf tyf sf:sLsf ;/sf/L sfof{non] e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0f sf:sLdf /x]sf ljleGg :jf:Yo;Fu ;/f]sf/ /fVg] *) / ;'zf;gsf nflu s:tf sfo{qmd / k|of; u/]sf 5g\ . eGbf a9Lsf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . ;'gf; sf:sLsf Tof] hfgsf/L xfl;n ug]{ p2]Zon] sfo{qmd ul/Psf] cWoIf k"0o kf}8]nsf] cWoIftfdf ePsf] cGtlqm{ofdf



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

:jf:Yo ;]jfk|bfos / ;/f]sf/jfnfx¿;Fu ul/Psf] cGtlqm{ofsf ;xefuLx¿ . If]qLo :jf:Yo lgb]{zs 8f= /d]z v/]n, 6L=cfO{sf k"j{ pkfWoIf cfgGb/fh d'NdL, lhNnf hg:jf:Yo sfof{no k|d'v /d]z clwsf/L, If]qLo c:ktfn kf]v/fsf k|d'v 8f= >Ls[i0f >]i7nufotn] ;]jfk|jfx ;'wf/sf ljifodf k|ltj4tf /fVg'ePsf] lyof] . ;fj{hlgs ;]jfk|bfos lgsfo / ;/f]sf/jfnfx¿;Fu cGtlqm{of ;DkGg sf:sL lhNnfsf] ;du| ;]jfk|jfx ;'wf/sf nflu oxfFsf ;]jfk|bfos / ;/f]sf/jfnfx¿;Fu oxL @)&! c;f/ !! ut] kf]v/fdf cGtlqm{of ul/Psf] 5 . ;'gf; sf:sLn] 6LcfO{ g]kfncGtu{t ;g'f;n] ;~Rffng u/]sf] Pnfs

8LkL sfo{qmdsf af/]df gful/s ;dfh tyf cGo ;/f] s f/jfnfx¿;F u 5nkmn ug{ tyf gful/sn] ;fj{hlgs ;]jf lnFbf ef]u]sf cK7Øf/f tyf ;d:of klxrfg ug]{ p2]Zon] cGtlqm{of sfo{qmd ul/Psf] xf] . 6LcfO{ g]kfndf dxf;lrj e/t axfb'/ yfkfsf] k|d'v cfltYotfdf ePsf] sfo{qmddf sf:sLsf] ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf If]qdf sfd ug]{ ljleGg ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|d'v tyf k|ltlglwx¿, ;ef;b\x¿, ljleGg /fhgLlts bnsf k|d'v tyf k|ltlglw, gful/s ;+:yfsf cWoIf tyf ;b:ox¿, lhNnfdf lqmofzLn ljleGg ;fdflhs ;+3–;+:yfsf k|d'v tyf k|ltlglwx¿, kqsf/x¿sf] ;xeflutf lyof] .

@)&! c;f/ !! ut] kf]v/fdf ul/Psf] cGtlqm{ofsf ;xefuLx¿ .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



;'v]{tdf Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmd

wGojfbM gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3


c f O { g ] k f n n ] ; ' v ] { t sfo{qmd 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] o'/f]lkog ;~rfng ul//x]sf] 5 . lhNnfdf Pnfs 8LkL o'lgogsf] cfly{s ;xof]u / gful/s g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|jfx ug]{ ;fj{hlgs sfo{qmd ;~rfng u/]sf] 5 . pSt ;/f]sf/ ;+3 ;'v]{t;Fusf] ;xsfo{df ;]jf;DaGwdf :yfgLo gful/ssf] gSsnL k|df0fkqsf] @& xhf/ ;'v]{t lhNnf uk{g uf=lj=;= 3/ ePsf k"0f{axfb'/ 9sfnsf 5f]/f lbg]z 9sfn sIff !@ df km]n eP . kl5 ufpFsf Ps l5d]sLn] kf; ePsf] k|df0fkq NofOlbg]] eg]/ ¿= @& xhf/ lnP . lbg]z kf; ePsf] k|df0fkq klg NofOlbP . pgL y'k|} sf}t'xntf;lxt aLP8 k9\g ;'v]{t ;b/d'sfd cfP . 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn / gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3sf] ;"rgf /]l8of]af6 ;'g]kl5 sfof{nodf cfO{ To;;DaGwL hfgsf/L uf] K o ?kdf l6kfP/ uP . gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3n] g]kfnu~hl:yt pRrdfWoflds lzIff kl/ifb\sf] sfof{nodf cfjZos sfuh kq;lxt kqfrf/ u¥of] . kl/ifb\n] klxn]sf] l;Daf]n g+ / kl5sf] l;Daf]n g+= km/s ePsf] hfgsf/L / ;f] kf;ePsf] k|df0fkq gsSnL ePsf] k|dfl0ft u/L kq k7fof] . o;/L k|fKt kqaf/] ;+3n] lbg]z 9sfnsf a'af k"0f{ 9sfnnfO{ hfgsf/L lbof] . Pnfs 8LkLn] a]n}df hfgsf/L lbPsfn] lbg]zsf] eljiosf] cGwsf/ x'gaf6 hf]luof] . kLl8tsf] k};f klg lkmtf{ u/fof] . lbg]zn] xfn k'gM !@ sIffsf] k/LIff lbPsf 5g\ . lbg]z eG5g\– d h:tf gful/snfO{ cgfxsdf b'Mv kfpgaf6 arfpg] Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmdnfO{ ljz]if wGojfb .

tyf l;d]G6 ld>0f gu/]sf] / ;/sf/L sfof{non] klg plrt tj/n] cg'udg gu/]sf] x'Fbf clgoldttf ePsf] ph'/L gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3df btf{ eof] . gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3n] ph'/Lstf{nfO{ ph'/Lstf{sf] gfd, 7]ufgf uf]Ko /xg] ljZjf; lbnfof] . o;;DaGwdf ;+3n] ;Da4 lgsfodf vf]hLgLlt ;'? u¥of] . clgoldttfaf/] ;'v]{tl:yt clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]udf pknAw sfuhft;lxt sf/afxLsf nflu l;kmfl/; kq k7fof] . cfof]usf sd{rf/Ln] ;f] lgdf{0fsfo{ cg'udg u/] . cg'udg 6f]nLn] ;/sf/L dfkb08cg'?k lgdf{0f sfo{ gePsf] kQf] nufof] . 7] s ] b f/nfO{ af] n fO{ ;/sf/L dfkb08cg' ? k gfnf lgdf{ 0 f ;dod} ;DkGg ug{ lgb]{zg lbof] . o;n] 7]sbf/nfO{ ;/sf/L dfkb08cg'?k gfnf lgdf{0f ug{ afWo kf¥of] .

e"m¶f ph'/LM jg sfof{no ;'v]{t lhNnfl:yt /fd3f6 $ lgjf;L jL/axfb'/ a'9fn] lzv/ pRr df=lj= /fd3f6df ;~rflnt b[li6ljxLg sIffsf ;|f]t lzIfs 6]saxfb'/ jnLn] ljgf hfgsf/L ;L;f}sf] ?v sf6]sf] u'gf;f] gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3df u/] . ;+3n] ;f] u'gf;f];lxtsf] kq lhNnf jg sfof{nonfO{ k7fO{ 5fglag ul/lbg cfu|x u¥of] . jg sfof{non] gful/s ;dfhsf] 7]s]bf/n] ;/sf/L dfkb08 ldr] /f]xj/df 5fgljg ;'? u¥of] . 5fglagn] s'g} klg ;'v]{t lhNnfsf] jL/]Gb|gu/ # l:yt e}/j:yfgdf ?v gsf6]sf] / l/l;jLsf sf/0f ph'/L ul/Psf] kQf] gfnf lgdf{0f ug{ 7]Ssf lbOof] . ;f] gfnf lgdf{0f nufof] . ph'/Lstf{ g} bf]ifL /x]sf] kq jg sfof{non] ubf{ ;/sf/L dfkb08cg'?k 7]s]bf/n] 9'Ëf, jfn'jf gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3 ;'v]{tnfO{ k7fof] .



‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

6LcfO{ g]kfnn] nufPsf] u'g btf{ g+= &&÷)&!÷)&@ lhNnf kfFry/ b'lb{Daf uf=lj=;= j8f g+=! df :yfoL a;f]af; ul//x]sf] d b]j/fh l3ld/] d]/f] l5d]sL O{Zj/Lk|;fb l3ld/] l5d]sdf v]tL ePsf P]=P]= a:g] of]u]Gb| l3ld/] / ltns l3ld/] P]tL xfdL rf/hgfsf] :jfldTjsf] 3/–hUuf ePsf] :yfgdf @)^) ;fn k'; dlxgfdf ;+o'Qm ;'/Iff j]; SofDk -g]kfnL ;]gf, ;z:q k|x/L an / g]kfn k|x/Lsf] ;+o'Qm 6f]nL cfO{ Sofd v8f u/L tf/jf/n] 3]/f u/L xfd|f] hldg pkef]u ug{ ;'? u¥of] . ;'?df :yfgLo JolQmx? / xfdL hUufwgLx?nfO{ af]nfO{ jflif{s?kdf hUufsf] d'cfAhf Ifltk"lt{ lbg] egL cfZjf;g lbof] . Ps jif{sf] Go"gtd /sd lbPkZrft\ @)^^ ;fn;Dd s'g} /sd k|fKt ePg . ;d:ofsf] af/]df a]; SofDkdf lgj]bg ubf{ ToxfF sfo{/t k|d'vx? abnL eO/xg] / x/]ssf] kfnfdf xfd|f ;d:ofsf dfu–kq lgj]bgx? k]z ul//xg'kg]{ / s'g} ;dfwfg gePsf]n] Ps lsl;d lg/f; eO;s]sf lyof} . Ps lbg /]l8of] g]kfnaf6 ;"rgfdf e|i6frf/, l9nf;':tLsf sf/0f ;d:ofdf x'g'x'G5 eg] xfdL ;xof]u u5f}{+, xfdLnfO{ ;Dks{ ug'{xf];\ egL 6«fG;k/]G;Lsf] 6f]n k|mL gDa/;lxt ;"rgf ;'g]kl5 d}n] kmf]g u/]/ cfˆgf ;d:ofx? /fv]+ . ToxfF sfo{/t >L ljgf]b e§/fO{Ho";Fu ;a} s'/fx? /fv]kl5 pxfFn] xfd|f sfuh–kqx? dfu ug'{eof] . ;f]xL adf]lhd

u'gf;f] ;+sng u/L ;dfwfgsf nflu kxn ug{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;'v]{t lhNnfdf lqmofzLn gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3;Fu ;xsfo{ u/]sf] xf] . ljleGg ;/sf/L sfof{nodf ePsf a8fkqx?sf] k|of]u, ;"rgf clwsf/L tyf u'gf;f] ;'Gg] JolQmsf] Joj:yf eP gePsf] af/]df gful/sdfem r] t gf km} n fpg] sfo{ :yfgLo :t/df gful/s ;/f] s f/ ;+ 3 n] ul//x]sf] 5 . gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3n] cfly{s jif{ @)&)÷)&! df ljljw k|sf/sf clgolddtf tyf e|i6frf/ ljifosf u' g f;f] x ? ;+ s ng u/] s f] 5 .

xfdLn] ˆofS; u/L cfjZos sfuh–kqx? k7fof}+ . To;kl5 qmdzM pxfFx?n] ;a}lt/ a'e]m/ xfd|f] ;Dk"0f{ afFsL /sd e'QmfgL u/fpg] / hUufsf] d"No;d]t g]kfnL ;]gfaf6 xfdL rf/hgf hUufwgLx?nfO{ xfdLaf6 g]kfnL ;]gfn] lnO{ pkef]u u/]sf] hUuf hDdf @( pgGtL; /f]kgL / Pp6f 3/sf] ;d]t d"No lbnfpg] sfo{df 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] 7"nf] ;xof]u u/]sf] 5 . xfdL cfef/L 5f}+ / w]/}–w]/} wGojfb Û 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g] z gn / ToxfF sfo{ / t ;xof] u L xftx?nfO{ Û xfn pQm hUufdf g]kfnL ;]gfsf] ;'/Iff j]; SofDk 5 . xfdL cfˆgf] kfpg] /sd kfO{ ;Gt'i6 ePsf 5f}+ . wGo 6«fG;k/]G;L Û d}n] /]l8of]df ;"rgf g;'g]sf] eP / 6«fG;k/]G;L;Fu ;xof]u gdfu]sf] eP x'g ;SYof] < clxn];Dd klg xfdL xfd|f] /sd kfpgsf nflu s;–s;sf] 9f] s fdf slt k6s wfpg' k Yof] { xf]nf < To;f] ubf{ klg kfOGYof] ls kfO{+b}gYof] s] e/ <

o;qmddf hDdf !*! dWo] !%$ j6f u' g f;f] x ?sf] ;dfwfg ul/Psf 5g\ . afF s L /x] s f u' g f;f] x ? ;dfwfg ug]{ k|lqmofdf /x]sf 5g\ . ;j{ ; fwf/0fb] l v lnP/ ljleGg cf]xf]bfdf /x]sf JolQmx?n] klg uf]klgotfsf] xssf] k|of]u ub} { u' g f;f] x ? ;+ s ng u/] s f lyP . u'gf;f]x?df lzIff, :jf:Yo tyf ;'/Iff If]qsf u'gf;f]x? a9L /x]sf 5g\ . gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3 tyf 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g] z gn g] k fn aLr Pnfs l8kL sfo{qmd ;~rfng ;DaGwL ;Demf} t fkl5

b]j/fh l3ld/] O{Zj/L k|= l3ld/] ltns l3ld/] b'lb{Daf–! kf“ry/ @)&!÷^÷@%

;'v]{t lhNnfdf clgoldttf tyf e||i6frf/sf ljifodf gful/sdfem hgrf;f] a9\b} uPsf] 5 . gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3n] clgoldttflj?4 ljleGg sfo{qmdx?, k|ToIf e]63f6, u'gf;f] ;ª\sng tyf ;/sf/L sfd sfdjfxLsf af/]df hg;d'bfo aLr dWo:ystf{sf] sfd ub}{cfPsf] 5 . ;/sf/L sfof{nodf s;/L sfd ug]{ < s] ug]{ < h:tf ljifodf gful/snfO{ r]tgf km}nfpFb} cfPsf] 5 . gful/s ;/]fsf/ ;+3 ;'v]{tn] ;+sng u/L ;dfwfg ubf{ k|fKt u/] s f s] x L ;kmntfsf syf o:tf 5g\ .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfndf cfj4 ;+:yf != gful/s ;/f]sf/ d~r, df]/ª lj/f6gu/ pkdxfgu/kflnsf–!%, df]/ª kmf]gM )@!–$&@^*& Od]nM cWoIfM >L df]xg e§/fO{ (*$@)@#$@$ sfo{qmd clws[tM >L lszf]/rGb| pkfWofo sfo{qmd ;xfosM >L /fh' >]i7 @= dfgjLo ljsf; tyf ;|f]t Joj:yfkg g]kfn, wflbª gLns07 uf=lj=;=%, wflbªa];L, k'5f/ahf/ kmf]gM )!)–%@)$$* Od]nM cWoIfM >L x/]/fd nf]xgL, (&%!)%@(#^ Od]nM #= k|f]km]zgn dlxnf ;xof]uL ;d"x, sf7df8f}+ sf7df8f}+ dxfgu/kflnsf–!), kfgLkf]v/L ˆofS;M )!–$))@^!% Od]nM

cWoIfM 8f= ldng clwsf/L (*$!%&&#(^ sfo{qmd clws[tM k|tLef cof{n (*$(#)@*%* sfo{qmd ;xfosM lglstf zdf{ (*$!)!#!)* $= ;'zf;g cleofg, u'NdL tD3f;–!, k'tnLAfhf/, u'NdL kmf]gM )&(–%@)*%$ Od]nM,

cWoIfM >L Zofds'df/ kf08] (*%&)@!(#*

sfo{qmd clws[tM >L xL/f s'Fj/ (*$(&@$%** Od]nM sfo{qmd ;xfosM >L lji0f' kf}8]n (*$&!#!%!# Od]nM %= Gfful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3, ;'v]{t lj/]Gb|gu/ gu/kflnsf–!#, ;'v]{t kmf]g M )*#–%@!@($ 6f]n lk|m g+ !^^)*#%@### Od]nM,

cWoIfM >L kLtfDa/ 9sfn (*%*)%)&%^, (*%!!%)!!# sfo{qmd clws[tM >L e'mknfn k+ufnL (*$*)$()$@ Od]nM

sfo{qmd ;xfosM >L k'gd aL=;L (*$*!!*@%$ Od]nM ^= ;bfrf/sf nflu ;fdflhs kxn, s}nfnL wgu9L gu/kflnsf–%, wgu9L kmf]gM )(!–%@)$^) Od]nM cWoIfM >L v]d/fh kf08] (&$()!&(!(

sfo{qmd clws[tM >L uug/fh l3ld/] (*$*$$$#*^ Od]nM sfo{qmd ;xfosM >L l8NnL/fh lagf8L (*$*$$^(!) (&$()@$!$) Od]nM &= e|i6frf/lj¿4 cleofg, lrtjg /]8qm; ejg–!), e/tk'/ kmf]gM )%^–%@#&$) Od]nM cWoIfM >L eLdaxfb'/ >]i7 (*$%)@#!&$ sfo{qmd clws[tM >L Zfld{nf kl08t (*$%)%#$$# Od]nM sfo{qmd ;xfosM >L /Ltf sF8]n (*$%^@)*(@ Od]nM *= dfgjclwsf/ / jftfj/0f ljsf; s]Gb«, pbok'/ lqo'uf gu/kflnsf— #, a'4rf]s kmf]gM )#%–$@!%^# ˆofS;M )#%–$@)$)^ Od]nM cWoIfM >L b'uf{s'df/ yfkf )#%–$@!%^#, (&%#))###^ sfo{qmd clws[tM >L ljsf; aGhf/f (*$!%%#&)^ Od]nM sfo{qmd ;xfosM >L hLjgs'df/ yfkf (*$#!%$$!( Od]nM (= ;'zf;gsf nflu gful/s ;dfh, sf:sL kf]v/f pkgu/kflnsf–(, gofFahf/ kmf]gM )^!–%##^$$ Od]nM cWoIfM >L k'0o kf}8]n (*%^)@@*&%, (*$^)$@$($ sfo{qmd clws[tM >L efg'etm k/fh'nL (*$!^&%!&^, (*$^)$@$($ Od]nM sfo{qmd ;xfos M >L sf]lknf ;'j]bL (*$^@#!&^# Od]nM



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfndf cfj4 ;+:yf !)= dlxnf hfu/0f ;+3, Onfd Onfd gu/kflnsf–^, l;+xaflxgL, Onfd kmf]gM )@&–%@!^$(, %@!^$% ˆofS;M )@&–%@)$$% Od]nM cWoIfM >L lji0f' bfxfn lnDa' (*%@^*)!!* sfo{qmd clws[tM >L h'g' bfxfn (*$@^#^$** Od]nM !!= hgr]tgf tyf ljsf; sfo{qmd, wg'iff hgsk'/ gu/kflnsf–! kmf]gM )$!– %@%$^@ Od]nM cWoIfM >L x]d sfsL{, (*$$)@^#%& sfo{qmd clws[tM >L bLk]Gb|s'df/ ltjf/L (*$(!%##^) Od]nM sfo{qmd ;xfosM >L /;l~hj ;'j]bL (*$!&#%%(% Od]nM !@= kf/bzL{ g]kfn l;4fy{gu/, ?kGb]xL l;¢fy{gu/ gu/kflnsf–*, a'¢rf]s kmf]gM )&!–%@!#^* Od]nM cWoIfM >L ;f]d/fh l;Ub]n (*$&)&%))%& sfo{qmd clws[tM >L lg/fhg Gof}kfg] (*^&)@#*&& Od]nM sfo{qmd ;xfosM >L eujtL 1jfnL (*$&)&%)^$ !#= ejfgL hglxt ljsf; s]Gb|, d'u' udu9L, d'u' kmf]gM (&%*()!!!* Od]nM cWoIfM >L uf]s0f{ zfxL !$= afu]Zj/L c;n zf;g Sna, afFs] g]kfnu~h, kmf]gM )*!–%@^!%$,%@%%#*, Od]nM cWoIfM >L /fh' nfld5fg] lgb]{zs: >L gd:sf/ zfx !%= ;fd'bflos ljsf; ;ldlt, l;/xf df8/, l;/xf, kmf]gM )##–%@)%*!, (&$!!)*(^@ Od]nM cWoIfM >L /fds'df/ emf

!^= ;'zf;g / ljsf;sf nflu gful/s ;r]tgf s]Gb|, h'Dnf rGbggfy–^, h'Dnf kmf]gM (*$*###%)) Od]nM cWoIfM >L dSsaxfb'/ yfkf !&= ;bfrf/ cleofg, k;f{ jL/u~h, k;f{ kmf]gM )%!–%@##$!, (*$%)@%$($ Od]nM cWoIfM >L ljho pkfWofo !*= ;dfh sNof0f ;dfh, bfr'{nf dfdf{ hfd'/], bfr'n { f kmf]gM )(#–$@)@$@, (&$(%)*))) Od]nM cWoIfM >L /3'la/ l;+x 7u'Ggf !(= kf/bzL]]{ ;/f]sf/ ;d"x, ?kGb]xL h]l;;rf]s, a'6jn kmf]gM )&!– %$^#@# Od]nM cWoIfM >L dx]Gb| gf/fo0f >]i7 kmf]gM (*%&)@*!#%, (*%&)@$%)# ;Dks{ JolStM >L ;~h' kf}8]n Od]nM kmf]gM (*$&@^^%$$ @)= ;+sNk ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t k'g:yf{kgf, ;'g;/L Og?jf gu/kflnsf—@, Og?jf kmf]gM (*%@)$*^)* Od]nM

cWoIfM >L /3'gLnfn zfx sfo{sf/L lgb]{zsM >L nvgnfn zfx @!= cleofg l;Gw'nL, l;Gw'nL sdnfdfO{ gu/kfkfln—^ kmf]gM )$&–%@)!^$, (*$$!$*)!( Od]nM cWoIfM >L k|]drGb| bfxfn @@= dfgj clwsf/ ;r]tgf tyf ljsf; s]Gb|, bf]nvf eLd]Zj/ gu/kflnsf—!), bf]nvf kmf]gM )$(—$@!@$) Od]nM cWoIfM >L xf]d kf7s

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn ljwfg, @)%# 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnsf] ljwfg, @)%# xfn;Dd kfFrk6s ;+zf]wg eO;s]sf] 5 . klxnf] @)%&÷)#÷!#Ù bf];|f] @)^)÷)!÷)#Ù t];|f] @)^!÷!@÷)%Ù rf}yf] @)^$÷)(÷!^ / kfFrf} ;+zf]wg @)&!÷)$÷)% ut] ePsf 5g\ . k|:tfjgf* M cGt/f{ l i6« o :t/df :yflkt 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g] z gn (Transparency International) ;Fusf] ;+:yfut ;DaGwgdf /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o :t/df ljBdfg e|i6frf/ / ;fj{hlgs clwsf/sf] b'?kof]unfO{ ;+ul7t / ;+:yfut¿kdf k|lt/f]w ub}{ ;/sf/, ;fj{hlgs If]q, lghL If]q, gful/s ;dfh / JolQmut hLjgnfO{ e|i6frf/d'Qm agfpg / ;dGofosf] cjwf/0ffnfO{ cfTd;ft ub}{ ;bfrf/o'Qm ;dfhsf] lgdf{0f ug{ af~5gLo ePsfn], 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g] z gn g] k fn (Transparency International Nepal) sf] of] ljwfg th'{df u/L nfu" ul/Psf] 5 . kl/R5]b – ! k|f/lDes != ;+:yfsf] ;ª\lIfKt gfd, lj:tf/ / k|f/De M -s_ ;+:yfsf] gfd M o; ;+:yfsf] gfd 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn [Transparency International Nepal] /x]sf] 5 . -v_ ;+:yfsf] sfof{no M o;sf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{no sf7df8f}d+ f /xg]5 . :yfgLo clwsf/Lsf] :jLs[lt lnO{ o;sf zfvfx? g]kfn /fHoleq cGoq klg vf]Ng;lsg] 5. -u_ k|f/De M of] ljwfg ;+:yf btf{ P]g, @)#$ adf]lhd :jLs[t ePsf] ldltb]lv nfu" x'g]5 . @=* kl/efiff M ljifo jf k|;Ën] cGo cy{ gnfu]df o; ljwfgdf M * kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f x]/k]m/ . ** bf];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk, kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f l´lsPsf] . *** kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

-s_ æ;+:yfÆ eGgfn] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnnfO{ hgfpg]5 . -v_ æljwfgÆ eGgfn] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] ljwfgnfO{ hgfpg]5 . -u_ æ;fwf/0f ;efÆ eGgfn] jflif{s tyf ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;efnfO{ hgfpg]5 . -3_ æ;ldltÆ eGgfn] ljwfg adf]lhd ul7t sfo{;ldltnfO{ hgfpg]5 . -ª_ æpk;ldltÆ eGGffn] ;ldltn] lhDd]jf/L tf]sL u7g u/]sf] pk;ldltnfO{ hgfpg]5 . -r_ æ;Nnfxsf/Æ eGgfn] ljwfg adf]lhd dgf]gLt ;Nnfxsf/nfO{ hgfpg]5 . -!_** ===================================================== -5_ ælgodÆ eGgfn] ;ldltn] ;+ : yfsf] sfo{ ;~rfngsf] nflu ;do–;dodf agfPsf] lgodnfO{ hgfpg]5 . -h_ æ;b:oÆ eGgfn] ljwfg adf]lhd ;b:otf k|fKt ug]{ JolQm jf ;+:yfnfO{ hgfpg]5 . -h!_*** æsfo{;ldlt ;b:oÆ eGgfn] ljwfg adf]lhd ul7t sfo{;ldltsf ;b:onfO{ hgfpg]5 . /, ;f] zAbn] kbflwsf/L ;d]tnfO{ hgfpg]5 . -h @_*** ækbflwsf/LÆ eGgfn] sfo{;ldltsf cWoIf, pkfWoIf, dxf;lrj / sf]iffWoIfnfO{ hgfpg]5 . -h #_*** æcfj4 ;+:yfÆ eGgfn] ;ldltaf6 tf]s] adf]lhd cfj4tf k|fKt u/]sf] ;+:yfnfO{ hgfpg]5 . -´_ ætf]s] adf]lhdÆ eGgfn] ;ldltn] ;do–;dodf u/]sf] lg0f{o adf]lhd lgwf{l/t ul/Psf] sfo{ljlw



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

jf k|lqmof jf 9fFrfnfO{ hgfpg]5 . #= ;+:yfsf] cl:tTj tyf 5fk M ;+:yfsf] cl:tTj / 5fk b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M -s_ ;+ :yf cljlR5Gg pQ/flwsf/jfnf :jzfl;t ;+ul7t ;+:yf x'g]5 . -v_ ;+:yfsf] cfˆgf] 5'§} 5fk x'g]5 . -u_ ;+:yfn] JolQm;/x c?dfly gfn]; ug{ ;Sg] / ;+:yfdfly klg JolQm;/x gfn]; nfUg ;Sg]5 .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

cfrf/–;+lxtfx? k|ltkfbg ug{ Pj+ To;nfO{ kfng ug{ u/fpg ;DalGwt kIfx?nfO{ ;3fpg] / cfjZos bafad"ns sfd ug]{, -´_ /fli6«o ;|f]t / ;fwg Pj+ cGt/f{li6«o ;xof]u / ;xeflutfdf x' g ] ljsf;, lgdf{ 0 f, vl/b, laqmLnufotsf ljljw lqmofsnfkdf x'g] ljljw k|sf/sf e|i6frf/nfO{ k|f]T;flxt ug]{ ultljlwnfO{ k|lt/f]w, lgoGq0f Pj+ phfu/ ug]{, -`_ ;fj{hlgs kb, k|lti7f tyf clwsf/ / k|ljlwsf] cf8df ljsf; cfof]hgfx?sf] k|fyldstfqmd kl/R5]b – @ lgwf{/0f, nfut cfª\sng, k|ljlw Pj+ sfof{Gjog ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo / kl/;Ldf k|lqmofsf] rogdf x'g] cjflG5t Pjd\ c:jfefljs $=* ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo / p2]Zo k|fKt ug{ ul/g] sfdx¿ M lqmofsnfk lg?T;flxt ug]{, k|:tfjgfdf pNn]lvt Wo]o k|fKt ug{sf] nflu k|rlnt -6_ ;/sf/nfO{ /fli6«o jf cGt/f{li6«o cfly{s sf/f]jf/ sfg"gsf] kl/lwleq /xL cfly{s, k|zf;lgs, k|fljlws ubf{ ckgfOg] cfrf/–;+lxtfx? tof/ ug{ k|f]T;flxt / cGo sfd–sf/afxLdf ckgfOg] k| l qmof tyf ug]{ / o; lbzfdf ul/g] cGt/f{li6«o k|oTgnfO{ k4ltdf ;'wf/ Nofpg] clek|fon] ljleGg k|sf/sf ;lqmo¿kdf ;xof]u ug]{, lqmofsnfk cfk"mn] cfof]hg ug]{ / cGon] u/]sf -7_ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnnfO{ e|i6frf/ / o;sf] To:tf lqmofsnfkdf ;xsfo{ ug]{ ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo k|lt/f]w ljifos /fli6«o cg'ej cjut u/fpg] / /xg]5 . pko'{Qm p2]Zo k|flKtsf] nflu ;+:yfn] b]xfo o; If]]qdf of]ubfg lbg ;Sg] JolQm ljz]if klxrfg adf]lhdsf sfdx? ;d]t ug]{5 M u/L k7fpg], -s_ ;'zf;g / ;bfrf/ k|j4{gsf nflu ;a}vfnsf -8_ ;+:yf;Fu ;xof]uL eO{ sfd ug{ OR5's cGo e|i6frf/ / e|i6frf/hGo sfo{sf] k|ltjfb / k|lt/f]w ;+:yfx?;Fu ;DaGw /fVg] . ;+:yfn] k|rlnt P]g, ug]{, lgod tyf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] gLlt–lgb]{zgleq /xL -v_ ;fj{hlgs ;|f]t tyf ;fwgsf] b'?kof]u ug]{ ;DalGwt lgsfo;Fu ;fd~h:o / ;dGjo /fvL k|j[lQnfO{ lg?T;flxt ug]{ . sfo{ ;~rfng ug]{ . -u_ /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o ;+of]hgdf x'g] e|i6frf/sf] %= ;+:yfsf] kl/;Ldf k|lt/f]w ug]{, -s_ ;+:yfn] e|i6frf/ ePsf] jf x'g ;Sg] s'g} lglZrt -3_ JolQmut nfesf nflu ;fj{hlgs kb, k|lti7f, dfldnfdf s'g} JolQm ljz]ifpk/ 5fgljg ug]{ clwsf/sf] b'?kof]u /f]Sg cleofg rnfpg], k|sf/sf sfd ug]{ 5}g . -ª_ e|i6frf/lj?4 :yflkt ;fj{hlgs ;+:yf, k|0ffnL, -v_ ;+:yf s'g} klg /fhg}lts bn ljz]if;Fu cfj4 Joj:yf, ;d"x, ;d'bfonfO{ p2]Zo k|flKtsf lglDt /xg] 5}g / o;n] k"0f{tof lgikIf Pj+ :jtGq eO{ ;lqmo ?kaf6 lqmofzLn /xg pTk|]l/t ug]{, sfd ug]{5 . -r_ ;fj{hlgs cfr/0f tyf Jojxf/nfO{ kf/bzL{ /fVg ljleGg lsl;dsf sfo{qmd / ultljlw ;~rfng kl/R5]b – # ug]{, ;b:otf -5_ kf/blz{tfaf6 ;dfh, /fi6« / ;d'bfonfO{ k'Ug ;Sg] nfesf] ;DaGwdf hgr]tgf hfu[t u/fpg] z}lIfs, ^= ;+:yfks M ljwfgdf b:tvt ug]{ wf/f $% df plNnlvt JolQmx?n] o; ;+:yfsf ;+:yfkssf] ?kdf :jtM k|rf/fTds / cGo lqmofsnfk ug]{, ;b:otf k|fKt ug]{5g\ . -h_ cfly{s sf/f]af/df kf/blz{tf Nofpg] x]t'n] lglZrt * rf}yf] / kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f x]/km]/ .

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6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



-3_ ;b:otf z'Ns ga'´fPsf] sf/0fn] ;ldltn] &=* ;b:oM ;ldltn] wd{, hflt, ;Dk|bfo, lnË / k]zfsf ;b:otfaf6 x6fpg] lg0f{o u/]df, cfwf/df s'g} e]befj g/fvL ;+:yfsf] Wo]o / p2]Zodf cf:yf /fVg] jflnu g]kfnL gful/snfO{ ;+:yfsf] -ª_ ;+:yfnfO{ xfgL–gf]S;fgL x'g] sfo{ u/]sf] jf g}lts ;b:otf k|bfg ug{ ;Sg]5 . ktgww, cfly{s clgoldttf jf e|i6frf/;DaGwL cleof]u k|dfl0ft eO{ ;hfo kfPsf] sf/0f b]vfO{ t/, dfly h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg cfj4 ;ldltn] ;b:otfaf6 x6fpg] lg0f{o u/]df, ;+:yfsf] kbflwsf/L, ;b:o jf sd{rf/Ln] ;b:otf k|fKt ug{ ;Sg] 5}gg\ . t/ pk/f]Qm pkwf/f -u_, -3_ / -ª_ cfslif{t x'g] cj:yfdf ;DalGwt ;b:onfO{ ;kmfOsf] df}sfaf6 & -!_=** ;+ : yfut ;b:o M ;ldltn] o; al~rt ul/g] 5}g . ;+ : yfsf] p2] Z ok| l t k| l tj4 cfj4 ( -!_=** ;b:otf z'Ns / gjLs/0f;DaGwL Joj:yfM ;+:yfafx]ssf cGo ;+3–;+:yfx?nfO{ -s_ ;b:otf z'Ns M ;b:on] jflif{s¿kdf a'´fpg'kg]{ cfjZostfcg';f/ ;+:yfut ;b:otf z'Ns ;ldltn] tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 . k|bfg ug{ ;Sg]5 . o;sf cltl/Qm o; -v_ gjLs/0f M jflif{ s ¿kdf a' ´ fpg' k g] { z' N s ;+:yfsf d'Vo p2]Zo / dfGotfx?k|lt a'´fpg] ;b:osf] ;b:otf :jtM gjLs/0f ePsf] P]Soj4tf hgfpg] cyjf k|ToIf jf dflgg]5 . k/f]If¿kdf ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] cGo k|ltli7t, ;fdflhs, k]zfut tyf Jofj;flos ;+3– kl/R5]b – $ ;+:yfx? ;d]tnfO{ ;+:yfut ;b:otf k|bfg ug{ ;Sg]5 . ;+:yfsf] ;fwf/0f;ef & -@_=** dfgfy{ ;b:o M ;ldltn] nAw–k|ltli7t !)=**** ;fwf/0f ;efsf] u7g tyf a}7s M ;+:yfsf JolQmnfO{ cfjZostfcg';f/ tf]lsPsf] ;b:ox?af6 ag]sf] ;efnfO{ ;fwf/0f ;ef elgg]5 . cfwf/df dfgfy{ ;b:otf k|bfg ug{ ;fwf/0f ;efsf] k|of]hgsf nflu ;b:otf gljs/0f ;Sg]5 . cBfjlws u/L ;b:ox?sf] clGtd gfdfjnL k|sfzg t/, dfgfy{ ;b:onfO{ dtflwsf/ x'g]5}g . ul/g]5 . *=*** ;b:otf k|bfg ug]{ ljlw M ;b:o aGg OR5's JolQm ;fwf/0f ;ef ;+:yfsf] ;jf]{Rr cË x'g]5 . o;sf] jf ;+:yfn] ;ldltn] tf]s] adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf Pshgf a}7s b'O{ k|sf/sf] x'g]5 M ;b:oåf/f k|:tfljt ePsf] b/vf:t lbPdf ;ldltn] -s_ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef, / lghnfO{ ;b:otf k|bfg ug{ ;Sg]5 . ;b:otf k|bfg -v_ ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;ef . ug]{ ljifodf clGtd lg0f{o ug]{ clwsf/ ;ldltnfO{ !!=***** ;fwf/0f ;efsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo /xg]5, h;pk/ ph'/ nfUg]5}g . adf]lhd x'g]5 M (=**** ;b:otf axfn g/xg] cj:yf M b]xfosf] cj:yfdf -s_ ;+:yfsf] ljwfg kfl/t ug]{, ;b:otf axfn /x]sf] dflgg] 5}g . -v_ ;ldltsf] lgjf{rg ug]{, -s_ d[To' ePdf, -u_ ;ldltnfO{ clVtof/ k|Tofof]hg ug]{, -v_ ;b:otf kl/Tofu u/]sf] ;"rgf ;ldltnfO{ lbPdf, -3_ ;ldltn] k]z u/]sf] jflif{s sfo{ k|ult, cfly{s -u_ ;+:yfsf ;b:ox?n] kfngf ug'{kg]{ cfrf/–;+lxtf k|ltj]bg tyf n]vf–k/LIf0f k|ltj]bgpk/ 5nkmn (Code of Conduct) kl/kfng gu/]df, u/L :jLs[lt k|bfg ug]{, * klxnf] / kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f x]/km]/ . ** kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk . *** rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f x]/km]/ . **** kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f x]/k]m/ . ***** rf}yf] / kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f x]/km]/ .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

-ª_ n]vf–k/LIfs lgo'Qm ug]{, -r_ ;ldltn] u/]sf] sfd–sf/afxLdf lrQ ga'‰g] ;b:on] lbPsf] ph"/Lpk/ 5nkmn u/L 6'Ëf] nufpg], -5_ ;ldltnfO{ cfjZos sfo{qmd / gLltsf ;DaGwdf lgb]{zg lbg], -h_ ;ldltn] k]z u/]sf] k|:tfjpk/ 5nkmn u/L lg0f{o ug]{, -´_ ;ldltsf ;b:ox?dfly cg'zf;gsf] sf/afxL ug]{, / -`_ ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu cfjZos dfu{–lgb]{z ug]{ . !@=* ;fwf/0f ;efsf] u0fk'/s ;ª\Vof M ;fwf/0f ;efsf] dtflwsf/ k|fKt s"n ;b:o ;ª\Vofsf] %) k|ltzteGbf a9L pkl:yt ePdf ;fwf/0f ;efsf] u0fk'/s ;ª\Vof k'u]sf] dflgg]5 . u0fk'/s ;ª\Vof gk'u]sf] sf/0f ;fwf/0f ;ef ;~rfng x'g g;s]df bf];|f] k6s & lbgsf] Dofb /fvL k'gM ;fwf/0f ;ef af]nfOg] 5 / To; avt pkl:yt ;+VofnfO{ g} u0fk'/s ;ª\Vof dflgg]5 . !#=* jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef M k|To]s cfly{s jif{ ;lsPsf] # dlxgfleq ;a} ;b:onfO{ sDtLdf @! lbgsf] ;"rgf lbO{ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef af]nfOg]5 . sy+–sbflrt\ ;f] cjlwleq jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef x'g g;s]df ;f]sf] sf/0f hgfO{ yk csf]{ # dlxgfleq ;fwf/0f ;ef af]nfpg' kg]{5 . !$=** ============================================== !%= ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;ef M -!_ lgDglnlvt kl/l:yltdf ;ldltn] ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;ef af]nfpg]5 . -s_ ;ldltn] ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;ef af]nfpg cfjZos 7fg]df, jf -v_ ;+:yfsf sDtLdf kRrL; k|ltzt ;b:on] ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;ef af]nfpg'kg]{ sf/0f v'nfO{ ljifo–

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

;"rL;lxt lnlvt cg'/f]w u/]df . -@_ wf/f !% -!_ -v_ cg'?k cg'/f]w k|fKt ePsf] tL; lbg;Dd klg ;ldltn] ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;ef gaf]nfPdf cg'/f]w ug]{ ;b:ox?n] cfk}mF ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;ef af]nfpg ;Sg]5g\ / ;f] ;ef ;ldltn] af]nfP;/x dflgg]5 . !^=*** ===================================================== !&=**** =================================================== kl/R5]b – % sfo{;ldltsf] u7g, sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ ;ldltsf] u7g, kbfjlw / kbl/Qmtf !*=***** sfo{;ldltsf] u7g M sfo{;ldltdf cWoIf;lxt gf} -(_ ;b:o /xg] 5 g\ . To;dWo] ;+ : yfsf ;b:ox? dWo]af6 cWoIf;lxt cf7hgf / ;+:yfut ;b:ox? dWo]af6 Pshgf ;fwf/0f ;efaf6 lgjf{lrt x'g]5g\ . ;+:yfut¿kdf k|ltlglwTj ug]{ ;b:onfO{ ;DalGwt ;+:yfn] clVtof/L lbP/ k7fpg]5 / ;DalGwt ;+:yfn] rfx]df To:tf] k|ltlglwTj ug]{ ;b:o km]/abn x'g ;Sg]5 . !(=*** ==================================================== @)=****** lgjf{rg;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ cWoIfnufot ;ldltsf ;b:ox?sf] lgjf{rgsf] nflu ;ldltn] Pshgf lgjf{rg clws[t lgo'Qm ug]{5 . -@_ lgjf{rg;DaGwL k|lqmof ljwfgsf] clwgdf /xL lgjf{rg clws[tn] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 . @) -s_=******* dtbfg;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ æPs ;b:o — Ps dtÆ sf] cjwf/0ffcg';f/ ;+:yfn] dtbfg ug]{÷u/fpg] 5 . -@_ ;b:on] cfk}mF pkl:yt e} dtbfg ug]{5g\ . -#_ uf]Ko dtbfg ug{ eg]/ tf]s]sf] afx]ssf cGo

* kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f x]/k]m/ . ** rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f x]/km]/, kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f l´lsPsf] . *** kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f l´lsPsf] . **** rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f x]/km]/, kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f l´lsPsf] . ***** klxnf], rf}yf] / kfFrf} ;+zf]wgåf/f x]/km]/ . ****** rf}yf] / kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f x]/km]/ . ******* kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

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key areas, known as “Strategic Directions”.


The five Strategic Direction of the plan are:

Transparency International is one of the leading global anti-corruption organizations, and for nearly two decades, Transparency International Nepal has been a productive national chapter. This year was no different, with the organization working towards its goal of creating a corruption-free Nepal, where transparency, accountability and integrity are part of the national consciousness. Corruption is an extensive problem in Nepal, permeating all facets of life. Various national and international surveys have ranked Nepal as one of most corrupt country in the world. Without serious changes to the country’s governance, this situation is unlikely to change any time soon. There are many types of corruption in Nepal, from the abuse of authority to bribes to collusion, and others. TI-Nepal is a civil society organization, with a nine member Executive Committee, a General Assembly, and a Secretariat in Kathmandu with thirteen staff members. In addition, TI-Nepal has close ties to twenty-two Affiliated Organizations (NGOs) in 21 districts of Nepal, and strong relationships with the media, the government, anti-corruption agencies and other Non-Governmental Organizations. These approaches make the organization a credible force in the fight against corruption.

1. Advocacy and Intervention 2. Coalitions and Collaborations 3. Sectoral Focus 4. Organizational Development 5. Promoting Values This year, all the work that TI-Nepal executed helped to promote the organization’s mission of initiating, pursuing and promoting the anti-corruption movement in Nepal. In line with the strategic directions, TI-Nepal is currently implementing three major programs: (I) Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC), (II) Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre and Development Pact (ALACDP), and (III) South-South Asia Exchange Program (SSE). In addition, a new program, Building National Integrity in Nepal (BNIN), was recently signed with the Royal Norwegian Embassy. Other programs in development are: (I) ALAC Small Grant, (II) National Integrity Context and System Analysis (NICSA) Advocacy [being negotiated with the TI Secretariat in Berlin], and (III) Promoting Ethical Culture [being negotiated with the private sector telecom service provider –Ncell]. Each program and activity was guided by one or more of the strategic directions listed above, resulting in an effective implementation of the strategy.

The Strategic Plan

Advocacy and Intervention

In 2013, TI-Nepal developed a Strategic Plan to guide its

‘Advocacy and Interventions’ helps TI-Nepal to use its lobbying capacity and influence to ensure the best possible outcomes: enhanced transparency and accountability in

actions for the next five years. This clear and comprehensive plan allows TI-Nepal to focus and concentrate on several --

TI Nepal Annual Progress Report 2013/14, approved by the 19th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 26 September 2014.



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Letters and meetings TI-Nepal sent letters to the government on several critical issues, in each urging the government to make impartial decisions and to be transparent in their actions. One letter dealt with the improper use of the Parliamentary Development Fund, and asked the government to ensure that the funds be used in a responsible and equitable manner. Another letter noted the complications in a hydro project expansion, and advocated for proper due diligence before any funds were spent. A third expressed support for Prof. Dr. Govinda KC, who was on a hunger strike to demand reforms to reduce corruption in the health care system. TI-Nepal also strongly opposed a decision to provide additional allowances to select public servants, including those working in the office of the President and the Vice President, and called on the authorities to rectify this decision, and provide equal and fair compensation to all public servants, regardless where they work. High level policy advocacy meetings took place during the TI Regional Program Meeting held in Kathmandu. Dr. Srirak Plipat, the Regional Director of the Asia Pacific Department of Transparency International, accompanied by TI-Nepal officials, paid courtesy calls to His Excellency the Secretary General of SAARC, Arjun B. Thapa, and the Chief Secretary of the Government of Nepal, Lilamani Paudyal. The discussions focused on the National Integrity System, the post-2015 development agenda, and other important issues of mutual concern. TI-Nepal also had other advocacy efforts related to the recently released National Integrity Study. The organization had previously conducted National Integrity Studies in 2002, 2004 and 2012, and the latest, conducted in 2013-14 provided a wealth of information and evidence that was crucial for advocacy work. TI-Nepal began its advocacy as soon as the study was released on May 21st, 2014, and the momentum has remained strong ever since. There have been presentations and functions in different regions of the country, attended by key stakeholders from different areas of society.

Grievances and Mobile clinics TI-Nepal conducted a case-by-case advocacy both at the local and national levels, and advised people on how to resolve their complaints based on around 400 calls received at the TI-Nepal Kathmandu Office, and more

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than 1,800 calls registered at the TI-Nepal’s Affiliated Organizations, through phone calls, letters, SMS and email. A special hands-on feature of TI-Nepal advocacy has been the mobile ALACDP clinics run at selected government offices to redress public service delivery problems. Based on public complaints, problems are identified and redressed with the chief of the concerned office resulting in reform at the policy level. Art TI-Nepal has also used a number of creative methods to support its advocacy efforts. A cartoon-calendar and a story book titled “Prabriti” were published. The calendar is collaboration with the cartoonists of Nepal, and the book is an anthology of 34 short stories written by 31 different authors. Both have strong anti-corruption messages.

Coalitions and Collaborations ‘Coalitions 'reflects TI-Nepal’s collaborative mode of working and strongly held belief that the success of the anti-corruption agenda in Nepal depends upon the coordinated efforts and energies of all relevant organizations and initiatives. National TI-Nepal continued to work tirelessly with its partner organizations to promote anti-corruption agenda across the country. Currently, there are 22 non-governmental organizations that it collaborates closely with, known as Affiliated Organizations. TI-Nepal provides advice and program support to these organizations, and they help to carry out programs and initiatives such as ALAC and ALAC-DP. This year, a variety of public dialogues were organized, both in Kathmandu and all across the country, on a variety of key issues. These included public pledges, stakeholders’ orientation, interaction programs and more. These partnerships have resulted in the expansion of the anti-corruption movement in many districts of Nepal, through a sustained level of activities. In order to strengthen TI-Nepal’s anti-corruption efforts across the country, the President of TI-Nepal, Mr. Bishnu Bahadur K.C., Secretary General Mr. Bharat Thapa, Board member Mr. Khem Raj Regmi and Secretariat staff, attended anti-corruption events in 13 districts. Many of these events were also attended by key level government representatives. The basic purpose of the visits was to

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increase the momentum of the anti-corruption movement, and increase TI-Nepal’s presence outside of Kathmandu. In addition, as part of the visit, the team was able to measure the impact of its programs, and better evaluate how to further expand the movement.



Sectoral Focus


‘Sectoral Focus' concentrates on the integrity of Nepal’s public sector and the services that are offered to citizens. TI-Nepal has several important sectoral focuses, including public service delivery, research, and raising public awareness.

TI-Nepal has also been involved with a number of coalitions

Public Service Delivery

and collaborative efforts. It is part of the South-South Asia Exchange program, where TI chapters from all over South Asia collaborate with each other to find the most effective solutions and the best practices to combat corruption. Each chapter sends staff to another chapter for a year, and in return hosts staff from a different chapter. This year, TI-Nepal and TI- Bangladesh have exchanged fellows, with Mr. Jwala Bhatt from TI-Nepal and Md. Khurshed Alam from TI-Bangladesh going to Dhaka and Kathmandu respectively. These exchanges help to strengthen networking and collaboration among TI South Asian National Chapters, through joint initiatives between chapters and by facilitating a process to understand and achieve common goals and objectives. TI-Nepal also co-organized the Transparency International Asia Pacific, Regional Program Meeting (RPM). It was held in Kathmandu on 19-21 May 2014, and were attended by more than 60 people, representing the TI movement from the region. The meeting focused on the programs the chapters were working on, and the sharing of knowledge and pragmatic solutions. The RPM also provided 48 hours of intensive “Leadership Development Training” for some of the newer Executive Directors (EDs). Two new reports, “Fighting Corruption in South Asia” and “National Integrity System Assessment Nepal 2014” were launched at the conclusion of the TI Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting In addition, a two-day International Conference, titled “Building Foundations of Integrity: National and International Experiences”, was held in Kathmandu on 12-13 December 2013. At this conference, stakeholders from all over the South Asian region shared their experiences of corruption and discussed potential solutions. TI-Nepal Officials also participated in the TI Annual Membership Meeting and conferences overseas as well as visiting chapters in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Other visits included an Open Government Partnership conference, an UNCAC workshop in Malaysia, and media training in Bangladesh, among others.

One of TI-Nepal’s key sectoral focuses is public service delivery. This year TI-Nepal was able to work to improve the functioning of good governance, largely through the efforts of ALAC program. The program provides a way to redress public grievances. It means that people who use public services and encounter problems such as undue delays, irregularities and other forms of malpractice can speak up, complain through the telephone hotline, and get help. It encourages public institutions to help develop a culture of accountability, and to be responsive to the needs of the public. The ALAC-DP program is another way that TI-Nepal is helping to improve public service delivery. The program aims to have government officers sign Development (Integrity) Pacts, which are commitments to improve services rendered. This collaboration with government employees makes it easier to hold local authorities accountable, and helps improve public service delivery. It also helps to create common understanding between service providers and service seekers. This is the third year of the program’s operation, and this year TI-Nepal was able to expand to operate in a total of 12 districts. The midterm review of the program also took place this year and the results of this evaluation will allow TI-Nepal to more effectively facilitate future project activities. Research Another important sectoral focus for TI-Nepal is research and publication. TI-Nepal was able to make progress in this area, due to the publication of the National Integrity System Assessment in May. The study found that the national institutions in Nepal should do more to ensure an environment of transparency, integrity and accountability. The study also emphasized the importance of good governance, promoting transparency, consolidating democracy and discouraging legal impunity. This report was made available to key stakeholders, and is currently downloadable from TI-Nepal’s website.



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TI-Nepal facilitated the released one of the most important TI surveys in Nepal, the Corruption Perceptions Index 2013, which measures how corrupt the public sector is within a country. The lower the score, the more corrupt the country. This year, Nepal was ranked as the 116th most corrupt country out the 177 surveyed, with a score of 31 out of 100. In addition, the TI Global Corruption Barometer 2013 was also released which highlighted the increasing

who worked with TI-Nepal as part of the South-South Asia Exchange Program. The website is now both more informative, and more user friendly. TI-Nepal also publishes a newsletter named “Paradarshi” on a regular basis, and sends copies to members, Affiliated Organizations and other concerned stakeholders, including the government. This year, an online monthly bulletin named “Capsule” was launched, which provides information on the latest

trend of corruption and the inadequacy of government efforts to control it. The TI Global Corruption Report on Education released during the year, included an article written by Deputy ED Kamal Pokhrel, titled 'Nepotism in appointments: the case of Nepal'.

events and TI-Nepal’s work. These publications will help to increase public awareness, and get important information to the public.

In order to understand and analyze issues affecting governance, TI-Nepal published four major reports in September 2013. The topics of these reports included: Codes of Conduct, management of funds by local development bodies, research on project costs, and mapping of selected anti-corruption and oversight agencies and relevant laws. The findings have been used by the government, anti-corruption agencies, policy makers and academicians. Public Awareness TI-Nepal also had a number of public awareness raising initiatives, another sectorial focus area. These included the ALAC media campaign and holding a satirical play on the international anti-corruption day. In cooperation with Affiliated Organizations, anti-corruption radio messages were disseminated in 12 districts of Nepal and also in Kathmandu. These initiatives, while all in different forms, were helpful in educating the public about corruption and the dangers it poses. A recently produced 10 minutes documentary highlights TI-Nepal work towards achieving its mission, as well as its vision and core values. TI-Nepal has been able to effectively use the media to communicate and promote its anticorruption agenda. The media has often featured TI-Nepal interviews, events and news. They covered anti-corruption day celebrations and activities, seminars and meetings as well as advocacy letters and press releases. In order to engage with the media on a regular basis, TI-Nepal regularly issued press releases throughout the year, on a variety of important and timely issues. In addition, TI-Nepal updated its website with the assistance of Mr. Haritha Dahanayaka from TI-Sri Lanka,

Organizational Development TIN recognizes that the challenges posed by corruption in Nepal are constantly changing, and maintaining ‘Organizational Development’ ensures that its Executive Committee, Membership and Secretariat are best positioned to meet those challenges. Institutional Matters The 18th Annual General Meeting of TI-Nepal was held on 3 October, 2013, with 37 of the 62 members present. The Annual Progress Report and the Audited Financial Report were both presented and unanimously approved by the meeting. The meeting also dealt with a proposed amendment to the TI-Nepal Constitution, which would standardize the Constitution, as well as institute some other changes. A separate committee was created to finalize the proposal, which was accepted by the Special General Meeting held on 4 July, 2014. To strengthen organization development, TI-Nepal updated its Operational Manual 2011. Changes focused on personnel, facilities and financial operations. TI-Nepal conferred three new memberships in order to continue to bring a variety of interesting perspectives and experience to the organization. The new members are senior advocate Ms. Sabita Bhandari Baral, former election commissioner Mr. Jaya Ram Singh Bohra and writer Mr. Prakash A. Raj. The current membership strength of TI-Nepal is 59. A few members opted out of renewing their membership. In addition, the National Business Initiative (NBI) was chosen as an Institutional Member this year. TI-Nepal has a consolidated savings fund to ensure continuity, stability and sustainability in its anti-corruption efforts. This year, the fund exceeded 15 million rupees.

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The Executive Committee made the decision to use the fund to buy a house for the organization’s offices. TINepal is currently renting office space (in Baneshwor), and purchasing a property would not only eliminate the need to pay rent, but would also serve as an investment. While a satisfactory house has not yet been found, the search continues. In order to build a nation-wide coalition against corruption, TI-Nepal has maintained and cultivated its relationships with its 22 Affiliated Organizations, from Samaj Kalyan Samaj in Darchula in the far west, to Mahila Jagaran Sangh in Ilam in the east. These diverse organizations help to increase TI-Nepal’s reach and impact on a national scale, and to help to effectively promote an anti-corruption message at the district level. This helps increase the number of people that the anti-corruption movement can reach. On the 19th anniversary of the organization’s founding, TI-Nepal members met in Dhulikhel, to review its efforts to date. Many TI-Nepal office holders and members took part in the discussions. The event provided a platform for members to learn about what TI-Nepal has accomplished over the years, and facilitated a live discussion on what can be done for maximizing the output in the years to come. In addition, there was also an insightful speech from Dr. Chintamani Yogi on Karmayoga. Integrity and Accountability (IA) was one of the major TI-Nepal programs to promote important values in Nepal. It concluded this April, so an end review was carried out by an independent consultant. The review highlighted the effectiveness and results of the project. In addition, this year was the third year of the ALAC-DP program, and following the project’s timeline, the midterm review took place. The results of these evaluations will allow TI-Nepal to more effectively facilitate future project activities. TI-Nepal, has signed an agreement with the Royal Norwegian Embassy to implement a new program called “Building National Integrity in Nepal” (BNIN). This program aims to strengthen the anti-corruption movement and public integrity in key service institutions, and sectors and will take place over a three and half year period, concluding in 2017. In addition, the TI-Secretariat has provisionally agreed to fund two new initiatives. One is a supplemental ALAC grant to help involve previously underrepresented groups, such as youth and women, in the



fight against corruption. The other is a project that aims to improve the implementation of the Good Governance Act 2008, using the results of the latest NICSA survey. A locally fund raised program to promote ethical business practices is being discussed with telecom operator Ncell. International Events As in the previous years, the Board and staff members of TI-Nepal participated in a wide variety of international events, designed to help improve the functioning of the organization as a whole. After members returned from their trips, they shared what they had learned. This information allowed TI-Nepal to learn from others, and discover the most effective tactics and strategies to combat corruption. TI-Nepal’s President and Secretary General visited TISri Lanka to learn about the leadership and governance approach adopted by the chapter, and share their own experiences. A similar visit also took place in Bangladesh, where staff members visited TI-Bangladesh to learn from their programs. The ALAC-DP team visited India for an exposure visit in October 2013. The visiting teams observed existing good governance practices of TI-chapters and local civil society organizations. TI-Nepal is also part of the South-South Asia Exchange program. As in previous years, it exchanged staff (fellows) with other South Asian National Chapters for a year to learn about how the other chapters functioned, and how this could be best applied to TI-Nepal. At a meeting in Bangkok in August exchange fellows shared their experiences, including lessons learnt and challenges faced, while the Chapters reflected on the outcomes of the exchange. Members of TI-Nepal also attended a number of conferences and training session designed to develop and improve their skills. TI-Nepal's President and the Executive Director participated in the Berlin Annual Member Meeting, giving them a chance to exchange ideas with other leaders of TI National Chapters. TI-Nepal’s Deputy Executive Director participated in the a multi-stakeholder workshop for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and government officials on the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, (UNCAC) and its review mechanism, organized by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Other events attended by staff focused on learning visits and training.



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Promoting Values ‘Promoting Values' reflects TI-Nepal’s belief that citizens with strong ethical and moral values are central to the establishment of a transparent, accountable and noncorrupt society. Appeal TI-Nepal promoted important values through the Integrity and Accountability program, which concluded in April after a very successful three year run. Some of the major accomplishments of the program this year were an appeal targeting the newly elected constituent assembly for some immediate political and administrative reforms, as well as, a satirical play held on international anti-corruption day, which drew attention to the importance of integrity in all spheres of life. Award During international anti-corruption day (December 9th) senior cultural expert Mr. Satya Mohan Joshi was honored with TI-Nepal National Integrity Award 2013, for leading an exemplary life of integrity in public service and retirement. While being honored, Mr. Joshi discussed his experiences and thanked those who helped to nurture values and discipline early in his professional life. Pledge As in previous years, TI-Nepal also advocated for the signing of a Development (Integrity) Pledge by local level public officials as a way to promote ethical values and behavior. These Pacts empower citizens to be able to demand accountable and moral behavior from officials, as well as promote transparency and integrity in the provision of public services. These pledges have been an effective tool to promote integrity, and so far, have been signed by 21 public service organizations in different parts of the country.

Right to information This year, TI-Nepal was also able to promote the values of openness and transparency via its support of a Right to Information request. Ms. Sharada Bhusal Jha, a prominent anti-corruption activist, filed a Right to Information (RTI) request inquiring about TI-Nepal's plans, program and expenses. TI-Nepal provided her with full disclosure about its annual programs, finances, constitution, code of

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conduct, etcetera, and wished her success in promoting RTI for greater transparency. Business ethics In addition, TI-Nepal has initiated discussions with a private-sector telecom service operator (Ncell) to initiate a program which aims at promoting ethical culture in the Nepalese business context. This project is still in the development stage, but should be implemented sometime in the near future.

Conclusion Nepal is in severe need of an anti-corruption movement, with dedicated involvement from leading politicians, to bring about profound and lasting change. The sooner that this can be created, the better, as the Constituent Assembly elections of November 2013 have created the possibility of a more stable political environment and good governance in the near future. This renders 2014 and beyond a huge opportunity for the anti-corruption movement to gain traction and make real progress with programs to engage citizens and advocate for systemic and societal change. Though they are many the challenges in the field of governance, TI-Nepal realizes that grasping the valuable opportunities of the current political and social context is important and is therefore making an endeavor towards this objective.

ANNUAL PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 1. CONTEXT Corruption, “the abuse of entrusted power for private gain”, is a major problem in Nepal. Nepal consistently ranks very low on the TI Corruption Perceptions Index, with the 2013 Index ranking it 116th out of 177 countries. There is no meaningful and sustained anti-corruption effort within the country, due to a general lack of transparency and accountability, ineffective deterrents and insufficient political will. Corruption appears in many forms in Nepal, including everything from bribes and extortion to contract rigging and collusion, to money laundering and cartels. Abuse of authority is also a major problem, with many incidences of cronyism and nepotism, as well as kickbacks,

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patronage and trading in influence.


When corruption becomes embedded in a culture, there are a huge range of adverse impacts. Corruption creates obstacles to progress in all areas of society, everything from the political, to the economic, to the social. Corruption produces a popular mistrust of public officials, hampers development, and leads to a reluctance to invest in the country.

The details below provide an overview of some of the TI-Nepal’s advocacy:

Current indicators of corruption in Nepal are resoundingly negative. The World Bank found Nepal’s control of corruption to have deteriorated since 2010, and rates the country poorly for “transparency, accountability and corruption in the public sector”. Global Integrity, a nonprofit organization that monitors corruption, has found Nepal to be ‘weak’ in the categories of anti-corruption, rule of law and government accountability, concluding that “corruption – from petty to grand – is endemic here.” Of those surveyed by the 2013 Global Corruption Barometer, 57% found that corruption had increased a lot over the past two years. Meanwhile, 67% judged the Nepalese government ineffective or very ineffective at fighting corruption, an indication that anti-corruption efforts have been largely symbolic, short-lived, and inadequate. Nepal has suffered from an unstable political environment over the past two decades. Frequent changes in executive power and a lack of will from political parties have led to a situation where corruption has become ingrained in many areas of public life. Despite frequently proclaiming an anti-corruption stance, the political establishment has been unable to provide an adequate response to this challenge.

2. TI-NEPAL’S ADVOCACY AND PROGRAMS TI-Nepal’s vision is a corruption free Nepal. In order to help achieve this goal, the organization creates, supports and encourages anti-corruption movements in Nepal. This is done in two main ways. The first is advocacy with the government. Here, TI-Nepal uses its credibility and influence to encourage the government to make ethical decisions and to support initiatives that encourage transparency. The second is through instituting programs. TI-Nepal currently has a number of these in progress, which do everything from encouraging accountability, to gathering important data, to helping resolve cases of corruption.

Parliament Development Fund – Haphazard Increment Protested, Cautioned on Potential Misuse TI-Nepal sent a letter to the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Sushil Koirala and the Rt. Hon. Speaker of the Parliament Subhash Chandra Nemwang, protesting the haphazard distribution of the Parliament Development Fund. The letter discouraged any increase in the current allocation, but also encouraged using the fund for projects focused on national development. It cautioned that arbitrary decisions, such as this one, without a proper oversight mechanism in place at the ground level, risk misuse. Allowance only in select Government Offices – Denounced and Urged to Immediate Rectification TI-Nepal strongly opposed the GoN decision to provide additional allowances to select public servants, especially those working in the office of the President, Vice-President and the Prime Minister, to provide a “morale boost”. This decision will have a serious repercussions, as other public servants, who do not work in these offices, will receive no incentives for the same work. TI-Nepal believes that it is the duty of the public administration to ensure that pay and perks are consistent and equal for all public servants, no matter which office they work in. Therefore, TI-Nepal demanded immediate rectification of this disparity, and called on concerned authorities to take appropriate measures to correct it. Capacity Expansion of Upper Trishuli 3 A – Opposed There were a number of reports in the media alleging corruption and irregularities to upgrade the project capacity of the Upper Trishuli 3 A Hydro-project. TI-Nepal drew the attention of the then Chair of the Council of Ministers, the Hon. Khila Raj Regmi to these issues, and asked him not to make any decisions without fair and proper consideration. TI-Nepal explained that any upgrade without appropriate deliberation consideration and research will not only solely benefit the builder, but will also undermine national interests and disrespect financial integrity. These would pave the way for more corrupt practices in the future. Health Sector Negligence – Solidarity Expressed Prof. Dr. Govinda KC, a senior orthopaedic at the Tribhuvan



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University Teaching Hospital, started a fast-unto-death as he was unhappy with irregular practices in the health sector. Dr. KC ended his 14 day fast after the government agreed to meet his 3 major demands - complete political non-interference in the matters related to the health sector, appointing the Dean at the Institute of Medicine (IoM) on the basis of seniority, performance and credibility, and granting University affiliation solely on the basis of

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or administrative procedures. Many callers were eager to know about, and benefited from the services that ALAC has been offering over the years. The Centre believes that those who made the general inquiries are more likely to call in the future. The bar chart below suggests last year's top five corruption sectors:

a set criteria. In appreciation of Dr. KC’s effort, TI-Nepal provided a press release in solidarity with Dr. KC’s demand for transparency and accountability in the health sector.

2.2. PROGRAMS AND ACTITIVITIES 2.2.1. Programs in Progress Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC) ALAC is a service that victims of corruption can use to report their grievances, and get redress. It is meant for people who use public services and encounter problems such as undue delays, irregularities and other forms of malpractice. ALAC encourages public institutions to respond more effectively on governance issues and to help develop a culture of accountability. It also helps citizens to build a strong civic resistance against corruption, and claim their rights, especially those living in rural areas. ALAC bridges the gap between the providers and the beneficiaries and effectively functions as an intermediary due to its adoption of a fundamentally non-confrontational approach. ALAC is now one of the core activities of TI-Nepal, but it was originally the brainchild of the TI Secretariat in Berlin. The ALAC program has been implemented in nearly 60 countries, including many in the South Asia region such as Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and the Maldives. This year, TI-Nepal continued the radio campaign to promote the ALAC services. In return people contact TI-Nepal with their grievances through various means. Calling the toll free number (1660-01-22211), was still the preferred method for reporting, although this may change as people become more aware of the new option, such as through SMS, online, or person at a mobile ALAC. The ALAC program in Kathmandu was successful this year, with 342 people using the service. Out of these, 53 were complaints and 34 were cases. The rest were either general inquiries or questions about legal advices

While ALAC uses a complaint-based mechanism to help bring systematic changes in policy or practice, it also contributes to raising public awareness and promoting systemic accountability. Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre and Development Pact (ALAC-DP) The ALAC-DP project agreement was formally signed between TI-Nepal and the European Union Delegation to Nepal on 7 May 2012. The project was to be executed in 15 districts of Nepal over a period of 42 months. Besides working to redress grievances in different districts, the ALAC-DP aims to sign a "Development Pact" – a commitment by the concerned government office to improve the services rendered– so as to hold local authorities accountable. Strategically, the ALAC-DP project has applied four major interventions in order to improve the quality of public service delivery to the local citizens by concerned government offices. The first is to raise public awareness and build a common understanding between both service providers and service seekers. Second, there are grievance hearing Centres in each of the districts of operation, where the public is invited to lodge complaints regarding problems faced when seeking services from public offices. Depending on the complaints received, free legal advice is provided. Furthermore, these Centres have enabled citizens to use their voice to demand accountability from the authorities. Third, through these interventions and constant follow-ups with the government offices, commitments to improve the services provided, known as Development Pacts, are made. The fourth intervention is to advocate on any policy level lapses that has been observed and felt during the program. In order to reach the point where both local public and

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government officials understand that there are lapses in the quality of services being rendered, several activities such as public discussions, grievances collection and interpretation, surveys, office visits and observations were carried out. Similarly, the public was also made aware of the necessary procedures, the citizen charter, and the prevailing laws and regulations regarding the government services. In addition, a central coordination committee, comprising of members from the Office of the Prime Minister and Council Minister, the Commission for the Investigation of the Abuse of Authority (CIAA), the National Vigilance Centre and the NGO Federation of Nepal, was created to give support to the ALAC-DP initiatives. This is the project’s third year. The mid-term review of the project is currently being undertaken by the Management Association of Nepal (MAN). Some major accomplishments of the ALACDP are as follows: Over 1,800 grievances were registered with different AOs after the implementation of ALAC-DP, through the phone, letters, SMS and email. Based on these complaints, the ALAC-DP team conducted relevant advocacy work at both local and national levels. Several meetings were organized and recommendation letters were sent to help redress grievances. Over 3000 service providers, members of the general public and other stakeholders have directly participated in the events organized by the program regarding good governance during interactions, community consultations, meetings and DP signing ceremony program. Newspaper messages and radio jingles about good governance have been disseminated from 26 newspapers and 24 FM radio stations in 12 districts. As many as 21 Development Pacts (DPs), committing to improve services have been signed in large public events, some of which were attended by the Chief Secretary of the Government of Nepal. By the end of the 070/071 fiscal year, the ALAC-DP project was extended to operate in 12 districts: Ilam, Udayapur, Dhanusha, Chitwan, Kaski, Rupandehi, Morang, Dhading, Kathmandu, Kailali, Gulmi, and Surkhet. TI-Nepal aims to expand the project’s reach to 15 districts in the near



future. South-South Asia Exchange Program (SSE) In the South-South Exchange Program, staff from Transparency International Chapters in South Asia visit each other’s chapter to learn and to share knowledge and information. TI-Nepal has been leading the program for more than five years, and has been working with other TI South Asian chapters, such as TI-India, TI-Bangladesh, TISri Lanka, TI-Pakistan and TI-Maldives, to promote good governance though the exchange of ideas and sharing of best practices among these partner organizations. The program has successfully completed five rounds of exchanges and has recently started its sixth phase. Currently, fellows are being exchanged among TI-Nepal, TI-India, TI-Bangladesh, and TI-Sri Lanka. In Phase 5, there was an exchange of personnel between TI-Sri Lanka and TI-Nepal. Mr. Haritha Dahanayaka from TI-Sri Lanka was stationed at TI-Nepal and Ms. Nisha Aryal from TI-Nepal was stationed at TI-Sri Lanka. During his fellowship at TI-Nepal, Mr. Dahanayaka revamped the TI-Nepal’s website to make it more informative and user friendly. He also worked closely with the TI-Nepal team to develop ideas and designs for a new Management Information System (MIS), electronic database, public relations strategy, and media strategy as well as help to create publicity materials, among other things. Ms. Nisha Aryal assisted the research department of TI-Sri Lanka, with two major studies: NICSA and Women’s Experience of Corruption in Public Sector. In addition, she also worked closely with TI-Sri Lanka’s grant department and developed numbers of concept notes and proposals. T h i s y e a r, 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 ( Ph a s e 6 ) T I - N e p a l a n d TI-Bangladesh have exchanged fellows, with Mr. Jwala Bhatt from TI-Nepal and Md. Khurshed Alam from TI-Bangladesh going to Dhaka and Kathmandu respectively. Mr. Jwala will be closely working with TI-Bangladesh’s grass root level advocacy team, and Mr. Khursheed will be working primarily with the ALAC-DP team. Before heading out to their respective countries, all the fellows participated in a 12 day preparatory course, where they were equipped with knowledge relating to cross-cultural communication, power and global development, and health and safety. The exchange program has enabled the free flow of ideas among the TI South Asian chapters, allowing the partners



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to adopt the best practices. In addition, the exchange has not only facilitated the growth of individuals, but has also assisted in improving the overall capacity of involved institutions. This partnership has further enhanced and strengthened TI-South Asian chapters and has bought together ideas and knowledge to help make societies free of corruption.

2.2.2. Completed Programs Promoting Integrity and Accountability (IA) Promoting Integrity and Accountability was one of the major programs to promote crucial values through multifaceted approaches such as conducting thematic studies, hosting meetings and workshops, advocacy, networking, and outreach interventions. Initially the project agreement between TI-Nepal and the Royal Norwegian Embassy was for 3 years (January 2011 through December 2013), but it was extended until April 2014, with the agreement of both parties to complete some of the remaining activities. Through the project, TI-Nepal played a key role in enhancing the capacity of stakeholders to better understand corruption and developing a framework to address it. The information below describes some of the major accomplishments of IA program this year: Outreach: Outreach by TI-Nepal was one of the key features of the IA project. It took place all across the country, with support from district partners. Nine District Partners from 22 TI-Nepal AOs were associated with the IA project. These AOs were instrumental in raising awareness on integrity, accountability, and transparency in their respective districts, and within the local level network. International anti-corruption day: A distinctive stage show was organized in collaboration with 'Sisnupani Nepal', a renowned satirical theatre group, to mark international anti-corruption day on December 9th, 2013. The satirical play was performed in presence of high level government officials to draw their attention to problems related to the current poor governance system. In addition, TI-Nepal appealed to the newly elected Constituent Assembly, advocating for some immediate political and administrative reforms. Advocacy through Creative Art: TI-Nepal adopted creative approaches in its advocacy task and published

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a calendar (using different cartoons), and a story book (Prabriti), for mass distribution. Both have strong anticorruption messages. The book, which is titled “Trends” in English, is a compilation of 34 short stories written by 31 different authors. International Conference: An international conference was organized on the 12-13 December 2013, to share experiences and discuss issues of national and international importance. It was attended by stakeholders from Nepal and other countries in the region. There were speakers from TI-India, the Government of Malaysia (Prime Minister’s Office), Integrity Action, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Public Accounts Committee of Bhutan, TI-Sri Lanka, TI-Bangladesh, the TI-Secretariat and TI Asia Pacific were present at the conference. In addition, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Government of Nepal, the Government Secretaries, the Norwegian Ambassador to Nepal and the Acting Chief Officer of National Vigilance Centre (NVC) also participated in the conference. Research Findings Highlighted: An program highlighting the findings of different studies carried out by TINepal was conducted in Parsa, Siraha and Sindhuli, in coordination with TI-Nepal district partners and amidst the presence of local level stakeholders such as local government bodies, civil society representatives, and the media. By organizing events like this, TI-Nepal has enhanced the capacity of district partners and has helped increase responsiveness of local government bodies. Review Workshop with District Partners: A review workshop was organized in Butwal on 9 March, 2014. Representatives of eight Affiliated Organizations (AOs) participated in the workshop. The main objective of the workshop was to share the progress and results of the project among the AOs, and to collect feedback for future initiatives and improvements. An overview of the IA program was presented by the Program Coordinator, and the AOs provided feedback on the progress and results in their respective districts. End Review Conducted: To assess the overall results of the project, an end review was carried out by an independent consultant at the end of the project. Project Research and Engineering Associates (PRENA)

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was chosen to complete the work. During the review, two districts, Morang and Banke, were visited by the consultant to review the activities carried out there by district partners. The feedback and comments of the review were taken into consideration when negotiating a new project with the Norwegian Embassy. National Integrity Context and System Analysis (NICSA) TI-Nepal had conducted National Integrity Studies (NIS) in 2002, 2004 and 2012, all of which were very useful in carrying out advocacy work. A new study, conducted in 2013-14, was no different. Besides simply revealing the status of integrity in the country, the study also examined the gap between the legal regime and what actually happened in practice.



in conducting a comparative assessment of Nepal in the region. ALAC Small Grant for Sustainability The TI Secretariat supported TI-Nepal in terms of creating strategies for ALAC sustainability in Nepal. It provided TINepal a small grant of €5,000 in order to carry out these activities, which include (i) Preparing a proposal targeting high profile local donors in Nepal, (ii) Conducting a review to assess the effectiveness of ALAC, (iii) Making a short documentary to portray TI-Nepal and ALAC working, and (iv) Organizing a donor meet. All of these activities, except the donor meet, were accomplished. Organization Strengthening (INSP)

The main objective of NICSA project was to create political will for effective leadership to combat corrupt and unethical activities at the national level. The secondary objective was to create a benchmark for the anticorruption system in the country, as well as to prepare an advocacy strategy with specified priority areas. In addition, NICSA would enhance the status of the legal regime, as well as the function and structure of public and constitutional bodies of the State in terms of their capacity, resources, independence, transparency, accountability, integrity, and anti-corruption commitment.

The TI Secretariat supported another TI-Nepal initiative designed to develop the TI-Nepal institutional and professional capacity. The “Exchange of Experiences” program helped to strengthen networking and collaboration between TI national chapters in South Asia by sharing program experiences. TI-Nepal's Board visited TI-Sri Lanka and TI-Nepal's Secretariat Team visited TI-Bangladesh, to exchange understandings and practices between the two chapters. At the Board level, members were able to share their governance and leadership experience, and at the Secretariat level, partners were able to share their program experiences.

The study found that the national institutions in Nepal should do more to ensure transparency, integrity and good governance. The study also emphasised the importance

2.2.3. Programs in Development

of consolidating democracy and discouraging legal impunity. TI-Nepal quickly began advocating for the necessary changes, starting as early as the launch of the NIS study on 21 May, 2014 at TI's Asia Pacific Regional Programme Meeting in Kathmandu. In addition, TI-Nepal has used the platform provided by some of their other initiatives, such as ALAC, ALAC-DP and IA, to conduct presentations on NICSA in various parts of the country, and increase the effectiveness of their advocacy message. All key stakeholders from each pillar are invited to the programmes and functions to increase consciousness on the National Integrity Study. The Regional NICSA Report titled, Fighting Corruption in South Asia: Building Accountability, has supported the NIS report by comparing the status of laws and regulations in Nepal to other South Asian countries. This provided

Building National Integrity in Nepal (BNIN) TI-Nepal signed an agreement with the Royal Norwegian Embassy (RNE) in Kathmandu on 23 July 2014 for a new program titled “Building National Integrity in Nepal” (BNIN). This program will be implemented at both the central and local level, in partnership with nine affiliated NGOs in different districts. It will take place over a three and half year period, completing in 2017. The total budget of the project amounts to NOK3.5 million. The key intervention areas include: (I) Advocacy with government institutions and agencies, (II) National Integrity Study publication and advocacy, (III) District based service delivery surveys, publication and dissemination, (IV) Expansion of the Advocacy and Legal Advice Services (ALACs), and (V) Good governance, RTI awareness and educational programs at district level. The program is currently in the inception phase, as TI-Nepal received



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Social Welfare Council approval only in September.

events and experiences. Some of the key international engagements are highlighted below:

2.2.4. Upcoming Programs

TI-Nepal Board Exposure Visit to Sri Lanka

ALAC Supplementary Grant

A five day long exposure visit took place from the 2125 April, 2014, where TI-Nepal's President, Mr. Bishnu Bahadur K.C. and Secretary General, Bharat Bahadur Thapa visited TI-Sri Lanka to learn about the leadership and governance approach adopted by the chapter, and to share their own experiences. During the exchange, board members discussed their current leadership model, and also observed how organization competence is being built at TI-Sri Lanka. This exchange was one of the rare opportunities where the board members had an opportunity to discuss governing norms, procedures and protocols at a bilateral level.

The TI-Secretariat has provisionally agreed to support a TI-Nepal initiative which aims to involve previously underrepresented groups in the fight against corruption. For this, TI-Nepal has proposed a program which will increase TI-Nepal’s engagement with women, urban populations and youth. In order to achieve the aforesaid goal, TI-Nepal proposed a budget of € 11,680 and is waiting for a formal agreement. NICSA Advocacy The TI-Secretariat has provisionally agreed to support another TI-Nepal initiative, which aims at increasing advocacy using the recently published NICSA study. TINepal has identified the implementation of the Good Governance Act, 2008 as a major target area. The programme plans to advocate for good governance in public service, especially by focusing on clean, honest and responsive public policy making. In order to achieve this goal, the program proposed a budget of € 7,927, which is being discussed. Promoting Ethical Culture

Annual Membership Meet (AMM) in Berlin TI-Nepal Chair’s, Mr. Bishnu Bahadur K.C., and Executive Director, Mr. Ashish Thapa, attended the TI Annual membership Meeting (AMM) held in November 2013, in Berlin. The meeting was attended by TI chapters from all around the world, including the Americas, the Asia Pacific region, Europe and Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Sahara Africa. The meeting reviewed the movement's role and elected International Board members.

TI-Nepal is currently in negotiations with a privatesector telecom service operator, Ncell, to initiate a program which aims at promoting ethical culture in the Nepalese context. A concept has been proposed with four key activities: (I) Round Table Discussions (RTDs), (II) Conclaves in the five Development Regions of Nepal, (III) International Experience Sharing/Training, and (IV) Integrity Pledges (IPs).

OGP Meeting in Indonesia

I Paid a Bribe Portal

Debriefing and Homecoming Meeting in Thailand

TI-Nepal, in collaboration with Janagraha, a Civil Society Organization based in Banglore, India, is currently working on launching one of the South Asia's most famous and effective anti-corruption portals for Nepal – www.

Executive Director Mr. Ashish Thapa, Program Officer Ms. Shristi Karki, Office Assistant Mr. Sishor Dyola, along with Exchange Fellows, Ms. Nisha Aryal and Mr. Jwala Bhatta, participated in an exchange program meeting hosted by FK Norway in Bangkok on 6-8 August 2014. In the meeting, the returning fellows shared their experiences, including lessons learnt and challenges faced, while the chapters reflected on the outcomes of the exchange. New fellows underwent a course to equip themselves with knowledge relating to cross-cultural communication, health and

3. INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES As in the previous years, the Board members and staff of TI-Nepal participated in a wide variety of international

Mr. Ashish Thapa, the Executive Director of TI-Nepal, participated in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) meeting in Bali from 4-7 May, 2014. The meeting was attended by high level government officials and civil society representatives from the Asia Pacific region, and aimed at promoting government commitments on transparency.

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safety, and working in a new environment. Fellows for 2014/15, Mr. Jwala Bhatt from TI-Nepal and Md. Khursheed Alam from TI Bangladesh, have now been received by TI-Bangladesh and TI-Nepal respectively. TI-Nepal bid farewell to exchange fellow Mr. Haritha Dahanayaka from TI-Sri Lanka, who assisted IT and media works, and former colleague Nisha Aryal was welcomed back to TI-Nepal. UNCAC Workshop in Malaysia The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), organized a multi-stakeholder workshop for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and government officials on the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, (UNCAC) and its review mechanism. The event was held from the 2427 February in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sixty participants and experts from 14 countries across Asia took part. TI-Nepal’s Deputy Executive Director, Mr. Kamal Pokhrel, participated in the workshop. The workshop provided a platform to identify key areas effective joint collaboration between government, CSOs and Private Sector. TI-Nepal Secretariat Exposure Visit to Bangladesh Mr. Kamal Pokhrel, TI-Nepal’s Deputy Executive Director, Mr. Mohan Budhathoki, Program Coordinator, and Mr. Binod Bhattarai, Program Officer, visited TI-Bangladesh from 4-8 May 2014, to learn from their programs. During the visit, the TI-Nepal team met with the Deputy Executive Director of TI-Bangladesh, Ms. Sumaiya Khair, the Civic Engagement Division (CED), the Research and Policy Division (RPD), the Outreach and Communication Division (OCD), Finance & Administration, the Dhaka Medical College (DMC), the Committee of Concerned Citizens (CCC) in Musingunj, Nayagaon Primary School. The team also participated in CCC’s program “Face the Public” in a general hospital at Musingunj. ALAC-DP Team Exposure to India The ALAC-DP team, comprising of Mr. Tumburu Gautam, Coordinator; Ms. Babita Sharma, Finance Officer; and Mr. Binod Bhattarai, Program Officer, visited India for an exposure visit in October 2013. The objective of the visit was to observe the existing good governance practices of TI-India and local civil society organizations. The team met TI-India board members and staff, national activists, government officers, and other civil society organizations, which helped them gain a deeper understanding of the governance status and anti-corruption initiatives at the local level. The observations made during the visit



were shared with TI-Nepal to explore the possibility of replicating some of the best practices from India in Nepal. Media Training in Bangladesh South Asia Media training was organized by the TI Asia Pacific Department on 9-10 April, 2014 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The purpose of the training was to bring together media and communication experts and to learn how to effectively use social media. Topics covered included handling breaking news, writing for the press, giving interviews and information, and communication between TI chapters and target audience. TI-Nepal’s Senior Communications Officer, Mr. Thamanath Ghimire and Program Officer Ms. Shristi Karki participated in the training. IACSA Course in Austria Mr. Dina Nath Bhattarai, Administrative Officer, participated in the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) course in Laxenburg, Austria from 3-12 July 2014. Guided by the theme “Practice Meets Science,” the program focused on examining the cross-cutting nature of corruption in a globalized world.

4. INSTITUTIONAL MATTERS The Executive Committee (EC) initiatives at TI-Nepal Secretariat The Executive Committee is composed of nine members of TI-Nepal. They create, and help execute TI-Nepal’s organizational policies and programs. This year, they were involved in a variety of efforts to create a strong and sustainable organization, and to promote the cause of transparency and accountability. EC Engagements TI-Nepal’s Executive Committee met 13 times this year to discuss prominent issues and to formulate policy. Each meeting covered key agenda items that required decisions and also reviewed progress made on various fronts. The Office Bearers and Members of TI-Nepal were active throughout the year in outreach and coalition building efforts. The President, Secretary General and other Members paid visits to different districts to strengthen anti-corruption efforts. Mostly they participated in



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programs organized by Affiliated Organizations. In addition, President and EC members were frequently invited to chair events related to anti-corruption and good governance in Kathmandu. They were also regularly interviewed by the national and local media on issues of current concern related to corruption. As in the previous years, the EC remained busy meeting dignitaries who paid visits to office bearers. In October 2013, representatives from the TI-Secretariat in Berlin visited TI-Nepal. The primary focus of the visit was observing the ALAC and the NICSA projects. In addition, the SSE Exchange of Experience meeting was held in Kathmandu, with representatives from TINepal, TI-Sri Lanka, TI-India and TI Bangladesh, where the chapters agreed to exchange five representatives within the region in 2014-15.

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The major objective of the proposed amendment was to standardize the Constitution, as well as institute some changes in the requirements for a leadership role. Since the proposed amendment required some careful thoughts, the AGM decided to create a separate committee to finalize the EC proposal. A committee comprising of the Vice President Mr. Mahadev Yadav as convener, and Mr. Khemraj Regmi, Mr. Komal Chitracar, Mrs. Padmini Pradhananga and Prof. Pawan Kumar Ojha as members, was formed for that purpose. Special General Meeting (SGM)

Dignitaries from the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, DFID, the Royal Norwegian Embassy, USAID, TICambodia, Press Institute, and the European Union visited TI Nepal and met President Mr. Bishnu Bahadur K.C. to discuss issues of mutual interest.

As decided by the 18th AGM, the TI-Nepal SGM was held on 4 June 2014 to discuss an EC proposal to amend TINepal's Constitution. The SGM was attended by 44 out of the 65 General Members, who decided to approve the proposal. The major highlights of the amendment were: (i) other EC Members are now eligible to run for the post of President for third consecutive term; (ii) the Advisory Council is eliminated and (iii) a layout change per the government format. The new provisions came into effect on 21 July 2014.

Fund Increase

Membership Expansion

For institutional sustainability, an endowment fund was created, and is topped-off annually. The TI-Nepal total savings are currently around NPR 15 million, including the endowment and accumulated funds. The EC believes that it should use this fund to invest on a property, and has directed the Secretariat to look for a house for the TI-Nepal office. A suitable place has not yet been identified, but efforts continue.

The TI-Nepal EC, in a drive to bring diverse expertise and experiences to the movement, conferred membership to new members this year. The new TINepal Members are:

Annual General Meeting (AGM) The 18th TI-Nepal AGM was held on 3 October 2013 in Kathmandu. Out of the 62 TI-Nepal members, 37 were present for the meeting. President Mr. Bishnu Bahadur K.C. chaired the meeting, Secretary General Mr. Bharat Bahadur Thapa presented the Annual Progress Report and Treasurer Mr. Mukunda Pradhan presented the Audited Financial Report. After discussion by the members, both the reports were unanimously approved. Chartered Accountants, Dev and Associates, were appointed as auditors for the year 2013/14. Aside from routine business, the 18th AGM also dealt with a proposed amendment to the TI-Nepal Constitution. A formal EC proposal was presented in the meeting.

1. Ms. Sabita Bhandari Baral (Senior Advocate; former commissioner, National Information Commission) 2. Mr. Jaya Ram Singh Bohra (Former Election Commissioner, Election Commission) 3. Mr. Prakash A. Raj (Writer) Similarly, the National Business Initiative (NBI) was chosen as an Institutional Member this year. Six members did not renew their membership this year. The current membership strength of TI-Nepal stands at 59 general members and 1 institutional member. Publications TI-Nepal’s Nepali Newsletter 'Paradarshi' and the English bulletin 'Capsule' are published regularly to disseminate importation information. Copies are received by TI Chapters, Members, AOs and other concerned stakeholders, including the government. TI-Nepal recently produced a 10 minutes documentary

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highlighting its work towards achieving its mission, as well as its vision and core values. The documentary presents a contextual analysis of the country and highlights the role that TI-Nepal has played, especially in advocacy, networking, education and the promotion of values. The documentary is available at com/watch?v=ZV-o9NyjYL0& Internship Six students, three Nepali nationals and three f o r e i g n e r s , i n t e r n e d w i t h T I - N e p a l t h i s y e a r. Mr. Thomas Wills, Cambridge University; Mr. Jwala Bhatt, Kathmandu University; and Mr. Samrat Narasingha Rayamajhi, Amity University, have already completed their internship whereas Ms. Suvekchya Pudasaini, Global College International; Ms. Katherine Carwile, the College of Wooster; and Ms. Dafnie Tsak, ASERI, are still working.

5. CONCLUSION TI-Nepal is dedicated to fighting corruption, and creating an equitable and just society for all citizens of Nepal. A free and fair society will also help Nepal to develop. Corruption slows economic growth and innovation, makes others wary of investing, and prevents social services and support from reaching the citizens who need it the most. It also makes for an unstable political situation, where people feel they cannot trust their elected representative to do what is just and what is right. However, if corruption were to be controlled, Nepal would be able to make more progress on the path to prosperity and development. TI-Nepal has a vision of a country where integrity has permeated all parts of public life, and citizens know that public services will be provided in a fair and reasonable manner, that politicians will act responsibly and be accountable for their actions, and that rules and regulations will be followed in practice, and not just written on paper. While it will take years for Nepal to reach this point, this year, TI-Nepal has made progress in this direction. The programs and advocacy efforts of TI-Nepal have been rewarding. The success of the ALAC program has helped provide a voice for the people, and the ALAC-DP program has helped integrity and ethics to play a larger role in public service delivery in Nepal. TI-Nepal’s advocacy with



the government has brought attention to important issues, and the NIS study has provided clear data to demonstrate the existence of other major problems. Finally, the SSE program has ensured that TI-Nepal is functioning effectively as an organization, using the techniques and tactics, learned from collaboration with other chapters. Despite this progress, there is still a lot of work that must be done to create a corruption free society in Nepal. Nonetheless, this year TI-Nepal has initiated programs and advocated for polices that have set up a firm foundation to build this new society on.

Annexes Annex 1: Organizational Profile For nearly two decades, Transparency International Nepal (TI-Nepal) has been a leading organization in promoting integrity and combating corruption in the country. In the 19 years since the chapter's founding, the country has undergone some dramatic changes, yet TI-Nepal’s core mission still remains the same: to create a corruptionfree Nepal, where people can demand development, progress and prosperity. In order to achieve this goal, TINepal adheres to key values such as democracy, integrity, transparency, accountability, justice, solidarity, courage, honour and dignity. TI-Nepal is one of the national chapters of Transparency International (TI) – a global movement against corruption – which is active in more than 100 countries across the globe. The International Secretariat is located in Berlin, Germany, and works with the national chapters to promote an international movement for a transparent and corruption-free society. TI-Nepal is a volunteer based non-governmental organization (NGO), registered with the Kathmandu District Administration Office and affiliated with the Social Welfare Council. TI-Nepal has a nine member Executive Committee (EC) and a Secretariat with 13 professional staff. The EC sets organizational policies, presents the annual progress and financial reports to the General Assembly (GA) for approval, and guides the Secretariat to execute organizational policies and programs. The EC and the President are elected every two years by the GA, which meets annually. In addition, TI-Nepal also has strong relationships with



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other organizations and institutions in Nepal. At present, TI-Nepal has a network of 22 Affiliated Organizations (AOs) in 21 districts of Nepal, which help TI-Nepal with a variety of outreach efforts. TI-Nepal has ties to other organizations, the media and several state institutions. TI-Nepal’s Strategic Plan 2013-2017 has been guiding TI-Nepal’s overall activism and management. The plan provides clarity to TI-Nepal’s mission to initiate, pursue and promote the anti-corruption movement in Nepal. The five strategic directions outlined in the plan include: advocacy and intervention, coalitions and collaboration, sectorial focus, organizational development and the promoting values. There are several factors impeding the work of anticorruption activists, such as lack of political will and a deficiency of national integrity. Despite these hindrances, TI-Nepal has continued its activism through the active engagement of the Executive Committee, members, staff, AOs and other stakeholders.

7. Mr. Aditya Man Shrestha (Former Vice President) 8. Mr. Shree Hari Aryal (Former Secretary General) 9. Mr. Krishna Prasad Bhandari (Former Secretary General) 10. Dr. Leela Pathak (Former Secretary General) 11. Mr.



Executive Committee Members (As at the 19th AGM of TI-Nepal) 1. Mr. Bishnu Bahadur KC, President 2. Mr. Mahadev Prasad Yadav, Vice President 3. Mr. Bharat Bahadur Thapa, Secretary General 4. Mr. Mukunda Bahadur Pradhan, Treasurer 5. Mr. Sarachandra Wasti, Member 6. Dr. Ram Dayal Rakesh, Member 7. Mr. Khem Raj Regmi, Member 8. Dr. Sagar Raj Sharma, Member 9. Mrs. Geeta Keshary, Member 10. Dr. Devendra Raj Panday (Former President), Member, Invitee

General Members 1. Mr. Damodar Prasad Gautam (Former President) 2. Ms. Ambica Shrestha (Former President) 3. Mr. Ananda Raj Mulmi, (Former Vice President) 4. Mr. Sarbagya Ratna Tuladhar (Former Vice President) 5. Mr. Ram Krishna Manandhar(Former Vice President) 6. Mr. Ramesh Nath Dhungel (Former Vice President)


12. Ms. Padmini Pradhananga (Former EC Member) 13. Ms. Toya Gurung, Member (Former EC member) 14. Mr. Prayag Dutta Tiwari (Former EC member) 15. Dr. Biswa Keshar Maskay (Former EC member) 16. Dr. Meena Acharya (Former EC member) 17. Dr. Posh Raj Pandey (Former EC member) 18. Mr. Deep Kumar Upadhaya 19. Mr. Jagat Man Shakya 20. Mr. Arjun Keshari Updahaya 21. Mr. Surya Nath Updhaya 22. Dr. Purushottam Baskota 23. Dr. Prem Raj Panta 24. Dr. Kanak Bikram Thapa

Annex 2: Executive Committee Members and General Members



25. Dr. Suresh Raj Chalise 26. Er. Ishwor Raj Onta 27. Dr. Bijaya K.C. 28. Ms. Anusuya Joshi 29. Dr. Ishwar Prasad Upadhyaya 30. Mr. Bhojaraj Pokhrel 31. Mr. Mukunda Sharma Poudyal 32. Mr. Varun Prasad Shrestha 33. Dr. Rewat Bahadur Karki 34. Dr. Bimal Prasad Koirala 35. Mr. Birendra Prasad Mishra 36. Mr. Somraj Sigdel 37. Mr. Kedar Bhakta Mathema 38. Mr. Banshidhar Ghimire 39. Mr. Pawan Kumar Ojha 40. Mr. Buddhi Narayan Shrestha 41. Mr. Bhim Bahadur Shrestha 42. Mr. Lila Prasad Sapkota 43. Mr. Keshav Prasad Acharya 44. Dr. Chintamani Yogi 45. Mr. Kiran Thapa 46. Mr. Madan Krishna Sharma 47. Ms. Sabita Bhandari Baral

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48. Mr. Jayram Singh Bohara

11. Sadachar Abhiyan, Parsa, Narayani Zone

49. Mr. Prakash A Raj

12. Bhrastachar Biruddha Abhiyan, Chitwan, Narayani Zone

Institutional member

13. Sushasan Ka Lagi Nagarik Samaj, Kaski, Gandaki Zone

1. National Business Initiative

14. Paradarshi Nepal Siddharthanagar, Rupandehi, Lumbini Zone 15. Paradarshi Sarokar Samuha Butwal, Rupandehi, Lumbini

Annex 3: TI-Nepal Secretariat Staff


1. Mr. Ashish Thapa, Executive Director

16. Sushasan Abhiyan, Gulmi, Lumbini Zone

2. Mr. Kamal Pokhrel, Deputy Executive Director

17. Bageshwori Asal Shasan Club, Banke, Bheri Zone

3. Mr. Tumburu Gautam, Program Coordinator

18. Nagarik Sarokar Sangh, Surkhet, Bheri Zone

4. Mr. Mohan Budhathoki, Program Coordinator

19. Sushasan Ra Bikas Ka Lagi Nagarik Sachetana Kendra,

5. Mr. Rajeev Kunwar, Senior Program Officer

Jumla, Karnali Zone

6. Mr. Thamnath Ghimire, Senior Communications Officer

20. Bhawani Janahit Bikas Kendra, Mugu, Karnali Zone

7. Mr. Dina Nath Bhattarai, Administrative Officer

21. Sadachar Ka Lagi Samajik Pahal, Kailali, Seti Zone

8. Ms. Babita Sharma, Finance Officer

22. Samaj Kalyan Samaj, Darchula, Mahakali Zone

9. Mr. Binod Bhattarai, Program Officer 10. Ms. Nisha Aryal, Program Officer

Annex 5: Development Pacts (DPs)

11. Ms. Emojani Shrestha, Officer- Accounts 12. Mr. Jwala Bhatt, Exchange Fellow (Stationed at TI Bangladesh)

District Rupandehi

13. Mr. Shishor Dyola, Office Assistant

Annex 4: Affiliated Organizations


1. Mahila Jagaran Sangh, Ilam, Mechi Zone 2. Nagarik Sarokar Manch, Morang, Koshi Zone


3. Sankalpa CBR, Sunsari, Koshi Zone 4. Manab Adhikar Ra Batabaran Bikas Kendra, Udaypur, Sagarmatha Zone


5. Samudayik Bikas Samiti, Siraha, Sagarmatha Zone 6. Jana Chetana Tatha Bikas Karyakram, Dhanusha, Janakpur Zone 7. Abhiyan Sindhuli, Sindhuli, Jankpur Zone



10. Manabiya Bikas Tatha Shrot Byasbasthapan Nepal, Dhading, Bagmati Zone

2070/1/31 B.S.

 District Development Committee

2070/1/20 B.S.

 District Land Revenue Office

2070/2/1 B.S.

 District Administration Office

2071/1/9 B.S.

 Triyuga Municipality

2070/2/14 B.S.

 District Forest Office

2071/3/31 B.S.

 District Health Office

2071/3/31 B.S.

 District Adminis:tration Office

2070/2/30 B.S.

 Ilam Municipality

2070/2/30 B.S.

 District Land Reform Office

2070/2/13 B.S.

 Pokhara Sub Metropolis

2070/5/30 B.S.

 District Administration Office

2071/3/6 B.S.

 District Land Revenue Office

2071/3/6 B.S.

 District Administration Office

2071/3/24 B.S.

 Dhangadi Municipality

2071/3/24 B.S.

 District Administration Office

2071/3/25 B.S.

 District Land Revenue Office

2071/3/25 B.S.

 District Survey Office

2071/3/25 B.S.


Bagmati Zone

2070/1/31 B.S.

 District Land Revenue Office




2070/1/30 B.S.

 District Survey Office


8. Manab Adhikar Sachetan Tatha Bikas Kendra, Dolakha, 9. Professional

Date of Signing

 Siddhartha Nagar Municipality

 District Development Committee 2070/2/30 B.S.


Bagmati Zone

DP Signing Government Office




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The Essence of the Anti-Corruption Movement Good laws that adhere to international standards may be created in

Rajeev Kunwar

Nepal, they will not be properly followed, nor have their objectives met, due to non-implementation and non-enforcement.


here are some observations that have to be shared on promoting t r a n s p a r e n c y, i n t e g r i t y a n d accountability, which are the principal tenets of TI Nepal's objectives. Both Transparency International, and its national chapter in Nepal, envision a corruption free society at local, regional, national and international levels. However, at present the situation we see everywhere is generally negative, with corruption rife in governance and politics in the least developed countries, such as Nepal. Corruption has become a root cause for many of the negative consequences we are currently experiencing in Nepal. It has stunted a real and genuine civil peace, and damaged the progress and prosperity of our country. Although good laws that adhere to international standards may be created in Nepal, they will not be properly followed, nor have their objectives met, due

to non-implementation and nonenforcement. This is closer to a medieval style of politicking than what a modern country should be doing. TI Nepal, and other organizations in the coalition against corruption, seek to redress the public’s grievances. They advocate and lobby for transparent fiscal and monetary transactions, as well as verbal and written communications concerning public service delivery. The coalition is also concerned with the private sector and civil society, especially in issues related to providing goods and services, as well as integrity crises. Nepal cherishes the values of freedom, liberty, happiness and candid demeanour by the people. It is important for people to speak out to restore credibility and trust in public institutions and to promote the important values of transparency, accountability, integrity, justice and equity, courage, solidarity,

democracy, honour and dignity. These values, if embraced and followed, will help promote the rule of law and good governance across the country. Citizens have a responsibility and a duty towards their country. It is not enough to complain and utter grudges against the state and political society. Mere rhetoric, commitments and resolutions cannot deliver relief to the people. Action is needed, and it is needed now. It takes courage to be vocal against undemocratic, unaccountable and irresponsible political activity. TI Nepal has consistently advocated for the values justice and truth to prevail in our society. There are few dedicated individuals forging ahead in the fight against the constant injustices perpetrated by the enemies of open society and democracy. Echoes of the recent conflicts in Nepal can still be felt all over the country, where the consequences


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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h still continue to affect the people today, despite inflows of money and resources and other incentives as reparations. Citizens desire a functional and substantive democracy, not only procedural and deliberative one. A repetition of the same political circus, devoid of serious attempts to improve, is only adding insults to injury. Political leaders must reflect that if the Constituent Assembly does not promulgate the constitution on time and only replays the same political bickering and wastes valuable time and money to only to produce noveau riche in our country, Nepal will become a country where there is an archipelago of affluence amid a sea of poverty. According to the International Crisis Group, our country’s transitional situation “is messy and chaotic.” But there is a ray of hope on a horizon, if we rethink the national political agenda. It is currently burdened with surreptitious points in politics and ineffective methods of exercising and enforcing popular sovereignty. The political agenda of the country must not digressed from some sensitive and emotional issues that

The longevity of democracy in Nepal can be only ensured through local elections, and a functional and proactive national integrity system.

help perpetuate legal impunity and gross human rights violations in Nepal. In addition, the longevity of democracy in Nepal can be only ensured through local elections, and a functional and proactive national integrity system. To realize the dream of creating a happy, democratic and prosperous Nepal, anti-corruption activities and


measures must be talked about and developed openly. The democratic agenda must be fully implemented throughout the country. It is crucial for progress and building human capital that people of the country are at the forefront of local decision making. To ensure Nepal’s success, these changes must be made soon. When modernity is confronted by age old moorings of our society, it is important to reflect on, and then revise and reenergize, our efforts to build a strong country with an effective and transparent political system, and a society that values accountability and integrity. The world is in transitory phase, but nations must aim for a stable system in which democracy is acknowledged and respected. Nepal should aim to achieve this, and to end uncertainty and unpredictability in the country. Transparency, accountability and integrity are the heart of anticorruption movement. These key values, as well as an effective democratic process, are necessary for a just and egalitarian society. (Mr. Kunwar is a Sr. programme

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officer at TI Nepal.)



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Nepalese Youth in Anti Corruption Movement Young people are important actors in Nepalese society with potential to make a difference. They need to be encouraged to participate in

Nisha Aryal

programs that will help not only to build their capacities to become future leaders but also to instill values of integrity and sense of social responsibility in them.


olerance of corruption as an acceptable social value system has become all pervasive in Nepalese society. The existence of rampant and unchecked corruption and poor governance has lead to a declining faith in the democratic process and the rule of law.The public at large is passive and quite disengaged in the processes of governance and particularly in anti corruption works. The apathy towards the issues related to good governance is present particularly among the youth as they seem to have completely refrained from engaging themselves in these issues. As a result, they appear to have very limited understanding in the forms of corruption, its prevalence and corrosive impact to the national development. This is particularly evident that the Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC), run by TI Nepal since 2009, has witnessed very limited number of complaints

from the urban youth. As youth in Nepal represent a significant portion of the population, involving them is essential to curb corruption in our society. Young people are important actors in Nepalese society with potential to make a difference. They need to be encouraged to participate in programs that will help not only to build their capacities to become future leaders but also to instill values of integrity and sense of social responsibility in them. In the recent years, several chapters of TI have carried out activities to involve youth in the movement against corruption. The activities range from summer schools and integrity camps, to integrating anti corruption courses in the realm of academia. Chapters across the movement have taken a variety of approaches in teaching values of integrity

and instilling anticorruption values to foster attitudes that do not tolerate corruption.As the country goes though crucial changes in the whole system of governance, it is the perhaps the right time to (to act to increase awareness in the minds of all the Nepalese youth. Nepal’s youth The contribution of Nepalese youth dates back to Rana Regime as they played a central role in Nepal’s political development as it was the Student Unions that came together to defy the Rana regime in 1947. From the 1990’s People Movement to very recent Movement Against the Regression in 2004, students groups have come together and fought to institute and protect multi- party democracy in Nepal. Youth’s involvement in Nepal’s politics is still integral as several student unions of Nepal are continuously

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h struggling to establish total democracy and making radical political demands, standing on the political ground achieved by the student activists prior to them. However, in recent years, three major student union Free Student Union (ANNFSU (Akhil)), (the Communist Party of NepalUnited Marxist Lenninist (CPNUML) student wing) and the Nepal Student Union (NSU) (the Nepali Congress (NC) student wing have been criticized for resorting tohooliganism, financial embezzlement, criminal activity, and campus clashes, which has caused their reputation to decline. Political analysts have pointed out that these days universities have become solely the aspirants of political leadership. If so, there also need be a framework within the university curriculum to encourage civic citizenship also. If these two elements of politics went hand in hand and was introduced at the university level, it would foster culture of ownership among these students, which would lead to a student body that is politically aware about their rights and obligations enabling these student groups to hold the system accountable. Their lack of commitment to demand the elected be held responsible for their actions reflect in the constitutional drafting process as there has been little interest by the nation’s student unions to launch any ideologically driven campaigns to influence it.

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g Why target youth? Nepal is slowly but steadily emerging from political instability and economic hardships after the years of political deadlock. As Nepal goes through democratic transition, it is imperative that the nation’s youth be involved in the political processes. A research carried out by TIS claim that young people tend to be more exposed to bribery and therefore particularly vulnerable to corruption, as they are involved in almost every aspect of society – as students, pupils, workers, customers and citizens, (Transparency International 2009). Youth make up to about X% of the total population of Nepal. Youth are not only the future of the country but when given the right opportunity and platform they can also play a significant role in nation building and development as they have the potential to drive the change as today’s citizens and future leaders. Youth are generally more open to the social and political transformation. They are less interested in maintaining the status quo. Even though their values and aspirations are shaped by the cultural practice and the traditions they are exposed to, their newer more flexible perspectives allows them to conceive possibilities that are different from perhaps the older and previous generation. Integrity, like corruption, is inculcated. Unfortunately, in many countries corruption is



often accepted and defined as the part of the socio-political culture. The common view today about corruption is that it is part of Nepalese culture. This view has only provided beauracrats and the members of society at large an excuse to indulge in bribery and corruption quite openly as a way of life. Yes, it takes two to tango. In order to debunk the myth that corruption is part of Nepalese culture, we need to challenge this perception by introducing and building the notion of civic consciousness among the groups who are more receptive to change and uproot it form all of society It is imperative that more public spaces are created that addresses issues relating to integrity, good governance and anti corruption practices in order to increase awareness and engagement in today’s youth who inevitably will be the leaders and the citizens of tomorrow’s Nepal. When students and young professionals are provided a safe environment, awareness, education and encouragement, collectively, they could play a decisive role in assisting development and political processes of governance both at regional and national level. As a result, their direct involvement in the decision making process of governance could eventually lead to better policy formulation, implementation, evaluation and a better tomorrow for all. (Ms Aryal is a programme officer at TI Nepal)



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Memories as a volunteer

A bit different than usual university organizations. We found the

M.D. Khurshed Alam

flavor of professionalism. We had to go through a selection process to be the part of the movement.


n 2005, I was in my second year of Anthropology at Jahangirnagar Univeristy, Bangladesh. From theater club to rotary club, from reciting club to film society to cadet core; I roamed everywhere, exploring the opportunities available to me. But I finally found my destination in two different originations: DHONI and YES. The first one was a poem recitation organization and second one, Youth Engagement and Support (YES), was volunteer group. YES was the start of my volunteer work, and also the first time I became involved with an anti-corruption movement. YES Savar is part of the Committee of Concerned Citizens (CCC) Savar, which is technically and financially supported by Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB). Along with a few of my university friends, I became involved with the organization, which was exciting for all of us.

YES was different from the usual university organizations. We had to go through a selection process to be the part of the movement, and there was a strong culture of professionalism. We had identity cards, and receiving letters and phone calls to join in the meetings was not unusual. We had the opportunity to speak out on different issues. The feeling of 'I am important' was really different and amazing. During my early days in YES meetings, I was fascinated by the stories of some of the senior members of CCC Savar. They told us about their memories of being part of the language movement and the liberation war and their dreams for the future. They inspired us to continue their struggle, their movement for a happy and resourceful Bangladesh. With respect I remember Joynal Abedin Khan, the then president of CCC

Savar, who had been involved in the language movement in his boyhood and who had fought for the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. Another influential speaker was Khondokar Mohammad Hamid Ranju, a gallant freedom fighter, who shared his memories of battlefield of '71. As we started to find our roles in the organization, they mentored us. Our involvement with anticorruption movement was the continuation of their struggle. The CCC members were widely respected everywhere, and had very clean images in society. They were known as politically nonpartisan and freethinkers. They were well established in their professional lives and very busy. Nonetheless, they made time for CCC Savar, even though they received no salary or any other benefits. I salute these activists for their selfless involvement. As part of YES I was involved in a

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h variety of activates, and made a lot of memories. I can remember study circles, human chains, rallies, bicycle rallies, discussion meetings, orientations, workshops and so on. We had a theater group, which I was part of. It was both really challenging and exciting to perform live. We didn’t have a stage with lights, colors, heavy costumes. Instead, we were in the street with crowds, shouts, sunlight, clouds and applause. Our performances centered on how people were being cheated in different institutions and the ways that they could get relief. These helped raise awareness among the people. I continued my involvement with YES continued until my last day of university. While I do not know how much the movement benefitted through my involvement, I know that I personally have gained a lot. First of all I would like to discuss my personal development. Being part of YES helped me to overcome my worries and nervousness. While I am still not a good public speaker, I improved a lot due to my involvement with YES. Before I was part of YES, I had trouble expressing my opinion in public, I couldn’t find the words I wanted to use. My involvement with YES and regular participation in meetings slowly reduced my fear and anxiety of speaking in front of people. After few months I noticed that I could now find the words I wanted to use to, and it was easier to express what I was

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The volunteerism develops the values as human being. It makes us more responsible towards our people, society and country. It is an opportunity to do something for the people. It gives the direction to our life forces. It inspires us to work for the greater wellbeing of society. It develops a 'protester me' to stand against 'the evil me' and most of the time it defeats 'the evil me'.

thinking. In addition, YES was a great opportunity for leadership development. We democratically elected the leaders of YES through a fair voting process. For a time I served as the leader of the volunteers of CCC Savar. Being a leader was not at all being a commander or a dictator. YES leaders were involved in group planning and organization, keeping members up to date, and creating and organizing different programs, and many other things. The first time I participated in a YES national convention was surprising, and a great experience. It was a huge



gathering. I met with hundreds of YES fellows from different parts of the country, which helped to create the feeling that we were all part of one big community. We had the opportunity to share our experiences with each other. We had prepared display boards focusing our previous activities, and there was a cultural show that represented the cultures of different regions. In addition to these learning experiences, the convention was refreshing and recharging for all of us. I believe that volunteerism helps develops important values for human beings. It makes us more responsible towards our people, society and country. It is an opportunity to do something good for the people. It helps give direction to our lives. It inspires us to work for the greater wellbeing of society. It encourages people to stand against injustice and fight wrongs wherever they can be found, whether in society, or in the self. I hope my real life story in context of Bangladesh will inspire the Nepalese youth to be involved in volunteering. They do not necessarily have to work with the anti-corruption movement. There are many other important causes such as education, health, children, women’s rights, the environment and more. Be a volunteer and contribute to your country, for a better Nepal. (Mr. Alam is a FK Exchange Fellow from TI Bangladesh)



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Private Sector Corruption in Nepal Corruption can be committed not only by politicians and public sector

Katherine Carwile

employees, but also by individuals in the private sector. This type of corruption can be economically devastating for a country, hurting competitiveness and innovation.


orruption, the abuse of entrusted power for personal gain, is a major problem in Nepal. Corruption can be committed not only by politicians and public sector employees, but also by individuals in the private sector. This type of corruption can be economically devastating for a country, hurting competitiveness and innovation. In Nepal the situation is further complicated by the fact that the private sector is both a victim, and a source of corruption. The Private Sector as a Victim of Corruption Around 20% of firms in Nepal perceive corruption as a “very severe” issue. In theory the independence of private companies is ensured in law, and the laws governing the formation and operation of businesses are friendly to entrepreneurs. However, in practice, this is not the case. Laws are not effectively

enforced, and state officials often solicit illegal payments in their dealings with private businesses. The mechanisms put in place to allow business people to report corruption are ineffective, and so corruption is able to continue relatively unchecked. While there is a complaint procedure that businesses can use to report corruption, it is neither user friendly nor user responsive. Consequently, it is not used very often. Furthermore, business people are hesitant to initiate a suit against corrupt officials, fearing this will harm their later business prospects.People have come to believe that it is better to endure than to try and work for progress in creating a more accountable and transparent society. The Private Sector as a Source of Corruption Despite all the difficulties that

the private sector faces from ineffective regulations and corrupt officials, it is not itself blameless when it comes to corruption. For corporations, corruption creates lucrative, low risk opportunities, with lots of short term gains, even if in the long run it promotes vulnerability and uncertainty, and stunts competiveness and growth. The Company Act 1991 requires all companies to publish their financial information, including audit reports, balance sheets, profit/loss statements, and tax payments. However, while businesses make annual reports and this financial data available to the public, the data is not always accurate, and third-party verification of the information is rare. There is no provision for an Auditor General, or other type of financial regulator for business in Nepal. This lack of authority leads to a lack of enforcement, which

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h in turn leads to a perpetuation of corruption in the private sector. The private sector makes little effort to participate in anticorruption policies or partnerships with civil society, and companies are not serious about following the guidelines to counter corruption provided by the Federation of Nepali Chambers of Commerce and Industries. Furthermore, there are no focused government acts against corruption in the private sector or clear legislation against foreign bribery. Whistleblowing is not practiced, and there is a lack of corporate governance, which has been shown to reduce corruption. Consequences Corruption in the private sector decreases competitiveness, and discourages foreign investment, and so negatively affects the ability of national firms to compete in the global economy. In the past 20 years, other South Asian countries have transformed their economies and expanded their manufacturing base and c o m p e t i t i v e n e s s . H o w e v e r, during that same period, Nepal’s performance has deteriorated. Corruption undermines companies’ interests in developing longterm competitive advantages. If companies decide to win business through bribery, as opposed to through providing better products or services, they will not put the same amount of effort into improving their outputs. They

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The private sector makes little effort to participate in anti-corruption



legal and financial consequences of their actions if they are caught. Firms that offer bribes may find it difficult to resist demands for bribery payments in the future. Companies with a reputation for corruption are more likely to receive demands for bribes.

policies or partnerships with civil society, and companies are not serious about following the guidelines to counter corruption.

will not have the same incentive improve the competitiveness of their firms through innovation and better investment decisions. In addition, corruption discourages foreign investment. This is due to increasing costs, as firms will need to pay more money, through bribes or other incentives, to get the same amount of work done. Additionally, since corruption harms the general infrastructure of the country, firms are less likely to want to invest somewhere where transportation is slow and costly and services such as electricity and water are expensive and unreliable. Furthermore, bribery also exposes the firms to risks in the future, as they will have to undergo the

What can be done? There are many different tactics that can be used to combat corruption in the private sector. Some involve the government, and others the businesses themselves. To achieve the best possible outcome, these tactics should be used together, with cooperation between all of the involved parties. One anti-corruption tactic that is already being used in Nepal is blacklisting companies for corrupt practices and money laundering. This is done so as to discourage other companies from doing the same. In Nepal, this usually happens at the beginning of a new government. However, this is generally not continued through the rest of the government’s mandate, due to pressures from powerful interest groups. To properly provide a disincentive for companies to avoid corruption, the government of Nepal would need to stay consistent and persistent in its blacklisting efforts. Organizations such as Transparency International and other Civil Society Organizations can also conduct advocacy with



government to promote ethical conduct by officials, especially those directly dealing with businesses and the private sector. They can also encourage the development of laws that target corruption in the private sector, and the elimination of unclear regulations and excess red tape. More corporate governance will also help improve the situation. Analysis of the relationship between corporate governance and corruption has shown that an improvement in corporate governance can cause a decrease in bribery and corruption, especially if this is done in concert with the development of an ethical business culture and the implementation of an effective code of ethics. However, the self-regulatory approach cannot be the sole method use to try and

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6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g prevent corruption. Its voluntary nature means that there is no mechanism for preventing from businesses from not following the standards accepted by the community. Improved whistleblower protection and rewards could also help combat corruption in the Nepali private sector by making witnesses more likely to come forward. Knowing that they would be protected would help prevent witnesses in being intimidated into silence. Furthermore, rewards would help motivate those witness who were otherwise content to ignore corruption since it was not directly effecting them. Conclusion In conclusion, the private sector in Nepal is greatly affected by


corruption. Corruption slows economic growth and innovation, and creates a culture where the emphasis is not on the products and the services businesses can provided, but instead on the money that they can give to dishonest officials. However, it should be noted that the private sector is one of the perpetrators of the corruption that is holding it back. Firms offer bribes and refuse to make their financial data transparent, disregarding regulations. To improve Nepal’s economic performance, corruption must be eliminated in the private sector. This will encourage more investment and more innovation, which will help Nepal’s firms to grow and develop, and to better compete on the world economy. (Ms. Carwile is an intern at TI Nepal)

Petkoski, Djordjija et al, “Collective Strategies in Fighting

Afram, Gabi G. Del Pero and Angelica Salvi, Directions in

Corruption: Some Intuitions and Counter Intuitions”

Development: Nepal's Investment Climate: Leveraging the

Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 88, Supplement 4: A Tribute

Private Sector for Job Creation and Growth, (Washington

to Thomas W. Dunfee a Leader in the Field of Business

DC: World Bank Publications, 2012). Calderón, Reyes et al, “Corporation as a Crucial Ally against Corruption” Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 87, Supplement 1: Globalization and the Good Corporation (2009).

Ethics (2009). Regmee, Rama Krishna et al, National Integrity System

Assessment: Nepal 2014 (Kathmandu: Transparency International Nepal, 2014).

Carr, Indira and OpiOuthwaite “Controlling Corruption through

Schwartz, Mark “How to Minimize Corruption in Business

Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance:

Organizations: Developing and Sustaining and Ethical

Theory and Practice.” Journal of Corporate Law Studies, Vol. 11 (October 2011). Dix, Sarah “Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Nepal: Lessons Learned and Possible Future Initiatives”, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, 2011. Panaday, Devendra Raj, Corruption, Governance and

Corporate Culture” in Crime and Corruption in

Organizations: Why It Occurs and What to Do about it (eds. Cooper, Cary L., et al), (Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2010). Wu, Xun “Corporate Governance and Corruption: A Cross Country Analysis” in Governance: An International Journal

International Cooperation: Essays and Impressions on Nepal

of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, Vol. 18, No. 2,

and South Asia (Kathmandu: Transparency International

(April 2005).

Nepal, 2001).

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Article 113

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Quality education : A challenge for Nepal More than 80% area of Nepal is rural and thus this is the major

Suvekshya Pudasaini

reason why teachers don’t want to go to schools where they have been posted. The students of that area are compelled to get unqualified teachers.

Quality Education The concept quality education had been tackled at the World Declaration on Education for All (EFA) at the Jomtien Conference in 1990. This declares quality as a prerequisite for achieving the fundamental goal of equity. Emphasis on assuring an increase in children’s cognitive development by improving the quality of their education, is paramount since these children are the future leaders of the nation. The Dakar Forum noted the need to improve all aspects of quality education to achieve recognized and measurable learning outcomes for all especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills. (AMANCHUKWU, Rose N; THE CHALLENGES OF QUALITY EDUCATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING ECONOMY, pg 104).

Reasons for Poor Education in Nepal Most of the countries in the world consider provision of quality education to their citizens as their major responsibility and are doing all the possible activities to provide quality education for the children of their country . Quality education for the country just like a dream which is yet to be fulfilled. Some of the reasons for poor education in Nepal are listed : Inadequate resources such as teachers and reading materials We all are very familiar with the fact that rural areas witnessed lack of establishment of schools. Where schools are available, teachers refuse going there on transfer because of lack of many facilities. Teachers think of the welfare of their children

and go all out to resist being transferred to the rural areas. It becomes obvious that teachers who are sent there are just to be disciplined because of their laxity in their former schools. Other government officials might not like to reside there because these facilities and other things that will enhance living are not present. It is very likely that teachers working in such places will not be supervised and many of them will absent themselves from school as they wish. More than 80% area of Nepal is rural and thus this is the major reason why teachers don’t want to go to schools where they have been posted. The students of that area are compelled to get unqualified teachers. What we can expect from this because one cannot give that one doesn’t have. This results in



the bad practice of education It boils down to the fact that the government should renovate schools to modern standards, typical example is massive rehabilitation and construction of school blocks by the Akwa-Ibom state government (THE NATION, Thursday, February 24 2011, Pg. 52) providing housing, good roads, good communication network, health centers, electricity and even recreational centers so as to attract teachers, businesses, industries and government officials who would be the eyes and ears of the government. Parents have no option rather than taking their students out of the government schools and admit them in private schools even though they don’t have enough money. The case is also not good in urban areas. The students are not getting a type of education which they should get. Many Teachers in urban areas are not taking the students seriously and have failed to provide good results. Our children are also not getting necessary reading materials. Every year we listen and read news in T.V and newspapers that the deliveries of books are done very late in different parts of our country, sometimes just before few months of exam. How can we expect good results from students if they are not being accessible to the reading resources? Thus inadequate reading resources are also one of the major challenges

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The case is also not good in urban areas. The students are not getting a type of education which they should get. Many Teachers in urban areas are not taking the students seriously and have failed to provide good results.

for the provision of quality education in our country. Poor implementation of policies, Reforms and programs Nepal government has made different reforms, policy and programs in order to bring positive changes in education sector. Major Reform Agendas in SSR Programme, Human Resource Development for MoE: , NCED Training Policy, 2062, Open

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h Distance Learning Policy, 2063 and NFEC Policy, 2063 (2007 AD) are few to name. These policies are really helpful to achieve the goals if they are implemented in a better way. our policies have tried to include provisions for every stakeholder such as students, parents, teachers and schools. They have tried to carry out every possible activity to improve education in our country but the poor implementation of those policies is a major problem in case of our country. No Practice of good governance in education Good Governance in education has not got any space in the policy or any programs of our country. Many countries in the world have already started to practice good governance in their education and thus have got great improvement in their education system. Practicing Good governance is very important in a developing country like Nepal where the impacts of investment in education are measured by the inputs (such as teachers and reading materials) and outputs (such as literacy rates, enrollment and average years of education attained) and the important factors such as performance of children and whether the resources are deployed or not and how effectively they are used are always left behind in a country like Nepal so practicing

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! c;f]h of good governance can help to focus on performance in education service delivery, and in turn, provide policymakers and program managers with a basis upon which to raise performance. (Lewis and Patterson, 2009) We all know that our education has been facing dramatic changes over recent decades, some of them are listed below and this changes also demands for the practice of Good Governance in our education system. Transformation in the education system from traditional to the modern practice in private schools have same old style of teaching in government school; Use of technologies in teaching, field studies are some of the recently practiced new style of teaching. More heterogeneous student bodies: female participation has increased. Student bodies are also heterogeneous in terms of socio-economic background, ethnicity and previous education. Thus to identify the issues related to heterogeneity, it is necessary to practice Good Governance in our education System. We all are very much familiar about the education system as well as the status of Nepal. We need to work a lot to improve our education. In this competitive world, education is one of the important infrastructures and thus we need to provide quality


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education system are encouraged and corruption is discouraged.

It is the responsibility of government to assure quality education for the children by practicing good Governance in the education and assuring that all the above listed functions of education system are encouraged and corruption is discouraged.

education to the children. Different resources which I have discussed above play a vital role for providing quality education. Thus it is the responsibility of government to assure quality education for the children by practicing good Governance in the education and assuring that all the above listed functions of

Conclusion The education system of Nepal is still based on the traditional method of teaching and we are far backward than many developed countries of the world in case of education. Provision of quality education is one of the major challenges for the government of Nepal. Many children of Nepal are still deprived from getting education. They don’t have easy access to the schools. Government is not able to provide necessary resources required for education. The situation of public school is so miserable and private school is just a dream for most of the parents of Nepal. Thus the results of the students are very poor and this situation should be changed before the condition will be more worsened. Government should focus to convert the weakness or challenges to strengths and should create opportunities for children to get quality education. Reference Materials AMANCHUKWU,




challenges of quality education and good governance in developing economy;



Educational Foundations, Rivers State University of Education, Port Harcourt, Nigeria)

(Ms. Pudasaini interned with TI Nepal during mid 2014)



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Deficiency of Democratic and Development Philosophies

The big parties have been doing what big parties have proved so good at

Dipak Gyawali


ur Loktantrick Fathers, who art in the CA, hallowed be thy names. Thy Republic has come but give us this day our electricity and this year our constitution. Amen. Thus have Nepalis been praying for almost seven years now but there is little sign of the Heavens parting, a beam of light shining forth and a deep voice booming, “Behold!” Instead, the big parties have been doing what big parties have proved so good at over the last decade: procrastination, promises and peddling their power of patronage in the meanwhile. All signs indicate that their schedule has been compromised, and that the constitution will not be made within the year that the big parties promised. Nor will they

over the last decade: procrastination, promises and peddling their power of patronage in the meanwhile.

hold local elections that they promised. After all, “The Kangress and UML leaders said they have a five years’ mandate so why hurry to do that?”said the Cash Maoist Supremo recently, adding: “The heavens will not fall if the constitution is not made [by the date we promised it would be].” It was a particularly unfortunate choice of words, for a Nepali folklore saying has it that a puny bird Hutityaun once boasted that it was holding up sky, giving the clear impression that the Our Loktantrick Fathers are no less than the Hutityaun. These worthies used to blame the King for being “nirankush”, i.e. one without a hook of control, or in short an autocrat. Now the

oligarchs of this dispensation, despite their labeling themselves as democratic by definition and default, have shown in practice that it is they who are “nirankush”, able to misinterpret the interim constitution any way they please and behave as they wish. A demonstrative example has been the power trade treaty saga. As per Article 156 of the interim constitution in force currently but trampled to tatters by the big Loktantrick parties (and word for word the same as Article 126 in the 1990 constitution suspended by its very drafters!), any resource sharing treaty should be passed by the parliament, by a twothirds majority if it is of a longterm, comprehensive and serious matter, or by a simple majority

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if not so. It continues to be the most democratic provision in the annals of our multiple constitutions that requires democratic consensus and control over our rulers, preventing them from trading national interests for party and personal benefits. It is being violated with the just recently signed Power Trade Agreement. Girija Koirala similarly attempted to bypass the parliament with the Tanakpur treaty in 1991 and the Supreme Court had to step in to force him to face the parliament. However, when he did try to do so, his attempt was sabotaged by his party supremo Ganesh Man Singh and his infamous “letter bomb”. It’s sad consequence for the Kangress was the resulting deep fractures within the party that continues to this day. The UML, when it came to power in 1995 for a short 9-month government, attempted to salvage the situation through a technically flawed back-peddling by designing a “package deal” that put the entire Mahakali basin and its proper development in jeopardy. The Mahakali treaty did pass the parliament in 1996 with a two-thirds majority but because it ignored critical and justifiable objections, the treaty has been unenforceable and in limbo these last seventeen years. India does not have such a democratic provision in its constitution, and the reasons have to do with the fact that its

All future attempts to develop transboundary hydro projects will end up in the impasse of conflicting interpretations and the political deadlock they will create.

approach to resource “sharing” with its neighbours is defined by its historic role as the successor state of the British Raj and its colonial mind-set of resource capture. Even though water and electricity are state subjects under the Indian constitution, in practice the External Affairs Ministry hold effective (and fairly secretive) veto power on resource sharing issues with neighbours. One major reason the Mahakali treaty has been in limbo is not because of Nepal’s armed conflict and political instability: actually the treaty has been one of main the reasons for the political distrust between the parliamentary parties and the



ensuing Maoist insurgency (their 40-point declaration called for its abrogation). Any attempt to act in furthering the Pancheshwar high dam development under this treaty first needs the treaty’s revision and passage by a two-third majority of Nepal’s parliament. The treaty itself says it would be revised in ten years or earlier, and given that the items mentioned in the treatyand the notes exchanged with it have been violated, such a review all the more imperative. Furthermore, rather than finding honest and open ways to address the contentious issues in the treaty, attempts have been made to bypass and debase its letter and spirit (and parliamentary approval), including with the recently signed Power Trade Agreement. The first task is to define what constitutes “longterm, comprehensive and serious matter” and what does not. An attempt was made in May 2003 to do so by developing nine trigger criteria, but the subsequent pusillanimity of Loktantrick party leaders, and their innate incapacity to understand the strategic nature of water resources, has not seen that effort move further. It will, however, not go away; and without its honest resolution, all future attempts to develop transboundary hydro projects will end up in the impasse of conflicting interpretations and the political deadlock they will



create. There are two contentious issues currently: Power Trade Agreement (PTA) and Power Development Agreement (PDA). The former was actually signed in 1997 but the pusillanimity of Loktantrick leaders prevented its passage in the then parliament and it fell into limbo. Its provisions were revived by Nepal in the 2010 version sent to India, which the latter insultingly ignored for three years and instead sent a totally different power development agreement in line with the East India Company/Bhutani model. It led to civil society uproar in Nepal and prevented Mr Modi from triumphantly initialing it during his landmark visit a month ago. India has now agreed to sign the Nepali version with modifications, representing a shift in Indian polity – the assertion of India’s political class over its Babudom. It, however, remains to be seen what new tricks of bureaucratic sabotage the Babus can come up with, as they have done successfully in the past with the Gujral Doctrine. On the Nepali side, while one logic argues that the PTA and the PDA will help with the purported surplus of run-of-river electricity in Nepal by 2017 IF all the supposed projects come on line, there are sufficient grounds to argue that, given the fourteen hours of power cuts in the Nepali system (which represents a major

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Is our hydropower to be developed to provide strategic advantage to our industries and help stem the flow of our youth as abandoned proletariats to the Gulf and elsewhere or is it to be developed merely to provide the government coffers some revenue to feed the likes of the current CA with salaries and perks?

market in itself), there is no real surplus to export for Nepal and no surplus in chronically deficit Indian system to sell to Nepal either. The political economic thrust pushing for this treaty has not been the real interests of Nepali consumers but that of Indian power developers who have acquired many of the “jhola ma khola” licenses to Nepali sites through the backdoor. Our Loktantrick Fathers have either been blind to this reality, which is doubtful as they are smart politicos, or more probably been complicit in commission deals with the contractors. There is after all, big money at stake, and the totally unnecessary perks to

be given to the Indian developers in the form of tax and VAT waivers and grants, point suspiciously towards the latter. The main problem is primarily on the Nepali side with a total absence of strategic thinking on this issue, a concern that was much more in vogue during the Panchayat days. Even Norway, while developing its hydropower post World War II, did it for “nation-building” not for export and industry building outside of its borders. Is our hydropower to be developed to provide strategic advantage to our industries and help stem the flow of our youth as abandoned proletariats to the Gulf and elsewhere or is it to be developed merely to provide the government coffers some revenue to feed the likes of the current CA with salaries and perks? At issue is Nepal’s development future, whether it is that of an independent and self-reliant country or a neo-colony exporting its raw material and keeping a parasitic political class (sadly calling themselves socialists and communists) in power? This is where the grand failure of Loktantra lies. Gyawali is a former minister of water resources of Nepal.

Courtesy: http://www.spotlightnepal. com/News/Article/Deficiency-ofDemocratic-and-Development-Philosoph - See more at: http://nepalpolity. com/deficiency-of-democratic-anddevelopment-philosophies/#sthash. dVOcsSNv.v5AsZojC.dpuf

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NEW LEADERSHIP AT TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL “I know what corruption is and how to fight it. The corrupt need to see Transparency International as their biggest fear. Nobody is above the law.” – José Ugaz, chair, Transparency International meeting, which brings together the movement’s national chapters and individual members.

José Ugaz was on 19th October, 2014 elected chair of the board of Transparency International, the global anti-corruption organisation present in more than 100 countries. Ugaz, the Peruvian lawyer with a history of taking on grand corruption, was elected by Transparency International’s annual membership

"There is still too much corruption out there, and we want to see much more being done about it. We must address the way the corrupt are getting away with it, unmasking them, drawing attention to corrupt schemes such as the abuse of offshore companies, impeding their enjoyment of ill-gotten gains travelling freely and leading a life of luxury while the poor have to pay their bills", said Ugaz. José Ugaz prosecuted several top-level corruption cases as Peru’s ad-hoc state attorney. Most notably, he was instrumental in the corruption case against former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori and Vladimiro Montesinos, the former head of the country’s intelligence services.

Cartoon prepared by Ashok Man Singh, Member of Cartonist Club Nepal for TI Nepal Calendar 2071 B.S.


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