Ti nepal bullletin 2071 fagun

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‘;'zf;g’ k|j4{gdf sd{rf/LtGq s'g} klg d'n'sdf ;'zf;g sfod ug]{ d'Vo kfq /fHo xf] t/, ;xfos kfq ljgf of] ;Dej 5}g . /fHosf o:tf kfqx? eg]sf ;/sf/, sd{rf/LtGq, Gofokflnsf, Joj:yflksf cflb x'g\ . logn] gLlt pÎkfbg ug]{, lgodg ug]{, ;'k/Lj]If0f ug]{ / ;]jf ljt/0f ug]{nufotsf sfd ub{5g\ . /fHon] oL kfqx?aLrsf] e"ldsfnfO{ ;Gt'ngdf /fVg ;Sg'kb{5 cGoyf /fHos]lGb|t zf;g k|0ffnLnfO{ ;'zf;gdf ¿kfGt/0f ug]{ sfo{ yk h6Ln aGb} hfG5 . o;qmddf sd{rf/LtGqsf] e"ldsf cem uxg 5 . o;}n] x'g;S5 sd{rf/LtGqnfO{ :yfoL ;/sf/ klg elgG5 . :yfoL ;/sf/ljgf ;'zf;g sfod ug{ ;lsFb}g . o; cy{df ;'zf;g Pp6f k|lqmof xf] . of] k|lqmofdf ;+nUg x'g] Pp6f v]nf8L sd{rf/LtGqsf] e"ldsf clt ;+j]bgzLn x'G5 . Toltdfq xf]Og, logsf unt lqmofsnfk s;/L sd u/fpFb} clwstd of]ubfg lng ;lsG5 eGg] sfd /fHosf nflu ;a}eGbf a9L r'gf}tLk"0f{ x'G5 . sd{rf/LtGqsf] e"ldsf lsg klg dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 eg] o;n] ;du| zf;sLo sfo{ ub{5 / ;fj{hlgs sfd–sf/afxLnfO{ lgoGq0f, ;xhLs/0f, dWo:ytf, lgodg, ;fe]mbf/Lsf] sfd ub{5 . o;n] ;fj{hlgs ;]jf ljt/0f dfq ub}{g g]t[Tj, cleefjsTj / clGtd cf>osf] e"ldsf;d]t lgjf{x ub{5 . sd{rf/LtGqn] ;]jf ljt/0f ubf{ lgikIf / k/fdz{ lbg]qmddf cfk"mnfO{ t6:y lj1sf ¿kdf k|:t't u/L cfd–gful/ssf] dg lhTg ;Sg'kb{5 . lsgeg] ;fj{hlgs k|zf;s / sd{rf/Lx? g} gful/s / /fHoaLrsf] k|f/lDes ;Dks{ ljGb' xf] . ha of] ;Dks{ k|efjsf/L¿kdf lj:tf/ / ;Dkfbg x'G5 tadfq ;fdflhs ;Demf}tfsf] gjLs/0f x'g ;Sb5 eGg] dfGotf /lxcfPsf] 5 . sfg"gsf] Jojl:yt sfof{Gjog ug]{ tyf nf]s;Ddlt nfu" ug]{ olt dxÎjk"0f{ ;+:yfsf] ;sf/fÎds e"ldsfdf g} ‘;'zf;gÚ ;'b[9 x'g ;Sb5 . ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf lj1x? eG5g\– g]kfnsf] sd{rf/LtGq gful/sk|lt pQ/bfoL geP/ dflyNnf] clwsf/Lk|lt pQ/bfoL x'g] ‘cf}krfl/s pQ/bfloÎj‘ lgjf{x ul//x]sf 5g\ . gLlt– lgdf{0fdf ;xof]uL e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{'kg]{ dflyNnf kbdf /xg]x?n] klg dGqL jf ;+;b\dfkm{t 3'dfp/f] ‘n"k df]8]nÚ df gful/sk|lt pQ/bfloÎj lgjf{x ul//x]sf] l:ylt 5 . of] l:yltdf sd{rf/LtGqn] cfˆgf] sfd–sf/afxL / k|lqmofdf v'nf ;/sf/sf] cjwf/0ffnfO{ :jLsf/ ub}{g . uf]klgotfsf] cfj/0fdf sfd ug{ ¿rfpg] sd{rf/L ju{n] ;"rgfdf /x]sf]

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TofuaGbM 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnåf/f ;'zf;g tyf ;bfrf/ k|j4{gsf nflu of] a'n]l6g k|sfzg ul/Psf] xf] . o; a'n]l6gdf k|sflzt cfn]v n]vssf lghL ljrf/ x'g\ . logn] k|sfzs ;+:yfsf] cflwsfl/s wf/0ff k|ltljlDat ug]{ 5}gg\ . —;Dkfbs

k|sfzsM 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfn, 5s'as' dfu{, gofFafg]Zj/, sf7df8f}+, g]kfn, kf]i6 aS; g+=M !!$*^ kmf]gM ))(&&–!–$$&%!!@, $$&%@^@, $$&%)^@ km\ofS;M ))(&&–!–$$&%!!@ Pnfs 6f]nk|mL g+=M !^^)–)!–@@@–!!, Email: trans@tinepal.org, Web: www.tinepal.org ;DkfbsM 6L Pg l3ld/]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g


´G8f aflx/sf sdfG8/ cd]l/sfsf] o'lgel;{6L ckm lk6\;ju{n] g]kfnsf] nf]stflGqs Pj+ gful/s cfGbf]ngsf] cu'jfO u/]sf] egL cfˆgf Ps e"k" ljBfyL{nfO{ cl3Nnf] dlxgf pRr txsf] ;Ddfg lbof] . ltg} ljBfyL{ x'g\— b]j]Gb|/fh kf08] . cfhsf lbg;Dd lhNnf–lhNnfdf gful/s ;dfhx? lqmofzLn 5g\ . ;L8Lcf]n] ;d]t ;j{kIfLo a}7sx?df gful/s ;dfhsf k|ltlglw vf]H5g\ . ljBfno Joj:yfkg ;ldltb]lv ;fd'bflos jg;Dd gful/s ;dfh vf]lhG5 . kf08], kxf8L / pgsf ;fyLx?n] yfn]sf] cfGbf]ng ufpF3/df t …;+:yfutÚ g} eO;s]sf] 5 .

a;Gt a:g]t, sf7df8f}+ k~rfotsf xSsL–‰jfF+SsL cy{;lrj b]j]Gb|/fh kf08] …6k sl/c/Ú xfk]/ ax'bnLo ;+3if{sf] sfF8f3f/Ldf xfd kmfn] . sf7df8f}+sf] vfgbfgL kf08] j+zdf hGd]–x's]{/ !( jif{ ;/sf/L ;]jf u/]sf $) jif]{ k|zf;sn] k]G;g kv{g] w}o{ b]vfPgg\ . ;De|fGtsf] b}nf]af6 lgSn]/ e'OFsf dflg;x?;Fu ;Djfb yfn] . lvn/fh /]UdL ;/sf/ aGg'k"j{ cfPsf] k|wfgdGqL k|:tfj l;w}+ gsf/] . o:t}, …ckmla6Ú lg0f{o ug]{ afgLn] pgsf] pRrjuL{o cfsfª\IffnfO{ k'gM kl/eflift ul/lbof] . pgn] hLjgnfO{ gofF af6f] lbP . kf08] clxn] kf6L{eGbf k/, gful/s cfGbf]ngsf g]tfsf ¿kdf kl/lrt 5g\ . of] gful/s cu'jf eGg] o:tf]

…kbÚ 5, hxfF s'g} emG8f 5}g . clkm;, g]dKn]6 5}g . tna 5}g, cjsfz, pkbfg s]xL 5}g . kf08]sf] gfd;Fu o:tf] g}lts an 5– x]bf{ sxLF 5}g, t/ ;a}lt/ 5 . 6\ j L6/df e'mlG8a:5g\ kf08] . /fhgLlts, cfly{ s l6Kk0fL ubf{ – ubf{ lbSs nfUof] eg] 6fOdnfOgdf tGg]/L;Fu le8\g yfN5g\ . pgsf] nfOe 6\jL6 ;'? eof] eg] a'e]m x'G5, cfh lqms]6 Dofr 5 . x'g t pgL cfk"mnfO{ ce}m sDtL o'jf 7fGb}gg\ . xf:or]t slt s8f 5 eg], c?nfO{ p8fpFbf–p8fpFb} cfk}mFnfO{ p8fpg yfN5g\ . cfkm"nfO{ a]js'km b]vfP/ cfk}mF cfglGbt x'g] k'/fgf] cfbt atfpg pgL lnlvt k':tsx? sfkmL 5g\ , hxfF k' / fgf cGtjf{ t f{

;ª\u|lxt 5g\ . …d]/f] hLjgdf olt /f]rs 36gfx? x'g uP ls,Ú Ps laxfg sflGtk'/;Fu ulkmg yfNbf pgL cfk"mnfO{ b'O{–rf/ /fpG8 p8fpg] d'8d} lyP, …dfG5]x?n] gkTofOb]nfg\ eGg] kL/ 5 .Ú &% jifL{ o …gful/s 8« f Oe/Úsf] Joª\ U ojf0fdf lj8Djgfsf] k| l tzt lgsfNg yflnof] eg] Pp6f …u|fkmrf6{Ú n] k'Ub}g . k~rfotsf sfl/Gbf lqrGb| SofDk; x'Fb} Onfxfjfb ljZj– ljBfnosf] af6f] ;dfPsf kf08]n] aLP÷Pdsd u/] . nf]s;]jf cfof]uaf6 /fli6«o of]hgf kl/ifb\df cy{zf:q / sd;{ k9]sf zfvf clws[t dfluof] . tLgl;6 dfluF b f pgL;lxt hDdf kfF r sf] cfj] b g k¥of] . lagfhfF r



l;w}+ cGtjf{tf{df nluof] . pgn] bf];|f] gDa/df gfd lgsfn] . k|wfgdGqL jLkL sf]O/fnfn] of]hgf cfof]udf k"mlt{nf o'jf k|zf;ssf] l6d agfP/ sfd ug{ vf]h]sf /x]5g\ . lgo'lQmsf] k|lqmof ldNg nfu]sf] lyof], @)!& k'; ! sf] k|s/0f cfOxfNof] . /fhf dx] G b| n ] k| w fgdGqL;d] t nfO{ y' G b} lgb{nLo Joj:yf nfb] . ;+of]un] xfdL s'/f ug{ a;]sf] klxnf] lbg k'; ! ut] klg lyof] . k~rfot yfNbf /fhfn] b]zdf w"dwfd ljsf; ug] { ;kgf afF 8 ] s f lyP . To;a]nf;Dd /fhgLlts ;f]r ljsf; eOg;s]sf] 7fGg] kf08]nfO{ /fhfn] …s]xLÚ u5{g\ eGg] k/]5 . pgL klg …ca ljsf;} ug]{ t xf] lgÚ eGb} hf]l;P/ nfu] . kf08] s f xflsd e] i faxfb' / yfkf lyP . lbNnL ljZjljBfnosf pTs[i6 ljBfyL{ q}nf]Sodfg >]i7sf] dftxt pgL sfd uy]{ . sf+u|];n] k~rfotsf] lj/f]w yfln;s]sf] ufOFu'OF rNYof] . otf dlGqkl/ifb\ cWoIf /x]sf /fhf dx]Gb| of]hgf kl/ifb\sf] cWoIf klg cfk}mF a;]sf lyP . …o;/L ljsf; ug]{, p;/L ug]{ eg]/ nfu]sf lyP . /fhf ;fFRr} ljsf;jfbL 5g\ eGg] 7fg]sf],Ú kf08] ;'gfpF5g\, …kl5 kf] yfxf eof], xf]Og /x]5 .Ú /fhgLlts bn / g]tfsf] ;Dks{df slxNo} gk'u]sf k~rfotsf oL clwsf/LnfO{ ;' ? df lgb{ n Lo Joj:yf;Fu vf;} cK7Øf/f] cg'e"lt lyPg . vf;–vf;, v';–v'; ;'Gbf /x]5g\, u8a8L eO/x]sf] 5 . zfvf clws[t 5Fb} cd]l/sL ;/sf/sf] 5fqj[lQ kfP/ cfly{s / ;fdflhs ljsf;af/] …df:6;{ Ú ug{ uPsf kf08] kms]{sf] csf]{ jif{ lk6\;ju{ ljZjljBfnosf] 5fqj[lQdf …klAns PG8 OG6/g];gn ck]mo;{Ú ljifodf

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

ljifodf ;'w f/ ug] {af/] o'j /fhnfO{ a' e mfpg yfn] . …ljsf;sf] d" n k'm6fpg]Ú lhls/ ug]{ jL/]Gb|n] l6d k|zf;g xfFSg …;Ifd kf08]nfO{ ;x|fP . dx]Gb|sf] z]vkl5 k|wfgdGqLÚ yfkfsf ;fd' k~rfotnfO{ /fhf ePsf jL/] G b| s f] sfo{ k 4lt lhtfpg}kg]{ lhDd]jf/L ;xeflutfd"ns lyof] . 7"nf] xndf lyof] . kf08]sf ljrf/df /fv]/ jfbljjfb u/fpg], aLrdf a;]/ ;"o{axfb'/ cfkm}+df jL/]Gb| dxf/fh PsWofgn] ;'lg/xg] . v/fa lyPgg\, pgsf] kf08]sf] sfgdf w]/}kl5 dfq 1fg k:g /fhgLltrflxF v/fa} uof], jL/]Gb|sf] ljlw ;fx|} /fd|f], t/ lyof] . w]/} Ifdtfjfg ;'Gof], ;'Gof], kmut ;'Gof] . sbflrt\ / ldlxg]tL yfkfn] lg0f{o lbOxfn] ef]lnkN6 klN6OxfNg] . sfdsfhLsf] d"No a'em]sf lyP . /fhf eP/ …ljsf;sf] d"n km'6fpF5'Ú eGg] t efjgfdfq} /x]5 . l;+xf;gdf a;]sf] 5, t/ dg nfu]sf] s]xL ug{ kfpFb}g÷;Sb}g . o:tf klg /fhf Û kLPr8L u/]/ kms]{ . cfˆgf] ljBfyL{n] slt;Dd eg], jL/]Gb| /fhf x'g]ljlQs} g]kfnsf] nf]stGq :yfkgfsf nflu ;]jflgj[Q dxfn]vf–k/LIfsnfO{ /fv]/ gful/s cfGbf]ngsf] cu'jfO u/]sf] l/kf]6{ tof/ ug{ nufP5g\ . egL ToxL ljZjljBfnon] pgnfO{ tLg ljifo /x] 5 , /fhkl/jf/sf ;b:o ;ftfcl3 pRr txsf] ;Ddfg;d]t Jofkf/df nfUg'x'G5 ls x'Fb}g < uhasf] l/kf]6{ k]; ePsf] s'/f] /]l8of]n] laxfg lbPsf] 5 . dfl6{g n'y/ lsª h'lgo/sf] pbo;Fu} k'mSof] . To;kl5 l/kf]6{ g} ;w}+sf nflu cd] l /sfdf gful/s cfGbf] n gsf] u'dgfd eof] . kf08]n] k~rfotsf] zlQm a9\b} lyof] . lk6\;ju{ k9\bftfsf c;lnot lrGb} uP . leotgfd o'4lj/f]wL ;+3if{df kf08] dGqfnoaf6 ;8s ljb]zL ;fyLx?;lxt Ps lbg Ps /ft hgdt ;ª\u|xsf] 3f]if0ffkl5 @)#^ y'lgP . Tof] pgsf] klxnf] lu/ˆtf/L ;fndf ;"o{axfb'/ yfkf k|wfgdGqL lyof] . aGbf cy{;lrj eO;s]sf lyP kf08] . kLPr8L u/]/ kms]{kl5 kf08] of]hgf pTsif{ d f k' u ] s f] sl/c/df a| ] s cfof]uaf6 cy{ dGqfnodf ;l/;s]sf nufOlbof], hgdt ;ª\u|xn] . k|zf;g lyP . of] h gf kl/ifb\ s } k" j { x flsd xfFSg …;Ifd k|wfgdGqLÚ yfkfsf ;fd' e]ifaxfb'/ cy{;lrj alg;s]sf lyP . k~rfotnfO{ lhtfpg}kg]{ lhDd]jf/L lyof] . To;}a]nf o'j/fh jL/]Gb|nfO{ /fhkf7sf] kf08]sf ljrf/df ;"o{axfb'/ cfk}mFdf …l/x;{nÚ u/fpg tLg–tLghgfsf] l6d v/fa lyPgg\, pgsf] /fhgLltrflxF lgdf{0f eof] . Psyl/ hfFra"em 6fOksf] v/fa} lyof] . w]/} Ifdtfjfg / ldlxg]tL sfd uy]{ . bf];|f]yl/ zf;g k|zf;g yfkfn] sfdsfhLsf] d"No a'e]msf ;' w f/;DaGwL jL/] G b| n fO{ cWoog lyP . /fhf jL/]Gb| Psflt/ hgtfnfO{ u/fpFy] . tLghgfsf] Tof] l6dsf Ps ;'wfl/Psf] k~rfot / ax'bndWo] Ps ;b:o eP kf08] . 5fg eGg], clg csf]{lt/ k~rfotnfO{ nf]s;]jf ;'wf/, lhNnf k|zf;gh:tf lhtfpg l;+ xb/af/sf] zlQm k|of]u

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g ug]{ ePkl5 kf08] k~rfotsf] jf:tljs cg'xf/ k9\g ;Sg] eP . p;dfly b/af/sf] lgb]{zg kfPsf /x]5g\— Ps, k~rfotnfO{ lhtfpg k|wfgdGqLn] h]–h] u5{g\, cj/f]w gug"{ . b'O{, pgsf] sfd s:tf] 5, b/af/df l/kf]6{ ug"{ . …bf];|f] ;t{ emg} l3gnfUbf] lyof], sd{ r f/L eP/ To:tf] sfd ug{ ;lsPg,Ú pgL ;DemG5g\ , …d}n] cGt/cfTdfnfO{ ;f]w]+, w]/}a]/ g;f]rL /fhLgfdf lbPF .Ú /fhLgfdfn] xª\ufdf dlRrof] . k~rfotsf k| l talGwt bnx? pRr txsf] sd{rf/L lsg aflxl/of] egL rf;f] lbg yfn] . ljb]zLx?sf] pT;' s tf a9Øf] . dGqfnodf ljb]zL ;xfotfh:tf] dxÎjk"0f{ sfd–sf/afxL pgs} dftxt rNYof] . ;+ j b] g zLn d' 2 fx? cfk"mcGtu{t ePsfn] w]/} e'mnfP/ kl5dfq} /fhLgfdf :jLs[t ePsf] pgL atfpF5g\ . /fhLgfdf lbF b f s] a n $) jif{ s f kf08]sf] cfwf hLjg ;n{Ss} afFsL lyof] . ca s] ug]{ Û To:tf]df lg/fzf cfPg < …sxfF cfpg', To;}n] t dnfO{ cfh;Dd cfF6 lbPsf] 5,Ú pgL eG5g\, …dnfO{ ;/:jtLn] b'O{ k6s a'l4 lbPsL 5g\, k~rfotsf] hflu/ 5f8\bf / ljb]zL ;+:yfdf …xfOk|f]kmfOnÚ sfd ug]{ k|:tfj c:jLsf/ ubf{ .Ú pk;lrj 5Fb} ljZj a}+s, Pl;ofnL ljsf; a}+sdf sfd ug{ yfn]sf pgn] ltg} ;+:yfsf lgo'lQm k|:tfj nTofP . ljb]zL ;xfotfn] jf:tljs ljsf; ;Dej gx'g] ts{ ug]{ pgn] s]xL ;dokl5 j}b]lzs ;xfotfn] Nofpg] ljs[lt / c;kmntfdfly zlQmzfnL /rgf n]v] . /fhLgfdf lbPs} /ft

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

k"j{xflsd e]ifaxfb'/ yfkfn] lr¶L k7fP,…xfdL oxfF lqe' h 5f} + , ca tkfO{+;lxt rt'e"{h aGg'k¥of] .Ú To;a] n f yfkf, s' n z] v / zdf{ , k| s fzrGb| nf] x gL tLghgf ldn] / cfO{ 8 LP; -OlG6u| ] 6 ] 8 8] e nkd] G 6 l;:6D;_ gfds lyÍ6ØfÍ rnfpFy] . yfkf–k|:tfjsf] ;ft dlxgfkl5 kf08] …rt' e " { h Ú aGg uP . kl5 To;} s f] sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs /x] . sfd ug]{ tl/sf ufpFd'vL lyof] . cfO{8LP;n] rnfPsf s]xL sfo{qmdnfO{ kf08]n] csf]{ ;+:yf …u|fdL0f :jfjnDag ljsf; s]Gb|Ú lgdf{0f u/]/ lg/Gt/tf lbP . #) lhNnfsf y'k|} ufpFdf /flqa; r9]/ hfg], ls;fg;Fu ldn]/ sfd ug]{, ug{ yfn] . u|fdL0f :jfjnDag sfo{qmd elgPsf] of]hgfdf ufpFsf nflu rflxg] s[lif, kz'kfngsf nflu ;xof]u h'6fP, cfDbfgL art ug{ l;sfP . hfF8–/S;L, ef]h–et]/sf] vr{ s6fP/ ;xsf/L agfpg k| f ] T ;flxt u/] . blntsf]



cfTd;Ddfg p7fpg pgLx?s} 3/df ;'ltlbg yfn] kf08]n] . To; cjlwdf pgsf] sfo{gLlt lyof]— k~rfotsf] e|i6k4ltdfly w"Fjfbf/ cfnf]rgf ug'{ . …ax'bnÚ eGg g;s]/ …;xeflutfd"ns Joj:yf rflxG5Ú n]Vof] . clg ;] G ;/l;kaf6 aRg clGtddf 6\jfSs Ps nfOg ylklbof], >L % dxf/fhflw/fhsf] oqf] ;bLIff x'Fbfx'Fb} o:tf] dgk/L ug{ kfOG5 < @)$$ ;fndf k|sflzt …cy{ – /fhgLlts lj;ª\ u lt M /fi6«lgdf{0fsf] tuf/f]Ú zLif{s k':tssf] k[i7 !!) df kf08]n] n]v]sf 5g\, …/fli6«o k|tLssf ?kdf /xg] Pp6f ;+ : yf / Pp6f /fi6« e fiff x' F b } d f /fi6« aGb}g . t/fO{af;LnfO{ sfnf] sf]6, na]bf ;'?jfn / sfnf] 6f]kL nufP/ 3fddf lxF8fpFb} xfd|f] efiff xfd|f] e]if egfP/ /fi6« aGg] xf]Og . k| T o] s b] z af;Ln] b] z sf] eljio cfˆgf] eljio;Fu ufFl;Psf] cg'ej ug{ kfpg'k5{ .Ú /fh;+ : yf / k~rfotk|lt o:tf cfnf]rgfTds dfGotf /fv]s} sf/0f kf08] sf7df8f}+sf] ;Qfj[Qdf la:tf/} cnf]slk|o aGg yfn] . kqsf/ lszf]/ g] k fnsf] egfOdf s' n Lgx?aLr cnf]slk|o aGg] lxDdtn] g} pgnfO{ ;j{;fwf/0faLr nf]slk|o agfOlbof] . … pgL s]jn kLPr8Lwf/L ljåfg\ lyPgg\,Ú g] k fn eG5g\ , …;To / ljj] s sf] efiffdfq} af]Ng l;s] . 5f]6f] ;dod} pgL cfGbf]ngsf/Lsf e/f];fof]Uo k|ltlglwsf ¿kdf :yflkt eO;s]sf lyP .Ú sf7df8f}+ ePsf a]nf kf08] ;fOsn u'8fpFb} gofF ;8s wfpFy] . kLknaf] 6 d' l g uP/ klqsf lsGg' , ax;df efu lng' pgsf] b}lgsL aGof] .



ToxL qmddf Clifs]z zfxn] af]nfP . dfgjclwsf/ ;Ë7g agfP/ sfd ug]{ k|:tfj NofP . dfz{nh'n'd zfSo, kfl/hft / kf08]nfO{ pkfWoIf agfP/ pgL cWoIf ag] . k~rfotL Joj:yf dfgjclwsf/lj/f] w L ePsf] eGb} clwsf/d}qL ax'bn Nofpg] 3'dfp/f] efiff k|of]u u/] . Jofj;flos ;+:yfx?nfO{ Psa4 u/]/ 8fS6/, OlGhlgo/, jlsn cflbnfO{ 3/}df af]nfP/ lrof v'jfpg], 5nkmn u/fpg] ug{ yfn] kf08]n] . gful/s ;dfh eGg] gfd cfO;s]sf] lyPg . k];fsdL{x?sf] P]Soa4tf elgPsf] Tof] 5nkmnn] cfGbf]ngsf] kIfdf hgdt lgdf{0f ug{ P]ltxfl;s e"ldsf v] n ] s f] ;DemG5g\ , Pdfn] g] t f emngfy vgfn . cfwf af6f]df cfGbf]ng @)$^ kmfu' g & df ;' ? ePsf] k~rfotlj¿4sf] cfGbf]ng aLrdf emG8} ;'ls;s]sf] lyof] . gful/s cu'jfn] To;nfO{ an lbP . s'g} bndf gnfu]/} k~rfotnfO{ r'gf}tL lbPsf kf08]nfO{ k~rfot ;/sf/n] klqmof] . ;dfltg] d f lrlsT;s, Ol~hlgo/, n]vs, kqsf/nufot y'k|} lyP . o;n] /fli6«o÷cGt/f{li6«o Wofg tfGof] . b]zel/ km}lnFb} uPsf] cfGbf]ng /f]Sg g;Sg] a'em]/ k|wfgdGqL nf]s]Gb|axfb'/ rGbn] /fhaGbL kf08]nfO{ lemsfP/ cfˆgf] dGqL alglbg cg'/f]w u/] . kf08]n] 7f8} gsf/]sf] ;Gbe{ hfkfgL kqsf/ lsof] s f] cf] u ' / fn] …hgtf hfu]sf a]nfÚ k':tsdf klg pNn]v u/]sL 5g\ . rGbn] u0f]zdfg l;+x;Fu jftf{ u/fOlbg cfu|x u/] . kf08]n] e]6fOlbP . u0f]zdfg 8]u grn]kl5 k]ml/ h]n kmsf{OP kf08] . cGttM cfGbf]ng ;Demf}tfdf 6'ªl\ uof] . hgtfsf] lht elgPsf] cfGbf]ngaf/]

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g a]va/ aGbLx? l/xf eP . cfGbf]ngsf] kl/0ffd ;'g]/ eg] ?g yfn] . o;/L ¿g]df kf08] klg /x]5g\ . …dnfO{ glthf dg k/]g,Ú pgL eG5g\, …u0f]zdfgn] ax'bn 3f]if0ff gx'~h]n /fhf;Fu ;d]t jftf{ ulb{gF eGg'ePsf] lyof], kl5 kf] 6LeLdf jftf{ ug{ b/af/ uPsf rf/ g]tf lªRr xfFl;/x]sf] b]Vbf lhNn kl/of] .Ú /fhfsf] 3f]if0ffdf ax'bnLo k|hftGqsf] s'/} 5}g . s]jn bnljxLgtf lemlsof] eg]sf] 5 . jftf{ ;lsof] elgPsf] 5 . v} s] v} s] . b/af/af6 aflxl/g]lalQs} lul/hfk|;fb sf]O/fnfn] pgnfO{ kmf]g u/]5g\, …tkfO+{nfO{ of] 3f]if0ff s:tf] nfUof] <Ú …s:tf] nfUg' lg Û tkfO{+x? dGqL x'g vf]Hg'ePsf] lyof], ca kfpg'x'g] eof] eGg] nfUof] .Ú …n t,Ú eGb} sf]O/fnfn] lvGgefjdf kmf]g /fv]5g\ . cGtl/d ;/sf/df dGqL aGg pg} sf] O /fnfn] k| : tfj u/] . kf08] n ] c:jLsf/], …lul/hfafa', d}n] tkfO{+nfO{ ;3fPs} 5' . t/ of] ;a sfd daf6 rNb}g .Ú ef]lnkN6 u0f]zdfgsf] kmf]g cfof], …rfS;Laf/L cfpg';\ .Ú a}zfv klxnf] ;ftf b'O{hgfn] nfdf] s'/f u/] . kf08]n] eg]5g\, …d ;lSbgF . d'n'ssf] cfly{s cj:yf o:tf] 5 . To;dfly d Psf]xf]/f] 5' . tkfO{+nfO{ a]sf/df cK7]/f]dfq} x'G5 .Ú k~rfotdf /fhLgfdf lbPsf] k|;Ë sf]6ØfpFb} u0f]zdfgn] P]ltxfl;s ;dodf ;3fpg}kg]{ eg]kl5 kf08] tof/ eP . slxNo} ;b:otf glnP klg pgsf] cf:yf t g]kfnL sf+u|];d} lyof] . t/ hf] k|wfgdGqL x'Fb}5g\, pgL t vf]Hb} vf]Hb}gg\ . kf08] 5Ss Û

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g cxd\sf] k|Zg} lyPg . s[i0fk|;fb e§/fO{sf] afgL To:t} xf] eGb} kf08] cfk}mFn] kmf]g u/] . lsgeg] kl;{kN6 zkyu|x0f lyof] . …cfGbf]ngdf hgtf ptfg{ gful/s cu' j fx?n] v] n ] s f] e" l dsfsf] sb/ ub}{ kf08] / dy'/fk|;fb >]i7nfO{ cGtl/d ;/sf/df ;xefuL u/fpg] lg0f{o ePsf] xf],Ú kf08];Fu} dlGqkl/ifb\df s[lif, e"ld;'wf/ tyf jg dGqfno ;Dxfn]sf Pdfn] g]tf vgfn eG5g\,…O{Zj/sf] gfddf zkyu|x0f lng] k/Dk/fsf] lj/f]w u/]+ . pxfFn] ;fy lbg'eof] . xfdLn] ;Tolgi7fsf] gfddf zky lnof}+ .Ú sf+u|];df e'msfj /fVb} cfPsf kf08]n] lzz' ax'bnLo k|hftGqdf …gofF zlQmÚ lgdf{ 0 fsf] k| o f] u u/L x] g ] { ljrf/ u/] . ToxL hf];sf] kl/0ffd lyof], k|hftflGqs nf]s bn . nf]sbnsf cWoIf pbf/jfbL k|hftGqsf] dfGotf /fv]/ …k|hftflGqs nf]sbnÚ gfds kf6L{ vf]n] . sf+u|]; / afdkGyLeGbf …a]Un} ;+:s[lt af]s]sf] kf6L{ agfpg]Ú pgsf] ;f]rnfO{ ljleGg bnleq pbf;Lg o'jfn] k'6 lbPsf lyP . @)#^ tfsf rlr{t o'jf g]tf 6Í sfsL{nufot pgL;Fu cfP . sfsL{;Fu dfn] / dfS;{jfbL 5f8]sf y'k|} o'jf cfpnfg\ eGg] k/]sf] /x]5 kf08]nfO{ . sfsL{ cfpg t cfP, t/ ;'d';'d' PSn} cfP . …kf6L{ t vf]lnof], t/ ;f]rcg';f/ k|ult xfl;n ug{ ;'¿s} lbgb]lv ;lsgF,Ú bf];|f]kN6 pgnfO{ e]6\g kmf]6f] kqsf/;lxt ljzfngu/ k' U bf pgL 7fF l 6P/ a;] s f lyP . ;'¿d} nf]sbnsf] ;d:of :jLsf/], …vf]lnxflnof], s]xL ult lbg g;s] klg x]b}{hfpF eGg]df nfluof] . s] s] g u¿Fnf eGg] lyof],Ú To;} eof] . @)$* sf] r'gfj n8\g'kg]{ eof] .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g kf08] k'Vof}{nL lhNnf kfNkf–@ df uP . …cfO{8LP;Ú / …u|fdL0f :jfjnDagÚ dfkm{t u|fdL0f ls;fg;Fu Ps bzscl3 w]/} sfd u/]sf] u'g ltnf{g\ eGg] k/]sf] /x]5 pgnfO{ . hgtfn] dfof lbP, t/ dt lbPgg\ . !! ;o ef]6 kfP/ kf08] sf7df8f}+ kms]{ . r'gfj xf/]kl5 Pdfn]af6 cfPsfx? k'/fg} 3/ kms]{ . dfS;{jfbLx? kl5 dfcf]jfbL eP . sf+ u |];sf k|wfgdGqL k|TofzL s[i0fk|;fb e§/fO{ :jo+ r'gfj xf/]sf lyP . ax'dt;lxt ;Qf/f]x0f u/]sf lul/hfk|;fb sf]O/fnfsf] l6d k|hftGq kmnfpg] k'mnfpg] cleofgdf ;l/s eof] . ;Qf sf+u|];sf] cGt/snx / dWofjlw r'gfj 3f]if0ff;Fu ;Qf l5gf5k6L ;'¿ eO;s]sf] lyof] . tLg jif{kl5 Pdfn] ;Qf/f]x0f u¥of] . csf]{ jif{ t dfcf]jfbLn] ;z:q o'4 ;'¿ ul/xfNof] . h]–h] eof], lzz' k|hftGqdf l56f]–l56f] Pskl5 csf]{ ptf/–r9fj x'Fb} uof] . cfly{s pbf/Ls/0fn] h/f] ufl8;s]sf] l7dfxf nf]stGqsf] ?U0f cg'xf/ x]b}{ gbL lsgf/fsf ;fIfL kf08] emf]qmfOa;] . kf08]n] nf]sbn 5f8]/ g]kfn ;fpy Pl;of ;]G6/ vf]n] . k|f= r}tGo ld> / pgL ldn]/ g]kfnsf] klxnf] dfgj ljsf; k| l tj] b g k| s flzt u/] . dfcf]jfbL o'4nfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ /fHo / ;dfhsf] cfly{s k'g;{+/rgfsf] vfFrf] cf}+NofP .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

g]kfn kms]{/ sf+u|]; ;efklt lul/hfk|;fb sf]O/fnfnfO{ e]6]+ . k|r08;Fusf] jftf{ ;'gfpFb} pgn] eg], …dfcf]jfbL TolQs} xltof/ 5f]8\g dfGb}gg\ . tkfO{+x? ;+ljwfg;efdf hfg tof/ eP nf]stflGqs ?kfGt/0f x'g ;S5 .Ú

To;aLr sflGtk'/s} nflu s]xL n]vx? n]v] . sf+u|]; / Pdfn]sf] sfo{z}nLdf ;d:of b]lvPsf] 5 . dfcf]jfbLn] o'4 5f8]/ ax'bnLo k|lt:kwf{df ;fd]n x'g'kg]{, g]kfnL ;dfhdf vfnL b]lvPsf] jfdkGyL :k]; k"lt{ ug'{kg]{ ts{ ub}{ n]v] . Tof] Joj:yf hf]ufPdf /fhtGq klg o;}df /xg] ts{ ul//x] . To;aLrdf dfcf]jfbL cfkm\gf d'2fx?df s] x L k| : 6 eP/ cfpg yfn] s f] cg'e"lt x'g yfn]sf] lyof] . leQfx?df …cGtl/d ;/sf/ / ;+ljwfg;efÚsf gf/f b] l vg yfn] . dfcf] j fbLsf s]xL hfoh dfu dflGbpmF clg xltof/ 5f8\g nufpF eGg] lsl;dsf] …nljªÚ bf];|f] æOlgªÆ ub}{ hgcf:yf ;fKtflxsnfO{ cGtjf{tf{ @)%& ;Dddf dfcf] j fbLsf 7" n f lbP5g\ . e"ldut dfcf]jfbL g]tf afa'/fd cfqmd0f x' g yfln;s] s f lyP . e§/fO{n] To;sf] k|To'Q/ n]v] . b]zJofkL k|efj km}lnFbf] lyof] . cfj/0fdf …d]/f] cGtjf{tf{ klg cG6;G6 g} lyof] h] b] l vP klg /fhf jL/] G b| ToxL xf]nf . t/ afa'/fdhLsf] k|To'Q/ emg\ uGhfuf]naLr v]Ng] 7fpF vf]lh/x]sf e"m/ lyof],Ú kf08] xfF:b} ;'gfpF5g\, …pgL lyP . cfk"mn] Nofpg] Joj:yfdf tkfO{+h:tf …of] t ePg af,Ú 7Ls oxLFg]/ s]xL dfgjclwsf/jfbLx?nfO{ cfˆgf] sfd ug'{ cfjZos 7fg] kf08]n] . ultljlw ug]{ 7fpF x'G5 eGb} n]v]sf



lyP . To:t} .Ú @)%* h]7 !( . sxfnLdo b/af/ xTofsf08;Fu} 38Lsf] ;'O{ pN6f];'N6f] htf klg 3'Dg ;Sg] nIf0f b]lvg yfn]sf] lyof] . gofF /fhf 1fg]Gb|n] To;nfO{ cfˆgf] cfsfª\Iffcg';f/s} lbzf lbP . pN6f] 3'Dbf3'Dbf s8Lsf sfF 6 fk" h f{ x ? sfd} gnfUg] eP . lsgeg] To;a]nf @)%( c;f]h !* sf] …k|ltudgÚ ldlt cfO;s]sf] lyof] . of] t ePg af Û ca n]v 5kfP/ dfcf]jfbL / /fhfnfO{ ctL{ lbP/ a:g] a]nf 3ls{;s]sf] lyof] . lsg l;w}+ k|r08nfO{ ge]6\g] Û 3/df e]6\g cfO/xg] g]skf Pstf s]Gb|sf cw{e"ldut g]tf gf/fo0fsfhL >] i 7 / hgfb] z sf kqsf/ zlQm nD;fnnfO{ k|r08 e] 6 \ g ] d] ; f] ldnfpg cfu|x u/] . e|i6frf/lj/f]wL cGt/f{li6«o ;Dd]ngdf aln{g hfg] qmddf kf08] lbNnL k'u]sf lyP . dfcf]jfbL g]tf afdb]j 5]qLn] lbPsf ljleGg ;Dks{;"q k5ØfpFb} pgL rf/} lbzfsf uNnLx? 3'dfOP . leq ;fgf] vf6 / ;f]kmf ePsf] sf]7fdf k|r08 al;/x]sf /x]5g\ . tLg 3G6f ulkmP . cf]5Øfgdf cvaf/ lkmFhfP/ dfcf]jfbL x]8Sjf6{/sf] bfneft vfP . g]kfn kms]{/ sf+u|]; ;efklt lul/hfk|;fb sf] O /fnfnfO{ e] 6 ] + . k| r 08;F u sf] jftf{ ;'gfpFb} pgn] eg], …dfcf]jfbL TolQs} xltof/ 5f] 8 \ g dfGb} g g\ . tkfO{+x? ;+ljwfg;efdf hfg tof/ eP nf]stflGqs ?kfGt/0f x'g ;S5 .Ú v';L x'bF } sf]O/fnfn] ;Dks{ sfod /fVg k|f]T;flxt u/] . Pdfn] dxf;lrj dfwj g]kfnn] klg pT;fx b]vfP . dgdf]xg clwsf/L ;/sf/sf pkk| w fgdGqL g]kfnn] kf08]nfO{ To; a]nf dGqL aGg k|:tfj u/]sf /x]5g\ . dGqL t ePgg\, t/ ;DaGw ;'¿ eof] .



gful/s cfGbf]ngsf] pef/ /fhf dx]Gb|n] 38Lsf] ;'O{ pN6f] 3'dfpg] sfdnfO{ pTsif{df k'¥ofpFbf df3 !( sf] sf08 ePsf] lyof] . kf08] To;a]nf cd]l/sf k'u]sf /x]5g\ . g]kfnaf6 /fhfsf] sbdaf/] ;fyLx?sf] Od]n b]Vg]lalQs} pgn] a;fO 5f]6Øfpg] lgZro u/] . lbNnL k'u]sf sf+u|]; g]tf s[i0fk|;fb l;6f}nfb]lv dfcf]jfbL g]tf afa'/fd e§/fO{nfO{ e]6b\ } g]kfn l5/] . clgn e§/fO{, ljdn cof{n, cg'ej clhth:tf o'jf;Fu sfd ug{ yfn] . oxL ax; / sfdsf] pkh lyof], gful/s cfGbf]ng . Psflt/ dfcf]jfbL / c? bnx?aLr s;/L ;Djfb u/fpg] eGg] ax; rnfpg yfn] . csf{lt/ of] ;a ug{nfO{ cfˆgf] Ifdtf slt xf], ku]{Ng yfn] . lu/ˆtf/L / l/xfOaLr sf+ u |];– Pdfn]nufot ;ft bnn] cfGbf]ng 3f]if0ff u/]sf lyP . ljBfyL{ ;+u7g ;8sdf cf] l n{ g ] a fx] s pNn] V o ultljlw ePsf] lyPg . /rgfTds cfGbf] n g:j¿k bnx?n] c9fO{ jif{ c l3 /fhfaf6 lj3l6t ;+ ; b\ Ao'Ftfpg] sfo{qmd NofP . cfGbf]ng s:tf] x'G5 eg]/ x]g{ hfFbf t ;+;b\:yn k|1f k|lti7fgdf a8]dfsf] ef]6]tfNrf e'mG8ØfO/fv]sf] 5 . lul/hfk|;fb, dfwj g]kfn kfn}kfnf] cfpF5g\ . ef]6]tfNrf x]5{g\, kms{G5g\ . csf]{ g]tf cfpF5 To;} u5{ . ;ft} bnsf g]tfsf] rfn Ps} g f; 5 . a? aflx/kl§ uug yfkf, /fds'df/ emfFqmLnufot ljBfyL{ g]tfx? rsf{ gf/f p/fNb}5g\ . kf08] n ] ;fyLx?nfO{ eg] , …o;/L t ePg af . logLx?af6 tTsfn} s]xL x'g]jfnf 5}g . xfdL ;8sdf cfpg'k5{ .Ú kf08], s[i0f kxf8L, ljdn cof{n, Zofd >]i7nufot gful/s cfXjfgkq tof/

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g ug{ h'6] . zflGt / nf]stGqsf nflu gful/s cfGbf]ng gfd lbOof] . gful/s cu'jfn] ;Qf / nfesf] kbdf ghfg] ;fj{hlgs k|ltj4tf u/] . ;fpg !) ut] klxnf] e]nf u/] . Jofks lu/ˆtf/L / w/ks8 eof] . To;n] ;a}lt/ :jM:k"mt{ k|rf/ eof] . To;kl5 /Tgkfs{df @)^@ ;fpg @! ut] gful/s ;ef u/] . ljzfn t/ Jojl:yt cfd;ef eof] . s'g} emG8f gp7fO{, bndf gnfuL Toqf] hgtf s;}n] ptfnf{ eg]/ ;/sf/ t s] bnx?n] ;d]t lrtfPsf lyPgg\ . 9'Ëfd"9f, OF6fsf] s'g} ;ª\s]t 5}g . sf]xL sljtf eGb}5g\, sf]xL uLt ufpFb}5g\, sf]xL afhf ahfpFb}5g\ . sf]xL gf/f p/fNb}5g\ . Tof] ljzfn ;efsf ;efklt lyP, pg} kf08] . bz{ s bL3f{ s f] cl3Nnf] kª\ l Qmdf bnsf g]tf a;] . s'i0f kxf8L, ;Ls] nfn, sgsdl0f bLlIftnufotn] ;Daf] w g u/] . >j0f d' s f?ªn] …la;] gurL{sf] aofgÚ sljtf ;'gfP . /fd]z / /fogn] uLt ufP . n]vs vu] G b| ;+ u | f } n f, lrlsT;s ;/f] h lwtfn / e/t k|wfg, clwsf/sdL{ /]0f' /fhe08f/L, kf;fª z]kf{, lbJo emf, ;Ls] nfn, s[i0f vgfn, ch'{g k/fh'nLnufot ;'¿b]lv g} ;lqmo ;xefuL eP . …Pp6f ljlrqsf] zflGtk|lqmof ;'¿ eof], To;sf] k[i7e"lddf xfdL lyof},+ Ú kf08];Fu} cfGbf]ngdf ;lqmo cu'jf s[i0f kxf8L eG5g\, …gful/s cfGbf]ngsf] tf}n dx;'; u/]kl5 kf6L{x? aNn xfdLsxfF cfpg yfn] .Ú To;kl5 gful/s ;dfhsf] zlQm km}lnF b } uof] . lhNnf lhNnfdf …gful/s ;dfhÚ eg]/ af]8{x? g} /fVg yfn] . cu'jfx?nfO{ kmf]g cfpg yfNof], …gd:t], d gful/s ;dfhsf] lhNnf cWoIf, xfdLn] klg gufl/s ;dfh vf]Nof}+ lg .Ú

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g kf08]sf cg';f/ s'g} ;+:yf geP/ ;dfhsf ljleGg cËnfO{ hf]8\g] Pp6f :j¿kdfq} xf] gful/s ;dfh . s'g} lg0f{ox?df cfk"mn] ;+of]hssf ¿kdf x:tfIf/ u/] klg To:tf] cf}krfl/s :j¿k gx'g] pgL atfpF5g\ . cfhsf lbg;Dd lhNnf–lhNnfdf gful/s ;dfhx? lqmofzLn 5g\ . ;L8Lcf]n] ;d]t ;j{kIfLo a}7sx?df gful/s ;dfhsf k|ltlglw vf]H5g\ . ljBfno Joj:yfkg ;ldltb]lv ;fd'bflos jg;Dd gufl/s ;dfh vf] l hG5 . kf08] , kxf8L / pgsf ;fyLx?n] yfn]sf] cfGbf]ng ufpF3/df t …;+:yfutÚ g} eO;s]sf] 5 . …gful/s ;dfhsf] zlQm, a'em]/ xf]nf, /fhgLlts bnsf dflg;x?;d]t gufl/s ;dfhdf l5g{ yfn],Ú kxf8L eG5g\ . ;Qflt/ cfFvf < o;}aLr, kxf8Ln] gufl/s cfGbf]ngdf …;} 4 flGts ljrng cfPsf] Ú eGb} cvaf/x?df jQmJo lbP . pgn] cfGbf] n gdf ;+ n Ugtf g/xg] ; d] t 3f]if0ff u/] . csf{ gful/s cu'jf Zofd >]i7sf cg';f/ ;fdfGo ljifox?nfO{ lnP/ gful/s cu'jfx?df dte]b lyof] . ;ª\s'rg ufn]/ cl3 a9\g] ;fx; pgLx?n] u/]gg\ . …kf08] ;a}nfO{ ;d]6\ g ]vfnsf] JolQmTj ePsfn] pxfF s f] g] t [ T j ;a}nfO{ :jLsfo{ eof] . pxfF sDo'lg:6 x'g'x'Gy]g, t/ kl/jt{gsf Ph]G8fdf ldNof}+,Ú >]i7 eG5g\, …kxf8LhLn] h'g tl/sfn] jQmJojfhL ug'{eof], Tof] dnfO{ plrt nfu]g .Ú kf08] PSn} rNg vf]Hg] k|j[lQsf] ePsfn] cfGbf]ngdf l56k'm6 ;d:of pAh]sf] v'nfpF5g\ >]i7 . …cl3Nnf] ;+ljwfg;efdf hfcf}+ eGbf dfGg'ePg . ;+:yfdf w]/}nfO{ leœofpFeGbf dfGg'ePg,Ú pgL eG5g\ , …xfdLn] nfesf] kb


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g eg]/ ;/sf/L kb eg]sf lyof}+, t/ ;+ljwfg;ef t xfd|} Ph]G8f lyof] . ;+ljwfg Nofpg] a]nf ;8sdf a;]/ dfq} s/fpg] xf] t <Ú a9L z'4 x'g] gfddf kf08] lrlKnPsf] eGb} >]i7 cfnf]rgf u5{g\ . kxf8L eg] s]xL cu'jfx?df ;Qfdf hfg] cfsfª\ I ff b]lvPsf] eGb} aflxl/Psf] lhls/ u5{ g \ . …d 8f= kf08]nfO{ cfh klg plQs} cfb/ u5'{, h:tf] klxn] uy]{+,Ú pgL eG5g\, …xfd|f z}nLx? eg] km/s 5g\ . To;sf nflu xfdLnfO{ ;Qfsf] cfsfª\ I ff hufOlbg]x? lhDd]jf/ 5g\ .Ú g] k fnL /fhgLltdf :yflkt ePsf kl5Nnf Ph]G8f dfcf]jfbLn] NofPsf] eg]/ ;dy{g jf cfnf]rgf x'g] u/] klg To;df cfˆgf] lx:;f hf]l8Psf] bfaL u5{ g \ gful/s cu' j fx? . hgcfGbf]ngsf Ph]G8fnfO{ bnx?n] aLrd} nTofpg nfu]sfn] cfk"mx? g} a]jfl/;] b]lvg k'u]sf] kf08] atfpF5g\ . kxf8L ;xL yfK5g\, …dfcf]jfbL Ph]G8f eg]/ cfnf]rgf ul/P klg tL jf:tjdf xfd|f k|:tfjx? lyP .Ú …;ft bn /fhf 5f8, u0ftGqdf cfpm . dfcf]jfbL aGb's 5f8, nf]stflGqs cfGbf] n gdf cfpmÚ eg] / gful/s cfGbf]ngn] v'nf cfXjfg g} u/]sf] lyof] . dw]; cfGbf]ng x'g] a]nf;Dd


lxF8]sf] dflg; xf]Og .Ú lvn/fh /] U dLsf] r' g fjL ;/sf/ aGg'k"j{ Pdfcf]jfbL pkfWoIf afa'/fd e§/fO{ kf08]nfO{ k|wfgdGqL eOlbg …;ft bn /fhf 5f8, k|:tfj;lxt b'O{kN6 3/}df uP . ;Qfdf u0ftGqdf cfpm . ghfg] k' / fgf] k| l ta4tf ;DemfpF b } dfcf]jfbL aGb's 5f8, l/Qf]xft kmsf{OlbP . cGtl/d ;/sf/df nf]stflGqs hfg] kf08] kl5Nnf]k6s ;/sf/df cfGbf]ngdf cfpmÚ eg]/ ghfg' slt plrt lyof], Oltxf;n] gful/s cfGbf]ngn] v'nf cfx\jfg g} d"Nofª\sg unf{ . of] k6s eg] pgsf] u/]sf] lyof] . dw]; lgjf;af6 p7\ g ] a] n f eO;s] s f] cfGbf]ng x'g] a]nf;Dd lyof] . pgLx? :jo+ w'|jLs[t lxF8\g]cl3 k]ml/ ;DemfPF, …cfh k'; ! eO;s]sf lyP . ut] xf] . k]ml/ k'; ! :6fOnsf] sf08 bf]xf]l/Pnf eGg] 8/ nfUof 5}g <Ú gful/s sdfG8/ ;6{ JofG8sf] /]l8of] :jfF–:jfF u/]e}mF leqleq} nfdf] xfF;], …8/ t nfUof 5 afa' . t/ klxn]h;/L n8\g ;lsPnf h:tf] 5}g .Ú pgLx? :jo+ w'|jLs[t eO;s]sf lyP . …To;f] eP ca gn8\g] <Ú d}n] ;f]w]+ . s]xL cu'jfx? dw]; cfGbf]ngk|lt ;b\efj b]vfpg] s'/f uy]{, hals kf08] …hgtfsf] cfsfª\ I ffdf k] m l/ 3ft eGy], xfdLn] ;b\efj xf]Og, P]Soa4tf xf]cf];\ dfq},Ú xfjfdf d'7L pHofpFb} &% eGof},+ lsgls of] hgcfGbf]ngs} csf]{ jifL{o n8fs' af]n], …To;a]nf s]–s] ug'{k5{ d}n] hfGof 5' .Ú9 efu lyof] . …d}n] cfwf/e"t s'/fx?df ;Demf}tf ug{ l;lsgF . d]/f] zlQm klg ToxL xf], sdhf]/L klg ToxL,Ú kf08] :jLsf5{g\, …cuf{lgs 9Ën] ljsf; ePsf] dflg; x'F . klxNo} o:tf] x'G5, otf nfU5' eg]/

-6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf ;+:yfks Pj+ k"j{ cWoIf 8f= kf08]sf af/]df sflGtk'/ b}lgsn] @)&! k'; % ut] klxnf] k[i7df d'Vo ;dfrf/sf ?kdf k|sfzg u/]sf] ;fdu|L kf7ssf] hfgsf/Lsf nflu k'gM d'b|0f ul/Psf] 5 . _

e|i6frf/lj?4 cfh}af6 ;lqmo xf]cf}+ . Act Against Corruption Today




6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

;'zf;gsf] ;Gbe{df sd{rf/LtGq pd]zk|;fb d}gfnL

k[i7e"ld aL;f}+ ztflAbsf clGtd b'O{ bzs j}rfl/s kl/jt{gsf] nflu lg0ff{os x'g k'u] . o; cjlwdf /fhgLlt, ljsf; / zf;g k|zf;gsf ;DaGwdf :yflkt dfGotfx? k' / } xlNng k' u ] . o; cl3sf af}l4s / j}rfl/s ?kdf cfd ;xdlt h:t} ag]sf wf/0ffx?df k|Zg ug{ yflnof] . ;aeGbf a9L kl/jt{g /fhgLlt / cGt/f{ l i6« o ;DaGwdf kg{ uof] . ‘;';f/] /fHo (Nanny State)’ sf kIfw/x?sf] jhg 36\b} uof] eg] gofF pbf/jfbsf] pbosf] ?kdf gofF blIf0fkGyL cleofg (New Right Movement) sf] k|efj /fd|} kg{ yfNof] . ‘/fHo v/fa 5 lghL If]q /fd|f] 5Ú eGg] dfGotfsf] hudf ahf/sf cb[ Z o xftx? ;a} ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg ub{5 eGg] jsfnt x' g yfNof] . bf] ; | f ] ljZjo'4kZrft\ cf}klgj]zaf6 d'lQm, :jtGqtfsf] k|f lKt, gofF /fi6« j fbL g]t[Tjsf] pbo eO/x]sf]df /fli6«o PsLs/0f nf]stflGqs d"Nok|ltsf] k'glj{Zjf;h:tf /fhgLltdf b"/ufdL k|efj kfg]{vfnsf kl/jt{g cg'e"t ul/of] . To;}n] aL;f}+ ztfAbLsf clGtd bzs gofF ztfAbLsf] ;ª\qmd0fdf dfq ;Lldt b]lvPg– a? dflgPsf

aL;f}+ ztfAbLsf clGtd bzs gofF ztfAbLsf] ;ª\qmd0fdf dfq ;Lldt b]lvPg– a? dflgPsf df}lns cjwf/0ffx?df k'glj{rf/, s]xL d"No dfGotfx?sf] k'g:jL{s[lt / /fHosf] e"ldsfdf k'gM cfljisf/sf k|of;x? o; cjlwdf x'g k'u] .

df}lns cjwf/0ffx?df k'glj{rf/, s]xL d"No–dfGotfx?sf] k'g:jL{s[lt / /fHosf] e"ldsfdf k'gM cfljisf/sf k| o f;x? o; cjlwdf x' g k' u ] . lghLs/0f, ahf/Ls/0f, clgodgh:tf cjwf/0ffn] /fHosf] e"ldsf v'DRofpg] (Hollowing out the state) qmd tLj|¿kdf x'g uof] . t/, v'nf ahf/ d'vL cy{tGqn] klg ‘hfb"sf] 58LÚ sf] sfd ug{ ;s]g . ljt/0f Gofo sfod ug{ , cfo x:tfGt/0f ug{ , bL3{ s fnLg k| l tkmn lbg] sfo{ d f ahf/ k|0ffnLsf lgs} sdhf]/Lx? b]lvP . /fHosf ;+oGqx? kl5 dflgPsf cjwf/0ffx?sf] n]vfhf]vf ug'{kg]{ cfjZostf b]lvof] . oxL qmddf cGt/f{li6«o bftf /fi6«x?n] cfˆgf] nufgLsf] jfl~5t pknlAw xfl;n gx'g'sf sf/0fx? vf]Hg yfn] . lgrf]8df s] b]lvof] eg] ;fdflhs ljsf; / ;fj{hlgs Joj:yfkgsf nflu s'g} Ps kIfdfq ;Ifd x'g ;Sb}g . /fHosf] eozlQm (Threat power), lghL If]qsf] cfly{s zlQm (Economic Power) / gful/s ;dfhsf] ;fdflhs pmhf{ (Social Energy) ldn] / ;fe] m bf/Ldf sfd u/]df 7"n} pknlAw xfl;n ug{ ;lsG5 . log} j}rfl/s kl/jt{gsf]

;x–pTkfbgsf] ¿kdf ‘;'z f;gÚsf] cjwf/0ff cufl8 cfPsf] xf] . o;} qmddf ;g\ !(*( df ljZj a}s + n] clk|msL d'n'sx?df ;~rflnt cfof]hgfx?sf] ;~rfngdf b]lvPsf] sdhf]/LnfO{ d"Nofª\sg ub}{ plNnlvt tLg kIfs} ;fem]bf/LnfO{ a'emfpg] gjLg zAb k|of]udf Nofof]– …zf;sLo Joj:yfkg jf zf;g (Governance)' /fhgLlt, ljsf; / ;fj{hlgs Joj:yfkg;DaGwL ;flxTodf To;a] n fb] l v of] zAb gf/fh:tf] eO/x]sf] 5 . bfz{lgs kIf / P]ltxfl;s ljsf;qmd zf;gdf /fd|f u'0fx? ylkPdf ‘;'zf;gÚ x'g hfG5 . To;}n] cfw'lgs /fHo lgdf{0fsf w]/} klxn]b]lv g} o;sf] bfz{ l gs / Jofjxfl/s b' j } ¿kdf JofVof x'g yfn]sf] 5 . ;'zf;g s'g} b[Zo j:t' geO{ cd"t{ lrh xf], h;nfO{ dflg;x?sf] cg"el" tdf vf]Hg'kg]{ x'G5 . ha ;dfhsf ;b:ox?n] ;'v–;d[l4sf] cg'ej ub{5g\, ta ;'zf;g ePsf] dflgG5 . xfd|f] k"jL{o bz{gdf o;sf] rrf{ j}lbssfnb]lv g} ePsf] dflgG5 . j]bdf pNn]v ePsf ‘ax'hg lxtfo ax'hg ;'vfoÚ cyf{t\ ;a}sf] lxt / ;'vsf] k|flKt g} c;n zf;g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g xf] . To:t} ‘;j]{ejGt' ;'lvgf ;j]{;Gt' lg/fdoÚ g} zf;g ug]{sf] clei6 x'g' kb{5 elgPsf] 5 . To:t}, eujfg\ /fdrGb|sf] zf;gsfnnfO{ hgtfsf] ;xdltcg' ; f/ rNg] cfbz{ /fHo ‘/fd /fHoÚ eGg] ul/G5 . eujfg\ uf}td a'4n] cfˆgf] ;dosf] ‘aHhLÚ hfltsf] ;'zf;gsf] rrf{ cfhft zq';Fusf] ;Djfbdf u/]sf] ;Gbe{ j[4frfo{ s[t ‘c6\7syfÚ df pNn]v ePsf] kfOG5 . eujfg\ a'4n] aHhLsf] b]zdf sfg"g / lgodsf] kfngf ePsf], hg;+;b\af6 lg0f{o x'g] u/]sf] h:tf c;n zf;g ;~rfng eO/x]sf] rrf{ ug'{ePsf] kfOG5 . wfld{ s / cfWoflTds u|Gyx?df /fhfsf /fhwd{sf] ¿kdf c;n zf;gsf ljz]iftfx? pNn]v ePsf k|z:t ;Gbe{x? e]l6G5g\ . klZrdL b]zx?df eg] cln km/s¿kdf ‘;'zf;gÚ ;DaGwL bz{gsf] ljsf; ePsf] kfOG5 . k| f rLg o" g fgsf] gu//fHox? hlGdPkl5 g} /fHosf] lgdf{0f b}ljs zlQmsf] ¿kdf geO{ ;fdflhs ;Demf}tf (Social Contract) sf] ¿kdf ePsfn] /fhf jf zf;sn] cfˆgf hgtfsf] x] / ljrf/ / lxt gu/]df ;Demf}tf eË ePsf] dflgg] x'Fbf zf;g ug]{ xs u'dfpg] s'/f lu|s bfz{ l gsx?sf s[ l tx?df pNn] v ePsf] kfOG5 . ;f]q]ml6;n] v/fa zf;ssf] lj/f]w ubf{ ljif lbP/ d[To'b08 lbOPsf], Kn]6f]n] cfbz{ /fHo / bfz{lgs /fhfsf] sNkgf u/]sf] kfOG5 . c/:t' /fhgLlts ;Ë7gx?sf] juL{s/0f ug]{ qmddf ‘;'zf;g (Governance)’ zAbsf] k|of]u ug]{ klxnf] bfz{lgs dflgG5g\ . d]lsofj]nLn] cfˆgf] k|Voft s[lt ‘lk|G;Ú df zf;sx?sf nflu lzIff lbFb} s;/L hgtfsf] lxt ug'{kb{5 eGg]df g} k"/} lstfa ;dk{0f u/]sf] b]lvG5 . ;f/f+zdf /fd|f] zf;g jf c;n zf;gsf] rrf{ x'g yfn]sf] /fHosf] pTklQ;Fu} xf] . cfw'lgs cWoog


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

k|frLg o"gfgsf] gu//fHox? hlGdPkl5 g} /fHosf] lgdf{0f b}ljs zlQmsf] ?kdf geO{ ;fdflhs ;Demf}tf (Social Contract) sf] ?kdf ePsfn] /fhf jf zf;sn] cfˆgf hgtfsf] x]/ljrf/ / lxt gu/]df ;Demf}tf e· ePsf] dflgg] x'Fbf zf;g ug]{ xs u'dfpg] s'/f lu|s bfz{lgx?sf s[ltx?df pNn]v ePsf] kfOG5 .


cfPsf] dflgG5– h;sf] cy{ ;fe]mbf/L eGg] x'G5 . oL b'O{ zAbsf k|fljlws kl/efiff klg km/s b]lvG5 . ‘/fHon] cfGtl/s / afXo :jfy{x? ;Daf]wg ug{ k|of]u ug]{ ;fj{ef}d clwsf/sf] cEof; ug{ :yfkgf u/]sf ;+oGq tyf ;+:yfÎds Joj:yfnfO{ ‘;/sf/Ú zAbn] a'emfpF5 hals ‘zf;gÚ zAbn] ;dfhsf] lxt ug{ lnOPsf :j]R5frf/L lg0f{ o sf k| l qmofx? / glthfnfO{ a'emfpFb5 (Action aid Karnataka, 2004) . ‘zf;g eg]sf] cf}krfl/s ;+:yf / clwsf/Lx?nfO{ cgf}krfl/s ;+:yfx?n] kl/k"/0f ug'{ xf] (Pierre, 2000) . ‘zf;g eg]sf] ;/sf/sf] k'gM cfljisf/ ul/Psf] gofF ?k xf], h'g a9L /fd|f];Fu Jojl:yt x'G5 (Governance is about reinvented form of government

ljwfsf] ¿kdf ljsl;t ePkl5 o;sf ljz]iftf ;"rs / :tDex?sf ¿kdf :ki6 ug{ vf]lhP klg k|frLgsfndf log} tTjx? ;d]l6g] u/L km/s¿kdf k|:t't ePsf] b]lvG5 . ;fFRr} eGg] xf] eg] cem klg ‘;'zf;gÚ o:tf] 6f]kh:t} ePsf] 5 . h'g 6fpsf]df nufP klg lkm6 x'G5 .

which is better managed - osborne and

. ;f/f+zdf k'/fgf] /fHos]lGb|t zf;g k| 0 ffnLnfO{ ‘;dfhs] l Gb| t Ú jf ‘hgtfs]lGb|tÚ agfpg' g} ‘zf;g (Governance)Æ sf] cjwf/0ff xf] hxfF ;/sf/L ;+oGqafx]ssf cf}krfl/s / cgf} k rfl/s ;+ : yfx?n] ;d] t ;fe]mbf/Ldf sfd ul//x]sf x'G5g\ . ax'kIfLo ;fem]bf/L, :jfy{x?aLrsf] ;/sf/, zf;g / ;'zf;g u7aGwg, ;femf lhDd]jf/L, ;/sf/ ( G o v e r n m e n t ) , zf;g :jk|zfl;t ;~hfnh:tf ljz]iftfn] ubf{ cfb]zfÎds z}nLdf ;]jf lbg] (Governanace) / ;' z f;g (Good ;/sf/sf] k'/fgf] k|lqmofnfO{ ‘zf;g Governance) oL tLg zAb ;fdflhs sfo{ tyf ;fj{hlgs ;]jf ljt/0f;Fu (Governance)' sf] cjwf/0ffn] kl/jt{g ;DalGwt eP klg lglxtfy{df lgs} ul/lbPsf] 5 . sfo{ ;~hfn, ;fe]mbf/L km/s b] l vG5 . ;g\ !(() cl3 / k/fdz{ d~rx?af6 sfd x'g] x'Fbf ;/sf/ / zf;g (Government and ;/sf/ljgf zf;g ;Dej gx'g] k'/fgf] Governance) kof{ojfrL dflgGYof] . cjwf/0ffnfO{ ‘;/sf/ljgfsf] zf;g ljZj a}s + n] blIf0f clk|msfdf ;~rflnt (Governance without Government)’ cfof]hgfx?sf] d"Nofª\sg k|ltj]bgsf] klg ;Dej eO/x]sf] ;Gbe{n] k|Zg gfd g} ‘zf;gsf] ;ª\ s 6 (Crisis v8f ul/lbPsf] 5 . /fHoaflx/sf Ph]G;Lx? cGt/;/sf/L ;Demf}tfx?, in Governance)' lbPkl5 ;/sf/ / zf;gnfO{ km/s¿kdf a' e mfpg] ax'/fli6«o sDkgLx?sf] ;fy}, e"– k|of; ;'? ePsf] 5 . k|]m~r zAb d08nLo zf;g (Global Governance) h:tf cEof;n] ‘;/sf/ljgfsf] zf;gÚ 'Gouvernance' af6 'Governance' zAb gaebler)



/ ‘/fhgLltljgfsf] gLlt (Policy without Politics)' o; cjwf/0ffdf ;Dej x'g] dfGotf :yflkt ePsf] 5 . zf;g (Governance) / ;' z f;g (Good Governance) aLrsf] km/s 5'6Øfpg eg] sl7g 5 . ;g\ !((& ;Dd ‘zf;gÚ n] g} ‘;'zf;gÚ sf] cy{af]w u/fpg] u/L k|of]u ePsfn] o:tf] b]lvPsf] xf] . o;kl5 klg ‘;'zf;gÚ sf kl/efiff ljleGg cGt/f{li6«o ;+:yfx?n] cfk"m cg's"n ug]{ ubf{ cGof}n l;h{gf x'g uPsf] xf] . ljZj a} + s n] lghL If] q nfO{ cg' s " n x' g ] cj:yfsf] ¿kdf, dfgjclwsf/;DaGwL ;+ : yfx?n] dfgjclwsf/sf] k|Tofe" l t x'g] cj:yfsf] ¿kdf, /fhgLltzf:qLx?n] nf]s;Ddltsf] k|j4{g x'g] Joj:yfsf] ¿kdf ;'zf;gnfO{ cYof{pg vf]h]sf 5g\ . ‘;/sf/ / gful/saLrsf] ;DaGwsf] k|lqmof / ;fwg g} ;'zf;g xf] (OECD, 1996) . ljlwsf] zf;g, :jtGq Gofofno, lgikIf / OdfGbf/ ;/sf/ tyf df}lns clwsf/ nf]stflGqs k|lqmof / ;+:yfx?df k|ltljlDat x'g' g} ;'zf;g xf]

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘;'zf;gÚ sf] kl/efiff ljleGg cGt/f{li6«o ;+:yfx?n] cfk"m cg's"n lbFbf cGof}n l;h{gf x'g uPsf] xf] . ljZja}+sn] lghL If]qnfO{ cg's"n x'g] cj:yfsf] ?kdf, dfgjclwsf/;DaGwL ;+:yfx?n] dfgjclwsf/sf] k|Tofe"lt x'g] cj:yfsf] ?kdf, /fhgLltzf:qLx?n] nf]s;Ddltsf] k|j4{g x'g] Joj:yfsf] ?kdf ;'zf;gnfO{ cYof{pg vf]h]sf 5g\ .

:jfldÎj (Ownership), ;dtf (Equity), kf/blz{tf / pQ/bfloTj (Transparency and Accountability), sfo{ s ' z ntf (Efficiency) oL rf/ ;' z f;gsf :tDex?sf] rrf{ UNESCO n] u/]sf] 5 . ADB n] pQ/bfloTj, kf/blz{tf, (Harare Commonwealth Declaration, k" j f{ g ' d fgof] U o (Predictability) / 1991) . o;afx]s ;'zf;gn] zf;sLo ;xeflutfnfO{ cfwf/:tDe dfg]sf] 5 ;+/rgfx?sf] ;r]t Joj:yfkgnfO{ eg] ODA n] ;xeflutf, j}wflgstf, a'emfpFb5, h;n] j}wflgstf a9fpF5 . pQ/bfloTj, v'nfkg / kf/blz{tf, ;f/f+zdf of] clwsf/sf] ;xL k|of]u ;Ifdtf (Competence) nfO{ :tDesf] (Just Exercise of Authority) ePsf] ¿kdf k|:t't u/]sf] b]lvG5 . l:ylt xf] / /fi6«sf] sfd–sf/afxLsf] o;sf h6Ln kIfx?sf] rrf{ ug'{eGbf cTo' Q d Joj:yfkgsf] l:ylt xf] ;/n cy{df k|lqmof, k|0ffnL / ;+/rgf (The highest state of development (Process, System, Structure) df and management of nation's affairs;'zf;gnfO{ a'‰g ;lsG5 . csf]{ pierre) . ;/n cy{ d f a' ‰ bf of] cy{df k|lqmof (Process), ;f/ (Content) ‘/fd/fHoÚ h:t} xf] . / kf/]sf] k|efj (Deliverables) df ‘;' z f;gÚnfO{ kl/efiffsf] ;Ldfdf ljZn]if0f u/]/ ‘;'zf;gÚ slt ;'b[9 ;d] 6 \ g ;Dej gePsfn] o;sf 5 a'‰g ;lsG5 . kf/bzL{ / pQ/bfoL ljz]iftf, cfwf/:tDex?, cfjZos k|lqmof, ;f/jfg?kdf d"No, Gofo / tTjx?df j0f{ g ug] { qmd a9] s f] ;dGofo (Value, Justice, Equity), 5 . ;'zf;gsf $ vDafx? rrf{ ;]jf ljt/0fn] kf/]sf] k|efjdf l;dfGt ubf{ klg cGt/f{ l i6« o ;+ : yfx?n] u/La ju{sf cfwf/e"t cfjZostf k"lt{ cfˆg} k|sf/n] u/]sf 5g\ . hgtfsf] ePsf] 5 jf clxn] k5fl8 k/]sf] ju{n]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g a9L kfPsf 5g\ eg] ‘;'zf;gÚ ;'b[9 /x]sf] dfGg' kb{5 . ljZj a}+sn] x/]s jif{ k|sflzt ug]{ ;'zf;gsf ;"rsx? (Governance Indicators) 5 j6f /fv]sf] b]lvG5 . hgtfsf] cfjfh / pQ/bfloTj (People's Voice and Accountability),

/fhgLlts l:y/tf (Political Stability), ;/sf/L k|efjsfl/tf (Government Effectiveness), lgodgsf/L u' 0 f (Regulatory Quality), sfg" g sf] zf;g (Rule of Law) / e| i 6frf/ lgoGq0f (Corruption Control) df s'g} b]zn] k|fKt u/]sf] cÍsf] cfwf/df ;'zf;gsf] l:ylt dfkg ug]{ ul/Psf] 5 . ;}4flGts / k|fljlws kIfsf] hlt rrf{ u/] klg ha ;dfhsf ;b:ox?n] ;'v, ;d[l4sf] cg'e"lt u/]sf 5g\ eg] ToxfF ;' z f;g 5 eGg] a' ‰ g ;lsG5 . ;fj{hlgs hjfkmb]xLsf kIfdf /xg]x? hgxLtdf sfd ub{5g\, pgLx?sf lg0f{ o k| l qmof kf/bzL{ 5g\, cfk"mnfO{ ;fwg / zlQm lbg] hgtfk|lt hjfkmb]xL 5g\ eg] ;'zf;g ;'b[9 ePsf] dfGg ;lsG5 . g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# sf] efu $ sf] wf/f ## -u_ df ‘ljZjJofkL¿kdf :jLs[ t cfwf/e" t dfgjclwsf/, ax'bnLo k|lt:kwf{Îds nf]stflGqs k|0ffnL, hgtfdf lglxt ;fj{ef}d;Qf / hgtfsf] ;jf]{Rrtf, ;+j}wflgs ;Gt'ng / lgoGq0f, sfg"gsf] zf;g, ;fdflhs Gofo / ;dfgtf, :jtGq Gofokflnsf, cfjlws lgjf{rg, gful/s ;dfhsf] cg'udg, k"0f{ k|]; :jtGqtf, hgtfdf ;"rgfsf] xs, /fhgLlts bnx?sf] lqmofsnfkx?df kf/blz{tf / hjfkmb]lxtf, hg;xeflutf, lgikIf / ;Ifd tyf :jR5 k|zf;gtGqsf cjwf/0ffx?sf] k"0f{ kl/rfng ug]{ /fhgLlts k|0ffnLsf] cjnDag u/L e|i6frf/ / b08xLgtfsf] cGTo ub}{ ;'zf;g sfod ug]{Ú /fHosf] gLlt x'g] pNn]v ePsf] 5 . o;df ;'zf;gsf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g ;a} u' 0 fx? ;d] l 6Psfn] o;sf] k|flKtsf] l:ylt g} ‘;'zf;gÚ xf] eGg ;lsG5 . ;'zf;gsf kfqx¿ ‘;'zf;gÚsf] d'Vo kfq /fHo eP klg /fHodfqsf] e"ldsfn] ;'zf;g sfod ug{ ;lsFb}g . /fHosf cjojx? ;/sf/, sd{rf/LtGq, Gofokflnsf, Joj:yflksfh:tf ;+:yfx?n] gLlt pTkfbg ug] { , lgodg / ko{ j ] I f0f ug]{ tyf ;]jf ljt/0f ug]{ ePaf6 s]Gb|Lo e"ldsfdf eg] /fHo g} /xG5 . /fHoaflx/sf kfqx? (Non State Actors) sf] e" l dsfdf /fhgLlts bnx?, lghLIf]q / gful/s ;dfhsf] e"ldsf klg ‘;'zf;gÚ k|j4{g ug{ dxÎjk"0f{ dfq xf]Og, clgjfo{ g} dflgG5 . oL cf}krfl/s ;+:yf / If]qx?afx]s cgf}krfl/s tyf cb[Zo¿kdf lg0f{o lgdf{0fdf ;xefuL x'g] ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ sf ;b:ox?, c3f]lift / cgf}krfl/s ;Nnfxsf/x?, ;fj{hlgs dxÎjk"0f{ kbx?df /xg] x ?sf k| e fjzfnL kfl/jfl/s ‘sf]6/LÚ, bnsf 'Cronies' cflbn] ‘;' z f;gÚnfO{ cfsf/ lbg cg' s " n jf k| l ts" n k| e fj kfg{ ;Sb5g\ . To:t}, ;Ël7t cfk/flws l;lG8s]6, zflQmzfnL kl/jf/, Jofkf/L 3/fgf, 7"nf hldGbf/ / ;fdGtx?n] klg ‘;'zf;gÚ sfod u/fpg] sfddf cj/f]w l;h{gf ug{ ;Sb5g\ . To;}n] ‘;'zf;gÚ ;'b[9 u/fpg] gLlt, /0fgLlt th'{df ubf{ oL ;a} cf}krfl/s, cgf}krfl/s ju{ / ;+:yfx?sf e"ldsfsf] kof{Kt ljZn]if0f x'g' kb{5 . o;f] ug{ g;Sbf g} ‘;'zf;gÚ gf/fdf dfq ;Lldt x'g k'u]sf] 5 . ‘;'zf;gÚ k|j4{gdf sd{rf/LtGq /fHos]lGb|t zf;g k|0ffnLnfO{ ‘;'zf;gÚdf ?kfGt/0f ug]{ sfo{ lgs} hl6n dflgG5 . o; k|lqmofdf ;+nUg x'g] v]nf8Lx?sf] e"ldsf o;sf nflu

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g clt ;+j]bgzLn x'G5 . logLx?sf unt lqmofsnfkx? o;/L sd u/fpFb} clwstd of]ubfg lng ;lsG5 eGg] sfd g} ;aeGbf r'gf}t Lk"0f{ x'G5 . ;a} kfqx?sf] e"ldsfdf rrf{ ug'{ o; n]vsf] ljifo geO{ oLdWo] clt dxÎjk"0f{ kfqsf] ?kdf /x]sf] sd{rf/LtGqsf] e"ldsf / of]ubfgdf ;Lldt ug{ vf]lhPsf] 5 . sd{rf/LtGqsf] e"ldsf lsg klg dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 eg] o;n] ;du| zf;sLo sfo{ ub{ 5 / ;fj{ h lgs sfd–sf/afxLnfO{ lgoGq0f, ;xhLs/0f, dWo:ytf, lgodg, ;fe]mbf/Lsf] sfd ub{5 . o;n] ;fj{hlgs ;]jf ljt/0fdfq ub}{g g]t[Tj, cleefjsÎj / clGtd cf>osf] e"ldsfdf ;d]t /xG5 . To;}n] o; ;+:yfnfO{ ‘/fHosf] rf}yf] afx' (Fouth Arms of the State)’, ‘;hLj ;+ljwfg (Living Constitution)' ‘;+ j } w flgs ;Gt'ng rqm (Cnstitutional Balance Wheel)’ ;d]t eGg] ul/G5 . cfˆgf] k/fdz{ lbg] sfddf t6:y lj1tf (Neutral Competency)Ú k|bz{g u/]/ / ;] j f ljt/0f;DaGwL e" l dsfdf lgikIf /x]/ gful/sx?sf] dg lhTg ;Sg' kb{5 . ;fj{hlgs k|zf;s / sd{rf/Lx? g} gful/s / /fHoaLrsf] k|f/lDes ;Dks{ ljGb' xf], ha o; ;Dks{ k|efjsf/L¿kdf ;Dkfbg x'G5, tadfq ;fdflhs ;Demf}tfsf] gjLs/0f x'g ;Sb5 eGg] dfGotf /lxcfPsf] 5 . sfg"gsf] Jojl:yt sfof{Gjog ug]{ tyf nf]s;Ddlt nfu" ug]{ olt dxÎjk"0f{ ;+:yfsf] ;sf/fÎds e"ldsfdf g} ‘;'zf;gÚ ;'b[9 x'g ;Sb5 . ‘;'zf;gÚ sfod ug]{ ;Gbe{ d f sd{ r f/LtGqn] cfˆgf] k/Dk/fut e"ldsfdf s:tf] kl/jt{g ug'{knf{, gful/sx? / o;sf] aLrsf] ;DaGwdf s:tf] ;'wf/ cfjZos x'G5 < ljut tLg–rf/ bzsb]lv rrf{sf] ljifo



eO/x]sf] 5 . ljZj a}+sn] ‘;'zf;gÚ sf] nflu s' z n ;fj{ h lgs ;] j f, e/kbf]{ Goflos k|0ffnL / hgtfk|lt pQ/bfoL ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g cfjZos kb{5 eg]sf] 5 . pQm a}+sn] ‘;'zf;gÚ sfod x'g tLg tÎjx?sf] cfjZos kb{5 eg]sf] 5 . klxnf] nf]stflGqs /fhgLlts k|0ffnL, bf];|f] clwsf/sf] k|of]u ug]{ kf/bzL{ k|lqmof / t];|f] gLlt th'{df, sfof{Gjog tyf ;/sf/L sfo{ ug]{ ;/sf/sf] Ifdtf . ljZj a}+sn] eg]sf] t];|f] zt{ ;/sf/sf] Ifdtfn] sd{rf/LtGqnfO{ OlËt u/]sf] xf] . lgoGq0fsf/L zf;gsf] abnfdf ‘;'zf;gÚ :yfkgf ug{ ;+j]bgzLn / hjfkmb]xL k|zf;g klxnf] ;t{sf] ?kdf lnOG5 . sd{rf/LtGqsf k|jt{sx?n] o; ;+:yfsf] sNkgf ubf{ cg'xf/ljxLg, lgod / k|lqmofdf :jrflnt x'g], txut kb;f]kfgdf cfa4 ;+:yfn] j:t'lgi7 / lgZkIf ;]jf ljt/0f ub{5 eGg] dfGotf /fv]sf lyP . pQ/bfloÎjdf eGbf sfo{ s ' z ntfdf hf] 8 lbg] , ;|f]t–;fwg tyf sfof{Gjogdf Wofg lbg] / oflGqs¿kdf sfd ug]{ ;+:yfnfO{ pgLx?n] hGd lbP . oL k/Dk/fut d"No–dfGotfdf cfwfl/t sd{rf/LtGq cfk" m n] ;] j f lbg] gful/sx?k| l t c;+ j ] b gzLn d" N o t6:y (Value Neutral)’ ;+:yf aGg k'Uof] . hgtfk|lt pQ/bfoL x'g] sfd hgk|ltlglwsf] xf] / o; ;+:yfn] ;|f]t ;fwgsf] s'zn k|of]u u/]/ sfo{s'zntf (Efficiency) kf/bzL{ u/] k'Ub5 eGg] dfGotf :yflkt x'g k'Uof] . sd{rf/LtGqdf cfGtl/sLs/0f ePsf oL d"No–dfGotfx? cfw'lgs nf]stGqsf d"Nox?;Fu d]n vfPgg\ / sd{rf/LtGqsf k|lqmof nf]stflGqs k|lqmofsf ljk/Lt x'gyfn] . o;af6 hgtf / sd{rf/LtGqaLr ljZjf;sf] ;ª\s6 a9\b} uof] eg] nf]stGqdf ljZjf; ug] { x ?n] nf] s tGq ca hgtfsf] hgtfsf nflu eP klg



hgtfåf/f eg] x'g g;s]sf] eg]/ cfnf]rgf x'g yfNof] . nf]stGqdf hgtfk|lt pQ/bfoL gx'g] pgLx?sf kL8fk|lt ;+j]bgzLn gx'g] ;+:yfnfO{ s;/L :jLsfg{ ;lsG5 < To;} n ] To;}n] of] ‘clgjf{lrt l;g]6 (Nonelected Senate)’ elgg] ;+ : yfnfO{ hgtfk| l t lhDd] j f/ / ;+ j ] b gzLn (Responsive and Responsible)’

agfpFb} ‘;'b[9 nf]stGqsf nflu ;'b[9 sd{ r f/LtGq (Strong Bureaucracy for Strong Democracy)’ agfpg] k| o f; w] / } d' n ' s x?df eO/x] s f 5g\ . nf]stGqdf clwsf/sf] d'xfg (Fountain of Authority) hgtf ePsf]n] pgLx?sf] :jfldÎj gePsf] ;+:yf l6Sg ;Dej g} x'Fb}g . k' / ftgz}nLsf] sd{ r f/LtGqnfO{ ‘;'z f;gÚsf] d'Vo s] G b| s f] ?kdf ljsl;t ug{ dfly plNnlvt o;sf dfGo vDafx? (Pillars) cg' s " n sd{ r f/LtGqsf d" N o–dfGotf / sfo{z}nLdf kl/jt{g Nofpg ;Sg'kb{5 . To:t}, s]xL lgb]{zs l;4fGtx?nfO{ ;+ : yfn] u'¿dGqsf] ?kdf lng cfjZos x'G5 . oL l;4fGtx? x'g\– sfg"gsf] ;jf]{Rrtf (Majesty of Law), ;+ l jwfgjfb (Constitutionalism), qmlds bfDkÎosf] l;4fGt (Principle of Serial Monogamy), tfls{s / ljj]szLn kl/jt{g (Logical Incrementalism), pQ/bfloÎjsf ax'/]vf (Multiple Lines of Accountability), cyf{t\ hgtfk|lt clGtd pQ/bfoL x'g] pQ/bfloTjsf] 9fFrf . sfg"geGbf dfly sf]xL gx'g], :yflkt sfg"g Joj:yf Gofok"0f{ x'g' kb{5 / lgikIf sfof{Gjog x'g'kb{5 . sfg"g sfof{Gjog ug]{n] ;xL k|lqmof (Due Process), :jR5tf (Fairness), ;dfgtf (Equality) / :jtGqtf (Liberty) nfO{ k|Îofe"t ug]{ gful/s / /fhgLlts clwsf/sf] ;'lglZrttf x'g' cfjZos 5 . To:t}, ;+ljwfgsf] ;jf]{RrtfnfO{

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g k|zf;sx?n] cfÎdfb]lv dgg\ ug{ cfjZos x'G 5 . k|zf;gjLb;d]t dflgPsf cd]l/sL k"j{ /fi6«klt ljN;gn] eg]sf 5g\– ‘k|zf;gn] xfd|f] ;+ljwfg cfTdfb]lv l;Sg'kb{5, cfˆgf] g;faf6 sd{rf/LtGqsf] Hj/f] lgsfNg' kb{5 / v'nf cd]l/sL xfjfsf] :jf; lng'kb{5 .Ú sd{rf/LtGqn] t6:ytf k|bz{g ug{ / lgikIf ;]jfk|jfx ug{ jt{dfg /fhgLlts g]t[Îjk|lt hlt akmfbf/ x'g'kb{5 Tolts} kl5 cfpg] g]t[Îjk|lt klg jkmfbf/ x'g' kb{5 eGg] ‘qmlds bfDkTosf] l;4fGtÚ n] g} k|zf;gdf bnut /fhgLlts/0f x'gaf6 arfpFb5 . ‘;fj{ h lgs ;] j f o:tf] ;fwg xf] , h;af6 nf]stGqsf] j}wflgstf ;'b[9 jf sdhf] / x' G 5, o;sf] cefj jf cs' z ntf jf /fhgLlts/0fn] ;dfhsf] ;'zf;gdf c;fwf/0f k|efj kg{ ;Sb5Ú– /fhgLlts lrGts Ezra Suleiman sf oL egfOn] ‘;' z f;gÚsf nflu sd{ r f/LtGqsf] e"ldsf slt lg0ff{os 5 eGg] :ki6 x'G5 . /fhgLltn] gLlt / ;f]r lbP/ o;df g]t[Tj ug]{ eP klg o;nfO{ sfof{Gjogdf n}hfg] sd{rf/Lx? g} ePsf]n] /fhgLlts g]t[Tj Jojxf/df k|foM cfnª\sfl/s / cf}krfl/stfdf ;Lldt x'g k'Ug] tYo :jLsfg}{ kb{5 . t/, ;'zf;gsf nflu s]Gb|Lo e"ldsfdf /xg] sd{rf/LtGq cem klg k/Dk/fut ‘j]al/ogÚ 9fFrf / z}nLdf sfo{/t /xFbf w]/} d'n'sx?df ‘;'zf;gÚ gf/fdf dfq ;Lldt x'g k'u]sf] b]lvG5 . ;'zf;gsf] klxnf] ;t{ g} ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfx?df hgtfsf] :jfldÎj x'g' / oL ;+:yfdf /x] s f kbflwsf/Lx? pgLx?k| l t pQ/bfoL x'g' xf] . k/Dk/fut z}nLsf] sd{rf/LtGq ePsf b]zx?df cem klg k|zf;lgs ;+:yfut ;+/rgfleq ;]jfu|fxL gful/sx?sf] k|ltlglwTj x'g ;s]sf] 5}g / k|lqmofdf klg ;dfj]z u/fOPsf] 5}g . To;}n] ‘;'zf;gÚ sf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g nflu cg's"n sd{rf/LtGq tof/ kfg{ k|lqmof / ;+/rgfdf gful/sx?sf] :jfldÎj :yflkt u/fpg ljleGg d~r (Forums) / If]q (Arena) x?sf] Joj:yf x'g cfjZos x'G5 . k/fdz{ ;d"x, gLlt ;d'bfo, gful/s srx/L (Citizen Jury), ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO{, gful/s l;g] 6 h:tf Joj:yfåf/f jf:tljs ;]jfu|fxLsf] :jfldTj :yflkt u/fpg] k|of; ul/Psf] b]lvG5 . To:t}, u|fxs ;Gt'li6 ;j]{If0f, l/kf]6{ sf8{, ;fdflhs n]vf–k/LIf0f, pkef]Qmf ;d"x h:tf ;+oGqåf/f sd{rf/LtGqnfO{ ;]jfu|fxL gful/sk|lt klg pQ/bfoL agfpg] k|of; eO/x]sf] ljleGg b]zx?sf pbfx/0faf6 b] l vG5 . nf] s tGq eg]s } nf]s;Ddlt (General Will) cg's"n zf;g ;~rfng x'g' xf] . t/, k|ltlglwd"ns nf]stGqdf lgjf{lrt hgk|ltlglwx?df dfq of] k|ltljlDat x'Fb}g . ;a} sfg"gadf]lhd :yflkt ;+:yfx?df o;sf] k|ltlglwÎj x'g] ub{5 . o; ;DaGwdf ;+o'Qm /fHo cd]l/sfsf] Blacksburg eGg] :yfgdf /fhgLltzf:qL, k| z f;gjLbx?sf] e] n fn] hf/L u/] s f] 3f] i f0ffkqn] o;nfO{ k'li6 u/]sf] 5 M ‘nf]s;Ddlt lgjf{lrt k|ltlglwx?df dfq lgxLt x'Fb}g, a? ;+ljwfgn] kl/sNkgf u/]sf ;'zf;gdf ;xefuL x'g] j}wflgs ;+:yf / kbx?df ;d]t k|ltljlDat x'G5 . ;+ljwfgsf] Joj:yfcGtu{tsf] ljlwåf/f :yflkt ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g Pp6f o:t} ;+:yf xf] .Ú -Blacksburg Declaratian, 1986

;/sf/ Jofkf/ xf]Og / Jofkf/h:tf] u/L sfo{ ug{ klg x'Fb}g a? nf]stGq h:t} u/L ;~rfng x'g'kb{5 . ‘sd{rf/Lx?n] u|fxs ;]jf lbg] xf]Og ls nf]stGq ljt/0f ub{ 5 (Public servants do not deliver customer service they deliver democracy- Denhardtz)


‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g gofF ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf] cjwf/0ffn] PSsfO{ ; f} + ztfAbLsf] ;' ? b] l v g} k| e fj 5f8\ g ;kmn ePsf] 5 . sd{rf/LtGqsf] gf/f ahf/, k|lt:kwf{ / u|fxs xf]Og ls ‘nf]stGq, gful/stf / uj{ (Democracy Citizenship and Pride)' x'g'kb{5 . k/Dk/fut sd{rf/LtGqn] ;a} ;fj{hlgs sfo{ cfk}mF ug]{ cyf{t\ zf;g¿kL 8' Ë f lvofpg] (Rowing the Boat) u/]sf]df c;Lsf] bzsdf ‘lbUbz{g ug]{ (Steering not Rowing)' sf] gf/fn] sfd ug{ yfNof] . t/, ;/sf/ cyjf 8'Ëfsf] dflns gful/snfO{ ‘u|fxsÚsf] Jojxf/ ug{ ldNb}gYof] . To;}n] o;sf] k|ltlqmof:j?k cfPsf] ‘gofF ;fj{hlgs ;]jf (New Public Service)' sf] cjwf/0ffn] 8'Ëf lvofpg] klg xf]Og lbUbz{g klg xf]Og, ‘gofF 8'Ëfsf] lgdf{0f (Building New Boat)' x'g'kb{5 eGb5 . gful/sx?, ;/sf/L ;+oGq ;~rfng ug]{x? ;a} Pp6} 8'Ëfdf /xg] gofF Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 hxfF ;/sf/ / hgtfnfO{ Ps} :yfgdf Nofpg] af6f] (Ramp) x? aGg kb{5 eGg] cfzo g} ‘8'Ëfsf] lgdf{0fÚ df lgxLt b]lvG5 . ;ª\lIfKtdf sd{rf/LtGqsf nf]stGqljk/Lt dflgg] d"No–dfGotf / sfo{z}nL kl/jt{g u/L nf]stGqsf d" N ox?sf] ljt/0f ug] { ;+ : yfsf] ?kdf ljsl;t ePdf ‘;'zf;gÚ ;'b[9 x'ghfG5 . nf]stflGqs xs clwsf/df kx'Fr lbg], nf]stflGqs cEof;df ;l/s u/fpg] sfd sd{rf/LtGqsf] xf] . casf] k| z f;g tb\ g ' ? ksf] sd{rf/LtGqaf6 ;~rfng x'g'kb{5 .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;fj{hlgs hjfkmb]xLsf kIfdf /xg]x? hgxLtdf sfd ub{5g\, pgLx?sf lg0f{o k|lqmof kf/bzL{ 5g\, cfk"mnfO{ ;fwg / zlQm lbg] hgtfk|lt hjfkmb]xL 5g\ eg] ;'zf;g ;'b[9 ePsf] dfGg ;lsG5 .

ul//x]sf] b]lvG5 . gLlt–lgdf{0fdf ;xof]uL e"ldsf lgjf{x ug'{kg]{ dflyNnf kbx?df /xg] x ? klg dGqL jf ;+;b\dfk{mt\ 3'dfp/f] ‘n"k df]8]nÚ df hgtfk|lt pQ/bfloTj lgjf{x ul//x]sf] l:ylt 5 . of] ;+:yfsf] sfd–sf/afxL / k|lqmofx? cem klg ‘v'nf ;/sf/Úsf] cjwf/0ff;Fu d]n vfFb}gg\ . uf]kgLotfsf] cfj/0ff (Cloak of Secrecy) df sfd ug{ ?rfpg] sd{rf/L ju{n] ;"rgfdf /x]sf] Psflwsf/nfO{ cfˆgf] zlQmsf] ;|f]t b]Vg] ub{5g\ . g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# n] ;/sf/L sfdnfO{ v'nf / kf/bzL{ agfpg] nIo /fv] klg oL Joj:yfn] k|lqmofd} x'g'kg]{ kf/blz{tfdf sd dxÎj lbO{ glthfsf] hfgsf/L lbg vf]h]sf] h:tf] b]lvG5 . k|lqmofdf kf/blz{ t f (Process Transparency) g]kfnsf] sd{rf/LtGq / ;'zf;g sfod ug{ gful/ssf k|ltlglwx?sf] g]kfnsf] ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g cem k|lqmofdf g} ;+nUgtf x'g' kb{5 . klg ‘j] a l/og df] 8 ] n Ú sf] /x] s f] , o;f] x'g ;s]df dfq sd{rf/LtGqnfO{ sd{rf/LtGq hgtfk|lt pQ/bfoL geO{ hgtfk|lt pQ/bfoL agfpg ;lsG5 . kb;f]kfgqmddf dflyNnf] clwsf/k|lt xfd|f] k|zf;lgs ;+oGqx?df k/fdz{ pQ/bfoL x'g] ‘cf}krfl/s pQ/bfloTj ;d"x, gful/s srx/L (Citizen Jury), (Official Accountability)' df sfd gful/s d~r, ;]jfu|fxL d~r cflb



h] gfddf eP klg gful/sx?nfO{ ;+nUg u/fpg] Joj:yf x'g'kb{5 . hgtfnfO{ k|ToIf ;fj{hlgs ;]jf lbg] cu|klª\tsf sfof{nox?df k|lqmofx?df oL ;ldltdfkm{t\ ;]jfu|fxLx?s} k|ltlglw ;+ n Ug u/fOPdf k|efjsf/L x' g ;Sb5 . ;]jf k|bfos / ;]jfu|fxLx? ldn]/ ;+o'Qm¿kdf ;]jfk|jfx ug]{ ;]jf ljt/0fsf] ‘;xsf/L df]8]nÚ lgs} ;kmn eO/x]sf] s]xL b]zx?sf] pbfx/0faf6 b] l vG5 . To:t} , sd{ r f/Lx?sf] d"Nofª\sgdf ;]jfu|fxL gful/sx?sf] klg Ps xb;Ddsf] ;+nUgtf a9fpg ;fdflhs n]vf–k/LIf0fsf] Joj:yf ug]{, l/kf]6{ sf8{sf] k|of]u ug]{, ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO{nfO{ a9L Jofjxfl/s / lgoldt u/fpg] Joj:yf ug{ cfjZos b]lvPsf] 5. g]kfndf ;'zf;g ;'b[9 kfg{ sfg"gL Joj:yf gePsf] eg] xf]Og . ;"rgfsf] xs;DaGwL P]g, @)^$ k|:tfjgfdf ‘/fHosf sfd sf/afxL nf]stflGqs k4ltcg'?k v'nf / kf/bzL{ agfO{ gful/sk|lt hjfkmb]xL / lhDd]jf/ agfpg, ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf /x]sf ;fj{hlgs dxÎjsf ;"rgfdf cfd– gful/ssf] kx'FrnfO{ ;/n / ;xh agfpgÚ === eGg] k|fjwfg /x]sf] 5 . To:t}, ;'zf;g P]g, @)^$ sf] k|:tfjgfdf ‘d' n ' s sf] ;fj{ h lgs k| z f;gnfO{ hgd'vL, hjfkmb]xL, kf/bzL{, ;dfj]zL tyf hg;xeflutfd"ns agfO{ To;sf] k| l tkmn ;j{ ; fwf/0fnfO{ pknAw u/fpg, sfg"gsf] zf;g, e|i6frf/d'Qm / r':t k|zf;g, ljs]Gb|Ls/0f, cfly{s cg'zf;g tyf ;fj{hlgs sfo{ / ;|f]tsf] s'zn Joj:yfkgh:tf c;n zf;gsf cfwf/e"t dfGotfnfO{ cfÎd;ft u/L ;j{;fwf/0fn] kfpg'kg]{ ;]jf l56f]– 5l/tf] tyf sd vlr{nf] 9Ëaf6 k|fKt x' g ] cj:yf l;h{ g f ug] { , ;' z f;g kfpg] gful/sx?sf] clwsf/nfO{ Jojxf/df ptf/L sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg /



k|zf;g ;+oGqnfO{ ;]jf k|bfos ;+oGq tyf ;xhstf{sf] ?kdf ?kfGt/0f u/L d'n'sdf ;'zf;gsf] k|Tofe"lt lbg] ; DaGwL sfg" g L Joj:yf ug{ jf~5gLo ePsf] n ] Ú eGg] k| f jwfg /x]sf] 5 . oL b'O{ P]gsf] k|:tfjgfn] ;' z f;gsf k| f oM ;a} ljz] i ftfx? ;d]6]sf] b]lvG5 eg] ‘;'zf;gÚ k|j4{gdf ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g / o;nfO{ ;~rfng ug]{ sd{rf/LtGqsf] s:tf] e"ldsf x'g'kb{5 < eGg] ;ª\s]t u/]sf] 5 . ;fy}, ;'zf;g P]g, @)^$ sf] bkmf ^ df d'n'sdf ;'zf;g sfod ug{ k|zf;lgs sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ kbflwsf/Ln] ;+ljwfg tyf cGo k|rlnt sfg"gdf Joj:yf ePsf s' / fx?sf] cltl/Qm lgDg cfwf/df sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug'{kg]{ pNn]v u/]sf] 5 M s_ /fi6« / hgtfsf] a[xQ/ lxtÙ v_ ;dGofo / ;dfj]zLs/0fÙ u_ sfg"gsf] zf;gÙ 3_ dfgjclwsf/sf] k|Tofe"ltÙ ª_ kf/blz{tf, j:t'lgi7tf, hjfkmb]xLtf / OdfGbfl/tfÙ r_ cfly{s cg'zf;g, e|i6frf/d'Qm, r':t / hgd'vL k|zf;gÙ 5_ t6:ytf / lgikIftfÙ h_ k| z f;lgs ;+ o Gq / lg0f{ o df ;j{;fwf/0fsf] kx'FrÙ em_ ljs] G b|Ls/0f tyf clwsf/ lgIf]k0fÙ / `_ hg;xeflutf tyf :yfgLo ;|f]tsf] clwstd k|of]u . pNn]lvt k|fjwfgx? dfu{bz{s x'g / To;tkm{sf] cled'v Ls/0f tyf ;+:sf/ sd{rf/LtGqdf ljsl;t ug{ ;lsPdf ‘;'zf;gÚ ;'b[9 x'g]df s'g} zª\sf 5}g . t/, k|zf;lgs ;+:s[lt kl/jt{g ug]{ sfd nfdf] ;do nfUg] / r'gf}tLk"0f{ x'g] ub{5 . sd{rf/Lx?sf] ‘dg lhTg] / x[bo 5'g] (Wining Mind,

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

cfw'lgs ;'zf;gsf] d"No a9fpg] (Value Creater) sf] ?kdf ;dfhsf ax'kfqx?nfO{ ;'zf;gsf] k|lqmofdf ;+nUg u/fpg] .  gjLg s'/fsf] vf]hL, To;sf] ;+/If0f / k|of]u (Explore Canserve and Adapt) åf/f ;'zf;gsf] ;"rqm (Virtous Cycle of Governance)' sf] lgdf{0f ug]{ .  ;fj{hlgs ;]jf ljt/0fsf gofF / l;h{gzLn k|of]u u/L o;sf] k|efjsfl/tf a9fpg lgDgfg';f/ ug]{ M != ljB'tLo (E-service) / 3'DtL ;]jf (M-service) ;~rfng ug]{ . xfd|f] ef}uf]lns ljs6tfn] ubf{ M-service nfO{ k|fyldstf lbg] . @= cfk}mF ;]jf ljt/0fdf hf]8 lbg]eGbf c?;F u ;fe] m bf/L u/L ;] j fsf] k|efjsfl/tf a9fpg] . #= ; ] j f u | f x L g f u l / s / ; ] j f k|bfosaLrsf ca/f]wx? x6fpg] d~r, If]q / ;+oGq lgdf{0f u/]/ ;]jf ljt/0fdf gful/sx?sf] e" l dsf lj:tf/ ug]{ . $= ;/sf/L ;"rgfx? PsLs[t / tÎsfn ljB'tLo k|ljlwdf k|fKt ug{ ;Sg] 'One click information' sf] Joj:yf ug]{ . %=‘;xh ;/sf/ ;/n k|lqmofÚ sf] cleofg ;'? ug]{ . clxn]sf gLlt / k|lqmofx? cToGt ;/n hgtfn] a'‰g] efiffdf ?kfGt/0f ug{ ;a} lgsfonfO{ s]xL dlxgfsf] ;do lbg] . ^= ;/sf/L lg0f{odf x'g] l9nf;':tL /f]Sg gLlt–lgdf{0f, 7]Ssfk§f d'2f dfldnfafx]ssf lg0f{ox?df tx gx'g] Joj:yf (Seamless Bureacracy) nfu" ug]{ cGo b]zx?df klg Plate Not Pyramid sf] l;4fGt k|efjsf/L ePsf] 5 . ;a} txsf kbx?sf] 

;'zf;gsf] xs;DaGwL P]g, @)^$ / ;'zf;g P]g, @)^% sf] k|:tfjgfn] ;'zf;gsf k|foM ;a} ljz]iftfx? ;d]6]sf] b]lvG5 eg] ‘;'zf;gÚ k|j4{gdf ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g / o;nfO{ ;~rfng ug]{ sd{rf/LtGqsf] s:tf] e"ldsf x'g'kb{5 < eGg] ;ª\s]t u/]sf] 5 .

/0fgLltx? nfu" u/]df qmdzM k'/fgf] ;+:sf/df kl/jt{g x'Fb} hfg ;Sb5 . To;}n] ;+ljwfg, sfg"g / l;4fGtsf 7"nf–7"nf s'/fx?sf] rrf{ ug'{eGbf sd{rf/LtGqn] sfd ug]{ z}nL / o;n] cjnDjg ug]{ k|lqmofdf ul/g'kg]{ ;'wf/nfO{ lgDgfg';f/ a'Fbfut ;'emfj k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 .  sd{rf/LnfO{ gofF k|zf;lgs z}nLdf sfd ug{ k|]l/t ug]{ . klxn]sf k|zf;sx? cfb]z lbP/ ;]jf lbGy], clxn]sf k|zf;sx?n] ;]jf lbP/ zf;g ug{ l;sfpg' kb{5 .  cfk}mF ;]jf lbgeGbf ;fe]mbf/, ;xhstf{, ;]jfsf] g]t[ÎjbfoL e"ldsf, cleefjssf] e"ldsf lgjf{x ub}{ ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf] clGtd cf>ostf{ (Insurer of Last Resort) sf] ?kdf /xg] .  sl7g, h6Ln / ax'd'vL gLltut d'2fx?sf] Ps;fy ;Daf]wg ug]{ snfdf k|lzlIft x'g] . Touching Heart)'

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g sfo{ ljj/0f tf]sL To;nfO{ sfg"gL ?kd} k|Tofof]lht x'g] Joj:yf u/]/ o;nfO{ Jojl:yt ug{ ;lsG5 .  nfdf k|lqmofx? 5f]6Øfpg cgfjZos k|fjwfg vf/]h ug]{, h6Ln k|fjwfgnfO{ Jofjxfl/s agfpg] (Weeding Out and Underbrsh) lz3| ;'? ug]{ .  k"jf{g'dfg ug{ g;lsg] cfsl:ds ;]jf lbg (Serving Beyond the Predictabale) sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ k|lzlIft ug]{ .  sd{rf/L tGqnfO{ cfk"mn] ;]jf lbg] ;d'bfosf] efiff ;+:s[ltdf k|lzlIft t'NofP/ ;f+:s[lts ?kdf ;Ifd sd{rf/LtGq (Culturally Competent Bureacrary) df ?kfGt/0f ug]{ .  ljljwtf Joj:yfkg (Diversity Management) u/L ljljwtfsf] nfe ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] lgdf{0f ug]{ .  nf]stGqsf d"Nox? ljt/0f ug{ ;Ifd sd{rf/LtGqsf] ljsf; ug{ cled'vLs/0f / k|lzIf0f lbg] . gful/s / hgk|ltlglwaLrsf] dWojtL{ e"ldsf (Buffer Tole) lgjf{x ug{ sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ ;Ifd t'Nofpg] .  gful/sx? / sd{rf/Lx?aLrsf] ljZjf;sf] ;ª\s6sf] vf8n k'g{ kf/blz{tfnfO{ k|j4{g ug]{ cleofg g} nfu" ug]{ . sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ uf]kgLotfsf] cltl/Qm kf/blz{tfsf] ;ky lng nufpg] . ‘kf/blz{tfn] ljZjf; k'gM a9fpFb5 . (Transparency Rebuild Trust)' eGg] d"n dGqnfO{ Jofks?kdf ;+:yfleq ;~rf/ ug]{ .  sd{rf/Lx?sf] ;]jf k|j]z k|lzIf0fdf g}lts / cWoflÎds 1fg lbg]vfnsf sfo{qmdx? /fVg] . ljkZogfh:tf Wofg s]Gb|x?df s]xL lbg clgjfo{ ;xefuL x'g] Joj:yf ldnfpg] .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



afx]s pNn]Vo s]xL 5}g . ;'zf;g eGgf;fy ;/sf/, gful/s ;dfh / u}/–;/sf/L cGo ;+:yfx? tyf lghL lgisif{df eGg'kbf{ If]q;d]tsf] ;+nUgtf :jo+ ;fe]mbf/L g]kfnsf] sd{rf/LtGq eGg] a'lemG5 . pQm sfo{of]hgfdf ;'zf;g sfod ug{ ;/sf/afx]ssf lgsfox?sf] Tolt ;xof]uL ;fljt x'g e" l dsfsf] pNn]v g} ePsf] ;s]sf] 5}g . ‘;'zf;gÚ b]lvFb}g . ;'zf;gsf] k|j4{gsf nflu ;DaGwL h]–hlt xfd|f ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf ;+/rgf, gLlt, /0fgLlt / k|lqmof / k|0ffnL g} afws t 5}gg\ < sfo{of]hgf 5g\, tL ;a} ;dLIff x'g' kb{5 . cfw'lgs nf]stflGqs ;'zf;gdf eGbf oL ;+:yfsf ;+/rgfleq g} gful/sx?sf] /fHos]lGb|t (State k| l tlglwTj u/fpg ;lsG5 ls jf Centric) ;'zf;glt/ xfd|f ljBdfg k|lqmof ;+zf]wg u/]/ pGd'v x'g'df o; kf/blz{tfsf] Uof/]G6L ug{ k|lqmofdf ;+:yfsf] k/Dk/fjfbL hgtfsf] ;+nUgtf x'g] Joj:yf ug{ ;f]rfO{ a9L lhDd]jf/ 5 . ;lsG5, cWoog ug{ cfjZos b]lvPsf] 5 . ;+ljwfgk|lt, nf]stflGqs d"Nok|lt / gful/sx?k|lt pQ/bfoL x'g] sd{rf/LtGq clxn]sf] cfjZostf xf] . ;+:yfnfO{ o; :j?kdf ?kfGt/0f u/]/  pQ/bfloÎj lgjf{x ug]{ s]Gb|x? w]/} ePsf] ;Gbe{df b[li6ut u/L dfq ;'zf;g k|j4{g ug{ ;lsG5 .9 5'§} pQ/bfloÎj;DaGwL sfg"g ;Gbe{ ;fdu|L hf/L ug]{ . o;df pQ/bfloÎjsf u Good Governmance- BFC, A unit of Aid, Karnataka, Project, 2004 k/LIf0f ug]{ lgsfox? / pQ/bfloTj u Action International social science- M a r c h lgefpg'kg]{ lgsfox?aLr åGå 1998, Blackswell ePdf sf]k|lt pQ/bfoL x'g] xf] :ki6 u J o u r n a l : G o v e r n a n c e Publishes (UNESCO) ug]{ . u Pandey, Devendra Raj- Transparency in the context of Good Governance lgisif{df eGg'kbf{ g]kfnsf] in Nepal (Theme paper presented to the seminar for special class officer of sd{ r f/LtGq ;' z f;g sfod ug{ Tolt ;xof] u L ;fljt x' g ;s] s f] u GON) Osborne David and Gaebler Ted- Re5}g . ‘;'zf;gÚ ;DaGwL h]–hlt gLlt, inventing Government Newyork, 1993 /0fgLlt / sfo{of]hgf 5g\, tL ;a} u Denhardt Janet and Denhart B. RobertThe New Public Service, Serving not cfw' l gs nf] s tflGqs ;' z f;gdf steering, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk Newyork, 2002 eGbf /fHos] l Gb| t (State Centric) Jon-Debating Governance, ;'zf;glt/ pGd'v x'g'df o; ;+:yfsf] u Pierre, Oxford University Press, 2000 k/Dk/fjfbL ;f]rfO{ a9L lhDd]jf/ 5 . u Dhameja, Alka-Contemporary debates in public Administration, Prentice Hall o;sf] pbfx/0f lgs} kl/>d u/]/ hf/L of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2003 ul/Psf] ;'zf;g;DaGwL sfo{of]hgf, u Box, Rechard C.- Democracy and public Administration prentice Hall of India @)^* sf] cWoog u/] k'Ub5 . To;df Pvt. Ltd, 2007 ljleGg dGqfnox?n] ug]{ sfd / To;sf] pknlAw dfkg ug]{ kl/;"rs -n]vs d}gfnL k"j{ k|zf;s x'g'x'G5._



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

;bfrf/ ;fdflhs Joj:yfsf] j}1flgs cfwf/

/3'gfy clwsf/L …lgndz]v/Ú

!= ;bfrf/sf] cy{ / kl/efiff ;fwf/0f cy{df ;bfrf/nfO{ c;n lgod / To;sf] Jofjxfl/s kl/kfngfsf] g}lts dfgssf] ?kdf a'lemg] ul/G5 . ;+:s[t efiffsf] cyf{g';f/ of] zAb ;t\±cfrf/ -;bfrf/_ af6 ag]sf] 5 . of] lju|xcg';f/ ;bfrf/sf] cy{ pQd cfrf/0f jf ;xL Jojxf/ xf] . o;nfO{ 6'S|ofP/ x]bf{ æ;t\Æ sf] cy{ x'G5 æ;Qfo'Qm, jt{dfg, ljBdfg, df}h'b, jf:tljs, oyfy{, ;To, l6ls/xg], :yfoL / lgTo cflb . clg æcfrf/Æ zAbsf] cy{ x'G5 æs'g} lgod, l;4fGt cflbdf cfpg] / kfng ug'{kg]{ cfr/0f tyf Jojxf/sf] kl/is[t / g}lts¿kÙ To;} cfwf/df ul/g] Jojxf/, /Llt jf k|yfÙ rfnrngÙ afgLa]xf]/fÙ rl/q, /Lltl:ylt, cfr/0f, kf/:kl/s Jojxf/ jf cfbfg–k|bfg cflb . o; …;t\ Ú zAbsf] ¿k æ;b\ Æ aGg uO{ To;df ha æcfrf/Æ zAbsf] ;lGw x'ghfG5 . of] æ;bfrf/Æ zAb aGg k' U b5 / h;sf] cy{ x' G 5 æzf:qn] atfPcg';f/sf] jf Jojxf/df ug'{kg]{ /fd|f] cfr/0fÙ c;n rfnrngÙ

;bfrf/sf zf:qLo / nf}lss, cfGtl/s / afx\o jf b}lxs / dfgl;s, P]lxs / k/nf}lss, wfld{s / g}lts–sfg"gL, ;j{JofkL / :yflgsnufotsf cg]sf}F e]b\ 5g\ . s'nfrf/, nf]sfrf/h:tf zAbn] klg ;bfrf/sf s]xL ;+ul7t If]qx?tkm{ Ol·t ub{5g\ . csf]{ b[li6af6 x]bf{ JolQmsf] l:ylt / e"ldsfdf cfwfl/t ;bfrf/ leGg x'g] ub{5g\ .

;b\Jojxf/ / g}lts cfrf/0f cflb . cem o;nfO{ a[xt\ cy{df x]bf{ Odfgbf/L, ;Tolgi7f, ;RrfO{, k|dfl0fstf, Odfg, ;Dk"0f{tf jf ;Ëlt, kljqtf cflb;Fu klg of] ;DalGwt 5 . cª\u|]hL efiffdf of] cjwf/0ff JoQm ug{ s f nflu sltko dflg;x?n] 'Integrity' zAbsf] k|of]u ug{] u/]sf] eP tfklg o;sf] cGtj{:t' x]bf{ 'Ethics' zAb rflxF ;bfrf/;F u a9L d] n vfg] b]lvG5 . oL cª\u|]hL zAbsf cGo kof{ojfrL zAbx?df honesty,

ul/Psf] kfOG5 . o;sf ljk/fyL{ / gsf/jfrL zAbx?df cgfrf/, e|i6frf/, cTofrf/, b'/frf/, b'/frf/0f, sbfrf/, cgLlt, cClt cflb kfOG5g\ . ;bfrf/nfO{ klg b'O{ b[li6af6 x]g{ ;lsG5, c;n ljrf/ / c;n Jojxf/ . t/ k':tssf] kfgfdf n]lvPsf] ;bfrf/nfO{ dflg;n] hf]8 glbP/ dflg;sf] Jojxf/sf] s;Ldf 3f] l 6Psf] c;n cfrf/0fnfO{ g} ;fdfGotM hf]8 lbPsf] kfOG5 . ;bfrf/sf zf:qLo / nf}lss, uprightness, probity, rectitude, cfGtl/s / afXo jf b}lxs / honor, good character, principles, dfgl;s, P]lxs / k/nf}lss, morals, righteousness, nobility, wfld{s / g}lts–sfg"gL, ;j{JofkL / high-mindedness, virtue, decency, :yflgsnufotsf cg]sf}F e]b\ 5g\ . sincerity, truthfulness cflb /x]sf s'nfrf/, nf]sfrf/h:tf zAbn] klg 5g\ / oL hDd} zAbx? g}ltstf / ;bfrf/sf s]xL ;Ël7t If]qx?tkm{ ;bfrf/sf] sf]6Lleq} kb{5g\ . OlËt ub{5g\ . csf]{ b[li6af6 x]bf{ ;+:s[t d"n ePsf blIf0f Pl;ofnL JolQmsf] l:ylt / e"ldsfdf cfwfl/t efiffx? / g]kfnL efiffdf ;bfrf/sf ;bfrf/ leGg x'g] ub{5g\ . JolQmn] kof{ojfrL cGo zAbx?df ;b\j[Q, cfk"m 5f]/L jf cfdf x'Fbf of 5f]/f] / ;Rrl/qtf, lzi6frf/, cfbzf{rf/, afa' x'Fbf kfngf ug]{b]lv lnP/ :yfgLo cfrf/–lgi7f, z'efrf/, ;b\ljrf/, ;d'bfo, /fli6«o ;dfh / ljZj dfgj dfËlns cfr/0f cflbsf] k| o f] u kl/jf/sf ;b:ox?;F usf] ;DaGw

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g lg¿k0fdf v]Ng'kg]{ e"ldsfsf ;Gbe{df ;bfrf/sf] ljlzi6:j¿k /x]sf] x'G5 . csf{tkm{ JolQmsf] ;d"xut ;+nUgtf h:tf] Jofj;flos hLjg / lghL hLjgsf kl/j] z x?df ;bfrf/sf ljlzi6:j¿k x'g] ub{5g\ . wfld{s ;Dk|bfon] kl/eflift u/]sf] ;bfrf/sf lgodx? klg leGg–leGg x'g ;Sb5g\ . t/ h;n] hxfF 3f]if0ff jf kfngf u/]sf ;bfrf/ lsg gx'g\ ltgLx?sf] Ps ;fj{ e f}d cGtlg{ l xt kIfn] eg] dfgjtfsf] zflGtk" 0 f{ ;xcl:tÎj Pj+ hLjgsf] P]lxs / d[Îo'ko{Gtsf] k/nf} l ss sNof0fsf] efjgfnfO{ cGtlg{ l xt?kdf ;Daf] w g u/] s f] kfOG5 . @= zf:qLo ;Gbe{df ;bfrf/ k"jL{o ;Gbe{df cfrf/sf dfgsx? j]b\, pklgifb\, k'/f0f, pkk'/f0f, :d[lt, sfJo / bz{ g ;Ddsf zf:qx?df cfrf/sf dfgsx?sf] k| T oIf / nfIfl0fs b'j}¿kdf pNn]v jf k|:t'lt ul/Psf] kfOG5 . blIf0f Pl;ofnL ;f+ : s[ l ts lj/f;tsf] d" n k|jfx aGg k'u]sf] lxGb" wd{;Fu ;DalGwt zf:qx?df ;bfrf/sf k|;Ëx? oqtq 5g\ . dg'sf] egfO{df æcfrf/M k|ydf] wd{MÆ cyf{t\ cfrf/ klxnf] wd{ xf] eGg] /x]sf] 5 . o;}u/L æ;fwjM IfL0fbfkfSt' ;R5AbM ;fw'jfrsM . To;fdfr/0f+ ot' ; ;bfrf/ pRot] ..Æ cyf{t\ b'O{ k/lxtn] ;fw'nfO{ hgfpFb5 . ;t\ / To;sf] cfrf/0f ug{' . lji0f' k'/f0f -#.!!.#_ / xf/Lt:d[lt u|Gydf ;d]t pNn]lvt 5 . æOyfsf/L oyfrf/L tyf ejltÆ . cyf{t\ sd{, cfrf/ / ;f]raLr ;Ëlt x'g'kb{5 egL j[xbcf/0os pklgifb df pNn]lvt 5 . o;}u/L, zf:qx?df æcfrf/M k/df] wd{ cfrf/M k/+ tkMÆ cyf{t\ cfrf/ 7"nf] wd{ / 7"nf] tk:of xf] eg]/ elgPsf] kfOG5 . pklgifbx?df pNn]lvt æljgo:o d"n+

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

k"jL{o ;Gbe{df cfrf/sf dfgsx? j]b\, pklgifb\, k'/f0f, pkk'/f0f, :d[lt, sfJo / bz{g\;Ddsf zf:qx?df cfrf/sf dfgsx?sf] k|ToIf / nfIfl0fs b'j}?kdf pNn]v jf k|:t'lt ul/Psf] kfOG5 .

j[4;]jfÆ cyf{t\ ljgozLntfsf] d"n a[4x?sf] ;]jf xf], æ;To+ jbÆ ;bf ;fFrf] af]n, dft[b]jf] ej, lkt[ b]jf] ej cltyL b]jf] ej cflb plQmx? ;bfrf/sf ;'Gb/ gd'gfsf] ?kdf lng ;lsG5 . dxf]klgifb\n] sfd, qmf]w, nf]e, df]x, c;Gtf]if, lgb{otf, c;"of, cledfg, zf]s, :k[xf, Oiof{ / lgGbfnfO{ lgoGq0f ug{ ;s]df g} ;bfrf/L aGg ;lsg] pNn] v u/] s f] 5 . xf/Lt:d[ l tn] ;bfrf/sf !# gd'gf k|:t't u/]sf] 5 . h'g o;k|sf/ 5g\M != a|Xd0otf -ljåfg\k|ltsf] nufj_, @= b]jlkt[elQm, #= ;f}Dotf, $= ck/f]ktflktf -c?nfO{ g;tfpg'_, %= cg';"u|tf, ^= d[b'tf, &= ckf?io -s7f]/ gx'g'_, *= d}qL, (= dw'/efif0f, !)= s[t1tf, !!= z/0otf -;/0ffutsf] /Iff_, !@= sf?0o / !#= k| z flGt . ptf :sGbk' / f0fsf] k|ef;v08df sfd, qmf]w, nf]e, df]x, dBkfg, 5n–sk6, 8fx, r'lSnvf]/L, cljj] s , ljrf/–z" G otf, tdf] u ' 0 f, :j]R5frf/, r~rntf, nf]n'Ktf -ef]usf



nflu_ b':k|of;, csd{0otf, k|dfb -st{Jo sd{ gug]{ cst{Jo ug{]_, b|f]x, cfn:o, bL3{;"qtf -l9n9fn_, Joljrf/, clws eIf0f, lg/fxf/, zf]s, rf]/Lh:tf cgfrf/af6 aRg eg]sf] 5 . dxlif{ k/f;/ eG5g\M æcfˆgf z/L/df hd]/ a:g] sfd, qmf]w, nf]e, dfg, df]x / db oL 5 zq'nfO{ cjZo hLtÆ . a'4sf cg';f/ ci6flËs dfu{cGtu{t ;Dos b[li6, ;Dos ;ÍNk, ;Dos jrg, ;Dos sd{, ;Dos hLljsf, ;Dos k|oTg, ;Dos :d[lt, / ;Dos ;dflwsf] pNn]v ul/Psf] kfOG5 . dfËlns cfrf/0f, ceo, d[ b ' t f, ;To, ch{j–;/ntf, s?0ff, w[lt jf w}o{tf, cgfzlQm, sQ{Jolg:7f, JolQmut ;ª\u|x–;+od, cgfzlQm, :jfjnDag, :jzf;g, ;lxi0f'tf, k|dfl0fstf, P]lxs / k/nf}lss hLjgsf] sNof0fsf Jojxf/sf] ?kdf ;bfrf/nfO{ bzf{OPsf] 5 . æcfTdgM k|lts"nflg k/]iff+ g ;dfr/]t\Æ -cfˆgf] ljk/Lt x'g] s'g} klg sfo{ c?sf nflu gug{'– ->Llji0f'wdf]{M#.@%#.$$_ . uLtfn] eG5– æoBbfr/lt >]i7:tQn]j]t/f] hgM. ; ot\ k|df0f+ s'?t] nf]s:tbg'jt{t] .. cyf{t\ 7"nf jf >]i7n] h:tf] cfrf/0f ub{5g\ c? dflg;x?n] klg To;}–To;} ub{5g\ . o;/L 7"nfn] ug]{ cfrf/0fx? ;fgf;Dd k'U5g\ eg]/ ljZjf; ul/Psf] 5 . dxfÎdf ljb'/sf cg';f/ æg :j] ;'v] j} s'?t] kxif{+ gfGo:o b'Mv] ejlt kx[i6M . bTjf g kZrft\ s'?t]˜g'tfk+ ;sTYot] ;Tk'iffy{zLnM ..Æ cyf{t\ hf] cfˆgf] ;'vdf k|;Gg x'Fb}gg\ / c?sf] b'Mvdf klg xlif{t x'Fb}gg\ bfg lbP/ kZrfQfk ub}{gg\ ltg} c;n JolQmx? g} ;bfrf/Lsf ?kdf lrlgG5g\ . æcfrf/ft\ knt] wd{dfrf/ft\ kmnt] wgd\ . cfrf/flR5«odfKgf]lt cfrf/f] xGTonIf0fd\ ..Æ dxfef/t cg' z f;gkj{ . cy{ ;bfrf/sf] kl/kfngn] wd{sf] clea[l4 tyf pknlAw



x'G5 . ;bfrf/åf/f ozsf] ;Dk|flKt Pj+ TofHo cju'0fx?sf] ljgfz x'G5 . @=! wd{ / ;bfrf/ wd{ / ;bfrf/sf] ;DaGw lg¿k0f ubf{ wd{ s] xf] < eGg] kIfdfly klg Wofg lbg plQs} h?/L 5 . ljZj dfgj kl/jf/sf ;b:ox? ljZj wfld{s k|0ffnLsf s'g} g s'g} wfld{s–;Dk|bfo;Fu ;DalGwt x'G5g\ / hGdb]lv d[To'kof{Gt;Ddsf ;fk]If ;+ :sf/x?df cfj4 ePsf x'G5g\ . To;f] eP wd{ s] xf] t < cS;kmf]8{ l8S;g/Ln] wd{sf] kl/efiff lgDgfg';f/ u/]sf] 5 'Religion is a belief in or acknowledgement of some superhuman power or powers (esp. a god or gods) which is typically manifested in obedience, reverence, and worship; such a belief as part of a system defining a code of living, esp. as a means of achieving spiritual

h;sf] g]kfnL ?kfGt/0f x'G5 æclwdfgjLo zlQm cyjf zlQmx? -ljz] i fu/LM O{Zj/ / b]jtf_ dflysf] ljZjf; cyjf dfGotf h'grflxF ;fdfGot >4f, elQm / k"hf–pkf;gfåf/f bzf{pg] ul/G5Ù o:tf] ljZjf; h;n] k|0ffnLsf] Ps lx:;f eP/ hLjg cfrf/ kl/eflift ug{'sf ;fy} cWoflTds / ef}lts pGgog xfl;n ug{] dfWod aGb5 .Æ To;}u/L, ;fdhzf:qL hf] g ;gn] 'A religion or material improvement.'

is more or less coherent system of beliefs and practices concerning a supernatural order of being, forces,

egL wd{sf] kl/efiff u/]sf 5g\ . h;sf] g] k fnLdf cy{ x' G 5, æwd{ yf]/ax't dfqfdf clwef}lts tÎj, zlQm :yfg, / cfTdf;Fu ;DalGwt ljZjf; tyf cfrf/0fsf] Ps ;Ël7t Joj:yf xf]Æ . oL kl/efiffx? ;d]tsf cfwf/df wd{nfO{ j:t'k/s cfFvfn] x]g{'kbf{ places or other entities'

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g o;sf] d"n kIf eujfg\ / b]jL–b]jtf ;lxtsf] cnf}lss zlQm;Fusf] dfgj ;DaGwg\ g} eP tfklg o;sf] nf}lss ;Gbe{ / kIfx?df /x] s f wd{ s f ax'cfofdnfO{ gh/Gbfh ug{ ;lsGg . o;leq b}jL zlQmdflysf] ljZjf; / pkf;gf Pj+ cf/fwgfsf k4ltx? afx]s sd{sf08, gLlt, sfg"g, kljqtf;DaGwL ljZjf;, dfgj / hLj sNof0f;DaGwL dfGotf, df]If k|flKt;DaGwL cfsf+Iff, ;dfh lgoGq0fsf nflu cfrf/x?sf] k|0ffnL, hLjg bz{g\, dgf]j}1flgs rf;f]x?sf] ;dfwfg, sd{sf08 / ?l9jfbL ;f]r;Ddsf s'/fx? wd{sf] If]qleq k/]sf] b]lvG5 . cem blIf0f Pl;ofnL kl/j]zdf t dflg;sf lglDt wd{ / ;du| ;+:s[lt 5'6ØfP/ x]g{ k|fo c;Dej x'ghfG5 . dflg;n] cfˆgf] hLjgsfndf 3fd / 5fofFe}mF ;'v / b'Mvsf cg]sf}F z[ª\vnfx?sf] ef]u / ;fdgf ub}{ cgGt b'Mvaf6 hLjgsf] 5'6\sf/f kfpg] ck]Iff /fVb5 . t;y{, wd{ dflg;sf nflu p;sf] b'Mv lgjf/0f / ;'vk|flKtsf] Ps lg/Gt/ k|of; klg xf] . k"jL{o ;Gbe{df x]bf{ æcfrf/f]M k|ydf] wd{Æ cyf{t\ æcfrf/ g} klxnf] wd{ xf]Æ eg]/ dg':d[ltdf pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . dflg;nfO{ h'g Jojxf/n] cfˆgf] / ;+;f/sf] lxt x'G5 To;nfO{ cfrf/ tyf To;sf lj?4sf Jojxf/nfO{ cgfrf/ jf b'/frf/ eGg] cy{df lnOPsf] kfOG5 . of] afx]s ljZj wfld{s k|0ffnLsf x/]s wd{–;Dk|bfoleq e/k"/?kdf cfrf/ jf ;bfrf/sf] pNn]v plQ g} 5 . cnf}lss k|f0fL jf zlQmtk{m ljZjf; ub}{ cfwf/e"t¿kdf wd{ ;bfrf/s} hudf plePsf] x'G5 . lj/f]wfef; jf åGån] el/Psf] dfgj :jefj Psfkl§ pbf/ / ;lxi0f' eO{ cfˆgf] / ;dfhsf] sNof0fdf k|j[Q x'G5 eg] csf]{kl§ c/fhs / pb08 agL ;dfhsf] lgoGq0fsf/L Joj:yfdf r'gf}tL aGg

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g k'Ub5 . dflg;sf] o:tf] :jefj a'em]/ g} wfld{s k|0ffnLleq :ju{sf] k'/:sf/ / gs{sf] b08sf] Joj:yf u/L k|x/L, k|zf;g / Gofofnosf] ;xh pknAwtf gePsf] tTsflng ;dfhnfO{ lgoGq0f / lgodg ug{ x/]s dflg;s} dl:t:sleq kfksf] 8/?kL k| x /L, k| z f;g / Gofofnosf] ljDa cf/f]k0f ul/Psf] kfOG5 . kmntM lxhf]sf] ax';+Vos dflg; k|x/L, k|zf;g / Gofofnoaf6 xhf/f}F lsnf]ld6/ 6f9f s;}n] gb]Vg] PsfGt 7fpFdf PSn} eP/ /fhb08af6 aRg] ;Defjgf eP tfklg lkt[–b08 / b]p–b08;lxt s'g} clgi6sf/L eoaf6 aRg cfk"mnfO{ ;+od /fvL ck/fwaf6 6f9} a:bYof] . wd{ s f] ;di6Lleq /fv] / ljsf; ul/Psf clwsf+z cfrf/, lzi6frf/ jf ;bfrf/x? clxn] klg plQms} dxÎjk"0f{ 5g\ . pbfx/0fsf] ?kdf x]bf{M æafofF xftn] dfq lb;f w'g', g'xfP/ z/L/df £o" jf t]n gbNg' . lb;f ugf{;fy kfgL / df6f]n] xft w'g' . olb kfgL tTsfn pknAw x'g g;s]df ;'Vvf df6f] xftdf !% k6s nufO{ /u8\g' / kfgL kfpgf ;fy xft w'g' . cf}+Fnfsf] gª\n] e"OF gsf]6Øfpg', lgTo :gfg ug{', cfuf] afn]/ glhs} g;'Tg' . kxf8sf] 6fs'/fdf w]/}a]/ ga:g", hËndf 7"nf] :j/n] gs/fpg", e"m7f] gaf]Ng", rf]/L gug"{, dBkfg gug"{ . hf]8 u/]/ ckfg jfo'sf] kl/Tofu gug"{ -cyf{t\ hf]8n] gkfb\g'_, v'Nnf d'v xf5Ø"F gug"{, gvf]Sg" . h"7f] gvfg", hnfzo jf vf]nfdf /St / dnd"qsf] Tofu gug"{ . 1fg lnFbf u'¿ jf cfrfo{eGbf xf]rf] :yfgdf a:g' lsgeg] cUnf] :yfgdf a:g] lz:o cledfgL 7xb{5 . ;a]/} p7]/ dftf–lktfsf], u'¿s"ndf eP jf u'¿ pknAw eP u'¿;d]tsf] cfb/;fy bz{g ug{', /fd|f] sfdsf] yfngL ubf{ dfGohgnfO{ ;f]w]/ cflzjf{b lng] ug{' . cfdf, a'af / cltlyx? b]jtf;l/

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g x' G 5g\ , pgLx?sf] ;Ddfg ug{ ' . sflos, aflrs / dfgl;s s'g} klg lx;fan] lx+;f gug{', h]i7x?sf] ;Ddfg ug{', slgi7k|lt dfof / :g]x ug{' . af6f]df ufO{, afns, bf]hLof dlxnf / ckfËtf ePsf JolQmx?, czQm / a[4x? lxFl8/x]sf 5g\ eg] cfk"mn] af6f] 5f]l8lbg' . k/:qLx? dfly cfdf / alxgLsf] em}F ;b\Jojxf/ ug'{ . ;/0f cfPsfnfO{ ;/0f lbg'' . c;Îo gaf]Ng" . cg'lrt nfe glng" jf 3"; gvfg" . t'n;L / kLknh:tf j[Ifsf] ;+/If0f ug{'Æ nufotsf cfrf/0fx? xfd|f nflu clxn] klg TolQs} hLjg pkof]uL 5g\ . csf{tkm{ clws sfdaf;gf glng', qmf]w gug"{, clws df]x gug"{, c;Gtf]if gug"{, cledfgL gaGg", clws zf]s gug"{, ljåfg\x?sf] ;Ddfg ug{', ;f}Do / zfGt x'g', c?nfO{ g;tfpg', d[b'efifL x'g', s7f]/ gx'g', dflg;x?;Fu d}qLefj /fVg', /fd|f] sfo{ ug]{k|lt s[t1 x'g', 5nsk6 gug"{, 8fx gug"{, r'lSnvf]/L gug"{, cljj]sL gx'g', tdf]u'0fL gx'g', :j]R5frf/L gx'g', ef]usf nflu nf]eL gx'g', b':k|of; gug{', csd{0otf cyf{t\ st{Jo sd{ gug]{ cst{Jo ug]{ gx'g', b|f]x gug{', cN5L gx'g', bL3{;q" L cyf{t\ l9nf] gx'g', Joljrf/ gug{', clws / cNk eIf0f b'j} gug{', ef]s} ga:g', rf]/L gug{' oL cgfrf/x? x'g\ elgPsf]] 5 . ;xL b[i6L, ;xL ;ÍNk, ;xL jrg, ;xL sd{, ;xL hLljsf, ;xL k|oTg, ;xL :d[lt, / ;xL ;dflw cflb hLjgsf nflu pkof]uL ;bfrf/sf] ¿kdf zf:qx?n] j0f{g u/]sf 5g\ . oL zLn :jefj, cfrf/ jf ;bfrf/x? jf lzi6frf/x? wd{sf] lx:;fsf] ¿kdf ;dfj]z u/L dflg;df k|rng u/fOPsf] ;Gbe{df k|ljlwsf] ce"tk"j{ ljsf;n] sfo{sf/0f ;DaGwsf gjLgtd\ u'TyL k'msfpFb} cfk"mnfO{ lg/Gt/ 1fgsf] prfO{df nlu/x]sf] cfhsf] dflg;

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



If]qx? / kIfx? b]vfkb{5g\ . nfdf] ;do;Dd lgjf{ x d' v L v] l tkftLdf l;sf/ / ;ª\u|xsf] cflbd cfwfl/t g]kfnL ;dfh ev{/} cfP/ o'usf ;bfrf/;DaGwL gfkmfd'vL s[lif;lxt pBf]u tyf Jofkf/ dfGotfx? dflg;sf] dflg;sf] k|d'v Jofj;fosf] ¿kdf :yfoL a;f]af; x'Fb}hfFbf ljsl;t eO/xFbf lxhf]sf] lgoGq0fsf/L ljsl;t x'g k'u]sf] u|fDo ;dfh Joj:yf k"/} 8udufO{ ;s]sf] 5 . s[lif ;dfhdf kl/jt{g x'Fb} xfd|f lxhf]sf 1fg–cg'i7fg / l;sfO{ uP eg] pBf]u / Jofkf/n] k/Dk/f;lxtsf] cfrfl/s lgoGq0f e"d08nLo :j?k u|x0f lg/Gt/¿kdf 6'l6/x]sf] 5 / ;dfh of] ub}{ uPsf] cfw'lgs ljZj ;ª\qmd0fdf k"/} c/fhs alg/x]sf] 5 . ;dfhdf ;bfrf/sf of] c/fhstfsf] lgoGq0fsf nflu ca cg]sf}F ljlzi6 If]qx? / b]p–b08 / lkt[–b08sf] eo lgis[o kIfx? b]vfkb{5g\ . x'Fb} uPsf] 5 / s]jn /fhb08df dfq e/ kg{'kg]{ o'usf] ;'¿cft ePsf] 5 . dflg; k|df0f / ts{sf cfwf/df dfq Jojxf/ ug]{ eO/x]sf] 5 t/ s] ;dfhnfO{ ;+ljwfg, sfg"g, gLlt–lgod, olt;f/f] 5'b|fGj]zL alg;s]sf] 5 ls lgb]{zg cflbn] dfq lgoGq0f ug{ p;sf] k"vf{sf ;dodf /x]sf] 1]o / ;lsPnf < of] Ps ljrf/0fLo k|Zgsf c1]o ;+;f/sf] ;Ldf/]vf pmaf6 ca ¿kdf xfdLdfem t]l;{Psf] 5 . ca qmdzM 6f9f–6f9f ;b}{ uPsf] 5 . cnf}lss zlQmsf] eodf cfwfl/t cf:yf / eosf ;|f]tsf ?kdf /x]sf ;bfrf/nfO{ nf}lss ;Gbe{df cf]/fn]/ lxhf] s f cnf} l ss zlQmx? cfh o;sf] ljifo If]q lgwf{/0f ug]{ a]nf lg/Gt/?kdf k|efjxLg aGb} uPsf cfPsf] 5 . 5g\ . csf]{tkm{ wd{sf gfddf b'¿kof]u #= nf}lss ;Gbe{df ;bfrf/ ul/Psf] ¿9Ljfb, ¿9–sd{sf08, hftLo ;bfrf/sf] lsQf jf If]q (Constituency) pTkL8g, n}+lus lje]b / ;f+:sfl/s tkm{ ljrf/ ubf{ zflGtk"0f{ ;xcl:tÎj, cltjfb ;lxt wd{ s } gfddf x' g ] rl/q lgdf{0f, k/f]ksf/, cfbz{jfb cwdL{ lx+ ; f / zf] i f0f ugf{ n ] klg -cWofÎdjfbsf] cy{ d f xf]Og_, ;dfhdf wd{k|ltsf] nufj / cf:yf lgi7fsf] ;+3if{, ;lxi0f'tfsf] n8fO{, 6'6\b} uPsf] 5 . o;/L ;bfrf/ / ;fbf hLjg pRr ljrf/, st{Jolgi7f, wd{;DaGwsf wf/0ff / dfGotfx? klg :jfjnDag, JolStsf] cg'zf;g / ;dfh ljsf;sf] qmddf qmdzM ablnFb} ;'zf;g, clx+;fTds cfGbf]ngh:tf hfg] ub{5g\ . s]xL g}lts kIf jf If]qx? ;bfrf/sf] l;sf/ / ;ª\u|xsf] cflbd o'usf ¿kdf b]vfkb{5g\ . ;bfrf/sf] k|j4{g\ ;bfrf/;DaGwL dfGotfx? dflg;sf] / sfof{Gjogsf nflu g}lts lzIff, :yfoL a;f]af; x'Fb}hfFbf ljsl;t x'g gful/s lzIff, cfrf/;+lxtf, ug{ x'g] k'u]sf] u|fDo s[lif ;dfhdf kl/jt{g x'Fb} / gx'g] ;"rL (to do and not to do list) uP eg] pBf]u / Jofkf/n] e"d08nLo cflb klg agfOPsf] kfOG5 . ;bfrf/ :j¿k u|x0f ub}{ uPsf] cfw'lgs ljZj dflg;sf x/]s sd{ sfof{Gjogdf ;dfhdf ;bfrf/sf cg]sf}F ljlzi6 ckl/xfo{ x'G5 . zf:qx?n] sd{nfO{



lgTo–sd{, g}ldTo–sd{ / sfDo–sd{sf ¿kdf JofVof u/]sf 5g\ . lgTo–sd{ dflg;n] lbgb}Go ug]{ sfo{x? x'g\, g}ldTo–sd{ hGdb]lv d[To'ko{Gtsf cfjlws ;+:sfl/s sfo{x? x'g\ eg] sfDo–sd{ dflg;n] of]hgf agfP/ sfdgf /fv]/ ug]{ sfo{ x'g\ . o;/L x]bf{ ;bfrf/sf] ;jf{lws k|of]u dflg;sf lgTo–sd{df x'g] ub{5 . dflg;nfO{ Ps ;fdflhs k|f0fLsf ?kdf Jojxf/ u/fO{ ;dfhdf zflGtk"0f{ ;x–cl:tÎj sfod u/fpg x/]s ;dfhn] o:tf lgodx? agfPsf] x'G5 . Psflt/ dflg;sf lbgb}Go Jojxf/nfO{ cfrf/åf/f lgb]{lzt ug{ kl/jf/sf] h]i7k':tf, ;dfhsf cu'jf, lzIfs / wd{u'?x?dfkm{t JolQmnfO{ ;bfrf/ / lzi6frf/sf] ;+:sf/ l;sfpg] ul/G5 eg] sltko cfrf/ / ;+ : sf/x? kf7Øqmddf ;d]t ;dfj]z u/L ;fdflhs dgf]lj1fgdf g} k|efljt ug]{ ul/G5 . dfly pNn]v ul/Pe}mF ;doqmddf ljsf; ePsf wd{ z f:qx?df ;bfrf/ / ;b\ J ojxf/sf] pNn] v u/L h} l js JolQm¿kL dflg;nfO{ ;fdflhs k|f0fLsf ?kdf tof/ ug{ wd{ å f/f ;bfrf/ cg';/0f ug{ nufOG5 . ;"Id¿kdf x]bf{ ;+ljwfg, sfg"g, gLlt jf /0fgLltx?, lgodfjnL, lgb]{lzsf, lgb]{zg–kq, ;dembf/L–kq, ;Demf} t fnufotsf ljifox? cfrf/sf sfg"gL ¿kx? x'g\ / logLx?sf] ;xL kfngf gLlt / sfg"gsf] ;bfrf/leq kb{5g\ . a[xt\ cy{df x]g]{ xf] eg] æb08–k|lqmof ;+lxtfÆ / æJojxf/–k|lqmof ;+lxtfÆ ;fdflhs¿kdf cfrf/ sfof{Gjogsf nflu cjnDag ul/Psf pkfox? x'g\ . xfdLsxfF cfrf/, cfrf/ gLlt, gLltzf:q, gLltu|Gy, cfrf/;+lxtf cflb zf:qx? ;bfrf/ k|jw{gfy{ g} /lrPsf kfOG5g\ . o:tf gLlt / cfrf/;+lxtf of lgodfjnLx? ju{–ljz]if, sfo{–ljz]if cyjf If]q–ljz]if¿kdf lgdf{0f / ljsf;

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

sfg"gn] Psfkl§ ;bfrf/sf y'k|} If]qx?nfO{ ;d]6\g] ;Defjgf k|fKt u/]sf] 5 eg] csf{kl§ o;sf] e"uf]n / bfo/f lg/Gt/ km/flsnf] aGb} ljZj dfgj kl/jf/sf nflu k|of]Ho x'g] lbzftkm{ klg cl3 al9/x]sf] 5 .

ul/Psf kfOG5g\ . #=!= sfg"g / ;bfrf/ ;bfrf/ / sfg"gsf] ;DaGwtkm{ ljrf/ ubf{ sfg"g cfk}mFdf ;bfrf/sf] Joj:yf xf] / o;sf] ljsf; klg ;bfrf/sf] k|rlnt k/Dk/faf6} ePsf] kfOG5 . cfw'lgs o'udf cfP/ wd{nfO{ /fHoaf6 cnu u/L wd{ – lg/k] I f /fHosf] cjwf/0ff ljsl;t eO/xFbf ;+;f/sf ;Lldt wd{tGqfÎds /fHox? klg ca k|foM ;dfKt eO;s]sf 5g\ / sfg"gsf] bfo/f lgs} km/flsnf] x' F b } uPsf] 5 . sfg"g klxn] ;Lldt¿kdf sljnfoL /fHodf k|of]Ho lyof] eg] clxn] o;n] /fli6«o / cGt/f{li6«o cg'jGwsf] :j¿k u|x0f ul//x]sf] 5 . cem Ps sbd cl3 a9]/ dfgjclwsf/sf] ljZjJofkL 3f]if0ff–kq hf/L ePkZrft\ ;+;f/el/sf sfg"gx? lgdf{0fdf Ps gofF cfofd ylkPsf] 5 / sof}F ;lGw–cle;lGwx? sfg"gsf ;|f]t Pj+ /fli6«o sfg"gs} lx:;fsf] ¿kdf ljsl;t eO/x]sf 5g\ . o;/L x]bf{ sfg"gn] Psfkl§ ;bfrf/sf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g y'k|} If]qx?nfO{ ;d]6\g] ;Defjgf k|fKt u/]sf] 5 eg] csf{kl§ o;sf] e"uf]n / bfo/f lg/Gt/ km/flsnf] aGb} ljZj dfgj kl/jf/sf nflu k|of]Ho x'g] lbzftkm{ klg cl3 al9/x]sf] 5 . t/, olt x'Fbfx'Fb} klg cfrf/sf olt w]/} If]qx? 5g\, h'g ;"Id Jojxf/sf ¿kdf dflg;x?n] x/] s ;dfhdf ub}{cfPsf 5g\ tL clxn] klg plQg} hLjg pkof]uL 5g\ . t/ tL ;a} cfrf/ jf ;bfrf/x? sfg"gsf bfo/fleq c6fOPsf 5}gg\ . oxfFlg/ sfg"g / ;bfrf/sf] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] leGgtf s] xf] eg] sfg"gsf] pNnª\3g b08gLo x'G5 t/ sfg"g aflx/sf] ;bfrf/sf] pNn+3g ePdf Tof] b08gLo x'Fb}g . dfgf} æb]a|] xftn] lb;f w'g' kb{5 / bfOg] xftn] g} vfgf vfg' kb{5Æ jf æ;a]/} p7]/ dftf–lktfsf] bz{g ug{' kb{5Æ eGg] ;bfrf/ dflg;n] kfngf u/]g eg] klg Tof] sfg"gåf/f b08gLo 5}g . h'g s'/f dflg;sf] :jljj]sdf 5f] l 8Psf] 5 / :jljj] s cfk} m F d f ljj]szLn dflg;sf lglDt dfq xf] / ;bfrf/sf] pNnª\3g ljj]sxLgx?af6} x'g hfG5 . sfg"gn] dflg;sf ;"Id Jojxf/x?;Dd k'u]/ lgodg ug]{ ;fdYo{ g/fVg] / csf]{tkm{ wd{df cfwfl/t eP/ x'ls{Psf] ;bfrf/sf] k|efj klg wd{sf] 36\bf] k|efj;Fu} lkmSsf alg/x]sf] 5 . wd{af6 km'lTsP/ cfˆgf] cnu :yfg agfpg yfn]sf] ;bfrf/sf] If]qnfO{ sfg"gn] em}F cf}krfl/s If]qaf6 ;Daf]wg gul/Psf] ;Gbe{df dflg;sf] hLjg k|of]hgdf gkg]{ l:ylt ca alg/x]sf] 5 . To;f] ePsf] x'Fbf of t ;f/f ;bfrf/x?sf] sfg"gL :yfg ;'lglZrt x'g' kb{5 of t ca wd{sf] If]qaf6 o;nfO{ :jtGq u/L Ps gLlt, cfrf/ jf ;bfrf/sf] leGg If]qdf :yflkt ul/g' kb{5 . clxn] klg ;dfhn] x'?Ss eP/ ;bfrf/sf] ck]Iff ub{5 . t/ o;sf] k|j4{g / pGgogsf nflu

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g lxhf]sf] e}mF ;+ul7t k|of; x'g] u/]sf] klg kfOFb}g . $= ;bfrf/ Ps k|jw{gLo ljifo of] ;ª\ q md0fsflng kl/j] z clg c/fhs / c;+od aGb} uPsf] ;dfhdf cgfrf/, cTofrf/, cltjfb, Jolerf/, e|i6frf/, lx+;f, b'Jo{jxf/ cflbsf] b'ik|efjaf6 ;dfhnfO{ arfpg xfd|f] ;Gbe{df ;bfrf/sf] pTyfg / k|j4{g\ x'g cfjZos 5 . x'g ;Sb5, of] ;dfhsf] rl/q lgdf{0fsf] ljifo xf];\, g}lts lzIffsf] ljifo xf];\, gful/s lzIffsf] ljifo xf];\ of cGo o:tf] ljifo xf];\ h'g\ wd{ / sfg" g;/x ;dfhdf k|rlnt x'g ;sf];\ . o;sf y' k | } cfwf/x? 5g\ . ;bfrf/sf] kl/kfngf O{Zj/Lo eo jf s[kfsf] ljifo gag]/ klg, sfg"gåf/f b08gLo gx'g] eP/ klg dflg;n] o;sf] cjnDag ub{5g\ . lj1fgsf cfwf/df, ts{ / k|df0f;lxt j:t'ut 1fgsf cfwf/df klg ;bfrf/sf] k|j4{g x'g] plQms} ;Defjgf 5 . dfgf}+, rl/qnfO{ hf]8 lbg] ljZj k|lz4 of] cª\u|]hL egfO{ 'When your wealth is lost nothing is lost ! When your health is lost something is lost ! But when your character is


uLtf, sf]dngfy -cg'=@)!*_, gf/fo0fk|;fb cfrfo{ , b' u f{ 3 f6, jf/f0f;L, o;f] b f k':tsfno, ef/t . u bz{g lbUbz{g, lstfa dxn, Onfxfjfb, ef/t, !(() . u g]kfnL a[xt\ zAbsf]z, sdnfbL, sf7df8f}F, @)%$ . u lg0f{ o l;Gw' , -sdnsf/ e6\6 k|0fLt_, bf}n/fd uf}8, ;fljqL 7fs'/ k|sfzg, jf0ff/;L, ef/t . u gLlt -ljb'/, rf0fSo, / et[{xl/_, k|:t'ltM dbgk|;fb cof{n, k|sfzgM >LdtL /dfb]jL cof{n, låtLo ;+:s/0f, @)^# h]i7 . u k~rtGq, -cg'=@))#_, s[i0fs'df/L b]jL, k|sfzs afa' dfwjk|;fb zdf{, jf/f0f;L–!, ef/t . u dg':d[lt, !(((, -;+ rfdgnfn uf}td, ;+:s[lt ;+:yfg Vofhf s't'a, -j]bgu/_, j/]nL, pQ/k|b]z, ef/t, ;+zf]lwt ;+:s/0fM !((& . u dxfef/t, @)^@, -;+ k+ /fdk|;fb ;Tofn, afa' dfwjk|;fb zdf{, jf/f0f;L u CUj]b, !((( -;+ >L/fd zdf{ cfrfo{, ;+:s[lt ;+:yfg, Vjfhf s't'j, a/]nL, pQ/ k|b]z ef/t . u ;+ : s[ t –lxGbL sf] z , låtLo ;+ : s/0f, df]tLnfn agf/;Lbf; klAn;;{ k|fOe]6 lnld6]8, d'b|0f–h}g]Gb| k|];, gofF lbNnL, @))! . u ;bfrf/, -pw[tM lji0f' k'/f0f, xf/Lt:d[lt u|Gy, alz:6 :d[lt u|Gy cflb_ sNof0f sfof{no uLtf k|]; uf]/vk'/, lxGbL cÍ, pQ/ k|b];, ef/t . u ;fdfGo dfgjzf:q, cfu/f a'S; xfp; cfu/f, ef/t, !(**, . u ;fdflhs dfgjzf:q, ;flxTo ejg cfu|f, ef/t, !((@ . u

;fgf] ;f]r x'g]x?n] xfdL aGw' / logLx? k/fO{ eGg] ub{5g\ t/ pbf/ cfrf/0f x'g]x?sf lglDt wtL{el/sf ;a} dflg;x? s'6'Da x'g\ . of] Znf]s cfhsf] dfgjclwsf/ cleofgsf] cfwf/zLnf klg xf] .

:yfg /fVb5g\ . lju|x / ljå]iftkm{ ws] l nF b } uPsf] cfhsf] ;dfhdf j0f{ / hftLo ;b\efj k|j4{gsf lglDt dxf]klgifb\sf] of] Znf]s æco+aGw' /o+ g]tL u0fgf nu'r]t;f+ . pbf/frl/t gfDt' a;'w}s s'6'Dasd\ ..Æcyf{t\ ;fgf] ;f]r x'g]x?n] xfdL aGw' / logLx? k/fO{ eGg] ub{5g\ t/ pbf/ cfrf/0f x'g]x?sf lglDt wtL{el/sf ;a} dflg;x? s'6'Da x'g\ . of] Znf]s cfhsf] dfgjclwsf/ cleofgsf] cfwf/zLnf klg xf] . ctM clxn]sf] xfd|f] st{Jo / bfloTj eg]sf] ;bfrf/nfO{ s]jn zf:q, wd{ / sfg"gdf dfq ;Lldt g/fv]/ ;dfhsf] hLjgd} k|of]hg ug{ o;nfO{ Ps leGg / ljlz:6 If]qsf] ?kdf :yfkgf ug{' kb{5 .9

-ha ltd|f] ;DklQ uof] eg] s]xL klg uPg, ha ltd|f] :jf:Yo uof] eg] s]xL lrh uof] t/ ha ltd|f] rl/q g} uof] eg]rflxF ltd|f] ;j{:j g} uof]_ clxn] klg TolQs} ;fGble{s / hLjg pkof]uL 5 . dfly pNn] l vt plQm / ærl/q g} dflg;sf] ;jf]{Ts[6 cfe"if0f xf]Æ eGg] plQmx?n] gt O{Zj/nfO{ k'sf/]sf 5g\ g t sfg"gs} ;xfotf vf]h]sf] 5, ;|f]t ;fdu|L t/ klg cfk}mFdf dflg;sf] ;fdflhs u cyj{jb] , k|yd v08, -;+= >L/fd zdf{ cfrfo{, ;+:s[lt ;+:yfg Vjfhf s't'a, -j]bgu/_, dgf]lj1fgdf rfl/lqs dxTj cf/f]lkt j/]nL, pQ/k|b]z, ef/t, !((* . ug{ dxÎjk"0f{ k|efj kfg]{ ub{5g\ . o:tf u Sof] <, dgf]h klAns]zG;\ &^!, d]g/f]8 xhf/f}F kIf / If]qx? 5g\, h'g dflg;sf lbNnL, ls;gnfn zdf{, kfFrf} ;+:s/0f, @)!# lglDt ;j{ s flns¿kdf dxÎjk" 0 f{ losth your everything is lost !


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

u Anthropology, Pearson Education

(Singapoore),Ple. Ltd Indian Branch, Replica Branch Press, u Dictionary of Sociology, Jonshon, Special Indian Edition, New Dehli, u Holy Bible.1994, New International Version, International bible society, Great Britain 8193, u Oxford A. L.Dictionary, Sixth edition (Edt.) Sally Wehmeier, Oxford University Press. u Sociology, a systematic introduction, Special Indian Edition, New Delhi https://www.google. com/ search?q=GoggleÍearch&ie =utf8&oe=utf-8#q=sadachar+in+Wikipedia

-n]vs dfgjzf:qsf ljBfyL{ x'g\._


lbj; ljz]if

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

;Gbe{M e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;–@)&!

…e|i6frf/lj?4 ;xsfo{ M g]kfnsf nflu ckl/xfo{Ú e/t axfb'/ yfkf cWoIf 6LcfO{ g]kfn

k[i7e"ld e|i6frf/ ;+;f/s} nflu 7"nf] ;d:of / k|d'v lrGtfsf] ljifo ag]sf] 5 . ;+;f/sf ;fgf, 7"nf, wlg jf ul/a ;a} /fi6«nfO{ s'g} g s'g} ¿kdf e|i6frf/n] lk/f]n]sf] 5 . ljZje/ g} /fhgLlts, cfly{s, k|zf;lgs, ;fdflhs, z}lIfs, wfld{s / g}lts If]qdf e|i6frf/n] k|ToIf b':k|efj kfl//x]sf] ljleGg cWoogn] b]vfPsf] 5 . e|i6frf/n] ljsf; lgdf{0f, ;fj{hlgs ;]jfk|jfx, pBf] u –Jofkf/, pkef] Q mf xslxt, k| f s[ l ts ;| f ] t –;Dkbfsf] ;+ / If0f / /fh:j kl/rfng;d] t nfO{ klg gsf/fTds k|efj kfl//x]sf] kfOPsf] 5 . ljZjJofkLs/0f, xftxltof/nufot nfu"cf}iflw;d]tsf] u}/–sfg"gL sf/f]af/ / :dulnªn] ubf{ t of] Ps d'n'ssf] dfq geO{ cGt/b]zLo ;d:ofsf] ¿kdf ljsl;t ePsf] 5 . e| i 6frf/n] ;du| dfgj ;dfhsf] :yfloÎj, ljsf; / ;'/Iffdf c;/ kf/] s f] s' / f cg' e " t ub} { ;+ o ' Q m /fi6«;+3n] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] Ps ljZjJofkL k|oTgsf] cfjZostf dx;';

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] ut jif{ hgtfsf] 3/b}nf]d} k'uL ;j]{If0f u/]/ k|sflzt u/]sf] Global Corruption Barometer n] g]kfnsf /fhgLlts bn, k|zf;goGq, Gofok|0ffnL, k|x/L, ;]gf, wfld{s If]q, lzIff, :jf:Yo, cfd;~rf/, lghL If]q, u}/–;/sf/L ;+3–;+:yfnufot ;a} If]qdf e|i6frf/ /x]sf] / /fhgLlts bnx? ;a}eGbf cufl8 /x]sf] hgwf/0ff phfu/ u/]sf] 5 .

u¥of] . o;}sf] kl/0ffd:j?k ;g\ @))# sf] cS6f]a/ #! df …e|i6frf/lj¿4 cGt/f{li6«o dxf;lGwÚ kfl/t ul/of] . ;fy}, cfd–r]tgf clej[l4 ub}{ e|i6frf/lj?4 nfUg k|0f ug]{ lbgsf ¿kdf l8;]Da/ ( nfO{ …e|i6frf/lj¿4 cGt/f{li6«o lbj;Úsf ¿kdf dgfpg] lg0f{o klg ul/of] . g]kfnnufot ljZjsf !)) eGbf a9L d' n ' s cfh;Dd o; dxf;lGwsf] kIfw/ ag]sf 5g\ . ;f]xL lg0f{ocg';f/ cfh l8;]Da/ ( sf lbg xfdL e|i6frf/lj¿4 cGt/f{li6«o lbj; dgfpg] k|of]hgsf nflu oxfF pkl:yt ePsf 5f}+ . e|i6frf/n] ;du| dfgj ;dfhnfO{ kfb}{ uPsf] b':k|efjnfO{ Go"gLs/0f ug]{ ;g\ !((^ df ljZjJofkL ;fdflhs cleofgsf] ?kdf 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g] z gnsf] :yfkgf ePsf] xf] . ;+;f/sf !)) eGbf a9L d'n'sx?df o;sf /fli6«o RofK6/x? 5g\ . log}dWo]sf] Pp6f RofK6/ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn–g]kfn xf] . kf/blz{tf, hjfkmb]xL, ;bfrf/, sfg"gL /fHo, nf]stGq / ljz]if¿kdf e|i6frf/lj¿4 ;xsfo{h:tf o;sf

cfwf/e"t d"No, dfGotf / dGq /x]sf 5g\ \ . log} cfwf/e"t d"No, dfGotf / dGqcg'¿k 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn -6LcfO{ g]kfn_ n] g]kfndf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf sfo{df ljljw sf]0faf6 ;3fp k'¥ofpFb} cfPsf] 5 . e|i6frf/n] ;a} d'n'snfO{ lk/f]Ng] eP klg g]kfnh:tf] cNkljsl;t d'n'sdf o;sf] b':k|efj ce}m a9L k/]sf] 5 . g]kfndf e|i6frf/sf] cj:yf / k|efj 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] ;g\ !((% b] l v x/] s jif{ ljleGg d' n ' s df /x] s f] e| i 6frf/sf] cj:yf dfkg u/L Corruption Perception Index (CPI) k|sflzt ub}{ c fPsf] 5 . g]kfn klg of] ;"rsfÍdf ;g\ @))$ b]lv ;d]l6Fb} cfPsf] 5 . clxn];Dd k|sflzt !! j6} ;LkLcfO{ ;"rsfÍdf g]kfn e|i6frf/JofKt d'n'ss} >]0fLdf kb}{cfPsf] 5 . xfn} k|sflzt @)!$ sf] k|ltj]bgdf g]kfnn] !)) cª\sdf @( cª\sdfq kfPsf] / !&% b]zdWo] !@^ cf}F :yfgdf k/]sf] b]lvPsf] 5 . o; cª\sn] e|i6frf/sf] eofjx cj:yf ;ª\s]t ub{5 . of] ;g\ @)!# sf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g cj:yfeGbf e|i6frf/ a9]sf] cj:yf xf] . o;f] x'g'df d"ntM Jofj;flos If]qaf6 Jofkf/–Joj;fo ;~rfng ug{ e|i6frf/sf sf/0f sl7g aGb} uPsf] egfO{ k|d'v sf/0f /x]sf] 5 . o;tk{m ;DalGwt lgsfo ;+j]bgzLn x'g'kb{5 . nfdf] ;dob]lv cl:y/ /fhgLlts jftfj/0f /xg', ljut !@ jif{b]lv :yfgLo lgsfox? lgjf{lrt kbflwsf/LljxLg x'g', /fhgLlts bnx?n] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fnfO{ cfˆgf] Ph]G8f agfpg g;Sg', ldlnh'nL efua08fsf] ;+:s[lt ;'? x'g' / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf nflu ;fFrf] k|oTg gx'g'n] ubf{ g]kfnsf ;a} If]qdf e|i6frf/ df}nfpFb} uPsf] b]lvPsf] 5 . 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g] z gn] ut jif{ hgtfsf] 3/b}nf]d} k'u]/ ;j]{If0f u/L k|sflzt u/]sf] Global Corruption Barometer n] g]kfnsf /fhgLlts bn, k|zf;goGq, Gofok|0ffnL, k|x/L, ;]gf, wfld{s If]q, lzIff, :jf:Yo, cfd;~rf/, lghL If]q, u}/–;/sf/L ;+3–;+:yfnufot ;a} If]qdf e|i6frf/ /x]sf] / /fhgLlts bnx? ;a}eGbf cufl8 /x]sf] hgwf/0ff phfu/ u/]sf] 5 . o;/L e|i6frf/n] /fhgLlt wldlnFb} uPsf], cy{Joj:yf k|efljt ePsf], ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfx sdhf]/ ePsf], 3";vf]/L a9\b} uPsf] b]lvPsf] 5 . clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] cfˆgf] sfo{If]qdf b]vfPsf] ;lqmotfn] klg Pp6f sf]0faf6 ;fj{hlgs If]qdf e|i6frf/sf] 8/nfUbf] cj:yf b]vfPsf] 5 . ljBdfg jftfj/0fdf klg cfof]un] e|i6frf/sf] cg';Gwfgdf b]vfPsf] sfo{nfO{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;sf/fTds ¿kdf x] / ] s f] 5 . t/, cfof] u sf] sfo{If]qn] ;a}nfO{ ;d]6\b}g . cGo ;fj{hlgs tyf lghL If]qdf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug]{ lgofds lgsfosf] sfo{ ug]{ lhDd]jf/L kfPsfaf6 cfjZos sfo{ ePsf] xfdLn] cg' e " t ug{

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

lbj; ljz]if


e| i 6frf/n] s;} s f] enf] ub} { g . e| i 6frf/ lgoGq0fdf ;a} n ] ldn] / :jtGq gful/s ;+:yfsf] k|oTg ug{ ;lsPg eg] nf]stGqsf] ?kdf 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;b}j ;+:yfut, cfly{s ljsf; / g]kfnLsf ;xof]u / ;xsfo{ ug{ tof/ sNof0fsf nflu ul/g] ;a} efjL /xG5 . ;/sf/ / cfof]unfO{ k|oTgx? lg:kmn x'g] ;'lglZrt 5 . ;sf/fTds sfdsf nflu o;}n] e|i6frf/lj¿4 ;a};Fu ;xsfo{ ;3fpg] / cGo cj:yfdf ug'{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] d'Vo Ph]G8f /x]sf] l6Kk0fL / cfnf]rgf ug]{ 5 . o;}nfO{ cfTd;ft ub}{ cfh xfdLn] cfˆgf] sfddf 6«fG;k/]G;L ;+o'Qm¿kdf of] sfo{qmd cfof]hgf OG6/g]zgn g]kfn cl8u 5 . cfˆgf cfwf/e"t d"No, u/]sf 5f}+ . cfhsf] lbgnfO{ s]jn dfGotf / p2]Zok|lt ;dlk{t e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;sf] /xFb} :jtGq / lgikIf ¿kdf cf} k rfl/stfdf dfq ;Lldt ;fdflhs ;+:yfsf]?kdf g/fvL cfd–gful/sn] cg'et" ug]{ u/L lg/Gt/ ;lqmo /lx/xg]5 . e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf yk k|efjsf/L sfo{ k|f/De ePsf] lbgdf ¿kfGtl/t ug{ ;lsof] eg] xfd|f] ;xsfo{n] ;fy{s ;s]sf 5}gf}+ . ¿k lnG5 . :jtGq gful/s ;+:yfsf] ¿kdf 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;b}j ;xof]u / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf k|of; ;xsfo{ ug{ tof/ /xG5 . ;/sf/ / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf nflu 6LcfO{ cfof]unfO{ ;sf/fTds sfdsf nflu g]kfnn] cfˆgf] :yfkgfsfnb]lv g} ;3fpg] / cGo cj:yfdf l6Kk0fL ;/sf/nufot ;a} ;DalGwt If]q / / cfnf] r gf ug] { cfˆgf] sfddf kbflwsf/L;dIf ljljw ;'emfj lbFb} 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn cl8u cfP tfklg ;DalGwt If]qn] o;tk{m 5 . cfˆgf cfwf/e"t d"No, dfGotf / plrt Wofg glbg' xfdL ;a}sf nflu p2]Zok|lt ;dlk{t /xFb} :jtGq / lg:kIf b'Mvsf] ljifo xf] . xfn} ;DkGg ;fs{ ;fdflhs ;+:yfsf] ¿kdf lg/Gt/ ;lqmo lzv/ ;Dd]ngdf klg o;sf ;xefuL /lx/xg]5 . /fi6« Pj+ ;/sf/ k| d ' v x?;dIf 6LcfO{ g]kfnnufot ;fs{ If]qsf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] cfu|x ;a} 6LcfO{ RofK6/x? / 6«fG;k/]G;L d'n'sdf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf nflu OG6/g]zgn;d]tsf] tk{maf6 e|i6frf/ ;/sf/L / cGo ;Da4 lgsfox?af6 lgoGq0fsf nflu ;fs{n] ljz]if k|oTg ljljw sfo{ x'Fb}cfPsf] klg xf] . t/, u/f];\ egL Ps 1fkg–kq k|:t't ul/Psf] cfd–gful/sn] cg'e"t ug]{ u/L o:tf lyof] . ;Dd]ngkl5 hf/L 3f]if0ff–kqdf k|oTgx?n] c;/ b]vfpg ;s]sf ;'zf;g, kf/blz{tf, hjfkmb]xLh:tf 5}gg\ . t;y{, cfpFbf lbgdf /fhgLlts If]qdf sfo{ ug]{ ljifox? ;dfj]z ePsf] bn, ;+;b\, ;/sf/, Gofofno, gful/s 5 . t/, xfdLn] cfzf u/]cg'¿k 7f]; ;dfh, lghL If]q, ;~rf/hut\nufot k|ltj4tf emNsg] 3f]if0ff x'g ;s]g . clVtof/ ;a}n] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf pRrtd /fhgLlts k| l tj4tfljgf k|efjsf/L / glthfd'vL¿kdf nfUg'kg]{ e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] sfo{ Ps ck'/f] ePsf] 5 . o;sf nflu cfhsf] of] Ph]G8f x'g] s'/fdf ca s'g} b'ljwf e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] lbj;sf] ;Gbe{df 6LcfO{ g]kfn s]xL ;'emfjx? /fVg /x]sf] 5}g .


lbj; ljz]if

rfxG5 M  /fhgLlts bnx?n] e| i 6frf/ lgoGq0fnfO{ cfˆgf] k|d'v Ph]G8f agfO{ e|i6frf/ x'g glbg], e|i6frf/ / e|i6frf/Lsf] ;+/If0f gug]{ sfo{df nfUg' kb{5 . cGo If]qdf /fhgLlts x:tIf]k ug]{ sfo{ aGb ug'{kb{5 .  ; + ; b \ g f u l / s s f ] c f z f sf ] s]Gb| ePsfn] k"0f{ ;ª\sNksf ;fy e|i6frf/lj¿4 pleg ;Sg'kb{5 . e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf If]qdf sfo{ ug]{ clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]unufot ;a} ;fj{hlgs lgsfo, gful/s ;dfh / ;~rf/hut\nfO{ e|i6frf/lj¿4 nfUg k|f]T;fxg / ;+/If0f ug'{ kb{5 . ;/sf/nfO{ ;bfrf/ k|j4{g ug{ lg/Gt/ bafa lbg'kb{5 . b08xLgtfnfO{ cGt ug]{ jftfj/0f k|f]T;fxg ug'{ kb{5 .  ;/sf/n] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf nflu k|efjsf/L sfo{qmd Nofpg' kb{5 . gful/snfO{ k|bfg ug]{ ;]jf–;'ljwf ;xh?kdf k|fKt x'g] cj:yf l;h{gf ug' { k b{ 5 . ;/sf/n] e| i 6frf/ lgoGq0fsf cf} h f/x? l;h{ g f ug]{ t/ plrt k|of]u gug]{ k|rng tf]8\g' kb{5 . gLltut / sfg"gL ;'wf/nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbFb} g]kfndf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] sfo{ ug]{ Pp6} k|efjsf/L lgsfo lgdf{0f ug]{tk{m nfUg' kb{5 . gful/ssf] ;';"lrt

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g x'g] xssf] ;Ddfg ub}{ s]Gb|b]lv :yfgLo lgsfox?;Dd ;~rfng x'g] of]hgf, sfo{qmd / ah]6nfO{ ;a}n] x]g{ / k|ltlqmof lbg ;Sg] jftfj/0f agfpg' kb{5 . e|i6frf/ / e|i6frf/LnfO{ ;+/If0f ug'{ x'Fb}g .  Gofofno clGtd lg0f{ostf{ ePsfn] e|i6frf/sf cleof]udf cbfntdf k'¥ofOPsf d'2fx?sf] ;dod} lg0f{o x'g' kb{5 . o;n] e|i6dfly sf/afxL x'Fb}g eGg] hgwf/0ff lrg{ dbt ub{5 . o;tk{m Gofofno ;r]t /xg' k5{ .  gful/s ;dfh, ;~rf/hut\ / cfd–gful/sn] sxLF st} klg e|i6frf/nfO{ k|>o glbO{ o;lj¿4 pleg' kb{5 . ;fy}, e|i6frf/df ;+nUgnfO{ gª\UofO{ Goflos pkrf/ lbg]tk{m ;xof]u k'¥ofpg' kb{5 .  clVtof/ b' ? kof] u cg' ; Gwfg cfof] u n] xfn u/] s f sfo{ x ? k|z+;gLo 5}g eGg ldNb}g . t/, st}–st} e|i6frf/ / e|i6frf/L ;dfTg] hfnf]df ;fgf df5f kg]{ / 7"nf tyf af7f df5f pDsg] ub{5g\ eGg] hgu'gf;f] /xFb}cfPsf] 5 . o;n] cfˆgf] sfo{nfO{ yk Jojl:yt ub}{ e|i6frf/ ug]{ hf];'s} eP klg Gofosf] s73/fdf pEofpg ;sf];\ eGg] xfd|f] cfu|x 5 . ;fy}, o;sf sfo{x?af6 d'n's e|i6frf/d'Qm

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g xf];\ eGg] w]/} g]kfnLsf] ;xof]u / ;dy{g k|fKt ug{ k|j4{gfTds, ;'wf/fTds / ;xof]ufTds sfo{df yk hf]8 lbg' kb{5 . o;df 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;xof]u / ;xsfo{ ug{ tof/ 5.  lghL If]qn] cfˆgf lqmofsnfknfO{ hlt kf/bzL{ agfpg ;Sof] Tolt e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf ;3fp k'Ug] ePsfn] lghL If]q yk k|ltj4 eP/ pleg' kb{5 .  /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnL :yflkt u/fpg k|d'v e"ldsf ePsf /fHosf cGo ;Da4 lgsfox?n] ;xof]ufTds / ;dGjosf/L jftfj/0f lgdf{0f ug'{ kb{5 . g]kfndf e|i6frf/lj¿4 n8\g' ;a} g]kfnLsf] st{Jo klg xf] . o;}nfO{ cfTd;ft ub}{ xfdL ;a} o;df nfUg ;sf}+ . oxL 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] d"n rfxgf klg xf] . cGtdf, e| i 6frf/ Go" g Ls/0fsf nflu ;a} lsl;dsf] ;xof]u / ;xsfo{ ug{ 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;b}j tof/ /x]sf] s'/f :d/0f u/fpFb} …e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] ;xsfo{ M g]kfnsf nflu ckl/xfo{Ú eGg] cfhsf] xfd|f] d"n dGq ;fy{s xf];\ eGg] ljz]if sfdgf ub{5' .9 -cWoIf yfkfn] e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;–@)&! sf cj;/df lbg'ePsf] ;Gb]zdf cfwfl/t._

/fli6«o ;bfrf/ k4ltsf] ljsf; u/f}FM e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] cleofgnfO{ ;kmn kf/f}F

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

lbj; ljz]if


;Gbe{ M e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;–@)&!

e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf ;a} ;+:yf / lgsfo k|ltj4 nLnfdl0f kf}8]n d'Vo;lrj


i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{ l i6« o lbj;sf] ;Gbe{ kf/]/ g]kfn ;/sf/, clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u / 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g] k fn;lxt tLgj6f ;+ : yf ldn] / ;+o'Qm sfo{qmd ul/Psf] 5 . e|i6frf/ ax'cfoflds ;fdflhs /f]u xf], o;sf] lgoGq0fsf nflu ax'kIfLo ;xsfo{ / ;dGjosf] vfFrf] 5 eg]/ a]nf–a]nfdf eGg] uYof}{+ . sDtLdf Pp6f sfo{qmdsf] dfWodaf6 tLgj6} ;+:yf Pp6} d~rdf pleP/ ;xsfo{ / ;dGjo ug]{ l:yltdf k'u]sf 5f} . sfo{qmddfk{mt e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf nflu ;a} ;+:yf / lgsfo ;xsfo{ ug{ k|ltj4 5f+} eGg] ;Gb]z k|jfx x'g] ljZjf; /fv]sf 5f}+ . xfdLnfO{ yfxf 5, s]xL cGt/f{li6«o ;+3–;+:yfn] u/]sf cWoog cg';Gwfgx? e|i6frf/ cjwf/0ff ;"rsfª\s -s/K;g k/;]K;g OG8]S;_, e|i6frf/ Jof/f]ld6/h:tf k|ltj]bgx?n] g]kfnsf] e|i6frf/ lgjf/0fsf k|of;x? Tolt pT;fxhgs g/x]sf] pNn]v u/]sf 5g\ . o:tf ;"rgf xfdLn] c? klg k|fKt u/]sf 5f}+ . cGt/f{li6«o ;+3–;+:yfx?n] k|sfzg u/]sf To:tf ;"rsfª\s / k|ltj]bgn] g]kfnL ;dfhsf] jf:tljs k|ltlglwTj

ut jif{sf] s'/f ubf{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] tk{maf6 e|i6frf/lj?4sf] /0fgLlt / sfo{of]hgf cufl8 ;f¥of}+ / sfof{Gjogsf nflu k|oTg u¥of}+ . s]xL lgsfox?df sfo{ ;Dkfbg;DaGwL ;"rsfÍx? lgwf{/0f u¥of}+ . To:t} s]xL lhNnfsf gful/sx?sf] eL8ef8 x'g] sfof{nodf Ifltk"lt{;lxtsf] gful/s a8fkq nfu" u¥of}+ . t/ b'ef{Uo eGg'k5{– To;af6 k|fKt glthfaf6 xfdL cfk}mF klg Tolt ;Gt'i6 x'g ;s]gf}+ .

u/]sf 5g\ eGg] s'/fdf k"0f{¿kn] ;xdt x'g ;lsFb}g eGg] w]/} dflg;x?nfO{ nfUg ;S5 . To;df w]/} ;Totf klg 5 . tyflk, Pp6f jf:tljstf s] xf] eg] xfdL e|i6frf/ JofKt d'n'ssf] sf]6Ldf 5f}+ . xfdLn] ;bfrf/k4ltnfO{ hLjgsf] Pp6f cleGg cË agfpg ;ls/fv]sf 5}gf}+ . xfdLn] ;j{;fwf/0f gful/snfO{ ;]jf lbg] ;]jf k|bfos ;+:yfx?dfkm{t lgjf{w?kdf, lgikIf9Ën] / ljgf s'g} df] n flxhf / cltl/St vr{ , ljgf s'g} lxrlsrfx6, ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf] k|Tofe"lt lbg ;ls/x]sf 5}gf}+ . of] lbj; dgfO/xFbf of] s'/f xfdLn] dx;"; ug'{k5{ . To;f] eP klg xfdLn] ;'wf/sf s]xL k|oTgx? u/]sf 5f}+ . ut jif{sf] s'/f ubf{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] tk{maf6 e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] /0fgLlt / sfo{of]hgf cufl8 ;f¥of}+ / sfof{Gjogsf nflu k|oTg u¥of}+ . s]xL lgsfox?df sfo{ ;Dkfbg;DaGwL ;" r sfÍx? lgwf{/0f u¥of}+ . To:t} s]xL lhNnfsf gful/sx?sf] eL8ef8 x'g] sfof{nodf Ifltk"lt{;lxtsf] gful/s a8fkq nfu" u¥of}+ . t/ b'ef{Uo eGg'k5{– To;af6 k|fKt glthfaf6 xfdL cfk}mF klg Tolt ;Gt'i6 x'g ;s]gf} + . xfdLn] k|of]u u/]sf 6'n / ;fwgx?k|lt hgtfsf] ljZjf;

cfh{g ug{ g;lsPsf] xf] jf tL 6'nx? xfd|f] nflu pkof]uL gePsf x'g\ < c? s'g} tf}/tl/sfx? vf]Hg'kg]{ kf] xf] ls < jf:tjdf Ifltk"lt{;lxtsf] gful/s a8fkq xfdLn] c;fWo} pT;flxt eP/ NofPsf lyof}+ . ;] j f k| j fx ;+ o GqnfO{ k| e fjsf/L agfpg ljgf emGem6, ljgf cltl/St cfDbfgL gful/sx?n] ;xh9Ën] ;]jf kfpg eGgsf nflu To;f] ul/Psf] lyof] . To;sf] glthf eg] ;Gtf]ifhgs cfPg . ;fj{hlgs ;]jfk|jfx ;DaGwdf u'gf;f klg cfpg 5f]8Øf]–cfPg . Ifltk" l t{ bfjL klg ck] I ffcg' ; f/ cfPg . xfdL cfk}mFn] dx;"; ug]{ u/L s]xL sfof{nox?df ;]jfsf] u'0f:t/ ;'wf/ eP klg lglZrGt x'g] cj:yf cfPg . To;sf/0fn] Pp6f :jtGq lgsfon] cWoog ul/lbof];\ eg]/ cWoog ug{ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnnfO{ cg'/f]w u/]sf 5f}+ . To;sf] glthf k| f Kt eO;s] k l5 xfdLn] To;nfO{ cem kl/:s[t¿kdf cyjf cGo s' g } 6' N ;x? n} h fg] tof/L klg u/]sf 5f}+ . xfdLn] of] e|i6frf/ ax'cfoflds 5 / o;lj?4 n8\gsf nflu ax';/f]sf/jfnf lgsfox?sf] ;dGjo / ;xsfo{sf] vfFrf] 5 klg


lbj; ljz]if

elg/Xof} . c+u|]hLdf Pp6f pvfg 5– d]gL s'S; :kf] O n b ;' k . w] / } ;+ : yfx?n] Pp6} lhDd] j f/L jf Pp6f sfddf bf]xf]/f] lhDd]jf/L lnP/ a;] eg] Tof] sfd k|efjsf/L x'g'sf] ;§f emg\ a9L gf] S ;fgL x' g ] vt/f /xG5 . xfdLnfO{ ljutdf w]/} sfo{If]qx?df k|fKt ePsf cg'ejx?n] klg oxL l;sfpF5 . tyflk ax';/f]sf/jfnf lgsfox?nfO{ ;dGjofTds 9Ën] ljleGg sfo{ I f]x?df tf]lsPsf ljz]if sfo{If]qx?df k|efjsf/L 9Ën] kl/rfng ug{ ;Sbfv]l/ ;du|tfdf e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofgsf] glthf k| f Kt u5{ eGg] p2] Z on] g} s] x L ;+:yfx?nfO{ yk ;anLs/0f ug]{ cleofgdf xfdL nfu]sf 5f}+ . of] jif{ vf; u/L ljsf; lgdf{0fsf If]qdf c;fWo} 7"nf] kl/df0fdf xfd|f ;d:ofx? lj:tf/ ePsf 5g\ . 7" n f /sd ljlgof]hg ug]{ xfd|f] Ifdtf a9]sf] 5, cyjf xfdLn] a9fPsf 5f}+ . To;sf] ;Fu;Fu} u'0f:t/df c;fWo} w]/} k|Zgx? p7\g] u/]sf 5g\ . xfdLn] klg b]v]sf 5f}+– xfdLn] agfPsf k"jf{wf/x? l56f]– l56f] lau|g] / gful/ssf u'gf;fx? cfO/xg] u/]sf 5g\ . o:tf u'gf;fnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug]{ p2]Zo /fv]/ /fli6«o ;ts{tf s]Gb|df /x]sf] k|fljlws k/LIf0f lgsfonfO{ ;'b[9Ls/0f u/L of] jif{ Pp6f ;fwg;DkGg k|of]uzfnf :yfkgf ug]{ k|of; klg xfdLn] u/]sf 5f}+ . ah]6 ljlgof]hg ePsf] 5 . ;DejtM of] jif{ Pp6f k| f ljlws k|of]uzfnf tof/ ug]{ 5f}+ . ;Fu;Fu} s]xL b/aGbLx? ylkPsf 5g\ h;n] k/LIf0fsf] sfd cfk}mFn] ug{ ;Sg]5 . clxn];Dd ;tstf{ s]Gb|n] aflx/L ahf/af6 k|fljlws vf]hL u/]/ h;sf] u'0f:t/ hfFr ug]{ xf] To;};Fu k};f lnP/ hfFRg] k|0ffnL 5 . Tof] k|0ffnLnfO{

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g xfdL s/]S;g ug{ vf]lh/x]sf 5f}+ . s]xL ;dokl5 xfdL;Fu ;fwg;DkGg Nofa/f] 6 /L / cfˆg} hfF r sLx? x'g]5g\ . To;kl5 xfdLn] :jtGq¿kn] hfFr ug]{ l:ylt tof/ x'G5 . u'0f:t/Lo lgdf{0fsf] k|Tofe"ltsf nflu xfdLn] of] sfd cufl8 a9fPsf xf}+ . oBlk o;sf] glthf cfpg s] x L ;do nfUg]5 . xfdLn] ljsf; lgdf{0f ;Da4 c8\8fx?df h]–hlt ah]6 ljlgof]hg / lj:tf/ u/]sf 5f}+ Tof] lx;fan] rflxF pgLx?n] u'0f:t/Lo sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{ ;Sg] cj:yf b]lvPg . tL ;+u7gx? k'g;{+/rgf ug{ b/aGbL lj:tf/ ug{ xfdLn] Tolt w]/} kxn u/]sf /x]g5f}+ ls < pgLx?sf] Ifdtf ga9fOsg u'0f:t/Lo ;]jf jf j:t'sf] cfk"lt{sf] k|Tofe"lt ug{ ;lsFb}g eGg] 7fg]/ xfdLn] of] jif{ s]xL ljsf; lgdf{0f;Fu ;DaGw c8\8fdf k|fljlws b/jGbLx? yKg] k|of; u¥of}+ / To;sf] klg glthf cfpg s]xL ;do nfUg] cj:yf 5 . o;sf] glthf ;sf/fTds cfpF5 eGg] cfzf / ljZjf; xfdLn] u/]sf 5f}+ . ev{/} g]kfn ;/sf/n] gful/ssf] eL8ef8 x'g] c8\8fx?df laxfgb]lv ;fFem;Dd sfof{no vf]n]/ ;~rfng ug]{ lg0f{o u/]sf] 5 . o;sf] Pp6f p2]Zo hxfF a9L eL8ef8 x'G5, ToxfF ;j{;fwf/0f sdhf]/x?nfO{ gf]S;fg x'G5 . cyjf ;]jfdf ;]jf k|bfosn] :jljj]s k|of]u ug]{ / lje]b ug]{ ;Defjgf /xG5 . cyjf ToxfF w]/} ljrf}lnofx?sf] rnv]n x'g] vt/fdf /xG5 . Tof] s'/fnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{sf nflu klAnsx?sf] eL8ef8 x'g] c8\8fx?df sfof{no ;do lj:tf/ u/]/ Tof] eL8nfO{ sd ug{ ;lsof] eg] klg ljrf}lnofnfO{ sd ug{ ;lsG5, ;]jf k|bfossf] :jljj]sLo clwsf/ 36fpg ;lsG5 eg]/ To;f] ul/Psf] xf] . ;]jfdf lje]b ug]{ cj:yfaf6 pGd'lQm lbnfpg ;S5 eGg] 7fg]/ g} xfdLn] of] lg0f{o u/]sf xf}+ . ;Fu;Fu} clgoldttf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g / e| i 6frf/hGo lqmofsnfkaf/] d f hlt ;"rgf jf hfgsf/L k|fKt x'G5 ltgsf cfwf/df ;Da4 lgsfox?nfO{ k|of]u u/]/ 5fglag ug]{, cg';Gwfg u/fpg] / cfGtl/s lx;fjn] sf/afxL ug'{kg]{ 7fpFdf sf/afxL ug]{ tof/L u/]sf 5f}+ . To;afx]s e|i6frf/hGo lqmofsnfkx? eP To;nfO{ d'2f– dfldnfsf] txdf n}hfg'kg]{ cj:yf cfP jf uxg cg';Gwfg ug]{ cj:yf cfof] eg] rflxF clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]udf To:tf s]zx? km/jf8{ ug] { sfdnfO{ klg xfdLn] tbf?stf;fy cufl8 a9fPsf xf}+ . To:t} gful/sx?sf u' g f;f ;' G g] ;Daf]wg ug]{ k|0ffnLnfO{ cln a9L lj:tf/– ;'b[9 ug]{ of]hgf klg of] jif{ /flvPsf] 5 . sDtLdf klg x]nf] ;/sf/ h:t} u'gf;f] ;'Gg] lgsfox? kfFrj6f If]qLo ;b/d'sfd;Dd k'¥ofpg] xfd|f] of] jif{sf] of]hgfdf /x]sf] 5 . oL ;a} lqmofsnfkx? cfwf/e" t ¿kdf ;'zf;g k|j4{g ug{ / ;/sf/L lgsfox?nfO{ e|i6frf/d'St agfpg nlIft 5g\ . ;fy–;fy} gful/snfO{ ljgf df]nflxhf, ljgf emGem6, ljgf cltl/Qm vr{, ;/sf/n] k'¥ofpg'kg]{ ;]jfx? lgikIf 9Ën] k'¥ofpgsf nflu xfd|f k|of;x? s]lGb|t /xG5g\–/xg]5g\ . o; cj;/df d xfd|f ;a} ;xsdL{ /fi6«;]js ;fyLx?nfO{ klg cg'/f]w u5{'– xfd|f] ;fj{hlgs 5lj ;'wfg{ cfˆgf] 7fpFaf6 yk k|of; / k|oTgx? ug'{kg]{ 5 . xfdLn] clxn];Dd u/]sf k|of; / c?sf] ;dLIff u/]/ cfufdL lbgdf yk glthf cfpg] u/L, gful/sn] cg'e"lt ug]{ u/L, ;]jfu|fxLn] cg'e"lt ug]{ u/L k|efjsf/L 9Ën] e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f;DaGwL lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ ;Fu;Fu} lnP/ hfg'kg]{5 . cGoyf xfdL hlt;'s} Odfgbf/, :jR5 / kf/bzL{ eP klg ToxL 3fgdf kg]{ 5f}+ . gful/sn]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g ;a} /fi6«;]jsnfO{ ;du|df To;}u/L d"Nofª\sg ug]{5g\ . sltko cj:yfdf unt u/]sf] dfG5]nfO{ unt eg]/ sf/afxL ug]{ cyjf unt u/]sf] eg]/ PS;gdf hfg] dfldnfdf cln sdhf]/ 5f}+ ls eGg] rflxF dx;"; eO/x]5 . a]sf/df lsg b'ZdgL df]Ng], lsg 6fpsf] b'vfpg], hf]lvd df]Ng] < ca of] o:t} eof], o:t} rln/xG5 . ;a} 7fpF To:t} 5– Ps 7fpFdfq lsg sf/afxL ug]{ eg]/ 5f8\g' x'Fb}g . Ps 7fpF kfPsf] unt lqmofsnfknfO{ gb]v]e}mF ul/lbFbf cyjf To;nfO{ ;xh 9Ën] lnO{ lbFbfv]l/ To;sf] lj:tf/ x'G5 / To;vfnsf lqmofsnfkdf nfUg]dfG5] pT;flxt x'G5g\ . To;n] Pp6f ;fdflhs /f]usf] ?k lnG5 . xfdLn] rfx]/ klg lgoGq0f ug{ ;Sb}gf}+ . clxn] xfd|f] hfgsf/Ldf cfPsf / eGg ;lsg] lgoGq0fsf k|0ffnLx?nfO{ OdfGbf/Lk"j{s cu|;/ eP/ gul/lbPsf sf/0faf6 klg of] cj:yf cfPsf] xf] . Tof] cj:yfdf vf;} ;'wf/ ePsf] 5}g . Tof] ;'wf/ ePsf] 5}g eGg] s'/fsf] klg Pp6f dfgs s] xf] eg] clxn] clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]udf sd{rf/L k7fpg xfdLnfO{ dxfef/t eO/x] 5 . Pp6f 36gf ;'gfpF5'– s]xL /fi6«;]js sd{rf/L ;fyLx? d]/f] sfo{sIfdf cfpg'ePsf] lyof] . Pshgf sd{rf/LnfO{ k|wfgdGqL sfof{nodf cfpg eGbfv]l/ k|wfgdGqL sfof{nodf t ghfg], kmnfgf] c8\8f eP rflxF hfg], l9:sfgf] c8\8f eP hfg] eg]/ eGg'eP5 . clg d}n] k|wfgdGqL sfof{nodf %) k|ltzt eQf 5 cd's sfof{nodf t %) k|ltzt eQf klg 5}g . tnadfq vfg] xf] . clg Tof] sfof{ n odf hfG5' eGg' s f] dtnj pxfFsf] unt dg;fo g} x'g'k¥of] . geP h:6LkmfO{ ug'{k¥of] . s] sf/0f ToxfF hfg gvf]h]sf] xf] < k|wfgdGqL sfof{no ghfg], ToxfF hfg] sf/0frflxF

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g Pp6f 36gf ;'gfpF5'– s]xL /fi6«;]js sd{rf/L ;fyLx? d]/f] sfo{sIfdf cfpg'ePsf] lyof] . Pshgf sd{rf/LnfO{ k|wfgdGqL sfof{nodf cfpg eGbfv]l/ k|wfgdGqL sfof{nodf t ghfg], kmnfgf] c8\8f eP rflxF hfg], l9:sfgf] c8\8f eP hfg] eg]/ eGg'eP5 . s] sf/0f ToxfF hfg gvf]h]sf] xf] <

s] xf] < pxfFnfO{ Psk6s Tof] s'/f elglbg'xf];\ To;kl5 dfq pxfFn] eg]sf] 7fpFdf l;kmfl/; u?Fnf eg]F d}n] . clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]udf cg';Gwfg u/]sf] PS:6«f OG;]lG6e klg 5 . csf]{ c8\8fdf OG;]lG6e 5}g . t/ clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]udf rflxF cfpg grfxg] < lsg cfpg grfxg] < To;sf] sf/0f x'g;S5– xfdL;Fu e|i6frf/lj¿4 n8\g] cfF6 5}g . xfdL;Fu e|i6frf/lj¿4 n8\g] lxDdt klg 5}g . cyjf Tof] OR5fzlQm 5}g, hfFu/ 5}g . o;/L e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f x'Fb}g, af]n]/ dfq lgd"{n x'Fb}g, slxF g slxF PS;gdf t hfg} k5{ . Tof] lsl;dsf] k|j[lQdf slxF g slxF ;'wf/ ug{' kg]{5 . To;sf nflu xfdL cfk"m tÎk/ x'g] ;Fu;Fu} cfˆgf] dftxtsf ;fyLx?nfO{ klg tTk/ agfpg'kg]{ vfFrf] 5 . ca hf]lvd p7fpg tof/ gx'g] xf] eg] e|i6frf/hGo d'n'ss} gful/s eP/ xfdL a:g tof/ 5f}+ eGg] a'em] x'G5 . o;n] xfdLnfO{ e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ePsf] :jR5 / kf/bzL{ ;dfh d]/f] nflu rflxFb}g eGg] a'lemG5 . olb cfk"m kfj/df ePsf] a]nfdf cfk"mn] ug{ ;Sg] ePsf] a]nfdf hf]lvd gdf]Ng] xf] eg] xfd|f nflu s;n] hf]lvd df]ln lbG5 < To;sf/0f ca d}n] ;xsdL{ /fi6«;]js ;fyLx?nfO{ hf] dGqfno jf s'g} sfof{nosf] lhDd]jf/L ;Dxfn] / a:g' e Psf] 5, tkfO{ + x ?

lbj; ljz]if


e|i6frf/lj¿4sf lqmofsnfkdf s[kof lgd{d eOlbg';\ . df]nflxhfn] of] /f]u lgsf] x'Fb}g . hf]lvd df]Ng tof/ geO{ of] /f]u lgsf] x'Fb}g . sf]xL g sf]xL hf]lvd df]Ng tof/ x'g'k5{ . ;+;f/df Pp6f o:tf] l/kmd{ b]vfOlbg';\– h'g l/kmd{ lk|m xf];\ To:tf] 5Fb}5}g . hf]lvd df] N g tof/ x' F b } g f} eg] clxn] s } cj:yf xfdLnfO{ dfGo 5 eGg] a'lemG5 / of] lau|b} hfG5 . lsg lau|Fb} hfG5 eg] xfdLn] To:tf lqmofsnfkx? cgb]vf u¥of}+, To;nfO{ lgoGq0f u/]gf}+ eg] of] t lj:tf/ x'g] xf] . of] t ;¿jf /f]u xf] . lj:tf/ x'Fb} hfG5 . xfdL To:t} ;dfhsf] ;b:o aGg] xf] . sltko cj:yfdf dfG5]x?sf] a'emfO{ s] x'G5 eg] e|i6frf/hGo lqmofsnfkn] sfdnfO{ l56f] agfPsf] 5 . o:tf] klg s'/f NofpF5g\, sf]xL ;fyLx? . e|i6frf/ u/]/ /ft–;fFem sfd u5{ . df]l6e]6 eP/ sfd u5{ . t/ p;n] hlt 8]lne/L ul//x]sf] x'G5, Tof] e|i6frf/hGo lqmofsnfkn] Tof]eGbf w]/} u'0ff a9L ;fgf /fi6«nfO{ gf]S;fg k'¥ofO/x]sf] x'G5 . To;sf/0f o:tf s'/fnfO{ Tof] dfkb08df xfn]/ rfF8f] sfd ePsf] 5 eGg] s'/fnfO{ cgb]vf klg ug'{ x'Fb}g . xfdLdWo] w]/}nfO{ nfUg;S5 e|i6frf/hGo lqmofsnfkn] dnfO{ rflxF gf]S;fg k'¥ofPsf] 5}g . t/ e|i6frf/hGo lqmofsnfkn] kmfObf ;f/} ;Lldt dfG5]nfO{ x'G5 . gf]S;fgL afFsL ;a}nfO{ x'G5 . ;du| To;/L sfd ug]{ dfG5]nfO{ klg x'G5 . s'g} Pp6f ;]jfk|bfosn] unt lqmofsnfk jf cfly{s n]gb]g u/]/ p;n] ;]jf k|bfg u¥of] eg] h;n] ;]jf kfpg] xf], Tof] klg slxF cfk"m klg ;]jfk|bfossf] ?kdf /x]sf] x'G5 . Pp6f 7fpFdf kf] d ;]jfk|bfos, afFsL ;a} 7fpFdf d klg t ;]jf pkef]Qmf xf] lg < olb d}n] d]/f] 7fpFdf unt 9Ën] ;]jfk|jfx u/]/ gfhfoh kmfObf lnPF eg]


lbj; ljz]if

c? afFsL ;]jfk|bfosx?n] h;n] dnfO{ ;]jf k|bfg u5{g\, pgLx?n] dnfO{ s] u5{g\ < d}n] h] u/]F ToxL u5{g\ . e|i6frf/nfO{ ;dfhaf6 pv]Ng xfd|f ;fdflhs d"No–dfGotf / wg;DklQ / k};fk|ltsf b[li6sf]0fx?, ;fdflhs ;DaGwsf tfgfafgfx? s]sf cfwf/df lgwf{/0f x'G5g\ eg]/ xfdLn] lgofNg' k5{ . e|i6frf/Lsf 5f]/fnfO{ 5f]/L lbGg / jf a'xf/L agfpFlbg eGg ;S5f}+ < c:jLsf/ ug]{ OR5fzlSt xfdLdf x'g' h?/L 5 . ha;Dd e|i6frf/ ug]{ dflg; ;dfhdf k|ltli7t eO/xG5g\, ;bfrf/L nflG5t / k|tfl8t eO/xG5g\ To;a]nf;Dd dxf/f]u e|i6frf/nfO{ dnhn eO/xG5 . xfd|f cflgafgL, Jojxf/x?n] To:t} s'/fnfO{ ;xof]u t ul//x]sf 5}gg\ eg]/ JolStut tj/df klg cfsng ul//xg' k5{ . xfdLn] xfd|f ;GtltnfO{ ;bfrf/L aGg l;sfPsf 5f}+ < ;bfrf/sf s'/f u5f}{ < pgLx?nfO{ ;bfrf/ l;sfpF5f}+ < olb ub}{gf} eg] e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f;DaGwL lqmofsnkfx?sf] k| e fj xfdLn] vf]h]sf] txdf kfpFb}g . clxn] hGd]/ x's{b} u/]sf] aRrfn] aRr}df ;bfrf/k4lt l;s]g, p;n] e|i6frf/hGo lqmofsnfknfO{ ;/n9Ën] :jLsf/ ug] { ;+ : sf/ l;Sof] eg] To;sf] afFsL hLjgel/ e|i6frf/lj/f]wL nufgL clxn]eGbf bf]Aa/ x'g]5 . olb xfdL To;sf lj¿4 n8\g] xf] eg] gofF k':tfnfO{ ToxL lsl;dsf] lzIff–bLIff lbg h?/L 5 . e|i6frf/ k':tfGt/0f x'Fb}5 . vt/gfs s'/f xf] Tof] . xfdLn] xfd|f] csf]{ k':tfdf rflxF v/fa ;+:s[ltsf] k':tfGt/0f ub}{5f}+ . xfdLn] h] ul//x]sf 5f}+, h] ef]lu/x]sf 5f}+ To;af6 gofF k':tfnfO{ d'St kfg]{ xf] eg] xfdLn] hf]lvd gp7fO{ ;'v} 5}g . clxn] ef]lu/x]sf] eGbf /fd|f] ;dfh, /fd|f] ;+u7g, /fd|f] k|0ffnL,

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g c;n cfr/0f, c;n cfr/0fo'Qm gful/s ePsf] ;dfhsf] k':tfGt/0f ug{, x:tfGt/0f ug{ ;Sb}gf} . olb o:tf] dx;"; xfdLnfO{ ePsf] 5 eg] ;DejtM xfdL e|i6frf/lj¿4 ;xL ;dodf n8\g] ;xL dflg; xf}+ . of] e|i6frf/lj/f]wL 5nkmn jf o:tf ;ef–;df/f]x ubf{ ;DejtM xfdLn] dfG5]sf] ljrf/nfO{ k|efljt ul//x]sf tTjx?sf] klxrfg u/]/ lgjf/0f ug]{ pkfo klg ;Fu;Fu} vf]Hg'k5{ . of] sfg"gL n8fO{+sf s'/fx?dfq} xf]Og . of] Pp6f ;+ u 7g alnof] agfP/ ;a} lhDdf nufP/ x' g ] s' / fdfq} klg xf] O g . en} To;sf] w]/} 7"nf] dxÎj 5 . Pp6f ;+:yf ;lqmo x'Fbf / gx'Fbfsf] km/s clxn] xfdLn] dx;"; ul//x]sf 5f}+ . sltko dfG5]x? eGg] ug'{x'G5, w]/}sf] egfO 5– clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] ;fgfnfO{ dfq ;dfof] . sd{rf/LnfO{ dfq} ;dfof] . tkfO{+ sd{rf/Lsf] d'Vo dflg; eP/ s] x]l//xg'ePsf] 5 < To:tf] s'/fx? u'gf;f]sf] ¿kdf d;Fu cfOk'U5 . ;a} /fi6«;]js ;fyLx?nfO{ ljgd|tfk"j{s Pp6f ;Gb]z lbg rfxG5'– sDtLdf h'g e|i6frf/hGo lqmofsnfkdf hf] /fi6«;]js ;fyLx? ;+nUg x'g'x'G5, To;af6 k[ys /xg';\ . ;ky vfPs} To;}sf] nflu xf] . ca tkfO{+nfO{ d}n] s]af6 k|f]6]S;g ug]{ . tkfO{+n] ;ky vfPsf]eGbf leGg9Ën] sfd ul//xg'ePsf] 5 . To;af6 tkfO{+ sfg"gadf]lhd blG8t x'g'x'G5 . ca d} n ] s;/L eGg] ls csf] { 7" n f] dflg; vf]Hg hfg';\ eg]/ . sDtLdf klg e|i6frf/nfO{ h/f;Dd lj:tf/ jf sNr/ ug]{ sfd klAns ;le{; 8]lne/L d]sflgHdn] agfO/x]sf] 5 . Tof] xfdLn] dx;"; ug]{ ls gug]{ < xfdL e|i6frf/ ug]{sf nflu el/of alg/x]sf 5f}+ . el/of alGbg eGg] x}l;ot / Ifdtf /fVg] ls g/fVg] < xfdL s;}n] s;}sf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g se/df k|f]6]S;gdf a;]/ cfˆgf] ;fgf] Ifl0fs :jfy{ / kmfObfsf nflu /fi6« / d'n'snfO{ w]/} 7"nf] gf]S;fgL k'¥ofpg] v]ndf nflu/x]sf 5f}+ . xfdL yf]/}n] u/]sf sfd ;fgf] xf]nf, t/ To;n] /fHo / ;dfhnfO{ x'g] gf]S;fg t eofjx 5 . To;sf/0f e|i6frf/ ;fgf] / 7"nf] x'Fb}g . t]/f] / d]/f] x'Fb}g, zq'n] u/]sf] / ldqn] u/]sf] x'Fb}g . of] v/fa / c;n t x'Fb} xf]Og, of] v/fan] v/fa dfq} xf] . of] zq'dfq} xf], ldq x'g} ;Sb}g . of] cs}{sf] dfq} xf], d]/f] x'g} ;Sb}g . olb of] d]/f] klg xf] eg] e|i6frf/lj/f]wL cleofgdf n8\g] s'g} g}lts clw/sf/ /xFb}g . n8\5' eGg] clwsf/ /xFb}g . To;sf/0f klg xfdL dfWod gagL lbpmF . Tolt ubf{v]l/ klg xfd|f ;le{; 8]lne/L d]sflgHddf gful/sn] kfpg] ;]jfdf w]/} 7"nf] /fxt dx;"; ug]{5g\ . xfdL cfˆgf] st{Jok|lt OdfGbf/L xf]Ogf}+ . Tof] s;}sf nflu ul/Psf] klg xf]Og . of] xfd|} nflu xf] . To;sf] k|ltkmn klg xfdLn] g} ef]Ug] xf] . xfd|} kfnfdf xfdLn] unt u/]sf lqmofsnfkx?sf] ;fFjf–Jofh;lxt xfdL;Fu} kms]{/ cfpF5 . xfdLn] xfd|f] 7fpFdf unt u¥of}+ eg] csf]{n] cs}{ 7fpFdf unt ul//x]s} x'G5 . To;sf] df/ xfdLnfO{ k5{ . xfdLn] u/]sf] c¿nfO{ k5{, sfdsf] ef/ c?n] u/]sf] df/ xfdLnfO{ k5{ . xfdLn] h'g ;+:s[lt, h'g Jojxf/ k|bz{g u¥of}+ c?n] klg . To;}sf] l;sf] ug]{ xf] . 7"nf] e|i6frf/ ug]{sf nflu xfdL ;fwg gagf}+ . k|ToIf ?kdf ;le{; 8]lne/L ug]{ 7fpFdf xfdL x'G5f}+, cfd–gful/sn] 7fG5g\– e|i6frf/hGo lqmofsnfkdf sd{rf/Lsf] dfq} ;+nUgtf 5 . xfdL k|mG6 km];df t xfdL g} 5f}+ . xfd|} /fi6«;]js ;xsdL{ ;fyLx? 5g\ . clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u, cg';Gwfg clwsf/L, e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f;Fu ;Da4

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g c8\8f lqmofsnfk ;+3–;+:yfx?n] ca 7"nf–7"nf e|i6frf/;Da4 ljifosf] cg';Gwfgdf nfUg'kg]{ eof] . To;sf/0f klg xfd|f] kf6f]af6 xfdLn] xfd|f] ;dLIff u/]/ xfd|f lqmofsnfk afFsL Jojxf/, rfnrngx?nfO{ clnslt lgolGqt, Jojl:yt u/f} F xfd| f sfdx?nfO{ lhDd]jf/Lk"0f{ 9Ën] ;Dkfbg ug]{ k|oTg u/f} + . hgtfnfO{ k'¥ofpg'kg]{ ;]jfdf xfd|f] h'g lsl;dsf] k|ltj4tf / nufj x'g'kg]{ xf] To;nfO{ sdL x'g lbPgf} eg] klg w]/} xb;Dd xfd|f] lau|]sf] 5ljnfO{ ;'wfg{ / e|i6frf/JofKt d'n'ssf] sf]6Laf6 d'n'snfO{ lgsfNg ;Sg] 5f}+ . xfdLnfO{ yfxf 5– 7"nf e|i6frf/x? 7"nf–7"nf sf/f]af/ ug]{ w]/} zlQmzfnL dfG5]x?sf] ;+nUgtfdf / gLltut txd} x'G5g\ . t/ s'g} g s'g} lx;fan] xfdL ltgLx?sf] ;xfos eOlbO/x]sf x'G5f}+ . s'g} g s'g} lx;fan] xfdLn] To;nfO{ k|dfl0ft ul//x]sf x'G5f}F . To;df xfd|f] k|ToIf ;+nUgtf eO/x]sf] x'G5 . hf] ;a}eGbf a9L kmfObfdf /xG5, To;sf] k|ToIf ;+nUgtf b]lvFb}g . cg'Q/bfoL ;+oGq / To:tf lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ xfdLn] dfGotf lbg yfNof}, cgfjZos rf;f] /flvlbof}+ eg] xfdL s'g} klg a]nf cK7Øf/f]df kg{ ;S5f}+ . kmfObf cs}{n] lnG5 / To;sf] df/rflxF xfdLdf kg{ ;S5 . To;sf/0f To:tf] cg'Q/bfoL ;+oGq / JolQmx?, h;n] pQ/bfloÎj lng'kg]{ Tof] b]lvFb}g . l;gdf 5}g . cfpg' kb}{g . h;n] s'g} klAns cyf]l/6L xf]N8 ub}{g . ;fj{hlgs¿kdf pkl:yt eP/ aofg lbg' kb}{g . To:tf dfG5]x?sf lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ xfdLn] …gf]Ú eGg ;Sg'k5{ . cGoyf To;sf] df/ v]Kg] xfdLn] g} xf] . xfdLn] ug}{ g;s]sf] kf6f] eg]sf] lghL If]qnfO{ klg e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] bfo/fdf ;d]6\g g;Sg' xf] . lghL If]qnfO{ Nofpg]eGbf aflx/ w]/} 7"nf] xf]xNnf u/]sf] kfO/x]sf 5f}+, xfdLn] . nufgLsf]

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

sfg"g ;+zf]wgsf] qmddf gful/s ;dfhsf k|a'4 ju{n] b]v]–hfg]sf, cfk"mn] dx;"; u/]sf, cg'ej u/]sf, pkof]uL ;'emfjx? xfd|f nflu w]/} dxÎjk"0f{ x'g]5g\ . ;fy–;fy} oxfFx?n] xfdLn] ul//x]sf lqmofsnfkx?af6 e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f cleofgdf yk ;3fp k'Ug ;Sg]vfnsf s]xL s'/f jf ljrf/x? 5g\ eGg] nfu]df ;'emfjsf ?kdf u|x0f ug{ xfdL tof/ 5f}+

jftfj/0f vQd x'G5, of] ug'{ x'G5, Tof] ug'{ x'Fb}g, aaf{b x'G5 . k|fOe]6 eg]sf] t Olkm;]G;L d]G6]g ug]{ xf], :jljj]sLo clwsf/ k|of]u ug]{ xf] . gfkmf–3f6f p;}n] Aoxf]g]{ xf], To;sf/0f of] ug'{ x'Gg, Tof] ug'{ x'Gg elgG5 . of] ;a} a'e]m/ g} e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o dxf;lGw ePsf] xf] . o;n] lghL If]qnfO{ e|i6frf/sf] bfo/fdf NofpF5 . clxn] xfd|f] Osf]gf]dLsf] emG8} &) k|ltzt /sd lghLIf]qaf6 kl/rfng x'G5 . Tof]dWo] klg clxn] xfdL v'nf / :jtGq ahf/ Joj:yf cg' s /0f ul//x] s f 5f} + . v' n f cy{tGq cg's/0f ul/;s]kl5 ljt/0f, pTkfbgdf lghL If]qsf] ;+nUgtf 5 . ca pgLx?n] ;fj{hlgs lqmofsnfk ul/;s] k l5 e| i 6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] bfo/fdf cfPg eg] jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfnfO{ dfq ToxfF /fVg] xf] eg] t e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f x'g ;Sb}g . lghL If]qn] 7"nf] If]q cf]u6]sf] 5, ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf] ljt/0f, pTkfbg / cGo lqmofsnfkdf ;+nUg eO;s]sf] 5 . ToxfF e|i6frf/sf] cj:yf x]g{' h?/L 5 cGoyf xfd|f] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofg ck"/f] x'G5 .

lbj; ljz]if


lghL If]q xtf]Î;flxt / lg¿Î;flxt x'g] jf 8/fpg'kg]{ s'g} sf/0f 5}g . o;sf] ;Ldf 5, To;n] b'O{j6f 8f]d]gleq a;]/ dfq} lghL If]qsf] s/K;g x]5{ . Pp6f olb lghL If]qn] ;fj{hlgs j:t' / ;]jfsf] sfd ul//x]sf] 5 / csf]{ s'g} k|fs[lts ;Dkbf jf ;|f]t–;fwgx?sf] k|of]uaf6 gfkmf JolStut agfpg] / nfut ;fdflhs agfpg] ;Defjgf 5 eg] . of] jif{ sfg"g ;+zf]wgsf] k|lqmofdf klg 5f}+ . clxn] sfd ubf{v]l/ b]lvPsf sdL–sdhf]/L / sl7gfO{x?nfO{ ;d]t ;dfj]z u/]/ cfpg] lxpFb] clwj]zgdf k]z ug]{ u/L sfd cufl8 al9/x]sf] 5 . sfg"g ;+zf]wgsf] qmddf gful/s ;dfhsf k|a'4 ju{n] b]v]–hfg]sf, cfk"mn] dx;"; u/]sf, cg'ej u/]sf, pkof]uL ;'emfjx? xfd|f nflu w]/} dxÎjk"0f{ x'g]5g\ . ;fy–;fy} oxfFx?n] xfdLn] ul//x]sf lqmofsnfkx?af6 e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f cleofgdf yk ;3fp k'Ug ;Sg]vfnsf s]xL s'/f jf ljrf/x? 5g\ eGg] nfu]df ;'emfjsf ¿kdf u|x0f ug{ xfdL tof/ 5f}+ . ;a}sf] ;xsfo{af6 a:gnfos, b]Vgnfos, Pp6f ;bfrf/o'Qm / Pp6f :jledfgL gful/sx?sf] / ;an cy{ t Gq ePsf] ;dfh xfdLn] lgdf{ 0 f ug{ ;S5f} + . cGoyf of] e| i 6frf/sf] hfnf]n] JolQmnfO{ dfq xf]Og ;dfhnfO{ dfq xf]O g, /fi6«nfO{ klg sdhf]/ agfpF5 . of] /fi6«nfO{ sdhf]/ agfpg] cleofgdf Pp6f /fi6«jfbL gful/s rflxF nfUg ;Sb}g . of] cleofgdf xfdL ;a} Ps;fy cl3 a9f}+ .9 k|:t'lt M 6L=Pg= l3ld/]

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn, k|wfgdGqLsf] sfof{no / clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;sf cj;/df @)&! d+l;/ @# ut] cfof]usf] ;efsIfdf Ps sfo{qmd cfof]hgf u/]sf lyP. of] ;fdu|L ;f]xL sfo{qmdnfO{ ;+af]wg ub}{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf d'Vo ;lrj nLnfdl0f kf}8]nn] JoQm ug{'ePsf] dGtJodf cfwfl/t 5._


lbj; ljz]if

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

;Gbe{ M e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;–@)&!

lhDd]jf/L / st{Jo M kbflwsf/Ln] a'e]m ;'zf;g cg'e"t x'G5 nf]sdfg l;+x sfsL{ k|d'v cfo'St clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u


i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofgdf ;+nUg ;/f]sf/jfnfx? 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g] z gn g] k fn, k|wfgdGqLsf] sfof{no, ;'/Iff lgsfo, ;~rf/sdL{;Fusf] ;xsfo{df xfdLn] clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]udf Pp6f ljlzi6 ;df/f]xsf] cfof]hgf ug{ ;kmn ePsf 5f}+ . e| i 6frf/lj¿4sf] lbj; cToGt} P]ltxfl;s / dxÎjk"0f{ lbg xf] . of] lbg xfdL ;a}n] eGg] u/]sf s'/fx? ;fFlRrg} ;}4flGts txdf dfq} ;Lldt g/fv]/ Jofjxfl/s txdf sfof{Gjog ug]{ / k|ltj4tf hgfpg] lbg klg xf] . e|i6frf/hGo ultljlwx?df g]kfnLn] cfˆgf] gfd / k|lti7fnfO{ lbgfg'lbg u'dfpFb} u/]sf] cj:yf 5 . ;a}sf] ;fd"lxs k|of; eP lgZro g} of] cj:yfdf ;'wf/ cfpg]5 . xfn;fn} dfq ;LkLcfO{ OG8] S ; k|sflzt ePsf] 5 . cGt/f{li6«o :t/df k|l;4 ;LkLcfO{n] e|i6 d'n'ssf ¿kdf cf}+Nofpg' Ps k|sf/n] b'Mvb\ ljifo xf] . x'g t of] ;LkLcfO{ Pp6f dfG5]sf]

6«fG;k/]g;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] ;LkLcfO{ OG8]S; k|sflzt u/]sf] 5 . cGt/f{li6«o :t/df k|l;4 ;LkLcfO{ OG8]S;n] e|i6 d'n'ssf ?kdf cf}+Nofpg' Ps k|sf/n] b'Mvb\ ljifo xf] .

k;]{K;g xf] . o;sf] ljZj;gLotfsf af/]df d ljZn]if0f ug{ rfxGg . lsgeg] slt d'n'sx?n] o;nfO{ :jLsf/ u/]sf 5g\, sltn] :jLsf/ u/]sf 5}gg\ . r]s u0f/fHosf] ;b\efjgf e|d0fsf] cj;/df d}n] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn r] s u0f/fHosf] sfof{ n odf uP/ 5nkmn ug]{ df}sf kfPsf] lyPF . o; lznlznfdf pxfF x ?n] 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g]zgnsf] g]kfn RofK6/n] cToGt} dxÎjk" 0 f{ of] u bfg k' ¥ ofPsf] s' / f j0f{g ug'{ePsf] lyof] . o; cy{df 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g] z gn g] k fndf cfj4 JolQmÎjx?n] g]kfnsf] ljs6 If] q x?df /fhgLlts, ;fdflhs, k|zf;lgs, ;+j}wflgsnufot x/If]qdf dxÎjk"0f{ of]ubfg lbg'ePsf] 5 . pxfFx?n] cfˆgf] SnLg l/kf]6{ / /fi6«k|lt k'¥ofPsf] of]ubfgdfk{mt ca cfpg] gofF k':tfnfO{ s;/L ;xL af6f]df lxF8\g ;lsG5 < s;/L ;fdflhs Gofo :yflkt ug{ ;lsG5 < s;/L e|i6frf/ d'Qm ;dfh l;h{gf ug]{ / ljsf;sf]

k|ltkmn k'¥ofpg], xfdL;Fu pknAw ;fwg–;|f]t ;dfg'kflts / ;dGoflos lx;fan] cfd–gful/sx?nfO{ lbg / lbnfpg s] ug{ ;lsG5 eg]/ dfu{lgb]{z ug'{ePsf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfndf cfa4 k|j'4 JolStx?sf] of]ubfg, cg'ej :d/0fLo 5 . xfdL pxfFx?af6 k|fKt ;'emfa ;;Ddfg u|x0f ub}{ cfufdL lbgdf ;xsfo{ ug] { k| l tj4tf clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]usf tkm{af6 ub{5f}+ . xfd|f] a'emfOdf– olb d'n'sdf sfo{/t lhDd] j f/ kbflwsf/Lx? cfˆgf] lhDd]jf/Lk|lt ;t{s x'g] xf] eg] &% k|ltzt ;'zf;g To;} xfl;n x'G5 . olb kfFrj6f If]qdf sfo{/t k|x/L, If]qLo k|zf;s of c? lhDd]jf/ hf]–hf] kbflwsf/L x'g,\ tL kbflwsf/Ln] cfˆgf] lhDd]jf/Laf]wsf ;fy gful/ssf] ;]jf u/], ljBdfg P]g, sfg"g lgb]{zg kfngf ug{'nfO{ st{Josf ¿kdf cfTd;ft u/] eg] gful/sn] ;'zf;gsf] cg'e"lt ug{ ;Sg]5g\ . ;fdflhs Gofosf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g cj:yf klg l;h{gf x'g ;Sg]5 . xfdL o; cy{df uDeL/ 5f}+ ls 5}gf}+ eGg] dxÎjk"0f{ k|Zg dgg\ ug{' cfjZos 5. e|i6frf/lj¿4 to ul/Psf xfd|f gLltx? w]/} /fd|f 5g\ lsgeg] x/]s gLltdf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug]{ /0fgLltnfO{ hlxn] klg k|fyldstfdf /flvPsf] 5 . o; ;DaGwdf xfd|f] cfjlws of]hgfx? hf] /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]un] ;'? b]lvg k|sflzt ug]{ ub{5 To;nfO{ x]g]{ xf] eg] b]z clxn] ;'zfl;t dfq} xf]Og ljsf;sf] pGgt r/0fdf k'Ug'kg]{ xf] . :jfdL c¿0fn] eGg'ePe}mF xfdLnfO{ k|s[ltn] ;Dk"0f{ s'/f lbPsf] 5 . t/, xfdLn] k|s[ltnfO{ cfTd;ft u/]sf 5f}+ ls 5}gf}+ < of] Pp6f dxÎjk"0f{ k|Zg 5 . ;+;f/sf] x/]s 7fpFdf uP/ x]bf{ tL 7fpFsf] ljsf; cgk]lIft 5 . t/ xfdL sxfF k|s[ltn] o:tf] a/bfg lbFbflbFb} klg ;'zf;g sfod ug{ / ljsf; ug{ ;ls/x]sf 5}gf}+ . b]zdf hxfF uP/ pleP klg ;fgf] k|of;n] w]/} s'/f ug{ ;lsG5 h:tf] nfU5 . t'ngf ug]{ dfG5]n] lh/LnfO{ :jLh/Nof08;Fu t'ngf ub{5g\ . g]kfndf To:tf lh/L xhf/f}+ 5g\ . Pp6f bfh{lnË hxfF ko{6ssf ?kdf xhf/f}–+ nfvf} JolQmx? hfG5g\ . bfh{lnËh:tf 7fpF xfd|f] g]kfndf xhf/f}+–xhf/ 5g\ . k|s[ltn] xfdLnfO{ ;a} k|sf/n] lbPsf] 5 . xfdLsxfF hn;|f]tsf] cgGt ;Defjgf 5 . To:t}, hn;|f]t;Fu hf]l8Psf] ko{ 6 gsf] klg plQs} ;Defjgf 5 . olb o;nfO{ ljsf; ug]{ xf], Pp6f bL3{sfnLg ;f]r / sfof{Gjog ug]{ 7f]; k|ltj4tf xfdLdf /Xof] eg] cfufdL !)–!@ jif{sf] cjlw xfd|f] d'n'ssf] kl/jt{gsf nflu kof{Kt x'g]5 . o;sf nflu lgZro g} /fhgLlts k|ltj4tfsf] cfjZostf 5 . /fhgLlts k|ltj4tfdfq} xf]Og, o;sf] sfof{Gjog klg plQs}

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

e|i6frf/lj?4 to ul/Psf xfd|f gLltx? w]/} /fd|f 5g\ lsgeg] x/]s gLltdf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug]{ /0fgLltnfO{ hlxn] klg k|fyldstfdf /flvPsf] 5 . o; ;DaGwdf xfd|f] cfjlws of]hgfx? hf] /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]un] ;'? b]lvg k|sflzt ug]{ ub{5 To;nfO{ x]g]{ xf] eg] b]z clxn] ;'zf;gdfq} xf]Og ljsf;sf] pGgt r/0fdf k'Ug'kg]{ xf] .

dxÎjk"0f{ 5 . gful/snfO{ of] k|ltkmn lbG5' / g] k fnnfO{ ljsf;sf] of] o'udf k|j]z u/fpF5' eGg] k|ltj4tf pRr txsf ;/sf/L sd{rf/Lx?df cfjZos 5 . To;} u/]/ ;/sf/L tyf ;+j}wflgs lgsfon] u/]sf sfd– sf/afxLx?nfO{ glhsaf6 lgofNg] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn, gful/s ;dfhnufotsf k|j'4 JolQmx?sf] dxÎjk"0f{ e"ldsf 5 . cfof]usf k"j{ k|d'v cfo'Qmx?n] ;+:yfnfO{ hLjGt agfpg v]Ng'ePsf] dxÎjk"0f{ of]ubfgsf] x[boaf6} clegGbg ug{ rfxG5' . k"j{ k|d'v cfo'St ;"o{gfy pkfWofon] klxnf] k 6s ;+ : yfnfO{ d'n'sdf clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u eGg] klg s'g} ;+:yf 5 eg]/ hgdfg;df kl/lrt u/fOlbg'eof] . Tof] ;+:yf h;n] gful/ssf nflu sfd u5{, h;n] e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f eGg] s'/fnfO{ k|fyldstfsf ;fy cufl8 a9fpF5 . e|i6frf/sf] gfddf s]xL ;Lldt JolQmx?n] b]zsf ;Dk"0f{ cj;/ / r' g f} l tx?nfO{ u' d gfd agfPsf 5g\ , To:tf JolQmx?n] sfg" g sf] JofVofnufotsf ;Dk" 0 f{ s' / fx? cfˆgf] vNtLdf /fVg] cj:yfsf] cGTo ul/g'kb{5 eGg] sfdsf] ;'?jft

lbj; ljz]if


klg pxfFn] g} ug'{ePsf] lyof] . w] / } ;do;Dd clVtof/ b' ¿ kof] u cg';Gwfg cfof]udf kbflwsf/L lgo'Qm x'g ;s]g / sd{rf/Laf6} cfof]usf sfd–sf/afxLx? ;~rfng x' g ] cj:yf l;h{gf eof] . Pp6f vfnL ;do h'g ;dodf pxfFn] ;'zf;gsf] k|Tofe"lt u/fpF b } e| i 6frf/Lx?nfO{ 9Øfª\ u | f ] 7f]Sg'eof] . dflyNnf] txb]lv tNnf] tx;Dd sf/afxLsf] k|lqmof h;/L a9fpg'ePsf] lyof] To;n] ;+:yfdf cfwf/:tDe tof/ u¥of] . To;kl5 ejg agfpF5' eGg]vfnsf kbflwsf/Lx? lgo'Qm u/]/ cufl8 a9fpg ;s]sf] eP d'n's cfh e|i6dWo]sf d'n'sdf kg]{ lyPg . g t ;LkLcfO{n] g} cf}+Nofpg ;SbYof] . g t c? gful/ssf gh/df ;/sf/k|ltsf] ljZj;gLotf, clgolGqt e|i6frf/, ;"rgfbftfsf] c;'/Iffh:tf s'/fx?n] 7fpF kfpg] lyP . Ps–Ps k};f p7fpgsf nflu /fHon] u/]sf] d]xgt / cg'ejsf] cfwf/df eGg ;lsG5– slt d'lZsn;Fu s'g kl/l:yltdf /fh:jx? l;h{gf x'G5g\ . xfdL;Fu To:tf] s'g} g]r'/n e08f/x? clxn] ; Dd pknAw x' g ;s] s f] 5}g, h;n] xfd|f] cy{tGq psf:g ;sf] ; \ . xfdLn] /fh:jsf nflu cg] s k| s f/sf gLltx? agfP/ /fh:j p7fpg'kg]{ x'G5 . To;sf] ljt/0f k|0ffnLnfO{ s;/L Jojl:yt ug{ ;lsG5 < ;/sf/n] gful/ssf] g};lu{+s clwsf/, df}lns xssf] ?kdf 3f]if0ff ul/Psf] lzIff, :jf:Yo, ;fdflhs eQf, lkpg] kfgLnufot ofjt\ s'/fx? hf] gful/s;F u k|ToIf?kdf ;/f]sf/sf ljifo x'g\ . tL ljifonfO{ klxnf] k|fyldstfdf s;/L /fVg ;lsG5 eg]/ g]kfn ;/sf/sf ljefuLo k|d'vx?, ;lrjHo"x? / d'Vo ;lrjHo"x?nfO{ ;d]t af]nfP/ cfof] u df 5nkmn u/] s f lyof} + . cfof]usf tkm{af6 elgof]— kbflwsf/Ln]


lbj; ljz]if

lhDd]jf/ eP/ lgi7f / akmfbf/Lk"j{s lhDd]jf/ cfTd;ft ub}{ 5ftLdf xft /fv]/ sfd ul/lbg'xf];\ . xfdL tkfO{+sf] sfo{df ;xof]uL aGg rfxG5f}+ . s;}nfO{ d'2f xfNg', bl08t ug'{, y'Gg' lgZro g} lk|o s'/f xf]Og . /, s'g} klg JolQmn] Tof] sfo{ ug{ rfxFb}g . w]/}nfO{ nfUg ;S5– cfof]un] b'Mv lbof], kmnfgf]nfO{ y'Gof], jf bl08t u¥of] . To; 7fpFdf cfk"mnfO{ /fv]/ ;f]rf}+ t Tof] t kbflwsf/Lsf] lhDd]jf/L xf] . olb lgldQdfq x'F eGg] cg'e"lt /fVof}+ eg] o:tf] b'Mvsf] cg'el" t ug{'kg]{ g} x'Fb}g . clVtof/n] lg/f]wfTds / pkrf/fTds 9Ën] sfd ug'{ kb{5 . oxL cy{df xfdLn] g]kfn ;/sf/sf dxÎjk"0f{ dxfg' e fjx?nfO{ eGof} + , tkfO{ + x ? gLlt;Ët 9Ën] rNg'xf];\ . sfg"g– lgodsf] kfngf ul/lbg';\ . sfg"g– lgoddf :ki6tf 5}g eg] sd;]sd Pp6f jls{Ë Dofg'cn agfpg'xf];\ . tkfO{+sf] thaLhL clwsf/sf] k|of]u hlt Go"g x'G5, Tolt g} h:6LkmfO{ ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . To;n] JolQmut :jfy{sf nflu sfd u/]sf] xf]Og eGg] k'li6 ub{5 . xfd|f ;Gbe{df slt s'/f ;}4flGts ¿kn] eGg ;lhnf] t/ Jofjxfl/s ¿kdf ug{ ufx|f] 5 . pbfx/0fsf ?kdf xfd|f] ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]gnfO{ lng ;S5f}+ . Tof] P]g agfOPsf a]nf Tof] plrt / pko'Qm g} lyof] . t/ clxn] Tof] P]g Jojxfl/s 5}g . To;sf] k|fjwfgx?– 7]Ssfk§fsf s'/fx? x]g]{ xf] eg] clVtof/ hxfF klg hfg;Sg] l:yltdf 5 . dflg;x? eG5g\– P:6Ld]6eGbf 7]Ssf ;Demf}tf rfnL;, krf; k|ltzt Go"g cfpF5 . xfdLn] To;nfO{ lbof}+ eg] Tof] sfdsf] u'0f:t/ gx'g]dfq xf]Og k"/f klg x'Fb}g eGg] xfdLnfO{ yfxf 5 . t/ lbPgf} eg] clVtof/h:tf lgsfon] lbg]nfO{ sf/afxL u5{ . xfdL s] ug]{ <

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g xfdL;Fu sfg"gL afWotf x'G5 . Tof] ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]gn] csf]{ Joj:yf klg u/]sf] 5, t/ Totf w]/}sf] Wofg uPsf] 5}g . olb ;Dj4 lg0f{o ug]{ kbflwsf/LnfO{ lrQ a'e]mg eg] ;fd" l xs lg0f{ o u/fpg ;lsG5 . ;fd"lxs lg0f{o u/]/ of]–of] sf/0fn] ubf{v]l/ rflxF unt xf], o;df e|i6frf/ x'g ;Sb5 eg]/ csf]{nfO{ lbg'xf];\ . x'g t of] sfg"gadf]lhdsf] pQ/ xf]Og . t/ xfdLn] ;fd"lxs ¿kdf xfd|f] sfg"gL ;+/rgfx?nfO{ ;d;fdlos tj/n] ;+zf]wg / kl/dfh{g ug{ cfjZos 5. csf]{ klg pbfx/0f 5 . clxn] ahf/ cg' u dgsf lznlznfdf clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]unufot;Fu ;dGjo u/]/ cg'udg ;+oGqsf] /fd|f] k|of]u ul/Psf] 5 . t/ xfdLsxfF s:tf] ;+ul7t k|j[lQ 5 eg] z'4 b"w gful/sn] vfg kfpg'k5{, z'4 b"wdfq} a]Rg';\ eGbf 8]/L kmd{x?n] x8\tfn u5{g\ . ld;fj6 gePsf] lkpgof]Uo kfgL laqmL ug{ ' k 5{ , lgwf{ l /t u' 0 f:t/sf] dfq pTkfbg ug'k5{ eGof] eg] ;Ël7t¿kn] x8\tfn u5{g\ . clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]ud} lkpg] kfgLsf] xfxfsf/ eof] . cGTodf uP/ ;/sf/n] ;Demf}tf ug]{ kl/l:ylt v8f eof] . To;a]nfb]lv kfgLdf u'0f:t/ sfod x'g ;s]sf] 5 h:tf] nfUb}g . jf:tjdf sfg"g sfof{Gjog ug]{ lgsfo xfdL xf]Ogf}+ . xfdL;Fu PSh's]l6e clwsf/ 5}g . xfdL PSh's]l6e aGg vf]h]sf] klg xf]Og . xfdLn] ;DalGwt lhDd]jf/ kbflwsf/LnfO{ ;r]t ul/lbg] xf] . xfdLn] b]vfOlbg] xf] ls– of] 7fpFdf ljs[lt 5 . of] 7fpFdf tkfO{+x?n] sfd ug'{ kb{5 lsgeg] of] ;fdflhs sfd xf], ToxfF tkfO{+sf] pQ/bfloÎj 5 . x' F b fx' F b f ;' g sf u/uxgf rf} a L; Sof/]6sf] aGg'kb{5, hlt Sof/6]sf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g eGg'x'G5 Tolt Sof/]6sf] dfq a]Rg kfOG5 eGbfv]l/ ;'g Joj;foL klg x8\tfndf plqP . x]g{'xf];\ t Û s:tf] ;Ël7t k|j[lQ 5– clxn] d'n'sdf . clxn] …6s ckm b 6fpgÚ 5 . clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u ljsf;lj/f]wL eP/ hn;|f]tsf ;Dk"0f{ nfO;]G;x? vf/]h ug{ lgb]{zg lbof] eg]/ w]/} rrf{–kl/rrf{ ePsf] 5 . x'g t ;'zf;g tyf cg'udg ;ldltdf uP/ of] s'/fnfO{ lSno/LkmfO{ ul/;lsPsf] 5 / cy{ ;ldltn] ;a}eGbf klxn] dnfO{ af]nfpFbfv]l/ d}n] ToxfF uP/ cfˆgf] lnlvt k|lta4tf klg hgfPsf] lyPF . of] ljlzi6 ;df/f]xdf of] s'/f p7fpg' pko'St 7fg]sf] 5' . lsgeg] ;fgf] df5f / 7"nf] df5fsf] s'/fx? k|z:t cfpg] u/]sf 5g\ . clVtof/ vfnL ;fgf] df5fdf dfq s]lGb|t 5, 7"nf] df5fnfO{ x]g{ ;s]sf] 5}g . 7"nf] df5f 5'6]/ uPsf 5g\ / /fhgLlts e|i6frf/ a9]/ uPsf] 5 . cyjf c? cGo lgsfodf e|i6frf/x? sxfFaf6 sxfF k'lu;Sof] . xfdL vfnL lemgf–dl;gf, b'O{ xhf/–kfFr xhf/, b'O{ ;o–kfFr ;osf sd{rf/LnfO{ sf/afxL u5f}{+ eGg] s'/fx? cfPsf] 5 . o:tf s'/f vfg]kfgL, b"wnufot x/]s ljifodf cfpF5g\ . t/sf/Lsf] klg ToxL xfn 5 . xfdLn] ;fj{hlgs ;/f]sf/sf s'g} klg ljifo x]g{ 5f8]sf 5}gf}+ . xfdLn] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf nflu ;xsfo{ ug]{ p2]Zo /fvL oL ljifo x]/]sf xf}+ . 6LcfO{ g]kfnh:tf] ;+:yf / To;df ;Da4 k|j'4 JolQmx?n] ;dfhsf oL ljs[ltx?;Fu n8\g] lbzfdf xfdL;Fu ;xsfo{ u/]/ Pp6f bafa ;d"x agfOlbg'ePsf] cj:yfdf xfdL clxn]eGbf w]/} ;zQm¿kdf sfd ug{ ;S5f}+ . d ;fFRr} g} tL xfd|f sfg"g agfpg] cu|h JolQmx?nfO{ ;nfd ug{

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g rfxG5' . tfl/km ug{ rfxG5' . h;n] cfheGbf sof}+ jif{ cufl8 clVtof/ b' ¿ kof] u cg' ; Gwfg cfof] u h:tf] ;+ : yfsf] kl/sNkgf ug{ ' eof] . clxn] klg xfd|f l5d]sL /fi6«x?df nf]skfnsf nflu nl8/xg'ePsf] 5– kfpg'ePsf] 5}g . t/, xfdLsxfF t cu|h /fhgLlts g]t[Tjx?n] w]/} cufl8 g} of] lehg b]Vg'ePsf] lyof] / clxn] kl/jt{ g sf] o' u kl5 klg o;nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg'ePsf] 5 . o; cy{df pxfFx?sf] dfgl;stf e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f / ;'zf;g sfod u/fpg] lyof] . k|hftGqsf] hu alnof] agfpg] lbzfdf r]s PG8 Aofn]G; d]sflghd agfO{ o;nfO{ ;+j}wflgs :jtGq lgsfosf] cfjZostf dx;"; u/]/ o;sf] :yfkgf ul/Psf] 5 . of] /fhgLlts lehg ;fFRr} ;nfd ug{ nfos 5 . g]kfnsf] clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]usf] Joj:yf / sfd–sf/afxLaf/] hxfF;'s} klg cGtlqm{o fsf qmddf hfgsf/L lbO/xFbf cfZro{ dfGg'x'G5 . cxf] Û g]kfndf c;fWo} o'lgs / ;+ j } w flgs Joj:yf /x] 5 , sfg" g L ;+/rgf /x]5 . o:tf] ;+:yfn] cfˆgf] ul/df sfod /fVg ;+ j } w flgs / sfg"gL bfo/fk|lt ;hu eP/ cl3 a9\g'k5{– eGg'x'G5 . /fi6«nfO{ s]xL d'¶Le/ JolQmx?n] sfg"g d]/f] xftdf 5 . sfg"gsf] JofVof d cfˆgf] :jfy{df u/fpg ;S5' . /fhgLlts, k|zf;lgsnufot x/]s tx / tKsfsf JolQmx? d]/f] xftdf 5g\ . d]/f] k|efjdf 5g\ . k};fsf] andf d s;}nfO{ lsGg ;S5' eGg] k|j[lQ:j¿k clxn] d' n ' s df Pp6f l;G8Ls] 6 k|0ffnL, dflkmoftGq of s'g} klg unt sfd cfˆgf] lghL :jfy{ / cfˆgf] k|of]hgsf nflu ug]{ u/fpg] k|j[lQ km:6fP/ uPsf] 5 . ca olt ;+ul7t k|j[lQlj¿4 n8\g clVtof/ b'¿kof]u

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

k};fsf] andf d s;}nfO{ lsGg ;S5' eGg] k|j[lQ:j?k clxn] d'n'sdf Pp6f l;G8Ls]6 k|0ffnL, dflkmoftGq of s'g} klg unt sfd cfˆgf] lghL :jfy{ / cfˆgf] k|of]hgsf nflu ug]{ u/fpg] k|j[lQ km:6fP/ uPsf] 5 . ca olt ;+ul7t k|j[lQlj?4 n8\g clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]usf] PSnf] k|of;n] dfq ;Dej 5}g .

cg';Gwfg cfof]usf] PSnf] k|of;n] dfq ;Dej 5}g . o:tf k|j[lQlj¿4 clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] s'g} df]nflxhf ub}{g . ;d:of ;'gfpg'sf] cy{ d ;d:ofdf 5' eGg vf]h]sf] xf]Og . xfdL xfd|f] sfd, clwsf/, / lhDd]jf/Lk|lt ;hu 5f} + . of] ;hutf k" 0 f{ ¿ kdf /fi6«sf gful/ssf] lxtdf x'g]5 . xfdL sfg"g;Ddt¿kdf cufl8 a9\g] b[9tf 5f]8\g] 5}gf}+ . t/, ;dfhsf cu|h JolQmTjx?n] klg o;af/]df af]lnlbg'ePsf] 5 . cfFvf vf]lnlbg] sfd ul/lbg'ePsf] 5 . ldl8ofsf ;fyLx?n] klg ;fy / ;xof]u lbg'eof] eg] of] ljs[lthGo k|j[lQ, of] dflkmoftGq, of] sfg"gnfO{ cfˆgf] lx;fan] JofVof ug]{ k|j[lQ cyjf s]xL lghL :jfy{sf JolQmn] ;Dk"0f{ JolQmx?nfO{ k|lt:kwf{df cfpg glbP/ cfˆgf] :jfy{ k"lt{ / cfˆgf] nfesf]

lbj; ljz]if


nflu dfq} sfd ug]{ k|j[lQsf] cGTo x'g;SYof] . o;} l;nl;nfdf d sd{rf/LtGqsf] af/]df klg d'Vo;lrjnfO{ s]xL s'/fx? lgj]bg ug{ rfxG5' . xfd|f P]g, sfg"g ;+/rgfaf/] clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]udf a;]/ x]bf{ b'O{6f s'/f sd{rf/LtGqdf cToGt} 7"nf] cefj 5 . Pp6f cg'udg xf], of] ljifo cToGt} ckx]lnt ePsf] 5 . ;Dej eP;Dd ;aeGbf sfd gnfUg] JolQmnfO{ sxLF yGSofpg' k¥of] eg] cg'udg ;+oGqdf /flvG5 . To;}n] cg'udg 5Fb} 5}g . To:t}, csf]{ s'/f s] xf] eg] clxn] Ao"/f]q]m;L c;fWo} cdof{lbt, cg'zf;gxLg / ;s];Dd cfk"meGbf 7"nf] dfG5]sf] ckdfg ug]{ k|j[lQ a9]sf] 5 . ;Ël7t¿kdf g} cfˆgf] k|efj a9fpg] k|rng a9]sf] 5 . Pp6f ;lrjsf] lgo'lQmdf ;d]t tNnf]txsf JolQmn] e" l dsf lgjf{ x ul//x] s f 5g\ . tkfO{n + fO{ ;lrj agfOlbG5', tkfO{+ ;lrjsf] s';L{df a:g rfxg'x'G5 ls x'Gg elgG5 . clxn] ;lrjsf] lgo'lQm / p;sf] kb:yfkg x]g]{ xf] eg] s] b]lvG5 eg] 5f]6f] ;do 8]9–b'O{ jif{d} kfFr–5j6f dGqfnosf] cg'ej lng EofpF5g\ . ls t ;lrjn] ;Demf}tf ul/;Sg'k¥of] xf]Og eg] tLg–rf/ dlxgfeGbf a9L ;lrjsf] kb:yfkgf Pp6f dGqfnodf x'bF }g . o;n] sd{rf/LtGqleqsf] cg'zf;gxLgtfnfO{ k|:6 kfb{5 . sd{rf/LtGqsf] ;f}Gbo{ eg]s} …r]g ckm sdf08Ú xf] . tNnf] JolQmn] dflyNnf] JolQmnfO{ cfb/o'Qm Jojxf/ ug]{, dflyNnf] JolQmn] tNnf] JolQmnfO{ k|]d–;b\efjsf ;fy Pp6f cfk;L ;dGjodf sfd ug]{ jftfj/0f sd{ r f/L tGqsf] ;' G b/ kIf xf] . ToxL s'/f xfdLn] cu|haf6 l;s]sf 5f}+ . xfd|f] cg'ejn] ToxL eG5 . of] s'/f ;a} sd{rf/Lx?n] 5flQdf xft /fv]/, dgleq k;]/ d"Nofª\sg ug{' cfjZos 5 .


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s'g} klg ;lrj dGqLsf] ;a}eGbf glhssf] ;Nnfxsf/ xf] . of] s'/f dfggLo dGqLHo"n] klg cg'et" ug'{k5{ . xfdLn] a]nf–a]nfdf xfd|f cjsf; lnO;Sg'ePsf cu|hx?sf] k| z + ; f ul//x] s f x' G 5f} + . lxhf] s f] of]ubfgnfO{ sb/ ub}{ To;f] ul/Psf] xf] . clxn] axfnjfnf sd{rf/Lx?n] klg ef]ln cjsf; lng' x'g]5 . s';L{df cufl8 a:bfv]l/ xfdLeGbf k5fl8sf jQmfx?n] xfd| f af/] d f o:t} efiff af]Ng ;Sg'eof] eg] Tof] lbg lgZro g} xfd| f ] ;Gt' i 6Lsf] lbg x' g ] 5 . cGoyf xfdL sxLF r'Sof}+ eg]/ :jo+n] d"Nofª\sg ug{'kg]{ x'G5 . o:tf s'/fn] sd{rf/LtGqdf ljleGg ;d:of b]lvPsf 5g\ . xfdLsxfF ;'zf;g P]g cfPsf] 5 . d lgZro g} o;sf] >]o lng rfxG5' . ;' z f;g P] g w] / } nfdf] ;dosf] /f]sfj6kl5 d d'Vo ;lrj ePsf] a]nfdf cfPsf] xf] . clxn] ;'zf;g P]g t kfln{ofd]G6n] klg kfl/t ul/;s]sf] 5 . Tof] P]gdf tkfO{+x?nfO{ ePsf] s'g} afwf–cj/f]wdf clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u tkfO{+;Fu pleg tof/ 5 . t/ Tof] jftfj/0f tkfO{+x?n] l;h{gf ug'{k¥of] . slthgf ;lrjn] uj{sf ;fy eGg ;Sg'x'G5 ls d}n] ljlwsf] zf;gsf] kfngf u/]sf] 5' . dnfO{ sfg"gn] lbPsf] clwsf/df d}n] b'?kof]u u/]sf] 5}g . d}n] gx'g] sfddf k|ltjfb u/]sf] 5' . s'g} klg lg0f{o gLltut txdf x'g;Sg] e|i6frf/df ha;Dd ;lrjn] ;xL ub}{g s;/L dGqLHo"n] ;b/ ug'{xf]nf < To;sf/0f of] /fhgLlts txdf of dflyNnf] txdf x' g ;Sg] e| i 6frf/ / clgoldttf ;DaGwdf ;Da4 ;lrjn] ;zSt 9Ën] k|ltjfb ug{'eof] / lhDd]bf/Laf]w ug]{ sfo{af6 kl5 x6\g'ePg eg] w]/} xb;Dd Go"g eP/ hfg ;Sb5 .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g t/fO{ + s f cf7 lhNnfdf k| f ylds ljBfnosf] txdf dfq} clVtof/n] 5fgljg–cg';Gwfg ubf{v]l/ &&) j6f emf]n] ljBfno e]l6P . ljBfno 5, caf}{+ ?k}ofF ljlgof]hg ePsf] 5, t/ ljBfnosf] cl:tTj g} 5}g . ;/sf/n] lgMz'Ns lbg] cf}iflwsf af/]df klg ToxL xfn 5 . Pp6f ue{jlt dlxnf hf] ;'/lIft tj/n] aRrf hGdfpg g;Sg] 7fpFdf 5g\, ltgnfO{ lbOg] Pp6f cf}iflw 5 . Tof] cf}iflw vfP ;lhnf];Fu aRrf hGdfpg ;lS5g\ . To:tf] cf}iflwaf/] clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] cg';Gwfg ubf{ (( k| l tzt cf} i flw 8] 6 PS:kfo/ ePsf cf}iflw ljt/0f ul/Psf] kfOof] . cl3Nnf] jif{dfq $ ?k}ofFdf lsg]sf] cf}iflw csf]{ jif{df rfln; ?k}ofFdf vl/b ePsf] 5 . To;sf] ljt/0f k| 0 ffnL eGg] xf] eg] b' O { jif{ s f] cf}iflwsf] :6s /xFbf–/xFb} klg cf}iflw kfFr jif{sf nflu lslgPsf] 5 . Tof] kfFr jif{sf nflu lslgPsf] cf}iflw b'O{ jif{df 8]6 PS:kfo/ eO;S5 . Tof] cf}iflwsf] u'0f:t/ k/LIf0f ubf{v]l/ cf}iflw Joj:yf ljefun] of] vfgof]Uo 5}g eg]sf] 5 . t/ (( k|ltzt cf}iflw ljt/0f eO;s]sf] 5 . of]eGbf 7"nf] qmfOd s] xf]nf < of] t tkfO{+x?n] Pp6f ue{jlt dlxnfnfO{ dfq geP/ cfpg] ;Gtltsf] eljionfO{ xTof ub}{ x'g'x'G5 . lgMz'Ns cf}iflw ljt/0f u/]sf] j0f{gdfq u/]/, ;ª\Vof a[l4 u/]/ k'U5 < clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] xfn;fn} s0ff{nL c~rnsf] tLg lhNnf / dxfsfnL c~rnsf] b'O{ lhNnfsf] :ynut e|d0f Ps dlxgf;Dd u/]sf] lyof] . s0ff{nLsf gful/sn] s] eGg'eof] eg] tkfO{+x? ljsf; vfg cfPsf] xf] < ToxfF t ljsf; vfg] / ljsf; lsGg] zAbfjnL

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g nf]slk|o /x]5 . tkfO{+x? klg t ljsf; vfg cfpg'ePsf] xf]nf < ljsf; lsGg xfd|f dflg; sf7df8f}+ uPsf 5g\, ltgn] NofPkl5 ToxL ldn]/ vfg cfpg'ePsf] xf]nf, xf]Og < e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] o; lbj;sf cj;/df cfof] h gf ul/Psf] oxL sfo{qmddf k|ltj4tf hgfpF5'– pk]lIft If] q s0ff{ n L, dxfsfnLnufotsf b'u{d If]qdf xfd|f] If]qLo sfof{no, s]Gb|Lo sfof{nodfkm{t jif{df sd;]sd b'O{k6s cg'udg ul/g]5 . To; If]qdf sfuhdf lgdf{0f ePsf sltko s'/fx? ca l5§} ;fj{hlgs x'g]5g\, af6f] slt ag] < vfg]kfgL cfof]hgf slt k"/f eP < slt uf]/]6f]x? vlgP, z}lIfs / :jf:Yo If]qdf slt ljsf; eof] < oL ;a} s'/fx? gful/s ;fd' Nofpg]5f}+ . / ;/sf/nfO{ klg s] s] ePsf] 5 / s] ug{ ;lsG5 eg]/ ;'emfj lbg]5f}+ . ;du| d f ;/sf/n] o:tf ljifodf rf;f] /flvlbP/ cg'udg Joj:yfnfO{ s8fO{sf ;fy kfngf ul/lbg] xf] / lhDd]jf/Laf]wsf ;fy sd{rf/LtGqn] sfd ul/lbg] xf] eg] w]/} s'/f ;'lw|P/ cfpg]5 . sd{rf/Lx?df Pp6f k|j[lQ 5– olt jif{sf] cjlwdf Pp6f klg :ki6Ls/0f;d]t lbg'k/]sf] 5}g eGg] . lg0f{o g} gu/]kl5 To:tf] cj:yf cfpg' :jefljs 5 . ljjfbdf kl/G5 eg]/ pxfF x ? lg0f{ o g} ug'{ x 'G g . dfgf} + rf/j6f lg0f{o ubf{ s]xL ljjflbt klg xf]nfg . tLdWo] s]xL kkm]{S6 gx'g' klg :jefljs 5 . lg0f{o ubf{v]l/ tkfO{+sf] ljj]sn] ;xL u/]sf] 5 eg] To;n] lgZro g} ;Gt'i6L lbg]5 . cfk"mn] s'g cfzo / ;b\efjdf sfd u/]sf] xf], To;n] w]/} s'/f lgwf{/0f ub{5 . To;}sf cfwf/df d}n] klg of] JofVof u/]sf] x'F . clVtof/n] d]l8sn 5fqj[lQ;DaGwdf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g cg';Gwfg ul//x]sf] 5 . of] b]zsf] ljs[ltsf] k/fsfi7fsf] Pp6f ;fgf] pbfx/0f lbG5' . oBlk, cg';Gwfgsf qmddf ePsfn] w]/} s'/f eGg ldNb}g . t/ ;dfhsf k|a'4 ju{n] of] hfGg' cfjZos 5 . clxn] xfdLn] g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ k|fKt PdaLaLP; 5fqj[ l Q / d] l 8sn;F u ;DalGwt ljifodf cg';Gwfg ubf{ w]/} s'/f yfxf x'Fb}cfPsf 5g\ . xfdLnfO{ ;"rgf lyof] ls k|Zgkq lns x'G5 . xfdLn] dflyNnf], dWo / tNnf] txdf ldnf]dtf] 5 eGg] ;'g]sf lyof}+ . xfd|f clws[tx? b'O{–tLg xKtf;Dd sf]lrË ;]G6/df ljBfyL{ ag]/ hfg'eof] . larf}lnofnfO{ cfˆgf] k};f klg lbg'eof] . kqmg ;S5f+} eg]/ l/:s lnof}+ / 7"n} /fzL lbof}+ . xfdLn] ;f]r]h:tf] ;kmntf t k|fKt ePg, t/ hf] JolQm xfdLn] Pp6f dfWodsf] ?kdf k|of]u u/]sf lyof}+, pxfF efUg vf]Hg'eof] . xfdLn] pxfFnfO{ ef/t / g]kfnsf] af]8{/df ;dfTof}+ . pxfFnfO{ efUg glbP/ ;dft]/ Nofof}+ . cg';Gwfgsf] qmddf lbOPsf] k|f/lDes txsf] aofg ;'Gbf of] t k]zfsf ?kdf !) jif{b]lv df}nfO/x]sf] /x]5 . !) jif{b]lv g]kfndf pTkflbt eO;s]sf oL lj1 k|fljlws JolStÎjx? h;n] gful/ssf 5f] / f5f] / Lsf] efUo / eljio ;dfKt kfl//x]sf 5g\ . pxfFx? lxKkf]S|ofl6s cf]y lng'x'G5 t/ dg aGb u/]/ lng'x'G5 h:tf] nfu]sf] 5 . y'k|}n] k};f / clgoldttfsf] cf8df To:tf] ;+j]bgzLn 8Lu|L / :yfg xfl;n ug{'ePsf] 5 . ca o:tf JolStnfO{ s] eGg] < oxfF klg clVtof/sf] If]qflwsf/sf] k|Zg cfpg ;S5 . ha sl7g / r'gf}tLhGo 5fgljg clVtof/n] ;'? u5{ To;a]nf s;/L clVtof/nfO{ xtf]T;flxt ug]{ eg]/ cg]s k|sf/sf O:o"hx? p7fOG5g\ . cfof]usf tkm{af6

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

ha sl7g / r'gf}tLhGo 5fgljg clVtof/n] ;'? u5{ To;a]nf s;/L clVtof/nfO{ xtf]T;flxt ug]{ eg]/ cg]s k|sf/sf O:o"hx? p7fOG5g\ . cfof]usf tkm{af6 ljZjf; lbnfpg rfxG5f}+ !)÷!% jif{b]lv df}nfPsf] 7"nf] ;~hfnnfO{ tf]8\g] 5f}+ . o;df ;+nUg hf];'s} JolQmnfO{ klg hgtfsf] s73/fdf pEofP/ ljz]if cbfntdf d'2f xfNg]5f}+ .

ljZjf; lbnfpg rfxG5f}+ !)÷!% jif{b]lv df}nfPsf] 7"nf] ;~hfnnfO{ tf]8g\ ] 5f}+ . o;df ;+nUg hf];'s} JolQmnfO{ klg hgtfsf] s73/fdf pEofP/ ljz]if cbfntdf d'2f xfNg]5f}+ . Pp6f csf]{ k|;Ë klg 5 . xfdLsxfF 7"nf] df5f ;fgf] df5fsf] rrf{ w]/} eO/x] s f] 5 . clVtof/n] ;fgf] df5f dfq ;dfO/x]sf] 5, 7"nf] df5f slxn] ;dfT5 < x/]s lbg ToxL k|Zg cfpF5 . xfdL clxn] ;f];n ldl8ofdf klg 5f}+ . 7"nf] df5f eg]sf] sf] xf] < 7"nf] df5f eg]sf] sf] xf] < k|zf;sLo txsf dflg; x'g\ < /fhgLlt ug]{ dflg; x'g\ < pxfFx? t b]zsf] gLlt–lgdf{0f ug]{ dflg; x'g'x'G5 xf]Og < olb /fhgLlts txsf dflg;nfO{ elgPsf] xf] eg] hf] klg kg{ ;S5 . sf] k5{ sf] kb}{g, cfk}mF cg'dfg u/f}+ . o;cl3 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIfn]

lbj; ljz]if


elg;Sg'eof]– clVtof/sf] sfo{If]q $) k|ltzteGbf sd 5 . clxn] klg 7" n f] elgPsf] lghL If] q o;leq 5Fb}5}g . lghL If]q klg clVtof/sf] lj/f]w ul//x]sf] 5 . o;f] ug{' cfjZos 5}g lsgeg] g]kfnn] dlg nf}G8l/Ë PS6 NofpFbfv]l/ slt xtf/df cfof] < /, s;/L sfof{Gjog ePsf] 5 Tof] ;a}sf ;fd'df 5 . cfGtl/s /fh:j sfof{non] sfof{Gjog ug]{ k|oTg ul//xFbf s] s] ePsf] lyof], Tof] klg yfxf kfpg'ePs} 5 . lghL If]qn] !% lbg t x8\tfn g} u/]sf] lyof] . To:t}, clxn] Eof6 5lnsf 36gfx? klg ;fj{hlgs eO/x]sf 5g\ . cfGtl/s /fh:j sfof{no / clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]usf] ;+o'St k|of;af6 sl/a ^ ca{ ?k}ofF g]kfn ;/sf/sf gfddf c;'npk/ eof] . Tof] /sd s]xL ;Lldt JolStx?n] 5nL u/]sf x'g\ . o;nfO{ e|i6frf/ jf 8s}tL h] zAbfjnL k|of]u u/] klg eof] . To;n] ubf{ ! nfveGbf a9L s/bf/tfx? s/sf] bfo/fdf cfpg'k¥of] . clxn] klg bzf} + nfv JolQmx? s/sf] bfo/fdf x'g'x'Gg . cfGtl/s /fh:j sfof{non] o;nfO{ cleofgsf ?kdf n}hfcf];\ eGg] cfu|x klg ub{5' . xfdLnfO{ csf] { cf/f] k klg 5– clVtof/n] cy{ dGqfnocGtu{tsf dfG5]x?nfO{ sf/afxLsf] bfo/fdf Nofpg ;s]sf] 5}g . vfnL lzIff, :jf:Yo o:t}–o:t} xNsf–k'mNsf / b'O{–rf/ xhf/jfnf dfG5]nfO{ dfq} sf/afxL u/]sf] 5 . d'Vo;lrj / ;fdfGo k|zf;g ;lrjHo"nfO{ Pp6f cfu|x 5– lxhf]–cl:tsf sfg"gL / sfg"gL ;+/rgfadf]lhd agfPsf] b/jGbLdf k'g/fjnf]sg ug{ h?/L 5 . pbfx/0fsf nflu vfB k|ljlwn] x]g'{kg]{ sfd xf] eg] ;Dk"0f{ vfB kbfy{x?– t/sf/L, b"w, kfgL, cGo vfB kbfy{


lbj; ljz]if

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;a} x]g'{k5{ . ToxfFsf] b/jGbL x]g]{ xf] eg] Tof] ;ª\Vof b'O{ ;o #! dfq 5 . gful/s;Fu k|ToIf ;/f]sf/ /fVg], u'0f:t/Lo ;]jf k|jfx ug{ cg'udg ug{'kg]{ lgsfox? cf}iflw Joj:yf ljefunufot h'g;'s} ljefu xf]pg\ . tL lgsfodf cfjZostfcg'¿ksf] b/jGbL kl/k"lt{ ug{'k¥of] . o:tf sfo{n] ;'zf;g sfod ug]{ cfzo kl/k"lt{ ug{ ;xof]u ug]{ ePsfn] cfof]u To;tkm{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] Wofg cfs[i6 ug{ rfxG5 . To:t}, sltko s'/f cfp6 ;f]l;{ª klg ug{ ;lsPnf . h:tf] cfGtl/s /fh:j ljefun] ;a} s'/fx? cfk}mFn] u5'{ eg]/ ;Dej 5}g . slt dflg; s/sf] bfo/fdf 5}gg\ < sf] s;n] Eof6 lan s;/L k|of]u ul//x]sf 5g\ < o:tf ljifo kQf] nufpg] lhDd]jf/L s'g} sG;N6]G;LnfO{ lbg ;lsG5 . cGtsf] s] s'/f ug]{ < xfd|f] sf7df8f}+ Po/kf]6{d} x]/f}+ . ToxfF $^ j6f k;n 5g\ . ltgn] hlt k};fsf] ljj/0f a'emfO/x]sf lyP, ToxL cfwf/df s/ sfof{non] s/ lgwf{/0f ul//fv]sf] cj:yf lyof] . xfdLn] $^ hgf dflg; sfhdf v6fP/ laxfg ( ah]b]lv a]n'sf ( ah];Dd /fVof}+ . tL k;nn] hlt laqmL b]vfpg] u/]sf lyP, Tof]eGbf slt xf] slt u'0f a9L laqmL x'Fbf]/x]5 . olt 7"nf] dfqfdf /fh:j r'xfj6 eO/x]sf] /x]5 ToxfF . To:tf] ;+j]bgzLn 7fpFdf klg /fh:j 5ln eO/x]sf] 5 eg] cGtsf] xfnt s] xf]nf < xfdL ;a} ;/f] s f/jfnfx?n] Ps 7fpFdf hDdf eP/ Pp6f r]s ln:6

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

xf], To;nfO{ sf/afxL ug'{kb{5 . t/ gful/ssf] ck]Iffdf oL JolQmdfq} e|i6 of] kmf]/d o:t} x'g\ t < To;n] ubf{v]l/ gful/sn] klg efif0fe"if0fdf ;}4flGts tYok/s ;"rgf lbP/ ;Eo, ;';+:s[t s'/f ug{ dfq} ;Lldt gful/ssf] st{Jo lgjf{x ug'{k5{ . c? g/xf];\, sfof{Gjog txdf :6]s xf]N8/n] klg gful/ssf] st{Jo n}hfg ;lsof];\, r]s lgjf{x ul/lbg'xf];\ . ln:6 agfcf}+ . s;n] s;/L ug]{ < ;xsfo{sf] tkfO{+ xfdL ;a} ldn]/ 7"nf] df5fnfO{ jftfj/0f s;/L lgdf{0f l5§} PS:kf]h klg u/f}+ / sf/afxLsf] x'G5 < 6LcfO{df xfdLnfO{ bfo/fdf klg Nofcf}+ . of] k|ltj4tf klg af]nfpg'xf];\ . xfdL clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cGtlqm{of u/f}+ . cfof]usf] tk{maf6 d JoQm ub{5'— h'g ;'?jft eO;s]sf] 5 . of] kmf]/d o:t} efif0fe"if0fdf ;}4flGts s'/f ug{ dfq} ;Lldt g/xf];,\ sfof{Gjog txdf n}hfg agfpg ;S5f}+ . d'n'ssf] cToGt} ;+j]bgzLn cj:yf, ;lsof];,\ r]s ln:6 agfcf}+ . s;n] pko'Qm ;do, /fhgLlts t/ntf OToflb s;/L ug]{ < ;xsfo{sf] jftfj/0f s;/L s' / fnfO{ klg clVtof/ b' ¿ kof] u lgdf{0f x'G5 < 6LcfO{df xfdLnfO{ klg cg';Gwfg cfof]un] x]g'{kg]{ x'G5 . of] af]nfpg'xf];\ . xfdL cGtlqm{of u/f}+ . ;a} s'/fnfO{ dWogh/ /fVb} cfufdL g]kfn ;/sf/n] kbflwsf/LnfO{ s;/L lbgdf gful/saf6 tYok/s ;"rgf lhDd]bf/ agfpg] xfdL ;a}sf] h'g / ;xof]u kfP l5§} g} xfdL To;nfO{ ;femf lhDd]bf/L xf], To;nfO{ ;+sNkdf, PS:kf] h ug] { k| l tj4tf klg JoQm sfof{Gjog txdf Nofpg] k|ltj4tf ub{5f}+ . ca oxfF s/K;g eGg] xf] cfhsf] lbgdf ug'{ g} …OG6/g]zgn eg] kz' k ltgfynfO{ klg 5f] 8 ] s f] PG6L s/K;g 8]Ú dgfPsf] ;fy{stf 5} g g\ . xfdL ;a} n ] cGtdf rflxF x'G5 .9 k|:t'ltM 6L=Pg= l3ld/] kz' k ltgfynfO{ k' s f/ ug] { u5f} { + . 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn, k|wfgdGqLsf] kz'kltgfysf] klg clxn] cg';Gwfg sfof{no / clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] ul//x]sf 5f}+, of] klg hfgsf/L u/fpg e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;sf cj;/df rfxG5' . laNs'n wfld{s If]q, hxfF @)&! d+l;/ @# ut] cfof]usf] ;efsIfdf Ps xfd|f] cf:yf / wfld{stf hf]l8Psf] sfo{qmd cfof]hgf u/]sf lyP. of] ;fdu|L ;f]xL 5 . To:tf] w/f]x/sf] If]qdf klg dfG5] sfo{qmdnfO{ ;Daf]wg ub}{ clVtof/ b'?kof]u c5'tf] 5}g . k|j[lQ ;fgf] xf];\ ls 7"nf] cg';Gwfg cfof]usf k|dv ' cfo'Qm nf]sdfg l;+x sfsL{n] JoQm ug{e' Psf] dGtJodf cfwfl/t 5._ s/K;gsf] k;{k]lS6eaf6 Tof] k|ljlw

e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f cleofg ;kmn kf/f}+ .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u

e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf ;DaGwdf ug{'kg{] ;'wf/;DaGwL ;'emfjx¿ ;fj{hlgs kb wf/0f u/]sf JolQmx?n] cg'lrt sfo{ / bf]xf]/f]kgf x6fO{ e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f;DaGwL sfo{nfO{ jf e|i6frf/ u/L clVtof/sf] b'?kof]u u/]sf] ljifodf yk k|efjsf/L / ;zQm agfpg s]–s:tf] Joj:yf ubf{ k|fKt ;"rgf, ph'/L 5fglag, cg';Gwfg tyf txlssft / pko'Qm x'G5 eGg] olsg ug{ Ps :jtGq lj1 ;d"xaf6 cleof]hg ubf{ k|fKt cg'ejx?;d]tsf cfwf/df d'n'sdf cWoog u/fO{ pgLx?sf] k|ltj]bgsf cfwf/df cfjZos e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f tyf cg'lrt sfo{ lgoGq0f ug]{ ljifodf Joj:yf ug{ pko'Qm x'g] . cfufdL lbgdf ug'{kg]{ ;'wf/sf ;DaGwdf g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ $= ;fj{hlgs ;]jfk|jfxnfO{ ;/n, u'0f:t/o'Qm / ;j{;'ne lgDgfg';f/ ;'emfjx? k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 M agfpg k|To]s ;fj{hlgs lgsfox?n] cfk"mn] ;Dkfbg != g]kfn e|i6frf/lj¿4 ;+o'Qm /fi6«;ª\3Lo dxf;lGwsf] ug]{ sfo{;lxtsf] Jofj;flos of]hgf tyf ;]jfk|jfx kIf /fi6« eO;s]sf] 5 . dxf;lGwsf] kIf /fi6«sf gftfn] lbUbz{g agfO{ nfu" ug]{ ;DaGwdf ljutdf ljleGg k|of;x¿ To;af6 l;lh{t bfloÎj k"/f ug{ ;/sf/n] s]xL yk gLltut, ePsf x'g\ . t/ ;do–;dodf ePsf To:tf k|of;x?n] ;+/rgfut / sfo{ut Joj:yf ug{ cfjZos x'G5 . o; lg/Gt/tf gkfpFbf ;fj{hlgs lgsfox?af6 k|jfx x'g] qmddf sltko gofF sfg"gx? th'{df ug]{ / s]xL df}h'bf ;]jfsf] k|efjsfl/tfdf j[l4 x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . To;}n] sfg"gx?df ;d;fdlos ;+zf]wg / kl/dfh{g ug'{kg]{ k|To]s ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cf–cfkm"n] k|jfx ug]{ ;]jf cfjZostf /x]sf] eP klg xfn;Dd To;tkm{ vf;} k|ult / lhDd]jf/Lsf ;DaGwdf cnUu} lbUbz{g jf lgb]{lzsf ePsf] b]lvFb}g . plrt ;dGjo / cg'udgsf] cefjdf agfO{ nfu" ug]{ ljutsf] k|of;nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbO{ To;sf] dxf;lGwdf plNnlvt k|fjwfgx¿ k"/f ug{ ;/sf/n] tof/ k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog / cg'udgsf] Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . kf/]sf] sfo{of]hgfsf] sfof{Gjogn] klg ult lng ;s]sf] %= k|rlnt sfg"gn] tf]s]sf] clwsf/ / lhDd]jf/L kG5fpg] 5}g . o; cj:yfdf e|i6frf/lj?4sf sfo{x?nfO{ tyf lg0f{osf] ;Defljt hf]lvdaf6 pGd'lQm kfpg] lgotn] ;+of]lht tyf ;dGjlot ug]{ / e|i6frf/lj?4sf] /fli6«o gLltut lg0f{osf gfpFdf cfˆgf] clwsf/ If]qleq gLlt Pjd\ /0fgLltx¿sf] sfof{Gjogsf] cg'udg / ;dGjo kg]{ ljifonfO{ klg dGqLkl/ifb\af6 lg0f{o u/fpg] k|j[lQ ug]{ sfo{sf] g]t[TjbfoL e"ldsf clVtof/ b'?kof]u a9]/ uPsf] 5 . o:tf] k|j[lQn] k|ToIf jf k/f]If¿kdf cg';Gwfg cfof]un] lgjf{x ug{ pko'Qm x'g] . e|i6frf/hGo / clgoldt sfo{x?nfO{ g} a9fjf lbO/x]sf] @= e|i6frf/hGo ultljlw / clgoldt lqmofsnfkx?sf] x'G5 . To:tf] cEof;nfO{ lg¿T;flxt / lgoGq0f ug{ To;/L lgoGq0fsf nflu ljZjfl;nf] / e/kbf]{ ;"rgf k|fKt ug]{ dGqLkl/ifb\af6 lg0f{o u/fpg'kg]{ gLltut, k|lqmofut tyf k|0ffnL :yfkgf ug{ / ;"rgfbftfsf] ;'/IffnfO{ ;'lglZrt k|zf;lgs ljifox?sf] :ki6 cfwf/ / dfkb08 tof/ u/L ug{ ckl/xfo{ x'G5 . xfn;Dd o;;DaGwL sfg"g th'{df ;f]sf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog ug'{kg]{ . x'g g;Sbf e|i6frf/;Fu ;DalGwt ;"rgf k|fKt ug]{ / ^= ;fj{hlgs ;/f]sf/sf ljifodf ;DalGwt lgsfo jf ;"rgfbftfsf] ;'/Iffsf] k|Tofe"lt ug]{ ljifo ;'lglZrt x'g kbflwsf/Lx?n] ;dodf lg0f{o gubf{ jf k|lta4tfadf]lhd g;s]sfn] ;fIfL tyf ;"rgfbftfsf] ;+/If0f;DaGwL P]gsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg gubf{ ;fj{hlgs ;]jfk|jfx cj?4 x'g] th'{df x'g'kg]{ . u/]sf] 5 . o;af6 ljsf; cfof]hgfx?;d]t ;dodf #= e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f;DaGwL sfo{df w]/} ;/sf/L lgsfox? ;DkGg x'g g;s]sf] cj:yf 5 . o:tf] k|j[lQn] ;]jf / ;+nUg /x]sf] sf/0f ltgLx?aLr sfo{ut c:ki6tf / ljsf;sf] nfut a9fpg] dfq geO{ lgwf{l/t ;dodf ;]jf sfddf bf]xf]/f]kgf;d]t b]lvPsf] 5 . o:tf] c:ki6tf / ljsf;sf] k|jfx x'g g;sL cfd–gful/sn] x}/fgL /



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

/fHon] 7"nf] gf]S;fgL Aoxf]g'{kg]{ cj:yf l;h{gf u/]sf] / pRr ef/jxg Ifdtf;lxtsf] k|;f/0f nfOg lj:tf/tkm{ 5 . To;}n] ;dodf lg0f{o gug]{ jf lg0f{o kG5fpg] hf]8 lbg'kg]{ . xfn g]kfn ljB't\ k|flws/0fn] Psn¿kdf ;fj{hlgs clwsf/Lx?sf] dgf]j[lQnfO{ lg?T;flxt ug{ ;Dkfbg ub}{cfPsf] ljB't\ pTkfbg, ljt/0f tyf k|;f/0f To:tf] sf/0faf6 ePsf] xfgL–gf]S;fgLk|lt ;DalGwt nfOg lj:tf/;DaGwL sfd k|flws/0fsf] xfnsf] sdhf]/ kbflwsf/LnfO{ g} lhDd]jf/ agfpg] u/L kof{Kt sfg"gL ;+:yfut Ifdtfsf sf/0f k|efjsf/L¿kdf ;Dkfbg x'g Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . ;fy}, ;fj{hlgs ;]jf / ljsf;sf] g;s]sfn] oL sfdx¿nfO{ cnu–cnu lgsfon] ;DKffbg k|jfx ug]{ qmddf ;]jfsf] u'0f:t/ k/LIf0f ug]{ / cg'udg ug]{ u/L Joj:yf ldnfpg'kg]{ . cfufdL lbgdf kof{Kt ljB't\ Pjd\ d"Nofª\sg ug]{;DaGwL ljBdfg sfg"gL ;+/rgfdf pTkfbg eO{ nf]8;]l8ªsf] ;d:of cGTo eO;s]kl5 lxpFb ;dofg's"n ;'wf/ x'g g;Sbf tL sfg"g cJofjxfl/s / / jiff{ofdsf nflu cnu–cnu ljB't\ dx;"n lgwf{/0f u/L b08–;hfosf b[i6Ln] ckof{Kt;d]t b]lvPsfn] ltgdf ljB't\ ljt/0f k|0ffnLnfO{ yk Jojl:yt agfpg bL3{sfnLg cfjZostfcg';f/ ;'wf/ ug'{kg]{ . of]hgf tof/ u/L sfof{Gjog x'g'kg]{ . &= of]hgf :jLs[t ubf{ jf ah]6 ljlgof]hg ubf{ lgwf{l/t (= ef}lts k"jf{wf/ tyf ljsf; lgdf{0f;DaGwL sfddf v:sFbf] sfo{ljlw / k|lqmof cjnDag gu/L k|efj / kx'Frsf u'0f:t/df ;'wf/ ug{ / lgwf{l/t ;dodf cfof]hgf ;DkGg cfwf/df lg0f{o ug{] kl/kf6L xfjL x'Fb} uPsf] 5 . o:tf] x'g] Joj:yf ;'lglZrt ug{ cTofjZos eO;s]sf] 5 . ljs[lt lgoGq0f ug{ sfo{qmd / lgsfo :ki6 gu/L ljljw o;sf nflu ;8s, k'n, l;+rfO{n + ufotsf k"jf{wf/sf] lgdf{0f, zLif{scGtu{t 7"nf] /sd ljlgof]hg ug]{ kl/kf6Lsf] ;~rfng / u'0f:t/ k/LIf0f;DaGwL dfkb08 tof/ u/L nfu" cGTo ug'{kg]{ . ;fy}, ah]6 ljlgof]hg ubf{ jf cfof]hgf ug'{kg]{ . ;fy}, ljsf; lgdf{0f sfo{df k|of]u ePsf] lgdf{0f :jLs[t ubf{ :ki6 / kf/bzL{ dfkb08 agfO{ nfu" ug'{kg]{ . ;fdu|L / cGo sRrf kbfy{sf] u'0f:t/sf] ;'lglZrttfsf To;}u/L, jflif{s ljsf; sfo{qmd th'{df / :jLs[t ubf{ nflu ef}lts / /f;folgs k/LIf0f ug{ ;lsg] u/L cy{ dGqfno / /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]usf] k|ToIf ;+nUgtf d'n'sleq} cfw'lgs / ;'ljwf;DkGg k|of]uzfnf :yfkgf x'Fbfx'Fb} klg k'gM /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]uaf6 sfo{qmd ug]{tkm{ cfjZos Joj:yf x'g'kg]{ . :jLs[t u/fpg'kg]{ ljBdfg k|0ffnLn] sfo{qmd / cfof]hgf !)= s]Gb|b]lv :yfgLo:t/;Dd ljleGg lsl;dsf cfof]hgfx? sfof{Gjogdf l9nfO{ x'g] u/]sf] x'Fbf k'gM sfo{qmd :jLs[t lgdf{0f tyf ;~rfng x'Fbf jf:tljs nfeu|fxLx?n] ug'{kg]{ ljBdfg k|0ffnLsf] cGTo ug'{kg]{ . cfof]hgf;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L;d]t kfpg] u/]sf *= d'n'sdf ckf/ hn;|f]tsf] pknAwtf eP klg bL3{sfnLg 5}gg\ . o;af6 cfof]hgfk|lt nfeu|fxLx?sf] :jfldTj gLlt / of]hgfsf] cefjdf To;sf] k|efjsf/L pkof]u x'g / ckgTj :yflkt x'g g;sL ck]lIft¿kdf cfof]hgfsf] ;s]sf] 5}g . hnljB't\ pTkfbgsf] kof{Kt ;Defjgf x'Fbfx'Fb} ;+/If0f / bLuf]kgf sfod x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . To;}n] k|To]s klg cfd–pkef]Qmfx¿ nfdf] ;dob]lv nf]8;]l8ªsf] ;d:of cfof]hgfsf] lgdf{0f ;'? ug'{k"j{ nfeu|fxL ;d"xnfO{ v]Kg afWo 5g\ . cf}Bf]lus ljsf;sf] k|d'v k"jf{wf/sf] cfof]hgfsf] ljifodf ;fdfGo hfgsf/L u/fO{ ;fdflhs ¿kdf /xg] ljB't\ cfk"lt{sf] cefjsf sf/0f pBf]u k/LIf0f u/fpg] kl/kf6L a;fNg'kg]{ . o; qmddf Joj;fox?sf] ;~rfngdf afwf pTkGg ePsf] 5 . To;}n] cfof]hgfsf] gfd, cfof]hgf ;~rfng x'g] :yfg, a9\bf] pmhf{ ;ª\s6 ;Daf]wgsf nflu hnljB't\ ljsf;nfO{ cfof]hgfsf] ah]6, cfof]hgf ;'? x'g] / ;DkGg x'g] /fli6«o ljsf;sf] k|fyldstfdf /fvL o;sf] pTkfbg, cjlw, nfeu|fxLx?sf] ;ª\Vof tyf ck]lIft glthfsf] ljt/0f tyf k|;f/0f nfOg lj:tf/sf nflu bL3{sfnLg ;f/f+znufotsf ljifox? ;d]6L ;fj{hlgs hfgsf/Lsf gLlt / of]hgf agfpg'kg]{ . d'n'sleq nf]8;]l8ªsf] nflu cfof]hgf:yndf af]8{ jf cGo dfWodaf6 :yfgLo cGTo ug{ ;DalGwt lgsfox¿n] :ki6 sfo{of]hgf ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg'kg]{ ;fy} cfof]hgf ;DkGg agfO{ sfd ug'{kg]{ . hnljB't\ If]qsf] ljsf;sf nflu eO;s]kl5 clgjfo{¿kdf ;fj{hlgs k/LIf0f ug]{k4ltsf] cfGtl/s / afXo nufgL kl/rfng ug{ ljBdfg gLltut, ljsf; ug'{kg]{ . ;+:yfut / sfo{ut k|lqmofdf yk ;/nLs/0f ug'{kg]{ . !!= ljZjljBfno, pRr dfWoflds lzIff kl/ifb\ / k|fljlws l5d]sL d'n'sx¿;Fusf] ;xsfo{df hnljB't\ ljsf;sf lzIff tyf Jofj;flos tflnd kl/ifb\n] cfk"m dftxt ;Defjgfx¿nfO{ pkof]u ug]{tkm{ k|fyldstf lbO{ pTkflbt d]l8sn tyf Ol~hlgol/ª sn]h, ljBfno jf k|fljlws ljB't\ zlQmsf] ;d'lrt ljt/0fsf nflu cfw'lgs k|ljlwo'Qm lzIffnox? ;~rfng ug{ ;DaGwg lbg] k|lqmof

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



kf/bzL{ / j:t'ut 5}g . o;sf nflu tL lgsfox?n] ;fy nfu" ug'{kg]{ . To;}u/L, lghL :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?af6 pknAw u/fOg] ;]jfsf] u'0f:t/ / ;f]afkt lnOg] lzIf0f ;+:yfx? ;~rfng ug{ ;DaGwg lbFbf d'n'ssf] z'Nssf] cf}lrTotfsf cltl/Qm lghL If]qsf :jf:Yo cfjZostf Pjd\ ef}uf]lns ;Gt'ngnfO{ ;d]t Wofg lbO{ ;+:yfx?sf] ;du| lgodg / cg'udg;DaGwL sfo{nfO{ kfngf ug'{kg]{ zt{ / k"/f ug'{kg]{ dfkb08sf] ;DaGwdf lgoldt / k|efjsf/L agfpg'kg]{ . :ki6 / j:t'ut cfwf/x? tof/ u/L kf/bzL{¿kdf sfof{Gjog ug]{ Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . ;fy}, ljZjljBfnodf !$= /f]huf/Lsf nflu ljb]z hfg rfxg] o'jf–o'jtLx?n] pRrtxsf kbflwsf/L lgo'Qm ubf{ of]Uotf / Jofj;flos To;tkm{ hfgsf nflu Go"gtd k|lqmof k'¥ofpg d'n'sleq} bIftfsf cfwf/df /f]i6/ agfO{ of]Uo JolQm lgo'Qm ug]{ tyf cgfjZos emGem6 / ;f:tL Aoxf]g'{k/]sf] cj:yf 5 . k|zf;lgs / cfly{s sfo{ ;~rfng ug]{ sd{rf/Lx¿sf] xfn s]Gb|df dfq ;Lldt j}b]lzs /f]huf/ ljefusf] 5gf}6 / lgo'lQm k|lqmofnfO{ kf/bzL{ agfpg cfjZos ;+:yfut Ifdtfn] j}b]lzs /f]huf/;DaGwL ;]jfsf] rfk Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . / sfo{af]emnfO{ wfGg g;Sbf ;]jfu|fxLx?n] ;xh / ;/n¿kdf ;]jfk|fKt ug{ ;s]sf 5}gg\ . To;}n] !@= ;fd'bflos ljBfnox?sf] z}lIfs u'0f:t/ lbgfg'lbg j}b]lzs /f]huf/;DaGwL ;]jfsf] k|jfxnfO{ k|efjsf/L vl:sFb} uPsf] 5 . vl:sFbf] u'0f:t/nfO{ ;'wf/ ug{ agfpg cfjZos ;+u7gfTds / sfg"gL Joj:yf ;fd'bflos ljBfnox?df cfwf/e"t z}lIfs k"jf{wf/sf] u/L ;]jfk|jfx k|lqmofnfO{ ljs]lGb|t ug{'kg]{ . To;}u/L, pknAwtf ;'lglZrt ug]{ Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . ;fy}, lghL j}b]lzs /f]huf/Ldf hfg rfxg]x?nfO{ ljrf}lnofdfkm{t\ ljBfnosf] :yfkgf / ;~rfng ug]{ / ltgdf z'Ns ;]jf lng'kg]{ afWotfaf6 d'Qm ug{ cfjZos Joj:yf lgwf{/0f ug]{nufotsf ljifodf :ki6 j:t'ut cfwf/ / ug'{kg]{ . j}b]lzs /f]huf/LnfO{ ;'/lIft / e/kbf]{ agfpg dfkb08 agfO{ k|efjsf/L¿kdf sfof{Gjog ug'{kg]{ . lghL /f]huf/Lsf k|d'v uGtJo d'n'sx?;Fu >d ;Demf}tf ljBfnox?n] hyfefjL c;'Nb} cfpg] u/]sf] z'Ns ug]{, /f]huf/Lsf b[i6Ln] ;Defljt d'n'sx?df >d lgoGq0f / Joj:yfkg ug{ lghL ljBfnox?sf] z'Ns ;xrf/Lsf] Joj:yf ug]{ / j}b]lzs /f]huf/Lsf ljifodf ;+/rgf ;fj{hlgs ug{'kg]{ / ljBfyL{x?;Fu jflif{s¿kdf ;Da4 d'n'ssf b"tfjf;x?sf] e"ldsfnfO{ k|efjsf/L k|j]z z'Ns lng gkfpg] Joj:yf;d]t ug{'kg]{ . t'Nofpg' kg]{ . ;fy}, j}b]lzs /f]huf/sf qmddf ljb]zdf !#= b'u{d If]qx?df :jf:YosdL{ / cGo sd{rf/Lx?sf] cnkq k/]sf / d[To' ePsf sfdbf/x?nfO{ :jb]z lkmtf{ pkl:ylt guGo x'g] u/]sf] / bIf :jf:YosdL{x? ;'ud Nofpg] ;DaGwdf ;DalGwt b"tfjf; / j}b]lzs /f]huf/ :yfgdf dfq s]lGb|t /xg] u/]sf sf/0f b'u{d If]qsf] k|j4{g af]8{sf] e"ldsfnfO{ ;lqmo agfO{ oyf;dodf ;]jf k|jfx k|efljt x'Fb}cfPsf] 5 . lgMz'Ns¿kdf :jb]z Nofpg] Joj:yfnfO{ ;'lglZrt ug'{kg]{ . pknAw u/fOg] cf}ifwLx? ;Gt'lnt / ;dGoflos¿kdf cfd–gful/ssf] kx'Frdf k'Ug ;s]sf] 5}g . To;}u/L, !%= /fxbfgL / ;jf/L rfns cg' d lt–kqnufotsf cGo cfjZos gful/s ;]jfx? ljt/0f ug]{ k|lqmof cf}iflwnufot d]l8sn pks/0f / ;fdu|Lx?sf] vl/bdf clxn];Dd klg emGeml6nf] 5 . ;fy}, o:tf ;]jfk|fKt clgoldttf x'g] / vl/b ul/Psf cf}iflwx? u'0f:t/xLg ug{ cem} klg nfdf] ;do;Dd k|tLIff ug'{kg]{ cj:yf x'g]h:tf ljs[lt / lj;+ultx? /x]sf 5g\ . o:tf ljs[ltnfO{ 5 . o:tf k|s[ltsf ;]jf k|jfxnfO{ l56f]–5l/tf,] ;xh lgoGq0f ug{ :jf:YosdL{x?sf] kl/rfng, cf}iflw / k|efjsf/L agfpg ;Da4 lgsfox?df ljB'tLo pks/0f vl/b, e08f/0f / ljt/0f tyf ;]jfk|jfxsf] clen]v tyf :jrflnt ljB'tLo k|0ffnLsf] :yfkgf u/L r':ttfsf ljifodf :ki6 / kf/bzL{ dfkb08;lxtsf] sfof{Gjog ug'{kg]{ / ;Da4 lgsfox?aLr O{–g]6jls{Ë sfo{of]hgf agfO{ nfu" ug{'kg]{ . c:ktfn ljsf; lgdf{0f u/L k|lqmofut ;/nLs/0f ug'{kg]{ . ;ldltcGtu{t ;~rflnt c:ktfnx?sf] juL{s/0f u/L Joj:yfkg tyf ;~rfngsf cfwf/ / dfkb08df !^= b]zsf] k|j]zljGb'sf] ¿kdf /x]sf cWofudg sfof{nox? /fi6«sf] 5jL bzf{pg] klxnf] kl/rfos x'g\ . To;}n] Ps¿ktf sfod ug]{ Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . kmfd]{;Lx?af6 cWofudg k|0ffnLnfO{ ;xh, ;'ljwfhgs / cfsif{s laqmL–ljt/0f ul/g] cf}iflwsf] u'0f:t/ / d"Nosf] ljifodf agfpg / cWofudgaf6 pknAw u/fOg] ;]jfnfO{ r':t, lgoldt / k|efjsf/L cg'udg ug'{kg]{ . ;fy}, btf{ g} u'0f:t/Lo / k|efjsf/L agfpg cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] gu/L ;~rfngdf /x]sf kmfd]{;Lx?sf] btf{ vf/]hL cTofw'lgs ;ˆ6j]o/sf] k|of]udf hf]8 lbg'kg]{ . ;fy}, u/L cfjZos sf/afxL ug]{ Joj:yfnfO{ yk s8fO{sf



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cWofudg sfof{nox?df c+u|]hL efiffsf] 1fg ePsf k|0ffnL sdhf]/ x'Fbf tL lgsfox?af6 lgwf{l/t ;dodf / Jofj;flos¿kdf s'zn sd{rf/Lx?sf] kb:yfkgf glthfd"ns sfo{ ;Dkfbg x'g ;s]sf] b]lvFb}g . To;}n] ug{ hf]8 lbg'kg]{ / sfo{/t sd{rf/Lx?sf] Jofj;flos k|To]s ;fj{hlgs lgsfox?df sfo{/t sd{rf/L / ;Lk / bIftf clej[l4 ug{ pko'Qm Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . kbflwsf/Lsf] lhDd]jf/L / hjfkmb]lxtf clej[l4 ug{ pko'Qm sfo{ ;Dkfbg Joj:yfkg k|0ffnLsf] ljsf; !&= cfGtl/s tyf afXo ofq'df ePsf] j[l4 tyf xjfO{ ug'{ k g]{ , ;/sf/L lgsfox?df cfGtl/s lgoGq0f hxfhx?sf] ;+VofTds a9f]Q/Lsf sf/0f g]kfnsf] k|0ffnLnfO{ ;'b[9 agfpFb} n}hfg'kg]{ / sfo{;Dkfbg Psdfq cGt/f{li6«o ljdfg:yn cTolws rfkdf d"Nofª\sgnfO{ j:t'ut / k|efjsf/L agfpg cfjZos ;~rfng eO/x]sf] 5 . ofqLx?sf nflu cfjZos Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . Go"gtd ;'ljwf, ;/;kmfO{, hxfh kfls{Ë :yn, Psn /gj]h:tf sf/0fn] cToGt ;fF3'/f] / c;'/lIft /x]sf] @!= :yfgLo lgsfox¿df nfdf] ;dob] l v lgjf{ l rt cj:yf sfod} 5 . o; ;Gbe{df j}slNks cGt/f{li6«o hgk| l tlglwx? g/x] s f] x' F b f tL lgsfox?sf] ljdfg:ynsf] zL3| lgdf{0f cToGt h?/L eO;Sbf klg sfo{ ;~rfng lghfdtL sd{rf/Lx?åf/f x'Fb}cfPsf] cGt/f{li6«o ljdfg:yn lgdf{0fsf nflu xfn;Dd ePsf 5 . o;qmddf ufpF ljsf; ;ldltsf ;lrjx?sf] sfd–sf/afxL cToGt wLdf / nueu z"Go ultdf /x]sf sfo{af]em / lhDd]jf/L cTolws / c:jfefljs /x]sf] 5g\ . cGt/f{li6«o ljdfg:yn lgdf{0f ug{ nfdf] ;do nfUg] b]lvPsf] 5 . Pp6} ufpF ljsf; ;ldltsf ;lrjn] w]/} / 7"nf] ljQLo bfloÎj;d]t kg]{ x'Fbf pRr ;lqmotfsf ;fy ufpF ljsf; ;ldltx?sf] sfo{ ;~rfngsf] cleef/f j}slNks cGt/f{li6«o ljdfg:yn lgdf{0f k|lqmof cljnDa axg ug'{k/]sf] 5 eg] :yfgLo lgsfodf sfo{/t ;'? u/L b|t" ultdf cl3 a9fpg'kg]{ . o;sf cltl/Qm sd{rf/Lx?df ;dofg's"n bIftf / tflndsf] cefj sf7df8f}+ lghu9sf] b|t" dfu{ lgdf{0fnfO{ tLj|tf lbg'kg]{ 5 . o:tf] c:jfefljs sfo{af]emnfO{ Go"gLs/0f u/L / e}/xjf Pjd\ kf]v/fdf If]qLo:t/sf ljdfg:ynx?sf] sfo{ ;DkfbgnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg To:tf lgsfox?df lgdf{0f sfo{nfO{ cljnDa ;'? u/L ;dodf g} ;DkGg pko'Qm b/aGbL ;+/rgf / kof{Kt hgzlQmsf] Joj:yf x'g] Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . g]kfn jfo';]jf lgudsf] ;+:yfut ug'{kg]{ . Ifdtf ljsf; u/L lgudnfO{ k|lt:kwf{Tds¿kdf u'0f:t/Lo @@= ;fj{hlgs ;]jfk|jfx ug]{ p2]Zo /x]sf s]Gb|b]lv :yfgLo ;]jf k|bfg ug{ ;Ifd agfpg'kg]{ . tx;Ddsf ;/sf/L lgsfox?df xfn;Dd klg lgs} k'/fgf] !*= ;dfhsf j[4, c;xfo, czQm, ckfË, blnt tyf ;+u7g ;+/rgf sfod /xsfn] kl/jlt{t ;Gbe{df r':t ;fdflhs / cfly{ s ¿kdf sdhf] / JolQmx?sf] ;]jfk|jfx ug{ ;d:of ePsf] b]lvG5 . hg;ª\Vof j[l4, ;+/If0fsf nflu /fHon] 5'6ØfPsf] ;'/Iff eQfx? ;fj{hlgs ;]jfk|jfxdf pTkfbsTjk|ltsf] a9\bf] rf;f], oyf]lrt¿kdf nlIft ju{;Dd k'Ug ;s]sf] 5}g . o:tf] cfw'lgs k|ljlwsf] ljsf; / gful/s ;zQmLs/0fsf ;x'lnotnfO{ nlIft ju{;Dd k'¥ofpg / b'¿kof]u x'g sf/0fn] klg df}h'bf ;+u7g ;+/rgfnfO{ k'g/fjnf]sg glbg nfeu|fxLx?sf] oyfy{ nut ljj/0f tof/ u/L ug'{kg]{ b]lvG5 . o;sf nflu gofF sfof{no :yfkgf lgoldt¿kdf cBfjlws ug'{kg]{ / o:tf] eQf tyf ug]{ jf yk b/aGbL l;h{gf ug]{ sfo{df k|ToIf ;+nUg ;'ljwfsf] /sd ljt/0f ug]{ k|lqmofnfO{ kf/bzL{, ;/n /xg] ;fdfGo k|zf;g dGqfno / cy{ dGqfnon] / k|efjsf/L t'Nofpg yk Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . cfwf/e"t gful/s ;]jfk|jfx ug]{ s]Gb|Lo jf :yfgLo lgsfox?df hgzlQmsf] cefj x'g glbg ;+u7g tyf !(= k|To]s ;fj{hlgs lgsfox?af6 k|jfx ul/g] ;]jfsf Joj:yfkg ;j]{If0fdf :jLs[lt lbg] gLltnfO{ nlrnf] ;DaGwdf gful/s a8fkq tof/ u/L sfof{ n odf agfpg'kg]{ . ;fy}, gofF :yfkgf ePsf sfof{nox?nfO{ 6fFl;g] u/]sf] eP klg a8fkqsf] dd{cg'¿k To;sf] ;dod} cfjZos ;|f]t–;fwgsf] Joj:yf ug]{tkm{ klg sfof{Gjog k|efjsf/L x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . To;}n] gful/s ;+j]bgzLn x'g'kg]{ . To;}u/L, ljBdfg k|zf;lgs a8fkqsf] k'g/fjnf]sg ug'{kg]{ eP cfjZostfcg';f/ ;+/rgfcGtu{tsf ljefu, If]qLo sfof{no / l8lehg k'g/fjnf]sg;d]t u/L To;sf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog sfof{nox?sf] e"ldsf / sfo{If]q k'g/fjnf]sg u/L ug]{ Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ / sfof{Gjog eP gePsf] ljifodf k|efjsf/L agfpg]tkm{ cfjZos Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . lg/Gt/ cg'udg ug]{k4ltsf] ljsf; ug'{kg]{ . @)= ;fj{hlgs lgsfox?df cfGtl/s Joj:yfkg / lgoGq0f @#= gful/sx?sf] a9L ;/f]sf/ x'g] gfkL, dfnkf]t, lhNnf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

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k|zf;g, oftfoft, j}b]lzs /f]huf/ / eG;f/nufotsf sfof{Gjog ug'{kg]{ . To;}u/L, kf]v/f nufotsf b]zsf lgsfox?df ljrf}lnofx?sf] pkl:yltaf6 ;]jfu|fxLx? ljleGg efudf /x]sf tfntn}ofx¿sf] ;+/If0f u/L ko{6g k|tfl8t x'g] u/]sf 5g\ . vf;u/L ljrf}lnofx?sf] k|j4{g ug{ ltgsf] ;+/If0f / pkof]u;DaGwL gLlt th'{df lgodg / Joj:yfkg k|efjsf/L x'g g;Sbf ;]jfu|fxLn] u/L tfntn}of ;+/If0f / k|j4{g ug]{ sfo{nfO{ r':t / cltl/Qm ;]jf z'Ns ltg'{k/]sf] / ;]jfk|jfxdf cgfjZos k|efjsf/L agfpg'kg]{ . tx ylkg uO{ h6Lntf l;h{gf ePsf] 5 . o;y{, o:tf @&= pBf]u, Jofkf/ / Jofj;flos lqmofsnfkx?df ;Lldt sfof{nox?sf] ;]jf ;/n / ;xh¿kdf k|fKt ug{ JolQm jf kmd{x?sf] dfq ar{:j /xFb}cfPsf] b]lvG5 . ;]jfk|jfx;DaGwL sfo{ljlwnfO{ ;/nLs/0f ug'{kg]{ / o;af6 j:t' jf ;]jfsf] pTkfbg, kl/jxg / ljt/0fdf ljrf}lnof/lxt ;]jfk|jfx ug{ pko'Qm Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . Psflwsf/ sfod eO{ pkef]Qmfn] rsf]{ d"Nodf Go"g @$= hnljB't\ pTkfbg, pBf]u tyf vfgL ;~rfng / u'0f:t/sf] j:t' / ;]jf k|of]u ug'{kg]{ afWotf l;h{gf lu§L, 9'Ëf, afn'jf lgsf;L ug]{ sfo{df cg'dlt–kq ePsf] 5 . ;fj{hlgs oftfoft / 9'jfgLnufotsf lnO{ nfdf] ;do;Dd sfo{ ;Dkfbg gug]{ k|j[lQ a9]/ cGo Joj;fodf b]lvPsf] Psflwsf/, l;08Ls]6 / uPsf] 5 . o:tf] k|j[lQnfO{ lg?T;flxt ug{ cg'dlt–kq sf6]{lnËh:tf k|j[lQn] k|lt:kwf{Tds jftfj/0fdf ljt/0f ug]{ / 7]Ssf nufpg] k|lqmofnfO{ kf/bzL{ agfO{ Joj;fo ug{ kfpg] gful/s xs s'l07t ePsf] 5 . k|lt:kwf{Tds¿kdf ;a}n] ;xefuL x'g kfpg] Joj:yf To;}n] Jofj;flos / cfly{s ultljlwdf gsf/fTds ;'lglZrt ug'{kg]{ / ljBdfg sfg"gsf] kl/kfngfnfO{ k|efj kfg]{ o:tf] k|j[lQnfO{ lg?T;flxt / lgoGq0f ug{ k|efjsf/L t'Nofpg'kg]{ . k|rlnt sfg"gn] lbPsf clwsf/sf] k|of]udf s8fO{ ub}{ sfg"gsf] sfof{Gjogdf k|efjsfl/tf Nofpg'kg]{ . @%= cf}Bf]lus ljsf;sf dfWodaf6 lgof{t k|j4{g u/L cfoft k|lt:yfkg ug{ t'ngfTds nfe / k|lt:kwf{sf @*= Jofj;flos Ifdtf sdhf]/ eO{ lghL If]q;Fu k|lt:kwf{ ug{ If]qx? klxrfg u/L :jb]zL / j}b]lzs nufgLsf] ;Ifd gePsf jf nfdf] ;do;Dd aGb eO{ ;~rfngdf k|j4{g ug{ gLltut / k|lqmofut ;'wf/ ug{ cfjZos g/x]sf / oGq–pks/0f;d]t k|of]udf cfpg] cj:yf b]lvPsf] 5 . o;sf nflu Ifdtf / ;Defjgfsf gePsf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfgx?df 7"nf] ;/sf/L nufgL cfwf/df pBf]u Joj;fo btf{ x'g] kl/kf6L :yflkt ug'{kg]{, u/L k'gM ;~rfngdf Nofpg' ;fGble{s x'Fb}g . o:tf pBf]u Joj;fosf] btf{ Pjd\ gjLs/0f k|lqmofnfO{ yk ;+:yfgx?n] ;/sf/nfO{ 7"nf] cfly{s ef/ kg]{ / To:tf ;/nLs/0f ug'{kg]{, pBf]u Joj;fonfO{ pknAw u/fpg] ;+:yfgx?n] d'n'ssf] cfly{s ljsf;df vf; 6]jf ;]jf ;'ljwfdf Ps¿ktf sfod x'g] u/L dfkb08 th'{df k'¥ofpg ;Sg] klg b]lvFb}g . To;}n] o:tf ;fj{hlgs u/L nfu" ug'{kg]{ / cf}Bf]lus sl/8f]/ / ljz]if cfly{s ;+:yfgx? lghL If]qaf6 jf ;fj{hlgs–lghL ;fe]mbf/Ldf If]qsf nflu cf}Bf]lus k"jf{wf/sf] lgdf{0fdf hf]8 lbg'kg]{ . ;~rfng u/fpg] u/L Joj:yf ug{ cfjZos k|aGw To;}u/L, pBf]u ljefu / sDkgL /lhi6«f/sf] sfof{nosf] ug'{kg]{ . ;+:yfut Ifdtf clej[l4 u/L tL lgsfox?af6 ;Dkfbg @(= af]8{, ;ldlt, kl/ifb\h:tf lgodg / lgoGq0fsf/L :jfoQ x'g] ;]jfnfO{ Joj;foL–d}qL, k|efjsf/L / glthfd'vL lgsfox?df a;]{lg 7"nf] wg/fzL ljlgof]hg x'g] u/]sf] agfpg'kg]{ . 5 . oBlk, To:tf lgsfox?n] ;DalGwt lgodg @^= b]zdf ko{6g ljsf;sf] k|r'/ ;Defjgf x'Fbfx'Fb} klg lgsfosf] :jLs[lt;d]t glnO{ cfˆgf] cg'sn " tfcg';f/ o;sf] ljsf;n] vf;} ult lng ;s]sf] 5}g / ko{6g km/s–km/s dfkb08sf cfwf/df ljlgodfjnLx? If]qaf6 d'n'ssf] /fli6«o ljsf;df ck]lIft of]ubfg tof/ u/L sfo{ ;~rfng ug]{ u/]sf] b]lvPsf] 5 . k'Ug ;s]sf] klg 5}g . ko{6g pBf]usf] ljsf;sf o:tf] kl/kf6Laf6 tL lgsfox?sf] vr{df Ps¿ktf, nflu ljz]ifu/L o;sf k"jf{wf/x?sf] ljsf; ug{ ldtJolotf / k|efjsfl/tf cfpg ;s]sf] 5}g . To;}n] hf]8 lbg'kg]{ / ;Da4 lgsfox?aLr ;dGjofTds To:tf lgsfox?sf] ljlgodfjnLdf ;dfj]z ug'{kg]{ ¿kdf sfd ug]{ kl/kf6L a;fNg'kg]{ . vf;u/L kz'klt, Go"gtd cfwf/e"t ljifox?df ;dfgtf x'g] u/L dfkb08 n'lDagL, hgsk'/wfd, u9LdfO{, vKt8 d'lQmgfy, lgwf{/0f u/L ljlgodfjnL th'{df / sfof{Gjog ug{ / al8dflnsfnufotsf wfld{s ko{6sLo If]qsf] ;+/If0f sfof{Gjogsf] cg'udgnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg;d]t / ljsf;sf nflu 7f]; gLlt / sfo{of]hgf agfO{ cfjZos Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

#)= /fh:j kl/rfngsf If]qdf Go"g lahsLs/0f ug]{ tyf sfo{nfO{ 5l/tf], u'0f:t/Lo / bLuf] agfpg cTofjZos 5 . o;sf nflu k"jf{wf/x¿sf] lgdf{0f;DaGwL sfo{ ubf{ d"No clej[l4 s/sf] lan, lahs hf/L gug]{ / /fh:j ;DalGwt lgsfox?n] PsLs[t sfof{Gjog sfo{of]hgf 7uL ug]{ k|lqmof k"0f{tM lgoGq0f x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . tof/ u/L sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{k4ltsf] ljsf; ug'{kg]{ . sltko s/of]Uo Jofkf/ Joj;foLx? s/sf] bfo/fdf cfpg ;s]sf klg 5}gg\ . To;}n] Go"g lahsLs/0f ##= sf7df8f}+ pkTosfdf ;jf/L;fwgsf] cTolws rfk lgoGq0f, eG;f/ tyf d"No clej[l4 s/ 5nL lgoGq0f / a9\b} uPsf] t/ kfls{Ë:ynnufotsf ;'ljwfsf] plrt s/sf] bfo/f lj:tf/ ug{]h:tf dxÎjk"0f{ lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x Joj:yf x'g g;Sbf ;jf/L cfjfudg k|efljt x'g] u/]sf] ug{ 7"nf s/bftf sfof{no k|s[ltsf] Ps 5'§} ;+oGq 5 . ;fy}, pkTosfnufot cGo ;x/L If]qx¿df k'/fgf :yfkgf ul/g'kg]{ . To;}u/L, sltko ;"tL{hGo Joj;fo ;fj{hlgs oftfoftsf ;fwgx?sf] k|of]usf sf/0f / cGo pBf]u Joj;fox?;d]t btf{ g} gu/L ;~rfng Psflt/ jftfj/0fLo k|bi" f0f a9\b} uPsf] 5 eg] csf]{lt/ x'g] u/]sf] kfOPsfn] cGtMz'Ns Pjd\ cGo s/ /fh:j ;j{;fwf/0f gful/ssf] ofqf klg hf]lvdk"0f{ aGb} uPsf] 5nL;DaGwL ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfgsf nflu s/ k|0ffnL / 5 . To;}n] sf7df8f}+ pkTosfdf rNb}cfPsf w]/} k'/fgf s/ k|zf;gdf cfjZos ;'wf/ ul/g'kg]{ . ;jf/L;fwgx?nfO{ Psk6ssf nflu lglZrt ;'ljwf jf ;x'lnot lbO{ lj:yflkt ug'{kg]{ . pkTosfsf] 6«flkms #!= d'n'sdf 7"nf] ;ª\Vofdf /x]sf ;xsf/L ;+:yfx?df rfknfO{ sd ug{ gbL lsgf/x?af6 lnÍ/f]8 lgdf{0f ;j{;fwf/0f gful/sx?sf] artsf] ¿kdf 7"nf] /sd ug'{kg]{ / ;jf/Lsf] a9L rfk x'g] If]qx?df ˆnfOcf]e/ ;l~rt ePsf] b]lvG5 . t/, o:tf ;xsf/L ;+:yfx?sf] lgdf{0fdf hf]8 lbg] . ;fy}, pkTosfnufotsf k|d'v ;~rfng tyf Joj:yfkgsf nflu bL3{sfnLg / ;x/L If]qx?df ;jf/L;fwgsf] rfknfO{ sd ug{ a9L k|efjsf/L gLlt gx'bF f ;xsf/L ;+:yfx?sf] cg'udg r':t ofq' axg Ifdtf ePsf 7"nf / jftfj/0fd}qL ;fj{hlgs / k|efjsf/L x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . o;af6 ;j{;fwf/0fsf] ;jf/L;fwgx?sf] k|of]unfO{ a9fjf lbg] vfnsf] gLlt art /sd klg pRr hf]lvddf kb}{ uO/x]sf] 5 . o; Nofpg pko'Qm x'g] . qmddf ;xsf/L ;+:yfx?af6 ;j{;fwf/0f gful/sx? 7luPsf 36gfx¿ lgoldt¿kdf ;fj{hlgs x'Fb}cfPsf klg #$= d'n'ssf] s]Gb|b]lv :yfgLo:t/;Dd 5l/P/ /x]sf ;/sf/L 5g\ . o:tf] hf]lvd / ljs[ltnfO{ lgoGq0f ug{ ;xsf/L lgsfox¿n] ;Dkfbg ug]{ u/]sf sfo{x?sf] ;'k/Lj]If0f ;+:yfx?sf] :yfkgf, ;~rfng / Joj:yfkgsf nflu / cg'udg;DaGwL sfd k|efjsf/L x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . bL3{sfnLg gLlt to u/L lgodg tyf cg'udg;DaGwL o;n] ubf{ tL lgsfosf sfd–sf/afxLx¿ glthfd'vL x'g sfo{nfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg' kg]{ . ;fy}, ;xsf/L ;s]sf klg 5}gg\ . ljsf; sfo{qmd / cfof]hgfx?sf] ;+ : yfx?sf] Joj:yfkgsf ;DaGwdf uf} / Laxfb' / cg'udg tyf d"Nofª\sg;DaGwL sfo{n] sd dxÎj sfsL{sf] ;+of]hsTjdf ul7t cfof]usf] k|ltj]bgdf kfpg] u/]sf] b]lvG5 / o;sf nflu kof{Kt ah]6 plNnlvt l;kmfl/;x?nfO{ dgg u/L pko'Qm ;'emfjx? Joj:yf;d]t ug]{ ul/Psf] kfO{+b}g . o;n] ubf{ ;/sf/L sfof{Gjog ug{ pko'Qm x'g] . To;sf cltl/Qm ;j{;fwf/0f lgsfoaf6 ;Dkflbt sfdsf] cg'udg sfuhL¿kdf gful/sx?sf] ;l~rltsf] ;'/Iff / ;xsf/Lsf] p2]Zo dfq ;Lldt /x]sf] b]lvG5 . To;}n] ljsf; lgdf{0f / kl/k"lt{ x'g] u/L ;xsf/L ;+:yfx¿sf] u7g, ;~rfng ;]jf k|jfx;DaGwL ljifosf] cg'udg / d"Nofª\sgnfO{ Pjd\ ltgsf] cg'udg / lgodgnfO{ k|efjsf/L t'Nofpg] kl/0ffdd'vL agfpg o;sf j:t'ut cfwf/x? tof/ u/L ;DaGwdf yk Joj:yf ug{ Ps pRr:t/Lo sfo{bn agfO{ lhDd]jf/ lgsfon] ;'k/Lj]If0f / cg'udgnfO{ ;zQm / cWoog u/fpg'kg]{ . k|efjsf/L agfpg'kg]{ tyf k|To]s ;/sf/L lgsfon] cg'udg / d"Nofª\sg;DaGwL sfo{nfO{ pRr k|fyldstf #@= gu/kflnsf tyf gu/f]Gd'v ufpF ljsf; ;ldltx?df lbO{ sfd ug]{ Joj:yf x'g'kg]{ . ;x/L k"jf{wf/x?sf] lgdf{0f ubf{ ;Da4 lgsfox¿aLr ;dGjo x'g g;sL sfddf bf]xf]/f]kgf / sltko #%= sd{rf/Lsf 6«]8 o'lgogx? k]zfut / Jofj;flos cj:yfdf sfddf afwf;d]t l;h{gf x'g] u/]sf] 5 . xsxLteGbf sd{rf/Lx?sf] ;¿jf / kb:yfkgfh:tf ljleGg ;x/L If]q / gu/kflnsfx?df ;8s, vfg]kfgL, ljifox?df s]lGb|t x'Fbf sltko ;Gbe{df k|zf;lgs 9n, ljB't\, 6]lnkmf]g / oftfoft Joj:yfkgnufotsf lg0f{o ug{ / lg0f{osf] sfof{Gjogdf ;d]t afwf pTkGg k"jf{wf/x?sf] lgdf{0f ubf{ ;dGjofTds 9Ën] lgdf{0f x'g] u/]sf] u'gf;f] 5 . To;}n] 6«]8 o'lgognfO{ k]zfut

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



/ Jofj;flos lxt tyf ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g / ;]jfk|jfx / cg'udg x'g'kg]{ . ;'wf/sf If]qdf k|efjsf/L kl/rfng ug{ ljBdfg ax' #(= ;fj{hlgs hUufsf ;fy} ljleGg d7–dlGb/, wfld{s:yn 6«]8 o'lgogsf] ;§f cflwsfl/s Psn 6«]8 o'lgogsf] / u' 7 Lsf] gfddf /x] s f hUufx?sf] cltqmd0f lgjf{rg cljnDa ug]{ Joj:yf x'g'kg]{ . lbgfg'lbg a9]/ uPsf] 5 . To:tf hUufx?sf] ;+/If0f #^= gful/s ;]jfk|jfxsf] k|d'v ;+oGqsf] ¿kdf /xg] ug{ ;fj{hlgs, ktL{ / wfld{s ;+u7gsf gfpFdf /x]sf sd{rf/LtGq d'n'ssf] :yfoL ;/sf/ xf] . o;df hUufx?sf] nut olsg u/L clen]v tof/ ug'{kg]{ . ;dofg's"n Jofj;flos bIftf cfpg g;Sbf ;du| ;fy}, To:tf hUufx?df cltqmd0f u/L cglws[t¿kdf ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g glthfd'vL x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . a;f]af; u/]sf] eP cljnDa x6fO{ ;+/If0fsf nflu To;}u/L, sd{rf/LtGqsf] ;~rfng / Joj:yfkgsf plrt Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . ;'s'Daf;L ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu j:t'ut of]hgf agfO{ nfu" ug]{k4ltsf] ljsf; gfpFdf k6s–k6s cfof]u / sfo{bn u7g eP klg gx'Fbf g]kfnsf] sd{rf/LtGq cg'Îkfbs / vlr{nf] bL3{sfnLg ¿kdf ;'s'Daf;L ;d:of ;dfwfg x'g ;s]sf] ePsf] u'gf;fx? klg ;'lgg] u/]sf 5g\ . To;}n] 5}g . o;sf nflu /fjn cfof]usf ;fy} cGo cfof]u / sd{rf/LtGqnfO{ pQ/bfoL, l56f]–5l/tf] / glthfd'vL sfo{bnx?n] lbPsf ;'emfjx?sf] sfof{Gjogdf hf]8 t'Nofpg / sd{rf/Lsf] tnaeQfnufotsf ;'ljwfx?df lbg'kg]{ . To;}u/L, ;'s'Daf;Lx?nfO{ hUuf ljt/0f ubf{ jg ;do;fk]If k'g/fjnf]sg u/L hLjg lgjf{xsf nflu If]q cltqmd0f gx'g] u/L jgIf]q afx]ssf] hUuf ljt/0f kof{Kt agfpg ljleGg ;dodf ul7t k|zf;g ;'wf/ ug]{ :ki6 gLlt tof/ ug'{kg]{ . ;fy}, clwsf/;DkGg cfof] u n] lbPsf ;' e mfjx?nfO{ k| e fjsf/L¿kdf pRr:t/Lo cfof]u u7g u/L jf:tljs ;'s'Daf;L sfof{Gjog ug'{kg]{ . klxrfg ug]{ / ;'s'Daf;L ;d:ofsf] bL3{sfnLg ;dfwfg ug]{tkm{ cfjZos Joj:yf x'g'kg]{ . #&= ljleGg d'n'sx?df /x]sf g]kfnL b"tfjf; / lgof]ux? cfly{s s"6gLltsf] lbzfdf vf;} ;zQm x'g ;s]sf 5}gg\ $)= ;fdflhs cfly{s ¿kfGt/0f / ljsf;sf] ;Djfxssf] / clxn] klg k/Dk/fut lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x ug]{ sfddf dfq} ¿kdf d'n'sleq 7"nf] ;ª\Vofdf u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfx? ;Lldt 5g\ . o;af6 b"tfjf;x?n] d'n'sdf j}b]lzs sfo{/t /x]sf / tL ;+:yfx?dfkm{t\ 7"nf] /sd kl/rfng nufgL leqØfpg jf cf}Bf]lus / cfly{s lqmofsnfkx? eO/x]sf] 5 . t/, u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfx?sf] lgodg / lj:tf/ u/fpg b]zdf ljBdfg ;Defjgfsf If]qx?nfO{ Joj:yfkg k|efjsf/L x'g g;Sbf ck]lIft glthf eg] ljb]zL nufgLstf{x?aLr oyf]lrt¿kdf phfu/ u/fpg xfl;n x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . o;y{, u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfx?sf] ;s]sf 5}gg\ . To;sf cltl/Qm j}b]lzs /f]huf/Lsf] lgodg / Joj:yfkgsf nflu Psåf/ gLlt nfu" ug'{kg]{ . ;Defjgf ePsf If]qx? klxrfg / lj:tf/ ug]{ tyf ;fy}, ;dfh sNof0f kl/ifb\nfO{ /fhgLlts k|efjaf6 ;'/lIft uGtJo klxrfg u/L j}b]lzs /f]huf/Ldf hfg d'Qm /fvL o;sf] ;+:yfut Ifdtf clej[l4 ug'{kg]{ / rfxg] g]kfnLx?sf nflu cj;/ pknAw u/fpg] kl/ifb\sf] e"ldsfnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfO{ u}/–;/sf/L If]qdf klg lgof]u / b"tfjf;x?sf] e"ldsf vf;} ;+:yfx?sf] kf/blz{tf tyf hjfkmb]lxtf clej[l4 ub}{ k|efjsf/L x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . To;}n] ljb]zl:yt lgof]u k|fyldstfsf If]qdf kl/rfng ug{ cfjZos Joj:yf tyf b"tfjf;x?sf] sfo{ ljj/0f k'g/fjnf]sg u/L ug'{kg]{ . cGtdf, cfof]unfO{ ;'lDkPsf] lhDd]jf/L / bfloÎj pgLx?nfO{ cfly{s s"6gLltsf] If]qdf s]lGb|t u/fpg lgjf{x ug]{ qmddf cfjZos ;|f]t–;fwg pknAw u/fpg'sf cfjZos Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ . cltl/Qm cGo ljljw lsl;dn] ;xof]u ub}{cfPsf]df g]kfn ;/sf/k|lt cfof]u cfef/ JoQm ub{5 . To;}u/L, cfof]usf] #*= xfd|f sltko ;fdflhs / ;f+:s[lts Jojxf/x?n] sfo{ ;Dkfbgdf ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] o"Pg8LkLnufot cGo ;d]t e|i6frf/ / clgoldt sfo{nfO{ k|>o lbg] u/]sf ;a} lgsfo, If]q / JolQmx?k|lt xflb{s wGojfb lbFb} 5g\ . ctM d'n'sdf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug{ ;fdflhs cfufdL lbgdf ;d]t cfof]un] ;a} kIfaf6 /rgfTds d"No–dfGotf, Jojxf/ / ;+:sf/df klg ;dofg's"n ;xof]usf] ck]Iff /fv]sf] 5 .9 ;'wf/ x'g' cfjZos x'G5 . To;}n] k'/ftg ;fdflhs / ;f+:s[lts d"No–dfGotfx?nfO{ sfod /fVb} ;fdflhs -k|:t't ;fdu|L clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] Jojxf/ / cfr/0fdf ;'wf/ Nofpg ;fdflhs Jojxf/ cfj @)&)–&! df ;Dkfbg u/]sf sfo{x?nfO{ ;d]6L tof/ ul/Psf] ;'wf/ P]gdf ;+zf]wg u/L ;f]sf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog @$ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bgaf6 lnOPsf] xf]._



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

e|i6frf/Llj?4sf] n8fO{+ M jf:tljs wd{ o'4 b]j]Gb|k|;fb l;6f}nf


/tsf rlr{t tyf k|efjzfnL tTsfnLg k|wfgdGqL hjfx/nfn g]x?n] ef/tsf] Pp6f dxÎjfsf+IfL afFw lgdf{0f kl/of]hgf :jLs[t ug]{ l;nl;nfdf kl/of]hgfsf d'Vo OlGhlgo/nfO{ ;f]w]sf lyP, æs] ltdLx?n] vfg]–lkpg] sld;gsf] /sd of] kl/of]hgf nfutdf /fv]sf 5f}+ < 5}g eg] clxn] g} ljrf/ u/ / /fv gq kl5 sfd sd u'0f:t/sf] xf]nf, jf:tljs nfutaf6} sld;g afF8r"8 ubf{ sfd sdhf]/ xf]nf / /fi6«nfO{ 7"nf] Iflt k'Unf . clxn] a]nf 5, ljrf/ u/ .Æ b]zsf zlQmzfnL k|wfgdGqLn] o:tf] k|Zg / lh1f;f /fVbf tL lrkm OlGhlgo/sf] s] xljut eof] xf]nf, cjZo g]x? Pp6f /fhg]tf, lyP, ljåfg\ klg lyP / ;dsfnLg /fhgLltdf k|efj / bSvn lyof]– pgsf] . To;}n] of] eGg] x}l;ot /fVy] pgL . Pp6f :j:y JolQmn] :jf:Yosfaf/] eGg / ctL{ ug{ ;'xfpF5 . ;an /fhg]tfdf JolQmut :jfy{ gx'Fbf / pgsf nflu /fi6« g} ;jf]{kl/ x'Fbf lxDdt u5{– :jR5tf, kf/blz{tf sfod /fVg rfxG5g\ / st{Jo sd{df xQkQ r'St}g . pm sd{ o f] u L x' G 5 . p;nfO{ kl/jf/, gftfuf]tf, cf;]kf;], x'Ss]–a}7s]x?sf]

æs] ltdLx?n] vfg] lkpg] sld;gsf] /sd of] kl/of]hgf nfutdf /fv]sf 5f}+ < 5}g eg] clxn] g} ljrf/ u/ / /fv gq kl5 sfd sd u'0f:t/sf] xf]nf, jf:tljs nfutaf6} sld;g afF8r"8 ubf{ sfd sdhf]/ xf]nf / /fi6«nfO{ 7"nf] Iflt k'Unf . clxn] a]nf 5, ljrf/ u/ .Æ —hjfx/nfn g]x?

vf;} lrGtf x'Fb}g, /fi6« / hgtfsf] dfq lrGtf x'G5 . ev{/} o; jif{sf] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj; dgfpg] sfo{sf] cf}krfl/stf k"/f eof] . b]zsf k|wfgdGqL / dGqLx?nufot ;/sf/df /x]sf pRr kb:y clwsf/Lx?, ;+j}wflgs lgsfo, sd{rf/LtGq tyf ljifosf ;/f] s f/jfnfx?sf] ;xeflutfdf ;/sf/L tj/df l;+xb/af/df / clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]usf] xftfdf ;DkGg eof] . of] lbj;sf] sfo{qmddf d'Vo jQmfsf ?kdf dxÎjk" 0 f{ JolQmÎjx?– b] z sf k|wfgdGqL, clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof] u sf k| d ' v cfo' Q m, g] k fn ;/sf/sf d'Vo;lrj / 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf cWoIf cflb /x]sfn] pxfFx?sf] ljrf/–dGtJosf] dxÎj 5 / rrf{ klg kfof] . k|wfgdGqLn] cfk"m e|i6frf/lj¿4df ;+j]bgzLn ePsf] t/ cfk"mn] eGg] u/] s f s' / f g;' g ] s f] – ga' e ] m sf] d f lg/fzfhGo cfqmf]z JoQm ug'{eof] . To:t}, e|i6frf/ x]g]{ lgsfo tntn k]mbLdf dfq nfu]sf] / e|i6frf/dflyaf6} x6fpg tyf e¥ofª\sf] kmf]xf]/ dflyNnf]

v'6l\ snfb]lv g} ;kmf ug'k{ g]{ cfjZostf b]vfpFb} e|i6frf/lj¿4 uDeL/ d'b|fdf k|xf/ ug'{eof] . e|i6frf/ sxfF 5 eGg] dGqLb]lv sd{rf/L;Dd ;a}nfO{ yfxf 5 / e|i6frf/LrflxF v'n]/ lxF8\g clg ;bfrf/L n's]/ lxF8\g'kg]{ bogLo cj:yfsf] lrq0f ug'{eof]— b]zsf k| w fgdGqL :jod\ n ] . ;f] x L lbg laxfgsf] clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof] u sf] xftfleqsf] sfo{ q mddf k|d'v cfo'Qmn] pko'Qm ;dodf 7"nf df5f klg ;dfltg]5g\ eGg] ;Gb]z k|jfx ug'{eof] . g]kfn ;/sf/sf d'Vo;lrjn] sd{rf/L ju{ sltko cj:yfdf c?sf] el/of eP/ / ;fwg ag]/ sfd ubf{ g]kYosf u}/–lhDd]jf/ gfosnfO{ s]xL c;/ gx'g] t/ el/of / ;fwg ag]sf tL sd{ r f/L ;txdf b[ Z ojfg\ x' g ] cj:yfsf] lrq0f ub}{ ;hu / ;r]t x'g lgb]{zg;d]t ug'{eof] . dfly pNn] l vt ltg} JolQmÎjx? dxÎjk"0f{ / k|efjzfnL x'g'x'G5— cf]xf]bf / If]qflwsf/sf lx;fan] klg . of] e|i6frf/sf] ljifonfO{ s;/L ;Daf]wg ug]{ eGg] pxfFx?sf] ;Gb]z, OR5fzlQm, :jR5tf–lgikIftfn] cjZo klg 7"nf] cy{ /fV5 / clxn] lbPsf pxfFx?sf ;Gb]zx? dggof]Uo klg 5g\ . t/

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g ;d:of eg] oyfjt\ g} b]lvG5, pxL ?k / s'?k b]lvG5 lsg < hjfkmb]xL / lhDd]jf/L sd{rf/Ln] lng'kg]{ clg g] k Yosf JolQmsf] :jfy{ s f nflu sfd ug'{kg]{ cj:yf lsg cfpF5 af/Daf/ < pQ/ vf]Hbf l56f]–l56f] u/L ablng] u/]sf] zlQm s]Gb|x? / To;sf ;~rfnsx?sf] OR5f–rfxgf–:jfy{ o;df xfjL x'G5 . kmn:j?k sfg"gL /fHo, ;xL 7fpFdf ;xL dfG5], k|lqmof– k|0ffnL / Jofj;flostf–of]Uotfsf] a]jf:tf x'G5, tL kIfnfO{ sdhf]/ kfl/G5 / ;a} 3]/fx? sltko cj:yfdf tf]l8G5g\ klg . kbdf axfn /xg]x?n] cfk"m cfˆgf] Ifdtf / of]Uotfn] oxfF cfOk'u]sf] 5' eGg] dx;"; x'Fb}g / ;w}+ lg/Lx, ;Gqf; / g]kYosf u}/sfg"gL cfb]zdf sfd ug'{kg]{ cj:yf l;h{gf ePsf klg b] l vG5g\ — ljutsdf cg'ej / cWofonfO{ s]nfpFbf . b]zsf clt dxÎjk"0f{ kbdf /xg'ePsf JolQmx?af6 pQm sfo{qmddf JoQm ePsf ;Gb]zsf dd{;Fu;Fu} b]z sxfF r'ls/x]5 / r'Sg gx'g] cj:yf / ;t{x? s] x'g ;S5g\, To;tk{m Wofg hfg'kg]{ klg b]lvG5 . ;bfrf/L hLjg latfpg / o;nfO{ a'‰g s'g kf7zfnf hfg] < ufpFd} x'ls{P/ uf]7fnf v]tfnf ag]sf–b]v]sf, psfnL–cf]/fnL, ul/aL, cefj ;a} b] v ] s f / pRr kbdf cfl;g x'g]x? ToxL s'/f a'‰g vr{ u/]/ k]ml/ lsg hfg'k5{ af/Daf/ ToxfF ufpF 6 f] n df . ;w} + e l/ sf7df8f} + s f ;8sk]6L / kmf]xf]/sf 8ª\u'/ b]lv/x]sf JolQm s] ;fj{hlgs pRr kbdf k'u]kl5 k]ml/ a; r9]/ Tof] b[Zo x]g{ hfg'k5{ / < k|rf/d'vL ;dfrf/ agfpg] Wo]odfq lsg /fVg] < 7fpFdf a;]/ pko'Qm of]hgf agfO{ sfof{Gjog ug{ lsg l9nfO ug]{ < ;fj{hlgs kbdf cfl;g pRr JolQmx?sf] af]nL / Jojxf/n] cjZo klg lbzf–lgb]{z ug{ ;xof]u u5{,

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

g}lts cg'zf;gsf] x|f;n] /fi6«nfO{ IftljIft agfpF5 . lzIff gLlt, ;dfhsf :yflkt dfGotf, k};f 7"nf ls k|]d, s?0ff, ljj]s / ;bfrf/ 7"nf] < ;dfhn] s;/L x]5{, s] cfwf/df 5'6ØfpF5 / Jojxf/ u5{ g}lts / e|i6nfO{ < of] kIf dxTjk"0f{ 5 .

;Gb] z k| j fx x' G 5 / ;a} s f] cfzf e/f] z f ToxfF c8] s f] klg x' G 5 . k|wfgdGqLn] dGqLx?dfly pgLx?sf] sfdk|ltsf] hjfkmb]lxtfsf] cg'udg / j:t'ut cfwf/df d"Nofª\sgsf] kl/kf6L a;fNg'k5{ . d'Vo;lrjn] ;lrj / ;lrjn] dftxtsf ljefuLo k|d'vx?sf] sfo{ :jR5tf–hjfkmb]lxtf / lqmofzLntfsf] j:t'k/s d"Nofª\sg– cg' u dg ug] { :yfoL ;+ o GqfTds Joj:yf ldnfpg'k5{ . clVtof/n] e|i6frf/sf sfnf ljiffn' ;k{x?nfO{ b'nfaf6 aflx/ lgsfnL efUg glbO{ 9f8 efFRg] clg e|i6 gfOs]x?sf] ;dfhdf :yfg gx' g ] u/L pbfË agfpg]t k{m sfg"gL cfwf/, g} lts kIf / pTs[i6 d"No–dfGotfsf] hu a;fO{ ltgsf] k|Tofe"ltåf/f ;fj{hlgs lgsfox?nfO{ dha"t agfpg ;s]df dfq oL cleofgn] ;fy{stf kfpF5 / o:tf lbj;sf] k|of]hg d"Nojfg\ x'G5 . oL ;a} If]q / lbzfsf ;+u7gfTds k|of;x? Ps–csf{df kl/k"/s x'g' klg cfjZos 5 . csf]{ :jR5tfsf] ;t{sf] kf6f] 5, d"n tyf ;|f]t g} ;kmf x'g'



afuåf/ klxnf ;kmf x'g'k5{ . cyf{t\, :jR5tf, kf/blz{tf / hjfkmb]xLtfsf] pbfx/0f dflyaf6 ;'? x'g'k5{ Tof] k|efjsf/L x'g\ . ;+;f/sf] Oltxf;df x'g'k5{, Tof] k|efjsf/L x'g\ . ;+;f/sf] Oltxf;df ljsf; / ;dfh ;'wf/df s]xL JolQmx?n] pbfx/0f ag]/ cu'jfO ag]/ cu'jfO gu/L ;fy{s ePsf] 5}g / Tof] ;fj{hlgs kb wf/0f ug]{af6} x'g'k5{ . /fi6« / ;dfhnfO{ lsg / s;/L dfof ug]{ eGg] pgLx?n] pbf/x0f ag]/ l;sfpg' k5{, efif0fdf dfq xf]Og bL3{sfnLg ?kdf Jojxf/ k|bz{g u/]/ . e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] n8fOF lg/f]wfTdsdfq xf]Og pkrf/fTds / k|j4{gfTds klg x'g'k5{ . :jw{dsf] kfng tyf /fO6 nfOkmtk{m hf]8 lbFb} dxfg\ ;Gt lzjk'/L afafn] ef}lts, g}lts / cWoflTds cg' z f;gsf v' 8 \ l snfx?df hf] 8 lbg'ePsf] s'/f oxfF :d/0fLo eP/ cfpF5 . g}lts cg'zf;gsf] x|f;n] /fi6«nfO{ IftljIft agfpF5 . lzIff gLlt, ;dfhsf :yflkt dfGotf, k};f 7"nf ls k|]d, s?0ff, ljj]s / ;bfrf/ 7"nf] < ;dfhn] s;/L x]5{, s] cfwf/df 5'6ØfpF5 / Jojxf/ u5{ g}lts / e|i6nfO{ < of] kIf dxÎjk"0f{ 5 . /fhgLlts / k|zf;lgs If]qdfq xf]Og cfhef]ln wfld{s, ;f+:s[lts / lghL If]q klg e|i6frf/sf] cfuf]df nk]l6P/ hn]sf 5g\ . wfld{s If]qdf O{Zj/, k/dfÎdf / u'?sf gfddf ;+u|x ug{ / hyfefjL ef]urng ug{ 5'6 5 . oxfF ;Ddf]xg, efjgf / ljZjf;–>4fsf sf/0f klg cS;/ e|i6frf/ aflx/ cfpFb}g . To;}n] u'?lu/L km:6fpF5 / cfzf/fdsf k;nx? /fd|/L rN5g\ . o;df klg ca ;ts{tfsf] h?/L 5, kf/blz{tf / cf}lrTotfsf kIf Jofjxfl/s ?kn] x]g'{ h?/L 5 . lghL If]q k|lt:kwL{eGbf 5n5fd /



;lhnf] af6f]af6 cfh{g ug]{ ;+:s[ltdf kflnt / kf]lift 5 . ;+:s[ltn] /fd|f / d"ndd{ lal;{P/ å]if / 3[0ffsf rfndf hu eTsfpFb}5g\ . ;fj{ h lgs vl/b, 7]Ssfk§fdf sld;g x'G5 eGg] s'/f ;j{q g]kYodf n'sfOPsf] oyfy{ jf ;To xf] . of] oyfy{ s f] lxDdltnf] e08fkmf] / / Joj:yfkg geP;Dd e| i 6frf/sf] lk/f] w"jfFn] cfFvf kf]ln/xG5 . o;af6 ;bfrf/L hLjg lhpg]nfO{ Joyf 5, kL8f 5, ps';–d's'; klg 5 . sltko cj:yfdf cFWof/f] uNnLdf lxF8\g' k/] s f] ofqLsf] bzf 5, ;bfrf/L hLjgk4lt cFufNg] ;fj{hlgs kbsf tL kbflwsf/LnfO{ . otfkl§ Wofg lbg ;s] h/fdf g} dnhn k5{, :jR5tfsf nflu . sld;g /fh;Fu u'G8f / bnfnL /fh x'ls{Psf] 5 . /fi6«;]js eg]/ lrlgg] sd{rf/Lx?sf] lbj;x?df pkl:ylt afSnf] x'G5 . d'Vo ;|f]tf log} x'G5g\ lsgls xtf{stf{ klg xf] — of] ju{ . csf] { kIf 5, clwsf+z e|i6frf/lj¿4sf egfO– cleJolQm pgLx?s} lqmofsnfkdf

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

tfnL xf] eg] sld;gsf] ;~hfnleq st} cfk"m / cfˆgf] lgsfo r's]sf] 5 ls jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf d'Vo ;lrjsf] ;fj{hlgs vl/b, cleJolQmdf pNn]v ePe}mF el/of jf 7]Ssfk§fdf sld;g ;fwg algPsf] kf] 5 ls < of] tfnL x'G5 eGg] s'/f ;j{q kmut d;fg j}/fUo jf cf}krfl/stfsf] g]kYodf n'sfOPsf] oyfy{ jf ;To cËdfq xf] ls < To;} n ] d;fg xf] . of] oyfy{sf] j}/fUodfq hfUg] xf] eg] / sygL tyf lxDdltnf] e08fkmf]/ / sfof{Gjoga`Lr cnkq tfn eO/x]df Joj:yfkg geP;Dd b]zsf k|wfgdGqL / d'Vo;lrjsf oL e|i6frf/sf] lk/f] w"jfFn] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf cleJolQm tyf efjn] cfFvf kf]ln/xG5 . sfof{Gjogsf] dfu{ gkfpg ;S5g\ . o;af6 ;bfrf/L hLjg clg k|wfgdGqLn] eg]h:t} e|i6frf/L lhpg]nfO{ Joyf 5, kL8f 5, v'n]cfd lxF8\g] / ;bfrf/L n'Sg'kg]{ ps';–d's'; klg 5 . cj:yf eO/xG5 . sd{rf/LnfO{ dfq bf]ifL 7x¥ofpg] kl/j]z klg oyfy{tfdf cfwfl/t 5}g . o;y{, e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofg g/eIfL /fIf;lj¿4sf] o'4e}mF lj?4 jf ;Gbe{ d f x' G 5g\ . ltg} wd{o'4 g} x'g'k5{, ;a} If]q / txdf sd{rf/L ju{n] s'/f ;'g]kl5 tfnL o;lj¿4 h'6\g'k5{ . e|i6frf/ nf]eL– lk6\5g\, ;dy{g hgfpFb} . t/ Tof] kfkL / b'i6x?sf] s[To xf] / o;sf tfnLdf :jR5tfsf] Wjlgsf ?kdf lj?4sf] wd{ o'4df Psh"6 x'g' g} /fi6« ;Gb]z k|jflxt x'G5 ls x'Fb}g ls lgdf{0fdf klg ;+nUg x'g' xf] .9 tfnL;Fu} ufnL / hfnL k|jflxt x'G5 < -k"j{ k|zf;s l;6f}nfsf] of] cfn]v :jR5tf / ;dy{gnfO{ k'i6 agfpg] cGgk"0f{ kf]i6 b}lgsaf6 ;fef/ ul/Psf] xf]._

;"rgfsf] xs s] xf] < ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf /x]sf ;fj{hlgs dxÎjsf] ;"rgf dfUg] / kfpg] xs g} ;"rgfsf] xs xf] . s'g} lnlvt ;fdu|L jf sfd–sf/afxLsf] cWoog jf cjnf]sg ug]{, k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk lng], e|d0f ug]{h:tf] xs klg xf] . of] ;~rf/sdL{x?sf] dfq geP/ cfd–gful/sn] ;d]t rf;f] lnO/xg'kg]{ ljifo xf] . o;sf] pkof]un] ;dfhdf kf/blz{tf, pQ/bfloÎj / 1fg clej[l4 ug{ dbt k'¥ofpg] lglZrt 5 . ;a}n] pkof]u u/f}F .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



6L=cfO{= g]kfnsf ultljlw 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ;b:o e]nf 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] @)&! r}t !# ut] sf7df8f}+df ;b:ox?sf] e]nf cfof]hgf ug]{ ePsf] 5 . ;f] sfo{qmddf ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfksf] ;dLIff / efjL sfo{lbzfaf/] ;'emfa u|x0f ul/g] ePsf] 5 .

;f] sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmdsf sfo{qmd clws[t ljgf]b e§/fO{n] & lbg] OG6g{l;k k"/f ug{'ePsf] 5 . e§/fO{n] OG6g{l;ksf qmddf cfd–gful/ssf] u'gf;f] ;dfwfgsf] k|lqmofaf/] hfgsf/L k|fKt ug{'ePsf] lyof] .

Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmd ;dLIff 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] @)&! kmfu'g !% ut] sf7df8f}+df Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmdsf] dWofjlw ;dLIffsf] lgisif{ ;'g'jfO{ sfo{qmd cfof]hgf u¥of] . pSt sfo{qmddf dWofjlw ;dLIff ug]{ ;+:yf g]kfn Joj:yfkg ;+3sf tkm{af6 sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs sfhL bfxfnn] ;dLIff k|ltj]bgsf lgisif{ k|:t't ug{'ePsf] lyof] . To:t}, sfo{qmd ;+of]hs t'Da'? uf}tdn] kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ubf{b]lv dWofjlw;Ddsf] pknlAw / r'gf}tLaf/] af]Ng'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf /fli6«o ;ts{tf s]Gb|sf ;x;lrj ef]h]Gb|s'df/ If]qL, k|wfgdGqL sfof{nosf pk;lrj v'd/fh sf]O/fnf, clVtof/ b'¿kof]u cg';Gwfg ;Dd]ngdf sf]iffWoIf ;xefuL cfof]usf ;xfos ;"rgf clws[t sdn kf}8]n / o'/f]lkog 6LcfO{ OlG8ofn] @)!% sf] dfr{ !$–!% tfl/sdf OG6/g]zgn o'lgogsL k|ltlglw Psft]l/gf ofsf]en]efsf] pkl:ylt sGkm/]G; cg 6«fG;g]zgn s/K;gM Rofn]Gh]h PG8 l/hf]n;' G; /x]sf] lyof] . To:t}, sfo{qmddf cWoIf e/t axfb'/ yfkf, ljifos ;Dd]ng cfof]hgf ug]{ ePsf] 5 . ef/tsf] gofF sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs cflzif yfkf, gfoa sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs lbNnLdf cfof]hgf x'g] pSt sfo{qmddf 6«fG;k/]G;L sdn kf]v/]nsf] ;d]t pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf sf]iffWoIf kb\ldgL k|wfgfË ;xefuL g]kfndf ;bfrf/ k|j4{g;DaGwL cWoog x'g'x'g] ePsf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng ul//x]sf] g]kfndf ;bfrf/ 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] gofF Sofn]G8/ k|j4{g;DaGwL sfo{qmd ;Da4 kfFrj6f cWoog ;'? u/]sf] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] @)&@ ;fnsf] Sofn]G8/ 5 . tL cWoogsf ljifo lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf 5g\ M != g]zgn k|sfzg ug]{ ePsf] 5 . Sofn]G8/ k|sfzg ug{sf nflu OG6]lu|6L sG6]S:6 PG8 l;:6d Pgflnl;; -lgS;f_, @= ;j]{ cfjZos sf6{'g …sf6{'lg:6 Sna ckm g]kfnÚn] pknAw cg klAns ;le{; 8]lne/L, #= OG6]lu|6L KofS6 Knfg, $= l/Eo' ckm ah]6 kmd{'n];g k|f];];, %= 8]enkd]G6 ckm lko/ u/fpg] ePsf] 5 . km]l;ln6]6/ 6«]lgª Dofg'cn cflb . tL cWoogx? qmdzM 6LcfO{;Fu g]kfnsf] cfa4tf klxnf] kqsf/ /fds[i0f /]UdL / /jL vfgfnn]Ù bf];|f] k|f]h]S6 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] /fli6«o RofK6/sf] cfa4tf gjLs/0fsf nflu l/;r{ PG8 OlGhlgol/ª Pzf]l;P6\;sf /f3j lji6, ;'dg cfj]bg k|lqmof k"/f u/]sf] 5 . 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] s]z/L cof{n, 8f= zÍ/k|;fb vgfnn]Ù t];|f] :s6 ljN;gsf o:tf] cfa4tf x/]s RofK6/nfO{ tLg jif{sf nflu lbg] z'e zdf{n]Ù rf}yf] df]n'ª kmfpG8];gsf dfwjk|;fb l3ld/] / v]dk|;fb bfxfnÙ / kfFrf} afns[i0f k|;fOF, ljdnk|;fb ub{5 . 9sfnn] ug]{ x'g'ePsf] 5 . x]nf] ;/sf/df OG6g{l;k g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;j{;fwf/0f gful/ssf] u'gf;f] ;'g'jfOsf cWoIf yfkfsf] g]t[Tjdf 6LcfO{ a+unfb]zsf] e|d0f nflu x]nf] ;/sf/ sfo{qmd ;~rfng ub}{cfPsf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf e/taxfb'/ yfkfsf] g]t[Îjdf uPsf] pk;ldlt u7g 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf dxf;lrj d's'Gbaxfb'/ k|wfgn] ;+:yfsf] k|efjsfl/tf a9f]Q/Lsf nflu ;+:yfsf] /0fgLlts sfo{of]hgfadf]lhdsf ljleGg % pk;ldlt u7g ug]{ k|:tfj sfo{;ldlt;dIf k|:t't ug{'ePsf] 5 . ;f] k|:tfj 6LcfO{ sfo{;ldltn] cg'df]bg u/]sf] 5 . dxf;lrjåf/f k|:t't pk;ldltx? lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf 5g\M != jsfnt tyf kxn pk;ldltÙ @= ;xof]u / ;xsfo{ pk;ldltÙ #= If]qut hf]8 pk;ldltÙ $= d"No–dfGotf k|j4{g pk;ldltÙ / %= ;fË7lgs ljsf; pk;ldlt .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

Ps 6f]nLn] 6LcfO{sf RofK6/ txsf] cg'ej cfbfg–k|bfg ug]{ p2]Zon] 6LcfO{ a+unfb]zsf] e|d0f ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 . @)!% sf] km]a|'c/L @ b]lv ^ tfl/s;Dd ul/Psf] ;f] e|d0f 6f]nLdf sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs cflzif yfkfsf] ;d]t ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . e|d0fs} qmddf ;f] 6f]nLn] a+unfb]zdf ;DkGg PS;r]~h sfo{qmdsf] dWofjlw ;dLIff a}7sdf klg ;xeflutf hgfPsf] 5 .

e"ldsfsf] vf]hL ug]{ p2]Zo /fvL sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ul/Psf] lyof] . sfo{qmdsf] ;'¿jftdf gfoa sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs sdn kf]v/]nn] sfo{qmdsf] p2]Zodfly k|sfz kfg{'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf a+unfb]z / ef/taf6 Pkms] km]nf]sf ?kdf 6LcfO{ g]kfndf sfo{/t vf]l;{b cfnd / kÍh s'df/n] ;Da4 b]zdf e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf o'jfsf] e"ldsf ljifos sfo{kq k|:t't ug{'ePsf] lyof] . To:t}, /fli6«o o'jf dxf;+3 ;'zf;g P]g;DaGwL cWoog k"j{dGqL dfwjk|;fb kf}8]nn] ;'zf;g k|Îofe"ltsf nflu g]kfnsf tkm{af6 sljGb| a'nf{sf]6Ln] ;f]xL ljifodf k|:t'lt ;'zf;g -Joj:yfkg tyf ;~rfng_ P]g, @)^$ df ug{'kg]{ /fVg'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmd 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn ;'wf/sf ljljw kIfx?af/] Ps cWoog ;DkGg u/L 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf e/t axfb'/ yfkfsf] cWoIftfdf ;DkGg ePsf] lyof] eg] sf]iffWoIf kb\ldgL k|wfgfËn] ;~rfng g]kfnnfO{ pknAw u/fpg'ePsf] 5 . ug{'ePsf] lyof] . cgfdgu/l:yt o'lgog xfp;df cfof]lht df]afOn u'gf;f] ;ª\sng ;f] sfo{qmddf %# hgfsf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . ;fj{hlgs ;]jf;DaGwL hgu'gf;f] ;ª\sng u/L ;Daf] wg ug{ 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] cfj4 ;+:yfx?dfk{mt ;/sf/L e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf dlxnf ;xeflutf ljifos cGtlqm{of sfof{no k|fª\u0fdf pkl:yt eO{ ;]jfu|fxLsf ;d:of a'‰g] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf dlxnf k|of; hf/L /fv]sf] 5 . o; ;Gbe{df /f}tx6– lhNnf k|zf;g ;xeflutf ljifos 5nkmn sfo{qmd cfof]hgf u/]sf] 5 . sfof{no / lhNnf ljsf; ;ldlt, Onfd– ljB't\ k|flws/0f, sfo{qmd @)&! kmfu'g * ut] ;DkGg ePsf] xf] . g]kfnL l;/xf– lhNnf dfnkf]t sfof{no, afUn'ª– lhNnf k|zf;g ;dfhdf a9\bf] l:yltdf /x]sf] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug{ sfof{no, bfª– lhNnf dfnkf]t sfof{no, eStk'/– lhNnf dlxnfx?sf] e"ldsfsf] vf]hL ug]{ p2]Zo /fvL sfo{qmd k|zf;g sfof{nodf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf k|ltlglwsf] pkl:yltdf cfof]hgf ul/Psf] lyof] . sfo{qmdsf] cf}lrTo sf]iffWoIf u'gf;f] ;ª\sng u/L ;dfwfgsf nflu ;Da4 sfof{nosf kb\ldgL k|wfgfËn] k|sfz kfg{'ePsf] lyof] . k|d'vx?nfO{ kqdfk{mt Wofgfsif{0f u/fOPsf] 5 . sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfndf :jo+;]jssf ?kdf sfo{/t e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf o'jf ;xeflutf ljifos cGtlqm{of 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fdf o'jf ;xeflutf ljifos 5nkmn sfo{qmd cfof]hgf u/]sf] 5 . @)&! kmfu'g !& ut] cfof]lht ;f] sfo{qmd /fli6«o o'jf dxf;+3;Fusf] ;xsfo{df ;DkGg ePsf] xf] . g]kfnL ;dfhdf a9\bf] l:yltdf /x]sf] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug{ o'jfx?sf]

6LcfO{df gofF PS;r]~h k]mnf] kÍh s'df/ ljut b'O{ jif{b]lv 6LcfO{ ef/tdf sfo{/t 5g\ . kÍh ef/tdf /xFbf 6LcfO{ ef/tn] ;~rfng u/]sf Pnfs / kxn kl/of] h gfsf] gfoj lgb]{zssf ¿kdf sfd ub{y] . kÍhn] cfO{;LPkmPcfO{ lahg]z :s"naf6 dfs]{l6ª PG8 kmfOgfG;

x]ng dGgfg e|i 6frf/ lgoGq0fdf dlxnfsf] e" ldsf ljifos sfo{ k q k| : t' t ug{ ' e Psf] lyof] . sfo{ q md 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf cWoIf e/t axfb'/ yfkfsf] cWoIftfdf ;DkGg ePsf] lyof] eg] sf]iffWoIf kb\ldgL k|wfgfËn] ;~rfng ug{'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf %^ hgfsf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] .9 ljifodf PdaLP l8u|L xfl;n u/]sf 5g\ . u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfdf rf/ jif{ sfo{ ul/;s]sf] cg'ej a6'n]sf] atfpg] kÍh s'df/ e|i6frf/lj¿4 sfd ug{ rfxg] o'jf :jo+;]jsx?sf] kl/rfngdf ljz]if ?rL /x]sf] atfpF5g\ . o;sf ;fy} pgn] ;"rgfsf] xs sfof{Gjogdf ;d]t ?rL /x]sf] klg atfP . kÍh s'df/ k|m]8sk{;]6 gj]{sf] km]nf]l;kcGtu{t 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfndf cfufdL rf/ dlxgfsf nflu 6LcfO{ g]kfndf sfo{/t /xg]5g\ .9

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



Pnfs 8LkL kl/of]hgfcGtu{t ;~rfng ePsf ultljlw lrtjg -@)&! df3 !# ut]_ e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofg lrtjgn] @)&! df3 !# ut] ;bfrf/ k|lta4tf sfof{Gjog ;dLIff sfo{qmd ;DkGg u¥of] . pQm sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf e/t axfb'/ yfkf, ;Nnfxsf/ 8f= b]j]Gb|/fh kf08] / sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs cflzif yfkfsf] pkl:ylt /Xof] . ;fy}, 8LkL x:tfIf/ ug]{ ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|d'v, If]qLo k|zf;s sf]O/fnf, k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L, gful/s ;dfhsf k|ltlglw / ;~rf/ dfWodsf k|ltlglwsf] ;xeflutf /Xof] . e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofg lrtjgsf cWoIf eLdaxfb'/ >]i7sf] cWoIftfdf ;DkGg ;f] sfo{qmddf clgoldttflj¿4 cfjfh p7fpg ;Sg] cfF6 ;j{;fwf/0fdf gx'g'n] klg e|i6frf/nfO{ a9fjf lbPsf] If]qLo k|zf;s zÍ/ sf]O/fnfsf] egfO lyof] . sf]O/fnfn] e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0fsf nflu sDtLdf kgL lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no, lhNnf ljsf; ;ldlt / lhNnfl:yt ;/sf/L lgsfosf kbflwsf/L lgod;Ët rNg] afgLsf] ljsf; ug{ ;s]dfq klg w]/} xb;Dd ;'wf/ x'g;Sg] ljrf/ JoQm ug'{eof] . sfo{qmddf af]Nb} gful/s ;dfhsf cu'jf tyf 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf ;+:yfks cWoIf 8f= b]j]Gb|/fh kf08]n] cf}krfl/s / cgf}krfl/s tj/af6 x'g] clgoldttfsf sfo{ /f]Sg ;+:sf/sf] cfjZostf /x]sf] atfpg'eof] . pxfFn] ;fdflhs If]qdf x'g] x/]s lqmofsnfkdf gful/ssf] rf;f] x'g'kg]{df hf]8 lbg'ePsf] lyof] . To:t}, 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf cWoIf e/t axfb'/ yfkfn] e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0fsf nflu b08sf] Joj:yf k|efjsf/L gb]lvPsf] atfpg'eof] . pxfFn] sltko b]zdf e|i6frf/LnfO{ d[To'b08;Ddsf] ;hfo eP klg To;n] clgoldttf ug]{sf] dfgl;stfdf ;'wf/ cfpg g;s]sf] atfpg'eof] . e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0f ug{ ;bfrf/ k|j4{g ug{' cfjZos /x]sf] cf}+NofpFb} ;sf/fTds ;f]rsf] ljsf; ug'{kg]{df hf]8 lbg'eof] . /fHon] gLlt–lgod th'{df u/]/ j}wflgs ;+:yfnfO{ lqmofzLn u/fpFbf klg Go"gLs/0f x'g g;Sg' b'Mvsf] s'/f ePsf] atfpg'eof] . sfo{qmddf clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u dWodf~rn If]qLo sfof{nosf k|d'v xl//fh kGtn] clVtof/df k/]sf ph'/LnfO{ cfjZos cg';Gwfg u/L sf/afxL k|lqmof cl3

a9fpg cfk"m sl6a4 /x]sf] atfpg'ePsf] lyof] . lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{nosf tkm{af6 Pnfs 8LkL ;Demf}tfsf] k|ult k|:t't ub}{ 8f= dfgaxfb'/ ljs]n] ljrf}nLofdfkm{t\ x'g] e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0f ug{ r'gf}tL a9]sf] atfpg'eof] . o:t}, lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] tkm{af6 sfo{kq k|:t't ub}{ :yfgLo ljsf; clwsf/L e/tdl0f kf08]n] ;a}eGbf a9L :yfgLosf] ;/f]sf/ /fVg] ;+:yf ePsf]n] lgod pNnª\3g eP/ x'g;Sg] ultljlwk|lt sfof{no ;hu eO{ sfd ul//x]sf] atfpg'eof] . dfnkf]t sfof{nosf clws[t eLid/fh e§/fO{n] ljut / jt{dfgsf] ;]jfk|jfx l:yltaf/] hfgsf/L k|:t't ug'{ePsf] lyof] . o:t}, cleofgsf] tkm{af6 ;lrj gLns07 9'Ëfgfn] cleofgn] ;~rfng u/]sf sfo{qmd / k|ult k|:t't ug{'ePsf] lyof] . clVtof/;fd' !% ph'/L k]z sfo{qmdsf Ps ;xefuL tf/f a/fnn] clVtof/ k|ltlglw;fd' !% j6f ph'/L k|:t't ug'{ePsf] lyof] . a/fnn] yk ePsf gofF ;jf/Lsf] ?6n] l/S;f rfnssf] /f]lh/f]6L / ePsf ;jf/L;fwgn] ofq' gkfpg] u/]sf] x'Fbf ;DalGwt kIfpk/ sf/afxLsf] dfu ug'{ePsf] lyof] . ph'/Lx?  jif]{gL cfof]hgf x'g] lrtjg dxf]T;jdf ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ cgfjZos l6s6 s6fpg] ul/Psf], vr{ / cfDbfgL ljj/0f ;fj{hlgs gul/Psfn] cg';Gwfg x'g'kg]{ .  g]kfn /]8qm; ;f];fO6Ln] ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ gfpFdf ;j{;fwf/0f / ljBfyL{af6 c;'n]sf] /sd kLl8t;fd' k'Ug] gu/]sfn] /]8qm;dfly 5fglag x'g'kg]{ .  lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltn] tf]s]sf] d"No lu§L, afn'jf 7]s]bf/x?n] lbg] /l;bdf gv'nfPsfn] cg';Gwfg u/L sf/afxL x'g'kg]{ .  ;'s'Daf;LnfO{ hUuf lbnfpg] gfddf /fhgLlts bnaf6 ;'s'Daf;L kmf/fd b]vfP/ ef]6 dfUg] sfd u/]sfn] ;DalGwt bnsf g]tfnfO{ sf/afxL ug'{kg]{ .  e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] lbj;sf lbg SofG;/ c:ktfnsf] ;efxndf cfof]lht sfo{qmddf e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0fsf nflu lqmofzLn ;+:yfn] g} e|i6frf/LnfO{ ;Ddfg u/]sfn] ;f] ;+:yfdfly g} cg';Gwfg ug{'kg]{ .



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

pk–dxfgu/kflnsfn] p7fpFb} cfPsf] kfls{ª z'Nsdf clgoldttf x'g] u/]sf]n] sfof{non] cg';Gwfg ug'{kg]{ .  ;/sf/n] lgMz'Ns eg]/ tf]s]sf] lzIffdf x/]s ljBfnon] ljBfyL{;Fu rsf]{ z'Ns c;'Ng] u/]sfn] tL ljBfnolj¿4 s8f sbd rfNg'kg]{ .  e/tk'/ c:ktfndf ;/sf/n] lgMz'Ns lbg] u/]sf] cf}iflw gkfOPsf] / ToxfFsf lrlsT;sn] lgMz'Ns cf}iflw cfˆgf] lghL lSnlgsdf a]Rg] u/]sf] x'Fbf cg';Gwfg / cfjZos sf/afxL ug'{kg]{ . ljleGg ;dodf x'g] lgMz'Ns :jf:Yo lzlj/df cfpg] cf}iflw sxfFaf6 cfpF5g\ < s:tf cf}iflw k|of]u x'G5g\ < o;af/] lhNnf hg:jf:Yo sfof{nonfO{ cg';Gwfgsf] 3]/fdf /fvL sf/afxL ug'{kg]{ . e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofg lrtjgsf cWoIf eLdaxfb'/ >]i7sf] cWoIftfdf ;DkGg sfo{qmddf k"j{dGqL ;fljqL af] u 6L, 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g] z gn g] k fnsf sfo{ s f/L lgb]{zs cflzif yfkf, lhNnfl:yt ;/sf/L u}/–;/sf/L lgsfo tyf ;+3–;+:yf / ;'/Iff lgsfosf k|d'v tyf kbflwsf/Lx?, gful/s ;dfhsf k|ltlglwx?, cfdf ;d"xsf k|ltlglwnufotsf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . cleofgsf pkfWoIf 8f= O{Zj/L/fh nf}8f/Lsf] :jfut dGtJoaf6 ;'? ePsf] sfo{qmd e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofg lrtjgdf sfo{/t Pnfs l8kL sfo{qmdsL sfo{qmd ;+of]hs zld{nf kl08tsf] ;~rfng ePsf] lyof] . sf:sL -@)&! df3 !$ ut]_ ;'zf;gsf nflu gful/s ;dfh -;'gf;_ n] sf:sLsf] kf]v/fdf 8LkL l/Eo" sfo{qmdsf] tof/L a}7s ;DkGg u¥of] . ldlt @)&! Dff3 !% ut] ;DkGg sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsL pkfWoIf uLtfs]z/L, sf]iffWoIf kb\ldgL k|wfgfË / sfo{qmd clws[t ljgf]b e§/fO{sf] ;xeflutf /Xof] . pkfWoIf s]z/Ln] ;'gf;n] sf:sLdf ;~rfng ul//x]sf] Pnfs 8LkL;DaGwL sfd–sf/afxLaf/] hfgsf/L lng'eof] . jxfFn] ko{6g If]qdf x'g] u/]sf] clgoldttfaf/] Wofg lbg;d]t cfu|x ug{'eof] . ;'gf;n] sf:sL lhNnfdf ;DkGg u/]sf lqmofsnfkaf/] ;'gf;sf cWoIf tyf kbflwsf/Lx?n] hfgsf/L u/fpg'ePsf] lyof] . kf]v/f -@)&! df3 !% ut]_ kf]v/f pk–dxfgu/kflnsf / 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfj4 ;+:yf ;'zf;gsf nflu gful/s ;dfh -;'gf;_ sf:sLaLr ePsf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjogaf/] ;dLIff ul/Psf] 5 . If]qLo k|zf;s lbg]zs'df/ yklnofn] ;/sf/L sfof{nosf] e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0f / ;'zf;g sfod /fVgsf nflu ul/Psf] k|ltj4tf sfo{qmdn] kf]v/f pk–dxfgu/kflnsfdf ;'wf/sf] yfngL u/]sf] atfpg'eof] . If]qLo k|zf;s yklnofn] eGg'eof]– gful/s ;dfh / ;/sf/L sfof{nosf] ;fem]bf/L / ;xsfo{n] dfq} b]zdf ;'zf;g sfod x'g] / e|i6frf/ sd x'G5 eGg'eof] . :yfgLo lgsfo gful/s ;/sf/;d]t ePsf] tkm{ ;+s]t ub}{ If]qLo k|zf;s yklnofn] clwsf/ / st{Josf] kfngfn] b]zdf ;'zf;g sfod x'g] atfpg'eof] . ;/sf/L sd{rf/L / gful/sx? cf/f]k–k|Tof/f]ksf] r/0faf6 dfly p7]/ ;'wf/sf sfd ug'{kg]{ ;'emfj klg yklnofn] lbg'eof] . sf:sLsf k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L s[i0faxfb'/ /fptn] ;/sf/L sfof{nox?n] cfk"mnfO{ yk hjfkmb]xL, kf/bzL{ / kl/0ffdd'vL agfpg'kg]{ atfpg'eof] . pxfFn] :yfgLo lgsfodf hgk|ltlglw geP klg cfGtl/s sd{rf/L ;+oGq k|efjsf/L rNg ;s] gful/sn] ;xh ;]jf kfpg] atfpg'eof] . /fptn] eGg'eof]– JolQmut nfeaf6 6f9f /x]/ sfd ug{ ;s] klg ;/sf/L lgsfodf ;'zf;g sfod x'g] atfpg'eof] . 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf pkfWoIf uLtf s]z/Ln] ;fj{hlgs ;]jfdf lqmofzLn sd{rf/Ln] gful/s k|ltsf] g}lts bfloÎj lgjf{x u/]dfq} b]zdf e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0f x'g] atfpg'eof] . pxfFn] rl/qjfg gful/s cfk"m ;w}+ ;r]t x'g'kg]{ / /fHonfO{ va/bf/L ul//xg'kg]{df klg hf]8 lbg'eof] . 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf sf]iffWoIf kb\ldgL k|wfgfËn] ;'zf;g ePsf] 7fpFdf ;Eotfsf] ljsf; x'g] ePsf] x'Fbf kf]v/fsf] klxrfg arfO{ /fVg ;a} ;r]t x'g'kg]{ wf/0ff /fVg'eof] . ;a} gful/s ;s/fTds lrGtg;lxt e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofgdf Ps eP/ nfUg klg pxfFn] cfXjfg ug'{eof] . kf]v/f pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf sfo{sf/L clws[t dx]z a/fnn] ;'zf;gsf] If]qdf u/]sf] k|ult k|ltj]bg k|:t't ub}{ e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug{ z"Go ;xgzLntfsf] /0fgLlt lnPsf] bfaL ug'{eof] . pxfFn] cfu|x/lxt jftfj/0fsf] dfWodaf6 kf]v/f pkdxfgu/kflnsf sfof{nosf] ;]jf ;'wf/sf nflu sd{rf/LnfO{ ;bfrf/o'Qm agfpg sd{rf/L cfrf/;+lxtf nfu" ePsf] / To;sf] s8fO{sf ;fy sfof{Gjog ul/g] k|ltj4tf JoSt ug{'eof] . pxfFn] ;'gf;;Fusf] ;xsfo{df ePsf] ;bfrf/ k|j4{g sfo{qmdn] cfˆgf] sfof{nodf ;s/fÎds bafa lbPsf] klg atfpg'eof] .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

kf]v/f pk–dxfgu/kflnsfn] ;'gf; sf:sL;Fusf] ;xsfo{df @)&) ebf} #) ut] ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf–kqdf x:tfIf/ u/]sf] lyof] . sfof{non] hjfkmb]xL, kf/blz{tf, ;bfrf/, ;]jfk|jfx tyf u'gf;f] Joj:yfkg, vl/b k|lqmof, sfg'gL zf;gsf] sl6j4tfnufotsf ljifodf ;'wf/ ug]{ k|ltj4tf hgfPsf] lyof] . ;'gf; sf:sLsf cWoIf k'0o kf}8]nsf] cWoIftfdf ;DkGg ;f] sfo{qmddf kf]v/f pk–dxfgu/kflnsfsf ;]jfu|fxL gful/sx?n] ;'wf/sf nflu ;'emfa;lxt cfˆgf u'gf;f /fv]sf lyP . sfo{qmdsf] ;~rfng ;'gf; sf:sLsf ;lrj bLk]Gb| >]i7n] ug'{ePsf] lyof] . ?kGb]xL / u'NdL -@)&! df3 @! b]lv @# ut]_ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnsf] sfo{;ldlt / ;lrjfno k|ltlglwx? ;lDdlnt Ps 6f]nLn] Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmdcGtu{t ;DkGg ePsf lqmofsnfksf] sfo{k|ult / ljsf; k|ltj4tfsf] ;dLIff Pj+ hfgsf/L lng ?kGb]xL / u'NdL lhNnfsf] e|d0f u/]sf] 5 . ;f] e|d0f @)&! df3 @! b]lv @# ut];Dd ul/Psf] lyof] . e|d0f 6f]nLdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf k"j{ cWoIf Pj+ ;Nnfxsf/ 8f= b]j]Gb|/fh kf08], cWoIf e/t axfb'/ yfkf / kl/of]hgf ;+of]hs t'Da'? uf}td ;lDdlnt x'g'x'GYof] . ;f]xL cj;/df cfof]lht Ps sfo{qmddf 6f]nLn] lhNnfl:yt ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|d'v / ljsf; k|ltj4tfdf x:tfIf/ ug]{ sfof{no k|d'vx?;Fu a;L sfo{qmdsf] ;dLIff;d]t u¥of] . ?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] kf/bzL{ g]kfn / u'NdL lhNnfsf] ;'zf;g cleofg u'NdL 6LcfO{ g]kfndf cfa4 eO{ lqmofzLn /x]sf gful/s ;+:yf x'g\ . kl/of]hgf ;+of]hs uf}tdsf cg';f/ plNnlvt ;+:yfx? / ;/sf/L sfof{nosf aLrsf] ;DaGw cBfjlws ug{ sfo{qmdn] ;3fPsf] 5 . ;+of]hs uf}tdn] b'j} ;+:yfdf kl/kSj / nugzLn JolStÎjx? ;fd]n ePsfn] kl/of]hgfsf] nIo k"/f x'g] ljZjf; JoSt ug{'eof] . k;f{ -@)&! kmfu'g #–$ ut]_ 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf e/t axfb'/ yfkf, gfoj sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs sdn kf]v/]n, kl/of]hgf ;+of]hs t'Da'? uf}td / alatf zdf{ ;lDdlnt Ps 6f]nLn] k;f{ lhNnfsf] :yunt cjnf]sg u/]sf] 5 . k;f{ lhNnfsf] ;bfrf/ cleofg 6LcfO{ g]kfndf cfa4 ;+:yf xf] . :ynut e|d0f @)&! kmfu'g #–$ ut] ;DkGg ePsf] xf] . ;bfrf/ cleofg jL/u~hn] :yfgLo k' h g xf] 6 ndf cfof] h gf u/] s f] Ps sfo{ q mdsf aLr Pnfs 8LkL



sfo{qmdsf] pb\3f6g ul/Psf] lyof] . ;f] sfo{qmddf k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Lnufot k;f{ lhNnfsf ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|ltlglwx?sf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . 5nkmnsf d'Vo k|;Ë  gf/fo0fL c~rn c:ktfnsf d]l8sn ;'kl/6]G8]G6n] ;/sf/L sfof{nodf ;'zf;g / hjfkmb]xLsf] cefjn] /fd|f] ug{ vf]Hg] sd{rf/L;d]tnfO{ cK7Øf/f] kf/]sf] / lg/f; agfpg] dfxf]n /x]sf] cg'ej ;f6\g'eof] . gf/fo0fL c~rn c:ktfndf s]xL ;'wf/sf kxn ubf{ cfk"mn] cfˆg} ;xsdL{af6 ckx]lnt / ef}lts xdnf;d]t a]xf]g'{k/]sf] cg'ej ;'gfpg'ePsf] lyof] . ;/sf/L ;DklQsf] Aofks b'¿kof]u, sd{rf/Lsf] u}/xflh/L / o'lgogsf] dgf]dfgL /x]sf] atfpg'eof] .  s/ sfof{nosf k|d'v /fhg e§/fO{n] cfˆgf] sfof{nodf k|ljlwsf] k|of]u ub}{ 5l/tf] / kf/blz{tfsf nflu cfk"mn] kxn ul//x]sf] atfpg'eof] . ;fy}, jxfFn] u}/–;/sf/L ;+3–;+:yf;d]t kf/bzL{, hjfkmb]xL / ;/sf/L sfof{no;Fu ;xsfo{ ug{ plQs} h¿/L /x]sf] egL lhls/ ug'{eof] . jxfFn] /fhlgltnfO{ cem hf]8 lbFb} /fhlglts bnx? ljz]ifu/L ;hu / ;xof]uL x'g'kg]{ ;+s]t ug'{eof] . ;fj{hlgs ;]jf kl/is[t agfpg] qmddf :yfgLo gful/sx?;d]t cem a9L ;r]t / ;lqmo x'g cfjZos ePsf] tkm{ jxfFsf] hf]8 /Xof] .  afl0fHo sfof{nosf k|ltlglwn] cfˆgf] sfof{nodf cfpg] ;]jfu|fxLn] cfjZos sfuhft / k|lqmof k'¥ofO{ cfPdf Ps 3G6fleqdf ;]jf k|fKt u/L kmls{g ;Sg] jftfj/0f /x]sf] lhls/ ug'{eof] . t/ ljrf}lnofx?n] cfˆgf] sfof{nosf] 5ljnfO{ ;d]t lauf/]sf] clg ;]jf;d]t pgLx?s} sf/0f cgfjZos ta/df vlr{nf] x'g k'u]sf] hfgsf/L lbg'eof] .  3/]n' ljsf; sfof{nosf tkm{af6 lr/~hLjL kf}8]nn] klg olb ;Dk"0f{ a]xf]/f k'lucfPdf ;]jfu|fxLn] Ps 3G6feGbf Hofbf s'g'{ gkg]{ ;"rgf lbg'eof] .  lhNnf hg:jf:Yo k|d'vn] cfˆgf sfo{qmdx? uflj;:t/df rln/x]sf] / cfjZos ;"rgf k|jfx, sd{rf/Lsf] sfd afF8kmfF8, kl/ro–kq / ;"rgf clws[t tf]lsPsf] atfpg'eof] . :jf:Yo s]Gb| agfpg ah]6 / ;fdfGo lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ug]{ Joj:yf x'Fbfx'Fb} klg jt{dfg /fhgLlt / x8\tfnsf] rk]6fdf cfˆgf] sfof{no klg k/]sf] u'gf;f] ug'{eof] .  jg sfof{no k|d'v /fhaxfb'/ /fptn] k;f{ lhNnfdf ;/sf/L jg Hofb} ;Lldt ePsf sf/0f jg k}bfj/,



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

sf7, bfp/fsf] Go"gtd dfu ;d]t cfk"mn] k"lt{ ug{ g;s]sf] cj:yfsf] hfgsf/L lbg'eof] .  gu/kflnsf k|d'vn] cfˆgf] sfof{nodf ;'zf;g / 5l/tf] sfo{nfO{ Wofg lbPsf] atfpFb} ;xof]uL sIf, ;"rgf clwsf/L, sfof{noleq} a}+s /fVg] of]hgf, rd]gfu[x, 6LeL;lxt k|ltIffno, kfls{ª, zf}rfno, ;/;kmfO{ cflbdf Wofg lbPsf] lhls/ ug'{eof] . t/ a]nf–a]nf sd{rf/L o'lgogsf] emd]nfn] sfd ug{ cK7Øf/f] kl//x]sf] klg atfpg' eof] .  k;f{ af/ Pzf]l;P;g ;lrjn] o; lhNnfdf sfd ug{ rfxg] sd{rf/L;d]t k|z:t 5g\ . s]jn ;xL dfu{bz{g / kl/j]z /fd|f] x'g cfjZos /x]sf] atfpg'eof] . lgod ldRg] / sfg"gL zf;gsf] ckx]ngf ug]{ hf] sf]xLnfO{ sf/afxL ug'{ h?/L /x]sf] atfpg'eof] .  ;bfrf/ cleofg k;f{sf k"j{cWoIf nIdL g]kfnn] ;a}sf] P]Soj4tf ePdf ;'zf;gdf ;'wf/ ug{ ;lsg] atfpg'eof] . kx'Frjfnfsf] dfq xf]Og lgd'vf gful/sx?n] ;d]t ;xh 9Ën] ;fj{hlgs ;]jf lng ;Sg] jftfj/0f ePdf dfq jf:tljs ;'zf;gsf] cg'e"lt x'g;S5 eGg'eof] . pxfFn] ;/sf/L sfof{no

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

kl/;/ / aflx/ /xg] n]vGbf; / bnfnx?af6 gful/s yk k|tfl8t eO/x]sf] lhls/ klg ug{'eof] .  k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L lxdgfy clwsf/Ln] dflg;sf] Aojxf/ kl/jt{g u/fpg] s'/f r'gf}tLk"0f{ 5 . xfd|f] ;dfhdf klg k};f / kfj/sf] ltvf{n] w]/}vfnsf ;d:of b]vfk/]sf] atfpg'eof] . cfk"m cfPsf] kfFr dlxgf ePsf] / cfˆgf] sfo{sfndf o; lhNnfdf ;sf/fTds kl/jt{g ub}{ hfg] atfpg'eof] . ;'v]{t -@)&! df3 !^ ut]_ 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfa4 gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3 ;'v]{tn] Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmdcGtu{t ;DkGg ljsf; k|ltj4tf ;dLIff sfo{qmdsf] cfof]hgf u¥of] . jL/]Gb|gu/ gu/kflnsfsf] ;efsIfdf @)&! df3 !^ ut] cfof]lht ;f] sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf lgjt{dfg cWoIf lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=, dxf;lrj d's'Gbaxfb'/ k|wfg, sfo{qmd ;+of]hs t'Da'? uf}tdsf] pkl:ylt /Xof] . ;fy}, sfo{qmddf ;'v]{t lhNnfsf k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L, dfnkf]t tyf gfkL sfof{nosf k|d'vsf] klg pkl:ylt /Xof] . To:t}, sfo{qmddf u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfsf k|ltlglw, ljleGg /fhgLlts bnsf k|ltlglw,

:ynut e|d0f qm=;+= ldlt ! @)&! df3 !#

:yfg e/tk'/, lrtjg @ @)&! df3 !$–!% kf]v/f, sf:sL # @)&! df3 !^ jL/]Gb|gu/, ;'v]t{ $ @)&! df3 @! e}/xjf, ?kGb]xL @)&! df3 @@ tD3f;, u'NdL % @)&! df3 @# Onfd

zLif{s e|d0f 6f]nL ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjog ;dLIff ;Nnfxsf/ 8f= b]j]Gb|/fh kf08], cWoIf e/t axfb'/ yfkf / sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs cflzif yfkf ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjog ;dLIff pkfWoIf uLtf s]z/L, sf]iffWoIf klb\dgL k|wfgfË, sfo{qmd clws[t ljgf]b e§/fO{ ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjog ;dLIff ;Nnfxsf/ lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=, dxf;lrj d's'Gbaxfb'/ k|wfg / sfo{qmd ;+of]hs t'Da'? uf}td ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjog ;dLIff ;Nnfxsf/ 8f= b]j]Gb|/fh kf08], cWoIf e/t axfb'/ yfkf / kl/of]hgf ;+of]hs t'Da'? uf}td ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjog ;dLIff ;Nnfxsf/ 8f= b]j]Gb|/fh kf08], cWoIf e/t axfb'/ yfkf / kl/of]hgf ;+of]hs t'Da'? uf}td df]afOn Pnfs ;Nnfxsf/ lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=, sfo{;ldlt ;b:o nLnf k|;fb ;fksf]6f, n]vf clws[t alatf zdf{, sfo{qmd clws[t ljgf]b e§/fO{ ^ @)&! df3 @# Onfd ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjog ;dLIff ,, & @)&! df3 @( wgu9L, ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjog ;dLIff ;Nnfxsf/ lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=, dxf;lrj d's'Gbaxfb'/ s}nfnL k|wfg / kl/of]hgf ;+of]hs t'Da'? uf}td * @)&! kmfu'g #–$ jL/u~h, Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmd pb\3f6g cWoIf e/t axfb'/ yfkf, gfoa sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs k;f{ sdn kf]v/]n, kl/of]hgf ;+of]hs t'Da'? uf}td, n]vf clws[t alatf zdf{

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;dfh;]jL, kqsf/ / ljBfyL{x?sf] klg ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . lhNnfl:yt ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|ltlglwx?n] ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf–kqdf x:tfIf/ u/]sf ;Da4 sfof{non] u/]sf] ;'wf/sf kxn / r'gf}tL ;d]l6Psf] k|ult ljj/0f ;'gfpg'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmd gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3sf ;lrj 808k|;fb 9sfnn] ;~rfng ug'{ePsf] lyof] . To:t}, clws[t e'mknfn k+ufnLn] :yfgLo ;+:yf / Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmd, ;/sf/L sfof{nox?n] u/]sf 8LKfL k|lta4tf / k|ult ljj/0f k]; ug'{ePsf] lyof] . gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3sf sf]iffWoIf zLnf u'?ªn] :jffut dGtJo /fVg'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3sf sfo{afxs cWoIf tLy{h+u zfxLn] Pnfs 8LkL ;~rfngkZrft\ ;+:yfn] u/]sf sfd–sf/afxL, ;+:yfsf] ;kmntf tyf c;kmntfsf syfx? tyf e|i6frf/lj¿¢ sfd ubf{sf cfˆgf cg'ejx? ;'gfpg'ePsf] lyof] . k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Ln] ;/sf/L ;+oGqdf e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0f x'g g;s]sf] :jLsfb}{ e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0fdf lgodeGbf klg lgot ;xL x'g'kg]{ egfO /fVg'eof] . To;}u/L, cWoIf lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=n] sfo{qmdaf/] yk hfgsf/L, e|i6frf/ Go'lgs/0fdf 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] e"ldsf, 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] e|i6frf/ ;"rsfª\s @)!# df g]kfnsf] l:ylt tyf e|i6frf/ Go'lgs/0fdf cfd–g]kfnL gful/ssf] dxÎjk"0f{ xft /xg] atfpg' ePsf] lyof] .



sfo{qmdsf k|d'v cltly s];Ln] Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmd tyf 6LcfO{ g]kfns} ;Dk"0f{ lqmofsnfkaf/] hfgsf/L lbFb} e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] o; kxnnfO{ ;kmn agfpgsf nflu ;xefuL;fd' cfXjfg ug{'ePsf] lyof] . ;efWoIf tyf ;bfrf/sf nflu ;fdflhs kxnsf cWoIf v]d/fh kf08]n] pkl:yt ;a}nfO{ wGojfb lbFb} sfo{qmd ;dfkg ug{'eof] .

Onfd -@)&! df3 @@ ut]_ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfndf cfa4 dlxnf hfu/0f ;+3 Onfdn] g]kfn ljB't\ k|flws/0f Onfd ljt/0f s]Gb|df df]afOn Pnfs sfo{qmd cfof]hgf u¥of] . sfo{qmd @)&! df3 @@ ut] ;DkGg ePsf] xf] . sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf lgjt{dfg cWoIf lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=, sfo{;ldlt ;b:o nLnf ;fksf]6fsf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . To:t}, ;lrjfnosf tkm{af6 n]vf clws[t alatf zdf{, sfo{qmd clws[t ljgf]b e§/fO{ / Pkms] km]nf] k°hs'df/sf] klg ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . pSt sfo{qmddf !& j6f ph'/L k|fKt ePsf lyP eg] %@ hgfn] df]afOn Pnfsaf/] ;f]wk'5 u/]sf lyP . u'gf;f] ;+sngkl5 sl/a @M#) ah] ljB't\ k|flws/0f Onfd ljt/0f s]Gb|sf k|d'v ;Ltf/fd l;Ub]nsf] sfo{sIfdf a;L cfjZos 5nkmn ul/of] . pQm cj;/df k|fKt u'gf;f]x? tÎsfn ;dfwfgsf] nflu Wofgfsif{0f ul/Psf] lyof] . hjfkmdf s]Gb|sf k|d'vn] u'gf;f]x?nfO{ cfjZos 5fglag u/L s}nfnL -@)&! df3 @( ut]_ ;dfwfgsf nflu tÎsfn kxn ul/g] k|lta4tf;d]t hfx]/ s}nfnL lhNnfsf] wgu9Ll:yt ;bfrf/sf nflu ;fdflhs ug'{eof] . kxnn] @)&! df3 @( ut] Ps 5nkmn sfo{qmdsf cfof]hgf u¥of] . ;f] 5nkmn sfo{qmd Pnfs 8LkL dlxnf hfu/0f ;+3 Onfddf e]63f6 sfo{qmd sfo{qmdsf] ;dLIff ug]{ p2]Zon] cfof]hgf ul/Psf] lyof] . dlxnf hfu/0f ;+3 Onfdsf] sfof{nodf cgf}krfl/s 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfa4 ;bfrf/sf nflu ;fdflhs kxnsf 5nkmn tyf e]63f6 sfo{qmd ;DkGg ul/of] . pQm cj;/df cWoIf v]d/fh kf08]sf] cWoIftfdf ;DkGg sfo{qmddf Pkms] km]nf] k+sh s'df/n] Ol08ofsf] cg'ej ;'gfpg' 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf lgjt{dfg cWoIf lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L= k|d'v ePsf] lyof] . dlxnf hfu/0f ;+3, Onfdn] klg cfˆgf] cltly /xg'ePsf] lyof] . To:t}, ljz]if cltlysf ?kdf sfof{g'ej ;'gfPsf] lyof] . pSt e]63f6 sfo{qmddf dlxnf s}nfnL lhNnf k|lhc /xg'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ hfu/0f ;+3 Onfdsf cWoIf lji0f' bfxfn, 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf g]kfnsf dxf;lrj d's'Gbaxfb'/ k|wfgsf] klg ;xeflutf lgjt{dfg cWoIf lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=, sfo{;ldlt ;b:o /x]sf] lyof] . ;bfrf/sf nflu ;fdflhs kxndf Pnfs nLnf ;fksf]6fsf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . 8LkL sfo{qmdsf] sfo{qmd clws[tsf ¿kdf sfo{/t uug /fh l3ld/]n] sfo{qmdsf] ;'¿df Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmdaf/] ;bfrf/ k|lta4tf sfof{Gjog ;dLIff hfgsf/L lbFb} kl/of]hgfn] lhNnfdf ;~rfng u/]sf dlxnf hfu/0f Onfdn] @)&! ;fn df3 @# ut] ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf sfof{Gjog ;dLIff sfo{qmd ;GkGg u/]sf] ultljlwaf/] ;+lIfKt hfgsf/L lbg'ePsf] lyof] . 5 . Onfd lhNnfdf # j6f ;/sf/L sfof{non] ;bfrf/



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

k|ltj4tfdf x:tfIf/ u/]sf 5g\ . pSt sfo{qmddf 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf lgj{tdfg cWoIf lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=n] Ps JolQm jf ;+:yfsf] k|of;df dfq e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f cleofg ;kmn gx'g] atfpg'eof] . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf sfo{;ldlt ;b:o nLnf ;fksf]6fn] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] sfd–sf/afxL tyf ;du| b]zsf] e|i6frf/sf] cj:yfsf] af/]df atfpg'eof] . ;f] cj;/df lhNnf k|zf;g sfo{fno Onfdsf ;xfos k|lhc ;'hg kmfuf], :yfgLo ljsf; clwsf/L dbg sf]O/fnf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

/ gu/k|d'v nf]saxfb'/ e08f/Ln] 8LkL x:tfIf/ u/]kl5 ePsf pknAwL ;d]l6Psf] k|:t'lt /fVg'ePsf] lyof] . dlxnf hfu/0f ;+3 Onfdn] tLgj6} sfof{non] k|fKt u/]sf pknAwL, sfof{Gjog ug{ g;s]sf ljifox? / s]xL s]xL ;'emfax? ;d]6]/ k|:t'lt /fv]sf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf ljleGg sfof{nosf k|d'vx?, gful/s ;dfhsf cu'jf, kqsf/, ljBfyL{nufot sl/a Ps ;o &) hgfsf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . ;dLIff sfo{qmd ;+3sf cWoIf lji0f' lnDa' -bfxfn_ sf] cWoIftfdf ;DkGg ePsf] lyof] .9

aLPgcfO{Pg kl/of]hgfcGtu{t ;~rfng ePsf d'Vo lqmofsnfk g]kfndf /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|j4{g 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] gj]{lhog b"tfjf;sf] ;xof]udf /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|j4{g kl/of]hgf ;'? u/]sf] 5. k|:t't sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug{sf nflu 6LcfO{ cfa4 l;/fxfsf] ;fd'bflos ljsf; ;ldlt, /f}tx6sf] lqmPl6j u'|k ckm g]kfn, bf]nvfsf] dfgj clwsf/ ;r]tgf tyf ljsf; s]Gb|, eStk'/sf] cf1f ;f]zn sG;g{, ?kGb]xLsf] kf/bzL{ ;/f]sf/ ;d"x, afun'ªsf] hjfkmb]xLsf nflu c;n l5d]sL, afFss ] f] afu]Zj/L c;n zf;g Sna, bfªsf] ljsf;sf nflu ;fdflhs P]Soj4tf / bfr{'nfsf] ;dfh sNof0f ;dfh 5gf}6 ePsf 5g\ . kl/of]hgfcGtu{t k|f/lDes r/0fdf k|zf;sLo ;+zfwg / ;|f]t Joj:yfkgsf] sfo{ ;DkGg ul/;lsPsf] 5 .

/f}tx6 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] /f}tx6sf] lqmP6Lj u|'k ckm g]kfn;Fusf] ;xsfo{df dWodf~rn:t/Lo If]qLo ;Dd]ng /f}tx6sf] uf}/df ;DkGg ul/Psf] 5 . ;Dd]ng ;g\ @)!$ sf] l8;]Da/ @( b]lv #! tfl/vdf ;DkGg ePsf] lyof] . To; sfo{qmddf cfj4 ;+:yfdf sfo{/t gofF sfo{qmd clws[tx?nfO{ k|Zff;sLo / ljQLo lgb]{lzsfaf/] hfgsf/L u/fOPsf] lyof] . ;f]xL cj;/df e]nf ePsf cfa4 ;+:yfdf sfo{/t sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ df]afOn Pnfs ;~rfngsf nflu cEof; u/fOPsf] lyof] .

afFs] -@)&! df3 !@ ut]_ afFs]l:yt 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfa4 afu]Zj/L c;n zf;g Sna g]kfnu~hn] ;bfrf/ clej[l4 sfo{qmd pb\3f6g tyf cled'vLs/0f sfo{qmd cfof]hgf u¥of] . g]kfnu~hdf @)&! df3 !@ ut] cfof]lht pSt sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf lgjt{dfg cWoIf lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L= k|d'v cltly lrtjgdf kl/rofTds e]nf /xg'ePsf] lyof] . ;f]xL sfo{qmddf dxf;lrj d's'Gbaxfb'/ g]kfndf /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|j4{g kl/of]hgfn] klxnf] r/0fsf] k|wfg / laPgcfO{Pgsf ;+of]hs df]xg a'9fyf]sLsf] ;d]t lqmofsnfkcGtu{t gf]e]Da/ $, @)!$ df lrtjg lhNnfsf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf afFs] lhNnfsf ;]jf ;f}/fxfdf kl/rofÎds e]nf ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 . To; ;df/f]xdf k|bfos ;/sf/L lgsfo tyf :yfgLo gful/s;dfhsf 6LcfO{ cfa4 ;+:yf;Fu kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ;Demf}tf–kqdf k|ltlglwaLr ;/sf/L ;]jf k|jfxdf b]lvPsf sdL sdhf]/L x:tfIf/ ul/Psf] lyof] . / ;'wf/sf af/]df rrf{ ul/Psf] lyof] .9

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g S.N.


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g Nepali Date




Venue / District


4th November,2014

18th Kartik, 2071

Inception Meeting of BNIN Hotel Jungle Crown, Sauraha Project Chitwan


9th December, 2014

23rd Mangsir, 2071

Anti Corruption Day -Interaction Social Solidarity for Development, Program Dang


9th December, 2014

23rd Mangsir, 2071

Anti Corruption Day -Interaction Bageshwori Asal Sashan Club, Program (Nagarik Sabha) Banke


9th & 10th December, 2014


9th December, 2014

23rd Mangsir, 2071 Anti Corruption Day -Rally

Community Development Society, Siraha


9th December, 2014

23rd Mangsir, 2071 Anti corruption Day

Social Welfare Society, Darchula


9th December, 2014

23rd Mangsir, 2071 Anti corruption Day- Rally

Paradarsi Sarokar Samuha, Butwal


29th December,2014


30th to 31st December, 2014


23rd & 24th Mangsir, 2071

14th Poush, 2071

Anti Corruption Day and Human HURADEC, Dolakha Rights Day celebration

Regional Conference

Hotel Siya Palace, Gaur Rautahat

15th to 16th Poush, 2071

O r i e n t a t i o n / Tr a i n i n g t o Hotel Siya Palace, Gaur Rautahat Affiliated Organization

25th January, 2015

11th Magh, 2071

Help Desk at Area Administration Social Solidarity for Development, Office, Tulsipur Dang Dang


26th January, 2015

12th Magh, 2071

BNIN Induction/Interaction Bageshwori Asal Sashan Club (BAS), Program Banke


29th January, 2015

15th Magh, 2071

Speech Competition at High Social Solidarity for Development, School Balapur Dang


2nd February, 2015

19th Magh, 2071

BNIN Induction


4th-5th February, 2015


13th February, 2015

1st Falgun, 2071

Meeting with RNE

TI Nepal, Kathmandu


15th February, 2015

3rd Falgun, 2071

BNIN Induction

Community Development Society, Siraha


23rd February, 2015

11th Falgun, 2071 BNIN Induction

Good Neighbour for Accountibility, Baglung

21 - 22 Magh, 2071 BNIN Induction & Help Desk

Agya Social Concern Nepal, Bhaktapur Paradarsi Sarokar Samuha, Butwal

gu/f}F, gu/fcf}F, g;xf}FM e|i6frf/ b]zsf nflu clt pQd xf] ;bfrf/



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

cfa4 ;+:yf e]63f6 tyf cGtlqm{of @)&! sflQs !*, ;f}/fxf, lrtjg 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] @)&! sflQs !* ut] lrtjgsf] ;f}/fxfdf cfa4 ;+:yf e]63f6 sfo{qmd ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf e/t axfb'/ yfkfsf] cWoIftfdf ;DkGg ;f] sfo{qmddf lgjt{dfg cWoIf lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L= ljz]if cltlysf ¿kdf pkl:yt x'g'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf @! lhNnfaf6 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfa4 :yfgLo @@ k|ltlglwsf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . sfo{qmd ;~rfng ub}{ sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs >L cflzif yfkfn] 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] s]Gb|Lo txdf ;Lldt lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ub}{cfPsf]df xfn ljleGg lhNnfsf ;+:yfx?nfO{ cfa4tf lbP/ cfˆgf sfo{qmdx? lj:tf/ u/]sf] 5 eGg'eof] . pxfFn] 6LcfO{df cfa4 eO{ ;'zf;g k|j4{gsf ljleGg sfo{qmd ;~rfng ub}{cfPsf ;+:yfn] ef]u]sf cg'ejn] cfufdL lbgdf dfu{lgb]{z ug{ ;Sg] ePsf] x'Fbf cfa4 ;+:yf e]63f6 tyf cGtlqm{of sfo{qmdf cfof]hgf ul/Psf] klg atfpg'eof] . >L yfkfn] sfo{qmdsf] klxnf] ;q ;fd"lxs¿kdf / o;kl5 b'O{ cnu–cnu ;q ;~rfng x'g] hfgsf/L klg lbg'eof] . sfo{qmdsf] p2]Zoaf/] dxf;lrj d's'Gbaxfb'/ k|wfgn] k|sfz kfg{'ePsf] lyof] . e|i6frf/ htftt} JofKt /x]sfn] o;lj¿4sf lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ug{' cfk}mFdf sl7g 5 . o; kl/k|]Iodf gjlgjf{lrt sfo{;ldltn] lhNnfl:yt cfa4 ;+:yfsf kbflwsf/L;Fu e]63f6 ug]{ d'Vo Wo]o /fvL e|i6frf/lj¿4sf lqmofsnfk cleofgsf ¿kdf ;~rfng ug{ of] sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ul/Psf] atfpg'eof] . ;fy}, pxfFn] cfˆgf cg'ej cfbfg–k|bfg u/]/ Ps–csf{n] l;Sg ;Sg] ePsf] x'Fbf of] e]63f6 dxÎjk"0f{ 5 eGg'eof] .

5 . lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{nodf x/]s dlxgf uP/ ;+:yfsf k|ltlglwn] cfˆgf s'/f ;'gfpg] u/]sf 5f}F . w]/} u'gf;f] ljB't\ sfof{noaf/]df cfpF5 . To:t}, cGo sfof{nox?sf af/]df cfPsf u'gf;fx? klg ;Da4 sfof{no k|d'v;fd' /fVg] u/]sf 5f}+ . pxfFx?n] ;d:of ;Daf]wg ug{ ;xof]u ug]{ u/]sf] cg'e"lt xfdLn] u/]sf 5f}+ . >L nId0f /]UdL ljsf;sf nflu ;fdflhs ;b\efj, bfª 6LcfO{;Fu ev{/}dfq cfa4 ePsf 5f}F . ;+:yfn] o;cl3 dfgjclwsf/;Da4 lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ub}{cfPsf] lyof] . ;'zf;g k|j4{g Pj+ e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofg ;~rfng ug]{ Wo]on] 6LcfO{ g]kfndf cfa4 x'g k'u]sf 5f}+ . cfa4tfsf nflu 6LcfO{ g]kfn kl/jf/k|lt cfef/ JoSt ub{5f}+ . >L v]d/fh kf08] ;bfrf/sf nflu ;fdflhs ;b\efj, s}nfnL 6LcfO{ g]kfn;Fu cfa4 ePkl5 dfq xfdLn] ;'zf;g k|j4{gsf If]qdf sfd ug{ yfn]sf xf}+ . hgr]tgf clej[l4df a9L s]lGb|t 5f}+ . o;n] sfof{nodf u'gf;f]x? cfpg] u/]sf 5g\ . xfd|f lqmofsnfkn] lhNnfdf s]xL ;sf/fTds x:tIf]k ePsf] cg'e"lt u/]sf 5f}+ . xfdLn] sfo{qmd ubf{ sfo{qmd:ynd} vr{ ljj/0f ;fj{hlgs ug]{ u/]sf 5f}+ .

>L k"0o kf}8]n ;'zf;gsf nflu gful/s ;dfh -;'gf;_ ;+:yfn] ev{/} ;DkGg u/]sf] ;fwf/0f;efaf6 k'gM cWoIf ag]sf] 5' . ;'gf; ;'?b]lv g} 6LcfO{åf/f k|jl4{t ;+:yf dGtJo ;q xf] . ;+:yfn] lhNnfsf ;/sf/L sfof{nox?;Fu ;dGjo ;'zf;g k|j4{gdf lhNnfsf] dfxf}n, 6LcfO{df cfa4 u/]/ sfd ul//x]sf] 5 . ;/sf/L k|ltlglwnfO{ ufnLdfq eO;s] k l5 lhNnfdf sfd ubf{ s f] cg' e j ;d] 6 L ul//x]sf] ;'lgG5, t/ ltgLx?n] sfd klg ul//x]sf 5g\ . ;xefuLx?nfO{ dGtJo /fVg cfu|x ul/of] . o; l:yltdf gsf/fTdsdfq xf]Og, ;sf/fTds 9+un] klg ;f]Rg ;lsG5 eGg] nfUof] . lhNnfdf /fd|f] sfd ug]{ ;/sf/L >L lji0f' bfxfn lnDa', dlxnf hfu/0f ;+3, Onfd sfof{nonfO{ pTs[i6 ;/sf/L sfof{no 5gf}6 u/]/ k'/:sf/ 6LcfO{ g]kfn;Fu cfa4 ePkl5 u'gf;f] kf]Vg] 7fpF ePsf] lbg yfn]sf 5f}+ .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

>L gd:sf/ zfx, af; of] o'jfx?n] ;~rfng u/]sf] ;+:yf xf] . ;+:yfn] xfn %( lhNnf cfˆgf] ;Dks{ sfof{no :yfkgf u/]sf] 5 . !)÷!! lhNnfdf cfˆg} sfof{no 5 . pgLx?sf] Ifdtf j[l4df ;xof]u u5f}+{ . ;+:yfn] ljZj a}+s, Knfg OG6/g]zgn, 6LcfO{ g]kfnnufot cGo y'k|} ;+:yfx?;Fu ldn]/ sfd ub}{cfPsf 5 . ;/sf/L sfof{nodf uP/ ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO{ u5f}{+ / sfo{qmdsf] c;/ / k|efj d"Nofª\sg ug{ hfG5f}+ . o;sf nflu klxn] ;Da4 ;:yfdf kqfrf/ ug]{ u/]sf 5f+} . clVtof/n] ev{/} afFs]df If]qLo sfof{no vf]n]sf] 5 . To;n] s]xL lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ul/x]sf] 5 . oBlk, o;sf af/]df 6Lsf–l6Kk0fL ul/xfNg] a]nf ePsf] 5}g eGg] nfu]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfn;Fu cfa4 ePsfn] ;/sf/L sfof{nodf hfFbf /fd|f] ;xof]u k|fKt x'g] u/]sf] 5 . o;cl3 6LcfO{n] cfO{P kl/of]hgfcGtu{t s]xL ;xof]u u/]sf] lyof] . To;n] lhNnfdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] pkl:ylt b]vfPsf] 5 . Tof] kl/of]hgfdfk{mt ;'zf;gsf If]qdf sfd ug]{ ;+:yfn] ;fj{hlgs ;]jfdf cg'udg ul//x]sf] cg'el" t lbnfpg ;Ifd eof}+ eGg] nfu]sf] 5 .



e|i6frf/lj¿4 hgr]tgf hufpg] sfddf ;+nUg ePsf 5f}+ . 6LcfO{n] xfdLnfO{ /fd|f] ;xof]u ul//x]sf] 5 . :yfgLo txdf sfd ug{ Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmdn] xfdLnfO{ /fd|f] ;xof]u / k|f]T;flxt u/]sf] 5 . >L dx]Gb| >]i7, cWoIf kf/bzL{ ;/f]sf/ ;d"x, a'6jn 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf lgjt{dfg sfo{;ldltsf cWoIf lai0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=n] 6LcfO{ cleofgsf] lj:tf/df dxÎjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{'ePsf] 5 . oBlk, To; sfo{;ldltsf dxf;lrjnfO{ xfdLn] gjlgjf{lrt cWoIfsf ¿kdf k|fKt u/]sf 5f}+ . e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofgnfO{ ljleGg dfWodaf6 lg/Gt/tf lbg ;s] lgZro g} ;xof]u k'Ug]5 . g]kfndf ;bfrf/ lgdf{0f kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ ;Gbe{df kf/bzL{ ;/f]sf/ ;d"x klg 5gf}6 ug{'ePsf]df v';L nfu]sf] 5 . o;nfO{ k|efjsf/L ?kn] ;~rfng ug{ k|ltj4 eP/ nfUg] k|ltj4tf hfx]/ ub{5f}+ .

>L bLks 9sfn, sf]iffWoIf kf/bzL{ ;/f]sf/ ;d"x, a'6jn >L ;f]d/fh l;Ub]n, kf/bzL{ g]kfn, l;4fy{gu/ kf/bzL{ ;/f]sf/ ;d"xn] 6LcfO{ g]kfn;Fu dfq sfd @)^) ;fnb]lv 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ;xof]uL ;d"xsf lqmofzLn ub}{cfPsf] 5 . dfgj ;|f]t–;fwgsf] sdL 5 . sd{rf/Lsf] lyof}+ . kl5 s]Gb|n] btf{ eO{ cfa4 x'g cfu|x u/]cg'?k cefj eP klg :jo+;]jLx? eg] xfdLsxfF 5g\ . xfdL o'jf ?kGb]xL lhNnfdf btf{ eO{ sfd ul//x]sf 5f}+ . clxn] Pnfs ;d"xdf s;/L sfd ug]{ eg]/ x]l//x]sf 5f}+ . lhNnfdf k};f 8LkL sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug{ s]Gb|n] dfu{lgb]{z u/]sf] 5 . glnO{ ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|fKt eof] eg] 8'lKns]6 sfd eof] o;n] sfof{no ;~rfng u/L e|i6frf/lj¿4sf lqmofsnfk eGg] dfgl;stf 5 . 6LcfO{sf] ;xof]u lg/Gt/ eO/xg] ;~rfng ug{ 7"nf] ;xof]u k'u]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] klxn] ck]Iff /fv]sf 5f}+ . Psd'i6 /sd lbP/ ;~rfng ug{ eGYof] . t/, kl5Nnf lbgdf zLif{s 5'6ØfP/ /sd pknAw u/fpg] u/]sf] 5 . >L eLdaxfb'/ >]i7, cWoIf o;n] s]xL cK7Øf/f] dx;"; ePsf] 5 lsgeg] /sdfGt/ e|i6frf/lj?4sf] cleofg lrtjg u/]/ sfo{ vr{ ug{ c;xh x'g] u/]sf] 5 . of] ;+:yf 6LcfO{ g]kfns} kxndf vf]n]/ ;xof]uL ;d"xsf ¿kdf nfdf] ;do;Dd lhNnfdf lqmofzLn /x]sf] lyof] . >L Zofd kf08], ;'zf;g cleofg u'NdL kl5 btf{ eO{ 6LcfO{df cfa4 ePsf xf}+ . 6LcfO{ s]Gb|Lo 6LcfO{ g] k fnsf] gjlgjf{ l rt sfo{ ; ldltnfO{ xflb{ s sfof{nos} lgb]{zgadf]lhd lhNnfdf e|i6frf/lj¿4sf awfO{ . @)^* ;fnb]lv u'NdL lhNnfdf lqmofzLn 5f}+ . lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ub}{cfPsf 5f}+ . of] lg/Gt/ nflu/xg'kg]{ pBf]u afl0fHo ;+3, kqsf/ dxf;+3nufotsf lhNnfl:yt ljifo xf] . lhNnf txdf y'k|} u'gf;f] k|fKt x'g] u/]sf 5g\ . ;/sf/L jf u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfsfsf dflg;x? o; ;+:yfdf o;nfO{ ;dfwfg ug{ a]nf–a]nfdf ePsf k|of; / k|ult ;xeflutf /x]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfn;Fusf] cfa4tfn] ;+:yfdf k7fpg] u/]sf 5f}+ . lg/Gt/ ;xof]u / ;b\efjsf lhNnfdf sfd ug{ ;xof]u k'u]sf] cg'e"lt xfdLn] u/]sf nflu 6LcfO{ kbflwsf/L Pj+ ;lrjfnosf k|ltlglwk|lt klg 5f}+ . xfn u'gf;f] ;ª\sng u/L ;dfwfgsf nflu cfjZos xflb{s wGojfb Pj+ cfef/ k|s6 ub{5f}+ . kxn ul//x]sf 5f}+ . ;'zf;g sfod ug{ ljleGg sfo{qmd ;~rfng ub}{cfPsf 5f}+ . kl5Nnf] ;do :s"n txdf ;d]t



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

>L /3'gLnfn ;fx, ;+sNk ;LaLcf/, ;'g;/L e|i6frf/ dfs'/fsf] hfnf]h:tf] ePsf] 5 . s'g laGb'af6 l5g]{ sxfFaf6 lg:sg] eg]h:tf] ePsf] 5 . ;fyLefOx?df u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfdf ;+nUg x'g' eg]sf] k};f sdfpg' xf] eGg] a'emfO /x]sf] 5 . lgtfGt :jo+;]jL 9Ën] sfd u¥of] eg] klg cGoyf ;f]lrlbg] l:ylt 5 . x/]s If]q / 7fpFdf ljs[lt 5 . o;nfO{ lrg{ ;ª\sNk ;LaLcf/n] hgr]tgf clej[l4nfO{ hf]8 lbFb}cfPsf] 5 . lhNnfdf s]xL u'gf;fx? cfpg] u/]sf 5g\ . o;nfO{ ;dfwfg ug{ ;DefJo kxn ub}{cfPsf 5f}+ . o; jif{b]lv gofF kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ug{ s]Gb|n] ;xof]u u/]sf] 5 . lgZro g} of] sfo{qmd xfd|f nflu kmnbfoL x'g] ljZjf; lnPsf] 5' . >L /3'la/ l;+x 7u'Ggf, bfr'{nf lhNnfdf lkmgNofG8, x]lNa6f;, 6LcfO{ g]kfnnufot cGo s]xL ;+:yfx?sf] ;xof]udf ljleGg lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ug]{ u/]sf 5f}+ . e|i6frf/ Go"gLs/0fsf nflu lhNnfdf ;DefJo ;a} k|of; ug]{ ljZjf; u/]sf 5f}+ . :yfgLo txdf ;'zf;g k|j4{g ;Da4 lqmofsnfk ug{ s]Gb|;Fu ;Nnfx u/L ljleGg sfo{qmd ub}{cfPsf 5f}+ . 6LcfO{ g]kfn;Fusf] cfa4tfn] ;/sf/L lgsfodf ;dGjo ug{ ;xof]u k'¥ofPsf] 5 . s]Gb|n] o;k6sb]lv e|i6frf/lj¿4sf lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ug{ cfly{s ;xof]u klg ug]{ ePsf] 5 . o;n] xfdLnfO{ cem lqmofzLn x'g k|]l/t u/]sf] 5 . ;'b/" klZrdsf] Pp6f s'gfdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] pkl:ylt ePsf] 5 . o;n] ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|bfos ;/sf/L lgsfonfO{ ems\emSofpg dbt k'¥ofpg] ljZjf; lnPsf 5f}+ .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

bf]nvf lhNnfdf ;~rfng u/L e|i6frf/ lgolGqt gd"gf lhNnf agfpg] p2]Zo lnP/ cl3 a9\g] k|ltj4tf JoSt ub{5f}+ . >L zf/bf vgfn k|km];gn dlxnf ;xof]uL ;d"x, sf7df8f}+ @)^) ;fnb]lv 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ;xof]uL ;d"xsf ¿kdf sfd ub}{cfPsf 5f}+ . @)^^ ;fndf u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfsf ?kdf btf{ eO{ 6LcfO{df cfa4 ePsf 5f}+ . b]zsf] /fhwfgL ePsf 7fpFdf sfd ug{ Tolt ;xh 5}g . s]xL :s"n–sn]hsf ljBfyL{x?;fd' ;bfrf/ clej[l4df ;3fp k'Ug] sfo{qmd ub}{cfPsf] 5f+} .

>L df]xg e§/fO{ gful/s ;/f]sf/ d~r, lj/f6gu/ 6LcfO{ g]]kfn;Fu cfa4 ePkl5 df]/ª lhNnfdf ;'zf;gsf kIfdf P8\ef]s];L ug{ ;lhnf] ePsf] 5 . lhNnf cg'udg ;ldltsf] ;b:osf ¿kdf xfd|f] ;+:yf rog ePsf] 5 . u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n, gu/kflnsf:t/Lo cg'udg ;ldltdf klg cg'udg ;ldltsf] ;b:odf klg /fv]sf 5g\ . o:tf cGo ;+:yfx? klg 5g\, hxfF xfdLnfO{ ;xefuL u/fOPsf] 5 . lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{nosf dflg;x? klg ;sf/fTds g} /xg] u/]sf kfPsf 5f}+ . lhNnfdf sfo{/t ;/sf/L sd{rf/L ;?jf x'g] u/]sfn] x/]s k6s pgLx?nfO{ a'emfpg'kg]{ l:ylt 5 . lhNnfsf ljleGg 7fpFdf xf]l8{Ë af]8{ /fvsf 5f}+ . a]nf–a]nfdf df]afOn Pnfs sfo{qmd ug]{ u/]sf 5f}+ . To;n] u'gf;f] ;ª\sng sfo{df ;xof]u k'¥ofPsf] 5 . ev{/} c~rn c:ktfndf u'gf;f] >L x]dGt rf}nfufO{+, dfgj clwsf/ ;r]tg tyf ;'lgPsf] lyof] . ToxfF g;{, 8fS6/ / c:ktfn k|zf;gsf ljsf; s]Gb| -x'/f8]s_ bf]nvf af/]df u'gf;f] k|fKt ePsf] lyof] . clwsf+zn] c:ktfndf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] gjlgjf{lrt sfo{;ldltnfO{ xflb{s awfO{ b]lvg] /fhgLlts x:tIf]k aGb u/fpg kxn ul/lbg cfu|x 1fkg ub{5f}+ . x'/f8]s bf]nvf lhNnfdf dfgj clwsf/sf If]qdf kl/lrt ;+:yf xf] . kl5Nnf] lbgdf 6LcfO{ g]kfndf u/]sf] kfof}+ . c:ktfnsf] cWoIfdf ljz'4 ;fdflhs ;]jfdf cfa4 eP/ sfd ubf{ ;/sf/L lgsfosf k|ltlglw;Fu sfd nfu]sf] dflg; /fVg cfu|x ul/Psf] lyof] . ug{ s]xL ;lhnf] ePsf] cg'e"lt ePsf] 5 . ;+:yfn] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] cfO{P kl/of]hgfcGtu{t s]xL ;xof]u kfPsf lyof}+ . >L /fhs'df/ emf To;n] ;'zf;gsf If]qdf klg sfd ug]{ ;+:yfsf ¿kdf ;fd'bflos ljsf; ;ldlt, l;/fxf kl/lrt x'g] df}sf k|fKt ePsf] 5 . o; jif{b]lv lalN8Ë 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;fd'bflos ljsf; ;ldlt l;/fxfnfO{ cfa4tf g]zgn OG6]lu|6L kl/of]hgfcGtu{t ;xof]u k|fKt x'g] ePsf] k|bfg u/]sf]df xflb{s wGojfb . xfdL ev{/} ;'?jft ub}{ 5 . o;n] dfu{lgb]{z u/]cg'?k lhNnfdf ;lqmotfk"j{s 5f}+ . e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ug{s} nflu ljleGg lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ug]{ 5f}+ . ;+:yfk|ltsf] ;b\efj ;+:yf :yfkgf u/]sf xf}+ . ;dfhdf zflGt–;'Joj:yf / lg/Gt/ /xf];\ eGg] cfu|x ub{5f}+ . g]kfndf ;bfrf/ kl/of]hgf ;'zf;g sfod xf];\ eGg] Wo]o /fv]/ ;+:yf btf{ ul/Psf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

lyof] . :yfgLo:t/df /x]sf :yfgLo lgsfodf k|ltlglwx? g/x]sf] cj:yf 5 . To;df klg ;/sf/L lgsfodf e|i6frf/ ;+ul7t ?kn] x'g] u/]sf] 5 . o;lj¿4 sfd ug{' jf:tjd} sl7g 5 . l;/fxf e|i6frf/sf] ;"rLdf cu|kª\ltdf /x]sf] lhNnf xf] . o; b[i6Ln] l;/fxfdf e|i6frf/lj¿4 sfd ug{' lgZro r'gf}tLk"0f{ 5 . oBlk, xfdLn] o;nfO{ cj;/sf ?kdf a'em]sf 5f}+ . >L an/fd ;'a]bL hgr]tgf tyf ljsf; sfo{qmd, wg'iff e|i6frf/ b]zJofkL ePsf] 5 . 9fs5f]k ug]{ cj:yf g} 5}g . lhNnfdf d"ntM tLgvfnsf ph'/L cfpg] u/]sf 5g\ M klxnf] clt h]lnPsf / k'/fgf ;d:of lnP/ cfpg], bf];|f] cfly{s ¿kdf clt ljkGg dflg;, 3"; lbFbf klg gdfGg] sd{rf/Llj¿4sf] ph'/L lnP/ cfpg] u/]sf] cg'ej xfdLn] u/]sf 5f}+ . ;fgf–ltgf e|i6frf/ cln sd ePsf] 5 . Ps sfof{noaf6 csf]{ sfof{nodf kqfrf/ u/fpg klg k};f ltg{'kg]{ l:ylt lyof], clxn] clns 36]sf] 5 . hGd, d[To' btf{ ubf{;d]t k};f dfUg] u/]sf]] cj:yf lyof] . clxn] s]xL 36]sf] 5 . x/]s sfof{nodf ljrf}lnof 5g\ . ;]jfu|fxL / ;]jf k|bfossf aLrdf e]6 x'g} glbg] l:ylt 5 . l;l8of] jf sfof{no k|d'v s:tf] cfpF5, ToxLcg';f/ e|i6frf/sf] cj:yf lhNnfdf /xg]] cg'ej xfdLn] u/]sf 5f}+ . >L b'uf{ yfkf dfgjclwsf/ / jftfj/0f ljsf; s]Gb|, pbok'/ ;'zf;g clej[l4sf nflu lhNnfdf 6LcfO{n] dxÎjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgjf{x u/]sf 5f}+ . lhNnfdf k|fKt x'g] u'gf;f] w]/}h;f] ;dfwfg ub}{ uPsf 5f}+ . @) hgfeGbf a9L ;bfrf/sf If]qdf sfd ug]{ :jo+;]jsx? ljsf; u/]sf 5f}+ . 6LcfO{ g]kfn clxn] kl/of]hgfd'vL ePsf] xf] ls eGg] nflu/x]sf] 5 . :yfgLo :jfoQ zf;g P]g ;+zf]wg x'g] qmddf 5 . ;+zf]wg eO/x]sf a]nf xfdL @$÷@% ;+:yfsf dflg; uP/ ;'zf;g k|j4{gsf k|fjwfg ;d]6\g nlj ug{'kg]{ cj:yf 5 . s] xfdL klg 6LcfO{sf] ;b:o x'g kfpF5f}+ < >L /fhf/fd zdf{ dfgjLo ljsf; tyf ;|f]t Joj:yfkg g]kfn, wflbª /fhwfgL glhssf] lhNnf xf] . o;n] z'qmaf/ !@ ah] g} sd{rf/Lx? sf7df8f}+ hfG5g\ . cfOtaf/ lbpF;f]dfq



cfOk'U5g\ . z'qmaf/ ;]jf lng cfPsf] dflg; cfOtaf/;Dd kv{g'kg]{ cj:yf 5 . lhNnfl:yt sfof{nosf k|d'vx? ;docl3 g} ;?jf x'g] u/]sf 5g\ . u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfdf klg kf/blz{tfsf] cj:yf sdhf]/ 5 . klxn] lhNnf k|d'v clwsf/L Tolt ;sf/fTds gePsf] l:ylt lyof] . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf tÎsfnLg sfo{;ldlt ;b:o >L v]d/fh /]UdLn] lhNnf e|d0f u/L k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L;Fu s'/fsfgL ePkl5 ;sf/fÎds ePsf] l:ylt 5 . >L u0f]z sfsL{, gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3, ;'v]{t gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3sf] :yfkgf 6LcfO{s} kxndf ePsf] xf] . ;'zf;gsf If]qdf lqmofzLn of] ;+:yfn] y'k|} u'gf;f] ;ª\sng u/L ;dfwfgsf] kxn ub}{cfPsf] 5 . ;fj{hlgs ;]jf;DaGwL u'gf;f]x? ;dfwfg ug{ c;xh ePsf a]nf s]Gb|n] ;d]t ;xof]u ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmdn] o:tf ;d:of ;Daf]wg ug{sf nflu ;lrjfno / sd{rf/Lsf] Joj:yf ug{ ;xof]u u/]sf] 5 . >L k|jL0fs'df/ zdf{, lqmPl6j u|'k ckm g]kfn, /f}tx6 xfdLn] ev{/}dfq 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] cfj4tf k|fKt u/]sf 5f}+ . o;cl3 ;"rgfsf] xs sfof{Gjogsf If]qdf s]xL sfd u/]sf 5f}+ . lj:tf/} ;'zf;gsf If]qdf klg sfd ug{lt/ nfu]sf 5f}+ . lhNnfdf ;'zf;gsf] cj:yf sdhf]/ 5 . o;nfO{ lrg{ xfdL ;+ul7t ta/n] nfu]sf 5f}+ . o;df 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] xfdLnfO{ a]nf–a]nf dfu{lgb]{z ug]{ ljZjf; /fv]sf 5f}+ . xfdLn] :yfgLo txsf x/]s tx / tKsfsf dflg;n] ;xof]u ug]{ ljZjf; /fv]sf 5f}+ . gful/s ;dfh, ;~rf/dfWod / ;/f]sf/jfnfx?nfO{ ;fd]n u/L e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] df]rf{ tof/ ug]{ k|ltj4tf JoSt ub{5f}+ . >L k'iknfn ltldnf, cf1f g]kfn, eStk'/ xfdL ev{/}dfq 6LcfO{df cfa4 ePsf 5f}+ . o;cl3 xfd|f] ;+:yf Tolt lqmofzLn lyPg . cfufdL lbgdf ;'zf;g k|j4{gsf If]qdf lqmofzLn x'g k|ltj4 5f+} . e|i6frf/af6 cfd–g]kfnL kLl8t 5g\ . o;sf] Go"gLs/0fsf nflu ;+:yfn] s]xL k|of; ug{ ;Sg] ljZjf; /fv]/ cfa4 ePsf 5f}+ . >L /fdaxfb'/ hL;L, c;n l5d]sL, afun'ª 6LcfO{df cfa4 x'g nfu]sf] ;a}eGbf sfG5f}+ ;+:yf xf] . lhNnfdf ;'zf;g k|j4{g ug{'kg]{ vfFrf] /x]sf] 5 . o; ;Gbe{df 6LcfO{n] xfdLnfO{ k|f]T;flxt u/]sf] 5 . ;+:yfdf



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

k|fl1s If]qsf dflg;x?sf] ;+nUgtf 5 . lhNnfdf ;'zf;g sfod ug{ ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] ;|f]t–;fdu|Lx? 6LcfO{ g]kfnaf6 k|fKt x'g] g} 5g\ . cfufdL lbgdf lhNnfdf ;zSt 9Ën] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ug]{ k|ltj4tf JoSt ub{5f}+ . >L klßgL k|wfgfË, sfo{;ldlt ;b:o, 6LcfO{ g]kfn b]znfO{ arfpg] xf] eg] e|i6frf/d'St ;dfh lgdf{0f ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ;xof]u lnP/ :yfgLo txdf b]zsf nflu s]xL ul//x]sf 5f}+ eGg] cg'ej y'k|} ;fyLx?n] afF8\g'eof] . o;n] v';L nfu]sf] 5 . o; cleofgdf y'k|} :jo+;]jLx? agfpg] k|oTg u/f}+ . cfufdL lbgdf kl/of]hgf xf]nf–gxf]nf, e|i6frf/lj¿4sf lqmofsnfknfO{ s;/L lg/Gt/tf lbg ;lsG5 eGg] af/] d f lrlGtt xf]cf}+ . e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofgdf :yfgLo txdf /x]sf dlxnfx?nfO{ ;lqmo agfpg h?/L 5 . dlxnfx?sf] ;lqmotf geP e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofg k|efjsf/L agfpg ;lsFb}g .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

ug{ ;lsg] l:ylt l;h{gf ug{' ;Sg' kb{5 . cfd–gful/s;Fu ;xsfo{ ug{ ;Sg' kb{5 . ;|f]t / ;fwgeGbf klg gjLg ;f]r / h'emf¿kgsf] cfjZostf 5 . of] ;bfrf/sf] cleofg xf] . o;df slt gful/snfO{ ;xefuL u/fpg ;S5f}+ eGg] s'/fdf xfd|f] :yfloÎj / lg/Gt/tf l6s]sf] x'G5 .

>L lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L= lgjt{dfg cWoIf, 6LcfO{ g]kfn @)^& ;fndf xfdLn] lhNnfdf 6LcfO{sf] cleofg lj:tf/ ug]{ Wo]o lnP/ cfa4tf lbg ;'? u/]sf xf}+ . klxn] xfdL;Fu * j6f lhNnfx?dfq lyP . To;a]nf % ljsf; If]q / !$ c~rnd} k'Ug' cfZos 5 eGg] xfdLnfO{ nfu]sf] lyof] . o;a]nf 6LcfO{ g]kfn;Fu @# lhNnfsf @% ;+:yfx? cfa4 /x]sf 5g\ . d'n'ssf ;a}n] nf]stflGqs Joj:yf / cfrf/0fdf a:g'k5{ eGg] nfu]/ 6LcfO{ cleofgdf nfdf] ;dob]lv lqmofzLn 5f}+ . pkl:yt w]/} ;fyLx?;Fu a]nf–a]nfdf e]63f6 ePsf] 5 . w]/} ;fyLx?n] 6LcfO{ eg]sf] Pp6f cleofg xf] eGg] efjgf bzf{pg' ePsf] 5 . o;df lg/Gt/ nfUg] k|0f ug{'ePsf] >L /fds[i0f dfgGw/, sfo{;ldlt ;b:o kfPF . 6LcfO{n] ;~rfng u/]sf] cleofgn] dfq d'n'sdf e|i6frf/lj/f]wL cleofgdf nfUbf klxnf] cf}+nf cfk}mFlt/ ljBdfg e|i6frf/ lgd"{n x'g ;Sg] l:ylt 5}g . e|i6frf/ kmsf{P/ ;'? ug{'kg]{ x'G5 . tkfO{+ 6LcfO{df a:g'; of oqtq ;j{q 5 . ga:g';\, e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofgnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg cfhsf] e]63f6n] xfdLnfO{ cg'ej cfbfg–k|bfg ug]{ cj;/ ;Sg'x'G5 ls ;Sg'x'Gg . k|ltj4 x'g'x'G5 ls x'g'x'Gg < lbPsf] 5 . lhNnfsf cg'ej afFl8/xFbf Ps–csf{aLr l;Sg o;n] w]/} s'/f lgwf{/0f ub{5 . 6LcfO{n] ;xof]u gu/] klg ;lsg] s]xL s'/f k|fKt ePsf 5g\ . d'n'sdf /fhgLlts ;bfrf/ cleofgsf] lj:tf/df lg/Gt/ nflu/xg] / c?nfO{ l:y/tf gxf]p~h]n x/]s s'/fdf afwf kl//xG5 . /fhgLlts klg o;k|lt k|]l/t ul//xg] xf] eg] xfdL cjZo klg ;kmn g]t[Tjdf e|i6 dgf]j[lQ sfod eP;Dd /fhgLlts l:y/tf x'g]5f}+ . x'Fb}g . gjlgjf{lrt sfo{;ldltnfO{ of] cj;/ pknAw u/fPsf]df xflb{s cfef/ JoSt ub{5' . >L cfgGb/fh d'NdL, sfo{;ldlt ;b:o, 6LcfO{ g]kfn sfo{ q mdsf ;xefuLx?n] af] N g' e Psf] s' / f ;' G bf >L e/t axfb'/ yfkf, cWoIf, 6LcfO{ g]kfn lg/fz x'g'kg]{ l:ylt 5}g . t/, 6LcfO{ g]kfn cem} klg cf}+nf 78ØfP/ af]Ng ;Sg] l:ylt nf]stGqn] xfdLnfO{ cfd–g]kfnLdfem k'Ug ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfsf] lbPsf] 5 . xfd|f] /fhgLlts bnsf k|ltlglwx? cl:y/tfleq ?kdf :yflkt x'g Tolt ;xh eg] 5}g . Pp6f cWoogn] /dfpg] u/]sf] b]lvG5 . e|i6frf/k|lt s8f 9Ën] k|:t't x'g u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfsf dflg; ;/sf/L sd{rf/LnfO{ 3"; g;Sg'nfO{ ;+;b\sf] pbf;Lgtfsf ?kdf a'‰g'k5{ . htftt} VjfP/ sfd u/fO/x]sf] tYo ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] lyof] . e|i6frf/ 5 eg]/ clVtof/n] 5fkf xflg/xFbf klg s'g} tkfO{{+x? u}/–;/sf/L ;+:yfsf] ?kdf eGbf klg cleofg /fhgLlts bn / ltgsf k|ltlglwn] ;+;b\df ljz]if kxn ;~rfnssf ?kdf cfk"mnfO{ ljsf; ug{'xf];\ . o;sf nflu u/]sf] b]lvPsf] 5}g . clVtof/n] htf xft xfNof], Tot} 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;DefJo ;a} ;xof]u ug]{ 5 . e|i6frf/ 5 eGg] b]vfPsf] 5 . ljb]zL ;+:yf jf JolStn] lbPsf] k};fn] dfq o:tf] cleofg xfdL 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] tkm{af6 e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofgdf ;~rfng ug{ ;lsFb}g . :yfgLo gful/ssf] ;d:of ;Daf]wg ;+nUg x/]s ;+:yfsf] ;+/If0fdf nfUg] 5f}+ . xfdL;Fu ePsf]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;fwg–;|f]t oxfFx?nfO{ ;Dej eP;Dd afF8\b} hfg]5f}+ . ;+;f/el/ g} ;/sf/n] PghLcf]nfO{ gsf/fÎds ta/n] x]g]{ u/]sf 5g\ . o;af6 ljrlnt gxf]cf}+ . xfdL ldn]/ s]xL km/s sfd / s'/f ug{ ;Sof}+ eg] ;'zf;g k|j4{gdf ;xof]u k'Ug] s'/fdf ljZj:t 5' . ;bfrf/ k|j4{gsf] cleofg ;lhnf] geP klg lg/Gt/tf lbg'kg]{ cj:yf 5 . ;/sf/L c:ktfnsf] ;]jf ;'wf/sf nflu xfdLn] ;DefJo k|oTg ug]{ 5f}+ . gofF sfo{;ldltn] pkl:yt ;fyLx?af6 w]/} s'/f l;Sg] cj;/ kfPsf] 5 . xfdLn] k|ltj4tf hgfP hlt sfo{qmd lhNnfdf eJo?kn] ;DkGg u/f}+ . pkl:ylt / ;xeflutfsf nflu ;a}nfO{ wGojfb . bf];|f] ;q klxnf] ;qsf] ;dfkgkl5 qmdzM Pnfs 8LkL / g]kfndf /fli6« o ;bfrf/ lgdf{0 f kl/of] h gfdf cfa4 ;+ : yfsf k|ltlglwx?;Fu cnu–cnu sfo{qmdx? ;DkGg ul/of]] . Pnfs 8LkL kl/of]hgf ;Da4 bf];|f] ;qsf] ;~rfng kl/of]hgf ;+of]hs t'Da'? uf}tdn] ug{'eof] . sfo{qmsf] cWoIftf lgjt{dfg cWoIf >L lji0f'axfb'/ s]=;L=n] ug{'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmdsf] p2]Zodfly kl/of]hgfsf sfo{qmd clws[t >L ljgf]b e§/fO{n] k|sfz kfg{'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmdsf] p2]Zoaf/] af]Nb} e§/fO{n] xfdLn] clxn];Dd @! j6f ;/sf/L lgsfo;Fu 8LkL x:tfIf/ u/]sf 5f}+ . o;sf] sfof{Gjog kIfsf af/]df cfh rrf{ ug]{ k|oTg ug]{ 5f}+ . s;/L cg'udg ePsf] 5 . 8LkL ;Demf}tf eO;s]kl5 tL sfof{nodf s] ;'wf/ ePsf 5g\, s:tf] ;sf/fÎds ;Gb]z k|jfx ePsf] 5, hfGg rfx]sf xf}+ . lhNnfdf ePsf pÎs[i6 sfo{ klg cfh pkl:yt ;fyLx?n] /fVg'x'g] ck]Iff lnPsf atfpg'eof] . o;}qmddf ;fpy–;fpy Pl;of PS;r]~h sfo{qmdcGtu{t 6LcfO{ g]kfndf sfo{/t df]= vf]/l;b cfndn] a];nfOg / ;Gt'i6L ;j]{sf glthfaf/]df cfˆgf] k|:t'lt g]kfnLdf



/fVg'ePsf] lyof] . To:t}, kl/of]hgfsf ultljlw l/kf]l6{Ëaf/] jl/i7 ;~rf/ clws[t 6LPg l3ld/]n] klg cfˆgf] k|:t'lt /fVg'ePsf] lyof] . ;dfkg dGtJo >L lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L= lgjt{dfg cWoIf, 6LcfO{ g]kfn cfj4 ;+:yfsf ;fyLx?n] ;Lldt ;fwg–;|f]tsf afah"b lhNnfdf w]/} sfd ul//xg'ePsf] 5 . o;sf nflu ;a}nfO{ xflb{s wGojfb . of] :jo+;]jf ug{'kg]{ sfd xf] . d'n'sdf ePsf] ;fwg–;|f]tsf] r'xfj6 / ckJooaf/] vf]hL ug{'kg]{ sfo{ xf] . tkfO{x+ ?n] ug{'ePsf] kl/>d k|z; + fof]Uo 5 . o;nfO{ 36\g glbg'xf];\ . lgZro g} 6LcfO{n] ;DefJo ;a}vfnsf ;xof]u ug]{ 5 . Pnfs 8LkLh:tf] sfo{qmdnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg' cfjZos 5 / o;sf nflu lhNnfl:yt ;+:yfx?sf] e"ldsf dxÎjk"0f{ 5 . b[9 lgZro u/L sfd ug{ yfNg] xf] eg] cjZo klg ;kmntf kfpg ;lsG5 . To:t}, ;f]xL ;dodf g]kfndf /fli6«o ;bfrf/ lgdf{0f kl/of]hgfsf af/]df 5'§} 5nkmn sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ul/Psf] lyof] . o; kl/of]hgfdf cfa4 ;+:yfsf k|ltlglwx?nfO{ sfo{qmd ;+of]hs df]xg a'9fyf]sLn] sfo{qmdsf] p2]Zoaf/] k|sfz kfg{'ePsf] lyof] . o; ;qsf] cWoIftf >L e/taxfb'/ yfkfn] ug{'ePsf] lyof] . g]kfndf ;bfrf/ lgdf{0f kl/of]hgf ;kmn agfpg 6LcfO{df cfa4 :yfgLo ;+:yfx?sf] e"ldsf dxÎjk"0f{ x'g] ePsfn] kl/of]hgf ;~rfngsf nflu ;xsfo{ ug{ 5gf}6 ePsf ;+:yfsf k|ltlglwx?nfO{ af]nfOPsf] hfgsf/L lbg'eof] . ;fy}, a'9fyf]sLn] kl/of]hgfn] ;'zf;g k|j4{g;DaGwL lqmofsnfk g} ;~rfng ug]{ ePsfn] ;a}sf] /rgfÎds e"ldsfsf] ck]Iff u/]sf 5f}+ eGg'eof] . cGTodf pxfFn] cfa4 ;+:yf k|zf;lgs tyf cfly{s lgb]{lzsfsf af/]df klg hfgsf/L lbg'eof] .9

;bfrf/ cleofgdf nfuf}+

– 6L Pg l3ld/]



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

kf/bzL{ g]kfn l;4fy{gu/n] ;~rfng u/]sf ljleGg ultljlw ultljlw kf/bzL{ g]kfn l;4fy{gu/ ljut !) jif{b]lv 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn;Fu cfa4 /xL :yfgLo:t/df e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf nflu ;lqmo /x]sf] ;+:yf xf] . Pnfs 8LkL pb\3f6g sfo{qmd

Pnfs 8LkL kl/of]hgf pb\3f6g ;df/f]xdf d'Vo ;lrj lnnfd0fL kf}8]n, 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf tTsfnLg cWoIf lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=, dxf;lrj e/t axfb'/ yfkf / kf/bzL{ g]kfn l;4fy{gu/sf cWoIf ;f]d/fh l;Ub]n

a[xt\ cGtlqm{of sfo{qmd kf/bzL{ g] k fn l;4fy{ g u/df ;~rflnt Pnfs 8LkL kl/of]hgfn] lhNnfsf ;]jfk|bfos ;/sf/L lgsfox? / sfof{nox?;Fu k|ToIf ;Dks{ /fVg] ;]jfu|fxLx?aLr cGtlqm{of / ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO{ sfo{qmd ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 . cGtlqm{of sfo{qmd @)&) a}zfv @& ut] auf}nL uflj;df ;~rfng ul/Psf] lyof] . :yfgLo gful/s / ;]jf

;]jfk|bfos lgsfo / ;]jfu|fxLx?aLr ul/Psf] cGtlqm{of sfo{qmd

k|bfosx?aLr ;DkGg ;f] sfo{qmddf &@ hgfsf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . To;}u/L, @)&! a}vfv !$ / @)&! c;f/ !^ ut] n'lDagL lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] ;efsIfdf csf]{ cGtlqm{of sfo{qmd 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfndf cfa4 kf/bzL{ g]kfnn] klg ;DkGg ul/of] . sfo{qmd k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L @)^( df3 )! ut]b]lv P8\ef]s];L PG8 lnun P8\efO; ;]G6/ PG8 8]enkd]G6 KofS6 -Pnfs 8LkL_ kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ul//x]sf] 5 . o; sfo{qmdcGtu{t ;fj{hlgs ;]jf;DaGwdf gful/saf6 u'gf;f] ;'gL ;dfwfgsf nflu kxn ul/G5 . kl/of]hgfsf] cf}krfl/s pb\3f6g @)^( r}t @# ut] d'Vo ;lrj lnnfdl0f kf}8]nsf] d'Vo cfltYotfdf ;DkGg ePsf] xf] . ;f] sfo{qmddf 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf tTsfnLg cWoIf lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=, dxf;lrj e/t axfb'/ yfkf / Pnfs 8LkL kl/of]hgfsf sfo{qmd ;+of]hs t'Da'? ?kGb]xL lhNnfsf k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L afns[i0f kGyLsf ;fy uf}tdsf] klg ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . cGo sfof{nosf k|d'vx? / sfo{qmddf ;xefuL ;]jfu|fxLx?

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] lbj;sf cj;/df cfof]lht sfo{qmddf kqsf/ zÍ/ kf08]nfO{ ldl8of km]nf]l;k k|bfg ub}{ :yfgLo ljsf; clwsf/L k]zns'df/ kf]v/]n

afns[i0f kGyLsf] k|d'v cfltYotf / kf/bzL{ g]kfnsf cWoIf ;f]d/fh l;Ub]nsf] cWoIftfdf ;DkGg ePsf] lyof] . lhNnfsf k|d'v ;]jf k|bfos ;/sf/L lgsfox? dfnkf]t, gfkL, k|x/L, gu/kflnsf / cGo ;/sf/L sfof{nosf k|d'vx? / ;]jfu|fxLx?aLr cGtlqm{of ul/Psf] lyof] . ;f] sfo{qmddf ljleGg /fhlglts bnsf k|ltlglw, gful/s ;dfh / kqsf/ u/L sl/a Ps ;o @) hgfsf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . sfo{qmdsf k|d'v cltly afns[i0f kGyLn] b]zdf a9\b} uO/x]sf] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug{ gful/s g} rgfvf] x'g'kg]{df hf]8 lbg'ePsf] lyof] . e|i6frf/lj?4 sljtf n]vg tyf jfrg k|ltof]lutf e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;sf cj;/df ldlt @)&! d+l;/ @$ ut] kf/bzL{ g]kfn l;4fy{gu/ / l;4fy{ ;flxTo kl/ifb\sf] ;xsfo{df e|i6frf/lj¿4 sljtf n]vg tyf



sljtf n]vg tyf jfrg k|ltof]lutfdf ;xefuLnfO{ k|df0f–kq k|bfg ub}{ dfggLo GofofwLz rGb|dl0f 1jfnL

jfrg k|ltof]lutf ;DkGg ul/of] . dfggLo GofofwLz rGb|dl0f 1jfnLsf] k|d'v cfltYotfdf / lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf :yfgLo ljsf; clwsf/L k]zns'df/ kf]v/]nsf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . @@ hgf sljn] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf sljtfx? jfrg u/]sf lyP . sfo{qmddf ljleGg ;+3–;+:yfsf k|ltlglwx?, kqsf/x? tyf ljleGg /fhgLlts bnsf k|ltlglwx?sf] klg pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . ;f]xL sfo{qmddf ?kGb]xL Pkm=Pd=sf :6]zg Dofg]h/ zÍ/ kf08]nfO{ ldl8of km]nf]l;k k|bfg ul/Psf] lyof] . ;Gb]zd"ns xf]l8{ª af]8{ :yfkgf sfo{qmdx¿ ;+:yfn] e|i6frf/lj¿4 gful/snfO{ ;r]t, ;hu tyf cfjfh p7fpg k|]l/t ug{ ;xof]u ug]{, cfd–gful/snfO{ e|i6frf/lj¿4 n8\g Psh'6 x'g k|]l/t ug]{vfnsf xf]l8{ª af]8{x? :yfkgf ub}{cfPsf] 5 . klxnf] jif{df ljleGg

?kGb]xL lhNnfdf gjul7t n'lDagL ;f+:s[lts gu/kflnsfdf /flvPsf] xf]l8{ª af]8{ . ltnf]Qdf gu/kflnsfdf :yfkgf ul/Psf] xf]l8{ª af]8{, sfof{no k|d'v / kf/bzL{ g]kfnsf cWoIf ;f]d/fh l;Ub]n



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;/sf/L sfof{nox?, gfkL sfof{no, dfnkf]t sfof{no, lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{no, lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no, Po/kf]6{ tyf ljleGg ;8s tyf rf}/fxfdf u/L !@ j6f / xfn ul7t gofF gu/kflnsf ltnf]Qdf / n'lDagL ;f+:s[lts gu/kflnsfdf yk @ j6f u/L hDdf !$ j6f xf]l8{ª af]8{ :yfkgf ul/of] .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

;d'bfo;Fu cGtlqm{of tyf cled'vLs/0f sfo{qmd ldlt @)&) c;f/ !) ut] kf/bzL{ g]kfn l;4fy{gu/n] c;'/}gf uflj;sf gful/s;Fu e|i6frf/lj¿4 cled'vLs/0f uf]i7L sfo{qmd ;~rfng u/]sf] lyof] . sfo{qmd t'nf l;+x k'gsf] k|d'v cfltYotf tyf kf/bzL{ g]kfn l;4fy{gu/sf pkfWoIf >L s[i0fk|;fb zdf{sf] cWoIftfdf ;DkGg ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf kf/bzL{ g]kfn sfo{;ldltsf ;b:o tyf ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf x:tfIf/ sfo{qmd ;DkGg kbflwsf/Lx?;d]t pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . kf/bzL{ g]kfn l;4fy{gu/ / lhNnfsf gfkL sfof{no / dfnkf]t sfof{nosf k|ltlglwaLr ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf;DaGwL sfo{qmddf :yfgLo /fhgLlts kf6L{sf k|ltlglw, eb|– Ps ;Demf}tf ul/Psf] 5 . ;fj{hlgs ;]jfdf hjfkmb]xL, enfb|dL gful/s ;dfhsf cu'jfx?sf] klg pkl:ylt /x]sf] kf/blz{tf / ;bfrf/ k|a4{gsf nflu ;f] ;Demf}tf ul/Psf] lyof] . sfo{qmdsf clwsf+z ;xefuLn] b]zdf e|i6frf/ xf] . ;f] sfo{qmd @)&) a}zfv #) ut] e}/xjfdf cfof]hgf a9\b} uO/x]sf] cj:yfk|lt lrGtf JoQm u/]sf lyP . ;fy}, e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf nflu ;a} gful/s Psh'6 x'g'kg]{df ul/Psf] lyof] . dt}Sotf lyof] . ;f]xL sfo{qmddf c;'/}gfsf gful/snfO{ x:tfIf/ sfo{qmddf kf/bzL{ g]kfnsf cWoIf ;f]d/fh Pnfs 8LkL kl/of]hgf / e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ug]{ pkfox?sf l;Ub]n, Pnfs 8LkL kl/of]hgfsf sfo{qmd clws[t uf]kfn af/]df hfgsf/L lbOPsf] lyof] . g]kfnL / ;DalGwt sfof{nosf sd{rf/Lx?sf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] . ;bfrf/ k|ltj4tf–kqdf kf/bzL{ g]kfnsf cWoIf ;f]d/fh l;Ub]n / dfnkf]t sfof{nosf sfof{no k|d'v z+s/ ;'j]bLn] x:tfIf/ ug{'ePsf] lyof] . gfkL sfof{nodf k|ltj4tf–kqdf gfkL sfof{nosf sfof{no k|d'v clgn/fh d/fl;gL / kf/bzL{ g]kfnsf tkm{af6 cWoIf ;f]d/fh l;Ub]nn] k|ltj4tf–kqdf x:tfIf/ ug{'ePsf] lyof] . x:tfIf/kl5 ;DalGwt sfof{nosf k|d'vx?n] 8LkL ;Demf}tfdf n]lvPsf x/]sf a'FbfnfO{ ;zQm¿kdf kfngf ug]{, ;Demf}tf s8fO{sf ;fy nfu" ug]{ / sfof{nodf c;'/}gf uflj;df ;~rfng ul/Psf] ;d'bfo;Fu /x]sf sdL–sdhf]/Lx?nfO{ qmlds¿kdf ;'wf/ ub}{ n}hfg] cled'vLs/0f sfo{qmd / ;xefuL ;d'bfox? k|lta4tf hfx]/ u/]sf lyP .

8LkL x:tfIf/kZrft\ ;Demf}tf–kq cfbfg k|bfg ub}{ lhNnf dfnkf]t sfof{nosf k|d'v zÍ/ ;'a]bL / lhNnf gfkL sfof{nosf k|d'v clgn d/fl;gL

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



lhNNffsf ;'/Iff k|bfos lgsfo / ;/f]sf/jfnfaLr ePsf] sfo{qmd ;+af]wg ub}{ lhNnf k|x/L sfof{nosf k|x/L k|d'v /fh]Gb| 9sfn / sfo{qmddf ;xefuL ;/f]sf/jfnf tyf ;]jfu|fxLx? k|Zg ub}{

z'esfdgf / cGtlqm{of kf/bzL{ g] k fn l;4fy{ g u/n] lhNnf s[ l if sfof{ n o ?kGb]xLsf] ;efsIfdf bz}+–ltxf/ z'esfdgf cfbfg–k|bfg / cGtlqm{of sfo{qmd cfof]hgf u¥of] . @)&! c;f]h !@ ut] cfof]lht ;f] sfo{qmddf ljleGg /fhgLlts bnsf k|ltlglw / lhNnfl:yt ;/sf/L tyf ;'/Iff lgsfosf clwsf/Lx?sf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] lyof] .

lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no ?kGb]xLdf ul/Psf] Pnfs df]afOn sfo{qmd / cfGtl/s /fh:j sfof{nodf ul/Psf] Pnfs df]jfOnsf] cg'udg ub}{ sfof{nosf k|d'v hgs/fh zdf{

df]afOn Pnfs sfo{qmd kf/bzL{ g]kfn l;4fy{gu/n] ljleGg :yfgdf df]afOn Pnfs sfo{qmd ;~rfng u/]sf] 5 . @)&! ebf} @# ut] lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no, @)&! c;f]h * ut] lhNnf eG;f/ sfof{no a]nlxofl:yt ;'gf}nLsf] ofq'sIfcl3, @)&! c;f]h #) ut] cfGtl/s /fh:j ljefu e}/xjf / @)&! sflQs !^ ut] gfkL sfof{no ?kGb]xLdf df]afOn Pnfs ;DkGg ePsf 5g\ . o:tf df]afOn Pnfs sfo{qmdnfO{ dfl;s @ j6f ug]{ tof/L;d]t ;+:yfn] ul//x]sf] 5 .9

lhNnf gfkL sfof{no / dfnkf]t sfof{nodf 8LkL cg'udg ;ldltsf] a}7sdf sfof{no k|d'v tyf ;ldltsf ;b:ox?

;dGjo ;ldltsf] a}7df ;xefuL kl/of]hgf ;dGjo ;ldltsf ;b:ox?



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

Democracy and Divided Society Birendra P Mishra


olitical scientists have been finding survival of democracy difficult in divided society.Scholars like Arend Lizphart, Robert A. Dahl and Benjamin Reilly subscribe to this view. Great thinkers like Aristotle had long back held that stable democracy was possible only in relatively homogenous societies. Reilly quotes JS Mill in this connection, “ John Stuart Mill, for example, believed that democracy was incompatible with the structure of a multi-ethnic society, as ‘free institutions are next to impossible in a country made up of different nationalities.’(1958,1861,230) Benjamin, Reilly, 2001,

Democracy is an ideal or objective that is to be achieved. It is also a process, which is used to achieve the goal. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant was very explicit in his views and had advised to treat every individual as an end in himself.

heterogeneous and diverse societies where a substantial number of people are poor and illiterate, who cannot decide what is proper for, is more challengeable, if not impossible,.

In this regard Arend Lizphart writes, “That it is difficult to achieve and maintain stable democratic government in a plural society is a well-established proposition in political science—with a history reaching back to Aristotle’s adage that “a state aims at being, as it can be, a society composed of equals and peers”. Social homogeneity and political consensus are regarded as prerequisites for, or factors strongly conducive to, stable democracy. Conversely, the deep social divisions and political differences within plural societies are held responsible for instability and breakdown in democracies.” (Ibid, Page-1)

In order to examine the above assertion, it is imperative to clarify the concept of ’democracy’. The term, ”Demokratia” was used by the Greeks which means people’s rule or authority. Democracy is commonly meant as a system of government. But actually, it stands for some thing more. It does not stand for a system of government alone in which all the people of a country can vote to elect their representatives but also for fair and equal treatment of everyone in any country or organization and their right to take part in making decisions. After the Second World War, most of the countries,who became independent, preferred to have some form of democratic governance for themselves. It became so popular and so much needed that it became really a cap, which every ruler wanted to wear it. For this simple reason, several adjectives were attached to it in the mid twentieth century. There were states having basic democracy (Pakistan), guided democracy (Burma), partyless (Panchayat) democracy (Nepal), and people’s democracy etc.

Logically, if the survival of democracy is really difficult in divided societies, then it has to be accepted that establishing democracy in divided.

Democracy is an ideal or objective that is to be achieved. It is also a process, which is used to achieve the goal. The German philosopher

Immanuel Kant was very explicit in his views and had advised to treat every individual as an end in himself. No one could be treated as a means. It is the reason, which advises human beings to be rational in dealing with others. Arend Lijphart defines democracy, ”Democracy is a concept that virtually defies definition.Suffice it to say that it will be used here as a synonym of what Dahl calls ”polyarchy”. It is not a system of government that fully embodies all democratic ideals, but one that approximates them to a reasonable degree.”(Lijphart Arend, 1977, Democracy in Plural Societies, New Haven and London Yale University Press, P 4) B e n j a m i n Re i l l y q u o t e s m a n y definitions. He finds Joseph Schumpeter more influential, who defined the democratic method as. ’that institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people’s vote’(1947, 269).W.H.Ricker(1986,25) argues that ’the essential democratic institution is the ballot box and all that goes with it ’.Samuel Huntington defines a twentieth-century political system as democratic ‘to the extent that its most powerful collective decisionmakers are selected through fair, honest and periodic elections in which candidates freely compete for votes and in which virtually all the adults population is able to

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g vote’(!991,29) Similarly, Diamond, Linz and Lipset define democracy as a system of government that meets three essential conditions: meaningful competition for political power amongst individuals and organized groups; inclusive participation in the selection of leaders and policies, at least through free and fair elections; and a level of civil and political liberties sufficient to ensure the integrity of political competition and participation. (1995,xvi) In fact, democracy, ultimately, stands for representation of the people, of course of different forms, since they cannot take decision directly; prefer to have their real representatives to take decision on their behalf for a definite period. As such democracy has any meaning, it with the people and their representatives. But a pertinent question arises: what is meant by the term ’people’ ? It controversial to define the term ‘people’ Political theories has been found on the basis of the definitions. For example, in communist countries, the members of the communist party are the real people who can only elect their representatives. It is the reason many countries in socalled democratic countries; restrict their voter’s lists putting different criteria for enrollment of voters. Many countries right to votes is made restrictive. Large number of people are deprived of voting right, even enrolled they are not allowed to vote. In Nepal, the total population is about 29 million. Only 12 million people have been registered as voters. The voter’s list has been prepared on the basis of thumb impression of the voter. The voter, who could not make himself available for his thumb impression, has automatically been disenfranchised despite most of them have citizenship certificates. There are clear geographic divisions. Demographically, the census 2011 reports the following individual characteristics: Total population of the country stands

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g at26, 494,504, out of which Terai constitutes 50.27 percent (13,318.705 population), Hill constitutes 43percent(11,384,007 population) and Mountain constitutes 6.73 percent (polulation1, 781,792). With regard to Caste/Ethnicity number, there are126 caste/ethnicgroups, out of which Chhetri is the largest caste/ethnic group having 16.6% of the total population., In regard to the number of Mother Tongue, there are 123 languages spoken as mother tongue and Nepali is spoken as mother tongue by 44.6% of the total population .With regard to religion, there are ten types of religion categories and Hinduism is followed by 81% of population. With regard to the literacy Rate, the overall literacy rate(for population aged5 years and above)has increased to 65.9% from 54.1% in 2001and male literacy rate is75.1% compared female literacy rate is 57.4%.

Representative or electoral Democracy Representative democracy entails direct democracy that was prevalent in city-states about two and half millennia before in Greece and also in India. The Lichchh Republic in northern Bihar was flourishing there before Buddha and at his time. People were directly taking part in statecraft. With the evolution of bigger society ant the formation of states warranted election of representative to participate in the state affairs, as direct involvement of every citizen was not possible. There is no direct democracy in the world. The present form of democracy prevalent in the world is only representative democracy. The election of representatives is the crucial issue of democracy wherever democracy survives or operates. Democracies are divided on the lines of the mode of election engaged in electing representatives.

Issue of Representations No proportional representations In Nepal we had three parliamentary



(the House of Representtives) elections(refer to Table no-1) All election results show that seats won by the party in the HoR had no corresponding percentage of votes it received in the election. There were no proportional representations.For example, in the first general election, in the House of 205 seats, the CPNUML won 69 seats, which comes to 33.66 % of the total number of seats with only 27.98% of votes received by it. The NC bagged 110 seats, which forms 53.66 % with 36.75% of votes. Similarly, in the second House, the CPN-UML got 42.92 % of the seats with 30.85% of votes, the NC bagged 40.48 % of seats with 33.35% of votes, In the third election, the CPN-UML bagged 34.63 of seats with 30.74% of votes, the NC won 54.15 % with 36.14% of votes, the NSD obtained 2.44 % of seats with 3.13% of votes, the RPP won 5.37 % of seats with 10.14% of votes, the SJMN bagged 0.49 % o.84% of votes, NWPP secured 0.49 % of seats with 0.55% of votes, the RJM won 2.43% of the seats in the House with 1.37% of votes. Thus there is no proportional representations in the Houses. Less percentage of votes has been translated into more seats and more percentage of votes has been translated into less percentage of seats. All these anomalies had been caused by the electoral system adopted in the election. The system adopted in all these election was First-Pas-the –Post (FPtP) that elects the candidate with the highest number of votes. It dies not need majority of voted necessarily to elect a representative.

No representation We have seen that in the third general election (1999), two parties—the RPP-C and the CPN—ML could not get any representation by way of seats in the HoR. The CPN-ML got 567,760 votes (6.38 % of the total valid votes cast) in the election. Similarly, the RPP-C secured 295812 votes (3.33 %of the valid vote cast) in the election.



Un-representation In all the three elections, polling percentage was found to be average. It varied from 61% to 66 % of the voters registered in the electoral rolls. In other words, 34%to 39% of voters did not cast their votes in the elections, e.g., about six to seven million voters remained unrepresented in the country. Therefore, it has to be answered as to who represent these absent voters?

can be easily drawn with regard to the representation of the castes and indigenous nationalities in the Lower House of Parliament.

More or less representations: (than their percentage of population) Among hundred and one castes enumerated in the last Census, 2001 only 23 castes have been represented altogether in the last three HoR. The

Representations in CA-1&CA –2 There were no proportional representations in CA –1 as the FPtP segment could not provide proportional representations. However the PR segment did maintain it Similarly, the CA-2 maintained disproportionality as its FPtP segment could nor provide proportionality and the PR segment did provide proportionality, but finally, there remained disproportionality in representations.

Social and Ethnic Bias in Representation Apart from no proportional translation of votes into seats on party-lines, the non- representation or no just representation of several castes, languages, and other indigenous nationalities in the HoR, received severe criticisms from different quarters .It is evident from the fact shown in table mentioned below:-From the above data some conclusions

only 0.59 %of the population, but their representation varies from 1.5 % to 2.9 %, Yadavs enjoy more representation as it varies from 2.4 5 to 5.9 % against their population only 3.94 %,. With regard to the ethnic representation, we find that there are several castes that get less representation in the House than their population in the country. For example, Khatris are marginally less

Table No. 4

Minority Government In all three House of Representatives elected by the people, the majority of votes had been rendered useless or ineffective as the governments formed by the party had received less number of votes as majority of votes had gone in favour of all parties sitting either in opposion or failed to elect their representatives. For example, in the first election The Nepali Congress formed the government that had received only 36.75% of votes where as the rest 63.25% of votes had been wasted or remained unrepresentated.

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Caste name kshatri Brahmin Magar Tharu Tamang Newar Mushalman Yadav Kami Rai Gurung Damai Limbu Thakuri Teli Sanyasi Dhanuk Brahmin (T) SunuSwar Haluwai Rajput Marwari Thakali Other indigenous castes

Population% Seats in HoR Seats in HoR Seats in HoR in ’01 Census & % in 1991 & % in 1994 & % in 1999 15.80 12.74 7.14 6.75 5.64 5.48 4.27 3.94 3.94 2.79 2.39 1,72 1.58 1.47 1.34 0.88 0.83 0.59 0.42 0.22 0.21 0.19 0.06

No. 28 77 3 15 5 14 5 5 -5 7 1 7 11 ---5 --5 -3

% 13.7 37.6 1.5 7.3 2.4 6.8 2.4 2.4 ---2.4 3.4 o.5 3.4 5.4 ---2.4 --2.4 -1.5

No. 29 86 5 13 4 13 4 8 -5 5 -4 11 ---6 --3 -1

% 14.1 42.00 2.4 6.3 2.00 6.3 2.00 3.9 -2.4 2.4 -2.00 5.4 ----2.9 --1.5 0.5

No. 29 77 6 10 4 14 2 12 3 5 6 -7 13 2 2 1 5 1 3 -1 1

% 14.2 37.6 3.00 4.9 2.00 6.8 1.00 5.9 1.5 2.4 3.00 -3.5 6.5 1.00 1.00 0.5 2.4 0.5 1.5 -0.5 0.5








Source: Gurung H., 1998, IIDS, CBS-National Sensus-2002.

population of Brahmin is 12.74 %of the total population of the kingdom, but it had occupied 38 to 42 %of the seats in the House. The other castes whose representation in the House is more than their population in the kingdom are,--Thakuri, Gurung, Newar and Thakali in the hills, where as in Tarai, Brahmin, Yadav, Haluwai and Marwari have their shares more in representations in the House than their population in the country. In Tarai also, some castes are over represented. Brahmins form

represented as their population is 15.80 % where as their re presentation varies from 13.7 % to 14.1 %, Magars cover 7.14 % of the population, but their representation varies from 1.5 5to 3.00 %, Kamis cover a substantial 3.94 % of the population, but they did not get any representation in the HoR (of course, 1.1 % in the Upper House). Similarly, in terai region, there are several castes whose representation has been less. More significantly, Tharus constitute 6.75 % of the population,

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g but have their representation varied from 4.9 % to 7.3 %, and Muslims who form 2,7 % of the population get only 2.00% to 2.4 5 of their representation.

Gender Bias in Representation There had been no proper genderwise representation in Parliament. The representation of woman is also very disappointing. The representations of women’s at national as well as local levels are all the more despairing. The representation women in the Lower House in 1991 and 1994 was only 7 in each House against the total number of 205 covering only 3.4 per cent of the total representation. In 1999 general election, however, their representation increased slightly to 12 covering 5.86 percent. (Source: A study of Women’s Participation in Governance in South Asia, South Asia Partnership International, p 10and 13, December 5 2003.)

In the First CA, out of 601 members, there were 197 women members i n H o u s e . T h u s t h e w o m e n ’s representation was about 33% where as it has come down to about 29%. in the CA-2.

Representation of Marginalized Communities and Women in government: The data shown below (refer to Table nos-5) indicate the low participation of Dalits, Women and other marginalized communities in leadership in parliament, government and decision- making bodies like constitutional bodies, clearly indicate their deplorable role not only in nation building, but also in decisionmaking. Their representations in parliament are hardly noticeable. Their voice and concerns are never taken into account while planning and execution. Their absence at different layers of administration further increased their woes. Hence, their genuine grievances should be carefully redressed in future agenda of national building.


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Table No. 5 level

& Khas Man. Kirat Madhesi Dalit Newar Others Total

Secretary or Equivalent 29 -3 -7 Secretary& Joint Sec. in 20 ---8 Palace Services Add. Sec. & Joint Sec. 69 1 3 -21 Army (above Major Gen.) 7 ----Police IGP & AIGP 3 1 --1 CDOs 62 1 3 -6 Total 190 3 9 -43 % 77.5 1.2 3.7 -17.6 Secretaries in 1959 7 -1 -3 Bada Hakim 21 7 2 -2 Total 28 7 3 -5 % 65.1 16.3 6.9 -11.6 Source: Devakota(2033),239and 274; NIMD, 1999 ; Nepalko Jatiya

Their representations in various constitutional and governmental bodies and other civil society organizations are very disappointing which can be observed from the table no-5 shown below.

Demand for Inclusive democracy In view of the serious political setbacks in the functioning of democratic institutions and constitutional bodies, on the one hand and improper representations or no representation of various castes and communities on the other, had triggered the growth of serious political demands for Inclusive or Participatory democracy by various ethnic and cultural communities and civil society. The demand was meant for building pressure for restoring people’s sovereignty or establishing democratic republic where all ethnic, cultural and lingual communities must be fairly and proportionately included in the governance. As a matter of fact, Democracy stands only for the inclusion of all communities and people’ sovereignty. If it does not meet these two main requirements, it is no democracy at all. With the declaration of Nepal as a republic, the call for total democracy has been achieved, which wad being demanded before the people’s movement-2 of 2005.But the army has to be right sized and be made inclusive. The strength of army ballooned to 96 thousand during insurgency. To establish democracy in Nepal, it is





-94 -7 -5 -72 -245 -100 -11 -32 -43 -100 Prashna, P 68.

necessary that most of the marginalized communities are represented in the national legislature as well as at the provincial level so that they can feel their rightful place in the law making body and also in governance. Their proportional representation and rightful participation are needed to make democracy meaningful in any country including Nepal in the 21st century. To institutionalize the political achievements after people’s movement02, it is necessary to incorporate all achievements in the new constitution which is under consideration of the CA-2. A new constitution must provides for a democratic government, which can ensure both peace and development so that the youth who are going abroad in 1700 to 2000 every day are stopped to leave the country, as without young blood, no development is possible.9 (Mr. Mishra is a member of TI Nepal)

Bibliography u Lijphart Arend, 1977, Democracy in

Plural Societies, New Haven and London Yale University Press, P 4 u Reilly, Benjamin, 2001, Democracy in divided societies, Yale University press, u CEDAW Periodic Report 2001; A Study of women’s Participation in governance in South Asia, 2003, u Devakota(2033),239and 274; NIMD, 1999; Nepalko Jatiya Prashna ,P 68. u NepalCensus Report 2011 u Election results, published by the Election Commission



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Democracy and Development Dafny Tsak

Both democracy and development are designed to result in the widest and equal distribution of the benefits of growth, in the significant improvement of the quality of life of the population and in the improvement of incomes and assets, mostly of the poor.


emocracy and development consist of two meanings extremely general and broad. Anyone would probably say that democracy and development have nothing to do with each other. I believe that the meaning of the one is the precondition of the other in order to practically function. Democracy is a very difficult meaning to define. A big confusion is between the meaning of democracy as an ideal concept and as just a reality. It's a fact that there is quite a difference between the democratic ideal and a real governing system. Very briefly, we could state that democracy is a necessary component for the ability of individuals to live freely and autonomously, as well as an institutional guarantee that the policies and laws created by a democratic government will reconcile with the fundamental interests of the people. Therefore, democracy affects people's quality of life and is a central element for the right of men and women to live freely and autonomously as human beings with no distinction as to being rich or poor and living in a country of the Eastern or Western societies. Of course, democracy cannot ensure that all citizens will be happy, healthy, successful, peaceful or just and it's true that democracy has never achieved its ideals in reality. Nevertheless, it is proved that,

despite its weaknesses, democracy is the only polity that can protect and further the interests of its citizens, more than any other alternative solution. The most important factor for the formation of a democratic system, is of course, the adoption of a constitution that defines political rights and liberties as well as the status of citizenship. Hence, the constitution, prohibits, limits and constrains any kind of violation in constitutional rights and liberties of citizens. In addition, the constitution creates a legislative process through which elected representatives engage in a majoritarian process of debate and legislation. In fact, the constitution is the only legal instrument that can protect basic human rights through laws that ensure justice and equality. Besides, the constitution, when we are talking about a democratic system, able to rule, protect and organize a whole country with a big population, institutions are needed in order to fulfill all democratic criteria. Hence, very briefly we can say that what democracy needs is: free, just and regular elections, freedom of expression, availability of many, different and independent sources of information, basic human and political rights, independent cooperations and last but not least,

the promotion and insurance of good quality education. Furthermore, there are more factors that favor democracy and are not included in a legislative system, such as political culture, democratic beliefs and values, a liberal mentality and a modern function of the society based on solidarity. The development, which is interconnected with democracy can be human, social, cultural, political and of course economic. As mentioned above, a democratic polity aims at ensuring prosperity for its citizens, hence, how can prosperity be achieved if not through economic development? The economic development that will be furthered through a right democratic system, involves several dimensions. This kind of development can:  grow the productive capacity

of the society (labor, agriculture, capital)  lead to a significant improvement of the quality of life of the poor  broaden the distribution of economic assets and incomes  ensure access to equal amenities for all (health care, clean water, education)  improve the health and safety conditions in all public places as well as workplaces  lead to sustainable

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g environmental change and resource use  lead to the elimination of gender or any kind of discrimination  ensure social equality and peace Therefore, development is an inevitable part of democracy, since it consists of the main goal that democracy is actually aiming to achieve. Another thing that links democracy with development is that the presence of democratic institutions affect, as mentioned above, the progressive economic development strategies and the reason of that, is simply the existence of the poor. Both democracy and development are designed to result in the widest and equal distribution of the benefits of growth, in the significant improvement of the quality of life of the population and in the improvement of incomes and assets, mostly of the poor. It's a fact that the poor are numerous and in a democratic polity, formed by parties that compete for electoral support, every party has an interest in adopting policies that favor the interests of the poor, in order to gain their support. Impediments to democracy and development in the case of Nepal: The case of Nepal is quite complex and even now, after having a democratic polity for many years, it is still working for a democratic constitution to support the polity and hence, we could characterize its democracy as being in transition. We should admit that its quite difficult for a country that has experienced dictatorships, oligarchies and authoritarian regimes since its creation, to move towards a progressive democratic reform. The main reason that constrains a real democracy to function in Nepal and a development in all levels to result, is corruption. Corruption, has

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The main reason that constrains a real democracy to function in Nepal and a development in all levels to result, is corruption. Corruption, has been existing in Nepal, since its creation. As we have seen by studying its history, all polities, governments, regimes and royalties that have ruled the country, were promoting corruption in order to ensure personal benefits.

been existing in Nepal, since ages. As we have seen by studying its history, all polities, governments, regimes and royalties that have ruled the country, were promoting corruption in order to ensure personal benefits. Furthermore, all kinds of power were always redeemed, with the powerful ones aiming at serving their personal profit with no interest to the population. Therefore, its inevitable that corruption has spread not only into politics but in any kinds of public systems and services as well as in the mentality of the people. Another factor that is blocking a real democracy to function in Nepal is of course, education. It's a fact that the mentality and the beliefs of the people are very significant for the present situation as well as for the future of a country. Mentality and beliefs are formed of course through history but also through education. Again, as in the case of corruption, education was never furthered in Nepal, since its creation, due to the lack of democracy. As mentioned in the historical overview of the country, especially during the Rana regime, rulers were ensuring that



the educational level of the people will stay low so people would not revolt against the oppressive measures of the polity. Nevertheless, after the end of the Rana regime in 1951, education in Nepal was given importance. Relig]ion, Society, Culture: Besides the obvious factors that favor and harm democracy and development, there are certainly additional factors that affect them and are not to be found into politics. Such factors are the ones of religion, society, individuality and privacy. The relationship between religion and politics has always been a very controversial issue. Although all countries are against the use of religion in politics, it's a fact that for centuries, religion was used for political purposes from many important and well known politicians. In Nepal the religion that is practiced by the majority of the population is Hinduism. Although many of its followers claim that it consists of a monotheistic religion, it is in fact a polytheistic one, since its practices include the worship of many gods. How does that affect society and politics? Well religion, is the oldest form of faith in the world and from ancient times, it consisted of an essential requirement for the existence of any society, in which its members shared a common belief and culture. Within a society, people used the concept of God, to explain everything that was not yet explained through science as well as to define the good and the bad in order to create a form of discipline that everyone should follow. In the case of Buddhism, which is also practiced in Nepal, its followers do not believe in the concept of deities or God. Nevertheless, faith in Buddha is similar to other religions, since it includes guidelines, rituals and a code of conduct for their followers and their way of life.



Since Hinduism is practiced by the majority of the population in Nepal, let's see specifically how its practice affects the society. Hinduism was based since its creation on the caste system. The three original castes of Hinduism were the priests, the warriors and the peasants, with all those who stood outside the caste system, being the slaves for the others (the so-called untouchables). Hence, the caste system defines people as unequal from birth and there is nothing an individual can do during his lifetime to break out of his caste. Of course, anyone can hope for a better life at his next life (belief in incarnation) but nothing can change at his present one. Along with the caste system, Hinduism has also promoted the belief in predestination, meaning that everyone is destined to live a certain life. Moreover, the Hindu culture, teaches that the individual and social actions of people should be done without any sense of egoism. Hence, there is no personal incentive in people's mentality to participate into the society and improve their own lives as well as their fellow citizens' ones. As a result, the society remains in a dormant state, with people not being able to distinguish social injustice or respect each others existence. It's no coincidence, that Hindus show a huge respect to people (sadhus) that have chosen an ascetic way of life, meaning to be isolated from the society and from issues that concern human beings. Therefore, since democracy is based on freedom and on every individual's right to equality and recognition. The caste system still exists and influences the Nepalease society. The point is not that religion is a negative factor for democracy and the development of the society but, that, when religion consists of a common belief and culture, personal responsibility and freedom should come first. Nepal was a poor country since its creation and it still continues to be one of the poorest countries in

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6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g the world. Probably because of the factor of poverty, the societies that were formed during the existence of the country, could be characterized as collectivist. On a collectivist society, such as the one developed in Nepal, people are integrated from birth into strong cohesive groups and extended families, where everyone protects and takes care of each other. In such a way of life, each person aims at fulfilling as much as he and his family need to survive and nothing more. Hence, individuals do not exactly have individual rights nor are distinguished due to personal achievements. How is that linked with privacy and how does that affect the people? Privacy is a factor, directly linked with personal liberties and human rights and hence, democratic policies are always based on such components in order to achieve human security and development. In societies, where the feeling of privacy is not developed, people do not value their individuality and hence, there is no incentive for anyone to evolve, there is no feeling of competition and as a result, no development can occur. Therefore, we could state that human rights should consist of unique concepts for each nation and culture, since it has been proved that culture is able to affect the practical implementation of human rights. Nevertheless, culture should not be seen as an impediment to change and development. It's a fact that the cultural argument has been used against the implementation of privacy rules for being a “Western value”. However, privacy rights should not be considered as the opposite of group rights, the needs of the public and the needs of the state. Privacy rights, start from the individual and are able to release each person from the collectivist type of society and provide them with a sense of individuality, which enforces the feeling of competition, which, in turn, results in confidence and

evolution. Nearly all declarations of rights include explicit protections for privacy but, unfortunately, not each country, who signs an international treaty, complies with that. Hence, a national commitment may be better confirmed through its constitution. Therefore, again, the lack of a constitution in Nepal creates more weaknesses and problems than the obvious ones. It is no coincidence that countries with no specific mention of privacy in their constitutions are countries that have been experiencing chronic dictatorships (such Malaysia). To sum up, what is essential to democratic development is of course, not depending on privacy rights but on functioning democratic and legal systems, effective government administration, free and open media etc. Nevertheless, while international concerns and problems, such as the prevention of the spread of HIV, need to be eliminated, human rights should be integrated into such processes in order to ensure the accountability needed to reduce more problems and risks. Even privacy can, definitely, be incorporated into the accountability structures of development and human rights' objectives. The fact that the people of Nepal live in the developing world, does not mean that they are ignorant of their own needs and desires. Finally, even if we admit that human rights are not of value in countries, where the focus is more on ensuring people's access to their essential needs, the basic aspiration and aim for the developing world, is, of course, human progress. Therefore, human rights and the promotion of peoples' well-being and freedom, is, in fact, the purpose of development for nations like Nepal, for both the process of development and the establishment of human rights seek to allow people to achieve for themselves the conditions of their lives.9 (Ms. Tsak interned at TI Nepal on 2014)

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INTEGRITY PLEDGE by Ncell On the occasion of international anti-corruption day, an Integrity Pledge was signed by Ncell, the fist of its kind by a foreign investment company (telecom operator), with TI Nepal as a witness. The pledge reinforces Ncell’s commitment towards fighting corruption. The pledge signing took place on December 8, 2014 in Kathmandu.

Preamble Whereas acknowledging that corruption is a serious problem and the corporate sector has a responsibility in dealing with the problem; Accepting that the corporate sector has an obligation to follow ethical norms for dealing with the consumers, stakeholders, shareholders, society, local bodies, civil society, and the government; Believing that good corporate governance is a sine qua non for profitable business and efficient running of the organization; Committing ourselves not to offer bribes or illegal gratification to anyone; Determining to attain high ethical standards in our business activities by not tolerating any corruptive move by our employees, managers, or others who represent us, or by our business partners; Undertaking to follow measures that are conducive to good corporate governance and eschewing corruption in all its manifestations; Ensuring strict compliance to the Code of Conduct, other rules and regulations, and all applicable laws; Assuring a clear and visible commitment of the company’s top management and its control organs to the anticorruption policy of the company, and exemplary model behavior of the leaders in dealing with conflict of interest and dilemma situations; WE NOW, THEREFORE, AGREE TO THE INTEGRITY PLEDGE, AND DECLARE AND UNDERTAKE THE FOLLOWING PROCESSES:  Adherence to the company’s Code of Ethics and Conduct, Anti-Corruption Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct and Supplier Due Diligence procedures: policy to include the conduct of employees, managers, and leaders, anti-corruption guidelines, gift policy, relations with vendors, customers, public authorities, political parties, community, protection of company’s assets, issues of conflict of interest, penalties for misconduct, etc.;  Minimization of corruption risks in all business units through preventive organizational measures with regard to responsibilities, powers, reporting duties, and selection of staff, managers, and business partners;  Systematic controls that cover all business units, in particular corruption-susceptible business processes;  Policy to inform and train all staff, managers, and business partners;  Protection of whistleblowers;  Resolute and consistent intervention in cases of suspicion and sanctioning of infringements through legal and disciplinary measures;  Undertake a Compliance Program under a senior executive to ensure compliance with laws pertaining to human rights, environment, transparency, taxation, and other financial regulations.

Compliance Norms The company agrees to the following compliance norms: (1) The company, especially its top management, including its control organs, shall display a clear and visible commitment to the anti-corruption policy of the company, and display exemplary behavior in tax acquiescence, dealing with conflicts of interest and dilemma situations. (2) The compliance program shall be monitored by Ethics and Compliance Officer and whose name shall be prominently displayed in the company website wherein the methodology of filing complaints shall be clearly specified. (3) Any complaint within the company shall be taken to its logical conclusion and due protection shall be given to the whistleblower. The company shall make resolute and consistent interventions in case of suspicion or infringement of code of conduct through legal or disciplinary measures. (4) The company shall have a policy to inform and train all staff, managers, and business partners thus creating an awareness regarding prevention and detection of corruption. (5) The company shall bring matters of irregularities involving public sector that the company faces, to the attention of respective regulatory agency (ies) and oversight mechanism (s) as well as TI Nepal, as deemed necessary. DEPONENT: Mr. Erim Taylanlar CEO Ncell, Part of TeliaSonera Group Krishna Towers, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu-10, Nepal www.teliasonera.com www.ncell.com.np

SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: Mr. Bharat Bahadur Thapa President Transparency International Nepal Chakhkhu Bakhkhu Marga, Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal http://www.tinepal.org

Done on Monday, the 8th of December 2014.



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Eighteenth SAARC Summit: KATHMANDU DECLARATION Kathmandu, Nepal, 26-27 November 2014

"Deeper Integration for Peace and Prosperity” T

he President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan His Excellency Mohammad Ashraf Ghani; the Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina; the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bhutan His Excellency Tshering Tobgay; the Prime Minister of the Republic of India His Excellency Narendra Modi; the President of the Republic of the Maldives His Excellency Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom; the Prime Minister of Nepal Right Honourable Sushil Koirala; the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan His Excellency Muhammad Nawaz Sharif; and the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa; Having met at the Eighteenth Summit meeting of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) held in Kathmandu, Nepal on November 26-27, 2014; Reaffirming their commitment to the principles and objectives of SAARC for ensuring the welfare and quality of life of the peoples of South Asia; Recognizing that after nearly thirty years of its existence, it is time to reinvigorate SAARC’s regional cooperation and revitalize SAARC as an effective vehicle to fulfill the developmental aspirations of the peoples of South Asia; Determined to deepen regional integration for peace and prosperity by promoting mutual trust, amity, understanding, cooperation and partnership; Declared as follows:

Regional cooperation 1. The Heads of State or Government expressed their strong determination to deepen regional integration for peace, stability and prosperity in South Asia by intensifying cooperation, inter alia, in trade, investment, finance, energy, security, infrastructure, connectivity and culture; and implementing projects, programmes and activities in a prioritized, resultoriented and time-bound manner.

South Asian Economic Union (SAEU) 2. The Leaders renewed their commitment to achieve South Asian Economic Union (SAEU) in a phased and planned manner through a Free Trade Area, a

Customs Union, a Common Market, and a Common Economic and Monetary Union. 3. The Leaders acknowledged that SAARC Member States, particularly the Least Developed and Landlocked Member States, face structural constraints and challenges that result in their weak productive capacity affecting their competitiveness in external trade due to, among others, high trade and transit cost. They committed to enhance support to the Least Developed and Landlocked Member States in their development efforts, with a view to ensuring equitable benefits of free trade arrangements. In this context, they agreed to effectively implement the existing preferential facilities under SAFTA and SATIS.

SAFTA and Trade Facilitation 4. Directed SAFTA Ministerial Council and SAFTA Committee of Experts to accelerate free trade in goods and services in the region putting into operation simplified and transparent rules of origin; implementation of trade facilitation measures; harmonization of standards relating to Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures; harmonized, streamlined and simplified customs procedures; elimination of non-tariff and para-tariff barriers; and smooth and efficient transit and transport facilities. They also called for early operationalization of SATIS by finalizing the schedule of commitments. 5. They called for timely and comprehensive reforms of the global economic and financial architecture to make it inclusive and responsive to the needs of Least Developed, Land-locked, and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). 6. They reaffirmed that SIDS would require special attention in view of their unique circumstances and particular vulnerabilities in realization of sustainable development.

SAARC Development Fund 7. They agreed to strengthen the Social Window of the SAARC Development Fund (SDF) and operationalize its

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Economic Window and Infrastructure Window at the earliest for effective implementation of regional and sub-regional projects. In that context, they stressed on expeditious development of projects under SDF addressing the livelihood issues of the peoples of the region. They agreed to expand the Governing Board of SDF by including a representative of the National Focal Point of the Member States.

Connectivity 8. The Heads of State or Government welcomed the significant progress towards finalization of the SAARC Motor Vehicles Agreement and SAARC Regional Railways Agreement and agreed to hold a Meeting of the Transport Ministers within three months in order to finalize the Agreements for approval. They renewed their commitment to substantially enhance regional connectivity in a seamless manner through building and upgrading roads, railways, waterways infrastructure, energy grids, communications and air links to ensure smooth cross-border flow of goods, services, capital, technology and people. The leaders emphasized the need for linking South Asia with contiguous regions, including Central Asia, and beyond by all modes of connectivity and directed relevant authorities to initiate national, regional and sub regional measures and necessary arrangements.

Energy 9. The Leaders directed the relevant SAARC bodies and mechanisms to identify regional and sub-regional projects in the area of power generation, transmission and power trade, including hydropower, natural gas, solar, wind and bio-fuel, and implement them with high priority with a view to meeting the increasing demand for power in the region. The Leaders welcomed the signing of the SAARC Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation (Electricity).

Poverty Alleviation 10. The Leaders reiterated their strong commitment to free South Asia from poverty and directed the Ministerial and Secretary-level mechanisms on poverty alleviation to review the progress and revisit the SAARC Plan of Action and its effective implementation, also taking into account the Post2015 Development Agenda. 11. They recognized the potential of cooperatives in achieving inclusive, broad-based and sustainable economic growth and development, and called for sharing of experiences, expertise and best practices in this sector.



Post-2015 Development Goals 12. The Leaders recognized that the Post-2015 Development Agenda, following its adoption at the UN, would present opportunities to compliment national and regional efforts on sustainable development. They directed to initiate an InterGovernmental process to appropriately contextualize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the regional level.

Agriculture and Food Security 13. The Heads of State or Government agreed to increase investment, promote research and development, facilitate technical cooperation and apply innovative, appropriate and reliable technologies in the agriculture sector for enhancing productivity to ensure food and nutritional security in the region. They also underscored the importance of promoting sustainable agriculture. The Leaders directed to eliminate the threshold criteria from the SAARC Food Bank Agreement so as to enable the Member States to avail food grains, during both emergency and normal time food difficulty. The Leaders urged for early ratification of the SAARC Seed Bank Agreement and directed to constitute the Seed Bank Board, pending completion of ratification by all Member States. The Leaders also directed the relevant SAARC bodies to finalize the establishment of Regional Vaccine Bank and Regional Livestock Gene Bank.

Environment 14. They directed the relevant bodies/mechanisms for effective implementation of SAARC Agreement on Rapid Response to Natural Disasters, SAARC Convention on Cooperation on Environment and Thimphu Statement on Climate Change, including taking into account the existential threats posed by climate change to some SAARC Member States. They welcomed the decision to establish the SAARC Environment and Disaster Management Centre. The Leaders underlined the urgency for the global community to arrive at a Protocol, another legal instrument, or an agreed outcome with legal force applicable to all by the end of 2015, based on the principles of Common but Differentiated Responsibility (CBDR), Respective Capabilities and Equity under the UNFCCC.

Blue Economy 15. They recognized the manifold contributions of oceanbased Blue Economy in the SAARC Region and the need for collaboration and partnership in this area.



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Health 16. The Leaders recognized the importance of achieving universal health coverage (UHC), improving health regulatory systems, preparedness for emerging and remerging diseases, and the challenges posed by anti-microbial resistance and non-communicable diseases. They endorsed the Male’ Resolution on Regional Health Issues adopted at the Fourth Meeting of the SAARC Health Ministers. They urged to continue the remarkable progress by SAARC countries in the last decade in response to AIDS with the aim to end AIDS epidemic in the region by 2030. They also directed to complete all necessary processes for upgrading the SAARC TB Reference Laboratory at SAARC TB and HIV/AIDS Centre (STAC), Kathmandu to Supra-national Reference Laboratory with necessary funding from SDF.

Education 17. The Heads of State or Government expressed their resolve to eliminating illiteracy from the region in line with the global goal of education for all and ensuring quality education in all institutions by reforming curricula, teaching methods and evaluation systems adequately supported by physical, technical and other facilities. The leaders agreed to promote regional cooperation in the field of vocational education and training. They directed their Education Ministers to develop a Regional Strategy for Enhancing the Quality of Education in order to raise the standards of South Asian educational institutions in order to better serve the youth in the region. The Leaders welcomed the progress with regard to the South Asian University.

Youth 18. They emphasized the need for adopting appropriate national policies and programmes for utilizing the youth force and their skills for economic and social development, especially through the creation of productive self-employment opportunities. The Leaders welcomed the declaration of July 15 as the World Youth Skills Day at the 69th Session of the UN General Assembly and agreed to commemorate, as appropriate, the said event by SAARC.

Women and Children 19. They directed the relevant authorities to take effective measures for preventing the trafficking in women and children and their exploitation.

Social Protection 20. The Leaders acknowledged the special needs of the

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elderly, women, children, differently-abled persons, unemployed persons, and persons working at hazardous sites and agreed to develop and strengthen social protection for them and to share best practices in this regard.

Migration 21. They also agreed to collaborate and cooperate on safe, orderly and responsible management of labour migration from South Asia to ensure safety, security and wellbeing of their migrant workers in the destination countries outside the region.

Science and Technology 22. The Leaders agreed to develop capacity of the Member States to apply space technology for socioeconomic development and the welfare of the peoples through experience sharing among themselves. In this context, they welcomed the offer of India to develop and launch a satellite dedicated to SAARC Countries.

Telecommunication 23. The Leaders directed for collaboration and engagement among public authorities and private stakeholders in the Member States to lower telephone tariff rates for facilitating greater contacts among the people of the region and called for rationalization of the tariff structures.

Tourism 24. The Leaders expressed their resolve for making South Asia an attractive common tourist destination in a sustainable manner. They directed relevant bodies to effectively implement SAARC Action Plan on Tourism (2006) particularly through initiating appropriate public-private collaboration. They also called for effective and full implementation of their existing decision to charge nationals of SAARC Member States fees for entry into archaeological and heritage sites as applicable to their own nationals.

Culture 25. They directed to effectively implement the SAARC Agenda for Culture and agreed to take measures to preserve and restitute the South Asian cultural property and create a SAARC heritage list together with the operational guidelines. They declared the year 2016 as the SAARC Year of Cultural Heritage and tasked the relevant bodies to develop an action plan for its success. They also agreed to develop a cultural trail linking major Buddhist historical sites in the region. The Leaders further agreed to facilitate

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access of persons visiting prominent and holy sites of Islam, Hinduism, Christianity and all other major religions in South Asia.

Media 26. The Leaders, recognizing the reach and influence of media, urged both public and private media to share responsibility in the efforts towards promoting understanding and cohesiveness of the SAARC Member States and their peoples.

Combating Terrorism and trans-national Crimes 27. The Leaders unequivocally condemned terrorism and violent extremism in all its forms and manifestations and underlined the need for effective cooperation among the Member States to combat them. They directed respective authorities to ensure full and effective implementation of the SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism and its Additional Protocol, including through enacting necessary legislations at the national level to root out terrorism. They reiterated their call for an early conclusion of a UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. They agreed to take effective measures to combat illicit trafficking of narcotics and psychotropic substances, arms smuggling, money laundering, counterfeit currency and other transnational crimes. They also agreed to establish a cyber crime monitoring desk.

Governance 28. They reiterated their strong commitment to ensure good governance for sustainable development by promoting accountability, transparency, the rule of law and people's participation at all levels of governance. 29. The Leaders, while expressing satisfaction over steady progress in democratization in South Asia, committed to further promote and institutionalize peace, stability, democracy and development as the common aspirations of the peoples of South Asia. In this context, they agreed on the need for cooperation and collaboration within SAARC on issues of common interest and concern to Member States.

Strengthening SAARC processes 30. The Heads of State or Government acknowledged the need to enhance the visibility and stature of SAARC in international fora by, inter alia, forging common positions on issues of mutual interest and seeking group recognition in various multilateral institutions. 31. The Leaders directed all SAARC bodies, including



the Council of Ministers, sectoral Ministerial, other bodies and institutions to develop outcome-oriented policies, programmes, projects, and activities. The Leaders directed rationalization of the work of the SAARC mechanisms, which could be reviewed intergovernmentally every three years by a regular session of the Standing Committee with a view to evaluate performance, achievements and constraints. 32. The Leaders agreed to enhance the role of the Secretariat, commensurate with the objectives of SAARC, its areas of cooperation as well as the decisions and agreements reached in the past. They committed to enhance the institutional capacity of the SAARC Secretariat, in keeping with emerging realities, to enable it to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to it, in an effective and efficient manner. 33. The Leaders expressed satisfaction on the decision to rationalize the number and activities of SAARC Regional Centers through their selective closure and merger. They reiterated their resolve to make the remaining SAARC Regional Centres and specialized institutions efficient, effective and result-oriented and directed these institutions to initiate programmes and projects that produce tangible outcomes. 34. They agreed to hold henceforth the meetings of the SAARC Summit every two years or earlier, if necessary, the Council of Ministers once a year, the Standing Committee at least once a year, and the Programming Committee at least twice a year. They also agreed to make the Programming Committee a Charter body of SAARC.

SAARC Observers 35. They welcomed the participation of Observers from Australia, the People's Republic of China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mauritius, the Union of Myanmar, the United States of America, and the European Union at the Summit. In furtherance of earlier decisions on establishing dialogue partnership with States outside the region, the Leaders appreciated the Study undertaken by the SAARC Secretariat to review and analyze the engagement with the existing Observers to establish dialogue partnership. The Leaders directed the Programming Committee to engage the SAARC Observers into productive, demand-driven and objective project based cooperation in priority areas as identified by the Member States.

Nineteenth Summit 36. The Leaders welcomed the offer of the Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan to host the Nineteenth Summit of SAARC.9



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ALACDP Initiative This is a new initiative for the government

Tumburu Gautam

offices and civil servants. It takes time for the systemic transformation.


ne of the prime requisites of good governance is to guarantee that the services of public institutions are affordable and effective. In this pretext, ALACDP as a pilot project was initiated for a time span of 42 months by Transparency International (TI) Nepal to help achieve good governance and effective public services delivery. Advocacy and Legal Advice Center (ALAC) seeks to connect the citizens a n d t h e i r g r i e va n c e s d i re c t l y, sensitize citizen's demand for greater democratization ~ transparency, accountability and integrity by the public authorities. This tool has long been tested by Transparency International to improve the quality of governance and help ensure justice to the citizens. Similarly, Development Pact (DP) is another proven tool for ensuring transparency, accountability and the rule of law. The goodness of both the tools were combined and implemented in Nepal since May 2012. Today, with the passage of over half of the project life the total number of beneficiaries who had participated in various activities recorded to be around 17013 comprising 66 percent male and 34 percent female. The mobilization of 15 district based NGO partners to champion the public service issues as a mediatory and troubleshooter to resolve the problem with local level public authorities was a positive feature of ALACDP. There has been continuous news,

articles, radio jingles, radio audio programs and visuals in the respective districts through local media. 45 media fellowships, over 306 public awareness programs and over 111 interactions at local level were conducted to disseminate the message of the program. Similarly, mass message dissemination is being conducted using all available media and IEC materials on anti-corruption and promotion of democratic values. There are functional ALACs with a dedicated person reachable through free hotline in each of the project districts. The grievances of remaining districts are handled by Kathmandu directly. Around 1642 people contacted those district based ALACs and lodged their grievances and suggestions. For the last two years 1950 cases seeking help for justice were reported and registered through these centers. Similarly, as a result of continuous intervention and efforts made by the project, Development Pacts (DP) have been signed by 21 different government offices in 9 districts. Those committed government offices have voluntarily formed a monitoring committee that regularly assesses the promises made. The administrative and behavioral changes has been observed in those offices so far. There is still a lots of room for improvement. This program and its interventions provided an opportunity for both supply and demand side to understand the need and limitations of each other

while it also served as a platform for civil servants and citizens to minutely discuss on their common issues. During the interactions some of the representative opinion, issues and grievances brought by the citizens include the following:  Citizens expressed their dissatisfaction regarding the public offices not being friendly. They do not get a feeling that it belongs to them. There is absence of even fundamental facilities like a designated place to wait, toilets, drinking water, name plates in each officers' chamber.  Service receivers complained that there is no special arrangement for people with disability, women and senior citizen.  Some service receivers complained about absenteeism of the government employees.  Citizens complained that they are deprived of even regular supplies, gas, kerosene, firewood due to irregularities and black marketing. There is no control of the market by the concerned government authority.  Many local citizens and social activist showed anger against the third party interference and commission agents in the government office premises. They also showed concern over high handedness, nepotism and misuse of influence to get the work done from the government offices.


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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g In order to encourage public to report against mis-conduct, intentional delays, bribery, speed money, favor etc ALACDP implemented an information/reporting corner at the premises of concerned government office, taking the necessary permission from the authority. This action (referred as Mobile ALAC) was implemented as per the demand of public and where there were a large number of visitors on regular basis. During the office hours, program staff and volunteers seated in the office premises recorded such grievances of the public and at the end of the day briefed about all those grievances to that office head. It became very lively tool to make the government officers to address the issues of general public. Further, TI Nepal has provisioned a toll free number, 1660-01-222-11, handled by the dedicated staff. The suggestions, complaints and grievances received are very diverse; including domestic violence and fraud committed by the manpower agencies while they send people abroad. Some of the representative issues are enlisted below:  Irregularities by the transport

management office while issuing road permit.  Irregularities in the vehicle parking fees in the municipality.  Government has declared free education but in reality the government schools are charging high fees in many excuses. Citizens demand action against those schools.  The free medicine from the government is not being given to the actual needy citizens. There is no proper record how it is being distributed. Those medicines are sold through the private outlets. Citizens demand that the culprit be penalized. This is a new initiative for the government offices and civil servants. It takes time for the systemic transformation. They are not used to work in coordination and being watched by civil society and citizens on their day to day performance. There is a need for a shift in behavior and work culture of the government employees. However, slowly they are being adapted and are being motivated to render citizen centric


services. While considering the continuity and persistent intervention there are few challenges. Local NGOs in the districts are mostly operating on a volunteer basis with very limited resources. They lack security in terms of adequate support, coordination with local government authorities and limited legal expertise to run a full-fledged ALAC. Further, there is an uncooperative attitude and work culture in many public institutions towards citizen. The impact of the initiative is slowly being seen at the local level where public demand for transparency, accountability and integrity is gradually rising. There is apprehension that DP will continue to be functional supported by the committed offices, local NGOs and most importantly by the trust and alert local community. We are thankful to the government offices and the public servants who took the initiative to sign the pledge vowing to continuously improve the public services being delivered to the local citizens which they actually deserve.9

Development Pact (DP) Signing government Offices District

Date of Signing


 Siddhartha Nagar Municipality  District Survey Office  District Land Revenue Office

2070/1/30 B.S. 2070/1/31 B.S. 2070/1/31 B.S.

Mr. Tika Dutta Rai, Executive Officer Mr. Anil Marasini, Office Chief Survey Mr. Shankar Prasad Subedi, Revenue Officer


 District Development Committee  District Land Revenue Office  District Administration Office

2070/1/20 B.S. 2070/2/1 B.S. 2071/1/9 B.S.

Mr. Bandhu Prasad Bastola, LDO Mr. Ghanashyam Upadhyay, Revenue Officer Mr. Narendra Raj Sharma, CDO


 Triyuga Municipality  District Forest Office  District Health Office

2070/2/14 B.S. 2071/3/31 B.S. 2071/3/31 B.S.

Mr. Khilraj Rai, Executive Officer Mr. Kishorchandra Gautam, Dist. Forest Officer Mr. Sumal Lal Das, District Health Officer

 District Administration Office  Ilam Municipality  District Development Committee

2070/2/30 B.S. 2070/2/30 B.S. 2070/2/30 B.S.

Mr. Baburam Khatiwada, CDO Mr. Agni Prasad Adhikari, Executive Officer Mr. Suman Ghimire, LDO



DP Signing Government Office

 District Land Reform Office

2070/2/13 B.S.

Mr. Giriraj Gyawali, Revenue Officer


 Pokhara Sub Metropolis

2070/5/30 B.S.

Mr. Jhalak Ram Adhikari, Executive Officer


 District Administration Office  District Land Revenue Office

2071/3/6 B.S. 2071/3/6 B.S.

Mr. Kamal Raj Dhakal, CDO Mr. Ram Chandra Aryal, Officer


 District Administration Office  Dhangadi Municipality

2071/3/24 B.S. 2071/3/24 B.S.

Mr. Bedprakash Lekhak, CDO Mr. Ramlal Shrestha, Executive Officer


 District Administration Office  District Land Revenue Office  District Survey Office

2071/3/25 B.S. 2071/3/25 B.S. 2071/3/25 B.S.

Mr. Dil Bahadur Ghimire, CDO Mr. Mukti Narayan Bhandari, Sr. Officer Mr. Dharmaraj Ojha, Survey Officer


Mr. Gautam is Program Coordinator at TI Nepal



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Building National Integrity in Nepal (BNIN) Program: A Snapshot Mohan Budhathoki

Transparency International Nepal (TIN) and the Royal Norwegian Embassy (RNE) agreed to work together on this program and signed the contract on July 23, 2014.


uilding National Integrity in Nepal (BNIN) is a broad anti-corruption programme that integrates a variety of interrelated activities to promote transparency and accountability and counter corruption in various areas of public life. Transparency International Nepal (TIN) and the Royal Norwegian Embassy (RNE) agreed to work together on this program and signed the contract on July 23, 2014. Goal of the project: Contribute to reduce public sector corruption in Nepal Purpose: Strengthen the anti-corruption movement and increase public integrity in key service institutions, sectors and society.

Expected Outcomes of the project 1. Policy reforms submitted to the government and NIS institutions (strategic area: advocacy and interventions) 2. Increased engagement of national and international partners towards anti-corruption initiatives (strategic area: coalitions) 3. Responsive and accountable public service delivery, financial management and procurement syste in targeted offices (strategic area: sectoral focus) 4. Moral and ethical values of integrity promoted in the society (strategic area: promoting values)

BNIN program districts

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Progress The update of initial six months of BNIN project is divided into two folds, i) inception phase, and ii) implementation phase. First 3 months, from late July to October, was considered as inception phase. Inception Phase Synopsis of inception phase  Obtained project approval from Social Welfare Council (SWC)  Identification of district partners in 9 districts and MoU signed  Procurement of vehicle and project equipments  HR management  Enacted Finance and Program Reporting template for AO  Formulated Finance and Administrative guideline for AO  Drafted BNIN brochure

Implementation phase Synopsis of implementation phase  Marking the anti-corruption day  Convened regional conference in central region  Training to AOs  Conducted Mobile ALAC

Results  Through the Central Regional Conference organized in Gaur, TIN was able to disseminate the findings of the National Integrity Study among the stakeholders. The lead researcher of NIS Mr. Regmee’s and journalist Prem Chandra Jha presentation highlighted on the decreasing level of integrity in the government and public sector of Nepal. Overall the program was able to generate greater understanding of nature and severity of Nepal’s deficiencies of integrity in institutions.  For better-informed and more targeted advocacy, TIN ran a Mobile ALAC on 31st December 2014 in front of the District Administration Office where 42 grievances were collected. The collected grievances during



Mobile ALAC were later briefed at the joint meeting held with the Chief District Officer, Local Development Authorities, Nepal Electricity Authority and other relevant representative of public services. This program to some extent gave an insight to understand the service delivery problems at the district level.  Two major programs organized in the month of December gained much credibility from the stakeholders in the Rautahat District. Rautahat is one of the least developed districts in Nepal and stands lowest on the Human Development Index (HDI) albeit this program had sensitized the relevant stakeholders and the citizens on the ills effect of corruption and to some extent the importance of promoting good governance to achieve sustainable development.  In cooperation with Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority and Office of Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Transparency International Nepal observed the programme on International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9, 2014 at CIAA Office Premises. A message targeting politicians, parliamentarians, government, judiciary, civil society, media and the CIAA was made public by TI Nepal on that day.  TIN encourages and pressure participation of women in the workshops and conferences organized so that women are also made aware about the misbehaviors and treatment and to be aware of their basic rights and liberty. In addition, TIN while recruiting officers for the implementation of the program at the central level as well as the district level provided higher importance to female candidates. Currently, at the central level, the project implementation team of 5 members consists of 2 female officers and the program officers of 9 Affiliated Organizations (AOs) 3 members are female. BNIN team  Mr. Mohan Budhathoki, Program Coordinator  Mr. Rajeev Kunwar, Senior Program Officer (Research and Advocacy)  Ms. Nisha Aryal, Program Office (Monitoring & Evaluation)  Ms. Sujita Napit, Administrative and Finance Officer  Mr. Raju Baniya, Driver & logistics Assistant.9 (Mr. Budhathoki is a Program Coordinator at TI Nepal)



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Political Will Analysis (PWA) of National Integrity System (NIS) A Case of Nepalese Executive

The objective of anti-corruption posture and action of public officials is to be insured by the efficiency and effectiveness of anti-corruption laws, rules and regulations and activities in Nepal.

Rajeev Kunwar

1. The context of mapping of political will analysis (PWA) is the political want, political can and political must of 12 pillars of the National Integrity System (NIS) excluding ombudsman as there is an absence of such a separate agency in Nepal. It is an attempt to map the PWA of state sector mainly the Executive. Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary, AntiCorruption Agencies {Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA), National Vigilance Center (NVC), and Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs)}, Electoral Management Body (EMB), Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), Public Sector (PS), media, civil society and political parties. Among these state sectors, the Executive is mapped under the existing legal framework on AntiCorruption efforts, initiatives and programmes, policies and activities. On this backdrop Transparency

International suggests to connect the National Integrity Context and System Analysis (NICSA) with the PWA based on or adapted from the book on Political Won't to Political Will: Building Support for Participatory Governance, Carmen Malena (ed.), (Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press, 2009). This methodology identifies three mutually reinforcing elements of political will – political want, political can and political must. In order for power holders to become committed to action - they need/desire/want to undertake a given action, feel confident they can undertake that action and intrinsically they must undertake the action. Each of the elements of political want, political can and political must is influenced by a wide range of underlying factors at the individual, organizational, relational and societal levels.

2. PWA of the Executive Positive factors

The objective of anti-corruption action of public officials is to be insured by the efficiency and effectiveness of anti-corruption laws, rules and regulations and activities in Nepal. To measure PWA of the Executive, a key and principal target state institution, and to explore the Executive's positive and negative factors affecting its want, can and must, specified priority areas have to be worked out as action points. The prominent targets for mapping PWA to make anti-corruption laws effective are: state, civil society and business i.e., categorized under the state, non-state and private sectors. A question posed by the anti-corruption community is about the role of stakeholders (office bearers, institutions and individuals) who should act in making society conscious of the rule of law and good governance.

Political want Negative factors

Often anti-corruption commitments are expressed forcefully

Frequent change in the government of Nepal

Willingness of cooperation with anti-corruption agencies

A Gap in public policy and its implementation

Signatory to the UNCAC

Waning of public trust in the government

Keen on updating anti-corruption laws

Past commitments are not observed fully and new challenges emerging

Code of Conduct and Ethics of Public Officials are developed

Public perception in adherence, internalization, implementation and enforcement by the political and administrative agents is not at satisfactory level

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Political can the Executive body to enact the laws which are standard legal document Seeking loopholes in legal provision by corrupt agents are even in South Asia contempt of the Executive power Warning, precaution and preventive measures against corruption are Manipulating apprehensiveness if the culprits are occupying legalized the Executive domain It can oversee the administration's vulnerability to corruption

Could not translate legal stance into reality

Build allies with state, non-state and private entities to safeguard its Good Governance Act 2064 (2007A.D.) and Public respective business from venal tendencies Procurement Act 2063 (2006 A.D.) in letters not in spirit Positioned to narrow the noticeable gap in legal regime and Inclined to evade the Right to Information Act 2064 (2007 implementation A.D.)

Political must The Executive is compulsion to act against corruption

Tampering the Executive moves by the vested interest groups indulged in corruption

National and international pressure to the Executive with regard to United Absence of consistent proactive measures to comply with Nations on Convention against Corruption, Anti-Money Laundering movement oversight and anti-corruption agencies and Corruption Prevention Act 2059 (2003 A.D.) For clean economic growth and sustainable peace, the Executive has to The nexus of corrupt agents are still intact as seen from deal forthrightly to stem corruption investment and infrastructure sector of public money The Executive to be clean, honest and responsive to changes in corrupt Difficult to bridge the gap between principles and practices practice.

3. Priority Action Points for the Executive 1. Enforce the Good Governance Act 2064 (2007 A.D.) throughout the country. 2. Public Officials to follow Civil Servant Code of Conduct. 3. Individuals at the helm of the Executive power to take anti-corruption measures. Political will that supports to the effective leadership must be forthcoming from an individual level which is inherent in leading the concerned institutions. 4. The organizational set-up has to functionally operate to optimum level capacity, governance and roles. 5. The relational part is to be deepened among pillars of NIS to weed out corruption. 6. The societal perception has to be gradually improved upon by the Executive's duties, obligations and self-inspiring leadership. 7. The business allocation of governmental agencies must be followed strictly in terms of function and structure to maintain good governance. 8. The Law Enforcement Agencies must be effective, efficient and prompt.

4. With a participation of a wide array of government, non-government and political sector to elicit political will, the first PWA meeting in 2013 was interactive and it assessed the important agencies which are decisive in anti-corruption initiatives. There is a political want in anti- corruption agencies, political can in civil servant but their capacity to act is low with a low level of competence in particular task. Political must is feeble, political want is lacking and political can is very weak as well in Nepal. The activism and dynamism in leadership is a prerequisite. Three organs of the state – legislature, executive and judiciary are important institutions for checking corruption – strong law, rules and regulations must be inforced. Those involved in

anti-corruption endeavor with law enforcement agencies have the prime responsibility in this regard. Concluding this note, the need for political will on anti-corruption drive is a charismatic leadership based on ethics, probity and integrity. In this context, the institutional leader must have boldness, commitment and dedication to grapple the menace of corruption. The stakeholders are leaders, exbureaucrats, policymakers, senior journalists, civil society activists, public officials of state agencies and business entrepreneurs. It is a must for these actors to interact and interface frequently to resolve this core problem in the short-term, medium-term and long-term. Freedom comes with great

responsibility and if there is erosion of ethics and integrity then NIS and its emerging trend will lose appropriate functional momentum. Even if there are finest and comprehensive law, public policy and strategy on anticorruption, the establishment of corruption-free society is a distant dream as it will be a daunting problem facing the world's governments. The moral foundations have become threadbare in the NIS in the current history. To tackle this perversion there ought to be ceaseless initiatives and unparallel motivation, courage and enthusiasm in political leadership. By these public affairs, relations and engagements translate into integrity based behaviours.9 (Mr. Kunwar is a Senior Program Officer at TI Nepal)



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Status of Anti-Corruption in Nepal Pankaj Kumar


n 2014 Nepal ranked 126th out of 175 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index and tied with Azerbaijan, Gambia, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Pakistan and Togo. The Corruption Pe r c e p t i o n s I n d e x ( C P I ) o f Transparency International, measures the perceived level of corruption in a country.These figures give a standard insight into the current status of the country. Nepal has entered a zone where corruption is a part and parcel of our lives. The lack of improvement in Nepal’s rank shows that Nepalese have become indifferent towards corruption in the country.Corruption is a serious economic issue as it adversely affects the country’s economic development and achievement of Directive Principles of State Policy. It leads to inefficiency in utilization of resources, distorts the markets, compromises quality, destroys the environment and of late has become a serious threat to national security and also a national problem. It adds to the deprivation of the poor and weaker sections of the society. In the past few years we have heard voices in the civil society speaking against corruption. This was the crescendo to the scream of frustration of the public suffering for so long. It resulted in the creation of new political outfits and made anti-corruption a household word,

It is important to understand the factors that have made corrupt practices a habit and honesty a rare virtue in Nepal. There are various cultural and organizational factors responsible for the rampant corruption in Nepal.

but had a minimalistic impact on the functioning of the government. An eradication of corruption from the public service delivery system in Nepal does not merely require moral conscience but should be considered Nepal’s duty under an instrument of international covenant such as UNCAC. Nepal is a signatory of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), which was ratified in 2011, eight years after signing it. It is now up for a periodic review. The Convention demands that the country should have a mechanism to tackle corruption. It requires independent bodies to keep a check on corruption in government and the private sector. The prevention of Corruption Act, 2002 and RTI Act, 2007 were passed in order to carry out corruption control activities more efficiently and effectively. The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA), is an apex constitutional body to curb corruption and its tentacles in the country. Interim constitution of Nepal 2007 has empowered CIAA to investigate and probe cases against the persons holding any public office and their associates who are indulged in the abuse of authority by way of corruption and/or improper conduct. The 2007 Right to Information (RTI) Act represents one of the

most critical achievements of the country in the fight against corruption in recent years.Brought in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority and for matters connected therewith, the policy of information disclosure is a step in the right direction. But they are used sparingly. The Government has not taken adequate steps to disseminate information about the Act, its exact provisions and penalty clauses. People who need it most lack awareness about the Act, and illiterate and semi-literate people cannot use it without assistance. Awareness about RTI and the ability to use RTI without any fear by common citizens are the greatest challenges faced in achieving the aim and objective of RTI. It is important to understand the factors that have made corrupt practices a habit and honesty a rare virtue in Nepal. There are various cultural and organizational factors responsible for the rampant corruption in Nepal. Nepal is characterized by rigid bureaucratic structures, poorly-paid civil servants, an exclusivist process of decisionmaking, and the absence of effective internal control mechanisms. Corruption scandals involving high ranking officials and ministers periodically hit the headlines, undermining the legitimacy of

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g democratic processes. Citizens’ have lost all trust in public institutions. The punishment for corrupt officials is not considered harsh enough to act as a deterrent. The public trust in democratic processes in Nepal is seriously undermined by opaque financing of electoral processes, widespread bribery and other corrupt practices. Freedom House reports that the electoral system relies on black money obtained by dubious means, including tax evasion. Corruption has spread to the lowest rung and the people are trapped in a vicious cycle. Public Procurement is especially vulnerable to corruption. In Nepal, there is an excellent framework of rules for public procurement that requires open tenders available to all qualified firms without discrimination, the use of nondiscriminatory tender documents, public bid openings and selection of the most advantageous tenders, taking all factors into consideration. These rules are ignored most of the time. It is difficult for a firm to get a government contract without resorting to corrupt practices. Most contracts are given to companies that pay bribes or if the owners are related to the officials in-charge. Cartels and collusion in public procurement is common practice in Public Procurement in Nepal. Procedures surrounding access to water and electricity are complicated and cumbersome and firms may be tempted to make ‘facilitation payments’ to speed up the process. There is almost no accountability in the tender process. To truly address the problem of corruption it is important to truly understand the causes. Most people believe that poverty and lack of development are causes for corruption. However, they are mere consequences. The real cause of corruption is ‘avarice’. The Nepalese society now respect wealth the most, and thus everyone is caught up in a bid to create more money

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Finally an important requirement for the success of anticorruption framework is that it should be participative i.e. involve all the stakeholders from citizen to law maker, from investigative agency to law enforcement agency and establishing coordination among all stake holder in fighting corruption. These elements have been lacking so far.

by any means. In Nepal, the most common reason people say they’ve paid a bribe is to speed things up, followed by wanting to avoid getting in trouble with authorities. Corruption is inextricably linked to cultural traits, and changing the culture is a very slow process. Corruption is neither a new nor a unique phenomenon to Nepal. Anticorruption laws and institutions are only as good as the people who uphold their founding principles. There is no substitute for individual integrity and ethical value system in the fight against corruption and this sense of integrity needs to be inculcated amongst the country’s citizens.High expectation of corruption and low probability of getting caught clubbed with time taking judicial process creates a culture of immunity.The biggest problem that we face in getting cooperation from people is lack of awareness of the existing laws against corrupt practices. The second problem is apathy. People are so disillusioned with the government and the judicial process that they prefer giving a bribe or withhold information rather than assisting authorities. Nepal needs to adopt new methods to tackle corruption. One of the



strategies and successful technique is the leveraging of technology to combat corruption, by adopting IT and automate process in corruption prone areas. Instruments such as the ‘Integrity Pledge’ developed by TIN which by addressing the transparent process in public sector has helped increased transparency and thus increase accountability are also very useful tools against corruption. In a country like Nepal, where government control is high, and for most things people are dependent on the services provided by government agencies, it is important to have an efficient mechanism for public grievance redressal. The existing machineries for handling public grievances are too time-consuming, distant or expensive. The public grievance system in Nepal needs revamping. In the end, in Nepal anti-corruption efforts were so far focussed only on enforcement wherein it was assumed that strict enforcement of anti-corruption laws and punishing the corrupt public servants will have a serious deterrent effect. This approach has not been effective because of the cumbersome process involved right from getting registration of criminal complaint, punishing the errant and the deterrent effect is lost due to delay and dilution of punishment. Therefore anti corruption strategy, should lay greater emphasis on prevention and education and generation of awareness among the common citizen as a more effective and sustainable means of fighting corruption. Finally an important requirement for the success of anti-corruption framework is that it should be participative i.e. involve all the stakeholders from citizen to law maker, from investigative agency to law enforcement agency and establishing coordination among all stake holder in fighting corruption. These elements have been lacking so far.9 (Mr. Kumar is an Exchange Fellow from TI India)


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e|i6frf/sf ;DaGwdf ljleGg ;+:yfn] u/]sf] kl/efiff 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn e|i6frf/ eGgfn] ;fj{hlgs If]qdf sfd ug]{ kbflwsf/L / /fhgLlts jf ;/sf/L clws[tn] cfk"mnfO{ ;'lDkPsf] clVtof/L / zlQmsf] b'¿kof]u u/L s'g} klg JolQm jf ;Da4 JolQmx?sf] lghL kmfObfsf] nflu k|of]u ug]{ jf u}/sfg"gL Jojxf/nfO{ hgfpF5 . ljZj a}+s lghL kmfObfsf nflu ;fj{hlgs cf]xbfsf] b'¿kof]u g} e|i6frf/ xf] . ;+o'Qm /fi6«;ª\3 e|i6frf/ eGgfn] lghL nfesf] nflu ;fj{hlgs zlQmsf] b'¿kof]u xf], h;n] ;fj{hlgs lxtdf cj/f]w k}bf ub{5 . (UN Manual on Anti-Corruption Policy Vienna 2001) PlzofnL ljsf; a}Í e|i6frf/ eGgfn] ;fj{hlgs / lghL If]qdf sfo{/t kbflwsf/Lx?sf] To; lsl;dsf] Jojxf/nfO{ hgfpF5, h;af6 pgLx? cfk}mF tyf cfˆgf glhssf hf]–sf]xLnfO{ kbsf] b'¿kof]u u/L cg'lrt / u}/sfg"gL?kdf kmfObf k'¥ofpg] sfd ul/G5 . o'/f]kn ] L ;ª\3 e|i6frf/ eGgfn] ;Da4 kbflwsf/LnfO{ cfˆgf] sfo{;Dkfbgsf] qmddf cfjZos x'g] kbLo bfloTj / Jojxf/af6 ljd'v t'Nofpg] u/L k|ToIf / ck|ToIf?kdf 3"; jf c? s'g} cg'lrt kmfObf lng], lbg], dfUg], :jLsfg]{ / :jLsf/ ug{ ;Sg] l:yltnfO{ hgfpF5 .



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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

u'gf;f] ;'Gg] ;+oGqnfO{ wGojfb


G;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn @= km};nfkl5 gful/stf cg';"rL ;fnb]lv g} :yflkt ePsf], oL g]kfnn] v]n]sf] e"ldsfk|lt d kmf/ddf pNn]v ePsf] s'/f ;jf]{Rr cbfntn] klg 7x/ cfef/ k|s6 ub{5' . sfg"gL d"No / ljsNkdWo] ægofF 9fFrfdfÆ tf]sL ul/;s]sf] nufotsf tYo :yflkt dfGotfg';f/ txut d'2f n8L clGtd gful/stf k|df0f–kq kfpF egL eP klg d]/f] ljifosf] s'/f yfxf km};nf eO{ lsgf/f nflu;s]sf] l;kmfl/;;lxtsf] kmf/d ldlt gkfPsf] ;'Gbf xSs g aSs cj:yfdf klg cg]s axfgfdf lhNnf @)^&–)#–#)df a'emfPsf] . gofF ePsf] lyPF . k|zf;g sfof{non] sfg"g k|bQ 9fFrfsf]] ;§f cfk"m;Fu ePsf] %= o;kl5 k|d'v lhNnf ;]jf glbO{ hfgL–hfgL cfn6fn c~rnfwLz sfo{sfnsf] clwsf/LHo" ;dIf cfˆgf] ;d:of u/]sf], b'Mv lbPsf], e]befj u/]sf] gful/stfsf] k|ltlnkL lbOof] . /fVbf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] km};nfdf k"jf{u|fxL dgzfon] nfdf] ;do;Dd #= @)^&–)#–#) b]lv u[x dGqfnosf] q'l6 5, lg0f{o ug{ ;do nfU5 cfˆgf] bfloÎjaf6 klG5g] sfd u/]sf] gful/stf zfvf / P]g–lgod eGg] cfn6fn eO/fv]sf] b]Vbf cj:yfdf 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn k/fdz{ zfvfnfO{ cg]s axfgfdf k'gM bf];|f] k6s ægofF 9fFrfdfÆ g]kfnn] lgjf{x u/]sf] e"ldsf ljlzi6 kq n]Vg] sfd ul/of] . n]lvPsf tf]sL ldlt @)^(–)!–!* df btf{ 5. kqx?df gful/stfsf] /]s8{;d]t u/]sf] gful/stf cg';"rL kmf/dnfO{ gi6 ePsfn] s] ug] { < k| l tlnlk sfof{Gjogsf] lglDt ;Ddflgt k[i7e"ld ljifodf låljwf ePsf]n] s] ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] km};nfpk/ != afNosfndf c~rnfwLz ug]{ < hGd ldlt gePsf]n] s] k/dfb]z hf/L eO;s]sf] cj:yf sfof{noaf6 k|fKt u/]sf] ug]{ < c~rnfwLz sfof{non] hf/L 5 . cbfntsf] cjx]ngf d'2f gful/stf k|df0f–kqdf hGd ldlt, u/]sf] gful/stf k|df0f–kqdf j8f ljrf/fwLg 5 . j8f g+=, gu/kflnsf cflbsf] g+= / xfnsf] 7]ufgf g ePsfn] s] ^= ldlt @)^(–)!–!* df btf{ a]xf]/f lyPg, x'g] s'/f klg ePg . s;/L ug]{ < ;ˆ6j]o/nfO{ rflxg] u/]sf] gful/stf cg';"rL hGd–btf{, j8f / gu/kflnsfsf] s]xL ljj/0f gk'u ePsfn] s] kmf/dnfO{ sfof{Gjogsf] lglDt cjwf/0ff tÎsflng cj:yfdf ug]{ < ;Dk"0f{ s'/fsf] hfgsf/L ;Ddflgt ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] lyPg . oxL sf/0f b]vfO{ ;Ddflgt ;jf]{Rr cbfntn] 7x/ km};nfpk/ k'g/fj]bg cbfntsf] u[xdGqLsf] ldlt @)%*–!!–@! u/]sf] v08df x'Fbfx'+Fb} cndnfpg] k/dfb]z hf/L eO;s]sf] cj:yf sf] lg0f{on] d]/f] gful/stf sfd ul/of] . 5 . k/dfb]z cg';f/ æklxn] lnPsf] ab/ ePsf] / ;Ddflgt ;jf]{Rr $= d] / f] a' a fsf] gful/stf g] k fnL;/x gful/stfsf] k|df0f–kq lvrL cbfntsf] ldlt @)^^–!!–!* b] l vPsf] , d] / f] 3/–7] u fgf x] 6 f} + 8 f– k"0f{ ljj/0f;lxtsf] gful/stfsf] sf] km};nfn] gful/stf ;b/ !) d] / f] hGd k" j { g} :yflkt k|df0f–kq lbg"Æ elgPsf] 5 .9 ePsf] xf] . km};nfkl5 d]/f] gful/ ePsf], cfdf–a'afsf] gfpFdf s–x}l;ot cfd–g]kfnL;/x sfod czf]ss'df/ ;fx 3/hUuf xs–ef]u x:tfGt/0f @)!# eO;s]sf] cj:yf 5 . x]6f}+8f


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g


ljr/f Û xl/s[i0f


/fwf Û /fwf Û========Ú xl/s[i0f u]6 afl/xaf6 lrRofof] . efG5fdf sfd ub}{ u/]sL /fwf xtf/– xtf/ u] 6 sf] r' S s' n vf] l nlbO{ . /fwfsf kl5–kl5 xl/s[i0f uof] . …;/sf/L sfd slxn] hfnf 3fd eG5g\, t/ k';df t 3fd hfFbf–hfFb} /ft k5{ .Ú a}7s sf]7fdf nrsbf/ zf]kmfdf nlRsFb} eGof], …3/ cfpFbf hlxn] /ft k5{ . g /fd|f] k};f g} x'G5, ;?jfdf klg s:tf] dGqfnodf ub{Øf xf]nf <Ú xl/s[i0fsf] ;dy{gdf d'G6f] xNnfO{, /fwfn] . olta]/;Dd p;n] cfˆgf] 6fO{ vf]ln;s]sf] lyof] . ;6{sf] 6fFs km'sfNb} eGof], …;/sf/L hflu/ vfPsf] lg % jif{ x'g nfUof], sf7df8f}+df Pp6f 3/afx]s c? s]xL hf]g{ ;lsPg .Ú olta]/;Dd p;n] ;6{ km'sfln;s]sf] lyof] . /fwf klg rfxGyL, >Ldfg\ n ] /fd| f ] k} ;f sdfcf];\ . l5d]s Lsf] eGbf w]/} wg;DklQ xf];\ clg hUuf–hldg klg . ;fgsf ;fy afFRg kfOof];\ . l5d]sLx? ;w}+ cfˆgf] wg;DklQsf] 8fxf u?g\ . >Ldfg\sf s'/f ;'Gb} p;s} ;dy{gdf d' G 6f] d fq xNnfPsL /fwf af] n L, …tkfO{+eGbf b'O{ jif{kl5 zfvf clws[t ePsf xfd|f] ufpFsf tNnf/]sf] h]7f] 5f]/fn] t cf}wL k};f sdfP5 lg < cfh jL/u~haf6 ;'GtnLn] kmf]g u/]sL lyO{ . p;}sf] avfg ub}{ lyO{ .Ú xl/s[i0fn] pÎ;'stfsf ;fy ;' l g/Xof] . /fwf lj:tf/ ub} { uO{ , …jL/u~hdf Pp6f 3/ lsg] /] . lxhf] 3/–hUuf kf; lg u/]5g\ . ;'GtnLsf

lji0f' kf}8]n u'NdL

a"9f bnfn /] . ;'GtnL eGb} lyO{ ! s/f]8sf] sf/f]jf/ xfDnfO{ % k|ltzt sldzg lg % nfv cfof] .Ú /fwfn] olt s'/f elg;Sbf xl/s[i0fn] sk8f km] l /;s] s f] lyof] . /fwfn] ;'gfPsf] s'/faf6 pm nfnflot eof] . dgdg} ;f]+lr/x]sf] lyof] . Tof] ufpFsf] RofFv'/]n] s;/L olt w]/} k};f sdfP5 . of] s'/f p;sf] dgdf l;of] laem]e}mF la‰of] . dgdg} ;f]FRof] d kfFr jif{ zfvf clws[t clg pm @ jif{ gf;' # jif{ zfvf clws[t . s;/L sdfof] olt w]/} k};f . 7fGof] of] s'/f]sf] r'/f] h;/L lg kQf nufpg' k5{ . /fwf a;] s } ;f] k mfdf a:b} eGof] , …clg s'g dGqfnodf s] sfd ub}{ /}5 ;f]lwg;\ <Ú /fwf klg sd af7L lyO{ / < p;n] k};f s;/L sdfof] eGg] s'/f ;'GtnL;Fu a]lnlj:tf/ ;f]w]sL lyO{ . …jL/u~h eG;f/df /] ÛÚ /fwfn] egL, …ToxfF ;?jf ePsf] aNn 8]9 jif{ eof] /] ÛÚ xl/s[i0fn] eG;f/df /fd|f] sdfO{ x'G5 eGg] s'/f klxNo} yfxf kfPsf] lyof] . t/, cl3Nnf]k6s ;?jf x'Fbf p;sf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg sdhf]/ ePsf]n] eG;f/ /f]Hg kfPsf] lyPg . /fwfsf s'/f ;'lg;s]kl5 p;n] h;/L lg, eG;f/df

;?jf dfUg] ljrf/ u¥of] . /, dgdf b[9tf klg lnof] . …s] ;f]FlrÚ/f <Ú /fwfn] ;f]wL, …vfgf vfg] xf]Og ca <Ú pm lgb|faf6 Ao"Fe]me}mF em;Ë eof] . p;nfO{ dg leq–leq} kf]ln/x]sf] lyof] . s] ug]{ s;f] ug]{ < dgdg} ;f]lr/x]sf] lyof] . t/ klg /fwfnfO{ eGg] ;'/ u/]g . 7fGof], …s] o;nfO{ eg]/ eG;f/ kfOG5 / <Ú …n n vfgf 6]andf /fVb} u/ .Ú /fwf efG5fdf uO{ . pm afy?ddf nfUof] . tLg}hgfn] ;Fu} a;]/ vfgf vfg yfn] . t/, cl3–kl5 b'O{k6s yk]/ vfg] xl/s[i0fn] cfh yKg' t k/} hfcf];\ ;'?sf] eft klg yfnd} 5f]8Øf] . p;n] vfgf vfPsf] x]bf{ nfUYof] pm ylnP/ ev{/} p7]sf] 5 . 3l/3l/ xftn] eft v]nfO/xGYof], ev{/} vfg l;s]sf] aRrfh:t} u/L . /fwfn] p;sf] rfn lgofnL /xL dfq, t/ s]xL af]lng\ . vfgf vfO{ ;s]kl5 a]8?dlt/ nfu] . x/Ls[i0f 6LeLdf /]l:nË v'a} dg k/fpFYof] . lsrgsf] sfd ;s]/ /fwf a]8?ddf hfFbf pm /]l:nËd} tNnLg x'GYof] . t/ cfh 6LeLsf] l/df] 6 ;Dd lyF R g] sf] l ;; u/]g . …cfh t 6LeL lau|]5 ls s;f] dxfzo ÛÚ sf]7fdf l5b}{ /fwfn] dGb d':sfgdf lhl:sFb} egL . t/ xl/s[ i 0fnfO{ /fwf;F u af] N g} dg nfu]sf] lyPg . t} klg /fwfsf] dGb d':sfgsf] xTof ug{ rfx]g . :ki6Ls/0f lbof], …cl3 Rofgn uPsf] lyof], ToxL eP/ aGb u/]sf] .Ú o:tf



agfj6L :ki6Ls/0f lbg pm vlKk; lyof] . lsgls clkm;df p;nfO{ o:t} afgL k/]sf] lyof] . 38Ln] /ftsf] *M#) ahfO;s]sf] lyof] . k'; dlxgf ePsf]n] lr;f] lgs} a9\bf] lyof] . b'O{ lbgcl3b]lv aflx/ afSnf] x':;' nfu]sf] lyof] . kfgL k5{ ls h:tf] lyof], t/ kg{ ;s]sf] lyPg . /fwfnfO{ ;'Tg cfu|x u¥of] . …cfR5'5'5' Û slt lr;f] . vf]O{ cln k/ ;g'{;\ .Ú ANofª\s]6 tfGb} /fwfn] egL, …cl3–kl5 eg] d}n] b'O{k6s ;kgf b]Vg] a]nf;Dd 6LeLdf x'GYof] Wofg .Ú a]nf–a]nfdf t pgLx?sf] 6LeLs} ljifonfO{ lnP/ emu8f;d]t kYof]{ . …o:tf 6LeL k|]dLn] t 6LeL;Fu} lax] u¥of ef x'GYof] lg ÛÚ Tof] a]nf /fwf l/;fpFb} eGyL, …lbgel/ clkm;nfO{ 6fO{d /flt eof] 6LeLdf Wofg dnfO{ kb}{g <Ú t/, cfh /fwfnfO{ lgs} cfZro{ nfu]sf] lyof], p;sf] Aojxf/ b]v]/ . pm k|m]; lyPg . To;}n] Tolt w]/} af]Ng rflxg . Ps} l5gkl5 /fwf £jfF/====£jfF/==== u/L 3'b}{ lgbfO{ . t/, xl/s[i0f lgbfpg ;s] g . p;nfO{ /fwfn] ;' g fPsf] s'/fn] dg lk/f]ln/Xof] . aflx/ lgs} lr;f] eP klg p;sf] dg hln/Xof] . t/ bdsn e]6Øfpg p;nfO{ lgs} d'l:sn k¥of] . dgdg} ;f]FRof], …ef]ln h;/L eP lg ;f];{–kmf];{ nufP/ eG;f/ ;?jfsf] k| l qmof yfNg' k 5{ . a? clnslt k};f vr{ eP/ s] ef] < ptf uP/ hlt rfXof] Tolt sdfpg ;lsxflnG5 . hfaf] !÷@ nfvsf] s] lrGtf .Ú ef]ln laxfg} sltko g]tfnfO{ kmf]g ug'{ knf{ sltkonfO{ e]6\g' knf{ eGg] ;f]Fr]/ ;'Tof] . laxfg p7]/ pm /flt agfPsf] of]hgfsf] sfof{Gjogd} nfUof] . clkm;n] agfPsf of] h gf tyf sfd ug{ l9nf;' : tL

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g ug]{ afgL eP klg cfˆgf] of]hgf sfof{Gjogdf kl5 k/]g . e]6\g'kg]{ hltnfO{ e]6Øf] . kmf]g ug'{kg]{ hltnfO{ kmf]g u¥of] . 3"; v'jfpg'kg]{ hltnfO{ v'jfof] . cGttM p;sf] of]hgf ;kmn eof] . To;sf] To;sf] Ps ;ftfdf jL/u~h eG;f/ sfof{nodf ;?jfsf] kq a'‰of] . ;fFem 3/ kmls{of] . c? lbgeGbf lgs} v';L b]lvGYof] . efG;fd} Ao:t /fwf xtf/ xtf/ a}7s sf]7fdf cfO . …cfh t lgs} v';L b]lvg'ef 5 t dxfzo ÛÚ lªRr xfF:b} nv sf6L, …sfd ag]h:tf] 5 xf] <Ú …xf] . ld;g ;S;];Ú /fwfnfO{ cFufnf] dfb}{ xl/s[i0fn] c+u|]hLd} 7fF6Øf] . pm cfh olt w]/} v';L lyof] . /fwfn] p;sf] v';L clxn];Dd b]v]sL lyOg\ . pm dgdg} gflr/x]sf] lyof], xfFl;/x]sf] lyof], ufO/x]sf] lyof], ahfO/x]sf] lyof], clg XjL:sLdf hDb} lyof] . p;sf] a8L NofËj]hn] ToxL ;ª\s]t ul//x]sf] lyof] . vfgf vfOj/L ;' T g] a] n f eof] . ;'Tg'cl3 b'a}hgf ldn]/ jL/u~hsf] of]hgf agfP . pm ef]ln g} jL/u~h hfg] eof] . ptf, cfk"m ;]6 eO;s]kl5 /fwf / 5f]/fnfO{ klg pt} n}hfg] s'/f eof] . …3/ t sf7df8f} + d f 5F b } 5 , ToxfF sdfPsf] k};fn] t/fO{lt/ k"j{–klZrd xfO{j];Fu hf]l8Psf] 7fpFdf #÷$ j6f 38]/L lsGg'knf{Ú xl/s[i0fn] jL/u~hdf sdfpg] k};fsf] of]hgf ;'gfof], …ca % jif{ hlt ToxfF a:g kfOof] eg] t @÷# s/f]8 s:;f] gsdfOPnf / <Ú …/fd|f];Fu ldnfP/ sfd ug"{,Ú /fwfn] egL, …cr]n t clVtof/–;lVtof/ s]–s] 5, eG5g\ . 8'afpFnfg\ km]l/ .Ú …Xof Û ;asf d'vdf la6f -k};f_ sf] a"emf] nfPkl5 sfd kfsf] eOxfN5 .Ú

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g xl/s[i0f sNkgfsf] ;+;f/df 8'Aof], …d}n] k};f k7fpF5', ltdLn] To;nfO{ s;}n] gb]Vg] u/L n'sfpg" . olb yfxf kfOxfn] klg k};f ;'/lIft xf];\ .Ú …x'G5–x'G5, Tof] lrGtf gug"{ tkfO{+sL /fwf sd af7L 5] eG7fGg' ef 5 <Ú /fwfn] egL . efjL of]hgf to ul/;s]kl5 b'j}hgf ;' t ] . laxfg ;a] / } p7] . lsgls cfh}af6 xl/s[i0f jL/u~hdf xflh/ x'g hfg'kYof]{ . jL/u~hsf] nflu & ah]sf] Kn]g l6s6 p;n] lxh} a'lsª u/]sf] lyof] . xl/s[i0fnfO{ labfO{ ug{ /fwf Po/kf]6{ uO{ . Kn]g p8\g] a]nf eof] . ljbfOsf xft xNnfP b'a}hgfn] . xl/s[i0f jL/u~h p8Øf] . /fwf cfˆgf] lgjf;tkm{ nflu . /fwfn] Ps 3G6fkl5 kmf]g 8fon u/L . …cF /fwf, d ev{/ l;d/f ljdfg:yndf Nof08 ePF . oxfFaf6 Ps–8]9 3G6f hlt nfU5 /] Û ltdL klg /fd|f];Fu a; . jfO{ /fwf, l;o" ÛÚ xl/s[i0fn] kmf]gdf eGof] . ;fFem clkm;af6 Sjf6/df kms]{kl5 /fwfnfO{ kmf]g u¥of], …Knfg ;S;];\ xf]nf h:tf] 5 . ;lhnf] /}5 lgs} . ;~hfn lj:tf/ ub}{5' . ef]ln slDKn6 x'G5 .Ú /fwf klg lgs} v';L eO{ . dgdg} a'g]sf ;kgf ;fsf/ x'Gf] eP eg]/ 9'Ss x'GyL . To;sf] Ps ;ftfkl5 xl/s[ i 0fn] /fwfnfO{ kmf]g u¥of], …/fwf cfhsf] sdfO{ 8]9 nfvdfq . of] ;ftfel/sf] hf]8\bf # hlt k'U5 xf]nf . aNn d];f] kfpFb} 5' . !) hlt ePkl5 ltDnfO{ k7fpF5' .Ú …cf] xf] ÛÚ /fwf cfZro{ rlst eO{, …Ps jif{sf] sdfO{ Ps ;ftfd} <Ú …klxn] g} ot} k|f];];\ ug'{ kg]{ /}Ú5 . s] ug'{ aNn yfxf kfOof] .Ú xl/s[i0fn] eGof], …g]kfnLsf] a'l4 kl5 cfpF5

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g eGy], xf] /} 5 .Ú df]jfOn nfp8:kLs/ ub}{ /fwfn] egL, …n /fd|f];Fu bfofF–afofF x]/]/ ug'{ . km]l/ km;fpFnfg\ lg .Ú xl/s[i0f / /fwf lbglbg} kmf]gdf s'/f ul//xGy] . kmf]gdf pgLx?sf] c? s]xL s'/f x'g] lyPg . vfnL k};fnfO{ s] ug]{ sxfF nufpg] dfq} s'/fsfgL x'GYof] . b'O{ jif{kl5 pgLx?n] jL/u~hsf] xfO{ j ] d } emG8} s/f] 8 a9Lsf] 3/ lsg] . t/ cfˆg} gfddf kf; ubf{ cs"t ;DklQ sdfPsf] eg]/ sf/afxLdf kl/g] 7fgL ;;'/fsf] gfddf xl/s[i0fn] 3/ kf:f u¥of] . xl/s[i0f / /fwfsf k|To]s s'/f 5f]/fn] glhsaf6 lgofln/x]sf] lyof] . p;nfO{ af–cfdfn] u/]sf] s'/fx? dg k/]sf] lyPg . t/ klg pm s]xL af]n]sf] lyPg . ;dosf] k|ltIffdf lyof] . 6]andf /x]sf] df]jfOnsf] l/Ë 6f]g aHof] . efG;fdf vfgf ksfpFb} u/]sL /fwfn] xtf/–xtf/ kmf]g x]/L . kmf]g lyof], xl/s[i0fsf] . …x]nf] /fwf ;~r} 5f}F <Ú /fwfn] pQ/ lbg gkfpFb} xl/s[i0f af]Nof], …;'g g, oxfF d klg PSn} ePF . ltdLx? klg ToxfF PSn} eof}F . oxfF klg cfˆg} 3/ eO;Sof] . cfcf] ot} a;f}F .Ú …P n n .Ú v';Ln] a'?Ss–a'?Ss ;–;fgf afv|fsf kf7fx? plk|mPe}mF p;sf] dg plk|mof] . klxNo}b]lv /fwf oxL rfxGyL . t/, eGg ;s]sL lyOg . 5f]/fsf] klg P;Pn;L k/LIff glhlsFbf] lyof] . To;}n] klg pm rfx]/ klg hfg ;Sg] l:yltdf lyOg . t/, clxn] 5f]/fn] klg k/LIff lbP/ a;]sf] lyof] . To;}n] pgLx? ef]ln g} jL/u~h hfg] lgwf] u/] . Ps}l5gkl5 /fwfn] xl/s[i0fnfO{ kmf]g u/L, …ef]ln lbpF;f] # ah]sf] Kn]gdf cfpF5f}F . l6s6 lnO;s]F .Ú

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gkfpg] u/L glhs}sf] k|x/L rf}sL / clVtof/ sfof{nodf kmf]g u/L cfˆgf] 3/df ePsf] 36gfqmdsf] a]lnlj:tf/ nufof] . Ps} l5gkl5 k'ln;sf] ;fO/g aHof] . k|x/L;lxt clVtof/sf k~hfdf 3/ k¥of] . ;'6s]z n'sfpFb} ubf{ k|x/Ln] /Ë]xft kqmfp u¥of] . ;'6s]zdf emG8} @) nfv k};f lyof] . xl/s[i0f / 3/df cfPsf] gofF dfG5]nfO{ k|x/Ln] kqmfp u/L nu]/ uof] . /fwf ?g yfnL . …g?g';\ cfdf .Ú /fwfnfO{ ;DemfpFb} 5f]/fn] eGof], …afaf ck/fwL xf] . pxfFnfO{ kqmfp ug{ k|x/L d}n] af]nfPsf] x'F .Ú /fwf 5fFufaf6 v;]h:t} eO{ . pm a]xf];\ h:t} eO{ . 5f]/fn] eGb} uof], …tkfO{+x? ck/fwL xf] . ;f]emf dfG5]x?sf] k};fn] tkfO{n + fO{ kf]Ng] 5 . tkfO{+x?;Fu eGbf 7"nf] gftf d]/f] b]z;Fu 5 . o:tf ck/fwL af–cfdf;Fu d]/f] s]xL gftf 5}g . cfhb]lv d tkfO{s + f] 5f]/f xf]Og . dnfO{ o:tf] kfkL / ck/fwL kl/jf/df hGdfP/ tkfO{+n] d]/f] ckdfg ug'{eof] .Ú …afa' of] xfDn] ;a} t]/f] nflu u/]sf xf}F . cfh t}Fn] o:tf] lsg ul/;\ <Ú cfF;'sf wf/f aufpFb} /fwfn] k|Zg u/L . 5f]/f] w]/} af]Ng rfx]g . ef]lnkN6 lbpF;f] g} ljz]if cbfntaf6 xl/s[ i 0fn] clxn] ; Dd sdfPsf] ;DklQ cs't 7x/ ub}{ ;a} ;DklQ lnnfdL;lxt !) jif{ s}bsf] km};nf eof] . 5f]/fnfO{ ;/sf/n] gful/s clegGbg u/L cfk}mF n ] kfngkf]if0f ug]{ eof] . ef]lnkN6 p;sf] ljleGg 7fpFdf clegGbg eof] . 6LeLsf b[ Z odf pmafx]s c? s]xL b]lvFb}gYof] .9 -n]vs 6L=cfO{= g]kfnsf] Pnfs 8LkL kl/of]hgfcGtu{t ;'zf;g cleofg u'NdLdf sfo{qmd ;xfos kbdf sfo{/t x'g'x'G5 ._ bishnurj@yahoo.com



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&! kmfu'g

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5s'as' dfu{, gofF afg]Zj/, sf7df8f}+, g]kfn kmf]gM $$&%)^@, $$&%!!@, $$&%@^@ ˆofS;M $$&%!!@, kf]i6 aS; gDa/M !!$*^ E-mail: trans@tinepal.org, Web: www.tinepal.org tinepal

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