TI Nepal News Bulletin - Fagun

Page 1


;DkfbsLo kftf]

6«6«ffG;k/] G;k/]GG;L ;L OG6/g] OG6/g]zzgn gn g]g]kkfnsf] fnsf] a'a'nn]l]l6g 6g

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l:y/ /fhgLlt / ;+ljwfg lgdf{0f g]kfnLsf] cfjZostf nfdf] ;do k|tLIff u/]kl5 b]zdf hglgjf{lrt ;/sf/ :yfkgf ePsf] 5 . of] ;/sf/sf] d'Vo sfd ;+ljwfg;efnfO{ lqmofzLn u/fpFb} cfufdL Ps jif{leq g]kfnL hgtfsf] xftdf gofF ;+ljwfg k'¥ofpg' xf] . ;fy} emG8} 8]9 bzsb]lv hgk|ltlglwljxLgtfsf] kL8f ef]lu/x]sf :yfgLo lgsfosf] lgjf{rg ;DkGg u/fO{ nf]stGqsf] ;+:yfut ljsf;df of]ubfg ug{' / hgtfk|lt hjfkmb]xL :yfgLo ;/sf/sf] lqmofzLntfsf] cj:yf l;h{gf ug{' klg xf] . of] ;"rL nfdf] x'g;S5 . lsgeg] o;} ;/sf/n] d'n'ssf] cy{tGqdf b]lvPsf] c/fhstfsf] cGTo ub}{ b]zJofkL?kdf cfocfh{gsf of]hgf, kl/of]hgfx? sfof{Gjog u/L b]zdf ;/sf/ ePsf] cg'e"lt klg u/fpg' kg]{5 . To:t}, zflGt–;'/Iffsf] l:yltnfO{ dha"t agfpFb} a9\bf] b08xLgtfsf] cGTo / ;fdflhs Gofo :yfkgfsf If]qdf ;/sf/ cu|;/ x'g'kg]{ 68\sf/f] cfjZostf klg 5 . clg cfd–gful/sx?sf] hLjgnfO{ ;xh agfpg] / ljutsf] ;z:q o'4sf qmddf kLl8t gful/sx?sf] kIfdf sfd ug{' klg TolQs} h?/L 5 . :yL/ eO;s]sf] nf]stGq x'GYof] eg] s'g} lrGtfsf] ljifo g} x'Fb}gYof] . xfdLsxfF Tof] l:ylt 5}g . cl:y/ /fhgLlt df}nfPsfn] xfdLsxfF lghL :jfy{ s]lGb|t /fhgLltn] k|>o kfPsf] 5 . ;d:of klxNofO{ ;dfwfgsf] af6f]df Ps eP/ cl3 a9\g'sf] ;§f gfkmf–3f6fsf], cÍ ul0ftLo /fhgLltdf xfd|f /fhgLltsdL{ ?dlnPsfn] b]zsf] /fhgLlt luhf]lnPsf] 5 . /fhgLltsdL{n] gful/ssf kL8f a'‰g ;ls/x]sf 5}gg\ . pgLx?nfO{ gful/s s]lGb|t /fhgLlttkm{ k|]l/t ug{ ;lsPsf] 5}g . ha /fhgLltsdL{n] b]z / gful/snfO{ jf:tljs ?kn] a'‰g]5g\ clgdfq /fhgLlt a'e]msf] dflgG5 . nf]stGqdf /x:ox? ;fj{hlgs x'Fb} hfg] ljlzi6 Ifdtf x'G5 . kf/bzL{ Jojxf/n] k|f]T;fxg kfpg] x'Fbf uf]Kotf / e|i6frf/ nf]stGqdf ;Xo x'Fb}g . kf/blz{tfn] g} nf]stGqnfO{ :jR5 kfb}{ ;ª\UNofpFb} n}hfG5 . xfd| f g] t fx? / c:jR5 /fhgLltsf] 5fofF ;+ l jwfg lgdf{0fdf k5{ eGg] 8/ gful/sn] af]s]/ lgofln/x]sf 5g\ . /fhgLltsdL{x?df eg] Tof] ;r]ttf af]nLdf dfq b]lvG5, Jojxf/df To:tf] b]lvFb}g / ljutn] klg To;f] elg/x]sf] 5}g . nf]stGqdf To:tf /fhgLltsdL{ / /fhgLlts bnsf] ljsNksf] vf]hL ug]{ km/flsnf] cfsfz ;w}F v'nf /xG5 . bf];|f] ;+ljwfg;efn] klg hgtfsf] ck]Iffcg'¿k sfd ug{

;s]g eg] :jod\ hgtfn] ljsNksf] vf]hL gunf{g\ eGg ;lsFb}g . ;a}n] a'‰g s] h?/L 5 eg] g]kfndf u0ftGqsf] pbo;Fu} cfˆgf cfsfª\Iffx?sf] cfk"lt{ ug{ rfxg] lqmofzLn k':tfsf] klg cfudg ePsf] 5 . b]z clxn] gofF ljrf/ gofF of]hgf / ultzLn /fhgLltsf] vf]hLdf 5 . To:tf] g]t[Tjsf] vf]hLdf 5 h;n] /fhgLltnfO{ gful/ssf] lxtsf nflu k|ltkflbt bz{g xf] eg]/ a'e]msf] xf];\ . d'n'sdf bf];|f] ;+ljwfg;efsf] lgjf{rg ;kmntfk"j{s ;';DkGg ePkl5 g]kfnL hg;d'bfoon] s]xL cfwf/e"t ljifox?df ck]Iff /fv]sf 5g\ . o; ;Gbe{df ;+ljwfg;efn] lgDg s'/fx?af/] uDeL/ x'g / sfof{Gjogdf tTsfn cl3 a9\g lgtfGt h¿/L b]lvG5 M l ;+ljwfg;efsf] klxnf] a}7s a;]b]lvsf] Ps jif{leq} nf]stflGqs ;+ljwfg hf/L ug]{Ù l d'n'sdf ljBdfg e|i6frf/af/] pRr rf;f] / lrGtf k|s6 ub}{ e|i6frf/sf ;a} :j?knfO{ lgoGq0f / cg'udgsf nflu ;a} k|d'v bnsf] k|ltlglw ;lDdlnt Ps ;ldlt lgdf{0f u/L ;f] ;ldltdfkm{t\ k|efjsf/L 9Ëaf6 cg'udg ug]{Ù l ljsf; lgdf{0fsf nflu e|i6frf/ ;a}eGbf 7"nf] afws tTjsf ?kdf /x]sf] tYonfO{ cfTd;ft ub}{ ljsf; lgdf{0fsf sfo{df /fhgLlts jf cGo s'g} x:tIf]k gug]{Ù l ;'zf;gsf] dxTjk"0f{ cf}hf/sf ?kdf /x]sf] ;"rgfsf] xs sfof{Gjog ug]{ k|of]hgsf nflu :yflkt /fli6«o ;"rgf cfof]udf l/St kbx? cljnDa kl/k"lt{ ug{ ;/sf/nfO{ lgb]{zg lbg]Ù / l dfgjclwsf/sf] k| T ofe" l tsf nflu ul7t /fli6« o dfgjlwsf/ cfof]udf l/St kbx? cljnDa kl/k"lt{ ug{ ;/sf/nfO{ lgb]{zg lbg] . nf]stGq / kf/blz{tf t 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] d"n dd{ g} xf], xfdL oxL rfxG5f}F . kf/bzL{, hjfkmb]xL, sfg"gsf] ;jf]{Rrtf, ;'zf;g / e|i6frf//lxt ;dfh l;h{gf ug{ gful/sx?df e|i6frf/lj¿4 z"Go ;xgzLntf ljsl;t ug{' clxn]sf] cfjZostf xf] . ;fy}, b08xLgtf cGTo ug{ /fhgLlts l:y/tf plQs} h?/L 5 . To;sf nflu /fhgLlts txaf6 k|lta4tfdfq xf]Og ;'zf;g sfod ug{' u/fpg'nfO{ cfwf/e"t tTjsf ?kdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] lnPsf] 5 . /fhgLltsdL{ / /fhgLlts bnnfO{ klg To;tk{m cu|;/ x'g 6LcfO{ g]kfn ljz]if cfu|x ub{5 . 9

TofuaGbM 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnåf/f ;'zf;g tyf ;bfrf/ k|j4{gsf nflu of] a'n]l6g k|sfzg ul/Psf] xf] . o; a'n]l6gdf k|sflzt cfn]v n]vssf lghL ljrf/ x'g\ . logn] k|sfzs ;+:yfsf] cflwsfl/s wf/0ff k|ltljlDat ug]{ 5}gg\ . —;Dkfbs

k|sfzsM 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfn, 5s'as' dfu{, gofFafg]Zj/, sf7df8f}+, g]kfn, kf]i6 aS; g+=M !!$*^ kmf]g M ))(&&–!–$$&%!!@, $$&%@^@, $$&%)^@ km\ofS;M ))(&&–!–$$&%!!@ Pnfs 6f]nk|mL g+=M !^^)–)!–@@@–!!, Email: trans@tinepal.org, Web: www.tinepal.org ;DkfbsM 6L Pg l3ld/]

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

ljz]if dGtJo


;Gbe{M e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj; l8;]Da/ (, @)!#

6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] cfXjfg lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L= cWoIf 6LcfO{ g]kfn

d'n'sdf /x]sf] cl:y/ /fhgLlt, e|i6frf/sf sf/0f gful/sdf a9\bf] ljt[i0ff / e|i6frf/lj/f]wL ljifon] /fli6«o k|fyldstf gkfPsf] cj:yf cflbn] e|i6frf/ lj/f]wL lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ug{ cj/f]w k'¥ofO/x]sf 5g\ .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;sf cj;/ -( l8;]Dj/ @)!#_ df cfof]hgf u/]sf] sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf >L lji0f'axfb'/ s]=;L=n] lbg'ePsf] dGtJo M

!= ljifo k|j]z …e| i 6frf/ ;xGg, ;bfrf/ la;{ G gÚ eGg] d" n gf/f;lxt 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] o; jif{sf] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj; dgfO/x]sf] 5 . cfh cfof]lht e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;sf cj;/df k|d'v cltlysf ?kdf pkl:yt eO{ xfd|f] xf};nf a9fOlbg'ePsf]df d'Vo ;lrj >L nLnfdl0f kf}8]nHo" Pj+ ;bfrf/ k|j4{g cleofgdf P]Soj4tf hgfpg o; sfo{qmddf pkl:yt x'g'ePsf ljåt\hg ;a}nfO{ xflb{s :jfut ub}{ wGojfb 1fkg ub{5' . 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfn lj=;+= @)%# tb\g';f/ O{=;+= !((^ df :yfkgf ePsf] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] ljZjJofkL cleofgsf] Pp6f cleGg cË xf] . ljZjel/sf !)) eGbf a9L /fi6«x?df /x]sf /fli6«o RofK6/dWo]sf] g]kfn RofK6/ klg Ps xf] . Toltdfq xf]Og, 6LcfO{

g]kfn g]kfnL ;dfhsf ljleGg If]qsf k|ltlglwx? ;b:o /x]sf] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] k|ltlglwd"ns gful/s ;+:yf klg xf] . cGt/f{ l i6« o :t/d} :jLsf/ ul/Psf] kf/blz{ t f, pQ/bfloTj, ;bfrf/, Gofo / ;dfgtf, cbDo ;fx;, P]Soj4tf, nf]stGq tyf ;Ddfg / dof{bfh:tf cf7j6f d"No–dfGotfaf6 lgb]{lzt eO{ e|i6frf/d'St g]kfn lgdf{0f ug{' 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] d'Vo Wo]o /x]sf] a]xf]/f cjut u/fpg rfxG5f}+ . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] log} d"No dfGotfdf cfwfl/t /x]/ d'n'ssf] ;femf zq' e|i6frf/ /f]Sg e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofgnfO{ cufl8 a9fpFb} nu]sf] 5 . d'n'sdf /x]sf] cl:y/ /fhgLlt, e|i6frf/sf sf/0f gful/sdf a9\bf] ljt[i0ff / e|i6frf/lj/f]wL ljifon] /fli6«o k|fyldstf gkfPsf] cj:yf cflbn] e|i6frf/lj/f]wL


ljz]if dGtJo

lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ug{ cj/f]w k'¥ofO/x]sf 5g\ . oL tdfd cK7Øf/fx?sf afah'b 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] emG8} b'O{ bzsb]lv cfˆgf] lqmofzLntfnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbFb}cfPsf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng ub}{cfPsf ultljlwx? d'VotM gful/s ;r]tgf, ;~rf/ kl/rfng, u'gf;f] ;Daf]wg, ljleGg ljifox?df cg';Gwfg, k}/jL, ;xsfo{, bafa / ;"rgf cfbfg–k|bfgdf s]lGb|t /x]sf 5g\ . o;afx]s ;'zf;gsf kIfdf / e|i6frf/lj¿4sf cleofg ;Da4 w]/} dxTjk"0f{ ljifox?df 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] jif{ -;g\_


‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g




-hL;LaL_ n] phfu/ ul//x]sf 5g\ .

#= e|i6frf/ cjwf/0ff ;"rsfª\s / g]kfn 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g] z gnn] k| T o] s jif{ e| i 6frf/ cjwf/0ff ;"rsfª\s ;fj{hlgs ub}{cfPsf] ;j{ljlbt} 5 . g]kfnsf] xsdf ;f] ;"rsfª\s ;g\ @))$ b]lv k|sfzg ug{ ;'? ePsf]df xfn}dfq ;g\ @)!# sf] ;"rsfª\s klg ;fj{hlgs ePsf] 5 . Ps bzssf] ;f] ;"rsfª\s lgDg tflnsfdf k|:t't 5 M @))(






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;"rsfª\sdf g]kfn

;g\ @))$ b]lv @)!@ ;Ddsf] ;f] ;"rsfª\s / cGt/f{li6«o :t/df ePsf cGo cWoog–cg';Gwfgn] e| i 6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] If] q df ck] l Ift ;' w f/ x' g g;sL g]kfnsf] l:ylt gfh's /x]sf] :ki6 x'G5 . ;f] ;"rsfª\scg';f/ ;g\ @)!@ df g]kfnn] !)) cª\sdf @& cª\sdfq k|fKt u/L !&^ d'n'sx?dWo] !#( cf}F :yfg cf]u]6]sf]df ;g\ @)!# df !)) cª\sdf #! cª\s k|fKt u/L !&& d'n'x?dWo] !!^ cf}F :yfg plSng ;kmn ePsfn] s]xL ;'wf/ ug{ g]kfn ;kmn ePsf] ;Gb]z k|fKt x'G5 . tyflk, tYo s]xL leGg 5 . ;"rsfª\sn] %) eGbf sd cª\s k|fKt ug]{ @= e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofgsf] ckof{Kttf d'n's e|i6frf/u|:t /x]sf] bzf{pg] ePsfn] e|i6frf/ e|i6frf/ /f]syfd, lgoGq0f / Go"gLs/0fsf nflu lj¿4sf] cleofgnfO{ ;zQm / k|efjsf/L t'Nofpg clt /fhgLlts If] q / sfo{ s fl/0fL cyf{ t \ ;/sf/sf] e" l dsf ;a} e Gbf cxd\ x' g ] s'/fdf s'g} ljdlt 5}g . t/ /fhgLlts ;g\ @))$ b]lv @)!@ ;Ddsf] ;f] ;"rsfª\s If] q / sfo{ s fl/0fLn] e| i 6frf/lj¿4 / cGt/f{li6«o :t/df ePsf cGo cWoog– ck]Iffs[t sfo{ ug{ g;s]sfn] d'n's cg';Gwfgn] e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] If]qdf e|i6frf/sf] bnbndf efl;Fb} uPsf] tYo ck]lIft ;'wf/ x'g g;sL g]kfnsf] l:ylt ;g\ @))$ b]lv @)!# ;Ddsf e|i6frf/ gfh's /x]sf] :ki6 x'G5 . cjwf/0ff ;"rsfª\s -s/K;g k;]{K;g OG8] S ;_ / Unf] a n s/K;g Aof/f] l d6/

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

ljz]if dGtJo


cfjZos b]lvG5 .

Unf]an s/K;g Aof/f]ld6/ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] Unf]an s/K;g Jof/f]ld6/ klg ;fj{hlgs ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . ;g\ @)!# sf] Unf]an s/K;g Jof/f]ld6/cg';f/ y'k|} b]zdf e|i6frf/ / ck/fw lgoGq0fsf nflu :yflkt e/f];f ug'{kg]{ ;+:yfx?k||lt g} gful/ssf] ljZjf; g/x]sf] b]lvPsf] 5 . ;f] Jof/f]ld6//n] /fhgLltdf ljZjf;sf] ;ª\s6 / ck/fwLnfO{ sf/afxL ug]{ lgsfosf] Ifdtfpk/ uDeL/ rf;f] JoQm u/]sf] 5 . of] ;j]{If0fn] ljZjsf !)& b]zx?dWo] %! j6f b]zsf /fhgLlts bnx? ;a}eGbf e|i6 ;+:yfsf ?kdf /x]sf] b]vfPsf] 5 . ;f] ;j]{If0fn] g]kfnsf !@ If]qx?df s'g xb;Dd e| i 6frf/n] k| e fj kf/] s f] 5 egL ;f] l wPsf] d f &) k| l tztn] /fhgLlts bnx?, ^^ k| l tztn] ;fj{hlgs clwsf/L÷lghfdlt sd{rf/L, %* k|ltztn] k|x/L, %! k|ltztn] ;+;b\÷Joj:yflksf, %! k|ltztn] g} Gofokflnsf clt e|i6 egL pQ/bftfn] hjfkm lbPsf 5g\ . To:t}, ;f] ;e]{If0fn] tkfO{+sf] ;Dks{df cfPsf d'n'ssf ljleGg cf7 If]qsf JolQmnfO{ s'g} k|sf/sf] 3"; lbg' k/]sf] 5 ls egL ;f]lwPsf]df $) k|ltztn] e"ld;DaGwL ;]jf, #& k|ltztn] Gofo k|0ffnL, #) k|ltztn] k|x/L / @^ k|ltztn] btf{ / cg'dlt ;]jfdf 3"; lbPsf] egL hjfkm lbPsf 5g\ .

$= tYofª\s k|:t'ltsf] ck]Iff s/K;g k;]{K;g OG8]S; / Unf]an s/K;g Jof/f]ld6/sf tYofª\ssf] lj:t[t ljj]rgf ug'{sf] tfTko{ s] xf] eGg] ;a}nfO{ v'Nb'nL nfUg' :jefljs} 5 . ljifoj:t'sf] ufDeLo{tf af]wsf nflu pko'{Qm tYofª\s k'gM hg;dIf NofOPsf] :ki6 kfb} { vf;u/L /fhgLlts If] q , sfo{kflnsf / cGo ;Da4 kIfn] e|i6frf/ /f]syfd, lgoGq0f / Go"gLs/0fsf nflu clt uDeL/ / ;+j]bgzLn x'g' h?/L 5 eGg] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] lgisif{ /x]sf]

;g\ @)!# sf] Unf]an s/K;g Jof/f]ld6/cg';f/ y'k|} b]zdf e|i6frf/ / ck/fw lgoGq0fsf nflu :yflkt e/f];f ug'{kg]{ ;+:yfx?k||lt g} gful/ssf] ljZjf; g/x]sf] b]lvPsf] 5 . ;f] Jof/f]ld6//n] /fhgLltdf ljZjf;sf] ;ª\s6 / ck/fwLnfO{ sf/afxL ug]{ lgsfosf] Ifdtfpk/ uDeL/ rf;f] JoQm u/]sf] 5 .

hfgsf/L u/fpFb5f}+ . ce}m klg o;af/] x]Nr]S|ofOF hf/L /xg] xf] eg] ;'Gb/, zfGt / ;d'Ggt g]kfnsf] kl/sNkgfn] ;fsf/:j?k u|x0f gug]{ / d'n'ssf] ;fj{ef}d;Qfdfly vt/f d8fl/g] lgisif{ lgsfNg ;lsG5 .

%= 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf ljutsf ;'emfj k|To]s jif{ cfhs} lbg dgfO{+b} cfPsf] e|i6frf/ lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;sf cj;/df 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] e|i6frf/ /f]syfd, lgoGq0f / Go"gLs/0fsf nflu ;Da4 kIfx?;dIf k|:t't u/]sf ;'emfjx?sf] ;fGble{stf sfod} /x]sf] eGg] xfdLnfO{ nfUb5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] e|i6frf/ /f]syfd, lgoGq0f / Go"gL– s/0fsf nflu ;g\ @)!), @)!! / @)!@ sf] l8;]Da/ ( cyf{t\ o;} lbj;sf cj;/df k|:t't u/]sf] ;'emfjx? k'gM :d/0f u/fpg rfxG5f}+ . kl5Nnf] k6s cyf{t\ ;g\ @)!@ df klxn] k|:t't u/]sf ;'emfjx? ;d]tnfO{ PsLs[ t / cBfjlws u/L ;/sf/ / /fhgLlts If]qnfO{ @) a'Fbf, lghfdtL k|zf;gnfO{ $ a'Fbfnufot ;~rf/ If]q, gful/s / gful/s ;dfh tyf k]zfut Jofj;flos ;+:yfx? ;dIf klg ljleGg ;'emfjx? /flvPsf lyP . pko'{Qmfg';f/ k|:t't ;'emfjx? sfof{Gjogdf cfO{ g;s]sf / tL ;'emfjx?sf] ;fGble{stf ljBdfg


ljz]if dGtJo

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

g} /x]sfn] To;tk{m ;a}sf] Wofgfsif{0f u/fpFb} o; Wofgfsif{0f u/fpFb5f}F M ;DaGwdf 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;Da4 kIf ;a}nfO{ cfjZos ^=^ clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]udf l/St ;xof]u pknAw u/fpg tTk/ /x]sf] a]xf]/f;d]t cfo'St kbx? ;/sf/ u7g ePsf] #) lbgleq} hfgsf/L u/fpFb5f}+ . kl/k"lt{ ul/of];\ . ;fy} lghL / a}lsË If]q;d]tnfO{ ;'emfjaf/] yk cWoogsf nflu 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn ;f] cfof]usf] bfo/fleq ;d]6\g] sbd tTsfn g]kfnn] lgoldt?kdf k|sfzg ug]{ a'n]l6g kf/bzL{ / rflnof];\ . j]e;fO6 www.tinepal.org df klg tL ;'emfjx? ^=& e|i6frf/ eO;s]kl5 lgoGq0fsf k|of; ug{'eGbf pknAw 5g\ . e| i 6frf/ x' g } glbg] sfo{ ;bfrf/k4ltsf] dxÎjk"0f{ kIf xf] . o;sf nflu pkrf/fTdseGbf ^= 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf yk ;'emfj lg/f]wfTds pkfo pko'St x'g] ePsfn] ;Da4 d'n'sdf bf];|f] ;+ljwfg;efsf] lgjf{rg ;kmntfk"j{s /fHo ;+oGq /fli6«o ;ts{tf s]Gb|nufotsf cGo ;' ; DkGg ePkZrft\ g] k fnL hg;d' b fon] s] x L lgsfonfO{ klg ;lqmo / ;zSt kfl/of];\ . cfwf/e"t ljifox?df ck]Iff /fv]sf 5g\ . To;sf nflu ^=* ;'zf;gsf] dxÎjk"0f{ cf}hf/]sf ?kdf /x]sf] ;+ljwfg;efsf] klxnf] a}7saf6 lgDg k|:tfj kfl/t ;"rgfsf] xs sfof{Gjog ug]{ k|of]hgsf nflu ul/of];\ egL 6LcfO{ g]kfn hf]8bf/ cfu|x ub{5 . :yflkt /fli6«o ;"rgf cfof]udf l/St kbx? ^=! Ps jif{leq} nf]stflGqs ;+ljwfg hf/L ug]{Ù oyfzL3| kl/k"lt{ ul/of];\ . ^=@ :yfgLo lgsfox?sf] lgjf{rg ^ dlxgfleq} ^=( dfgjclwsf/sf] k|Tofe"ltsf nflu ul7t /fli6«o ;';DkGg ug]{Ù dfgjclwsf/ cfof]udf l/St kbx? ;/sf/ u7g ePsf] #) lbgleq} kl/k"lt{ ul/of];\ . ^=# d'n'sdf ljBdfg e|i6frf/af/] pRr rf;f] / lrGtf k|s6 ub}{ e|i6frf/sf ;a} :j?knfO{ e|i6frf/ /f]syfd, lgoGq0f / Go"gLs/0fsf] sfo{ s'g} lgd"{n / cGTo ug]{Ù ;fy} e|i6frf/sf] cg'udgsf nflu ;a} k|d'v bnsf] k|ltlglw ;lDdlnt Ps ;ldlt lgdf{0f u/L ;f] ;ldltdfk{mt\ k|efjsf/L 9Ëaf6 cg'udg ug]{Ù kf/bzL{, hjfkmb]xL, sfg"gsf] ;jf]{Rrtf, ^=$ sd{rf/LtGqpk/ s'g} klg k|sf/sf] ;'zf;g / e|i6frf//lxt ;dfh l;h{gf ug{ /fhgLlts x:tIf]k gug]{ / ;f]af/] gful/sx?df e|i6frf/lj¿4 z"Go ;xgzLntf /fHo Joj:yf ;ldltsf dfWodåf/f ljsl;t ug{' clxn]sf] cfjZostf xf] . ;fy} k|efjsf/L tj/n] cg'udg ug]{Ù b08xLgtf cGTo ug{ /fhgLlts l:y/tf ^=% ljsf;, lgdf{ 0 fsf nflu e| i 6frf/ plQs} h?/L 5 . To;sf nflu /fhgLlts ;a}eGbf 7"nf] afws tÎjsf ?kdf txaf6 k|lta4tfdfq xf]Og ;'zf;g sfod /x]sf] tYonfO{ cfTd;ft ub}{ ljsf;, ug{'÷u/fpg'nfO{ cfwf/e"t tTjsf ?kdf lgdf{0fsf sfo{df /fhgLlts jf cGo 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] lnPsf] 5 . s'g} x:tIf]k gug]{Ù o; lbj;sf cj;/df g]kfn ;/sf/n] cljnDa ug}{ kg]{ lgDg sfo{x?tkm{ klg

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

Ps kIfsf] k|of;af6 dfq ;Dej geP tfklg o; sfo{sf] g]t[TjbfoL e"ldsf w]/} xb;Dd /fhgLlts kIf / ;/sf/n] lgjf{x ug}{k5{ . csf]{tk{m cfly{s ljsf;sf sfo{nfO{ tLj|tf lbg ;lsPdf dfq /fhgLlts åGå / cGof}ntfsf] l:yltdf :jtM ;'wf/ x'Fb} uP/ ;'zf;g sfod x'G5 . To:t}, ;+ljwfg lgdf{0fsf] sfo{ ;DkGg ug'{ cfhsf] k|d'v cfjZostf xf] . o;df s'g} ;Gb]x 5}g . t/ cfly{s ljsf;sf] ultnfO{ tLj|tf lbg' / e|i6frf/ /f]syfd, lgoGq0f / Go"gLs/0f ug]{ sfo{ klg TolQs} cfjZos ePsf] s'/f vf;u/L /fhgLlts If]qn] cfTd;ft ug'{ h?/L ePsf] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] cjwf/0ff /x]sf] 5 . …e|i6frf/ ;xGg, ;bfrf/ la;{GgÚ eGg] d"n gf/f;lxt 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] dgfPsf] o; jif{sf] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj; ;Da4 sfo{qmddf oxfFx?sf] ul/dfdo pkl:yltn] xfdLnfO{ ;bfrf/ k|j4{g cleofgdf k|f]T;flxt u/]sf] 5 . o;nfO{ xfdLn] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] P]Soj4tfsf ?kdf lnPsf 5f}F . dfgjtflj¿4sf] h3Go ck/fw e|i6frf/ ;fd"lxs k|of;n] dfq lgoGq0f ug{ ;lsG5 eGg]df xfd|f] ljZjf; oyfjt 5 . e|i6frf/LnfO{ s73/fdf pEofO{ ;hfo lbnfpg] / ;bfrf/LnfO{ ;Ddfg ug]{ kl/kf6L :yflkt ug{ ;s] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] lbj; ;fy{s x'G5 eGg]

ljz]if dGtJo


klg xfdLnfO{ nfu]sf] 5 . o;} ;Gbe{df clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] cem ;lqmotfk"j{s cfˆgf k|of;x?nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg' h?/L 5 eGg] xfdLnfO{ nfUb5 . kf/bzL{, hjfkmb]xL, sfg"gsf] ;jf]{Rrtf, ;'zf;g / e|i6frf//lxt ;dfh l;h{gf ug{ gful/sx?df e|i6frf/lj¿4 z"Go ;xgzLntf ljsl;t ug{' clxn]sf] cfjZostf xf] . ;fy}, b08xLgtf cGTo ug{ /fhgLlts l:y/tf plQs} h?/L 5 . To;sf nflu /fhgLlts txaf6 k|lta4tfdfq xf]Og ;'zf;g sfod ug{'÷u/fpg'nfO{ cfwf/e"t tÎjsf ?kdf 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] lnPsf] 5 . b'ef{Uojz d'n'sdf g /fhgLlts l:y/tf sfod ePsf] 5, g t ;'zf;gsf] k|Tofe"lt g} x'g ;s]sf] 5 . ;'zf;g sfod ug]{ y]uf]rflxF ;a}sf] ePsf] 5, o;nfO{ Jojxf/df ptfg]{ k|]/0ff e|i6frf/ lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;n] k|bfg u/f];\ eGg] sfdgf klg 6LcfO{ g]kfn ub{5 . cGTodf /fli6«o ;bfrf/ ;Ddfg @)&) af6 cfh ;Ddflgt x'g nfUg'ePsf jl/i7 ;+:s[ltljb\sf ?kdf kl/lrt cfb/0fLo >L ;Todf]xg hf]zLnfO{ awfO{ 1fkg ub}{ d]/f] dGtJo 6'ª\Uofpg] cg'dlt dfUb5' . 9 wGojfb .

e|i6frf/ lj¿4 cfh}af6 ;lqmo xf]cf}+ . Act Against Corruption Today




6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

e|i6frf/nfO{ 5]Sg'5, tf/af/ nufpg'5 ⁄

/fds[i0f /]UdL


kfndf e|i6frf/sf] l:yltnfO{ ;g\ @)!# df -@)^( k';—@)&) d+ l ;/_ cjnf] s g u/L Ps ;o gDa/df #! cª\s lbg] sf] xf], clg ljZjsf !&& b]zdWo] g]kfnnfO{ !!^ cf}+ :yfgdf /fv] / clt e|i6tfsf] ;ª\s]t lsg lbOPsf] xf] < ;Da4 d"Nofª\sgstf{nfO{ r'gf}tL 5, cGt/f{li6«o e|i6frf/ OG8]S;sf] -s/K;g k;{]K;g OG8]S;÷;LkLcfO{_ k/LIf0f ljlw bf]ifk"0f{ 5 . pQm s' / f sf7df8f} + d f l8;] D a/ !@—!#, @)!# -d+ l ;/ @&—@*, @)&)_ df ;DkGg Ps cGt/f{li6«o ;Dd]ngdf Ps pRrkb:y ;/sf/L clws[tn] eGbf ;xefuLx? xfF;]sf lyP, ltgnfO{ Tof] s'/f] kTofpg ufx|f] k/]sf] lyof] . b]zdf Jofks e|i6frf/nfO{ ;/f;/ n'sfpg] rt'/ bfpsf] ?kdf ltgn] ;f] sygnfO{

;/sf/L clws[tsf] bf]wf/] sygn] jf:tjdf e|i6frf/sf] ljrf/–ljdz{df ;w}+ g} g]kfndf vf; ;/sf/sf] a]nf e|i6frf/ a9]sf] 5}g, e|i6frf/ t csf{] ;/sf/sf] a]nf ePsf] xf] eGg] k|j[lQnfO{ k|ltlglwTj u5{ .

lnPsf s'/f kl5sf] ljrf/–ljdz{df :ki6 ePsf] lyof] . clws[tn] Psflt/ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ sf] ;LkLcfO{n] lbPsf] cª\snfO{ r'gf}tL lbP klg csf]{lt/ ljut s]xL jif{df g]kfnn] ;LkLcfO{ cª\sdf ;'wf/ ub}{ uPsf] s'/fnfO{ eg] ;/sf/L sfo{qmdsf sf/0f k|ult u/]sf] xf] eGb} bfaL u/]sf] /dfOnf] Joª\Uo lyof] . ;/sf/L clws[tsf] bf]wf/]—sygn] jf:tjdf e|i6frf/sf] ljrf/–ljdz{df ;w}+ g} g]kfndf vf; ;/sf/sf] a]nf e|i6frf/ a9]sf] 5}g, e|i6frf/ t csf]{ ;/sf/sf] a]nf ePsf] xf] eGg] k| j [ l QnfO{ k| l tlglwTj u5{ . e|i6frf/ lrGtgdf jt{dfgdf ckgfOPsf] cf} h f/af/] /x] s f] cgf:yfnfO{ klg To;n] ;ª\s]t u5{ . k"j{ b:tfj]hsf] cWoogn]

klg b]vfpF5M clwsf/k|fKt JolQmx? k|foM cfkm"nfO{ gldNg] eof] eg] e|i6frf/;DaGwL lrGtg, ljlw tyf cfnf]rgfnfO{ ;xFb}gg\, tL ltgnfO{ r'gf}tL lbOxfN5g\, cfk"m / cfˆgf sfo{ n fO{ rf] v f] ;flat ug{ tL ljlwjt\ ul/Psf] zf]wsfo{, ;e]{If0f, cWoognfO{ q'6Lk"0f{ eGg cl3 ;l/xfN5g\ . cem vf; ;/sf/sf] cu'jfOdf s' g } e| i 6frf/lj/f] w L sfo{ q md ul/Psf] 5 eg] To;n] ubf{ e|i6frf/ 36] s f] bfaL ljz] i f?kdf ug{ ] klg k|rng 5 . ;'ljwfcg';f/ e|i6frf/lj/f]wL sfo{sf] >]o lng] k|;ª\u klg :yflkt;/x 5 . dn]l;ofsf k|ltlglwn] eg] ToxL d~rdf ;LkLcfO{nfO{ ljZj;gLo cfwf/ dfg]/, Ps pkof]uL a]~rdfs{sf] ?kdf lnP/ To;df

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

cfˆgf] l:yltnfO{ eljiodf jif}{lkR5] ;'wf/ ug]{ b[9tf JoQm u/]sf lyP . pgsf] cg'ej xf] M ;LkLcfO{n] ;ª\s]t u/]sf] e/df ;'wf/ ub}{ hfFbf d]n]l;ofdf w]/} xbdf e|i6frf/lj¿4df pknlAw xfl;n ePsf] / b]zsf] cGt/f{li6«o 5lj ;'lw|P/ Jofkf/ a9]sf] 5 . ;LkLcfO{ @)!# cg';f/ dn]l;of ;odf %) cª\s k|fKt u/L %# cf}+ :yfgdf /x]sf] lyof] . To;eGbf cl3Nnf] jif{ eg] To;sf] cª\s $( / :yfg %$ cf}+ lyof] . 6LcfO{sf] ;LkLcfO{df %) cª\seGbf sd k|fKt ug{]nfO{ e|i6 g} dflgg] ePsf]n] To;df ;'wf/ Nofpg sltko b]zdf 7f]; k|of; x'g] klg u/]sf] 5 .

e|i6frf/ cg'e"lt ;"rsfª\s ;LkLcfO{ ;fj{hlgs If]qdf e|i6frf/sf] cg'el" t klxNofpg] Ps cg';Gwfg cf}hf/ xf] . ;d;fdlos ljZjdf e| i 6frf/lj¿4df ;+ n Ug ax;df, gLlt tyf sfo{qmddf o;nfO{ e/kbf]{ ljGb' dfg]/ sbd rflnG5 . ljZj a}+s, Pl;ofnL ljsf; a}+s, o"P;PcfO{8L, 8LPkmcfO{8L, gf]/f8, 8flg8f, P;8L;Lh:tf ;+ : yfx? j} b ] l zs ;xof] u gLlt agfpF b f o;nfO{ g} cfwf/ dfG5g\ . e|i6frf/ x6fpg jf /f]Sg ag]sf dxf;lGw tyf cGt/f{li6«o b:tfj]h k5fl8 klg ;LkLcfO{sf] :ki6 /]km/]G; kfOG5, To;sf cfwf/df dfq bftfx?n] j}b]lzs ;xof]usf] gLlt agfpmg\ eGg] cfzo kfOG5 . ;LkLcfO{df ;g\ @)!# df !&&

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

ljleGg !# j6f If]qsf] tYofª\ssf] cfwf/df lgsflng] ;f/sf] cf};t ;"rsfª\s g} ;LkLcfO{ xf] . e|i6frf/ eg]sf] d"ntM n's]/, l5k]/ 6]land'lg if8ØGqfTds?kdf ul/g] sfo{ xf], o;nfO{ pbfª\u kfg{, aflx/ Nofpg Ps lsl;dsf] r'gf}tL g} x'G5 .

b]zsf] cWoog ePsf] xf] / of] ljZjJofkL?kdf ul/Psf] xf] . ljleGg !# j6f If]qsf] tYofª\ssf] cfwf/df lgsflng] ;f/sf] cf};t ;"rsfª\s g} ;LkLcfO{ xf] . e|i6frf/ eg]sf] d" n tM n' s ] / , l5k] / 6] l and' l g if8ØGqfTds?kdf ul/g] sfo{ xf], o;nfO{ pbfª\u kfg{, aflx/ Nofpg Ps lsl;dsf] r'gf}tL g} x'G5 . e|i6frf/ kLl8tnfO{ / e|i6frf/lj¿4



sfo{/t b'a}nfO{ o;af/] v'nf;f ug{ cg]s Jofjxfl/s xfFsx? x'G5g\ . cg';Gwfgaf6 To;nfO{ k|sfzdf NofpFbf eg] Tolt c;xh l:ylt x'Fb}g eGg] ;LkLcfO{sf] ljZjf; xf] . ;fj{ h lgs If] q df ;Da4 ;/f]sf/jfnfsf] e|i6frf/ cg'e"lt s:tf] 5 egL klxNofpFbf To;sf] lg/fs/0fsf nflu pko'Qm k|of; ug{ ;lhnf] x'G5 eGg]df klg ;LkLcfO{ ljZj:t 5 . ;LkLcfO{ n ] ljZje/ e| i 6frf/ ;DaGwdf ljljw hfgsf/L qmda4?kdf lbP/ r]tgf a9fPsf] kfOG5 . b]zsf] e|i6 l:yltnfO{ cª\sdf b]vfOlbP/ o;n] ;/sf/nfO{ Ps lsl;dn] s] x L ;'wf/sf sfo{ ug{ pTk|]/0ff lbO/x]sf] klg x'G5 . s]xL ;/sf/n] eg] ;LkLcfO{nfO{ v'nf lbnn] u|x0f gu/] / o;sf] cª\ s af/] cg] s zª\sf–pkzª\sf JoQm ul//x]sf] klg b]lvG5 . e|i6frf/ lrGtgsf nflu / o;nfO{ sd ug]{ ax; tyf sfo{qmdnfO{ ;f/k"0f{?kn] ;3g agfpg tyf ljZj;gLo qmlds cfwf/ k|bfg ug{ klg ;LkLcfO{n] of]ubfg lbPsf] 5 . e|i6frf/ ljifosf ;/f]sf/jfnf ;a} n fO{ s' g } g s' g } lsl;dn] ;LkLcfO{ ;fGble{s x'g hfG5 . s] gful/s ;dfh, s] cfd–;~rf/dfWod, s] ;/sf/, s] lghL If]q, s] lghfdtL ;]jf, s] /fhgLlts ;+:yf ;a}nfO{ o;n] s]xL g s]xL ;ª\s]t lbO/x]sf] x'G5 . tL ;adf ;'wf/ cfPdf jf ;bfrf/ jf



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

kf/blz{tf k|a4{g ePdf ;LkLcfO{ ;"rsfª\sdf :jfefljs?kdf ;'wf/ cfpg] lglZrt 5 . e| i 6frf/ lrGtgdf 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g] z gnn] ;LkLcfO{ h:t} ljsl;t u/]sf] Unf]an s/K;g Aof/f]ld6/, 3"; lbg]sf] ;"rsfª\s e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] / /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnL klg lgs} lrGtgdf clxn] k|an dxÎjk"0f{ dflgG5 . Aof/f]ld6/n] eP/ cfPsf] wf/ xf]M ljZje/ e|i6frf/;DaGwdf hgdt e|i6frf/nfO{ 5f]Kg] ;e]{If0f u5{ eg] /fli6«o ;bfrf/ xf]Og, 5]Sg] xf] . k| 0 ffnLn] /fi6« s f ljljw ;+ : yf o;sf] d"n cfzo xf] sfo{sfl/0fL, Joj:yflksf, Gofofno, kf/bzL{?kdf sfd ;fj{hlgs If]q -lghfdtL ;]jf_, ug'{, ;fj{hlgs sfo{ sfg"g sfof{Gjog lgsfo -k|x/L_, hlt v'nf x'G5 Tolt e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f -Go"g jf pGd"ng_ ToxfF 3";, 7uL, s[kfjfb, lgsfo, cfd–;~rf/dfWod, gful/s d;f}6, w'tfO, gftfjfb,, ;dfh, /fhgLlts bn, lgjf{rg sld;g, / rfs8L cfof]u, n]vfk/LIf0f, / lghL If]qdf df}nfpg ;Sb}g . sfg'g / To;sf] cEof; l:ylt s:tf] 5 eGg] cWoog u5{ . o;n] k|To]s ;+:yfsf] ;'zf;g, Ifdtf / e"ldsfnfO{ s]nfP/ e|i6frf/ x'g] ;DefJotfnfO{ cf}N+ ofpF5 / To;nfO{ /f]Sg] pkfosf] ;ª\s]t u5{ . 3"; ;"rsfª\sn] t To;sf] k|j[lQ / e|i6frf/nfO{ g5]sL x'Fb}g eg]/ ljljw cfofddf k|sfz kf5{ . o;nfO{ cg]s tf/af/n] k|j]z /f]s 5f]Kg] xf]Og, 5]Sg] nufpg] s'/f klg lrGtgdf b]vfk5{ . e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] lrGtgdf clxn] o; qmddf hghgnfO{ hfu[t u/fpg]], k| a n eP/ cfPsf] wf/ xf] M gful/s ;+ : yfnfO{ e| i 6frf/— e|i6frf/nfO{ 5f]Kg] xf]Og, 5]Sg] xf] . rgfvf] kfg{], e|i6dfly sf/afxLsf] o;sf] d"n cfzo xf] kf/bzL{?kdf jsfnt ug{], e|i6frf/nfO{ phfu/ sfd ug'{, ;fj{hlgs sfo{ hlt ug]{ (Whitsleblowing), lghfdtL v'nf x'G5 Tolt ToxfF 3";, 7uL, ;]jfnfO{ ;'wfg{], ;bfrf/ k|a4{g ug{], s[kfjfb, d;f}6, w'tfO, gftfjfb, b08xLgtf x6fpg], e|i6frf/lj¿4sf sld;g, / rfs8L df}nfpg ;Sb}g . ;+:yfx?nfO{ ;xL cy{df ;lqmo

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

t'Nofpg] h:tf a'Fbfdf ljz]if hf]8 lbOG5 . Psflwsf/ /f]Sg'kg]{, k|lt:kwf{nfO{ k|f]T;fxg ug'{kg]{ xflsdsf] thlahL k| f jwfgnfO{ x6fpg' k g] { sfg" g / To;sf] sfof{ G jogaLrsf] cGt/nfO{ sd ug'{kg]{ s'/f ljz]if u/L p7\g] u5{ . ;fy}, ;'zf;g / pQ/bfoL efjnfO{ ljz]if hf]8 lbPdf e|i6frf/ df}nfpg g;Sg] s'/fdf klg hf]8 lbg] ul/G5 . ;fy} e| i 6frf/ lgoGq0f ug{ s f nflu dxTjk"0f{ s'/f g} ;Da4 ;+:yfsf ;~rfns ljz]ifu/L g]t[Tj txdf /x]sfsf] /fhgLlts OR5fzlQmsf] 7"nf] e"ldsf x'g] ePsf]n] To;sf] l;h{gfdf hf]8 lbg'kg]{ b]lvG5 . z"Go e|i6tf ;o k|ltzt ljsf; eGg] nIflt/ b]znfO{ ;xL?kdf cu|;/ u/fpg] xf] eg] tL a'Fbfdf pko'Qm Wofg lbg' clgjfo{ 5 . ltgnfO{ sfof{Gjogdf nfg' h?/L 5 . b]zn] ;"rgfsf] xs, ;'zf;g P]g / clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]uh:tf sfg"gL k|fjwfg tyf ;+ : yfaf6 cfzf lnPsf] klg ToxL xf] . ;LkLcfO{n] jif]{lkR5] ;DemfPsf] s'/fnfO{ x]Ssf /fv]/ e|i6frf/lj¿4 cl3 a9\ b f @)&) d+ l ;/ $ df cleJoQm g]kfnL hgfb]zcg'?k sfd ug{ klg ;lhnf] x'G5 . To;sf nflu cfjZos 5 e|i6frf/lj¿4 pleg], af]Ng], / s]xL ug{] dgl:yltsf], OR5fzlQmsf] . -jl/i7 kqsf/ /]UdL ldl8of cg';Gwfgdf ;+nUg x'g'x'G5 ._ 9

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



lzIffsf rlr{t k|s/0fM sf/afxL vf]O{ < k|sfz l;njfn


gsf] Hof]lt 5g]{ / eljiosf s0f{ w f/nfO{ clek|]l/t ug]{ lzIff If]q s'zf;g / clgoldttfaf6 d' Q m 5} g . k|hftGqsf] k'gM:yfkgfkl5 dfq} x]g]{ xf] klg o; If]qdf b'O{ bh{geGbf a9L rlr{t k|s/0f b]vf kl/;s]sf 5g\ . Ps k|s/0fkl5 csf]{ k|s/0f gx'gsf nflu kf7 l;sfpg] geO{ gLltut cfly{s clgoldttfsf nflu yk pmhf{ ldn]sf] cfefif x'G5 . d'n'sdf a9L e|i6frf/ x'g] ^ j6f dGqfnodWo] lzIff dGqfno klg kg'{n] of] If]q ;d:ofu|:t /x]sf] :ki6 x'G5 . clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg'Gwfg cfof]udf ph'/L k/]sf cfwf/df x]bf{ lzIff dGqfnosf] ;f] :yfg b]lvPsf] xf] . cfof]udf Ps xhf/ Ps ;o ph'/L lzIff;Fu ;DalGwt /x]sf] cfof]usf ;xk|jQmf >Lw/ ;fksf]6fn] hfgsf/L lbg'eof] .

k|hftGqsf] k'gM:yfkgfkl5 dfq} x]g]{ xf] klg o; If]qdf b'O{ bh{geGbf a9L rlr{t k|s/0f b]vf kl/;s]sf 5g\ . Ps k|s/0fkl5 csf]{ k|s/0f gx'gsf nflu kf7 l;sfpg] geO{ gLltut cfly{s clgoldttfsf nflu yk pmhf{ ldn]sf] cfef; x'G5 .

z}lIfs e|i6frf/sf 36gfdf ;DnUg bf]ifLnfO{ sfg'gL sf/afxL Go"g x'g'n] klg z}lIfs ;'zf;gdf c;/ kl//x]sf] 5 . ;fdflhs If]qtkm{ ;/sf/sf] a9L ah]6 ljlgof]hg x'g] -!^ k|ltzt_ lzIff If]q ;aeGbf w]/} ;~hfn / ;+oGq ePsf] lgsfo klg xf] . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g kf/bzL{sf] cª\s % df 8f= lut' lu/Ln] n]Vg'ePsf] 5, …lzIff tyf z} l Ifs If] q g} b'/frf/L ePdf b]z ljsf;sf] gfddf k|of]u x'g'kg]{ /sd s]xL lglZrt JolQmsf] :jfy{k"lt{sf nflu k|of]u x'g] / j}b]lzs nufgL 36\g'sf ;fy} k'FhL knfog x'g hfG5 .Ú o; cfn] v df lzIffdf kl5Nnf b' O { b;sdf b] l vPsf e| i 6frf/sf s]xL k|s/0f / To;pk/ ul/Psf sf/afxLsf] cj:yf s:tf] /Xof] eGg]af/]df rrf{ ul/Psf] 5M

gLltut e|i6frf/ lzIffdf cfly{s n]gb]gdfq} e|i6frf/ x'Fb}gg\, oxfF k|z:t gLltut e|i6frf/ eO/x]sf 5g\ . kl5Nnf] pbfx/0f lng] xf] eg] ;/sf/n] P;Pn;L 6]i6 -;]G6ck_ k/LIff lng gkfOg] gLlt agfof] . ljBfno If]q ;'wf/ sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogkl5 dfWoflds txsf] clGtd k/LIff sIff !@ nfO{ dfGg] sfg' g L Joj:yf gx' G h] n xfnsf] sIff !) sf] k| j ] l zsf k/LIffsf] lg/Gt/tf ePsf] xf] . of] ;fdfGotM sIff !) sf] jflif{s clGtd k/LIffdfq xf] . klxnfsf] h:tf] 6]i6 k/LIffaf6 pQL0f{ ePkl5 dfq} lhNnf:t/Lo k|j]lzsf k/LIffdf ljBfyL{nfO{ ;fd]n u/fpg] eGg] ;/sf/L gLltdf ;+zf]wg ul/of] . t/ lghL -;+:yfut_ ljBfnon] 6]i6 k/LIff lnO/x]sf 5g\ . ;f] k/LIffsf gfddf z' N s klg p7fO/x] s f



5g\ . lzIff ljefun] o:tf] sfo{ /f]Sg g;Sg] eP klg cfGtl/s d"Nofª\sgsf ?kdf 6]i6 k/LIff ug{ ;lsg] / z'Ns lnPsf] kfOPdf sf/afxL ug{] eGg] lj1lKt hf/L u¥of] t/ o;sf] s'g} cg'udg 5}g . lghL ljBfnox?n] 6]i6 k/LIffsf gfddf z'Ns lng] / o;af6 ljBfyL{ 5fF6]/ -kf;÷km]n_ u/fP/ P;Pn;Ldf k7fpg] ub{5g\ . clg P;Pn;Ldf zt–k|ltzt ljBfyL{ pQL0f{ u/fpg] bf}8df nflu/x]sf x'G5g\ . lzIffdf o:tf gLltut sdhf]/Lsf sf/ 0f kmfObf p7fpg] kIfn] /fh ul//x]sf 5g\ . ;/sf/sf] cfFvf lrDng] jf df} g a:g] jf ;~rf/dfWoddf k|ltlqmof lbFbfdfq} gLltut s8fO{sf s'/f ug{] sfof{Gjog kIf lkmtnf] ug{] k|j[lQsf sf/0f gLltut e|i6frf/nfO{ dnhn ul//x]sf] 5 .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

clVtof/n] k"j{dGqL hf]zLnfO{ ljleGg kbdf /xFbf sfg'gljk/Lt cs"t ;DklQ sdfPsf] 7x/;lxt ljz]if cbfntdf d'2f bfo/ u/L bf]ifL 7x/ klg u/fPsf] lyof] . t/ lzIffdGqL x'Fbfdfq} s] slt e|i6frf/ eof] eGg]af/]df 5fglag tyf cWoog ePsf] 5}g .

afpGg ;fnsf] lzIfs kbk"lt{ k|s/0f tTsfnLg lzIffdGqL uf]ljGb/fh hf]zLn] lzIfs ;]jf cfof]usf] kb k"lt{ sfo{df x:tIf]k u/L gftfjfb / n]gb]gsf cfwf/df cfjZostfeGbf a9L lzIfs lgo'lQm ul/Psf] 36gf clxn] klg lj:d[lt ePsf] 5}g . sl/a !$ xhf/ lzIfs cfjZos kg] { d f *# xhf/sf] xf/fxf/Ldf lzIfs lgo'Qm ul/of] . h;sf sf/0f lzIffdGqLdfq xf]Og ;]jf cfof]u / lzIffIf] q g} ljjflbt aGof] . o;sf] bL3{sfnLg c;/sf ?kdf To;sf] !& jif{;Dd :yfoL lzIfssf nflu lj1fkg x'g ;s]g . :yfoL lzIfs lgo'lQm u/fpg' g} unt

xf] eGg] ts{ klg p7] . csf]{lt/ ;Ifdtfsf cfwf/df )%@ ;fndf lzIfs lgo'lQm gePsf sf/0fn] klg xfnsf k|j]lzsf k/LIfx?df cfpg] lg/fzfhgs kl/0ffd cfPsf] ljZn]if0f ul/G5 . /f]rs s'/f s] 5 eg] o; k|s/0fdf To;a]nf jf To;;kl5 klg s'g} lhDd]jf/ JolQmnfO{ sf/afxL ePg . nfdf] cGt/fnkl5 cfof]un] @)&) ;fn h]7df k'gM sl/a !# xhf/ lzIfs kbsf nflu lj1fkg u/]sfdf o;sf] lnlvt k/LIffdf pQL0f{nfO{ cGtjf{tf{ lng] ldlt @)&) k';

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

!! b]lv to ePsfdf clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg'Gwfg cfof]udf ph'/L k/]sf cfwf/df cGtjf{tf{ /f]lsPsf] 5. clVtof/n] k" j { d GqL hf] z LnfO{ ljleGg kbdf /xFbf sfg'gljk/Lt cs"t ;DklQ sdfPsf] 7x/;lxt ljz]if cbfntdf d'2f bfo/ u/L bf]ifL 7x/ klg u/fPsf] lyof] . t/ lzIffdGqL x'Fbfdfq} s] slt e|i6frf/ eof] eGg] a f/] d f 5fglag tyf cWoog ePsf] 5}g .

ljBfno :jLs[ltdf dgf]dfgL ljBfno ;~rfng ug{ a9L :jLs[lt x'g' klg Ps k|sf/sf] /fHo sf]if pk/sf] b'¿kof]u xf] . clVtof/ b' ¿ kof] u cg' ; Gwfg cfof] u n] ;Kt/L lhNnfdf @)&) k' ; df u/]sf] cg'udgdf lhNnfdf $) eGbf a9L ljBfno ufEg' -dh{_ ug'{kg]{ tYo aflx/ NofPsf] lyof] . !) ldg]6sf] b"/Ldf tLg j6f;Dd ljBfno /xg'n] lzIfsnfO{ hflu/ v'jfpg / ljBfnosf gfddf ah]6 Nofpg ljBfno :jLs[lt lbPsf] b]lvG5 . cg'udgdf tLghgfdfq ljBfyL{ /x]sf ljBfno klg e]l6Psf lyP . /fhgLlts k| e fjdf klg sltko lhNnfdf cfjZostfeGbf a9L ljBfno ;~rfngsf] cg'dlt lbOPsf] b]lvPsf] 5 . oxL qmddf sltko -vf;u/L t/fO{df_ lhNnfdf emf]n] -gSsnL_ ljBfno klg e]l6Psf 5g\ . af/f, k;f{, /f}tx6, wg'iffnufotsf lhNnfdf o:tf ljBfno e]l6Psf x'g\ .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

/fxt lzIfs lgo'lQm k|s/0f lzIff If]qdf kl5Nnf] bzss} Ps rlr{t k|s/0fsf ?kdf c:yfoL lzIfsdf /fxt sf]6f ljt/0fdf ePsf] clgoldttf klg kb{5 . ;/sf/n] nfdf] ;dob]lv lzIfssf] :yfoL kb k"lt{ gu/]sf] cj:yfdf l/Qm :yfgdf c:yfoL -/fxt b/aGbL_ lgo'Qm ug{] ljBfno If]q ;'wf/ sfo{qmdsf] gLltcg';f/ tTsfnLg lzIffdGqL /fdrGb| s'zjfxsf] kfnfdf /fxt lzIfs lgo'Qm eP . k|lt ljBfyL{ nufgLcg';f/ tL lzIfs lgo'lQm ePsf lyP . ljBfno If]q ;'wf/ sfo{ q mddf bft[ lgsfosf] @@ k|ltzt nufgL 5 . clgoldttf g/f]s] ;xof]u /f]Sg] r]tfjgL bft[ lgsfon] lbPkl5 lzIffdGqLnfO{ avf{:t ul/fof] . o;sf] 5fglagsf nflu ;/sf/n] ljz]if ;ldlt u7g u¥of] . o;df Jofks clgoldttf ePsf] egL bft[ lgsfo;Dddf s'/f k'u]kl5 lzIffdGqL kbd'Qm ul/Psf] of] klxnf] 36gf xf] . k|lqmofut ;'wf/sf] ;'emfj lbOof] . cGo s'g} sd{rf/LnfO{ sf/afxL ul/Pg . o;df ;+;b\sf] ;fj{hlgs n]vf;ldltn] klg 5fglag u/]sf] lyof] . ;ldltdf dGqL s'zjfxn] df5fn] kfgL gvfP s] vfG5 eGg] hjfkm lbPsf sf/0f pgL yk ljjflbt ePsf lyP . To;f] t, cfkm"n] e|i6frf/ gu/]sf] bfaL s'zjfxsf] lyof] . o; k|s/0fdf d"ntM kfFry/, wg'iff, dxf]Q/L, l;/xf, k;f{, af/fnufotsf lhNnfdf clwsf/Lx?n] /sd lnP/ sf]6feGbf a9L lzIfs lgo'Qm u/]sf]

kf7Øk':ts d'b|sx?n] lbPsf] ljj/0fnfO{ g} k"0f{ ;To dfGg] xf] eg] klg kf7Øk':ts 5flkPs} cfwf/df x]bf{ klg ¿= #% s/f]8 %% nfv (* xhf/ $ ;o ^( ?k}ofF kf7Øk':tssf nflu vr{ gx'g] b]lvG5 . ;f] /sd lhNnf lzIff sfof{non] ljBfnosf] vftfdf k7fPsf] hgfpF5 . t/ ljBfnon] ;f] /sd s] u/] eGg] ;DaGwdf cflwsfl/s tYofª\s e]l6Gg .

;'lgPsf] lyof] .

kf7Øk':ts clgoldttf k|s/0f kf7Øk':ts ljt/0f Joj:YffkgnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg lzIff dGqfnoaf6 ……ljBfno kf7Øk':ts tyf kf7Ø;fdu|L d'b|0f tyf ljt/0f lgb]{lzsf, @)^& hf/L u/L o;df s'g lgsfosf] s:tf] lhDd]jf/L eGg] :ki6 ul/P klg x/]s gofF z}lIfs– ;qdf kf7Øk':ts cefjsf ;dfrf/ cfO/xG5g\ . egf{ ePsf ljBfyL{x?nfO{ gofF z}lIfs–;q



k|f/De ePsf] !% lbgleqdf gofF kf7Øk':ts ;]6df pknAw u/fpg' k g] { Joj:yf lgb] { l zsfdf ul/Psf] 5 . ;/sf/n] ;dod} lgMz'Ns kf7Øk':tsafkt\sf] /sd lgsf;f u/] klg ;DalGwt lgsfon] sfo{ k"/f gug{], st} rflxg]eGbf a9L kf7Øk':ts x'g], st} xfxfsf/ x'g], hgs lzIff ;fdu|L s]Gb| lnld6]8sf] Ifdtf eP/ klg lghL If]qnfO{ d'b|0f ug{ lbOg], ;femf k|sfzgnfO{ !( k|ltzt sld;g lbOP klg pm ;w}F 3f6fdf x'g]h:tf ;d:of 5g\ . o;sf] k5fl8 clgoldttf / c/fhstfn] 3/ u/]sf] 5 . of] qmd rfn" z}lIfs–;qdf klg bf]xf]l/g]5 . o;dfly 5fglag ug{ tTsfnLg lzIffdGqL uª\ufnfn t'nfw/sf] kfnfdf k"j{ lzIff;lrj ho/fd lu/Lsf] ;+of]hsTjdf @)^* j}zfv @^ ut] 5fglag ;ldlt u7g ul/Psf] lyof] . ;ldltn] cl3Nnf] z} l Ifs–;q -@)^&÷)^*_ df kf7Øk' : ts kfpg'kg]{ ^$ nfv !( xhf/ ^ ;o &# ljBfyL{ ;ª\Vof b]lvPsf]df ltgnfO{ pknAw u/fpg $^ nfv ($ xhf/ * ;o !# ;] 6 kf7Øk':tsdfq 5flkPsf] kfOof] . …o;df !& nfv @$ xhf/ * ;o ^) ljBfyL{nfO{ kf7Øk':ts k'u]g t/ tL ;a} ljBfyL{nfO{ kf7Øk':ts pknAw u/fpg] u/L ! ca{ ^@ s/f]8 %$ nfv &% xhf/ ! ;o $) ?k}ofFdfq ;DalGwt ljBfnox¿df lgsf;f ePsf] b]lvG5 . kf7Øk':ts d'b|sx?n] lbPsf] ljj/0fnfO{ g} k"0f{



;To dfGg] xf] eg] klg kf7Øk':ts 5flkPs} cfwf/df x]bf{ klg ¿= #% s/f]8 %% nfv (* xhf/ $ ;o ^( ?k}ofF kf7Øk':tssf nflu vr{ gx'g] b]lvG5 . ;f] /sd lhNnf lzIff sfof{ n on] ljBfnosf] vftfdf k7fPsf] hgfpF5 . t/ ljBfnon] ;f] /sd s] u/] eGg] ;DaGwdf cflwsfl/s tYofª\ s e] l 6Gg . cyf{t\ ljBfnox?n] kf7Øk':tssf] /sd cGoq k|of]u u/] jf ToxfF ;DnUg clwsf/Lx?n] b'¿kof]u u/] eGg] k|Zg cg'Ql/t 5 .Ú k|ltj]bgdf elgPsf] 5 . of] k|ltj]bg a'emfOP klg lzIff dGqfnon] Ps csf{] ;ldlt u7g u/]/ Ps jif{leq yk cWoog ubf{ sl/a $) lhNnfdf kf7Øk':tsjfktsf] /sd clgoldttf ePsf] geO{ /sdfGt/ ePsf] tyf vr{ gePsf] /sd ljBfnodf /x]sf] ljj/0f aflx/ Nofof] . To;kl5sf afFsL lhNnfsf xsdf clxn];Dd s;}nfO{ sf/afxL ePsf] 5}g .

hgs lzIffM sfuh vl/bdf clgoldttf utjif{ clVtof/n] hgs lzIff ;fdu|L s]Gb| lnld6]8sf tTsfnLg k|aGw ;~rfns /fdrGb| l;njfn;lxt cf7hgf clwsf/Llj¿4 sfuh vl/bdf clgoldttf ePsf] 7x/;lxt ljz]if cbfntdf d'2f bfo/ u¥of] . o; k|s/0fdf Ps s/f]8 &$ nfv ?k}ofF clgoldttf ePsf] clVtof/sf] bfaL lyof] . km};nfsf qmddf ljz]if cbfntn] cGo sd{rf/LnfO{ ;kmfO{ lbO{ k|aGw

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;~rf/dfWoddf gcfPsf / n's]/ /x]sf e|i6frf/sf 36gf klg 5g\ < h'g /x:osf] ue{df 5g\ . s'g} a]nf ljikmf]6 x'g ;S5g\ . o;df ;~rf/ If]qsf] yk ;lqmo e"ldsf cfjZos 5 .

;~rfns l;njfnnfO{ 8]9 jif{ s}b / hl/jfgf tf]Sof] .

cGo k|s/0f kl5Nnf jif{df lzIff If]qdf v]tfnf lzIfs k|s/0f, pdflj lzIff kl/ifb\sf] k/LIffdf clgoldttf, k|fljlws lzIff tyf Jofj;flos lzIff kl/ifb\ -l;l6Ole6L_ sf] ;DaGwgdf clgoldttf, z}lIfs tYofª\ssf]+ gfddf clgoldttf, 5fqj[lQ, kf7Øk':ts ljt/0fdf clgoldttf, gSsnL lzIfs k| s /0f, ljZjljBfno cg' b fg cfof]udf sfnf] ;"rLsf k|fWofks, ljleGg SofDk;x?df ljBfyL{ egf{df dgf]dfgL / :jljo'df clgoldttf, sf7df8f}+ ljZjljBfnodf pks"nkltsf cfkmGtsf sd{rf/L lgo'lQm, ljBfno Joj:yfkg ;ldltdf

clgoldttf, :jf:Yo lzIffsf If]qdf dflkmofs/0fsf] xfjL, lzIff ;]jfs/df sfg'gadf]lhd ;ª\sng gx'g' cflb rrf{df cfPsf z}lIfs e|i6frf/ x'g\ .

cGTodf, 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] lgoldt?kdf k|sfzg ul//x]sf] a'n]l6g kf/bzL{sf] jif{ !# cª\s @ df cgdf]ndl0f kf}8]nn] eg]e}mF+ ljBfno / afnaflnsfsf gfddf cfPsf] k};f cfkm"v'zL vr{ ug{] g}ltstfxLgx?nfO{ sf/afxLsf] bfo/fdf gNofP;Dd ljBfno txdf e|i6frf/ /flsg] ;Defjgf sd 5 .Ú ;~rf/dfWoddf gcfPsf / n's]/ /x]sf e|i6frf/sf 36gf klg 5g\ . h"g /x:osf] ue{df 5g\ . s'g} a]nf ljikmf]6 x'g ;S5g\ . o;df ;~rf/ If]qsf] yk ;lqmo e"ldsf cfjZos 5 . lzIffsf lgsfon] z}lIfs clgoldttfaf/] kqsf/x?nfO{ ;"rgf lbg] sfddf klg s~h':ofO{ ug{] u/]sf 5g\ . slxn]sfxLF ck"/f] jf unt ;"rgf lbg] / ;~rf/dfWodnfO{ k|of]u ug{] k|j[lQ klg 5 . ;"rgfsf] cefj ePdf ;"rgfsf] xs;DaGwL P]gsf] ;xof]u lng] k|rngn] Jofkstf gkfPsf sf/0f klg z}lIfs k|s/0fx?df ePsf 5fglag k|ltj]bgdf s] 5 < ltgdf s] s:tf sf/afxL eP < eGg] af/]df lj:t[t ;"rgf aflx/ cfpg g;s]sf] b]lvG5 . -/f;;df sfo{/t l;njfn, lzIff kqsf/ ;d"xsf cWoIf x'g'x'G5 ._ 9

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g



u}/;/sf/L ;+:yf ls k|fOe]6 lnld6]8 sDkgL < gd:sf/ zfx


x/]s u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx? k|hftGq, nf]stGqsf] jsfnt ug{, ;fdflhs kl/rfng, ;fdflhs kl/jt{g / ;fdflhs ljsf; ug{sf nflu :yflkt ePsf x'G5g\ t/ :jo+ sltko u};;x?n] ljwfgdf pNn]lvt k|fjwfgnfO{ ldRb} uPsf] kfOG5, u};; :yfkgfsf] d"n dd{nfO{ nTofPsf] kfOG5 .

kfndf @% xhf/eGbf a9L u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx? btf{ ePsf] cg'dfg 5 . tLdWo] !) xhf/sf] xf/fxf/Ldf u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx?dfq} lqmofzLn ePsf] cg'dfg ul/Psf] 5 . ;~rfngdf /x]sf clwsf+z u} ; ; ljb] z L bftfs} ;xof] u df ;~rflnt 5g\ . ;/sf/L lgsfosf] ;xof] u Lsf] ?kdf :yflkt x' g ] u} / ;/sf/L ;+:yfx?sf] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] sfg'g ljwfg xf] . ljwfgaf6 ;+:yf lgb]{lzt x'g'k5{ . u};; btf{ P]g, @)#$ n] u};;x?nfO{ ;DalGwt lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{nodf btf{ u/]/ ;dfh sNof0f kl/ifb\af6 cfj4tf lng'kg]{ Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . t/ sdhf]/ lkmtnf] cg'udgsf] kmfObf p7fpFb} w]/} u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx? k|fO{e]6 lnld6]8 sDkgL ag]sf 5g\ . x/]s u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfsf] ljwfgdf ;+ : yf :jzfl;t, gfkmf/lxt, u}//fhgLlts, u}/gftfjfb, u}/;/sf/L ;fdflhs ;+:yf x'g]5 eGg] s'/f pNn]v

ul/Psf] x'G5 eg] ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo dg k/fP/ lglZrt k|lqmof k"/f u/]kl5 hg';'s} of]Uo JolStn] ;b:otf k|fKt ug{ kfpg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] x'G5 . x/]s u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx? k| h ftGq, nf] s tGqsf] jsfnt ug{, ;fdflhs kl/rfng, ;fdflhs kl/jt{g / ;fdflhs ljsf; ug{sf nflu :yflkt ePsf x'G 5g\ t/ :jo+ sltko u};;x? ljwfgdf pNn]lvt k|fjwfgnfO{ ldRb} uPsf] kfOG5, u};; :yfkgfsf] d"n dd{nfO{ nTofPsf] kfOG5 . x/]s jif{ lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{noaf6 gjLs/0f u/fpgsf nflu ljleGg lgsfo cfGtl/s /fh:j sfof{no, lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltaf6 l;kmfl/; lng'kg]{ k|fjwfg / slxn]sfxLF ;dfh sNof0f kl/ifb\n] ug]{ cg'udgafx]s u};;x? cg'udgsf] bfof/fdf gkbf{ sltko u};;x? kfl/jfl/s sdfpsf] cv8f aGg] u/]sf 5g\ . g]kfnsf 7"nf–7"nf u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx?df kl/jf/jfb xfjL 5, gftfjfb xfaL 5,

sltko u};;sf kbflwsf/L, ToxfFsf kbflwsf/L geP/ u};;sf dflns ag]sf 5g\ t sltko u};;sf] g]t[Tj cfhLjg cWoIf, dxf;lrj / sf]iffWoIf ag]sf 5g\ . u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx? s;}sf lghL xf]Ogg\, ;a}sf ;femf x'g\ o;df s;}sf] b'O{dt gxf]nf . olb of] s' / f ;a} n ] :jLsf/ u/] s f] xf] eg] lsg Pp6} u} ; ;df >Ldfg\ ÷>LdtL, bfh'÷efO, lbbL÷alxgL, sfsf÷sfsL, elthf÷elthL, efGhf÷efGhL, 5f]/LHjfO{,+ >LdtL tyf >Ldfg\ tk{msf gftf, k|]dL÷k|]ldsfnfO{ /fVg] ul/Psf] 5 < lsg ;a}sf nflu ;fwf/0f ;b:otf v'nf ul/Fb}g < ca ;a}n] To:tf u};;x?nfO{ k|Zg t]:of{pg h?/L 5 . afFs]s} s'/f ug]{ xf] eg] cfwf bh{g @) cf}+ jif{ nfdf] Oltxf; af]s]sf k'/fgf /fli6«o:t/sf elgg] u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx? Pp6} ju{sf] 3]/fleq s'l07t 5g\, gfd} pNn]v ubf{ pko'Qm gxf]nf, tL ;+:yfx?df cfˆg} ;s{nsf



;Lldt JolStx?nfO{ dfq ;b:otf ljt/0f ul/Psf] 5, tL u};;x? g] k fnu~hsf /} y fg] x ?sf k] j f ag]sf 5g\, h;df :jfy{ ldNg]x?sf] dfq} xfnLd'xfnL 5 . s] tL ;+:yfsf ljwfgdf ;b:otf ;ª\Vof a9fpg} gkfOg] eGg] pNn]v 5 < olb 5}g eg] ;b:otf v'nf ug{ / ljt/0f ug{ ?g'kg]{, sGh':ofO{+ ug'{kg]{ lsg < ;fF l Rrs} u} / ;/sf/L ;+ : yfnfO{ nf]stflGqs agfpg] xf] eg] x/]s jif{ ;DalGwt ;+:yfsf] p2]Zodf ;xof]u k'¥ofpg ;Sg] of]Uo JolQmx?sf nflu ;b:otf v' n f ul/g' k 5{ , hf];'s} JolStnfO{ ;+:yfdfk{mt\ p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu sfd ug{ lbg'k5{ / cfjZostfadf]lhd sDtLdf x/]s jif{ @% k| l tzt ;b:otf cfF 6 ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . sltko u};;x? pRr txsf ;/sf/L sd{rf/Ln] ;~rfng u/]sf] kfOG5, hf] g]kfnsf k|rlnt sfg'gljk/Lt 5g\ . Tof] qmdnfO{ tTsfn /f]Sg'kb{5 . o;/L u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx?df ;b:otfdf c+s'z nufpg', cfˆgf gftfuf]tfnfO{ dfq} ;+:yfx?df /fVg' eg]s} JolStut :jfy{kl" t{ ug{ pBt x'g' xf] . cfk"mn] :yfkgf u/] s f jf cfk"m ;+n Ug u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfnfO{ kl/jf/jfbsf] vfN8f]df xfNg', p2]Zo;Fu ;xdteGbf klg dg ldNg]nfO{ dfq} ;b:otf k|bfg ug'{ eg]s} u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfsf] d"No / dfGotfljk/Ltsf] sfo{ xf] . u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx? ;b:otfdf cfwfl/t x'G5g\, ;b:ox?sf] OR5fsf cfwf/df g]tT[ j rog x'g] ub{5 . ;fob oxL s'/fsf] eon] x'g'k5{ u};;x? ;b:otfdf

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

;fFlRrs} u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfnfO{ nf]stflGqs agfpg] xf] eg] x/]s jif{ ;DalGwt ;+:yfsf] p2]Zodf ;xof]u k'¥ofpg ;Sg] of]Uo JolQmx?sf nflu ;b:otf v'nf ul/g'k5{, hf];'s} JolStnfO{ ;+:yfdfk{mt\ p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu sfd ug{ lbg'k5{ / cfjZostfadf]lhd sDtLdf x/]s jif{ @% k|ltzt ;b:otf cfF6 ug{ ;Sg'k5{ .

cfwfl/t x'g'eGbf gftfjfbdf cfwfl/t x'g' . cfˆgf] :jfy{ cg'sn " sfd ug{ kfO{b+ }g ls eg]/ cyjf cfk"mn] ;w}+ g]t[Tj ug{ kfOFb}g eGg] zª\s'lrt dfgl;stfsf sf/0f u};;x?nfO{ k|fOe]6 lnld6]8 sDkgLh:tf] agfpg] ul/Psf] 5 . clxn] sf7df8f}+df :yflkt eO{ sfd ug]{ kl/jf/jfb xfjL ePsf u};;x? ljleGg cGt/f{ l i6« o u};;x?sf] sfnf];"rLdf k/]sf 5g\ . sltko cGt/f{li6«o u};;x?n] t sfo{;ldltdf Pp6}vfnsf hflt ePsf JolStx? kbflwsf/L 5g\ eg] tL ;+:yfx?nfO{ cg'bfg glbg] gLlt;d]t agfPsf 5g\ . ;fob cGt/f{li6«o u};;x?sf] Tof]

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

gLltn] g5f]P/ xf]nf w]/} u};;x?df >Ldfg\ cWoIf, >LdtL ;lrj, >Ldfg\ cWoIf >LdtL n]vfkfn, bfh' cWoIf, efO sf] i ffWoIf agfpg] ul/Psf] 5, sltko u};;df t afa' d/]kl5 5f]/fnfO{ cWoIf;d] t agfPsf] kfOPsf] 5 . o;/L u}/;/sf/L ;:yfx?nfO{ kl/jf/jfbaf6 d'St gu/fpFbf;Dd ;fdflhs ;]jfsf gfddf s;}sf] kl/jf/ kfNg] / kl/jf/sf ;b:ox? kf] :g] sfd aGb x'Fb}g, o;tk{m ;Da4sf] Wofg hfg h?/L 5 . olt To;f] ug{ ;lsFb}g, gftf÷uf]tfafx]ssf JolStx?sf] ljZjf; lhTg ;lsFb}g / sdfpsf] wGbf ug{ ;lsFb}g h:tf] nfU5 eg] ca pgLx?sf] cfk"mnfO{ k|fOe]6 lnld6]8df ?kfGt/0f ug{ h?/L 5 . u}/;/sf/L btf{ P]gcg';f/ btf{ ul/Psf To:tf u};;x?n] cfˆgf] ;f] btf{ TofuL sDkgL btf{ P]gcg';f/ k|fln btf{ ug{ h?/L 5 . k|flndf kl/jf/sf ;a} ;b:onfO{ /fv] klg x'G5 . h;af6 clncln ;fdflhs ;]jf c? gfkmf sdfP/ a;] x'G5 . h;/L s]=Pn= b'u8, uf]N5fnufotsf 7"nf Jofkfl/s k|lti7fgx?n] gfkmf sdfP/ sdfPsf] s] x L lx:;f ;fdflhs sfo{df nufgL u5{g\, To;} u /L gftfjfb xfjL ePsf ;+:yfx?n] cfˆgf] sfdcg';f/s} gfd /fvL sfd ubf{ a]; x'g]5, ;a}nfO{ r]tgf eof . -zfx afu]Zj/L c;n zf;g Sna afFs]df sfo{sf/L lgb]{zssf ?kdf sfo{/t x'g'x'G5 ._ 9


6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g


ljZjljBfnosf] b'u{lt 8f=o'j/fh ;+u|f}nf


hgLlts c/fhstfsf] c;/ b] z sf ;a} If] q df kf]lvPsf] 5 . lalu|Psf] /fhgLlt ;kfg{ ;lsG5 . cj?4 ljsf;nfO{ klg 7Ls 7fpFdf Nofpg ;lsG5 . t/ hgdfg;df k/]sf] gsf/fTds c;/ d] 6 fpg w] / } ufx| f ] x' G 5 . k'/fgf] k':tfsf /fhgLlts JolStnfO{ x6fpg ;lhnf] 5 t/ gofF k':tfnfO{ /fhgLltdf :yfkgf ug{ ;lhnf] 5}g . clxn] b]zsf] ;d:of k'/fgf k':tfsf] ;Qf nf]eeGbf gofF k':tfsf w] / } g] t fdf emfF l uPsf] a] O dfgL, cj;/jfb / /ftf/ft wgL x' g ] ;kgf xf] . /fhgLlts g]t[Tjdf pQ/flwsf/ lng] JolSt ;fdfGotof ljBfyL{ ;+u7g / o'jf ;+u7gsf kbflwsf/Laf6} cfpF5g\ . t/ tL ;+u7gdf lubf]{ g}lts w/ftn, e|i6 ultljlw / dbf]{ /fli6«otfn] ef]ln b]z g]t[TjxLg aGg] vt/f al9/x]sf] 5 . ;a}nfO{ yfxf gx'g ;S5 . clxn] sltko ljZjljBfnodf tfnfaGbL ul/Psf

clxn] sltko ljZjljBfnodf tfnfaGbL ul/Psf] 5 . tfnfaGbL klg crfgs ul/of] / Tolta]nf ul/of] ha k/LIffsf] tflnsf k|sflzt eO{ k/LIff ;'? x'g s]xL lbgdfq afFsL lyof] . csf{lt/ 7Ls ;dodf ljZjljBfnosf w]/}h;f] ;+sfodf k|j]z k/LIffsf] tflnsf klg k|sflzt ePsf] lyof] .

5g\  . tfnfaGbL klg crfgs ul/of] / Tolta]nf ul/of] ha k/LIffsf] tflnsf k|sflzt eO{ k/LIff ;'? x'g s]xL lbgdfq afFsL lyof]  . csf{lt/ 7Ls ;dodf ljZjljBfnosf w]/}h;f] ;+sfodf k|j]z k/LIffsf] tflnsf klg k|sflzt ePsf] lyof]  . o; ljt08fsf] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] df/ k"jf{~rn ljZjljBfnodf cWoog/t ljBfyL{df k¥of]  . sl/a kRrL; xhf/ ljBfyL{ n fO{ pgLx?sf] eljio lgdf{0fsf] k|lqmofaf6 jl~rt ug]{ sfo{ /fhgLlts bnsf s]xL :yfgLo g]tf / ljBfyL{ g]tfn] ljZjljBfnosf] k/LIff Joj:yfkg sfof{ n odf tfnfaGbL u/]/ u/]sf x'g\ . ltgsf] egfO 5, ljZjljBfnodf e|i6frf/ ePsf] 5 / To;nfO{ /f]Sg'k5{  . t/ ljZjljBfnosf] e|i6frf/ /f]Sg] pkfosf ?kdf ljBfyL{sf] eljiodf v]njf8 ub}{ k/LIff aGb ug]{ of]hgf agfpg' slt a'l4dfgL sfo{ xf] < s] o;n] o'jf g]tfsf xftdf efjL g]t[Tj b]zsf] pGgltsf nflu e/kbf]{

lsl;dsf] 5 eGg] b]vfpF5 . o; ;Gbe{df s]xL tYo phfu/ ug'{ jf~5gLo x'G5 . s]xL dlxgf klxn] k"jf{~rn ljZjljBfnon] ;DaGwg lbg] ljifonfO{ Jojl:yt ub}{ ;DaGwgnfO{ lzIffdf Jofkf/ ug]{ sltkosf] rfxgfnfO{ /f]s]5 . cJojl:yt k/LIffnfO{ Jojl:yt ug{ lgodfjnL hf/L u/]5 . klxnf– klxnf /fhgLlts bnsf g]tfnfO{ lj/f6gu/ sf7df8f}+sf xjfO{ l6s6 ljZjljBfnon] pknAw u/fpg] rng /x] 5  . pgLx?nfO{ uf8L lbg] rng klg /x]5 . oL ;'ljwf klg /f]lsP5g\ . ljZjljBfnosf] n]vfk/LIf0f rf/ jif{b]lv ePsf] /x]g5 / pks'nkltn] Tof] n] v fk/LIf0f u/fpg] tof/L klg u/] 5 g\  . oL tYo ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]uaf6 u7g ePsf] /x]g5 / pks'nkltn] Tof] n] v fk/LIf0f u/fpg] tof/L klg u/] 5 g\  . oL tYo ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]uaf6 u7g ePsf]



Pp6f sfo{bnn] ;xs'nklt;dIf k|:t't u/]sf k|ltj]bgdf pNn]lvt 5g\  . o; sfo{ b nn] cfˆgf] cg';Gwfg ;'? ug]{lalQs} k/LIff lgoGq0f sfof{ n odf tfnfaGbL eof]  . lsg < ;/sf/n] k|lqmof ;'? u/]kl5 g} ljBfyL{sf] eljio;Fu v]Ng'kg]{ cj:yf lsg ;'? eof] . ljut Ps dlxgfdf tL; xhf/eGbf a9L ljBfyL{ ef/tsf ljleGg sn]hdf egf{ ePsf tYof+s cfPsf 5g\ . To:tf sn]hsf kbflwsf/L cfˆgf] k|ltlglwsf ;fydf g]kfnsf xf]6ndf a;]/ ljBfyL{ egf{ ul//x]sf 5g\ . g]kfnsf z}lIfs ;+:yf cj?4 geO{ lqmofzLn /x] eg], ef/tLo lzIff Jofkf/L / g]kfnL Ph]G6sf wGbf km:6fpFb}gg\ . ;lhnf] pkfo xf] g]kfndf ljZjljBfnox?nfO{ tfnfaGbL u/]/ cj?4 kfg'{ . 7Ls o;}tfsf ljutsf jif{df klg o:tf 36gf ePsf lyP . sl/a b'O{ ca{sf] nufgL g]kfnaf6 clxn] ef/ttk{m uPsf] 5 / oL ultljlwn] g]kfnL lzIff If]q w/fzfoL aGg k'Ug] :ki6 5 . o;sf] s]xL lx:;f kf6L{sf s]xL s]Gb|Lo g]tf, s]xL :yfgLo g]tf / s]xL ljBfyL{ g]tfsf] xftdf k'u]sf] ;f]e}m cg'dfg ug{ ;lsG5 / s]xLn] t nfh} krfP/ :jLsf/ klg ul//x]sf 5g\ . of] olt uDeL/ ljifodf /fli6«o ;ts{tf s]Gb| / clVtof/ b' ? kof] u cg' ; Gwfg s]Gb|sf] Wofg clxn];Dd lsg k' U g ;s] g  < b] z sf] lzIffnfO{ nyflnª\ u kfl/lbPkl5 b] z nfO{ aaf{b ug{ aGb's k8\sfpg' kb}{g .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

ljut Ps dlxgfdf tL; xhf/eGbf a9L ljBfyL{ ef/tsf ljleGg sn]hdf egf{ ePsf tYof+s cfPsf 5g\ . To:tf sn]hsf kbflwsf/L cfˆgf] k|ltlglwsf ;fydf g]kfnsf xf]6ndf a;]/ ljBfyL{ egf{ ul//x]sf 5g\ . g]kfnsf z}lIfs ;+:yf cj?4 geO{ lqmofzLn /x] eg], ef/tLo lzIff Jofkf/L / g]kfnL Ph]G6sf wGbf km:6fpFb}gg\ .

vf;u/L k"jf{~rn ljZjljBfnosf] tfnfaGbLsf] aflx/ b]lvg] cfj/0f kbflwsf/Lsf] /fhLgfdfsf] dfu /x]sf] /x]5 . t/ kbf{ k5fl8sf sf/0f c? g} 5g\  . ljZjljBfnodf e|i6frf/ gePsf] x}g . rf/ jif{b]lv n]vfk/LIf0f gePaf6} of] cg'dfg ug{ ;lsG5 . cg] s f} + >[ ª \ v nf xf]nfg\ e|i6frf/sf . t/ >L >[ªv \ nf clxn] s f] tfnfaGbLsf sf/0f eg] xf]Ogg\ . tfnfaGbLsf] d'Vo sf/0fsf ?kdf ;DaGwg lbnfP/ /sd c;'Ng] wGbfdf nfu]sfnfO{ k/]sf] cK7]/f] Psflt/ /x]sf] 5 eg] csf{lt/ clxn] ljZjljBfnosf] k|j ]z k/LIff /f]s] / ljBfyL{nfO{ cGoq b] z df a] R g] Jofkf/fnfO{ ;xof]u k'¥ofpg' csf]{ uf]Ko sf/0f /x]sf] 5 .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

Published by

Nepal China India

phfu/ u/L ;du|?kdf To:tf sdhf]/Lx?nfO{ k|sfz ub{5 . o:tf] kl/l:yltdf klg (! d'n'sx?sf] dfkg ;Dej eg] ePs} 5 . o; ;"rsfÍn] ljZje/sf ^) jif{ pd]/eGbf dflysf *( k|ltzt jl/i7 gful/ssf] cj:yf ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf] 5 . o; ;"rsfÍsf] p2]Zo k|ultsf] cg'udg tyf To;df ljZjsf d'n'sx?nfO{ lg/Gt/tf ?kdf ;dfj]z ug'{ xf] . tYofÍ qmflGt— o; ;"rsfÍsf] Ps efu xf] . of] ;"rsf+s af/]df lj:t[t ljj/0f www.helpage.org df x]g{ ;lsG5 .

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Failed State Index 2013 Fund for Peace










Transformation Index 2012 (Status)

Bartlesmann Stiftung










Transformation Index 2012 (Mgmt)

Bartlesmann Stiftung










Open Budget Index 2012

International Budget Partnership










Legatum Prosperity Index 2013

Legatum Institute










Press Freedom Index 2013

Reporters Without Borders



















Global Agewatch Index 2013


Global Hunger Index 2013











Global Peace Index 2013

Institute for Economics and Peace










-tflnsf M Hjfnf e§_


‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

If]q !M cfo ;'/Iff — cfosf] kof{Kt dfqfdf kx'Fr / To;sf] pkof]u :jtGq¿kdf ug]{ Ifdtfn] jl/i7 gful/ssf] hLjgdf cfˆgf cfwf/e"t cfjZostfx? xfl;n ug{ ;3fpFb5 . cfo ;"/Iffsf ;"rsx? — lgj[lQe/0f cfosf] vr{ If]q, jl/i7 gful/ssf] ul/aL :t/, jl/i7 gful/ssf] ;fdflhs ;'/Iffsf] kx'Frdf ;dfgtf / ;dtf, s"n u|fx:y pTkfbg k|lt JolQmÙ If]q @ — a'9\of}nL hLjgdf :jf:Yo l:ylt, zf/Ll/s sdhf]/L / c:j:ytf / ckfË x'g ;Sg] hf]lv;DaGwL, ^ jif{ pd] / df :j:Yo hLjg:t/, dgf] j } 1 flgs :jf:YotfÙ If]q # — jl/i7 gful/ssf] Ifdtf k| l tlaDa ug] { cGtlg{lxt tÎjx? h:t} /f]huf/L tyf lzIff, jl/i7 gful/ssf] klg /f]huf/L, jl/i7 gful/ssf] z}lIfs l:yltÙ If]q $ — cg's"n jftfj/0f, jl/i7 gful/ssf] :jtGq / cfTdlge{/ hLjg cFufNg] clwsf/, ;fdflhs ;DaGw, zf/Ll/s ;'/Iff, gful/s :jtGqtf, ;fj{hlgs ;]jf, j:t', ;DklQ / k"jf{wf/df kx'Fr cflb x'g\ . To;}n] o; ;"rsfÍn] ljZjsf ;a} d'n'sx?sf jl/i7 gful/ssf] c;n Joj:yfkg ug{tk{m gLltut / Jojxf/ut sbd rfNg ;"rgfsf] kx'Fr k'¥ofpFb5 . o;n] jl/i7 gufl/ssf] ;]jf ;'/IffnfO{ Wofg lbg ;Lldt ;|f]t;fwgn] afwf k'¥ofpFb}g eGg] k|sfz kfb{5 . cu|ufdL ;fj{hlgs gLltsf glh/n] klg nf]ssNof0fsf/L ljifonfO{ cnUofpg ;Sb}g eGg] ;Gb]z lbOPsf] 5 . ;f] sfof]{Gd'v ;do kof{Kt g} 5 . t/ o; ;"rsfÍsf] cGt/j:t' eg]sf] cfo ;'/Iff / :jf:Yok|lt cfjZos sbd rfNg' g} xf] .

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;+jb]gzLntf klxrfg u/fpFb5 . ;Gt'lnt?kdf of] ;"rsfÍn] ljZjdf ef]ssf] ;dfg k|efj eP÷gePsf] / To;;DaGwL ;d:ofnfO{ ;dfwfg ug] { t k{ m tL d'n'sx?sf] k|d'v Wo]odf sfo{ ;Dkfbgk|lt hf]8 lbg' xf]  . of] ;" r sf+ s sf af/] d f lj:t[ t ljj/0f www.ifpri.org df x]g{ ;lsG5 . ;g\ @)!# sf] o; ;"rsfª\sn] ljZjJofkL ef]ssf] :t/ ;g\ @))*–@)!@ df ;g\ !(() b]lv ;'wf/f]Gd'v ePsf] hgfPsf] 5 . ef]ssf] :t/ Ps ltxfO{?kdf 36]sf] kfOPsf] 5 . olt ;'wf/ u/] tfklg ljZjJofkL ef]ssf] :t/ clt ;+j]bgzLn /x]sf] 5 . ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf] ljlzi6Ls[t lgsfo ljZj vfB tyf s[lif ;+u7gn] atfPcg';f/ ljZje/ *&) ldlnog hgtf ef]s kLl8t /x]sf 5g\  . To;}u/L, blIf0f Plzofsf] ;Gbe{df vfBfGg ;ª\s6 lgjf/0f ug{ b|"t ultdf sfo{ cl3 ga9]sf] tYofÍn] b]vfpF5g\ . n}lËs b[li6sf]0fdf dlxnfdfly x'g] ;fdflhs lje]b, c;dfgtf sd kf]if0fo'Qm vfB kbfy{, b'a{n z}lIfs tyf ;fdflhs cj:yf cflbn] ubf{ afnaflnsfdf k|ToIf c;/ kg{ ;Sg] tYo phfu/ u/]sf] 5 . o;tk{m plrt Wofg lbP kLl8tx?sf] :jf:Yo ;'b[9 x'Fb} hfg] lglZrt 5 .

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-^_ Unf]an lk; OG8]S;, @)!# of] ;"rsfª\sn] ljZjJofkL zflGtsf] cj:yfsf] dfkg ub{5 . zflGt / To;sf] nfeaf/] j:t'ut cWoog To; ;"rsfª\sn] u/]sf] 5 . zflGt eg]sf] dfgjLo ;d[l4 / k|ultsf] Pp6f ;sf/fTds xfl;n ug{ ;lsg] / d"t{?kdf dfkg ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] ;Gb]z o; ;"rsfª\sn] u/]sf] 5 . of] ;"rsfª\saf/] www.visionofnomanity.org lj:t[t ljj/0f x]g{ ;lsG5 . ljZjsf] s]Gb|ljGb'df :yfgfGt/0f zflGtdf ug]{ clek|fo xf] . OlG:6Ro"6 km/ Osf]gf]ldS; PG8 lk;n] cfˆgf] nIo xfl;n ug{ zflGtdosf] kl/efiffnfO{ gofF cjwf/ 0ffut 9fFrf lgdf{0f ul/Psf] 5 . o; cjwf/0ffn] zflGtsf] dfkg ub{5 / Joj;fo, zflGt / ;d[l4sf

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

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6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

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sf/f]af/ ;~rfng @)!#M ;fgf tyf d´f}nf pBdx?sf] nflu r':t lgodx? o; ;"rsfÍsf] d"Vo pknlAw / klxnf] sf/f]af/ ;~rfng k|ltj]bg • o; cjlwdf bzssf} kl5 !*) cy{tGqdf @))) sf/f]jf/ lgofds ;~rfng ;'wf/x?sf] dfkg o;n] u/]sf] 5 • k"jL{ o"/f]k / dWo Plzofn] clwstd k|ult k"jL{ Plzof / k|zfGtnfO{ klg pl5g]/ ljZjsf] bf];|f] sf/f]jf/ d}qL If]qsf] :yfg cf]36]sf] o; dfkgn] b]vfPsf] 5 . OECD sf pRr cfod"ns cy{tGq ePsf d'n'sx? lg/Gt/ ?kdf clt sf/f]jf/ d}qL jftfj/0f /x]sf 5g\ . • sf/f]jf/ lgofds cEof;x? lj:tf/} Ps?k x'Fb} cfO{/x]sf 5g\ . cy{tGq k|fylds r/0fdf g/fd|f] ;Dkfbg eP klg ptd cEof;stf{x?;+usf] vf8n ;fF3'l/b} uPsf] 5 . ;g\ @))% b]lv ;a}eGbf al9 ;'wf/ ePsf] %) cy{tGq dWo] ;a;xf/fg d'n'sx?df ePsf] 5 . • o; Ps?ktfdf al9/x]sf] lgodx? To; ;DaGwL h6Lntf / nfexfgL k|lqmof -Jofkf/ v8f ug{, ;Dklt btf{, k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0f ug{ :jLs[lt, lah'nL h8fgstf{, s/ e'tmfgL / jfl0fHo k|s[ofx?_ df al9 Wofgfsif{0f u/fpFb5 . o;sf] cfs[i6 sfg"gL ;+:yfx?sf] -s/f/sf] s8f nfu", C0f df]rg Joj:yfx?, cfo ;"rgf, C0fstf{sf] sfg"gL clwsf/ / cNk;+Vos z]o/wgLx?sf] ;'/If0f_ sf] ;antfdf dfq xf]Og . • o; k|ltj]bgn] ´08} @))) ;'wf/x?sf] b'O{ ltxfO{ efunfO{ ;d]6]/ hl6ntf / lgofds k|s[ofx?sf] nfe–xfgLdfly s]lGb|t /x]sf] 5 .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

• xfn;Dd ePsf] cWoog cg';Gwfgn] ;/n Jofkfl/s lgodx?sf] k|efjn] cfly{s pGgltsf] lj:tf/n] b|"t ultsf] /f]huf/L j[l4 / gofF Jofkfl/s z'¿jftsf] a[xt\ ult k|bfg ug]{df ;+zo 5}g . ljsf;f]Gd'v cy{tGqx?df sl/a !) k|ltzt /f]huf/L lghL If]qn] cf36]sf] 5 . To;df ;/sf/L gLltx?n] ultlzn Jofkfl/s jftfj/0fnfO{ nuflg a9fpg] pBd, /f]huf/L lgdf{0f / a9\bf] pTkfbg ;d]tnfO{ ;xof]u k'¥ofpFb5 . ;a}nfO{ o;af6 w]/} ;Defjgf / cj;/x?sf] 9f]sf v'Nb5 . w]/} tYosf] cfwf/df ;fj{hlgs gLlt lgdf{tfx?n] a[xt\ cfly{s ;"rsx? eGbf cfˆgf 3/]n' P]g, lgod / sfg"gx?nfO{ ;/nLs/0f ug'{df g} >]o:s/ x'G5g\ eGg] kQf nufPsf 5g\ . ha ;g\ @))# b]lv of] k|ltj]bg k|sflzt eof] To;a]nf s]xL yf]/} ljZjJofkL ?kdf kfOPsf / lg/Gt/ ?kdf hfgsf/L ePsf ;"rsx? lyP . To:tf ;"rsx? ;"Id



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;"rgfsf] xs s] xf] < ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf /x]sf ;fj{hlgs dxTTjsf] ;"rgf dfUg] / kfpg] xs g} ;"rgfsf] xs xf] . s'g} lnlvt ;fdu|L jf sfd sf/afxLsf] cWoog jf cjnf]sg ug]{, k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk lng], e|d0f ug]{ h:tf] xs klg xf] . of] ;~rf/sdL{x?sf] dfq geP/ cfdgful/sn] ;d]t rf;f] lnO/xg'kg]{ ljifo xf] . o;sf] pkof]un] ;dfhdf kf/blz{tf, pQ/bfloTj / 1fg clej[l4 ug{ dbt k'¥ofpg] lglZrt 5 . ;a}n] pkof]u u/f}F .

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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

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To:t} 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnsf cWoIf Xo'u]6 nfj]n eGg'x'G5– æof] e|i6frf/hGo sfo{ u/L efUg]x?nfO{ /f]Sg] a]nf xf] . sfg"gL l5b|x? / ;/sf/df /fhgLlts OR5fzlStsf] cefj b'j}n] /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o e|i6frf/nfO{ a9fjf lbO/x]sf 5g\ . ;"rsfÍn] e|i6frf/ / b08lxgtf /f]Sg 3lge"t k|of;sf nflu xfdLnfO{ 3r3RofO/x]sf] 5 .Æ o; jif{sf] ;"rLdf 8]gdfs{ / Go'lhNof08 s"n !)) dWo] (! cÍ k|fKt u/L ;a}eGbf sd e|i6frf/ x'g] d'n'sx? ePsf 5g\ eg] ckmuflg:tfg, pQ/ sf]l/of, / ;f]dflnof * cÍ k|fKt u/L ;a}eGbf a9L e|i6frf/ x'g] d'n'ssf ?kdf ;"rLs[t ePsf 5g\ . blIf0f Pl;ofnL /fi6«x?dWo] e'6fgn] ^#, >LnÍfn] #&, ef/tn] #^, g]kfnn] #!, kfls:tfgn] @*, a+unfb]zn] @& / ckmuflg:tfgn] * cÍ kfPsf 5g\ . dfnlåE; of] ;"rLdf ;dfj]z 5}g . ;L=kL=cfO{= @)!# ;DaGwL 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnåf/f hf/L k|]; lj1lKt / ;"rsfÍ;d]tsf] k"0f{ ljj/0f www.transparency.org/cpi /  http://www.tinepal.org df pknAw 5 . 9

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6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

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Unf]an s/K;g l/kf]6{M Ph's]zg @)!@ xfd|f ljBfno / ljZjljBfno g} e|i6frf/df d'l5g] xf] eg] xfd|f afnaflnsfsf] lzIff ;kmn x'g ;Sb}g lzIff If]q e|i6frf/sf sf/0fn] cGof}nu|:t /x]sf] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnsf] gofF l/kf]6{n] b]vfPsf] 5 . ;fy}, e|i6frf/ s;/L /f]syfd ug{ ;lsG5 / cfufdL k':tfnfO{ o;lj¿4 h'emf? agfpg s] ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] ;'emfj klg lbPsf] 5 . a'8fk]:6÷aln{g, ! cS6f]a/ @)!# . ljBfnodf afnaflnsf kl9/x]sf 5g\ / ;fIf/tf tyf ljsf; nIox? xfl;n eO/x]sf 5g\ eGg] ;'lglZrt ug{ dfq geO{ efjL k':tfnfO{ e|i6frf/lj¿4 cfjfh p7fpg tof/ kfg]{ s'/fsf] nflu ;d]t lzIff If]qdf x'g] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] n8fOFnfO{ cem k|efjsf/L agfpg cfjZos 5 eGg] s'/f 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnsf] gofF k|ltj]bgn] bzf{Psf] 5 . Unf] a n s/K;g l/kf] 6 { M Ph' s ] z gn] clwsf/sf] b'?kof]u, 3";vf]/L / uf]Ko sf/f]af/sf] /f]syfddfkm{t\ z}lIfs cg'ejnfO{ x|f; x'g glbg ljleGg Jofjxfl/s pkfox? ;'emfPsf] 5 . l/kf]6{n] ljZjJofkL lzIff gLltdf ;'zf;gsf] cjwf/0ff /x]sf] ;'lglZrt ug{ ;/sf/x?, cGt/f{li6«o ;ª\3–;+:yfx?, lghL Joj;fo / gful/s ;dfhnfO{ cfXjfg u/]sf] 5 . 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnsf cWoIf Xo'u]6 nfa]n eGg'x'G5— æe|i6frf/lj¿4 efjL of]4fnfO{ lzlIft t'Nofpg ljBfno tyf ljZjljBfnox? :jo+ e|i6frf/d'St x'g'kb{5 .Æ pxfF cufl8 eGg'x'G5— æpRr:t/sf] ;bfrf/a]u/ xfd|f ljBfno / ljZjljBfnox?n] efjL g]t[TjnfO{ cfjZos kg]{ cfwf/e"t tf}/tl/sf / ljz]ifu/L 3";vf]/L lgoGq0f ug]{ s'/fdf bLlIft ug{ ;Sb}gg\ .Æ æljZj hg;ª\Vofsf] emG8} kfFr efusf] Ps efu !% b]lv @$ jif{ pd]/ ;d"xsf o'jfx?;Fu cfhsf gful/s / ef]lnsf] g]t[Tj b'j} x}l;otdf e|i6frf/ /f]Sg] Ifdtf /x]sf] x'G5 .Æ nfa]nn] yKg'eof] . lzIff gLltdf ;"rgfsf] kx'Fr, z}lIfshut\sf] cfrf/

;+lxtf, zf;gk4ltdf cleefjs / ljBfyL{sf] ;xeflutf / z}lIfs cfofdleq lgodg / hjfkmb]lxtfsf] ;':ki6 k4lth:tf e|i6frf/lj¿4sf cfwf/e"t ljifox?sf] sfof{Gjogn] xfd|f afnaflnsfx?nfO{ k9fpg vr{ ul/Psf k|To]s 8n/, ?k}ofF jf k};f nlIft If]q h:t} ljBfno ejg lgdf{0f ug{, lzIfsx?nfO{ kfl/>lds lbg / kf7ok':ts vl/b ug{ vr{ ul/Psf 5g\ eGg] s'/f ;'lglZrt ub{5 . olt x'Fbfx'Fb} klg w]/}h;f] d'n'sdf lzIff If]qdf x'g] e|i6frf/n] d'nss} 5lj wldNofPsf] 5 . 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnsf] Unf]an s/K;g Jof/f]ld6/ @)!# cg';f/ ljZj hg;ª\Vofsf] kfFrdWo] Ps JolStn] z}lIfs ;]jfdf ut jif{ 3"; v'jfPsf] b]lvG5 . ljZjsf clt ul/a d'n'sdf of] ;ª\Vof tLg hgfdf Ps /x]sf] 5. Unf]an s/K;g l/kf]6{M Ph's]zgn] lzIff If]qdf /x]sf ljleGg vfn] e|i6frf/hGo ultljlwx? pbfx/0fsf nflu /fli6«o lzIff sf]ifdf ul/g] lxgfldgf, ljBfnodf ul/g] n'lsl5kL vr{ cyjf gSsnL k|df0fkqsf] lsga]rh:tf ljleGg :j?kx?nfO{ phfu/ u/]sf] 5. o;n] s];d]t b]vfPsf] 5 eg] z}lIfs If]qdf x'g] ;a}vfn] e|i6frf/n] pRr u'0f:t/sf] 1fg / ;fdflhs, cfly{s ljsf;df ;d]t cj/f]w :j?k sfd u/]sf] x'G5 . o;vfn] ultljlwn] ljZjljBfnoaf6 k|fKt x'g] k|fl1s nfe hf]lvddf kg{'sf cltl/St d'n'ss} lzIff k|0ffnLsf] k|lti7f;d]t w/f;foL agfpg ;Sb5 .


k|]z lj1lKt

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

Unf]an s/K;g l/kf]6{M Ph's]zgn] lgsf;sf ?kdf z}lIfs If]qsf] e|i6frf/nfO{ lgoGq0fdf lng gofFvfnsf k4ltx? ;'emfPsf] 5 . $$@ k[i7sf] k':ts kfFr kl/R5]bx?df ljefhg ul/Psf] / o;n] %) eGbf a9L d'n'ssf &) lj1x?sf] ljZn]if0f / ;'emfj ;dfj]z u/]sf] 5 . h;cGtu{tM z}lIfs If]qsf] e|i6frf/sf ljZjJofkL k|j[lQ, ljBfno lzIffdf e|i6frf/sf] dfqf af]w, pRrlzIffdf kf/blz{tf / ;bfrf/, z}lIfs If]qdf x'g] e|i6frf/nfO{ lgoGq0f ug{ gjLg k4ltx?sf] vf]hL, j}olSts / Jofj;flos ;bfrf/ ;'b[9 ug{ lzIffsf] e"ldsf ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

ul/g]5 . h;nfO{ ljZjsf bh{gf} d'n'sx?n] cf–cfˆgf ultljlwx?dfkm{t\ ;d]t k5Øfpg ;Sg]5g\ . lzIff If]qsf e|i6frf/lj/f]wL ultljlw;DaGwL hfgsf/Lsf nflu twitter.com/#honesteducation x]g{'xf]nf . e|i6frf/lj¿4sf b}lgs hfgsf/L Twitter at twitter. com/anticorruption or on Facebookat facebook. com/transparencyinternational

df klg x]g{ ;lsg]


;Dkfbsx?sf nflu gf]6M Unf]an s/K;g l/kf]6{ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnsf] lgoldt k|sfzg xf] h;n] ;dfhsf dxTjk"0f{ If]qdf /x]sf e|i6frf/ phfu/ ug]{ / To;sf] /f]syfd ug]{ pkfox? ;'emfpFb5 . Unf]an s/K;g l/kf]6{sf] ut z[ªv \ nfn] hnjfo' kl/jt{gnfO{ ljZn]if0f u/]sf] lyof] h'g ;g\ @)!! df k|sflzt ePsf] lyof] . Unf]an s/K;g l/kf]6{sf] cfufdL k|sfzg v]ns'b If]qdf s]lGb|t /xg] 5 .

:d/0fLo 5M k|ltj]bgsf] k[i7 *) df g]kfnsf ;/sf/L ljBfnosf] /fxtsf]6fdf gftfjfb xfjL /x]sf tYo phfu/ u/]sf] 5 . e| i 6frf/ JofKt x' g glbg o' j fx?dfem ;bfrf/ k|j4{gdfkm{t\ pHHjn eljiosf] lgdf{0f ug'{ clt cfjZos 5 . lrnLb]lv df]/Ssf] x'Fb} yfONofG8;Dd 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnsf w]/}h;f] RofK6/x?n] ;~rf/ ;Dks{ ljBfno kf7Øqmd / sIffsf]7f ultljlwd} e|i6frf/lj/f]wL Berlin ljifox? ;dflxt ug]{vfnsf a[xt\ sfo{qmd th{'df ug{ Chris Sanders E.press@transparency.org ;s] lzIff If]qsf] e|i6frf/ cGTo ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] T.+49 30 343820 666 (Berlin) s'/f bzf{Psf 5g\ . Budapest Unf]an s/K;g l/kf]6M{ Ph'sz ] gnfO{ www.transparency. df cgnfOg x]g{ ;lsG5 . l/kf]6{ ;fj{hlgs ug]{ sfd a'9fk]:6 / xª\u]/Ldf


Emese Hortobagyi E.emese.hortobagyi@transparency,hu T.+361/269-9534

-6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnåf/f cS6f]a/ !, @)!# df ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf] k|]; lj1lKtsf] g]kfnL cg'jfb_ 9

/fli6«o ;bfrf/ k4ltsf] ljsf; u/f}FM e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf] cleofgnfO{ ;kmn kf/f}F

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g



6LcfO{ g]kfnsf ultljlw 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] sfof{no :yfgfGt/0f

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnsf] ;lrjfno gofFafg]Zj/l:yt ;+ljwfg;ef ejg cufl8 5s'as' dfu{df @)&) k'; @( ut]b]lv :yfgfGt/0f ePsf] 5 . o;cl3 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] sfof{no 1fg]Zj/df /x]sf] lyof] .

Pnfs 8LkL bf];|f] r/0fdf 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnn] o'/f]lkog o'lgogsf] ;xof]udf ;~rfng ul//x]sf] P8\ef]s];L PG8 lnun P8\efO; ;]G6/ -Pnfs 8LkL_ sfo{qmd bf];|f] r/0fdf k|j]z u/]sf] 5 . o;cl3 Pnfs 8LkL sfo{qmd klxnf] r/0fdf dlxnf hfu/0f ;+3 Onfd, dfgj clwsf/ / jftfj/0f ljsf; s]Gb| pbok'/, hgr]tgf ljsf; sfo{qmd hgsk'/, kf/bzL{ g]kfn l;4fy{gu/ ?kGb]xL, e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofg lrjtg / ;'zf;gsf nflu gful/s ;dfh sf:sLdf ;~rfng ul/Psf] lyof]  . bf];|f] r/0fcGtu{t gful/s ;/f]sf/ d~r lj/f6gu/ df]/ª, gful/s ;/f]sf/ ;+3 ;'v]{t, ;bfrf/sf nflu ;fdflhs kxn s}nfnL, k|km];gn dlxnf ;xof]uL ;d"x sf7df8f},+ ;'zf;g cleofg u'NdL, dfgjLo ljsf; tyf ;|f]t Joj:yfkg g]kfn wflbª lhNnfdf ;'? ul/Psf] 5 .

wflbªdf pb\3f6g ul/Psf] 5 . ;/sf/L tyf u}/;/sf/L lgsfosf k|ltlglw, :yfgLo ;+3–;+:yf tyf gful/s ;dfhsf k|ltlglwx?sf] pkl:yltdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf >L lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=n] pb\3f6g ug{'ePsf] xf] . sfo{qmddf kl/of]hgf ;+of]hs t'Da'? uf}td / 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf >L lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L= sf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] .

e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] syf ;ª\u|x 6« f G;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnn] e|i6frf/ lj¿4sf] syf ;ª\u|x k|sflzt u/]sf] 5 . pSt ;ª\u|xdf #! hgf syfsf/x?sf] syf ;ª\u|x ul/Psf 5g\ . syf ;ª\ u | x e| i 6frf/ lj¿4sf] cGt/f{ l i6« o lbj;sf lbg nf]sfk{0f ul/Psf] lyof] .

tLg lhNnfdf cGt/lqmof

;bfrf/ tyf hjfkmb]xL -OG6]lu|6L PG8 PsfpG6]laln6L_ sfo{qmdcGtu{t tLg lhNnfdf cGt/lqmof sfo{qmd ;DkGg ePsf 5g\ . tL cGt/lqmof sfo{qmd lj=;+= @)&) df3 @& k;f{, df3 @* l;/fxf / df3 @( ut] ;nf{xLdf ;DkGg ePsf x'g\ . sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf >L lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=, dxf;lrj >L e/t axfb'/ yfkf / ;b:o 8f= /fdbofn /fs]z, ;+:yfks ;b:o 8f= b]j]Gb|/fh kf08], 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng u/]sf] g]zgn OG6]lu|6L l;:6d ;DaGwL cg';Gwfgsf k|d'v cg';Gwfgstf{ >L /fds[i0f /]UdL Pnfs 8LkL pb\3f6g 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng ul//x]sf] Pnfs 8LkL / 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs >L cflzif yfkf, sfo{qmdsf] bf];|f] r/0fcGtu{t @)&) k'; !& ut] kl/of]hgf ;+of]hs >L df]xg a'9fyf]sLsf] ;xeflutf s}nfnL, k'; !( ;'v]{t, k'; @@ ut] u'NdL, / df3 # ut] /x]sf] lyof]  . To:t}, afFs]l:yt afu]Zj/L c;n zf;gn]



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

cfof]hgf u/]sf] ;bfrf/ tyf hjfkmb]lxtf;DaGwL 5nkmn sfo{qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIf >L lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L=, sf]iffWoIf >L d's'Gb k|wfg, >L t'Da'? uf}td / kl/of]hgf ;+of]hs >L df]xg a'9fyf]sL ;xefuL x'g'x'GYof] .

e|i6frf/sf] l:ylt dfkg ug{ cfwf/e"t ;j]{If0f

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

;/sf/sf d'Vo;lrj nLnfdl0f kf}8]nn] ug{'ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf ;+:s[ltljb\ ;Todf]xg hf]zLnfO{ ;Ddfg u¥of] . sfo{qmddf l;:g'kfgL g]kfnn] xf:o Joª\Uo k|:t't u/]sf] lyof] . hf]zLnfO{ k|bfg ul/Psf] ;Ddfg–kqdf elgPsf] 5– laqmd ;Djt\ !(&& a}zfv #) ut] hGdg'ePsf >L ;Todf]xg hf]zLHo"n] ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf] ljleGg cf]xf]bfdf /xFbf / cjsf; u|x0fkZrft\ klg ;bfrf/o'St cfr/0f / hLjgz}nL cjnDag u/L g]kfnsf] >La[l4sf nflu cgj/t ;dlk{t x'g'ePsf]df pRr ;Ddfg ub}{ 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfn oxfFnfO{ /fli6«o ;bfrf/ ;Ddfg @)&) ;dk{0f ub{5 .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnn] e|i6frf/sf] l:ylt dfkg ug{ !@ lhNnfdf cfwf/e"t ;j]{If0f ul//x]sf] 5 . wflbª, u'NdL, df]/ª, s}nfnL, sf7df8f}+ / ;'v]{tdf ;~rfng eO/x]sf] cfwf/e"t ;j]{If0f -a];nfOg ;j]{_ n] e|i6frf/;DaGwdf gful/ssf] cjwf/0ff, cg'ej / lgoGq0fsf nflu ;'emfa lng] p2]Zo /fv]sf] 5 . To:t}, afFsL ^ lhNnfdf lrtjg, wg'iff, Onfd, sf:sL, 6LcfO{ g]kfndf gofF OG6g{ ?kGb]xL / pbok'/df ;Gt'li6 ;j]{If0f -;]l6:km]S;g sf7df8" o'lgel;{6L :s"n ckm d]g]hd]G6df cWoog/t Hjfnf ;j]{_ eO/x]sf] 5 . e§n] @)&) c;f]h @) b]lv df3 !( ut];Dd 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn ;Gbe{M e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj; -6LcfO{_ g]kfndf OG6g{sf ?kdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnåf/f ;+:s[ltljb\ ;Todf]xg hf]zL ;Ddflgt sfd ug{'eof] . 6LcfO{df sfo{/t 6« f G;k/] G ;L OG6/g] z gn -6LcfO{ _ g] k fnn] /xFbf e§n] Jofj;flos 1fg cfh{g Hjfnf e§ e| i 6frf/lj¿4sf] cGt/f{ l i6« o lbj;sf ;Gbe{ d f ug{ kfPsf] atfpg'ePsf] 5 . pxfFn] /l;og sNr/ ;] G 6/, sdnkf] v /L sf7df8f} + d f 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng u/]sf ljleGg cg';Gwfg, @)&) d+l;/ @$ -l8;]Da/ (, @)!#_ ut] Ps sfo{qmd 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] /0fgLlt th{'df, ah]6 th{'df / cGo cfof]hgf u¥of] . sfo{qmdsf] k|d'v cfltYotf g]kfn lqmofsnfk;DaGwL sfo{df ;3fpg'ePsf] lyof] . To:t}, SoflDa|h ljZjljBfnodf cWoog/t a] n fotL gful/s yf]d; ljN;n] klg Ps dlxg] OG6g{;Lk k"/f ug{'ePsf] 5 . pxfFn] 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] cfufdL rf/ jif{df ;~rfng ug{ ;lsg] Thomas Wills kl/of]hgf, To;;DaGwL ah]6 th{ ' d f / kl/of] h gf ;Da4 lqmofsnfk to ug{ ;3fpg'ePsf] lyof] . ljN;n] gful/s ;+:yfsf ?kdf /x]sf] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] sfo{z}nL / ;xsdL{x?sf] ldqjt Jojxf/ clj:d/0fLo e|i6frf/ lj¿4sf] cGt/f{li6«o lbj;sf cj;/df ;+:s[ltljb\ >L ;Todf]xg hf]zLnfO{ ;Ddfg ck{0f ub}{ /xg] atfpg'eof] .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



cGt/f{li6«o ;Dd]ng

ljut $ jif{b]lv ;~rfng eO/x]sf] pSt sfo{qmdn] blIf0f Pl;ofnL b]zx?df cg'ej cfbfg–k|bfg ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . o; sfo{qmdcGtu{t xfn;Dd g]kfn, ef/t, a+unfb]z, >Lnª\sf, dfnlåE; / kfls:tfgsf @# hgfn] ;xeflutf hgfO;s]sf 5g\ . 6LcfO{ g]kfndf sfo{/t lgzf cof{n xfn >Lnª\sfdf x'g'x'G5 . To:t}, 6LcfO{ >Ln+sfdf sfo{/t xl/yf bfzfgfos] 6LcfO{ g]kfndf sfo{/t x'g'x'G5 . sf7df8f}+df ;DkGg ;Dd]ngn] cfufdL tLg jif{sf] 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] cfof]hgf u/]sf] cGt/f{li6«o ;Dd]ngsf ;xefuL /0fgLlt, sfo{of]hgf / ah]6 th{'df u/]sf] 5 . ;Dd]ngdf g]kfn, a+unfb]z, >Lnª\sf / ef/tsf k|ltlglwsf] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] laplN8ª kmfpG8]zG; ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . ckm OG6]lu|6LM g]zgn PG8 OG6/g]zgn PSk]l/PG;]; ljifos cGt/f{li6«o ;Dd]ng sf7df8f}+df cfof]hgf cGt/f{li6«o ;xeflutf u¥of] . ;Dd]ngdf jt{dfg cj:yfdf ;bfrf/ k|j4{gsf 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] @)&) ebf} ( b]lv !# ljleGg cfofdsf] cy{k"0f{ ;ª\3if{sf nflu lgsf;sf] ut] -@%–@( cu:6 @)!#_ yfONofG8sf] a}+ssdf vf]hL ug]{ / /fli6«o ;bfrf/ k|0ffnLsf] dxTj phfu/ jftfj/0f;DaGwL uf]i7L cfof]hgf u¥of] . pSt uf]i7Ldf ug{ ljz]ifu/L ;fj{hlgs vl/b, cfly{s ;bfrf/, ljsf; 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf tkm{af6 dxf;lrj >L e/t axfb'/ ;xof]u / skf]{/]6 ;bfrf/nufotsf ljifodf 5nkmn yfkf, sfo{;ldlt ;b:o v]d/fh /]UdLn] ;xeflutf ug]{ p2]Zo /x]sf] hfgsf/L lbOPsf] lyof] . hgfpg'eof] . ;g\ @)!# sf] l8;]Da/ !@–!# df cfof]lht ;Dd]ngn] e|i6frf/lj¿4 lqmofzLn /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o lj1, cGt/f{li6«o ;xeflutf gful/s ;dfh, bftf ;d"x / cGo ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] aln{gdf cfof]hgf u/]sf] cg'ej cfbfg k|bfg Pj+ e|i6frf/ lgoGq0fsf yk jflif{s -;b:otf_ e]nf ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . pSt e]nfdf pkfo / ;Defjgfx?sf] vf]hL ug{ Ps 7fpFdf h'6\g] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf tkm{af6 cWoIf >L lji0f' axfb'/ s]=;L= cj;/ k|bfg u/]sf] hfgsf/L ;xefuL lj1x?n] lbP . / sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs >L cflzif yfkfsf] ;xeflutf pSt ;Dd]ngdf dn]l;of, a+unfb]z, ef/t, >Ln+sf, /Xof] . ;xeflutfsf nflu pxfFx? lj=;+= @)&) sflQs e'6fg, hd{gL, g]kfnnufot & b]zsf lj1x?sf] !( ut] k|:yfg ug{'ePsf] lyof] eg] sflQs @% ut] ;xdflutf /x]sf] lyof] . kms{g'ePsf] lyof] .

;fpy–;fpy Pl;of PS;r]Gh;DaGwL If]qLo ;Dd]ng ;fpy–;fpy Pl;of PS;r]Gh;DaGwL If]qLo sfo{qmd sf7df8f}+df lj=;+= @)&) k'; % ut] ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . k|m]8sk{;]6 gj]{sf] ;xof]udf ;g\ @))( b]lv ;~rflnt pSt sfo{qmd cfufdL tLg jif{ -@)!^_ ;Dd lg/Gt/ ;~rfng x'g] ePsf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] cu'jfO{df

e]63f6 k|]m8sk{;]6 gj]{sf] ;xof]udf ;~rfng eO/x]sf] ;fpy–;fpy Pl;of PS;r]Gh sfo{qmdsf sfo{qmd clws[t Sofyl/g ljnh]sn] @)&) df3 !% ut] -@( hgj/L, @)!$_ kfFrf}+ r/0fsf] PS;r]Gh sfo{qmdsf] d"Nofª\sgsf nflu 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ;lrjfnodf



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

kbflwsf/L Pj+ sfo{ q md;Da4 sd{ r f/Lx?;F u af/]6, g]jfdf g]6js{ Pu]G:6 8f]d]l:6s EofOn]G;sf e]63f6 ug{'eof] . e]63f6sf cj;/df 5}7f}F r/0fsf] sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs ;'O d]p:sL ;lDdlnt 6f]nLn] gfoj ;Demf}tf;DaGwL 5nkmn ePsf] lyof] . sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs >L sdn kf]v/]n;Fu e]63f6 u/]sf] lyof] . UNCAC uf]i7Ldf ;xeflutf

Pnfs 8LkL kl/of]hgf 6f]nL ef/t e|d0fdf 6fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] o'/f]lkog o'lgogsf] ;xof]udf ;~rfng ul//x]sf] Pnfs 8LkL kl/of]hgf cGtu{ t kl/of] h gf ;+ o f] h s >L t' D a' ? uf} t d, sfo{qmd clws[t >L ljgf]b e§/fO{ / n]vf clws[t >L alatf zdf{ ;lDdlnt Ps ;d"xn] ef/t e|d0f u/]sf] 5 . e|d0fsf qmddf ;f] ;d"xn] ef/tsf gofF lbNnL -@)&) c;f]h !(_, hok'/, /fh:yfg -@)&) c;f]h @!_, tldngf8' -@)&) c;f]h @#_, nufotsf 7fpFx?sf] cjnf]sg e|d0f u/L cg'ej cfbfg–k|bfg o' P g cf] 8 L;Ln] dn] l ;ofsf] SjfnfnDk' / df ;g\ u/]sf] 5 . @)!$ sf] km]a|'c/L @# b]lv @& df cfof]hgf u/]sf] e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] dxf;lGw / o;sf] k'g/fjnf]sg;DaGwL Oo' k|ltlglw e]63f6 ;+oGq ljifos $ lbg] sfo{zfnf ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . pSt 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] o'/f]lkog o'lgogsf] sfo{zfnfdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf gfoa sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs ;xof]udf ;~rfng ul//x]sf] Pnfs 8LkL kl/of]hgfsf] >L sdn kf]v/]nn] ;xeflutf hgfpg'eof] . cfly{ s sf/f] a f/ / ah] 6 Joj:yfkg;DaGwdf 5nkmn ug{ @)&) kmfu'g ( ut] Oo"af6 cfpg'ePsL 6LcfO{ sDaf]l8ofsf sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs g]kfndf cfbLx]8 ;]g]sgju{/n] e]63f6 ug{'eof] . To:t}, 6LcfO{ sDaf]l8ofsf sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs >L k|]k sf]nn] kl/of]hgfsf] ljut / cfufdL lqmofsnfkaf/] 5nkmn g]kfn e|d0fsf] qmddf 6LcfO{ g]kfn ;lrjfnosf] ug{ @)&) kmfu'g !@ ut] Sof6/Lgf ofsf]e]n]of e|d0f ug{'eof] . @)&) df3 * ut] -@@ hgj/L, @)!$_ cfpg'ePsf] lyof] . ;DkGg e]63f6df 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] ;~rfng ul//x]sf ;bfrf/ tyf hjfkmb]xL clej[l4 sfo{qmdsf] ljleGg lqmofsnfkaf/] 5nkmn ePsf] lyof] .

k'g/fjnf]sg k|ltj]bg

cd]l/sL k|ltlglwd08n e]63f6 g]kfn k|]; OlG:6Ro"6sf] lgdGq0ffdf g]kfn e|d0fdf cd]l/sfaf6 cfPsf] k|ltlglwd08nn] @)&) df3 # ut] 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] ;lrjfno e|d0f u/]sf] 5 . e|d0f 6f]nLdf clkm; ckm b OG;k]S6/ hg/n :6]6 ckm cf]xfof]sf OG;k]S6/ hg/n /fG8n h] d]o/, l;6L ckm dfl/6f hlh{ofsf Pl;:6]G6 6' b l;6L d]g]h/ ;fxgf]g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] gj]{lhog PDa];Lsf] ;xof]udf ;~rfng ul//x]sf] ;bfrf/ tyf hjfkmb]xL clej[l4 sfo{qmdsf] k'g/fjnf]sg tyf d"Nofª\sg >L /f3j lji6sf] g]t[Tjdf /x]sf] ;d"xn] ul//x]sf] 5 . lji6n] k'g/fjnf]sg u/L clGtd k|ltj]bg 6LcfO{ g]kfnnfO{ a'emfO;Sg' ePsf] 5 .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



k|f]T;fxg eQf;DaGwdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] Wofg cfs[i6 Pl;of k|zfGt If]qLo a}7s sf7df8f}+df x'g] g] k fn ;/sf/sf s] x L lgsfo / sfof{ n osf sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ k|f]T;fxg :j?k yk eQf / cGo lsl;dsf ;'ljwf, ;x'lnot k|bfg ub}{ cfPsf]df xfn} /fi6« k lt, pk/fi6« k lt tyf k| w fgdGqLsf] sfof{nonufotsf sfof{nodf sfd ug]{ sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ ;/sf/n] k|f]T;fxg eQf lbg] lg0f{o u/]sf] ;Gbe{df ljleGg ;~rf/dfWod dfkm{t k|sflzt tyf k|zfl/t ;dfrf/k|lt 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnn] Ps k|]; lj1lKt k|sflzt u/L -@)&)÷!)÷!@_ Wofg cfs[i6 ePsf] hgfPsf] 5 . lj1lKtdf elgPsf] 5– dxFuL a9\b} hfg', /fHon] k|bfg ug]{ ;]jf ;'ljwfdf ljljwtf /xg', h6Ln / vlr{nf] aGb} hfg', zflGt ;'/Iffsf] cj:yf ck]lIft ?kdf ljZj;gLo x'g g;Sg'h:tf ljBdfg cj:yfdf ;/sf/af6 k|bfg ul/g] ;]jf ;'ljwf / ;'/IffnfO{ ;xh, ;/n Pj+ sd emGeml6nf] kfb}{ cfd gful/ssf] hLjgofkgnfO{ ;xh agfO{ /fHosf] ljZj;gLotf a9fpFb} hfg'kg]{df o;/L lg0f{odf kx'Fr k'¥ofpg ;Sg] / cfkm" tyf cfk"m lgs6 jf dftxtsf sfof{nosf sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ yk k|f]T;fxg ug]{ gfddf cfd–gful/sdfly cfly{s af]em a9fpFb} nu]sf] cj:yfk|lt 6L cfO{ g]kfn lrlGtt ag]sf] 5 . o:tf k|j[lQn] cfdgful/sdfly s/sf] ef/ yKg'sf ;fy} /fHok|ltsf] cf:yf / ljZjf;df ;d]t sdL NofpF5 eGg] xfdLnfO{ nfu]sf] 5 . ;/sf/L ;] j fdf sfd ug] { ;a} sd{ r f/Lx?sf] kfl/>ldsnufot cGo ;'ljwf ;x'lnotdf Ps¿ktf sfod ug{' ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] ;j{dfGo / d"ne"t l;4fGtnfO{ cfTd;ft ul/g'kb{5 eGg] 6LcfO{ g]kfnnfO{ nfUb5 eGb} lj1lKtn] 6LcfO{ g]kfn pk/f]St plNnlvt ljifotkm{ cljnDa ;Da4 lgsfosf] Wofg cfs[i6 xf];\ / o;sf] lgoGq0fsf nflu oyfzL3| cfjZos sbd rflnof];\ eGg] hf]8bf/ dfu u/]sf] 5 . ;fy} 6LcfO{ g] k fnn] o;;DaGwdf tTsfnLg dlGqkl/ifb\sf cWoIf lvn/fh /]UdLnfO{ Ps kq k7fO{ Wofgfsif{0fsf nflu cfu|x u/]sf] 5 .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ sf] s]Gb|Lo ;lrjfno hd{gLn] sf7df8f}+df Pl;of k|zfGt If]qLo a}7s sf7df8f}+df cfof]hgf ug]{ ePsf] 5 . ;g\ @)!$ sf] d] !( b]lv @! ;Dd cfof]hgf ul/g] pSt a}7sdf 6LcfO{df cfa4 &) b]zsf RofK6/ k|ltlglwx?sf] ;xeflutf /xg] ePsf] 5 .

/fli6«o Jofj;flos kxnnfO{ ;+:yfut ;b:otf k|bfg 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn -6LcfO{_ g]kfnn] ;+:yfsf] ljwfgsf] bkmf & adf]lhd /fli6«o Jofj;flos kxn (National Business Initiative) nfO{ ;+:yfut ;b:otf k|bfg u/]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{n] @)&) df3 !# ut] Ps kq k7fO{ /fli6«o Jofj;flos kxnsf cWoIfnfO{ pSt s'/fsf] hfgsf/L lbPsf] xf] .

k|f=8f=s];Lsf] cfGbf]ngdf 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf] P]Soj4tf lrlsT;f zf:q cWoog ;+:yfgdf d]l8sn sn]hnfO{ ;DaGwg lbg] nufot ;du| :jf:Yo If]qs} ;'zf;g;Fu ;DalGwt ljleGg dfu /fvL k|f=8f= uf]ljGb s];Ln] ;~rfng ug{'ePsf] cg;gk|lt P]Soj4tf hgfpFb} 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] -@)&) k'; #) ut]_ Ps lj1lKt hf/L u/L Wofg cfs[i6 ePsf] hgfPsf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnsf cWoIfåf/f x:tfIfl/t lj1lKtdf



6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

elgPsf] 5– hg:jf:Yo;Fu k|ToIf ;DaGw /xg] ;+:yf gful/s k|lt pQ/bfoL x'g'k5{ . o:tf ;+:yfdf afXo x:tIf]k a9\b} hfg] xf] eg] To;n] cGttM ;+:yfnfO{ g} k"0f{¿kn] sdhf]/ / w/fzfoL agfpg] lglZrt 5 . o;sf/0f 8f= s]=;Ln] ;'? ug{'ePsf] ;bfrf/ k|j4{g cleofg k|lt 6L cfO{ g]kfn P]Soj4tf k|s6 ub{5 . ;fy}, ;d:of ;dfwfgfy{ tTsfn cfjZos sbd rfNg ;DalGwt kIf;Fu 6LcfO{ g]kfn hf]8bf/ dfu;d]t ub{5 .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

Unf]an s/K;g l/kf]6{M Ph's];g @)!@

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] Unf]an s/K;g l/kf]6{M Ph's];g @)!@ ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] 5 . ;g\ @)!# sf] cS6f]a/ ! df a'9fk]:6 / aln{g ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf] ;f] k|ltj]bg @)&) c;f]h !% ut] g]kfndf ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf] xf] . 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnsf] gofF k|ltj]bgn] ljBfnodf afnaflnsf kl9/x]sf 5g\ / ;fIf/tf tyf ljsf; nIox? xfl;n eO/x]sf 5g\ eGg] ;'lglZrt ug{ dfq geO{ efjL k':tfnfO{ e|i6frf/lj¿4 cfjfh p7fpg tof/ kfg]{ s'/fsf] nflu ;d]t lzIff If]qdf x'g] 6LcfO{ g]kfn–sf6{'lg:6 SnaaLr ;xsfo{ e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] n8fO{+nfO{ cem k|efjsf/L agfpg e|i6frf/lj¿4sf] cleofg ;~rfng ul//x]sf] 6LcfO{ cfjZos 5 eGg] s'/f bzf{Psf] 5 . g]kfn / sf6{'gsf dfWodaf6 hgr]tgf clej[l4 ub}{ Unf] a n s/K;g l/kf] 6 { M Ph' s ] z gn] clwsf/sf] cfPsf Jofj;flos sf6{'lg:6x? ;+nUg sf6{'lg:6 b'?kof]u, 3";vf]/L / uf]Ko sf/f]af/sf] /f]syfddfkm{t\ Sna aLr ;xsfo{ ;' ? ul/Psf] 5 . Snan] z}lIfs cg'ejnfO{ x|f; x'g glbg ljleGg Jofjxfl/s e|i6frf/lj¿4 hgr]tgf clej[l4 ug]{ sf6{'gx? 6LcfO{ pkfox? ;'emfPsf] 5 . l/kf]6{n] ljZjJofkL lzIff gLltdf g]kfnnfO{ pknAw u/fpg ;xdt eO{ Ps ;Demf}tf ;'zf;gsf] cjwf/0ff /x]sf] ;'lglZrt ug{ ;/sf/x?, kqdf x:tfIf/ u/]sf] 5 . 6LcfO{ g]kfnn] Snaåf/f cGt/f{li6«o ;ª\3–;+:yfx?, lghL Joj;fo / gful/s pknAw u/fOPsf] sf6{'g /fvL @)&! ;fnsf] Sofn]G8/ ;dfhnfO{ cfXjfg u/]sf] 5 . tof/ ug]{ ePsf] 5 . Unf]an s/K;g l/kf]6{M Ph's]zgn] lzIff If]qdf /x]sf ljleGgvfn] e|i6frf/hGo ultljlwx? pbfx/0fsf ;LkLcfO{ @)!# ;fj{hlgs 6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] @)&) d+l;/ !* ut] e|i6frf/ nflu /fli6«o lzIff sf]ifdf ul/g] lxgfldgf, ljBfnodf cjwf/0ff ;"rsfÍ @)!# Corruption Perception Index ul/g] n'lsl5kL vr{ cyjf gSsnL k|df0fkqsf] (CPI)- 2013 ;fj{hlgs uof]{ . CPI 2013 n] clVtof/sf] lsga]rh:tf ljleGg :j?kx?nfO{ phfu/ u/]sf] b'?kof]u, uf]Ko sf/f]af/ / 3";vf]/Ln] ;dfhnfO{ 5 . o;n] s];d]t b]vfPsf] 5 eg] z}lIfs If]qdf x'g] ;a}vfn] e|i6frf/n] pRr u'0f:t/sf] 1fg / ;fdflhs, w/fzfoL agfO/x]sf] cf}+NofPsf] 5 . cfly{s ljsf;df ;d]t cj/f]w :j?k sfd u/]sf] of] ;"rLn] ;fj{hlgs If]qdf /xg] e|i6frf/sf] cjwf/0ff x'G5 . o;vfn] ultljlwn] ljZjljBfnoaf6 k|fKt x'g] k|ltlalDat ug]{ 6L=cfO{= n] hgfPsf] 5 . CPI 2013 df k|fl1s nfe hf]lvddf kg{'sf cltl/St d'n'ss} lzIff ljZjel/sf !&& b]z ;dfj]z ul/Psf 5g\ . ut jif{ k|0ffnLsf] k|lti7f ;d]t w/f;foL agfpg ;Sb5 . g]kfnn] s'n !)) cª\sdf @& c+s kfPsf] lyof] eg] of] jif{ #! cª\s kfPsf] 5 . Unf]an s/K;g l/kf]6{M Ph's]zgn] lgsf;sf ?kdf blIf0f Pl;ofnL /fi6«x?dWo] e'6fgn] ^#, >LnÍfn] #&, z}lIfs If]qsf] e|i6frf/nfO{ lgoGq0fdf lng gofFvfnsf ef/tn] #^, g]kfnn] #!, kfls:tfgn] @*, a+unfb]zn] k4ltx? ;'emfPsf] 5 . 9 @& / ckmuflg:tfgn] * cª\s kfPsf 5g\ . dfnlåE; of] ;"rLdf ;dfj]z 5}g .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g



International Conference on Building Foundations of Integrity


ransparency International Nepal organized a two day International Conference to facilitate information-sharing on national and international experiences on integrity. The International Conference on Building Foundations of Integrity: National and International Experiences was held in Kathmandu in Hotel Annapurna from December 12-13, 2013.

The event was opened by Bharat Bahadur Thapa, Secretary General of TIN. He started with a brief introduction of TIN, which was established in 1996 and has been a part of global coalition against corruption in more than 100 national chapters and chapters-in-formation led by Transparency International. Ri g h t Ho n o r abl e K h il R a j Regmi, Chairman, Council of Ministers, Government of Nepal inaugurated the event by lighting the oil lamp. He stated that the conference would be a good stage to ponder upon multiple issues of integrity and accountability in relation to anti-corruption laws, bringing national and international participants to a common forum. He noted that there may be differences in the form of governance mechanism among countries, but the ultimate objectives of the countries are to serve the people at large. He

scored 63 in Corruption Perception Index, the main focus of Bhutan has been on the GNH (Gross National Happiness) and global well being. Mohan Bodhathoki stated the fact that the more t h e r e h a v e b e e n e ff o r t s against corruption, the more it has become a complex issue and thus, efforts need to be concentrated in this burning issue. HE Kjell Tormod Pettersen, Ambassador, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Nepal, delivered his remarks on the Royal Norwegian Embassy's involvement in anticorruption activities in Nepal since 2010. The Norwegian government allocates funds to promote and ensure that the rule of law is in place with high priority for the general citizen. Pema Lhamo, Former Chair, Public Accounts Committee, Bhutan made special remarks by focusing on how Bhutan has prioritized the anti-corruption movement. She was of the view that although corruption is prevalent in Bhutan, with the formation of a National AntiCorruption Commission six years back, it has been well equipped to fight against corruption. She mentioned that though Bhutan

J. C. Weliamuna, TI Board Member, TI Sri Lanka Chair, a human rights activist for the last 24 years in South Asia, stressed on the need to concentrate on historical facts to correlate with the current scenario. He was of the view that corruption has been prevalent in history whereby rulers took the issue of corruption as their own matter only. According to him, under the current circumstances of the Arab Spring, the anticorruption campaign in New Delhi, Nelson Mandela's activism against apartheid are some of the examples of the fight against corruption. Bishnu Bahadur KC, President, TIN, opined that Integrity is observed, seen and felt where the rule of law, good governance and ethical conduct and relations thrive. He stated that TI Nepal has been fighting against corruption for the last 18 years. He reiterated that there is no dearth of standard laws, rules and regulations in Nepal but the core issue is their strict enforcement. Dr. SumaiyaKhair, Deputy ED, TI Bangladesh made a brief introduction on the



‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

6ÂŤfG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

Inaugural Address by Mr. Bishnu Bahadur K.C., President, TI Nepal Rt. Hon'bleChairman, Council of Ministers,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

His Excellency Royal Norwegian Ambassador,

In these two days, TI Nepal will convene on this topical issue of integrity in order to cover its multi-sided thematic areas. We will hear from renowned national and international experts on national integrity system, the scoring and ranking of Nepal on the new Corruption Perceptions Index and Global Corruption Barometer, Integrity in Public Procurement, national initiatives on anti-corruption and United Nations Convention on Anti-Corruption (UNCAC), integrity in private sector, financial sector integrity and transparency in development aid.

Distinguished International Delegates, Learned Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of Transparency International Nepal I heartily welcome anti-corruption practitioners both governmental and non-governmental, activists and keen concerned participants to this august gathering of International Conference entitled"Building Foundations of Integrity: National and International Experiences". Integrity as we are aware of,is a term that is attached to personal character as well as in national and international identity. Integrity is observed, seen and felt where the rule of law, good governance and ethical conduct and relations thrive. There is a mutual consensus among communities about integrity which is rampantly eroding during these days. Thus, at this cusp of time we have to recreate integrity by building its foundations on sound, robust and healthy society. In these troubled periods of our history,it is imperative that the society takes responsibility to face these daunting problems and acts with courage and determination. The untimely demise of and attacks against those who have stood for integrity has further exacerbated the problem.But the spirits of the fallen remain indestructible in showing us the ray of hope that only integrity can cement our trust deficit and deepen the functioning of democratic and open society.

implementation of NIS in Bangladesh and outlined the strengths and weaknesses of the various stakeholders in Bangladesh, that included the Parliament, Bureaucracy, Judiciary, Supreme Audit Institution, and Election Commission that are regarded as the pillars of a country. Rama Krishna Regmee, R e s e a r c h e r, p r e s e n t e d an assessment of the NIS in

TI Nepal will share findings on National Integrity System which can assist on advocacy as well as changing behaviours, attitudes and practices in conducting official duties free of corruption and unnecessary hassles that wasteboth time and money of the public service recipients. It is known to you all that TI's flagship surveys like Corruption Perceptions Index and Global Corruption Barometer portray dismal status of the country in not being clean, transparent and accountable. There are relevant questions also raised in government contracting and public procurement activities where a large amount of public money is spent on. The delays and procrastination seen in inefficient, uneconomical and ineffective public service delivery have compelled us to find ways in making public officials to be wary of and to abide by the integrity pledge in public procurement.

Nepal. The pillars assessed under the assessment are core governance (legislature, executive, judiciary), public sector (civil service, election commission, law enforcement agencies, anti-corruption agencies, auditor general office), and non-government (political parties, business/ private sector). Some of the strengths of the key institutions include

a newly elected Constituent Assembly and the implementation of acts intended to minimize corruption and the abuse of authority. Rukshana Nanayakkara, Outreach Manager, Asia Pacific, TI Secretariat elaborated on the technicalities in of developing a CPI and GCB. The focus of this presentation was to discuss measurement tools of corruption

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We will have a session on national initiatives on anticorruption activities and status of UNCAC implementation and enforcement. It is believed that there is no dearth of standard laws, rules and regulations in Nepal but the core issue is the strict enforcement of them. Our focuses have mostly been isolated to corruption in public governance. But this time we will be also hearing from the private sector where corporate governance and corporate social responsibility are of equal importance. The blanket tax evasion, excessive taxation, red tapeism and laxity in price control in the market have unbearable and intolerable consequences to the living standard of the people. The common consensus is that the public should not be deprived of business integrity that plays a key role in reducing economic inequality. Another burning issue we will be touching upon is financial malpractices that can cause harmful consequences to both stakeholders and shareholders. The continued financial crises have provided ample reason to strongly insist on maintenance of financial stability and integrity. In our final thematic discussion we will touch upon transparency in development aid.We at TI-Nepal have strong reason to believe that the architecture, spending and the trickling down of development aid in Nepal need reassessment. Ladies and Gentlemen, The objective of organizing this conference is to share and learn from national and international experiences. It will certainly enrich anti-corruption solution and knowledge that is generated from the participating national and international delegates. A cutting-edge remedy is needed when our society gathers momentum in the 21st century. For your kind information, after the conclusion of successful election in Nepal, the Nepalese people have high expectations that some fundamental issues are to be addressed by the new Constituent Assembly. During International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9, TI Nepal had earnestly appealed to the first sitting of the Constituent

and to advocate for their use. Michael Wiehen, Senior Public Procurement Advisor, TI Secretariat discussed the importance of integrity and accountability in public procurement. Mr. Wiehen suggested that in order to assure integrity, the phases of selection of the investment



Assembly to pass a resolution on the following: • promulgating democratic constitution within a year, • conducting election to local governance bodies within six months, • a collective pledge by the CA to control and eliminate all forms of corruption as well as the formation of corruption monitoring committee comprising major political parties, • pledge by the CA not to intervene in the affairs of bureaucracy and for the constant and effective monitoring by State Affairs Committee against political intervention in it, • realizing the ill effects of corruption in development by not interfering in development activities; and TI Nepal, likewise, appeals to the future government of Nepal to: • fulfill vacant posts to Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA), National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and National Information Commission (NIC) within 30 days. • expand the scope and jurisdiction of CIAA to private sector including banking and financial companies. • make the state machinery proactive by applying preventive measures rather than curative approach in tackling corruption. We have been striving incessantly to achieve our long term vision in implementing and enforcing anti-corruption laws, rules and regulations prevalent in the country. Our approach of impact making with our available resources - human and financial - can reorient our commitment, resolve and dedication in mitigating these harmful practices. Finally, I again welcome you all for showing concern to these sensitive matters which TI Nepal has been fighting for the last 18 years.

project- preparation, contracting, implementation, measurement and final accounting - need to be properly followed by the government, the private sector and the civil society. Ashutosh Kumar Mishra, Director (IP & CSF), TI India presented the Integrity Pact which is a

Thank you all.

formal agreement between the government authorities and bidders/beneficiaries for public contracts and funds disbursement. The purpose of an integrity pact are: to establish rights and obligations between the parties, enable companies to abstain from bribing and malpractices,



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Official Closing Remarks by Mr. Bishnu Bahadur K.C., President, TI Nepal Distinguished Guests and Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen, At last, we have come to the end of our two day conference which is the second in series of our integrity and accountability programme. We believe that anticorruption community present during this conference has widely benefitted from the interaction on sharing experiences of national and international speakers. We continuously persuade and pressurize the government of the day in controlling corruption under the rule of law. We also request the government to appoint without any delay judges of the Supreme Court to continuously maintain impartiality and independence of judiciary and functioning of justice in the country. We express deep concern about

allow the government to reduce high costs and distorting impact of corruption, and to provide enforceable sanctions in case of violations. Madhu P. Regmi, Acting Chief Officer, National Vigilance Centre, presented the vision, mission and overview of the NVC. He emphasized that the vision of NVC is to establish the centre as an independent, impartial and competent organization to prevent corruption and promote good governance with the effective participation of all stakeholders. Krishna Hari Baskota, Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, presented initiatives taken by the Government of Nepal on Governance and on Controlling Corruption. He highlighted the

the culture of bandh or total shutdown which has to be totally ended. It violates the fundamental right of the people enshrined in the statute on a free movement of the people across the country. It is deplorable to see the violently motivated incidents against the civilian people during these political strikes which show the state of integrity in the country. Therefore, I call upon the Nepalese people to do soul-searching on our integrity in times of these difficult circumstances. Finally, on behalf of Transparency International Nepal, I express my thanks and heartfelt gratitude to all those who participated and attended this conference. With these few words, I conclude the conference and let me invite you to join on High-Tea. Thank you all!

Administrative or Governance Reform Action with 198 points . Alan Kirupakaran, Governance Officer at the Prime Minister’s Department, Government of Malaysia presented the approach of the Malaysian Government towards managing integrity in the private sector. The Government of Malaysia has identified 5 key stakeholders; Civil Society, Political Institutions, Civil Service, Private Sector and Media in the fight against corruption. He opined that the failure to address bribery can exact a very high cost on both companies and the Government. Through the Government Transformation Program (GTP 2.0), the Malaysian Government has taken 21 initiatives to address key corruption areas. Padma Jyoti, Chair, National Business Initiative, highlighted

th at l ac k of tran sp are n c y, corruption & poor governance has been both a cause & result of under development of many countries in the world and introduced the National Business Initiative to the participants which was born out of the violent conflict and the peace building period that followed and is assumed to help build integrity in the private sector in Nepal. Frederik Galtung, CEO, Integrity Action, elaborated on the attributes that needs to be considered before developing any measure or index and how taking the local context into consideration the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index has been formulated. (To be continued on page 44)


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Transparency International’s Annual Membership Meeting


ransparency International’s Annual Membership Meeting (AMM) 2013 was held in Berlin, Germany, from 7 to 10 November, 2013. The meeting was attended by the TI Chapters from Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa and Sub-Sahara Africa. Mr. Bishnu Bahadur K.C., President, TIN and Mr. Ashish Thapa, Executive Director, TIN attended the meeting. The first day of the AMM covered the Regional meetings, and Chapters’ Dialogue and Exchange Sessions. The Asia Pacific regional meeting topics ranged from e-procurement to fighting

corruption in education. The Chapters’ dialogue and exchange session had parallel workshops on the following topics: • Contribution to the Slogan & Narrative for the “No Impunity Initiative” • Engaging with anti-corruption agencies and assessing their policies and output • Engaging with the public for monitoring Open Governance • Setting-up simple M&E systems for competitive advantage • Engaging in fragile states: are we well equipped? • Strengthening our Movement by learning from past

mistakes • Making strong a Chapter’s advantage

governance competitive

• Increasing the impact of anticorruption on people’s lives • Leading a thematic initiative The day which caught everyone’s attention was on 8 November, 2013 which marked 20 th year anniversary of the founding of TI. On the occasion, Chinese journalist Lou Changping and Angolan human rights activist and journalist Rafael Marques de Morais were announced as the winner of the 2013 Integrity Award. The Integrity Award was launched in 2000 to honour the courage and determination of individuals and organizations around the world fighting corruption at greater risks. Throughout the day, reflections on the journey undertaken in the anti corruption front during the last 20 years was made by the TI movement. On day three of the AMM, 9 November, 2013, parallel plenary sessions were held n contemporary topics. The session topic were as follows• No Impunity: Closing judicial gaps through targeted advocacy & public engagement

President K.C. at AMM.



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• Digital Security: Identifying and addressing the Risks

• Keeping up the fight: staying alive and safe

• Corruption in Sports: Chapter initiatives and new opportunities

• Strengthening integrity

• Public Sector integrity: Local Governance Standards • Using Global Advocacy for Local Impact: Ideas from and for Chapters • No Impunity: Social and political sanctioning/boycotting • Moving forward on Business Integrity • Ending Corruption Poverty




• No Impunity: A Campaign to counter cross-border flows of corruption proceeds • Parliaments and the against corruption • Mobilizing expert volunteer support

fight and

• Financial Integrity Part 1 • Financial Integrity Part 2 • TI Gender Policy: Women as knowledge-holders and active agents of anti-corruption

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g The formal AMM was held on 10 November, 2013. At the meeting, the international board presented progress made by the movement during the year. Resolutions on whistleblower protection and oversight of surveillance activities were passed by the meeting. The AMM ended with the election of Mr. J.C. Weliamuna from Sri Lanka and Ms. Natalia Soebagio from Indonesia as Board members. Transparency International’s International Board of Directors, consisting of 12 members, is led by Chair Huguette Labelle and Vice-Chair Akere Muna. 9

International Conference .... Dr. Rewat B. Karki, primarily highlighted that reliability and good governance as a major backbone of the financial system. He also distinguished regulations as legally binding and directives as morally binding in order to better understand integrity which he believed as a strong moral principle that is closer to the latter. Thomas Richardson, Senior Representative for India and Nepal, IMF highlighted that Asia has been a leader in the global growth and continues to be the leader in this growth. He believed that Asia’s financial sector looks optimistic than the global level. However, his main concern was the management of shadow banking. Mr. Richardson

emphasized that it is very much important how countries manage shadow banking to regulate the financial sector broadly. Basanta Lamsal, Freelance Research Consultant, presented a report of the research conducted by Freedom Forum in partnership with aidinfo UK. Most of the donor agencies, according to the research, do not have effective methods for dissemination of information. It is because these agencies do not use public friendly language and use mostly web portals, reports and press release as the major tool for channeling their information to the public. Dr. Sagar Sharma, Associate Dean, KU highlighted that in Nepal, every area is a priority

and foreign aid is being disbursed in all the sectors and areas. However, the need of the day is to think where to start. Dr. Sharma believed that in the country like Nepal there is a lack of rule of law. Therefore, uncertainty looms large in the country which is unfortunate in terms of aid, transparency and accountability. Ashish Thapa, Executive Director, TI Nepal briefly presented highlights from the two-day presentations. Dr. Devendra Raj Pandey, former President, TI Nepal, provided the concluding remarks. The program was officially closed by Mr. Bishnu Bahadur K.C., President, TI Nepal. (Mr. Budhathoki is the coordinator of IA Program at TI Nepal.) 9


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FK Midterm and Planning meeting in Kathmandu Shristi Karki

Since the planning meeting has been one of the very few opportunities where South Asian National Chapters come together in one platform, it is always an excellent opportunity to share and learn from each other and also identify areas for potential future collaboration.


he South-South Exchange (SSE) programme has successfully completed 4 years, and is currently in Phase V of exchange. In 2009 Fredskorpset Norway (FK) approached TI-Nepal to implement the 5 year exchange programme. However, with the programme coming to an end last year, FK Norway renewed the contract, extending it for another 3 years. The programme, which was initiated in 2009 with TI-Nepal as a lead partner, will now be effective until 2016. To date the programme has successfully exchanged 23 fellows among the South Asian TI National Chapters: TI-Nepal, TI- India, TI- Bangladesh, TI-Sri Lanka, TIMaldives and TI-Pakistan. With Phase V coming to the midterm, FK held a meeting on 20 December, 2013 at Hotel Vaishali, Kathmandu, where all the current TI South Asian partners from TINepal, TI-India, TI-Bangladesh and TI-Sri Lanka were present to determine the direction and volume of exchange, prepare the budget, outline the work plan and determine the individual outputs

and institutional outcomes for the 2014-2015 round of exchange. In the meeting, the FK coordinators of each chapter reviewed the performance of the current fellows as well as discussing the round II agreement, Collaboration Agreement - Application for Amendment, Cross Cutting Issues, Partnership Agreement and Budget for the next round of exchange. To review the progress made by each of the fellows in the current round, a series of presentations were made by the partners focusing on the activities that fellows have been involved in, the challenges faced and the lessons learnt during this period. All the partners highlighted how the fellows have experienced personal and professional growth in a completely new environment. Mr. Haritha Dahanayaka, the current fellow from TI-Sri Lanka to TI-Nepal, did a presentation based on his experience of working with TI- Nepal. All the partners have worked together under the coordination of TIN to finalize the agreements and budget for the next round. Since the planning

meeting has been one of the very few opportunities where South Asian National Chapters come together in one platform, it is always an excellent opportunity to share and learn from each other and also identify areas for potential future collaboration. TIN’s current fellow Mr. Haritha Dahanayaka has contributed tremendously towards improving the current Information Technology system at TIN, developed a new user-friendly website and proved to be successful in creating a brand for TIN. Similarly, in the next round of exchange, TIN’s particular direction will be on strengthening its research, policy and knowledge generation capacity. Additionally, the focus will be to streamline the financial aspects of TIN and work towards improving grass roots level outreach and youth engagement initiatives. The fellow coming to TIN from TIB in the next round is expected to help TIN achieve these objectives. (Miss. Karki is a programme officer at TI Nepal) 9



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Regulating Political Financing : A Challenge for Transparency

Pranav Bhattarai


he Global Corruption Barometer Survey-2013 r e l e a s e d b y Tr a n s p a r e n c y International (TI) speaks volume about this endemic money-politics dynamics in Nepal. The TI report rates Nepal´s political parties as the most corrupt institution in the country. The relationship between money and politics has always been a low-key issue in Nepali politics. The fact is increasing flow of corrupt proceeds into politics has complicated moneypolitics relationship. According to the report, 70 percent of respondents said that political corruption has increased and parties are the most corrupt institution in Nepal. The relationship between money and politics has always been a low-key issue in Nepali politics. Another report of the TI

The relationship between money and politics has always been a low-key issue in Nepali politics.

Daily Lives and Corruption, Public Opinion in South Asia released in 2012 had also rated Nepal´s political parties as the most corrupt bodies in the country. It was no consolation that the parliament came come a close second. According to the report, 53.4 percent of Nepali citizens felt the level of corruption has increased in the last three years. Around 2.2 percent of Nepali households paid the highest average amount of bribe, exceeding Rs 3,500 annually. Another 18.8 percent reported paying bribes ranging between Rs 2,485 to Rs 3,429. Forty percent of respondents reported bribing public officials in past one year, mostly to speed up administrative processes on essential services and entitlements. This hints at the scale of prevalence and

acceptance of ´speed money´ in public service delivery system.  Public rating of political parties as the most corrupt institution for two consecutive years by the TI reports is an indicative of corruption being intrinsic to our political system. There are three main reasons for this. First, income and expenditure of political parties are closelyguarded secret; second, party funding and campaign finances are opaque; and third, political parties are increasingly inclined to tolerate graft and rent-seeking.  In the run up to second Constituent Assembly (CA) election in November 2013, major parties Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and UCPN-Maoist declared that they would collect donations via banking and online system, and make all details of donations

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g public. This was a good start, and drew a sort of cautious welcome from people and other quarters. It has been more two months since the elections to the CA took place. But these political parties have not yet made public the volume of collection, names of contributors and where the collected amount was spent. This shows collection via banking or online system is not a big issue unless full details of expenditure are publicized on periodic basis. Political parties´ income and expense records are still considered a no-go-area in politics of Nepal.

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It is to be remembered that even major political parties did not submit their audit reports for four years since the CA polls in 2008.

Legal provisions The unhindered flow of illegal money into politics from different sources has often led to unethical practices in politics since 1990s. The Election Commission (EC) data shows that 1,000-plus candidates of the 2008 CA elections did not submit the details of their electoral expenses. According to CA Elections legislation, candidates will have to furnish details of expenses within 35 days upon completion of the polls. Even more than 75 percent of the candidates of the second CA elections have not yet submitted their details of expenses to the EC. The election legislation have strict provisions for those who don't comply with the rules. If a candidate fails to submit expenses within 35 days after election, the EC, under existing laws, can fine the candidate with a sum equal to the election expenses made by such a person or the ceiling of expenses

specified by the commission. Though hundreds of CA election candidates of 2008 are yet to furnish expenditure details, none of them have been fined yet. The existing law also mandates the commission to disqualify a person from candidacy in all elections for a maximum period of six years in case of certified over-expenditure. But EC´s poor monitoring mechanism has failed to track candidates´ real expenses; if anything, it seems to be given them space to underreport spending. Political Parties Act-2002 makes it obligatory for parties to submit audited financial reports within



six months from the end of fiscal year. They are also obliged to disclose names of contributors donating above Rs 25,000. But the EC record reveals that parties took longer than mandated by law to submit their financial details and records to the EC. It is to be remembered that even major political parties did not submit their audit reports for four years since the CA polls in 2008. It was a kind of testament to the fact that rules alone are not enough if the regulatory body like EC continues to work without strong oversight, enforcement and monitoring mechanisms. The EC must come out of it political cocoon and proactively exercise its mandate. Out of 80 registered political parties in 2008, merely three dozen had submitted their audit reports, this too only after considerable pressure was brought on them. Under the Election Commission Act, the EC has the power to even deregister a political outfit that fails to furnish details to the commission for three consecutive years. But the EC instead of taking action against them, just went on extending deadlines to save its face though the political parties failed to submit financial details for four straight years.   After repeated notices and alerts by the EC, some major political parties had submitted their audit reports, which showed they were in the pink of financial health. The audit report of UCPN (Maoist) as produced before the EC showed a whopping increase in its aggregate income to Rs 425 million between



fiscal years 2007/08 and 2010/11. Its income grew by 59 percent from Rs 83 million in 2007 to Rs 132 million in 2011. Likewise, CPN-UML´s aggregate income stood at whopping Rs 230 million as of fiscal year 2010/11. With this turnover, CPN-UML became next to UCPN (Maoist) in terms of income. Similarly, the NC had reported an aggregate income of Rs 78 million until fiscal year 2009/10. Its income had also shot up by 48 percent since 2007/08.

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A degree of credibility in the political system can be restored if the electoral finance records are made public.

But these were not immune to some genuine transparency concerns such as whether or not the incomes are under-reported, and if the reported figures accurately reflect entire gamut of their income and expenses. These accuracy aspects demanded a serious legal scrutiny. Advanced democracies in the world have put in place comprehensive laws defining and regulating the functioning and financing of political parties. To enhance their effectiveness, principles of transparency and accountability underpin these legal frameworks. Such legislations obligate political parties to routinely disclose information on the size of property and assets they own, on actual source of funds they collect, on the identity of their donors, and on transparency in use of available funds.

power. As they often say, levies, membership fees and individual donations finance their colossal operational and election costs. But can levies and membership fees alone be enough to meet millions in annual expenditures? Don´t the parties have any other ‘invisible’ sources of income ?

When it comes to addressing these concerns, our political parties have a very poor track record. They apparently feel no responsibility to be accountable (and transparent) to the people who repeatedly vote them to

There are three main sources from where Nepali political parties seem to get their funding. First, off-balance sheet cash donations from businessmen

Non-transparent party funding

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g seeking quid pro quo from politicians when elected. Second, kickback and commission. Third, wealthy individual donors seeking postdated political favors. There is little doubt that the politicsbusiness nexus has been a prime booster of the health of party finances in Nepal. Nomination of high-profile businessmen as members in the Constituent Assembly (CA) adequately attests to their ´amicable relations´ and the culture of quid pro quo.  Corruption is the second strongest source through which parties and politicians enrich themselves. Commissions from public-private infrastructure projects, big procurement deals, pre-paid bribes from transfer of civil servants to lucrative government agencies, leakages from social sector schemes, and inflated development costs constitute a vast infrastructure of corruption in Nepal. As the examples elsewhere show, it won´t be easy to dismantle this edifice until the flow of black money into politics is regulated through specific legal and electoral reforms.  A degree of credibility in the political system can be restored if the electoral finance records are made public. On the other hand, unhealthy competition can destabilize the whole political system and undermine legitimacy of state institutions. Thus, it is an imperative that political parties are held to high standards of accountability and transparency. Party financing rules operate successfully in an environment of robust institutions and strong

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g rule of law. Legally, election candidates are obliged to disclose all sources, types and amounts of financial support, both before and after elections. Therefore, information on party income and expenditure must be made public on a regular basis via websites and public postings. Opaque party funding has muddied our political and electoral systems by creating an uneven playing field. The electoral expenses are soaring than ever and it has made candidates of modest financial background to either sell their property or mortgage it to manage finances for elections. Today, financially weak party candidates cannot fight elections on their own. To level the field among candidates, legal instruments should be enforced to ensure all donations and other sources of party revenue are made public, so that both donors and amounts of donations are identified and made available for public and legal scrutiny. One of the ways to achieve greater transparency is to make party politics and elections as inexpensive as possible. As election expenses are exorbitantly high, demand usually exceeds the supply of funds, thus leading to search for illegal funding. This quest in turn eases the entry of corrupt money into politics.

Important parameters Experience abroad shows regulation of party funding can be effective if they are welldesigned, are backed by effective sanctions, and accompanied by

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One of the ways to achieve greater transparency is to make party politics and elections as inexpensive as possible.

a parallel effort to ensure a high level of ethics and norms. This is the reason many countries oblige political parties and election candidates to disclose their campaign and political finances periodically. But our existing law doesn´t cover all facets of political finance and political parties have been quick to take advantage of legal loopholes. I believe any political finance law that does not cover the following five parameters at a minimum is incomplete. First, the law must explicitly



impose a threshold on the size of donor contribution. This is the easiest way to limit undue influence of any individual or group in an election. In order to control the flow of special interest money into party coffers, many countries have established statutory ceilings on political donations. For instance, the American law limits cash contribution by any one individual to all electoral candidates to US $37,500 for a two-year election cycle.  Second, the law must strictly ban certain contributions from foreign citizens, multinationals and corporate unions. Many countries partially or completely ban such donations. The US, the UK, France, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Japan, among others, have completely outlawed foreign donations and contributions, even from multinationals. Some have even banned donations from public and private sector companies, such as France since 1995. Thus, effectiveness of any legal instrument lies in its reach: Does it cover the entire gamut of party funding and campaign finance? Third, the legislation should put a ceiling on electoral spending by political parties and individual candidates. In UK and Australia, public regulation of political finance has emphasized the need to limit campaign expenses while in the US the emphasis has been on limiting individual contributions. Fourth, strictly limiting campaign time; the assumption being that the shorter the period, the less



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the money needed. Countries like Japan and Malaysia have electioneering period of as little as two weeks.  Fifth, political parties must receive certain funding from t a x p a y e r m o n e y. I n m o s t countries, qualifying threshold for public funds is about 5 percent of the votes cast or seats received in previous election. The concept of public funding has emerged as democracy involves pluralism in all things, including the sources of funds for political campaigns. Therefore, it is important to strategize public and private funding policy while framing new laws.

A robust political finance regime must ensure a system of public financing, full disclosure and an enforcing agency backed by comprehensive laws.

Conclusion Mandatory public disclosure is a strong deterrent to entry of corrupt and illegal money into politics, particularly during elections. Robust public disclosure regime, therefore, must address four fundamental concerns: Who gives money? How much money do they give? Where does the money go? And for what purpose?  In this regard, public disclosure laws ought to fundamentally demand three types of reporting requirements— disclosure by candidates of income or expenditure details, disclosure by political parties of income and expenditure details, and disclosure by candidates and political parties of the names of donors.  Moreover, enforcing agency like the EC must be given the power to deregister a political party doling out tickets to candidates

with criminal and corruption charges. Legally, candidates charged with criminal offences punishable with jail sentence of more than five years should be barred from contesting any polls. In a democracy, people´s will is sovereign and parliament is subordinate to that will. Therefore, presence of alleged and convicted criminals in the parliament poses a grave threat to the whole polity; it undermines people´s will and diminishes sanctity of parliamentary democracy.

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g A robust political finance regime must ensure a system of public financing, full disclosure and an enforcing agency backed by comprehensive laws. Disclosure should require systematic reporting, auditing, public access to records and publicizing them through websites. And enforcement calls for a strong authority endowed with sufficient powers and outreach to supervise, v e r i f y, i n v e s t i g a t e a n d i f necessary, initiate legal actions. Anything less is doomed to failure. Based on above observations, exigency lies in revisiting flaws in our regulatory process, identifying gaps in implementation and proposing new measures to ensure an effective political finance regime. Thus, the country’s challenge is to urgently institute legal and institutional reforms matching the need for a sustainable and transparent financial base for parties. Only then will the country go some way towards curbing political corruption and avoiding undue influence of money in politics. Without any further much ado, it is time to draw a legal boundary between money and politics to evolve a transparent, accountable and value-based political system.  *The writer is Chief Operating Officer at GoGo Foundation and can be reached at pranav@gogofoundation.org. Views expressed in this article are his personnel and do not represent official viewpoint of the organization. (Mr. Bhattarai is CEO of GoGo Foundation) 9

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RTI and issues of corruption control

Dipesh Kumar Ghimire

1. Introduction Right to information means right of a citizen to ask and acquire information of public interest from public bodies. Asking and getting information is the fundamental right of a citizen which ultimately fosters transparency and accountability that are the parameters of democracy. Transparency and accountability can only be promoted with effective implementation of right to information. The citizen must get to use their right to information to make governance transparent, accountable and responsible (Dahal and Acharaya 2068). Right to information was first passed in Nepal under article 16 of Constitution of Nepal 2047. This was a first major step towards the freedom of information


Nepal’s interim constitution 2063, Article 27

The inalienable use of this right to ask and get information is one of the pre-requisite of good governance.

movement with the provision of asking and getting information by a citizen on the subject of public interest. Law regarding right to information could not be made after this for a long time. For a long time, law regarding right to information were not formulated and enacted. However, after people's movement-II 2062/63 B.S., Interim Constitution 2063 made a fundamental provision of right to information. Article 27 of this constitution has guaranteed right of every citizen to ask and obtain information from any of the public bodies1. Thereafter, voices were raised to promulgate a separate law on right to information which had gotten further momentum from all quarters. They executed a strong strategy where journalists and media houses played a major role. As a result Right to Information Act

was promulgated and enforced with effect from Bhadra-3, 2064. Similarly, Government of Nepal promulgated Regulations on Right to Information on Magh27, 2065. The inalienable use of this right to ask and get information is one of the pre-requisite of good governance. If the right to information is not implemented, it results into opaque, corrupt, nontransparent and unaccountable governance. Therefore, the implementation of right to information plays an important role for promoting, protecting and pursuing democracy, development and prosperity. To effectively enforce this provision, people themselves need to be alert and active towards their responsibility of asking and getting information (Khadka, 2063). The successful implementation of right to



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information empowers citizens to submit their application requesting information from the public bodies, which in turn complements in controlling the corruption and malpractices, and in promoting transparency and accountability. According to Corruption Perception Index, a study of Transparency International, Nepal has been ranked 143 among 176 countries according to how corrupt they are perceived. Every public entity has been mired in corruption. The government entities are no different. Likewise, another tool of TI called Global Corruption Barometer 2013 ranked the political parties of Nepal to be the most corrupt 2. Corruption is widespread and has found its place in both lower to upper level of society. For a country like Nepal, which is infamous for its corrupt practices, the right to information can be used for minimizing this challenges.

2. Current Scenario Corruption is a dreadful curse for any country. The developmental activities have been hindered. The quality of goods and services propagated by the public entities are being deteriorated. The problem of unemployment has been increasing in the country. Due to various governance issues, the government has not been able to achieve the desirable output from the billions being spent on public expenditure. Corruption 2.



The successful implementation of right to information empowers citizens to submit their application requesting information from the public bodies, which in turn complements in controlling the corruption and malpractices, and in promoting transparency and accountability.

institutionalized in Nepal. The corrupt instead of being punished are being alleged to be protected by the political parties. Lack of punitive measures has indirectly promoted corrupt practices. Moreover, judiciary which is supposed to be independent are themselves entangled in this web of corrupt activities. Because of this, justice has been sidelined. Not only judiciary, legislative and executive, but entities at various levels are mired in corruption. There have been cases where members of Legislative Parliament have been involved in activities like Red Passport selling to fault bill scandal. The concept and practice of decentralization was put

The Corruption Barometer 2013, Transparency International

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g forward with the conclusion that centralized governance leads to corruption and malpractice. Nepal adopted Local SelfGovernance Act in 2055 B.S. The decentralization, devolution, delegation and deconcentration of power and authority was formally experienced in nascent phase in local bodies like VDC, DDC and Municipality. Every year a huge amount of budget is allocated to these local bodies with and without terms and conditions. But due to the lack of people's representatives in the local bodies, the proposed budget was not utilized properly institutionalizing nontransparent, unaccountable and undemocratic activities.

3. Way of using right to information for controlling corruption It is the responsibility of every citizen to control corruption. Therefore, the Right to Information Act 2064 provides every citizen the right to ask and receive information on matters related to the general public. Citizen can concertedly work towards minimizing corruption by using this constitutional and legal right. For this, citizens can use this right to information by:

i. Asking information by giving formal request: When one is clear about which information from which agency is needed, he/she should give

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g application to information officer of local agency by following article 7 and 8 of Right to Information Act and process given by the act. While registering application, it is not necessary to stamp a ticket. No fees should be paid for this. However, it is important that the information asked should be relevant and clearly specified in the application. The said information can be sent to Information and Documentation Centre of local agency by a representative, postal service or by the applicant himself.

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The anti-corruption agencies like Center for Investigation of Abuse of Authority, National Vigilance Centre and others can start the investigation process.

ii. What to do if information is not received: After filing the application of applicant, the information officer shall provide the information within 15 days of application. If the information is not provided on time, complaints should be forwarded to the Chief of Office. If the information officer does not provide the information, refuses to give the information, provides partial or wrong information then a complaint can be placed to the Chief of Office. According to the regulations of Right to Information Act the office chief should give his decision within 7 days of the complaint. If the office chief refuses to provide the information, than an appeal should be made to the National Information Commission within 35 days of decision made by the office chief. After the registration of application to Commission, the provision of punishment and final decision shall be made within 60 days.

4. R o l e p l a y e d b y t h e successful use of right to information for controlling corruption. By the practical use of right to information, corruption and malpractices can be brought to the public eye. Then the anticorruption agencies like Center for Investigation of Abuse of Authority, National Vigilance Centre and others can start the investigation process. There are some examples of control of corruption by the use of right to information which are stated below:

4.1 Right to Information saves 5 crore each year Nepal Oil Corporation is a government company which does transactions on petroleum



products like Kerosene, Diesel, Patrol, LP gas and aircraft fuel. This company is has been going through huge loss. In 2068, the then Import Minister Lekh Raj Bhatta said that the company was going through the loss due to the weak management of company and also because of the distribution of free fuel coupon by the company thus leading to an increase in the price of LP gas and oils. When this news was made public, chairman of Freedom Forum, Taranath Dahal demanded some information from the company using Right to Information Act 2064. He gave the application on Mangsir-20, 2068 and asked for the data of free coupon distribution from Shrawan-1, 2063 to the date of application. Similarly he also asked for attested copies of rules, directives and guidelines about free oil distribution if any. However, the corporation did not provide this information. He then took the complaint to the National Information Commission. The information could still not be received. Then after long struggles of going to the appellate, the Commission directed to the chief of Oil Corporation on Chaitra-7, 2068 to disseminate information to the complainant within 15 days. After the direction of Commission, on behalf of executive director of Oil Corporation, Ramesh Chandra Koirala sent partial information on Chaitra-13 and Chaitra-15, 2068. The information was not complete and not according to the demand of the applicant. It was stated



that there are no such directives or guidelines for distributing free oil coupons. After this, Taranath Dahal reapplied to appellate of the Commission for non-attested and incomplete information. Then, after the continued request of the applicant, the National Information Commission gave decision on Ashad-27. It was stated that the Commission decided to call the applicant Taranath Dahal and Chief of Oil Corporation on Shrawan1 to the Commission. Three participants from Corporation including Executive Director Suresh Agrawal and Legal Advisor Surendra Mahato and Taranath Dahal from Freedom Forum were present. In the discussion held, Agrawal said that the information could not be provided due to various practical problems. He also stated that in the last five years, about 17 crore was spent in distributing free oil coupons and the record for these is not found. He committed that this kind of activities shall be stopped. The Corporation had to bear a loss of more than 15 crore in last three years only due to the distribution of free oil coupons by high profile authorities of the Corporation. After all these information were made public, every year more than 5 crore is being saved. As a result, Oil Corporation appointed Information Officer and installed digital board in three different places in the valley showing the latest data like price of petroleum products, different expenditures, total cost, loss or profit. Similarly the malpractice of distributing free coupons without

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Slowly, the campaign against corruption has been institutionalized. 'Right to Information has proved to be a strong weapon than AamaranAnsa.

any guidelines and directives has been stopped. From this, it can be seen that corruption has been controlled to a certain degree and the practice of good governance has been adopted.

4.2 P o w e r o f R i g h t t o Information Byas Municipality of Tanahu District had been distributing Coupon illegally to leaders of political parties, cadres and local elites each year. For the district visit of central leaders of parties, municipality had to bear the unnecessary additional financial expenses by providing vehicle and fuel. Due to this, around Nine Lakhs Rupees had been expended in the municipality annually. Local people were unhappy with this but could not do anything about this. Ramhari Bajagain of ward no. 3 of Byas Municipality went to the office of municipality and

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g submitted an application on 4th of Ashad 2070 and asked for the statement of expenditure on fuel from 1st of Baisakh 2068 to the date of registration of that application. Information officer Gokarnaraj Wagle refused to register his application. But finally the application was registered. Bajagain got informed after 21 days of date of registration that each year more than three lakhs rupees was being spent for fuel in the name of leaders, cadres and other elites. It was found that no decision was made in board meeting regarding this illegal distribution. The employees of municipality were found to distribute coupon haphazardly without calling the board meeting. Immediately after receiving this information on a public hearing conducted on 25th of Ashad by the Municipality, local people raised question on the basis of this information. In that public hearing, the executive officer of municipality, Ramchandra Lamgade gave answer to the questions raised by the local people. People raised question on the distribution of fuel coupon to the leaders of different political parties and their cadres. As an answer, Lamgade told that the coupons were being distributed due to political pressure. At the end of the hearing, the executive officer Lamgade committed that from the fiscal year 2070/71, municipality shall distribute the coupon to other than its own vehicles by developing certain

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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g criteria and by calling the board meeting. While monitoring the first week of new fiscal year, the trend of distributing the fuel coupon was not found.

4.3 Right to information stronger than Ansan (Fasting) Government has been increasing the budget of local government every year. Millions of rupees goes to local bodies with and without conditions. The local bodies are lacking people's representation since 2059 B.S. Due to this vacuum, corruption has become rife. When local resident of Banauli Danauli VDC, Mahottari came to know about this kind of malpractice, she started protesting in the local level. Slowly she started campaign against corruption. In this way, from Bhadra-25, 2068 to Ashwin-6, 2068 she stayed on Ansan in the Banauli Danauli VDC. She broke her Ansan when the secretary of Office of Prime Minister and Council of Minister, TrilochanUprety went there and committed to punish the corrupt. After which, Office of Prime Minister and Council of Minister had formed a committee for investigation about the corruption in the VDC. Sarada had hoped that the formation of that committee would punish the



corrupt. However, the committee did not make the report public. Even after much effort, she did not receive the report. After this, she started Aamaran Ansan from Falgun-11, 2069. This time she did it in Kathmandu. The Ansan continued till Falgun-19. This too didn’t give her any result. Meanwhile she heard about the right to information. After this she asked for information using article-3 of Right to Information Act. Only through this she was able to get the requested information from Office of Prime Minister and Council of Minister. She applied the same process to seek information from the local VDCs, after which positive impacts can be seen. Now the budget of VDCs is also brought to public notice.

for information if they suspect malpractice and corruption by using constitutional and legal right of asking and receiving information. Information received in this way can be discussed in public using social accountability tools such as public hearing, social audit etc by bringing together both service provider and receiver. Similarly information can also be brought to the public eye through news broadcasting and publishing.

S l o w l y, t h e c a m p a i g n against corruption has been institutionalized. 'Right to Information has proved to be a strong weapon than AamaranAnsa. As rightly put by Sarada- “I shall travel the journey against corruption using this weapon”.


5. Conclusion Proper and effective implementation of right to information can play an important role for minimizing and controlling corruption. Any citizen can ask

Right to information is an important weapon for controlling corruption. Proper use of this weapon could help minimize corruption. Right to information is stronger than Aamaran Ansan. Therefore, it is necessary to properly use of this right.

• DahalKashiraj& Suresh Pd. Acharaya. 2068. Right to information: International assumption and practice in Nepal, MIREST Nepal, Patan, Lalitpur. • Ghimire, Dipesh, 2070. Social Aspect of Political Corruption, Nagarik national daily, Baishakh 26. P.7 • Khadka, Kedar. 2063. Resource materials for Good Governance, G o o d G o v e r n a n c e Pr o j e c t , Anamnagar Kathmandu.

(Mr. Ghimire is a MPhil student of Sociology of TU) 9

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Let's Learn, Share & Contribute

Haritha Dahanayaka


ey, what are you doing here?”, questioned the Nepali guy standing next to me in the elevator at Hotel Annapurna. He has just pushed the button to go to the 3rd floor. I had only 10 seconds to tell him about me, FK Norway, TISL and TIN. I used my “communication skills” which I learnt in the preparatory course in Bangkok on August 2013. But, then he had some more followup questions! I had no time to explain. But today after six months with TIN,I have more time and space to explain. I started my career with Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) on 2008 as Web Master. As a member of the TISL team I was an active member in all the TISL programmes conduced both at regional and at national

What is FK? - FK Norway gives young people in Norway and developing countries the opportunity to experience each other’s reality. FK is convinced that the world becomes a little more just when people get to know each other better and create values together.

level to create awareness of the need to curb corruption and promote integrity. We maintain a constant dialogue with officials, civil society organizations, trade unions and other parties with similar interest towards spreading the anti-corruption message in Sri Lanka. After completing five years with TISL I was fortunate to explore the world with a FK Exchange Fellowship. What is FK? - FK Norway gives young people in Norway and developing countries the opportunity to experience each other’s reality. FK is convinced that the world becomes a little more just when people get to know each other better and create values together. Since 1963 almost 8000 FK Norway’s participants have taken part in

exchange programmes among countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The exchange also takes place between developing countries. On my way to Nepal I went to Bangkok to participate in the two-weeklong Preparatory Course conducted by FK-Norway. We learnt a lot about communicating with others fromdifferent cultures, about the "culture shock" and how to cope with it, and other challenges we might face during our progrmme. After completing Prep Course I came to this beautiful country called Nepal. I started to work with Transparency International Nepal (TIN) in midAugust 2013. As a FK Fellow, my main tasks were to 'LearnShare and Contribute'. I needed

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g to learn something from TIN, share my expertise with TIN staff and its’ stakeholders and contribute towards improving TIN's performance. In the first two months, I learnt about TIN governance systems and some projects. I worked closely with ALAC-DP team in their mobile clinics in Pokhara and Chitwan cities. As my work plan included the designing of a new web site I came up with a new idea and experimented in using technology to fight against corruption. And we launched Facebook and Twitter social media platforms to connect with the community, inform and update anti-corruption activities done by TIN. In December 2013 we launched the International Conference in Kathmandu on the theme –“Building Foundations of Integrity: National and Interna ti on a l E x p e r i e n ce ”. It was a fine experience on event management. Now we are developing new branding guidelines for TIN. I visited many places among Nepal during the past six months.


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The six months have taught me how to settle down in a new environment and how to get on with a new set of colleagues who were total strangers to me. Meeting new faces wherever I went and responding to them was a challenge. I have fared well in building and marinating relationships which hopefully will help me in my future endeavours.

I was fortunate in being able to visitLumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, in the Terai plains of Nepal - one of the greatest pilgrimage sites for


Buddhists. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site (Culture) and holds immense archeological and religious importance. I stayed one week in a rural village with a local family and got to know about Nepali culture, Village life and their Festival Celebrations. The six months have taught me how to settle down in a new environment and how to get on with a new set of colleagues who were total strangers to me. Meeting new faces wherever I went and responding to them was a challenge. I have fared well in building and marinating relationships which hopefully will help me in my future endeavours. I have completed the first half of the assignment. Another half is yet to go. To accept the FK Fellowship was one of the best decisions I took in my life. I am convinced as to the fact that the experience will help me in my future professional career. Let's learn, share & contribute. (Mr. Dahanayaka is a FK exchange fellow from TI Sri Lanka)

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What can Nepal learn from the UK’s mistakes ?

Thomas Wills


s a British national who has been in Nepal for little more than a fortnight, I have been taken aback by the positivity with which Nepalese people talk about the UK. In particular, our political system is upheld as a model for non-corrupt, smoothly functioning government. In many ways, this is a fair assessment. The UK gets a lot of things right and, with a parliament that has existed in some form since the thirteenth century; the political establishment has had a lot of time to learn from its mistakes. The independence of the law courts and the Civil Service are almost never under question and direct forms of bribery are rarely heard of in public affairs. The UK is a founding member and ex-chair of the Open Government Partnership,

voters are disillusioned and exasperated, with common complaints being ‘politicians don’t keep their promises’, ‘Members of Parliament are just in it for themselves’ and ‘politicians don’t say what they believe’.

and maintains a world-leading repository of openly available government data at data.gov.uk. Yet, in this piece I would like to invert the conventional narrative and discuss not how Nepal can emulate the UK, but how it can avoid the mistakes that the UK has made. In contrast to the esteem in which Nepalese people seem to hold the British political system, in the UK itself the reputation of parliament and its politicians is at an extremely low ebb. This has bred political apathy, recently articulated by the famous comedian Russell Brand, who made a passionate case for voters to boycott elections and sparked a significant debate in the media. Turnout figures suggest that Brand’s comment merely reflected a malaise

that has already set in. Only 65% of the electorate chose to cast a vote in the most recent General Election, down from above 71% in every election between 1922 and 1997, whilst local election turnouts hover around the 30% mark. By contrast, even given the much more difficult geographical conditions, 70% of eligible Nepalese cast a vote in the recent Constituent Assembly Elections. Polls show that a majority of UK voters are disillusioned and exasperated, with common complaints being ‘politicians don’t keep their promises’, ‘Members of Parliament are just in it for themselves’ and ‘politicians don’t say what they believe’. This is a dangerous and concerning situation. There is a lot of good work done by investiga-

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g tive journalists and civil society organisations like Transparency International, but the most powerful and valuable watchdog in any country is the public. A healthy democracy relies on voters believing in a link between what happens at the ballot box and the actions of the elected government, and holding the government to account if this link does not materialise. When much of the public is ‘turned off’ from politics, governments can have the freedom to operate under a much lesser degree of scrutiny. So - why is the UK parliament so unpopular with British people and how can Nepal avoid being dragged into a similar situation? As already mentioned, a criterion used by people when judging politicians is ‘do they keep their promises?’ In this regard, a key contributor to the disillusionment of the UK public has been the coalition government, in place since the most recent General Election in 2010. Unlike Nepal, Britain is unused to coalition government and the formation of the current coalition required two of the three main parties to deviate from the pledges made in their manifesto. As a result, the public is increasingly coming to see promises made to the electorate as worthless. People have limited patience and finite stores of goodwill: it will take a long time for certain parties and politicians to rebuild trust with the public. A clear lesson lies here for Nepalese parliamentarians: be careful not to over-promise. In a country where war and lengthy

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A clear lesson lies here for Nepalese parliamentarians: be careful not to overpromise. In a country where war and lengthy political negotiations have led to an inactive executive, ambitious commitments matched with disappointing delivery will erode public faith in the political process. Honesty and realism, whilst not as headlinegrabbing as a grand policy announcement, are probably better tools for long-term public engagement.

political negotiations have led to an inactive executive, ambitious commitments matched with disappointing delivery will erode public faith in the political process. Honesty and realism, whilst not as headline-grabbing as a grand policy announcement, are probably better tools for longterm public engagement. Another problem in Britain is that, quite apart from party, politics and policy, there is little admiration for the personal in-



tegrity of individual politicians. The past two or three decades have thrown up a number of high profile cases: extra marital affairs, tax evasion and smallscale perversion of justice that have contributed to an image of ‘Westminster sleaze’. Even more damaging have been the scandals that have revealed a wider culture of corruption. In 2007 it was found that four of the governing party’s major financial backers had been granted peerages in the so-called ‘cash for honours’ scandal. This exposed political parties as bodies to which the normal rules did not seem to apply, an image that was reinforced two years later when the expense claims filed by UK parliamentarians were published in the press. This provoked uproar, for many of the expense claims were completely illegitimate. As a result, several members of both chambers were sentenced to terms in jail, whilst many more resigned their seats, were sacked, or gave grovelling public apologies. Even in the UK, a country with an international reputation for integrity, a culture of corruption had been allowed to flourish. I suppose that the lesson for Nepal is that, however positive or negative your status and however well your country performs in the Corruption Perceptions Index, a big, headline-grabbing event can destroy popular trust in the political system and can be hugely damaging. If politicians are going to work for a society free of corruption, it follows that they



themselves must follow the rules to the last letter. Additionally, the circumstances of the scandal also highlight the importance of an unencumbered and inquisitive media. Without investigative journalism and whistle-blowing, the revelations would have remained hidden and the criminals in parliament would have gone unpunished. A third popularly-cited reason for voter apathy in the UK is that ‘they’re all the same’. Partly, this refers to points I’ve already covered: UK parliamentarians have a reputation as lying and conniving. However, in my opinion it also covers the perception that many of the politicians have similar policies and that the electorate is denied real choice by political parties battling over the centre ground. In this respect at least it seems that Nepal is in little danger of following the UK’s example. Where we have just three main parties and a

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Clearly, neither the UK nor Nepal is the perfect model of transparent democracy. Both countries need to address problems in society and in the political system and there is no perfect model or easy solution.

small handful of single-issue parties on the margins, Nepal has a multitude of organisations representing regional, ethnic and politically niche interests. Whilst this has its downsides, it should also be celebrated, for at least the majority of people feel

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g that someone on the ballot card might be reflect their opinions and concerns. This leads to public interest in what goes on inside the Constituent Assembly building and, as a result, greater scrutiny of the Government’s outputs: the public fulfilling its role as watchdog. Clearly, neither the UK nor Nepal is the perfect model of transparent democracy. Both countries need to address problems in society and in the political system and there is no perfect model or easy solution. However, I believe that a central failing of the UK in 2014 is that voters care less and do not feel part of the political process. However open a government, they will only be truly accountable if citizens are sufficiently engaged to hold them to account. In this regard, Nepal would do well to learn from the UK’s mistakes. (Mr. Thomas Wills interned at Transparency International Nepal.) 9

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dltof/x?sf] laulauL lyof]  . O6x/L ufpFn] ahf/ lyof]  . ToxfF /fhgLltsf] rxnkxn eSv/ ev{/ ;'¿ x'Fb} lyof] . t/ w/fg, /fhgLltsf] s]Gb| lyof] lhNnfsf]  . To;}n] ljho u'Ktf w/fglt/} a:Yof] k|foM . pmeGbf dflyNnf g] t fx? lj/f6gu/df a:y] . ;'g;/L lhNnfsf] Psdfq k"0f{sfnLg sfo{stf{ ePsf] x'gfn] p;n] g} uO/xg' kYof]{ lj/f6gu/ . /3'gfy k|;fb / ljho u'Ktf ldNg] ;fyL ePsfn] w/fgdf /3'gfy g} ljhosf] ;xf/f lyof] . æ/3', g]tfhLx? lj/f6gu/df hDdf ePsf 5g\ . dnfO{ klg af]nfPsf 5g\  . cfpg hfg ef8f 5}g . dnfO{ rf/ ¿lkofF b]pm g .Æ /3'gfy kfFr ¿k}ofFsf] gf]6 lgsfn]/ ljhosf] xftdf /flvlbGYof] . >LdtL /3'gfynfO{ nf]Ug]sf] o:tf] bfg lbg] afgL dg kb}{gYof] . ljho 3/af6 lgl:sP/ k/ uO;s]kl5 pm u'gf;f] uyL{, æslxn];Dd lbg] lognfO{ af6f] vr{ ÛÆ æ3/af/ 5f]8]/ logLx? /fhgLltdf

nfu]sf 5g\ . logsf nflu cfdf, afa', bfh'efO, lbbLalxgL eg]s} xfdL xf}F . k|hftGq Nofpgsf nflu xfdL ;a}n] o;/L g} ;ª\3if{ ug'{ kYof]{ . t/ d}n] o;/L ;ª\3if{ ug{ ;lsgF . ljhon] ;Sof] . of] pd]/ ;Dd lax] gu/L a;]sf] 5  . lax] u/]kl5 kfl/jfl/s hGhfndf kml;G5 eg] / of] clxn] ; Dd cljjflxt a;]sf] xf] . xfdLnfO{ s] 5 / < b'a} hgf sdfpF5f}F . b'O{ hgfsf] cfDbfgLaf6 dlxgfsf] ;f}–krf; ¿lkofF ljhonfO{ lbFbf xfdLnfO{ s'g} gf]S;fgL x'Fb}g . k|hftGqk|flKtsf] cfGbf]ngdf 9'Ss}n] nfUg g;Sg] xfdL h:tfsf]] ;fgf] of]ubfg x'g]5 o:tf sfo{stf{nfO{ vr{–ar{ lbFbf, o;f] b'O{–rf/ 5fs eft v'jfpFbf .Æ /3' g fy cfˆgL kTgLnfO{ dfq} xf]Og, cfˆgf sltko ;fyLnfO{ klg ;DemfpFYof] / ljhosf nflu bz– aL; ¿k}ofF vr{ klg h'6fOlbGYof] . ;lhnf] lyof], ljhosf] /xg–;xg . w/fgdf Tolta]nf b'O{ ¿k}ofF hf]8L 6fo/sf] rKkn kfOGYof] . ;fwf/ 0fhgn] nfpg] ToxL 6fo/sf] rKkn p;sf] klg …kfpkf];Ú lyof]  . ;'tLsf] s' t f{ – kfOhfdf nfpF Y of] . To:tf sk8fsf] hf]uf8 klg ;fyLefOn] g} ul/lbGy] . dxª\uf] hf]uf8 ug{ pgLx?nfO{ klg ufx|} kYof]{  . ljhon] olt s'/f a'e]msf] lyof] . To;}n] pm v'gv'g klg ub}{gYof] .



)$@ ;fndf g] k fndf cgf} 7 f] adsf08sf] cftª\s u/fof]  . s;n], sxfFaf6 u/fof] . of] adsf08 eGg] yfxf gkfP/ xf] ls k|ltzf]w lng] df}sf oxL xf] eg]/ xf], /fHon] csf]{ cftª\s dRrfof] . of] x'G8/Ldf ljho u'Ktf klg h]n k¥of] . 7\ofSs} tLg jif{ a:of] h]ndf pm . h]nsf aGbLnfO{ ;/sf/n] lbg] l;bfn] p;sf] lhGbuL rln/Xof] h] n leq . lj/f6gu/sf] h] n df y'lgPsf] x'gfn] /3'gfyn] ljhonfO{ lgoldt ;xof]u ug{ kfPg . lj/f6gu/df klg ljhosf] kf6L{sf ;fyL 5Fb}5g\, ltgn] u/] xf]nfg\ eGg] nfu]/} /3'gfy ljhonfO{ h]ndf e]6\g klg uPg . )$% ;fndf ljho h]naf6 5'6o\ f]  . clj>fGt ofqL lyof] pm /fhgLltsf]  . To;} n ] lj/f6gu/df b' O { lbg / ufpFsf] 3/ xKtf lbg latfP/ pm w/fglt/ nfUof] . lsgeg] Tolta]nf klg ufpF d f /fhgLlt cfOk'u]s f] lyPg, ljhosf] 3/b}nf] vf]Hb}  . t/ w/fg t klxn] h;/L g} /fhgLltsf] l;g]dfdf gflr/x]sf] lyof] . ljhosf] nflu w/fg eg]sf] /3'gfy g} lyof] . laxfgsf] vfgf vfg] a]nfdf pm /3'gfysf] 3/df k'Uof] . æcfpm ljho cfpmÆ /3' g fyn] o;/L :jfut u¥of]  . dfgf}F, ljho lxhf] a]n'sfdfq} 3/ aflx/ lgl:sPsf] lyof] . æljho ;/, ad k8\sfpg] sNn]– sNn], ;/sf/n] ;dfpg] tkfO{+nfO{  . of] s:tf] Gofo xf] ÛÆ ljhonfO{ y'g]sf] s'/f] kfj{tLnfO{ klg dg

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

k/]sf] /x]g5 . ;fob /3'gfyn], ljhosf] h]n a;fOnfO{ /fhgLtLs/ 0f u/] / kfj{ t LnfO{ Tof] 7fpF d f NofPsf] lyof] ls Û æefph", To;}n] t xfdL k~rfotL /fhgLltsf] lj/f]w ul//x]sf 5f}F=== . Æ ljhon] nfd} /fhgLlts k'/f0f ;'gfof] . ænfd} a:5f} w/fgdf <Æ /3'gfyn] ;f]Wof] . æo;kflnsf] a;fO kGw| lbgsf] xf]nf h:tf] 5Æ ljhon] eGof], æPskN6 w/fgsf ;a} ;fyLefOnfO{ e]6\g' 5, lhNnf kf6L{sf] ldl6ª klg ug'{ 5 . To;kl5 d nfd} ;dosf nflu lgjf{;gdf hfG5' xf]nf . ;se/ lu/ˆtf/Laf6 aRg kf6L{n] dnfO{ cfb]z lbPsf] 5 . lsgeg] lgs6 eljiodf xfd|f] kf6L{n] k~rfotleq} k;]/ k~rfotlj/f]wL ;ª\3if{ yfNg] ls k~rfot g9n];Dd nl8/xg] lg0f{o ug]{ ePsf] 5 .Æ Æo;df xfd|f] kf6L{rflxF k5fl8 k¥of],Æ /3'gfyn] eGof], æafdkGyLn] w/fg gu/ k~rfot sAh} u/]  . dfly /fli6«o k~rfotdf klg afdkGyLx?n] hgkIfLo eg]/ cfˆgf] klxrfg;lxt x:tIf]k u/] . xfd|f] tkm{ a f6 lhTg] x ?sf] s' g } klxrfg aGg ;s]gÆ /3'gfy km]l/ /f]lsof], æeGg t d}n] r'gfjsf] nuQ} cfgGbhL;Fu klg of] s' / f u/] s f] lyPF  . t/ pxfF n ] o;nfO{ uDeL/tfk" j { s lng'ePg . ;fob k~rfotleq} k;]/ k~rfotlj¿4 ;ª\3if{ ug'{k5{ eGg] pxfFnfO{ nfu]sf] 5}g ls ÛÆ æd ;a};Fu s'/f u5'{ . cfgGbhL;Fu

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

klg s'/f u5'{ . lgjf{;gdf a:g' k/] klg a9Ldf ToxL kmf/la;uGh xf] d]/f nflu . uf/f]–;f/f] kbf{ ltdLn] dnfO{ ;f}–krf; ;xof]u ug'{k5{ x}  . ltdLnfO{ yfx} 5, afp–cfdfn] dnfO{ o:tf] ;xof]u ul//xg ;Sb}gg\ .Æ æTo;df ltdLn] lrGt} gu/ . ;j{:j Tofu]/ k|hftGqk|flKtsf] nflu n8]sf ltdLnfO{ ;fgf] ;xof]u ug{ kfpg' xfd|f nflu uf}/jsf] s'/f x'G5 .Æ Ps xKtf w/fgdf a;]/ ljho u'Ktf 3/lt/ nfUof]  . p;sf] uf] h Ldf Tolta]nf b'O{ ;o ¿k}ofF lyof] . /3' g fysf] :s' n rln/Xof]  . ljhosf] /fhgLlt klg rln/Xof] . ljho g]kfn l5l/;s]sf] lyof] . p;sf] hLjgz}nL emg} km]l/Psf] lyof] . pm dlxgf}F lbg;Dd ufpFd} x/fpg] u/]sf] lyof] . xl/gf/fo0f rf} w /L klg hgtf dfWoflds ljBfnodf k9fpFYof] . /3'gfy / p;sf aLrdf xfO–xnf]sf] ;DaGw lyof] . p;}n] /3'gfynfO{ …afdkGyLn] hgkIfLo x:tIf]ksf] cleofg ;~rfng u/] / w/fg gu/ k~rfot / s]Gb|sf] /fli6«o k~rfotdf cfˆgf k|ltlglw k'¥ofPsf]Ú s'/f] ;'gfPsf] lyof] . æ/3' g fyhL, ca eg] g] k fndf k| h ftGq cfpg] ef] Æ Ps lbg /f}l;P/ xl/gf/fo0fn] eGof], æof] lg/ª\ s ' z k~rfotL ;Qf cTofrf/ / e|i6frf/sf] l;sf/ eP/ b'ªb'ª\tL ugfO/x]sf] lyof] . sDo'lg:6 sfª\u|]; ldn]/ o;nfO{ /5\ofgsf] ls/f agfpg] eP .Æ

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

geGb} tLg dlxgfkl5 k~rfotsf] cGt eof]  . g] k fndf ax' b nLo zf;gsf] cf/De eof] . /3'gfy u'Ktfsf] cgGo ldq ljho u' K tf klg klxnf] n6d} dGqL eof] . cfˆgf] ;fyL dGqL ePsf] v'l;ofnLdf /3'gfyn] ljBfnosf lzIfs / sd{ r f/LnfO{ ld7fO v'jfof] . ;Gtf]sL dg ePsfx?n] /3'gfysf] ldq ljho dGqL ePsf]df v';L JoQm u/] . c;Gtf]sL dg ePsfx?n] leqsf] 8fxf n'sfpFb} u'lnof] ld7fO{ vfP . æ/3'gfyhL, xfd|f] ljBfno ejgsf] dd{t / Pp6f gofF ejgsf nflu dGqLHo"nfO{ cg'/f]w ug'{k5{, jftfj/ 0f ldnfpg' xf]nf .Æ k|wfgfWofkssf] k|:tfj lyof] of] . æ;fgf–ltgf s'/f t x'Fb} unf{g\, k|hftGqsf] cg'e"lt lbg sDtLdf klg k|fylds lzIff lgMz'Ns ug'{k5{  . o;n] ;/sf/ hgtfsf] lxt ug{ rfxG5 eGg] ;Gb] z hfG5Æ of] xl/gf/fo0f rf}w/Lsf] ;'emfj lyof] . gofF lhDd]jf/L, gofF of]hgf . el/e/fp lyof], ljhosf] sfFw . rf/ dlxgf lat]kl5 ca ljho w/fg cfpFb}g eGg] ;f]r]/ ljBfnosf tLg lzIfs cfˆg} vr{ v]k]/ ljhonfO{ e]6\g /fhwfgL hfg] eP . tLg lzIfsdf ;xfos k|wfgfWofks s0f{ /fO{, /3'gfy / xl/gfo0f g} k/] . /3'gfynfO{, ljhon] cfˆgf dfux? k"/f u5{ eGg] k"/f ljZjf; lyof] . geGb} ljhon] cfˆgf] dGqLsf]

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

sf]7 fdf ;a}n fO{ :jfut u¥of]  . …clws Jo:ttfÚ sf sf/0f cfk"m w/fg cfpg g;s]sf] u'gf;f] u¥of]  . hgtf dfWoflds ljBfnosf nflu o;} jif{ kfFr nfv 5'6\ofOlbg] / gLltut ?kdf sIff kfFr;Ddsf] lzIffnfO{ lgMz'Ns agfpg] k|lta4tf klg hfx]/ u¥of] . tLg} hgf lzIfsx? z'e–;dfrf/ af]s]/ w/fg kmls{P . lbg lat], dlxgf lat]  . klv{+bf–klv{+b} jif{ klg laTof]  . cxF ljhon] w/fgdf kfOnf] xfn]g . Psfwk6s dfggLo dGqL ljho u'Ktf cfˆgf] lgjf{rg If]q;Dd cfPsf] /3'gfyn] ;'Gof] . PskN6 k"jf{~rnsf …/fi6«;]jsÚ nfO{ lgb]{zg lbg lj/f6gu/ cfPsf 5g\ dGqLhL eGg] klg /3'gfyn] ;'Gof]  . t/ cxF, cK7\of/f lbgx?df cfk"mnfO{ cf>o lbg] w/fgnfO{ ljhon] PskN6 klg ;lDemPg . lsgeg] w/fg ljhosf] lgjf{rg If]qdf kb}{gYof] . ToxfF a f6 xl/gf/fo0f rf}w/Lsf] k|ltlglwn] r'gfj lht]sf] lyof] . c? tLg jif{ lat] . nlHht eof] /3'gfy . æcfgGbhL, xfd|f] ljho u'KtfnfO{ s] eof] < :s'nsf] gofF ejgsf nflu ah]6 cfpF5 eg]sf] Tof] klg cfPg . sIff kfFr;Dd lgMz'Ns k9fO x'G5 eg]sf] lyof], Tof] klg ePg . d ;'G5', p;sf] 3/df hfg] af6f] lkr eof] /] === .Æ cfgGb lyof] , Tolta] n f ljho u'Ktfsf] kf6L{sf] lhNnf ;efklt .



æ/3'gfy ;/, ljho kmF:of] la|kms];sf] df]xdf .Æ cfgGbsf] af]nfO c¿lrsf] cleJolQm lyof] . æla|kms];sf] df]x ÛÆ s'/} a'em]g /3'gfyn] . æ/3'gfy ;/Æ cfgGbn] ;Demfpg] efsfdf eGof], æla|kms];sf] df]x eg]sf] e|i6frf/sf] yfngL xf] . la|kms]; b'O{y/Lsf x'G5g\ . Pp6f la|kms]; sld;g Ph]G6sf] x'G5 . pgLx? la|kms];df 6Gg k};f xfn]/ dGqLnfO{ lsGg Sjf6{/df wfpF5g\ . csf]{ la|kms]; dGqfnodf x'G5 . gofF dGqLnfO{ hfFRg dGqfnosf ;lrjnufotsf sd{rf/Ln] ;'6s]; / Tof] leq pkxf/ /fV5g\ . k'/fgf] ;'6s]; klg dGqLn] v';Ln] ;sf¥of], To;leqsf] pkxf/nfO{ c:jLsf/ u¥of] eg], dGqL e|i6frf/df gkm:g] /x]5 eGg] lgisif{ lgsfN5g\  . dGqL ePkl5 gofF la|kms];, gofF uf8L vf]Hof] eg] sd{rf/Ln] of] dGqL e|i6frf/L x'g] /x]5 eg]/ yfxf kfOxfN5g\ / To;nfO{ ToxL ;'tfP/ 3/ k7fpF5g\ .Æ æt/ ljho t o:tf] lyPgÆ /3'gfyn] eGof] . æ;a} s'/f] ef]ufOaf6 yfxf x'Fbf] /x]5Æ cfgGbn] eGof], æxfd|f] kf6L{sf] ;/sf/ ag]sf] ;f9] rf/ jif{ eof] . ca s]xL lbgdf r'gfj klg x'G5 . t/ ljho e|i6frf/sf] bnbndf kmF:of] . lxhf] xfdLn] lbPsf] n'uf nufP/ lxF8g\ ] Tof] clxn] 6fO{–;'6 gnfO{sg af6fdf lgl:sFb}g . bf}/f– ;'¿jfn t nf} ;/sf/L kf];fs eof], t/ lj/f6gu/ cfpFbf klg 6fO{–;'6



nfpg'kg]{ cfjZostf s] lyof] Û leqsf] /5\ofg n'sfpg ljhon] 6fO{–;'6 nfpg l;Sof] .Æ æxfd| f g] t fx? ;a} To:t} eP cfgGbhL <Æ /3'gfysf] :j/ lg/Lx ePsf] lyof] . æ;a} ePsf 5}gg\Æ cfgGbn] eGof], æTo;}n] cfufdL r'gfjdf ljhonfO{ ;+;b\sf] l6s6 glbg' eGg] lgb]{z cfPsf] 5 . lsgeg] rf/ jif{cl3 ufpFdf Ps lj3f hldgafx]s c? s]xL gePsf] ljho u'Ktfsf] clxn] sf7df8f}+sf] afg] Z j/df rf/tn] Pp6f 3/ 5, lj/f6gu/–sf7df8f} + rNg] rf/j6f gfO6a; 5g\ . s'g–s'g pBf]uklt;Fu ldn]/ sxfF–sxfF ;]o/ lsg]sf] 5 eGg] xfdL ;d]tnfO{ yfxf 5}g . lalu|of] ljho, /3'gfy ;/ . kmls{g} g;Sg] u/L lalu|of] .Æ æt/ d} n ] t s] x L yfxf kfOgF Æ /3'gfysf] :j/ emg} un]sf] lyof] . æ;/, tkfO{+ deGbf k'/fgf] dfG5] . tkfO{+ /fhgLltnfO{ Tofu, tk:of / ;f}xfb{sf] efsfdf a'‰g], cfˆgf] sfd ug]{, c?sf] sfddf rf;f] g/fVg] . To;}n] tkfO{+nfO{ s]xL yfxf ePg . tkfO{+sf] :jefj yfxf kfPs} x'gfn] ljho tkfO{+;Fu k/–k/ a;]sf] xf]  . clxn] p;sf ;fyLefO xfdL xf]Ogf}+, lxhf] xfdLnfO{ kqmfpg] dG8n]x? ePsf 5g\ .Æ ædfG5] s;/L olQ ;fx|f] lau|G5 cfgGbhL <Æ ædfG5]sf ct[Kt cfsfª\Iffx?n] p;sf] cxd\dfly cfqmd0f u/]kl5 pm k5fl/G5 / k5fl/Fb} hfG5 . ljhon] nf]enfO{ ;fyL agfof] .

6«fG;k/]G;L OG6/g]zgn g]kfnsf] a'n]l6g

sd{rf/LtGqsf cu'jfx?n] Tof] nf]esf] £o"df lbof] aflnlbP . dGqL ePsf] kGw| lbgkl5 g} p;sf] :vng cf/De eof] /fd|f] / dxª\uf] la|kms];af6 . To;kl5 t pm k|To]s lbg, xKtf, dlxgf clg a;}{lkR5] cf]/fnf] nfu]sf]–nfUo} 5 .Æ /3'gfy w]/}a]/ a:of] kf6L{ ;efkltsf] 3/df . b' O { jif{ k l5 /3'gfysf] cjsfz lng] pd]/ x'Fb} lyof] . cjsfz lnPkl5 cfk"m klg ;a}yf]s Tofu]/ kf6L{sf] ;]jfdf nfUg] p;sf] ;kgfnfO{ cfgGbsf] ;"rgfn] ;Ktsf];Lsf] au/lt/ tfg]/ n}hfFb} lyof] . cfgGbn] h] eg] klg kf6L{n] k'/fgf] If]qaf6} ljhonfO{ l6s6 lbof] . kf6L{ g]t[Tjn] cfˆgf] lj/f]wsf] ;'g'jfO gu/]sf] x'gfn] lg0f{ok|lt lj/f]w hgfpFb} cfgGbn] lhNnf kf6L{ ;efkltaf6 /fhLgfdf lbof] . ljhon] k]ml/ r'gfj lhTof] . km]l/ pm dGqL eof] . cfgGbn] kf6L{ kl/Tofu u¥of] . cfgGbsf] /fhLgfdfkl5 /3'gfysf] dg kf6L{af6 pRrf6 eof] . s'g} ;'ljwfn] gtfGg], bdg / zf;gsf aLrdf cfˆgf] hLjgz}nL k6Ss} gkm]g]{ cfgGbsf] /fhgLltaf6} a9L k|efljt ePsf] lyof] /3'gfy . /3'gfysf] cjsfzsf] lbg cfof]  . ljBfnon] cjsfzsf] ef]lnkN6 /3'gfynfO{ ;Ddfg ug]{ sfo{qmd /fv]sf] lyof] / To;sf nflu ;Qfwf/L bnsf lhNnf ;efkltnfO{ Ps hgf dGqL NofOlbg cg'/f]w u/]sf] lyof]  .

‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

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‘kf/bzL{’ @)&) kmfu'g

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