2023 Winter-Spring Activity Guide - Tinley Park-Park District

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2023 2023 8125 W 171st Street | Tinley Park | 708-342-4200 | �nleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US WINTER-SPRING ACTIVITY GUIDE WINTER-SPRING ACTIVITY GUIDE NEW RAINOUT LINE! pAGE 38 aDOPT-a-pARK in 2023 pAGE 75 Tot time preschool registration march 14 - 6:00 pm pAGE 12 pAGE 26, 27 & 55 day camp registration march 7 - 6:00 pm RESIDENT ONLINE JANUARY 10 IN PERSON JANUARY 11 NON-RESIDENT ONLINE and IN PERSON JANUARY 24 REGISTRATION BEGINS Daddy-Daughter Dance Page 7 Running o’ the Green Page 6 Tinley Fitness Page 66-69

Contact Us

A dministr Ative stAff

Executive Director .............................. Shawn Roby

Superintendent of Recreation ...... Meghan Fenlon

Superintendent of Parks ................. Ryan Veldman

Facilities Manager .......................... Sean Caddigan

Business Manager ......................... Thomas Leeson

Marketing Manager ......................... Carol Bradtke

Tinley Fitness Manager .................. Kevin Hullinger

Recreation Supervisor ........................ Erin Cortilet

Recreation Supervisor ................. Bailey O’Connell

Tot Time/Recreation Supervisor Debbie Maloney

Athletic Supervisor ..................... Ron Woodworth

Aquatics Supervisor ....................... Mandi Vinson

BoArd of Commissioners

Board Meetings

Held the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center. Committee meeting at 7:00 pm immediately followed by Board meeting.

Mission Statement

The Tinley Park-Park District is committed to creative recreational programming opportunities and outstanding customer service while providing and maintaining quality recreational facilities and parks to enhance the quality of life in Tinley Park.

Winter Spring 2023

INFORMATION THE FUN STARTS HERE! www.tinleyparkdistrict.org
Marie Ryan President 2003-Present Donald Cuba Treasurer 2021-Present Ashley Rubino Secretary 2019-Present Bernie O’Boyle Vice President 2015-Present
Adminstration/Info 708-342-4200 Advertising ........................................... 708-342-4254 Aquatics ............................................... 708-342-4278 Childcare .............................................. 708-342-4255 Day Camp 708-342-4205 Field Rentals 708-342-4208 Human Resources ................................ 708-342-4203 Marketing ............................................. 708-342-4254 Memorial Tree & Bench ...................... 708-342-4254 Parks & Maintenance 708-342-4261 Park Pavilion Rentals 708-342-4200 Personal Training ................................. 708-342-4255 Programs: Adults ................................................. 708-342-4205 Athletics 708-342-4214 Aquatics ............................................. 708-342-4278 Arts .................................................... 708-342-4212 Dance ................................................. 708-342-4202 Early Childhood/Youth 708-342-4202 Health & Fitness 708-342-4205 Martial Arts ........................................ 708-342-4205 Mature Adults .................................... 708-342-4212 Music Lessons .................................... 708-342-4202 Performing Arts 708-342-4212 Swim Lessons 708-342-4278 Teens .................................................. 708-342-4205 Tennis ................................................. 708-342-4208 Tot Time Preschool ............................ 708-342-4202 Trips And Excursions 708-342-4200 Special Events 708-342-4200 Sponsorships ........................................ 708-342-4254 Race Series ........................................... 708-342-4208 Rainout Line 708-779-6010 Room Rentals 708-342-4200 Tinley Fitness ....................................... 708-342-4255 Lisa O'Donovan Commissioner 2021-Present
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Behavior Policy

Tinley Park-Park District has an established behavior policy relative to inappropriate behavior. Inappropriate behavior is defined as that which disrupts a recreation program/activity and which requires a class instructor/ staff member to call for a stop of the behavior due to its effect on other participants or on the instructor's ability to conduct the program. Such behavior may call for immediate and/or permanent dismissal of the individual from the program. Additional rules may be developed for individual programs/activities as deemed necessary by the staff.

Table of Contents

Photos and video footage are periodically taken of people participating in a Park District program or activity, attending a class or event, or using District

Photos And Videos Volunteers

Volunteers coach youth athletes, assist recreation staff in preparing for events and provide support at numerous activities and events. In whatever capacity, volunteers add a special touch to the Park District. We appreciate you all beyond measure! Go to tinleyparkdistrict.org to complete a volunteer application.

Special Thanks

We are grateful to School Districts 140, 146, 228 and 230 for the use of their facilities in helping us provide recreational activities to the community. We also thank the local newspapers and businesses for publicizing Tinley Park-Park District special events.

New activity

Volunteer coaches required for program

No Online registration

Activity or event is free of charge

Number of feet indicates extent of walking required for activity/trip

Virtual activity or virtual option available, if required

Adult class participation required

Activity Locations ................................... 76 Adopt-A-Park ......................................... 75 Adults & Teens .................................. 54-59 Aquatics ............................................ 24-25 Athletics (Adult) ................................ 47-51 Athletics (Youth) ............................... 39-46 Bettenhausen Recreation Center ........... 72 Birthday Parties ...................................... 16 Board of Commissioners . Inside front Cover Camps ................................................ 26-27 Canine Campus ....................................... 58 Contact Us ...................... Inside front cover Creative Arts ..................................... 28-35 Early Childhood and Youth ............... 14-23 Facility Information .................................. 4 Health and Fitness ............................ 63-65 Indoor Batting Cages .............................. 42 Job Fair ................................................... 58 Landmark Church and Museum ............. 76 Martial Arts ....................................... 52-53 Mature Adults ................................... 60-62 Memorial Trees & Benches .................... 79 Park District Map ............................... 80-81 Park Pavilion Permits ............................. 74 Performing Arts Center .......................... 36 Rainout Line ........................................... 38 Registration Info ....................................... 3 Registration Form .............................. 77-78 Room Rentals ......................................... 74 Running o' the Green 8K .......................... 6 Special Events ..................................... 6-11 Sponsors..................................................79 Tinley Junction Mini-Golf ....................... 38 Tot Time ............................................. 12-13 SSSRA/ADA Info ...................................... 73 Tinley Fitness .................................... 66-69 Trips & Excursions ............................. 70-71 Vogt Visual Arts Center .......................... 37
facilities or property. Please be aware that by registering for a program or class, participating in an activity, attending an event, or using District facilities or property, you authorize the District to use these photos and video footage for promotional purposes in District publications, advertising, marketing materials, brochures, event flyers, social media (including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites operated by the District), and the District’s website without additional prior notice or permission and without any compensation to you. All photos and videos are property of the District.
INFORMATION FUN STARTS HERE! 2 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023 Information

Registration Dates

Park District Resident Begins


Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023 at 9:00 am

In-Person and Mail-In

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023 at 9:00 am

Non-Resident Begins

Registration Dates New Households

Proof of Park District residency is required with valid driver’s license or state ID and one item listed below:

Current Tax Bill / Lease

Current Month's Utility Bill

Voter's Registration Card

Vehicle Registration

Programs are designed for specific ages as listed in the program description. Thus, required proof of household residency and age for all children is established by presenting the birth certificate.

Registration Info

Online Registration How to’s

• Go to Online Registra�on

Click on this link at the top of all our website pages

• Sign into your account

• If you do not have an account, create one

• If you are not sure, contact us at 708-342-4200

• to determine if you do have an account

• Click on Search in the top tool bar

• Enter the Ac�vity Number if you know it, or search

• by Ac�vity Type

• Scroll through the results to find your ac�vity

• Click on the

• At the bo�om of your screen a bar appears

• Click Add to Cart if this is the correct program

• Choose the household member you are enrolling

• Click ‘I agree with the above’ to accept the Waiver

• and Release and con�nue

• When all your choices are added to your cart,

• Proceed to Checkout

• Your billing informa�on will appear. If correct,

• click Con�nue

• Enter your credit card informa�on

• Retain your receipt!

•Resident fees apply to anyone living within Park District boundaries. Additional fees apply to individuals not residing within Park District boundaries for memberships, activities and special events.

•Registration is not accepted at classes. Only registered participants are allowed in the class—no substitutions.

•Individuals may only register themselves and individuals listed in their household account.

•When a class fills, a waiting list is formed. We make every attempt to accommodate individuals on a wait list.

•Bring your Park District receipt to any program, event or trip to verify your enrollment.

•Mail-in payments accepted by check only. Make checks payable to: Tinley Park-Park District.

•The Park District reserves the right to cancel or postpone activities. See Cancellation Policy below.

•For programs in school locations, school activities have priority; this can cause cancellation of Park District programs.

•Complete both sides of the registration form located on page 81/82.

•Be sure to include program number for each program.

•The signature of patron or parent/guardian is required.

•Seek a physician’s approval when enrolling in strenuous activities.

•Tinley Park-Park District is not responsible for lost or late mail.

The Park District reserves the right to cancel any program due to insufficient enrollment and issue refunds. The Park District reserves the right to change, adapt or reschedule any program variables, including instructors, dates, days, times, locations, etc.

One day programs: Refund must be requested one week prior to date of program. Refunds only granted if your space can be filled.

Multi-week programs: Refund must be requested prior to second class. Supplies/staffing costs are non-refundable and are deducted from the refund amount.

Youth/Adult Athletic Leagues: Refunds are not granted after coach/captain meeting has occurred and teams are announced.

Cancelation Policy Refund Policy FAQ Registration INFORMATION 3
STARTS HERE! www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023

Facility Information

tony Bettenhausen

reCreation Center

8125 W. 171st Street (708) 342-4200


tinley fitness 8125 W. 171st Street (708) 342-4255

The Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center offers Park District residents a great opportunity to run, walk, play basketball or volleyball indoors. Childcare is available for participants in a Rec Center activity or those needing supervision for their child while they use the track. This is the perfect place to get some exercise, have fun with friends, reduce stress or just take time out for you! Free wi-fi while in the building. Annual memberships are available. Visit tinleyparkdistrict.org for complete Recreation Center information.

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center & Tinley Fitness Hours

October 1 - April 30

Monday-Friday...5:30 am - 10 pm

Saturday....................7 am - 8 pm

Sunday......................7 am - 5 pm

White Water Canyon Water Park 8221 W. 171st Street (708) 342-4200

Canine CamPus

Dog Park 18200 84th Avenue (708) 342-4200

tinley JunCtion

miniature golf & Batting Cages 16801 S. 80th Avenue (708)342-4284

May 1 - September 30

Monday-Friday.....5:30 am - 9 pm

Saturday....................7 am - 5 pm

Sunday.......................7 am - 4 pm

A Tinley Fitness membership gets you more than just a workout! Our affordable rates include state-of-the-art cardiovascular and strength equipment, a four lane ADA lap pool, group, aquatic and cycling fitness classes, full access to basketball courts and indoor walking track and a locker room complete with sauna. For membership rates see page 69. For more info on Tinley Fitness see pages 66-69 or visit tinleyparkdistrict.org

White Water Canyon Water Park is 5 acres of splashing, sliding water fun for the whole family. Features include a zero-depth entry main pool, interactive kid’s play area, three slides, a three meter drop slide, diving board, lazy river, children’s Spray Ground and a giant sand play area. The full-service concession stand is perfect for quenching your thirst or curbing your hunger after a day of swimming. Season passes go on sale March 1 each year. The 2023 season runs June 3 through September 4! Visit tinleyparkdistrict.org/waterpark/ for rates, hours and amenities.

Canine Campus is a 10 acre off-leash dog park featuring separate fenced-in areas for small dogs (under 26 lb.) and large dogs. The affordable membership allows your dog to socialize and run free safe from street hazards. Find membership fees, rules and regulations at tinleyparkdistrict.org/canine-campus/ and the Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center. Open dawn to dusk, 365 days per year!

Tinley Junction Miniature Golf & Batting Cages is the place for family-friendly fun featuring an 18 hole miniature golf course, five professional batting cages and an express concession stand. The Junction is perfect for birthday parties, outings and adding fun to any picnic! You can choose from the five party packages offered! Visit tinleyparkdistrict.org for hours, golf and batting cage fees, specials and party information. Tinley Junction opens May 5, 2023 for another summer of family fun!

Vogt Visual arts Center 17420 S. 67th Court (708) 614-6503

Vogt Visual Arts Center, once home to Tinley Park’s first mayor, Henry Vogt, opened as the VVAC in 1996 housing all of the Park District’s fine arts classes and an art gallery. The art gallery features monthly exhibits of works by various local and well-known artists. See page 37 for upcoming gallery schedule. Classes can be found on pages 33-35.

Gallery Hours

Tuesday........................7 - 9 pm

Wednesday..................4 - 7 pm

Thursday............. 11 am - 2 pm and 7 - 9 pm

Friday............ 2 pm - 6 pm

Saturday.......11 am - 4 pm

(All other times by appointment only)

tinley Park Performing arts Center 16801 s. 80th aVenue (708) 342-4200

The Tinley Park Performing Arts Center is the home of our very own Tinley Park Community Theater, Kidz, Holiday, Children and Teen Theater and many other performing arts programs. The 120 seat theater is available for rentals for corporate meetings, theater performances, entertainment venues and more. Please call (708) 342-4200 for more information. Class and performance information can be found on pages 29-31.

4 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023

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Running o’ the Green

Running o’ the Green

Awards are given for first, second and third place runners in all age categories, male and female, based on chip timing. The best overall resident and non-resident male and female runner also receive an award. The first 550 registered participants receive a Unisex tech shirt.

Pre-registration closes Mar 2 at 3 pm. Registration reopens and pre-registration packet pick-up begins at 7 am on race day.

Packet pick-up is Mar 4 from 8 am-2 pm at the Recreation Center.

Location: Recreation Center

Day/Date: Su, Mar 5

Race Start: 8 am

Fee: $16 without shirt / $22 with shirt (Pre-registration) $30 with / without shirt, if available (Race Day)


• Click Online Registration on our home page

• Click Search, then Ticket Search

• Click on race on the calendar event date

• Add number of racers and continue

• Enter each racer's information and continue to complete the purchase

MALE 9 and under 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 and over FEMALE 9 and under 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 and over
RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
@ tinleyparkdistrict.org
Tinley Park Park District presented by Republic Bank 6 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Winter sPring 2023

Daddy-Daughter Dance

Dad, take your little sweetheart to our Valentine’s Dance. Enjoy crafts, snacks, dancing and much more! Each couple receives one complimentary 4X6 photo done by a photographer. Additional packages available to purchase. Each person over age two attending must register!

No registrations accepted on the night of event.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees per person: $10 R / $15 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

Hot Wheels Classic

Bring your fastest Hot Wheels or Matchbox car and compete for the ‘big prize’. Includes refreshments. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees per racer: $15 R / $20 NR

Hot Wheels All Stars

We are looking for the best of the best to enter this Hot Wheel or Matchbox car race as we compete for the grand prize. Includes refreshments.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees per racer: $15 R / $20 NR


Come and check out all the fun we have lined up for summer! Meet staff from our summer camps: Tot Camp (ages 3-entering Kindergarten), Summer Day Camp sites (grades 1-7) McCarthy Park and Vogt Woods, as well as Teen Camp (grades 7-10). See the schedules, ask questions and get ready for summer fun.

Location: Recreation Center



the amazing book fair while you're here!

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 111700-A Feb 24 Fri 5:15-6:15p 2-6
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 111701-A Feb 24 Fri 6:30-7:30p 7-12
Feb 11 Sat 10a-12p Stop in and find your next favorite book! Feb 11 from 10a-12p
Book Fair! www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US

Scavenger Hunt

Find the Lucky Charms before they lose their magic! Lucky the Leprechaun has visited some Tinley Park - Park District Parks and set up a scavenger hunt just for you! Wear your green and have fun finding the Lucky Charms! Activities include a self-paced scavenger hunt with clues to find the Lucky Charms. Pick up your forms at the Bettenhausen Recreation Center after March 1 or download from the website. Each child that returns a completed form to the Rec Center by March 17 receives a ‘Bag o’ Gold’ and four-leaf clover to decorate at home. Good luck!


Mar 1-17 Mon-Sun 3-8

Irish Tea

Enjoy a spot o’ tea at the VVAC before heading to the Irish Parade! Located a block off of the parade route, the Vogt Visual Arts Center goes Gaelic with St. Patrick’s Day decorations! Stop in to hear traditional Irish music and savor goodies like scones, soda bread and an assortment of teas. In addition, enjoy the Girl Scout Exhibit on display in the gallery throughout March.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff Location: VVAC

Family Bingo & Lunch

Does cabin fever have you itching for something to do on spring break? Join us for a fun-filled bingo and lunch party. Enjoy lunch while playing a variety of bingo games for prizes. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees per person: $17 R / $22 NR

Jelly Bean Contest

From March 1 through April 2, stop in the Rec Center to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar. Prizes awarded to the two children whose guess is closest to the exact count. Children ages 3-12 only.

Brunch with the Bunny

Celebrate Easter with friends and family at our Brunch with the Bunny event! Have fun with crafts, games and more! Each registered child receives a special treat from The Easter Bunny. Don’t forget your camera so you can get a picture with the Bunny! Registration is per person attending; under 12 months are free!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees per person: $15 R / $20 NR

Easter Egg Hunt

The Easter Bunny invites you to join him for our Easter Egg Hunt! Be ready to visit with our special guest - the Easter Bunny! This event goes on rain or shine. Advance registration required; no registrations accepted event day. Only one adult is allowed on the field with child(ren).

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Freedom Park

Fees per child: $1 R / $2 NR

Easter Hoppenings

Hop on down to color eggs, make some crafts, play Bunny Bingo and other fun games! Enjoy an “eggstra” special Easter snack!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $14 R / $19 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 111737-A Mar 25 Sat 11a-12:30p All
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 111009-A Apr 1 Sat 9-9:30a 3-4 111009-B Apr 1 Sat 9:45-10:15a 5-6
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 111038-A Mar 28 Tue 11a-1:30p 6+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 111718-A Apr 5 Wed 4-5p 3-5 111718-B Apr 5 Wed 5:15-6:15p 6-10
DATES DAY TIME AGE Mar 5 Sun 11:30a-1p All 8 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Winter sPring 2023




Hop on over to the Tinley Park Performing Arts Center for an exciting night out of the house! Your fee includes pizza, pop, Easter-themed games and bunny meet-and-greet scheduled from 6-7pm followed by the movie "Hop!” Beneath Easter Island, in a giant factory that manufactures the world's Easter candy, the Easter Bunny is preparing to pass the mantle to his son, E.B. But E.B. has no interest in the job and would rather be a drummer. He runs away to Los Angeles, where an unemployed slacker named Fred O'Hare accidentally runs into him. Meanwhile, an oversized chick is planning a coup on Easter Island so it’s up to E.B. and Fred to help! Get your family and friends to jump in the fun for a hoppin’ good time!

Spring into action and register by the deadline on Monday, March 27! (Children under two may sit on adult's lap for free.)

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tinley Park Performing Arts Center/McCarthy Rec Bldg


person over age 2: $12 R / $15 NR

Earth Day StoryWalk®

It is the start of spring and another amazing seasonal change; join us as families walk the trail through the park reading pages of an Earth friendly story along the way. Additional earth day activities are part of this fun morning.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Volunteer Park

Spa-rific Day Out with Mom

Spend some time with mom to celebrate her for Mothers' Day! A fun day filled with painting nails, crafts, a small lunch and much more! Memories to last a lifetime! Register each person attending the event.

Location: Recreation Center

Fees per person: $15 R / $20 NR

Take Me Out to The Bark Park!

It is baseball season and our four-legged friends are ready to get in on the action! Dress them and your whole family in your favorite team’s gear. Play fetch with baseballs, enter the Family Fan contest, do crafts, enter raffles and more! This event is for members and non-members of Canine Campus. Dogs must be well trained and non-threatening or aggressive to other dogs/owners or they will be asked to leave.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Canine Campus

Apr 29 Sat 10:30a-12p

9 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
Apr 22 Sat 10a-12p All
Winter sPring 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME 111791-A Apr 7 Fri 6-8:30p
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 111017-A Apr 29 Sat 11a-12:30p 3+
the app for Android or Apple!
our Website
Call 708-779-6010 Get
The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library

Spring Arts & Crafts Fair

This fair highlights many of the talented crafters in the community. Exhibits are open to the public at no charge.

EXHIBITORS: Reserve your space today. Registration for the craft fair has changed. Once registration opens, please purchase your craft fair spaces through the online ticketing portal. The show is listed under tickets. NOTE: commercial items are not eligible for this show.

Location: Recreation Center


Apr 1 Sat 9a-2p $30 space w/6’ table $20 space, BYO table

Mother and Son Date Night

Calling all super sons and super moms…don't miss this amazing night! Dress up as your favorite super hero and show off your legendary powers at Tinley Junction

Miniature Golf course. This Mother & Son Superhero night includes dinner, miniature golf and a whole lot of fantastic fun! Advance registration for all attendees required. No registrations accepted the day of the event.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tinley Junction

Fees per person: $15 R / $20 NR


Kidz Theater presents: Friend for Potato

May 6 Saturday 6:00 pm All ages $8

May 7 Sunday 2:00 pm All ages $8

Community Theater presents: While The Lights Were Out

Apr 14 Friday 7:30 pm

Apr 15, 22

Apr 23

Children Theater presents: Fractured

May 19 Friday 6:00 pm

May 20 Saturday 4:30 pm


ages $8

ages $8

May 21 Sunday 2:00 pm All ages $8

Teen Theater presents: The Internet Is A Distract – Oh, Look A Kitten!

May 19 Friday 8:30 pm All ages $8

May 20 Saturday 7:00 pm All ages $8

May 21 Sunday 4:30 pm All ages $8

For more details about auditions and the shows, please visit pages 30-31.

10 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
Saturday 7:00 pm
Sunday 3:00 pm
May 5 Fri 5-7p All

Mother's Day Craft Kit

Order a craft kit for your child to make a Mother's Day gift. Kit includes all supplies to complete one special present for Mothers, Grandmothers or Godmothers. Kit takes 30 to 60 minutes to complete. Order deadline: Apr 21

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $20 R / $26 NR

Age: All


111014-A Apr 28-May 5 During regular hours

Annie Sing-A-Long

Father's Day Craft Kit

Order a craft kit for your child to make a Father's Day gift. Kit includes all the supplies to complete a special present for Fathers, Grandfathers or Godfathers. This kit comes with one craft per child and takes 30 to 60 minutes to complete. Order Deadline: June 8

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $20 R / $26 NR

Age: All


111015-A Jun 16-18 During regular hours

Join us at the Tinley Park Performing Arts Center and McCarthy Recreation Building for a special Mother’s Day buffet dinner (salad/ pizza) from 5-6pm followed by the classic film “Annie.” Be ready to sing with this special sing-along edition! “Annie” portrays a fiery young orphan girl in the depths of the 1930s depression living in a miserable orphanage run by the tyrannical Miss Hannigan. Her seemingly hopeless situation changes dramatically when she is chosen to spend a short time at the residence of the wealthy munitions industrialist, Oliver Warbucks. Quickly, she charms the hearts of the household staff and even the seemingly cold-hearted Warbucks cannot help but learn to love this wonderful girl. He decides to help Annie find her long lost parents by offering a reward if they would come to him and prove their identity. However, Miss Hannigan, her evil brother, Rooster, and a female accomplice, plan to impersonate those people to get the reward for themselves, putting Annie in great danger. Bring your moms, grandmothers, step-moms, godmothers along with family and friends! Registration deadline is Monday, May 1, 2023. (Children under two are allowed to sit on lap for free)

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tinley Park Performing Arts Center

Fees per person over age 2: $12 R / $15 NR


111792-A May 14 Sun 5-8p

VVAC Food Truck & Art Festival

Don’t miss this celebration of art and food! This event features many original works of art by local artists along with a variety of food trucks and live entertainment. Join us from 10 am-3 pm to browse, shop, eat, drink and dance! Head inside the VVAC to view the open gallery exhibit and meet the artists in the “The Walls Have Eyes” June show.

JUNE 10 10a-3p

Artists and food vendors, see p. 37 for space reservation information!

11 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
Winter sPring 2023
Surprise Mom or Dad with a gift just for them made with love!

Tot Time Preschool


imagine explore discover grow

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010


This program is continuous beginning in September and ending in May. A child must be 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1, 2023. All children must be toilet trained and able to take care of their own bathroom needs.

Traditional Preschool: The Tot Time Preschool Program includes a variety of developmentally appropriate activities including but not limited to: creative art experiences, singing and rhythm activities, stories, role playing and body movement, free play, emerging writing and reading skills and activities related to everyday math and science discovery. *Kinder-Prep features 5 full days of learning to offer additional time and emphasis for writing, pre-reading, math and science.

Forest School: Students engage in interest led play, while they learn, explore and create in outdoor (weather permitting) and indoor settings. Emphasis is placed on the natural world through play, science, art, dramatic play and sensory experiences.

NEW FOR 2023!

Register for Tot Time Preschool

In-person and online!


AT 6:00 PM MARCH 14, 2023

Please have the following ready when you come in to register:

• Completed Registration Form (page 77,78)

• List three Tot Time class choices

• Copy of child’s Birth Certificate

• Payment

See Page 3 of this guide for proof of residency requirements and creating a household account. Be prepared! Create your account now if you do not have one!

If you have questions or need assistance, stop in the Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center or call 708-342-4200!

Children are placed in the first class choice, or if that is filled, the second or third choice.

Students currently enrolled in our 3-year old program have priority registration for the 2023-24 school year program.


Family Discount

A family discount is offered for the second (or more) child in one family registering for a Tot Time Preschool program. The discount is applied to the lowest priced registration program fee. Available discounts are: $50 off for a two day program, $75 off for a three day program and $100 off for a five day program.

Pay in Full at the time of registration.

Payment Plan

Payment plans require 50% payment at time of registration. The remaining payments are due May 1, June 1, July 1 and August 1, 2023. A $10.00 nonrefundable service fee is included for those using the Payment Plan.

Make your payment(s) by cash, check or credit card at the Tinley Park-Park District. Additional payment plan payments can also be made by credit card via the online registration portal on the Tinley Park-Park District website.

Please note: no refunds granted after August 1, 2023

12 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
winter spring 2023

3-year old Tot


Location: Recreation Center

$850 R / $1,105 NR

4-year old Tot Time



Tot Time Kinder Prep Location: Recreation Center

$1,775 R / $2,300 NR

3/4-year old Tot Time Location: Vogt Woods Bldg.

3/4-year old


Teacher assignments and supply lists are emailed/mailed to families as we approach the start of the school year. We do not accept teacher requests.

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 501151-A Sep 5-May 14 Tue & Thu 9:15-11:40a 3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 501152-A Sep 6-May 17 Mon, Wed, Fri 9:15-11:40a 4 501152-B Sep 6-May 17 Mon, Wed, Fri 12:30-2:55p 4
Location: Recreation Center
$1,270 R / $1,550 NR
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 501154-A Sep 5-May 17 Mon-Fri 9:15-11:40a 4
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 501153-A Sep 6-May 17 Mon, Wed, Fri 9:15-11:40a 3 and 4 501153-B Sep 6-May 17 Mon, Wed, Fri 12:30-2:55p 3 and 4
$1,270 R / $1,550 NR
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 501155-A Sep 5-May 14 Tue & Thu 9:15-11:40a 3 and 4
Location: Vogt Woods Bldg.
$850 R / $1,105 NR
Visit our preschool rooms at both our locations! Meet our staff! We're ready to answer your questions or help you complete the registration forms. Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W. 171st Street Vogt Woods Building 6527 West 171st Street TOT TIME PRESCHOOL OPEN HOUSE February 11, 2023 10 am-12 pm 11 am-1 pm TOT TIME PRESCHOOL 13
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023 RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
FUN STARTS HERE! Tot Time Preschool

Early Childhood & Youth

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

All new music classes for child and parent to enjoy together!

Baby Bounce, Babble & Shake

This play-based music and movement class lets mini musicians explore new genres of music such as Hip Hop, Flamenco, Rock & Roll, Jazz or Disco every six weeks! This marvelous class utilizes developmentally appropriate musical instruments, interactive songs and movements to encourage and stimulate the development of your child’s music appreciation, language and motor skills. This adult participation class is sure to keep grown-ups grooving and little ones moving to remixes of old school jams and nursery rhymes all the way through!

Instructor: Miss Phallon

Location: Recreation Center

$65 R / $85 NR

Rug Time Remix

Rug Time Remix is a play-based music and movement class where mini musicians explore a new genre of music such as Hip Hop, Flamenco, Rock & Roll, Jazz or Operatic every six weeks! Rug time remix radically revamps classic nursery rhymes, sing-a-longs and popular music of today to meet kiddos where they are and teach them the fundamentals of literacy, S.T.E.A.M and musicianship! This class utilizes developmentally appropriate musical instruments, interactive songs and movements to encourage and stimulate the development music appreciation, language and motor skills. This adult participation class is sure to keep grown-ups grooving and little ones moving to remixes of old school jams and nursery rhymes all the way through!

Instructor: Miss Phallon

Location: Recreation Center

$65 R / $85 NR

Once Upon a Song

Once Upon a Song is a play-based music and movement class where mini-musicians explore a new genre of music such as Hip Hop, Flamenco, Rock & Roll, Jazz or Operatic every six weeks! Once Upon a Song radically revamps classic nursery rhymes, sing-a-longs and popular music of today and combines them with a thematic story time to meet kiddos where they are and teach them the fundamentals of literacy, S.T.E.A.M and musicianship! This adult participation class is sure to keep grown-ups grooving and little ones moving to remixes of old school jams and nursery rhymes all the way through!

Instructor: Miss Phallon

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $65 R / $85 NR

Mini Music Makers

Make music with your little one this spring! Join local music school Edge Music Academy for an early childhood music class. This is a perfect way for young children to experience music in an intimate, hands-on setting. A parent or caretaker must be present for all class times due to the young age of the students.

Instructor: Edge Music Academy

Location: Recreation Center

$20 R / $26 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101017-A Feb 14-Mar 21 Tue 9-9:40a 1-2 101017-B Apr 4-May 9 Tue 9-9:40a 1-2
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101018-A Feb 14-Mar 21 Tue 10-10:40a 1-2 101018-B Apr 4-May 9 Tue 10-10:40a 1-2
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101019-A Feb 14-Mar 21 Tue 11-11:40a 1-3 101019-B Apr 4-May 9 Tue 11-11:40a 1-3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101020-A Feb 14-Mar 21 Tue 12-12:30p 1-5 101020-B Apr 11-May 30 Tue 12-12:30p 1-5
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org winter spring 2023


Early Childhood & Youth

Adult class participation required

Come Play with Me, Baby

Mom and/or dad, come play with me! Let’s explore, play under a parachute, learn new games and sing songs. You and your tot has fun while you help your little one to develop coordination and motor skills.

Instructor: Priscilla's School of Dance

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $33 R / $43 NR


Nurture a love of the natural wonders of this planet. Class begins with a nature story and circle time followed by parent led activities such as games, free play, crafts and more. Class is outside when possible so please dress to be outside. This is an adult/child class and an adult must accompany each participant enrolled.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $35 R / $44 NR


Kids can go anywhere from the pages of a book! We start each class with a story and do activities based on what we read. This is an adult/child class and an adult must accompany each participant enrolled.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

$43 R / $68 NR

Dino Hour in the Park

Bring your little one for an hour of dinosaur discovery fun! Dino Hour features real dinosaur fossils, story time, a craft to take home and a dig in the sand to assemble dinosaur puzzle pieces. SO much fun packed into one hour! The program is outdoors at the VVAC Gazebo unless weather conditons necessitate moving inside to the VVAC second floor classroom.

Instructor: T-Rexplorers

Location: VVAC

Fees: $32 R / $41 NR

The Two of Us

Stories, songs, crafts and gym activities are offered for mom or dad and your little one. Spend some special time with your child while meeting other parents in the community. Only children registered for the class are allowed to attend.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

$51 R / $63 NR

Slime and Grime

Let’s make a mess! Play-dough, slime, finger paint and shaving cream are some of the gooey activities in this fun sensory-based class. Here’s a chance for your child to express his/her creativity and you don’t have to clean it up!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $53 R / $68 NR

Kinder Cooks

Does your little one love to help in the kitchen? Kinder Cooks learn to chop, mix, stir, measure and more as they make tasty treats, healthy snacks and yummy dishes. Make sure you wear an apron to class. Please list any food allergies upon registration. Cooks bring home samples of prepared foods so family members can see what they have been up to in class. Students bring a recipe booklet home at the end of class.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $55 R / $71 NR

LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101001-A Feb 7-Mar 14 Tue 9-9:30a 2-3 101001-B Apr 4-May 9 Tue 9-9:30a 2-3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101004-A Feb 6-Mar 13 Mon 10:30-11:15a 2-3 101004-B Apr 3-May 8 Mon 10:30-11:15a 2-3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101109-A Feb 6-Mar 13 Mon 6:15-7:15p 2-4 101109-B Apr 3-May 8 Mon 6:15-7:15p 2-4
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101135-A Feb 6-Mar 13 Mon 2:30-3p Walking-2
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101128-A Apr 6-May 11 Thu 1-1:45p 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101044-A Feb 9-Mar 16 Thu 4:30-5:15p 3-5 101044-B Apr 6-May 11 Thu 4:30-5:15p 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101000-A May 20 Sat 1-2p 3-5 101000-B Jun 7 Wed 5-6p 3-5 EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH 15
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023



Throw a party! Hang out with friends!

$140 R / $185 NR

Book your party at 708-342-4200

3-week advance booking required; max. 25 people, age 10+

Bettenhausen Rec Ctr

Splash Party

Friday 6-8pm

Saturday 5-7pm

Sunday 2-4pm

Includes use of Party Room and lifeguards!

Up to 30 Guests: $225 R / $325 NR

31-40 Guests: $275 R / $375 NR

41-50 Guests: $325 R / $425 NR

*Add an hour for an additional $75!*

3-week advance reservation required! Call 708-342-4255 to book!

Two hours of full court play with up to 25 of your friends!

$225 R / $350 NR

Book at Rec Center Front Desk

Minimum 30 days in advance

$225 R / $300 NR Call 708-342-4212 to book your party!

More info at www.tinleyparkdistrict.org
@ Pit Stop Teen Center
Party @ Vogt Visual Arts Ctr
or Guided
Arts & Crafts Party (age 5+)
Canvas Painting (age 8+)
your date! A private theater to show
favorite flick,
party room,
and more!
$225 R / $300 NR Call 708-342-4212 to reserve
Party @ Performing Arts Ctr
Party @ Bettenhausen Rec Ctr
Tinley Fitness
for parents! FUN for kids!

FUN STARTS HERE! Early Childhood & Youth

All by Myself

Need a little break from your tot to run some errands all by yourself? Let your child join us in a fun, relaxed and supervised atmosphere with a mix of free play, circle time, arts and crafts and of course lots of fun and games! A snack is provided. Children must be toilet-trained.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $62 R / $79 NR

Fun with Paint

This is a perfect program for your child to explore different paints (finger-paints, watercolors, tempera, etc.) and what we can do with each type or what we can use for different brushes! Please wear an art smock or cover-up each week to protect clothing. Children must be toilet-trained.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $43 R / $55 NR

Young Rembrandts Preschool Drawing

There’s no place warmer and more artistically engaging than a Young Rembrandts classroom. Warm thoughts dance through your preschooler’s imagination as they draw our colorful Hat & Mittens and the cutest Duck this side of Swan Lake lesson in the month of February. A drawing of a mouthwatering pizza brings out your preschooler’s artistic mastery in February. In March, things start to warm up with the cutest puppy. The warm colors in our parrot drawing and pirate ship lesson will have you setting sails for the Caribbean. Expand your preschooler’s creative horizons with a Young Rembrandts class. All class supplies are included.

Instructor: Young Rembrandts

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $52 R / $68 NR

Run and Fun

Children run off some energy while they participate in exercise, relays, scooter races and many different games! Even better, they develop gross motor skills and coordination having fun playing these activities. Staff can escort Tot Time students to class if you wish.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $41 R / $53 NR

On My Way

This 14-week program is a preschool preparation that presents the basic skills, stressing social development and the importance of learning through play. Group and individual activities help your child learn new skills and make new friends. Each class features stories, crafts and other preschool activities based on a weekly theme and includes letter and number recognition, pre-writing and reading, science exploration and math activities. Children must be toilet trained.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

$143 R / $183 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101041-A Feb 7-Mar 14 Tue 10-11:30a 3-5 101041-B Apr 4-May 9 Tue 10-11:30a 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101163-A Feb 8-Mar 15 Wed 3-3:45p 3-6
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Class 101102-A Feb 8-May 17 Wed 9:30-11a 3-5 3/29
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101149-A Feb 9-Mar 2 Thu 5-5:45p 3-5 101149-B Mar 9-30 Thu 5-5:45p 3-5 101149-C Apr 6-27 Thu 5-5:45p 3-5 101149-D May 4-25 Thu 5-5:45p 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101154-A Feb 6-Mar 13 Mon 3-3:45p 3-5 101154-B Feb 8-Mar 15 Wed 11:45a-12:30p 3-5 101154-C Apr 3-May 8 Mon 3-3:45p 3-5 101154-D Apr 5-May 10 Wed 11:45a-12:30p 3-5
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023
Children enrolled in programs without an adult must be able to toilet independently.

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

Lunch 'N Learn

This program is open to children enrolled in the morning Tot Time Preschool program and any other new friends! Class includes an extended curriculum including nature, science, arts & crafts, math, outdoor play and games. Tot Time children must bring a peanut-free sack lunch and stay at school for an extra boost of fun!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

$63 R / $81 NR

Pixie Poms

It’s time to shout and move about! Grab your pompons and learn cheers, songs and simple dance routines. A performance is given for the parents at the last class. Pompons are provided for class.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center Fees: $55 R / $70 NR


Grab your pompons and join us to learn cheers, songs and dance routines! Please bring one set of pompons to class. Parents are invited to a performance at the last class.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $55 R / $70 NR

Just Desserts

This is a delicious treat of a class! Each week kids create tasty sweets and treats. Learn to decorate, dip, frost and more all while satisfying your sweetest sweet tooth. Please list any food allergies upon registration.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $51 R / $65 NR

Pop-in Playtime

Come join us for a little bit of everything. Children participate in art, free play, playground play, gym time, music and movement, nature play and much more. Dress for the weather as we may head outside for games and activities. Pack a nut-free snack and a spill proof water bottle.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $45 R / $57 NR

Critter Class

Critter class is an introduction to some of the world's most misunderstood creatures. Reptiles, Amphibians and Bugs. We teach the importance of these creatures to the environment as well as their natural history and how to take care of them as pets. Each class features live animals. Classes taught by the experts from Crosstown Exotics. Some classes may take place outdoors, so dress accordingly. No open toed shoes, please. Parents are welcome to stay.

Instructor: Crosstown Exotics

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $33 R / $43 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102000-A Mar 1 Wed 6-7p 3-13 102000-B May 31 Wed 6-7p 3-13
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Class 101108-A Feb 6-Apr 17 Mon 5:30-6:15p 4-6 3/27
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101043-A Feb 6-Mar 13 Mon 11:45a-1p 4-5 101043-B Apr 3-May 8 Mon 11:45a-1p 4-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Class 102214-A Feb 6-Apr 17 Mon 4:30-5:15p 7-10 3/27
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102289-A Feb 9-Mar 16 Thu 6-7p 6-14 102289-B Apr 6-May 11 Thu 6-7p 6-14
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102005-A Feb 10-Mar 17 Fri 11:45a-12:45p 6-10 102005-B Apr 7-May 12 Fri 11:45a-12:45p 6-10 EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH 18 FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE!
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org winter spring 2023
Early Childhood & Youth

Little Dr. School

Our youngest future doctors use real stethoscopes and other medical instruments, learn how muscles and nerves work together, cast a broken bone and learn how to properly scrub their hands before surgery.

Instructor: Little Medical School

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $175 R / $225 NR

Little Nutrition School

These future dietitians learn about healthy eating habits, the food pyramid and global foods through our nutrition workbook 'Asha's Magical Ride.' Students create tasty recipes and snack combinations. It is never too early to learn about healthy eating! Ability to read is not a prerequisite.

Instructor: Little Medical School

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $182 R / $236 NR

Little Veterinarian School-Dog

After “adopting” their very own plush puppy, students role-play the key responsibilities of a veterinarian, including how to perform a nose-to-tail exam properly. These future veterinarians learn how to sew stitches, remove ticks, make healthy treats and vaccinate a dog.

Instructor: Little Medical School

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $170 R / $220 NR

Early Childhood & Youth

Wilderness Medicine

Camp participants role-play emergency situations in the wild and learn how to prepare for natural disasters. These future emergency medics learn about snake bites, hypothermia, tourniquets, poisonous plants, edible plants, distress signals, forest fires, tornadoes, mosquito bites and more.

Instructor: Little Medical School

Location: Recreation Center

$170 R / $212 NR

Little Veterinarian School-Cat

Students role-play the key responsibilities of a veterinarian and perform a whiskers-to-tail exam on their newly “adopted” plush cat. These future veterinarians learn about animal body language, maintaining a healthy environment such as proper litterbox placement. Students also create a cat toy and design a vet clinic.

Instructor: Little Medical School

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $170 R / $220 NR

Little Doctor School

Through role-play and activities, students learn the key responsibilities of a doctor and explore the heart, lungs and digestion. Students use real medical instruments (stethoscope, reflex hammers, blood pressure cuffs) and practice scrubbing, suturing and tying knots just like a real surgeon!

Instructor: Little Medical School

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $163 R / $200 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101011-A Feb 9-Mar 16 Thu 1:30-2:30p 4-5 101011-B Apr 6-May 11 Thu 1:30-2:30p 4-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101012-A Feb 9-Mar 16 Thu 12:15-1:15p 4-5 101012-B Apr 6-May 11 Thu 12:15-1:15p 4-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102015-A Feb 9-Mar 16 Thu 2:45-3:45p 4-5 102015-B Apr 6-May 11 Thu 2:45-3:45p 4-5 102015-C Feb 9-Mar 16 Thu 4-5p 6-11 102015-D Apr 6-May 11 Thu 5:15-6:15p 6-11
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102014-A Feb 9-Mar 16 Thu 6:30-7:30p 6-11
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102017-A Apr 6-May 11 Thu 6:30-7:30p 6-11
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102001-A Feb 9-Mar 16 Thu 5:15-6:15p 6-11 102001-B Apr 6-May 11 Thu 4-5p 6-11 EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH 19 FUN STARTS HERE!
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023

Early Childhood & Youth

Valen-Slime-A Stretchy Thinking Slime Lab-Kids Life Coaching

Have the slime of your life making Valentine’s Day themed slime! It’s love month and we are customizing your slime in the concoction center to smell like gourmet chocolates, fresh cut roses, pink cotton candy or dipped strawberries. Then color it with the vibrant colors of Cupid’s Day. Speaking of Cupid, stop his arrow from coming your way by using your batch of slime to capture him in the act when we play a slimy Valentine game! Kids take their slime home.

BONUS—LIFE COACHING LESSON: Attendees receive a life coaching lesson on growth mindset and ”The Power of Yet.”

Instructor: Lisa Lombardi

Location: Recreation Center Fees: $29 R / $38 NR

Valen-Science Experience: A Love Lab-Kids Life Coaching

We are crushing on Valen-science! Experiment and check out all the things that make Valentine’s explosive and fun like carbon dioxide candy chaos, magnetic heart attraction, anti-gravity rocket love arrows and finally a tower of hearts tournament for prizes. Kid’s hearts are poppin’ happy after this lab. Rockin’ red magical M & M’s? Love Potion Snow? A heart that beats so fast it BURSTS? Yep!

BONUS--LIFE COACHING LESSON: Sometimes the pressure surrounding Valentine’s Day can cause anxiety for people with all the high expectations or too much hustle and bustle. Students learn 10 tips to handle any worries kids might have this season and ideas for self-love.

Instructor: Lisa Lombardi

Location: Recreation Center

$29 R / $38 NR

Self-esteem through Spring Ice Cream- Kids Life Coaching

Spring is almost here! Making and eating ice cream is a fun way to introduce early chemistry teachings to children and helps build spring self-esteem. Kids can become experts on this billion-dollar industry as they transform into industrial engineers to make a batch of homemade spring themed ice cream. Think Peeps, Jellybeans Rainbow Sprinkles, Leprechaun Chocolate Coins and more! Also, explore the science and history of the beloved amusement park treats, Dippin’ Dots, waffle cones and the first novelty ice cream bar, the Eskimo Pie. Then sit down for the most outrageous ice cream eating contest in town. Did anyone say BRAIN FREEZE? This is a child’s dream class and all about putting the fun back into learning. Wear clothes you can get sticky!

Instructor: Lisa Lombardi

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $30 R / $39 NR

Confidence through Comedy, Kids Life Coaching Laughter Lab!

Let’s end the school year with loads of laughter. Whether your child is naturally funny or not, they have the opportunity to develop and execute comedic skills, gain a higher sense of confidence with stacked successes and perhaps learn to use humor in a social setting. Humor really can make the world a better place! Through close observation and lab experimentation, this high-energy comedy class offers electrifying lessons on humor such as impersonations, prank humor, slapstick, comic strips, improv, character voices, ventriloquism and witty situational. They also learn when comedy is taken too far in life. What is a heckler? What is a laugh track? What is microphone technique and comic timing? And more humor discoveries and secrets! In a world immersed in technology where everyone is looking down at a phone or tablet, children could benefit from a healthy dose of interaction and comedy! All kids leave with a humor themed souvenir.

Instructor: Lisa Lombardi

Location: Recreation Center

$29 R / $38 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
Feb 11 Sat 1-2p
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 103023-A Feb 11 Sat 2:15-3:15p 6-13
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 103024-A Apr 17 Mon 5:30-6:30p 6-13
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 103025-A Apr 17 Mon 6:30-7:30p 6-13 Youth
Athletics..........Page 39-46
Camp..........Page 26-27
Lessons...........Page 28
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org winter spring 2023

Be Mine, Valentine

Early Childhood & Youth

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

Let's celebrate this lovely holiday together! You get to stuff your very own animal, hear a sweet story, make a lovely craft and more! Your cupid babies have a lot of hands-on fun in this special class!

Instructor: Heather Lynn

Location: Recreation Center Fees: $39 R / $45 NR

It's Raining Cats & Dogs!

When it rains, it pours! But we don't mind, because it's raining cats and dogs in this class! Participants get to stuff their very own cat or dog buddy, listen to a rainy day story, play a game, make a craft and more! Stay dry inside and join us for a downpour of FUN!

Instructor: Heather Lynn

Location: Recreation Center

$39 R / $45 NR

Easter Babies

Spring has sprung! What better way to celebrate than by making your very own Easter baby! Participants get to stuff their very own fluffy animal, listen to a story, play a game, make a craft and more! Hop on over for some Egg-cellent FUN!

Instructor: Heather Lynn

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $39 R / $45 NR

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the rainbow? Join this fun class where dreams really do come true! You get to stuff your very own animal, hear about rainbows in a story, make a colorful craft, play a game and more!

Instructor: Heather Lynn

Location: Recreation Center

$39 R / $45 NR

Young Rembrandts Elementary Cartooning & Drawing

Ring in the New Year with a Young Rembrandts class for your elementary student. Budding artists flex their creative muscle as they take on artistic challenges. February presents our Jack Russell Terrier lesson, Martin Luther King Jr portrait and brings culture to the classroom as students’ imaginations are whisked away to a masquerade or into the mind of master artist Romero Britto. In March, dinosaur-sized excitement builds as your elementary student recreates the ferocious T-Rex Young Rembrandts style! Students smile, laugh and learn completing our fun Superhero Expressions lesson in our Young Rembrandts cartooning session in spring. All class supplies are provided.

Instructor: Young Rembrandts

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $50 R / $65 NR

Fantasy Forest Workshop

Magical, mythical, marvelous art comes your way in this new Young Rembrandts Drawing Workshop! Join us for four days filled with fun and creative thought as we explore the Fantasy Forest. Students tap into their imagination while learning to draw otherworldly fairies, trolls and a forest queen. Parents are enchanted by their child’s talent with beautiful scenery and new masterpieces every day. Register now to save your child’s spot in this fanciful workshop focused on creativity and whimsy! All class supplies provided.

Instructor: Young Rembrandts

Location: Recreation Center Fees: $80 R / $104 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102006-A Mar 30 Thu 6-7p 5-10
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102767-A May 18 Thu 6-7p 5-10
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102766-A Feb 9 Thu 6-7p 5-10
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102007-A Apr 13 Thu 6-7p 5-10
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102253-A Feb 9-Mar 2 Thu 5:50-6:50p 5-12 102253-B Mar 9-30 Thu 5:50-6:50p 5-12 102253-C Apr 6-27 Thu 5:50-6:50p 5-12 102253-D May 4-25 Thu 5:50-6:50p 5-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102291-A Mar 27-30 Mon-Thu 10-11:30a 5-12 EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH 21
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023

Early Childhood & Youth

Zoom Spanish for KidsI Speak Spanish

Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the Spanish language via the interactive Zoom platform! All kids learn conversational Spanish through fun and interactive activities and music; and older children learn some Spanish phonetics to begin reading and writing in Spanish. Each session covers new material. Class taught live via Zoom; login information emailed to participants before the first class.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $110 NR

Zoom Spanish for Kids - Youth Spanish

Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the Spanish language via the interactive Zoom platform! All kids learn conversational Spanish through fun and interactive activities and music; older children learn some Spanish phonetics to begin reading and writing in Spanish. Each session covers new material. Class taught live via Zoom; login information emailed to participants before the first class.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM Fees: $89 R / $110 NR

Zoom French

Parlez-vous français? Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the French language via the interactive Zoom platform! Each session covers new material. Class taught live via Zoom; login information emailed to participants before the first class.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $110 NR

Zoom Italian

Lei parla italiano? Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the Italian language via the interactive Zoom platform! Each session covers new material. Class taught live via Zoom; login information emailed to participants before the first class.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $110 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010 A�er an event or ac�vity, fill out a quick online survey about your experience! �nleyparkdistrict.org Your opinion ma�ers!
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102008-A Mar 2-Apr 6 Thu 10:30-11:15a 7-11 102008-B Mar 2-Apr 6 Thu 6:15-7p 7-11 102008-C Apr 13-May 18 Thu 10:30-11:15a 7-11 102008-D Apr 13-May 18 Thu 6:15-7p 7-11
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Class 102009-A Mar 13-Apr 17 Mon 5-5:45p 7-11 102009-B Apr 24-Jun 5 Mon 5-5:45p 7-11 5/29
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102010-A Mar 1-Apr 5 Wed 5-5:45p 7-11 102010-B Apr 12-May 17 Wed 5-5:45p 7-11
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 101009-A Mar 2-Apr 6 Thu 9:30-10:15a 3-6 101009-B Mar 2-Apr 6 Thu 5-5:45p 3-6 101009-C Apr 13-May 18 Thu 9:30-10:15a 3-6 101009-D Apr 13-May 18 Thu 5-5:45p 3-6 EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH 22 FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE!
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org winter spring 2023

Early Childhood & Youth


This exciting program from Afterschool Enrichment Solutions brings together every element of STEAM in a hands-on, action-packed environment! Each week, the class actively explores a concept related to science, math, engineering or art. Students conduct science experiments, try out unplugged coding activities, strengthen math skills with grade-levelappropriate games and unlock their creativity through engineering challenges and art projects. Topics covered include aerodynamics, surface tension, buoyancy, air resistance, problem solving and teamwork. Each class consists of a warm-up game, a ‘main event’ where the primary learning point for the day is explored and a wind-down game to refocus energy as we transition to home or after-care. Our curriculum uses everyday household supplies, so that students can recreate the experiments and activities for their families and discuss what they are learning!

Instructor: After School Enrichment Solutions

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $148 R / $162 NR

I Speak Spanish

Expand your child's world by introducing the Spanish language! This Spanish immersion class developed for very young learners presents the Spanish language through fun and educational activities and music. New and exciting material each session!

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: Recreation Center

$78 R / $85 NR

Chess Scholars Chess Club

Develop your child's intellect through the royal game of chess! Research shows a strong link between chess and academic performance in a variety of areas, including mathematics and language arts. Chess is proven to enhance children's motivation, concentration, focus, social skills and creativity. Each class consists of a fun, interactive teaching period and guided practice time. Both beginner and experienced players are welcome and learn under the guidance of an experienced Chess Scholars Coach.

Instructor: Chess Scholars

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $128 R / $166 NR

Amazing Magic Tricks

Vámanos Youth Spanish

Learning a second language can open a world of possibilities for your child. In this class students learn Spanish conversation and some Spanish grammar, reading and writing skills through interactive and engaging activities. New and exciting material each session!

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $78 R / $85 NR

Children are guaranteed to have a great time as they learn a collection of fascinating and mesmerizing tricks from the "Magic Team of Gary Kantor!" Amaze family and friends with tricks that involve cards, ropes, coins, mind-reading and more. All materials are provided and each child receives a magic kit to take home. Children are grouped by age and always learn tricks that are age-appropriate. Additionally, you can sign up for this class again and again since brand new tricks are always taught at each session!

Instructor: Gary Kantor

Location: Recreation Center Fees: $21 R / $28 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Class 102202-A Feb 9-Mar 9 Thu 6-6:45p 6-11 102202-B Mar 16-Apr 20 Thu 6-6:45p 6-11 3/23 102202-C Apr 27-May 25 Thu 6-6:45p 6-11
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102018-A Feb 7-Mar 28 Tue 6-7p 5-10 102018-B Apr 11-May 30 Tue 6-7p 5-10
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE No Class 102068-A Feb 6-Mar 27 Mon 6-7p K-8 2/20 102068-B Apr 10-May 22 Mon 6-7p K-8
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102186-A Feb 15 Wed 6:30-7:25p 5-12 102186-B May 9 Tue 6:30-7:25p 5-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Class 101243-A Feb 9-Mar 9 Thu 5-5:45p 3-5 101243-B Mar 16-Apr 20 Thu 5-5:45p 3-5 3/30 101243-C Apr 27-May 25 Thu 5-5:45p 3-5 EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH 23 FUN STARTS HERE!
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023


•There are no make-ups for illness or vacations.

•If a student cancels a session less than seven days prior to the start date, a $25 cancellation fee is charged.

•Swim diapers are required under the bathing suit.

Star Babies

Star Babies introduces infants and toddlers to the water in a fun and loving environment. Parents/guardians learn techniques to teach how to float, submerge, move in the water and roll over to breathe. Classes incorporate songs, activities and water safety education. The program helps foster a high comfort level and build confidence. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) must be in the water with child at all times.

Instructor: Aquatics Staff

Location: Tinley Fitness Fees: $58 R / $78 NR

Star Tots

Star Tots is for kids who love the water but are not ready for the Starfish Swim School! Children learn water safety, survival skills and foundational swimming concepts. Parents must be prepared to be in the water for the first few classes.

Instructor: Aquatics Staff

Location: Tinley Fitness

$60 R / $80 NR

Group Swim Lessons

Starfish Swim School is unlike anything offered by other facilities. Students progress through levels at their own pace. Instruction focuses on essential techniques such as submersion, body positions, breathing and forward movement, safety skills such as asking permission, treading, and survival float. Abilities are assessed and children are placed in an appropriate group on the first day.

Instructor: Aquatics Staff

Location: Tinley Fitness

Fees: $80 R / $110 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Class 112100-A Feb 13-Mar 8 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 6 mo - 3 112100-B Mar 20-Apr 12 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 6 mo - 3 112100-C Apr 24-May 17 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 6 mo - 3 112100-D Mar 11-May 6 Sat 9-9:30a 6 mo - 3 4/8
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Class 112108-A Feb 13-Mar 8 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 4-5 112108-B Mar 20-Apr 12 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 4-5 112108-C Apr 24-May 17 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 4-5 112108-D Mar 11-May 6 Sat 9-9:30a 4-5 4/8
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Class 112200-A Feb 13-Mar 8 Mon & Wed 6:30-7:15p 6-12 112200-B Mar 20-Apr 12 Mon & Wed 6:30-7:15p 6-12 112200-C Apr 24-May 17 Mon & Wed 6:30-7:15p 6-12 112200-D Mar 11-May 6 Sat 9:40-10:25a 6-12 4/8
24 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Winter sPring 2023 FOLLOW US


Private Swim Lessons

Private swim lessons are for all ages and abilities. The student works with one of our Certified Starfish Instructors. Lessons are scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time. You must call or email 24 hours in advance to cancel a class. When available spots are filled, a waitlist is created. If/when an instructor becomes available, you may be contacted for scheduling.

Instructor: Aquatics Staff

Location: Tinley Fitness

Fees: $105 R / $148 NR


Mermaid & Merman Swim Clinic

Turn two feet into one tail at Mermaid University as you learn to swim like a real Mermaid & care for your tail! Children learn to float, twirl, spin and swim safely. Our goal is to educate parents and children on tail safety. Class includes one hour of instruction and one hour of free exploration. An adult swims with their child free; we highly encourage parent/guardian participation. Swimmers must be comfortable under water and able to swim without assistance (Level 3). Tails are required. Swim Skill Requirements: float on front and back for 30 seconds, tread water for 1 minute and swim 15 yards.

Instructor: Aquatics Staff

Location: Tinley Fitness

$30 R / $40 NR

Beginning Junior Lifeguarding Skills

Are you interested in lifeguarding? We introduce you to the skills taught in the full lifeguard training program including CPR, First Aid, identifying hazards and aquatic safety issues. Beginner Junior lifeguards can shadow Tinley Fitness lifeguards to gain a better understanding of the diligence and commitment required in lifeguarding. Bring a towel and lock to store your things. Fee includes a t-shirt.

Instructor: Aquatics Staff

Location: Tinley Fitness Fees: $84 R / $100 NR

Sweetheart Swim

Tinley Fitness welcomes our members and their sweethearts to an afternoon of family fun! Share the love with your little Valentine's as you splash away the day! Members of Tinley Fitness can bring 3 guests.

Instructor: Aquatics Staff

Location: Tinley Fitness

Fees: $5 TF Member / $8 each Guest

Egg-Stravaganza Swim

Join us for the Tinley Fitness Egg-Stravaganza Swim! Dive for eggs, win prizes and enjoy all the egg-celent Eastertheme pool events with friends and family! Fee is per person.

Instructor: Aquatics Staff

Location: Tinley Fitness

Fees: $5 Adult / $18 child

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 112006-A Mar 16 Thu 5-7p 6-14 112006-B Apr 20 Thu 5-7p 6-14
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 112008-A Feb 6-9 Mon-Thu 5-8p 11-15
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 112113-A Feb 12 Sun 2-4p All
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 112113-B Apr 2 Sun 2-4p All A�er an event or ac�vity, fill out a quick online survey about your experience! �nleyparkdistrict.org Your opinion ma�ers! Aquatics www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Winter sPring 2023 FOLLOW US



Emergency Information and Permission Slip

Camp Emergency information is collected at the time of registration. Please bring camper information, emergency contact informtion and pick-up/drop off contact information. Swimming/Field Trip Permission Form must be completed and turned in at the time of registration. The forms are available online at tinleyparkdistrict.org or at the Bettenhausen Recreation Center. Camp registrations are not processed unless all information is provided and forms are completed. If you have any questions, contact Bailey O’Connell at (708) 342-4205.

Sunrise to Sunset Camp

See page 7

Supervised playtime is available at the McCarthy Park campsite! A daily snack is provided for the after-camp participants. Additional information available at the time of registration.

Camp Orientation

Meet the camp staff and have your questions answered! We review camp policies and procedures, discuss drop-off and pick-up procedures, pool days and field trip days. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend the camp orientation. Please read your camp manual prior to coming to the orientation. Orientation for all camps takes place via Zoom on Thursday, June 1: Tot Camps 5:00 pm / Teen Camp 5:30 pm / Vogt Woods 6:00 pm / McCarthy Park 6:30 pm. Watch for an email with the Zoom links on Tuesday, May 30.

Family Discount and Payment Plan

A discount rate is offered for Day Camp, Tot Camps Firefly and Little Sprouts, Teen Camp, Sunrise and Sunset Camp if you register for both sessions at the same time (discount does not apply if you register for each session separately) if you have more than one child attending camp. A $10 non-refundable service fee is charged for payment plans. Half of the fee is due at registration; payment in full is due June 1 for Session A or C, and July 1 for Session B.

Tot Camps

Age: 3-5

Tot Camp - Firefly

Camp Firefly is designed to give our youngest campers a fun-filled day of adventures! Weekly themes focus on creativity, independence and friendship while providing a multitude of hands-on opportunities. Each day campers engage in indoor and outdoor activities. Inhouse visitors are part of this fun adventure. Participants must be able to use the bathroom independently. There is a multi-child discount of $10 off a 4-week registration and $15 off an 8-week registration for families with multiple campers enrolled in summer camp programs.

Location: Recreation Center

Tot Camp - Little Sprouts

Camp Little Sprouts is designed to give our youngest campers a taste of fun each week! Camp themes focus on creativity, independence and friendship while providing a variety of hands-on opportunities. Camp activities include indoor and outdoor active play, water play, in-house visitors, science fun and more. Participants must be able to use the bathroom independently. There is a multi-child discount of $5 off a 4-week registration and $10 off an 8-week registration for families with multiple campers enrolled in summer camp programs.

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME NO CAMP FEES 501113-A Jun 12-Jul 7 Mon-Fri 9:15-11:45a 7/3 and 7/4 $278 R / $360 NR 501113-B Jul 10-Aug 4 Mon-Fri 9:15-11:45a 7/3 and 7/4 $278 R / $360 NR 501113-C Jun 12-Aug 4 Mon-Fri 9:15-11:45a 7/3 and 7/4 $524 R / $682NR
Location: Recreation Center ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME NO CAMP FEES 501115-A Jun 12-Jul 7 Mon, Wed, Fri 12:15-2:45p $182 R / $236 NR 501115-B Jun 13-Jul 6 Tue & Thu 12:15-2:45p 7/3 and 7/4 $144 R / $186 NR 501115-C Jul 10-Aug 4 Mon, Wed, Fri 12:15-2:45p $182 R / $236 NR 501115-D Jul 11-Aug 3 Tue & Thu 12:15-2:45p $144 R / $186 NR 501115-E Jun 12-Aug 4 Mon, Wed, Fri 12:15-2:45p $339 R / $439 NR 501115-F Jun 13-Aug 3 Tue & Thu 12:15-2:45p 7/3 and 7/4 $241 R / $314 NR
26 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
The Fun Starts Here!
winter spring 2023

The Fun Starts Here! Camps

Summer Day Camp is for campers entering grades 1-7 in the fall. Campers enjoy a wide variety of activities, games, crafts, science, swimming, field trips and special events. Campers are separated into age-appropriate groups led by two to four highly trained camp counselors. We do not accept friendship requests for camp groups. There is a multi-child discount of $15 off a 4 week registration; $30 off an 8 week registration for both McCarthy Park and Vogt Woods camps. There is a $15 discount for a second child in Sunrise and Sunset camps. More camp details and calendar information can be found in our parent packets online at www.tinleyparkdistrict.org.

McCarthy Park (entering grades 1-7)

McCarthy Park Sunrise Camp

McCarthy Park Day Camp

McCarthy Park Sunset Camp


Vogt Woods (entering grades 1-7)

In-person and online registration for day camp are available!

See Page 3 of this guide for residency requirements and creating a household account. Be prepared! Create your account now if you do not have one! For questions or assistance, stop in the Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center or call 708-342-4200! PREVIEW

Feb .11

See page 7

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME NO CAMP FEE 502222-A Jun 12-Jul 7 Mon-Fri 9a-3p 7/3 and 7/4 $493 R / $637 NR 502222-B Jul 10-Aug 4 Mon-Fri 9a-3p $493 R / $637 NR 502222-C Jun 12-Aug 4 Mon-Fri 9a-3p 7/3 and 7/4 $867 R / $1,073 NR ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME NO CAMP FEES 502257-A Jun 12-Jul 7 Mon-Fri 7-9a 7/3 and 7/4 $208 R / $270 NR 502257-B Jul 10-Aug 4 Mon-Fri 7-9a $208 R / $270 NR 502257-C Jun 12-Aug 4 Mon-Fri 7-9a 7/3 and 7/4 $362 R / $470 NR
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME NO CAMP FEES 502223-A Jun 12-Jul 7 Mon-Fri 9a-3p 7/3 and 7/4 $493 R / $637 NR 502223-B Jul 10-Aug 4 Mon-Fri 9a-3p $493 R / $637 NR 502223-C Jun 12-Aug 4 Mon-Fri 9a-3p 7/3 and 7/4 $867 R / $1,073 NR ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME NO CAMP FEES 502258-A Jun 12-Jul 7 Mon-Fri 3-6p 7/3 and 7/4 $299 R / $387 NR 502258-B Jul 10-Aug 4 Mon-Fri 3-6p $299 R / $387 NR 502258-C Jun 12-Aug 4 Mon-Fri 3-6p 7/3 and 7/4 $534 R / $694 NR
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US CAMPS Winter sPring 2023

Creative Arts FUN STARTS HERE!

Group Acoustic Guitar

Lessons serve students ages four through six in groups of two to three students. Students learn the basics of music and apply these skills to learn songs they love. The philosophy of our partners at Edge Music Academy is to provide top quality music education while engaging their students with fun and interesting music to play. Students need to supply their own instrument, or rentals are available through EMA.

Instructor: Edge Music Academy

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $167 R / $192 NR

Piano Lessons

The Tinley Park-Park District offers private, 30-minute piano lessons. Fee includes eight lessons and book provided at the first class. The Park District offers piano lessons in each seasonal brochure so that students may continue with their lessons. Each student must have a keyboard or piano at home on which to practice. Fee includes a book given to student at the first class.

Instructor: Jo Fajardo

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $240 R / $296 NR

Age: 6+

Private Guitar/Ukulele/Voice

Lessons for beginners are offered in partnership with Edge Music Academy (EMA). EMA's philosophy is to provide students a solid foundation in musical concepts while engaging kids with fun songs to make lessons enjoyable. Students are asked to purchase a lesson book and need to either provide their own instrument or rent from EMA for the duration of the session.

Instructor: Edge Music Academy

Location: Recreation Center Fees: $167 R / $192 NR





ACTIVITY DATES TIME NO CLASS TUESDAY 102292-A Feb 7-Apr 4 5-5:30p 3/28 102292-B Feb 7-Apr 4 5:30-6p 3/28 102292-C Feb 7-Apr 4 6-6:30p 3/28 102292-D Feb 7-Apr 4 6:30-7p 3/28 102292-E Feb 7-Apr 4 7:30-8p 3/28 102292-F Feb 7-Apr 4 8-8:30p 3/28 102292-G Feb 7-Apr 4 8:30-9p 3/28 WEDNESDAY 102292-H Feb 8-Apr 5 5-5:30p 3/29 102292-I Feb 8-Apr 5 5:30-6p 3/29 102292-J Feb 8-Apr 5 6-6:30p 3/29 102292-K Feb 8-Apr 5 6:30-7p 3/29 102292-L Feb 8-Apr 5 7:30-8p 3/29 102292-M Feb 8-Apr 5 8-8:30p 3/29 102292-N Feb 8-Apr 5 8:30-9p 3/29 TUESDAY 102292-O Apr 11-May 30 5-5:30p 102292-P Apr 11-May 30 5:30-6p 102292-Q Apr 11-May 30 6-6:30p 102292-R Apr 11-May 30 6:30-7p 102292-S Apr 11-May 30 7:30-8p 102292-T Apr 11-May 30 8-8:30p 102292-U Apr 11-May 30 8:30-9p WEDNESDAY 102292-V Apr 12-May 31 5-5:30p 102292-W Apr 12-May 31 5:30-6p 102292-X Apr 12-May 31 6-6:30p 102292-Y Apr 12-May 31 6:30-7p 102292-Z Apr 12-May 31 7:30-8p 102292-AA Apr 12-May 31 8-8:30p 102292-BB Apr 12-May 31 8:30-9p Youth Athletics..........Page
Martial Arts...............Page
Birthday Parties.........Page
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102011-A Feb 11-Apr 1 Sat 10-11a 6-10 102011-B Apr 15-Jun 3 Sat 10-11a 6-10
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102012-A Feb 18-Apr 8 Sat 9-9:30a 4-6 102012-B Feb 18-Apr 8 Sat 9:30-10a 4-6 102012-C Feb 18-Apr 8 Sat 11-11:30a 4-6 102012-D Feb 18-Apr 8 Sat 11:30a-12p 4-6
CREATIVE ARTS 28 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Winter sPring 2023 FOLLOW US RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

Creative Arts

Performing Arts Classes

In conjunction with Covered Bridge Studios, the Park District offers various acting classes for all ages. Most classes conclude with a free performance from the materials learned during the program. The winter performance is scheduled on the evening of Wednesday, March 15 and spring performance scheduled on Monday, May 1 in the Performing Arts Center

Comedy & Drama Improv

Have fun while developing ensemble acting, communication and creative skills through theater games and exercises. Learn the improvisational methods created at Second City. This Conservatory Program consists of five levels: beginner through graduate. Program is for ages 10+ or with instructor consent.

Instructor: Christina Halleran

Location: McCarthy Recreation Bldg.

Fees: $95 R / $124 NR

109903-A Feb 1-Mar 8 Wed 6-7:30p 10+ Beginner-no experience needed

Feb 1-Mar 8 Wed 7:30-9p 10+ Advanced (Pre-req Intermediate level)

Acting, Improv & Fun for Younger Children

In this ongoing program, children learn all types of acting including theatre, film, television and commercials along with drama, comedy and improv. All material is at a suitable level for this age group. This class complements our Kidz and Children’s theater plays. Participation in this class allows students to join our conservatory improv program at the intermediate level (bypassing the beginner level), regardless of age. No previous acting experience is required.

Instructor: Christina Halleran

Location: McCarthy Recreation Bldg.

Fees: $95 R / $124 NR

109914-A Mar 20-Apr 24 Mon 4:30-6p 6-9

Be Funny & Have Fun with Improv for Younger Children

A simplified variation of our Comedy & Drama Improv for the younger kids. Learn communication and creative skills through theater games and exercises and just have a lot of fun. This class complements our CBPlayhouse plays and when both ‘youth’ classes are completed, qualifies students for eligibility in our regular Intermediate Level Improv class. No previous acting experience is required.

Instructor: Christina Halleran

Location: McCarthy Recreation Bldg.

Fees: $95 R / $124 NR

Mar 22-May 3 Wed 6-7:30p 10+ Intermediate(Pre-req Beginner level) 3/29
Mar 22-May 3 Wed 7:30-9p 10+ Senior (Pre-req Advanced level) 3/29
Feb 6-Mar 13 Mon 4:30-6p 6-9
29 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023 RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

Creative Arts

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

Tinley Park Community Theater

The Tinley Park-Park District Community Theater program is a long standing program that welcomes returning and new actors on stage each spring and fall. Let your talents grow and shine as a member of our Community Theater! If you are new to the stage, let us help you develop your talents into the skills you’ll need for the best of classic and contemporary theater. Housed in the Tinley Park Performing Arts Center, we look forward to meeting you at our auditions, which consist of a short interview and a simple reading of a monologue from the play. Please bring a list of your schedule conflicts as well as your clothing sizes to the audition. Call (708) 342-4200 to be added to the audition list or for additional information. There is no program fee for the actors.

Community Theater presents While the Lights Were Out

A thunderstorm! The lights go out! An agonized voice! A pistol shot! The lights come up! A blonde in black lace stands over the dead man holding a bloody dagger! The detective examines the body and announces, "He's been strangled!" This is the opening of one of the most astounding and hilarious murder mysteries ever staged. Every clue is a lulu and the plot twists furiously. The final solution involves the most bizarre motive ever conceived. The delightful evening of mayhem gallops madly about the stage and will leave your audience breathless with surprise and laughter. The mystery is top-notch, the characters marvelous, and the comedy explosive! Note – there is no program fee for the actors.

Instructor: Daniel DeWalt

Location: McCarthy Recreation Bldg.

21 Sat 3-5:30p 18+



Apr 14 Fri 7:30p

Apr 15 Sat 7p

Apr 22 Sat 7p

Apr 23 Sun 3p

Tickets go on sale on 3/27/23. Box office opens 30 minutes before performance if any tickets remain.

No previous acting experience is required. You must register prior to the audition date; those who register late are placed on a wait list. Registration fee includes one t-shirt. Cast members and family members also help with all aspects of the production including set design, props, costumes, etc. A parent must accompany children to auditions with clothing sizes and a list of schedule conflicts. All cast members must attend tech and dress rehearsals, and all performances; no exceptions. Pending state and local restrictions, ticket sales may be limited on all theater productions.

Kidz Theater presents Friend for Potato

Potato the pig just wants a friend but doesn’t know what that word means. With help from his friend Casey, Potato sets out to find a friend. It’s a seemingly simple quest that quickly turns into a house full of scheming cats, energetic dogs, a few friendly bears ... and who invited the Singing Raccoons? Not Casey’s parents, that’s for sure! Underneath all the wackiness, “A Friend for Potato” is a look at what friendship means, and what it takes to be a good friend. No previous acting experience is required.

Instructor: Christina Halleran

Location: McCarthy Recreation Bldg.

Fees: $60 R / $78 NR



May 6 Sat 6p

May 7 Sun 2p

Tickets go on sale on 4/24/23. Box office opens 30 minutes before performance if any tickets remain.

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME Rehearsals Jan 26-Apr 6 Thu 7:30-9:30p Rehearsal Jan 28-Apr
Sat 3-5:30p Tech Rehearsal Apr 12 Wed 6:30-9:30p Dress Rehearsal Apr 13 Thu 6:30-9:30p
ACTIVITY AUDITION DAY TIME AGE 102902-A Jan 28 Sat 9-10:30a 5-9 ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME Rehearsals Feb 7-May 2 Tue 4:30-6p Rehearsals Feb 9-Apr 27 Thu 4:30-6p Tech Rehearsal May 4 Thu 4:30-6p Dress Rehearsal May 5 Fri 4:30-6:30p
Winter sPring 2023 FOLLOW US

Childrens Theater presents Fractured

Get ready to break the fourth wall in this outrageously silly parody. Princess Esmeralda has fallen in love with Lance A. Lot, a mortal from the real world. When the uptight King and Queen learn of their daughter’s affection for this human, they banish him and strip Esmeralda’s helpful fairy godmother of her powers. In the meantime, everyone in the kingdom is stuck in limbo because no one in the real world is reading fairy tales anymore. Registration fee includes one t-shirt. No previous acting experience is required. You must register prior to the audition date; those who register late are placed on a wait list but can still audition.

Instructor: Christina Halleran

Location: McCarthy Recreation Bldg.

Fees: $60 R / $78 NR



May 20 Sat 4:30p

May 21 Sun 2p

Tickets go on sale on 5/8/23. Box office opens 30 minutes before performance if any tickets remain.

Teen Theater presents The Internet Is A Distract – Oh, Look A Kitten!

Micah only has forty-five minutes to finish her paper on The Great Gatsby. She just needs to check a few facts on the internet first. Unfortunately, the web is a nefariously wacky place where boxing cats, Russian spies and competitive streaming services threaten to take over Micah's schoolwork, or worse. Will she finish her paper and escape with her life before the school bell rings? Registration fee includes one t-shirt. No previous acting experience is required. You must register prior to the audition date; those who register late are placed on a wait list but can still audition.

Instructor: Christina Halleran

Location: McCarthy Recreation Bldg.

Fees: $60 R / $78 NR


Tickets go on sale on 5/8/23. Box office opens 30 minutes before performance if any tickets remain.

ACTIVITY AUDITION DAY TIME AGE 109902-A Jan 28 Sat 10:30a-12p 9-13 ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME Rehearsals Feb 4-May 13 Sat 9-11:30a Tech Rehearsal May 17 Wed 4:30-7p Dress Rehearsal May 18 Thu 4:30-7p
ACTIVITY AUDITION DAY TIME AGE 109906-A Jan 28 Sat 12-2:30p 13-18 ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME Rehearsals Feb 4-May 13 Sat 12-2:30p Tech Rehearsal May 17 Wed 7-9:30p Dress Rehearsal May 18 Thu 7-9:30p DATE DAY TIME May 19 Fri 8:30p May 20 Sat 7p
21 Sun 4:30p
May 19
STARTS HERE! CREATIVE ARTS 31 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023 RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
Creative Arts FUN

Creative Arts

Irish Dance

This program is an introduction to the basics of Irish step dancing and helps to improve balance and coordination. Please wear shorts, t-shirt and socks to class. Ballet shoes are optional.

Instructor: Blackbird Irish Dance

Location: Blackbird Irish Dance

Fees: A: $114 R / $149 NR

B: $86 R / $116 NR

Evening Line Dance Beginner

Beginners-don’t be shy! No need for a partner for this fun class filled with a variety of dance styles and music. This healthy, low-impact dance and exercise program is sure to be a hit!

Instructor: Ray Ulrich

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: A&C: $12 R / $15 NR

B&D: $15 R / $20 NR

Evening Line Dance-Intermediate

This healthy, low-impact dance and exercise program is sure to be a hit! This class is designed for those who love to dance, have previous dance experience and are familiar with line dance steps. Come join us!

Instructor: Ray Ulrich

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: A&C: $23 R / $30 NR

B&D: $30 R / $39 NR

Swing Dance

Enjoy the music of the Big Bands-Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Lady Gaga or the Beach Boys. Learn to Dance triple swing & single swing (Jitterbug). Emphasis on fun, easy and moving to the music. This class is couples only. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

Instructor: Becky Simon

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $80 R / $104 NR (fee is per couple)

Kids Clay Workshops

Kids learn how to make ceramic pieces from Crayola air dry clay using their best tools…their hands! Students use stamps, cookie cutters and more to transform clay into fun and unique ceramic pieces. First class, they make their pieces, and then decorate them in the second class. All supplies are included.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: VVAC

Fees: $29 R / $37 NR

Monarch Butterflies – Colored Pencil Workshop

Students learn about and draw Monarch butterflies featured in their own unique summer scene using colored pencils and markers. All materials included.

Instructor: Michelle Stanley

Location: VVAC Fees: $24 R / $30 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 102201-A Feb 8-Mar 29 Wed 4:30-5:15p 5-12 102201-B Apr 19-May 24 Wed 4:30-5:15p 5-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 108004-A Feb 8-22 Wed 4:45-5:15p 18+ 108004-B Mar 8-29 Wed 4:45-5:15p 18+ 108004-C Apr 12-26 Wed 4:45-5:15p 18+ 108004-D May 10-31 Wed 4:45-5:15p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 108817-A Feb 8-22 Wed 5:30-6:45p 18+ 108817-B Mar 8-29 Wed 5:30-6:45p 18+ 108817-C Apr 12-26 Wed 5:30-6:45p 18+ 108817-D May 10-31 Wed 5:30-6:45p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 110016A Feb 13-Mar 6 Mon 7-7:55p 16+ 110016B Mar 13-Apr 3 Mon 7-7:55p 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109933-A Apr 29-May 6 Sat 1:30-2:30p 6-12 109933-B May 27-Jun 3 Sat 1:30-2:30p 6-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109953-A Mar 19 Sun 10-11:30a 4-7 109953-B May 21 Sun 10-11:30a 8-13
32 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Winter sPring 2023 FOLLOW US RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

Design Your Own Mandala Artwork

Mandala art is an amazing piece of artwork made up of geometric shapes, beautiful colors and designs meant to symbolize the universe. Learn how to design and create your own mandala art piece, then bring your design to life with paint/markers on heavy art paper suitable for framing. All materials included.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: VVAC

Fees: $18 R / $24 NR

Creative Arts

Spring Break Art Camp

Students use a variety of media with a number of fun subjects in this two-day camp. Different projects for each session. All materials included. Students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack and bottled water.

Instructor: Michelle Stanley

Location: VVAC

Fees: $75 R / $97 NR

Paper Flower Power Workshop

Create a 3-D piece of art using premade paper flowers, paint/paint pens on either canvas or heavy art paper. The art is perfect for framing. All supplies are included.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: VVAC

$29 R / $37 NR

Decorate an Easter Egg

Use markers, paint, stickers, etc. to decorate wooden/ paper mache Easter eggs - you can reuse them year after year. Each child decorates four eggs and a small basket to display them. All materials included in fee.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: VVAC

$26 R / $34 NR

Design a Notebook

Bubble Painting Workshop

Kids love bubbles, but it can get boring just blowing them. Using bubble-guns to paint they have a blast creating imaginative bubble art on canvas with this colorful workshop! Dress for a little mess as edible food coloring is used. All materials included.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: VVAC Gazebo

Fees: $20 R / $26 NR

The Art of Drawing

Expand your knowledge and advance your skills. This class is fun, but also designed with the serious art student in mind. Learn composition, proportion, perspective, value/contrast and medium usage skills to utilize in your drawings. All supplies are included.

Instructor: Michelle Stanley

Location: VVAC

$24 R / $30 NR

Turn a premade notebook (A5 size) into a work of art using paint, markers, glitter glue, sequins, etc.! All materials are included in fee.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: VVAC

$18 R / $24 NR

Breakfast & Brushes with Buddies

Come out for a morning of fun! We start the morning with some yummy breakfast items including muffins, donuts, juice and water before you use brushes to create and paint on canvas! Bring your buddies to enjoy this special day together! All supplies are included in fee.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: VVAC

Fees: $22 R / $29 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109011-A Mar 25 Sat 1:30-3p 13+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109012-A Jun 3 Sat 11:30a-12:30p 6-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109016-A Feb 23 Thu 5:30-7p 6-12 109016-B Apr 13 Thu 5:30-7p 13+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109015-A Mar 29-30 Wed & Thu 11a-1:30p 7-14
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109031-A Mar 10 Fri 6:30-7:30p 13+ 109031-B Mar 11 Sat 1:30-2:30p 6-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109032-A Apr 1 Sat 1:30-2:30p 4-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109033-A May 19 Fri 6:30-7:30p 13+ 109033-B May 20 Sat 1:30-2:30p 6-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109034-A Mar 4 Sat 10-11:30a 6-12
FUN STARTS HERE! CREATIVE ARTS 33 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023 RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

Creative Arts

Mandalas & Muffins with Mom

Looking for something to do for Mother’s Day weekend? How about treating mom to a special mandala painting workshop with some light refreshments (muffins/ pastries)! Design & paint a mandala on a rock, a mini canvas or heavy art paper. Fee includes all materials and food for one adult/one child.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: VVAC

Fees: $30 R / $39 NR

Add'l Child: $5 R / $7 NR

Doodles & Donuts with Dad

What better way to celebrate your father than with some delicious donuts and drawing with Dad! A variety of donuts are available followed by drawing and paintings on canvas. Fee includes all materials and food for one adult/ one child.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: VVAC

Fees: $25 R / $33 NR

Add'l Child: $5 R / $7 NR

Art Exploration for Adults

This open painting class includes oils, watercolors or acrylics where students may explore or pursue their areas of interest. Direct instruction and demos are included as needed for all students. We welcome beginners and experienced artists to learn with us and have fun. Basic supplies in most mediums are available to use. A great class to experiment, learn and expand your experience as an artist. Most supplies included.

Instructor: Carol Chirafisi

Location: VVAC

Fees: $44 R / $57 NR

Intro to Magna-Japanese Comic Art

An introduction or continuation (if student has previously taken this class) to Japanese Manga cartooning used in comic books and for anime films. Students learn to draw facial features and body positions or improve their skill in the style of Manga and create their own characters. All materials included.

Instructor: Michelle Stanley

Location: VVAC

$30 R / $39 NR

Intro to Oil Painting

Would you lik to learn to paint beautifully with oils? This introductory class is designed to guide you in traditional and fundamental oil painting technicques, color misingt and composition. Instructor works with student based on skill and need. Students provide their supplies. Supply list printed on receipt.

Instructor: Carol Chirafisi

Location: VVAC

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR

Drawing with Carol

Develop your drawing skills through guided practice in creating basic forms by using line, values and textures used in drawing from life. Pencil, charcoal and pen and ink on good quality drawing paper are used. As Stevan Dohanos said, “The artist’s hand is the extension of his (her) eye.” A supply list is included with receipt.

Instructor: Carol Chirafisi

Location: VVAC

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109036-A May 13 Sat 10-11:30a All
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109037-A Jun 17 Sat 10-11:30a All
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109114-A Feb 6-27 Mon 1:30-3:30p 18+ 109114-B Mar 6-27 Mon 1:30-3:30p 18+ 109114-C Apr 3-24 Mon 1:30-3:30p 18+ 109114-D May 1-22 Mon 1:30-3:30p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109701-A Mar 19 Sun 12:30-2:30p 9-18 109701-B May 21 Sun 12:30-2:30p 9-18
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 110900-A Feb 7-28 Tue 6-8p 18+ 110900-B Mar 7-28 Tue 6-8p 18+ 110900-C Apr 4-25 Tue 6-8p 18+ 110900-D May 2-23 Tue 6-8p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109940-A Feb 7-28 Tue 9-11a 18+ 109940-B Mar 7-28 Tue 9-11a 18+ 109940-C Apr 4-25 Tue 9-11a 18+ 109940-D May 2-23 Tue 9-11a 18+ Insurance Solutions Made Easy 708-845-5466
Your Tinley Park Independent Agent for over 15 years Home-Auto-Life-Business John Miller- owner
FUN STARTS HERE! CREATIVE ARTS 34 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Winter sPring 2023 FOLLOW US RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

Creative Arts

Water Color Painting with Carmelo

Looking for a fun way to lose your fear of painting? Join me as I help you explore simple water color techniques. Patterns for paintings are provided but each student's painting is unique. Consider this class to be a “springboard” to a new and exciting life as an artist. A supply list is printed on your receipt.

Instructor: Carmelo Schifano

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR

Creepy & Interesting Creatures Workshop

Are you interested in bugs and animals? Ones that look scary, creepy or even gross? Join one or all of our fun workshops that explore some of nature's creepy and interesting creatures! Students learn to draw a variety of animals and bugs, work on their ability to recognize the elements of shape and combine them in drawing various subjects. These programs open your little one's eyes to the beauty of nature by introducing them to a new nature theme each class! All materials included.

Instructor: Michelle Stanley

Location: VVAC

Fees: $20 R / $26 NR

Oil Painting

Learn the basics of oil painting or brush up on the skills you already have. This class is designed to guide you in traditional oil painting techniques, color mixing and composition with individual attention and demonstrations as needed. Students provide their own supplies and canvas. A supply list is printed on your receipt.

Instructor: Carol Chirafisi

Location: VVAC

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR

Jan 10 9am Resident Online Registration

Jan 11 9am Resident In-Person Registration

Jan 24 9am All Non-resident Registration

Feb 3 Daddy-Daughter Dance

Feb 11 Summer Camp Preview

Feb 11 Tot Time Preschool Open House

Feb 11 Book Fair

Feb 11 Summer Job Fair

Feb 12 Sweetheart Swim

Feb 24 Hot Wheels Races

Mar 1-17 Lucky Charms Scavenger Hunt

Mar 1-Apr 2 Jelly Bean Contest

Mar 5 Running o’ the Green 8K

Mar 5 Irish Tea at VVAC

Mar 28 Family Bingo and Lunch

Apr 1 Easter Egg Hunt

Apr 1 Spring Craft Fair

Apr 2 Egg-Stravaganza Swim

Apr 5 Easter Hoppenings

Apr 7 HOP @ Performing Arts Ctr

Apr 9 Easter - All Facilities Closed

Apr 14, 15

Apr 22, 23

Community Theater: While the Lights Were Out

Apr 22 Earthy Day StoryWalk

Apr 29 Spa-rific Day Outh with Mom

Apr 29 Take Me out to the Bark Park

May 5 Tinley Junction Mini-Golf Opens

May 5 Mother Son Date Night

May 6, 7 Kidz Theater: A Friend for Potato

May 19-21

May 19-21

Children Theater: Fractured

Teen Theater: The Internet is a DistractOh, Look a Kitten!

May 14 Annie Sing-A-Long @ Performing Arts Ctr

May 29 Bettenhausen Rec & Tinley Fitness Closed

Jun 10 VVAC Food Truck & Art Festival

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109950-A Feb 3-24 Fri 10a-12p 18+ 109950-B Mar 3-24 Fri 10a-12p 18+ 109950-C Apr 7-28 Fri 10a-12p 18+ 109950-D May 5-26 Fri 10a-12p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109954-A Feb 23 Thu 4-5p 5-10 109954-B Apr 13 Thu 4-5p 5-10 109954-C May 18 Thu 4-5p 5-10
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109957-A Feb 6-27 Mon 11a-1p 18+ 109957-B Mar 6-27 Mon 11a-1p 18+ 109957-C Apr 3-24 Mon 11a-1p 18+ 109957-D May 1-22 Mon 11a-1p 18+
CREATIVE ARTS 35 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023
RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

Performing Arts Center

tinley Park Performing arts Center

16801 S. 80th Avenue

(708) 342-4200

The Tinley Park Performing Arts Center is the home of our very own Tinley Park Community Theater, Kidz, Musical, Children and Teen Theater troupes, and many other performing arts programs. The 120-seat theater is available for rentals for corporate meetings, theater performances, entertainment venues and more. Please call (708) 342-4200 for more information. Class and performance information can be found on pages 29-31.

Fourth Wall Improv Presents: Winter Open Mic Night!

Music. Comedy. Dance. Magic? Like the proverbial box of chocolates, “you never know what you’re gonna get.” And neither do we. Want an opportunity to perform live on stage with a live audience? We invite performers of all creeds, backgrounds and talents, so bring the whole family to our first open mic night of 2023! Also featuring performances by Tinley Park’s resident improv troupes from Fourth Wall Improv!

Director: Josh Blair; Produced by Sarah Denton

Location: Tinley Park Performing Arts Center

Fee: $9 admission


Feb 11 Sat 7-9:30p All

Fourth Wall Improv presents: Nothing Left To Binge Comedy Show

When you’ve streamed it all, or there’s no more snacks in the cabinet, brush off the crumbs and support live theater. Watch us be weird characters and do odd things for your amusement. It’s more relatable than you probably imagined.

Director: Josh Blair; Produced by Sarah Denton

Location: Tinley Park Performing Arts Center

Fee: $9 admission


Mar 18 Sat 7-9p All

Covered Bridge Studios presents: Children’s Comedic Relief

CBS proudly presents our children and teen comedy Improv show to the community after our hiatus from covid. You’ll enjoy these young comedic actors satirical improvisations and sketches as well as humorous parodies and hilarious material. Each performance is an all new comedy revue and, of course, we look forward to improvisations from your suggestions. Doors open at 7:15pm.

Director: Christina Halleran, Executive & Artistic Director, Covered Bridge Studios & Theaters

Location: Tinley Park Performing Arts Center

Fee: $5 admission


Apr 1 Sat 7:30-8:30p All

Fourth Wall Improv presents: The Not So Dark Side: Return of the Revenge of the Rise Comedy Show

It’s the third one. So there might some resolution and maybe a planet of teddy bears. Who knows? An all-new night of improv and sketch inspired by stories from long ago times and a far away galaxy. (It's a parody, but again, let’s not tell the mouse to be safe.)

Director: Josh Blair; Produced by Sarah Denton

Location: Tinley Park Performing Arts Center

Fee: $9 admission


May 13 Sat 7-9p All

Purchase tickets for all theater and improv performances at tinleyparkdistrict.org

www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Winter sPring 2023 FOLLOW US PERFORMING ARTS CENTER


Vogt Visual Arts Center

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

The Vogt Visual Arts Center (VVAC) that was once home to the first Tinley Park Mayor, Henry Vogt, is a facility of the Tinley Park-Park District. It reopened as the VVAC, which hosts all of the Park District’s fine arts classes and art gallery. The art gallery features a new exhibit each month with works from various local and well-known artists. See Pages 33-35 for VVAC classes.

Vogt Visual arts Center

17420 S. 67th Court (708) 614-6503



Tuesday........................7 - 9pm

Wednesday..................4 - 7pm

Thursday...............11am - 2pm and 7 - 9pm

Gallery Exhibit

What Do You Love Coloring Contest

Enter the VVAC What Do You Love coloring contest! Entries are due by Tuesday, February 7. Contest is open to children ages 4-13 years old. The best picture in each age group receives a goodie bag and is put on display at the VVAC from February 8-29 in the “What Do You Love” open gallery exhibit. Judging takes place on February 8. Entries MUST be picked up and returned to the VVAC. Winners are notified by phone. All entries must have participants name, age, parent's name and contact phone number printed at bottom of picture (phone numbers and parent's name are removed after judging and are not displayed).

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Irish Tea

Enjoy a spot o’ tea at the VVAC before heading to the Irish Parade! Located a block off of the parade route, the Vogt Visual Arts Center goes Gaelic with St. Patrick’s Day decorations! Stop in to hear traditional Irish music and savor goodies like scones, soda bread and an assortment of teas. In addition, enjoy the Girl Scout Exhibit that is on display at the event.

VVAC Food Truck & Art Festival

Don’t miss this celebration of art and food! This event features many original works of art by local artists along with a variety of food trucks and live entertainment. Join us from 10 am-3 pm to browse, shop, eat, drink and dance! Head inside the VVAC to view the open gallery exhibit and meet the artists in the “The Walls Have Eyes” June show.

Location: VVAC

111004-A Jun 10 Sat 10a-3p $30 per space includes 6-foot table

111004-B Jun 10 Sat 10a-3p $20 per space bring your own table

111004-C Jun 10 Sat 10a-3p $50 per space Food Trucks

Location: VVAC DATES DAY TIME AGE Mar 5 Sun 11a-1:30p All VOGT VISUAL ARTS 37
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
winter spring 2023
Friday.................... 2pm - 6pm Saturday................11am - 4pm Sunday.......................... Closed
Dates Reception Date Open Show: What Do You Love Feb 2-28 Sat Feb 11 from 1-3pm Girl Scout Show Mar 4-31 Sat Mar 11 from 1-3pm Open Show April Showers Apr 5-29 Sat Apr 8 from 1-3pm Bring May Flowers School District 146 May 5-31 Wed May 3 from 5:30-6:30pm Open Show: The Walls Have Eyes Jun 6-30 Sat Jun 10 from 1-3pm
38 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Winter sPring 2023 708-779-6010 Never miss a weather closure, cancellation or location change! Call 708-779-6010 Choose the facility, program or event extension for latest update. Get the App for Android or Apple! Use the app and always be up-to-date! Sign up for text &/or email alerts | Personalize updates you receive ATHLETICS | SPECIAL EVENTS | PRESCHOOL | facilities Visit our website Look for the scrolling status list on our home page! Rainout Line.indd 1 9/19/2022 9:50:04 AM

Youth Athletics

League Information Online

Both youth and adult league information is available online at tinleyparkdistrict.org. You can access the information by clicking on the 'Sports League' tab and then 'All Youth and Adult Sports Leagues', The site provides general league information, schedules and league weather updates.

Field Rentals and Conditions

Several athletic fields throughout the Tinley Park-Park District are available for rentals. All field rental requests and paperwork must be submitted to the Athletic Supervisor, Ron Woodworth. If you have questions, please contact Ron at (708) 342-4208. Field conditions can also be found on our website at www.tinleyparkdistrict.org.


Refunds may be pro-rated if uniforms and awards have been ordered. Refunds for youth or adult leagues are not granted once coach/captain meetings have occurred and teams are announced.

Youth Athletic League Information

Volunteer Coaches

When you see this symbol , please volunteer to coach! Many of our youth athletic programs depend on volunteer coaches. Coaching your child’s team offers the opportunity to directly teach the value of good sportsmanship, to strengthen lifelong bonds and learn about a sport along with your child. We understand families are busy, so pair up with another parent to share coaching responsibilities! Not only does your child make new friends, but you do too! Fill out a Volunteer Coaching application on our website or at the Rec Center. We offer voluntary certification courses making a head coach eligible for registration discounts. Contact Ron Woodworth, Athletic Supervisor, at (708) 342-4208 for complete details. Thank you.

Request Procedures

Siblings with the same last name and address are placed on the same team unless otherwise noted. Requests for specific coaches are not honored. Coaches are not allowed to request specific players; coach's children are automatically placed on his/her team. In order to keep all teams evenly balanced, friendship requests cannot be made. Coaches contact the participants within one week prior to the program’s start date to provide the time and location of the first meeting.


RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
As a "Thank You," at the end of the season, one Head Coach receives a 50% refund and one Assistant Coach receives a 25% refund of the program fee (per team coached)!
The easy way to follow your team's practices and schedules at tinleyparkdistrict.org/youth-athletics/
39 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE! winter spring 2023

Youth Athletics

Tinley Park-Park District offers activities to future athletes

beginning at the age of 2. Our early childhood programs build a foundation of fun around all athletic experiences. Help your child develop a love of the game... whatever game it is!

Little Swingers T-Ball

Youngsters learn the basics of t-ball and adults are encouraged to relive those days of sandlot baseball. Class incorporates different throwing, hitting and running activities designed around the game of t-ball. Participants are welcome to bring a baseball mitt, but it is not mandatory as we use soft nerf balls for catching purposes.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Recreation Center

$34 R / $45 NR

Stretch and Grow with Sports

This fun filled class teaches youngsters teamwork and sportsmanship, while sparking an interest in sports. Kids get exercise by playing in a variety of different sports and group activities. Adults are encouraged to participate.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Recreation Center

$34 R / $45 NR

Little Tykes

This class paves the way for a lifetime of home runs, baskets and high fives offering the foundations of rules and skills during fun, theme play for both parent and child.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Recreation Center

$34 R / $45 NR

Pee Wee Floor Hockey

This is a fun class where your tot learns the fundamentals of floor hockey. Kids learn how to hold a hockey stick, shoot, pass and focus on teamwork while engaging in mini games. Every participant receives a shirt and award. Volunteer coaches needed.

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Recreation Center

$24 R / $30 NR

Just For Kicks Soccer

Parents and children work together in this class to learn the basics of soccer. Emphasis is on fun, teamwork and sportsmanship. A variety of activities designed around the game of soccer are played each week.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $34 R / $45 NR

Little Dunkers

This is the perfect program to learn the FUNdamentals of basketball! Adult is encouraged to get involved. Each participant receives a Little Dunkers shirt.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Recreation Center

$42 R / $55 NR

Junior Jammers

This is the next program to build on those beginner basketball skills. The first half of each class is practice of basic skills followed by 5-on-5 games. You do not have to attend Little Dunkers to join this program. Each participant receives a Junior Jammers shirt.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Recreation Center Fees: $42 R / $55 NR

These classes are not leagues. There are no scheduled games, teams or coaches.

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
Adult class participation required
40 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE! winter spring 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106103-A Feb 4-Mar 4 Sat 10:30-11:15a 3-5 106103-B Mar 11-Apr 8 Sat 10:30-11:15a 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106105-A Feb 4-Mar 4 Sat 9:45-10:30a 3-5 106105-B Mar 11-Apr 8 Sat 9:45-10:30a 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106672-A Feb 6-Mar 6 Mon 10-10:45a 2-4 106672-B Mar 13-Apr 10 Mon 10-10:45a 2-4
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106636-A Mar 6-Apr 10 Mon 5-5:45p 3-4 106636-B Mar 9-Apr 13 Thu 5-5:45p 5-6
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106626-A Feb 4-Mar 4 Sat 9-9:45a 3-5 106626-B Mar 11-Apr 8 Sat 9-9:45a 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106108-A Mar 11-Apr 8 Sat 11:30a-12:30p 4-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106109-A Feb 4-Mar 4 Sat 11:30a-12:30p 6-8

Youth Athletics

Parent/Child Floor Hockey Game

Don't miss our Parent/Children Floor Hockey Game!

Parent and their kids join in on the action together in a pick-up style game with others. Players are given time to warm-up and practice. Officials and scorekeepers help form teams and referee the game. We provide all the equipment - all you need to do is show up! After the game, drinks and pizza are available.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees per person: $10 R / $13 NR


Participants learn the parts of an arrow and recurve bow, the basics of using a recurve bow, and fundamental shooting skills. Both technique and games are a part of the class. This class covers a beginner’s 9-step to the 10ring progression. We provide blunt tipped arrows, bows and targets.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Freedom Park

Fees: $37 R / $49 NR

Track, Field and Fitness Camp

This program gets kids excited about exercise and teaches them about track and field. They learn the fundamentals for improving flexibility, proper stretching and other fitness concepts related to exercising and the jumping, running and throwing skills involved in track and field events. Boys and girls play fitness games as well as run sprints, relays and other track and field events. A fun-filled meet is held on the last day of the program.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Freedom Park Fees: $45 R / $59 NR

Youth/Teen Golf - Indoors

PGA Golf Professional Dennis Piotrowski and his staff teach golf to youth and teens. This winter all students use the sensor simulator. Participants actually hit a golf ball into a net and the simulator shows you ball flight, swing, speed and opening of the club face. There is limited space available so sign up today!

Instructor: Dennis Piotrowski

Location: White Mountain Golf Course

Fees: $65 R / $85 NR

Youth and Teen Golf Lessons - Outdoors

Golf classes are for the beginner through advanced player. All students receive instruction in a group format covering proper grip, stance, full swing, pitching, putting, safety, rules and etiquette. Lessons also include an on-course management class and a free pass for 9 holes of golf at White Mountain Golf Course. Students should bring a 7 iron to first class. Range balls cost $5 per class.

Instructor: Dennis Piotrowski

Location: White Mountain Golf Course

$65 R / $85 NR

Parent/Child Fishing 101

Learn the basics of fishing: how to cast, tie knots and safety in the wilderness. All participants must have an adult present. This is a great opportunity to learn what our local watering holes have to offer. Learn the art of fishing from our highly skilled instructor from Anglers Outlet.

Instructor: Brad Jackson

Location: Recreation Center


$10 R / $13 NR

Aquatics....................Page 24-25

Camps.......................Page 26-27

Martial Arts...............Page 52-53

Birthday Parties.........Page 16

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 111000-A Mar 18 Sat 9-11a 3+ 111000-B Jun 3 Sat 9-11a 3+
per child:
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106112-A Mar 31 Fri 7-8p 7-10
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106064-A Apr 22-May 13 Sat 12:30-1:15p 7-10 106064-B Apr 22-May 13 Sat 1:15-2p 11-14
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106070-A Apr 22-May 13 Sat 2:15-3:15p 5-8
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106117-A Feb 5-Mar 5 Sun 10-11a 6-10 106117-B Feb 5-Mar 5 Sun 11a-12p 11-17 106117-C Mar 12-Apr 9 Sun 10-11a 6-10 106117-D Mar 12-Apr 9 Sun 11a-12p 11-17
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Class 106622-A Apr 1-29 Sat 10-11a 6-10 106622-B Apr 1-29 Sat 11a-12p 11-17 106622-C May 6-Jun 10 Sat 10-11a 6-10 5/27 106622-D May 6-Jun 10 Sat 11a-12p 11-17 5/27

Youth Athletics


Looking to give your team a little more practice or just want to have some fun? Our batting cage offers opportunities for all ages. Slow pitch to fast pitch baseball. Participants can even choose to forgo the pitching machine and give their arm a work out on the pitching mound. Rentals include enough space in your own private room to have team meetings, go over fielding assignments or even run small drills while others are working on their swing or pitching in the cage. Rental reservation requests require a minimum of three days advance notice. If you would like to request a rental, you must contact the Athletic Supervisor, Ron Woodworth, at (708) 342-4208. Rental requests are handled on a first come-first served basis.

Location: Recreation Center

Group/Individual Fee: $13 R / $20 NR (per 30 minutes)

Please note: maximum of 12 people allowed in the room per time during rentals.

Super Sluggers Baseball Camp

Our baseball camps teach the rules and mechanics of baseball in a fun and safe environment through a series of fun games that kids enjoy. Instruction varies according to age levels, but in all classes; fitness, wellness and just plain fun are emphasized! Participants must bring a baseball mitt to each session.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: McCarthy Park

$55 R / $72 NR


We are looking for "Average Joe's" with a smile for this program. Participants are broken up into teams and play several different styles of dodgeball games throughout the evening. Safe and soft, "Gator-Skin" balls are used. The program also includes the always-popular "kids vs. adults" game.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $38 R / $50 NR

Super Strikers Soccer

Participants learn basic soccer skills, coordination and motor skills through a series of fun games that kids are sure to enjoy. In each session, wellness and fun are emphasized!

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Centennial Park

Fees: $55 R / $72 NR

Nerf Wars/Capture the Flag

Everyone loves a good game of capture the flag! Well, we have put a twist on this popular game by adding Nerf Wars into the mix. McCarthy Park is the perfect arena for this extreme game of capture the flag due to its ample tree cover, large playground and open area. You must supply your own Nerf gun and darts. All Nerf guns and darts need to be labeled with the player's name. Game rules are disclosed at the event.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: McCarthy Park Fees: $15 R / $19 NR

Co-ed Kickball

School age children have always loved kickball, which is similar to baseball. Basic rules are reviewed before each game. Park District staff organize teams and act as the home plate umpire so that all can enjoy the fun.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: McCarthy Park

Fees: $38 R / $50 NR

42 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE! winter spring 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106628-A Apr 8-May 6 Sat 11a-12p 3-4 106628-B Apr 8-May 6 Sat 12-1p 5-7 106628-C Apr 8-May 6 Sat 1-2p 8-10
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE RAIN DATE 106300-A May 6 Sat 10a-12p 10-14 May 13
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 106662-A Feb 7-Mar 7 Tue 5:30-6:30p 2-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106664-A Apr 11-May 9 Tue 5:30-6:15p 3-4 106664-B Apr 11-May 9 Tue 5:30-6:15p 5-6 106664-C Apr 11-May 9 Tue 6:15-7p 7-9 106664-D Apr 13-May 11 Thu 5:30-6:15p 3-4 106664-E Apr 13-May 11 Thu 5:30-6:15p 5-6 106664-F Apr 13-May 11 Thu 6:15-7p 7-9
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 106671-A Apr 4-May 2 Tue 5-6p 2-4


Youth Athletics

Indoor Soccer League

Stay fresh for spring soccer! Practice the first two meetings and the rest we play games in a fun, recreational atmosphere. Similar to our Youth Spring/Fall League, each child gets equal playing time. Games played in 4v4 to 6v6 formats. Games are on Sundays by the hour. Each participant receives a jersey to keep and compete in an eight to ten game schedule! Registration ends January 27 or when program fills Volunteer coaches needed.

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Recreation Center

$57 R / $74 NR

Soccer Shots programs teach kids the basics of soccer play and sportsmanship. These are not soccer leagues.

Mini Soccer Shots

Mini Soccer Shots is a high-energy program introducing children to fundamental soccer principles, such as using your feet, dribbling and the basic rules of the game. Through fun games, songs and positive reinforcement, children begin to experience the joy of playing soccer and being active.

Instructor: Soccer Shots

Location: A&B: Recreation Center C: Community Park

Fees: $55 R / $72 NR

Classic Soccer Shots

Classic Soccer Shots rules utilize creative and imaginative games to focus on basic soccer skills like dribbling, passing and shooting. We also highlight a positive character trait each session such as respect, teamwork and appreciation.

Instructor: Soccer Shots

Location: A&B: Recreation Center C: Community Park

Fees: $55 R / $72 NR

Premier Soccer Shots

Premier Soccer Shots focuses on individual skill, fitness and sportsmanship, providing an opportunity for children to be challenged through fun games and team interaction. Class introduces children to competition in a developmentally appropriate manner.

Instructor: Soccer Shots

Location: A&B: Recreation Center C: Community Park

Fees: $55 R / $72 NR

Pre-K/Kindergarten Spring Co-ed Soccer League

Teams practice for about 30 minutes, followed by a 32-minute scrimmage game with another team. Every player receives a team uniform and award from the Park District. Registration ends March 27 or when the program fills. Volunteer coaches needed!

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Community Park

Fees: $59 R (Addl child $49 R) / $77 NR

Spring Co-Ed Soccer League

Teams meet once or twice per week for one hour each time. The majority of the games are on Saturday. Every player receives a team uniform and award from the Park District. The last game on Saturday ends by 2 pm. Registration ends March 27 or when the program fills. Volunteer coaches needed!

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Community Park

Fees: $65 R (Addl child $55 R) / $85 NR

Days: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat

43 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
winter spring 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106224-A Feb 1-Mar 1 Wed 5-5:30p 2-3 106224-B Mar 8-Apr 5 Wed 5-5:30p 2-3 106224-C Apr 26-May 24 Wed 5-5:30p 2-3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106225-A Feb 1-Mar 1 Wed 5:35-6:20p 3-5 106225-B Mar 8-Apr 5 Wed 5:35-6:20p 3-5 106225-C Apr 26-May 24 Wed 5:35-6:20p 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106223-A Feb 1-Mar 1 Wed 6:25-7:10p 5-8 106223-B Mar 8-Apr 5 Wed 6:25-7:10p 5-8 106223-C Apr 26-May 24 Wed 6:25-7:10p 5-8
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Games 106604-A Apr 15-Jun 10 Sat 9a-12p 3-6 5/27
ACTIVITY DATES TIMES MON, WED, FRI SAT TIMES BETWEEN GRADE 106605-A Apr 17-Jun 10 5:30-6:30p 9a-2p 1 106605-B Apr 17-Jun 10 5:30-6:30p 9a-2p 2 106605-C Apr 17-Jun 10 5:30-6:30p 9a-2p 3 106605-D Apr 17-Jun 10 5:30-6:30p 9a-2p 4 106605-E Apr 17-Jun 10 5:30-6:30p 9a-2p 5 106605-F Apr 17-Jun 10 5:30-6:30p 9a-2p 6 106605-G Apr 17-Jun 10 5:30-6:30p 9a-2p 7 106605-H Apr 17-Jun 10 5:30-6:30p 9a-2p 8
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106035-A Feb 5-Mar 26 Sun 9a-2p 3-4 106035-B Feb 5-Mar 26 Sun 9a-2p 5-6 106035-C Feb 5-Mar 26 Sun 9a-2p 7-8 106035-D Feb 5-Mar 26 Sun 9a-2p 9-10

Youth Athletics

Youth Co-Ed T-Ball / Baseball League

Teams meet one or two times per week for an hour each time and learn base running, throwing, hitting, and fielding. Each participant receives an award, shirt and baseball hat to keep! Players need to have a baseball mitt. Last game on Saturday ends at 1 pm. Registration ends March 27 or when the program fills. Volunteer coaches needed!

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Community Park

Fees: $59 R (Addl child $49 R) / $77 NR

Spring Co-Ed 1st-2nd Grade Volleyball

Jane DeHaan knows the necessary skills needed to spark the interest of volleyball in beginners. Basic volleyball skills are covered in the first 2 weeks as Jane and the volunteer coaches run a volleyball camp. Following the camp, teams compete in a six-game schedule and meet one or two times per week for an hour each time. Each participant receives a team shirt and participation award. Registration ends February 20 or when the program fills. Volunteer coaches needed.

Instructor: Jane DeHaan

Location: Recreation Center Fees: $60 R (Addl child $50 R) / $78 NR

Spring 3rd-5th Grade Girls Volleyball League

Jane DeHaan and volunteer coaches host a volleyball camp for the first two weeks of this league where players meet twice per week for an hour each time. Following the camp, teams compete in a nine-game schedule and meet one or two times per week for an hour each time. Each participant receives a team shirt and participation award. Registration ends February 20 or when the program fills. Volunteer coaches needed!

Instructor: Jane DeHaan

Location: Recreation Center

$60 R (Addl child $50 R) / $78 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY WEEDKAY TIME SAT TIMES BETWEEN AGE NO GAMES 106615-A Apr 17-Jun 10 Mon-Fri & Sat 5:30-6:30p 9a-1p 3-4 5/29 106615-B Apr 17-Jun 10 Mon-Fri & Sat 5:30-6:30p 9a-1p 5-7 5/29 106615-C Apr 17-Jun 10 Mon-Fri & Sat 5:30-6:30p 9a-1p 7-8 5/29 YOUTH ATHLETICS
44 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE! winter spring 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 106111-A Mar 6-May 12 Mon & Fri 5-6p 1-2
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 106638-A Mar 6-May 12 Mon & Fri 6p or 7p 3-5

Youth Athletics

Co-Ed Pre K/Kindergarten Basketball League

Teams practice for about 30 minutes, followed by a 30-minute scrimmage with another team. Each participant receives a basketball jersey to keep and competes in an eight-game schedule. Each player receives a participation award! Registration ends February 1 or when the program fills. Volunteer coaches needed!

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $65 R (Addl child $55 R)/ $85 NR

Youth Developmental Basketball Leagues

Teams meet once or twice per week for one hour each time. Each participant receives a basketball jersey to keep and competes in an eight-game schedule! Players receive participation awards and the score is kept at games! Registration ends February 1 or when the program fills. Volunteer coaches are needed!

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $70 R (Addl child $60 R) / $91 NR

High School Basketball League

Park District forms the teams. The team supplies their own matching jerseys with numbers. Games are two 20-minute halves. Standings are kept and an end-of-the-year tournament is held with prizes. ISHA basketball players are not allowed to participate. Registration ends February 1 or when the program fills. Volunteer coaches needed!

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Recreation Center

$70 R / $91 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106010-A Feb 18-Apr 15 Sat 9a-12p 4-6
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 106630-A Feb 14-Apr 13 Tue & Thu 5:30-6:30p 1-2 Co-ed 106630-B Feb 14-Apr 15 Tue & Sat 5:30-8:30p 3-4 Boys 106630-C Feb 14-Apr 15 Tue & Sat 5:30-8p 3-5 Girls 106630-D Feb 16-Apr 15 Thu & Sat 5:30-7:20p 5-6 Boys 106630-E Feb 16-Apr 15 Thu & Sat 6:30-8:30p 6-8 Girls 106630-F Feb 16-Apr 15 Thu & Sat 6:30-8:30p 7-8 Boys
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106632-A Feb 19-Apr 16 Sun 1-3p 14-19 ATHLETICS
45 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
HERE! winter spring 2023

Youth Athletics

Quickstart Tennis

QuickStart Tennis is for children who are new to the game or who need additional instruction to rally using groundstrokes, volleys and serves. QuickStart Tennis takes a new approach to introducing kids to the game by using fun sized courts, nets, racquets and balls. The lighter low compression balls bounce lower, which helps develop proper techniques. All students are advised to purchase a 21-25 inch tennis racquet (typically ages 4-6 = 21", 7-8 = 23", 9-10 = 25").

Instructor: Lindsey Walker

Location: Community Park

Fees: A&B: $44 R / $57 NR

C&D: $60 R / $78 NR

Junior Tennis

Junior Tennis is for players age 13 and older who want to learn and improve their tennis game. These classes focus on improving all basic strokes including forehand, backhand, volleys, serves, lobs and overheads. Match play is introduced including positioning and strategy.

Instructor: Lindsey Walker

Location: Community Park

Fees: $60 R / $78 NR

Adult Tennis

Adult tennis is for adults looking to start playing tennis and those looking to improve their skills.

Instructor: Lindsey Walker

Location: Community Park

$60 R / $78 NR


Classes are canceled due to inclement weather (rain or excessive heat). If an individual class is canceled more than twice, the class is not made-up. No other make-ups are granted.

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106008-A Apr 19-May 17 Wed 4-4:45p 4-6 106008-B Apr 23-May 21 Sun 9-9:45a 4-6 106008-C Apr 19-May 17 Wed 5-6p 7-12 106008-D Apr 23-May 21 Sun 10-11a 7-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106040-A Apr 19-May 17 Wed 6-7p 13-17 106040-B Apr 23-May 21 Sun 11a-12p 13-17
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106063-A Apr 19-May 17 Wed 7-8p 18+ 106063-B Apr 23-May 21 Sun 12-1p 18+
46 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE! winter spring 2023

Adult Athletics

Love pickleball? Join the Pickleball Interest Group

When you register for the Pickleball Interest Group you are kept up to date on open gym pickleball times. Open space is subject to change based on gym availability and events. Schedule changes are emailed to Pickleball Interest Group participants! Open Gym time is only available to participants with Recreation and Fitness Center Memberships. This is not a staffed program.

Location: Recreation Center


506646-A Jan -Dec

Adult Golf Lessons

Golf lessons are for the beginner through advanced player. All students receive instruction in a group format covering proper grip, stance, full swing, pitching, putting, safety, rules and etiquette. Lessons also include an oncourse management class and a free pass for nine holes of golf at White Mountain Golf Course. Students should bring a 7-iron to the first class. Range balls cost $5 per class.

Instructor: Dennis Piotrowski

Location: White Mountain Golf Course

Fees: $78 R / $102 NR

Adult Floor Hockey

The Tinley Park-Park District is offering pick-up games for adult floor hockey this winter. Players have time to warm-up and practice followed by a pick-up style game. Officials and scorekeepers help form teams and referee the game. House rules and official hockey rules are available. Participants who have goalie gear are welcome to bring it, but it is not mandatory. After the game, enjoy drinks and pizza. Gym shoes are mandatory.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Recreation Center

$10 R / $13 NR

Your favorite winter tournaments are back!

Snowball Softball Double Elimination Tournament

Don't miss the 8th Annual Snowball Softball Tournament. Registration fee includes cash prizes, snow hats, umpires and softballs. A maximum of 12 players allowed to bat in the lineup. Registration ends January 30 or when the tournament fills.

Instructor: Patched Official Location: Community Park

Fees: $195 per team

Indoor Wiffleball Tournament

Join us for a one-day, double-elimination tournament in our gym. Team rosters can be between 7-10 players. The fee includes a championship trophy, equipment and athletic staff to monitor the league rules.

Registration ends February 10 or when the tournament fills.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Recreation Center

$100 per team

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010 ADULT ATHLETICS 47 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE! winter spring 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106610-A Feb 19 Sun 12-8p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106629-A Mar 28-Apr 25 Tue 6-7p 18+ 106629-B May 2-30 Tue 6-7p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106101-A Feb 17 Fri 7-8p 18+ 106101-B Mar 10 Fri 7-8p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106620-A Feb 4 Sat 9a-6p 18+

Adult Athletics

Adult Athletic League Registration and Information

Entire fee is due at registration. Fees are based on a team registration. Full refunds are processed within one month for teams that secured a sponsorship. Full refunds are granted before the registration deadline only. After the registration deadline, a $50 fee is non-refundable. No refunds after the league meeting. All league schedules are subject to change throughout the season. Teams could play on different days than registered for and doubleheaders.

Adult Individual League Sign-up List

Want to play on one of our adult sport leagues, but you don’t have a team? Register yourself on our individual players list. If a team is looking for players or we have enough players to organize a team, we do the work for you! Please specify which league you are interested in during registration.


Location: Recreation Center

Adult Co-ed Volleyball Leagues

Bump, set and spike in our indoor volleyball leagues! Teams play one match per week, consisting of three games.Eight to nine matches played throughout the season depending on league registration, plus playoffs. A maximum 12 players may be on a team roster; and a minimum of four players and a maximum of six players can be on the court. Teams need to consist of an equal or greater number of females on the court than males at all times. The fee includes equipment, referees and cash prizes. Registration ends February 27 or when the program fills.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $310 per team

Adult Co-ed Soccer League

Join us for some action-packed soccer on our turf field. All teams compete in 8 to 9 one-hour games throughout the season. Only the top four teams make the tournament. Eleven fielders (which includes the goalie) and only nine players on the field are allowed to be male per team. A total of 25 players may be on a team roster. The fee includes equipment, referees and prize money. Registration ends March 22 or when the league fills.

Instructor: Patched Official

Location: Freedom Park

$690 per team

Pickleball Doubles League

Pickleball is a sport which combines the elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis using a paddle and a “waffle” like ball. The first two weeks (Feb 13 and 20) are scheduled practice then the league schedule starts Feb 27. Games consist of three matches up to 11 points or a time limit of 15 minutes per match.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Recreation Center

$60 per team

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ADULT ATHLETICS 48 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE! winter spring 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106651-A Mar 8-May 10 Wed 6-9p 18+ 106651-B Mar 8-May 10 Wed 6-9p 18+
ACTIVITY DATE DAY/TIME AGE 106209C Feb 13-Apr 10 Su 9am-12pm 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106648-A Apr 9-Jul 23 Sun 4-10p 18+


Men's Thurs Night Basketball

Adult Athletics

Teams play eight to nine regular games throughout the season depending on league registration. The top eight teams compete in the playoffs. Maximum 12 players may be on a team roster and a minimum of four players on the court. The fee includes equipment, referees and cash prizes. Teams are required to provide their own jerseys/ shirts with a 6" to 8" number visible on the back. Registration ends February 2 or when the program fills.

Instructor: Patched Official

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $710 per team

Men's 18 and Over Baseball League

The fee includes home plate umpire, prize money and baseballs. Teams may carry up to 28 players on their roster. All games played at Freedom Park. Season length is approximately 1416 games. Wood bats only. Each team captain receives a full schedule at the league meeting. Full refunds are processed for teams that pay the registration fee themselves and then secure a sponsorship. The fee is per team. Registration deadline is April 8 or when leagues fill.

Instructor: Patched Official

Location: Freedom Park

Fees: $2,200 per team

Men's 28 and Over Baseball League

The fee includes home plate umpire, prize money and baseballs. Teams may carry up to 28 players on their roster. All games played at Freedom Park. Season length is approximately 12-14 games. Wood bats only. Each team captain receives a full schedule at the league meeting. All teams are entered into a season-ending tournament. Full refunds are processed for teams that paid in full to secure a spot and then secured a sponsorship. Registration ends April 1 or when leagues fill.

Instructor: Patched Official Location: Freedom Park Fees: $1,600 per team

Adult Co-Ed Kickball League

Play in a fun and energetic league with minimal commitment! Players create their own team/s. All teams compete in 8 to 9 one-hour games throughout the season with all teams making the playoffs. Teams are allowed eight fielders and the option to bat up to 12 players. A total of 25 players may be on a team roster. The fee includes equipment, umpires and prize money. Registration ends April 24 or when the program fills.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Freedom Park Fees: $310 per team

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106657-A Feb 16-May 11 Thu 6:30-9p 18+ ADULT ATHLETICS 49 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
winter spring 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106801-A May 10-Jul 19 Wed 6:30-9p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO GAMES 106687-A Apr 16-Aug 20 Sun 9:30a, 12, 2:30, 5 or 7:30p 18+ 5/14, 5/28, 6/18
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO GAMES 106653-A Apr 17-Jul 27 Mon-Thu 7:45-10p 28+ May 29

Adult Athletics

Adult Softball League Registration and Information

• Fee includes umpires, softballs and prize money!

• Leagues play under ASA and house rules.

• All 12" and 11" teams are required to certify all bats at the league meeting.

• Only 12 players allowed to bat per game and 18 total players on a team roster.

• Weather permitting, leagues begin the last week in April and end in July.

• Games are played on various fields throughout Tinley Park.

• Season length is approximately 8-9 games for most leagues and 12-14 games for doubleheader leagues.

• Each team captain receives a full schedule at the league meeting.

• All teams are entered into a season-ending tournament.

• Full refunds are processed for teams that paid in full to secure a spot and then secured a sponsorship.

• ***Registration for all softball leagues ends April 14 or when leagues fill.***

Men's 16" Sun Single Games

Location: Community Park

Fees: $680 per team

Monday Men's 12" League Location: Freedom Park

$595 per team

Men’s 16" Monday Single Games

Location: Community Park

$680 per team

Men's 16" Tues Location: Community Park

$680 per team

Men's Fri 16" Location: Community Park

$680 per team

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106073-A Apr 23-Jul 23 Sun 6:30-9:45p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106674-A Apr 24-Jul 24 Mon 6:30-10:30p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106701-A Apr 24-Jul 24 Mon 6:30-10:30p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106702-A Apr 25-Jul 25 Tue 6:30-10:30p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106611-A Apr 28-Jul 28 Fri 6:30-10:30p 18+ Competitive 106611-B Apr 28-Jul 28 Fri 6:30-10:30p 18+ Rec ADULT
50 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE! winter spring 2023


Let's play two!

Community Park

$680 per team

Adult Athletics

Women's 11" League

Location: Community Park

$595 per team

Co-ed 14" Leagues Fri

Teams consist of at least five women on the playing field and in the batting lineup.

Location: Community Park

Fees: $680 R per team

Co-ed 14" Leagues Thurs

Teams consist of at least five women on the playing field and in the batting lineup.

Location: Community Park

$680 per team

Co-ed 16" League Tue

Teams consist of at least five women on the playing field and in the batting lineup.

Location: Community Park

$680 per team

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106002-A Apr 28-Jul 28 Fri 6:30-10:30p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106613-A Apr 27-Jul 27 Thu 6:30-10:30p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106647-A Apr 25-Jul 25 Tue 7-10p 18+
Doubleheaders Location:
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106640-A Apr 30-Jul 23 Sun 10a-12p 18+ 12" Sun Noon Doubleheaders Location:
Fees: $680
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106641-A Apr 30-Jul 23 Sun 12-2p 18+ 12" Sun 2pm Doubleheaders Location:
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106642-A Apr 30-Jul 23 Sun 2-4p 18+
Men’s 12" Sun
Community Park
per team
Community Park
$680 per team
Doubleheaders Wednesday Location:
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106074-A Apr 26-Jul 26 Wed 6:30-10:30p 18+
12" Tue/Thu Doubleheaders Location:
Fees: $780 per team ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 113629-A Apr 27-Jul 27 Tue & Thu 6:30-10:30p 18+
Men's 12"
Community Park
$780 per team
Community Park
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 106652-A Apr 26-Jul 26 Wed 7-10p 18+ ADULT ATHLETICS 51 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
winter spring 2023

Martial Arts

Olympic Taekwondo

Students have the opportunity to improve concentration and self-esteem, achieve lifelong physical fitness and learn self-defense skills. A uniform fee is required at the first class. KH Kim Taekwondo offers belt testing twice a year at an additional fee. All colored belt students are required to have complete sparring gear.

Little Dragons

The Little Dragons class captivates the interest of our youngest students. Skills are developed through gentle instruction and appropriate games. This class focuses on developing balance, coordination and respect for the discipline of martial arts training. A uniform fee of $50 is required at the first class.

Early Taekwondo

This program helps kids develop conditioning, coordination, listening skills and self-confidence through creative activities.

Youth Taekwondo

This program provides a balanced cardiovascular workout using Taekwondo tradition and self-control including punching, kicking and blocking skills. Participants improve coordination, power of concentration, balance and physical and mental discipline.

Parent/Child Taekwondo

This class provides families with a fun opportunity to spend time together while improving physical and mental conditioning through cardiovascular drills, calisthenics and traditional Taekwondo techniques including punching, kicking and blocking.

Adult Taekwondo

Restricted to high school students and older, this program concentrates on Taekwondo techniques through the study of forms, stances and the skills of punching, kicking and blocking.

Instructor: K.H. Kim Taekwondo Staff

Location: Recreation Center

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE LEVEL FEE 110140-A Mar 30-Jun1 Thu 4:15-4:55p 4-5 Little Dragons $95 R / $125 NR 110140-B Mar 30-Jun1 Thu 5:05-5:50p 6-7 Early Taekwondo $95 R / $125 NR 110140-C Mar 30-Jun1 Thu 6-6:45p 8-13 Youth Taekwondo $95 R / $125 NR 110140-D Mar 30-Jun1 Thu 6:55-7:40p 7+ Parent/Child Taekwondo $95 R / $125 NR 110140-E Mar 30-Jun1 Thu 7:50-8:35p 14+ Adult Taekwondo $95 R / $125 NR
52 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023

Martial Arts

Shotokan Karate Club

Illinois Shotokan Karate Club is Chicagoland’s premier karate school taught under the instruction of John DiPasquale, a four-time National Champion and President of the Americn Shotokan Karate Federation. Beginner students are not permitted to register into the current session after the second class has met. Registration for continuer students is accepted after the start date, but the full class fee is required. Uniforms and belt testing are options available through the ISKC instructor.

Instructor: Illinois Shotokan Karate Club Staff

Location: Recreation Center


In our pre-karate safety classes, young children develop flexibility, strength and coordination in fun, yet disciplined activities. This program is specifically designed for growing minds and bodies to enhance memory and agility. Watch your child’s confidence blossom and their skills improve.

Parent/Child Karate

Parent/child classes are a great way to spend quality time with your child while conditioning muscles, developing coordination and improving cardiovascular fitness. Fees are per person.

*Please note: with adult

Youth/Adult Karate

ISKC’s youth karate classes put children in touch with their bodies and offer a good mix of strength training, cardiovascular and flexibility exercises. Children increase coordination, agility and poise, as well as learn lasting personal safety skills. They also benefit from the mental stimulation of learning the choreographed moves of the kata and the discipline of conforming to the class rules. Adult classes release tension, develop total body fitness, build stamina and increase overall productivity! In addition to self-defense skills, karate increases flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, muscle tone and improves core strength.

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE/LEVEL FEE 102283-A Mar 1-May 31 Wed 4-4:45p 4-6 Beginner (No Experience) $182 R / $237 NR 102283-B Mar 1-May 31 Wed 4:50-5:35p 4-6 Continuer (1+ session) $182 R / $237 NR
ACTIVITY DATE DAY TIME AGE/LEVEL FEE 102228-A Mar 1-May 31 Wed 5:40-6:40p 7+/ Beg /Continuer (White-Red belts) $182 R / $237 NR 102228-B Mar 1-May 31 Wed 6:45-7:45p 7+/ Novice (Orange-Blue belts) $182 R / $237 NR 102228-C Mar 1-May 31 Wed 7:50-8:50p 7+/ Inter/Advanced (Green belts & up) $182 R / $237 NR
Youth ACTIVITY DATE DAY TIME AGE/LEVEL FEE 102228-D Mar 1-May 31 Wed 5:40-6:40p 7-14/ Beg /Continuer (White-Red belts) $182 R / $237 NR 102228-E Mar 1-May 31 Wed 6:45-7:45p 7-14/ Novice (Orange-Blue belts) $182 R / $237 NR 102228-F Mar 1-May 31 Wed 7:50-8:50p 7-14/ Inter/Advanced (Green belts & up) $182 R / $237 NR Adult ACTIVITY DATE DAY TIME AGE/LEVEL FEE 102228-H Mar 1-May 31 Wed 5:40-6:40p 15+/ Beg /Continuer (White-Red belts) $182 R / $237 NR 102228-I Mar 1-May 31 Wed 6:45-7:45p 15+/ Novice (Orange-Blue belts) $182 R / $237 NR
53 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023

Adults & Teens

The Pit Stop–Teen Center

Looking for something to do, a place to hang out or meet new people? Drop in at the Bettenhausen Recreation Center’s “Pit Stop” Teen Center and see everything we have to offer! The Pit Stop is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00-8:00 p.m. and Friday from 4:00-8:00 p.m. The drop-in center is open to teens in grades 6 through 12. Play pool, air hockey, foosball, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii and much more. Check out our exergaming area blending fitness and fun in one! Watch for contests, special activity nights and more throughout the year, all included with your Rec Center membership or daily pass. There is so much to do— come in today! Recreation Center membership or daily pass is required for entry. Pit Stop entrance is for participants in grades 6 to 12.

Spring Break Hours at the Pit Stop

Look for extended Spring Break open play hours and special themed events in the Pit Stop. Check out the calendar in the Pit Stop or call for hours.

Meet Me at the Movies

Join us the first Friday of the month for Pit Stop movie night. Come in and check it out! No registration is necessary. Recreation Center membership or daily pass is required for entry.

Location: Recreation Center

Fee: Free (with Rec Center membership or daily fee)

Spanish for Middle School

This class is a great supplement to middle school or junior high Spanish classes and for students not currently enrolled in a school Spanish class. Students learn Spanish grammar and communication skills that give them a strong foundation for high school Spanish. Class taught live via Zoom; login information emailed to participants before the first class.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM Fees: $89 R / $110 NR

Spanish for High School

This class is a great supplement to high school Spanish classes and for students not enrolled in a high school Spanish class. High school students cover basic grammar points and vocabulary and practice conversational skills. Class taught live via Zoom; login information emailed to participants before the first class.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

$89 R / $110 NR


We have a variety of puzzles ready for you to put together. Try your hand at 3-D puzzles, super challenging options and good old tried and true classics. Snacks, raffles and fun!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center Fees: $10 R / $13 NR

Peep Habitats

Do you like peeps? There are some that do and some that don’t. Let’s get creative! You might have two story peep condos, a peep treehouse; heck, the peeps could even get their very own castle. Peeps – love ’em or hate ’em you have to admit they’re pretty cute.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $25 R / $33 NR

Bad Art Night

A freestyle craft event for tweens and teens! You get 40 minutes to get crafty with all sorts of art supplies. Make a sculpture, painting, structure or whatever art you want. As long as it's really bad! Everyone gets to vote three times at an exhibition of all your bad! The “worst” piece of art wins a hideously tacky trophy at the end of the night.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center Fees: $15 R / $20 NR

Teen Kentucky Derby Party

The Kentucky Derby is more than a horse race, it’s a longstanding tradition – and an excellent reason for a party!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $20 R / $26 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
DATE DAY/TIME Feb 10 F 7pm Mar 3 F 7pm Apr 7 F 7pm
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 103003-A Feb 28-Apr 4 Tue 5:30-6:15p 6-8 103003-B Apr 11-May 16 Tue 5:30-6:15p 6-8
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 103004-A Feb 28-Apr 4 Tue 6:30-7:15p 9-12 103004-B Apr 11-May 16 Tue 6:30-7:15p 9-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 103001-A Feb 20 Mon 10a-12:30p 11-15
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 103027-A Mar 29 Wed 5-6:15p 8-11 103027-B Mar 29 Wed 6:30-7:45p 12-15
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 103026-A Mar 8 Wed 6-7:30p 10-15 103026-B Apr 5 Wed 6-7:30p 10-15 103026-C May 10 Wed 6-7:30p 10-15
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 103028-A May 5 Fri 6-8p 11-15
54 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE! winter spring 2023


In-person and online registration for day camp are available! See Page 3 of this guide for residency requirements and creating a household account. Be prepared! Create your account now if you do not have one! For questions or assistance, stop in the Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center or call 708-342-4200!

Teen Camp

Location: Recreation Center Grade: 7-10



Feb .11

Are you looking for a fun way to spend your summer vacation? Teen Camp is it! Each week includes swimming, local outings, games and sports. Teens take on leadership roles by helping out with our Tot Camp, community service projects and more! Grab a friend and register today! Camp paperwork needs to be completed at the time of registration and can be found on our website or at the Bettenhausen Recreation Center. There is second and more child discount of $20 off a 2 week session and $60 off an 8 week session for teen camp fees. Discount applies to families with campers in Tot Camp, Day Camp as well as Teen Camp. Multi-Child discount applies to the lowest camp.

See page 7

Adults & Teens ADULTS &

The Pit Stop is available to rent! Looking for a place to hang out with your friends, throw a birthday party or just relax and have fun? The Pit Stop is the perfect venue! Rentals are available on Saturday and Sunday throughout the year. Rentals are two hours in length. An adult 21 years and older must be present throughout the rental. Equipment includes ping-pong, billiards, Wii, Play Station 4, Xbox One, climbing wall, light wall, foosball and more! Pit Stop supervisors are on hand to assist with equipment. A maximum of 25 people per rental allowed in the Pit Stop. Pit Stop rentals are for participants 10 years and older. For information and to book a rental, contact the Recreation Supervisor at (708) 342-4200. Rentals must be made a minimum of three weeks in advance. Availability is first come-first served.

Location: Recreation Center

Fee: $140 R / $185 NR

*Please note: maximum of 25 people allowed in the room per time during rentals

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CAMP FEES 503301-A Jun 12-23 Mon-Fri 9a-3p 12-15 $289 R / $359 NR 503301-B Jun 26-Jul 7 Mon-Fri 9a-3p 12-15 7/3 and 7/4 $289 R / $359 NR 503301-C Jul 10-21 Mon-Fri 9a-3p 12-15 $289 R / $359 NR 503301-D Jul 24-Aug 4 Mon-Fri 9a-3p 12-15 $289 R / $359 NR 503301-E Jun 12-Aug 4 Mon-Fri 9a-3p 12-15 7/3 and 7/4 $1,055 R / $1,331 NR
55 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE! winter spring 2023

Adults & Teens

Board Games & Shamrock Shakes

Try your hand at all the different board games that the Pit Stop has to offer! Staff helps set up games and can assist you if needed. We take a break in between and make homemade Shamrock Shakes!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $6 R / $8 NR

Wreck this Journal

Make your own Wreck this Journal! The point of creating this journal is to DESTROY it. Any way, shape or form works. Fill the pages with doodles, thoughts, experiments and ways to wreck the journal. This class is for those who have always wanted to draw outside the lines but were afraid to do it. For anyone who has ever wished to, but had trouble starting, keeping or finishing a journal or sketchbook.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center Fees: $48 R / $75 NR

Ultimate Stress Relief Slime

Color changing, magnetic, glow-in-the-dark...all things slime are coming your way! We make a variety of slimes, learning the science behind the fun. A variety of activators, add-ins and colorants are used. All participants receive recipes and take home their slime after class so the fun can continue at home. A DIY popcorn bar is provided to snack the night away.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

$18 R / $24 NR

DIY Spa Night

Let’s get crafting! You can make and test out a variety of DIY masks, scrubs and spa items in scrumptious scents. Register today and get those creative juices flowing!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $15 R / $20 NR

Illinois Boating Safety Class

Many people operate motor-driven watercraft on Illinois waters throughout the year, often for the first time. We encourage people of all ages - both novice and experienced - to take the course. Each of us has the responsibility to keep this lifetime leisure activity free from tragedy and personal loss to ourselves and other boaters. The Illinois Boating Education Course is offered with these objectives in mind. Please go to online registration and search for 'Boating Safety' in the Ticket Search to reserve your spot. Please note: you must attend both days of class.

Instructor: IDNR Staff

Location: Recreation Center

Apr 29 Sat 9a-3p

Apr 30 Sun 10a-4p


Learn the popular card game of cribbage, traditionally played by two players, but commonly played with three or four. It involves playing and grouping cards in combinations to gain points. The workshop shows you everything you need to start or improve your game. This inexpensive program offers a wealth of fun with friends and family! All supplies provided.

Instructor: Dan Selke

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $6 R / $8 NR

DIY Tulip Wreath

Spruce up your door with this do-it-yourself twist on a tulip wreath. This is not your average tulip wreath—you create an infinity tulip wreath with a twist that is reversible and reusable for years to come. Arrive early for best selection of florals. All supplies are included.

Instructor: Deniera Burks

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $59 R / $77 NR

Modern Circular ‘Welcome’ Door Sign

Refresh your door with this circular door sign with cutouts. Enjoy this modern approach to a traditional favorite for years to come. Customize your sign to your style. We also cover basic bow making techniques. All materials are included.

Instructor: Deniera Burks

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR


RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 103029-A Mar 15 Wed 5-7p 11-15
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 103030-A Apr 3-24 Mon 6-7p 11-15 103030-B May 8-Jun 5 Mon 6-7p 11-15 May 29
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 103049-A Mar 1 Wed 6-8p 11-15
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 103303-A Apr 19 Wed 4-6p 11-15
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 110065-A Apr 11 Tue 10a-12p 18+ 110065-B Apr 18 Tue 10a-12p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 110011-A Mar 23 Thu 6:30-8:30p 18+
56 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
STARTS HERE! winter spring 2023

Adults & Teens

Zoom Spanish Class for Adults

Have you ever wanted to learn a foreign language, but never had the opportunity? Now is the time! Stay connected and learn Spanish from the safety and comfort of your own home via the interactive Zoom platform! In this class you learn conversational Spanish that you can immediately begin using. The class is tailored to the needs of the students enrolled. Class taught live via Zoom; login information emailed to participants before the first class.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $110 NR

Spanish for Adults

Have you always wanted to learn a foreign language, but never had the opportunity? Now is the perfect time! In a relaxed, small-class environment you learn Spanish conversation, grammar and phonetics which you can immediately begin using. The class is tailored to fit the needs of the students enrolled.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $78 R / $85 NR

Zoom Italian

Lei parla italiano? Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the Italian language via the interactive Zoom platform! Each session covers new material. Class taught live via Zoom; login information emailed to participants before the first class.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $110 NR

Zoom French

Parlez-vous français? Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the French language via the interactive Zoom platform! Each session covers new material. Class taught live via Zoom; login information emailed to participants before the first class.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $110 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
an event or ac�vity, fill out a quick online survey about your experience!
Your opinion ma�ers!
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 110003-A Feb 28-Apr 4 Tue 10-11a 18+ 110003-B Mar 1-Apr 5 Wed 6-7p 18+ 110003-C Apr 11-May 16 Tue 10-11a 18+ 110003-D Apr 12-May 17 Wed 6-7p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Class 110004-A Feb 9-Mar 9 Thu 7-8p 18+ 110004-B Mar 16-Apr 20 Thu 7-8p 18+ 3/30 110004-C Apr 27-May 25 Thu 7-8p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 110008-A Mar 1-Apr 5 Wed 6-7p 18+ 110008-B Apr 12-May 17 Wed 6-7p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Class 110009-A Mar 13-Apr 17 Mon 6-7p 18+ 110009-B Apr 24-Jun 5 Mon 6-7p 18+ 5/29
57 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN
HERE! winter spring 2023
Tinley Park-Park DisTricT resiDenTs $50 First Dog* $30 Additional Dog OrlanD TOwnshiP resiDenTs $50 First Dog* $30 Additional Dog Village resiDenT / cOrPOraTe $70 First Dog* $40 Additional Dog nOn-resiDenT $90 First Dog* $50 Additional Dog *Maximum 3 dogs per household GET A MEMBERSHIP TODAY! YOUR BEST FRIEND WILL THANK YOU! 18200 84th Ave • Tinley Park, IL 60477 • 708-342-4200 • www.tinleyparkdistrict.org OPEN 365 DAYS A YEAR! THREE FENCED SECTIONS SHELTERS WITH TABLES | BENCHES WASTE DISPOSAL BAGS COMPLETE MEMBERSHIP DETAILS AND REQUIRED FORMS AVAILABLE AT TINLEYPARKDISTRICT.ORG

Rules of the Road

The Secretary of State offers a refresher class free of charge. Register up to one week before date of class. This program is not connected with 55 Alive through AARP.

Instructor: Ronald Serpico

Location: Recreation Center


Bridge is a classic American card game that can be difficult to understand! Through our bridge classes, you can become fluent in this game and enjoy playing with friends and family. Level 1 class is great for new players and those needing a better understanding of the Standard American bidding used in the game. The Level 2 class is a continuation of the beginner class, and we go over popular conventions as well as play of the hand and opening leads.

Instructor: Bill Birk

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR

Intro Voiceovers-Online

Explore the fun, rewarding possibilities of the voiceover industry! In this one-time introductory class, you learn about the different types of voiceovers and the tools you need to find success. Your instructor, a professional voice actor, takes notes as you read a real script, in this oneon-one video chat setting, and offers some coaching to improve your delivery. You receive a professional voiceover evaluation later. One-time, 90-minute, introductory class. Learn more at http://www.voicesforall.com/ooo. Students must have Internet Access and Video Chatting capabilities such as Zoom, Skype (Win/Mac/Mobile) or iChat/FaceTime (Mac/iOS). Date and time are arranged with the Instructor.

Instructor: Voices for All

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $49 R / $65 NR

6-May 3 9a-8p 18+

Plant Collar Arrangement

Just in time for spring, decorate your customized plant collar to fit your décor or holiday. Change the facings this versatile collar to match any occasion. You paint the collar in your choice of colors and patterns and arrange your florals to create an arrangement to last forever. All supplies are included.

Instructor: Deniera Burks

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $39 R / $51 NR

Adults & Teens

Plant Propagation Workshop

For gardeners, one plant is not enough! There are numerous ways to increase your plant holdings through simple plant propagation techniques. This workshop looks at a variety of ways to propagate both indoor and outdoor plants. Participants engage in a hands-on opportunity to propagate a variety of plants to take home to grow.

Instructor: Greg Stack

Location: Ted’s Greenhouse

Fees: $33 R / $43 NR

Grasses with Gusto Workshop

Ornamental grass adds color, texture and form to gardens through all four seasons! Join us as we journey through the selection of colorful grasses, and how to use them as accents and even functional screens. Ranging in height from 8-10 inches to over 15 feet, find out what they can add to your garden and how easy it is to care for them.

Instructor: Greg Stack

Location: Teds Greenhouse

$26 R / $34 NR

Gardens Under Glass Workshop

Terrariums are mini ecosystems under glass. In this workshop, you create your own little world using a variety of plants, rocks, moss and other whimsical items of your choosing. Instructions on how to care for your garden provided so that your garden thrives. All materials included in the fee.

Instructor: Greg Stack

Location: Teds Greenhouse Fees: $39 R / $50 NR

Acrylic Pour Paint- Fault Line

This class covers the basics of the “Fault Line” style of Acrylic Paint Pouring. We delve into paint colors, mixing and explore paint styles to achieve the perfect fluid masterpiece! Create a stunning 16 x 20 canvas painting customized to your color scheme that is sure to bring “wow” to your wall. This is an art piece that truly deserves wall space! All materials are included.

Instructor: Deniera Burks

Location: Recreation Center

$46 R / $52 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 108812-A Feb 3 Fri 10a-12p 18+ 108812-B Mar 10 Fri 10a-12p 18+ 108812-C May 12 Fri 10a-12p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE CLASS 109110-A Feb 2-23 Thu 1-3p 18+ Level 1 109110-B Mar 9-30 Thu 1-3p 18+ Level 2
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 110015-A Apr 6 Thu 6:30-8:30p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 107764-A Feb 22 Wed 6-8p 18+ 107764-B Feb 25 Sat 10a-12p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 109901-A Mar 18 Sat 10a-12p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 111041-A Apr 5 Wed 6-8p 18+ 111041-B Apr 8 Sat 10a-12p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 110013-A Feb 11 Sat 10a-12p 18+ 110013-B Mar 30 Thu 6:30-8:30p 18+
59 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE! winter spring 2023

Mature Adults

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010


The STARS (Seniors That Appreciate Recreation Services) is a multipurpose space where adults 55+ can socialize, enjoy refreshments, meet up with friends after a workout, read or just relax. Benefits offered with the membership include discounts on monthly luncheons and special events, discounted admission to the Spring Fling and Holiday Party banquets, free breakfast items and coffee during open hours, surprise snack days and more. On occasion, members can enjoy informative seminars, live music and special events.

Annual STARS Membership runs from March 1-Februrary 28 each year. Memberships bought throughout the year end on the last day of February, regardless of when the membership was purchased. Did you know that you membership helps us provide many free services to mature adults?

•Monthly newsletters (print and electronic)

•AARP Driver Safety Programs

•AARP Tax Preparation

•Rules of the Road Refresher Programs

•Cards, Dice, Board Games, Puzzles

•Magazine subscriptions and Books

•Bingo (1st Thursday of each month)

•Seasonal events such as Senior Olympics and Active Aging

•Health Clinics (ie flu shot, eye exam, etc,)

•Internet Access

Very Important: Participants must be self-maintained, as no medical services are available on site.

Instructor: Senior Coordinator

Location: Recreation Center

$16 R / $21 NR

Spring Fling

The Park District offers monthly luncheons at the STARS Drop-In Center on the third Tuesday of each month for adults age 55 and over. Catch up with friends over a delicious meal! Registration is due one week before the luncheon. Lunch is served at approximately 11:30am.

Instructor: Senior Coordinator

Fee: $5 STARS Member / $6 Non-member

Thank you to our Monthly Luncheon Sponsors!

Let's celebrate winter's exit and the arrival of spring with a delicious meal, live entertainment, free raffles and more! Lunch is served at approximately 11:30am.

Location: Recreation Center Fee: $4 STARS member / $6 Non-member

National Pi Day

National Pi Day on March 14 recognizes the mathematical constant. Also known as pi, the first three and most recognized digits are 3.14. The day is celebrated by pi enthusiasts and pie lovers alike! Join us for some mathematical fun along with a slice of pie (assorted-one slice per person).

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff Location: Recreation Center

$3 R / $4 NR

Adult Athletics....................Page 47-51

Adult Dance........................Page 32

Health & Fitness................Page 63-65

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 508800A Mar 1, 2023 – Feb 28, 2024 Tu, Th 9am-2pm 55+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE THEME 108801-A Feb 21 Tue 11a-1p 55+ Presidents Day/BBQ Beef 108801-B Mar 21 Tue 11a-1p 55+ World Happiness Day/Italian 108801-C Apr 18 Tue 11a-1p 55+ Easter/Ham
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 108801-D May 16 Tue 11a-2p 55+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 108007-A Mar 14 Tue 11:30a-12:30p 55+
MATURE ADULTS 60 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE!
winter spring 2023

Super Senior Day

Super Seniors is a convenient and voluntary program for persons age 65 and over with the Illinois Secretary of State that includes:

• **Rules of the Road Review Course

• Vision Screening

• Driver’s License/State ID Card (Renewal, Replacement, Correction)

• License Plate Renewal Stickers

• Organ/Tissue Donor Registry

• Motor Voter Registration

**The Rules of the Road Review Course also includes a review of safe driving techniques and Illinois driving laws. See page 59 for details on registering for this free course.

On March 10, visit the Secretary of State Mobile Driver Services Unit to renew your driver's license* or state ID. An identification card can be obtained for $20.00; those age 65 and older may obtain a free, non-expiring State of Illinois photo ID card. *Please note: Adults aged 75 and older must visit a Secretary of State Driver Services Facility to renew their driver’s licenses.

Location: Recreation Center


Once a month, join us for an afternoon of Bingo complete with prizes! Tell your friends and register in advance!

Pizza Party!

Join us on the first Thursday of each month for a pizza party! Just sign up and pay per slice by 10:30 am on the day of the party and you’re in! Bring your friends too! Cash only payment is made in the Brickyard Room to the STARS Senior Coordinator on the day of the event. Pizza is served around 11:30am.

Location: Recreation Center

Fee: $3 per slice

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
DATES DAY TIME AGE Feb 2 Thu 10:30a-12p 55+ Mar 2 Thu 10:30a-12p 55+ Apr 6 Thu 10:30a-12p 55+ May 4 Thu 10:30a-12p 55+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 108843-A Mar 10 Fri 10-10:15a 55+ 108843-B Mar 10 Fri 10:15-10:30a 55+ 108843-C Mar 10 Fri 10:30-10:45a 55+ 108843-D Mar 10 Fri 10:45-11a 55+ 108843-E Mar 10 Fri 11-11:15a 55+ 108843-F Mar 10 Fri 11:15-11:30a 55+ 108843-G Mar 10 Fri 11:30-11:45a 55+ 108843-H Mar 10 Fri 11:45a-12p 55+ 108843-I Mar 10 Fri 12-12:15p 55+ 108843-J Mar 10 Fri 12:15-12:30p 55+ 108843-K Mar 10 Fri 12:30-12:45p 55+ 108843-L Mar 10 Fri 12:45-1p 55+ 108843-M Mar 10 Fri 1-1:15p 55+ 108843-N Mar 10 Fri 1:15-1:30p 55+ 108843-O Mar 10 Fri 1:30-1:45p 55+ 108843-P Mar 10 Fri 1:45-2p 55+
Location: Recreation Center ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 111804-A Feb 2 Thu 12:30-2p 55+ 111804-B Mar 2 Thu 12:30-2p 55+ 111804-C Apr 6 Thu 12:30-2p 55+ 111804-D May 4 Thu 12:30-2p 55+ STAY SAFE ON THE ROADS! MATURE ADULTS 61 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
winter spring 2023
FUN STARTS HERE! Mature Adults

Mature Adults

AARP Smart DriverTEK Workshop

AARP Smart DriverTEK is a 90-minute workshop offering an interactive way to stay up to date with the latest safety technology in your current or future car. Learn all about blind-spot detection systems, front-collision warning systems, and much more. Register at www.aarp.org or call 1-877-805-4115.

Instructor: Cynthia Soltes

Location: Recreation Center

AARP Smart Driver Class

This course teaches you how to reduce driver distractions, deal with aggressive drivers, techniques for handling left turns, right-of-ways and roundabouts. It also gives you the proper use of new technology found in today's cars. The course is based on the latest driver safety research and insights. Learn evidence-based safe driving strategies and refresh your knowledge of the latest rules and hazards of the road. Fee is collected by AARP representative the day of the class: AARP member—$20.00 per person/, Non-AARP member—$25.00 per person. For those with an active AARP Medicare Supplement Insurance plan, the course is currently free (must present valid insurance card to qualify).

Instructor: AARP

Location: Recreation Center

AARP Tax Preparation

The Tinley Park-Park District offers this annual FREE service for adults age 55 and over. Volunteers from the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) trained through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assist only adults age 55 and over with their income tax returns.

Call the Park District at (708)342-4200 to make an appointment beginning on:

Tinley Park Residents: Tuesday, January 17 at 9:00am

Non-residents: Thursday, January 26 at 9:00am


• Appointments are available to those ages 55+ with ceiling on income of $100,000.

• Appointments are based on a first come basis.

• No walk-ins accepted.

• Please do not arrive earlier than 5 minutes from your scheduled appointment time

• Please adhere to minimum 6 feet social distance between non-household members.

• Follow the state orders for wearing a mask.

• Ensure you are healthy, not exhibiting any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 and have no known exposure to someone that has been ill in 14 days prior to your appointment.

• Pending state/village mandates or requirements from the National AARP Foundation, this information is subject to change at any time.

• Please bring all required tax documentation to your appointment including your ID, social security card and last year’s tax returns.

Instructor: AARP Volunteers

Location: McCarthy Recreation Building

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
DATES DAY TIME AGE Feb 6 to Apr 14 Mon, Wed, Fri 9:30a-1:30p 55+
DATES DAY TIME AGE Apr 12 Wed 10-11:30a 50+ May 24 Wed 10-11:30a 50+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 108832-A Mar 15 Wed 8:30a-5p 55+ 108832-B Apr 5-6 Wed & Thu 9a-1p 55+ 108832-C May 10 Wed 8:30a-5p 55+ 108832-D Jun 1-2 Thu & Fri 9a-1p 55+ MATURE ADULTS 62 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE!
winter spring 2023

Self Defense in the Real World

Learn to protect yourself from physical attacks with knowledge and preparation. This class empowers you with critical skills to help keep you safe. Learn a variety of techniques to defend yourself and establish a proper mind set to resist attacks. Leave the class with increased confidence, a greater sense of street awareness, better physical fitness and more. Please dress in loose fitting modest workout apparel.

Instructor: Ben Hillis

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $45 R / $74 NR

Chair Dancing

This class is a safe, low impact workout that anyone can do while seated. You burn calories, reduce stress and get your groove on to a variety of music styles - all without leaving your chair. You set your own pace, based on how fast you want to move and how deeply you want to stretch. Bring a water bottle and your jazz hands.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Recreation Center

$48 R / $63 NR

Tai Chi for Arthritis & Fall Prevention

This class explores short easy to learn Tai Chi routines compiled by Tai Chi and medical experts for health purposes, especially falls prevention. Tai Chi is recognized for improving posture, balance, flexibility and respiration in addition to many other health benefits. The class consists of warm-ups, instruction in a Tai Chi set and cool down movements. Forms can be modified so that students of all physical levels can enjoy Tai Chi.

Instructor: Diane Ryan

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $50 R / $65 NR

Basic Fitness and Toning

This class is designed for beginners or people getting back into a fitness frame of mind. Class consists of a light warm-up then we use our own body weight, resistance bands and fitness balls to give a nice overall fitness and toning workout. All exercises can be adapted to a variety of fitness levels, so don’t be intimidated! Don’t forget your water bottle.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Recreation Center Fees: $48 R / $63 NR

Beginning Strength for Women

Have you wanted to add strength training into your exercise regimen, but aren't sure where to start? In this class you learn how to use weights, bands and your body weight while toning and strengthening your body. Reasons you should strength train: it protects bone health and muscle mass, makes you stronger and fitter, plays a role in disease prevention, boosts energy levels, improves your mood and it burns calories! The last 15 minutes are spent stretching those muscles you worked!

Instructor: Eileen Conneely

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: A: $60 R / $78 NR

B: $80 R / $104 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 103002-A Feb 13-Mar 6 Mon 6-6:45p 13-16 103002-B Feb 13-Mar 6 Mon 7-7:45p 16+ 103002-C Mar 13-Apr 3 Mon 6-6:45p 13-16 103002-D Mar 13-Apr 3 Mon 7-7:45p 16+ 103002-E Apr 17-May 8 Mon 6-6:45p 13-16 103002-F Apr 17-May 8 Mon 7-7:45p 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104008-A Feb 21-Mar 28 Tue 10-11a 18+ 104008-B Apr 4-May 9 Tue 10-11a 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104494-A Feb 15-Mar 22 Wed 9:15-10a 16+ 104494-B Mar 29-May 3 Wed 9:15-10a 16+ 104494-C May 10-Jun 14 Wed 9:15-10a 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104014-A Feb 16-Mar 23 Thu 9:15-10a 16+ 104014-B Mar 30-May 4 Thu 9:15-10a 16+ 104014-C May 11-Jun 15 Thu 9:15-10a 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104018-A Feb 16-Mar 23 Thu 9:30-10:30a 18+ 104018-B Apr 6-May 25 Thu 9:30-10:30a 18+ HEALTH & FITNESS 63 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE! Health & Fitness Winter sPring 2023

Senior Yoga

This safe and slower-moving class is great for senior citizens. It incorporates a range of movement, alignment, stretching, awareness, balance, breathing and relaxation. We work gently to increase both strength and range of motion in all areas of the body, increase flexibility and develop better balance with a focus on proper alignment and breath awareness. Poses are offered sitting in a chair, standing and/or lying down on the floor. Bring your yoga mat to class.

Instructor: Marcia Egan

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $44 R / $58 NR

Stress Management Yoga

Do you need to reduce stress or let go of tension in your mind and body? This gentle class teaches stress management techniques to reduce muscle tension, focus to relax the mind and lower blood pressure. Class includes breathing techniques, poses, deep relaxation, guided visualization and more. Standing, seated and floor poses also included. Please bring a yoga mat and a blanket to class.

Instructor: Marcia Egan

Location: Recreation Center

$44 R / $58 NR

Yoga: The Next Step

This class is for students who have been in yoga class for one to two years and want to gain a deeper understanding of yoga practice. Class is spent exploring the subtleties of the yoga asanas and how to move more deeply into the poses. Please bring a blanket to class.

Instructor: Marcia Egan

Location: Recreation Center

$44 R / $58 NR

Foundational Yoga

Yoga postures are practiced to align, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body. Breathing and meditation are also integrated. You can expect an emphasis on repetition and ease of movement as we make a full circuit of the body's range of motion with standing postures, twists, back bends, forward fold and hip openers. Please bring a yoga mat and blanket to class. For healthy beginners and/or continuing students.

Instructor: Marcia Egan

Location: Recreation Center

$44 R / $58 NR

Saturday Stretch Yoga

This yoga class focuses on lengthening muscles throughout the body and stretching the core. Participants spend time in deep stretch on their mat and at the barre while incorporating props like yoga straps, rings and resist-a-balls.

Instructor: Jennifer Raleigh

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $47 R / $61 NR

Hatha Yoga

Relaxation techniques focus on the yoga method of breathing, believed to relieve stress and promote selfdirected relaxation. The exercises or body postures are known to maintain flexibility, strength and good balance. An emphasis is placed on the absolutely non-competitive nature of Hatha Yoga. Every class ends on a meditative note as we cool down with deep breathing and important stretching movements.

Instructor: Marcia Stanek

Location: Recreation Center Fees: $41 R / $54 NR

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winter spring 2023
Health & Fitness
Whether you are new to yoga or an advanced practitioner, we offer a class to assit you on your yoga journey. Please bring a yoga mat to class.
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104002-A Feb 7-May 14 Tue 10-11a 60+ 104002-B Feb 7-May 14 Tue 11:30-12:30p 60+ 104002-C Mar 28-May 2 Tue 10-11a 60+ 104002-D Mar 28-May 2 Tue 11:30a-12:30p 60+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104471-A Feb 8-Mar 15 Wed 7:30-8:30p 18+ 104471-B Mar 29-May 3 Wed 7:30-8:30p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104472-A Feb 8-Mar 15 Wed 6:15-7:15p 18+ 104472-B Mar 29-May 3 Wed 6:15-7:15p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104023-A Feb 6-Mar 13 Mon 6-7p 18+ 104023-B Mar 27-May 1 Mon 6-7p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104024-A Feb 25-Apr 1 Sat 9:30-10:30a 16+ 104024-B Apr 22-May 27 Sat 9:30-10:30a 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104461-A Mar 8-Apr 12 Wed 11a-12p 18+ 104461-B Mar 10-Apr 14 Fri 10:30-11:30a 18+ 104461-C Apr 26-May 31 Wed 11a-12p 18+ 104461-D Apr 28-Jun 2 Fri 10:30-11:30a 18+

Fitness Yoga

This quicker-paced yoga class builds strength, flexibility and stamina through challenging postures and stretch work. Strengthen outer and core muscles by using your own body weight as resistance-great for balancing out the body. Advanced and beginning modifications provided to accommodate all fitness levels. Please bring water to class each day.

Instructor: Jennifer Raleigh

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $52 R / $67 NR

Drop-in Fitness Class Fee

If you do not have time to commit to a weekly exercise class, or you want to try one of our classes before you register, drop in! This option allows you to take one fitness class. Please call 708-342-4200 in advance to confirm class is running. Not valid for Tinley Fitness classes

Location: Recreation Center

Age: Adult

Fees: $9 R / $13 NR

Spin & Strength: $13 R / $17 NR

Spin & Strength

Combine the intense spin cardio workout with a strength portion for a total body workout. Spinning provides a great cardio workout building stamina and endurance as well as target training for toned legs. The combination of the strength training portion gives and overall great workout for your whole body so you can see and feel results! This class is split between spinning and strength.

Instructor: Eileen Conneely

Location: Recreation Center


A: $60 R / $78 NR

B: $80 R / $104 NR

Pilates Barre Blend

Participants experience intensive muscle conditioning with a focus on the entire core through Pilates and Barre techniques. Exercises in this class work through small range of motion in the joints and are safe and effective for any level of ability. We provide all equipment.

Instructor: Jennifer Raleigh

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $52 R / $67 NR

Butts and Guts Boot Camp

An intense and effective workout focusing on the lower body, designed to sculpt and firm your core, butt and thighs. This series includes but is not limited to: squat and lunge variations, fitness balls, resistance bands and plenty of mat work (planks, bridges, crunches). All fitness levels are welcome–work at your own pace to achieve your personal best. Please bring a water bottle and a towel.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Recreation Center

$48 R / $63 NR


Students get an intense workout with a strong focus on core conditioning while working at their own pace. Pilates work trains the muscles in the center of the body to contract inward to support all parts of the body, with special emphasis on spine and pelvic alignment. Participants build strength, flexibility, stamina and control through flowing exercises. Please bring a sticky mat and water to each class.

Instructor: Jennifer Raleigh

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $52 R / $67 NR

Dance Fitness for Kids

This class incorporates easy-to-follow dance routines to pop, hip-hop and lyrical music styles. Participants build cardiovascular strength and endurance for the first 25 minutes of class and work on their core and total body strength and flexibility for the last 20 minutes of class working the barre with resist-a-balls, small weights and rings. All equipment is provided; please wear gym shoes and bring a water bottle!

Instructor: Jennifer Raleigh

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR

Cardio Drumming

Release your inner rock star while you get an all-over body workout and some excellent cardio. We use standard drumsticks to drum on exercise balls. Bring a water bottle and dress to move comfortably.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Recreation Center

Fees: $48 R / $63 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010 HEALTH & FITNESS 65 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE! Health & Fitness Winter sPring 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104443-A Feb 16-Mar 23 Thu 7-8p 16+ 104443-B Apr 6-May 25 Thu 7-8p 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104025-A Feb 23-Mar 30 Thu 6-6:55p 16+ 104025-B Apr 20-May 25 Thu 6-6:55p 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104476-A Feb 14-Mar 21 Tue 6:30-7:15p 16+ 104476-B Mar 28-May 2 Tue 6:30-7:15p 16+ 104476-C May 9-Jun 13 Tue 6:30-7:15p 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104487-A Feb 25-Apr 1 Sat 8:15-9:15a 16+ 104487-B Apr 22-May 27 Sat 8:15-9:15a 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104491-A Feb 23-Mar 30 Thu 5-5:45p 7-12 104491-B Apr 20-May 25 Thu 5-5:45p 7-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104001-A Feb 14-Mar 21 Tue 7:30-8:15p 16+ 104001-B Mar 28-May 2 Tue 7:30-8:15p 16+ 104001-C May 9-Jun 13 Tue 7:30-8:15p 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 104410-A Feb 23-Mar 30 Thu 10:45-11:45a 16+ 104410-B Feb 23-Mar 30 Thu 7-8p 16+ 104410-C Apr 20-May 25 Thu 10:45-11:45a 16+ 104410-D Apr 20-May 25 Thu 7-8p 16+
Training / ( / ) ( / ) ( / ) ( ) / / Customized Workout Plans Experienced Professionals Mo�va�on and Support
Carrie Tammy Mark Gina J. J. Melissa

FUN STARTS HERE! Tinley Fitness

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

Aqua Boot Camp

This high-intensity, low-impact training class is designed to help you reach your fitness goals! No swimming skills are needed to participate. Regardless of your age or fitness level, you can achieve noticeable results through workouts that incorporate cardio, strength and resistance training exercises in a smaller group setting. You can push the boundaries or move at your own pace in the aqua training class. Suit up, bring a towel and your water bottle.

Instructor: Melissa

Location: Tinley Fitness

Fees: $80 Member / $95 Non-member

Yoga for Anxiety

This 4-week series workshop focuses on how chronic stress and anxiety can impede brain function causing negative emotions and an imbalanced mind/body connection. We focus on how to use different yoga tools to alleviate stress and anxiety to restore emotional brain function as well as bring balance to your mind and body. Bring your own mat.

Instructor: Melissa

Location: Tinley Fitness

$40 Member / $55 Non-member

FIT to Travel

Are you ready to take that dream vacation but hesitant due to your physical strength and stamina? During this 1.5 hour workshop, Gina prepares you for take-off and landing! Workshop includes how to:

• Walk on uneven and unpredictable surfaces

• Board buses and trains

• Haul luggage

• Lift carry-ons to overhead bins

• Stay balanced while snapping photos

• Navigate low seats

Participants receive a travel related giveaway item and “inflight snacks”. Have confidence in your ability to make the most out of your trip! Bon Voyage!

Instructor: Gina

Location: Tinley Fitness

$20 TF Member / $35 Non-Member

Pump'd Up Pilates

Do you or someone you know need more core strength for either sports performance, active lifestyle or just plain day-to-day activities? This class challenges and strengthens your core using various strength training and stability based equipment. Cardio intervals are included for a full body workout.

Instructor: Vikki

Location: Tinley Fitness

$65 Member / $80 Non-member

TINLEY FITNESS 67 winter spring 2023 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 112002-A Feb 12-Apr 2 Sun 9-10a 13+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 112003-A Feb 12-Mar 5 Sun 10:30-11:30a 13+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 112114-A Apr 10 Mon 11a-12:30p 55+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 112116-A Feb 11-Mar 25 Sat 8-9a 13+ 112116-B Apr 15-May 27 Sat 8-9a 13+

Tinley Fitness

Longevity Workshop

Being the best version of yourself requires you to be healthy, and being healthy starts with exercise. Exercise doesn't just mean running in a straight line or lifting heavy weights. It requires a balanced approach that includes all five training domains: flexibility, stability, cardio, agility and resistance training. It is not enough to excel at just one of these areas. Everyone should come learn the fundamentals of each area with Trainer J.J. Experience all the joys a healthy life has to offer. In this workshop, you learn how to slow the aging process, prevent injury, increase happiness and live the longest, healthiest life possible.

Instructor: J.J.

Location: Tinley Fitness

$20 Member / $35 Non-Member

Level Up

A class designed for participants that already engage in regular, high-intensity exercise but looking for some guidance and new techniques to reach that next level. Utilizing the most recent scientific research, J.J. takes you through a custom program designed to hit all five training domains; 5 weeks - 5 training domains: Flexibility, Stability, Cardiorespiratory, Agility and Resistance. Learn techniques to reach your peak fitness so you are able to tackle any of the physical challenges life throws at you.

Instructor: J.J.

Location: Tinley Fitness

$68 Member / $88 Non-Member

Group Exercise and Pool Schedules

Tinley Fitness members can take a variety of group exercise and aquatic classes included in their membership. Class schedules are available at the front desk and online at www.tinleyparkdistrict.org.

Birthday Parties

Your birthday party makes a splash at Tinley Fitness! You and your guests have exclusive access to the pool and adjoining party room for two hours. Birthday party rentals are available Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Get more information and book your party at the Fitness Center front desk or by calling 708-342-4278.

Wellness Programs

Tinley Fitness members are able to participate in many additional Wellness Programs offered by our Personal Trainers. These programs are a great complement to your regular workouts and provide total health and wellness opportunities to achieve your goals!

winter spring 2023 FOLLOW US
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 112117-A Feb 21 Tue 6-7p 55+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 112118-A Jan 8-Feb 19 Sun 9-10a 13+


*Village/Corporate Rate applies to those living in the Village of Tinley Park but outside Park District boundaries and those working within the Village. Proof of Residence and employment status (current pay stub) required.

**Initiation Fee includes member orientation, equipment overview and two free guest passes.

H O U R S October - April May -September Holiday Hours M-F 5:30 am -10:00 pm Sat 7:00 am - 8:00 pm Sun 7:00 am - 5:00 pm M-F 5:30 am - 9:00 pm Sat 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Sun 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed Easter • Memorial Day July 4 • Labor Day • Christmas Thanksgiving: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm Christmas Eve: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm New Year’s Eve: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm New Year’s Day: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
PARK DISTRICT RESIDENT VILLAGE/CORPORATE RESIDENT* NON-RESIDENT INITIATION FEE** INDIVIDUAL $37 $43 $48 $50 EACH ADDITIONAL (same address) $21 $29 $36 $25 SENIOR (age 60+) $30 $38 $43 $25 EACH ADDITIONAL (60+/same address) $14 $24 $31 $25
Ask about our ActiveMilitaryDiscounts and Student Memberships 69

Trips & Excursions

Harrah’s Casino

It may be winter but there is fun to be had at Harrah’s Casino! This trip includes round-trip mini-motorcoach transportation, four (4) hours at the casino and a $10 Caesars Rewards gift card! Harrah’s Joliet offers the widest variety of slots in the area, with over eight hundred slot machines. Step on to the casino floor and spin your way into some big jackpots! Whatever your favorite game is, there is a great chance we have it! You never know, you could come home a winner! To receive a casino player’s card, you must have an email address on file.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Joliet, IL

Fees: $40

Feb 15 Wed 10a-3p 21+

Anderson Japanese Gardens, Laurent House & Lunch at Fresco’s

Three of the essential elements used to create a Japanese garden are stone, which forms the structure of the landscape; water, representing life-giving force; and plants that provide the color and changes throughout the seasons. Secondary elements include pagodas, stone lanterns, water basins, arbors and bridges. Japanese gardens are meticulously designed and patiently pruned according to aesthetic principals creating a work of natural art that inspires calm, renewal, discovery and an invigorated soul. Come along on a guided tour of the gardens and the Frank Lloyd Wright Laurent House. Lunch at the garden, tours and round-trip motor coach transportation is included.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Rockford, IL

Fees: $123 ACTIVITY

105551-A May 31 Wed 9a-5p 18+

Momence Museum Tours & Lunch

We start day at the Earl D. Schoeffner Farm Museum. Earl, farmer, artistic craftsman and master carpenter, was a resourceful innovator in the Momence community. He created this museum that shows his collections and tells the story of more than one hundred years of farm life. The museum's exhibits, displays and ongoing educational programs provide a memorable insight into another agricultural era. Next, we head to The Graham Historic House – a unique attraction to residents and visitors who appreciate the community’s past preservation before we head to lunch at Yannis on Washington. Fee includes the two (2) tours, round-trip mini motorcoach transportation and lunch (salad, entrée, dessert, tea/water and gratuity).

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Momence, IL

Fees: $63


105555-A Mar 24 Fri 9:45a-2:45p All

All trips depart from McCarthy Park at 16801 S. 80th Ave, Tinley Park unless otherwise noted.
Your feet are made for walking, but it is nice to have an idea how much walking is involved on our trips. The more you see by a program, the more steps you take.
TRIPS/EXCURSIONS 70 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Winter Spring 2023 FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE!
RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010

All trips depart from McCarthy Park at 16801 S. 80th Ave, Tinley Park unless otherwise noted.

Your feet are made for walking, but it is nice to have an idea how much walking is involved on our trips. The more you see by a program, the more steps you will take.

Smoky Mountains & Pigeon Forge – Diamond Tours Motorcoach

Take in dazzling shows and the splendor of the Blue Ridge Mountains in our Smoky Mountains and Pigeon Forge bus tour! A visit to downtown Gatlinburg is part of your group's Pigeon Forge vacation package, as well as a picturesque guided tour of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Your group enjoys The Magic of Terry Evanswood featuring classic magic, sleight of hand and grand scale illusions. Also included in your group's Pigeon Forge bus trip is the high-energy "Soul of Motown" Show and the music and comedy of the "Country Tonite" show. This Pigeon Forge bus tour also gets off to a great start in the morning with the entertaining Smith Morning Variety Show! This perfect getaway package includes 4 nights lodging in the Smokies; eight meals (four breakfasts and four dinners); six shows and round-trip deluxe motorcoach transportation.

•$75 deposit due at registration

•Full payment due Friday, February 17, 2023

•No refunds after March 17, 2023

•Trip insurance is available for $72 per person and is optional. Please write a separate check payable to “Travel Insured International, Inc.” or pay it online at www.travelconfident.com.

•Travel insurance must be purchased within 14 days of registration

Trip Coordinator: Erin Cortilet

Destination: Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

ACTIVITY OCCUPANCY DATES DAY TIME AGE FEES 105588-A Single Apr 17-21 Mon-Fri 8a-8p 21+ $858/person – single occupancy 105588-B Double Apr 17-21 Mon-Fri 8a-8p 21+ $709/person – double occupancy 105588-C Triple Apr 17-21 Mon-Fri 8a-8p 21+ $609/person – triple occupancy 71 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US FUN STARTS HERE!
TRIPS/EXCURSIONS Winter sPring 2023 RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
Trips & Excursions

Tony RecreationBettenhausenCenter



• Proof of residency for all household members.

• Maximum 8 members per household.

• Village/Corporate Rate: (a) must live in Village but not in Park District boundaries or (b) work within the village. Proof of residence and/or employment status (current pay stub) required.

• Senior Couple rate is only available if both memers are 60+.

1. Only walkers/runners on the track

2. Wheelchairs and walkers only on track. No strollers/rollerblades/other wheeled mechanisms

3. Food or beverages not allowed on track or in gym except for water

4. No street shoes allowed on track

5. Slower users should use inside lane

6. An adult must accompany children under age 10.

• Park District Residents ages 3 - 15 require a valid Resident Rate Card to pay the $5 fee

• Non-resident/resident without valid Resident ID must be accompanied by a Park District Resident

• Resident Rate Cards are free.

• Parent and child(ren) can obtain the ID at the Recreation Center front desk.

Tony RecreationBettenhausenCenter
$15 Park District
$15 Village Corporate $15
District Resident age 3+ with ID
(with a member only)
Resident without ID
PASS TYPE Park District Resident Village/Corporate Rate Individual $ 45 $ 75 Household of 2 $ 75 $135 Household of 3 $105 $195 Household of 4 $135 $255 Each Additional $30 $60 Senior (60+) $38 $70 Senior
Couple $61 $125
FAQ H O U R S October - April May -September Holiday Hours M-F 5:30 am -10:00 pm Sat 7:00 am - 8:00 pm Sun 7:00 am - 5:00 pm M-F 5:30 am - 9:00 pm Sat 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Sun 7:00 am - 4:00 pm CLOSED ON Easter • Memorial Day • July 4 • Labor Day • Christmas Thanksgiving: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm Christmas Eve: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm New Year’s Eve: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm New Year’s Day: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm 1/8 mile|run or walk 3 full size courts Open gym 7 days a week

SSSRA / Inclusion Statement

19910 80th Avenue 815-806-0384

Tinley Park, IL 60487 815-806-0390 (FAX)

www.sssra.org 711 (Illinois Relay System)

Mission Statement

To promote the power of choice and to enhance the quality of life of individuals of all abilities, by providing accessible recreation in an environment that promotes dignity, success, and fun.

South Suburban Special Recreation Association (SSSRA) is a therapeutic recreation program that is an extension of the Tinley Park-Park District. SSSRA is organized to provide individuals with special needs or disabilities the opportunity to be involved in year round recreation programs. Scholarships are available to SSSRA residents with disabilities who would like to participate in programs, but cannot afford the fees.

Inclusion Services

Individuals who have special needs are welcome to participate alongside their peers in any programs offered by our member park districts and recreation departments.

SSSRA is committed to providing a variety of recreation and leisure choices for individuals who have special needs. We believe that all individuals should be provided with leisure opportunities that allow for success at their highest level of ability. SSSRA realizes that park district and recreation department programs may be the best choice for some.

Through the Inclusion process, SSSRA staff members are available to help participants choose an appropriate program, conduct staff trainings, or supply adaptive equipment if you or a family member is interested in a park district or recreation department program.

Winter Spring 2023

SSSRA is excited to celebrate our 50th Anniversary. We are proud to continue to offer programs and special events that promote our mission and values. It has brought us so much joy over the years to see our participants having fun, learning new skills, smiling with their friends, creating a work of art, performing on stage, or heading on an adventure. All SSSRA participants who register for an in-person winter program will receive a limited edition, 50th Anniversary winter hat. Please visit www.sssra.org or call 815.806.0384 for more information and our complete winter spring brochure.

Basketball Basics – New!

Practice beginner basketball skills during the first part of class, then play games to showcase what you learned. No basketball experience required. All individuals must be registered to attend the program.

Ages 6 - 12

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center, Tinley Park

Monday, February 6 - March 6 5:00-6:00 pm

R: $47, NR: $63 Registration Deadline: Sunday, January 15

Teen Social Club

Join your friends for Friday night fun! Enjoy a variety of activities such as karaoke, trivia, ice cream socials, bowling and more! A detailed schedule is sent out prior to the program start date. Please bring a water bottle and wear athletic shoes weekly. All individuals must be registered to attend the program.

Ages 13 - 19

Various Locations

Friday, February 10 - March 10 6:00-8:00 pm

R: $100, NR: $135

Fishing Derby

Registration Deadline: Sunday, January 15

Get ready to reel in some fish! Come out to Centennial Lake and see what you can catch. Once you catch the fish, Fish Tales club members show you how to clean and cook them as well. Rods, reels, and bait are provided. We will sit together and enjoy what we have caught at picnic tables near the lake. Please note there is a short walk from the parking lot to the pier. All individuals must be registered to attend the program.

All ages

Centennial Lake, Tinley Park

Monday, May 8 5:30-8:00 pm

R: $13, NR: $18

Registration Deadline: Sunday, April 16


Tinley Park-Park District (TP-PD) welcomes participation in all programs and activities by individuals with disabilities and special needs. TP-PD is committed to inclusion and providing public recreation services in the most integrated setting in which interaction between people with and without disabilities is provided to the maximum extent feasible. TP-PD works cooperatively with South Suburban Special Recreation Association (SSSRA) to facilitate successful participation for those who register for inclusive programming. Visit tinleyparkdistrict.org for our complete inclusion statement and policies.

The Tinley Park-Park District follows the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for the purpose of employment, programs, services, activities and facilities.

FOLLOW US winter spring 2023


Park Pavilion Rentals

Tinley Park-Park District is home to over 40 beautiful park sites. Many of the parks offer pavilions that can be rented for your event.

Park Rental Procedures

Park rentals are on a first come-first served basis. Rentals must be completed in person at the Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center. Rentals are available from May 1 through October 22, 2023. Please note, some sites may be unavailable because of normal Park District programming use or park renovations.

First Day of Reservations

Resident January 16, 2023

Non-Resident April 1, 2023

Following the first day of reservations, rentals may be requested at the Bettenhausen Rec Center in person during normal business hours. Renters must present a valid driver's license or state ID at time of rental. Renters must be at least 21 years of age. Complete rules for renters, park amenities and pavilion availability can be found on our website.

Room Rentals

Host your next celebration with us!

The Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center offers rooms of various sizes to accommodate your event. Room rentals are available for a minimum of two hours. Please visit our website for the most current information on rentals and restrictions.

Rentals must be booked in person at Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center. Rentals require a minimum of 30 days advance reservation. You may book up to four months prior to your event date.

INFORMATION FUN STARTS HERE! 74 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023
Volunteer Park Pottawattomie Park

This opportunity is open to individuals, families, youth groups, neighborhood associations, service organizations, civic organizations, schools (school group and teams) businesses and community organizations. The program runs from April through October.

Benefits to and adopting group include a sign at the adopted park and discounts on certain rentals.

Visit our website for more information on the application process requirements and commitment.

your community pride into action! Adopt-A-Park in 2023!
Adopt-A-Park is the perfect program to get involved in the community and promotes civic pride, appreciation and awareness.
INFORMATION 75 FUN STARTS HERE! www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023 Adopt-A Park


The Landmark Museum and Church

6727 W. 174th Street • Tinley Park

Landmark Museum is a reproduction of the second school house in the Village of Tinley Park and later served as the first Village Hall. The Tinley Park Historical Society focuses on research and preservation of the history of Tinley Park and its environs. The Historical Society is always looking for artifacts, photographs, letters, deeds, postcards, calendars, old phone books, newspapers, etc., related to the Tinley Park area. Visit the Historical Society website at tinleyparkhistoricalsociety.org

Landmark Museum, Reference Library & Historical Society Hours

1st Sunday each month: 1-3 pm; 2nd Thursday each month: 6-8 pm; Wednesday: 10 am-2 pm

Landmark Wedding Chapel & Banquet Hall

The Old Zion Lutheran church was built in 1884 and retains its old world charm and beautiful stained glass windows. The non-denominational chapel is air conditioned and can comfortably accommodate 150 guests. The facilities can be rented for weddings, baptisms, memorial services, etc.

For information, rates and details, or to donate items to the Historical Society, call the Tinley Park Historical Society at (708) 429-4210 or email your inquiry to: tinleyparkhistoricalsociety@gmail.com.

Wedding Chapel Hours: Wednesdays 10 am-2 pm


• Recycling bins to collect glass, plastic and aluminum at various parks and facilities.

• Paper and cardboard used by staff is recycled

• Motor oil, batteries, tires and scrap metal used by the Maintenance Department

Let's work together! Please use our recycling bins and we encourage everyone to recycle at home!

Andrew High School .............................. 171st & 90th Avenue, Tinley Park Bannes School ..................................... 16835 S. Odell Avenue, Tinley Park Blackbird Academy 17054 Oak Park Avenue, Tinley Park Ch. Mike O'Connell Park ................. 17501 Bristol Park Drive, Tinley Park Canine Campus Dog Park ....................... 18200 84th Avenue, Tinley Park Central Middle School 18146 Oak Park Avenue, Tinley Park Farmhouse Academy ...................... 8940 W. 192nd Street, Unit L, Mokena Freedom Park .............................................. 7835 Timber Drive, Tinley Park Fulton School ............................................ 6601 W. 171st Street, Tinley Park Grissom Middle School ....................... 17001 S. 80th Avenue, Tinley Park Jaycee Grove ......................................... 16801 S. 80th Avenue, Tinley Park Keller School ............................................ 7846 W. 163rd Street, Tinley Park Kirby School .................................................. 173rd and Ozark, Tinley Park Landmark Museum 6727 W. 174th Street, Tinley Park Lewis Park............................................16801 Normandy Drive, Tinley Park McAuliffe School .................................... 8944 W. 174th Street, Tinley Park McCarthy Recreation Building 16801 S. 80th Avenue, Tinley Park Memorial School Park .................................. 6611 179th Street, Tinley Park Millennium School ............................... 17830 S. 84th Avenue, Tinley Park Pottawattomie Park ....................................... 9128 178th Street, Tinley Park Prairie View Middle School ................... 8500 W. 175th Street, Tinley Park T-Kap Studio ........................................... 6643 Glenview Drive, Tinley Park Tinley Park High School ......................... 6111 W. 175th Street, Tinley Park Tinley Fitness ............................................ 8125 W. 171st Street, Tinley Park Tinley Junction Mini Golf 16801 S. 80th Avenue, Tinley Park Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center . 8125 W. 171st Street, Tinley Park Tinley Park Performing Arts Center ... 16801 S. 80th Avenue, Tinley Park United Gymnastics Academy 6805 W. 159th Street, Tinley
Veterans Park ...........................................16001 Ozark Avenue, Tinley Park Vogt Visual Arts Center ............................ 17420 S. 67th Court, Tinley Park Vogt Woods Building ............................... 6527 W. 171st Street, Tinley Park Volunteer Park................................................ 8180 175th Street, Tinley Park White Mountain Golf Course ............... 9901 W. 179th Street, Orland Park White Water Canyon Water Park 8221 W. 171st Street, Tinley Park
76 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023

Registration Form


Thank you for providing your email. Tinley Park-Park District uses email to keep you informed of all program changes and cancellations.

All participants listed below must have completed information on reverse side of this form.

Make checks payable to Tinley Park-Park District.

*For your safety, DO NOT mail or drop-off cash or provide credit card information.

**After processing your registration, a receipt showing the balance due is emailed. Please pay online or in person within 48 hours. Enrollment will be cancelled if payment is not received within 48 hours.

Do you or your child(ren) need special accommodations to enjoy this program?


Team Name:


If yes, a two–week notice is required. YES

Tinley Park-Park District Inclusion Statment can be found in the seasonal brochure and at tinleyparkdistrict.org

Waiver and Release

Coaches are not allowed to make requests. Coaches’ children are automatically placed on their team.

Photos and video footage are periodically taken of people participating in a Park District program or activity, attending a class or event, or using District facilities or property. Please be aware that by registering for a program or class, participating in an activity, attending an event, or using District facilities or property, you authorize the District to use these photos and video footage for promotional purposes in District publications, advertising, marketing materials, brochures, event flyers, social media (including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites operated by the District), and the District’s website without additional prior notice or permission and without any compensation to you. All photos and videos are property of the District. The Tinley Park-Park District is committed to conducting its recreation programs and activities in a safe manner and holds the safety of participants in high regard. The Tinley Park-Park District continually strives to reduce such risks and insists that all participants follow safety rules and instructions that are designed to protect the participants’ safety. However, participants and parents/guardians of minors registering for this program/activity must recognize that there is an inherent risk of injury when choosing to participate in recreational activities/programs. You are solely responsible for determining if you or your minor child/ward are physically fit and/or skilled for the activities contemplated by this agreement. It is always advisable, especially if the participant is pregnant, disabled in any way or recently suffered an illness, injury or impairment, to consult a physician before undertaking any physical activity. Warning of Risk Recreational activities/programs are intended to challenge and engage the physical, mental and emotional resources of each participant. Despite careful and proper preparation, instruction, medical advice, conditioning and equipment, there is still a risk of serious injury when participating in any recreational activity/program. Understandably, not all hazards and dangers can be foreseen. Depending on the particular activity, participants must understand that certain risks, dangers and horseplay, unsportsmanlike conduct, premises defects, inadequate or defective equipment, inadequate supervision, instruction or officiating, and all other circumstances inherent to indoor and outdoor recreational activities/programs exist. In this regard, it must be recognized that it is impossible for the Tinley Park-Park District to guarantee absolute safety. Waiver and Release of All Claims and Assumption of Risk. Please read this form carefully and be aware that in signing up and participating in this program/activity, you will be expressly assuming the risk and legal liability and waiving and releasing all claims for injuries, damages or loss which you or your minor child/ward might sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with and associated with this program/activity (including transportation services/vehicle operation, when provided). I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in this program/activity, and I voluntarily agree to assume the full risk of any and all injuries, damages or loss, regardless of severity, that my minor child/ward or I may sustain as a result of said participation. I further agree to waive and relinquish all claims I or my minor child/ward may have (or accrue to me or my child/ward) as a result of participating in this program/activity against the (Tinley Park-Park District), including its officials, agents, volunteers and employees (hereinafter collectively referred as “Tinley Park-Park District”). I do hereby fully release and forever discharge the Tinley Park-Park District from any and all claims for injuries, damages or loss that my minor child/ward or I may have or which may accrue to me or my minor child/ward and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with this program/activity. I have read and fully understand the above important information, warning of risk, assumption of risk and waiver and release of all claims. If registering on-line or via fax, your on-line or facsimile signature shall substitute for and have the same legal effect as an original form signature.

Signature of parent, guardian or adult participant 18 years or older is required. Participation will be denied if the signature of participant/parent/guardian and date are not on this waiver.

In order to keep all teams evenly balanced, friendship requests cannot be made. COMPLETE BOTH

Participant’s Name Activity # Activity Name Days Dates Times Fee Shirt Size (if applicable)
ONLINE MAIL-IN/DROP-OFF IN PERSON Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W. 171st Street • Tinley Park IL 60477 Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W. 171st Street • Tinley Park IL 60477 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org User ID/password required Last Name First Name Email* Address Zip State City Phone Cell Home Work
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023



Res NR Village New HH Renewal Village Corporate Orland Township I.D. I.D. Yes No T.P. Village Address Pay Stub in T.P. Bill Birth Certificate(s) STAFF USE ONLY PROOF OF RESIDENCY Household # Category T.P. Village Property COMPLETE BOTH SIDES OF THIS FORM!
adult must show a valid Driver’s License or State I.D. with the same address
one additional approved item such as a major bill or lease/ mortgage with the same address
a copy of the Birth Certificate for each child
a complete list of requirements, rules and regulations, visit www.tinleyparkdistrict.org. Staff Use Only Date Initials Card Packet Tag Email sent Thank you for providing your email. Tinley Park-Park District uses email to keep you informed of all program changes and cancellations. Email* Birth Date Gender Phone Phone 2 Cell Home Work ADDITIONAL Last Name First Name � F Cell Home Work Email* Birth Date Gender Phone Phone 2 Cell Home Work PRIMARY PERSON Last Name First Name � F Cell Home Work Email* Birth Date Gender Phone Phone 2 Cell Home Work SECONDARY PERSON/ADDITIONAL Last Name First Name � F Cell Home Work Email* Birth Date Gender Phone Phone 2 Cell Home Work ADDITIONAL Last Name First Name � F Cell Home Work Email* Birth Date Gender Phone Phone 2 Cell Home Work ADDITIONAL Last Name First Name � F Cell Home Work Email* Birth Date Gender Phone Phone 2 Cell Home Work ADDITIONAL Last Name First Name � F Cell Home Work
HERE! 78 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023
Registration Form

Park Partners

Special thanks to our Park Partners!

A & M Mortgage-Tony Predy

Always Home Real EstateBrandy Cafarelli

Angler's Outlet

Aurelio’s Pizza

Banging Gavel Brewery

Bass Pro Shops

Bickford of Tinley Park


Crossmark Printing Design Perspectives

Dick's Sporting Goods

Direct Fitness Solutions

Dunkin’ Donuts

Evergreen Senior Living

Fishing Connection

Frosted Donuts

Gatto's Tinley Park

Hanover Place

Health Advocates

Hillgrove Tap

Homewood Disposal

Jimmy John’s Just Add Magic Travel

Kam Construction

Keller Williams Realty

Legends Sports Photography

Listing Leaders Northwest

Lou Malnati’s Pizza

Massage Envy

Marquette Bank

Merit Insurance Group

Peace Village

Plush Horse - Tinley Park

Pointe at Kilpatrick

Porter Place

REMAX 10 in the Park

Resource 55

Rubino Family


Saunoris Brothers

Sip Wine Bar

State Farm - Jim Fuentes

Ted’s Greenhouse

The Scoop

Tinley Park Public Library

V3 Companies

Village of Tinley Park

Waterford Estates

Windy City Thunderbolts

XS Nutrition

Memorial Trees & Benches

Memorial trees and park benches may be purchased in memory of a loved one, to commemorate a special occasion, to honor an oustanding accomplishment or as a gift that lasts a lifetime.

Pricing, locations and available tree species can be found at www.tinleyparkdistrict.org or the Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Contact Carol Bradtke at 708-342-4254 to learn about becoming Tinley Park-Park District Park Partner.
Jim Fuentes
FOLLOW US INFORMATION 79 FUN STARTS HERE! www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US winter spring 2023



NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS Canine Campus Dog Park 18200 84th Ave Tinley Junction Mini-Golf & Batting Cages 16801 S 80th Ave Extreme Skate Park 16801 S 80th Ave Tinley Park Performing Arts Center 16801 S 80th Ave Landmark Historical Church & Museum 6727 W 174th St Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W 171st St McCarthy Recreation Building 16801 S 80th Ave Vogt Visual Arts Center 17420 S 67th Ct Tinley Fitness 8125 W 171st St White Water Canyon Water Park 8221 W 171st St ACRES DOG FRIENDLY PICNIC SHELTER SHELTER PERMIT PLAYGROUND PATHWAY (miles) NATURAL AREA CONCESSION STAND ICE RINK BALL FIELD BASKETBALL SOCCER FIELD FOOTBALL FIELD TENNIS COURT VOLLEYBALL PICKLEBALL WATER FOUNTAIN Name Address Bannes Park 16499 Tanbark Dr 3.1 .18 1 1 Bettenhausen Park 16440 76th Ave 8.42 4* 1 1 Bicentennial Park 7100 Centennial Dr 17.56 .29 Bormet Park 16224 Bormet Dr .21 Buedingen Park 16612 Cherry Hill Ave 4.25 .29 1 Centanni Park 17146 S 84th Ave 2.2 .17 1 Centennial Park 7601 167th St 58.6 1.17 1 1 Central Middle School 18146 Oak Park Ave 10.4 1 1 Chief Mike O’Connell Park 17501 Bristol Park Dr 3.5 .28 1 Commissioners Park 8139 Hillcrest Ln 2.25 .14 Community Park 8125 W 171st St 60 .90 2* 4 2* 3* Creekside Lot 16607 76th Ave 1.07 Deinert Park 8557 Carriage Lane 4.6 .21 1 Filson Recreation Area 16441 Olcott Ave 3.4 2 Freedom Park 7835 Timber Drive 15 2* 1* 1* Fulton School Park 6601 W 171st St 5.2 1 Gasior Park 17231 Cambridge Pl 2.67 1 German Park 7859 163rd St .70 Gory Park 16300 Surrey Dr 6.82 .09 2 1 Gunther Sports Field 7229 170th Pl 8.35 3 Hirsch Park 6550 177th St .60 Jaycee Grove 16801 S 80th Ave .45 Kiwanis Park 8501 175th St 7.8 .36 2 Lancaster Woods 16908 Gaynelle Rd 2.15 Lewis Park 16801 Normandy Dr 5.55 .25 1 2* McAuliffe School Park 8944 W 174th St 3.22 1 McCarthy Park 16801 S 80th Ave 8.66 1* 1 Memorial Park 6641 W 171st St 5.86 .34 4* Memorial School Park 6611 179th St 4.2 1 Millenium School Park 17830 S 84th Ave 5 1 Nasebandt ‘Moose’ Park 7899 174th Pl 4.4 2 1 Paxton Lot 16550 Parliament Ave 1.08 Pottawattomie Park 9128 178th St 8 .43 1 Rauhoff Park 17701 Sayre Ave .41 Robert Allen McAllister Park 6014 Brittany Ln .39 Siemsen Meadows 7200 167th St 65.24 St. Boniface Park 16301 oak Park Ave 4.62 .25 1 Tharp Park 7800 Park Central Dr 3.4 .24 Tinley Terrace Tot Lot 6519 Terrace Dr .21 Town Pointe Park 8400 179th St 20.58 .25 1 Veteran’s Park 16001 Ozark Ave 9.43 .37 1 2 Vogt Woods 6527 W 171st 37.9 1* 1* Volunteer Park 8180 175th St 10.7 .33 1 1 1
* * *
Community Park Centennial Park Commissioners Park Bannes Park German Park Bormet Park Helen Keller School Veterans Park Paxton Lot McCarthy Park Jaycee Groove Gunther Sports Field Extreme Skate Park Tharp Park Freedom Park Town Pointe Park Millennium School Volunteer Park Po�awa�omie Park McAullife School Andrew High School Gory Park Buedingen Park Siemsen Meadows Meadows Disc Golf Filson Rec. Area Rauhoff Park Hirsch Park Central Middle School Central Middle School Park Memorial School Park Memoral School 175th Street 183rd Street 183rd Street 171st Street Kiwanis Park Centanni Park Deinert Park 159th Street 8 4 t h A v e . 8 0 t h A v e . H a r l e m A v e . H a r l e m A v e . Tinley Park High School Tinley Terrace Tot Lot R i d g e l a n d A v e . Kimberly Heights School McAllister Park Lewis Park Lancaster Woods Vogt Woods Fulton School Fulton School Park Memorial Park Landmark Museum and Church Vogt Visual Arts Center L a G r a n g e R o a d 167th Street St. Boniface Park Be�enhausen Park O’Connell Park Gasior Park Prairie View Junior High Bicentennial Park John Bannes School O a k P a r k A v e . Nasebandt “Moose” Park Canine Campus Millennium School Park Chicago Southwest Chris�an School Town Pointe Park 179th Street Kirby School 171st Street 151st Street Sand Volleyball McCarthy Rec Bldg To Centennial Park Entrance Ba ng Cages Thierault Baseball Field Playground Parks Department Parking Lot Entr ance Entr ance Performing Arts Center Tinley Junc on Mini Golf & Ba ng Cages Jaycee Grove Picnic Pavilion Mini-Golf Concessions Barn Gunther Sports Fields S8 0t hA ve Centennial Lake Entrance Entrance 167th Street 167thStreet South Picnic Pavilion Outdoor Fitness Zone Restroom North Picnic Pavilion Siemsen Meadows Disc Golf Course Fishing Piers McCarthy Park Basketball Court Jogmen Playground Soccer Field Extreme Skate Park Parking Lot Volleyball Court Midlothian Creek Water Fountain CENTENNIAL PARK McCARTHY PARK W 171st ST S8 0t hA ve Courts North Field South Field Parking Lot Tony Be enhausen Recrea on Center Sand Volleyball Parking Lot Pl ay gr ound Te nnis /P icklebal Bask etball Courts Entrance Entrance Soccer Fields The Band Shel Entr ance Bridge Bridge Pond G Soccer Fields Indoor Pool #1 #2 Concession Window Po rtable Re st r oom Pa rking Lo t COMMUNITY PARK
FUN flip! So much YOU’LL FOLLOW US 8221 W 171st | Tinley Park, IL | 708-342-4200 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Tinley Park, IL Permit No. 51 *****************ECRWSS**************** RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER 8125 W. 171st St. Tinley Park, IL 60477 708-342-4200 TINLEY PARK-PARK DISTRICT membership passes on sale march 1, 2023! early bird discount ends May 19! opening day june 3, 2023

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