Fall 2023 Activity Guide

Page 18

FALL 2023 activity

FALL 2023 activity

guide experience the fun! resident REGISTRATION begins august 8! Non-residents August 22!

guide experience the fun!

Ghostly Golf Page 6 Monster Mash Page 7 Supper with Santa Page 9 Winter Wonderland Page 7

Contact Us

A dministr Ative stAff

Executive Director .............................. Shawn Roby

Superintendent of Recreation ...... Meghan Fenlon

Superintendent of Parks ................. Ryan Veldman

Facilities Manager .......................... Sean Caddigan

Business Manager ......................... Thomas Leeson

Marketing Manager ......................... Carol Bradtke

Tinley Fitness Manager .................. Kevin Hullinger

Recreation Supervisor .................. Marcy Orellana

Recreation Supervisor ............. Bailey O’ConnellM

Tot Time/Recreation Supervisor Debbie Maloney

Athletic Supervisor ..................... Ron Woodworth

Aquatics Supervisor ....................... Mandi Vinson

BoArd of Commissioners

Board Meetings

Held the third Wednesday of each month at the Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center. Committee meeting at 6:00 pm immediately followed by Board meeting. Visit our website for more information.

Mission Statement

The Tinley Park-Park District is committed to creative recreational programming opportunities and outstanding customer service while providing and maintaining quality recreational facilities and parks to enhance the quality of life in Tinley

www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Fall
Marie Ryan President 2003-Present Donald Cuba Treasurer 2021-Present Ashley Rubino Secretary 2019-Present Bernie O’Boyle Vice President 2015-Present
Park. Adminstration/Info 708-342-4200 Advertising ........................................... 708-342-4254 Aquatics ............................................... 708-342-4278 Childcare .............................................. 708-342-4255 Day Camp 708-342-4205 Field Rentals 708-342-4208 Human Resources ................................ 708-342-4203 Marketing ............................................. 708-342-4254 Memorial Tree & Bench ...................... 708-342-4254 Parks & Maintenance 708-342-4261 Park Pavilion Rentals 708-342-4200 Personal Training ................................. 708-342-4255 Programs: Adults ................................................. 708-342-4205 Athletics 708-342-4214 Aquatics ............................................. 708-342-4278 Arts .................................................... 708-342-4212 Dance ................................................. 708-342-4202 Early Childhood/Youth 708-342-4202 Health & Fitness 708-342-4205 Martial Arts ........................................ 708-342-4205 Mature Adults .................................... 708-342-4212 Music Lessons .................................... 708-342-4202 Performing Arts 708-342-4212 Swim Lessons 708-342-4278 Teens .................................................. 708-342-4205 Tennis ................................................. 708-342-4208 Tot Time Preschool ............................ 708-342-4202 Trips And Excursions 708-342-4200 Special Events 708-342-4200 Sponsorships ........................................ 708-342-4254 Race Series ........................................... 708-342-4208 Rainout Line 708-779-6010 Room Rentals 708-342-4200 Tinley Fitness ....................................... 708-342-4255
Commissioner 2021-Present
Lisa O'Donovan

K a m l e s h J a i n

B r a n c h S a l e s M a n a g e r

B a n k e r s w h o a r e i n v e s t e d i n y o u .

T h a t ’ s b u s i n e s s b a n k i n g

d o n e r i g h t . R i g h t n o w .

T h a t ’ s R e p u b l i c B a n k o f C h i c a g o .

r b a n k c h i c a g o . c o m / k a m l e s h j a i n

8 . 4 2 9 . 8 2 0 8

Behavior Policy

Tinley Park-Park District has an established behavior policy relative to inappropriate behavior. Inappropriate behavior is defined as that which disrupts a recreation program/activity and requires a class instructor/staff member to call for a stop of the behavior due to its effect on other participants or on the instructor's ability to conduct the program. Such behavior may call for immediate and/or permanent dismissal of the individual from the program. Additional rules may be developed for individual programs/activities as deemed necessary by the staff.

Photos And Videos

Photos and video footage are periodically taken of people participating in a Park District program or activity, attending a class or event, or using District facilities or property. Please be aware that by registering for a program or class, participating in an activity, attending an event, or using District facilities or property, you authorize the District to use these photos and video footage for promotional purposes in District publications, advertising, marketing materials, brochures, event flyers, social media (including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites operated by the District), and the District’s website without additional prior notice or permission and without any compensation to you. All photos and videos are property of the District.

Proof of Park District residency is required with valid driver’s license or state ID and one item listed below: Current Tax Bill / Lease

Current Month's Utility Bill

Voter's Registration Card

Vehicle Registration Programs are designed for specific ages as listed in the description. Thus, required proof of household residency and age for all children is established by presenting the birth certificate.

•Resident fees apply to those living within Park District boundaries. Additional fees apply to non-residents for memberships, activities and special events.

•Pre-registration required for classes unless otherwise noted. Only registered participants are allowed in the class—no substitutions.

•All fees are per person attending the activity, program or event unless otherwise noted.

•Individuals may only register themselves and individuals listed in their household account.

•When a class fills, a waiting list is formed.

•Bring the receipt to the program/event/trip to verify enrollment.

•Mail-in payments accepted by check payable to Tinley Park-Park District. The Park District is not responsible for lost/late mail.

•The Park District reserves the right to cancel or postpone activities. See Cancellation Policy.

•Programs in school locations subject to cancelation for school activities

•Complete entire registration form including signature of patron or parent/guardian or use online registration.

Registration Dates New Households FAQ Registration Activity Locations ................................... 60 Adults & Teens .................................. 44-47 Adopt-A-Park .......................................... 63 Aquatics ................................................. 13 Athletics (Adult) ................................ 40-41 Athletics (Youth) ............................... 32-39 Batting Cage Rentals ............................... 57 Bettenhausen Recreation Center ........... 52 Birthday Parties ...................................... 18 Board of Commissioners . Inside front Cover Canine Campus .................................. 4 & 6 Contact Us ...................... Inside front cover Creative Arts ..................................... 24-29 Early Childhood and Youth ............... 14-23 Facility Information .................................. 3 Fall Arts & Crafts Fair ................................ 7 Health and Fitness ............................ 50-53 Job Fair ................................................... 55 Landmark Church and Museum ............. 60 Martial Arts ....................................... 42-43 Mature Adults ................................... 48-49 Meadows Disc Golf. .................................. 4 Memorial Trees & Benches ...................... 4 Park District Map .................................... 65 Park Pavilion Rentals .............................. 56 Performing Arts Center .......................... 30 Registration Info ....................................... 2 Registration Form .............................. 61-62 Room Rentals .................................. 4 & 56 Special Events ....................................... 5-9 Sponsors..................................................63 Turkey Trot 5K ........................................... 5 SSSRA/ADA Info ................................. 58-59 Tinley Fitness .................................... 10-12 Trips & Excursions .................................. 54 Vogt Visual Arts Center .......................... 31 Page
Table Of Contents
Scan for online registration INFORMATION Experience the FUN! 2 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Fall 2023

Refund Policy

One day programs: Refund must be requested one week prior to date of program. Refunds only granted if your space can be filled.

Multi-week programs: Refund must be requested prior to second class. Supplies/staffing costs are non-refundable and are deducted from the refund amount.

Youth/Adult Athletic Leagues: Refunds are not granted after coach/captain meeting has occurred and teams are announced.

Cancelation Policy

The Park District reserves the right to cancel any program due to insufficient enrollment and issue refunds. The Park District reserves the right to change, adapt or reschedule any program variables, including instructors, dates, days, times, locations, etc.

tony Bettenhausen reCreation Center 8125 W. 171st Street (708) 342-4200

tinley fitness 8125 W. 171st Street (708) 342-4255

White Water Canyon Water Park 8221 W. 171st Street (708) 342-4200

Canine CamPus Dog Park 18200 84th Avenue 708) 342-4200

tinley JunCtion miniature golf & Batting Cages 16801 S. 80th Avenue (708)342-4284

Vogt Visual arts Center 17420 S. 67th Court (708) 614-6503

tinley Park Performing arts Center 16801 S. 80th Avenue

FAQ Resident ID

The free Resident ID Card is required for Park District resident children under age 16 to pay resident rate daily admission to the White Water Canyon Water Park or Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center. To ensure residency privileges are not abused, all resident patrons must prove their residency within the Tinley Park-Park District boundaries to receive the discounted resident rate. Report cards and school IDs do not prove residency. A parent must accompany their child(ren) age 15 and younger to the Recreation Center front desk to obtain the Resident ID Card. Those aged 16+ use their Driver’s License for identification.


The Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center offers Park District residents a great opportunity to run, walk, play basketball or volleyball indoors. Get some exercise, have fun with friends, reduce stress or just take time out for you! Free wi-fi while in the building. Visit tinleyparkdistrict.org for complete Recreation Center information and membership rates.

Get more with a Tinley Fitness membership! The affordable rates include state-of-theart cardiovascular and strength equipment, a four lane ADA lap pool, group, aquatic and cycling classes, access to basketball courts and indoor walking track and a locker room complete with sauna. For complete Tinley Fitness info visit tinleyparkdistrict.org

White Water Canyon Water Park is 5 acres of splashing, sliding water fun for the whole family featuring a zero-depth entry pool, interactive kid’s play area, three slides, a three meter drop slide, diving board, lazy river, children’s Spray Ground and a giant sand play area. Quench your thirst and satisfy your hunger at Canyon Cafe. Season passes go on sale March 1 each year. Visit tinleyparkdistrict.org/waterpark/ for rates, hours and amenities.

Canine Campus is a 10 acre off-leash dog park featuring separate fenced-in areas for small dogs (under 26 lb.) and large dogs. The affordable membership allows your dog to socialize and run free safe from street hazards. Open dawn to dusk, 365 days per year! Find membership fees, rules and regulations at tinleyparkdistrict.org/canine-campus/

Tinley Junction Miniature Golf & Batting Cages is the place for family-friendly fun featuring an 18 hole miniature golf course, five professional batting cages and an express concession stand. The Junction is perfect for birthday parties, outings and adding fun to any picnic! You can choose from the five party packages offered! Visit tinleyparkdistrict.org for hours, golf and batting cage fees, specials and party information.

Vogt Visual Arts Center, once home to Tinley Park’s first mayor, Henry Vogt, opened as the VVAC in 1996 housing all of the Park District’s fine arts classes and an art gallery. The art gallery features monthly exhibits of works by various local and well-known artists. See page 31 for upcoming gallery schedule. Classes can be found on pages 28 and 29.

The Tinley Park Performing Arts Center is the home of our very own Tinley Park Community Theater, Kidz, Holiday, Children and Teen Theater and many other performing arts programs. The 120 seat theater is available for rentals for corporate meetings, theater performances, entertainment venues and more. Please call (708) 342-4200 for more information. Class and performance information can be found on pages 26, 27 and 30.

INFORMATION 3 Experience
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Fall 2023 FOLLOW US
the FUN!
and THE MEADOWS PARK 18200 84th Ave • Tinley Park, IL 60477 • 708-342-4200 4 • • • •

Awards are given for first, second and third-place runners in all age categories, male and female, based on chip timing. The best overall resident and non-resident male and female runners also receive an award.

Pre-registration: Closes Nov 2 at 3:00pm. Race Day registration and pre-registration pick-up open at 7:00 am.

Packet pick-up: Nov 4 from 8:00am-2:00pm at the Recreation Center.

Location: Vogt Woods DATE

Nov 5 Sun 8-10a $16 (no shirt) / $22 includes shirt $30

AGE DIVISIONS 9 and under 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
to sign-up!

Day Out with Grandma/Grandpa

Celebrate Grandparents Day with your favorite grandchild(ren)! Games, crafts, puzzles and ice cream sundaes make anyone smile while spending time with your special someone!

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees

$10 R / $13 NR

Scholastic Back to School Book Fair

Reading can take you anywhere! Explore a variety of preschool and youth books as well as special items for sale.

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center


Sep 13 & 14 Wed & Thu 4-7p

Daddy/Daughter Date Night

Daddy Daughter Date Night at the Tinley Junction Miniature Golf Course includes dinner, miniature golf, crafts and lots of fun!

Location: Tinley Junction

Fees per person: $15 R / $20 NR

Doggie Pup-kin Fest

Get ready for Falltastic Fun while we pamper our pooches at this fun-filled event. This free event is open to the public. Dogs who threaten/show aggression toward other dogs/owners will be asked to leave. This is a great time to check out Canine Campus before you purchase a membership.

Location: Canine Campus

23 Sat 10-11:30a

Ghostly Golf

Calling all ghouls and goblins for a weekend of Halloween mini-golf! Wear a costume and get a frightful treat. Regular golf fees apply.

Location: Tinley Junction

Who You Gonna Call?

There's something strange…in your neighborhood…it’s the ‘Who You Gonna Call’ event featuring a ghost hunt along the path, meet-and-greet with the Windy City Ghostbusters, the movie Ghostbusters: Afterlife, ghostly games and activities.

Location: McCarthy Park

Fees: $5 R / $7 NR

Secondhand Treasures Garage Sale

The Secondhand Treasures Garage Sale is back! Come out and peruse the huge selection of treasures waiting for you!

Location: Parking Lot @ White Water Canyon Water Park


Oct 7 Sat 8:30a-1:30p

EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION: Is it time to sell your difficult to part with treasures? Register early to be an exhibitor! The Park District provides advertising and a selling space.

Fees: $20 R / $26 NR


311704-A Oct 7 Sat 8:30a-1:30p Adult


ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 311028-A Sep 22 Fri 5-7p 2+
Oct 7 Sat
Oct 8 Sun
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 311080-A Sep 10 Sun 11a-12:30p 2+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 311010-A Sep 30 Sat 6:30-9:30p

Fall Arts & Crafts Fair

Shoppers-This fair highlights many of the talented crafters in the community featuring all handmade items.

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Frightastic Fun Pumpkin Contest

Wear your costume and get ready for a frightfully fun time. We provide the pumpkin, carving tools, patterns and extra items to bling out your entry. You bring creativity and hard work. Pumpkins are entered in the crowd’s choice contest! Crafts, snacks and more!

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $22 R / $29 NR

EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION: Only handmade items for sale by exhibitors. No manufactured or resale items allowed. Exhibitors can purchase one or two spaces in Tickets section of the online registration system or at Bettenhausen Recreation Center. Spaces are roughly 8’x6’.A limited number of tables available to rent. Additional requirements are printed on the receipt.

Monsters Inc Pajama Party (PG)

The “Scare Specialist” monsters Sully and Mike Wazowski accidentally let Boo into their world, and life turns upside down. Now the fate of the monster world lies with these best friends. In pajama party style, enjoy crafts, refreshments and games before settling in to watch the movie!

Location: Tinley Park Performing Arts Center

per person over age 3: $5 R / $7 NR

Monster Mash Dance

Join us for a family-friendly Halloween Dance complete with a DJ spinning spooktacular tunes, a haunted house inflatable for those who dare, snacks, crafts, games and so much more! Every person over age 2 must register for the fun!

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees per person over age 2: $10 R / $13 NR

Princess & Pancake Party

All of our favorite princesses are cordially invited to a spectacular royal event. Dress in your favorite princess outfit to enjoy a delightful pancake breakfast. This magical morning is filled with fairytales, crafts, games and other princess activities. Drop off your princesses for a fairy-tastic time!

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $18 R / $23 NR

Pumpkin Plunge

Splash around to spooky tunes! Pick a pumpkin from the floating pumpkin patch! Play games and more! Pre-registration is required for this fun-filled afternoon.

Location: Tinley Fitness

Fees: $8 R / $18 NR

Dress the Turkey Contest

Enter the Dress the Turkey Contest! Astronauts? Doctors? Football Players? Grab your feathers, sequins, markers, glitter and imagination to create the best dressed turkey ever! Pick up the paper turkey to “dress” from November 1 to November 11 at the Bettenhausen Rec Center. Return your entry to the Rec Center by November 15 to be entered in the contest.

Age groups for prizes: 4-6, 7-10, 11-15, 16+

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 311034-A Oct 27 Fri 6-8p Families
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 311037-A Oct 17 Tue 5:30-6:45p All
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 311029-A Nov 4 Sat 10:30a-12p 3-7
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 312113-A Oct 29 Sun 3-5p All
Sat 9a-2p
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 311011-A Oct 22 Sun 1-3:30p 3+

Santa’s Mailbox

Due to the large volume of Christmas mail last year, the Tinley Park-Park District is helping deliver mail to the North Pole. Santa’s mailbox is available November 1 through 19 in the lobby of the Bettenhausen Recreation Center. Remember to include the child's full name and address so Santa can reply to their letters! Santa is super busy so he can only answer letters received by November 19.

Ages: 3-12 only!

Smile With Santa

Calls from Santa

Ho! Ho! Ho! The Park District has made special arrangements for Santa to call children ages 4-10. To receive a call, participants must complete one of Santa’s special calling forms at the Bettenhausen Rec Center between November 15 and 30. Calls are made starting December 1, between 5 and 8 pm, and until all calls are made. Santa makes one phone call per house and talks to each registered child at that time.

Don’t miss your chance to have your picture taken with Santa! Other photo options are available 10 minutes after your pictures are taken. Fee must be paid before the photos are taken. Please bring cash, a check or debit/credit card. Appointments are scheduled every 3 minutes starting at 10am and ending at 2pm. No waiting or standing in long lines! Photo packages are mailed to your home by December 6.

Location: Recreation Center

Fee: $15 package includes: (1) 5x7, (2) 3x5’s, (8) wallets $15 for a CD of photos

Fee for additional photos: (1) 5X7=$7, (2) 5X7’s=$10, 3 or more 5x7’s =$4 each

DATES DAY TIME Schedule your appointments with Debbie Maloney at Nov 18 Sat 10a-2p 708-342-4202 or debbie.maloney@tinleyparkdistrict.org

Oh No, Not My Gumdrop Buttons!

Cinnamon and spice and everything nice go into our gingerbread houses. You make it even sweeter with candy decorations and love. Each family decorates their house with candy, candy and more candy (with a little more candy added in for good measure). Our assistant Gingerbread Builder can provide creative expertise and maybe even teach you how to create a new decoration or two. Registration is per gingerbread house; register an additional family member if you wish to make multiple houses.

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $35 R / $46 NR

Rudolph Dash

Santa’s reindeer are busy training for the big night. Join us as we have some fun getting in shape too! We warm up with fun fitness activities then head to the indoor track for our dash! Kids run the track and a special visitor meets them at the finish line. Once everyone finishes their dash, runners can enjoy frozen hot chocolate, cookies and crafts! Parents do not stay for activities

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $15 R / $20 NR

Summer in December

Grab your Hawaiian shirts and beach bag! Tinley Fitness is celebrating summer....in December! Pre-registration is required.

Location: Tinley Fitness Fees: $5 R / $10 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306639-A Dec 1 Fri 5:30-6:30p 4-6 306639-B Dec 1 Fri 5:30-6:30p 7-9
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 312113-B Dec 10 Sun 3-5p All 8
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 311005-A Dec 1 Fri 5:30-8p Families

Winter Wonderland Frosty Fest

The gym is transformed into a winter wonderland complete with a DJ spinning holiday tunes, Santa, Mrs. Claus, Rudolph and other friends to dance and take photos with! Enjoy hot cocoa and Christmas cookies to decorate, crafts and games! This is a family fun dance and event and every person over age 2 must register!

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees per person: $10 R / $13 NR

Supper with Santa

Start the holiday season having supper with Santa! Enjoy dinner, games, crafts and a special visit from Santa himself! Adults and children over 12 months must register for the event.

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $18 R / $23 NR (under 12 months are free; does not include food or prizes)

Jingles and Jammies

Come dressed in your jammies for a fun night of holiday games and activities! A scavenger hunt and holiday snacks are included in the festivities. Parents drop off their children for a fun filled night of holiday cheer!

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $12 R / $15 NR

Olaf's Winter Wonderland of Golf!

The Junction mini-golf course has Frozen Fever! Everyone on the course must register; come anytime during the event to golf and enjoy the activities. Kids 12 and under receive a goody bag upon completion of the course. Each golfer receives a mini sundae, hot cocoa and other surprises. Enjoy the warming bonfire pit perfect for roasting marshmallows. Dress warmly—this event occurs snow or shine! Location: Tinley Junction

$12 R / $15 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 311006-A Dec 19 Tue 4:30-5:30p 4-8
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 311012-A Jan 13 Sat 9:30a-12:30p 4+ 9
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 311008-A Dec 8 Fri 6-8p All ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 311007-A Dec 15 Fri 5:30-7p All


*Village/Corporate Rate applies to those living in the Village of Tinley Park but outside Park District boundaries and those working within the Village. Proof of Residence and employment status (current pay stub) required.

**Initiation Fee includes member orientation, equipment overview and two free guest passes.

H O U R S October - April May -September Holiday Hours M-F 5:30 am -10:00 pm Sat 7:00 am - 8:00 pm Sun 7:00 am - 5:00 pm M-F 5:30 am - 9:00 pm Sat 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Sun 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed Easter • Memorial Day July 4 • Labor Day • Christmas Thanksgiving: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm Christmas Eve: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm New Year’s Eve: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm New Year’s Day: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm MONTHLY
PARK DISTRICT RESIDENT VILLAGE/CORPORATE RESIDENT* NON-RESIDENT INITIATION FEE** INDIVIDUAL $37 $43 $48 $50 EACH ADDITIONAL (same address) $21 $29 $36 $25 SENIOR (age 60+) $30 $38 $43 $25 EACH ADDITIONAL (60+/same address) $14 $24 $31
Ask about our ActiveMilitaryDiscounts and Student Memberships

Experience the FUN! Tinley Fitness

Aqua Boot Camp

This high-intensity, low-impact training class is designed to help you reach your fitness goals! No swimming skills are needed to participate.

Instructor: Melissa

Location: Tinley Fitness Fees: $40 R / $55 NR

Group Exercise and Pool Schedules

Tinley Fitness members can take a variety of group exercise and aquatic classes included in their membership. Class schedules are available at the front desk and online at www.tinleyparkdistrict.org.

Birthday Parties

Your birthday party makes a splash at Tinley Fitness! You and your guests have exclusive access to the pool and adjoining party room for two hours. Birthday party rentals are available Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Get more information and book your party at the Fitness Center front desk or by calling 708-342-4278.

Wellness Programs

Tinley Fitness members are able to participate in many additional Wellness Programs offered by our Personal Trainers. These programs are a great complement to your regular workouts and provide total health and wellness opportunities to achieve your goals!

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 312002-A Oct 1-22 Sun 9-10a 13+ 312002-B Oct 29-Nov 19 Sun 9-10a 13+
Personal Training / ( / ( / ( / ( ) / / Customized Workout Plans Experienced Professionals Mo�va�on and Support
Carrie Tammy Mark Gina Melissa Vikki Heather
Trainer bios and facility info here

Experience the FUN!

Swim Lessons Save Lives


There are no make-up classes for illness or vacations. If participant cancels a session less than seven days prior to the start date, a cancellation fee of $25 is charged.


Star Babies

Star Babies introduces infants and toddlers to the water in a fun environment with songs, activities and water safety. Parent(s)/ Guardian must always be in the water with child.

Instructor: Aquatics Staff

Location: Tinley Fitness

$60 R / $80 NR

Star Tots

Children 4-5 years old work on floating, submerging,, water movement, safety, survival skills and foundational swimming concepts in a safe and fun environment

Instructor: Aquatics Staff

Location: Tinley Fitness

Fees: $65 R / $85 NR

Group Swim Lessons

Through instruction, children focus on swim techniques of the trust/survival float, treading water, body positions and air recovery, forward movement and direction change.

Instructor: Aquatics Staff

Location: Tinley Fitness

$80 R / $110 NR

Private Swim Lessons

One-on-one private lessons are for all ages and abilities. Participants are contacted by the Aquatics Supervisor to schedule the lessons to begin on or after October 2, 2023.

Location: Tinley Fitness

Fees: $105 R / $148 NR

Beginner Junior Life Guarding Skills

Young teens interested in becoming a lifeguard are introduced to basic lifeguarding skills. Students have an opportunity to shadow a Park District lifeguard to get a better understanding of the job.

Location: Tinley Fitness Fees: $80 R / $100 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 312100-A Sep 18-Oct 11 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 6 mo-3 312100-B Oct 23-Nov 15 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 6 mo-3 312100-C Nov 27-Dec 20 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 6 mo-3 312100-D Jan 8-31 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 6 mo-3 312100-E Sep 23-Nov 11 Sat 9-9:30a 6 mo-3 312100-F Jan 6-Feb 24 Sat 9-9:30a 6 mo-3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 312108-A Sep 18-Oct 11 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 4-5 312108-B Oct 23-Nov 15 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 4-5 312108-C Nov 27-Dec 20 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 4-5 312108-D Jan 8-31 Mon & Wed 5:50-6:20p 4-5 312108-E Sep 23-Nov 11 Sat 9-9:30a 4-5 312108-F Jan 6-Feb 24 Sat 9-9:30a 4-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 312200-A Sep 18-Oct 11 Mon & Wed 6:30-7:15p 6-12 312200-B Oct 23-Nov 15 Mon & Wed 6:30-7:15p 6-12 312200-C Nov 27-Dec 20 Mon & Wed 6:30-7:15p 6-12 312200-D Jan 8-31 Mon & Wed 6:30-7:15p 6-12 312200-E Sep 23-Nov11 Sat 9:40-10:25a 6-12 312200-F Jan 6-Feb 24 Sat 9:40-10:25a 6-12
Oct 2 Mon & Wed All 312218-B Oct 7 Sat All
AGE 312218-A
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 312008-A Oct 16-19 Mon-Thu 5-8p 11-15
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Fall 2023 FOLLOW US

Early Childhood & Youth

Do something together!

The classes on these two pages offer in person and virtual classes in music, cooking and even sign language to ensure you have opportunities to discover new experiences with your toddlers and preschoolers.

Miss. Phallon’s classes are play-based music and movement classes that allow mini musicians to explore many different genres of music such as Hip Hop, Flamenco, Rock & Roll, Jazz and Disco. Each class offers focus on different developmental skills for your child! These adult participation classes keep grownups grooving and little ones moving to remixes of old school jams and nursery rhymes all the way through!

Baby Bounce, Babble & Shake

This marvelous class utilizes appropriate musical instruments, interactive songs and movements to encourage and stimulate your child’s music appreciation, language and motor skills.

Instructor: Miss Phallon

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $65 R / $85 NR

Rug Time Remix

Rug time remix radically revamps classic nursery rhymes, sing-a-longs and popular music of today to meet kiddos where they are and teaches them the fundamentals of literacy, S.T.E.A.M. and musicianship!

Instructor: Miss Phallon

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $65 R / $85 NR

Once Upon a Song

Once upon a song is a play-based music and movement class where minimusicians explore a new genre of music such as Hip Hop, Flamenco, Rock & Roll, Jazz or Opera every six weeks!

Instructor: Miss Phallon

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $65 R / $85 NR

Mini Music Makers

Join the local music school Edge Music Academy for an early childhood music class. This is a perfect way for young children to experience music in an intimate, hands-on setting.

Instructor: Edge Music Academy

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $65 R / $85 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 301017-A Sep 12-Oct 17 Tue 9-9:40a 1-2 301017-B Nov 7-Dec 12 Tue 9-9:40a 1-2
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 301018-A Sep 12-Oct 17 Tue 10-10:40a 1-2 301018-B Nov 7-Dec 12 Tue 10-10:40a 1-2
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 301019-A Sep 12-Oct 17 Tue 11-11:40a 1-3 301019-B Nov 7-Dec 12 Tue 11-11:40a 1-3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 301020-A Sep 12-Oct 17 Tue 12-12:30p 1-5 301020-B Nov 7-Dec 12 Tue 12-12:30p 1-5
EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH 14 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Experience the FUN!
Fall 2023

Experience the FUN!

Early Childhood & Youth

American Sign Language

Learn the basics of American Sign Language with your young child from the comfort of home in a fun, interactive and lively online class.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $70 R / $90 NR

American Sign Language

Join us from the comfort and convenience of your living room as you and your youngster learn to sign in a fun, interactive and lively environment.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR


Kids can go anywhere from the pages of a book! We start each class with a story and do activities based on what we read.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $43 R / $56 NR

The Two of Us

Spend special time doing fun activities with your child while meeting other parents in the community.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $51 R / $66 NR

Just You and Me

You and your little one play games, enjoy free play and activities, make crafts and listen to story time in a social setting!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Let's Get Cooking

This is a culinary delight for the little ones and their adult partner! We create some delightful snacks so bring your appetite!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $53 R / $68 NR

$46 R / $60 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 301004-A Sep 12-Oct 17 Tue 10:30-11:15a 2-3 301004-B Oct 31-Dec 5 Tue 10:30-11:15a 2-3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 301109-A Sep 11-Oct 23 Mon 6-6:45p 2-3 10/9 301109-B Nov 6-Dec 11 Mon 6-6:45p 2-3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 301111-A Sep 12-Oct 17 Tue 9-9:45a 2-3 301111-B Oct 31-Dec 5 Tue 9-9:45a 2-3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 301023-A Sep 12-Oct 17 Tue 5-5:30p 9 mo-3 301023-B Oct 24-Nov 28 Tue 5-5:30p 9 mo-3 301023-C Dec 5-Jan 9 Tue 5-5:30p 9 mo-3 301023-D Jan 16-Feb 20 Tue 5-5:30p 9 mo-3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 301178-A Sep 14-Oct 19 Thu 10-10:30a 2-4 301178-B Nov 2-Dec 14 Thu 10-10:30a 2-4 11/23
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 301024-A Sep 12-Oct 17 Tue 5:45-6:25p 3-6 301024-B Oct 24-Nov 28 Tue 5:45-6:25p 3-6 301024-C Dec 5-Jan 9 Tue 5:45-6:25p 3-6 301024-D Jan 16-Feb 20 Tue 5:45-6:25p 3-6 15
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH Fall 2023

Early Childhood & Youth

Dino Hour in the Park

One hour of dinosaur discovery fun features real dinosaur fossils, a craft to take home and a dino dig. The program is held outdoors unless weather conditions require us to move inside.

Instructor: T-Rex Explorers

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center Fees: $32 R / $41 NR

Pixie Poms

Get your pompons out! It’s time to shout and move about! Students learn cheers, songs and simple dance routines.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

$55 R / $70 NR

On My Way

This 14-week program prepares your child for preschool by presenting the basic skills, stressing social development and the importance of learning through play.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $143 R / $183 NR

Run and Fun

Children run off some energy in this class while they participate in exercise, relays, scooter races and many different games!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

$41 R / $53 NR

Fun with Paint

Your child explores different paints (finger-paints, watercolors, etc.) and what we can do with each type of paint.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $46 R / $60 NR

All by Myself

Need a little time all by yourself? Let your child join us in a fun, relaxed and supervised atmosphere with a mix of free play, activities and lots of fun and games!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $65 R / $85 NR

Lunch 'N Learn

This program is offered to morning Tot Time Preschool students and new friends too! Children must bring a peanutfree sack lunch and drink.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $66 R / $85 NR


Join us for prehistoric fun! Children explore the dinosaur world through stories, songs and crafts.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $46 R / $60 NR

Creative Cookies

Join the Cookie Club! Each week you create a delicious cookie. While the cookies bake, we enjoy stories and games!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $55 R / $71 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 301000-A Oct 18 Wed 4:30-5:30p 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 301041-A Sep 11-Oct 23 Mon 10-11:15a 3-5 10/9 301041-B Nov 6-Dec 11 Mon 10-11:15a 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 301043-A Nov 1-Dec 13 Wed 11:45a-1p 4-5 11/22
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 301067-A Nov 6-Dec 11 Mon 11:45a-12:30p 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 301102-A Sep 13-Dec 20 Wed 9:30-11a 3-5 11/22
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 301108-A Sep 11-Nov 20 Mon 5:30-6:15p 4-6 10/9
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 301154-B Sep 15-Oct 20 Fri 11:45a-12:30p 3-5 301154-D Nov 3-Dec 15 Fri 11:45a-12:30p 3-5 11/24
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 301163-A Sep 15-Oct 20 Fri 3-3:45p 4-6 301163-B Nov 3-Dec 15 Fri 3-3:45p 4-6 11/24
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 301165-A Nov 2-Dec 14 Thu 5-5:45p 4-6 11/23 EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH 16 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Experience the FUN!
Fall 2023

Experience the FUN!

Early Childhood & Youth


Kids love some stuffing fun with these themed baskets! Each basket includes: one unstuffed animal, fluff to stuff, wishing star, birth certificate, craft and book. The Stuffed with Love gift baskets are wrapped in a bow & ready to go!!!

Back to School

ABC...123... Who's ready to head back to school? Grab this basket to commence all the fun you're about to have this year! This basket includes a schoolbook

Instructor: Heather Lynn

Pick up Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $39 R / $50 NR

Spooktakular Halloween

Scarecrows, pumpkins, and leaves galore...this basket is full of fall fun for everyone including a Halloween costume!

Instructor: Heather Lynn

Pick up Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $39 R / $50 NR

Give Thanks

There is so much to be thankful for! Gather your little pilgrims and embark on an imaginary journey with new lands, new friends, a feast and thankful hearts!!

Instructor: Heather Lynn

Pick up Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $39 R / $50 NR

Winter Stuffing Party


Brrrr, it's cold outside! Stay warm and make a snow-friend inside instead! Don't worry, this special stuffy won't melt!!

Instructor: Heather Lynn

Pick up Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $39 R / $50 NR




Aug 31 5-10
5-10 Nov
Nov 30 5-10
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH Fall 2023

Early Childhood & Youth

I Speak Spanish

Expand your child’s world! Introduce your child to the Spanish language in this immersion class especially for very young learners.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

$89 R / $115 NR

Youth Spanish

Open a world of possibilities for your child. Students learn Spanish conversation, some Spanish grammar, reading and writing skills through engaging activities. New and exciting material each session!

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

American Sign Language

Join us from the comfort and convenience of your living room as you and your child learn to sign in a fun, interactive and lively environment.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: Zoom

$89 R / $115 NR

Pit Stop Party @ Pit Stop Teen Center Bettenhausen Rec Ctr Art Party @ Vogt Visual Arts Ctr Movie Party @ Performing Arts Ctr Basketball Party @ Bettenhausen Rec Ctr Splash Party @ Tinley Fitness @ Scan code for details!
enrolled in programs without an adult must be able to toilet independently.
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 301243-A Sep 14-Oct 19 Thu 5-5:45p 3-6 301243-B Oct 26-Dec 7 Thu 5-5:45p 3-6 11/23
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 302202-A Sep 14-Oct 19 Thu 6-6:45p 6-10 302202-B Oct 26-Dec 7 Thu 6-6:45p 6-10 11/23
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 303025-A Sep 13-Oct 18 Wed 5-5:45p 7-11 303025-B Oct 25-Nov 29 Wed 5-5:45p 7-11 303025-C Dec 6-Jan 10 Wed 5-5:45p 7-11 303025-D Jan 17-Feb 21 Wed 5-5:45p 7-11 EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH 18 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Experience the FUN!
Fall 2023

Experience the FUN! Early Childhood & Youth

Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn a language via the interactive Zoom platform!

Zoom Italian for Kids

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

Zoom Spanish for Kids

Instructor: Language In Action Location: Zoom

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

Zoom French for Kids

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

Zoom Italian for Kids

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

Zoom Spanish for Kids

Instructor: Language In Action Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 301009-A Sep 7-Oct 12 Thu 5-5:45p 3-6 301009-B Sep 11-Oct 23 Mon 5-5:45p 3-6 10/9 301009-C Oct 19-Nov 30 Thu 5-5:45p 3-6 11/23 301009-D Oct 30-Dec 11 Mon 5-5:45p 3-6 11/20 301009-E Dec 7-Jan 11 Thu 5-5:45p 3-6 301009-F Jan 18-Feb 22 Thu 5-5:45p 3-6 301009-G Jan 22-Mar 4 Mon 5-5:45p 3-6 2/19
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 303026-A Sep 13-Oct 18 Wed 5-5:45p 3-6 303026-B Oct 25-Nov 29 Wed 5-5:45p 3-6 303026-C Dec 6-Jan 10 Wed 5-5:45p 3-6 303026-D Jan 17-Feb 21 Wed 5-5:45p 3-6
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 302008-A Sep 7-Oct 12 Thu 6:15-7p 7-11 302008-B Sep 11-Oct 23 Mon 5:30-6:15p 7-11 10/9 302008-C Oct 19-Nov 30 Thu 6:15-7p 7-11 11/23 302008-D Oct 30-Dec 11 Mon 5:30-6:15p 7-11 11/20 302008-E Dec 7-Jan 11 Thu 6:15-7p 7-11 302008-F Jan 18-Feb 22 Thu 6:15-7p 7-11 302008-G Jan 22-Mar 4 Mon 5:30-6:15p 7-11 2/19
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 302009-A Sep 11-Oct 23 Mon 5-5:45p 7-11 10/9 302009-B Oct 30-Dec 11 Mon 5-5:45p 7-11 11/20 302009-C Jan 22-Mar 4 Mon 5-5:45p 7-11 2/19
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 302010-A Sep 13-Oct 18 Wed 6-6:45p 7-11 302010-B Oct 25-Nov 29 Wed 6-6:45p 7-11 302010-C Dec 6-Jan 10 Wed 6-6:45p 7-11 302010-D Jan 17-Feb 21 Wed 6-6:45p 7-11

Early Childhood & Youth

Young Rembrandts Preschool Drawing

Young Rembrandts classes challenge and excite young artists! Through drawing they stengthen compositions skills, use shapes in new ways and experiment with creative design, preparing them to be lifelong learners.

Instructor: Young Rembrandts

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $57 R / $74 NR

Drawing Fun with Young Rembrandts

We are back to school and back to drawing with Young Rembrandts! The selection of drawings introduces our students to a fascinating world of color, pattern, and design.

Instructor: Young Rembrandts

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

$57 R / $74 NR

Chess Scholars Chess Club

Develop your child's intellect through the royal game of chess! Classes consist of a fun interactive teaching period and guided practice time.

Instructor: Chess Scholars

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

$164 R / $211 NR

Critter Class

Critter class introduces some of the world's most misunderstood creatures: reptiles, amphibians and bugs. We teach the importance of these creatures to the environment, their natural history and caring for them as pets.

Instructor: Crosstown Exotics

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $33 R / $43 NR

Winter Break Chess Camp

Develop your child's intellect through the royal game of chess! Each class consists of a fun, interactive teaching period and guided practice time.

Instructor: Chess Scholars

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $156 R / $202 NR

Amazing Magic Tricks

Children are guaranteed to have a great time as they learn a collection of fascinating and mesmerizing tricks from the "Magic Team of Gary Kantor!"

Instructor: Gary Kantor

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $21 R / $28 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 301149-A Sep 14-Oct 5 Thu 5:05-5:50p 3-5 301149-B Oct 12-Nov 2 Thu 5:05-5:50p 3-5 301149-C Nov 9-Dec 7 Thu 5:05-5:50p 3-5 11/23 301149-D Dec 14-Jan 4 Thu 5:05-5:50p 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 302253-A Sep 14-Oct 5 Thu 6-6:55p 5-12 302253-B Oct 12-Nov 2 Thu 6-6:55p 5-12 302253-C Nov 9-Dec 7 Thu 6-6:55p 5-12 11/23 302253-D Dec 14-Jan 4 Thu 6-6:55p 5-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 302000-A Nov 15 Wed 6-7p 3-13
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 302186-A Oct 24 Tue 6:30-7:25p 5-12 302186-B Nov 30 Thu 6:30-7:25p 5-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 302099-A Dec 26-29 Tue-Fri 9a-12p K-8
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE NO CLASS 302068-A Sep 11-Nov 6 Mon 6-7p K-8 10/9 EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH 20 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Experience the FUN!
Fall 2023

Experience the FUN!


Get your pompons out! It’s time to shout and move about! We learn cheers, songs and dance routines.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $55 R / $70 NR

Early Childhood & Youth


Sep 4 White Water Canyon Water Park last open day of 2023 Season—10a-6p

Sep 4 Tinley Junction Mini-Golf open 10a-6p

Sep 10 Day Out with Grandma / Grandpa

Sep 13 & 14

Sep 22

Clay Creations for Tweens and Teens

Enjoy making crafts? Sculpt and mold air-dry clay into animals or figurines.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $10 R / $13 NR

Pinecone Holiday Tree Workshop

Create a great holiday decoration to brighten any spot in your home for the holidays or as a unique gift. All materials included in the fee.

Instructor: Greg Stack

Location: Teds Greenhouse

Fees: $10 R / $14 NR

Full STEAM Ahead

This exciting program from Afterschool Enrichment Solutions brings together elements of science, art and math in a hands-on, action-packed environment!

Instructor: Afterschool Enrichment Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $172 R / $220 NR

Scholastic Back to School Book Fair

Daddy/Daughter Date Night @ Tinley Junction Mini-Golf

Sep 23 Dog Pup-kin Fest

Sep 30 Who You Gonna Call?

Oct 6-8

Oct 7

Oct 14

Oct 17

Oct 22

Oct 27

Ghostly Golf Weekend

Secondhand Treasures Garage Sale

Fall Arts & Crafts Fair

Frightastic Fun Pumpkin Contest

Monsters Inc Pajama Party

Monster Mash Dance

Nov 1-15 Dress the Turkey Contest

Nov 1-19

Santa's Mailbox

Nov 15-30 Calls from Santa Sign-up

Nov 4 Princess & Pancake Party

Nov 18 Smile with Santa Photos

Nov 24

Thanksgiving Day

Rec Center & Tinley Fitness closed

Dec 1 Oh No, Not My Gumdrop Buttons!

Dec 1 Rudolph Dash

Dec 8 Winter Wonderland Frosty Fest

Dec 10

Summer in December Pool Party

Dec 15 Supper with Santa

Dec 19

Jingles and Jammies

Dec 21 Job Fair for 2024 Summer Positions

Dec 24 Rec Center & Tinley Fitness open 7a-2p

Dec 25

Dec 31

Jan 1, 2024

Christmas Day

Rec Center & Tinley Fitness closed

New Year's Eve

Rec Center & Tinley Fitness open 7a-2p

New Year's Day

Rec Center & Tinley Fitness open 8a-1p

Jan 13 Olaf's Winter Wonderland of Golf


ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 303035-A Sep 27 Wed 5-6:15p 10-15
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 307766-A Dec 16 Sat 10a-12p 6-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 302018-A Sep 12-Nov 7 Tue 6-7p 5-10 10/31
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 302214-A Sep 11-Nov 20 Mon 6:30-7:15p 7-10 10/9 21

Early Childhood & Youth

Little Dr. School

Our youngest future doctors use real stethoscopes, learn how muscles and nerves work together, cast a broken bone and learn to properly scrub their hands before surgery.

Instructor: Little Medical School

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $187 R / $233 NR

Wilderness Medicine

Students explore some of the dangers in the wild such as bug bites, snake bites, poisonous plants and so much more!

Instructor: Little Medical School

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $181 R / $226 NR

Little Veterinarian School-Cat

Students role-play the key responsibilities of a veterinarian and perform a whiskers-to-tail exam on their newly “adopted” plush cat.

Instructor: Little Medical School

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

$193 R / $241 NR

Little Doctor School

Through role-play and activities, students learn the key responsibilities of being a doctor and explore the heart, lungs and digestion.

Instructor: Little Medical School

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $175 R / $218 NR

Little Veterinarian School-Horse

Students adopt and name their plush horse and learn the anatomy of a horse, horse nutrition, riding styles, gait and key responsibilities of an equine veterinarian.

Instructor: Little Medical School

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

$187 R / $233 NR

Little Veterinarian School-Dog

After “adopting” their very own plush puppy, students role-play the key responsibilities of a veterinarian, including how to perform a nose-to-tail exam properly

Instructor: Little Medical School

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

$193 R / $241 NR

Tue 3-4p 4-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 302014-A Sep 19-Oct 24 Tue 5:30-6:30p 6-11
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 302017-A Sep 19-Oct 24 Tue 4:15-5:15p 6-11
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 302001-A Nov 7-Dec 19 Tue 5:30-6:30p 6-11 11/21
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 303024-A Nov 7-Dec 19 Tue 6:45-7:45p 6-11 11/21
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 302015-A Nov 7-Dec 19 Tue 3-4p 4-5 11/21 302015-B Nov 7-Dec 19 Tue 4:15-5:15p 6-11 11/21 EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH 22 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Experience the FUN!
Fall 2023

Early Childhood & Youth

Life Coaching for Kids Lab

These fun S.T.E.M. projects are an entertaining way to develop life skills such as self-esteem, perseverance, patience and managing stress.

Halloween Gore-tastic Hour

Investigate what makes Halloween so chilling in this electrifying S.T.E.M. workshop. Themed souvenirs included.

Instructor: Lisa Lombardi

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $33 R / $43 NR

Spooky Thrills and Chills of Fall Ice Cream

We are building self-esteem through ice cream this fall season! Making and eating ice cream is a fun way to introduce chemistry teachings to children and build confidence.

Instructor: Lisa Lombardi

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $33 R / $43 NR

Grinch Goo-tastic Holiday Slime Lab

Kids have the slime of their life creating seasonal Grinch inspired slime. We develop the soft skill of perseverance as we take the steps and patience needed to form stretchy slime.

Instructor: Lisa Lombardi

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

$33 R / $43 NR

Feeling Frozen in Life? Hints from Frosty the Snowman Lab

With the anticipation of the busy holiday season, along with general life stressors, kids relax and “defrost” as they learn up to 125 ways to manage worries.

Instructor: Lisa Lombardi

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $33 R / $43 NR

Life Coach for a Day!

This unique C.I.T. (coach in training) leadership experience is designed for teens who might be curious about the field of life coaching! What does a life coach do? How is coaching different from therapy or social work?

Instructor: Lisa Lombardi

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $35 R / $46 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 303015-A Oct 1 Sun 2:30-3:30p 6-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 302020-A Oct 1 Sun 1-2p 6-13
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 302023-A Dec 3 Sun 12:30-1:30p 6-13
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 302024-A Dec 3 Sun 2-3p 6-13
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 303034-A Sep 6 Wed 4:30-5:30p 9-13 303034-B Sep 6 Wed 5:30-6:30p 9-13
Experience the FUN!
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US EARLY CHILDHOOD/YOUTH Fall 2023

Creative Arts


In this program, students learn a range of classical and contemporary music compositions. The program acquaints students with the French language and introduces them to classical ballet. Ballet Barre exercises are used. Students develop body coordination while learning to dance with a group. Various creative movement exercises are used to encourage the student’s ability to express their individuality within the discipline of dance. With the exception of advanced classes, classes are divided by age and taught with an individual approach to student ability.

Instructor: Ivy Hue Dance Company

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center


Tap classes are designed to develop rhythm, style and sound. Students learn a variety of tap styles from Broadway to Rhythm tap. Exercises focus on building flexibility of the knee and ankles, coordination and speed of movement. The class emphasis is on developing proper tap technique, producing clear tap sounds and having fun. As students progress through each level, the curriculum becomes increasingly more complex and intricate.

Instructor: Ivy Hue Dance Company

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Hip Hop

Students learn the latest styles of street dancing and traditional hip hop. Classes encourage students to step outside of the box by bringing their own individual style and personality to the movements. Hip Hop dance requires students to have the strength and stamina to successfully perform moves. Therefore, class includes upper and lower body conditioning as well as rigorous warm-ups to help prepare students for more intense movements.

Instructor: Ivy Hue Dance Company

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

$221 R / $287 NR

Irish Dance

Information regarding the recital and other items are given to students during the season.

This program is an introduction to the basics of Irish step dancing and helps to improve balance and coordination. Please wear shorts, a T-shirt and socks to class. Ballet shoes are optional.

Instructor: Blackbird Irish Dance

Location: Blackbird Irish Dance

$114 R / $149 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE FEES NO CLASS 502238-A Sep 11-May 20 Mon 5:30-6:15p 4-6 $198 R / $257 NR 11/20, 12/25, 1/1 502238-B Sep 11-May 20 Mon 6:20-7p 7-12 $221 R / $287 NR 11/20, 12/25, 1/1
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE FEES NO CLASS 502239-A Sep 12-May 21 Tue 5:30-6:15p 4-6 $176 R / $228 NR 11/21, 12/26, 1/2 502239-B Sep 12-May 21 Tue 6:20-7p 7-12 $198 R / $257 NR 11/21, 12/26, 1/2
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 502240-A Sep 13-May 22 Wed 5:30-6:30p 7-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 302201-A Sep 6-Oct 25 Wed 4:30-5:15p 5-12
Experience the FUN! 24 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Fall 2023 FOLLOW US

Experience the FUN!

Evening Line Dance Beginner

Try this fun, low-impact dance exercise program! No need for a partner in this class filled with various dance styles.

Instructor: Ray Ulrich

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $12 R / $15 NR

Piano Lessons

Creative Arts

Evening Line Dance-Intermediate

This healthy, low-impact dance and exercise program is perfect for anyone with line dance experience

Instructor: Ray Ulrich

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $23 R / $30 NR

The Tinley Park-Park District offers private, 30-minute piano lessons. The fee includes 8 lessons. The Park District offers piano lessons in each seasonal brochure so that students may continue with their lessons. Each student must have a keyboard or piano at home on which to practice. The teacher contacts students to schedule lessons at a mutually agreed time. When available slots are filled, a waitlist becomes available. Available days and times are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5:00-9:00pm every half hour. The teacher contacts the student prior to the first class regarding the required book for class.

Instructor: Jo Fajardo

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $225 R / $292 NR

Comedy & Drama Improv

Have fun while developing ensemble acting, communication and creative skills through theater games and exercises. Last day of class will be a performance.

Instructor: Christine Halleran

Location: McCarthy Recreation Bldg

Fees: $95 R / $124 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 308004-A Sep 13-27 Wed 4:45-5:15p 18+ 308004-B Oct 11-25 Wed 4:45-5:15p 18+ 308004-C Nov 8-29 Wed 4:45-5:15p 18+ 11/22 308004-D Dec 6-20 Wed 4:45-5:15p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 308817-A Sep 13-27 Wed 5:30-6:45p 18+ 308817-B Oct 11-25 Wed 5:30-6:45p 18+ 308817-C Nov 8-29 Wed 5:30-6:45p 18+ 11/22 308817-D Dec 6-20 Wed 5:30-6:45p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE LEVEL PERFORMANCE DAY 309903-A Nov 1-Dec 6 Wed 5:30-7p 10+ Intermediate (prerequisite: Beginner course) Dec 6 309903-B Sep 13-Oct 18 Wed 5:30-7p 10+ Intermediate (prerequisite: Beginner course) Oct 18 309903-C Nov 1-Dec 6 Wed 7:00-8:30p 10+ Advanced (prerequisite: Intermediate course) Dec 6 309903-D Sep 13-Oct 18 Wed 7:00-8:30p 10+ Beginner (no experience necessary) Oct 18
ACTIVITY DATES DAY AGE NO CLASS 302292-A Sep 19-Nov 7 Tue or Wed, between 5 and 9p 6+ 302292-B Nov 15-Jan 17 Tue or Wed, between 5 and 9p 6+ 12/26, 12 27, 1/2,1/3
25 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Fall 2023 FOLLOW US

Creative Arts

The long-standing Community Theater program at Tinley Par-Park District welcomes both seasoned and novice actors each spring and fall. Those new to the theater benefit from the knowledge of the experienced actors and directors in the development of individual talents and skills needed to perform in both classic and contemporary theater. Auditions consist of a short interview and the reading of a brief monologue from the play. Bring a list of schedule conflicts and clothing sizes to the audition. Call 708-342-4200 to be added to the audition list or for more information!

Community Theater presents: Cash on Delivery!

This fast-paced British farce concerns a con artist who has duped the welfare authorities for years by claiming every type of benefit for the innumerable people he claims live at his address. He's sent scrambling when welfare investigators show up and he is forced to prove all his boarders are in fact real. Join us for some serious laughs!

Instructor: Michael Gandy and Christina Halleran

Location: McCarthy Recreation Bldg/Tinley Park Performing Arts Center

Performances Oct 7 & 14 Sat 7p

Admission: $12 Oct 8 & 15 Sun 3p

Tickets go on sale 9/18/2023


No experience is required to get involved with our youth theater programs! Children must register prior to the audition date. Registration fee includes one t-shirt. Cast members and family members assist with all aspect of the production (set design, props, costumes, etc.). A parent must accompany children to auditions with a list of clothing sizes and schedule conflicts. Cast members must attend tech and dress rehearsals and all performances--no exceptions!

Kidz Theater presents Disney’s Finding Nemo JR.

Music by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez

This 60-minute musical adaptation of the beloved 2003 Pixar movie Finding Nemo Marlin, an anxious and over-protective clownfish, lives in the Great Barrier Reef with his kid Nemo, who longs to explore the world beyond their anemone home. But when Nemo is captured and taken to Sydney, Marlin faces his fears and sets off on an epic adventure across the ocean. With the help of lovable characters such as optimistic Dory, laid-back sea turtle Crush, and the supportive Tank Gang, Marlin and Nemo both overcome challenges on their journey to find each other and themselves.

Director: Christina Halleran, Covered Bridge Playhouse

Location: McCarthy Recreation Bldg/Tinley Park Performing Arts Center

Fees: $60 R / $78 NR

Tickets go on sale 10/23/2023

Tickets can be purchased online or at the Tony Bettenhausen Rec Center. The Box Office opens 30 minutes prior to the performance and any remaining tickets can be purchased at that time.

Ticket receipt must be presented to enter the theater.

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE Audition 302902-A Aug 26 Sat 9-10:30a 5-9 Rehearsals Sep 5-Nov 9 Tue & Thu 4:30-6p 5-9 Tech Rehearsal Nov 9 Thu 4:30-6p Dress Rehearsal Nov 10 Fri 4:30-6:30p Performances: Nov 11 Sat 6p Admission: $8 Nov 12 Sun 2p CREATIVE ARTS
Experience the FUN! 26 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Fall 2023 FOLLOW US

Creative Arts

Holiday Theater presents The Bullies' Christmas Carol

Terrible twins Ebbie and Neezer bully their classmates, steal toys from homeless children and do everything they can to ruin the school's All-Inclusive, Non-Specific Holiday Celebration. But when three goofy ghosts show the siblings the past, present and future consequences of their awful deeds, they take another look at their choices. Will they change their ways in time to save the big show and themselves? A twist on a classic holiday tale sure to delight both naughty and nice kids.

Instructor: Christina Halleran, Covered Bridge Playhouse

Location: McCarthy Recreation Bldg/Tinley Park Performing Arts Center

Fees: $60 R / $78 NR

Children’s Theater presents Video Mania

This adventure through cyberspace is a battle between technology and imagination! The story begins in the home of a couple of ordinary kids when their babysitters are sucked into a video game. To rescue them, the kids must figure out how to get "into the game" where they discover that their babysitters are not the only ones in trouble! Chasm,an evil sorceress, is draining all the imagination and color out of cyberspace and soon there will be nothing left. The kids enlist the aid of the rebellious Space Pirates to stop Chasm, rescue their babysitters and restore peace and harmony to the universe. In the end, the kids use their imaginations as a weapon to defeat Chasm and finally return home.

Instructor: Christina Halleran and Rebecca Grzselo, Covered Bridge Playhouse

Location: McCarthy Recreation Bldg/Tinley Park Performing Arts Center

Fees: $60 R / $78 NR

Teen Theater presents Alice @ Wonderland

What would happen if a 21st century Alice collided with Lewis Carroll’s legendary Wonderland? This modern retelling of the children’s classic has the characters you know and love, including the Mad Hatter, the White Rabbit and the Queen of Hearts. The story is laid out in traditional style, except that Alice is distinctly contemporary, complete with cell phone in hand. This sharply told, crisply paced adaptation has been praised for its humor, modern style, and appeals to everyone.

Instructor: Christina Halleran

Location: McCarthy Recreation Bldg/Tinley Park Performing Arts Center

Fees: $60 R / $78 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE Audition 309004-A Aug 26 Sat 2-3:30p 6-18 Rehearsals Sep 11-Nov 27 Mon 4:30-6p Tech Rehearsal Nov 30 Thu 4:30-6p Dress Rehearsal Dec 1 Fri 4:30-6:30p Performances: Dec 2 Sat 6p Admission: $8 Dec 3 Sun 2p
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE Audition 309902-A Aug 26 Sat 10:30am-12pm 9-12 Rehearsals Sep 9-Dec 9 Sat 9-11:30am Additional Rehearsal Dec 10 Sun 9-11:30am Tech Rehearsal Dec 13 Wed 4:30-7p Dress Rehearsal Dec 14 Thu 4:30-7p Performances: Dec 15 Fri 6p Admission: $8 Dec 16 Sat 4:30p Dec 17 Sun 2p
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE Audition 309906-A Aug 26 Sat 12:30-2pm 11-17 Rehearsals Sep 9-Dec 9 Sat 12-2:30p Additional Rehearsal Dec 10 Sun 7-9:30p Tech Rehearsal Dec 13 Wed 7-9:30p Dress Rehearsal Dec 14 Thu 7-9:30p Performances: Dec 15 Fri 8:30p Admission: $8 Dec 16 Sat 7p Dec 17 Sun 4:30p Tickets go on sale 11/27/2023 Tickets go on sale 11/27/2023 Tickets go on sale 11/13/2023
Experience the FUN! CREATIVE ARTS 27 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Fall 2023 FOLLOW US

Creative Arts

Breakfast & Brushes with Buddies

We start the morning with some yummy muffins, donuts, juice and water before using brushes to create and paint on canvas! All supplies are included in fee.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $22 R / $29 NR

Salty Snowflakes Painting

Experiment with a saltwater "painting" technique to create sparkly snowflake art on heavy paper.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $20 R / $26 NR

Fingerprint Ornaments

This class guides you in traditional oil painting techniques, color mixing and composition. Students provide their own supplies and canvas.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $20 R / $26 NR

Kids Clay Workshops

Kids learn how to make ceramic pieces from Crayola airdry clay using the best tools…their hands! All supplies are included.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $29 R / $38 NR

Design Your Own Mandala Artwork

Learn how to design and create your own mandala art piece, then bring your design to life with paint/markers. All materials included.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $18 R / $24 NR

Make A Grinch Ornament

You can capture mean Mr. Grinch on an acrylic ornament for a one-of-a-kind tree decoration. All materials included.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $28 R / $36 NR

Paint Pouring Techniques

Experiment with several paint pouring techniques on canvas. Dress for the mess from working with acrylic paints.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

$28 R / $36 NR

Holiday Handprint Painting

Use your own handprints and tempera paint to design your own creative and colorful holiday scenes on canvas. All materials included.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

$20 R / $26 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 309034-A Sep 16 Sat 10-11:30a 6-12 309034-B Nov 4 Sat 10-11:30a 6-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 309020-A Jan 6 Sat 1:30-2:30p 4-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 310708-A Dec 2 Sat 1:30-2:30p 6-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 309933-A Oct 7-14 Sat 1:30-2:30p 6-12 309933-B Dec 9-16 Sat 1:30-2:30p 6-12 309933-C Jan 27-Feb 3 Sat 1:30-2:30p 6-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 309011-A Jan 20 Sat 1:30-3:30p 13+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 309018-A Dec 2 Sat 3-4p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 309019-A Feb 3 Sat 3-4p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE Theme 310752-A Oct 18 Wed 6-7p 4-12 Spiders, Witches and Ghosts 310752-B Nov 18 Sat 1:30-2:30p 4-12 Trees, Wreaths and Snowflakes SCAN TO SEE FULL DESCRIPTIONS OF ALL CREATIVE ARTS ACTIVITIES CREATIVE ARTS
Experience the FUN! 28 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Fall 2023 FOLLOW US


Bead Weaving: Ladder Stitch Bracelet

This intermediate level class teaches students to make a beautiful, one-of-a-kind beaded ladder-stitch and brickstitch bracelet using quality materials.

Instructor: Jamie Jacobson

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $45 R / $58 NR

Basic Bead Embroidery

This beginner level class is designed to teach students to make a beautiful, one-of-a-kind beaded pendant/brooch combination piece using quality materials.

Instructor: Jamie Jacobson

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $45 R / $58 NR

Intro to Oil Painting

Learn how to paint beautifully with oils in this relaxed introductory level class guiding students in fundamental oil painting techniques, color mixing and composition.

Instructor: Carol Chirafisi

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR

Art Exploration for Adults

The open painting class includes oils, watercolors or acrylics where students may explore or pursue their areas of interest.

Instructor: Carol Chirafisi

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR

Drawing with Carol

Create basic forms by using lines, values and textures used in drawings from life. Pencil, charcoal and pen and ink on good quality drawing paper are used.

Instructor: Carol Chirafisi

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR

Watercolor Painting

Explore simple watercolor techniques. Patterns are provided so each student’s painting is unique.

Instructor: Artist Susan Ali

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR

Oil Painting

This class is designed to guide you in traditional oil painting techniques, color and composition. Students provide their own supplies and canvas.

Instructor: Carol Chirafisi

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR

Still Life

Still life paintings are characterized by the arrangement of inanimate objects as the subject matter. Still life is the best option for learning basic drawing skills and to study the characteristics of each object, shadow, light and perspective. The supply list is printed on receipt.

Instructor: Artist Susan Ali

Location: Vogt Visual Arts Center

Fees: $50 R / $65 NR


ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 309950-A Oct 6-27 Fri 10a-12p 18+ 309950-B Nov 3-Dec 1 Fri 10a-12p 18+ 11/24 309950-C Dec 8-29 Fri 10a-12p 18+ 309950-D Jan 5-26 Fri 10a-12p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 209957-D Sep 11-Oct 2 Mon 11a-1p 18+ 309957-B Oct 16-Nov 6 Mon 11a-1p 18+ 309957-C Nov 20-Dec 11 Mon 11a-1p 18+ 309957-D Jan 8-29 Mon 11a-1p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE No Class 309038-A Oct 6-27 Fri 3-5p 14+ 309038-B Nov 3-Dec 1 Fri 3-5p 14+ 11/24 309038-C Dec 8-29 Fri 3-5p 14+ 309038-D Jan 5-26 Fri 3-5p 14+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 309028-A Oct 4 Wed 9:30-11:30a 18+ 309028-B Dec 3 Sun 3-5p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 309029-A Sep 20 Wed 9:30-11:30a 18+ 309029-B Nov 5 Sun 3-5p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 210900-D Sep 12-Oct 3 Tue 6-8p 14+ 310900-B Oct 17-Nov 14 Tue 6-8p 14+ 10/31 310900-C Nov 21-Dec 12 Tue 6-8p 14+ 310900-D Jan 9-30 Tue 6-8p 14+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 209114-D Sep 11-Oct 2 Mon 1:30-3:30p 18+ 309114-A Oct 16-Nov 6 Mon 1:30-3:30p 18+ 309114-B Nov 20-Dec 11 Mon 1:30-3:30p 18+ 309114-C Jan 8-29 Mon 1:30-3:30p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 209940-D Sep-12-Oct 3 Tue 9-11a 18+ 309940-A Oct 17-Nov 14 Tue 9-11a 18+ 10/31 309940-B Nov 21-Dec 12 Tue 9-11a 18+ 309940-C Jan 9-30 Tue 9-11a 18+
Arts Experience the FUN!
Fall 2023 FOLLOW US

Performing Arts Center

Sinister Smiles: An Improvised Fright Night Comedy Improv Show

It’s not funny to be scared yourself. But it is sometimes funny to see other people get scared. So why not see our actors get scared for your amusement? As composer Danny Elfman wrote in the classic “This is Halloween,” “Wouldn’t you like to see something strange?" Come with us and you will see!

Director: Josh Blair; Produced by Christina Halleran

Location: Tinley Park Performing Arts Center

Fee: $9 admission


Oct 28 Sat 7-9pm All ages

Always Hooked On The Holidays Comedy Improv Show

The holiday season returns and so does the hilarious theatrical holiday comedy spectacular that audience members called “more fun than small talk with the in-laws.” There will be cheers, laughs and plenty of seasonal foolishness. Featuring performances by Fourth Wall Improv’s Adult and Kids troupes!

Director: Josh Blair; Produced by Christina Halleran

Location: Tinley Park Performing Arts Center

Fee: $9 admission


Dec 9 Sat 7pm All Ages

Dec 10 Sun 4pm All Ages

Purchase tickets for all theater and improv performances at tinleyparkdistrict.org

Have the theater to yourself and show your favorite movie on the Big Screen! The party package includes use of Tinley Park-Performing Arts Center for the movie, popcorn and access to McCarthy Recreation Building for party set-up. Tinley Park-Park District personnel are present throughout the event to handle all technical aspects of the event, room set up and however else we can help! Call 708-342-4212 to reserve your party today!

Location: Tinley Park Performing Arts Center & McCarthy Recreation

Fee: $250 R / $325 NR

16801 80th Avenue | Tinley Park, IL | 708-342-4200 z ‘s
VVAC 30 Experience the FUN!
Auditions for
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Vogt Visual Arts Center

Gallery Hours

Featured Artist: Mark Muloski Sep 6-30 Fri, Sep 8 from 7-9pm

Open Show: Fall Frenzy Oct 6-31 Sat, Oct 14 from 1-3pm

Annual High School Students Show Nov 4-30 Sat, Nov 18 from 1-3pm

Trains & Miniatures Dec 2-Jan 22 Sat, Dec 2 from 11am-4pm

Kids Halloween Coloring Contest

Enter the VVAC Halloween coloring contest! Entries are due by September 30. Contest is open to children ages 4-13 years old. The best picture in each age group receives a goodie bag and is displayed at the VVAC from October 6-31 in the “Fall Frenzy” open gallery exhibit. Judging takes place on October 2. Entries must be submitted/returned to the VVAC. Winners are notified by phone. All entries must have participants name, age, parent's name and contact phone number printed at bottom of picture (phone numbers and parent's name are not displayed).

Location: VVAC

Gazebo Jazz Night

This September, stop by the VVAC for a night of art and jazz. Enjoy the VVAC gallery reception inside, featuring fine art done by local and well-known artists. Then take a stroll outside to our gazebo to enjoy live jazz selections to accompany the evening. Bring your blanket or lawn chair!

Location: VVAC

VVAC is the place for a fun and creative birthday Party!!

Pick your package and leave the rest to us!

Pick your package and leave the rest to us!

For additional information and reserve a date, contact 708-342-4212.

Arts & Crafts Birthday Party

The birthday child selects up to three crafts from over 12 different arts and crafts options! Rental fee includes a 2.5 hour party for up to 15 party guests, crafts, goodie bags, tables and chairs for crafts, cake, gifts, etc., in the party room located on the 2nd Floor of the VVAC and two party attendants.

New package options:

•Under the Sea •Superheroes

•Perfect Pets •Art Exploration

•Friends Forever •Nature & ARTdoors

Fee: $250 R / $325 NR

Guided Canvas Painting Party

Whatever your theme is, a picture can be created to go along with it! Everyone uses their own easel and canvas to let their creativity flow! The party package includes up to 15 party guests, a blank canvas/ paints and the help of step-by-step instruction (no experience necessary). Each guest creates a masterpiece to take home and a goodie bag!

Recommended for ages 8+.

Fee: $250 R / $325 NR

Visual arts Center 17420 S. 67th Court (708)
Sunday/Monday............Closed Tuesday........................7 - 9pm Wednesday..................4 - 7pm Thursday...............11am - 2pm and 7 - 9pm Friday.................... .......2 - 6pm Saturday................11am - 4pm
Gallery Exhibits Exhibit Reception
Featured Artist:
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Fall 2023 FOLLOW US
Experience the FUN!

Youth Athletics

Athletics General


The easy way to follow adult and youth league practices and schedules!

Field Rentals and Conditions

Several athletic fields throughout the Tinley Park-Park District are available for rentals. All field rental requests and paperwork must be submitted to the Athletic Supervisor, Ron Woodworth. If you have questions, please contact Ron at (708) 342-4208. Field conditions can also be found on our website at www.tinleyparkdistrict.org.


Refunds may be pro-rated if uniforms and awards have been ordered. Refunds for youth or adult leagues are not granted once coach/captain meetings have occurred and teams are announced.

Youth Athletic League Information

Volunteer Coaches

We need you to coach! Many of our youth athletic programs depend on volunteer coaches. You can be the one to instill the values of good sportsmanship and teamwork in the next generation!

Don't have coaching experience? No problem! We help you with coaching tips, drills and rules of the game!

Never played the sport? No problem! We furnish you with all the info you need!

Too busy? No problem! You can split coaching responsibilities with another parent...or two!

Don't know anyone on the team? No problem! It's a great way to meet other parents!

Fill out a Volunteer Coaching application on our website, scan the code or visit the Rec Center. We offer voluntary certification courses making a head coach eligible for registration discounts. Contact Emily Wetzel, Assistant Athletic Supervisor, at (708) 342-4214 for complete details. Thank you.

Request Procedures

As a "Thank You," at the end of the season, one Head Coach receives a 100% refund and one Assistant Coach receives a 50% refund off the program fee (per team coached)!

Siblings with the same last name and address are placed on the same team unless otherwise noted. Requests for specific coaches are not honored. Coaches are not allowed to request specific players; coach's children are automatically placed on his/her team. In order to keep all teams evenly balanced, friendship requests cannot be made.

Team Assignments, Practices and Schedules

Coaches contact the participants within one week prior to the program’s start date to provide the time and location of the first meeting. Be on the lookout for an email or phone call from your coach. Full league practice and game schedules can be found on Quickscores.

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010 YOUTH ATHLETICS 32 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Experience the FUN! Fall 2023

Experience the FUN!

Skyhawks: Baseball Class

Youth Athletics

Our baseball class teaches the rules and mechanics of baseball in a safe environment through a series of fun games that kids enjoy

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: McCarthy Park

Fees: $75 R / $97 NR

Lacrosse Camp

This camp covers lacrosse techniques including cradling, scooping and goalie skills. Young players learn the grip, stick position and other basic principles needed to perform these techniques

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Freedom Park

Fees: A: $65 R / $85 NR

B: $85 R/ $111 NR

Skyhawks: Track, Field and Fitness

Kids learn fundamental fitness for exercising and the jumping, running and throwing skills involved in track and field events. A fun-filled track meet is held on the last day.

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Freedom Park

Fees: $75 R / $97 NR

Winter Break Basketball Camp

This camp is perfect for beginners and experienced basketball players. Players are separated into appropriate grade and skill levels.

Instructor: Jon Pratcher

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $55 R / $71 NR

Winter Break Sports Camp

A variety of sports are introduced, including floor hockey, volleyball and dodgeball; includes time in our indoor batting cage. Registration ends December 12 or when program is filled.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $81 R / $105 NR

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Fall 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 306642-A Dec 26-28 Tue-Thu 1-2p 3-5 306642-B Dec 26-28 Tue-Thu 2-3p 6-9
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306628-A Sep 9-30 Sat 11-11:50a 5-8 306628-B Sep 9-30 Sat 12-1p 9-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306644-A Sep 9-Oct 7 Sat 9:30-10:30a 4-6 306644-B Sep 9-Oct 7 Sat 10:30a-12p 7-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306070-A Sep 9-30 Sat 1:30-2:20p 5-8 306070-B Sep 9-30 Sat 2:30-3:30p 9-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 306203-A Dec 26-29 Tue-Fri 9a-1p 1-3 306203-B Dec 26-29 Tue-Fri 9a-1p 4-6

Youth Athletics

Skyhawks: Soccer Class

Participants learn basic soccer skills, coordination and motor skills emphasizing fitness, wellness and fun in each session!

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Centennial Park

Fees: $75 R / $97 NR

Skyhawks: Basketball Class

Our trainers focus on individual skills as well as team play, speed and agility drills, ball handling, proper shooting technique, footwork and defensive/offensive strategies.

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

Skyhawks: Flag Football Fueled by USA Football

Enjoy a action-packed football in a fun and safe environment without pads, helmets or tackling.

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $75 R / $97 NR

Volleyball Camp

In this instructional camp you learn more of the fundamentals, along with game situations and ball handling. Players are separated into appropriate grade and skill levels so the best possible instruction can be provided. On the last day of class, we move outdoors to play games in our sand volleyball courts. Don’t forget your shorts and sandals on this day!

Instructor: Dana Pyznarski and Amanda Neely

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $84 R / $109 NR

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ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 306627-A Sep 20-Oct 25 Wed 6-8p 6-8
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306664-A Oct 3-24 Tue 4-4:50p 4-6 306664-B Oct 3-24 Tue 5-6p 7-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306071-A Sep 12-28 Tue & Thu 5:30-6:20p 5-8 306071-B Sep 12-28 Tue & Thu 6:30-7:30p 9-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306206-A Oct 5-26 Thu 4-4:50p 5-8 306206-B Oct 5-26 Thu 5-6p 9-12 306206-C Nov 4-Dec 9 Sat 12:30-1:30p 4-6 306206-D Nov 4-Dec 9 Sat 1:45-2:45p 7-9

Experience the FUN!

Youth Athletics

Play with your kids!

Adult & Tot Little Gymsters

Enjoy quality time with your child experiencing gym activities that safely challenge their abilities

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Freedom Park

Fees: $44 R / $57 NR

Adult & Tot Sports Stop

A parent/significant adult is integral helping their tot experience basic sports movement and equipment.

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Freedom Park

Fees: $44 R / $57 NR

Little Tykes

This class paves the way for a lifetime of home runs and baskets while teaching basic rules and skills for adult and child.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $44 R / $57 NR

Super Tots: First Down Tots

Fun, teamwork and sportsmanship are emphasized as youngsters learn the basics of football

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $75 R / $97 NR

Little Swingers T-Ball

Players learn throwing, hitting and running activities designed around the game of t-ball

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $75 R / $97 NR

Super Tots: Hoopster Tots

This is the perfect program to learn the fundamentals of basketball and have lots of fun! Parents are encouraged to get involved. Includes a Little Dunkers shirt.

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $75 R / $97 NR

Super Tots Multi-Sport: Baseball Tots and Soccer Tots

Boys and girls learn the fundamentals of both kickball and baseball as well as skills that are unique to each sport.

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Freedom Park

Fees: $75 R / $97 NR

Super Tots Multi-Sport: Basketball Tots and Soccer Tots

Boys and girls work on body coordination, agility, balance and self-confidence as they experience both the sports of soccer and basketball.

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $75 R / $97 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
ATHLETICS YOUTH ATHLETICS 35 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
Our parent/child sports classes ensure you have opportunities to play with your toddlers and preschoolers while experiencing different athletic and sport activities.
Fall 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306118-A Sep 13-Oct 4 Wed 4:45-5:15p 2-3 306118-B Oct 11-Nov 1 Wed 4:45-5:15p 2-3 306118-C Nov 8-Dec 6 Wed 4:45-5:15p 2-3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306072-A Sep 9-Oct 7 Sat 8:45-9:30a 2-3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306672-A Sep 11-Oct 9 Mon 10-10:45a 2-4 306672-B Oct 16-Nov 13 Mon 10-10:45a 2-4 306672-C Nov 20-Dec 18 Mon 10-10:45a 2-4
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306102-A Sep 16-Oct 14 Sat 10:40-11:20a 2-3.5 306102-B Sep 16-Oct 14 Sat 11:30a-12p 3.5-5 306102-C Nov 4-Dec 9 Sat 10:40-11:20a 2-3.5 306102-B Nov 4-Dec 9 Sat 11:30a-12p 3.5-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306103-A Sep 16-Oct 14 Sat 10:40-11:20a 2-3.5 306103-B Sep 16-Oct 14 Sat 11:30a-12:10p 3.5-5 306103-C Nov 4-Dec 9 Sat 10:40-11:20a 2-3.5 306103-C Nov 4-Dec 9 Sat 11:30a-12:10p 3.5-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306108-A Oct 7-28 Sat 9-9:40a 2-3.5 306108-B Oct 7-28 Sat 9:50-10:30a 3.5-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306119-A Sep 13-Oct 4 Wed 3:15-4p 3-6 306119-B Oct 11-Nov 1 Wed 3:15-4p 3-6
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306120-A Oct 11-Nov 1 Wed 3:30-4:10p 2-3.5 306120-B Oct 11-Nov 1 Wed 4:20-5p 3.5-5 306120-C Nov 8-Dec 6 Wed 3:30-4:10p 2-3.5 306120-D Nov 8-Dec 6 Wed 4:20-5p 3.5-5

Youth Athletics

Stretch and Grow with Sports

This fun-filled class teaches youngsters teamwork and sportsmanship through sports and group activities. Parents are encouraged to participate.

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $44 R / $57 NR

Mini Soccer

Mini Soccer introduces children to fundamental soccer skills such as using your feet, dribbling and the basic rules of the game.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Community Park

$55 R / $72 NR

Classic Soccer

Classic Soccer rules utilize creative games to develop basic soccer skills and highlight a positive character trait each session such as respect and teamwork.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Community Park

$55 R / $72 NR

Premier Soccer

Soccer Shots Premier focuses on individual skill, fitness and sportsmanship, providing an opportunity for children to be challenged through fun games and team interaction.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Community Park

Fees: $55 R / $72 NR

Junior Jammers

Experience the FUN!

Junior Jammers builds on beginner basketball skills and includes 5-on-5 games. Parents are encouraged to get involved. Includes a Junior Jammers shirt.

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $42 R / $52 NR

Start Smart Golf

Learn the basics of golf, putting, chipping and tee work, using colorful, age-appropriate equipment.

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Freedom Park

Fees: $44 R / $57 NR

Super Tots: Soccer Tots

Parents and children work together in this class to learn the basics of soccer emphasizing fun, teamwork and sportsmanship.

Instructor: Skyhawks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $75 R / $97 NR


RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
Fall 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306109-A Nov 4-Dec 9 Sat 12:15-1:15p 6-8
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306121-A Sep 13-Oct 4 Wed 4-4:45p 4-6
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306626-A Sep 16-Oct 14 Sat 9-9:40a 2-3.5 306626-B Sep 16-Oct 14 Sat 9:50-10:30a 3.5-5 306626-C Nov 4-Dec 9 Sat 9-9:40a 2-3.5 306626-D Nov 4-Dec 9 Sat 9:50-10:30a 3.5-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306105-A Sep 16-Oct 14 Sat 9:45-10:30a 3-5 306105-B Nov 4-Dec 9 Sat 9:45-10:30a 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306224-A Sep 20-Oct 18 Wed 5-5:30p 2-3 306224-B Nov 8-Dec 13 Wed 5-5:30p 2-3
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306225-A Sep 20-Oct 18 Wed 5:35-6:20p 3-5 306225-B Nov 8-Dec 13 Wed 5:35-6:20p 3-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306223-A Sep 20-Oct 18 Wed 6:25-7:10p 5-8 306223-B Nov 8-Dec 13 Wed 6:25-7:10p 5-8

Experience the FUN!

Pee Wee Floor Hockey

This is a fun way to learn the fundamentals of floor hockey including how to hold a hockey stick, shoot, pass and focus on teamwork while engaging in mini-games.

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $24 R / $32 NR

Youth Athletics

Parent/Child Floor Hockey Game

It's time for our annual Parent/Child Floor Hockey Game! We provide all the equipment; you can just show up! After the game, drinks and pizza are available. Gym shoes are mandatory. Registration fee is per adult and child.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees per person: $10 R / $13 NR


Participants learn the parts of an arrow and recurve bow, the basics of using a recurve bow and shooting skills. Both technique and games are a part of the class.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Community Park

$44 R / $57 NR


Players are broken up into teams and play several styles of dodgeball games throughout the evening. The program also includes the always popular kids vs. parents game.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $44 R / $57 NR

Quickstart Tennis

QuickStart Tennis is for children who are new to the game or who need additional instruction. QuickStart Tennis takes a new approach to introducing kids to the game by using fun sized courts, nets, racquets and balls.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Community Park

Fees: A&B: $44 R / $57 NR

C&D: $60 R / $78 NR

Junior Tennis

Classes focus on improving all basic strokes including forehand, backhand, volleys, serves, lobs and overheads. Match play is also introduced.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Community Park Fees: $60 R / $78 NR

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Fall 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306636-A Sep 18-Oct 16 Mon 5-5:45p 3-4 306636-B Sep 21-Oct 19 Thu 5-5:45p 5-6 306636-C Nov 6-Dec 11 Mon 5-5:45p 3-4 306636-D Nov 9-Dec 14 Thu 5-5:45p 5-6 306040-B Sep 17-Oct 15 Sun 11a-12p 13-17
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306064-A Sep 9-Oct 7 Sat 12:30-1:15p 7-10 306064-B Sep 9-Oct 7 Sat 1:15-2p 11-14
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 306662-A Nov 14-Dec 12 Tue 5:30-6:30p 2-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306008-A Sep 13-Oct 11 Wed 4-4:45p 4-6 306008-B Sep 17-Oct 15 Sun 9-9:45a 4-6 306008-C Sep 13-Oct 11 Wed 5-6p 7-12 306008-D Sep 17-Oct 15 Sun 10-11a 7-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306040-A Sep 13-Oct 11 Wed 6-7p 13-17
Tennis Page 41!
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 306112-A Dec 1 Fri 6-8p 1-2 and adult 306112-B Dec 1 Fri 6-8p 3-5 and adult

Youth Athletics

Fall Co-Ed Pre K/Kindergarten Basketball League

Teams practice for 30 minutes, followed by a 30-minute scrimmage game with another team in an eight-game schedule.

Registration ends September 30 or when program fills.

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $71 R / $92 NR

Indoor Soccer League

Practice the first two meetings and play games in a fun, recreational atmosphere, where each child gets equal playing time! Registration ends December 23 or when program is filled.

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $57 R / $74 NR

Youth Dodgeball League

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive & Dodge! Teams formed by age/gender/skill. After the game, players can enjoy one piece of pizza. Please pick up your child from the Rec Center at 5pm.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $59 R / $77 NR

Fall Co-ed Youth Developmental Basketball Leagues

Teams meet up to two times per week for 50 minutes each time and compete in an eight-game schedule! Registration ends September 24 or when the league fills.

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $70 R / $91 NR

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ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306010-A Oct 14-Dec 16 Sat 9a-12p 4-6
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306035-A Jan 7-Feb 25 Sun 9a-2p 3-4 306035-B Jan 7-Feb 25 Sun 9a-2p 5-6 306035-C Jan 7-Feb 25 Sun 9a-2p 7-8 306035-D Jan 7-Feb 25 Sun 9a-2p 9-10
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 306038-A Sep 15-Oct 20 Fri 4-5p 2-5 306038-B Nov 3-Dec 15 Fri 4-5p 2-5
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 306630-A Oct 2-Dec 8 Mon & Fri 5-5:50p 1-2 CO-ED 306630-B Oct 2-Dec 8 Mon & Fri 5:50-6:40p 3-4 BOYS 306630-C Oct 2-Dec 8 Mon & Fri 6:40-8:20p 3-5 GIRLS 306630-D Oct 3-Dec 7 Tue & Thu 6:40-9p 5-6 BOYS 306630-E Oct 3-Dec 7 Tue & Thu 6:40-9p 6-8 GIRLS 306630-F Oct 3-Dec 7 Tue & Thu 6:40-9p 7-8 BOYS

Experience the FUN!

Youth Athletics

Winter Floor Hockey Leagues

Teams meet up to twice per week. Registration ends November 22 or when the league fills

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $73 R / $95 NR

Fall Co-Ed 1st-2nd Grade Volleyball

The first two weeks are a camp covering basic volleyball skills. Following the camp, teams compete in an eight-game schedule and meet for an hour once or twice per week

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $60 R / $78 NR

Fall 3rd-5th Grade Volleyball Camp/League

Program starts with a volleyball camp for two weeks. The teams compete in a 8-game schedule.

Registration ends September 23 or when the program fills

Instructor: Volunteer Coach

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $60 R / $78 NR


Looking to give your team a little more practice or just want to have some fun? Our batting cage offers opportunities for all ages. Slow pitch to fast pitch baseball. Participants can even choose to forgo the pitching machine and give their arm a work out on the pitching mound. Rentals include enough space in your own private room to have team meetings, go over fielding assignments or even run small drills while others are working on their swing or pitching in the cage. Rental reservation requests require a minimum of three days advance notice. If you would like to request a rental, you must contact the Athletic Supervisor, Ron Woodworth, at (708) 342-4208. Rental requests are handled on a first come-first served basis.

Location: Recreation Center

Group/Individual Fee: $13 R / $20 NR (per 30 minutes)

Please note: maximum of 12 people allowed in the room per time during rentals.

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Fall 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 306613-A Dec 12-Feb 1 Tue & Thu 5-5:50p K-1 306613-B Dec 11-Jan 31 Mon & Wed 5-6:40p 2-3 306613-C Dec 12-Feb 1 Tue & Thu 5:50-7:30p 4-5 306613-D Dec 11-Jan 31 Mon & Wed 6:40-8:30p 6-8 306613-E Dec 11-Feb 2 Mon-Fri 6:40-9:10p High School
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 306111-A Oct 3-Dec 7 Tue & Thu 5-6p 1-2
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 306638-A Oct 3-Dec 7 Tue & Thu 6-9p 3-5 306638-B Oct 3-Dec 7 Tue & Thu 6-9p 3-5

Adult Athletics

Adult Athletic League Registration and Information

Entire fee is due at registration. Registration fees are per team. Full refunds are processed within one month for teams that secured a sponsorship. Full refunds are granted before the registration deadline only No refunds after the league meeting. All league schedules are subject to change throughout the season. Teams could play on different days than registered for and doubleheaders.

Adult Individual League Sign-up List

Want to play on one of our adult sport leagues, but you don’t have a team? Register yourself on our individual players list. If a team is looking for players or we have enough players to organize a team, we do the work for you! Please specify which league you are interested in during registration.


Location: Recreation Center

Doubles Pickleball League

Games consist of three matches up to 11 points or a time limit of 15 minutes per match.

Registration ends September 13 or when the league fills.

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $60 per team

Adult Co-ed Volleyball Leagues

Teams play one three-game match per week throughout the season, plus playoffs. Registration ends September 9 or when the program fills.

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $310 per team

Thursday Night Volleyball League

Teams play one three-game match per week throughout the season, plus playoffs. Registration ends September 7 or when the league fills.

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $310 per team

Adult Bean Bag League

Two adults play a match of three games in an 8-week season, followed by playoffs. Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $60 per team

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ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306209-A Sep 24-Nov 19 Sun 9a-12p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE DIVISION 306651-A Sep 27-Nov 22 Wed 6:30-10p 18+ Rec 306651-B Sep 27-Nov 22 Wed 6:30-10p 18+ Inter B/C
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE DIVISION 306678-A Sep 21-Dec 14 Thu 6:30-10p 18+ Women 306678-B Sep 21-Dec 14 Thu 6:30-10p 18+ Men
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE DIVISION 306661-A Oct 10-Dec 19 Tue 6-9p 18+ Rec 306661-B Oct 10-Dec 19 Tue 6-9p 18+ Competitive

Experience the FUN!

Adult Athletics

Men's Sunday Basketball League

The fee includes 8-10 games, playoffs, equipment, referees and cash prizes. Teams must provide their jerseys with a 6” to 8” number on the back. Registration ends October 31 or when the league fills.

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $710 per team

Single Elimination Soccer Tournament

Teams play games on grass and turf fields. Includes prize money for the top two teams, referees and equipment. Registration ends September 15 or when tournament fills.

Location: Freedom Park Fees: $180 per team

Fall Men's 16" Single Elimination Tournament

The registration fee includes cash prizes, umpires and softballs. A maximum of 12 players allowed to bat in the lineup. Registration ends September 25 or when tournament fills.

Location: Community Park Fees: $100 per team

Fall Men's 12" Double Elimination Tournament

The registration fee includes cash prizes, umpires and softballs. A maximum of 12 players are allowed to bat in the lineup. Registration ends on August 29 or when the tournament fills.

Location: Freedom Park

Fees: $195 per team

Adult Golf Lessons

Beginner to advanced students receive instruction in a group format covering proper grip, stance, full swing, pitching, putting, safety, rules and etiquette. Range balls: $5 per class.

Instructor: Dennis Piotrowski

Location: White Mountain Golf Course

Fees: $78 R / $102 NR

Adult Tennis

Adult tennis is for adults looking to start playing tennis and those looking to improve their skills.

Instructor: Athletic Staff

Location: Community Park

Fees: $60 R / $78 NR

RAINOUT LINE 708-779-6010
Fall 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306063-A Sep 13-Oct 11 Wed 7-8p 18+ 306063-B Sep 17-Oct 15 Sun 12-1p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306659-A Sep 5-Oct 3 Tue 6-7p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE RAIN DATE 306036-A Sep 23 Sat 9a-2p 18+ Oct 1
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE RAIN DATE 306037-A Oct 7 Sat 9a-6p 18+ Oct 14
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE RAIN DATE 306620-A Sep 9 Sat 9a-6p 18+ Sep 16
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 306663-A Nov 12-Mar 3 Sun 9a-1p 18+

Martial Arts Experience the FUN!


Students have the opportunity to improve concentration and self-esteem, achieve lifelong physical fitness and learn self-defense skills. A uniform fee of $50 is required at the first class.

KH Kim Taekwondo offers belt testing twice a year at an additional fee. All colored belt students are required to have complete sparring gear.

Instructor: K.H. Kim Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $144 R / $172 NR

Little Dragons

Class captivates the interest of our youngest students. Skills are developed through gentle instruction and appropriate games. This class focuses on developing balance, coordination and respect for the discipline of martial arts training.

Early Taekwondo

This program helps kids develop conditioning, coordination, listening skills and self-confidence through creative activities.

Youth Taekwondo

This program provides a balanced cardiovascular workout using Taekwondo tradition and self-control including punching, kicking and blocking skills. Participants improve coordination, power of concentration, balance and physical and mental discipline.

Parent/Child Taekwondo

This class provides families with a fun opportunity to spend time together while improving physical and mental conditioning through cardiovascular drills, calisthenics and traditional Taekwondo techniques.

Adult Taekwondo

Restricted to high school students and older, this program concentrates on the study of forms, stances and the skills of punching, kicking and blocking.

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE LEVEL NO CLASS 310140-A Sep 14-Dec 7 Thu 4:15-4:55p 4-5 Little Dragons 11/23 310140-B Sep 14-Dec 7 Thu 5:05-5:50p 6-7 Early Taekwondo 11/23 310140-C Sep 14-Dec 7 Thu 6-6:45p 8-13 Youth Taekwondo 11/23 310140-D Sep 14-Dec 7 Thu 6:55-7:40p 7+ Parent/Child Taekwondo 11/23 310140-E Sep 14-Dec 7 Thu 7:50-8:35p 14+ Adult Taekwondo 11/23 310140-F Jan 4-Mar 21 Thu 4:15-4:55p 4-5 Little Dragons 310140-G Jan 4-Mar 21 Thu 5:05-5:50p 6-7 Early Taekwondo 310140-H Jan 4-Mar 21 Thu 6-6:45p 8-13 Youth Taekwondo 310140-I Jan 4-Mar 21 Thu 6:55-7:40p 7+ Parent/Child Taekwondo 310140-J Jan 4-Mar 21 Thu 7:50-8:35p 14+ Adult Taekwondo
42 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Fall 2023

Shotokan Karate Club

Illinois Shotokan Karate Club is Chicagoland’s premier karate school taught under the instruction of John DiPasquale, a four-time National Champion and President of the American Shotokan Karate Association. Beginner students are not permitted to register into the current session after the second class has met. Registration for continuer students is accepted after the start date, but the full class fee is required. Uniforms and belt testing are options available through the ISKC instructor.

Instructor: Illinois Shotokan Karate Club Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center


In our pre-karate safety classes, young children develop flexibility, strength and coordination in fun, yet disciplined activities.

Parent/Child Karate

Parent/Child classes are a great way to spend quality time with your child, while conditioning muscles, developing coordination and improving cardiovascular fitness. Fees are per person.

*Please note: with adult

Youth/Adult Karate

ISKC’s youth karate classes put children in touch with their bodies and offer a good mix of strength training, cardiovascular and flexibility exercises.

Fall 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE / LEVEL FEES 302283-A Sep 13-Dec 20 Wed 4-4:45p 4-6 Beginner (no experience) $203 R / $264 NR 302283-B Sep 13-Dec 20 Wed 4:50-5:35p 4-6 Continuer (1+sessions) $203 R / $264 NR 302283-C Jan 3-Feb 21 Wed 4-4:45p 4-6 Beginner (no experience) $108 R / $140 NR 302283-D Jan 3-Feb 21 Wed 4:50-5:35p 4-6 Continuer (1+sessions) $108 R / $140 NR
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE / LEVEL FEES 302228-A Sep 13-Dec 20 Wed 5:40-6:40p 7+ Beginner/Continuer (white-red belts) $203 R / $264 NR 302228-B Sep 13-Dec 20 Wed 6:45-7:45p 7+ Novice (orange-blue belts) $203 R / $264 NR 302228-C Sep 13-Dec 20 Wed 7:50-8:50p 7+ Intermediate/Advanced (green-black belts) $203 R / $264 NR 302228-D Jan 3-Feb 21 Wed 5:40-6:40p 7+ Beginner/Continuer (white-red belts) $108 R / $140 NR 302228-E Jan 3-Feb 21 Wed 6:45-7:45p 7+ Novice (orange-blue belts) $108 R / $140 NR 302228-F Jan 3-Feb 21 Wed 7:50-8:50p 7+ Intermediate/Advanced (green-black belts) $108 R / $140 NR
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE / LEVEL FEES Youth 302228-G Sep 13-Dec 20 Wed 5:40-6:40p 8-14 / Beginner/Continuer (white-red belts) $203 R / $264 NR 302228-H Sep 13-Dec 20 Wed 6:45-7:45p 8-14 / Novice (orange-blue belts) $203 R / $264 NR 302228-I Sep 13-Dec 20 Wed 7:50-8:50p 8-14 / Intermediate/Advanced (green-black belts) $203 R / $264 NR 302228-J Jan 3-Feb 21 Wed 5:40-6:40p 8-14 / Beginner/Continuer (white-red belts) $108 R / $140 NR 302228-K Jan 3-Feb 21 Wed 6:45-7:45p 8-14 / Novice (orange-blue belts) $108 R / $140 NR 302228-L Jan 3-Feb 21 Wed 7:50-8:50p 8-14 / Intermediate/Advanced (green-black belts) $108 R / $140 NR Adult 302228-M Sep 13-Dec 20 Wed 5:40-6:40p 15+ / Beginner/Continuer (white-red belts) $203 R / $264 NR 302228-N Sep 13-Dec 20 Wed 6:45-7:45p 15+ / Novice (orange-blue belts) $203 R / $264 NR 302228-O Sep 13-Dec 20 Wed 7:50-8:50p 15+ / Intermediate/Advanced (green-black belts) $203 R / $264 NR 302228-P Jan 3-Feb 21 Wed 5:40-6:40p 15+ / Beginner/Continuer (white-red belts) $108 R / $140 NR 302228-Q Jan 3-Feb 21 Wed 6:45-7:45p 15+ / Novice (orange-blue belts) $108 R / $140 NR 302228-R Jan 3-Feb 21 Wed 7:50-8:50p 15+ / Intermediate/Advanced (green-black belts) $108 R / $140 NR SCAN TO SEE FULL DESCRIPTIONS OF MARTIAL ARTS ACTIVITIES
Experience the FUN! MARTIAL
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Martial Arts

Adults & Teens

The Pit Stop–Teen Center

Looking for something to do, a place to hang out or meet new people? Drop in at the Bettenhausen Recreation Center’s “Pit Stop” Teen Center and see everything we have to offer! The Pit Stop is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00-8:00 p.m. and Friday from 4:00-9:00 p.m. The drop-in center is open to teens in grades 6 through 12 to play pool, air hockey, foosball, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii and much more. Check out our exer-gaming area blending fitness and fun in one! Watch for contests, special activity nights and more throughout the year, all included with your Rec Center membership or daily pass. There is so much to do—come in today! Recreation Center membership or daily pass is required for entry. Pit Stop entrance is for participants in grades 6 to 12.

Pit Stop Rentals

The Pit Stop is available to rent for teen parties! Rentals are available on Saturday and Sunday throughout the year. Rentals are 2 hours in length. To book a rental, you must contact Bailey O'Connell at (708) 342-4205. Rentals must be made a minimum of 3 weeks in advance. Availability is first comefirst served; maximum of 25 people allowed in the room during rentals

Location: Recreation Center

Fee: $140 R / $185 NR

Age: 10+; A parent/guardian over age 18 must be present for the entire rental

American Sign Language

Learn ASL from the comfort of your home in a fun, interactive and lively environment.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

Lights On Afterschool Pit Stop Open House

Join the Tinley Park-Park District and After School Alliance as we celebrate the Lights on Afterschool national day for after school programming. Stop by the Pit Stop for a tour, to play games, enjoy special Lights On activities and more. This is a great time to see all we have to offer. The Pit Stop is open to kids in 6th-12th grade.

Location: Recreation Center

Spanish for Middle School

This class is a great supplement to middle school or junior high Spanish students and students not taking Spanish.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

Spanish for High School

This class is a great supplement to high school Spanish classes or any interested high school student.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

Winter Break Hours at the Pit Stop

Look for extended Winter Break open play hours and special themed events in the Pit Stop. Check the calendar in the Pit Stop or call for hours.

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 303042-A Sep 13-Oct 18 Wed 6-6:45p 12-18 303042-B Oct 25-Nov 29 Wed 6-6:45p 12-18 303042-C Dec 6-Jan 10 Wed 6-6:45p 12-18 303042-D Jan 17-Feb 21 Wed 6-6:45p 12-18
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 303003-A Sep 12-Oct 17 Tue 5:30-6:15p 6-8 303003-B Oct 24-Nov 28 Tue 5:30-6:15p 6-8 303003-C Dec 5-Jan 9 Tue 5:30-6:15p 6-8 303003-D Jan 16-Feb 20 Tue 5:30-6:15p 6-8
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME GRADE 303004-A Sep 12-Oct 17 Tue 6:30-7:15p 9-12 303004-B Oct 24-Nov 28 Tue 6:30-7:15p 9-12 303004-C Dec 5-Jan 9 Tue 6:30-7:15p 9-12 303004-D Jan 16-Feb 20 Tue 6:30-7:15p 9-12
DATE DAY/TIME GRADE Sep 28 Th 4-8pm 6th-12th Kids
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Fall 2023
the FUN!

DIY Teens & Preteens!

Franken Toys

Join us in the Pit Stop to bring old toys back to life in creepy, wacky and monstrous ways by creating your own Franken-toy! Take old toys apart and create your own toy combinations.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $15 R / $20 NR

Adults & Teens

Teen Chocolate Olympics

What is the best chocolate money can buy? Find out during the Chocolate Olympics!

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $25 R / $33 NR

Med School 4 Teens

This course is an advanced exploration of the human heart, skin, blood, digestion, disease, surgery techniques, how to read an EKG and more.

Instructor: Little Medical School

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $187 R / $233 NR

Kokedama Style Gardening Workshop

Join us for this workshop where you to take a houseplant and transform it into a kokedama (moss ball). All materials included in the fee.

Instructor: Greg Stack

Teen Paint Party

Come join us in the Pit Stop for a night of painting! Teens can paint a variety of items while enjoying light refreshments.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $10 R / $13 NR

DIY Stress Balls

Hang out with us in the Pit Stop as we make various kinds of stress balls from household items and enjoy snacks.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $25 R / $33 NR

DIY Monogram Letters

Each participant receives a wooden letter that is the first letter of their name. Make it your own with paint, glitter, rhinestones you name it! Light refreshments included.

Instructor: Tinley Park District Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $20 R / $26 NR

Location: Teds Greenhouse Fees: $39 R / $50 NR

Holiday Container Gardens Workshop

Welcome visitors to your home with a container of mixed greens and ornaments. Everything you need to create the perfect holiday container is provided; bring pruning shears.

Instructor: Greg Stack

Location: Teds Greenhouse Fees: $39 R / $50 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 303036-A Oct 11 Wed 5-6:30p 10-16
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 303037-A Sep 13 Wed 6-7:30p 11-14
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 303039-A Dec 6 Wed 5-6:30p 13-17
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 303040-A Jan 10 Wed 6-7:30p 12-15
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 303038-A Nov 15 Wed 5-6:30p 13-16
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 303041-A Sep 19-Oct 24 Tue 6:45-7:45p 11-14
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 309001-A Nov 1 Wed 6-8p 18+ 309001-B Nov 4 Sat 10a-12p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 309006-A Dec 6 Wed 6-8p 18+ 309006-B Dec 9 Sat 10a-12p 18+
ADULTS & TEENS 45 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
Fall 2023
Experience the FUN!

Spanish for Adults

Have you always wanted to learn a foreign language, but never had the opportunity? Now is the perfect time!

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

Adults & Teens ADULTS & TEENS

Zoom Spanish Class

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

Zoom Italian

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

Zoom French

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

American Sign Language

Learn the basics of American Sign from the comfort of your living room as you learn to sign in a fun, interactive and lively environment.

Instructor: Language In Action

Location: ZOOM

Fees: $89 R / $115 NR

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 310004-A Sep 14-Oct 19 Thu 7-8p 18+ 310004-B Oct 26-Dec 7 Thu 7-8p 18+ 11/23
us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn a language via the interactive Zoom platform!
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 310003-A Sep 12-Oct 17 Tue 10-11a 18+ 310003-B Sep 13-Oct 18 Wed 6-7p 18+ 310003-C Oct 24-Nov 28 Tue 10-11a 18+ 310003-D Oct 25-Nov 29 Wed 6-7p 18+ 310003-E Dec 5-Jan 9 Tue 10-11a 18+ 310003-F Dec 6-Jan 10 Wed 6-7p 18+ 310003-G Jan 16-Feb 20 Tue 10-11a 18+ 310003-H Jan 17-Feb 21 Wed 6-7p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 310008-A Sep 13-Oct 18 Wed 7-8p 18+ 310008-B Oct 25-Nov 29 Wed 7-8p 18+ 310008-C Dec 6-Jan 10 Wed 7-8p 18+ 310008-D Jan 17-Feb 21 Wed 7-8p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 310009-A Sep 11-Oct 23 Mon 6-7p 18+ 10/9 310009-B Oct 30-Dec 11 Mon 6-7p 18+ 11/20 310009-C Jan 22-Mar 4 Mon 6-7p 18+ 2/19
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 310022-A Sep 13-Oct 18 Wed 7-8p 18+ 310022-B Oct 25-Nov 29 Wed 7-8p 18+ 310022-C Dec 6-Jan 10 Wed 7-8p 18+ 310022-D Jan 17-Feb 21 Wed 7-8p 18+
46 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Experience
Fall 2023
the FUN!

Experience the FUN!

Tree Collar

Adults & Teens

Paint a fun alternative to the traditional tree skirt! Choose the colors and patterns and then take it home to "spruce" up your tree!

Instructor: Deniera Burks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $52 R / $68 NR

310014-A Nov 18 Sat 10a-12p 18+ Santa Belt

310014-B Nov 18 Sat 10a-12p 18+ Farm House

310014-C Nov 18 Sat 10a-12p 18+ Merry Christmas

310014-D Nov 18 Sat 10a-12p 18+ Happy Holidays

DIY Natural Soap from Scratch

Learn the fundamentals of making cold process soap including various oil usages, safety precautions when dealing with lye, colorants, fragrances, curing times, design techniques and more

Instructor: Deniera Burks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $52 R / $68 NR

Holiday Wreath Buddy Wreath

Create a stunning wreath customized to your décor and embellish it with florals, ribbons and accessories. Attach it to your painted ‘wreath buddy’.

Instructor: Deniera Burks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

$46 R / $59 NR

DIY Holiday Door Sign

Customize your sign to your style as you choose from three unique styles that you paint and embellish yourself.

Instructor: Deniera Burks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $46 R / $59 NR

Holiday Circular Door Sign

Refresh your door with this modern approach to the traditional semi-circular door sign. All supplies included.

Instructor: Deniera Burks

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $39 R / $50 NR

Illinois Hunter Safety

The two-day class covers the basics of: hunter responsibility, wildlife conservation and identification, firearms and ammunition, field safety, wildlife management, first aid, archery, muzzle loading and state regulations. You must attend both days; we do not offer a one day option or a field day option.

DATES DAY TIME AGE Sep 30 Sat 9a-3p 12+ Oct 1 Sun 10a-4p 12+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 310018-A Sep 21 Thu 6-8p 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 310019-A Dec 2 Sat 10a-12p 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE THEME 310020-A Nov 30 Thu 6-8p 16+ Santa Belt 311020-B Nov 30 Thu 6-8p 16+ Peace 311020-C Nov 30 Thu 6-8p 16+ Joy
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE THEME 310021-A Dec 7 Thu 6-8p 16+ Happy Holidays 310021-B Dec 7 Thu 6-8p 16+ Merry Christmas
ADULTS & TEENS 47 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
Fall 2023

Mature Adults


The STARS (Seniors That Appreciate Recreation Services) is a multipurpose space where adults 55+ can socialize, enjoy refreshments, meet up with friends after a workout, read or just relax. Benefits offered with the membership include discounts on monthly luncheons and special events, discounted admission to the Spring Fling and Holiday Party banquets, coffee during open hours, surprise snack days and more. On occasion, members can enjoy informative seminars, live music and special events.

Annual STARS Membership runs from March 1-Februrary 28 each year. Memberships bought throughout the year end on the last day of February, regardless of when the membership was purchased. Did you know that your membership helps us provide many free services to mature adults?

•Monthly newsletters (print and electronic)

•AARP Driver Safety Programs

•AARP Tax Preparation

•Rules of the Road Refresher Programs

•Cards, Dice, Board Games, Puzzles

•Magazine subscriptions and Books

•Bingo (1st Thursday of each month)

•Seasonal events such as Senior Olympics and Active Aging

•Health Clinics (i.e. flu shot, eye exam, etc.)

•Internet Access

Very Important: Participants must be self-maintained, as no medical services are available on site.

Instructor: Senior Coordinator

Location: Recreation Center Fee: $16 R / $21 NR

Monthly Luncheon

Sign up early for the popular monthly luncheons at the STARS Drop-In Center!

Lunch is served on the third Tuesday of each month for adults aged 55 and over. Catch up with friends over a delicious meal! Lunch is served at approximately 11:30am.

Registration is due one week before the luncheon.

Instructor: Senior Coordinator

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $5 STARS Member / $6 Non-member

Thank you to our Monthly Luncheon Sponsors!

Marquette Bank, Tina Konieczki Insurance and Porter Place

Holiday Party

Join the fun at our annual Holiday Party! The holidays are the best time to get together with friends and share the holiday cheer. This event includes a delicious lunch, dessert, fabulous raffles and live entertainment. We may even have a visit from the #1 resident at the North Pole. Register soon as this party sells out fast!

Instructor: Senior Coordinator

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $4 STARS Member / $6 Non-member

MATURE ADULTS 48 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Experience the FUN!
Fall 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 508800A Mar 1, 2023 – Feb 29, 2024 Tu, Th 9am-2pm 55+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE THEME 308801-A Oct 17 Tue 11a-1p 55+ Halloween 308801-B Nov 21 Tue 11a-1p 55+ Friendsgiving 308801-D Jan 16 Tue 11a-1p 55+ Sip & Sparkle ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 308801-C Dec 19 Tue 10:30a-1p 55+

Experience the FUN!

Fall Fun with Apples

Mature Adults

Our celebration of apples includes snacking on apple cider, apple pie, dip and more! Plus get some apple recipes for you to try at home.

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $3 STARS Member / $5 Non-member

Some More S’mores, Please!

The chocolate, marshmallow, graham cracker concoction… s’mores, delicious but messy! We make them for you and give you the recipe for no fuss baked s’mores!

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $3 STARS Member / $5 Non-member

AARP Drivers Safety Course

This driving course offered by AARP refreshes you on driving basics and may qualify you for a multi-year discount on your insurance. Pay AARP instructor by check payable to AARP or cash. Bring your AARP member card for discount.

Instructor: AARP Staff

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $20 AARP Member / $25 Non-member


Bridge is a classic American card game that can be difficult to understand! Through our bridge classes, you can become fluent in this game and enjoy playing with friends and family.

Instructor: Bill Birk

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR


Come out for a fun afternoon of Bingo with your friends and win some cool prizes at the same time. Purchase of a slice of pizza is optional but must be paid at the time of registration. Registration is due one week prior to event date.

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 308832-A Nov 8 Wed 8:30a-5p 50+ 308832-B Dec 6 Wed 8:30a-5p 50+ 308832-C Jan 10-11 Wed & Thu 9a-1p 50+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 309110-A Oct 5-26 Thu 1-3p 18+ Level 1-Beginners 309110-B Jan 4-25 Thu 1-3p 18+ Level 2-Advanced
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 311804-A Oct 5 Thu 12:30-2p 55+ 311804-B Nov 2 Thu 12:30-2p 55+ 311804-C Dec 7 Thu 12:30-2p 55+ 311804-D Jan 4 Thu 12:30-2p 55+

Health & Fitness

Self Defense in the Real World

Learn to protect yourself from a physical attack with knowledge and preparation. This class empowers you with critical skills to help keep you safe.

Instructor: Ben Hillis

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $45 R / $74 NR

Cardio Drumming

Release your inner rock star while you get an all-over body workout and some excellent cardio using standard drumsticks to drum on exercise balls

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $48 R / $63 NR

Seated Cardio Drumming

Release your inner rock star while you get an all-over body workout and some excellent cardio. We’ll use standard drumsticks to drum on exercise balls, from a seated position.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $48 R / $63 NR

Chair Dancing

This class is a safe, low impact workout that anyone can do while seated.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $48 R / $63 NR

Basic Fitness and Toning

This class is designed for beginners or people getting back into a fitness frame of mind.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $48 R / $63 NR

Drop-in Fitness Class Fee

If you do not have time to commit to a weekly exercise class, or you want to try one of our classes before you register, drop in! This option allows you to take one fitness class. Please call 708-342-4200 in advance to confirm class is running. Not valid for Tinley Fitness classes

Location: Recreation Center

Age: Adult

Fees: $9 R / $13 NR

Spin & Strength: $13 R / $17 NR

HEALTH & FITNESS 50 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Experience the FUN!
Fall 2023
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 303002-A Sep 11-Oct 2 Mon 6-7p 13+ 303002-B Oct 9-30 Mon 6-7p 13+ 303002-C Nov 6-Dec 4 Mon 6-7p 13+ 11/20
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 304001-A Sep 19-Oct 24 Tue 7:30-8:15p 16+ 304001-B Oct 31-Dec 12 Tue 7:30-8:15p 16+ 11/21 304001-C Jan 2-Feb 6 Tue 7:30-8:15p 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 304010-A Sep 19-Oct 24 Tue 9:15-10a 16+ 304010-B Oct 31-Dec 12 Tue 9:15-10a 16+ 11/21 304010-C Jan 2-Feb 6 Tue 9:15-10a 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 304014-A Sep 21-Oct 26 Thu 9:15-10a 16+ 304014-B Nov 2-Dec 14 Thu 9:15-10a 16+ 11/23 304014-C Jan 4-Feb 8 Thu 9:15-10a 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 304494-A Sep 20-Oct 25 Wed 9:15-10a 16+ 304494-B Nov 1-Dec 13 Wed 9:15-10a 16+ 11/22 304494-C Jan 3-Feb 7 Wed 9:15-10a 16+

Experience the FUN! Health & Fitness

Butts and Guts Boot Camp

An intense and effective workout focusing on the lower body, designed to sculpt and firm your core, butt and thighs.

Instructor: Kim Bennett

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $48 R / $63 NR

Beginning Strength & Stretch for Women

Add strength training into your exercise regimen with this class as you learn how to use weights, bands and your body weight while toning and strengthening your body.

Instructor: Eileen Conneely

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: A: $80 R / $104 NR; B: $70 R / $91 NR

Pilates Barre Blend

Participants experience intensive muscle conditions, with a special focus on the entire core, through Pilates and Barre techniques.

Instructor: Jennifer Raleigh

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $47 R / $61 NR


Students get an intensive workout with a strong focus on core conditioning while working at their own pace in class.

Instructor: Jennifer Raleigh

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $47 R / $61 NR

Spin Into Strength

Combine the intense spin cardio workout with a strength portion for a total body workout.

Instructor: Eileen Conneely

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: A: $80 R / $104 NR

B: $70 R / $91 NR

Dance Fitness For Kids

This class incorporates easy-to-follow dance routines to pop, hip hop and lyrical music styles.

Instructor: Jennifer Raleigh

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $40 R / $52 NR

HEALTH & FITNESS 51 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 304476-A Sep 19-Oct 24 Tue 6:30-7:15p 16+ 304476-B Oct 31-Dec 12 Tue 6:30-7:15p 16+ 11/21 304476-C Nov 3-Dec 15 Fri 9:15-10a 16+ 304476-D Jan 2-Feb 6 Tue 6:30-7:15p 16+ 304476-E Jan 5-Feb 9 Fri 9:15-10a 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 304018-A Sep 28-Nov 16 Thu 9:30-10:30a 18+ 304018-B Nov 30-Jan 25 Thu 9:30-10:30a 18+ 12/28, 1/4
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 304025-A Sep 14-Oct 19 Thu 6-6:55p 16+ 304025-B Nov 2-Dec 14 Thu 6-6:55p 16+ 304025-C Jan 11-Feb 15 Thu 6-6:55p 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 304487-A Sep 16-Oct 21 Sat 8:15-9:15a 16+ 304487-B Nov 4-Dec 16 Sat 8:15-9:15a 16+ 304487-C Jan 13-Feb 17 Sat 8:15-9:15a 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 304491-A Sep 14-Oct 19 Thu 5-5:45p 7-12 304491-B Nov 2-Dec 14 Thu 5-5:45p 7-12 304491-C Jan 11-Feb 15 Thu 5-5:45p 7-12
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 304443-A Sep 28-Nov 16 Thu 7-8p 16+ 304443-B Nov 30-Jan 25 Thu 7-8p 16+ 12/28, 1/4

Tony RecreationBettenhausenCenter


• Proof of residency for all household members.

• Maximum 8 members per household.

• Village/Corporate Rate: (a) must live in Village but not in Park District boundaries or (b) work within the village. Proof of residence and/or employment status (current pay stub) required.

• Senior Couple rate is only available if both memers are 60+.


1. Only walkers/runners on the track

2. Wheelchairs and walkers only on track. No strollers/rollerblades/other wheeled mechanisms

3. Food or beverages not allowed on track or in gym except for water

4. No street shoes allowed on track

5. Slower users should use inside lane

Park District

• Non-resident/resident without valid Resident ID must be accompanied by a Park District Resident

• Resident Rate Cards are free.

• Parent and child(ren) can obtain the ID at the Recreation Center front desk.


PASS TYPE Park District Resident Village/Corporate Rate Individual $ 45 $ 75 Household of 2 $ 75 $135 Household of 3 $105 $195 Household of 4 $135 $255 Each Additional $30 $60 Senior (60+) $38 $70
Senior Couple $61
H O U R S October - April May -September Holiday Hours M-F 5:30 am -10:00 pm Sat 7:00 am - 8:00 pm Sun 7:00 am - 5:00 pm M-F 5:30 am - 9:00 pm Sat 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Sun 7:00 am - 4:00 pm CLOSED ON Easter • Memorial Day • July 4 • Labor Day • Christmas
7:00 am - 2:00
Christmas Eve: 7:00 am - 2:00
New Year’s Eve: 7:00
Year’s Day:
1/8 mile|run
walk 3
6. An adult must accompany children under age 10. Open gym 7 days a week
am - 2:00 pm New
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
full size courts
DAILY DROP-IN TYPE FEE Park District Resident age 3+ with ID $ 5 Non-Resident (with a member only) $15 Park District Resident without ID $15 Village Corporate $15
Tony RecreationBettenhausenCenter
Residents ages 3 - 15 require a valid Resident Rate Card to pay the $5 fee

Fitness Yoga

This quicker-paced yoga class builds strength, flexibility and stamina through challenging postures and stretch work.

Instructor: Jennifer Raleigh

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $47 R / $61 NR

Senior Yoga

This safe and slower-moving class is designed for senior citizens. Incorporated in this class is range of movement, alignment, stretching, awareness, balance, breathing and relaxation.

Instructor: Marcia Egan

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $52 R / $67 NR

Foundational Yoga

In this class yoga postures are practiced to align, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body.

Instructor: Marcia Egan

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $52 R / $67 NR

Saturday Stretch Yoga

This yoga class focuses on lengthening muscles throughout the body and stretching the core.

Instructor: Jennifer Raleigh

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

$47 R / $61 NR

Hatha Yoga

Yoga poses are known to maintain flexibility, strength and balance. An emphasis is placed on the non-competitive nature of yoga.

Instructor: Marcia Stanek

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center Fees: $41 R / $54 NR

Stress Management Yoga

Do you need to reduce stress or let go of tension in your mind and body? This gentle class teaches stress management techniques to reduce muscle tension.

Instructor: Marcia Egan

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $52 R / $67 NR

Yoga: Next Step

This class is for students with one to two years of yoga experience who are ready to gain a deeper understanding of yoga practice.

Instructor: Marcia Egan

Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center

Fees: $52 R / $67 NR

Fall 2023
Experience the FUN!
& Fitness
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 304002-A Sep 12-Oct 24 Tue 10-11a 60+ 304002-B Sep 12-Oct 24 Tue 11:30a-12:30p 60+ 304002-C Nov 7-Dec 19 Tue 10-11a 60+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 304023-A Sep 11-Oct 23 Mon 6-7p 18+ 304023-B Nov 6-Dec 18 Mon 6-7p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 304024-A Sep 16-Oct 21 Sat 9:30-10:30a 16+ 304024-B Nov 4-Dec 16 Sat 9:30-10:30a 16+ 304024-C Jan 13-Feb 17 Sat 9:30-10:30a 16+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 304461-A Sep 20-Oct 25 Wed 11a-12p 18+ 304461-B Sep 22-Oct 27 Fri 10:30-11:30a 18+ 304461-C Nov 8-Dec 13 Wed 11a-12p 18+ 304461-D Nov 10-Dec 15 Fri 10:30-11:30a 18+ 304461-E Dec 27-Jan 31 Wed 11a-12p 18+ 304461-F Dec 29-Feb 2 Fri 10:30-11:30a 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 304471-A Sep 13-Oct 25 Wed 7:30-8:30p 18+ 304471-B Nov 8-Dec 20 Wed 7:30-8:30p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 304472-A Sep 13-Oct 25 Wed 6:15-7:15p 18+ 304472-B Nov 8-Dec 20 Wed 6:15-7:15p 18+
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE NO CLASS 304410-A Sep 14-Oct 19 Thu 10:45-11:35a 16+ 304410-B Sep 14-Oct 19 Thu 7-8p 16+ 304410-C Nov 2-Dec 14 Thu 10:45-11:45a 16+ 11/23 304410-D Nov 2-Dec 14 Thu 7-8p 16+ 304410-E Jan 11-Feb 15 Thu 10:45-11:45a 16+ 304410-F Jan 11-Feb 15 Thu 7-8p 16+
Whether you are new to yoga or are an advanced practitioner, we offer a class to meet your needs. Please bring a yoga mat to class.

Trips & Excursions

All trips depart from McCarthy Park at 16801 S. 80th Ave, Tinley Park unless otherwise noted.

Your feet are made for walking, but it is nice to have an idea of how much walking is involved on our trips. The more you see by a program, the more walking involved.


Little Shop of Horrors Play & Lunch

Little Shop of Horrors is a wild sensation filled with unforgettable songs and of course, a man-eating plant! Lunch is included before the performance.

Location: Aurora, IL

$125 R / $125 NR

A Day in Amish Country

Enjoy a day in Amish country with a guided farm tour, shopping, a meal and more.

Location: Napanee, IN

Fees: $125 R / $125 NR

Christmas Concert at the Estate

Get in the holiday spirit at the fabulous Sanfillipo Estate with lunch, a holiday organ concert and a stop at Tree Time for holiday shopping.

Location: Lake County, IL Fees: $148 R / $148 NR


TRIPS/EXCURSIONS 54 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Fall 2023 FOLLOW US Experience the FUN!
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 305005-A Oct 11 Wed 10:45a-5:15p All
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 305006-A Sep 21 Thu 8:30a-5:30p All
ACTIVITY DATES DAY TIME AGE 305007-A Dec 5 Tue 9:30a-6:30p 21+



DECEMBER 21, 2023

DECEMBER 21, 2023

4:00 - 6:00 pm

4:00 - 6:00 pm

bettenhausen rec center

Bettenhausen Rec Center

A Facility of Tinley Park-Park District


Park Pavilion Rentals

Tinley Park-Park District is home to over 40 beautiful park sites. Many of the parks offer pavilions that can be rented for your event. Park rentals are on a first come-first served basis. Rentals must be completed in person at the Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center. Rentals are available from May 1 through October 22, 2023. Please note, some sites may be unavailable because of normal Park District programming use or park renovations.

First Day of Reservations



January 16, 2023

April 1, 2023

Following the first day of reservations, rentals may be requested at the Bettenhausen Rec Center in person during normal business hours. Complete rules for renters, park amenities and pavilion availability can be found on our website by scanning the code!

Room Rentals

Host your next celebration with us!

Volunteer Park

The Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center offers rooms of various sizes to accommodate your event. Room rentals are available for a minimum of two hours. Please visit our website for the most current information on rentals and restrictions.

Rentals must be booked in person at Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center. Rentals require a minimum of 30 days advance reservation. You may book up to four months prior to your event date.

Room/Capacity Fee

Brickyard A & B

Max Seating: 120

$90/hour Resident $150/hour Non-resident

Max Seating: 60 $60/hour Resident $105/hour Non-resident

Brickyard A

Brickyard B

Max Seating: 60 $50/hour Resident $90/hour Non-resident


Max Seating: 96 $75/hour Resident $125/hour Non-resident

Milwaukee Mile

Max Seating: 45 $50/hour Resident $90/hour Non-resident

Raceway Park

Max Seating: 45 $60/hour Resident $105/hour Non-resident

Gasoline Alley

Max Seating: 45 $50/hour Resident $90/hour Non-resident

INFORMATION Experience the FUN! 56 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Fall 2023


Batting Cage Rentals

Tinley Junction Mini-Golf & Batting Cages

Open until October 1!

Five professional batting cages are available in slow, medium and fastpitch hardball and slow and fastpitch softball. Batting helmets required at all times while utilizing the batting cages. Patrons must supply their own batting helmets and bats.

Rent batting cages for your exclusive use. Call Meghan at 708-342-4213 to make your reservation today!

Cage Rental Fees

30 minutes $25

60 minutes $40 Hours

Thru August 13 Daily 10 am - 9 pm

August 17 - October 1 Thu & Fri: 4-8pm Sat & Sun 12-6 pm

Indoor Batting Cage

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center


Looking to give your team a little more practice or just want to have some fun? Our batting cage offers opportunities for all ages. Slow pitch to fast pitch baseball. Participants can even choose to forgo the pitching machine and give their arm a work out on the pitching mound. Rentals include enough space in your own private room to have team meetings, go over fielding assignments or even run small drills while others are working on their swing or pitching in the cage. Rental reservation requests require a minimum of three days advance notice. If you would like to request a rental, you must contact the Athletic Supervisor, Ron Woodworth, at (708) 342-4208. Rental requests are handled on a first come-first served basis.

Location: Recreation Center

Group/Individual Fee: $13 R / $20 NR (per 30 minutes)

Please note: maximum of 12 people allowed in the room per time during rentals.

INFORMATION 57 Experience the FUN! www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Fall 2023 FOLLOW US

19910 80th Avenue

Tinley Park, IL 60487


815-806-0390 (FAX)

www.sssra.org 711 (Illinois Relay System)

Mission Statement

To promote the power of choice and to enhance the quality of life of individuals of all abilities, by providing accessible recreation in an environment that promotes dignity, success and fun.

South Suburban Special Recreation Association (SSSRA) is a therapeutic recreation program that is an extension of the Tinley Park-Park District. SSSRA is organized to provide individuals with special needs or disabilities the opportunity to be involved in year round recreation programs.

Scholarships are available to SSSRA residents with disabilities who would like to participate in one or more programs, but cannot afford the fees charged.

Inclusion Services

Individuals who have special needs are welcome to participate alongside their peers in any programs offered by our member park districts and recreation departments.

SSSRA is committed to providing a variety of recreation and leisure choices for individuals who have special needs. We believe that all individuals should be provided with leisure opportunities that allow for success at their highest level of ability. SSSRA realizes that park district and recreation department programs may be the best choice for some.

Through the Inclusion process, SSSRA staff members are available to help participants choose an appropriate program, conduct staff trainings, or supply adaptive equipment if you or a family member is interested in a park district or recreation department program.

Please call 815.806.0384 for additional information.

Join Our Team!

SSSRA is currently hiring for the following part-time positions:

• Recreation Leaders

• Recreation Supervisors

• Special Olympics Coaches

• Drivers

• Inclusion Aides

• Sign Language Interpreters

If you are interested in applying for a position or would like more information, please visit www.sssra.org or call 815.806.0384.


Tinley Park-Park District (TP-PD) welcomes participation in all programs and activities by individuals with disabilities and special needs. TP-PD is committed to inclusion and providing public recreation services in the most integrated setting in which interaction between people with and without disabilities is provided to the maximum extent feasible.

TP-PD works cooperatively with South Suburban Special Recreation Association (SSSRA) to facilitate successful participation for those who register for inclusive programming. Visit tinleyparkdistrict.org for our complete inclusion statement and policies.

The Tinley Park-Park District follows the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for the purpose of employment, programs, services, activities and facilities.

SSSRA / Inclusion Statement INFORMATION Experience the FUN! 58 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Fall 2023

Experience the FUN!

Fall 2023

SSSRA is excited to celebrate our 50th Anniversary with our participants, families, friends, and supporters. We are proud to continue to offer programs and special events that promote our mission and values. It has brought us so much joy over the years to see our participants having fun, learning new skills, smiling with their friends, creating a work of art, performing on stage, or heading on an adventure.

Please visit www.sssra.org or call 815.806.0384 for more information and our complete fall brochure.

Pumpkin Decorating - New

Spend the afternoon socializing with friends as we carve and decorate pumpkins that will impress your family and friends! Everyone will get to take a pumpkin home with them. All individuals must be registered to attend the program. Please visit www.sssra.org or call 815.806.0384 for more information.

Ages 13 - 19

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center, Tinley Park

Sunday, October 22 1:00-2:00 pm

R: $14, NR: $19

Registration Deadline: Sunday, October 8

Holiday Lights & Hot Cocoa – New!

Let's jump on the SSSRA Holiday Bus to kick off the season! We will drive around our local communities to enjoy awesome light displays that will bring us holiday cheer! Sing along to holiday music as we drive, then sip on hot chocolate when we get back. All individuals must be registered to attend the program. Please visit www.sssra.org or call 815.806.0384 for more information.

Ages 13 & older

Various locations

Saturday, December 9 6:00-8:30 pm

R: $20, NR: $27

Registration Deadline: Sunday, November 19

Transportation pick-up and drop-off at SSSRA in Tinley Park or Coyote Run Golf Course in Flossmoor. Please contact SSSRA for complete details.

Virtual Programs

SSSRA is also offering virtual programs & special events. All individuals must be registered to attend the program. Please visit www.sssra.org or call 815.806.0384 for more information.

All virtual programs and special events are free!

-Animal Exploration

-Baking Challenge

-Basic Sign Language

-Book Club – The Lightning Thief

-Drawing Techniques

-Family Bingo


-Social Time


Fall 2023 FOLLOW US


The Landmark Museum and Church

6727 W. 174th Street

Tinley Park

Landmark Museum is a reproduction of the second school house in the Village of Tinley Park and later served as the first Village Hall. The Tinley Park Historical Society focuses on research and preservation of the history of Tinley Park and its environs. The Historical Society is always looking for artifacts, photographs, letters, deeds, postcards, calendars, old phone books, newspapers, etc., related to the Tinley Park area.


Landmark Museum, Reference Library & Historical Society Hours

1st Sunday each month: 1-3 pm;

2nd Thursday each month: 6-8 pm; Wednesday: 10 am-2 pm

Landmark Wedding Chapel & Banquet Hall

The Old Zion Lutheran church was built in 1884 and retains its old world charm and beautiful stained glass windows. The non-denominational chapel is air conditioned and can comfortably accommodate 150 guests. The facilities can be rented for weddings, baptisms, memorial services, etc.

For information, rates and details, or to donate items to the Historical Society, call the Tinley Park Historical Society at (708) 429-4210 or email your inquiry to: tinleyparkhistoricalsociety@gmail.com.

Wedding Chapel Hours: Wednesdays 10 am-2 pm



• Recycling bins to collect glass, plastic and aluminum at various parks and facilities

• Paper and cardboard used by staff is recycled

• Motor oil, batteries, tires and scrap metal used by the Maintenance Department

Andrew High School .............................. 171st & 90th Avenue, Tinley Park Bannes School ..................................... 16835 S. Odell Avenue, Tinley Park Blackbird Academy .......................... 17054 Oak Park Avenue, Tinley Park Ch. Mike O'Connell Park ................. 17501 Bristol Park Drive, Tinley Park Canine Campus Dog Park ....................... 18200 84th Avenue, Tinley Park Central Middle School ..................... 18146 Oak Park Avenue, Tinley Park Farmhouse Academy ...................... 8940 W. 192nd Street, Unit L, Mokena Freedom Park 7835 Timber Drive, Tinley Park Fulton School ............................................ 6601 W. 171st Street, Tinley Park Grissom Middle School ....................... 17001 S. 80th Avenue, Tinley Park Jaycee Grove 16801 S. 80th Avenue, Tinley Park Keller School ............................................ 7846 W. 163rd Street, Tinley Park Kirby School .................................................. 173rd and Ozark, Tinley Park Landmark Museum ................................ 6727 W. 174th Street, Tinley Park Lewis Park............................................16801 Normandy Drive, Tinley Park McAuliffe School .................................... 8944 W. 174th Street, Tinley Park McCarthy Recreation Building .......... 16801 S. 80th Avenue, Tinley Park Memorial School Park .................................. 6611 179th Street, Tinley Park Millennium School 17830 S. 84th Avenue, Tinley Park Pottawattomie Park ....................................... 9128 178th Street, Tinley Park Prairie View Middle School ................... 8500 W. 175th Street, Tinley Park Tinley Park High School 6111 W. 175th Street, Tinley Park Tinley Fitness ............................................ 8125 W. 171st Street, Tinley Park Tinley Junction Mini Golf ................... 16801 S. 80th Avenue, Tinley Park Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center . 8125 W. 171st Street, Tinley Park Tinley Park Performing Arts Center ... 16801 S. 80th Avenue, Tinley Park Veterans Park ...........................................16001 Ozark Avenue, Tinley Park Vogt Visual Arts Center ............................ 17420 S. 67th Court, Tinley Park Vogt Woods Building ............................... 6527 W. 171st Street, Tinley Park Volunteer Park 8180 175th Street, Tinley Park White Mountain Golf Course ............... 9901 W. 179th Street, Orland Park White Water Canyon Water Park ........... 8221 W. 171st Street, Tinley Park Information
Let's work together! Please use our recycling bins and we encourage everyone to recycle at home! 60 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Fall 2023
Experience the FUN!

Experience the FUN!



All participants listed below must have completed information on reverse side of this form.

**Mail-In and Drop-Off Payment Info**

For your safety, DO NOT mail or drop-off cash or provide credit card information. After processing your registration, a receipt showing the balance due is emailed. You must pay online or in person within 48 hours or the Enrollment will be cancelled. Online and In Person

Payment in full is due upon registration. The only exception is for Day Camp or Tot Time Preschool registration.

Do you or your child(ren) need special accommodations to enjoy this program?

Team Name:


If yes, a two–week notice is required. YES

•Coaches are not allowed to make requests.


Tinley Park-Park District Inclusion Statment can be found in the seasonal brochure and at tinleyparkdistrict.org

Waiver and Release

Photos and video footage are periodically taken of people participating in a Park District program or activity, attending a class or event, or using District facilities or property. Please be aware that by registering for a program or class, participating in an activity, attending an event, or using District facilities or property, you authorize the District to use these photos and video footage for promotional purposes in District publications, advertising, marketing materials, brochures, event flyers, social media (including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites operated by the District), and the District’s website without additional prior notice or permission and without any compensation to you. All photos and videos are property of the District. The Tinley Park-Park District is committed to conducting its recreation programs and activities in a safe manner and holds the safety of participants in high regard. The Tinley Park-Park District continually strives to reduce such risks and insists that all participants follow safety rules and instructions that are designed to protect the participants’ safety. However, participants and parents/guardians of minors registering for this program/activity must recognize that there is an inherent risk of injury when choosing to participate in recreational activities/programs. You are solely responsible for determining if you or your minor child/ward are physically fit and/or skilled for the activities contemplated by this agreement. It is always advisable, especially if the participant is pregnant, disabled in any way or recently suffered an illness, injury or impairment, to consult a physician before undertaking any physical activity. Warning of Risk Recreational activities/programs are intended to challenge and engage the physical, mental and emotional resources of each participant. Despite careful and proper preparation, instruction, medical advice, conditioning and equipment, there is still a risk of serious injury when participating in any recreational activity/program. Understandably, not all hazards and dangers can be foreseen. Depending on the particular activity, participants must understand that certain risks, dangers and horseplay, unsportsmanlike conduct, premises defects, inadequate or defective equipment, inadequate supervision, instruction or officiating, and all other circumstances inherent to indoor and outdoor recreational activities/programs exist. In this regard, it must be recognized that it is impossible for the Tinley Park-Park District to guarantee absolute safety. Waiver and Release of All Claims and Assumption of Risk. Please read this form carefully and be aware that in signing up and participating in this program/activity, you will be expressly assuming the risk and legal liability and waiving and releasing all claims for injuries, damages or loss which you or your minor child/ward might sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with and associated with this program/activity (including transportation services/vehicle operation, when provided). I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in this program/activity, and I voluntarily agree to assume the full risk of any and all injuries, damages or loss, regardless of severity, that my minor child/ward or I may sustain as a result of said participation. I further agree to waive and relinquish all claims I or my minor child/ward may have (or accrue to me or my child/ward) as a result of participating in this program/activity against the (Tinley Park-Park District), including its officials, agents, volunteers and employees (hereinafter collectively referred as “Tinley Park-Park District”). I do hereby fully release and forever discharge the Tinley Park-Park District from any and all claims for injuries, damages or loss that my minor child/ward or I may have or which may accrue to me or my minor child/ward and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with this program/activity. I have read and fully understand the above important information, warning of risk, assumption of risk and waiver and release of all claims. If registering on-line or via fax, your on-line or facsimile signature shall substitute for and have the same legal effect as an original form signature.

Signature of parent, guardian or adult participant 18 years or older is required. Participation will be denied if the signature of participant/parent/guardian and date are not on this waiver.

•Coaches’ children are automatically placed on their team. •In order to keep all teams evenly balanced, friendship requests cannot be made. COMPLETE

Registration Form INFORMATION
Signature Date Participant’s Name Activity # Activity Name Days Dates Times Fee Shirt Size (if applicable)
ONLINE **MAIL-IN/DROP-OFF** IN PERSON Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W. 171st Street • Tinley Park IL 60477 Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W. 171st Street • Tinley Park IL 60477
User ID/password required Last Name First Name Email* Address Zip State City Phone Cell Home Work
you for providing your email. Tinley Park-Park District uses email to keep you informed of all program changes and cancellations.
www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Fall 2023 FOLLOW US
Registration Form
Res NR Village New HH Renewal Village Corporate Orland Township I.D. I.D. Yes No T.P. Village Address Pay Stub in T.P. Bill Birth Certificate(s) STAFF USE ONLY PROOF OF RESIDENCY Household # Category T.P. Village Property COMPLETE BOTH SIDES OF THIS FORM! WHAT YOU NEED TO ESTABLISH A NEW HOUSEHOLD •Each adult must show a valid Driver’s License or State I.D. with the same address •Show one additional approved item such as a major bill or lease/ mortgage with the same address •Show a copy of the Birth Certificate for each child For a complete list of requirements, rules and regulations, visit www.tinleyparkdistrict.org. Staff Use Only Date: Initials: Card Packet Email sent Thank you for providing your email. Tinley Park-Park District uses email to keep you informed of all program changes and cancellations. Email* Birth Date Gender Phone Phone 2 Cell Home Work ADDITIONAL Last Name First Name Cell Home Work Email* Birth Date Gender Phone Phone 2 Cell Home Work PRIMARY PERSON Last Name First Name F Prefer Not to Answer M Cell Home Work Email* Birth Date Gender Phone Phone 2 Cell Home Work ADDITIONAL Last Name First Name Cell Home Work Email* Birth Date Gender Phone Phone 2 Cell Home Work ADDITIONAL Last Name First Name Cell Home Work Email* Birth Date Gender Phone Phone 2 Cell Home Work ADDITIONAL Last Name First Name Cell Home Work Email* Birth Date Gender Phone Phone 2 Cell Home Work SECONDARY PERSON/ADDITIONAL Last Name First Name Cell Home Work F Prefer Not to Answer M F Prefer Not to Answer M F Prefer Not to Answer M F Prefer Not to Answer M F Prefer Not to Answer M INFORMATION Experience the FUN! 62 www.tinleyparkdistrict.org FOLLOW US Fall 2023
Put your community pride into action! Adopt-A-Park in 2024! Who can adopt a park? What do you get by adopting a park? Involved with your community! Hands-on experience! Pride of workmanship! Fresh air and exercise! A sign acknowledging the commitment of you, your family, group or business Discounts on certain Park District rentals How long is the commitment? The program runs from April to October Individuals Families Youth Groups Neighborhood Associations School Groups Sports Teams Businesses Community Organizations OVER 25 PARKS TO CHOOSE FROM Park Partners Hanover Place Health Advocates Hillgrove Tap Homewood Disposal IMPACT Physical Therapy Jimmy John’s Just Add Magic Travel Keller Williams Realty Legends Sports Photography Lou Malnati’s Pizza Marquette Bank Meijer Merit Insurance Group Oberweis Ice Cream & Dairy Peace Village Peritus Renovations & Installation Contact Carol Bradtke at 708-342-4254 to learn about becoming Park Partner. Special thanks to our Park Partners! Always Home Real Estate-Brandy Cafarelli Angler's Outlet Aurelio’s Pizza Banging Gavel Brewery Bass Pro Shops Bickford of Tinley Park CIBC Crossmark Printing Crumbl Cookies-Tinley Park Design Perspectives Dick's Sporting Goods Direct Fitness Solutions Do-Rite Donuts & Chicken Duly Health and Care Dunkin’ Donuts Evergreen Senior Living Fishing Connection Plush Horse - Tinley Park Pointe at Kilpatrick Porter Place REMAX 10 in the Park Republic Bank Resource 55 Rubino Family Salina's Sam's Club Saunoris Garden Center Sip Wine Bar Ted’s Greenhouse The Scoop Tinley Park Public Library TK Insurance-Tina Kozniecki Waterford Estates Windy City Thunderbolts INFORMATION 63 Experience the FUN! www.tinleyparkdistrict.org Fall 2023 FOLLOW US


NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS Canine Campus Dog Park 18200 84th Ave Tinley Juncti on Mini-Golf & Batti ng Cages 16801 S 80th Ave Extreme Skate Park 16801 S 80th Ave Tinley Park Performing Arts Center 16801 S 80th Ave Landmark Historical Church & Museum 6727 W 174th St Tony Bett enhausen Recreati on Center 8125 W 171st St McCarthy Recreati on Building 16801 S 80th Ave Vogt Visual Arts Center 17420 S 67th Ct Tinley Fitness 8125 W 171st St White Water Canyon Water Park 8221 W 171st St ACRES DOG FRIENDLY PICNIC SHELTER SHELTER PERMIT PLAYGROUND PATHWAY (miles) NATURAL AREA CONCESSION STAND ICE RINK BALL FIELD BASKETBALL SOCCER FIELD FOOTBALL FIELD TENNIS COURT VOLLEYBALL PICKLEBALL WATER FOUNTAIN Name Address Bannes Park 16499 Tanbark Dr 3.1 .18 1 1 Bettenhausen Park 16440 76th Ave 8.42 4* 1 1 Bicentennial Park 7100 Centennial Dr 17.56 .29 Bormet Park 16224 Bormet Dr .21 Buedingen Park 16612 Cherry Hill Ave 4.25 .29 1 Centanni Park 17146 S 84th Ave 2.2 .17 1 Centennial Park 7601 167th St 58.6 1.17 1 1 Central Middle School 18146 Oak Park Ave 10.4 1 1 Chief Mike O’Connell Park 17501 Bristol Park Dr 3.5 .28 1 Commissioners Park 8139 Hillcrest Ln 2.25 .14 Community Park 8125 W 171st St 60 .90 2* 4 2* 3* Creekside Lot 16607 76th Ave 1.07 Deinert Park 8557 Carriage Lane 4.6 .21 1 Filson Recreation Area 16441 Olcott Ave 3.4 2 Freedom Park 7835 Timber Drive 15 2* 1* 1* Fulton School Park 6601 W 171st St 5.2 1 Gasior Park 17231 Cambridge Pl 2.67 1 German Park 7859 163rd St .70 Gory Park 16300 Surrey Dr 6.82 .09 2 1 Gunther Sports Field 7229 170th Pl 8.35 3 Hirsch Park 6550 177th St .60 Jaycee Grove 16801 S 80th Ave .45 Kiwanis Park 8501 175th St 7.8 .36 2 Lancaster Woods 16908 Gaynelle Rd 2.15 Lewis Park 16801 Normandy Dr 5.55 .25 1 2* McAuliffe School Park 8944 W 174th St 3.22 1 McCarthy Park 16801 S 80th Ave 8.66 1* 1 Memorial Park 6641 W 171st St 5.86 .34 4* Memorial School Park 6611 179th St 4.2 1 Millenium School Park 17830 S 84th Ave 5 1 Nasebandt ‘Moose’ Park 7899 174th Pl 4.4 2 1 Paxton Lot 16550 Parliament Ave 1.08 Pottawattomie Park 9128 178th St 8 .43 1 Rauhoff Park 17701 Sayre Ave .41 Robert Allen McAllister Park 6014 Britt any Ln .39 Siemsen Meadows 7200 167th St 65.24 St. Boniface Park 16301 oak Park Ave 4.62 .25 1 Tharp Park 7800 Park Central Dr 3.4 .24 Tinley Terrace Tot Lot 6519 Terrace Dr .21 Town Pointe Park 8400 179th St 20.58 .25 1 Veteran’s Park 16001 Ozark Ave 9.43 .37 1 2 Vogt Woods 6527 W 171st 37.9 1* 1* Volunteer Park 8180 175th St 10.7 .33 1 1 1 PARKS
* * *
Community Park Centennial Park Commissioners Park Bannes Park German Park Bormet Park Helen Keller School Veterans Park Paxton Lot McCarthy Park Jaycee Groove Gunther Sports Field Extreme Skate Park Tharp Park Freedom Park Town Pointe Park Millennium School Volunteer Park Po�awa�omie Park McAullife School Andrew High School Gory Park Buedingen Park Siemsen Meadows Meadows Disc Golf Filson Rec. Area Rauhoff Park Hirsch Park Central Middle School Central Middle School Park Memorial School Park Memoral School 175th Street 183rd Street 183rd Street 171st Street Kiwanis Park Centanni Park Deinert Park 159th Street 8 4 t h A v e . 8 0 t h A v e . H a r l e m A v e . H a r l e m A v e . Tinley Park High School Tinley Terrace Tot Lot R i d g e l a n d A v e . Kimberly Heights School McAllister Park Lewis Park Lancaster Woods Vogt Woods Fulton School Fulton School Park Memorial Park Landmark Museum and Church Vogt Visual Arts Center L a G r a n g e R o a d 167th Street St. Boniface Park Be�enhausen Park O’Connell Park Gasior Park Prairie View Junior High Bicentennial Park John Bannes School O a k P a r k A v e . Nasebandt “Moose” Park Canine Campus Millennium School Park Chicago Southwest Chris�an School Town Pointe Park 179th Street Kirby School 171st Street 151st Street Sand Volleyball McCarthy Rec Bldg To Centennial Park Entrance Ba ng Cages Thierault Baseball Field Playground Parks Department Parking Lot Entr ance Entr ance Performing Arts Center Tinley Junc on Mini Golf & Ba ng Cages Jaycee Grove Picnic Pavilion Mini-Golf Concessions Barn Gunther Sports Fields S8 0t hA ve Centennial Lake Entrance Entrance 167th Street 167thStreet South Picnic Pavilion Outdoor Fitness Zone Restroom North Picnic Pavilion Siemsen Meadows Disc Golf Course Fishing Piers McCarthy Park Basketball Court Jogmen Playground Soccer Field Extreme Skate Park Parking Lot Volleyball Court Midlothian Creek Water Fountain CENTENNIAL PARK McCARTHY PARK W 171st ST S8 0t hA ve Courts North Field South Field Parking Lot Tony Be enhausen Recrea on Center Sand Volleyball Parking Lot Pl ay gr ound Te nnis /P icklebal Bask etball Courts Entrance Entrance Soccer Fields The Band Shel l Entr ance Bridge Bridge Pond G Soccer Fields Indoor Pool #1 #2 Concession Windo Po rtable Re st r oom Pa rking Lo t COMMUNITY PARK
PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Tinley Park, IL Permit No. 51 *****************ECRWSS**************** RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER 8125 W. 171st St. Tinley Park, IL 60477 708-342-4200 TINLEY PARK-PARK DISTRICT duly.com/tinleypark A true healthcare partner knows more than your medical history - they know your history. With 775+ physicians in over 125 locations throughout Chicagoland, at Duly you’ll find a life-long partner dedicated to helping you and your family lead healthier, happier lives. Known, not just seen.

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Articles inside

Experience the FUN!

pages 63, 66

Experience the FUN!

pages 61-62

Rentals Batting Cage Rentals

pages 59-60


page 58

Mature Adults

page 51

Mature Adults tarsS

pages 50-51

Adults & Teens

page 49

Adults & Teens

pages 47-48

Adults & Teens

pages 46-47

Martial Arts

pages 44-45

Experience the FUN!

page 43

Adult Athletics

page 42

Experience the FUN! Youth Athletics

page 41

Youth Athletics

page 40

Youth Athletics

page 39

Youth Athletics

pages 36-37

Youth Athletics Athletics General

page 34

Vogt Visual Arts Center

page 33

Performing Arts Center

pages 32-33

Creative Arts

page 29

Creative Arts

page 28

Creative Arts

page 27

Creative Arts

pages 26-27

Early Childhood & Youth

page 25

Early Childhood & Youth

page 22

Early Childhood & Youth

page 20

Early Childhood & Youth

page 18

Early Childhood & Youth

page 16

Experience the FUN!

page 15

Experience the FUN! Tinley Fitness

pages 13-14

Behavior Policy

pages 4-12
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