Final Report, Master, 2nd year, ABSTRACT

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Résumé Le marketing ethnique, quoique présenté comme allant à l’encontre du modèle républicain et égalitaire dominant en France, s’impose aujourd’hui comme une réalité dont il n’est plus possible de faire abstraction sous peine de perdre des avantages concurrentiels et des parts de marché. Il y a beaucoup à faire encore aujourd’hui pour que cette discipline se développe en France, alors même que l’importance numérique des segments ethniques en France laisse apercevoir un bel avenir aux produits conçus dans cette optique ethnique. Il y a de nombreux avantages à utiliser certaines techniques du marketing ethnique pour l’appliquer au marketing direct, qui, ainsi, vise à pallier une offre déficiente et souvent médiocre en terme de qualité, là où le marketing direct s’applique à proposer une offre de qualité à des populations souvent ignorées des marketers ou considérées comme n’ayant pas de besoins spécifiques. Mots-clé Ethnomarketing, Ethnocosmétique, Marketing Ethnique, Marketing Multiculturel, Marketing Direct, Cosmétiques, Vente Par Correspondance, Vente à Distance, Immigrés, Immigration, Etrangers, Noires, Métisses, Géomarketing, Marketing Tribal. Abstract In spite of an unfavourable context in France as for the development of ethnic – or multicultural – marketing, ethnic marketing is the future, though it is often seen as inconsistent with the egalitarian republican pattern which is predominant in France. The corporations who would disregard or rule out ethnic marketing might expose themselves to dismal failures or, even worse, losses of market shares and competitive advantages. There is much to be done today so that ethnic marketing get the consideration it is due and eventually gets taken into consideration, when all signals indicate that sizeable segments of the French population are to be addressed properly with adequate offers which would be conceived from ethnic marketing perspectives. There are many advantages which argue the case of using ethnic marketing techniques in the field of direct marketing, which, as the name says, aims at proposing to customers an appropriate offer, in order to compensate for mediocre present offers. Direct marketing then perfectly suits the role of proposing a quality offer to ethnic minorities which are often looked down upon by marketers who do not see the necessity to differentiate them from the mainstream population, in spite of blatant and flagrant evidences that their consumption patterns, lifestyles and response to advertising are different and who also possess physical and cultural specificities. Keywords Ethnomarketing, Ethnocosmetics, Ethnic Marketing, Multicultural Marketing, Direct Marketing, Cosmetics, Distant Sales, Mail Order, Immigrate People, Immigration, Black People, Geomarketing, Mixed Race, Tribal Marketing.


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