1 minute read

Contribution from private individuals etc

entries deducted from the total of column 2 and a balance struck. This balance will represent the total fee due on parcels in the custody of parcel PA and will be the opening balance for the next day.

(c) In the case of redirected parcels to be delivered through Branch Office, the total amount of redirection fees due on parcel sent to each Branch office will be shown in the column 4 of the redirected parcels postage account, the name of the Branch Office concerned being noted in column 5. This amount should also be deducted (in addition to the amounts indicated in clause (b) from the total column 2 in arriving at the opening balance of the next day. On the date on which the receipt for a redirected parcel delivered is received back from a Branch Office, it should be seen that stamps of the value of the redirection fee have been affixed to the receipt. The date and amount of the redirection fee will then be noted against the original entry in column 4 relating to the Branch Office concerned. When the amount noted in the entry against a Branch Office is completely adjusted the remark “adjusted” will be written against the entry under the initial of the Postmaster or Deputy or Assistant Postmaster or Sub-Postmaster, as the case may be. In case a parcel is returned by the Branch Office to its account office as unclaimed, refused or redirected, suitable remarks indicating the fact and also starting the further disposal of the parcel should be made against the original entry in column 4 under the initial of the officer concerned. All the entries in column 4 of the account regarding redirected parcels sent for delivery through Branch Office should be reviewed daily till their final adjustment.


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