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Postmaster’s Duties relating to Accounts
Note.2:- Normally there should be two sureties, both of known financial stability, if the gross amount of claim is less than Rs. 7500/- in which case the authority accepting indemnity bond in form TR-14 for and on behalf of President of India should decide on the merit of such case whether to accept only one surety in stead of two. Note3: The obliger as well as the sureties executing indemnity bond should gained majority so that the bond may have legal effect or force.This bond is also required to be accepted on behalf of the President by an Officer duly authorised under 19(I) of Constitution. In case of doubt also in cases where the amount of arrears exceeds Rs 25000/- payment should be made on producing the legal authority.
Provided that if the arrears do not exceed from Rs.10,000 to 25,000 and the case presents no peculiar features, the Accounting Authority concerned may pass the arrears on his own authority.( to be corrected as per CS No.3 dated 1-5-86) (c) Subject as provided in the preceding clauses, the provisions of rule 235 of P&T FHB of
Vol. I shall apply to payment of arrears of pensions due in respect of a deceased pensioner, as they apply to payment of arrears of pay and allowances due in respect of deceased Government servant.
Note :- The arrears due in respect of a deceased pensioner who, immediately before his death, was being paid provisional pension through the head of office, shall also be payable in accordance with the provisions of this rule on finalisation of the pension claim.
(2) Any person claiming as the heir of a deceased pensioner shall be required to produce the pensioner’s portion of the pension Payment Order or if no such order has been issued, the copy of the order in which the sanction to the pension was communicated to the pensioner or the heir. Note :-The provisions mentioned in rule 127(!)b and 127(2) above are not applicable in cases where valid nomination exists under the payment of Arrears of pension Rules 1983 vide rule 128 below. In such cases the payment of arrears will be made to the nominee(s).
(3) After payment of the arrears of pension, both portions of the Pension Payment Order shall be returned to the Accounting Authority concerned, with a report of the date of the death of the pensioner, except in the case of pensioners governed by rule 54 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, in which case the pensioner’s portion of the order will be returned to the widow (er) and the disburser’s portion will be retained by the Disbursing Officer.
128. The payment of arrears of Pensions will be made to the nominees of the deceased pensioners in accordance with the provisions contained in the ‘Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983’ as detailed below :-
(a) Every employee has to submit to the Head of the office of the Department, from where he/she is retiring, a nomination in Form A (vide specimen appended), in triplicate within three months before or after the date of retirement. This shall take effect from the date of receipt thereof by the Head of the office or the pension Sanctioning Authority as the case may be. (b) Within thirty days of the receipt of the nominations the Head of the office shall verify with reference to the records of the establishment and return to the Pensioner the duplicate copy of the nomination duly attested by him/her or an officer authorised by him in this behalf. The triplicate copy duly accepted shall be sent to the Accounts Officer, who shall pass it on to the Pension Disbursing Authority alongwith the Pension Payment Order. If the pension payment order has already been issued in a particular case, the nomination shall be sent separately quoting PPO number and other particulars of the pensioner to enable the Pension Disbursing Authority to link it up with the PPO.