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Redirected Inland Parcels Postage Account
(2)(a) When a pension is to be paid at Sub (or Branch) Post Office, the Head Postmaster shall prepare a copy of the Postmaster’s half of the Pension Payment Order and endorse there on ‘made payable at Sub (or Branch) Post Office with effect from -----------------------‘, a similar endorsement being attested on the original of the Postmaster’s half of the Pension Payment Order. The endorsed copy of the order shall then be forwarded to the Sub (or Branch) office concerned together with pensioner’s half of the order and the other documents received from the Postal Accounts Office or CCA mentioned in rule 88(2).
(b) On receipt of the Pension Payment Orders in Sub (or Branch) Post Office, the Postmaster shall paste the copy of the order duly endorsed by the Head Postmaster, as indicated in sub rule (1) above.
90. On receipt of the Pension Payment Order and the documents mentioned in rule 88(2), the disbursing officer shall paste the documents on his half (or the duly endorsed copy) of the Pension Payment Order. The pensioner’s half of the order shall be made over, under receipt, to the pensioner after proper identification when he appears to receive his pension for the first time. The specimen signature or the thumb impression as the case may be, of the pensioner shall be taken, where necessary, in the space provided for the purpose in the Disburser’s portion of the Pension Payment Order.
Note 1. – When payment is to be made through a guardian, his personal marks shall be noted on both halves of the order at the time of first payment. The particulars f the guardianship certificate mentioned in rule 107 shall also be noted.
Note 2. – The photograph of the pensioner should be pasted on the right hand corner of the Postmaster’s half of the Pension Payment Order by the Disbursing Officer.
91. When a pensioner is specially exempted from personal appearance, the fact shall be noted by the disbursing officer on his Pension Payment Order, and in all cases of non-appearance of a pensioner, a note shall be made on the Pension Payment Order of the form in which proof was given, within each year, of the pensioner’s continued existence, e.g., “appeared in person on ____________ ___” and the initials of the disbursing officer or of the officer verifying the fact shall be put against the note.
92. Head Postmasters are authorized to renew Pension Payment Orders without reference to the Postal Accounts Office or Circle Telecom Accounts Office in cases in which pensioner’s half is lost, worn or torn, or the entries on the reverse of either the pensioner’s or the disburser’s half are completely filled up. The renewed Pension Payment Orders shall bear the old number, date and facsimile of signature of the issuing officer, and the old ones, if available, shall be retained by the Postmaster for three years and then destroyed. A note of the issue of the renewed Pension Payment Order shall be made in the “Remarks” column of the Register of Pension Payment Orders.
93. On the renewal of a Pension Payment Order, the portion of the Original order containing the specimen of the pensioner’s signature, or his thumb impressions, as the case may be, and the copy of his photograph, where it is kept, shall be cut off from the old and pasted on the renewed Pension Payment Order, before the latter is signed by the Head Postmaster.
94. If both halves of a PPO are reported lost in transit due to floods etc., before commencing payment, the Directors / Dy. Director of Accounts (Postal)/ GM(PAF)/ CCA will issue a duplicate PPO which would be prominently marked as “Duplicate – No payment to be made against original PPO”. A note to this effect will also be kept by him against the relevant entry in the Register of PPOs issued and before forwarding the duplicate PPO (both halves) to the Disbursing Officer. Before commencing payment, the following further action will be taken by the Disbursing Officer :-