8 minute read
Unpaid Postage Abstract
‘Payment to the international Bureau of the Universal Postal Union at Berne and the AsianPacific Postal Union at Manila’
80. In accordance with the provision of the general regulations of the Universal Postal union, payments on account of India’s share of expenses of the International Bureau of the
Universal Postal Union at Bern, as reported by the Bureau in the statement of accounts embodied in its Annual Report, will be arranged by the Director General after obtaining a clearance of foreign exchange from the Ministry of Finance( Department of Economic Affairs) by purchasing a bank-draft through the postmaster, Sansad Marg Head Post Office, new
Delhi. The cost of purchasing the bank-draft should be charged in the accounts of the Sansad Marg Head Post office, New Delhi, in the schedule of ‘unclassified payments’, the memorandum of cost furnished by the bank and the sanction of the competent authority for these expenses being submitted to the Postal Accounts office with the schedule in support of the charge. The Postal Accounts office shall book these expenses under Major Head 3201-60-01-Postal Services-1-Other Expenses-3-International Co-operative (1)-Contribution to Universal Postal Union. The letter received from the Bureau acknowledging receipt of the draft should, when received, be kept on record by the DGPS, New Delhi. In accordance with the provisions of the Convention of the Asian-Pacific Postal Union, payments on account of India’s contribution of expenses of this Union, as reported by the Secretariat of Union, will similarly be arranged by the Director-General after obtaining a clearance of foreign exchange from the Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) by purchasing a bank-draft through the Postmaster, Sansad Marg Head Post Office, New Delhi. The provision indicated in the preceding para will apply mutatis-mutandis in this case also.’
Payments of Fee to the Finger Print Bureau, Chennai.
81. The finger Print Bureau, Chennai may be paid a fee at prescribed rate for each expert opinion furnished by it to the Department of Posts.
Interest on Government Securities held in Trust
82. Interest on Government securities held in the safe custody of the Postal Accounts Office,
Kolkatta on account of security deposits of Postal and Telegraph officers and contractors, are paid on the authority of the Director of Accounts, Postal, Kolkata,, to the person authorised to receive it. These payments are made by a charge in the accounts, the charge being supported by the original authority of the Director of Accounts and the payee’s receipt. If the interest has to be credited to a Security Deposit Account in the Savings Bank, there is no objection to the order being endorsed. “ Pay to A.B. by credit to his security Deposit Account at the Post Office savings Bank”, and a note by the Postmaster that this has been done will be accepted by the Postal Accounts office in lieu of the payee’s receipt. The amount must, however, be charged as an “Unclassified Payment’” by transfer credit to the Security Deposit
Account in the Savings Bank Journal.
Compensation for loss of or Damage to insured or Uninsured Registered Articles
83. When compensation , is paid at a post office for the loss of, or damage to, an insured or uninsured registered article the amount paid should be charged in the Schedule of
Unclassified payments supported by the payee’s receipt and the sanction in original for payment.
Note :- The powers of the Heads of Circles/Regions to sanction the payment of compensation referred to in this Rule are given in the Schedule of Financial Powers of Officers of the Department of Posts.
Introductory . . . . . . . 84 Place of payment . . . . . . 87 Authority for Payment . . . 88 Pension Payment Order . . . . . 96 Register of Pension Payment Order . . . . 99 Manner of Payment Due date . . . . . 101 Payment of claims . . . . . 108 Forms of pension Bills an connected certificates . . 115 Record of Payment . . . . 118 Payment of pensions by money orders . . . 120 Payment of Commutation money . . 122 Gratuities . . . . . 123 Periodical Identification of pensioners . . . 125 Undrawn Pensions and Arrear . . . . 127 Death of Pensioners . . . 128 Reports to the Accounts Officer . . . 129 Transfers . . . . 131 Accounts . . . . 132 Payment of Pension to Railway pensioners through Post office Saving Bank . . 136 Payment of Pension to the P&T Pensioners through Post Office Saving Bank . . . . 137 Military Pension . . . . . 138. New Pension Scheme - - - - 139 EPF Pension ’95 - - - - 140
84. the rules in this Chapter shall regulate the procedure with regard to the payment at any post office in India, of service pensions payable in India out of the revenues of the Department, subject to provisions of the Pensions Act (Act XXIII of 1871), of the Civil Service Regulations, or any rule or order made thereunder by the President.
Note:- in regard to the liability of pension to attachment by a Civil Court, see Section 11 of Act XXIII of 1871, which runs as follows:
Section 11:- “No pension granted or continued by Government on political considerations, or on account of past services of present infirmities or as a compassionate allowance, and no money due or to become due, on account of any such pension or allowance, shall be liable to seizure, attachment or sequestration by process of any Court in India at the instance of a creditor, for any demand against the pensioner, or in satisfaction of a decree or order of any such Court.”
85. In this chapter, except where it is expressly otherwise provided or the context otherwise requires, “ Service pension includes provisional Pension under Art. 913/919 of CSRs.” Means a pension payable in India to, or in respect of a person in consideration of Past employment under the Indian posts and Telegraphs Department (including the Postal Telecom Accounts Offices and Audit offices) otherwise than as a member of the Indian Civil Service or the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Audit and Accounts Service, if it has been sanctioned on or after the 1st April 1921; and it includes a gratuity.
86. Pensions or any other sums payable out of contributions to a family pension fund and any sums payable under the Workmen’s Compensation Act are not subject to the rules in this Chapter.
Place of payment
87. Service pensions shall be paid at any Head or Sub Post Office in India, or at any Branch Post Office, which has been duly authorised in this behalf by the Director-General. In all cases, however, the first payment of pension shall be made at the Head or Sub Post Office in the jurisdiction of which the pensioner has elected to receive payment.
Note 1: GDS Bos/ GDS Sos doing saving bank work can only be authorized to pay pension but not gratuity..
Note 2: Deleted
Note 3: Provisional Pension, where payable shall be drawn by the head of office where the Government servant served immediately prior to his retirement.
Authority for payment
Pension payment order
88.(1) unless the Government order otherwise in case of any particular class of pensions or in the case of payment of provisional pensions b y Heads of Offices, payment of service pensions can be made only upon Pension Payment orders in Form No. DG(PA)-99(j) and 99(k) or DG(PA) 99(L) and 99(M) issued by the Directors of Accounts (Postal) to the Head Post Office at, or in the jurisdiction of which payment is desired by the pensioner.
(2) Along with a pension Payment order, the Postal Accounts Office or CCA shall forward :-
(i) a specimen signature of the pensioner if he can sign his name in English, Hindi or the official regional language, otherwise, thumb or finger impressions of his left hand or where this is not possible due to physical incapacity, the thumb and finger impressions of his right hand, failing which his toe impressions, the specimen signature and thumb and finger or toe impressions being duly attested by the Head of the Office concerned or by some other responsible person, and (ii) an attested copy of the pensioner’s photograph and in case of Government Servants governed by the Family Pension Scheme for Central Government employees, 1964, of his wife or her husband also, as the case may be, in passport size except in the case purdanashin ladies, persons in receipt of family pensions granted under the Wound and Extra-ordinary Pensions Rules and the liberlised Pension Rules and any other person specially exempted by Government.
Exception: Deleted.
Note:- Each pension payment order will be accompanied by Form No. Pension-7, in tended to be delivered by the disbursing officer to the pensioner concerned for use as a Wallet for the pensioner’s half of the Pension payment order.
89(I ) On receipt of pension payment Order in a Head Post Office, Postmaster’s half of the order shall be kept in separate files, one for each class of pension (service pension / Family pension etc.) prominently marking in red ink. These files may be kept in the personal custody of the Postmaster in such a manner that pensioners shall not have access thereto. Note.- Separate files should be opened in respect of Pension Payment Order issued by the Postal Accounts Officers and the CCA.