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Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, the life certificate may be signed by an officer of that bank.
A pensioner not resident in India in respect of whom his duly authorized agent produces a life certificate signed by a Magistrate, a Notary, a Banker or a Diplomatic Representative of India is exempted from personal appearance.
104. A pensioner not resident in India may draw his pension in India, through a duly authorized agent, possessing a legally valid power of attorney, who must produce a life certificate on each occasion, unless the duly authorized agent has executed an indemnity bond to refund overpayments in which case he has to produce the life certificate at least once a year.
105. A pensioner of any description resident in India is exempted from personal appearance if he draws his pension through an agent who has executed a bond to refund overpayments and produce at least once a year a life certificate signed by a person authorized under rule 103 to sign such certificates.
106. The pension of a person drawing his pension through an authorized agent who has executed a bond to refund overpayment, shall not be paid on account of a period of more than a year after the date of the life certificate last received, and the disbursing officer shall be on the watch for authentic information of the death of any such pensioner, an on receipt thereof, shall promptly stop further payments.
107. When a pensioners is a minor, or is for any other reason incapable of managing his own affairs, and has not regularly appointed manager or guardian or when the guardian so appointed dies or forfeits the position of a guardian (as in the case of a widow on account of her remarriage) payments may be made to the person, who comes with the pensioner as the guardian for the first time, provided the same person produces a certificate from the Collector of the District or the Deputy Commissioners declaring him to the manager or guardian for the purpose of receiving, on behalf of the pensioner, pension due to him. The payment to the guardian shall be made in the same way as to the original pensioner, provided that sufficient proofs are forthcoming at the time of each payment, of the pensioner being alive and eligible to receive the pension for the period covered by the payment.
Note 1.- This certificate shall be kept on record with the disburser’s half of the Pension Payment Order.
Note 2.- Pension of a person who is certified by a Magistrate to be a lunatic should be paid in accordance with Section 95(1) of the Indian Lunacy Act (IV of 1912) which is reproduced below :-
Section 95(1) of Lunacy Act (IV of 1912)
95(1) When any sum is payable in respect of pay, pension, gratuity, or other similar allowance to any person by the Central Government or any Provincial Government and the person to whom the sum is payable is certified by a Magistrate to be a lunatic, the Government Officer under whose authority such sum would be payable if the payee were not a lunatic may pay so much of the said sum as the thinks fit to the person having charge of the lunatic, and may pay the surplus, if any, or such part thereof, as he thinks fit for the maintenance of such members of the lunatic’s family as are dependent on him for maintenance.
The term Government Officer’ referred to in the said Act should be interpreted to mean the authority competent to sanction the pension.
Forms of Pension Bills and connected certificates
108(1) Unless otherwise provided claims for payment of service pensions shall be presented on bills in Form No. Pension-5, a copy of which will be supplied by the disbursing Officer to each pensioner or his agent or representative. The bill must be duly receipted by the pensioner or by some other person authorized to give legal acquittance on his behalf, and if the pensioner can not sign his name, him thumb impression or, where this is not possible due to physical incapacity his great toe impression, the thumb or the great toe impression being duly attested by a well known and respectable person, shall be taken in the bill. In the case of service pensions payable at a Branch Post Office, the Pensioner’s receipt must be taken on the certificate of payment in From No. Pension-6.
Save as provided in Rule 114(2), the Pensioner’s half of the Pension Payment Order must invariably be presented with the bill. A pensioner desiring payment of his pension at a branch Post Office should present his bill and the pensioner’s half of Pension Payment Order three clear days before the end of the month to which it relates.
In the case of physically handicapped pensioners who are unable to sign or put their thumb/great tow impression and purdanashin ladies, quittance by seal mark attested by some well known and respectable person may be accepted in lieu of signature or thumb/great toe impressions.
Note.- Lepers, on account of the contagious nature of their disease may be paid their pensions, without being called upon to produce a Pension Payment Order or a bill. The disbursing officer should ask some one to fill up the pension bill form on which payment should be made at once. The bill should then be stamped and the disbursing officer should certify on it that the pension has been paid by him or before him the certificate being attested by an independent reliable witness.
(2) Claims for provisional pension sanctioned in respect of a retired Government Servant whose pay and allowance immediately before retirement were drawn on establishment pay bill shall be preferred by the head of office separately for each pensioner in form No. ACG.-108.
109. In cases, other than those specified in rules 104, 105 and 108(2), where the pensioner desired to draw pension through an agent or a representative nominated by him, a life certificate must accompany every pension claim for the month of June and December. The life certificate shall be signed by a person authorized under these rules to sign such certificates and must be dated not earlier than the last day of the month concerned.
110. When a pensioner draws his pension through an agent or representative, the claim must be supported by the written authority of the petitioner to pay the pension to the agent or the representative nominated by him to receive payment on his behalf. In such cases, the endorsement “Received payment” must be signed by the pensioner and separate receipt which need not be stamped shall be endorsed by the agent or the nominee as the case may be, in token of having actually received the payment.
111. Where the determination of a pension can not be fixed for a precise date, the pensioner’s bill must be accompanied by a certificate in From TR 39 duly signed by any of the authorities contemplated in Rule 103 Note.- “However in the case of a female pensioner whose pension is terminable on married / remarried shall be furnished on the body of every pension bill, except for the months of June and December. The pension bills, for June and December shall be supported by a declaration in Form FR-40 vide Rule 112 ibid.
112. “A declaration in Form TR 40 shall be obtained half yearly from all recipients of family pension whose pension is terminable on their marriage or remarriage. However, in the case of widow recipients, is certificate should be used with on their giving an undertaking that the pension would be drawn until remarriage which would be reported promptly to the paying authority. The