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Payment of Head Record clerks of the RMS
current month by remaining undisbursed, to be credited by deduction from the next establishment bill and general travelling allowance bill.
37. Account of postage with Postmen and village Postmen; -
a) The Head Postmaster should every day satisfy himself that all the postmen have placed their signatures in the postmen Postage Account for the postage due on articles of the letter mail made over to them and that the amounts have been entered by them in words and figures.
b) he/she should also see –
i) that the postmen and village postmen-pay over the cash collected by them on account of unpaid postage to the Treasurer; ii) that the postmen and village postmen – pay over the cash collected by them on account of parcel postage and customs duty, with the relative postal fee, to the Treasurer or other PAs appointed to receive such collections; iii) that the initials of the Treasurer or other PAs ( in the case of collections on account of parcel postage and customs duty, with the relative postal fee) are entered in the unpaid postage abstract or Postmen’s Book for all such amounts received from Postmen and in the village Postmen’s registers for all such amounts received from Village postmen.
38. Adjustment of accounts of postage:- The Head Postmaster should satisfy himself that the accounts of postage with Postmen are adjusted daily and with village Postmen on their return to the office. He will be held personally responsible that running accounts are not kept with postmen and village postmen.
Correction of Errors
66. When it is considered necessary to make any alteration in the figures of a cash account or other return already submitted to the Postal Accounts Office, it should be promptly reported by a letter; Postmasters should refrain from sending revised accounts of any kind unless they are expressly asked for.
Note:- A report of an error requiring amendment should be as concise and clear as possible, and should be sent forward as soon the mistake is discovered. It gives very little trouble to rectify a mistake clearly and frankly reported; but on the other hand considerable trouble is experienced when a report is withheld and a revised account is sent without explanation.
67. The returns, constituting the Accounts Bundle, for submission by Head Offices to Director/Deputy Director of Accounts (Postal) are shown below:
Particulars Date of the month on which to be despatched
1. Cash Account and cash Balance Report 2. Memorandum of customs Duty prepaid 3. Schedule of customs Duty and other charges realised in cash on articles received by Foreign letter Mail or on Inward Foreign Parcels. And received from other
Head offices. 4&5. Schedules of remittances made to and received from 1st. of the following month.