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Entry in Accounts
Responsibility for Accounts . . . . . 68 Cash Book . . . . . 69 Cash Abstract . . . . . . 70 Receipt . . . . .. . 71 Submission of Accounts to Postal Accounts Office . . . 73
Responsibility for Accounts
68. (a) The Head Record Officer is personally responsible for all the monetary transactions of the division and for the correctness of the accounts connected therewith.
(b) In every division there is an Accountant selected by Superintendent from among the sorters, to assist the Head Record clerk in the purely clerical account work of the office such as preparing bills, money orders, cash accounts and other account documents and writing up the Cash Book, cash abstract and register of contingent charges, but the Head Record Officer is solely responsible that they are correctly and punctually prepared or rendered.
(c) All the contents of the Head Record office safe are held in the joint custody of the Head record Officer and the Accountant, each of whom is provided with a key of the safe. The accountant is responsible for the safe custody during working hours of the con tents of the office safe. He is responsible for writing up the Cash Abstract correctly and is jointly responsible with the Head Record Officer for the verification before the close of the office, of the cash balance of the cash abstract (See Rule 70) with the cash and of the other articles, documents, or property in the office safe, and for the safe custody of the cash etc., after the safe is locked up for the day.
Cash Book
69. A cash book (Form ACG 35) should be maintained by the Head Record Officer to account for the cash received from and money orders granted by the local Head Post Office on bills drawn by him. The book is divided into two parts, viz. “receipts” and Payments”. The receipt side should show, in respect of each bill drawn, the amount received in cash from the local Post office and the amount remitted by money order to each Record office and Sub Record office. The payment side should show the serial number, description and amount of each bill cashed. All the bills cashed at the local Post office during the month should be numbered in a monthly consecutive series. As the totals of the money columns on both sides of the cash book must necessarily always be the same, there will be no opening or closing balance.
Cash Abstract
70. A cash abstract (in Form ACG. 33) is kept by each Head Record, record and Sub Record office in which the money transactions of the office itself are exhibited under the following head:- (i) Pay and Allowances (a) Balance of Yesterday (b) Amount received today (c) Totals of items (a) and (b) (d)Amount disbursed today and (C) cash Balance in hand (e) Cash Balance in hand
(ii) Permanent advance for contingencies (a) Amount of Advance
(b) Amount represented by vouchers
(e) Cash Balance in hand.