3 minute read
Global Embassy Network
Kingdom Convergence Is Bringing A Purging, Merging, Surging
God had me share concerning God’s Kingdom Convergence for
this entire year and I believe it was in preparation for the manifestation
of what is even now at the threshold. Kingdom visionaries have always
been pioneers of new territory, but what God is doing at this time is
even beyond where we have been into new vistas of God’s Kingdom
breakthrough, and all of us have felt a redefining of who we are as His
ambassadors, but this is actually a good thing.
We should never get so comfortable in what we know that we don’t
continue to seek first God’s Kingdom, and as visionaries! Where we are
in this season is unfamiliar territory, but it’s here because as Kingdom
Ambassadors rise up and take their place, it causes corrupt systems
and false gods to shake, quake, and crumble. The devil knows his time
is short so he seeks to distract, disturb, or discourage any way he can,
but God’s saints are standing strong in prophetic destiny with focus on
His assignments, colonization and promise!
Hebrews 12:29 (KJV) says; His voice then shook the earth: but now
he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but
also heaven. And this word, yet once more, signifieth the removing of
those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those
things which cannot be shaken may remain. Wherefore we receiving a
kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may
serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a
consuming fire. This convergence brings a CHANGE to LANDSCAPES
The dictionary definition of Paradigm is a sphere set through methods
and standards influencing concepts & thoughts. The Biblical word for
paradigm is PATTERN (meaning framework & blueprint) The Greek
word for pattern is TYPOS & HYPOTHESIS (frame of reasoning). We
hear a lot about shifting to new levels (but we cannot take old mindsets
into the new levels set on the foundation of the BLUEPRINT. Kingdom
Convergence is a PARADIGM SHIFT. We need to let go of what God
is PRUNING to understand where He is going, because He’s already
Numbers 16:30-35 Korah brought 250 princes (famous, men of renown)
and rose up against Moses and Aaron at the door of the tabernacle to
defy their God ordained leadership but in verse 30, Moses called the
consequence about to happen: a NEW THING, as the earth opened
her mouth, and there came a fire out from the Lord consuming the
250 men with censers (fire). We think of the “new thing” as something
advanced, but part of the manifestation of the NEW THING is that the
“old things” that held us back must shake, quake and crumble off so we
can progress! We must keep our discernment pure and make sure we
are not holding onto something that may have become an idol hidden in
our tent that we have begun to worship as a substitute for worshipping
and seeking God. This may even include letting go of idols, (things that
used to work), in our ministries.
There’s a significant paradigm shift God is bringing that will require
fresh vision and Kingdom insight as Kingdom Convergence splits the
barriers like a rocket reentering earth’s atmosphere. This is why Romans
8:22 says, All creation groans and waits for the manifestation of the
sons of God! The secular world calls it global warming, but God calls it
global groaning and birthing! Psalm 12:6 says, The Words of the Lord
are pure as silver tried in the furnace of the earth. Matthew 6:33 makes
it clear that God’s Kingdom comes as His will is done on earth as it is in heaven. Let the next level of convergence begin in and through us! ✽
Dr Rick Kendall
Global Embassy Network Florida www.rickkendall.org