TMLA Mariel After Spring 2012

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Mariel-After Vol 29

No 1

Summer 2012

Reunion 2012

From the Principal June 2012 Dear Alumnae, Greetings from TMLA! On June 3, the members of the 72nd Graduating Class of The Mary Louis Academy received their diplomas. Their record of college acceptances and scholarships is outstanding. The Class of 2012 has received over $30 million dollars in academic scholarships. Over 90% of the senior class completed one or more Honors or Advanced Placement courses. Coupled with more than 31,000 donated hours in community service programs, the beginnings of the legacy of this Senior Class are truly remarkable. Undoubtedly, our world will continue to be enriched through the many gifts of these young women. The sharing of our graduates’ gifts and talents continues in our Alumnae Mentoring program. This new initiative enables the present student body to benefit from the wisdom and experience of our talented alumnae. The annual Alumnae Reunion proved to be a wonderful success with over 500 graduates “coming home” to TMLA. In addition this year’s Alumnae Regional Receptions have connected TMLA graduates in various locales throughout the country. We remain committed to bringing TMLA to you. If you would like to participate in the Alumnae Association, please contact us. We look to interested, involved alumnae to continue the tradition of Excellence that is TMLA. We hope that you enjoy the online alumnae newsletter. We welcome your insights, support, and comments. We look forward to hearing from you. Blessings to you and your family for a happy and healthy summer. Enjoy this Mariel-After!


S. Kathleen McKinney CSJ, Ed.D. Principal

MARIEL-After Vol. 29 N0. 1

Summer 2012

2/ Letter from the Principal

Mother-Daughter MD

4 -6/ The Drs. Walsh 7/ Alumnae Mentoring Program 8-9/ The Art-ful Alumna 10-11/ Regional Receptions

The Art-ful Alumna

12-29/ Reunion 2012 30-35/ Class Notes 36/ Doing TMLA a Favor 36/ 3 Generations of TMLA women

The Mary Louis Academy

Office of Academy Advancement

S. Kathleen McKinney CSJ EDD Principal S. Filippa Luciano CSJ, M.A. ‘54 Assistant Principal Mrs. Ann O’Hagan Cordes, M.S. ‘84 Assistant Principal

Regina Cialone Alaimo ‘97

176-21 Wexford Terrace Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 718-297-2120 FAX: 718-739-0037

Regional Receptions

Director of Advancement Mr. Sean Belon Director, Annual Fund & Alumnae Relations

Reunion 2012

S. Peggy Conway CSJ ‘69 Associate Director Mrs. Judy Belon Assistant Director Alumnae Association Co-Moderators and Reunion Co-ordinators S. Joan Killen CSJ S. Mary Ann Carotenuto CSJ ‘57

Alumnae Mentors

Dr. Christine Kull Walsh ‘65 and Dr. Kathleen Walsh ‘97, only mother-daughter pediatric cardiologists in US TMLA Mothers and Daughters have

ceived a superb preparation for college

available. There is no longer a prefect

always had special relationship but

under the guidance of the Sisters of St.

of discipline. Uniform hats are gone!

one Mary Louis mother and daughter

Joseph. The friendships I made among

However, my daughter’s friends from

share a one-of-a-kind bond.

the students and faculty are important

TMLA have the same intelligence,

to me even today. I realized what a

charm and warmth that I have known

Christine Kull Walsh, M.D. ‘65 and

great math teacher Sister Amata was

in my own friends.

Kathleen Walsh, M.D. ‘97 are the na-

when I took advanced math at Ford-

tion’s only mother-daughter pediatric

ham. I remember laughing with Fitzy

At TMLA I built the confidence to

cardiologist team.

(Sister Annelle Fitzpatrick ‘65) as she

become a member of the second class

thought of outrageous captions for

of undergraduate women at Thomas

Christine attended TMLA on a schol-

the Crusader. I also recall the tears we

More College of Fordham University.

arship and was Valedictorian of the

shed when the principal announced

We “pioneers” broke new ground in

Class of 1965. She was the Commence-

that President Kennedy had been shot.

areas as diverse as premedical education and rest room facilities.

ment Speaker at the Class of 1997’s graduation, of which her daughter

I remember tears on another day –

was a member. She is married to Sean

graduation day. I practiced my val-

My education has always fostered

Walsh, Esq and they live in Douglas-

edictory address to the point that my

being a “man or woman for others.”

ton with their 3 children; Kathleen ’97,

entire family could give it.

This concept is at the heart of the doctor-patient relationship. Students who

Sean & Stephen. Today, I see a number of differences

are shaped by this vision will become

When we asked Christine to reflect

in TMLA. The school benefits from

exactly the type of health care practi-

back upon her years at TMLA, she

more diversity in its student body.

tioner who is needed in today’s world.

echoed the thoughts of most all our

Advanced placement courses are now

Leadership based on serving others is

graduates, saying, “At TMLA I re-

sorely needed in the doctor’s office, in the medical school classroom, and in formulating health care policy. As I look back, I believe my greatest impetus was the support of my parents. They felt strongly that their daughter as well as their sons could become anything he or she wanted. My mother was a marvelous, progressive woman who held a

full time job while going to college at

a lecture to the second year medical

night. She graduated with honors at

students and seeing my daughter

a time when few women shared her

in front of me.”

priorities.” Despite the many moWhile the number of medical spe-

ments of pride and joy

cialties continues to grow, Christine

that have taken place in her

remains devoted to her choice of

career and life, few com-


pare to when Christine had the honor of “hooding” her

“Pediatric Cardiology combines many

daughter at the latter’s gradua-

things that I love. I derive great satis-

tion from Albert Einstein Col-

faction from helping children in a way

lege of Medicine. “It is hard to describe

that will influence their entire life. It is

my emotions on the day I had the

a great gift to be able to comfort a fam-

privilege of hooding my daughter,” she

ily and assure them that everything

recalls. “I was, of course, very proud of

possible is being done to help their

her and her willingness to make all the

child. In addition, I find the physiol-

sacrifices it takes to become

ogy of the heart fascinating. If you

a physician when she knew

understand how a normal and abnor-

firsthand what she was getting

mal heart functions, you can listen to

into. “It made me feel that I

a heart and determine what is wrong,

couldn’t have failed miserably

understand how to interpret complex

as a mother if my daugh-

tests and know how to treat life-threat-

ter wanted to follow in my

ening disorders.”

footsteps,” she smiles. “I also felt sadness that my mother

According to Christine, “The most

did not live to see her grand-

rewarding part of my career has been

daughter become a doctor as

diagnosing and treating infants with a

she wanted to be. She would

life-threatening congenital heart defect

have been so happy.”

and then making a difference in their life throughout childhood and adolescence. I become part of the family and receive pictures of graduations and sweet sixteen parties and invitations to weddings. The highlight of my day is getting hugs from my patients. “Another rewarding aspect of my career is teaching medical students. This culminated in the joy of my giving

Top, proud mother, Dr. Christine Kull Walsh, Dr. Kathleen Walsh and brother and uncle, Rev. Martin Kull, Pastor of St. Anselm Parish in Brooklyn, NY, at Kathleen’s graduation from TMLA, Dr. Kathleen Walsh addresses TMLA’s present junior class, Mom proudly hoods daughter at the latter’s graduation from Medical School, and the Walsh family with Dad, Sean and brothers, Sean and Stephen.

Mom-daughter pediatric cardiologists continued... Like her mom, Dr. Kathleen Walsh

“My parents were always very sup-

I decided that pediatric cardiology

‘97 speaks with much fondness of her

portive of my decision to go to medi-

would be an exciting area of medi-

TMLA years. “ I remember lots of

cal school, but there was no expecta-

cine in which to specialize.”

fun events at Mary Louis, like Spirit

tion that I had to become a doctor, so

Week, watching friends take part in

I knew they would also support me if

Of course, her work has come with

musicals, and our trips to Philadel-

I changed my mind.

both ups and downs. “I feel rewarded

phia and Disney World. I was very

any time I get to interact with pa-

excited senior year when I played for

Both mother and daughter shared

tients and their families and I feel as

the first soccer team at Mary Louis.

similar emotions when it came time

if I have made some meaningful con-

Mrs. Joanne McGrath was our dean

for Kathleen to receive her degree

tribution or brought comfort to their

as well as my English teacher sopho-

in Medicine. “I was lucky enough

lives in some way, says Kathleen. “It’s

more and senior years. She was an

to have all of my family and many

a privilege to have parents allow you

outstanding teacher and her mentor-

friends at my medical school gradu-

to take care of their children and

ship was one of the most important

ation. It was such a fun experience to

to foster a special relationship with

gifts she gave to our class. I valued

have my mother hood me at gradu-

these families is what makes medi-

her friendship after we graduated,

ation and very meaningful for me

cine such a unique and rewarding

as well as the special friendships I

that she was able to take part in the


still have today with my best friends

ceremony given how much she has

whom I met at Mary Louis.

influenced my career and helped me

“I think coming to terms with the

get to where I am today.”

fact that not every child will be able

Kathleen was always clear about

to be helped and how to cope with

her professional vocation. “I was

Specializing in Pediatric Cardiology

the loss of a patient is a very difficult

one of those children who always

was an important decision for Kath-

aspect of practicing medicine. I don’t

wanted to be a doctor and I think

leen. “I knew since medical school

think this is an aspect of medicine

I was undeniably and positively

that I would like to go into the field

that gets easier with time, but learn-

influenced by mother’s happiness in

of pediatrics because I really enjoyed

ing how best to support families in

her career. Later in college I had to

working with children as patients.

difficult times is an important re-

make decisions to take “pre-med”

I had some exposure to pediatric

sponsibility for a physician.

courses, take the standardized test

cardiology because of my mother,

to apply to medical school, and then

but it was really when I was learning

TMLA is proud to have played a role

apply. Along the way I was always

about cardiovascular physiology and

in the development of two outstand-

reevaluating my decision to pursue

pathology in medical school that I

ing individual women, Dr. Christine

medicine to make sure it was still

started to think I would enjoy spe-

Kull Walsh and Dr. Kathleen Walsh,

what I wanted to do with my life, and

cializing in cardiology, she recalls.

and is grateful for their efforts to

I think it’s important to have those

improve the lives of so many people

times of introspection when making

“Then I really enjoyed taking care

of all ages through the ministry of

any major life decision.

of cardiac patients in residency and


Mentoring Program Kick-Off

Twenty-four alumnae returned to TMLA on May 11th to speak to the junior class about various career

possibilities. Each of the alumnae offered a classroom presentation in a variety of areas. Students signed up for one or two presentations each and many of the alumnae stayed behind to speak with individual students.

The offerings included Accounting, varied Medical/Health Services, Law, Pharmacy, Nursing, Financial

Services, Human Resources, Law Enforcement, Social Work, Science, Mental Health, Education (Elementary level through College) Speech Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Architecture, Media Advertising, Aviation, Corporate Event Planning, Fashion, Communications, and Nursing. Back Row (l to r standing): Dr. Ann DiBel-

‘89, Lois Borth Trudden ‘71, Nicole Aloise

ous Mentoring event, but are not pictured:

la Jablon ‘66, Marybeth Butler Ruscica ‘68,

Esq ‘01, Gail DiLeonardo Konecsni ‘64,

Kristen Hackford Breglio, Esq ‘97

Marlynne Bidos, Esq ‘01, Dorothy Greiner

Nadine Chin-Santos ‘79 Front Row (l

Dr. Gina Cardone ‘97, Kathleen Hickey

Brandreth ‘62, Lorin Bona ‘00, Alison

to r kneeling): Pat Clements Jaquay ‘67,

Cripps ‘69, Gina Panico DeVito ‘94, Car-

Schawb Kondel ‘97, Det. Elizabeth McCol-

Maura Loughnane O’Keeffe ‘92, Deirdre

mel Furtado ‘75, Pamela Galvis ‘99, Linda

gan NYPD ‘90, Marisa Kavanaugh Hogans

Gibbons Mullen ‘83, Dr. Emily Arweiler

Giammona ‘82, Dr. Venise Mule Glass ‘74

‘93, Barbara Economou Morris ‘77, Judith

Ambizas ‘95 and Dr. Melissa Dowd Begg

Jada Gomez Lacayo ‘00, Christina Rene

Williams ‘60 and Mary Graziano Flana-

‘81. Not pictured: MaryKate Walsh ‘98,

‘01, Sgt. Kathleen Rickard ‘87, Christine

gan ‘74 Middle Row (l to r seated):

and Michelle Stercula Zappulla ‘94. The

Salboudis ‘91,Tricia Singh Seepersaud ‘93

Pascale Saint-Louis ‘01, Jeanne Brutman

following alumnae were part of a previ-

Dr. Barbara Bosch Young ‘71

Claudia DeMonte ‘65: TMLA’s Art-ful Alumna looks back TMLA Class of ‘65 member and

to experience the food from all over

aged me and told me I was ‘special.’ I

accomplished artist Claudia DeMonte

the world just by eating in the neigh-

went back to thank her during one of

has had more than 60 one-person

borhood! I went to Our Lady of Mt.

our reunions. She didn’t remember

shows and 300 group exhibitions

Carmel Elementary School.

me at first, but I reminded her I was

nationally and internationally.

the one she said was SPECIAL, she

Born and raised in Astoria,

“Although Queens is part of the

then told me that she never taught

Queens, Claudia has a great love

city, we always referred to Manhattan

a student that wasn’t special! That

for the people and places that have

as THE CITY. I explored the city ev-

helped me be a good teacher, to re-

shaped her life.

ery weekend, reading Edna St Vincent

member that each student is unique

“I LOVED growing up in Asto-

Millay on the Staten Island Ferry, see-

and special.

ria,” she states enthusiastically. “I got

ing Barbara Streisand in Funny

My Art teacher, S. Miriam Fi-

Girl, and Beyond the Fringe,

delis, was great at Art history and

over and over. I took advan-

Art theory and I STILL have my

tage of the city, even seeing

notebooks from that class. I had great

the Beatles at their very

teachers, from biology to history. My

first U.S. concert, and the

strong academic background comes

premier of Nureyev and

from having had the highest level of

Fonteyn at the Metro-

education at TMLA.

politan Opera House!

Claudia’s work is heavily influenced by her travels. “I grew up in

I ’m i n

Astoria and, as I’m sure everyone

touch with

knows, Queens is the most ethnically

so many of

diverse county in the US, and the one

my T M L A

with the most heavily used library

friends I

system. My parents did not have the

w o u l d n’t

opportunity to travel, but bought me a

know where

subscription to National Geographic!

to begin!

That did it; I wanted to go everywhere

Carol Horn, Peggy Goodwill, Bar-

I read about! I’ve now been to over

bara Fiscina, Chris Marsten, Mary

100 countries!

Ann Barbera are all good friends with whom I’ve reconnected.

My travels have influenced every aspect of my art, from use of materials

Sister Rita Claire was someone

to color. ( There is a quote, “Pink is the

I often mention. She always encour-

navy blue of India”) I’ve gotten to cast

bronze in Thailand and Shanghai, do

tion includes works of women from

Claudia lives, travels and

workshops for women in Saudi Ara-

177 countries dealing with the images

works with her husband, artist Ed

bia, etc.. I think travel enriches one’s

of women.

McGowin. Says Claudia, “In a way

entire life. When you travel you real-

For 33 years, Claudia has served

I have had two careers, being an

ize that our way is just one way, and

on the faculty of the University of

artist and being a professor. Both

that all cultures have special things

Maryland, where she was named

have been very rewarding.

to offer, different but all unique and

Distinguished Scholar Teacher and


Professor Emerita. In 2006, She was

With my art, I am lucky to

awarded an Honorary Doctorate from

be able to work independently in

the College of Santa Fe.

the studio making things, having

Claudia can easily trace her foundation in Art to her mom and dad. “My parents valued Art and took

them exhibited and appreciated

me regularly to museums, concerts,

“Are You Full?” is the title of

by those in my field as well as the

ballet etc. as a child. I think their

the installation Claudia did with the

general public. My work has been

respect for the Arts made the field

homeless in Mississippi, our nation’s

shown in 35 countries. Having

very important to me. So I grew up

poorest state. Explains Claudia, “‘Are

a book published on my work

going to the Metropolitan Museum,

you full?’ is how the homeless greet

meant a great deal to me. The

MOMA, going to the theater. There

each other at the shelter in Jackson.

Archives of American Art have

was a period during high school when

That means, are you having a good

my papers. These things give my

I saw almost every play on Broadway.

day/have you eaten. My father was

work a legacy.

I could only afford standing room,

homeless as a child and this made

but I went.

me very aware of the homeless as real people.

Claudia’s work is in numerous

“My teaching has been one of the great gifts of my life. I loved to teach and am still in touch with

museum permanent collections, in-

The exhibition is called Abun-

many of my students. I thank the

cluding the Brooklyn Museum of Art,

dance and it’s about want vs. need. It

University of Maryland for allow-

Stamford Museum, Boca Raton Mu-

includes bronze sculptures covered

ing me to teach their students. I

seum, and in major corporate collec-

with things most of us want/can af-

feel I learned as much from my

tions such as those of Hyatt Regency

ford. Even though we already have a

students as they did from me. It

Hotels, Exxon, Citibank and Siemens.

handbag, we want another, shoes etc.,

was a great honor for me when

contrasted with serious need. Also,

the University named me Distin-

Her public commissions have

I hoped it would make the viewer

guished Scholar Teacher. I have to

come from the New York City Depart-

consider the disparity of wealth in

say thatI love what I do!

ment of Cultural Affairs, Brooklyn

our country.”

Library System, Queens Supreme

Visit Claudia’s website at for more.

Court, Prudential Life Insurance, the

Claudia is the author of Women

State of New Mexico, and New York

of the World: A Global Collection of

City School Construction Authority.

Art. A book on Claudia’s work titled,

Claudia is also the curator of

Claudia DeMonte, is also available

“Women of the World: A Global Col-

from Pomegranate Books. Both are

lection of Art.” This traveling exhibi-

in The Mary Louis Academy Library.

At far left, S. Kathleen McKinney welcomes Claudia DeMonte into THE, The Hall of Excellence, at TMLA’s 75th Anniversary celebration, Claudia in CRUSADER ‘65 and one of Claudia’s many pieces from the Are You Full collection, Abundance Shoes.

Regional Receptions gather alumnae in varied locales Over the last few years, TMLA alumnae have hosted regional receptions in FL, New York City, New Jersey, CT, Washington, D.C., Scarsdale, Baltimore, and on Long Island.

These events are a wonderful way to connect with TMLA alumnae in your area - no matter where in the USA you are - and also learn about what’s happening at TMLA today.

Recent Regional Receptions include • November 14, 2011 hosted by Miriam Smith Vagt ‘46 in Scarsdale, NY • March 21, 2012, hosted by Dr. Judith Banzer Farr ‘54 in Washington, DC • April 18, 2012 hosted by Nora Eberhardt Quigley, ‘46 in Ballston Lake, NY

Photos by Regina Alaimo

Our next scheduled Regional Receptions are June 7, 2012 hosted by Monica Reddy Wood , ’72 in Lloyd Harbor, NY and September 20, 2012, hosted by Joyce Zakierski Simmons, ‘66 in Sparta, NJ. We believe the Mary Louis community extends far beyond the geographic boundaries of our hilltop. No matter where you live, you remain a member of the TMLA family.

We are all united by memories and traditions, and by a strong belief in the education of young women of vision. We would be so excited and grateful if you were able to keep the Mary Louis connection strong by attending, or hosting one of these events. If you’re interested in hosting a local alumnae reception, contact Mr. Sean Belon, Director of Alumnae Relations, for more information, 718.297.2120 X286 or At right, bottom photo, back, l to r: Renee Zirpolo Merges, Esq ’76, Eileen Dragone Scheffer ’76, Dolores Ehntholt Murray ’70, Judith Schneyman Kaplowitz ’74, Donna Schutta Boss ’77, Patricia McGeough Pinto ’49, Miriam Smith Vagt ’46, Nora Eberhardt Quigley ’46 & Sister Kathleen. Bottom Row l to r: Susan Eggers Hahm ’75, Karen Nelis-O’Brien ’79, Laura Plant Willemin ’44 & Regina Cialone Alaimo ’97. Not pictured: Joan Rogers Harrington ‘88

Top back row l to r: Nancy Fecht Kruger ’64. Cecilia Reimer Covel ’68, Carleen Cole Kohut ’73, Dr. Geraldine Otremba ’63, Dr. Judith Banzer Farr ’54, S. Kathleen McKinney, Mary Barry Van Wijngaarden ’83, S. Filippa Luciano, CSJ, ‘54, Judy Thompson David ’64, Barbara Fiscina Elliott ’65, Irene Haggarty ’94 & Lisa Mezzetti, Esq ‘74. Front Row l to r: Tiffany Cooper ’02, Meg Williams Knapp ’93, Maggie Hoefner Martin, Esq ’90, Catherine Bulger Gagnon ’66. Not Pictured: Mary Burke ’63, Colleen Coyle, Esq ’81, Catherine Wauters ’04, Dorothy Harrington ‘71

Class of ‘42 & ‘47, at right, Alumnae Mass

Classes of ‘42, ‘47, ‘52 and ‘62 celebrate special anniversary TMLA’s annual reunion was held March 31, 2012 at the school. This year’s reunion was for all classes that ended with a 2 or a 7. Nearly 500 alumnae returned for the day which began with the Mass for Palm Sunday dedicated to the memory of the deceased members of each class. Alumnae spent the bulk of the afternoon and evening enjoying each other’s company and renewing friendships. Hundreds of photographs were taken and thousands of memories were shared. Present day students provided tours of the school during which alumnae saw many new additions to the building they remember such as three new science labs, nearly 200 computers, and SMARTBoard technology in every classroom.

Top and middle: Class of 62 At bottom, Class of ‘52

Class of ‘62

Class of ‘52

Class of ‘47

This page all Class of ‘62

Reunion 2012

Welcome Home

At top, the Class of 1992 came together to dedicate a plaque to class member, Christine Caiafa Guarino, who passed away in 2005 at the age of thirty-one. Christine was a teacher of young children. We were honored by the presence of Christine’s mother at the dedication. The cafeteria and library were filled with nearly 500 alumnae plus faculty. The dinner afforded attendees the opportunity to reconnect, exchange memories, photos, laughs, and good times. Each year since 1987, the annual TMLA reunion has grown in size. This year’s Class Gifts totaled nearly $100,000. We are very grateful for our generous alumnae donors without whose support TMLA could not continue to provide the highest standard of education for young women today.

Above, the Class of 1972 easily won the award for best attendance. More than 100 members of the Class of ‘72 turned out for their 40th Reunion. This page below is the Class of 1982 and at right bottom is the Class of 1977.

Class Notes 1940s

Jean Draffen Earley ‘44 has been married to her husband, Anthony, for sixty-three years. They have six children, twenty-three grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Marlene Meyer Nowicki ‘49 received her greatest gift, a great-granddaughter in 2011.


Alberta Candia Begley ‘57 and husband, James, celebrated their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary in 2011. They took their five children, their spouses, and their ten grandchildren to Ireland. It was a grand time for their family to see Ireland. Diane Guardino Duplanty ‘59 received her BS in Education from SUNY at Oneonta. She taught kindergarten in NY before moving to CA, where she taught for twenty plus years. Three sons. Moved to Park City, UT, where she taught pre-kindergarten and Art at a Christian School. Moved to Tucson, AZ, where Diane continues to teach kindergarten. This is her 49th year of teaching! Elissa Memmoli Furlong ‘50 is the proud parent to seven children; grandparent to eighteen and great-grandparent to her first greatgrandson.

Barbara Paulsen Gibbs ‘51 is enjoying retirement, travel, golf and bridge! (As well as her five grandchildren) Selina Mellett Herzog ‘53 has five wonderful grandchildren. The two oldest are in Law School and grandson, Colin, married Dr. Zhi Pan. Eileen Kelly Hill ‘56 has been elected president for 2012 of the Mid Fairfield County Association of Realtors in CT. Barbette Dupree Lerro ‘55 was married in July 2010 to Andy Lerro. He is a retired Professor from Stetson University in Deland, FL. Nancy Stolarik Landsiedel ‘52 enjoys time with her six children and eleven grandchildren. Agnes (Pat) Kelly Mensel ‘51 will be traveling to attend her brother’s wedding. She is so very proud of TMLA’s many accomplishments. Anne Richardson McCarthy ‘59 celebrated the marriage of her youngest child in September 2011. She is enjoying her five grandchildren. June Schmidt Metzner ‘50 is still the volunteer curator of the Old House in Cutchogue, NY, (built circa 1649), the oldest wood frame English house in New York State.

Marie McNichol Nolan ‘51 reports all is well up in the Finger Lakes. She is planning to have a few classmates for a visit in the Spring! Mary Turner Shea ‘57 has two daughters, one in Colorado and one in Wellesley, MA. She has four grandchildren and spends time traveling to see them. Loretta Deiker Smith ‘52 spends her winters in FL. Peggy McHale Sood ‘59 is living in New Delhi, India, and would love to spend time with any alums if they visit the area. Virginia Fraser Wilson ‘54 has three grandchildren, Joseph Michael, age seven, Cecilia Rose, age seven and Henry Thomas, age four.


Patricia Jodal Azzollini ‘64 and her husband, Joe, welcomed their first grandchild in April 2011. Karen A. Ballard ‘62 was appointed by Governor Cuomo as a member of his Health and Education Transition Team (2010) and is a member of the Medicaid Redesign Team (2011). Virginia Ellis Beech ‘60 writes “miss my NY TMLA friends, June Bowling, Mary McDermott and Ruth Halligan, Class of ‘60! Still work full-time. Fabulous grandson, Cameron, age six. Feeling healthy; not much else matters without one’s health!

Catherine Tyne Bingay ‘60 is delighted to announce the birth of her second grandchild, Cara Noel Lopez, born in December 2011. She is the daughter of Julie Bingay Lopez ‘89 and her husband, Michael. Catherine is hopeful that Cara and her older sister Marilyn will one day be Mary Louis girls! Claudia DeMonte ‘65 had an exhibition of new sculpture open on Thursday, April 12, 2012 at June Kelly Gallery in SoHo, 166 Mercer Street. (See story p. 6.) Patricia Riley-Murphy Leyden ‘65 had her second novel, A Customs Affair, published in October 2011, and is available, along with her first novel, St. James Place, on in both paperback and Kindle editions. She is working on her third novel, Fate Chooses, which is due to be published in 2012. Gail Casdia Marien, RN, MSW, PhD ‘60 with husband, Al, moved to Winter Garden, FL, after living in NJ for twenty-six years. They are happy to be living in such a beautiful area near Disney World and look forward to enjoying the many attractions and places to visit. Barbara Brown Markell ‘69 has three fantastic grandchildren, Joshua, born in August 2008, Aidan, born in April 2011 and Rachel, born in July 2011. Eileen C. McCabe ‘62 is a part-time Adjunct Professor at Long Island University.

Joan McEntee ‘65 writes that her company deals with other companies who want or are doing business in China. In February 2012 she made her 90th trip to China. Her company, MKBC, has its major office in Beijing. Janet Link Perrin EdD ‘61 is a retired principal from the Harborfield School District on Long Island. She is enjoying time with her three grandchildren and her husband. Maureen Quinn Scherer ‘64 writes son, John and wife, Janice, are expecting son number two in March. Liam (first son) is two years old and talks well.


Laura Zeh Baas ‘74 has been a nurse for 35 years, married with three sons, ages 29, 27 and 17. Laura has two grandsons and one granddaughter. They all live in North Carolina, near Raleigh. She’d love to hear from old classmates. Her email address is: Ldylaura@ Bianca (Bonnie) Chronowski Brophy ‘70 is married to James Brophy, a Managing Director in Fixed Income at Bank of America / Merril Lynch; son, Chris received his MBA at Darden and works in Heinz, PA; daughter, Meghan graduated from Holy Cross and works as a PR coordinator for J. Mendel Furriers. Valerie Kilhenny Burton ‘74 splits her time between NYC and Fort Lauderdale, FL, but still considers herself a “died in the wool” New Yorker.

Camille Mascolo Iovino Coli ‘76 is proud of her twin daughters who graduated from Marist College with Honors. Christine Iovino is now an assistant buyer for Ross Stores and works in NYC. Katherine Iovino is a FM at the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School. Megan is in Grade 5 at St. William the Abbot School. Gina Quattrochi, Esq. ‘71 is proud of son, Giovanni, who was awarded a full four year scholarship to Trinity College. In December 2011, Gina attended a meeting at the White House on women living with HIV/AIDS. Mary Ellen Capp Klein ‘74 moved to Chandler, AZ in 1994. One daughter is a first grade teacher in Winslow, AZ and one daughter is a nurse at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Scottsdale, AZ. She has been married for thirty-two years “to the love of my life, Michael.” Life is good! Catherine Labiak-Maher M.D. ‘74 is a Developmental Pediatrician in private practice in Newport, Rhode Island. She writes that daughter, Shannon, 26, is a special education teacher; son, Jimmy, 24, is working in financial services; son, Brian,21, is a senior at Providence College; daughter, Mary Cate, 17 is a senior at Bishop Connolly High School. Her husband, Jim, is an Orthopedic Surgeon with University Orthopedics. They are both still working and enjoying their family.

Jamie Romanowski LaGennusa ‘74 left NY in October 2011 and moved to Pennsylvania. Jamie and her mother are both widows and Jamie is living with her. It works out well, as they are Best Friends. She is an RN in Long Term Care with the MDS as her Specialty. Jamie does the paperwork that generates the reimbursement for the facility. She loves her job and living in the Poconos. Claudia Camurati Langworthy DPM ‘75 and her husband, Wilson, are retired and living in Key Largo, FL during the winter and Watch Hill, RI during the summer. Her stepson lives in Scotland so they have a lot of traveling under their belts! Judy VanLeer Lewonka ‘70 along with husband, Bob, celebrated forty years of marriage. They celebrated by hosting a Renewal of Vows, with a reception for eighty of their family and friends at the Hyatt Regency in Hauppauge, NY. They celebrated the Christmas holidays at Disney World with their children and spouses and five grandchildren. Isabel Barcelo Galis Menendez ‘78 proudly reports that she received the Louis J. Lefkowitz Public Service Award from Fordham University School of Law in April 2011. Ann E. Rothschild ‘73 reports that her daughter, Vanessa, is the manager of The Ritz Fur Shop in NYC. Her older son, Andrew, was married in September 2011 and her younger son, Douglas, graduated from the University of Richmond.

Shawn Slevin ‘74 is the founder of the Swim Strong Foundation. ( JoAnn Tassone Tutino ‘74 is the N-3 Science Teacher at Far Brook School, a small private school in Short Hills, New Jersey. JoAnn has been at that position for seventeen years and loves it. She and her husband, Tony, who works at Celgene, a pharmaceutical company in Basking Ridge, NJ, are now empty nesters. Their son, Chris, graduated from the University of Virginia in May and is working as a biomedical engineer for Merck in Union, NJ. Their daughter, Laura, is living in Arlington, VA where she works in public relations and is getting married in September 2012. Four years ago she and Tony bought a condo at the Jersey Shore in Stone Harbor, which is about 12 miles north of Cape May. They love the beach, the antique shops and theaters in Cape May and do a lot of bike riding. Right now it is a vacation house but, some day they plan to retire there.


Aileen Rosa Arroyo ‘80 has been named Director of Early Childhood Services for The Child Care Council of Nassau County, Inc., a position that impacts the quality of child care and services in all of Nassau County, NY. She has been honored by the US Congress for outstanding Leadership in Education, as well as the US Senate for her twenty-plus years of dedication to our children and families.

Maureen Gannon ‘82 was promoted in July 2011 to Vice Chair for Faculty Development in the Department of Medicine at Vanderbilt University Kimberly Martin Oliver ‘87 is currently serving in the US Army in Kuwait, in support of Operation New Dawn & Operation Enduring Freedom. She graduated in February 2010, from Virginia College Online with an MS in Cyber Security, with a 4.0 GPA (Grand Honors). In March 2010, she was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer Three (CW3) in the career field of Information Security Management. In July 2011, she graduated from Signal Warrant Officer Advance Course for Cyberspace Defense Technician (255S). Adriana Cardenas Muniz ‘87 graduated summa cum laude from NY Institute of Technology in May 2011 with a MA in Communication Arts. She celebrated together with her husband, Joe, son, Justin and family.


Jeannine Azan ‘90 along with big brother, Lucas, welcomed Skylar Marie in August 2011. Alison Martin Coughlin ‘99 married John Coughlin in March 2012, in Stewart Manor, NY. They currently reside in Queens, NY. Ingrid Weigand Franz ‘95 and husband, Keith, have two children; Thomas born in November 2009 and Sara born in April 2011.

Elizabeth Gould Ippolito ‘92 welcomed son, Joseph James in July 2011. He joins big sister, Grace, who is three. Nicole Kelly ‘98 recently graduated from St. John’s University with a BS in Secondary Education. Theresa Petrassi McLoughlin ‘91 and husband, Kevin, welcomed son, Emmett Duffy, on October 27, 2011. Emmett was seven pounds and perfect! Karen Heslin Nolan ‘94 welcomed Hailey Elizabeth Nolan in August 2009. Karen and her husband recently celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary. She works as a Research Scientist at Kessler Foundation in NJ and is an Assistant Professor at the NJ Medical School; currently doing research investigating neuroprostheses for individuals with stroke. Karen Rusinko Ogden ‘95 married Peter Ogden Jr., in April 2011. Her TMLA classmates and best friends, Gina Moneta DiGiglio, Ingrid Weigand Franz and Maura Kelly Lewinger, all Class of ‘95, celebrated the day with her. Lauren Costello Putnam ‘96 (former faculty member) and her husband, Dan, welcomed Claire Amarra in April 2011 Dawn Remiszewski ‘99 is currently pursuing a Masters of Science in Human Resource Management at Mercy College.

Nancy Dreier Robson ‘92 with husband, Jim, and proud big brother, Liam, are happy to announce the arrival of Elizabeth Mary in April 2011. Alison Schwab ‘97 married Eric Kondel in December 2011. Her classmate, Maureen Rutter, was her Maid of Honor.

Michelle Furlong ‘07 graduated Elmira College with a degree in Childhood Education and Social Studies. Currently teaching Nursery School at Divine Wisdom Catholic Academy and pursuing her Masters Degree in Special Education and Literacy at St. John’s University.

Vanessa Keany Wolstein ‘95 married Scott Wolstein in June 2011. The reception was held at Terrace on the Park, Flushing, NY.

Suraya Yhap Jairam ‘00 younger son, Lucas Logan, will soon turn one and older son, Nicholas, turned three in December 2011.


Nicole Bastone ‘04 started working in a middle school in Brooklyn, NY, in Sept 2011. Katie Battiato ‘04 is engaged to Anthony Sama, a 2002 graduate of Archbishop Molloy HS and brother of Marissa Sama ‘04. They will be married in September 2012. Tiffany Brienza ‘04 is currently attending St. George’s University School of Veterinary Medicine, Class of 2014. She became engaged in December 2011 to her college sweetheart Krzysztof. Donna Lohrey Classie ‘02 married Dr. Justin A. Classie in August 2011. Christina Coscia ‘07 graduated from Adelphi in May 2011 with a BS in Nursing. Having passed her NYS Board Exam, she is now a RN. She is planning on Pediatric Nursing where she can make a difference in the lives of children.

Allison Quino Jones ‘00 was promoted to Senior Marketing Communications Specialist in September 2010. She currently resides in Long Island, NY with her husband of three years and ten-month old daughter. Yashima Bhatia Kumar ‘04 has a new job as a Tax Associate for Pricewaterhouse Coopers, LLP. She was married to Gaurav Kumar in Jan 2011. Samantha LiTrenta ‘07 graduated magna cum laude from Franklin & Marshall College in June 2011. She attends Columbia Law School. Kathleen Hellmann Mauceri ‘00 along with husband, Bill, and daughter, Isabella, welcomed Abigail Rose, in January 2011. Janet Engesser Nemeth ‘00 married Daniel Nemeth (Molloy Class of 2000) in November 2011. Caitlin Rodgers ‘04 was married in December 2010 to George Anthony Baynes III,

and recently gave birth to a son, George Anthony Baynes IV. (See photo p. 35) Erica Santos ‘09 competed in the 2011 Delaware Chapter of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. She was awarded First Place Finalist in the Junior Women’s Division and Second Place Finalist in the Upper Musical Theater Division. Erica is currently pursuing a BS in Accounting and BM in Vocal Performance at the University of Delaware. Catherine Wauters ‘04 is currently a law student at George Mason University in Arlington, VA. Lauren Yu ‘06 received her BS in Ecology from St. John’s University in 2010 and is looking forward to attending Rutgers University in September 2011 to complete her Master in Biology. She is happily engaged to Anthony Ferrara and they reside in PA.

2010s Vanessa Mosoti ‘11 is a freshman at Princeton University.

In memoriam Barbara Astwood Bell ‘41 February 2005 Margaret Abrams Girard ‘42 May 4, 2011 Gloria Green Mills ‘42 May 18, 2011 Dorothea Droesch Szabo ‘42 July 16, 2001

Dolores Huschle Weems ‘43 July 17, 2010 Anne Criado Dooley ‘44 July 10, 2011 Ruth Huck Hill ‘44 September 14, 2011 Irene Cronin Buatti ‘45 October 25, 2011 Miriam Bamonte Dredger ‘46 November 15, 2010. Margaret O’Dwyer Pineda ‘47 September 3, 2011 Betty Wilcox Adams ‘48 January 6, 2012

Kathleen Heidel Teitler, PhD. ‘51 November 17, 2010 Francesca Corsi ‘52 August 26, 2003

Geraldine Tholen Simmons ‘67 February 26, 2012.

Gilda Russo ‘53 July 26, 2011

Josephine Esposito Giordano DePasquale ‘68 April 16, 2011

Marilyn Coyle Treacy ‘54 September 3, 2011

Constance Yasparro Ilg ‘68 June 11, 2011

Mary Ann Dulsky Morea Connell ‘55 May 25, 2011

Anne O’Rourke ‘74

Mary Nicholson Facciola ‘56 February 1, 2009

Louise Paul Batterson ‘48 September 24, 2010

Mary Ellen Tunnell Massetti ‘56 October 10, 2011

Eileen Koster Breen ‘48 August 10, 2007

Patricia McCrann Gilvary ‘57 February 22, 2012

Jean Thompson Cooper ‘48 January 18, 2010

Rita T. Albano ‘58 March 30, 2010

June Ferris Corbley ‘48 September 26, 2008

Marlene Steinmetz Kayne, Ph.D. ‘58 January 12, 2012

Patricia O’Brien ‘48 June 24, 2011

September 7, 2010

Jo-Ann Engels ‘59 January 2009

Marianne Konecsni Targonski ‘76 April 29, 2011 Louis P. Bancheri Jr., husband of Patricia Hynes Bancheri ‘49 and brother of Madeline Bancheri Baumrind ‘49 April 17, 2011 Cornelius Bastable, father of Rosemary Bastable McGarry ’56 and Margaret Bastable Parker ‘71 January 2, 2007 Frank Bennett, husband of Rita Middlemiss Bennett ‘47, February 3, 2012

Patricia Cairns Bowman ‘62 August 19, 2010

Lt. Cpl. David R. Bennett, grandson of Rita Middlemiss Bennett ‘47 Jan 11, 2009

Patricia Ryan Kaplan ‘62 January 20, 2010

Herb Berner, husband of Marilyn Carman Berner ‘51

Joan Parker Farrell ‘50 September 13, 1984

Ann Marie McKernan ‘63

Kathleen Savage Howley ‘51 September 28, 2011

Margaret Purcell Knight ‘66 March 12, 2011

Edward Betsch, husband of Barbara Koch Betsch ‘57 August 17, 2004

Rosemary Brady King ‘51 October 14, 2011

Frances Winsch Donohue ‘67 March 19, 2011 Louise Ryan Ericson ‘67

Elaine O’Brien Simpson ‘49 March 18, 2012 Peggy Timothy Custer ‘50 January 27, 2011

Suzanne Betsch, daughter of Barbara Koch Betsch ‘57 1979

Edward W. Blatz, husband of Evelyn Schweikert Blatz ‘59 June 16, 2011 C. Richard Bosenbeck, husband of Catherine Reilly Bosenbeck ‘56 Allan R. Burkard, husband of Anne Azzara Burkard ‘51 Alex Castro, husband of Carmen Ramirez Castro ‘55 John A. Charpin, husband of Elaine Seaton Charpin ‘56 Richard J. Charpin, son of Elaine Seaton Charpin ‘56 Margie Clarke, mother of Eileen Clarke Brady ‘69, January 1, 2011

Kristin Loser Doerrbecker, daughter of Bernetta “Bunny” Wood Loser ‘57 July 30, 2000 Robert F. Dredger Sr., CWO-4, USN-Ret., husband of Miriam Bamonte Dredger ‘46 May 30, 2011 Yolanda Drenkalo, mother of Donna Drenkalo MacDonald ‘79 November 18, 2011 Tony Esposito, father of Linda Esposito Pape MD ‘76 May 18, 2011 Dominic FitzPatrick, husband of AnneMarie Farell FitzPatrick ‘56

Thomas Patrick Leavey, husband of Kathleen Koch Leavey ‘51

David E. O’Neill, husband of Katherine Brennan O’Neill ‘57 January 12, 2011

Catherine Liguori, mother of Christina Liguori Marucci ‘72 February 17, 2011

John T. Perez, husband of Carole Jones Perez ‘57 November 30, 2010

Thomasina Lombardino, mother of Christina Lombardino ‘78 June 26, 2011

E. Markey “Pat” Pullen, husband of Anne Tooker Pullen ‘55 September 22, 2011

Stephen Man, father of Helena Man ‘02

Thomas F. Robarge, husband of Helen Bartenburger Robarge ‘55

Stanley Z. Mazer, husband of Marianne Githens ‘52 Robert McCarrick, husband of June Feehan McCarrick ‘50 Winnie McCluskey, mother of Mary McCluskey Amato ‘77 and Eileen McCluskey Sokol ‘80 January 23, 2011

Thomas V. Connolly, husband of Corinne Batyr Connolly ‘55

Edna Garcia, mother of Edna Garcia ‘05 May 1, 2011

William J. Cothran, husband of Mary Ross Cothran ‘75

John F. X. Gogarty, husband of Rosemarie Mauro Gogarty ‘52

Guiness Crowley, child of Patricia Molloy Crowley ‘51

Thomas Healy, husband of Ann O’Leary Healy ‘56

Christopher McElynn, son of Winifred Waterhouse McElynn ‘51 September 15, 2005

James J. Crowley, husband of Patricia Molloy Crowley ‘51

Rose Hilliard, mother of Mary Ann Hilliard Sweeney ‘65 February 29, 2012

Philip McElynn, son of Winifred Waterhouse McElynn ‘51 March 10, 2009

Francis Hobbs, husband of JoAnn Griffiths Hobbs ‘54 2010

Fred McPhilliamy, father of Anne McPhilliamy Cote ‘80 December 20, 2011

John P. Hughes, husband of Ellen Miles Hughes ‘57

Edward T. Murphy, husband of Ann Marie Stein Murphy ‘55

Raymond Cruz, father of Esther Cruz ‘05 Paul Smith Darby, husband of Ann Pfoser Darby ‘51 Albert J. Devlin, husband of Jeanne Tolle Devlin ‘46 August 7, 2011 William F. Dolan, husband of Alma Quinn Dolan ‘55 Kenneth Donnelly, husband of Carole Dieter Donnelly, PhD ‘57

Charles B. Knopf, husband of Margaret Byrne Knopf ‘59 November 23, 2010 Madelyn Latimer, mother of Lynne Latimer Smith ‘84

Ann T. Nolan, mother of Teresa Nolan ‘86 May 23, 2011 Brian O’Brien, husband of Carolyn Burns O’Brien ‘51

Fred Roloff, husband of Patricia Glynn Roloff ‘56 David M. Rose MD, husband of Linda McKenna Rose ‘57 March 14, 2011 Bernard Rottkamp, husband of Carol Ehrhardt Rotthamp ‘53 July 3, 2011 Daniel J. Sas, husband of Roberta Cone Sas ‘56 Claire A. Schiller, mother of Sharon Schiller Gould ‘75, mother-in-law of Christine Grimaldi Schiller ‘69 July 25, 2011 Tommy Sheehan, husband of Mary Parker Sheehan ‘56 Frank Short, husband of Jeanne Gavin Short ‘51 Bennett Linus Swartvagher, infant son of Jennifer Corcione Swartvagher ‘93 February 13, 2010 Elijah Jack Swartvagher, infant son of Jennifer Corcione Swartvagher ‘93 October 19, 2010

Lawrence Sweeney, husband of Geraldine Fitzgerald Sweeney ‘50 May 16, 2009 June Touwsma, mother of Nancy Touwsma Sigmund ‘68 May 19, 2010 Ann Vallen, mother of Ann Marie Vallen Nonkin ‘61 July 29, 2010 Alfred G. Vendryes, father of Tiffanie Vendryes ‘02 2004 William Vincent, husband of Joan Smith Vincent ‘50 2006 Marianne Walczak, daughter of Doris Lipnicky Walczak ‘51

Sydney McLoughlin, daughter of Theresa Petrassi McLoughlin ‘91, was the winner of the bike at the 2012 Mother-Daughter Luncheon. More Mother-Daughter photos in the next issue of MARIEL-After.

Vincent N. Ward, husband of Patricia Dunne Ward ‘56 January 6, 2011

Left; Nancy Jones Feeley ‘92, Nicole

Please notify the school of the death of a TMLA alumna or family member. Contact the Office of Academy Advancement at 718 297-2120

Miehl Weber ‘92 and Michele Roethel Zielinski ‘92 after they completed a 5K together, top, Hunter Patrick Durkin, younger son of Jenny Limberg Durkin ‘98, Chairperson of TMLA Art Dept. Jenny has an older son, Aidan, age four. Bottom, Caitlin Rodgers Baynes ‘04 with her husband George and their son, George Anthony IV at birth and (at left) more recently at 9 months.

Please send us your photos and updates.

Lena Cutrone ‘02 makes TMLA her wedding favor It’s not unusual for TMLA grads to have their Mary Louis sisters as part of their wedding day, as did Lena Cutrone ‘02 when she married Shawn Shamulzai on March 10, 2012. Lena went a step further when she used TMLA as her wedding favour, presenting guests with a card announcing that a donation in their name had been made to The Mary Louis Academy. Such actions are very moving, and we thank Lena and all our graduates for their continued generous financial support. Pictured with Lena are classmates Lauren MillsSasu, Joanna Rogone and Kara Murphy-Ryan.

Three generations of TMLA women The Class of 2012 will bring to three the number of generations of TMLA women for the Monteleone/Berge family. Grandma Joan Uccelli Monteleone started off the tradition as a member of the Class of 1958, followed by daughters Lisa Monteleone Berge ’85 & Gina Monteleone Zucchera ’90 and now granddaughter Daniella Berge ’12.

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