Mariel After Spring '13

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Mariel-After Vol 30

No 1

Summer 2013

Reunion 2013

L-R: TMLA visits Italy, Liturgy at Immaculate Conception Church, Lacrosse, Freshwomen Liturgy, Friends, TMLA Robotics Team mentors 7th grade girls in Saturday morning robotics program, iPads in the classroom, Mission Week collection of prom gowns for less fortunate high school girls

MARIEL-After The Mary Louis Academy 176-21 Wexford Terrace Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 718-297-2120 • FAX: 718-739-0037 •


Office of Academy Advancement

S. Kathleen McKinney CSJ EDD

Regina Cialone Alaimo ‘97


Director of Advancement

S. Filippa Luciano CSJ, M.A. ‘54

Mr. Sean Belon

Assistant Principal

Director, Annual Fund & Alumnae Relations

Mrs. Ann O’Hagan Cordes, M.S. ‘84

S. Peggy Conway CSJ ‘69

Assistant Principal

Associate Director

Mrs. Judy Belon Assistant Director Alumnae Association Co-Moderators and Reunion Co-ordinators: S. Joan Killen CSJ S. Mary Ann Carotenuto CSJ ‘57

From the Principal

June 2013 Dear Alumnae and Friends,

On June 2nd friends, family, faculty and our newest alumnae celebrated the 74th Commencement Exercises of The Mary Louis Academy. 227 young women received their diplomas and joined the ranks of over 20,000 TMLA alumnae around the world. 100% of the Class of 2013 is going on to college and in total the Class has earned over $31 million in merit-based academic scholarships. In addition they have volunteered over 90,000 hours of service to their communities. Undoubtedly, our world will continue to be enriched through the many gifts of these young women.

I hope that as you look through these pages you share our pride and enthusiasm for the many wonderful accomplishments of the Mary Louis women, past, present and future. Over 450 graduates joined us for our Annual Reunion, and Mary Louis has traveled from coast to coast bringing alumnae together for receptions and lunches. We remain committed to bringing TMLA to you, and always welcome your insights, support and comments.

Blessings to you and your family for a happy and healthy summer.


S. Kathleen McKinney CSJ, Ed.D. Principal

Caroline Dorsa ‘77, CFO of PSEG, addresses TMLA Class of 2014 Caroline Dorsa ‘77, Executive Vice

Earlier in her career, Caroline worked

school selection that should be about

President and CFO for Public Service

for Mayor Ed Koch of the City of New

which school will provide the best

Enterprise Group Incorporated (PSEG)

York promoting economic develop-

“name” and degree to help further you

returned to TMLA to address our

ment in midtown Manhattan. She cur-

in your career.

soon-to-be seniors, the Class of 2014.

rently serves on the Board of Directors

Caroline is also the Executive Vice

and is Chair of the Audit Committee

Caroline advised the students that

President and CFO of Public Service

of Joule Biotechnologies and sits on

“You cannot underestimate the impor-

Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G),

the Board of Directors and is the fi-

tance of writing skills. If you are unable

PSEG Power and PSEG Services Cor-

nancial expert for the Finance & Audit

to express yourself well in the written


Committees of Biogen Idec.

word, then nobody will ever take you

In the past she also served


on the Boards of Merck Pharma and PSEG.

She also stressed how important it is to carve out time for yourself . “You

Caroline spoke warmly of

cannot let work take over all your time

her many memories

because it will very quickly burn you

of TMLA, includ-

out,” she warned.

ing her friends from

Caroline is one of only two women in

the Class of 1977 and

In response to being asked if she

former teachers includ-

received respect from male colleagues

ing S. Joan Killen and

Caroline noted, “It is much better than

S. Cecilia Madelaine in

it was 25 years ago, but women still

Math and Miss Lucas for Economics.

PSEG’s Executive Officer Group and

have to speak a little louder and be a little more forceful than men to make

is the highest ranking female utility

Caroline obtained her B.A. from Col-

ourselves noticed. It is important for

executive in the state of New Jersey.

gate University and her M.B.A. from

women to speak in declarative sen-

In her role as chief financial officer,

Columbia University. She advised


she has overseen the execution of the

present day TMLA girls that for their

Company’s financial strategy.

undergraduate school it is very impor-

She also stressed that it is very impor-

tant for them to pick a school that they

tant to treat people well, because, “If

Previously Caroline served as Senior

truly want to attend, a place where

you treat people unfairly or unjustly it

Vice President, Global Human Health,

they will feel comfortable and that will

will always come back in the end. The

Strategy and Integration at Merck &

be a good fit for them. In her opinion,

most important thing for success in the

Co.. She also held the role of Senior

the undergrad experience is about you

business world is to always hold on to

Vice President and CFO at Avaya, Inc.

and what you want. It is the graduate

your values and to treat people well.”

Caroline Tear Latham ‘79 conducts iPad workshop in Math for TMLA This past January, Caroline Tear

Marianne Vaccarro Samothrakis

“In 1992, I wrote my thesis on

Latham ’79, Chairperson of the

‘76, Diane O’Connell, Ellen Geis,

Gender Equity in Mathematics, so

Department of Mathematics at Con- Grace West, Jackie Medina, Jen

the topic of Girls/Women and Math

vent of the Sacred Heart (CSH) in

Murillo, Heather Reklis-Albanese,

has always been near and dear to

Manhattan, welcomed members of

and Chairperson, Celeste Maloney.

my heart. I believe strongly that

TMLA for a day of exploration in

girls can perform as well as boys in

the use of iPads as a mathematics

Also present were S. Helen Roberta

learning tool.

Herley, CSJ former TMLA Math-

Mathematics and the Sciences.

ematics teacher (1976-1994) and

When the iPad was first introduced

current Mathematics Chairperson

a few years ago I knew it was go-

at Fontbonne Hall Academy and

ing to be a game changer in terms

TMLA Trustee, and former faculty

of education. I have been using

member of The Academy of St. Jo-

the iPad in my Algebra classes for

seph, Monica Reddy Wood ‘72.

two years now and see increased engagement by my students (and

All were teamed with Convent of

higher test scores). I am still col-

the Sacred Heart faculty for class-

lecting data and my sample size is

room observations and discussions

small - but PSAT and SAT scores

of the pedagogical advan-

have seen an improvement as well.”

tages of these tablet computers.

Caroline holds her Mary Louis

Caroline also pro-

experience in high regard. “TMLA

vided an overview

has helped mold me into the Math-

of her work with

ematics educator that I am today,”

iPads in the class-

she told us. “S. Helen Roberta was

room, noting the

a major influence in my wanting to

positive outcomes

become a Math teacher. It was in

in student engage-

her Pre Calculus and AP Calculus

members of the TMLA Department

ment, collaboration, and achieve-

classes that I developed a love for

of Mathematics including teachers,

ment since the iPad introduction.

Math, both pure and applied.

Participants were

I majored in business in college and found a position on Wall Street in my early career. It was several years before I decided that teaching math was what I really was “born” to do so I went back to graduate school for my teaching and math leadership degree. I hope that my enthusiasm and passion for mathematics and technology is felt by my students much as in the way I felt when S. Helen Roberta taught me (and the rest of my classmates)

Above, students using iPads in various classes.

at TMLA. Many thanks to Monica ReddyWood ‘72 for providing this article and photo of the workshop.

New Freshwomen to receive iPads At TMLA it is of the utmost im-

months, which will ensure that

endeavor by sponsoring an iPad

portance to us that our students

every student has access to the lat-

with a contribution of $500. Spon-

have access to the latest educa-

est software and internet resources

sored iPads will bear your name,

tional resources and technological

at anytime in the school.

or the name of someone you would

tools available. TMLA continues

like to honor or acknowledge. Or

to be at the forefront of education

iPads have quickly become a pow-

you can contribute to our Tech-

by introducing tablet technology

erful and effective educational tool

nology Fund, indicating that you

to all of our students.

for classrooms. Pilot programs at

would like your donation used for

TMLA using the iPads in selected

the TMLA iPad Initiative

Beginning in September 2013,

classrooms have proved highly

TMLA will issue an iPad to every

successful. TMLA is counting on

We thank you for your continued

Freshwoman. The faculty and

the generosity of our alumnae and

support of The Mary Louis Acad-

staff have been training to use this

friends to support this program.

emy’s mission of empowering the

exciting technology for several

We invite you to participate in this

young women of today.

Barbara Callanan ‘77 & Joan Callanan Schmidt ‘81 make inroads in the fight against celiac disease When Barbara Callanan ‘77 used to

The two sisters (an older sister, Lillian,

students be marshaled to provide a

eat lunch in the Mary Louis cafeteria

‘76 is a professor of Law and a Media-

safe and welcoming venue for these

— or anywhere else for that matter,

tor) head JCB Consulting Services Inc.,

children. Daily challenges vary in type

including at home — she would often

of Garden City, a consulting firm that

and intensity for kids with food aller-

experience stomach problems. It was

advises people, the hospitality industry

gies, sensitivity or intolerance. While

not until many years after graduating

and school districts on how to avoid

constantly struggling with making safe

from TMLA that Barbara (you might

foods containing gluten. Joanie was the

food choices, some are bullied and

remember her as Bobbie)

Assistant Director of Nursing for Beth

ostracized because of their legitimate

Israel Medical Center

dietary constraints. In order to achieve

and holds an MBA in

this goal, knowledge is power and edu-

Health Care and Hos-

cation is the key.” For more info, the

pital Management. She

company website is

is a graduate of Molloy College’s School of

Note: The three sisters are the daugh-

Nursing and earned

ters of Mrs. Lillian Callanan, (pictured

her MBA Summa Cum

below) TMLA’s long-time auxiliary

Laude from Adel-

staff member in the Science Depart-

phi University.

ment and in the 3rd Floor Resource Center. Mrs. Callanan has been at

discovered that for

In addition the sisters

TMLA since 1973 and is preparing to

have launched The

celebrate her 91st birthday. “Mrs. C”

Golden Apple Rule™,

still enjoys every day of being able to

nearly her entire life, she has suffered

an anti-bullying initiative for elemen-

work at TMLA where she is still an ac-

from celiac disease, an autoimmune

tary and secondary schools.

tive participant in the life of the school.

disorder of the small intestine that pre-

By educating children as to

vents the body from digesting gluten, a

the dangers of food allergies

key to wheat, barley and rye.

suffered by classmates, the program raises awareness

A graduate of one of the world’s most-

and builds tolerance.

famous cooking schools, the Culinary Institute of America, Bobbie has

Says Joan, the mother

worked as a chef for nearly 20 years.

of two young children,

Once she was accurately diagnosed,

“It is imperative that

Bobbie, the food expert, joined with

parents, school of-

her sister, Joan Callanan Schmidt, ‘81,

ficials, teachers, and fellow

a health professional to fight back.

Daniel Altenau, son of Jeanne Brostek Altenau ‘75, brings Tuesday’s Children presentation to TMLA Mr. Dan Altenau, son of Trustee Jeanne Brostek Altenau ‘75, visited TMLA to present Tuesday’s Children, an organization that serves all those directly impacted by the events of September 11, 2001, especially children and families, through lifechanging programs and services. The presentation was part of the Common Bond program directed by Mrs. Kathy Murphy. Common Bond brings teenagers together from all over the world who have been victims of terrorism in order to help them build a future of hope. Pictured are Ms. Kathryn Bruen, Chairperson of TMLA Department of Social Studies & Pax Christi Club, Mrs. Murphy, Mr. Altenau and Ms. Loriann Murphy ‘89, Class of 2015 Dean.

TMLA Alumnae Bookshelf: Parden is the first book by attorney and college professor, Rosalyn B. Akalonu, ‘76 of New City, NY. Parden tells the story of Noah Parden whose lowly start in life was as an orphan in Rome, Georgia during the post Civil War period. Despite many disadvantages, Noah Parden went on to become a prominent attorney whose fight for justice led him to the Supreme Court of the United States. Rosalyn B. Akalonu resides in New City, NY and is a criminal defense attorney licensed to practice in the State of New York and before the Supreme Court of the United States. She received her law degree from Howard University School of Law and her Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. She teaches in the Justice Studies Department at Berkeley College–New Jersey.

Labor Pains is a book by Rita Batchley Dubatowka ‘79 that becomes a ride-along adventure in health care and activism. Rita Batchley is a devoted RN. She is a teacher, author and speaker, who wants to empower caregivers to improve and protect the spirit of healing. Rita Batchley is The Nurses’ Nurse. More of Rita’s work can be found at Labor Pains will be released this summer.

Colleen Ashton ‘94 & Mary Ashton Buckley ‘01 receive NCEA Distinguished Graduate Award TMLA’s Ashton sisters, Mary ‘01 and Colleen ‘94, were recently awarded the National Catholic Education Association Distinguished Graduate Award for Catholic Education, which they proudly accepted not only for themselves but also for their brother, Tommy, who was killed in the September 11 Attack on America on his first day of work at the World Trade Center. The following is a reprint of the speech given by Colleen Ashton and Mary Ashton at the presentation. All three Ashton siblings attended St. Sebastian School in Woodside, Queens and their family still lives in the Woodside parish.

family. We were taught

A Catholic education is

historical dates and the

sion of our family life,

truly a gift, and one of the

importance of speaking

with the teachings of Jesus to always treat others

best things parents can

and writing properly,

at the center of every-

as we would like to be

give their children. Our

Mary and I learned some-

thing. In Catholic school,

treated, and to put them

parents, like many others,

thing more valuable to us

religion wasn’t just some-

before ourselves. And

believed that. They made

as Catholic adults - the

thing we learned; it was

maybe, most importantly,

the commitment to our

beliefs, morals and values

how we lived, and how we

our Catholic education

Catholic education and

of our faith.

treated one another.

promoted self-esteem – to love ourselves…to be

our religious formationa gift that continues to

Catholic education is

Regardless of what level

humble, but to take pride

shape us as adults.

rooted in Gospel values.

of Catholic education we

in being kind and good,

Together with a good

were in, our good teachers and the best person we

Beginning with Saint

and moral family life, our

emphasized responsibility,

Sebastian School, our

Catholic education pro-

charity and stewardship.

Catholic schools taught

moted dignity, self-esteem

We were taught to love

St. Sebastian School,

us faith, community and

and love of God and one

our larger community-

in particular, provided

love, while maintaining

another. And our teach-

our neighbors, our coun-

us each and every one

the highest standards in

ers reinforced these values

try and our world- and to

of these lessons. It was

education. With Saint

in a disciplined and

be responsible for their

the foundation of OUR

Sebastian School laying

nurturing environment.

well-being. We learned

Catholic education, as

an excellent foundation,

We each felt that we were

the value of giving of our-

well as that of our parents

we both succeeded at The

special and that the teach-

selves, whether through

and many other family

Mary Louis Academy

ers and other students

time, talent or treasure.

members, including our

and were grateful to earn

truly cared for us…and

scholarships to college.

they did. As students, we

We also learned about

wonderful teachers at St.

did not get lost in a vast

love for our smaller com-

Sebastian and The Mary

However, in addition to

school system. Instead,

munity -our school, our

Louis Academy, the valu-

learning multiplication,

school was truly an exten-

class, our friends and our

able lessons we learned

could be.

brother, Tommy. The

in Catholic schools, left

to give back to

imprints on our lives that

our community,

remain with us today.

both large and small, just as

Mary and I have tried

our Catholic

to apply these lessons


in our lives, and in our

taught us to

work with the Thomas


Ashton Foundation. The Foundation was created

For the past

in memory of our brother,

11 years, we

Tommy, who was killed


in the attack on America


on September 11th. The


Foundation’s goal is to

rated and

continue Tommy’s legacy


of love and responsibil-


ity for future generations.


Our brother was a kind

life with a

and humble young man

memorial basketball

The proceeds from The

who loved Woodside and

tournament. In addi-

Thomas Ashton Founda

St. Sebastian Parish and

tion to raising money for

tion have supported a

whose legacy has strong

charity, the tournament

wide variety of charita-

Tommy learned a great

roots in St. Sebastian

touches our hearts be-

ble oganizations. At the

deal from St. Sebastian


cause of the wonderful

forefront of our donations

School and we certainly

volunteers who give so

each year is St. Sebastian

learned a great deal from

much of themselves.

Parish, and St. Sebastian

him. Therefore, we grate-

School in particular. We

fully accept his award

As you can imagine, losing Tommy was devastating to our family. During

We especially love how

are honored that the do-

for our brother, Tommy.

this terrible time for us,

this event has become so

nations have helped make

Thank you.

the Woodside community

important to the children

improvements to the

and St. Sebastian Parish

who volunteer. And we

school so that students

reached out to us and

hope that they carry their

can enjoy the benefits and

supported us every step

experience of stewardship

teachings of St. Sebas-

of the way. Creating the

with them throughout

tian School for years

Foundation enabled us to

their lives.

to come…just as Mary,

continue Tommy’s spirit for future generations and

Tommy and I did.

Above, the Ashton family today, Mary, John, Kathy and Colleen. Inset, Mary ‘01, Colleen ‘94

Regional Receptions hosted in California & New York City Over the last few years, TMLA alumnae have hosted regional receptions in FL, New York City, New Jersey, CT, Washington, D.C., Scarsdale, Baltimore, and on Long Island.

Photos by Regina Alaimo

These events are a wonderful way to connect with TMLA alumnae in your area - no matter where in the USA you are - and also learn about what’s happening at TMLA today. The most recent Regional Receptions took place on each Coast with one in Bel Air , California and another in New York City. On March 9, 2013 Laura Pula Cook, Esq. ‘73 hosted one reunion at her home in the Bel Air community of Los Angeles, CA and on April 24, 2013, another was hosted by Barbara Pryor, Esq at Marché du Sud on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Our next scheduled Regional Reception will be an East End

Long Island Alumnae Luncheon on June 6, hosted by Lois Meaney McGowan. We believe the Mary Louis community extends far beyond the geographic boundaries of our hilltop. No matter where you live, you remain a member of the TMLA family. We are all united by memories and traditions, and by a strong belief in the education of young women of vision. We would be so excited and grateful if you were able to keep the Mary Louis connection strong by attending, or hosting one of these events. If you’re interested in hosting a local alumnae reception, contact Mr. Sean Belon, Director of Alumnae Relations, for more information, 718.297.2120 X286 or sbelon@tmla. At left, S. Kathleen McKinney, Eileen McCormack Leary ‘52, Barbara McCarey Grimes ‘58, middle photo: Lucy Jo Palladino PhD ‘68 , Maria Napolitano Grau ‘70, bottom, Nicole Infante ‘93, Sister Joan Killen, Diana Samson Pendon ‘93, Joan C. Horvath ‘77

The California Reunion: Top back row l to r: Kira Arne Powell Verica ‘85, Claudine Hall ‘86, Jean Frost Childs ‘64, Rita Dubatowka Batchley ‘79, Diana Samson Pendon ‘93, Nicole Infante ‘93. Laura Pula Cook, JD ‘73, Susan Leary ‘75, Kyoko E. Kobayashi ‘70, Geraldine E. Baum ‘91, Maria Napolitano Grau ‘70, Amelia Panzarella Sheridan ‘66, Barbara McCarey Grimes ‘58, Jessica Lee de Jimenez ‘78, Front row l to r, Sister Joan Killen CSJ, Sister Kathleen McKinney CSJ, Cathy Frumento Rosenberger ‘75, Joan C. Horvath ‘77, Estrellita M. Azimi Todd ‘98, Denise Godfrey PhD ‘70, Eileen McCormack Leary ‘52, Lucy Jo Palladino PhD ‘68, not pictured: Loraine Shields ‘70

Reunion 2013

Welcome Home

At top, TMLA Class of ‘63 gathers in the 3rd floor hallway of the Main Building before joining the nearly 500 other alumnae that filled the school. Mass for Palm Sunday was offered for all deceased alumnae in the auditorium. The dinner afforded attendees the opportunity to reconnect, exchange memories, photos, laughs, and good times. Each year since 1987, the annual TMLA reunion has grown in size. We are very grateful for our generous alumnae donors without whose support TMLA could not continue to provide the highest standard of education for young women today.

Above, the Class of 1993, bottom left Class of 1998 bottom right, Class of 1968

At upper left, Class of 2008, upper right, Class of 2003 Bottom Class of 1988

Upper left, Class of 1973 Upper right Class of 2003 Bottom, Class of 1983

Class Notes The Forties Arlene Meier Bigelow ‘48 sends her regards to any 1948 graduates who are still hanging in there! In the last year, she became a great-grandma for the second time - a precious little boy. She also spent the summer life-guarding at her pool for grandkids ages eight and four. The family is becoming a truly universal family, two Eurasian grandchildren and one Ethiopian great-grandchild being adopted soon; one Filipino daughter-in-law and one German born daughterin-law. Arlene believes she is probably the only eighty-two year old whose car constantly sports children’s car seats as well as a puppy seat for her new three month old Pomeranian. Life is good and God has blessed her with a rich life in the Adirondacks. Mary Ann Libbon Costa ‘48 has retired as Chairperson of the English Department in Massapequa and Mary Ann taught for six years at Hofstra University. She is presently President of her condo association of 176 homes and has been on the Board of Managers for thirtyeight years. Mary Ann and husband, Frank, will celebrate their sixty-second wedding anniversary in September. S. Mary Febronia (Mary Lou) Loewenstein CSJ ‘48 is always happy to hear how well TMLA is doing. She is

teaching at St. Joseph’s College; Math to freshmen and Seminar & Observations to seniors graduating in May. She sends thanks to all of her teachers! Maureen Pugh Jeffreys ‘47 her husband of sixty-four years died in May 2012. All twelve of their children were present at his Mass of the Resurrection, providing the music; a number of grandchildren too. He was a great blessing to them all. S. Grace Keavney, CSJ ‘43 will be celebrating her seventieth anniversary as a Sister of St. Joseph in September 2013. She retired from St. Francis School for the Deaf as an Art Teacher. S. Grace enjoys volunteering at Maria Regina Residence. Jean McKenna Kelly ‘46 has four children, twelve grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, with another one on the way! Her life has truly been blessed and thanks God every day. Pat Kelly Mensel ‘47 is approaching her eight-fourth birthday in March 2013, and still loves TMLA!! What a wonderful school, then and now! Hoping to visit classmates Joan Howell Ryan and Mary Becht Kramer during 2013. Alice Timothy, PhD ‘49 lives mostly in beautiful Columbia County, south of Hudson, NY.

She still maintains a pied-aterre in Murray Hill, Manhattan and is enjoying the best of both worlds! Carolyn Wood ‘48 is working, doing entertainment shows and rehearsals. She was sorry to miss seeing all at the reunion.

The Fifties Rosemary Myers Bartow ‘57 reports, “Life is good!” S. Mary Lou Buser, CSJ ‘53 is officially retired as a science teacher and as a physical therapist, and now spends much of her time happily tending an organic garden, chickens and several bee hives! Arlene Weber Callahan ‘53 due to being a part of a dear friend’s wedding the same day, she greatly missed attending the reunion. She sends her best wishes to all her classmates. Her years at TMLA are very memorable ones! Rose Cox Delaney ‘55 happily reports that she and her husband of fifty-five years, continue to enjoy life in Garden Ridge, in south TX. Rose retired from owning her own real estate company and has successfully battled cancer for the past two years. She has travelled to over seventytwo countries and is looking forward to visiting Israel next year. Rose keeps in contact with her TMLA classmates, Kay Nevins Flannery and Monica McCabe Gibson. Barbara Paulsen Gibbs ‘51

states that life is good in beautiful northern NV. Barbara is looking forward to two of her grandchildren graduating from college this year with three more to go. Time flies! Patricia Wolf Goeller ‘57 is currently an Adjunct Professor at Queens College and also enjoys her two grandchildren, Katie and Matthew! Alice Duffy Grant ‘59 is retired from teaching, but continues to do educational consulting for school districts through the College Board and BOCES. The rigors of the new Common Core Standards in Reading and Writing are reminiscent of her course of study at TMLA. Florence Steinhauer Ingrassia ‘56 and her husband, Gabe, celebrated fifty-six years of marriage on January 5, 2013. Lorraine Bischoff Kowalski ‘53 has been a widow since 2009. She moved to Maineville, Ohio, near Cincinnati, October 2011. Her daughter and family are nearby and Lorraine has a lovely cottage in an over 55 community. She is making new friends and learning about the community and it has been a wonderful challenge. Mary Marrinan Ouimet ‘59 retired in 2010 from teaching Social Studies. Mary is a CoChair for Education - Madison Historical Society. Marylou Curran Pfeiffer ‘58 is proud to announce the birth of her newest grandson.

Virginia Rankin ‘59 is stretching and growing as a performing storyteller by working with abused children at a residential treatment center. Anne Mulgrew Scott ‘51 retired in 2001 as the Box Office Manager of the Madison Civic Center. She will celebrate her eightieth birthday in February 2013; she has been married to Dr. Charles Scott for fifty-five years and both of them are Class of 1954 graduates of St. John’s University. Maureen Brady Scott ‘50 is sad to report the death of her sister, Rosemary Brady King ‘51. They both graduated from the College of St. Elizabeth. Mary Clarkin Streng ‘58 with husband, Richard, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary in September 2011 with family and friends in SC. Joan Macek Thackaberry ‘58 after the death of her husband in 2011, she was admitted to an assisted living facility in Venice, FL. Joan was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease twenty years ago and thanks to excellent nursing care and medical miracles such as DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) she is comfortable and peaceful. Her three children are happily married; Brian is a pilot with United Airlines, Brenda is an RN who teaches fitness classes and Jennifer is a Ph.D. at Purdue University. Her four grandchildren are all in high school.

The Sixties Kathleen Cassidy Barthelme ‘63 has retired to Sunset Beach, NC. Her four “kids” are geographically dispersed, LA, Buffalo, PA, Savannah, GA. Her two eldest of the 6 grandchildren attend Georgia Southern University. Joanne Loughlin Caracciolo ‘63 retired to Virginia in ‘09. She is enjoying time with the three grandchildren. Joanne and her husband enjoy living in a gated lake community. Joan Messmore Carotenuto ‘48 is widowed, retired and in good health. She is still an artist, but now does computer graphics. She is very active and loves to entertain, travel and take classes at a local college. Chiara “Clare” Coletti ‘63 is Director of Communications for the Council of School Supervisors & Administrators - AFL/ CIO. Formerly she was VP of Communications for Newsday/ New York Newsday; Corporate Communications Advisor to the Commissioner of the NBA; Executive Director of Communications for the NYC Public Schools; VP of Communications for the College Board. She has lived in San Francisco, Honolulu, Praiano, Paris, Rome, London and Manhattan. She has one daughter, Lucia, and two granddaughters, Bianca and Aria. Nancy DePalma, Ed.D. ‘66 is Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment for the West Hartford Public Schools in CT.

Rita Nitto Faber ‘68 works at Make-A-Wish Foundation in Lake Success, NY, as an Administrative Coordinator. She celebrated her fortieth wedding anniversary this past November. Rita and her husband are enjoying time spent with their three-year old granddaughter. Mary Fadel Gerard ‘63 retired as a teacher at St. Agnes High School. She received her BBA from St. John’s University in 1967 and her MBA from St. John’s in 1969. She sends her warmest wishes to all of her classmates! Donna Mauro Linden ‘61 has been a Flight Attendant for American Airlines since 1970. She will become a grandmother in May 2013 and will be hanging up her wings to enjoy her daughter and her first baby. Eloise Merlino Mangino ‘69 became a grandmother in September 2012 when her grandson, Ronan Michael, was born. She thinks being a grandmother is wonderful! Pauline Seymour Mattes ‘60 her first great-grandchild, Logan John, was born in December 2012. Maryann Mazziotta McDermott ‘63 with husband, Jim, has three children and three grandchildren. Maryann is a RN and has worked in various places. She retired as a school nurse from the Herricks School District. She lives in Williston Park, NY. Patricia Higgins McLoughlin ‘63 regrets she was unable to attend the very special reunion

this year. She was on a River Cruise in Europe. She has been married to husband, Bill, since 1969. They have two daughters and four grandchildren. Patricia lives in Nesconset, NY, and received her RN from Mary Immaculate Hospital in 1966; went back to school and got a BS and MS. She worked for almost forty years in Long Term Care and retired three years ago as a Director of Nursing. Patricia enjoys traveling and spending extra time with her grandchildren. She would love to hear from classmates; email is patricia.mcloughlin@ and can be found on Facebook as Patricia McLoughlin. She is always thinking of the Class of 1963. Mary Lou Dana Rucker ‘63 is retired after thirty-three years of teaching in NY, Germany and Virginia. She is now in Tampa, FL and loving every minute of her “retirement.” Patricia Wiley ‘68 is retired from Partnership at Ernst & Young and seeking her next “gig”. She sits on the board for SAGE ( She is the owner of Pat Wiley Folk Art (www.patwileyfolkart. com). Pat is a caregiver for aging family members and a tourist in her own home town and other places.

The Seventies Judith Tarasek Adelstein ‘73 moved to Suffolk County, Long Island from Queens in 2005. She is enjoying the suburban life. Judith works as a QA analyst in Information Technology and recently graduated from an Animal Behavior College

with a certification in dog training and will be starting a dog training business. Judith volunteers at a local animal shelter and has three dogs, six cats, one African Grey parrot and two parakeets of her own. Her husband, Scott, married twenty-two years, shares her love of animals and volunteers with her. Diane Klaum Farrell, Esq. ‘73 is a Principal Law Clerk to Supreme Court Justice John J. Jones, Jr., in Suffolk County, NY. She is married to James F. Farrell, Jr, a partner in one of the oldest medical malpractice defense firms in Suffolk County. They have three children, Megan, an attorney at Clifford Chance in NYC, Kevin, a Project Assistant at MIT in MA, and James, a Sales Consultant at Wayfair in Boston, MA. Catherine DeChiara Lenoci ‘73 has been teaching at Roslyn High School for twenty-eight years. She has her BS & MS degrees in Science; teaches Biology, Chemistry and several science electives. Catherine has four children, three 3 boys and one girl. She has been married for thirty-four years to Nick and states that her life has been a journey since high school - but a good one! Kathleen Snock Gaffney ‘73 retired from the Department of Education after twenty-six years and is now the Director of Special Education at the Williamsburg Charter High School. She will be traveling to Ireland with her husband, Michael, and two sons, Chris and Dan and will miss this year’s reunion.

Catherine Labiak Maher, M.D. ‘74 oldest daughter, Shannon, is twenty-seven years old and a Special Education teacher in Portsmouth, RI. Her son, Jimmy, is twenty-five years old and received his MBA from University of Rhode Island in May 2011. He is working in finance. Son, Brian, is twentytwo years old and graduated from Providence College in May 2012 and is working PTC in Needham, MA. Daughter, Mary Cate is eighteen years old and in her first year at Springfield College in the Physician’s Assistant BS/MS Program. Husband, Jim, is an Orthopedic Surgeon practicing in Newport, RI and Catherine is still working in her own medical practice. Bernadette Adams McCann ‘73 has been in the Bay Area of Northern California since 1990. Her two sons are now twenty-four and twenty-one; one teaches and the other is in college. She became a grandmother to an adorable baby girl last fall and is working at a local city library here in Santa Clara County. Anne Mirth, MD ‘79 states her life is happy and hectic. She has been married for thirteen years to husband, Dave; mother of eleven-year old twins; a practicing anesthesiologist for nineteen years, and now a first time dog owner, to a lovable 90lb Lab.

band, Bob. Together they own and run Travis & Sons Plumbing, Inc. They have three sons and four grandchildren. JoAnn Tassone Tutino ‘74 daughter, Laura, was married to Kyle McCloskey on September 29, 2012 in Philadelphia, PA. It was a beautiful wedding ceremony in Old St. Mary’s Church. They reside in Arlington, VA. Michele Mayer Wyllie ‘73 is an Inpatient Wound Care Coordinator at J.T. Mather Hospital in Port Jefferson, NY. Michelle and her husband, Dave, will celebrate their Thirtieth Wedding Anniversary. Marianne Sistino Zack ‘73 has been married for thirty-seven years. She has two children, Timothy and Penny, as well as four grandchildren. She works as an accountant at a small CPA firm in Savannah, GA. Marianne has been in the Savannah area since she was married. She is sorry to miss seeing everyone at the reunion but it was tax season!

The Eighties Kathryn Calise Domville ‘80 is still married to John Domville and still a Captain on Rikers Island. Nothing new - everything is great!

Angela Scicutella, MD, Ph.D. ‘78 sends best wishes to all her classmates!

Priscilla Olivo Dujardin ‘89 is pursuing a degree in Construction Management at Pratt Institute as she works in real estate. She will be married three years in June 2013.

Linda Santoro Travis ‘73 lives in Fountain Hills, AZ with hus-

Patricia Galgano ‘83 lives in Brewster, NY and is the mother

of two. She works in Manhattan for Revlon as Director of the Project Management Office. Maureen Gannon, Ph.D. ‘82 spoke about her research at the International Diabetes Federation Conference in Kyoto, Japan in November 2012. Nancy Gracin, MD ‘81 will be returning to Douglaston at least two times per year. Happy Birthday to Lydia, Susan and myself. Fabienne Varas Hundemer ‘89 and husband, Brett, welcomed son London H. Hundemer to the world in February 2012. After years of trying, God blessed us with a son and we couldn’t be happier! Maria Calderon Kochanski ‘83 married Steve in 1990 and has two sons, Tyler, age twentyone, a junior at NYU and Dustin, age seventeen, a senior at Bloomfield High School and is headed to Marist College in the fall. Maria is a Customer Service Manager at Jimmy’s Cookies where she has worked for fifteen years. Dina D’Alto Siano ‘88 has been married to Michael for twenty years and has been blessed with seven beautiful children, ranging in ages from nineteen years to fourteen months. They are homeschooling some of the younger children. Dina’s daughter, Jackie, is now a Freshwoman at TMLA!

The Nineties Jeannine Cartelli DeCicco ‘98 had surgery in March and had

to miss the reunion. She married husband, Louis DeCicco, in September 2008, at St. Robert’s Church in Bayside, NY. They have two beautiful children, Gabriella, born in June 2009, and Vincent, born in June 2010. Jeannine owns a private Special Education tutoring service on Long Island, and is the Assistant Coach for Girls Lacrosse at Cardozo High School. Anne Santoro Devlin ‘93 has been at J.P. Morgan Asset Management for sixteen years, and currently manages J.P. Morgan’s relationships with other broker/dealers. She lives in Chatham, NJ with her husband of seven years, Colin Devlin. They have two children, Kyle, age three, and Kate, one. Jenny Limberg Durkin ‘98 (Current TMLA Faculty) happily announces the birth of her new little man, Hunter Patrick Durkin, born March 24, 2012. Mom, Dad and big brother, Aidan, are thrilled! Margaret Browne Gallagher ‘90 had a baby girl in September 2012 named Clare Margaret. She joins two big brothers, Finn, age four and Shane, two. Kristin Waldron Horan, MD ‘98 and her husband, welcomed Andrew James to their family in December 2012, and they are in love with him! Mary Ann Blanco Kimes ‘93 is a mom of two and has been living in Lausanne, Switzerland since 2009. Melissa Mallory ‘98 is an Assistant Art Director at a direct

mail company, Quadriga Art. She still resides in Forest Hills. Her greatest achievement just turned five years old. Her little girl, Abby, continues to challenge Melissa and makes her smile every day of her life. Lauren Costello Putman ‘96 (TMLA Faculty, 2001-2006) began her twelfth year of teaching History and is now at Charlotte Latin School in North Carolina. Rosaria Surace ‘98 is a Special Education Teacher and New Teacher Mentor at PS 179 in Fresh Meadows, NY. Danielle Varas ‘91 is a Family Mental Health Nurse Practitioner with a specialty in addictions and works in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Bellevue Hospital.

The Millennium Nicole Choffel ‘08 is currently attending Hofstra University, working towards her Master of Arts degree in Literacy. She is starting as a Nursery teacher at the Kiddie Academy of Little Neck. Camille Everett ‘09 is a senior at the University of Central Florida and is the Captain of the Rowing Team. Francesca Ferreira ‘03 works at ABC News at 20/20 as a Production Associate. Danielle Gagliardotto ‘08 graduated from CUNY-Queens College in May of 2012. She is working for T and M Resources, LLC, a private investiga-

tive firm in NYC. Danielle dedicates all of her success to TMLA, by far the best education she could have received. Thank you TMLA! Caitlin Green ‘08 is one class away from finishing her accounting degree at Baruch College. She works at a CPA firm in Manhattan and recently purchased her first home. Lady Ashley Hazel ‘08 graduated with an A.A. in Fine Arts from Queensborough Community College and is attending Queens College, majoring in Dance. She owns a party planning business and designs children’s tutus while working as an Assistant to a fashion designer. Lady Ashley was just signed to a modeling agency. Barbara Mangino ‘08 has been working as a RN at Norwalk Hospital in CT on the telemetry floor (the heart floor). Sarah Smith ‘08 graduated from the Florida Institute of Technology in May 2012 with a BS in Marine Biology and Animal Behavior Psychology. She lives in Hawaii and works at Sea Life Park as an Animal Care Specialist/Trainer. Lauren Tamburello ‘03 was married on July 4, 2013.

The Tens Nicole Bongiovi ‘12 attends St. Joseph’s College in Brooklyn, NY. She is a Child Study major and was on the Dean’s List during her first semester.

In Memoriam Marjorie Hoyne ‘43 April 21, 2006 Maura Brophy Kelly ‘43, sister of the late Loretto Brophy Seery ‘40, and the late Olivia Brophy Turner ‘42 and aunt of Loretta Seery Nugent ‘67 February 8, 2012 Catherine Kearney Nolan ‘47, mother of Suzanne Dickson Vorrath ‘79 July 8, 2008 Sharon Phillips Noack ‘48 March 18, 2012 Joan F. Sullivan ‘49 November 20, 2012 Mary Wallace Kramer ‘50 September 3, 2012 Jean Lamond ‘50, sister of Roberta Lamond Knauf ‘58 May 14, 2012 Mary Engelskirger Seery ‘52 March 30, 2013 Leonore Riley Swierski ‘56 August 28, 2002 Marion Stenson Worth ‘59, sister of Betty Jayne Stenson O’Connor ‘52 December 12, 2011 Rosemarie Buscemi Walters ‘62 June 25, 2012 Elizabeth McMonigle Johnson ‘63 September 29, 2012 Bernadette A. Johnson Lee ‘66 November 4, 2012

Barbara Pryor, Esq. ‘71 hosts NYC Regional Reunion

Barbara Pryor, JD ‘71 hosted 25 TMLA alumnae at the Marché du Sud on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Back Row (l-r): Grace Hunter '74, Barbara Pryor, Esq. '71, Elaine Reiman Fenton, Ph.D. '55, Ann O'Hagan Cordes '84, Joanne Little Lynch '74, Suzanne Trumpbour '79, Maureen Daly Stroppel '60, Eileen Fleming Viani '71, Barbara Bosch Young, Ph.D. '71, Joy Huang '87, Denise Vitti '82, Denise DeMaria '72, S. Peggy Conway CSJ '69, Sheila Rapple '96, S. Filippa Luciano CSJ '54, Mary Ellen Gallagher Ostrander '70, Anita Daly '71, S. Kathleen McKinney CSJ & Arlene Vaughan Glennan '65. Seated (l-r): Elisabeth Piro Maggi, Esq. '99, Margaret Alessi '58, Claudia DeMonte '65, Judy Belon, Maria Sauer '08 & Ashley DeTrano '06 Elizabeth Allen Brennan ‘67, sister of Patricia Allen O’Kelly ‘71 January 18, 2013. Donna Costello Stark ‘77 September 15, 2012 Christine Bermudez Kennedy ‘83, sister of Danielle Bermudez Gallagher ‘89 November 3, 2012 Gerard Baccari, husband of Dorothy “Missy” Wells Baccari ‘73 July 16, 2012

Nancy Ormaechea-Baez ‘78 December 17, 2011. Arthur E. Bingay, Jr., husband of Catherine Tyne Bingay ‘60, father of Julie Bingay Lopez ‘89 and Rosemary Bingay Gallagher ‘92 January 20, 2013 Richard Commo, son of Eleanor Moakley Commo ‘59, father of Alyssa Commo ‘15 and uncle of Kasey Zabiski ‘10 January 12, 2013

Kerry F. Drbul, daughter of Virginia Allen Dyrsen ‘64 July 18, 2012

Thomas R. Jeffreys, husband of Maureen Pugh Jeffreys ‘47 May 26, 2012

Benigno Fernandez, father of Angelita Fernandez-Delgado ‘93 October 8, 2012

Gregory O’Connor, husband of Margaret Gilhaney O’Connor ‘68

Santi Gigliuto, father of Dr. Christine Gigliuto Dehner ‘77 January 31, 2013 May Hughes, mother of Dorothy Hughes Bonomo ‘72 and Patricia Hughes ‘82 November 10, 2012

John T. Oeckler, husband of Patricia Bird Oeckler ‘58 March 23, 2011 Joseph M. Reilly, husband of Margaret Power Reilly ‘49 September 23, 2012

Joseph H. Settani, father of Lorraine Settani Mirabile ‘74 November 1, 2012 Regis Shannahan, son of Laura Dukes Vitti ‘56 Frances T. Shemitz, mother of Frances Shemitz Manoni ‘87 January 15, 2013 Richard Streng Sr, husband of Mary Clarkin Streng ‘58 January 28, 2012 Mildred Snyder, mother of Kathleen Snyder Ward ‘72 George Varas, MD, father of Fabienne Varas-Hundemer ‘89 & Danielle Varas ‘91 Muriel Pickles Brown ‘65 April 17, 2013

Mother Daughter Alumnae Brunch winners of the two bicycles were (l) Katie Spedalle, daughter of Kathleen LaRosa Spedelle ‘80 and Mia and Sophie Chimenti, daughter of Mary Scaturro Chimenti, ‘86. Below (l-r) Therese, Maeve, Grace and Hagan Carlin. daughters of Christine O’Hagan Carlin ‘86 won the table and chairs play set which was hand made by the father of TMLA Trustee Sharon Scaturro

Cathleen “Catie” Ryan ‘68 May 4, 2013

Justvig ‘76. The four girls are the nieces of TMLA Assistant Principal Mrs. Ann O’Hagan Cordes. More photos of the Mother-Daughter Alumnae Brunch in the Fall issue of MARIEL-After

John Colombo DeNicola, father of Stephanie DeNicola Turner ‘95 April 16, 2013 Carl L. Perry, M.D., husband of the late Paula Aliesky Perry ‘44 and brother-in-law of Eleanor Aliesky ‘42 December 21, 2012

Correction: The Winter 2012 edition of Mariel-After stated that Caitlin Flood was attending NYU Law on a full scholarship. Though the recipient of full scholarships to the Law Schools at St. John’s, Hofstra, Seton Hall, Cardozo, Brooklyn and partial scholarships to Cornell, Georgetown and the University of Pennsylvania, Caitlin is at NYU Law with a partial scholarship.

Three TMLA Women & a (cute little) guy Kristen Waldron Horan MD, ‘98 and son Andrew James was born in December 2012 and is pictured here with Mom, S. Kathleen McKinney and cousins Ann Codd, ‘13 and Christine Codd ‘15. Older cousin is Therese Codd ‘11.

TMLA 2013 Easter trip to Florence, Italy shares identical pose with 1977 trip to same location Over Easter Break 1977, 15 seniors from the Class of 1977 ventured to Italy. The ladies were chaperoned by then TMLA Principal, Sister Angela Mullen and Sister James Patrice, long time chairperson of the Foreign Language Dept. who taught Latin, Greek and Spanish. At age 98, Sister James Patrice resides today in good health at the Brentwood Motherhouse and still keeps in touch with her past students. She recently celebrated her 78th year as a Sister of St. Joseph. During Easter Break 2013, TMLA students visited Italy and took the same photo over the city of Florence. Another group from TMLA traveled to Germany and Prague. More than 60 TMLA students will travel to Spain and France during Easter 2014.

S. James Patrice (above) enjoys hearing from former students. Her address is St. Joseph Convent 1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood, NY, 11717

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